diff --git "a/test_dataset_kaggle.json" "b/test_dataset_kaggle.json" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/test_dataset_kaggle.json" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27982 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready gothanks previous person commented last post pushing edge mum work tomorrow thursday friday thats ill it creating set tomorrow week nothing ever goes way life ive ruined childhood trauma effects life result abandoned everybody ive ever loved even change heart still need go current situation thats it im going die soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "atoms ashim posting im anonymous molested older sister cover secret played liar entire childhood put bad spot emotionally constantly getting trouble parents school bullied rediculed friends harrassed elementary school students teachers put medication rd grade everyday pulled classroom sit principal office would come home crying everyday mistreatment mom finally enough pulled public school transferred private christian school behind education next year retake rd grade students bullied started fight back aggressively also landed principals office th grade transferred back public school made friends bullies bad kids class want bullied anymore tough guy got girlfriend short lived ended writing notes wanted fuck bunch sexual stuff soon found grandma called principal school tried press charges minor gone puberty yet really understand ramifications saying grip parents tightened medication forced throat th grade teacher slapped across face class shut class still remember bead sweat rolling mustache red angry face slapped me made turn back hardened asshole teachers care school point wanted run away several times could never make friends felt like big fucking joke me fist fights recess involved somebody else typically started kids corned back fence friends said fuck friends need them th grade proceeded get girlfriend become sexually active th grade high school began relationship started take turn eventually ended longest friendship entire life devastating ended began get suicidal depression tried overdose medication class caught red handed taking entire bottle pills became violently ill blacked bathroom found carried nurses office school principal called ambulance contacted mom mom devastated pissed crying uncontrollably lied said accident switched meds antidepressants later stopped taking gag reflex overdose went long term relationship breakups ended cutting arms burning lighter pulled class senior year high school arrested front whole school shooting front school paintball gun night before prank someone would clean charged different things including terrorism absolutely drive become anything life think going live past academically barely graduated high school convinced pull shit together go college failed college blew grant money food diamonds girlfriend relationship ended joined marine corps go die country iraq opf fallujah ex girlfriend came see california led wanted get back knew knew company getting deployed iraq fight real full metal jacket mental breakdown weeks deployed threatened kill bunch people landed hospital diagnosis ptsd bipolar major depression fraudulent enlistment charge given discharge honorable conditions plane ticket home tried go back school failed racked another bill year discharge girlfriend broke up friends considered failure everything let love life walk away soon keep depression control jumped relationship first girl would talk gas station convinced looks everything chick nice funny showed attention wanted cock cake care fucked head son already whose father jail decided would pull shit together roll model later started self medicating weed really cop felt great high time friends wifes friends supplying me temper really chilled smoked manic didnt filled uncontrollable anxietydepression rage often super asshole little man syndrome didnt smoke often thought redflag option stop internal pain instead saying loud would impulsively things hurt myself punched structure point shattered wrist several fingers felt better little bit marriage ended year later point interest forming new relationships anyone tired looking new connects weed moved around different states legal dispensaries soon realized weed helping actually making things worse control anymore desperate plea help sister gave place stay moving sister family found work started busting ass make things work could get place entire focus work smoking weed numb pain living often would isolate away everyone else could smoke weed cigarettes really acceptable lifestyle eventually led renting room house full strangers closer work work roommates knowing weed would go room steal weed play instruments work put huge panic major anxiety depression eventually leave situation move back sister brother law take well year started throwing offensive false accusations sexually since interested dating divorce nephews would repeat said friends friends parents soon everyone treated fucked way made things even worse instead giving getting defensive fucking talking shit decided pack shit leave found cheap place live way woods away everyone else keep myself working employer years started feel little comfortable around coworkers opened little relate mentioned high school paintballing incident normal conversation conflicts employer soon started take place coworker told boss paintballing played sociopath wanted job pay concerned thought boss knew well enough believe later sit boss talk future goals told goal make better future plans start business real grown shit like one bit fact retaliated cutting hours bonus pay singled rest crew made work jobs less time complete pressure unbearable redflag plate everyday every hour constantly mind started feel ill overwhelming uncontrollable feelings panic attack quit job health insurance afford cost housing car payments insurance cellphone bill ended going doctor heart would beat chest throwing every morning years wanted know why turns heart enlarged may diabetes stage hypertension might heart attack stroke cant relieve stress take care myself got way refused take medications instead still self medicating stop weed without losing mind emotionally stopped smoking weedcigs mt dew per doctors request save life anxiety debilitating obsess death cant hold conversation cant share eye contact feel extremely uncomfortable every social situation encounter cant bring back normal feel like normal wanting kill ending existence im running short money bank feel like work people fucking minion worker slave would rather die life completely closed feel though time running out well self control hide painful memories mom traveled miles past slipped said going kill extremely worried depressed feels like lose child even tho ive said nothing recently actually moved woods far away everyone kill myself nobody would find me cant sleep anymore mind always thinking ways go every tree look at see hanging every gun looks see blood scattered wall body slumped over every tall building see body bouncing pavement every light pole see think truck wrapped around body half way hood windshield go jog try clear mind feel urge step front car semi head hurts cant help punch face burn propane torch relieve pain extremely difficult time analyzing events life absolutely hating people theyve done me hating unable forgive forget move on shitty things ive said done people control myself thought redflag might parents kept here feel hard even around family hour without irritated rude hate everything me starting understand everyone else hates too hurtful things go away cannot help desperately want become ash float away space dot planet insignificant every way mankind nothing offer feel ashamed illness feel like waste space oxygen pray god blow heart chest mom dad would live fact son willingly killed himself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna use omegle cus self esteems low ppl always compliment saw ppl saying got doxxed using omegle shit uhh meh oh well", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey world questioni curious think lot people read try help position wanting commit redflag before someone said help you things people say ive heard before means nothingbut fact someone cares mean bit words ever touched you share me something think about ive thought redflag years young life know ever completely go away even words helped specific situation maybe theyd give something think think wanting die edit okay multiple questionsbut basically same", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guuuuuys passed dance exams honors got honors bronze new vogue exams merilin tongoette evening threestep first time got medal something im happy rn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymore fmy dad left us mom bitch browsing internet years searching guy wants perfect man even working depressed want talk anyone uses phone day day one cooking expensive maid money wasted since anything day years weve living money brother sisters live another country im finishing school soon dream go medical college become doctor says find job bring money home shit fucked up able go much longer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life end wantits life ive never control anything im going fucking kill hate life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ready dieive spent whole life worthless im nothing show it im worth women im worth friends im tired caring everyone else want end cant take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best way disappearim interest ideas commit redflag body disappear forever without anyone traumatized clue happened whatsoever thoughts ideas", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna dm want chat someone bcneidnekdnekfnrvjnrfjenfkwnskwndkwndjenvrjgnrifneindwkdnejvnrjbbtjgnricnskdnskdnekvjvnrjgnekfnekdneifnrgkrjgineknefkengrkjvekfmkkdmwkdnrkgnrkgnrkvjrkvmekfmskfmdkfmrkvmfkvmdkfmdkmfekmvrkvjekfmekfjekv filler candjcdckndjvnekvndkcnsifneivenfinekdnekfenkefnkvenkvnefkndkcdnkncdkcmdkcdnckdmckdmkdnckdvndkmckdvnkdv", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cohortbased course however listicle free online certifications courses wants part creators economy httpsblogcoursesitycomfreecertificationcoursesonlineutm_sourceredditamputm_mediumsocialamputm_campaignredditpostamputm_termfreecertificationhttpsblogcoursesitycomfreecertificationcoursesonlineutm_sourceredditamputm_mediumsocialamputm_campaignredditpostamputm_termfreecertification", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want make friends even deserve themdo even deserve kind love care feel like dont thing deserve gun head make friends would anger sadden finally kill myself want die want die fucking badly cant it know wanted would right now cant i one would notice even care whats point im making everyone around angry frustrated deserve live deserve noose around neck thats deserve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant end all im hugely tempted being kind cruel worldtldr nice girl life severely depressed due family history it bullied childhood school experience grew dating losers one divorced married mistress another gave permanent sti hate life want disappear sorry repost rdepression subreddit reason moderators may thought original title graphic guess and sorry long alot pain inside me thanks advance reading ive severely depressed suicidal since family blood tons aunts cousins like me desiring redflag depressed couch time etc personal experience derived shy kind nice girl beginning never able shake it typical nerd experience openly talked try ignore play smiling like everything okay fight bullies make leave alone always seen awkward hung back school teachers classroom etc really made even harder actually pretty girl tall about mom made sure always dressed nice hair done girls couldnt afford get nice clothes hair done would put daily hated confrontation id whole smiling laughing thing avoid another fight already since elementary though mom kept looking nice loves dearly also shaped clone strict grandmother her could barely go out ask basically scolded so shed always say hours later would say yes hated that mind fk one sleepover junior high school mom dad cussed like sailor made clean house spotless something horribly wrong guess happy afterwards since sleepover sucked friends assholes night anyways strict upbringing inherited shyness emotional instability lead pretty damned awkward life conceited anything people always told smart good looking potential never saw late thirties really middle high school boys liked approached me shy would give aloof bitchy vibe guys ended hating me treating like crap mean like that anything extremely lonely relationship is started dating older teenager lonely desperate find love like id seen disney movies saved bell id date losers settled awkwardly nerdy weird thought theyd easier milder deal with boy wrong first met exhusband thought looked really unattractive plus smart ass mouth let grow wanted someone seemed head heels me gave years life birth son lessened sex drive dumped mistress work married rather quickly didnt even let ink dry divorce papers knew nothing weeks signed papers whats even worse nice ass agreed custody son dad life think id actually say yes knew whore wife going sons stepmom late im wallowing misery divorce process now ive boyfriend whos truck driver also nerdy used alot fun loves hes also made feel like depressed zombie past years why hes always road cant see times week plus push enough make things better also divorcee much baggage cant get life straight damned naive beginning relationship didnt see baggage start looked love fact said wanted marry me mind wasnt proposal anything said super early made hang on hung despite jerkish things hes done texted half naked pic us coworker brag says friend turn forwarded entire jerkish coworkers etc got arrested almost jail time fighting guy who later found first blow anger kept putting meeting family since many girlfriends past nt last said and coup de grand he gave sti recently found high risk know high risk meaning possibly cause cancer later on kind cant get rid of lays dormant body never know ever come back plus surgery weeks get rid precancerous cells caused me love life over relationship really crap now even find someone else hear theyll dump sure im pounds overweight depressed barely clean house shower wash hair smoke weed zone pass time make painful memories go away boyfriend says loves endlessly surgery im getting support sweetness need right now hes gone time real relationship anyways also think im still prince charming fantasy head expecting guys loving sweet reality jerksno offense nice guys there think younger went geeks weirdos figured theyd easier would appreciate more overly forgiving giving many chances aholes pretty much ruined life plus miss son dearly hes gone im alone time wish could put coma every time leaves me reawakened comes back brings wonderful beam light joy heart hes live for dont even think safe get another relationship ever again im trying accept im awkward different really someone hard give hope dont think im horrible person rather feel im nice person rest world cant handle that handle it take advantage naivety ignorance im used up im stuck horrible life miserable afraid even reach world anymore ill end bible verse received today therefore gods chosen ones holy loved put heartfelt compassionkindness humility gentleness patience colossians that description pretty much nutshell cant help way look ruined life tears", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats least painful way kill myselfhi names hannah im years old turning november th days today im currently suffering ptsd depression amp anxiety professionally diagnosed want explain whole life story fact im currently abusive crappy household ive cutting past years way get weight pain thats dumped onto everyday shoulders im tired crying everyday im tired getting called every horrible name book starving make mom happy im tired everything life general want kill badly im afraid death crazy anyone know semi painless ways could end life deal little pain get beatings everyday ive learned deal little hurt please give your life precious please survive live another day loved bullshit thats is bullshit get enough cheap crap therapist bottles pain meds antidepressants anxiety pills also ibuprofen basic meds overdose painless like overdose go sleep die peacefully second option jump school stories tall building would probaly feel impact head splats concrete done always kept idea mind ampxb please dont reply dont genuine answer questions thanks anyways thats it tysm u help get fast possible cant deal life day further want fucking die happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something wrong feel like always try best seems like youre tired wish things could used", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many times asked give instructions make peanut butter jelly feels like silliest thing rant about seemingly pointless activity at least first time keeps assigned me ive done twice middle school probably least elementary school im onto second time high school im getting pretty tired it id find hard believe havent done yet thoughts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "back even though feels like never lefti spent today like ive spent last three days bed thought dog pissed somewhere room morning realized sweaty sheets must smell like sewer academically im mediocre barely scraping by im completely disinterested everything university im deep debt doesnt matter point nothing years now unthinkable last summer cheated girlfriend found earlier week still together hasnt spoken couple days ive agreed relationship counseling dont know itll help anything judge want spend every minute im awake punishing anyway realize ever insufferable live ive alienated friends couple affair with mostly keep myself think time either leave us kill myself ive hurt many people including loved most im monster", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fucked im crying rn ive got test test tomorrow im good subject rn im scared wont pass do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know lifeim right graduated high school literally graduation night kicked house emotionally abused im living kilometres away friends anyone care about held stuff owned hostage took saving get back im sleeping cot grandfathers basement siblings stuff gets taken daily point socks money buy more mom manipulative person managed pin friends parents lost friends feel alone one talk built anger know healthy getting really want over", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ooga booga lonely standards are female born female still female nice please play games please preferably brown hair really care much will make toast cuddle nice respect treat like human not sex not ready that buy stuff dont job im workin it older least years im mean unless im angry case mean it understand girl language be simple im guy god dammit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got driving licence one life goals finally achieved satisfying get finish something thats important wish guys best ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life expectancy increased since phones invented checkmate parents", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts jobi called meeting today told close fired meeting sales goals really confidence meet meet sales goals know going fail fired cannot stand thought failure thinking redflag think redflag would better option labeled failure", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing doi work hours week money gone days waste juul pods food cant even afford haircut prioritize nicotine addiction look dont car walk minutes work back every day dont sheets bed im lazy piece shit cant get bed except work im parents dead sister inherited house sister lives boyfriend hate ive taken food without asking starving trying make dont get money house sell it sister working lawyer havent able talk friends nobody friends someone car money think killing every day walk past train tracks way work whats point living whenever sell house im sure ill homeless less year", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone new wanna chat finish math test im bored depressed tired trifecta dm comment chat little while", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressed younger brother feel depressed getting help give little story years old still lives home mother step father toxic situation way involved life history making bad decisions acts like sullen teenager always lying asking stay life make lot money currently paying medical bills credit card debt debt still showed abilityreal desire move out co workers close invites house i pool asked mention lives mother honestly idea tells people since small group seem spend time bouncing others homes bbqs hanging out physically lot pain morbidly obese lower back knee ankle pain going surgery ankles increase medical debt past matter hard life was always smile joke humor dark says things hoping mother would die she going nowhere least another years betting anyway poor health money living home think needs win something help get momentum trying ignores help suggested talk professional says insurance pays visits billed cannot afford it offer pay him refuses help brothers struggle things great job lbs overweight brothers struggle weight loss health issues affect them like great feels cannot connect us gotten work lives sorted point jobs help us thrive one helps get by thinking intervention defensive private sure go well good thoughts intervention work depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "flex much yall but two reddit followers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont believe godi dont believe god wish would kill me brutal way possible dont care want die pain cant handle numb yet exhausting feeling wanting disappear fucking air want feel death fucking take say savior love children loved youd let die times wasnt enough th hopefully be", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "belive happened made post reddit karma way post rdankmemes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "helpim started higher education school hate it worst thing boring crappy hate people there friends always seem hate me even call friends people like fuck me take piss family sorts dont know life go way way carry school hate try something else im really interested would love something software hardware thing dont know much want learn dont think thats enough never girlfriend except like consider proper girlfriends kissed girl otherwise luck im best looker girls ignore brush im slightly overweight seems make freak eyes got quite close girl backed got scared pussyd out dont know either stopped talking her hate situations people dont know makes feel awkward seems happen lot nowadays especially school keep meet new people hate much one close friend everyone calls freak weirdo fact hes genuinely misunderstood guy get called bum buddy good friends are hell even sister says makes really frustrated money job experience confidence life might seem quite good me fucking hate life redflag used small twinkle mind used think occasionally life seemed meaningless life just get grades get job die thats think life opinion im genuinnly considering it life seems shitty unimportant thought never amount anything really crushes me used happy brief period recently dreamed family raising kids dying peacefully dont see point cry help im sorry errors spelling dont give fuck honest writing making realise shitty life is please help tldr im unhappy life want kill is enough you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired depression one worst feelings lately knowing feel way often would much better person notice much holds back always picture would could would capable feel way time years life actually feel ok head felt clear wish back tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make coconut milk serious matter need know make coconut milk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoiler people readingplan read giver by lois lowry havent gotten ceremony twelve every time book says pills jonas takes always imagine someone saying take horny pills go fun think say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want chat im looking nice conversations hopefully make friends ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna fucking kmsi one lifes worthless fuck reaching stupid talkings complete waste time never fucking helped see bunch stupid fucking strangers internet gonna help im better dead doubt anyone even affected care know what fuck life fucking bullshit give flying fuck anymore soon write im gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "numb pain chorus nothing numb pain hurts everyday wish could happy lonely verse tried learn love myself cause people arent always real put face pretend maybe friend worst part always believe get hurt need abandon see im left sad lonely think point wouldve learnt believe say need chorus nothing numb pain hurts everyday wish could happy lonely postchorus wish happy tired lonely im loner meant verse ok thing fault dont try hard enough give pain wonder im damn hurt cause got nothing numb pain thats ok suffer like matters want change cant life unfair got say fuck world pain chorus nothing numb pain hurts everyday wish could happy lonely postchorus wish happy tired lonely im loner meant", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish would tell somebody chance moment stopped caring moment realised nothing really mattered anymore maybe thought pass like things used to drowning indifference stuck it things used crave enjoy feel like nothing friendships deep ever wanted them feels like meh fuck going tell anyways want anything really want nothing fuck no either way going same feels like already dead mean sometimes matters springs emotion longer recognize somebody brink suicide hand anything times here maybe meant statistic along thinking eventually going miss night sky think appreciate enough going miss memories two best weeks life people may suffer most sorry or not mean genuinely feel like anymore already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bit curates egg one started hating it predictable old dark house setup constant references recent us horrors regular trips dimly lit corridorsbr br but get going moments originalitybr br i began wonder killing started going last cast six get flashbacks previous visit building see whole slew gory killings pretty effectivebr br naschy fine end enjoyable enough movie jump grab one hard enough", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attention females sub named arlene hmu ____________", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope good night nothing much needed get sleep its midnight now wish everyone good night ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best cheech chong movie far cheech chong certain best far think ive seen twelve times least love all definitely best compared others one covers lot themes gives lot good laughs part texts still part language today years hope one day make another one still great comedians heard writing new script knows guess guys ones succeeded making decent movies genre wonder john ashcroft ever watched one them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel kind selfconscious height im feel pretty short alot time weird im taller people meet id kind like taller honestly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im already feel dead noti keep telling get better getting hard hold back now death inevitable anyway stretch pain out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "extremely entertaining mids western packs whole lot minute running time viewers quickly get drawn story find experience quite enjoyable bwestern really epic budget modest cast affordable despite several big names glenn ford box office draw time edward g robinson barbara stanwyck past primes looking work stanwyck years away new popularity the big valley brian keith dianne foster starting outbr br ford plays john parrish small rancher decides sell sympathetic sheriff murdered big ranchers robinson hired gunman parrish former confederate officer moved west health reasons br br robinson plays lee wilkison already owns valley intends acquire rest making good promise wife martha stanwyck lee crippled land war fought years earlier brother cole keith come texas help run huge spread lee turning blind eye obvious hookups stanwyck keith sensitive daughter judith foster understandably upset going home br br john parrish promised fiance caroline may winn move back east caroline modeled grace kellys high noon character breaks engagement first sign trouble simply disappears film leaves way open john judith romance develop br br the violence starts early continues throughout film parrish able apply military tactics enemy underestimates ability determination original confrontation main gunfighter midway film ford plays one standard characters modest guy disarms everyone self deprecating manner slow take offense brutal finally provoked very much like role the sheepman br br robinson likewise excellent man maintains personal integrity even though physically shadow former self gets enough lines screen time adequately develop character br br stanwyck difficult role simply convincing classic twofaced woman seemingly loyal wife scheming replace husband brother part allocated enough time anything superficially convey either side character said talented actress could done much better job even limitationsbr br dianne foster pleasant surprise remind viewers lot carroll baker physically acting style although required play judith according s convention she allowed tough required break hysterics major confrontation foster shows nice range conveys growing attraction parrish subtly retrospect various clues click place br br the real problem the violent men tries action western character study morality play much happen screen much action rushed many characters get cursory treatment neither fatal flaw reason avoid film could significantly better another minutes running time absence unnecessary characters like carolinebr br then again know im child", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck guys shes abused shes brainwashedthis girl beautiful life ruined prick reading site every single sign right on warning signs abuse social isolation limiting one do one see one see unexplained physical injuries victim may show signs depression weight loss gain constantly tired extremely anxious batterer verbally abusive private public extreme jealousy requiring permission certain things ex see people spend money etc controls one wears abuser might history violence short temper fighting others abusing animals property easy access weapons becomes angry consuming drugs alcohol stalking together constantly calls inquires whereabouts shows victims home victim apologetic abusers actions makes excuses them rationalizes them blames victim constantly edge things keep abuser happy afraid make abuser angry victim loses interest onceloved hobbies activities time spent abuser tasks abuser abuser threatens selfharm redflag guilt victim want beat shit within inch life know might send even deeper feel like tell parents ill lose trust her tell wait shes gonna fuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please help chemistry homework please makes sense im hyper ventilating please ill anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes worry friend thinking today biology teacher gave worksheet us do end lesson walked friends table look work uh question asking us draw part penis vasectomy take place vasectomy cutting tying sperm duct cant ejaculate sperm sex baby read drew diagram see drew urethra penis fucking madlad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared friends im lot friends really weird fetishes like bdsm shit dont try hide theyre completely public it dont know disturbs fetishes normal age go away feel scared", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ordering many packages mom wondering whats like boxes day xd fr mostly small stuff things need like garbage room shit also bunch pc stuff", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "approaching end line longish texthello let preface saying english first language due length text proofread it sorry fragmented text also im really planing commit redflag immediate future although designated end line me im entirely sure feel need write years beeing miserable suppose theres number reasons stopping procrastinating sharing people might driving force behind desire one hand want present relevant aspects story hand want identity known ill vague regards summary current circumstances im western european male late s late graduated university masters degree computer science since hold average paying software engineering live small appartment siblings pets car situation face mother could love go details since would probably enough identify would take k fix worst problems nose ears would probably make roughly plain facewise actually look attractive would need least k more since im also pretty short man inches average country plain probably cut it since social sexual experience even might enough point known im ugly since become ugly earlier took years realize lost friends got zero interest girls childhood actually quite ok lot friends even girlfriends since struggled accept reality way procrastinator sense people procrastinate postponing task piece work postponing final conclusion decade years running red numbers cant recall day worth living true better others never close good enough measure days happy good managed suppress fact unhappy given day justified living days borrowing future happiness would tell could endure suffering long payout somewhere line never really specified payout would happen long somewhat reasonable excuse keep waiting willing keep hanging there initially waiting turn finish school start university finish bachelors degree finish masters degree get job cant make milestones yeah could get phd sure could save countless years start financing house cant bring believe anymore im getting younger already spent half life alone lonely cant go chasing next elusive milestone anymore many people desire nothing fact born better genetics invested much effort help all know attractive people study studying consisted actual studying depressed stupor took much effort still achieve results got im empty cant keep it recently noticed get less less work done ad work boss notice far tell drags even more work ethic one things really proud working summerjobs years ago also become increasingly frustrated fact pay huge percentage income taxes mandatory health care etc hardly save couple hundreds month even living extremly frugal hardly benefit either bet people get government hand outs health care andor average way happier lives me therapy antidepressants years neither really helped besides gained weight became lethargic ssri see point trying either again dating tried asking female acquittances fellow students out rejection rate tried online dating joke made account dating websites like plentyoffish okcupid hardly ever got message return never got date matters doubt woman would want stay getting look face real life made tinder account swiped right everyone till matches run out hundreds women several days got one single match bot outlook next summer ill saved enough money first big surgery the complicated rhinoplasty hopefully ear surgery latter depend whether get loan raise additional money ill likely pay high interest winwin situation me works mind slightest paying loan worry anyway plan clear somehow make till next summer hard confident wait one year get surgery give dating one try turns physical change severe enough andor personality already damaged beyond repair end life promise follow that thats colateral one year borrowed time given detailed thought it recently atheroma maybe quarter inch diameter leg cut away sharp knife without anesthesia unpleasant and bled lot till taped it im confident withstand pain handsonapproach comfortable methods available me ill go sleep soon might reread tomorrow add important information slipped mind today", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help one friends wants gf back one friends going break up exgf never told why thinks might homophobic parents i never relationship idea figure broke up doesnt contact anymore cant ask text classes together written letter doesnt know give her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive waiting like years become fr feel like long since ive turned ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing ignore iti terrible life like ones like alive mean entire existence mistake leaving jokes aside literally broken condom born first place find reason exist aspirations whats point life great live you live once dead worry anything bad bad scared dying enjoy life well congrats you nice love yourself aspirations reason live mean everyone live like life thats selfish sincerely want wake tomorrow well im really expecting replies wanted say this thought nice place like say before totally ignore this sorry anythings bad english first language", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "birthday take cake stay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sectioningive feeling suicidal recently feel like whole virus situation going on would benefit seeking help really feel like im unable cope danger wondering would perhaps still section people even pandemic anyone know anything sectioning current times", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys im stuck bathroom please send help horni fuck nnn got stuck bathroom closing door keep updated looks like id sleep bath", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "general kenobi hello first one comment get award ive never gotten one even though everyones saying getting one every week", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stopi want die want exist redflag really means end im sad depressed happy im nothing unfulfilled desires expectations desires expectations already done everything want life nothing left offer me want nothingness im constant pain physically completely hollow emotionally really nothing me fall somewhere unsatisfactory mediocre everything cant care meaningless me life wonderful thing want it dont never asked here ive never wanted here im empty alone nothing offer world im wasting resources could better used someone wants here continuation seems selfish greedy cant see continuing already fighting years would normal life span really want kill myself know another way cease myself wisp background serve purpose want allowed stop here tried killing years ago age thought another decade half everything seems horrid im prisoner existence want out fought urge every day years tired constant weight life becoming much willpower handle want deserved rest", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "literally living like everyday lasteverytime talk someone think wonder theyll react find im dead tomorrow eating something so probably last meal think ill actually means proper plan kill ready times im particularly depressed right been three years know healthy gives sort peace deal anything anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "planning go birthdaymy birthday another weeks im planning either hang od ive never celebrated birthday supposed celebrate th ex yeah hes ex now ive enough feeling alone thought wanted happiness doesnt taste blood one cares enough actually want life im close parents siblings dont live us anymore friends simply people spend time with dont really emotional connection im alone anyway semester gpa going released around time know thats going add list triggers lead ending petty sounds never future im smart nothing live for ive always known id end life sooner later really needed space rant thanks youve read this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dorecently ive thoughts redflag im sure depression kicking imagine situations would easier gone life keeps dragging seems like nothing going way grades dropping work life getting worse im happy myself know talk to want parents think differently this friends im lost need guidance talk hard reach out do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make good greats homies make good grades fillerfillerfilllerfillerfillerfiller fillerfillerfillerfillerrfifo fillerfillerfilllerfillerfillerfiller fillerfillerfillerfillerrfifo fillerfillerfilllerfillerfillerfiller love baby", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anything better sex yes really good book synthesiser", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might mess around make profile picture actual picture like minutes idk tho feeling pedos run rampant sub might mothers jaded opinion towards internet forums shed pissed knew reddit dare internet safety unit scaring life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happy christmas everybody president teens used powers come executive decision skip august september october november year pretty bad declared today th december christmas day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking application idk sign somewhere psych wards included reminded end like perhaps someone check every maybe remind much damage times manage suicide ideation times literally impossible think anything anyone else suicide want it really want it sure lot relate need help think good idea reach friend family member worried either panic think trying pathetically seek attention scenarios equally bad kind suicide watch applicationsservices", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "after long ass time it cut myself hurt bad needed feel something want happy never works pain hurts bad never goes away matter do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorryim sorry mother never accept apologies im sorry father cant stand live you im sorry friends found hospitalized attempted redflag im sorry boyfriend want stay hate alive im sorry boyfriends parents care like im daughter showed bit like parents im sorry grandparents making think manipulating boyfriend redflag im sorry didnt think serious im sorry keep lying well im one day youre planning funeral wondering stopped noticing things im sorry people reddit reading late night listening ramblings dumb bitch longer courage kick bucket is always be tied guilt im sorry myself letting weak letting get best you im sorry couldnt take care you im sorry continue suffer indeterminate amount time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im snap bit redflagi know right board post in feel like im brink im feel like im going breakdown falling crying kind burn house stab mother death slit wrists kind breakdown one reason already done it thats girlfriend nothing permanent find pleasure anything else her mother insane really pushing edge lately ive always wanted kill her ive restrained years dissociative disorder feel like im really going explode fucking minute end bitchs life take mine wont deal stupid legal shit comes afterwards advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might finally able get girl mind wont let thing happening night post tiktok almost year now random stuff comes mind around tiktoks published regulars liking vids among girl looking profile dont know long like added snap texted hours smiling fun talking deeply full feelings fell im sure it least suspicious knew things close friends know possible figured again also shes perfect really adorably beautiful dont trust hidden reason wont tell me making push away dont want that really want time dont know shes after advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " yo history severe depression including suicide attempts got around seeked medical support thought getting better found live tried live good life father passed away suddenly kept existential crises see point living anymore years back used cut arms thighs whenever wanted distract pain somewhere physical even feel like anymore lot scarier every person life know super happy person issue hate burst bubble sharing story them point want anyone family know leading double life therefore cannot get professional help me point nothing even hurts anymore even thought loved ones missing gone want kill myself would great could exist anymore please help me cry help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw title already deducing theme film clearly reference british currency shakespearian pounds flesh taking them giving them smiths feelgood actor serial killers out could man giving them must guilt somehow spoilt whole thing looking knowing story watched beauty buildup way parts main characters background drip fed slowly illuminate audience doingbr br guilt hard subject simply deeply uncomfortable sad encouraging premise hoping rollercoaster ride know going unpleasant say movie glorifies suicide delves extreme form selfsacrifice martyrdombr br its also brimming symbolism everywhere surefire telltale sign writing cleverly thought great detail driving multiple meanings deep reflective nature prominent theme struck giving heart girl loves emotionally metaphorically giving physically greatest gift could determined die plan thwarted falling love nd act complication absolutely masterfulbr br yes slowpaced im undecided whether would better slotted smaller timeframe feel strain terrible inner turmoil much could have maybe thats ruined beforehand saying though deeply moving original film incredibly powerful thoughtprovoking tragedy deserves awards inevitably get", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "it dare go", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im even sure im posting thisits first time posting here help all guess im venting want kill myself nothing change mind cant it conservational instinct strong let me night got shitfaced tried jump front metro obviously didnti cant even remember stopped me piss drunk im useless incapableofanything waste space want bring painful existence bloody end fail every fucking time hope someone something kill soon enough ideally painless way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advice help friend rough time mention redflagi need advice help one good friends really rough time now gotten hit really hard couple things last months really made life lot harder her asked call little ago crying spiraling control said feeling really paranoid lately like burden everyone around her struggling suspect psychological issues now really gotten help needs today first time mentioned depressed says cries time it struggle everyday kill myself if dogs would already done it cant leave them advised quite go get mental health counseling offered talk anytime needs issues happened last months think really contributed are got kicked school poor grades verge filing bankruptcy due unpaid medical bills student loans credit card debt one dogs ill recently still know cause brother moved away another state relationship boyfriend ended really complicates that a barely make ends meet support debtcost living b longer gets free mental health services school student c still working school kicked out means generate income figures wants next reminds reinforces failure d comes unsupportive family parents divorced narcissistic show vested interest helping supporting children know right feeling really hopeless major debt making barely enough get by idea go terms career direct family members selfish dealing matters timeenergy help lot friends believes ones pity herwant get rid her things tried help encouraged seek counselingpsychiatric help reassured im friend understand feels encouraged seek career counseling offered talk anytime needs vent talk someone right im feeling really scared know help time suggest going psychiatrist says cant afford it added cost vet bills sick dog monthly income stretched even thinner before keeps putting looking another job filing bankruptcy despite admittedly needing things anyone else would contact family try get help get support needs since family selfish disinterested see viable option im asking advice go here freediscounted mental health counseling services refer to local support groups look into anything else friend support her feel like get help soon chance might actually kill cant bare thought that im unsure help her please advice public private greatly appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend need help reddit hes dating girl parents hate blame lot stuff like depressed atheist bs hes wants break thinks hes bad influence alot stuff best teens hes afraid kill herself guys help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "notwhy shouldnt it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new husbands son suicidal tendencieshow spend day every day terrified itmy husband family know care anything asked part comfortable staying it least now understand im consumed fear time loved ones someone suicidal treat person like time bomb time cope daily thanks advance", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help clue help hermy girlfriend considering redflag option clue help get parents divorce", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " toronto film festival report official takashi miike whackedbr br the annual midnight screening new takashi miike film the big spook war the great yokai war ykai daisens call fanatical ridebr br colin geddes fearless programmer stated film originally geared towards children japan think lord rings neverending story japan screening understand going that damn takashi miike all directed film ichi killer screening festival barf bags handed screening no marketing ploybr br plot summary young boy troubled home life becomes chosen stumbles middle great spirit war meets group friendly spirits become companions journeybr br this really kids well too young certainly see getting scared shitless spirits even friendly ones display unlike anything ive seen movie theater before fantasy naturally funny but dark material bored guarantee that ever hit north america doubtfulbr br my rating b", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant think title ampxb httpspreviewredditkbxllaqoscjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsebdacdcadafbeabdef", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else staying late interacting strangers dont actual social life filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone elses face look kinda greyish brother also mentioned face looked greyish irl bit pics take", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember months ago saved online friend redflag suspended reddit day got unbanned checked online friends accounts one active rredflagwatch gonna commit days talked it still talk day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody lost appetite redflag attemptim still mentally recovering attempt almost week ago overdosed wasnt hospitalized got insanely drunk since appetite slim none recovered anorexia unlike username suggests normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im go bed gets award upvtes overnight im gonna confess crush first thing morning yea joking might post screenshot get one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay make pets vegan as long herbivore dont wtf forcing carnivores vegan tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired againever hear song alone naturally wish could hold people loved dead youre serious boyfriend four years dies kitchen floor overdosedying age i broken woman always be following year father died inbetween friends mine die overdose many fear best friend die day pray doesnt ive lost much world daily life used be look forward car accident im one killed might want last drunken night somewhere give away poems music art friends bf died young even dad cannot stand existing thought could make difference love abilities drive leftwithout choiceim surprised im physically dead yet", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anything girl boy bus stand recieves text girl girl boy waiting bus girlokay hurry boy waits faster", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something dont like thinking shit dont think shit act like it know shit act like it dammit hate going school seeing assholes popular annoying see straight them know im shit stay quite im confident myself dont need validation nobody like person acts like shit know shit dont think shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nigga im sniffing fart sniffy sniffy fart im sniffing fart sniffity fart sniff sniffity fart sniff sniffity fart niggaaa sniff sniffity fart", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall mfs take stuff seriously like someone make literally post askin sex sexualized people start posting fucking thesis statements comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mother caught smoking weed hello yrs old student germanylast night smoking joint mom smelled itwhen smelled it immediately got pissed wanted open doorafter hiding things opened door wanted look eyes my eyes looked normalshe asked smoked said cigarette believe meapart smell evidence consumptionnow know please help mwhat doevery advice helps edit folks problem solved spoke mother lied well believed me know bad person need stop smoking weed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "society entitled anything scrap suffer eeek meager living also society how dare decide like life sucide wrongsociety hypocritical cant tell people sucide wrong try force stay alive expecting accept crappy life is someone want that life worth effort struggle everyone hell gain working crappy jobs jerking another years get cancer die want", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wait flirt always people flirt crush flirt random girls like mean", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get wrong glad successful gotten help since last months much better whether personal notredflag work general mental state feel like currently spiraling completely put control months away losing roommate place live cannot find place afford even judt place general housing miserable right now gotten chance speak therapist yet honestly tired thst even want try able lay bed drinking thinking much easier would here terrified uncertainty want homeless cannot go back family felt like good honestly happy first time years really want throw thst away trying process situation best ability trying decide need sell hobby stuff things enjoy try afford owni know posting know even looking here everything going sounds absolutely fucking stupid read back feel like burdensorry terrible formatting tired drunk phone tried kill months ago", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new art teacher thank getting upset class snowpants dont lockers due covid karen", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " dance backyard boy looking super fine corduroy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think toxic subreddit is like u post u get bullied reason", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "appreciation post ubellamtzzz fucking hate bitch fine cause baes asf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hearing expensive gifts yall got makes kinda jealous lower middle class gang rise lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey reddit sorry much really know else turn advice would helpfulone closest friends since going lot recently open feelings happened always said feels like life worth living talked since reached last month hanging lot since thenhowever told beginning year sexually assaulted immediate family member since traumatised developed redflag told rest family happened wanted press charges hear perpetrator age think main reason feeling way told always quite close mother who want press charges since living refuge cannot stand around family understandably means cannot even try call emergency services come location places give address even residentsshe seems like go found spending money friends buying people gifts sounds like amazing person always people feels like matter say do enough someone thought things understand completely also told one friends bought equipment commit suicide planning next week she specify day want anyone stopping her tried get mother earlier today pressing charges availi spent lot time recently felt really good seeing catching many years like never left to reconnected one old buddies too since told us part bucket list really know cannot even thin straight trying ask anyone know advice situation horrible one cannot even fathom feels wrong even trying look way help insistent planning doif helps advice live uk advice help whatsoever would greatly appreciated m friend f planning kll next week know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres nice facts know fight male puppy always lets female puppy win penguins propose stick together life forcing smile actually makes smile voice actors mickey minnie got married real life baby sloths addicted cuddling sunshine warmth makes happier cows best friends get sad apart sea otters hold hands sleep norway knighted penguin china killing panda punishable death rats laugh tickled dolphins names eachother puffins mate life good news likely shared social media bad news angry way say word bubbles koko gorilla could communicate sign language pet cat gorillas remember old friends sheep recognise facial expressions like smiles baby elephants suck trunks comfort squirrels adopt baby squirrels theres", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made attempt yesterday backstory im going completely honest guys life shit show guys lost fulltime job drugs xanax cocaine lots overthecounter sleeping medications thought would help get moving parents place twin brother still resides one twin thats always problem child never easy feat me first attempt seen attention seeking come polish family strict comes respect quite little asshole say i honestly still think am digress days ago took probably around mg quetiapine passed around minutes felt great like warm embrace unconsciousness enveloping hopefully permanent darkness wake emergency room barely conscious clock murmured state drowsiness thats notice paramedic sitting right next saying yes clock days picked shocked also disheartened finally thought built courage failed again stuck emergency tent couldnt even get body felt like hit car today rd day city hour hold form allowed leave hospital really want get actually succeed something give parents one straight gifted son look much disappear still manage get mg seroquel hour hold want try want succeed know selfish felt right felt peaceful tranquil thank anybody reading words would end saying dont think love sadly cant think thats alright", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dogs cutest shes vomiting taking shit filler ahsjdjdjdjkdkskskajahajjskdkfjfjfkfkfkdksjdjdjjddk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im better im rly scared ill rebecome person againi suicidal thoughts long time seen piece shit thats worth living made chart would put pros cons killing reason didnt would scar little sister life mom would say fault kept going years im actually getting better started working showering etc years careing something fix week running reason im better girl know seems care lot im rly scared ill go back feels good able go friends without feeling like dont belong acting goofy dont seem quiet im petrified night think ill become person created dopamine rush love ill pass passes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ending itive taken xanex prozac dri king some much itll in thinking going drive mountains", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sleep offmg dexamphetamine mg escitalopram mg quetiapine mg diphenhydramine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "money scholastic book fair best feeling world im able buy like books dollars something parents would never let younger", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "announcement make gaming ampxb thats it thats post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate moment ever hate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today imagined commit redflag new year nightmy life may look perfect you im years old working tech industry top tier company good salary recently promoted know find new better job day want to recently bought expensive condo downtown enough savings solve notanticipated financial problems living foreign country relatives thousands miles away one friend never girlfriend loneliness destroyed mentally inside last year im suffering deep depression derealization receiving treatment last months working different psychiatrists tried bunch different medications without signs improvement suicidal thoughts seemed manageable bother lot rather curiosity couple weeks ago told friend joke nothing changes months by new year ill figure something meaning maybe moving country but internally also thought redflag tonight feeling significantly worse ever figured wont get better ny thought end it imagination went upstairs rooftop stepped rail thought im doing spread hands like bird closed eyes stepped forward imagined seconds ill falling everything end reviewed situation ever ever again thought nobody see me happens someone try stop me felt real scary got tachycardia feeling lump throat trouble breathing never scared life even experience ny getting closer closer dont anticipate solution problem want end like dont want keep going tried calm down went walk outside come back office tried get touch friend seems busy tonight pm im afraid go home", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls grade like take care mental health hesitate talk me leave hey seen thomas never seen bullshit before", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " visited lake elsinore gliderport flew yellow pratt read sailplane returning germany serious ran tv one segment high altitude sailplane flights california early ies the real life pilot bill ivans know played series turned sailplane film same nnumber one flown lake elsinore ever since saw segment searching wondering somewhere available other segments serious baker ejection seat instrument find avalanche victims etc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "habit calculating like dislike ratio youtube videos really annoying stop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredim tired going on im tired know ill never good enough know ill never mean anything anyone matter what always second matter what someone always choose girl blond hair big tits big ass tanned skin me know it please dont tell truth im tired lies im fucking tired want leave earth one love ive accepted it wasnt easy have im ugly anyone skinny pale anything anyone dont want thing every fucking day cant fucking count amount times tried kill past month wished wished would worked please take away world going shit hope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive cursed comments days row why cursed holy sheep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "military redflag need helpso ive usaf years say goodbye countless times time different met someone made happy every time sawheard made happiest guy ever im going typical airman marries like her got orders korea wanted enjoy much possible left want love cant ive say goodbye friends family countless times hurts much hate military much drink ton everyday wish could die cause amount nothing cant love anyone move place place make friends moment nothing ever last served country end day im another body want passively die dont want commit redflag cause dont want go hell from believe want die honorably ive thought redflag countless times us military isnt seems im excellent janitor outside job skills pls help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sex made hate humanitysex made hate humanity simple pretend culture society group people illusion coherency mirage togetherness real real slightest war behind scenes instead front face nature would breeding would exiled killed point lost me know need die simple part evolutionary process pinned inside us innate fundamental need drink stream sex made hate humanity obvious fascinating would be wasnt disgusting sick people say nature perfect beautiful nature wrathful disgusting means genocide taking place across planet indicative nature anything dont get it while society right thing evolving away animal roots becoming civilized becoming evil base hormones pheromones firing off ruling us anymore nothing here body vessel torn shredded missing planks sinking dying drowning happens slowly inhale water choke public one cares opposite fact speak people laugh fundamentally mock you everyone does understand men kill themselves personally afraid death process jumping bridge becoming paraplegic shooting face brain surviving want death anything stopped enjoy life years ago realized going alone id around bunch people pretending fun bet part it effort mattered make mistake body wrong effort halved best might worth it not alone nothing ever done worked idiot disgusting flesh blob attractive worthy touch one tried suggestions tried methods joined groups saw much attractive apparently everyone me barely get people look eyes open mouths toward me anything actually intimate never happen again monster would totally lash out get that sympathize understand immense pain people clearly put through similar wont solve anything im logical hate people theyre logical helps them get it selfinvolved beasts one deserves anything thats attractive people deserve wonderful lives ugly men like deserve slowly fall apart lonely neurotic messes muscles tense crack pop walk begging finger run them let loosen human fucking touch thats im going kill myself make mistake will people around go well could done different could given chance human you thats way much ask amount words ever change human needs either society needs adapt many men kill themselves know almost excites us though said that probably encourage it like get off society male suffering", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought beautiful film favourite films chungking express holds spot one quite different anything else seen his slow but annoyingly so takes time ponders characters minimal movement frame camerawork wonderful acting great film feels like long warm comforting drink", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got redflag ocd depression lots different meds feel awful still tied mind knots trying self protect cannot untie them feel like want give really much take cannot get brain unscramble feel like losing touch reality", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dm im bored m ill send insta snap idkthe rest filler post get removed tbh length requirement stupid af bruh ok probably enough cya dms ight bet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yet another fucking posti even know happened feel bad again swear mood swings easily distinct one closest friends moving end school year whats stupid ive wanted ask now got phone her asked then know didnt thats work never anything substantial take laziest safest worst path andi anything it even know anymore even motivation actually kill good goes show much im actually able put mind it fucking nothing know matter is ive run stuff bitch about theres way explain whats going besides im lazy weak make poor decisions ever try anything fuck it god fucking damnit fucking anymore thats say now know im frustrated im letting mind fingers go wherever feel point im angry reason im eaten nothing living without actual life think worse death im gonna go back school soon motherfucking homework done im gonna go back see friends happy asses gets hard see happy people nowadays comprehend hard hitting keys type this im surprised started crying yet im waste im fucking waste im lump air even thought about im road block people im burden although said many times many motherfucking ways hate god damn self much quick venting fuck hard admit need help ive tried living surviving working out know need need something im running things live for even live anymore exist life me like redflag without redflag part im loss right now wanna go bed want everything okay morning never happen go sleep sad wake sad theres getting around it yknow much useful stuff couldve done time instead typing that thats thing dont care say loss well im loss wanna keep typing find sense self write cant forever unfortunately even want go bed able sleep know ill stay cant anymore thats it need stay up feels like wrote whole nother post comment im things type wish could fast forward part gets better hate part gets worse feels like get worse here theres getting fuck around it ive gone edge theres turning back feels like it rock bottom feels like shame experience young age feels like impulsively scratch floor mind trying get deeper would love build drill something building something takes time motivation none think ive run things type know still comment separate thing every time id flood site want that people need help too guys care me other worthy people need help im gonna take advice anyway im pile shit originally gonna comment reply last post got carried away forgive spelling errors im sure plenty stuff like happens fits whatever fuck feeling is know know hate it fucking heart tldr ignore this im gonna ignore advice anyone gives anyway im wasting everyones time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good evil worldive pain suffering nearly everyday life thinking go away seems like redflag option right thoughts till god brought light humans hurt most think it hurt brought kind suffering kind pain thoughts answer always humans believe evil believe good good commit redflag nothing good leave world want bring good evil world jesus young knew name truly prayed asked show guidance truth did words bible learned live ask one thing search christ pray ask guidance ask come life may least bring good evil world something good leave world people one suffering suffer evil live spirit flesh pray truly need shall endure unto end shall saved matthew easier camel go eye needle rich man enter kingdom god mark ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dad hates season food cooking hates garlic onion creole old bay pretty much seasoning think about ive cooking pains season food like get salt pepper enough things come now fried chicken day seasoned flour bunch different things got upset seasoned flour asshole ended really liking chicken yalls favorite seasonings things cookeat want get dad try new foods maybe open start liking new things", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slightest thing sets offthe slightest annoyance bit bad news terrible still bad sets off fucking weak mentally smallest things make wanna hide away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guy hesitant watch movie know richard gear likes tear jerker movies would rather watch actionadventuresci fi right movie definitely tear jerker diane tended act times richard brought around made work daughter suppressed teen huge attitude started hating her movie way predictable entertainment purposes masterpiece go rent it see shed tearlol like notebook love one beach scenes immaculately shot even though hurricane scenes little sequence still bit panicy watch react it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life taken turn worsti feel like life keeps getting worse worse hard want kill myself fiance cheated third time stupidly stay hes made believe deserve nothing better wish could fade awaym", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got dick stuck toilet roll basically came shower like yeah alright lets try it got hard stuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever look worst best pics think fuck person like seriously supposed know actually look like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tinkewbeww amazing fwen wish wewe besties but guess thats weality", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want say inspired meas weird topic sentence is remains true lately ive slacking classes ended reddit various sites none that see want become psychologist feel meant help people reading posts made realize need work harder reaffirmed everything made click suppose ive acting stupid wasting time working trying become better me could help everyone like you care everyone experiencing emotions personally went them want help weird may sound thank you thanks reaching trying get help thank acknowledging problem worth fixing thank letting see really important time life sincerely believe life worth living ever need talk get something chest always pm me may realize significant world affect anyoneyou affected me best wishes k", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna go sleep dream mcdonalds whatcha want filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heyy formaldehyde cause smell nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "toi le venin robert hosseins masterpieceand one great thrillers fiftiesbased frederic dard novela writer director often worked see also le montecharge hossein direct lead toothe screenplay grabs first pictures desert road night beautiful blonde might fieriest criminals mysterious house finds femme fatale and sisterthen begins cat mouse play one sisters wheelchair but really disabledwhich one criminal tried kill hero night br br the two actressesmarina vlady late odile versois sistersbr br turn lights watchinghighly suspenseful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "household itemsthat use kill pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " count it loses sleep games regularly think hours might lowend estimate want say games every day go real life friends except invite friends numerically yes spend time together hours spent sleeping", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made decision killl august cried much long time sad feel like option feel sad family too hate world bawling eyes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bbc series astonishingly good fun id seen minutes knew watch friends recommend anyone prudish almost anyone else going enjoy itfrom cinema snob entertainmenthungry masses lead character lesbian still worth watching thats thingbr br rachael stirling incredible lead role stretches dazzling assortment emotions situations bizarre nature one saw series would ever say cant act makes us laugh cry get turned slap foreheads amazementbr br you cant really compare story anything else rehash style plot entirely beastpart comedy historical drama erotica comingofage tale musical morebr br gotta praise bbc making story cant imagine anyone overly prudish formulaic us ever it so stop reading go buy it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "george floyd karen common cant breathe pls dox ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going binge eating practicing starvationmy stomach hurts feel like nauseous cant sleep even though past midight last days tried stop binge eating going alright far im getting better controlling myself still trouble moving around due suspected disability im improving think con is food mind often now annoying eventually ill full control caloric intake capable starving myself add dehydration maybe sleeping pills trick cant stand housebound anymore thought could use time write paint im stuck again head feels empty lack life pointless able live much outside apartment years now days less same im scared time flying by nothing changes wonder long go for mother live with close every day im worried might die fall hands people care me day remember situation another instance hopelessness thing brings amount joy fiction tried create myself cant write actual characters lack emotional capacity skill experience unless magically wake ability walk again see chance actual independence im useful im alright me want die try to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "harry potter scandalous love story hogwarts year old harry potter laid head hagrids chest inhaled musty scent nose sucking one mans many chest hairs accident complain however happy piece hagrid would inside him i love way hold big strong hands hagrid man lived feeling especially flirty tonight sure let lover know mood snoo snoo luckily him take much turn hagrid on moments ready fill potters primal desires and love way let wreck asshole every night returning harrys flirtacious advances hagrid lifted up lover wrapped legs around mans waist quickly removed wizards robe began suck nipples enjoying sweet tasted ill suck yours suck mine alright harry simply nodded face twisted pleasure moment care hagrid wanted hed anything long could keep feeling way felt currently mans mouth game godly several minutes passed harrys turn though quite experienced hagrid sucked reddit friend demetris nipples many times before fairly confident nipple sucking abilities would try provide lover much pleasure given him removing hagrids clothing layer layer mans humongous pancake nipples finally became visible potter stared wide eyed moment taken back even tiny bit man boob could seen seemed though mans chest consisted hair nipple nothing between wow harry could say aroused disgusted sight time know whether wanted blow load vomit lovers nipple rug chest hagrid bothered reaction let hearty laugh response they normally look like that worry ran ferrets buck beak feed myself seen days ago buck beak nearly bit right nipple clean off bloody mess was looking closer adult harry could clearly see scarring hagrids right nipple sure brave man letting dangerous beast feed nipples wizard wondered lovers essence tasted like hagrid yes harry ccan taste im kind hungry hearing this gentle smile formed hagrids lips of course help yourself man pushed harry closer chest overjoyed felt begin suckle nipples wizard hesitant first tasted delicious lovers milk was began nurse gulp gulp chugged hagrids milk down lips stained mans nipple juices hair tickled cheeks made difficult grasp nipples mouth first assistance lover quickly located them thats boy like that work tongue harry finally finished released nipple mouth let loud burp stomach full satisfied hagrid looked biggest grin ever seen kissed passionately can wait morning touch winkies milk made sleepy hagrid nodded setting harry down sure first thing morning came pants nursing anyway hagrid laughed buckbeak hates that cant help it breast feeding turns on mmhmm harry potter motioned hagrid join bed man complied two snuggled covers spoke quietly while telling much loved them time pair drifted sleep anticipating anal awaited harry potter morning", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody got good reasons kill im hella paranoid hallusinations getting worser worser", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film wonderful captures gaming life laughed hard watching this movie gaming group hard time campaign dungeon master came with movie switches real world gaming world play campaign shows gaming world character switches back real world playing campaign basis module dungeon master lodge writing problem lodge cant finish module characters cant finish campaign killing looting instead role playing lodge wants role play campaign something never done before decide bring extra help bring await it girl play lodge also makes npc non player character paladinwho witness wrong play film want spoil film say more movie may big budget film acting may oscar worthy gaming dungeons dragons definitely watch it lot fun making film shows going bash movie problems continuity thing low budget film fun slap stick comedy enjoy damn good writing opinion want fun film try ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people understand tell evade answers feel like monstrosity shut blinds outside world hide away worry morning upcoming day night arrives fine right turns turbulent redflag night shake head one feels way take meds daily occurrence ever end hate paranoia internal mindset get told get better change try frankly thats never good answer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "minecraft snapshot cant take anymore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people hate me always get tired me especially depressed always leave so apparently too much people", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel really alone want help know dohi all sorry sorta dumb confusing know else do past week so ive feeling really suicidal ive therapy past nine years im tired alive raised single bipolar verbally abusive mom died fourteen ive abused assaulted physically sexually throughout life want pain anymore abandoned moved foster home foster home really wanted place family found home supposedly loved wanted eventually decided two years much forced facility within span night facility watched members staff get attacked assaulted forced body inspections whenever left facility generally awful time people threatened tried murder wish upon anyone leaving facility found home seemed love me family could potentially call own thought life going well everything order had wonderful amazing partner loves cares me group friends supported family loved me recently come change told parent would never dad let alone parent would never trust me going partner find emergency housing subsequently needing find temporary permanent housing stressful involved around time relationship problems started communication great really anyone involved even though weve progressively gotten better things not were constantly stressed even look afraid i done nothing significant enough deserve this even know why addition parents small little foster brother children got pretty intense car accident two days ago thats also big factor feel im scared know do want end life pain everything confusing know do ive tried calling hotlines talking friends not partner everything took mental health day school uni today cant anymore know do please help ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advicei lost everything girl dreams family friends everything myself hurts girl never connected someone much life insane years talking everyday get rejected anyways still want blow brains out wrote redflag note july told keep fighting already got low enough write note october im meds ive talked everyone there me nothing works cant seem ever get girl pretty much grew never loved thats attached nothing live everything live want anymore truly feel dead inside already im living physically idk sorry bothering everyone sub time yall got issues too praying yall", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask permeated kissing girl first date ive heard answer yes guys ask girls say no im honestly sure", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish anything could go back time things rightbut cant look back and think couldve done much better sit cry cut think one talk to noone even ask hey u give hug think id happy right id done literally anything different eth there even care im sorry hang long enough im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would feel anime pr show based song called tight rope would girls golden hearts whose goal break hearts boys got heart broken golden hearted girls goal break everything but exaggerated alot like destroying whole buildings dont know protagonist lmk feel want to give ideas protagonist would", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im like kids mentallity doesnt allow depressed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi all think might verge suicide feel like run options live country free medical care i cancelled private insurance public hospitals frightening thing ever here i live rd world country go public facility get abusedmistreated etci started taking antidepressants years ago redflag partner wanted doctor bad redflag since kid broke up found hard stop taking meds got terrible withdrawals eventually side effects got bad i went psychiatrist tried various antidepressants got worse worse decided quit taking last september withdrawals crazy felt super depressed stopping even though tapered months ago still struggling booked rehabsuper expensive dealt coming psychiatric medication worst idea ever middle nowhere put hardcore drug addicts cldnt leave plus semicultish scariest experience ever since leaving still problems withdrawal plus traumatized terrible sensations body result totally screwed knw anyway cannot anymore tried reaching family really helping type pretty much since kid ie parent surprised even made fari written goodbye note bought gear decided going hike middle nowhere die unfortunately country social security feel shitty cannot possibly hold job plus country get basic job like working mcdonalds pretty much living shack dire poverty pays way little survive savings decided little me lost carry fighting case realised actually make difference peoples lives instead wasting mine enough build house friend nepal enough send girl rural india school look needs graduates enough donate religious organization something substantial feel spend taking away cld give someone else also tired feel like get better feel completely alone isolated used social lately withdrawn really think it biggest fear becoming ghost praying alot feel hopeless think got another day two left me tried withdrawal money today cld donate told got hr lock savings wait that pray next life things better tried live good life really always tried live morallyso open suggestions feels like though would previously thought suicide never come far plan everything decide moneys going die etc also left apartment staying hotel close mountains cut worldthanks advance pretty sure end advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reasonim serious dire straights one person read today would enough ive come reddit many times seeking help various problems years let keep quick im worst state depression ive ever in theres huge lead past three years ripple effect huge onset panic disorder agoraphobia coming dangerously close developing eating disorder depression bad moment im physical pain im pretty much frowning time whether want not result chronic headaches time cant sleep binged eat im supossed go back uni next week six hours away folks parents desperately trying convince go back think depression get worse ill kill myself worst depressions even probably ever be mom knows suicidal thoughts only recently help ive medication since may much im depressed suicidal usual say suicidal loosely feel like fucking imposter guess feel like id everyone huge fucking favour die think necessarily want die feel like inevitable part future fucking hate im convinced feeling like result eventually killing myself desire grow old ive never anyone im cant keep job keep school im fucking depressed days really wanna something takes everything shit ton pills write redflag note yet again wanna die want pain end cliche sounds pains getting bad think im beyond point fixing this either redflag live rest life barely hanging suffering sometimes wonder suicidal depressed about im reasonably good health wonderful family live safe country never really want anything go good school im fucking ungrateful could many amazing things life motivation deserve achieve things even deserve get better ive tried fucking hard many years beat this ive really really tried get hard work ending exactly place started sometimes worse im fucking alone mom knows anything even know everything friends acquaintances uni many people like honestly think really good people living campus keep telling really care me care died even fucking care depressed fucking deserve this humour anymore dropped killed even want consider dropping choice have amazing friend group even tried hard go along every event every event smile funny go majorly way help get around everything wanted city theyre exchange students ended ditching me tell amount times id crying eyes out talking jumping window full blown panic attack moments headed them nothing excluded plans never replied messages calls but regularly talked group chat ate without we live hall things without constantly quite rude times happy call overly cautious paranoid acted anxiety no didnt know anxiety depression thats fucking shitty thing say anyways trying hard brave expect anything life honestly dont seems matter fucking hard try im piece shit one really likes enjoys around dead friends people life actually care would much better off feel like alien something wrong im different connect anyone im indifferent death im becoming cold fucking hate it ill never good close friends partner future thats possible me big part wants get better going years reasons anyways get better grow old cant even shit remember loved ones bust ass get degree thats gonna get salary thats snatched taxes constantly pussyfoot around others im terrified offending them spend every second life living like this keep going family worst days brain convinces want die ease burden care someone mental illness not true family amazing fucking believe anyways two questions said consider dropping uni this second time do really go back live six hours away folks tiny room friends people rely on im depressed suicidal good idea let folks convince staying home six months finally anyone give reason keep going one fucking reason would enough keep fighting good fight guys", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something regret got cyber bullied bullied ignored cant get headim sure right place this ill write anyway months summer something completely regret school surrounded assholes thought money bragged humiliated whoever new trends whatever fuck means see ive always felt lot different others see point competition fashion see point ranking one another based wear always felt like myself good thing true friends though three is one day felt strange like needed something opened eyes thing depressed even think about ever since things changed security cameras outside building it happened knew building part group suspects never trouble principals office one could possibly imagine me fessed via email changed story made sound way innocent harmless believed fucking staff believed me thought it everyone else knew lied knew lied started getting bullied harshly bullied walk anywhere without hearing behind guy the thing got cyber bullied got told go kill myself felt ive felt depressed ever since find enjoyment many things least much used to cant ever cry single tear forcefully make cry moved away still feel horrible did get memories getting worst names treated like absolute garbage felt many different emotions lately regret know do keep thinking negative effect future like ive fucked whole life already made grave mistake know it fucked up know it feel many things anymore know it feel depressed know it something do ive given lot hope hopefully someone read whole thing feels good let someone else know humans hope guys good knowing did really curious please respectfully message get chest hopefully", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "terrible lie hahahaha fuckine love paralelagrams awesome e cool theynfacve world word grams ithem gramcraockers gramcraockers tasty bitch stick hungs unger gramchracters fucktupled size taste smell reminded time everything alive papapa parallel grammms", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im horny ive got girlfriend help luckily ive got hands", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question less answeari dont really know start this guess could go ahead explain story im average guy tries social circle feels inviting surround people i think wants best me recent events turn feeling security feeling fear space merely months life went sweet dream tormented nightmare started girl met years back had huge crush her made fall love her every little bit her made realize person created thoughts never really tried have guess could say made see best myself made think worth something eyes like something special her started downfall soon after dated months thought found right one gonna make best relationship ended fooling myself talking boys job one friend lets call jake kyle time jad idea started panic attacks frequently ate less paranoid time one point remember molly ended sex remember told one important relationship life one week later left hooked jake kyle guys presented her span one week even confessed friends enjoyed watching low guess question start know since particular day december life started shatter one piece time loosing love friends job really close friend me guess made descision brought but point end bottom barrel categories feeling redflag way look cara passing by subway coming station heights bridge sharpness knife products lay around house could cause death thought rope feel place like something went missing lost focus life know way usally think loosing one loved got point im always stress panic attacks frequently lost job didnt help pile already damn whats purpose everytime build something crumble one day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck school starting tomorrow wanna graduate done shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think ill make monthshits gotten point im starting go insane last night hallucinated badly sure real wasnt im constantly paranoid im still sure im dissociatinghallucinating not almost nothing entertains anymore something entertain me cant hold attention cant read books play video games dissociate story completely forget everything it example ive played hours fallout ive dissociated point remember hours it feel like im fucking going insane cant fucking take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "past month trying really hard get shit together slow going trying course depression making easy started eat lot better gained weight i underweight win least lolim struggling bit personal hygiene problem taking showers often skip brushing teeth especially night energy also struggling keep things cleandoes anyone tips consistent works you tips function normally least consistent personal hygiene", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im days self harm hello everyone lots wondering hell past weeks got phone taken away let spend time family ive addiction self harm want self harming thing past honest ill get back reddit wanted clear gone weeks want end addiction", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "zero day film people gotten see shame isbr br when saw end two main characters descend upon room mercilessly kill people commit suicide made grab stomach shaking thats strong movie isbr br the movie amazing incredible get perfect ten sad people understand true beauty film budget makes film good amount feeling makers put makes goodbr br it leaves permanent impression mind simply cannot get out makes realise true horror shootings especially know person movie makes feel like know peoplebr br i recommend zero hour feel mature enough watch it fourteen feel film amazing put words feels like watching something actually happened", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im heavyi want anymore weight me bye never better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone help t_tso dont know begin honest guess ill start talking im depressed so reason im depressed im scared becoming something horrible like pedophile murderer rapist ect intentions that hate kids hate rape murder guess im paranoid one day one those im really paranoid person ever commite redflag sure day thats promise forever keep miss growing life im longer excited anything really used die excitement xmas holiday im like oh cool another day fucking miss like years old playing little toys watching pokemon everyday deep web knowlaged deep web alot find child porn forums animal abuse sites scared me remember visting cp forum curiousity people discussing months ago fucking gross wish painful depressing tortuous unbearable death fucking pedos seeing cunts talking posting site disturbed me everyday want go back site read fucks saying dont want fucked was tears inside knowing want know idiots discussing forum plans ddos site till corruption decide remove site dont care consequences long fun ruining pedos life also dont worry im skilled vpn ddosing without getting caught scares wondering whats worst site deep web would be thats say im going end life buti guess im fucking pussy cant dont it dont want set friends family called redflag hotline times fucking stupid worthless also applied depressions redflag therapy refused take me one gave email saying something like sorry refuse take you control please call help nad said something like sorry suicidal us take you call life fucking difficult fucking hate cant die alone im sleeping without it hate seeing happy people makes depressed dont know think im lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one give answerfor get better keep repeating like eventually hold meaning even though words completely hollow ive finally stopped asking ive stopped asking lot things regurgitate pain continuously getting harder swallow back down i am done im done reaching people stifle words done trying show people care constantly slip minds done struggles diminished theres always someone worse you how statement help put anything perspective needing grateful worse lot people would okay comfortable thinking people worse me empathize them well done struggling day day even basic human interactions even family ive known whole life done keeping strong facade navigating bullshit done told im cared ultimately always end alone hurt done trying done never progressing fucking done going therapy trying get medications pushed me done mental physical pain constantly done watching people love life patience worn me done so tired done think im going bother write redflag notes words seem hold meaning think want twist want see it finally know method use know it pretty good idea when people claim see coming even though feels like ive waving around giant lit sign screaming anyone fucking notice me im already invisible might well make concrete wish inner peace hope end better me cant live life anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "felt sleep paralysis didnt see cute demon felt tense muscles sweating vibrating back im scared am someone comfort me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "use owo uwu filler text httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtdlg_hythttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtdlg_hyt please watch video owo uwu owo uwu owo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brought sick world lost everything worked became schizophrenicat age six abused age propositioned sex age asked take top off man interested makes pedophile sex man wrong feel suicidal it taken advantage teen years sexually assaulted photographer assault multiple times completely ruined life beautiful modelling work never wanted model again fell love man five years older never experienced anything like it madly love taught much smoked weed together already sick young age borderline personality disorders weed made think made think world live sick twisted world everyone sick evil know experiences shaped beliefs world truly believe run evil live hell planet one day happened me smoking weed started hearing voice told smoke weed watch smoke chamber thought kind spiritual awakening third eye opened able access spiritual world still believe day world think could world much beautiful imagine started believe god voices guiding become spiritually enlightened told kind things took journey told look documentary called war dance never heard children uganda forced murder parents everything voice said voices tell one not told do told get slutty underwear put told one represented sex slave throw river told revealed like think thought good person lot ways told like like homeless told look stars saw southern cross spot one day came back boyfriends place always weed told smoke weed told clean place absolute pig sty taken away hospital pinned men screaming begging drug me need drugs spiritual awakening needed see voices teacher plant weed through weed experiences teaching kind planet really living full sickness place mess cleaned hours boyfriend always working never took care home like did voices helping waking mind like ayahausca does one day voices told open gates let husky lead voices talked freedom husky belonged universe me told follow streets told say come came back me came back thankful voices told let go teaching train her im dog trainer trade already well trained loved dearly husky come couple owned training her would walk three times week would take australian bush let run lead hours walked ran hours free nature like be like animals deserve be would follow everywhere would drop home one night sitting garage boyfriend live small garage boyfriend build bed ceiling space intelligent harley door escaped owners house come find spent hour returning home week got call owners said want harley sits gate howls night you took became dog socialsed puppy made little dog training side kick went everywhere together even stopped seeing friends boyfriend dog became life helped train dogs came dog walks me angel angel work helping people helping me setting animals free giving better life loved like loved them set harley free like voices told got upset voices started telling walk city barefoot prove love love like spiritual girl somebody called pound crying floor want go city barefoot came took dog away took hospital signs spiritual trip like numbers voices led house number telling partner equal beautiful get high naturally oral sex used time make mind run wild hyper priming went brain getting oral sex incredible cant think another sign atm anyway took dog away put pound said going kill killed cat hospital prayed days hours hours knees praying god voices told dad manage get sent large property northern territory pest control dog dangerous dog laws northern territory god answered prayers saved dad hearing voices boyfriend ignoring me started got back visiting mum uk lonely person dog boyfriend much story cant tell yet thought writing book im still dealing everything happened me alone hospital pound trying kill dog boyfriend loved deeply would die ignoring thought sick cope plus set harley free blamed losing really really upset everything loved deeply called much nurses called stalkerish know true love like do slaves money slaves planet like boyfriend slave life away support us never got see love life one lifetime get planet ill work fulltime living garage needed money unless became completely grid like planned doing fell apart lost dog job locked away sanity injected drugs will drugs give bad soul brain made feel incredibly ill stiff shower properly move talk properly never made voice go away plant speaking god whatever speaking amount drugs made go away ran away england lost everything sad sad ran england got flight assesment done said ok travel month hospital voices stopped said could fly england ran away drugs doctor said injection year got england mum nan grandad made go doctors made take medication nothing make sick doctor said far medicated took injections still thinks im talking pills im told anyone block dopamine receptors brain make brain produce receptors compensate reactive dopamine system think causes schizophrenia first place drugs cause even reactive dopamine system drugs reduce grey matter brain cause parkinsons like symptoms heard voice month except one hour one night terrible nightmares nightmares hole stomach insides falling it looking heart pounding ground body made dead fish strange ive never dream like think dreams spiritual things trying tell us something thoughts throwing cliffs live see ever happy again lost two loves life never see angel dog again spirit animal cant deal that would probably better boyfriend left came england reason left going drug year boyfriend broke me im miserable think world sick evil keep suicidal thoughts good reason cant take drugs pretend feel way completely valid way feel want die part part im sad im hurting bad heart aches stomach aches head hurts cry stay strong pretend cope sometimes think throwing cliff much better would be anyone help friends except nans dogs best friend australia missed couple things happened me hearing voices told run boyfriends parents house naked godly ornaments house voices told god really truly spiritual people ran house drive way told dance street like danced strip club told thought beautiful dance naked street another time followed boyfriend work train voices told lots things filled hour city kept telling go home kept following listening every little instruction game word word went city went inside building broke work called name ignored call left went back train station voices told jump front train listen told tell told voices jump front train two people started following called police taken hospital trauma wrote post dreamt tunnel behind man scooter get past started suffocate fumes end got tunnel could breathe kind sign either advice ornot instagram httpswwwinstagramcomammiereynolds", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything sucksaccess easy ways kill myself pm phone call hurt spend alot waking hours convincing it gets tiring edit oh according conventional wisdom im bipolar refuse get diagnosis due stigma", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive always thought inevitable way seems creeping closeri quit job january schedule environment made depressed thought thats life is cant worth doing time economy trouble job market begin made feel like crappy job probably best life ever going me im special life surely owes nothing think deserve exist way would make happy ive worked hard try work out meaningful degree meaningful university cant even get emails back bank teller positions rejection specifically hard issue father man refer father rejected whole adolescence found im likely product rape explained lot things still hearing dad say thought someone elses kid something ive never able get over ive ever tried get approval quit things loved young things like ive ever done sometimes wonder underneath all seems series failed attempts win fathers love think moment every day decade sometimes like im still right living room ampxb get rejection emails phone calls difficult dealing rejection world getting harder harder feel like ive already given much can googled cheapest way commit redflag today hard even get sad now life feels done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time it mom told would stop killing life get better wish killed long time ago", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep livingi wondering anybody knows find live sounds really dumb know think live much longer want die cannot keep this know find motivation live maybe goal something live long run something soon might commit redflag truly want help would appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "havent skipped day wearing retainer night month im kind proud bc managed make habit freaking bc didnt wear retainer months got braces removed thought teeth would go back way used to really hard get used first hurt shit ton hurt less less teeth look back way right got braces removed orthodontist would proud bc never wore rubber bands braces lol anyways wanted say bc havent missed single day im happy teeth look rn im glad suddenly decided wear retainer bc could ended get braces possibly kinda learned get good habit experiencenot huge thing retainer lmao got thinking seems impossible first first couple weeks becomes second nature maybe could quit bad habits pretty much impulsive way", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive interested music awhile made song first time ive done this song everyone record edit entirely phone please give feed back maybe like subscribe httpsyoutubehqgavruv", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok udeleted transphobehomophoberacist", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little girl desi adorable cant think beautiful story one here make cry laugh believe knowing based true story made gasp also made realize nice people there great cast overall great movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want gf u talk girl im sick people asking get gf saying hard even tried", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im slowly killing living sedentary lifestyle possiblehopefully heart attack claim soon enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want girlfriend care yk secks would cool want someone spoil way to idk dont ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know post here think step outside world thing thats gonna keep harming family read help lotim m us know post this first ill address bad things ive done tell porn problems soften it ill tell life trauma after ive commited sexual misconducts whatever called committed sexual crimeswhen college freshman year like cute kid acted childish never acted wrong anybody really sick mind without knowingnever sum wrong that freshman college went party friends house started trying kiss her like wanted make even kinda friendsi really drunk dropping glasses alcohol shit avoided guess like wtf wrong him kept persisting moments left go place went waited come bathroom straight locked bathroomshe kissed laughing leftafter peed bathroom went dancing place sat grabbing head told bother much im sorry im sorry got wrong kinda hugged got never spoken much after friends time laughed situation guess tell sick sometimes year kept insisting girls make up really bad think flirty way mostly jerk absolute sick fuck like locking situationbut couldnt control ego think whatever was specially drunk ur high years think started become absolutely sick working supermarket sales men saw adult women big butt took photo her know why went home deleted thinking like wtf doing remember th grade week friends used teachers sister told time dumb stopped always hated people that even high school friends came pictures took women subway shit like bad guys realized years somehow ended again year went party friend mine girlfriends made classmate made friend even friends really drunk drunk us started make realizing buzzed stopped made party like hours bc thought better might first moment absolutely misconstrued idea sexual things viewed porn came off dancing really close put hand groin clothes groin took hand like minute put hands breast made thats it think bad bc drunk something made still realized absolutely education sexual behaviour all year party april trying get make girl always liked her work usually played made feel bad fun got mad felt ashamed calmed went girl found attractive knew liked since last year nothing happened year talking agreed go make went tent alone talked things good time tried touch boob something said stopped thats it felt awkward persist try make stay nice moment left discovered secret guess like hours made girl friend girlfriend friend think drank tequila shots make bolder extremely dangerous started making way persistent go somewhere else go step beyond tried much touch tho told one time put hand groin too second time that controlling even people trying sleep making side too know alone made think going scare girl sober know second time persistent take hands times kinda realized calmed idk kept making talking things morning even woke take bad situation kept kissing general acted terrible point stopped apologizing shit did woke shit may know worry anymore tell it someone really accepts read know disgust people get mad sum obvious social media time seem bad bc friend always told liked her guessed bad year years lots people getting canceled movement said i apologize calms thats hit switch say hell no exposed ill accept bc im coward sent long text asking felt situationthat deadass persisted much desperate told suicidal thoughts live abusive brother bullied school put thru much violence scared wouldve gf wouldve jackass scared could explode violence none lie realizing life absolute shitload trauma well told yeah persistent take hands her surprise message kinda remember situation told felt abused men situations thought thing drunk party type thing respected admitting things get help thanked really listening me gave help advice thankful her apologized told harassed her reality abuseor assault harassment all went read laws world fell me honestly know abuse known wouldve reported myself know shit consent anything tho knew stop done day crazy me started connecting thisthat acted extremely different moments started realize sick miseducated help all month thing party everything good fine started dancing one girl really close other minutes dancing tried kiss her said no started get far people thinking creep ass shit could work guess told like go place wouldve better said got place tried kiss repeatedlythinking flirtingthinking playful know why think drunk time realize acting extremely weird persistent got tired left day apologizeis like time given sickness explain below basically days later friend mine called saying wanted accuse harassment wanted talk me phone something person like ok suremy friend set meeting met like friday pm talk this let us talk told lots people saying made everyone n shit thought saying told telling anything ish happened acting dumb drunk know really cause happened long time ago cant remember think drunk somehow used weird ish point fkn know why point screwed up months quit basketball feeling trash feek self esteem all started first heavy depressive phase kept going parties year never got anything anybody scared persistent never wanted bother anybody halloween year went party friends girl trouble with one made friend me one always played me got party soon arrived told wth there like arrived started trying make angry friend day whenever said something like no say anything whenever put song party playlist removed it isolating friends friendslame ass friends anything got drunk hellhad left dog alone home spent time money go party isolating got drunk without thinking connected alcohol really hits make get problems out basically got drunk hell lost conscious remember point woke laying floor vomit clothes friend telling treat people like that guess told girl btch sum honestly think deserved anyway acted terrible honestly remember this remember waking seeing friends laughing girls friend trying make stop threatening kick out friend always taken care ofif couldve died alcohol poisoning felt betrayed went full defensive mode talk girl days returned talk them honestly going full shell mode next year fucked up talk people school jerk depressed fuck point said hell lonely anything started pressuring best friend spend time without knowing sick head went partying times moderated drinking solved anything half year went club started dancing girl hand thing again im sure watched ish porn time worked started grabbing touching clothes all way approach people still wrong shit year went party leaving leaving girls kinda flirted meand made uncomfortable lots times drank pure alcohol bolderdangerous decision againthinking like needed make someone isolating abnormal levels went subway know going getting drunk got alone started kissing making subway train people watching put hand groin clothes if reading things makes someone mad tell im piece ish help all know type ish ok all worked starting making touching other horny hell subway friday night guess people looking us like hell happening told sex replied kept talking like got persistent go somewhere else desperate interaction someone real wanted stop living year ago realize extremely need help separated realized going anywhere make her buzzed barely could walk left felt nauseous realize come back home drank bottle bolder ever drink fucking alcohol ill explain problems drinking too apologized girl mainly consensual feel im able tell sorry ish get exposed ig some acted like creep say sorry behaviour ill ask feels something im trying better life entered college throughtout life took care lots girls abused harassed ive congratulated lots times ive told thanks taking care dancing get creepsters out even first big party took friend car guy taking thereshe absolutely drunk buzzed honestly people even clapped hands looking good guy came mei controll times absolutely fucked view sexual intercourse realized it day know got like that know lead it felt tho bad view sex still persist felt awkward classmates knew dumb guy take chances something girl mental issues alcohol issues contributed feel shame saying fell sickness thats gross parties were wont say much got harassed got ass grabbed molested times school even got butt grabbed normal day class group girls everytime even girlfriends laughed this saying lying cute get harassed thats people conceptions changed everyone denies acting like that ill explain problems try write much boring porn problems hugei started watching eleven years old got addicted watched mostly everyday years oldthere days didnt days busy want everyday thing gf we saw times dumped made fun whole year never got interaction women got college years old time watched porn times even times day sometimes times remember every day saying times hell watching watched type porn without knowing learning that watched bus harassement type videos asian videos worst ish think general industry porn unreal penetrating people outta nowhere girls randomly wanting things you general porn man persist things happen ive battling perverted thoughts since kid whenever bus intrusive thoughts we do seemed like happened often never anything anybody train something anxious compulsive mind without knowing made erase ish thought whenever girl put body train sum happened lot stepped back really nervous trying make anyone uncomfortablei dumb fantasies urges like cousins teachers old women honestly point thought like irresistible women manifest anything somehow preserved consciousness like wtf yo kidand always ended falling porn stopped times never got it addicted since kid childhood tragic poor mother died years old due aneurysm flashbacks nothing more bullied schools middle school bullied whole year got school stuff broken lot even know got bad grades got foot broken classmate wanted make fall walk limping month cried walk anymore time sat next classmate grabbed touch ballsgroin daily idk week month timeand stopped told dad crying done him went school make stop school ishi lots moments stuck head like got intimidaded groups kids everyone laughed daily kid threw pen top made hole faceand theres this remember know do time starting suffer violence older brother years older already dumb kinda crazy suffered epileptic attacks kid became violent lost mom died yo cooked twin sister taught things took care us gave good moments ruined mind bigger bully everybody else remember hundreds violence episodes him one time making bed put cover right way started yelling told cry like putting blame me one time playing playstation made mistake shoved told retire everything related soccer ish like that used hit little mistakes always aggressive hell projecting everything me probably dozens houndreds times hit me full force think worse mostly got used never anything used tell dad would wait leave tell coward fighting back obviate this thats form surviving found think fucked life put perspective came room bug me kinda hit forehead take me said oh ok mf something like that raised hand think twice knocks out cover probably knocks out still hit head twice hard sister came see happened brother started saying hes hitting back hes btch slapping like wtf nobody nothing you told ahh say motherfucker kicked stomach using strength laying bed cover myself breaks something body thats mind always worked gets lil angry starts saying uncommon ish ish happen ish event fit situation like always year started following ordering ish things got drunk march threatened me said sick offered fight told like him last year hit full strength punches back got mad returning slap back gave me told go cry always im sick got nervous started walking house finally put head gf shoulder went cry room thats hes always like that grandmother crazy too hes religious fiend preached years goes house drowns newborn cats raise them used argue lot brother even told you killed mother fault front sister lunch like years old tried put religious ish mind traumatized sometimes even saying cartoons watched devilish shit let tho knew sick honestly life suffered normal old people could get im saying discovered lot sexual shit kid too nude type games cousins cellphones porn cds brothers room think even discovered nude photos dad girlfriend like looked closed flip phone think much exposure mixed fucked shit went thrui remember like sudden sexual thoughts sometimes even felt desire guess mindfucked life general ive always randomly doodled always used draw dark shit kid eat like crazy since young age father year told years old said wanted die go mom year realized talk alone places im streets start mumbling alone sometime voice scapes thats realize im talking alone sometimes ive said hi raise hand air like imaging friend mine there times insult air without realizing whenever remember things brother me realize end punching air like mind place younger denied got discovered saying singing sending voice message something thats felt things girls thats felt dominated impulse realize im doing thought get wrong ideas mind im learning control way ive felt like fight voices head guess thats kinda normal anyway ill go therapy obviously started realizing worst state ever quarantine got thru head wrong acts well crimes like mistakes suffered started connect mind head rolling over walking house alone till am mumbling alone trying connect shit trying remember everything make excuses nothing go root know hell like this since halloween problem wanted stop living even knew done shit wrong still wanted suicide trust anybody anymore felt betrayed always rejected person honestly said went full shell mode acting thinking suicidal years even think needed help thats makes sad end all think mechanism survive made sick mf think brave survive childhood fucked lifeif shown signs fo sickness wouldve educated sex would never done anything dad social worker told everything said sorry bc knew mom knew touched bullied still take therapist thinking fine plus poor hell someone gone therapy able eat shit like that guess dad thought could control everything blame him imagine amount pressure had could apologize could apologize something havent would chance will know im fine ive told theres little people reflect trauma way do know ever dumb shit again go therapy know work still feel like life aspects feel like ever gf whenever one able keep secrets myself tell everything think girls run away me live recently psychopath apologized ex murder her yesterday disappeared girl found dead killed tinder date even tho sad know cant complain im still alive jail really shouldve exposed social media long time ago go jail ill still would go know seeking punishment make better would still it honestly feel like im good person know preserve consciousness know ive overcame this know bad things done know got turn life around mental issues made defend myself think wouldve helped little like all mom developed things wouldve taught sentisitve thats way was ive told people reddit im full shitbeen told girls rapd people im piece shit turn i think could deny that even guy told im making shit sound better im not think avoidable fighting mental disparity rpey shit since kid think deserve so think might narcissisticschizophrenic disorders sickness without knowing think whole life lead this knew really abuse came home social life told people told friends college environment creepy never saw shit like that concluding im better puke everyday cry everyday think life meaning anymore deep know help brother doesnt traumatized kid wife know help kids know things better moment think swallow pride realize even lonely life expects me think go play ball buy groceries go therapy thats it want quit degree study psychology teacher think lot knowledge teach people think able so kill thats promise know post sounds like straight suicide letter wont dad much ending killing myself go therapy try get solutions think lonely life deserve would love gf would love feel love girl never felt besides sister would love show girl good things her think late think late turn life around move silently help shadows would love read opinions good analize think world lead act like know honestly cant see sober type shit theres times feel sick might shit again example got drunk weeks ago give shit anymore alone testing thoughts changedi thought behaving like big deal side times feel like life over thanks advance help know got like this know values principles changed much times think nah life tragic tell friends childhood experiences faces falls get surprised even understand things like this wish stopped going disturbed parties wish better friends wish couldve opened people younger gain experience sane way wish life couldve little better think already failed man sonbrother friend true feel sick feel like calm kid guess late again guess stop btchng hold things together mood swings really goes low up think gone thru shit nicely ended sick anyway feel like bound perverted way hurts fault", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure im right placeabout month ago partner years experienced profound loss mom since ive trying rock needs made mistakes taking full consideration time well points showed emotion lives better since met want end problems im scared might break up could help maintaining distance needs grieve well knows alone anything everything deal grief supportive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im yr old trans aspie feel completely lost isolated worldi want die anything deserve life isolation loneliness loved parents two years ago hope though matter reaching people last years years illusion collasped see hope future worst feel like hope lead pain future chances go astronomically low never asked enter world like am owe nothing least continued existence ive seriously trying think ways bolster resolve go it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would rather look like chad smell like fart every day rest life look extremely ugly smell good every day rest life take first one cant ever stop smelling like fart try wear cologne smell like farts bc chemicals ur skin counteract", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bye time said goodbye world rest peace letting spirit free again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "somethinga good days ive already fucked im always trying say choose thing thatll make happy always guess wrong take fuck continue worthless piece shit exists disappoint talk make feel like shit sorry cant multitask mind im trying work fuck still fucking accept quit trying react be tears mean nothing anyway dont cry hurry fucking kill youself already dont think dont hesitate let go pull trigger opened big fucking mouth havent fucking figured shut fuck one wants one cares fuck try keep fucking trying make happy cant apparently whole literal life revolves around making happy wish knew stay quiet keep peace dont talk anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate lifelately hit wave depression new thing happened before feel like im good enough world never live anyones expectations always set bar high always impossible impress them life would bearable good something im not closest thing math id say im average things going right right sucks im trying lose weight pretty successful however like take step forward ten steps back top everything girlfriend like year texted like months life looking goodive often thought ending never gone it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mmmmmmm favourite gorillaz songs are dare rhinestone eyes also goodnight going sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish finland happy birthday happy birthday finland nicely done dark fuck outside sun decided skip finland complitely today alright hyv itsenisyyspiv", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brother wants get parrot get one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling worthless i feel worthless ive continuously sad past months theres days im ehhh days feels like im carrying weight shoulders started self harming december started eating disorder again life going downhill feel worthless sad feel like one loves cares hook many guys try fill void one wanting every time feel worst dont feel like anymore im attractive dont special talents people hate me people slut shame me people talk shit im saying care shit talking lot days gets days idk ive suicidal thoughts past month ive obsession gore death going way look liveleak death bestgore cant go im living now horrible bleak nothing makes happy anymore besides spending money think majority people enjoy that sad age feel like this time enjoying high school junior year looking forward college apps whatever want commit plan cousins wedding end february want see least marry ill myself purpose im waste space waste resources someone else could have wish could press end button something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im donehavent figured when ive mostly done math how access oxy alcohol weed to prevent throwing up math right painful ill pass wake up wrong ill wake hangover try again im tired im tired medical issues im tired really living existing enough cant hang around like half remembered pet others sad little die longer get pleasure reading writing watching tv movies get high make day bearable temporary problems pass days months even years medical issues permanent debilitating access gun probably would done ago", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "glad valentines day really like holiday couples love ive never able relate kind sad day me im happy got spend someone specially case made sad im glad thats overwith", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "titlei feel worthless discernible live directions goals family hates me money shitty paying jobs mother tried kick day barely left room since dont know im going do ive laying bed wishing could end deep know could never im spineless always been feel broken never repaired im lazy cant anything right always fuck everything up im disgusting want end im tired feeling like every day pretending everything fine im tired happygolucky friend thats truly am despise myself feelings anxiety worthlessness go away feel like never ending cycle wont ever able break away from want go away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey im bored ask stuff m nothings limits u number game u want penis penis penis penis penis", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw picturesfuck no tried redflag years ago finally know ive bullied done looks kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried kill myselfi tried hanging boxing day went steps cant deal family anyway strung hung minutes felt lights going relieved never went unconscious kept hanging ended untying still confused know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay ppl need chill everyone salty everything need chill tf literally posted smt tired writing many college essays responses get whyd procrastinate get used kid you started earlier hold tf started frixkin novemberrrrr applied eight schools different countries never procrastinated literally submitted everything well advance wtfffff trying connect ppl like whatttt okay thanks got pissed sec lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please help mei saw someone post accountability buddies sounded like good idea anyone wants text snap making sure get stuff done need help getting morning eating enough going job interviews finishing work id really appreciate since feel like im dark place right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youre cool funny imitate languages ok first all im super offended triggered try imitate mock indian people get it sounds funny accent silly whatever school last year goddamned annoying hear people say beta e pronounced like emma every fucking sentence indian accent popular kids thought funniest thing entire world dont hear indian people saying beta every sentence think part fact drip report released light sketchers song might heard about was hilarious watch people blasting mundian bach ke full volume hallways thinking coolest people entire world idk maybe problem school general youd think people wouldve matured enough th grade something else hell no anyways say somewhere cringe little internally hear someone bragging theyve memorized lyrics indian song theyre sputtering gibberish goodnight edit im indian born united states shouldve put start", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think might hang latermy dad got fight candlehe like smell its cinnamon told light anymore would fall asleep burn house down despite never laying bed light it watch tv browse internet candle always site light makes room smell better smells humid musty since hardwood floors told fall asleep lite got arguing said useless mooch him called lazy sleep in told lost job blamed anyways sleeping in complained found job yet suck money away also told get feeling sad guess ill get sad hanging myself planning hang closet belt may leave note saying im going wasting money anymore ill later night comes later until goes bed find process it hopefully ill dead soon way im wasting money", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls rteenagers f think might ace never looked anybody thought dang wanna bang em ive seen sex education shameless felt absolutely nothing and pretty sexual shows ive heard lot people specifically mom say girls general less sexually appealed visual cues tend prefer emotional connections person rather focusing appearance like would term asexual even exist case am asking fellow females validity that sexual feelings towards people based appearance feel anything watching sex scenes tv or porn ig may young really know im ace really feel like spectrum somewhere im probably greysexual think sex could nice somebody im really really close with really feeling it intimacy it ya know let know tag nsfw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "contemplating redflag break upmy boyfriend recently broke me feel lost went talking marriage baby send messing breaking iti feel sad alone messed want forever feels responsible it great guy think ever find someone like him im pretty sure tonight scared final", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredive feeling tired unhappy ever since remember ive tried everything years therapy many antidepressants never helped unhappy want tired like forever get better overdose soon opiates benzodiazepines alcohol promethazine probably take long time anyone even notice gone you reader please take care can thank listening me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want go back orange black meant halloween know im probably gonna get hate super straight community care thing straight people wanted parade get parade flag straight struggle get looked straight get bullied straight disgusting invent whole sexuality wanna date trans person im saying to find someone trans decide comfortable dating fine hurting whole trans community", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going now lost friend reason too cut hang myself would easier guys opinion maybe way maybe lonely fat ugly alone deserve suffering jealous sucidal mfs friends reasons live have fat fucking ugly piece garbage asshole face keep company fuck going show me abusvie shitbag ex shitty friend group bullies school everyojeni hate lonely", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dear girls guy something nice call simp sometimes might be sometimes good deed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorryim tired want vent listen guy really liked first person really liked disastrous relationship another much older man guy age got along really well similar interests started acting strange said want date me mental health issues trying hard strong happy him really loved emotions fleeting worthless heard story million times suicidal make unworthy love hurt mean one ever see anything good me give hurts worse mean know bother im worth love people sometimes ask im dating anyone cant see im utterly worthless would date trash like me want end hope job gets robbed get shot dont went bridge installed anti redflag things bring go somewhere else im pathetic hard live hard die cant either one supposed do think coming end soon ive writing novel nearly done think peace enough bravery want stop pain please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great desire femboy reason moring really want wear thigh highs skirt hopefully ill get skirt day ill either work asking parents help get one wait til next year use drivers license get one im parents nonbinary still gonna hard ask lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall interested studying together yearhelping high school students im taking ap physics ap lang ap econ next year seems like gonna hard especially virtual kinda fat l yall wanna form study group smth year and feel comfy zooming days meet other lmk thinking could gc like shared google drive help need it idk seems like could p chill time lmk ur interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody unironically uses word shawty automatically assume pedo mr kelly your lil shawty year old school girl brevitys sake end psa here peace", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "case vanished chicken nugget first would like tell dont know else put story story true back story going make chicken nuggets went stairs grab chicken nugget bag placed air fryer they like big chicken tenders sake ill call chicken nuggets cooked minutes minutes went grabbed placed plate felt flimsy cut one make sure cooked turns put back turned air fryer cook minutes went upstairs texted mom tell minutes up minutes go moon calls went check chicken nuggets left non cut one asked people my mom older sister said eat it lets start people mom mom wanted chicken nugget already started fryer didnt make one i know im ass hole plz keep reading older sister downstairs eating chicken salad sandwich chips thats think likely mom since wanted chicken nugget get one think took it dont really know else put questions please feel free ask away", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get headim talking people believe friends right now idea currently feel ive depressed couple years now yesterday hit hard got everything ready prepared deed tuesday following threeday rule past talking feelings family friends either driven away led insults nothing life going want to matter hard try people surround never seem find interest conversations know posting help really needed get chest", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay ill actually go sleep gn everyone earbuds died lmao", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found hard like anyone film central characters lindy michael chamberlain whose daughter disappears night australian outback bad people surely all even most scores people see throughout movie would bad knew better though sure film wants us guilt innocence chamberlains start lifes tragic disarray film takes less sociological perspective pertaining gossip news media crowds mobs assumptions movie degenerate society australia particular merely account true story happened there society en masse much less evolved individual feels ensured arebr br when warden insists upon killing aborigines dogs unverified action single wild dog randomly ruined life spins even control owing majority magazines newspapers tv programs distorts tragic truth level drama provokes consumers frenzy sign empathy even kind looking outside ones unaware perceptions influenced left right vigorous hearsay vibes surround ones life reason appreciate film turns focus inside out victims massesbr br the evidence lindy chamberlain aside suspicion jetfueled mostly virtue hers public eye seem sufficiently distraught death baby daughter able keep cool even sort aloofness let alone holding head up tv press much downward spiral couldve prevented behaved publics liking media meryl streep one of the greatest actress working today may give performance particularly stands out frankly neither actor department filmmaking she screenwriters understand lindy infuriating difficult apparently naturally prone showing emotion public case whether approachable lovable character immediate sense naturally prone sympathize situationbr br whether performance immediately gratifying sophies choice devil wears prada angels america work triumph difficult enrapture audience purposely deny insights yourself frustrates us know thinking feeling took awhile feel endeared toward her movies way suggesting reaction publics attentionbr br she married pastor practice religion small minority thus misinterpreted most initially react loss reconciling gods will kickstarting rumor mill generating notion daughters death sort ritual killing part whatever happened little girl parents part margin medias intake immediately identify first inclination go like pack hungrywellbr br meryl streep sam neill constantly screen australian public plays real leads here like punctuation plot advance director fred schepisi cuts away restaurant tennis court dinner party saloon office public tries lindy gets carried away passionate projectionsbr br this golanglobus docudrama particularly memorable settings atmosphere give pleasurable enough compensation fact performance facet production stands out successful indictment collective conscious public", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ppl bitch everything political everyone talks politics worse ppl talk politics filler filler filler filler seriously know participating politics activily participating politics", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good bye guys may last post accidentally used body wash hair thing save reddit premium know bros enough", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna chat maybe interests sum im f like music specifically right flower face msi nicole dollanganger also listen like types music dont really like movies pick horror movies favorite unironically watch total drama camp camp wise dont watch much tv like uh drawing idk dont lot really like names meaning origins sound greatso yeahthis pretty bogus intro yeah ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "the jackal remake excellent day jackal better esthetics and boatload budget film nails actual persona carlos downbr br quinn excels naval officer enlisted impersonate wiley jackal draw hiding and hands kingsley sutherland turns inside so risking family career believes in takes task albeit utterly unwillinglybr br to say would spoil it excellent filmbr br nirostars of ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure doi tried self harming last night go knife blunt currently seeing psych since start year feel helping much probably late switch psychs medicare subsidises number consultations per year lot lack self confidence self worth feel like useless bit background myself hold numerous university degrees psych education criminology struggling find employment work dead end job supermarket hate place treated supportive girlfriend asks help honestly know help feel useless dragging down family make token efforts towards usually monetary support receive them really want comparison hearing actually like love something anything positive myself currently given hope life finding meaningful employment know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let reviews critics imdb users mine influence seeing movie read plot premise became intrigued watching movie opinion definitely worth seeing gives perspective life many probably contemplated however leland says movie can wrapped neat package bow everything user reviews website claim psychological background imply story feasible quite obviously missed entire point movie disappointing say leastbr br in short well acted well directed movie story feel good one feel come away movie feeling good may missed something characterize art house unfair opinion society likes labels probably one fits find know everything know world id suggest skipping one feel movies form escape from world find here watch it might find something yourself", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mfs got choices world smart fella fart smella preach", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets consider late s s early s best years living ever world think internet simplier goodly naive best tv shows games films started time period and experienced everyone kindlier other censorship even thing everything calmer happen today bad good things end fast im grateful born experienced interesting things younger kids im clearly understand living past actually good ill hope everything ok future guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever watched popularmmos younger please read pats girlfriend eleni literally using views popularity links here httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvsppvsyckqyhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvsppvsyckqy please go give love really looks hes going lot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill myselfhello there long time dark place cant see light constantly hear thoughts want talk anyone hate living hate myself existence meaning wish could die partner love together long time years but craziness driving away know loves me cant bare anymore know became horrible person redflag attempt years ago today thinking it took sleeping pills want pain go away currently taking antidepressants therapy seem help came place friends wanted someone know want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spheeris debut must one best music documentaries time far know also one focuses la punk explosion early eighties there great great bands like black flag fear x germs whose names may mean much today whose influence todays alternative rock music overestimated also promoters media first audiences punks portrayed manner makes laugh shudder gasp astonishment energy anger fury youths put music today eighties may sucked big time cames mainstream music underground rocking need proof that watch fears performance decline unmatched great film come available vid ld dvd ps followup decline pt ii hilarious", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont anything im say never anything im say otherwise im gonna tell crush like give reason power im looking yall never given hope yall im gonna say one time please dont let power dont let", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else weird experiences hospitalits year since last attempt go me think ive fully processed experience the hospital think days constant redflag watch first couple days hallucinating vomiting violently drugs put on im still slightly convinced put drugs try deter trying if so worked afterwards like prep school try get out practice say make sure washed clean looked presentable would hopefully let out went saw psychiatrist supposed check see allowed let out started telling needed jesus needed accept lord could happy told stuff relationships time which looking back abusive picked that told stay away men except godly men surprised treat badly nodded nodded told id go church finally let go like hours im still processing shit anything im processing something like could allowed happen nhs", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dad made transfer data another computer never used computer ended finishing reason make blatant youre playing phone theyre anyway no searching something mum even playing which wouldve right time degree exhaustion vastly different importantly tf makes son important things anyways fml", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always said im gona parents gone cant think reason kmsi always thinking im gona wait dog parents die still look feel obligation live really wish die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls w huge glasses look cute af really", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment ill r e ur user gt one ten scale ofc reasoning dont take heart though bc opinions probably trash b", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today birthday id rather anything celebratecelebrate what another worthless pathetic year gone by another days suicidal thoughts achievements failed interactions im sure im anymore post made different account exactly year ago still feel same", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see another way really found wanted wants this every day feel hated everyone know fading away weekend remarkable pain others stop looking back life regret everything done wrong matters matter all even trying do give love people hurt me next achievement love ever given overdose cut hardest thing done want show feel it swear insane want depart peace like finally writing this good bye doubt anyone read this thank mean it good bye godspeed going kill weekend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see endi see end life days away could mean killing changing thought process try again would like start fact everything world im young adult lovely relationship loving family enough income get by decent savings account ive met god understand meaning god every loving hating action she does feel like im kill anyway know tremendous sadness destruction bring loved ones everyone cares me yet still want kill myself this th year suicidle thoughts depresstion thought started two months ago remembered actually matter since life slowly falling apart mean good deeds going unseen way longer even selfish actions favours either part got promtion workplace manager find promotion lead walking egg shells boss every action started get micro mangered recent covid situation making customers crazy leads egg shells ieds them guess smarten started follow everything book still good enough them everyday still getting called old misbehavours even though them wtf right part everything owned started break replasement ideams broke to headphones bust go bye new pair within week new pair break go get another pair guessed it new ones broke too stero system busted game get try escape reality breaking glitches galor bunch crashes new cyber punk game hoped end spiral sadness broken start ps ok maybe problem im bying stuff others dad wants metal signs kitchen thought getting cool signs vintage shop brought home hung wall first thing hear mouth tell price why fuck spend much money signs fucking waste exact words becuase awhile ago energy rub face week later buys new toy something need money get first place worry theres go on part think anyone understand everytime try speak it get shot down could boyfriend mom dad even bosses coworkers get nothing hell even people tell do example tell bring phone work dont next day tell need phone work bring fact allowed phone work say test following day ask take phone again power trip wanted yell someone part im young adult one actully trusts yet tried get loan told pay plan it got denied paper work pay stubs becuase get payed staight bank account tried get apartment denied tried places denied going back work im trusted job even im job properly book come yell something preseve job part said met god devil real hell even earth form video games what hell constint villance place looks quite real real enough make keep going cant feel dam thing god love concept anyway im trying good man even one excepts good deeds know im slave devil form art must make art otherwise feel feeling unless part final chapter started becuase remembered matter one person world billion people art special another artist great job shitty job everyone around still thinks beautiful thing theyve seen got promotion deceided me need stress see newest employee get spot even though said got position needed trust takes alot time trust employees guess lie told people think im going sober got bunch cares was sober month till needed smoke get head space bunch stuff part fact forgottenwas never important all live long life become important become emortalish though art put world still nothing long enough timeline forgotten keep going everything nothing everyone around tells love everytime speak im feeling push aside like im acting crazy understand im saying start new type theropy tueday hopefully figure out secertly think going work im pretty sure suicidle thoughts contine point except fact cant run fate ampxb thank reading ill push though like always do one meaning life its get close divinity spread rays mankind", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jfc im terrible personi openly try make friends hate me try piss off try make get annoyed me try make seem like im undermining much more want hate me get arguments disagreements much possible whenever subject happy wholesome try bring back down im tired feel bad them people damn near consider family god want hate me want punish making everyone hate me want see terrible person am try push away try make look different light want aware dangerous am like wild animal caged in think deserve it deserve mistreatment deserve hatred want die knowing one would miss me theyd hate much even care died dont want miss see die amazing person friend neither those want hate much wouldnt care suddenly passed away want die hated want die alone want die thinking shit didnt deserve life first place shouldve never born dont want cause pain im tired nowadays im happy want forgotten death seems like good option ill die wont worry anymore friends wont worry arguments supposed hatred towards them dont hate them wont think next victim be theyll better without me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cognitive function declining much time left im catatonic vegetativeive making rounds telling friends im going kill myself theres trend understanding decision couple days ago started trouble balance speech starting slur today needed help navigate menu called medicaid ill probably need caretaker soon window functional enough end life closing feel doctors still monotonously shrugging shoulders issue treating like number think dealing heart issues years would real struggle prisoner body unable lot things panic attacks schizophrenia came normal day me adapted peyronies hit dicks still process painfully shriveling scar tissue especially rough worrying future love life relationships hoping have still managed least still future now im sure thing going brain much like dead alive cant experience world anymore process beauty understand im empty shell useless soul it id almost believe god seems like universe get me making life progressively worse time torturing me always thought things get worse started laughing would actually happen expect it predictable bizarre absurd maybe thats gives comedic value really want friend go knowing way things ill probably die alone room ever wanted held everything would been would okay someone would hold me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill nowok got poor evaluation work low raise come home dad yells me family leaves without go fish fry please help feeling dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "previous reviewer claudio carvalho gave much better recap films plot details could recall mostly beautiful every sense emotionally visually editorially gorgeousbr br if like movies wonderful look at also emotional content beauty relevant think glad seen extraordinary unusual work artbr br on scale id give reason shy away mood piece mood really artistic romantic film definitely think mustsee none us mood time so overall ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello still relevant still remember me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wtf last night ok morning woke pyjamas fence outside house naked bed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "often see pitch black room see feel touch taste hear distance see everything everyone ever loved cared about start running grab arms reach grab me matter fast long run always distance away feel overwhelming urge breakdown cry try cannot mad feel anger sad feel sadness feel nothing despair loneliness emotions lost void desperately trying escape fall knees head facing ground two choices lay front me continue trying matter hard exhausting guarantee ill ever succeed reaching them game switch matter long running trying always reach first one want give up want end things scared reach them eventually ill choose option terrifies me doubt ever take option feel longer try likely could happennote suicidal depression feels like severe depression feels like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill get peace diei see option sick tired people fake are much hurt give shit wish could sleep wake tomorrow really want painless death know commit painless redflag want shoot gun quick death dunno ill get", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got random reward idk got take energy reward idk im gonna give top comment hours something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate things people always tell suicidal peopleits always thing sometimes might something else list short list itll get better just give time youre still young feel like im video game scripted messages every time same completely disregards emotional pain im in understand say it reality want help know help give false hope somehow blindly ill make it hope do still feels like feelings pushed aside", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crashed car tldr bottom drive somewhat modified z days ago crashed it driving around street fun friends pulling drifts stuff took hard degree turn floored get slides ended losing control wheel tried best trying grab back late took foot pedal tried brake point already scraped rear end trying get back control crashed front bumper onto curb end ripping bumper crushing intercooler car stalled slightly dazed jerk hit regret replacing steering wheel grippier one z fine get new front rear bumper bew intercooler tldr crashed z got dazed replace parts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive made decision end lifejust need get chest today officially made decision kill myself likely happen later next month things keeping want get personal affairs order im visiting family soon may well see one last time go funny thing life even bad cheesy sounds death waiting doorstep think theres getting around it thats want say right now needed avenue release postdecision musings", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ah reddit reddit phone app changed onlinehiding function online status onoff like need go back bottom button", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get hot pink full arm cast m ive boring white onehttpsiimgurcomkczfcqijpg last months get replaced months im honestly shy introverted maybe get hot pink pretend cool confident", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell therapist want diethis second time im going see therapist want scape abusive home narcissistic parents everyone telling money scape want honest give single fuck money spent many years unhappy abusive disgusting place give shit sleeping street friends says could live im another city need pay someone get there give single fuck anything feel like nobody understands cant tolerate type abuse anymore want normal everyday hard feel like im never gonna get here tell this find comfort anything want life thought destined someday happy normal young woman im not quarentine never endsand live place time want anymore cant im unhappy place everything window place support weight body could use something like rope belt end everything sorry bad english im really good it everyone screaming house now fuck people tell need do never tell know love like you want here want happy want normal like people age", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys help street lamp outside window got hit massive lightning youd expect stop working started turning super annoying rain makes atmosphere bed quite nice street lamp ruins it idea sleep comfortably", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun fact breathing reading post fun fact", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "r nails pink theyre pink af always makes look like like painted something idk like painted certain pink would probably look", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruce almighty story bruce nolan average man feels god messing life god confronts show bruce error ways course giving someone gods powers could take turn worse bruce almighty good comedy jim carrey good always morgan freeman firstrate seems right home god cast brings plot together well jokes almost always target although sometimes resort bit much carreys facial expressions liked fact movie actually portrayed god also black man thought quite well especially brilliant freeman hilarious scenes opening cookie scene instance others miss target slightly still good film ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna gate this fuck it typing song mobile part life jacksepticeye bouncin around speed sound im alone alonecan see me lights around hello hello hello hello light battery might die im beyond words know why god could deactivate deactivate heart made stone of stone life ohooh right ohooh realized might know hell going on fool once fool twice im still gonna try oh im gonna carry on oh break bones mine im still champion life ohooh life life ohooh life play ay ay im say im gonna smack ass major way game game game designed play badly thats game bedown windy river go angsty teen know shadows reality dream even know best be life ohooh right ohooh realized might know hell going on fool once fool twice im still gonna try oh im gonna carry on oh break bones mine im still champion life ohooh life life ohooh life come along run away me fail better feel come me gravity good ol eggs benedict thats me thats me good ol jackseptibenedict thats wanna be eggs benedict theyre fuckin delicious way might need eggs benedict every day every day eggs benedict eggs benedict eggs benedict end day were tryin find eggs benedict life ohooh right ohooh realized might know hell going on fool once fool twice im still gonna try oh im gonna carry on oh break bones mine im still champion life ohooh life life ohooh life probably get back up also jacksepticeye ive already done way songs bad lip reading", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling pretty lonely extremely depressed would like someone speak toive pretty depressed lately even tried hanging last week want talk someone please thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ocean redflag vs sdcci want swim cant fine becoming part ecosystem makes useful ive last decade life know ill get there abuser extremely intensely controlling day badge sdcc amp idea badly wish could instead painfully submitting death kept planning pretending something would work out things kept getting worse me cant stand live another thing supposed never did finished mercy someone elses severe mental illness never getting situation help amp leaves hope sounds trivial dumbass kills themself cant go comic con it though used real toilet weeks shower months even let earn eat more victim horrific abuse collapses crushing weight another hopeful escape yanked reach victim chooses walk field instead playing another forced inning abuser so crying but yall eyes dry amp even lump throat really good time sometimes amp eternally thankful experiences way except die accept now peace you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone good metal music listen too like listen get scared ice nine kills crush give best have", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wikipedia loophole teachers allow wikipedia source heres loophole wikibookshttpswikibooksorg wikiversityhttpswikiversityorg wikispeacieshttpsspecieswikimediaorg wikidatahttpswikidataorg juat uae sources use make article", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush friend hes perfect me like woodworking history space gaming problem idea hes gay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot handle shit anymore want pain suffering go away fuck life fuck asshole parents giving life never wanted first place fuck transphobic assholes world want hate something control fuck love load bullshit thinking slitting wrists andor throat tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "second time getting bus turned walk street noticed driving beside commencing pattern black tinted windows license plate obscurer looked outofstate made police report first time went straight precinct second time speaking victim advocate two officers took interest case began explaining intimidation stalking me asked abusive notredflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "math question x x cancel xs right x x subtract cancel xs x x therefore exist fucking stupid question help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homosexuality sin cares bible says so also says forgive sins dont tell sin", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "back s grim study joy young proletarian wife introduction career ken loach became one distinguished respected british filmmakers time knew little brecht politics reality underprivileged quite impressed aesthetic film free style austere color cinematography joys monologues front camera also much surprised find terence stamp who become celebrity thanks billy budd the collector modesty blaise little screen time although th century fox distributed poor cow panama loach stay mainstream cinema which film hardly is lost contact films heard successes kes family life black jack caught s beautiful title song donovan way available anthology troubadour", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failed class nd time convinced ever ill really kill soon enoughth year college student internshipwork experience extracurriculars gpa pretty important end moment comparison peers who already started establishing professional careers gpa sucks trying doublemajor school compensate fact im staying extra year class question one failed last fall major initially really interested upon failing class last fall took another major switch which like good job prospects too felt lame taking years major fall took first major saw another professor teaching it someone im familiar done well another class past thought sign second chance redeem myself however semester progressed realized much struggling ultimately decided drop major good hoping pass class c well happen bombed final failed class again gpas going tank transcript going look even awful got finals next days cannot focus anything all basically im fucking idiot really fault poor time management amp shameful time management still something grasped stage life lot times realize much fuckup am im think if theres higher there surely let like live consequences it must plan me plan really mean meeting death way anyway im coming terms dumb much problem mindset hope higher would save allow die longer personally deal consequences poor decisions root cause never attempting redflag before figured fate ill die soon enough postponement waste timemoneyresources really time active rather passive take matters hands cant live dumb mistakes future really bleak amp btw im really solely failing academicscareer im dealing depression loneliness well expressed post couple days ago context anyway might get triggered one reason another holidays weekend then set take winter course however withdraw tomorrow the last day get full refund parents money wasted regard haha", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one last post herepretty sure lost best friend redflag dont hear tonight im ending too im sorry edit alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking iti came reddit looking sub would help figure best way die without damaging organs donated i two routes wanted discuss witch one better see community exists seeing sub posts made think really want it thinking time almost last year whats really stopping thinking family bf feeling guilty would feel time wanna keep sake others life going anywhere cant accomplish anything know person life lived differently pattern follow wanna life nothing thinking death could bring goodness by donating organs feel like would finally accomplish something even know wrote this know gonna read comments guess wanted vent ok bye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "zero two pretty good anime character im actually sad dead tbh wish could lived longer ngl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "future someone like meive spending days nothing sit front computer look sites expecting something new lay bed bit look window theres nothing want anymore nothing brings happiness anymore feels like im going crazy spend hours like that mom would sad thought used stop me starting work anymore mom one let play kids move bunch times finding new jobs childhood fault ended messed up cant normal growing like that cant friends im alone hate everyone time fell love someone guy internet would talk hours obscure music mangaanime politics internet stuff everything else time actually happy someone much common shared almost interests cant feel irl person theyre nothing normie trash me ive tried friends before did enjoy moment still hate them isolate everyone cant find anything similar made happy back then taste perfection talking guy taste dreams coming true nothing else ever good enough yeah falling love guy huh im bisexual im basically gay interest women exist pretty small add top everything else im already obscure edgelord spends day room cant connect anyone im also gay theres chance me see real life annoying obnoxious gays im also digusted by desire part socalled community go on accuse internalized homophobia wrong care hate life it theres nothing me never born here enough years trash again nothing changes cant see way out cant anything reason live future someone like me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow wonderful film script nearly perfect appears film written minglun weii hope stories himbr br the acting sublime renying zhou doggie amazing natural talent xu zhu delight believable jaded old traditionalist br br the soundtrack effective guiding without overwhelming br br if movies like made whether hollywood hong kong family friendly well acted well written well directed near perfect gem", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason reviewing previous review written someone walked film even half way through unfortunately him missed film tremendous beauty agreed film slow start fact friend fell asleep brieflyi woke snoring disturbed rest audience thankfully film developed story love drugs like young free experimental s fantastic performances two leads great look film gave real authentic feel patient like many great films well worth wait certainly film look forward revisiting ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rock star way stairway heaven category one best rock films time make jump time time highlevel energy films theme diehard rock group fanatic actually becomes lead singer favorite band story based upon true story happened heavy metal band judas priest think movie filled witty screenplay intellect direction got another thing coming however shook night long fine acting jennifer aniston rock stars devoted girlfriend could say rock star himself mark wahlberg much better porn star rock star enjoy s retrospect journey movie intakes reminded teenage years everything smelled like teen spirit guess film worth viewing better time watching make sure bring along girls girls girls average", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point seems almost unnecessary state jon bon jovi delivers firm strong seamless performance derek bliss capability actor previously established critical acclaim garnered films the leading man looking back but case anyone still wondering yes jon bon jovi act act well thats come expected him easy separate derek guy belts hits vhbr br i generally would watch horror movie ive come expect focus sensationalistic gore rather dialogue plot pleased film really viable plot moved along gore much become focus film disturbingly realistic quality films higher technical effects budgets so gore fans might disappointed story fans notbr br unlike action film like u dialogue takes back seat bombast get chance know the good guys actually care happens them scenes left unexplained like dereks hallucinations get feeling certain aspects lay foundation sequel unfortunately lack interest shown hollywood film sequel never happen instances forgiveable knowing vampires could continuing seriesbr br is best film ive ever seen life no good way spend two hours entertained yes leave person fears horror movies insomnia leave horror movie lover completely disappointed either somewhere horror genre loather horror genre lover film you reaches happy medium effects story balancing otherbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im polar opposite guys say one traits would probably opposite trait", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made first beat yeah thats", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im terrible everythingim literally value life ive actual passions things completely thrown away feel like complete void ive creating music years every time try improving get damned upset dissapointed ive always wanted artist every time try draw looks horrendous everyone else know seems get difficult thing felt even somewhat skilled playing mordhau every single day somehow still completely garbage point improving failed school due depression feeling starts back two weeks im going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im okayim okay havent okay year dont want suffer anymore want end pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im feeling ten emotions right im happy im sad im hyper want go sleep every combination emotions could talk girl pretty much met new years met started talking new years ive talked twice since could force asleep do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ready goi want kill self seriously dont give fuck anymore im ive spent whole life forcing shit happy always same friends go dont care see anymore force take new things hoping ill find answer push limits comfort zone hoping meet new people fleeting bull shit genuine lasting connections death seems like best option dad says need strong selfless stick around family dont care dont want live feeling like shit tried fucking hard always get shit on wanted find somebody loves understands older get realize thats bull shit try try really fucking hard never works countless attempts know soul never dont kill self ill end alone parents eventually die itll married siblings kids spinning wheels like fucking loser shitty fucking loser get with", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help boy i am boy iam completely exhausted day face problems sometime parents fight like extremesometimes due financial pressure many things know handle never share problems always tries try handle things own never express feelings easily always tries look happy forcing smile mostly stay alone think hours hours today got results failed whole well faced major accident bones broked hardly stand straight somtime think redflag hanging self fan pillar", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "innocent friend right innocent friend ill call emma stories sake walking lunch school talking right well comedic friend friends hanging emma didnt anyone laugh told give prompt ill make pickup line joke said taco immediately came mind was get ready this taco shell wanna put meat inside sorry said hates jokingly girls btw sorry already done laughing apologizing waaaaaaaaay much friends want hear type joke hates one good day hope got laugh this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont get stuck washing machine step bro near itll be pain ass experience s im funny", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel bad sorryi even know start this emotions stirred up even know feel anymore except continuing depressed it so currently little envious friends starting failure back june ive completed ib diploma programme sponsored able continue study abroad met sponsors requirements yet results bad im unable pursue studies overseas thats fine me thing kinda bugs felt left friends able get great results met sponsors requirements felt like pushed away mostly chat boat me recently sort of now already continue studies local universities one friend even without telling all make feel alienated like unwanted like proof convince useless kinda friend am guess useless like trait every day im feeling way always recalled back moment yo get excellent result back primary school final exam causing dad hate me even so family went holiday end year twelve happened unfortunately smashed ceiling light accidentally stick place stayed i kinda swing stick imagining like one guys front marching band light piece really expensive guess dad went mad point shouted something cared back then grow realized left permanent scar inside me shouted born asked mom abort even born know something disappointing like would happen etc bla bla almost years passed since then still remember words dad really conflict sometimes talk not really since mostly listening much mostly busy things mother working feed family yeah cliche is type family looks happy actually kinda broken maybe meh think it want hang noose make things worst im closeted gay religion gay crime live sometimes wondered living pakistan would better since least become hijra no know prefer men must hide sake name really big deal since stay closeted thats really pushing towards depression sense needing keep upon think actually making feel suicidal since small always tendency hide problems others even forced tell problems always ended telling lies cover ups would think ok fine even time people told tell problems no kept myself always comes mind disturb people problem enough handle own then again showing foolish hypocrite selfish egoistical am cant handle pain much more hearing people telling go see someone easy never really knew hard that hard trapped mind bear problems alone hiding even close me feeling alienated im quiet cry alone time thinking stupid silly things wanting suffering end cant im weak worthless useless am sorry long rant sorry taking time sorry everything but thank anyways", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think deal movie minutes really really funny moments makes good trailer lot people came expectations trailer time movie live trailer little sluggish drags little slowly exciting premise think im seeing comments people lovehate relationship moviebr br however look movie could considering talent cast think still pretty good julia stiles clearly star giddy carefree set among conformity everyone else glows whole audience falls love along lee rest cast course lees testosteronefilled coworkers elegant motherinlaw fratlike friend jim bridetobe excellent job fitting stereotypes conformity boringness make stiles stand first place br br lee live costars think could view theyre hard live to maybe thats one source disappointmentbr br the movie itself despite bit slowness jokes come funny writers intended still pretty funny found rather intelligent film themes conformity taking safe route seemed cleverly align several layers example whole motif would imagine scenarios would never act last scene listening radio program highway talking everyone conforms everything selma blair julia stiles characters said echoed themes one person safe choice one risky choicebr br the good thing movie kind screwball comedy jason lee keep lying way movie dumb luck example pharmacy guy turning good chef cleverness part gets away partbr br while funny expected little bit squandered talent overall still good movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hand light bulb thats running hours honestly dont know havent died yet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "self hatred driving insanevent cant anymore cant give life ill never never able create genuine relationship cuz keep isolating people hate it idk cant let people cant everytime think want rip apart wish get gun done it dont reason live dont know experience feeling truly care someone always wonder born first placei never asked born know life isnt me even knew wont even worth time cuz im pretty quiet uninteresting most even family would consider that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive got todaymy family care think big fat joke ive suicidal long pain much need get guts it im going go either front train motorway fuck driver even care anymore makes bad person great itll one less person world", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feet smell nose far know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "vent thanks anyone reads this wish luck new lady also yoga instructor maybe good", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish could stop everything momenti like feeling like this wish could go sleep never wake up im tired pretending happy everyone thinks im annoying honestly too im fucking boring person people hate around me wanna kill myself wanna stop everything know do people wanna around think im either annoying boring both feel like people wanna around anytime try talk people seem give fuck would they ever them even try best nice person everyone wants shut up im scared ill something ill regret like scream person really think them tell someone this start talking shit me im scared ill tell one good friends theyll start seeing differently wanna die want someone hug tell everythings gonna right without judging thinking im looking attention wanna die feel like options im scared people think depressed girl anytime try talk someone really want get know usually push away overthink fuck up want everything stop wanna kill myself might another option though anyone else feel like this im sorry needed rant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok doctors appointment today walked wand put heart download brain stuff updated chest left", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want later afternoon im still entirely suremy friend attempted redflag im constantly afraid someone else will know going sound extremely selfish hypocritical say want later grades going drain used straight student im probably going fail several classes late anything it project havent done already late fault irresponsibility text argument mother morning led saying wish going custody dad instead her havent gotten back response yet know gets home im dead unless actually dead then everything else gone shit already cant even anything except sleep later afternoon im planning it several hours either parent gets home im gonna snatch bottle ibuprofen several water bottles go outside hide bushes somewhere take all im waiting im going say goodbye everyone contact for dont know though dont know anything im freshman ive already ruined whole life theres really going back now problem plan little brother whos th grade gets home shortly do hell notice im home probably let parents know come looking me dont know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really lonely anyone talk to acid made super paranoid feel like every person playing trick almost like unconsciously bullying know probably acid feel really low low many times life never girlfriend kills everyday solid friend point life people suffer feels like kind hell trapped feeling really rn took acid last night still recouping", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wonder many mods sub recognise days posting lot lmao posts and probably still is kinda embarrassing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reasons liveall reasons live people husband son mum sisters best friend none meant walk life them push them weight fact feels like cant breathe", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "creative title feel like zombie apocalypse id one hit mag release middle firefight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom wont stop saying hentai shes listening song called acid rain i think theres word sounds like hentai wont stop fucking saying it house small hear everything first thing morning play fucking song ok first hate jesus christ please kill me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wake everyday urge dieevery single day wake heavy feeling inside chest would feel like dont belong here even waking up trying fighting pain still get get going suicidal thoughts dont go away makes feel miserable stupid wouldnt alot easier die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want buy gun year ago asked that id think crazy days im actually seems like decent idea ar bullshit acog scope cod type advanced warshit handgun locked safe case probably revolver cause theyre simple operate stressful situation days george floyd riots crazy shit itd good something protect case shit hit fan im cheap like good one anyway id wait til move out probably tell family", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think film one funniest films ever seen think debbie reynolds hilarious chemistry glenn ford perfect dull moment film debbie looks beautiful always br br the story showgirl maggiedebbie reynolds meets penniless soldier joe glenn ford takes instant dislike accidentally tears dress returns condition goes one date him end getting married night date one kiss joe maggie move spain find nothing common physical attraction maggie proposes one month live man wife means joe allowed kiss sleep maggie much joes frustrationa hilarious plot wonderful film missed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so got school mascot homecoming told friend said signed school furry havent quite since", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bitch worked first full day mcdonalds alright busy slow training know clock out pretty easy day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "chan new york gets involved attempt sabotage new aircraft designbr br the war year away reaching america second world war already raging everywhere else world colored everything since people probably realized war coming war mentioned fact film deals production planes least alludes it mystery pretty good notion plane sabotage lends nicely couple rather tense moments certain talking charlie chan certain would live fight another day guarantee condition would in whether anyone around would survivebr br i really like film great deal one nest far worst one truly rare things truly enjoyable one definitely worth look six", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe awful cannot help hating it want someone actually love make feel empty hurt insecure anymore want job constantly fantasy ending life tying roof want go school learn shit instead waste cannot look everyone around hate it maybe burn alive tomorrow would probably get point across would dead quickly anyway though maybe easy method would best cannot stopped long everyone gets fucking message live anyone life worth go fuck saying endure push onto others amount carried already everyone else much think worst seeing wished life seeing others it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spread queerness ever go one best traits honest", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone help pleasei confused state right now badly want end life ive gone past days attempt keep finding able it made account website cos know decent people good adivce thats probably better advice people trying give real life heres im feeling feel empty inside emotion towards anything badly want cry cant manage it simply enjoy around others anymore today went kill myself razor wrists medication case wanted go option yet still made angry force im scared thing though life bad others attempt redflag proper reason behind apart fact want live anymore want go rest life anymore thats pretty much it makes feel bad know people go much worse every day im razor wrist ready attempt redflag mind set want which end life think change ive thinking years finally decided definitely want end it im asking someone convince im asking someone talk die peacefully least amount pain involved possible know selfish bad sound right apologise deerly sound like selfish prick mind messed right want live someone could help would amazing sorry thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every reason happy im notive always naturally smart know bright future cant pull together lately laziness symptom depression know procrastinate feel guilty feedback loop parents im child im starting care less less financially were terribly well off crater marriage intact mostly me mom want grow without dad still think clean water food money consume throughout hypothetical full life worth could possibly contribute motivated anyone social anxiety cant real conversation anyone every time open someone never works out either take granted make joke it leave me ive sleeping hours every night skipping breakfast every day grades getting worse cant seem snap it cant bring care things like used to death obsession cant stop researching methods degree pain fatality rate stories redflag impossible look tall building without speculating think would say loved ones deed much haunts dreams thought many potential death plans cant keep count many instances hypnotized car headlights ive even gotten middle streets running last possible second every time run over parents would much better pay college ive give passions music sports grades end even grades shit now since siblings succeed thats fucking it worst all overarching meaninglessness everything everyone else does sun decay none this mattered part thinks world would better everyone committed redflag right now all humans done earth bad god real im going hell heaven im going decompose im fucking afraid mother told aborted me could right it im gonna pussy ill once ill right look forward aftermath anticipate most although forget in most month entirety was peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sacha baron cohen genius movie good although film nearly reach quality tvshow still funny seriously wicked moments ive liked ali g since first time saw material show think hes one best comedy characters time say peter dragon action blues brothers biggest surprise film theyve actually got serious actors dance gambon absolutely respect even more good sense take chance nothing really bad say film funny juvenile hey what br br one thing mr g sequel pleasebr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "else problems discord cant really log discord itll say connecting amp itll last ever updated discord many times amp really working now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get f ps parties seriously ruined whole system servers too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun fact day fun fact sunrise sun set everyday crazy like follow epic knowledge fact", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deserve diemy life past year confusing eye opening awful much dont deserve people things around life cant handle emotions going back forth time feeling like overcome world knowing go nowhere life worst part wont stop bitching it need shut go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw short film hbo day absolutely loved it eight different characters eight different perspectives first confused way story moving along realized one scene shown again show us different perspectives charactersbr br at first think clerks yelling teenager stealing speak language and chris teenager played convincingly eleonore hendricks cannot understand perspective clerks dispels view realize wonderful short really last two scenesbr br excellent short film hopefully director james cox turn short feature length film cast win us whole new filmbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bullying online school looking advice continue bully online school ive always stuck traditional forms bullying physical violence etc school moved online ive struggled adapt change tried threatening people breakout rooms doesnt effect block mute even close damn eyes im trying go mean jock reasons type vibe suggestions act going forward appreciated", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "straight lines parallel lines making straight line difficult ppl right making two straight line even difficult making two straight line parallel even difficult underlining word making two straight line using ruled papers line reference make two straight lines with pen removable assignment like marks thinking could made single straight line instead two one heading need rest assignment fuck even difficult", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fine destiny happy little time left think suffered enoughhow expect fly dont wings born like everyone else im sorry im waste could different would", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never loved wish guts end iti never get break it born abusive family hated me im adult ive found probably girl would ever deal me girl dreams like everyone else care love me least way would stop immense pain see videos proposals prom questions makes want kill myself years said tried go prom stupid cunt lesbian friend behind back say no proposal unromantically snatched ring presented said something along lines sure whatevercome find later reason really want it maybe another time then moment seems forever ruined remember whether said not think knows handed ring back probably wouldve ended day so still ring guess were engaged technically cant ever really pop question still one special time made utterly ruined without time machine told night lonely said never really gets lonely general huge fan affection recently told whether loves significant family member list goes on day day out see lovebirds everywhere live them see about see scrolling reddit happy proposal videos theyre crying joy nobody would ever joy me nobody wants me nobody ever wanted me family anyone else sometimes question god hates too every time see proposal video area chest used light butterflies becomes ever slightly empty numb longest time way id feel butterflies animals stuffed animalsbut slowly withered away too im dead inside wish dead outside ive going deep end recently world may trash nothing go wrong headevery day get stuck even more started talking stuffed animal never leaving bed imagining dates imagining wedding imagining happy life someone finally loves me enough life worth it happiness love always synthetic see changing statistically ever way live life single prolonged death possible outright damage mental anguish leads unhealthy habits slow damage slow pain slow torture slow death inside out lungs pitch black hard breathe cigars cant go day without spanking smoking weed harder things sometimes maybe attempt die every part body sluggish broken cant afford doctor im losing mind post tip iceberg like life hand crafted important details cut heart open dump lemon juice it want world anymore wish guts wrap wire around neck take start passing time awaits afterlifemore torturefor eternity thats fair wish exist wish irresponsible parents used condom got abortion anxiety depression probably autism life life alone makes advocate eugenics assisted redflag people like exist lifes like mine exist feel pain whole planet full irresponsible selfish people theres dumbfuck rich kid getting rd ferarri hes going crash meanwhile family cant even find decent family home combined incomes whole world bullshit someone please kill me please end misery", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi hi quick question everyone sister plan open cat cafe older like idk would popular so would ever go cat cafe one local you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "insurance kids reason im still heremy ex cant provide kids thats job mental health problems deemed problematic enough cant see kids little ironic whatever term makes sense", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucked last time feel like fix lifenot sure wtf anymore even put forgive doesnt belong tldr used play college sports cheated longterm long distance relationship never able stop years even though wanted ive caught cheating many times forgive want live anymore even though completely aware awful everyone know love basically crisis contemplating ending life past two weeks think it ridiculous stupid feel feeling way entirely doing find asking internally well didnt see happening now ex girlfriend years finally given trying make relationship work spite issues infidelity understand cant process accept know caught cheating multiple occasions time feel like managed grow move never really addressed issues associated problems relationship despite insistence knew something wrong me talking trying find way move past always resulted blaming collection small anecdotal incidents resulted resentment miscommunication always felt like tried take burden responsibility ever fault look mirror see someone longer wish changes wish make seem impossible point ive ruined whatever good feel left world imagine looks lense worse considering finally hit threshold tells never girlfriend trust again know circumstances unreasonable selfish fuck even considering killing myself know responsible misery position in accept things accept actions left impressions feelings cannot fix immediate foreseeable future know follow through probably killing mother older widow looks world also know people still feel attachment world care spite ive done would crushed take life addict ive addictive personality whole life ive known enough habits family history life though managed mostly avoid addictions deemed harmful like hard drugs gambling ive actively told dislike without ever really letting open experience trying long time addicted alcohol kept manageable obsessed football playing career ended find temporary addictions hobbies pick week two immense passion forget lose interest weeks later biggest addiction wish would kept better check involves sexual addiction even prepuberty feel like aware watching porn via internet albeit poor dialup connection home short time parents work computers girlfriend started dating sex year dating definitely rushed ready maybe first year seemed like genuine hesitance keep sex hard us arrange feasible location comfortable accommodating addicted willing sex anywhere asked suggested constantly legitimately took high school classes together would give handjob desk almost every day still wanted more one point suggested wanted sex much find another girl knew wasnt suggestion much active choice someone else lead path using internet explore sexual fantasies first chat rooms message boards progressing time actually texting video chatting women time freshman college freshman year started increase frequency lived another state thought would secret sidefantasy could play enjoy without hurting feelings eventually lead actually meeting girl aware relationship urges wanted sex without attachments piecesofshit like do gave selfishness without really considering girlfriend besides wrongly justifying sexual experiences burden her thing considered possibly giving std wish could say rooted intent live safe healthy lifestyle much feared caught requested see recent test results girl wore condom sexual relationship happened times felt tremendous amount guilt experience left addicted browsing craigslist various dating sites nsa hookups ultimately hooked two girls year girlfriend moved went school year later thought could let things go resume normal relationship put aside infidelity eventually found girls freshman year fact randomly met made friends first girl finding happened eventually worked things insisted purely sexual past since cycle developed periodically almost every year two would find slipping back old ways either cheating getting caught textingemailing women honest dont know many different times situations think it wish would addressed it time see tried redistribute shame blame things weshe could control want end life stop thinking mistakes made recent failure lifes attempts maintain faithful sexual relationship result schedules growing depression felt since car accident november left questioning life value convinced would somehow healthier find discrete fuckbuddy instead address lack sex affection life person actually loved because coward know am feared rejection judgement felt like would disinterested things wanted try even find repulsive it long story short weeks ago found texts even photos broken whatever previous forgiveness mustered get it logically get cannot even imagine possible future me cant get head actually wrap around reality least reality want part more cant ask take back again mean have isnt gonna happen know it asked least plan potentially move forward since live together seems like accept friend cannot even put idea getting back together realm possibility get that hurts past two weeks still attended two weddings planning go went together maintaining appearance friends family things okay impression total lie felt like trying make situation work could eventually try work without making publicly known issues bringing directly see saw differently thought strong feelings felt still enjoying others company probably mutual coping going maybe hardest week work life responsibilities requests pressure compiling seemingly insurmountable life obstacle almost support system im starting care really dont know want role im company at wanted job maintain life sanity things feel gone looking left life moving forward see nothing disappointment missed opportunities reaching friends even family able articulate dangerous finite mindset sure proceed here smart enough know need help strong enough admit others know need it help expect deserve want it want another chance think deserve even life have", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got diagnosed clinical depression know know everything hes going downhill", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many us wish could throw away social cultural obligations free us suspect shall dance movie dancing learning ourselves recognising looking life courage go search it mr sugiyama middleaged member japanese society ballroom dancing viewed unsuitable behaviour br br one day mr sugiyama sees beautiful girl leaning window dancing acadamy fascinated eventually signs dancing lessons ashamed dancing afraid ridicule hides fact attending dancing classes colleagues familybr br there hilarious scene mensroom office sugiyama watanabe workmate also dances interrupted practising dance steps many funny warmhearted scenesbr br the ending fairytale leaves viewer feeling goodbr br this movie helped understand japanese people little better warm worthwhile film see", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess life now fuck it im donemy life complete shit deserve earth people clearly superior me im inferior mistake parents call miracle know im mistake im failure everyone know moved lived lives love im stuck unending cycle hopelessness dreams ambitions hopes nothing dream one day backpacking travelling world dreamt going holiday meeting wonderful woman would spent rest life with life kicks stop everyone see world superior im inferior scream im inferior parents say im not afraid admit well sometimes dream going another country mainly australia also canada new zealand even us im uk life depressing ive close killing long time ive even sent hospital times attempts im going keep trying im done life now dreams drive passion hope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want goth gf spits mouth crushes thighs much ask", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "real facts right uiliketobewooshed best guy ever hes awesome love him everyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "although released way back cold blood still remains benchmark truecrime films matched veteran writerdirector richard brooks elmer gantry adapted truman capotes nonfiction book chilling docudrama retains disturbing power even today thirtyfive years laterbr br robert blake scott wilson portray perry smith dick hickock two excons who tip hicocks old cellmate floyd wells broke holcomb kansas home herbert clutter looking wall safe supposedly containing safe ever found two men instead wound killing mr clutter wife two children getting away radio pair binoculars lousy forty dollars two months run including aimless vacation northern mexico ended las vegas cops caught stolen car eventually comes out merciless grilling kansas law enforcement officials two men committed heinous crime holcomb tried convicted four counts murder stew jail fiveyear period appeals denials hanged death april br br blake smith absolutely chilling two dispassionate killers show remorse theyve done concerned getting caught john forsythe also good turn alvin dewey chief detective investigating crime gerald s olaughlin assistant tactic faithful capotes book good artistic gambit around brooks show murders beginning instead shows two killers pulling clutter house last light goes out cuts next morning horrifying discovery bodies ride back kansas blake questioned forsythe narrates story see true horror happened night see much blood spilled scenes need to shotgun blasts horrified look clutters faces know die disturbing enough need resort explicitly bloody slasherfilm violencebr br brooks wisely filmed cold blood stark blackandwhite results excellent thanks conrad halls expertise chilling jazz score quincy jones capper end result one unsettling films kind ever made devastating lowkey fashion minute study crime shook entire state indeed entire nation seen though viewer discretion advised r rating reason", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cowches arent funny im tired people thinking cowch trend funny funny beautiful piece history needs respected actually laugh sight cowch disgusted cowches feelings too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone hate meplease ic ant im crying bad everyone hate me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want trump president ok without trump world would go war biden wins china see usa president dementia go war taiwan cause rd world war one attack nato member means attack member china see weak president focus people military hitler thought president weak go war also thats kaiser wilhelm rd thought guess democracy causes war one war republicans power ton wars democrats power hope change mind", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know would awesomeif someone would put bullet fucking head im it meds arent shit right now daughter respect me job sucking life me cant seem stop self destructive tendencies one listens ive always listener im sell stuff put money account daughter access turns send moms done it im tired brain hating me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost boyfriend grades car overi crash today earlier ghosted friends blocked everything deleting social media art presence online perfect driving record never drive again crash fault ruined everything lost grades im going fail class literally last semester as year ive afraid germs tonight learn gets much worse getting sick good world want escape sick tired hearing life gets better everyone told past days read posts problem back mind believed people part believed gets better doesnt never will never drive again never go school again never love again never go outside again left cant even breathe anymore im done goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like forgave her may seen my posthttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsiaizvpwhat_a_fucking_bitch thats currently front page well heres update it talked little bit stoned hell told either talk work things tell fuck got mad im blocking her honestly thought shed choose blocking much surprise actually talked it like that even though pissed hell forgive her im gonna let live im end friendship thats lasted years dumb shit like that ampxb honestly though think im gonna talk near much while give time cool down shit like again im gonna forgive second time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes alone know still feel fucking alone whore anything ends hurting people myself cannot normal like everyone else tired considered methods commit suicide keep torturing living on carrying on tell love you cannot fucking love yourself one knows suicidal really am parents friends significant other random people internet fuck with every new day feels emptier previous one everyday think killing myself everyday die bit bit want advice wish someone would listen empathetically understand going end all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend continues call old name even came trans told new one sad wish better friends yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day trying slow video games made start tv overheated screen went weird im taking sign slow down ill trying making posts help pass time maybe nothing much happening yet ill slowing hour day usually played day wish luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tyla yaweh new chris brown except x better rteenagers like who im quirky teenager im like teens listen insert s band like good songs maybe modern music sucks except oliver tree", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "a tale two sisters brilliant south korean psychological horror left speechlessthe film offers delicious moments ghastly horror extremely creepythe small cast actors truly excellentwith lead im soojung especially memorable lead rolethe direction kim jiwoon wellhandled cinematography absolutely gorgeousthe plot slightly confusingbut scenes wonderfully eeriethe action rather slowbut bored slightesti extremely curious intriguedthe housewhere film takes place looks incredibly menacing isolateda tale two sisters along ringu kairo one original asian horror films ever seenwatch masterpiece soon possiblemy rating ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats gobeing reason were likely thinking thought ending one point anyone ever wondered whats after think after thoughts wonder lot feel like important since believe peace after please hate other accept different views simply say feel think could happenanything might help one us way direction", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "severe depression taken away live mit hard believe actually happening again dwelled event throughout summer fall im getting set extremely negative thoughts cant anything about event certain date spring still years old almost yearandahalf later years old still uncontrollable unwanted ruminating dwelling thoughts event cannot control odds event happening luck equivalent rolling snake eyes dice times row beyond ridiculously poor luck event ruminating long fucking unwanted uncontrollable thoughts coming back sober sober depressed strong die weak live im great deal pain agony mentally cannot single thing it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag ideasi used think impossible pull successfully wanted stop existing didnt know commit redflag nowhere realized possible try could stab longer longer day estimate close death even though dont know exactly carry out scares one day could figure carry plan across several days im gonna kill however course promise guarantee cant know future self think feel please dont kill yourself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help cheering gi fr uhh girlf limbo friend hmm well get sorry reposting added tldr basically stalking know recent posts kind weird relationship girl like lot romantically physically talk like were dating technically were friends basically lately pretty sad anxious unknown reason says overthinking things lot overall pretty nervous plus pandemic school making worse her feeling probably kinda scared relationship me even talk online even im okay that would like anxious it could thinking may interested acts way another im sure thats correct thought thats case trying explain like much would pretty hard even slightly think wanting her thats case could guys help understand better whats happening maybe find way help her really want happy tldr gffriend sad anxious probably relationship want help her also idk thats exactly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "online school redflaging much nsw back lockdown month means online learning attended classes except maths far fuck maths gives much redflag fuck ever going use knowledge area parallelogram future need psychology degree knowhow statistics also fuck mood shifts want run away god fucking damn", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "imma play rlcraft smt later dm u wanna join thats", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi im years oldhi know probably thinking point oh hes teenager hormones well no thats all still remember depressed somewhere rd grade somewhere around time see point grades always shit ive barely scraped pass every year mean theres doubt entire future depends grades throughout life cant even see getting local community college around two weeks school left passing no gonna happen cant tell anyone im depressed days friends barely care enough anything im compulsive liar idiot overall failure family point even somehow managed drag middle school high school theres always going grades head constanly reminding shit future waiting me end now save extra bull future time anyone cares me even little move forget time theyre high school thanks reading first post reddit jerk something wrong alright sorry wasting time guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason livei many people life girlfriend rarely friends get friend leave soon after nothing really makes happy anymore thinking reason go on", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling overwhelmed tired lostim live mom disabled extremely mentally abusive manipulative think borderline personality disorder get help previous attempts failed chased away everyone lives even online friends currently engaged absolutely wonderful guy lives us im canadian take months year get marriage visa move there know happy light end tunnel keep feeling hopeless mom work income one me feel awful leaving her time seriously damaging me constantly attacks me gives guilt tripe threatens kick out file visa says leave keeps stuffeven end thw street months take much fiancee could lose job worried me cry time feel overwhelmed tried call engagement time seems impossible me keep pushing filing scared moms reaction feel like im failure daughter fiance friend person friends want hear problems anymore blame them ive stuck home situation since dad died years ago even really feel like fake happy fiance stops worrying something cant fix like taking healthy steps impossible cant afford meds last time counsellor involved mom caused many problems forced walk away me keep thinking killing myself know face next year new life cant bare think suffering cause love thought mom probably either disown me make process hell never stop harassing guilt trips part want come home work today start hour keep thinking turning phone nd disappearing ending life alone even know posting do ive helped people various aliases one else talk to sorry long whiny post", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone remember animal jam good times back then still play cause mobile version aint shabby and according majority long time players find there theyre teens still like play haha", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im social outcasti hangout parents look social media wishing dating cute girls thats life right now im stuck stupid hot ex years ago im tired it never meant get anyones way wanted peaceful life know guess im overthinking im lost right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl asked marry said later day real deleted pictures social media shortly afterim completely done looking help point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mean mom came room tried tuck bed started telling stories toddler would tuck in like u remember said obviously like oh left", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " year plan cut shortwhen best friend overdosed created year plan get everything order meet im done dont think cant wait long things beginning seem pointless drug im going use expensive thats hardest part moment ill get there make pain stop please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alfred hitchcocks assured telling film made twentyone years earlier infinitely superior original hitchcock said first version work amateur although certainly bad film appear right said remake although definitely better still among hitchcocks best work thats certainly say good little overindulgent drags down hitchcock seems keen drag certain elements out parts film entirely relevant plot become annoying dragged sequences one sees james stewart doris day eating moroccan restaurant good helps establish different culture american protagonists found in every restaurant scene theres opera sequence latter make film worsebr br the plot follows middleaged doctor wife go morocco holiday young son there meet french man bus another middleaged couple restaurant however things go awry french man dies knife back shortly whispering something doctor holiday turns full blown nightmare couples son kidnapped causes cut short go london order try find him film potent degree paranoia it manages hold way through fact would even go far say paranoid film hitchcock ever made like hitchcocks films one thrilling keeps edge seat almost entire duration aforementioned opera sequence standing moment tension diffused also little humour movie gives lighthearted relief morbid goings on actually works quite wellbr br the original version story lent excellent support fantastic peter lorre film benefit presence unfortunately made performances amazing james stewart doris day james stewart man always going contender greatest actor time crown collaborations hitchcock feature mesmerising performances him one different although best performance remains one mr smith goes washington stewart conveys courage conviction heartbreak man lost child would anything get back brilliantly fact thats one best things film really able feel couples loss throughout serves making thrilling doris day hand rather strange casting choice movie definitely good actress associated musicals seeing thriller rather odd even get flex vocal chords littlebr br as ive mentioned hitchcocks best film theres much enjoy although id recommend many hitchcock films recommending one ill definitely give two thumbs well", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die see way get betterpeople always say supposed ask help suicidal itll get better ive asking help years one knows help still better ive mental health services inpatient outpatient therapy tried bunch meds thing helped meds im taking since im struggling doctors saying change meds another antipsychotic horrible side effects ssri never helped before im honestly scared survive med change think current meds thing keeping alive want go back way them suicidal delusional depressed self harming police cells inpatient time it know else im meant though mental health deteriorating im feeling stuck current life single family best friend shitty fast food job probably money qualification could get job it car much money saved able hold job past years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time end iti want end life om years old thank good age die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello first let start saying like all realizing little mean people giving up soon me going break mirror hope one shards big enough stab throat with bleed death probably suffocate okay either one really matter long job gets done cannot stand living endless repetitive regret fun birthday next month one ever cared abt birthday even alive feel loved anyone alone hate much would rather die continue living like this already self harm stuff big deal right gives shit anymore never really mattered first place born dad could play house mother absolutely disgusting life wasted is good guess want everything end healthy way life huh", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something painful happened somehow hit nutsack guitar taking one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going jump apartment sooni cant take loneliness anymore im done literally way it im years old still feel like fucking child compared peers experiences had feels like permanent brain damage years isolation impossible recover it rather kill live rest fucking life loneliness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow ur pretty pretty fuckin cool ahaha dont crack", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "writing love letters middle school experience recommend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talkis anyone speak privately redflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres hand reveal handhttpsyoutubeohgsjyrha", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really close ending allim sitting bed belt hands want fucking think fact mother room next door wait shes asleep then dont know hope pass fast needed tell somebody see anything changes guess not im sorry mom", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whether important important feel strongly woman suicide watch entire world coming right way reacted long video posted online shows strongly unwell right everyone calling racist crazy karenthat fine great beside pointwhether wrong video point concerned mental health wellbeing idk go share concern everyone fuck abigail elphrick bring hey guys get mad angry right now also stop think longterm existence realize may very close suicidal mentality even hate right now please someone something place try help extremely diredflaging time heragain clear cast judgement whether right wrong definitely think fucked up think people imperfect mistakes happen fucking suck make them especially current volatile culture simply saying even though many others believe wrong also aware person care fellow human afraid mental state may attempt suicidei want try remind people struggling publicly shame guilt embarrassment many emotions topped hate receiving right may enough push edgeplease someone anyone can reach remind give up seen video woman abigial elphrick woman dubbed victorias secret karen", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "extremely dark brooding show excellent cast one shows try watch regular basis glad see bebe neuwirth recurring role feel andre braugher underutilized one intense actor hope cbs gives better time slot next season", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "start texting crush m want start texting crush f know start many conversations besides wishing eachother happy birthday help suggestions welcome free ask questions helps", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know one cares mixed favorite oons videos together httpsstreamablecomiegc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing makes happy anymorei know issues gonna solved one reddit post guess would help tiny bit least type out ask no im suicidal im way afraid death even consider it instead feel chained bound plane existence title says everything keep mind day actually get help longest time considered life worth living least mine feel gonna go im still stuck living parents get along with especially mom thinks better childhood reason sad anything fought since first started forming long term memories thats exposure love like cant seem get good enough paying career going companies within reasonable distance pay shitty never take anyone without years experience cant make friends every time do always someone whos busy time end feeling twice bad alone cant find loving relationship woman im emotional mess even without that im severely average looking best complete lack self esteem confidence makes truly believe im good enough anyone chance fall someone absolutely tears apart inside completely fuck get swept feelings embarrass myself see maybe someday living spending rest life living sake staying alive alone never able meet anyones expectations never able learn social romantic mistakes past everyone finds sooo much easier ghost rather telling said wrong motivation anymore dreams anymore nothing seems worth anymore nothing makes happy anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like deserve diei rough spot relationship living another couple also relationship issues girl would talk out trying new things partners much decided try molly gone one day would like blame molly wont sex admitted love other caught positions decided continue pursue anything months later im still girl weve moved out every day want die guilt try let know guilt shows im different person dont know feelings girl gone within month suffering ive done feels endless nobody fucking know know look anyone willing give reason forgive please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi hi hi hi youre nice interesting lets talk im bored wanna talk people pls talk meeeeee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressive haze like year smoking much pot every single day great idea family member get cancer around beginning covid kind broke me going therapy taking meds neither happening anymore isolated old friends long even know would want hear me live parents unemployed let bedroom become huge mess sure cockroach nest bed cannot believe let get bad ashamed tremendously bad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "birthday oct th will planning potentially day after im sure getting better me ill never find people gets me lover anything guardians mentally amp physically abusive almost bordeline narcissistic struggle race black weight no idea obese general outter appearance really much fact thought perceived one else except family members i go dont worry abt usually send breakdown disgusting look especially men cant basic things parent treated likr child age done everything me incapable lot things gone hs parent decided hs day turned years ago nothing live for sad everyday exhausting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting every day end day weekend bois idk else say great friday night everyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slowly surrendering thought never completely happy even know writing this watching football match italy uk everyone cheering teams victory felt lost touch like everything slowing around me could feel anything seeing everyone happy made feel much pain thought never reach anything like made feel scared terribly devastated wanted express feelings someone life anyone could really understand lot empathetic faces smile one really knows feels feel tears eyes breath caught throat thought ending non stop mind know ever it want hurt anybody making others happy continue suffer inside sorry badly written mind fog right now much feel need say little actually say feel defeated giving up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorry needed talkhi reading stuff afraid comment anything made throw away account im know teen years it get better im aware need somebody talk person usually talk trust kinda kept sane living high school experience talk feel pretty abandoned also feel really guilty feel selfish im holding trust anybody else getting drinking problem supply got cut cat never really also tried normal stuff life punching wall knuckles got swollen one teachers said something guidance counselor kinda like prevention post needed talk people felt know like thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "entirely sure doi really want complainer whiner ive really hard time lately im beginning think need help growing whole life revolved around mom jealous condescending way required special treatment colon cancer traveling specialist specialist chemo treatment chemo treatment got used hospital environment soon enough settled fort knox ky louisville ky getting best treatment could best professionals field went well approaching last treatment surgery remove last cancer around colon would free battle shed fought many years long story short last surgery go way doctors planned short stem cancer thought disconnected body fact connected heart slight tug resulted catastrophe year old child hard believe news fact next year rounding corner hope standing porch still lingers joke cruel sick joke corners rounded close times finally set in reality think thats depression began recovered time that senior year college tried taking life due rusty knife self actualization survived day im still struggling pretty poorly depression days good days debilitating cant admit family theyve suffered enough really really want get better im sure do im afraid go psychiatrist therapist im really feeling creep back anyone advice theyve done improve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont think take anymorei didnt think could sink lower heart broke completely dont think go long hate life hate everything nothing going right top everything im sure got broken person important person entire life think ill start self harming see leads", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall ever wanna go back kid birthday days grandpa shows early birthday present nice card cash baby pictures me opened talked couple minutes left opened saw pictures first reaction cry feeling miss kid anyone one else get feeling me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend streaming us play csgo come join big funny moment httpswwwtwitchtvfirebird_films", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck it super straight fucking parade show fucking opressed yall are fucking shut up cant take bullshit use lgbss cause fucking agree made bullshit pls stop making victim fuck sake", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one likes meall life ive felt like one likes me work school personal life im always one appreciated like people dont hate dont like either little something would passed completely unseen another coworker me big deal im unlikable im nice always try best everyone reason one likes me im one", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want join discord server pretty bored want join server preferably weird dm invite interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alonei feel alone like one wants around know may people bigger things going lives always feel second fiddle everything do never feel like dont know ever feel like never ever hold true relationships anyone ever like me even like spend days skipping classing smoking nic taking random pills save laying half passed bathroom floor motivation since weve started online school plummeted people see lives realize little none like passing day realize mean nothing one get close ending day moves forward", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " already starting shitty woke damn spider dick fucking spider sluts always want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well got checked officially turns year old redflag yeah told friends laughed face saying cannot depression people worse problems and agree true made seem like worthless like mental health important whenever reach somehow make fun saying stfu today months left commit suicide well cut friends life stay curled room myself fine day since mostly write watch shows night really bad take pills sleep addicted them started smoking avoid reality always tired way avoid emotions listening songs time used best time numb even feel excited got one live worthless yeah thank listening bullshit friends would call numb nothing interests anymore apart dying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredim disability anxiety disorder manic depression live next parents including abusive narcissist mom stove cook im tired microwave dinners thought fast food makes want vomit getting burnt cold sandwiches even stove mom took cooking stuff im limited spoon cup anyway would anything one hot meal meal processed food cold hot healthy meal least healthy thought ramen makes want vomit well im debating picking smoking again obvious cant afford eat necessary tools so quit years ago th month car cant go out buy something dad brought burger bk want onion rings one fast food things make want hurl chunks another meal get skip want seem ungrateful threw fridge would nice stinging pain hunger live middle cant walk anywhere either im tired see fucking point living rate something new years always brings worst depression usually ok even holidays really struggle new years bullshit mention period due day im sure im overly emotional well moment would sell soul fucking hot healthy meal week im isolated friends drop something thats gross hang whatever get house im burnt shit eat regularly im burnt fuck living self injury gotten lot worse recently well legs complete war zone mild chicken scratches cut fuck up im sure ill another session tonight im kind teetering melt down pretty bad skin legs dulled box cutter use im gonna invest another one well anti septic stuff ran anti septic stuff apply legs im done tired even know begin get better change life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recent mens body standards made many people including me drop body weight unhealthy standards every day ive seen posts social media talking girls like malnourished skater boys im wasnt happy tried please others fitting standard pushed extremely hard boys went this ily lt youre perfect", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey im bored asf anyone interested starting playing dungeons dragons premade characters could dm details could make one cuz im bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw true crime first released back midnineties watched many times since great mystery mary played alicia silverstone high school senior california town whos classmates younger sister tortured killed unknown murderer mary meets tony played kevin dillon police cadet sees bright decide work together try find killerbr br many suspects one true crime feels true real me read newsgroup review someone wrote total suspension disbelief present true alicia silverstone perfect role kevin dillon bill nunn great job actors locations right writerdirector pat verducci really captures realities teenage life marys loneliness see scene mary awakens dream sequence viewed photos took tony wish verducci would make moviesbr br i seen movie quite like true crime ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "venting realityi single year old man sleep shitty couch cheapest apartment barely afford always filthy small keep clean make less k year beg pay every weekend real shoes clothes friends family one talk with hope future share lack money never given anything extra alone even pet keep comforted reminder couldnt afford save him coward ending life everyday wake here im reminded im coward coward failure", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spend life computeri many reallife friends family ones always busy online friends feel detached cant see touch them im trying make new friends hard okcupid craigslist kind hit miss seems like whenever get tired get suicidal fucking sucks disability know heal mental physical illnesses permanent solution permanent problems even work bc x offed got sent back entities side whats point really time yet well get time im tired human form want nonphysical realms let reincarnate better avatar memory wipe time fuck gotta love kids start chanting head saying stuff like cut bleed pool blood need shoot head pull trigger im dead whatnot mouth babes right non physical friends physical friends plus dad died weeks ago would nice join him guess sleep ill wake feeling better tomorrow til tomorrow night ill probably get feeling way again every day exactly same fucking mood swings guess stuff live enough reasons too", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish could make everything life go awayim sick tired living im years old im failing classes im lazy work im afraid people think me talk people school want hated recently ive thinking everyone class hates me kid friend joking friend partners me kid smirked course sound bad you them really hurts someone want talk you ive feeling depressed year work piles up go away told parents yet im afraid ill upset want put stress want kill myself think id either sit warm water use one razor blades cut open wrists hang myself nothing getting better give crap anything school even act scared know failed test teacher gives back gets reaction me do want talk guidance counselor theyd tell parents", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill ever get pregnant unable get abortion force miscarriagejust another reason die thanks shitty usa", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk im going die nothingim sophomore high school im new reddit im sure works entirely hope one know sees user name everything anyway im posting im depressed dont know do ive depression awhile always talked friends things felt better summer started pushing everyone away im sure why im close anyone im really lonely miss things used want everyone everything back friends miss everyone much explain im close family friends pushed people loved away one decided options get everyone love back try turn everything around end all im going see therapist tell family anything dont want see like that yeah thats pretty much it advice anything would greatly appreciated thank reading ill sure update soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought end thing makes happy im entirely sure say often find lost words need ever depressed tried oh lord tried get rid it make disappear longer think capability happy seems almost impossible im going apologize advance inevitable essay first post lot things need aired need someone hear me listen explode first all mother died died suddenly obviously lot heart ache sadness on stuff would normally expect anyone loved mother father worked away sister never stable home sometimes lived nan grandfather times would stay auntie occasionally nan would look us mothers mother wonderful person finally allowed open someone took open arms person would tell father wrong died day seeing grandfather cry heart wrenching thing ever witnessed found wonderful boyfriend treated like everything course best friend like sharing time someone else left life i still miss her time noticed eczema started get worse nothing curing it took skin problem doctor referred dermatologist baffled idea was tried different tests treatments avail since various doctors around uk travelling far wide seek treatment condition got even worse body wasis covered itchy sore later year uncle died grandfather started think fault maybe curse family tried commit redflag three times carved shit thighs stopped eating properly thought enormous weighed kg boyfriend could longer handle me erratic self destructive left two years suffering me point really decided life me pain day every day skin leave school gcses pain unbearable could hardly motivate leave bed got diagnosed new illness called myasthenia gravis for wish google disease simply something makes muscles incredibly weak point hard walk eat sometimes even talk steroids helping condition curable hoping go remission someday top this look year old sister since grandparents longer around so huff starting feel like writing wrong reasons feel like im writing sob story wanted ill quickly explain happens that decided get better mentally tried unbelievably hard finally felt like succeeded got boyfriend back year trying moved house boyfriends parents housebecause father verbally abusive kind got social life back track now back started rejected friends again afraid leave house boyfriend wonderful feel like cant give need sit every day feeling like massive empty space inside me im desperately trying find something fill nothing want nothing life anymore knew could die tomorrow without hurting boyfriend sister would it would end it one talk afraid losing boyfriend trust anyone else poor shit leave school illnesses get job reason government also unwilling help all kg heavier medicines feel like elephant terribly unsatisfied way look seen glimpse happiness totally worth effort this sounds incredibly gay idea anymore scared future want curl ball fade away tried leave father even thinking makes angry however tell this man go hell put through living im wasting time tldr depressed happyish see point living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want live life parents strict hi im teen girl like friends cant drive but im much older pandemic older drive friends haha want live life want sneak out go parties maybe even smoke twice drink sex etc wanna live life way want teenager yes ik u reading probably wondering im thinking probably calling trashy etc promise im not want live life without regrets obviously none gonna happening anytime soon many reasons im also scared haha time come sneak rebellious every awhile it see parents insanely strict mean theyre strict things like dress little things like that theyre strict screentime friends bedtime limit junk food etc would never million years let go party parents would gone didnt know parents etc house alarm no cameras alarm gonna sneak whatever someone give actual life advice yk excuses tips etc ampxb thank u reading this ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bored bored bored bored guys im hella bored idea pissing off im sitting bed stuck charger waiting girl like snap back hotter usual late september im sweating thats fun ive already watched youtube netflix hulu played among us listened music masturbated im officially things do cant think anything creative brain feels like squished grape helllllpppppppp", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life lie minecraft achievement taking inventory talking inventory", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im never going good enough realised depressed today looking tie noose get depressed girlfriend two half years going university soon goes im fairly certain end relationship im nothing life get good enough gcses get sixth form mainly due mother trying commit redflag two days exams started got ec meant levels ended going college music yeah know drop subject finished june year since ive deal father attempting commit redflag lost friends failed get jobapprenticeship ive sat around week seeing old friends make statuses facebook theyve gotten offers various universities hit realised ill never able go university able get grades even able afford pay it ive tried turning life around cant even that researching tie noose im going become organ donor organs may well go good use keep somebody alive use something life anybody advice turn life around may well try more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might dieim depressed ive dealing problem long see rationally theres way it ive thrashing years im exhausted defeated hopeless regretful sad upset distract days weeks always there want live distraction far life loved im sad feel leave behind people love tried many things happens want clear reckless medical professionals me one elses fault im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "came floodingmy life never meant like this based hopes family infidelity arrest drugs life crashed wife wanted divorce years later two years since divorce ive settled misery let addiction continue control me cant keep steady job health insurance even though meds therapy essential tonight come back me wedding honeymoon birth children holy shit painful see fucked threw away job wife family none instead ive move back abusive parents house maybe get job despite shitty work history background check ill never important part again god id wife half life time proposing divorce stayathome dad years miss exwife bad miss seeing girls every day instead occasional weekends repeat never meant life like this future looks blank empty especially tears stream face juice wrld whispers ear ruined everything ever looking forward to way life ever clear complete ive continued living dont want hurt daughters become mature wont able hide really them theyll know im piece shit junkie fucked everything up beyond that im sure much longer keep living miserable pointless lonely life call redflag selfish way end suffering flip around too isnt selfish demand stay alive youd sad dead fuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "usmy friend wants die cant help her want die wont talk me friend trying balance us making two us feel worthless us want die question wholl crack first", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats gamers free award say something funny", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "night crying reason fuck wish numbness would come back need something do cannot stop crying silent want damned speech fault expected this know shit already practically worn trench mind point push become alcoholic inevitability pointand little condescending spats pointed accusiations laughs damned crybaby like every emotion tears smiles whatnotplease want emptiness back least safer alternatives want little robot want be get till old enough die mysterious circumstances accident whichever comes first care emptiness nice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone talk tof lost parents age moved country left family behind lived sister new country husband raped multiple times period years finally escaped childhood tormentor attempted redflag multiple times need someone talk to know go ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see point life made wonderous thing people cant seem see thatill start asking question point life reading this everyone seems different answers question none seem right me im years old depression past two years so overweight originally believed reason depression started going gym eating healthier way combat this actually made amazing progress far im still unhappy though clearly issue cant believe im naive thought thing wrong currently second year college uk pretty much dropped point attended now days go on im discovering useless thing call life is ive failed education im struggling find job money name whatsoever around see successful people fucking hate much much envy others wish could people possible thing anymore tried ive given caring days nobody speak seems understand that mind dropping planet right peace finally still feel though hope me need find life means me thats issue hand maybe time may come soon maybe later life wish something would take away now deal thoughts feelings", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " weeks ago wanted write big post honestly know say anymore craving physical pain avoid emotional pain losing hope last years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things feel pointless want dieim constantly numb cant stop thinking killing myself im unemployed cant access meds therapy neither get job due paperwork issues im waiting green card renewal ask friends family were dirt poor cant stop thinking redflag ive talked hotlines help all people keep saying gets better really feels like wont hurts alive im doomed life underemployment discrimination maybe dying best", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thoughtsi feel like failure burden im lazy failing school back plan actual waste space money could give away life someone deserving id heartbeat theres much pressure know others worse dont want life anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask people suicidal thoughts much go hospital like everyday feel like ill take life everyday new way id go it find hard look rope hold knifes cooking feel like ill stab least cut more talk doctor everything every week twice week seems going something get put hospital i going anything point writing feels like venting maybe really think scale suicidal thoughts tendencies id place high anyway wonder still alive want never wanted be think one time woke said loud happy alive everyday wake usally say alive come meee hospital times terrible mainly involuntary think voluntary probably would better wonder alive point others humans needed world world matter think humans commit mass suicide everyone pops pill government hands take day time outside public place ofc shutdown nuclear plants anything else could mass destruction maybe buy gun run around shooting killing people someone shoots me going die id take many people animals could well anyway question much sense suicidal thoughts go hospital much question venting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else deadlineif so made pick one expecting time something could make change mind mine somwhere before sometimes think son it part would love take care but problems would still existing good sad know ill miss guess things happened way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dickenballs cockandnutz maybe penis ballse thanks coming ted talk ampxb ampxb gtif know know title comes fromlt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "existential question opposite ptsd memory", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats point anymore livingi wanna live anymore cause feel loved wanted anymore makes feel lonely forgotten like forgotten all try person life general know due depression whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last strawtoday job could made get anxious official im useless suppose time start trying get rid fear pain end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get cross human dna whale dna banned sea world", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "motivation commit redflaghello ive never tought id get here wow lots fucked things happened life they r fucked dont want mention here friends doubt anyone cares me still go school yeah sure laugh comments well actually parents care know automatically act normal im im scared tell actually feel inside kinda wanted visit psychiatrist never convinced it shit building inside trust would cant get tought would parents feel think like maybe would blame themselves another reason grandma passed away month ago pretty much financially motionally parents fucked death would completely destroy mom wallet im fucking better dissapointed everyway could theres still things doesent know me dont know put shit thats inside im literally nowhere feelings inside destroying me would dickhead idk leave note fault smthng tried fucking hard one ever noticed fuck im tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im curious many lgbtq wondering ratio im bi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think many people familiar kind alternative phrase good descriptor fighting depression likefor me feels like matter much do never normal person normal feelings nothing satisfying nothing enough motivate anything life pure conscious pushing gets anything allthus barely surviving actually livingmy brother watching medical show living room character got coma drama ensued doctor came in explained motor function something says she higher cognitive function surviving living quote gave chills comparison someone literal coma me maybe good description debilitating dumb mental illness is surviving living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres girlfriend requirements fat ass ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mr blandings builds dream house may best frank caprapreston sturges movie neither man ever made love bringing baby philadelpia story thin man male war bride wonderful life movies made wit taste occasional tongue firmly panted cheek check one out post wwii life simply idyllically portrayedbr br grant absolute top form playing city mouse venturing life country squire loy adorable prenow wife cast supporting characters compares cant take contains early bit future tarzan lex barker art direction editing way parbr br the movie never stoops lowrent bythenumbers venal slapstick later adaptation money pit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything messmy entire life mess well paying job hate im fairly certain company going go bankrupt soon writing walls sure mass layoffs including work best friend honestly like father figure me still talk him seeing regular basis people left company miserable fear jobs surrounding negativity making depression x worse im looking jobs luck yet found one decent would almost cut pay half simply cannot do despite decent salary cant seem save money things always pop vet bills higher normal electric bills car stuff etc emergency fund always gone soon reestablish it hate apartment loved one point awful neighbors moved construction began outside window there multimillion dollar homes built right next complex construction literally days per week hours per day never sleep causing become increasingly irritable ive spent almost trying buy noise canceling products oh woke gas siphoned car friday asked switching another unit would transfer fee higher rent want break lease itll fee many friends days married kids chose career im slowly catching up think realized lonely career focused life would be also feel like everyone knows always annoyed me im point even know bother anymore feel like control anything life much change happening once", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "story lost virginity story want able tell someday", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "logo girl ive clue long like reason particular couldnt care less wondering", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youre poor spend two hours finding coupon code pair flip flops ampxb iamincollegeandimpoorsopoor", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mind me lashout obvious cry helptldr im suicidal good reason try casually funny it im tired laughing misery cant take serious either real emergency thought might reach anyone whos encourage hey hello everyone sake simplicity yall call immature rome works too ive lurking subreddit now without even reddit account result first ever reddit post wonderful place start much support hope amp acceptance community fucking kidding go suicidal fantasies confirmed rredflagmeme anymore am next level stopping pretend like im thinking ironically admitting might actually want clock early real good stuff now may able tell fact manage talk lot yet convey pretty much nothing all way get covered multiple layers comedic exploitation crippling insecurity soul sapping references puns father forgive sinned dare say memes seeing though im yo sort blackhumoring accumulating within psyche amp selfimage approximately years like plaque clogging chainsmoking diabetics arteries layer thick earths crust know though since im one go once fray are quoting shakespeare again see exactly im talking about funny fun forced cringy edgy insert negative adjective here etc worst all know bad makes look ive known since beginning somewhere line probably realized deep im sad strange little man someone told laugh off did never stopped damn good it good fact built whole personality around it personality started attracting kinds people suddenly cynical disrespectful persona friends sad strange little man irl yo males gaining status questionable means do try get laid turns need somewhat attractive casual hookups turns need somewhat likeable non casual hookups eventually pry open pandoras box see strange sad little man ladies gosh nice guy is kind forthcoming understanding sooo respectful importantly empathetic naturally becomes designated shoulder cry on funny casual gt attentive deep open gt establish trust gt develop feelings gt get friendzoned gt change target gt repeat goes years andyada yada yada couple halfassed redflag attempts years professional deadend therapy metric fuckton mj later are reading ive written point you reader pretty good idea kind pathetic bitter betamale virgin shoutout lads rvirgin yall saddest bunch selfloathing crybabies ive ever seen thanks making feel right home am like humor days thats have thats am one big overused joke heard million times before going far long time deliver punchline keep going farce would keep going me really think tried change yet ever stop wasting everyones precious time effort finally grow balls take worthless life find next time rredflagwatch selfpity party continues ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please talk someone hi um please talk someone giving dont know do im sorry really really badly want attenpt hurt cant even right lost razor please please dont say yes might make worse please really really dont want make anyone else feel bad need someone talk to im sorry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get monthly subscription something anythingmy ipsy subscription given something look forward to yes days shit bad cut but stop going far want get ipsy monthly makeup surprise items glam bag lot crates meal boxes many things one could buy give something help want hold longer hope helps", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mercury poisoningmy dad works lab took bottle mercury it sure kind kill you im desperate point probably much coward kill way right im sitting bedroom listening birds chirping outside think itll taste ready gag it throw up im second thoughts maybe im much coward even this guess ill edit post things go according plan", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired gunna stay dont wanna sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know doim gay live utah family deeply religious got kicked house year half ago im going college grand total friends one isnt talking dont know why two best friends one told make depression worse turn help cant talk anyone one ive never even fucking held guys hand fucking life dont know im kind rambling dont know do im lonely dont feel like home ive tried dating couple times guess get head want someone hold cry want old friends back came out feel like life going everyone around seems burdened me reason havent killed best friend one isnt talking me dad committed redflag could never make go again dont know go make life bearable counselor school really like him sessions feel helpful im end week feel like killing again im lost dont see reason dont know find purpose feels pointless im sorry dont mean bother anyone ugh feel like fucking exploding im sorry know people dont like swear words ugh tl dr im lonely piece shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know crush me wanna know why cuz tried give crush soda wanted lemonade ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bro going cheat gf brother gf sister best friend the friend oke this bro going cheat girl course dont want happen need advice say him please help bro reddit cant look something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "belong anywherenothing ever helps try go friends either say shit help anyone stop replying fit anywhere anyone nobody cares enough help tough times makes worse me friends help private instagram help nobody cares wants around me ill never truly happy end everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alone depressed anxious nothing brings reliefim prime life means beyond neglected hitting puberty teen rejected high school bullied college finding job something losing job losing family institutionalized going rehab system beyond new job changed routines sought help im right things im highfunctioning say show temporary problem demographics irrelevant something outgrow problem inherent within me regardless whats happening me matter im with existed isolation entire life anxiety depression ensure this ive seen councilors ive seen psychologists ive hospitalizedinstitutionalized occasions ive monitored group therapy ive ect im taking prescriptions im seeing psychiatrist practice mindfulness remind drink water force moderate amount exercise every day hate feeding myself graze healthy food eat things prop enough hold job rent apartment keep alive everything consume wasted dragging life many years im incredibly tired family smiles pretends im making up two friends sick hearing bring anymore easier keep friend show interest twice month without mentioning anything myself attracted someone makes suicidal always has unfortunately im asexual situation arises every day work online whenever go out know like close someone tried never beneficial either party closer get extreme anxiety becomes overwhelming unsustainable break down scare them relationship ends begins tried trying help ive gotten feel guilty still feeling way right im wondering im trying suppress natural im fighting body telling do want exist life death meaningless know im asking for sorry bitching least internet now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tea tastes weird redbull yucky", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let mom write something sub saved draft proud hi teenagers hope happy school opening hope good semester year dark times need stay strong stay inside also go please forget wear mask also work minimum wage deal woman screaming calling manager tell get like place hate type woman also see mask tell get risking health many people covid joke wear mask cost", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi uh took mg melatonin pills die side effects help melatonin effects", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "coming straight guy stop super straight ya dinguses basically super straight started joke a poor one eventually grew something people people calling saying part lgbt community either seriously rhile lgbt people stop straight people literally least oppressed sexual group trying say part lgbt trying make community angry laughs is say cringe struggle secure right victims numerous hate crimes tldr stop using super straight seriously joke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "or weird habit someone one person two group whatever whenever theres someone around feel like even need pee moment alone realise need pee bad really hoping aint alone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "strong urge confess crush ok nd week highschool really want freak damn im hard time confessing maybe could wait winter break confess would give time think it maybe ask meet behind corner confess there maybe could ask advice girls elementary school god cant sleep cant stop thinking every way confession might go please help anything works ill check back morning btw using alt due privacy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well guess im waiting right time placei thought promised coming back guess another lie finally found gun waiting right time place technically gun people live better job hiding firearms small revolver understand shot near temple lethal often not yeah guess really it time put shut up speak", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "welcome httpamonguswithgunscomhttpamonguswithgunscom free pc reason pirate among us steal innersloths money unless live shithole bu afford computer good internet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "half tempted make teen discord converse children clue run discord though", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "constant thought killing everydayim sorry guys feel like life completely fucked up guys see post history think ill able live normal life again completely failed family im weirdo one day ill eventually it love family want hurt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little update lol im alive got live soe reason now got full mcyt month not going out im feeling better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pls stop please stop posts ask crush kinda weird im pretty sure reddit dating app text something sorry bad english even though english first language", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still alive weeks ago tried kill successful it tried overdose sleeping aids thought id fall asleep never wake wake up apparently take enough damn killing really easy must really lucky pretty stupid put mental hospital week days ago released thinking probably good im still alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im free valentines haha jk two assignments due pm pls dont hmu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie begins almost achingly slowly romance yawn seems ramble course all part plan then roughly one hour solemn movie feast worth paying attention first hour feast still solemn humorous suddenly withdrawn slightly petty characters come life everyone you characters leave feeling enriched experiencebr br women love this christians sorts enjoy profound faith demonstrated characters favorite movie time dinosaurs laser beams definitely movie happy seen missedbr br jim", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone support kam kill men anyone supportcontribute kill men movement guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fix meits always case grass greener side im goddamn tired im breaking responsibilities turned two weeks ago attend university im junior premedicine im saying brag nothing brag about one care relevant feel way im taking three hard science courses not like psychology intro level level yeah easy grades slipping last midterm level got points average me funny thing is im studying harder ever before version social interaction study groups feel tired alone morning til night classes undergrad research study study study losing sleep losing sleep dorm two roommates one early entrance program am cant support me support me kick room every fucking night not exaggeration need stay study frequent allnighters want go sleep wander floors searching open study room sometimes audacity take nap early evening like pm bitch cant socialize room vibrating alarm goes long morning get lectured by older roommate get little sleep ive taken sleeping fucking study room head table surrounded notes way bother them pathetic come this feel like ask permission everything like fucking dog dorm room too right it feel like theres nowhere go grades sinking research project thats going lead publication sucking time social life occasional going getting drunk try escape act like im someone else feel robbed high school life ive depressed since entered college freshman sophomore years hard make normal college friends fact good deal probably means decent social skills one me one think would want im fucked head stress eating alive way forward fair suffer like this worrying prom boyfriend fair suffer like this humanities roommates coast along classes easy go route another way thought getting better two days ago playing charger cord wrapped around neck squeezed really hard realizing stopped want die want live life yesterday cried quiet little tears dorm room roommates fucked around laptops one asked okay cleaned went class fifteen minutes later laughed talked like everything okay god know much longer tell that please help get this lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advent imdb overlooked movie find interested audience why users search twotime academy award winner glenda jackson find the return soldier among credits checking oscar winner julie christie fans annmargret give title click looking career great alan bates mention added bonus movie supporting heavyweights ian holm frank finlay movie many notables rewarded imdb given crossreferencing goes here so movie dvd producers realize internet movie database marketing gift film the return soldier definitely gem waiting discovered get it people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment ill draw avatar itll take day two draw wont best itll keep occupied wanna", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill myself realise factual level probably end line meive poverty entire adult life severe developmental disabilities compounded trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma trauma im trying take inventory remaining options stare one looks appealing dying really working family bank account way ever make money ebegging anymore cant beg life accused scammer stalked rumours spread whatever else people get upset wanting super friendly cheerful everyone want place say live one live anywhere want sense permanence life income home family live hostel visa country runs less week know im going know maybe want kill all ive keeping drunk days days much handle emotionally even drink killing starts look like genuinely viable option table know id rather die put one problems anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recommend history research topic high school student history research topic must start extent year long project must able argued for must sufficient information decently sized paper", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im doneim see anybody would still care me friends dont anyone pour emotional shit out even mom last year ill frank mom found taken weed form brownie one classmates curiosity says dissapointed wouldnt be teachers dont know year im almost graduating highschool ended classmates guy gave shit didnt even tell mom truth happened told spat bathroom year end classmates mom wants change class section would inform faculty drugs batch sure enough name would turn kicked out know fault right id rather die face problem every night wish would go away already far younger brother moms favorite ive disgrace whole family go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "answers anyonei keep thinking family faces would look like stops me cant stand bottomless unrelenting pain longer wish could rationalize state mind temporary emotion true tried climb this life absolutely empty every aspect ive never relationship lasting friendships job prospects binge eating disorder ptsd course clinical depression bad luck course blame rests meive depressed least years grades career relationships suffered it im exhausted death would be grace think brother mom finding me get this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life pointless maybe see iti see point life others see pointless is redflag consideration life pointless is live die live learn work die live serve needs society whatever die people say get lots good life see that friends family woohoo no end die lose all same earlier later maybe dying earlier even better since weaker bond separation painful get little good things life get lot bad things sadness learn eventually work thats life its pointless this even living like im negative truth others see it read this people give support reddit see pointless life is understand someone understand life pointless something pointless quit right death im missing guts braver options maybe im already gone life pointless understands", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bpd controls entire life feel nothing feel empty time angrysadanxious want turn off think happiness realistic goal me therapy took dbt courses take medication still feel way getting worse ever wanted happy wish could die without making loved ones feel bad want stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girlfriend sweetest fucking person planet went way buy coffee delivered class swear deserve saint", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting headi used alot suicidal thoughts surrounding self people love appreciate trying ease mind away dark stuff helped lot admit coming back faster ever think stop time shit going life even tho try hide turn sarcasm cant help feel like im better dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "title says anyone anything try cheer up literally could care less is want think killing minute thanks bored sad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "understand everything break cycle wanting kill myself yet always returnive always felt off like part incorrect wrong missing feeling ive since started able memories explored feeling farthest reaches imagine tried find various religions scientific theories make feel purpose tried sports gaming social events helping community finding passion career tried therapy antidepressants experimenting consciousness looking family members help yet still convinced commit redflag logically makes sense me know possibilities await if any side better stick devil know one dont still though feel like want kill frequently suicidal ideation never stops head always reoccurring event matter do merely coping existence want feel alive want feel isnt trap gift logical reasoning addition actions could take could provide feeling want know wrong correct problem im open anything want feel right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo boy got ilets exam lets goooooooo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ughi took ten norcos lot vodka im fuxkup cant even kill fml", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "live mediocre life could dieeveryone proven im simply afterthought burden im ignoring feeling im tired feeling morose", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys crazy idea got saves much time make sure check dont enough time day get sleep need okay also dont enough time day get classes combined two im sleeping class now fucking wonders", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird really like hands look f play lot games phone looking hands realized really like way look ive putting lot care making hands look nice because record playing games phone sometimes hands probably wouldnt super pretty people really like way look like super weird lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like italian tried making pasta first time like homemade made dough added pasta sauce everything gave bit mom wait im italian now like good whered get said made said like seriously whered get said made all", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends tiktoks arent able save cant figure videos account set able saved nothing happening shadowbanned sooooooo maybe something it unsure anyone sudgestions", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " types phub comments dont want horny anymore want feel loved come watch live ttvbotphubcommentcomyt change mind", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel good anymore happy feel like im going vomit might sick now fun happy oof stomach aches", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reflections fool one grievous fears come fruition sit stunned passing easily see devised fate however also see truly mattered me least times past ive foolishly stricken eyes sadly mind whose name would spill blood for ive lost care coming days times dull sadness mindless rage place longing would hope home place engulfing closure seemed false simple instead built reliance easily brotherhood debacle fools shifting days it king world physical wealth passionate conquest times spent sitting blabbering menial matter soon forgotten days despite misfortune collective could tredge on countless hours idling merely within presence another thinking back im brought euphoric mementos good day wither by truly longer be notion blame one suspect constant blunder id never known deeply rooted being ever since beginning worried foolish devotion blind trust might bring am back wandering alone again longer displaced no finally absolutely alone another hoping release dream once id long winters over settling act seemed forever away think miss understood whole time said time comes boundless winter would engulf world gods would would longer gaze guide realm man halted end new would begin laminated memory belief winter came built would end greater new would waiting after blind greater insight ive come see follys never winter hell even gods is longer belong making naught ive come discovery happened thats come one misfortune carry through one hope lessen know impact solid im good standing another made despondent another time soon lose question sever anchors find chains strong handful would simply drift away lesser memories mind making lot effortless case closer presumably family recent established friends classmates ect ponder morality plans built bonds bonds may even hold heavy hold heart ones driven here ive come bear enough faults already grow tired thus ive devised ill bite bullet one one disconnect word carry dishearten anyone else worry would try stop me ive found able understand ive done probably ever know thats probably best best way less know less remember select handful know quite inconvenience due much wasted me recent times relation estranged understanding seemed drift time perceive loss feel though would prolonged deficit already sundered investment im soon lose knowledge yet hear recent blunders even heard already matters course remains same admittance ive caused none harm rather failed disappointed all importantly ive disgraced myself ive honestly thinking apologize hopes fixing things trying move find far case deed face could tear tear till whittled fingers bony nubs could never change instead must apologize different fashion sorry brother wasted faith violated honor moment broken contributed great brotherhood downfall managed cause collateral could ever worth although bear right merit request may hope remains may prosper let leave quick may waste efforts longer bid adieu friend infinitely disappointed one want explain most find cant come words theres age old adage could go back would differently ive thought times now try think one small mistake long ago could easily never happened prevented this hindsight stricken come likely severed fellowship crude friendship one defining pieces guise life fear taken well silence grows louder feel case would make whole things pointless first assumed nonetheless friendship worth owe respects hold dear sorry brother lost way fear led astray well meet fork road let us briskly go separate ways know world holds know greater without i dear friend let road carry well other till better days cant write tears pages would weep manner could expel cruelties mind pages would wither i deepening trench harbors tremors core stirs lost hopeless yes bring still could mend wounds today mind could try fix sundered end volleys chatter amount little rambles stuck stream molten lead on on sickening silence dawns else loud seep in ticking know ebbing ponders do thats left look back itself one theres one left alone another complexity man cant overcome know anymore want quiet again care would wires me end another waiting winter end ampxb point put expecting naught honesty another waste time alas ill probably might even give them alas cast rambles might butchered yall", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel better donti understand fuck going on moved on didnt probably get fuck here cant fuck place edit set bitcoin address mmvecjxcvzcchvwrsnyyeaeigk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really dont want think futurelife doesnt really meaning anymore barely get days see people im close worried me cant help feeling would less burden died right now dont get joy anything anymore whole concept happiness foreign years im considering ending life done wouldnt think things anymore then im fucking tired everything sick failing thing succeed at it dont think would hard people know get death ive never really meant much anybody know theyd forget me im content that dont want remembered am all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " yo male throughout life feel like peaked really early on either selfinduced calamity circumstance combo came crashing down even though lived long time already experienced long term relationship sex life abroad college recognition realize lucky actually tick moments relationship ended became selfgrandiose deemed settling someone me whatever hell meant time life abroad ended forgot nonchalant file paperwork crucial legal standing realized ba ms degrees even though acquired top universities mean shit apparently thousands software programs mastering instead wasting time passing introduction beer ge course college remember used extremely motivated driven three four years ago always deemed best quality could find motivation within ever since times kept falling away subjective optimal human life be find hard motivated everyday tasks grown dislike people think finally realized superficiality modern society least segment know everything seems extremely pointless job since grad school relationship said breakup might grown lazy might severely depressed lucky leech am expenses are time think paid for make stupid mistakes like getting married adopting baby starting business way add anyone anything payroll could retire small bungalow country meagerly live rest life without working engaging society might grow alcoholic severed lung bet going make posing question here writing seriously thinking past couple months want know opinion it think way vertically thinking change position horizontally ultimately falling radar idk make sense folks tired bored hopeless life thinking retirement", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im talking guy rn sc hes taking long respond making mad really mad im starting think hes getting bored me date monday dont know do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thats said hey gimme back lettuce kind list it naughty nice list santa mofo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "males females scroll nut november begins tomorrow complete tonite", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "batman movie quite good batman mask phantasm batman mr freeze subzero still good installment batman cartoons say equally good batman beyond movie movie good reasons storyline good quite good ones still pretty good lots action cartoon effects good voice actors really good kevin conroy batman bruce wayne tara strong barbra gordon efrem zimbalist jr eli marienthal robin villains good kyra sedgwick batwoman david ogden stiers pequin hector elizondo bane sure disappointed batman mystery batwomen make sure rent buy batman mystery batwoman movie really goodbr br overall score br br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got situation pushing redflag still suicidali still take great comfort owning item know end life whenever desire hear somewhat painlessly suicidal perceived ambition pursue mathematics going crushed still ive given time sit exams many reasons main one cant get feeling like terrible person ive made mistakes people forgiven ive spent sleepless nights crying mistakes made efforts never make constant guilt shame makes extremely depressive person im seeing therapist bipolar know isnt disorder talking cant find peace anything let alone feeling satisfaction content best people would consider rumination moping perpetually self hating depressed know make people love show love low theyre around somewhat contagious know world would better place without breaks heart say initial period suffering killing would cause parents girlfriend would break forever rippling effect would last rest lives better live like zombie trying numb possible outwardly minimise risk infecting people melancholy much hate seems pathetic existence going terms ive realised much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thanks covid mental health help easy get family going issues share need hearing mine right want redflag out depressed past present future feel empty hollow self hmed days ago want know going make worse trying figure sexually assaulted kid cannot remember confusing hate much feel like anyone talk me want hug ill probably cry get one thinking texting crisis line depressed need help cannot get", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "interesting rant ok make clear im homophobic anything like rant pride month veteran week vote listen rant fuck veteren get week aprecation make feel nice shit like that gay people get whole fucking month make feel special sexuaility wouldnt happening veteren fight wars keep country safe rights gay fact everyday respect do call stone cold killer killing people life line could die blink eye benefit gay people nothing sure guy fought rights cool veteren fought country ensures right gay rant rant apply canada usa countries kill gay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought might like friends cute hand drawn music video its called lofi songs young home knowing httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvpoftilhbdm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate happens wanted hundreds different things guess actually did fell asleep three hours middle day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher lowering grade previou grading period anyone straight as first grading periodnow im end secondand looked back stand one class c wtf techah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life summed song lyrics never failed fail damn auto bot post isnt short", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like someone needs hear tonight feeling right think cant anything people keep puting listen this its your life everyone else living it someone tells unable something work get done say wrong someone says youl never make it work hard make end one make it could make putting people like that see life nobody tell cant do one tell live where love look end let climb height hope someone needed hear tonight beutiful life good night sincerely austin zippy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish couragei wish could bring offing myself know whats stopping want nothing overcome barrier it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys know good illegal websites use watch shows hey guys website use stream shows got taken need good secure website lmao thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate much fixating one person lost interest left feel empty worthless", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "free award time alright simple make laugh tell interesting facts knew get free award wholesome good luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family member tried overdose paracetamolthey took paracetamols dont know mg mg sure severity likelihood pull anyone knows", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "real suppleroot hours up day far", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "obviously needed like make choice forced situation go down reason went inpatient treatment program", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready plan redflagimagine chronically ill slowly killing you imagine active person young s sick hospitals wheelchair imagine dislocating times day thats tip iceberg pain wise like youre ripped apart crushed time im done things keep happening things keep happening fears theres nothing death black leaving family friends dont want hurt anyone many illnesses diagnosed ptsd times yeah things tip breaking point ive tried staying strong want believe god dont want nothing tomorrow makeup last time tomorrow ill say goodbye parents grandpa tomorrow ill give one last good memory me ill leave court documents mom take lawsuit company caused major car accident resulting airlifted ill call friends siblings ill finish hard drive send man groomed took family body still damaged mind forever ill write notes mother taking people civil criminal courts tonight ill type will saturday night ill overdose somewhere loved ones wont see associate dying im done im done theres one wish family okay black something something real want watch loved ones dont want die wanted live life living want smell flowers hike again dance again want go gorge wanted live bad help people cant anymore cant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im failing subjects school mom furious reason bad cause one gives good enough reason want succeed school even passing live boring life mom still yells me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point idk feeling looking little help guess months draining cycle wanting disappear even disappear guess like never existed feel alone honestly weird tried explain one person months ago cannot exactly stitch together correct sentences make comprehensible feel like everything paper flimsy like fall fly away everything draining even idea sleeping much body handle weird thought depressed people loved sleep somehow sleeping makes things worse feel stuck bubble feel anything worse fog see things around feel like apart them also totally separated everyone socially never one many friends recently deleted removed accounts friends said accounts blocked numbers besides two people honestly feel remorse even though known several years also things bothering good describing them thank whoever listens depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want done everything everyone constantly yelling blaming everything me really want walk front traintoday went doctor boyfriend started screaming blaming everything me trying make feel like awful person everyone constantly yelling always always always blaming everything me god want die already feel alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "loseshey past months ive lost things made identity live gone leave school financial reasons move back home best friend girlfriend years separated completely fault wanted marry her im allowed near her cant even drive time license suspended bullshit law ive flashbacks sexual abuse kid mothers relationship isnt best feel completely alone even tho feel closer everyone love point life still feel really fuckin alone ya know focal point light life taken one one empty battle self harm daily basis cant even wear short sleeves outside work scars left ive never depressed entire life hurts light end tunnel turned giant forrest fire serious problems thats effect relationships im paying price alone months ago never saw like this never saw license school studio friends girlfriend ive attempted slitting wrist didnt work idk dont trust alone support gone long time forever im point giving life trying kill again feel like burden pain everyone around me never enough wrong things stress people good intentions darker sides psyche get way abused emotionally neglected childhood feel like constantly fight demons adult life ive lost everything due fact ive abused others way ive abused isnt fair anyone ive tried hard change stop shitty person always always insecure ass loser im really interested living anymore due fact everyone everything left life fault fault understand need help serious help positive youtube video numb pain drugs sex years professional therapy want happiness back confidence self esteem live creativity girlfriend best friends money license freedom sense self attempted hang wasnt strong leather belt seconds broke fell floor im alive im sure else do want get better need get better ive depressed suicidal almost decade want breathe once childhood crushing weight im gasping air breathe itll okay youll fine cuz every time think itll okay im severely disappointed wish wasnt am im good people life lot people good me wish didnt let bad events manifest inside deeply are yes vague didnt want go much detail feel relief writing little since bottled up since im alive ill try best remain healthy mentally even tho easy wrong thing ignore problems want anything care back cant keep letting demons control me thanks rredflagwatch existing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont knowive thinking lot lately honestly main thing holding back mom specifically pain endure go it cant help think way regardless much would love believe otherwise secretive person speak problems anyone all hate feeling like charity case especially feel like someone feeling sorry me know everybody goes shit understand problems dont want mention problems are trust taking toll long time ive trying justify committing redflag myself even death dont want hurt mom sometimes drive late night close eyes hoping crash something end all make stupid judgement calls could end dying purpose feels like ive pain long remember", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stay alive notwhenever tell mother grandmother im depressedhaving suicidal thoughtshaving panic attack either one assume saw something internet made upset theyll tell grow up actually attempt redflag theyll act never saw coming get angry me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried hard get better feels like every year life downward spiral towards suicidei cannot keep friends cannot work cannot go school cannot anything spent last three years therapy programs despite everything gotten worselast month kicked dbt program in left alone support attempt stuck waiting residential treatment really cannot see point anymore none therapy through dbt cbt otherwise able help cope nothing able help move past abuse through anything given reason lovei really know anymore tried everything can seems one option left want give up want give up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life fell apart could watchfor past months ive watched life fall apart everything going ruined it given multiple chances redeem failed every time feel hopeless now ive gotten help doctors therapist didnt help anything made worse ive tried look healthy social support closest friends moved away alone one talk anymore ive tried optimistic pick pieces try make something ive failed too whole life one big failure know family friends look me honestly end road ive exhausted options im going write every single one friends letter dont want blame themselves ill write family ones cant take living failures anymore know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hit rock bottom againi hit rock bottom big time absolutely nothing surviving goodwill others made sure keep firearm kill event instead chose sell licensed dealer use money try relax get shit together again suicidal long incredibly easy choose give give up insanely easy let others tell happy take pill drug fix hurt hollowness easy lay let world run over hard succeed start over harder strong inside close falling apart pressure thoughts past reward without risk one thing need love even now hope something better think hard everyone it good make feel help others way whatsoever can starts get better get bad again get better again go down highs without lows life wanted put post glamorize martyr horribly disadvantaged forgotten wanted put others know theyre end yet things better soon let be smell roses look stars learn read talk enjoy little things build there take one day time feel different tool end life held long feel robbed feel robbed myself feel better it like easy quit button hiding closet me instead theres huge outside world full different possibilities experiences conversations music food pleasures pains know truly religious think truly quite honest think sure afterlife makes time now good bad much valuable take mind add religion cherry top own ever let someone else take away self worth set bar whether low high cool someones eyes looked someone important people others hurt one things kept going knowing others struggling capable culminating negative thoughts though tormented see others give give up much hurts scares them causes huge ripple effect life important experience contrasts bind us ive learned depressed us caring toward others friends new old make things better even telling many little brainwash you remember good others try good yourself rest falls place let it enjoy ride remember laugh might get little direction would prefer see in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymorei feel everyone life would better without me turn cant imagine future everything much sensitive done bad shit mean ones love deserve alive cant take action feel like im living hell everyday whether im work home friend try hard cant stabilize moods go deep end every day everything sets off hate like this think bpd feel like life taking medicine makes feel numb unable cum isnt worth it personality really sad angry hyper", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate geometry hate geometry shapes shapes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell sleep dont want lowkey", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want live world populated sociopathsevery person trusted throughout life tried hurt way use personal gain past year convinced head im problem happiest fucking year life thought hey change attitude keep trying itll work out genuine hope first time life something happened today something super insignificant sent edge thats made realize never actually seen evidence people genuinely care beyond whats surface gain other know believe anymore want live world people see objects please want believe society this believe keep going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired paini live life people would envy dont work go school anymore sit around home nothing day problem mind longer feel happiness pain things ive through everyday wake flashbacks horrible things happened me sexual abuse bullied abusive parents brain loves take back make feel everything again like kind sadist know reminding world horrible place need go soon ive tried pills therapy nothing really cures pain knowing hurt living great lives sense power me love best friend cant enjoy time anymore due misery im going feel bad hurt him know needs done end suffering im cleaning little happens planning way wont fail year over thank you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failedthe last happy moment day took train station way trip shed destroy me tonight failed let noose take me strength back would able it instead keep floating maybe finally succeed one final happy moment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello goodbye well almost time ive never really post sub today last day teenager turning tomorrow wish knew sub younger probably wouldve helped someone listen problems seem dumb hindsight little advice yall dont sweat small stuff things might seem like end world really dumb hindsight example lot teens really wanted learn drive get car big point contention parents thought didnt really like wouldnt teach drive thought life would change completely finally exciting worthwhile iearned got car nothing really changed basically go errands now something seemed really important really wasnt big deal know doesnt apply everyone ask always keep open mind good luck all", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried overdose last night brother standing front methis exactly title says no partial attempt counter painkillers situation didnt walked me forgot lock door laid bed little rows mg prozac mg zoloft mg prazosin singular extra strength ibuprofin know came downstairs say anything happening fight that weve lot lately ever since got girlfriend hes different now episode panicking body looked trying make eat ive diagnosed anorexic years started yelling triggered ptsd went walk outside hour came home went straight room laid pills came started ibuprofin prazosin theyre hard swallow get gritty stick tongue taste bad wanted get way upset crying telling understand ive getting better told people tend fall pushed theres much know ive diagnosed bundle things cptsd did depression generalized anxiety also experience psychosis time time body covered scars forearms legs chest sides throat everywhere ive multiple attempts past always stopped something found time taken hospital ive tried drowning suffocation slitting radial artery slitting throat even stabbing myself ive close attempts trains nooses why feel like reading backstory means click away skip it tldr abused trans kid used smart dropout living away home ampxb used get absolutely perfect grades never failed anything several years ahead school work fathers old mechanical engineering textbooks seventh grade graduated eighth grade honors grades slowly started slip parents manipulative emotionally abused us kids two biological siblings sister called e younger brother named z currently respectively raised z parents always working going places together takes much fed clothed got trouble it e hated ever since came trans constantly told kill myself would hit scream retaliated got trouble parents accepting either told phase know came years ago hated looked began starve myself cooked refused eat table them always excuse ready time sexually abused one person relied trusted help sexually abused me want go court november think ill able to want go detail this hurts ive experiencing psychosis since kid saw therapists young age grandma always took me would hear voices see mutilated bodies horrid creatures still experience this suspicion may schizophrenic cant diagnose currently psychiatrist last one saw listen told diagnoses brushed ptsd tried double already high dosage zoloft stopped going taking meds high risk back march year hospital got back school principal told valid excuse falling far behind courses dropped out three days birthday last year turned packed clothes school bag sent parents email school saying going home withdrew parental consent live ontario form emancipation law that would homeless friend called a told last minute allowed stay place thats still turn october call brother thats essentially is family feels like family mine things started get better like said less ptsd episodes live with really talked it alters know of theyre like another family head blanks day bother me even though things getting better also getting worse relapsed anorexia recently skin bone ive selfharmed twice past month close friends girlfriend brother people understand this everyone age hates ex spread rumors school brother girlfriend months now lots friends hes im jealous wish could him wish born male wish friends wish could relationship like has tell this hurts upsets me pretty much ignores me sit room alone work sleep cant sleep im trying make career working online blogging made anything yet ive lost hope even though ive week motivation cant keep day job many episodes ive tried nobody accommodates many mental issues have working difficult brother tried get friends friends think call friends close cant go anything play magic gathering sometimes im tired im tired hurting im tired sleepless nights im tired hated alone im tired knowing nobody really cares live die except one person ampxb came last night still trying swallow two prazosin tried scoop pills grab all picked rest sat there staring him told eff leave alone yelled saying it started mockingly repeating earlier words back him yelling much jerk hes lately took zoloft right front him hit water bottle hand dry swallowed told leave again remember feeling nothing rage fear even tired felt nothing wanted pills done trying push way life everything going on still am took last night lethal sickening knocked hours hate forgot lock door want get better ive really trying im tired im sick fighting want sleep never wake up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gotta keep numbers up hows work coming along eh l why even this for were others noone see it were ourselves bring us down whats point all fulfillment it pay ask questions", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another day band kid lime boy deadass guy band class got three whole ass limes ate like apples one batted eye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously normal cry everyday times day remember like years ago lot things happened unfixable cannot much it still feels weird remember last time felt happy feeling guilty time everything remember last time felt good take medication used judge people thought suicide damn looks like would fix things normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aaaaaa presentation minutes im nervous af someone please tell gonna alright need calm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally decided datetomorrow big day im tired feeling way even long literally one cares me good guess cause really hurting anyone ex want hates me hed rather live single life give another chance someone claimed love much feel like whole years lie feel worthless alone ive never felt way whole life im happy tomorrow soon goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired failingafter surviving last attempt felt anger im usually passive quiet person incredibly frustrated im failure even kill myself ive lost count attempt last one probably th th draining fail fail life even fail death fail never get back up life always worse im tired know cant give up cannot ever stop trying kill myself belong world dead free constant pain hopefully next attempt fatal keep trying anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always feel like everyone hates either ignored people talk me give one word replies idk really want exist anymore tired breathing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im terrifiedsomeone hold im scared", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "livei reason live reasons die want parents struck grief want pay funeral know else do ive tried getting help help im thinking tomorrow get paid transfer money parents leave", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate often tell friends lives matterwhy it care them think know like mother abused entire life ive run things tell them know anymore theyve asked many times die hate much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going dieso took sleeping pills going drown myself got stopped im really sleepy cant sleep took pills people saying im dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family keeps pissing household speak english spanish siblings speak english amongst speak spanish mom everytime get discussion speak english regardless im talking easier prove point since speak english better spanish everyone family constantly makes fun even tell stop say something someone saying word wrong get yelled at constantly happening pisses off know nobody gonna see feels nice rant somewhere", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stop saying america shit country stop saying america shit country mind think racist country ive never seen immigrant talk shit america reason that came shit hole country running water deemed success sound bomb going became normal live america privileged reason cant become successful systemic racism stoping becoming successful work hrs week poor right talk shit billionaires like elon musk jeff bezos started company work hrs week living ramen even billionaires work hrs week", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok but america shit china wants reality ends harming american people ever china", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "discharged hospital definitely want kill myselfi understand perspective ive weeks longer im harder itll go back real world little improved stay things gotten worse meds given anxiety came think redflag every day tried twice here life outside safe bubble overwhelming every angle thats want kill myself real safe place go leave back shit got here keep saying cant cope attend emergency room come back know even go home flat im going go straight bridge jump cant make far ill walk traffic feel like matter say theyre going believe im serious telling us suicidal gotten comfy hospital true want hospital equally cant face life again thought hope getting better despite engaging activities mind gotten worse ill leaving day tomorrow energy ask give least till friday doctor set wednesday stone putting immense pressure agree day want leave go things all tried", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please comment whatever want want feel popular", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggling years depression suicidal thoughts always thought keeping work best thing i would sleeping entire day working no big mistakeit th week sick leave mess feeling day day cannot imagine difference feel connected myself even smiling feel useful again even shit entire day needed sleep take nap waking up needed think annoying coworkers needed go bike ride pm wednesday needed days front tv eating crap watching stupid shows nothing neededpeople go work every day feeling like shit crying work hours talk whoever supports discuss taking time off responsible it take advantage it office job course makes easier boss read much bottom sub wanted give bit light better timesi sure feel like forever always ups downs mental health learned important lessons myself everything help get depressive episode future welcome burn depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think people used saying want drug deathhe said many times annoying were used it drug death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alonei wake feeling sad go sleep feeling sad repeat try things take medication like should days go social things days go dr therapist days always start end way friends alone apartment probably ruined college ruined relationships alone tired building crash think time fell far think killing almost constantly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive killed head least ten times todayim tired energy move forward anymore care life kind go everyday motions without drive im shy overly self conscience ive developed social anxiety years im afraid everything panic time feel like everyone know thinks im joke every time feel like im getting little better feelings come back stronger harder cant get head know explain im feeling even want fear shrugged fact mother friends im done life want put fucking gun head pull trigger im fucking trapped money therapist car work dead end job money gone end week cant fucking take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe knowing literally cannot afford try keep today insurance cover jack shit expect fighting bills would astronomically harder fighting hospital pay pocket let us assume would able get bills even trytia usa people attempted failed big hospital bill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive wanted kill myselfdie since im feeling changeive wanted kill myselfdie since thats realised mum cheating dad went abroad work time even wrote redflag letter tell dad mum wanted overdose painkiller pills ive never done obviously years past dad knows affair parents still stayed together worked feeling still remains want die family went abroad dad started studying foreign language failed courses twice now know different language hard time know put work slacked college university drink much play games much escape reality procrastinate trust therapists even though should know do know want die could never commit redflag cause love family know theyd devastated want die means car accident cancer anything know do currently live england", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking hate dad ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope money worth it really do reputation wellat stage id disappointed learn considering much clearly ruin childs life over took years parents actually shit fucking years knew bastards knew issues had id say denying dishonest principles first place legit future understand jack shit school least greedy bastards money whether going homeless somehow ending rich im returning bastards giving cent im scared commit redflag hell best believe someone disproved religion id killed longtime", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im quitting job covid travel killing im donei cant rat race im first job graduating dec disappointed enslaved feel reddit google every resource look help quit life scam get happy gotta live according world forces to im waiting covid travel quitting job last day traveling end ever am able enjoy life enslaved retire years old even attempted rebuild life traveling come back country unemployment end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "starve deaththats probably im gonna go heres story went downstairs saw minor flooding kitchen pipe beneath sink leaking overnight serious could mop that dad finds trying fix mess flips saying helpful all maybe im overly sensitive really hurt me im already suicidal told useless really pushed edge threw fit moped room daddy do stops buying food id go buy citys week lockdown pass long take die hungry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thankyou making wonderful escape thats love movies im impressed aireals way shot timing dynamically perfect music being dancer part many dance films choreography usually chopped diced sometimes even beatshowgirls movie relationship ladies ever present movement br br my favorite scene last one pulled ive seen movie before different version disliked husband last time felt little sorry time changes feel female love birds magical ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help hope goneim last night party hit once feel worthless im moderately liked sure people want around enough meaningful relationship friends great people convince get me hang obligation found last night drove house bunch pills still resent them wrong me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "opportunities hope screw uphi everybody used lurk lot subreddit feel need say goodbye im still depressed know over still time always be im changing environment im trying browse positive stuff maybe manage get friends summer fix problems dont over least im putting effort know people going bad times im praying although probably helpi hope everything get better everyone im tired suffering seeing people suffer goodbye rredflagwatch please give in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried hanging today overdosed sleeping pillsif reading may already gone heres last words go fucking hate world bullshit im tired it im done getting made fun depression clothes looks cuts arm nobody fucking cares me even friends talk shit interests im failing school teachers hate me know ill never get job wanted im gonna dirty hobo street begging money get something eat theres really meaning life ill never find happiness goes away im back this nothing fucking works mental hospitals therapy anime video games nothing fucking works im lowly stupid insignificant human cant anything right goodbye reddit everyone hope everyone gets", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "father makes deals people kuwait russia sells cows people there", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel trapped see way outhello ive thinking killing while basically last years im trapped teaching internship program even want teacher applied got certification program want failure idea use history degree put internship across state know pay drive there ive working hours club enough want this give shit teacher cant back out do grand student loan debt without certification ill fucked want it want put wringer piece paper even want wish someone told dont it teacher figure something else out scared sleep last night called internship sick first week parents lectured me saying im going seen unreliable could never take sick day whole thing shot unless get act together really think would safe drive tired understand never do ive said many times this me want drop use bachelors something else never listen say this make marketable pussy even teach finish it happy years im unhappy year old moron internship cant support desperately trying stave future loan debt going career path could give less shit about cant see way out need help im home alone today half tears also staring space im sorry really man up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like thisi really even know say here ive never posted something like before know long post be sorry advance gets long thoughts also pretty jumbled right now sorry seems like im rambling structure post well so go feel guess im years old never good thing called life life never terribly bad beat molested no nothing like that never good life ive dreams goals never made come true get wrong im pretty smart guy im quitter feel like putting forth effort really like outdoors fishing hiking camping make feel good times im even going college environmental sciences next year well maybe know ill make long even going school something love get career something actually enjoyi think enjoy life know feel way do used good amount friends used girl loved pushed away know it mistakes ive made making like anymore ones turn away mistakes ive pushed away stopped putting effort stay friends them know why guess want truly hurt them end hurting me so ive become lonely want social im good it talk texttyping pretty well comes talking face face always find struggling find words matters much live small town almost everyone knows me would fine basically outcast school thats remember me cant really make new friends here two friends left keep things anonymous also keep things easy understand ill call john sam so john hes best friend anyone could ask for hes loyal fun smart strong willed would die anyone considers family know happened blessed way become friends him wed anything other were almost exact same well makes getting along easy were pretty fucked head humor sometimes even him subconscious stuff try push away try toit happens thankfully hes stubborn bastard kind knows feel try hide him ive become really good hiding it sometimes slip up know tell feel least little sam amazing caring nice smart funny beautiful outside truly beautiful inside too dated couple times never worked out better friends moved long ago lives couple states away text lot ive shared darker thoughts her caring best hard truly something text live far away two friends lot good ones even them amazing are feel lonely feel way life terribly bad feel like im cut life want livei truly do feel like cant it scares me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shtrafbat story russians could tell second world war largest front whole conflict been ironically least appearing subject silver screen war western allies wareffort pictured almost every possible detail manner east left job left old propaganda movies little else historical footage valuebr br there chance shtrafbat could compete band brothers every detail neither want look screen examining petty visual effects mind soldiers russians enough big reason forgive less eyecaptivating battle scenes concentrate story interesting much different war eastern front nature russian army might wish people produce dramatizations fronts armiesbr br shtrafbat way perfect rare specialties augment overall rating tends crush myths people second world war true heroes russian people leaders sent missions could perish another great myth bust presents enemy pick gun equal human advancement difficult try many acclaimed films well shtrafbat shows war eastern front war survival clash isms grinds people dust", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey rocoon listened spirit phone th time week okay me do remember michael jackson michael jackson really happened", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else think redflag every secondsits constantly mind matter im doing im work home outside thoughts always there im talking literally every seconds think killing myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last strawalrightive posted another acc forgot password comes throwaway many numbers alright soi suffer severe paranoiai feel im constantly watchedlistened even people know thoughtsi think might bipolari stress ass schoolmy step mum gets drunk makes day even worsei also huge fear abandonment like things lifemy dogsmom gf thing ismy gf lives england dontshes also suicidal raped stufg wont get unless think wanna know ig ifwhen doesnt respond dayseither mum took phone shes thinking even almost attempting kill herself thing isshe hasnt responded days nowwhich worries like alotsince thats longest hasnt responded since met diesi think ill kill bc im also sick told im young depressed like treated joke real shit really hope replies soon bc fuck dont wanna diei want done lifebut im afraid comes after help pleasei need ideas tell kill want that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one best three stooges shorts ever spooky house full evil guys the goon challenge alert detective agencys best men shemp top form famous inthedark scene emil sitka provides excellent support mr goodrich role target murder plot over shemps trusty little shovel employed great effect minute gem moves fast stooges short packs twice wallop highly recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got one question unv website common offer cookies", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "abc news youtube channel recorded kids zoom class made comment there ask like comment abc knows never again httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvgprncomzvgamplczfdxaqfpjzhvqtaokgjanhdhtaxzmzrirkhhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvgprncomzvgamplczfdxaqfpjzhvqtaokgjanhdhtaxzmzrirkh comment student worst nightmare cannot imagine zoom call broadcasted entire world even enjoy turning camera all furthermore doubt kids really choice whether aired unfortunately likely parents made decision please again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actual dick terrible httpsyoutubemlmshkypsi httpsyoutubemlmshkypsi httpsyoutubemlmshkypsi httpsyoutubemlmshkypsi httpsyoutubemlmshkypsi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sick everythingits fucked world fucked environmental level already beyond needed sustain life planet everything trending downward stagnating economically unless top tenth one percent politicians political parties want anything anybody substantive level alcoholism opioid addiction still roaring among americans one them alcoholic dont care getting fucking drunk shit every fucking night preferrable accepting world is fucking friends anymore one job life quit two weeks cuz im fucking pussy piece shit im fuckign years old thi situation live fucking parents fuck everything im high school dropout fuck fuck fuck im fucking failure holy shit cant fucking take gone shit everythign shit im sorry fuck everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pathetic know else goive long history mental illness complete one nearsuccessful redflag attempt five years ago recently upward swingfeeling good good combination right meds selfharmed almost two years way therapy transferred specialist gp two weeks ago birthday usually hate birthdays managed fun year got balloons went dinner saw boyfriend got piercing id wanted months two days ago started noticing signs infection went today get antibiotics planning gently quickly switching jewelery ring curved barbell comforts sake snapped ring cartilage taking out caused ton bleeding swelling get barbell in hysterics seems takes bring flood sadness suicidal thoughts back want die lost piercing fucking pathetic piece shit makes big deal everything ruins everything makes everyone around miserable generally worthless waste oxygen future one would miss better without me monster failure ugly fat volatile im stupid im generally compilation every awful quality face earth took remind one little failure yay weak ive cried sick already ruined late birthday dinner verge breaking blades back out thing stopping sheets white want clean blood im sorry reddit know im awful everyone else huge issues deal im really sorry dont even know wrote this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deserve lifeto put frankly deserve life ive made choices past could literally rear swallow public downfall time family deserves better im person things still them im monster locked away deranged sick dead problems go away fear guilt goes away family deals public backlash redflag shame embarrassment inevitable fall", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stay reddit going kill myself reddit cope going kill myself looks like inevitable keep alive shit cannot take", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "due fairly mild heart condition likely wont able drink alcohol smoke weed basically orthostatic hypotension stand blood pressure drops time problem every years get bad attack days ago worst due multiplle factors passed like times convulsed span minutes middle dang cvs decided actually look condition basically since alcohol weed lower heart rate heart rate already low recommended dont either wasnt hyped alcohol wouldve nice try weed get older ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy shit if evil would great karma posts want karma posts learn pattern works different subs look hot importantly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats biggest life lessons learnedjust interested lot led thought patterns come learning life lessons late change", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats guys least favorite burger topping personally last thing id want burger somebodys foot fungus", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tips stay motivatedfocused hey ive gotten pretty behind schoolwork wondering yall tricks staying focusedmotivated get distracted pretty easily often motivate sit like hours work", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "halloween going work year context im eighteen years old highly anticipate halloween year get weird looks height even reluctant give candy do people think im creep granted knock neighbors doors weekly still okay it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling like shit ive never wanted kill ever nowthe fact depression decided fuck boyfriend hurts lot fun till started break feel like shit him never break depression eating hit like fucking truck felt like shit started crying left ive never done before first time hit hard fact leave house strange hit hard time ive crying fucking hours havent stopped since dont know depression getting way want selfharm badly either kill tonight need break feeling like shit time fuck life im done emotions constantly feeling like shit constant basis feeling like shit im boyfriend thats crossing fucking line dont get wrong im glad boyfriend tries help fucking christ feel awful tonight know im going feel awful tomorrow want kill im probably going later tonight really early morning dont know anyways end killing self oh well fuck it ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared ill never find girl me girl ever like me ill pathetic lonely end days", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "httpsyoutubeabulbja httpsyoutubeabulbja f f f f f f f f f cff f f f f f f f f f f g f g h h h ggffbdndhfgdgfgfhfbf f g g g g g g h h j hhh h g g hghgg g g g g", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw last post absolutely nothing wore hentai hoodie said nothing it yearbook gonna little interesting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want cause traumashello im years old girl finland im posting first time thats story started unknown stranger sent friend request facebook know going change life muchwe used chat sometimes years changed shared numbers chat call whatsapp day day texted more fall blindly love him even tho gf country got depressed anxious able go school etc ive missed class even ive anxious going school got worse year ago broke gf told feelings him accepted long distance relationship i never met even lives km away due age change go meet him already wont come meet because studies used text daily hours told loved much able live without me also started force strange shit things said cant born baby him marry him like thathe told cause culture hes tripura decided break him felt hurt sometime came beg him told need born baby need marry shit continues used fight several things become anxious depressed ive totally stopped going school really cant anything anymore ive always worried even money go meet him really poor never get job future yesterday blocked everywhere im never enough him fakes me hate really know im poor kid want die years old littlebro know condition kill myself thats stops me otherwise ive already escape hell fuck sounds stupid probably none understand would cause less traumas brother started act rude make hate first would free kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gay pain ass gays use condoms fucking assholes cum guys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know give upthree months ago got hyperacusis tinnitus panicanxiety disorder light sensitivityvisual disturbances shakingspasming attacks pains headfaceneck amidst general unwell symptoms following three days antibiotics xiflaxan neomycin attempt address digestive issues ive four years greatly worsened year ago worse a year ago weighed weigh unable sleep reflux also became much worse gave ativan sleep night im still months later im sure fucking body more im stuck parents basement unable tolerate barely noise constantly discomfort ears ringing ive diagnosed lyme disease say could reason everything im pretty sure ears damaged antibiotics iv ceftriaxone making debilitating hyperacusis tinnitus worse cant drive cant go outside cant anything except suffer discomfort basement day every day little hope antibiotics make better even benzo addictionwithdrawal get through state ears taken away chance really living again im trying hard give kill myself day antibiotics ears hurt keep ringing harder day sign getting better give hope and understanding never going get better getting worse first im hopeless alone angry unfair happen me wanted able keep living life friends hobbies go out find right girl my gf broke week started im broken think fixed im stuck tiny ass town pasadena md parents basement alone wishing someone would come hug keep safe tonight im always alone keep fight thoughts cutting end picc line ending it even want call help came every drive car hurts ears much more know do im trying hard give end it hope maybe sort recovery able live again feel hopeless alone much pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously close redflag idea do real advice neededi canada lots important details dont want get into basically cant continue living way redflag seems likely dealing immense self hatred since entire life also isolated never friends currentlly unemployed pessamistic future incredibly depressed every day painful already tried meds exercise diet cant make friends therapy self help books moving much self hating make friends anyways basically cant anymore need real action platitudes die destroy family miss world live go crazy cant handle it tell authority redflag hotline doctor therapist bad doing hospitalized forcefully medicated ruin life thats option could tell family severely annoyed almost slightly hate parents dont want talk them cant help except try throw money me take guns away guilt living unhelpful annoying option could tell older sister really helpful smart good stuff like this ive spoken immideately told parents really uncool guarantee tell im suicidal tell parents friends talk to poorly poi t also cant wait slow recovery shotgun cant friends anyone real talk to bound happen soon die theres going back dont want die dont want live way living even more feel bad go insane angry believe need die punish myself seriously guys dont want break sisters hearts parents hearts also cant talk see alternative need actual solution fucking happening dont wabt get detail everything thats going on need real world change fuck do die sorry thanks reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hard times nights easy cuz whiskey killing me got empty spot inside me deep dark hole love used be gary allan said best whiskey", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna chat somethin feeling kinda bored yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want die think toill shortly summ whats going on basically rona made depressed used straight a college student got published research top class mission work etc im probably going get expelled since im failing classes theres coming back this deadass looking end life rn find stupid months severe depression could fuck life bad life unforgiving lol sad theres much want live too puppy want watch grow up im great relationship theres still things want semester ending weeks cant bear thought deal shit get expelled loans go repayment oh topic finances im pretty sure ive lost job casual job hospital required work shift every weeks havent come month ive likely already fired it losing job stupid shit like middle pandemic cant get stupid lazy this anyways looks like cant anything anymore rereading all looks like want partake fun parts life im willing put work even now fucking late parents wont forgive wasting entire semester dont help pay college cosign loans even want cut out looks like bound together loans paid might well go hell even tho aside cosigning loans ive independent financially lived alone since school main reason die rn parents dont give shit shit really going hit fan find this really wouldnt mind waitress something life figured mom anxiety doesnt manage shes gonna flip kill myself loans forgiven ive checked feel trapped wish killed earlier life really nothing lose bittersweet im ready lose life ive reached point continuing life worth living shitty kill parents barely picture make life hell im really worried puppy goes since none friends going able take dont trust family take good care him im regretful right now wanted today good last day dog im sitting crying probably sense im sad rn", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck pcmr got banned rpcmasterrace posted meme apparently shitty mods assholes turned blame me told go hell also refused respond me asked awnser unban me said every message send respond days wouldnt respond either way kinda softlocked told gth feels good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crazy person hereim sure belongs here think years ive becomestrong guess enough make real attempts taking life thoughts lately thoughts become loud again know society stigma redflag depression get tired fighting tired fighting pass pain ones love know know thats redflag pass pain others get so tired thoughts get loud years ago friend found getting ready hang myself years therapy years trying antidepressant new antidepressant nothing makes thoughts go away makes less vocal them makes shy away people one ever know know never normal think would nice if life could talk someone frankly honestly without fear locked up medicated treated like nut case almost wonder would even help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "browsing twitter stumbled account clicked red pill reality imploded itself mind undone anyone try red pill lately httpstwittercomchuck_grahamstatuss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember kids want age flair click three dots top right corner screen press change user flair", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well im bored again ask questions furry could tell story idc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life actually insufferablenow reading retrospect almost seems like diary ampxb hate this sucks makes angry people think right try press feeling better faking enjoyment im upset ive always last years so now parents suck cant hold sustained friendship anyone hour since im boring fuck hate parents putting planet horrible lonely wish upon worst enemy school literally one even fucking interact with crush hates me as per usual parents act like care dont give fuck whether alive dead main thing theyd probably care killed how much money spend failure cant even talk anyone this since know talk it parents care heard talking ending life something along lines that id probably get killed life sucks everything sucks no phase kill myself probably not human natural fear death like people however pain insufferable promise you tomorrow definitely add this like sure hope not will cant hold sustained happy emotion hour so however need to order make people feel even uncomfortable around are counselling sucks since get judged every decision make on wish temporary feeling since ive seen posts people depressed way longer bet almost anything feeling aint temporary whenever talk anyone hear thoughts saying want leave conversation soon possible say face is ampxb ampxb get it know ive done deserve acute pain life sucks whenever put mask pretend im happy get detention fuck life even more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people care late im sick everything probably drown sea comments please overlook mei accepted people care im gone bad people care all kind like people subreddit posted sub yesterday saying going kill myself decided push another day seemed like chore maybe today ill it maybe day idk yet look see fake humans everywhere cringe nobody truly cares people may shrivel care me ive pushed away ruined bond fake love hurts way bump bruise ended dying yesterday honest someone like use world reason alive ive tried soul searching ive tried looking passion nothing ever work nothing gives joy theres way death least peace im still alive still hate that im good anything never good anything energy anything productive feed peoples lives sleep schedule diet eternally broken mindset never changed im horrible stubborn human cannot change care progressing life get anywhere deeper inside hole suicidal ideation comfort fact always wildcard killing makes relieved feeling low cannot last forever need end point likely end death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got biochem test dislike science im bummed got bad grade dont really care point care dont care teacher doesnt put grades till end weeks need get good grades rest stuff hybrid missing person class kinda difficult learning new info especially assigned like month ago chapter glycoproteins proteoglycans confuses me anyone relate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy shit said yes hell yeah confessed crush likes back fucking pog edit yall feel lonely tell person like like them close friends enjoy company ask want friends even like back sure feel lonley always someone there", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost friend lost liveever since best friend always struggled dark thoughts overall sadness i know depression could always count him could always count considered family four guys group throughout teenage years friends im alone bestie joined college started work started drift apart would still hang could could feel growing cold days ago asked hed like hang said hes got project college able come left it hours later scrolling instagram post one friends popped hanging pub course without me clear day wanted nothing me years meant nothing anymore know ive ever felt like life felt like whole world crushed me heart started race trouble breathing understanding happened sent message asking hed lie said friends wanna hang me even though hurts like fucking hell told okay wished best blocked even though want lose best friend know beg thats wants it am years old literally friends hobbies social life achievements life parents probably disappointed fuck me dead end job im aware people way worse get low point even start even right feel like ending all one would probably even notice im gone it know strangers online probably care maybe someone tell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate alli hate people complain lifes cant buy something really expensive others dont even know theyre gonna eat next day theyre gonna eat all hate people say depression reality sad moments stupid things like boyfriendsgirlriends hate everyone normalized redflag use joke nowadays i wanna die girl same funny wanting die something joked about suicidal waking everyday wishing sun hadnt crept throught window giving anything one day might make happy moment much pain mental stress want escape all worst able it sucks cant actually kill yourself im cowards problably never kill im coward wish courage could escape all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh god literally tired cannot happy feel anything sad numbness sometimes wonder ill end alone motivation anything anymore even want say hi family anymore want anything anymore even want anymore tired existing fatigued", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f married seeming like unable kids job constantly belittled friends family wants start drama feel like failed life difficulty children really weighing sending dark place feel like everyone perfect lives world punishing me tired feeling like failure", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im drinking cope pain cant feel yayliterally drank entire bottle wine half hour less feel feel stupid trying harder wanting feel better want die im stupid pathetic wanting better hope get better hope die tonight kind stupid pathetic loser i", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost iti almost last month really close didnt regret it feel like couldve missed chance end pain im really trying stay alive feels like one everyone life either cruel abusive flat uncaring try reach people love talk say shit like im sorry could worse im trying hard find fit live go work come home cook take care myself pay bills sleep without wishing dead crying day thats want dont even want rich successful dont even want love dont need amazing career dont need excitement popularity admiration want peace maybe tiny bit understanding want love myself dont feel like ask much im tired living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts increasing feel trappedmy job making feel completely miserable superior abusing power creating hostile environment result people work directly dislike well im scared go work monday cant quit bills pay cant seem find another job either ive year find suicidal thoughts growing frequent im taking cocktail medication going therapy doesnt seem help dont see way death want pain stop dont feel like last find another job found suicidal method yet terrifies me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im super bored seeing reddit dm feature sucks literally dm discordany social media account name ill add chat fir not thats fine aswell good day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weight loss egirl day ive working unofficially week im going start losing weight end goal egirl anyways kicking official count lbs thats today kind hard avoid sweets shit im posting case actually go say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sneezed said bless automatic think im finally getting used lonely", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "amazing people get mcr references makes sense since band broke people kids whatever", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty girl online class hate online school allow students interact even worse moved new school advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trying distract horrible thoughtsim angry right now pretty sure lost best friend stupid argument im tired treated like shit everyone fucked up know it everyone remind me walked anxiety please try living bedroom years talk anyone go events go movies fucking sit room contemplate many things fucked up nah lazy right want work right guess thats went job interview panic attack knew best friend get side me shes allowed angry it six years trying make realize okay huge problem initiate contact get it must suck one always talk guess what try talk blow saying busy recently telling fuck off hard enough guy kind issues top get fucking crucified well yeah advice man up really fucking helpful thanks sharing fucking useless shit im glad spent night night listening cry family fucking abandon soon everything returns normal thats works right problems over sorted oh thanks letting happen right go uni might housebound last years might last real chance make something work shit important right thats important everyone else keeps shit together helping slightly would ever troublesome sorry long wall text need get there im trying distract myself music blasting game going letting sit think fucking know ill end something stupid keep train thought cant issues well people problems make mine disappear sympathize everyone problems lend fucking hand least could lend ear need you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "itits thinking pretty long time im honeslty fucked mentaly cant would never put family friends horrible thing real im scared one day ill break", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give best reason try kill self think going work come", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "religious atheist want know percent religious teenagers think atheists wrong", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " coins someone gives wearing caring award trophy you appreciate yall filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would rather know friend died redflag would rather think tragic accidenti cant decide let friendsfamily know let think accident", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sick thisive left friend today cant much mean talk week even much work spends rest time boyfriend even said sorry neglecting friendship connections i guess me friend too used talk lot more best friend im best friend at least said that feel freaking lonely without her feel like thinks important once killing me person anymore friend her mom loves course like get things chest anything like that know all trust her perfect mom really good friend someone talk stuff like that first time thinking redflag im weak anything unless painless firearm annoying feeling able anything find another relatively painless method cant either live alone sad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend keeps saying epic cringe unironicaly time cant take anymore either im gonna kill pissing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw movie days ago eyes completely fixed screen greatness held attention extent focused attention entire duration would recommend seeing fans anime anyone likes great movies period or likes really weird stuff style art beautiful sound perfect symbolism within breathtaking ive heard complaints weird insertion english text movie think way done complementary strange style movie selfattributed description hello kitty acid justice film absolutely epic proportions id like find works whoever made this see them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssss weekend again know dis means wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ok weekend again say love guys stay safe fuck online school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hopeless scaredhi reddit im longtime lurker need help family friends connected avenues communication feel comfortable talking people physical world reddit kind last shot want help think first please note im actively suicidal means hand anything resembling concrete plan however spent last two half weeks considering taking life things becoming solid day i figuring want belongings disposed considering best way make sure im found anyone know thinking method etc im starting scare myself seems culmination last three months loneliness stress ive always depressive though clinical depression undiagnosed parents want kid mental illness i convinced depression minimum said last months struggle even standards normally able pull episodes couple weeks good things happen figure fight back one different since came college gotten progressively worse would say akin sinking beginning fine swimming strongly cheerfully going meeting people focusing studying working hard while started get tired swallowed water couple times started get tired one met wanted hang me invitations things inevitably pity invitations point im barely keeping head water cant focus cant study barely socialize like normal human anymore exceptional ive crawled come smiling two weeks ago nervous breakdown screaming crying hurting myselfthe works scared me want hurt anyone drag anyone mess im quickly becoming go down want take anyone me deserve treated way treat them im angry sad time one needs that one needs person like me bring value lives im good writing thats literally have skills talents im kind im smart im good enough around people im waste space one good friend started build social circle one new friends like much furthermore friend disgusted see every time talk thinks im angry loud negative want part this love i love her begun try distance her deserves much better me would anything her im stepping away her tearing apart got friends miss me know sound articulate thats feel constantly state simultaneously nearpanic neartotal apathy everything scares cant make care anymore know logically people would care gone time know would better without me im drain everyones resources time deal ongoing issues go counselor im terrified theyll drop psych ward throw medications me forget me cant talk family would panic cant talk friends know tell this cant even get contact regular internet friends force reveal people want know im fucking disintegrating know much longer hang on want kill every day wonder bother living ive scratched safety pin last two weeks coping mechanism people would miss gone sure theyd hell lot better fucking everything constantly im scared fucking alone please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saying word doesnt mean racist goddammit white use nword sometimes also racist all im quite scientific anomaly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heavys important message get girl get tf ending theme", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got first real gf ive never really dated kinda stumbled relationship gf nice amazing need talk somewhere lives side school little older like months ive spent bunch time house parents siblings cool let chill last week ive started dinner become pretty regular thing thanks listening rant also sorry mobile bad format", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting everyday get girlfriend day day im hereby celebrating th aniversary death pope adeudatus day day like wood day lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisici elit sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua day one day one thousand day one million day one billion day one trillion day one quadrillion day one quintillion day one sextillion haha sex this today first walked km m up bicycled km usually struggle both day one septillion day one octillion day one nonillion day i love apache attack helicopters cute day day twjgwuwviqheiqniberuwkgueheikwgwiq day piece dead fly wall bed years now day screw fell chair worried day want provoke someone badly rn day qwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnm day fuck magic eye bot day leg hurts say leg still hurts day need electric shock rn day day day day day day day day day day day absoloutly nothing happens countdown day day day day nothing day day day day day day should start random austria fact post series day fzzrjhgttejnpjgugzuijgfuhdojgz day think want change bedding every day fucking amazing change every days want feeling everyday day like cats cats cute day im hungry tired get up day like trains day like planes day today witnessed someone getting pulled m deep canyon helicopter day today yeeted waterfall day want found country day want yeet waterfall day e day day spanish inquisition day day p day day r day day day scam dont buy day buy minecraft instead day thinking erections public worse problem erection public day henry stickmin popular again day day even day qwertzuiop asdfghjkl yxcvbnm day big pp say bought microsoft flight sim day installing hours now day done day already spetember day big toe long pinky finger time thiccer thumb day want socialice hard rn usually hate talking ppl day half year mark getting closer day like trees day like cats day like dogs day today talked girl day d printer isnt working day think im way making female friend day im making progress day like apples day im running iut ideas write day e day ww lasted day like pizza day talked different girl today day like spaghetti too day use ecosia plz thx day u dont use ecosia ur stupid", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone tried kill aspirin like aspirin", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love allyou guys practically second family even though share pain guys idea much help many others goes thoughts sub prevented ending many times knowing whenever feel sad come relate many people people whiling help you really overwhelming thank awesome hopefully one day find peace even seams cloudy rainy outside", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ranting relationship cringe alert ive always weird standpoint relationships like always weird tastes made nit fit mostly fine friend mine really sweet helpful rarely talked remember made difference used hug treated like people school would eventually people like paired groups left alone dont feel like connect dont feel like connect anyone like weird things try fit norm but start feeling bored really dont bond makes feel like belong anywhere really bond someone start slipping away stop talking know fault really weird but hard see everyone used love doesnt even bother talk thats everyone school feel like like really anything important people wont talk unless forced dont care made friend gf id like say shes friend gf also girl girlfriend rate tend imagine world talk live happily know dont worry appearance know would love either way problem feel like lying super high expectations go back life way anything like ever happing try talk old friends nothing try happy nothing one plan left but dont know like because fails fails catastrophically moving another place schoolcountry one school gives fuck maybe would school maybe find another girl like girlfriend setting super high standards especially look shitty standards judge be least quite cute sense humor fits mine better bond have something common things better be little mature like dont one tiktok girls feel like robots anything fit norm furthest thing norm wouldnt like but also little silly fun sweet really lie quite high standards beauty like example not trying racist way dont feel attracted black people even like tanned sorry offended anyone dont uh actually think damm sound really racist actually found girl the girl talked begging changed school although try talk rant sry bad english btw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "second not animated movie people still refusing surrender roman empire even hilarious first film asterix obelix contre ceasarbr br where first movie got laughs cartooncharacters perfectly brought life without losing cartoonesque identity sequel which separate story comicbooks even better sure ingredients find first movie comicbooks present again obelix still dying taste magic potion gives tribe members enormous powers caesar rest roman empire still enemy number new refreshing elements brought stage wellbr br not setting idyllic biggest part plays course egypt rather repeating movie number one extras added making kinds references movies bruce lee etc new unexpected combination known story comicbook with almost title movie references stuff got absolutely nothing asterix obelix really worksbr br in way movie builds tradition comicwriters goscinny uderzo hesitate bring laurel hardy stage even dedicate entire story kirk douglasbr br if convince watch movie im sure monica bellucci playing cleopatra will", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " year olds last wordsim done im done fuck this fuck life want over want someone need something need something go on yet im here cant wait tomorrow morning nice little accident highway cant wait seriously though u know me find im sorry cant go on cant live like this im sorry isnt fault may continue ever could love jacob", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "soonsoon finished feel inside me grow weary minute know when know how know soon done post here well simply searching reason hold on searching reason stay may know death horizon make less scared guilty guess cry help guess need know bit me firstly throwaway account real account uthe_emery_affliction call richie year old male suffer clinical depression anxiety suffered years redflag fleeting thought months hit rock bottom began self harming daily shower morning night bed become ritual me tried stopping thrown away blades etc always freak without it get shakes start lashing end pulling hair punching wall till bleed figured may well it infact cut posted fall asleep said hit rock bottom mean it tablets even working anymore feel empty devoid feeling shell things keeping girlfriend best friend family music this would gone long time ago thank listening richard would also prefer noone messages normal account forgot one thing challenge you feel like good enough live prove good enough deserve live cause believe dont also may well stop lying myself suicidal intentions may scared them almost constant drowning almost every thought feel times like drowning well maybe drown take pills cut deep make sure jobs done right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gotten worsei posted half year ago breakdown unfortunately things gotten much better motivation anything learn work out socialize last week even interfered job putting brink getting fired year ago thought wow ever got fired job id probably kill myself real talents nothing praised for im still know drive im motivated enough ive started going doctor issues im antidepressants seem harm good id give anything kind motivation anything hell cant even kill right eat whatever hell want hope kills faster im sorry comes scattered ive recovered fever im extremely sleep deprived mind last days ive sick bed cant stand anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help me boyfriend suicidalthis post asking help suicidal yo boyfriend we live australia ive boyfriend two half years live together weve two big fights one two months ago one last night two months ago woke morning fight hed accidentally left open private tabs what suicidal searches happened spent time made sure knew loved however morning morning recent fight woke asleep front computer private search tab searched how high jump die browsing forum discussing perfect height kill from im extremely worried love anything help him want get professional help neither us money it anybody similar situation please help me anybody knows anywhere get help australia without going bankrupt please post thankyou help really appreciate it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "likely one loneliest people world i sub saying nothings changed since one loneliest people means life gets extremely boring boring life interesting things happen bad things means eventually started think killing myself think every day coping mechanism every time even minor inconveniences happens want die think death often even interest anything else think someday really able end all really want lot time tried times scared reason imagine much loser nothing nobody live yet scared kill yourself something like even possible want hurt anymore unless lucky enough something come kill quickly painlessly going live life whether like not think every day suicide", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "start school tomorrowand want die school makes want end miserable life even know supposed me cause want musician wanna singer im likely die anyway yet im put bullshit classes make miserable", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling ok ion think stay world long cannot keep ugh", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ready diemy life already over while denial guess think time go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want alright oncetonight realized little life really meant others went apply make something apply local emt squad turns mistake made year ago may come back say fuck hopes that im feeling really low right really anyone talk would nice person talk right nowfeeling really pathetic right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo fuck school im hella pissed right now given almost practice papers week ago solve even year considered submission shit pulled allnighters finish papers got approx hrs sleep week fast forward today say reconsidered submissions want artwork creative things next week like wtf kidding me fuck supposed papers huh shove ass serve dinner next days write every last ounce insult know directed towards you fuck ruining week", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously considering redflagits middle night im drunk mean this everything gone wrong really want die family friends keep thinking walking killing cant even think way im scared ill traumatise someone find dead definitely cant house family feel like fucking hypocrite ive commented peoples posts like reasons keep living ready give up girl love ex pregnant someone elses baby dead end bartending job always problems depression getting worse cant see way out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ayo relationship advice girl need advice pm cuz dont want person im talking see this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "research purposes im f pls let know thoughts below research purposes im f pls let know thoughts below", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone message im bored wanna talk anyone anything play numbers game youd like to dm pls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally itgot psychiatrist day maybe meds ease thoughts anxiety idk wish luck guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one hearing desperate cries help im shouting void hereno one seems read ill vent anyway majorly fucked up mania lorazepam loss created perfect storm craziness come out think friends made chat room without it fair enough get still hurts much didnt intend find obviously didnt care did cut bunch times im even feeling better youve made far post even far anyway thank you friends dont leave read anymore leave nothing fault bit let get attached serves right ill die alone someone please help me always make covert cries help regular cry help im okay need help need someone me thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want overi dedicated relationship girl like also likes me talking girl several years finally built courage ask wanted spend time together said no supposed do tried exercising working person fee uncomfortable skin almost like dont know could know anyone else please help want someone get old im aging fear im slave fate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay hear normal person im gonna kill you grrrrr mathematicians im gonna subtract equation thats it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "readyi thinking long time got plan bought needed wrote letter son ready gut it cry day im almost cash lost family im time drunk fuck pills im scared it wtf wrong me im scared pain anything me fear miss ill explain hospital family probably get see son biggest fear work would son become fuck me try get help see guy alcohol abuse got psychiatrist follow me another girl try help anxiety problems problem nothing work today made prescription pills starting think might starting state schizophrenia want become insane am keep thinking son keep neglecting im already fuck head say im gonna get worse wtf suppose live for thing live son know im gonna deceive hurt emotionally keep going on wish could disappear without hurting him", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "putting ufo thing aside best documentary ive seen factual reporting neil buzz must see interviews reporting revelation since information stamped confidential released documentary date detail accuracy brief minutes facts blow away left awe risks taken first moon neil buzz probably biggest heros time ever see man save life bet not neil saves life miliseconds separated death amazing watch travesty people known details assosiated landing moon courage men facing certain death failing computer stars", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " am january rn time across globe", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like never like true crush liked someone point crushing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find struggling find here help deal cannot may one reaching sub allowed deal struggles listening you trying help you struggle it too thank keeping here want thank all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else really like old british rail era diesel trains trains general love trains know facts trains know person likes trains my dad old diesels mean class youre sure look up also go trainspotting nearby station anyone else this get adults hobby live near rails good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really know sayi biggest exams life days im even close ready think might push edge", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan next yearim year old guy live withy parents need get fuck out im going save much money next months leave far away im going tell anyone probably end homeless probably kill anyways whatever work im going kill july th thats day dog died years ago hopefully works know probably wont", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something elsecontemplated redflag occasionally past years so im now whenever im good stage think ridiculous every time this however every time get bad stage unbearable sometimes think may psychological disorder something im kind person never see therapist even tell anyone this think also may slight obsession problem currently seems alcohol anything drugs substances even obsessed feelings makes sense anyways im going kill tonight even writing kinda helping sure even need advice fuck feel people find would entirely surprised completely hide feel like people see super easy going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "petition cancel garlic bread comment garlic bread canceled", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "compare movie industry ocean tendencies observe surface driven strong hollywood marketing force saw war movies like saving private ryan thin red line apocalypse full metal jacket underneath splashy waves grow silence time time less known pearls pick one look carefully it wonder pearl lie almost unknown already crownbr br stalingrad gem why bunch multimillion dollars rated actors no thousand extras no breathtaking spectacular shiny computerized visual effects all so whats special well one word pure past reality recreated transposed celluloid fifty years later tragedy bloody battle history here filthy wounded soldiers russian civilians lost everything invasion burning villages collapsing buildings decayed suburbs gunfires explosions tanks flames soldiers shot burned alive ground tanks pits shred pieces got all real horror elsewhere people reduced simple pawns without power change anything soldiers follow film try leave combat zone fail civilians stay prostration middle nowhere crying children killed mercyless huge grinding machine war melt together humans equipment villages cities ask victims destruction overbr br in collective insanity group german soldiers struggle survive keep least minimum level normality duty fight bravely but everyone know battle almost lost people start loose confidence faith see people abandoned plan desert struggle catch last plane berlin full wounded bad injured soldiers treated simulants shot forced execute small group russian civilians including young boy later discovered place literally full ceiling food drinks destined superior officers course one one drop dead end movie one bitter depressing touching ending ever saw magnificent score munich philarmonic orchestra war destroyed everything pathbr br this movie mustsee everyone true movielover hisher collection strong antiwar message must warning us unfortunately mankind never learn politicians selfdestruction dna human pain seem last forever enough reasonable stop war", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "must see borrow neighbors kid see one easily one best animationcartoons released longtime took movies antz whole new level mistake two movie although principle movies plot similiar go enjoy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "leave groupi cant help you want thing want want die every single human people admit theyre afraid stigma us want good life never have attractive wealthy smart whatever get better make better make better show fucked up hard probably give fuck probably talking trash right now getting dicked one close friends happened me ive heart broke ive struggling suicidal thoughts years now im multiple redflag attempts point im convinced im immortal diagnosed schizophrenia buy it hate think whole world cruel simulation im playing alien spaceship fate time set stone moment reading this want know whats side maybe hell right eternity hell living rest miserable existence want mom know killed myself great mom everything me younger siblings see would survive tears shed dead hamster pain love go away gets transfered someone else wish good passing ive dead man long time suffering seems financial situation tried easy stuff makes worse cutting getting tattoospiercingsleaves scars stupid people ask questions trying drugsmelts short term long term memory drinking oblivionraped drinking driving tickets fines mph mph crashes damage shoulders neck back tons meaningless sex girls highschoolluckily stds children im walking life like dead man easy pointless mundane need hard stuff study succeed financially heal trust try heal humans shitty find one tolerate forever sometimes theyre able tolerate you oh well work hard succeed thats advice maybe ask god im hanging around waiting see apocalypse grow balls burn everything down world cruel unfulfilling acquire money im working years im fun sometimes thinking apocalypse manifesting horrible things like riots police california wild fires im living life point trying get end cause cant mom deserves better son im going try better son killing would ruin siblings forever unfair torture stick around them life even horrible live moms basement work lousy job leave group im going tell either kill yourself start setting everything fire everything starting police stations government buildings need wreck financial institutions go back living naked woods it ill setting fire one day eventually middle favorite highway protest horrible justice system ridiculous laws human life earth general honor highway thanks reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enough money saved year year life leftive started new job sadly seems like kind drudgery ive past years unemployed june september first time years looking back first period decade think ending every week since skills sell and even im starting resent sell time ill turning next year also relationship see way out might well enjoy year end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im still alivesadlyi nothing one even try find reason live cant everyday worse version previous one clearly see depression grows im tired living im scared end all im much pain rn idk do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hard time getting breakup desperately need advicewe together years apart that think often times day every day theres lot going im generally stressed life thinking day often times still dream her know thats kinda normal immediately breakup know normal is weeks maybe couple months sad long term relationship years since ive talked her completely removed reminders life social media mutual friends talk anymore moved new town since then ive dropped school even deleted music listened time life literally nothing nothing even faintly remind them yet cannot get head whats wrong brain im going delete soon lazy make throwaway", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im back day ban lol dont even think anybody reporting me im pretty sure bot trying cover hateful content", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relapsedi used suicidal younger actually attempted onceactual attempt failed attention nobody knows even today somehow managed pull together reset actually get stable life ive got stable job debt decent work relationships cant really say ive got close connections anyone though thats whats killing believe important thing life broke ex months ago we really match well lol months ago met someone online game ive talked months straight everything every day talked stuff normally never open anyone theyve decided play others basically whatever gone like thats major failures within months me making realise im easily replaceable people get bored quick supposed live knowing people dump like that see purpose this open people exact reason times years did cases went shit im fucked likeable guess first time years first redflag attempt thinking thoroughly actually want die see point anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would anyone wanna like talk dms idc want talk ppl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe guys careim fucking dyin here man cant tell anyone know theyll worry much falling apart im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone homophobe like theyre literally homo sapien dumbass people days smh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel though many people disagree know fate sooner rather later knees pain feel within core much push point literally existing peoples sake even feel benefit either feeling good feel like right thing talking people understand urge taken core thing stopping pain trying figure get past point lost love plan to cannot see without life want space want everyone else ever cared bitter heartbroken guilt regret cannot live like anymore wanted good mother loved understood left cold again again complicated story explain many details missing know think suicide selfish felt like since lost love never forgive letting go one truly loved me stand another second reality sister sorry ever wanted like make proud me thank mother love you son mummys sorry put bad situations pushed away needed most zaney always treasure curious little mind daughter sorry could strength need grown like me know always dream love sweet girl core empty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "believe losing control mental health excruciatingly painful crying almost every day trying get survive hoping death come pick up tired eyes filled sadness care people fancy anymore hate liked even like myself going waste time convincing everything fine going happen sweetie thing anonymous internet one know fucked head yes fucked head fucked head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even know right now am someone really care blocked randomly cant calm thoughts really know do feel like absolute shit none friends awake really anyone go to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dark souls borderlands next game friends yes know dark souls hard thats want cannot choose", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would rather would rather drink bleach eat dried cum scraped sisters asshole", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know even know im still here love hateit started january last year met american girl online mutual online friends ps things went fast became freinds stuff happened sexually within first week carried weeks i always suspicion lying age always reassured freinds people knew im found birth november argument days talking decided could freinds helping things she suffered depression anxiety bipolar made sort understandable lied age everyone even freinds known years kept silent people knew unfortunately people decided tell people arguments somehow sexual contact happened know even though knew ages happened couple times another argument threatened get police called paedophile sort panicked released screenshots convos sexting etc know illegal released cos angry scared prove original instigator sexual contact gotten worse that started receiving death threats told go police wouldnt started receive death threats i still day worst happened people school found started bully point got really deep depression i eventually take much took tablets enough bed ridden days found thought maybe dead got scared got point think actually cos one heard that want go police already got involved help ive even got contact police usa manassas city care believe fast forward months got really bad always mind always ready it plans everything tried talk close freinds people known years told full story pub days later got message one saying going betray get police things year old panicked somehow already ready again tablets paracetamol full bottle jaeger hospital police interview lied bit police cos frightened still am go everyday waking thinking last thought head sometimes feel like walking police station jumping front tram one day could go either way im scared", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush asked out she find next episode your mom gei", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think past self everyday hurts go feel like person used", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "iam done lifei wanna live anymore suiciding today", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really getting head againive done much progress self improvement keep getting lows redflag mind again im lonely feels like cant happy need someone talk to dobt know really express person need love feels like ive gone entire life without it im outsider wherever go family school friend group want love jo matter hard feels like work cant get it im important family im important friends im important anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found work parking lotjust pulled work brother video chats me good friend brothers decent friend me guy know tight spot wrong way decided say bye think planned options slim none took none rip", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow loved movie love judy marte girl awesome pretty face funny really really talented made laugh many times naturally rough victor desperately hitting her well seeing lot next coming years probably also director peter sollett costar victor rasukbr br raising victor vargas one best film saw long time refreshing true nice funny well filmed got good story good actors good film directionbr br if like simple slow paced real life urban movies like maybe jersey girl kevin smith love victor vargas better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "id like end one way other depression bipolar disorder think redflag ton come extremely close couple times recently couple nights ago literally knife wrist began cutting motions stopped cried sleep kitchen floor live aunt uncle parents died horrible car accident last year gotten it im haunted nightmares deathly afraid driving even though everyone says good driver often think parents im attending ut knoxville fall im minnesota originally however homesick moving june top that aunt uncle trouble adjusting financial burden sister carry addition two girls feel burden want go back home bad know home is aunt also mental disorders going rough time well psych ward three times past three months give new meds work two weeks body adapts them begins getting worse goes psych ward rinse repeat guess im saying is im homesick feel im burden everyone feel like aunt hates even though know disorders know real her miss parents im worried school fall breaking weight all want die want deal anymore im honestly thinking ending it want end whether death whether end stress know else turn im hurting one help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end work tomorrowim know good yesterday boyfriend told got giddy girl work appreciated telling this makes feel bad told would point hes lost interest me last straw really since ive feeling like were love anymore months since weve happy really theres passion left energy break since believe could find anybody new went saturday night friend men talk seemed unattractive personalitywise ive working art project working measly job barley make enough money in jobs way take i tried retail sales food industry sometimes wish life could least one little fairytale moment me nothing seems happen even try hard make boyfriend happy work hard jobi see way feel like ranting energy anymore get help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "may clinical depression severe anxiety mom care like fine need go doctor things fit litteraly every symptom thoughts redflag", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would guys interested watching like minutes videos forza horzion like first boss response comments filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confessioni feel like point life purpose world school people always make fun ask help everyday feel like ending it want pain end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " reason dummy thicc ever grope yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill myselfim getting close snapping anyone life im distant entire family feels like everyone would prefer dead family hates everyone else loneliness utterly painful nobody talk anything online anonymously post much reddit makes feel pathetic ive lived many years life full im starting come high horse im coming hard nothing interests seems like things cause thats gotta do really want work rest life thought sucks much im afraid everyone social anxiety debilitating hate room feels like everyone glaring judging me think everything general anxiety gets intense fight away distractions keeps working anything else im maladaptive daydreamer ive spent years laying bed dreaming exaggeration done many things ive daydreamed instead pathetic could never build another connection human being never feel close another human being theyre distant bring everyone down like im outside world looking in im fucking lonely guys so lonely horrible school starting eighth grade sat room never work never even got job volunteer service hung friends its good years now friends nobody earth goddammit alone submitted mediocre college apps im loser pos ill probably end working dead end job hate like everyone else whole family fuck hate thought much want work horrible miserable job rest life want go community college want fucking city want run away start completely over want completely totally different human being want anymore addicted video games many years lost many experiences guns house think might kill weekend cant find guns im going go buy strongest sleeping pills sturdiest rope ill way im done im fucking poison earth im fucking done im gonna stop now cant read screen tears im starting shake problems infantile stupid im whiny needy entitled bitch even bother posting stuff never helps nobody cares nobody ever cares yeah im leaving soon im home alone tomorrow next day goodbye everyone sorry ill write note tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "single father raised past decade sorry hope next life get stronger daughter deserve better sorry apology", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "amount creepy dms get equivalent people crush may accurate somethin anyways never got one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finnaly happened started date crush today", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people born january st know people born january st little cousin us", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lonelyi incredibly loney really know job go home nothing waiting me nothing motivates looking forward anything wanting end life quite overwhelmed guilt every time think it feel sorry parents react learn death i cannot talk things like this never good handling emotions realized live basically guilt guilt keeps alive tired sad time want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aaaaah thing friend saying give da free award gives so thanking thing hope one see aaah need make text characters long uhmmm say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "opinion on career option quick note agree blm movement disagree alm movement agree cops people support enforce racist system justice ive seen lot people sharing around posts career option black isnt disagree first part since career choice many people people say career choice people age still live parents never made single cent entire lives definetely live own hand older people youngadultage college students college graduates parttime workers etc never done anything claim career choice why many people depending careers live people say know hard make money make living people work day sunrise till midnight could food eat water drink say career option parents career gives money money live bedroom air conditioner money nice meal times day money cups water day money phone fast internet connection say career option but lot celebrities say career option celebrities make millions dollars single instagram fucking post make millions dollar posting shit instagram course would easy say career option quit jobs still millions dollars bank accounts lot people need constant income live now expect people bombard hate comments and either lazy ass read arguments read whole thing spoiled ass still need money parents make opinions careers dont even job", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rooms messi moved back parents house years couldnt afford live anymore every time look dirty room thought pops head clean itll easier family myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like room full sunlight people hear chatter laughter feel sunlight skin sunlight pricks like shards glass chatter feels like sharpnoisesthat makes sense yousuddenly starts fade feels like sweeped big hole darkness light passes you touch you warmth chatters mumbles fading away silence calmness sit there quietly falling pit darkness want scream are comes smile facethe fall like pull like dragged tremendous weight depth ocean weight existence worthless burden unloveable unfullfilling finally hit rock bottom break down tears flow scream but end there even rock bottom breaks feels heavier like never ending fallsometimes touch wrist feel pulse check alive coz thing makes feel like still living feel happiness remorse sadness one feeling left pain never ending depression feels like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going happen soonmarried employed homeowner still want kill msyelf think much takke seriously im drinking heavily wifes work home alone feels fake me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy shit fuck yes past two hours ive texting crush since th grade th grade now amazing learned bunch stuff didnt know her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one cannot help impressed intelligence scale film simultaneously disappointed lost opportunitiesbr br i found script excellent vocal talent edmund purdom quite impressive however artifact time film suffers many hollywoodisms especially poor casting much lushness sets much pretentiousness edmund purdom who plays title character obviously awkward physical acting suspect primarily shakespearean theater thisbr br so movie people reading this propose excellent candidate remake especially cast real egyptians egyptians", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im donei m havent easy life life always riddled trauma ive always managed find way through mother tricked going africa holiday planned leave forever years country despised filled ignorant regressive people didnt know better managed gain back freedom convincing relatives shared beliefs islam although despised ideology prayed times day year convince them even sent islamic propagation centre months survived amp im proud myself horrors faced could never describe landed england knew wanted life studied hard got good university worked hard got ideal body amp met plenty women generally enjoyed life face new challenges overwhelmed me broke jaw summer cant even breathe properly cognitive function impaired speech horrendous body deteriorating im left back pain fucked face went absolute confidence someone barely maintain eye contact because im aware ugly am lower face shortened look old pictures realising il never look like ever again failed module university ive withdrawn mother disowned ive told im atheist amp im debt living alone struggling even cover rent strong views religion outlook world unconventional learn world less want it im disappointed giving simply much handle cant imagine living life broken tools im left with even recover academically could never live life like wanted impairments im opinionated like think im open minded cant stand phonefixed peers spent time alone university gym studying etc never needed anyone cant work amp im longer studying realise one people around energy gave aura gone death something ive always pondered rough times past amp plenty close calls purpose exception time thought id never come back england stole cousins gun held held didnt pull trigger weapon jammed larger round magazine remove could use it whilst so decided go last ride stole motorcycle rode like kid death screaming pain out stopped intense conversation myself told youre strong matter hopeless seems m youre strong youll find way this time different dont see end goal see fucked chance existence death besides release existence tell stories make unknown bearable genuinely love is door back whatever conscious anything come afterwards cut religious bullshit nobody knows amp theres one way find out better this right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im friends point eat alone every day school do want cliche answersps used sort depressed sometimes still get bouts depression time comes reason", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happy right searched lgbtq rights canada happen one lgbtq friendly countries world also non binary legal gender option conversion therapy banned people think canada fake blown away awesome government population b", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "join minecraft server switch im trying get onto rteenagers minecraft server switch yall explain please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stalemateim m soon turning nothing show myself lost friends last year told depression suicidal ideation years ago nothing changed till last year finally cut off understand them constantly negative havent moving forward years everybody else has inferior regards anyone used friends with year socially isolated outside spent whole sitting front computer time times went get food job prospects future aimlessly attended university years switching majors nothing came it late start apprenticeship field like everything competitive inferior human like me constantly asking even apply apprenticeships anyone would want hire somebody like struggled mental illness since years old year old happy human applying job am course know mental state tell way lying last aimless years way making sound rather positive negative cv worthless many gaps due mental illness want work cleaning person want work assembly line feel like option succeed working world would start kind business self employed since chances slim get anywhere corporate world know certainly thick skin kind adventure thought getting help time answer anything always within oneself change better could start take ssris again talk therapist listen things again help me could submit psychiatric ward would doctors give benzodiazepines make sure going kill myself fucked everything depression inferiority complex never strong enough pull through top selffulfilling prophecy everything dull ive tried kms twice one time cutting i stopped hurt much ugly scars forearm one time taking mg lorazepam pills unfortunately sent hour sleep coma researching everything redflag methods know end life decapitation train seems best option although id prefer shotgun since guns illegal live germany possibility know certain never able ditch inferiority complex last years soul heart become bitter core become addicted smoking weed cigarettes cleanse would also take time anymore almost year old male mental illnesses enough skills compete workplace cm help go anywhere helps strengthen beliefs unnecessary disposable friends left also point trying anymore run money support end february also day birthday think seen enough say least leave life good memories", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "self promotion college scholarships money work organization looking find kids get scholarships theres also raffles could big also job opportunity interested please dm me post goes cant post let know ill take right away yes im teen lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first all st ives film fairly loosely based robert louis stevenson story name once criticism original novel workinprogress unfinished authors death freely adapting giving ending filmmakers brought life endearing characters who although different stevensons originals would sure charmed amused himbr br it capitaine jacques de kroual de saintyves breton aristocrat orphaned revolutions guillotine serving hussar napoleons army meet going evening claiming since hussar dead a blackguard he on borrowed time certainly faces string challenges duels dashing hero seems danger surreal prank colonel provides way duels bed beautiful courtesansinger unfortunately also results losing commission misadventures result taken prisoner british sent pow camp scottish castlebr br while carving toys boxes jacques catches attention flora young niece miss susan gilchrist welltravelled woman world lives swanston cottage fall love story concerns flora helping jacques escape find emigr grandfather old comte course problem jacques older brother alain dissolute alcoholic perhaps understandably far pleased grandfather disinherits front whole household instant jacques appeared cue treachery also entertaining subplot romance awkward naf goodhearted major farquhar chevening aunt susan travelled ottoman empire prisoner turksbr br even allowing natural prejudice favour film heroines share surname st ives magic combines splendidly swashbuckling swordfights balloonflight comedy romantic adventure would recommend anyone loves the kind film make anymore fairbanks colman flynn co acting splendid anna friel makes flora spirited appealing heroine jeanmarc barr delightful jacques genuinely lovable hero miranda richardson richard e grant already great favourites mine great fun susan farquhar whose relationship runs comic counterpoint leads rakish scheming ultimately tragic alain jason isaacs shows recently the patriot classic swashbuckling style besides dashing good looks please please someone cast hero genrebr br my main quibbles film concern settings costumes book castle jacques prisoner clearly edinburgh film shot ireland germany france highlandised setting making retention place names swanston inveresk queensferry decidedly incongruous costumes real hotchpotch s period set would implausible downmarket characters making do seems odd welltodo ladies heroines wearing s gowns clearly costuming decision sthetic earlier styles visually far appealing elegant regency fashions work idealised world film whole st ives minutes pure delight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ya know bit cold talking crush would bit embarrassing imma give note saying something like i would say person itd embarrassing wanna say kinda cute shit like that could go wrong", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive hard dayposting alt hard day today got messed bullies went home play online chess lose two games row and lose rp compiled bad day almost feel like cutting please give reason to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupid house helpingi living two familys thanks dumb ass event going everyone high tension even one says so blow one son finally stood got bitched putting foot them got quite place calm tightness around neck starts time almost found something put there drank little calm nerves since im still shaking argument though trying still there even quetions would affect son everyone life hope fine reason to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one awkward situations happened yesterday eating lunch family eating usually speaker on random playlist song earthhttpsyoutubepvun_wvfto came on sat silence struggled laugh pig bit came", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "starting felt like loosing breath reason someone took doctor first time found panic attack preferred fighter life never ready accept may mentally sick terrifying feeling panic attack settles down usually day shaking muscles thighs feels control legs foggy loaded brain red burning eyes feeling killed me share explain happening me life kept demanding usually did used cry nights always felt death less painful option end misery face years old daughter drives hellwhy god thought creating life biggest question terrified worried shivering shaking legs fast heart beats foggy mood", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every time someone makes rant matter small thier parents guy dms run away home never talk again know im one made similar rants alts got dm guy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ed harriss work film usual standard excellence is steals screen away anyone shares it includes formidable sean connery movie bit sanctimonious comes alive scenes harris interrogated attorney another convict breathtaking master class artistic controlbr br the cast members adept connery reliable fishbourne story packs wallop plot depends largely premise black prisoner always mistreated coerced white law enforcement officers engine drives story right wrong makes one feel tad cheated endbr br still worth watching see harris action", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stalk profile probably find anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel dead inside completely losti really know anymore ive felt dead inside months redflag constant thought front mind means end life tonight backup case wake up know would effective cant think reason continue trying live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need guys advice please so theres girl know absolutely beautiful love death doesnt think way idk though idk wont give up even pandemic ask would like come house there parents here funny business happens dont think way says yes set time comes over watch movie play video games last couple times gone like small ice cream place played mini golf went restaurant once dont remember though but dont know do though love lot care her recently lost great friend i sadly didnt know well give condolences also something else happen earlier week asked wanted come cause wanted let know im sorry also wanted make happy again dont want sound selfish anything though just want happy too guys advice better thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna ithey writing shitty thoughts reddit cause telling things strangers way easier wanna start over emotions unstable since kid im yo last years every god damn day im thinkin dying well im one sad boi drink bleach types job requires damn high responsibility social stuff talking hundreds people around world everyday trying live normal life last months feel like im gonna loose control jump building thoughts pumping blood veins heart rate goes up actually idea redflag thing makes feel excited yes ive tried taking professional help year stopped seeing psychiatrist lost faith getting better im using maoi stuff years fall asleep death really dont know hell wrong every single fuckin moment body feels like belongs someone else im looking hands trying listen head body feels strange me last months go sleep till fall asleep hear screaming buzzing sounds worst thing almost feelings anymore outside working hanging friends family etc u say that guy damn full life im always energetic talkative laughing person im tired fuckin acting hurt people around me ive talked people know words brings pain would rather keeping myself well apathy peak days fuck feel lame writing website know hell im whatever want someone anyone read words thank spending time survive thank next days well song you farewell httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv_zqmueaz", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "used want white hair want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know doim recovering metheverything junkie going year two weeks last night went visit sister friend place ive never really before ended rather going home right sister left flight sitting buffalo wild wings drinking turned year never drunk bar suppose wanted feel like everybody else place felt absolutely terrible three beers decided drive home told roomates happened entire three hour drive could think disappointed myself made progress life throw away peer pressure felt like failure still right now know silly seems even think silly feel though let everyone around me want give up solid support system set trying get sober feel disappointed well feel horrible called work today let boss down lied calling place recently got promoted actually rising ranks great job im lost desperately want like people went high school college partying acting normal becoming suicidal fact drank couple beers ive thought today giving up drive home last night took everything slam gas pedal let drift something time past year actually looking forward future im back last years feeling like shit ashamed deeply wanting anything take away worst part drugs now used use drugs take pain away worked time anymore even picked meth heroin whatever chemical gave put much could make feel better thats worst part want end im tired trying hard better go right back demoralizing tunnel leads bitter end either directly killing slowly dying addict death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant wait anymoreim thinking blasting brains dont succeed ill live even miserable life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get kill yourself thought headlike matter much try distract myself intrusive thoughts pop head i die why alive i wish dead kill yourself wonder one days ignore them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbye amp thank youmy ex girlfriend years left hours ago watched leave knowing never come back knowing never see feel again always knew day would come however would deny deep inside prepared happen next life therefore decided time finish adventure here would like thank ex girlfriend girlfriend best friend amazing person supporting me accepting following around world truly deserve amazing person life travelled played video games suffered achieved many things together planned whole future together excited unfortunately something changed something flipped switch head decided longer going part future love felt gone chance try fix it made decision left quickly time react always knew ever lost would longer able live life carry on knew would completely dead inside energy motivation continue move on one person really helped life gave reason get every morning work love much person wanted spend rest life with gone thank sharing years life me travelling creating amazing memories together could asked better person nobody ever able replace you would also like thank father allowing amazing childhood allowing amazing relationship ex helped us go explore world encouraged us follow dreams matter what thankful father cared much invested much time making sure life great was last person would like thank sister giving somewhere stay looking tough moments life never got tell much amazing sister really are know really hurt please understand need do know cause lot pain longer live like this ex true love person could really talk to something funny show going tough times fought hard get were love different everyday special waking next seeing face gave much happiness could write much feel want get finish need say quickly life unfair one moment flying clouds next struggling get bed make breakfast even shower feeling way killing me ive never felt sad life know get better matter much try longer love life giving energy decided time right pull plug accept people handle better others years planet last spent best years life really fun longer accept fact us things building causing much pain cant face family tell happened cant open phone without seeing pictures videos together every seconds memory pops head makes cry instantly time come leave awful place job place own money perfect time leave thank reddit always giving something times tough im sure understand this hours longer honestly excited seeing this good luck anyone strong enough still go lives thank time see side", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "livehey im year old girl th grade cant find reason wake tomorrow morning one friend anxiety terrible school never anything mom told if want know happens area send ass there crying since then want dose know anymore im tired it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "present poem english class guys give suggestions improve terrible poem poems bad makes mad feel annoyed spark joy let make list poem bad poems bad unlike dad makes sure im warm night project kept night poems bad its boring add making sleep want fall hole deep public speaking thing let literature pull strings id rather science learning wonders universe creations god id rather history learning dead people id rather maths thinking ate lunch last week reading poem help life point poem bad including one rhymes fell apart oh boy glad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling way better everyone fever yesterday among things feel way better today immune system speed runner apparently yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life sucks years old m gpa about get lower depression started put special math class school years ago absolutely hate school ok friends rarely go out mom died family stress out dad expects much me stepmom gold digger mental problems moved away city liked years ago go school bunch stuck rich kids good everything really hate school district huge crush popular girl grade way league like way out im naturally quiet introverted im lazy ambition recently diagnosed adhd get anxiety everything hate voice find hard talk also hate name sounds weird dont want college one things society forces successful dont want go cc get job hs im kind considering military dont like yelled at life really worth point idea fucking dont see getting past ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still salty something guys two months ago told guys girl crush ranting feminism eventually led asking question think women allowed walk around top less like men know say said no would made look like misogynist frminism said yes thing rapist asked guys say not one comment hates said know honestly showed much bitch not feminis bitch im glad want anymore seriously supposed say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im suffering liver failure either way dead soon exit world way insteadive suffer liver disease quite time doctor almost years ago told developing stages brain dead teenager giving two fucks ignored advice simply simply lose weight liver heal back normal time brain dead retard time realize importance situation hand time well guess years untreated liver overdoes attempts pills shit ton throw liquor wow really smells like liver failure me money would cost get liver transplant fucking godly amount option practically shit creek sad reality basically option way hell going put burden parents so month ago decided ill push loved ones away make hate including girlfriend ex girlfriend pushed away keep mind ive chicken shit let anyone know this way die care anymore least hurt less last monday attempted redflag failed got discharged hospital turns one people sent letter blocked without even saying anything sat sidewalk waiting ride come get me realized ive accepted decent amount time ago fate sealed clue much longer left considering pain keeps getting worse worse point cant sleep id say long its currently am live turns alot say redflag note dont think really want thing winning know like said really fear death anymore fear tomorrow point feel happy thought going terms know going way seems like peaceful proper way me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "minecraft going scary theyre probably going add new cave noises going scary", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom saw take thing pic im trouble wtf showing boyfriend new thigh highs delete took away phone rest day like bruh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rantvent post want advice every single time mom says this keep hold back saying life short enough opinion life way long especially struggle mentally way would want spend extra time living horrible world brain function properly never feel like anything even days actually feel better burnt life know want it want kill either nawlife short", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant decide cant make mind want try find someone leave life is really starting bother im end rope this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "technically katara bend shit since contains water shitbender", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression feelingshi diagnosed major depressive disorder year ago psychiatrist therapist still gotten better changing next week see better lately made big mistake bored much life unable enjoy anything regretfully turned porn feel even worse feel even guiltier looking types things condition gotten worse made bad suicidal thoughts feel absolutely disgusted thoughts increasing frequency them advice now thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wonderful little american propaganda film highly creative openly discusses nazi atrocities entire extent death camps revealed late would reveal evil horrific were film unlike hollywood films date brutally honest film era seen regarding nazi atrocitiesbr br the film begins courtroom futureafter war the film made the war ended may fictitious world court nazi leader tried war crimes wilhelm grimm totally unrepentant one one witnesses called reveal grimms life since series flashbacks first appears film going sympathetic explain grimm pushed join nazis however while becomes apparent grimm sadistic monster episodes amazingly well done definitely hold interest also make film seem less like piece propaganda legitimate dramabr br all all film great job considering film mostly stars secondtier actors many compelling scenes performancesespecially prescient jewish extermination scene towards end cant help bring close tears also interesting around point film supercreative scenes use crosses way might notice first overall mustsee history lovers anyone wants see good filmbr br fyithis meant serious criticism film hitler referred that paper hanger reference myth hitler made money putting wallpaper fact truepreviously hed starving artist homeless person served well german army wwi horrible person yes never paper hanger", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "millionaire happy family apparent reason depression imhey guys happy based worldly metrics think except im not rd world country making month big challenge common man poverty defined month population falls poverty rate tech entrepreneur made first million made second rd point decided dont want anymore stopped working year stopping got married became father despite belonging country nearly impossible travel world got visas travel permits started seeing world spent next years pretty much seeing world wife kid wife supportive point pampers get along well parents happy im wealthy happy financial freedom happy travel world happy ive beautiful family everyone healthy alive but im not struggle depression days life knew why could find way fix it keep trying different things find answers rewarding new ways even alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youtube algorithm working us believe youtube algorithm trying make fail nnn benn days morning ive seen videos recoil sniper girls ass mia malkova exercising tricks super seducer geralt fucking yennefer fun fact these recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "taken shower since rape cant brush teeth cant brush hair cant feed myself cant make shower tried morning forgot products lost much weight underwear falls off whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rfragilewhiteredditor speedruns going everywhere httpswwwredditcomrfragilewhiteredditorcommentsltqpsomeone_called_me_white_and_it_hurt_me_feelingshttpswwwredditcomrfragilewhiteredditorcommentsltqpsomeone_called_me_white_and_it_hurt_me_feelings", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate feeling get im better now yo here might get deleted never posted sub want share hope help least one person talking friend aware suicidal thoughts told felt jealous another friend gets along really well girl like got slightly heated phone battery giving trouble phone shut mid conversation since stopped answering got incredibly worried thought taken life snowballed everyone friend group able charge phone told everyone perfectly fine damage done everyone still scared commited redflag always thought people group hated found annoying next day school crying incredibly worried keep mind one knew suicidal thoughts made realize wrong was im happy say im longer suicidal title says feel horrible knowing way ive gotten rid suicial thoughts friends think im dead right wait happens you stop now so please think one cares you wrong kill yourself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "absolutely notredflagly loved movie saw cant wait come dvd beautifully welldrawn masterpiece always amazed intricately drawn work ghibli studios br br others commented sosuke calling risa first name never calls father first name unless speaking someone else get impression risa mother never even mentioned implied anyone quite obvious stepmother makes promise come home gets upset finds empty car mother must died infant mentions nursed risa coupled father sea lot abandonment issues everyone also talks mature is usually occurs child loses parent", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never anything rightcan please complete failure useful miserable pathetic existence cant anything right mess ruin everything im better dead instead wasting resources id gladly give spot life someone much deserving worth i could", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill im scared painokay first off dont want get comments get better bs want need advice thats all tried get plastic bag head run front fast moving vehicle im scared pain dont know happen survive want painless death more less", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please remind reasons life worth livingi sincerely understand need keep going anxiety depression overwhelming almost impossible leave house keep wishing something awful would happen feel way anymore one cares me would happen me know i need reasons life worth it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "isolated seniors copeno family all health isnt great getting worse job going shit money carry months what life serious bitch dance with bother", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know whether point going seems helpless ill ever mental head space want again free worry getting life seems unrealistic now ever happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "zany film rivals ghost mr chicken one knotts finest film performances knotts accountant podunk city hall good swindling citizens fire three competent bookkeepers keep dumb one knotts course dumb one garbage collecting cohort accidentally empties wrong trash can knotts finds wrapped bizarre trap set city council him funny moments movie include bowling alley restroom scene cemetery scene absolutely hilarious typical knotts nervous ninny act well used usual surrounded lots crazy character actors sixties actors frank welker pitt herbert add mayhem one may expect knottss armed big car pretty girl real clue hes doing fun anyone especially nostalgia buffs anyone love it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "control body anymoreevery monthevery month right period due feel really really suicidal feel taking body thoughts mind actions cant take anymore meds help tried crash car couple times today im fucking sick life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happy birthday happy birthday anyone birthday today", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "line work occasionally get contacted independent filmmakers trying publicize film can take look lowbudget films often make think future hollywood going dogs while though film born pure passion desire created purpose reminding film industry good movies still possible short film b r k e n directed alex ferrari genuine surprise worth second lookbr br clocking scant minutes b r k e n tries tell compelling but surreal story almost back story audience plopped middle action clue happening young woman samantha jane polay awakens dream hear gunshot subsequently abducted home awakes surrounded group mercenary thugs look like would home comic book nasty guys girls larger life guns knives way outbr br the kicker that despite low budget film play like one beginning feeling b r k e n shot edited produced professionals looks like something quentin tarantino might done day jamming wachowski brothers film sharp cool looks good feels like something bigbr br the acting much better usually see smaller films polay paul gordon who plays head killer duncan well chosen two speaking roles film carry film special effects matter good would saved film bad acting thankfully polay manages convey true fear gordon manages come real psycho limited roles seem filled lesser talent hardly showsbr br the downside b r k e n minutes long story ends twilight zone twist seems bit contrived hardly subtle watching it felt like supposed epiphany feeling much mundane hoped would be film tries hard one puzzles leaves audiences talking hours local coffee shop comes unsatisfying keep thinking first minutes longer filmbr br my rating ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "husband got fight broke plate said defective couldnt this said gonna drive somewhere shoot outside car could it left doesnt seem guns missing dohe ptsd hes getting depressed disconnected past years im exhausted think straight dont want call cops without good reason bc hell lose job hes threatened redflag times always panic attack hes never told plan before im really tired scared idk make good decision right please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys find online school harder easier perks come cons come it im struggling little bit math still feel like im obtaining knowledge", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel hopelesswhats point surviving failing every attempt one wait you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youre ky please dm me havent found single person reddit yet please exist title", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets face it nancy drew never great literature category babysitter club magic tree house goosebumps abc mysteries fact one original formula stories nancy perfect pretty thoughtful nice internal conflicts ever never changes ned pretty much same movie true style say liked it never great movie nostalgic flavor books held right amount suspense children almost offensive language liked push conservative dressbr br corky bit annoyance little place high school campus never quite got first place", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fairly happy right everything going fine still want shoot head really think still wishing dead know really ruining mood going make actually want kill myself cannot stop think it want feel happy stay happy still want kms even though happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "playlist nostalgic music mainly late s mids music music find nostalgic listened radio guys recommend songs maybe check out thanks d playlist httpsopenspotifycomplaylistrnimemjobkdyihgvichttpsopenspotifycomplaylistrnimemjobkdyihgvic", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would ever let homework you im weird", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know anymorei kind plan die would th dont know would actually follow it one knows except you now congrats know current deepest secret", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best place could think ask need help finding good edgy anime profile pictures guys could help thatd great anime profiles general also excepted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never wet dream one like heck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "online class lmao two kids class wasted minutes convincing teacher one codes wont work lmao", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fw frogot post main sharpie challenge __results__ successfully got sharpies could find __conclusion__ need fund sharpies", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last years sold beautiful condominium foolish use mind time cats got sick one passed away one week later due move new vet killed got sick needed help given taken mental hospital police vet told police going kill upset state lost job became sick still sick trying see ever recover medical condition m trying keep short go details happy want see therapist read watch tv movies need help finding happiness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seen lady red hair back appeared remember something cherish truth that notwithstanding base true story screen play silly unbelievable real merit picture cast constellation best supporting players s s make background delicate intelligent work always underrated miriam hopkins wonderful spectacular performance claude rains who usual best thing picture actor never oscar good company chaplin garbo hitchcock perhaps lady red hair contains best work films see enjoy himbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive feeling weird recentlyi dont even know say feel empty feel like theres lots stuff want life future feels like even worth doing feel like go things wanna never good thought gonna be feel like thats entire life going be nothing good everything good ends soon begins ive seen lot people die life like whats point ive never even considered redflag im starting fear could impulse guy group chat sent video guy blowing head shotgun thoughts like shotgun downstairs could gone instant scares me feel scared guns house know instant could kill myself want thoughts gone want feel normal life isnt even bad everything bland scare myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feels like impressionistic film thingbr br the story well told poetic characters well developed well acted interpreters or interpreted actors br br the film delights sumptuous emotions times works well unless hate emotion movies casebr br its humanistic filmbr br the landscape even extraordinary situation displaced cook poetic rightbr br well donebr br a good classic good film collection", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys build minecraft really know put im really bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since growing czechoslovakia following history raf pilots crews wwii great britain stories tragic ending either combat communist prisons camps without doubt dark chapter history although fact brave men were able go recover afterward amazing people want see great moviethis one recent visit czech republic saw movie three times three days they were playing three daysotherwise go see even times worth it hope enjoy it although requires little thinking knowledge background information behind story pretty much way movie kolya was simple movie deep story way told likely make cryingit three times row zdenek sverak always great script son jan made great movie cast without doubt great job amazed ondrej vetchy great role played oldrich kaiser actors made movie simply great oscar nomination think strike holywood", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrongi dont understand im wrong life im trying hard really still slip sometimes people always remember times mess up never times succeed nobody hire date like me everybody stays away except small number friends even wont hang things me friends important need make time for jobs even grades worse mine wrong want happy successful dont even want try anymore hard worth it every time something good happens potentially happens always gets ruined im tired want stop cant make stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell good enough hereim going run facts otherwise would entirely long ive chronically ill since age four almost twenty ive almost died twice due medical issues ive never attempted redflag institutionalized sick incurable conditions every waking moment rest life im child single mom busting ass care and great job dad care me feel like biggest burden earth beyond miserable broken sickly body body body failed return feel like failing mom people care me honestly need told im worthy living someone mom help girl out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mind wont shut up want stop hate am was ive done want erase existence want delete actions make things ive done go away want scrub every evidence existence want gone want gone want get away this thoughts hate all hate everything wish could go back undo everything start over fucking hate self deserve die body like deserves friends family anything deserve rot deserve shunned deserve punished want erased existence deleted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly want quit reddit makes depressed times ive lost faith humanity idk do want stay also dont", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive jennifer connelly fan since phenomena heard seven minutes heaven saw soon could movie comedy think lot things us went kids currently going movie terrific led phenomenal jennifer connelly captivated attention movie terrifically written directed acted one good deal loved watched enjoy good laugh love jennifer connelly put seeing movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone willing fake reference mei even need one right cause im depressed hermit neet ever wanted get position needed someone vouch character reference place rent something would anyone even help me doubt it guess asking others lie help sorry life much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im doneim planning take life soon tried everything nothing works cant bear anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment gender want know ratio bc feel much different think fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate short im im im taller parents like boys school taller bruh makes feel like fuckin baby fuck short hispanic genes mannn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "prefer kissing girls wearing lip gloss girls without weird question im curious", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "different everyonesuicidal feelings different people thats something important note may see post think i must faking it cant relate theyre saying people full breakdowns others quick intrusive thoughts on everyones trauma different expressed differently regardless people deserve listened helped even seem serious one thought enough remove another good person planet stay safe", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "who wants my goddamn hugz award say something make smile get", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knew onto something looked life while ive lot symptoms depression feeling depressed lot point suicidal thoughts actions recently mom went doctor got therapist well today got letter mail diagnosis severe depression apparently sure information see therapist every day im redflag watch now bright side passed english test book didnt read edit apparently posted times fuck it know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cursed want die prevent inevitablei born abusive family autism spectrum disorder makes weird terrible interacting people im terrible sciences life general yet decided go psychology im interested subject thing im good at level want help people barely interact people relate many them straighta student ill probably crap job psychologist therapist meaning life help people which believe is nothing left live for barely help myself cant confidentally say could talk anyone redflag think dying every day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats im bored anyone wanna chat m like computers video games music politics", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one please talk memy life turning wanted be moved twice run away problems still hanging head kill anytime im sick waking every day bland life friends men approach me got certification field want work in care less could one thing back would first love lived him hes life almost years hate this im miserable almost time cant keep waking every morning going shit job shit life know do please one talk me f ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "normalize femdom people gotta normalize bc gotta get dom gf mean um mean judging people opinions bad yes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want diei much debt fuck every good thing have ive wrecked cars years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gonna pretty controversial awards stupid filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "do something crazyrun awaystart new life advice guys always give still want dieim suicidal since want die multitude reasons ill give quick summary since really point post basically family drug addict dad sexually assaulted dead siblings prison life friends poorly educatedpoor job prospects dropped college due constantly suicidal student loancredit cardmedical debt cant even drive nobody ever showed always poor afford pay classes gay first probably boyfriend cheatedabused me much more anyway think case redflag pretty clear cut simply nothing good going tons bad also realistic pathway getting shit im deep hole already theres absolutely nobody willing help it depression at least anymore logic rational thinking sometimes best cut losses fold hand im total waste space little potential squandered im even position modest dreams likely never be anyway nearly killed end decided right blew brains guess might well try cliche advice everyone always says title always scoffed it literally nothing lose whatever figured would better go bang travelled miles bus spent time homeless months homelessness managed find place stay unfortunately really point this still want die actually regret since experience kind fun interesting fixed absolutely none problems sure seeing new sights experiencing different culture meeting new people interesting experience fix irredeemable life shitty circumstances horrible luck toxic past bleak future absolutely not yeah thats that nobody say try ill leaving within next couple days tried best sometimes best good enough life never gave fair chance unavoidable death inevitable anyway see anything wrong expediting process nothing look forward life ps giving chemical lobotomy antidepressants telling someone problems paid pretend care a therapist going work know ive already tried multiple times neither change objective facts life always shit redflag logical response conclusion", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking adults dating kinda trippy like adult guy asking adult guy you wanna boyfriend shit idk kinda feels like childish thing teens somewhat", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "haha exposure covid school get work home oak academy national academy thing history test lined tomorrow im lowkey celebrating rn great", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "put senior quote thought shawty said like way homework momdad either bible verse albert einstein quote", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school year kinda poggers go school am get pm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would anyone willing chat whilei could really use someone anybody free little", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want run car treei suffered years tonight went ex boyfriends drop redflag letter wouldnt answer know there wanted drive car tree way home could blamed storm done it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "carpal tunnel cubital tunnel armsmy elbow nerve pain bend wrists hurt try use phone type computer write still type this tough week especially going on worst year life cares amirite honestly want die sure how ill figure", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "painless methods richas turns", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "person gave everything to left mei really dont know do dont know say honest want someone voicechat like minutes please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone played henry stickmin games knows pain finished watching playthrough almost cried showed end text fill childhood shared name legend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "female lets see shit actually works", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would happen diedif killed would able watch friends familys reaction death above", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "s music vibe makes want take shirt get dropped jungle huey fight war", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shoutout anyone remembers still old shadowwood dinnerware stinks really httpswwwreplacementscomsearchqueryhometrendsshadowwoodamppatternmatch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im planning making abridgefandub spongebob anime need voice actors people help write depend wether fandub abridge decided yet yeah comment find interesting sample text", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "somy last post months ago unsure exact date know around months and last im going unsubbing here maybe ill resub later date im definitely ill come back help people way people sub helped me much changed generally feel better im sure why something changed know what something has feel slightly better now actually feel okay know im woods yet im getting there know theres plenty obstacles actually looking forward encountering them im starting relish challenge like said idea changed still go work am come home sit room watching tv phone want say thank everyone helped even tried help difficult person help know that ive always thought everything alone real man never asks help wrong matter matter male female trans idea are matter hard exterior soft need help sometimes cant everything ourselves thats okay now im leaving sub thank again everyone helped least tried appreciate it tldr im feeling better leaving sub", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done want die know howi depressed past years life im still high school im kind popular go christian school yet im atheist get terrible grades family hates it im little fat terribly ugly big problem stress cant handle it every summer forced work dad construction hate passion dad verbally abusive tried commit redflag months ago took bayer aspirin work damage told family next morning it sad got week went couple counseling sessions work put fake face parents hated paying it honestly dont know do dont know could fast painless gutless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im yr old female ive never person could call friend life half year period barely left apartment first job warehouse job year since started working couple weeks even though ive long havent formed relationship anyone always avoid getting familiar anyone thats default way hate it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " year old guy friends lonely depressed cannot sleep something happened today rlly set cannot stop remembering memories thinking rlly want someone talk comforted one rlly need someone please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im turning guys want permission pleeeeaaasssseeeee stay awesome sub enjoy memes stuff love sub feel one best subs there dont want wait years till im enjoy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gpa fucked futurei study constantly grades get worse gpa fucking compete people gpas fucking guess respect anymore im fucking done objectively suck everything including video games spend hours upon hours on suck sports im always left behind going somewhere im asthmatic roadkill mauled death purpose die parents wouldnt pay weeaboo ass games medicine neither would need listen cries goes friends waste space suffer never get happiness doesnt help im low iq degenerate fat furry faggot awful socisl skills even awful sense humour fact im fucking ugly blue pilled sjw would ever date me fact probably autism doesnt help fuck end me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish someone could methe amount times ive driving car wishing semi coming would swerve lane times ive walking street hoping car see hoping murderer would decide make victim times ive wanted fucking die cant it wish someone else would kind enough rip band aid me theres one person ill really regret leaving behind enough outweigh wanting die love im ready die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey natsuu need thighs lay httpsnewredditcomrteenagerscommentsltioeremember_that_guy_that_ended_questions_like_this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "usa turing s germany people burning bibles people always talk crap christians back germany people started killing jews honestly whats next us blm protesters terrorizing usa im ending police brutality equality going way far needs end this christians republicans christians homophobic racist white pls stop hating christians sadly bad christians use god excuse hate people hurting religion good people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ladies gentlemen may done it may gotten girl type like me maybe not may have", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel anythingi felt anything years recently got boyfriend hes really nice best person world nothing changed tries help theres much do motivation im always sad depression social anxiety mild aspergers borderline personality disorder want kill idk yet im really close though options get better think would better bf since say mean things mood swings could find someone treats better want keep living maybe could keep living stay alive solely least could happy know would though feel like id need motivation id happy that know option is loves lot reason know really want leave him really know im asking anyone advice would appreciate it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired fighting this want over peace finally find meeveryday fight im tired fighting it want something help me someone hear me small sliver happiness every time nearly manage get one universe beats back miserable dark place beats harder attempt cant keep fighting this fighting alone treated like leper black sheep whenever try teach someone anyone im tired constantly repeating myself reaching out trying find happiness one listens one cares im tired insurmountable guilt feel every day breathing strength mother children need wife husband deserves killed daily guilt knowing much pain theyd id left energy fight anymore cant live guilt knowing id them im tired want fight anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want praise subreddit community im happy forum entirely dedicated offering support watching others worst times lives thank all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats biggest thing ever commited school copied everything important every single subject science textbook even though teacher ask and pretty much everyone to worth notes science next couple months", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time selfie trend starts see twice many comments girl photos guys say simping poki only says optimal not like why fill make visible bruh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate female dating strategy fuck rfemaledatingstrategy saw post saying shit justify hating men wanted share story women me people abused entire life men women people verbally assaulted reason homophobic reasons men women people called friends yet acted like subhuman matter men women person stalked social media accounts men women students bullied relentlessly men women people shamed everything men women teachers punished reason men women know men people felt safe men people made feel accepted men people taught like men first people truly liked men true friends men ampxb brain dead idiot came stupid dog fight analogy saying youve seen dog attacks victim dog attacks even though dogs arent mean reason hate them logic i female think women monsters men friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried commuting redflagi dont know feel fucking think ive pondering idea offing years tonight tied belt bannister listening music leaning belt feet still ground started black music sounded distorted snapped stood up dont know talk please someone fucking help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people think dating anyone younger wrong mean im im supposed find someone exact age wrong year difference", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like adult comedy cartoons like south park nearly similar format small adventures three teenage girls bromwell high keisha natella latrina given exploding sweets behaved like bitches think keisha good leader also small stories going teachers school theres idiotic principal mr bip nervous maths teacher many others cast also fantastic lenny henrys gina yashere eastenders chrissie watts tracyann oberman smack ponys doon mackichan dead ringers mark perry blunders nina conti know came canada good good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "greta garbos american film debut analogy lives swept course fate actions torrent causing us lose part along waybr br greta plays leonora poor peasant girl love ricardo cortezs character rafael landowner ricardo love too easily influenced domineering mother leonora ends homeless travels paris becomes famous opera singer develops reputation loose woman reality part attitude bitterness rafaels abandonmentbr br she returns home visit family eventually confronts rafael surprisingly one knows famous la brunna garbo acts role diva truly prised cool haughtiness later portrayalsbr br ricardo cortez reminds one lot valentino looks part groomed valentino clone mgm though never thought could reality right believable unsympathetic part weak willed mamas boy allows age realistically comically end movie fails win leonora returns home later follows her courage underminedbr br this movie beautifully shot brilliant storm sequences sets depicting spain time authentic looking also fine secondary performances old timers lucien littlefield tully marshall mack swainbr br although story lost love missed chances think leonora rafael would happy together needed traditional wife much career woman think would happy small village ending true life pulls punchesbr br see one garbos american film debut precursor things come", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird yr old beard ill shave ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rented movie without heard or read anything it shame movie intelligent witty hilarious fastpaced realistically ridiculous characters manage get developed without relying heavily clichd tired stereotypes refreshing watch help thinking marketing would helped lob notsomainstream movie starvedforintelligentcomedy mainstream quality dialogue ease actors execute huge range awkwardness heartbreak comedy rare daysi felt actors must really enjoyed participating something rich national treasure number one box office three weeks rowit weak many ways mention guess im happy movies like seeing still made somewhere there", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fan paris jetaime went see new york love high expectations gladly walked expectations met funny sweet fastpaced entertaining film starts two cab hoppers bradley cooper justin bartha trying get area arguing way go funny film goes best skits ever seen anywhere four amazing ones good ones four start talking about one features shia labeouf bellhop hotel finds love old lady next one features orlando bloom music maker business woman played christina ricci another one features anton yelchin olivia thirbly two people going prom thirblys character handicapped best one features eli wallach cloris leachman bickering old couple bring attention nataile portman makes impressive directorial debut directing writing skit caretaker ethan hawke maggie q excellent flirting man hooker new york love definitely good better paris jetaime skits wellpaced film shows indie films really be film however many famous directors paris jetaime fantastic live excellence want laugh see great dramatic effects see amazing amount great performances plain entertained definitely go see new york love you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready end goodim really bad social anxiety conversation skills toddler never friends relationships never liked anyone main problem life things going shit lately lost savings stock market got fired job moved back parents guy scammed me reversed big payment bank tanked credit it got way repay debts ignore calls im screwed even get cellphone plan let alone place live credit like that ive spent many months psychiatric hospitals redflag attempts past given resources available yet nothing remotely helpful im afraid dying last time hung felt amazing sadly noose broke died think me always silver lining past theres none im fucked", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could talk someone right someone herehello people tell gets better get dumped feel way still months later feel like killing cope sadness carry around wish ex would reach me hard", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "part almost one saw post anxiety attack last night confronted girl today asked said because love you walked away guess made better still panic attack like rest day im okay tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think it point living not even here tired everything want fight anymore mood swings happen multiple times day cannot control them people always judge fucking sick it therapist parents mock it friends swear understand ask cannot happy once one gets it medications even fucking help therapist months room always mess saw aunt today smiled said glad better never get better cannot people understand am cannot control change it trying years feel better soon think anymore ill another teenage suicide statistic chart fucking tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tall lanky somehow monster dick weird world", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess got attention looking formy dumbass thought would good thing get random people raid spanish teachers class shes jerk somehow trace without evidence im pc use vpn things prevent seeing talking expelljuvie go juvie im offing myself wish luck friends mental health problems bitch top hurts me let guys know whats happening later wish luck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wonderful movie good story great humour some great oneliners soundtrack die forbr br ive seen times farbr br the american audiences going love it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "excellent start film career mickey rooney talents shows long career ahead him car truck chase exciting era start andy hardy series american treasure book spring byington performance excellent usual please mr rooney owners film rights take chance get produced dvd think would winner", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first series lost kicked bang literally slowly decreased pace may put viewers people started watch halfway would either bored plain confused br br i would advise people new world lost simply watch beginning get pt slower episodes acting throughout excellent series planned why means answers least years oh well ill keep watching keeps tension dialogue flowing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling hopelessthey say it gets better really feel way largely unhappy while fact anyone life speak feelings makes feel extremely hopeless ive best keep head up seems harder try harder fall back depression cant help feel resentful hardly anything working favor life feels like universe get make feel miserable can want believe happening thats feels like feel extremely lost know go help ive seeing therapist im receiving enough emotional support loved ones feel trapped really know do sorry came across whiny andor annoying unfortunately cant help feel like this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would asked mom good looking are said all would react lets see answers rteenagers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going see favorite band end august think im donemy favorite band slipknot coming hometown august rd im fortunate enough opportunity see friend day passes however ill really nothing left live look forward to going wait till halloween favorite holiday even doesnt seem worth anymore ive struggling major depressive disorder suicidal thoughts almost years never worse recently make money job good friend others dont go school im dumb girl like going away college doesnt want relationship thinks school would get way figured seeing favorite band perform one last time would perfect memory go on anyways im sorry long read thank stopped read it means lot", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would live country abuse rape victims fault time secretive happened know people knew blamed hated would cannot leave poor sowhat would do suffering cannot get help country live in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good ideai thought killing every day while combination drugs unprescribed want them also want safe environment stabilize ive think going mental institution good idea fmla cover work days miss", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "miss dadon june dad killed redflag hung garage dad years miss every day wish here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate small eyed bitch much hope vibrator dies cum wont shut larping bullshit comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hardly moveim supposed supporting wife im supposed job that whatever reason hate worst though im supposed getting better finally got shit together started seeing therapist met psychologist got prescription anti depressants better much better im not cant get bed im afraid stand ill walk closet pick pistol shoot back head literally difficulty picking phone floor instead picking phone wanted grab cord right next strangle myself hurts fact know could developing great life family im depressed broken it fact know known since sophomore year die hand eventually hurts knowing people ill leave behind little sister wife parents family friends left behind put fucking smile get myself want done way think done dying im failure cant believe im again thought okay im not", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dude office committed redflagi never knew interesting seeing people react wish wasnt jealous him hope hes peace life tends drain every part theres nothing left hope knows dont blame all mind sick arguably worst kind sick eats alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "notion incels violent neonazis come from cause really seeming like another fear mongering attempt media", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know how success rate chance still there want see light see shitty lonely times struggle psychotic symptomssomeone want chat comments got plans tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worki know passing happen peacefully pills never seem work hoping one peaceful moment life woke instead appeal bleeding kicking struggling hanging ceiling peaceful all always pills never works maybe death like life peace either want moment calmness muchsoughtafter exit desire go stronger expectation peacefulness unfair everything ugly cant calm easy go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "break procrastination lol im supposed working video game ive done hour work took minute break get back work ive watching movie browsing reddit minutes lol xd general beat procrastination", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ayy whats poppin bbg whats poppin whats poppin", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really making video nasties again guise digital wide screen big budget remake mm quite ride unfortunately bit much story times becomes like travelogue heroine searches sleaze spots paris hamburg amsterdam however rather churlish depraved scenes including everything from hot wax harsh whipping rough sex drowning beheading some scenes immaculate pity bruno budget stretch make many characterful creatures introduced become simply caricatures", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so objectively best decision could make end life whatim deep student loan debt unemployed job prospects opening time soon however student loans forgiven event death so best right could hope break even offing myself make sense ill admit ive many drink tonight ive got loaded gun sitting within arms reach could totally it problem goal life help people thats spent much fucking money education looking things way now think best option future call quits someone talk me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shelli feel empty ive struggled suicidal depression yearssometimes easier get im sinking really deep time scary want throw front every car see launch apartment balcony head first onto concrete feel guilty makes worsebecause beautiful son world try tell husband itll topic conversation minutes moves talks something like really bad im making be feel like theres hole chestand caves emptier am money try get help im sinking hard breathe", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yk joke i could never get fight might get turned pain joke genuine fear mine nothing fear bc prolly never get fight hope", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another entertaining travolta dance flick great music mood scenes debra winger beautiful like saturday night fever macho film features extremely improbable scenes beautiful women falling travolta almost begging sex them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice intrusive thoughtshi m cutting it intrusive thoughts redflag days week kind creep thought process ill sitting desk work get daydreams walking door traffic example another example picturing driving sunset throwing severn bridge ill good time friends switch picture drowning cant stop it understand keeps happening someone suffered depression growing stressful disruptive childhood thats behind became fully independent moved messed childhood home trying really invest ever since socially friendships trying online dating not really gone anywhere serious economically im training low level lawyer personally taking music trying read more still struggle combat background feeling vapid apathy alive got better since becoming independent feel like im treading water mental health wise words wisdom would appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "creating political party called antiuwu league", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "obviously enjoyment struggle period lot us least remember time enjoyed personal hobbies even fleeting five minutes every year years writing song painting picture sipping tea book walk park sunset one around meeting friends family whatever collective happinessenjoyment seems unreachable cannot remember time could partake it collective would going euro football people work talking it taking day it meeting pub celebrate getting hyper rowdy etc thinkwhat point rich folk kicking ball brings millions people happiness even though actions kicking ball alienated individual could anything sporthobbyrally could world cup olympics basically anything collective anyone feel way express better christmas another collective would always felt depression worsening starts september shops basically demands collective celebratory approach leads new year many countries blast millions poundsdollarseuros sky five minutes collective enjoyment could spent health education homelessness would rather celebrate christmas enjoying day day it good food good company anybody else struggle collective enjoyment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask help one takes seriouslynever mind", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymorei thought wanted pregnant happy cant im mentally physically limit told get rid understood havent able anything barely capacity get bed relapsed got quote termination cant afford probably it feel selfish horrible cant four months this worst feeling world everything feels bleak hopeless meaningless want life back cant even afford get life back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one stayshalf experience trying find relationships stick natural life progression things change dont want needy judged am understand rules im tired alone weather lot late nights brutal much good doesnt feeling end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "traumai school weeks cant ever bring feel way times tried end crying front people trying to zone entire lecture learn nothing im able finish school hold job months save money depression trauma still makes suffer everyday ive therapy meds since nothing changes traumatic shit things seem get worse matter hard try person kind makes feel like staying alive ex gfmy friend completely cant feel anything anyone else family abusive toxic hate im pain everyday years years often find daydreaming restarting life able rewind back time past hurts anything wanted get chest", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "strangely enough movie never made big screen denmark wait video release expectations high way disappointed always ang lee fantastic acting intelligent thrilling plot guessing right till end superb filming along unforgiven easily one two best westerns sbr br people expect something along line mel gibson patriotcorny braveheartacceptable sourly disappointed others appreciate mentioned qualities fantastic time watching it ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see pokemon card collections raise httpscdndiscordappcomattachmentsimg__jpg", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone around crashing burningim redflag watch im living life partners former partner is write posts subreddit lets call ben lisa ben lisa relationship continued live together broke lisa borderline trauma history struggling abandonment issues led psychosis selfharm attempted redflag apparently assault knife ben ben traumatized months threats hints plans commit redflag drug misuse lisa relationship ben like everyone else want partner current former commit redflag see distressing ben feels deep sense dedication towards close ones stoic man small town values friendships people genuine loving kind gets ben trouble genuine loving borderline lisa borderline gave ben hard time another former partner got arrested refused marry her ben adhd baseline arousal ridiculously high like neurotypicals high anxiety imagine hard must ben go experiences much harder ben gets anxious ben also experiences mental anxiety rushing thoughts things get pretty confusing right now struggling order events chronological order fucked cant tell weeks ago weeks ago yeah ben lisa told panic attacks severe call ambulance time sure lisa understands pressuring ben break selfharm called emotional abuse last time spoke them asking check ben would good ben lisa definitely knows well well sometimes tough see right thing is nonetheless lisa seems going right direction isnt guess things volatile cant guarantee flip whereas ben im sure going mind ben taught discuss feelings hide mental health small towns you ok definitely something work on future reference coming theyve drinks healthy know easy like could talk like elect it conditioned to clam literally unable talk ben aborted mission various ways tried ok ben healthy talk out triggers tacked onto that time develop skill talking out need wait healthy develop comfort speak openly meanwhile ill assume well cuz like see not deal another way ben likes camping biking lowkey ways make better im taking tonight well soothing mindfulness ben talk feelings hope listen wrote i current partner told overreacting didnt also ptsd take seriously bitch told ben likely thick trauma although need process thoughts feelings experiences get clarity right now need time need chill explained making attempts talk lisa whether check safe ben safe make things worse lisa fun prolong abandonment narrative thats prolongs stress unhealthy coping ben could tell lisa out sure real time come back hurt least lisa fall onto unhealthy patterns prolonged daily struggle triggers rolling hardcore one shitty day comes like ripping band aid lisa start healing lisa needs develop stable supports former partner lisa ben better could even friends hang again want to really good ben either anxiety making survey oncoming trouble end driving anxiety ben needs shut bit feel safe blah ben person ive closest since separated spouse spouse living major depressive disorder walking redflag risk want talk shit hobby lock bathroom blow anger super aggressive monologues mirror sometimes directed sometimes me know spouse fault depressed scared shit me spent last years relationship walking bedroom morning wondering would find spouse dead started waking middle night go check him son born given kind intimacy spent nights drinking ruminating playing video games broke spouse dated people ptsd went terrifying spirals together learned control shit date autistic adhd ptsd cant avoided also fucked head abused parents ptsd trauma familiar it gonna pull like magnet cool read sharing familiars working together healing point life would hard normal person would hide much shit like nothing ok anymore even unhealthy hurtful me sad shit live think fine cant even see know healed scars abuse im someone else like me feel myself were woke handle together bond much closer so guess great horrible accept ive abused ill ropewalking forever fall one side therell healing compassion fall other murderredflags like above cool made bed dark side lie it identify borderline dated us too rough is last one ben really got me them learned manage feelings and book go read it go read now httpswwwamazoncamindfulnessborderlinepersonalitydisorderdialecticaldphttpswwwamazoncamindfulnessborderlinepersonalitydisorderdialecticaldp get library read free stop bitching read book mental health know fucked thats reading use simple language keep short best present listen them think possible go like lisa im stranger that although going different flavor it good muster strength grateful abusive people life really ok tough live someone wants die know redflag separate concept death redflag death kill yourself know happens die eventually even years interval big deal compared say long pleistocene idk analogies theres sorts agency involved completely valid opt die matter reason body right type deal yet problem attachment others also valid die poor suckers live trauma decades go particularly want spend feeling crappy put shoes too so yeah guess kill ethical definitely fucking abuse someone want die like im guessing news get relationship treat like coronavirus keep distance know sick want die got relationship work out apparently normal emotions last seconds persistent makes distressed means stoking emotions theres tons books therapy help figure stoke shit gets easier partner wants die heres learned apparently supposed let them holy shit marriage counselor told that mediators told that said one get help unless wanted it stupidly said but depression robs ability want help fuck fuck sure whether said yeah tough idea fucked live every day never loved another person know aaaaall people eventually told left spouse asap didnt consented abused believe checks out weve apart months fucker still alive thriving good him looked resources ben lisa website first clicked said unequivocal terms one decide another person whether live die got wise enough going shit able read future partners get inkling might put position let die it exit exit now also read lot marriage counseling books spouse broke up counterintuitively ideal scenario relationship independent coexistence much making redflag plans too idk thats it hang there ben lisa chill stop talking couple months heal everything ok", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "my life literally soapopera point story full abandonment emotional manipulationabuse with physical abuse w former stepfather mine honestly remember longterm happiness got put meds shit therapist like one day afford anymore im depressed ive ever been parents shit therefore raised grandparents since covid came around said fuck that grandfather might die grandmother oxygen she was hospitalized thankfully home now ive already promised grandfather dies im going him ive honestly run reasons live hell might even end sooner keep nights like this whats point living makes miserable", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attention hand cum", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "strugglingso planned finally killing myself everything ready day placed planned made mistake talking good friend lived several states away made sure tell exactly was thought safe talk to want stop me help mei wanted say goodbye someone actually cared understood he going similar difficulties unfortunately could go plan able reach contact command ended spending days involuntarily admitted lockdown psych unit another weeks therapy complete step locked like animal know friend cared time wish interfered going hell last years exhausted fighting this feel like heart ripped out trying get help themes receiving either want medicate i different meds none really helped caused bad side effects pain misery fault miserable chose miserable currently process losing everything brings meaning life already hate myself could sure use sort encouragement reason keep fighting right want fight more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deal negative emotions talk trusted friend get help express negative feelings physical activities hobbies non harmful outlets let stack behind face throat twist unhealthy rage causes break blow slightest inconvenience", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honor dr seuss thought id give guys one favorite quotestoday you truer true one alive youer you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw movie last night phila film festival interesting funny movie endearing moving scenes peter falk excellent rest cast believable played roles well movie may gone bit long conclusion okay audience laughed right places family dynamics terrific though jewish family could italian irish including greek recommend film interested laughing subject often handled way iot makes think consequences actions affect others life clearly life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost coworker week want chat amazing guywe knew problems much could do cant chain bed really nice person like give food ate kind guy filling last year half really great person im sure becoming great father really odd subject get type publicly often even talking publicly caused problems one neighbour called coward done broke down found sub reddit person mattered issues search anywhere everywhere talk too thats im now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "a tale two sisters janghwa hongryeon true masterpiece brilliant psychological thriller heartwrenching drama gripping horror wrapped one beautifully orchestrated package intricate plot beautiful cinematography absolutely perfect casting every aspect film extraordinarybr br for fear revealing much concerning plot say satisfying may appear little difficult understand first good job explaining things end whether prefer psychological thriller drama horror promise disappointedbr br from technical standpoint nearly flawless set cinematography lighting especially soundtrack captivating waltz seemed odd choice first proved ingenious choicebr br as casting were talking absolute perfection im sujeong totally convincing defiant yet troubled sumi mun keun yeong equally convincing emotionally traumatized sister suyeon two girls magical screen certainly looking films yeom jeongah deceitfully cheerful hauntingly evil stepmother finally kapsu kim gives excellent performance weary broken fatherbr br i truly love film yet see a tale two sisters strongly recommend locating copy real gem worthy anyones collectionbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want write somethingi need write something guess add anxiety bipolar disorder im poor get help medication it moment im working hours week living really shitty apartment days feel amazing motivated actually wanting things low days im like this im thinking getting second job could get problem feeling would make low periods even worse ive suicidal ideation years now thats really noticed depression kicking in ive one redflag attempt took gamble took mg xanax shots whiskey sure enough kill me also left chance after research now think mg xanax nothing this wrote journal document whatever feeling hours woke found written lot remembered took sign supposed really entertained idea since lived feel like im supposed here why skills im unmotivated thing want life sit listen music famous making music know possible much want believe talent anything like that ive thinking focusing going back school position medical field also know im smart enough it seems like two things want life unobtainable im good making maintaining relationships made friend years friends high school theyre like me aspirations succeed were wasting away want that want anything less someone great know am want live someone average dreams seem impossible achieve am im also gay hate that wish woman im not constantly struggle identity every day days feel content days love myself days hate myself im fucking tired consistent view things im flighty cant commit anything feel like ill never get anywhere life ill live life deadend job depresses me dont cant live like forever im almost set that im successful road success im going kill myself feel like want live time im tired trying things disappointed myself im tired wish someone greater am not", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggling much past months husband left march separated ever since wants divorce not started job labor intensive terrible need work make money left several bills feel alone intrusive thoughts subside dread waking every day pain constant terrible struggled mental illness whole life seems worse lately considering current situation need help cannot afford therapist anyone talk to come reddit want everything different know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "falsely accused sexual abuse entire life seems ruined even situation died downaround months ago falsely accused sexual abuse exfriend mine thrown jail days legal fees get sorted cost well reason im free man exfriend press charges lawyer excellent job proving allegations false even going far friend admitting false allegations reason im even charges dropped name legally restored completely clean record reputation destroyed news report made day went jail story depicting rapist refuse correct story proven falsely accused charges dropped live relatively small state terms population feel like target back feel like music career opportunities get job attend college even live relatively nice place move ruined know best chance starting new life moving away state starting somewhere new feel like opportunities completely crushed unable find job people seem believe news story legal matters proved innocent honestly id lying say redflag crossed mind numerous times throughout entire thing id also lying sit say want die see way see able live normal life let alone life ive trying work towards long remember ive spending days attempting write anxiety stress blocking creative vision sleeping hours day little motivation get up chain smoking stress away latest hours night isolation friends trying best help this pathway follow one seem relate situation obvious reasons people sit stare shock hear story nothing sympathy agreeing probably start somewhere new sentiments nice still feel alone like people understand im shitty situation in everyone wants feel sorry me everyone looks victim society accepts im done for know anymore want live normal life leave place", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie shows free enterprise system quest almighty buck transcends racial ethnic barriers ultimately market place determines message sent public movie dramatizes point conservative whitecollar advertising company taken group streetwise african americans chaired nononsense black man wants make buck believes sell products telling truth movie shows matter hard tries something different market place political system demands conform rendering different predecessors interesting offbeat movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys know whos cute read first word boys boys please turn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first game hello everyone started coding javascript ago wanted share first project you basic rock paper scissors game game support mobile currently hope enjoy httpsswayamgithubiomy_websitedagamehtml", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "afraidi really want die know stupid meaningless problems would go away know people wouldnt get annoyed mere presence room id never worry whether id ever feel better might even get see dad fucking balls commit why even though know should falter every time go todo it drop fucking knife put fucking rope cut shallow sit curl wish could either cry die instead it worthless cant even fucking bring make change", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going end little boymy boy weeks old going surgery needs general anesthesia dont know survive it know fighter not does god hope does need years therapy training support may never childhood have hes perfect little angel reason needs going this would suffer torture eternity normal life deserves decided going end coward cannot handle this anything family need money cover future expenses taken large life insurance policy couple weeks ago upon learning sons diagnosis reason surgery doesnt go well prepared bag need end life wont spend anymore time alive something go wrong go well kiss mother one last time kill car accident involving car dont know killed intentionally deal thought love wife love boy cant live knowing hardship follow moral support ton around us need money give them life never fully appreciated held son arms since first moment saw wanted nothing world healthy happy taken us family thing help end pain pain death fade time son wont remember face pictures us exist never work day life neither mom ever again focused health happiness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please helphttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentscxdim_giving_uputm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_app rteenagers member end life please anything help may late", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gonna snorts bunch heroin diei know get heroin know fentanyl never heroin opiates like seconds buying worth dying decided im going isnt first time ive feeling ive therapy years ive seeing psych good hospital year legit dont wanna anymore easy way out thing worry people finding body dont know else go more dont care sure friends family sad go on cant take decades anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think son sorcerer hello rteenagers serious problem son turn may sorcerer im debating whether seek help not last week daughter unfortunately went missing boy babysitting ran mcdonalds got geometry test im proud him got favorite big mac cheese onion got home heard screaming coming kitchen rushed unfortunately forgot micky ds car kitchen smelled like sulfur tiles floor daughter playing phone looked burnt look see son floating air how quaint blurted out descended floor saw forgot mcdonalds fit rage hurled stake knife telekinetic powers im currently hospital typing wife considering divorcing left year old daughter adolescent son home heck do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dead many timeswhy keep surviving understand want die something occasions died didnt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "live miserable lifeive wanted kill years always talked it though maybe things would get better decade things gotten worse nothing good life purpose direction live theres nothing look forward to misery pain whats point ive got nothing live attempt ive made make life better bearable failed im broken failure go decades like pain end tonight arguments dont worktheres one miss me things wont get better dont value im alive think truly happy day ill life day die ill know wont hurt anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit awesome use social media app except reddit guys think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "overwhelming feeling lately right feel like longer go broken get feel like missing pieces know describe properly almost feels horrific way put like whole bunch body parts amputated years feel irreversibly disfigured mentally once gradually time like one day might wake look see leg gone hand missing fingers makes feel sick like body horror see feel it never go mutilated get feels like something puts surgical table injects sedative cannot move still see still feel straps takes pieces throws back world figure come terms new disfigurements horrific numb tired scream react like waking nightmare one see mei cannot explain properly trapped feeling silently horrified also tired want lay rest parts allowed rest gone too like eyelids removed shamble onwards feeling like trapped sawinspired gauntlet losing piece piece grotesque traps point even sure want get irreversibly mutilated feel broken beyond repair", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling like disappointmentbeen hit hard lately always financial struggle made hard complete higher education im supposed breadwinner family miracle happened finally completed it happy moment recent memory achieved degree started dating beautiful woman dreams were currently ldr type complicated situation atm due visa issues country aim work the country in would mean issues relationship might last long come back home family eagerly waiting start something help bettering lifestyle future uncertain feels like might lose sides success relationship wise career wise something happened shook things us misunderstanding involved jealousy cheating kind however get vilified hated woman im holding easier career path life for managed patch things barely things changed relationship thing keeping something awful first place bright light life missing im stuck shit storm comfort disrupted family dislikes lack progression life feel like keep letting people down know head something childish time kind lately neither world head roof well say goodbyes via voicemail", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish would go away endive struggled depression years gotten much worse within last couple years feel like im burden upon family friends wake morning wondering even given another day lives taken deserve iti feel like nothing matters im aware sound like teenager going wah wah wah assure case oh add onto note im gonna soon today first day ive sat myself listened music thoughts crept back in why here would matter disappeared would take pain away feeling pain now forthmy brain wants never wake back deal life anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else want leave subreddit weird reason feel obligated stay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "list races racist brish people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure seems like minutes actual content episode certainly fun watch might find cringing chair buddy sticks foot mouth gets shot down chuckling shaking head ridiculous line actually works panel hosts goodnatured friendly dare say canadian style commentary compared cutthroat us reality programming think people complain show get joke taking show seriously show takes itself keys vip great caricature reality shows sports tv culture club scene hope another season id interested see us version appears certainly fun original premise", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "updated version story turned film englandreturn frog concerning pursuit police master criminal known frog frog like get bulging eyes etc wearsbr br one good wallace films s solid little entertainment clearly influenced influence restart dr mabuse films frog seems super villain master thief best wallace films worth look would make interesting double feature excellent earlier filmbr br between ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay hear fnaf chance get smash cause fucking steve in like what chance big voice genre need horror character hand tf character likely game made v would rad play heavy third hand crash spyro get in think would get in", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know weird question ask subreddit curious feeling feeling wanting end things lately though gone wanting here like another world dimension could go would love go there hate everything society today virus pandemic defunding police movement inflation masking etc done it anyone suicidal want here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really shitty human deserve iti really want end right now ive dark place like hardly life couple times thought slipped mind never acted it im still really doubtful would act really want to went couple abusive relationships met guy nice me really messed ended seeing one abusive exs contacted couple times know stupidest thing could possibly done know making think good idea guy devastated know hes really hurt it good guy finally go back abusive ones know whats wrong feel awful want punish hard can", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actual fuck supposed get white arabian horse cant fucking find rdr btw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "used rasknyc looking gun sure respond ok xpost here unsure else dohttpwwwredditcomrasknyccommentsyfcthrow_away_here_obviously_i_need_a_gun", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone seems enjoy suicidal nobody cares", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would make good boyfriend really know expecting ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hospitalization feels goodi like hospitalized anyone else effed feel same", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subreddit mods harass women do theyre usually rteenagers y", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "liked lot fact see againand plan to may love it ill echo reviewers saying movie really grow watch starts kind slowly way enfolds natural mood it get itbr br i really liked summery atmosphere movie thought movie touching whole characters strong element realism movie slowly gently weaves spell get involved various interactions want know ultimately turn paths characters choose take br br i surprised less dozen comments thisthere obscure tv movies comments rich lovebr br one thing say missed ending driving crazy watch see that movie may everybody feel strongly underratedeven film buff purist friends seen almost every movie seen this even seem much message board liked lot like family dramas warm scenery atmosphere unhurried languid pace probably take look this especially note worthy takes place south carolina like me love south movies take place there gem ill add vote woefully comments recommend little known flick", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help fastlets get way ive thought redflag weekly months now ive attempted twice never went through even went getting noose set last one fell asleep probably chosen late time one doctor knows ive thoughts tried main question bet lot asking why main reason feel every little thing goes wrong fault head come crazy reason go well parents fighting caused caused stress failed algebra someone dies made happen enough two examples hideous self blame ive grown sick tired sucking bad im tired trying hardest living expectations im tired existence ive decided im going kill year ends im tired dead weight people need anymore ive messed enough already theres anything anyone tell make change mind guest doubt though", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "grandpas hospital pains arm hyperventilating drove er stay night doctors think hell fine theres still little bit anxiety hanging back head", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want anythingi feel like sleeping ask timei want live home want buy car live near anybody time would okay do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bend like beckham film got little exposure united states probably due fact movie strongly british dialogue terminology dealt lot football soccer here may trouble relating us unfortunate movie absolutely fantastic deserved much coverage here think basis storyline following dream something many people relate end bend like beckham proves goodfeeling film source inspiration really good acting overly excited seeing film initially regret seeing sooner highly recommend movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired called useless leechi recently began first year college double majoring engineering software engineering total credit hours semester drive minutes back every schoolday immediately go home take online courses homework done look jobs online applied last days clean house dishes coean bathrooms week flip fold clothes whatever random task father assigns watched cameras make sure this got learners taught drive made drive hours straight freeway round trip week period first taken drive got liscense month ago chores homework try figure dinner sometimes made cook it sometimes ny dad makes gets mad ate without even gets sometimes treats like retarded ask dinner pay around month gas insurance spare truck allowed drive hence getting job everyday told useless leech faggot mistake fucking hurts friend family offered let live them could never that would burden anytime stay close somebody extended period time leave me sorry rant needed get somewhere", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sad knowing cant rewrite lifeeveryday think death killing myself tiring depressing want follow plans hate stupid teenage years want reset life change mistakes make depressed hate ever dumbass never change better want die feel sense eternal peace belonging thats im asking for", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "falling apartfuck trough away care wife gone week well all sure cheating fuck it im two kids love dearly family grandmother grandfather sisters younger i im poor drowning debt i starting see way out people morn months everyone go lives question ive struggling last months will actually people favour looks like yes removing picture stop holding every one back suggestions guys words help im end handle right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ich danke herr hacke fr den filme mein deutsch ist nicht gut enschuldigen siebr br first all know diverse sound istanbul inspite live turkeyfaith akin alexander hacke made different approach turkish musicnarrating performing seeing istanbul istanbul music foreigner aspect given real meaning music itselfbr br in movie found different ourturkish culture is interesting performers are much respect deserve unfortunately one able serve kind documentary before", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got discord finally really sure mean even friends know got im honest lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "color hair say anything combination idk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fellow teenagers influenced hip hop s hip hop jazz awhile started listen to kendrick lamar lil uzi vert playboi carti really like them give song recommendations maybe artist recommendations too would prefer recommendations newer popular rappers similar playboi carti uzi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "live society mitochondria powerhouse cell", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "havent eaten yet todayi havent done anything wrong situation im girl causing depression right still genuinely dont believe deserve eat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher amazing theres kid class obsessed among us right trys get maths teacher play one day hes sick home today second class maths half class missing according school rules stated half class missing teacher could whatever wanted teach happens nine people whips phone downloads among us gets us teach play play oh told us tell kid tommorow played among us thank listening teacher bossgoodnight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wonder like roll stairs ill go try update guys later", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored powers fuck yeah anyone wanna talk something comments ig maybe politics ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "boyfriend leading depression years now dating months time quite okay when started relationship taking antidepressants sometime dropped them getting worse i noticed also talked topici really worried because although know normal nothing it love want suffer he also thinking taking antidepressants even though really hate dependency create make feel allhas anybody gone situation like earlierdoes anybody kind adviceps experienced diagnosed depression kind depressive episodes spent time many people leading depression quite conscious topic boyfriend getting worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youre ugly af mental health plummeting bc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "start therapy going planned sit talk things destroying me without getting help got kicked college anxious go classes ruined another friendship energy talk time problematic bring mood down grandma rushed hospital last night blood transfusion health plummeted fucking crushed me mental breakdown know long tired pain ready give up feel like losing life cannot stop it honestly hope could change things around", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "asking help ive come conclusion need help problem thats really draining mentally dont want make big post dont want upset anyone may come across unknowingly dont want hurt anyone bring problem anyone likes picking people apart listening problems please dm processing understanding emotions isnt strong point etc etc need cry need someone blunt real fix problems everyone else wish wonderful day try smile lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope someone understandsi pack gremlins cling me matter go doing tell do sometimes theyll tell leave bed morning nothing contribute otherwise done so theyll tell simple thing im reminded tired constantly am theyll tell one cares exist amounted anything human being tell try hard wont take far account anywhere go tell find gun closet tell find secluded place wont bother anyone promise feel pain itll go away quickly voices get agonizingly louder day got point first time theyve said years ago things exponentially grown ive come realize waking moments denied them think go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really lose killing tongihtim scared cant take anymore pain anxiety levels skyrocketing reason cant keep holding on know could kill almost time theres reason hang on im scared though know make stop anything edit today got really close im relieved kill myself im actually frustrated sad get chance attempt parents interrupted could start place realized want anything want work study succesful fulfill dreams love someone future i lot pain hesitating becuase preperation done plan parents came unrelatedly mom freaked stupid thing clean im legal visiting home cried bit it got whole redflag sin implication selfharming wrong speech also threatened commit ever admit danger myself mom tells meet pastor whos going tell things familys religious many peoples opinion pain need trust god more spiritual all things work good bad im sort becoming atheist reasons anyway im upset beause thing want die thats literally only desire have balls yet actually kill myself solace got pushed little farther alcohol maybe could it hard hurts much alive hurts since cried earlier feel better nothings hanged dont want feel betteri wantthe problem solved dead guess need drink next time jave ready thank tldr i living nightmare thing want death guilt tripped staying also im weak it hurts feel guilty wanting die trying get better feel better cried want feel better temporarily een get better want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "carols journey pleasure watch many reasons acting clara lago simply amazing someone young one special actors say say much facial expressions director imanol urbibe presents tight controlled film break continuity thereby propelling plot steady pace enough suspense keep one wondering nest scene bring screenplay angel garcia roldan story telling best which seems major purpose films all plot unpredictable yet events unravel completely logical perhaps best feature film tell story spanish civil war affected people major event th century yet hardly americans know it fact years university teaching averaged one student semester even heard it much less could say anything comprehensive itand overwhelming number students merit scholars speaks enormous amount censorship american education so one way film good way begin study event keeping mind one thread pulled great deal history unraveled appreciation film is therefore direct relation amount ones knowledge view film another coming age movie miss movie completely left elbow index considers seven aspects film acting production sets character development plot dialogue film continuity artistryon scale good average needs help carols journey average counts excepting dialogue rated average lei average film raised equated imdb scale highly recommend film ages", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reaching end road hereim life provided protected point skills idea fend myself got yet another underpaid shitty fast food job far fast paced keep up every minute every day like constant anxiety attack work worse want curl ball die every second it coworkers constantly ridicule help either last long job ill go exact thing another minimum wage meaningless job family basically keeping alive hoping kill point feel like theyve begun accept potential reality whereas saw impossibility im self involved felt like would destroy worlds away parents couple years think theyd able move on yeah unpleasant weve people family commit redflag like never even happened even ruin lives like theyve got much longer suffer anyway know selfish father serious heart problems last decade half mother frankly oblivious naive seems checking mentally anyways live sibling good bit older life together making great money great could help death theyre hoping move together next several months means need move out name not mention k debt credit score low s literally friends prospects places get room anything everything seems lining up like theres thousand signs pointing death never wanted kids give shit significant other frankly live long life ill likely die alone addict andor alcoholic theres issue alone prefer solace sad picture know ill it might pawn phonecomputer shotgun kind disconnecting family anyways maybe weeks months relative silence reduce sting them say constant guilt feel suicidal them would done long ago without hesitation wanna work ass hours week still live paycheck paycheck wanna contribute considerable percentage life time making massive soulless corporation even massive swallow peoples lives too care improve whats point create chemical reactions brain convince continue contributing society interest part of zero interest learning anything anything meeting anyone im alive sake familys emotional health im gonna reach breaking point think itll long now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another rant school mean guess elementary middle school important fuck whoever invented high school cuz ever taught really advanced ways cheat fart silently everytime make mins feel like hours work cheetos monster", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel terrible past mistakesthere occasions club dancing girl took things far basically separate occasions extremely intoxicated dancing girl fingered way clothing touched breast couple seconds first couple times girl dancing seemed problem it even kissingmaking me made seem like somehow okay realize terribly wrong excuse actions idea possessed make think okay recent time year half two years ago may accidentally exposed girl dancing with although kissed well feel made uncomfortable presence general hurts genuinely care people last thing want hurt anyone friend escorted club yelled me immediately realized done wrong wish never done this feel like biggest scum face earth ive tried forgive actions dont feel deserve forgiveness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m leftists wanna friends insta wont share post rules buttttt id love leftist friends currently demsoc id love friends anywhere socdem ancom ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nowi know think dying time ive planning something year really want soon can know im never going best anything smart talented want keep going know could go college good career everything but whats point though gonna like mediocre everything trying fit world thats skeptical hateful towards trans nonbinary person caught put dangerous situation yesterday felt like ready go it know im posting theres nothing say ill probably give anything though hurts anything soon im sorry worry know else do better worrying friends family sounds bad im good person guess thats fitting haha thanks reading this appreciate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres nothing left moves anymore emotions long gone it im sure qualify post honestly care want persons opinion matter first all im year old man living sweden reason feel qualify im sad depressed angry negativedestructive state mind i feel simply nothing emotion say regularly feel bored mean bored this movie boring lets watch something else mean deeper sense boredom bored life offer hope im making sense anyone yes ive tried lot activities hobbies etc theres constant financial chain able exactly want want say im forever alone type guy im average joe ive several girlfriends past friends parties traveled world yadda yadda everyday life like endless cycle mechanical activities seeing people talking pointless topics discussion thing everyday recently saw meme bored dude grocery store text was buys car get work works pay car see life is pointless meaningless emotionless songs movies hobbies people summon kind emotion anymore the thing id think could change bit suddenly gigantic amount money weekly lottery would open possibilities least exactly want want couple months ago reached limit robotic lifestyle took huge bank loan quit job living money last months so my plan whatever might call spend enjoy money long lasts money runs out end life moment im completley spontaneous everyday wake since anything must anymore people might read think for fuck sake grow up call problems know agree you people lot worse people lost family members raped etc completely honest care them comparing invoke kind appreciation life said sad lonely depressed feel totally empty like robot see point continuing life like this ive tried talking people view life nobody understands me say go something english basic hope somehow succeeded translating thoughts words anyone opinion all welcome them even wanna bash say boohoo whining about tldr year old bored death life took huge loan quit job waiting money run out end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling edgeim feeling extremely edge like want hurt badly end life know anymore do many fucked things happend ive pretending im okay long time im trying fight urges difficult need vent feel alone worthless like one gives fuck died day now hate much feel like im going insane im lost broken scared want cry scream lose control instead act okay pretend smile one knows feel keep myself im scared one day soon end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "better way get attention say ill wait repeatedly stop talking mean nothing less mushroom cloud stop us quickly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would you would recommend boy start painting nails doesnt way paint them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help parents need help feel swaddled parents necessarily spoiled lot things me want get able stuff self parents really let happen thinking hanging friends know big rona hit kinda cant that advice would helpful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy moly batman poggers class me included like man mind boggling well graduating bc junior thought man graduating far away couple trimesterssemesters away like gee willikers batman doubt world prepared us", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna message mods mod obviously cant send modmail answer private pms", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bye guessthis throwaway account finally decided enough life going get better grades uni disgusting im failing depression anxiety eating disorder hand friends parents constantly fighting never tried understand going through guess end ill carry one month pills home one month itll finally over live anymore too im happy times really really happy im finally gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always heard great miniseries viewed first time week july see started careers many young actors story intriguing gives wonderful insights period civil war cared characters lives evolved period stereotypes still helped see people thought s many historical facts thrown story interesting see history books come life costumes sets gorgeous thoroughly enjoyed watching parts ii part iii disappointment", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorry what no gatekeeping intended post way many cute girls exist rteenagers like what crazy cute girls spend time reddit like wtf many yall feel like definitely real using pics form internet karma im gatekeeping anything anyone allowed here im saying cute girls cant come obviously doubt many girls rteenagers never mind cute girls mean offend anyone post rant offends please let know instead downvoting talk edit remove post stay safe ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "la maman et la putain beautifulest film time whats moving may relation reality art movie deals with directly inspired prousts a la recherche du temps perdubr br indeed la maman et la putain in search lost time apparently tell story one failure love repeats endlessly first womans name always gilberte second woman appears like twisted deformed double gilberte veronika like whore gilberte beautiful like night whereas gilberte pure beautiful like day failure first love second love begins one like already doomed first one veronika takes place gilberte alexandres life movie progressively eclipses her first time time gilbertes still coming alexandre waits veronikathen totally shows sad story repeating itself unfaithful woman like alexandre says appears endlessly unfaithful proust higher point love makes exist also underlines illusionsbr br art causes passage whats outside illusion love whats inside truth learning truth instance veronika notices strange way alexandre makes bed answers saw movie then movie its made that learn live make bed alexander wants live like film wants life art br br this conception art comes proust eustache shares rejection political art realism art la maman et la putain fights conception art principaly political see example ironical review political movie alexandre like proust says art care proclamations exists silence first all art introspection also realism naturalism rejected art needs transform reality exist proust writes i discover illusion realism lie thats la maman et la putain hide artificiality underlines way actors say text the seem artificial higher go said eustachebr br eustache proust share idea artist translater inner truth but alexandre failed eustache succeed la maman et la putain tells us failure character truly is sens tragedy arise go movie becomes saddest see face alexandre looks like livingdead see fact scenes become longer while nothing happens outside end movie see alexandre writing veronika asking hes writing lifeyou guess hes not even literature failed end movie shows symbolic death alexander smashes heaviness reality tiny nurses room alexandre looks like albertine marcelbr br to explain failure say alexandre balzacs reader forme et signification jean rousset explains that prousts readers balzac swann charlus unable artistic creation theyre stuck reality mistake art see reality art are aware transformations necessarily exist life artist work reality art thats exactly alexandre claims instance loves woman parallel reasons played bressons example hes like swann falls love odette looks like botticellis womanbr br life perhaps vocation thought indeed eustache committed suicide even said alexandre nevertheless difference alexandre eustache eustache absolutely alexandre alexandre like double without art horrible vision artist crystallizes fearsbr br by fallowing veronika end movie alexandre condemned illusions death remind last frames movie face jeanpierre laud well endless pucking veronika maybe already hell describes end like sartes huitclot absolutely like final liberation le temps retrouv eustache read proust alexandre could never finish book always perturbed life veronika tries read apartment cafs la maman et la putain like inverse double in search lost times tells alexander become artist whereas a la recherche du temps perdu tells marcel becomes writer genettebr br if like baudelaire says artiste tells reality light dream nightmare eustache tells us la maman et la putain", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredmy partner trying best make feel better took long fill something school owe money cant blame anyone just genuinely think cant get job think could handle im scared leave house im unemployed school family also unemployed good one suppose go somewhere high like seven selling nudes easy nothing me good quality attractive features im charasmatic enough use able think right anything everything went shit want give think would kill partner tries take care dumb bipolar suicidal self sit room day alone day day im tired im lonely im trying find good way go wrong wish could go back normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats cheapest way get gun walmart credit card like im gonna pay loli dont want get anyone know trouble using theres", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crazy di hit hard clinical depression couple months ago extremly intense thankfully last long months utter agony needless say experiance new me knew nothing disorder obvious reasons depressed know depression package good stuff it one suicidal thoughts death depressed person like jumping warm bed long day work raining outside knowing tomorow day got picutre simply sweet heres thing even recovering it feeling sun face air lungs blood vains enjoying good laugh lm still obsessed redflag thinking every day every moment whith negative mindset all hypnotized idea simplicity possibility serinity all like days put one bullet chamber gun holding head closing eyes simply feeling it cold barrel skin frodos like temptation ring complete clearence mind ultimate sensation peace sometimes lose point limbs body go numb well relaxed became crazy anyone guilty act exactly go gentle good night resist temptation love hear thoughts about", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "way fight siblings someone ate taco ask im okayyy ososdhowowjslsobewkaoah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got sick head hurts im always tired even tho sleapt hours sad boy hours hit times harder im hungry time cant focus all ovarall im fucking sufering", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know doim pregnant severe antenatal depression single today formally abusive boyfriend started becoming increasingly aggressive leave wouldnt let flat bit minor violence realised let go stomach agony way hope collapsed incredibly sick pure stomach acid im petrified case baby hurt reason im alive somethings happened refuse continue baby okay im awful position live vulnerable womens hostel surviving month extra week part time fast food job cant dont family support me im getting back boyfriend cant risk hurting child", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im weird guys looking phone earlier wondering today asked me what today also todays day going die bitch weird guys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan taking life soon i know probably one give shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan lot things act impulsively everything go downhill", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant take anymoreim autistic that mom thinks cant succeed world unfortunately shes right im currently year community college feel like last and only month left classes hit summer vacation one classes im involves making art wire paper fabric etc feel like ive basically failed class return given dreams becoming professional critic internet personality mom isnt even biological mom adopted case egg sperm donor put moms womb came prematurely mom likes call pound premie think better known pound deathbed friends online care extent usually stops shit like ill thoughts talk someone trust call insert hotline number none really helped me contacted hotline past ended nothing help me ive also talked psychologist months last contact august hasnt helped either wish friends online knew much situation im trying get better life problem mom become restrictive regarding cant do making feel like shes darkness light save grasp run away before ended contacting mom ran money put bank account could return home did biggest mistake ever made since then threatened fire job a child care center home kick house garnish money bank account unsuccessful shes sorry it shes acting like almost months now ive felt like ive pushed breaking point yeah basically nobody know irl online cares me mom like demon saps creativity me wish never existed wish people actually cared me wish born biological mom i wish better life youll excuse me im going cry breathing shallow maybe something car", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want get out maybe please hopefully someone words might able help all really really sorry long need get outim year old indian man grown quite traditional household uk means mental health always taboo subject never brought issues parents think level might know experienced issues capacity given done lot reading subject done charity work mental health charities etc part wonders upbringing makes obvious believe true problem sorted hugso went good school excellent university great grades show great social skills front whenever need to good job took two years moved japan moved back month ago living parents first time yearssomething wrong feel mentally fragile time nothing gets mental strength run rolling day cycle feeling ok heavy useless again backstory grew friends situation actually remember recently realised sdam inability remember anything recent years always saw positive whatever was past beyond that university always felt completely mentally strong myself time found infidelity father person felt close time excluding brother person id ever call anything went wrong fortunately trust issues compensated finding first love time moved america compensated drinking excessively entire year pretty much joining frat drinking troubles away year without talking family all year concluded breaking girlfriend time due lies infidelity side back uk finish studies started work years initial getting trust ex years probably strongest life felt confident trust issues or thought regained relationship family friends great job great house good circle friends great round timethen went japan again first months life exciting new city new culture incredible new career learning much myself found love nd time happened covid quarantine went incredible comfortable months life someone people say connect way never experienced time finding truly someone feel relationship reciprocated rare me excited slowly next year half turned steady comfortable relationship different people somehow worked think slowed much needed way although good times previously mentally strong highfunctioning probably needed someone lived bringing back healthier version strong mindhowever halftruths lies past side next months sort put damper it made continually question relationship thing time round although condoning it actually see logic lies clearest mind see still confident future together malicious intent long story short year since constant rumination mental battles issues again mainly trust whenever get stuck thinking it takes weeks even months get regresses back worst depressive states although know true because think it rather actual issues relationship think underlying issues previous trust broken father first love put position although want to cannot let go past new relationship struggle trust again screws whole mindthese ruminations kept bay japan still surrounded loving relationship meditation yoga surfing keep mind clear possible although often getting stuck found getting much quicker way really however almost limit longevity relationship mind limit much hurt caused become unfunctional human back uk month stuck beyond belief feel like thought loops get stuck head find going thing conversations brain trying apply logic get it mentally weigh beyond belief continually ruin daytoday life cannot bring things helped yoga meditation everything gets stuck way cannot live know back parents home long relationship lack trust lack job culture shock them think idle mind devils plaything seems playing relationship view ruining mindnow every interaction leads state mental instability today parents came back day told bought new bedsheets gift prospect anything new surprise ordinary breaks me walk away saying want it half angry trying hold back tears crumbing mentallythen get angry acting like dick face kind gesture people love mei know do nothing feels like helps want anything stay bed day torn putting brave face parents see me want get back healthy self point life know itif anyone read maybe provide help something do something focus on anyone something similar even someone talk to would really appreciativei really sorry long post know continue life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna talk title says im jst kinda bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "short venti cant high functioning tired cant cant trying things going well life like see getting better one thing makes feel better moment thinking ending trying fight get better could hurt many people try know long left told anyone gotten worse want go back ward want out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna need help figuring get tlsae coursepermit exam florida looked floridas official dmv website really want get permit would hate test person honestly social anxiety really want pay take test drug course either anybody help received permit im years old rehabs monthes taken permit exam actively abusing drugs long time done research requirements state need valid reasonably priced provider examcourse get tlsae course online permit exam valid certification standards florida dmv main intentions getting license age years old appreciate help provided", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sister recovering addict recovery almost two years feeling redflaged anxious overwhelmed life told worried relapse suicide gets overwhelmed try talk help alleviate redflag life done things like clean house make sure peaceful space worry that got doctors contact information need insurance card call make appointment asked couple times time overwhelmed already asked right then cannot ask much push hard gets overwhelmed freaks out house two children worry children much stimulation one year old want help care her also afraid leave alone afraid anything actually afraid talk try keep kids away give quiet think upset afraid try talk going overwhelmed afraid talk things provide distraction show upset think care overwhelmed help idea do know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wastei always facing depression wishing death upon myself due fact feel like im waste human life older sister supposed twin died mothers stomach feel stole life wasted it fat ugly stupid etc worst part fact dont get bullied yet still depressed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mi bored af u wanna talk dm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need something guys girls ear pads monster clarity hd on ear headphones ripped need replacements possible anyone try help find ear pads compatible headphones budget cad anything helps pop sites comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really craving boyfriend rn like want one boyfriend shit also silly like wrestling n fighting n fun routines basically peacefully coexisting like im rush cause im chillin mans find one day ready light fun boy walk life make laugh also kinda cold n dominant lil give free drugs maybe im mentally boyfriend ooh boy wanna puke hate writing boys suck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope redflag hurts peoplei hope people know fault people arent hope know hope hurt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "praying actually productive tomorrow like god please someone beat please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scale bad day honest answers mental health check", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "supposed kill age i cannot wait die honest life nothing pain short bits happiness last millisecond due date coming", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want die sometimes alive muchim years old dads side abused brainwashed me made blame mom divorce rift family happened eight granny on dads side threatened kill last year screamed betrayed her dad didnt believe me blamed told apologise couldnt dont want relationship anymore hates im moms daughter thats something cant change blame everything dad recently asked talk couldnt understand told didnt want contact her stresses out things theyve said hurts head ive lot mental breakdowns recently hate myself live mom relationship bit awkward im working it sinking feeling chest crawls spine behind throat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sick this killing next summeri cant live anymore im giving time write letters cant anymore die loveless dumbass shitty age thats fine me doubt anyone wants letter me maybe simple goodbye suffice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dogs name sammy full name sammy samuel samson", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom basically called fggot shaved armpits day because likes armpit hair like real primarily aesthetics also cleaner mom noticed went really fucking long lecturerant me male shave pits said something along lines of only girls fggots shave armpits smh wanted cleaner got lecture instead", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best poison around house actually kill you dont want anything painful thats want doi dont know start tell think best household poisonous item or better way maybe", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else see people dying young overdoses accidents thinkdami wish me envy dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fatherinlaw committed redflag best way help wifei know best subreddit ask found fatherinlaw committed redflag shockedsadangry mostly worried wife best way support her best terms know feeling guilty recommendations", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "asking random questions untill get girlfriend day humanity dies chance keep video video would like keep would keep thishttpsyoutubecwuprcuvq thishttpsyoutubedqwwwgxcq videos good think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im held gunpoint sign adoption papers do help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk anymorei feel like much yet enough work hard every day literally anything could possibly want yet feel like isnt enough despite working hours day feel like could productive theres many things id love cant seem find motivation therefore one holding back feel successful age want successful idk feel like everything great idk cant settle have idk burning desire even successful burning desire take everything next level yet hold back idk get around obstacle ive created feel stuck frozen", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "death cabanyone else die words band", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ngl flamethrower might solve problems due assignments burn em dumbfuck mosquitoes annoying you burn em spending wasting wayy much time mobile time burn annoying siblings ill intimidating af w flamethrower bored flamethrower", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recently feel like ive dishonest honestly disappointed myself like instead studying always want open new tab start watching youtube even playing game sometimes even realize yet keep it like anyway change", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one care also haha heres joke meno one cares even idk one probably even reads hell happening dont know bothers cannot trust anyone dont energy persist push friendships one puts effort like stupid feel like drive every conversation ever tiring stop dont even try left friend groups week even notice vent people say i care like shut fuck met seconds ago stop lying piece shit making feel weird saying one cares one feel like ok one caring bothers much like cant tell whats wrong shit keeps falling apart feels like destined kill myself tbh like everything life ever something leads on makes happy feel ok fucking crashes every fucking thing follows pattern cannot control these always happens things cannot control makes worse like fuck supposed whoevers reading also doesnt care whatever man one cares n n e mental issues cant get doc literal hell solving issues ask people hold put like days figure things one dont care leave cant say anything respecting boundaries we like fuck wrong me cant tell shitty personality dont even know dont know try nice bad timing im like miserable hell right suicidal strong urge ive looking ways bit thing keeping alive million thoughts happens ideas thoughts death driven anxiety honestly wearing might sometime later impulsively n n e c r e random person online dont care say care seconds disappear thats caring fuck would even know died tomorrow would even affect people know would say haha gasp nice guy like seconds go posting cringe memes stories dont think theyll care bec theyd check breathing almost dying brain issues get sad people putting effort put effort theyll probably tell im manipulative im guilt tripping owe nothing leave like fuck yeah dont owe anything dont conveniently leave im going rough patch man like actual fuck wrong people dont even ask therapist ask hang talk help distract apparently much time people need help come haha nice youre ok hope help thing cannot stop ranting fingers hurt typing like cannot tell something wrong inherently like personality bug spray im stuck loop bad timing events like dont know man might even overlooking people care dont know im huge urge get id ok probably help therpist process fucking traumatic past emotional abuse get better maybe solve issues mine thanks dumb fucking reaons cant talk publicly cant get doc like seek help yet cant find like fuck fuck everyone left conveniently little hard deal apologized many times fuck asshole wouldnt affect anyone also fuck people im one caring want end pain caused disorders hurts lot fuck everyone everything haha cherry top im lgbt orthodox fucking family theres lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cant stop laughing yes mental breakdown dontk kms", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally today l finally got balls ask crush whether liked said yes l", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "save eyes browsing memes night settings gt accessibilitygt display gt reduce white point lowers white less bright iphone prob android something like it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im idiot deserve deathim worthless understand anyone loves me im want end life make friends family unhappy keep coming back me why cant make new friends girls interested me im failing school here whats point one less fuck gone matter dad left me would anyone else want around im ugly ive tried fix cant hate myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want outhi im year old female want life ive thinking lot lately feel empty nothing brings joy anymore friends spending time seems like chore wherever go find difficult fit in feel like im entertaining enough people take interest me im cool im successful studies ive achieved anything life want hard people like takes im confident smart funny time use sarcasm cover anxiety cant handle social situations people tell im pretty thats them pretty girl guys like am like look like feel like never able open anybody see worthy more study architecture like course longer passion it energy motivation create anything every day wake im behind coursework even try catch see succeeding well enough cant handle getting average low grade end one thing chose based things used love im even good it breaking heart think never good enough anyone anything attempted redflag guy used like school bullied physically verbally ever day year powerless make stop even friends watched happen bother anything want get bad side ive never able stand myself feel ashamed weak unable anything let people walk rather compromise feel upset someone else recently ive feeling like simply fit part want die ill never get second life believe god believe us humans simply made backbone lives need kind security need feel like matter happens someone help us matter bad things get theres purpose purpose given god kind security believe die theres place soul go simply stop existing were part natural selection world stop die simply sifts better worse want get this want part anything want stop existing without consequences fall asleep never worry anything ever again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone talk withis anyone talkvent to feel really right need someone talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thats iti reached point return means it please follow path took remember life absolutely worth living anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi question would bad thing pretend went crush deterr guy crush her hes creep and made best friend leave school bullying him feel right that would like assistance", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heart heas pounding feel sick inner voice keeps repeating i wanna dieim school rn im shaking feel frozen sick im planning committing anything feel sick head ringing inner voice keeps saying wanna die stop pls", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uamogusbot got banned rip baby banned know ideas bots ps next time try approve community ban", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think might kill tonighti suffer general anxiety disorder panic disorder panic attacks almost hardly sleep constantly feel like im die barely get school work im sophomore high school switched online school months ago get stop parents screaming me ive tried tons ssris tons benzos hydroxzine weed even antipsychotics deal stress none anything all prescribed psychiatrist except weed ofc ive seeing multiple therapists none therapy helped anxiety therapy work drugs work ive got fucking idea kill myself im completely miserable even kill idea id possibly get life cant complete even simplest tasks anxiety supposed get job ill end homeless best know else do goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant take longerive suicidal months therapy medicine worked im starting intensive partial hospitalization program monday every day agony even think make then cant function nothing distracts thoughts anymore keep trying reach people one replies cutting even helping calm anymore absolutely hope reached end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bother emotional post worthless life is someone wants talk little bit mindive pretty suicidal year now told single person except younger sister and best friend drunk cant bring tell anyone know selfish narcissistic is it going completely private little attention possible still might it feel gay even posting throwaway account right now feel like talk someone soon might happen though im sure think want happen nothing good right now mean all theres another way besides killing myself think want least try offing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want someone tell me even lie im feeling validive depression long time dont feel like ever speak mind even wanted to dont know explain going fucked head whenever anything goes slightly wrong react freak fuck out everyone tired me worn trying help fault ive ruined families lives selfish prick ive talked many therapists current one great never feel like im making progress mostly dont care enough try things tells me ive left behind many people screwed alienating people used get along with sit along home everyday afraid speak mind cowardly ask help feel like one around believes im badly off theyve given trying reddit place turn dont know fuck even would cowardly scared anything it im selfish piece shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trying best redflag forgive bastard trash destroying life also destroy hisi strategy help committing redflag im stuck im trying best positive love hate myself want kill self bad sometimes every time things go wrong strategy ill post commenthelps lot cant help wonder im letting bastard easily kept quiet happened let bastard live happy life withering luckily know best revenge happy im trying hard happier want cry parents longer close im teenager now destroyed life reveal happen although kept secret long probably wont bc kept secret ever since happened molested perverted lust crazed pedophile trash uncle dont want mum cry dad go insane anger protected family keeping quiet karma slow hes still living happy life wife child touched couple times like dad like son dammit anyway destroy like bring secret problem grave whats worse id hes thick faced smile innocently molesting young innocent me still contacts parents acting like someone innocent two faced asshle", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone validate rn im pain keep seeing ppl transphobic nonbinary people just pls need validation ill cry lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate everyone im depressedi recently diagnosed bipolar ii years years undiagnosed depression anxiety many redflag attempts go waves anger numbness long periods depression ive worst pandemic living alone home time little progress made build back completely undone barely get bed now im near constant state depersonalization periods intense anger start suddenly hate everyone seemingly reason want cut anyone life good like uncontrollable urge every redflag attempt failed misery increases like trying force things get worse cant even stop anymore dont old saying hurt people hurt people misery loves company im trying make things unbearable choice find inner strength finally get done successfully im helpless stop dont even care time im here drinking morning whiskey coffee missing another holiday fucked broken mind nothing even feels real dont even know really exist kind jacobs ladder situation needs end one way another cant anymore hate everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall access porn websites ive tried open tells older enter yall enter know many yall watch porn talk here im wondering access websites", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really hard timecopying pasting fb conversation friend really feel like retyping whole thing sorry formatting bad grammar typing tears easy im really depressed im feeling suicidal cant deal anymore literately sitting couch listening family talk much hate didnt kids would homeless right now choice world wouldnt living would cut completely going getting progressively worse obviously know hear ive everything try make happy made deans list last semester im working ass off nothing good enough k saved put torwards getting place asked help paying school told no spend savings plus pay summer semester theyre mad dont money put torwards moving cant afford move without roommate anyways one wants move single mom two kidsz dont want live anymore everyone hates me constantly feel alone mom constantly screaming me cant find way out feel like choice seriously want get up walk kitchen theyre sitting get knife slit wrists ive told mom im issues ever says need stop overdramatic im going continue spiral no dont get aid ive paid everything pocket far im eligible according fafsa tcc screwing yeah k last two semesters friends best friend moved hours away completely alone one would even care gone ive trying really dont know anyone craigslist skeves anyone talk im always one starting conversation one ever reaches one really cares talked brother say irresponsible my kids wouldnt know difference always want go dad never care coming home me spend time family anyways im constantly school work really want take car side bridge side cliff something have felt like before cant shake all married abused what then highschool totally alone ran away times cant though left go dont want take im stuck theres nothing hundred dollars name debt im falling apart im tired stong time one lean cant alone anymore one family cares anymore honestly think would happy killed dunno im tired mom dad sister left walk dog im tempted let come home gruesome scene", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote notes know how tomorrowive taken care will debts name go husband wrote friend check husband friend find hes good emotionally eventually process it cant let husband find me wrote notes solid plan plenty enough pills various categories one put sleep rest slow breathing ill fall asleep main issue funeral costs want cremated help lessen it weird ive never calm prepared before guess means it wish someone else though happier messed up im im tired guess wanted last words", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel embarrassed still suffer depression idea wanting hurt kill seems immature feel ashamed feeling it feel embarrassed mental health bad like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hospitals cancer mentally ill people overdosed mg ended hospital yesterday im finally done etiz done got craziest shit life ended roof contemplating redflag called officers trying get come down scary zero control lucky kill im tears right im thankful alive really felt like could ended moment inhibition try stick opioids never thought redflag opioid forced go voluntarily said threatened doctor force go involuntarily later on etizolam began wear felt strong urge leave guards monitoring door leading chance another patient acting restrained guards distracted made run it made pretty far misjudged jump fell scraped fingers pretty badly doctor quick come see let leave told wanted leave suicidal overall shitty way get situation like that injure get discharged even forced sign voluntary admission paper", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gamers need help get celeste stardew vally spoilers please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " spaghetti westerns made got top twenty somewhere believe received reviews gemma excellent this van johnson good though dubbed voice little killter thats charm italian style beautiful photography excellently staged action supporting characters well played severity racist streak bad guys pretty tough even todays standards creates emotional depth gemmas character situations take place absolutely fantastic score luis bacalov see wonderful wide screen dvd japan spaghetti must have", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fucking sociopath nowi want kill rape people longer feel suicidal fucking hate human race cant connect anyone feel nothing rage fear apathy capacity love compassion felt fucking hate entire city calgary complete failure mental health system longer friends family allies go anymore hahaahahahahah fucking hate everything care go jail life prison least im still alive right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking discord friends hey friends made discord looking people join gaming really anything dm comment invite", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im comic recommendations free price character andor skits want played message me okay putting final product instragram", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "horses mars engaging animated short takes sometimes comical look process evolution eyes yet evolve story personal times sentimental supported strong digital animation narration involves viewer science fiction story fortunate enough view short widescreen format sundance film festival must suppose transferred small screen lose ability draw reader less thoughtful story stunning graphics", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nice letter dont know begin pretty funny seem find one single copy will oh well one there hopefully seen whatever hi hello me a im probably well right now dont know am lets say sleeping forever dont know quite say doesnt matter now it today february th days since knew without doubt mind found forever days since made mine you youre reading this thank everything proud listening growing up youre slowly learning life okay scary considering current state really seems like oxymoron failed yet youre hopefully still there mental health plagues me stress relationship like immense understand issue really way good enough anyone self esteem fixed you l thank you ever since december th though never recovered looking myself disgusted tried best succeeded what dont know wish able talk issues afraid driving away jealousy also makes incredibly hurt something didnt even need put extra time work for oh well cant hurt anymore dumb see everything wish respect me you fuck wrong people b grow pair something grow pair accept life stop spoiled father leave woman isnt worth time life anything dont care love destroy it doesnt feel her l wish knew felt feel you dont know unless alone relationships wont always alone get scared told something you listen please holy shit toxic mad first person wrath me why try hard cant bad cant happy consistently ever do dont know never know darkness seems comforting thanks everything sorry wish better boyfriend brother son student and person general cant all sorry cant fulfill failed path pursue sorry sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wandering local library browsing vhs tapes saw movie made mouth dropwaterbabies hoping see movie againits years since saw cablemovie channel around recalled good many detailsgrimes particular son watched itbr br he agreed grimes not nice best way describe love tom accepted that amazing still recalled songs too stuck head yearswhich means memorableness ehbr br its good childs movie parental guidance case questions children go nobilitysociety timeframe children faced daily except lucky ones try disneycoat movies making pc children days mean cruelty existor even still doesnt enjoyed animation disney no think bluth touched paintbrush moviebr br theres lot going it though david plays two roles i really like him james too waterbabies cute feel sorry tom root him billie extraordinary multirole part playingits eyes magickal im huge fan woo tlwtw company and looking forward hp filed along kind movies yes jumps water suicide jumped trusted lady blackshed appearing alongbr br i think good movie kids pick rental copy happen locate buyable copy let know where ian liked it br br dee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " taken another us rip alex trebek prayers wellwishes family", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared im losing person love life im scared dont know dont know carry without shes slipping away like doesnt care anymore cant anything dont want live without", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "national people day instead womans day mens day celebrate every human matter", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im running optionsso summer years old suicidal time acted upon suicidal thoughtsa lot psychiatric hospital times months put shit ton medications made things worse eventually taken medications homebound school forced inhome therapy times week inhome therapy wasnt bad ended really liking therapist inhome therapy lasted months really helped get better while although lot lately ive getting really depressed pretty often like used to depression suicidal thoughts relapsed cutting last week clean november last year progress gone could always go parents concerned went thing age last summer cant go act like thwy dont care im sounding like broken record theyre tired hearing brush off tried telling one night thought needed go back hospital mom got pissed ignored me liketonight told mom feeling depressed disconnected reality time smoking cigarette play dumb ass games tablet even look tried tell felt told its probably youre bored end discussion said didntnthink case nodded head playing fucking game tablet dont know do im sure know help anymore dont remember shit therapist told months ago ive tried telling parents think need help dont fucking listen used listen changed feel like way get head try attempt redflag again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relate quarantined due panick attacks depression past years point actual quarantine normal me fact honest almost happy see rest world panic fear eyes fighting invisible enemy feeling trapped unable live normal life im evil hate people once last years life feel lonely", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hopelessness consuming destroying me nsfwthis long post apologize that depression panic disorder i panic attacks rarely gad general anxiety disorder obsessive compulsive disorder premenstrual dysphoric disorder i think officially diagnosed little year ago im day twentysix cycle ive thinking purpose life think help others im sure anymore feel hopeless worthless vagina narrow short tight time even im aroused lubricated cant insert two fingers slide one finger way vagina becomes extremely tight feels like finger going past something hard explain hurts feel angry hopeless one way im glad vagina tight would please partner another way im enraged fact someone would profit pain agony hate people say tight vagina good thing ive users flat tell tighter always better tense vagina feels better ive never abused part disgusted men want tight vagina want profit partners pain suffering like feels good man hurts woman im horrified go in does go way gets extremely tight part vagina ill stop him want take mans pleasure away ruin experience him feel hopeless areas life wish could go sleep never wake up plan harm myself also question sub people feel borderline suicidal arent reported punished right thank reading long post appreciate it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cliched titlenot sure turn anymore reddit bit me came big digg move ive loved site far guys helpful supportive im impasse life went college years got lazy found beer pretty much dropped out decided join national guard hopes making something life time really happy even though got yelled suffered structure life first time basic pretty much falling ng went first drill stopped going seemed dumb would sit around months ago now lost job girlfriend pretty much huge debt aes fafsa already deferred dont know much longer it tough finding job been applying every place see dont know military phone fell hottub dont cash get new one im slowly losing contact everyone outside world summary dont know do already owe parents loads money college dont know turn to im get thrown street really dont know do please help me edit im years old", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna get earings grandparents who live us house outside old school ans grandparents who visit regularly also old school do parents friends rest family ok it need convince lie try let see something do long hair hiding much hassle im also wearing headphones home times eat togethor dinner table week", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "desire get better want fucking dieim fucking weak even want get better live life im insecure sensitive piece shit scared everything nothing waste time make others depressed existence burden others maybe ill even terrible burden kill whats matter ill dead anyway selfish life whats difference selfish death even born even live lazy worthless fucking asshole complains everything instead something get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom put broccoli spam together dont get wrong love mom uhbroccoli spam combo dont know eat this excused bathroom write this wish luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought movie quite good tcm turner classic movies three one night offbeat humor kept til five kelly performs beautifully role especially grandma whose quip almost caused laugh seat main actress alright father able keep character isolated marriage conflict kept humor coming like good offbeat older movie would recommend it unlike comment like gene kelly perfect leading actor many early musicals think role oozes charisma one drawback dance scenes get little longwinded get those clear", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "driving test tomorrow hey everyone huge congrats already got licenses hopefully ill joining soon im small town dmv isnt testing highway roundabouts point turns im nervous covid getting license super important me advice strats experience", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mind though seems rather peaceful point alone causes us die first place seems least going die alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats something made cry helped realize kind patheticive pussy crybaby life think realized pretty much worthless regards cried piss poor video game mindset definitely something like wow cant even win dumb game even incompetent thought first time actually dropped tear realized pretty much lmao you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film would particularly fun anyone film industry especially indie capacity whose inheritance includes film introduction may appreciate quite much hard please documentary category doc different though pleasure comes earthy realism indie filmmaker punks hoot around watch whether ever wondered like films front behind camera whether worked way sometimes painful hard rewarding indie world certainly get kick film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trip lsd parody la devotee another another oh oh another another oh oh another another owo another trip lsd", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want head crushed girls thighs edit damn hacked", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone know im fucking dumb literally used straight student high school im shit clue especially since friends great school conclusion come im dumb hell ive gotten lucky past couple years anyone know why", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get easily sacred horror movies shit wish wasnt feel like bitch like horror movies like id probably end crying ball head firmly behind knees", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know much longer lastim full time college student college try keep appearances act like normal happy person reality lie im constantly depressed feel lonely live home often jokingly tell mother im going kill gauge reaction tell joke im sure anymore reason think killed yet mother know sister says im pushover let everyone walk me truth sister likes take advantage character flaw constantly fucks fear repercussion acts like loves me makes sick furious feel im outside observer watching life go theres point living im going die line often think waiting die way skip waiting part go directly death pathetic life daily think least painful way kill myself friends mother would probably care greedy sister would show pretend care hoping get shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one funniest movies ever seen know real world people shows movie top notch never seen real world still think extremely funny movie get inside jokes actors tv show", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teens democratleftliberal opinions red states struggles goes triple for black teens white areas queer teens females afab boys i hope worded correctly christian households", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life would much easier thinkthis going mess idk else post this format fucked up apologise sometimes cant stop thinking reasons id better dead im barely human cant function like everyone else can im constantly reminded every shitty thing life matter go do ill never able forget this vivid memories every little thing ive fucked up cant get life without self harm thing point boyfriend theres almost nothing life makes happy anymore amp fucking sucks ive tried talk quitting said something want to thats beside point like idk feel lost im trying find something make stop thinking forever amp redflag answer course get temporary release cutting enough amp never be plus ruining life would much easier kill go shit want feel think even exist ill always reminded past experiences like long period sexual abuse amp rape abusive father amp fucked family even live long enough move ill plagued issues rest life get like boyfriend says things like think future itll get better think will things never get better makes happy really enough keep alive next couple years im stuck fucking house know im even writing this im much coward actually end it came pretty fucking close couple months ago course it wish wouldve succeeded", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "burger king pm drive burger king station want onion rings whop whops pops pops goes tries fries onion manifests nothing rules burger king thinks something disappears dreams creates world sees fit destroys wants eating consumes turns shit moment breathing fourth dimensional matter creates shadows three dimensional patterns viewing plane x z think adding fourth drink icee follow lead imma da force im going lick like icee im going fill frosting fucker cost nothing give bear know hiding something converts light matter killing hour done hes fun drinks icee border power noone world universe devoid sour drinking last resort starts creation fourth dimensional matter creates shadows three dimensional patterns viewing plane x z think adding fourth drink icee follow lead imma da force", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell relatei feel like one understands suicidal thoughts go away like im gonna kill like never think it psychiatrist knows says common people survived traumas suffer multitude mental physical problems im always afraid tell anyone though therapist bc every time talk people get concerned know maybe alone best way describe is like fly contained room always hear buzz sometimes constant droning ear times barely hear like soft quick buzz mean never gone away never time think killing myself im okay now fly rather quiet like normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help please need helpnhelpim getting blackmail female wants dollers im scared shell might even post pics fucked hard kill post idk anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "strong urge go woods let nature way mei guess feel like deserve homeless work rely others support me reason absolute loneliness finishing life secluded deep woods somewhere appealing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recognize totally steal ulovelytoasterbath uwu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attention epic gamers need help defeat big bad evil monki request account twittercom vote pezlord this httpstwittercomsmollfryesstatuss election basically friends holding election need help get pez pres could make post show art made cause would thank reading remember thats post shiiiiiiittpost", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone chat im im bored nothing else do little me either think im scum earth existence rivals god himself between discuss wide variety topics play number choice company would deeply appreciated m", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys make list good games free steamepic games store anything parents buy video games waste money would spend time it laptop support games think play games it please help me im losing mind locked covid", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like failurewhenever try voice hopelessness people around remind failures cant anything better myself strive achieve something get ridiculed used arguments ive job since stopped working second child born still get depressed leaving others childcare people supported decision call lazy useless worthless unaccomplished forgive hurt also fault mine im pathetic dark soul begrudging happiness hated see content im tired sounds ridiculous entire life people mean me husband thought ally mocks telling complex vs world world cant wrong ive attempted redflag honestly love children cant catch break im garbage person cant get away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im rlly bored yh guess like messages u wanna chat cause im bored fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heartbrokeni posted earlier week ago subreddit again ranting feel like anyone talk would get personal either way did feel comfortable ranting way gets less personal me since one obligated respond either way want write im very tired ive suffering depression anxiety bpd insecurity complex years im tired all want live life like mentally healthy year old girl once feel like im missing much mind practically always convincing scared nervous wary something whenever try reach goal terrible thoughts ways go wrong much im going fuck up ill never succeed im tired mind trying keep past making rewind terrible moments growing abusive household times made use of bullying people thought good friends spreading lies making people dislike me could person knew love them would anything them mainly used attention sex behind back flirting god knows what im tired know good heart want best anyone around me know im soft try see good people long realised people are matter sweet friendly helpful am always stabbed back constant fear friends drop decide turn me many goals hopes thoughts make seem unreachable cannot see lot good myself im tired this heart aching badly made several plans distance anyone one miss im gone method use places one find longer time since still bit hope myself execute this one angry myself angry fact im good enough everything fault whatnot im also angry dare give up constantly tell im loser go way think anyone innocent taken lives losers anything negative myself anger fear also keeps it im still scared wouldve gotten better gets worse know do hopes getting less less", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "better adaptation book one paltrow although liked one too much beckinsale better good screenplay better davies master adapting austen filming production values good quite glossy hollywood treatment close thought locations costumes actually worked better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal dont know why weeks ago friend commit redflag really fucked up ive bipolar life ever since happened feel like im disturbing thoughts dont feel depressed hopeless know people care time im overcome apathy want kill myself keep imagining good felt jumped left earth feel like someone trying convince cross side im confused dont know normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate everything day even celebrate day put here fake wishes stupidly cringe posts instagram fake well written messages love makes believe people care me false humiliating want birthday also death day poetically started raining hate hate every day spend earth birthday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally opened feeling suicidal one trusted mostand reply people die someday life easy dont pain reason stop you think adult right make decision say this sorry reached ex years still good terms im stunned hurt cold hearted reply was head messed right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sleep stayed night im convinced live simulation maybe might need sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "messiah geometry class answering questions one graphing lines trying remember vertical horizontal line two fingers pointed know vertical was dog literally laying floor not even facing way stood soon lifted fingers felt like god", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared myselfive dealing suicidal thoughts years last year would think would get away redflag death someone knew redflag deterred actually anything year thoughts getting worse redflag mind almost everyday past month ive told friend it think knows deal it especially since friends family think im cheery girl always laughing something hurts try put mask even try act way front friend mentioned ive ignoring past weeks becuase im scared hell dissapointed im better im happier confessed surprised learn thoughts noticed change behavior done much except get another friend check me point mind confused make do ive irregular emotions actions lately sometimes slip mindset kill becuase one care scares me really want someone talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doneive got method mind im hoping finally go it im tired living always love wrong people cant anymore im narcissist beats every little thing unfortunately really really love him says hes tired me want everyone else favor im sick living pain usually thought death scares me right im numb actually sounds comfortable id love sleep never worry anything ever again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "used heavy drinker lost weight anyways go drinking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate parents talked told suicidali got fight parents reveled considered redflag know went hour long lecture selfish cowardly continued insulting forced say degrading shit myself sick it know cowardly know people leave behind get hurt cant help think like this time opinion like theyll shove throat wished theyd fuck die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teahcer said qoute you cute cucomber english class idk man seems kinda sus", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feels like matter try backfiresno matter try always backfires like try socialise get laughed try something nice fail even wake bullshit everyday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure feel like burden friendshi really know go start it im pretty level headed right now know last long ill constantly shift wanting kill really happy easily excitable feel like come drama queen im melodramatic reach lows really feel nothing unbearable emotional agony ive almost killed times now time im send redflag note break tears cant it rd time even shed tear felt hollow worried ive become desensitized since think detail almost daily past month talking friend it finally broke go it convinced finally throw away noose ive holding onto months thought done it now instead feel even pressured nervous guaranteed easy way anymore im afraid might turn less clean methods get bad enough botch it feeling nothing pain long time dying even dying crippled pain rest life cannot afford help cannot afford medical bills police forces stay hospital will thatd cause finally go life would bill insurance one ripoff plans get fined much putting premium crazy high unreasonable deductible id homeless expenses actually unfortunate enough hit it last night meticulously planned method thing stopping reason need rope chill raise suspicion way approach cold empty calculated kinda unsettling passionate irrational need kill like hit absolute lows im laying bed sobbing uncontrollably moments ill sit for like minutes planning out feel like need kill point problem friends care much me like im insanely lucky thoughtful caring friends are even exgirlfriend still cares deeply friend made mistake coming first time almost went it went quiet days discord called work make sure okay two days ago sitting hospital side world go sexual reassignment surgery something wanting entire life something saved slaved past years entire time ever worked despite that took time day worry me asking okay telling bullshit told fine knew way well bare ruin moment tell up one two closest friends talk daily going lot one addisons disease constantly lot pain always sickly always tired needs hours sleep day feel exhausted thats guarantee friend firsts going lot right now talk personal life lot generally really withdrawn life little could piece together really ill well also rough life puts borderline poverty shame two still worry me comfort im upset understanding people planet make happy theyre around online though friends actually acquaintance coworkers pleasant close friends either way feel selfish going im upset encourage great success feel blessed friends lies issue feel like burden friends actually despite transgendered like friend used date supportive treat like woman ways get person despite knowing understand mood place estrodiol flowing daily i pgml getting increased one even compared moody teenage girl despite support give me feel burdened them nd time bear give redflag note instead left discord group us me one addisons one speak personal life well servers together uninstalled discord phone computer hoping sever ties never burden again started feel worried upsetting them reinstalled phone hours later find one messaged asking okay first told suicidal comforted felt settle those two really good knowing exactly want hear calm feel happier reinvited everything woke up first also told second suicidal know heres part burdening me nd told never leave shed miss dearly made feel loved time made feel obligated stick around sake care deeply theyre two closest friends entire world honestly even think im falling love one them know itd mistake pursue it im also sure already taken someone sweet cannot single unless wants and wanted be change me either way last thing needs bringing already do like want away them justi feel like realize much happier theyd without me since bring im upset almost fucking daily refuse accept im fucking toxic happiness well upset get come confide them sure fun together highs whenever theyre active get talk them highly doubt im enjoyable around worth emotional pain put whenever im sad leave servers now uninstall discord again know ill clawing thought reinstalling level stop dumps know ill keep vicious cycle depressed around up im worried theyll worry me itll upset them care much friends put something like that know im suicidal made mistake telling them theyll think killed myself thats im torn feel like im control anymore stay happy them keep contact them stay alive them know do sorry thoughts place want worry them want upset im sad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make official like recently told crush like her guess went well ask make official without looking weird", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really enjoyed moviei fifteen movie came could relate movie would show kids let know feelings normal funny see could devestated things young agewho knew would bounce backagain againgreat movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want write post help vent get suicidal thoughts took like minutesi unwell dont energy anything order get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want shove box rusty nails throat childhood selfto childhood self fuck effeminate little boy made easy target could interesting fucking way yet fucking vanilla ass piece shit corner people show shoot shit at thought would make stronger interesting person made quiet boring easier ignore fuck remembering physical emotional abuse dad family fuck letting mom run little experiments body like sort lab rat fuck speaking suffering did going adults really improved life make abusers hate got slaps wrist huh fuck remembering childhood especially bad parts im experiencing again idea sort hell im getting vague memories again fault want dead like want dead want suffer way ever survive experience anymore hold fraction malice horrible wishes anyone you person world deserves suffer ash kill kill me too", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finallly told mom im suicidaland go well thinks im sad overreacting ive suffered depression years ive gotten really good hiding feelings cant anymore putting facade everything going well energy consuming much begin with really need help feel like cant keep going anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hmm put this thing called love fantasm created humans feel safe idk mean see it heart it taste it smell it touch feel really really understand people believe thing billion humans except maybe even mean devote ur life someone live himher ur entire existence life lol think never understand think love exist", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa found pack open condoms parents dresser aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took like half bottle melatonin thought would kill mei took half bottle melatonin want end life melatonin kill you gives crappy symptoms ready fuck life brooke", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im getting reddit im sick platform whole im sick people hating republican called karen wearing mask car called nazi supporting trump racist supporting blm shut say anything good cops try defend them im sick all blows over wont online much all care anyway wanted say couple things sorry rant", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die im scared paini failed test gpa dropping cant focus anymore see point want around family feel like nothing them started cutting even worse before want feel like worthy least good something point feel like im wasting others time im stressing out want die thing im probably going hit date daysim sorry know ill make past new years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sex actual girl gravedigger like manage dig grave wtf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lots new changes life hard time adjusting pandemic helprecently moved new city attend grad school live long term girlfriend due pandemic program went online grateful safety measures taken feel like able engage classes nearly well undergrad connections peers professors harder sit hours lecture watch screen rather listen person lecture attention shot barely leave room anymore always working school work worst well classes exam studied hours daily week completely lost got exam itself continuing reach people seeing therapist tomorrow losing hope everyday want end life more ive thinking would would it completely exhausted feel like paying off im miserable supposed culmination hard undergrad work want done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "moved back dad help fight cancer mistake hes ruining lifemy relationship dad never amazing worked hard improve moved out relationship mom similar got lot closer passed away things improved lot dad started actually listening say instead lecturing time seemed care life even though different hes interested in got diagnosed cancer hes scared hes angry hes freaking out hes taking me months ago so ive never felt worthless now im honestly ready end life hes torn everything built moving out overcame depression social anxiety regular anxiety panic attacks become functional adult im back pit despair except im also buried credit card debt income im trying get job hard huge gap employment wonderful supportive girlfriend much became angry frustrated ruined things her left blame leaving right thing take herself something could never do im broke years old one nothing going me cant spend another years rebuilding myself im strong enough im tired hurting im tired pain want over want peace care killing would hurt dad hes fuckhead deserves hurt months ago started hoping either cancer would kill hed go remission hes lined another month cycle chemotherapy one knows means fuck me im lost ive lost myself person awful cant live ive become person today deserve anything good im worthless im hateful im angry im asshole hurt people hurt bend backwards take care asshole father owe anything to wish id moved another country money workfromhome job late life future", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never thought id b alone christmasits kinda setting inthat kid isnt methat husband left mewtf supposed now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " hours deadcant handle abuse family anymore girl love hates family cant handle anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "emergency protocol germanyis anyone tell standard procedure germany call emergency services im close redflag something helpful would rather dead call emergency services", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill kill weekim boy friend girl im love her boyfriend told wait see future cant stand pain anymore wants friend moment boyfriend love her do want marry kids her want love survive love without cant much me much love give everytime try give love anyone suffer last hope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate word utilize like bitch fucking th century use use filler_ _", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "now message sponsor rules changed theres fine line right wrong somewhere shadows send us find it bravo six going dark", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting picture guy dipping pizza milk day never day httpspbstwimgcommediaciwxcuaeimqjpghttpspbstwimgcommediaciwxcuaeimqjpg", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idea april st terraria minecraft switch logos day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever since accident heard creepy voiceslong story short hit delivery car riding motor scooter er visit terrifying spasms two hours put surgery guess traumatized something hear voices alone dont music guess im looking help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today good day dark cloudy windy day thats fav type weather", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone would clean reason number kill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice talk someone specific manic anxietyi friend clearly depressed anxious im finding difficult help out specific target anxiety climate change strongly defeatist attitude towards it try conversation it ask try professional help kind turtles up says important thing him cant live normal life hanging head getting worse recently hes acting strangely even difficult talk it really able converse normally much social interaction result im really worried could give up one day something think could ever forgive for id really like advice could help him way please help thank much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im feeling year chronic depressedalready year feel nothing hatred sadness within fueling thoughts negativity ive hope ill ever trust people feel safe loved healed feel happy never person cry year feel like im constantly holding back could cry every day wanted command feel fucked head desire destroy vanish like greatness gone ive felt fucked often became chronic undeniable feel need someone fix make shit decisions professional would expensive right cant put real person shit im always keep evolving often leads going days denying insanity dont know do feel constantly outcast thoughts impossible fit in im either foggy fucked negative spiral inside head ive short outburst happiness hour drains energy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im want im worn outim emotionally broken lack real connection anyone ive complex upbringing suffered lot depressed yrs able work meet anyone pursue anything live hermits life suffering even though me wish dream sense is ive learned spirituality understand truth mind im stuck state thought family ripped apart death breaks heart dont know im ramlbing on im crying feels pathetic mind stuck broken state", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wied like girl years older im said reason started dating age difference", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "upset fought long be genuinely need help good double post", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "black puts getting laid easy mode white girls rush you black cursed one affect aint mad at", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "living forim living bf wish could go see one last time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else heavyweight anyone else get drunk easily downed half pint vodka ml sambouca im completely fine im little drowsy morning think im tired", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feels like im spiralingevery day wake think today gonna better remember problems bad toothache grinding teeth night stress awake couple hours still persisting insurance teeth fucked many bills pay little money many things do none seem worth doing want let everything lapse let bills pile up let get evicted let whole life wither everyone looking strength fix problems find job get shit order even strength roll otu bed feed days save even care myself cling life young miserable sorry really sure else talk to family keeps giving platitudes like things get better you make this will", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make girls laugh like make guys laugh like man always funny kid male friends agreed point hell girls get weirded make joke anything slightly masculine straight anything anyone relate going joke point view female classmates laugh poor kid class getting bullied something really cant understand", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "faultlong post here feeling lot emotions past months one really talk with ill post see happens ive married almost years february wife got married years dating legal issues rush marriage matter days lawyers advice talked marriage bit before expecting make decision way fast forward around september living together feeling happy feel like girl fell love changed marriage also things learned marriage know before fought lot clear different try talking times reaction always felt complaining her stopped point back september met woman religious community years older at time married kids worked together volunteer initiative community quickly became close month met routine texting every day almost day long fell head heels her made feel special like one ever before made feel like someone truly cared me really friends friend would tell things like would together next life met late life said husband together would together nothing wanted her certain would happy still feel way would share everything other time hiding conversations spouses never physical relationship never wanted that partly married partly emotional connection me continued year around september told pregnant able talk like usual since husband would often she housewife husband would stay home often hurt lot months okay work project kept mind november project over started thinking her ever since ive severely depressed reach her ask talk get treated almost stranger friends always tells time since busy always family always trusted her believe lying kills someone close made feel special could leave alone like pretty much been ive thinking redflag feel happy wife feel like friends feel like source depression something tell anyone know know situation get better think work family none enough make stop thinking ending all expect sympathy anyone know wrong feel whatever happening completely deserved bad person im reaping sow im simply sharing anyone else share with want happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "welcome school yo person make decision wether cannot go bathroom certain time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "zoloft focalin changed life past four years better week feeling like regressing lot interest activities normally like brain feels like fog around love new job energy perform well fiancee went town tuesday well made things worse feel useless tired like shit general think hitting extra hard well long would talk fiancee much cannot bear put her lost wrong want get back routine idk shit sucks getting worse again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow fucking disappointed letter psychiatric ward got released froma metal slab bed cardboard pillow get sleep on whatever selfrespect left stripped walk door seems ironic took three days recover refuge therapy place healing grand total minute seconds one one face time psychiatrist psychologist watch tv shut up eat klonopin feel good enough leave fuck you bullshit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else ssris feeling like completely blocked creative thinking might coincidence creativity really bad now like cant think things anymoreim prozac btw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna end cant sonim okay know this genuinely want swallow massive amount pills follow jack cupboard need vent get hopes feeling better son nearly weeks old thing keeping here boyfriend amazing month year anniversary cant tell feel way dont feel like really talk anyone beginning relationship told bi problem never knew react said liked girls specific featurefast forward year march april ans tell one day want threesomes ive done jealous isnt issue honestly love stuff im months lb baby stretch marks loose skin extra weight brought back every miserable part depression anxiety ive dealt since younger im still medication meds dont anything now sex life sucks feel like failure mom partner cant seem anything turn cant seem anything right anymore looks talks girls ive tossed aside tonight started smoking drinking cut hips probably scar wont bleed out im going reach docs meds feel lile im slippery slope mental health physical appearance son reason im still here cant leave without motheso im sitting sobbing trying hard stick around thanks vent", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorryi want live sadness anymore please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "paranoid subtweeting dont understand anymore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared ill regret itim scared ill regret it feel bad leaving parents brother two family dogs theyve much help me care me love much still want die cant fuxking suffer anymore anxiety sucks depression sucks symptoms come sucks life sucks like live wanna go really do im anxious scared go one knows happens death reincarnated afterlife absolutely nothing gone know much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna ask that people going tougher times still fighting making way it goes everyone depressed like always others going much right maybe going making way i getting stressed stupid things", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill soonfirst i say yo sad tired age cant even speak english properly cus first langague piece shit nonsesne latino unknown langaguejesus cant live us yo need surgery left legeye might problem spine aaaaaand face full pimplesi social anxiety cant even make fucking friendmy motivation live youtubegaming shit pci need money inexistent healtha days ago classmate found one hoby told classmates guess whaaati quitmy one happy poor motivationthank society isolate go outside schoolnow what think kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow cant believe strawberry milk cult predicted portland saw world come portland strawberry milk cult november ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "barbara stanwyck plays lily powers waitress fathers speakeasy little crummy mining town also sells men escapes new york literally sleeps way topbr br originally seen minute version pretty extremefor time nowadays pretty tame movie moves quickly tons sexual innuendosome comes pretty silly but fun today moves quickly easily ignore could never happeneven theres nothing classic monumental thisits quick gleefully dirty little film thats lots fun falls apart end little moral ending censors demanded comes across unbelievable stupid i saw theatre audience laughed itone guy quite rightfully said no way saw uncut minute version different somewhat tragic much better ending version thought lost discovered mistake believe one releasebut aware br br the acting goodstanwyck jumps role plays way top makes believe enjoys cruel sleeping around also strong supporting performances handsome donald cook george brent also look prestardom john wayne hilarious bit meek mild office worker fun dirty fast give ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bored unhappy alone quality earth declining rapidly want out want alive anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "check new video if want httpsyoutubeavhzktnlqo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enough energy explain im tired thats it thats post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres newest video giveaway description httpsyoutuber_gtv_zdtuw thanks support cant wait first giveaway", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end soonim depressed since forever past months really feel like end line me im kind scared act redflag time im really drown it think time know long time end it feel motivation desire achieve anything life social job family seem able love someone theres nothing future excite hold back kill myself people around me even good friends feel disconnected everything right now redflag never seemed real me think soon enough pain gone cant get this feel trapped even want help even know posting this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dog extremely sick family know afford vet bills please help way can even cant pay share it every bit important httpswwwgofundmecomfsickdogvettreatmentshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvisrcitya", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really sad disgusting waste flesh food money mother found one blades cut it pidsed me deserve every bruise scar cut mutilation ever done add onto that grandmother dying depression medicine nothing supposed clean cannot go day two without cutting myself deserve die really really suck fucking pathetic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thing is matter anyonedisclaimer may lot rambling need someone hear me im actively suicidal think frequently ive always someone ton friends even high school girl friends two boyfriends time them best friends ive acquaintances seem get along almost everyone one ever wants close me never problem comes finding significant other one ever wants friend one ever seems want spend time me awhile reached people seemed connection with anymore text them blow off happened many times cant even handle rejection anymore everyone family cares them might think mother cut ties heard somehow started smoking cigarettes told if im going kill going watch it years ago always close dad stepmother months ago decided happy away exboyfriend left guy get back together him please father say least got nasty text message said needed return car borrowing said mind borrowing it want anything getting back together said ex lets call george im stubborn individual fault cant stand anyone tell do worst ever been supposed move father girlfriend moved george instead due events occurred spoken since stepmother tried reach me tell family events missing reasons father mad me course angered anything ive already felt abandoned feel like love spite anything matter what weve close long time know plenty people betrayed parents trust parents still love them ive never done anything stolen lied etc cast aside hurt me im free spirited person believe necessarily try maintain relationship unnatural forced never thought dad would treat way george loves me since hes have seem put stress thats unhealthy relationship thats going drain too single friend family member actual closeness to so im going kill tonight im starting wonder dont even here seem negatively impact people close with people even get close ton flaws ton love cant stand see anyone hurting human animal thats became vegan saw many documentaries hurt much even watch them know im like people need someone tell im completely worthless cant understand one really wants around im drowning thoughts im alone help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fucking idiot thought character yugioh named joey spelt yoey", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lonelythe popup messages get smartphone per day spam emails amazon linkedin kinda chose abandon friends used have open guess fault maybe universes fault constantly punish great misfortune bad luck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "racist but homemade choccy milk better brandname choccy milk except trumoo shits fire", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "right wing christians like debating want join discord server basically one right wing person were looking people aged better debates without everyone opposite view one guy however right wing join thats fine too message let know want join ill send invite link", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes call fight mode extensive martial arts background turned negative adrenalized states inward depressive vulnerability external physical reactivity describe feeling like im fight physiologically though sitting still trying sleep loss fine motor skills hypervigilance scanning surroundings people hit hit back could stretching feel like fight response opposed old flight freeze response effected even emotional aspects attacks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hayao miyazaki name became prominent spitied away however often overlooked directors first film efforts remembers spielberg directed duel george lucas directed thx remember seeing fragments movie almost certainly last minutes late s stuck visual lushness design animation found copy well known store resist buy it odd thing last minutes movie tally memory memory funny waybr br viewing movie gained knowledge artists portfolios like jean moebius giraud artwork is assume influence herebr br when pazu catches falling girl sheeta adventure really begins quest laputa reference jonathan swifts overlooked portion gullivers travels healthy references jules verne basic good vs bad chase movie final portion heroes end laputabr br this portion strongest memory pastoral ecological aspect laputa returned nature multitude robots covered moss beneath giant tree is opinion highlight movie views surface laputa opposed mechanised undergroundbr br although dichotomy movie show even technology cannot overcome nature irony last robot tending garden animals ending movie silent running almost exactly samebr br it incredibly stylish would say slick beautiful organic tremendous amount detail buildings airships design look everythingbr br myazaki true master kind japnanese anime buy movie treasure it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today home alone cut self really need help energy ask help girlfriend ugly friends ho say depression calling talking life worth living right give", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people want help not say dont itevery time ask mates someone internet suicidal thoughts say dont it ive started think really helping me dont want die selfish", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get ads targeted gays algorhitms think im gay fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every state got physical school cali online great hope last long time made permanent option", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gender survey rteenagers question itll take couple seconds gender surveyhttpsformsglerkvrbfjympjgz survey finally figure ratio girls boys boys girls post results get sufficient number responses", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents catching masturbate thinking realized perfect card throw catch masturbating basically every night parents go bed early close doorsbruh know whats upans even make sounds id like forget sooo fucking hard catch masturbating ill likeits normal teenagerplus know whatcha behind closed doors problem would explaining gay porn watch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im homeschooled question im cambridge curriculum means learn stuff throughout year go school write exams last week first ones ive done years actually waiting outside classroom teacher call us in kids who go school btw started discussing exam might asked cool actually discussing concepts reminding right before id never able normal tests mom set up one girls started asking questions another student started saying know stuff never pays attention class spends half time jerking guys closet wanted know kinda talk normal school downright stunning uncomfortable me never heard someone say anything explicit internet assumed anonymity people online brings language out seem fazed it either joke actually care people know social skills tell xd", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " never relationship im couple months jr hs ive never relationshipgf virgin first kiss even fucking hand holding lmao sound douchey cocky def lose vcard first kiss really wanted i want save someone worth alot friends didntdont feel like im missing out even point saving person difference friend like first times suck anyways better person want advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im happy excited plantheres else really post reddit think really need tell someone this weird im actually excited killing myself plan saturday parcel arrives going help me im broken person point ive attempted whim recieved help worked point unwilling help anymore self harm stopped working suppressing thoughts know im still point think keep focused end goal now stop things breaking event ive done research time bought appropriate stuff wait carefully avoid anything give second thoughts plunge stuff send further im dead alive give shit anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film contains action opening credits entire hollywood films sort film produced tsui hark stars jet li team brought many worthy hong kong cinema productions including upon time china series action fast furious amazing wire work saw wires two shots aside action story strong used filler find action films rival must look hong kong cinema outlet area really worth checking usually never disappoint", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really need someone talk toim much coward come family im afraid found everyone would hate get embarrassed prideful talk friends it would feel like im complaining ive thought redflag death lot lately think would ever actually thought still whatever means", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking friends hi fellow teens dont many friends looking one year old boy th grademy faviorite tv show family guy close second always sunny philadelphiai also like watching wwe last gen gamer ds democrat love politics", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going school person first time year im happy it also really anxious ive never even seen face majority students much less spoken them one good friends went tiny program biggest school populated county schedule going change they havent told will website use school deleted and me reason couldnt even see assignments theres testing tomorrow top off theres much im really worried something going go wrong social anxiety doesnt help either wont stay much longer get tomorrow might look replies morning miss them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new national anthem idea whoo whats pair packs punch unique taste creamy crunch pbampc im thinking found reeses puffs peanut butter chocolate great separate combine make morning time epic morning time epic morning time epic r double e s e s yes p u double f s yes r double e s e s yes p u double f s yes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fear institutionalizationid say ive hundred thoughts involving redflag past two years whats going mind right happen decide attempt follow redflag dont succeed trying od opiate ill put state level psych ward months live pa anyone tell thats practical", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "online best friend hasnt slept three days online friend good friend mine im worried him tries sleep cant even tho hes tired anyone know help distance", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im done lifei cant describe feel anymore ive social issues since struggled making new friends eventually lost old ones go school homeschool dropped youth church group two years ago since constantly getting picked on im month im sitting bed dark realising one going birthday next month thought numb wasnt actually hurts knowing past three years ive mainly myself girlfriend year ago slowly opened betrayed trust using sick purposes since ive spiraling depression without able anything it cant talk parents theyre kind understand things like this ive tried talking sister moved work either since one talk stubborn asshole refusing vent online friends ive resorted cutting drinking painkillers every day life got sick crying sleep resorted drinking painkillers help sleep motivation life anymore im much pain im beyond point thinking others think end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life worth livingim studying dream job be one thing ive ever felt good ive ever felt good at love job love that know im great job like really good ive loved every second that anxiety killing me cant go bed cant sleep cant get bed would something days lay bed thinking nothing want get love cant get bed lay thinking im supposed school feeling anxious that completely giving nothing thinking everything nothing time ive finally found want do cant it cant working scene thing also cant home thats want do wanna sleep cannot wanna awake im sleeping hours day really want live kind life worth it ive struggling kind shit half life wanna go sleep without feeling anxiety depression waking up wanna go sleep calmly peacefully knowing going end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first reply gets free award again award go brrrrrrrrr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really confused right kinda need rant get chest get grades exams determine wether go college thursday many people stressed shit literally emotion towards them dont want get results means parents going send college hours away thing im really shy reserved dont think ill able cope living dorm minute leave ill bombarded teenagers nobody know going tbf dont even know im interested course anymore worse thing havent applied anything else considering online course parents that much get irritated mentioned worry decide im wasting away slight chance social life right thought moving away stressful worst part im feeling mentally able cope right feel completely lost nothing makes truly happy ive aiming toward course many years right dont think lot interest it im confused fucking hate education system country has dont even know nobody talk dont understand try explain end argument", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody remember incredible crew swear show best thing ever tv least according memory", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tripping lsd reasons dieplease someone tell okay horrible leave", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new subreddit hey there really expecting hey got new subreddit rrandomcaptions interested subreddit well pictures random captions ive looking subreddit pictures captions fit find any created one come check brand new might like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "playlist dry af recommend songs listen to ill listen anything except country thx playlist dry past month feel free give music recommendations like title says ill listen anything except country", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one one god damn person earth gives shit live die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " years working finally made schools top choir m selected schools top choir stoked context live small town choir isnt weirdconsidered gay no offense intended dynamic rural smalltowns choirs school mixed choir full freshman audition required womens choir audition required girls only honor choir audition required competitive girls last definitely least choir called madrigals or mads audition callback required make it mads positions available section soprano alto tenor bass usually spots taken returning upperclassmen they guaranteed spot next year making choir competitive section anyway working way mixed honor choirs made going next my junior year worked hard nervewracking auditions callbacks made it wanted celebrate little bit heres great start school year", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "omfg hurt httpsimgurcomaxvmalnssms", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts fucking examhello everyone im starting suicidal thoughts miserably failed submit assignement resulted low mark therefore ive failed exam still chance pass exam september despite that im suicidal failing exam means money means cannot go switzerland continue esports etc would lifeworthless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one free awards yeah free awards time hand forefinger really mention this damn still ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girlfriend want anythingshe told want letters voicemails want say good bye me feel like leave something behind people life letters hatred parents letters forgiveness sister friends abandoned needed them girl special though sweetest caring soul ever hope meets someone like her want emphasize know letter would that know thoughts formed one cohesive sentence idk im tired head hurts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deleting reddit day blow inbox im gone haha sometimes breaks social media arent bad thing know anyways minutes ill log off wanna see first responses yk hehe", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every day want go back bed nothing cheering me played videogames many hours started get sick it hard enjoy things go auto pilot mode moment enjoy vanish mind feels like born happy hour feel like medication way lying feel like deserve it average right want sleep depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "july thtoday th anniversary losing father redflag every year fantasize something honor memory help people considering redflag never do always felt like could somehow share pain heart world nobody would ever end life prematurely again every year feel guilt able save father every year feel guilt able save you are ive drank whiskey like beginning every july th time ive made mind im going try tell you anybody care life anyone world care about please it cant fathom ways taking life change world life never same nothing good been miss father much would give anything back years wish could explain it hope somebody reads decides give life least one day people would leave behind know important really are fathers favorite band steely dan when demon door morning more major dude would tell you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone talk toi need someone talk situation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like u wanna dieeverything feels pointless yanno feel like matter much try nothing way want be possible want it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need stop spending money stupid stuff legit spent game sole fact raccoon game cover proceed complain money", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know doso im sure goes here ive got serious depression treat anyway sometimes choke take pills never enough od hate myself im liar loser cant talk people going way comfort zone already feel useless would die one would really miss me thing keeps alive girlfriend im starting feel like burden her", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know how literally figured post stuff like this important", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reach out tohey everyone posted seeking clear honest guidance feel like view ask friends help distorted weekend yesterday ive edge ive self harmed im extremely suicidal know deep im scared it wish dead know reach friends this need support im anxious telling anyone due worrying ill see attention seeking exaggerating ive called friend usually reach low moods times busy chat made feel even alone feel stuck basically words say ask help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "college happenedhi year old male started college awful fardepression started soon began thinking future happen fail college feeling wont go away keeping functioning well i cant sleepeator study thison top social anxietyi met decent people college nothing helping get better want drop staying make feel worsei wish constant feeling depression would go away always therewalls closing around im afraid cant break themand top im gay homophobic country lovely", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watched dark skies netflix years cant fuucking sequel", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never really recognized depression like recently diagnosed bipolar normally normally rapid cycle recently depression sticking around married gave birth daughter past december love little girl anything feels like enough know better never energy going work days week mental battle stay home watching know feel lost feel lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie quite pleasant surprise anticipated long time afraid going possibly live expectationsbr br it exceeded thembr br i adored moviebr br hilarious start finish stay end credits absolutely remarkable movie dumb annoying characters intelligent witty engagingbr br with obvious matte paintings movies future earth recalls planet apes series scifi movies erabr br in fact movie essentially planet apes people mental equivalent apesbr br it moves fairly brisk pace luke wilson carries movie quite well character recalls one played bottle rocket theres even notsosubtle nod bottle rocket early scenebr br maya rudoulph also surprisingly good former painter frozen wellbr br despite strengths idiocracy distinct feel movie taken away directoreditor could finetunedbr br i cannot life understand movie funny would dumped theaters advanced screenings trailers marketing whatsoeverbr br its studio decided going spend walked awaybr br or maybe thought movie makings cult classic way become true cult classic set fail br br whatever case shame mike judge film particular deserve betterbr br i predict movie real legs dvd word mouth propel success deservesbr br perhaps fox executives saw characters confused thought documentary", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling worthlessill always weird tranny woman know am im loveless relationship boyfriend financial security finish school im old af high lows much handle days im afraid starting ive burned many people including family trauma runs deep body forever fucked stretch marks used fat lost lbs also im fucking tall kill now even finish school become hair stylist self doubt forever prevent succeeding xanny alcohol things make anything tolerable fuck literally everything desperately hope spirit lives im ready move on", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sure myselfhey guys suffering depression since fourth july the irony met friend got random conversation eventually depression randomly kicked started crying much shit going life started talking people treating like pos somehow dont remember ended psychology session op thinks im little open personal life people make friends with im issues finding close friends even relationship op also says dependent people companionship people get scared tend spill things personal life feel like selfesteem fallen apart know act feel im around people feel like way acting nobody wanted friends me im already shitty position depression came ops mouth everything officially fell apart cant stop crying rn feel like downward spiral never going end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey whats ur fav music genre like alt music indie pop midwest emo etc wondering u guys like post songsartists ya want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hell dohello taken time gather well read subreddit else post brink want more however deserve depressed happy life want die makes feel worse comes story life one mildly popular guys never belonged elite popular neither ever feel lack friends neither search friend short friends always given me even friends expressed jealousy all smarts always top grades school yet friends among cool kids always girls however half year ago started feel like shit went trip girlfriend went cuba vacation could afford worked travel industry could get cheep tickets way there flight started feel extremely nauseous bordering unbearable nausea minutes landing pulled through arrived feel better nausea kept albeit diminishing rate days felt fine back home sweden felt almost fine would start bouts nausea work would sometimes result go home work this saw option go doctor doctor told expressed seemed like nothing stress accepted diagnosis time stressed out masters thesis work time decided wait things out eventually master thesis finished passed work deal with nausea never ended one time girlfriend went south sweden go party would normally entail two hours train whatever fuckup train cancelled go bus took extremely ill busride time thought common motion sickness never life previously motion sick grew boats cars suffer motion sickness nevertheless ascribed sickness motion sickness fell ill two weeks luckily caught ride car back home town horrible better bus ride back home get better finally started think ailment psychosomatic would frequently bouts describe anxiety doctor prescribed hydroxine me helped momentarily write feel fine relationship girlfriend finally ended went semester abroad felt nothing relief could finally focus self longer think of contend failure relationship due constant depression leaving supposed go couldnt heres bad part single ive extremely successful ive constantly girls ive slept around even offers long term relationships yet never happy extremely unhappy extremely unhappy write throwaway one friends happen upon post easily identify circumstances point is extremely unhappy return home offered sleep girl yet still want to seriously believe related former relationship simply want live more severely depressed suffer random bouts nausea anxiety personally subscribe wholly something psychosomatic still much aware fact deserve unhappy everything going me great education girls throw feet yet whatever happens want die return tonight night town resulted least two offers coitus want die always want die usually suicidal wish end life wish die tonight something different think met old crush mine failure ever get got me never less tonight first time ever wanted end life fully aware text nothing convince people even depressed problem fucking depressed and fact know makes things worse hate depressed think man up thinks everyone ive told troubles work fucking depressed first time ever want end all cried know why want die want die badly painlessly tldr reason want so hate want die please rredflagwatch feel like do cry thought stepping onto plane want end all want kill self now end all want feel better speak rather going bridge realise deserve unhappy am please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ryde dieanyone want make redflag pact im giving days last act turn life around doesnt im jumping bridge lf redflag pact ive weak sick hungry diminished character want make happen myself lets encourage support other ill help die whatever plan is", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want talk call skypeive spoken situation much keep light im sorry bother butim craving killing ive wanting nearly years now night im going coward chicken", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "catharsis you swing rtalkregularly maintaining emotionally extremely important one best ways talk others going through rredflagwatch last line defense get desperate often times people feel like open anyone regular basis want introduce rtalk goal catharsis aka releasing pressure built internally happens telling others going getting feedback topic personal upsetting bring rtalk consider swinging time time letting pressure itll world good", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall thinking dumb shit like meaning life ask important questions taddy girl boy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone listeni tell story looking sympathy recently employed restaurant manager portland lost job benefits luck finding another management position found job server restaurant with benefits beautiful wife loves supports me crumbles tell feel like dont want live anymore cant discuss feel her tried redflag before woke really sick taking many pills story dont want live anymore child always wished could go sleep never wake up felt way throughout schooling went citadel college first half assed attempt redflag roommate caught talked it dropped went back parents house fast forward nowi never drink alcohol maintain good credit score fake smile face burns soul fake happy dying inside cant take life anymore crushed debt overwhelmed life taking life soon build courage to sit right contents medicine cabinet wondering long would take painful would be would want know would clean painless often every time drive bridge ask if someone asked stops me actually thinking trauma would cause someone witness it secretly wish wife would leave could alone worry hurting her desire leave devastated carries day day pick fights purpose saintly patience never leaves side plan telling cheated her never would ever cheated her want hate me want last push edge give courage end life story right now dont know make tomorrow chances good wake tomorrow hating hoping die cowardly anything thanks reading david", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dream thisim going climb walkin bottle whiskey im ready", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh god oh fuck im gonna regret", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got girlfriend best happier ps see emma profile page", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stuff weve experienced years back probably forgotten years line lets make post official time capsule random shit probably remember mortgages insurmountable debt always look back memorable moments ill go first one time middle school friend walking around neighborhood see friends wanted play nearby park were walking notice one neighbors walking dog now im dog whisperer convinced dog chasing slaves past life point time one black kids neighborhood dog tried jump atbark instead anyone else every time dog would go me neighbor would look fault started switching side street saw walking dog time though dog particularly irritated seeing me dog mad anger elevated saw another dog walker coming street still standing friends doorstep like could see cogs turning dogs head like trying figure wreak havoc demondog immediately starts jumping dog nice dog walker lets go leash doggy diablo chasing dog around unfortunately first dog walker sharp holds onto dogs leash whole time gets dragged around street felt like longest seconds life dogs calmed went separate ways first dog walkers clothes little roughed think fine even lost little bit pride day friend go us park lucky enough witness looney tunesesque moment would stay us while tldr asked friend could play park said no", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "waited months referral new therapist saw times made enough progress bring fucking trauma surface immediately lost insurance coverage partners boss decided fire warning got tired accommodating disabilitythis part would explain long trying get better every single fucking time gets screwed someone elses cruelty incompetence keep fucking trying yeah going kms yet going try one thing always kms afterward work might one things try lol", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes think cant fucking believe im theres still many long years fucking joke called life ahead meim trying cope different mindsets philosophies really change fact fucked start people designed happy theyre cowards like need resort waiting natural death guess like tools myself could get shotgun live would likely already dead years ago", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family sees source labor driven friends away reclusei much coward myself wish could suddenly stop existing wish could drop face planet", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny horny", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag bring anyone odd sense peaceknowing couple months brings happiness thing calms breakdown fact im going kill myself dont know why brings really odd sense assurance soon im happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know continuehello first time thinking redflag already tried end life pull off life took turn better entered gymnasiumthe german version high school actaully started normal social life went friends enjoying going school im uni old thoughts buried deep mind beginning resurface even im studying together lots people half year able make single contact one talk fucking mindnumbing assure you due low selfesteem afraid speak people back high school people approached me easy seems like impossible task now fear getting bad im even afraid look emails going outside getting uncomftable appaears anxiety getting worse day sucks worst thing one absolutetely fucking one even parentswhich interested anything else rely on someone talk issues", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "itd easy call guys dolls great got frank sinatra marlon brando and contrary sinatras original wishes casting works got really cool s feel even basically transposed stage screen little interruption songs often lot fun catchy performed wink nod wonderful escapism inherent form itself entirely great others ilk fault filmmaker joseph l mankiewicz songs entirely click little dialog feels like performed stage opposed film its hard tell times brando sinatra straddle line often one watch carefully tell one plays camera stage actress playing adele better stage screenbr br the plot one winners works well period even one wonders influence stretched likes s well quite close gambler and year betrothed played sinatra wants host bigtime game told heat on meaning cops watch so one choice host game thousand dollar tab way get bigtime bet fellow gambler brando whos put make wild wooing job mission worker allows predictable twists story sudden turnonturnoff charms character idiosyncrasies people streets gangsters dancers saitn played jean simmons falls brando is basic concept whole world guys dolls balance one other obviously without getting married compromisedbr br mankiewicz brings lot energy piece even keeping still camera subject stars properly reeled in hell even brando works excellently musical goes beyond simply method actor shows chops singing bigstar quality story characters eventually wind hope happen thats fine ask for get entertainment good spurts witty involving dialog songs dances bring house my favorites number ladycats club luck lady two numbers havana cuba a", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friendly reminder go bed want remind great year killer clowns back", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "personal feeling cannot divorce movie politicalhistorical underpinnings like many american reviewers tend do growing main street usa growing yugoslavia time torn east west like guys torn esther everybody else esther torn tovarish joe guys shame certain situations lost audience never lived tito feel movie underrated bad lost director movies like make freedom feel important another eastern european coming age filmit sensitive portrayal teenagers walking fine line might eventually lead real freedom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored homies pls dm ffs jcjfbfjurijrjfhhfjsowkksbdhdidkdbdbshsjjsnsndbdbjdjdjdndbdbdbdjdieknebsisosndvsokabshdjdidkjdbfhdoembebebdhdj", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keeps getting worse starting feel horrible loneliness ive depressed long remember moving varying degrees unhappiness months time recently ive begun feeling terrible loneliness im popular enough school lot friends feel like ended one would even notice except best friend family younger problem thought dying im coming grips fact die matter what even dont want beyond control feel like anything pointless eventaully lasting impact dead even farther future every star universe die since january year hasnt day serious suicidal thoughts havent crossed mind ive started think i hate myself whenever walk mirror idea why consider attractive problems self esteem im trouble dealing recent increase horribly sad thoughts far worst ive ever felt depressive cycles feel like unfair deal this im time feel enjoyment im im relationship with dont know anymore want stop honestly cant take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cut toxic people update httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsmdxcut_her_off_or_confront_herutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare blocked her toxic cronies too lfg guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hoping drink enough go sleep without cutting tonight depressed cannot even masturbate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never gets easieryou ask time id ever attempt again everytime tell no cant even begin tell amount times day still consider though dont even trust alone anymore im trying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats fucking point anymorei used stay alive friends friends left me body cage redflag key understand left me im ugly fat boring loser lives live know theyre laughing right now wonder theyll laugh find body", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shout parents hating me yall really hurting feelings hear talking room", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant go oni wanna kill ive gone shit cant bare life anymore im always shouted main person complain fucking shit self harm cuts armwrist cant tell anyone coz one mum dad always going want stop think redflag everyday probably leave everything soon need support reason live please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone talk mei posted day deleted it skype im lonely", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im girl nipple piercings attentive no unattractive attractive really want know ur guys opinion even u bilesbian girls lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mods rredflag watch would possible implement automated comment reply every post providing telephone number redflag prevention hot line im currently viewing sub phone im assuming support information listed sidebar something cant see phone browsing sub cant help notice upvotescomments posts receive even looking new posts im thinking proactively offering information post directly may help prevention trying help theres anything else do please let know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "humans evil speciesi get people fucking mean time cant accept yeah people rough sure help make others feel miserable cant get life together sorry needed share somewhere since people talk things yeah everyone evil ended", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets go good bad things happened last days good snowed small plastic skeletons spotify let try premium free caught ajj live quarantine lady night sean played favorite ajj song bad fully broke bones wrist need surgery schedules changed hardly talk cute australian friend weekend im stuck cast least weeks removing ability bike anything requires hands", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun getting pedo install tails ass wears thighs make people think cute girl go jail normal get core duo power w psu cant ill buy body pillow marry commit redflag ill sex body ill cum jar change sex female put cum pussy get kids", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say something interesting ill rate interesting im bored try best", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got chance see movie early screening brea crazy ever since film based shakespeares twelfth night read loved seen stage times certainly liked references whether like shakespeare matter movie stands on super funny witty charming amanda bynes hilarious david cross actually whole cast great happen huge david cross fanatic cast hot soundtrack kicks lots cool bands heard know cd coming definitely buy it everyone audience laughed start finish age groups ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point life could really care die hour days life past month getting worse worse fueled alcohol help still care around see point towards here seems pointless waste time seems like form punishment feel shitty care anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alternate timeline id make wonderful mad scientist bad brain timeline ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im soi dont even know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im asshole deserve diethis throwaway know neckbeards unattractive toxic views women thay filled hypocrisy ones reddit constantly denounces im one guys comment it though let resentment towards others boil inside me look perfectly nice men attractive girlfriends resent girlfriend dont attracted instead me look places like rgonewild resent women sexy men wrapped around finger getting attention want im incredibly unattractive get nothing im unjustifiably furious promiscuous women jerking time even get angry lesbians theres way could attracted me again judging criteria every woman lesbian claim laid back liberal kind guy reality im backwards filled resentment everything everyone similarly act tough cool act always time cant even pull act off even get mad like me make derogatory comments towards women deserve them cant keep fucking mouths shut like let rage simmer inside them least keep toxicity myself whatever us born attractive women get attention opposite sex want us born ugly bitter men contribute anything society hate others dont im asshole deserve live know it lot tell one going read care anyway whats point women rredflagwatch im sorry ive made lives worse hope enjoy life spite me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " m partner f undiagnosed redflag least think do whatever is taken toll ruined romantic notredflag in rearing ugly head again am i trying place blame redflag need iti obsessively checking partners location using find even know work home sisters etc occurred recently would said was always worries or past partners would go night hang friends drinks get overwhelming feeling going find someone better bring home unfaithful thought makes stomach turn want able tell likely get head think about help current partner bipolar manic episodes sex drive elevated scares even more needs scratch itch around mad get back me this that deep rabbit hole pile crap works retail office job several hours every night try keep busy imagine sneaking work someone else speaking work fairly new job management position already talking moving new store possibly state next step career wise years got obligations make challenging pack move new state happens she lately felt like would willing drop like sack potatoes offer come upits recurring argument never time us always workjust present call every day even days taxing say least talked recently came priorities order are career career relationship mine are relationship careers feels like willing compromise all asked multiple times would willing always know plan yet want give future want considered thinks future seem crazy right icing cake developed little bit weed addiction problem work uncle sam also act like child high try try chill like everyone else high time feel like worry everything elseso yeah act like child high rest time hold everything together sweet sweet release that know point rant confession rant want heard validated maybe look like outsideask questions clarification want feel like redflag ruining life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "left me want go oni thought love thought going get married start family thought life together wrong left me never loved me using support need anymore left lying along think want live this much know pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life greatliterally nothing wrong life think dying ive putting coin flip every day now pint luck run out im scared myself dont want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "optionsi made hasty promise friend kill felt pressured so do im certain destroy person unfortunately said continuing draw breath im looking way much harm ideally look like caused it possible contract someone elses terminal cancer exactly wish could do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " floorstheres apartment building know thats fifty stories tall sky bridge kinda thing th th floor open public im scared fall either height stories would take full five seconds im afraid failing and also beautiful building want ruin things residents future visitors wonder whatll repercussions wish easier way kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna chat need emotional support open too hey there bored well too hit dms bored together", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one outside family would care killed myselfi thought least one person would maybe care little one person thought would would wont even respond text ask is frankly shouldnt expect care never contacted first years always asking is knows im suicidal too yeah doesnt care dont know im surprised it one else would either would day several days", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lmao get covid test tomorrow id say hope get again sake friends dont want it good news get weeks work im still getting paid hours", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going die one day mods dont take down going die could tommorow years nobody going live forever cant stop thinking im going crazy ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idea whats going on think deadthe night last posted here weird guy grape cocktail drugs night drank half it got tired feared throwing up went sleep thought maybe enough woke up liver felt uncomfortable live another day promised ex girlfriend last night watched lebron get defeated ex said would talk later message yesterday forgetting new gmail password signed out cutting contact her woke approximately pm even sure alive dead one home someone always home parents not got never happens biggest fear know tried kill myself blacked threw someone cleaned up seen another human today know real maybe kicked yet edit one knows think watched tv brother kinda nice mention anything thought last real words would everyone loses response happened championship game last night obviously woke up watched couple episodes unbreakable kimmy schmidt even wrote computer here giving everything brother except xbox asked gifted good friend st birthday next month told cousin great dad baby boy love dearly wish could give important things to think well taken care already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tryingmy depression reason redflag much self hatred black seriously wish white beautiful black", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got better mean became okay ive never known like okayso exactly suggesting moredifferent pills im already drugged different medications day took nearly four prescribed batches get here cant afford grasping medical solutions entire fucking life real solution right there calling everyday im much goddamn good person family suffer every fucking day selfish bastards to really fair never asked born want end it never wanted start first place thought everyone felt way sort put lives forced into no me im fuck up cant keep making best it bullshit throw birthday party someone hates birthdays worst all party never ends theres way out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point living hate lifeim young hate school uni father growing up immigrated another country friends family currently country gf idiot give shit family thinks im good muslim boy im semi alcoholic atheist mother finds would totally destroyed living double life quite while shitty minmum wage job ambitions theyre unattainable now feel bad time workout yoga seen improvment body still absolutely hate it hate everything myself hate easy ways commit redflag hate ugly hate dedicated summer improve still failed miserably hate everything hate want friend hate cant get that hate stopped talking friends througout years miss old self confidnet little high schooler thought life high school going uber cool hate spend time stupid website hate every single thing posting anyway else get attention lol fucking stupid mean holy shit im little faggot hell going im bad commit redflag anyway things might improve fucking what hell even great life point living tried reading camus bullshit point living continue living suffering know know problems bad things might get better whatever gives shit one life does im whining little bitch desrves die idea death beautiful whole notion nonexistence really appeals me im thinking going sky diving see ill use chute beautiful that ill know life worth living not", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "went rule searched reddit ive never seen much hedonism debauchery life someone reddit looked avatar decided you know what this decided spend hours drawing reddit avatar gay prn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im exhausted sufferingthis isnt first post here ive attempts ive posted them obviously didnt work out im tired physically even mentally im tired dealing bullshit ive many things come year ive overcome nearly them theres one havent dont think ever will made best friend january actually best spoke day gave sweetest message birthday super supportive friend always happy help person trusted ended telling everything didnt go well february told attempt failed super supportive said could always vent her said could same did around june began talk less felt fault spoke it said everything fine august second attempt didnt tell mid september didnt drastic reaction since knew okay sent message also told going try get better did started eating sleeping working better october th went shit reasons wont get into night sent long goodbye message almost way remember guess basically telling nothing fault failed again point enough told th couldnt handle anymore become much take herself said wanted become friendly faces rather besties shes trying slowly separate while hurt anything ever heard life havent spoken since im still hurting it understand fully justified reason respect it thats havent pushed talk me hard hearing best friend doesnt wanna friends you especially hard since birthday two days super excited celebrate her says might able get close future now knowing her make feel better miss ton best friend special me one thing kept going time thing ever looked forwards to want die even more nobody lean on lost important person life want tell ever wants talk again can know shell leave read never respond hurt more blocked insta story heard people said got toxic friendship feel hates dont understand why want friend really really do shes kindest soul want tell wont vent anymore burden feel so would think im desperate push away wish dead wouldnt deal this dont think handle much more cant swallow pills knife super dull way jumping window second story thats low guaranteed death dont know anymore thanks reading end ill stop wasting time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ancient rome wasnt civilized like tf mfs slaves wtf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posted song did danceable guess tell think ive composing since april less think one songs danceable ive done httpsyoutubeydcmhxkpqsahttpsyoutubeydcmhxkpqsa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "piece shit undeserving life deserve alive better without myself deserve anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im depressive dellusional im realistic got mogged toyed with perfectly normal natural inferior like me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time make another post boyfriend cause obsession lol yesterday spent day together cute stupid fun stuff day amazing love much im excited valentines day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stress really starting build up school understand online class mean free time time huge asignment really balls say you home anyway time enough expect us organize group activity primary school kids get local government agree still testweek coming unfinished assignments im back panick attacks thought left behind depression", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nice description situation us explains different kinds islam show terrorist extremist islam thing killing show people become terrorist muslim without extremist great series muslims nomuslims see hope series films done change idea muslims terrorist americans want destroy islam gave interest discover islam exactly us also european government help cohabitation people different religion", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im losing iti love girl much get led left comes back happens driving insane cant stop letting love much im ive gone much girl cant her lifes fuxked schooling gone shit try make music never good enough nobody cares enough help friends stab back constantly use friends since day one quit job girl spend time cant get part time job sell weed got money doesnt feel right drink drink trying numb doesnt work smoke weed gives horrible anxiety cant feel im turning emotionless dont know im going life cant end family cant im struggling hard fuck everything up feel like options everything fails nothing left cant talk people problems feel bad dont wsnt that one understand girl think multiple personalities admits fucks bad help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate reddit videos videos suck ass besides problems since s ive thing first seconds vid works properly plays back seconds sped way minute", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel lost years old lost job due illness friends moved countries feel alone depressed black thoughts behaviors lately see way this want disappear somewhere upset others behavior feeling would find job lot things would change me cannot find health problems live poor country europe much tried positive cannot take anymore feel crazy without job longer strength fight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dinner tryingeverything worked hard waste im waste wish never here never existed one would even know miss me anyone would go away hope one forget me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love scared myself im forced go private christian university mom works there turns university ranked one worst universities lgbtq students state one worst america im scared im tired hide fit bibles standards", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question relationship girlfriend anthropomorphic dog id sex would bestiality think would be given consent see issue is yeah basically question fuck girlfriend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drown alcoholi drown alcohol people around want drown lake realise difficult thoughts getting hand realise way thinking normal realised happy myself realised hated anyone ever hated me even realise drank way much drink drink drink drink hoping would never face reality but", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oops dentist appointment hours sleep goodnightttt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "list problems shall delete later depressed atleast years epicly self harming years sh free months self harmed massive knives d extreme poverty know whether ill able sleep roof bed next week health anxiety thought different types cancers hard living knowing or thinking cancers brain stomachcolon skin also thought appendicitis cant eat reason sometimes take long eat well realise im eating food stop get full easily hungry easily excluding family girlfriend one cares pretty sure friends wanted die one point people talk talk much consider friend im close all consider friend though ive friends guy years best friends even also picky eater im extremely extremely underweight short kglbs eat unhealthily time bc im hungry fun physically verbally abused parents tutor since kid anymore hearing loud voices even theyre positive makes scared probably sort ptsd suicidal since atleast sadly attempted redflag days ago im okay dysfunctional family apparently look ugly people say look pretty idk im tired time seen sooossososo much gore murder terrorism redflag animal abuse torture porn rape child murder abuse etc unfortunatelyyy seen child porn clearweb felt guilty reporting scared ive seen times since then dark web accident im idiot intentionally catching pedosgroomers still remember look ish year old girls eyes following orders looking could see really felt devoid hope im completely desensitised things point apparently look solemn extremely serious dead empty eyes people think im psychopath understand im really care lot certain people im loving cant open people ive cut people with blades scissors made self harm guise its joke regret forced self harm multiple times one guy rest remorse deserve life skills street smarts motivation schoolwork anything privacy room phone parents trust me decent person would many bad stuff drugs sexual stuff yk im allowed step outside give permission freedom basically technology thats really overthinking doubting doubting doubts aaaaaa wish normal ive watched guy die front felt nothing still care actually amazed seeing unfold see flashes violence randomly see someone holding knife normal stuff get away else could stab im scared hold knife near people might stab intentionally unintentionally brain extremely manipulative also reason attempted redflag im manipulative close killing certain person never attempted thankfully im incapable lot things recently learned cross streets stuff able walk school parents want suffer parents literally suffering much want someone end suffering right now feel pain torture physically mentally someone end it cant cook anything myself im spoiled guess severely dehydrated thats think ones gonna read anyway im happy though awesome im looking forward married girlfriend future wife d love much like making happy wanna make cookies go louvre loaddss more sooo despite problems im happy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask random questions ask random questions im board right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always knew dr seuss grinch something going fur terrorize kids tall cinematic universe think different personalities theyd work better eachother", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nglonline school sucks get wrong video mute basically garfield lasagna omfg sometimes feel like physical school better worry teachers remembering old assignments stuff right instead distractions home friends last year new school f love friend life online school alot technical difficulties thank coming rant tnar ym ot gnimoc rof ouy knaht", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking notsoserious mob movie female lead right place pfieffer acted much better this see matured beyond picturebr br when first picked movie up expected pfeiffer poorly miscast however plays mob wife role hilt bad performance baldwin eitherbr br if pay attention hair might enjoy movie take seriously", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "check friends stream lolz want httpswwwtwitchtvcasperqfhttpswwwtwitchtvcasperqf filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "exclusively comment life lives many say life fair yet part want think is one cope pain one pain much them discuss moral standpoint answer clear existence causes someone suffering ending existence humane course action put pets terminal illnesses cannot cured yet human being suddenly longer case humane course action commit person extensive grueling mental training decrepit underfunded system hopes may change mindset teaches put it improving quality life therefore essentially incurable illness option treatment however someone goes treatment little improvement still believe life worth ending anybody else stop them cruel try keep pushing back mental health system best interest yet deem morally acceptable go far expect people report worrisome behavior professionals people forced treatment existence pain many pain great bear people right end life free stigma resistance society establishment impose mental health system twice hospital personal therapy seen little improvement quality life change mindset tells something take mind issue instead confronting trying solve it cannot deal pain longer logically solution suicide yet time begin set plan get caught frustrates hell people refuse let want life existence pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone read leave goodthe plan ready ready action week tldr im going end week im good enough normal human anymore going read story love change thing contextstory late selfesteem issues excited finally prove helicopter mom get best grade possible despite always as eyes enough looks overall percentage fast forward graduation day low behold graduated stunning a subjects overall percentage gift ministry education top s city congrats got mad brother top s there hell broke loose us beyond mad hell almost fainted rage thought applied university get away home bit everything would fine boy wrong two years tried every trick book manipulation straightup domestic violence make go med school getting rejected every university country nationality said country alltime low first attempt work obviously fast forward late brother managed find education opportunity neighboring country moon set plan dad go get paperwork ready mom manipulated dad take us home country seek unattainable educational opportunity already accepted neighboring country stuck sick early mom using connections got physical therapy major unverified university refused attend told brother get ready were leaving neighboring country somehow dad discovered plan insisted coming us agreed notify mom it got university already started month paperwork requested start next year get fair start two weeks finals dad let us live alone thought around finally heal fair chance boy wrong again discovered years abuse mental torture mostly due genetics memory problem forgotten almost everything learned high school short memory basically goldfish level started university majoring geology already got really popular professors nice forgetful dude luck crashing hard mom decided live six months stress anxiety that got fs c one b basically failing got diagnosed prime immune deficiency due covid mom left alone got back home destroying pretty hard life constant messages i told gotten med school look failing miserably decided life worth living anymore got covid would die fast anyway plan ready week evil destroyed dreams ability achieve dream whats point anymore barely get every day constantly forgetting stuff crying sleep anyway thank reading kind person im do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recommend watching film significant planning romantic evening himher chemistry johnny weissmuller maureen osullivan tarzan jane steamy could fog screenbr br after original film begin see tarzan jane adapted jungle other janes skimpy jungle wear tarzans protest jane covers visitors illuminates romantically also quite sexually lovebr br ones imagination supplement constant touching love talk tarzan jane portray much jane actually teaching tarzan love emotionally romantically sexually janes student embracing also thriving previously untapped sexualitybr br the skin show film charts addition janes twopiece sexy midriff leg hip baring costume also underwater nude swim tarzan although osullivan olympic swimmer josephine mckim doubles scene weissmuller also reveals tremendous body perfect pectorals barely loincloth ladies delight weissmuller emerges water lengthy fight giant crocodile sounds yell water soaked loincloth practically falling hipsbr br its shame overprotective censors toned adult nature tarzan films entry although weissmuller tarzan films would still prosper years come would rarely approach sex appeal movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "perseverance landed mars pog", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone available talkim edge", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared ill kill myselfso suffering depression social anxiety sense im lately overwhelmingly bad point im scared one day something happen trigger commit redflag want like know something trigger one day month year even week could snap it lately urge getting stronger im afraid ill go leave everyone love behind help aha", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great movie worst ending think ever seen actors great displayed wonderful talent entire story twisted unexpecting which made entertaining good movie was entire film judged ending terrible maybe sequel could eliminate bad ending", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best way commit redflag guns rope knives", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really really like getting scared dont ever get scared point cant move makes feel really good like really good dont know really nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know life tough sometimes im offering hand friendship sympathetic ear think everyone problem bigger others also lot luckier others sense acceptance open minded person biases i think want talk someone problems thoughts im you alone okay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " trying figure least painful wayman ive sexually abused lost little sister experienced heavy domestic violence ive wanted kill ever since young decent relationship either parent think noose would feel good would loud overdose would hurt bad gun figured best option", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day recommending songs like rteenagers httpsyoutubefthaaxxmm text post get removed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finnish seems like would look like french aint finnish dont look way youd think finnish would look bru", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last year depression went rising steadily every day every choice make comes wrong important people life ignore me feels like permanent headache nothing change anything everything falls apart", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im extremely conservative man means waste much energy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "become likable unlikable per se id like hear reddits tips likable romantic relationship tips social life hacks ill take advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last post got removed low effort tittle people use metric system always saying imperial system makes sense measure weight rocks fing rocks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad night feels like end sighti wish people could talk nothing interesting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "funny yes freleng classic watch sylvester turn green always treat brings us back days cartoon slapstick brave geared adult mindbr br loved it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " last yeari decided upon exact date turn years old next year figure thats good enough run ive made little go long way ive always behind eight ball lot fault still make idiotic mistakes ive become burden loved ones wife says shed devestated im sure tired failure unemployed husbands shenanigans stuck around longer thought would im done next year cant hold anxiety pain longer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "note english first language therefore text might gramatically correct best ampxbso even go on throw bit context best friend high school let us call d girl since first year hs eventually got together start third year always weird notredflag last long decided take break notredflag focus myself realize want stuff anyways get know girl let us call k bestfriend ds gf hangout times eventually decide would cool start dating together since new years things start get messy whenever something bad happens k always knows blames me mocks front k gf makes feel worthless k ds gf also started leave plans camping hanging out feel like ones number break k get ds gf blaming entire th year hs also classmates never ever felt trapped now anyone talk to lost lot friends k want talk many people parents always working tired generally bad mood ampxbi justcannot feel done point think anything matters point might mood swing feel really", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "said yes vent gremlin we abduct people school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im die cutsfinally go keep cutting possible way survival goodbye cruel world", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "du rififi chez les hommes brilliant film studies criminal minds allows viewers better understanding criminals fundamentally different ordinary folks like uswhat director jules dassin shows criminal families care lot themthat adhere strict code honor family made wivesmistresses children also include casual acquaintances close friendscontrary many might find hard believejules dassin tried glorify crime film rififi makes clear crime never paysit shows kinds bad activities result kind human lossapart philosophical stance rifif worth watching technical finessewhile watching one films brilliant sequences breaking safeone would find hard believe meticulous precision criminal minds execute plansthis scene nobody dared copy hollywood", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "understand people ok fact this itto elaborate know people manage wake everyday waste hours life go job care less about scrape struggle live what days weekend whats point im exhausted even enjoy days off sure save retire time retire im gonna old enjoy it weirdest thing knowing im complete fuck death best option one willing except that instead living me im living everyone else life everyone feel like im one people im special talents understand life decent best whatever job get wont matter cause likely going cubicle job obscure company thats likely gonna go years dont get brought world drunken mistake im expected move life im ok it im suppose ok fact im going work die never fully get life want literally impossible unless win lottery", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "havent ate days feel finally peacei drink ltl water mostly mouth know time takes time dunno even eat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck itill valentine noone stop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every second film gorgeous thats earns plot especially devious thinking back last minutes never really felt excitement investment characters anything luxurious graphics framing made certain scenes the car chase instance pedestrian ought look lovely original design occasionally novel camera angles missing kinetic movement closeup shots part language normal actionthriller first hour plods along dialogue feels edited bit stagey people wait finish always react natural cadence would problem recording individuals dialogue separately rare occasions emotions voices quite match screen something really avoided futuristic architecture attractive lots glass wallsceilingsscreens lovely smokemiragespecial effects nicelooking cars exercise graphic design real impact story id argue whole point using drawn animation instead actorscgi really push limits imagination design difficultimpractical mediums although animation renaissance certainly stunning incredibly wellaccomplished never felt like seeing something done beforebr br immortel another french cgi film also suffers imbalance beauty story pace fair marvellous engaging french movies also languid pace lingering shots look someones eyes rain paris cobbles evoke great emotion animators need understand animation brings unique strengths also weaknesses compared reallife technique perhaps would break noir rules film wants stick to think filmmakers also missed glaring opportunity explore future society bit social strata fascistic grip corporations etcbr br i problem recommending renaissance anybody enjoys stylistic design andor animation manga fans particular make filmloving friends sit it take away sumptuous visuals barely average film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good bye everyone fuck world boyfriend broke meam gonna kill self today gonna take foster dads sleeping pills pills alcohol boyfriend broke fucked made mad hea whole fucking world love lost might get adopted foster parents might thrown foster system lose hamster got birthday love fuck ton dont friends boyfriend bestfriend friend bullied abused school teachers dont much anything live anymore lost life twice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im donea lot peoples last memory fight bad day cancelling plans me lot people feel bad also wont miss me wont really care gone dont really now theyll upset reflects them proof gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys finally it ive got girlfriend really nice plays genshin me watches anime wait im starting suspect one bros disguise trying comfort lonely ass", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "inner part hand dry flaking im confused", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hit run shattering story starring always wonderful margaret colin society lady has all hits child car leaves scene hence title tragedy goes call help returns frightened away angry passersby think hitter abandoned scene made days everyone cell phone storybr br colins guilt anguish palpable cause act strangely detective gets onto right away lies sink deeper deeper selfloathing hole causing make bad situation worsebr br this thoughtprovoking story one cant help feel ladys pain wishing throughout would simply come cleanbr br as tv movie thanks colin strong script well average tv movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost offed yesterday todayits rough trying breathe im mess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "snorted pencil grafitelead school joke explanation sitting arts craft class talking friends regular teen shit sharpening pencil got brilliant idea try snort powder came pencil tried pretty little amount still feel pretty bad rn i actually feel sick wondering fuck gonna do kind lead poisoning shit pls help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lower eyelids die sun im slowly drifting stars planets calling billion years away im way taught courage stars left light carries endlessly even death rare beautiful even exist im way", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess language szia meg kell kitallni nyelvet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hiding wanna diehello im year old girl bullied tried overdosing before work tell im still thinking wanna try like always everyone stops since like oh wanna die bullies grow up thats reason reason im scared dad sister etc keep tell wanna kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girl u loose end cos youre always back mind", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first three seasons sabrina gem hidden away tgif and later early schoolday afternoon reruns episode maniac zany energy rapidfire pacing overcame occasional awkward joke melissa joan hart exuded keen talent physical comedy particularly facial expressions two aunts playing straight men straight two witches could be great comic timing general chemistry hart salem talking cat free dabble whatever mad scheme interested in one could laugh take stride was all talking cat sabrinas friends rounded social experience school also housed typical evil cheerleader totalitarian principal perhaps interesting unique aspect show ability merge pop culture eg bands era jerry springer archetypal human conditionmorality eg importance friendship spirit christmas literal representation related metaphors magical realm unfortunately like many shows throughout age television show hit peak first three years coincided sabrina attending high school starting season four move college marked would become precipitous decline general quality show particularly writers chose introduce josh harveys rival concocting thin excuses aunts hilda zelda remain onscreen key players final season sabrina works pop culture magazine unequivocally disappointing still end sabrina particularly high school years remains unique entry hybrid situational comedy magical elements elevates tiresome fare produced genre every year", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im donethere many crap things going way get situation im going stop trying know make people understand want help want you it messages want lay floor die ive given up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took pills alcohol finally die nowi found roommates pills want die took all want die die now edit still here work roommates found morning lied told fine taken pills go hospital edit again still still here confided friend seeking help job offers free therapy said friend holding that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling like life rut lack better wordsince graduated highschool year ago ive constant depression feeling like im going around around circle every damn day im job hate attempting get working far thats another story friends either moved away plainly talk anymore get see boyfriend week that even were together hes tired hes constantly working nothing exciting anymore cant get school way expensive qualify financial aid ive never seriously considered redflag recently like thought stays back mind cant seem shake theres real way change anything moment feel things make happy slowly slipping fingers honestly know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sister first seizure years im younger sister younger sis diagnosed epilepsy age really bad surgery see seizures while yesterday came room saying felt wierd slumped over called looked like stopped breathing bit ok now really scary know im strong enough go went last time sis bad seizures ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wana talk im editing video gets really boring want someone talk it problably whole thing cause takes whilem maters", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "latethere never help needed tired continue", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shitty weeks lately nothings going way never see light end tunnel happy anymore workload keeps piling work endless amounts work cannot seem catch up that wanting hangout one favorite coworkers keeps blowing off one thing liked wanted blow steam shoot shit keeps blowing canceling me asking like week advance something oks it suddenly randomly invites someone else take over basically ruining everything me weekend good next weekend next weekend comes still good shred hope happiness barely gets taken away me hanging coworker like said work get happy split second think almost top get knocked down think going blow steam coworker keeps canceling me probably never wants hangout whatever care awfulannoying point want hangout anymore considered older brothermentorbest friend much anymore life shitty lately got slight injury last saturday start feeling better yesterday could gone work feel like it place depresses coworker helping already feeling thought maybe coworker could hangout like used to really looking forward it nothing set stone felt like weekend would good one guessed wrong hate life wish could go away never come back know friends coworkers hangout different notredflag different people everybody does disappointing someone thought close blows basically meh cold towards you need fucking vacation something feeling depressed hate it one person thought clicked really well distant me life one big disappointment another", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love everything great way late wondering tf exist redflag socially acceptable people try prevent someone theyve never met whose life story know making call end life fuck like this life shambles cant even bothered fucking im pathetic piece shit even dog likes me ah well fucking yell wall guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly know else ask it think best placeim planning seeing therapist stance illegal shit lets say illegal shit think vital tell it it contact cops parents since im ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "outer worlds great matchmaked two lesbian engineers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "said deanna durbin invented teenagery first film one best humorous story presented delightful year old deanna little beauty gorgeous voice miss fixit family split divorce plot summary see imdb entries quickly deanna two older sisters plan go america switzerland prevent father remarrying excellent supporting cast especially barbara read nan grey sisters good direction editing film succeeds captivating one even subsequent viewings deannas three songs il bacio classical repertoire sings police station scene films place history assured least viewer age smitten life deanna classical music one many nice touches occur throughout three smart girls brief glimpse drunk stretching neck final glimpse deanna cops hustle by one unfortunate result success film subsequent writers durbin vehicles became locked miss fixit theme quickly became stale deanna never did stature actress questionable charisma certainly had seems that like many another film personality substituted naturalness histrionic ability lacked ploy worked well feature films", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every day getting worsehey guys created account post without followers seeing mental state in im broken nobody talk friends leave every time talk once girl dreams denied everything hurts thinking redflag much person age worried im gonna something myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im suicidal againgoddamnit casual too easily kill self today feeling always leaves soon dont know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gulped three glasses water called quits think id burst stomach open odedcant imagine taking once mad respect folks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going tomorrowbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rant maybe ventthis prolly gonna long one stay please also sorry spelling mistakes grammar ive crying writing this ive feeling really depressed suicidal way month sure long one friends asked out dated week broke saying cant trusted broke tried best treat right happened halloween finally got home hanging friends went room cried sleep ive feeling like killing severely hurting since dea keep thinking find positive reasons live friends surprisingly ex none want die think theyre lying trying keep humiliate make suffer even already busy stressful life school problems home want stay am want to go missing another country still feel like killing id friends know went know sound selfish hell wanting leave cant think better reason want see dead body deal knowing im dead theyd prolly traumatized seeing happy last time talked them ive self harming really bad since got dumped point cuts leave awful scars stopped weeks since broke blade accident cuts healed showed guess tried showing happens leaving alone like already alarming amount suicidal thoughts like say anything relationship but say accident mean harm im reflecting ive feeling way suicidal happened problems home started cutting broke blade aswell anything week ago pe got hit leg right cuts continue playing went bathroom check cuts hurt bad almost started crying resulted slightly bright colored pants get bit red blood teacher asked everything alright tell did class asked alright told school counselor agreed friends blackmailed telling ive slowly getting bit better writing feel depressed im writing here words meaning ive falling back really bad ordered boxcutter online im waiting arrive feel like cut throat open die knowing burden everybody anyways thanks reading this appreciate precious individual took time read something useless this im posting hopes feeling bit better great day though", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today sundayive resolved see another one", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want bracesinvisalign parents say cant afford it try candid wanted invisalign fix smile forever parents couldnt afford insurance wouldnt cover it found candid clear aligner company works entirely remotely home including teeth imprints scanning teeth using phone automatically send progress pics doctor meet videocamera doctor super easily also easily k cheaper invisalign super easy crazy schedule like cant go dentistsorthodontists office every weeks home follow link free starter kit teeth imprints also amazing payment plans wish high school first year college cool lol also companies similar like smile direct club byte explore options picking one httpcndcovsabrina_", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "end life eventually post times never actually stated real genuine reason tried kill day the goodbye post attempting time time get right problem want hurt family thats problem also fact access firearm hang myself look post history see main reason im closet lesbian always one get twisted though never come closet want to hate gay much people hate pedophiles never ever act feelings i before continue keep quiet die naturally otherwise overly sensitive homophobia turn away annoy activist bullshit want hear it known gay young age denial teens admitted im gay thought okay thought okay feel things ever be reason life screwed me fault let feel things thinking okay mess met two people on here feel me thats it gays straights get its okay accept it theres nothing wrong it blah blah no stop fucking dense give fuck people gay care people lives dont gay happy give fucking shit want gay i dont want to im sick people fucking listening me say gay affects me my life im sick it im sick people generalizing gays same one gay person okay doesnt mean be im also sick people debunking everything say but thats similar straight people do stop whining gays straights neither ever helped me boyfriend plenty boyfriends like it everyone thinks knows im straight makes happy sex guys very brief sex soon shit gets serious bail them feel bad yes thats am horrible person disease mind you go nice guys turn hurt them normally date assholes care other life actually okay otherwise im smart successful one reason ruins whole entire life squashes hopes dreams fucks completely im going get hate gay know exactly people going reply people fucking dense im going bother tried get gay fucked me visiting pastor soon hopefully undergo reparative therapy im even religious slightest excited could feel normal people would feel work ill continue live heterosexual die want gay want anyone know ever want act mental illness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dude made post hugging mom suggested hug mom thank if hugged mom five years first time night came bedroom laid moms bed hugged back started crying thankfully sleeping cant believe cried hugging her feel better now scares forever ill try make best it thank dude made post hugging mom im glad it ill cherish her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mean anything anybody future everyday hell cannot handle anymore feel like one escape everyday get closer closer one days going happen feel like death way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im hating existenceso ive finally decided share im feeling someone thats why am trying write story life things really hard lately even know start pardon messy so really hate parents im really angry cant even explain feeling parents want join family business im really interested in try telling wanna something else tell im good daughter might kill someday continue behaving way fact never even asked want life think life decide makes worse im basically feeling trapped like ive got way here even let go higher studies worst part never saved money higher studies want hurt parents running away something lets get real matter what always need support even want puppet parents listening every single order feel suffocated sometimes thinking theres way out like ill trapped forever seriously feel like life worth living all know do far see think ever change future", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "smoking epic take me someone smokes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today last dayim years old go private high school means happy thing wrong life emotionally verbally abusive father however cannot feel anything sadness pain im medically diagnosed psychopath severe depression nothing live eyes self esteem redeeming qualities nothing good cannot feel happy unless im cutting abusing drugs ive never loved never able love anyone im worthy love ill never loved isnt cry help comfort dont know im posting honest wanted like minded people know sympathize live final day earth", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end last months life cannot stop thinking failure every sense yet think this cannot stop hearing something say head dont understand this please want feel normal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone got some bean bin noun edible seed typically kidneyshaped growing long pods certain leguminous plants", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ventexplanation guessso may first last post im sure say guess get right point im thinking downing three bottles antidepressants mickey rye tonight intent obvious ive come realisation useless am cant anything talents cant even get collage fucks sake im fucking lazy ive disappointed everyone one many times im damn lost life course im afraid kill myself im sure else do father hates me mother abandoned dont friends guess want make sort note make sure people know sorry know fault im sorry wasted years everyones life couldnt make proud hell know im going scared anyways going work", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " years ago today uncle committed redflagi thought story might help people see like side years ago today enter freshman year high school public pool mom said run errand would back hour sister me hours later dad comes pick us up strange afternoon get workhome never comes gets us pool surprised knew get there get home asks us come outside something tell us confused scared point little brother inside time would turn days father told us favoriteuncle killed himself found aunthis sister mother hanging closet house father could handled better little sensitive year old girls handled next days blur many people started showing house point bringing food soda whatever could think try make us comfortable grandmother lives one house mainly mother dealt aftermath funeral blur soooo many people showed up always life party showed dip chicken nuggets honey drip place let drive lap gave spiked hair cut rat tail i girl mom happy taught water ski taught flick bottle cap hard enough make dent wall taught put cigarette loads moms cigarettes make explode took camping threw around bean bag chair like burrito many things list tears years later family gotten would lot better around sister aunt long term abusive relationships would kicked dudes asses uncle brother become raging alcoholic would kicked ass straight brotherhis little buddy become jobless loser would kicked ass straight well daughter two months old left met maybe twice never know father idea it note warning still think pretty much everyday every something kick chest break crying fit never get beer him would awesome party with get see graduate never get see get married sorry rambling want think people effect make decision years later think time aunt mess today one found still nightmares best friend better days misses much nothing replace brother uncle father wrong subreddit apologize", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "living overratedsometimes feel like people trying scam staying alive good greater good always say thing life wonderful course bad sides good sides make worthwhile etc thing is already know that like hate life think miserable feel like im ready move next journey im done living hard feelings before whenever used get suicidal thoughts id always really dark place recently everything seems clear me ive begun plan death couple years time hopefully join club try settle debts get sort insurance make whole thing look like accident family wont burdened im gone dont really feel anything this task like planning vacation like know sure take life one day need work complications limiting time give strong sense control life living aimlessly knowing youre gonna die ultimate reassurance", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "taking life breakup happened yeti friends guy two years started dating october good me understanding related many levels problems emotionally always affectionate seemed genuinely want around gave reason want live happy excited wake day could talk planned vacation together months talked hes whisk away northern maine would adopt cats togsther made remember eat healthy lost weight fixed teeth make better him past months hes down talk anymore often hes curt me never before plays game day literally twelve hours messages maybe paused worry death ive patient supportive nothing seems help last night tried tell id loved him snapped me hes never snapped before took surprise sorry mood gushing told hurt wanted help flips gets selfdeprecating stop swearing telling stressed is returned love disappeared rest night morning acts like nothing happened telling fucking game again ive casually asking call skype anything want hear voice hear tell okay know clicked thought im making life worse might leave ive spent months saving money could scrape together visit telling make happy heard since fucking february read old messages still acted like happy me felt way almost year got happy little while think knows inner turmoil im dealing with ive never hinted it ive tried seem positive supportive whole time lost loved one redflag years ago want feel again hell think im ghosting him one left left hard easier deal knowing made feel much dump someone love ive always loved want go chance tell feel anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "called youre asking called fact nobody gives shit lol alright good night yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "contemplating everything going downhill getting worse day im best think positive take action fix stuff everything try fails takes lot calm work problems actions fail get even discouraged like constantly everything failing matter hard try im tipping point rn cant take much suffering even people around me cant keep suffering long cuz people care matter anymore change anything want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well im cant party seen friends weeks got great homemade cake tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking killing tonightthats all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dad strong hes cancer heart attacks cardiac arrests septic shock one summer hes still alive went date today brave strong", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deserve woman loves me even deserve love yes depressed yes maybe crazy maybe mental problems yes maybe completely gonebut deserve love right reason kill self always one last drip hope day meet woman going save mebut know maybe never going happen thing need love", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey lads im back final beating masturbation addiction update sorry late got day suspension reddit making damn pedo joke rmemes people really cant handle dark humor anyway curious celebrate going month possibly im able without masturbating would guys like post picture myself do ill wearing face mask since im comfortable posting full face ill let post marinate day general consensus yes ill go tomorrow oh thanks support even though posts never really get much attention good know people supportive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still suicidal friend shed light meim still depressed still feel incredibly suicidal one important friends life texted miss already came visit state weekend knowing cares enough let know may help make rest today instead thinking tools order myself everyone situation here matter confident one thinks cares proven afternoon never case hopefully also help survive another day hopefully longer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mah kekdae know means karma hand", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymorei even energy explain situation wanted say never felt alone worthless life now family shitty toxix stuck shitty house them feel like prisoner body hurts cuz even move properly anymore bed hurts body head permanent state dizziness wish would over one gives shit feel like clown times spend explaining problems people thought would care blabbering joke needs important worse parasite", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im feeling like redflag easierso throwaway obviously want shoot head instead dealing life sum im premed thats failing college im crippled fear funny enough failing recently married wonderful wife adore beyond else cant support us cause job skills college turning bust dad supporting us part know im failing would likely cut support long tell him hes also doctor hate religion long drawn reasons giving identity problems it whats really putting edge right now ive dealing wifes sister extremely overbearing always knows whats best never wrong belittled wife last night super bowl game nearly years married biting tongue decided speak said youre rude wife please dont started get upset correction said youre pill asked wife leave everything seemed fine minutes stayed shit not exactly happened seem like big deal right little argument nope half hour sister law leaves room starts bawling bathroom course parents laws go aid turns huge thing morning brother lawher husband asked could come help tile things course wants discuss argument witness turns sister law thinks poisoned wife her whole littany awful things always bit tongue starts exaggerating lying speaking empirically things knows nothing about one time defend wife get made terrible villain brother law begins tell stress theyve may acting waysince ive known her asks considerate speak rudely like last night yell like did get passive aggressive like did asked nice crime calling bullshit one ever reacts way lived together house year sister law pregnant learned thing two always kept mouth shut every fiber wanted tell constant belittling younger sister wife well nice person said okay come home tell wife cant tell im feeling inside poisoning her hate am hate job hate im weight hate cant ask help premed program cause get laughed advisors office need help hate sister law manipulating everyone always get way hate wifes family thinks im terrible person hate friends getting accepted medical school cant even get gen chem class cause panic every semester point cant even register classes means look gpa hate myself thing keeping blowing brains right that would made inconsiderate person taking cowards way out cant anyone considerate feelings stress cant anyone come aid try god damned hard simply good person ive thought killing time actually want it im scared im alone know do fuuuuuuckkk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wasis incredible movie incredible cast music singing story etc tragedy arrogant families the gerswhins premingers keep available generation generation wanted see life found site read available shame families pettiness wife germany never seen movie neither stepchildren grandchildren sad movie depth quality available see families get making conceited selfimportant egotistical condescending decision prohibit generations enjoying film stars performances music release video let world judge enjoy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "planning killing tonightim leaving place put final thoughts ive enjoyed little life im soon turning periods life look back fondly on im currently attending college find miserable degree hate father insists get spent high school years either alone working helping mother grandfather dont regret helping mother regret everything else mother alcoholic shes better past living complete nightmare sisters one never close too another dont speak anymore went away college made clear never returning here dont blame her resent leaving younger brother alone deal mother everything else bullied badly school never received help im surprised didnt kill back then thinking wish had better me theres light end tunnel im going take fathers heart diabetes medication tonight hope never wake up thank read this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyday waiting life endhi all feel like need get chest otherwise heart explode ever since remember wanted life find someone would love me im ive never ever loved anyone love feeling never reciprocated thought would come time never happened makes depressed cant breath literally force get everyday go another day somewhere back head hoped miracle would happen would find someone cant take anymore ive lost much time theres many things ive never done never late feel like even meet someone would leave asap alone long fucked up started cutting ashamed it promised would cut one thighs nobody would ever know every time look bruises reminds fucked life is enough doesnt help anymore want die everyday hope over death would salvation feel like dont even deserve im punished am wish could kill myself cant even properly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "years peter otools brilliant costly giving soul film film last hollywood tosses oscar recentlybr br country dance showed one night late course blew complainant niche alleged life itbr br york also brilliant kind play psychological battleships loaded bearbr br bravo author director cast camera crew wonder nazis lost irish scot english blendsbrutal honesty hurtsback s personally believed honesty pure absolutely vital trust modified edgy extremes settle human warm flaws within othersbr br forgiveness allows humanity reverse gear allows us fix bull headed egos erotic mistakes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know feelmy antidepressants make feel good stop wanting kill constantly friends theyre closer eachother me feel like im kinda observing case far remember friend groups enjoy parts life still love playing dog watching movies chess dad lately depression fucking horrible ex left months ago distant months worst possible time octoberdecember hardest part year mom passed would always lot shit around time worst part objectively life good family loves me things enjoy reason feel way compared ive seen here life perfect makes feel guilty feeling feel even know wanna kill myself wish ever born could cease existence memory me least things get better shitty cycle wanna happy without gnawing thought back mind everything is existence meaningless were less billionth billionth billionth billionth universe nothing matter long run wash away hate knowing nothing matters wanna give say fuck worry things feel like cause feel worse bad people care about sorry rant im even sure place post this know need help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel stupidi know people willing help everything seems pointless people talk everyday days necessarily bad end feeling lonely pathetic every night ive stopped feeling motivated anything reason get work done feeling absolute terror able escape horrible situation im home try always people something home alone difficult everyone things going on know distracting problems healthiest feels better pretend like everything going great feels better people always asking im okay help one person mind talking going want talk anymore feels like everything keep unhealthily bottling going spill inconvenient embarrassing situation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate shit lifei cant fucking take anymore im tired me im tired familys failure fucking hate it cant fucking picture responsable adult im obviously gonna make past im failing school im alone one cares cant anything im fucking coward tell anyone it im scared commit redflag im fucking stuck here wanna end bad im scared hate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " karma ahahirbahsgejabhdhdajiabwjab", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "test pls ignore pls ignore this trying test reddit ban posting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thing makes happy anymore rain scene step up especially mooses part im gonna watch step movies", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need helpi want die im miserable parents know choose ignore instead taking see psychiatrist think im young legally get prescription myself think redflag every day imagining id it thing kept alive last week fact promised therapist parents get psychiatrist theyre pretending issue please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im confusedso ive reading posts lot seem quite short im sorry making quite long authors way guess anyway let start saying this im new this mistakes sorry understand questions please ask comments answer possible yearold male live rural town european country never see anyone family best relationship with siblings exception basically im alone lot friends one entire country top off person hours journey away so course im constantly lonely times truly feel like kind purpose parents pressuring lot ive tried find purpose spending hour day write book help lot also feel enough simply wasting time psychiatrist recommends try relax political system tells get my sorry flattering words ass im constantly bombarded thoughts starting project something im suddenly demotivated cant find why reason even able start writing nowgirlfriend supported months honestly helped lot able something instead lay bed day enough need job cant go back school constant fear anxiety it bullied pressure upcoming exams forced overly social someone autism spectrum way way way much handle two thirds important school year country collapsed unable work anymore past year publishing art almost daily basis also focusing exams working allday basically body simply take it felt still feel work everything insufficient would spend days weeks even months project scrap it summarize now stuck forsaken house every day im constantly arguing parents need get job im diagnosed stress depression anxiety motivation it everyone telling either find job try relax im threatened may removed parents outside viewers may see incompetent argue lot fantastic job doubt it would definitely make worse remove here feel incredibly lucky able sit home nothing also feel incredibly useless want here want work something impossible move forward im stuck loop honestly dreams anyone has doubt ever become reality would love book sell could visit girlfriend move out cant keep ripping relationship parents pieces again confused feel simply complaining would love chance explain detail know sound like someone useless thats clearly everyone life thinks please ask comments related stories feel free share them would love read them oh advice would also much appreciated fact ive position months making increasingly desperate like family please help can thank you lt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "decided hang myself know where made decision head cannot overcome depression redflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate parents close door leave room like seriously close damn door leave room get perfectly comfortable potentially back breaking position chair bed close door lazy ass it tell please close door sometimes audacity say why it ok then lets see feel refuse flush toilet next time go bathroom fucking hell ampxb yeah thats it rant over", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone make feel better gf broke feel terrible acts like fine honestly makes feel way worse someone help feel better thank ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let introduce b name mai im got long legz", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "diving deeper auras galaxiea first series hope god species auras going age order lets begin first list galaxiea physical social descriptions auras found herehttpswwwredditcomrimmersivedaydreamingcommentsmkqcmaintroducing_my_god_species_the_aurasutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumwebxampcontext basic info galaxiea oldest auras firstborn council also largest aura pris standing feet ear galaxiea siblings children galaxiea everything physical universe creates controls stars planets black holes neutron stars pretty much everything else inhabits space decides moves often planning course entire galaxies hundreds thousands years ahead time like tier auras galaxiea possesses telepathy telekinesis uses constantly keep items floating around well lift move items as well upper auras talk telepathy physical description galaxiea tallest auras feet ear tall stocky muscled wellbuilt short fur dark blueblack color eyes rich dark purple several planets rings asteroid belts floating around time never touching fur large yellow planetlike rings dance around neck tail ears ankles like jewelry asteroid belt floats spine neck tail weaving around rings planets varying sizes colors orbit rings asteroids none items actually hold life simply shrunkendown versions real thing galaxiea wears show sometimes especially bored galaxiea pick one planets float around her inspecting it may ever play rings watch asteroids soar around her doesnt often breaks cold uncaring front galaxiea puts on personality positive traits wise good foresight thinks long term caring good negotiator talker good memory watchful knowing soft inside cares around wont admit loyal static rarely changes mind set likely wont change always open help others never ask help careful words always speaks intent doesnt speak often always worth listening negative traits closed guiltridden blames whenever something bad happens auras critical stubborn tends come mean harsh struggle understand emotions especially complex ones doesnt trust others often tries things struggle asking help difficult please harsh criticism neutral traits cold stoney exterior opinionated blunt thinks long term fails see actions impact people stickler rules believes place reason tends harsher side punishment grading believes failures promote inspiration become flustered confronted always wants maintain cold exterior causing limit things doesnt enjoy listing others talk prefers alone enjoys company hates gossip believes people say things speak fun facts galaxiea sworn children saying one has ever will share power final galaxiea loves murder mystery books genre read several bookshelves filled murder mystery dozen languages line room know though since galaxiea reads room slightly embarrassed personal servants know occasionally sends retrieve new books absolutely loves read book owns least times never admit wants look fancy regal galaxiea change items float around her may add rings head like halos planets around neck like necklace never wears regular jewelry instead uses items fashion galaxiea sometimes seen tutoring young schoolage auras physics laws always get flustered closed whenever someone points out galaxiea one auras enjoy swimming auras enjoy getting wet warm days galaxiea may seen dropping floating items beside priss lakeshore diving in says water reminds floating space doesnt swim often believes undermines cold exterior since galaxiea blood family close many auras closest friends time death electricity though electricity tier aura galaxiea spends fair amount time him led rumors spreading around pris level relationship say simply work together powers relate closely intertwine often others say intimate relationship neither galaxiea electricity spoken rumors though galaxiea hates rumors blind male convinced let go still snarls anyone catches talking it hope guys like this please tell think ask questions would love answer them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "summary saw guy posted thing plagerised idea january assignments february assignments march tests april assignments may started talking crush june tests july assignments august mark half yearly test september got turtle october many suicidal thoughts november assignments december ask crush says yes year sucked least girlfriend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "previous post ok intending racist want shed light done past never said justifies cops actions heard people public like hes completely innocent man bills even proven counterfeit done this many past im intending racist never thought people would react like that im sorry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best bit film alan pulled knickers ran cut throat razor bum cheeks around bum hole also brilliant see alans bum going like fiddlers elbow later filmbr br alan tough hell like got annoyed pushed four eyed wimp onto sofabr br ive laughing days cut throat razor bit brilliant idea script writers alan must brought back eastenders peggybr br alan back time hes armed razor watch girl finds pulls knickers down", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trying make sure people hear see crying worst crying silently", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please check subs rjohncena rpotatosalad trust", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "number day day a aa a aa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took pills vodka doi take many want call ambulance hours worst passed safe need this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "xreally thinking it im probably moody went diet dont food me want end though ive way long im still fat sad broke feel like point im unlovable im losing money tomorrow phone companies dont see point trying anymore everythings reach ill delete tomorrow", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posthello please call latios ive depressed years many reasons ive suicidal thoughts years ive almost decided go it depression something hold behind while recently spiked around years ago ever since ive held behind alot lonelinessmy siblings moved leftmy mom ditched brother feel alonei talked anyone could really use help thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably wont rickroll listen least first minute httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvpucqkrlosaampab_channelsamuelkimtopichttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvpucqkrlosaampab_channelsamuelkimtopic underrated hell gives life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag pact yall wanna watch power rangers somethin im bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would helpone best childhood friends took life last year ive wanting talk help others going similiar horrible situations know theres lot resources would find helpful website provides realistic everyday suggestions help state mind theme would something similar its normal feel normalie everyone going something going difficult time others individual something today help get deep dark tunnel depression suicidal thoughts time would include everyday strategies help stories aftermath redflag stories former suicidal people feeling better better track thoughtssuggestions welcomed appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "unbelievably close real life feelings emotions captured joseph mazzello hemophiliac child affected aids new young neighbor wannabe tough redneck played perfection brad renfro although story may seem slightly farfetched the two boys attempt riverraft several hundred miles find doctor claims cure aids emotion actions interactions characters involved tragically close real life big brother boy similar situation died years film released strongly recommend picture anyone ever wondered really happens life child aids superb direction peter horton creates perfect mood setting scene draws viewer various emotions affected friendship illness prejudice final parting two friends fought hard overcome adversity", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f please chat friend math homework words hes gonna awhile im willing chat almost anything dms open", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one things interested film way characters associated histories developed fly suppose writers wanted us gain interest characters force feeding characters premise using art craft furniture design construction unique theme andor analogy familiessiblings go life complexity twin serve surrogate father even husband added great tension towards making film emotionally interesting also although story one masses might directly relate ie jewishtwinsfamily business themes fairly universal every family black sheep it made engaging", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got serious question right now anyone remember ozzy osborne ate live bat one performances nowadays people cause global pandemic ozzy able eat bat ok like cmon prince darkness ate bat didnt cause pandemic someone try thing doomed us economic recession like great depression", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "easily worst sub platform guys arent funny stop trying", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "easy painless way kill selfmy schizophrenia reached limits cant anything all head always keeps hurting always thinking always family willing help always turn head ask them brother stopped talking years ago sister little friends schizophrenia when growing up people always thought weird avoided me spent rest year sitting front pc schizophrenics also social anxiety disorder body muscle starts hurt thing pc cant use illness my brain mentally stops me please please tell easy way finish please head always thinking alwaysi cant sleep want stop please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know someone whos planning whats best course actiontheyve talking weeks planning redflag soon want give away many details theyve told plan date ive tried get them feel powerless highly doubt anything say change mind im one theyve really told well ive relayed lot information one friends feel like nearly enough called hotline really said just give number im desperate freaking out much time left know do anyone advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "context year old know none going believable make sense currently attend full time college finishing december also work full time cyber sec professional obviously may think damn bet kid living great life well truth dying inside amazing girlfriend upbringing hell growing starved neglected abused emotionally left lied to parents drug addicts alcoholics never anyone mom passed due abuse think mental illness bad appear living amazing life everyday mood changes like crazy want leave everything hate waking hate sleeping hate everything everything tiks overwhelmed emotions sad fuck reason feel extreme past thramu younger days done still living home going move day turn already place meant time two years hell go through friends anymore busy time used to bad alone friends hard relate cannot go hang feels weird different stage life time not idek makes sense massive brain dump take wish advice would love top world little everyone know dying inside", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel safe anymoreive depression almost ten years however lately ever before ive wanted die ive thinking day thinking really heavily considering it ive locked room day overdose thought relief dying overcome every thought have never consuming seemed close me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bela lugosi appeared several low budget chillers monogram studios s corpse vanishes one better onesbr br bela plays mad scientist kidnaps young brides kills extracts fluid bodies keep ageing wife looking young reporter doctor stay night home discover responsible brides deaths following morning report murders police mad scientist shot drops dead shortly afterwardsbr br you got almost everything movie scientists assistants consist old hag hunchback dwarf her sons thunderstorm spooky passages belas house bela wife find sleep better coffins rather beds moviebr br the corpse vanishes worth look especially bela lugosi fans great funbr br rating stars ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored need good shows watch im watch anything long entertaining", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one dark night staple s low budget horror genre filled retro puns clothing scenery odn transports viewer simpler time horror films that horrorbr br nothing intense cant understand whats going on film tells dark fable happens mess dead well acted stable screamqueens fine directorial job tom mcloughlin revels time makes believe hes presenting who done it certainly big twist end straightforward face horror beginning end lot s humor thrown added spice give simply special effects fall short towards end film least cgi perfect film new fans s horror genre anyone looking relive fun night classic horror bliss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see posts people sad want end lives makes feel even lonelier want die even more fuck thoughts debilitatingim sleeping time now maybe hours day want anymore life cant take want to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "real suppleroot hours up day far", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "driven house theater sweltering heat could pleased road perdition directed sam mendes american beauty destined become one greatest movies time perhaps im getting old perhaps ive seen themes recycled time again movie indeed differentbr br the story opens young michael sullivan jr facing sea contemplating duality fathers legacy one best men ever live one evil duality snakes way throughout movie story revolves around crime boss john rooney paul newman michael sullivan tom hanks young man rooney took serves personal angel death rooney tied blood son tied love loyalty michael young michael jr intrigued stories reads steals away fathers car one night dad goes work connor rooney heir family business connor lets situation get hand meant warning turns murder witnessed michael jr upon discovery young michael seen seen plot set motion conflicting loyalties collide soon michael sr run young son pursued contract killer harlen the reporter maguire jude lawbr br i disclose details order avoid potential spoilers however strongly encourage viewers examine many dualities present movie problems sons fathers michael sr jr john rooney son connor world home world work good evil pretend men god really are clean money dirty town perdition perdition hell along way savor visual brilliance cinematographer conrad l hall nominations oscars best cinematography rain pouring fedoras shots mirrors especially swinging doors tommygun flashes shadows absent sound yearold hall given us perhaps best cinematic product career yearold paul newman offers one best performances everbr br yes may getting old ive seen lot fresh invigorating road perdition presents lasting loving tribute gangster genre films s dark comicbook figures lurking darkness villains heroes american film general go see it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally feel relaxedits long ride honestly im male lot happened life live third world country grew alone real interaction people age kindergarten either missing basic socializing sent school age youngest class made life worse screwed over got bullied everything never understood wrong people hate much also lived really far away school take bus came every hour skipped school sometimes really let socialize free time either years ive outcast whole time one really cared tried talk least shoo away tried talk them tried talking transfer students caught associating would turn scapegoat well really blame them stung quite bit one point got pneumonia parents able treat time healthcare system utter garbage hospitals underequipped personnel qualified one knows whatre doing really ruined health later line due additional complications kidneys liver something else even know whats called english english skills really far away good even health either back up blacked pe one thing teacher dumped like sack potatoes onto small bench left whole thing over thats fine too paid nearly enough care teachers paid enough care escaped computer soon could afford one years ive spent obsessing ebooks video games basic chats absolute best time life finally someone end screen hate outright existing however friends online lived really far away neither us could afford travel remained cold text screen dozen years bit more learned english tried talking people overseas strange experience theyve lived different happy lives could never understand said friends someone hang with relationships steadily losing voice years talking point started forgetting whats like talk verbally every time try talk stutter horribly cannot put thoughts order magical floating keyboard turn things want say something understandable came university afford dorms commute took roughly hours every day years learned make basics human communication hell internet widespread acceptable tried using advantage long story short get friends university either single relationship look horrendous deformed blame single woman much looking direction thats fine want too would anyone else tried signing psychology doctor im sure whatre called english properly tried unhelpful garbage looked empty eyes waiting official time spend patient would run out gave ordeal like afford good private one later line annoyance started settling in ive technically friends internet stopped existing lives second stopped posting almost none noticed hospitalized month think someone would notice suddenly gone weeks without notice guess not invisible irl seeped invisible internet well superpowers yo hollywood movies made look lot interesting turned real life found likeminded people also never person could really call friend say loved someone loved back point life gone now left world peace used envy greatly weighs dozens years alive one single outside family considered attractive worth talking despite trying go libraries uni clubs walking around outside trying read park told get hell stop creepy fine too know im failure ultimately fucked everything ever happened life used work dead end kinda job finishing university get bills food mindnumbing waste time days ago feel like something flipped switch inside me im finally ready go feels relaxing like breath fresh air locked cellar years pretty close reality sucks ive pulled short straw make longer effort maybe things would different support pillar sort hang rather crawling around floor trying get places im closing accounts ive services one uni acquaintances provided materials go sleep paid debts ive point one things wanted post small life story internet nothing truly lost internet much difference ill ever make planet use reddit normally reply wanted post somewhere itd get archived maybe remembered one person least minutes so thatd great thats could ever ask for still preparations left long finalizing papers thank you ill going now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using sub diary day today great studying spanish quiz bout weeks babe cause thought failled grades would reduce lot teacher changed quiz grades reason mine great moment scared failed reduce grades thats scared btw dont call nerd smart guys day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tips sending everything hell girl tell you talking girl long time social networks calls think seen times girl sister one best friends this problem since talk problem thing like other thing tomorrow im going go friends house im going see her moment nerves selfesteem began kill began wonder like like that interested me truth types questions eat little little advice would give screw up", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comes stepping back edgeive there ive blades hand foot pressed hard pedal jug whatever front me ive back dark place many times always take step back find nothing keep hearing lines gets better x religionhobbymusical helped get pet dont see it cant seem understand much right people me dont know get putting gun back case someone look eye eye mirror must something wrong nothing left longer flinch idea something control ending things me question simply recover deaths door", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know swear much yr old cousin repeats it like mine did said eat shit wan da fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw track dvd hifi show nov london really cream nowit high end arcam systemit sounded great dtsi get dvd ill tell far exciting music dvd ever watchedthe performance cream age mind blowing sound quality best heard music dvdit matter type music likethis one definitely grow youits sheer brilliance performance make watch againeven new musicians cut mustard days old rockers do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel cancel culture support cases like someone pedo people take far sometimes think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get betternearly years old job family friends like im drowning sea people care themselves ive never even felt like loved acknowledged relationship ive ended cheating me social anxiety makes hard find friends let alone ones trustworthy cant see getting better change comes me world know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thats folksi posted maybe weeks ago rdepression basically outlining crappy life led point ill summarize you father left life born found mom pregnant me mother mental breakdown two weeks old tore head bugie owned drown pet dog kitchen sink suffocated almost death pillow lucky baby grand parents came visit exact moment time barge stop killing me put maximum security psychiatric hospital first two years life never met already talking walking passed around aunts uncles grandparents mom came home diagnosed schizophrenia heavily drugged depixol mianserin diazepam also developed spinal problem caused excruciating pain prevented much range movement heavy pain meds too put back care needless say life hard living her mood swings growing would turn randomly violent drop hat childhood suffered broken nose broken ribs dozens instances beatings lock bedroom every night slept safety fun yo grandpa died grandma lost went senile rest family abandoned mother long time ago without support looking myself violent mom crazy gran school always option tend routines grandma fell bungalow broken knee lay days stone cold floor pain confusion found wardens weekly visit died ambulance way hospital mom developed leukaemia battled months turned nonhodgkins lymphoma lost grandpas death moms death funerals buried cremated whole family exactly year day mom died close friend mine hung himself tough harsh time life suffer depression memories wish could erase head constantly got relationship really helped me still depressed found purpose existing again love generally genuinely happy ten years partner sure gone hard times recession lost job years ago move find new work still glad someone life cared about well thats too cheated kicked out homeless friend work got house keep ending streets last months life hardest yet years life devoted person still love heart nothing utterly alone world cant even begin imagine starting someone new even want to live uk voted conservatives again given up faith humanity gone now crushed beyond words filled loss sorrow grief pain heart smashed dust tomorrow th may day mother died day sean died far concerned day uk died thanks election result plan end life am tomorrow morning nothing left world me everyone cared dead friends long gone one love turned back together point purpose existence now die one day anyway likely cancer slowly painfully waste away dust like watched mother go through thanks tomorrow jump bridge far ft valley floor witnessed first hand people jumping death there fast painless mercy wanted tell someone nobody say goodbye too goodbye guess see another life cats", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failed failed sleep sorry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "meteor showertheres going meteor shower soon midnight january rd dream im going one meteors want remembered someone sees meteor fly shower", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant thislast week tried commit redflag inhaling carbon monoxide garage turned car song came reminded ex love life ended relationship wasnt ready one fine completely cut contact handle that helped everything people saying getbetter find somebody better her nobody better her perfect meant world nothing want back depression getting worse fail four classes college going rough road ahead me want best friend love life world back want tell literally saved know would respond know turn go lost wilderness mind want out want happy again want again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gameis game immensely cause harm purposefully character asking friend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seeking support im chronicallyill broken mess person inching towards death reaching againfirst apologize number times ive posted here ive brief interactions great people yet seeking connect anyone relate otherwise wishes talk me loneliness component this suppose means im looking something stick inject hope back daily life regardless im feeling selfconscious efforts reach out continue long follows copied recent post another forum short is ive feeling very very stuck lately feel though im backed corner way death im unsure handle that thoughts redflag pretty much inevitable longterm illness im sure lately loud making sense ever moredetailed rundown largely borrowed posts long read please bear me ive chronicallyill years live family never lived independently still much feel like teenager got sick except older alone makes social pariah never experienced real life beyond teens except vicariously others disappeared life higher learning marketable skills physically reasonablyemployable im financial burden family likely remain im dead illness taken several bounding leaps worse last decade especially last couple years mostly induced circumstance left far less capable distracting successfully longestablished light hobbies could fill time soulrendingly lonely small handful friends upon want keep piling problems dismal outlook get sense place lives continues shrink realistic romantic prospects hopes one bores particularly deep would want use anyone purely validatory purposes all feels like im built programmed need share life someone especially cruel that given circumstances life taking things increasing pace nothing returning fill voids get true anyone anywhere especially powerless actively fight otherwise counteract it years illness dependence primarily financial others bigger things life fostered nearly zero appreciable ego mountains anxiety uncertainty selfimage may well even exist terrible could wave magic wand cure completely right second would still impossible mess fix far many years behind salvage anything even close want life longer part hurts me daily see life passing me life going around me fixture home kind family pet absolutely nothing look forward to interests cant pursue needs cant meet desires cant even begin fulfill spend every day feeling though im enough life enough another person enough even myself just enough nearly enough last parent gone care pass siblings whatever unlucky ones draw short stick guess cycle continue family shrinks gone dreams career spouse kids home own building continuing legacy living quiet modest life someone love instead ill nothing footnote family tree tired feeling like burden tired feeling like cant begin measure standard society place nearly anything littletono social worth definitely financial worth anchor disappointment drearyreminder couldve been not rejected mocked ignored put aside forgotten illness made life irony if im even using irony correctly here know im great fucking person im smart interests empathy patience lot things could list none things matter oh still live home you income even worse sick eww well whatever im sure get idea one care purely companionship bring table strictly practical standpoint see value continuing live mean sound glib way theres plenty i value life people world nearly walled me theres much windowshopping time move on landlocked watching everyone fly feel though true hope removed equation ive gasping air ever since finally dawning maybe one path forward now its well death life without hope without love without something ive earned created life thats greater literal sits chair worth living pushing pain misery feel designed need partner life cant that feel need create indulge creative pursuits nope cant rare occasion life decided allow glimpse yanked away sometimes destructive effect let clear i want die paradoxically idea scares me concept ending life finding method so etc unnerves im even sure could go it cant keep living like anymore i fucking cant senseless suffering much loneliness much fractured stitchedtogether nature soul much know much longer continue like this know timer fast shrinking reluctance towards ending things diminishing thank much reading mess please forgive length semireposted nature im even sure im looking posting again beyond know heard companionship something want pity want waste anyones time comments questions thoughts pms welcome point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres nothing much story young woman steals money dreary vermont supermarket works decides run away florida dreams attending school friend julie encounters odd couple highway remember elderly couple rosemarys baby idea two like bill comical face retired army sandra ex stripper become truckstop whore although find once theyre affectionate helpful full common sensebr br they less adopt girl alice promise give ride elaborate rv although driving directly floridabr br this film could gone onehundredpercent wrong film makers turn elderly couple personification evil would take virginal alice handcuffed bed whatever sell body greaseball driver lot money likes rough sex alice would heck time escaping lots aborted attempts final shootout but no couple really pretty nice alice far virginal alice overhears sandra customer asks business tries turn trick own bill prevents anything happening insists job right going all talk it guide herbr br alice makes several hundred dollars several hundred dollars met couple bill sandra keep money safe customers going find it alice misunderstands find whoring pleasant work thinks shell never paid every time asks dropped off sandra responds with what here honey middle nowhere however talked handing gun sandra couple give money wants rather lovingly release continue trip floridabr br you know found tragic moment film nothing prostitution thievery alice expecting room friend julie arrives miami julie legitimate student alice calls friend someplace alabama assure way late julie hesitates says well mother think room us tell truth roommate cool either invited down sure thought like visit week something go back milford alice long silence alice hangs upbr br only one shot fired a white frames film one hit tears appear once nobody slugs anybody else car explodes fireball cop chases interstatebr br the direction occasionally clumsy much crosscutting sandra trying disarm alice alices hand holding wobbling pistol hardly musical score brief male female nudity awkward probably supposed be alice unattractive babalicious either sports asiatic eyes kind robust version molly parker cinematography looks cheap colors washed out direction straightforward narrative illuminating flashbacks nothing wasted evidently shot around danbury connecticut city sticks mind drove one floods remember cars caked film mud way door handlesbr br i know exactly alice found i dread even thinking answer riddle she found herself acting bad all judith ivey better that definitely worth seeing quiet orderly film treats audience like adults", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made using story generator nasty taco bell restroom short story poopy gloop gloopy glop looked dirty poop hands felt disgust walked window reflected smelly surroundings always hated nasty taco bell restroom oldfashioned old overflowing toilets place encouraged tendency feel disgust saw something distance rather someone figure poopy plop poopy gloppy brute soul leg ginger pubes gloopy gulped glanced reflection gloopy poopy diarrhea drinker big leg skinny pubes friends saw dirty decaying demon once even helped unsteady baby recover flying accident even gloopy person helped unsteady baby recover flying accident prepared poopy store today snow flurried like running dog making gloopy mad gloopy stepped outside poopy came closer could see quirky glint eye i want hug poopy bellowed ploppy tone slammed fist gloopys chest force poopy monster i frigging hate you gloopy glop gloopy looked back even mad still fingering dirty poop poopy pooed myself replied looked sadness feelings like two crispy comfortable cat pooping stoppy toilet water drinking contest jazz music playing background two sloppy uncles peeing beat gloopy regarded poopys soul leg ginger pubes held hand lets fight whispered gently hmph pondered poopy please begged gloopy puppy dog eyes poopy looked happiness body blushing like plastic powerful per poopy came inside nice drink diarrhea end", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one contribute universe committing redflagwhat positives redflag good ways affects people close one committed redflag family changed positive way earth contribute ones decomposition universe contribute terms energy donating ones organs need one still live proxy make difference world one go this many organs salvaged donated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well executed old dark house horror good setup includes character poe himself alluding story london pub although pretty much one guy taken dare visit house particular night running room room either looking avoiding people still enjoyable plus delightful enigmatic barbara steele wooden dialogue unexplained bits bobs super creepy atmosphere maintained throughout super musical score keep one moving nicely along dvd originates us extras", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbyei dont know anymoreim spill every detail life hereso long story short cannot anymore ive stopped cutting long long time ago reason today broke shiny new razor blade think may done damage judging size puddle ive producedbut question iswhy even go help time nothing lefti feel fuzzy warm almostdespite fact arm becoming increasingly cold guess wanted say goodbye since one else listens", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "addiction since years old years later still relapse addiction makes life unbearable tried therapy help all people talk to want die know longer live shit go people always say gets better ive waiting almost years gotten worse cant even kill yet live alone hell know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "selfish hypocrite be nothing encouraging say someone wanting toenditall comment would want one you literally happened block person keep bothering downvoting everything post insensitive someone elsessuicideattempt youalsorecently attemptedsuicide", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day ago made post planned kill year im going tonighti write title confirm it im going use rope attach wooden plank going across top garage im going use chair finish job havent decided chair yet way fail wont able breathe one check good hour so changed dont really know kind realised im well truly finished th november wish cooler date maybe one god mind me id rather die go back day day life now ive listening lone tyler creator last song ever hear probably ill listen music hour beforehand anyone wants know bit me im male college never girlfriend couldve didnt due anxiety part wonders couldve different born quite good looking girlfriend know emotional affectionate kinda relationship best friend care about im going die virgin dont think care ever since got acne self esteem plummeted cant shake off dont want say acne killed me think finishing off im passionate football well was ive gotten depressed even look football dont even care watch anymore nothing interests me go gym one thinks anything wrong me ive seeing doctor therapy long wait haha hope dont show school photo memorial me fuckin hate picture shit not im going put redflag note personal message college explicitly put picture big screen im evidently insecure afterlife family dont want talk them love much hate fact im put pain temporary temporary popular kid school thats saying im great cool guy top hierarchy theres single person college hate couldnt friend think theyll react dont know react cry maybe day two theyll fine right funnily enough spent last day ill nothing chilling watched funny videos think im going go xbox later try fortnight battle royale people tell really good plus free making post final message reddit years so importantly want know you lost anyone redflag want know people reacted afterwards want know whether everyone okay without me attention seeking im sorry that dont want leave said nothing all know used read posts make comments time year ago never life think id side think thats everything thats concerns schoolwork stress future pessimism one judging me judging myself im going go dinner play xbox grab headphones phone turn playlist hang myself hours story over crazy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "the king queens opinion pure cbs hit despite fact ive never seen every episode still enjoy much reason hard say episode favorite even so must say cbs really knows make good sitcom wrap up id like say everyone always gives good performance production design spectacular costumes welldesigned writing always strong conclusion show lives syndication goes cbs strongly recommend catch case goes air good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many cultured weebs know holy relic blue haired demon best winter animeno exeptions change mind", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really upset yesterday wanted buy lightsaber store mom said wasnt allowed buy one sad today looking closet found purple lightsaber think special one knobs look cooler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really like idea going high noteor high note possible anyway someone usually talk suicidal thoughts ideas hate coming reddit this want talk this reasons obvious others cant bothered explain matters much ive wanted kill several times last months acted it every time mess id angry stressed whatever else ive failed second year uni feel like nothing contribute future also doubt ability simply keep top things go fend myself based depression prevented quite lot past years last night different idea redflag calmed me instead making worse ive felt way before think intensely suicidal then less likely anything towards offing myself long break til uni starts repeat year trip japan lined visit old friend lives now feels good time subtly say goodbye friends like idea enjoying right get back uni struggle reality might sound ridiculous m capable enjoying now end it thing idea killing whats preventing feeling completely useless suppose im cutting losses ive failed hnc equivalent first year university similar reasons im ton debt ive scraping everything since school im also studying music hard work actually want make money also feel like ive picked useless subject im really awkward space absolutely hating people go full stemlord sometimes kind agreeing them ive struggling keep things lately see getting worse time goes on im meds going second round cbt stick first time really feel im making much progress now minute musing ive method lined ages now things need make work need plan actual event ive felt useless long calmed wanting kill welcome feels right way ive done nothing deserve good things life ive unable anything myself whether ill actually at least im feeling thinking right now know obviously previous experience suggests wont feel like surviving rough patch waiting out time feels like real solution stress selfloathing hard explain know im asking advice such suppose want input coming here also wanted think loud guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "roughly hours gohey all didnt make post start im still set ending tomorrow ive people reach information services advice really appreciate it cant homeless again even that ive stagnation cycle years get attempt momentum goes south start dont mean sound like victim back day bugged place eventually theyd see want current employees hire me bugging everywhere least weeks going face face roughly less told stop coming in nice vague words course hate seemingly anytime try the right way sets worse life rather being homeless person living day day days streets day hotel weeks job hunt thing ssi came nov thrinse repeat month w ssi living live prospects numbingly depressing dont drugs drink homeless extremely boring means thoughts anxiety ruminations snowball go days without sleep week realized temp agencies jobs wo stboots back streets thursday ive numb acceptance thought killing tomorrow isnt terrifying saddening even instilling apprehension now think alive amp homeless again heart races sweat fidget want cry theres moisture left going end here hotel staff nice worked regarding even let pay later times dont want place make news the arrogance me impeachment think aspies redflag make mention", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got rickrolled youtube ad chips fml", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going kill tomorrowall hope gone pain unbearable kind pain cant describe am laying warm bed satiated responsiblities tomorrow mostly alone groups friends still much pain whats painful everything tried answer questions around years really know answer know whats bothering know hurt much cant handle pain like people last straw going psychiatrist tried years ago brintelix seroxat honestly sometimes feel like meds help suicidal thoughts always come backeven meds ive suicidal thoughts since primary school always thought things would different continued living parents grandfather grandfather good person overall person liked matter what proud me died cancer months ago think better place happy life either whole life tried nice people tried improving myself satisfied become never satisfied myself honestly many things wrong even bother writing them mostly feel like people like me love me nice friend always everything help anyone want something people makes feel good gives purpose live good student primary school highschool things like myself know hurt parents cant stand pain anymore sorry enjoy things enjoy waking morning like faculty enrolled cant find satisfaction things even good enough things example little really enjoyed playing soccer tried playing it since good kids people would angry me liked playing video games quite good them lost interest cut life cuz school responsibilites crushes life never liked back go sometimes friends sometimes fun fun hold around last thing really broke last crush crushes life ive never though much never loved never spent much time them last one different first time saw attracted looks anything even thinking her year hanging started studying together spending much time other got know better realised liked looks also know how happend liked spending time her exact opposite kind like role model me good people always finds positive things everyone tell everything think tried suppresing love years hanging told liked romanticaly wanted stay friends day hard would like around time even though likes likes people more know everyone goes unrequited love hurts much cant deal it also saw hard told need find someone else like others much tried find somebody else everyone including her told right thing do found girls chatted also saw liked spending time me also like romanticaly fine hurt much even felt good tried something saw atleast liked friend girls asked always come chat whenever see me every day find hating good enough crush also nightmares every night sleep well all also read physical activity helps problems try run every day bed help thinking throwing building high builidng really hard access town even went it now bought gun probably shoot head life much me know change head dont strenght anymore cant go on cant stop thinking her cant stop thinking bad things sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dick huge thanks coming ladies gentlemen goodnight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom care me ive spent last three years life learning programming d modeling animation sound design become programmer computer scientist taking dualcredit college courses as highschooler today grade dropped forgot assignment already resubmitted would graded tomorrow mom came room mad yelling spending much time building stupid stuff code enough time doing school care me want do never has understand teenage angst life care ampxb want cry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys annoying theres attractive girl guys go rip ur dms simps incoming unattractive girl guys ignore say nothing shut fck up saying someone hot enough get sexually harassed dms offensive fck annoying same simp comment think theyre hot enough simps come them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sleep past mistakes keep haunting know theres nothing cant get head gotta wake hours anyways fuck guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "abused botched suicidalwas sexually abused family friend age fought hard overcome depression ptsd recovered became strongest happiest ive ever been decided cosmetic procedure badly botched dont even look like deforming scar center face lost job moved home parents me pain way difficult get abused im wearing trauma face everybody see least could put happy face pretend like everything okay could even fun spend time bed crying thinking redflag im terrified feel worthless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great little thriller expecting type silly horror movie got tight short thriller waste none time mostof movies get back characters stories either feel sympathy hatred people start getting killed foolishness here yes see characters really interact principals husband wife motel whose room canceled saw could efficient lisa character inefficient new hotel clerk was see little girl simply small important role later movie heck breaks loose flight atrendants need particular move plot ahead bad guy particular needs beginning flight rude guy airport important movie too characters liners use plot two young guys plane clever thought would something plot first scene last woman character young hotel executive named lisa charge even jackson shows true colors panic thinks stall time movie smart executive women would acting like idiots one short movie waiting usual plot devices kick movie seemed coming conclusion fast thankfuly none used new hotel clerk usual called told do panic drop phone run hotel without saying anything question boss tell much drink dismiss her craven types movies also one last comment brian cox movie one clue was come see lisas father completely unrecognizable", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone talk to right nowi cant afford miserable yet front people know me want talk little bit chat sadness addicting nature misery stop disregarding stop suicidal hate much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment age backwards see officer old enough", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another fucking optionim dreading tomorrow im dreading today im dreading jfucking everything weather nice today partner happy cant enjoy shit cant fucking enjoy feel dumb fucking edgy want die badly dont solid reason fuckkmg exhausted tired hopeless fucking hell dont want anymore im forced dont options ifucking want end please im agoddamn panic attack dont want please let die please kill dont care miss dont care hurts selfish want best dying best option okay okay dont fucking tell selfish im hurting wan best let fucking kill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going bed now night night dont let pedos bite love guys except", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "two video shot movies troama decided horrible desperate move turned one movie perhaps bitterness troamas side helped spark comedy whatever reason funny stuff inspired bit oliver stone commentary movie lots cameos lots use lesbian cannibal hoedown song add fun trey parker ted raimi julie strain etc etcbr br one best recent troama releases yes place know going in production quality lack of becomes one many running jokes go good timebr br the behind scenes frequently best things troama releases also average time around really think anger felt two lousy films helped drive to well greatness drove fix film way thats better either films would originally planned", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really reason keep going social skills job friends not even fake friends family abusive parents pretty confident kill month quite depressing knowing single person miss guess life cruel like that cannot wait get nightmare me killing month", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "antidepressantsi hate antidepressants thing keeping killing myself anyone else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spam every dms have ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subs wish existed girlswith____ series girlswithumbrellas girlswithweirdposes girlswithtv girlswithstoneofsisyphus girlswithhamburgers girlswithrefrigerators girlswithpassports girlswithsandcastles girswithoden girlswithramen girlswithpororoca girlswithhagendazs girlswithpain girlswithregrets girlswitheminem girlswithprototypemeter girlswithkongorikishi girlswithficusmicrocarpa girlswithtrueloves girlswithjiscode girlswithsephirothictree girlswithspiritualstateof nothingness girlswithgossamers girlswithpufferfish girlswithinoshikacho girlswithsnails girlswithslugs girlswithnordicgamers girlswithstonksmen prefer comment ones listed here btw favorite girlswithumbrellas", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rock world ways girls never done havent even noticed yet ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "exactly one year th july tried failed ended snapping ligaments landing ankle unconscious since gotten surgery fix massive scar also developed arthritis multiple slipped discs hurt time days bad think killing escape physical pain really really fucking angry last year fuck hide scissors knives got interrupted mother cut perfect hanging set had minutes would peace guess what today kg heavier since day still wish free nooooooo stay bitch earth honestly see drugs help people weed occasion helped calm down would love freed worries thoughts since years old feel like suffered enough back pain bitch without honestly would still feeling suicidal excruciating physical pain is rant one year since attempt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people girlfriend one either", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing righti weird fetishes hate ill never able rapper enjoy life gaming computer car learn draw house dont want grow feeling miserable thats whats gonna happen bc im lazy idiot cant swear guess im light dont anything towards goals fact thing sleep day play games cant even deal people since social anxiety whatever wanna die cant solve anything life brain btw already go therapy take meds", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "intelligent mentally illmy entire life driven near insanity around me everyone says one thing hard go rather using logic reason state argument theyll attack you position sense self worth beliefs must idiot knowing defend constant onslaught peoples delusional beliefs could stop trying ram stupid fucking opinions throat wanting kill daily basis peace quiet ever balls tell im mentally ill take pills maybe me them maybe im intelligent are could mental illness awareness truth everyone want convince im mentally ill try pills themselves everyone uneducated opinion confidently put display arrogant confident makes feel like idiot im confident anything im always questioning myself line thinking actions etc trying come reasonable answer people arrive answers never question anything idiot", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scaredi really anyone talk to comfort would nice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "opera great film wonderfulimaginative imageryan opera singercristina marsillachis stalked killer forces watch murder everyone knows tying taping needles eyesthis idea needles comes fact argento like people cover eyes watching moviesfor years ive annoyed people covering eyes gorier moments filmsi film images want people see avoid notredflag confrontation fears looking awayso thought how would possible achieve force someone watch gruesome murder make sure cant avert eyesthe answer came core opera aboutsays argentoplenty suspensewonderful cinematography brutalgory murdersone guy stabbed throat knife causing gushing wounddaria nicolodi gets shot eye looking peepholeetcfor anyone caught one yetgive tryhighly recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help methis stupid know want live years old live family subjected physical violence father im bad want support want tell please leave message", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom job stg weeks am mornings work long days raking sand heat full time summer job told boss rolling back weekends prep college fall boss said yeah sure go ahead dad said yeah sure dont care good plan mom got pissed said somehow rude boss roll back hours reason apparently havent made enough money ive working saving past three years year made enough push tax bracket good plan considering barely turned going post secondary knew worked full time gonna crack barrier mom told work full time anyways told it asked feeling summer honest said kinda shit cause program got delayed im working shitty job didnt prom grad everyone know gone looked said youre kidding right apparently thats reason sad im selfish news flash mom ive made past years like god week left place wanna mornings raking sand rest last summer god ive made enough last years", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sooo hope long reach motivation itwell say lost real friend got rejected person like humans know probably fail reach education required study dream job wich would fail anyway due vast lack motivation literally anything end im fat fuck crying somewhere room noone giving fuck at least noone actually care for whining internet things im pussy tell anyone irl simultaneously searching best way outyeah know statistics indeed access guns cyanide know tried jumping somewhere would puss fuck actually simultaneously show idiots around actually feel decreasing selfworth keep going fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking anything pointhi all know guys dont feel like reading book ill try keep short sweet ive awful anxiety depression since teen ive tried hard last decade dig hole ive learned socialize made lots friends working graduating college year despite best endeavors none ever brought fulfillment life despite great friends who know love me still always feel like outcast years ago one brief glimmer hope fell love spent truly happy year life selfdestructive behavior pushed away fast forward now havent seen her yet alone spoke months although try wake every day move life feel grip loosening questioning even want live anymore nothing makes happy pain ive felt since child amplified x shown glimmer hope live fact ruined it anyone advice im open hear it doubt help much though always cycle misery end leaving world least ill die knowing really try get better im running strength", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried kill years ago regret didnt finish myselfim tired hearing stored form people guy tried jump bridge regretted it never hear people tried kill sad didnt work actually went bridge regret jumping wish succeeded killing first time tried life going get unbelievably worse kid innocent could gone heaven killed chance ripped forever could saved much pain suffering better job kid", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive solidified suspicions parents would feel committed redflagmy mom colder lately anytime talk always criticizing making fun me mentioned dying passing brushed saying everyone dies day dad might little concerned doubt it im tired living people gave birth hate much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im losing myselfi never thought depressed angry suicidal person difficult understand ive gotten point really enjoyed life way end high school played sports got good grades enjoyed drawing writing thought pretty good both high school came end enjoyed time swimming playing water polo good enough earn scholarship partial scholarships got based grades combined money id saved nowhere near enough pay schools wanted go to rely parents told several times would pay college christian college years ago bother thought nothing it got closer graduating high school felt like limits placed future bit disappointed colleges choose from wanted remain state many great options me tried make excuses want go without betraying fact longer believe god truth wanted every kid way college wants do wanted meet new exciting people choose college learn things care about share drinking partying side christian liberal arts college seemed offer opposite wanted im second year im ready give up small school almost everyone ive encountered conservative uptight clear early difficult choice front me could betray personal beliefs values pretending religious conservative therefore fit could hold believe shunned first day sign form saying acknowledged homosexual activity wrong would participate any guess couldve said nothing fact everyone else simply signed complaints upset me got argument basically entire room long time afterward section mates avoided occasionally attacking views questioning sexuality participate sections social events time ive kind retreated feel like reasonable intelligent conversation anyone know attend mandatory church services several times week must take mandatory religious studies classes feels like church school feel like ive betrayed essays tests go gods love feel like need make grade even think crap somehow feel though im running bullshit barely scrape enough adoring words together essay anymore ive become scared feel like im someone else now changed way talk even moderate swearing seems offend people sense humor appreciated approved disappeared im taking classes writing art strict parameters place causing lose passion them hardly talk hardly go anywhere hardly anything walk path everyday class dorm listen lectures things cant care believe in amount work feels overwhelming interest it others im guy sing chapel guy want lead class prayer beginning people seem keep distance feel like people around interesting reasonable seem like people want friends with time feel even knew interesting openminded funny people im worth friends with feel like everything made melted away placed odds environment strong feelings strong relationships anymore love almost one nothing feel deeply loved anyone family seems important fit mold member family like want be know anymore im afraid future every time see dad asks career plans never answer gets upset this got argument parents religion mom cried dad stopped speaking while know feel it know whether love version theyve striving create collapsing want disappoint anyone want live life approval cant sleep night barely stay awake day food good hardly eat apart occasional bowl cereal eating feels like chore something every then limbs ache apparent reason feel like im somewhere else body vacant told day day reason feel alone im creative like used be think theres anything distinguish anyone else way feel like im already dead look forward anything except sense dread motivation live life im beginning feel like different dead want happy like used be cant remember used be cant shake feeling realization might way realized now grades slipping im sleeping classes might lose scholarship fail everyone cant imagine future myself find wishing face it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thoughts driving suicidalmy gf broke months ago sucked caused mentioned previous boyfriends large endowment described detail freaked ocd vivid imagination cant get image mind two months mindfulness exercise meditation willpower erasing images always mind im sure why theres reason feel insecure know stop keeps ill never survive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend needs get help canti friend know online severely depressed serious suicidal thoughts well host problems point think knows needs immediate help told friends think able call crisis hotline social anxiety help now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im watching one criminal minds episode theres woman stuck giant facility find way guy kills her really hope hunch guy correct shes found way kill room knows shes slaughterhouse runs away like dude theres kill room means cattle need get somehow could follow path brought cattle could escape like ten minutes tops least better idea wandering halls aimlessly anyways thats ive needed get chest lady dumb rn shes getting chased dog it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never life cavity anything done teeth bc negligence whatever im disgusting like lot ppl actually good dental hygiene djsjsjsjxjdhdjdjdjsjxjxjjdjdjdjskwskjxjdjdjsjdjdjs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "public redflag im going kill myself soon eventually thing really want parents siblings one find know image never leave head painless quick way die public ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else think weird perceived differently different people know obvious wanna talk little honestly really small idea self sometimes people say comes shock ive called annoying quiet shy outgoing funny unfunny enigmatic cool smart stupid weird fucking clue really makes sort crisis hearing contradictory stuff me normal would think is course talkative person might think youre quiet comparison quiet person might say youre talkative since dont talk much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love korean films ability really quiet eerily really capture real life tend watch korean movies reason alone ive seen directors movies before one comes closest feelings got oasis another awesome film called charming girlbr br however title summary supposed chrstian perspective ill start instead showering praisebr br for non christian perspective director changdong lee captured unbiased almost eerily real portrayal modern protestant church regardless denomination warts all ive always waiting christian film truly portrays darker recesses church life christian films tend speak language different want share faith to many films religious undertones though good motives tend resonance disney film school special need show life is real people curse real people lust real people fall though christians believe salvation available seek it still challenged everyday horrors life doyeon jeons character totally honest almost brutal portrayal woman found god lifes bitter realities loses love had deny god exists refuses accept live idea loving forgiving godbr br in decent edges morality madness character asks questions mind every one religious notbr br if god love allow terrible things happen film answer that rightly so believe last minutes film though open interpretation leaves us hopeful future main character brings idea secret sunshine full circlebr br i believe second film tried religious way tried set that lies reason worked even more real honest that far best summation real christian life seen film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using throwaway screw it losing control mind feel battling depresison years thought gettingt better not getting worse worse troubles likely pretty lgihtt compared majority ones here grades shitty groupmates grades important mean get uni country singapore highly competitivewe submitted shit project worth least onethird grade uncomplete wringle wringler people antoher three projects getting tired point trying hard slept hours day last two weeks starting show ran ragged last two years obtain good gpa provide family going go flush drain shitty groupmates want work last minute nothing all fucks sake working documents saw two come sit nothing good solid hours checked timestamp google slides edits made either them like fuck going oni cannot take anymore nervous breakdown school expects us go ff lessons again want kill myself process writing notes people think guided life negatively positively matter gathering resolve iti chickenfeet die want pain stop dare end two hands wish something would kill done family said would sad died think less burdened knowing deadweight like me wasted years life nothing home gone leeching them let end let end let end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good evening peoplei know people x bigger problems hereso consider venti suicidali value life going hurt anyone thiesince young struggled nerd guy problems fewer friends bla bla blai diagnosed thyroid issuethe years later diabetesthen failed year universitybecame pharmacisti many notredflag clicksex free notredflag due legalsocial restrictions friendships decreasing drastically lost go except worki cannot wait feel happy attachedi want something years get it feel grateful happy like seconds flash gratitude back square zero become withdrawn panic future daily basisi work hours daily days retail pharmacy pm pm life go out want stare roofi built future around physician like father othersfailed thisthe career fulfilling coworkers people underaverage iq think need something betteri cannot reach know isi approaching want waste life panicking getting rare disease thyroid nodules turning cancer lateror thinking depressing career possibility developmenti approaching livedonly boring something guy boring farce career daily meds minor inconvenience", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plucky sounds like insult honestly opposite one though descriptor someone brave determined", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mt rushmore like carving natural beauty unpresidented", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody cares im itand take hospital socialmental deprivation basically torture theres way get help need without bussed fucking emergency room billed im nothing statistic piggy bank break money cant afford regular treatment anyways cant talk friend want friend anymore keep talking killing every time see him wish alone know happen baby dog die world cruel nobody care enough take care die reason live find someone take care im gone course nobody going care im ready late im going make mistake made last time im going tell anyone im ready", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok so drop one prestigious college country studying major biotechnology engineering lived alone without job nearly year eating nothing white rice sometimes nothing all lost kg weight sometimes could sleep came mom kicked home talked shit brothers want see anymore came grandma house actions let know nobody wants here cannot find job surf countless amounts memes eat much since invite food sometimes eat anything maybe eat leftovers feel like worthless piece shit unable find job got precious gf think deserve her pure sometimes want break use sabotage myself tells give up hard understand grew home money know sleep streets nothing eat well methis saturday birthday going alone know monday yet another suicidal advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " mg benzo ml vodka kill meplease answer yes no tell stay alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someday youre someday youre bound lose everything everybody around gone final fantasy vii", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best forums get help suicidal thoughts anonymouslyim posting bit much wanted know anyone suggestions forums maybe small substitute therapy since im wait list", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bill curious george pretty racist always called george a monkey city kid o_o", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ending fridayive never told true story goes im currently junior college ive never really figured want life im ancious find order find good job ive really interested forensic science wanted something like that ive criminal justice major past two years super easy gave plenty time goof off year learned never get job forensics unless get chemistry degree made change year nothing super hard calculus classes chemistry classes biology remember nothing time high school im also learning im awful student never retaining info spitting tests feel like im everything every morning wake painful anxiety attacks mention friends experiences past two years school thing keeping parents doesnt feel like thats enough thought could change adapt cant everything hurts want die peace cant imagine moms reaction im failure student go life feel like disappointment waste space dont want hurt anymore nothing helps therapy doctors medication worthless goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dating really hard since im attracted trans girls hmu youre trans ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dear future wifehey right now feeling lonely am happy arms another man hope latter im sorry stay you im sorry go ever even meeting you im really sure wouldve looked like sounded like felt like ok know wouldve loved till last breath will last breath car doubt redflag exhaust works pistol still maybe fate wanted us together fate gave miserable lonely crippling sad life know wouldve done anything see smile make happy truly hope guy thats fate im gone love like shouldve hope god loves unconditionally forever happiness matters me make god make life happiest be im willing put pistol lords head need be want happy be im sorry darling hope happy without me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "call adolescent really think great series chance experience episodes latest star trek series definitely watch one perhaps compelling voyagers caretaker launched series cpt janeway archers adventures completely different yet strangely familiarthe music catchy too true scifi fan go without seeing least one star trek episodeand installments make wait worthwhile", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "women arent funny tell joke make laugh isnt self deprecating", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help help commenting post want orange mail pls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "i dont even know man one teachers school added snapchat dont know react im fking stunned this block", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like mom cares less less abt fell asleep today woke first time pm sister asked wanted dinner told wasnt hungry went back sleep woke last time hour ago pm felt really sad sister come check me mom hadnt done anything went eat mom didnt say anything come kitchen went upstairs ate bed rn im sitting livingroom wanted see mom would say anything hasnt hasnt said hello anything wanted ask didnt check boyfriend really dislike him like im even sorry hard read im really upset lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "caught film late sat night sunday morning brother drinking one best films ripping apart ever seen luxury ocean liner actually roll on roll off ferry complete cast iron everything doors adhesive stickers saying staff seeing door used something else another scene film rocks continuity poor cant help notice it slaps face holes final scene jumps life boat ferry distance cut son new girlfriend the ships pr director knows kungfu used police dismissed things way trueon ferry going fast away explosion then dad hugging them how cares magic one redeeming feature film casino size large bedroom one casino table chased villains one place hide guessed it enter villains who instead checking one table proceed shoot four fruit machines little corner bar a corner bar casino fantastic walk straight past hiding place thus allowing casper get around take outbr br get mates over get drinks in put film howl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gd grant strengthfirst all title shit dont even believe god god dont believe ability rule fucking suck digressim say dont deserve here hurt people wish brave enough hurt badly one else would suffer me dont ever harm anyone physicallybut im jaded bitter fucked head anyone gets close singed heat rage dont even know fuck im angry at guess everything abused child every way imagine literally hate myself hate feeling dirty useless pathetic even defend myself hurt ppl im worth anyones love ppl always leave me deserve it it im trash wish brave wish god grant strength end myself sadlyits me im god", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happens drink expired morphine i got expired morphine dad got for cancer surgery ask would happen drink lot it expired shit still od it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even fail testing methodi saline kcl powder not made medication made research syringes learned kcl iv painful prepared pain real put bit kcl powder saline loaded like ml ml syringe tried find vein arm difficult check got vein one hand needed pull slightly draw blood took like mins pressed felt rush saline coming system panicked managed put ml pulled out even real get test pain monyh ago halfassedly tried bleed using syringe tube putting vein blood filled like half small cup stopped someone end me want go hospital beg put anesthesia die lonely fuck scared life parents already hate place say know so cant even pass parttime job interview fuck good at", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want burdeni want die done life im aware death hurt people truly love me see getting anywhere im lazy apathetic found pursuing path others wanted follow feel death way out aware reaching love would right thing do refuse know them know would immediately give anything wanted want that want manipulate others changing actions holding life hostage im good person even loathe idea faling low become manipulator like that want go silence feel want talk tell grateful everything love family friends love see well am always fine that blessed people care me feel enough never enough simply know is want disappear forgotten death accomplish that know will killing feels close enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna im gonna kill cant put nuts mouth", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys need advice help idk something manpersonal responsibility believe personal responsibility believe hole im dug possible climb duty find way parents wont get help though live household parents hoarders step trash become hoarder too although im high school keep giving adhd medicine father doctor mother nurse tried antidepressants made feel flat didnt like them think running away ending time ive hit wall ive always looked subreddit im sorry thought yes men support show weak need help hurts idk do wont get counselor mother calls crazy think suffer bipolar disorder reddit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finding therapisthello friend struggling lot poor self image issues depression needs therapist every day become toss talk ledge not therapists say wont take her know guidelines say cant request contact information ask it advice give help find therapist", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ya sex cool but ever got one friend genuinely takes interest hobbys even tho dont completely understand people best", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "when how know im committedim done things world im done going people even want see brother generally think people suck ass never work again think people shuffle shit around anyway fuck stupid work ethic jock thats all care nobody reads this checking back all fuck yall real", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher spent first minutes lesson ranting enbies blm suffice say hate that especially much choice halflisten know actual teaching tiring", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weeks ago took camping trip alone many plans one commit redflag there away everyone one call selfishwhy im still alive dont know really came back home days", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last day spring break td tryna relax school takes life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would nice talk people rn im like super sick okay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im feeling suicidalive hospitalised twice last weeks severe depression suicidal thoughts anxiety fianc broken me absolute mess one someone please tell ok broken", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one daysim getting pretty sick hurting someone already moved on months feeling grown kept telling pathetic phrase it getting better hasnt waking everyday feels like im executed firing squad im sick it nobody gives solitary fuck say looks like nick daily routine acting like complete bitch nothing important worry existence annoy anyone anymore im gone wish things ended way did wish another way made mind already proceeded theres going back guess best friends mean forever afterall", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one sincere touching boymeetsgirl movies ever made rebel without cause say anything deliver nice portrayals movies strips useless subplots hollywood divergences movie focuses purely watching budding beautiful romance never doubt second film lead towards romantic pairing two people almost immediately sense synergy chemistry jesse celine simply pure joy watch find it movie mostly dialogue based but every conversation greatly intriguing makes pairing romantic real is conversation often real bearing anything critical sense nuances two become fond trusting other exactly way would dream meet special someone makes true even fantastic believe could would happen confident enough strike conversation person noticed somewhere random puts icing film magnificent backdrop vienna film takes place adds feeling romantic nirvana film suggests matter many times watch film think ever tire that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey random person seeing tell favourite singersbandsmsic producers mines could imagine dragons falling reverse bring horizon coldplay milky chance adele queen avicii", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get snap lot friends it feel like used meaningless conversations would really missing ton didnt get it dont fomo wonderin thx", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people make freinds iv never one scared ask someone friend im afraid ill mess make life worse", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe sociopath wrong me grandmother died everyone seemed shocked funer simply standing dead inside always know maybe capable guilt everyone crying except me monster", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "body wanna check yt channel idk good need feedback fuzzy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant wait till move want cuss thin air reason whatsoever im bad day feel like ever raise voice even little bit parents hear unnerving", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredi keep getting spontaneous flashbacks ex sit certain places room feel pressure certain parts body emotionally abusive me tried make things want sexually looking back relationship feel stupid weak were like billion red flags would told sucked id listened them blinded idea real gay real gay relationship sort ignored that specific idea me well come across quite feminine sometimes tried leverage get bottom him something want do hed often spank me try gag fingers call bitch sex without explicit consent chance talk sober manner beforehand wanted act like girl times called she made jokes gamer girl even though told that feel like body mine anymore decided wanted friends several points relationship would still flirt make explicit comments body harassed even relationship ended calling repeatedly trying reach platforms ive blocked on im genuinely terrified him knows work meet friends nothing hes done technically illegal even im scared fucker wrongly accuses someone rape report anything ive nightmares showing house trying get room quarantine lifted theres really escape that ex latest guy ive let comically abusive me friends parents teachers coworkers ive let almost everyone know trample me thought getting better moved new city work managed find group friends know happened wrong trying help get help needed become better person ex kind trampled that tried get best friends made meet often little time anything else told things friends made distrust on im trying repair damage now difficult sort shown matter go therell always someone trying hurt take advantage me im wondering im issue im broken draw people hurting me means directly kill myself ive debating withholding food get severely ill now ive argument roommate kind fault took way far ive getting panic attacks leave room im worried ill get confrontation today ate little trouble standing up actually managed get sandwich made feel ill better think itll kill me itll hurt lot least tide quarantine lifted figure solid method think want die really im trying apply doctorate become researcher ive got mentor whos willing help that want doctorate want get boyfriend cares want go therapy get head screwed straight im sure survive long enough that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored somebody talk app shit yeah like drop yo snap whatever", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "absolutely hate myselfself harm drugsmy life ive got scars arm absolutely hate seeing scars hate reminded weak really am", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trump banned twitter oh shit please dont tell hes coming reddit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant even get get bed fucking kill myselfbreathing become draining dont even think could considered person anymore ill starve death get bed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im suicidalbut black come back wrong lane taking corners wake nightmares cold sweat cant figure im relieved disappointed still better reality scream top lungs head one sees make constant jokes sad go week speak word loud im ok im suicidal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys found get likes subreddit tell sad dark story bunch people give wholesome award think funny great", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whole day bed crying mi cant stand seeing people happy understand wrong me over good student year best im meltdown hope get reincarnated week person before something happened unconsciously and friends would get girlfriend would wonder too monday day test knowledge faculty someone cared much grades someone anything now wanted jump building cutting razor seems best things getting worse every minute miss lot things maybe im kind idiot im favor missed normal family whole life since parents divorced yr old missed someone give advice lot things never happened happen never friends always missed dad never learned make friends remember feeling normal presence kid never sister brother nobody still nobody nothing absolutely nothing worth living except things miss wonder chance would happen", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "warning may contain spoilers let rosalina help mario lead way smile game brighten day br br stars require luck skill bring much thrillbr br blasting stars show mario luigi travelers are br br walking upside never fun especially final battle koopa near sun br br this truly super awesome game absolutely deserves place nintendos hall fame", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant shake feeling im incapable working like normal personi really happy kid know happened sophomore year high school suddenly wanted die work im depression basically never stopped ive spent last years going pretty bad community college parttime usually without even job still well classes found today managed fail classes semester know im doing ive spent time trying get engineering degree absolutely hate classes know options life im exhausted like kids big brother would say why easy things hard you know young joking said stuff like time may internalized it want get way yes im meds pills every day yes see therapist good although years ive put seemingly every available medication feel like ever really done anything previous prescriber said complicated client feel alone cant comfortably open family friends more high school friends careers real lives ive tried reaching im embarrassed ruins every interaction actually made post subreddit years ago got dumbass telling get ged already said college would mean lot get reply someone actually read post", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "organize event meet give free hugs know yall lonely bois need", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think worth try reach tiny amount happinessi cant anything im tired trying make failing im going school job cant things anxietys bad want supported mom entire life im fucking useless seeing everyone else good fun makes feel like shit wanna draw try to cant shit cant things want cant write program video edit make music see people around make feel horrible top success people cant happiness never will assuming get anxiety find sucess something im good at never enjoy things way people do everyone sex drugs drink im interested things wanna interested cause people ive looked seems like theyve much them want am want bad im scared idealistic think reach amount happiness others even eventually get better potential shit even reaching happy think want relationships want friends girlfriend able talk people long keep getting worse seeing interact fun makes feel cause cant that feel worse cause im getting upset peoples happiness think im bad person thinking like this see point trying make life get happiness amount happiness reach little especially go pain long little amount happiness garunteed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel stucki never thought id one consider ending life pmdd honestly think bipolar bpd good days suddenly want kill feel empty living w parents cant talk bc literally tell feel like dont go mass anymore frustrated w feeling rejected im catholic love boyfriend feel like havent ended stuff im dating him need vent dont know get suicidal thoughts randomly day fine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question americans european person buffalo wings actually made buffalo yes called wings swear buffalos legs ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " years ago decided come korea study electronics engineering came korea tech industry good part of hence enrolled got admitted prestigious university first week classes nice initially attended english taught general courses well daily hour korean intensive lessons met friends people english taught class mainly foreigners koreans lived abroad people korean class really nice people different countries different backgrounds though would friend group wrong semester goes on people hang nationality groups mean hang people country started get left behind i nationality groups undergraduate student country university people country usually go east asian countries undergrad time passes by see japanese friend hang japanese friends vietnamese people hang people chinese people hang chinese people course koreans hang koreans one school event reality mine would rest undergraduate course struck me event freshmen students people went hanging friendnationality groups thought would hang people korean class however expected went groups left alone wandering around food stalls hearing seeing people laugh friends good time walk pass groups people decided head back dorm roommate korean asked with best english why spending time friends told i did feeling sick changing weather ampxbps know exactly post this want heaviness chest wish belong", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life overi dont reason live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wellgoodbye everyoneim planning jump building tomorrow goodbyenobody could stop meim joking either ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would consider cutting someone specials name toxic ex cut time clean wasnt cut initial thigh broke kinda caused relapse got new bf really wanna carve name arm im scared hell think im gonna toxic boyfriend advice pls lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends ive grown apart ive grown apart many friends last year think covid lock downs made realize many people want stay life rather seeing forcefully daily basis due school acquaintances people thought actual friends stupid things wish reason growing apart wish could talk friends maybe put things back together ill wait little longer guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "what life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ah sorry cant hear you im listening wii mii channel music mii theme song d audio", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant take anymorehello im suicidal year old egyptian male diagnosed ocd since years old ocd first manifested actions soon gone years old soon began manifest another way called pure ocd back realise it fear im pedophile realise harm someone im incest etc biggest thing im afraid im pedophile dont realise it got point cant look kids even hild little brother reason mind keeps triggering situations father met friend work meet friends family including daughter time thought pretty knowing ger age ask taught rude ask females name crush fetishised jerk asked age thought gonna years worst thing grandparents told fine egyptian culture one worst considering pedophilia egyptian ppl disgusting ok year old man marry year old girl said agenda almost believed it thought crush fine kept fetishising even full knowingly im stopped crush cuz mind stupid eventho looked like realized pedophilia manipulation introduced hentai jerked kinky stuff name lolislavebdsmrapeetc every time remember two incidents get anxiety run vains im one disgusting creatures called pedophiles im denying cant take ocd puperty freek denying say like is", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "convert pain something else long story short someone broke heart ive losing mind things know shouldnt past week want stop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anymoreim done burden need help feel like im dying ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie moving tender funny time scenery absolutely beautiful peter faulk paul reiser gave award winning performances olympia dukakis great understand due story line part brief wish could seen hershe true proyou able recall experiences life hopefully notredflag way seeing movie fortunate see paul reiser q viewing wonderful man clever eloquent real person truly enjoyable night outthis must see movie grateful went", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "emotional support time im girl therapist try help need it information distributed ill give honest point view ill even try give advice also im help avoid problems", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crossfire remembered much fact three stars first name robert one first hollywood films deal antisemitismbr br the story opens murder silhouette man later learn jewish man named joseph samuels sam levene pipe smoking police captain finlay robert young assigned case exsoldier montgomery robert ryan comes upon murder scene learn flashback met samuels bar along soldiers process mustered service following wwiibr br according montgomery pal floyd bowers steve brodie followed samuels cpl arthur mitchell george cooper samuels apartment drinks montgomery tells finlay mitchell left apartment first floyd followed soon samuels still alive wellbr br unable locate mitchell finlay suspects murder enlists sgt peter keeley robert mitchum help locate mitchell mitchell meanwhile wondering streets dazed state meets prostitute ginny gloria grahame bar strikes friendship gives key apartment goes rest unexpectedly man paul kelly turns looking ginny mitchell still daze leaves goes back meet keeley pals keeley manages keep police hides night movie housebr br from mitchells perspective learn montgomery hates jews probably killer finlay begins focus investigation montgomery trying prove guilt arrangers one soldiers kid named leroy william phipps set trap mongomerybr br crossfire considered one best film noire genre fact garnered several academy award nominations including ryan grahame best supporting actors made modest budget three weeksbr br it elements classic film noire shadows low key lighting story playing mostly night requisite femme fatale piece grahames ginny plays minor role nonetheless classic femme fatale unnamed character played paul kelly in excellent bit chewed spit ginny mitchellbr br robert ryan steals picture brutal montgomery although would type cast similar roles years come robert young makes good low key detective robert mitchum little befriend mitchell character others cast jacqueline white mitchells wife lex barker who would go following year play tarzan one mitchums soldier pals richard powers who previously known tom keene finlays assistantbr br director edward dmytryk would shortly run afoul house unamerican committee communist affiliations spend couple years jail", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "existing single block dry noodles needs healthy lifestyle lmao dont need em", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried hang myselfi need somebody tell felt like dream since id decided it came close climbed stool unstable beneath me started pulling scarf id tied neck though something changed like woke up took off uncomfortableness throat feeling crushed something cant even describe realized dont want die want exist still feel ghost around neck hours later im going okay hope am", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want ground open swallow mei dont want deal pain heartbreak cant deal ruined am dont want this me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fantastic episode saw clip youtube vowed ever show tv would glue set order watch wound watching friend mine happens gay two us cried end truly wellwritten heartfelt episode forbidden love two cops who felt really in coops words the lucky ones episodes like one really make cold case one captivating muchloved works television magic cbs anxiously await episodes rerun forever blue always watch again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help mei suicidal almost eight months now ever since considered viable solution problems tried meds luck therapy yet am still obsessing redflag know stop medical condition causes ill quite often trying cope things progress becomes harder harder mind keeps turning back redflag logical answer know even thought first place strange maybe body telling fit continue lost afraid want feel better again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please let know im aloneanyone literally comment anything please know desperate feel alone need know people see me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tf write right fountain pen im new fountains pens got today umany help this know probably worst sub ask this idk ask best option", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "two weeks ago made massive commitment move miles new country gf new job new start ended blue day got therei first met gf work got summer job due connection boss theyre germany work uk office wed dating since last summer months clear boss winding operations uk refocusing everything germany located two us left working uk year guy apparently lost job put garden leave confirmation anything else otherwise talked gf possibility moving there returned home last august flown see every months since lives mins away german office works now seemed incredibly excited idea joining office uk one shut down last month march started happening everything seemed fine still super excited it finally ready go middle month booked channel tunnel ticket drove miles germany literally got though suddenly totally blue made clear welcome stay her one else reach help speaking partial german way contact boss anyone worked with facing homeless almost immediately arriving even know get office address listed website expecting travelling gf anyway ultimately made decision go home could still afford travel miles again around hours driving total back home again emailed boss explain situation eventually replied sorry hear it looking solution heard anything two weeks apparently fired even officially notified ive sitting around waiting boss contact back still idea went wrong gf either seemed move right actually got there last visited midfebruary fine ever together even trying ask wrong happened got angry defensive blocked me cant even talk person literally weeks ago best friend love life mean risk everything like someone sure about hurts even knowing happened asking makes angry cold feet maybe dunno would make angry even now feels like entire future destroyed one day gfbest friend job place living ive learning german literally putting move also video called every night nothing ever seemed unusual im back home even know ive officially fired either way longer office back job quickly going cause lot problems ive work years ive jobhunting since far even response yet person could ever confide even speak me highlighted lack friends even more anyone turn anyone help me im approaching years old im stuck mum again ive got prospects nothing good look forward to apart financial ruin bills commitments catch end month best friend since school even give enough time see left still make time even see now lives minutes road makes excuses everytime suggest something hell never attempt rearrange suggest better time ive never felt low worthless alone life ive tried reaching tiny circle friends have theyre busy even meet me even telling happened literally cant see anything worth looking forward to already thought lucky job had im exactly fast learner despite efforts ive constantly worried falling behind ive got one even spend time with financial fallout job unexpectedly looming head really even means meet new people im quite shy awkward new people actually meeting someone new think im idiot pretty hard since ive come back home ive sitting alone jobhunting wracking brains could possibly even happened everyone ive tried reaching give time all either im much hassle deal with give shit me cant see way get better me already pretty depressed met girl gave new lease life new start somewhere totally new could try really find again much hope first time years first time life ive ever actually felt like someone wanted around me feels cruel thought finally found life could happy with pulled underneath me still even know why hate feeling like this thoughts ending make feel goddamn selfish see anything look forward to even really would miss me immediate family perhaps even get idea im already seen disappointment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subhuman trashi dont want anything life thing want commit redflag finally end everything zero value person want contribute world thing ill ever contribute life redflag statistics years old convinced life get worse progress adulthood id rather die right second live entire lifetime misery wish never even born world doesnt need lazy sacks shit like me zero desire put effort towards improving myself might well commit redflag world favor", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long bowserbye bye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lightheadednessflushed feeling burning head extremities dull headaches sometimes back head radiates front disassociation vision issues", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont enough money buy coins im sick this wanna post awards least post pseudoaward say that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life meaningless wasted life away cannot fuxking focus find passion anything xd anyone experience tech cleanse something perma online", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "exhacker going quarter life crisis today turned let tell im going through im currently pending federal charges computer fraud spamming years spam ill gotten game ive made gone family friends bad investments im officially broke now charges filed let bond picked job still made decent money from last week fired cause corporate found conviction anyways time last year time square living up im broke miserable rich illgotten gain im broke want legitimatly successful idk conviction ever allow me feel like life nothing ever become successful nothing might anything ever idk even friends not want kill someone realistically telling still become successful without rainbows unicorns ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tw transphobia guess anyone affected i trans makes want die fucking bad sure know already trans one disgusting revolting things could ever be huge burden everyone medically emotionally by forcing everyone say pronouns get wrong course feel bad it tried detransition nothing ever sticks fucking stuck like forever guess feel like monster fucked body going hormones getting chest sliced look worse ever have used beautiful girl disgusting freak nature wish could go back never even realize first place ruined every single thing life ways could never imagined cannot detransition normal human next year think ill kill myself world better without another disgusting person like anywaysif thoughts feel free share them transphobic tell comments want might help get shit together detransition hear terrible others people around accepting trans people get enough shit deciding wish could normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day single honestly bad still miss wish couldve done better im crying actually productive yayy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "score within standard deviation mean step ck going break girlfriend brutal way can going iti hope hopelessly debt way pay off subpar physician looked classmates rest life end it family left soon enough anyway unfair make girlfriend bear brunt shitty life decisionsi going publicly maybe someone talk terrible med ed systems are take standardized exam next tuesday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw movie freshman high school film stuck years soundtrack cinematography even dialogue somewhat bad acting educational purpose message behind important sin child teenager still high school really bad thing either problem tons girls knew children now guess never watched great movie did clearly get message behind all taking chances sexual relationship girl get pregnant first time myth necessarily lose dreams take backseat future child think firstbr br this movie clear message behind it say no", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aight thats it im quitting school wants get group like people run away bulgaria enough people paying rent wont hard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " even beats nasty raw almost twenty years old show still laughed much watching last night shows eddie murphy dressed tight red clothesold schooland jokes everything celebertis family years old mustseebr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "borisaleksey batalovis fight war germans mother russia beloved veronikatatyana samojlovamarries conniving cousin markaleksandr shvorinin moment weakness shortly parents killed air raid moscow various trials betrayals veronika await word letter boris matter long takes holding hope return herbr br powerful piece filmmaking boasts simply incredible photographic work cinematographer sergei urusevsky many magnificently framed moving shots include scene camera follows veronika crowd loved ones saying goodbye rushes mob bodies say goodbye borisand quite reach even watch boris looking impatiently swarm without luck sequence air raid veronika walks standing stairs circulating destroyed building called home scene mark makes lustful move veronika another air raid continues outside building wind rustles curtains flashes light emanate inside two many examples sergei urusevsky shows genius framing images last forever film but without power tragedy story regarding war forever shape destiny couple dearly deeply love other film hold beauty visual alone together however were left amazing filmsimply haunting masterpiece soviet union stalin breathed last breath feel honored beheld great film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best friend telling theyre going kill tomorrowwhat fuck do let talk lives far away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first deepa mehta film saw film tv hindi version sita character presented nita also note radha underwent allegorical trial fire film nitasita yet loved film screenplay ms mehta direction characters big small welldeveloped seemed quixotic towards endsomewhat like end mazurskys an unmarried woman brave women surrounded cardboard men one cardboard man ashok seems come alive last shot see himcarrying invalid mother biji seems finally take future responsibility beyond celibacy adherance religion br br ms mehta seems fumble director however compared indian mainstream cinema would seem brilliant cannot use script go beyond microscopic joint family presenting except presenting glimpse chinese microminority social milieu india even dedicates film mother daughter not father yet radha reminesces halcyon days parents mustard field compare mrinal sen adoor gopalakrishnan muzaffar ali dwarfed giantsgiven competent canadian production team financial resources mehtas film two bisexual ladies indian middleclass household may sacrilege some merely captures atrophy middleclass homes seem aspire something better immediate survival limited social space kannada malayalam bengali films touched parallel themes india publicity surrounded film therefore seen wide segment knowledgeable cinemagoersbr br ms das ms azmi mr jafri mr kharbanda credible outstanding ms azmi talented actress gave superb performances good directors mrinal sens khandar gautam ghoses paar benegals ankur brilliance notably absent film ms das sparkled due screen presence rather acting capability all films strength remains structure screenplay average terms international cinema sure ms mehta hone writing talents future screenplays", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna get body pillow make life every night hyyyuuuhhhhhhh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck mom helpinga couple days ago asked friend livestreamed redflag would watch it made clear intend asking fun question ask pretty chill nice talk forgot it earlier yesterday mom comes room starts lecturing even think killing got calls friends mom regarding considering redflag mom lectured like hour instead pray more left feeling worse later evening brought topic up time front dad began lecturing like good half hour talk friends either i would usually talk anyone feeling really day really needed vent somewhere consider pretty good friend mine someone trust im never talking anyone redflag feel ever again now mom randomly bringing since today morning telling pray think redflag fuck mom helping ps real point post needed vent somewhere im sorry belong sub", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today experienced strange new feeling definitely related relationships currently preparing law entrance exams enter premier law institute country great interest international relations countries conflicts genocides power struggles revolutions along civil wars studying almost hrs day yet anxious nervous worried time always seems like enough considering future would literally depend upon exam conducted may see one set questions cannot freak out start breaking down year plan years ba llb hons years job law firm solid background years llm international arbitration law becoming international arbitration lawyer thing knew much scope field today came know person literally goal aim basically dream like role model new feeling experienced something like this sort immense joy gladness almost immediately followed glim fear failure horror fail even single step feeling continuing cycles think going mad thats it thank reaching far", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dm anything right ill answer hours cause im going bed would pretty wacky think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe dont ptsd maybe im myselfevery time talk stupid trauma feel like im faking shit stupid feel like im pussy it gets ptsd catfished would still depressed helping year old suicidal thoughts shit fucking years ago im pathetic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gone tonighti tripping ug lsd money hope im getting kicked weeks im pretty sure im gonna hang tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "petition ban teens subreddit feel like majority poor quality posts come them order get posts out shall ban people make them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eighties savage steve holland put three movies two classics seems small genre absurdist teen comedies third how got college measure better dead one mainly lack john cusack curtis armstrong except tiny cameobr br one crazy summer underrated movie lots great characterizations gags recall savage steves movies vilified brain dead time three movies drifted childrens tv could use movies likes him", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "story y old loserim dark place right vent serious fight mother last night told maybe end im worthless loser move back home ripe age lost job layoffs half year ago pay bills anymore mostly huge debt have college family related matters dropped college work familys business request father even get education familys business went belly father died got lucky found job it even gone im years old loser job college education debtridden fool gave dreams help family wants exist since teenage last night first time ever raised voice someone family enough guilt trip im pretty sure im getting kicked out knowing mother throw things im somewhere else kinda wish drinker now stress killing me one hire anymore even though im picky im really hardworking im old competent unskilled educated enough educated gave everything help family im even losing that idea wtf im supposed sometimes empty void future feels much thanks reading needed process writing down feel free laugh me words cant hurt anymore situation hurting me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pecker another mainstream film john waters done smaller serial mom title character pecker hobby taking pictures anything sees matter dirty shocking takes pictures soon uses pictures taken puts display work pecker live seminormal middleclass family dad works drinking bar claw machine make enough money lesbian stripper bar across street mom runs thrift shop loves dressup poor people older sister tina works gay bar specialty trade younger little chrissy habit eating sugar sugar nothing sugary food grandmother memama small statue virgin mary plays ventriloquist it also friends friends matt chronic shoplifter girlfriend shelley runs laundry mat dictator soon tourist new york buys pictures displays art gallery picture comes fame pictures expose unusual life style friends familys simple life rrated film pecker sure tamer waters previous rrated films even pink flamingos another ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im depressed im worthless ending life would smart thing ive ever doneim awful person ive burden many people years jumping job job looking something didnt hate find doesnt exist gave opportunities jumped ship new exciting place exactly same am job worthless hours week going dr bills dad supporting me sure lifted debt lose everything ive taken much ive given contributed nothing world ive consumed dont want try get back life hated there want die deserve die beyond hopeless anymore feels like tomorrow think finally time shouldve done years ago dont want run away start anew dont like way world works fucking cant accept happiness needs fought for something inside us people tell worldviews cant comprehend it hate world love family dont want around lose them guess makes selfish lazy doesnt surprise me piece shit all like bill burr said people simply dont deserve here im one them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "meim people outside probably wouldnt able tell feel tbis way im glad want parents friends happy memorys ive struggling depression since got bullied lot school way looked really didnt many friends built terrible social anxiety trust general skills continued friends really hit puberty people started talking cinfused now someone said glow stupid shit like people cheered depressed round year later started self harming harmed aroujfvweird plsces going gym lot time blamed scars stretch marks muscle growth continued shit started kick started get really bad body dismorphia seeing ugly lump lard every tine looked mirror even tho im v good shape ik still look mirror look fat weird im im confused body gross scars ive started lose hair due genetics meds slow give awful side affects cant take tbink final straw tured going gym eating healthy still slightly chubby im unhappy everything pillows stained tears every night im tired feeling way used worry parents would react im sorry love people love mental pain much im suffering live even pass life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "may become god somehow managed put usb first try become unstoppable", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aaaahhhahahahaha bruhhhhhhhhhh lets gooooooooo got comment said shadowbanned removed deemed spam lmaoooooo also got infraction point one im permabanned lmaoooooooooo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would rather look like jar jar binks talk like jar jar binks allowed kill self suffer", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "director sidney lumet made masterpieceslike networkdog day afternoon serpicobuthe much luck recent worksgloria pathetic find guilty interestingbut failed experimentnowlumet brings best film decades andby point viewa true masterpiecebefore devil knows deadi think film like rebirth lumetthis movie excellent story whichdeeplyhas many layersalsoi think ending movie perfectthe performances brilliantphilip seymour hoffman bringsas usuala magnificent performance hesno doubtone best actors daysethan hawke also excellent actor hes underrated point viewhis performance greatthe rest cast also excellentspeciallythe great albert finney two actors bring monumental performances sadly ignored pathetic oscarsthe film good level intensityin part thanks performances andin partthanks brilliant screenplaybefore devil knows dead real masterpiece perfect directiona great screenplay excellent performanceswe need movies like this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends years suddenly old one messaged saying hello thought friends even talking old ones makes really uncomfortable dont want leave delivered im panicking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "care much hurtsat point id take way out care much pain ill im dying long end im gone want more theres nothing here im enough pain already whats little means everything stop whats agony minutes means ill never feel again cares pain itll pain gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things ive noticed im im ive noticed people seem expect life future order seem expect know im expect take control life longer feel comfortable asking questions ask teen subreddits im im older feel like answering asking anyone else like that also get allot shit drivers license", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stopim tired everyone asks whats wrong dont know dont like all hate it hate confused dont know am im married shes amazing idea shes me try push away excuse least feel bad id never often hope happens me im tired therapist knows real truth feel wrong myself everyone would likely accept me me wish male wish id born way could snap fingers like thanos way im different transitioned whatever wife would still wife shed okay male cant risk telling losing her im trapped hate myself see therapist week enough inpatient fix this nothing fix this hate myself idea place works figured could say truth bc joined really wish could kill self keep hoping itll happen find caring say someone cant it wife depends much dont want hurt her im miserable feel alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wont believe but american british asian may believe latin america exists", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please save meim much pain think losing mind feel depression eating brain want scream hurts even try articulate brain want confront anything hardly left bed weeks use minimal amount information processing possible get by im losing everything im lonely im fucking lonely im scared im lost im detached wtf this fuck this becoming terrified world people im angry insidiously angry disgusting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ruined another chanceevery girl talk to always end talking much never talk again ive single years now years ive talked girls nothing fulfilled anything inside me im completely fucking dead inside ive suicidal since years old im now im fucking worthless social anxiety enemy fucking defeating me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im donei depression since remember wasnt years ago got asperger diagnose luck brother help im years old med school suck suck anything student too generation graduated years ago made social service got residence kind alone lot pressue last trimester school sudden change student policy got academic risk meaning failed one class out time told managed pass tests would academic risk pure miracle got clean results start new trimester dates need graduate dont want lose half year start one year long social service heavy classes try best check school mail see mails one says that surprise on academic risk fail clases sure it fuck them one inform april last day ask less academic load cant anymore almost decided kill last trimester classes high difficulty academic risk gun head unexpected surprise bonus want get sleep never wake up family given support things cant help one cant survive another academic risk trimester let alone worse one whats point old surely peers think idiot think idiot failure think almost daily it sometimes distract things isnt working anymore want world", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else feel like meempty alone putting face day back mind know know youre real life waiting home maybe podcast something cut silence every kinda sit write note youve written several times think life im paid jeep decent job rich enough save bit got dream watch got terrible relationship incredible web support yet find miserable less fortunate life still write still silence lonely life somehow filled people dont much like feeling like this want glad life ive made far however cant seem shake feeling pointless anyone make sense it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using sub diary day today great chilled school gave us bio project today math quiz got proud seams like flexing guys accomplishment guys day anything intresting happened biggest accomplishment wee month general", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fastesteasiestpainless way kill myselfokay fed getting simple answer anywhere wanna hear life gets better youre important life precious get help shut fuck up one asked never thought shit b know first thing me even know existed till read note someone use tell straightreal answer want life ended period period period", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long take anyone noticeim ive suicidal year im much worse year ago one noticed said anything me im really anxious say anything outright really obvious im like this ive felt suicidal since got worse ive never form help one ever said anything meant it others ive seen happen matter might well kill never worry anything ever again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "questioncan killing really makes things better me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want dohold whatever feeling keeping committing redflag never let go maybe fear maybe know really want die maybe cant leave someone like that whatever reason make reason follow every time feel horrible feeling sending positive vibes love guys truly understand like suicidal thoughts tonight im really rough night im going remember hold feeling keeps anything able take back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sub less active guess american teens reddit want get healthy amounts sleep cant blame them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "donelife pretty much backed corner ive run options lost job years ago ex long ago decided make good threat ruining life contacted employer made story meeting women raping them police involved went nothing happened able recover this entire personality changed terrified many situations five years still hard even leave house cannot continue living like this matter cannot catch break seem find job however life insurance die family least get that planned look like redflag worries there ive really learned friends ive also learned one wants anything youre", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "poop school goddess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably gonna end im when supposed something life know god damn fact know life probably drivers license go college still live parents im losing hope ill find something sustainable sit room day look memes fuck up thats fuck up im fuck im try kill ill probably fuck too like numerous times im right maybe theres hope severely doubt it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know huge accomplishment ive able get back road try again frustrating making much progress id like really miss independent free anyone tips id love find someone relate overcome fear", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seen film since came mid s recall realistic portrayal music business right paul simons one trick pony another vastly underrated film imo br br harvey keitel excellent job producer caught music believes commercial tripe record company suits want work withbr br since spent entire career music business composer arranger producer really vouch verisimilitude film possesses br br if ever come dvd uncut id buy it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive lost hopemy give fuck broken fixed anytime soon hope anything anymore want death take away hug death open arms like old friend seeing none", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gots question anyone else naturally replace love feel someone hate breakup me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im usually one discriminate but ranch far best sauce goes well everything especially nuggies would use anything ranch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna start group meeting zoom talk ill post link people interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recently failed graduate diploma program supposed help accelerate career cpai feel defeated knowing put everything program falling short feel like let along everyone around continues support me know cannot bring courage tell bc embarrassedi option go course online working full time scared going enough scared fail againdoes anyone advice words encouragement failing helped future share similar experience turned around failing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mentally ill continue living much damage already done realistically sort opportunities even have plethora mental illnesses progressively getting worse worse abilities function work drive focus things conversations taken nosedive physical health started take tumble well metabolism noticeably slowed down im exhausted frequently moments brain fog forgetfulness im unable distract pacify entertainment im uninsured unable get type treatment issues almost went broke seeking therapy previously work slightest cannot afford type medication type hospital visit certainly insurance im danger losing job despite looking jobs place cant find would pay well plenty work experience relevant skills im underqualified real jobs aforementioned mental illnesses inability drive also major factor this due faculties getting worse im unable learn things learn skills ive tried number different creative hobbies avail ive tried getting computer programming music writing among things avail friends family relative parent live also mentally ill treats im sort highfunctioning special needs child im stuck toxic relationship draining energy me making exhausted anxious perpetual fear partner im getting old ive fraction life experiences knowledge people years younger do im constantly embarrassed age ive achieved amounted nothing compared peers compared teenagers point im sexually broken unable fully enjoy intimacy this relationship strained im deathly afraid prospect finding another relationship know nobody want deal someone like situation especially considered problems everything getting much worse short span time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "write wordbr br what see get really madhur bhandarkars brave brilliant page destroy myth attached glam glitterati colour pages newspapers whose livesread party habits follow maniacal fervour intrinsic voyeuristic streak explain br br the page phenomenon deplorable enigmatic exactly gain control printed word start encroach front page subject another debate bhandarkar cleverly avoids that concerned mechanisms grotesque existence that pieces together various elements way life like robert altmanalthough im comparing bhandarkar altmans genius bhandarkar uses myriad characters motive whether page wannabe nri gatecrashers newlyrich upcoming model socialite politician erotic novella authoress characters introduced objective separate charactersketch even parts may miniscule therein lays films appeal br br konkona sen sharma plays madhavi sharma young talented journalist covers page nation today initially content job soon begins see ugliness underbelly covered fake cosmetic profligacy bhandarkar resists temptation make subject moralpolicing movie avoids concentrating one character alone hence movie madhavi also equally deepak suriboman irani madhavis editor passively accepts role cog larger machinery anjali thaparsoni razdan socialite suffocating social pollution abhijeetrehan engineer homosexual makeup artist madhavis roommates pearlsandhya mridul sassy airhostess gayatritara sharmaan aspiring actress seems like impossible task assimilate many charactersand more one story full credit nina arora manoj tyagi penning tight screenplay dialogues sanjeev datta bhandarkar written great attention detail br br any narrative matter good fall flat lack genuine performances thankfully page brims actors stars konkona goes authorbacked role effortless ease ditto boman sandhya mridul gets best written part almost overdoes it atul kulkarni wasted though underwritten character times director seems keen incorporate much possiblepaedophilia homosexuality etc contexts used make look rushed br br ultimately bhandarkars attempt satiate voyeurism takes step further takes us inside photographs exposes us gruesome realities sect humanity strangely seems living different remote world people indulged newyears revelry hundred kilometers away fellow countrymen ravaged natures ferocity clever writing skillfully incorporated songs able performances genuine feeling sincerity make film worthy spite lack finesse poor production values page optimum way enter new year cinemabr br abhishek bandekarbr br rating br br poor average good good excellentbr br th january ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im running dampd campaign want join see fill form this repost yesterday got buried quite quickly north spine world west towering reghed glacier frigid expanse dare explore let alone inhabit icy land windswept tundra recently became locked frigid tundra without reprieve hello soon running th edition dungeons amp dragons campaign rime frostmaiden friend looking another players aged campaign relatively long going level level sessions would every week sundays start around pm gmt end pm though time day might move point game roll discord used voicechat im dan dm im relatively experienced dampd roll dming year though im great voices please excuse terrible accents create character session get chosen though idea character want create would help also go information setting session everything now know set forgotten realms arctic tundra known icewind dale sun never fully rises races affected sunlight sensitivity drow suffer negative effects it goliaths get resistance cold damage due mountainous lifestyle races classes spells official dampd books excluding unearthed arcana possibly subclasses tashas cauldron everything depending balanced not expect running away solving things diplomatically relatively often instead able kill everything time theres lot powerful creatures around overall game bit rp focused combat focused reaaaaaally cold icewind dale really really cold want apply fill form httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfyuxfns_umzqieuoeiazqteohadkvqup_ettujgviewformuspsf_link form close week now anyone looks like theyd fit well party opportunity talk bit join discord server anyways good luck look forward seeing application ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok like please someone explain smelling cherry perfume whole night like constantly get whiff like someone walked past streets u got smell like dont used perfume parents dont one house even uses cherry smelling items happening", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going kill myselfmy name donald faurschou im love family even though dont show it pet snake grow marijuana want someone remember get pushed edge please someone remember useless sociopathic drug addict", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guy skirt every single post right like damn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really sad touching movie deals subject child abuse really sad mostly true story happens everyday elijah wood joseph mazzello play two children lorraine bracco single mother tries make home them living parents man likes called the king comes life hits youngest boy bobby two brothers vow tell mother finally finds out bobby hurt badly end kind ruined me totally unbelievable but except that love movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tf make work know work dont want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot stand shitty life cannot accomplish anything friends family help anything pretty much alone depression time high redflag one takes seriously tell suicide think let go pain die way peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today years old realized joe mama spongebob thing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found use reaction channels add anything video theyre reacting use watch agerestricted videos not best method still use channels nonetheless", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggling long never able venti loathe hopelessly unhappy want die that like cruel joke tell anyone low ostracized berated guilt tripped how selfish am met empathy world keeps selfishly saying dont want die piece shit coward miraculously wonders depressed people reach out ive talked friends just stop depressed dude ive talked therapists years take lots drugs admit super depressed ruin life flag dangerous person theres one talk to talking literally makes worse seems reason besides fear going hell killed know mom would die grief mom managed get diagnosed cancer bit tick get lyme disease get bit brown recluse spider one day considering recovering breaking legs arm feet accident still cant recover partner years telling go kill think hold much longer cant help see life sick comedy terrible is laugh world laughs you cry cry alone guess wanted rant talk myself sorry bother annoy anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knowim exhausted every sense word im burden everyone life friends talk im feeling except boyfriend bless heart trying much even feel like im bothering people shit want end everything know would hurt boyfriend grandparents brother mom feel guilty punish one way another whether conscious not feel guilty everything feel guilty existing feel guilty wanting exist im stuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents dont care privacy taught never text friends always use social media talk tell someone based stuff like footsteps breathing super hearing ability switch apps phone blink eye hide social media accounts hide evidence something lie straight face fake asleep really well get account changes password hide stuff really well use apps like myeyesonly mildly inappropriate things use apps like temp mail create secret accounts use little time home alone efficiently bypass parental controls play music loudly let close door day im going walk away phone always turn screen face using appdata hide things computer notice nothing said good respectful kid", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one yearits one year since tried jump rollercoaster year nothing changed family full collapse mother fearfull deep pain father detached everything fault wish died grief better this must be tried medications psychotherapy all depression severe overcome tried hide people mask cracking wish everybody shrugged depression like othing years doctors said could better got medicated time case burden hide people like murderer something cause mental illness mark cain society tried everything cant anymore hope real noose time feel tight enough waiting kick chair one year one useless year older pain hatred pain left ive used abused people years empty shell maybe time get gene pool wanna embrace death silence im tired now bye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "playing amp streaming minecraft server httpsmtwitchtvilychaya im playing minecraft server quests come chat", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody else recently hear use tylenol acetomenaphin fight existential anxiety god ever description life written would titleherehttpwwwchroncomlifehealthzonearticlecantylenolhelpeaseanxietyphp link tylenol frankly im glad hear existential anxiety till thought person felt like could hear grass grow cars rusting seems worry go wrong next", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know doi need let out dunno do current relationship falling apart relationships fallen apart mess everything hate myself makes hate more one love someone like that get it really think im good enough ever get together im weak let things get fall useless burden over ive like forever tell im gonna try harder never happens depressed ever real reason be life come kicked around like everyone else im pretty sure made worse know everything could make things better dont need help know one else me energy anything it moved hometown current bf whole family lives here nice know talk to real friends here acquaintances think people need hear problems bf having hate dragging people down wish could make happy get depressed screw up last time fought told kill get with said mean things too apologized said mean it really think hes right hes home alot lately want come home find dead cause thats awful thing someone time kind do edit see problem soon post this immediately feel guilty making anyone read whining stop feeling guilty existing time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know right place thisback story born renal disorder required kidney transplant nine must take extremely expensive cocktail medication daily prevent rejection probably say im living parents attending community college jobless feel clueless great piece info advice everybody got highschool missed on everyone know plan lives idea want im going study computer science appease father kind hate it understand ifwhen graduate college im going need job health benefits help pay meds cant find anything enjoy studying kid wanted soldier like granddad two brothers plan had cant soldier one functioning kidney im aimless ive playing idea taking meds left road trip get car get hell hole go somewhere different see something beautiful expire", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill god gamesi fucking hate good", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "famous person meet please share met met ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today run sat near lake started crying thought myself cannot go on enough saved feel like enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "painless poisonsdrugs redflagi need know quickly please let know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate quarantine much right wish could talk friends face face right cause im fed texting bullshit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure play peoria apparently funny clever british comedy set end swinging sixties peter sellars fantastic rich fortysomething serial womaniser perfectly delectable goldie hawn playing year american girl london is initially sellars catch day urbane tv food critic cant stop falling dizzy american blondbr br humour pathos great script strong performances leads supporting castebr br its great film best gag last linebr br try it like it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "khave headache drink water yes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guy ask girls society guys one typically ask girl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents talking shit me know hear themi feel useless already im pretty sure im ready it know say goodbye friends cant without saying proper goodbye want get suspicious hate parents point sounds like want die want friends im probably never going see again please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "caykdae moi cayekdey hwo wanst soem mey cayk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk domy gf severe depression thoughts committing redflag said says anymore exist really scares me im lost help ask help her says theres nothing ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "absolute classic direction flawless acting superb words fall short great work definitive movie mumbai police movie stood test timesbr br om puri gives stellar performance smita patil less actors done best movie races thrilling every moment movie shakes whole badly forces rethink many issues confront societybr br this story cop om puri starts career honest man ultimately degenerates killer first attempt bollywood get behind scenes expose depressing truth mumbai cops kudos nihalani br br after movie slew bollywood movies got released exposed criminalpoliticianpolice nexus thus movie truly trend setter trend dominated hindi movie scene decade br br this movie moderate box office hit br br a mustsee discerning movie fans", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "daughters birthday month got unicorn back pack necklaceim looking attention notto seem cold ive heard dad recently gf it get better years now take responsibility actions blame nothing noone me ill try short can single air force one nightstand preganancy girl planned didnt know til years her marry september th daughter lillian born september th life begins air force marraige falling apart get cuz family theonly thing childsupport illinois child every weeks marriage ends living inlaws md family left dad tx march st watch daughter last time person shes crying march st life splintered limp tx live dad lower support illinois every weeks ex support every two weeks average paycheck without ot dollars try see daughter ex vindictive infidelity lose hope get video every often dad completely supports company father worked goes buisness gets job walmart greeter possible support now vehicle get rides junky work junky gets junked vehicle junky ride ways go work lost job months ago splurged got daughter unicorn backpack unicorn necklace ex blocks number months ago money video chat daughters birthday month mail full notices door covered apt words like vacate failure pay warrant looked mirror saw every rib bone im horrified it daughters birthday month ive caused dad n lose home cannot lower obligation warrants child support dad says hes tired one saves us saves us finds cheap trashed trailer dad says doesnt hate enough us daughters birthday month bought necklace backpack cant even mail worst all im going return get food destroy anything left today think eat couple days weigh pounds never able afford fly see never find job support long enough gain weight interview think im fucking meth wanted see daughter wanted give daughter shitty fucking dollar goddamn worthless back pack necklace cant fucking daughters birthday think may make want make til october st dont want ever think fault cant cant fucking it miss goddamn badly rips woth amount taken away dont see way dont want stared anymore dont want see dad slowly resent dont want separated daughter shitty husband shitty person shitty son brother good dad thing good at watched daughter grow sceeen listened cry ask come home kept going ling could im eithergoing die jail didnt mean soill like everytime think fucking fall apart haunting years dont see way dont want fucking sympathy pep talks im done sick hearing it really want help ever meet girl named lillian tells worthless father abandoned her tell rhat daddy loved her couldnt hold anymore nevverr forgot bought unicor bakcipack necklace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done living im dirt fucking broke cant even afford fucking coffee im used like fucking slave parents mom constantly shit her time pay me doesnt money shell pay later next thing know something doesnt pay me dont even fucking dollar name fucking friends dont even talk anymore dont even deserve them complain them try make feel better lies im sick it live parents shit deal im another nuisance take care of couldnt save five dollars save goddamn life see something want buy it moneys gone subscription comes cant afford it parents pay it owe even money already do hell sold soul id still owe money even owe money friends dont even need deal still waste money dead man sit room waste life might well dead people would better without leech them thanks reading rant whatever reason", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day nnn overall went pretty well cousins house chilling whole day done go", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone san antonio want chillsome fucks work obliterated emotions tonight make worse work considering harrassment persay first time life get invited bar drink coworker whove ive grown like were leave ducks bathroom piss decide too enter coworker stall taking shit talking shit guy neither notice standing right there first guy calls creep accusses killing dog convinces guy invited ditch lying bar were going go somewhere else instead finishes shit exits notices me thing says well im going sugarcoat it whatever fuck means hes never expressed displeasure me caught talking shit making pretty bad rumour hit pretty hard since give dog recently save money also coming back houston people stayed went logs caught them lied explaining themselves called out actually bitched not giving enough info even though bought groceries open book failed ask anything oh yeah bitch reditor use dog thread asked advice investing house im fucking crushed want good friend here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nightits like desire end things know millions methods sleep wake try show effort live im truly want freedom human suffering think ill permanently suicidal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "imagine briish accent today boom gear have ampxb hammond kills child jaguar xkr ampxb james may eats sandwich swallows cup o tea ampxb talk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jason bourne sits dusty room blood hands trying make sense hes done meanwhile cia chief nyc outlines agencys response whats happened screen american flag stands proudly centre desk foreground shot speaks slips focus plan veers morally dubious territory want associated course action government man decides necessary interests national securitybr br this shot effectively captures mood film well portraying bournes quest find became jason bourne ultimatum also examination human costs measures taken protect us interests stability securitybr br it also probably best film see cinema year br br its intense bourne says simon ross considine this newspaper story real audience almost believe him camera shakes remains steady enough see everything feel like bourne tries elude pursuers performances good guys seem though characters theyre portraying instead actors performing wellwritten roles action scenes brutally fastpaced well choreographed seem instinctive instead planned minutest movement stuntwork nothing short amazingbr br the pacing incredible keeps driving forward towards conclusion fast leaves struggling piece together plot script delivers information need quickly clearly possible moving next tense action setpiece theyre often simple the waterloo sequence essentially man phone watched man phone theyre charged dramatic intensity cant take eyes them film focused powering forwards cant help swept along itbr br with intense action setpieces brilliantly paced storyline intelligent examination decisions made name national security bourne series one accurately captures ambiguities age ultimatum peak", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "real g watch girl pay anything real gs like wait car frfr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "care anything anybody years therapist says know notmy sister got accident left almost crippled care it fault trusting legally blind bf drive freewaymy mother married alcoholic kidney issues kidneys fucked doctor sent letter stop drinking wants live years read pint hand give fucki care dead grandmother even though raised protected physically abusive mother abusive point almost beat mother protected me grandmother died even call deathbed fuck her never called mei care keeping friendships matter time get tired complainfuck everybodyfuck yoy care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question anyone know link mc server missed ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "isnt social anxiety worsti cant shit been room like years now done nothing life feel guilty fuck im burden family sometimes dont even eat days food last brother hard worker maybe good job life would easier get good job cant go college social anxiety wish wouldnt born", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one takes depression seriously think joking coming excuses failures getting harder harder day know do next year bacaloria feel like illness going make studying x times harder cannot mess bacaloria up pretty much rest life depends itsince one around seems care depression choice left treat alone see achieved treat illness alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im currently years old think ever happyim currently years old know anymore life know anymore live within group pretty big friends we around thing is many friends really hard find close one find someone talk everyday fun everyday etc always wanted best friend my best friend went japan although hes going return brazil november also always wanted girlfriend like really always wanted someone love me make feel important make feel well terrible crush experiences past felt would never girlfriend reason girl like me guess what currently girlfriend months in really cares me loves me makes feel one important person world even gave tons love letters gave shirt one picture frame us put bedroom pendant letter l both names start l lot candies she knows like chocolates valentine guess what still feel like shit im insecure everything reasons doubt her seen everything her know bitch anything always problems cheating me ending losing somehow guess would could call possessive really trying better really try to cant fucking fail man worthy her disrespect way suffered depression still do led possessive girlfriend im scared cant stop possessive matter try even though obvious give up since really loves me also started go therapies taking medications although weak really help me im weak skinny weigh around kg that would around pounds cant get fatter metabolism really crazy matter much eat like meal per day still hardly get fatter cant grow muscle all because well give going gym while leads next thing want get chest motivation anything like one day might sudden burst motivation something really good go gym like previously said good something ie drums guitar sport competitive videogames start projects week so lose motivation had therapist said always used everything easy easy me challenges appears like getting good videogame learning guitar end giving up like years cant anything cant maintain routine cant mantain healthy lifestyle this installed app would remind drink water everyday hour because rarely remember to first weeks fine like schedule give fuck anymore gave up also really affects grades highschool since create routine study everyday well exams guess what give too hardest part cant help it cant help all try best lose motivation end losing sometimes redflag thoughts appear head end considering it thing stopping devastated family girlfriend would commit it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "based fact story teenager named homer hickam jake gyllenhaal growing coal town west virginia boys usual destiny end mines homer eye sky love flying rockets dismay mineforeman father consternation townsfolk generally misfit sure three equally outcast buddies begin making rockets fly patch barren land eight miles town longer terrorize community ofttimes errant rockets unfortunately town especially homers father chris cooper thinks wasting time however people become intrigued soon start coming droves watch rocketboys send homemade missiles one teacher laura dern high school understands efforts lets know could become contenders national science fair college scholarships prize gang must learn perfect craft overcome many problems facing shoot stars director joe johnston always famous name movies jumanji jurassic park october sky surely stands films without doubts october sky best effort obviously best film true story filmed extremely well even movie every single thing required top level cinema along johnstons extraordinary direction exceptional performances jake gyllenhaal around movie released gives beautiful natural performance perfect actor chris cooper father also gives fine performance goes laura dern also looks beautiful even rest performances extremely well background score fine highly inspiring movie lifts spirit sky high one movies definitely inspires life amazing inspiring movie along loads entertainment missed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "turned guys bye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else dealing autoimmune issues feeling close edgei vasculitis cause determined autoimmune optometrist thinks may multiple sclerosis referred neuro ophthalmologist cancel appointment due expense know really multiple sclerosis theres something else happening like vasculitis affecting brain feels like endless list symptoms whats worse health issues visible like eczema petechiae vasculitis least internal hide pretend outside everythings okay im struggling winter settled in ive felt increasingly hopeless future day gone on currently im dark without even starlight im wishing wake tomorrow pondering hurting potentially killing do hard handling things remembering disappointment everyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "minecraft drug let explain family known tiger family since like st grade entire family needed get straight would punished probably one put pressure im oldest get stern talking to ive never know im afraid go near that siblings taught way difference sister allowed get bs since loved dance i dont know man brother year got mac started want streamer like dream tommy guy kinda helped thinking wasnt gonna last long oh boy it school started brother failing like ss failing sister also failing different reason mom limited minecraft kept going banned computer which used time time away still failing not bad today didnt work said video games tv starts passing thing share room grounded brothers grades still tutor siblings time time get punished isnt fair minecraft caused technically", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sandwich walks pub bar man says sorry stopped serving food ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im mother still need selfharmi started selfharm still often im suicidal attempted redflag many times experience staying er two weeks od family son family parents left me maybe left them ex husband terrible sometimes feel born suffered never felt happy life always care people think me lots scars body today hurt too like punishment still live im person deserves happy world im already cant stop selfharm know im crazy ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want do life ends anyways ruin everything everything ruin ruined me nothingnobody single reason keep trying yet able stare bottle pills research ways able to know keep trying though eventually atleast make solid attempt hope everything else want never going happen cannot kill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saying hello languages zdravo kaixo salam prshndetje hallo ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "complicated love problem crushi dont instagram snapchatjust phone number thing know her went training w found number training whatsapp group doesnt know know number would dumb say hi trought messages bcs doesnt know i also found snapchat thinkif doesnt add do confused u probably", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys gals sub seem nice wholesome im really karma felt sudden rush emotions wanted express that sub feels safe gives homely warm vibe yall seem fuckboy fuckgirl type bullying type give advice good can make us laugh help us cope nice wholesome pretty cringey stupid teenagers sub lt sub love yall take care yourselves awesome let anyone else tell otherwise xx", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actually good dayi dont know else really post this usually days school shit thought would today minutes school started realized forgot math homework also big test th period smaller one th ib school also mile run th period test around week write notes single lined piece paper since big history test forgot home thought doomed that instead day absolute shit finished work early st period finished math homework since sub math second period thought fucked mile run managed get it felt really proud since last mile well test th period parts multiple choice online test written part paper got multiple choice missing one question google forms saw grade instantly felt like also knew stuff written part th period didnt even need notes test knew stuff felt really happy uncommon also first time years got new lego sets ive always fan lego boosted mood well maybe things change maybe wont today great day me though hope someone else feels like do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bust stigma whine frank know someone else struggling help best can constantly let others know yes drown boat fits way one person reality verbalize things control less you bottom line busting stigma one feel like alone short little list work everyone totally think good reminder people like myselfand hopefully someone else take something away it anything got verbalize awhile", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im anxious moving florida feel like im going lose friends dad lost job department shut due pandemic got new one florida right im arizona friend group years im freshmen high school really dont want leave friends weve gone hell together cant think living without them dont know tell moving summer dont know going forward make sure dont forget them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel vulnerable often starting become fed living want free constant redflag depression even write this want drop dead leaving behind fears world mean going die anyway difference make happens now much admire human race also terrified it find dangerous people often average mentality hard feel threatened constantly cannot around people without whirlwind negative emotions fear sorrow anger etc perhaps spend much time social media observing people find incredibly cruel see yourself look comments section youtube video witness discourse anger flows naturally people home town large masses homeless people makes sad seeing many folks hit rock bottom seen groups teenagers beat said homeless people right front me seen people drugs yell fight stab rob seen women awful things children public without repercussions overheard people spread hatred people family members die horrible ways old classmates ended lives witnessed man try commit suicide highway swear think i know sure think saw one neighbors take child prostitute home feel like surrounded society cruelty violence reason cannot help love people however love dissuade wanting leave world childish sounds wish could born life issues nonexistent despite disturbed appalling human behavior cannot help fixate it feels like positives world want free it living terrifying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today learned friend mine apparently trans boy im okay that fact im proud brave enough able accept tell others it but came pretty big shock me kind came nowhere really seemed like girl beforehand im honestly hard time getting past shock wrong approach this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recruiting people play team fortress valve gives us major update bots go away day game called tf fps pc game made video game company valve also made halflife series really fun game main reason recruiting people start increasing monthly player number valve get us update pay attention us tf fps game different game modes payload capture point king hill capture intelligence also alternative game modes play friends mann vs machine feel like tryhard playing objective hop fort hightower server mess around friends stands now fp however fp cant use chat voice chat however easily solved buying key mannco store ingame us dollars purchase want buy stuff also gives privilege going competitive want also buy cosmetics if want dress character many tf veterans refer hat simulator amount hats cosmetics at least do need help getting game want info dm happy respond would also help joined newly created subredditgt httpswwwredditcomrreconstructingtfhttpswwwredditcomrreconstructingtf subreddit dedicated help reach new players reverse inflation caused crate depressi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reviewer already commented made tv comedy amongst best football parodies ever buthaving failed video first aired find around format ok polled votes date average seem suggest something special basically suppose case tough luck missed cos longer available view aaaaaaaargh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets swing together beautiful park sun shining", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going kill tonightfound ex cheating mo ths breakup feel ugly worthless im going slit wrists tonight die like deserve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "year things im grateful move parents house pillow know people might get perfect pillow pillows arent comfy stepdad hes around since hes actually really solid guy sense humour bit selfish think life little bit enjoyable kind find funny side almost anything tune tomorrow ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruno funny word bruno bruno bruno bruno bruno bruno", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl man would such slut would wear white shirt one size small black bra would shorts short would make self look fucking sexy would just fucking fuck everyone hell ya", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im depressed since im years old gets worsehi im native english speaker excuse faults diagnosed depressions years old im now never learned job still living mom winter last year girlfriend cheated me tried forgive ended relationship months later us made mistakes lived year january moved march stopped contacting me tried contact times day since nothing thought would ok honest went outside half year except buy food contact friends last half year either felt fine im depressed long time kinda felt good terms today tried check facebook deleted it feel like died contact months try now gone conversations her like good days happy every day since broke me thats healthy know consider redflag normal now got nothing life real friends job even chance get home go mental hospital weeks im waitlist months now know admission hospital really need someone talk new thoughts head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lostim almost year old male im average intelligence attractive people seem enioy around im mostly personable love job things great right now might getting fired tomorrow fucked up put thousand debt financing finally job liked love video games past weeks ive mostly sat computer playing anything cant get girls im picky emotional damage finally find girl like never works outnever actual girlfriend sex once also probably schizophrenia self diagnosis bullshit maybe ive tricked thinking it things constantly go well me do end hurting eventually im exhausted everything want someone actually cares me im student ive always struggled school im lazy going community college years credits despite full time know myself nothing seems work drink smoke drugs im veganits even something talk much family even know it im constantly shit random people friends really hurts something care deeply im ever happy im someone like real life friends like said earlier struggle develop romantic relationships", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok perfect movie means disagree overall imdb opinion really really bad watched lot hong kong flix s loved era dearly never saw black mask time saw last week first time apart embarrassingly poor dubbing dvd copy give option turn off movie contains raw energy bravado permeated hong kong movies time still stick guns opinion that comes action guys matter budget add element magic screen bourne supremacy casino royale mission impossible im knocking movies reckon lack spontaneity one feel regulated ever achieve it feeling filmmakers experimenting shot edited afraid leave blemishes learn lessons next time me makes watching movies fun dangerous", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired continue pointeverything pulling down im fifteen go school twice week that mute transgender taking meds anymore none helped all community service next week becoming addict cant deal stress anymore spent today writing notes people care me know everyones going hurt im already hurting making stand watch life falls apart think less painful forcing see that want hope theres something peaceful death probably not butwho knows know im going yet im thinking overdosing imagine least agonizing im sure im typing really suppose one last days record degree comforting hope everyone finds peace point life thing time around xoe out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new favorite songhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhvodnbbpu", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "filthy motherfuckers failed one god damn job hadyou absolute fucking mongoloids shadow banned guy instead offering help im sure subreddit helping people making lives worse go suck shotgun barrel see feels driven point go get shadow banned subreddit designed help people see feels access anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sharing thoughts life shit people close me family getting upset sad me try connect every day recreate bond kid dismiss get annoyed angry them dont want hurt them course feel even worse reject them get upset sad me mean lot feel like disappoint me one disappoints them disappoint myself look me dont even friends dreams dreams want creator want make something would impress viewer want photographer want cinematographer want musician want writer dont want wannabe think im chasing money fame could go back old times money amp fame none it suck everything want money fame take away problems family would choose family friends want famous like them friends post malone lil peep milkavelli could go on unnecessary want like them parents proud feel good themselves unreal real friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " xans alcoholwhy hard kill yourself ive attempts now years old shit never gets better chronic pain anxiety plus depression seems like im shit even killing myself took around xans half bottle vodka woke hospital days later flu week straight huh im still suicidal still wish dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little sister came room got made went outside back mom told look something like room frustrated since annoyed went backyard came back noticed phone missingi know knew password since keep mine remember easieri told mom tell little sister give phonethen little sister shows tell know phone telling give backshe started talking shit normally would ignore depressedbut started talking could hear voice almost sounded like wanted cry kept trying defend myselfmy sister used wayshe used nice everyone liked acting like better everyonesometimes psychotic way tone voice getsmy dad died maybe sleepi everyone since want left alone like looking since rude anythingi know deserve pain long time already hard happy already people acknowledge mental state makes worse embarrassing got hurt little sister", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cliff trainwhich one would choose get cliff foot drop train station high speed trains go every morning", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "diagnosed bipolar disorder chronic major depression basically crazy bridge burner episodes honestly thought getting better taking meds managing mood swings enjoying time alone mainly stayed away forming friendships expecting cycle happen again eg losing friends burning bridges episodebut exfriend past messages pretty much hell bent bringing virgos vicious done cry fest hour telling horrible human wanting diesometimes sometimes wish friend could tell suffering sad scared lonely wish dead need comforting words telling okay get better want someone listen know pain handle suffering alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im birthday party people dislike hope get drunk enough go iti really wish could go home cry sleep without offending anybody reason nobody host really wants even seem like invited unwillingly want go club afterwards feel uncomfortable tag along even though part plan popular club means prices high people pretty snobby elitist room dancing people furious slightly touch accident feels like economic statement activity one fun meanwhile im supposed go looking like abomination horror movie thats putting effort looks disgusted sheer sight hideous body without even talked and im sure would make things worse problem is promised somebody could crash place flat mates uptight either go get apartment trust enough give keys either wish said cant come unfortunately im sucker social interaction take opportunity not many probably makes worse even pretty much know theyll make miserable that ive realised yet another reason life waste resources achieved anything im liked anywhere everything destined fail straightup feel cursed point intention continue living life whatsoever tried ending life once unfortunately survival instincts seemed kick in wish knew turn off would make things much easier actually im waste least waste recycled cant be im actually worse trash", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know doive never posted before know do im yearold girl even know begin ive eating disorder since really begin get bad th grademy mother responded getting angry threatening me forced recover still struggle presently switch periods starving cutting myself going senior year high school pressured pick college apply to know make big decision know do want fall miserably boring career teacher encourages go art school saying im good enough go art center risd stand failing parents treating i told so mentality see future holds anything me scared going alone license drive yet attributes extremely low feelings self worth parents seemed eager help twin brother get license even bought carbut never seem willing help me wish would help me know ask it lack mobility alienate friends fear judge me push people away like myself boys express interest dating discourage want responsible happiness another cant imagine anyone liking even find repulsive basic issues right now even begin address everything else goes head everything overwhelming me understand people deal lives hard me want go another year misery think redflag often easy access mg prescription sleeping pills bottles prescription antidepressants could overdose easily also okay slitting wrists femoral artery sorry long thanks read all needed say something ive never talked anyone before friends even know hadhave eating disorder even though ive never eaten lunch beforeand parents oblivious guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey look birthday finally get change fuckin flair", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im uselesshaving panic attack", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get live flike hole literally thing gives brain slightest bit dopamine serotonin porn life sucks way even surviving rich roommate putting roof head feeding you used want things life goals sort realize goals never end happening idk get motivation want go try something life like going come back point like always does mental hospitals years happy long time honest partner left half year ago really helped much ether jobless since last december ran away friends family halfway across country literally motivation anything outside sexual stuff least makes feel slightly good awhile hell body would sell hah though blessed great looks sure posting tbh sitting redflag hotlines website hours que talk someone saying fuck worth waiting on yeah idk end this peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel socially romantically validated end year im going either jump thfloor apartment window stab death hang myself overdose sleeping pillsenough enough ive tried fitting year old aspergers since years ive anxious good enough fitting in friends popular finding girlfriend destroyed sense selfworth identity became persona hate never wish grow back into ive recently started discover am even that sucess attending normal elementary school somewhat functioning kids made people validate fitting in normal kids based still base value person that want confident want sucessful anxious time wanna go parties nonsocial outcasts get drunk girl find hot attractive sweet caring girlfiriend loves me finds funny one nice to make laugh take places fall asleep couch watching movies together im unatheletic short country im average height guys highpitched voice plain somewhat ugly face girl ever said looked hot ive never gf wanna normal tell wait until someone comes along that years way im sticking around long fuck that ive suffered enough im gonna go ardeous selfimprovement shit like that id rather die goal life take suicidal friends me position me hope people like us ive lived long enough parents peoples hopes expectations me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suppose im pathetic thenim young adult god hoping id make this fifteen midlife crisis made deal things gotten better time thirty id end life later line realized ridiculous seventeen committed mental hospital three times eighteen mother passed away due cancer senior year high school when seventeen really pushed edge eleven learned redflag could fact balls sort person living for loved lot family living my father wife exwife since siblings always good time feel like cant anything anymore major depressive disorder general anxiety im medicated see therapist every couple weeks feel im getting anywhere lately safest serene place life bed even im sleeping sort laying there imagining better world im twenty years old imaginary friends way go college job moment applied local community college per request father even though im pretty sure im going absolutely horrible cant even take shower every week going keep classes sleep maybe twenty hours day may bit stretch feels like sometimes think dad side late certainly proven true see dad met woman now fiance okcupid dating site english professor seems high high standards everyone seven yearold daughter who complete brat slightly ruining life much yells cant deal says bullshit ugh want get much suppose know dad tells certain things around thoughts kid learn deal things like censored around not like im cussing saying explicit things around her practically demands play piano read books she rarely watches tv too whatever even goes ohsofancy private school hate say stereotypical crap dads fiance taiwanese im beginning wonder highass standards anything it im familiar taiwanese culture be anyway think high standards rubbing dad used really give shit chill felt like shit time asks apply classes volunteer stuff honestly feel overwhelmed want even look either im incapable things want do went university fall drop due sort meltdown third time ended mental hospital also constant migraines least three four week leave sick nearly bedridden job month leave that too managers understand migraines make ill guess needed work getting migraines control anyway basically feeling exact except worse cant get job whatever fucking reason ive applied nearly every store area even consider bit far away know wrong one wants hire me thanksgiving overheard dad telling fiance just cant get job assume means bothering getting job never talks directly dad know cares either im kid okay first im finding extremely difficult even tolerate her horrible brat child make easier sometimes think love dad times outright hate him one time ate oreos package i developed issues binge eating recently sucks couple years ago straightup called pathetic right face package oreos gotten today text saying ridiculous chores around house agree him ridiculous im fucking depressed hell barely get ass bed yeah maybe dishes takes minutes even want walk downstairs eat something which comfortable ultimately survive dishes suck entire bag dicks id rather lay bed die right now thanks dad obviously goddamn issues always acts like im pretty sure problems stem his vivid memory laying bed very young in elementary school cough yelled stop coughing cant come problem become upset me believe complete asshole know get woman like ever im person to even yells younger brothers four eight nearly nine cant bear see treat like that know feels clam frightening yelled someone bigger you supposed love care you instead screams stupid shit like oreos fuck him wish could move out think would make lot anxiety dissipate right im walking eggshells fathers fiance apparently thinking like which dont say hi her also lied dad told never thanked borrowed car cars battery dead able sleep thank something like that explicitly remember going office thanking her saying youre welcome know heard me just ugh cant make good money right cant get fucking job even though ive trying forever dad wonders want get job instead going college whatever cant handle fulltime classes disqualifies living campus anywhere believe id like get job room friends itd hell lot easier heart here migraines oh god migraines happen least twice week get worse near menstrual cycle used get month around time debilitating would puke puke hours theyre manageable still point actually function one help neurologist wants schedule appointments every three months six months time want life move on like this thanks sometimes feel good something little like dad calling pathetic sets like this know im completely irrational honestly cant help it thats irrational like rabbits hole me dad says im ridiculous people house his fiance daughter literally people house pitch money chores guess cant give money barely chores makes useless piece shit ive disconnected friends wish stayed contact with hard time approaching people hard keep touch dad acted like supportive really doubt that think ever get better see future myself occasionally im able see cute sensitive wise even smart times right one times productive useful never list qualities ive trying get better change situation working even told dad ive feeling like shit recently long drawnout text therapist called heartfelt think took seriously thought bitching fiance id get it well still gotten it now worried enough pills actually million seems may tonight kind feel like sobbing bed sleeping comfortably one time love sleeping thanks reading summary im depressed right point want sleep day barely get bathe even eat live father fiance seem supportive slightest ive trying best get job move least something im pathetic and own eyes everywhere applied turned down especially want this otherwise here mind very long time guess good time any", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like ending todayi feel lonely absolutely nothing gone right life years distanced abusive family certain times choice around them watching acting happy normal regard pain remorse theyve treated breaking me like never value them years time love put init matter care emotional state care alone am actually laugh ignore presence like even exist like added nothing lives nothing go right people supposed love dont for years trying whats right life avail one wants me one love im even sure love myself im weird stupid insecure lonely misfit deserve die prolong it got pills could today theres nothing left wait for edit update many compassionate people took one pill far twice dose im eyeing others get drowsy enough witnessed sister berate sick father said noticed scratches car since used it hit multiple times tried hide it really bad scratches evident cried screamed told would die leave old iron there nmom trip fast enough comfort her saying dad devil uncaring hes not trying stand soft spoken manner stop recklessly driving vehicle went make sure alright shaking bad kept worrying another stroke talked softly things stopped crying able eeat lunch worry much seem care health care wellbeing selfishness would kill himwho would take care him yet want die bad today want take pills go sleep go away maybe would join soon idk want take care him one takes care im dying im dying want let go know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "vote next server ruler httpsstrawpollcomophkxy pham ui_use_calator vilko upamutaligator sami usamisamisamisamiaaml sean unot_otmels_alt ben uwreckless haden utotalpower yair upookthebannedlegend participate probably end year school lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im year old man cut myselfi even know tbh nothing me yet find unable fight urge incredibly embarrassing since considered year old emo girls attention fuck wrong me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want much you please take care bipolar strike like snake warning easily triggered beastly yelling rage maniahappiness somewhere cant sleep forced use everything known mankind force sleep talent ever yet think desire much failure everywhere anytime try fix go doctor step forward always steps pushed back denied disability court jan health insurance year working still nothing even got go doctor chances getting drug would work could still work would erase fact live since alienated everyone cant stay am enough money go anywhere options backed corner today day planning done alienating complete bankruptcy discharged close enough medical insurance still new improved snail mail zero concerns thats fall tried everything failed doesnt matter took responsibility gave tried failed told doctors therapists years racing mind could sleep doesnt help blame blame doesnt matter anymore hurt much numb cant think write want explain many times mind comes never sounds right years suffering would keep happening many people system doesnt work read many times young people know grandmothers died age said didnt get treatment have lot worked work well forced work drugged side effects family empathy ive said goodbye bed shower many last special meals nothing seems special anymore thats it ballot mail box hope dems wins last thoughts sat one came stop me expecting anything different except real ending finally thank memes lot good people there love other forgive can try seek revenge mental illness terrible get help soon can know someone suffering need help isolating let them die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want drink goes awayi feel stupid good night tonight hate it want want redflag want over im weak hurts even morei cant even bring commit redflag want over im weak make end im lazy spoiled stubborn even fix use ive given actually life waste all want give up want drink goes away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "right warn parents child going kill themself know friend going kill tommorow warn parents ahead time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im slowly pushing everyone away im giving upthis like second post reddit believe anyone actually see even give crap mum left siblings brothers sisters im second youngest left father cheated many women knew abusive drug addicted alcholic left regardless saw time time earliest memory think mum dad arguing im longer live dad mum back full time damage already done ive self harming months think depression anxiety cant control anger possibly ptsd anger gotten lot trouble past still does believe reason friends hang theyre scared me little sister who recently came gay told wanted tell that gay lot sooner kept thinking back stupid gay joke made anyone got far thanks guess anyone one wants hear dm whatever written mobile sorry mistakes whatever bye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "noi fucking school talked counselor anxiety studied ass week exams started get studying fucking average said good student fuck you talk counselor posted rdepression cant this go days without eating cuz never feel hungry anymore wake thinking killing ending bullshit know what no im going fucking chop fat hoarding head throw fucking dean bitch study teachers act like care issues no fail even though bust balls studying well know what ill give taste motherfuckers still exams tomorrow lost motivation well able still hope id get decent grades kept studying know anymore fuck planet want fall asleep never wake up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "laying wrists cut open struggling feel anything all many nightskill really okay dying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last post gun handi cant anymore believe nothing ever change shit like cancer gets hold you done ill admit fault like im gonna point fingers someone else decided gonna end life december love christmas time god damn cant wait anymore im drinking got left smoking got left listening whatever liked check time seriously wish everyone luck god awful torment face everyday maybe something change you life us yeah goodbye everyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "throwaway account partner follows main account might compromised too reasons explain sooni currently living immigrant eu country i hail another continent since years fianci health issues mental physical prevent working since years ago credflag clinical depression burnout chronic pain due severe injuries received really speak language well partly took year become fluent covid happened went months without seeing human cashiers market partner lost lot proficiencyi saying bad person isolating me best take care me just lost much freedom here unhappy one really takes need help seriouslyi contact family anymore one parents dangerous controlling abused since childhood like abusers parent projects great public persona divided rest family either support side me family cut contact prevent drama parent person tried stalk threaten speak abuse point finding people worked years ago using messengersas might guess became overprotective privacy functionally much social media presence anymore take pictures even talk former friends much also friends eitheri know parent stalked found social media accounts tried find addresses move another place no idea manage even found landlord info twice years despite another country imagine bad person moved continents get away themi trying get therapy here partner thinks unnecessary unneeded expense cannot get treatment chronic pain reasons cannot even speak pain killers without treated like addict housei probably fucked coming probably never done anyone friends family anyone help me place call home return to feel alone trapped isolated miss human contact much remember last time spoke another human cashier wish could escape to nowherei keep hearing voice head telling kill hurt anymore able rest might even lonelier might better pain free so longi afraid messing know face retaliation things just somehow worse everyday prison see kitchen knives wish could slice dice oblivion escape thisi france going suggest local hotlines not already tried back guy told this beyond level hung me intrusive dark thoughts isolated country nowhere return", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel uselessi feel like nobody likes me ive never felt suicidal several months idk whats happened service dog still feel point life future get worse here go therapy therapist vacation going vacation wont therapy long time want vent real life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone feel like world ending someone leaves you friend years told want want friends want end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure talk tohey so im kind circling drain failed everything job girlfriend left me family disappointed told family wanted marry leaves again blame her know im trying say here late guess wanted tell somebody turn in please turn in wanted tell somebody goodnight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fall break gamers find something weeks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god hate people treat me people treat better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happened redflag attempthad one moments realization knew actually dont want die mad sad didnt work out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill dont want thati want daydream happy things want able open people close want able live normal life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aaaaa think im kidney stone jacked much dick home fire whatevers happening hurts like crazy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fish seggs like bloop britney stop moving much bloop bloop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie among favorite foreign films others amilee life dog similarities movies many great foreign films takes mundane slice life transforms profound heartfelt lesson br br in japan man bored mundane life rut married life sees beautiful japanese woman staring window dance studio instant takes train pass enthralled her beauty faraway glance connection discover share br br shall dance memorable wonderful characters deal painful realities transcending world dance breaking traditional moulds stereo types japanese society risk happiness find joy far away one movies magical meaningful and itself transcends mundane showing true magic miracle life be", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make custom alarm got audio would perfect alarm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember makes happy even really good moments really good days lately know them cannot remember them hate feeling everythings reach cannot remember things made happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never thought could bad dying someone bad livingive many times keep saying im lucky every time try fail in lack effort holes researchplanning might add know matter program pill baseless optimism push immediately im found turned inits waste effort resources ive said before feel incompatible life desire relationship job tedious draining employees clue different lights dim night im executing routine daily numbing nights weekends drugs get mad say ive enough want out genuinely notice absence", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "envious redflagive always loner weird quirks made hard make sustain friends ive never weak minded ive always prided much body endure matter heavy weight is usually lift feelings recently ive hearing deaths accidental redflag dont really know im envious ones go it ive dark thoughts feelings couldnt act faith longing effect gets stronger days roll by", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "choccy milk ampxb httpspreviewredditkcrtvijnjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfdaeedcafcaaabc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sex cool all would never able redeem eyes holy father stay pure shall punished sins", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys little sister knows smoke weed going stuff idk mustve saw used filters rolling papers like you traitor stuff like asthma acting up honestly really annoyingfunny parents already know smoke mainly started got stash probably figured out plug school still sometimes go stash im running really low moral story keep trash trash also never told parents ik know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing watch im watching hxh want something new watch give something watch fillerfillerfillerfiller", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanting die ability kill urselfcan anyone else relate literally wanted die long remember really enjoy life feel attempting enjoy around genuinely exhausted point want keep going however several attempts finding unable go anything myself anyone else ever feel way idk literally want hit truck something way home work never works way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna join group chat pm comment wanna join terrible site", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want feel safe again possible here wish wake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "believe it want pull trigger cant deal knowing unknown ahead time fucked lolive reading posts forum past weeks breaks heart time get weird feeling comfort knowing one wants commit redflag planning redflag quite based many different events happened life feel really want go it bought gun new sig mm legion guess want go style also want make sure bullet maximum destruction ive read enough human anatomy base brain know want aim gun practiced putting gun mouth pulling trigger however cant get brain accept real bullet condition able pull trigger think im afraid happens next tell next basically nothingness exist anymore thought seems illogical cant comprehend nonexistence anyone else problems way getting past instinctive need survive thanks readinglistening", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh boy sure love spending time alone vulnerable spot like big window near lots strategic sniping spots oh wow cool really hope get killed cal clean shot skull would shame", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help trans guy hi name aki im trans guy ive emotional problems people using birth name anyone could comment something anything saying something name it even hi aki would make happy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want livei lost friends cycle depression negative thoughts tommorow day gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im depressed alcoholic im ready diedepression scrapes surface im diagnosed ocd bpd every single day feels like living hell dont think keep going like this lot issues main diagnosis include severe social anxiety bordering agoraphobia major depression im sick living like this thing keeping alive right family dont want put that part feels like theyd better though mental health become debilitating last years cant even work turned mooch grandparents live cant function like normal human being ive tried therapy medication nothing helps feel lost stuck getting current situation point do failed college mental illness live small town finding job almost impossible social anxiety makes even daunting cant hardly even go grocery store point dont know point feel helplessness like im drowning way out im stuck thoughts waking moments way get relief alcohol hard see light end tunnel feel deep id better dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im meant heretheres much wrong feel like here im short unnatractive needy self confidence laughed girls appearance feel dead like outline walking substance hate myself hate lost genetic lottery want anymore belong", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "the movie tells tale prince whose life wonderful evil wizard tells go town disguised beggar wizard locks prince soon becomes shadow ruler baghdad jailed prince meets thief called abu helps escape jail head town called basra meets princess falls madly love with unbeknown evil wizard jafa also love princess tries convince father allow marry her jafa soon learns prince trying win girls heart makes blind turns abu dog leads prince abu going adventure find way defeat jafa restore peace baghdad marry princess journey encounter everything sarcastic genies takes abu flight clouds giant spider thats really hungry flying horse probably gives birth one beautiful sequence old eyes mine ever seenbr br this pure fantasy movie start finish flying horses genies flying carpets wizards actually magic instead hit people staffs cheesy moments love story waste time production designs stunning movie palaces different dangerous traps heroes encounter even though movie years old production design far better crap gets tacked todays cinema music songs also well done anyone sees doubt hail i want sailor sailing seas one great musical moments movies im usually huge fan singing movies since find enjoyable taxes ill happy make exception moviebr br what sells movie sheer fact get see things see everyday life also reason love stuff like two towers silent hill way todays modern fantasy movie came along realistic cgi blow minds movie blew mind without green screen scattered place one favorite shots two towers one see trolls opening black gates main appeal shot seeing great fantasy beings essentially manual labor thats love genie creatures movie theyre trying make living like everyone else gives real feel even though theyre fantasy beingsbr br its literally impossible watch movie notice makers aladdin got inspiration characters movie pretty much characters movie talkative genie right flying carpet entirely bad thing eyes since nice know im one planet deep passionate love amazing movie first saw kid motherland thought greatest thing world upon watching last week still think amazing thats true testament great movie withstand test time sure effects look wee bit outdated cheesy made way back s give break everything looks outdated though since stuff still hold today scrutinized todays standardbr br if ever wanted see live action version aladdin get wish angry cynical bunch probably good avoiding since cup tea", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi everyone trying make form workout colour associated different emotions could take moment fill form would super helpful ok reason taking lighting drama gcse course need info different emotions associate colours drama piece working on could click link fill form would amazing httpsformsofficecompagesresponsepageaspxidktlcdohlukxnkfjgfzqzckudndipwisksswvunprsjumplotzfukyvrioffrmxknsu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hit missed guessed always missed huh hit missed guessed always missed huh keep boyfriend bet doesnt kiss ya mwah gon found another girl wint missed ya gon skrrt hit dab appreciation wiz khalifa hit missed guessed always missed huh keep boyfriend bet doese kiss ya mwah gon found another girl wint missed ya gon skrrt hit dab appreciation wiz khalifa hit missed mwah bbbet doest kiss ya mwah guessed always missed huh mwah hit missed mwah bbbet doest kiss ya hit dab appreciation wiz khalifa played taking balls appreciation fifa win level youre leader ooh use worked upon whataburger currently pop pussy warner brothers hit missed guessed always missed huh keep boyfriend bet doesnt kiss ya mwah gon found another girl wont missed ya gon skrrt hit dab appreciation wiz khalifa hit missed mwah bbbet doest kiss ya mwah guessed always missed huh hit missed mwah bbbet doest kiss ya mwah gon skrrt hit dab appreciation wiz khalifa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "regarding on post me posts comment raid shadow legends im pretty sure started influx posts bad __", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lorna greenjanine reynaudis performance artist wealthy intellectuals local club falls prey fantasies promise romantic interludes turn murder kills believe sex horizon quite possible that form hypnotic suggestion someonea possible task master pulling strings like puppetis guiding lorna killing comes across secluded places appears lovemaking begin murders within fantasies committed lorna awakens bewildered often clueless privy within dreams ever took place realitybr br if someone asked describe particular work franco id say elegant difficult now probably read user comments befuddled film about since large portion takes place within surreal atmosphere dream franco mentioned interview heavily influenced godard early career far filmmaking style deciding abandon clear narrative structure favor trying create whole different type viewing experience and read reaction user comments heresome like decision others find style labouring dull bewildering ill first admit film head even franco himself quizzed critics watched succubus admitted even understand film directed it might say succubus merely precursor admired work venus furs considered masterwork francofaithful also adopts surreal dreamlike structure protagonist truly know whether heshe experiencing something real imagined sense like protagonist experiencing type confusioncertainly succubus unconventional filmmaking given keys exactly going on and great deal elusive dialogue help matters succubus also populated beatnik types poetspeak cormans film a bucket blood poked fun at personal favorite scene teases possible lesbian interlude lorna woman meets posh partyquite bizarre fantasy sequence mannequins used rather unusually great locations jazz scorei liked film myself although understand receive negative reaction loved one scene posh party lorna wee bit drunk writhing floor gorgeous evening gown others attending shindigequally wastedrush embrace kisses", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tampai moved tampa fl good job moved becalms last job stressful cant take more want impress parents sister cant anymore decideded end it sorry spelling errors im give upn im drunk give up rthanjks reddit great time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "horny horny", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im literally steps killing myselfthats far bedroom bottle pills cabinet takes pills extra strength tylenol cause liver failure id take probably cant keep this cant keep going person matters care person matters even old enough talk please want die cutting helping anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new group chat teenagers made sub two group chats come join lets talk stuff rteentalks_ link httpswwwredditcomrteentalks_ join invite people talk brand new running couple days support", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot anymore breaking point cannot talk family want worry cannot talk mother already tried recall mom saying something like we depressed here words wanted hear hearing words felt sharp pain heart cannot really talk father drunk cannot talk siblings mean much me cannot make worry me would break heart cannot talk friends lost long time ago lost friends wanted isolate them kill would hurt less haha remember even telling best friend time this hope forgot me live life peacefully without me feeling years shake off honestly wish me thanks read whole thing cannot anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice needed last post give anything go im reposting sent crush picture snapchat get streaks going them day half since responded send pic else", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive legitimately considering latelyim still live home super depressed car job schooling motivation get things hate everything myself dad emotionally abusive mom ignores care brother old enough need anymore cant picture going further could snap fingers able drive anxiety keeps so cant go therapy things might better cause could get job go college obviously cant happen rope closet keeps getting closer closer way shitty life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "often see peole tell depressed people open people trust reach help loved ones exactly that tell parents suffering depression years hiding them even know believe respond positively get mad depressions despite things provided food shelter someone pls tell open people depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl class asked and said really cute nice people also need anyone early send screens chat friend told everyone getting bullied think thats bs tf wpuld get bullied like someone yeah thats", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say somethingim running short time lifes miserable full endless problems solution weep cry ive already endured enough point crying become every day occurrence im emotionally exhausted write essay long reason im like this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "told crush loved her said friend big deal thought would happen way kinda sad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls issue guys love men theyre nice handsome gorgeous kind them like night stuff still cross street im waking see man automatically get scared strange man looks me feel really guilty know guys arent like that anyone else", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats better gonna delete post later need help first care anyones feelings think me led enjoy hurting people physically mentally guilt ill want matter immoral ill execute everything way cause significant damage life hate everything self acknowledge stuff ive done doing depressed isolate myself hurt myself regret waking feel tired time wait day end every day options have theres thing alternative me im already terrible person never change hurt people closest me never kids partner anyway please help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "racism native communities us canada extremely downplayed western world seen rise antihate movements incredible indigenous peoplenative people often left powerful movements americans canadians tend forget sitting stolen land day native communities subject many forms racism bearing brunt climate crisis horrific", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always hate myselfidk coming tbh nowhere else go apologize ill try swear though hard im pretty sure tell spots changed swear word reason feel need let stuff out guess one talk to fault unlikable people friends ended hating ignoring eventually everyone stops talking mei make mistakes every single day hit itin two spots basicallyif use right hand hit right side head use left hand hit left side headi know everyone going find hard believe think talking like depressed person hate good reason cant break curse life stupid constantly making mistakes get absolutely pissed cant help hit myself even make mistake second ill calm say its fine big deal next thing know cant control im really feeling pissed screwing send flurry punches face scream top lungs calling kinds namesand since im alone day sit back think much weirdo freak amthere many reasons hate myselfbut basically always screw find way make mistakes get troublei tell things hate ill watch get horrified andor laugh head much loser point proven really piece crap well goes ive never kissed girl gf idk even ride bike took years learn tie shoes watch porn time grown insane fetishes ruin relationships ive ever anyone ever friends one point eventually come realize loser stop talking me im always freaking idiot never took anything seriously always ahole class clown school spend life computer fail everything cant thing right screw literally everything imaginable like takes multiple freaking tries flip light switch always forget something andor wrong sweat time constantly wipe off pick nose eat freaking forced pick cant breath otherwise always position blow nose wipe something get rid eat it form blankets body pillow something cuddle night lonely virgin loser ive completely embarrassed public front many people scared go see someone knows past several years stayed house total shut hiding everybody go sweaty nervous scared watch better people loving couples happy together literally think i hate myself hate myself hate myself scream lungs often punch head treated pets like crap entire life nothing procrastination waiting day finally kill worthless self job diploma license even permit everything fault lazy worthless stupid sack dog s cant thing cant cook cant play sports cant anything sit computer day every day try smoke weed much possible since hobby require skillactually think even suck even like cant take big hit last long all entire life weird problem gagging puking easily forced stay away dentist worst teeth world deformed tongue worst stretch marks anyone ever seen im overall ugly ass piece s basically told someone redflag forum website plus course weirded wanted nothing me trust way embarrassing stuff get tell want though ask privatei guess trying prove right hating telling people watch get totally freaked laugh see along right truly loser need die even old friend let hate dad told commit redflag finally understood human amthe reason kill love smoking weed much live every second life based fastest way get weed right trying get job probably fail drug test tbh kind hoping excuse end lifewell even livei know never going like simply cant stop beating whenever make mistake time freaking deserve loneliness never someone love killing watch people know get gfs get laid lonely loser one freak good enough girl watching happy couples time absolutely tears apart want kill worthless self sorry making long least think pretty interesting anyone wants see true loser feel better themselves doubt anyone even going read whatever entire life wasting time anyways guess matter please prove point laugh know sure pathetic weirdo loser die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "osu players subscribe friend hes pretty decent think idk dont play osu jist want help https wwwyoutubecomchannelucpcohigfogrpsscwjhmva", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get bf breaking ive damn sad wanna cry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life no every morning wake sleeping six hours cuz spring foward ruatine chug like mean shotgun monster rehab literally use rehab cuz carbination cuz body like f u pain anyways thanks coming ted talk kill ne", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously helpim good emotional stuff friend contemplating whether died would anyone family friends care want see anyone help help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im stressed want kill front customersi hate working holidays retail much makes want scream hate customers hate dealing them hate entitled snobby attitudes have hate right end getting table clothes clean clueless asstart decides mess again hate customers either cannot read receipts return date imply im idiot cant job way like it store messy right want gut open one box cutters feel stressed feel like may puke pass second barely time mentally emotionally recharge goddamn job grateful coworkers nice hate dealing customers hate forced put fucking extroverted attitude please goddamn customers literally almost snapped one yesterday rude told return policy tried return something bought year ago dont know much take point given chance guts id kill front goddamn customers push breaking point whether directly rude mess something cleaned up want cry guess crying professional end breaking front coworkers want tell boss feel mentally emotionally well would possibly mean either going hospital told nutshell suck up ive working much havent time eat much need to wouldnt surprised end losing weight goddamn holidays point wouldve been screw fucking money health important no want able afford rent bills throw goddamn sanity shitter fake it end working much fucking possible push much end breaking dont know much take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "adulting mean therapist friend feel lost friends moved diff countryamp friends back home understand anymore amp friends america feel take granted look share something vulnerable feel alone time friendships adulting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idea giving birth scary pls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since puberty comfortable naked males sure exactly why ended using shorts showering mostly physical training seeing naked males makes uncomfortable like girl trapped male body lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nearly two weeks since attempt feeling awfuli cant first attempt parents really wish succeeded feelings back worse way getting out completely isolated hopeless wish taken pills able take jump", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "resent people keeping hereim angry loved ones reason able kill myself cant justify hurting them im waiting get bad enough point care anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom getting really aggressive strict taking away things comfort me close relapse want die know want it feel like sign time die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend sjw gonna rant post sorry friend watching film happened monday online criticism _insane_ like would say ewww misogyny look soldiers _men_ seriously come on trivial enjoy goddamn film time either near end ruin ending saying ugh patriarchy theyre women gives fuck said nobody cares one fucking does theres worse things going right men soldiers women nurses saying watching much tiktok instagram activist really boosts saviour complex honestly aware things unethical consumption capitalism thats fine thats good cause advocate climate change gender roles yes women soldiers men nurses film reality mirror reality slightest goodness sake kill kids movie worrying progressiveness background acting casting fuck off please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "byeyou could king street sweeper end day dance grim reaper life worst gift ever received good night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goal life kill myselfthats it im longing friendsa partnera career anymore im able make meaningful connections anyone as cliche sounds nobody understands feel im tired surface level bullshit dont start talking depressed soon meet someone new im planning work ass find better job like yeah fill emotional void material things satisfactory feeling doesnt last long anyway survive current salary thats matters me ive enough trauma abuse im curious life offer anymore price ill pay even suffering dont wanna deal depression chronic illness puts pain almost every single day anymore sense purpose dreams besides dying thats way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont shit post piss post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knew dowdy queen victoria plump monarch virtual recluse years death husband prince albert actually led life fraught drama intrigue younger days the young victoria chronicles young queens romance husbandtobe also pretty good job detailing political machinations surrounding ascent thronebr br the act setup draws right away following death victorias father duke kent less year victorias birth duchess kent eventually hooked former army officer john conroy offered services comptroller widow infant queentobe conroy insisted victoria raised atrocious kensington system rules designed prevent future queen contact children growing up whats more victoria forced sleep mothers bedroom everyday became queenbr br the film explains parliament passed regency act established victorias mother would become regent and hence guardian event victoria acceded throne still minor time duchess conroy tried intimidate hapless princess insisted sign papers making conroy private secretary treasurer strongwilled victoria would none it refused go along conroys mothers nefarious plans duchess disliked king william regarded philanderer brought disrespect monarchy king felt duchess disrespected wife result duchess attempted limit victorias contact king overthetop scene seemed actually occurred history king berated duchess birthday banquet stating goal survive victoria reached th birthday mother would become regentbr br king william kept word died short time victoria became eligible accede throne victoria took revenge mother support conroy blamed making childhood miserable banished secluded apartment buckingham palace number years victoria little contact motherbr br the young victoria conveys excitement pomp circumstance surrounding victorias coronation queen good part film deals victorias relationship lord melbourne whig party prime minister unfortunately depicted film much younger actually was beginning melbourne gains young queens trust become good friends early years reign sees melbourne progressive later loses respect somewhat hes revealed typical politician hiding contempt masses hes supposed championing reality melbourne father figure victoria film hints sexual tension prime minister prince albert though romantic rivalsbr br the plot thickens melbourne forced queen must commission sir robert peel conservative tory party new prime minister film chronicles events the bedchamber crisis peel resigned victoria refused replace bedchamber ladies wives tory politicians film leaves another scandal involved lady hastings one duchesss ladiesinwaiting accused affair john conroy becoming pregnant him hatred conroy victoria contributed nasty rumors spread hastings alleged pregnancy turned out hastings appeared pregnantwhat actually abdominal tumor victorias inexperience shows bedchamber crisis films scenarists ignore unsavory aspects character evidenced hastings affairbr br the rest the young victoria deals course romance queen prince albert victoria kept albert waiting film makes clear since wanted acclimate duties new sovereign spent good deal time corresponding one another albert returned england gave victoria support trying times bedchamber crisisbr br i find good number parallels prince albert prince philip current queens husband philip mainly danish went school germany inlaws german background albert philip made business reform etiquette court theres great scene albert discovers servants still setting table king george iii even though dead years alberts struggle philipas husbands monarchs find something do albert philip became involved various civic projects proved live continually shadow everpopular wivesbr br fortunately theres excellent scene toward end film albert infuriates victoria perceives interference affairs albert want second bedchamber crisis goes wifes head arranges compromise involving victorias bedchamber ladies victoria barely talking albert assassins bullets almost cuts in film albert shot arm never happenedbr br the performances film uniformly excellent especially principals emily blunt rupert friend young victoria ends rather abruptly closing credits lean much toward hagiography no mention victorias depression alberts death victoria still engaging drama fascinating history lesson", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thing keeping going alive tiny puppy becoming thin threadi process planning end life one day family member brought home puppy ever since hes reason waking still struggling helped ease numbing pain yet thoughts coming back me ideas redflag returning alarming rate feel incredibly lost lifegoing motions feeling terrifying me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag hotlines garbagefor first time life used crisis center fucking joke is parrot emotions back like talking robot you seem frustrated im sensing lot anger so feel burden never using shit again im better deed bad im already drunk home alone would go drive train tracks wanna kill anyone else driving", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "janurary th supposed dayi going day yet am planned out spent weeks nailing every detail yet woke up no surprise there things looking up coping happy even am sqaure one started planning again hopefully ill see time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont really knowi think posted couple times im exhausted sad numb cant concentrate anything lose focus time cant basic tasks feel like im losing myself like im trying hard hold cant get back up theres even particular reason unis super great great friends im difficulty whatsoever feels like sadness really really deep eating me tonight drank lot reason numb numbness never ever fact scared me know talk want get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "telling jokes corona gone day theres joke time never rob bank pig always squeal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking lifei hate work cant stand it hate myself im still living parents think avpd im tired scared fix life im depressedsuicidal years now addicted weed sometimes alcohol times took ecstasy rave even home depression anxiety much worse since then social skills terrible im lost know do feel detached world im highdrunk time playing videogames listening music room im work cant stop selfdestructive behavior care health wellbeing friends gone im trapped inside head life feels like neverending nightmare years weed made worse too without feel like im dead inside want die nothing matters anymore easy im trapped fucking dystopian society kill soon swear cant stand wage slave life im dumb change it probably want to lost literally hope redflag feels like option left like since high school nothing cant save me know it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lots people mylife love care still feel empty alone every day wake up feel hopeless lost feel afraid trapped mind dread waking everyday wish something control would kill already hate alive miserable everyday live want live see world much offer like this feel guilty wanting die people want live cannot hope family one day understand hopefully forgive acknowledge pain going through feeling alone right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im kinda sad ive binging walking dead first time watching it finished last episode season shi getting juicy find gotta wait till end april earliest end summer latest come netflix release season already", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want see film guns blood sex shouting angry people hero bad guys girls even clumsy love words want see film every shot meaning love one must see film ive waiting film like life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone seen followed hartleys public work several years think much used fiction told true stories elevated obscure philosophical mind gamesbr br while entertaining fay grim another step henry fool line thinking movie reflects quality object within movie itself henry fool object memoirs fay grim object encrypted memoirs stolen forged transmutated something obscure cant really make sense ie process script writing filmmaking modern era blockbuster films little mashup past is philosophical sense fay grim about object perhaps tragedy shock clich dull as hinted opening scenes publishers officebr br that said many movie best points lost understand henrys character significance memoirs looked for henry thinly veiled devil first visiting simon modern faust etc without understanding tragic henrys character is much quality fay grims plot story lostbr br and enough detail expressed verbal flashbacks knowing plot henry fool cannot compare feeling quality characters one henry fool think someone walks movie cold minutes so what responses highly constructed dialog thats itbr br however henry fool also least favorite hartley film realized bad putrid infested precisely henry fools confessions bad raunchy dirty inescapably broken henry even proper villain perhaps tragic flaw makes endearing like gollum tolkiens works henry pitiablebr br that come across fay grim although henrys dialog excellent come across entire movie constructed encryption sort molding another plot around ends yet another bad story add henrys confessions interesting twist one cant really digested without viewing first film perhaps showing henry earlier would better publisher describe basic storyline first movie although plot also really first movie unless perhaps one casual observerbr br part encryption hard say little disappointed sex gimmicks though cheesy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "starting work next week seriously wanting end theni really dont want go back work im supposed to dont get breaks end work coworkers nothing attempts friends them hate me dont know why dont say anything controversial im nice everyone full insult face whenever bring boss doesnt care cant find new job anxiety would much im tired putting much effort job called fucking loser directly face top off redflag attempt ago arms covered scars considering judge every little thing appearance theyre gonna field day realized im likable friendship lasted week me slitting wrists messy obv didnt work plug someone could get drugs could overdose on ill probably try hang wednesday went bullied school bullied college bullied work im meant planet mistake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dramatic suspenseful movie many plots turns story director opens question marks death row presumed crimes committed black people film well directed arne glimcher fine sound james newton howard excellent strong performance sean connery ed harris liked one dont miss true crimes the hurricane wife gave ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im going attempt againso recently left mental recovery center redflag attempts drove previously horribly mental emotional abusive relationship bad drove redflag put mental hospital around weeks reason left early faked way it manipulated never cared destroyed self confidence anything might remotely make feel human soon left recovery center left her hard me friends decided abandon start hating calling whore trying hurt way possible forgive doesnt make sense im horrible explaining situations im feeling destroyed suicidal thoughts constant im afraid work ive missed might repeat freshman year getting hard even stay alive im constantly feeling like im pull trigger myself dont know losing friends getting breakup everything life getting cant handle again think might put back mental hospital dont want go wish everything never happened wish never happened lived constantly wish succeeded attempts didnt go pain im going right now family scared dont know do feel horrible putting this hurt much know may sound like much feels overwhelming im failing school sleep wish dead cant anymore want happy life went back cutting stuff nobody took well im starting therapy long almost every time therapist calls mobile crisis im saying numerous safety plans im nothings helping nothing helps anymore feel dead cant feel happiness anymore feel depression guilt anxiety pain need help need get this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im still hung boyfriend _pain_", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really me really feel nothing all hated way bothered say that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone tells turn family things hardwhat family reason wish dead ive sitting idea killing while knowing feel push needed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really know sayim good writing sorts things well generally feels like ive going downhill long time nowadays im really good anything im good making people happy really anything going me guess done anything terrible either able liveup peoples expectations even seem useful basic stuff maybe ive following idea nexttonothing begin with impossible negative impact least im pretty toxic constantly let people really needed me even though every instance othersd back want again always ends case whether say wont people really patience get that honestly deserved overdue memorys pretty fucked cant see going anywhere even around months high time bit junk swept forgotten about guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else loves russ here underrated rapper really love songs wondering anyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im donecheck post history ive gone through im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knows sick idea means yet coming feel it want hide it want dump hard either advice got new boyfriend heading towards another episode worry scare", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls cute im sorry girls cute cant pretty cute especially blush forget compliment girl today ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watched movies girlfriend time say best time mainly know ned kelly storybr br but since biopic important least know expect characterbr br i know manner events told true everything fictional way ned kelly portrayed hero fighter justice really makes want believe everything true think hes portrayed redneck criminal thief thats opinionbr br this solid westerntype movie everybodys tastes heath ledger great always sexy naomi watts charms screenbr br give movie chance airs cable otherwise think could recommend it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like knew would happiness last long it like love temporary conditionali really think many years ahead me year one know another be itch coming back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "care people say anymoreits permanent solution temporary problem anything point show tv like it turn off sit keep watching it annoyance problem consumes life unknown length you missed would longer capacity care you experience x anymore deal before every reason im given live cant help find way refute live sheer hope dreams also source torture hard nowadays take advice regarding survival meaningfully hate cynical way see things anymore much life bogus everything do everything reason thought involved effects actions may future course things care directly affect us things would conscience act do matter put it fact life mean bad way give background point almost every option leads nothing good near future knows long run choose one results future one option where done need longer care would capacity care obviously would affect others again would physically incapable caring would zero effect me experience world entirely first person actions would affect conscience care things immediate access well enough prescription meds kill me well alcohol speed process make bit easier every morning day night every day every week every month fight urge go it find coming back time read diefex conflicts further wish could peace yet seeing comments left passed causes instincts feelings continue compel live im bipolar im always suicidal also means deal always getting hopes crashing down again much much much im sick it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna sleep pain help help h please hate bad get ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher rickrolled class today english teacher posted assignment google classroom film analysis open doc watch youtube link amp answer questions whos main character relate whats tone film clicked link thinking short film analyze got rickrolled instead spot th question would said answered questions trippin please go back assignment work plays tldr english teacher rickrolled class joke assignment", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "piece shit stole bike live suburbs like area barely crime riding bikes friends like normally decided stop take break mcdonalds go inside left bikes bike rack mins yes masks walk two bikes left rack instead im pissed bike main form transportation parents work lot hang people mainly get around bike worst part bike paid half gone even months got back september christmas right around corner ig thats good thing like never anything anyone dont beef anyone least think anything deserve oh well karmas gonna get", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "head hurts sooo uhm yeah might drinking problem causing go back bad habits whoops", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subreddit sucksthere said it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think timewell bois im place life happy af instead im worst state ive ever in think tonight night goes down ill drink gin red bull get going tons isopropyl ethyl alcohol hand cleaners fuck insides ive trying figure get hell hole people call earth long time finally think way wish luck everyone im wondering im going get glimpse god empty void im ready find out good bye everyone love know miss wounds heal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "count suicidal know fucking scared pain actually go anythingi want die want final minuteshours filled excruciating pain things pills knives id never able that idk guess needed say something want go sleep wake up sorry waste everyones time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "imma honest yall straight tik tok extremely cringey awkward", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish bot programmed simple stuff life fucking sucks ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whyi dont want end people say hurt arent hurt im nobody shell im person thats mentally dead whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents understand concept online games example playing valorant mid match unrated still mom came rooms door said go take trash dust room like no mom mid game cant right now wait minute said pause it knew online game understand cant pause bro", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone new zealand im considering moving would like know like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im failure every measure cant escape realityill try keep short im almost years old im obese ive worked jobs since turned quit within month ghosting them ive heavily relied dad pay bills buy food since turned went community college dropped out im roughly debt credit score skills attention span nonexistent cant even watch movie without pausing every minutes research random thought had im still virgin fact ive never even relationship even elementary school barely friends hate around people avoid eye contact instinct ive met people hold conversation resent theyre annoying me always feel awkward matter situation im in even im friends feel like complete outsider belong thats thats wrong me now problems even good person which im not cannot escape godforsaken town people reside it ive burned bridges many employers im incredibly hard time finding job constantly talk family treated like complete shit younger yet expects everything peaches cream im older give money shit im sick sisters personal babysitter two kids im sock pretending care people care about im sick going stores seeing people absolutely despise hate everything really fucking hate everything single good thing life feel like im reaching end rope see anyway hell ill feel bad redflag may affect dad im sure hell get it going wait felt really bad him new wife hes happy her least support system im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goes well gone sooni tired go on lost thought way out ive lost hope things get better im finally going peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tonight samehi thank reading this going die tonight want to oh want to need get thought someone thank taking piece life read mine im tried kill tried since haha years clean shit sucks keep telling things get better know every day lie past years living take care grandfather mother job full time job taking care them spare time home repairs houses im pretty good basically done everything flooring whole bathroom remodels also built house bare hands sq ft dream home mother suicidal grandfather die every morning wake go check idea makes smile see him father got arrested child pornography couple months ago im thing mother now im dumb two college degrees feel like failure try sit think whats next everything want life im terrified losing everything im sad im wanting more im perfectly content scares me ive looking girlfriend years found one yet never go even though think im ugly cant find anyone using tinder ive tried dating apps nothing money name money goes mother grandfather odd jobs people like fixing home plumbing remodels guess call job make much require send tax return thing think im missing someone give love to ive ever wanted girl liked years think tonight night finally lay rest long story whole love life long story last crush knew long got raped wanted stop talking me year ago someone im actually happy her life get better sorry poorly written post much say care write everyone special special ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "possesses value endsadly affluence poorness betrayal loyalty love hate mean absolutely nothing coexisting foundations society little evolutionary concepts holds real value alas die biologically left alone without sacred things consciousness thats keeps comforted end really end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one crucial factor often overlooked fact radical innovation requires long term commitment therefore strong committed workforce must required produce consistent effective results yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know people could understand me people busy life trying reach dreams learning improving spend time friends love ones focus trying find ways end life try remember peoples names try make lot friends study hard compete fun friends could remember teachers name even places people met bother remember thinking would useless wanted die anyways twenties times feel better wanted go forward cannot know live like normal human being feel like know anything wasted years life learning life wanted live sometimes cannot know how feel like alien seeing people try mimicking things even though cannot fully understandi different sole purpose die everyone else wants live live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want anymorei year old man married thirty years half way marriage wife started medical problems multiple surgeries would lose little part surgery ten years ago lost part colon colon cancer intimate since five years ago heart attack heart surgery mental capacity year old ever since year old son mildly autistic wife mild dementia cognitive disabilities well physical disabilities cant leave would likely wind destitute deserve that almost every night im driving home work think life start cry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please answer thisso m thinking while feel worthless parents think im attention phase dont fucking know anymore ruin literally every little thing nobody talk feel like everyone everything would better gone never sleep anymore dont really much interests things used love feel like fucking awful person im worthless theres one person wants help me wants talk cant much dont wanna add anything please reddit phase begging attention dumb personally dont think fuck know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "difficult try ignore thoughts night get worse try distract forget hard night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinkingive wrote many times want kill myself really want pain stop know happen would die oh scared whats come next do know would hurt mother die cowardly sees broken pays mind knew gay probably now wouldnt matter died going hell anyway direction feel unloved whole life never felt anyone wanted cared existence outside blood relatives feel like monster physically mentally homosexuality disgusts makes feel x worse myself hate degenerate feel less person joke mental health taking toll feel anxious state anxiety getting worse depression becoming crippling jealous happy people especially straight envy normalcy lust life know pain people attraction deserve cant keep living like cant see marrying woman hide hard seeing worth used it feel bad redflag knowing people really suffering redflag brings peace remember back mind might suffer eternally wish knew certain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck u fuck u fuck u fuck u know hate fuck uhttpsredditcomume", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "died need tell storythis life long sad story one must tell someone born middle kid middle class family parents were first abusers dad alcoholic beat brother nights good listen music mom much better abuse dad abuse emotionally financially bad other around third grade diagnosed autism testing traumatic first experience gender dysphoria waiting room vhs worked alice wonderland wanted alice could handle new world handle mine parent filled pills till high school pill made slow fat easier dope parent lead getting lbs develop boob im guy ive spent whole adult life trying get fit this one biggest failures raped friends got drunk payed girl sex me happen party ive told therapist still cant talk about theres proof left too one one would believe me collage failure to know bpd depression still talk rape let build inside me met ex great first became emotionallyverbally sexually abusive hide friends family spend next three years deep denial come phone sex cam girl addiction itd year cant stop ive spend theres coming back this im stuck dead end job life forfeit theres coming back this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dumbi forget everything accidentally hurt people lose stuff cant anything righteverything create mediocre best sounds probably like im exageratingbut come point question im worth oxygen breathe im wasting stupidity wish would smarter wish could someone else want continue making people embarrassed embarrassed parent something like that making tired tired life please ways become better smarter person not know survive this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure hugh jass hugh janus might cool but seen hugh jtiddies massi vpenis", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know go onposting throwaway since girlfriend knows main account want hurt read this life fucking sucks im miserable pile crap cant anything right im living best friend parents got kicked parents know keep going like this job finding job impossible me aspergers clinical depression anxiety generally antisocial nature ive ever one job lost job right got kicked out even social life know got girlfriend her damn purpose right now guiding light worry every damn second light going burn im going lost again worst fucking part ask advice get told things never worked me complain overstressed life people live with get called entitled lazy fuck im trying ass like that apply jobs week so thats average brain handle without burning out pitch around house much im asked sometimes even asked much contribute ways financially seems like one really gives fuck that god wish could die get hit car biking home college something control like that reason plan actually killing girlfriend something happen forced act die id choose death gladly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dennis patrick plays man accidentally kills daughters boyfriend reveals secret local bar joe peter boyle bigot getting drunk there first takes joke story confirmed evening news instead calling cops like joe decides that since guy killed hippie must kindred spirits blackmails man becoming pal first film seemed harsh judgemental but revealed itself actually became quite complex portrait current society yes think exaggerate bit amusing ways really detract power messages susan sarandon debuted film shock see pretty around well worth seeing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hear out everyone jokes couldnt get worse jokes catastrophic event happening falling asleep thought wasnt san andreas fault california supposed split sometime decade realized happens grand finale opening event want known called it idea idea would go maybe rshowerthoughts im teenager figured id post idea here all", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dad wants start youtube channel carpentry saw videos carpentry basically like couldnt make videos good theres try think could hes like years suggested making videos tool safety hes teaching like years like people better ever could try think could make really good informative videos tool safety", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason keep going hurt familymy name adam years old fuck up moved mothers times think every time lasts months year end back failed go back time planning going school vancouver moved cousin girlfriend quickly figured going work long term gf clearly hated idk sick room mates despises tell way tone changes talks me way back penticton small town mother op top think mom really want back either sick stay her understand increadibly unlikable mattered ended getting kicked allowed extended guests landlord gave boot top friends never loser high school never sleep another kids house think ever even went another kids house high school said obviously never girl friend virgin really care want gf want someone care about someone cares me truth even know interested girls never opportunity try feel like mess get experience people high school time fairly recently happy dog name ari german shepard loved win heart companion loved unconditionally could always spend time with ended give away place staying could keep at ended move able find another pet friendly place could afford gave good family children still think endlessly like months now find wishing never got lot better depression wise got now closing know severely depressed years want end every time mean every time think chance get better goes wrong sick trying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hang yourselfso ive wanting ive checked sites google cant find one actually works tie knot tie pull bar tighten falls down help would really appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking typical war movie it note testosteronepumped carnagecraving war buffs there bother although film russian characters wwii expect see nazis cannons blood gore etc film people cause war fight war film ordinary people war happens choices make dealing itbr br acting cinematography writing perfect s here certainly appreciate russian like me even not probably love it speak russian look ruscico russian cinema council dvd version got subtitles different languages english dubbing one id say good course good original russian track some stuff lost translation good english subtitles go check out especially studying film aspect", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cut bangs look good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "contemplating redflagim male thinking redflag awhile now much hate world depressing hard know parents accept even accept self questioning sexuality caused alot self loathing started cutting years ago scars added hidden cant really find reason get bed besides school hate school many bullies homophobic assholes grown ashamed sexuality grew hate church even feel welcome there know whats fked up best friend he christian came attacked bible verses sure long hang on", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys guys hear ok i powerful great white shark heres i pullups without taking break however great white shark cannot making me powerful _ powerful least ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "also best book ive ever read karl urban steve zahn great together drama adventure sweetness sadness laughed cried hard laugh gus talking wish gus would smacked clara like inez clara lead gus years intentions ever marrying him liked playing him sad spent whole life pining her would nice woodrow married maggie would died anyway woodrow man could express feelings kept bottled up obvious loved maggie raid austin rangers got back ran hold her val kilmer excellent playing odd characters loved portrayal captian inish skull loved whole lonesome dove saga comanche moon best bunch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die want alive anymore want remember anything anymore much fucking redflag know much take die die die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film student one thinking becoming one name battleship potemkin resonance sergei eistenstein like silentfilm pioneers like griffith although eisensteins innovations commonplace griffiths murnau impact history cinema course taken granted reason bring film student part point whether like not film professor times show odessa stairs sequence film hard say even best part films several sequences dealing at time current times russian revolution leave impact seen many films showcasing suspense plain montage the untouchables climax comes mindbr br montage eistensteins knack also lifes blood early career often misused present cinema misused improper context story sometimes montage used another device get point point b montage something else eisenstein trying communicate direct way could urgency passions ultimate tragedies russian people time place even one see eisensteins narrative traditional story ideas much grounding kubrick said this one cant deny power seeing ships arriving harbor people stairs soldiers coming every way guns may find hard believe done s power like passion joan arc overpass time remain importance terms technique emotionbr br of course one could go books which written hundreds times over least eisenstein himself film itself battleship potemkin really like dramatized newsreel specific story movie first segment also one great sequences film mutiny plotted captain headups certain ship detailed almost manipulative way somehow extremely effective montage used well spurts energy capture eye times eisenstein content let images speak themselves soldiers grow weary without food water one directors try get sides story is course much early th century russian nothing else honest sees themes style wins endbr br some may want check outside filmschool stairs sequence like one landmarks severe tragedy film displaying ugly side revolution eisenstein may one accessible silentfilm directors montage detail frame nonactors bolshevik themes cup tea truly one must sees lifetime", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember st night september love changing minds pretenders chasing clouds away hearts ringing key souls singing danced night remember stars stole night away ba de ya say remember ba de ya dancing september ba de ya never cloudy day ba duda ba duda ba duda badu ba duda badu ba duda badu ba duda badu ba duda thoughts holding hands heart see blue talk love remember knew love stay december found love shared september blue talk love remember true love share today ba de ya say remember ba de ya dancing september ba de ya never cloudy day ba de ya say remember ba de ya dancing september ba de ya golden dreams shiny days bell ringing aha souls singing remember never cloudy day ba de ya say remember ba de ya dancing september ba de ya never cloudy day ba de ya say remember ba de ya dancing september ba de ya golden dreams shiny days ba de ya de ya de ya ba de ya de ya de ya ba de ya de ya de ya de ya ba de ya de ya de ya ba de ya de ya de ya ba de ya de ya de ya", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please someone chat me feel super hopeless want cry cannot feel empty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "read fucking bio fucking dare", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "put dog literally feel like want diemy dog years old put today tumor size football back leg vet told us would humane put instead keeping alive would pain already extremely sad knowing going put hes gone feel like want run street get killed car jeezus never felt like feel like this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "currently watching show american frontiersmen got part theres war mexico interesting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plz hlp me device maybe min plz responq quicklya days ago tried od vyvanse adhdfor awake next morning terrifying hallucinations still aliveapparently need upwards doubledigit thousands mg deadly pills left cant get refill another ish tens parents know tried kill self do chromebook m max plz respond soon wish use discord use link httpsdiscordggjwdvvhttpsdiscordggjwdvv plz hurry starting panic im going do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really hard aloneim gonna feel alone feel really alone world really hard describe people think anyone really understand know talk to want feel like someones im gonna anyone really gonna suck im gonna pretend im gonna pretend someone me ive going really hard time last week know ive really emotional ive feeling like im disconnected everybody way nobody understands im alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom teammate life died suddenly unexpectedly father alone redflaged life loss handing things without will one person close me spends time present mess me unable communicated currently almost months somehow feel worse week death lot regrets relationship know human deserved life got given more hate knowing life went back nothingness born want die think ill reunited her want die without anymorei days shy shd days struggling tonight alternatively want drive away city turn phone day stop mourning daughter invisible girlfriend tired pet parent ill animals lawyers client executor etc truly believe ill take one day maybe ill give amount time had sometimes see make long though know love things loved passed even love foolishly gave lot heart others it energy want advice solutions thank reading mom died finding difficult keep living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres shower thought guys life unskipable ad abortions ad blockers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "death comes mewhen die hand serene think it end without fear spoke friend day similar state mind commiserated tribulations life mundane existence door close now beckon void", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people listened idfwu big seanits explicit song kinda makes feel like king", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "this hopeless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "refreshing interview legendary italian cinematographerproducerdirector passed away close features credit director large portion spent damatos softcore sex films including notorious emanuelle entries laura gemser also briefly cover porn career kept afloat last decade so interesting section focusing horror action efforts damato plenty great anecdotes actors low budget filmmaking including story assistant accidentally collecting real bones amid fake ones shooting yearold catacomb interviewees include george eastman al cliver would liked bit conversation stateside filmirage productions not single question troll granted cult film now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "screwed upits okay nobody says anything think im awful too early morning im alone one awake talk im overwhelmed experiencing extreme anxiety basically screwed up took relationship long distance have sexually assaulted when tried report shut down afterward started seeing someone else even though relationship justified know handle well know im piece shit talked him ended breaking soon possible months ago tell aforementioned stuff ive cheated wish never knew still care started texting talked him asked confessed hates totally understand want give now im tired sad heart chest hurts bad ive tried something glad attempts unsuccessful cant deny urge again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote redflag note todayim writing letter becuase may hard anyone understand choosing this number one thing want every one know single human cuased this nothing one couldve done differently all except course myself simplistic reason cut dry black white thought redflag daily since fifteen years old seldom days mind worst enemie see world different way most everything constantly consistantly jumbled numbers faces letters words thoughts see things backwards sideways upside down sometimes even blurred hide hide well told people dyslexic hand really mean perpetual state confusion try hard learn can least take jab it becuase afriad seen stupid voice head justified mocking unintelligent really am one reason tired perpetual state confusion sure started im actually really sure anything started memory fleeting best along line mind began tell worthless mean bad day passing thought mean every single day bad day normal day even amazing day point start think anything little voice seeps starts go blow blow always reassure worthless stupid failure eat without telling get fat worthless cant read without laughing calling stupid jumble something up work without telling failure matter time fired give up always promise infact worthless number two tired trying live mind consistently telling failing to fucking crazy aforementioned voice stomach turning anxiety mood swings depression literally fucking insane five yes five voices head excluding aforementioned voices constantly fighting eachother example would want go bowling friends like normal person begin think bring them voices come in voice tell ask blunt voice tell ease conversation voice tell stupid shut sit pretend content voice tell bowling lame look stupid asking voice tell ignore voice fighting begins stuck helpless look fake content face pretending thier arent five voices head argueing fucking bowling maybe noticed time even call space cadet why yes another why tired control brain anxiety oh anxiety sweet toxic lover im really sure got bad afraid time moments feel sliver safety room dog occasion boyfriend otherwise irrationally fearing things fearing ask simple jeans ripped person thinks ugly going spill drink everyone laugh also crazy everyone resteruant thinks crazy random man bus read mind maybe lady witch also extreme as dog dead someone family dead dieing telling me today get arrested mugged today get fired accident die become vegetable combine anxiety five voices inflating thoughts voice always reassure worthwell lack of rationale enough anyone never want leave thier roomi tired afraid fourth reason why could on on inner workings mind upon writing come realize answer fact simple cut dry black white why simple fucking tired kind tired nap fix energy drink good nights rest kind tired awake forceful battle climb bed struggle loosing everyday kind tired solution sleep never wake up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done itat point life age realize im going alone rest life never girlfriend trust ive tried whole thing changing appearance clothing going social lifting online sites im school going degree things going me end attractive enough get someone im tired hearing oh never know whats going happen im tired hearing advice im done im going live life loneliness im living lite version life full experience im tired hearing oh theres millions people also alone everyone see around me social media someone im going overdose heroine put end suffering yeah im venting im asking help theres helping trust ive tried", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nagant m love gun much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watching hour creepypasta video it idk gonna continue hell yes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant even google kill painlessly anymorethis sucks google try find information get bombarded bullshit redflag prevention hotline ive called made convinced kill myself sick trapped here anyone else close it im fairly close closer ive ever life shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "needed say somethingtheres probably people problems much worse feel incredibly guilty posting feel option left id like put bit backstory things make sense hopefully im diagnosed bpd something like say quite honestly one really knows it left home parents divorced jumping houses ate lot coping mechanism put weight result fault entirely one blame that bpd surfaced pleasant person around mother hated thus reasons leaving home father drinking addict thus susceptible angered outbursts hate quite frankly fast forward years shifting sleeping friends beds finally living one rooms grandmothers house dad lives too hes living past years rent free taking total advantage her much money try help form chores taking out offered money various occasions declined decided tonight kick sort self my depression put streets himself threatened believe made worse occasion felt unjustly pointed answered back instead sitting silence made things worse tried explain bpd hes adamant kicking out terrified want end life cannot go back cannot live streets tired burden everyones life everyone ive live with seem feel way cant cant anymore know ill do know im scared crying wish close eyes awaken cant face tomorrow cant see tomorrow anyhow like said im sorry know theres people much worse apologies always told im guilt tripping people probably im now im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life decaygraduated cs degree three years ago hoping get job independent get help condition go hospital redflag plans got condition force fed everyday hospital staff awful cant disclose know treat people like learned quickly im qualified anything getting retail job became clear would start fail keep expectations left good terms work full time without freaking cutting myself cant start therapy insurance issues need order look work required job seeking help theres escaping parents theres getting access treatment im trapped way death hour shifts life friends family endless exploitation severe suffering shortly followed death streets existing comfortable cage everyone force feeding deformity hard interacting people theyre super toxic why must me im terrible person perhaps deserve though id argue deserve far worse thanks listening aria sheher", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "black orchidthis song exactly feel day day basis word true fucking beautiful ampxb ever lonely one hold pull disown climb inside arms open wide look inside scared learn im empty inside hold hand show concern live die eyes open wide help look inside singing ha de de ha ha de de ah hear water drip faucet sweetly falling tune im gently closing closet fall floor crawl room thought ending soon let sleep room hear cry cry cry hear knock front door come in try look cant stop shaking leave alone go away mother im scared im scared empty bed sheets gone theyre wrapped around quiet drop gun cause i want belong someone maybe lifes everyone ha de de ha ha de de ah", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brown people identify sunsets much exciting saying brown girl wed sunset people hehe i mean asians yall asians bit yellowy fits", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pointi good friends job drop college year never relationship either im always looking way human contact despite this life particularly bad home state supports enough live minimal life could still finish degree apply jobs least train skills time world see would want that sit home pointless stuff keeps somewhat happy sane hand brought another problem mind months is even continue living point anything matter die today live another years accomplishing nothing past week thinking ending void feels far better option today spent entire day researching different redflag methods could drift away but im starting feel somewhat content pointless stuff actually preventing making final decision constant desire dying im sort middle ground cant kill cant live either want way feeling", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know else doman moment really contemplating redflag years old male know fuck do give background recently started business best friend year ago one solely dished business money became factor friendship things changed drastically debt this person turned used money purely raves money point know else fucking do wanting move seems still need deal also depressive episodes contribute well being moment want talk someone judge mistakes end bullshit want fucking done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life envy yet suicidal selfharmed i three months clean selfharm now see enough reasons feel way somehow lot chest one knows too barely remember genuinely happy feels like mostly numb occasionally cry sleep since open anyone would get help need babied youngest family also best friends part still responded texts social platform adding insult injury feel like ass way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant really condemn movie work enough film noir elements consider noir movie think categorybr br theres nothing sinister piece thats noir elements fail sure disease might considered sinister hard time seeing that movie hints darker side blackie may trafficking human beings new orleans police willing arrest reporter specter plague hangs people movie really hintsbr br theres attempt made question reeds motivations one marlowe spade attempt bring humans side blackie would make even contemptuous human trafficking actually played outbr br that lack depth fails movie endbr br the story decent acting good writing direction well done nothing make movie return over worth watching once maybe twice remember years ago putting away", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brief fling girl hallwe met day later ran dining center next day mostly naked bed gonna first date evening interestedshe hit i cant im devastated since sorta prepared it im still little sad it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day posting subreddit im yeah day go questions answered always stream twitch game", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost year old trans woman live south transitioned teens mentally female long remember transitioning blessing also curse gender dysphoria something would wish worst enemy transitioning simply would label anything sexuality wise gay male never felt true even though assigned male attracted men always identified internally straight female graduated high school online tried public school would stop going bullying harassment finally transitioned felt excited happy years went dysphoria got worst became unhappy myself parents divorced still feel somehow responsible party always problems always felt strain put family parents cannot work redflag bad vomit shake feel like every single person looks knows judging me two past notredflag ended terribly always blame it truly feel unlovable matter many surgeries hormones get feel inadequate inhuman nothing elevates sadness want die peacefully painlessly would make better transgender female lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watched movie thinking going absolutely horrible ready corniness bad special effects etc but pleasantly surprised say best vampire movie ever seen certainly worst liked whole alternate realitydream state played movie graphics quite well straight dvd movie liked overall look film enjoyed main character sai usually end hating female leads something kept interested yes make bad decisions expected yes characters stereotypical expecting too know id highly recommend movie give chance might pleasantly surprised im putting one guilty pleasures list", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " complete failure myself friends country familywell begin currently high seems way escape abused childhood burned beat cut home went private school surrounded millionaires even billionaires sons daughters came family even going home got dream th grade trip trip would get go airplane well got kicked th grade could participate pe fat first thoughts redflag th grade well gay thought monster highschool people touched bathrooms called names made feel like shit attempted redflag lived thought amazing reason purpose new life nope years later high school peers top private universities bullying high school stayed home never spoke class final year showed teachers true intellect said late show world deep down believe that am drugged escape cold world alone fat gay used joy fun happiness life died th grade reading online would get fat shamed gay men existence meaningless never move on want pain stop anyone say well anything know guess late", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting day get uk gf day day pog still taking applications requirements aliveoptional would pog understand possible female form uk preferred", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want live twentyonly days thereabouts th thats deadline guess maybe setting one finally make able take next step want twenty want idea theres another year ahead another year soulcrushing loneliness another year selfhatred another year wanting die want future me know ever good one im person ive met entire life truly think hopeless see nothing myself ugly toxic piece shit dead set path inevitable empty funeral days ago finally set in im getting return investment need im unlovedno family lover hardly youd call friendsand honestly pretty unlovable ugly face ugly body ugly personality trifecta considering love one things keeps going guess realized meaningless is cant keep living people care love anymore enough thats im at days either man bite literal bullet wimp keep living hell begrudgingly call life heres hoping", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag attempt feel like exist like died have frustratingits body im somewhere else im here hate stereotype lost others confidence look faces work drugstore small town every fucking person fucking place knows me seriously exist redflag watch like exist im waiting next chance get rid body alredy consider dead cant live burden pain caused loved ones know somenone like me bring pain people lives hope die everything vanish life illusion", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aight people say want big tiddy goth gfs question actually exist slaanesh propaganda", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im selfish one asshole calls memom made marry chester va gave virginity gave herpes quick minute ceremony lawyers office honeymoon took place sheraton midlothian tnpk specialuntil said took gfs there year later moved grandma save money get house point proud owners ford festiva month worked local ford dealership needless say couldnt move apartment full furniture micromachine car bought f month move gmas went see cousins baby gma got mad went drinking drove home train tracks two daughters living basement motorcycles boat bronco years got hell out second apartment got job cleaning houses bought something mustang moved trailer bought new mustang moved times got job driving school bus went college inbetween moved mother could attend nursing school full time big mistake quit went respiratory school moved east coast va bought bigger boat since chesapeake bayrappahannock river tried several times buy house turn turn down one point nursing school wanted volunteer resque squad wouldnt allow it would around menat night worked hospital full men things done confused patients room woooo guess got fired found job working nigh guessed it me effing hypocrit daughter turned holy terror didnt listen came went wanted kids take care night put shit trash brought home didnt listen either begged husband quit job needed killed get away shit hated come home work would stay daughter house filed bankruptcy heart attack couldnt work finally left state get away summer close buying house saw expedition wanted wrong equinox month expedition let known would able house again think cared wined like damn kid couldnt take said go fucking get it im living mother law als im dying quick enough married selfish sob ive ever met came place literally hate him want die get away him im perfect night got married exboyfriend who years found him learned lot didnt know going life wish would talked it showed tits people got play kiss them years ago hubs dick stopped working due meds seems actually loved wife could make lifestyle changes get heart meds use means get wife off think doesnt care got caught sexting redditors didnt go well diagnosed als morning bitched calling everything could afternoon guess given death sentence forgot delete texts want clock tunes hour go mutter museum die house think would either me nope stay bed redflag searches online want die leave miserable life mine love pa brothers love daughters emily tiffany love grandaughters peyton lucy love future sons law justinand manny reasons hanging on redflag still crosses mind hundreds time day read thisthanks mariann", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rational redflagi recently read mitchell heismans redflag notehttpwwwredflagnoteinfoebookredflag_notepdf work made ponder continue living essence heisman argues life meaningless and selfpreservation equals selfdestruction redflag reasonable choice biases overcame arguments compelling enough commit redflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drugs really coolsedatives really much affect me oxyz percs form narcotic even weed guess high tolerance amphetamines good graduated highschool long ago constant contact dealer much before car bike bike lives hour away theres really dangerous intersection would cross order get place im thinking could bike eyes closed red light on since getting hit car highway going speed likely kill me get hit kill me ill least feel something get hit all score speed currently thing know make life feel worth while even little bit seems like winwinwin me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupid little attempt livinglived mentally ill mom brain offline immense stress fear voice mom makes brain nobody ever asked feel im able say im feeling well delusion fear people told practice others theatre soft therapy shit never felt like human constant inner pure disgust myself look mirror years straight almost never teen never really able talk classmates sweating move freely every movement felt like give command somebody else movement every sentence immensely exhausting several conversations person met theatre playing leads mw painful every day creature controlled me frightened animal pure protective psyche lifelong regression took belt strangled itself laying mattress totally dirty room tried use strenghes speak make person laugh problem check imprint red marks visible cause look mirror want others ask questions make wonder almost conversations life total social deprivation looking quite good girls wanted get know me looked me walked me even gay people liked much brain constant fear talk even think clearly see human allowed take part life fighting fighting agonizing condition feeling time self addicted digital heroin games movies tv radio music since never concept self consuming distraction crap never able produce thoughts actions meaning totally dependent told do mostly told nothing shit like damn zombie never able think obvious cure living apartment live full human life peace nobody told could get own told live mom made really damn sick youth even s really delusional emotionless psychopath friendly felt nothing fascination small stupid things like clouds colors trees art senseless crap like this this beautiful nice help no always told fear people believed them worked fear good years errr yes no never felt anything live came hospital illness another apartment state pure fear shame disgust all life even asking questions almost impossible saying first word looking others eyes fuck one command get apartment one meeting empathetic personteacher everything would good messi last years also youth living dirty place collecting things moments gave little joy living fantasy never thought could take part myself amazing too never knew since nothing playing video games earliest youth really think repeat life better like parallel universe shit not okay too almost nothing remember nothing happened struggle wandering around more brain capable thinking itself myself constant feeling running life living mommy propably early childhood trauma hear voice get mad life tried fight control myself hoping better yes errr no good possible human stupid alone even though family care stupid little attempt living waiting years get better nobody ever cared talking laughing friends living mom sit front black mirrors time human pure apathy human nope special name school corpse cause quiet damn brain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im hurting friendsi see reason live cant make friends happy make feel good get irony take life hurt even already made friend love feel bad cant handle that real asshole even though depressed alone excuse make someone feel bad guess got enough shit left me wrote blog leave alone since make feel bad know much hurts hear friend love say make feel bad felt like heart dropped place left long comment telling feel friendship someone said haha fag get shot really hurt agree whomever said it deserve life im hurting people feel like im bad person trying nice others thats im cutting people life worst part friends thinks moved know im suicidal painted picture im happy reality im sad hell feels like months even though days want know understand heartbreak lost friend cared about one friend knows im planing hes leaving country able anything left room like days sit dark rage idiot im eating sleeping stopped talking friends im afraid might hurt scare away gone school long time social service might take away parents force live foster home turn met big problems school like skipping classes inspired try hard get good grades care less grades happens future miss friend really pushes edge know im writing chance get thoughts guess read really change anything even know killed myself even found really think would care bad person isnt hurt bad want anything me live happily like never existed gonna think miss me even surprise already forgotten erased memory promised contact wont even im gonna end life it im get chance come surprise everybody much know friend leaves country one really stop me know well goodbye guess tldr im fucking idiot hurts friends whatever deserve live that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "digging china anyone chinese teenagers wanna meet up httpimgurcomapcdat going casually fill body post dont type something itll deleted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone send jail ive got much horny system cant contained", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today years old realized ppl say wouldnt survive cod lobby unironically really thought satirical joke people said realize f word slur lgbt people naturally going avoid say youre apart community wouldnt survive cod lobby", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found something helped loti know going help anyone know helped me weeks now ive spiraling destructive nearly suicidal path day sitting cafe wrote down ever since wrote it woke found reason live again guess wakeup call figured sharing guys might help someone also feel little better myself gt november life gotten hard lately hard wake morning little things made happy slowly turning diminishing memories falling apart seams quickly one constant rock ive past year getting harder harder reach to think future together starting get bleaker bleaker depressing think woman love want marry slowly turning unknown person someone used know everything know nothing about time honest im coming terms it decided want die hand know im going it thoughts much handle family love much used to fiancee looks remorse fear one morning ill turn dead honestly right live far away used call home friends here im far debt want pay anything it good thing were married save enough costs ill put money somewhere write note details know ill yet afraid guns probably euthanasia maybe ill crawl top mountain wno supplies maybe bridge knows best im tired names omitted that edits post also moved miles away home feel like big part felt like that writing really big wake call realized still life live deadline anymore im going it really hope guys thinking ending lives little shimmer hope too im thinking you ive there get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres car comingthem get road me keeps walking tge middle road them theres car coming get road car comes veiw me still walking middle road feeling depressed them get road me finally gets road long car passes also me i wish got hit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scared brothers life amp know domy brother currently hospital recent redflag attempt first terrified gets hospital days amp think belongs outside world yet jail months th dwi pulled bar parking lot front truck causing wreck hit couple traveling day old baby according report one hurt brother went jail better ever terror incident inflicting self harm multiple occasions cut hand amp even shot stomach though always claimed accidents months allowed halfway house set per hour welding job even began days halfway house snuck property buy liquor cut hand razor fence way back witnesses said watched cut hand purpose brought er stitches night suffered seizure credited synthetic marijuana use though prone seizures alcohol withdrawal past long history tourettes syndrome seizures jail well brought back er day seizure amp next morning attempted redflag cutting throat left redflag note amp everything hospital amp fucking judge declared days psychiatrists hospital sent home trial instead back jail halfway house im fucking terrified loose cannon amp physically big stop tries anything honestly even want around time amp afraid happen tried many times get seems disconnected soul amp hell bent abusing himself know do scoffs mention meditation even reflection amp honestly wish somehow forced stay asylum jail safety protect brother himself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ugly went uks inbred town stuck like sore thumbi saw fat ugly inbred girl today wearing crop top started comparing her realised would need surgery change skull shape starvation diet order look fat ugly inbred means wanted look like girls london would need skull surgeries rhinoplasty breast enlargement butt implants starvation diet far uglier one worlds ugliest women makes feel sick", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much karma alot month filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seems becoming fashionable rip basic instinct point significant part audience including critics found terrible even released seems even fashionable trash sharon stone wholike usis fourteen years older andunlike usstill looks wonderful first comments movie vicious see myself opinion sequel nearly good original film bad comments pretend michael catonjones paul verhoeven neither henry bean leora barish joe eszterhas basic instinct entertaining average thriller besides addition jerry goldsmith original score keeps little resemblance predecessor even stone gives character different dimension creating lustful devilish catherine trimell perfectly well rank among monsters like hannibal lecter intelligent actress afraid taking risks play camp leisure unfortunately seems main target enjoy trashing flick became successful much main icon like actors reached level time arrived bound destroyed hollywood audiencesbr br the rest cast outstanding giving performances far better material deserves david morrissey much better actor far interesting michael douglas acting flawless giving dense complex dimension otherwise one dimensional character since screen time axis movie keep attention beginning endbr br i recommending basic instinct great movie expressing disagreement comments site conviction agendas movie shaping opinion spectators", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trollface evil troll you aware swag much swag shutdown east east disappear", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dunno post here im even suicidal im really anxiousim im still fixed shoud life thats part problem made poor choices past pay it wasted three years college going one area another but never completed anything took year half class graphic design kept working area four year even like it scared death going back school im still now thought time start something interesting begin bachelor degree september im reeaaalllyyyy anxious learned experience usually better jump fire get comfort zone but still tons thing worry about still debt pay related car spend quite bit rent room close university still wage get lower even find high wage job studying time whats really frustrating hear people telling why dropping good job probably kind person boring job life without asking question still find really frustrating part problem always fell akward engage conversation someone else grew loner im scared fear able get know people worked me past volunteer redflag hotline helped build confidence know ill able continue studying time especially knowing far place always lived past", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think going hang tonight tried get better mentally really did think made this family girlfriend tried help me part scared part excited longer live torture thoughts tried get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling suicidali accidentally killed pet budgie happened right front traumatic still haunts me kicking died pain fault scene still haunts day sometimes dream it cried days row also started skipping classes afterwards exams basically failing college also social anxiety pretty much friends spend time alone pretty sad boring ive going depression shit nearly two months now entire family also pretty much hates treats like shit still living big failure one really cares me life pretty lonely boring friends life future feel tired feel like done life wanna rest ive thinking drinking pills around house even effect weak theyll probably cause kidneys fail", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well disagree leonard maltin animated short loves claimed hilarious enjoyed see humor even like hockey know anything it still loved story living right across border canada watched hockey years buffalobut think much cartoon oh interesting know would happen wore toronto jersey quebec area disaster especially holds true glory years les canadians however make story funny br br back s everyone quebec provinces idolized montreal canadians star player maurice richard everyone wanted like him mother orders new sweater toronto maple leafs emblem it kid want caught dead wearing it finally heads local rink gets ostracized rest hockey buddies whats funny that could see thing happening kid boston red sox diehard mom gets yankees shirt horrors wear it viceversabr br maybe someone follow sports all like maltin situation seems odd humorous himbut fact life bittime sports fan favorite team interesting story totally believable nothing made laughbr br the art fun look throughout almost like looking long series crayon paintings done talented school kid french canadian accent good too movie part dvd leonard maltins animation favorites national film board canada", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one food right now would have id probably mcdonalds fries", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holei feel like one hear me feel disgusting im trying find ways hurting right wrongs hate skin am apart inferior race earthblack ugly acne made want kill myself even more body disgusting avoid mirrors gay worthless added stress ruining life hate natural feelings sick wrong born cursed feel alone untouchable jealous normal good looking people see couples walk get sad dont deserve shitty card god hates everything am wouldnt give switch make normal instant still here im scared kill fear messing up dont want make mom sad depressed wish older brother athlete married christian kid moms favorite hes everything family wanted follow by killing would give family gratification knowing faggot like got deserved eternity hell heard hateful shit life know kind deserves end im tired waiting im sorry long post anybody reading this crying out nothing im changing sexuality im going fucking conversion camp done world worthless makes sick want somebody sometimes somebody cares awake im tired feeling like sack meat dragging across floor day deserve fate murderers rapists fucking hate this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get feeling waywhat do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school stressfulmy weight school almost reason enough go ahead kms nobody likes even parents yell mom especially sets unrealistic expectations cant wait get hands gun end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "equipment ready im peace idea something urges tell someonehey all havent feeling well lately thats antidepressants the th one ive tried consistently im away college undergrad currently good grades hand intense theoretical high energy physics research could blame covid im feeling reality im exhausted im hypercritical bodyphysical appearance self esteem show it try workout regularly point body feeling like fall apart cant stop im thought id stop giving shit cut things friend my true friend around here grew fond kept triggering episodes trauma dont want go detail childhood saverbal abuse related definitely ties self esteem appearance tools needed fix car leak fumes cabin want night uninterrupted plan concealing anyall reflective surfaces little star gazing go sleep something still urges say something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thoughts come often ever beforethey honestly comforting im depressed go think redflag feel happier feel end suffering sadness dont know ever got way posting anonymously wanting end life never thought id feeling way am know is longer fear death longer positive outlook see improving mentally waking up daily day day tasks working etc feels pointless longer want feel way dont want feel like way finding relief death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill myselfi deserve die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive gay lately im bisexual im think im turning full gay girls interest anymore used love looking pictures pretty women im like ok unfollowed many girls used turn instagram dont feelings towards anymore im looking pics im like why even follow you hand ive perplexed emotions much want bf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate playing public among us servers provide actual evidence someone imposter say im sus get thrown dumb", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today vaccinated today gone make vaccine beacose yo feel stupid beacose born like feel autistic karen explain", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sad karma click button right please v", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "waiting die passively suicidalim year married woman boring clericaladministrative work ever since puberty ive dealt depression social anxiety codependency ive suicidal thoughts since never acted upon meaningful way except one time young teen tried get top building jump it foiled locked door ridiculous last years rough less less energy terrible time paying attention work suffer it makes feel even like shit even suicidal thoughts used enjoy things passion dance literature history etc im starting find difficult even get excited things now real friends apart one lovely lady may bonded college lives far away due combination terrible social skills well afraid basically everyone right now meaningful relationships may parents brother husband husband genuinely good guy honestly love man never want get divorced think matter time marriage crumbles apart due number reasons life sentence mental illness seem give fuck narrow interests gaming gaming combined inability take pleasure anything anymore ive tried get interested things together thing together gaming watching tv worse sex life frankly disappointing good ill hearts tied libido feel unloved scarcity it last times weve sex like making love someone whod rather something else really passive disinterested change appearance since started dating either hes sick difference drives ive tried therapy last round go well psychiatrist kept trying focus finding meaningful career honestly self esteem shit automatically think would fail whatever set do im going try frustrating im tired kept wishing ill erased existence memory think drinking bottle draino know loved ones would tormented guilt want hurt them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seen show younger really good show watch educational children years old barney definitely super de duper bj pretty funny babie bop cute kids cool too show learning numbers kinda like sesame street different type show characters like barney purple dinosaur bj yellow dinosaur baseball hat head baby bop cute green dinosaur pink bow first one started old barney friends show second one different new episodes also last one new scene barneys park also show barney universal studios florida see barney bj baby bop show done get go play shop meet barney good show watch show learn many things like movie live show universal studios florida", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost love life depression months agoi keep asking enough get bed anymore done life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "august th prediction arg tiktok live people saying today government going announce fake alien invasion new world order thoughts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want summon ufuck anyone knows summon ufuck reddit post please let know dogecoin trade", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna talk disocrd back shit lol one talk dm user tag", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rip mf doom died october death made public yesterday underrated rapper deserved love loved music rip hip hops super villan rest easy mf doom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think usually approach film festival comedies low expectation invariably quirky intended humor derived solely expense characters simplicity face complicated context exceptional big bad swim director able maintain integrity development characters film still finding laughoutloud humor scene scene sophistication maybe due also part sharp work dp ive rarely seen indie film even rarely comedy special note here paget brewsters turn amy math teacher seeing performance cannot understand brewster discovered larger audience brings necessary mix anger likability role really helps picture reach potential terrific work deserving larger audience look forward director cast", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always thought ended succesful one attempts ending life every person cares would sad moment move on thought people died family boyfriends family worked end living ones cannot kill cannot mom time feel like cannot keep living either know much take try either outcome terrifies me mom said would able move kill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need able change usernames case brother whos either cant tell point stop updating age status stopped caring made account here caught glimpse username texted idea see shit mom see shit mom knows mind talking strangers ill block fifty accounts brothers made life gotta like that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie great like every international project includes strong impressions three israel bosnia egypt cut out especially bosnian clip pathetic beyond reason contain single original thought element own everything else really great unrecognizable americans known rest world unfortunately clips speak misery people world and see it many give damn itbr br top loach penn inarritu lalouche imamura", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uwu cute dont get uwu considered furry uwu pretty cute say use uwu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brilliant film great john waters characters unforgettable acting script camerawork enhance overall greatness film perversion artform must see all easily perfect ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dumped someone loved need someone talk toi posted rrelationship_advice want details dumped someone loved depression got much her im occasionally ok sometimes get extremely upset it fault left cant back post httpswwwredditcomrrelationship_advicecommentsjgm_just_got_dumped_by_girlfriend_of_one_year_f gone life maybe thats good happy im happy person im alone lost best friend moving on please help me need advice someone talk to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sick thisim sick fucking living like this dad killed may worth anymore one feel empty life going nowhere im tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ariana grenade ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spending another christmas thinking thing every dayanother night spend hours trying fall asleep cant ive depression many many years killed yet family try fall asleep time usually cant unless im totally exhausted write thoughts cant fall asleep usually ends paragraph hate life kill myself know go make things better want bother family shit anymore know happy ive years therapy jack shit im antidepressants still wanna kill myself ive heard everything book people said feeling better still feel like trash makes posting seem pointless hey im still hanging thread something tried yet hell not want live life learn work boring cycle realizing makes wish born im already sick it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jugular veinif got stabbed jugular vein long would take die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "matter timealready see coming hello birthday girl", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got suicidal thoughts tonightmy mind fucked lately idea whats going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someoneits years havent friend nobody call ask im doing person listen take opinion from gotten point im scared socializing dont know act still try put there matter what always mess up family ignores point try say something theyll start talking sentence everyone looks right me im tired it constant dread alone feeling heart stomach cant take it nobody even notices me like im horrible person try best help people part best still universe wants kick ass guess people like brothers house something invites friends look treat like shit brothers fiance fell drunk night went go help low behold got pushed way told move people me cant wait end it hours", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody wanna join minecraft world xbox name pleasedbanjo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another endless amount cookiecutter kickboxers fight death amusement wealthy scumbags films many s yknow ones created taking words death blood steel words ring fight match cage putting random generator saying though death match pretty good entry overused genre thanks exciting fight scenes surprisingly good acting kickboxer castbr br the story concerns two buddies exkickboxing world champion john larson played pugfaced middleweight kickboxing champ ian jacklin probably previously best known awful performance main villain ring fire nick wallace nick hill likable guy probably best known role streetfighter sergio bloodsport work la docks loading crates onto ships one discovery boxful guns brief fight later two heroes jobless propping la bar sensible john larson decides head north look job headstrong nick wallace heard guy paying good money fighters fight private kickboxing matches why things change says john need me ill there predictably enough long nick gone missing good friend fighting deadly ring death trying find lead missing buddybr br sure enough prizes originality here like said before films strength lies action cast reallife fighters fairly good performances manages wring them ian jacklin particular surprised me previously id seen bad guy ring fire bitparts tripe like steel ring ive always quite amused bad actor good fighter though death match hes pretty good given decent script haircut proves quite charismatic leading man friendship nick well portrayed jacklin hill nice chemistry really believe two characters care other enough one lose job travel halfway across country risk death save wish friend like that br br it also nice see matthias hues villainous henchman little depth were used seeing many villainous henchman roles however fooled thinking hes star hes video cover with seems head stuck body michael bernardo cover shootfighter good hes screen muchbr br on negative side film pretty slow theres fighting going on lots unnecessary scenes whats gangster jimmie fiorellos pointless story grandfather end fight disappointingly short whole enjoyed it plenty fights good martial arts really need course eyecandy lovely form pretty renee ammann all pretty entertaining kickboxing movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "coworkers talking im snob im right next work want diei know anxiety depression probably ptsd maybe aspergers i fucking idea cant function im normal im uncomfortable around cant genuine unable open vulnerable make connection anyone cant communicate im anxious depressed ive trying sooooooo fucking hard past two years im ready give up im crying car lunch want go walk intersection end everything things make happy partner cats get spend hour two day whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbye loves ill back", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think africa toto watching sunset like watching tonight couldnt stop playing head reason usually sunset", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "desktop goose awaken honk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pls send help stayed am minecraft world house looks like small mansion outside live right next ravine fell asleep it fight mobs try wake headset then came house put minecraft beds next feel oddly accomplished myself", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorry im doneptsd gotten better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wheelof chemicals ampxb morals ampxb maybe perspective ampxb selfreflection ampxb coping ampxb hands melting water ampxb putting hands water ampxb sharp pain then less body ampxb wrong ampxb feels like nothing ampxb copies smarter ampxb copies exist ampxb better ampxb things ampxb putting nail scissors next pillow ampxb like hands water ampxb fluids melt ampxb though ampxb yet feels ampxb it ampxb empty brain tatsy death ampxb good morning ampxb", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly know much longer go onmy mother emotionally abusive neglectful entire life go much detail ive made two posts it curious see those tldr mother took literally everything away entire life spoil bratty little sister point pulling school letting anything socialize growing up going entire life since age literally trapped basement unable leave claims literally lock away count way leave im years old means start life ive torn entire life family without chance develop social skills cant anything cant even talk anyone beyond saying hi that ive way getting job live ive tried applying everywhere within walking distance and some nothing past years ride public transport really exist town mother gave car supposed mine younger sister totaled drunk license yet mother one actually yelled promised not get license yet ive barely even scratched surface post previous posts ive made literally ignored since child every time tried talk anything cant handle anymore cant handle fact never got kid teenager mother care tries excuse everything done going i thinking straight everybody makes mistakes shell flop back flat denying it wanted fair chance life gone forever ill never get chance teenager actually develop have everything gone forever bothered tell bratty sister no ive tried therapy ive tried medication nothing helps tried explain mother fair would thing helps years since started explaining done worse since then cant anymore reason killed since last posts convinced would finally listen fair ive come realization happen cant get without yes tried completely unwilling keeps making excuses doctors medication helped wanted mother treat fairly shot life everyone ive talked keeps saying oh young theres still time get it im literally starting though except expected get job move ready adult even get chance teenager like everyone else cant it want end it ive slowly getting point past weeks made even rapid post really cry help anything im honest mind made up know im posting honestly guess want someone tell actually victim instead mothers gaslighting ampxb im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont really feel like life worth livingfor people is people great lives im sure people amazing friends found soul mate nothing one daughter would better without me husband picked fight left work feeling depressed apparently wants happy thinks getting mad sad right way make happy hes soul mate im stuck family wont take back point got married last year baby dont job im waiting state approval child care assistance left everything know behind move husband moved miles away family time didnt even want desperate get familys home unimportant them lonely depressed even one single soul call talk parents would never understand sister dont talk things none friends answer phone call never call back ask one ive always alone one even wants friend god knows dont fucking soul mate want kill baby better off dont want relationship anymore cant leave dont anyone anything offer world even could leave marriage would never find anyone else love way want loved cant even find friend truly loves me want end get with tried kill failed didnt try hoped things would get better wish could go back tell never gets fucking better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " honestly growing alone guy sisters dad picture always alone school friends hones since like november praying everyday something bad happens something ends killing mei really purpose sometimes get motivation things like little businesses started think even try like ik something hate dislike pushing away mom sisters know one day say fuck end waiting right opportunity life going might aswell leave nobody would miss really", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask stuff pt end answer dishonestly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbye im going better placei dont understand bad people are shared unpopular opinion fat shaming illegal people said run fatty run nothing live for abusive dad bullies filled real life internet ampxb im going better place called heaven stop can", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot anymore getting really close ending all parents going away days alone time say goodbye world going say goodbye everyone soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going rough patch anyone chat atm anyone talk right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jessica albas max valerie rae millers original cindy shines actionpacked atmospheric serial wonderfully politically incorrect quality varies greatly episode episode generally standard high not jessica always worth looking at valeries urban jivetalking afroamerican occationally almost dragging dark angel sitcom territory", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "emdr sessions great success also want go became severely depressed days following sessions anyone else sharing feeling like maybe sometimes bettereasier go therapy revisit everything try get ahold yourself definitely skill set learned time therapy feel rely right now get worse sure enoughthough hopeful get worse would appreciate feedback whether also share feelings think better return therapy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ending life within hoursi anything live for nothing im currently years old friend never really friend im currently jobless never able hold job months unemployed year jobs almost money prospects bad social skills anxiety severe depression majority life dropped high school emotionally torture me people come across seem extremely rude me nowhere turn help contact either parents never girlfriend ever really opportunity get close girl believe would give meaning life every girl tried initiate contact shut down immediately ignored me something hurtful say get made fun every person know virgin jokes etc live small town k people unable move no transportationmoney opportunities town make changes life interests hobbies never found skilled anythingi get nothing joy life consistent misery see reason life continue tried best ability deal issues", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "simply put paul bettany jennifer connelly remarkable movie less raw science darwins beliefs holds focus strongly relationship family primarily wife emma daughter anniebr br toby jones gives wonderful turn thomas huxley great defender darwins beliefs rest cast task sharing screen time bettany connellybr br but two carry movie real chemistry apparent beginning end develops transcendence darwin grapples demons scene darwin relates ending story jenny orangutan dying daughter annie utterly gripping world premiere audience tiff spellbound bettanys performance recognized one years best short order equally magnificent connellys work playing religious wife man who huxleys words killed godbr br the film moves slowly entire spectrum darwins grief relishing every detail bettany connellys actingbr br brilliant", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get home go bed struggle getting morning im trying hard feel like cant get right feel stupid literally everything ive done life far way ive gone things im terrified letting ruin me try hard pretend everything ok cant anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom found account would kill isnt even anything bad hates melt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im guy set date ive decided talk itim things little complicated mentioned last post also suffer massive depersonalizationderealization basically persistent existential crisis well paranoid psychosis going years ill try explain meaning defined terms things meaningful relation things etc etc etc rather like define word using words strip away recursion find existence state utterly devoid inherent meaning potentially purpose realize this activates homunculus inside head vetoes attempts make order disorder sense nonsense purposes life get subconsciously dissected reveal empty cores meaninglessness ephemerality universal indifference towards condition live constants reconcile anything constants is well inconstant goes long enough objects lose meaning look car longer see car shapes make car car becomes strange sounding vague concept head actually associate anything perceive like constant dream world thats derealization along comes depersonalization im really sure put words simply feel real everyone internal feeling self inner ego exist anymore thoughts everything series unrelated automatic actions feels unnatural somehow turns normal human behavior even im typing really it see hands typing see words screen feel like hands feel like alien add paranoid psychosis occasional illusions grandeur work hear phone ringing look see not think network administrators work monitoring connections posting stuff reddit response mains posts taunting me think people trying tell things using hidden meanings say like hint giving im picking on etc etc etc constant battle rational mind paranoia far battle attrition new years date give up ask yes care multiple psychologists psychiatrists tried dozens medications self medication medication tried change city change job regular exercise good diet regular sleep when can edit forgot add sometimes cause pain feel real try cause obvious permanent damage", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " male highschool lost everything friends know even great friends begin with hope becoming great musician lost contact girl could girlfriend wandering lonely alone past years seems like everyone enemy mean people bet since school assholes bullies never easy life way going want keep going living judge father passed away last month keep thinking much beat kid id go school get bullied beat well like never ending pain go away know else say want die always alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please let diei want die everything fucking stupid dont want anytjing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggling decide doim year old woman suffered various mental illnesses since young age ive abused neglected child led developing borderline personality disorder major depression cptsd panic attacks bulimia compulsive skin picking disorder self harm addiction current situation complicated summarize leave job last fall due redflag attempt leaving hospital sought outpatient treatment put aside fiancs agoraphobia advanced point longer leave apartment reason all result neither us employed im working state ssi hopefully receive benefits help us struggling mentally afraid coming lazy freeloader genuinely unable go function normal adult should threat eviction electric turned off multiple elements situation making receiving public assistance nearly impossible us im losing sense hope desire alive seems gone afraid hurt myself many responsibilities right leave everything go hospital im sure do know im trapped stay strong handle things us going away try get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talking people ive finally started think im attractive life ive shitted told wasnt good enough rejected responses like ew gross eat shit classic fuck off didnt think would ever found good looking ever good friends sub ive finally turned around led finally seeing worth helped me know are also struggle andor struggling like me afraid talking people due fear shit again know this worth find it like you might find tomorrow week find it please keep heads held high kings queens rule kingdoms throughout turmoil ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "powers boothe turns stellar performance s cult figure jim jones peoples temple jones physical likeness jones uncanny story acted chillingly movie keeps riveted must see anyone check out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "held loaded gun head tonightim average american white priveleged male job make great money lot friends serial monogamist entire life engaged before since engagement broke seeking mental relief forms relationships eating put close lbs made things worse recently broke girlfriend years never love comforted me since ended ive tornado lost lbs months gym diet decent single life tonight everything came crashing down open woman relations shut down nothing abnormal deal rejection fine triggered something scary feelings self worthi hate typical american soul crushing office job idea life supposed about hate american dream slaving away office order afford buy stuff dont need yet say anyone im ostracized made feel worse shortened version everything going didnt get responses text messages put didnt balls pull trigger need outlet", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cousin stupid cousin stopped eating pm girl already boyfriend this every night terribly aggressive unpleasant already quarreling almost whole family do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wait bunch videos learn languages sleep damn im going everythinglingual keep sleeping rates", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh friends taking bdsm test rice purity test and holy shit man thought bad one thing coming and rest zero kink test rice purity score bruh like many kinks low purity score feel uncomfy innocent lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello all _ thing whatever hey folks wanna make sure everybodys well arent _ think theyre cute peace everyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking monster evil", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want le burger king impossible burger uwu enough grow boobies d", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genres outdated sort music depressing andhiwy much reminds much world sucks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tip iceberg im making survivalhorror game friends need voice actors people use blender people cide c d animators dm questions want invite development server", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think tonight night theres one thing holding backas title states think tonight night already plan done research ensure follow waking up nights ago started talking old friend surprised find really missed me missed too stopped talking going go date misunderstanding thought stood up felt deserved done some less kind things past idea always forgives me like forgive people like me pretty long history ive seen treats people things hurt her never acted like me well im almost still learning drive family including town dad asked drive dinner fighting night usually do said something car driving one day going regret saying me im going forgive do infuriated yelled whenever got chance night going fast around corner bald tires crashed car needless say exploded get car towed went dinner stayed hotel slit wrists first time always though people cry help know took knife wallet slit would covered watch looked cut wrists somewhat shocked little cared fact slit wrists researching kill come perfect plan tonight hours minutes im going load gauge buckshot point head know whether actually pull trigger decide gun head took shower though miss thing really think girl feel owe stay alive knows bad anxiety talked before would talking right dad took phone way reaching her another reason important friend im far socially awkward switched schools everyone school outcast cant stand anyone there im kind lost posted hear opinions lot detail missing tried sum best could edit add suicidal thoughts nothing new feel reached tipping point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "celebration earth day disney released film earth stopping far short strident message gloom doom treated excellent footage animals habitats without feeling bad ourselvesbr br the stars show herd elephants family polar bears whale calf narrative begins north pole proceeds south reach tropics introduced denizens various climatic zones traversedbr br global warming mentioned view wanderings polar bear note made shrinking sea ice islands recent years never see bears catch seals fathers desperate search food leads dangerous solutionbr br the aerial shots caribou migrating across tundra one spectacular wildlife shots ever saw another migrating wildfowl enough reward price admission see big screenbr br one disappointments felt otherwise terrific shots great white sharks taking seals filmed slow motion never get sense one characteristic wild animals incredible speed idea slowing film convey great quickness think began or least first recall seeing television show kung fu early seventiesbr br an interesting sidelight credits roll end demonstrations cinematographic techniques employed revealed enough dramatic humorous instructive moments movie make solid choice nature buffs perhaps selective editing sparing us were grisly end preypredator moment fact footage released available dvd solid film right take kidsbr br three stars", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres one reason killed yet good one cw rapewhen raped boyfriend time hed done something asked ok slept someone else upcoming th birthday something like that disgusted me want sex night no answer liked hear previously id said no got drunk night kept pushing pushing gave in felt like to history abused that family good one knew this also systematically isolated friends knew nobody else life knew gave power cried whole way through even though finish it really started feeling like raping you im rapist erase previous fifteen minutes remember correctly stop me stopped selfimage day person sex with willingly otherwise thats reason killed yet want die knowing person ever fucked me feels like hes winning especially since half decade since happened ive still able someone else feel like thats slowly becoming less less concern though nobody would want anyway life me theres nothing would attract another person recently realised spending several months without friends contacting me could literally already rotting nobody would noticed know ive done it maybe im scared pain failure", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "baby tarantulas cute wowies", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yesterdays events realized yesterdays events realized online friends way better real onesif seen post made yesterday might knowyea least online friends like like would always talk play games toghether real friends ehthey like like even want reply me hope guys get need rant hhhh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end even weak thatmy ex digging heart out dont know am went parents house alone know wouldnt right i several guns everyday contemplate one effective", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish could ever home alone mean sure boring dumbass brother keeps walking grab stuff we share room even hes occupying another room grandma blasting neopolitical podcasts full volume phone dumbass cant bring use earphones turn fucking volume down like bitch let fap peace while cant even homework peace without brother waltzing in rummaging thourgh messy ass shelf finding looking walking back out shits annoying fuck completely ridiculous parents bought flat brother months old decided tear fucking wall rooms became one big room could separate rooms parents spent extra money tearing wall couldnt could even comprehend world tf think would happen mom wed never argue dumbass brother hates core cant anything it tldr parents took wall hate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend posted stopped replying methey posted days ago find way contact found phone number theyre florida phone keeps ringing idk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall motherfuckers get call witches dance around tarot cards offerings spirit readings crap reserve right collect swords quest take holy land yall pretend cast spells hexes shit get babble reclaiming jerusalem deal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need love yourself sincerely stop depending others provide do pain experienced differently feel negative energy welcome open arms let stay long wants harm you harm trying get rid it times negative thoughts interactions flood mind accept harsh judgement could correct might done something stupid may awkward matters say does without consent nobody define good existence powerwhen depend others image worth constantly change fit definition good trade life affection another idea here becomes blind leading blind spend time yourself watching tv reading book stand slowly move toes bend knees slightly flex lower body feel like let muscles take pressure bones turn music allow connection sound touch go unfiltered make vocals let blood oxygen flow nerves come alive hear saymany abuse bodies treating like slave will foundational part existence spend time enhance experience lying bed shut everything slowly curly hands toes tense motion feel movement it experience existence grab second appreciate it believe could create better one power so rules meaning purpose written mind difficult use knowledge empathize existence malleable going shape will need connect it voices others yourself you exist incredible let anyone lie telling truth know see is please understand sincere love", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything bland im tiredi wish could know sure peaceful rest side gotten better much wanted to ever since teen years hard feel positive emotions trouble keeping job down constantly question relationship hate alone im someone im happy either feel trapped ive convinced someone love me try work becoming psychologist answers procrastinate assignments gf fight im tired im tired trying get right time feel like ive made progress younger even try life came way enjoyed it rest life hopefully get cancer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird practice redflagseems strange like gesture know keep trying find right pressure points block carotid artery jugular vein least amount discomfort decide actually strangle myself ugh", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression panic attacks derealisation episodes quite time sucks ssri afford rn fluoxetine working me heard good things sertraline parents retrenched way afford long term advice cannot afford treatment currently university really hellish live day day ssris expensive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "typical st world country problems friends family would say good stable life would agree makes feel extra guilty struggle wanting exist everything would every want done everything wanted do know possessions experiences give life meaning lasting joy feel investing time notredflag family altruism gives joy maybe lazy selfish bword care enough that feel like emotionally messed up want care want want heart feel nothing want wanting nothing life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "perpetuumi committed far happiness excessively beyond ahead me made choice abandon current pleasure future latters appeal distant realize provide motivation wont make years fuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment worst redditor sub vote", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive lost social skillshigh school slowly drained emotion social skills had find impossible keep conversation people ive known whole life im honestly awkward person know embarrass repeatedly throughout day dont care anything anymore grades proof that options high school humiliatingly limited sad dont even see good enough reason pursue them involved anything dont want be im lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would lot easier give upall push ive pushing pushing keep trying find happiness gets shut every time thing makes happiest im helping people see joy eyes anything big small take care myself too passions hobbies goals calligraphy love music great passion coding im good it still pushing nothing brings happiness much weight me actions directed towards helping people losing luster get anything anymore things others see joy get rush it means stop finding ways make people happy find way make happy want redflag easier finally look interests interest what ignore it supposed change wrong according society looking interests then cant selfish killing selfish cant it everyone selfish everyone looks themselves best interests mind best path end it care anyone else thinks justified mind justify anyone else get joy anything im supposed look me like everyone else wrong seriously tell me wrong makes sense something makes sense it would destroy people yes theyve done me too care cop out cowardly move no tell owe others it owe anyone anything besides living owe people way live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slayer doom eternal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " wrote following statements imdb message board user wondered best years lives forgotten movie br br watching movie like opening time capsule think many ways the best years lives probably one fascinating character studies holds extremely well look life us mids wwii believe coming home the deer hunter released recent films closest capturing numerous issues military men returning war brought the best years livesbr br what really impressed watching movie entirety college around many college students applauded end moviebr br this movie still packs wallop im happy read posts users feeling movie definitely stand test time br br im happy see movie ranked near top movies imdb afi also though competition eventually became christmas classic wonderful life arguably best years lives oscar wins including best picture welldeserved br br ive seen film almost years best years lives still powerful beautifully acted wellcrafted motion picture", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im okayhello new friends lets say name danny im currently going hardest part life days ago evaded capture police want broke contactprotection order went jail got bond payed bond left jail simple right well im screwed broke order stupid open mouth type n vent cause thank god gave ability feels like cant express feeling unless wanna go jail oppressive n depressing days ago found messed thirsty ass police town went man hunt dark pm n im sitting random parking lot car parked reversed undercover white car sneaks acting sus first drives slowly turns direction n starts pinning react quick didnt know cop soon im pinned realise whats happening n quickly reverse back curb n grass turned quick escaped pin drive around back turns police lights another normal cop entrance blocked hop curb escape n go low speed chase hot ass see stopped mins never mind quit job go jail sit jail months lose ls cant drive probably take car bc texted someone im reported missing n suicidal honestly ive never felt worried sad im sure ima crash car commit days im running money im scared go work cold im sleeping car im rock bottom im hurt hurt young man back square one fight left guys progress gone tears face fuck shit nothing thank u reading may god love way hell love kingdom", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure thats problem not like thingy go like three world real word internet world imagination world people spend time internet world real world feel like problem time imagination world point could go around circles room hours straight pay attention anything current world im in sure thats worrying depression bad point create alternative world escape to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sabotaged academically want diemy school work far biggest problem right now immediate one slept night class hours im failing classes senior year weeks behind every single one classes done multiple projects tests tried catching looking fucked am making feel discouraged want give again truth loathed years feel like ive died inside used well school ive fell behind partially due numbness partially feel like deserve well so sabotaged myself now slowly realizing graduate even fucked would mean ive wasted years moms life buying school supplies driving school honestly want kill myself tried one two summers ago got scared last minute told anyone burden many ways really cherry top wanted die since cant explain teachers get family involved whole fucking shit show another problem longer even focus on understand school work swear god brain shrunken something nothing sticks anymore like good spending hours nothing worrying finding reasons hate myself literally know way dying fault know do want get back regular suffering without top point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know im freaking ive done before cant hear ear pushed wax back cleaning ears cant hear left ear happened before dont know im freaking out dont know dont know whats going on", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "obtained anime woman yea thats basically", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty sure life cursed god satan angels whatever powerful damn planeti want happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weeks ago saved friend redflag suspended reddit day got unbanned checked online friends accounts one active rredflagwatch gonna commit days talked it still talk day pissed got banned temporarily saved life end probably wouldnt checked account didnt happen btw know check accounts posts banned put app took break would terrifying check wouldnt able message talk out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "man close fixing sleep schedule sip sisters green tea still wide awake hours later", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stabbed myselfi stabbed times lower abdomen theres lot blood cant feel anything die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uncle died want end like him im literally everything wrongmy uncle dads brother died heart attack poor control diabetes numerous heart problems weighed pounds died dad worked different jobs uncle would always great first weeksmonths work slowly start making excuses come started almost never going work always inevitably got fired could never hold job months childhood adult life play video games always struggled weight type diabetes never good control of im going exact path want fate know continue living going die turn weigh lbs im years old poor control blood sugars i type diabetes uncle type theyre different diseases similar havehad poor control blood sugar though ive tried lose weight never find motivation so always end giving up never bring care blood sugar enough control well normally prolonged exposure high blood sugar long period years basically fucks nervous system toes start falling off lose feeling fingers eyes stop working correctly etc homeschooled life started high school last september well first months then started missing days sick eventually got point going couple times month where im now really stay home feel sad play video games even enjoy it feel uncomfortable im computer way grew know anything else most homeschooled life spent pc always start stuff when homeschooled would work months slowly give stop easy stuff homework hard all cant bring it literally exactly uncle growing up dad told me fucking terrified me literally exact things im doing died really want go path want end like uncle cant bring change need help anyone suggestions id much rather end life end path tldr uncle died poor control diabetes lack motivation weight issues im issues too scaring me want die im definitely continue path need help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people allowed date deal crushes no secretly going option", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drivers license help ive trying reach dmv days one pick phone respond messages either website reddit thought id see question could answered here question apply license road test suspended nc im currently years old wasnt able finish drivers ed school never permit ive hours driving mom believe pre covid year old could apply license nc without drivers ed permit road test suspension im sure true questions are still apply either license permit age road test suspended received drivers education certificate apply road test waiver need one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "beating downim years old th grade pending drug charges caught mg adderall pills school september january landed ambulance ride hospital shroom acodmt experiment two friends going cost parents tremendous amount money feel fucking awful putting bullshit disclosed past regular drug use parents weed adderall xanax tramadol oxycodone hydrocodone mushrooms lsd inbome coke dxm fucked up feel happy escape reality curious guess friends around curious well never partied everything alone small groups friends good environments cant help think ive permanently wrecked already flawed brain chemistry im gifted diagnosed adhd ocd gad age ive completely abstained drug use fact even considered using anything makes feel though ive done everything completely choice feel completely overwhelmed guilt disgusted putting parents this amount adderall possessed caught implied intention distribute mention school grounds felony fuck rest life decide continue it im nearing edge though im surrounded loving family plenty close friends theres driving force telling none matters end already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "husband dragged film interest seeing anime cartoon absolutely delighted simple story amazing animation digital world effects computer generated refreshing see gorgeous imaginative hand drawn animation world sosuke ponyo vivid fantasyland intermixed minimal reality seen animation like since child wonderful see endure succeedbr br the actors supplying voices english version fabulous length movie perfect especially children tend get squirrelly films overall delightful experience worth expensive ticket prices nowadays", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends ive never felt alone now ive always someone could talk to years ago would come back school spend rest day talking online friends discord playing games them enough happy alright met girl later become girlfriend first reallife relationship lasted months lost friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lookin gaming buddies hi im looking someone play games cause gaming fun someone else right games im currently playing rn are league legends valorant apex legends overwatch im open suggestions tho ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "caricatures andor references entertainment industry people things even brands products usually staple shorts like one used quantity here individual gags rather generic im going give examples spoilers below br br there three well technically fourtheres quick one end cartoon caricatures spotted kind low type short though one featured character fair amount activity jack benny as jack bunny leopold stowkowski inimitable ned sparks as crab canchances good that crab involved warner brothers short ss caricature used would ned sparks also references billy roses aquacade riff radio show character called henry aldrich coming mother play superman superguy here villain takeoff king kong thats kind gagbr br the products mostly generic gags plays basic items unusual situations turtles coming cans soup attack villain tanks tomato soup cans the cancan gingerbread men turn paratroopers using tissues parachutes on gags good excellent example bob clampett cartoon clampett hit stride director point anywhere near best work nothing sneeze either short found looney tunes golden collection vol excellent set highly recommend short also recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate cant bring hurt around meas late day feels like struggle get through able see therapist mental health steadily deteriorating ive throughs past several years never acted them things getting hard now world fucked hate im living this thing stops going knowing would negatively effect around me much whats stopping me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoilersbr br i blown away movie ive renting movielink bit decided check movie out alot boxing movies seem overblow blood movie shows amature level though wish perhaps attention would brought perhaps improving grades movie points problems families face genderbr br i bit concerned ending ending disappointment eitherbr br i think pretty clear title shed win unexpected two got back together sort endbr br loved score scenes highly recommendedbr br br br quality br br entertainment br br replayable ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "situationhey all ill try say much can need help need compassion want express im boiling feelings want people know exactly might lead potential death lets start general im yo french male ive always shy ive never really self confidence ive bullied th grade overweight nerd class became pseudo depressive kept saying id kill really wanted bit attention love get anyway now today im different person ive become heartless careless bastard imagine chose to started movie watched bother tell ill tell made think become today movie occupies dear space heart showed side life deeply want discover dumb know made realize im missing life ill try make little sum learnt first friendship think might one biggest parts movie hit right guts movie made question definition friendship friends any even feel yeah turns feel shit anyone called friends dicks like them yeah im alone friends point view second love on side things mean saw like love somebody wether family friends girl mad think cant love cant ive never met girl loved theyre so superficial dunno all heartless bastard third dream context place movie took place in man hate france hate people here hate myself want live people like ill like people place even biggest city appealing sunny full life think need trigger something make feel think miss plain happiness thats made become today think ill change mind im going bad stuff know it question importantly not ill leave that fellow friends hope great life fulfill feelings like id like to edit forgot say eat sleep anymore im critical exhaustion point too whenever night cry hours also exhausts physical aspect", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new project idea index wikipedia pages look rteenagers spooktober want find words leave word comment section done using program making rn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive unsuccessful attemptsits making real angry life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things bleak cant stop thinking iti cant take pain anymore long get psychiatric help cant kid friends gone family leave job city months ago getting death threats people abandoned nothing im trying hard cant stop hurting pain overwhelming right next unstoppable thoughts gf refusing let put hold cant live her im scared ex husband tried take kid several times before im homeless job money hope want selfish give up hurt anymore worry guilt ive done others im gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tag yourself quotes group chat high schoolers whenever friend mine texts something funny copy notes app heres years worth context quotes entertainment tag when writing reprott mla format space pragraph space onceler car onceler car theres much pasta room ziti time my name ppeepee poopoo man ur watching disney channel oo oo suggestion kill loose foot loose put fuckin foot loose feet foot feet dance fucking feet this capitalism cool cool cool i cant believe would kill farmer backbone economy inine i choked bai antioxidant cocowater feels like skullfucked coconut do u fantasize badonka donk whats menu ass skfnnynsnf forgot say alexa get alexa listen standing front alexa dark angrily whispering hey solid forty seconds god witness work cracker barrel you put ur dick diet worms diet worms charlie got pussy asmranch friendly reminder youve listened kpop bc youve listened gangnam style dont accept constructive criticism and like im martin luther king chill i want get oreo mcflurry eat die yall cant cryptic shii know ur mom gay morse code das end rope i slapped namjoons ass sounded like screenshot the raw sexual power emanating image keep caroline warm do yall play ur wii circumcised uncircumcised i come damn spotify immediately assaulted megamind ass he fears bro bro intimacy im gonna get masters psychology find girlfriend fight god target warzone market district safe space namjoon see foot bed sleep paralysis did fuck mom mr mime dudusu im sans duduusuus im sans undertake i slapped ass uh pure titanium whos hottest member big time rush hey everyone wanted let know our teacher looks like keebler elf i used smart man like ffucking smart dude like nd grade hit education different cant even read pros driving alone play first forty five seconds less know better solid hour cons driving alone regret fear loneliness danger road long hard treacherous ur honda alone why talking nipples pinterest ladies gays the shooter came our principal took one varsity football trophies smashed ground screamed scatter met stork today effervescent paul ddijubluhlachberrais if wanna clap ass song imma clap ass the way interact order feel safe telling think look like lizard in opinion imagine much magical life would saliva hydrated lips instead completely decimating girls cannibalistic tendencies some guy buzzfeed tried green bean first time said spicy laughed hard cried james blunt voice hr bthfl carolien b like mans whore i see exo da stanky legg this getting weird fuck entire conversation found made ate hot dog feel like next step going throwing hot dog am good fucking night everyone you get stds get tested motto documentary because much respect coleslaw much respect stanky leg richard printed process paper wrong turned around said fuck richard even thinking heart sank this spiderverse spidersona stupid thick peter bit radioactive thot killed venom clapping asscheeks hard soundwave dematerialized hi im wiggles fox believe earth disk hannah baker shares ass skinwalker i want throw pavement las vegas strip hard permeate quantum space it claps ass kissin u miranda cosgrove losing job tickle elmo true spirit christmas a room called clown room mirror nothing else door closes swiss miss instant piss my bro baby congrats bro dope baby pregnancy get hit car bc refuse walk crosswalk thats painted rainbow libs the beat loose slimey love it man pure heart dumb ass", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things news taken given shocking documentary fear investigation proceeds producers film vindicated spadesbr br the producers show us davidians government agents investigators faults humanity nothing reviewer say could approach impact watching listening yourself pieces evidence congressional testimony tapes news footage expert commentary interviews photos home videos seamlessly woven together tell disturbing tale br br do wait see film tell friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mental hospitalso day yesterday night drinking vodka cutting myself looking around house drugs overdose etc felt unknown reason really need help spoke mom awhile finally told asked admitting mental hospital work blah blah trying explain fast possible talks social worker local clinic doctor im suppose see works calls hospital town closest hospital says go today happy insanely nervous drink which im suppose to cant drunk wanna admitted something pack stuff expecting staying awhile really nervous mom calls gp ask valium something help go door hospital get vlium injection go hospital talk doctor nurse room asks lot questions minutes shows bed room people beds could lot people worst nightmare reason thought would room alone past experience mental hospital about years ago great hospital rooms total room own modern obviously liked it time wanted go home asap weeks made think would like that say mom cant stay here asks nurse doctor tells cant go back room im angry now trys convince say wanna go home do point post is like adult mental hospital normally im ireland im guessing different around world anyway advice info would great sorry long", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failing everythingi essay due monday understand readings spoke prof thinks im fine probably wanted get rid me exams summer going fail understand material im intelligent enough clearly work work work work get nowhere im nearly teenager anymore cant afford make dumb mistakes like this tried everything right going wrong know now feel like dumb idiot child ill go back shitty little hometown live parents let time pass by soon ill position dead pointless life hard make something myself feel like everyone else knows secret life dont people fulfilled lives friends good grades good diets workouts hobbies etc cant one things god ive tried im end road rock bottom see way up death seems like sweet relief id go jump front tube train want traumatise driver know do rant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " year old woman fucking sick tired treated like person enough sometimes want fucking throw phone wall read shit see sent me talking guy seemed nice nice able talk normal things flirting all really amazing actually flirted with felt like person talked weather countries pets real mundane shit nice even got share bit traumas saw picture conversation change told me no warned seen look like going hard ask nudes get thirsty said it told talk always days normal stuff obviously hard person too actually said quote yeah knew attractive fucking audacity offended saying conversations ruined could control himself basically cannot get basic human respect normal conversation someone sees fucking look makes feel like nothing feel fucking stupid thinking person nice sat genuinely upset two days now explained upset one leave conversation never apologised sick feeling like object sick nervous guy talks me sick scared incase see face sick scared full stop deserve fucking respect deserve treated treat you deserve heard fucking say no feelings fucking sick tired thirsty fucking assholes cannot accept wrong acting creepy give fuck offended tell flirtyi offended would listen first place honestly hide face get normal conversation hate shit sometimes feel like want hide away want talk anyone already hard make friends put crap top it tired tired treated like human being dealt alot years past sexual abuse physical abuse rape survivor fucking several times shit makes feel even worthless thoughts go back used think abused i pleasure matter feel want sex good for puts really bad place know deal stuff anymore know everyone deal it online world feel like ignore everyone incase want that fair shit scary know trust deserve respect too", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell someone want end lifeconstant suicidal thoughts getting me someone close knows ive made plan before long time ago one knows brain assaults suicidal thoughts every hour upon every day put burden another person tell someone without changing way look me bottle times honest dont talk much all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really hungry emotions brought death death looks like butterflies rainbows mewhat really want really need right power power ignored preferably something flashy could destroy world it know im never going get something like that much imagination know humans lot power themselves looks small expectations human pretty easily lot quite criminal but newsworthy things human always make someone ignore force conscience thats stopping me no ive lost long time ago maybe never that frankly care im afraid consequences right now constant feeling anxiety makes constantly want puke cant even sleep it feel like mind mine think stay relatively rational going drift away feel like one day truly lose sense value thinking give insanity thats burst feel like ill wake monster become numb consequences actions go rampage get killed process even now im getting excited giddy prospect that hold back kinda painful hold real back harshly though ill endure now know exactly im excited something like that able cry long time ive barely felt emotion long time want able cry want able cry guilt something ive done want feel emotions someone recommended watching sad movies great im used tropes look boring me someone else recommended video games once cut it like gore whatever disgusting apparently really want control emotions others blood matter personal taste guess anyways wanted write somewhere ill go sleep look wake hopefully itll help endure little bit longer really really love life guess im terrified prospect forgetting that right sub this im depressed like many you im insane well whatever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost sex but ive going steady chick long time finally guts ask question wanted deed appeared enthusiastic excited first however took member started laughing pointing ever since ive browsing rsmalldickproblems", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "breaking bad habits im trying strive away feeling wanting drink smoke stopped fun started wednesday night alone lose self control it best stop now forget feeling act it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point call redflag hotlineive thinking it ive worried whether since know im worthy attempted redflag yet im commit redflag suicidal thoughts showing multiple times per day call redflag hotline", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom im trying appease opposite sex no whenever want wear smaller cut bathing suit isnt attract teenage boys no whenever put makeup im trying impress someone no friend opposite sex doesnt mean want date him dont know guys moms eyes everything im impress boys even though ive never shown slightest attraction around little know im actually bi realize dress look best myself others definitely men", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal shit life dont bang like used else relate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody else cuddle buddies not feeling touch starved id gladly send virtual hugs platonic internet love anybody needs trying times dms open anybody needs it big virtual arms", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im spamming survey forgot make public could take survey metal music makes feel school would appreciate it httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformuspsf_link", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think related roommate last name parents signs aware", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "better without medoes anyone ever feel like disappeared everything would better without ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill get homeim vacation right now going pretty well ive panic attacks intrusive thoughts last two days hurt twice really want again cant stop thinking killing get home tomorrow night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats ideal romantic date me give money", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "generic edgy venting postim going anhero sure would like to ampxb complicated girlfriend left bossbestfriends younger brother also underling job one considered good friend pains know acting did t minus events distorted things cannot reason people father recently painfully gone blind one eye dealing accusations murder going years now cannot prove anything rarely ever wrong certain innocent man gave fortune get custody twin myself sacrificed everything us thats whole worms exgirlfriends best friend head investigator known violence drug use seem matter cheated notorious drug pusher user straight laced father main suspect insert angry edgy comment insulting god female shiba ran apartment cannot found despite chipped never abused though suspect prior owners loved much dealt loss many animals life intended and spoil spoil brother thats another worms grandmother showing serious signs alzheimers grandfathers life painfully passed away destroyed grandmother even remember last time hugged told loved him told much meant me shitty jeep father bought grandmother gave past year mugged walking work anymore nearly killed transmission slipped neutral driving back drive twice highway and continues so major city im god damn poor succeed every single fucking car acquired either broken beyond financial repair broken intostolen im kidding understand transmission issue bad imagined build lot pressure releases repeats without control pent energy powerful imagine happens driving driving light ended vehicle realwheel drive imagine go surrounding traffic run over vehicle miles transmission poor maintenance done prior ownership driving still moneygod need god live need somehow save replace vehicle saving money damn near impossible one power payers apartment due various reasons struggle save anything normal inbetween cents dollars account given time bills emergencys its hard save money may say may true literally every single time savings something always happens take me hate alive hate love exist order save would done anything within power baby boomers hate me gen x hates me gen tide pod eaterswagyolofortnite victory royal hates me millennial l somehow responsible everything wrong world almost born list goes gets worse get worse tried unalive several times life fucking fail college funds ripped away made much money know year much im rich believe make somewhere like now even remotely comfortable attractive poor luck women all family would tell im catch doubt that names chad cannot children sterile nothing outside minor minor material possessions handful friends best even twin distant me exist people around guilt live know theyd sad mouth breathe anymore happiness worth mine want die always wanted die want ever after want anything mistake never born happy outside bullshit child happiness built lies christmas birthdays aware others worse pains affect me get better never has end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fan willy wonka chocolate factory wanna see oompa loompa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "taking popular meme making text post make original", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "close friend mine admitted feeling suicidallike title reads stranger depression experience redflags two people close life absolutely terrified friend although honored confiding me desperately dont want say wrong thing give wrong advice somebody please help me know cant save anyone hate see people love suffering like this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "require assistance fellow gamers ive started playing minecraft always see youtubers dream techno etc go caves end enough light see blocks infront screen shows nothing black colours lighting which makes quite difficult play btw downloaded minecraft tl launcher mods im supposed apply something pls help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck iti hate feeling chest best friend obsessed fucking girlfriend im even thought mind want die fucking bad one notice otherwise", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "came outer space ii good film good cast includes brian kerwin elizabeth pea jonathan carrasco adrian sparks bill mckinney dean norris dawn zeek lauren tewes mickey jones iilana btiste jerry giles howard morris acting actors good kerwin norris really excellent film thought performed good thrills really good surprising movie filmed good music great shirley walker film quite interesting movie really keeps going end good thrilling film like brian kerwin elizabeth pea jonathan carrasco adrian sparks bill mckinney dean norris dawn zeek lauren tewes mickey jones rest cast film mystery scifi thrillers dramas interesting action films strongly recommend see film today br br movie nuttballs note br br i noticed second film dean norris mickey jones movie together classic violent epic total recall funny seeing another alien flick br br if like alien movies andor subject aliens also recommend following films thing another world day earth stood still war worlds horror express ufo incident invasion body snatchers et extraterrestrial john carpenters thing krull return aliens deadly spawn time walker science project howard duck john carpenters starman john carpenters live mac me explorers invaders mars alien seed abyss communion suburban commando fire sky arrival mars attacks contact men black stephen kings dreamcatcher xtro watch skies battlefield earth saga year stargate puppet masters john carpenters village damned independence day life form contact xfiles fight future roswell aliens attack faculty mission mars pitch black evolution kpax signs silent warnings forgotten alien hunter spaceballs alien aliens alien predator predator avp alien vs predator entire star wars saga a new hope empire strikes back return jedi original special editions phantom menace attack clones revenge sith entire star trek movie saga star trek motion picture wrath khan search spock voyage home final frontier undiscovered country generations first contact insurrection nemesis stephen kings it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "support chat group availablei always suicidal thoughts im actively suicidal speak wanted know know support group thats chat based im already therapy enough ive tried cups feel problems bit dark reply appreciated hope everyone reading gets better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting betterim probably closest redflag ive ever right now nothing helping sleep get outside helps little numbness crying panic cycles ive talked crisis chats couple times always feel like robots went first counseling appointment im afraid talk anything especially redflag might legally obligated tell parents also mixed feelings go feeling like nobody really cares keep alive given moment unless money fault opening fixing myself ill probably never try redflag seems messy painful guess feel like ill get worse worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pepe laugh low effort", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confusedlast saturday finally got fed life completely attempted kill myself ended spending days hospital surviving ive read multiple redflag stories say instantly regret feel regret normal want get better feel better felt like finally die actually felt best id felt long", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive seen movie preview recommend watch it minutes long felt like could go hours stories protagonists realistic feel really home movie basically consists dialogs bored minute people really different characters one acted well laugh felt awkward sad still felt happiness movie shows different kinds people society way communicate love changed nowadays handled economic thing dating becomes something similar audition whole audience loved it please watch theres possibility love it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every time pain heart hope ill dieto intensely connected someone months go away taken away memories pierce mind every fucking day cant handle it much pain crying pain mind rejection betrayal hate every single moment im alive spent time her messaging eating together making plans talking fucking connection thought would die together turn butterfly went much poverty heroin addiction fights happiness love longer talks me broke up friends something happened left drunk took heroin found strangers respond messages want talk me void void heart id rather electricity thousands volts snapped testicles go this pure emotional torture reality cruel beg god kill please every time pain heart happy maybe maybe heart attack kill me plan yet method sure get idea", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yeah sure cheesy zombie bad either beatrice ring huge bonus entertaining good fortune meet fulci later career remained philosophical experience never completely satisfied it well worth search out especially genre fulci fans film far often dismissed hand", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason whythe reason still cant stand abandon cat cant explain life got much couldnt handle limitless anymore explain arent abandoning theyre true love youve experienced", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "notive never used reddit idk im right yesterday community im ganged one kid screen shots made seem racist idk theyre real wanted say wait theres blurry screenshots next hour horn notifications reasonable many calling aid racism defending condoning racism one would listen me people ive friends years ostracized decided since think im defending racism im garbage person cant friends combined plethora things pushing towards edge dont want die apparent nobody wants live didnt want leave family debt wouldnt hesitate hang better lives", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish knew way kill myselfthis worst year life taught hope left wish could kill dont way without making sure wont cause pain feel like really want method go finally say goodbye world dont want keep living feel like choice ive thought giving brain damege would lead even suffering dont want live dont want suffer either im lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im shakingive feeling suicidal while bf went gun range friend weeks ago he didnt know suicidal time months ago dating told hides gun anyway thought hed move dating told week ago feeling suicidal feeling really suicidal tonight went thought keeping gun still there know load now took go outside kill soon took gun heard coming downstairs put away heard zip asked pretended shorts im still shaking really think wouldve killed hadnt come downstairs dont know tell move gun not dont want think im crazy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "carei great life w girlfriend im alcoholic stop drinking want ruin relationship years im tired myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stop sobbingcorbin acting weird started ignoring longdistance boyfriend months well ex finally says made feel trapped feeling depressed cut back talking him feeling really depressed was cut first time cutting made promise to promised immediately stopped talked even less less going person thought best friend the friend pretty much too suffering anorexia become self absorbed never anytime me browse instagram uses vent things trashing me come first person told cutting trashed me then friend cut last night threw face like something proud something bothered hell like could tell people would pity her time exfriend angry upset told wanted tell tell something make better make things worse corbin tells cant cant date blames grandfathers death redflag friend confessed love explained commitment me says hes broken cant love loves himself want lose cant me help cut again im ashamed made promise hurt never try anything like killing myself knew cut said able take anymore hes take life im fucking health hazard ive asthmalike attacks weekly gym asthma medicine doctor gave help fucking working ive chronic leg pain years doctor said tight muscles sent physical therapist theyre sending test determine need surgery not cant fucking take much more mean also fact mentally challenged kid class talks acts exactly like one people sexually assaulted life talk time want curl cry thing stopping downing every fucking pill house would hurt corbin fucking love much want batter want mine again needs friendship ill give that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate people think opinions scientific fact theres dickwad controversial today arguing trans people delusional anarchists trying poison childrens minds lying cant actually transition theyve literally proved wrong many times science noooooooo science wrong dont like outcome", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope reincarnation doesnt existthis really redflag never want return earth pass even best conditions even could come back everything world even though still good world terrible place dont want return reason", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drank mix alcohol blood pressure pillsi feel really numb", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "police officer struggling suicidal thoughts cannot openly talk aboutthis throwaway intend reading responses think mostly want type get things chest tldr talk strong desire kill without fear repercussions every outlet find wants know location contact info theyll talk me want call redflag hotline trace call years old live work southern california deputy last years spring chicken wife years struggling infertility years now lots surgery medication end sight stress scheduled sex lives absolutely taken toll us were still much love same july fairly routine call involving child abuse kind pushed edge call mental breakdown work since then take mg day buspar my wife says help me sure xanax needed prescribed i originally tookalprazam rare side effect stop asked see psychiatrist next avail appointment midjanuary digress line work talk redflag be well career redflag no pun intended keep thoughts absolutely bottled inside act like therapists asks it therapist provided work specializes law enforcement issues nice times think killing myself hourly usually wake night middle panic attack cannot get away pain almost physical pain specific plans would kill myself works think entire process detail often drink usually come close actually really fear matter time happens ironic type out clearly reservations killing right state mind wrong state mind sounds like realistic idea physically exhausted genuinely want pain end seeing answers make happen want talk someone without putting job line being put hold ca means cannot carry gun therefore yeah heartbroken frustrated know anymore every day seems like groundhog day desperately want wife leave deserves better would make lot easier end life hated me completely gotten rid social media blocked parents life really good reason downward spiral last months been talk strong desire kill without fear repercussions every outlet find wants know location contact info theyll talk me want call redflag hotline trace call really think end killing within next months ironically want talk anyone might able stop me backwards ampxb typing exhausting might go bed night thank listening", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbye reddit okay ya honest reddit mostly brought major suffering minor fun times cancel out reddit lost social life joined community leave well known bad person gained girlfriend get dumped her may errors course feel like started reddit perhaps real life gone way yeah im leaving account maybe ill make new lurking account really want day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " lets suspend belief moment lets stop pretending could might ought know how is ought be space human knowledge area probably primitive say middle ages maps compared todays satellite maps really clue considering just bbc tv docusimulation gets much better many big budget hollywood blockbusters incredible all show worth watching portrays cgi enhanced fictionalized account know solar system far probably fictionalizing cgiing whole thing way make palatable large public ever watched clips real space missions real space probes quality generally average poor comparison would looking chest xray and tells human body compare cgied cyborg moviewhich one would entertaining yet chest xray real cyborg flick fictionalized sfx actors good job none ill tell grandchildren about fair bbc docusimulation", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alone need helpim m lost girl going marry hate job live home cant afford anything friends always told im people want friends gfs ive like reached others never works out bullied whole life see path gym help always depressed feel worthless care anymore anything want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "legal get old cavalry sabre like really want one think super amazing nice conversation piece scared get save one really want it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little strings younger mother would tell hold together little strings never really understood meant back then understand strings little things life friend tell ok bright sunny day sound birds trees im trying hold things want lose hope better future unfortunately strings seem snapping day day something new pushes down im struggling stand own im struggling hold myself recognize anymore sadness comes goes end day im left empty stare ceiling hoping find something inside worth saving cant help think sometimes im worth saving", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feels difficulti made decision point last years last day life would be less days left now much keep thinking maybe things finally changed havent im still weak exist sake financial security people still require me thing is even feel guilt suffer spike trauma feel like ive given raw deal something former would lie latter even know say to know is people heard plan die theyd simply think idiot maybe true never said wasnt snowball anything now ive let physically decay years hygine intolerably bad ive gone months sometimes even straight year without bathing dentist done anything teeth years theyre cracked yellowed likely beyond repair sleep little barely eat pretty much look like already dead nobody really questions it least me snowball moved idea death can turn around well late now truly consider voluntairly socially retarded im never learned drive attempted find girlfriend let alone lose virginity drink smoke hobbies outside home work pay bills current residence would times id ever bother leave basement suite anymore things myself completely aware that knew knew beyond anything would become anything right now so knowing good could come person like me never found go obtain them final year life right now day th birthday plan die times up point people believe ill around financially bolster themnot support bolster quite obviously capable themselves now problem is needed place let out ive before another name thought maybe things could change said piece time different sure things change said above point feel like takes stop snowball size want now find way let little patiently sit here one year waiting end world one thing though wanted say one last line people truly starting believe this based experiences life listen well possible hero people need make sacrifices people beg times need still lose everything like school specials tell you drugs respect people upstanding citizen still lose whatever do base entire lifetime around needs others fucking easy forget are like now possible never find way get back thats start feeling willingly gave something know what cant ever back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "overwhelmingly sad past days stuck thought notredflag significant others friends ruined past years thinking stuff used make ball eyes cannot even work tears now pain numbness comes it complete rock bottom ohhhh boy even capable crying anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die want feelredflag option head years gotten point means necessary want it people love people love me ive therapy since university last session yesterday school counselor seeing hard close ive feeling unable cope past weeks motivation im unhappy existence professor knows whats feel like ive bothering ask available tell suicidal shell report it cant work finals im graduating too left want know anyone else sort teetered close edge cause feel really alone one else know struggles suicidal thoughts thinking pain would cause mom brother used enough make snap it even starting take backseat bad thoughts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill likely dead soon now next weekits easiest way take pill never wake again ill finally feel sense tranquility again cant remember feeling all cant remember last time genuinely felt peace mind torturing me skinning alive laughing face voices finally gone demons gone ampxb todays date th december near christmas new years close family celebrations love family much know love me deserve feel pain losing son brother kindest souls cant carry living nightmare someone elses happiness im pain unimaginable scary were quick judge think what whiny fucking teenager please remember never know whats happened end heartache constant hammering already shattered bleeding screaming heart whenever think cant get worse always somehow gets worse how brother leave him fair him cant anymore hurts hurts much ive tried best ive reached limits ive let everyone around destroyed image think turn back anymore ive taken several ritalin pills heart rate keeps jumping beats per minute im hallucinating seeing glimmers light zoom past eyes hospital last week thing took several ritalin pills causing seizure dislocating shoulder im sitting bed writing arm mental pain hope another seizure leading stuck hospital family crying doctors giving meds writing reports sending municipality social services family done nothing wrong me whats happened last six months recognize myself ampxb im sorry love mom love dad love bro", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im even sure im postingi recently diagnosed bipolar disorder dragging girlfriend year behavior fathom myself im currently going treatment though witnessed first manic episode entire life im embarrassed mental health getting better good friends life anymore consistently moved bullied high school one two good guy friends high school came thanksgiving break last year im lesbian met girlfriend freshmen year university fell madly madly love months dating month manic breakdown im currently home treatment going really well get back prove balance school relationship mental health ive feeling really really suicidal suicidal thoughts flared years past month every night kind thing want burden talking it know tell everything okay believe it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know expect want alone law enforcement officer small town ive road before injuries never severe though", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflaghello reddit thinking while finally pushed self post this year old male turn days now life best worst want talk about want talk is redflag views redflag this like playing game using cheat skip end completed it soon forget entire thing entire time spent playing would pointless constant suicidal thoughts plan enough emotional physical strength bring self it life driven wrong direction good parts left behind future looks bleak best miserable depressed social anxiety constant anxiety attacks ripping emotional strength left get by depression social anxiety bad parts life make think redflag fact see point life see point living lost even live happy life end pointless one day everyone forgotten everything becomes pointless live fear one day soon get tipping point go ahead plans thought post get peoples views mind constantly taunting thoughts feel pointless life nothing help reddit used scared suicidal thoughts longer fear them really consider them tldr hard time getting life view life pointless thing suicidal thoughts longer scare honestly consider going them edit views life want anyone read agree me personal thing feel way please comment maybe help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys im abt pray fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wont girls text back everything goes well like first messages conversation dies happens every time feel like one interested ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made selfportrait idk else post httpstwittercomraulstermasterstatuss posting like since cant post images friday", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally got wish see one cinema id seen fritz langs film video years ago id hoping ideal screening conditions would work magicbr br conditions ideal cinematheque ontario pristine fulllength print intertitles original gothicscript german simultaneous english translation accurate without literal live piano accompaniment idealbr br the films magic sputtered little ultimately failed catch least mebr br this film bears real relation wagners ring cycle already knew may not wagner adapted th c niebelungenlied purposes part fritz langs epic siegfried much familiar listeners wagner howeverbr br kriemhilds revenge story siegfrieds wife kriemhild marriage king etzel attila hun desire revenge hagen gunther rechristened nibelungs murder siegfried spectacular conflagration film presumably evolved expanded wagnerian mythos gtterdmmerung twilight gods end valhalla film remains earthboundbr br most film spectacular massive sets rival cabiria inspired griffiths intolerance decoration sets new benchmark barbaric splendour theres huge cast scarred mangy huns art deco burgundians battles battles never seem end factbr br kriemhild successful plan revenge manages destroy around her loyalty martyred siegfried seems stem much love devotion something closer psychosis lady macbeth cried out unsex here knew emotionally unprepared needed do kriemhild displays normal human emotions certainly nothing one equates feminine principle already top full direst cruelty borrow shakespeares phrase outset margarethe schn director convey glower want exaggerate glower virtually expression ever animate kriemhilds face ultimate onenote performances clearly intentional however simply case poor actingbr br what offer onedimensional sketch avenging fury might see kriemhild empowered heroine see film misogynistic", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "husband suicidal im barely finishing treatment wont bei knew needed help bad went first keatmine threapy always acted like worse better keeping in im even feet yet feels like im getting bombarded everything trying knock working feel isolated alone scared many new emotions flooding back already struggling everything getting worse new type worse im alone fucked mind stuck repeat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "person feel bad foris father lives alone sisters talk him cant keep going im mentally emotionally physically destroyed loneliness guilt regret sometimes selfish happy happy least pain cease", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know keep livinghello first time posting here ill get point guess im tired living life like prison im tormented feel like never supposed born live family headed emotionally abusive parents cant take anymore cant cope bullying never stops fight hard basic things like respect appreciation people full unhelpful suggestions deal situation things get tough one around help one fights me theres one call cry middle night feel alone stay alive feel like theres nothing live for things never get better longer stay alive longer suffer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason parents seem mean get older par reason parents seem like get meaner get older see loosing you thing parents feel like loosing get older want baby use be example asked something right away argue it want mean want baby again next time get angry yelling talking back thing take feeling perspective dont get mad thats gonna make worse trust", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "die fall second story window as one ground floorwhat land head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow alot reviews devils experiment here wonderful name steve run unearthed films started releasing guinea pig films dvd north america ask writing review instead ask people bash it im writing review love guinea pig films love em go throat let go ive seen all almost every horror film known man argento fulci bava buttgereit every underground cult sensation every hollywood blockbuster ive seen films stuck head years definitely guinea pig films try hide reason watch horror movies st place review devils experiment find devoid story fine me watch horror films see blood gore torture people devils experiment delivers thats is pure unadulterated violence yeah like story sometimes want gore devils experiment delivers ten fold people bash it cause like story torture death person hidden behind story make em feel better themselves want blood gore really hard justify wrapped around story guinea pig films historical meaning created definitive splash whenever releasedbr br im thrilled able release one famous horror series world maybe written review maybe should view biased cause releasing not ive always told people find watch way started unearthed films sure exploitive top watch horror films st place devils experiment everybody thrill seekers gorehounds only think jason movies freddy krueger movies awesome stick those next level seen devils experiment you reason released years wrong disgusting right freaky something watch mom unless totally cool good luck enjoy never stop living life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck schooleveryone tells important future whatever wanna fucking die dont want future im bored give shit anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "least painful instant way goi access guns hanging bridges", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "expecting movie suck got pretty good slashergore film death scenes adequately brutal teens decent penny mcnamee definitely best bunch rachael taylor looks like young christie brinkley bring much movie that kane good killer totally believable fearsome juggernaut saw twist coming miles away still enjoyed moviebr br but really stood direction gregory dark might actually career legit film ahead him aside overusing horror film speed camyou know like guys face shakes fast theres good shots here camera angles environments really emphasize kanes size making look even bigger actually isbr br if looking deep story characters aint it thats slasher films about looking good violence gory films go check out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys think found perfect girl might chance need maneuver carefully started wrong foot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relapsed selfharm yearsit feels like time sure years head aches possibility finally coming end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day guys great year reddit lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone recommend good acoustic songs favorite pretender ajr havent heard it great song", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "turn th happy birthday part fillergtgtoooooooooooooooooooo yay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well groomed well behaved teen meg tilly must spend night creepy mausoleum initiation high school club problem powerful psychic named raymar buried day quite dead needs life force humans powersbr br obscure horror film offers plenty thrills chills appealing likeable cast superior special effectsbr br my rating br br one dark night rated r violence adult themes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats word cell reproduces self forgot want remember", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired want courageall want courage ti ended im scared side nothing mostly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stop cryingwhenever im alone cry know im risk redflag ive planned would ive prepared it feel like im going to almost precautionary moments im ready set things motion know assessed hospital would placed psychiatric hold insane", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dunnojust practiced hanging myself felt kind good letting go never thought would actually end life im feeling im getting kind close suicidal thoughts almost every day feel like demon gotten control life everything seem superficial act guess ive path maybe five years now closest ive gotten actually ending all mmy body feel like fucking run car something aspirations inspiration imagination it lot gone like losing contact yourself body doesnt feel like yours would much rather flowing spiritual entity trapped hunk bones flesh seem pointless like people girlfriends really love guess apreciate them embrace them getting close contacts far me feel like galaxies between noone really knows dont even really know myself dont apreciate even dunno thats problem dont know humanity earth great ways horrible others feel like ive done part know things change bla bla bla also tipping point gone far feel like im now im stars universe body input would nice cause feel like im gonna end life now feeling inside shouldnt peace love ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last ressorthave ever thought last ressort redflag like commited die instead go trip fuck prostitutes drugs dont knowdo something anything something dying maybe awaken life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "write friend diei really want sound like emotional attention whore though tendency that someone please tell say anything all really want say goodbye without feeling like obligation anything say anything nobody else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need supporti want musician taken every kind lesson pretty much always get told not realistic psychologist even said that hurts depressed even ones close me step thing like music atheistpeople suggest find god know one life point mean anything think lot time end mean anything long anyway whats point suffering giving get nothing it forgotten", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "december ththe last day life decided im happy decision live right hope die even pain love world world love me may music give courage", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worst part life feeling useless life feeling useless turnfor long ive felt reason live driving purpose would go day day immersing media made forget empty life felt empty felt went years met best friend met her life seemed light like never had years went by went lot asked out said yes couple years years long distance btw come realization need me nothing her whenever needs emotional help try might cant help her never right things say never right things insanely clear longer wanted needed helpful without her im back empty life before feel creeping way back im coming conclusion needs me nothing good intentions love ever thought could love something might made long around guide me want able her despite good intentions hurt needs me im incapable swallow pain feel responsibilities have give attention i simply enough im man nothing good intentions actions carry out like say road hell paved good intentions ampxb college im great school ive always killed academics college hard me though felt useless push hard motivation im sure thats me classes genuinely feel useless either way adds feeling like life pointless plan buying motorcycle think fun love sense freedom seems random theres reason bring up buy necessary gear wear time make sure bike always running well plan buying bike thats fast beginner like me hope die without intentionally killing myself for nothing all thing kept alive girl longer needs me think im simply living borrowed time thats getting feelings actually found subreddit looking im useless want die catharsis appreciate anyone reading hope well", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone feel responsibleif kill myself someone going feel like fault sister confided ideations her shell think couldve stopped it dad sister told him reason hell think couldve stopped it mom even know hide anything bad her want worry use knife dad feel responsible would one made bought me jump top residence school feel like enough security top floor hang myself parents regret seeing transaction purchasing rope theres way get without someone feeling guilty death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "random girl called natural hair beautiful reassured antagonizing racists school switched online school public tuesday none approximately three friends classes except pe ever really walkrun around volleyball net today coaches took basketballs volleyballs hula hoops free day generally friends walk around perimeter gym talk free days time two class talking one another kind leaching along awkwardly obviously want there kind swooped way closer want instert seem annoying mindlessly circled around gym wore natural hair today contrary normally do install braids shove headscarf whats head girl got attention asked that even question making fun coily hair thick c hair seems like anywhere go cant escape discrimination even home mother who uses perms do even brush that it looks like dirty sponge like skin maybe bathed dark little circle antoagozing me decided go space volleyball net far enough away bother anyone close enough game girls playing seem lost look like easy target girl coming bathroom stopped second saw hair gasped thought would snarky comment until oh god hairs beautiful know why touched heart ill wearing hair tomorrow", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well progress theres girl ive interested long time weve talking almost every night lately days talk cause drama get thats now ive chilled lot that im really worrying much thinks me well weve snapping well snapchat anyway usually sends one pic response say send pic back tonight though sending two pics basically like double texting mean interested progress least", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since day saw film came one top favorites blurb wrote amazon below im thrilled finally coming dvd films th anniversarybr br the last credit film explains appeal thank people manhattan whose island filmed charming witty romantic comedy love story written new yorkers peter bogdanovich native identify every location west th street ansonia old fao schwartz plaza roxy chez brigitte city limits country western club one gets impression entire ensemble cast clicked well offscreen on intimacy clearly communicated laughed cried better cats ode dorothy stratten also audrey hepburns last feature appearance she cameo subsequent film inner beauty seeps screen buy it make big tub popcorn curl someone love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well meit good run lasted guess cant anymore everyone either hates afraid life going nowhere girlfriend probably going leave next days im done idk im posting cause time anybody even sees ill probably gone guess maybe like last words something really know anymore guess im saying goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "staying alive people around mehi sorry short self centred suicidal while family bf know supportive im staying sanity feel torn easing pain redflag staying know bad would break hearts soul im desperate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe im gonna rich great grandfather owned whole beer company multiple fabrics soviets came took away nowadays possible get things back proving inheritor lets gooooooo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please listen whilei feel safe right now easier talk stranger heavy shit need get chest live entire life edge redflag ive recently lost lot friends justneed someone listen bitch uncomfortable talking csa abuse lgbta issues message please bottle painkillers really tempting right ward long ago please talk me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im lucky fk searching girlfriend almost years im university and yes found girl liked me like interests problems etc yes seems created other but one liiiitle problem boyfriend jeez found ideal girl next day said damn bf im really lucky person ps fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wants free award lol got one lol best comment wholesome gets", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna talk fnaf lore im nuerodivergent bored ive peaked cringe culture honestly care public opinion anymore wants talk william afton stabbed children haunted fursuit cause ive got slide powerpoint aching infodump about", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doubt it animated short put uncle walt map success walts older brotherroy suggested next mickey mouse short include sound walt jumped chance resultsteamboat willie runaway hit was all first animated short subject synchronized sound track mostly music sound effectsas dialog minimal sound like wet blanket short far perfect animation prior creaky rather herky jerky but equipment made improvementsand better artistic techniques came aboutthe rest smooth sailingand sound primitive disney wanted use well known rca sound systemor western electric noiseless sound systembut refused firmsprompting disney use photophone system pa powers experimenting time plot theres actual plot line hereconcerns mickey as aforementioned willieis pilot steamboat terrorized black pete captain pete youand decides jam session ship using various animals board musical instruments aspca take notice think much technical shortcomings steamboat willie eight minutes fun and piece history", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worryi would like leave redflag note worry even good enough silly sound im worried sentences bit paper enough family worry look im dead stupid know want look decent whoever finds me worry house spotless people come take away body bag ridiculous im worrying strangers think housework carry away worry last cup tea sweet enough last bath hot enough worry alot stuff ive always way since far back remember ive never felt wanted accepted anyone never good enough one people worry others think them know much struggle relax chill out head forever going past good memory tell wearing time dinner day loads memories good bad hate sensitive grew house women hormones bloody everywhere shared room sister one year us would argue light onoff would argue sharing clothes make up books could hold argument anymore even hearing people arguing cry know stupid sound cant handle it know manipulative abusive violent relationship many years know may sound odd think damage really coming past year since split im wreck hate much without sounding like right selfish cow friday come quick enough ive enough pains", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know people think bad movie got pretty good plot good action change location harry hurt either sure offensive gratuitous movie like that eastwood good form dirty harry liked pat hingle movie small town cop liked dirty harry see one lot better dead pool ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " fulfilled life want outhi all wanted come share slice wonderful hellscape call life im subreddit ive fantasised pondered killing multiple times throughout life last days probably intense yet tried kill times issues pretty complex guess im really good cloaking mental health word use describe exactly im feeling life exhausted im recent graduate degree music production so useful struggled lot mental health university uni developed epilepsy brought anxiety sleep deprivation diagnosis fucked me began live life completely opposite doctors telling me wreckless drugs alcohol dangerous situations wanted closer closer death sort like game me spending lockdown own spending thousands pounds not even money drugs give escape depression anxiety even worse live home dad makes suicidal thoughts increase tenfold feel absolutely worthless like old paper note bit worth couple years ago useless currently still want die set various dates ways go ill never know im moment gives chance step back think lil bit thanks reading got far", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know get better hello age location uk gender male diagnosed with psychotic depression anxiety im much medication dont seem getting better getting worse medications are mirtazapine mg daily night duloxitine mg daily morning quetiapine mg daily night diazepam mg prn panic attacks im suicidal im self harming cutting myself im hearing phone whispering again im paranoid police coming arrest me im anxious go outside im depressed want lay bed day drug big sleep im stuck rock hard place tell psychiatrist know put adult mental health hospital im terrified happening dont tell anyone probably end killing mixed feelings redflag moment anyone give advice do thanks replies", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wooooo fucking it finally got recommended hours sleep teenagers need les gooooo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goddamn man fucked bad fucking bad everything fr turned worst lmao god hurts alive filllerrrrrrr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made account seconds ago first post welllong story finally turned life around completely everything going well course never lasts long everything took turn worst again usual depression sky rocketed ever since first time life feeling suicidal feel worthless feel like never meant succeed thoughts non stop crossing mind past days today worst felt like getting chest somebody guess apologize im wrong section posting properlywith guidelines such thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enjoyable movie without doubt evocative era particular stage boys rites passage say read notredflag comments here bit disappointed period captured plot desperately thin whole thing revolves around egregious bit miscasting history school plays idea quack quack would ever chosen play one three star turns philanderer risible without that nada subplots bore relation could see main plot could removed entirety without way affecting main story surely suggests fundamental flaw subplots look like padding know central idea stretched beyond limits nevertheless benign movie heart right place fine performances get feeling everyone involved felt deflated final cut good feeling permeates film count something flawed really quite good movie ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "late party star wars explain ampxb ast wuestion promise", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gotten worse idk everything getting better better id gotten loosing friends id mostly gotten crush getting bf hadnt cut months hadnt cried weeks started trust people again flipped around returned back havent cut yet ive looked open window way hadnt months ive cried first time couple weeks people keep saying itll get better hasnt years gotten worse idek im supposed anymore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know time laptop hard drive breaks dad fix cant ship laptop measly miles new york company fix laptop shipped november apparently still somehow way company", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice like wtf even im bit bizarre relationship girl im m senior year high school ive known girl years near beginning junior year invited house halloweeni admitted liking liked back dated months broke off due fact classes together well hour long study period ended seeing eachother every weekday ended still friends fast forward summer still talking text messages boyfriend dumped herno big deal continue talking tells still likes shes ready date still recovering previous ex says tell ready date want give second chance add girl likes play girl really bad bfs past genuinely nice person still kind like her wait next r brush off", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired skirt posts people saying keep super bowl meme thing war declared war skirt posts ideas win appreciated join fight new", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone know good site watch movies dont money netflix streaming services page used watching shows movies got taken days ago im searching another one anyone recommend any ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jnos legyen fenn jnoshegyen estre odavrom jnos nekem nehogy lmos legyen mert n azt ki nem llom jajj jani szeretnm hallani szerelmet vallani csak ez kvnsgom jnos legyen fenn jnoshegyen estre odavrom jajj jani szeretnm hallani szerelmet vallani csak ez kvnsgom jnos legyen fenn jnoshegyen estre odavrom jajj jani szeretnm hallani szerelmet vallani csak ez kvnsgom jnos legyen fenn jnoshegyen estre odavrom jajj jani szeretnm hallani szerelmet vallani csak ez kvnsgom jnos legyen fenn jnoshegyen estre odavrom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill wake minutes later reborn next lifei never believed past lives future lives comes it finally end life come peace rest reborn go bullshit life you again makes angry feel though would luck succeed reborn again im angry thought that terrifying biggest fear commit redflag want rest want go away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people need helpi failed family stupid brain stupid big mouth lost job nobody hiring almost nw see one option insurance policy jump maybe family wont hungry love daughter wife cant take living fifth able buy self proper food fucked cant take wife says better shithole country crate new jobs paycheck really low im sad angry im bad bad person know im stupid nice guy im hellping everybody fuck im tiered jsut cant cat wife pretty lady wll find someone better daughter wont grow knowing real dad stupid man", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mmmmmmmmmm plastic mmmmmm nomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom burp nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom ampxb schlorp schlorp schlrop nomnomnomnomnom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sad anymore still want diei depressed maybe year kinda kept hid pretty well slowly got worse worse started seriously consider redflag hid pretty well friends started notice something wrong me one night got really drunk finally told one friends feeling told rest friends took see counselor show support great everyone come ive seeing counselor ever since ive feeling lot happier lately reason cant shake wanting die thought going see counselor becoming happy life would solution been want live life happy want live life depressed really know point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ready next realityi enough life wonderful thing heart fractured health gone time return stars came lost everything partner fifteen years left me everyone shunned afraid poor mental health trapped living memories unresolved child abuse living abusor must pretend never happened health poor escape small part still alive pain every day never belonged time go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive messed life way outi depressed life taken every wrong turn possible want alone ive turned alcohol stopped working hate everything every decision ever made want die peace many lies afraid to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres new killer bean episode httpsyoutubebltgkvqmqs king returned", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys im bored thougt would nice chat someone hit up dms open lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im probably going get body pillow printed plain white body pillow need hug something im crying sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alonelife lost magic hopefulness felt nothing look forward to one talk to cant help feel cant trust anyone people really dont care unless benefiting someway posted something week ago felt embarrassed deleted it feel alone lost dont really know else turn anymore pray every night life end dont understand anyone really manages pull depression dont care better anymore honestly believe people destined alone unhappy matter efforts make better everything gone wrong wish could courage end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom seem careive never posted really need tell someone feel problems bad guess im sure right place feels like im going crazy sometimes cant even tell im anxious feel helpless know do lately ive started arguing mom never really listens tell mental health told suicidal thoughts middle argument told kill since want bad ive also tried talking calmly know understand care im sure would ever actually kill myself thought scares bit thoughts death make anxious actually thats usually keeps night get really upset seems go away also talked mom wanting get help tell need look problems tired dealing shit want book appointment go alone hope sound dumb also knows problems holding back anger happens home though throw stuff punch walls hit scratch myself later also started using scissors scratchcut upset really reason it guess pain kinda calms down hope sound edgy anything im really trying be know anymore hate mom nice understand listen me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yooo whos wants talk especially ur south america yeah ya boy wanna speak people ur south america dont matter still pm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant live socksi saw someone trying reassure suicidal person says reason wake morning saying and im paraphrasing one day glad something even nice pair socks hang find it like hell im person talking to also reason wake morning confused hell me could pair socks give anyone reason live im suicidal cold feet im suicidal struggle mental illness understand finding meaning little things important get excited socks many times realizing little stuff cant replace live im tired trying find meaning everything around me want little reasons get bed want drive wake shit life everyone around has im tired told hang there life meaning im sure id found now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really frustratedi feel like life uphill battle years now back younger brother killed himself ive always anxiety constantly dip depression realization struggling much always bothered me dropped school struggled years manipulative figures life lot bad decisions recently found way go back school ive picking up always feel lonely feel like talk anyone life point none make feel better talking always makes feel pathetic many people life give terrible advice way support makes feel worse despite good intentions month im really behind rent terrified evicted feel like im going ruin anything ive tried build past year know keep holding on family cares guess want hurt them im aware reason really working anymore worse feel less reasons hurt matter constantly think hurting regular basis think things ever line work out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried every imaginable means get long avail still cannot convince live without life partner every fleeting conversation woman gives hope immediately dashed every time hear people setting up want jump front train even try stay home avoid women much possible leads things remind themthere way this cannot even kill always carrot tomorrow maybe tomorrow meet one deep know hope cannot compete dudes accepted fact never marry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "soo uhh umm anybody wanna play minecraft", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay aw i spelt money emojis aw automod would fuck off apparently give aws free now ive able give free thing icon disappeared normal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing left giveim finally decided ill it get work im going withdraw money eat big steak leave huge tip clean pack apt put notes remaining money envelopes im going take pills try co method tonight fail capable so tomorrow ill go next door gun shop come back lock bathroom try hope fuck too two hours work", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girlfriend said thought cheating last month ive grounded sexting morning girlfriend got argument upset said thought sus horny lately sexted her said if im making horny is basically told hurt self esteem said sex first day saw first month priorities", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die cast please understand present wish subdued it written letter wanted write little girl decision final she everyone else better without taint regrets adding another failure huge pack sorrow everyone might give damn failing little girl seeing grow up man love babe much reason message ask simple wish thank you thank letting part community this cannot say owe let acta sopa pipa form cencorship prevail keep internet alive free yourselves children future fight bitter end reddit chan gag memebase win cyber war believe all thank you oh small ps favourite movie whos afraid virginia woolf check out roles richard burton elizabeth taylor planted transcend every movie comes today", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lol part life great guess lost contact lens thats right me im desperate im even using wiki how im literally going around entire house somehow bathroom dropped it hate life swear one bad thing happens week im going scream", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help two math questions ampxb httpspreviewredditsnrvsxregpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsacfbedefaedeaeebc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else get stuck heads like im anyrhing needs full focus get bit anxious start zoning cant focus anything happens much work cant focus anything make bunch mistakes also makes quiet awkward idk hate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush know im m friends crushes girlfriends yet dont feel sexual attraction fit people really love somebody do im happy life told close friend think get girlfriend really spend much time girls friends kinda hang bois hang girls get know them tldr anyone romantically know why", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends replace relationships im done ittitle says all ive diagnosed ptsd last thing want hear stories reply explain would really like shorten explain want hear it best friend left boyfriend rejecting telling i boyfriend now need anymore never talking again tried everything nothing worked cousin we real cousins marital thing went together well relied problems relied often left boyfriend help start relationship him told sex him did told did said treated like shit would never talk again called motor vehicle incident arrived first one scene wrong way collision head on truck car car drifted wrong lane occupants truck okay woman driving car unresponsive instantly recognized saw face girl left time pulled vehicle buddy paramedics already arrived performed cpr success taken local hospital followed shortly told died likely even scene mother recognized also many years ago told i reason daughter died let die nothing could done never got chance talk make things right her never will httpwwwnjcomcumberlandindexssfyearold_woman_dead_in_crash_cops_sayhtml", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "truthi put long want know story is it youll first person wont lie tbh still lied things hate most dont know hell someone someday starting age became depressed wasnt bad age became suicidal attempting take life surviving attempt due hook holding rope breaking guess got lucky childhood great compared others utter shite compared well werent poor pretty much anything could want issue wanted proper family anything marriage hardly something would call functional domestic issues home life wasnt best times isnt something dwell on doesnt affect dont care affects day walked house age like somewhere find mother trying kill herself blood everywhere day never looked hate fact cant understand something thing years later school life never best known people popular kind existed slightly interesting person small group close friends people rather large group people placed in never cared appearance school really didnt give shit relationship that came later sad time everything life seemed wrong time realised talent literally nothing know of barely got good grades school straight cs average you probably tell quality writing part large nerd call skype played games chatted night life since however around time started working less pleasant characters shall say took dark places witnessed things wish could forget one topic net dive fear bringing bad memories finishing th form high school top grades ready university also ready die mind back thing stopping me needed me girl cheated bf me said left me tell next day forget fucking girl looked eyes lied said love you girl fucking took hospital tried take life fucking girl held arms drifted conciseness taxi bled neck fucking girl many things cannot even begin talk them girl much would think insane hell people do person one still care anyone gone decided week tried kill much handle girl told stay away from played mind feelings damn way write christmas day im worried next days come ive realised want thats thing tried month ago two years ago ive posted ended hospital nearly every post wish anyone contact police bullshit run you would put danger myself post asking even live for nothing one hold dear world would miss month two name would fade", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f anyone chat bit got nothing right looking fun people chat with want to hit up not dont", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "playing deathfor ive suicidal thoughts become increasingly overwhelming one point went hospital overdose attempt recently ive noticed walk roads thoughts like im going cross road without stopping looking ahead get run hopefully ends dont im somewhat lucky therapist told mindset little like playing russian roulette selfish playing death redflag end pain something long for way itd method control one thing life since im selfless every respect try things other others mind im sure im going end things soon not time part knows things live cant help wanting cut life short im exhausted whole therapist thing ive seen pretty much lost count prescribed lexapro prozac seroquel point medication seems pointless professional professional tries still cannot help me whos say anyone else will dont see change happening life anytime soon sit watch everything go by suffer try fix peoples problems instead own", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f struggling scaredhi im entirely sure put everything words just anyone partner years left me days ago didnt want anymore entire future planned half wedding chosen kids names etc told loved went work day stepped foot house night said anymore live together another months separate rooms least im really struggling see point anything anymore pain feel strongly physically makes sick cant eat properly cant sleep properly promotion work meaningless now time soon well time now tried talk feeling struggling hes really well hes happy now gets mad me write pro cons lists every single day end pros always win today would perfect day hes out hes drunk friends housemate him one get me one would home days pain scares me scares keep going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys need post life boring af start posting need juicy stories shi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "melancholicim sad depressed depth reason know feel this hard alive every day becoming deeply monotonous everyday wake wait night arrive sleep again feeling negativity started arise lately well feel like existence cause negativity around anyone whos happy around feel negative talking me emotions mostly gone numb feel completely empty wishing get enough courageous end myself fear attempt fails stuck body forever saddest part envy happiness around now makes frustrated see others happy might sounding like sadist wish bad anyone looking feel highly envious feel like ever one may suggest interests me whatever find interesting nothing drives me nothing all dull sad melancholic time never knew would happen me happening ive carry every day convince day pass too till keep fooling myself sometimes feels like feelings happiness joy pretended everyone life feels like mass lie told there understand happening blank empty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know suicidal feelings probably result trauma modern life capitalism sucks definitely parent making feel like deserve existence definitely case aware solve anything feel unable heal feel like cannot move on feel like tired cannot go on young living own want dad tell loves pushed away want play xbox want hang him want help pay doctor help figure going inside mind mom abused bad want go running him cannot ruined relationship cannot fix it afraid fix it want ex hold pushed away too want never hurt important friends life late want become better singing cannot bring disciplined enough practice want workout feel like it want good job always fucking boss present thinks mediocre want okay feel ready okay used absence caos feel like trying get better trap feel like mothers abuse started moment decided conceive killing would actually rebelling maybe fact still here suffering without justice me exactly wants cannot stop feeling much pain soul tired cannot go on cannot this want out cannot fixed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "done itso longterm broke again fault pressuring again thought wed gotten back point could work things without breaking it pushed depression continued hatred me terrible feeling realizing lied several months feelings towards you know messed up everything power make you im sorry became needy thing refused talk happened im sorry kept coming give space home happy find alone friends really understand depth im feeling decided im going end life graduation next week were want die broke up lied forgiving me terrible horrible thing do really sucks love hate much want internal fire stop wanted help you let help you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im hard time telling family need serious help anxietyi battling depression anxiety majority life born disability grew ignorant town gone psychologistpsychiatrist sense sometimes feel like held together entire life think falling apart looks like isnt lost someone like brother me year february medications sense passed tried telling family cant hold self together anymore keep brushing off spent entire life dissociating painful memories emotions sometimes forget precious memories loved one closer get one year mark harder remember like getting phone call hes gone alll againim tired acting like im ok im scared dont get help could end it tell them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried boba tea really random tried boba tea hate texture tapioca balls remind fish eyes making physically ill anyone tell purpose appeal are", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crystal city group mormons hire horse traders travis ben johnson sandy harry carey jr wagon masters lead caravan san juan river along journey meet first broken wagon without water quack dr a locksley hall alan mowbray prostitutes denver joanne dru fleuretty phyffe ruth clifford sadistic outlaws clegg boys decide join mormon caravan disguise patrol leaded sheriff crystal city chasing them navajos cross path invited visit hamlet dancing party wagon train near destination clegg boys threaten settlers forcing sandy travis take attitudebr br wagon master another great western john ford sequences wagon train crossing desert hills impressive adventure group mormons funny entertaining songs fit well plot despite dated vote eightbr br title brazil caravana dos bravos caravan braves", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "checking hotel itthis question told someone a close friend checking hotel end life would able get police find hotel in words would hotel obligated tell police occupant name obviously want able find me want know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh talk ft girl feel like im boring af", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ik literally everyone done this ima anyway nice cock got there bro good day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alex winter keanu reeves return two dopes san dimas get sent another trip lifetime someone future feels exactly opposite way presented first moviebr br the difference trip somewhere heaven hell ends both meet grim reaper get chance afterlifetime play chance return stop two evil robots ruining future supposed have besides playing roles haveerperfected also play and revive couple extra sales process classic games i even original copy battleship closetbr br the reason liked movie better original deals what might like instead what was without spoiling movie cant give anymore information i guess watch decide yourself stars", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tag user post youre someone tagging remember wear mask drink water good time nice day ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "read make decisionsto anyone considering redflag ive personally affected redflag last months twice want provide support considering it never able tell passed loved meant lot em could understand want know even though seems nobody cares sometimes do care least redflag devastating even seen long time first friend mine died last november seen two years yet almost everyone ever known showed wake funeral ive never seen many people crying one place second hopefully last friend died killed night halloween knew really well able stop thinking since morning couldt stop thinking first friend died months time around personal even able attend funeral go college state fact destroying inside going take long time understand accept friend dying ever do really want make decisions did even feel everything wrong please please please choose death affect people ever thought would possible want know people you find them said decision alone remember love all even though never met you care please choose enjoy rest life safe night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drink water think im dehydrated heres reminder drink water oh also remember eat forgot day horrible headache final piece wisdom sleeppp morning refeweti speelimg spelling errors occurred tiredness regretting life choices", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happy mario day march thats say pc nerd", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ya fuck itits gonna end anyway theres fucking point trying anymore composure ability im panic fail fuck point anymore result gonna anyway", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sub teacher bullied ampxb httpspreviewredditbfpzphepijjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampscbccabedefaccfcfd", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still still feeling like shit crazy think depression hit me ask anyone knew would say radiant full joy life insouciance lost completely trust anymore all doubt every decision make end anything anymore tendency shut people noticed matter social could covid make like weekends party like nothing mattered time people stop reaching out never reach ashamed feel like shit every day passes worst self estimei ugly dumb raised abusive household never developped sence identity never successful relationship always chasing wrong guys wrong guys chasing me never said love someone even though felt never guts did even matter played anywayi never recognition parents family friends anymore nothing cati tell everyday go work self worth least something day tired switching apps day tired hopeless future future get uglier day day lose confidence stay alone lonely time cannot reach people lost interest live best life hurt self estime rejected again cannot take rejection time let anyone anymore age people care anymore feel like waiting mom pass away take away life human gave little bit love of course lot manipulation hurt too outlook life different now life cool fun used be sometimes cannot point mid depression growing deep know mostly depressioni went psychiatrist even feel like anymore know wrong cannot fix it feel like alone long cannot get back tonight free amazing party next place hear music people shooting reminds time that think twice would always plans weekendsnow sports cat netflix memoriesi want part club more let writing heard cannot take anymore nothing bad luck life beg over never good was let go away let people happy cannot need vent bit again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom spanked front girlfriend im earlier girlfriend gonna make mom leaves upstairs playing minecraft got killed creeper screamed f word mom grabbed one dads belts told bend started whooping ass embarrassing cant believe still me im gonna get dumped probably cause girlfriend thinks im little bitch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im anyone feeling down needs advice bad day dm me would love chat help way can need somebody rant to ill gladly listen also rather talk discord dm ill send discord info", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heyo years old always immense amount redflag panic lonelinessi wondering feeling loneliness ever stop doomed person am tried many different things since even took medication past years changed dosage multiple times nothing seemed work me really know supposed even worth trying anymore stop lonely", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get helpgood afternoon everyone let start saying ive suicidal thoughts long time cant remember started important now past year learned quite bit im going cut chase recently thoughts gotten constant actually started follow plans ive incredibly happy everything feels right sick way know might end soon call redflag hotline im sure case warrants time also want institutionalized always felt alone overwhelming end leaving know do beautiful people respect that know im lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "death copi dont gun airsoft knife african american however thats one thing going me im seriously considering redflag fear awaits pass dont wanna condemned hell want reincarnate god forsaken planet maybe someone else pulls trigger itll considered homicide redflag feel like cant right count kratom im seriously contemplating taking much short amount time want pain end want go mental health facility cannot afford want cure depression call cops right location provoke cops outright shooting like im kind dog", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant believe tomorrow halloween crayz crayz im gonna put razor blades snickers ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys started texting crush basically helped stuff im exchange student context thanked texted bit bow me peasants", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "substitutiary locomotion treguna mekoides tracorum satis dee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "turn today thats hope everyone good day ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " god plans me ungrateful ass recognize it ignorant way thank god had everything still threw away girl universe kept sending signs meant meengineering interested ego allow getting along people rest history even signs universe still sleep smoke like life means nothing tried comitt redflag smoking cigarettes abdomen hurts getting muscle twitches body much lost know do cant focus studies focus people head time trying listen universe tell something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes barney nonsense kid made perfect sensebr br i gotten smarter enjoyed it child mocked one could say name changed it ever since ive gone name tina barney could relate different culture im barney huge part life my name came it cant dis show grew matter stupid seems nowbr br i care get blocked nothing say make minimum lines people much say ok done", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "put number ill recommend song want share music", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive started thinking everything makes stop thinking killing going gone soon ill never get quality againi used miserable thought redflag least times week recently got way better actually happy ive realized things make happy rare specific also gone gone forever difficult find quality happiness every time think talking someone stop know theyll call cops care dont guts tell anybody know person want die tldr need find way add cushion everyday life something really makes happy goes away wont miserable get back normal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty much tbh want die go bed every night hoping wake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would destroy family committed redflag feel cant go on basically living them eating disorder depression psychosis failure socially awkward ugh loving family alone need life purpose well dont like anything im messed up lonely negative lost everyday get bed parents dont worry getting harder harder fake it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost grandpa grandpa would year passed away tuesday stroke years back getting better underweight nursing home blue things took turn worst miss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "successmoneyrelationships curei see lot posts people mostly young individuals unhappy lives thinking would depressed money better looking found attractive partner successful used think couple years ago achieved things family went poor attaining decent amount wealth failing student pushed able improve grades attend good university started working lot became attractive opportunity marry amazing person im happy all actually feel even worse realize things illusion really cure suicidal before im suicidal now dark feelings manifest differently people say things get better may true things problem first place us broken individuals struggle day die matter what people care forces keep going feels like blackmail dont try escape pain otherwise loved ones hurt beyond words pray every night wake up hope universe listens someday soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love drivein cheeze early s love onehow could go wrong low budget film bloodshed lunatic asylum cant crazy folks sharp objects always entertaining combinationbr br the film looks like shot inside someones house ads fun watching type stuffthe gore bit mild compared others ilkbut enough keep us bloodthirsty sickos like myselfhappysome horror films drag parts leave waiting something happenthats case herethe characters entertaining enough make every frame quite enjoyablethere never dull moment start finishthe mind melting climax end unbelievable liked much right end credits watched second timeits absolute must see self respecting drivein horror nutbr br driveinfreakometerrequired viewingbr br yea love youi love younow take thorazine put clothes back onplease", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess im going give another chancei found rudimentals song free ago listening sorta realized might person always wanted bestinsomething person always freedom choose path", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tireddont know much longer continue this literally motivation stay alive want rest worry bullshit life everyday im sure theres rope somewhere garage probably put use soon feels like im trapped body", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys lovvvvvvve complain me included every time open reddit see post saying god hate parents x x x theyre worst like bro gives shit theyre bad youll house years never talk again thankful alive thankful everything have odds feed clothe maybe even give place stay outweighs almost anything besides abuse im saying try view things parents perspective quit bitching moaning took phone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey gamerdude think literally called messiah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slipping again help get pleasehey all male developing country first time im losing grip always find way time feel like kick strong first time think need guidance interested in please skip single word kindly read this itll interesting read least first all little background problems social anxiety throughout teenage years put lot effort close friends romantic relationships last year highschool ive changed took reins many friends lovely life companions everyone left one one university happens hardest years life getting mixed depressionanxiety another thing ive always felt belong country never feel like im socalled friends feel like act around survive live on ive always dreamed escaping adulthood sneaked in ive started accept ill never follow dreams something happened summer ive decided visit friend different country changed whole life cities ive visited fun sex people no people befriended there ive felt born again social mask ive created home needed among them decided finish last year uni home move next year like said many hard years trying find good friends ive found probably best people ive ever met best part left also love much told theyve never met person lives think theyre kind else spend full weeks day night oh yeah theres girl much time spend interested little say were friends much could ask atm first thought like another country actually not hot perfect human like us think like person much anyway ive decided go back winter vacation like said im planning live near future ive found job save money im focused finishing uni feel social alter ego exactly opposite thought years social less anxious better person me problem starts here soon stepped homeland people started disgust me friends graduatedon vacation theres social life got used years even was itll people problem getting along with misanthropy kicked in came anxiety since also feel lovesick weird way im afraid losing new friends every evening get home work want call listen speaking get rid problems head busy life thousands kilometers us ive realized best thing keep talking her getting better slowly get back winter heavy burden me look calendar feel closer every day also burden feels heavier especially starting week feel anxious old me feel like darkness starts sneak again feel lost weak almost broken years ive learned need talk people moments like this friends really bad listening me new friends vacation wanna scare her choking text messages personal problems moment im slowly sinking deep stupid ideas giving everything and know tldr lazy people read post feel like giving try please help me wanna anxiousdepressive grumpy lifeless waste skin again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slide dms coward f coward judge", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whos wrongmy dad personally resent years deteriorating nothing ignorant abusive while made think im one wrong im taking things little seriously anyways ill try give story little bias possible lets start work im talking small chores around house like taking laundry out dishes im talking things like digging feet trenches cementing fence gets sit back relax claim hes sick work hes bout months now hes ever sick theres work done gives pretty good backup believe faking it theres various jobs like makes do say im busy school work something gets pissed me ive talked say well getting mad better getting schoolwork in like hell even think says does nextup online school come evry minutes look screen yell take break watching video two yelled morning tabs open yesterday youtube since learning new song guitar ive never done anything remotely fun without thinking shit dads going mad includes going bike going fishing friends even getting something mcdonalds cause told oh theres meat left rice small scraps rice im sure trying say meant way think meant it pissed beyond belief completely destroy father time grow tired it im done life feel help less life now enjoyments slowly getting detroyed day life looses value sometimes think im overdramatic im oversensitive bitch thanks reading hope wonderful rest day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sick wearing mask im sick pretending someone im not one would actually love really am would they sometimes think would easier cut ties everyone know im terrified seeing disappointed eyes find im theyve always known as", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "takenmy life great loss since day born lost tranquility taken me years go on life takes years experiences took innocence childhood years taken inability run leave homecountry due bad people family cared taken me friends taken me school took curiosity reading habits enjoyments relationship parents parents took happiness entretainment love taken me one thing left take one take it take myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking overdosing escape tremendous stress get school relationshipbecause covid classes conducted online somehow assignment load also increased months literally spend hours every day work projects really stressing im stuck home couldnt much make matter worse boyfriend currently working overseas hours difference knows able return due prevailing situation recently feel like emotionally distanced take days reply wait another day attempted call twice miss company didnt pick call back feel shitty could overbearing communication maybe thats avoiding me loss him dont know take another hit especially one made believe love again exes trashes im feel like messed life really seek want end life overdosing sedatives painless swift however cowardice also makes worry death would affect loved ones really need help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "unhappy terrible person fixing me must continue heinous commit loving family friends missed want leave tell stay alive serves purpose inflicted inflict pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready gonot sure im waiting for really need make attempt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teen doesnt watch porn like wtf everyone want watch dudes dick cumming watching gay midget porn watch interracial lesbians sexual intercourse ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uhh got damn uhh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "postm personality tapestry hypocrisy contradiction hopeless peoplepleaser heart ill damned go completely way make someone happy typically put minimum amount effort possible enough could said actually something made person happy put facade niceness despite bitter cynical even hateful times cower face conflict even around involve enough make anxious upset simultaneously selfloathing selfish narcissist addicted tearing unable bear thought others even disliking issue me deeply value honesty loyalty decade ive lied frequently parents many things including mental state employment status spending drug alcohol habits theyve told several times find difficult trust me cant blame them value thoroughness strong work ethic coworkers though find cut corners bend rules favor find forms work soulcrushing reason work hard shame disappointing bosses resented coworkers ask money family trumps agony working irresponsible money make pissing away alcohol junk food video games prostitutes futile attempt shove anything void hopes feeling less hollow moments else im diehard perfectionist yet lazy stubborn person be wonderful combination results someone cant assed anything forced upon him rarely follows things start finally almost never satisfied rare occasion finish something ive gotten good making excuses procrastination weaseling way commitments ive lost ability connect anyone make friends honestly think constellation traits particularly special typical shithead millenial raised mostly anxious mentally ill single mother ssi budget never learned work hard anything value things had parents divorced years old messy ordeal suffered clinical depression severe social anxiety since bipolar diagnosis following first manic episode nearmental breakdown away college prescribed lithium zoloft five years three failed attempts college many many types medication later refuse take meds im completely disillusioned pharmeceutical industry industry thrives curing keeping people bit less miserable with bonus side effects need pills for years depression pothead drinking heavily fucked brain enough is parents last two ropes mooring earth even friends ive managed keep thus far feel able move passing easier certainly isnt never be girlfriend hold back learned hard way im ugly insideandout considered relationship ive plan years now never felt close last acting upon it need one last push overcome nemeses cowardice shame beyond frustrating go want painful see poetic absolution mindless hedonism", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost here anyone english likes football manchester derby weekend stopped thinking week come reds", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cut since february year clean know specifically causing this feel like tonight felt terrible month falling behind classes sleeping erratically lately feel like there know it putting there try get head trying fall back bad habits", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate sports always take shot like id rather take cock", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want give up nothings going change want change afraid everything surrounded people feel alone tired fighting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "diary day everything goodig yeah woke took hot shower started studying ate healthy breakfast bit later worked dad came home work said really proud cause working everyday without rest days mom made surprise gave eurosjust bc good sonwell mby call spoiled think not also day watched twd fell asleep watching also read pagesso day good nothing made sadso yeah guysi really hope enjoy everyday everybody reads thisare happy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " indias sunny clime use spend time soldier service majesty queen goes famous poem penned rudyard kipling literal foundation upon movie gunga din based fortunate enough watch legendary classic enjoy films way use make them sheer pleasure taken script established novelist poet story humble indian native named gunga din sam jaffe works a regimental beasty british occupation india th century greatest wish become soldier water boy part british calvary contingent threatened death notorious blood cult kali called thuggee three particular soldiers stand company noted bravery comradeship first handsome debonair cary grant playing sgt archibald cutter next victor mclaglen courageous sgt macchesney finally theres flamboyant douglas fairbanks jr sgt thomas ballantine three fellow soldiers surrounded hoard mountain stranglers led fanatical leader called guru eduardo ciannelli amid chaos war brave waterboy hopes earn place army playing bugle found solid story old black white film needs little fanfare anyone looking enjoy classic ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "case nobodys asked today case nobodys asked today you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant fucking take anymoreive lost interest everything made happy best and only friend yrs replacing boyfriend months school stressful c classes make people feel bad dont want die dont want live like anymore want make change life dont want end like genuinely dont know fucking anymore seems like redflag option yet thought death terrifies me cant even sh hard hide hot gets havent vented anyone know years im afraid wont taken seriously dont want burden redflag seems like way terrible way living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advice ive wanted date someone two years started talking now tell feel last years keep mouth shut", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "single hitting quite hard never listen electric love blues ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty screwed physically emotionally left behind bunch dependents took many prescriptions etc word wise follow life script trust television want live friend killed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "better omegle hey yall anyone know sites similar omegle without dicks like talking random people lmao", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stay happyi posted several times before time talked killing myself however tired talked it want either stop miserable die recently quit job mcdonalds making suicidal ever going college scared horrible grades think may go academic probation that large student loans pilled head job way ever get job dead end job makes want kill myself therefore decided go probation ill kill myself gotten obsessed idea death lately think death would like ways could quickly die day bothersome me people situation even worse situations able stay happy frustrating me people happy feel like completely missing something people are genetic mindset either could ever change mindsets genetics all are tldr extraordinarily unhappy many situations likely going kill end semester unless find way stay happy tired talked it final decision instead want advice happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genuine questions would like opinion multiple peopleim debating killing soon another choice break someone kill myself bad write redflag note one specific got boyfriend almost years write person im contact note know im close enough someone include note", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "damnitgod fucking damn iti really feel like want die god damn it think were really fuckedand feel little bit better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost friend tried folloemy best friend took life close mean know long kids considered theyre best friend miss him blamed long time lot reasons drunks like hardcore year passed tried take life tough ive learned grown sit still missing years later ive got kids loving wife stop guilt years later sit fire miss most ive gotta remember wisdom struggles sit still doubting worth", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " yeas since last redflag attemptso title says years since last tried kill myself live happy life wife kids let say hope all terrible place in hope all reach get help might seem hard best choice ever made best luck u love u ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone elseive got one person im talking to anyone else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "overim done im going kill week can please try stop me doubt anyone can tried best over", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ten words less describe film barbara stanwyck appealing great film wonderful except perhaps tackedon ending love happy endings anyway barbara stanwyck however platinumblonde golddigger amazing knows wants goes it film sexy excellent", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever feel like plastic bag strangle ocean creatures", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mental health issues destroying academic career need second opinionever since started university seed doubt put mind fact cannot achieve decent grades anymore unfortunately always incredibly hard myself last year pull three exams i study mech eng due mental breakdown ive taken year three exams trying overcome issues took solace fact im time year ive received results got highest grades ever two exams failed third the third also worth least terms contribution final degree grade sent spiral think im lazy failure im supposed submit coursework pass module ive abandon sent thinking suicidal thoughts sent back nasty self harming habit want go final year absolutely smash enjoy feel incredibly lost bewildered cant seem hold sane thought anymore im convinced worst thing earth know thats preposterous really want harm really really dont feeling right now need outside opinion perception predicament think thank much taking time read", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made drink doesnt taste half bad peach bubly frozen orange juice little bit grenadine maraschino cherries bit triple sec orange alcoholwith parent permission course tastes pretty good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres cranefly room someone come get me im scared ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im actually done existing know im going get countless comments telling im fucking done existing im useless take money food water cant feel anything anymore failure cant stand living", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tf people following google maps didnt even know follow people google maps wtf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "loweffort titles contribute positively subreddit likely removed please make sure title indicative relevant creative h", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knowi wish capacity put words exactly whats head makes much sense cannot fix it sense total nonsense combined cant handle life im genuinely meant earth know im meant perhaps id quite happy place could find answers universe understanding would normal me want understand really want understand badly want able accept cant completely tearing inside feel like im sick think much ends coming real cant stop thinking please tell stop making sick doctor brain faulty much fixed know cant stop crying im alone watch bars prison tighten eyes terrifies idea arrived prison bars get close tight start carrying prison around you im asking questions cant answer im scared ask anyone else ask doctor looks funny stutters words cant take seriously told yet feel like im watched maybe ghosts follow around judging everything say do night time get listen ghosts talk stupid things day five years ago ten years ago matter much try scream always overpower me learn acceptance finally accept ghosts say me say am cant cant accept it im incapable accepting death point killing seems like option dive straight deep end best way tackle fears force yourself take plunge irony understand all want die im confused killing would much easier know much take understand im going bite arms purple bruising surfaces skin looks like beautiful space us reminds one understand space even even one gives shit want space acceptable understood answers want kill want free", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people strangers friends made smile thank you mostly know know either moments tons them year inspired me motivated me made smile happy stuff happening year year crazy one thing happening another i well easily influenced stuff overall mood people hanged bad tend gloomy time whole month lockdown nothing except eat study school youtube hearing people subreddit others helped realise could made stop thinking do posts rants others pictures still help meso basically trying say thanks lot everyone tldr thanks unknowingly help teenage boy smile tough times usually complemented smile always face time guys put there also merry christmas thought best time post this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready give upi anything look forward whats point nothing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate living whats newive depressed long time years mainly stemming couple points im smart struggled heres thing cant even type damn post cant even find energy that studying lectures recorded im not keep letting fall farther farther behind like complete moron piece shit right want die think want even went bought tank helium could gas myself sit huge pussy even want type anymore want end life ampxb typed couple days ago bit settled still think im going end life probably end month campus night way makes ruckus next day want keep living life anymore matter life always struggle might well get done waiting around suffer more end month keep trying therapy keep trying catch school work already know end month take life ampxb think best option ill make one post around th oct", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes feel like want die not really urgent please help nonethelessthis first actual post here ive recently discovered subreddit lurking bit commenting times anyways sometimes thought redflag crosses mind kinda want time really want to make sense like wanting die recognize blessings given instead wish parents never gave birth first place know sounds selfish since im middle class poor rich parents love me decent amount friends go several physical deformities make feel insecure even putting aside im insecure begin with social anxiety due bullying ive made friends sometimes grow distant feel like theyre talking pity im hassle burden life whenever try talk them like im waste time know sounds somewhat selfish way knowing tons people way worse do believe genuinely something wrong need advice cope this sometimes isolate completely friends thinking probably hate me need advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took bomba selfie im insecure post take word promise im lying", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im depressed kidding people shout im depressed every seconds obviously trying gain attention upset say upset instead depressed its easy mixed up", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit why today th time get downvoted defending pedophile fuck wrong reddit sometimes seems attract hivemind fucked individuals", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "merry christmas brothers sisters muslim brother get blessed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even though unrealistic things happen end ie cop shooting gun crowded merrygoround number innocent could killed still intense enjoyable thriller one alfred hitchcocks better films robert walker excellent chilling nutcase really convincing giving fascinating performance almost creepy times costar here farley granger okay match walker either acting characters play typical hitchcock film strange camera angles immoral themes innocent man gets trouble etc unlike lot films thought one fastmoving story dull spots extennis player enjoyed footage excellent old net matches featured good rallies hitchcocks reallife daughter patricia interesting unique minor character role here get job dad act also note dvd british american versions differences story classic film still referred modernday films even comedies throw momma train", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres ways ends continue going school everyday rate much hatred life expands pretty much certain lead to redflag cant happy life incredibly painful tiring run away home ive swapped pressure school worse pressure homeless even certain lead redflag again life waiting game till hate life enough end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im doneim done everything want live anymore one friend one day shell leave one day like everyone else sort friend would stay late night talking wed text lot throughout day also fucking around sex stuff hed call sweet cute hot felt special good like maybe pretty maybe scars matter course read things felt told last night wants chill play video games im broken everybody leaves hes leaving me cut month last night mad deserved fucking stupid got high fuck instead happy think cried hours im done life everybody leaves dropped school work sleep sleeping better awake one day soon ill guts end everything im fucking done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate relapsinga days ago thought finally getting better course one little thing happens today im feeling shitty again relapsed self harming suicidal thoughts coming back im starting think maybe offing would best cant keep dealing cycle feeling happy days feel shitty weeks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get political anything fucked dog", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "close subs would make shitty week feel little better could subscribe get sorry advertise httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucwajopzlhbwznjbkhrqappdesktop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting worsei didnt know could get worse am feel like im losing mind dont know im dont know am good person piece shit ever anything life probably wont live long wish could happy least cope like people do ive lost almost motivation keep going werent little brother sister would already gone im supposed role model im supposed one leads way im furthest behind brother sister plans shes going make it brother smart age support reinforcement ever have im ive done nothing worth nothing all mom told today need get shit together supposed that im like her", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happyi pretty okay job im going back graduate school great husband two really cute but stupid dogs pretty okay businessside hustle really good friends im kind funny kind attractive pretty okay house pay bills theres food belly roof head bed sleep in yet still want here feel like saying want die is much happened pull ending infinity war sitting computer desk bad know used see therapist months back really well got discharged feel like going back makes failure know go back explain yourself hi thought fine wanna die am like man know throat feels tight eyes puffy like could probably cry ten years im actually gonna play sims stare space hope like darkness consumes me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good move noi ended contact best friend starting today order get better matter many times tells otherwise accept gay male around even thought him puts extreme turmoil could bad move correct way get mind throwing life away maybe give months realize decent individual deserve treated less ive considered redflag due many problems one alone logical thinker able follow through easy starting new life new people would awesome", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today going wellthen acted impulse looked something social media shouldnt have ended cutting made feel started left thigh bc dont want go far itd visible outside shorts im sick myself im sick mind dont think im ever gonna ok im never gonna wanted way want people im fucking pathetic im old shit disgust myself wish kill myself wish didnt care family would feel dont want anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok teacher got real fucky math let explain right now advanced studiesits class school makes us take fuck knows why now seeing this wonder whats causing low grade think ive well class gives check see ive got one test grade thats zero gradesincluding test grades s im like wtf whats math email teacher it apparently teachers make certain grades weigh others even within testclassworkquiz classifications absolute bullshit like class instead missed one fucking paper grade pulled points one four test grades s someone shoot either whoever decided school system fucking passable ampxb tldr teacher using creative weighting made one missed test grade singlehandedly bring grade points ampxb hate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting worseeveryday think ending life though posting ill go thread comment happy comment something doubt im even depressed think im trying get attention fucking pathetic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want freeits long time since ive felt genuinely good lately felt usual mom passed dad didnt acknowledge felt told youre swiftpicklelicker youll fine im early s learn cope own never quite figured cope healthy way funneled energy video games kids wife happy right truthfully years ive declined steadily more ive shell years dont feel anything sadness rarely feel joy put mask day day basis draining me ive contemplated many times easily could free earthly problems wife always tries help doesnt know to neither i time went help months ago lady told im liar im manipulator depressed would already killed myself shocked rooted people wont understand me hide it fake til make it right lately ive thinking hard one thing driving motorcycle straight big truck maybe brick wall dont know anything it dont know im afraid to get excited adrenaline starts pumping get rush im lowest point ever felt life seems get worse every day knows want free", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall live oklahoma city area im going weekend wondering yall cool things check im", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say that expecting wick movie blurred surprised notredflag way nice teenager movie kinds situations normal school life say reminded school times sometimes good watch kind movies entertain us travel us back golden years young well lead us think better way must understand children past like want present timetry movie pleasedat time guarantee time wasted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sssssssssssniperwolf snake say sssssssssssssssssssssa pizza red snake otter dit pop oiled butter way slippery salmon hell red rub forehead together painful friction", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredim tired depressed anxiety im broken cant fixed im tired breathing im tired existing im getting better im getting worse cant stand constant weight mere existence", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little hobby finding really cool pics pretty much unknown and letting people know one top list getting word summer indie film and really mean indienot miramax fox searchlight indie might easy overlook big maze celluloid want something completely differentyou check one out br br basically thought totally great known dvd cover front back that going something totally different but say stuff different hook you well one really totally different face beautiful scary unashamed tell wake up war peace poetry even eerie sort music video set old time patriotic song weird guy rv need say more see it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day preparing test know anything figured best chance read texts manual way ill know least fragments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love surpassing lucas sport edition lucas sis played football younger best lot goals sometimes one two three three times often best could it me three goals one match thats nothing man lucas why not me i scored twenty goals one half one half forty goals one match lucas sis me i scored header volley bare feet lucas lucas chill me i even scored heel scored every time scored often messy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill myself nothing gets better stay alivemy life always shitty since child rarely anything good happens me whats point living suffer everyday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m looking f need someone sing alto quartet pls send tryout tapes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im addicted penis need guy likes im addicted cock wants suck constantly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even ur getting pleasure life live it youre playing game youre going lose eventually its called death gonna die anyways put effort sustain lifeim tired shit everyday even im good mood dont want keep living know future holds get job work years find hobbies interests make friends relationship on question is whats point gonna die anyways dont wanna live til im id rather die young least drugs kill me im playing boring game called life want early didnt ask here forced stay alive planet earth whoever made planets solar systems etc clearly whoever made humans life wanted us live here im playing rules ill kill teach god whoever made reality game life shitty fuck clouds fuck mountains fuck animals fuck everything beautiful things simply distractions true reality death im going distracted consumerism materialism bullshit things called hobbies interests simply call distractions truth", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "overdose plannedi know right sub this wanted reason planned overdose goodbyes say now im sorry triggering explicit method hopeless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal people want liveotherwise would occasionally number killer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate myselfhey reading like kill im tired constantly fight want fucking die die anyways die know fucking hate ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know closing eyes sleep higher chance fall asleep compared opening eyes thank later", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "age biggest insecurity see im play games comunicate people im also discord servers etc know people want me sometimes say things probably age guess im scared tell them take seriously anymore many people that im worried too hate age anyone issue", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "big brain time karens called karens cause carent one _", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god grace presence neither i came close eating honey bbq chicken wings pizza hut", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "chose live got clean options againive never done anything like before get thoughts somewhere im years old live united states highschool since spent semester away college got addicted klonopin xanax prescribed drop couldnt remember anything spent three years daze eventually got sent away get help ended incredibly abusive facility florida girls made get middle circle call whores screwed stuff based principle attack therapy where break build back up finally managed get hellwhole after threatened would committed saying suicidal got clean managed start life back there talented web application developer got business running months got apartment things great made mistake moving people problems made one business partner learned real hard way working someone live bad idea especially psychotic tripping mescaline days putting gun mouth deciding give life last chance flew back homestate checked psychward getting plane got help again august since then ive lived various halfway houses successfully went intensive outpatient program completed however getting stepped week outpatient program filed grievance therapist told go suck dick would end assraped jail came gay fired moved halfway house apartment back family now months later attorney getting letters exroommate florida extorting threatening report police things leaving florida unless pay amount goes time attorney talks tries settle and ive long since tried settle original amount wanted ten times that im literally going crazy stress honestly tried everything make life better got clean came gay im stuck paying attorney hour deal bullshit doesnt think proof extorted drug using idiots cant keep putting parents siblings stress constant bullshit really want peace relax seems option get rid fear unknown regard prosecuted either leave country kill myself dont know anymore want live life peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crazy story fish large freshwater reservoir noticed something cruising lake head dogbut saw body kinda cruised away making huge splash resurfacing im pretty sure otter still pretty cool", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get better whative severe depression entire life ive gotten treatment take handful medications every day get by never gotten better days okay absolute hell whole life ive years felt happy married lot good friends house life wanted ended im divorced years ive lost everything friends live tiny apartment good job make enough travel go vacations much anything fun besides play online games such ive relationship man years severe adhd aspergers financially destroyed broken me im severe amount debt love hell love him absolute hell semidisabled think could live alone stay friends family im years old im fat ugly invisible world spend nights getting drunk staring computer nothing books computer games music cat entire life never leave house thinking checking permanently im much pain seems pointless anyone tell irl im posting here really get better know people say oh get better people like never get better guides one question get better like people say will", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "featuring fascinating performance smith story tugs heartstrings harder rock guitarist midsolo seven pounds races past directors previous collaboration actor the pursuit happiness flick also loved remember gabriele muccinos name movies may skip unnoticed actor attached project quite highprofile br br too bad figured smiths scheme early on put two two together calls suicide first scene scene rosario dawsons character introduced incurable heartdiseasebr br however still think writerdirector made right choice putting bookends bookends first last scene way source urgency tension movie finding gradually exactly man driven ultimate sacrifice heartbreaking see relationship smiths dawsons character flourish develop knowing back mind always store unlucky twobr br one friends saw movie thought smiths character could divine gift understand why performance almost angelic presence seven elected ones yet times could harsh scary hes alone full weight situation got much breaks completely quite versatile performancebr br lastly cant forget mention crash scene reenactment really quite stunningly done terms cinematography paired music put list", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want collaborate shitpost songs shitty vocals great shitposts guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "husband hates much hate myselfim scum fucking earth deserve anymore husband cant even room me stupidly pulled gun awake took away me im planning slitting wrists outside snow soon falls asleep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get credit card teen build credit legit amazing hey ive using step send receive money get use link httpsstepcomrfgffc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "currently am sad every night miss old times as year ago would hang girl best friends always compared couple not social anymore never hang anymore used go outside stay place watch movie something cant stop thinking moments watching old videos like this life much worse now always sad makes sad idk im posting wanna tell someone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish physical part dying easyim years old friends besides one go work school fee time spent video games nothing better do really hate redflag looked bad yes counter argument redflag selfish hurt anyone physically ive tried standing cliff want die pussy out rate get enough balls jump everything better wish redflag pills legal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mitten squad betrayed called metric something like pretend units useless people est time zone canada mexico parts south central america united states", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heatwave uk right mood seems worse ever almost feel disassociated baseline redflag panic total uncertainty anyone else finding heat sun making depressive symptoms worse hot weather symptoms worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reminder check bros today hi guys wanted post reminder check bros and grils today boys men less likely reach fellow peers theyre struggling depression issues friends may even going rough patch dont know about theyre afraid admit it important reach instead make sure theyre heard cared for go ahead send text bros especially ones noticeably struggling today mean entire world ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homework yeah ik online school struggle reddit suck in take time study oor sleep shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anime recounts tale battle mamodo king every years mamado children sent earth fight determine next king in original japanese creatures mamono literally means magicevil object mamado paired human partner given magic spellbook human use book unleash incredible powers mamodo mamodo defeated spellbook engulfed flames alternately mamdodos book captured burned directly mamodo returns mamodo worldbr br the titular character zatch gash japan year old mamodo electric powers paired kiyomaru takamini year old genius zatch initially reluctant fight learning mamodo evil deciding battle king wrong decided fight become kind kingbr br zatch bell drawn comparison pokemon better comparison digimon like digimon mamodo human one one symbiotic relationship also unlike pokemon shows actual plotbr br zatch bell features character growth evolving relationships fairly adult story lines like love vs racism slavery mind control etc even decent plot twists mysteries", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sure im years old male want talk feel right now always try best nice everyone but feels like one nice me fact feels like everyone hates good reason bullied many years painful me feel dead inside im emotional guy even right now feel way im trying live normal life made changes health eat healthier exercise lost kg kg kg im cm tall also improved dental health ive lifestyle since november but mental health different story feels like everyone hates me everyone wants dead difficult live feel like this never felt bad before last days thing going mind redflag cant stop it know stop fear actually take life ive bullied lot people social life getting worse worse know cant talk to apologize post long", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im years old onlyabout hours do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys came straight parents super supportive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im simping doc disrespect idk fuck belle delphine aint even hot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "personally think movie pretty good almost rates liked ethnography aspect well gorgeous photography colin firths character likable better decent job role heroine played beautiful nia long familiar film heroine trying thinks best child marrying respected member expatriate community fighting attraction bad man one whos member community the outsider film mothers struggle whats expected her thinks best son follow heart want give away ending let say feelgood movie gorgeous location shots exquisite african dress its worth seeing film womens brilliantly colored african clothing headdresses likable characters overall actor plays nia longs son bright adorable plot bit formulaic liked movie nonetheless colin firth fan must see film like chic flicks see it think ill watch tonight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else cringe calls karen karen public dont know why makes cringe hard see public freakout videos dude recording call lady karen amount energy calling someone normie public", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi gamers gamerettes discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad moviebr br of course expecting movie called beach babes beyondbr br it babes bikini movie pretensions otherwise given a room view schindlers list wanted film like a room view would looking beach babes beyond looking good babes bikini movie almost plot one you flick delivers promises some pure adolescent funbr br there lots babes bikinis movie quite funny great watch beautiful women ever seen home videobr br every high school kid watch least one bad movie like this actually one memorable movies ever seen unashamedly say againif going watch one babes bikini movie it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone explain people like anime cant see people like much really cant understand people like much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "review movie date really trashes stars movie itself usually like read user comments give idea expect movie know much about unfortunate many comments certain tile one review unreasonably trashes movie cast get idea expect read review watching title know venom movie stars came from douglas blondell talented attractive people usually delivered even material greatest found movie performances fun enjoyable one great alltime classics pleasant funny diversionmuch hope newer movies fan stars disappointed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "may sound stupid really need encouraging wordsi bunch economic problems going right now aside several mental illnesses top that recently seem developed sort lymphoma probably stage ii iii funds treat it bad press onto carotid arterieslarynx constantly way painful help suicidal already moment thinking jumping balcony tonight that bad turned fuck diploma nobody wants hire would give chances solve issues no ask traumatized parents ask get sick even painkillers help pain getting lightheaded constantly pain like pinched constantly cant this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "normal people hope posts gets hot me put award post people think good way get hot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girls dm open boys want talk someone girls preffered", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressedhow supposed go life thing keeping alive make family feel bad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "communicate teenager sister more im f sister f moved years ago weve always pretty good relationship confidently say feels safe loved whenever shes around me fun whenever visit used lot fun stuff together still living family feel way im around too shes person show true goofy self to problem is ever since ive moved dont really communicate anymore im really texting type person make sure remind much love every making playlists getting gifts telling love verbally thats it thats talking im home her miss old days wanna friend family moves lot change school almost every year doesnt enough friends make feel less lonely also context might mention shes anime japanese culture shes huge kpop fan dont share interests totally respect want feel validated", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made motivationalinspirational podcast looking feedbackhey guys depressed long part life still quite frequently depression started recording thoughts help through while realized make public people like also get help at least feel bit better put episodes podbean test see guys like not enjoy support me would go making audios kindly note episodes recorded recorded cell phone professional mic moment secondly may pauses between wanted make raw real possible nothing is edited removed everything live recording thirdly everything is recorded impromptu prepare read materials advance brainwave start recording so take experiment rather super polished professional podcast would really glad guys let know enjoy it help would appreciate making it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "insulini diabetic loaded bunch insulin bit ago im starting feel low hitting shakes nervousness fuck living hopefully ends soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want boyfriend im horny id want stuff them cook watch netflix go walk cuddle play games im lonely now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hell guys even find egirlfriends like im seriously confused find girls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bit connoisseur garbage stumbled across little treasure action romance crooked cops violence single one pulled right love immediately then funny thing happened second time around became addicted thought going one rent chuckle kindofmoviebr br rudy ray moore knew wanted see movie money make look good anyway thats commendable also shows making movie self know many heard rudy rays music whole slew albums reaching fifties", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres difference micro dick feeling actual pain boner pushes underwear", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably dramatic sorry school increases feelings depression hanging ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aging rocker movie mentions heep quo favourite bands ever incredible cast everyone fantastic storyline love piece creative genius cannot recommend highly mick jones added much foreigner lead primary songwriter along greatest rock singer ever lou gramm watched great work times bill nighy voice jimmy nail talent oozes every pore astrid karen could aging rocker ask for bloody brilliantbr br alastair perth western oz originally windsor england", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get easily frustrated many things examples mindwhen politicians wear masks talk microphone nobody next need relay message you stop posturing cannot understand muffleling that one going popular bear pleasethat commercial explodes phone speaker everytime pops youtube bad willing bother make profitbella poarch feel like fake pretendcute doubt half cute real lifejeff bezos goes space got anything better money like helping poor know one trivial thingsand anyways therapist told accept things said think object room bother you right well try attitude towards things frustrate you get angry ventilator corner room get angry wind etcshe also told what concern someone fake interesting true problem bella poarch way is also simply cannot change her even enough money buy plane ticket meet her point hating her feel like makes world worse dislike that contribute anything world millionairi think fair cast judgements things bad things good according therapist way accept things peace world way relating things think bad without feeling need reject them hate them change them kind fluidwaterbendingtaichifishinthe stream way beinganyways would like hear anything say that personal experiences anecdotes teachings accepting things", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lemonade still taste bad life gives rotten lemonsso problems problems life way think life story failures setbacks story burden family tale sure want continue live in born cleft lip palate south korea begining story big reason anguish mother name of discarded me feel lot anger towards her may poor unable manage costs feel anger lottery life went great family new country pain knowing somewhere real family bloody deformity live could without lot troubles now times much handle hate it hate life reason live adoptive family see burden hospital surgeries cost much money hurts thinking it forced things normal people problem secure deformity think end would better without me add body useless love sports kinds body breaks down knees bad back bad shoulders really bad problems feets eyes butt get random pain sports anymore unable to even use bicycle without getting exhausted meters knees loved bicycle anymore story life thing intellect average much think bit faster average person enough excell anything hurts lot put lot pressure become something family pushes want succeed them make feel proud know able to ability become something more feel completly useless like waste human race truly wish could fix lot things effort study like maniac right go feels like fall behind try get went korea year ago find past found pain nothing family end fled home knowing stayed would sink deeper never get rid cleft lip palate always bother mind forever scarred it social skills worthless go parties good thing comes drink much else never ever even close get girlfriend bother now things think ignore totally lack everything could possibly never get one hate it hate cleft lip palette hate ripped away country made foreigner land hate missing always tried right thing life gives wrong back powerlessness feel crushing me wish could fix it could make lemonade lemons lemons life gives rotten another rotten one im sure want lemonade", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attempted redflag want try againi tried overdose sleeping pills high school exams result well go university im scared work ive quit last three jobs ive staying home since high school ended im now think future im afraid feel alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fellas im super duper hungry right now good idea eat gfs ass sustainance asking advice man filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today birthdaynow ive passed last good birthdays theres nothing look forward years pass ended drinking tonight friends town im living toxic household hate mind consumed ocd thoughts lack interest anything know day year god want birthday happy day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "apparently baddest chick liked got second baddest suck cus oml a chance well talk bit maybe gotta chance still", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant wait move mother never stand corrected word always final said wiping countertops part dishes simply true point out got mad me clean kitchen do dishes dishes like fucking asked comes kitchen sees countertops still dirty wouldve cleaned said clean kitchen said dishes fact kitchen clean fault petty rant shit annoying whenever whats asked always why this this this too two sisters also helping clean dont always complain ignore problem get yelled still end myself", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " malemy mum alcoholic mum means mom england drinks quite heavily like alcoholics know must schizophrenic something every time drinks acts odd like normal drunk person nasty things say nasty thingsfor example last year family hosted small family drank lot dad showing guests way home could drive said brother things like i want fucking die you later night got arrested started yelling dad beer bottle hard missing dad hit wall leaving dent serial number it another time drank lot brothers rum confronted kicked house seen times since parents decided move us another part country family lives lost friends south school attend shit couple weeks ago kicked hockey ball ended hitting kid called lucas head fault happening people decided hour detention good enough punishment bully tbh got least hours teacher understood accident friends started eating rarely speak people school moved months ago struggling lot today prick friends went bag kind joke took stuff trying get back prick came threw ground said this get lucas got rage punched cheek back end even bullying that know seems silly mums alcoholic outbursts life seems really difficult carry with saying attention would like someone thinking clearlys advice go getting bullied mum thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people get mad others cheat ive never relationship know never really got people get angry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate school hate here ive tried reaching people one cares one even acknowledges feel school fucking hard cant anymore cant stress constant burden you ive tried believe could make it dont believe anything anymore theres one answer hate school hate much fuckin hate school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive smelt worse thing ever exist basicly cousins holiday together sharing room go soon get back us needed shit us used bathroom swear smell made want fn kill", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nacho fries tacobell good theyre best advertised product planet ive never them good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry everyone last post weird im weird karma real car running like hour turn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im girl please give attention bcos im girl im begging", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could send picture failing something youtube video dont show face secs something either dm discord the holy sheep examples sharpening pencil breaks missing basked ball shot burning toast etc thanks much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant handle pain anymoreive gone lot trauma life im tired pain im going put dog today know right choice pain end hell peace keep thinking cant too mercy end pain cant peace horrible want end suffering know cant family want pain end want peace wish could let go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cast actors actresses columbo episode beside peter falk julie newmar jeannette nolan martin landau twins anyway old uncle dies mysteriously looks like heart attack bicycle discovered fianc julie newmar plays role deliciously jeannette nolan plays woman house housekeeper prides talents chides columbos sloppy often typical behavior cigar martin landau plays identical twins one accuse murdering uncle money well watch see outcome assure always worth watching one cast crew", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "banned sub even know even anything ill stop using bad words modsill say aassesment b bit chewy think c cr ap bio class representativeadvanced placement d dic otyledon e effing ham illinois ffu dge ggulag hhard wood mighty ol allocasuarina luehmannii its tree hardest wood i quit j jerk chicken off grill kknutted the k silent mind you l longitudinal waves physicsgotta keep up m mother f lower guava exists n nutella o organism ppoo poo qquick r rip as rat patootie s essex teehee t turn on thinking caps u rick astley going give upso bother even using it v vag bond w write a program x i hate math y yoodleleoeeoe zzuckerberg sorry modalso respond post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mean parents trigger suicidal thoughtsive therapy year used safe persons call struggling six months later removed dad im considering removing mom list sticking friends family really trust im grateful ive learning manage depression recent relationship parents getting rocky starting bring lot old behaviors remember showing kid didnt give sense privacy would look diary outed teen want come yet get angry little things last night little brother trouble falling asleep stressed crying put top bunk calm mom found put full blame ruining months worth progress dont believe anything tell anymore make really hurtful comments view character body thats triggers most havent thoughts redflag months twice week havent even wanted talk stuff like therapist im scared theyll somehow find call crazy tell im making stories up im still debating ever real figment overactive imagination know hurts heart bc force remember im im worthless make feel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mostly scared passing timeim f start childhood sucked majority highschool life spend alone sad playing video games day im still havent finished major highly suicidal dont know recently talked psychologist first time didnt work also sessions cant keep fort corona virus every night go bed wishing didnt wake again dont know do paper hours could bothered start since quarantine sleep hours day rarely leave bed unless necessary spend lot time crying contemplating redflag think im ready tried kill highschool think im ready now nothing brings joy anymore reddit great place waste time lurked sub years think time go sincerely hope fellow lurkers make live happy life ill watch wherever go root you thank reddit internet video games music providing comfort lonely life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anatomie anatomy entertaining engaging film falls short delivering discomfort connected films subject matter idea ethical ignorance medical science world one pushes viewer towards discomfort realism institutions heidelberg special effects make notentirely easy film watchbr br however characters script gloss film seem familiar scream movies repopularised sort genre sadly then whilst subject one care about viewer presented another movie full college student characters really get chance care about unresolved subplots hammy stagekillings reinventing since memorable drew barrymore opening scene scream several years backbr br steven ruzowillzky makes fair effort script direction pushes boundaries general theme whilst presented entertaining film reasonable performances unfortunately left old feeling nothing wrong film nothing extraordinary eitherbr br an entertaining film interesting chance see foreign filmmakers influenced postscream horror culture ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember different like years ago life now remember enjoying things used like meeting new people used love going movies reading books ate cried slept normal amount feel like working hard get back therapy meds exercise etc starting lose hope worse part", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ate curry hot damn toe curling spicy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im thinking killing tonight would easy ir feels selfish anyone talk meeh", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "listening pd ost feeling like heist filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anxietymy anxiety gets like prison head think worst brings deep depression want stop hate much every time look mirror get sad bc get reminded im tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ealing studios perfect film fresh relevant half century later day releasedbr br as satire economic notions growth commercial need inbuilt obsolescence could scarcely uptotheminute film said hero literally wears plotbr br oddly parallels jurassic park messing environment literally turn round bite you spielberg shied away books brilliant central conceit tack nonsense children hmmmbr br in man white suit alec guiness plays idealistic young scientist comes cloth never gets dirty never wears out suddenly workers capital northern english mill working united never protection livelihoodsbr br of course ealing comedy been complex interplay vested should suited interests plays beautifully one one parties realize progress threat disposability waste keep looms turningbr br but yes comedy albeit pointed one amid political ironies delicious performances good oldfashioned knockabout laughsbr br nonetheless biting satire endures dazzling white", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want would paint nails wear girl clothes youre yearold boy parents wouldnt like wear nail polish dress way", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m depressed becoming suicidal looking friend also miserable possibly suicidalsometimes people driven away cant understand longterm suffering like vantage point understand im offering unconditional friendship try good faith someone caring ear other desire make persons life better possible care funny witty whether like booksshows etc awkward period judging see click state im care much superficial stuff want commit redflag despite life pushing way want feel okay again im m depressed isolated escapism hope things getting better making good progress towards goals decided get surgery improve appearance resulted brain damage im still trying get answers it reduced ability think somewhat please make allowances also seems hit right hurts most messing reward system making physically impossible feel much enjoyment im still searching proper diagnosis possible treatments day day existence bleak future worrisome cant get help this think one things still get satisfaction helping others though", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun bmovie shepis absolutely beautiful scarecrow distinct original really brought back monsters s budget obviously low everybody pacino behind lens matter never takes seriously trailer trash redneck high flying martial arts moves scarecrow truly bmovie gem grab refreshments snacks couple friends kick back relax enjoyed film much went purchased scarecrow films sure theyre everybody own sometimes set thinking cap smile", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "meds one side overdose otheron left cup different meds ive overdosed times past two weeks one kill me right normal medication make numb put sleep wake tomorrow im tired hurting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill start relating first encounter princes music bar th birthday girl dancing bare breasted playing speakers asked people singer told prince good distracted beautiful topless dancer later started hearing prince songs really digging them purple rain came still knew little fellow minnesotan movie blew away instantly became princes no fan war baby generation later found one cousins secretary got me nephew vip prince concert sat next motherhow cool that getting back topic hand agree siskel ebert called purple rain instant classic seen times absolutely love it thought princes acting fine apollonia struggled bit acting fine john gielgud available play the kid prince took role film visually stunning brilliantly paced it never gets slow terrifically directed rank among best movie musicals time last time watched year gap still delivered proud fellow minnesotan prince rogers nelson would love tell personally walked right front mentioned concert said hi nephew me chatting mom bit crushed hes still no me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "longer holly jolly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi all short years earth many trials triumphs life seems getting progressively worse best life ever already feel like lived lifetime worth experiences due trauma experienced life like sexual emotional physical abuse stabbed someone attacked mallet due bullying involved police chase surviving car accident addict addicted alcohol age last year age being deaf left ear birth survived surgery survived many illness infection young child revived birth due oxygen loss severe bullying around suicidal episodes last year many prior managed obtain ncea lvl even though kicked school due sevely bullied everyone hate me many fun sexual experiences done pretty crazy one kind stuff seen done things alot people could ever etc always made sure live every day last live fearless lived life edge fullest although lonely sad alot due redflag past trauma things starting look around last year acquired good job wonderful partner sc ironically car accident mins dropped friends place stayed mine met person night before relationship prospered crash made become clean alcohol drugs thought prospect career family always wanted raise children live farm countryside etc but life changed worst nowinitially illness started am jan th awoke vivid nightmare drenched sweat auditory hallucination diahorrea vertigo derealizationconfusion brainfog shivering chills went back sleep went away within day time went holiday suffered vertigo ear pain car ride initial sickness appear feb th got bad flu wsore throat vertigo ear pain coughing running nose chills diahorrea etc feb th suffered derealization severe brainfog crying sadness redflag rem sleep issues like falling sensation jolts awake flashing behind eyelids hypnogogic hallucination constant vivid nightmares every night head pressure diahorrea excessive urination shortterm memory loss bunch stuff around early march came psychotic ocd presentation delusion developing shitzophrenia intense fear constantly googled sort stopped derealization died bit left andeonia complete loss emotions severe depression mood swings came ministrokeseizures severe brainfog happened around start last month every time getting memoryloss long term shortterm almost dementia like memory loss developed internal vibration currently symptoms are slight brainfog internal vibration dementia memoryloss vivid nightmares still hypnogogic hallucination upon waking minor head pressure crying sadnesssevere depression complete loss emotional enjoyment life loss track time going around me inability retain information loss imagination hair thinning easily bruising loss libido abdomen pain months illness shts getting worse many blood tests tried different diets meds help mood none symptoms tried therapy ct scans head wo contrast tried heaps nothing works personally think maybe autoimmune encephalitis due virus covid maybe sure yeah pre much fed atm girlfriend long distance stuck this flys live today family lives comes every school holidays love much says loves supports till death keeping alive struggles issues feel useless dead example nana dementia home look eyes life gone soul lost mind trapped within body imprisons feel atm want go forever cannot feel life emotions feel severaly disconnected everything impaired cognitive function well experiencing symptoms daily always different insight life feel always thought felt different others idk feel special world sometimes wonder alive everyone else figure imagination idek haha plan spend last weeks feel better see reason continue end it sorry words wall text prolly need life story want make sure story read atleast someone goas many know dog eat dog world weakness tolerated strongest survive unfortunately longer strong man really yeah crying afraid death asking happened ages every night alone realise maybe good go first experience much suffering bad live generally die alone world strange place atm full pain narcassism suffering corruption also tried talking parents provide guidance tell accept fate yeah idek p thanks reading far btw god bless year old male life over", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "turtle necks fucking amazing hide long ass neck bad posture", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously thinking taking life everything needed too stilla days ago pretty dark me still cant find decent enough job enough hours start saving cash think lost last friend one call text broke down stop crying hours while started packing bag warm clothes water got paper wrote notes even one friend stopped talking me left house outside waiting sun go would try end life made sure letters secured book bag made sure phone already called hit send made sure id cards bag knife hand staring mid mind started go own imagined long would take die lying woods bleeding out wondered long would take police ambulance show pushed send thought mom would react found out wondered friend would even get news took life thought whether vision would go white fade black brain really mind fucked put thought forefront everything well going this hit me stopped tracks paralyzed completely still minutes what fuck mean this believe god heaven devil hell believe ill turn ghost haunt body family friend would dead wanted fear pain would put through knew would giving peace cant accomplish stayed alive would over came home everyone else came home not like would noticed gone days put everything away still letters sealed envelopes knife tucked bed clear head mindfuck brain put take life still plan cant get help need", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im updating eso taking everrrrrrrr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going therapy making things worsethis great therapist listens hes thoughtful gives small manageable tasks never ever feel condescended minimized but feel worst validation world im things supposed help talk people make feel still horrible towards me what the fuck is wrong with this species fucking awful really are hate humanity ever cant take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film undoubtedly one greatest landmarks history cinema seeing filmwe retrospectively notice world cinema s purely humanistic dramaturgysuch strong adequate use soundimage montageand almost religious admiration ethical choices human life cinema one form arts much higher ordinary life gave many people hope live tragic war said even picasso moved cried work art appear years audience time also different read seeing kurosawas ikirulive first release young couple quietly told otherit good film it thinkcontemporary cinema though technically developed opened new narrative perspective lost importantreliance audiencecienma really popular art and unlike modern fine arts contemporary musicgave millions people hope ideals point viewletyat zhuravli must pantheon classics time city lightikiru la strada", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "respecting women sexy know am fact actually definition sexy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well fuck went girls house yesterday party way girls willing gossip shit talk people barely know real life fucked like talked guys rejected said talk guys kill boredom theyll say yes guy asks joke hope girls talk like this even worse worry thats girls talk boys made sad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knew nothing film watched it brother fact suggested take look normally suggestions much cop however stuck something watch watched itbr br well cut long story short give br br the film centers around two people meet whilst lodging place one initially dependant upon institution around him rebel one likes hes toldbr br from first moments film quickly see friendship two building see rub little other remarkable piece work manages tell good story without twist upon twist people leaping bath tubs superheros coming save daybr br theres fair amount grit reality there everything ever go right gulfs ever spanned film delightfully shows lotbr br if watch film impressed id suggest watch anything again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "till tomorrow got new phone number reached out actual fuckwhat even meani told wantoverand overand overif want break fucking itbecause iti cannot fucking anymorei fucking enoughyou treating like shiti mean said voicemailyou fucking areand sick ithow supposed sleep put redflag roofbut give shiti treated like precious diamond sweep rug like dirti cannot believe fucking trusted youi fucking hurtso fucking hurtlet die aloneyou see thoughts going headi cannot anymore need talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everythings fine im tryingjust rant got drunk way way much panic attack front friend whos never seen before vomited floor got new job reason making suicidal state world jacked makes want end it im getting fat food thing makes better point im wondering ill ever ever content every day hope do hope everyone finds peace one day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "complaining mainstream music bad nowadays dumb one forcing listen probably wont affect way besides makes song good really subjective", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "todays th birthday finaly stop browsing sub illegally have amazing day amazing people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every reason possible hundreds people faced circumstances succeeded strong hope encourage someone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok coffee time back like hour mean time somebody explain like experience romantic attraction coz uhhh fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need normalize male hugging thing ache emotionally need support us males cant hug friends without labled gay inappropriate yet whenever girls situation hug regarded normal fine fell jealous fuck cant males that thank coming ted talk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "motherfucking birthday officially lets go boys made another year hope treats good did anyway hope guys amazing day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "farewell boysonce upon midnight dreary killed myself left one teary", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talk meim gonna post mostly posted rdepression day added effect wanting miserable life end one annoying symptoms ive got right now really really would love die idk symptom depression anxiety whatever something wanna talk about always like think something makes feel someone happy feel like gives meaning really prominent like theres massive noticeable change mood im thinking it theres always something whether im thinking gym seeing gains whether job ive applied for im always thinking keep happy often not forget it weird literally think im trying remember actually is forget is feel completely lost like meaning right really cant think something thats giving meaning really pissing annoying me sorry walk text probably makes sense whatsoever heres hoping someone understands mean idk wanna die lol", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan everything needis time think is dog alone together now nobody checked us week dont want go vicodin xanex oxys hydrocodone gauge shockwave dont work feel like im going wake nightmare cant weed used calm me smoke panic attack maybe ill wake early enjoy last sunrise morning nice alamo city week", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "title required mom called unload dishwasher instead calling name yelled starlight theorist im confused", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "clubi turn days wanna leave wife wanna go somewhere cant find end shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im happy stable life right now things go south elaborate plan place deathive lucky life far went abused years child attending top research university full scholarship published research interned top companies started college young name it unfortunately ive always dealt anxiety diagnosed ocd comorbid anxiety mom caught act eating disorder rituals got help last summer despite things going pretty well developed pretty bad depression hospitalized started going weekly therapy taking medication okay awhile back heres thing need maintain certain gpa full ride scholarship im trouble ive always okay student mind working anymore cant function want blame depression many losers use copout want loser am pretty wide margin achieve grades keep scholarship dont well like afford finish degree want work fast food janitor rest life even car im going kill myself believe me really want come this does right combination pills things help go easy im pretty well educated things due field study good terms pain speed clean feel bad family know matter what would let down really matter live die anyway wanted talk this know fucked up im fucked up know am despite that ive achieved lot far comes academics cant im good student im good scientist stupid fucking brain let scientist go sleep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bout call helpline lol first time ig literally need talk councillor else idk ill fucking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want live anymorei cant connect human beings", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reall extremely swag tho filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things always go wrong cant thisi always fuck time cant save things boyfriend im selfish shit upsets him feel guilty mom abusive piece shit dad even come near us covid asked could stay said legally cant theres nobody watch baby sister swear god cant keep living here nothing ever gonna change always tell always gets worse always genuinely see purpose continuing life theres never gonna time im gonna feel happy little while im always gonna stuck parts ruin life hate im sorry sfdhjhj", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredi dont know anymore ive depressed since im now im tired dont want anymore doesnt get fucking better even think is doesnt last nothing lasts fucking miss dog miss grandparents miss happy hope dont friends close friends mom love her know shed lose killed myself cant her wish could cut brain out forget everything drugs cutting distractions dont help much anymore nothing really", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking sad every day feels like eternity pain know get help seems difficult pointless felt like long time self harmed attempted suicide since teenager love sons father live with gaslights tells never love allow talk one great job quit bc felt like going drive car river way work one day lost alone want genuine human connection history trauma makes impossible end rope know do want kill bc children love feeling isolated alone misunderstood eating away insides sad recently believe everyone would better here black hole within", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ready give upim junior college completely miserable depression anxiety since high school parents never understood problems helicoptertiger parents ive therapy medication recently went one best mental hospitals state luck used ambitious person really well school im failing courses motivation continue im major chosen parents hate feel motivated start again friends resources therapistspsychiatrists incredibly booked get appointment soon want withdraw school know ill do especially go live parents hate everything life cant picture getting better future many people told almost every year gets better gotten worse me know want live depressionanxiety anymore especially one talk to reason attempted redflag yet im scared fail know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family murdered breast cancer husband abandoned meim alone im fed working ass barely breath abandoned husband fiance boyfriend whatever wanted call me years im homestate hometown reason even try go back hometown one there cant take care showering eating family murdered left abused me im supposed go police monday file rape asualt charges already went nowhere cant stand hes done me vandalized car killed motor threatened kill many ways years reached police hospital rape pure exhaustion cancer pain ended taking nut jail hold raped know deal cancer patients hrs late meds almost died there anyone ever says thats good idea made suffer more anyone overdosed baclofen", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont give up least make honest sufficient attempti made attemt given up good night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan killing july stive lot fucked shit happen whole life year worst year life literally tried right everyone somehow someway always get fucked cant even remember happy feels like anymore dont think want anymore ive second thoughts family friends have thing forgotten never really important told things didnt get better july st gonna it almost feel one convince otherwise might even one last posts made me dont think missed feel bad couldnt live trauma anymore wish life couldve different", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cool mobile games one handed gameplay im looking left arm fucking broke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck it im going styleim going get sad depressed this fuck that tried fucking hardest god damn best im sexiest bloke block neither ugliest longshot knows maybe fucking am gives shit anyway im reserved im holed guy go everyday million things skydive scuba dive iceskate rollerblade etc everything anything know what matter fucking truth circumstances raised view world literally put almost impossible state find someone love someone loves back ive lived fucking europe south america north america single fucking real friend hear that fucking one im nice guy im guy pulls freeways help you im guy gives hitchhiker rides im guy whos always everyone ready listen help im guy im invisible amazing guy guy everyone loved guy everyone helped by guy nobody remembers fuck it cares sad thing matter fucking reality idontfitin mind tried tried good time earth fun parts unluckily life whopping cushion negative even bad life harsh negative know what im done negative im going go always wanted without fucking experience want it im going go live wild yeah im probably going freeze death im probably going starve im probably die disease gives fucking crap im fucking tired living people connection to nobody understand like nineteen never single fucking friend entire life fucking dont im outgoing guy public guy everyone asks take pictures of guy helps dude loading truck guy hears people asking question gives answer im guy nobody wants accept me agnostic extreme sport computer gaming nerd scifi fantasy chick flick lover musical metal rap loving anime cooking reading quadlingual multicultured mixed bad dating saying right sexy things coming friend hah fuck me thats snippet try using say im sure thousands people like you fuck you lived europe two years lived brazil year lived alaska year joined military year fucking think so anyways got chest selling truck quitting job giving sister shit heading mountains want find nice canyon make leap wrote guys i bend right leg lean forward breeze weak sunny yet chilly april day third month free today think almost moment think free longer concerned food longer concerned bills impressions dates finally true myself want nothing return came finally peace death nicholas diary page p edit peace fuck out im shutting last time time roll ball shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help telling fiance im suicidali really want leave feel like to every second ticks overwhelming im trying really hard hurt myself want go hospital make huge deal need help want tell fiance work want worry them person trust say tell them even wait get home im afraid theyll overreact", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling guilty like dogshit pulling allnighter last night pulled allnighter friends well us did back home feeling like absolute shit im feeling guilty reason cant stop crappy feeling tips", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill never love myselfi want live anymore many issues cant seem solve problems suicidal thoughts coming back droves amp really want kill lately become smarter better version cant believe myself ever find right partner love myself want suffer anymore work amp suffer william love amp gave me every time think ive cried tears return think you know anymore hate free time mysel introspect much cant sleep night anxiety man ever love respect really am always pretty face mediocre brain work hard exactly need something numb madness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " resits upcoming week fail one two failed year happens also last time fail life fail resits something end week something fail at last thing ever do possible last week", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk anyone expects get maintain job good anything last job dish washer still quit everyone around pressure getting job cannot even bottomtier dishwasher cannot anything right fail every attempt make bother know good know disappointment know need job want one since going lose soon get it know anymore want rot away ditch maybe lazy piece shit care anymore want anymore know feelings matter valid least someone understand oh well idc lowest point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "miss you miss much dont know read sub anymore like together want know miss much come home soon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im pretty much doneeverything going soon couple years now everything kept getting worse worse ive finally reached limited know cope anymore im going give up im loser stupid depressed achieve anything life im also disabled makes everything even worse know anything anymore light end tunnel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna talk potentially friends say oh im moody you cant handle emotions yadayadayada take emotions understand feel moody im hardly offended hmu comment end", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good time allits weird im literally reddit every day yet posted times due massive situation look post history actually funny played ultimately almost everything dropped bought new car even desperate situation this last week massively terrible like massively went back school first time three half years semester okay know happened within last two weeks snapped work overnight job fulltime go school mornings became switch went work school home homework work school etc five days week im already insomniac since work nights always sort handled would drink nights listen music would make happy would inspire five nights option last week bad finals week ended working schedule overnight mothers day came back hours later mothers day afternoon shift hours later rush school final presentation finals ended missing tuesday one due oversleeping since literally time able sleep three days wednesday another final went okay wednesday overnight worked thursday morning went home work final get done friday morning well paper online class due friday call work thursday night minutes shift even though im supervisor literally could get twelve hour extension programming final would allowed sleep since then ive massive disarray got massive argument manager logistics random things even make sense means basically mad called out yet third call four years quit last semester school took dropped classes time needed needed get done literally call fail course decided go see second favorite band tell username favorite one is headlined skate surf asbury park sunday ended zoning halfway show good time all even got angry decided play extra minutes played songs happy normal day hear also front center people got front see one favorite bands everyone else attendance behind me felt nothing then festival mainly street parking forgot parked thought knew asbury well never put tag originally parked would funny cases would simply go bar drunk enough go find without worrying gaslight anthem song ends saying we could sleep beach night would totally done happy reason panic attack ran two half miles blocks see sentence someone extremely shocked even happened started walking wrong direction thankfully officer went pizza shop and though sweaty shaking worst panic attack life drove around found it im here hours later feeling better know point post was got diagnosed depression three years ago dropped school bad this bad weeks ive usually always able handle it recently umno hurts saw one favorite bands band countless times made feel good even better current situation feet away even work time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna go mexico man im going visit family june spend whole summer mexico im ready leave", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even trained help us explains lothttpswwwusatodaycomindepthnewsnationredflagpreventiontherapistsrarelytrainedtreatsuicidalpeople", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone talk tonot feeling great dont want go back point anyones browsing right wants talk anything please pm dont know long ill account tis whatever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "binge eatingits fun hating image try adding food gaining pounds pathetic ive got pathetic man titties doublechin stretchmarks hated without them despise them food seems one areas comfort double edged sword kill one day get advice people stop binge eating torturous", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "years ago ray light madonna broke truly amazing level musical artistry since occasionally transcended even standards concert production hypnotic editing amazing dancing hallucinatory lighting effects tranceinducing arrangements blows away previous efforts madonnas apparent ambition singlehandedly bring world peace music dance may seem hubristic absurd some hell somebodys got it thanks assemblage remarkable talent everyone involved production confessions tour live london places among top ten artists working anywhere world medium", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im party im party speedwagon ive put cool costume danced babymetal ate chips juice brownie im playing music fun singing happy birthday speedwagon set im fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help someone call dumbass say dont", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend told want live anymore go support best waycross posting relevant subreddits really need advice here apologies advance grammar mistakes long im mobile typing bed still fresh mind also happy new year tldr among another stressful life events friends mum recently diagnosed potentially fatal cancer friend coping tonight broke openly talked wanting die also talked would it scared friend need advice next steps would appreciate support this live northern ireland uk background friend relevant this relationship brother like sister me mum recently diagnosed stage pancreatic cancer far know spread systems receiving chemo present waiting find effective chemo determine whether may candidate life threatening surgery remove much cancer possible going little info doctors said prognosis going great looking months years lucky perhaps months weeks not mum may day operation table soon due high risk complications surgery small new years eve get together friend hosting suddenly got absent quite time went check found boyfriendmy brother upset sobbingstruggling breathe asked wrong said several times wanted die wanted kill herself want planet anymore newly qualified nurse heard friend talk killing which never heard say before naturally tried active listener ask getting making want die etc also ask intentions harming moment later on asked made sort plans would try felt like it told would slit wrists knife soon mum dead reason exist anymore that listened her hugged didnt try fight suicidal thoughts judgemental made sure heard told loved much many people life would devastated anymore mentioned things too feeling pressure multiple places people work friendship issues feeling lack family support mentioned perhaps reach hr job let know coping perhaps granted leave absence mental health reasons broached issue seeking professional mental health support health service clearly struggling cope says already sort month waiting list im living northern ireland mental health services notoriously difficult seen even crisis suicidal suggested opening counsellor talk doctor depressive feelings hopes medical professional may signpost real help perhaps try medications might help type open medical staff past seen counsellors anxiety honest initial session pretended problem return second going cycles normal apologising getting upset could barely breathe talking wanting die again eventually went sleep im lying knowing knowing something seriously wrong friend needs help reddit broach subject tomorrow sober wait talk me go get real genuine mental health support friendlive northern ireland uk get family members involved try get friends reach let know loved let friend feel safe enough open tell needs me nurse would feel icky sharing details people medical professionals able help honest feel torn respecting friends wishes remain silent vocal others may able help know something needs done asap see friend drowning front eyes see needs help im scared lose someday soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first probably last post redditi going make post morning allowed day mull over depression reached zenith sorts drove around couple weeks ago looking adequate tree hang disastrous appointment new psychiatrist minutes chit chat threatened involuntarily admitted way go doc triggered one worst panic attacks id ever had threatened call sheriff walked out drove around entire day backroads pacific northwest woods found single tree adequate lateral branches all conifers wheres good elm sycamore need one hiv case worker coming pick tomorrow cant seem make see therapist own cant tell pointless go therapist ill passed away end weekend talking therapist also fruitless since ive learned lesson experience psychiatrist trust one inner thoughts people freak fck out redflag prevention efforts boil blood denies dignity death second thought given euthanize pet yet comes humans force life upon without consideration quality inflicted life hiv childhood trauma induced ptsd major depressive disorder point may even aids since stopped taking hiv meds couple months ago stopped meds people hivaids higher chance cancer compromised immunity least dying cancer people would resign idea impending death could meaningful heartfelt goodbyes friends family instead im denied dignity death keep intentions secret lest friends family stage sort redflag prevention intervention far seldom used logging road ill able rest car painlessly poison carbon monoxide vw golf ill able place small hibachi barbeque hatchback area natural real charcoal not briquettes provide source co bottles wine though rarely drink one certainly adequate several types antianxiety medications facilitate calm relaxed state mind regret cant open honest friends family im denied opportunity thank support generosity throughout years struggles deeply disappoints societally imposed shame redflag somehow disgrace death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking hate mom mom stabbed fork cookies sister made counter put away yet reason expects suddenly know kitchen gets dirty rush fix it cookies like theyre gonna next hour people grab em yknow anyway needed rant", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worth anymorefinally first real friend ive years falls life incredibly greatful somebody felt comfortable telling anything everything without judgment convinced throw away like everyone else life has knew nothing even remotely good could last guess know tried worth live much pain im going spend time tying things life join marines lived instead me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "supposed feel lovr use protection really love cum inside", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remake anime classic s one even better sylia nene linna priss back knight sabers hardsuits battling robotic boomers animation crisp characters welldeveloped action rocks priss singer regular job series features wonderful songs well fair amount violence robots fan service nothing racy dvds also many extras including commentaries really enhance understanding enjoyment show musthave anime fanbr br also recommended burst angel armitage iii", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone stay quiet im staying past bed time its almost am dont tell mom guys im watching simpsons", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gonna ask thats right golly im nervous screw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dog died best friend every day id come home form school matter bad day hed come give kisses cheer up really wish ha snore time him really dont know ill get without him pet make sure give much love possible theyre gone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats im girl one care but titles see see actual girls sub people keep saying this trying make people mad genuinely wondering", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want chat f netherlands idk say apart listen lot music", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "farewellhow foolish think could even keep one promise myself cant even make birthday heres hoping shitty rope wont fail wont wake brain damage hopefully would adequate punishment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "disappointed think deserve live anymore need kill myself much cowered so make stupid mistakes every day even get proper job find proper friends happy point life cannot stand today tall mountain lowest part need stop need kill now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ugh sound like simp need help like best friend lot im guy shes girl ive known years used go school dont bcz hs wanna shoot shot theres chance missing every day dont tell eats hurts much wanna tell her idk to heard girls like confidence im confident likes back ik fact also dont wanna break friendship feel tell her would make things awkward wed eventually become strangers girls give tips advice helps sorry long ass paragraph too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "back itthings seemed look up followed light illusion", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "terrified redflagbut time something need do gonna pawn last shit get gas money food thats folks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still prefer films focusing human relationships birch street must seebr br by training spotlight family block covers terrain offlimits filmmakers explores common often unspoken family dynamic without resorting hyperbole sensationalism fact film deceptively low key outset br br in addition providing probing look one family and extension every family block also chronicled specific period recent history know intentional unavoidable due archival contentbr br highly recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scale old girlfriend legal reasons purposes joke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im losing fightits gotten point feel hopeful anymore try look towards happy future see could ever get better see continuing pain depression loneliness always wondered people could say theyre happy life how bad honestly think ill make end year maybe even months now so really hope someone life remember me vann", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone jumped building todayi wonder were like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ik random else feels fat arent im male lbs family tells im skinny bit feel like fact look kids feel much skinnier", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thoughts white guilt imo weird like please stop deepthroating huge colored cocks isnt helping anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one month leftin april ive decided last year closer year got end believe it im going talk why point guess needed let someone know need where know want this cant change this tried getting help diagnosed multiple things made worse knowing im stuck feeling die theres point continuing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aha ha might fuck around sacrifice mental health finish one doodle aha ha aha ha might fuck around sacrifice mental health finish one doodle aha ha", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "serious guys ask one girl like context sophomore high school one beautiful girl always see morning sitting alone school starts problem dont really know dont know approach im really introverted person shes really pretty girl would like take out dont know do advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im love w floofy haired boys ok hate this im lovely period watched tiktok super cute guy floofy hair dimples fyp started crying bc hes prob old lives miles away me ended watching couples cute cuddle pillow basicly pretended pillow one floofy haired tiktok boy kissed pillow entire night anyways today took bath watched youtube hoe watched started kissing boyfriend got mad threw phone toilet hows ur day been", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im diagnosed depression chill anybody else listen love songs feel like shit like yeah listen x juice lot rn im crying john legend songs nope me cool", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant wake tomorrowi start junior year college tomorrow everything wrong degree program changed without knowledge put situation im taking credit hours class am pm daily im fucking exhausted done anything really good life home summer worked full time good friend cared much made feel like die talk know why everything life rapidly deteriorated last seven days nothing good left understand every shred good left me want wake tomorrow", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many licks take get center tootsie pop got bet going friends say around so thinks like sum", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weeks later found long term girlfriend entire time felt like idiot found out reached last month told knew girlfriend whole time ever saw would literally break nose im still furious it im angry thinks pulled one got away it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idc care one selfie much love boys selfie get girls get ton first ive seen maybe one selfie girl hot barely orange houses second seen one hot sub full straight guys likely give orange house girls post third stop wording posts guilt people giving orange house wrong alr thats good day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dear reddit im gay soooo recently ive questioning sexuality ive come conclusion im homosexual friend group knows parents dont tell eventually dont think need know yet maybe theyll even find own thank reading", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kinda sucks parents get divorcedno matter good dad isthe mom would take custody wamen chld support", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "college drain cannot see way outsecond college class failed stay school another semester gpa plummeted dreams going graduate school diminished used love studying started going downhill years college started feeling not good enough seeking help trying get depression graduating crawling toward finish line feel like accomplished nothing value win shitty academic record know thing keeps grounded boyfriend everything me tries hold up cant see decent future future would enjoy giving applying jobs live fact fucked entire life think move this think gets better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever feeling dumb remember people genuinely think trump worse hitler stalin compared people genius", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk past months thoughts major downward spiral everyday waking making day struggle me keeping secret everyone recently since want end psych ward again honestly know rate thoughts unbearably strong lately", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know depression lifestyle cannot complain anymore one remember die fuck it live life way want ever fuck want probably might make feel okay cannot remember happy feels like anymore fuck happiness act like like something depressed person paint like depressed person write like depressed person make art like depressed person always complaining hoping help normal people help survive surviveact like probably happy sadness stop grieving act like ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ashamed write notemy life well myself pathetic cant write note maybe theres need write note people care enough want know feel ive never popular part reason fucking mental disability came broken home little name even wanted to enjoy life terms im mentally defective able to im afraid option cant bear another minute living shitpile theres reason keep living cant enjoy life properly shit tiresome twentythree years desire live see remaining decades", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really know turn anymoreim i stable place call home since moving around soon things start going well move next step plans better future everything falls shit ive rebuild life scratch nine times now say scratch mean thing name shitty phone clothes back im done always end way cant anymore im currently homeless penniless hungry sitting things life shitty car go mile without breaking down actually car cant even sell though cant afford insurance pos else there tried get another job guess what credit check recently got evicted apartment even get job fucking imaginary digit bullshit number family friends go get back feet statecity live expensive even get job even pay get work point thats much time goals plan even motivation life keeps wanting give good ole fuck kick back stairs time im getting back up im stuck endless cycle ive dealing years tried really every single day worthless shitty existence nothing became it failed every turn im tired yall strength keep every single time ive asked help ive always gotten bull oh ill pray you cant give up itll get better people keeps going on im asking help anymore cause anything im asking understanding difficult one person deal see people try day life get rewarded throwing towel sounds times better going another years this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend wants kill theyre suffering life would cruel prevent themif friend suffers multiple mental illnesses helped therapy medication family shit cant work mental illnesses government wont assist getting work money mental ill enough cant go school mental illnesses seems x worse depression let kill himself hes almost tried friend mine called cops upset someone tried help felt bad truly hates life hates living know make life better him want support validate feeling has obviously want die do nothing helps him pessimistic view life everything hes told me ive much worse life him depression anxiety bad enough glass half empty point view cant tell suck up people worse lives becausethats dick move help know show life bad makes think maybe him life badpeople suffering incurable illnesses get assisted redflag end suffering cruel make friend live suffering constantly know people situations want overstep boundaries him want respect wishes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could right something wanted get trouble rest life idk ways would it maybe take back kneeling shoot ya back head need comingmaybe easy perfectly healthy docs would help unless cancer terminal ever got old cannot walk cannot see need nurse wipe ass id rather taken back barn speak ever made assisted deaths thing doctors letting friendfamily murder you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would found standing corner room rubber knife", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres year old man asking random teens wear jockstrap fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "back demonsall darkness much cant fight urge slice arms im sad alone friends live overseas im bored theyre asleep hate much cant cope anymore im sure want die definitely want live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "endgamehopefully movie great say is im going see tomorrow", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first tv specials offered elaborate box set barbra streisand television specials released last november disc released separately want fork dollars five specials investment indeed best bunch fact streisand purest eager impress succeeds brilliantly key component legend signed longterm contract cbs produce hourlong variety shows almost extinct format nowadays streisand cbs special first broadcast april point career notoriety limited handful bestselling albums dazzling tv appearances variety talk shows successful broadway run funny girlbr br filmed crisp blackandwhite program divided three distinct parts creative transitional use im late disneys alice wonderland first segment cleverly shows growing childhood numbers diverse make believe im five opening comic monologue pearl istanbul second part moves location manhattans chic bergdorf goodmans elegantly costumed series glamorous outfits singing depressionera songs like ive got plenty nuthin the best things life free comic irony back basics third segment straightahead concert opens torchy version when sun comes out includes funny girl medley ends classic melancholic take happy days again ending credits also included brief introduction taped special first released vhs know streisand pricey concert tickets political fundraising genuine eyeopener revered now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many people actually gun recently bought gun think sane thing ever done bought intent go gun range new hobby think see easy would put barrel mouth end all seen several people made gunshot head think want point want end vegetable nursing home constantly blown pound black dude named bubba constantly mangina smashed maybe mm hollow point gun", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish deadi cant fucking sleep know im yelling sea people feel similarly man wish dead waking every day looking fucking mirror brings dread thing keeping fear comes death animals good friends feel like hate im pathetic dont even know im writing this im tired want kill fucking bad cant im fucking loser broke streak self harming like years couple days ago looking cuts wrist forearm makes feel fucking stupid worthless dont know it bleed cry nobody cares feel like im stuck rock hard place mind mental fucking prison one day ill die due natural causes ill die fucking killed depressing dont know worse people know celebrating life without knowing whole story pitying taking life life isnt enjoyable hasnt many years im tired tired pretending everything ok tired pretending life worth living seeing slowly lose interest stuff used love fucking sad waking morning sleep days end exhausting pulling bed tiring thought go get another job quarantined makes stressed head feels like jumbled mess fucking thoughts cant control dont want fucking work life away die idk id rather fucking do id rather throw towel say forget kill myself isnt worth it im fucking tired mentally drained feel selfish seeing people going worse things me life fine hate living dont care future im tired caring tired living idk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one might little differentlately ive feeling alone dont many friends besides gf relationship little messy really supportive family makes think shouldnt feel like this feel like im depressed havent told anyone feel days get feeling gut like wanna end it always tell theres way could depressed bc care people feel like theres way could it thing way would anything gun luckily family locks theres hides key probably good measure also dont go seeking end life anything happened stumble gun feel like would actually it ive never told anyone feel dont know ever will mainly feel like people would think im using like depressed angle attention something like that honestly cant tell thats thats main reason dont think im depressed dont know anymore cant tell head actually messed not", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want say woman pussy im cool that woman dick im cool that guy dick im cool that guy pussy im cool that enby dick im cool that enby pussy im cool that person people parts im cool that please love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone like fountain pens hobby collecting fountain pens wondering anyone sub shares hobby", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey uhh im bored feel like are click here would guys like read story wrote years back tell ill post profile linking post ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant handle anymoremy dad mom pretty sucessuful lawyers brother gonna graduate law year already job area sister brilliant student professional athlete pass uni selection year still im miles away them studying uni wanna woulsnt nothing amy friends here hate appearence general romantic live noexiwtent fell never pass uni trying years far enter feel like money burning failure sincerelly eanna live anymore wanna courage finally end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "possible start online business able afford dream car college student hello guys currently im college student studying intelligent systems engineering like computer science time school hear people age able afford expensive cars not makes want able get deal essentially found starting business would great side hustle outside school since limited hours need do thanks professors anywho heard many different opportunities make money profitable decently profitable like example dropshipping teespring shopify investingday trading ect lot choices decide on idk think do obviously want worth time money starting business also want able able pay school enough money pay new car so general best method making money online afford things want to thanks much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im attention seekingi hate living dont even know im alive cant answer that damn want die maybe cutting wrist answer people telling im attention dont want attention ill happily speak talk anyone sit bridge hours ill still attention seeking damn urghhh need die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "debunked bone marrow basically bone marrow apparently make sperm it men useless right nope matter fact man found out plus nothing cater kam pos made help people cant get partner pregnant seen women tiktok saying baby would always female thats complete bullshit kam childish know also going make bone marrow eggs gay men men wives cant get pregnant genetic kids bone marrow doesnt exist one gender exist help lgbtq infertile people biological babies might wrong stuff thats think bone marrow reproduction going like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey ppppie_ know is", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie never intended bigbudget film cute little picture pretty much anyone could enjoy probably change life certainly charming engagingbr br clifton webb plays curmudgeon thats certainly new tv however ratings failing worried cancellation decides maybe touch kidsas wife none own so volunteers scoutmaster regrets almost immediately remember curmudgeon particularly like kids make things worse one kids really likes follows like lost puppy matter indifferently acts towards kid child wants spend time him kid cute nearly steals show himself br br what happens next twists turns movie something find yourself understand light cute yet cloying movie probably enjoy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think about happy chemicals brainwhen angry chemicals brain controlling emotions embarrassed chemicals brain dictating emotionsi could go foreverwhy live feelings dictated something deal them realized slave emotions", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish balls iti nothing life im years old wife kids job nothing look forward except same wish goddamned pussy finally went ending", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else experience sudden bursts agitation restlessness confusion low mood almost day also get small bouts emotions place get extremely restless feel like cannot think clearly seconds diagnosed mdd also experience strange little periods scared something else going on idk mood also changes many times throughout day external reason random bouts confusionbrain fog", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "perhaps last film would expect come vittorio de sica cesare zavattini who wrote novel film based neorealist fantasy kind oxymoron really old woman finds baby cabbage patch raises son years baby young boy named toto adoptive mother dying goes orphanage and finally turns leaves immediately finds home toto optimistic though let anything get down man steals valise instead getting angry it toto becomes friend goes stays small shantytown toto takes initiative organizes many homeless living area build better shantytown soon landowner trying sell plot land citizens shantytown protect themselves many attempts owner mounts force police get rid homeless point film becomes fullfledged fantasy before comedicfantastic melodrama style charlie chaplin stuff weird shocking probably best others see themselves quite amazing funny objections could raise plot miracle milan certainly fellini visconti greatly criticized started stray neorealism think read widely criticized time release point though enjoyable loved much might favorite vittorio de sicas films although umberto bicycle thieves come very close ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "um free award free award anyone think deserves cant find anything interesting ask rn im feeling", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want someone kill quickly whether intentional not maybe shoot back head someone run truck someone decides push front high speed trainmental health issues make extremely difficult enjoy life especially paranoid intrusive thoughts tried therapy helps temporarily comes back shortly becomes even worse drink take drugs eat healthily exercise yet nothing helps reason still around want hurt friends family hope someone kills", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay girl give awards hello girl real human girl ampxb httpspreviewredditkivumjagbpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampseeecffaeffda", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "transition inner anger outer anger case mass shootingsi want preface saying sensitive topic speak internet way making threat suggesting action taken merely hypothetical discussion hopes community better understand us take extreme actions want hurt others also speaking cases murderredflag cases outright mass murder thats another long discussion use word victim describe people commit mass shootings speaking hypothetical point time before react way suggest us risk result born it extreme byproduct extreme environment true address victims give title many others speak perspective hold insight share please so redflag self loathing need exterminate world even mods refer empirical model one few base understanding redflag on agree fully basically claims redflag option occur person a perceives burden others society b experienced painsuffering repeatedly going this redflag outburst desperation end suffering called life trudge dayin dayout factors come play suffer choose harm others well one could argue innate trait happens add issue redflag one could also argue vein behavior byproduct environment grew in debate eugenics constructionist points view point something occurs add element think switch flips i want hurt myself i want hurt world think second switch two exist simultaneously wed look people want kill dont want kill people too maybe sense empathy humility instilled abuse world put upon them maybe stepped much affirmed identity doormat meant underneath everybody sole purpose that case world becomes much feels like telling end it agree it yeah burden yeah waste time yeah hopeless fight flight system responding freeze accept fate regardless dislike it want matter need matter much ask get better perhaps selfloathing aspect belief genuinely bad world makes feel want extinguish billion fingers pointed chastisement state self value reduced beyond zero negative state owe world apology merely here we owe world apology merely here social norm kill people pretty simple okay causes somebody transcend social moral boundary lets consider may happen somebody going experiences lose self value would happen sense injustice could arise anger could probably come form self defense however original sense self loathing merely reduced erased element self hatred feeling burden somehow coexist victim may become lost depressed are yet simultaneously sense evil world them the victim may become lost depression yet simultaneously sense injustice clashes inner conflict fueled here victim hates locked perspective endured abuse incredibly disorienting everything learned true wrong world taught this yet world also punishes trying world wants seem suffer point anger self hatred builds bleeds realities cases victim dissociate completely different personalities inability comprehend two opposing ideas time part therapy accept things fault easily swing outwards blame upon world the anger self hatred bleeds realities mind okay cool weve established victims susceptible becoming murderredflags may emotional purgatory juggling dichotomy two realities trying control life pretty disorienting huh many experience without wanting hurt others what happens make want hurt others transactional sense success tie effort self value separate value effort victims mental health get help relatively quickly never all think want hurt others initially see value seek help know try hard want ultimately understand forces work world going result fruitlessness point victim feels awful knows fault solution every corner turn world punishes efforts try get better this surrounded others chastise different cross line feeling urge medical care immediately becomes unavailable instantly dehumanized feared nobody help you much mention want hurt others go straight hospital rehabilitation removal society alienation point process cause myriad problems world punishes efforts try get better the world punishes efforts try get better think turning point hopeless actionless snap one day think huge buildup trying normal function properly world tells to effort well intended ultimately misplaced lens depression distorts world hence we never saw coming dialogue family members try world turns around punishes it matter want simp world nothing desire matters existence required suffering sadistically used world instructions make stop think anger comes from even though end result redflag us nonviolent added element efforts encouraged and punished world hypocrisy would break anybody fragmented shell human being feeling like shit often lean towards acceptancedepression angerdepression energy caused suffering allocated differently based brains chemistry actions taken people effort silence deafening noise installed heads core idea something actually respect stand right people likely think that theyre going die might well make sure world knows tolerable treat people way believe thats mindset agree it think right thing do even writing post probably puts ip watchlist seems stigma surrounding discussion this much sympathize single person whos committed atrocities bad them apparently cannot withstand attitude avoidance country towards tough topics think world keep seeing mass murders unless understand fuck happening heads thats comes from heads interpreting environment nobody born wanting shoot school given circumstances believe wed see many people fall mindset take actions circumstances specific could go evidence support white males would primary demographic but another post maybe know ill live point see become public understanding knowledge die rights deserve community human beings change this many innocent people keep dying thank reading encourage share experience whether current past wish love peace throughout day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want hug someone close eyes peace rest foreveri tired now tired everything like nothing gives joy anymore dont know else say thats it guess wanted say something somewhere guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorry guys actually catch feelings crush like yeah theres kids think cute like ive never caught feelings solid crush want relationship bad ive never anyone ive liked lot tried friends with build relationship like guys this i say guys mean boys girls everyone lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love story set back drop television news three main stars william hurtholly hunter albert brooks create love triangle whilst working washington bureau tv networkbr br tom grunickhurtis handsome reporter groomed starjane hunteris producer recognises tom lacks intellectual gravitas real journalist falls anywayaaron altmanbrooksis man shares beliefs journalistic standards also man truly loves herbr br holly hunter nominated best actress academy award but lost chermoonstruckshe robbed hunters filmher character jane smartruthless totally driven also hilariously neurotic performance perfectjust watch face watches tape toms interview rape victim scales literally fall eyesbr br wiliam hurts performance less showyhe plays man well aware himbo fraudbut smart enough know rise facilitated people like janehe gives little hints man extremely calculatingbr br the film comments celebrity journalismintegrity commercial pressures news medium focused bottom line predicted news would dumbed down standards would slowly lowered due commercial pressuresbr br think thisthis film released end cold war rise reality tvyet predicted dumbing newsparis hiltons release jail treated like major news story see prophetic film isjust watch evening news note set graphics presenterstom grunick clones well truly alive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive thinking about it night im certain im chicken actually itive strong thoughts know without doubt actually anything hurt myself ill sit hours picturing different methods results messages weather take secrets let hopes missed thats thoughts even looking item played idea makes uncomfortable question is thoughts something go hospital or find comfort cowardice let hospitals deal actual danger want go one want let things get worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advisei pray god every night take life instead someone really wants live guess good enough still here guess answer prayer almost lost battle last days committed redflag rd time tired really know get rid suicidal thoughts me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help mehelp pelase", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive drinking heavily need take pills now finally free terrible lifei feel nauseous know need help ask itd make feel weak life honestly shit idk im posting im never going find someone fuck cheat me ill never graduate high school ill never able enough money move start new city able get dream job friends tell care love me ive told much whenever talk sad explaining slept entire day supposed hangout get annoyed inevitably leave im losing way many people probably sign swallow bottle pills cut arms knife im worth anyones time feel like im obligated post finally though maybe someone help see something cant doubt though lost chance hope fucking long ago feel empty smile public people ask whats wrong im sorry wall text sorry anyone whos read point im wasting time apologize waste human life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "forgetful blame everything life feel fault like this plus cannot even get reason deppressed even remeber first placei feel unmotivated dead inside keep telling ok really true think deppressed still laugh talk family still watch funny memes boost confidence always doubt deppressed makes worse indecisive never make decision unless parents make mei feel useless like cannot anything anyone feel way yet still goal complete school also question say care anything yet care education think back even know cared first place always thought job student good school also parents future even future continue way even think job also introvert never want go outside sitting balcony typing this get enough vitamin almost always weak eat much aswell parents tell eat sometimes even realize starving depression bad even remeber long seems everytime try make better gets worse feel give let take also part still hope wants keep trying confusing talk mother feeling think could relate situation use watch videos try think positive thoughts help get life always revolves around simple question why like this always type ask questions always overthink things require much thinking worse part selflessness always care others like entire life always wanting help others make world better place hate that hate much hate one wants way hate worrying everyone around me want dissapear know sadness family committed suicide wait natural causes happen hit vehicle kidnapped killed way parents whouldnt blame death sad part going highschool feel mature look back tween really anything else say wanted speak mind hope wonderful day symptoms depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone helpits fucked thoughts long time were shit situation right lease agreement money situation cant move out broke phone went use old one kicking around found messages another guy called broke up within week arms different guy goes house kid late every night last night never came home still here think would hard keeps leading like work next day acts like hates guys house night child truly hurts ive contemplating ending it not shes convinced child im worthless even like dad anymore family acts nice want money that have eyes kids mom im worthless pos end this bs try hard overcome depression well really long time look got me idk life sucks feel like would easier everyone could rest peace like understand would emotionally difficult first judging way people treat theyd get it live life wondering nobody cares even daughter", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shoulda done ittwo weeks ago today planned out wrote note told best friend nice things say her even tried contact ex boyfriend tell hes entirely responsible death around am everything set up gonna hang necktie closet partial suspension hanging put neck loop pushed down felt spooking tighten around neck began feel light headed began pass out it tellyou why reached undid knot around neck psychiatrists ive seen my parents found sent hospital ive ever since told really want die thats total bullshit ive never wanted anything die maybe way cat meowing me scared someone saving me maybe instincts anyways getting tothe point this ive spent every day since regretting choice going it ive miserable thought death since longer stay alive want be made harder alone whole redflag thing write new note since therapist yelled gave mine read truth is nothing changed two weeks ago now except maybe reaffirming choice end everything anyway guess im venting whatever shit still sucks sorry spelling errors im writing ipod", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "front page memes memes text optional", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna tradei think concept life really nice fortunate enough theres much see achieve conquer personally would love life thing suicidal people heard yesterday someone like life lives given live years least wish could trade life someone else thats fortunate anyone else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want everyone around die wellmaybe selfish kill first want live pain death i understand anyone would care guess anyway same one puts effort fit even want here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurtthis girl like told likes best friend shit brought back lot pain past im suicidal dont know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "open parents mental health ive struggling self harm depression since years old im currently high school ive gone therapist two times visits year apart reason parents even took first place becaue found completely drinking self harming always struggled opening long remember two reasons dont feel safe opening im either met frustration disbelief misunderstood second reason ive always closed person makes extremely anxious even thinking opening dont want upset bad im doing mental health fucking horrible past weeks im failing classes house grades basically equal worth person theyre threatening take things away allowing see friends things keeping going moment dont start passing tell mental health reason im failing classes ive self harming again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "right dielast night caved in started harming breaking internally please get wrong used love living despite redflag attempts illnesses etc living still something good afflicted conditions slowly eroding capability live sanity mobility upkeep etc feel though ready end life im sure yet want another failed attempt want make sure works cant risk condition getting worse point long attempt end life realized wanted last night wave happiness washed me first time long felt calm peaceful nothing noone able provide feelings since first redflag attempt child please bring family etc try talk this guess part here cannot spend whole life existing purely purpose people feeling better comes point consider myself continue put through feel though right die were going die want make happen sooner rather later tried treatments professionals alternatives everything could find conditions continue get worse want die dignity decrepit unable move ways want live knowing feelings peace happiness still exist makes wonder life could been like this know ill this left unchecked know will comments appreciated feel conflicted deeply saddened right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "roses red grow grass give chance ill cum ass", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell interestspassion currently am dont want sleep want learn shit probably never need know tell interest passion know about forgive im slow want hear it one stupid car know everything about history gay ice skaters way trading cards made dont care want know understand youre interested in", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot handle hurry wait life supposed exercise eat eat right sleep sleep well keep clean take medicine get job keep dates appointments etcdoing one things exhausts days angry feel stuck doctorsfamilyfriends give advice try help need heard right tired fighting hard stay alive world miserableim going leave know many health issues make depression much worse transitional stage life clue sometimes feelings intense people cannot hear trying sayeven things happiness take time money energy supposed need relief anything ever given relief everything getting much worse medicines mess much taking makes even worse like right now never posted needed get looking place therapy feel like screaming underwater supposed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "am wanting end itfucking christ life mess act happy jesus christ im point hanging viable option started brother killed himself literally splintered whole life person really girlfriend good relationship broke fucked dude couple days later breakup messy fuck hurts much cant even bring talk her months disgusted sad mom took whole thing harder explain mother walked room brother shot minutes earlier ptsd hospitalized twice told mentally stable enough work worked me ive strong one family im destroyed dropped college semester mom also mental issues nearly killed there miss old life fucking shit non stop years im sick it im fucking sick it want happy non stop ive gotten nothing shit since then", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im killing self tomorrow valentines dayim gonna kill self tomorrow cant shit anymore im years old boy hate dad depression told parents doesnt help anxiety even im school class seven grade best friend blocked probably hates dont even know reason dont good friends feel fucking lonely day drinked alchol helped little bit smoked cigarettes crush one girl rejected know life goes doesnt feel like like year cant forget wanted friends girls dont give change assholes live really smalltown wanna fucking killmyself dont wanna live anymore help pls", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired seeing best friends returning people hurt multiple times getting hurt again cannot even talk issues getting baker acted getting left without anyone know week people always say faking know anyone would fake shit long story short cannot anymore want go please help justi know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aight bois confessed crush said want way would definitely like stay friends weve fairly close fair amount time posted coz really want friends know lol get f on note think posted time ago too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gone time september overthats plan supposed gone january look back post history see took fuck ton overdoses various attempts spent two months psych ward discharged back community wish people would respect choice life hands know selfish wish die able make choice im fed life anything genuinely feel like me belong here simple really ive written note plan starting fall place ill gone september thats start new academic year ive come far ive many attempts im certain want dreams ambitions ive tried years think future try believe enough make loved ones feel reassured genuinely cant keep wasting resources people desperate future wish rest im hoping ill leave world tiny bit better came im supposed here thank anyone cared read that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad hear bones arm rubbing head arm laying head arm moving arm around reason heard noise like hand goes across window", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trouble expressing feel might little confusing tired tired existence tired living tired feeling way do like feeling cannot describe go away matter what everyday seems get worse seriously like ever get better years ago type look forward future one dreamed going college great things life exact opposite see future anymore barely graduated high school even want anything want wake tomorrow want continue living want go work want go college anymore want anymore feeling talk gets irritated go away bothers cannot seem explain feels feel empty idk even know world see purpose here know see making change leaving mark world me come world feel like everything would much better left would longer carry feeling around cannot even talk family tendency invalidating feelings making feel like crazy feeling way do wish feeling went away feeling seem go away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really temporary problempeople say redflag permanent solution temporary problem problem ongoing years still think fixed cant even imagine life without feeling constantly lonely tired frustrated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nicely done along new voyages great continuation fab see james cawley latest episode vigil check out br br i like growing characterisation think good replacements tv actors fanproduced piece show manages capture feel quite well state ste improved years experience hope experience strong script editor pickup timing cgi hf becoming remarkable already truly isbr br good work concernedbr br i huge soft spot lefler mcfarland great acting although im bit tired leflers laws enough already shelbys great if little uptight cool got ship commodore ians nice like fred flintstone lacks gritty edge commanding officer seem pleased himself doc counselor rawlins right money eyes wonderful nechayev what beautiful accent real russian well im guessing rene hails czech repbr br it gets vote cgi kewl greenscreens obvious small budget whaddayagonndobr br really glad found itbr br ok acting great fanmade therefore allowed variable sorry cmm colebr br the gay material layed thick graham nortond embarrassed trek pay much attention hetero couples signpost gays snogging necessary showpiece someones sexuality extent hope tone let aster zen people tokens treat gay friends differently theyre regular guysbr br musically mixed bag tell stock trek ost stuff works time timing fall flat the end worst fears part misses crunch edit love fact use galaxy quest musicbr br i certainly cant wait more dazzabr br never give up never surenderbr br viva les frontieres", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want make life productive every second people obsessed making everything productive every second relax bit play nintendo ds", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling lonely anyone wanna chat title says basically anyone preferably age wanna chat yo guy interests top post profile also snapchat discord prefer im gonna continue cuddling pillow till get human replacement", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "excessive drinking college basically exam phase everyone going get wasted big time means probably indulge excessive drinking well however circumstances want stressful situation again feel like drinking would catalyst towards procrastinating getting distracted interests really dont want happen well exacerbating anxiety however drinking deeply ingrained university culture afraid wont get around drinking excessively all one important aspects university connections make so conclude would act situation information back head still around parties excessive drinking taking place indulge it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dm obamas last name clickbait", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want dieand depressed sad unhealthy reached age realize living pointless lie nothing used think life early childhood valid bullshit point deep inside life accident ok dead fuck shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like belong morejust going threw much right expected strong im edge know family friends listen get wanna feel like anymore wanna wake sleep want life back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say is fall love big little edie watching movie human even watching first time hooked mesmerizing experience difficult describe im sure fans attest to watching it cry think two wonderful ladies longer us least grey gardens remember them think long possess fierce independence two ladies graced with although always admired jackie onassis kennedy stay heart way big little edie do rare treat know people wish had", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "work courage it afterlife simply cease be buried family grieves eventually move on everyone ever knew children children live die humanity goes extinct rocky mountains erode flat steppe hawaiian islands sink sun swallows earth becomes white dwarf end universe big bang happens again earth forms again dinosaurs live rendered extinctrome rises falls world goes war twice born again happened infinite amount times never beginning time circle retain memories fact everything plays exactly last time last atom time passing between though trillions years nothing you birth next time around upon blink next time find again pull trigger again ride never endsthe possibility keeps going see etching grooves gramophone record decide happiness suffering plays repeat infinity might best squeeze potential happiness it living forever maybe life amazing point case maybe ending reliving time might logical choice choice spend eternity own thought might keep going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna talk quick facts male love watching anime ive getting kpop recently like beats love cute things happy listen anyone vent and ive run things say hmu interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont care life want overim safe danger man desires drive me dont care anymore whole world soon anyways meds useless therapy useless wish could die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another day shitim sick living sick living im also point get tired people trying help me mom desperately wants get better also knows cant get better sat next bed kept talking wanted life always stay bed minutes done told wanted die took grain salt ive told mutliple times didnt wanna live anymore never proceeded doesnt take serious well becauae w im done w shit im done w year old guy education barely finances willpower anything struggling ostomy crohns disease depression anxiety im done im done im done dont kms soon im gonna go mental go shit killing me literally depression going kill dont want happen need kms go crazy thats plan turned weeks ago actually wanted kill st birthday didnt im probably gonna kms either summer end fall beginning winter last year", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "luckier most feel selfish home life fucking sucks worst people know would upset left little sister slid note door close fucking broke heart screamed parents stupid useless sit listen whole thing note says love you sorry something birthday wednesday want leave fucking badly want ruin special day turning want fuck rest life bc selfish stick around going kill last birthday end trying reason know friends would miss well boyfriend want make anyone upset cannot keep this escape know going kill eventually known since sisters age going to much pussy actually something end suffering see point anymore life fucking meaningless cycle pain misery resentful parents bringing treating like this force life never asked wanted so tired know people would miss tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "severe redflagpossible depression years now cannot anything feel like lost ability human ill try anything see helps point so cbd guys tried it go store buy need go doctor prescription thanks cbd products info", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found villages ps world quite small area im lucky guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "exhausted life cannot eat sleep enjoy things used adore everyone keeps saying focus work something myself think exhausted trying to want everything fucking stop moment feel something want happy everything much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tomorrow day tonightlove wish luck maxxymax", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "emergency meeting saw crush public went somewhere looking something mom couldnt find saw someone uniform said excuse turned around her immediately recognized asked knew item thats it problem havent texted months ghosted wont able stop thinking even more ive crush like years", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hero academia chapter action packed link httpsyoutubejgoqbvxllfo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love making weird noises whenever brother sleeping damn thats peaceful thing ever", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pls take survey for class project thank youuu survey based schooling systems america mostly still feel free guess dont know answer arent necessarily things people know anyways httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsdcvewheqzs_pdxpqykgpsilgqkybcrhwlbnzxuqpgxpyaviewformuspsf_link let know link works", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want exchange youtube channels anyone want share channel name ill check check mine want see teenagers creating want hear feedback guys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film everyone watch quite apart raising hugely important points while south africa road recovery still many countries similar situations now superbly directed denzel washington gives opinion best performance career far kline also gives good performance although perhaps stunning washingtons john thaw also puts good turn chief policebr br there many possible areas film apartheid could fall down avoided would easy simply portray white people bad guys black people good guys attenborough done this sure white characters seemed inherently evil captain soweto uprising add extra dimensions characters would make film unbearably long people complain length film is think needs whole two half hours tell whole story really incredible onebr br the best scene film steve bikos funeral whole crowd begins sing south african national anthem probably one of moving scenes seenbr br if seen film already watch it may comfortable viewing certainly worth it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pm hello west coast friends daily checkin hello r yall welcome back good u kings n queens", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wtf leg hair alredy growing back literally shaved yesterday wtf bs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " im miserable great start days end all fucking great", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey mods stop banning people answer modmail pls also pls someone tell send yall message mod", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "it afi know feel man im dying inside man make create care music too nobody else understands know post cover cover people frown look on easy man nothing worth ever is know feels criticised looked on know feels put happy face everybody crushed inside know man makes cry too im crying bro know fake tears hide feel too im right you hands bro know words mean much know im nobody know call names know think know love man know feels im right you im crushed inside man im completely lost without it music much it bridge nobody loves man nobody loves like theyre supposed im dying man im thrown out nothing say matters nothing ever bridges gap im crushed man love bro keep chin up good job cant think anything else im crying bro know nothing im sorry you im sorry act around know know side eye know hear whispers know are theyre children man theyre children understand fight love like ampxb love bro keep chin up going make it going get this going keep making art going love bro like always have love much bro going great things cant stop crying like kpop bro kpop helps thru sad times love kpop different words descriptive ears music wish theyd make softer wish could help make softer ampxb ampxb", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "funny sick people heated argument racism one guy calles austin making stupid arguments randomly jumped said i read autism austin received lot likes it idk feel this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want watch world burnim sick tired feeling sick tired im done nightmares every night want weighed depression want made victim anymore want part world anymore choose born fk world never wanted this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "studying suicidal thoughtswhy study anything going kill someday need learn anything need learn kill myself hate life much kill myself live homeless parents jobbless motivation anything life deserve live shit life nothing reason live give fuck someone get sad kill myself think deserve kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment contain spoilersbr br there actors intangible them innate quality amalgamation charisma panache swagger quality separate good actors truly great think george clooney jack nicholson look clooneys subtle touches scenes like one word goodbye andy garcia oceans utter others name disdainfully terry danny pick number jacks performances dating far back five easy pieces diner good men court room interrogation scene guys it add denzel washington small exclusive list actors exudes terrific trait everything does look explosive borderline diatribes siege impressive tribute malcolm x spike lees film name see finer actor working today mention insinuate man fire perfect denzels work definitely cog production literally mesmerized scenes raw emotional incendiary timebr br washington plays creasy former spy cia agent one covert government operatives pretty much hit rock bottom become disillusioned life led killed perhaps done things best left unsaid made hardened bitter man friend perhaps mentor played reservedly christopher walken living mexico making comfortable living providing body guard services rich apparently kidnapping business mexico vibrant paid former seals well providing needed service creasey needs work accepts job well family seems financial difficulty marc anthony fine samuel radha mitchell tantalizingly sexy wife lisa dakota fanning unbelievably precociously brilliant pita know child age range play characters interpretation pita nothing short oscar worthy films entire first half dependent relationship pita creasy weaker actress role perhaps emotional synergy would come across succinctly fanning nothing short remarkable rolebr br it relationship pita creasy drives film apex cinema together perfect real bond developed them tony scott directs frenetic urgency eye visual flare never better interested see next film domino turns out think scott one todays rated directors films like one name surely elevated icon statusbr br the story creasy really taking pita visca versa definite connection two perhaps stems fact although pita loves dad around much philanthropist obviously little time spend family soon creasy taking pita swimming competition reading bedtime stories naming teddy bear creasy friendship them kinship deep parental love seems present br br the film changes gears pita get kidnapped held ransom creasy almost fatally injured trying protect her story becomes thick innuendo ripe deceit plot pieces get unraveled like onion denzel becomes tour de force like said earlier seen denzel give outstanding performances films like crimson tide training day never seen like this man possessed possibility pita dead becomes literal man fire rages hunts dishes brand comeuppance denzels anger acerbity ubiquitous easily quelled hunts person responsible pitas violation vigilante justice mexican authorities always seem one step behind br br also paramount films audacious brilliance films actually give criminals due comeuppance often frustrated watch films bad guys get let easily inflict kinds torment entire film take bullet die film writer brian helgeland sees retribution unequivocal painful perpetrators feel creasys wrath experience torment unleashes nothing gimmicky brand justice needs information someone loses finger wants answers homemade bomb placed places meant things punches pulled one true strengths filmbr br man fire one five best films dvd recommendation get se loaded bonus features include hours documentaries different commentary tracks ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confidence issues hello guys hope everyones great day far so know im alone say im entirely good conversations simply would say im confident begin with get wrong love listening conversations learning things people sometimes would also love add input state stance matter discussed but limelight shifted onto me somehow crumble pressure cant talk normally anymore mainly happens really fancy idea someone or multiple people looking directly face makes bit selfconscious like way makes feel something else also heavily impedes daytoday discussions stammering ive never stammered stuttered prepubescent days used engage conversations randomly talk but happens reason and honestly quite embarrassing makes whole interaction hundred percent awkward sides really want something this know know me issue working liking myself issue need advice websites google ted talks ive watching merely adding screen time anything keep reiterating need comfortable skin put many social interactions to get hang it guess solutions may helped many lost souls like there seem tremendously vague need concrete solutions anyone going this done help combat social inepcy thank taking time effort read and hopefully kindly respond this also please kind comments section really looking constructive suggestions lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worked courage message crush got left opened meant feel relieved big step me someone struggles new people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even know write feel sad angry frustrated limitations small brain always stupider group since kid people always made fun intelligence family friends used have teachers pretty much everyone displeasure knowing me naturally converged acknowledgement stupidity i even know sentence makes sense english not sorry poor english actually surprised somehow managed live years hope soon stupidity succeed supposed succeed kill bearer bad genes know stupid like stupid many others things shitty life lived always confront limited intelligence every single time tried something used love history give brain could afford retains informations used love playing piano give brain could afford ability perform polyrhythms used love drawing give perspective complicated brain handled could go long list things tried miserably failed low iq end no learning disability related issues plain simple stupid person pitifully low iq cognitively speaking probably perform forrest gumps level supposed fairly compete normal people cannot everything seems reach even littlest things without thinking require enormous amount cognitive resources still manage fail hell supposed find job stupid acquire skills required it small brain have would hard time simplest job pays minimum wage think life worth living even miraculously manage find job think worth live life stupid enjoy passions cannot understand hell works world living in go money forget unlucky birth accept life complete ignorance frustrated right even hour writing still cannot properly communicate feels stupid probably best way describe it cannot nothing cannot stupid live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "continuing exclusive film programme complicated relationships european courts last night schloss theatre shown anna boleyn film directed great teutonic film director herr ernst lubitsch film depicts terrible story queen consort british king henry viii executed husband well exactly king ordered executioners dirty work mention marriage caused important political religious historical event english reformationbr br the film stars dame henny porten germanys first screen superstar early years herr emil jannings germanys fattest actor silent era play characters suitable way dame porten innocent aristocrat becomes progressively interested power court offers herr jannings unscrupulous whimsical womanizing british monarch character suitable german actor overacts appropriately given extravagance excessive personality character himselfbr br in early film period herr lubitsch known outstanding costume films colossal productions big budgets anna boleyn cost million marks fortune even german count taking great care magnificent decors seen coronation procession westminster abbey scene employed extras idle germans time used causing revolutionary workers create fuss german president friedrich ebert visited set filmingbr br besides spectacle one important aspect every film herr lubitsch even epic period complex relationship main characters experience game different interests double meanings complicated art flirting treated lightly first ends tragedy importance historical facts brought bear effective way lubitsch really interested changing relationship henry viii anna boleynbr br and now allow me must temporarily take leave german count must take care one fat rich heiress lose head teutonic aristocratbr br herr graf ferdinand von galitzien httpferdinandvongalitzienblogspotcom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tonight might itim getting drunk think might tonight feel guilty father never really growing hate daughter well though even remember me idk gutted post tomorrow it maybe beers", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "richard brooks last hunt film star stewart granger even stand hear mentioned even tore vintage poster film presented signing later years director run wife understandable anyone else one best adult westerns s years ahead time attitude environmentbr br in many ways plays almost like sequel one anthony manns westerns see heroes dragged redemption kicking screaming every step way grangers legendary buffalo hunter already seen light but buffalo stampede costs herd cattle fit poetic justice hes dragged back darkness robert taylors callous proudly racist gunslinger justifying grounds ive already got guilty conscience might well money well raised indians hes fully aware damage hes disappearing buffalo heads extinction gradually becomes almost consumed selfloathing taylor hate two men fall debra pagets squaw sole survivor band indians taylor kills white buffalo hide thats priceless hunters indians different reasons showdown becomes inevitable though outcome certainly isntbr br taylors certainly ironic casting granger turning many epic roles mgm developed films like quo vadis ivanhoe gave taylor s comeback years steady decline hair color may convince performance does shallow violent man consumed hate wear gun gun wears him grangers accent always convincing makes good quiet hero jimmy stewart mold trying keep hold newfound decency reconcile actions beliefs finally getting chance make amends russ tamblyns halfbreed skinner lloyd nolans onelegged oldtimer also give good get real star script tightly plotted excellent eye ear character mention ending stanley kubrick borrowed shining balances historical revisionism entertaining drama without ever selling either short new french dvd extrasfree boast transfer english soundtrack", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna die canti want foolproof way access gun because reasons bleach really effective fancy tall ass buildings live skittling wrists takes long hanging painful im considering maybe fire straight electrocution might well go flaming whatever otherwise im stuck little backstory world live truly utterly fucking faked wanna die could wake daaaaamn seriously tho cant anymore mean love parents shit theres much take cant live anymore knowing actually life like literally im gonna end nothing give back story fucking answer question please electrocution legit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "run away abusive household become homeless two days family friends tired everythinglife incredibly unfair me tried hard happy find peace love cant even imagine shit go lose mind raised narcissist mother run away home one week ago let sleep days last monday got scammed shitty hostel half money booking give answer like usd left place go become homeless two days im also living third world country luck probably get stabbed robbed first fucking night ask ticket hell life im really tired everything going wrong year year", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "triggers wanna diemy meds arent even working anymore keep thinking past days one wants people pushing away triggered possibly one worst fears wanna die dont wanna live hate life much whats point everything sucks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "imagine simp couldnt ever tbe real note im abt pass", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom colorist says hates black cats white cats cuter im getting black white cat mom still isnt satisfied anyone elses family member colorist cousins kinda colorist dont really care", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life feels pointlessi get life offer me always terrible everything school work relationships etc honestly feel like matters anyone even change something feel happiness friends enjoyable honestly care all insignificant am family always abusive what millions people abusive families mine matter doesnt nothing matters me life others lives nothing feel rewarded matter do cant seem find good happiness feeling everyone talks about so started using drugs seemed allow feel good started smoking cannabis recreationally almost everyday made appreciate life little bit actually felt happiness also started abusing opiates opiods used take mg oxycodone day hydrocodone hydromorphone whatever could honest feel anything anymore tried od end hospital feeling like shit days fun someone trying get enjoyment shit life go much detail personal life honestly care need know sucks want peaceful way out could od cannabis would would best way go cant oh well posting leave something may eventually significant behind maybe doubt worth try think oding morphine way go gone time someone reads maybe simpler suggestions go quick painless good life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodnight encoresish tail end never quite successful enough music career never hit enough get by quite home love life said cant give anymore love someone whos never there cant grow up out row go groupie love never either way family never agreed career choice dont talk years without making it proves probably right k debt keeping dream going bed day unable write music unable get excited another full venue friends tired misery st world problems say call night night cheap hotels cheap apartment months laundry floor terrified answer phone hear bad news got triple lethal dose painkillers home take all double damage mixed bourbon thought stayed me day month im gas things love scare me thought giving annihilates identity leaving signpost others foolish enough put growing chase dream get life first makes happy build deck take trip work job save money boring happy nobody owes shit put notes together like everyone else lost hope change continue flounder disappoint make whats easy hard try make whats hard easy let down again redundant inefficiency system must corrected goodnight earth band done lights on im going home one last time sleep goodbye loved all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents arent home know means bang pots pans loud possible blasting metal break spoon releasing rage dishes listen soft indy cry rocking back forth fetal position youre worried relationship one earliest friends isnt working", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mights topic reacting goesjust know im twelve year ols girl whos gonna go highschool next year found long ago wanted share piece story yeah happened recently moth ago mom got argument slapped end always overreacted starded crying made drawing like always im sad mom came room yelling accusing taking lunchboxkinda stupid drunk drugs yeah cried couse im sensative saw drawing yelled kill jump stuff couse drawing words help itbut yeah dont wanna say got punches thats fine besides that ive kinda depressed years usually keep fake smile face try make others happy yeah ive looking back things shes done feel horrible think im reason alcoholic im reason took away little sistershes ive thinking throwing bridge neer house drowning myself even though arms already bloody dont know stop feel useless hopeless dont know guys maybe give advice sorry im asking much sorry overreacting bye now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every time argument boyfriend want die fair himtitle feel frustrated wanting die every little minor inconvenience big argument fair cant tell feel isnt right worry ever bringing something want kill myself want pain stop dont know want die always happens dont see ever getting better fair", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "request wanna ask guys pls sub yt channel called fb make song lyrics would love look channel pls sub would awe some", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would christians like friendly logical debate athiest purely purpose fun enlightenment winners losers judgement ad hominem used christian turned feel free dm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready go im calm makes even certaini dealt lot life im sparing details suspect elaborate id receive messages saying ive come far ive proven stand hardships etc etc abused throughout childhood poor life etc gotten nothing im accepting future want life option really continuing kind work part time college food service first job lab gave presentations awards ive worked many labs ive done many things even cant get fucking internship im fucking idiot current job makes feel legitimately subhuman cry whenever get work feel worthless ambitions ive put much work fulfilling them itll end ruins government planning massively tax graduate school options already out already knew would be think could get gpa really want to graduate degrees seem burden anything want work lab even care make meager money long afford studio apartment take pride work pride work right now foresee even finding job graduate little year cant even get second internship already one get this gave offer back said no thought broaden horizons ive lost luck ever had could set safe ruined that bottle barbituates chronic migraines made map entire future different tendrils might take none lead anywhere positive options spent future im obligated work packmule serve professionals better lives mine rest life cant make that one can im afraid die consider im act defiance refuse live survival mode sake people empathy towards me wanted fulfilling life wanted loved even pay well wanted cultivate image myself develop hobbies make friends never happen work deadend job rest life honestly question anyone does anyone continues living life like that barring children spouses want fulfilling life want death never fulfilling life im stopping train derails or sense im derailing myself least im control", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please someone kill me want anymorei pay it write note please favour care anymore fucking hope anything trash not give method painful it begging it everything please even deserve live help me death would peaceful me would pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird thing happened today found people shipping girl talk frequently im catch good day dont know theyre this told girl it also weirded it something happened", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want lifeits year since ex dumped me think ever loved even liked much maybe first started dating moved away maybe part lust too firsts him visited last april he lived hours away move back home losing first job college dumped went home really care told make tinder account make friends see therapist ask parents dating advice basically nice life wanted ground swallow die time honestly since happened still feel depressed happened moved back area almost year ago he dumped last april already started seeing someone else year fuck cant let go cant fucking move on like me want friends want back ship sailed long gone much happier without even miss me brain stuck cant get him past year gotten new job moved nice new place own dating someone probably smart successful him new group friends much enjoying life past year gained almost lbs still work job fucking hate developed hate field studied chose work i longer take seriously became extremely cynical negative angry world barely made enough money get by spent impulsively friends social life ate feelings cut family life for part every time come contact parents dad takes time tell much embarrass useless failure am spent way much time checking social media obsessing him crying especially car shower bed overdosing pills cutting myself selfharming drinking smoking getting ghosted hilariously tried dating again friends stop talking depressing around traumatized tried going therapy again got traffic tickets wrecked car not fault lonely useless waste person ive wasted time life wish could unfollow social media see updates anymore move fuck on easier said done part scared looking petty crazy unfriendunfollow him like she angry mestill feelings me whatever part thinks keep social media come back judging broke me latter extremely unlikely wish large group friends like does wish become mute anxiety im group people current situation maybe like friends never see initiate contact want see themknow theyre doing hard even keep conversation see losing interest too much want friends kind gave trying keep contact them lost interest like lost interest me maybe accept fact im going alone rest life either live accept it kill myself im savings shitload debt accomplishments friends family im alone sucks alone ive alone whole life born child general stereotype child parents spoil rotten give attention opposite parents older early life could tell never interested becoming parents time mom always friends dad garage working cars getting drunk interaction dad hitting criticizing me putting mom taking side friends kids parents school really like parents and still arent nice people alone time child im alone time now im sick hearing you need love accept alone go things alone travel alone great etc etc im fucking sick alone social anxiety terrible makes want kill myself wish friends cared me wish boyfriend gave shit feelings gave love affection especially much give back even group people feel singled out cant communicate cant relate close feel awkward last time went social even coworkers went bowling went along maybe laughed couple times answered question someone asked barely talked even three beers still anxious mess went straight home afterwards instead eat like everyone else feel like cant anything situation anymore like theres helping me shy scared kid im shy scared depressed adult life living hell even think try anymore theres point therapy help never has im cynical effective anymore think im great person proud me great im paying tell that sorry hear ive through thanks make feel better want go more would money energy confidence time would friends want write things like myself like anything myself no im going try meditation put pills body bullshit generic advice one big business take field seriously anymore feel like death really option point get constant mental suffering part depression half situation family friends emotional support attractive outgoing interesting enough part society nothing contribute nothing look forward to cant even count hands many times ive driven empty parking lot past year half cry disturb roommates remember calling crisis hotline several times never helpful im sick messaging people message back honestly though talking problems solve make feel better kind dont understand point talking either im sick going suffering im negative shallow waste person here course world affected gone everyone would forget week maybe week half two weeks im done trying improve situation feel like death option left", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long time reddit lurker first time posteranyone take sertraline i mg per day andor propranolol mg times per day need it drink alcohol experience wary of cannot sleep could really sink beers haha also newbie antidepressants took mg fluoxetine years prior switchover last month found effect depression anymore thanks advance propranololsertraline amp alcohol", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost live january still cant find reason continuei gonna post feel ashamed feeling way cant find continue really wanna end all tried couple weeks ago pills woke couple hours later puke out cant even right years life never done wanted do mostly idiotic decisions ive made partly anytime try something like someone always something negative say bring down wanna play video games oh thats waste time wanna writer theres money that want smoke weed stay home relax oh never go never stop depressed sick tired living life job least live with family loves friends support me cant stop feeling like waste time never achieve things want life ive tried happy ive tried go enjoy people enjoy ive tried trying belong group like minded people nothing helped beyond initial high trying something new im lose job barely get bed mornings im tired everything ashamed even though good life cant find reason continue it currently thinking killing thanks antidepressants anxiety pills im also opposed idea falling roof building work getting run train full disclosure whole trigger comes fact interested girl work became friends saw actually interested someone else problem her still good friend problem stems fact every time want something never good enough pretty enough social enough tldr others would call good life feel like things want feel worthy good things general im loser", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something say one entirely unproblematic instead spending energy bringing peoples past mistakes obviously learned dont anymore could make feel like youve made world better place maybe try spreading actual positivity want bring someone maybe think good things done instead bad instead bringing someone could help show much good done like brendon urie example yeah said bad things past notice never said anything like again brendon urie also done many amazing things donated m dollars lgbtq charity puts amazing advice help people struggling brendon also talks mental health fans cares people calling racist homophobic isnt that redirected funds highest hopes foundation blm foundations pansexual helps fellow lgbtq members thank coming ted talk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sounds odd however late feeling anythingi used constantly sad bursts motivation fail make even sad feel nothing every time something bad happens realize matter life always shit always disappointment people try get wrong still severely depressed feel like entering stage numb see lot people saying feel nothing anymore even sadness might prolonged state depressionyears told one gotten help all living inside hell silently probably caused severe damage cannot feel emotion anymore momdad usually screams me head hope die later take back feel sorry anymore care die leave that person care me everyone else commit suicide die me depressed world happy conceited depressed depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate step mom dad engaged her everyone family knows shes using him doesnt job drinking problem dad wakes begin working complain stressful day was cleans house yesterday got message speeding going passing lane told dad dad good terms know theyve fighting tf take me never gave shit years shes total bitch regardless im nyc blocked them", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please get hug im really well right please get hug comments would mean lot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hard justice excellent action movie whole movie really nothing shooting fighting good vampire plot people say make shoot em ups fighting films like use to well one really hardcore the dragon wilson excellent character really cool movie nicholas guest good well arguably steals show really performs fantastic villain melanie smith also good think fine looking actress underrated michael cavanaugh good really cool see vince murdocco film action truly awesome gun fights super cool fighting scenes fighting picture really greatest seen much happens minute run time action fans blown away fire power superb fighting film offer night hunter movie easy locate video store see sale buy movie big keeper plus box cool ton action seen believed look see find good deals ebay halfcom amazoncoms zshops market place sellers opinion night hunter one greatest fighting films ever watched characters neat like the dragon wilson want see nicholas guest great performance strongly recommend action movie fan loves shoot em ups fighting movies vampire films disappointed movies look true non stop action flick fails deliver get buy night hunter today", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "boredim entirely sure im even writing this im bored life nothing horrific ever happened me im done beauty gone toodaloo", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im hella bored rn pm play cold war zombies im fairly new shooting games idc good not wanna play someone friends respond anyway please pm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day random questions something immature think parents do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could kill right without ever firsts lifeive never relationship havent first kiss dont car job house im still teenager every day live care less less things im still high school care them dont think trying die sucks want enjoy youth want childhood want know first relationship would like college would pick graduate high school car id buy finally get drivers license instead im stuck trying cry everyday class im wouldbeagradestudent barely gets past gpa semester im trying convince everyday overdose wake wondering today day finally post redflag note online text friends teachers goodbye im tired living dont want die want everything stop feel lonely dont want try text call anyone know feel like ill bother ill add worry plate keep buying things online convince wait arrive fill emptiness materialism short span time sadness sets back in cant talk parents dont understand deal depressed child dont think teachers would really want deal break even though gave numbers case needed talk friends arent serious enough comfort me wouldnt know approach told kill myself im trying hard keep convincing live keep burning ive end rope weeks ill surprised manage live th birthday already surprised lived th", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh hit s yet im already sick tired life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanted say dont care day sorry couldnt care less jk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reposting good appointmentsomeone still downvoting me repost this got back psychiatrist gone better ever thought would talked openly pa drinking said medicine stops cravings also makes sick ingest alcohol said really need cravings strong resist them happy todaysaid nice bright eyed positive yeah feel pretty darned good would like thank friends redflagwatch great community found support appreciate greatly sisters brothers suffering here please accept gentle hug know anyone needs contact anytime know feels bottom dark deep pit looking see blackness thereand back tomorrow know right feeling better focus let tomorrow take care itself thanks friends hope better day lg", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive started seriously consider redflagthe last hours much messed up redflag always something thought about never genuinely believed would it since one dodgy time younger right now trust myself first time years seriously considered committing redflag life even bad compared anyone elses weight head cant get rid im dragged down would destroy little sister mam dad girlfriend going hard time right now know would destroy them thats always held back know even could stop right now could tonight really could probably even deserve posting here feel like imposter like theres people way way worse deserve help me apparently strong strong enough stop feeling way weak deal anyway know do know talk to maybe need someone say im ok im parasite maybe need anything all want ruin little sisters life want tragedy everyone talks sadly really know much longer ignore im feeling", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "i saw cable back late s big wrestling fan since saw vhs for sale bin bought itbr br in started training wrestler air force would always go back watching see accurate portrayal people involved wrestling families friends understand us travel heartbreak etc henry winkler funny sometimes sad watch nobody else understand genius creatively great way separate fonz character played happy days time plus look castwilliam daniels knight rider polly holiday alice wrestlers roddy piper chavo guerrero sr get chance watch it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "human worstthe vile aggressive destructive species planet us cancer world bird wolf bacteria theres rent bills social media phones nothing land planet natural be weve created world within world focus garbage shit way life ignore beauty land live on often destroy consume shit created fuck human worst thing be blessing fucking curse die heres hoping covid strains get affected vaccines hope us slowly wiped out cheers cunts included fuck me fuck you fuck everyone die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im waste space im sorry im still aliveusually im strong person give depression much lately hard actually live past years dealt fine even joked suicidal depressed however laughing matter anymore today bad day woke wrong side bed today nothing seemed going well series things go well morning got work shit piled up afternoon boyfriend fight like even big deal him evening making dinner family every fucking thing mess bigger problems deal day helping every good days one bad day change every thing today cry cry room cry working cry texting boyfriend cry cooking cry typing this fuck bullshit im fucking tired living hard especially life live hoping new year starts im already gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im thirsty every time drink pee wanna drink water bruh torture yall ever think really drinking purified poop pee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ampxbmy parents longer infallible role models thought deeply flawed apes know anything like rest us fact role models anymorehuman notredflag mysterious wonderful fateful predictable chemical reactions broken science life exciting wonderful boring predictable horrendous disillusioned life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost years since saw jennifer first time know name movie looked web site told many people especially grandchildren movies include graphic details order frighten leave powerful impact story skillfully introduces concepts true put ida lupino dangerous situation time miss lupino discovers new fact draws viewer confusion fearbr br this movie impact almost years later still list one frightening movies ever seen yet movie contain blood gore became popular shortly movie made amazing impact good story great actors make", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want give lifei gay jobless single moved india states hoping give fresh start rather tumultuous childhood teenage years trying identify pushing fit among people dismissed different among muslim family know gay jobless today foreign land surviving last couple dollars keep getting rejected job interviews record masters electrical engineering something passionate hoping switch careers gained grounding us nothing sort happened life pushed back darkness yet again dont feel like going back home failed myself parents everyone hoped would make big never happened feel like corpse starting rot one talk feel lonely shit try pushing hope things dont seem happening want give rest drained mentally physically giving option see reason", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stand morei wanna die good reason alive im coward kill right now someone help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "booting ol ds least years picture dshttpsimgurcomajddnhqk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried talking impending redflag nobody seemed interestedwell ive told wife terribly depressed am seem reaction told one good friends wanted kill myself turned conversation around him thing stopping point fear screwing up maiming myself im looking surefire way know im posting this attention thats that best luck rest you edit thank trying help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slip awayyou scream one hears you sit mock disdain blood seeps arm crying loud pain broken glass beside bath water turning red laying bloody puddle trying rest head hear family laugh say last words feeling high sky flying away birds pain going away cant help hear youre mum crying next you hurt fear try speak nothing comes out know going away youre never going live doubt feel death coming near hear say love slip permanent sleep reply love", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna tonightim gonna kill gonna steal pills grandma im gonna swallow whole bottle kill im next month im complete fuck asshole failure one likes ruin every friendship probably shouldve killed sooner fat ass broke rope ive stuck anymore im gonna end one ever deal itll great wont missed makes better people probably happy good bye everyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im shocked probably know rocket league right u play it u probably heard alpha boost official name goldfever worth ingame credits assume credit cent eu credits aka cents u take calculate euros worth euro boost wich worth euro insane research found isnt even top expensive ingame items planet game entropia called calypso planet sold wth", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kind want jumpi feel really lonely like failure cant get somebody cant anymore taking toll me im apartment buildings seventh floor know could survive im really tired feeling way took screen window still afraid it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "epic woke set alarm went back bed woke saw time decided go back bed again basically missed half classes thing happened yesterday too fucking hate online school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think timeno long lifestory blog post ive depressed suicidal several years and possibly going insane ive heard every story every anecdote every piece advice nothing touched me dropping slight possibility theres something worth living for", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help need someone talk topreface im drunk rambling strangers hoping help wife issues focusing around intimacy very long time now going seven years year relationship used great together sex good life good married still relationship time found cheated times like pussy am kept seeing her eventually got married dec sometimes happens intimacy fallen point think weve actually sex penetrative all take blame here know im testosterone deficient on lower end normal took testosterone therapy helped bit things came along losing job depression etc sort shut down wife telling years get sex feel appreciated relationship leaving mefinding lover end october started relationship someone else rough month her told relationship person id thought like past emotional infidelities come head last weeks read facebook messages know breach trust dispel thoughts infatuated person correct go details worst ive felt entire life wish could make people understand wife saved life bad place came along pulled stupid ass dump since then able give wants ability show love good enough least her cant anymore seeing someone else killing me point redflag table ive thought quite bit would would easier let go happy someone love and show love back tldr wife stepping probably leave me fault id rather end life fall back old self without her dead inside anyway think need help im dying inside rather deal pain id rather dead real", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really really close know gonna news college freshman kills campusi dont care world knows it lost best friend made many mistakes wanted much him ill dead soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking sympathy bother wondering anyone else feels way wish could get someone else technically killing cannot get courage go killing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys im bored guitar broke two weeks ago havent able much music stuff still ukulele thinking cover song dont know cover give suggestions hopefully like people respond pick top comment something good day yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "casually suicidalnot sure right place post this really knowing expect needed express myself every time bit free time smallest thing bothers me daydream ponder killing myself think when seems come nowhere even massively distressing anymore there know means need help not maybe someone else feels way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question weebs futas gay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fear end nearbeen struggling much work amp anxiety complicated find it flip flop whether im ok im job think days get ok amp maybe bad suicidal ideations lot frequently lately think solace life atm cannabis girl amp unexpectedly tonight found likely end soon also work dads management gonna awkward anywayz know selfish feel like compared peoples pain thinking perfect place jump off", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "peepeepoopoo man comes back revenge laugh name become new victim", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend edgehey guys friend bumpy ride past months one premier individuals fast track fame lost everything lost job girlfriend alienated many friends still support mostly stemming mother trapped basement never leaves bed cant even watch tv painful hallucinates regularly become extremely angry every time sees people becomes angry violent thoughts pent anger frustrated situation loss control loss purpose seems like thing anymore text mother horrible things ready die hes made preparations sends constant updates date time plans it stopped listening everything say uses whiteboard vent run horrible thoughts tried every form treatment mother desperate run therapist therapist psychiatrist psychiatrist severe treatment centers around med therapy compliant nothing seems help one seems understand matter drifts madness hospital before blames hospitals much suffering written notes doctors hospitals blaming anguish and mother know call copshave hospitalized know means stop talking us left alone that anger would inspire would threatening mother loss do im loss shared plans theoretically another months guess cant describe threat immediate im feeling little helpless stuck tracking moods know im guess ive seen community reacts looking guidance", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know wrong melife fine nothing complain about feel tired really tried tried tell reason sad things ok dont ungrateful didnt work tried best person can part properly make people happy even tried painting happy joyful stuff tired feel like everything goes wrong fault didnt tell anyone dont want burden others dont know get out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dad jokes daily get girlfriend somebody want buy nine rackets tennis many", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girl wet outside know youre looking somewhere stay well ass you hi guys im selling branded bracelets crisis dollar please buy move moms garage", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "answer question previous reviewer asked name us official mentioned lumumba name character mr carlucci frank carlucci reported time second secretary us embassy congo subsequently among assignments appointed us ambassador portugal deputy director central intelligence agency secretary defense chairman carlyle group hardly surprising carluccis biographical sketch wwwcarlylegroupcom web site fails credit service belgian congo name deliberately censored hbo version lumumba may avoid possibility hbos sued us courts carluccis name however clearly mentioned theatre version lumumba saw recently event expect would deny involvement lumumbas murderbr br others commented evenhandedness film lumumba treats parties concerned lumumbasupporters congolese even belgians somewhat sinister view emerges think bbc documentary entitled who killed lumumba based book the murder lumumba belgian historian ludo de witte examined closely films demonstrate fate lumumba history congo matter black white lumumbas murderers believe that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "may accidentally insulted someone so im pretty terrible making friends constantly putting foot mouth lot sorta made friend eat lunch together im pretty sure eat lunch together doesnt know tell leave anyways called weird completely disagree almost impossible truly weird weird something commonly done planet billions people thats next impossible say weird singling out though done something billions couldnt weirdness would make special fact matter actually weird comforts me told called weird got really upset reason left dont really know said dont really know either advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done planeteverytime give heart someone crush it im tired trying find love everything shattered front continuously never never happy logical conclusion come taking life thing kept going long hyped game album trivial piece media confuses people try convince people kill theres literally nothing redeeming life least me im really looking sympathy post im mostly explaining im choosing am really plan writing note anything anyone wondering refer post since little ever wanted wife someone love me age ive numerous online relationships ended disaster inb comments saying online relationships work care im going cold approach people public way many false rape accusations hard commit redflag prison cell identify nonbinary make sense someone born male im expected make first move everything lose person receiving end nothing lose world unfair ridiculous really worth it know life relationships thats ive ever really wanted perhaps like ive said post perhaps think incel something stupid like that really care anyone thinks me point nothing lose ive watched devolve super caring nice naive person cold monster cares nothing see reason keep existing theres nothing makes happy except one thing struggle hard obtain point im done trying juice aint worth squeeze were regardless thank taking time read have peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people tell u wear masks idiotic employees tell u wear masks dont even wear right like bro u nose cover u idiots ive also stores like walmart dont cover nose let ppl goddamn holes masks walk past day waiting dads car mom woman smoking masks comes hand full groceries btw im anti mask hate ppl dont wear masks right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hard sadi wish could save all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck itnot sure much longer keep pushing everyday gets shittier shittier loaded shotgun next would hesitate aim upon pull trigger im losing weight lbs down really want change every single night left conclusion im unlovable piece trash probably end ditch somewhere anyways would always scoff people went internet complain girl liked like back get now hardest part trick thinking like you realize possible way could care someone awful you losing weight easy cause quite appetite lately thing ive blaming everything wrong life fat time goes lose more realize truly horrible person noone could care me fat hiding new form would immediately perfect person hiding skeleton matter fit thin ill ever get ill stay unloved rest life maybe bad thing things much easier talk anyone sat room day alone atleast priorities straight atleast care much anyone else liked me fuck im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush likes quarantine old friends dipped girl real person talking eventually started develop crush her told likes im happy edit thank award lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "panic attack rushed ampeit started morning today mom sister fighting supposed go lunch nice day kept arguing walking restaurant chest started hurting started hyperventilating lost balance felt like fainting happening mom screaming stop pretending kept shouting me left felt like dying almost fell middle road couple times sister drag back home went home locked room lost everything started screaming hyperventilating thinking maybe die could hear mom shouting screaming asking stop telling im making head panic attack couple times bad sister started freak cry point close fainting called taxi forced go aampe institute mental health lot shit happened cant seem look mom ever again feel like thinks im mental crazy would wanted hold hand tell okay instead leaving middle road screaming im back home one wants look talk way know relationship mom never never likes address depression always think head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost instant die born again mom taking away fact were gone want talk time eat drink yourself tricking that younnenver existed know did cant change did please remind stop looking like hate me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "questionable advice teacher yesterday last day real life school bulgaria back lockdown sucks english teacher started ranting low score class last test end rock serious face said something concerned me words students lost motivation study online school cant find way gain back lay die teaching years got thinking say thing y olds like aspecially us depression mental problems", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things badits trivial complain job people much worse job making absolutely miserable took two weeks mental health leave feel like much help tuesday go back already dread it want die want anymore hope world feels like already theres nothing left die along it know do made throw away account know do dont nothing feels like helps want quit job feel trapped there things uncertain im afraid losing therapist ive considered getting drunk go work deal all nobody nothing fall back on ground hit im really feeling desperate tonight know life improve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done first university semester got questions didnt even fail class way go me yeah ya questions", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey ladies beat doom nightmare mode normal controls one time please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got offered go harvard im stressed plan life hi name sebastian lozano im year old dj learning music producer im good debate strong public speaker im gpa sophomore october got offered opportunity lifetime got offered scholarship would give full ride year degree choice colleges ranked top nation fill application properly hope get selected scholarship im hard worker school dont issues school work all however get accepted plan life im really good reasoning quickly forming opinion using statistics verified data provided ive always told id good lawyer ive always wanted lawyer thus decided go college get year political science degree then go law school using another scholarship getting jd law school take bar exam lot know work study hard pass everything faced with officially becoming lawyer join big law firm work seasoned lawyers learn gain experience field work lawyer reach use plan created run presidency united states plan lengthy wont include here im also trying find time serve military may join usmc college thats need help join usmc really want serve ive always wanted to im reaching age enlistment really want join basically life become lawyer serving country becoming president sounds simple say that understand itll long strenuous road need suggest do thank reading", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another reviewer called lack character development call understatement movie bash one head overexplanation unnecessary backstory yes many untold stories got glimpse of primarily oneday snapshot event catalyzed change characters lives henry thomass performance really lovely study power acting focuses reaction rather action good rental", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "megathiccc want christmas", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "come posts get comments get none serious people made feel even suicidal thanksi see lot posts getting least comments mine got one suicidal ideation serious thank sub making feel even alone pushing suicidal thoughts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dew county mountain dew popular west virginia and kentucky", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im slowly losing myselfnothing pleases anymore try things used love never works still feel miserable feel trapped place longer wanna in im fucking scared anymore id heartbeat could feel selfish people around try cheer doesnt work already know theyve given me fine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long post aheadi really know feel like kind last hope letting without people constantly trying help shitty you need move forward shit like that i well lonely man years feel like lived life theres nothing live little more why lot issues depression anxiety self loathing loneliness stuff well comes back teenage years divorce really messy exposed everything hate ensued fear understanding goes it help feel responsible it mean bullied school came back home insults flying around like say hello also help first time life top class yeah add dissapointment vocabulary parents school side things no stop there see picked guitar mom like dad encourage pursue learning it self loathing comes that hey whatever everyone shitty teenage period next thing explore situation became even worse come family mom dad sisters brother get worse well older sister left house go live dad tensions rising mom her without father confessing everything her missed us forth left tend younger bro sis much me brother hard time acting out mom constantly tail saw turn red anger sweating much would thought fever thing thought of go dads since whenever went there okay so comes fateful wednesday month october told mom going dads evidently took well throwing bro curb wait dad pick us up let sister behind made stand her telling mom also wanted come always raised support ourselves did told mom leave us alone moment hated her hurting supported know thats mistake looking it since understand feel left curb alone dads everything went fine went away university dropped of younger sister bullied brother slaps face shit like that came back home trying fix things family breaking apart failed again oh good note found love time became escape shitty family whenever visited felt like loved even family big change me depression began everytime come back home felt like torn inside out fear stress point lived mom cause dad kicked out saying piece shit gave nothing trouble huge problem find way get home impose mom long tried contacting mom touch seven years now went well point little sister called middle night time told missed wished her nobody defending little bro night explained everything treated bro slapped hard busted lip raging remember sleep finally got visit buying train ticket propose meet mom again everything fine expressed desire stay mom could make feel better worked while good true cool things fast pass cycle began anew decided get job far away move gf time years knew other know say life always find way mess you well lung infection nearly killed me oh also girlfriend cheated me kicked since lost job pay shit disspointment everything fault even mom still thinks fault back square one back moms depression kicking ass since fucking long year comes big fight tonight my mom remarried mom new hubby told move soon year already staying struggling get back feet failed therapy failed job interviews inability connect others even stronger before nowhere left go one talk to called redflag hotline prevention shit hit fan mom new hubby lost parent redflag caught talking could go he really helpful anyone gave shit saying people wants kill it talk stop threats snapped told fuck life since source problems their words imagine feel now laying hotel room bed sister worrying nothing her sorry long post wanted never it ashamed family anyway hope get sleep tonight laying outalso hopefully stopping thoughts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking pc players looking people play pc right my friends manly play xbox im mainly playing destiny rainbow siege im open playing games send discord youre interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know much longer shit tired hurt even care anymore let bad shit pile point fighting it sit watch life waste away watch zero fucking people give shit best expect husband pretending care convince narcissistic sociopath one cares fuck it fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont care youre gay straight bi pan ace otherwise hate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "switched ssris feel better like feel stable however although feel better like brain never switch off anxious like developed adhd feel like always need something constantly find near impossible sit lie watch video movie etc say it distract feeling crap like want able relax enjoy things help depression hyperactivityadhd", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "post gets like breathe know difficult feat bruh need breathe help please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends wont noticeive missed many days school know parents take away phone skip school suddenly didnt turn didnt talk them none would think badly notice anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "podcast thats run teenagers hey guys made podcast thats entirely made run teenagers talk school mental health everything between want check episodes yt link herehttpsyoutubebobnqludig spotify link herehttpsopenspotifycomshowrjxwynxgsvmurzjzxysigkohwtorxcrgxnpavbpig please leave feedback comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end iti cant asked life skills hobbies none love none open to noone hug me none comfort me happiness life useless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need talk feel like least one friend leave tonighti really need someone talk to one talked another human months posted one ever really talks me last chance im staring sleeping pills want take tonight least id something eat im literally dying one friend tonight go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film incredible looked high budget felt heartfelt original like indie amazing part film astonishing performances david beazely mark hildreth paul anthony plays main role carried film ease humor charisma balanced huge depth br br the cinematography really beautiful even though subject quite ugly realistic way make larger point really great seeing alan cumming too script tight propelled nicely best acting ive seen whilebr br go see this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know call fcking upso fair warning probably terrible human struggling sexual relationship couple years ago trying come terms some definitely overthinking want sense talked me basically dated girl six months never sex got pretty close it one fight lead another ended breaking up well broke up talking some told yeah going sleep weekend broke up almost hanging head try get get back her ended starting hook started try take things little since expressed interest sex wed hook up beginning would always ask okay shed respond yes my name something okay id tell you well trips up wed hook up sometimes shed underwear still id thrust some occasionally id move side little tease sticking some never extent itd past foreplay one time asked are still underwear immediately stopped teasing went back underwear return that night times incident id try like said wouldve told something okay never ended sex definitely teased like wed shower together times one time asked questions underwear would off reason feel dirty sly taking advantage pushy thinking realize moved underwear know cant shake guilt keep overthinking things ive almost painted sexual assault perpetrator feel like jail did past years never said anything anyone feeling like something wrong damn reason keep thinking did ended things years ago really bad terms recently tried reach apologize treating way using hookup cheating her etc stonewalled me brain overthinking saying thinks sexually assaulted her ive hard lately want clarity think would willing come terms something could put label it able that find spiral perpetual guilt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give up completelyim years old im old washed up lonely dates friends everyone moved far away plus one ever visits me see anyone unless see them never good anything people seem patronize deem incompetent nearly everything do never felt truly accepted social aspect life sports coworkers clubs etc people gravitate towards way others unless text first hear people whenever try make plan things get excuses ive tried several meetup groups good experience them fired job sucked first junior software position blew it worked super hard get lost fast think im extremely unintelligent takes long learn things also huge problem self discipline motivation never stick anything people mock rejected im stereotypical black person bad tests got low sat score graduated college everything tried told variation im not cut this maybe ______ you make matters worse also suffer adhd aspergers depression mocked too would like children think gonna happen cant meet woman save life honestly gun posting shit would load chamber put barrel mouth pull fucking trigger wanna sleep forever never wake up fuck planet give up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "name identity memories lost girlfriend wanted disappear still traced destroyed world hardly built wants explanation get ride people made is yeah jason bourne back time s vengeancebr br ok movie elaborated script world thematics clever ask serious questions society course like every hollywoodian movie since end s the bourne suprematy superheroes story jason bourne captainamerica projectlike whos gone completely wrong first movie hero discovered abilities accepted second one fights considers like evil person close killed his girlfriend suprematy them thats part superhero story including character realistic still impressive almost invincible super powersbr br and interesting point evil fights across world theres frontiers bournes movies characters going one continent another blink eye is best seasons american enemy whos beliefs fight good country completely blinds him funny mad patriots n enemies paranoiac hollywoods storiesbr br beside interesting thematics movie flawless feminine character nickie parson completely useless direction quite unoriginal comes dialogs scenes really matter the bourne ultimatum action movie action scenes rather impressivebr br everyone talking waterloo scene tanger pursuit everyones right particularly enjoyed fight tanger reminds exaggeration craziness works tsui hark visually inventive scenes lots intelligent action parts good reflection americans contemporary thematics the bourne ultimatum definitely best movie series interesting original action flick", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello want feel less lonely server need you yes you pm link also say frog sent me please really need this lgbt friendly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im readyi guess ill start drinking deal pain aspect much shorter would thought less poetic too", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anxietymy anxiety bad cant even go hang people get invited get nervous ignore everything stay room end blowing purpose also hate confrontation dont want disappoint saying cant make it many times say phone broke much pressure going getting conversation life fucked embarrassing im horrible person im lonely feel confident around people xanax also know ill never life get boyfriend worse smile cant fixed cosmetic surgery im honestly cursed especially everyone says person prettiest smile well me god give certain people ugly features people beautiful features fair basically ignore people im forced smile life prevents social media would never life use snapchat left huge part society participating social media really want kill myself im figuring logistics it wish knew happened died could feel confident im getting older zero money saved retirement im going die alone poor ugly im looking forward living rest life poor ugly alone id rather go still bit dignity smh thanks reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die disappearits midnight now im getting suicidal again maybe stress exam maybe frustration rejection know im tired depressed years burden anyone even then think ill able kill myself want disappear somewhere far", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "damn one girls class said feminine features feels good tbh im one tells stuff like tothis made day tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish someone would call mei havent feeling good would nice hear someones voice dont alone usually put music trying im overstimulated racing thoughts mania moment since havent sleeping want hear someone tell day maybe ask mine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "figured yet the raskreddit autobot deleted original post guess imma go ahead ask here possible check chat feature mobile browser dont access pc day tomorrow then wont know whats blowing notification chat which says anyways get point i think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god cant wait move go prestigious university big city bunch rich kids fall love billionares son dad lowkey mafia leader son gonna take couple years fall love anyways rival mafia kidnaps order leverage son kills guy saves fall love kids im lawyer even tho im married leader biggest mafia north america thats hot part", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stop normalising funerals wtf point like please die go", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive got get rid ruminating thoughts want get rid means please help someone pleasei cant get thoughts head nearly two fucking years less three months come im still thinking her relationship guess thoughts driving redflag fuck get rid ruminations im desperate someone please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "word hobbies dont something good it make something nice fun relaxing exercise whatever easy get discouraged youre good something try keep going fun it make ugly plushy draw unrealistically start wobbly crochet blanket also hobbies arent gendered many creative relaxing hobbies deemed girly many awesome basic skills have like sewing repair clothes growing food learning cook meals boys arent limited meat sports code vice versa try something new year see goes getting started new things hard worth enjoyment", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else feel like life overwhelming hate fall mindset try theres gonna someone better you bother feels meaningless matter hard try", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great james cagney topbilled big letters show till movies second third probably less screen time dudley digges plays eeevill reformschool potentate jimmy arrives deputy commissioner somethingorother reform reform schools slashes air hands jumps balls feet spits punchy warnersfirst national dialogue customary expected panache psychology crisp antique one warners many efforts assert place socially conscious studio run deep digges bad script requires be theres quaint notion juvenile delinquents turn swell kids theyre given dash autonomy made spare fast style studio specialized in never bores frankie darro got kinds onscreen trouble brief tenure warners favorite rotten street kid ideal jd handsome charismatic toughie pug nose hatefilled stare could wither steel kid actor today touch him", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thing super straight youre lonely ugly smelly guy dont date trans person doesnt matter dont make identity invalidates", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty boy im pretty boy livin west side livin loud could never hear cry nah see tears run eyes oh hills burn bright burn bright oh hills bring life bring life oh hills baby oh hills baby mm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "omg nearly panic attack wtf guy joke put ume fucking joke fell omg thought got accused pedo nearly fucking panic attack", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scientist found new mental illness called sans ptsd formed ptsd fighting sans quite strange non gamer scientists average gamer normal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow even better expected best animated astrix movie ever feels good hear roger carel voice astrix again surely recommend everyone likes comic books astrix suggest go see french version cause surely best hear original cast know roger carel played astrix nearly forty years think marvelous job song cline dion end fits rally good end credits music good drawings good actors wonderful word masterpiece go see it regret this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see much suffering like do offer support", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weakdo know phrase redflag permanent solution temporary problem cant get job deadend town thats temporary problem right cut ties father hell never satisfied are maybe maybe need vent maybe need way out look pros cons really supportive grandmother girlfriend theyre probably reason committed redflag yet guess weak people problems sr makes special right hate want people give random strangers close wanting give up know like feel worthless broke alone life like throwing shit us one care no thats think feel im tired struggling cant take it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alright aint even gonna lie warm blooded female must admit ryuk death note gives serious daddy vibes like dayummm lets fuck already", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happy thanksgivingjust wanted hop say hope found something remind someones thinking holiday could if youd like could another stranger could someone unexpected could someone youd expect could family could friend could coworker could neighbor etc regardless hope youre well faceless internet being wonderful holiday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want join discord server dm me dont know im allowed post links here", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry get out cereal definitely soup goodbye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys school like how get ttv viewers apparently said loud dudes like selfpromo tiktok since nothing better said sure also tik tok likehungry bitches karma whores reddit swear", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys broke shop stole calendar got caught given months", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont care anymoreout blue bf years thought going propose summer broke tuesday everything right went therapy got sober etc fact person told loved promised theyd never leave could make decision like blue makes realize isnt place want anymore starting let guard trust people again thats ruined now bought bottle jameson first time years hope kills", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost people lives condolences lost family friends pets anyone im sorry know internet points awards wont anything help grief wish could give hugs need one right now wish could help dont know to ive seen many posts last days death breaks heart please know support you losing loved one tough isnt easy whatsoever guys need people would recommend therapist sometimes people need friend turn to nice day lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want hear joke mei puzzles daily since year still pretty sucks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant itabout month ago posted detailing ongoing battle depression psychosis anxiety skin disorder ezcema causes alot distress lost mom cancer who alot selfreflecting began realizing crippled via neglect overbearing nature conditional love based academic performance lost countless friendships social ineptitude simply withdrew society aside work actually tried amend friendships lost went horrible was either blocked much time passed person honest forgot admitted bad blood begin with overtime logistics job allowed save christmas given family here ill probably donate it long story short cant commit redflag cant go like either bridge planned jump extra servaillance holiday season exhaust pipe go via carbon monoxide adn im scared die via poisoning drop hanging method aside two planned months really hoping former becauae clearance said bridge higher golden gate safety net im crushed golden ticket out wouldve intimate thing ive done planned leave behing multiple notes friends loved ones along assuring theyd better off going birthday present approaches beginning next month id finally able permanently prevent screwing always cant anymore know now want spend another year here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im im best cs bs always get yelled bad grade matter hard try matter study hours cant stop getting bad grades get yelled things get taken away sister annoying whatever dog im responsible dont want live like th grade college", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "astronomically closed shell former self finally cried tonightover again im better ive ever everything gets harder im exhausted yet people demand lot me dont understand im going ive through im really hurting right now ive lonely lacking relationships since ex split last july ive much interest pursue someone new im going delve deep holy shit life shit show rather long record suicidal tendencies praised fact ive seriously considered year but tonight drove drove hoping id crash fucking car something im shit tomorrow isnt better try again im absolutely hating right now im religious im praying universe shows significance world asap", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girlfriend broke girl came right abusive relationship seeing red flags again kept said wanted break cuz never found physically attractive really feel bad leaving me something concerned about", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling low good outcomewhen feel bad usually come real account tend help people today really even feel good enough that years old birthday september currently financial distress single big house myself basically work commission base salary counted barely survived closed deal unforeseen circumstances even closed get paid might sound bad suppose represent years salary also company took hit cant even pay base salary also got debt trying survive spent amex company expenses never returned still slight chance might get money end month get it would mean able make payments money even gas food first time paid rent amex might send bill collection agency damaging credit terribly finally postponed tax declaration october since suppose get money pay them know might happen kids wife even dog curse bless bless would like suffering me time feel lonely see goal family disappears day really hate worked hard risked much yet nothing show thinking buying gun blow brain out would like nobody blame death feel like deer front pair headlights paralyzed car comes closer closer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something would like tell someone made mistakemy best friends brother committed redflag years ago something unexpected since never gave signs it months later first granddaughter born made wonder event could something like fresh air life would finally lifes present arms new motivation live work highschool student comes vent sadness plans end life always tell story time really wanted die thank god never happened many good things see get see something new something good think anymore theyre behold good things life brings us", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enjoyed film finished still makes think it believe jeremy brett brilliant role although death acting little top jeremy brett mindbr br this good piece drama follow oscar wildes novel closely enjoy film recommend also watch an ideal husband jeremy brett lord goringbr br this film gives great insight oscar wildes way thinkingand watching viewer reminded way dorian grey lord alfred bosie douglas basil halward oscar wilde", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell something youre cute ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want live anymorewell im year old friends kinda bullied school dont social group im skinny popular smart dude even tho dont express get grade need go on dont study home dont give fuck anymore school too home google random stuff biology physics technical one learn programming time year last one ultrahappy it realized teachers dont like im good programming know it give lower grade didnt exactly said more makes sense theyre humans think prefer school home dad old retard hate general going deeper later theres mom non educated woman doesnt shit life even work cleans shitty apartment plays random facebook games really high volume tv make deaf reason hate her goes im anything says waste time time used play dota day getting good it realized really waste time would able go pro team wasnt bunch retards think looking cool winning team game mostly play instruments keyboard electric guitar nylon guitar steel guitar two harmonicas thats keep going even tho cant live music shitty nation known brazil look brazilian funk popular shit like anitta theres really high quality modern brazilian music sad anyway playing instruments liking synthwave classical metal jazz another reason bullied here right ignoring fact people clap hands way random percussion instrument modern popular funks use using two notes actually one fuck cares music theory percussion instruments right anyway lets talk dad doesnt understand shit music thinks does puts random trash like paramore monsters men worse trash like modern popular chords pop music also sound car trash comes one side doesnt realize it get school school ears hurt idk tahts reason behind it im going deaf somehow music still allows happy use phone shitty headphones hear music like am theres noizes cant day mom alive yeah told that respectful hateful manners ignore lately things worse started playing keyboard months ago and octave keyboard weighted keys yamaha psr e trash opinion told dad hey dad buy digital piano bought fucking keyboard clearly right even explained ignored anyway lately ive getting really complex stuff rondo alla turca sonata c major k fugue minor getting beethoven now saddest part cant play stuff like chopin even fugue minor keyboard organ piece change octaves keyboard function playing makes way harder also instruments also trash cares son playing stuff people playing years piano months playing shitty keyboard also self teaching instruments anyway going back mom doesnt allow fucking close rooms door keeps making random noises tv anything looks like purpose tell thinks fault retarded something music way out every time go play get depressed shit also dad couldnt buy fucking alfred books well tempered clavier bach play need use random scores ears going shit play also tried composing im trash fuck cares also tried make game last year retro rpg also trash thing is want die painless easy way dont realy go home bunch ignorant people walking around streets want die even theres really way redflag think so would like either help redflag help redflag also feel like saying computer randomly crashes blue screen every day random moment also important factor also dont enjoy simple stuff like jerking eating even tho use region brain hearing music uses need help think thats also english trash didnt formal english education jsut learned watching videos reading random shit etc sorry sucks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cheems broke legs holding hands horny jail romantic", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first two films johnny to film many awards none prestigious cannes golden palm nominationbr br the triad elects leader far democratic behind scenes machinationsbr br tony leung ka fai zhou yus train ashes time redux big d plans take baton matter takes even means war well war going happen bad business big change tune orbr br good performances simon yam louis koo ka tung lam infernal affairs iii along tony leung ka faibr br whether masons made men mafia members wo sing society ceremonies same fascinating watchbr br to continued", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really dark place verge pretty bad stuffi know gun everyone thinks know even hold it well versed gun basics bought set kitchen knives could sick damage bought big bottle sleeping pills im freaking out terrible shitty day sent dark little hole crawled months ago im scared right know know want die cant wake anyone tell think im dramatic brat idk cant help reddit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think readyi voice used tell give every time wanted voice would convince something stupid recently fell love girl going something great going due insecurities guess broke up think one positive thing going strong life happy her break voice disappeared one person get angry one person felt safe me like voice agrees im scared gona able stop time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stay alive thought without letting know life like honestly hard time answering it maybe someone box actually see betterthis random thought solid question time why", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive raped cant take anymorei violently raped turned boy thought loved im coming th birthday cant fucking think right now im depressed barely understand happened do couch jeans tshirt still remember television fact parents stairs fact raining drive home it said would kill left fucking stayed like months treated like fucking object could whatever wanted to grab boobs whenever wanted shove hands pants nothing object force oral sex shoving head down yeah stronger me didnt want sex wanted fucking wait everything felt used man tired memories im tired everything man him use sex told loved would complain didnt feel like sex threatened fuck ex like times together didnt rape felt constantly anxious wondering anything worth anymore im here im numb except nightmares cry time okay rn dont know im here dead end job want end im sorry needed tell someone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "moldy bread sixth grade make experiment bread brought bread friend offer bread reason took bread offered instead using own end day bring little tupperware thing bread year bread got moldy know throw it got till end year i brought begining year ampxb pd sorry spelling mistakes english first language", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got ligmawant die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "madlad school played coffin dance giornos theme unravel everyone year group assembly schools assemblies student plays piano another musical instrument everyone else entersexits hall usually would appropriate piece music play scenario student today decided take next level playing normal music first switched coffin dance everyone started cheering then got even better started playing even better even playing anime music everyone enjoyed it included big jojo fan nothing short spectacular", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im readyi meticulously planned redflag making painless tidy possible feel great thing motivating right change life moment end pain quick trip home everything need end life quickly thing getting day anyone advice motivation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want overly dramaticbut im feeling well tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took break reddit week oh god heck happening everyone getting awards free coins hello", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "smell funny quite pungent", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think killing self everydayi dont want use gun bc idea get one plus know wouldnt able go it mostly fear wouldnt shoot correctly end vegetable state cant take pills bc none strong enough dont want end getting stomach pumped ive considered slitting wrists letting bleed many things online say takes hours itt effective bc many people cut right area people wake feel nauseas lightheaded lot pain wish someone would kill would get diagnosed something will dont want live anymore im afraid it im coward hate myself want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting worsei finally got help many years struggle went doctor psychologist diagnosed severe depression anxiety also meds feel nothing getting better ive started lying cant get bed morning make excuses cant make event im committed to point ive lied workplace closest friends family every possible group responsibility to even habit before do know why getting worse much trouble getting bed morning problem before think meds ive month now suicidal thoughts popping now know want live know how also want die know how know nothing im empty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sucidal mind dying sign later suicidal thoughts live close family ties many close friends like isolate myself would rather spend time alone home interneting go world meet people work go school full time life outside two except occasional get together friends friends long distance im really bad keeping touch im alone lot believe mild case depression yet professionally diagnosed however edit update steps ive taken officially signed okcupid hope gets somewhere", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy fuck realized gangnum style around almost years ago", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last post wanted see reaction posted random dimensions phone engineering project", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone talk rn hmu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "graduated college years ago worst time life became depressed first day growing up leaving friends taking harder courses because special ed since elementary therapist involuntarily sent hospital days i could never trust anyone even myself again thanks her change majors take extra year kept failing classes graduated pay student loans full time job used work part time jobs due pandemic left feel like ruined life going college wasting parents money taking courses want take like italian wanted learn japanese make happy feel like failed myself could gone technical school learned trade even gone community college friends chose traditional university route like sister except phd good paying job director childrens museum meanwhile cannot even get unemployment living moms sometimes wish dead feeling way since any thoughts feel like college ruined me m", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im even sorry eyes flirt food guysss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "portals open choose ur destination", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every time look sub theres someone posting suicidal makes feel whenever see it wish sub positive sub positive place moment", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watching video plane crashes comments someone talking tragedy someone responded get bitch happened years ago wat", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since posted hereeverything felt like could cope since last post gran died yesterday told idiot feeling way unrelated things thought dad finally done something nice dug vinyl basement ive talking past two years turns sister suddenly shown interest today feeling great me feel fucking stupid feeling again exactly last post like justified feel way thought could cope now thought id worked now im tired feeling stupid second best feel like matter anyone would difference dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fantasize killing myselfi want redflag conscious everyone hate want live everyday knowing killed them want miserable am", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember seeing promos show appeared back time age feels weird seen cult show start end look back itthe s sudden seem far away great decade anyway used watch monstervision time huge fan monster flicks horror films like s version chiller theater mstk get dvds joe bobs show least monstervision interesting informative lot joe bobs comments info films hilarious movies shown show b c grade showed lot house films well like hammer films england top notch well many stop motion majesty ray harryhausen many oddball flicks see anywhere else like japanese scifi movies besides course godzilla familiar almost everyone independent movies like metal storm motel hell new decade film preservation independent minded directors think monstervision would good show ifc pick up since already hit ifc grind house show im sure show picked nostalgia reasons day guess wait see thats great television", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scared amp ashamed gonna end iti going bad time amp even worse things happened me im tired feel gut ill one day end all dont want live dont want die want exist im ashamed either decide live die im scared im useless many people even subreddit going much worse am fucking end all im hoping typing post give courage kill end pathetic mess me want peace thats it cant keep going cycle again im scared amp know im ever brave life today dont want burden family anymore wish wasnt me wish could stop me useless worthless make peoples life miserable yes ending way thank reading this really appreciate it read posts wonderful job needed say that hope good peaceful lives", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youtubes really scummy announcing theyre gunna stop community captions like bruh theres people deaf hearing impaired rely understand video better plus people watch channels languages use understand native language youtube really doesnt care platform tbh gunna remove accessibility feature like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confusinghi yall doing hows quarantine life wanna share smth crushing heart pieces thought maybe could vent here ive met someone turned cup tea terms friendship goto matter happened always active sure good calming down making feel wanted loved appreciated thought of recently left twitter lpavatar social game communicated using twitter lp imvu imvus go already us play anymore ofc crushed me ive surviving him gave hope horrible life able make go back things used docalligraphy drawing clay lot me left said wants go back school either yr next sy yr covid mom let me also capability online classes yet next yr probably said wants aim high get high gpas succeed know im pressured it want me want him family moms fine inspiration rlly cling hes one understood me listened me etc moms fine get mental health part im sure would understand meant this fast forward tried opening upventing mutual acquaint us know cry things understood suicidal ideation told hang tight life cant anymorei scheduled kinda told her blame me still thankful force live horrible world time theres part feels like maybe earlier planned one bother anyway hes gone now even mom here still feel unwanted unloved irrelevant mom may feel sad know going better without me plan ill deed next year gave year find reason live find least reason stay will now everything so gray painful tiring want end pain im relevant like others good happy family lot squads friends remembered time etc im sure need want this free one pressure stay someone tell me fine smth maybe someone remember me even long time talking say hey remember you okay tbh tiring always one remembering tiring unheard matter much reach someone postshare stuff atleast someone see it etc im confused thank reading ever reached point hope yall great day ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "example world war documentary madeusing first hand accounts actual troops civilians participated awful conflictand archived footage gathered around time i caught rerun history channel year half backwith knowledge really second world war timebut enveloped meand consider world war buffwatching reading find itbut nothing comes close landmark documentarydefinitely worth buying boxed set ofbr br this quite simply documentary making highest standard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "testing see finally post inerfuietbvvbeufbvueatbbuihsetiuiuaerbvvbrouerb bvsjkrbvjbjbvrjnjsdlncdk ckajdcjdncwijdncojwrnvrwjvnwkfj ampvnksijeijceowihfrwiueheuytoijtya tytuytyfieownvvbbfnfivhvbnvbaeievborvbbbvwjeoekdkkdjdiefnowdjwlkddiurutoeoowoqqqjalazzslx fnekfn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lot people told math vague last post chance crush reddit so improved it would take total no redditors mil based usernames taken taking male female percentages this posthttpswwwredditcomrdataisbeautifulcommentswtnkdsubreddit_gender_ratios_oc taking males nice females ignoring country wise malefemale percentages sorry nonbinary bros country wise data herehttpswwwstatistacomstatisticsredditglobalactiveuserdistribution would assume variables affect result results in form countrygender chance crush reddit usamale usafemale ukmale ukfemale canadamale canadafemale germanymale germanyfemale australiamale australia female say l lsn lwlsn take data pinch salt countries heres rickrollhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq make post worth time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drank monster first time drinkreview okay decided join kyle cult drank monster energy engaging act capitalism local gas station brought goods home took first sip basically tasted like someone melted bunch sour candies made drink it caffiene level enough make bit alert enough unleash beast inside me like said might tolerance built years caffeine consumption probably is could shortcoming drink regardless nitpick drink woke bit anyway really making enter avatar state open third eye hyperactivity like experienced to said think overall pretty decent drink ill give part thinks monster might bit acquired taste thats review see ya", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something triggered earlier insides turning burning ripping apart feel like nothing ever going fill way hole chest needs filledi feel hopeless suicide feels like optionmy hands aching scratch torso open stop feelings make feel like world disgusting cruel feel like drowning sea shit gets worse burning", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day posting phrase liquid whales get girlfriend or likely forget post id anything power see see smile want come prosper come proper even means aint side devil shoulder tellin ill die soon dont really want impact dont know maybe im paranoid want whats best you want whats left oh youre telling youre sad inside im sad cant satisfy yeah pray get right time maybe well alright and todays filler brought juice wrld weekend song smile", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dream killing everydayit wish ive got nothing worth salvaging", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents let go friends houseim years old allowed go friends house min walk let go cause school days sunday hes cursing bad kid crying asking good reason cant go says cold going friends way way stay happy want kill myself hate much want stay house alone time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "richard condies utter maddness insanity cartoon the big snit trip qwerkyness madness hillarity enjoyable backgrounds melting characters conclusion nearly brings happy tears everytime see itbr br this short seen never tire luckily tape broadcast tv never stops make burst laughter uncontrollably reach depths spirit highlighting greatness human condition br br cause someone says come on lets finish game everything alright world troubles face everyday suddenly realise petty fleeting things fight worry anymore film first seems like simple exercise cartoon slapstick humour far that film hits greater sense spiritual meaning mankind wake everything seems bad trivial br br it flawless every way damn funny br br rating ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homework time goodbye reddit enter hell", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going th grade sick tired fucking girls hating nothing walking near one accidentally touch hand say sorry scream ew blake touched hand wtf wrong people kill get someone send hand scream again school", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep goingim sure keep going know sometime future im going kill myself feel like day im alive im delaying inevitable wish now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired itive given all even pushed nothing left living car went sizes weight process getting job life finds ways screw over wanna anymore im tired fighting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never thought would come thisive always background ive always felt replaceable like didnt matter dont want anymore always subtle suicidal thoughts ive hit time low past months worst life want end never felt broken empty depressedi went swearing never touch drug life might addiction point im sober feel like point living im wasting mine everyone elses time im still here im highdrunk whatever feel numbed pain little amount time doesnt last long still end going bed sad wishing wont wake next day tried stop feel like need keep going dont know else do thing always helped music favorite artist dead makes want die even well music helps used love video games feel like im living altered state mind musicvideo games im living good reason all recently ive many serious thoughts killing think im making wrong decision one cares funny like every redflag death one ends caring gone late havent ever posted reddit dont know else point thanks listening anyone read this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "catching feelings filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im gonna tomorrowi cant keep living like this feel bad cat dont trust anyone take care love much hope family finds good home", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "viewed jean renoirs wonderful film french can visual delight great entertainment recently produced moulin rouge pales comparison quite get praise recent movie received im convinced ever appraisal correct seeing master film maker like jean renoirs version story succeeded getting great performances entire cast great french actor jean gabin rare form dance sequence near end one exciting one id ever seen long want end film deserves receive recognition got", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seems patternive dealing mental health issues since age years old born halloween rd generation grandmother great grandmother also born halloween diagnosed major depressive disorder severe recurrent also panic disorder ptsd trauma suffered age self harm regularly unfortunately though done weeks depressive episode came today realized almost christmas lights tree nothing indicate time year mention always celebrated christmas despite fact sister atheist make parents happy honest get joy normally happiness around altar boy young believed knew bible well would become priest lo behold sciencedriven mind landed atheist category know sparks particular depressive episode although several panic attacks today sitting car outside coat thinking googled forums redflag since im already member reddit although post much interested saw called crisis team knew going bad things plan sell harm im sitting confused im upset anyway im truly sorry right get somehow thank", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "big splashy film broadway music nathan frank sinatra loves roll dice organize illegal crap games blonde loving adelaide vivian blaine wants marry gives craps decides one last game sky masterson marlon brando bets big town bets sky cant get mission worker sarah brown jean simmons go havana may sound like strange plot summary moviebr br this real mixed bagtheres wonderful stuff here songs good dancing incredible real show stopper crap game end also brando really quite good hereit might seem strange think singing dancing pulls off admit seeing big bulky brando pulling difficult dance moves lot fun also sinatra pretty good blaine wonderful longsuffering girlfriend song dance numbers definite highlights herebr br now bad partsjean simmons wonderful actress stuck drab colorless role cant much it movie far long minutesthe scenes brando simmons really drag shortened also characters speak precise englishcontractions never used maybe trying amusing coming mouths gangsters found jarring kept throwing moviebr br its worth catching songs dances length get while give ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another country right at grandmas everyone mean two three cousins currently mean ignore call names reason feel bad every year leave grandma like me depressed feel bad tell this bad reactions past miss mom things hide her too found getting apartment and subsequently let street want soil mood disorder fucking ruined life last night got super emotional cried with breaks hours cousin walked me practically begging answer could say anything feel like cares hes nice go back us crying right now cousin room even fucking care hes phone never felt useless love planning things much look forward to real interests writing excited get book book super realistic character lost motivation now really want rent apartment adult live life company want four kids luxuries prayed for cannot stop crying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gunna die youngive always know id die young im really thinking taking bunch sertraline overdosing thing holding back family feel like death key truly happy hate myself hate situation hate everything want put misery please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "waiting get psych wardi checked failed attempt im extremely proud im also incredibly bored now first time psych ward phone die soon anyone ways stay completely zombie posttriage limbo", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodnight everyone sleeping fun ima that hope good day night", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "top reasons im awesome thats it thanks attention nice day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im old day older yesterday comes much wisdom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stand life want end itim ive tried twice ive hung cut police showed shortly jumped ive tried end life jumping speeding bike traffic times hospitalized dont see meaning life couple friends talk shit behind back someone love years mom gets dont hit back respect dad always told hit women dad incarcerated prison years talk anymore girlfriend years parents grandparents act like wish wasnt around friends blow never able hang tease joke try kill dont feel like anything left anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might endim ive worked every kind job without degree feel like nowhere go nothing make life easier know life would like worry bills extreme anxiety started get point call work turn around soon get parking lot cry sometimes angry know badly need money cant make go in wake start dreading day bring often point get sick stomach worry top boyfriend live also rare disease causes go large periods able get around work best help take care get back forth hospital needs it anxiety constant medical issues barely pay bills work mall one really large parking garage breaks when im there sit ledge top floor think easy everything would leaned forward im strange case read internet guess im high functioning person depression anxiety nobody would ever guess im dealing im bubbly happy person im around everyone im alone tears insides eats alive im week maybe away probably phone cut start try find something pawn maybe keep roof boyfriends head family helped us much speak mine often getting kicked gay life gotten way much stress bullshit feel like everything get me matter many friends people love cant take away shit keeps happening me ledge keeps sounding better better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cha cha real smooth im gonna steal lego collection im gonna breakdance front you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deserve live want live nothing contributes anything good hurt everyone around me nobody likes me every second alive absolute torture alive alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want play minecraft server minecraftingaternosme version cracked", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate fucking bullshitwhy fuck forced become slave society didnt even ask born first place shit pisses much burdens placed choice addresshunger thirst discomfort pain etc forced upon im expected go along else suffer body tortures meeting demands fuck shit find working jobwhich something people forced dounbearable agonizing waste time im forced either deal shit decades come go horrible painful process killing myself mean wtf that im fucking trapped hurts knowing society brought world doesnt give fuck go always going serving system else youre seen trash im fucking done want escape prison badly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "black chapter figure dark chris family moving new house middle woodswhen arrived chriss family went house chris behind following thembefore went saw man holding sign sayingbeware black chris looked sign confused ignored man went took stuff bag started designing room way chris half way designing room thats saw dark figure standing outsidehe opened window took lookchris confusedhe went stairsill go walk little bit outside dadchris saidwell dont latechriss dad said chris went outside didnt see man sign didnt see dark figure saw windowchris decided go middle woodswhile chris walking saw trail blood groundhe started thinking going back know whats going followed trail bloodchris saw trail blood leading small little househe opened door saw man sign dead hole inside blood body black rest redwhat fuckchris saidthis cant happeningchris started running back house fell hole hit head hard night chris woke thinking dream got got hole took phone pocket opened flashlighthe started walking back homehe suddenly felt arms holding shoulder heard weird whispers behind ear looked behind flashlight saw nothing continued walking saw blood shirt dead guy sawso wasnt dreamchris said back home parents rushed himchris youchriss mom saidwe worried close calling copschriss dad saidits nothing need worrychris said parents went brothers roommax need hear nowchris said maxnot chris need win thismax said chris playing online gamechris shut computer told everythingfirst nice joke second fuck would close pc chris hellmax said chrisyou believe happenedchris said maxyeah rightmax said sarcastically ignored chrischris went back room suddenly saw black hand coming door started pulling doorchris started screaming one heard maxmax thought still joking ignored himchris kept screaming max couldnt take went roomchris could please stop screaming im gonna fall thimax said shock saw chris pulled doorwhat hellchrismax ran chris pulled black hand went awayso werent lyingmax said chrisi fucking told yachris said screaming faceokok rightbut thatmax said christo honest dont knowchris saidbut im sure well soon find out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck im getting nic cravings weeks since last vape hit really wanna quit nicotine cravings really hard get through give motivation plz", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird take pride scar th grade pretty bad injury middle finger needed stitched scar directly middle finger weird like it first big injury might feeling experiencing something really painful moving past idk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "literally one luckiest people earth cool parents understand teen different years ago lucky look back miserable life everyday struggles life would much easier understanding parents", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question google doesnt tell answer forhow sleep never wake up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fact would gone long time ago brave someone quick actit laziness cowardice keeping alive state sufferingthere health problems dysfunctional family issues economic hardship fun here want leave mindset survived unchanged years alive motivated go on courage diligence two traits lacking would here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck im going play pool billiards feel like calling", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got maths test live highest score feel like celebrating parents dont care classmates really dont care first got new school im super happy it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "neighbor invited block party big problem feeling like everyone hates me live south middle eastern intersections strangers negative work retail wether working get antagonized random white people age everywhere go mind business one tim gun still holster flashed cvs asked old man wart remover holding worked not dads egomaniac cannot talk cares right in mind win every conversation has always fault well anyways decided get bit try friendly baked baklava made three different kind dips made homemade chips went party worked beforehand made sure looked nice went bring food party surprise everyone typical middle class urburban type felt like rector staruing me waved lady really staring turned away ok whatever say hello kids playing driveway say hi sheepishly adult wanted talk me set dip tried start convo dads standing around nothing cold shoulder home leftover baklava dip fault giving like minutes really tried guys introvert tried hard awkward felt like alien everyone looking studying one wanted talk me might looking much one guy think actually walked way around little tent table thing avoid me say would wayyyyy quicker walk past me halfstepped trees bushes idk know pathetic cannot help feel alone know need move north hard poor family friends besides dad thanks reading one cares sorry end rope here infinite amount patience many times put get rejected actually went neighbors block party spent night making dip baklava eating alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend going hard time decided write poem it wanted know people thought thought would come behalf thoughts poemwhen day comesand anymorejust know triedi tried hardbut broken easy fix try fight every dayevery hour every minute every second rest constant battle demonsand tired weakyoure exhausted life life worth living poem depressiongiving", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "change mind people say but loved ones miss you bad people say if repent going burn helljust something needed get chest experiences irl whenever subject redflag gets brought up single response get reason it something along lines but family miss you thats selfish think family go through lesser extent bunch bullshit implying im coward first all actually make point let say dare anybody call selfish coward wanting out would literally like calling somebody piece shit quitting job working dislike ask born shit show world no agree this no this one going sound cheesy but consent born no importantly owe anybody anything brought life specifically owe anybody stay alive fuck no disagree selfish also hypocrite dare condemn me dare look me dare insult wanting make choice regarding life dare feel entitled putting ton effort continuing existence want what feel bad yourself selfish petty selfish please note theres big difference people essentially blaming victim essentially threatening victim trying guilt staying alive theres big difference type person people actually try talk things listen im like attacking everybody replies suicidal person person grew religious family ive heard fair share people telling if believe god burn hell get tortured forever people always say theyre to protect me theyre trying help me hmm sounds familiar lot people tell dont kill people feel sad pretty much say theyre just trying help like religious nuts answers anything why stay alive why believe god literally met threats condescension people tell theyre just trying help theyre jerk off want feel like moral high ground want feel like oh boy im good person stopped somebody killing today reminding people miss die or ofc oh boy converted another sucker cult mean sure religious people threatening torture least actually think bad person think need think like them people basically calling piece shit decide go redflag tell type person worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gods planeverything happens reason everything good bad part gods plan want kill myself logic means god wants kill myself god hates want exist otherwise want kill badly god wanted holocaust hurricane katrina happen god wants babies raped tortured god wants suffering sickness horror god evil maybe im evil god wants save world way knows how maybe world suddenly fix stop poisoning it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate learn much bout catholic rant hate fact learn much bout bein catholic like im even chatholic christian dont believe god fuck need that dont want get married hate believe cannot sin go hell hate fact bibal stupid ugh everythin bout makin angry like dont even remember none prayers like christmas family praying sitting there knowin fuck say tryin get by day dead visiting graves expected say prayers like bitch dont fuckin remember em ya know tried swim trough dumbass classes cant use knowlege bout diferent sins fuckin bibal anywhere unless creating characters ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes follow femboys sue fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason google meet today cant sign school account im personal account im afraid english teacher see cringey pfp its one use reddit countryhumans america sunglasses saying gay man guess whoever set incompetent im still waiting let", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aloneive dealt suicidal thoughts depression whole life depressed state ive fucked life up im failing school im thirties wife sure wants stay me confided ive dealt depression years thought making way excusing actions wanted support im taking steps think take ive started therapy ive working hard atwell working hard im trying everything man see future with im afraid matter enough cant sleep night cant eat stomach attacks me thing look forward life moment hope wife one day trust again like ive said ive dealt suicidal thoughts whole life theyve never strong theyve last days sometimes guts swallow handful pills done life short term people may sad may better long run", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im part two cults one hail giant lobster another ants shows bored people become ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reality meant mesorry english native language im year old student dreams even try work succeed going school every morning seems pointless terrifying idea stuck stupid routine going default school get diploma work default job survive depressing me im probably selfish millenial thinks hes owed everything want work it worst part beautiful loving girlfriend amazing small group childhood close friands parents support financially emotionally know depression anxiety too yet cant help it future fucking scary seems dull matter do think im right society perspective spending whole life working terrifying considering much im stressed every single day school work right im holiday amazing thought going back school september unbearable think id rather die suffer year school again fuck seems ridiculous put like id rather die think girlfriend thing holding back september leaving study canada months we french dont think ill able handle it text way long might wrong subreddit whatever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hmm right compare tiffani thiessen markpaul gosselaars post saved bell acting course right ridiculous right give movie rating hahahahahaha thats funny movie horrible though better expected be madefortv movies often similar many feel them one feel worked even though yet another tortured wife whos gotta get bstard end story started envisioned ms thiessen vixen type seductress innocent kelly kapowski refreshing eric close surprised playing part really well decent writing director got pretty good convincing performance without cheesy somewhat interesting definitely better tv movies grade b", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spilt koolaid carpet making koolaid spilled stains im fucked", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanting twitch streamer remember watching one boring person get boring nobody like me oh wait know people partner pain", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends birthday friends birthday coming monday havent gotten anything yet likes twix skittles dont want get those im creative person idk else give her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "triedi cant anymore tried soooo hard please judge me tried soooo hard tried sooo hard wanted someone talk me got nothing cool die every time tried failed ill still try kick im down", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ship went sea name ship billy tea", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats difference dark light brightness duh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck shitim im fuckin done one talk to husband even wanna hear it seems like doesnt care whether die not frankly passing day things keep getting worse think it come terms redflag hate everything cant imagine living another years this feel like life really is endless suffering people say its solution thats bs would solve lifetime problems", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reject someone nicely im already dating someone lately ive notice girl class crushing pretty hard im pretty sure going ask pretty soon im already pretty serious relationship want know tell girl im interested hurting her advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alright am everybody persevere stay til sunrise think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brothers resistance cracking believe might finally whittled vulnerable good music accepted handmedown shirt john lennon it watch little siblings may win battles older siblings win war actual offense meant chemical romance nirvana lil peep theyre actually talented musicians well cant let little brother know think that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "add picture post phone wanna add pictures know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want alive anymorewinter break over horrible stayed bed till days nothing awake school starting tomorrow ill study again homework every day spend hours every day except saturday sunday stuck place filled annoying inconsiderate kids dont want go back dont really want anything anymore think im going kill tonight donr know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes get sad think itll look friends get married llamas llamas trick", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get dextrose yeast wap", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good way life implicit negative value sense like life doesnt really make anyones life better didnt exist think world would better off but kill myself pain would inflict would probably make total happiness world go well theres winning", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "officially christmas merry christmas everyone even dont celebrate christmas hope awesome day stay safe happy holidays", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope pillows warm today archenemy uintelligent_idiot one fall wont rise king", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "abuseim sad step dad thing insults pushes mean get mean still said gonna beat death i dont belive would accutaly it hes also called faggot cause im bi normal cause aspergers used affect dont really anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help friends whos ex committed redflagwhat say friend depressed ex committed redflag today told im hear needs anything reminded isnt fault want make sure knows someone care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stressed work work dairy queen boss laying people getting enough business cause winter im worried im gonna get laid cause bills pay dont know im gonna", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall forgotten something years since iconic rick roll came existence", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see pointlife seems pointless know one day ill die shitty pathetic death matter lived happy successful life sat room alone everyday die ill gone memory life eventually people life die forget too feel like im sitting around waiting die wasting space would rather get now talked anyone want seem like im trying get attention dramatic actually idea im posting here im sure theres lots people need help im wasting everyones time like always", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " minutes submit this put mm fmj skullhey everyone things considered bad lived energy write again mm semi auto fmj chamber im drunk took xanax no im calling hotlines ive set timer long", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something positiveidk appropriate post sub since im often wanted say planned end life week ago birthday obviously didnt think blanked day dont remember anything nothings changed im still guess small win me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know whats going mental state point im sure im sad lonely ive always way feel slowly drifting void darkness want get of time want go into worst part is personality essentially makes impossible anybody know im well dont want bother people end putting facade friends family dont worry everyday sit room door closed feel emotions drained honestly im sure something wrong im stubborn tell people im ok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "living suicidal thoughtstoo much burden bear own tried survive amp keep fighting what one cares", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jadedjust know keep going forward sort happiness stability badly want life better part knows im hated huge embarrassment used ampcheated mate lost pretty much friends im alcoholic coke head work hard but always get cast never fit fuck addictions get attached fast men love me ive living like since remember know im mentally ill point continuing try life going bring misery", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "running pickup lines based semiobscure particle physics knowledge im trying think one electron one neutrino little difficult", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres shortage bad dialogue david bathsheba i quite hand slingshot the king israel darkness exposing enemy full marks dennis hooey delivering one straight face go sit concubines somehow doubt bored david ever told prophet nathan whatever say even tries old my kingdom understand me routine desperate housewife bathsheba one point probably tribute henry kings direction film bad despite pitfalls much first third provide maybe censorbaiting nature plot married man kills femme fatales husband gets away it king brings growing moral theological complexities phillip dunnes script rather upping sin sandals hokum conflicted david downhill slope abandoned vengeful god longer understands film back away awkward unanswerable questions loving deity would choose wreak vengeance innocent rather guilty even offers genuinely surprising criticism sexual inequality law failings husbands result punishment wivesbr br unlike king david sidelined king favour admittedly interesting saul david firmly centre drama despite interesting display shoulder twitching frankly gormless overlong closeup visiting site saul jonathans death gregory pecks performance grows stature david shrinks susan hayward pure hollywood pro raymond massey appropriately theatrical prophet why naturalistic got voice makes heavens quake kieron moores uriah intransigent unreconstructed chauvinist cant exactly blame david putting harms way despite threatening soft peddle film allow david moral get jail free card death surprisingly strong subdued design technicolor photography definitely cut ss biblical epicsbr br foxs new dvd good transfer including incredibly hokey candid behindthescenes short trailer brief shots deleted films sole battle scene", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love myself please tell melet tell everything absolutely despise theres anything makes think hey guy might even slightly redeemable then idk let know guess lol dont really read answer question guess born narcisstic mentallyphysicallysexually abusive hellscape spent years life circuslevel fat whole time obese avoid looking attractive rapists guess im guy btw never friends talked anyone would go entire days without speaking did id startled hear voice like dog farting awake im gods original joke ive never laughing stock whether appearance attitude people around scoff find grotesquely amused attitude feels like rage loneliness despair sit chest like calm ocean probably like pressured container slowly adding until well needs die naturally anyway im horrible im insanely short people im sensitive mbv extremely paranoid attitude again beneath first level rage water theres striking sense fear anxiety core used make even saying here roll call school unbearable literal bright red face seconds attention me weakness probably thing im disgusted with front like im normal person wards assholes now knew easily could destroy me im utterly pathetic desperate need friendsrelationships feel like ive locked inside glass case observed reached people tried friend years shut time ill talk now barely stand people exhausting ive done without people years hell manageable cant go single day without fantasizing sweet death spent years losing pounds it strangers noticed congratulated went along far family even good family members seem care much though didnt reach goal lbs never felt better high lasted well gone now good undo ideal way die procrastination ive never guidance life sometimes people dont get heroes role models stumble around dark find match ive never tried find one never seemed point im nothing everything seems worth working longgone terms actionable time foot mountain im watching people age finish scaling top start climbing now ill die fall maybe lived long enough retire could lol enough time realize killed decades ago social status drifters friends me abusive evil piece shit dad friends me cant matter try actually took figure much loser really was took learn fatally unalterably flawed taken realize sacrificed good years nothing fear really im like cockroach survived nuclear blast mutating hateful skittering fearful little insect theres more god theres more therapist seems think best course let slide suicislide bakeract finally force take medication want someone tell im supposed be people supposed permanently pills im pretty sure darwin said point survival fittest right idea cant survive without troubling idea dependent something life theres nothing physically wrong troubling cant live own i love myself feel like deserve it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "message ulefish ugly stupid go die painfully", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even like watching late night talk shows found one really interesting imagine probably close truthit feels like honest account means anything kinda feel people somewhat watch it nice movie saturday night", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "disgusting thought endless times suing ass herpes medicine therapy email saved best bud lawyer said op hate break ya could win worth it right one day something abhorrent wrong person karma balance out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "absolutely despise people say do worry things change goodbecause lie keep mentality things change need wait big change nothing ever change life shithole insane want something wish something wait it fight let anything defeat end old man fucking years regret everything say learn that want something achievable fight give up life fucked want social monster fight it might horrible first end achieve goals life give something easy something go wrong even life looks like worst shit things change need fight it wrote youguillegoky well friend mine wrote someone similar situation ones using subreddit think share", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really need someone help mei past point ever feeling happy again years old cosmetology school live own feel ive anyone age shouldve lost dad gunshot wound latin kings milwaukee never got dad life mom never really step dad doesnt really talk ever never really friends growing up one close friend slowly growing apart even best friends years raped guy really trusted relationship now really took beating self worth esteem stuck abusive relationship forced isolate myself starve myself beat me raped convinced im worth nothing get trouble killing friends family would make suffer selfharmed since feel show people little think cry help mom denies problems refuses let get help expensive step dad owns company makes figures everything parents literally issue money put hospital taken lorazapam put insurance hospital bills folder put room remind much problems cost them cannot control anger temper im upset nothing stop me dont know make stop literally cannot trust another human being struggle money problems live dont like asking parents money make big deal know continue living seeing find enjoyment anything life anymore know life good im denying im fortunate im thankful cant cope problems inside head cannot keep good relationship anyone problems scare everyone away people want deal me ive told feel misunderstood life feel trapped inside head feel alone well feel like im never good enough anyone around constantly remind much burden am constantly alone roommate never here cant go lot get early everyday school struggling depression anxiety since ive recently struggling anorexia bulimia dont drive eat someone please talk me friend help find way get help anything contemplate redflag daily feel close making end seeing way cope ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing interesting sayim dead inside years best friend said wants nothing me ive got one life nothing live for reality things going get much much worse im obsessing leave planet quickly painlessly possible want comfortable escape", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worry much life worry myself always hating cannot keep people want think want matter many times times person tell worry care cannot listen them like parents mentioned price therapy could care pain l cared burden existence putting people around me care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im panicking sent picture bf discord texting horny didnt get notifications phone dad yelled name asked turn notifications discord computer using using last night dad saw everything bf saying told bf hes saying hes never gonna text gets embarrassed really easily feel bad help aaaaaa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please wake upthis cant real doesnt feel like reality anymore please make stop please cant real please im scared die please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi attempted suicide may like first weeks remember remember feeling suicidal soon left hospital pretty much came back board trying again ever see completely losing idea trying again feel like one things think about really need tips try stop really hate constantly thinking suicide want go mental hospital hear help all really want around people like right now think finally want help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day the thoughts staple life sense urgency safety blanket always ticket things got rough life sob story anyone elses sub different fell ill tweens struggeling mentally somewhat physically aftermath ever since breakupcheating scenario first love sent spiral never recovered thats really crux boil down without going much detail left everything behind year ago moved half planet away took steps improve life which others seemed successful one try happy worked better could ever expected ive best year life women seem like me im definitly far removed fitish good sense humor appear confident tho ive never able get anything run away made decision try put there recently lead getting gf second girl ive ever kissed first time years loved thought could possible happy genuinly happy guy really bad thoughts needless say pan out loves needs time figure out its you me lets friends first anxiety attacks life ensued next day fall ill aforementioned illness again anxiety meds made high kite fun chemo followed chrused whatever left me months breakup im still crippling mental pain tried rebound thing made worse feel ive cheated girl want me pathetic life now people think successful alpha ive told ive people looking guidance leadership adult life im guessing stems the apparently well constructed fasade ive built years high iq think helps fake well enough people respect like me people would say live pretty kickass life im sitting pot money penthouse apartment place could described paradise saying blind leading blind comes mind comical think it know ha hafunny given up far much hurt far long feels incredibly unfair tired fear unable take much more ive started list computer desktop things make life worth living fucking scares short is am thoughts gotten specific ive never close theres cliff name it hope able muster courage definitly cant go more thank taking time read jibberish better person am th day suicidal thoughts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know this live every day perhaps send good words other team depression sucks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well runny nose swollen throat feel weak want throw today gonna great", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sad birthdayi already depressed this rock bottom birthday tomorrow got broken summer plans girl thought loved gone literally friends nobody cares birthday mum wish could die right ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "online classes really pissing off advice alright m last year finished th grade exams ended getting really good motivation read well score th grade lose interest due pathetic online classes students arent capable understanding whatever teachers saying teachers also really bad taking classes first months managed listen little still wasnt good later started getting distracted barely listen classes play dota watch anime watch youtube never listen classes grades going low finals approaching nearer do wanted get everything chest tips study even condition", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gundam wing happens good anime bit slow moving especially around middle series enjoyable anyone jumps case calls winger admit watched original gundam gundam th ms team gundam seedbr br i admit problems story telling characters may seem ripoffs ie zechs marquise original gundams char alternate universe show based original series seedbr br if wish view series make sure watch original gundam first know watching au series", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ik already posted think view count reddit id like see many people actually view posts profile would interesting think leave without leaving single comment dummbbb id like track whod interact postssss ahh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first time im rationalso ive messed everything life looked part time job call own want rich would gladly settle free time lower pay thing necessary degree part time jobs accountants couldve gotten degree time aware thing needed live life capable enjoying realize basically me thats im thinking simply ending know lies ahead simply made me accuse mocking serious intentions ive already attempted redflag twice back completely emotional wanted pain stop rescued time twice brings us here intentions serious feel urge it simply something pops mind feel like but rationally screwed big time late correct mistake past shitty high school degree worthless im old start university still worthy hired tax benefits employer basically screwed without experience", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always made fun germans cant pronounce squirrel cant pronounce eichhrnchen make fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want work myself idc myself want love myself hate always like this refuse make step towards bettering myself hope end dead fucking ditch side fucking forgotten country road hate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want committed cant stand stigmaive randomly crying day think may suffering sort disorder like bipolarism dementia ive suffering anxiety depression quite time ive thoughts redflag ive constant pain head two months want committed put psychiatric observation ive crossed line family knows ive ive always low energy im going scare them guy immediate family want this also know im somewhat depressed find im suicidal well anything else might wrong me do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "regressingthe day lose battle day finally decide it way return time decide unannounced like choice use resolve kill amount psychiatric help medication reverse decision lose battle lose battle nothing change mind point demons won retain hopeful optimism consumed cynical nihilism this regress defense today day lose battle im gonna go use again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "man anyone expecting great zombie movie reading title retard deserve disappointed myself expecting lowbudgeted cheeseball zombie flick thats exactly got disappointed all thought cool little movie zombies exactly be zombies turned freshlyundead zombies obviously wouldve pretty costly done fullon rotted zombie fx understood whole thing idea anyone could seriously nitpick movie called hood living dead love god would watch redneck zombies uwe boll movie actually expect great course not morons imdb whining like school girls movie ill never understand oh yes worse movies there stop saying worst ever seen cause know full it ever watch zombiez feardotcom house dead worst ive ever seen cant see low budgeted zombie movie obviously made zombie movie fans somethings wrong you fun it thumbs id also like see sequel", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im litterally crying nostalgia rn looking old spotify playlists played one classical music it first song plays good all next song nuvole bianche may know piece look trust me just wonderful remembered listening whenever would get ready sleep piece amazing hits different level wow nostalgia", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall know brentalfloss used watch brentalfloss like years ago hes making new videos im extremely pogging rn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " reasons stay alive clear know whether rules not lost loved ones redflag want share here want anyone else suffer that rules remove it let know make parents proud conquer fears see family see favourite artist live listen music experience new culture make new friends inspire children adopt pet make proud meet idols laugh cry feel tears happiness eat favourite food see siblings grow pass school get tattoo smile cheeks hurt meet internet friends find someone loves like deserve eat ice cream hot day drink hot chocolate cold day see untouched snow morning see sunset sets sky fire see stars light sky read book changes life see flowers spring see leaves change green brown travel abroad learn new language learn draw tell others story hopes helping puppy kisses baby kisses the open mouthed kind smack lips cheek swear words release feel say them trampolines ice cream stargazing cloud watching taking shower sleeping clean sheets receiving thoughtful gifts saw thought you feeling get someone love says love you relief feel crying sunshine feeling get someone listening yougiving full attention future wedding favourite candy bar new clothes witty puns really good bread holding child arms first time completing milestone aka going college graduating college getting married getting dream job kind dreams wake cant stop smiling smell rains sound rain rooftop feeling get youre dancing person or people mean you stay alive them trying new recipes feeling get favourite song comes radio rush get step onto stage share voice talents knowledge world valuable breakfast bed getting middle seat movie theatre breakfast dinner because much better night morning feeling loved forgiveness water balloon fights new books favourite authors fireflies birthdays realising someone loves you spending day someone love spending whole day bed eating whole pint favourite ice cream floating water back staring sky first dates even bad ones make funny stories bonfires smores relationships love someone arent love them coming home someone love colour autumn leaves change summer singing songs top lungs friends cuddling wrapped warm bed someones skin yours holding hands kind hugs feel weight lifted shoulders kind hug breath syncs persons feel like two people world singing key best friends road trips spontaneous adventures feeling sand beneath toes feeling first ocean wave rolls envelops toes ankles knees thunderstorms first or hundredth trip disneyland taste favourite food childlike feeling get christmas morning day everything finally goes way compliments praise look moment years time realise it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one even wants around anymoreim job education shitter im stupid burden everyone else mum almost told today might well kill stopped half way saying it miss kid one expected job school back colours shapes fall behind abandon leave rot mind pretty much rotted out thats left rid everyone myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got first bill ted movie christmas get second saw store one i think funny first much wierder story funny personnal hell play death funny thing played stupid little games like clue thing id change station death band great", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " bbc production jane eyre starring zelah clarke timothy dalton love him always always favorite jane eyre watch version jane eyre without reading book like watching regular movie forget next day watching one almost equals reading book used watch miniseries lot little inspired read book time pay attention close television production book recently watched version jane eyre disappointed hours long many important scenes book such favorite gypsy scene fell love jane eyre even includes important scenes book tells whole story versions dont read book br br the cast jane eyre excellent true timothy dalton handsome actor handsome enough play butler scarlet julius caesar great rochester cant imagine anybody else playing role zelah clarke is without doubt jane follows description book thing makes film great clothes makeup actors jane looks modest naive bronte describes although look actually pay attention that br br some people say jane eyre long would rather spend whole day watching spend hours watching version say movie dull boring jane passionate enough enough kissing scenes hate make jane eyre hollywood movie inappropriate kissing scenes include crazy madly love scenes show love jane rochester zelah timothy express love perfectly scenes needed years old many girls age refer film boring oldfashioned feel sorry appreciate purity beauty it all novel set th century oldfashioned look makes attractive like book br br i think ever version jane ayre popularity love one matter plays jane rochester movies real jane rochester for least always zelah clarke timothy dalton", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whoever guess zodiac sign receive via cashapp paypal u haeve paypal first person guess zodiac sign gets lets get it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "losthello all yesterday first panic attack life worst part even panic attack could talk anyone it thought friend think starts dislike lot friendship almost more seems ending never met person real life kind weird think im someone people get along well long period time never good friend always drifted far away close with lulling seems like best idea ill make moms life like hell really worried know else do cant keep living like this moved home country searching something work out feeling even worse ever mature cant put others feeling front own good person hurt ones love failure planet would great service humanity", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "join rcult_of_fuji r bunch people havin fun getting battle fair king appleslice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " days ago redflag failedthe past days desperately trying figure alive im floating here feel like corpse heartbeat calm genuinely thought slipping away im neck bruising numbness feel like surviving mistake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting till get girlfriend day reasons would good bout friend love talk im asshole new peeps im gaming movies tv shows internet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wife ready kill lostmy wife attempted suide june th via taking bunch pills effexor trazadone xanax basically whatever house thought might work didnt saw take pills called immediately suicidal ideations last november saw therapist tremendous gift help got past then recent attempt one visit back therapist things gone south refuses see therapist again saying i want help seems commited path killing herself efforts naught feel totally defeated barely get promise one day suffers sleep deprivation drinks vodka try get sleep makes decision making process completely defective i probably mention attempt got hospital bac morning wakes am night drunk sleep deprived saying cant more underlying issue victim child molestation brothers age never suffered repercussions crimes obesesses that effots get last word somehow decided suicde ultimate vengeance them heartless soulless bastards feel nothing death will son granddaughter son serious issues therefore much help best female friend gather somewhat supports ending pain one trying desprately keep alive admit always react well threats promises kill herself sometimes show anger leave with total devastation everything me last long without her loss proceed change mind keep safe drugs left home could use try again ive hidden car keys ive hidden kitchen knives cannot stay try keep safe", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "falsely accused sexual harrasment earlier today im confused hear happening time never thought would happen ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well feel like sad lonely fuck need put somewhere im anonymous", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello wanted say want kill school starts august th think need double check that going nasty breakup really loved feel way sadly friends talk anymore burden them sure going able kill myself hope find way it tell school going rough want it nothing going momentnot even sure want see feeling tommorow wake hope deleting post want kill school starts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fucking tired everyone else wantsevery fucking day every fucking second people treat like shut im fucking tired body respecting me need something me start acting nice dont give shit theyre god damned obnoxious admit wrong selfish little bastards dont give shit me hope fucking die hope get kill them want suffer way make suffer swear god im close saying fuck shooting someplace swear god wont respect me ill make respect me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes humour teacher called personal project pp started laughing lets say confused", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sitting car waiting go work bruh momentum", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great disappear ha would life would fun everyone complains anyway not painless way would simply exist thats impossible everyone two faced talk imperfections smile laugh ten minutes later leave whole world like then disappear not one gonna care much voice inside head tells everyday whenever im left thoughts grades selfesteem mentality days stinger days today day like that feel alone feel like sinner feel like today would better gone turns im horrible person guess ive always heard term gaslighting never though really happened often maybe im oblivious feel like piece crap feel like im worthless around me im another pon sacrificed sake others im invaluable piece know right felt suspicions rise never fully believed others would things noticed avoided like plague im naive known others find bother feel terrible feel toxic feel weak hurts feel used others talk behind back ask trust feel alone one defend inform me feel gullible feel act months want disappear", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " bored lonely wanna chat hey wanna chat people good time talk ab anything everything could number game something like that want meet chill people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "broke lava lamp sad finally got room many years lava lamp much enjoyed remained almost years heating almost hour wasnt bubbling around dumbass decided shake little bit fucking ruined lamp wax flaky weird now im disappointed myself lava lamp one decorations had im devastated", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people saying feel like missed teen years bro im spent highschool studying literally nothing else guys highschool btw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "femur breaker like someone there please let go brrrrrrrrrrhydraulic aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa breathing noises aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa crying sounds old man sounds", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help us school project teacher told us make project modern teenagers friend decided make project teenaagers think games please honest answers get good picture situation httpsformsgletqeffhvawtbyrmphttpsformsgletqeffhvawtbyrmp", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im suicidal im definitely existential crisishow one deal knowledge universe one day end find solace idea try best were alive let stress suicidal verge pulling chris mccandless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know enough drinking maybe work also scared also want go like this one supports really people really care pretend care dead took bunch pills", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck dude took two aps year psych world want go college either forensic psych emergency medicine ap psych huge desire me got them tried hard too went back person state allowed it twice week starting may studied made sit get shit done still failed lot going guess preoccupied mind really expected myself straight student varsity co captain club president part time vet assistant really fucking disappointed myself depression low recently fathers illnesses relatives trying literally sell house without permission anything going make much worse prozac too cannot go back doctors ask increase switch antidepressants copay would add cannot really afford visits right now prozac literal jack shit never felt low myself going act anything really horrible thoughts genuinely know ill ever get headanyways thanks listening rant good night failed ap exams", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help redflag self harm feel safeteaching ever dreamt growing up absolutely hate it dont know do feel like dreams shattered dont know start over quitting life would safe havent suicidal years dont know move self harm could shower school body would know days", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel selfishis selfish want painless death know deep down worthless body deserves suffer get deserves living pathetic wasteful life accomplishing nothing years existence burden upon fellow human brinding good things down waste resources space selfish want die painlessly quickly inspite this deserve slow torturous end yet audacity feel deserve end life better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please come spoon gear sing hey spoon dj misfit podcast come join live stream httpsspoonclickus_live_", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "coming friends follow right here anyone knows irl sees this hi bi like dress feminine please let know see this thats it might delete post later idk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit karma reddit karma karmaand idea im sure", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "refreshing lost gem featuring effective dialog combined excellent acting establish characters involve enough care happens them douglas widmark characters realistic heroes palance usual evil presence widmark win fisticuffs fight scene car chase less seconds logical end lengthy chase foot shames overdone chase sequences contemporary hollywood know likely end suspense interest sustained throughout end chase one realistic ever see film seems slow little past middle stay rewarding conclusion", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eligible old bs also tadd following trends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredthere hope life meaningless me feel like everyone dies end amp everything goes black amp also god made money", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one attracted girls cold make subtle cough red nose still would wear", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reasons stay aliveim living really bad living conditions im dealing break loss really close friend heart bipolar disorder making hard sort friends want end know how know pills take jump window even know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "venting rotten putrid feelings haul around every dayive putting years lately feel like wasted time think years someone asking feel throwing pills would fix problems have try hard fit get good job well school exist outside fucking institution im beginning think past attempts one step success reason life gone shit meant around long know exactly anymore every day fucking struggle anymore time drive vividly fucking dream throwing car semi cross street slow hopes someone make decision me cant bear shit anymore im pussy gone how affect others fucking pathetic i", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone ever gotten spark backwhile highschool constant interaction coupled long distance girlfriend gave loads energy would get xbox yelling attack names narutostorm friends irl made alot people smile acted well graduated highschool keep keeping contact friends girlfriend broke up grandma killed end year around time moms bipolar disorder got control started drugs practically babysit her ended falling asleep wheel car busting headlight whole time ive room playing dragonball fighterz work fedex wake am everyday go work everyone asks im ok people around inside joke depression reflects face honestly idea do ive never face face relationship ive lost depression wake feel horrible almost driven road angry shitty self reflections times want energy back supposed do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck yallill delete hours reading fuck you scared think theres better life anywhere think cant anything know what want deserve live yet here go around ill kill myself ill kill depression something chose care doctor psychiatrist told anxiety adhd whatever bullshit want hear excuse seek attention ability read this thats it posses enough find yourself know care im sick im making fun even though looks like am im sure im breaking tons rules right now want say fuck comment things like wrong real medical condition yeah mothers friends diagnosed heavy stages cancer none died cus knew wont believed believed doctors know english sentences grammatically wrong fuck fuck fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck up supposed park meet girl last minute har babysit cousins uncle stroke im afraid going mad talk her im wondering fucked telling sooner", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone chat withi made questionable decision hurt people really care about suicidal thoughts mostly muttled severe depression getting lot frequent realistic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres probably something wrong me care entire life ive wanted live alone completely away family close social relationships besides working going school somebody ive never genuinely felt lonely feel happier knowing deal problems own ill friendly people meet id like remain stranger", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "users sub unique us turned teenagers us still high school us university us married us kid us house us underage us virgins us arent virgins", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im commit redflagim tired bullied everybody thinks deserve it nobody cares me left house years life ruined wish could wake nightmare", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit redflag notethis kill addressing great reddit friends ill begin uben_ amazing friend im weak person gets trust flinch everything im terrified dogs im screwed head uslickspider also amazing friend since live another continent awake needed questions answered usweater_spaghetti thanks amazing boyfriend staying friends broke up uangelinwhite amazing friend end accusations", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one day surei kill today tomorrow one day im university second year years left ill live that friends friends love heart know loose one day like lost everyone else talk lover one since years know never know love story friends say will know sure wont day friends gone ill live alone ill far family ill kill myself still know how still know better family disappear know happened better know ive killed myself guess ill see", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ex told wouldnt care dropped dead isnt wonderful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "female title", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tip people reddit gay night gays", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really wish atheistthis whole week self pity party ive undiagnosed random illness everyone thought celiac except problems coming reason all new lovely symptom hands feet sweat nonstop disgusting this top tied toilet day really killing self confidence help girlfriend broke week ago someone new every night know were broken up cheating me god hurts think about much even tried make one best friends apparently ok theyre girls im starting college wednesday days now im really finding motivation health issues might cause drop out yes im seeing doctor test find anything yet wish suffering purpose want suffer die it want know theres meaning everything thats happening built karmic exchange soon ill good day matter much people shit me never seem get fucking break problems get worse regardless day spend bed misery keep looking redflag bags people shitty lives die think im probably going group", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck wrong reddit fucking laggy multiple browsers open post new tab get logged tab breaks reddit randomly freezes get teleported top feed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "among us bad game everytime get game theres either hacker people teaming game isnt even fun developers dont even care anyone get hacks easy like theres secret turned gta online pc lobby everyone toxic one talk bad game is game developers need fix hacking issue point play friends try get random game like said theres either hacker teamates", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another text post thing hate times dont know else post weird ass humour to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "iama broken college boy intending hero ask anything yes im serious im drinking neither smoking wasting money futile shit remained without money parents going send money st march tell im outta money im dead sen home without possibility continue studies feel free ask anything end shit fuck shit im out nice life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dog upset tried doi attempted redflag last night werent dog dont know wouldve happened saved life pretty dont know exactly happened know stayed woke started breathing properly soon got left always sleeps side happened went far away possible even morning shes acting weird shes normally happy wake cause knows full day fun together today doesnt care offend wanted leave think dont love anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want talk support group wife cant handle much more uncle lives close nh want get news station take story say long ago posting title username hope read comment maybe happened you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost hate studdied carreer interests goalslately thought lot past dreamt sister little again huged lot woke feeling good middle night lately thought existing anymore since little knowing someone commited redflag hurted lot felt really bad people think becouse knew thats im leaving too sleeping lot hours daily feel exhausted go swimming pushed keep going kinda hate going nothing interests me feel need grow up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reading suggestions possibly life changinghello im assuming us still receptive hope im sharing potentially life altering books neuroplasticity changing brain waves hope helps httpsuppdfcomepubdownloadbecomingsupernaturalbyjoedispenzaf httpswwwpdfdrivecomdrjoedispenzadhtml httpswwwpdfdrivecomjoedispenzaevolveyourbraindhtml", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking bored dad going take shopping stuck workplace got work seriously people that sooo bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot claim pro mental health disregard someones thought redflagit work like that fucking cant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one asked wanted born like wtfso hate waking hours spent working working working want get hardly anything cities usa violent crime impoverished shit holes tell best place be see got hiv health conditions find enjoyment life calmly explained parents immoral child much less them world sucks much find horrible", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happen love show refreshing take older scifi feels styles afraid shoot people tend die far many shows afraid end pointing guns standoff farscape also comes complete large amount heartwarming characters grow till point confuses hear discuss taking animatronic ones boxs make miniseries beginning end farscape leaves feeling hope dispair new unexpected things happen people live die surprising every time worth watch even time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day guess song added word today ill add another word tommorow maybe winner today i let it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advilim starting think might actually consider option things get worse everythings tumultuous right now head hurts heart aches eyes sore legs tired brain drained studying catching do look advil bottle take relieve headache sometimes thing nice would stress anymore mom dad brenda ive always felt like underappreciated done me unconditional support home safe home something count on thank stability fiona listened like thoughtful insight actions take make life better like feel grounded whenever go office spill everything out nice calvin nice someone much common with although deep talks really happen discussions everything sun fucking wonderful christina know want help decision made based feeling feelings always valid right maybe would good idea make decision less stressed think job tell that know really want help gut feeling screaming something guilt all left first time thought possibilities right enter life help leave im alright repeat whole cycle again jenny hugs care important times pretty great today told function demanded come over made feel wanted alright martin marvel work hard suffer daily arthritis respect life live strong belief commitment family choices myself appreciate first instinct try fight way this wanted stay waterloo wanted get term yourself tried make changes life counsellors say healthy thank trying but sometimes energy health time want to hope gets better sake people around me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still remember first seeing tv believe tvnz let on it lot humor lost nonnzers give go br br since finishing back series matt chris gone bigger better things nzs greatest daredevil stuntman randy campbell often appeared british tv series balls steel yes still fks stunts drunkbr br also house band deja voodoo since released albums brown sabbath back brown band consists members back team singles i would give one beers but ive got you even born s continue humorbr br the southbysouthwest film festival also featured feature length film the devil made it released early nzbr br all up find guys funny fk off", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someoneor something thingis leaving puncture marks jugular draining victims blood till dead police detective karl brettschneidermelvyn douglas slipping bmovie horror genre greater heightsis stumped whoor whatis behind notorious crimes village overcome hysteria karl depends trusted medical genius dr otto von niemannlionel atwill yet another effective mad scientist roleto provide feedback might causing deaths innocents also fears safety beloved ruththe lovely fay wray stars third time atwill doctor x the mystery wax museumwho niemanns assistantbr br dwight frye steals film rather loony village idiot collects bats carries demented demeanor wherever goesits easy see becomes suspect local paranoia fever pitch maude eburne provides films humor naiveand easily influencedpatient von niemanns believes ailments reads books near laboratory works impressionable often von niemann humors constant fictional illnesses feels plagued with lionel belmore returns yet another frightened superstitious brgermeisterbr br creaky static rather entertaining nonetheless thanks cast film obviously lowbudget come hurt film much since put together rather well director frank r strayer crew im certain films print seen better days though kind bhorror item find packaged random cheesefests poverty row programmers films villainand motives feeding synthetically made biological creaturecertainly provides different take frankenstein formula many might disappointed end results film strays away actual supernatural tale real vampire killer causing murders", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found combo steve minecraft forgot save vault smash bros im sad cause pro player prob gonna find replicate lmao", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really hard test minutes anyways decided try cambridges cpe certificate proficiency english written test going happen soon im scared although prepared pls wish luck even tho ive studying since march xd english isnt first language would huge improvement least certification since basic person handle english kind certification lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gets little difficult day keep goingif assisted redflag option us burden society point im ready pack go take chances somewhere", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrong mei lost years reason ever since little wanted girl grew playing bratz dolls dress dad told stop fag always tried get guy things interest in want go shopping drink venti girls could go examples idk feel way going try start hrt im scared dont understand wanted bad opportunity presented scared away dont know would even explain family cant even explain myself due years suicidal thoughts alienate everyone around me tried make obvious sometimes talk nobody seems notice bitch feelings never ask feel nobody cares me dont even care im scared commit redflag either dont think ever able actually transition even transitioned would fix problems suicidal thoughts dont know im sure id happier dont want regret it hate way look dont know why crossdress feel great pretty top world feel like im trapped current situation im dont want regret im age im still confused deeper source pain giving thoughts dont actually want become female instead want mend mental issues dont know brain like this dont even feel like going anymore seems never ending fight prize unachievable happiness never felt true happiness dont understand im full much pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "byeif youre reading im either dead kill myself im sorry couldnt find happiness life anymore nothing left tried honestly im done one probably cares goodbye give", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im living keep dad alivei hospitalized weeks ago suicidal ideation dad told killed myself hed kill too never liked dad much since pretty toxic im living moral obligation keep alive told methods hed use everything hospital life sitting shoulders dont wanna live keep someone else alive wanna live im finally happy theres hole chest hurts everyday im never getting bed suicidal ideation back mind everyday dont think im ever gonna happy im stuck here im tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys told loved im shaking ok basically backwards last june go school class confess her says im ready relationship really see friend fast forward week ago stopped toxic guy not even relationship anything friends home really toxic guy came back friends i feelings disappear half year play minecraft together friends week back school chillin forza horizon messaged goofy adorable cute way told loved me know fuck do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got first detention maths teacher trying zoom questions board know said press alt f probably tell happened next", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "closer closer everydayi cant explain it ive seen counselor make feel like piece shit im broke live parents stuck job hate pays like crap im stuck hole cant get of cant help cry even smallest things everyday thoughts ending all gun loaded dresser keep staring at", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think survive planeti cant stop reminiscing past happy penniless family ignorant hot tempered parents slightest physically mentally prepared children im proud indoctrinated muslim either still tried keep chin up finished high school got degree tried get job time invest passion tried oh believe me tried ass trying achieve success alas went backfired needbeing broke useless hopeless nobody giving shit you im breaking point already im done hope family able move lives without me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hii feel really sad right now anybody up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jazz aficionados treasure classic short showing best men jazz thing like watching frills music video todaybr br the jazz men give us additional treat person marie bryant sings classic version sunny side street never heard sing before bryant sounds remarkably like billie holliday thats compliment folksbr br their instrumental work tops well black cinema time fed lot white stereotypes film watched treasured great production values lot good music", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another day another reason kill myselfread antilgbt post front page today figured fuck im wanted stay around wanting leave behind want grow old enough ton responsibilities cant even handle life without them im useless im gonna get worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " dad never home and mom different state city hours away form transporti diagnosed felt incredibly sad angry done everything yearsi horrible childhood mom horribly abusive mentally physically never friends quite literally scared people am school put even strain mental health even good gradesmy mom diagnosed bpd depression sister diagnosed bipolar social redflag redflag depression chances problemsi want go somewhere try find wrong me get diagnosis something least try figure problems way soshould try convince dad drive city insurance point need someone else help worth it dad incredibly busy work never gets time off even know something wrong all self diagnosis anything feel like knowing sure making worse worth try figure something wrong me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucked dudei fucked badly want life over past haunts catches me fucked relationships friendships school everything feel like ive said wont stop saying true feel like good time end general time period im school social interaction one find one gives fuck seems fucks sake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finalization workingim alcoholic stage know never know know im sure felt feel im coming free cant break cycle leave behind beautiful partner kids leave behind estranged ex son leave behind lot people overlooked shunned including parents siblings look here comforting explaining strangers judge keyboard warriors weak emotional thats curse packets nurofen tablets it worry anymore relief brain relief", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suffered concussioneverybody ecerythinm feeling daze im delight really depressed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im might block everything cant anymore filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna todayi cant take anymore im sorry life hard im depressed heartbroken lonely love someone longer cares me cant go another day without her today ill finally get peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry millionth post night writing mepeople would say given good life would they chose destroy it every day live exact opposite want could change not depression excuse one ruined life over me one keep ruining life forever people never get better one them looks thinking streets might bad least wlnt pay bills might comradery people sick me cannot exist among normals used goals dreams shit realized give two fucks happens life guess better person would carpe diem bad person exist anymore depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life seems closing downi flunked final examinations always nice student parents expect lot me think going get bad grade parents disappointed cant see pain anguish faces decided finish life light life seems disappear slowly getting depressed day day ive stopped eating drastically lost weight still examination left cant concentrate dying better option", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sad talking girlshe friendzoned first broke like dayafter went ahead kissed another dude kinda flirtinand even looking texts probably explaining happened thing pushups everytime feel like piece shit looks like ill like tonight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every day feel long five days ago feels like month ago going", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pleasantly surprised depth story character development fulci master creating horrific atmosphere using inventive camera work vivid cinematography yes wonderfully explicit gorebr br this film exception however compared later films the beyond zombie city living dead house cemetery etc characters extremely well developed emphasis shies away supernatural suspense created classic whodunnit amongst lush hills italy scenery moments reminiscent cherished folklore immediately contrasted mud bloodsoaked terror shrouded crumbling ruins gore film quite prevalent seems restrained compared fulcis later films however splatter giallo fans likely satiated closeups oozing wounds last minutes filmbr br overall fantastic mature film one great italian horror directors", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stressed crying know do trying save money good sudden minecraft realms subscription literally fucking cancelled got charged im mad sad stressed filed chargeback paypal even go microsoft site says cant cancel im assuming already did anyways im breakdown finally something good control got fucking ruined fml", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uadripofvioletteas nnn log day dont know why decided best thing log years nnn not day woke im feeling good right now honestly dont anything interesting say since first day think might better chances better year last year all animal crossing ex wolfgang broke couple days before im kinda sad tbh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might sound dumb idea difference pickles cucumbers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thoughts redflagit feels like im clawing sort meaning none keep telling end already selfish know do feel like im spiraling control tried getting help got list numbers im reluctant call need help know find it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even know right place post completely overwhelmed husband committed inpatient today talking behavioral health know struggling idea would lead this stupid military hospital let civilian visitors right either know expect never side things anyone give info please husband involuntarily committed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want diei dont know else say sorry wasting time want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might curtains mehi im yr old student whose parents found failing hs senior yr dont dont many friends great people cant live shame knowing ill never parents expected me maybe ill already dead probably gonna post man tough itll soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuckers stole kitkat cant shit meta physical plane existence", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking helli know cant cook know cant shit please dont make feel fucking bad it im fucking done this fuck everyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want people join discord server hallo discord server pretty empty normally talk gaming things there interested send dm give link", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate hope dies brutally feeling like killing mom", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whoever comments first gets silver comment first give silver", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "realized ive holding pencil wrong entire life people hold pencil top middle finger ive holding top ring finger bruh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need kill myselfim done here one values me huge colossal failure constant rejection abandonment friends real life pressures home lack acceptance driven conclusion world would better without me even know posting im tired hurt seems like way end pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel slipping away everyone everything sleep body requires shuts down lay bed night staring darkness crying seemingly reason walk around numb feels wrong feel empty emotionless time suffocated shear sadness reality getting point death seems like burden something fear thing make whole again know feel anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing personalgood evening reddit im typically never site much though things started spiraling downward recent i apologize advance cohesive speaking mind tldr end something please feel like caused it entirely selfishness ive thinking recent panic attacks getting worse worse meds helping access therapy moment feel like im letting people around me little bit context turned back march im military users military im sure familiar tough love love shop theyre family nothing support betterment myself marine person though theyre also brutally honest comes criticism genuinely respect everyone truly dont want feel guilty anything myself want state now now moving that lot personal issues affecting outside work past couple days could think nice must die qualms anyone loving significant other people closer family me good head shoulders though seems though let everyone down ive recently diagnosed manic depression currently taking citalopram combat this well needing speak cardiologist feared may issue heart ive never one give personal issues feel though beginning affect work performance maybe pride telling never let people suffer faulters hate feeling though id nuisance ones around me know avenues support try help current state society response covid lot pressing issues seek support put hold things getting worse dont much opportunity get better again last thing want people around feel responsible actions may take want die fear forgotten im scared death everything know come end one point another matter when life meaning try make impact people positive way want people happy purpose life though feel like im succeeding ways im sure ever again hate letting people down feel like failure im giving weakness truly vicious cycle dont want let anymore guys wanted dependable lead example feel like succeeded wanted make impact lives feel like did know bad blood anyone everyone stuck necks help get times love family wish could more help support motivate achieve happiness dont feel obtain something myself please know nothing personal wronged me forgive forget life race everyone decide sprint marathon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "id leave me tooive hard deal lately ive manic angry manic breaking things throwing things screaming sobbing ive hospitalized many times year ive slowly pushed everyone love away me thinking it maybe thats im suicidal im tired me too want leave me too im tired shit im sick me im sitting here typing darkas one talk and well nothing left say anywayi realize it keep praying tonight night close eyes dont wake up sure maybe itll get better bother cant even stand look mirror anymore whats point anything dunno sorry weird pointless rant usual wow hate shit today really hard im gonna go drink bunch nyquil get sleep im refreshed another day ideation disappointment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done im done absolutely positively fucking donei cant sleep night get rls whenever try wake times night terrors manage fall asleep im tired literally time zero goals life nothing enjoy besides going home playing video games nothing wanna go college for job want grades terrible parents called disappointment everyone nonstop shit talks me might gotten hacked recently friends overshadowed literal dozens people hate think im toxic piece shit ive driven many people away im shitty boyfriend girlfriend always wants go stuff want stay home come or go house one long distance friends committed redflag im shitty friend usually take excruciatingly long amounts time respond anyone texts me im even getting sick playing video games slowly overcome entirely boredom spend day bed nothing do cant hang friends groups outside school feel like unnecessary faggot isnt important group theyd much fun without pathetic ass ex gf molested cheated lied fitness friends think im false rape claimer get shit talked it slowly yet surely disassociating world around im passing everyday life trance feeling nothing overwhelming sadness crippling self harm addiction desire feel something sadness know im still alive also wanting punish severely possible annoying toxic piece shit hear voices hallucinate extremely often point think might need go psychiatrist im scared tell parents ive tried kill hanging failed shitty door mounted pull bar using broke etc etc want die want nothing die want everyone around hate reason im still alive know theyd sad died theres coming back this theres getting better im deep already know going get worse cant talk therapists anyone like dont trust talking issues seems make worse im getting worse worse day im pounds underweight cant even bothered eat food half time anymore literal hobby brings almost enjoyment anymore dont get see girlfriend often id like want over fucking bad havent able stop crying like full ass half hour stopping life im miserable time nothing want life getting worse worse day cant even pussy would destroy family friends beyond repair live it poorly written im sorry im sure chore read", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "house three floors know jumping third floor would kill landed feet went headfirst jumped window floor would need die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "th birthday todayyy leave nnani", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im feeling impulsive want stop talking everyone awhile quit eating much need eat much do wayyy much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crippling ocd killing ruining lifeit makes want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressed feel like im stallingi dont know start this ive depressed several years ive tried talking therapist ive taken tablets yet nothing helps decided enough appointments taking antidepressants stopped going taking think every day im stalling redflag want get done with ive attempted several times ive failed far ive gotten ashamed talk anyone now cant even talk friends distanced rarely keep touch havent completely given up try sometimes get urge go end trying getting harder days sure im writing here maybe want someone talk sometimes something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cat would name burger burger cute name plus name old dead hamster miss burger", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi u wanna make big life decision without context choose ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression getting old jesus christjust fucking kill man hell made feelings possible", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "supposed go todayi everything planned out pills plan comfortable going today here reason done particularly difficult appointment camhs monday admit something planned im bad liar im angry saying something easiest way out essentially rd attempt past month ive admitted hospital twice discharged couple days later come back shitty cycle desperate rest want sleep waking painful knowing get continue live shitty hell life nauseates me ive trying tell therapist im getting worse continue stop telling people actually it get told focus moment im frustrated im falling behind subjects horrible health issues ive last months aspirations future really want go rest now ive pills taken mean im considering methods maybe soon ill get guts it properly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would like hear guys opinionssoo dont really know start im eager talk led state im lets say ive knew day would come day eventually fact suicidal since years old cant set thoughts straight think dark thoughts real dark unsettling rage inside wants burst out emotions gone except rage dont think ive ever loved someone makes feel so empty exhausted lonely ive never attempted redflag done basically wishing someone would kill free feel like waste life didnt ask born wish never was dont know do really dont drive left motivation dreams whatsoever theres emptiness inside me except rage thing kept alive years fuel im tired rage fuel tired dont know posted since internet probably shittiest place open to id like hear thoughts anyone else feeling way know im special theres probably thousand feeling way clue make it im open discuss anyone wants to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "afraid brother he will kill andor othersmy brother severe depression years comes room eat tv dinners day go bathroom exception goes charter school twice week grades good failing dropped hobbies past months begun breaking treasured possions random room locks door smashes things hours refusing open even id pound scream outside door refused stop punching wall eventually taken emergency room broken hand contantly says future going kill himself also talks killing mother spanked him screamed him poured soup mouth form punishment when little mother refuses aknowledge anything abusive still live parents year old unemployed college student trying get job applied jobs week family friends financial resources parents brother refuse professional help live constant fear one day knock door refuses answer killed himself do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "read plot summary worst one ever read justice incredible movie example good summary read listing turner classic movies anyway one favorite movies young child sister wait every april could see tv one best horse movies time one great classics whole family watch romance clean endearing story line interesting songs great make movies like anymore good acting top pat boone shirley jones best along many great character actors", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys games play sad want distract yourself past time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day posting short stories woman blue man wondered aimlessly new desert sand felt wet yet air dry trapped tropical paradise wondered saw strange sites decrepit buildings ships larger life glittering blob followed along behind them rising drain blob gotten larger incorporating parts long lost walked large vicious looking rain clouds enclosed desert watching continued exploring knew landscape man wearing clothing many could describe rags hair dusty curled walked womans hand his know other never spoken them felt right man little weight him otherwise fit walked hand hand blob microorganisms drew closer threatening rather comforting buildings covered old ocean floor style castles modern buildings futuristic complexes roads buildings random distances one another continued walking rain began fall moistening air causing desert cool walked inside one buildings small warehouse type building large metal roof vented ceiling walls covered algae sat building rain grew harder trees began sprout grass began grow wasteland ocean floor large butterflies size backpacks flooded area pollenating life grew sea floor sand turning dirt butterflies swarmed warehouse covering floor around pair unique designs sat still warehouse looked extravagant tiles pouring rain slowed drizzle mist polluting building wings colony gently flapped took flight two butterflies strayed picked pair holding took flight flew dense overnight jungle towards mountains distance jungle slowly dissolving behind them reducing back been tree tops interwoven one tree many branches descended upon mountains storm brewing around them came upon cave butterflies hesitate swarmed it navigating tight passageways skillfully theyve done many times eventually erupted peak volcano butterflies elegant last stream dark blue highlights unnatural yellow tint unleashed pair near top peak peak littered snow felt comforting cozy foot mountain utterly blocked deep black clouds wondered around peak saw man mask obscuring face yet could visibly see beard meandered way closer them approached other mountain gave way man mask started skid quickly downwards man rags first time let go woman blues hand try grab man like that time stopped again snow flakes stood still air butterflies frozen mid flight grabbed mans hand time stood still cautiously pulled man up making sure would fall went back woman grabbed hand like time resumed and please check wattpadhttpswwwwattpadcomstoryutm_sourceandroidamputm_mediumlinkamputm_contentstory_infoampwp_pagestory_details_buttonampwp_unamebearwurstampwp_originatorljgsagzkvtsntgcapvebhrhuaoyajwsqhwggricwvyufoychfndvxyktqpxgomhbkngexiwmhuhbqkgaeaxtlogwtiaifrflwmxyizijy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "morehi entire life one screw another steal drink take drugs commit fraud know though ive brought right lovely caring family reason get fuck everything mode absolutely anything without second thought consequences finally two failed redflag attempts shit hit fan more managed get involved telephone fraud went around different electronics stores andtook iphones mac book pro credit name bills raining me know it fuck mode raping life over calling quits", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo someone wanna see video made dm pm wanna see", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask people snaps like give snap gimme snappp hand ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let us miserable together one wants stupid advice stop want therapists need stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im lost lost feel empty like im something girlfriend girlfriend going something body making hate usually dont really know help feel completely powerless drifting apart almost idk im never able think right things say anymore feel like im npc im watching different angle feel confused hazy dont know anything anymore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "update keeps getting worseposted thishttpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsxkufci_tried_to_od_on_xanax_and_alcohol_on_wednesday weeks ago woke like today badly depressed money issues posted thishttpswwwredditcomroffmychestcommentspgqi_dont_know_how_to_make_money_and_support_myself paying bills expensive usual done decided head bit car start even car fucking parents car tried hang tie ceiling fan body weight would rip fan ceiling know do cant go hospital insurance right nos think something afford know do even know tell therapist feel like getting hospitalized make things even worse hate alive much good times friends not im definitely smart skilled ways happen ways valued society large im finished it one worst parts even bad im straight white dude usa grateful able use resources better world around me im incapable so fucking fault existence feels redundant way renders unworthy life know get this want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "title says suicide selfish choice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats point youre uglylmao imagine growing loser antisocial virgin thats whats gonna happen lot people whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got skeleton floorboard got secret need keep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "timehow much codeine need end it im interested pity etc want sure die become ill combination pills alcohol speed process ta", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont think anymoreive tried kill times pastbut baby attempts middle school really werent going go anywhere last time tried almost died overdosebut friend called police deal borderline personality disorder point dont know feel anymore tend ruin relationships but dont know feelings warranted somehow everything gets really skewed bpd really sad mix really would need write pages pages describe feel regular basis but sum hate thinking killing bday th feb notice whenever plan never actually money buy sleeping pills sometimes im really set ways sometimes want get knocked wake solid year idk im miserable dont know ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything slowly getting better me friends plays video games numb pain school starts soon gave ever making good friend playing video games dad walks winning son dad im losing everything play cod one day random says lives state ask lives minites friends hang drive around fun ive forever dad asks playing video games winning son yeah dad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doim year old male career one near help process getting divorced kids never see move away ive tried kill fucked got really sick tried last night knife broke me want die want happy make someone else happy fucked everything life im back place every minute day look least painful way it talked friend today talked down cant rely every time im drowning thoughts terrible want hurt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would schizophrenic deaf person hear voices head talking them im unable find answer anywhere need know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die want livei want wake another day knowing hell never know exist worthy loved exactly am one ever will im tired existing like this ive done everything right theres nothing wrong me situation one intervene help me meds therapy electroshock handcuffed psych ward need need support system need family worth knowing one bother hell never know lived im dead makes sad cant change it even redflag hotline chat kicked minutes line fuck it think courage this think do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rapid intercutting scenes insane people asylum montagesuperimposition images vague interwoven narratives hard movie follow apparently man masue inoue takes job porter janitor asylum near imprisoned wife maybe rescue her clearly mad huddled floor vacant expression much time fear misery confusion written face rest time filmmaker switches point view sometimes see vague images side pond drowning baby clutching drowned child tormented something point view shifts mad folks filmmaker uses distorting lenses things showing us mad people see react place swarming mad folks laughing hiding one case dancing frenetically night day one point man tries take wife outside night outside door terrifies runs back cell gradually man slips nightmare hes interrupted another attempt steal away kills doctor many attendants mad folk laugh applaud wakes relieved mops floor fascinating shots japanes life streets buildings s", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bored tired tired boredi wake everyday wanting sleep again sleep peaceful get whatever want lucid dreams im nobody reality wake everyday empty home friends family internet social circle eat meals workout fap work sleep barely remember names colleagues sometimes im addicted porn go gym admire pornstars bodies im years old virgin average looking short thing makes feel happy fapping playing games tire go bed want die really want feel tired time needing masturbation games make feel pleasure hope die soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont care people cry diethey get it living give others satisfaction safety without feeling hell end everyones alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spending inordinate amount time thinking others would say end itevery day drown silence stick shitty youtube documentaries unsolved mysteries coldcase murders like spend lot time talking families friends dead everywhere go everything do lined undercurrent thinking last time one sees me would look internet usage would try justify death would talk troubled young woman struggled lot mental health im feeling tired pervasive gnawing suicidal ideation kind eats slowly youre never sure breaking point be", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought life changed years still tired sad growing fast working everyday job hate trying find motivation nothing gotten truly feel great worth it always wanted start dating someone scared worth time make things difficult parents always ridiculing good enough hurts even more gotten low started cutting feel like need punish absolute fool human thing stopping putting bullet skull religious values covid opened new world showed could work every day even make close amount money people unemployment sit home asses day feel like one factor life redflag it wish could enjoyed younger years more grown hellish schedule people could care less size turds shorter average man women weak always looked upon man work looked said smile more told nothing smile about back self harming", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dear reddit gotta step comment game far tik tok winning landslide", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "soap opera small town married woman kay francis works local newsstand performs leading lady local playhouse dreams becoming star broadway famous actor ham windbag womanizer boot arrives town visits room dreams giving tips stardom pretends valet manager tricking believing takes experience become big star husband finds punches guy resulting actors unexpected death leads murder trial even unexpected life prison sentence hubby next thing know joined traveling burlesque show hopes one day making broadway making enough money get mans freedom baby sleeping trunkbr br this film pretty interesting plot well bit farfetched perhaps melodramatic with tons melodramatic music make sure get it greatly enhanced strong emotional performance given kay francis makes film also helping welldone acting minna gombell role getting close forty older lady works burlesque befriends kay worth seeing especially kay francis fans", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodnight everyone love u", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "driving test anxiety driving test scheduled next week already feel nerves creeping in know drive pressure getting me anyone advice calm nerves test im worried ill sike well", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dudes omegle assholes like everyone conversation chick", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "die i wish someone would shoot", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ones loveto wife im sorry mental illness hurt you never deserved broken man husband brothers im sorry big brother strong enough bare burden life you again two always better me mother im sorry baby boy grew depressed failure energy wasted me never repay it grandmother im sorry golden grandbaby lost shine unyielding love barely reaches stone cold heart family im sorry faded away im sorry better friends im sorry friend deserved lot left honestly cant blame you reading this im sorry wasted time problems hope stronger am succeed failed climbing debt potential homelessness matter time now better me reddit faith all ive ever faith myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay took pregnancy test came back negative thank god guy hard sometimes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since interested lake monsters really dug movie movie worth see like awful good types films check out effects really good well think land lost originally watched movie early s maybe like local channel monster show called morgus presents scare anything b felt like a years later seen dvd local circuit city bought immediately give personal spot heart right monster squad gremlins good b movie fun ages", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant kill myselfi wrap noose around bed post slide bed vision gets blurry feel numb courage fully succumb pain go unconscious would count redflag attempt wuss", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel life worthless need helpadvisethis first time asking help cant really talk parents say stupid depression real problem worry about etc might make mistakes since native language english year old girl living parents studying last year university degree last years life real friends friends parents love heart might ask years old pretty outgoing child hard make friends parents moved country russia spain economical reasons know spanish communicate anyone loneliness felt cured watching tv surfing internet playing games time learnt spanish anything common talk classmates no one interested liked time became unsociable introverted thing cheered parents pretty well studying lived today friends eat play gamess read study fat kg weight ugly people would advise lose weight stuff that years went gym putting makeup trying talk people wearing beautiful clothes still ignored people find real topic talk about feel like exercising putting makeup anymore left gained weight one time try hard still lonely either way also lately likely fail subjects university huge since family poor also hit hard selfesteem went downhill parents angry thati cant find job since spain unemployment high theyd rather employ spanish person mei feel stressed last years every day thinking suiciding useless life and likely future thinking future get well payed job finishing studies buy anything want maybe lot happy moments no change anything work life boyfriend first kiss friends acquitances starting lose interest even trying things trying go trying make friends every time see people know happy travelling friends always sociable feel worthless inferior want continue miserable want think redflag every day want stop crying almost every day one sees me stop depressed kniw antmore do think life worth living way is sorry hard read bad expressing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish existmy family wants gone want gone mental illnesses get worse make every single aspect living pure hell still killing would cause much trouble wish never existed first place im sorry burden", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sister tried od antidepressants second time space monthswhat do cry help anything else wont speak family members problems i fear situations family may contributing factor depression im surmising clearly obvious therapist shes seeing medication shes taking working feel helpless frustrated entire situation do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought found perfect girl but time ago met cute girl age feeling kind confident talking her actually liked often talking typing thought giving signs likes more like wants friends spoke older brother whos great friend said very very high chances gf one day gathered confidence told her kind shock knew day would come told find hobbys preferations etc similiar thought giving signs turned no nice nice also told lesbian impossible man relationship relation like dead tried maybe type short conversations uhh yeah thats story also selfesteem lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "broooo im kinda embarrassed right ive going around telling everyone im ask measured im literally dot thats kinda embarrassing man ig im shorter thought", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever considered fact god real hates youim suicidal oh life sad woe me death blah blah blah way least thought thought would good place ask higher power created entire purpose fuck you mean idea someone created something means love clearly wrong know plenty parents hate kids ever tried cooking something didnt turn right do throw fuck away give shit about toss it got more matter even that force sadistic nature life sick joke humanity chemical reaction creates consciousness soul crushing purpose leaving are course thoughts although would explain suffering world well death religion seems able that im religious though really care idea god hates likely god loves you all cant pleasure without suffering suffering without pleasure exist fact god could either side think it going create something later kill it thats pretty much torture itself like leaving prisoner alive torture instead killing relieving pain pontificating though likeliness god real", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knew good truehe found someone else ghosted me find myself much prettier me one making finally start feel pretty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw movie saw blue crush michelles movies thought bleak future businessi extremely wrong watching performance girlfight amazed way captures emotion one fighter also warriorin movie way confronts father treatment brother way conveys anger getting hither characters learning curve movie cant always put wall hide love power wont wini believe role fit perfectly michelle even though prior experience director saw talent criticize seeing talent her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tonightits over im done im going go outside buy something overdose on shoot die finally want peace world sent enough signs need die shouldnt im sorry baby ill love forever youll find someone else finally finally finally finallyim sorry waited long ill leave dark like dad always knew would end way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought maybe anime labs expand australia cuz idk anime streaming service viable strategy long yeah new zealand thats like two people also interspecies reviewers still anime labs australia think falls category japan", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think hit ghost deer im driving dads house am morning im older road goes county dad lives in ive driven road mom im drivers permit many times would say im decent driving age drove illegally since im driving road parallel deer infested forest deer jumped front knew going hit braked anyway felt hit car im surprised airbags didnt go off mom sister car also felt hit it pulled assess damage nothing scratches dents nothing deers mess car right driving ton volvo still would damage right looked deer also find it blood guts anything either looked ditches mom got gun incase need put misery nothing there explanation this know people smarter would like hear sort explanation personally dont want think ghost deer something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im india ask ting yh cus im bored also feel free dm bobs vegana", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey um so wanna smooch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nonstop action every conceivable and inconceivable scifihorror cliche found blatantly silly fun bigbudget epic pace never lets up especially shorter us version tightens things considerably", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want let gothe day waiting train standing close end platform considering dealing depression years years since ive dealt suicidal idealization scary im scared think maybe ive depressed whole life people told itd better got older could make decisions change environment therapy medication throughout college chronically miserable long prospects got job another country im still happy think ive ever really happy people told would get better hasnt cant handle prospect hang on longer im tired try nice people help however can someone asks help literally stop im doing possible give every time flip side think people know im struggling know that ive asked people help walked on people taken advantage me want bother anyone im dying kind connection contradictory is even people true friends connections have cannot deal rejection want trying settle days like today get frustrated want talk someone scared send another message ignored know problems big people want someone know work stresses out service job try really hard well think good work evaluation last month along lines great customers say smile enough please smile more cant want to things got bit bad weeks ago friend coworker got drunk sexually assaulted me people saw one anything it talked anyone whos taken seriously feel silly upset because yknow way rape police anything situation even reported it cry shower used look forward since catharsis lately dread wash hair comes clumps probably eating disorder now days im motivated eat one goodsized meal happen usually end puking ive lost much weight replace wardrobe second time eight nine months anyhow im still considered fat country one cares dread work since dealing people dislike people really like helping fake connections wear out im super introvert every day exhausting skills though days like today try study make marketable end crying half day instead im scared ill mess work get gloomy something get fired certainly kill forced go back country savings live family environment terribly toxic lately ive thinking methods like inconviencing people id ideally like arrange affairs unobtrusive again part angry much pain like one cares want everyone know yes bad want people stop think moment maybe even feel little sorry probably much coward go way though people would likely want continue living feel like alive profoundly unhappy perhaps way am persisting problem me like since kid whether working shutin social solitary sides planet got long im sorry appreciate anyone whos read entire thing ive wanted say things long considering next steps", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think great classic monster film family mole machine tall creature beak flying green lizards ranthorincusmayas whatever ape men things speak telepathically them battle men rubber suits fighting doll breakfast umm yummy class else say would make remake one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "death sounds pretty good right nowive hit really low part life probably lowest ive ever been recently moved utah california huge change left behind friends ive ever lifestyle im used living mother dragged middle school year really bad since curriculum new understand works school system different nerve racking me hardly talk people due anxiety ive always strong disliking mom realize hatred basically life used religion abuse me stop acting like faggot i call faggot im parent since parent obey me she actually said that dad likes slap punch tell mom stop acting like jerk im sorry confusing mind lost right now really thing thats pushed edge is mother arranged go back utah week since spring break see friends hang them well yesterday mom left sister home alone sister complaining mother day wanting go swimming however mother would let her mom left told sister could go swimming twenty minutes chores agreed hopped pool well mom came back pick something saw us pool started screaming yelling knew sister chores getting pool huge health risk now that going take back utah see friends now destroys trying keep sister mom happy ugh know im tired upset everything death seems like easy way pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "already done waiting works mg diazepam mg alprazolam xanax heineken sick people manipulating me even got kicked lab initially caused alienating me cleaned lab others stuff sentiment even answer phone calls read messages fucking moneylaundering piece shits tried ignore that this done trusted doign financial necessity trusted humane side one fucking cares fuck em die ill die wake liike hours going stop chasing get fancy phds taken away locked up ill see taken away ill make see me live attempt im done im done naive im done trusting people nice me spilled heart person fucking ignores me bitch im done thanks guys reddit reply comments friendish messages get days literally zero friends contact list consists family thats it im done im done trusting im done bullied", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im strong lifeim done done family butler done anxious around people done lonely lot things wanted life guess it weird kill whatever im tried bullshit want anymore call weak tell part life ups downs ups me negative want live hell goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredi told lot people love tonight want kill myself friends people life thats enough tired living want stop brain dont know keep going thing keeps alive drugs comedown uppers even worse dont know stop tired want die finally asleep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going consume chinyim yum", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im i want way thats redflag im weak talk someone person", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "giving week figure reason liveim low point never thought id again were familiar it urges getting harder harder combat ive already formulated plan would guaranteed lethal easy pull off want yet know why feel like maybe maybe possibly find way justify existence world almost died twice infant ive always wondered deserved live im sure go this know reach examine things maybe ill find really vanish acquaintances remove earth cant figure week welp ill take days trying get affairs order make amends people ive burdened offended pass next life start determine worth here would better everyone died supposed to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need helpim losing it yall im pregnant boyfriend hates strong enough abortion hate shitty job hate roommate disgusting slob hate mom telling terrible mother friends stopped inviting cant go bars sit home alone cry none hobbies fun anymore throw daily pregnancy hormones one reach make even slightly better want die im months pregnant little girl love want keep safe happy cant cant keep alive like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gimme hot takescontroversial opinions please im bored wanna see entertaining things wait irl things", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag always option anyone says otherwise never point one would kill themselvesit genuinely pisses everyte person comes me stands front room even guy comes radio starts spatting time they realized worth it saying theres always someone cares miss thats true needed them say did support cared much anyone has gone tough times realized doing please hear out saying happened nesscerilly bad going through different people weaker prone depression suicidal thoughts things others im done ive it im tired dealing world puts profit peoples life world judges book cover world exploits poor woman trying feed family world wants everyone fit in im done trying fit in im done everything rich won lost thank you cared", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "females late teen mark need help context m autistic social understanding recognising someones emotions based facial expression voice alone hard me want ask like someone do either get attention something try hide feelings fail miserably dont suspect girl know likes way like case thing yknow", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared feel alonei hate edgy stuff im sad know else do want okay everything turn right im scared want help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "james stewart stars classic western tale revenge ties fate films star winchester rifle stewart goes without saying excellent adding cold hard obsession usual laid back cowboy story follows fate winchester rifle owners competition hero stolen man huntingbr br we meet selection gamblers gun fighters indian traders bank robers follow rifles path indian battles bank heists etc supporting cast solid dan durya standing waco johnny dean livewire gunfighter itchy trigger finger also trivia note early appearance rock hudson indian chiefbr br the end showdown classic tense rifle battle fought long range around rocky outcrop throw good old western action fist fights shootouts horseback chases makes rollicking western adventure ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help confronting parents bout something family religiousreligious forced ive drifted away it issue know would like tell follow god friend thing mother started mean him parents would likely acknowledge kick outta house theyre pretty ok anything long im religious do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dm ai bored id love meet new ppl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey reddit whats biggest thing thats stressing right now anything goes problems problems", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love show like watching mini movie week first episode gripping terrifyingso part pilot im definitely gonna keep tuning show real survivor ive looked comments see already one two episodes morons already crying wolf sorry another reality show kiddies time werenow brace yourself actual tv shows one actually good unlike crappy sitcoms today umpteenth carbon copy law order nypd blue csi series theyre dishing out watch form opinion take one boneheads here", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "apart family fucking depressingi dont fucking understand dogshit parentsevery sunday keep bringing church knowing hate going plus dad doesnt even listen goddamn messages pastor literally points exact bullshit hes wrongthe pastor talks letting children date non christians sister talks children moving away church parents fault sister doesnt give fuck shows doesnt even fucking listenso drive hour back every week waste hours sunday every week lung cancer ass doesnt even behave like christian mom saves kindness love complete strangers gives fucks mea stranger bringing bike lift quick press lift button keep lift open even though theres fucking sensors already keep door openher thoughts filled childrens safety complete fucking strangers well minewhen tell dont want go church shes like oh thats problem tell dad yourselffuck sake dont enough authority say fuck dont wanna go church really hope dads lung cancer takes life soon cant fucking take shit anymore depression made caused dont give fuckeverybody youre willing actually care child dont fucking breed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got report card grades flunked so normally im good student high grades last year lowest grade ever b however last year teacher bitch know probably respectful since hes helping learn didnt gave detention pointless reasons constantly picked reading answering questions front room much could even though knows horrible case stage fright the principal told teacher let independant work often group work care worst thing is let get beaten up yard patrol time lunch got picked every day one time early january group kids throwing big chunks ice mainly targeting facehead teacher saw instead coming break since knew defend kids stronger me walked away smiling got concussion teeth damaged im lucky need braces away weeks injuries grades year as cs dissapointed im online school year im often confused were problems focusing im really anxious good thing online teacher really nice helps catch up cant change grades best mark b lowest c feel ashamed disgusted myself heard got fired know care long leaves alone thanks listening little rant wanted get system", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything kid could want feel emptyim title says everything could ever want ive got friends family love past couple months cant believe it even know friends cause talking people scares me friends even go school either online old school cause moved scared talk people cant seem see positive life try succeed school anything else always end failing matter hard studytry ive thinking killing im afraid itd close me want die also want hurt anyone hung two really good friends today seem happy sat back friends car starred distance make night worse theres girl actually somehow talking one friends thought itd funny ruin it night got way worse feeling friends all really friends all im scared talk anyone put cause anonymousish know deal anymore started months ago bad wave depression every frequent teenager far know months went ive kept getting sad fear soon wont able hold ill end shooting something whats really stopping right friends mom dad dog cat something pets seem keep person ending it dog cat id probably ended already sounds weird cause mom dad still here love pets anything feel like somehow know im feeling cause whenever im sitting couch soon become sad dog come stay me know feel anymore ive lost much emotion months whole speech typed probably make sense anyway im gonna post keep typing random shit thats fucked up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "two tests today maths history idk shit history wtf home rule pls helb", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "freaking feel like crisis know do way get support rn mom busy therapy friday therapist wants make switch therapists anyway feel like losing support system know get this feel like breaking point someone please help know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello people would like tell get morning go dentist get fillings wrist part drills sound like mechanical demonic children crawling tv tensed entire time hows day going", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "living livingits easy one breath take one dab sweat one look outside window one step take better keep living now theres much explore many things ive just never seen before maybe wash while", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bought rope againthe ropes thin though long could cut pieces braid it even know im posting here waste time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find need escape something hold attention two hours allow lost another world domino satisfy need entertainment all plot keeps brain motion one movies like usual suspects want see second time figure out wondered domino harvey herself life became interest hollywood acting lots celebrity appearances shown trailers actor makes forget done job well think kiera soccer uniform pirate costume granted mickey rourke plays mickey rourke well often here despite violence shows signs capable caring people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "created prisoni dont want here every time start feel okay end misstepping going thought pattern much happy even things get nicer still prison im never going able get anxiety fears im going stuck day day going room work never able form meaningful connections cant drive cant handle people theyre going hurt places like reddit feel like im talking someone im always going five year old girl ruined could understand happened her dont think brother care much hope takes care cat ill really miss dont want live like anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "downloaded tiktok regret downloaded little ago see like ironically thought gooduntil minutes ago looked page saw video girl getting tattoo preceded orgasm guy tattooing her guy tattooing slipped fell over never fucking grossed entire fucking life fact someone would post tik tok bad fact hasnt taken worse fucking hate tik tok people post it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill dont ive struggling lot past year ive bullied weight parents would sometimes add that started self harming which immediately regretted mum found out havent therapist cause didnt want school find out started feeling better quarantine got hole again want kill im going cause selfish people love life ahead me pain feel eating inside nobody understands dont want call redflag prevention hotlines speak someone something im going get over thoughts back head thats bugging me im like funny people super sad lol know im going fine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want better america would get electing trump heres would it first make sure everyone drilled head unproven conspiracy theories ignored fought against second lower minimum age vote third make future presidents year olds give easily peer pressure fourth watch america slower destruction before", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel going crazyeveryday feel dreamy state cant escape feel trapped inside box ive cried much cant feel anything anymore reason depression suicidal thoughts stupid drugs gf years broke me feel damn crazy losing mind laugh loud sometimes dumb things scared sometimes real reality not lose mind point id hurt family members instantly ending life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably whimsical installment first season shore leave ups downs parts drag long others unambitiously cut short one cant deny threw everything proverbial kitchen sink make entertaining episode kirk crew seem found perfect planet shore leave extended tour duty left everyone board need rest relaxation on appears intents purposes uninhabited earth beautiful scenery ideal climate first indication things might go little awry mccoy leading advance team spots alice from wonderland following large white rabbit wearing vest kirk beams finds others reporting similarly bizarre happenings encounters one thing common crew member thinking personplacething discovered right discovered it immediately sink kirk anyone else strangeness ensues including sightings juan siberian tiger ww fighter plane etc kirk meets ruth gorgeous old girlfriend of course bully academy days finnegan chasefight scene finnegan goes long time mccoy run lance knight horseback apparently killed finally elderly man appears explains happening planet futuristic amusement park visitors imagine something appear nothing permanent mccoy really dead explained kirk decides order shore leave everyone all despite it dream sort ending shore leave holds another firstrate episode star treks first season", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nights always badworthless trash checking", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dropped milk whole body like idiot cat wakes gives death stare bet thinking something along lines of fuck owner idiot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got argument aunt want hang dont like family arguments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god im fcking thirsty dont mean sexual way feel like could drink one liter water help me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird think first months normal rona came america normal life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cuddling weird lol one gets violently grossed cuddling anything romantic like idek thought bf like someone caring disgusting me need male attention affection grosses out idk rant whatever", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knute rockne american biopic famous notre dame beloved coach knute rockne excellent sports film watch ever seen it surprised technique used movie director lloyd bacon shows ahead times photographing football games result vibrant picture man responsible legacy collegian sport knute rocknebr br the film presents rockne humble origins chicago studies famed notre dame university south bend indiana ambitious man vision game played luckily went give beloved notre dame glory afterbr br pat obrien looks bit older starts freshman fact change much throughout film fine mr rockne pat obrien shows could inspire players father figure gale page plays bonnie rockne wise woman understood husbands call life ronald reagan plays george the gipper gipp legend died much young left legacy behind donald crisp makes good contribution father john callahan rocknes mentor universitybr br this film delight sports lloyd bacons direction fast pace gives movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep ruining every friendship havefor many years ive known something wrong me go depressive phases push people away think killing myself kind ruin every friendship have little week ago tried kill baker acted days talked doctor diagnosed borderline personality disorder still think killing constantly throughout day constantly think go far again know complete right place post this figured feelings would every friend pushed away one support group had lost ive resorted drinking taking pain killers im drinking numb pain have im supposed getting meds help depression going wait insurance kick in know much longer be think weeks least know every day things get harder harder friends talk acted im victim this could controlled actions said things did tried push away still make pain less feel alone want friends back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " best friends started dating banking idk im annoying theyre wrapped world used talk every day started going christmas time spoke times week outside school huge arguments broke times months always mediated got talking lockdown started ill speak one twice month half hour convo theyll respond idk whether im annoying theyve got stuff going on plus theyll ever respond sowhich annoying take days reply take another day respond ive got people much listened supported ignore sometimes weeks end problems lives want push ask find theyre nursing injuries parents seem evil im bit loner anyway ill see post videos friends im still shielding ill feel really inadequate idk feel really bad one every often says miss takes week reply lol im really emotional reason made post im tired feel like im massive burden even though ive never shared problems ive always supported thanks coming depressing ted talk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drunk hell got noose hang closetgonna it dont knwo else do tired meds therapy cant seemto make diffrence bye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fear death less less daysi used absolutely petrified dying scared unknown would cease exist recently fear slowly started fade away replaced increasing thought maybe ceasing exist would need feel like walk onto main road front house end it committed yet feel guilty leaving husband daughter im honestly hanging thread now sometimes wish least one thing life came somewhat easy me one dream right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things hate slavery coolio", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking hate alivei creativity drive passion weak moral compass wish strengthen it morals stupid pointless care myself anyone else anything around me accounts empty vessel ideas goals dreams perspective everything around horrifically warped point connect people care emotions care much effect pathetic life dislike responsibility gain rewards responsible except avoidance pain misfortune im willing try hardest make things work shit hits fan id rather sleep cold ground beg money starve police officer harassed sleeping public space id attack maybe hed kill id able punish blindly enforcing law zero respect for hate responsible people hate something want do im fucking running steam here fuck life fuck you deserve rot hell give fuck ask exist right end pathetic life feel like it care contributing society im weak stupid unconfident find way make real living develope relationships solve problems life bring happiness want believe myself want responsible trajectory life cant trust to cant admit person want work it want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "checking outi want help anymore want try popped pills already chased drink ill probably smoke little let hit me feel helpless hopeless give fuck anymore feel bad putting boyfriend family since kind take kicked house think ill mention anything him ill fall cold slumber side tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice sophomore year first day sophomore year tomorrow could please advice get year", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "option left think reason continue living wish someone knew way redflagi live central europe im finishing masters psychology useless experience takes years complete it wanted counselorschool psychologist working diagnostics obviously never going happen job experience never job parents care enough teach anything never pushed contributed depression got bachelor program focused studies always depressed energy anything else commuted long hours every day get job week last three summer breaks tried get internships even retail job always denied became seriously depressed want visit psychiatrist degree would useless cart soon graduate hopefully never job useless degree experience friends contacts uni help options like us ways volunteering theres that think option redflag ever hired even hours shift factory job risk work history logical way end ones life pathetic incompetent inexperienced person know irl starting believe need prepare end get myself chance failed fronts must face end accept homeless want be wanted vent honeslty know write again guess possible plan life end up like anyone care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "low point familyagain rd time life made redundant many options fear little chance getting another job life insurance would support young family runs next months maybe best option family take option financial protection cant provide know young daughters willwould disagree alternative losing house going welfare pretty frightening", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats new hope were going strong must fight weirdoes hot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still fightingi tired want die yet still fighting live why difficult give give in never asked life yet forced upon me want go back existed want this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hahim breakdown feel like gettinginto car going full speed tree might selfish dont care itll affect", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "omgt liked handf thers stray cat visit anf liked handf soo cutee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never temptation slice wrist itmade secondary account dont want people know worried know thatd id never get far enough actually it urge overwhelming times scares me need vent guess dont know anymore im stuck home live biggest sources negativity sadness life yet cannot leave im still dependent years till degree leave place good hope ill live see happen im done flame slowly dying cant bring energy keep fighting it didnt check rules sub searched sub concerning redflag went it rules mods please delete im sorry inconvenience needed head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant keep going like thisevery day like fever im much pain feel sick ive depressed life nothing like this ive started cutting never understood before get now ive done much less visable methods self harm think people noticed making worse everyone around gives shit depressed others caused detached yet feels like ammo make fun me seems matter makes everything worse even people say care feel waiting either get fucking already blame them fit world everything makes want die ive tried following dreams succeeded im empty cant feel joy long since have think ill ever ok every single day thoughts speaking directly someone redflag every day say today day cant push myself im afraid pain really all guess default plan hanging nearby tree maybe best think jumping something time thought wonder brain trying put it brain dragging pit know do want over anyone understands state im in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey wsp bigmanwoman daily homie checkup missed many days", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want drink deathand even drink seems like good way go think primarily loneliness gets me hate it want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failed adulthoodi diagnosed depression years ago stopped getting help soon after heard mom talking believe mental illness complained much costed already tried killing twice felt like burden feeling ate away me moved parents new city got new job left university thought change independence growth leaving would spark something me did things going well started exercising going out social work momentum decided time go back therapy started saving could afford sessions medication ruined everything got fired accepted elderly womans coupon known valid thought good deed thought helping someone loss prevention found owned thinking honesty best told sorry made things worse let go able find job everything saved therapy disappeared bills came around feel like burden best friends live with roommates leave work party im left alone empty apartment cant afford anymore sit room plan note settle drinking fall asleep want get better want stronger feel slipping more know bounce back keep wanting check somewhere going er telling thoughts always back mind hope itll keep something myself im terrified monetary cost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone know way chance failure decently quick gun would much appreciated painless way except gun", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "australia lost war emus emus ate australian crops costing money didnt like that plan kill k emus killed emus fast couldnt hit them amount money spent cost emus steal crops quit technically lost war fucking emus emus cant even fly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "s s vibe with looking people talk topic preferably girl cos too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes click profile see real mf posting whatever", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone got full prophecy true copypasta gotta send friend cant find", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never felt doomed life gf left months ago mother really could call functional person since rent expired living house months friends basically disappeared going therapy really help much feel like going crazy truman show kind place living killing me could kill real what", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "griefmy mom killed herself aunt died cancer dementia took great grandma cat heart attack sleeping im going die eyes family ever express gender nonconformity bisexuality occurrences within last years cant tolerate constant pipeline spewing misery death anymore cant handle weight grief feel like im crushed concrete slab suicidal thoughts gone nightly thing hourly cant stop constant pain want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going ask crush hope best happenmaybe updatewe see", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "done cant anything bring life normali failed friend student son want die got friends real llife talk parents neither got aim something life tried erase thoughts thinking old memories school life never good one video games helped fill emptiness got bored them foolish things done life gives regret really coward pos reason live ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always feel like im needy ask something like someone says hey need help get something want thing want ask them takes like hours build enough courage even ask them ill feel needy asf try ask them though theyre clearly offering get something want still feel needy ask", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cute girl texting friend literally using ssenpai wwill notice isnt responding group chat ima whoop dumb brain doesnt seize opportunity", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "terrible place typical relationship issueim bad place redditers think need help ive drinking non stop wrote redflag notes followed with went gpa average college student failing classes quarter relationship thought best her played wasnt planning proposing june things took turn worst ended things breakup wrecking me recently met trip los angeles im broken know let slip hands feel terrible going much heartbreak wanting kill want cause harm people told never date ever get married usually id think im crazy feel like want disappear world worst part still trying talk her get mine love feel like making harder move on year old male ready leave world one needs here do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody ever love meall relationships ive ever internet relationships none ended well one person crush on best friend already found someone else love with feel like never anyone im transgender social anxiety too help either want someone love obviously thats never going happen", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long story short military amp go medical get diagnosed type mental ailment disorder ruin career say ruin would drastically change amp would ultimately change job duty station rip away foundation built here called suicide hotline twice seek guidance amp someone talk relation anyone around me database keep calls many times do so con would call people make known eventually chain command insight would greatly appreciated suicide hotline", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "interesting titlehi im sorry wasting peoples time would one person able talk me guess realised tonight back shit gone partner listen me even listen sits completely quiet get upset says i dont know say every time know life comparatively bad since im homeless option food usually available yeah im good person", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill probably kill time parents diemany times past every winter last years actually point thing keeping alive thought much would hurt parents killed myself theyre dead reach point first time ill probably it theres nobody else life think couldnt cope redflag nobody whos close enough really really badly affected longterm basis", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "world sadim fuckinghurting yall years torment abuse years healing shit alone years always alone get better better im fucking step program im even addicted drugs alcohol though true guess addicted something im fucking trying feel sadness look universe begging hope see pain injustice cant escape im either going die protest maybe death meaning im gonna blow worthless brains end dayfuck life worth this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "update im longer bathroom charger meant post update hour ago shower", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "changed user flair time seventeen gang finally rise up", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck it donedont know anyone cares whatever years old germany know struggle myself know start dropped school yeah behind final exams couldve gone studying next year made worst school hauptschule middle school full energy gymnasium tilt take anymore stopped going end december finish driver license too power anymore feel empty well last week work working parents store saw pretty girl felt love her even gave love back seemed clear wonderful came place last sunday kissed hang out talked much and wanted live her never ever felt power since yesterday says worth time good her never really girlfriend know react got hurt much ex wanted help her show feel like normal girl ever again bitchyshe turns next month thought good no doenst want contact know whyi frustrated body full hate hate mysellf all best mother earth sister shouting them friends want help refuse know start again feel lost want stop go die addicted videogames dota well least gave smile good it k mmr something proud tried break competitive gaming really never happened i confused life please guys share warm words not cant otherwise crying right past weeks specially last days cuz her want visit stars upon me maybe day visit them knows", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "documentary unique subject damatos staple erotica film manages show decent clips films may remember old time late night cinemax one problem joe hardcore porno times mixed softcore erotica even mixed gore films gore films cult classics going like pop dubbed copy net not peanuts year old films folks want see cult classics also sweet joe seems he seem elegant one might expect dude liked shock caligula untold story emanuelle america show us hardcore rape snuff beastiality in both suprised far goes caligula ii one track uncut print although scenes may disconforting documentary persons career hey it also would liked see interviews people joe worked with maybe thats wanting see laura gemser looks like days still think goddess one sexiest women ever grace genre", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hotlines say god damn thingsit get better yeah suicidal too hear shit damn time call one redflag hotlines never helpful want know fuck put bullet head already your family miss you shitty attempt guilt tripping it ill it care shithead family thinks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "september thsorry unclear organized im really good headspace write neatly anyone thinking commiting redflag im guilting anything think people need hear side september th grandmas birthday also last time talked died november th got news next day km away chose stay foreign exchange thought grandma would want even though hard missed first moments missed celebration life missed grandpa dadmy mom commited redflag know how never asked mom called said grandma died remember said gibberish anyways told note know note says never asked read it spent next days bed host family say anything me say sorry ask ok host mom brought food bed eat much talk much days went pictures lots crying lots anger confusion frustration guilt live daily think every single day couldve done family couldve done much miss love her suffered chronic pain body imagine thats it it stigma talk death especially died redflag bereavement never getting closure never knowing why always wondering ifits horrible bereavement happens many ways redflag different becauseit totally random someone calculated it someone took life someone wrote note knew going cause much pain took life days bed host mom told cheer up told needed go school errands needed do got days back school almost like nothing happened forced pretending ok suffered suicidal thoughts thought harming myself angry everyone around notice last time phoned birthday sent facebook messages respond photo brother grandfather real smiling lips curled it gone messages never got show pictures speak fluent spanish learned months tell exchange anything program sent counselor brought translator need translator asked grandma christian said yes im atheist told that said grandma real christian committed redflag thats christian thing do days told talk family it anything talk anything anybody friends first time ive ever written anything writing letters much guilt much anger love much miss would anything bring back know im going think needed say something it happy nd birthday grandma", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired want sit cry feel embarrassed it want scream yell energy feel helplesseverything fucking crappy depressing laptop one thing broke single cent going job couple months able get fixed look forward toi phone headphone jack busted recently headphones broke well parents never give money busy trying survive nothing works moremy laptop one way could zone parents reach work try stuff cannot used put music would lay chill ever felt sad cannot thta anymore frustrates anything want sit cry used listen music get touch feelings cannot even anymorei wantthis misery end first time life actually begun lose faith god know happening me angry frustrated makes want cry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "am need get chestits currently slept yet get half hour school again almost four hour long exam morning ive had no fucking sleep thoughts racing head again go school choice ive three panic attacks tonight last one lasting minutes felt shit long swear gonna get shitter mums gonna fucking kill me im gonna fail exams even fall asleep brain shut fuck once fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maxmoefoes newt facts know newts lizards think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want everyone stop hating me already hate enoughthey cant hate im dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "important question girls even find guys attractive ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like memes happy guy last post making comment section controversial tries prove point cant like memes happy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk did deleted social medias long distance completely cuts us off even say why idk breaking me would told me right anyways lost him imma lose life feel dumb trying kill this going it killing cuz boyfriends mad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "appeal ancient films like one get see actual moving image life years ago lot people leaving factory dead none even remotely aware magnitude invention walking before shocked read one reviewer call film boring home videos today least one mistakenly identified first film ever made it first film made rate frames per second rather thennormal frames per second br br sure see lot people filing building passing cinematograph way home work curiosity piece dozens reasons least first film made lumire brothers probably stronger impact development cinema individual group individuals history", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seeing keifer sutherland plays favorite character history tv foregone conclusion gonna go movies spend this also think applies eva longoria fansbr br the movie revolves around leak secret service agent planning assassinate president investigation unfolds seems likely candidate highly decorated pete michael douglas pleading innocence pete goes fun fugitive style search truthbr br its solid certainly spectacular decent cast decent story left feeling bit empty could certainly far worse", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dead endi feel life cant get better everything feels like reached dead end kill self end all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "psychotic break best thing happened mefor life operated highlow basis manic would act physically emotionally impulsively manipulatively would sink lowest lows months later get bed shower take care basic needs convinced unworthy manic powered thoughts selfworth surprised people wanted around me clung semblance acceptance could would manipulate situations benefit feel like shit depressive episode came along took millionth suicidal intention mixed manic phase urge check institution insurance cover mental health knew last day didnt best friend ended relationship years way hospital text medication prescribed earlier year working me instead muffling depression brought redflag knowing would it planning would happen rose water drowning hour morning knew time better medication mood stabilizer given life back still working fallout finally hope reaching friends spoken years talking strangers internet going movies myself enjoying instead fearing time myself trust again happy confident ever hope guys proud here need someone talk to know here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay know mrbeast clickbait u check channel livestream scheduled one hour put anything u want moon bucks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think good reason end myselftrigger warning redflag throw away account im usually one post things like publicly guess ill give laydown situation year ago depressive break dead end job left hospitalized unemployed ive decided move back home town order certified build websites reasoning could gain skill would valuable todays market addition current bfa could potentially give chance employable financially independent signed community college because forprofit schools predatory set healthy boundaries family felt like making positive change future seemed like things were looking up cut now yearold dead beat lives grandmothers basement rely father financial support whos job prospect internship graphic design studio lacks personal disciplineselforganizationplanning skills ever talk anything else state fully aware cause misfortune result family suffer actions every time mess scratched grandmothers car garage get sunblock stains mothers furniture etc go emotional break end hating days finally let go proceed forget everything learned mistakes that inconsiderate peoples feelings often sidetracked work stops focusing work lack ambition discipline actually make actual lasting change life present tragic victim cruel world instead going truthful im asshole never learns live otherwise privileged life family who despite screwing repetitively loves much accounts im lucky people worse realize im parasitic take never give back whenever try change myself go back square one funny thing rock bottom one time thing people hit progress their constant loop repetitive failure inability learn past actions unwillingness change bad habits point realized good thing may contribute society well family would end myself ideally would like go somewhere beautiful a nationalstate park find isolated high place jump towards death become carrion whatever finds remains would like leave note family sating chose die instructing cremate remains if found hold funeral want remembered anything might post might ignore next couple weeks might actually take initiative life end things all know want make sure leave impact would significantly harm someone understand killing would detrimental familys emotional wellbeing long run would better place worry take care someone like me reason making public mostly trying find place vent part wants think plan wrong want verification still matter also feel telling therapist true extent plans would land back psychiatric ward thus burdening medical debt issue dealing years now guess understand disappearing woods would better alternative living parasitic lifestyle now tldr human parasite unable learn past mistakes realize harming everyone love going woods die better alternative putting people hell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im pathetic cant even give lifefuck me want give up cant cant even give up fuck stupid sperm win millions stupid fuckers course ungrateful piece shit wins chance existing like trillion bullshit yet im pathetic worthless pile fucking wasted air never amount anything aborted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im gonna die man allergies suck nose plugged both nostrils barley breath throat hurts hurts breath mouth im basically gasping air every couple seconds cause cant breath want fucking die hate much i cant breath i feel like im going to die in my sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "huge cast gathered remake sadly box office failure notwithstanding great sound track cant say riveting entertainment cure insomnia nevertheless enjoyed film provided escape one afternoon good look us looking ideal life albeit fantasy expect corny moments thrills occasional laugh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think grandmother purposely wants diagnosed mental disorder stop entering military currently years old always aspirations join military make career it everyone family mother father aunts uncles etc board this except grandmother context im extremely close grandma more mother always supported everything ive except this ive dreams since least back think must thought oh little boy wants army man still want join military ive even talking recruiters think worried heres part cant wrap head around last two years claiming several undiagnosed mental disorders disabilities family friends even school counselor dean adhd autism even bipolar disorder things claims have none even show symptoms know adamant mentally unwell made take atleast dozen online tests forms clinics doctors office around country try get diagnosed something may overthinking situation genuinely believe im diagnosed something eligible join military usually bother much fact extremely close grandma purposely would ruin relationship instantly last months eating inside generally know think thoughts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make death painless dog possiblemy dog thing keeping alive throughout many deep pits depression life love much cant get terrible situations dynamics matter hard try constant anxiety gnawing cant escape it failed interview today already lost jobs person im love said want talk right super emotionally unavailable corona cant even bring ask support know even like anymore trying brush off im homeless coronavirus current housing situation tense terrible im always stuck middle toxic atmosphere forced taking care peoples problems waste away inside get anything myself top dog getting older unexpected incident weeks ago randomly attacked another dog im maybe homeless even though im getting training feel like deserves better ive failed much know do ill isolated homeless dog cant around dogs ill probably kill anyway get point point anywhere put could stay kill myself friends redflag letter going mention would honored wanted take care dog also completely fine cant im mostly concerned trying kill place dog see around im also really sad think waiting come home forever ill never come back want know theres anything make better even though hes anchor love much cant live like anymore know way better life without me also want traumatize anyone else might find body really know good way would be know anymore want happy safe miss me ideas", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys isolate pls anyone need company isolate cause one classmates got rona", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ew ew ew ew got email year old sharing nudes probably spam manga sites visit still", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life bitch mei cant happy ever im tired living life thats bad me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found highly intellectual artistic every way felt script conveying things feel physically emotionally got home work watched it tribute cinema highest form formatbr br holy guacamole wish days would come again tried putting bubble window side car honda civic vacuum formed muffin trays quite cut it also civic sexual positions limited supported water bed brilliantly depicted the vanbr br the van utmost side splitting hilarity even substitute porn watch scenes privatelybr br i highly anticipate sam grossman the director achieved opusbr br ratings john sam ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl pretty evil making sun feel insecure hotness lt ampxb gtok cheesy admit itlt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey you yes you one reading this you well let tell something need know scroll please know know im stranger internet but guarantee you need hear this dark place alone there yknow feeling suicidal please dont think matter even know you still think matter best stranger ive met so something real quick quick promise drink water wait wipe water lips yet look see shine see twinkle glimmer like you even tiniest bit light shine want take life think something billion people earth someone there think perfect love you much imagine much hurt left even seems unlikely assure you someone there love you keep fighting win matter hard is fight storm see rainbow remember that okay good love you stay safe handsomebeautiful ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want locked medicated else besides redflagbeen depressed nearly years tried everything give up im going die dont know else do thats psych drug pushers people threatening lock up anything im missing depressed since divorcedrinkingfailing school time hospitalized weeks getting drunk threatening hang myself depressed ever since never friend isolated alone zero self esteem whole life end first time opened family bad felt everything except suicidal encouraged move home unemployed hated home friends got even worse paid thousands see therapist got temp job quit drinking not ever major issue patient program weeks tried two antidepressants exercised ate better self help books fucking everything sertraline days gave horrible reaction begun hear thoughts night hypnagogia wellbutrin gave tinnitus symptoms still stopping drugs doctor doesnt give shit wanted take try new ones spinning wheel picking random drugs toy sensitive nervous system got accepted college program september got summer job started week eight hour shift work hour rest time even boss smokes makes stupid jokes government job see family weekends im alone every night cottage woods friends fucking depressed despise every way always hate breathing air im losing mind cant handle alone theres one therapist hour radius tried week kind sucks already doesnt listen wants take drugs almost hospitalized me everything feels fucking pointless dont give shit anything cant connect anyone totally hopeless future dont understand people live people kids people work honestly feel like barely anyone happy people trapped biology force live stupid im going keep working manual labour crummy jobs whole life alone forever always feel much shame guilt self hatred man feel sicking breaking back cold barely skimp overpriced gouging economy barely hour going bed wake pointless boring stupid fucking job this dont want alive fact literally thing keeping alive past year dont want destroy family fuck do seriously need big change cant talk anyone shotgun taken ill locked up lose job shamed everyone miss college forcefully injected drugs even could talk anyone anyone wants put everyone drugs it youre treated though youre delusional rejecting treatment give up really want destroy family never wanted here fucking fault get hurt never wanted here least know tried least years good times them thing care about thing feels real yet dont even get along anymore think im better dont talk personal stuff going come shock still ive taken care affairs spot picked out know exactly aim shotgun ill drunk it phone home dad amd gf weekend thats time fill disgusting brain lead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hard convince people death million times better living trans person closeted notim desperate hopeless im pissed spend another day cursed planet cursed body people would feel sad like god damn it could nice easy could peace no wait natural death fault everyone satisfied probably ask increase antidepressants feel less emotional situation make anything better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people always false stereotype buff people assholes judge fat really time come across buff guy gym field etc theyre always extremely nice me also happen people", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want diei think best thing copy paste wrote empty shell person skin bones organs nothing else there except intruder brain soul even know is know long time made brain home cant seem get leave would swap life anyone die want thats going happen biggest obstacle convincing family best wish could lay chemicals body show ones work ones let belive let alone think ever good enough ones convince happiness belong me ones make feel alone room full people love ones make feel detached everything goes front me ones stop feeling ones make think everyone looks criticising every inch body ones keep night fantasising dying cannot see lives better place living it see benefit bring them longer live spiral abyss depression scars show flaws exposed wake up feel like crap alive god cant save please kill me let go mind peace way tomorrow go pharmacy painkillers sell one box go next pharmacy get another know need two last time oded whole pack ended hospital one pack im going try hardest let throw time work really hard finish dissertation friday saturday get hotel room want grandma find me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo guys need write poem need yall help think subject write poem topic choice help im uncreative", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys believe class rings worth itwhy not im junior high school im considering getting class ring im sure theyre worth theyre charging singular ring", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im gonna itive fighting three years now okay month falling apart again want die bad want end soon can im coward ive thinking long time think try kill next week parents home hate myself cant get better me nothing live for everything pointless meaningless future people miss me im sure theyll get it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really realistic sensible movie ramgopal verma stupidity like songs hindi movies class acting nana patekar br br much similarities real encounters", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movies believed chinese ghosts much prettier mischievous western counterparts storylines three chinese ghost films largely identical direction excellent detail colour huge problem always humour integral part film accompanied course great deal mugging encountered chinese ghoststory trilogy yet film offers interesting departure western horrorghost genre have another enjoyable romp chinese ghost world", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel useless spent whole morning trying look good fucking class get cancelled fucking hate luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "close losing itim close ending it im fucking sad depressed feel like failure everything need help messaged therapist like week ago okay never answered dont know do need help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yeah im guy yeah choose female character playing pokemon gamefreak really make choose guy still wear skirts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish would ghostlike damn want see loved ones be", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell parents suicidal thoughtsim thirteen years old im depressed suicidal weird days everythings fine next really bad parents idea ive tried dehydrating thing do feel nothing matters anymore ive felt way months anxiety too im scared tell parents already see sad scared looks faces want tell them want hurt them im afraid theyre going ask bunch questions know answer need advice also please make comments saying feel way things like that get understand im going through hate please last thing need right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well wanted honesty thats say never want let go better way", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone need help essays essay help review charge dirt cheap prices", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "read synopsis messiah television guide prepared store story follows dci metcalfe trying solve case grisly murders taken across london soon realises pattern serial killer loose killing people similar names jobs apostles killings identical matching apostle two part series kept right edge seat metcalfe closely pursuing killer always missing within couple seconds discovering gruesome mess left behind illfated victim messiah sure cause great deal controversy nonetheless greatest piece drama bbc shown long time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "monkey koala im sorrythis might goodbye reason live enough money rent let alone medical bills im starting believe im cut dream career want believe lost love life read messagesletter friday night first time feels like im wearing promise ring dead man feel sick cant eat cant sleep trust me ive tried ive wearing shirt feel encompassing me want parents know happened year rather pleasant last memory me want see either ill write letter mail them tell starcrossed lovers story know best understand news interfere parents ive tried come countless scenarios extended silences trying believe good koala hurt me even though ive hurt ways one couldve imagined koala great person model human future children koala possibly discovering hidden gems delicious foods hometown without me koala classes focus anyway needs save money began question beliefs said continue see her notice two rocks photo sent me go her please take aroma via cibo mahas dying wish wanted call last night could hear two things you love chapter over reason want live fall back asleep last night waking within hours falling asleep puked last night puked morning bed bathroom sink realized more yellow vile liquid stomach empty without side want run away life you person asked marry you albeit lightheartedly person cared loved intensely maybe start new life nomad money life ends result early nothing look forward to imagined future future supported rough times knew even dream career attainable would support plan b c way z met freight member hd walk away let peoples thoughts cloud own have know way know you love you ill wear rings always shirt wore first date seems fitting end full circle love last breath well recreate moment met heaven ill waiting goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant find words this human end took hours writewrote first words accidentally clicked away showed idiot am need get chest anything further go again brings close redflag around months ago girlfriend together like half year broke me cool way caught cheating broke me told sorry wont still together really love would forgive her time attached her dont understand anymore today thats things used be refused left nothing suffer ptsd paranoia baddest times dumb even staying her never serious total fraud dont know even stayed one second took time im done processing yet gets better back also reddit account gained lot support help im thankful for smoking weed also helps lot helps calm down im full high tense energy time hard get clear thoughts im shaky usually get weed friend town weeks ptsd got worse know weed would savior without searching found profile twitter yes twitter guy ive known long time actually real life seen profile couple times personal page real life stuff etc makes lets plays post said selling weed needed dm him dumb addict would give try would never buy way usually dark hole didnt anything dealer wasnt available so thought okay guy seems cool whatever cant bad mean weed heroin meth virtual friend showed profile time ago must cool wrote dm answered pretty fast bought weed worth him let convince pay amazon gift card im idiot know post traumatic stress bad said fuck it lot real life stuff page would scam someone paid send code gave adress real life twitter account wasnt even active anymore time still lot old posts couple days later friend mine offered go watch movie refused stayed home receive package never came wasted much time waiting it didnt receive week asked couple times happened still fully trust believing legit asking asking finally blocked realized got scammed research found scamming people regular sometimes even doxing them threatening stuff like that wanted go police dont know even call person monster opinion also cyber bullying followersfriends terrorizing people online seems like fun lifes bad thing need make others bad well shocked couldnt believe got into person adress knows look knows lot probably since contacted main twitter dont want cant go police get fucked buying weed could seriously lose job here wish bad could go back time dont know guy going infos know im real trouble know reason wanted could fuck life up stupid didnt pay enough attention one single moment felt bad needed weed what fucking paranoia still trusted him feel worthless didnt wanted problems always nice everybody helped others went shop buying worth amazon without even questioning it dont wanted get ptsd didnt ask it didnt want get whore girlfriend leaves back dirt tbh atm dont even want life anymore thats enough im also wasting peoples time reddit long ass textwhen think bastard good time money work hard im full hate would read hed probably laugh pussy crying reddit help wants see suffer whatsoever reaction seems bit harsh know really boiling right now im bad person always tried get everything right good person get finger butthole every single fucking time finna need stand myself something bout it cant life peace anyway people dont want to state making weed illegal dont want to ex gf dont want to boss paying minimum wage dont want to scum like even exist ankles bleeding punched fucking wall want become total asshole like are okay get it cant go life like this ive point thousand times wont happen againbut happened again people shitting me real life since recently even online world fucked like ptsd paranoia simply cant survive person right now dont know haterevenge answer dont want go jail mean life gets fucked everyday die cancer yes cancer joke im psychologically physically ill something needs change want happy im miles away wish human experience feelings life bad realized always people like before right many humans crying edge redflag every half minute someone kills himself feeling helpless treated fair really makes sad dont see know fact ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thank redflag hotline found tonight due mistakes doing cant get financial aid next year school panicked ive never felt like before and still am scared face family especially financial problems parents going through felt control nauseous kept wild thoughts scared know call googled redflag hotline called them want kill myself felt like could hurt myself guy talked calming reassuring still feel shaky got past twisting dark blind panic felt bad calling know issue terrible peoples issues exactly suicidal hotline helped much cesar wherever are thank you got bathroom floor thought going feel insane terrified forever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "better die ruined biosphere starts killing us offto billionaires run canada america rest world giving ultimatum cease operations make efforts give wealth property days numbered know are addresses properties distributed locations homes masses learn give wealth good humanity lives earth rest days numbered spent run living fear ampxb ill either dead imprisoned tomorrow this necessary evil capitalism needs die ampxb hanging myself react deadly force towards anyone attempts restrain prevent redflag ampxb cry attention threat back off cure narcissism materialism actually fucking fight world worth living for ampxb im going end life today tomorrow hanging myself psych wards already destroyed life im ready go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "call stupid going use wrong form youryoure", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homies smash passed titanic victims httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvssjxvezxvm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else see like porn someone rly sexy u cant get hard nut them theyre still rly like filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today first therspy session weeks therapist seemed really concerned suicidal ideationi telling feel like theres real reason anything even bother living squints says so suicidal ideation lately started panic internally might institutionalized", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting older feels bad man friends started last year elementary school already week since weve seen first time summer brake found everyone feels same wont enjoy school trips boys fun anytime want children live calmly care nothing yeah children feel empty kind sad figuring out turning isnt far awayyou considered adult age country dont know handle rn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats race yes nascar race seven quintillion seven hundred seventyseven quadrillion seven hundred seventyseven trillion seven hundred seventyseven billion seven hundred seventyseven million seven hundred seventyseven thousand seven hundred seventyseven", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "do someone talk think actually going end tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "second two filmed hamlets nineties first franco zeffirellis starring mel gibson zeffirellis version like laurence oliviers based upon abridged version play much shakespeares original text cut i never seen tony richardsons version ran less two hours shorter even zeffirellis presume also abridged kenneth branagh attempting something much ambitious film based complete text play running time around four hoursbr br with henry v branagh claimed oliviers crown cinemas leading shakespearean confirming claim brilliant much ado nothing rare example great film based shakespeare comedy hamlet third shakespeare film director he also acted iago oliver parkers othello and one might expect different much ado earlier film shot villa hills tuscany beautiful surrounding countryside joyous summertime film everything makes life worth livingbr br hamlet contrast set depths winter the flowers description ophelias death suggest shakespeare thought action happening summer look film particularly striking sumptuous chilly filmed blenheim palace possibly englands grandiose stately home also rather forbidding one snowy exterior scenes cold wintry interior ones formal elaborate action updated mid nineteenth century female characters wear elaborate fashions era principal male ones mostly wear splendid military uniforms there contrast zeffirellis film interiors costumes deliberately subdued tone play dominated images corruption decay branaghs intention may contrast splendid surface underlying something rotten state denmarkbr br the film notable large number bigname actors minor roles blink might miss john gieldgud judi dench apparently allstar cast required production company nervous fourhour film imported hollywood stars robin williams osric really come off others like charlton hestons player king billy crystals first gravedigger played parts well yorick normally seen skull seen flashback played british comedian ken dodd brian blessed often plays jovial characters cast type ghost makes scenes appears genuinely frighteningbr br of major characters perhaps weakest kate winslets ophelia branaghs leading lady first two shakespeare films wife emma thompson marriage ended divorce did however find wishing thompson cast role although winslet came ophelias mad scenes seemed weak earlier ones character still sane i preferred helena bonham carter zeffirellis version richard briers plays polonius greater dignity often given wise experienced counsellor rather prating old fool julie christie also brings dignity role gertrude attempt here gibson glenn close zeffirelli version suggest incestuous attachment hamlet an interpretation owes freud shakespeare age difference christie branagh great enough credible mother son certainly case close gibson oliviers gertrude eileen herlie was bizarrely thirteen years younger himbr br branagh stated intention restoring scenes often cut cinematic versions reinforce idea play national well domestic tragedy much stress placed upon war norway norwegian prince fortinbras subplot ignored altogether zeffirelli emphasis national tragedy perhaps best shown character claudius sometimes played onedimensional villain something derek jacobis performance suggests claudius could good man different circumstances allowed led astray ambition lust could good loyal servant brother chose rule bad king although tormented guilt see way make amends evil donebr br branagh wonderfully fluent speaker shakespeares verse superb main role like gibson little time old concept hamlet indecisive passive melancholy active physical energetic hamlet something best shown fatal duel laertes guiding principle worldweary despair active disgust evil corruptionbr br it gamble branagh make fourhour epic film well box office was however praised many critics james berardinelli particularly enthusiastic opinion that whatever financial returns may been branaghs gamble paid artistic terms concentrating full text able bring full meaning full emotional power shakespeares complex play reviewed much ado said greatest ever film shakespeare comedy hamlet may greatest ever film shakespeare tragedy ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "methodsjust purely theoretic discussion easiest ways out would prefered way least impact family least destruction body course purely theoretical", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make poll add polls rteenagers oh wait", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo biden fuckingdnjdfj fucker deadass said p e r im fukin dyingbtgtfdcexezwxtbgb", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "common problem see often recently ive seeing lot posts comments saying much people hate subreddit gone complete shit anything along lines dont like something going change leave ignore it change want see whether thats real world online dont afraid voice opinion youre likely one said thoughts opinions stay hydrated homies", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone talk toim musician sort of halfway finished degree jazz studies kitchen work gig living last year gotten many gigs im extremely lonely im good socializing im ugly im pretty weird easy talk to hard look people eye get really anxious anybody talk to person really gets ex girlfriend cant expect me im codependent mother abusive hit lot screamed everyday moved out im afraid feel neurotic week broke screamed direct supervisor work feel extremely condescending toxic blames coworkers mistakes me hes passive aggressive confront anyone directly reason im scapegoat called showing minutes late everyday yet complaining morning prep getting done training new employees expecting it generally applying standards sets himself feel close breaking know people jump death always change mind right jump logically see that im nearly thirty entire life awful something huge blocking emotionally know fix it feel like crying im tired time really need help know ask ask sorry wall", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fyckkkkkkk im home alone homework fucking hear someone breathe behind me think im going crazy lol byeee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "downvote post wanna know many downvotes get please filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "person pissed floor red robin last night fuck know kid teenager grown ass man sir ever come see post know you male peed floor times pm pm last night ended stepping on go hell wearing flip flops shit splashed like puddle hope step piss thousand times burning hell everyone pee floor red robin last night hope fantastic day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone explain overdoseare like redflag pills everything overdose going give liver failures ect type pills overdose", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbyethanks redditor who shouls named helped find best way cut die everything ready redflag note pills also knife goodbye might remove somehow surive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tums u much acid gut something many ad vibes brain mean theres drugs alcohol that sadly im clean boi music gonna best ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone like fat lumpy dumpy plump double decker patty wacking boy booty cause favorite thing gonna", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "harry potter spells existed would use obliviate loved ones memories you disappear somewhere instead dyingfor know obliviate forgetfulness charm harry potter universe erase particular memories someone else perhaps would use erase trauma try live happily use someone else die anyway mourn death stranger im curious", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need helpi never felt crippling depression hard since lost job february alcohol helped first couple weeks became norm hate myself alienated every loved one live alone last two days even left bed want hurt know long last world feels like heavy concrete slab feel like paved it nowhere turn idea do please help me want kill scared immediate future", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie the falcon snowman showing christopher boyce around complex satellite background actual ryholite satellite space trw allowed interior shots trw also allowed interior exterior shots one original star trek tv series the episode one spock goes blind string satellite lights activated kill aliens christopher escaped jail lompock featured americas wanted drinking bar show aired said hey thats me needless say captured transfered maximum security jail", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok drawings would yall buy see theyd low quality would help improve drawing skills make better art", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anything remotely confrontational causes dissociate reality threaten take lifesomeone gets red faced angry directs words get hot feeling head feeling irrational desire kill defy feel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost rent bad comments anywaysi thought similar darkness falls also liked part hated tooth ferry red neck brothers gas stationthey funny dialog made laugh comedy ruined movie bit unnecessarythe rest movie way horror suspense film be makeup good seen way worse movies one simple story believable actingits scariest goriest movie ticked wanting refund watching it dvd previews movies look good im gonna check out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "top successful communist countries thanks reading till end flaps away", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "threw life away abusive mentally ill man nothing see reason continuetwo years ago making year rented lovely apartment life great except depressed lonely bored decided treat extravagant three week holiday hawaii met man spent whole weekend together pretty fantastic though quite red flags went him chose ignore thinking vacation fling fast forward two years thought met someone loved me met disturbed mentally ill alcoholic controlling emotionally abusive addicted codependant quit excellent secure well paying job moment dilusion thinking going move hawaii get married finally broke february take anymore unemployed soon homeless june th able pay rent anymore best friends longer want friends completely hopeless life worth living think redflag often im years old single skills education im currently going counselling last money helping every job ive ever done ive hated every single minute even good one want work want anything want lie hole wait die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure okaydisclaimer think want kill myself im tired struggling force mundane tasks im tired going sleep feeling nothing next day look forward to im tired convincing make better journal get lots sleep study hard exercise things pick up im tired convincing every day smoke little weed take tiny sip vodka feel better able relax function like normal productive member society im tired feeling nothing enough im tired feeling guilty whenever try relax always something improve chances getting job list goes on im tired thanks coming ted talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stop drinking time want stopi lost best friend reality had talked family long time interest reconnect messy childhood friends think made codependent first week long time text theres one im looking new friend no anyway ex best friend said want friend anymore much piece shit become drink said verbally abusive see am get drunk sometimes hate almost much hate myself hate life choices im always bad guy feel like better met her time different way better now like emotionally better image lifestyle better now feel im ranting im sorry know ive felt hopeless before ive never lonely before feeling mean ive driven across many state city town village before alone ive never truly alone maybe thats im writing post feel alone know ampxb want kill myself time dont thats fear comes next im scared process no want quick gun ive never fan them im highest floor apartment think jump kill me luxury crashing car going hope car hits me might survive that want quick way out one alcohol maybe ill get courage figure way out ampxb sorry waste time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "simp girls simp ill even love back", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know want die whenive chosen specific bridge want end life ive visiting every days past months standing looking spot body lay peace usually smoke listen music standing hours sometimes dont know ill finally it maybe next week next month maybe even tomorrow idk keep letter bag case decide impulsively one day dont know im waiting tbh wish could grow pair get with", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every single time gets better drops much worse before fim tired hearing gets better does gets so much worse im sick feeling okay feeling human once feeling like maybe actually this maybe ive overcome this give week maybe months im shrouded darkness more hurts fucking much before im tired suffering im tired getting better im tired suffering again time much painful last im tired feeling comfortable im tired feeling fucking human wake stripped away again almost four years since first redflag attempt sometimes look back think wow ive come far agonizing sadness comes back realized ive sunk in im exhausted im tired fighting this ive therapy four years nothing helped im begging help id anything make go away know help exist people like me sadness utterly consuming throw pills it try cbt dbt interpersonal residentials psych wards inpatient outpatient resilient wonder stop trying mend cracks wounds maybe born broken unfixable truly truly wretched want anymore want live want fight ive given up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stop itstop telling im making everything head im swear swear god next person says fucking punished punished im tired reaching help getting shit shit want tell im faking fuck im go away attention seeker lost cause waist air space things im told fucking hate fucking hate it cant normal little girl doesnt look around every couple minues hear someone calling name poking something crawling leg cant normal sad angry angry sometimes nooooooo start saying something thats wrong fucking lie im sick sick it dont kill already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel empty regret cancelling therapist matter tell know mistake idek even undo mistake", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wonder im person intentionally tries eat deathim sure right place post this im guy early s think around lbs ive suicidal least extent since maybe remember really life always sucked growing violent parents violent way society support nothing special problems school adult problems internal alone world always been fucked head care anything enjoy little so guess started joke maybe ive fan eating since age so fat since guess th grade weight lower s early s said something wanting die heart attack joking im coming elizabeth da bears last words point decided wanted eat junk food killed me honestly think id live long im scared cut wrist take pills part fear is im agnostic find blasphemous humor particularly amusing im good person ive lived society tell ya hell bullshit part believes it maybe part looks bad guy behind shower curtain get pee night me im funny make light anything think im serious honest still alive getting worse mentally neglecting ones health decade predictable results see coming comfortable carrying around legs hurt tired time junk squished pubic fat thigh fat expensive eating habits impossible find fitting pants offline etc ugly disgusting looking thing added benefit better excuse seeking impossible romantic attachment utterly fucked head am low opinion people eager become find spot back knife would fit best like idea fatal heart attack sudden unpredictable over like pressure actually pulling trigger taking pills taken hands put onto something almost like chance mean like one redflag pill taking would hard cyanide pill placebos mixed real good took one pill day thats easy right instead pill tasty burgers lunch another dinner even so think options continue see long last unless worsening depression drives take direct action cant turn back theres nothing world one trust talk to ive finally admitted sweet lies told cheer lies redacted cant seek therapy trust therapists least honorable professions charge hundreds dollars hour make feel better id rather die talk redacted damage ive done body hard work self denial surgeries dental work plastic surgery would take make normal serve convenient burnt bridge know anyone read this doubt could help wanted to think feel little better writing down least talk strangers respond getting offended would dare try hurt feelings hurt every single day poor babies", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fantasies never realyou ever see movie think yourselfdamn wish could person life full meaning adventure look real world see nothing empty boring life within it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "welp lost day duolingo streak im sad duo send notif smt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worthlessim hot kid probably autistic mess still probably i never confirmed whether im not im social pariah lost two relationships got fired one job quit other cant graduate due inability fulfill might even fail semester hate family trust friends want quit travel aokigahara put misery im sure keep going really", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "forget samarasadako jasonbr br horror new name granny plot simple efficient actors good two thumbs michelle killer dialogs even quite clever beginning end action leave breathless cant escape it blood awful murders funny moments sense perversity goes far beyond rule deja vu surely granny another slash movie truly classic own deserves success theres even success come rerelease congrats", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "interested relationship makes weird guy seriously dont want relationship trust issues insecurities know good relationship im really interested those people see weird guy yeah im strict family kind relationship thats relationship thank", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honest scale horny rn dont lie plus nobody judge", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fcuk school thats math exam last week wednesday like students took exam got canceled apparently teacher gave homework students apparently kind questions thats whole th grade students going exam tomorrow forgot things knew sooo thats all nice right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gave time limit time feel better nowi started issues depression suicidal thoughts around read lot online stuff time told temporary problem life changes get better logical little middle schooler told redflag make sense unless feeling way life im feel better time up came first time clicked if feeling suicidal now please read this link side page saw exact page makes feel like getting better never going happen stop trying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna go little road trip wildfires arebring rope get lost somewhere ever found", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im completely unloved worthlessnobody loves would care died matter do people like around me even cat hates me tried hold bit nipple bleeding even care want jump bridge sleep forever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im dying cause forced speak teams video call thing teacher like say morning mairead went morning mairead im dying", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupidi dont enjoy myself im depressed im lonely im full regret im hopeless romantic hate am know talk tp people know funciton like normal human being im scared try new things im afraid put there stay invisible cycle drunk ease whats point anymore itll forever might well put bullet skull paint wall beautiful red mural", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad weird ask girlfriend cup something girls girls ask want know would care would tell them cause conversation would like know ur opinions", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please clear skin bad acne dark acne scars hyperpigmentation im black go away whenever see father scars first thing points out embarrassing especially even notice time people quick remind ive tried many things seem never work whats worse im always optimistic hopeful new skincare routine inevitably work feel like idiot even insecure before also hate pretty girls flawless skin complain one minuscule pimple cheek something smile nod like skin look like bubble wrap", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ned kelly wonderfully made australian film honouring true australian hero taken world ned best friend joe byrne members kelly gang film explains perhaps justifies neds actionsbr br there exceptional cast present give stellar performances brings film life great job heath orlando bloom fantastic joe playing role quiet loyal ladiesman well swept moment moment almost believed gang would win battle glenrowan alas bebr br some aspects film fictional avid ned kelly fan and supporter slightly disappointed this perhaps also film couldve gone longer cover kelly gangsneds life felt enough coveredbr br regardless flaws moving film stirs sorts emotions and hey id assume film would better watch rather mick jagger trying portray ned", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone keep telling express feel dont know myselfim tired cant look least sad else ill get usual say feel sharing make better stuff no wont share cant dont know words im exhausted bother wouldnt better disappeared dont understand keep enduring painful task living is love never worked me family disappoint anyway friends annoy whining always say express im feeling support whatever doesnt even matter many times say dont know feel something cant describe least accurately hate ask elaborate try avail stuff tiring exhausts too want get shit time dont find so id like go enjoy normal things like everyone does id rather stay inside tried times end it cant it im even good enough it ive sh free almost year now yet miss badly euphoria blood running arms dont know ive made far just end this please dont know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "urge diehello st post channel english good always urge redflag even feel happy like done well test thought always mind randomly appears im hanging friend eating homework happens mood drops quickly minutes recovers im really tired this im scare one day pushs end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gonna listen whole album right now one sitting not going tpab filler filler filler filler gshshsbsbsbsbsbsnehehsh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dangerous decisionso im huge pc nerd ordered ft ethernet cable would faster internet run pc room router im scared might get desperate try hang self it cancel order", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush agreed go omg im happy sike thought another one annoying posts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate muchi hate everyday im really biggest piece shit earth doubt it really dont know continue living aims life really nothing look forward anymore honestly thing prevents im way scared im failure wouldnt loss society anyone else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "self hatei feel bad lot recently feel bad get intense thoughts cant get head like hearing someone say die kill again tried hang pussied hate much it im recently split partner years feel never find someone else great girlfriend ruined all shes moving country now cant stand here feel like cant handle good thingsi dont deserve them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok school sent email online classes dot number four problems internet please mail school email adress way monitor absence someone teach people please xd cant fucking send email without internet ye xddd im dying stupid guy thought good idea ohhhh im dead xd", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know volkswagen put lambo v audi s like im gonna need find one convince dad get car horsepower supercar engine", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would feeling really good lately meds effective interpersonal group therapy cbt course everything well managed woke yesterday morning could get bed spent yesterday sleepingcuddling dog still feeling like crap today like could burst tears moment trying spiral work cannot make stop feeling like lonely worthless pathetic loser wondering point living kind life constant fighting exhaustingand cannot figured triggered me hit like slap facebeen dealing shit years give take never gets easieri really sure posting this think want feel little less lonely showed nowhere", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymore able go like thisi even know say here absolutely destroyed now even know start absolutely nothing right genuinely feel like dying now seen family years due political reasons away wife whos one stop killing myself poor literally choose days week eat on cant get job due country rules live in stuck clinical depression able afford real help friends whatsoever completely destroyed tried everything tried making fiverr get money mental illness tried borrowing people know ever tried gofundme nothing working out honestly cant go much longer need help know find it literally cant find reason stay alive anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "giving upim point care anymore im twenties broke make own cant live home situation toxic job rent greater paycheck license car commute work bus desperately want place want happy safe matter what ill never it im stupid get good job one pays decent salary degree im skilled im competent enough cant take this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m im first relationship f want great boyfriend okay long distance yes real friends first became kinda where long hall fit together like puzzle pieces want advice good boyfriend make work bettertldr good boyfriend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im probably going die soon due something anyway hypochondriaforeveralone ready go hell give fuck life anyway ill let know hot hell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad luckthis first post reddit ever ive many concussions resulting different sports also bad luck cant really complain life had pretty much straight as building engineering large group friends family supportive loving good relationship girlfriend financially im ease thing is keep getting head injuries worst ways possible got one months ago seventh oneafter it period dark thoughts cause seemed like never healing love sports anything them even hang friends without getting headaches neck pain last week first time actually felt like getting better much so decided go pick nicking friends today arrived park go struck head frisbee dumb seems impact made lose consciousness finally got back apartment concussion symptoms back seems every time starts getting better everything goes back shit feel like strength left go trough recovery again university starts tomorrow im fucking scared able concentraee feel helpless like im endless cycle shit goes bad time start seeing hope almost like life wants myself sorry long post much anger rage sadness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna live anymore life senseless please change mindhello created reddit account sake post january diagnosed borderline personality disorder taking toll me go therapy coronavirus outbreak whenever mother arguments im always wrong one always keeps top take things anymore want die prolonging time die senseless well die future anyway whats point living really get raised parents what compete others using learned skills knowledge compete best resources available try gain much experiences relationships achievements knowledge satisfaction end die anyway humans worthless selfish pieces crap ever really compete resources even see global warming result selfish deeds competing resources species animal kingdom that humans well known compete humans too iq skills climb hierarchy acquire financial relationship status gain self esteem iq skills stay ladder live worst life possible none low financial relationship status gain least esteem fucking brain hormonal differences world mad stress senseless selfish deeds end well die anyway letting emotional physical pains insecurities anxieties fears death stay sides end well die anyway say prolonging time left final line death senseless please change mind using nonreligious views believe god", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today marks month since broke one single day wake thinking her incredibly sorry things went depression lack motivation ruined relationship light heart went lot support me never got tired me never things got progressively harder harder situation unbearable decided broke better miss her miss fucking much love think ever stop loving here worst part know also loves or used to cannot stand thought knowing hurt person love most want her past weeks incredibly taxing me works shit feel miserable person used relax enjoy fault feel empty void slowly eating inside lights life consumed nothing darkness bittersweet taste had know cope that currently going therapy stopped drinking promised would fall old habits hard want anything want her want make happy again make laugh one last timesorry anything wrongly written english main language miss much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats pointwhat point living keep going every day dont want anymore dont see anymore imagine future doesnt bring joy makes dread living hundreds days imagine used dream job could care less anymore hobbies mean nothing me weeks behind schoolwork finals starting monday dont see point anymore everything feels miserable", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal ideation gives hopeit relieves burden me like im sad frustrated annoyed think myself itll soon feel lot better anyone else this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "industry dropped ball this trailer movie justice opened hand full screens people opportunity see this work mouth would made successful lead actresses give great emotional performances really draw story especially characters checked based rave recommendation richard roeper ebert roeper book example great film never got fully released except screens gave chance seen movies go video quickly good oscar worthy tragedy many levels never even hear it maybe via word mouth gain following dvd cable see movie should great performances lead actresses make movie could another formulaic teen movie school special instead stands well note worthy films girl interrupted comes mind like like this br br both girls one amazing emotional scene another without coming melodramatic even though alicia angry deanna crying movie done real way come stereotypical characters melodramatic movie move many scenes aspiring actor use real performances school erica even better traffic hope actors get roles utilize talents well let shine see movie like recommend friends get lost among blockbuster crap comes every year movie buried spiderman tops records kind word living in aghhh make world right see recommend it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom doctors told weeks pregnant today wish luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello fellow users whiteboard shall creating specific whiteboard tuesday thursday week irregularly create whiteboard weekends yeah got meme corner art corner hope hear think it have funhttpsrwhiteboardfoxcom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "blah test blah blah hmmm yes blah blah ok bye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall please stop upvoting slept crushs house crush said yes posts please stop upvoting shit one things theyre hopping bandwagon obviously karma whoring even day true middle fucking pandemic sleeping someones house people dying anyway thats rant please stop shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dream one day theres gonna equivalent rickrolling intro cutsceen skyrim mean already frequently used might well eachother joke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one traumatising days whileso yeah ate battery dumbass move fizz told mum went aampe yet dumbass absconded sat field hour sobbing eyes police came got took back hospital spent hours majors department trying determine whether needed surgery not almost got sent hospital hours away specialist surgery ended needing yet hopefully all got spend least hrs ward im medically fit go back mental hospital im stupid thinking through left note inpatient shit feel stupid using viable enough method", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want bit time thoughtsdear sw first would like thank clicking listening random strangers troubles now let us get point feeling borderline suicidal apathetic suicidal care life ends soon part want end myself unless feel like choice pain unbearable feeling way girl broke past year ended hopefully enough suffice although two months passed feel still last week while relative progress forced move on cant help grow weary period progress know turn family distant speak much friends helpful all feel like problems nearby easy possible meet up option call told im feeling terrible call whenever talk however majority time pick up do say busy call back never do makes whatever im feeling worse reluctant call anybody case make feel worse result whenever call them talk bit make false promises hang up feel like completely forgotten me course feel like life cannot help wonder would situation me friend need would take situation like seriously say anything intend do know sometimes things slip peoples minds me seems like really dont care issue slip many times nowhere go help myself tried whatever daily life requires everyday extremely disheartening awake memories past fall asleep thinking memories past well even dreams take back past find part problem find many activities fun happy know want find someone love loves back together happy understand happen anytime soon probably see everyone around happy carefree wonder cannot like them furthers hole told try make friends meet new people enjoy small talk like parties anything superficial simply enjoy process sifting hundreds people pretend like reality dont give crap you care interacting you like current friends shown losing motivation fast past weeks im thinking redflag sorry wall text im asking anyone cares least pretends care perhaps give different view words support anything else think help edit thanks replies helpful advice read look tomorrow calling day now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kissed girl years im proud myself hahaha gotem seriously virginity cool stay cool dudes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actually dbt bad therapy depressionmy therapists response i wish could die without affecting anyone else well thats impossible course people love would miss you would miss you would devastating seems little short guilt tripping say totally ineffective kind expected dbt intensive therapist dbt assume greatest motivation positive attention totally leverages therapuetic relationship like means anything else world like sorry ok all therapist even know you self harm officially unamed unacceptable punnishable hours contactno phone coaching phone coaching thing theyre supposed try get use instead trying again kill yourself somebodys desperate theyre selfharming possibly intent kill totally fix leveraging need continued attention need feel better cost love god assumption someone really wants attention anything get good presenting asymptomatic bad symptomatic theyll stop self harming attempting redflag being symptomatic cannot manipulate suicidal thats works came dbt robust empirically proven form therapy supposedly heavyduty industrial strength whatever supposedly perfect severely depressed chronically suicidal people thats came for im sure im getting assumes people illogical attentionmotivated children else im mastermind genius find pretty insulting what get gold star day without selfharm too know lets go full behaviorism token economy s im studying psychology neuroscience shit jive ive taught expect dbt im disappointed really flat salty full jargon hardly begin parse out therapist says need work committment living like proper noun something oh mindfulness cure everything including misery existence like mindfulness actually kind hate it deep breathing bullshit too work like toolkit like therapy hate life treatment resistant depressive nothing works even little", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go get dsdswii older console start playing games right now seriously go play something it youll blast time probably best era nintendo games especially super mario galaxy series soundtrack gold dont these feel bad you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurting inside know going stop tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie the stupid comedy year quite possibly best thing mike judge since office space mike judge fan enjoy shows like futurama grave disservice skipping little known limited release although dvd touts bonus features film certainly funny enough make perceived lack valuebr br this movie army grunt name joe bowers played luke wilson part top secret army experiment designed preserve army personnel peace time thawed war time fight country however things take interesting turn general charge operation busted prostitution ring experiment forgotten bowers sidekick rita played maya rudolph find awake year course natural selection population america grown increasingly stupid joe rita find way time machine get back year help frito played dax shepardbr br what really enjoyed movie mike judges comedic satire course us history last years mankind progresses subsequent years evidenced advertising movie become staple american culture shows like south park mainstream media easy see conclusions could drawn future profanity become marketing tool portrayed film humorously subtle things fuddruckers changing name buttfers billboard displays advertisement if smoke tarryltons f you also cannot stop laughing carls jrs role future slogan f you im eating automated kiosks selfadvertising extra biga tacos with molecules film contained everything go movies for excellent sharp witty comedy well engrossing plot make dvd one ages warned however fan mike judge care beavis butthead sense humor movie probably good match you otherwise would say probably funniest movie come mean ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "death dateyesterday marked years since boyfriend killed motorcycle accident always bad day me however usually friends things keep mind occupied good times year different cut ties toxic friend group cut good maybe people life also close exroommates theyre things one friend lives miles away dealing problems person left friend released jail addicted heroin spent day alone planned would end life could death date boyfriend go see one time went grave smoked cigarette playing free bird thats noticed blue jay nearby hed fly closer watch fly another location near watch entire minute song one convince wasnt him know would want live dont see point living anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "minecraft ps players hear attempting create role play series map much construction dont many ideas need group people help help series ps film right ps since way please help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "read thisim going say want kill myself leaves open help want help anymore friends find difficult combat arguments redflag logical are friends know better anybody im going believe correct actions either way leaving family police somebody find know happened me mostly method traditional people im grabbing one bottle water im walking woods going walk longer physically walk sit woods wait starve die thirst truly want die let die painful comparison rest life nothing flick nose peaceful embrace nice afterlife also interesting family im sorry one year grief cause this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw film two years ago cinema fell love dark tale two brooding teenage sisters coping home large country house father stepmother relationship stepmother strained say least stepmother appearing increasingly becoming unstable battles younger girls film though slants oriental style ghost effects horror adds strange unsettling aspect story first viewing clear intriguingbr br the direction incredibly good acting stunning stepmother particular incredibly good swinging one mood style another film large house adds eeriness enough points film jump seat film clearly shows korean cinema possibly best original world moment simply get anything like western world sadlyand really see influential film makers around world next decadebr br highly recommended viewing opinion real joy scare", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homeworks problems a b a b c d e f a b c d a b c a b c d e f g h i", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one last chanceim giving one last chance weekend im asking girl get im finally ending it ive given life while need last push end it getting need", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spent hour shower cos didnt wanna go online lesson people anyway even awkward hopped", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go whole story basic details year old guy homeowner years current career career job homeowner creative person new firsttime father since experienced depressive episodes severe depressive symptoms gotten worse gotten older taken responsibility burned people repress heartdesires live fulfilling life travel take risks etc done less conventional things like therapy tried multiple drugs even yearlong clinical trial experimental drug treatmentresistant depression etc while able travel weeks winters three winters row probably happiest years despite good things happening life lately tend always dwell really negative things trauma experienced devalue discard manipulation cruelty others sense worthlessness morose sense nothing really matters forgotten one day last years really really struggling finally find something works suicidal ideation less always there different intensities volumes depending happening feeling lot live right want part daughters life much success mood drugs talking primary care doctor seeing psychologist etc feel like almost something dramatic like check somewhere order get proper diagnosis treatment plan finally taken seriously always afraid costs possible intervention policeauthorities point lived like long cannot imagine living another years like this hate major depression viewed weakness chronic condition kill people anyone else done this peoples experiences like hospitalization inpatient treatment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired dependent dadim f live dad work job merchandising company got me hate job offers challenge reward cant accepted people got situation first place worthless degree gets laugh whenever tell people it stupid im feeling consequences spend several hours library looking solutions every night cry sleep wanting die sexistcontrol thing everything wrong life entirely fault im burden dad every night hold bottle pills wanting end it hed relieved deal anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like might wrong place ask cannot find answer anywhere online zopiclone alcohol lethal combination", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie needs come dvd cause thats way buy it thought soo funny real plot it suppose oscar winning film appreciate films cary elwes cute robin hood cant even think favorite part movie pretty good anyways peace out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still quite sure tell feel worried ruining friendship saved life wish feel way honestly frustrated vent here started developing feelings girl talked suicide", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "horny af guy brown hair brown eyes football player girls wanna come sext", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best friend started dating exhe really felt like the one breakup came nowhere never even gave explanation why im still him feel broken worst break ive ever through dealing hard enough broke two weeks ago now best friend dating him know whats happening know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "big brain time gtif beat chess game smart stupid", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorryim sorry everyone reading this im sorry dad im sorry ted im sorry even you mom love you amy know miss all plan tonight hour makes happy knowing everyone know better without me im sorry pain much love you amy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want take clonopinim sure exactly whats going brain right feel awful went walk couldnt stop thinking walking onto freeway think need get shit chest girl love dating someone else every time hear name like new dagger gut keep looking mirror trying figure doesnt want anymore acne break out new haircut enough cant okay me keep trying everyone wants expects doesnt work hate contributing member society want anarchist poet morocco shooting heroin fucking prostitutes life pretty shit goals people expect reach sort percepted potential theyve set feel need want know im broken im bent need straightening whether thats close brush death maybe need go skydiving something get thoughts head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo wtf feel sad best friend sent post like little things make little bit less sad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "miss someone miss someone isnt valentines day post anything fact nice evening watching movie friends miss someone much cant go day without thinking them probably paranoid im scared ill never see again evidence suggests im wrong cant trust calm down every day think them voice smile everything rough five weeks us want safe safe themself cant them could would holding goof arms never letting go late im going sleep now goodnight miss you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want someone talk mi always anxiety depression recently getting suicidal gf left im honest dontdidnt think anyone doeswill love me dated around year half blue sent text saying over tried talk told gonna end dead asked help shes mad person love much say things said feel crushed looking redflag methods year now always thought comforting could stop pain but think im thinking almost time guess im looking reason get edge im scared death cant stand another day trying trying nothing want problem anymore clear talked mom person imagine caring little told minutes much hate want stop talked getting help forgot it think again draining tell nothing know im another kid maybe going resolve time cannot stress much want way out searching moms gun find night want someone talk much trouble thanks time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go here im last year teenaging got know go here s subreddit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "needed something go righti rough past everyone life friends lovers left me im completely alone past hours ive self harmed ever im done disposable everyone one wants me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know survive todaysorry cryptic cant think clearly anymore im tired im exhausted try try try get nothing sister found account got scared off strangers care does wanted distraction refuses come over im tired humiliating people dont care me tried seen accommodative one helpful one accommodation need it help need thats where feel helpless helpless hopeless dont know whats point anymore cant really think clearly anymore want everything already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know anymoreim lost ive turned here dont know im asking for help support dont know anymore im much coward kill myself im also numb lost anything else cant get anything fucking hate it turned senior highschool alright before going top seats highschool president honor society got raped another student highschool school pretty much ignored life gone pretty downhill there mother immigration issues almost got deported already depression self harmed since young abusive father issues dont know im saying know shouldnt need validate sadness dont understand havent able get better anymore mother always acts like act get going school dont understand would purposely fuck life like this dont want like this redflag attempt september since then feel like things gotten worse dont know anymore want end know things need do like schoolwork laundry life general fucking life me cant get anything fucking hate myself dont know anymore want die wont amount anything anymore point dont really friends theyre sick tired depressed missing school dont really know im asking for maybe somewhere rant feel like im prolonging inevitable let die already edit ive missing much school partly flu partly depression im scared wont even able pass classes point im still ap classes even though know theyve adding onto anxiety know care trying fix missinf work shit graduate feel empty numb im lost dont know anymore feel like dying im much coward yet everyday im messing more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck isnt surgerymedicine free us funded entirely government like wtf fund police fire department military science much shit healthcare probably could save lives combined like mental health care surgery prescriptions rehabilitation free paid taxes to extent dont want pay melanias millionth plastic surgery anything like that duty government protect people letting people die theyd rather get buried six feet call cab cant pay infuckingsane idk countries tho really talking us", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finish cyberpunk im gonnapullthe pluglelelleleleleleel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uncle told shoot himself drunk dohis wife died recently depressed it drinks sleep every night hitting sauce extra hard since aunt died lives now see much drinks visit owns handgun self defense quote him i burn house shoot myself like dad scares shit me im also depressed point redflag know tell family member remember saying it really drunk serious says sorts shit drinks know take seriously not tell anyone it able live guilt please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im drowning selfloathingim fucking stupid ridiculous literally intelligent thought process goes head given time cant well exams fucking basic even monkey them everyone fucking thinks shit easy dont think makes stupid im god damn stupid im blight upon humanity deserve die hate stupid anyone put misery wish one ever believed keep disappointing people realise im really loser life everyone thinks smart actually biggest fucking piece shit ever sully earth someone please help feel like hyperventilating fucking time think im going die soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkim fuckinng hopless ugly wanna die fucking bad please need someone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking tying something around neck bedthis seems like peaceful way go honestly actually hanging seems painful shooting would gruesome someone find body laying bed air conditioner watching tv slowly going unconscious seems almost peaceful", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "birthday birthday brag whatever karma whore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay im bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "antichrist rteenagers serve opposite megathiccc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really struggling want hold tell alright know continue without you forever life yours want anymore never wanted think called life helped make bareable lowest life soul life shattered see way darkness need hold tell ok please cannot stop thinking hurting myself hard breathe", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired trying anymorei know start im struggling mom ptsd several mental health issues feel like cant reach help state ive using marijuana help ptsd flashbacks anxiety husband great guy were stagnant bedroom hes stopped helping around house kitchen mess also huge trigger me step father would beat shit dishes cleaning fast enough later evening would sexually abused him im done everything im good enough parent kid im good enough spouse christmas going happen year year old even sure well able pay rent electric bills point break kid year heart surgery im stressed yell time makes feel shitty end it family would happier without me get survivors benefits ss", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everybody seems want something cant anything wellbeinganybody else feeling like that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "often years pass look back see stars truly stars french film critic whose name escapes me said there garbo dietrich louise brooks is thank heavens louise brooks third european masterpieces also exceptional film one the first french talkie following script written famed ren clair reportedly finished the direction is georg pabst incorporating voice edith piaf well known much talent working film turn masterpiece thats film is shame louise brooks blackballed hollywood came back statesso much talent cast arrogantly wayside film addition getting watch louise brooks action great see pictures paris ca hear piafs young voice never get tired film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "better die lose morality need help im point im ready fullheartedly prepared commit redflag planned every detail need im stuck time passes worse feel want die so knows this know do im trying think affect cant even think straight background life never good lot disorders mental illnesses caused trauma born with hard time living life constantly feel like dying old home dangerous new home religious beliefs conflict identity im uncomfortable am theres therapist psychiatrist theyre supposed help think im insane others say im fake liar never even understand myself find trying die lot also realized years become destructive agitated aggressive ive started thinking killing more become something think normally end hurting people lot mean to basically im becoming like parents want like keep failing changing days plan end life days make final decision know best path take die thats metheres nothing left existence everything would gone suffer anything live ill become like them ill continue falling apart someday able resist shitty thoughts anymore know ill act someday know do help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day posting get girlfriend ill add interest day cooking minecraft elder scrolls napping big bagg theorythe show scientific theory learning computers fallout games random conversations", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "successfully made rick roll unfunny congrats actually revived yall murdered using constantly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drug death things going get betteri know nobody cares fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im genius im ask crush big brain way first im gonna tell im gonna need advice ask someone out im gonna play along advice stuff actually use advice ask way says it profit hopefully likely not one likes me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need bonked im weird thoughts character ive already talked times need bonked umegathiccc thing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wonderful movie ive seen twice ive looking ever id buy could find it sad shows three things much man love woman hard people want something hard people work overcome limitations", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys asked crush said no even think twice atleast kill herself get f chat pls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "masturbation okay wanted come say women shamed masturbating want tell okay so thought disgusting long isnt normal many girls it dont talk considered taboo never told anyone masturbated considered disgusting still dont tell people know okay that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stay alive mean cope stress little one talk emotions general pain existence", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found thet exfriend tried commit redflag know doim halfway across country know help still much care friend know help sent text saying i talked x like said im good situations like ever want need talk anything im anytime else do know current address parents numbers either please let know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want join discord server general programming gaming discord link description bio whatever want call", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "despite production received number poor reviews actually holds quite well age note also bbc programme simply licensed granada ventures jane austen collection released dvdbr br so compare adaptations novel wellknown version days film amanda root anne elliott ciaran hinds captain frederick wentworth film course shorter good snapshot story earlier version ann firbank bryan marshall roles four hours tell story moved leisurely pacebr br firbank good ten years old role good marshall excellent wentworth man disappointed love bitter interference hidden cast people also contribute michael culver later seen cadfael harvill richard vernon later seen hitchhikers guide galaxy admiral croft noel dyson earlier coronation street mrs musgrovebr br one criticism hairstyles bit distracting costumes awful still detract hugely enjoyable austen adaptation", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel disappointed whenever wake morning like oh taken sleep yetits brutal cycle every single day id cry sleep wishing gods would end suffering take sleep want painless quick death every morning wake up immediately feel disappointed going another day trying get shit thinking life together clearly dont want end everything pointless theres sense waking anymore fuck shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys even know attractive things last year sat behind guy class kept stretching arms desk like oh sorry didnt even say anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "although without faults drama fitting one shown around easter time reminded us spiritual selves showed behind facades often hide deepest sufferings experiences much enjoy drama least rapping teenagers provided better musical accompaniment drama rather poor sound score background acting excellent timothy spall superb climax satisfying rather simplistic timothy spalls letting go longdead wifes suicide credible mirrored well feelings despair present teenage girl selfharmed resolution graffiti boy muslim gratifying less believable wonderful drama left husband felling evening well spent congratulations", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youre poggies lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good day lads yeah good day sidenote birthday", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get cuties trailer dislikes youtube rewind mean idea deserves", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate hate maybe everything maybe nothing hate fuck happened me years downhill got dumber fatter selfish angry irresponsible careless piece shit gets jealous fucking self years ago that fucking who", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive suicidal since eight recently ive thinking actually going iti could post throwaway fuck it censor really feel lss im transgender ftm fully supportive people life tried telling dad would longer see little girl would kick out weve always close accept already breaking mentally friends school completely clueless much hurts someone came constantly gets pronouns corrected still struggle calling preferred name think even fully transition ill feel better body pass male thighs cant accept one accept me also awful body issues everyone live overweight want look them throw food hour eat fear gaining weight also sort undiagnosed mental disorder ive hearing voices i think schizophrenia personalities names since constantly talk sex no subconsious sex makes uncomfortable passion sexually active started talking sex specifically vivid visual hallucinations one voices giving oral others also berate tell here hurt others etc im also pretty sure depression read somewhere hearing voices past trauma hope true unfortunately believe sexually abused family member child family situation awful parents i nmom bipolar dad abusive relationship divorce my sake sometimes want come home bad plus special needs aunt lives us acts like spoiled year old know right wrong blames problems im allowed talk family cut ties them well academically school never could feel like fucked future never asking homeschooling special ed year dad guilts well atleast trying to try cant im fucking difficult feel hopeless already plan date want die im even highschool want become adult find love life cant deal shit anymore cannot go therapy mom hates therapists doctors school counselor would get cps involved ive mentioned borderline child abuse past want call resource line theres people deserving me post update next friday probably went it thanks everything reddit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whenever dont play dog feel like im breaking heart like im sorry puppy need study cant play rn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going get pinned mentally unstable fine it still bullshit pointless fuck running place pain til die cannot think anything rational this bullshit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im donebeen homeless drug addict last years time transitioned came family mother stroked died rest family disowned foreign place alone full guilt drugs i need sleep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cry help blowing brains sunriseive made decision time leave place", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone feel like existing biding time redflageach day wake dreams something great happening life find swamped regrets failures mistakes circumstances surrounding life every aspect life shambles cant even get bed days feel like im existing hoping waiting kind change thing mind redflag want end life badly free horrors inability survive real world know im alive really inability kill gun button push id it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "house messi live one bedroom apartment cat foster mess dont cook bake anymore im never home wander city anything better going home confronted mess litter food water bowls keep cat happy bedroom littered clothes livingroom covered garbage whats quickest way end life without scarring someone mangled corpse lol", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate methat sums up hate me everything me hate want disappear permanently want hear cant stand it sitting driving crazy feel building inside know anymore thoughts place way get stop die cant take me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit survived redflag attempt months agoa months ago wife asked divorce finally got around talking realized treated poorly really messed up wanted make things right already moved want try option felt atone done wife amazing person theres excuse way treated her felt appropriate punishment death i rather hard myself took inch knife stabbed chest missed heart i aiming heart puncture lung going take hour wouldve died punctured lung complications herehttpimgurcomwhqb warning hairy man chest picture right now knife wound upper middle portion picture scar left side inserted chest tube vacuum chest cavity reinflate lung and suck stray blood wife called police found shortly stabbed drifting consciousness taken hospital patched sent inpatient psych im medications really help course im lot therapy well two months later im feeling ok im still here forgive acted marriage feel good around thing want people take away crisis get help get medication resistant drugs first literally took pit despair make therapy effective", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall eat today didnt please get food glass water", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously asking much want things nothing more want die forgotten", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want thank wonderful years wanted thank memes funny rants found sub want remember love ur fan", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend cant take anymore please help convince itshe says hard live everyday reason hasnt killed id me dont want loose her says wants leave behind convinced kill herslef fear temporary please dont let best freind die shes left please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "managed something once took waveboard started practicing steep road obviously fell rolled meter soim disappointed little blood came least felt something know many years feels good feel something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "calling quits earlyim dont want live anymore failed college classes dont motivation get bed anymore friends spend time alone depressed many dreams thats be dreams im planning jumping siblings th floor apartment building dont want scar people living there ive reluctant fallen deep pit im ready dont know im typing this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nicolas cage born january th nicolas cage born january th ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im cringe even day passed since started talking asked out fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guy considered best friend told go kill gutsive suicidal around two years now used self harm daily time yesterday two friends accused selfish problems meant everything care others guy thought best friend told low eq maybe theyre saying true maybe whine around lot im boring sad person trivialises peoples problems deep try help everyone try care others me anyway told reason happens im severely depressedim medication suicidal used cut myself best friend told ive whining long time told go ahead kill myself told guts also said home would trouble then know do attempt it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im break crying sometimesfor reason", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sadly stoking ended sadly ended orgasm shot burst new record", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymore im tired thisso got reddit thing created account specifically reason cannot cope wife kids anymore wife says hurtful things kids tend agree her im monster inside monster growing growing cant stop feel failed father cant take anymore everyone family hates urge leave getting harder deal every single day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "repressed memory remembered time irish collegepretty much summer camp friend mine thought would really funny start walking random girls asking theyd go me unsurprisingly nos ewws really killed me repressed memory thought like years wish never remembered", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im surviving day life want pain endim living pakistan parents one brother past months mixed emotions ive realized place fool like here used hang friends drink party rarely see them basically make everyone uncomfortable around me social skills disaster im major business administration ive real contacts used act like ive everything figured out bitter reality know shit want die father dies cant take responsibility family im socially isolated uptill ive passed exams using unfair means learned anything parents think ill achieve something im failure suicidal thoughts mind dreadful parents today blast occured city watching tv wishing blast site died them want sleep never wake up sometimes im afraid myself sorry bad vocabulary", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever nice people nice better mean youre nice takes over start liking you youre conflicted youre emotions like kinda like literally impossible cant anything also like second girl talk girls best friends scheming friend checks messages sees messages hes upset also likes girl yeah like sometimes like jerk recognized im nice emotions still shambles isnt working out period time didnt dumb emotions running head great good time tried nice people emotions went fucked up yeah thats fun whats yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost another jobtied anxiety lack ability function useful way lost another job months even keep together get past pruning phase already spent nearly months psychiatric hospital lead psychiatrist medical team made clear want returning least without actual redflag attempt bolster previous loosehearted attempt continuous feelings sort know anymore feel like abysmal failure incapable keeping even smallest parts life functioning path want sitting home alone day working keep thinking last straw point stop trying everyone care already wasted many resources hours energy trying keep falling apart ive never together begin with", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothingi job friends family love life failed college one knew knows pain feels like idea anymore nothing college interested me years im still stuck community college sleep hours day hoping wake up spend time awake steam netflix fuck im lonely feel empty life ment me know im posting this ill probably get trolled whatever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sweet nothingnessoverview posts comments view sort new rdepressionposted byutonyhugh minutes ago sweet nothingness dont try save me redflag father suicidal thoughts became persistent almost irresistible started brood death usual graveyard father found final rest became favorite place visit something apparently enticing idea death contemplate lofty beauty graveyard longer want participate idiocy called life suicidal thoughts became even intence found current financial plight im buried foreign city wich get out never im done tell you death avoid life would take lives caring hands death delever back cruel hands butcher called life dont try save us made right decision comment share tonyhugh commented worst feeling worldrdepressionposted byujohnthebabayagawick tonyhugh point hours ago ambivert reply share johnthebabayagawick point hours ago somewhere introvert extrovert tonyhugh point hours ago problem reply share tonyhugh commented parents took away computerrdepressionposted byucomatill tonyhugh point hours ago parents right preventing shit posting reply share tonyhugh commented liferdepressionposted byuriddle tonyhugh point hours ago right reply share tonyhugh commented im going end life tonight m ukrdepressionposted byuazeroa shanerunninshirtless points hours ago fuck wrong you never post again see tonyhugh points hours ago idiot reply share shanerunninshirtless points hours ago piece shit tonyhugh points hours ago smart reply share tonyhugh commented existing painfulrdepressionposted byufancyscarf tonyhugh point hours ago hey everyone bad reply share rdysmorphicdisorderposted byutonyhugh day ago dont need want good look what want romantic love affairs fact relationships total sucks based mutual manipulation truth people realy realy sucks finaly discover much shit romantic partner like all maybe lucky atttactice apperiance saves annoying exhausting romances disappointments annoying thing cals love fact life general greatest dissapointment things look nice distance best thing one get live live lofty solitude without engagement dirt life chase beauty meaning happiness it life shit everething seems great distance comments share lordsblade points hours ago man id problem deal lots exhausting love affairs meant looked like person see tonyhugh points hours ago im person rest assure sucks maybe cup tea reply share comment deleted day ago tonyhugh points day ago family care look friends friends dont need attachment reply share tonyhugh commented fearing stigma vanityrdysmorphicdisorderposted byusddghjklzxcv tonyhugh points day ago open secret one realy cares look especially streets problem try attract someone people random strangers dont give shit say peope realy dont care every aspect reply share tonyhugh commented plastic surgery cured bddrdysmorphicdisorderposted byudaintyporcelain tonyhugh points days ago yeas evidence true reason situation phisical flaws reply share rdepressionposted byutonyhugh minutes ago sweet nothingness dont try save me redflag father suicidal thoughts became persistent almost irresistible started brood death usual graveyard father found final rest became favorite place visit something apparently enticing idea death contemplate lofty beauty graveyard longer want participate idiocy called life suicidal thoughts became even intence found current financial plight im buried foreign city wich get out never im done tell you death avoid life would take lives caring hands death delever back cruel hands butcher called life dont try save us made right decision", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fortnite sex minecraft sex im trying pick career pursue cant seem choose", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going kill life keeps getting worsei care make sad die anymore fuck it one cares care feel im casket", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got lost walmart today took minutes find gardening section decided put middle cosmetics section splits snacks grocery items puts separate sides store", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry thisheya guys hope well idk anymore anything throwaway account hard communicate whats going head while first year uni going hot honest high class family people organized naturally smart someone odd duck right well guess thats place feel like everything complete joke failure fuck point could even say life hour ago put pipe top door wedged couldnt move put belt tried pushing head through couldent succeed lot harder looks movies even one would assume self hanging would go went sat chair held samurai sword stomach thought could pull one samurai moves no much work guess im strong minded fuck ok sorry guys butchered post disorganized hard follow kinda like mind thought process reminds song paranoid black sabbath fit rage paranoia im scared talk family friends canada redflag service help anymore help happy thanksgiving fellow canadians way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going lie despite looking interesting watched notorious bettie page heard and fairly obvious looking synopsis anything film gretchen mol got naked it never fan mol cannot resist seeing attractive woman taking clothes yes may perverted theme ideal central core movie helps make film lot stronger probably bebr br the film chronicles bettie pages mol life physical sexually abused days kid high school south onto new life new york wants actress pay bills too taking seemingly innocent shots local beach page slowly becomes modeling sensation quickly jumps suggestive photos sexually provocative pinup photographsbr br i feel briefness film just ninety minutes curse blessing it one hand film never overstays welcome get know page within short minutes gets right modeling career look back curses film well never really get chance grasp everything going on kind jumps around modeling shoots controversies create jumping right major senate investigation takes much final act film sit there attempt absorb all comes right you feels like filmmakers wanted summarize much material short film begs longer sequences begs even longer explanations feel rushed feel therebr br another bit fumble although bit curiosity use colour throughout film majority black white frequently splashes sequences colour emerge may done symbolic gesture early on becomes bit distraction continually pops later cutting back black white gets confusing becomes tedious interference anything else film goes onbr br while may fumble bit actions film stays deadon themes page know little nothing about played innocently world exactly same save shady characters teenage years everyone encounters innocent everything innocence it never thought would look full frontal nudity something anything vulgar depraved here truly something marvel at once beautiful innocent even sexually perverted moments film albeit tame compared todays standards innocent angelic feeling them something way mols nude body portrayed strikes different chord nude bodies films feels natural wondrous reason watch film would see spectacular depictions mols body plays bettie pagebr br the reason mol herself page exemplifies s southern belle everyone knows or least imagine despite profession still normal person still looks religious mol plays exactly right amount squeakycleanliness needed make character feel authentically s plays matteroffactness would hardset think mol actually bettie page herselfbr br unfortunately supporting cast little moments shine totally overshadowed mols wonderful performance none anything particularly pleasing none really strength role mol does really fault actors fact much work with many totally recognizable oscarnominee david strathairn in role little close one better performances sarah paulson recent golden globe nominee studio sunset strip character actor lili taylor would hard set really place performance anything okay none characters really developed really stand character cutouts mol runs loops around picks steam brilliant performancebr br really film worthwhile portrayal nudity gretchen mols excellent performance bettie page everything else bit muddled awkward be work done develop supporting characters blast right story film would much better biographical film stands vehicle mol really rise stratosphere popularity actressbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "concince wash hair two weeks dont even like clean know should please help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lpt heres shortest way girls heart chidori raikiri weebs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need get chesti dating amazing girl three months now things going great enjoy every second spent together fast forward year old co worker comes says isnt gf shows pof app basically selling rich daddies shes gorgeous confront text im still work comes clean fucking guys side cash sometimes bed credit card earlier small purchase open maxes card about k jumps plane different province still see pof made account try contract her sure why really even care money thought going marry girl though oh also childhood dog run weekend thats fun tldr girl going marry breaks heart dog dies really sure im posting this im feeling really really desperately need support im point really care wake morning think id actually prefer that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "exsitance meme theory element culture system behaviour passed one individual another imitation nongenetic means image video piece text etc typically humorous nature copied spread rapidly internet users often slight variations theory everything meme evolved design one true original god created simplest materials elements concepts time space matter etc mind say anything evolved including life bit changed idea source creator everything immitaion slightly changed original passed humans living non living creatures ever would argue meme funny go look second definition meme says typically funny nature witch suggests exsitance unfunny memes to disprove memes spread trew internet take example inside jokes friends irl saying something specific way achieve funny effect ok gesture etc disprove idea meme something nongeneticwho decided bc understanding genetics precedes modern idea memes mean included new idea memes and even idea genetics precced memes disagree even names nongenetic idea example roman soldier years ago carved dicks near hadrian wall disproveinge genetics part meme definition lets take look genetics genetics study traits inherited trait defined variation physical appearance heritable characteristic seeks understand traits passed generation generation short cells decided continue meme living changing joke bit trew long periods time point theory prove limit meme know everything joke point going include religionafterlife idea point life come continue best fix memes good memelord afterlife get go back original creator live eternal peace ruining good memes depending much ruined go meme purgatory pay unfunny joke meme hell burn eternal fire destructive normie thanks reading", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflags become question when ifi know anymore ive suicidal past weeks keep alternating fighting thoughts succumbing darkness past year ive gotten car crash totaled car broke boyfriend years lost cat lost coworker work full time job part time job im full time graduate student sleeping well im slipping back eating disorder im starting get paranoid everyone around me many friends feel like depression making burden ones have im antidepressant seem working more psychiatrist taking forever get back me im making wait finish school year part time job ironically im studying mental health counselor anything hurt clients come may th theres nothing holding back anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got rejected jobbasically got rejected personality enthusiastic enough reserved truly realize bad introvert actually is selfesteem already completely ruined year old kissless virgin utterly annihilated truly feel like im worthless allowed live wish somebody would shoot bullet head end misery", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brilliant chuck jones master warner bros cartoon comedy brings us first pepe lepew cartoon alley cat tired pushed around paints colors skunk healthy dose limburger turns tables tormentors along comes pepe know rest many pepes famous gags born here including chasehop hops casually along prey runs exhaustionbr br in opinion warner bros cartoons became less inventive hohum s toon one examples mel blanc putting absolutely crazy voice pepes mouth kicker ending pepe revealed american wolf skunks clothing must see classic warner bros", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school start charging next year depression anxiety fees now smh capitalism amarite", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im failure everything tired abuse since kid looking end pain soon need talk human tooi failed everything im years old failed abused age mom age present mom step dad remember telling teachers school nothing ive never friends entire life remember told one teachers going kill sixth grade told get back work mom pulled school punishment th grade made sign papers dropping out whenever went work always yelled screamed work fast food retail always deal bullies workplace see much ugly me ugly fat disgusting easy pick people like me went got ged twoyear degree joined new career field me ive deal nothing bullies workplace understand mechanical stuff became cad operator like wanted money move out end known failure whole life everyone hits yells screams calls failure workplace failure son remember trying draw something boss made fun said stupid join different career field ive worked seven jobs career field fired them seven jobs career field time span eight nine months deal people calling failure work saying cant draw need change career field im sorry even want work career field wanted money could move out matter anymore end worked since october work career field anymore hate looking mirror seeing fat ugly monster want know like friend ive never entire life friends mom would never allow friends kid adult never learned make friends im honestly scared people cuz know everyone hurt me like said see someone fat ugly judge them everyone judges people even admit it one wants friends someone makes hunchback notre dame look like elvis presley im years old im trapped hell last week stepdad got mad something think accidentally broke tool took me bruises scars body im years old keep getting hurt yelled at used punching bag never held another humans hand years ive eat bucket whenever eat whatever leftovers put bucket animals eat bucket too sorry im rambling much talk spoken another human months mean know like little kid sleep outside dog house yearold im even allowed bed house room stay day night sleep outside im always scared stay room hate it im trapped like animal want death release prison want die please someone come kill me im much coward kill myself im scared itll hurt ill give address please come kill me one ill im scared succeeding guess make coherent timeline idk know start mom step dad home soon cant computer theyre here login late tonight stay late anyone wants address let know make quick one ill figure use one guns tomorrow know tomorrow itll make easier figure use gun kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres maybe last drawing gitcommitdie avatar anyways is link drawinghttpswwwredditcomuserkatracommentsltubnlast_ugitcommitdie_drawing_or_is_it_probably_isutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf also might rest mods later with permission ofc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thing holding back happen dieim afraid death redflag thing holding back happen jump punished taking life god like sleeping ive thinking months still cant settle answer reason live parents terrible figures traumatized since born dad delusional raging alcoholic jumps opportunity break dishes humiliate us eyes neighbors one time brought bottle superglue aampc project accused mother poisoning food it mother submissive overdramatic woman may sound unfair mother seeing victim side parent fight begging pleading forgiveness bawling eyes verbally assaulted one traumatizing sights think of given school social life too friends talk anyone even though grades pretty good since abandoned group friends online friends shared lot issues even though extremely loyal great friends snapped once said sorts things cant bring face anymore even im sure theyll take back instantly get mad anyone tries talk seconds im frustrated lack emotion constant anger occasional sadness know english my th language far better mother tongue ever talked aforementioned group friends never compatriots meaningful future due abysmal social skills know kind replies want post im really posting vent thank reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happiness fragilei well weeks feel hopeless even got motivation back school thought things turning around fail important test grade fucked jokes getting hopes __ im back spiral know get shit together now want pass classes see point im probably gonna fail anyways", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girl painted leonardo da vinci youre priceless is better cuz apparently yall dont like picasso ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel uselessi just feel like crap every day boyfriend amazing cares feel like love could redirected someone deserves it keeps saying hed rather spend night listening issues minutes listenimg euology doubt that know bad things get know bullying extended family nothing tell trust do settings bring myself tell him like want kms every damn day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stop ghostedi get im pathetic annoying piece shit please least tell im sad get left read see cant message person anymore fucking defeats me puts sad depressed suicidal mood want end happens even worse see person talking group chat even bother message back understand sound like selfish person please im begging longer want talk tell me makes things much easier instead leave read make want die even usually do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking done youi stash paracetamol house contemplating taking iti know would probably fucking painful hell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate im transgender muchi didnt much childhood teen years sucked im probably gonna spend next ten years life hating feeling incredibly lonely jealous cant even date yet wouldnt feel comfortable least hrt top surgery itll years could afford ill move first ill thirties would never experienced best parts youth time wasted cant deal pain much longer either something needs get done im killing myself cant imagine scenario", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "xanaxis painful die xanax", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gays cant math bisexual math least favorite subject failing going fail semester yayyyy colleg fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want diebut want keep living anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " options guyz pleaze choose ok choose thank u", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little comments why comments little fix someone help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "random post life advice random person todays topic love love many different applications meanings people define different types love ojibwe perspective romantic love love involves two individuals partake romantic actions familial love love defined family familylike bonds admiration love love defines deep special admiration another friendship love love acknowledged friend group bond love humanity love defined special regard people love individual love defined love someone fellowship regard love like previously mentioned love communal love love temporary everlasting depending ones feeling toward immediate community love life love present one understands living people share experience human respectful love brothership love involves individuals committed help hold respectful regards", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody first generation iphone se black reddit icon please hit up youre going update it please let know first really want black icon back", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anythingso hello know title seems overdramatic things enough keep living st time courage die live far away family live friend really care unless suits him cat born quite birth defects make hard live daily life that often call work days time gets trouble job cant get doctors note insurance im also trans want transition cant afford that im bedridden right best friend blaming things cant control parents begging come back home reason left really want kill care much hurts go through dont wanna put anyone trauma someone know committing redflag barely see think straight im really considering taking whole bottle sleeping aids letting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "answer honestly still single if youre single btw anything change get scenario", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ill start nee life im fuck this finally fully", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty good made tv flick what if variety in terrorists exploded dirty bomb big city case london lots poking folks say were set event emergency reveal theyre exactly telling full story anyone prepared something like this bet not shows material bombs smuggled country making bombs secrecy double lives people behind lead etc also shows public servants ie firemen giving save people getting help government want send anyone else affected area also shows woefully inadequate preparations occurrence government talks everything stands mouths hanging open tragedy unfolds could happen right good old usa well unless living caves past years something already has extent bet anyone would prepared something nature fairly realistic yes even scary well worth seeing hope nothing like ever really happens ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "atlantis much better anticipated ways better story come films aimed higher age although film demand solid attention span times great film ages noticed younger audience expected comedy got adventure think everyone tired endless parade extreme parodies lot kids seen nothing parodies short time everyone seemed intensely watching atlantis", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " footlight parade released viewed br br the ice cream cone invented new yorkbr br kevin long busy break hit another busby berkeley musical warner bros time ultrafast paced footlight parade starring james cagney juggernaut stage producer chester kent certain cagney channeling berkeley performance irrepressible kent come new ideas performances every minute joan blondell also excellent acidtongued secretaryturnedlove interest ruby keelerdick powell subplot major time less enjoyable one thing baffled berkeleys performances themselves seemed far extravagant complex performed stage let alone stage would showing film afterwards obviously busby let little thing like story impede putting together overthetop musical numbers possibly conjure liked nearly movie end shamelessly offensive number shanghai lil which one guess stomachturning racially distasteful performances comebr br doug six movies three months got new record anywaythis completes warner bros musical trilogy preceded nd street gold diggers would definitely recommend watching three row wonder james cagney channeling busby berkeley playing chester kent movie role written inspired busby hope was seems make sense berkeley kind guy would see elaborate dances everyday occurrences way chester does funny thing cagney really look like leading man traditional sense squareheaded talked odd new york accent guy quite versatile going venomous gangsters made famous fasttalking producertypes see here could dance basically leading man body character actor rest cast familiar faces joan blondell returns steals show cagneys loyal lusting secretary dick powell ruby keeler play cute couple seem get less screen time before billy barty pops mischievous imp movie typical racy adultoriented musicals precode era opposed s s family oriented excellent climax warner musicals year the shanghai lil number withstanding keeler poor job looking chinesebr br last film dinner eight next film im angel ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today birthday im now legally stay here anyway im looking girls around years old hmu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing pm want talk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicide rapall pain agony every day like raining tragedies brain see bc angry mad me view would lame sad savagery tired putting fake face acting happy real feel longer wearing mask want chill wrap me bc insane crazy psychopath say mewell say money root evil even though need survive got decide stupid people hard positive optimistic nothing negatives obvious impossible obstacles vision pessimistic suicide seem like solution logical slit wrist blow brains heat grill od handfuls pills either way death still be self killed bc guilt made hate another one", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got free award reddit first one comment gets it sry everyone isnt first ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys want ask girl asked girl facetime said yes pretty happy scared anyone facetimed girl give tips much love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lifemy friend committed redflag weeks ago bullied years things home progressively getting worse felt like way out eventually leading death th grade parents ignored signs assumed phase someone fucking audacity call attention seeker killed herself hate society parents please keep eye child know could loosing battle", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nick see please dm friend back summer leave got grounded dont remember username reddit met subreddit username words guy thats remember nick see this u pls dm wanna clarify stop texting snap know good good friend me anyone knows pls tell thanks remi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actually ask helpmessaged friend nights ago said please tell kill myself really struggling end sent back gif cartoon snail said heres lucky snail fucking point anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "amazing documentary saw original airdate dvd times last years shocked even nominated best documentary oscar year released documentary even comes closebr br it tv recently th anniversary missed added where now segment end except catch tony works hazmat unitbr br ive seen criticism documentary filmmaking list cant see could done different less months assemble get air dvd contains material backgroundbr br im also surprised according imdbcom brother projects four years since doing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna kill cos sexual desires impossible live thisi jerking things happened high school decades nothing try bed comes close experiences involve perving hot guys girls high school therefore kill right mean theres way ill able replace things enjoyed much high school snd indulge thinking every day cannot recreate snd never experience again therefore end me live theres way ever happy mean cant change sexual feelings", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone find calling hotlinei think every day now mom found shed probably go crazy works place behavioral health tells almost every day shes glad im like kids saw self harm scars knew would likely kill me along im still school dont wish contact school either would able track would redflag hotline number go phone bill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always mfs wanna downvote post second post wanna stay silent hate mfs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else miss magici feel like last years common sensation ive experienced intense brutal nostalgia keeps coming back ive moved childhood home family friends got place started career ive started realize empty life lonely im destined be everything dreadful bleak pointless life cycle suffering stress existential crisis working pay bills living paycheck paycheck spending hours friends even really care about years feel like everything gets darker darker nothing excites anymore want child feel magic used feel world magic running soccer fields friends magic walking mall shooting shit watching sunset outside bedroom window dreaming girls school everything hopeful about magic pushups front mirror feeling like going badass magic long car rides backseat parents car watching roads fly by magic feeling like much life much experience nowadays feel like everything wanted already passed by adulthood long spiral decay unhappiness isolation maybe human beings meant live tiny part lives happy hopeful spend rest lives desperately chasing feeling theres nothing left im empty tired every day feel kind hope want badly feel something deeply kid theres constant dullness im starting see signs age face hairlines receding skins starting wrinkle talked anyone weeks im unemployed single three years soon ill probably homeless ive stopped eating ive stopped sleeping well months ago made car trip old town parents long gone friends one visit walked around old house old schoolyard trails friends used bike around got pang heart intense wanted burst want die want live knowing ill never magic again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people care guess thats problemi hate family friends actually care me hate people tell much love me eventually end taking life im going hurt them theyre reason havent offed yet think selfish make feel guilty ending life im constant pain id rather one love me itd easier way im trying push people life stick around dont get why shit hard wish time id die freak accident someone kill please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jimmy jimsonweed update seed pod opened seeds look little premature im going see successfully grow anything it datura stramonium toxicityhigh careful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont feel like dieim scared cut scared medicine hanging seems awful im afraid heights wtf", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "male depressed couple months following split gfwe split up fault texting girls found out im dealing piece crap hurt much drinking every night since makes numb wanna stay numb ever think would better wassnt around", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone venezuela filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mentalbreakdown free periods wanted clean little also included changing bed sheets cat laying it that first sat around getting depressed put really sad music started picking clothes floor throwing laundry basket which actually huge thing cause really laundry since online class kinda wearing outfit days throwing floor picked random stuff laying around started whipping dust shelves got vacuum cleaner threw everything peace furniture bed desk closet hall vacuumed everything kinda got aggressive cause well idk stuff happening done tried putting everything back knocked trash it much it still screamed like yelling high pitched screams threw stuff around father next room heard it kind jokingly asked going cried hugged me cause even know whats going on time read book class eaten lunch cause im starving want eat cause idk pls help im better now happening lot lately", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate myselfi hate fucking much human garbage vermin must exterminated complete failure every level without talent intelligence personality humor success purpose without anything really without value actually thats wrong negative value waste resources others actual need could use bitch moan expense around me id wasting time anyone reads anyway pathetic sense also thusfar failed myself thusfar failed kill myself understand people could enjoy existence understand one could love themselves atleast could wanna die badly know deserve im destined cant stop fucking stalling time like bitch", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f admitted psychiatric ward scarred me tell story im prolific writer regardless anyone willing listen remains found please comment ill get started", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "end tetherjust completely tired existing much want die fact want exist anymore sick tired feeling completely drained emotion whatsoever reason gone yet know would completely devastate parents im sick living people know much longer last", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "broooo fucking excited girl im really called adorable like oh man like back jesus christ im excited aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa going later today aaaa goodness im sorry im bursting right now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "care lazy trying restart life years life shittier excercised dieted got hobbies gone therapy things drones constantly drone forums insipid generic platitude never succeeded always failed time stepped face dirt more believe myself zero self esteem since kid nothin proud of horrible hand eye coordination always picked last sports ooor academic performance socially clueless hate myself that despise everyone else want go msss shooting massacre bunch retards feel terror pani maybe would cathartic lucky able get gun license poisonously envious anyone something want intimate notredflag friendships money degree independence respect charisma beauty youth one things best feign indifference cannot pretend happy tlothers longer wish worst care fairness care earned what thing deserve deterministic universe repeat would love horribly injure ruin peoples lives deserve it would cathartic me would especially love stab every cunt ever yttered phrase pull bootstraps normie fucktardstion interested fitting society want every single person die come afterwards ah would antnatalist paradise done fighting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know timedays soon come shall longer planet tired n exhausted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting gnarly space facts run knowledge day hey everyone hope great day far havent perhaps space fact make little better always questions andor topics space me leave comments ill see tomorrow fact saturns north pole hexagon first observed voyager missions s seems top everyones favorite ringed planet lies massive hexagonal cloud pattern kilometers miles diameter twice diameter earth entirely known caused strange storm appear theories ampxb first all mentioned hexagon vortex center it meaning almost certainly caused sort storm second south pole hexagon likely something exclusive saturns northern latitudes current prevailing explanation hexagons origin simply giant current wind similar jet stream earth kind anticlimactic know interesting note current continuously churning decades reason know nasaesa cassini probe revisited hexagon early parts mission find moved continued study another interesting thing cassini found shortly hexagon changes colors original voyager observations hexagon appeared blue began turn brownish color top theory sunlight caused haze form pole due seasonal changes saturn yes even gas giants seasons cassini continued study saturn long could ended mission plunging planets atmosphere rest peace cassini one favorite probes o", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "apparently cant shit school went toilet civics took mins almost got suspended cause thought im sleeping there lmao told made shit asked ok another thing math quiz equations looked shit and oh fuck understand literally weeks finaly realized shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even feel like personthe older get realize im meant alive cant anything normal theres excuse it cant talk people like normal person does cant even work dumb jobs without fucking every aspect it belong less less every year cant believe used good smart kid im even worth anything way die without mom feeling sad id gone im freaking sad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "patheticcame one life understands cares cant even get reply either guess really nothing either way going pain need get quickly can thanks anyway im done now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ghosted ghosted meso ya called said really needed friend posted reached out every one friends knows progressive brain disease step come maybe walk little dog help w grocery store trip heaven forbid help get medical treatment nope fucking one ya one message sorry cant hope feel better even empty platitude cliche meme im trying get better ketamine mega infusion numbers week get better fuckers better even think showing funeral ghosted ghosted me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "generation grown gen z teachers gonna like mr johnson send timmy principals office acting bit sus", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "absolutely loved movie great realistic looking combat footage one thing touching genuine story also calm understated manner lead character franta makes likable human relationships story seemed typical possible could expect war time bond franta carel shows loyalty wartime comrades often described books interviews veterans subtitles detract story actually serve underline problems czech pilots raf postwar storyline great reminder many suffering ww end especially russian occupied countries cinematography also good wish could seen big screen", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna text every day fall love ghost yes yes right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ugly idk im super ugly kinda sucks ngl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "concerned brother drive home tonightmy younger brother senior high school think may suicidal hes depressed my mom died years ago hes antidepressants year two recently broke girlfriend seems kind withdrawn hard know im away college last week facebook status some people strong enough call help texted amp said quote fireman show tv today texting easter awful im hours away college things upset about talking little said made appt psychologist cant get three weeks venting said so call help admitted lied tried give suggestions help depression appt like spend time friends things enjoys surround positive people etc said look laundry list problems feel solvable asked really believes that yes asked are thinking redflag response dont lie response are thinking hurting yourself finally said well called cousin whos social worker said dad take hospital crisis consultation theyll give someone talk assess situation agreed go tomorrow school then said lock pillsguns etc watch make sure hes safe im sure seriously dad taking this cousin called dad bro said btw say suicidal drive home make sure hes ok told dad really concerned threatened come home said would go around take care pills such idk do ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gay gay dont feel like telling family know wont supported rejected", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish could kill myselfi balls kill really wish could ive done life years really wish could finally end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "answer riddle may win fiddle call homosexual man stays night sleeps day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help guys friend turn days want buy first laptop desperately needs one due online college semesters cannot afford one due financial condition decided tutor students math statistics help funds anyone needs math statistics tutoring reasonable rate please dm set schedule asap ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone send travis scott burger receipt think would funny hang wall anyone send me filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people use end completely disregard suits them either make people feel insecure uncomfortable annoying cold either way never felt alone entire life good things happening career yet one share joy one live life with take walk with build life together one nothing even real friends more sense people talk me want around clearly fault know know do genuinely think one likes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always smell like victorias secret amp weed lil bit rly became stoner chick always dreamed woooooow ok pretty lame honestly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot describe color without saying name cant imagine new one without using names colors im writing am anyways happy new year", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell documentaries watch read title read title anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bravestarr released defunct american animation company filmation back heman masters universe shera princess power respectively plot cartoon native american cowboy named marshall bravestarr possesses strength bear ears wolf speed puma eyes hawk trusty sidekick talking horse named thirty thirty carried gun aptly titled sarah jane help deputy fuzz judge jb serve protect new texas evil tex hex band outlawsbr br set futuristic texas still day one cartoons set particular city us hence south thousands light years ahead future considering made s creators impressive job trying recreate wild west look scifi based outlook bravestarr evoke morality good verses bad well teaching children lessons life also highlighted themes culture community take things life granted despite fact action adventure cartoon many story lines themes issues addressed resonate children adults way makes sense them addition marshall bravestarr one first major cartoon characters ethnicminority background make impact tvbr br the sound effects amazing music great theme song equally memorable animation wonderful characters well designed stories diverse taught kids morals importance right wrong something cannot said todays cartoons sadlybr br whilst bravestarr overshadowed success heman still personal favourite many s cartoon fanatics suffice say preferred bravestarr heman diversity story lines characters depth situations problems characters faced themselves would say realistic identifiable contrast reason resonated people like instancein the pledge kid dies drug overdose fact happy ending important sense kids watch episode well fact anyone watches episode realise devastating consequences drug usage one underestimate dangers drugsbr br bold brave times thoughtprovoking bravestarr definitely that bold brave thought provoking cult cartoon classic many years come dared take risks well truly paid end remembered many cartoon fans one interesting well best s cartoons ever rightly sobr br half ten", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shell alivei struggling stay alive even writing exhausting feel numb emotional agony time emptiness inside nothing seems fill look people feel apart them going motions life im really dead thing goes around head thought terminating life shell really plan worked warned people closest me tried times know need do sought medical attention doctor referring psychiatrist waiting list another service ive years intensive therapy since breakdown diagnosed borderline personality disorder well treatment made significant difference mental health realised traumatic childhood significantly damaged me life ok husband loves much year old daughter strong network support people really care me matter say feel unworthy anyones love respect long time viewed disgusting blob human flesh burden society cant work days getting washing done major achievement sleep least hours day find difficult function sometimes apparently sleep way disassociating world cant face life anymore cut social circle people avoid friends completely shut out thing forcing stay alive daughter suffered separation anxiety ever since saw police paramedics escort away breakdown adhd goes counselling it told counsellor often checks pulse asleep main concern might die god child know do tried many things want destroy her know supposed get better control brain think one day soon may take life deliberately means get away agonising emotional pain in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best friend hung saturday promise people actually carei dont know post allowed best friend nicest selfless person ever existed promise everyone feeling lost hurt confused theres single person happy isnt around anymore broken girlfriend feeling heart broken wish realised bad feeling told would done everything could dont wait people come you go them tell youre hurting give chance fix things", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im stuck helpi trying enjoy went see movie watching trailers saw june may mind kept saying youre going live long wont live see far depression suicidality hitting hardcore idea why spells whirlwinds wont stop want fucking stop im scared dont know mind dragging place brain wants kill me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "try get rtx since like double price could many bots rly get instantly idk would it maybe keep rly need it jew sell it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get past redflag guiltmy best friend took life feel enough help him feel partly responsible redflag cant get past it cant sleep well cant eat welli feel completely dead inside feel deserve longer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "chronic depression foolproof plan scaredbe brave tell myself brave know means more brave live brave die two weeks ill answer lifes problems method fail does hopefully ill impaired enough livingdying matter family history parkinsonsalzheimers social anxiety bipolar disorder im quite close enough see rest life slow decline grave never made life job money way out know do continue live world ill nothing burden love me keep on cant even qualify social security death easier struggle find help found real help years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could improve quite ways would like polishing turd still would good enough maybe would go good enough anyone friends certainly partner pick hobbies feel like deserve smile ugly thing like smile talent would silly did cannot create anything hate ugly creating something beautiful would ironic would feel like lie early s beginning bald top head god real cruel sense humor let us add messed already thanks feel envious people effortlessly obtain friendships notredflag people time lives partying hanging friends hooking up things never gotten do see everyone around feeling good feeling happy fun here feeling shameful likely never experience anything close daily wish could experience once move done it want keep missing out want life stop laughing me know do even improve still never going good enough anyone ugly talentless stupid receding hair like clock ticking become truly lost anyway bi get rejected absolutely everyone sight wish things would get better wake one day longer care always going alone apologies wasting time writing felt therapeutic good enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets see long keep mask onsince middle school ive dealt depression honest gotten progressively worse last yearswhen talk people it always tell gets better reality doesnt hell think ever has survived middle school high school dragging bed every morning class hating there hating people surrounded around by fact anyone talk to felt lonely quite frankly still am confidence shattered longer man used be longer gentle loving confident man was exists hardened shell man exterior containing shattered remains myself im broken man walking around college alone inside out ever since got everything gone downhill me ive barely made friends girlfriend broke me grades complete shit girlfriend thing kept happy best thing thats happened throughout putrid waste life gave fucking reason live ended breaking always busy im mad it now im even worse off hate going home now reason went home truly smile anymore happy faces ive put mask really feel inside hate ever beginning show publicly stopped giving shit happens me want disappear face earth sure people go funeral theyll cry theyll say much care know good never give fuck me years thing happen like friend offed junior year high school even blip radar ill gone world go without me like going without friend now wait chance consumed deaths cold embrace whether hand someone elses end matter", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok maybe deserve oscar golden globe award matter acting outstanding theres reason give credits directing really another semigory st century slasher flick people consider decent maybe even dreadful opinion matter bit thats great time watching moviebr br sure first minutes pretty slow movie progresses something like like was anybody else watching movie is looking hours fun mindless violence and kickass ending spoil yes many flaws movie let cast list front cover fool you hilton delivers decent performance nobody saw coming even greatest haters like friends agree surprised us greatly barely believable acting skills striptease nasty anything online popup would promise her still unbearable fastforward turn dvdbr br the violence surprised me nobody school horror board talking like these new movies called saw hostel could safely say wax graphic saw death scenes actually quite disturbingbr br in conclusion im surprised house wax make place imdb top definitely worth look", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found al yankovic deamm s epic times outside country knew parodies amish paradise whiteampnerdy etc never knew made lot great stuff like al tv missed life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much guys beat off im female probably like twice day guys less", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day nnn wish good luck remember never accept free nnn coupons fake", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dream job sorry seems bit personal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people move texas ok basically texas havent lived whole life dad retired navy texan despite think dont dress like cowboys shit not half people see move come school dressed cowboy boots jeans cowboy hat dress shirt act confused one else dressed like right annoyed kevin male karen", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ap calculus absolutely kicking ass im frickin done school year october", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get pm links sites redflag methods known troll please use message moderators link right copypast pm message us take there please take personally pathetic person apparently nothing send dozens poisonous messages", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend recently opened suicidal thoughtsi come back weekend away ireland two close friends final night bit heavy session leave pub early hours morning drinking local lads towards end night friend said cousin from near area staying recently committed redflag drunk opened conversation us battles mental health walking home told mate depth struggled past able go counselor really helped knew friend also troubles past basically said never really understood alive waiting parents could kill knowing would never know said questions life meaning virtually every waking hour really worries seems rationalised plan redflag already idea suffering bad said go counselor as did think point memory incident pretty hazy drunk anytime ever come conversation us drunk bad know recall even asked think pain would cause people around killed himself said made feel even guilty already aware pain would cause still willing it speak sober advise councelling again also know brother well think would good idea make aware this anyone advise anyone else faced situation like close friend thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wtfffff ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhimsoclosetokillingmyselfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god fucking damnit fuck ok get chest ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "blew iti missed important deadline senior project college repeat it problem money left needed job help support moms medical bills sister feel like failure cant face family cant handle anymore life feels like series awful events nothing monotony whats point wanted get chest trying im much coward even leave proper note", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets play small game idk im bored is parent comment asks question child answers it grandchild finally asks question could answered like that repeat in case wanna play imaginary cookie nice day stay hydrated guy gal nonbinary pal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think done cannot handle waking daily basis monotonous routine kills me want ocean sinking bottom nothing bother going stop feeling like tonight feel real nothing matters anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bat supposed weapon scare away weird ppl working someone legit dmed said theyre a complete perv asked bra size looked profile regularly posts sub meant micro penises kinda scared ngl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really depressed dont know go iti wake feel depressed work school meaningless tried welcoming someone new friend group essentially broke up im lonely school horrible dont know do cant kill dont want people sad feel like make people happy forget myself personality point continuing life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much money get from thats mine spend whatever not like parents savings meroth ira etc grandparents parents birthdays holidays etc would work tbh aware terrible sounds need already get tons grandparents id rather fun stuff friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "call ambulance police redflaghey gonna suck six bottles sleeping pills tomorrow afternoon call ambulance pick body police im hoping leave mess many people sorry posting forum first time avoided redflag time cant wanna know rot time im found also sorry adding gloomy reddit thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh fucking god idk felt like yelling clean room would literally rather blow brains clean room amount hate hold cleaning u g h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wanna sleep sum deep clean whole ass bedroom ughhhhh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know sound like much means alot today skated talked girl ive never met im usually social person around people know able go talk girl meant alot me gonna ask wanted friends lost her hey tried ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "neighbor commuted redflag days ago need helpbasically fucking pussy decided comment hurtful things ig post resulted taking life whole town working together figure dude bring justice get permission family spread story would like yall help find pussy ass motherfucker help bring justice family ill let know information", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "venting life cant handle life anymore ive alot happier parents made life hell every day yelled cussed dad unparalleled amount reasons hell call fucking idiot things similar alot hurts force keep straight face fear yelled more admittedly get alot probably enough chores should cant see justified maybe wrong here makes relapse suicidal thoughts makes lose motivation anything including playing online talking friends hate life sometimes them motivation work screamed work caught up debating telling mom everything here know younger brother thing holding parents marriage together even said got chance shed leave behind buy home beach mom alright yell call things sometimes definitely understanding two either sit feeling like nothing get old enough leave home add onto everything dad said ever get jailed ever caught trying commit redflag hed kill me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going sleep crying thought waking crying let wake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "offer pity arrogance worthless species areno one willing help me one treats nicely cant get bad childhood adulthood bad hate getting less hate working anything point hate living people ill always poor ill always unintelligent cant socialize people always take advantage me im hopeless money true support want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "this despite original began life play central europe weathered several incarnations followed mgms remake period songs good old summertime broadway show loves me even excellent theatre revival paris couple years ago remains definitive version one beat several previous commenters identified contributing factors make successful memorable least prevailing fashion s s hollywood lavishing attention detail ensemble playing rather two leads often happens today try example removing ugarte ferrari renault etc casablanca yes still rick ilsa viktor lazslo theyd frosting without rich cake mixture below jimmy stewart maggie sullavan ideal irreplaceable leads much brighter shine performances reflected frank morgan felix bressart joseph schildkraut andy hardys sara haden factor lubitsch touch okay maybe tad naive innocent even jurassic age many genuine film lovers sated scatology screwing inyourface sex turn back days stories style slickness skill wallow great movies like one far best thing technological age csi dvd one time make classics available nostalgics show matrix freaks big boys used it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something seems wrong something seems wrong mind ability function common sense foresight makes feel like could easily manipulated unable read certain red flags signs started feeling way attempted redflag like mind switched turned dull emotionless numb barbie feel partly brain washed feels like mind isnt mine ive nearly completely changed something isnt me idk am feel like wont ever want freaking out feel like im going attempt redflag bc dont want live persona want be ppl dont understand possibility want im going explain answer you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yeah im pan constant panic pandemic", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredi always find back herethe reason kill think dad miss want hurt him everything falling apart around know much longer go like this ive strong long want give up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "serious question guys i male okay happens past pm ever get done thing falling asleep hardest ever before one feels like im done like ill finish im legit fighting stay awake minutes later im fine", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last night tried commit self murderlast night tried commit self murder unsuccessful posted overdosing everyone said call ambulance boyfriend knew something ended calling one stuck psych ward lie tell mistake actually try seek help hate every way believe people ill leaving behind better without me feel like nothing helps nothing ever changes nothing actually gets better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stop fantasizing coffee induced redflagsooo basically unmedicated bipolar person crashed life straight ground lost everything after two years trying build future career really liked im longer denial really wish gotten help earlier and past attempts getting help ignored suppose biggest problem physical real world barriers obstacles scary intimidating much im sort sitting back watching life float futon hurts back neck terribly think kill myself really want someone help talk day day think get away situation thats causing grief job thats least tolerable ive learned lesson see past thought problems external needed get someone good id happy no everything still darkness lingered tempting work harder try get somewhere stable reveal demon known mania medicated though appointment mental health team th mental health dates like beacons trying get one hopefully make another day morning wake reality situation nightmare slightly better demons face took physical form manifestation biggest fear slow slow crawl homelessness loss items two incredibly loyal pets often mind wanders ending life im loss fix it try day something little bit better hard without sense direction applying job everyday cant fix end summer make reasonable progress probably end life want pick method one else blamed as jump front car train one think reasonably know im even reaching out think find help anywhere im trying prove wrong", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ah hitchcock hard find bad hitchcock movie lost birds saboteur proves point admired directors work many years managed skip one perhaps lack interest priscilla lane robert cummings lead actors course familiar statue liberty climax seen repeatedly film retrospectives wrongly assumed story leading might hold interest wrong suspenseful plot gets cooking right bat chance encounter bad guy saboteur good guy wrongly accused protagonist continues zooming along series chance encounters narrow escapes familiar hitchcockian elements there innocent person wrongly accused crime people seem be dramatic unlikely locations intensify suspenseful scene played within an airplane hangar ranch bridge handcuffed hero hurls escape police sumptuous charity ball palatial mansion upper floor skyscraper finally torch statue libertybr br throughout humor provided supporting players generous dollops early ww vintage social comment moments human warmth suffering people find within lend hand help fellow human getting nothing return short always basic humanity core hitchcock however grisly trappings sensational cast supporting players chiefly otto kruger slickest villain side george sanders his broadway credits include male lead noel cowards private lives says all weaselly norman lloyd titular saboteur mention alma kruger relation otto prominent society dowager involved fifth column intrigue her character foreshadows claude rainss mother notorious priscilla lane fine job difficult role early scenes cant tell whether believes hero innocent guilty seems constantly shift opinion coming side fully late proceedings one cannot ascertain whether acting fault whether meant kept state uncertainty plot developments swift fun clever really care thinksbr br then peculiar hitchcock touches nothing plot twice lane character pauses get change quarter reimburse kidnappers ice cream soda make call phone booth scenes inserted anybodys guess perhaps make film seem realistic thus heighten believability suspense perhaps give audience moment catch breath characters top garrulous truck driver impossibly kind trusting blind man living alone spotlessly maintained forest cabin politicalphilosophyspouting human skeleton members circus caravan hide protagonists pursuers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "creep straight serious horror film set real time wants nothing show people get attacked empty subway platform mutant minutes that nothing more nothing less director christopher smith draws drama far plausibly introducing series characters would actually reason subway locked also leaves origins titular creep deliberately vague unlawful experiments happening s underground hinted at little bit mystery works part sadly undermines toward end actually holding back twist ending genetic malformations would appear they hinted well yes heard right wanted clichd twist ending franka run lola run potente good terrorized female lead rest cast fine", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking hate every second im still breathingi hate every morning still woke instead dying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tldr help support partner starts treatments severe depression redflagmy partner suffering depression recently prescribed lustral help given option signing work also started therapy really happy getting help feel bit blind foolish understanding bad become her want make sure supportive can anyone advise trying dohere ideas read far would appreciate feedback on positivity in negativity do complain partner anything take others take share house work cleaning keep house clean mess redflagful flowers often empathise sympathise how would good active listening remember her me take anything says personally read possible side effects lustralthanks advance guidance apologies advance violates rules checked maybe missed something support partner suffering depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "termforbeing introverted extroverted cause yeah that also filler imma say guns r bad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope die sleep timefuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal leaving psych ward nowhey everyone im year old girl recently december rd attempted redflag ended mental hospital month left january th past days ive bad thoughts feeling suicidal again im trying fight want alarm parents friends knowing feel like im going again please help me im loss know myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting unfriended snapchat hi kinda weird even bothers tbh girl kinda compared to suddenly unfriended snapchat yesterday honestly dont know why never really talked tho a times posts lot pictures story sudden didnt see posting looked name said didnt add said process gray arrow weird still follows instagram still watch story know shouldnt upset tho kinda makes sad anyone knows someone would that mean lot people snapchat kinda weird remove someone maybe im overthinking bit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would like helpedi apologise clunky grammar various mistakes advance helped subreddit dedicated helping suicidal people helping mean preventing people killing themselves would really like helped want continue go living see realistic outcome im still alive pain kind help use might share story oh wall text thats going be sharing help me see how shared story others never helped might receive advice see fancy rather smart man advice contain truth already thought or heard shrinks people want truth there sincerely doubt it unlikely might be might find kind caring person weep shoulder anything temporary reprieve honestly see how genuinly trying find way helped subreddit fail redflag passionate impulse me premeditated mecry kill given might well couple days live unless chicken out suppose case nothing power subreddit help me cases really able help people someone like looks like impossible thats really sad if ask me well interesting observation guess ive suicidal many years now always able fixate goal work towards recently goals lost meaning pain intensified wouldve gotten that time saw utmost clarity reason failings life personal flaws ive trying many years fix avail yes without context cant really make sense whats written above undersand theoretically additional many years efforts might only might mind you able finally become normal boy love god cant find reason end spare suffering apologise incoherence ramblings never able pour thoughts paper clear enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tsui hark experiments nothing one withstand him legend zu possibly hours condensed h one understand all like space odyssey also to one feels power film every second every picture extraordinary vision future th art one pioneering astounding rejoicing recent years vital severe masterpiece absolutely perfect isbr br when tsui hark experiments nothing one withstand him legend zu possibly hours condensed h one understand all one feels power film every second every picture extraordinary vision future th art one pioneering astounding rejoicing recent years vital severe masterpiece absolutely perfect is ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get bad grade going kill myselfif probably will dont get college dont much live for even one f change things maybe people feel like this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bands lastest song indie kinda prog influenced httpsyoutubeborszg spotify also httpsopenspotifycomtracknlonolzfasrgnxtnsiwfllbcqfukpzuza listening feedback", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ventingi know life perfect go bashing life saying much hate me get it words hurt im gonna get rid toxic person me im going kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl liked long kept messing were together today im going house well alone so think first kiss going today happy thats", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "legend andrei konchalovskys towering half hour poem siberia begin once must hold back space takes time roundabout explorations halfremembered childhood memories turnofthecentury backwoods village yet movie goes picking steam building emotional resonance though even sounds images compose become imbued sheer association subject matter quality fierce tireless quiet dignity characterizes soviet working spirit konchalovsky celebrates soviet collectivity almost revisionist way paeans like soy cuba invincible mood turns somber reflective news revolution reach secluded siberian village grapevine fruits labor reach world war calls young men enlist this konchalovksy zeroes individual care affection examine bitter longing regret woman waited years war fianc never came back waited long enough go become barmaid ship velvet couches quit years later come back village care aging uncle killed fiancs father axe irreverent folly fianc came back war hero years late came back sake girl left behind drill oil motherland despair resignation middleaged regional party leader comes back small siberian village sole purpose blotting map build power plant movie segues decade decade s s amazing newsreel footage trailing soviet history revolution war famine titanic technological achievements empire terrific visuals here kinetic violence skewed angles flickering cramped shots crowds faces actual movie focuses individual triumphs follies small big second half sense bittersweet fatalism creeps in broken lives never reached fulfillment choking regret yearning it cant matter seems like world saying konchalovksy answers it must matter protagonists keep trying redemptionbr br yet behind saga man landscape something seems hover shadowy almost substanceless like eternal old man hermit appears every segment guide repudiate protagonists sometimes mere spectactor sometimes enigmatic sage little behind straightforward logical incomprehensible ultimatums challenges affirmations human characters something invisible seems lurk ghosts fathers appearing sepia dreams repeated shots star gleaming nightsky curious bear indeed eternal old man himself konchalovksy calls awe reverence mystical land order treatment small backwoods community struggling nature progress time ways learns deal them often funny bizarre tragic time director never allows cynicism override humanism reminds shohei imamuras profound desires gods when dream scene alexei tears planks door plastered propaganda poster stalin reach dead father vanishes fog movie hints betrayal soviet dream better yet things lost revolution betrayal made explicit films fiery denouement amazing visuals elegiac somber raw naturalist edge help seal deal end it oil derric erupts flames movie erupts wild explosion pure cinema", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "killed upper middle class professional class background failedi fallout middle class least end poor feel bad anymore struggled life despite born privilege feel guilty that awful person wish someone else born privilege say since upper middle class people fear poverty experience succeed much parents thing fear poverty nothing positive me matter still want die sill find difficult workfocus anything way life killed life privileges transferred someone else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film one best creepy yet intriguing performances crispin glover dennis hopper reagan years pretty bleak lot people teenagers flick really captured desperation despair welldirected great script apparently based true story really see weaknesses this opening shot brilliantbr br keanu reeves decent change miss skye right money hopper three great performances year blue velvet texas chainsaw ii hoosiers imagine cult following wonder picture would fare rereleased super stuff", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pain redflagi autoimmune disorder spinal deformity adhd anxiety chronic depression party also blessed sparkling personality use hide ailments constant physical emotional psychological agony getting worse get older understand redflag maybe responsible choice god damn tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redditor attempted redflagi wanted share experience trigger warning history ive major depression years ive almost every medication still hard still get lonely still get sad ampxb diagnosed make misdiagnosed treating bipolar disorder twenty years later find anxiety mdd things looked minute take medications sometimes felt good felt bad felt bad ampxb one night sad again week showered called work week terrified going lose yet another job due depression drank drank lot got super emotional cause got fight friend felt hopeless death felt right redflag notes written past felt like everyone else selfish selfish wanting die selfish wanting stay like this ampxb tried knife first it hurt bad found razor able cut wrists successfully im blood thinners took whole bottle would bleed out woozy wanted end faster kept going kitchen get medicine ended taking lot lamictal lamictal extremely dangerous large doses know time pee one point tried get literally legs legs fell me walk poisoned severely tried pull arms couldnt kept flipping furniture attempt get back bed vomit pillow slept face it hallucinations started morning alarm started go off screaming mom who cause im adult live alone turn alarm screaming obscenities torturing alarm shortly able crawl bedroom door open realized mom there computer alarm realized blind see anything like one backgrounds see mac thats bunch fuzzy colors crawled computer unplugged would stop collapsed see walk alive ampxb later day mom come find me thought attacked due disarray bedroom told happened begged take back pysch ward stay help heal could go work monday ampxb slowly weekend lot oatmeal bread water electrolytes could walk again eventually could see too monday came go back work took leave absence work knew would happen again ampxb called psych doc left message happened well see two months fuck him found closer doctor better doctor rxed something called tms httpswwwmayoclinicorgtestsprocedurestranscranialmagneticstimulationaboutpachttpswwwmayoclinicorgtestsprocedurestranscranialmagneticstimulationaboutpac ampxb saved life work insurance covered it treatment three psych meds as opposed thought redflag since ampxb read stories see going through hope you find way late wanted share story two reasons terrifying blind unable walk much much better thoughts clear depression minimal anxiety gone ampxb hope ever feel like committing redflag feel free reach me im listen story mine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "opinion give opinion anything long isnt political sexual please nothing political sexual that anything works", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ukakapantss try make garlic tater tots like garlic bread put butter garlic tater tots instead bread try instead spamming sub garlic bread ukakapantss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gain weight look like idiot im skinny even", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enjoyed film offers variety interesting subplots complex lovehate relations along interspersed action scenes lighthearted moments mountain men counter harsh army discipline main characters well cast true john wayne robert mitchum could probably done starring role well victor mature certainly comes across headstrong brawling tarzan sorts reminds film role samson another difficult impossible man tamebr br the mountain men opening scene certainly anachronism era pure trapper mountain men pretty much ended years before collapse western beaver populations well fashion market beaver pelts story supposedly takes place oregon end civil war judging volcano background opening sceneprobably mt lassen fictional fort located somewhere remote section cascades never see civilians however plenty conflicting evidence actually takes place mountains wyoming montana red cloud war chief threatens trappers soldiers fort namesake famous sioux war chief led successful campaign exterminate newly built army forts wyoming montana fort laramieeastern wyomingis mentioned far removed fictional fort plains tribe assiniboines mentioning joining red cloud aspect story then bears general resemblance historical factbr br it may interest note certain resemblances plot story john fords fort apache cases fort commander recently assigned first frontier post native american problems underestimates military prowess adversaries regarding little cannon fodder promote career films pays dearly inexperience dealing enemy also common greenhorn commander resents subordinate long experience local native americans wants tell wise do films budding romantic relaionship woman close commanders heart subordinate commander everything squelch clearly commander must eliminated allow romances proceed completionbr br i also see certain resemblances the misfits soldiers whole including commander misfits sortas one admits mostly problems raw recruits experience fighting native americans commanders wife apparently woman anywhere near fort thus inherently misfit husband uncertain future army trappers turn also misfits really wanting accept army civilian discipline yet cut previous free spirit lives recent armygenerated antagonism red cloud br br finally also compare story anthony manns later film the far country starring jimmy stewart stewarts case choose return loner cowboy end matures character come appetizing new way boss red cloud made life outside army region dangerous contemplate besides obsession commanders wife", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone take mind stuffnot immediate danger actually noticed lately thinking lot redflag probably summer abundance sunshine anyway matter angle approach from facts life make sigh life unfair people poor miserable im privileged naive asshole whos envious others happiness world plain flawed sad thing doesnt be talk friends parents boils a lot people way worse thankful like okay would feel ant better knowing lot people living worse life mine something really something along lines god wise knows hes doing whats point creating whole universe going force people cant even comprehend whats outside immediate understanding know im getting really actually believe god hate even ponder questions never answer tried pray search faith point always bites ass end regretting cringing overburdened minds filled guilt nothing heads universe big incomprehensible yet stuck wealth inequality college debt uncertain futures broken hearts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much want end iteverything caught cant deal it someone stop me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "died gang night passed out last time remember screaming top lungs fucking die woke everything still wrapped tight around neck untied myself got couch went sleep feel like waiting next opportunity feel numb fuck what tried", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finding difficult keep goingmother disowned me father disappeared decade ago long divorce sister disowned family always working low end jobs never able keep romantic relationships going friends slowly becoming busy problems current gf town week break responding much cries help expectations happiness attempts create ultimately fail leave feeling worse nothing really matters end die memory dies time attempted redflag years ago ended declared clinically dead revived er tried since thoughts creeping past months", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall miss nerf guns left nerf guns dads mine anymore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let join trend httpsmusictastespacerequestamiableemu", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love sounds like love looks like love doesnt feel like love empty mea lot people say kind loving things me say supportive things arent really behaviour fit way kindness supposed sound like etc something deeply amiss element authenticity absent subtile hard explain im tired pretending something wrong able receive love admit now problem yes they somethings missing dont care theories cant receive love im broken that feel truly sincere desire support me trust me itd reach me heal me there said it feels wrong counterintuitive doesnt it say youre pretending im saying youre aware fact youre putting barrier us dont ask much subtle barrier dont blame dressing wall protect ressources simply wish youd acknowledge yes youre supportive support truly need thing dont want share me im important enough you dont blame that really wish could admit longer feel like im crazy feeling way sorry nonsense", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "already dislike teacher looking presentations class one presentation came cringe mean see faces everyone cringing person kid said comedy chat joke people chuckling replied keep searching bois joke class ended teacher made us stay class scolded us mean joke even offensive offensive all person bad attempt comedy made joke it small measly joke mean come on standards low holy fuck something ass mad joke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many nonasian guys like japananime etc racist towards asian men something weird noticed often look asian men feel superior them obviously lot im asian know people say doesnt exist people noticed too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys see everyone posting commit redflag everyone posting like reasons ill give three time heals everything everything destined find purpose god believe him", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents okd iti told parents despite antidepressants im feeling suicidal im law school town hate another year ears debt support school anyone comes preparing competitive applicant job want really overwhelming parents said today clearly im dedicated lawyer im strong enough handle this redflag might best option im strong enough handle life really know im writing this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel lonely thoughts redflag looming getting stronger every dayi moved take care mother college could barely pick things get bed able get work home traveling couple times year years depressed learn drive family friends teach me get paid much able save lot series emergencies use active gained weight now face amp teeth messed born prematurely cleft pallet feel lonely every night lost interest movies games want someone hang me brother moved away big fight mother use love playing video games walking downtown watching movies thinking putting craigslist ad wants hang socially awkward ugly broke guy cant drive service like cheap thinking redflag often getting hard fight pain loneliness strong anymore thinking would it hang extension cord drown bath tub throw story apartment building guzzle thing bleach", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "me has one bad experience somewhere me need leave right now never go back start anew dont even think going back fcked up go always start again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " filler aksjsjkdkdlslsksjsjkdksksjskwmwmsksnnsksksj", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get many girls adding snap weight reasons get many girls adding snap either think theyre overweight actually lbs extremely self conscious way developing eating disorders want lose weight even though theyre fine recovering eating disorder realize repercussions ive also gotten year old guys ask nudes sent one guy pic chest im male said jebaited horny told wants see naked anyway experience im trying bash anyone eating disorder self conscious anything something help so many people gets annoying probably around girls last months im getting little tired ill keep trying talk them make feel better try help them need get something system", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyday reminder failure end iti wake up want end done pain realization matter day never get better wont ply reason life improve meaning take pill pill continue emotionless zombie spending day day g nothing one pretending life makes happy wanna know excites me brings smile face thought today day die slip away die never feel ungodly amount depression deal demons head pretend everyone im ok end day lay bed replay everything asking todaywhy today day im fucked up im bipolar im reasons need want die yet c nt it matter much want die like brain says nope today suffering do need today reminded fuckup wife left deserve nothing pain sorrow agony getting tonight like every night sit wishing courage right thing kill myself even something simple that im agony fucked", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took years finally got girlfriend would say ever happened lonely", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "told try cups tea feel worsei tried cups tea app recommended someone called nigger asked wanted talk sex feel much worse would teed something people looking help get asked want talk sex stranger call nigger im white female call bitch cunt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one question im suicidal feel insulted everytime someone dropping line like hey lets talk it get better promise comes people get people like done talking things got worse years curious reading lines bringing thoughts like ending it ever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling lostthis probably end rant think need get thoughts mostly maybe someone respond something provide insight story maybe putting help understand am depression anxiety long remember ever knew either one was remember first panic attack still young enough elementary school people made uncomfortable everything still really since sometime middle school think depression really began take form wanted hurt myself pushed pencils skin tried cut protractor once plastic though told one times showed signs mind like addressed shortly never brought again even thought redflag lot remember begin really cutting point control me took away anxiety sadness felt good after even great became regular exercise long time almost daily always one could see times somewhere elsei guess wanted help none ever came parents ever saw got trouble it think around told depression like wishing wake every day respond well understand must hard kid tell you time never brought since found hard find joy happiness anything pretty detached world played video games keep occupied lived country one really around one ways forget everything started working anxiety became worse panicked states every shift dreading every time go in one thing found joy significant other feeling like someone work hard for future worth building thing made feel happy know supposed rely others happiness never happy otherwise guess bad luck well cheaters liars sometimes someone moving away hurt every time lose happiness one apologize another depression tell happy thankful were nice helpful someone else together three years outside depressed pitfalls always seemed look me learned lot could stronger thought gained self worth that last much strain made us little patience one another old wounds heal felt best go separate ways good terms guess still talk time time met someone else really great ended too go details one ended left hollow ive ever been couple years ago now things progressed wonder still worth here feel like life nothing uphill battle fighting months years grief pain mere moments happiness incredibly crushing look around wonder anyone really happy idea happiness child even possible always managed handle things never taken medication gone therapy late things taken dark turn mind usual almost obsessed levels suicidal thoughts sure would something sure wanted went therapy session available free work gave general tips picked told needed something long term suicidal thoughts left yet think almost non stop years without cutting again frustrated current love interest distant seemed uninterested combined bad day work depressed state turned anger unable find razor became frustrated dull blades available something never before took pills plan dying sure enough want feel anything anymore enough feel pretty messed though took went bed time after side note rarely drink been drunk twice life never smoke woke ten hours later surprised effects worn yet shakey sweating dizzy time work againpart wish woken up went car stop end driveway get throw up made work people commented pale kept throwing going home fine within next day though despite happened feel less desire end things worried thought making it regrets didnt if happens happens still stuck even guess losti overwhelming desire die want hurt anymore feel hopeless worthless feel like continuing exist worth trouble think hard happy maybe im weak feel like meaningful connections people would hurt killed myself know main reason before know alternative even want try want happy im sure even possible know cant keep going like this know find way happy ill finish things sooner later friends seem understand tell feel guilty burden everything want go parents never close trust judgement understanding this professional help hard convince go to talking someone possible medical bills admitted deemed hazardous myselfit seems like would make things stressful worth getting help even want get help thought leaving taking savings going without word anyone know would go would happen scares too feel like anything mistake im trapped life misery despite friends family feel alone cared loved guess thats significant makes happy guess thats wrong like that cant find anything else does anything would content unrealistic guess want much know live clear path seems like redflag one know outcome of far looks like better option thoughts pm figure could dead month half anyone would realize happened work would notice would probably think decided stop coming in one would look past text message think rent far enough behind think finally would open place up every time try opening someone feel like finally connection realize really care me realize alone am really hate world hate nothing trudging forward hoping things get better every day filled pain loneliness heartache terrible everyone seems like people accept fact move on cant accept this cant continue enduring weeks months bitter existence hopes meager fleeting happiness living dying inside day day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel stressed still nothing country fall holidays theres one week school starts again yesterday realized actually school stuff holidays completely overwhelmed dumbass forgotten ive already week start them ive spent entire week bed due depressive episode something thats still going strong legitimately cant get something arts project reading whole book assignments catching stuff already didnt last last weeks school due week days also exams per week two weeks right holidays since theyve moved back due covid worst time assignments studying especially home want anything semiokay itll take hours get distracted easily get overwhelmed cry it im fing loser times dont even start assignment time meaning like half hour complete them makes everything worse wont get good results ill fail class additionally house renovated moment room basically empty wednesday next week havent even started cleaning furniture out absolutely idea this feel like im like paralyzed stress cant start anything keep thinking theres much do theres way finish week want start things assignments making room look good feel unable to time theres way around this cant distract wait things get better no need actually put work in lazy ass self cant that dont want fail th grade thats like worst year fail dont know do im lazy mom getting worried pretty much begged get something least today wouldnt worry me im feel bad worrying like that dont know do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point might think tf wrong yeah really hope happens hate every human especially family forcing live hope meteor hits destroys whole earth kill us", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck all hope everyone sub dies painful death fucking suck deserve death ill see hell", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people stop treating people like shit ideology aslong anything harmfull something bad go ahead stop pushing worse time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "damn bros commercialization kinda fucked funny capitalize ironic criticism holds place exact thing mocking capitalization media perpetuates cycle whereas thing eventually replace reach pop culture either hold stance reach people man im saying words nvm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot decide whenmy parents visiting right now wait till friday want husband love thing stops going thinking upset hed be cant hold longer month two now every night close eyes think hanging rope thought soothes lot pain gone wish way reboot myself isnt strength live everyday force wake up get ready go work come back home try live routine life work think alive anymore helps lot solution see ceasing exist begged support difficult taken seriously pretend everything fine externally yearned feeling wanted needed life maybe oversensitive wanted months till time tough love jokes happy around words everyday much mean him fantasize fatal car accident without hurting anyone else course one needs know killed myself easier everyone get it cannot strong anymore sure do it waiting till friday seems impossible now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best analogy school imagine getting beat near death baseball bat person beating asking dollars week sam thing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom found femboy pics mostly accepting said okay experiment keeps bringing up oh boy embarrassing af", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive bad thoughtsneed advice dohello all year old female graduating month ive diagnosed bipolar psychotic features well know anyone relate this ive feeling strange lately im depressed feel like inner force drives want kill myself think killing myself ways things need get done die ive different plans already got materials needed one them weird thing times get temporary relief depression times really desire death much think it mind thought it feel strong drive im depressed im depressed manic get mixed states get completely obsessed killing myself really know do im seeing psychiatrist therapist last time disclosed information like got sent hospital think hospital would benefit me im sorry rambling thanks reading advice would much appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "live way long days year supposed live this thought motivated thought something would change nothing changed life worse last year cry almost everyday loneliness time give attention talk me people supposed understand even cant hate life say care me dont even know name killed tomorrow know existence meaning ending seems like best option even though know best option courage it pathetic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pogchamp ggwp pet rock loves relationshipgoals wowowo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "solid black white slapstick comedy dark but hopelessly contrived plot true crowd pleaser howling laughter as well rolling eyes disbeliefbr br its old psychopath train story big importance thriller portion film almost seems merely counterweight antics great comedian robert gustafsson hapless nearly incurably optimistic soldier invokes compassion schadenfreude fashion almost rivals chevy chasebr br the thing film appealed most however wedged improbable hilarious accurately portrayed everyday joys nuisances train travel add welcome sense realism recognitionbr br this thriller comedy admittedly borrowed suspense hitchcock should opinion watched comedy value which high indeed besides gustafsson lars ambles solid performance delightfully cynical misogynist worth price admission alonebr br heartily recommend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know whereive looking options think way want go jumping ive looking places seattle cant find anywhere know aurora bridge common place redflag wall makes hard want find good place it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "boyfriend requirements male optional strongly recommended alien required", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watch anime hmmm think neon genesis evangelion relates much me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "funny thing happened someone another site trying make joke expose thread dw asked it said too clean hed trouble finding anything funny part post much shit would needed seconds", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant deal anymorethis week worst experience life wife years left took year old children work filed custody child support im alone everything heart soul life best friend friend except brother talk people often person confided cant talk her bought house together everything kids sewn every memory im feeling pain ive ever felt one talk to friends whole lifes turned around multiple rifles guns sit loaded ready cant held head minutes breaking down cant want live here im lost clue handle this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " decided im much pussy kill myself cant even leave flat ive trying force go hours im point im even sad banned every discussion atempt atleast sort communicationcant look gf eyes cant force even talk dont know feel im failure complete human wreck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rsum dorothy parkerrazors pain you rivers damp acids stain drugs cause cramp guns lawful nooses give gas smells awful might well live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh im angy playing black ops one zombies keener towton cant get public lobby never load kicks out play solo die like round forget hit ive playing blackops lately", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "basically longer able play games anymore long story short optometrist said eyes broken bad prolonged screen time damage eyes badly said could blind way much screen time top ear doctor said ear drums damaged bad closeloud noise deafen me words im longer going play games swear god im kidding", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggling redflag depression years now lost loved ones friends drifted never felt alone reason committed suicide know parents cope dad alcoholic mum dependent me support try help anything bring low tell disappointment ashamed medication talking help feel like nothing left could fix me guilt want killing me life lost guilt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im good enough achieve goalsi graduated college years ago im still working minimum wage job got pay bills college feel like life ever amount be sincerely believe im good enough obtain greater success currently have current job still living home parents give up know believe life get better im going end tonight everyone house goes bed im going go car garage turn let fumes kill me ill long dead anyone wakes tries stop me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "person hates meim m everyone says im fine everyone thinks im ok friends seem person hates cant stop hating think creepy monster know im really cant help think true like im fighting want stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "costumer left sticker said you beautiful table one servers work with took sticker cleaning table could see want feel grossed out hopefully make bad person", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep bottling emotionsi fucking hate fact men cant actually express feelings except anger happiness want friends feel know try change subject feel extremely uncomfortable god forbid man says insecurities admit crying weak manly shit like ups male redflag rate seems like know one seems care want tell friend im suicidal want scare push away me keep bottling emotions cant fucking take keep over kill l least want know cant bring even say word redflag around know accept part brain still telling bad things happen tell him know say without coming across weak know fucking all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "females subreddit feel neck beards immediately ask random questions context attempt female companionship feel uncomfy feel defensive feel embarrassed asking research development opinions", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find antiwar statement without looking hard layer hackneyed find value neutral comment madness war stripped judgement layer completely uninterestingbr br or watch darn good entertainment value duvalls oneliners thats coating commercial masticationbr br you try view realistic vietnam war film ask veteran hell swat notion vets say stinksbr br or view will he morality play nothing rich there eitherbr br where found value superb selfreference coppola needed container great enough dimensions the war fit greatness skilled multidimensional actor playing a great manbr br brando man much maverick kurtz character studios uncomfortable acting method yet always excelled accolades generals uncomfortable kurtzs unsound methods spite strategic geniusbr br so coppola makes movie brandos greatness hammer point places movie as hopper manic photojournalist laden multiple cameras spout praises brando seen halflight silhouettes brilliant cinematography storaro increases actors power goes like sacrificial bull complete narrative equation oh yes the horror br br other pieces interest great use point view camera perspectives including being firefight long private ryan ground breaking use sound notably ominous flanging sweeps sonic depiction acid tripbr br dont get caught outer layers rich part despoil brilliant core sound vision selfreference", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always wanted urges never actually tried want bad stuck people family died little brother still kid hurting bad brain says people try kill themself worse disorders go try really think ill die wish easy moral bad feel fake never tried kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "voted first time today vote bluehttpsiimgurcomuafbmjpg", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressed cant tell parents soso ive getting sadder sadder every day cant find reasons get bed anymore feel like tell parents theyre gonna really worried want keep redflag thinking your friends gonna maybe sad that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whiny teenager know startuuuuuuh okay probably begin stating im know experienced significant hardship live comfortably lost anyone close where lost euphemism death experienced abuse anything like that loving family really legitimate reason feel way cant explain it welcome tell feelings result normal teenage mood changes would like believe are im sorry pain read ive decided best way put everything bullet points guess ask things want know about way im hopefully ranting on diagnosed anxiety bullied finding difficult talk anyone lonely unhappy selfharming cutting last two years frequent thoughts redflag real reason this really know im hoping achieve typing go would like talk someone reddit feel alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many meso many committed redflag much younger now gained even less experience life now enough life conviction enough end it even greater conviction suffering long suffer longer wanted die young bring it every reason it younger self could never imagine bad would feeling today constant broken heart feeling heart sinking chest everyday without fail total separation humanity ive fair share pathetic life nothing complain comes ending life others experienced even less ended lives", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok bitchim going fucking sleep still wanna die despite people messaging once night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want continue living know aint rightive always depressed ever since around so born condition thats known thalassemia since felt different feelings feel detached parents siblings everyone everyone treats looks pity feel like void now everyday pain contact parents like would give money unquestioned thats want want ignored want get better thats happening right now im gonna soon thoughts killing me cant continue im still figuring kick bucket cant figure better tried exercising think everything matter do cant seem find happiness im looking for im afraid im going something ill regret soon enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finances cover rent bills groceries struggle lately ive barely eating fuck that im asking enough cover getting car inspected gas get there life slowly falling apart since april last year im done every morning wake disappointment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made sub ridkpogthighchurch join bubs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "haha next line yare yare guy kakyoin avdol one guy died came back life reddit tbag wendys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anything right moreno matter hard try matter say never anything right eyes others more im nothing failure through im lonely undeserving failure died months ago every time think things getting better end cursing things get much worse maybe deserve happy things get better end year im sticking around cant more everyone else leaving turning backs me may well same better way care anyway", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really problem post herepeople ok use one person worse them sent pm someone answered sunday heres conversation ended gt me probably stems experience ive made far really thing report bbc radio year ago rate redflag among polish people uk massive according social workers come cambridge certs english university degrees work experience work joiners polish discouraging time thought turned everything revolves around born really make sense carry living gt them seems like terrible situation judged solely based come from guess make appreciate things bit here ability grow poor francoamerican upbringing able climb way part us space program im successful people im comfortable things turned end ever visited us id love hear travels experiences time share yeah sucks chance you matter hard work know suppose situation manageable religion people believed suffer irl theyll go heaven losers fed antidepressants keep going people still inevitably refuse kind life kill themselves ill it new visa atm right now ill chill weeks think wanted die ill go europe it know fast train railroad woods from germany prague good spot according videos watchpeopledie quite sure way that im feeling better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everybodys favorite pastime im looking friends decided id give place try ive heard suspected pedophiles here yall kindly fuck off im male open minded accepting everyone like fishing hiking writing playing music live streaming much much more anybody looking friends someone chat with feel free message me thanks reading post hope see soon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna chat filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going starve deathim weak actively kill myself maybe passively eating", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "part cells hydrophobic smh like water dont see whats hard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought coming going easy woke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one best episodes entire xfiles series creepy beyond words tension suspense episode well executed entire minutes managed almost scary entire movie episode joins ranks best episodes greats home humbug bad blood milagro best respective seasonbr br mulder scullys growing relationship put test episode really trust other episode also contains tiny scene leave romantic viewers smilingbr br mulder bring mittens", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so theres really stupid portuguese news channel called cmtv so theres portuguese news channel really stupid called cmtv posted website article called have swag nword communicate qith teenagers everuthing wrong example said bitch stands beutiful inteligent talented cute hot heres link article httpswwwcmjornalptmaiscmdomingodetalheterswagparanaoserumnigga portuguese unless know read need translate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please tell doive five years almost two year old son together course relationship lied cheated physically emotionally abused me know this know im stupid stayed were fighting again caught secretly texting receptionist work swears friends happened never friend again says im psyco says know hes me im burden im crazy insecure get it im overreacting says dont see parent son wants put baby daycare said im comfortable yet ive thought years he everyonewould happier better dead think son would too subject myself deserves grow without dealing crazy mother im really trying love much think it come conclusion killing really selfish act boyfriend would unrestrained tied down generally one problems anymore son young enough miss me long forget hell better long run idea anyone see this maybe another crazy thing do friends close family im alone itd okay all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "left wife daughter her think ill kill todayive lefet wife daughter weeks old ive hurt ex wife beyond words explain that ive woman ive loved first sight ive started relationship lasts year now hurting much cant even explain keeps recalling previous partner calls daughter shit tells die says things hurt spine break heart every day two love much spend weekend daughter every week taking good care daughter bring back mother partner freaks unloads shit me taken long ive tried hang months ago trying get back previous partner together everyone around wants us happy people around tell us great pair im despair pain ive never in im seizures kicking im down used hit head hard walls door frames stop crying screaming ive begging kind me ive asked love many times says sometimes loves reactions words bad wants daughter die try best try hard im landing downward spiral always tears scream sorrow ive spending money support her ive put brink bankruptcy ive stolen money support us happy everything seems like going work out happy hell earth feel im munchs painting scream ive psychiatrist ive perscriped carbodiazepine stabilize mood works extent go beyond point pain cope get seizures lie floor cry weep weep hard ive scratched face several times seizures way could describe attempt scratch face off parents try contact me us theyve made steps touch us says dont try hard enough sad know leave woman cant want love love want hard me past weeks ive considering another redflag bottle tramadol cupboard ive taken grandma died cancer used painkiller know take gulps tramadol going ill peace daughter sleeping us today months old please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive seen dads browser history dad ipad thats always living room phone charging room searching something chilling couch side bar thing open bookmarks decided jokingly check history full prn nothing prn several days stepdaughter prn thank god doesnt daughter choking prn bunch types prn dont even know time watch it sits downstairs night goes bed mom room cant jack cause always stay later come couple times per night water letting cat backyard bit since quarantine hes never really home alone long enough im disturbed discovery im lying awake bed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im trying become rich successful precise rich successful rapper ive slacking bit grind past months im trying pick again may grinding much want school still grind more practice music everyday mix things freestyle i need more go discord give people reviews music use positive affirmations etc im hopes im living dream life time im perfect age life way want it ill keep grinding even make yeah wanted make post wanna check music ask comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want fall asleep know wake feel bad now know parents going drag church going make dumb mistake feel like shit probably self harm fall asleep wake continue day die want fall asleep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spread mom new years httpimgurcomamnbjfw yah lot actually got food took picture good times", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking dare tell im burden younot wont let speak leave dare open mouth", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "poo poo times pee pee times alll pee pee times poo poo times", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eric valette obviously talented filmmaker two guys wrote script therefore malfique great flick made bucks also tons imagination well im bit exaggerating nevertheless im sincere so like dark gory movies go see one really worth it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ah good actors take bland material thinking movie tight police thriller may disappointed situations true life plot proceeds predictable clip pretty well see lays ahead way actors take there many criminals secondary figures really stereotypes motion much dialog plain sillybr br but love see good actors rise kind material make something it love movie sam elliott nothing short brilliant taking onenote character detective falon come alive depth pathos never seen elliott emote much beyond usual scowling stoic stances delighted range emotion depicts film also early fifties film looks fantastic bare chest scene gives hope middle aged men everywhere esai morales wonderful job elevating role det falons eager beaver new police partner could easily played robin elliotts batman instead breathed genuineness passion role makes work despite lame lines given saybr br paul sorvino fun watch plays eccentric police captain seems know slumming movie ball it makes fun us toobr br this movie bythenumbers plot makes great performances sam elliott fans definitely get one suck kick see spread wings much usually allowed do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recently seem brain fogs able concentrate classes able take new information used to motivation anything thing whenever try make point lump forms throat eventually start crying regardless whether made point noti also feel really irritated time really reason irritated thingsmy parents tell nothing continue studying pass need know seek help experiencing due depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like one feels miserable life right now happy feeling alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired tryingfuck this im sick always fucking bad guy genuinely feel like make every effort everything right im easy target people take shit me cant ever person people want fuck it god damn even fucking try long anyway always knew gonna happen im sick people world worth apart", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bois got free nudes free nude pass fuck yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "planso im financially boned right now worst fear come pass cant afford apartment month im leaving everything behind hittin highway straight pembina nd border town south canada want look place never got go long term goal go there become citizen couldve better life there least could afford treatment even didnt insurance which first years while id slit throat last memory staring could been", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "making worsedoes anyone ever feel like life sucks enough actually go end all go whatever make even worse yet somehow still courage it want end bad cant it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "entered schools yearbook cover contest got nd place meaning back yearbook lmfao ampxb i would show whole thing personal info ithttpspreviewredditqlqkoktkxajpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsbfefedffafdedfa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "troubling time seeking someone talk gets worse preventative measureslong story short ass girlfriend dumped me friends really want back relationship her cant sleep dont appetite ive lost lot motivation feel like im falling apart months ago happened dating year thought one day would married children bright futures college work slipping first semester intentionally failed english advanced college rhetoric order grade replace thinking nothing it failed college algebra im dumb top a high school texas motivation work scaring me feel like ill never accomplish goals current gpa ill never get law school im losing friends dont necessarily best social skills branch meet new people drink go sleep rarely work im heavily addicted nicotine cant get juul go pod day pod pack cigs im afraid going catch hit once feel like would much happier someone talk to miss ex much want back her perfect match completely fucked everything took car payment adding stress took relationship destroyed everything mention also wrecked truck weeks ago perfect representation truck affected life complete wreck really need someone talk isnt going get tired this wont tell cut life move on need someone understands like everything fall apart know begin feeling better makes easier christian dont feel like god ever side want put end feelings evolve something worse family history clinical depression tldr life falling apart im trying feel better preventative measures reaches point return", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quick question stuff noticed twitter flag pretty girls twitter there ive never seen flag got emoji", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saved bellalmost something stupid but coincidentally old old ex called blue right bout go across wrist saved phone call honestly get urge call text somone it could save life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posted couple years ago another account deleted posted poems stuff thought might like anyway years ago made attempt gone wrong ended psych ward local hospital quickly enough realized actually stake showed love affection attention care kind cured while thought yearsmeanwhile good life found want life found romantic partner loyal loving clueless romantic far expected couple years ago lol parents moved back together even helped them found new friends enjoy like everything pretty much literally hundreds times better was life improved every aspectuntil recentlyi recently started would call minor anger issues throwing qualified tantrums age pretty ashamed me feel like thisi also started alimentation problems again barely eating anymore appetite to drink lot however ever did tired work tired family yet love done anything wrongrecently caught contemplating suicide more way began many years ago try distracting playing online video games getting call someone myself always one main triggers past feel like here purpose meaningful thought was need help again restarted contemplating suicide lately years last visit psych ward", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate myselfcurrently home drunk ive wanted kill since around maybe years old im now thoughts seem come waves tried exercising eating healthy seeing doctor social none works keep coming back wanting die worst part feel like could fixed getting relationship know make things worse im lonely crave attention get wish could exceedingly happy like people see almost exhausting me year die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel worse time goes oni feel like throwing away everything could live streets forest know sounds inconsiderate people looking get street need lose change way live hate life always have spend nights wide awake able sleep thinking ways kill myself dont know wrong me like cancer cannot seem get rid feelings have ive slept apartment hallways before problem living im afraid ill end drugs like used be sounds silly right im literally suicidal would care im rich dont drugs id feel worse already do ive also clean couple years pot alcohol quit smoking cigarettes too im sure soon hit streets ill smoking unfortunately real killer mind though feel born die whatever good usually turns shit fault time tend fuck everything up say everything mean whole bottle it every last drop im really hard myself feel like couldve better shouldve done things differently whole life full regret day goes without dwelling mistakes ive made sleep ive gone days without it dont believe god devil feel like im alone smother me sleep question one thing love writing consider smart compared others writing helps find myself without id put gun head now thoughts have love everybody unfortunately im bastard ive done pretty shitty things life time isnt confession church ill keep myself hate ive become dont think ill make let alone ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new seasonthis season life end season hard hurts new season arrive dont give up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "greystoke legend tarzan lord apes based classic book tarzan apes edgar rice burroughs faithful adaptation classic book film great scenery like jungles south africa greystoke mansion acting also great chirstopher lambert great performance tarzan also first english speaking role film funny moments sad moments touching moments makes real classicbr br the film sees boat crashing jungles south africa time later son named john apes go hut one kills father apes take live adopt one own years go john grows learns like apes teens foster mom gets attacked native hunters soon killed them years later group people going africa expedition setting camp theyre soon attacked natives escape capitaine phillippe darnot left behind injured arrows hiding meets john adult takes home takes care wounds phillippe starts teach john speak english teach hes one apes person phillippe goes leave john goes him sometime arrive greystoke manor sixth earl greystoke shown long lost grandson john shown bedroom picture true mom dad john also meets jane porter slowly get know begins feelings her christmas sixth earl greystoke slides stairs killing himself john starts miss jungle wants return phillipe tells stay since everything done would nothing john torn life greystoke lord apesbr br greystoke legend tarzan lord apes great classic seen ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pain testicles now months last doc visit examined thats it nothing else testicle torsion etc etc scared going visit new one today night afraid ill loose young age", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really looking forward sex ed not going put condoms dildos stuff like that fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "answer yes every comment yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl im not fuckin simps filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tips keeping redflag mindhi cripplingly low self esteem cut still fairly often lately ive leaning towards redflag often im scared might try something know case nearly serious others here wanted know guys tips simply keeping redflag bay", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably kill bulk suppressed child abuse memories resurfacea bit scenario here lets say savannah bitten poisonous snake unable move see distance pack hyenas coming towards surely kill state better let poison enter heart die without experience flesh limbs torn body back reality already going pretty rough depressive episode less forced think childhood memories friend asked watching movie new therapist asked could get background first weird remember much time autistics like usually great memories took time mind suddenly presented terrifying flashbacks childhood concerning father already hate eg constantly threatening family threatening siblings take us family health insurance hes mostly life new memories things know whether live with chased around grandmas house cornered bathroom trying strike even people watching him shot cork gun bb gun blamed getting bullied grade school ever since fourth grade problems using hand belt discipline me forced eat jerky animals killed backyard time middle school absolute oldest theres going memories know it forget big moments childhood reason combined fact im survivor sexual assault think mind able let survive less able live college im even doubts whether survive thursday therapist appointment feels like shaped today personality trait lot things scare im victim choice whether would prefer trash person father wanted could childhood person today childhood starting consume life cant trust people say love andor worth father said exact things mentally cannot see getting better worse whether current events im american see life one includes chronic mental anguish im probably whining point im sensitive see nothing like myself cant even trust mind stable death preferrable", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "energy live anymorei know redflag would hurt family feel capable supporting loving way im alone big city person planning marry abruptly ended completely destroyed self confidence honestly really know think saying anything worth it ive trying hard stand two feet honestly useless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "done research come revolutionary breakthrough make anime body pillows sides waifu would allow people use time allowing people spend much money body pillows buy im sure exist make maximise body pillow usage rest case tldr make anime body pillows double sided maximum efficiency", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "report accounts title says seen pics ad bottom type stream recording service accounts posted type pics bots see name way report profile bot agaist rules ad marked ads subliminal advertising say ad wrong well wrong know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "welp im going bed ive gotta wake whatever need much sleep ill fine im hormonal imbalanced right im tired anything are gn ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bernie sanders old since born anyways idk put hope u suffer much fine day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good morning im crying crabs found hermit crab finds bigger shell itll explore see itll fit shell big wait shell hours crabs come along try out realize big well queue next shell form line biggest crab smallest wait crab perfect fit exchange shells sequence everyone gets new home omg", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know never able help myself apathetic whole life never going change constant ruminations zero self esteem redflag loneliness fucking wonderful lucky me obese since now know ill never lose it tried tried nothing never spoken girl always aloneknowing still cannot bothered help escape it got support family nothing change unless change know never going happengetting thoughts suicide constant wish could hurt mom like that would break her unable help myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kicked house two months ago maybe left it know got argument mother trying leave stepfather grabbed started hit me fought back older sister side helped him barely bruised left knew would deadly next time pretty sure choice mother yelling crazy left first tried move father talked years except one weekend weekend went well told loved thought still child thought could go him told escape ended staying best friend next year graduate still full year taking space cannot even get job identification going hungry days want ask food know money responsibility mothers boyfriend alcoholic gets drunk yells gets violent afraid one day going remember exist going remember trans going remember homophobic know college good school get good college know fill applications information parents school told worry fafsa said anything actual college feel alone want someone talk someone cares nobody tell to best friend knows wonderful kind person comfort others want it would much simpler die matter anyone feel like lost hope becoming successful person know anymore would easier die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well itif check past posts see wife rough time lately tonight especially rough got angry guy keeps talking displayed anger putting fist threw wall says need regain trust steps forward steps back im tired cant win give up ive already taken many pills evening im taking more hopefully wake up fuck it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupid even get way outeven wanted to dont enough drugs kill tonight dont gun it tried bleeding change mind last second every time get car makes real honestly dont think could ever actually end life reason im writing thread though point life never thought possible im point life makes sense end life im point dont feel passion family encourage to im point know dont matter know everyone would done it stay here wont know like left behind temporary wont make permanent decision want know reason writing thread go feeling justified kill feeling valuable to maybe im ranting idiot idk need hope maybe motivational tdocumentary something would help choose keep going logically doesnt matter do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youtube auto play gave wanted thats thanks algorithm sometimes useful anyways good night", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dog died dog years shi tzu passed away recently playing backyard little sister ball passing around bounced off cookiey my dog ran get bumped farther point bit worried let go bit more unfortunately live right near road time figured would go far late car hit him", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need fucking gf udhbddbbdbd dont even care sex wanna good relationship someone like urjdndbsueijfngnfjeudhcnfndjrufjcnf someday itll work", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally got boyfriend flirting months flirting since june hour calls still clue liked him said liked thought nice him how obvious everyone him guys clueless im honestly filled brim joy call mine excited first official date saturday cannot wait", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nerves exposed loneliness gets painfuli try act tough manly people see it care much way people feel around me think what wrong am even adding anything exciting interesting life struggle socially struggle talk nieces nephews way should see boring im", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one wants helpas much show signs suicidal thoughts speak clearly one cares feel like one take seriously thoughts try", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "neither someone suffers depression someone lives fullfiling life discribe would say statue indifferencei have long time contemplated argued debated question why ending life even though see point living on like thing material nonmaterial stopping me why is suicide takes much effort is lack resources end life is right opportunity is basic survival instinct stopping me think not mundane reasons easily overcomei possed question again come answers again retorted answers again rejected answers possed question againso what cannot seem come answer sparks flame burn doubts answer satiate gap curiosityi feel uncomfortable indiffrent nature voilated annoying honestly need know quickly end unreasonable life ending lifewhat actually stopping me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get bettersince early teens theyve told gets better well im got nice apartment well payed job wonderful fiance world im still suicidal even then exactly going get better know much time left", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "impossible tale female witch pursuing mortal man mortal world community open among members conceals witchcraft mortals hmmmmthis starting sound familiar lol typical movie campy performances jack lemmon ernie kovacs keep things getting dull kim novak always pleasure screen found pairing james stewart unusual but fatal storybr br with renewed interest things witchy dark film deserves discovered rediscovered old new audiences still hoot ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life going nowhere friends care me feel like nothing burden familyi lowest ive ever felt right now plans four different friends today one returned phone call text odd occurrence feel like im ignored forgotten soon leave room dropped college earlier year handle pressure classes depression live home tell parent disappointed know fix it times happy im distracted something like movie work food one source income minimum wage job feel noticed appreciated think future see nothing think im alone killing myself many people give two shits want feel way help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get job im tired tryingi graduated finance degree years ago years yet find anything temporary jobs steady job ive taxes im damn good even months year barely support myself parents always feel guilty taking money know always there im fucking tired looking work im fucking exhausted trying put getting nothing back im tired husband tells worry hes also pretty much position steady job hes underpaid way take care us both even guilt would much me thing is know im great worker know great job given chance feel like pattern temp jobs resume keeping people hiring hurts passed much rejection much even know look work anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting girlfriend honestly isnt great almost broke lock basement door lock expensive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "picture walked away kinds ocars best director john ford actor victor mclaglen music max seiner victor mclaglengypo nolan call marines gave outstanding performance irish rebel belonged rough tough crowd fighting cause time getting poorer poorer plenty drinking gypo nolan made bad mistake decided become informer best friend order take trip gal america new way living preston foster don gallagherguadalcanal diary gave great supporting role leader irish rebellion anxious capture informer group gypo nolan becomes haunted betrayal friend begins feel like judas great film wonderful acting mclaglen rather depressing every aspect film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "monkeys jumping bed gtgtgtgt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make life feel interestingfun enough stick around fori depressed teen usual angst bullshit got like people even though im depressed sense word nothing really excites me go hikes alone middle night without cellphone cold snowing outside stuff like go sailing rubber boat storm spice things even really feel alive im sitting computer college fantasize killing alot think probably ive always fantasy anything supernatural im mature enough realize something like never going happen going boring routine rest life like summers work replace college feels pointless dull", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone help mego plans kill myself need encouragement advices", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im losing live feel like im reaching limitso transgender already suffer major depression add dysphoria bad time wih people leaving today say goodbye important friend all got much one around wantsseems willing help care me good day wanna ruin same time slowly losing live know post please downvote upvote whatever losing ability care anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont hate things mess upi wanted new new year last year everything shit surprised didnt kill last year plans new forgot get pass move on want be good job awesome boss i work home helps playing crossfit n mma planing ask girl my fiance left mnths ago course life bitch work much get little hours we r small company got make much behind many bills i laid months be got job everything adding n cant take anymore cant afford gyms cuz bill stuff ontario expensive im afraid asking girl cuz much trust issues home get bossed around told everything even pay major bills really wished ended life last year really didnt want feel like year days feel cane back kicked nuts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best friends dad committed redflag year ago seems im still caught upback story last november rd roommate time and best friends dad committed redflag friend dad odds years especially dropped engineering pursue another degree never spoke often except father mad him spoke father once conversation cold brief needless say majority stress friends life came father mother sweetest woman think ever met became close phone calls together often great times together went visit retired french teacher teaches piano goes marathon length runsbikesand cross country skiing daily happy healthy amazing woman father also retired job keep people breathing came ambulances sorry remember actual title saw lots people die arms grew cold recluse this always kind strong silent type would spend weeks time woods thats backstory commited redflag rd birthday th mom finally able build strength call th way work received call first person called devastated got home soon could life became blur there went home about hours away saw mother first time told story finding note calling police helped roommate clean excess supplies dad fixing way go roommate stayed mother never returned house together necessary responsible him gone bad break two month previous loosing best friend well dealing emotional weight put dark place while flash forward year later call ask come birthday weekend express understanding cant come down asks why say well least want home rd why that year anniversary dads death oh ever mom new bf seeing fine know many different ways people cope grief people hide shrug avoid it know best friend inside out hold back other legitimately feel though situation myself think almost daily basis still dream coming home house everything involved there roommate unintelligent guy opposite true honest mathematical logical tend tune emotion maybe why sure sorry long post want know people similar experiences before strange still bugs much maybe talking one spewing inner thoughts onto reddit post", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things slow burn many things overlapped one another pushed finished phd im worn looking it ive realized psychological symptoms redflag display closely aligned racismspecific redflag ive psychotherapy im sure therapist adequately prepared identify it know certain redflag want begin healing im done grad school wherehow start", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ashamed myself reallyreally longa little backstory home schooled til th grade didnt quite get hang school high school grades never really good felt highly accomplished whenever got c parents day still convinced im kind genius lazy never really group friends people actually barely talked me unpopular much hated talk bad it teachers force words wasnt much hand get comfortable would say outrages things act ridiculously attention feel foolish later chubby unhygienic antisocial discovered masturbation family moved portugaleurope absolutely hated first kids international school went tightly knit felt completely ostracized age started fall love basketball swimming plus active lifestyle general didnt go either teams though felt unwanted grades dropped even lower first time ever received failing grade class barely passed two others parents caring love much transferred smaller schoolchurch students high school next two years th th grade happiest years life remember met friends seemed genuine attractive slowly became way learned speak mind eloquently got amazing shape swimming surfing basketball turned started drinking fantastic time hanging beach talking pretty girls loved people taco kind love people youd happily spend rest life kind love became religious together too moved back america kansas places kansas hot dry completely different culture closest beach texas everyone talked driving sports college every day driving sports college great topics moderation three years theyve started eat away point cant even enjoy watching basketball tv arrived zero clue drive something people didnt find cool started lying it next people found knew next nothing college football basketball wasnt quite hip either started lying it well first year there started getting ruts negative thought would spiral head leave depressed tired unable think positive thoughts myself was am embarrassed didnt even ask parents drive made queasy think about felt like couldnt real conversations anyone lies kept leading lies started lying without even thinking it whenever someone would ask question would automatically answer coolest way possible began fear speaking people like child id come home headaches everyday around people couldnt look counselors eye conversation parents without lying something pointless didnt join basketball diving team people would find driving lies started skipping classes probably skipped attend depressed think attendance selfdestructing bursts charisma absolute apathy truth able keep parents ever finding out reason even got accepted local college excellent act scoresupporting lazy colleges low standards skip forwards year recently dropped college freshman yearbig surprise there chose political science honestly reason seems like specific major smart person would chose maybe average interest politics law first semester went okay last one literally gave class got failing grades five classescumulative gpa living parents unable drive pounds overweight although parents siblings acting like often ask little year old sister drive work im suppose role model her humiliating sister recently walked room caught masturbating work covered dirt nearly half asleep want move get apartment something dollars name hope day got college goal try keep parents finding im closet loser a little perspective father retired lieutenant colonel degree math business ut ou respectively works insurance agent makes bank daughter graduated gpa went trinityfollowing boyfriend could gone many better schools played d womans basketball daughter gpa graduated senior year planning going school me hoping study together daughter point guard high school varsity basketball team freshman year gpa drives car bought money even though offered one parents daughter near prodigylevel gymnast fluid portuguese english years old son me pathologic liar barely passed high school due credit hour issues couldnt bother go class wasted year fathers gi bill need go community college able go big boy school watching waste life avid masturbator honestly dont think im suicidal sometimes think giving sounds appealing end could still remembered fondly parents realize much disappointment am", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel alonemaybe head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredim tired peoples fake sympathy im tired begging help fall deaf ears im plain tired havent slept week cant sleep im tired told go therapy get meds third time dont work nothing worked thousands dollars money several years time wasted useless coping strategies dont work talking nonexistent feelings dont remember feels like genuine emotions want feel anything im tired numb ive put nothingness long time think im call quits warnings notes me bottle scotch deer slug brain stem", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason livethe thing anyone cares making sure people kill themselves even search reason live google get bunch redflag prevention sites redflag hotline numbers think mom could handle died reason im still congratulations google im going kill im still hating every second it reason care life minimum keep breathing make people happy im trying wait mom dies kill tgeres nothing wrong least another years im trying hard wait know years ive tried bunch different medications go therapy therapist tells still feel like shit absolutely reason believe things get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "average rteenagers user date like hey girl wanna play number game oh never mind ill ask you u mean whats height also prefer guys circumcised ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got pushed told opinion matter like bitch also part family like kill me ever enjoyed company tried opening people got people hate got pushed more ask kid open years one day finally tries opening up push further congratulations giving reasons remain will depressed hate myself live life like till point break never going changein past week already lost best friend useless could even save supposed save myself hate today finally tried talking family tried open guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scars arm remind im failurecouldnt even kill wanted to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "this life shittier ever decided end life birthday hope though hope parents cry fuck im tired accept fact im selfish", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "value anything knowing that could take life rn everything would over nothing would matter care life reason bc afraid die lol better nothing always lie go on bc feel anything let go awhile ago stopped myselfso fucking stuck here surrounded nothing destined literal nothing fucked id easy die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "french boy need attention hello m here french teenager friends wanna become friend got croissant play minecraft java osu fallout terraria like music anime luv u", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jimmy laughed chit chatted nothing matter normal jimmy even heavy fire hed still nattering scottish accent smile giant twisty raf moustache jimmy landed wee plane first open veld spotted father instantly fell plane tuck rolled ready run cover jimmy bit surprised steady old chap need tinkle", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "badly could take gun shoot head past never change haunt rest life want die sometimes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gotta love moms mom entirely convinced youtube red porn website", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna talk someone tried help friends problems asked pushed away one talk anything uhh interests anime video games uhhh thats really it im dead inside asshole smart ass think sakuta bunny girl senpai anyway wanna talk someone interests stuff none irl friends actually interests anime video games kinda lonely names alex anyones interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "angry suicidali get really angry want hurt know people piss off", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting everyday get first kiss day awkward moment half chapter novel reccuring spelling mistake", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advice stop masturbating masturbate every night times ive recently noticed strong smell semen showered gone started thinking showering tought wow isnt good smell dont wanna smell like that masturbating feels great want stop dont know how kind like habit kind like autopilot mode thought would affect social life would like near someone stinks like semen know want stop dont know how sorry grammar mistakes dont speak english main language", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna make game me half baked story kind of pm me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people fucking cluefamily you think yourself given up me if thought given up even say bullshit me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deal boredom daydream sometimes play last us multiplayer planetside ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes feel ive got __shit brick__", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got beat death santa trying get fuck me fucking worth yall luckily im immortal try next year", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im dying know im feel like it im end cold cold sometimes make head actual cold stuffy nose chest congestion scratchy throat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alonemy gf years dumped me grew together every day told loved me friend knew better even family never thought anyone would love way gave hope maybe wouldnt alone rest life shes blocked forms communication told never talk again im done betrayed treated like trash cant function barely sleep let alone function work itd b better killed sav life disappointed know sad sob story hurts bad im alone nobody talk love want around im going die terminal dehydration way least content wasnt spur moment decision", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "self hatred hurting around methis recurring issue life past year ive grown depressed sad myself ive lost capacity give others treatment deserve course leads people agitated leads becoming even depressed makes cycle worse become grossed cant even jerk anymore ive tried multiple times past week leads feeling sick disgusted myself dont honestly think ill commit redflag thought become rather prevalent back mind kind always there waiting something wrong point becomes louder louder drowns everything else typically goes away pretty quickly incident like this fuck cannot handle hurting close dont like myself fuck even done that order stop hurting others stop hating myself hard hate hurt others", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sister watching harry potter movie every night rest spring break didnt expect mfuckers hours minutes long dont attention span this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried talking girl breakdown ignoring im high school ive crush girl hard enough talk regular people social disorder finally get courage go talk got around min conversation complete breakdown legit started crying said played video games me friends trying get stop crying sitting there friends told give discord completely ignoring me guess nobody wants mental illness breakdown prone bf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "damn idk nighter slept last days really need sleep think ill stay midnight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trapped lovehi ive got wonderful family three great sister loving mum dad problem hate life want end life cant them im trapped really know else say", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres last words ill dead good half hour lot people gonna wonder im gonna tell save confusion theres number reasons im honest ill go one one lets start fact im incredibly lonely man ive never girlfriend never will ha im fairly unattractive mention repulsive personality surprise it shouldve done sooner im also incredibly fake person lie everyone know sense word general personality little things like liking football reason feel like bit waste keep around another friends theyre great funny cool ill never successful life them problem made actually today friend actually called lazy wanting go get together kind lazy im depressed thats reason time dog sick didnt want leave alone long im sure nan willing look days parents get back holiday much gonna lost die one relied needed me fairly trivial person im hoping death proper meaning people take lesson sort dunno lesson im sure someone come something love you mum love lee nan grandad charlie adam even pip despite reason think depression finally outweighed love leave money buying dogs cool shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point survivingthats im doing surviving existing merely going necessary processes live biological level every person must find way given journey cant make walk cant change neurochemistry cant find reason live me cant find myself sought respite selfless service found unsatisfactory sought respite expressing artistically creative endeavors soon went gray keep seeking even small steps one simple reason snuff light better exhausted ideals better walked many paths dissatisfaction deciding purpose ideal galvanize live life living surviving", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody remember judy b jones takes back kindergarten", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sure whether cant survive again cant take trauma failure cant risk arrested police surviving keep told services capacity kill stop me surely capacity way achieve need way id know going work", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ending tonightbye all hope narcissist mods happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really need someone talk toif aim pm ill give sni would really appreciate advice comfortanything really jokes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mind racing whole could break get sudden thought could end suddenly care anymore waiting court", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im pro call crush like yo wanna like go walk sometime said shed love going walk like next week lets go", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck found head moderator uhideuntiltheyfindme fucking isis merch fucking terrorist oh fuck oh fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag hotline called copsi often feel suffered suicidal thoughts entire life encouraged call redflag hotline ever felt need talk someone well did called cops cops couldnt find house dropped neighbors asking me cops finally find knocked door opened it several neighbors standing across street watching cops ems truck parked driveway cops wanted name police file cops said anyone could access file wanted get story thats that neighbors talking theres police record never ever ever call redflag hotline again regardless feel im suggesting dont call youre really danger youre calling need someone talk to dont surprised life really messed afterwards police come chat ps first didnt want give cops name threatened put cuffs arrest take station told was live small town neighbors really nosey local cops know am thinking moving shame feel tremendous calling redflag hotline left redflag called ironic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna chat rn wanna chill someone got sum wanna talk pm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guy look drip mutch drip", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "director brian yuzna uneven career horror genre creating masterpieces return living dead bride reanimator time done awful movies faust love damned mediocre progeny obviously better seat producer work producing stuart gordons films superbbr br the dentist one lesser works director low profile benefits film lack pretensions makes enjoyable experience tells story dr alan feinstone played superbly corbin bernsen successful dentist one day discovers perfect life really perfect thought discovers beautiful wife linda hoffmanhas affair pool boy event disturbs mind puts killing spree takes revenge world filthybr br the premise well handled yuzna takes us ride following feinstones day revenge makes movie different slashers victims perspective follow feinstone main character witness goes respected professional psycho murder day yuzna manages give movie exact amount suspense adds good dose dark humor really helps moviebr br most success premise bernsens performance feinstone make feel sympathy hate towards time subtle humor character another aspect aids film rest cast good think sub par acting hurts film should notable exception ken foree detective trying catch feinstone part quite small makes great job itbr br with dentist killer gory scenes expected brian yuzna delivers great sfx correct amount good see go overthetop usually do dare say highlight film exact amount gore expected nothing less nothing more yuzna restrained common excesses result greatbr br while among yuznas wellknown films would say one best sure classic material masterpieces movie entertains never gets tiresome boring lowbudget simple film is think rocked ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought checking hospital would help nothing put horrid medication gave horrifying reaction stop taking week going go school semester unfortunately able afford payment classes tomorrow clean money job skill future slave wishing could die everyday angry demotivated piece snot oozing way walls room towards rock bottom wish could find way make money music unfortunately nigh impossible practically anyone another dream fucked disgusting planet live on going research finally get actual help ending pointless miserable existence point seems help stand gain anymore life everything try meaningless everything put effort fails every passion fades away every love share torn apart sick rollercoaster sick losing time this gone finding easiest reliable painless way can out fuck shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "starting get desperatethis first post here really stand much others problems im now ive depressed years now ive ruminated redflag daily approximately last years ive always tried keep glimmer hope get better really know now feel may locked brain thinking pattern late break ive talked therapists taken medication spent time redflag ward done cognitive group therapy really type progress it things cant change im sure ill ever people able accept that things ive done still dwell now im sure ill ever able shake those cant support now rely parents money hurts much every time need ask more im unable even get look job though ive extremely fortunate parents family grew up ive wasted all many loves interests lifethe arts math people philosophy cooking cant get pursue anything love spend much time sleeping wishing sleeping mind races night thoughts things want do im terrified night going sleep know wake ill want stay bed unable function cant think anything im proud life regret feel completely unable get anything always fantasize violent deaths strength it ive prayed every god take away ive tried selling soul devil return ending life despite fact actually believe things near death experience years ago made wish death actually come wish could write without seeming like emo teenager decade lot though ths life spent wasting time seemingly quixotic task leading happy life could keep trying decades always really worth it better suffer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats something youve always wanted tshirt im trying create designs sell would love hear ideas things would actually buy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "line course lords prayer thy done earth heaven sweden especially far north idea heaven degree c winter temperatures little low side me good folk live doubt think gods countrybr br the storyline familiar one acclaimed international musician daniel suffers health breakdown midcareer goes back little village northern sweden born persuaded local pastor help church choir turns unlikely talent class act enter contest held innsbruck austria echoes sorry band players brassed off models calendar girls dancers the full monty course causes plenty emotional upheaval downtrodden villagers realise worth revolt oppressors faces hostile husbands increasingly dubious pastor nothing except death going stop himbr br despite somewhat corny story get know like many characters come across people rather caricatures despite many recognisable types wonder wifebeater unpunished long sweden one country world violence pretty strongly discouraged he also bit young one bullies daniels youth puritanical pastor secret passion girlie magazines bit stereotype marvellously realised niklas falkbr br michael nyqvist simply wonderful daniel frail driven musician theres nice music well rapt whole two hours ending make it guess spoiling say daniel achieves set do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "low key tho making anon amateur p r n gf bf kinda relationship g l s im saying relationship comfortable sharing love low key relationship goals would even want that seems like thing youd pretty loving relationship", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ask crush out ive thinking telling crush feel im scared look way ill ruin friendship even though im pretty sure like back feel itd wasted opportunity say anything knows maybe well become better friends might even say yes anyways thx people read this sorry boring", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody give two shits people bring value them something suicidal people know about everyone including cases parents in case least give two flying fucks you presence life unless value outweighs mental costs undergo around you however second show negative emotion first ones shit you belittle you negate resemblance emotion would rather believe made reality rather understand truthwhat kind shitty person would rather kick curb order save face rather help something goes wrongmy mother openly stated found boy youngest siblings one bore first grandson grandfather we indian family moved us born brother moved back father died apparently big deal grandfatherits got fucked up literally feel need justify existence picking skills useful future i good computer tinker linux lot disassemble reassemble laptopwhat kind parent justifies saying right simply born her kind parent belittles child extent even fully comprehend effect doingi done life done existence honestly done universe knowing matter many times die reincarnated wishful thinking know die going erased existence like never even mattered always another person going am nobody gives two shits", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really feel like killing myselfi dont even know reasons valid im insane really wanna kill myself shit life feels like ive totally enough keep adding best leave cos theres way escape", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lots sunshine gauzy light shadow filtering windows rooms tracking shots moving crowds handheld camera quickpaced editing extreme closeups there photography thing interesting artistically done filmbr br the plot film starts bit fluff beauty contest film begins warm sunday local swimming pool meet lovely lucienne aka lulu played louise brooks bit showoff front gawking men poolside soon decides enter represent france miss europe beauty contest much chagrin jealous stickinthemud fianc a pretty annoying fellow really strutting runway ten contestants display swimsuits winner chosen contestant receives longest applause i wondering girls walk slower prolong length time thus applause catwalk lulu soon chased prince maharaja hotheaded beau like attentions paid men adoring public matter i guess wants house cooking meals staying sight ehbr br louise brooks beautiful charming presence helps enhance film really way photographed held interest most bit distracting odd dubbed sound bit off print version looked clear full nice contrast though watching tried overlook sound problems watch film visually found movie excellent well worth seeing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored heck anywan want chat chat mean anywan want uncomfortable back forth dms seriously rly nothing would appreciate fellow teen brosis warning get back problems carrying conversation", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "things already pretty bad somehow took turn worse feel entirely isolated even though family around friends talk every awhile know isolation driven rabbit hole would happening regardless around cannot control mood capacity hour two break get crushing despair chaos head ill try actively stay wildly overly positive state least positive almost trying stay makes return chaotic world created head know started living life inside head instead participating life front me scared ill never able make stop getting point able take anymore sorry makes sense sorry burdening yet another social platform disaster gets worse gets worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die badly want hurt parentsive crippling depression since elementary school ive lost friends barely make money flunked college car barely get bed anymore feel like everyone angry disappointed me want end know would kill parents im do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan nnn november starts hours me im gonna nut nonstop dont nut left buy time nut regenerates ill already enough willpower fap checkmate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eid tomorrow im still trying teach apply eyeliner fml test text text text text text text text text text text text", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first all let comment audience loved first moment perhaps current events middleeast led people take attitude i came comedy george im going enjoy it whatever reason everybody seemed really comedy it last times woody tried straight comedy small time crooks curse jade scorpion hollywood ending ive felt like oneliners felt strained bit antiquated remember thinking one point that would funny early sixties going movie afraid woody becoming tone deaf however one comic sensibilities perfect tune admittedly plenty fellow aarp card carrying folks screening also plenty somethings somethings well seemed get give occasional belly laugh addition numerous guffaws chuckles like many instances throwaways people laughing loud missed next linebr br thematically woody traipsing familiar ground suspected trailer film lot manhattan murder mystery it again smidgen oedipus wrecks new york stories alice even little tribute broadway danny rose beginningbr br even woody movie scarlett sondra was times woodyproxy character far nebbish that say ferrell gave us melinda melinda kenneth branaugh attempted celebrity instead archetypal ticks quirks sondras nerdishness comes directly family history shares early on numerous occasions family business leads malapropisms get audience characters screen perceive strange nonsequiturs since joke cant help laugh laughs come recognizing woody nebbish truly character great extent unlike farrell branaugh cusack even mia farrow her scarlett required use woody voice evoke woody role thus find ripped narrative woodys voice suddenly emerges someone else facebr br as friend commented way out sid character played woody supporting role centerstage hoping going in however time woody seems written character truly fits current persona unlike ed dobel sage character anything else blind director hollywood ending time character comfortable fit perhaps importantly time character works story within elevated circles find in even fishoutofwater scarlett used great comedic effect throughout sid declining itinerant magician playing small audiences fact another era placed front center enjoymentbr br but jackman ian swearengen mcshane liked extent used piece particularly liked mcshanes short effective turns jackman charming ease old money often portrayed films years ago class echoes purple rose cairobr br so think short answer maybe best straight comedy since s bullets broadway less stylized mighty aphrodite less caustic deconstructing harry less forced small time crooks hollywood ending woody finally found comic voice works st century", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time itive several failed attempts several hospital stays ive tried work hard get better know what want go stage ive nothing left sorry ones im leaving behind honestly care much im sorry hurting you know me something want something finally make happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well documented previous posters real stars rockstar inxs and indeed sequel rockstar supernova paul mirkovich rafael moreira jim mcgorman nate morton sasha krivtsov know are awesome tight rockin house band whose music savvy talent made show something sad american idol clonebr br remember strings night musical precision perfection ever ive seen it suzie mcneils epic rendition queens bohemian rhapsody ty taylors memorable cover stones you cant always get jd fortune singing suspicious minds common denominator awesome house bandbr br as good inxs prime sadly shadow former selves though jds live performance somewhat breathed new life music show hbbr br memo producers season three if were blessed enough happen rockstar house band get boys good lead singer going places", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive daily suicidal thoughts since february im going act tiring im lost doi want kill myself want and feel like cant tell family worred might hurt them im angry mostly done know wrong help feel scared might do every damn day too rest cant even get bed sundays attend one thing feel like helps want over", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking optionsso im sure options try cannot go therapy anymore want institutionalize me tried therapy want ect me cant call hotline anymore need distraction somebody talk call police cant talk friends anymore call police tried medication nothing other give massive headaches hours cant try that tried exercise three years anything tried vitamin supplements anything know else try want die sometimes break head things nobody see bruises hair helps minutes want finish right now cant want hurt family since cant go therapy dont tell try another shrink ive tried many sick cruel joke try another absolutely refuse drugs work exercise work food work else there refuse submit institution go ect ive years tell ever get better know else try", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friendlyeggs lyric collection tally hall edition hear flibbity jibbity jibber jabber oh god ive gotta get ill another word sell another story tell another timepiece ringing bell hear clock stop reach end no know must neverending comprehend try pretend understand resemble fool although man give smile tally hall ruler everything life short things happen make best it smile", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love life earth beautiful people too want die sometimes braini cant seem hold job bipolar severe case adhd feel hopeless gets better feel like shouldnt exist love family beautiful fianc dont think make world nature beautiful find beauty little things feel like demons back head get close much handle dont want exist anymore want commit redflag existing painful lot time filled positive happy energy lows intense dont want anymore exist", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want goneim graduated high school done nothing life all dropped two colleges right high school home since absolutely nothing jobs currently none hate myself hate appearance life going nowhere lost weight year ago gained self confidence first time years gained back some idk calorie day diet months hair thinned like crazy even now year since eating back normal hair never recovered hairline absolute shit looks like diffuse thinning top head little back head major cause depression wanting die know sounds stupid hair many worse things world balding know people would wish biggest problem losing hair know logically stupid doesnt change feel perfect hair straightest hair line even beginning hair great idk strict diet coincidence looks horrible hate even typing sounds idiotic spoiled kills every time look mirror see photo myself even bought wig looked like shit drain im young hair transplant started taking propecia dont see results aside head hair body hair im ridiculously hairy hate it back shoulders neck arms chest covered hair of course everywhere head lol self conscious it even lose weight ill never feel confident enough take shirt public beach pool wish badly could like guys age take shirt jump pool dont go pool beach do im wearing shirt makes look like fat potato ive gotten dozer laser hair removal treatments arent shit idk laser doesnt work electrolysis option crazy expensive take legit years dont see guys age back hair grown ass men hate it thinking going back school found college think might like thinking start fall ill freshman ill feel old everyone else graduating college ill starting feel like late even go back try age ill or even older time graduate dont even know fuck wanna study im passionate anything dont care anything im good anything dont want anything want sleep day leave house close taking handful pills going sleep bathtub one believes ill actually commit redflag really thinking it im unhappy life self want ended im sorry sound stupid spoiled inconsiderate theres people cant afford food people homeless people cancer people paralyzed wheel chairs stupid fucking ass complaining going bald body hair wtf i wanna punch dick people would love healthy feel selfish wanting die others want live lose weight again try getting electrolysis hair screwed everyone said shave it bald dont want to itll make look older dont want that funny wanted actor yeah yeah know got accepted acting school new york dont even want go anymore cant actor bald hairy fat even lost weight year old gonna even make receding hairline gorilla back even considered trying transition girl read taking hormones stop body hair help head hair grow thats fucking insane am seriously considering changing gender hair gay dont wanna girl dont want boobs vagina want guy want look different im much pussy cut wrists dont like pain want end this wish could give life someone deserves wants live idek donate organs knows long body sitting time dad goes upstairs see am im sorry dont think anyone gonna read fucking sob story essay wanted get out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "v r warface ps im gonna loose", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crying knife againevery night feel lonely im useless nothing working friends left dirt one friend left doesnt reply often im usually room wanted feel anything dont took whole bottle medicine nothing happenedi already knew didnt work ive taking since january ive felt worse im crying bed knife tonight ready see blood hope maybe one day ill strong enough cut throat open instead legs", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sleeping woke up feel sleepy idk do mean slept like six hours probably okay guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys last longim now decade feeling like this personal beliefs cant kms older folks last long ive read stories ppl wanting die entire lives dont know ill manage years im worst rn think getting worse morning took hours pick phone feet away me energy even move wtf this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film follows bunch students nyc high school performing arts theres coco irene cara black singer make top despite everything helped bruno lee curren white musician theres doris maureen teefy wants actressbut shy scared becomes friends motgomery paul mccranepurportedly gay student school romanced raul barry miller theres leroy gene anthony raywho sadly died whos homeless great dancerbut cant read theres various teachers albert hague anne meara stand out trying teach kidsbr br the songs great the title tune out own nominated best songfame won dances energetic young cast shows plenty ambition talent film misses boat drama department many plot lines brought completely left openended end movie coco porno doris raul remain together afterwords either make it montgomerywhat happened him leroy ever graduateand how many long speeches raul two moments lead nothing im assuming cuts scripti cant believe movie left open br br still worth seeing acting and again music theres basically one bad song dances go full force and one point stop trafficliterally favorites fame out here i sing body electric great closing song recommend give the script really needed tie loose endsand didntbr br trivia wanted shot film actual school performing arts get permission dean school read script said way much swearing film truethere lot foul language thats high school kids talk avoid tv version abysmally overdubs it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "said yes asked could borrow pencil said yes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let us say saved hundred pills course many months would enough know need incredibly high prozac dosage even symptoms appear like x prescribed amount thanks would happen took mg fluxotine prozac", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like idiot used drive great dad kept saying ride slow everybody rides little faster allowed autistic af took litteraly driving redflag take indoors route instead high way whenever someone behind wants faster drove faster got around tickets sure coming sad part know much knew late like total span two weeks coming talking speeding like km hour km hour feel stupid understand could stupid also work government feel like stupid person know shit also dad said buy good car light broke also fix that like fact going rain tickets me want die life hard autistic loser like me got speeding tickets autistic stupid bitch", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know thank uapersonoftheearth clean house", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate egypt hate place hate egypt hate everything everyone hate streets hate education system hate government hate think hate theyre living every dream destroyed egypt every wish every fantasy destroyed hope things get better shattered plans go vain hate everything cant even kill religious running away never help either dutch passport travelling another country help still belong trashass land community full assholes born here egyptian whole life think egyptian live egyptian even whatever land hate never find love never happy never love never good internet never enjoy video games never make movie never teacher never pet never go parties never anything blame egypt egypts effects stay forever like trauma also blame family running away already dutch passport better would appreciated trying hate egypt hate life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "planned kill best friend went europe arrived yesterdaymy best friend holiday europe several months ago told would it towards end holiday cant feel like could stopped me boyfriend would work gone scared feel lost unachieved medicine isnt helping feel like lost cause feel like ive tried can time come cant even that im afraid need help know do ive tried many things nothing good im good enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever stressed nose started bleeding like waterfall yeah couldnt also nearly passed today pretty pog", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit especially commenting seems fritz tonightif comments showing or cant see replies post seems reddit issue affecting us sign ignored anything stick us hopefully reddit get fixed converse properly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "end all years old male living canada dead end job cant stand friends virgin high school diploma family hates treats terribly brother despises mocks friends tells fuck try invite talk spend time together tried many times mend relationship thought could least one friend could family member hobbies interests pretty much skills anything trouble learning focusing notable thing inherited money year ago around k thats thing name really fucking end it even feel pathetic complaining here fuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idkmy mum said itd peaceful killed want die im scared dont know id im scared death would like dont know dont want want parents get wish regret", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going finally itim finally going im finally going go this little info me im recently divorced working trying good citizen however im convicted count criminal mischief worth damaging exs car separation im also charged count criminal mischief worth count stalking worth one year jail count nd degree trespassing worth year jail urinating exs car early morning work charges misdemeanor offenses dont want go jail im starting finally turn life around put me wont go jail know karmas way getting back ive done wrong long terrible past cant this wont im going accept defeat finally let everyone else win know might terrible friends family may care im screwed im going admit end save court attorney family friends ex wife trouble thinking worrying me time finally go save everyone huge burden", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get better ill end itim going start things good wellbeing see things change exercise meditation eating better start old hobbies again things like that ive alone while dont feel connected anyone want cant maybe start better find someone really connect with maybe ill even find girl along way talking doesnt help im lonely im trapped mind", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "admitting ive thinking killing soso suicidal thoughts gotten worse dont know bring ik he himself suicidal feel selfish tell figure let someone know case actually it advice appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything gets worsti came home worst emotionally draining semester college friday supposed fresh start transferred schools left horrible shitty friends behind blocked them everything got worst friends spent semester stealing me ripping work taking advantage stupid fucking personality car put fried sister top coolant weeks destroyed engine cannot afford new car live town public transit job process background check cannot find another job applied thirty bank account cannot afford prescriptions new glasses rent also lost scholarships due administrative fluke old university im tired dont understand nothing runs smoothly even moderately okay im sick feeling like dont exist", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even current struggles burdens life still wanna diei shitty childhood born weeks early addicted meth heroin alcohol fetal alcohol syndrome autism bipolar anxiety family mostly made drug addicted rednecks ive lived many roachmold infested trailers stepped many needles broken meth bowls abused family partners bullied ostracized im awkward dont understand social cues learning disability anxiety made keeping stable job hard cried every day waitress hated customer service people hated me ive got great paying warehouse job likenot loveeeeee like it great boyfriend get new car rent house hometown ill closer friendsfamily like im still sad nothing sad about im going wait even longer isolate everyone make easier idk ill go work boyfriend cant keep job anyways gonna od dph alcohol used addicted seems like hellish way go im scared wont work ill go back mental hospital need get gun somehow obviously cant legally buy one due illnesses thinking become daydream sweettt escape ive eating much melatonin benadrylbut enough get high bc obvious stay sleep hours straight sleep minus like min increments hard sleep again im trying hard leave boyfriend without thinking fault hes also depressed hard noose last attempt still sitting yardpeople must think halloween decoration maybe take that go dads woods course hell report missing immediately cant think people actually care hope itll find think ran away maybe itll soften grief", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "roses red violets blue im kinda lonely probably too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really adult ft fault theirsmy mom asked looking job because yknow hit im adult capable adult things like told everyone else asked bad wanted kill school idiot doctors think way theyve asked ive socializing school going plan school ends like every minute im awake spent thinking much id love cover room walls blood ive told stupid pills work said i notice changes they _the months said magic pills help me_ said wanted start testosterone said unstable would higher risk killing started _after telling months pills are helping im getting better_ fuck everyone going hear say want kill say _we hear understand anyways almost plans future_ real kicker professional idiots heard say _i hate living_ _i stopped taking pills_ believed next month said _everything ok_ _ive taking pills_ last years change mind transgender think ill change mind now ive told feel always _oh old enough decide_ _youre stable enough_ ask uncertain future functioning member society adult makes old stable enough _now_ warned _very_ long time ago think worth much trouble im sure ill dead decided try anyway im room wishing final push really funny mom pissed told spent whole day cutting myself even going tell her said glad stopped messaging tell feel self destructive got head thought depression gone took sharp things ok though doesnt know about", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think life worth fighting for thing keeping ending pain factor deathi waiting pain agony life greater fear pain dying happy iti bore life story please tell matter know mean well probably really mean well believe someone even known minute matters truth one would care dropped dead tomorrow sure mum sister would sad get it sad troubled soul weak pathetic beacuse cannot even get simple life people seem fine atas said worth it waiting day pain irl get bad pain killing would scare much think worth anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "super smash bros us presidents sounds like fun imo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "th birthday thats is wanted let guys know im old now thanks ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " ruined felt like reflecting past year heres list nobody asked ways bitten ass overall less enjoyable school life still gotten better my first amp girlfriend left feels awkward talk covid causes get laid work march still zero sign getting back even though im small town cases within km longest time nobody area fucking hiring dad walked job due anger boss new job cant afford house need move town people and still are goddamn persistent covid hoax cases area skyrocket tried start twitch stream computer barely run task manager let alone obs computer mouse like fucking broken lmao get rekt seemingly everything looked forward either got cancelled ruined complete letdown was recovering diagnosed major depression keyword was the reputations favourite youtubers get fucked grooming accusations cancel culture makes want knock someone head daily got glasses first thing told look like impersonator dwight office grades start get harder manage my social life starts struggle always less energy see anyone the girl kept trying manipulate relationship attempted manipulate often cut completely graduation half year still plans feel ready fend enthusiasm enthusiasm dissapeared beginning year truck insurance company unfairly bounced bank account times month costing overdraft fees truck insurance also went up despite record clean promises would go down fuck my trust gets majorly betrayed friends heartbreaking way possible ace heteroromantic fetishism confusing mess feelings the aggressivecrybaby nature internet cough cough twitter caused close political conversation anyone everyone starting question point alterego turns false personality schools teacher gave free computer without hard drive friend tell years old useless one already sparked interest initial d talk much toyota sprinter ae trueno eurobeat trying hardest work approx parts new pc may likely happen my closest two friends years started dating later decided cut things know doing causing look counseling was going featured voice actor nd main character friends indie game later find happening due previous reason why people suck talk general now and top last time drove truck december rock put fucking chip windshield anyway guys doin ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally today finally th birthday tbh feel much different lmao friends year older were age months least", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredhello whoever reading post trying help someone whos end life point please move really need support im threat moment post might turn lengthy shot seeking advice here something me im teenager years old male ive severely depressed something year used suicidal time ago multiple reasons mostly triggered redflag attempts occurring around one talking people numerous occasions vacation tried killing even night finally going claim life girlfriend said feels way started dating anything knows depressed also wanting kill back then id also like point reason im still alive supportive everything really improved since then just enough get rid moods list reasons would like finally end all nowadays hobbies whatsoever nothing really interests me really talk anyone outside school internet im quite popular school lot friends there none gets even close considered close friend id also like point girlfriend longdistance relationship hour timezone difference making really difficult talk were handling part quite well anyway wake early morning feel like utter shit get ready school sit hours learning anything even though im still getting somewhat good grades the teachers refusing teach us anything also give us materials give us lot homework exams figure everything ourselves get home homework sleep hours like pm feel lonely girlfriend gets home after midnight me stay morning talking process again day see anything even remotely enjoyable next years approximately see plan graduate high school move uk girlfriend whos us study college there thats something look forward to right partly lot money im exactly gifted student either costs uk think ill able manage time want keep living life without her reason im ending it idea future bring really want together really wanna that going really fucking difficult get point live together peacefully im tired pushing days without enjoying anything conversations girlfriend best friend became distant well close online friends net neutrality making feel better right either seeing best financial situation either she enough money pay college though im definitely going ask money im just feels like im options cant leave ill end killing almost immediately sure thatd form relief like go there thing is really easy access outdated prescription pills a shit ton them knives firearms high buildings know anymore feel miserable every day im sure included everything ive included vital stuff one reads through well then guess im now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "karma whores people survive internet points smol pp change mind", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "song uis_sex_real httpsopenspotifycomtrackalzbskhqvpespirjjqbrsibccdhttpsopenspotifycomtrackalzbskhqvpespirjjqbrsibccd skrrt cobain arcadia grey like songs energy guitar", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "woman black tv adaptation susan hills modern classic ghost story published years earlier film made sadly film released dvd far aware deleted vhs availability direct contrast popularity amongst know horror films story revolves around events seaside community early th century young solicitor sent firm conclude affairs recently deceased widow died isolated marshland estate thought would routine probably tedious task turns nightmare discovers old woman haunted death ghosts past content rest story told subtle concise way never selfindulgent flashy overexpositional obviously tight budget may contributed nononsense approach story needs works well see scares said that one particularly terrifying scene relies visual works perfection watched film day still gave nightmares nearly week later love terrified must get hold watch copy woman black", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want diebut dont want kill self", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel lonely whenever someone talks either one sided conversation stop responding nobody ever goes way talk makes feel like im annoying im always room feeling sorry myself sometimes stop see give fuck dont go months without talking dont start first im rambling point im tired others", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find less attractive girls actually attractive like flat chest dont care ass dont care glasses dont care braces dont care chubby dont care why way mean guess good im genuinely curious", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried kill friday nighti tried overdose friday night right psych ward ive never puked much life feel like complete retard did regretted soon swallowed late regrets wish stopped moment instead wish did fuck ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody else feel like fit groups popularnerdsjocksartsy kidstheatre kids dont even fit weirdos dont really get gen z humor like culture guess least weirdos funny im weird boring person dont real passions dabble little tiny bit everything tiny mean really really tiny like good thing course niche video games tv shows watch really far between pretty hard find people interests itd cool able manage friendship long enough start exploring new interests other never gets point", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everybodys telling lifes short want dieim tired whats point anymore maybe humans meant die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sick happy suicidal muchwhat say happiness isnt even anything feel nothing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kinds weird ass kinks got mate really idk yet anyone explore sexual desires everyone hates im also minor", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "offbrand right point falls floor lands fluff fluff someone enters room end pretty unrealistic scenario didnt anticipate anything happened except fluffing probably cuz redacted probably expected realistic", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dan katzir produced wonderful film takes us rollercoaster ride real romance set troubles surrounding modern israelbr br for anyone whos ever love film brings back uncertainties insecurities heartache make love bittersweet atmosphere fear isolation came difficult times israel time serve intensify feeling instantly drawn dans plight cant fail deeply movedbr br you cant write drama passion like contrast realities dans desperate snatched relationship iris realities state turmoil make eminently watchable ounce passion ever love see film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think roblox think roblox", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "smoking video games things keeping ending alli know would without them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help me feel like strong long cant take anymorei hope someone advice right feel like world caving me even know begin feel like even here complaining see many people subreddit worse mebut really need someone listen one listens anymore talkalways talking lovely fiancee moved australia for currently waiting finalize immigration time unable work study even volunteer work banned right waste space speak income own spend days computer dicking around waiting time passes ive signed gym go every moment available fiance drop its far walk spend day around house friends friends australia longer speak to due huge timezones going separate ways life fiances friends know well enough tried hard get know them one antisocial angry time one gone breakup feels like world ending others live far away one town get know live retirement community nothing here theres gas station tim hortons stores voila feel like life right now shit lot people told stupid travelling young age regretted moving canada fiance one bit love death know sounds cliche given age really happy him except every day comes home feel like life waste space bored frustrated australia honour roll student high achiever live learning bettering myself ive tried hard put spare time use tried learn programming another language art etc right feel unmotivated thought might wasting away another year bothers end family aside fiance mother schizophrenic paranoid abusive mentally physically left lot scars again mental physical haunts dreams every night even though im another country still jump every often acidentally spill something swear stub toe scared behind ready beat againor worse combined fanciful events childhood keeps sleeping well night period know need see counsellor thisi know need someone talk to right healthcare money pay this never let things bother me ever always always try look bright side everything hitting hard lately get wisdom teeth theyre infected badly fiance going use savings pay it know bothers not know communicate listen fault good man rough time friendships relationships hes trying change desperately me hes also extremely stressed moment works every day also goes college eight hours day time comes home wants relax cant even due school work want bother problems need help reddit ive tried stay positive entire life theres lot backstory summarizes stuff bothers moment feel lonely bored upset everything sort hitting onceand feel stupid even complaining this tldr cant work study anything living another country till government says so feel like waste space first time life everything bad happened getting me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate white rant playing among us met girl called belle pink random match went task date among us rounds argument white annoying lobby pink asked snapchat said yes right put username white fucking kicked game host feel sad now belle reading blue aka kakashi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "care much people thinkjust want day im freaking out whenever talk another person emotions factor anything finally finally enjoy fucking life one day thats need one day gather thoughts anxietyfree much ask please please stop talking me everybody stop talking me cant handle fucking shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find kinda annoying people try sell religion street minding business guy walked dad tried make small talk started saying religious stuff pulled religious book answers kept trynna make us ask questions religion like dude no im happy satanist believe god im gay trans think god would hate anyway", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "blanketive let many people around ive let go mentallythe think think anymore go blanket shes shiny pretty sharp seems thing gives relief time thing want support family seems care less giving any im failing schooli call feel go numb everydayi feel like burden ive called useless im starting believe iti want let gobut time hope time comes ill someone help stop myselfsomeone understands", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive tried hardest really havewhere even start lifes crumbling years now seems like whenever try something happy make life better fucks up really ive tried fucking best feels like always losing battle help im alone time either stay room parents house weve big fight led write this im child too legitimately nobody ive somewhat tried redflag before tied something together remember choking near closet thought give another try maybe different time wasnt know im posting really im much bitch actually go redflag actually know do im friends parents fucking hate me job go school moment although im signing spring classes part wants say hey hold near future better another part let many times cynical think way thinks absolutely pointless live anymore im rambling know anymore might try get job ive got bad anxiety two times ive attempted get job fuck interview", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "passed k karma still legitimate friends ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really mean romantic way mean human miss humans miss conversations learning things people want go adventures one come me want laugh someone else things human around lot humans kind sucks life really sucks alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talk everything want talk everything want ask questions ill reply every comment", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know much longer gofor years ive fought misunderdiagnosed mental illnesses years ive tried failed everyone else easily turns borderline personality disorder and depression anxiety ruined life things ive done hurt everyone love wife holding on strained uneasy makes skin crawl says loves never hugs kisses me never snuggles me kids hate me give effort and depression looks like tried tat care am unable things need show wife love her unable loved failed everything one talk all sit fantasize feeling last time tried kill myself pills kicked warm calm serene sit look photos people committed redflag wonder much longer go is obviously part want die talk it im scared know anymore im going anything soon even it lot before but god im exhausted unbearably sad want loved accepted even though nothing offer anyone want over", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "massive achievement today found bathroom school clogged significant piss pools", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate quarantine miss able socialize people even though im awkward chill friends also wish could talk girl since were person cant almost year since quarantine started im slowly growing insane", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres something wrong medeleted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "discussion recently this see ideation thinking suicide escape tendency inhibition make plan anyone know better terminology thoughts feel like struggled ideation two decades point suicide ideation vs suicidal tendencies", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mil chesthas anybody else shot purpose survived feel like nobody relate with almost everyone whos shot selves dead makes sense ha fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please break fathers heart so daughter would fit here live shes living now ill always think teenager text pretty often usually text things like songs memes think shell like texted song youtube recommended me really enjoyed thought shed enjoy texted back oh ive heard song love it tiktok let parents find use tiktok like this dad sends song thinks kids listening to tell tiktok know knowing half battle go joe", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life fine want diei desire die cant get rid of life objectively bad issues anxiety bipolar disorder depressive state right now panic attacks response stress cry everywhere home walking reading gym bus honestly even feel shame nothing matters reason kill think would waste organs corneas since would brought hospital soon enough viable would kill violently outside hospital pretty sure kill least suitable method order cant anywhere find least one person going feel knowing alone makes unsure survive feeling much longer mystical experience something beautiful side life flat pale comparison utterly pointless cannot feel pleasure strong desire end waste life love everything everyone want hurt anyone dissociated body want free used feel ok feeling think ashamed feeling like this start feel horrible guilt want die someone help tell alone crazy cant take feeling anymore one talk cant keep alone edit know talk anyone scared me whenever someone says redflag people call cops come get me feeling better getting mental ward worse life less organized effed up makes even worse cant even tell anyone feelings", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wherever go whomever talk see disgusting hypocrisy especially women like hate racism bash short ugly men have empathy help weak bash virginswomen morals really dont help support whats cool help support lack emotion compassion morals come emotion compassion like men moral built social dynamics hate women", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "planned everything tested stuff see could work actually scared it decided tell long distance boyfriend it break feel guilty online friend going block himi know sounds bad going easier forget way cannot seem thoughi want die alone think asshole scared hurt lot really want end mental hospital would worse dying would fucking hell me scared", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally get see good doctor ugh finally original doctor awesome retired like new one took adhd meds absolutely fucked over mean cool talk talked anime stuff wasnt great job im fucking happy get back adhd meds yall idea hard quit adhd meds cold turkey like going genius biggest moron earth taken developed depression anxiety paranoia course im failing core classes relief ill finally able just exist normally again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl rejected got mad said wasnt hitting also said could never friends like used to girl got mad said title things happened led thinking hitting her invited go eat like past meant group didnt think mention last part made clear hitting her said exactly i still like you im hitting you understand me also said wanted friends like used obvious reasons would never able friends like before rejection back then talked way everyday frequently am everything natural always knew liked never rejected me used always go eat group planned go us two covid canceled date ever since rejection things like that gut tells used like back something happened led rejecting me she meet another guy think got scared commitment playing feelings now truly sees friend told even back friend attituded towards says complete opposite tho anyway got mad never apologized still plan to tried talking beginning ignored me weeks far talked all see tuesday know do follow lead mirror way acts me ignored me ignore her etc try talk act getting mad never happened see reacts ps weeks since got mad said months since rejection got close months rejection", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need reasonif theres god someone there please give reason keep on sick tired life going downhill able control emotions fucks sake please kill now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "numbers game anyone got bunch nothing last post maybe second try work", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confessed feelings girl like said feels way", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "night demons another long line teen horror films released video paytv mecca film making eighties unlike crap peddled around one actually decent watch group bored teenagers decide party halloween night away pair bizarre sisters mimi kinkade linnea quigley infamous hull house usual cast stereotypical teenagers invited party average teenage bash turns night terror try survive halloween night undead residents hull house decide crash party wholl survive night bloodshed horrorbr br a nice horror film best seen unrated version watch rrated cut miss splatter effects nudity stay tune amusing epilogue gory film followed equally entertaining sequel horror fans onlybr br highly recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thats bitch suckin dick bag chips giving head slice bread jaw white claw dome chicharrn top ice pop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yeah idk sex cool bc im cool ever cried listening hamilton bo burnham", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yee yee ass haircut makes feel comfortable ngl head feels lighter small price bitches dick which never anyway", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trans woman suffers bpd adhd severe redflag feel like cannot go on suicidal since teenage attempted suicide twice last resort starting hrt made significantly less miserable since still ugly progress seems stopped years hope anymore think would ever able look mirror want throw upi hate adhd bpd mental illnesses ruined life mention gender dysphoria makes cry every day sometimes look mirror days keep sanityi cannot accept look like rest life cannot accept nobody knows woman rather predatory straight man day father said transitioning able easier access women rape them rape victim raped everyday age coach later classmates high school fucking unfair internalized fear around women feel like occupying space wrong there always afraid go since beaten severely twice past always sexually physically verbally harassed out lost almost friends transmisogyny sure always alone people want date fetishizers see exotic creature man woman never able find sb see like thatnothing change always pain wisest thing end things courage times attempted chickened out sure again cannot endure hell anymore either feel suffocated place world girls like want out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dying roomfor last years ive motivation m suffer lot physical things most undiagnosed know family history feel them motivation change life throughout years ive opportunities change life never motivation go them end either lack fear lack support network etc stopped me im supposed prime life nothing show it due person search socialization would encounter people would hate even though hate weird inferiority complex niche interests people would encounter people know sure think less of dont know word properly people cant stand due person get better thats settle unfortunately ive thinking killing years now maybe ive state mind method redflag still process would like get gun go way things reality might hang belt process getting better know life really get better wouldve now think fate im fated end way would like things way go bang might die room", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " years heri anorexic dealing bullshit since got diagnosed im facing hardest relapse ever feel alone ashamed feel like one really understands fucking miserable illness im floating here alone ive abusing adderall ive sleeping lot avoid eating im uni feel like also adds pressure overall feel look overweight cant possible stress enough fucking look overweight im thin rail snap it pound thinking still pounds anyways im making post feel lost feel like cant recover ive dealing stupid voice past years non stop never fucking stops god damn never stops feel like going music eternity haunting die think ive reached point ill anything get voice head cant take anymore constant fight me her food cant anymore years stupid shit gets tiring im tired want out didnt sign this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "add emoji end sentence becomes funny in sexual sort way today bored sent message wrong emoji end realised this did eat breakfast yet try it ordinary sentence becomes funnier add emoji end lets good laugh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help need somebody help heck help weve gotten close know almost everything weve touched lot sitting alone minutes holding hands time time arm around her happens tells shes someone else never asked said want know secret say yes tells likes guy actual heck thought trying make jealous told emailed something asking book think obvious wants get closer damn guess im kinda mad either wanna one following stop jealousy make like someone help thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lol people carewhy fuck people care kill self next year take life why alternative insane legitimately finally manic break awesome cant wait thats stupid end go crazy bipolar disorder cunt dirty cunt wish best it fun actually painful thing ive ever experienced sometimes wish never born know dont want childrenif make knock devil fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say movie said comments here pretty much sum everything people love cherish it people hate it well loathe it movie equivalent marmitebr br i personally committed every second memory cyclical claustrophobic introspective magical stands one unique films ever made despite many stated believe truly cult movie diamond rough waiting discovered unearthed fantastical psychedelic visuals incredible soundtrack unforgettable achievement itself one friends watched likened musical many respects fully appreciate context film made would probably get view head suchbr br i always fond monkees especially tv show back repeated s mum recorded head shown tv late night knew liked them watched day later lodged memory able find copy dvd decades later would love special edition would fascinating get greater insight making masterpiece hope", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression damn brutal add top ugly virgin extreme social redflag lower iq learning disabilities many internal issues what fk suffering could dead seriously nothing here people tell try new things get me fatigue beyond awful scared death hate religion making scared hell think awful things christians now hate existence alone dead inside gone even idk much longer last", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know enemy know need fear result hundred battles finished art war sun tzu everything war war winned deception ask anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im pregnant still want kill myselfi feel selfish ill least wait kid guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought family wealth dads business actual turns dad gambling addiction mad poker skills made like m mother convinced get help lost it did bought nice house started business money invested too everything panned addiction reason family worth m", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont google scientific name pig dont google dont google ot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck shit so next house retirement home type thing woth around people living it pretty cramped since ive help chores pre qurantine but last week so havent seen people living there originally thought taking quarantine seriously but turns covid one died yesterday week owners said anything till now worst part is neighbors come put said tests came positive likely due talking people retirement home fuck shit dude fuck owners fuck im pissed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone tell love please fucking care actually love me need hear it fucking done right now want kill myself live one person hold onto think close letting go please someone tell love", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im mad context xbox computer use monitor speakers headphone jack controller plugged headset plugged play keyboard mouse minecraft im playing minecraft skywars pretty sweaty kill dude im low hp pearl another island whilst im controller decides slightly move joystick move forward overrides keyboard makes walk edge im genuinely considering spending get controller repair kit fixing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever present suicidal ideation constant weight shoulders help coming quick enough really want diei take depression medication anything like might partly blame still even went gp got suitable antidepressants suicidal ideation what embrace unfamiliar path rather already familiar path half half suicidal ideation half passive suicidal thoughts half intense almost active suicidal thoughts tired right yet manageable enough level passive suicidal thoughts depressive mood know want guys anything current life really sorta feel like stuck middle seeking help never feel ready change due various reasons autism seek comfortable with cant seen get deteriorate back square one everything different usually hardly ever works antidepressants really assistance crap sometimes feel much weird mood stabilising things i think antidepressants seen mood stabilisers might wrong p helpful even find right ones me big part wants wait assessment session one talking therapy waiting lists try antidepressants part feels like fault keep feeling way since take offered in case drugs oh way read life andor like write post reddit httpswwwwattpadcomsighmonthsinthelifeofasuckersufferingof by way link recent update part journalrant compilation honestly though unable helped cant even help myself yea read rantswritings wattpad feel like it kinda want someone comment writings think subject bit heavy encourage someone p", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "famous yet rate fame sub ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " months moved really big house next town over times size one burned down mom got fired though nursing caught stealing drugs dad graduated college good job newspaper place understand could afford big house", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got question im looking good gaming chair around less idc office chair long comfortable reclining function footrest thing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took waaaay much aleve assuming works love all wonderful people ever work ill come helplt all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "okay ill admit kids never would seen film would never see it but considering rotten kids movies seen such spy kids babe pig city significant improvement and enough totally bored skull contemplated suicide something repeatedly two movies sure performances pretty broad plot kinda sillybut kids film and compared films genre definitely better average frankie muniz amanda bines actually appear talent probably continue careers pubertyat least infomercials voiceoversbr br so looking film see kids certainly could lot worse", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want thesis worth it mum bitching believe depression dad same istg money would run away fucking hate them dad used abuse physically younger abuse verbally mum would give away info without consent mum wanted doctor groomed one still like medicine sucking life out wet dream reality suppose gave expensive gifts never understand feelings mental health wish dead want sleep want face shit simply want sleep tend anything like forever want floating thing instead human shit sucks tired shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seen messed stuffive cop years ive seen stuff one ever see kids murdered parents people crushed cars things could done something never cant go trauma know could helped people im going end life say sorry people could helped", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using much emojis make funnier thats", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "follow yesterdayi posted asking ml antifreeze would kill final today thinking drinking after boyfriend distant since yesterday loud annoying apologized multiple times hes barely responsive leaving world finally killing would probably make feel better ive attempted redflag multiple times before end hospital dont know would care time contemplating drink right die earlier", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " daysthis summer i yo uni student came conclusion want end life also set date myself new years eve last new years eve whole thing fleshed kinda rushed it year want to im coming terms dying takes couple moments brave one last time least time life get things done right mess up im trouble kinda scares me sadly share anyone life except great friends made internet family strong distaste me friends quite alone considering think internet friends substitute friends actually hang with one might wondering posting this valid question last days surreal amazon packets ingredients demise arrived today made feel strange deep down like punch guts opened box im debating really want this promised new years eve nothing changed fact things got considerably worse even always told miracle happens life makes total wont it nothing sort happened family cut contacts former friends ill alone christmas birthday th im welcomed home anymore im stuck apartment town know nobody h away home hate rest life cant new years eve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "battled depression whole life realizing even depression fighting anymore realized truly place world belong anywhere loved anyone anything taking space burdening people think time go place world", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag i decided so debating options continue living decided redflag way go dad figured plan told getting mcdonalds next thing know mental institutionwhen told physiatrist reasons want kill read reason why thought transgender tried explain im transgender reason hate biological factors female unfairness one kept arguing im transgender called idoit said professional crazy one needs help umm ok talked another physiatrist also male actually agreed kept saying things like matter shit like that hate mental hospitals food taste like shit beds hard sleep boring helli actually starved self days drink anything becuse food bad forced eat realised give danm die care money if die get money stay option die believe die nothing happens darkness option biological disadvantage weaker half population metblisom mentend afaster metabolism anywhere percent higherthan women studies shown women naturally meant higher body fat percentage men strength men physically stronger women have average less total muscle mass absolute terms relative total body mass greater muscle mass men result oftestroneinduced muscular hypertrophy men also denser stronger bones tendons ligaments height men taller women average cm inches average adult man america cm tall versus cm average adult woman pregnancy men capable fathering children old age also man dose much want child pop nut abdominal cramping andpain duringpregnancy often normal associated everything constipation increased blood flow uterus first trimester braxtonhicks contractions round ligamentpainin second third trimesters symptoms pregnancy include frequent urinationswollen legstingling numbness fingers handspelvic pressureback painpigmentation breastpain i never pregnant research found periods crampsare caused prostaglandins say prosstuhglandinz chemicals girls body produces make muscles uterus contractmany women migraines reportheadaches duringmenstruation many girlsthrow feel like mightthrow theirperiods hormone changes probably cause feelings usually go away day twothe usual length ofmenstrual bleeding four six days usual amount blood loss perperiodis ml iq scientists concluded mens average intelligencequotient iq four points womens brains typically larger breast largebreast place excess weight chest without enough support surrounding muscles rest body weight thebreastcancause severepain make difficult maintain good posture even lead spinal deformitybreast causes due underlying disease examples include tight fitting bra pregnancy menstruation breast feeding exercise breast annoying general man go outside toplees without causing accident getting arrested cardoivascular men greater cardiovascular reserve larger hearts greater lung volume per body mass higher red blood cell count higher hemoglobin also higher circulating clotting factors leads faster healing wounds urine pee want history world woman ever proven able urinate name snow guys time men love peeing everywhere dna entire planet one giant mens restroom awsome general cooler guy superheros videogames also action movies probably apart childhood childhood barbies makeup which hated always jealous brothers christmas birthdays", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "legit question anyone else like sour punch candy dont mean sour patch kids", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gods tiredi want pain stop years happiness always lie something gets way lie say love hurt soon convenient get bored eventually nobody gets say smart find someone level is matter let end please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "vsauce michael vsauce michaelhttpsyoutubenyidfnm mesauce vichaelhttpsyoutubedqwwwgxcq", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actively suicidal actually plan kill get really nervous end itwhy cant mind choose mind say want kill time comes dont want to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "walkeight years ago walked two miles old abandoned church cemetery cold rain put two grain hollowpoints smith wesson spun cylinder put barrel mouth pulled trigger click remember walking back guess did suffered abuse depression chronic pain life given up hospitalization lots therapy better meds better still struggle best support system wife son daughterinlaw dog world would right back graveyard again hope guys find right formula keeps graveyard too", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shameful revelation probably dont want dieso basically ive lot inner work recently honestly things started turn around come reasonable family reasonable back story honestly nothing big thing anytime see anything reminds possibility redflag self harm becomes overvalued idea cant get rid of im also ashamed realise probably dont want die really want take good long sleep icu wake find everything magically sorted me shame honesty getting quite overwhelming wondering anyone advice regarding shame probably romanticized idea redflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enjoy lasts years wont still friends reddit friends wont know users rteenagers ended up wont form contact anybody here", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "asked crush hours getting response decided drink it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "beatles modern band would many beatles stans twitter omg ringo looks cute ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love make stronger want become stronger started full body workout heard love makes people stronger true yes strong make ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fear ruined life fail every job panic get afraid failure bail fail every task try cannot deal embarrassment quit stupid fucking girl liked much good liked alot ever let on fucking stupid tell felt gone one realistic chance alone gone going stuck purgatory failure ineptitude loneliness die going end life summers end one thing longer going bitch that starved anyrhing worthwhile life deserve allowed die coward", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone or know anything about dependent personality disorderi formally diagnosed this particular disorderhttpenwikipediaorgwikidependent_personality_disorder although ive diagnosed related problems like anxiety depression strong feeling it tick almost every single box however ive never met anyone else problem cant find anything reddit either except passing references someone ive cornered listening suggested post it many different issues hard know one ends another begins seems like one biggest feel utterly helpless make decisions life without someone else guide care me usually accomplish lowrisk lowpressure things like posting internet own anything that even seemingly simple tremendously difficult me mind constantly occupied thoughts alone year ive lost remaining serious reallife friend almost entirely result overdependence understand tiring others almost relationship family fear recently become reality every day gets harder harder accomplish even basic things lately feel forced circumstance habit like going work anything optional less regular even things like going grocery store become impossible me ambition kind no serious financial educational occupational family desires real goals life except surround people care rely on since desire ability carry myself thoughts frequently turn redflag as many years inability act make decisions makes fearful actually following through motivation might suppressed one issues depression ocd anxiety bodyimage problems maybe worst part words make anyone else understand it tried explain people left life get depression anxiety aspects cant grasp overwhelming feeling powerlessness comes things own think see sort helplessness people often feel depression ive experienced know difference enough peptalking usually motivated things depression something else all short new best friend falling sky cant think way solve becomes completely unbearable theres nobody near fill role need filled nobody ive met even relate it anybody experience this supposed do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know im tired im tired everything always been school although sure help brain broken think wish could normal wish higher chances die methods available least even could get meds get diagnosed something although idk effective would ending sounds better right now want fail though idk ill just uhm coping method time im sorry post like im probably attention seeking im sorry idk im posting anyway im sorry ignore sorry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anywhere find information ways kill myselfi sincerely doubt place asking this might offhandedly find someone whos know help brother out access cant get access gun hanging seems like much suffering thinking guillotine probably way im going go it im wondering ways are quick effective lowest failure rate help appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jerk venting someone clearly worsesorry didnt really know else post this friend gets abused parents badly get abused myself emotional get every way except sexual ptsd side affects abuse including redflag attempts im much fix it im focusing stuff nothing people get therapy encourage honestly want try go alone first personal reasons friend well basically used mention needed therapyventing talk them mention anything life get angry imply im sickening around first assumed maybe vented much kept inside much possible kinda good ive learned keep things inside more whenever vent anything get mocked them last night assumed anxiety making lies basically admitted it whenever said feel like im acting entitled would say yeah are press shrug off begged tell me never said anything ive helped redflag attempts never met irl keep begging visit country keep telling love as friend every day see less less that dont say goodbye anymore unless prompted i still say it barely say like say nice things heartfelt moments usually think someone hates leave alone forever second redflag attempt happened im scared now dont want leave want avoid dying want know asshole venting someone clearly worse quick edit clarification yes listen vents always ask are part reason feel confused theyre angry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want dieagainif read previous posts here would come know tough time friends however theyre reason wanna kill myself reason wanna kill me see never son parents could proud always friend friends who awesome way deserved ive realized im disappointment all one series realizations come know span short period time i still am struggling alcohol problem one bad apples batch got hooked it honestly cannot seem stop either getting back point also realized suicidal thoughts like aids cannot really go back way things were ease pain really good friend met pretty recently also left well essentially exploded her told things boyfriend know pretty bummed kinda maintaining distance he best friend found something wrong leave told up asked promise tell n exactly that got pissed essentially exploded her problem is taking anti depression meds time idk now kind person whos check even exhibit slight hints killing yourself shed literally call phone answer texts used too combined aforementioned factors makes feel like monster way know get rid kill actually optimistic last time posted know went also realized cannot make everyone happy trying that disappoint everyone so thought disappointing everyone last time ending all way kill right jumping window get panic attack every time try jumping window im scared heights honestly know anymore im lost think ill person was im sorry wasting time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find comfort knowing die eventually mustsometimes appreciating mortality comforting knowing matter eventually me want die glad least know one day ill get want", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "manifesting sugar mommy rn daddy tbh im particular last one cut taking applications btw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw someone diei waiting train suddenly middleaged woman jumped track engine hit her nothing one could do committed redflag front least hundred people", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought would left suicidal thoughts behind parents forcing pursue career despise think years emptiness await me stuck job hate suicide really seems like way out hey might well spite parents too maybe finally regret actions realise killed indirectly suicide seems like way parents forcing something hate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "grammys gramophone award replaced frogs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fifthdoor please see reply posts show upplease see reply here httpwwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsbizmhwhy_do_mods_delete_my_posts_from_this_subredditcnq", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girlfriend epic heres shes really cute beautiful really pale skin like idk like face body proportioned good looks great shes nice sometimes shes bit annoying everyone usually shes nice makes feel better im sad upset shes generally fun talk shes great shes funny uses dankmemes like thats one flaw besides sends funny memes like talking like idk makes smile chuckle exhale nose sometimes laugh audibly nice name first name charly wont say last privacy fun write cursive pretty named hurricane pretty cool one goes smaller tiny reasons cant think specifically make great like idk say parts individually doesnt sound great put together shes perfect like nothing really perfect perfect like everything flaws like shes perfect like listening love songs remind sometimes ok shes back online gotta go bye reddit people nice day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant moving forward life sleep without alcoholhi ive trying get decent job since graduating high school anyway since ive job sucked quit job promising let several others go without supplying reason one half weeks think anxiety disorder depression cannot sleep night want go college without job cannot afford books shit live parents need move apartment cannot sleep without drinking anymore drank lot vodka pass realized slowly killing moving alcoholism make kill myself need help trip gay street bridge ending life seriously considered it im pass vodka please help success cant move forward without getting fucked back was want thingsmwith life im moving forward killing would load off help move forward want success happiness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "inability start fights white supremacists nazis probably get killed someday honest day comes im gonna keep calling little bitches killed due insulting way better killed due queer", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "received help many appbut follow through deciding ramp redflag order build courage end it lonely sad know talk about want try anymore want die done all times seems approaching soon since becoming comfortable parting ways shitshow life glad starting let go bittersweet id say thanks wish helpfrom bottom heart wanti simply tired waiting end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want ownbeing enjoyable getting older older teenager good hate around people almost always forced whether anyone express misery barely coping social situation without going bathroom scratching since almost access sharp items irritating im saving money planning leaving city escaping soon possible", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like end miserymy mind fuzzy today think ending struggle draining mentally physically exhausting feel unloved unwanted unappreciated hear son fathers day dad lectured finally got frustrated left cant people life see hard lifes struggles me always tried good guy person always right thing good job decent home car stress coming angles time even day meant relaxation turns criticized things years even decades ago laid bed last night discreetly sulking way sleep wake go back old daily grind nothing look forward get home probably expected cook dinner clean afterwards despite fact mind elsewhere thinking might need find secluded spot get nice new blade cut wrists bleed out sure leave cell phone behind walk whereever decide deed cant track cars gps find me maybe schedule note family friends get missingbut dead already faults dark place life never seems go away time think feel lower life find feeling even worse before wish sickness anyone want pain stop never stops cant talk anyone close get tossed damn psych ward days week tell good go again sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please get habit saying want die im gonna kms joke hear time whenever heard jokes like makes think friend went through tried kill paralyzed waist down something casually joke about serious please stop romanticizing redflag too thats worse imo see lot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sublimity way reach beauty sublimity stuff film made of best loved bogdanovich moviesbr br this unique masterpiece remind us films director life or be about love lost or failure hope faith charity song films takes title gershwins well known composition film makes impossible true tries make us aware noone able judge anybody lightness comedy timing masterful direction the first ten minutes detectives following ladies almost without line dialogue constructed upon looks views characters with bogdanovich touch based pointofview class cinema language something pb learned well admired directors golden age movies superb cast glorious soundtrack including best sinatras trilogy movie full selfconsciousness compassion far away selfindulgence emptiness as critics wrote deserves better place history american cinema placed long style short substance complex simplicity beautiful absolutely beautiful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im running ideas guysss supposed keep posting dont idea", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got argument flat earther uncle middle heated debate asked legitimate associations actually support claim world indeed flat said enthusiastically response yes flat earth society lot members organizations around globe", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "us entered world war i government forced hollywood churn propaganda films little american probably best lot stars mary pickfordbr br pickford plays young woman torn two men jack holt german raymond hatton french decision delayed war men enlistbr br when ship pickford sailing sunk germans think lusitania carrying munitions pickford great scene stands lifeboat yells german commander later on course runs holt hatton held war prisoner chteaubr br director cecil b demille provides one truly great scene film pickford holt wandering bombedout village pass destroyed church one wall remains standing wall large crucifix stand watch wall collapses jesus figure remains suspended mid air surreal moment film otherwise straightforward unartsybr br pickford is always pleasure watch always natural actress avoided armwaving histrionics many actors day used also pretty holt good leadingman role hatton ok among list name actors extra parts wallace beery ramon novarro colleen moore ben alexander hobart bosworth norman kerry walter long james neill edythe chapmanbr br not great film interesting see us propaganda work", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly even know want birthday anymore friend whos always gifting something years lost interest collecting things seems like get another thing birthday year another add shelf full things", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every time happiness skyrockets feel fucking awesome comes halt self hatred anger disgusting intrusive thoughts comes back plummets im back started like cycle right now feel happiness slowly coming halt yeah excited whats come", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found old teacher tv series nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes sex cool mini fridge room", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "typed tic discord im gonna pee hm lmaoooajdksks looks funny help havent slept hours", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "opened door girls dad girl smiled stop confusion happening im interested dad god damn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone suicidal fantasies killedive suicidal life sometimes goes far envision actually killed or least seriously hurt someone else accident sort maybe theyre dirty work me wondering anyone ever happen suicidal thought fantasy know fucked up redflag watch sub hopefully yall understand", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want play among us im hosting game among us anyone wants join feel free to discord prestigealien guys want play add ill add group chat leave whenever want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "constant nausea tooth pain fever fatigue anxiety depression someone please help meim ive anxiety years ive depression years ive near constant debilitating nausea fatigue years teeth rotten decaying away week ago horrific tooth pain high fever started cant eat sleep left house almost year cant go doctors definitely dentist feel nauseated tired get up ive constant thoughts death redflag ive hospital times past suicidal thinking time want get done tooth killing bad radiating head throat tylenol helps sometimes pain going go away own need help like now im tired nauseous weak im tired fever pain somebody please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts intrusive know stop themi meds anxiety disorder constant anxiety caused feel isolated useless caused depression meds depression never suicidal this thoughts dying constant today cleaned house organized things sort like nesting preparing something feel like everything coming apart need die want leave kids cant seem stop thoughts think stop depression meds seem made things worse stop taking them doctor told month ago need work certain dosage guessing means need wean them want kill meantime heard withdrawals cause suicidal thoughts too", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "i perfected fooling everyone thinking im great unless bring something up roommates dont know me surface level friends family nowhere near me pain own loneliness own feel life worthless pointless suffer matter good circumstance is want die dont know much torture endure", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont need sleep need answers dont understand second rule drop food ground pick seconds drop seconds timer restart still edible", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes little low budget movie shows love bad things tell budget film would compare waterworld though plot good film never really tapped full potential strong performances everyone suspense makes worthwhile watch rainy night", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im needy im much better tonight happy day im alone end bed need held right now theres chance be want make someone feel warm safe resting head shoulder arm chest want someone spoon make feel safe too honestly want boyfriend ever have", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really need someone talk toplease something terrible betrayed friend wrote confession earlier feel worse know im selfishly wallowing cant help myself im damn pathetic please someone talk this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " unlucky love become desperate depressed seeing therapist hurts much alone friends finding gfs experience never even alone girl fucking hurts idk much longer take end want feel womans touch cannot handle loneliness anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "truly remarkable film takes journey hidden emotionsa deep enlightening story story takes lives beliefs gay religious cultures excellent performances superb star cast touch deepest reaches emotions belief love risks nothing worth nothing film starts introducing us characters surface seem everything later find beneath surfaces character looking journey self discovery learn story must chose path life destined despite difficulties encounteran thumbs film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made lemon tea lemon feel boujee yall gonna pay euros", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "somebodyjust tell anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymorei know sounds cliche really cant even know am look like life constant fluctuation positive negative cant stand torture anymore like taunting me so goodbye suicidal bros", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using hard drugs kill myselfi way capable redflag methods read about instead much meth cocaine possible im trying od die im still stuck here confided good friend threatened call police cant tell therapist either hell call authorities me live mental illnesses chronic pain multiple unsuccessful back surgeries feel ive done im ready go side cant believe im still here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hooray got called ugly times last night days got called another girl thanks guys reasons put lead head tho ugly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw movie least thirty years ago remains one alltime faves classic intriguing plot great characters suspense shocking twist ending all set backdrop gorgeous montereybig sur coast never get old roy thinnes portrays johnny brant captivating character grows mysterious true identity unfolds acting great believable viewers get caught web develops workaholic husband disenchanted wife alluring stranger thinnes brant searched copy buy years guess tv movies get released video unfortunately great movie see find it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "realized motivation live thats likely changei think zoloft past couple months cleared mind many pointless thoughts realize really want kill myself actually motivation improve know would even mean goal life want partner kids im asexual believe god hobbies would amount meaningful progress justify existence sure could spend next however many years natural lifespan eating shitting going work sleeping would want that survive people thing driving forward dont close friends im distant family continuing life burden would willingly put myself reason whatsoever perform mundane bodily functions naturally cant anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bored discord anyone wanna stream jojo discord cause ive got literally nothing else do discord swifter numbers ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dying soon know itim sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats craziest shit happened school mine years ago lil grade two students grade level fight overpass outside school ended one getting stabbed pocket knife worse able see victim carried security guard noticeable blood splotch uniform eating lunch right next clinic since me friends boy scouts before ordered form line prevent anyone crowd going far clinic shit crazy back then reason ended bloody gruesome brawl fact aggressor the guy knife bullied constantly dude one day altercation dude challenged fight location overpass traverses main road friend got ominous hint aggressor shit went down repeating words angry tone naa koy special weapon bai means english i special weapon dude", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember first time got drunk warning eventfulinteresting expect alcohol fueled escapade all little tipsy else remember this mom asleep upstairs alone night already started drinking back sips taste barbeque previous day lot booze left could take top without noticing whiskey little bit more cognac thought always see niggas mixing vodka orange juice let try that already starting feel drinks went pour vodka orange juice poured way intended said going drink much booze drank all thats really started feel it wanted drinks stopped feeling little tipsy nothing much happen stumbled around little bit giggled fact fucked around got drunk watching tv focus anymore went sleep sleep pretty good night ampxb thanks reading despite pretty boring", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please tell doi want pass dont courage want hurt others want die without causing commotion dont know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ground going open swallow evil ground gonna open swallow evil right thats see it word bond seeand ground symbol poor people right poor people gonna open whole world swallow rich people cause rich people gonna fat gonna appetizing know im saying wealthy appetizing poor gonna poor hungry right know im saying gonna like know im saying gonna might might cannibalism mf might eat rich know im saying", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive best friendzoned girl months case guys ever feel like love life cant get worse remember this laugh least bad lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "professors accent heavy thoufht said low cost exchange principle locards exchange principle im laughinf like wtf forensics accounting brain smooth", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "roses red number one ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish monkey like think monkeys pay tax give fuck grades get financially stable theyre fucking monkeys sometimes wish life consisted swinging tree tree cracking open yellow ones boys eating babies much ask for", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing wrong theory everything makes want fucking kill myselfi first felt suicidal pretty good taking bipolar meds three days feel like ending yet again countless hundreds suicidal thoughts past six years two attempts dont really know gets better long makes feel like getting better big fucking tease better couple days spend all fucking day inside ive spent six hours phone today think causes depression get worse rambling hours posting posts day across social media gods name wrong me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seen several comments brando using southern accent felt mistake movie made racism discrimination strong south jim crow laws still effect civil rights infancy could possibly subtle social commentary southern man love woman another race way mash subtle criticism viet nam war thoughtsbr br another comment made myoshi umeki appearing cold anyone japan would understand japanese people least experience tend show emotion front strangers strict social rules especially men meeting single women americans japan totally foreign culture blunt attempts meet women shocking ladies one trait japanese smile embarrassed uncomfortable many american servicemen took sign advances welcomed also remember time represented movie japan defeated occupying forces treated reluctant acceptance think myoshi umeki gave credible performance situation would been watching interaction american actors brought back several memories experiences country able meet pair lovely young ladies who convinced typical american male taught language culture time country", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go hellobviously title assume im christcuck im proudly christian ill take advice anyone want jesus dont want hurting dont want see like this dont let people around see am ive tried dont know anymore dont know im really tired gotta get early mornin reckon ill stay around im edge right now try stay away going online im like cause say things dont mean dont want go hell selfishness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill myselfi think better said know life completely pointless bother", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really happy yea really happy right now yup", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much painso much pain much hate house everyone hates other everyone yells one listens one wants anymore one leave hate resent much soulcrushing poverty wherever look cant believe person asked live way pumped full medications keep living way told shush pay live way live way goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling way talk mehi im little frazzled right now so forgive typos poor grammar final fight girl together year broke months gave second chance im notbiological father month yo little girl theres kid im much love legal standing ever see again now ex emotionally abusive two goarounds her im broken ill probably never get see daughter again im seeing much reason continue do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "k debt defaultedmore keep piling on unable find job able pay loans mental health hanging strings im mentally ready go somewhere quiet end all never understood people take lives cause money position bright day im join them reasons reasons gone im waiting last straw added pile feel relieved think everything ending relief knowing im longer disappointment everyone knowing end around corner joy past years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "video boyfriend friends made mtv cribs tour pedrohttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvuzwomig", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "porn addiction thats right something though", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want blow brians outgoodbye world im gonna kill myself sweet rest come", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give nword pass hi guys could kindly give nword pass would really appreciate it always wanted say nword would liberating finally able say repressing long btw im hispanic bad white right bad say nword anyway", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "given christopher nolans string successful films brainer want check filmography watch debut feature shot black white back england running less minutes long done little budget containing hallmarks made master filmmaker storytellerbr br though short film less gripping meandering plot leave guessing premise even scratch surface tale pretty amazing considering depth narratives structure characterization told follow writer wannabe called bill jeremy theobald starts habitual obsession following random people fancies streets voyeuristic manner first could conceived research starts make rules break thembr br he meets charismatic cobb alex haw turns robber peculiar sensibilities modus operandi soon finds hooked hanging go breaking entering speculating victims livelihood pursuit femme fatale blond lucy russell mobsters moll rejects every advancebr br told nonlinear fashion comes scenes quite add beginning sets film multiple viewings study nolan sustains suspense intrigue audience expecting wanting more gets duly delivered enough twists spins film dizzying crescendo loose ends begin come together brilliance stellar story start shine throughbr br its also amazing how first feature shot cheap something clever sophisticated conceived experience burgled nolan involved every stage production writing shooting producing directing worked project year since shoots happen weekends guess heres example successful filmmakers humble roots serve inspiration spur new filmmakers there ill patiently wait christopher nolans inception due later year whose trailer already tease", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think time throw toweli well established redditor know lot people person throwaway coincidentally speaking throwing things away thats decided myself life fucked hard recently ive bad since young age brain cancer sexual physical abuse etc think im willing try hang anymore negatives keep piling onto positives way live im done trying fuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made subreddit called rpenciltricks subreddit showing cool tricks pencil ampxb thats ampxb link lazy people rpenciltricks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "public transportation shitty everywhere cuz fax fresno area xpress sucks major asshole city really needs it pretty much everything else california except bart bay areas rapid transit also sucks ass seriously fax dont even cover fresno really horrible clovis roundup even worse", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "existence earth wont last much longer im happymy brother secretly got gun without parents knowing told tells everything parents shouldnt know know puts access die quick easy death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost escense me uncle grandfather suffered form brain damage cant live iti took lsd since years live chronic headache causes seclude thats difficult suffer borderline personality since also cant stand alone cant function socially fully uncle heart attack june brain damage due lack oxygen favorite uncle hes stuck ina childlike daze grandfather also godfather apparently favorite nephew began suffering dementia dont know trying work uncle break tears gets depressed hehelped first got ill owe himthough doesnt remember me hope us", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking bother anymoreim done everything im years old training teacher else im struggling depression anxiety every day every day deal shitty little kids respect me told lessons standard matter long stayed plan put together deal fear failing ive already months due mental illness came back want career also problems home deal constantly fearing money im going finish training whether pass fail always tell im dead man walking redflag way out ive watched videos perfected technique tying noose even hardware store look right rope job even considered booking flight san francisco go golden gate bridge end life ive watched many videos redflag clips livestreams indulge suicidal fantasies im medication problems much every time hear people jokingly talk killing laughing subject redflag wish gun blow head teach lesson im asking pity advice want whoever reads know might live much longer may see lifes fucking hard dont want anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get head please yeah you please get dont forget jacket close door behind you thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rita hayworth right cover girl technicolor film also starring gene kelly phil silvers eve arden lee bowman otto kruger rita plays beautiful showgirl rusty working small club owned man loves danny kelly friday go oysters genius silvers club comedian hate oysters theyre looking pearl find one three good luck believebr br rusty auditions wins role cover girl magazine starts ahead contestants magazine owner kruger sees resemblance rusty girl loved turns rustys grandmother becomes cover girl world opens dreams appearing broadway come true danny wants success time realizes hes lost herbr br cover girl exuberant dance numbers songs jerome kern rita dubbed martha mears rita best playing rusty present grandmother past sexy desirable gorgeous woman apparently insecure always thumb domineering men none ever showed screen fact want movie star one true goddesses brought everything life gene kelly serious role here gets plenty chances dance sing phil silvers amiable funny inhouse comic best friendbr br this good movie dull spots problem idea rusty choose successful career man loves supermodel jinx falkenberg plays film speaks getting married warned boss to necessary modeling business were told rusty continues career goes back work dannys signs seemed point toward brooklyn club both nevertheless cant beat cover girl top entertainment beautiful color lovely music great energy fine performances fabulous asset glorious rita hayworth", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pathetichere pm writing crying sitting wall tub crying listening juice wrld wishing died stupid fucking father wanted rape older sister felt like living years years since went prison cant believe feel like wouldve open living able experience life way friends instead got taken school im now get experience best years life already liking life nothing anymore hope sisters get sad kill soon oh saying probably give half fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girl u optician cos u stare eyes day week", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey like sko u tryna talk frfr need ppl talk ight im bored n aint needa wake early like yea ok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanted post too last night boyfriend saved woman redflag dear people already posted cptsd group would like post well last night boyfriend saved woman jumping bridge cycled back home last night dinner drinks city cycled back cities bridge suddenly saw young woman hanging bridges fence first thought woman tried make daring selfie saw crossing social media another young woman standing ten meters bicycle hand looking her asked belong together replied no boyfriend walked immediately woman thinking really really bad first talked gentle woman asking could help would really liked help started crying panic saying useless afraid didnt know get back side fence scared touch hold thought would panic let go asked times times would please come back safe side fence could comfort help her still said useless got beat husband police didnt help before thank god universe good powers world boyfriend too stays always calm rational still talking thinking hell hold precious lady while panicking inside boyfriend stepped calmly closer her looked saying come hold womans hand arm gently immediately hugged woman holding closely me hold hugged firmly tried comfort saying ok you alone precious gonna let go thank god bypasser came later helped us hold her luckily police came quickly dragged back bridge told take safe place help her pray god get right help know there hopeless everything seems boyfriend devastated ofcourse also grateful could help lady could sleep last night nightmares it boyfriend snoozing calmly next moment the difference personalities haha lightly try talk it triggering ive too im grateful life itself dear people triggered too worth it people around care worth it precious precious aftermath im still doubting done more boyfriend wanted keep holding her taking home let rest could help further tortured ourself bit guilt police right resources help woman boyfriend helped calming words help people moment let people help too everyday theres way people hopeless everything seems people care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help dealing stepmom anyone know tell parent fuck off literal sense course like going dads house stepbrothers parentbecause stepmom dad drunk useless parenting offering drinksim want go anymore get point post need tell stepmother come pick go house weekend know tell without saying im slavei everything fetching drinks watching brother advice reddit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "listened green days jesus suburbia good prepared that id recommend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spookiest cat change mind shes black called wednesday wednesday addams hates people occasionally nice the rest time scrunch bites black collar studded glittery fish metal things it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help science project might appropriate sub esp since im lurker around lowkey one communities real virtual dont judge lmao ampxb anyways anyone time fill surveys this onehttpsformsglewryrbmrgyqlmqwu summerliving warm weather this onehttpsformsglefxkhuyluwlcvyt wintercold weather please can", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "circumcision makes feel suicidalhi community know may sound weird hate circumcision infant without consent especially austrian left intact hate people claim nearly one third circumcised vast majority still happy course are even months ago think something change supressed feelings beacuse considered weak disrespectful parents realised unethical cut part body feel incomplete raped raped knife feel betrayed nad humiliated parents inferior rest society already spoken parents utterly regret could forgive feelings stay unfortunately learn grief feel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone contact uhereismyusername please let knowits incredibly important me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna wake sometimes stop disappointing family major problems school never gf barely good friends got social life whatsoever support family either suicidal thoughts last years ampxb support hurt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw film sep cambridge film festival br br the beagles couple short flashbacks whole thing darwins life ensconced kent growing family pages origin already drafted wondering whether complete book br br the script based randal keyness book annies box annie charless daughter died mostly family drama include sex scenes however participants married screen exciting much science wellmade film thats pleasant watch pushes right emotional buttons bit romantic weepie actually suppose conclusion agnostic freethinking scientist atheist family background still emotional romantic well excellent father br br some characters darwin state wonder whether killed god viewer able doubt that beyond doubt given deadly struggle survival web predation meadowbank wellknown darwin completely uncontroversial failure darwins prayers idea kind providential god loves his creatures untenable br br i really cannot see many americans objecting much may problems title probably controversial thing film fact bettany horns tail pitchfork", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting evil facts historical figures love stop cynical asshole day charles darwin charles darwin one great scientists challenged church going history galileo mendel proved living things made cookie cutter templates ancestor became creature fir environment act surely requires scientific genius right well ideas first taught schools found would better teach elementary school level thw reason even found simplistic principle geniuses world figured yet well did many people him even grandfather discussed idea yet plagiarized all even add much idea mathematical model scientific method made support it even less point general idea wrong point point z right since personally observed it points b wrong happens show work class kids another thing idea rejected nationalist right going taught younger generation reject it fact embraced it used take nationalism next step formed new idea called social darwinism idea humans go darwins process migrate new environments become siperior others mostly used excuse racist however idea even used create nationalistic movements like nazi party", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "buy converses new board filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using sub diary part hello scrolling new guy nice meet you nice day anyway today bit productive started working birthay gift friend sadly remembered moment drawings suck well either nothing next days try best make acceptable school begins tomorrow bit productive again teachers really handle whole lockdown situation quite questionably fuck life guess wake tomorrow posts made much earlier also means less likely anyone sees this happen see though thanks stopping by good night reddit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going kill weekendi all well paying job enjoyed loving mother cared lot me bright future utterly devastating self esteem last internship abroad schizophrenia hit hearing lot negative voices kept ignoring mothers emails held resent reason father raised hate her rude ignore her fair room back house move brother become even isolated damaged brain trying self medicate voices abusing anxiolytics committed internet crime broke morals snapped voices everything im left damaged brain haunting past im currently employed really cant it cant write code anymore im mentally incapable want live dark place anymore temporary problem permanent problem hate did went crazy fucked bad ends weekend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hit hurts much want stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep thinking madison holleran stoif it i deeply depressed external point view all young gorgeous successful something fight for future deeply depressed external point view nothing disgusting look at socially crippled zero appealing nothing fight for wish could trade her give life deserved better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate myselfim sure anymore ive gotten sick living ive actually started zoning forgetting goes on know im miserable know details hate family mostly immediate mom dad amp brother tell parents put me brother hates me guess sucks people think kind forced like dont understand why theres husbands family feel constantly judge them even though theyre better hate them hate too guess theyve learned put husbands sake theres me person hate all im bitch aware yet seem unable control it hurt husband daily sometimes notice days suffers silence weve intimate handful times since daughter born months ago like were older couple amp cant touched held theres cuddling hate kissing days thought sex draining hate myself want anymore hate life routine even days get new surroundings cant remember details miss husband hes gone want gone hes here im horrible human being know killed off cry daily think dying daily hope win lottery hope murdered walking street im depressed hate myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suffering chronic redflag eight yearsthe kind feel enemy breathing neck alwaysi want get details matter personal beginning redflag breathing got messed up like alternating breathing hyperventilation shallow breathing day years last five years suffered bone tb stomach gastritis three yearsalso found recurring kidney stones left kidneybefore begun relatively healthy without complicated disease like bone tb stomach gastritis seems long chronic redflag resulting hyperventilation shallow breathing high blood pressure make immune system rather weak damaged", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well hate every level nowi good day today first time quite awhile occurs im still pathetic nothing never amount anything wouldnt missed im fat gross fault follow anything use shitty past lame excuse shitty self im garbage person ill die garbage person exactly deserve hope god real hope go hell give myself hope point dont chicken fucking time like countless others", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "materbated first timeand feel like shit feel disgusting ugly im lonely anti social dont ask masterbated answer abvious i want distract fucking head", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whyi fucked up tried kill im sick stomach cant eat ive lost friends making wish didnt survive person still best friend weird bc like likes doesnt wanna date till high school either way im glad shes bc know cant lose her person stick", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone ever notice emoji looks like someone giving shrek bj", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever wondered like like cant use play anymore gotta sound cool use hangout like whats couldnt keep using play", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly need find god smth idk kind wanna go like sort religious journey find sort spirituality anyway afterlife afterlife want id kinda want something like reincarnation maybe ill reincarnated viking warrior wholl conquer engand also like idea either given little pocket dimension whatever like getting create universe god of", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "diary day high keep diary days basically bought weed got really high tired busy keep diary days also got math work vibed lot today went ice skating hours also played ice hockey da boys ive got pneumonia bc c outside ik carebut feels right also smth makes happier good luck guys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alguien que hable espaolsolo quiero alguien con quien hablar ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher wont stop teaching hasnt told us assessed nobody guts speak cos online lesson smh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "possible distill heart soul sportno pure lifestyleof surfing perfect form documentary done it documentary shows life waves people pioneers modern day vanguard pushing envelope big wave ever beenbr br stacy peraltaa virtual legend early s skateboarding days socal teenhas edited reams amazing stock interview footage essence created documentary masterpiece genre heart soul subject matterand clearly herehis genius fraught pure vision glamorize hype sentimentalize subject reveres surfers surfingbeach lifestyle whitewash either gritty reality sport wellbr br there much could said documentary surfers early history sport wild big wave surfers profiles greg noll first big wave personality arguably pioneered sport jeff carter amazing guy rode virtually alone years northern californias extremely dangerous mavericks big surf and centerpiece documentary laird hamliton big wave surfings present day messiahbr br there tremendous heart warmth among guysand girls show cameraand deep powerful love surfing ocean comes every word found story hamiltons adopted father met hamilton small year old boy practically forced dad especially heartwarming and again stripped syrupy sentimentalitybr br if like surfingor even dontthis wonderful documentary must watched student form someone simply appreciates incredibly welldone works art", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never ending guilt cycleim end crisis situation got drunk made get really sad wanted kill them begging me telling losing mind tried let get got bed used crisis line stay level headed removed firearms house suicidal pastso bit difficult going this redflag attempts kinda reason this feel guilty stuck thinking caused redflag attempts theyre stuck one moment time unable let go tried therapy several family sessions talking happened place right cant get kinda help got wed kinda lose everything went away serious form treatment sadness honestly happens every time drink which like month try best keep going overboard always fail get left positions like im currently in theyre partially right actions trigger mental break brought childhood trauma anxiety depression surface dealt treatment moved on feels guilty past cant let go of ive forgiven moved on every time break drinking feel guilty making go suicidal causing pain suggest getting help talking people cant talk it theyre stuck wanting help holding onto pain pushed cant anymore point everyone safe now idea whatll happen light day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worst life every sad tired physically always tired matter what sleep erratic also tired unemployed tired able find job minimum wage tired trying happy make things seem normal tired getting real attention dishes vacuuming getting hard reason get bed partner dogs want disappear never wake want stop sad tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel annoying fucking time im middle severe mental breakdown mean genuine medical definition quirky one ive bottled up love friends feel annoying keep accidentally venting server im talking much stupid feel awful like need so like sometimes like need stop venting emotional feel like wear people dont want hurt inconvenience im literally awful friend sometimes hurts much feel awful saying selfish like cant imagine feel makes feel awful annoying feel like fucking burden im fucking burden", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nowi want over hate living hate breathing hate alive dude wanna take gun head get run car im alone one going see boyfriend three months doesnt want see leave days want kill myself want over want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im living expected me want toive felt like life much struggle keep living past years ive suicidal thoughts since around years old come go every time come always seems get worse also around time started cutting arms year ago would said i think it never make plans wont ever go it time went started looking prices shotguns efficient way killing things like that diagnosed depression around sophmore year high school since barely graduated high school graduated tech school got job along way kept telling youll feel better eventually never have times im thinking redflag capacity im mentally physically exhausted work im talking friend something feel like im autopilot day days weeks fly hardly remember happened yesterday could routine ive gotten cuz work exact thing happenes high school difference cant sleep work like school else lose job suicidal thoughts gone occasional weekly daily every single inconvenience life makes wish didnt exist could die accident didnt keep living started smoking half year ago sort anxious episode trade school havent stopped despite couple attempts went cigarettes day helps calm little bit works thousands times better medication ive prescribed gives disturbing comfort knowing life shortened even little bit everything feels empty good things happen happiness never sticks dont want keep living feel like to else ill fail everyone around even more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want go it thing holding back limitation methods availablei think im finally ready end it really want fuck able look back even though odds point that precautions take make sure fail", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "boughtr flaming hot cheetos dust eye send help immediately ow", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ft handsome creature yeah thats said handsome im girl fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bit young one see it theres excellent music many folks mentioned one seems notice rare appearance angel mostly ignored quite popular musical outfit wearing trademark white outfits grind th century foxes apparently try cram cameras field vision keyboardist gregg giuffria remains bands highlight apparently never gotten much haircut ever cherie currie exrunaways singer begins brief notable acting career here quite memorable alongside jodie foster rest her topless d scenes parasite ufo sighting wavelength kept us watching time br br its masterpiece preserves chunk period gaze upon wonder", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow finally jim carrey returned died movie laughing crying also sends message know learn from jeniffer aniston great finally hit movie belt liked liar liar love movie give ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mess genres mainly based stephen chows genre mashups inspiration theres magic kungfu college romance sports gangster action weepy melodrama topping production excellent pacing fast easy get past many flaws filmbr br a baby abandoned next basketball court homeless man brings shaolin monastery thats middle city along special kung fu manual homeless man somehow cant read old monk teaches boy expires tries master special technique manual school taken phony kung fu master assisted four wacky monks new master gets mad year old boy pretending hurt masters weak punches throws night boy found throwing garbage basket incredible distance man bring gangsters club play darts leads big fight boys expulsion monastery mans decision turn boy college basketball sensationbr br al happens first minutes happening first minutes aside extreme shorthand storytelling first problem little get know main character way movie man uses boy sharply defined time first third over plot follows new ground except insane action climax film im sure easily imagine wacky monks show towards end effects photography stunt work top notch make uninspired plot br br stephen chow much better command plot comedy writing film live shadow thats good reason ignore it quite entertaining even scattershot ending recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok out ban dumb people ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish wasnt lonelyi one left wish someone cared enough notice gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant happppy cant happy whys everything gotta constantly either worry self doubt cant like look mirror smile instead feeling worse every time cant look forward future instead afraid it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive hoping die naturally years nowits small things like wearing seat belt behaving really recklessly cant bring actually it im scared surviving living consequences im young poor afford assisted redflag country allows it gets nervous go places steep edges reckless vain attempts slip fall people around demonize redflag much dont want anyone know it want die naturally hope fatal car wreck im driving alone maybe one days alcohol poisoning job me want try starving people think anorexia im male livemy family would call fag hope die soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "justify livingi cant seem justify continue living th attempt university yet again going shitter wasted tens thousands dollars parents money cant it eating disorders ruled life years long mentalphysical health shambles live state almost friends family person think staying so also state thing kept alive past year becoming chore even stay alive him family hometown friends fine dealt redflags past cant validate living almost everyday feels like torture theres light tunnel tend good days average per week meanwhile rest existence obligation comfort others help please edit good days fighting unidentifiable depression sadness real depression like pulled dark abyss without knowing chosen sink nothing reason", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "although premise movie involves major coincidence actors creditable job look great bringing story life found rooting characters played mary tyler moore christine lahti empathizing both wanting reconcile sam waterston ted danson fine roles well decent job stereotypical buddy relationship story tends leap time occasionally leaving audience perhaps little hungry missing detail still flows avoids real confusion interesting storyline elements good chick flick", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurt head felt like going explode never make past seconds another trial run", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ran across movie local video store yearly sidewalk sale scanning thousands videos hoping find cartoon movies sale came across movie read back movie knew gods hand work purchase movie see sibling group three foster and soon adopted children living family immediately foster children made connection three children starring movie movie helped better understand circumstances first time also oldest sibling group year oldfemale decided open little bit past trauma experienced fighting entire trust issue also first time seen cry watching film asked meant child adopted replied it means happy must see families fostering children considering adoption certainly opened lines communication us", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know whats happening anymorei means suffer life friends im somewhat attractive family loves me everyone tells potential whatever want life minutes ago sat chair middle room knife throat sat minutes applying taking pressure thought want anymore want life even deserve it im one sees terrible person am ability spend months getting close girl totally love me crush like never mattered never anyway ive done least times why could started get nerves anyway ive made mom cry times count sit straight face parents try tell feel care feel theyll get soon enough enough though still knife rests bed know next time happens ill want stop applying pressure maybe make art blood die maybe someone help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry probably little long so broke boyfriend year early last month been rough half time even know broke up people ask it get confused say feel like even i know thought breakup mutual", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want something lifei feel like nothing life literally nothing fucking day except school homework phones broken friends literally feel like nothing literally feel like nobody likes me wants me cares me wants friend feel alone end want stop know feel like mess everything fucking people would say omg friend people people treat like shit point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodbye fellow teens taking action change person feel better friends loved ones aswell first step im taking cut negative stuff life unfortunately majority reddit one thoes things know ton hate definitely some dont want part person good run soldiers hope every one good day night adios", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life probably best ever finally got friends rely on well school starting new job everything could want yet still want die feel like nothing ever going make happy point life going great still want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dae wish could actually get encouragement commit redflag instead bullshit mental health advicebecause honestly im fucking sick able talk freely methods ways acceptance sometimes truly solution know cases is recently rewatched short documentary young woman belgium applied assisted redflag due mental illness probably lot heard seen it youtube search ready die felt jealousy live belgium diy painful way amount positivity change mind kill myself im still scared though really want someone encourage it understand bad die special little snowflakes worthy life life live want it idk might get trouble posting whatever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get feeling new friends boyfriend eventually hate me met new people today boyfriend introduced cant get feeling hate point feel boyfriend toit recently happened old friends considered best friends to met boyfriend long ago feel like gets know real stop liking meis normal advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something terrible happened today boys havent stepped game girls taken best friends list snapchat isnt good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shooter drills schools like student shooter theyd know everything teachers students planned like theyd know everybody is youre helping point secondly could someone believe bunch kids randomly gone normal tuesday plus quarantine couldve given somebody months plan school shooting kind concerning", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "set datei set date september next year im want romantically emotionally im going it im age friends starting families dont time romantic prospects end negatively blowing face im tired lonely im going way rest life might well end life early", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well boys it shaved nuts without nicking skin third time always charm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "headphones earbuds personally got headphones like s hifi feeling connected unlimited wifi srsly tho headphones earbuds", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure people feel way do almost pretty much zero experience women never girlfriend first sexual experience past year girl came onto full force dinner party friend threw random evening even realize hitting kissed nowhere next day went house stuff incredibly nervous complete disaster could enjoy moment whatsoever feel sad it ashamed sexual experience disaster fact happened late life lack experience general years really care that really crave affection want loved hold hands kiss hug cuddle subsequently sex role see main focus day spent girl although first sexual experience affection attention part filled void see since then wonderingi spent teens without much care this entering s well always loner good terms that now loneliness starting hit hard see close friends long term notredflag years person already children forming families etc know man successful friendships men women grateful that romantic notredflag polar opposite like dark side want think about want people know tired alone sexually frustrated emotonally frustrated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want relationship feel like many friends want boyfriend girlfriend title anyone mind yet really want relationship without ever one even knowing something would enjoy idk feel bfgf accomplishment goal positive sure someone care feel like theyve lost meaning bit obsessive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sub discord server know sub minecraft server might check soon discord server", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last thing say end probably thank world surviving year", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredi tired tired feeling miserable time tired failing everything do tired feeling lonely tired procrastinating tired crying i tired living thought redflag last year know do enjoy many parts life hate lot others im want die responsibilites live normal life pathetic spent summer playing games online think school instantly become depressed need s struggle even get s tell family i change next year end procrastinating studying want end good job working me parents want go university think can skipped studying drivers license years know do really want talk someone embarrassed ask parents think adhd embarrassed ask parents speaking psychiatrist dont know do please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doubt reach outplease", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "atlas nowi atlas hold world up to sink swimming trained this make goalie soccer little know purpose thought assholes soccer career learned take it love two beautiful girls im girl too love eachother love me hurts one hurts now atlas alice grew alice smart happy pretty could sing one night fired test shot wall shot herself im jealous gun option choice choose atlas alice hold world up hold world up one girlfriend years new best friend hold world let happy hold pain one hurts long know one hurts atlas", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired lost will sometimesno memes mei see world actually life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know want anymore ive posting since old im tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive extremely vivid suicidal thoughts one good thing life turned liei found bf hiding lot me could hiding know hid fact talking ex wouldve fine told upfront instead found phone even asked wont gf get jealous us talking said yea probably ill deal it found days ago happened month ago last night found hung one days werent together we basically live together aside occasional night goes home take care things asked did denied til went messages together love think ever loved someone told past exs cheating exact things like doesnt care all want things work bc honestly thought one dont know ever trust him every opportunity gave tell truth decided hide things instead past weeks suicidal thoughts gotten worse point scares me consumes every point ive extremely vivid thoughts havent frequently long time everytime saw him felt better felt safe felt loved hes highlight day best friend love life im going try strong clue how fact gave full trust thought would never lie hide things like others did find hes like them cant trust anyone im saying go him like one good thing had everything else shitty lately world cruel thought found one nice genuine person wrong good people", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi guys want someone talk guess me stuff need friend suppose dm youve got interesting conversation topic im australian time message might asleep ill reply first thing tomorrow", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im posting third time ignored everytime so feedback poem mother nature merrier quite erroneous us presenting nothing making demon scarier time go back square one things done since one quit parsimoniousness consider mother martriach expelling class half halfwits seems near ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people get upset talk bottom dysphoriasurgery hi im eighteen year old afab agender person bad bottom dysphoria im trying get surgery completely remove vagina feminine bits leaving smooth crotch hole pee of ive known wanted parts gone body since young i tried glue shut thirteen live new york which queer positive city feel comfortable talking queer subjects bottom surgery dysphoria always something ive causios talking outside house im afraid people say mentioned wanting void genitals recently close freind who trans himself became super weirded worried me thought would supportive said really hurtful stuff it fault dont hate him feel cold alone know people weirded dysphoria enby people nullification surgery thing even cissys get it still havnt even mentioned bottom issues girl like think ill ever able get girlfriend mind like is", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna dieeveryone ever loved didnt want left life shatters im sick tired fighting gonna get better nothing left live anymore except beloved cats dont even take care well deserve someone else could offer much tiny messy flat life incredibly painful cant anymore ive past breaking point long time wish someone would love", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "medical industry ie psychologist psychiatrist thrive gives men purpose designed control population engage act reproductionpick poison money god eventually sides steal hard work sides great stealing good creating original ideas killed feelings either drugs smoking depression realism thing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need music suggestion need song made globalization somewhat clean", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoilers aheadbr br it really unfortunate movie well produced turns bebr br such disappointment thought full silly clichs andbr br that basically tried hard br br to american guys there many spend yourbr br time jumping girlfriends bed making monkeybr br sounds married girls many suddenlybr br gone prudes nymphos overnightbut yourbr br husband french would really ask someonebr br being la fac know speak french wouldntbr br you use common word like universit br br i lived france sort know understandbr br europe and love it german roommate found thisbr br pretty insulting overall looked like movie funded thebr br european parliament tried hard basically allbr br sorts differences tried tie together not bad thing inbr br itself result best awkward fact ridiculoustoobr br many clashes really happen end thebr br moviethe last minutesruined rest xavierbr br talk erasmus students meets back paris doesbr br he walk off run away job thatbr br freedom end new europe supposed rest onbr br a bunch people smoke shag day whatbr br its made of br br besides acting pretty horrible cant believe judithbr br godrches role acting made look likebr br emanuelle bart much first thought xavier ok butbr br with retrospect think pretty bad br br and thats really bad technically opening creditsbr br scenes hes asking papers needs reallybr br good except sound editing around british siblings thebr br soundtrack great too form good contentbr br pretty horrible", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want fucking die alreadyi hate life one cares dysphoria fucking kill", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lockdown extended another four weeks end august me sucks miss socialising trying enjoy things bring joy life unfortunately done hopefully much longer downdepressed laying bed day nothing miserable lockdown depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "short term memory loss vs examsby short term memory loss mean remember incidents years ago memory fuzzy details things happened minutes prior kind like i remember learned th grade remember learned hour ago since exams tomorrow failure inevitable clear state short term memory loss even able find job honestly give single fuck now get wrong highachieving student sophomore year highschool reality hit fan instead pretending yet another slave billion counting meat grinder called humanity want care existence let alone caring university exams graduation etc pretty sure end garbage called existence deal university exams graduation etc difficult part trying find painless easy method end it no need pity optimism its going better care anything getting better spewing religious beliefs imaginary gods soul life me tired majority humans religions delusions schizophrenic attitude towards existence optimism made want end first place guess what majority humans miserable sheep little piles secrets follow mass without question tired amount bullhit majority human come with way majority humans are would rather hit red button open way asteroid hit earth mark sudden mass extinction humansanimals plant species drink coffee watch world burn included no ive never lonely ive room ive felt suicidal never felt one person could enter room fix everything bothering me words loneliness something never bothered always terrible itch solitude quote ibsen the strongest men alone never thought well someone come room give fuckjob rub balls ill good no help know majority humans like wow going do sit there well yep theres nothing there bullhit delusion sadomasochistic attitudes towards existence hypocrisy thrown around outside majority humans mingling patting back delusional let stupidify themselves im get advice write im bored hit head wall stop thinking university exams graduation etc", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im alive yet redflag still mindi know replied previous post hated commit hate im still alive know why really wanted people believe dead im alive much obvious still cant stop thinking killing myself want someone love me somebody hold know reason here kills know possible want hang bad im still terrified last time feel weak", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want move outim blaming anyone cant keep brother verbally abused reason deserve im currnetly unemployed therefore unable move im economically deprived area good employers willing branch people might say move out cant im employed ive applying jobs brother tells do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "loved movie like everyone said bits developed enough thought personally girls vapid landed prison sure supposed innocent american girls stilli felt like lacked bond best friends supposed have example montage theyre sightseeing way held photograph awkwardlookingbr br then parts ambiguous think pretty much understood danes character it see could confusing also camera dwell manat bearing grim expression put bags taxi trunk thought suggesting something turned nothingbr br apart that movie great cried claire danes took blame great actressbr br also wanted see bitchy thai inmate get ass kicked talk lack closure", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "little brother wasnt born could kill myselfbut need wait fucking years adult", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made tutorial open laptop lids tutorial made opening laptop lidshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdkwzjbawy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confused many bad days already month today better got talk more made happy sent pictures herself smiled lot think made smile lot too realised friend reality us together near future pretty impossible chances us together later far impossible pains me know do would never ever like anyone her feel useless feels bad longing mutual feelings cannot stop myself way attached ever want anyone her never happy someone else her find anyone close comes attractiveness personality godly level truly something different anyways thanks reading rant good night day stay safe confused flukes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "witchery decent little eurotrash horror yarn david hasselhoff pretty damn funny one sadly hes one better actors linda blair downright terrible lady plays hoffs wifeshe hilariously bad plot film ridiculous too got holes cant help notice remains entertaining throughoutbr br the gore witchery freaking outstanding loved part old bag gets sucked trash chute ends chimney roast part lady gets taken advantage of devil pretty damned disturbing id say one must gorehoundsbr br if looking overproduced wellacted flick look elsewhere like oldschool style italian sleaze top gore witchery belongs shelfbr br im surprised low rating here people expecting the exorcist kids", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "link twitch stream case yalls links arent working haha httpsmtwitchtvreemaplay rn theres jk soooo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive thinking latelyive thinking lot it dont think id act it needed get chest feel cannot tell anybody around without worrying much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "legend got released today week ago week ago fuck us tweaking hoe tweaking hoe", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " endwasnt afraid birth afraid death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive reached end long line mistakes nowhere goi moved new city go college kicking ass think choice school mistake far away anyone know hard im naturally shy really tend make friends easily conjunction covid situation kept talking single sole since ive here sit dorm day working shit matter classes care im paying way much in one cares im completely alone hard find way keep going self harming worse ever feel like confidence finally end life looking hope reason guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "state years ago back years ago march th purchased mm handgun box bullets sat hotel room seattle washington ready die time processing military knew went home would regress work done growth would longer amount anything significant memories father beating screaming top lungs frivolous things outside always outcast family traditional methods discipline didnt work needed room grow support didnt receive apparently made shit kid didnt see anything joined military hotel room staring weapon recieved messages battle buddies believed needed get head that spent night carrying like bunch idiots night drinking saved life instead going back went college got back work setting plans accomplishing goals graduated back may nightmare realized familys home thing knew waiting me resentful father past prime bemoaning personal failures claiming superior knower things sister doctor married sister engaged settling successful career still single jobless honestly dont care anymore want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo anyone recommend great wholesome yuri manga manga doujin im trying break away stuff", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling real suicidal money girlfriend job nothing cannot work due multiple mental disorders start seeing therapist know work idk anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doesnt feel like option keep thinking iti think redflag time really believe ill never it weird doesnt feel like option keep thinking it im sick everything working cant hold accountable keep things know make better feeling stuck therapy hasnt done thing me exercise helps hard meds scary especially im unstable right now hate much feels control unemployed cant imagine happy great job really begun hate conversations resentful anyone trace insecurities clue make things better suggestions", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help texted crush wished merry christmas wich replied thanks too havent texted like month dont know say keep conversation alive shy cant text much please need help could say keep conversation alive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill myselfi want talk why want know how im like r spent excuses buy medicines want something without pain something listening music smoking", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people fragile think fragile scared things cry anything cry also move on scared things try overcome fears mean fragile people take everything personally accept opinions etc example twitter creatures", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else think mood swings behaviour really hurting people lives unfairlyi feel like gf dragged hell unfairly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really struggling past year girlfriend slowly become distant today found affair older brother past year so lifes hard carry anymore point anybody anything live ready go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont watch among us musical half live streaming reason poorly made hired bunch youtuber look alikes nothing common apart hair colour gender really want watch youtube", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every single night comes back thisi feel like someone never made world never gets better ive depressed eight straight years love partner much love family love dog sometimes connections enough make worth it nothing else education job right now nothing nothing im even remotely good im anxious wreck cant take risks feel like seem lack intuition drive happiness come easily neurotypical people sat awake every night long remember wishing dead hate inside out hate pathetic am crying write this never bringing loud know burden everyone else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive done it ive beaten record gone hours without sleep im going bed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive decided kill tonightjust thought maybe tell stranger rather anyone close me thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thursday im skipping school im really happy this hate school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "waiting grade back required course major fail ill kicked major probably give lifeif fail im gonna drop think like poker think ill buy highest stake game find see do go bender kill myself done here wish could put clearer words existence enrages me im christian im mad god parents part bringing relationship three basically nonexistent funnily enough fact makes crazy scared going hell im actually sure believe in im questioning faith god good part thinks hell peoplechristians traditionally think of think might complete ending consciousness basically atheist would view death honestly thought comforting fucked hate much im sure would even want go heaven idea forever fucking scares me hate fucking much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mystery solution great noir conceit questions though maybe paying enough attentionbr br who killed neighbor why killed replacement girl whybr br and minor quibbles shown stopoff hotel switch shown switch shown jim girl going hotel jim going bathroom coming told bartender girlfriend went car without himbr br then jim getting back car seeing sleeping woman little girl back seatbr br this would given viewer sporting chance figuring solutionbr br i wish taped though id like see again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate peoples lifes suck wanna hear embarrassing story maybe cheer up right listening little pony songs yt reccomendations nostalgia trip remembered really embarrassing thing me like school talent show nobody class volunteered teacher made friend got another friend it chose sing spell mlp rainbow rocks movie btw girls watching back weird tension them originally backup singer main girl handle role took sung little heart got finals lost someone singing bruno mars song something idk sad lost really sung front hella people loose matter prize tennis racket ball poundland oh well ive remembered massive flex people went that power move year old mythic person would again tldr sung mlp song school talent show gigachad move win", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "les go accidentaly breaking old pc almost exactly getting new one going pain explain im fucked guys least tell explain properly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dbz fans annoying hell can beat goku one cares ill watching anime maybe looking anime tik toks talking cool powerful one faves are one fuckers come start ranting cant beat goku realise absolutely _no one_ cares nothing better eating gokus ass understand yall like dbz respect that ruin everything cant shit without dbz getting mentioned yeah goku clap cheeks well done heres trophy shut up ps targeted dbz fans chill yall fine", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hollow wicked thing unworthy love unworthy joy unworthy life cant anyone see me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive seen coen brothers films now say one better films dare say better the big lebowski good rightbr br i thought story interesting hilarious times loved characters especially tim blake nelson delmar john turturros petebr br there really anything bad say movie movie everyone might safe say liked coen brothers films hopefully like one too liked saw trailer think like film hold itbr br anyhow hope liked film much do thanks readingbr br chris", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going read post sorry writing points connected story forgive got energy thati want speak shoulders hate when much hide know smile face reflect real happiness heart i hate addictive life internet social media everything real day goes fast energy anything night comes hate productive wish somebody talk without judging somebody listen crying heart feel alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trapped circular cycle feels hopelessi scare friends away mental illness makes feel worse distances more hate wish could normal instead go fine considering death daily basis friends lie caring never change feel like im getting anyone running time college im alone please help want die everyday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much even cost admitted hospital mention redflag therapyso yeah im thoughts again sisters boyfriend real irl friend died month ago sister still little upset it cant really talk anyone suicidal thoughts feel like would bad taste therapist appointment coming november honestly doubt ill last long though dunno much hospitalization would cost admitted dunno im huge sad rn", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw recently comedy central id love see jean schertlermemama emmy collinshippie supermarket cast mother son film would probably weirdest flicker ever made hats waters making consistently funny film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember similar vein young ones wed stumble back pub watch tape spend weeks replaying lines otherbr br we called one mates zipmole watkins brilliant episode daniel peacock bit restyling nose back street abortionistbr br lots great lines remember morning get white bread brown man take easy guy gandhi local shopkeeperbr br tony woodcock definitely episode teaching ralph daniel peacock barman its good amanda ill never make bar man helen lederer teaches ask people match see match last night thought woodcock played well string failed conversations curly haired arsenal star sitting bar see match last night yeah thought played wellbr br we still odd stupid lines reg ralph or ralph reg reg reg reg reg reg regbr br lots surreal silly moments surreal songs flatlets back street abortionist personal favourite great ending line and hell mark packages return senderbr br good old danny peacock added lot young drinkers evenings sirbr br update found couple episodes tape im going upload gandhi sketch youtube ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thirty nine counting miss ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes think buddhist monks correctlyim extremely intelligent person extreme interest american politics feel sense clairvoyance look actions politicians today know real world consequences foolishness causes unimaginable pain see years years progress flushed toilet broken political system fear massive civil unrest future maybe rise neofascism us sometimes feel like setting fire national mall relieve sense hopelessness protest way government run parties either pursuing murderous campaign future perceive enemies state truth want kill anybody want alleviate suffering two options see front either erasing erasing people see threat progress clear im real power execute anyone yet one day fear power use it sometimes think better kill cog political machine rather live tortured world perceive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired treated like garbage everyone around meso lost another job one barely lasted week employees pawn shop one old woman s would constantly belittle asking question deemed stupid making kind mistake things shes said course week if woman would raped now i understand graduated high school your parents raise right how stupid daily basis heard statements asking tool know name of misplacing mop broom able find toilet paper yeah last two days worked woman screamed trying help customer showing item violently smacked counter acknowledge yelling absolutely reason last day managed make mistake advertising sign front building instead telling mistake could correct felt need rip letters sign throw ground would pick up yelled idea graduated high school even scheduled work today came specifically asshole me went home after got home dads response was yet again youre going hard life keep this hes never supported anything talk im going leads tangent himself makes everything never tried defend wanting treated like every job seem get thing happened grade school everyone hated treated like garbage would go home emotionless asshole cared himself im going hard life life ended began quit bitch that im ready drive oncoming traffic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would ifwhat would severe case social phobia strong lifelong depression ask help ive wanting help years now cant go doctor myself im years old closest thing ive come getting help mom went doctor me doctor said prescribe anything talked me cant even leave house ive lost touch pretty much friends found depression suggestions here literally see one option", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "explain wondering could send copy check day yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got abuse hurting friends family family literally tears scared psychosis going come back fucking traumatising also me top kind get treated like hormones get lied horrible going kill voices", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "excludedi love family dont feel excluded home school everyone battling become famous friendship there feel like dont belong dont like people talk upon others wrong dont like people act friendly arent wrong dont want spend time would ruin social status respect wish respected well fellow human being dont like hanging parties spending time big groups want get know person spend time with them maybe thats weird love people much every evening wish could selfishly die dont live pain loneliness depression have good eveningday dont know time zone ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone influence wanting kill myself try address themtheres someone know well last time spoke said things really hurt affected me situation complicated lay right now made bad ugly judgementsassessmentsassumptions went everything working try best person others treated like less dirt theres whole story first time actually tried kill myself think it months since ive thinking wanting kill ones fault ultimately ones fault except person me direct outside influence makes want kill myself theyre person influenced wanting kill myself little ive thinking try address problem person not necessary tell what heavily influences wanting kill myself tell wrong affecting me person hates me im doubts it really feel like one things make want kill less try", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymorei feel trapped children reason im still living here id rather homeless living roachrat infested house bm job car nothing leave truly streets cant bare away kids buti cant keep living like this argue much get agitated super easily know do need help need guidance nights cry sleep hoping die kids wouldve long gone would anything cant wake next every morning im lost please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drank drinks feel great little less sad maybe even brave enough finish job tonight knows going drink really like vodka drunk brave", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know might feeling many relate to depression less half life due many different factors things happened throughout lifei used drink alcohol quite frequently even smoke lot weed however quit things completely couple months ago another journey itselfi knew indulging different substances make highdrunk pushed feelings redflag depression aside making disappear forgetting moment came back last couple months completely facing shit unable or say unwilling escape means constantly feeling want cry time little feeling want let floods real got much tension inside know potential would feel much better afterwards time feel empty cannot cry matter hard try feels like emotions somehow trapped deep inside me would need terrible reason able let go pressure instead letting go getting rid it keeps staying is really frustrating want cry cannot", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna talk redflagsimple enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate lifemiserable years bother", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote note think carry much longerevery day getting worse seem matter hard try stay positive gets worse day day feel im going snap soon something thing keeping alive right thought id leave behind moment im thinking im gone guilt even exist nothing exist able screw anything anymore im sure im even looking posting this im messed up struggling sick existence thanks listening", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life going anywhere think thatim fresh college feel like life over im stuck rural small town parents essentially trapped letting get driving license would love go get job mother gives cold shoulder yells getting license sooner ask give ride anywhere dad really around much im stuck hostile environment mother almost honestly mother makes feel like everyone life would better without around obviously giant burden would love move get place simply possible without driving license job knows trapped makes feel like fault like everything goes wrong fault used good relationship awful towards ever since graduated feel like little brother boyfriend precious let see suffer like this really want put ease taking out im gone constantly worry me im huge giant failure getting useless degree achieving nothing life deserve people worry me depression fair sweet wonderful boyfriend always cheer comfort want problem anymore want anyones problem anymore im girlfriend anymore im psych patient put with thanks reading this necessarily want kill im terrified failing becoming disabled life cant stand feeling like mother hates failure probably sound like whiny kid know people worse me ive battling suicidal thoughts since march ive thinking family would happier without ruining everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want get betteri good days sometimes wish didnt find wanting miserable strength kill myself like life shitty enough make suffer tolerable enough cant take it gets frustrated want way out need share im going probably one even read worth try", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whos interested joining new discord server started were members wanna make grow server teens hang around lemme know interested ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nights worst distractions left alone thoughts feel empty alone purpose world never amount anything soon enough everyone hate me everyone see failure am looking forward day comes end pathetic life guilt ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need know ok im thinking reddit live streams along twitch streamsthis promotional post need advice im fairly new streaming fun it literally wanna know try livestream reddit well twitch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something youre bored hey guys made podcast please check youre bored dont anything look forward life heres link httpsyoutubehzxdmxdy please leave feedback comments video doing read chapters bible every episode talk news whats going lives well giveaway subs willing try anything want us do please give try thanks reading that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comically large spoon im afraid using gt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f really messed life dont hopemy family always shitty me dont speak family anymore it speak mom phone week speak brother birthdays holidays sister father contact with extended family grew isolated from dont speak either dont friends like mean isnt single person world call phone casual conversation otherwise with one person call husband got married last year knew schizophrenic knew family antisemitic mom saluted hitler front knowing im jewish married anyway werent even contact family much stopped taking meds psychosis relapsed couldnt function work staying parents house stressed psychosis triggering suicidal thoughts keep thinking much fucking hate family like zero repercussions would want actually cause physical harm mother also really angry would jeopardize finances ability work taking meds feel really alone like reason live like need divorce husband dont want kill myself divorce starting life seems harder killing myself dont know im fucking exhausted emotional support whatsoever feel like failure like made poor naive decisions im paying feel like want life doesnt matter existence doesnt matter feels like wont ever get better cheers", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genuinely suicidal betrayalthis going long person care much cheated times past year understand im kind end taking back arms everytime never loved anyone much love person point feel like im love person used lies secrets genuinely think anymore found last time cheated days ago know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "learned helplessnessaccording wikipedia learned helplessness is gtlearned helplessness behaviour organism forced endure aversive painful otherwise unpleasant stimuli becomes unable unwilling avoid subsequent encounters stimuli even escapable presumably organism learned cannot control situation therefore take action avoid negative stimulus learned helplessness theory view clinical depression related mental illnesses may result perceived absence control outcome situation organisms ineffective less sensitive determining consequences behaviour defined acquired learned helplessness last years wife leave me diagnosed bipolar disorder got addicted drugs family essentially disown me life hard rarely happy ive gotten by month ago lost career said emotionally consistent enough lead team fired me great ill survive right got job delivering chinese food signed take classes go better field old ass motherfucker wrecked car parking lot hes saying fault even though car even moving im certain insurance company fuck me drop me cant leave house beyond bicycle go no public transportation town cant earn income job relied car bank account bills coming due end month mention deductible cover it ive trying hard happy everyone else makes look easy wish so even friends talk with dont im fucking failure deserves alone miserable im starting think whatever do never get better want pain stop feel like option", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone know would better never existedim biggest fucking burden inconvenience everyone life dont know necessarily want kill makes whole different kind burden many fucking people would much better never deal fucked self", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "come flirty friend found profile fucking kill me said flirtatious messagescomments i", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "work library expected like movie came years ago well liked parker posey lot shes wonderful actress omar townsend really cute boyfriend he act look like cares movie bad funny cute much anything posey kept movie afloat energy learned dewey decimal system overnight shelves tons books beat music come on also problem way looked became fullfledged librarian endhair bun glasses sense humorcan let stereotype go please worth seeing posey townsend thats it tv series much better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going kill next weeki tried talk brother shout one cares dont try fight world clearly dont want im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like dogs people always says dog loyal brave mans best friend one day family got dogs stupid kept hassle one dog kept jumping fence escaping kept pooping every always finds way get room poop society wrong always idiotic never contributing cats severed much purpose me want much life actually stuck hunting tactics sometimes gifting mere humans free meal like rodent short dogs bad cats good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "byemy sob story im s born poverty still poverty sexuallyphysicallyemotionally abusive childhood abusers everybody immediate extended family barely scraped graduating high school flunked college lost financial aid first year ive never friends life recently thought talking feel like take much people feel guilty dont deserve help im depressed time bot problem wont bother them ive never relationship even date life im messed trauma severe ptsd think im probably also either autistic im disconnected dissociated myself everybody else isolated entire life never got chance learn humans work im fundamentally different everybody else also chronic illness causes physical pain constantly ranging moderately distracting best debilitating ive jobs since cant hold anything down cant anything right anybodys standards even simplest things tried therapy didnt work tried lot things feel like ive never loved never loved never loved im nothing theres nothing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "add girl snapchat theres girl ive school entire life ive ever talked little bit group project once year one classes since zoom able talk her shy assume share least somewhat similar interests class together elective took two years electives get into like two months ago appeared quick add snapchat courage add her mainly midsemester something went weird snapchat itd awkward sit zoom class her now two days left class id like add her keep contact her one problem though snapchat username saw quick add feel like itd weirdcreepy add username especially instagram bio checking quick add every day like two weeks now hoping shell appear quick add add way come across once perhaps since ive already searched username show quick add anymore assumes consciously add her either way im debating add via username all feel like could genuinely friends thanks advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurtive depressed last years thanks medication supportive surrounding ive managed live it got worse last couple months friendsfamily always managed get killing myself indirectly directly yesterday someone love dearly assumed worst treated terribly say im hurt understatement feel terrible im surrounded supportive friends family just hurts much know possible mentally hurt much physically feel hurt wanna take life stop hurting also send message person hurt me you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yeah like wap waffles pancakes still here expecting horny joke smh head", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive thinking redflag loti think daily set desk work think awesome would constant torment recently got divorced woman put depression irritability anymore im year old man going home apartment alone one share life with odd feeling know months ago things fine great job nice house school working masters rocky semi stable relationship amazing dogsto coming home silence reason done parents brother thought pain dealing committing act stops tracks could never them hope stay committed them text ex still things pretty cordial part however already started looking someone get that could already looking relationship act high mighty already slept someone else im even close ready relationship even reality people suck tell everything ok pass hard see im currently standingfuuuuuucccckkkkk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failed attempti tried kms night let cousin know cuz always talked wanted come get kids morning well rang police arms messed nothing family kids week ever completely childfree yrs considered away thats ideal time it ive trying hold on call social services hour ago questioning ability children police woman night condescending cow smirked whole time made report sound way worse was cousin never called police im worse position before im sat tears meds ready need see children one last time cant video call cuz family members know something stop me thinking writing letters that still get see them need hug them feel terrible leaving them hate life much ss crawling one thing cant handle kids things got bed for im good mum get every day even want lie bed waste away look get appointments kids things kept here even sometimes feel like enough im actually fighting whether it drunk night im sober feeling overwhelming im going potter round tidy up wait sign dunno sign looking for something good happen make decide stick around something bad push past tipping point read far thank you really needed tell someone feel safe knowledge going call police family members me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see living much longerreally point life two depressive disorders nothing interesting everything painful whats point end soon possible wish could less afraid", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "understand people care try kill yourselfas typed realized kind way guess bothers people put peoples feelings irreversible ive talked family members coworkers feelings depression event thoughts redflag theyve comforting moment realize feels shallow me want people put everything dedicate making feel better anything like that guess nagging feeling kill one seems interested helping find way deal it ive heart hearts discussions how fix problems hard fix problems own ive managed get lot done crying whole time sure feel like living inconvenient im constantly distracted occupied something feel absolutely hopeless miserable lonely ive thinking killing give money family dont want people start caring hurting im dead lol thats one factor thats holding back boyfriend person ive told plan obviously want appreciate thought course know money help everyone ever could id want natural burial shouldnt cost much throw corpse ground dont want sad really dont live different countries make enough money visit eachother regularly hard take steps get paper work done live together think itd lot easier someone wealthier even country with friends talk thats fault keeping touch family ive tried reaching to everyone problems know feel like itd better environment family financially killed see huge set back yeah theyll sad im adult cares adults theyre dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bummerwhats up while stuff mostly good last year right trying graduate uni serious shit hitting fan work im really tempted take easy path know bullshit worth financially im even able afford home due price hike real estate whats point going work apparent reason pay rent eat yeah point keep living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much cost us check suicidal urgesmight tomorrow wake suicidal ir bankrupt me insurance", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag sort presentdamn man life hits hard know doesnt feels meaningless life feels empty ive antidepressants didnt helpamp im help absolutely nothing c ya", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redditors realize videos hot tiktok seriously like tik tok isnt bad u literally make ur tik tok page whatever content u want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ten minutes take part research studyhi rredflagwatch trainee clinical psychologist undertaking research relation thoughts redflag study concerned people struggle low mood develop thoughts redflag regard hoping recruit people and experienced thoughts redflag anyone participate received permission moderator forum post link study questionnaire takes approx minutes complete study entirely anonymous draw one four amazon vouchers made take part would really appreciate participation thank advance take part link below httptinyurlcomhglqwg", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything life ruined lost job friends close lose relationship almost lost mindfeel like cannot hold anymore everyday think end idea place go literally staying alone months course using fake account cuz main real information feel like want live anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end itreflecting horrible treatment ive got lack ability anything meaningless all dont see going much longer without ending it im willing it keep fucking soon ill finally come end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sum pls tell go study need make good grade rn pass dont want parents dropkick cliff making ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im outi cant more reached help many times denied berated ignored tried im trying want happy cant remember feels like theres really hope future shit goes downhill here going shit faster ever right now looking all cant deal nobody go nobody cares try talk people thought supported avoid weeks time ive really impulsive unpredictable lately hate it im everything never wanted be im weak unable live this fuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want commit redflag really want liveim years old im going university next year im going best school country choice four better schools state successful parents willing help problems have lot people would give lot position makes really sad lived could been could one best students high school put enough effort schoolwork ended enough bs stop even applying really good schools even trade good memories every day nothing besides attempt drown whatever find internet nothing continue cycle close zero social interactions necessary way even parents fault im unattractive unable communicate make effort make interesting anyone want anything me want commit redflag much would hurt people around already worked hard help me right now given option never exist would take without hesitation know cannot happen though need fix problem find direction goal guys found purpose lives", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "especially appreciate stories similar experiences such hope everyones nice day tldr ended redflag due relationship health redflag cant stop thinking might terminal illness cancer feel weird tingling pain area before even cough freak little alsoused suffer dodid deal it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe tomorrow morning cannot stand it everything loud cannot stay longer body mine anymore done feel like tonights night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stand life anymore need someone talk tothis throw away account issue recently see this posthttpwwwredditcomrihaveissuescommentsmif_cheated_on_boyfriend_now_threaten_by_ex_lover that tried get ideas guy herehttpwwwredditcomraskredditcommentslxwjyou_are_alone_in_an_unknown_city_no_money_no lastly told thishttpwwwredditcomrconfessioncommentsjkmpvwhen_i_was_yo_i_had_sex_with_my_best_friend_and story im years old female started think things happen life half sister abused emotionally abused sister half sister childhood im kind ugly overweight lost lbs now im socially akward much im depressive rosacea hate im kind retarded aspergers way nose surgery hated nose in general body issues lot course low self esteem emotionally abused current boyfriend years ago child barely saw parents kind parents talk teach stuff low self esteem cheated current boyfriend ex lover threatens follows me even classroom trying improve life got rgetmotivated lost weight tried keep hobbies see im really fucked up almost everybody around bad people end relationship years something awfully stupid did im studying software engineer im top class generation feel incompetent want get fuck life prefer committing redflag instead hurting boyfriend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everytime gets mad takes phone items away tells bought his hes even broke iphone bought long time ago give money want some need good reason why works overnights makes things hard me long island railroad barely runs times even months old would baby go overnight know do im tired feeling trapped helpless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "online school making perpetually stressed unhappy two days week person remote keep handing tons work dont time dad doesnt let homework weekends always stressed school guessing way homework dont time sit watch videos every class teach every topic thats right dont even learn person self taught least classes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "haha fuck parentes geting divorce thought great happy life anymore haha", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uhackedmonkeyman appreciation post u pog ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sitting outside alone bottle pills im scared im thinking right nowthis closest ive ever right im calm out almost feels like right move make anyway im sitting concrete outside dorm bottle ibuprofen trazodone ive already taken mg latter plan taking super dose mgkg ibuprofen enough get hospital knows whatll happen then maybe people seeing sick want care though ive alone long know am phone mom earlier far knows im fine please help know want it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck september mom told go look computer refused stayed cos laziness idk absolutely computers went older brother went bought it told my brother already knew it go later bring home whats problem monopolized play shit tft lol turn kepk playing lol matches long also played like hours again complained mom said shouldve comed us buy said let it ate dinner school next day didnt time forced play asked first time using shouldve comed us buy it fast forward today went home first relaxed h arrived teacher didnt comebecause friday going shower arrived asked many time going stay went directly play computer showered told going use computers homework ate lunch said ok finished still making stupid quiz browsing images genshin impact waited shouldve directly told him asked going homework time limit told also that split faster wrong didnt even read assignment wanted use also changing document name continue using computer told let defended telling hours it called mom told let time said much time need said least min exercise hadnt done yet min thing cooperated do said would let fast forward mom arrived kept telling min late went complain said let min told could use phone finished clicked send kept saying shit like like minutes played games one needs h assignmentalso needed finish homework playing games well important thing going bedroom told playing said came us like said go look computer said explaining brother could play more chinese brother least came me gave money in chinese one syllable immediately rectified said help said much money said came her gave help will idk said said money said said put could play x time asked give moneyand going go get said play equally im spanish chinese idk translation went repeated saidhe least lend help will basically bother said shouldve came us buy it replied said going look buy continues replying said etc ended saying dont know youre going search computer buy it angered using mother authority end it notes went bringer computer together downloaded minecraft attempted download roblox little brother tldr shit happening disgusting y disgusted time goes karmawhore sub rant", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wasnt supposed wake upguess handfuls advil arent really enough noted next time ill think pills pop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "among us htyawq north america join ffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "beautiful reflection lifes desperation misdirection finding love tragic time absurdly entertaining people give film chance ignorance mere reflection itself next time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "groovy song httpsopenspotifycomtrackgbktqzdknlmrscqhfctsijzzcuyeftkohxondajucw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate livingi hate waking everyday going work hours week make jack shiti hate cannot even look forward relationship get tired much go home sleep again supposed happy life nothing happy for tell someone want wake anymore tell everyone like work hardjust keep fighting look future head would know easy easy look future suck up tired waking slave away rich peoplei tired numb broken inside time relationshipi tired made feel like reacting feel way want keep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genuine question make account amogus quick chat go away", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone talk last hoursi cant stand it everything suck at suck debate matters cause one asshole made every debater country looks like monster world shit need go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crisisi want kill myself anyone talk to none friends like care respond texts ask hang out know unlikeable one likes me im ugly too also im crazy keep moments crisis like im right every negative thought comes head reality situation one likes me one becomes much bare want kill myself called ex boyfriend times last hour suicidal know else do called texted dad answer texted friends respond normal texts anyways im ugly year old crazy female career living basement friends direction like reason kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting collapsetoday reddit realized hope going get better depressed happened isolation taken toll way people turned thanks media influence makes worse now food system starting collapse whole lot people still fine quarantine way people treat subs people really beneath masks wear work good outweigh bad more whether someone believes god bible certainly nailed human nature percent correctly im heading woods people say go im killing others ill sure wear mask", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tho feel like one give chance encouraging stuff would nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "excellent film cried cried loved loved frustrated were film touched heart reality check since reality me year old soldier", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "haw haw haw farewelli laugh laugh lot laugh much developed smile mask syndrome im shaking im typing this im crying im typing this im laughing im typing this im selfharming im typing this feels good cuts arms blood dripping phone might farewell hi there im yo iq tests official declarations dont care im average intelligence wich fucking annoying im diffrent like different music different hobbies wear different clothing people call old school social personality im nice person absolutely despise myself life music im one kids whose fav song something ed sheeran cant play instrument im multi instrumentalist im laughing now telling this dont know dont friends im different im constantly crying constantly laughing constantly sick could ramble whats wrong world isnt worth it might farewell wat de boer niet kent wat de boer niet vreet", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "essentially want ever terrified know right thing destroy family friend circle care owe much inflict pain make pact end figured way cope torn slow suicide continue drink smoke work early grave hope easier circle bite bullet rip plaster quicknot really asking question help throwing thoughts void nearing age told id figure things out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drank pills tynenoli threw head feels heavy grandma grandpa im sorry im going heaven guys im going straight hell im scared dont want end hospital again want pain end dad im sorry know close birthday cant anymore im failure friends im also sorry guys amazing love you boyfriend im sorry said liked you part lying im sure whether actually like desperate mom mommy love you please dont die would hate that love you mom im scared really hurts im sorry mom love much dont want suffer anymore im selfish know please understand me mom mommommy love you im sorry everyone im sorry really am really failure im sorry goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone family not saying personal reasons thinks mr bean always silly whatever comedy series imagine felt time shocked instantlybr br there reasons one love watching mr bean one earliest shows local television country first grew watching one things stuck head even friends talked selected episodes laughed togetherbr br its always silly funny hilarious whatever antics rowan atkinson mr bean episode though lately times may show repeats here never failed bring back childhood memories mine fact dare say first show introduces kind shows come uk growing upbr br the comedy seriesdefinitely really wicked brits may saying", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fellas gotta ask would transphobic want sex trans female", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "poem first time felt elation oh no premature ejaculation", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really bored ask questions anything might answer idk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys need help ok im going going hour drive need know die boredom youtube cannot option middle nowhere parts drive pls help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag planon throwaway account cause cant find post main acc probably time ill post anyway could write whole books worth stuff theres really anytime explain ive set certain intervals time likely end attempting redflag im planning day day im giving years see kind change im pretty sure ill kick bucket cant explain feel life isnt inherently bad im good health mentally cant find anything good myself beat constantly one world cares all im saying cause refuse open anyone longer expect anything good bad happen go motions dont tell anyone feel hold everything hate appearing weak even though im trying hard man try hard stoic void feelings eats soul none friends give shit me dont know anyone irl know one girl every time tried talk gave advice always hear understand itll get better basically means nothing boyfriend sometimes take kind meaningful interaction someone shes normally phone im blabbering idiot nothing offer wish instead understand someone would would instead try lend hand meet me talk me ask day nope redflag becomes tantalizing world disconnected shit im caught middle one would care left it people never say anything face moment die theyll go oh great guy sycophants post social media look like good person im invisible everyone thats price pay existing really want get better somewhere me light follow really hope doesnt come taking well might", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lucky enough see prescreening last night oct incredibly surprised wonderful plot genuinely heart felt actingbr br while plot particularly complicated exceptionally new story unfolds way feels fresh unique distinctly indy style something easily compared films past unique take sort classic middleaged depressed love storybr br i particularly struck casting film every last extra family beautiful talented cast three daughters wonderful job talent evenly dispersed none outshone twobr br it truly delightful film appropriate ages laugh loud funny also truly touching heart warming wonderful break sex jokes nudity recent films", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ruined first time sx guys take seriously dont squeeze ur dick hard wank sex first time last night couldnt cum said nervous truth couldnt climax loose compared thight usually she virgin well v wasnt loose makes less sensitive overtime roughly take advice gently", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im nothingi live life ashamed of hate myself im shadow person ive wanted kill years know it live eternally sad try hard can change", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "smiggle best stationary negative fact seem many stores", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help worried friendi need help im worried friend im going traveling town chat had httpsscontentiadxxfbcdnnethphotosxapvtsx___ojpgohfeccdfdbeddcbdampoe information", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many subreddit actually virgins im wondering virgin fillee filler filler filler filler fillr fiooe lflaoao", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats otters got phone back repair place half posts reference otters im guessing missed something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot see light right now things think change mood feeling really negative thoughts ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advice friend pleasei close ten years online friend always suffered depression last months gotten worse worse talks redflag daily serious im different country hes us know address want call redflag line anything like that anything do all need detail ask", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eye reveals sound cool utod_ want eye reveal ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck mei need advice massive od shoot drowned body never found", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush used virtual pets put heart telling liked her got rejected audacity ask pets", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stop screwing familys lifetoday got car accident think anybody hurt physically fault insurance damages excess partys vehicle alone even though damage purely cosmetic finally managed pay speeding ticket last month medical disorder keeps working many kinds retail laborintensive job besides traditional office jobs due age lack experience office work kinds places interested me spouse stuck working long hours make fact im piece crap cant even kick jewelry business ive trying get running years now ive contemplating ending life since even got together always thinking nice would alive since day turned thirteen middle traumatic relationship im approaching twentyfive twelve years ive countless abusive relationships scared alone stayed anybody gave kind attention ive miscarried two children biggest achievement graduated high school eleventhhighest gpa fifty people ive never college applied accepted even genuinely wanted go dreams aspirations life im damned letdown act small good thing happens theres always massive bad incident waiting right around corner good stopped outweighing bad long time ago cant even successfully lose weight without falling stairs breaking ankle two weeks diet workout regimen want end it stop screwing life husband daughter car insurance life insurance policy make look like accident somehow theyll still get money plus deal constantly messing making lives much harder be first thing ive done right decade", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "given title first followup quartet obviously reduces number w somerset maugham stories comprise film author still turns introduce episodes theres epilogue time around way script original compendium gave sole credit rc sheriff maugham also lent hand adaptation well noel langley though unclear whether contributed one segment else worked unison expected much crew quartet retained second installment though also extends least three cast members namely naunton wayne wilfrid hydewhite felix aylmer the last two bit parts episode quartet entitled colonels lady trio ultimately emerges lesser achievement predecessor slightly unbalanced third story takes half runningtime still done utmost care acted verve stellar cast solidly enjoyable bargainbr br the verger tells church sexton james hayter storys title another word whos dismissed years service new parish priest michael hordern simply hes illiterate rather rest laurels despite age takes wife his landlady played kathleen harrison opens tobacconist shop strategically placed lengthy stretch road service offered and business flourishing developed whole chain last scene then sees pay visit bank manager felix aylmer who surprised learn hayters lack education prompted ask interests wealthy and respected tobacconist replies measure irony calling verger br br the second episode mr knowall shortest also perhaps engaging voyage sea utterly beleaguered insufferable presence pompous young man nigel patrick british despite foreignsounding name kelada professes authority virtually every subject sun naunton wayne wilfrid hydewhite two passengers put latter shares cabin man former view patricks attentions pretty wife anne crawford fancydress party however passengers decide enact revenge kelada one impersonate a jest naturally doesnt appreciate still contrives show decent side character told crawford necklace shes wearing imitation wayne challenges patrick name pricebut latter realizes immediately genuine article would compromise crawfords position tell kelada allows publicly ridiculed rather expose fact woman probably secret admirer br br as also deduced title sanatorium deals myriad patients place run andre morell protagonist new intern roland culver wistfully observes various goingson narrative fact highlights particular three separate strands plot one humorous the feud two aged scots long resident sanatorium played finlay currie john laurie one melodramatic the erratic relationship disgruntled patient raymond huntley longsuffering devoted wife betty ann davies one bittersweet the romance nave charming jean simmons dashing cad michael rennie which spite pretty much everything including fact morell diagnosed simmons lifer rennie years left him leads couple altar", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever feel sudden confidence burst feel like narcissisticbecause im right idk act like bro im fucking hot could doubt single minute im built like s model natural fox eyes like long eyelashes like need capitalize rn damn this probably wear hours needed take system delete im back normal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "omg im makin mozzarella sticks dont oven mit anything boutta go grab shirt wsfjsjdka man bein adult hard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done healthy peoplr trying saying shit never actually helpsdont get im you im loved seen fucking great talents social skills fucking disposable friend nice childhood people valued existence dont people love leave you struggles lead people getting tired you knowing good leave theyre right option boring toy used thrown away again future job kids goddamn spouse adores you im what kid even live long enough see nieces nephews reach age even fucking graduate me fuck chipper attitude bullshit word vomit gonna open eyes heart fuckers even caring want weight death hands ive never able express anger im finally able goddamnit whats like able yourself without worry friends leaving easy huh ignorant bastards want blow brains til theres nothing left fucking smoothie guess what cant parents care hurts even more yall worry day alone people love die leave rot alone im destined dumped side one give two fucks one look see person one fucking look take time get really know me assholes assume know fuck dont want protect precious conscience see shit like think human think making feel good fuck you know im entitled bitchy im fucking done one even sees beauty me single person even thinks anything ever survive long enough im either going fertilizer arm candy neighborhood creep know im gonna get guts swear everything im gonna live see another week fuck everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey see dry ass lips nah nah try lick now dry ass lip haver lmao go get lip balm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hopehttpsyoutubecyhejlya", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alright guys tea nothing better nice tea drink tbh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many things happy about need die urge eating stronger everi think became regular sub im sorry struggling wish could take pain away one go poor parents wished child much showered love affection gave much fucking sorry them last thing want cause pain cant anymore mommy cant love endless ive tried meds ive tried talking want hurt anymore guys wonderful honestly swear wish none go this heart breaks us", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont belong anywhereive tried years fit depression anxiety feels like im fundamentally different peers try fit people always end fucking never happy dont belong here one energy put depressing bullshit drag people make life worse im gonna make past highschool hate much deserve rot", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "routine mission iraq group delta soldiers recover computer hard drive alqueda training camp detailing location weapons specialist dr walsh witnessing termination top secret weapons development program dr walsh finds alternative funding source sets new research facility deep notorious belzan forest chechnya developing weapons selling chechnyan rebelsthe team deltas sent black ops mission retrieve doctor technology russians find labwhat delta team soon discover doctors latest weapons flock large carnivorous bats genetically altered develop taste human flesh found movie much better expectingthere lots action lots blood less would expect creature feature acting great passable certainly seen worseoverall enjoyable movie is good popcorn movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad sleep schedule midnight europe wake sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "giving mum grades b e heheheheh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lot talk made psychological westerns one truly genre big name stars perform well director makes good movie stewart granger loses british safari hunter stereotype play haggard retired buffalo hunter revered west one best robert taylor plays upstart in contrast usual young upstart taylors character middle aged too wants slaughter buffalo lures granger business him hire two big name actors lloyd nolan russ tamblyn skinners granger haunted buffalo killed knowing may blame become extinct knowing become extinct native american way life greatly suffer taylor soon reveals sadistic side realistic saidism unlike one dimensional sadists modern film created nerds dorks insecure needs human companionship still stop murder end pits two other startling conclusion psychological effects theyre well depicted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "case covid confirmed school still go thats great", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aight ualexmaestro made new gif boy snoo gone go", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone please offer chat service suicidal people im coping allim australia lifeline chat worki cant get button show upim suicidalive thinking everyday non stopi need help came psyche med two weeksi taper properly ended brain damage suddenly reaction food like looking rock cant sense taste anythingor get reaction things think called anhedoniabut cant feel things evokethis devestated completely really passionate person interested booksballetevery beautiful thing many interests affect me became suicidal itbut decided go onto continue livingbut saturday caffeine something never ever doi three years stopped able deep sleep i serious sleeping issues soon knew done something terriblebecause three years ago deep sleep rare me coffee suddenly deep sleep stopped come back yearswell thing happened saturday wake like half awake nighti cant get deep sleep desperately need real restthis destroyed feel without restoring deep sleep brain heal feel hope nowi cant see way out mental state decline kind real sleep anyone offer hopeadvice anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lot suicidal thoughts todayim actually diagnosed depression cause dont trust psycologists think need help epilepsy doctor told seek therapy keeps going feel broken like ive broken inside im starting forget feels like whole parts friend send lot keanu reeves memes promised would write something entertain wait im scared becaused day ive daydreaming dying naturally sleep start reading ways die withouth pain th less pain possible oh mama difficult die want im scared pain scared ending notdead withouth chances trying feel like prolonging buying time one day pain greater fear", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit age funny number made remind nearly year ago make bad joke reason", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurt broke boyfriend nothing holding back anymore wanting years horrible person deserve die probably going run away looks like got kidnapped killed hopefully make less painful family left everything behind soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know sadness hello all talk u want mad bored heart horny fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys first german luftwaffe flight delivering covid vaccines hhhbbgbhbhhbhbbhhbbhhbhgfrrrgyffgvghvjbhjggghhvvh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "desperately need admitted psych ward get hospital bill choice irony", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal afmy life come crashing hault ive lost love family lost friends never make anymore never another love cant go outside without enormous weight anxiety bearing me never able hold job cannot cope life anymore wouldve learnt first mistake much live forand dust wind want end shit ive already attempted slicing wrist family friend got hospital bled out think im going end pretty soon go burn hell always was", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god bet youre disappointed right nowive started selfharming again thought would never back here nope what years naught cutting chest time round wish didnt stab myself wish could kid again nope gonna happen gonna feel childhood love ever again sound privileged mean really least good was it childhood god dont mean sound weird dont care cant held mothers arms again cant dad lift high shoulders narrate see blessed moments beginning lose sight ive lost ive started conceding reasons want die instead replacing selfloathing help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get film possible find really good performance barbara bach beautiful cinematography stately and incredibly clean creepy old house unexpected virtuoso performance the unseen picked used copy film interested seeing bach id viewed the spy loved me love really classically beautiful actresses appreciate even act little so start nice fresh premise tv reporter bach walks boyfriend goes cover festival california town solvang celebrates swedish ancestry putting big folk festival brings along camerawoman happens sister another associate the late karen lamm plays bachs sister know celebrities ladies married to funny watching bach mrs ringo starr lamm mrs dennis wilson going street sisterly quarrel anyway bachs disgruntled beau follows solvang hes done arguing her theres lot feeling still wanna watch tear anymore downthedrain football career ladies arrive solvang assignment station find reservations given away someone else maybe bachs boyfriend think wheres gonna stay gals ask around nowhere go mistakenly trying get old hotel serves museum catch interest proprietor mr keller the late sidney lassick decides gentleman lodge home insisting wife happy receive them oh no next thing know keller making whispered phone call wife warning companys coming threatening shed better play along trouble paradise ladies eager settle get back solvang shoot footage interview swedes one girls feel good bach lamm leave behind wondering mrs keller played heartbreakingly pretty lelia goldoni looks like lost best pal speaking undertheweather vicki slips clothes gets nice hot tub realizing keller crept room inspect keyhole hears him thinks hes come deliver linen calls thanks lassick great job scene expressing anguish fat old peeping tom get long enough look hes left poor vicki tumbles bed nap gets yanked real fast in really decent frightening round action something big apparently crept grille floor unseen lamm comes home next bach finishing argument beau cant find anyone house knocks plate fruit kitchen and hands knees collect it hair fashionable scarf sway temptingly black floor grille attracting unseen again well time poor lamm getting quietus kitchen flashback mr kellers past get full story sick sadistic background really wife smile much bach finally gets home wants know friends are meanwhile lassick apprised afternoons carnage weeping wife decides cant let bach premises reveal secret home tempts basement last act keller family tragedy finally opens usbr br i cannot say enough stephen furst id never seen before obvious homework role studying methods communication expression brain damaged bach goldoni diverse way give movie luster that movie winds satisfying resolution stupid cheap tricks eyeballrolling dialog pathetically cut corners real treat collection", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "when die someone bury me dont whats difference gives damn huh thus philosophy life or lack of summed less classic nevertheless fun spinoff sergio leones dollars trilogybr br in opening scene three obviously evil gunmen ride western town and menacing glares intimidate pathetic normal people hiding homes observant watcher notice three bears striking resemblance characters leones dollars more one guy eastwoods poncho one lee van cleefs black suit one seeming act like gian marie volontes indio movie guys sooner ride town gunned someone even cooler they mysterious bounty hunter known simply strangerbr br no altogether different storybr br in obvious copying leones good bad ugly three gunmen vying hidden treasure bounty hunter mexican bandit stranger george hilton supercool bounty hunter penchant shooting people dressed like priest reward bandit monetero gilbert roland moneteros gang steals three hundred thousand gold coins stranger gets sidetracked normal line workbr br to round trio edd byrnes corrupt bank executive clayton wants money himself money hidden away man knows gets shot clue hiding place medallion shows family crest game find treasure anyone else does gun playbr br with plenty gunfights fist fights double crosses action takes three ultimate showdown ripoff three way draw hidden treasure ala good bad ugly twistbr br this movie good leones films course end gives damn huh movie fun s nihilism spaghetti western style rules enduring loyalties right wrong treasure whatever takes get it and though movie classic ending surely is hey maybe get along all hundred thousand piecebr br if like spaghetti westerns check one out fast furious worth look", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres song lyrics im feeling songs cheer sometimes dont wanna hear drama check aint right aint commas know saying shes faithful lying like osama miss obama went dramas got sauna better come get cause ho us got bitch samoa look like moana", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna see ghost come ghosty", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help girl went school except im th grade th grade like know start conversation her need advice start talking her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everybody saying hey nice cock bro nobody saying hey nice pussy sis live society gamers rise up", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question girls yall prefer oversized hoodies close fitting ones more personal preference thing filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crying make feel good whenever cry feel way better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many times guys jumped cliff would say around ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happened posting images grayed filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "definitely nolans intimiteand thoughtprovoking piece say memento insomnia badbut definitely hollywood standardswhile following indie flick story brilliantand well developed overallwatch fan nolans workim sure able appreciate more", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give kiss forehead tell everythings gonna okay thats fucking want life feel like crying bruhh ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cowardly myselfif magic button would erase existence including minds close me hesitate press it mother never found happened would rest pleased part watches shows serial killers envy victims disappear never heard again would ideal im pathetic maybe get lucky one night meteor fall directly pillow obliterating body heres hoping quiet way out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "birds chirp dieis funny difference sentence title first sentence post one indicates me birds chirping sign die implies birds somehow chirping help contribute dying suffering would prefer diei suffering would prefer die birds chirp die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attempted hang todayi wrapped scarf around neck hung closet woke floor convulsing mustve blacked scarf came undone closet remember waking without realizing awake felt nauseous headache panic flashbacks everything causing commit redflag remember thinking oh movie im glad thats life continuied gain consciousness realized real life lost point yellingcrying why close nooooooo getting really angry remorse mad wasnt able complete mission evening still regrets did believe piece initial blackout probably happiest id long time neck sore red ring around neck headache bruising body think might hit something way down im gonna try tmr belt see works", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " got mah cookies mmmmmmmmmmm cookies best might also go shred cheese lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "survived fentanyl months ago overdosed fentanyl thought basic oxycodone randomly time time maybe year offered friend got good deal idea time cartels pressing pills taking one went black matter minutes boyfriend realized something wrong breathing sounded rattling well mouth blue saved extremely peaceful completely unconscious woke felt like removed warm black womb paramedics around asking took mentioning narcan felt dreaming astonished painless was anyways saved two pills reason weeks ago pushed edge bullshit took fleck started hallucinating texted friend doors began chew pill like cookie call mystery suffered horrific hallucinations never want go again need live year old widow two kids need me think redflag legal mentally ill yes im deeply severely depressed diagnosed since age pediatrician two years molested ive suffered shit endure im still here hate even moment weakness hate even considering ending life without caring consequences leaving them fuck ive tried kill many times finally found key bliss could sing anthem mash emphatically through early morning fog see visions things pains withheld realize see redflag painless brings many changes take leave please game life hard play im gonna lose anyway losing card delay say redflag painless brings many changes take leave please sword time pierce skin hurt begins works way pain grows stronger watch burn redflag painless brings many changes take leave please brave man requested answer questions key replied oh ask redflag painless brings many changes take leave i redflag painless brings many changes take leave please redflag painless brings many changes thing please ive attempting redflag since age fucking sucked it things got serious years ago jumped overdoses hanging wrapped fabric around neck testing strength closet knew needed help finally saw psych diagnosed bipolar meds really help therapy really help pisses off ive depressed far long feel like ill never relieved im clamped here stapled obligation people wish things would better believe better spouse kids wont help nothing helps think people get laid cant incels make things better wont like drugs wont anything experience love finally seeing cold pallid corpse living breathing spouse hours ago front you seems almost better died redflag blame daily trust ive fucking lived fuck think easier ugly awkward pain inside less real fuck think means anything mentally ill mentally ill sucks matter fucking what goddamned competition lucky i guess survived resigned silent suffering point longer tell anyone true pain point smiles im going fake talk anonymously ill answer studies etc im done one friend calls plastic smile one careful around fuck it ill die someday redflag not im fucking feel you one you im sorry know suffer alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "birthdayi feel like im worthless spend christmas day alone friends forgot birthday family toxic cant keep nice people treat like this destroying me ive tried alone changing treat people dont want options available havent felt low months ive started making plans working ill give dog life isnt around im crying constantly cant see light happiness im done trying im low feel like im enough anyone matter cant handle people letting down", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "progress reports hs im hs got fall term midterm progress report mostly bs part gpa unofficial thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "algebra grade went worry parents beating burning stuff", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think aftermath death people life dont think theyve treated mei abused neglected mistreated entire life every antiredflag thing get told always level think youll leave behind fair parents treated terribly frankly huge part im fucked up think theyve never expected fix way treat me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie modern day scarfaceit toesthis movie one rare epic films makes want sequeli especially liked damian chapa performance deserved academy awardwhich deserved performance blood blood outthe thing like behind scenes show intensity movie hadand would like seen less narrated scenesbut movie great top ten movies timeplus acting great bad scene moviei loved jennifer tilly perfect well casti cant see anyone like movie greatdefinitely must see", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi people mobile thatthis literally happened honest messed it idea right place goesive got back taking friend amp e following taking odthey struggling ages mental health recent events made worsewithout going details place say know badi struggling support past weeks sucide watch whole time called everyone trying get help one listened taken tolli try reply might take awhile still shock guess need somewhere vent guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive spent half life trying follow dreams nothing worked ever im ready die ill never accomplish anything matter approach it ive done nothing wasted half life im sick poor advance further hate hate everything life itself everything try work try go back school hundred one reasons cant need medical care well guess free clinic hospital owe fortune first time went make wait waiting room cant stand it get upset call security guard kick out ive never job would pay kind bill ive never place live im getting close fuck life everyone thats it watched best friend go afghanistan contractor come back better shape hes ever fucking rich try job oh cant work here cant pass god damn physical theres always god damn reason there well fuck world give damn anyone thinks anymore im going kill right library front assholes fuck everybody everything ask exist", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey redit help im trying scarr self suggestions one gost bords", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats closest youve ever gottento actually it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fear disappear gonewhen longer fear it idea scare anymore cant recall exact day id say weeks ago", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends happened yesterday concerning friends happened yesterday concerning friend nd injection vaccine vaccination center began blurred vision whole way home got home called vaccination center advice ask go see doctor hospitalized he told come back vaccination center matter urgency take back forgotten glasses", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressed people get assisted redflag i ask id like die id prefer painful prolonged fail", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know doits long since ive felt truely happy life im decent things classes sport hobbys never good enough mediocre better average person good enough considered sports team wanted first choice date etc thoughts consume me think anything all mind idles thoughts alone someone wrap arms around such yet cant seem soothe complete thoughts cant sleep without pills even still struggle trying find something turn mind get rid thoughts destryoing enough doze bed im failing classes job lined months semester will want like yet much struggle im tired alone anything deal with im alone cant sleep cant find anyone talk to get consumed thoughts dying ive tried couple counselors school and worked all know else it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing left cannot even right give switch lives someone abouttodie really want leave body scary tatics end life working igottahangmyself please entity anyone power please end me going end jail eventually sleeping am get jail sleep outside", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "set goals would weight study get better job keep failing things today point want cry something courage so consistency concentration thingshelp pls fail want", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh answered textscalls ex miss bad fjciixsomednf fine help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurricane coming live louisiana us things called hurricanes wheres like huge storm like th one past year usually get one two awesome anyway hits friday night last hurricane took neighbors roof unpacked roads wish luck update every", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "true john sayles finest film brother another planet entirely forgettable either reason message like batman wild things parents murdered front him leaving fend the zone corrupt section unnamed city greed violence reign supreme instead falling likes chopper robert davi wild thing fights justice using powers tai chi eerie cat impressions occasionally lighting fire becomes something urban legend modern day robin hood hero ages finest wild thing lives", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ngl might look kinda cute dress like girl took amazing selfie look pretty cute", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone considers himher self socially competent want ask questions experiencei seriously dont know right place ask im mentally unstable im steps away killing myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "admitting wrong things painful right going phase pain makes want lie bed stare ceiling think get past it feel like one biggest hurdles getting better got admit wrong things long time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "march year rejections finally got dream job happier ever everything going well lost members family took week result job acted supportive time think would affect anything less two weeks ago moved city job based cementing new stage lifeand today went office discover passing probation terminating employment immediatelythis came shock mention performance past outside struggling bereavement seems like front supportive people mental health issues reality want deal people themi broken know do worked hard get job pandemic ruined life cannot even get right mental health always finds way fuck every good thing life alone new city joball healing done last couple months bc bereavement disappeared back square one feel like life never good id rather dead cannot take anymore bc disgusting failure lost dream job working hard want live anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need helpmy girlfriend tried commit redflag last night asleep type one diabetic luckily smell insulin woke up took minutes convince drink sugar fix sugars know support think know got situation would rather say here im loss everything going well guess says otherwise rd time ive stopped ending cant find way make better im trying get get professional help seems think work considering one year previously deeply love want trying get know something worth living time asked let die last night accept that happy world keep stopping selfish know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shitty lifei guess ill never find love im turn november still first kiss yet fault", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even feel calm relaxed still convinced kill myselfi drink bit night feel calm somewhat serene still thinking killing myself want deal anymore time get drunker goodnight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "revenge redflagdoes thought ever cross mind ever alone isolated uncared for feel like youve reached over over over yet one hears takes seriously ever feel like everyone life given you feel like jumping roof right way anyone ever notice care much pain feel onewill care im dead people finally hear me theyll understand serious theyll understand much pain im right now theyll wish would tried harder listen every time spoke hurting myself ending life past twelve months may dead may never see it butpeople finally care peope finally notice pain itll okay ill dead wont pain wont anything thats really really okay im coward im enormou fucking coward im sitting here roof slowly dosing medication hope wit long enough take enough ativan wont coherent enough feel fear regret second thoughts ill dead near instanstly jump finally gokng over feel happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bet guys cant find rare piece internet over youtube videos still say three years ago around hours left", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello peoplehi im much pussy kill think even valid place anyway ive recently started new therapist last two quit feeling better school ending everytime appointment lose emotions get anxious easily irritable want talk problems always feel like theyre enough actually make anyone care worst part emptiness mixed dissociation sometimes feel sweet nothing im body followed feeling anxiety generally negative feel like bitch wishing depression worse wish motivation people would really care would need antidepressants anyway partially look forward things might make happy partially wanna kill everyday like worst problems world hate fact laugh ass anything ever actually feel anything sad it eooukd nice talk people dont get tired listening", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared death way outand ive constant panic days weeks months need die need fucking die cant take god", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried cutting wrist butcher knifeanother depressed year old here half hour ago mom asked want go restraunt her said want to said alright told bring something back later left already depressed started throwing walls saying hate myself ran downstairs took butcher knife went bathroom sink started cutting away leave anything threw knife anger started crying know whats wrong me im homeschooled im lonely friends let alone gf hate life know anymore theres cents im fucking done living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "prepare roll eyesim dismissed university pittsburgh let go student job thousands dollars student debt behind months worth rent see plain day life over ive worse im tired ive failed many times getting difficult summon strength thankfully time spend failing doors close stars ive shooting come closer ground every time miss attended swanson school engineering whim found depressing city broken people relationships uninspired jobs deadend cant help realize im constant factor superficial interests spend days watching youtube videos ad nauseam think site preys bored depressed alike spend days entertaining myself think maybe secret passion entertaining others im definitely critical maybe writer director even youtuber irresponsibly bought condensor microphone wrote script wanted make someone laugh week struggling release first minute video ive realized anything im going want require hard work feel like me years misery beaten joy life kicked month spicebath salts addiction years ago find im still weak piece garbage waiting next source entertainment id say passions life really passion life feel like trying continue making videos really anything creative help cant express enough feels like im moving quicksand like theres small voice within begging keep going muster expressionless labored movements trouble would cause loved ones would jumped next life seconds hope writing embarrassing whiny drivel ive least shown im authentically unhappy importantly hope forgive taking time thank reading id appreciate feedback really", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "effective wayi know weird question ask subreddit trying prevent redflag wanted ask effectiveleast painful way kill yourself asking question mean want know want kill myself want know later life answering please consider accessibility weapon example eu where live allowed gun like usa", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dad becoming evangelion fan rewatching it liked saw hes watching beginning me doesnt usually like anime sister watch kinda poggers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mi know do nothing makes happy more last year alienated friends past years exception one saw today even felt like spark more others people decided excommunicate simultaneously still fully understand why traumatic time people held closest heart turn backs left feelings hatred towards feelings total emptiness unbearable lonelinessi feel unlovable unlikeable look mirror hate see looks aside loathe person become past years find hard make friends anyone else know would want friend awkward shy ugly nothing offer situation feel like every interaction forced even try hardest still painfully obvious insecure wretch unemployed uneducated longer anyone talk besides councillor week sure really much either longer enjoy anything used interest me even given music point want companionship feel like ill never able attain become fucking numbed boring one ever wants befriend me know want life feel like real guidance destined work soul destroying jobs hate make miserablei feel alone unable anything feelings good enough constantly push people away fear might see way see myself even want try more every time something good still manage fuck beyond repair end back square one life feel like worth pain loneliness understand ever get better feeling like end rope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried kill new yearsthis going long post advice comments really appreciated love already sorry advance messy post im writing past midnight im really flooding thoughts that fyi im year old girl tried kill new years already really depressed day got ditched family friends ended alone kind absolute last spill could take ended overdosing shower floor one neighbours heard collapse carried hospital signed in faked name address whole identity i know illegal stop please knew fly days knew would keep time had ended climbing window running home feels unreal numbing kind feel like dont even remember properly im quite sure why strong feelings come whenever think day three years ago experienced excruciating months life one best friends killed she found months missing ice drowned another close friend died traffic accident cant really explain felt fucking fucked everyone pretty much broke apart everything knew town died freaking sucked really miss much swear ive never strong emotion desire towards anything love much still do sometimes feels like even remember look like anymore general past seems fake unreal afterlife hope theyre okay now past years really developed depression anxiety self harm way much deal them point need apply fake skin which used halloween hands cover fucking shred marks now since then moved different country new school in everything significantly pressuring everyone know fucking fake prime purpose life getting stanford friends here asking anyone guess could seem like one people loads friends general highly liked place really like this fun friends guess know give shit me told past current diagnosis them really brushed off point month later tried talk again totally forgotten told them want talk always boyfriend problems soooo important fucking bullshit last may contacted one teachers asking ear first adult ive actually ever conversation like before every time ever try talk someone shitty ass past feelings cry like bitch throughout dayweek fucking humiliating back story really lovely empathetic teacher ever met ended kind telling typical rap him my past feel like moment except never told self harm ended inviting house get know wife since similar experiences instead talking disgusting feelings stuff talked everyday things music which amazing taste on really nice proper conversation someone normally since then hes acting different towards me every time sees sour face im kind time consuming freak problem is ive developed huge crush him fucking hate it every time see cant breathe panic get sad i frequent panic attacks every day reason anyway hurts much much ignores me go way take route school likely time know timetable think now ive become really suicidal point feel like human actually gives shit anything anyone end selfish motherfuckers go benefit whole world based getting money convincing everyone happy are really know part want advice on need feedback anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film reinvents term spring breakumentary hans fat one group displays talents generations chris farley johnny kansas the king bet shows hes kansas anymore consistently upping stakes kyles laugh truly infecting offers little eyecandy ladies well as matt dwarfs moments justice mexican hat dance like deserves last protagonist ed gives hope us bumbling stumbling gangly pale folk still searching special someone hope little place called cabo san lucas blockbuster missed theaters must rent relate one spring breakumentarions", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help finding meme meme roblox guys one says something along lines rat fat cant find anywhere", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want anything one likes nothing makes happy anymore feel like exist expense others job mum pays pretty much everything pretty sure want life anymore autistic talk people make meaningful friendships know fact nobody ever love me want stop existing get terminal disease worry future anymore want browse internet rest life like already do want stop existing sake everyone knows me see living past ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna add snapchat incase need someone at time chat chillas said add chill maybe empty out remove dust vacuum cleaner yknow sc byrnez", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish freak accident would get mei want anyone blame dying want get hit bus idk fall rollercoaster cant die feeling guilty commuting redflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "carethey care saving me care press theyll get saving teenage girl getting anything care got me hurt me cant even sleep cant sleep bed cant sleep house tried killing work hate it body hurts im uncomfortable cant breathe im tired im done one going help me ill slowly disappeared die one noticed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls cute sized hoodies cant change mind girl sized hoodie automatically cute", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal wifemy wife currently suicidal smart plans leaving middle night find place wilderness die far know cant force stay would forceful confinement know do help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pillows bad cuddle partners cmon pillow hug back already", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever feelthe world so fd up humans destroyed everything good everyone selfish evil good nothing fair worth hanging around often go bed wish never wake up never dependants id im sensitive world wish never dependents id otherwise", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nothing funnier candace owens suing facebook for factchecking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone know among us player named coochie man friends started egg hat gang them dont know even reddit know player named coochie man usually plays orange started egg hat gang id appreciate left comment thanks ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seem worth tryeveryone says find someone talk suicidal one like make friends want bother people realize im sadawkward time people want first friend ugh im never going get fucking life like did", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sub icon changed used male female snoo changed female one due thing happening right something else", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doloim fucked person ive tried attempt redflag multiple times hopeless sometimes felt like soul losing bad shakes core sometimes feel like ive lost realize like phoenix im going rise despite path people want go down hate anger bubbles leaves bad emotional state sometimes wonder even deserve feel good time drugs helpful thats temporary way feel happy im alright temporary happiness right now kind ironic im depressed time yet im antidepressants take awhile kick in ik one reason im really pissed right havent able actually find happiness anything itll come", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "living kinda embarrassing want dig hole plunge", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts cant tell anyone herehey history depressive episodes suicidal thoughts fortunately managed ok last years ago right im husband month old visiting sister family parents theres bit culture clash im managing also trying deal small comments us first time parents people respecting need sleep things seems trained one nap full nights sleep either dragging around everywhere im losing mind trying deal her seems petty small straw tonight sat backyard holding screaming daughter wanted set drown pool cant tell husband birthday tomorrow cant tell friends hardly any fucking sucks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone want talk roleplay hold hands listen joji rains poetry", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting daily get gf day would say ive posts long ive lost count havent day ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kinda obvious im hereive dealing bipolar depression years best friend killed around year half ago ive talked mom lot since seeing suffer knowing mom would suffer similarly killed thing preventing it sometimes feel like pressure ironically causes additional duress edit really know im posting here im sitting room alone guess want feel less lonely thoughts bit jumbled turned drugs reddit seeking help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish could trust people lmao im insecure kinda insane u say u love everythings lie sometimes feel like love u much u dont feel same think think much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "robbery hand thigh pics please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish man whos going thru bs im going thruwe could depressedmiserable together hate whole world together intimate kids cuz capable taking care unstable minds someone feels exact way feel alone anymore sighsss ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go school leave new kitten home sitting purring", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate myselfi bottle pills desk know taking kill me theyre hormones antidepressants want change everything myselfi hate ita ll wanted born cis woman nothing ever change know go without true nobody ever love me im freak want todie", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dead soulbeen feeling empty awhile afraid lll anymore slightly afraid pain l thought sleeping pills me wish l earlier l hoped change seems impossible achieve l want go home parents want love cause want grow up wish hurt like this wish l could die someone would life l want end tired living facing terrible episodes every day wish l could fall clip run car die sleeping l want end pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " female therapist says pocd pedophile ocd know pedophile confused drained would really rather die attracted kids people would agree pedos die thinking ended one would care gaf pedophiles really would everyone favor hung year old cousin yesterday everything normal felt attraction towards actually lot fun playing legos left intrusive thought want end again turns actually attracted kids think would physically able live myself guys think also people always tell god help god helping wondering turn god save me want help want normal tired drained", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mother shat wish would thrown long flight stairs wish would bashed head brick whole life felt like belong earth allways gotten bad grades hate work never gf option relive life would not knew holy shit knew through aborted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody would care notice gonethat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "currently latin class help talking supposed write sentence story", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "final update shat pants school im threatened expulsion last post httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsjacldupdate_i_shat_my_pants_in_school_and_now_im_beingutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare again thank everyone commented last posts read first two posts read content today final meeting like promised id tell happened starters put fight school board actually considered side argument mind lets get results went final meeting school board alongside parents gave days think whether expelled incident final verdict giving results allowed speak say side story without interruptions teacher gave side story exactly explained you school lunch gave bad stomach ache teacher never called hand raised ended defecating resulted getting sent principals office something accident principal asked questions asked aware severity situation people scared time obviously said do asked parents history accidents told truth til th grade die weak bladder never purpose never defecation school board explained sounded leaving details teacher has good record district highly doubt shed exaggerate things tell much reason good record tenure brother uncle remember bad experiences along stories heard tenure basically going take killing student get fired gave another chance explain said theres nothing else add story told everything said understood rules brought law law states one legally allowed let use bathroom said highschool sophomore know law even though want get highschool studied quite bit final thing stated got results asked students make sure stories lined up well bad news lined up teachers story guess asked bullies put pure coincidence said seem chronic liar taking situation seriously intentionally caused panic attempted biological act terrorism like teacher stated last time point crying knew lied future relationships family friends fucked bullies thought would hilarious teachers overly inflated ego told expelled monday then attend classes online fuck that im attending them fucked fuck them nothing worked overly inflated egos turn forced traumatic experience accident caused shitty food kicked school longer see friends girlfriend anyone else thanks lot mrs dickinson hope burn hell thank everyone supported painful experience updates future post right now nothing else say questions anything say general ill best answer", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found new adjective borny bored horny describes probably sub given time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw movie expected cheesy american movie done cheap appalling actors really surprised find totally wrong movie centres around bartely b rejected colleges actor play b natural makes character seem real decides create pretend school parents stop harassing him however loads people see fake website join feeling sorrows b cant turn away much chagrin best mate college ideal place learning want nothing school faces opposition proper college ends closing down film ends high recommend watching it flaws feel good cheerful film unpredictable twists", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b simple", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attending army getting suicidalalright mandatory enlisting attendance army turn duration attendance months problem is cant handle anymore month get treated like shit even follow orders get dissed by different people asked medical care doctor check feet walking hurts lot days nothingi back home days tendons ankles gotten swollen barely walk getting suicidal desperate dont know long keep together parents wont allow quitting social stigma however leave here mandatory army way applied unconstitutional regulations un eu right un eu well country object due personal beliefs also battalioncompanywhatever way tougher rest country come second special forces only matter hard try get shitted people us object attending want kill person wish hold gun can kill person live without humility let go become part machine keep killing people lose touch friends family girlfriend person deserve get treated such become a man man want be matter much hatred people towards races such nothing pay country made feel like unwanted person cant keep sanity anymore none understands it complications attending these allowed work public sector allowed get drivers license country allowed vote social stigma want get degree university leave country dont plan coming again ever tldr parents unwilling sign stop attending mandatory army getting suicidal desperate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want call fear careerhi depression really beating today want pick phone call hotline want lose job job security officer requires carry loaded gun daily basis want disqualified calling hour day today need help redflag text service", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im guys mental health destroyed life im donewhen everything live for straight as great relationship ivy league college depression anxiety stole all take two years focus mental health finally managed get degree spent next years working minimum wage job im strong enough anything more ivy league degree fucks sake love life beautiful doctor stuck finally broke time shes spent last year calling texting maybe getting back relationship either cancelled every time plans meet anxiety last month started dating guy cant face another day shit medication exercise therapy nothing works bother see hell naturally", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see like right now put cosplay contact lenses kind weird ngl barely make letters actually wanted know contact lenses felt like dont really hurt loss sight kinda bugs ngl ampxb im actually looking people chat with hit want to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey everyone again keep checking tell doing whatcha doing anything interesting happened comment thats ok love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "haha theres red stuff coming wrists wonder happened", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "class today class today talking underwear dont ask why asked teacher colour underwear ill go history fucking god", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "incel simp incel would rather stay incel simp anyone else share opinion nah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad breath im genuinely baffled older brothers bad breath someone tell eat walnuts myf brotherm always throws tantrums hes angry gets angry were joking around often yesterday took nap hours pm pm sister dad joking him got way frustrated angered moment anyway i direct youngest child am commented storming out he turn gets super close face point noses touching starts tearing me really care breath really really bad probably joke woken up still like breath always stink know breath always stinks idk thought backing away assert dominance instead thought headbutting tanjiro style didnt waited finished said another thing twat brought every issue hed ever me walked away got proper fight realize really stupid story small interaction brother seriously know breath always smells bad whenever smell which often lol usually like hes showing video phone were close together smt always rancid also brush every meal teeth stuff smell bad asked said dried spit invisiliners like wash them please sake kiss girlfriend mouth bro im really asking advice anything wanted somewhere talk probably backfire face tldr brother angrily got face fathom stinky breath", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really feels like hace gotten test got depression test higher acore friends babyy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok hear out lets invent time travel go back time ancient greece convince greeks gods nekos famous depictions statues greek gods cat ears sound", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hope redflag troll catches me need helpi know ready need make sure dont end braindead paralyzed make successful formulation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im officially thank making year sub amazing love all time pay taxes now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think pretty would money get makeup little ago friend gave old eyeliner try out literally cried loved looked much would call average look makeup see would enhance features much just ugh even highlighter contour could much with", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deal severe depression proving treatment resistant past years rumination redflag totally control tried almost ssrisnris prozac second time antidepressants seemingly nothing me like said rumination redflag totally ruining life benzos thing help cannot prescribed daily use thinking asking doc trying mood stabilizer low dose antipsychotic need slow brain down maybe low dose seroquel would able accomplish that curious meds helped guys get rumination redflag control desperate find something slow thoughts ease redflag thanks help medication helped rumination", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "clearly something wrong mei always try kind many people wax poetically world needs kindness yet ever gets shit shoveled face getting used friends whatever whole schtick point ive edged last facebook friends college friends high school friends even family gone numbers deleted phone anyone contacts anyway ive managed scale back social side life barest minimum maintaining decent job yet cant shake discomfort around people especially young women around age frustration almost much bear first girlfriend dumb rocks entirely codependent next turned lesbian next emotionally manipulative latest and significant started developing schizophrenia years in even better thanks way come waves got watch lose mind twice eight months life eggshells hoping return im alone get thinking why nobody around seems worth time i honestly think anymore redflag mind decade long wait sacking it like itll hard", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "breaking call think redflag attack start getting anxious almost reason get scared really really scared start feel hopeless thoughts go away cannot happy starts around time day end go asleep days happen days like today does tips stopping really takes over types thoughts brings throughout day usually go away able focus things times like these start overwhelm crush me break again way stop it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "breakup bluesabout month ago girlfriend broke me made mistakes relationship falling love her something ive felt before months still figuring out always easy relationship honest front me also trouble accepting affection talking feelings additionally pediatric resident time pretty limited best navigate everything easy balance needs vs could give entirely worth it outdoorsy smart doctor vibrant social life tons friends close brother teaching cook loved going trips me time spent together realized much meant me also let insecurities past relationship my last gf cheated too overall tough time dating anxious attachment style get way saw insecurity different occasions also desire closer bailed turn end month friends married engaged closer friends moved away many families want dearly thought would now many like girl doctors lawyers work passionate about me bachelors always trouble school managed find solid career marketing im passionate make comfortable living successful way ever foresee dog condo savings still isolated pandemic family job passionate about social circle shrunk girl doctor tons friends vivid life quite honestly saw emotional needy loser end tried save relationship im hollowed out feel like lost hope future seeing woman amazing turn away me second time happened two years crushed me made realize shitty life much failure am pandemic wonder moving would help ive working much i can seeing therapist eating well outside feels hollow depressive episode feel sliding way want to feel stuck down", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im crisis post help me need something real life something free natural like friend fuck er fuck inpatient fucktard art class fuck government fuck systemcome door blast off friends", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well ive got catching do looking back lacklustre year best show shone great storyline little action cavalcade magnificent characters particular reference fred willard jim piddock rattling pair tv commentators well done well worth effortbr br ron viewed mar", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girlfriend diagnosed depressionpanic disorder really bad past year so attempted suicide couple times really heartbreaking see like this eventually managed tell mum got involved therapy thought might working sort dipped therapy stopped therapist said working bit confused part anyway mum got doctor involved asked prescribed antidepressants today told doctor said bad enough prescribed ssris tbh infuriated me get it suicide attempts clearly depressed yet bad enough fuck broke cried really could carry like this really heartbreaking see got well nice all really want help get them know do suggestions please thank youtldr girlfriend suicide attempts diagnosed depression dr said bad enough ssris suggestions help please doctor prescribe ssri", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "outside hopped car ready diegenuinely feeling unappreciated always do im tired feeling much know please help think want help also wish people would tell kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film complete is keeping one continuously interested flashbacks childhood growing bizarre father interspersing tails serial murder one simply cannot go wrong plot itself story essence film entertaining sort story director bill paxton could much with case really lot itbr br from beginning end kept anticipating happening film going creativity behind story first class felt film exquisitely done start finish one rare gems seemed without boring lulls action flowing neatly quickly tightly one scene next br br it demonstrates far people go horrible things loved ones acts evil name god disillusioned case also sometimes interesting its twists takes concept morality wholebr br overall sort film one easily overlooks would recommend likewise check film much worth time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredfight keep fightingcontent displaying derivations idea always common part internet yet one talks hard that easy say build ruin one talks process path reconstruction every new day become new battle try hard fight stand useless every day try build every day theres new shock new pain ruin me becoming hard build up ive already lost every shred identity im nothing skeleton wearing previous self costume ive started feel like cant anymore broken getting tired tired ive lost ability smilei cry cry im tired want rest once", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck lifei know horrible person difficult understand absolutely hate myself idk just might fucking crash wall fuck shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit cant refresh goddamn new post doge version picard reddit extra laggy today hallucinating", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hour list utinkerbell like boss tad froggo ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry posting topspin wii tennis ball post often reddit glitched up forced wait post tell posting repeatedly im swarmed many people like angry something understand side story know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "regret killing years agoim tired hearing overused statements people know mental situation it gets better redflag permanent solution blahblahblah suck ass karen got way worse soon grasped concept death child feeling im going die young know cause death be feel stupid hopeful past hanging onto life brought suffering wanted normal ask chronic illness eating disorder suicidal thoughts people consider friends care family members abused past physically emotionally theyre like main reason behind trauma care feelings actually wish theyll suffer find death work minimum wage job obviously cant go therapy barely afford rent keep going work even hate job ill never find job like least im okay since dont passionsinterests dont anybodyanything live obviously want live myself im tired waiting something good happen im tired trying make feel better failing miserably quit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lifes bitchsince years ago life quite interesting many people say traveling lot working many places meeting lot people still feel hole chest feeling im good enough anything want quit living i personally even like path im walking even know im doing ampxb recently moved canary islands met girl here two options left visa expire next week go back country country almost everyone wants leave stay canary islands two half year illegally get green card working chinese restaurant cant day off im receiving minimum wage ampxb im pretty sure happy places gotta keep going the loved ones bullshit ampxb", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heading wrong road feel like im running optionsscroll bottom tldr let start saying im sure appropriate subreddit post on im totally new region reddit ive recently struggling lot things none find important enough discuss friends family reached advice suggestions due lack real consideration extenuating circumstances like dealing mental health personal life so ive finally decided reach anyone willing read online really know myself ive felt alone lately ive calling total loser generally feel overwhelmingly unwelcome place social situations im always afraid one actually likes would care bothered show up almost always feel really deeply hateful towards myself im easily set myself im ap advanced placement student absolute nightmare go school every day get lied to laughed at ignored everyone class solely im viewed competition get headaches half days every month always come home crying drained seven hours silent misery mental exertion im constantly tired hardly hang people without falling asleep boyfriend friends concerned try brush off deal isolation general misery feel things bite pick lips inside outside gotten bad accidentally went deep blood dripping chin middle class boyfriend knows keeps telling self harm know thats true im honestly afraid look it usually self harming intent im afraid feel empty alone hopeless im constantly pissed myself longer feel like deserve goodnice things accept compliments easily sometimes feel like deserve bleed know go feel like im running options im starting shut regarding mental health im last priority feel like even earned position tldr hate v e r viciously deeply near perpetual basis bite pick lips point bleeding needing weeks heal zero friends feel unwanted place every social situation school sucks home sucks suck im running options please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw commercials thinking no nick nite done taking fresh prince slots well still love fresh prince george lopez surprisingly good show love notstereotypical benny is carmen pretty good character really funny see stupid overemotional sometimes feel bad guy plays max looks much younger actually is max fun character acted well yeah angie little stereotypical funny moments ha ha george big head nah really good too funny show definitely often home improvement", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "h e l p fuck respond to nice lol lmao ok need help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "helpim crying wonna im sagfe neet talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mfs like bros hoes dick ass hoe mf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im waiting one decently sized reason it beat mentality wontmy life consists staring facebook raging videogames smoking weed take mind everything every aspect life use reasoning die school job motivation get job death simple flawless solution first place easy way out family miss course friends would shocked fact time feel happy even though appear happy there personal almost never why firstly explain question one must understand idea way must understand idea watch understand movie inception seed unbeatable logic seed logic cause flaw thinking fact family members love family choice back up different sperm reach egg sperm obviously family would love whoever person would end being point is purpose granted person personal makes difference me personal would love choice therefore would given purpose another person and technically anyone could say dont kill yourself reason reason reasoning like that almost matter from irrelevant fact die person previously tried persuade would affected person friend would affected emotionally small amount time move life effects moderately affecting yearning kill myself hate way look hate personality hate way respond human interaction hate person altogether soon high school ended last june friends either stopped talking me began act like asshole directly indirectly me serotonin imbalance feel happy feel happy feel hungry empty feeling similar person feels need something necessary life like water social interaction feel sad feel sad mean deeply distraught person could ever feel could leave extremely impactful messages world people interact with people know me due existence burden always possible way hell permanent god smart enough create existence if god exists fucking stupid enough punish lifeform limited intellect a human eternity wanted live able lead christian life first place thinking spirituality necessary contemplating redflag previously described thinking highschool something must know see this first girlfriend month two ago lost virginity her became incredibly attached dumped fear commiting personal emotionally let experience feeling anticipation something never experienced life broke lost purely blissful feeling anticipation life literally unable eat week body want live without anticipation live sense purpose almost vomited every attempt gave eating bites meal appetite improved agreed would continue talking even though broken up that stopped talking almost entirely appetite decaying month almost bad eating last month nineteen year old male weigh pounds girls emotional problems came two different boyfriends past first emotionally abusive raped her found out caused develop extreme complex cope boys sex with like me second emotionally abusive refuses emotionally commit another man something give time happened ago add this family fucked possible incredible incomprehensible stress sum up happy together also frustrates allow us happen would solution us people scarred girl undeserving life fucking terrible makes realize basis negative thinking ever depressed life human nature cause every bad action life obviously thinking extreme get makes want kill fucking badly one tries overcome it fucking disgusting cause every problem earth one realizes that do one made effort conquer human nature conquering every petty matter petty earth want human it abomination existence yeah ill come back tomorrow hopes finding comments cliche stupid meaningless good luck helping one", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yoo kinda hype rn ngl mom finally said would allowed build pc ive enough money never let spend it finally gon able play games friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "noticed clothes either black white except one pink tshirt cause eboy one beige tshirt black white lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like ive put wrong class mathematics im th set top higher ability ones arent im saying im best mathematics work easy like min time spend nothing like half year gotta prove worthy getting like tests", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im alive love sona bunch shit happened recently past year half actually one thing another something big happened october weeks ago something big happened again last week worst all first time life im depressed anxious bad things happening feel nothing nothing all ive felt happier guess upbeat most part think thats know wont make much longer know cant keep going energy to want stop everything think didnt young child id already done it hes thats getting through im hard time believing hes benefitting anyway thats time get sad think im failing whether im not ive always struggled mental health part cared much future success family wouldnt gone killing self dont care anything really except love son hope even go eventually knows hard tried him", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "waiting evicted cold apartment winter good time become homelessi guy early ies cat companion years died mum passed away quit job girlfriend broke me since used inheritance basically imprison apartment grew without father without siblings remaining relatives live different city mobile also busy lives already used keeping touch them took years relatives realize something wrong sent police apartment time already tested hook see could support weight body police visit helped snap depression went see psychiatrist found female friend moved me lead quite eventful life roommate decided return home country center life moving km away left devastated depression kicked full force again barely left apartment several months plagued financial problems depression loneliness recently mustered courage see psychiatrist again diagnosed mixed personality disorder depression started take sertraline zoloft us really seems affect brain chemistry positive way emotional impulsive anymore frequent depersonalization episodes ceased well might reached late behind rent yesterday landlord turned gas electricity apartment free psychotherapy starting next week might homeless then country provides social safety net waited long apply financial help depressed get paperwork done also ashamed thought living welfare benefits application getting processed landlords patience might run able anything anyways taking meds went depressed shell man emotionless shell man lost because stopped contacting them college friends never graduated moved lives friends left females somewhat understand troubles girlfriend havent intimate woman years havent hugged anybody year worst future plans feel like struggling survive every day idea find job support failed graduate college huge gaps resume barely work experience skills work stable friendships relationshipall things make human humani those feel dead inside sometimes pondering kill bodily shell well thanks reading would nice could find somebody talk nobody share state mind", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want lose another friend redflagi dont know it hes hit rock bottom refuses talk it cries time studying skipping classes hes always night idea help him dont want lose another friend redflag dont genuinely want okay again im want realise okay weak vulnerable talk let out dont know came write this cant tell anyone needed get chest want know loved refuses listen advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh god oh shit ok pissed bed two weeks ago lazy go bathroom fell asleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw little bunny rabbit couple minecraft think cutest thing ever know followed around sat together next pond dearly", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "step mr beast yall hoes got step prbly lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone cant get helpi friend female hispanic ive worried year alternates frequently depressed cheerful cutesy demeanor slightly overweight constantly overly worried appearance starving month eating perhaps one meal day family extremely unsupportive tells ugly childish stupid looks me suppose male try encourage much possible really great friend hate see stuck low selfesteem depression last night cut arms i believe first time ever leaving lot marks deep overly hazardous health another step towards suicidal behavior ive friends past year take lives ill anything power help her ive tried get see professional parents say exaggerating take see anyone really know help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "morbid curiosityi see many people angry parents redflags understandably also see many parents believe better leave children suffer mother fatherless takethe kids them screwed logic way makes sense parent completed redflag young ever thought at least selfish take also", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need know add padding ropesi know best place post find anyplace else post it decided take life soon found adding padding rope hang lessen pain factor wondering anyone would know pad rope maybe suggest something enough padding already thank everyone reads post", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone give legitimate copes stuff like go take walk nature dcan someone give ways cope this preferably drink drugs cause hard itd get it fucking immerse feelings finally fall asleep takes way god damned long advice coping bs like spend time family take walk nature d give something anything would appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today realized im probably going actually commit redflag sometime lifeit may today tomorrow even years now honestly think theres chance way end dying killing myself ive struggled depression since ive making significant progress therapy happiest ive ever been somehow keep ensing depressed coming back thoughts fear elderly alone divorced kids many friends im afraid living old folks home forgotten about today realized pretty much already forgotten about moved across country couple years ago none family friends ever call me mom never calls sister call time best friwnd messages complain life never asks im whats going me im always one calling them simply talk like fear alone come true difference im younger able take care still amazing boyfriend lately keep screwing shit doubt left soon too ya may today tomorrow might even years now unless accident sort probably die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one hardest things done help put ceiling up install ceiling fans rewire whole house stepfather you filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so happened yesterday also first post yesterday science class one kid sitting next me classes lowest scorer sitting next see sneeze mask proceeds wipe snotty mask hand so class finishes passes tries sneakily wipe hand me shove away tell keep hands himself walks away ps end school day took bottle window cleaner thinking desinfectant uses it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great film reading reviews see im one shed tear tamilyn tomita acted skill conviction made ending heartfelt memorable hands lesser actress last scene would seemed trite corny one would never guess film done tight limited budget cinematography gorgeous number big name actors script wonderful see wanted it watch long long list credits end see half hawaii pitched make film happen good reason soundtrack available cd absolutely beautiful sets mood throughout film complaint almost want film end", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher randomly left meeting without warning math left reason lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "abusive relationship destroyed everythingmy boyfriend six months told needed choose family knew insane thing ask walked door days ago nc since im realizing relationship destroyed much id realized small culture small community culture region everybody knows him telling people crazy family blame leaving me incidentally family might seemed crazy openly consistently rude them ties community stronger authoritative mine longer show face around community house worship or ones affiliated region connected them addition career tightly linked community dependent good relations many communitys institutions destroyed me even going far estrange important professional contacts happens close to making lies me contacts really instrumental helping build career met him developing good relationships people felt happy getting opportunity earn respect him top that pressure man put family caused pull away me say done me become different person even though longer him changed me say want part new person become six months trying separate family i stupidly thought could get point would ok them snapping me saying mean things guise caring me screaming randomly reason finally bad relationship everything life shattered it bright future used be destroyed relationship family career standing community nothing ever good again never thought redflag before cannot stop thinking swallowing bottle tylenol pm bottle vodka ending it last night even took first baby step practicing ive taken unisom help sleep even though know sometimes makes heart feel funny stop breathing night normally ill take mg last night took knew nearly enough kill me wanted see would happen know sounds sick hour went jump bed vomited not purpose unpleasant thing really stopping trying thought might actually survive fucked life work field even little bit brain damage would end career cant afford fail sometimes think what life gets better see could possibly get better relationshipwith man really thought onehas failed also left life shambles thanks reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else feel like normal feel like im missing teenager nothing quarantine lately ive realised dont really interesting life maybe two friends occasionally hangout otherwise sports friends live one talk school ive also never hooked anyone ones ever expressed slight interest me feel like life like tv show movie even though know thats unrealistic like ive left behind anyway good night guys thanks listening fellow kids", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else feel jealous see classmate shiny new phonetablet do ive got fomo sensation pretty much every student class gotten new smartphonetablet classmates due upgrade havent gotten yet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kind cars yall drive idk man put engine displacement youre ebic", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im losing myselfi cant fucking handle anything want throw wood chipper regret after beat piss thighs hands theyll bruise itll hurt walk again scratched hell scalp face fucked hair silently screamed screeched gods name him pent hardly act cant say anyone thats fucking dramatic feel like lunatic stuck head imagining getting ripped apart hurting fucking school work procrastinated fucking due tomorrow end term want eat shotgun shell paint wall red brain phone silently girlfriend couldnt bring say thing despite raving happened hung eat dinner silently stewing half hour even though help words away want beat legs grind crunch hydraulic press want rip hair scalp pieces im losing goddamned mind saw sticker teachers door said god gave life thought youd enjoy it shouldve thought twice end this end me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im year old loserim reason completely unable hold job heres story every since sister moved back home town time ive nieces babysitter hours used babysit went work college adhd completely unable focus anything school little complicated sister moved back hometown well nephews babysitter eventually moved sister babysat everyday fun friend lived road babysat would go hangout mind still job ive ever kept babysitting turned started looking jobs id stay places months quit well getting paycheck bucks fucking stupid went back school finished highschool went work shop worked months am pm eventually getting fired working fast enough ended working rd shift meijers moved sisters friends trailer park quit meijers months months later still jobless getting kicked trailer park slept park harsh winter burning stuff keep warm week two later mom found let move first months want get job getting completely absorbed anime staying till am watch read manga took temp jobs summer started quit one first day probably hundred degrees ended getting angry messing bad manager kept coming telling much money costing got fed left took another coffee factory work took another temp job factory actually kinda liked even though repetitive kinda boring liked got listen music temp service pay whole months asked yelled eventually quit took another temp job quit days kinda boring got yet another liked assignment ended leave took job painter like month something ended took job one moms friends ended ended getting job really cool factory people area refused train would throw bus constantly laught call idiot something right cousin also worked get trained area moved around areas bit ended back mine time got orders months early ended month co workers super happy ridicule began months finally got fed oh time trying get aparment friend quit everything got put hold eventually took two jobs speedway sams club weeks quit speedway cause sams better hours pay months later quit sams cause cut hours hours week took temp job step dads ship stay month two extremely boring kinda soul crushing jobless two months feeling like real piece shit buddy money saved appartment added since last job know whats wrong love work hated am till repetitive boring bullshit wish could suck stay place tell need year experience move different shop something seems piss make wanna place anymore guess maybe sometimes look people place years still get shitty pay get scarred get fuck outta soon possible anyway lately ive really depressed suicidal thoughts mind alot usual find looking around items around house could quickly mostly spend time inside head fantasize way wish life like gf trying cook dinner watching stupid shows netflix someone laugh smile joking around stupid settling someone come home lately feel like soul screaming someone let like itd happier makes sense cant really describe feeling know really smile anymore wanna sleep dream day fun anymore even hanging friends space dream used love driving around aimlessly listening new music anymore usually dream fantasy life lately putting gun head emptiness inside cant filled ive drinking keys taken away weekend openly talked crashing car tree kinda dont want live anymore already guess", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "behold misfortunes got rejected crushes got testicular tortion playatation account banned month disorganised havent got drivers licence yet actually go back school quarantine australia less devastating yea gg ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sticky sticky ricky got stuck inside chimney", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost years since last saw mom always missed her terrible job living alone wanted call always busy talked really quiet voice year dating boyfriend decided tell ask opinion honestly really care instead told okay it couple months asked could go live missed honestly missed her arrived cried maybe seconds gave awkward hug boyfriend nice kids thought would fine obvious likes mom lot happy started saying wanted make years started buying whatever wanted lasted maybe months issue two kids nice got along really quick started clash things older one lies lot everybody he tells one thing tells another someone else younger one wants everybodys business wants know everybody doing started thinking maybe tolerated anymore since seem pretty close mom jealousbecause videos showed realized started calling mom moment heard say since called godmother before mom told also saw really believed told loved her parents boyfriend came visit along daughter law mom became preoccupied treat well show like ex wife she literally left kids husband another took everything her mom started saying worried daughter law going say something bad told stay room leave also said could go outside since fit car talked annoyed two kids want stay room day made face told inconsiderate never helped anything always told could tell anything always told fighting nothing could understanding stopped saying anything realized mad tell asks tells always tell everything started thinking would better go back living alone know do tired maybe two us anymore sometimes glad pay much attention anymore would know bad studying responsible mom new family sorry rant anybody talk this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflagtheres pretty big chance ill actually it life really worth trouble all entire life one big painful meaningless existence would absolutely love get hit fucking bus body shattered onto glass get done with brain make feel way want curl ball die worth trouble nothing is worth trying since ill still feel like utter shit rest miserable existence putrid earth children starve women raped egotistical social parasites feed battle might blinded greed tell age know parasitic scumbags latch onto stuff throat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going kill myself theni took sertraline months still want kill myself lt lt lt see drive motivation like used to feel thrill planning redflag anymore took pills plan written set ready leave shit behind april lowest ever point enough live near coast england cold water shock makes drowning sure thing around here much fun researching reading euphoria drowning salt water limited resources no guns cyanide basically access painless methods redflag decided drowning salt water beautiful fatal method oh ophelia never read hamlet time went it friends family intervened fantasies thoughts spoke doc upped meds started feel better put mg sertraline point really felt working think killing anymore happy best version myself dare say felt confident almost invincible even months road serotonin super powers worn off leaving quite hollow shell past self really feel anything days aside irritability care anything little empathy almost diluted feeling wanting die yet quite concentrated enough bothered act it understand feels like im limbo somewhere inbetween wanting feel good things again wanting feel bad desperate enough kill myself like numbness feeling neither there im bored dumb desire self destructive things like drug up ive taking codeine relax occasion think wow heroin something subscribes ropiates thats even joke actually subscribe lmao yeah feel though might well take something feel something cant get excited anything hard enough find purpose within stupid unescapable system without burden weighed whatever weight crushing skull obviously logical rational thing go tell doctor ya know appointments take weeks well weekend closed so drreddit anybody else similar experiences feeling numb medication medication feeling wanting die motivation it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything worsti want live anymore want fall asleep never wake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling really latelymy depression escalated extreme used consider person family loved ones would leave behind theres much guilt built started care anymore last night seconds asphyxiating minute argument myself convinced game moment cease exist everyone else would too end stopped self harmed instead needed release another night coming im afraid might edge again ive already given sister belts know might get extra creative desperate tonight anyone relate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im thinking leaving reddit legitimate reason stay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "started happen quite bit past year due job demands increasing feeling like things fault controli start crying work redflagfrustration sudden begin laughing like madman uncontrollable extreme urge drive head wall happen anyone else crying redflag uncontrollable laughter", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stop optimisticim always trying optimistic appreciate love life world people always trying give reasons fools practice give become bitter depressed hateful little weasel inevitably kill himself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets goooo confessed crush likes toooo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep ending back herebetween ages tried commit redflag twice never able get help therapy deal own began strongly advocate anyone ever committing redflag gave perspective someone whod grown past wanted show others too feel like liar gotten past all im now teenage years spent trying pick pieces mental health ive kind become burnout despite much loved drop put college due life issues im indebted go back even wanted to matter much feel like im longer suicidal guy matter much feel like one used harm seem always find right back here seems like everytime find shred hope im confronted even issues snuff potential happiness feel like im cursed walk dark shadow head despite beautiful think world is much love people come across id better end everything finally rest know ill actually it know make im really expecting advice even response thought would great guess im sick holding feeling want say somewhere hopefully itll take weight heart", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question girls gf spends minutes night using lotion skin soft girls care much soft skin", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "steamboat willie often erroneously touted first mickey mouse film though title actually goes plane crazy source fuelling common misconception probably episode the simpsons places origin itchy mouse short called steamboat itchy obviously parody cartoon interestingly steamboat willie parody spoofing latest buster keaton release steamboat bill jr though connection stretches little beyond title general story setting walt disney short mickey mouse takes charge river steamboat much annoyance captain pete cat spitefully casts aside mickey outdone nastiness far removed pleasant wholesome mickey recent generations enjoyed little mouse cares numero uno inflicting pain displeasure series farm animals order provide music amusementbr br first theres laughing parrot cops bucket large potato head goat cranked tail provide music turkey straw guitar swallowed cat swung around tail goose throttled throat piglet viciously booted childrens cartoon steamboat willie directed walt disney ub iwerks certainly meanspirited humour though also noticed similar elements though quite extent later disney shorts like gulliver mickey lets forget minnie mouse course suffers treatment could today sue sexual harassment jokes may crude animation perhaps even so cartoon delivers bucketfull laughs easy see little rodent became one beloved characters cinema history fan mickey mouse disney general one steamboat cant afford miss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "inevitableeverything leads inevitable death anything want lives hard think whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets stay dorm room courage kill myselfyep im piece shit guys theres denying now im bad nasty disgusting worthless person im likable anyone likes me ruin lives why dont give shit others feelings toxic disgusting thing hurt whoever im around need stay completely alone classes me lets wait til slash wrists", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi best friend started taking zoloft redflag depression two days ago really bad side effects like redflag way worse normal regular side effects iti read lot zoloft going continue research anyways ways help support time make feel little better know obviously going cure want help can things says breaks heart really worries suffer depression redflag well understand feels want anything bad happen worried right now thank advance help best friend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "omg gunshots guys literally help mom take stuff car car screeches gunshots", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupid fucking liberals commenting pog anti pog post fucking hate stupid libsharta dumb words like god damn hate blue haired libs", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone seen hat lost hat ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bfs mocking cried end arrow season lmaoo watching last episodes together i didnt watch episodesseasons started crying end last episode hes mocking lmaoo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know doi essays due tomorrow cant get touch teachers absent yesterday hands shaking cant get work done cant calm know do need help relieving stress anything help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "epic funny httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvduopqikhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvduopqik", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot go studies would like people say work physically rest life life probably worse death believe life death fact go hell restrains me me life earth hell painless way kill yourself buy poison sometimes death best happen us", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film based true story comes first time director long time actor denzel washington denzel washington given us best performances last decade black soldier civil war glory lawyer acclaimed philadelphia course made special notoriety last year academy award best actor training day denzel washington became first african american receive award best actor guess denzel wanted change pace chose direct antwone fisher also stars fisher played derek luke new silver screen made guest appearances television shows king queens appearing upcoming film release biker boyzbr br truly well done film denzel washington considering first time directing undoubtedly denzel felt kind commitment believed real life story antwone fisher antwone fisher young african american man navy constantly gets fights one particular brawl sent see navy psychiatrist named jerome davenport played denzel washington davenport helps antwone deal troubled past learn move life finding birth mother give birth prison makes film good fact overly melodramatic expecting something little like good hunting lot swearing fighting vulgarity like good hunting swearing fighting vulgarity film place quite contrary however antwone fisher true story think washington wanted sensationalize story dramatic affect film get wrong moments see antwone fighting carrying moments seems like world closing him all first session psychiatrist character played washington devenport asks fisher born fishers response is from rock obvious jab pressures waning antwone fishers soul appreciate fact film sensationalized dramatic affect think shows real character part denzel washington deliver realistic story avoid typical clichs common hollywood films even based true stories one point would like bring antwone fisher acting all performances good film great times think bit obvious main characters actors overall complain performances film would ludicrous one actress would like point film viola davis plays antwones mother says barely two sentences movie all much appears end film shock long lost son antwone found her would like point actress lack use her basically character actress seen play really elaborate roles made appearances traffic sight kate leopold two recent films far heaven solaris steven soderbergs remake solaris played scientist doomed space craft orbiting planet film confronted george clooneys character drawn tears clooney tells particular scene first saw solaris remember seeing tear scene thinking wow woman act could feel characters grief brief shot face gave much expression honestly felt sorry characters sadness trouble film think definite potential actress used often perhaps leading roles rather character driven actress nonetheless antwone fisher good movie denzel washington always pulls great performance gives us great directorial debut also derek luke talented actor think antwone fisher bring immense critical fame portrayal troubled man think public popularity increase release biker boyz also stars lawrence fishburn antwone fisher based book finding fish memoir antwone quenton fisher ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looped belt around ceiling fani dont know whats stopping me taking sign stay alive wrote note guess wont need it please tell gets better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking way last week completed online programming course columbia university classmate long uncommon name i say ofc next week im starting girls code online course saw classmates name girls code google classroomlike odds omfg", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know sexuality guaranteed im definitely gay im straight uuuh put something ass know think felt weird enjoy also hate it ask like ill try best explain", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres step step guide eating grams pounds yogurt do not this step optional note guide works vanilla greek yogurt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "real pain talking girl like earlier said see movie sometime hours later texting told couldnt together friend my ex yeah girl ask reject day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want someone listen help littlelately interest anything dont meet friends dont see profit it dont study dont see long term profit hobbies using help distract starting fail duty problems started really soon life family catholic luck borning bisexual good combination guess made think borned girl everybody accept easier girls love boys thats center post sometimes notion nobody likes me nobody do dont talk love talk friendships family started wondering what would happen comit redflag right now everybody react throughts became serious time point spending long nights awake plan steps writing letters etc boxes filled letters explaining example hobby already practice osdeveloping love it im scared someday apparent distraction dissapears advices want talk thanks advance", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk fuckin sad time tired miserable time imnot feeling guilty angry sad sleeping probably going rewatch eat goldfish eventually perish", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pretty convinced done i coming around idea killed year columbine year saw school district anything bullies bullied severely realize abusive home life got adult realized people healthy families drug addiction rampant said family nightmares dad normal first year thought killing feel like wasted chance chickening out likely mom would left dad younger brother would better might gotten help maybe would looked bullys lives see made want succeed destroying me destroy me one noticed got adult cant function cant love people love back love people like enough fuck chuck me thus havent touched anyone years unemployed almost year half living lady paying rent privilege watching kids bucks hour never time get mythical second job would made worth ended moving back mom getting trapped lady stuff perpetually enough money get place own live mother lives place bus comes cant get job anywhere nowhere hire soon find car missed chance make death meaningful look like useless fucking fuck up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like signs universe repeated words phrases scenarios scared also know seeing omens might die soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hair really long like saw mirror longer thought", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get f chat bois playing warzone kills well thought would match finally win nope soon find last player get lag die f", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like watch game thrones free hbo membership expires tomorrow im finished", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saving grace never riotously funny delivers quite good laughs enjoyed significant degree brenda blethyn fine actress good job portraying widower grace resorts growing marijuana pay massive debts supporting cast also fine job french actor tchecky karyo funny little role premise alone appealing idea overthehill woman growing smoking pot sounds funny enough film plays around premise wisely every then course flat moments like one two elderly women mistaken graces marijuana leaves tea leaves start pulling childish antics store work mindless gag quite take off films tone downbeat occasionally dull got enough laughs give english import recommendation br br my score out ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bowling ball cause wanna throw someones window", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pisses people complain parents like get youre treated bad asking chores it people really ungrateful seen dad work hard one point take pills sleep least help chores making work isnt asking pay bills rent dont dick parent unless treating bad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heartbroken year got suicidalso heres story even anyone interested im years old first all thanks parents internet friends helped real friends except one shit started last year time got fashion really helped desocialization started enough selfesteem meet girls got rejected two times met one even met two times freetime everytime asked her told ever anything friendship decided move sad later found cheated ex times yeah fuck her time goes on open heart another girl responded oh ok group people treated really bad called faggot reason time didnt think much passively took selfesteem down started sad them fuck group thought head canceled contact everyone them depressiontypefeeling started growing time goes girl rejected before actually started texting me got time got date perfect everything went fine fun happy even though felt horrible rest time happy something wasnt thing like months wanted happy asked again like yeah parents wont allow imma sneak house hearing awkward nice time first time someone actually interested me day came wasnt allowed go couldnt one week passes time another week passes still time tickets concert fucking time planned one half month ago heard one friends wanted friend forget that important concert me artists helped hard times destroy important moment me no wont friend actually never asked th concert was never bothered me next part life want keep secret hope wont put shit give life last try year didnt find happiness someone important someone love get love back biggest wish long while see sense probably say goodbye im good school see sense loveless life feels good write this thank giving space talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicide note passengerthere rules obeyed standartsliving charade thy all real purpose save mentally ill ocd non responsive meds everday lose part identity constant fight beetween two spheres brain star dust ready fulfilled life go back everthing started love friend yamur mix passion love charity anything healthy enoughi love family matter lot tolerate daily melancholic suicidal depression obsessions sake them world rules grand scale justice purpose distract mind create illusion second forget exist yes exist must bad joke walking eventual death us day us suffer us happy distractionfor example girl loved texting ilove much without even seeing face voice yet know never meet touch ever top void calls me always dreamt jumping bosphurus bridge jumping look mu childhood photos family photos photos girl deeply fell love in want lose tarnish love call coward probably right anyway sleeping pills jumping bosphurus crystsl blue current choice maybe time would free dying misery become part eternal silence maybe revorn example another big bang maybe never knows maybe simulation th grade student real day universr cease exist availi want thanks reddit full nice also weird people people shows true selvesi love yamur foreverand family morn finally freein another life brothers bye die born nothing become nothing suicide note", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stab chest right nowpain struggle probably wont real sure tried punching chest hard hoping get knocked die sucks feelings never validated toxic asian parents always think know whats best you wish never born die soon want stab fkg chest right now could roof nobody able find body quite time sorry theres context this im disappointed angry explain things never go way according parents never things right ways best ways im tired tired validated tired manipulated tired existing really dont want live anymore please end this ill chicken trying kms also really dont want live anymore sorry let like this im sorry im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck know girl like me thats all fuck know getting desperate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another shit daythey saying one changed instead knew going inside head nowhere close different unlike everyone else maybe forget move ahead walking away life saw friends staring gave look something see told stop suffering eternity end even say back is thank guys friend please forgive never intended best know life put test even tried many efforts chest please forgive put rest remember started life eleven thought life hard till learned heaven remember told make sure life easily condone easy think cant even take care remember kids responsibilities life taken granted till struggles consumed disabilities remember school making sure took notes judging written words mostly despairs quotes here every word say hurts ear make want disappear get love get hate baby girl think took bait love priceless love lifeless thought one wrong reason made song lied cried know anymore inside feel like theres war one cared mean words fill like tumor", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im feeling lowest ive felt while stupid reasonfeel like two year old im jealous know why cant play video game want money friends it read past posts here upset fairly legitimate reasons time think im actually losing it upset something stupid even understand brain opened pill cabinet nothing could kill with im tired family never money cant pursue hobbies im tired job search im tired parents live paycheck paycheck probably support dumb ass im fucking done im gonna find something with im upset something stupid deserve die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wayi might regret im writing feel like it dont want die really dont want relief something look forward goal want im miserable cant move forward im weak self pity dont anything better change situation hate feel hate became hate situation im in instead grateful think sad worthless future probably wont like anything cant logical strong im avoiding important questions dont know answer regret anything now cant work benefit see big faliure might writing im attention seeking stupid person feel tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want disappearits years intermittent suicidal feelings emotional damage hurting people studies gone shit im covered cuts even allow wear shortsleeved shirts want end finally good good others abomination", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "iconic gaming quotes drop them filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life goal get posted rteenagers twitter account think ive figured formula either say something sexual make insensitive joke hate tiktok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymoremy anxiety gets worse day day feel like black cloud circles around never get out cry cry cant anything it talked doctors therapists im anti anxiety anti depressants dont help im scared eat sleep fear get sick matter many times say irrational stupid cant get thoughts head know cant kill self id never able fuck cant say want live much longer like this recent thing too irrational fears dumbest stuff taken life feel like cant anymore dont know ok post im planning taking life someone talk would nice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling like nothing changei feel like im going feel miserable now forever good things going me yet im always unhappy great friends yet feel soulcrushingly lonely literally real responsibilities right now yet im constantly stressed ive thoughts redflag since child right things going better theyve ever been yet im still miserable feel like nothing ever change events life keep changing misery ever present therapist took leave absence whole pandemic started supposed return april havent heard anything way contact her im sure come back everything going on course want prioritize safety months im becoming increasingly desperate ive tried many meds past years none ever helped including ones im currently on im tempted stop taking them im tempted give up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird creepy like organize lifes photos specific folders specific ocd bunch photos computer whole life came camera real titles anything numbers let long time interested theyre photos today ages below paper photos anywayi looking themand disorganized mess hard keep track of made foldersone named child photos ages another named preteen photos ages another named early teen photos ages and last least late teen photos ages much easier me helped get rid lot anxiety then one friends like you zero posts instagram even take photos life like sure actually organized photos whole life ages organized specific folders child photos preteen photos early teen photos late teen photos like dude thats actually creepy weird hell id much rather photos shit like how weird seems normal me like its weird fuck trying do make fucking portfolio entire fucking life till die honestly kind hurt this even weird creepy though believe reason ocd makes justified plus theyre photos whatever hell want them others think matter theyre photos", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think redditor passed away serious reddit account said could die within week comment within month dead heres post httpswwwredditcomroffmychestcommentslbtumso_the_doctor_just_said_that_i_could_die_next_weekutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare hope got enjoy life even get way", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw foreign film festival beautifully paced nailbiter plot relieve estonian treasury billion gold shot gritty grainy style hollywood rarely uses captures atmosphere newly emancipated baltic states beautifully note tallin actually looking lot less grim therebr br theres lot humor romance too want spoil number startling yet logical surprises ill say heist film starts great script directing performances top notch darkness tallin simply fastest nerveracking example genre id put rafifi topkapi miles ahead new oceans though deliberately glossy rent buy now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "test heavy weapons guy continue comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going dentist im going dentist im nervous im scared drill stuck chair couple hours shit stomach growls wish luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today maths lesson without teacher student school got youknowwhat closed school days therefore maths lesson via skype today well teacher bit late started lesson however line echoed horribly figured someone phone lesson speakers however didnt know was even though wanted lesson continue as like teacher couldnt anything it didnt think way apparently eventually got fed left got bit scared everyday occasion say least decided fix problem minutes muting people name order trying speak found person mute avoid echo afterwards texted teacher managed find cause echo continue lesson however available anymore however wanted give chance come back stuck around whole class teacherless talking crackong jokes minutes lesson supposed end didnt come back end told happened ok apologised getting mad moral story wanted share cuz not", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make laugh please make laugh tell funnis plz whats best joke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dna weird year old sister may already symptoms ptsd mom it signs love horror ask ptsd born sister got mom born", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive lost count times seen movie love find funny time see it facial expressions slapstick humor timing jokes makes great characters especially nitro sonar stepanik hilarious thought kelsey grammar rip torn bruce dern great job fact think movie perfectly cast think need released dvd wear vhs version out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trouble disturbing thoughts redflagnot alarm anyone impulsive thing emotional least moment thinking greatly time suffering world hardship takes survive let alone nice life everything destructive manipulative nature everything wants eat physically metaphorically feels though universe almost evil way thought universe planet hell best thing go elsewhere place less suffering redflag know good people yes really good good gives good feelings gaining dopamine brain speaking simply nonpeople evil things like animals virus bacteria disease like cancer much pain suffering organisms want impulsively eat collect resources propagate suffering simply corrupt way die come back reincarnate if thats happens least soul if exists tricked something coming suffering prison soggy meaty human body", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ayo shit bussin cap sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredim tired life im tired alone im tired horrible world want end all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drinking blacking out crying fighting boyfriend every day past week two think would easier less painful leave drinking working feelings make way black another reason wake feeling like shit cannot afford mental hospital stay idk would let know works cannot remember past two weeks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tiredim fifteen go school every day im happy person love making friends smile love making teachers smile people told happiness contagious always ask friends theyre throughout day one ever really me go therapy psychiatrist doctor knows history redflag drug abuse yet seems like people go mental health bigger worries theres always someone else worse understand that want scream cry shout them cant see much im suffering someone cant contain well can make risk me frequently self harm im addicted nicotine addicted worse past gone single day years without thinking killing myself ive attempted kill odd times far two times parents understand mean edgy teenager way mean parents walked attempting redflag done nothing brush actions rug she wants attention shes typical teenager nobody understands seriously one understands ive tried talk people ive tried talk friends every time do look differently treat differently ive tried talk social worker understand outside im happy carefree im tired nobody sees bad is im finally dead know everyone going think could done more truth fucking could have im exhausted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im missing assignments school would take hours nonstop complete want dieeeee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys sometimes get panic attacks start thinking future currently work hours day days week earn hour help parents rent pay services keep rest myself spend bit stupid stuff much spend free time watching anime reading manga buying manga playing games friends really enjoy that thing is whenever think ill life start panicking heart goes ballistic want study anything specific want work specific field thing ive got sort figured may interested serving one branches military future want good stable income afford stupid stuff housing myself nice car day buy house knowing life makes seem hard obtain parents want study ged also want keep working help pay rent feel completely lost always find going back playstation laptop forget worries seems like cycle end", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "i used get sad thinking it ive rationalized ive accepted it thanks trying help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im depressed yassssss yasssss yasss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trying find reason keep goingbut everything failing give hope get better quit job again job starting th still need income till then yes ive tried therapy yes ive tried meds yes ive tried drugs home remedies too yes dr knows sees regular basis im loss cant find anything motivates try something new mostly cant think anything new try ive either tried make sense backed science anyone something completely box try im happy hear it give shot point would try lobotomy offered anymore nothing life interests anymore none hobbies even pets even love life anymore im tired done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "miss h going reddit morning noticed friends dm said name one member me user deleted feel like lost part me please come back hope see this devastated", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal bc impulses controli hate right now hate myself feel suicidal cant deal impulses anymore whether hurt reckless say something ill regret contact someone past control anymore love people despite time thoughts deal every day causing havoc dont know want emotions results actions im hurting everyone around parents friends everyones letting go one help feel alone therapy isnt option one help bur gave long time ago dont usually think redflag strongly usually push it feel like ill always way always confuse people emotions lately cant even trust ill next minutes dont know im even supposed earth point someone please try give reason stay besides basic people love true dont see light ive cycle years im still", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crying bed th night rowim tired around theres billion people planet enough without me im tired crying every night im tired enjoying anything except conversations certain person hates me physically enjoy anything anymore used love playing sports playing video games going school hate them worked ass summer make school sports team studied butt hours world history ap got final got ps saved everytime look it reminds pathetic lack friends pillars life keeping afloat one sports crumbled year best friend wish still crumbling lot redflag idealization within past months would fucking easy drop face planet self harm cope fact never ready world social experience true aspirations reason live im going anything irrational tonight supplies need atleast wait holidays over summer plan either killing running away whatever fit backpack", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo goodbyes longer apart toxic community fuck shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im angry myselfid never kill myself think keep getting mad telling get with get angry want end all ive self harming years really kicked notch last months ive gotten point cut everyday tonight sat knife wrist ten minutes trying psych opting cut elsewhere ive done everyday last week im starting worry might actually get courage it want die sometimes just know appeals me ive got great life family loves dog id never leave still keep seeing want it started cutting teenager years even thinking months time last year august decided lose weight i lbs really great christmas family came visit completely fell wagon since ive trying get back wagon lose weight i got lbs christmas cant get mindset before started cutting frustrated frustration makes want kill myself hate myself hate body im angry want kill myself im weak lazy cant lose fucking weight hate it hate feeling way im fucking sick want keep waking up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "roses red violets blue ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb scrolled see rest post ampxb and rickrolled you toohttpspreviewredditjudcvfghdjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfceabadeabfeaabbbcc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please listen httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvzvtyrdxo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ordinary post boat hope gamerdude doesnt eat haha trapped boat bait gamerdude haha", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "two weeks feel like therapy opening huge wormsi thought would feel better opening up man hard therapy making harder", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know what new ui bad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "st ab bed yse l f i stabb ed yself tim es n che st wit h butc hers knife ther es blo od e ryw here im layi ng n th e bat hroom flo n mu ch p ain ca n ba ly pe th is", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want lose fat anyone tips advice subreddits go to basically im yo dude big belly makes feel bad causes pains ribs spine wanna look healthy next summer", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day reminding people wear mask stay safe x people hate anti mask comment ok also everyones week", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lived five attempts far debating sixthim total waste space saps life everyone around me hallucinate experience delusions horrific anxiety focus issues almost never leave house live pathetic existence ssidisability drain family theyd never tell that certainly exhausting deal with friends cant help me ever want say oh positive great guy im ive one relationship odds schizophrenic male getting married onset something like last looked oh theres someone everyone keep chin up real world know thats true nobody wants year old schizophrenic crazy baggage cant work useful skills world unimaginably cruel im getting sick again like thought alive right would much prefer cold grip oblivion maybe im failure redflag too maybe thats cant get one stick id rather die get tossed onto street mother dies brother job funds keep afloat id bankrupt him disability pay shit reason im grateful medicaid life medication literal torture id rather return again im running reasons live again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting everyday get girlfriend day random joke time man walks bar ouch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another redflag stole chance cant push anymore going kill myself worked out lived family four small children back soon moved going kill myself thing kept going years id hit rock bottom moving family four small children need part that even slightly know truck on got do used get am go work dark hours walking past houses get first bus could earn enough money pay rent solace knowing going kill myself aunt killed herself still tearing family pieces father uncle therapy resonance death staggering live place aunt killed myself thats reason last conversation telling wretched person world would better without like it pall bearer funeral lowered coffin ground wished dearly way around im lose house rented place kill myself yet times change little ways job amazing love job wish separated six weeks gives focus purpose reason like here local butcher knows name neighbours nice want alive wanted alive years keep thinking id died sleeping back van everything wouldve better everyone know theres another redflag hanging family like dark cloud feel cheated chance want alive know fuck quietly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi wanna chat ill talk abt anything im still stuck horny jail kinda wanna stay ygm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say someone suicidalhi hope im right place get advice difficult situation long time online friend struggling lot problems depression recently texted long message tell much mean things said alarming me said know much longer live probably months left theyre lost life passions motivation live anymore really seem considering committing redflag next months im concerned know say want help support much can theres much since were living far apart fear listening might enough time however know kind advice give them want sound like im trying save fix know cant im sure saying itll get better life worth living etc helpful all know do were underage think mentioned parents take depression seriously know even get access therapy contact family know address im beginning pessimistic well refuse give them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive thinking month nowtoday worst day yet month thinking im finally ready it main reasons school parents last concern tell anything friends love whatever decided last night m", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents way high standards overbearing advice dealing parents always overbearing hypocritical parents treat like prodigy comes anything academic kept straight elementary im finishing th grade taking geometry something like it years ive gotten little praise school get yelled well enough class designed people two years older am meanwhile parents get super excited younger brother gets ab honor roll hurts lot ive stressed lately affecting mood around them making super pessimistic huge smart ass around them leads yelling talking back", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "walked home party crying way back fuck still here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "preparing kill jan transferring cash bitcoin use darknet hate pain plan bunch oxy probably fent press itll job friends family care theyre city doesnt change fact ill always alone single shadow former self good career means nothing end barely bring office anymore waiting get fired remove stress", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats point mean know grand point personally whats point dont anything left fight forive grown much grief constant pain everyday theres nothing brings source happiness even contentment im incapable holding onto relationships mentally im plagued panic heavy heavy depression physically auto immune issues stomach problems add fatigue drained energy identity wise ive never felt comfortable skin dont really care more im glad lot people one thing would want to thats great think guess doesnt exist wish would doesnt ive always wanted one thing thing would make life desirable again worth fighting for isnt part problem think used me turn created horrid perpetual cycle grief internal pain dont want live anymore im grateful years ive had ive made pretty far im exhausted maybe thats okay wish best dont plan im guessing time will im tired pushing feel better completely honest you dont believe better real thing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think cut pretty bad kinda hurts stings lot know gonna hurt much shower tomorrow ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "couple years ago major mental health crisis reached absolute breaking point plan ctb way commit act may way thought grief shame would unfair family reached help instead faced hospitalization demoted job countless conversations reliving experience countless medications nothing ect treatments ketamine treatments talk therapy nothing helps feel worst since crisis still suicidal plans however million questions game teaches share lot plans details share family thus making suffer really tried sake family exhausted even smallest amount redflag triggers me thinking would best execute plan feel like options left pointing direction hopeless lost", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "haha im literally failure in im putting much effort can still failing every class failure definition guess doomed follow forgotten middle child stereotype sooner later", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess go bed pm every day online classes going start everyday guess need go bed pm every day now thats teenagers go sleep right school system", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relapsed alcohol panic attack club top girl id give life left me well easy rn literally next balcony point fuck every relation cared for independent one thing let vulnerable got shitfaced year sobriety maybe life wansnt meant me crushed close", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidali feel want kill much want live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend took sleeping pillslast night received text friend took sleeping pills order end life extremely worried wondering effects stupid decision might be thats enough death im unaware drank alcohol them notified mother responded besides saying me too told worried lives different country im nearby need someone give experience hopefully let know everything okay", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "richard schickels documentary gary cooper gary cooper american life american legend gives us look tremendous allamerican star films life narrated clint eastwood theme definitely gary coooper american taken fast clips many appearances westerns scenes meet john doe mr deeds goes town sgt york best part documentary home movies cooper family well childhood photos showing beautiful blonde kid sunny smile would entire life also hilarious clip cooper the jack benny show comeback number bird dog benny loses it documentary also takes us briefly tumultuous affair patricia neal nearly ruined livesbr br theres certain cohesiveness missing bioretrospective jumps around lot footage cooper interviewed would added lot also clint eastwoods narration described unobtrusive was boring monotone given cooper tended strong silent type screen could used little animationbr br on personal note gary cooper one handsomest men ever lived looks early films nearly enough fan smile lips bone structure handsome throughout life films like morocco desire devastating instead sitting scene one worst performances howard roark the fountainhead giving speech admitted author understand young suave cooper tux would nice touch documentary alas definitely produced man", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "try help many people im fucked insidei really hope single person tried help read this lot medication nerve pain an label use anxiety mood stabilizing ive drank way much taken way many pills fractured tailbone already today boyfriend should even call boyfriend anymore know think broke up thats doing thats raised narcissistic parent thinking deserve nothing well take drug abusing parent know im fucked head enough know deserve living month dosage neurotin originally nerve pain label use mood stabilizing anxiety high dosage xanax clonodine sleeping aid prescribed cant bothered going purse find name one month worth dosage shit load alcohol it think slow breathing trick helping others used help me kind of know anymore boyfriend asked ill see get home said maybe hell see me doubt see other", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tenshu imprisoned sentenced death survives electrocution government officials give choice either electrocute greater degree agree experiments chooses experimentation placed large metallic cell bad ass criminal also survived electrocution whatever want room within reason cant leave days meals cut one per day room temp set alarms sounded intervals cant sleep one day witch come cell albeit glassed portion happens next ill let find out may minority liked build up intriguing me payoff half good build would rated much higherbr br my grade c br br media blasters dvd set extras disc directors cut trailers versus aragami attack gas station deadly outlaw rekka disc theatrical cut commentary hideo sakaki ryuhei kitamura sakaguchi takuand tsutomu takahashi cast crew interview making of original trailer promo teasers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im mums car vroom vroom nah wanna hmu im really bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "judging u based on christmas gifts tell u wished forreceived also u gave others", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girls like meow yeah like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive bad day today mostly rambling day started stayed night days ago went sleep am slept pm yesterday ive night its pm usually go sleep around am wake then stayed watch streamer twitch ended starting hours late things happen thats fine waited extra hours see play game play probably worst thing thats happened old friend tried contact me unblocked acting like nothing happened even though talked months answered short point possible herhi barkshe started conversations usually types something deletes it whats point typing responding idk respond that oh ok meow what want damn thats rude asf im gonna block again ok little back story randomly started ignoring irlin school answer texts stopped trying gave completely week tried one last time month answer noticed months later blocked her litteraly months later today tried that may hard brought alot pain one day fine next talk fo reason sent hi months ago decided going move on moved trying talk me also ignored talked everyday video called basically day everyday hurt alot audacity text again furious trying verbally assult her anyways thanks listening me probably people actually read it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey baby like subway cuz got footlong footlong subway sandwich eat please enjoy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "storytime sorry fellow meme lords might post meme this little sister friends sister antisocial introvert good luck making friends classmates like clipped american movie like clipped mothers womb kinda cold competitive lowkey karen friends two boys thats share passion star wars not saying bad also like mostly action plot two boys mostly buddies play recess yes really best friend friend girl girl many bestfriends really want get friends girls relate lot get lot support opinion least girls met yet overall way funnier boys disclaimer im talking people met im sure good boys rude ones hang told many times might nice find girls befriend never listened stopped ago new school year starts new students join class one girl guess what new girl gets seat sister one bully sidekicks finally chance get real friend told us setup seats dinner immediately started talk befriend her said even approach her bully sidekick already got her together time sidekick bully always made sure new girl close little sister would start talking new girl sidekick would immediately come collect new girl she even makes new girl watch play basketball little sister said immediately got idea sidekick playing basketball sister chance talk new girl excitedly tell plan instead going made frowny face said back um i want play basketball too im sorry wanted giant tea spill drama anything else really sorry find hilarious actually chose basketball friend knew competitive this meant hate anybody wanted tell anybody", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well rest peace prince phillip dead today years old almost hey fault", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help meim close finding rope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep thinking itim f bad life all got roof head food plate financial support parents emotional support friends still get overwhelming sense dread depression come goes exhausting waves moment im great situation jobless since working temp job ended trying find something new now hate unemployed along pretty rocky relationship mum its house getting shitty takes stress im unemployed treats like im even fucking human first ever boyfriend ended relationship month ago together two years one when good perfect bad horrific relationships controlling asshole return honestly think fucked up first week happy rid every day gets harder harder apparently great got new girl already nearly hurt badly first heard that every day gets harder gets worse night emotional support friends actually close close friends used go ex support support network feel like nothing try talking friends really help even though try feel better chatting im feeling ive stopped bothering tried talking ex beginning december dismissed attempts cries help nongenuine im sorry hear that sounds bad going brag amazing doing im loser im attractive smart intelligent want end dead end job dead end job constantly praying true happiness thats see ive ever seen myself rest shit atm pieces pushing edge fantasize jumping bridge unhealthy amount thats way id able it methods would pussy of know jumping would kill injure me cant believe even think something like that hard because im sure alot people relate this everyone life look happy im bubbly loud girl always jokes everything i always joke dying death killing habit point dark humour sue me one takes seriously know unless ive tried talk one would suspect thoughts know im looking posting this guess want meaningful conversation someone relates also wants someone talk to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "days feel like ending it like damn cannot miss shows yeah", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see everyone despising quarantine couple weeks imagine living lifenobody wants friends eventually ghost dont know done deserve that maybe im good enough world want die one cares way really wouldnt matter go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "losing willwhen individual loses live nothing anyone say bring back heaven knows stop others trying others sense limited powers curing mental illness think like light switch turned will sufferer like cancer mind embedded physical brain ill patient growing day fully consumes body directs severely mentally ill patient understands position cosmos time goes on knows pass never return understands ultimate doom all cannot escape madness everywhere once kills him one illness blaze like supernova star ever exist shone time done shining time blew candle us all see doom allconsuming preventing life happening take passion hang matter days regrets leave spouse leave offspring family members grieve death natural life cured walking along hiking path breathing fresh air watching trees leaves ruffle breeze birds still fly fish still swim life death was", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im triedi dont know wjat else say dont want die dont want live anymore im done know know im even feel like done trying anymore need put effort something seems like cannot change fucked carring decade ago decisions still affect me big part hopes end homeless soon feel like lowest point maybe finally it actually plan going kill myself plan driving car cornfields middle winter next couple months sitting bottle alcohol maybe watch youtube phone listen radio something get cold pass die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "armi terrible morning keep looking arm older marks want slice right watch blood drip everyone see cant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im going kill examsidk anymore like im worthless sack nothing school go home sit cut sleep dont really see point anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know want kill myself nearly kill myselfi feel like im stuck wanting die wanting get close enough come side appreciate life one feels like this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gets stronger every dayi girl years left me lived together months fucked everything up meet needs left another guy within week us breaking up seriously know live right everyday builds never find anyone again wanted girl forever here feel damn old everyone else wanting point maybe delusional feel feels crippling gripping partner best friend just gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im throw vape away makes feel sick something makes still want it im getting rid it took hit willing that regret set later wish luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "killer clowns coming back yall fr ive seeing people talk clowns coming back watched couple videos claim recent videos dont know fall fun clowns", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sorryim sorry must go im sorry waste space im sorry cannot anyone im sorry one trust me im sorry everyone hates me must go carry leave life behind make everyone happy going away im sorry wont graduate college im sorry person people look too im jackass im sorry life short people like me im sorry wasting world resources im sorry living wasting away m today day go one stop today well leaving morning might change mind highly doubt cause everyone hates me goodbye everyone must go live somewhere else good night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys joke call", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good halloween movies filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im beating meat call cranking soulja boy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi againi posted something weeks ago anyway felt better days happened since ive waking suicidal thoughts go away yesterday stayed bed day need find new apartment end month im homeless im tired that plan jumping roof friends five story building end month cant fix things life ex said would could friends month since ran even opened email sent tell hes completely moved care im tired anyway thought id write cant talk specifics friends without freaking out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "choke ropeits lonely here loves theres girls want whole ass world thats never happening though never will lonely friends bail me life getting shittier yet nobody fucking cares irl anxiety without meds everything fucking else better choke fucking rope lol", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anry bruh geometry grade morning thats graded performance task got on grade somehow ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think developing bi polar disorder normal whole life now dont think want live shiti worked hard shit entire life working almost full time since day turned cant even go work recently dont want burden society problems taking care myself dont anyone count on im tired bipolar runs family family member commited redflag want go way it dont want suffer anymore reason havent done yet cause dog pathetic itself really good dog best friend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done hereim likely going end life tonight least try god hope works beyond stressed out unable attend therapy anymore desperately need bpd medicine isnt working months injection im tired living breathing eating awake im tired life feel like empty shell person like one take lifes punches lose little year year girlfriend works tonight want overdose cymbalta hydroxyzine feel hopeless im never going get better especially without therapy dont kill im gonna go dark path goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "changed mind love bot love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling heart horny shitty ngl guys want theres discord server talk advice getting gfs fun stuff interested checking theres link profile cant post discord links thats fine nice day ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone keen chat im bored usual dm want chat comments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "define dark humour also guys opinions black people go church father could guys take dark humour offensive af", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "am rightly stoned got nice bong smoked boys feelin pretty nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like redflag inevitable me havent found courage go yet world wasnt made everyoneits years since knew didnt want alive anymore finding courage end really fucking hard though im much pussy it dont know though absolutely reason alive reason cant pull end put mental torture years end super frustrating sorry ranting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cat feline leukemia know could get how are two days ago everything ok it know found theres vaccine idk afford it were pretty poor hes also cat keep away others think mom knows btw knows theres risk hell die know virus exactly idk think this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anniversary th want done then nothing left want breakups suck cannot deal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like going lose itwhen chest begins hurt hear heart thumping loudly ears mind begins loiter upon dark thoughts cope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressed person help another depressed person need help last weekend boyfriend lsd pappers od hysterical collapse became something else broke hole appartment took clothes started scream nonsense opened door ran hallway jumped rd floor window thought over fortunately fell nd floor roof suffered bruises hes ok now good possible find complicated situation clinically depressed bipolar attempted redflag before hes unemployed since february unhappy college point say him live alone brasil hope us here were trying move europe everythings hard him since father died strength move on even everything can unable keep long were psychiatric treatment even so enough im ask guys idea one habits adopt get it thank you l", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "url hello im year old transgender woman trying survive montana places fight gender dysphoria also try stay strong living community many openly hate people like me trying reach goal facial feminization surgery well gender confirmation surgery bottom surgery breast augmentation first two main goals far feel intense pressure get things done soon possible", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "helpi really need someone right now im year old girl feel hopeless someone please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost best ill ever getso im ugly af somehow ended guy super freaking hot anyway eyes one else him attractive though manliness him time sensitive all super good people proud tell people mine would goofy strangers lot fun love him three months im still broken him no perfect yes flawed saw flaws him loved spite flaws made happier anyone ever before god want back hes arms girl loves wants marry her used tell things want die yeah im shallow af im scrolling bumble match guys find attractive guys match meh thats get know sound superficial shallow right now sound like horrible person care looks much want feel like im downgrading guys attractive ex obviously looks thing hed personality meshes mine want feel click again guy end better ex im always going compare them im always going think lost god want back badly miss him loved him would done anything keep him want die apparent im ugly had lost had fuck yeah maybe theres life happier ive ever him", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag answer meim always wrong even give proof people dont im wrong even burden proof me yet im one gives evidence im wrong cannot right literally impossible give links proving something say im still wrong everyone thinks im pulling stuff ass refuse prove things even though literally every single proof gave dismissed say every single one mean literally everything say dismissed whether prove not redflag answer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "likely best picture many see presented culture real unhollywoodized way must see like indie dont think movie draw indie scene acting top notch character alice portreyed well perfect akwardness movie ahould brought mainstream think would phenominally alice real look element culture seen since go ask alice look untouched hollywood hand movies like show young people things glamorous real compelling liked pieces april love one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people say swag swag im talking u emily", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yoooo maid dress finally arrived comes like bajillion pieces gonna take like hours put lmoa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get ph cuz vote im illegal here wtf ph went told ph let unless vote kick polling place", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored ask random questions want filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kubrick puts display stunning ability craft perfect ambiance film mainly cinematography also using ingenious score creates chilling ominous tone resides entire film thoroughly gets spine tingling start really flawless ambiance makes shining masterpiece is eyes course hurt jack nicholson gives one greatest performances ive ever seen frighteningly authentic portrayal mind gone mad duvall lloyd artificial nice easy look past two rest film brilliant plus features actor greatest name time scatman crothers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going start protest stop uautomoderator stop discriminating short titles shakeing smh heads", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want talk skype tarkanon voice ill delete hours im boredim american im years old retired im trip around world", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drop favorite albums comments im trying listen rate new album every day need recommendations country metal probably wont listen though heres ive already done far rap songs earl sweatshirt forest hills drive j cole miseducation lauryn hill ms lauryn hill mmfood mf doom emma forever ago bon iver undun roots internet childish gambino", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive decided six months still feel suicidal ill iti dont want impulse decision want well thought out ive decided still feel way april first then well ill die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im art commissions free im feeling generous today ive decided drawing character anime free yes free catch sign up nothing list anime character comments first people list commission done free bit promotion even add custom character anime character choice post reddit username message instagram ill tag commission drawings quality others done take time finish soon possible rules nudity gore must anime count l death note kuroyukihime accel world karma akabane assassination classroom felix re zero en dohedoro done closed thanks submitted commission post soon can", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag depression mental illness much life able get proper treatment local mental health clinic ways helped immensely able get pure obsessional ocd control longer bad symptoms still definitely sometimes flares bit faded background noise part ways mental health significantly deteriorated mids completely lost self confidence gained time college found tribe got better art skills could finish college drop due mental illness adhd trying get freelance artist mostly living disability though able earn anything close living wage would attempted without financial aid government would living parents parents supported me god knows would be would probably homeless know happened college friend mine parents support artistic pursuits quit school would kicked out mental health bad shape several years now since completely incapacitated comorbid disorders dealing with severe social redflag agoraphobia body dysmorphic disorder well adhd autism spectrum disorder also credflag parents drive everywhere driving terrifies cannot even call taxi social redflag credflag makes terrified space people know quick exit sitting taxi driver would mean would unable escape easily turned mean know highly unlikely still scares me friend one experience mean taxi driver late teensso crazy idea trying drawingart video blog seems lucrative tubers earn passive income think would great instead relying government financial aid want think would good it actually seems impossible even though decent drawing skills people skills socially handicapped mental disorders one main reasons draw hard time talking people drawing helps make feel comfortable around them idea would ever feel comfortable enough talk camera scare people away want insincere fake pretend talkative bubbly am actually thought voice changer thing captions talking scares hell me scared voice name recognized bullies stalked harassed real life online may try one video perhaps even post get feel work bother multiskilled vocation art vlogger also good people skills well videomaking skills hate idea video blogging hope earning money hating people like youtuber genuinely friendly acknowledges followers that would want put people unfriendliness social redflag responding comments messages turning comments really know myself cut existence feel powerless mess know prevent life going sht", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "title says feel empty inside feel like everything pointless ambitious person why be finally happy would rather rich sad poor sad cases still sad surface tell things rich successful happy happy get there want suffer maybe happy someday feel sick tired everything makes lazy makes depressed lazy makes lazy endless cycle depression abuse point right feels like nothing get rid emptiness feel inside know feeling pass before questions always back head i anything point feel little better typing though everything feels pointless fake feel empty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired mental illnessim tired trying muster courage commit redflag im tired constantly trying medications im sick explaining different therapists ive seven psych ward visits im sick illness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even fit birds shite sub man yutes west yano kid", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish could fall asleep never wake up fi tired going depression anxiety bulimia alone thats life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really know come right say i want kill myself so keyboard vomited insteadi know actually belong im still sort new reddit so like someone let know somewhere else yeah little long know whats funny life always felt like series one day middle school one day closer summer meant entire break grandmothers house made day one day tally whole summer parents tell worthless turn around shower sister affection whole summer stepdads parents tell the spawn devil not kidding honestly thing grandparents said me several occasions honestly being godfearing southern baptists starting time turned biological grandchild got high school never ending series one day responsibility could relax i never relaxed packed schedule full every day never acknowledge avoiding fact feel happy ever yes know high school prime time teenage angst but saw friends go angsty phases relate connect anything desperately wanted to things made happy didnt always hollow feeling like feeling something never knew was learned mimic friends feelings happy happy forth never felt genuine relied feelings own odd thing know explain anyone could feel deeply people yet feel nothing own turned always making one day closer could move parents house dad hit anymore mom tell much awful human was learned feel little bit own hated it decided feelings bad things could feel bad learned box up reflected good feelings people around me ended boyfriend it got house struggle counting one day boyfriend got back basic training came home said army changed him said want more feelings still sucked could connect people though sort of people meant feelings emotions shitty ones empty spaces almost feel empty like clothes almost fit every day past one day excuses look easy way out one day wanting sister grow alone one day work make enough money school one day trying figure actually wanted married not one day without boys slugging deployments grandda got sick keeping healthy one day really dark place sick kept tally days much his if makes one day i met last boyfriend well call nerd seeing face first thing morning made want see one day would look like one glorious year stopped thinking one day stopped caring making reasons try one day living life taking care grandda dancing music kitchen nerd made pancakes felt things real things things stopped putting bad feelings boxes explode examine later date dealt things came smiled nothing generally let life happen thought crossed mind long sucks back here granddas gone lost back december cancer cant measure days able take care anymore supposed live supposed go another cruise supposed see get married supposed able retire properly supposed live didnt failed left go stupid vacation got sicker came back recovery him late that didnt push hard enough hospital scans let cancer spread mom tasked taking care him couldnt grandda told found love hold onto forever lost it failed left asked me couldnt keep hospital let mother watch father die that asked stay got hospital didnt think could take care anymore even though year myself put mother that failed pay it lost everything gave joy past year deserve it nerd dipped blame him talked getting married army wanted send alaska mentioned solution separation already facing said i want ask like this so decided wait sent texas instead decided worth it try me texas supposed much doable alaska texas supposed easier manage waiting supposed smarter guess absence really make heart grow fonder orders first deployment got new girlfriend now im back one day one day im selfish enough afraid one would miss me im scared original shock wore off one would really care way back middle school hardest time understanding this spend life cultivating things it end point know thats existential angst catch thinking time spent long time trying find something live for something survive for anything fill void make feel like anything matters dont feel anything except despair despondency again mean honestly die end bother one truly say are going leave end dont want fight claw hurt everyday trying make through die dont want get better fall dont want that want this make it want to ive always sucker ruining ending afraid im afraid would happen sister suffered much loss short years im afraid would happen mother lost parents less two years barely holding together im afraid roommates thinking failed way see happening yet think almost every day voice whispering easy would be quiet would finally be fact cant feel emotions properly matter more mom would figure out parents love sister young would adjust roommates theyre dating probably makes whole alone thing harder deal with hey single person whos world would stop spinning even moment without me tired time fight getting bed would nothing but if quieter voice always whispers funny thing keep living life even sure want see another day of ridiculous excuse pulled air someone afraid give something hates", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "poison wayi feel control feel calm", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "unusual film although made twentiethcentury fox one pairings barbara stanwyck future husband robert taylor barbara stanwyck making films many different studios rko paramount selznick time made affair taylor mgm contract player appeared film loaned foxsomething studios occasionally erabr br the film interesting many reallife people roles film though piece otherwise pure fiction see actors playing william mckinley teddy roosevelt admiral dewey cant recall film mckinley dewey character though remember roosevelt wind lion couple films three cheers seeing lesser president film major character br br the film begins mckinley taking young lieutenant robert taylor aside asking special agent himand telling onenot even secret service thats president fears someone within agency tipping gang making long string robberiesall based inside information taylor who known manly rolesespecially stage career pose thug find gang responsible inside manbr br however two serious complications first able find gang members one gang members stepsister stanwyck taylor finds hes fallen love must also duty turn authorities second mckinley person knows truth serious problems develop mckinley assassinated taylor death row crimes br br the film nice job creating story placing within historical context today people remember mckinley remember assassinated film set interesting time period acting pretty decent stars supported victor mclaglen brian donlevy though must admit donlevys role pretty tame ordinary compared many film roles overall interesting well written sappy romance department good outing all", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im lucky met youyou make feel alive makes life worth it existence proof god really exists love you much", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "vsauce", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "titlelessi staying hotel family want jump window stories would job dont know stayed home instead coming dont belong here least home would quiet way unlike here ive applied gun back home waiting confirmed fucked agreed come went gut stayed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "afraid interesting enough also feel weird texting like conversation end feel awkward gives mad redflag ghosted friends months thought forcing reply thought makes anxious cannot bring achieve it anyone found solution this maybe cbt therapy already btw cannot text back friends", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got whipped cord right didnt hurt tbh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quit seeking help even ranting stateim writing little mental strength could find got tired this quit seeking solution situation quit ranting due tired cant leave mom would sad heh tried discussing ramitheasshole tired literally road freely fucking kms now quality post get comments assure you guess im going another raiding spree calling people cunts nig across various subreddits fun i dont blame anyone loss moreless fault", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys let help saw post guy needed movie site copied link site use find post again help people cant afford netflix wanna watch shows heres use httpswwwmusichqnetwatchtvtheoffice office link use search bar there sometimes tap something itll bring site ignore that make sure use server vidcloud nothing else works hope helped", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oliver stone always ready make politicallythemed movies makes another one here talk radio loosely based career alan berg radio talk show host denver murdered white supremacists case character barry champlain eric bogosian outspoken talk show host dallas loves nothing irk people call in is people call bunch pigheaded racists things may heating anyone realizesbr br bogosians performance brings light comical tone otherwise serious movie really liked scene jabs redneck calls in granted call oliver stones greatest movie ever good reference era media gets concentrated good performances ellen greene alec baldwin also help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sibling suicidal dont know domy sibling suicidal help them found sibling suicidal again want get help freaked last time happened need help dont know know told let sibling know know ways help now dont know family worried dont want make obvious know whats going case freak out im generally quiet person dont want push much suspicious random support still want support them really dont know right now think parents gonna help take care help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys think utherealborse robot comment apple maybe theyre robot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "youtube video dislikes hell im crying rn people mean", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reasoning im cut life im prepared end itmy sensitivity keeps wrapping black hole making want end it fear living much stronger fear existing think fear nothingness anymore people born equipped handle existence truly believe cant even handle myself struggle purely emotional everything seems take huge emotional toll me get attached people always end getting hurt im talking romantic relationships im talking relationships general cant trust anyone anymore people move things im convinced never will led prefer loneliness ironically loneliness leading want end life seem like logical path me cant handle life led loneliness led want end it makes complete sense me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wants free award deserve award", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uw catfish pedo talk her chatting like normal got really sexual asked send pic see catfish blocked discord reddit tricked", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family going cruise september cruise boat raped years prior heart tell grandparents ship happenedmy mom boyfriend back dopemy dads th year death anniversary week backmy freinds seem picking getting worsei sh try control worse urgesi sure keep pushing really struggling tn", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day random questions ever read book made laugh loud", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give reddit name someone send pictures sheep dont use u ping see", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey everyone sorry english first language chronic insomnia basically days since stopped taking mirtazapine withdrawal horrible question travelling important event ran ambien sister takes mirtazapine question would bad take mg days whole withdrawal process would another withdrawal itok thank much could use advice please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tomorrow th birthday dad couple minutes ago seriously threatened kick house title says alli deal depressionsocial anxiety parents call jokemy dad want understand keeps calling namesjust minutes ago told go away housgo room get herei older brothers never told thatbut alone depressed suicidali know doi want go away everything start new lifeoh alsotomorrows th birthday", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "motorcycles raddd so wanted say something im excited about dad gonna getting motorcycle license year try too since expressed excitement interest it said hell teach dad used take motorcycle rallys stuff get patches jackets think really coooool yeah im excited although gotta learn drive car first", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doim sure anymore im find life pointless meaningless feel like im burden everyone around me parents wasting money me feel depressed hopeless cry cant fall asleep hours tend think killing often im afraid impact parents think stuff tend eat less point barely eat anything days find life hard cant seem find motivation keep living im afraid talk people problem even hard time posting this dont know life anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ayooo o im girl jkjk unlesss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "chances cuddling remains cuddling know really wants cuddle im okay that dont want turn", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill myselfim years old sick life living im going end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think life mei never escape negativity constant self hate goes brain terrible anxiety depression cant enjoy life it cant ive increasing anti depressants years im point care anything every day life im weird mood pathetic fallacy describe sound video game makes character dies everywhere real life humid rainy relaxing want take life fear embarrassment friends finding me family everything else im burden world cant death make even worse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "problem sex girl school im shes didnt use protection need ideas parents dont know parents dont know wont talk im bot lost", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took bunchof meds hoping job around anymore cant take life anymore done never asked born never wanted suffered horrid life more least hope meds work right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pathetic cowardeverything scares me everything really existential stuff cant even get far im busy worrying strange smell is electrical fire walls chemical smell going make sick give migraine going flareup severe pain tomorrow something eat cause sick run medication see doctor infection mouth travel brain dog going get yard hurt someone another animal going yet another severe panic attack ever able leave house alone again survive disease want survive it fraction questions run head daily continuous loop progressed past age even though im years old utterly worthless pathetic type human drain society everyone else around them value contribute nothing world way make day promising ill end tomorrow luck ill even fail that living breathing worthless piece shit others fear might become hope four letter word vulgar profane fucking pathetic excuse human being need reply deserve time younger people actual potential posted here help them may failed test semester life over know real life problems theres kids whos girlfriends text back want die know real serious struggles life feel bad them idea much worse going get needed rant please move along know existed paranoid pathetic excuse human being taking space wasting precious resources thanks reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scared might lose friend again cat sick past days im really scared cause ate anything since last saturday body temperatures going cold im scared lose another friend hes one sweetest cats household cant bare lose him planned going vent sadly sister work school works deal deadlines getting closer closer hope gets better us making drink water sake hes goner lil bro sad know think anymore guess ill update maybe days im sure hope gains strength back sorry long", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need urgent helpneed something badly need kind escape relief dont want go hospital talk anyone need options else feel though might hurt need options something help relax feel ok right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "accidentally deleted stoneblock world playing stoneblock months now ive com quite far today accidentally opened fullscreen triggers error know fix way reinstalling pack happened times before every time ive remembered backup world delete pack today today deleted pack world everything done know a months long said come quite far im dissapointed also know makes backups files delete tell plz mean asks want delete backups delete pack cant find any", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good life meant everyone people suffercan live itis worth it laurel worth it life worth it dont know kind question that guess sometimes sometimes not times worth living make ultimately worth living dont understand hurts sometimes one moment im okay next contemplating alive sucks doesnt make sense life got crazy people better others dont go feelings loneliness able connect people family cause family knowing werent related them wouldnt care damn you people see someone worth it used thrown away convenient im living life everyone else living ive learned people use satisfy themselves whether family friends significant others dont even get live lie believing people genuinely care me know women are know friends are know family is maybe ive given shit examples maybe ive given best ones cause know know reason different whether better worse dont know yet know utter worse im least say make feel better people say teenage years best years get live carefree dumb things get live yet havent done things always felt alone always outcast havent got experience life waking day day hoping tomorrow different not still wake hoping maybe today different maybe life change today thinking since middle school nothing changed ive aged gotten worse new experiences turned tragic lessons went severe depression period third nine weeks junior year reasons still dont understand something wrong me must be right oblivious things always face reality situation never trick feeling better certain situation always realize exactly got there exactly reasons happened example met someone felt like connected her freakishly lot stuff common felt like okay finally get person get close romantically boom less months went shit damn pandemic hit lost her instead able oh well life fully understand even happened first place used rebound friend group trashed ex wasnt even him wanted forget wanted hope things would go back him never wanted like felt like me basically went cold turkey me worth talking too dont even care know im alive never could understand this still dont understand this so ask question even like me seen reply do im hurting again except know best know leave im best at severing link say cant this really want someone least like relationship get text although similar got know you knew wouldnt last thats nothing you even bother worth it felt terrible not broke her felt terrible cause really felt could girl say alike still even like me make since even possible many questions wanted answers yet insignificant couldnt even garner response none text none phone calls nothing even drop water even bother dodged bullet anyway maybe hit me best delete number hit forbidden key unfollow months ago whats point anyway done done was am sense changing finding better ways cope am am maybe never meant regular like everyone else experience everyone else experiencing friends family lovers experiences maybe never meant me want continue writing maybe should could write good friend hooked another friend girl mine hasnt talked since initiate contact every time month hasnt even wanted know im alive point many questions go now work ass get nothing return im best shape life source income couple thousand saved still feel place feel worse cause achieved still place choosing live everyday tomorrow", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill failim student tired depressed im afraid failing semester will kill myself know do feel like im stupid feel like im worse others everyday think death redflag im afraid family girlfriend going upset passing cant take anymore im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "donald trump taking away right sexy donald trump taking away right sexy ok gt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "braids mom came room yell reasons minding business really stressful her get", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend mostly ignoring week idk say m close friends f years texted pretty much every day much school year usually lot since covid started since stuck home past week taken anywhere hours ignoring texts whole day barely saying anything me long normal text conversations earlier week short conversations snapchat seems fine like theres significant difference snaps even little text serious mental health struggles idk related im generally confused honestly super weird sudden change almost year texting times day every daybasically question text asking shes taking literal days respond shes okay tldr friend basically ignoring many months talking tons every day confused say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subreddit disappointmentredflag watch like watch redflag page disappointment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think cope health problems keep getting thought absolutely useless meaningless everyone anymore keep trying make happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talk someone im really bad mindset rn im scared reach friends think ending life cancan talk someone one person", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " weeks birthday thought day making want diein two weeks birthday life planned bad depressingly lonely knowing ill old causing lot emotionsi feel like ive wasted youth ive lost chance meaningful friendships life feel positive fantastic job im youngest teacher local college teach subject interests get paid talk it enough no still feel like zero idea want life kind fell jobi think deserve it majority coworkers age mom awkward social them maybe heightened friend family odd two days ago thought death rapidly brain used go dance gymanstics everyday miss it miss healthy body it everyone else seemed make friends easily always sideline miss dance wish made friends easily everyone else did call grandpa amp grandma least day gives someone talk to bother mom loves rarely time me try calling usually answer life thats fair enough im close sister hard im turned i really talk superficial level boyfriend amazing still feel incredibly lonely think feel sad me know im lonely think realize actually friends friend honestly toxic talk anymoreprobably best still miss friendship asked think reasons kill myself im skinny enough die pet skinny pig even though rarely shows love hed starve without me family would wreck fair them live alone social distancing would lot effort im scared side cant listen hamilton watch bojack dead cant start dancing dead cant write dead video chat loving niece dead legacy die now never seen star wars land disneyland yet mom would never forgive you get cook again get perform again breathe take breathe cant cry im actually video write down class assignments little realize writing kill want to keep saying things okay keep trying make things okay keep trying add new lights lifebut everything okay stop stop focusing negative breathe in out in out need go back teaching class pretend none feelings here important thing is safe much want harm know writing helped feel less anxious feel like focus reasons kill myself start", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "latest film spanish director agusti villaronga study children experience violence isolation within remote community develop troubled young adults need certain psychic tools deal hidden mental frailty whether tools religion followed fanatical level caring others simply putting macho image whilst engaging maleprostitute villaronga creates successful examination vices affect three teenagers living spain franco three witness disturbing double death friends teenagers subsequently bury emotions feel peers frail corpses meet hospital suffering form tuberculosisbr br the cinematic style text typically visually opulent would expect spanish auteur extremely reminiscent fellow spaniard pedro almodovars work themes dealing sexual desire heterosexual homosexual element different two directors villaronga favours supernatural undertone spliced claustrophobic gritty realism opposed almodovars use surrealism although styles similarbr br the piece gives insight troubled young psyche contains disturbing violence scenes sexual nature highly recommend watching film contains elements remain audience considerable period viewing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " think keep upa days ago made post sw wife left took kids said things needs work need friends treating like shit cant anymore sat house almost days alone anniversary coming cant function want kids back bad havnt eaten seems like days want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going kill th birthday havent found girlfriend thenwhats im years old ways wanted get chest im literally never much held hands girl might think kisless virgin meme something doesnt exist nope im one ive one girlfriend brief time apparently didnt quite understand intentions found another boyfriend impression dating friday went date tinder felt went really well nope ghosted ive literally never girl express romantic interest me im physically attractive personality good wouldnt consider overly friendly nice core im good person im welder make stacks cash drive fairly nice car fairly nice place im exceptional regard im good solid guy didnt really get short end stick aspect life dont even necessarily want sex want actual relationship someone bring family think im gay nothing gay people im gay sort annoying people dont understand literally cant get girlfriend matter hard try others get relationships like normal thing cant reason dont get relationship time im fear turn incel nice guy blames women general problems dont want happen therefore killing day th birthday if point relationship even something lasts week call real relationship would satisfactory me unfortunately isnt anything anyone except hope find relationship next two years haha sure im posting first place apologies spelling mistakes drunk monday night writing phone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lolbiggest mistake life actually sharing im sick head people friends family shouldnt have keep eventually die suffer another pain pain ignored pain feeling unimportant pain insulted understood became laughing stock uselesss dumb person them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im totally fuckup lmao whats wrong me im sorry wish coulda better you im tired hope happy im gone know truly want me gone forever im sorry love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film great comedy drama christopher walken tremendous supporting role manager commentary keep laughing robin williams plays great role quick wit jon stewart amuse fans comedy central show good viewer halfabrain see needed subcultural attack policies current republican government criticism american democratic process mention means politicians get electedbr br i amused subplots found film fast paced entertaining without usual ohbrothers would agree film less comedy marketed however without question better garbage theatres present thoughtsdon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "star light star bright first star see tonight wish may wish might let survive nighteverything seems like opportunity today walking home easy would jump front car kitchen many knives right there room live seventh floor building desk medications lots them deluded thinking need want torment end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel many expectationsi feel much pressure many things fail get made fun instead supported feel like couldnt even kill people would see weak dont want people think want kill saying threat feel like real support expected deal it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got tb hdd games pc could hold siege gta bo now hold black ops black ops black ops siege fortnite minecraft minecraft bedrock garrys mod addons killing floor every borderlands game more", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "favorite deodorant scent love love love one smells like baby powder shit im girl tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find someone wholl love online cant communicate classmates needs online actually find someone whos willing love tho find friend eventually go deeper with", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking getting withnothing ever seems truly improve cant even indulge hobbies id like im fucking failure want die hurt anymore im lonely im empty motivation gone even tried call national redflag hotline woman answered condescending right away whats fucking point im alive want be im alive others make feel guilty wanting die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see hanging felt likei tied towel tightly around neck little bit wow oh wow wasnt even painful almost blacked out cant wait real thing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since lot people disturbed existence name worst thing done maybe realize wierd", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want keep pretendingi wish someone would break house shoot dead wouldnt seem selfish", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats trouble rkod guy like got concussion shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna die get betteroriginally posted radvice idea subreddit wanna die dont know get better honestly opinion put this subreddit seems somewhat appropriate guess im point life want die honesty dont know do im pretty youngonly teenager redflag mind many years ive made plans multiple times always get scared last second dont feel like open anyone it mainly due fact open person told youre white cant problems im scared ask parents therapy someone really want open im scared theyre going like last person told theyre going tell someone would like ask therapy honesty dont know parents would believe wanting die dont want cause even stress honestly dont think ill able ask without breaking ill able ask all absolutely terrified telling parents onto im asking advice do want die again getting worse keep thoughts killing daily now want end thing is im thinking straight dont want die would make people sad would anything world making people sad want live long fulfilled life dont know ill able handle life longer dont think ill able decide do know make decision wont follow without someone expecting actually follw decision im asking tell person thoughts andor ask therapy alternatives", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa please want stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god im tiredi want die bad know hurt horribly might fail wish could leave hope afterlife everything want perfect people damn mean here dont like live constant stress anyone know easiest way go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost good friend today name ailee met roblox years ago soon became discord friends meme sharers almost month hasnt replied memes texts im sad think dead ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want try bondage ask partner keep ropei sure keeping rope trigger suicidal thoughts would dominant one want explain get suicidal thoughts recent fwb would do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know anymorei broke apart razor first time years wanna cut badly body explain whats going me everythings much worse nowhere ptsd depression everything girlfriend says doesnt think helped dont know do im lost im confused wanna cut pills im feeling exactly like bad edit cant take pretending happy everyone else anymore hard pretend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "forgot could rant friends here day good thing remembered", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "karma whore ep comment something idk anything something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happened watch movie chance days ago flipping channels expectations high interesting moviein a guy thing jason lee plays paul straightlaced seattlebased fellow marry fiance karen selma blair settle unchallenging life middleclass domesticity first meet paul bachelor party professes desire engage normal bachelor party type activities surprisingly few buddies encourage case hes bit naughty gets hot bother soon trouble strife course next thing paul knows morning night before hes bed naked hula dancer motherinlaw phones inform karen way over oh hula dancer karens cousin becky julia stilesbr br from small acorn potential trouble grows mighty oak frenetic misfortune paul scrabbles misadventure misadventure trying cover hes done whilst keeping appearance dutiful familyoriented good guy whos superexcited forthcoming nuptials efforts ensure karen remains none wiser potential wrongdoing part ironically forces paul closer closer funloving becky forcing question whether really wants life seems mapped him movie contains right mix comedy romance definitely worth watch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie rewrote film history every way one cares anyone thinks movie transcends criticism every flaw movie easily overcome many amazing things movie going it extremely beautiful movie doubt many us see anything like again ive seen times care count still become transfixed every time feeling hard describe one ages", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kinda thinking nowlike fuck financial stuff hate money sistem know frends ended like this nobody remember problems go dye live depression last years dont know do everything always fall apart long time ago proud myself got spiritual yourney days came back old problems fall sides expect funking love people see money people dont wanto live like this im afraid kill know fast", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "something lost itfreshman year college group friends would always hang talk to either another part country life intersect anymore try join new groups im always outside looking in getting ignored part one group could fit wont see people know getting relationships sex obviously probably never either matter much want to know everyone looks back college fondness feel life peaked freshman year hate life now see getting worse im now know it ill year old friends virgin never held girls hand nothing fun look back college whenever finally die like school im starting like work help seems like everyone else lives friends stories experiences im sitting wasting away every time try make new friends amounts nothing see point going know theres shit loneliness failure compared others rest life also older get feel humiliated never sex relationship ive using ok cupid lead anything reminds one would ever want me know rambling hope someone understands seems like would best get run train avoid shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote redflag note todayim tired life kicking butt last two years really hard last week hard friends couple family members and care gone feel die would make boyfriends life easier id one less burden life ampxb problem im ive calling too stupid redflag meaning idea it im tired crying sleep night when im able sleep is crying wake up im barely eating been hours point im barely drinking water im giving up ampxb know anything wrote even make sense know rambled", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fed brain help getting medsto preface first reddit post idea im doing anyway going give away much info im live uk college probably years depressed since start high school finally got courage go doctors told situation miserable enjoying anything history self harm shitty family life gave form fill send away counselling come back couple weeks later see another doctor since first one got transferred basically tells im introverted get exercise ill fine even though tell ive tried exercising regularly made difference really listen tells could give antidepressants send on way good would need counselling though id already sent away application nothing that finally start counselling two month wait guy nice enough makes feel uncomfortable tell situation agrees yes fact need counselling aspergers even though told frustrating and one honest me much help im really wits end enjoy nothing college waste time cant deal constant headaches lack motivation anything anymore im deteriorating like normally multiple times year one taking seriously im done going cycle time nothing pull it know need medication one listens im terrible explaining people im tired fighting getting nowhere let anger there anyway im thinking something weekend sure whether going full attempt half assed one getting blackout drunk enough someone take seriously im fed up years ive thinking attempting waiting things either get better get better neither happened honestly whats loose point ive bought shit ton envelopes im going start writing letters loved ones today try power weekend loss could write lot would waste time guess do sorry messy post just fuck know anyone knows theres way taken seriously get medication id appreciate let know otherwise fuck cant deal awake anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything coming back againi tried kill october stopped parents seeing counselor taking ssris thoughts went away semester made friends life finally getting better going hill again im back never feeling happy feel anything think easily could end life nobody would miss me doubt would even know im gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good conversationover text starters girl aged know hey whats quieter boring people hear lot good conversation startersalso hold conversation crush please help dumbass", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kj presents wave compilation shower thoughts almost daily part know kinda like her music really cant hard make many people got boned past minutes bet someone government seen search history quit happens die like seriously please tell me im scared dying black lives matter way life others likes instagram tall england overrated celebrities wave up look mirror like woah im insert celebrity name here god pornstars reshoot scenes sometimes bet sex gets really tedious sometimes like literally thing over simpsons got cancelled really scared death timetravel fact exist would never notice timeline change entire lives could rewritten wed never notice clouds fckin cool sixseasonsadamovie means six seasons movie americans look music look theirs drill music needs clout minecraft ever die im damn horny females underrated big em up prison hard edit might more got bare ammo lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lump one testicles couldnt care enough go get checked outive years occasionally hurts pretty bad yet couldnt care less idea could be dont want know incase something treated caught time really want somehow testicular cancer take me hope is", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think going kill tonightive living mental issues since middle school mainly depressed lot issues amhow look time started accepting relationship someone remind least thought attractive mattered however insecurities eventually got best became toxic jealous led end relationship several months agoi deserved that deserved better know hurt lot trouble living that also reduces self image further trouble living general think incredibly lucky relationship someone like that think happen again want happen again know would end way therapy help groups since break trying deal better person noticed improvementi think point burden holding people around back always bringing issues wanting deal them point one wants see anymore that also scared seeing toxic part trouble changing leaving mei feel bad people hurt this hope able move quickly someone always loses fight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im smooth me hi girl hi me wanna make baby girl yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kinda suck texting wamen im bad chatteer suck texting need help advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "question answer time people actually fake cancer relationships get internet points like low person that also percent people lie according you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody caresits funny everything right go work nice things people know get nothing people get mad coughing terrible belly pain bad allergies im best", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dms open lets interesting chat whatever me likes getting stickbugged prefers girls flat chest good keeping chat", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girl write quantum physics equations spare time cos good making stuff long hard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sad right nowwhy cant loved lonely sad thats all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment something pe teacher said add emoji end ill go first gotta slow ladies youre going fast", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wtf pointthis first time posting anywhere ive depressed like years im now graduated high school summer parents raised giving attention id come home school sit computer bed drinking pill popping whole childhood school miserable brother got house ive getting help couple months teen help center nothing changed put zoloft take every day feel nothing get drowsyi hate human beings every friend group ever leave realize dont like anyone dont like human beings hate alone everything hate people say get job like life get better like fuck human beings nothing worth living idk do another thing im asexual never meet someone relate like thought getting relationship never there feel alone also worst anxiety depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think tried killing first time todayive very rough year chronic illnesses ive suffering from recently got worse lets say depressing lonely life anyones standards past months ive thinking redflag almost daily basis never courage actually anything it today ive terrible mood since woke up decided tie belt around neck tight enough feel substantial pain hard breathe afraid id pass out removed belt felt slight rush minutes afterwards really want again fully understand why strangely also feel little towards particular incident time feel empty anyways may extension that also kind want tell dad somewhat close knows depression know bad particularly care gets upset it please talk someone over pm happened", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh reddit notifications now always keep filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scaredits two years since attempted redflag help received leaving hospital nothing stopped going psychiatrist therapy sessions months later went psychiatrist felt didnt believe word told him treated waste time problems werent severe therapy felt wrong me could never open up havent okay whole time ive self harming bathroom recently starving myself waking morning hell got call boss asking come back work monday agreed back monday wont even live see sunrise tomorrow leaving world today third time charm right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love degeneracy tbh think wonderful love fact society heading point b weird fucks want beautiful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna die againi cant anymore nobody understands feel sad time im tired hiding rather dead life awful dont understand life dont know do would like talk someone anyone willing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one thing say one thing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remembered tourettes sent video talking friend n rly cant go seconds without ticking interrupts speech patterns wtf thats crazy also people r playin trumpet parking garage umm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun fact friday dolphins sleep one eye open", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please talk someone verbally need join discord support group serverhi thought making support group discord please feel free join come talk others may may join swear cosmos never judge beliefs actions never say annoying bullshit stuff like there there chin up everything fine idea im talking about try best ability others same httpsdiscordggudatwevhttpsdiscordggudatwev", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend caught jacking porn screen sharing oops", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weird place life girl really good friends might like might like like domt want ruin help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help mewhy love important fuck love", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got day ban whats sub also annoying ass monkey memes finally gone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "take long ban boiboiboiboi anyone unsee juice me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna play number game im rlly bored easy way talk someone dm want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna walk favourite place swallow pillsi think today day done understatement cried first time years today ive finally enough currently waiting phone charge im gonna buy whiskey painkillers way favourite place walton gardens dont know whats going happen yet im sure it dont anyone want talk feels fitting tend read sub lot", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people keep asking meaning life bruh meaning life happy answer complicated ultimate goal life happy give shit people think makes happy bruh stop coming complex answers question", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "i nothing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "died spared everyone troublea little year ago tried kill myself hospitalized released thinking things going get better past year ive able control suicidal thoughts depression spiraling control got trouble school morning hospitalized again spent hour room mom listening cry fault id died last year couldve saved everyone trouble going again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie best film ever cant remember last time movie drawn tears me tear eye admire movie elements good movie must have excellent dialogues music acting storyplot story friendship courage kindliness loyalty street performing famous king masks little girl sold boy serf bazaar little girl liked granddaughter king masks liked grandson conventional real every scene together priceless camera work flawless grips you acting inspired xu zhu excellent king masks renying zhou doggie looks pretty played character well zhigang zhao liang sao lang great played helpful kindhearted character extremely well havet movie try once watch it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sad years therapy worked im interfering parents success happiness even first place", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "told girl like acting lot different usual isnt texting much making jokes liking her do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "college essays wanna remind fellow teens theyre probably going reddit escape reality could offer advice write kickass essay im ears thanks guys lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "moment", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family believe mei used joke killing way cope friends family im straight telling dont believe anymore try ask help cant anything im minor money god sometimes feel would understand", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know work regretting decisionfinished bottle zopiclone mg already feel nauseous dizzy solid minutes mg total im regretting decision much hate life hope isnt way go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone game ok play number game think called anyway dose anyone want play dm rather discord great would add everyone group chat fine want like people want like good yeah dm add discord play", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling excess amount give life cry last weekend yelled getting la job get good grades yada yada happens time get sad better today different im feeling hopeless scared sad that normal part teenager", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fridays supposed good mine always suck job trash makes entire weekend shit hate think job get shit talking ex would always make feel better fridays work hes around anymore bc talking stresses out im sad week probably gonna worst week life much stressful shit going one talk im busy cant get break christmas ugh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "latinos latinas here people wjo speak spanish yeah spanish speakers", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tw selfharm mention suicide throwaway account friends family know main account would rather see this also warning english first language drunk right now trying correct typos much possiblei battling depression redflag years alone almost time parents pretended car forced go therapy instead lettint make choices things pace year ago met best friend call troy love much like brother feel like broken friends feel like ruin mood crying venting cannot help think would better without me never born wish dead failure know anymore much coward wish could kill myselfim good beating cannot help me broken fiens alone forever ruin everythingim sorry know goal post guess hoping someone there feel alone indint know know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going chocolate shop yall want filter filter filter filter filter filter filter", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hidingim tired hiding hiding sexuality hiding deep deep sadness hiding passive suicidal ideation hiding incredibly bad general social anxiety hiding every daynight consider overdosing slicing arms hiding much actually struggle hiding much need collapse ground tears im exhausted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dababy officially enemy republic perserve republican values longer less goooo anyone turning convertible crucified", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really must beyond hope somethingim sorry second post ill made three days im sure taking hint last time aroundhttpwwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsdioweit_doesnt_seem_like_anything_is_going_to_work im worth advice im truly beyond repair maybe end feeling depressed enough post wrong times day feel somewhat desperate though ive posted again ive spinning control even normal since car got stolen friday afternoon even ive hopeless helpless father others every often get frustrated conclude i understand must want enough get better even knowing need earn money particularly im ever going replace important possessions needed start pulling financial weight regardless enough shake constant depressive paralysis cant it ran problems wrong times life even right ill never able recover enough rate life worth living find existence sadly impractical", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "game one main reasons actually got ps remember playing soul edge sometimes called soul blade back day hooked itbr br i play original soul calibur never got chance play huge amount time however buy gamecube version soul calibur ii truly got hooked series ecstatic heard soul calibur iii game still gives us classic characters mitsurugi cervantes nightmare taki however also adds several new characters zasalamel tira unplayable night terror the true boss tales souls strategy based chronicles thes sword mode new feature really like quite challenging later chronicles good addition seriesbr br the soul arena mode several missions must fight certain enemy certain circumstances the exception final battle simply must defeat night terror another fine touch makes game funbr br in scenes tales made press certain buttons order get different result order dodgeblock attack get better ending every character two endings all excellent game id recommend fan fighting games", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stepsis applications must get stuck daily", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im bored ask random shit eat frosting donuts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad memories keep playing headover again thought this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want get short hair convince want people make assumptions convenience", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think teenagers sentiments days compared before wanted get perspectives fellow teens", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "uhenwa challenge uhenwa challenge challenge challenge challenge begins march kill reaper leviathian you make base crash zone kill reaper leviathan do ill go dunes accept challenge", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "helpi need someone talk please dont want kill way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel need see people rteenagers time theyre worthless something like it want help hot discord go friend name comments comments one vent to little text put beneath name iv made vent bot friend vent talk trash day etc best check daily key try best please let help you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like heavy metal musics join community anybody like heavy metal musics join community called rheavymetalmusicfans", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thank notethis thank note might expecting want say thank reddit sticking rough times always really need help guys like friend never thing im point life choices go live forever failure kill die happy ive bullied whole class im brink graduating class year friends slowly pulling away im annoying little bitch cant stop hating im fucking stupid even funny right im holding noose end reply want ill probably dead next hour im trying say guys awesome trying save many strangers life hope best life hope painful mine write note anyone significant life give redflag note except guys", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit mobile broken cant use anymore forget", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want moremy family hates me mean everyday always scream me hate much im ugly fat situating cant stand look mirror dont want anymore cant take it body would care left dont friends school friends never want hang ever respond texts hang out plans hang couple friends night never responded time gonna hang even though said could hang earlier dont like me nobody likes me im weird awkward parents mean hate much dont want anymore would better wouldnt weight shoulders", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling nothingnessi literally motivation anything ive trying go make plans friends feel empty inside irritated myself like cant even breathe right redflag crosses mind everyday ive made close bonds people would broken died genuinely wish wasnt sad time wasnt numb feelings forced constantly crack joke keep people around feel tired started getting high pills tolerance started getting higher really dont want take pills get high wanna find something makes whole feels like something missing like itch cant scratch im really debating ending point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heres difference horny horny see cute girl horny man wanna cum face arent horny man id cuddle death", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably take advice oh well", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "frustrating how day really need therapist home sick child cannot come in totally get job them lives families come first lonely feeling adds despair person talk roof feel lost right now therapist even", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "banddo play instrument play", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "losing fighti feel worthless alone want burden friends family attempted redflag december found late nothing live for wish would over please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate thisi really wish friends thinking killing would less hard bad others cant stop wanting die right mind keeps comparing friend sexually harrased one current friends ive avoiding her deserve that memories keep coming back wish could fucking slit throat make stop", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ya hablado un poco de esto con mi madre pero siento como que piensa que es mentira que encuentro mal por otro motivo que invento esto como excusapongo contexto tengo aos tengo altas capacidades superdotado desde muy pequeo estado interesado por la ciencia sobretodo la electrnica siempre sido raro distinto aunque mis padres lo nieguen en el colegio el instituto siempre sacado muy buenas notas sin penas esfuerzo los profesores excepto dos profesoras prcticamente ignoran les importa lo que haga en sus clases mientras saque nueves dieces vivo en un pueblo de menos de k habitantes soy la nica persona de mi edad que tiene estos gustos desde que tengo aos estado solo porque nadie ms sabe nada sobre lo que hago mis padres hace aos que felicitan por lo que consigo hacer mi padre la mayora de las veces que haciendo algo en vez de felicitarme decide buscar los errores de lo que hecho al menos cuando entenda lo que haca ahora entiende nada decide por preguntarmeme siento solo puedo comoratir con nadie una de mis grandes pasiones y adems cuando era pequeo hubo un momento en el que recuerdo que cambi pase de ser un nio risueo uno serio desde entonces la mayora del tiempo sido serio con la gente con la que tengo mucha confianza eso ha hecho ganarme ms de un comentario diciendo que tengo sentimientos que exclullan mucha gente tiene una imagen de mi que es realmi grupo de amigas actual suele avisarme para salir por las noches pueden que se hable por un grupo pero nunca quedamos una hora exacta mi avisan de cuando salen solo hay una persona que siente cuenta conmigo para todo que avisa gracias ella es que sigo levantadome gracias ella est noche cortadoun poco largo gusta como explicado pero que ms da un desconocido le va importar mi vida sorry posting spanish wanted relieve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yeah crying sad cool ever listened really upbeat pumped music ya sad sitting like pumped up rather wierd feeling", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im calling girlfriend love", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tweenskids fucked life yet please go way straight sutdent i discourage getting good grades purposefully overstressing beyond abilities grades mistake made led the wrong path hate anything as report card start it like drug get addicted it some way also becomes normal thing you bs cs become like moral weapon beacuse tolerance developed parents also criticize me got c test made biggerthannormal fuss it little going back gosh could keep going long already ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna dietoo hard fucking deal shit ive lost everyone friends anymore everyday getting harder deal issues boyfriend losing interest me fucking tell im close ending tonight relapsed like minutes ago need courage end all please stop pain im tired living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "try reach friend said tired living one like live sake breathing surviving everyday meaningless friend said saying like that like this questions make feel worse random thought", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im thinking jumping bridge nearby im pretty sure impact kill meive lost hope cant find enjoyment anything ive decided might do think jumping tall place quickest way way need worry second thoughts like medication overdose wish could make meaningful reality ill probably another number another static story matter", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mod removed post version im sorry getting mad job guess it wasnt necessary tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ultimately everything goes shitim currently sophomore college really severe depression th grade late high school series events able get worst it since then ive put zoloft help depression anxiety ive actually going nowhere there mentally least problem im tired things going shit want one thing go smoothly know one biggest things kept going darkest times high school phrase what tomorrow is cheesy might sound like knows tomorrow now feel like matter im end much crap others point cant stand anymore day fantasizing living island myself now want stop cause matter good things get gets ruined im done wanna someone judge scared me tend converse better girls anyone do im damn tired im looking sleep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "you look depressedyou look depressed you adhd depression stop making attention stop faking it you right depressed you attention whore words make want end even turned year confessed ive failed attempts ever since try explain whats wrong get told bullshit get ditched hurts more everybody expects others help out friends tell go family family tells get it feel damn hurt like fucking hell were th grade fucks sake people expect psychopath depressed saying may also bpd makes even unaccepting me really hurts cant handle anymore people accept courage talk feel like belong anyone anymore ones trusted ditch me family tells get it hurts want die whats worse depressed since attempting redflag treated like dog shit admitting trying get support get even lonelier realized people accept telling trusted felt getting ignored time makes trust issues even worse know care courage im weak world cant handle telling mom truth feel like big fat liar never trustworthy putting trust people thought right huge mistake months till school ends tell ones truly like me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go helpthis isnt first time posting here and probably wont last im really need good advice ive feeling particularly bad lately know need ask help posting best do title suggests help myself society messed everyone access mental health care cant see actual therapist three reasons dont money health care wasnt problem couldnt completely honest would certainly involuntarily forced least hour watch happened would even worse lack money one many things contributing feeling want help myself dont want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever see pics old friendscrushs get sad cause really nice made happy attractive abandoned you also lied stopped talking saw rant posted woo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mod would ban clapping posts hate", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish skirt trend oddly want one feel like would cute", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great movie i loved it great editing use soundtrack captures real feeling indian life yet relate well chose cast great characters movie develops characters real care feel like know them use indian music drums soccer scenes great direction really works everyone comes real natural cant help root jess film acting really good even tomboyish walk body posture leading ladies convincing someone played lots soccer", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl move faster light cuz time stops look lt ampxb gtthis big brain onelt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking virtual dnd group thought itd fun come look virtual dnd group comment interested", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well course not women overly sensitive needy average interestingly portrayed mother whore though pseudoartistically extravagantly blatantly dwelt on unlike many seen la maman et la putain twice many good films noticed opinion improved second viewing know seen yet delve exploits acquired dvd yet figure precisely enjoy movie much really care why though im sure could form wonderful explanation right may disagree perhaps bit boring times im expert blonde reminds lovely grushenka", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mostly need vent im rather confused sadits strange good life im high school good grades ive never experienced death loved one loving family roof head pretty much ideal package kid reason seemingly random times get fucking sad sometimes point fantasize offing myself resorted self harm outside brief faze cut myself know certain ideas first say closer get adulthood see horribly fucking nasty world operations constantly outclass compete others promotions money friends fucking everything one missed payment little slip bam homeless nerve wracking awful guess feel like dealing it life like seem worth living aware plenty time actually go find something like make friends really worth misery one suffers aforementioned aspects thoughts say no another thing really gets im fucking terrible academic skills actually land decent job todays society reason good grades school ludicrously easy get short assignments week want anything pursue job technology engineering mathematics science like seemed get worst possible genetic traits field things im truly good reading writing neither skills get shit real world sure could work hard learn something else like said before whats point much damn effort could well nothing end im also terrible making friends first years life barely got interact kids all taken toll point ive pretty much accepted gone numb too still hurts deep knowing widely incapable forging intimate relationships desperately wish had all powerful feeling within will fail life tools succeed see point trying time loathe thought taking life want coward find wishing daily reason die fantasize often id like admit giving life war any war side care assassinated giving speech murdered trying save loved one mugger them sometimes wonder enlist high school hope death comes swiftly want die want reason it due this guess could say im suicidal yet telling bad could get coming years due think may depressed even though able put aside ignore feelings time thats basically it really need respond feel like though would find pleasant surprise did wanted get chest someone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homemade gununderage bm expensive risky sick bs might well make something worthwhile last thing idk even im posting im gonna make it already started might well say bye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel nothing anymore travelling days reason sitting bampb middle nowhere alone absolutely noone feel anything anymore nobody cared realised left come today please end suffering", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ufroggo appreciation post pog guy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stop fucking upmy life series terrible decisions ive managed fuck one relationship thats keeping going want hurt much anymore fault everyone would much better exist", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive accepted itive thoughts redflag since years old im really thru much handle mental health dad died mom abandoned months bounced around different family member homes feeling im good enough one wanted keep me ive gone thru lot dealt lot death always contemplated redflag could never think way actually go it today ive lost hope completely girl told loved wanted foreveri soul mate told today wasnt sure meant it im sick feeling alone one actually cares me many failed relationships mother abandoning ive convinced im unlovable ill alone forever cant that decided today im gonna buy gun week work last shift friday enjoy time friends weekend sunday june rd im going take peaceful place get drugs drink finally shoot head finally end pain cant handle anymore pain constant life long remember im past breaking point thanks giving place put thoughts existence hope go thru", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck guys someone made post saying fuck girls fight fire fire say fuck guys guys certain types guys dedicated fucking horny negative iq guys say send nudes make chad memes sexist general post you youre nice respectful sexist stuff post dedicated you thank u respectful like this simps guys thinking sex toys im sure girls tired receiving messages sayingsend thicc thighs pathetic horny fucks girls created arouse men guys use us like fucking toys fuck you youre pathetic virgin jerks hot video game characters ask girls send nudes go fucking hell make us wanna girls guys think weak well guess fucking what bleed every month get fucking cramps give birth one painful things ever guys get horny ask girls send thick thighs everyday careful outside since might weird dude might kidnapp rape sell us yes deal everyday girls cant even wear clothes want like girl wants show skin cant without guy staring boobies personally im thinking wearing one things wrap around chest looks like dont boobs im uncomfortable time see girl without makeup youll say shes ugly like dont look pretty guys lmfaooo yours fuck girl stereotype like tik tok cute toys makeup stuff girls like things us fuck moral story hard girl stop fucking dick yall shit girls time simple chad memes this posthttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentskmpvtfuck_girlsutm_sourceshareampamputm_mediumios_appampamputm_nameiossmf also fuck simps theyre fucking troglodytes again shitty guys all lot guys amazing cool thanks listening ted talk edit lmao guys sad yall really getting salty post ima lose hope humanity look know men hard lives too maybe lives hard women comes society toxic mindset men feelings toughen makes things hard post dedicated womens problem horny men stop fucking selfish once im tired wont check comments while wanna argue comment shit check comments first", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need friends m dm want chat play interestsnot lot know anime pc videogames like apex overwatch csgo others", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alts dont enough karma using main mean alts tons karma even main got suspended need change password like used fake email cant recover those anyways know one bindhide ones chest prevent growth maybe tran males know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk do looking symptoms adhd symptoms told dad might adhd yelled said dont it dont know do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wherefore mine pp hard wherefore mine pp hard wast nothing wast sitting thre nothing joke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hopefully last true confession understand reasoning false hope camp redflags almost caused almost death father amount friendships fucked me emptiness human contact lack confidence self esteem fucked fucked everything loved got people certain shit life helped best could happy never be hard imagine past decade game survival living every broken heart every thing hurt me deserve shit get anyone deserves live sure hell aint me anyone close personally knows reads this im sorry im self isolating want leave plain want die hate living aint right me want happy want die want girlfriend love cant happy left me nothing dont give false hope understand reasoning explanations this feel like different people need escape cycle goodnight new zealanders", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess whos friends homophobic hell mine yet come feels fucking great knowing anything homosexuality", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh gosh live kentucky mellisa joan hart came louisville went right neighborhood waved filthy rich wanted look neighborhood oh love rich ways came derby back interest show show makes want point finger something make disappear mean creative love would love show show amazing mean ever came show want give big kiss mean makes feel better im sick makes happy im mad mean someone tells like talk sense ok ok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wasted whole life hoping things change im back square one know do know long please readi see anything rules age restriction im sorry age makes uncomfortable im going state name want people going personal life trying contact social media etc im female need relevant advice im supposed even worth fighting life anymore born mother met ill call biological father bf know looks weird mom states manipulative mentallyverbally abusive let friends barely let get job got really bad meth refused use protection let get birth control think get it mother even know stayed conceived two sons another man allowed see go town visit with assume brothers lost custody not fault want anymore children became pregnant none me bf took get tests whatever make sure kid make sure actually pregnant see would even chance born live long story short tried convince get abortion strewn drugs nearly financially stable enough support baby quite frankly wish born night found pregnant went moms house drank alot thought do low behold decided keep leave bf met ill call step dad sd decided hell one raise her horrible bipolar disorder suicidal strewn sorts drugs physically violent abusive remember distinctively one time tried kill me chased hallway huge kitchen knife fell onto floor bedroom held inch away face around told acted would put face mentioned several years later said and promise mother stayed sd put life danger years would always go back fight apologize left moved one best friends thats probably best life ever ever be apartment shortly christmas met ill call step dad sd nice friendly first family friends things quickly switched around made see really was theres list things could type help understand tearing head childhood stuffed animal since stole quarters book fair would throw across room in way told stop pussy grow pair tried tell bullied beat school cheated mom ex wife saying things like no one makes cum like do talking women would meet craigslist would constantly belittle me friends mom insult intelligence told friend tried take life slitting wrists swallowing bunch pills said she attention reason to good life would also tell things like deserve happiness im allowed cry feel sad angry beginning years forced life years begged mom leave him years endured mental abuse brainwash first time wanted kill myself redflag introduced social media news books wanted everything end felt unwanted felt like everyone me eventually left sd found messages moms phone wanting move leave basically kicked us out went move grannie moms mom thought everything would finally okay everything would much better couple weeks new school went started issue small school new kid automatically rumors me long people started calling stds spitting football games getting trouble things do things home great grannie kept verbally abusing telling want there flipping off telling everything fault wanted worse sd everything kept getting worse worse eventually tried take life school bathroom overdosing hydrocodone whatever grabbed moms prescriptions went hospital im exactly sure happened brought back summer mom found new house us move deal grannie either went new school bad much better home much better landlord got botched surgery put nursing home selling ranch lived kicked us out mom try new home told wed move back grannie id go back school tried commit redflag in told hell convinced let move uncle cousin month home life even better school absolutely amazing soooososososo great cousin kicked got frozen yogurt without telling freaked out im back here grannie mom first night mom fought admitted inconvenience burden her im told live close enough school went mom moved here ill go one overdosed in ive fighting life telling everything happens reason keep hoping things work obviously never im back here people hell hole get first swear im offing myself im going beaten humiliated maybe even shanked students im back know mom let timeline events happen know deserve this want die im tired worrying told found go school id gash wrists throat open want that need help need answers need something please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stop glorifying mental illnesses please see many people social media here ones too making beauty accessory mentally ill fun doesnt make u alt btw indie kids alternative sorrynotsorry dying hair mental breakdown ik people gonna say uh thats tiktok kids cringe that lot people too yeah sad one day doesnt make u depressed stressed doesnt mean u anxiety organized ocd blah blah could go hours resume dont say mental illness youre diagnosed cutter find extremely annoying hear friends say theyre so depressed shit like that im invalidating mental health stuff joke oh also unrelated dont make comments selfharm scars pretty please friends joke like oh cut hahaha theyre depressed seeing scars lie say cat u clue painful is also currently getting medical help dont worry point anyways rant probably makes absolutely sense people probably gonna downvote something well share whats mind", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need friend fucking bad sometimes ppl come ask alright say yeah im alrightbut really say im fine mean live fear to scared go girls class introduce most boys awful friends live honestly people dont like and understand mean wouldnt wanna friends weird kid back wich speaks every always wears dark hoodies people think need space dont makes burn inside even leave alone hurts people ones want friends people find perfect bullying make fun whenever annoying bc cares make jokes couldnt care less people dont know exist live world dont see dont give fuck people neither bc happy like unserious classic people would tell happy know yall gonna say in comments ask friends way scared mean know get rid socially awkward anxious cant maybe ill link post send doubt theyll read anyway mean probably people sub wont even would doubt change", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im suicidal something ive always wanted say anyone felt way mean sincerityi love you ive likelyhood never met you okay still love you could love you ever done wrong even somehow had would still love you whatever feel guilty about must truly burden soul drive extreme measures whatever is forgive you ive reason to forgiveness part spiritual conviction part moral code part personality whole none forgive you forgive right forgive because truth believe forgiveness one beautiful parts existence new start reset trouble forgiveness one holds judgement life that forgiveness fault may life one living it forgiveness free bondage love prevailing force behind it please ask forgive you can love yourself go further forgiven love you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "created reddit avatar made look like real life the avatar looks like nerd really look like nerd real life oh no", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film really great know why alway weakness damian chapa scarface still really enjoyed self film see ten times really trys make good movie cant it feel pity him maybe bit sympathy vote cant help it cant give less stars everyone seen life see make cheap film work live holland bought film one euro thats dollar would also bought ten euro great great great little dutch film site film gets votes thats much more people world buy movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "indian life waste nothing deny itbut tried suicide reincarnation true might end back n indianwhich wantgod leave cycle cannot commit su cide n indian know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tempted tell father buy gun kill mei cant really say much beside think living stressful right now aged insurence bull pay pocket dumb ass didnt set obgyn appointment still insurence im causing dad trouble it pay every month ass doesnt cant find job cant get insurance im retarded lazy depressed living annoying doesnt pay insurence month im dead right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "knows anymorei gone depression since around end highschool tried kill failed never knew body could tolerate much advil point life regretted almost everything ever done fucked relationships fucked previous work find hating university degree ever first year university one first times ever even stand face saw mirror find completing university right still realizing really motivation anything life keep telling things get better find job successful get debt find girl love often find exact opposite above feel love love anything world especially myself every time try open person find hurt ever know seems like typical cry attention absolutely zero clue do matter many different jobs apply never seem get call back semester left university able cover rent even basic living expenses ineligible line credit way world parents help try get mess seems like people meant live life reddit almost convinced one people sure else point maybe get lump maybe wont absolutely tempted try take system time ever normal life drunk ass high kite since least problems matter me guess exactly really call attention could form advice lead right direction sorry bother guys absolutely clue else turn to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relationship weird relationship weird little context answer shes im started dating almost months really happy together im afraid people frown upon tell relationship far ive told people trust sets parents know mom it happy wont let explain myself honestly feel like could go long term her title asks relationship weird might delete soon friends know account didnt enough karma throwaway", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recently getting suicidal thoughts lately getting depressed matter much try think brightly situation jus cannot shake thought wanting die really want share past abused dad got bullied school looks middle school moms relationship started degrade point really care affect commit suicide due playing games try get rid thought ig suppresed feeling think want future cannot think want matter hard try people closest friends parents siblings tell it worth it whenever hear feel guilt whenever think idea suicide feel calmpls help really know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "used view redflag kind punishment moment significanceit people around me finally show really inside make feel pain wanted know theyd react see anybody even cared killed myself think wanted validation maybe wanted know people actually care me know anyhow thats gone now really care knows killed myself why really care anybody react see milestone anything ive finally reached point stopped fighting expectation decision eventually leave choice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first person make laugh get anything make laugh ok epic particularly susceptable never ending horde among us shitpost memes sense humour good ok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need listen please believe im completely lonely please judge", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never thought getting drunk would save lifeim alcoholic never wanted admit that true tonight unthinkable happened past months ive really feeling bit bit much ask lately really getting me ive feeling ashamed kind person ive feeling worthless well genuinely want live anymore decided id kill week came extreme plan that honestly wouldve worked promised tonight would night long got drunk getting drunk motivated anymore i first time long time decided live decided live am moment decided live scared scared would happen pets really one reasons im alive know ill feel im sober tonight hit quite hard harder expected to fingers crossed ill decide ditch plans redflag sober doubt it worth shot hope least oh boy im going regret getting drunk later least im alive regret though enough self pity tonight good night everyone stay strong never know may happen change mind", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enjoyed albert pyuns nemesis cheesy action semicomplicated script lot people complain confusing plot first film probably nemesis nebula dumb rocks plot superaction carry throughbr br this one gives name first movies hero alex bulked superfemale sent past save future raised tribe africa good portion film dialogue african tongue without subtitles liked made seem somewhat authentic how often movies genre really try that take long evil cyborgs time travel back time find try kill herbr br dont get wrong piece crap not first one anything great subplots involving africas political unrest treasure hunting tribal combat picture short brains none things gets good treatment picture basically drawn fight chases boils musclebabe vs cyborg entertainment value expect quality anything first movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "close people suffering death enough reason to honestlyi want fucking kill would suffer it want continue numb existence others want actual concrete reasons would make me feel better living feeling worse dying want reasons me wanting live further want wake one day think misery one fucking trillion people parents couldve given birth to want look gratitude instead life gift say well could fucking donate soul someone actually wants use truly live would would right fucking now ask here time machine id go back parents met would prevent ever happening feel like fucking mistake feel like im worth air im breathing atoms im occuping even here even feeling alone anymore feeling better described alone whole planet times bigger earth athmosphere crushing everyday bit day im completely broken feel like obnoxious piece sand inside mechanism perfect clock fuck me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "directorstar clint eastwoods sudden impact intriguing addition dirty harry series combination crude filmmaking genius mediocre silly parts brilliant classic others compelling gripping pacing numerous echoes first film shoot em make day scene recalls do feel lucky one one villains viscerally repugnant first films scorpio actor played minor baddie first one returns harrys partner name fewbr br harry callahan still odds higherups department still mean still tough hes older wearier constant conflicts superiors metaphor inner conflict respect reverence law versus desire serve pure spirit justice two things always compatible incompatibility underlying theme series first film posed simple question what victims rights do outweigh criminal vice versa depends films answer controversial prompting sequel the highly enjoyable magnum force set draw line harrys brand justice pure heartless vigilantism dirty harry like many clints roles personification vengeance protector defenseless movie however brings back victim case jennifer portrayed sondra locke decides avenge rape nowincapacitated sister ruthlessly hunting ritualistically executing men and one woman committed crimebr br without going playbyplay whole movie say mentioned earlier sudden impact echoes first film actually also sprinkles little references injokes whole series the confusion concerning captains last name example intentional prank believe relationship callahan jennifer neat rogue cop hero found soulmate lady vigilante vigilante victim justifiably standing sisters tarnished rights exchange two end film poetic denouement series one personally as fan found quite moving last scene alone makes sudden impact legitimate climax dirty harry collection perfect answer conflict posed first film not knock the dead pool excellent movie relatively lighthearted suspenseful yet comic thriller featuring harry callahan rather characterdefining film like onebr br this movie well theaters audiences reagan era found harry ilk quite appealing president frequently quoted go ahead make day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dead alreadyone day july going myself take bunch pills end it pathetic stupid reason thought girl care lot popped head got thinking could kinda stopped since ive felt numb time even feel like im person anymore im failing classes little hope pulling back together ive started cutting even literally anyone talk with im terrible person burden ugly be one care right anyone should im getting closer offing again soon enough ill gone one bothered made uncomfortable existing ever again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last nightupdate thanks guys ill reply comments soon told boyfriend woke cuddled long story short better morning planning jumping bridge today really appreciate subreddit mods here helps know somebody listening im planning ending tomorrow sure fully im going go yet thinking jumping bridge water cold time year would fast id tonight im boyfriends house hes asleep cant lock house behind me id take key hes taking shift work tomorrow know hell need key lock behind him fair me also refuse leave body find house im going suck end now mean hed think im asleep right hes already upset sleeping much fault energy levels fucked hell part nature depression start new meds maybe something it maybe im lazy bastard knows really maybe id stay awake id see something keep alive honestly know feel empty hollow want go now cant bring wake him cant tell need him need bad need feel wish wanted wish depression hard wish fucked up wish brain would stop tried one crisis chat centres work gave hotline call problem is bad social anxiety cant talk phone without stuttering making incomprehensible cant exactly phone know say anymore even know im posting this guess say final goodbyes something boyfriend get this resources least work time get family around love you cant deal brain longer im sorry ill breaking promise call weak liar whatever helps get mad me go right ahead need do know will brother sisterinlaw im sorry im sorry sorry reach guys want burden guys anymore already have psychs able help get it least jl young remember understand im sorry nieces nephews ending it get by great lives im proud all love guys im sorry rest family love guys cant go on", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired livingim tired living situation today uncle told fathers death fair burst tears excused saying understand mental ill hate family hate myself miss father", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymoreok im even going bother throwaway dont know anymore ive work almost yrs occasional job yo hold daughter over survive barely mean barely weve lived car motels tents notbing gotten better isnt going tk seeable future daughter could amazing easy life grandparents much better could ever offer her everyday want kill havent strictly much now cant keep letting nothing live like this cant provide dont see possibilty able to father absolutely useless children know shell better life grandparents could ever get deserves that me love world kills able anything her cant take life anymore dont know else needed vent", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failed attemptetried drowning ocean got nevk high went idk ohappened im alove", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many people ironing shirts like iron shirt every day school notice many people wrinkly ass shirts became something always notice probably favorite insult doesnt matter said pointed yo wrinkly shirt like coming school shirt looking like that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "though movie first rate roster fine actors special effects excellent story line full surprises picked studio distribution went directly dvd perhaps contains much antipolice force information perhaps juts one many action flicks released glut whatever reason big screens missed opportunity fortunately new concept releasing direct dvd allows us enjoy itbr br the theme old rookie reporter uncovers inner circle cops corrupt case frat first response assault tactical team group well trained policeman created clean mythical city edison low point crime drugs prostitution etc working undercover temptation pocketing confiscated goods money proves much opportunity now years formation frat responsible murder drug trafficking terrorizing innocent people etc lead dog lazerov dylan mcdermott makes terrifyingly real gangster partner rafe deed ll cool j even buff usual proving sensitive actor reporter pollack justin timberlake catches wind bad mistake reports theory fraud corruption papers boss ashford the always reliably fine morgan freeman gradually polack convinces ashford subsequently wallace kevin spacey also consistently fine character actor aid pollack investigative reporting closer pollack gets truth surprises bad incidents happen story runs pall mall toward series unexpected resultsbr br timberlake lacks charisma carry lead especially company seasoned actors cool j freeman spacey mcdermott keep welloiled machine movie rolling end no great movie one makes edge seat action flick message grady harp", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need somewhere rant guessi hate talking things never make posts like this tried long time ago got really good advice figured id try again fucked up ive made many mistakes life know ill able redeem myself see future even anywhere close meaningful got discharged military im weak fuck mental breakdown looked like complete fucking idiot since life living hell therapists pills psychiatrists one listening said things dont think anymore plan outpatient behavioral study whatever fuck called basically partial hospitalization hopefully calm weeks dont much hope upcoming weeks fucked relationship dont think things ever same ive miserable love much made hard leave did know given chance ill become complacent spot want make things right im disgusting terrible excuse human dont kn mow how even point fixing things due ive lost best friend whos started talking again wish never reached fixed things would much easier right now know problems trivial im good explaining things im sorry sounds stupid guess wanted someone real listen one last time wasnt therapist paid care im probably much wimp even kill myself every attempt past ended way dont know do im tired paranoid anxious miserable life im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ironywhen kid never really understood concept depression wanting commit redflag thought pretty stupid pointless thing do well guess fate decided make joke ive dealt past years neverending thoughts redflag aspirations life talents motivation anything deadend job nightshift friends whatsoever social life live tiny town without career options even attempt improving situation ive attempted redflag times failed time thought mightve failed things could get better seem light end tunnel think im going kill time soon feel like eventually happen venting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw detroit must original run literally rolled aisle theater funny seen since would love to get copy anybody saying anything dated overdone are money bunch poseurs skit either wickedly erotically perversely hilarious one weak one included opening sequence instance parodies features gorilla gogodancers pendulous breasts felinni would filmed wicked wit come film open mind blithely sneering heart pencil right best list", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "may wanna reach crush dunno dont really want reach think cut something says fuck talking me relatively non obvious annoying way reach least become sort friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "insanely lonely thought keeping meaningful relationships seems like much workyall ever get sad bc genuine friends hang friends always put other better friends first never say anything know wont able enough energy hang anyways wanna drop everyone dont worry keeping meaningless friendships remember crave social interaction times sit uncomfortable loneliness wishing closer people moreso wishing need socializing finally feel peace no me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would easy wayim living life depression living day day would love able finally end shit seems like theres way dealing manner would reliable enough im point im annoyed every single time wake up find alive im already dealing drunk high reduced eating minimum maybe hopefully living like find peace death comes early possible", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fires wild shadows tho feels wrong", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rare disease thats called crippling depression cured awards im yeah give awards thanks entitled dont hand im going steal kneecaps", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mani want end it thats want yet im much coward too hate life is school school school scholl thats im good hate it suck cant concentrate horrible luck fuck life life bad though still hate it im fucking paranoid mental health makes worse earlier im even little piece shit even society wanna die barely sleep anymore school im seeing therapist hate it cant wait untill get courage kill myself fuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck find caillou smut wrote fifth grade really wrote smut ablut fucking college caillou wrong me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish buttonall methods commit redflag taxing read through combination lethality pain preparation itself fuck want go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "atone sinsi hate every every every single fucking human earth made way fucking fault fuck assholes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive lost hope futureive lost hope future life seems like miserable day experience whats point trying hard succeed everyone ends dead anyway", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great movie bad available home video", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ideas dangerous comment one intervieweebr br dvd rating b worth timebr br a great story adults teen boaters children none stupid violent crime stuff often mistaken hollywood days quality work and used trainer film proper boating preparation about about prior sailing seven seas movie starts somewhat slowly develop story documentaries do draws viewer saga emotions begin percolate ones head emotions include anger sadness disbelief era late sbr br that solo sailing around globe dangerous surprising surprising twists viewers expect average group guys sailing race boat different allowed race rules solo sailor different levels ability allowed race rules well known sailors among well known one considered mystery man nobody seemed knowledge ability all boat allowed depart long underway certain date was course prior modern electronics allow boaters communicate shore vicious storms etcbr br actual video audio recordings interspersed interviews family members others involved mood interviewees always somber despite years passedbr br the main character don focus attention journey relates wanted beat but due circumstances creation beat win story circumstance life moved south west across atlantic ocean years time alone waterbr br do fail view special features section dvd film finished entire saga fully understood wo viewing bonus stuffbr br in end watched everything dvd likely shake head exclaim wow keep mind story remained alive last yearsbr br spoiler fail view special features section dvd film finished one sailor headed back england circumnavigating globe decided fly that no going another spin film records spouses opinions decision opposite story unfolds another sailor wishes race allowed two board could take wife along photos demonstrate warm union them interview burley ex paratrooper actually rowed boat across atlantic friend prior solo sail race incredibly funny described even knowing sail thought bad things happening normal many people think setting sail open sea romantic adventure without mishap one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone hereim sure begin ill start now mother advanced lung cancer step father intellectual incapacities shows word wrong im getting paranoid it im alright everything need someone talk to thoughts self harm redflag thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "freaking aced math test lets goooooo im really known getting prefect scores assignments tests ive struggling keep grade math i freaking suck math since grades closing next week kind test decided grade would b honestly stressful minutes ive while want fail anything b considered failure house today got results got questions correct lets goooo pog ya boi actually pulled off", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im cuddling gf rn im happy im listening favorite music sleeping chest awesome feeling", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "boy boi one better boy boi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another good stooge shortchristine mcintyre lovely evil time oneshe great actressthe stooges good especially shemp larrythis good one watch around autumn time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression taking life family relationships want diei even know say know need say it ive pushed away everyone thats ever meant anything me get hurt easy everything seems numb bleak know myself slept class day accident could think climbing third story dorm jumping ive wanting hurt badly hard live people just left partner love much left them cant cry feel like horrible human being excuses way am id really rather die keep feeling like this keep thinking future seemsgrey cant hold job cant hold relationship cant stand enough come closet worst part everyone thinks im getting better ever since moved college think dying everything hard me cant stop time im currently crisis ive year self harm free think im point need go hospital im afraid disappointing people think im great", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good story wellacted unexpected character twists eg vicious murderous gangster bryan brown teaching son macrame although succeeds action drama hope good guy ledger gilrfriend succeed also hilarious ironic black humour eg bank robbers become radio competition winners reaction buskers revenge etc well worth watching", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes forget legs remember get sad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need confusion stopim severe alcoholic ive drinking since in moderation control week since ive tried stopping get shakes waking cold sweats ive bed past three days ive thinking much better death would compared shit cant go longer days without getting fucked anything im travacalm feel something ive decided change hard everytime fuck life everyone around affected killing doesnt help lie bed sad waste alcohol love life right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey anyone wanna chat ive awake since starting regret life decisions im yo guy matters", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant cryi cant cry vent feel bad feel numb happy know im happy im probably going kill fucking ass want people know sit like fuck dont give shit anymore ive tried everything people wont care nobody does fuck mr smith fuck system fuck people", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom told drop dead wishes born said wish go live javier ex boyfriend controlled selling drugs said said going live said give fuck think care happened rushing go walmart thinks going rain waiting cross highway said standing said highway expect hit started telling die wish never also stared wearing shoes creasing fit small feet said wear shoes creasing got mad went home went bathroom opened pill bottle loratadine mg put hand slowly raised hand mouth could started bawling eyes tired life born poverty feel trapped trying hurry go college even seems impossible gpa also way back home walmart breakdown think actually said killed wrote letter says ya happy mom huhhhh sorry long need vent need advice xoxo anne tired life mom", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help mei need someone care are please get night know whats happening theres much going head please help me want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want stop hurting myselfim constantly hitting head things always scars scabs head feel alone everyday see couple something reminds relationship start punching face pain never goes away feels like eating alive know cope this cant cope it feels like one cares im coward cant bring end it im always going alone dont see reason keep living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive app years ive app years sister reddit less months already beating comes karma im either lurking trash karma whore bullshit really salty jealous draw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall guess whattt stole sisters coke fridge accused lil brother lmao feel like pro player", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant iti keep trying kill myself want need bitching it why im tired this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rush relationship last year months texting asked girl school dated amazing months amd dumped me one month got talking said missed started taking slow texting hugging occasional kiss caught feelings again told interested relationship girl broke danm heart twice win month shit sucks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wwf became cartoon hulk hoagan leading way events wwf tv broadcasts early s resembled wild wild west kinds grudges vicious acts violence performed wrestlers known today wwfs beloved stars seemingly real moments stand out maniacal sgt slaughter whipped champion bob backlund riding crop backlund showed fitness test welts backlund sarge made iron shiek look like daycare provider slaughter also issued challenge anyone could break dreaded cobra clutch hold led legendary bloody alley match commentator pat patterson hall fame member blackjack mulligan freddie blassie came wwf claw hold censored television claimed true giant challenged andre long big john studd adrian adonis used ominously named good night irene sleeper take competition new yorker clad black leather ominous figure george the animal steele far crowd pleaser well even jimmy snuka fearsome sight set maim opponents ray the crippler stevens delivered piledriver onto cement floor leaving snuka bloody mess encounters took place decade hardcore wrestling ever spoken of", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "factsthe truth depression happens family friends think faggot lame duck hide behind back it wake look mirror everyday laugh humans hilarious way try control mind fuck death actually cant get job im retarded everyone hates fuck em", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want chat dm open since one spoke", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first income graphic designer p s aint much made first income graphic designer im afraid ill spend things even matter long term youncan share experiences want peace", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "come join minecraft stream kareoke twitchtvbarfequieshttpstwitchtvbarfequies", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey you people music suggestions ive listening alot system down slipknot nirvana alice chains aerosmith metallica ect lately looking new music suggestion still make fun music taste say somthing else cruel bc appreciate alot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want visit beachy headhello used farcry deleted account embarrassed pathetic past posts anyways thats important right now fact is depression social anxiety completely defeated me used wake feeling depressed wake crying physical painnumbness i know crying could cause physical pain now also wrote redflag letter sister closest person friend become distant always working ive made way many serious mistakes life im scared everything remotely involves people talking people applying jobs simply outdoors im scared call therapist book appointment im scared use redflag hotline i telephobia never normal person again part really want to many said subreddit whats point working everyday if lucky retire old anything finally die thought leaving house travelling rvagabond im unfit untrained yes skills need survive hobo figured money run eventually might well start hobo now well turns im knowledgeable enough even hobo survival skills last week outside plan im going next flight beachy head or wherever nearest airport is ive always wanted visit uk im going destroy ids phone sit cliffs drink soda enjoy view hours might sit entire day weather nice want see beachy heads sunrise sunset stars night heard patrols there hope theyll come talk me current state sure hell aint got courage motivation approachtalk someone btw friends cant talk family sit hours nobody helps me ill jump actually might jump bit sooner depression clenches start crying pain part destroying id ex passport important itll help chicken out ill stranded uk able come back want come back do ill right back now also jump want anyone know im dead want disappear forever quietly patrol officer stop jumping im going give fake name story beg job food shelter refuses ill jump too think drastic measure ought bring pit despair one way another ill essentially start life completely either uk hell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people really kill themselvesi know may sound weird feel like real seen irl feel real even tho know happening ive seen youtube videosmrcaringuy people lost lives redflag feel bad sad like sad think people struggled gave", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feels weird people years younger gonna allowed months oh freaking goodness know people felt kids back im starting see really feels know people felt bad back tbh lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im trying browse sub without reading year old busted nut seriously stop posting shit one cares", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lifes worth livingmy mother hates me father never around cant anything declining academics cant make friend feel like nothing get better matter much try get help fails", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote poem daydreaming tagged art cause not hope like worst thing dreaming knowing images never become real ill never go destinations create mind ill never meet people spring brain never touch talk see hear world places fiction want want do restrictions within mighty fortress inside head amazing able go anywhere want could fly breathe underwater could swim land walk clouds able things outside mind truly worst thing dreaming", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pain made horrible endi writing last night realized words someone tell someone going kill yourself one ever loved you selfish horrible was answered im glad die words love head im sure hell right end become memory im glad know least ill good one im lucky hes wonderful deserve im glad understood cant go pain made promise blame himself ever ive waiting find perfect moment hang get interrupted im scared want hear voice forever echoing head want call wont already unfair horrible him imagine hes best thing ever happened me scary want pain go away wish could take away cant cant love cant cure cancer cant cure mental illness either im scared want pain anymore please want anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yesterday said would regret killing myself didthe maintenance quadriplegic unbearable bailed attempt kill yesterday regretted it feeling regret came hours minutes ticked close signal arrival caregiver bathes strips carcass naked regret stronger lay bed feeling feces uncontrollably make way ass fill diaper exhausted wear fake smile day therapy wanting nothing sleep never wake freedom love stripped me replaced with pain humiliation endure life quadriplegic life goes on yes mines life hallow", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "world cater people like metheres good place start think best list things life ive noticed give motivation others money so career paths hobbies pets drugs friends family future theres cant think right now im trying say normally keeps people society motivated keep trying whatever theyre doing never interested me ive talked therapists taken medication like im supposed im normal neither changed me people told alright nothing interests me least cant kill would ruin family well reason alive others sad kind life that point need stop existing im close walking woods disappearing thought alone giving excitement ive felt life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "itnormaltothmkof ways kill myselflike using nails ro slice throat banginf head edfmge th table hard cracks open", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever wanted trigger depressionanxiety feel okay little long feel like somethings off itch needs scratched", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "classic series least repeated released dvdbilly tothafter realising adopted death parentsembarks journey find real parentsafter various rites passagehis search culminates discovery fathers identity stolen used human trafficker europeif remember correctlythe series ends austrian ski slopes cliff top chase resulting death billys fathers betrayer series filmed location various destinations round europe appeared polished incredibly well made episodes crossing realms film noir crime thrillerthe main arc often eclipsed slices life billy went years toiling find mother fathers secretsa class act underrated forgotten", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like anything worth living anymorei dropped high school last weeks school since ive gotten extremely motivated make college enrolled community college lived home years absolute hell hate city lived in felt trapped parents house hated life solid incredibly lonely years last august finally it accomplished goal made real university finally space ive made friends first time even got tiny bit attention girls completely foreign concept me first semester realize hard would adjust new life failed class got put academic probation im certain meet minimum gpa requirement dismissed end semester saving grace retake classes summer ive lost financial aid able pay them also losing apartment become home love apartment world falling apart im going lose everything worked hard for thought packing moving back home making feel suicidal ive awake several days ive eaten couple times week feel sick time appetite im trying desperately pass finals im angry ive done myself suffered much get pissed away like nothing finally made actual real human contact people little bit social life first time going lose all everything world going taken away fault im fucking stupid social retard habitual failure im fuck like everyone told childhood want live anymore want die cant anymore hate myself cant go back personal hell again cant face truly want wake anymore life lonely terrible short time school best life know bad killing hurts people around you feel defeated want anymore worth now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "texted different redflag text lines morning am still answer single one ami really bad suicidal thoughts bad anxiety crying trembling uncontrollably vomiting going hot cold sweats want burden boyfriend sleeping tried texting hotline get like cannot bring speak words reason title says ive response whatsoever making feel hopeless fuck like different hotlines redflag answer adamant killing would done already absolutely help thing thats keeping fact boyfriend cat would homeless alive make money apartment anyone know seek help better way google redflag hotlines bc cant anything without risking losing job apartment relationship", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal half life thinking finally giving inthis going poorly formatted rant apologize advance im turning may mo friends lucky get house week depression gets bad often cant get bed im three years behind school currently hospital program includes delegated time school work im brink getting kicked im struggling attend program really last chance help im comes school cant handle school help fucking hospital setting own im fucked also idea fuck get relationship even able people cheating creeps couldnt handle screwed like that words im miserable lonely asshole nothing look back to friends never sort meaningful relationship fallen behind school really want give up ive miserable long really doesnt seem possible ever happy even managed get life together pass high school unlike kids dont know want future ive known long remember wanted enlist military thanks mental illnesses isnt possible hell point living prospects fucked even succeed never asked shit genuinely wish didnt exist life sick fucking joke", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life really worth livingin world power conscious greed limit leads endless killing suffering really point life all may good bad realistically speaking know good enough outweigh bad im going insane unable cope day day wished could muster last minute insane courage die already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "blocked idc blocked idc blocked idc blocked idc blocked idc irdc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel ashamed life hardthats", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents found redflag notei couldnt depressed found pills redflag note backpack gonna get school busnot go homeand overdose woods found got chance too made talk didnt wanna talk wouldnt let talk people could actually help mebecause know couldnt im gonna find pills", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know ur hopeless even pedos dm like honestly sexting pedo probably closest get sex come fuck on even unattainable me ones dm always ghost couple hours", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep hygiene cook clean apartment spend time people love make mw money worthless capitalism won give up pawn asset count every penny make every day sure keep eating making enough point breathing worker working worth anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " months plan ending life cant anymorei struggle cptsd severe chronic depression severe social anxiety grew horrible child hood raped molested step dad beaten daily him forced incest two cousins aunt him tried killing many times family hated always things reason grew watching mom trying end life succeeded lost real dad knew months died liver failure spent ten years homeless witnessed many things murder dozens redflags live right front unable stop it robbed shot many occasions know read write learned friend mine also homeless homeless veteran served vietnam mid s ended taking life right next unable stop it got tired fighting every day homeless help money family spent past ten years trying get ged unable learning issues second grade level first grade level every subject learn firstsecond way th every subject spent past ten years trying get career job apartment bought first car last year get scammed car dealership thousand dollars took years save supposed move apartment wisconsin back february needed eye surgery march remove cataract right eye needing done left eye spent past ten years trying find room rent afford month bills incl everywhere find want that cant afford living disability unable work getting month live on struggled obesity since childhood even homeless pushing lbs unable lose single entire life spent past eight years dating scene person online get told worthless ugly disgusting mocked at laughed at made fun of trolled bullied told nothing one wants even told end life many occasions even family even mom absolutely friends family support kind struggle day day severe loneliness even good conversation anyone years woman lead pretended love want turned married used attention watched movie tv show anyone years now wake nights tears shaking cptsd nightmares sometimes confused takes awhile calm get mind set right tried years therapy meds counseling mental hospitals none helps none works either makes feel like zombie makes messed even worse tried ten years turn life around unable to months hit going celebrate birthday pizza whiskey wine coolers favorite movies music going euthanize go peacefully get peace rest hellish life living know make past ten minutes else post tired holding in call liar troll call whatever want vent this hold anymore tldr horrid shitty life nothing works fail everything set turn going nice little bang end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ruined life months make things right else everything endsi know anymore months make things right boyfriend were going kill ourselves want die bad want die im living try make things right keep fucking up got psych couple weeks ago another redflag attempt ruined everything ruined life ruined myself ruined boyfriend feel like clock running im panicking", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill myself know really matter lowvalue male individualit nothing testement much wolrd wants shut feeling certain way want oversaturated mind logic point longer allowed feel emotions point kill yourself logical nothing works end life sense empowering too point empowerment emotions positive emotion ive allowed feel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crashed car days ago im depressed got license midaugust sucks go without crashing car two months anyways stop sign neighborhood turned right looking behind mirror dark outside see much reached dome light i think called quote it next thing knew heard loud noise airbags deployed subaru service automatically getting called shellshocked idea happened fast got see mailbox made rock completely leveled bottom front car broken too minutes later dude whos mailbox broke came garage driving car immediately stopped saw mailbox got car explained happened called parents i adhd tend panic often came instantly since house literally one block explained happened police came well since subaru service alerted guess officer asked obvious showed him asked guy wanted put ticket license said no man going pick pizza dominos mom dad helped shovel remains mailbox he able leave completely blocked driveway told family name towing service left mom came back pizza called towing company told us wait minutes mom left dad waited came towed subaru im left car rural illinois the university like miles away tho small village dq mcdonalds subway jj arbys know do parents like leaving house much stranded home im also picky eater know family brings food like also supposed poll worker cant without car tldr illinois teen crashes car mailbox cant drive next month rural area ps fine airbag gave bad scratch back left hand im good physically mentally whole nother story", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody remember long die erase never come backthats nice thought wish could completely painlessly disappear care painful me want people pain even anyone cares happen die parents care im sure that maybe friends care little know im suicidal thats ok ive left notes fault parents fault fault absence might noticed reddit communities forgotten soon after im afraid people remember me right parents say oh nice considerate forget was well never even knew real me nobody does want someone nobody soon die forgotten forever thats good", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends made new voice channel invite me decided vc them excludes one person friend group person them started kicking channel tried hide checked audit logs yeah made new one them guess right exclude want to least im online", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "realized somethingi realized things happening fault afraid dad almost died stuck homeless roommates crazy drunken person im always afraid anything taken advantage classmates abused aunt uncle moms side family today afraid talk best friend suicidal thoughts feel like idiot know everyone would better without me parents spend money me none friends would care high school im going try teach failure am wish dead rope towels blankets dog leash one would care everyone would better without me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lets see possible wake six hours seven page essay study math final study whap final stupid hw fall tf asleep around pm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tonight supposed night still debatingi everything ready need go backyard pull trigger really solves every single problem have im fat lazy hate working every job get fine first always hate it dreading every second every morning cant imagine work everyday till retirement age thats even thing future people love jobs even mind working told people feel people go crazy nothing love it point people finally see literally worthless society things would better here would parasite feeding government parasite feeding parents years parents probably reason gone tonight extremely loving wonderful parents done nothing support repeatedly fail pay pretty much everything life never complain would hurt much killed myself one reason plan backyard tank property value much getting long pretty much im lazy fat loser pretty much squandered every opportunity given him weird attractive successful dating game tinder bumble hinge okcupid ever joined dating site years never date even let alone actual match matches get girls plugging fans escorts point redflag taboo clear compatible life defective product defective products sent back exchanged happen soon urge go back finish strong cant stop thinking parents", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "get told good guy sometimes drives near tears told nice am funny am dependable told many times different people things must true right guess good enough would hard find keep people life know sounds self serving pity party feel thoughts head realize understand priority anyone else wish knew someone thought sometimes complement upsets", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " still feel like weakling nothing dead weight everyone around would better dead person kills world great favor honestly want person fucking dead weight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need end canti house car every electronic appliance could ever want need since girlfriend cheated me left me dad lost job mothers deteriorating health ive lost three close friends recently one connect talk redflag hotline said best option cry sleep wow thanks lot waht do anything do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking film control nympho gets chained radiator extremely religious southern man look paramount vantages latest release black snake moan exactly looking described say well then best get ya wits bout yaself mosey local theater still see samuel l jacksons character lazarus would say long open minded take everything seriously theres reason leave theater glad saw itbr br in third offering director craig brewer taken deep south tagline film claims everything hotter were introduced godfearing bluesman lazarus previously said played jackson almost always half naked rae role bravely taken christina ricci film unlikely pair cross paths long enough characters learn lesson one another lessons ultimately convey message us audience matter what human one perfect everyone would realize that wed lot better off question understood accepted see film another storybr br one thing debate great jackson ricci here think role sexcrazed woman overacting would given no here ricci breaks demonstrates true talent raw performance also doubles best date jackson completely disappears first time long time makes us forget even is sadly third star film justin timberlake plays raes militarybound boyfriend great start fails miserably appears trying hard later steps some still hes far level reached januarys alpha dogbr br the thing black snake moan boasts splendid soundtrack containing tracks black keys john doe pieces score done scott bomar course four count em four tracks jackson himself actually one songs main performance film stackolee fuel fire great collection alone worth ticket price notable musical delights soundtrack bomars the chain when lights go out black keys title track also among memorable scenes film lazarus sings rae stormy nightbr br the efforts craig brewer cant go without mention though last film hustle flow ended surpassing low expectations gaining critical acclaim put map done black snake moan sets apart newbies industry directed moan also wrote screenplay end result story surprising clever watch feel like know exactly headed despite valiant composure think predicted next move brewer shifts gears takes entirely different route however blotches within screenplay background characters drab flat ending somewhat disappointing left craving something exciting many highs guess final scenes tad weak compared rest filmbr br i imagine majority people see black snake moan enjoy due fact able stop thinking unlikely situations are depressing part many films unlikely even outrageous scenarios widely well received issues race religious motives sexuality film exhibits effect opinion anything idea black man chaining white woman house enough make people even consider seeing it simply put everyone like said fully enjoy go open mind else wasting money that highly recommend it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "make lasting online friends ive never lasting online friendships know games im playing lack people wanting lasting friendship something else often see posts stories group played together years really know though sometimes want play games people like forest example know get it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im lividthis proves cant trust anyone even friggin therapist exploited mepushing program help try get raise promotion something do wrote email administrator feel like need morei want participants program notified immediately sessions talk difficultpainful things things like talking about used training purposes god knows else update asshole therapist fact promoted pushing people dumb unethical programpeople play dirty use people get ahead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "toxic feminism real today discord chat youtubers channel girl said likes boobies replied you look naked mirror guess happens next get banned like cant take joke making one guy said thing would booed perv perfectly fine girl say thing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurt confusioni know do theres group people downstairs left right came in still hear talking cant stand it friends want live house anymore year ago did year ago lived somewhere else want live anymore thought id happy here like people live with friends talk them well can long supposed take make someone like you can wrong cant supposed do never know say head feels like cloud chest feels like cave im interesting im funny i go outside comfort zone talk people every day anything comfortable start comfortable everybody get automatic work hard form every word like anyone else get easier gotten harder know need help getting help while felt good youre supposed medicated life else supposed feel good make progress then ever happen need help need someone help me know works know am know anyone else really hurts hate self pity goes circles cant find way out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "realized followers instagram tf", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost posted cringe big age thats awful anyway im listening lie bts album wings pretty good like it favorite song st century girl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello need helphi alcoholic trying stay sober now think could need help here someone would time would really appreciate it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much cant drive impacted life way feels like personal prison therapy seem work asking overcome situation it advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talking girls early today talking guy said whenever talks girls platonic get creeped high sexual drive walk away let tell you unless like actually handsy saying sexual things sexual girl know level sex drive especially asked howd think lecture girl says one word answer walks away mean creeped sexual drive asked talk girls said show personality interest proceeded say im confusing studying law degree easier talking girls remember guys tpo time p place occasion honestly everything though making friendshipsrelationshipstalking people sex opposite x time girl busy lecture seems like wants go back dormsapartmentnext classwhatever shes going stay around talk guy shes never spoken before periodt continuously strike conversation her youll better chances making friends though place never spoken before youll better chance making friends approach shes people like study grouppartyclub person talk person direct conversation you also apply places people dont conservations in class sit next other talk class hallways standing comfortable blocking peoples way talk lunch everyone going eating breaks conversation without awkward occasion specific reason talk girl itll help conversation flow easier theres test coming up go talk going party go talk event talk event youre excited annoyed about birthday ask shes going shes happy about also aware opposite hours test im pretty sure would rather study talk gameshowhobby", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant keep ittalk abuse ahead guess cant go four years shithole town cant stay college know many horrible people live close want fresh start cant it i cant afford leave cant live anymore cant live town painful memories have im sick passing restaurants im sick hearing name casual conversation worry running father town somewhere living town everyone either ignores treats like scum im sick fucking idiot cant tell directions talk anything himself hate live town person assaulted fucking school bathroom felt class hate constantly hear its four years leave college even want live long boyfriend talked got kitten whos extremely attached me thought id able start start transitioning would new beginning im seeing dim tunnel ahead god damn cant keep it im sorry formattedwritten well am feel like im going vomit guts up one talk already worry everyone life enough get somewhere im probably dramatic really cant live way four years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stop complaining minecraft snapshots geez like seriously play survival minecraft snapshot right complain glitches missing features see often absurd realize unfinished update seriously theres posts rminecraft people full diamond tools probably hours spent playing still go duhhh wheres warden", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "truthwhen making way school bus suffer extreme sun light heat characteristic country near equator constantly gaze clear sky ponder whether life means meaningful byproduct stupidity explanation after many thoughts occur back head one seem fade away put end semieternally painful plain existence today really try keep trying improve grades physics math chemistry admit fact simply good matters ill never be quite hard endure routine knowing procrastinative are friends clearly success even though im hardworking far neither get impeccable results exams struggle resolve even simplest problematics feel numb completely lost driven away focused path following last year accepted participating olympiad class persuaded sign sort proof commited would used case development mathematics physics chemistry bright living nightmare past years many discussions even abdicated completely faith used deity order embrace cold reality little somehow figured life seemed realistic ideals classmates daydreaming today complete fifteen years existence yet discover solution problem everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive attempted redflag twice failed timesi always hear people fail regret afterwards appreciate life again reason dont dont want alive didnt ask this wrong me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jus reminder vote elegible world watching please dont give years man steroids thinks coronavirus like flu mexican heart breaking see families border", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im peer pressured watching jojos prepared resist drugs smoking anime", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive made mindok im sad today fill paperwork guide dogs organisation doctors heres thing ive issues cant go details eat pretty good diet certainly type diet would cause major illness malnourishment feel ok eat onoff problems go away little while come back ive accepted fact health change actually terrible problems get uncomfortable doctors tried help me recurring issues curing properly meaning fix issues come back time due complicating circumstances doctors careful medicines give me means im restricted medications currently taking medicines good thing anyway doctors done best ive tolerated issues long enough im willing keep persisting getting better swimming current guys going start making memories long willing certain point patience finally runs out retiring good luck guys tank support led give much appreciated but ive made decision live much happy life can im saying peace out quality life quantity life me take care guys im putting life order take while doctor comes brilliant solution thats good stands currently im buying time im worn thin life get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going disappear disastrous semester comes end bye bye good luck maybe ill back week really need focus school particular exam season have school rule fail single class once kick out one particular class its physicsrelated fluid dynamics difficult failed last year im worried failing it still confuses heck im scared failing again im going offline tn finals end whole life school fail class again would nothing else could would ashamed keep living want become sicidal vent ill end here anyways good luck exams study well take care drink lots hot lemon tea red bull p", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel truly hollow aloneheya reading ive times awhile back past feel time different probably explain bit case people want understand im coming from name macy im transgender girl recently ive kinda fell fucked place dont think get one awhile back ended leaving highschool social anxiety bullying lack motivation things appease parents got enrolled online classes still legally need school age fifteen basically dropped point life ive able keep social life alive since happens awhile back world works regular teenager friends change time old friends gone really one anymore people online bed online friends arent really close either ive issues past drugs coke acid weed cigs others control part recently ive felt urge might way cope pain feel me thats driving sanity breaking point understand im young probably dont know im talking point life know feel feels really terrible exboyfriend hasnt spoken two weeks really strained mentality left terms close people struggle signs mental illnesses make really dependent clingy im fan self diagnosing therapist said show signs cant really disorder etc adult said would agree show signs things believe might have ive found state constant distraction keep thinking alone pain am eats more really dont know anymore ive tried hotlines past didnt help keep getting urge die something drastic make happy die peace knowing wanted im sorry bad grammar im really best moods proofread rant depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi fello gamers friend made discord whos mostly talk memes play video games skribblio minecraft alien swarm stardew csgo tf valorant together guys girls listen music also separate channel nsfw small enough form sweet community everyone knows otherr comment link d my dms wont work", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "surface reason suicidal thoughts maybe people would think ungrateful really struggle about mean friends support me family financially good always back shit years old grades good college quite good among colleges country difficulties future want give birth want family ambitious career kind passion life anything look forward to why keep feeling burdens end it knew family would devastated would end life blink eye hesitation struggles about", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost everythingi everything could ask past year based career rule moved halfway across country internationally impactful medical research patient took time make sure prepared success problem is policy change made nearly impossible succeed spent four years life based policy path towards becoming doctor left everything pursue this perfect career path beautiful girlfriend great reputation way completing dreams one step success quit chance getting back debt job available im impossible situation rest cohort gone medical school im stuck parents house settling everything wanted lost it moved halfway across country research experience ended position breeding rats brain surgery subsequently decapitating them went immensely happy individual emergency services experience sociopath breeding killing animals middle nowhere paid masters degree would led medical school classmates projects entailed growing cells petri dishes im intense brain work lab animals left everything go back school policy eliminated absolutely chance success im depressed dysfunctional chubby kid growing worked sixpack great grades world feet someone changed rule warning constant thoughts redflag removed program mental health make worse cant think anymore im trapped past dreams taken me wish something blame sickness took everything me accident simply policy changed destroyed career happiest asshole planet im depressed cant function lost job girlfriend reputation career im immense debt want live want dreams back want health back program complete lesser version prior goals settling less im depressed cant think performance great im alone cant focus depression makes one want around me throughout life ive become bilingual saved lives built houses held every job looking purpose found purpose taken me love was now someone changed rule cant function masters program performing well rule changed started meltdowns mental health caused burn bridges ultimately led suicidal thoughts removed program hastily went another program without seeking proper treatment new program incredibly stressful people failing left right basically hunger games version academics put cherry cake discrepancy application could lead rejection im paranoid someone fuck over im debt im furnace stress want out todays world seems like way redflag memories whatifs shouldhavebeens destroying me first thing think wake up cannot produce anything aside ruminating im dead inside feel like joke everything lost all career ruined someone changing rule id love go something else debt really permit it emergency fund multiple plans redflag im immensely ashamed myself basically got fucked tried patient cost everything im quitter now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help prevent redflag httpswwwchangeorgpfaberandfaberpreventnovelredflagstopromanticizingredflaghttpswwwchangeorgpfaberandfaberpreventnovelredflagstopromanticizingredflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god college makes fucking miserable people crack pressure shatter like fucking glass", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eveningim really never sure im supposed write here think im writing hope someone read say consider it im sure theres anything take consideration doubt anything could taken away reading thoughts anything positive case thank taking time anyway happen reading this feel weighed societal expectations way need speak intonation language expected go life functioning person work voice really small thing always annoys me feels disingenuous like that like im betraying living lie really cant stand it pretty childish way think understand think ill ever get it see dehumanizing factory standard planned mechanical theres warmth there nothing guess complaints living similar vein call deviant contexts theres feels theres point feel life im sitting here desk computer paid money car end day ill freely admit this know im unique far distract myself im going eat food im going go bed ive finished tequila go work company feels nothing people know beside show me enjoy this know fact raised type people who problem anything something working right would fix that immediately taught teach fix things solve problems ive chronic depression entire life nothing feel like fix this problem cant fixed fucking love living idea sensation look universal scale fucking amazing think reason plan see happens create shape view complex patterns shapes experience simple part hearing tones certain order make electricity brain different things special would take involuntary mood swings voices head telling want die parts go away would love it live planet people see things way do people understand basic idea cause effect could apply them people see everyone else perceived wealth ignorance plan sociopathy culturally socially reinforced nihilism understand people could fucking arrogant beautiful gorgeous possibility people ruin it thats see anyway see way change people change situation sorry seems dramatic im glad write thoughts maybe ill go live pond write book it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every time someone says see professional much closer killing myselfi see professionals take medicine nothing helps one find solution stop every time someone says reinforces one answer pain forever die please someone help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want overeverything life feels wrong bad good know bad levels fine far know lack effort putting means get bad results pointless not care anyway boyfriend moving countries months amount time left gone im going kill myself thought wanted one summer wont able go without him im sick every day feeling alive finish writing notes everyone ill ready", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "movie brilliant srks acting amazing end incredibly sad cry every time see film kind never get sick of see again absolutely amazingly brilliant movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "inadvertently caused guinea pigs death feel fucking guilty dont know go onthis sounds frivolous stupid im already depressed one guinea pigs passed away love dearly left lid cage open kitten went wanted play caused pig heart attack wasnt home drive minutes get back bury him freezing cold time got home im fucking sick cant fucking believe caused this would still hadnt fucked up cannot handle killed him took life pure innocent one fuck going go conscience im vegan im hurting animal fucking killed baby want curl fucking die want swallow pills done id literally give life come back jesus christ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "low effort titles look found wish im giving a first purchase code ybfxrdb httpsdlwishcomevxq", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes look couples shows think aw want seems special", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got thigh highs bunny ears halloween tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im gonna todayschool horrible cant switch online either im taking bunch pills get shower tonight", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "_ moments guys ever moments u wish earth would swallow could yearn invisible", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time take fuckin step back tik tokshoot ik came across video girl telling people slash tires knife slash last different knife get done fraud even joke psycho deadass gunna this says give nicotine gum without knowing hes away feels like shit like bro nicotine isnt something fuck with fuckin end shit shouldnt said im thinking guys worry false rape allegations set fraud secretly addicted highly addictive substance bro idc joke psycho deadass gunna get idea from you psycho banshee bitch id rather dick poked rusty needles date toxic ass andddd fuckin cherry top tells people get rid hickeys finna cheat get dude addicted nicotine frame fraud cheat tldr people telling others frame people fraud get addicted nicotine partner wont leave get rid hickeys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone ottawa ontario im looking people ottawa area talk to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say know documentaries mister rnek knew get well made piece movie documentary disappointed history nerd saw hundreds documentary liked different approach workbr br the director consultants historians veteran families tried access reality gallipoli letters solders sides so history followed british australian turkish soldiersbr br narrated docu jeremy irons sam neill boost intensity emotionality documentary great voicesbr br i saw film cinema italy dolby surround buy dvd last year wait years next work talented director good documentariesbr br summary well made intense history emotions wrapped war documentary great narrators", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna end it goodbyeim sick people sick talking sick breathing sick thinking know people miss cant live anymore pain im years old established depression depression years light characteristics autism im good situation im laying bed serveral months im tired depressed social anxiety addicted selfharm playing videogames fappingwatching porn it gave good feeling im feeling lonely want lonely sounds weird consider redflag rope couple months ago painful scars selfharm left arm cry fast mother father seperateddivorced years old mentally mistreated long time stepfather beat mom see stepfather threaten say mom otherwise beat up stepfathers total feel like everyone get really mad people swipe me im done world everyone understand kinda thing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reviewing random things every day get boyfriend day day ok listen may may missed past days thats ok cos none seen posts honestly know fuck going ill continue post ok today im reviewing quarantine basically already quarantined months since march september honestly worst thing could happened other actually getting sick course might quarantine days friend honestly annoying basically lot anxiety i started gcses im really uptight person missing school last thing need right now friend keeps telling quarantine great get nothing im like well good doesnt care school coz even school feel like im falling behind im rly im considered one smart people anxiety levels absolutely roof wont allow appreciate fact im literally ahead like subjects whatever probably made sense ok needed vent second ya know well overall score quarantine still even though hate coz fucking important people dont quarantine symptoms fucking suck anyways hope lovely day guys lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got kiss girlfriend first time today literally shaking way home house excitement love god damn much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anything anymore everything getting worseso obligatory blah blah bah sob story makes sound like martyr years ago got diagnosed medical condition makes things pain course extremely severe one doctor went believed bad course parents find new doctor obviously im trying get school spent years life worst pain ive ever felt constantly leave classes degrading embarrassing failing school convince parents let take online schoolonly emphasize much disgrace worthless am get far behind online schooling deep really believe make years absolutely nothing going right now cant even go public anymore without pain even martyr thats really it course theres token grandma dying cancer take care of really person convinced cared me theres more feel like martyr yeah now fucking future think id make far second thoughts fuck up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell shes flirting jokeplatonically seriously ive talking one girl little bit treats like friend would flirt lot even though lot memes still flirting dont know whether push further id wanted to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anime bad anime bad think bad scale rate want know others think", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone tory anyone support british conservative party", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "australian chat lines closed need talkas title aussie lines closed spent skype minute phone call number lifeline irc here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys remember post much lgbt stuff subreddit uh yeah im sure made", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give answer guyshey guys young man cis region little bit lost studying abroad made decision change country subject studies done everythingsuccessfully enrolled another university unfortunately got half scholarship wanted mother supporting application processalso friends supported me came home got information decided tell father elder brother brother completely disappointed decision told wont let ruin life mother changed mind dayso told studying business useless cant finish current studieshow sure finish future business degreethat weaka failure made everyone suffer selfishthat wasted lots money me people things dont wanna dobut supposed to family members lot problems think even worse problems dobut wanted make everything better family said many horrible thingsthat would never say thembut understand that diagnosed clinical depression brother laughed it dont know anymore maybe righti got sick mindset stupid unrealistic thoughts closest people lost faith me realize fault didnt fulfill parents expectations dont understand point view anymore sent back place dont wanna studybe couldnt anything agree fault super selfish decided enroll university completely different country kinda dream would say planned lot things except one feel super badi cant sleepgot constant headache getting little crazy even though trying stay strong want disappear leave worst mark familys lifeit break completely till end days think better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like wow think suicide everyday past year half year chronic suicidal thoughts talking plan aftermath death like others react etcrecently decided wanted end suffering went online bought drug do ask arrived hands easy access takes little even know dead thinking myself wow easy huh dead makes suffering longer existent everything fine now no much hard that permanent solution palm hands take it desire met much power held hand right finally make decision came moment came realize want die want end suffering looking drug hand gives fear redflag worry many different emotions looking makes feel uneasy want best me feel choice take dark route solution feels impulsive bought this must feel like choice now could once realized answer feel like one time conflicting gives comfort knowing access it decide take it prevent enough living really enough enough even working towards something here suffer people tell stay answer still deciding way know thinking suicide plan like walk park presented permanent solution problem palm hand becomes difficult thing ever commit to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always happen me thought time bring good grades maths online test turns fate currently feeling upset sitting bathtub india must excel maths take science th grade dang difficult mins questions markbut reality take longer time probably marksi telling man hypocrisy school give less time high difficulty time cheating like defeating thanos almost impossible searched questions google half cant even found ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so stepbro cant wait till first girlfriend will help everything pay dates gets girl first get girlfriend first life living hell dunno im sadistic sometimes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "took mg tylenol pills last night still alivefor past days ive trying trying myself sunday took xanax pills passed somehow managed call ex boyfriend said saved life making heart beat faster next day yesterday tried mixing half bottle wine extra strength mg tylenol pills woke hours later sweating incredibly nauseous going slowly die would rather quick way ive trying someone let know thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "second attempt time im going iti tried thousand things make happy exciting life active end day lay head thinking what point yet find answer wearing life away goes edit thank everyone wonderful people making sure put much thought make mistake going continue posting make decision let know edit going go longboarding hour so usually calms may help sort thoughts out ill back long hopefully edit decided easy way out thank guys much great deal said gave positive outlook talked close friend well helped great deal couple posts giving advice correctly reported everyone positive advice given real life karma saving life thank much live long prosper", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last wordsim leaving like name scribbled wall something proves existed all longer live feel something inside gone out cant feel joy anymore barely leave room cant hold conversation im thankful meeting great people life ive always always loved matter what hopefully theyll remember that im sad leaving behind late might understand given time tonight im going read favourite book put favourite album drift forever whoever are sincerely hope great life wish best come terms decision im longer scared im going look stars one last time window im going close eyes sleep forever edit im still open speak anyone nearly time im listening nujabes finished reading beowulf im waiting stars become little clearer amazing human interaction last hours care every one hope journey takes new exciting places even im long gone forgotten somehow im still going tomorrow ill let know message comes brief time earth over im religious next life ill put good word you farewell good luck update various kind amazing people talked decision made doubt it logged reddit tried anyway im like that pretty halfhearted attempt method got really high kill me woke feeling like shit im still here update spoke close relation told feeling last night im going doctors seek treatment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subreddit yalls maymay know existive seeing lot teens lately absolutely fine teen too quite frequently however ive noticed years even though everyone super great supportive helpful sometimes need people age relate everyday issues adolescents exception so want link rteenageredflagwatch thats okay yalls sorry already done ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stress killing mei suicidal thoughts long time stress killing me feel dumb im fortunate lucky get well paying job lucky enough afford school met amazing woman wife hard juggling school work work fast paced exhausts me school suffers too even though im almost done work hard stresses cause fights wife deserve it everything wanted stress hurts heart always feel foggy quick get angry feel broken always hut wife lately weve fighting every day me feel exhausted", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag considered bad person unhappyi think least x weekly shunned general society matter anyone else unhappy dont want continue way yes love family friends im liking life looking end today honest question keep seeing told wrong is", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "idk go mental hospital notf ive felt suicidal since march ive iop php programs still dont feel good im still kind scared might myself time mental hospital sounds terrifying id go public one probably stay er three days even got real psych ward part wants let get worse finally commit part wants try options anything irreversible advice would nice thanks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so told crush liked them title says all last night around am said love you explained further kinda happened felt really weird tbh honestly didnt expect fantasies come true response though preeetty cool kinda shakey it became reality guess im pretty happy nervous too hell im still confused even happened felt still feels like fever dream advice thee it coward set deadline however small large is aligned crescendo favourite song though replayed bit minideadline fanfare terrifying terrific trembles dont pussy self destruct seconds minutes hours", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone remember time fortnite actually popular among teenagers like around mostly high school kids played fortnite little kids", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ringing ears taking shower took shower ringing left ear think cant really tell cause really loud kind repeating ringing pattern second ringing second break second ringing repeats wanted share pain im experiencing perhaps got water ear something itll stop bit dont know thanks reading post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cantwhy like want friend want someone care want worthy i hurt bad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "elite ones get", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else like indie pop whatever called rn yeah drop playlists drop even dont heres minehttpsopenspotifycomplaylisthinwxyphmkvbydliccsicetyllydrlghkpbkrjruba", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help anyone know anything overdosinghey guysgirls develop tolerance using h heroin week bro overdosed last year im wheelchair accident wife left well please god let suffering end ive tried od finally peace see best friend again snorting mixing heavy doses valium alcohol seem trick wake day later covered vomit think box mg valiums half g china white would trick maybe tolerance ive month trying kill ive experienced non fatal overdoses fuck sake want free hell anyone help me shoot whole g china heroin well mg valium surely would it not looking advice changing life staying positive please comment shit looking advice cannot take anymore thank heaps advice ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well shit am cant go sleep anyone want talk anything standard stuff dm ask dm want filler filler filler bot doesnt take", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "new im new reddit general cant post weekends is particular reason", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im thinking deleting reddit running away never coming back feel like ruining mental health like want get rid it i", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help girl agreed meet get drink ask free wednesday im free thursday saturday says oh not say cant says oh htf response oh say available anyway actually date", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gender sexuality even need label ive crisis last hour kind realized things used think im bi preference women thinking realized im specific genderers like feminity im attracted girls trans girls femboys really care whole gender stuff also even tho im biologicaly girl almost completly happy it sometimes feel like crossdressing basically trying boy even day would make feel bit better im sorry offended anyone im confused keep looking answers ignore labels me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres one way story endi survived escaped abusive relationship years ago id since withdrew social situations worse day relationship take gfs mom hospital tried take life medication overdose months later pin gf ground snatch bloody knife hands trying cut wrists threatened frame physical abuse knew get out move countries drop college spent whole year crippling depression gained lot weight following year finally thought getting back decent life herniated disc able walk properly months now friends keep behaving poorly parents broke relations sister way fulfill professional goals cannot walk properly again craving human connection hug someone confide in keep getting pain back leg cannot exercise trying quit smoking keep failing im basically worthless individual right way end death im may come naturally im scared ill end taking lire one day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "consent hot overdo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "asked crush out today told crush also friend feeling told loves friend tbh feel bad fell great feelings change mean break friendship always friend great one fellow teens want say that crush likes friend way do break bond feelings understand cherish friendship rather breaking ps also love one go ahead tell might get another chance would late life big live every moment fullest ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "final rejectionthis weird kind long one im sex worker dancer ive job since covid yesterday got group text saying friend needs girls payed vegas trip asked us send photos well today learned texted us want knew wouldnt get picked always get rejected im ugly all since childhood ive always rejected found today friends picked not diagnosed borderline personality disorder treated bipolar since kindergarten ive tried kill self times since today never see friends again im kid gets picked last now know may sound dumb ive much rejection cant anymore clicked im researching helium redflag feels like way finally get peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watched avatar movie shit disappointment immeasurable day ruined fuck would actually prefer show", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "look bee ampxb beehttpspreviewredditmikfzknpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsafdfbeebbfafdc", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "perfect date update first post page girl went meteor shower update so instead prom dresses ended wearing cute outfits skirts talked around fire laid blanket watched stars even saw couple meteors night friends listened music including dodie clark sang along one friends leave friend bf saying goodbye turned old show choir performance whole minute dance it afterwards finally decided go home meteor shower otw back house got stuck behind train like minutes spent time jamming music laughing talking lot fun even went little bit drive backroads near house finally getting home watched others tik toks and showed one shirt shower shoulders omg attractive family went sleep decided smoke together ended getting high ass somehow inhaling wrong used half kart trying get high pen died i let use much love kart temporary future girlfriend forever fell asleep couch others arms seriously cuddling left next morning promised wed get high together another time sure she got home day found indeed inhaling wrong trying essential oil vape since weve hanging much texting frequently fun conversations even made joke said id whisk away house called knight shining armor said gonna write story ab ended drawing picture knight suit princess dress sent her loved it even called princess morning form of good morning princess brings us today asked wanted us stop work us friend driving around said sure otw asked also wanted get sweet frog works right across one said shed get shift over it got excited said yes didnt ride back home back sweet frog asked could stay job said sure closed id wait outside it freezing btw obliged meant time her got around friend said hi friend leave left alone crush job hour half really fun talking bit helped stock everything customer needed help like cookbook smh said id watch cart left ended getting busy bit waited aisle good minutes looking crayola products twirling kid batons came back came back got excited show something shed gotten walking around apparently one regular customers named santa who looks like santa signed postcard gave her shared enthusiasm showing book aisle read gone made animal noises stuff leave alone bored announced store closing went front walk out found already locked doors one employees come unlock me decided let know id staying outside case got curious said ill sitting waiting fot someone know im weirdo waiting here worker told could stay inside waiting happily accepted stood front waited another minutes crush ready go got work walked car drove sweet frog got car walked inside decided match froyo flavors get different toppings bcs im indecisive ash left eat car sat watched tokomaru compilations cosplaying characters making ship content soon hehe talked favorite shows school stuff quarantine finished froyo headed home raining pretty hard heater way windows foggy trouble driving made back house alive lol got back unbuckled put empty froyo containers dash excitedly leaned hug embraced arms way around buried head crook neck seconds hug froyo containers fell ruining moment went pick up debated whether hug again decided to leaned another hug head neck groaned wanna leave said aww finally pulled away looked eye tell butterflies mean it seriously thought second kiss even made like smooch sound blew kiss go gets nervous driving super late grabbed froyo containers promised hang asap made smooch sound blew kiss back her said i love you other walked house tldr meteor shower went great girl hung today dropped hugged broke hug pick fallen trash continued hug seprated made eye contact could feel tension air eventually blew kisses other said love you left", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see point anymorei laugh smile enjoy things one really notices cares do anything anyone whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont get itwhat point living know rest years plagued misery loneliness okay many us keeps going im running things keep going im getting tired people thinking depression something want want this want feel normal whatever normal is", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucki flight hours alone wrote pages kill self boyfriend says hes ex never be cant this im ready", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want feminine like guys feminine dont know explain it im girl masculine pretty nice since ya know really something thats expected be dont want guy tho cant explain well masculine girl feminine guy seems nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "putting one word castratikron complete whole song day born filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dear lord throat hurts like feels uncomfortable swallowing somewhat hurts thats fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression failurewhen forced see psychologist cutting pretty badly even razors serrated knives deliberately saw with despite something fucked up diagnosis nothing apparently wanted attention kind fucking loser cuts attention im fucking years old im still loser ive never relationship went five years college got degree working days week two part time jobs making barely enough pay loan debt friends hate im piece shit im constantly thinking redflag even fail that post sob story reddit like little bitch still looking attention let familyi let friends let everyone ive ever met ive never followed anything ive ever promised life someone please fucking kill know note im aware fact cant really diagnose me im ranting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive fool im home alone cat instead ill like dame da ne dame wo dame dame wohttpsyoutubeziwrvmvomi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi exist one cares tho anyway filler time asleep right im thats great like city love cities trains also drawing geography live best city world anyway filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler anyway good night say anyway lot realize", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well done spooky horror movie povertyrow film company prc usually put really cheesy films like devil bat flying serpent german expatriate director wisbar wonders small budget studiobound swamp set gaunt ghoulish charles middleton effective strangler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im play one without scripti never get social cues anymore read peoples emotions faces anymore ive started isolate everybody tbh know happened me used different social many friends guess must caught something makes complete socially awkward person now anxiety get well makes life fucking hard live moments want turn mind increasingly reaching limit feel fucking retarded ive tried get help many times many occasions obvious time ive suppressed im going make sure anymore might read couple weeks think damn would fucking consider that makes much sense thats im conflicted do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got destroyed mother said know get news faster you say memes reddit mother like social life comeback one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "technoblade quotes until get compliment you steal many presents orphans possible", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really bad spot right honestly know nobody ask helpi shitty eastern european country live alone money food left supposed wait end month get money scholarship university supposed get month got postponedi tried everything charity city food pantries like usa even church could get help nothing else besides phone need take online examsi amhungry tired anxious cannot even sleep redflag feel life completely done nobody ask help asked made feel like piece shit askingi know anyone talk please calm down rock bottom alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck awards no like seriously every post exploded awards get gotten free awards explain people bombareded even gold platinum someone please tell going on purge final ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think shirt girls diisaugxyxufidoaofiduwisiofifidofpfpeidi", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see sexy women get horny like im teenagers horny watched cardi bs new ig post bikiniand big tits fat ass shes super hotand didnt get horny go watch see im talking about normal lmao", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sort tore arm boiling over trigger self harmi am say least angry so fucking angry harmed least four years made redflag attempts seven might mighty mind diagnosed depression bipolar disorder pretty young say entered mind though fuck id love bite right now life huge fucking struggle like tearing muddy hill im getting god damn place it put abusive situation told graduated could move on put stop abusive situation at least physically decided fucking hang there little bit longer job im fighting like hell get money move east coast working shitton hours week buck fifty minimum wage without overtime fuck entertainment fuck everything entertainment primary person position so people flake get called in come in shitton work next day d hours everyones schedule money assorted bullshit leaves little time hobbies dicking around fine ive gotten point little makes happy used draw anymore little interest everything ive managed doodle produce comes shit cant put lines save life not could before especially cant right now games get pointless repetitive play amount time even sand boxes talking so fun im lousy fucking better half interest sewing cant afford sewing machine timepatience needle thread shit once result utter crap kept falling apart ive fighting fighting fighting little headway towards moving leech parent love dearly spite bullshit put through kicker though least another half year if longer move that friends called boil point trapped tore arm teeth nails minimal damage remembered used sort shit hate momentary loss self control another rather logical approach biting bullet thats lot easier ignore nailtooth marks however maybe im used now idea point is really anyone talk get upsetdismissive leads getting angry withattacking more loss control im shitty person accept this im sorry peer group lol im going rant go bed buck morning good sleep as much doubt happening tldr trappedtrappedtrappedtraptrappedtraptraptraptrappppedfuckmetrapped situation person id murder painful way possible oh mention like leg fucking snare chew bitch off thats exactly want right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "must admit reason bought movie big fan gackt huge fan hyde expecting good movie lot shots were shall say pleasing feminine eye slightly cheesy story mean synopsis sounded really there finished watching feel need tell world brilliance hyde gackt gave heartwrenching performances eyes still hot crying lasted throughout last half movie get sucked story really feel characters end element vampirism love easy overdo ruin movie subtly mixed storyline make something merely exotic normal setting rather random unnecessary addition story ranked firstand went back tried think giving last point came nothing ten ten is im much critic fact im bothering write review means either really hate movie really love it tell side im moon child", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "refuse wake years still hate existenceim glad realized fantasy people call life nothing death im glad realized pointless everything young age feel privileged mindset eliminating myself hesitations slowly fading plans slowly unfolding soon ill another statistic fear dying also despise living see one passions outweighs other", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "supposed be kid past future movie lot problems ghost strong kid man piece crap im still confused also supposed abortion strange strange movie mess mind scary confusing he did the oh cares milo worth itbr br my score ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag mixing cleaning productsdoes anyone know actually deadly effects mixing cleaning products like bleach urban legend seems bleach ammonia isnt actually deadly mix extremely unpleasant one", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought might interesting tell least one personwarning might long preface this reason post im killing tomorrow big surprise there know kinda want toi guess honest once even though acknowledge pretty crazy start guess ill start first redflag attempt i through comical set circumstances somehow instead dying planned way reached final stage hypothermia instead minutes away death apparently mother unexpectedly came home instead going work she lost contact lens come home get replacement called ambulance survived record mental hospital sent got icu completely useless literally could gotten help subwayor hell even gamestop im glad place shut not gonna mention name anyways decided bide time years trying since everyone vigilant eventually discovered lucid dreaming interestinginsane part comes completely understand seems extremely delusionaljust plain crazy since completely indifferent living past an arbitrary year decided deadline started thinking could get unconscious could benefit me gonna get initial ideas meandering journey refinementpivots basically wanted make lucid dreaming state permanent im awake anyone whos lucid dreamed knows unconscious pretty damn amazingand definitely tell organic supercomputer wanted try leverage lucid dreaming state make unconscious alter genetic code creating refinements brain function form after modeling different neural structures calculate best possible performance then eventually alter genetics body would develop nanotechnology nano materials nano bots etc would enable make better changes faster so sum upmy goal recursiveself improvement familiar term know im little ambitious hehehe so attaining recursiveself improvement id gather resources fix planets climateecosystem basically goal everything else coming improve cognition enough make intelligent decisions know sounds pretty damn crazy figured possible fuck try goaldelusion thing kept killing past ish years unfortunately lucid dreaming difficult mention changed ideas going alot recently took growing psilocybin mushrooms effort utilize enhanced neurogenesis thinned barrier conscious unconscious try make lucid dreaming state permanent obviously post ive given up ive spent nearly decade shit ive come end patience anybody else manages it im happy you me im killing tomorrow shout amazon day delivery convenient gotta admit kinda nice finally tell someone ive trying last ish years even bunch strangers internetthen again maybe thats whole reason feels good worry anybody trying stop stuffing mental hospital sorry long post way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody summer school high school so yeah im failing classes tried best five months cant anymore online school turns brain fucking mush california schools opening irl april im already failing hella dont know help anymore dont end getting shit together end year need go summer school im repeating courses next year anyone whos summer school it like easier harder stressful lemme know plz", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "went jack like th time today decided im tired horny hell gets accomplished jack off feel good seconds feel hollow again much dick hurts ache", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brother brother makes mad hes racist homophobic makes fun self harm fucking time tells kill much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "blade pillow singing me cant escape melodymy thighs healed making room let pain flow free canvas empty allowing bleed onto floors thought touching razor causes heart skip beat like seeing girl love period together weeks since ive touched now calls louder before killing lungs juul longer fill void need feel sting razor slides across skin im tired want non existent", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gotta love going back school first day back also week exams lot reviewing person do naturally break wifi cant use chrome books review", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "livehey im fairly new subreddit reddit general came sole purpose venting ill get right it im basically alive obligation parents siblings delve that probably describe myself im short overweight relationships outside family im utterly hopeless cowardly depraved piece human garbage im afraid practically everything thats much exaggeration talk friends sometimes makes feel like people talk to im college want go to studying career really care for again matter much clue want anyway talents hobbies interests complain never time rest get time overwork instead work deadend shitty retail job guess perfect job someone motivation anything used play video games even anymore whine friends im afraid try make friends complain everything never try change anything im already feel like theres basically nothing look forward to constantly constantly think killing myself remind parents siblings would upset died still expectations me expectations cant hope fulfill im planning waiting parents siblings die finally end miserable useless life without anyone remember me luckily im youngest child wait decades fact feel shred anything typing probably concerning conclusion feel desire live capacity sorry length spelling errors", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "way outthis might sound ridiculous really bad fight boyfriend im different state visiting family staying moms house mom want stay dont want anymore feel trapped talking like couldnt hear them earlier offered take someone elses house told yes didnt want to house pretty far anyone else could stay with ive asking family get let stay house theyre asleep take medicine soon anti depressants would easy overdose dont escape right now trust know sounds ridiculous kill fight boyfriend literally choice trapped right now feel suffocated want end im sorry everything formatted typed like shit really cant bring correct anything right now id embarrassed redflag attempt survived least would get fucking house dont expect anyone read whole thing feel hopeless trapped want", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ight hear racist towards southeast asians heard alot people angry asians shits wild want people spam", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "literally found reason wanna kids earlier today park friends right little seven year old named anthony wanted push swings like pity first getting mad one pushing him yeah start pushing like five minutes holy shit hes adorable bro much fun swings literally made happy see little kid genuinely happy like ten minutes friends im still pushing yes ofc nice cool backwards hat akdjsndbdb beyond adorable istfg okay thats love anthony lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want real school back online school tiring like fall asleep every single day took away pe class online school restarted march cant socialize online school focusing ability fell floor and probably took grades along restart online school cant play chess friends break start online school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f mei cant take life anymore everything falling apart nothing ever same worst thing thats happening right brother arrested something horrible cant talk anybody still ongoing matter whole family torn apart this mom wont even talk shes concerned him im afraid shes going spend families money college fund him feel like selfish piece shit even worrying right now even found yesterday wanted kill myself ive wanting kill long time dont think anything matters anymore cant imagine feeling worse right now ive suicidal before ive mental hospital twice raped ive suicidal ideation long time pretty much long remember even though family gave financial help could always sad child molested starting age older boss restaurant worked at went college raped guy thought really liked me dumb think anyone could like me im extremely fat ugly one even believe rape police made feel like fault couldnt cope trauma rape dropped college started drinking heavily raped several times got bad situations know fault things got little better stopped drinking started going therapy happened brother see going horrible downward spiral dont think anything ever get better dont think theres hope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guys im lunch right wanna spam notifications see english class care spam letter want ton", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going enoughhello took mg oxycontin mg clonopin mb xanax quite bit alcohol plan ust lay bed wait fall sleep anyone experiences doses like thesey short money could like hear suffice to get job donel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pain life know ache know keep awake tonight fills dread hate braces tightened", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "free cuddles rona anyone preferably girls cuz im better girls guys too wants cuddle rona comment pls d requirements must pedophile must nice person must fully vaccinated must teen preferably girl guys allowed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mg xanax l wine want wake kill me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "else care girlfriend cries girlfriend life im alone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "s often regarded golden age british television comedy period saw numerous classic sitcoms well sketch shows monty pythons flying circus period was however emphatically golden age british film comedy worked well television rarely transferred successfully big screen triumphant exceptions rule provided pythons best films monty python holy grail life brian different conception tv showbr br the main problem adapting sitcoms cinema concepts devised fit bbcs minute slots minutes itv find room commercials always work well expanded feature film three four times long people remember film versions of say up pompeii steptoe son affection television versions case many classic tv comedy shows some mothers ave em yes minister fawlty towers the goodies attempt made film all grateful characters michael crawfords frank spencer john cleeses basil fawlty hilarious halfhour doses doubt would remain funny two hours one comedy programme albeit dramatisation comic novel rather sitcom normal sense might worked cinema the fall rise reginald perrin hopes film dashed tragically early death star leonard rossiterbr br dads army one television sitcoms period turned decent film about one think porridge possibly unusually large number welldeveloped characters derived humour interactions them original sitcom ran told misadventures home guard platoon small seaside town walmingtononsea the home guard initially known local defence volunteers auxiliary militia world war ii made up part men old serve regular forces film version threeact drama act deals formation platoon recruitment members act ii cause havoc army training exercise act iii succeed capturing group nazi airmen whose plane shot downbr br the three key players drama platoons commander captain george mainwaring arthur lowe two subordinates sergeant arthur wilson john le mesurier corporal jack jones clive dunn mainwaring civilian life local bank manager fussy little man peering world pair thick spectacles takes initiative forming home guard unit appoints commander pompous officious exaggerated sense importance powers leadership sort man suffer fools gladly and george mainwarings worldview term fool covers rest human race does however good qualities motivated genuine patriotic idealism capable great physical courage shown encounter germansbr br wilson mainwarings deputy bank two men different character something emphasised difference appearance wilson tall thin whereas mainwaring short stout comes across intelligent better educated boss his accent suggests may former public schoolboy nevertheless ended playing second fiddle civilian military life probably sort passive personality leads pessimism defeatism inability take anything altogether seriously jones old soldier runs local butchers shop his promotion corporal due mainly ability bribe mainwaring black market sausages enthusiasm new role matched incompetence ability cause chaos although catchphrase dont panic prone panicking given opportunitybr br several members platoon featured private fraser dour scottish undertaker even pessimist wilson catchphrase were doomed man doomed private godfrey gentle old man whose main concern whereabouts nearest lavatory private walker sharp cockney spiv private pike another bank employee spoilt mummys boy pikes mother wilsons mistress although wilson tries keep liaison secret disapproving mainwaring two significant outsiders mildmannered vicar arp warden mainwarings detested enemy quite equal pompousness officiousnessbr br there occasional bawdy doubles entendres keep hands privates mainwaring ostensibly referring soldiers hold rank television show surprisingly free innuendo its creators david croft jimmy perry would later go create comedy shows are served hidehi notorious suggestive humour film does however preserve much mixture gentle wit nostalgia sharp characterisation made tv series successful ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hihi name elle really yes ive clinically depressed years im yk im fucking lonely im really fucking close losing shiit laugh lol im laughing today particularly sad one regardless im angry im frustrated im alone wish neurotypical wish brain worked way depressed people wish cared wish cared school health anything really wish cared", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "left drawing redflaghey guys want start saying know personally heard went traumatic events father also involved older sister mom called friends mom told son years old killed monday night cutting wrist mom told friends mom left drawing table did shes trying figure means didnt send picture told looked like drew friends mom said like mom described her chance would guys know means", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "buy star wars commando ive looking getting dont know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best nut fuck cashew nuts macadamia us im", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " nights saga story heart crushed friend mine told post story here so sorry spelling mistakes im brazil ok everyone m going talk story v v f classmate since start developed crush her big coward nothing guess what started crush best friend received role bff accepted it better nothing me time goes best friend hates previous fights stuff continued like him still friendzone ended finally giving crush anymore knew time going come time flies beginning stll kissed one ever went party friends end this need open parathensis talk cousin p m cousin practically brother me p total opposite me popular ladies athletic one day talking v school suddenly asks kiss cousin responded to would pissed asks why cant tell school like her get me right say cousin accepts clear going mad it respects bff parathensis over lets talk first night night went kind night club friends score chicks night goes on kiss girls king night lol really happy talking friend mine suddenly says yo look v p corner turn around are kissing a lot see this turn around go straight bathroom sad dissapointed them values friendship much would something hurt me p he kind knew liked her would also something hurt me lost thoughts bathroom friend called come back party go back v comes straight asking mad say yes apologizes asks mad confess crush justify angriness said was tell me remember made really clear would get mad hooked up p parents told cant fight family girls really angry him dissapointed really first night over hope still shot her second night time kind street party carnival brazil got dangerous robberies group split up guys one shopping including cousin p girls one eating suddenly v calls me party completely wasted even stand normally calls says hey really need please come need you think myself well then time come tells everyone going gather hall building talk tell come go together house says ok arrives proceeds to grab p tries forcingly kiss him p remembers want happen turns head away avoiding kiss immediately like wtf still continue go building arriving there p sits bench v comes tries forcefully kiss again p leans head way back avoid that confused really pissed tell p get getting fuck outta there get home v calls me tell fuck off want talk her insists accept call starts talk drunk want again fool go soft forgive her third final night night chaos p went birthday party friend ours v there course got there kind drunk already get pissed v drunk really annoying party goes on circle talking friend mine whose name f side v comes says f oh p funny everyone chocked look her look obviously ignore clearly drunk night goes on ride coming now p side v proceeds say exact words oh p really need kiss right lets go please p hesistant still gets carried hand watch go dark corner completely devastated stomach starts hurt get dizzy friends even vs best friend started say nice things me worst part full minutes get corner p gets car me complete akward silence way home friday next monday v comes apologizing acnoledges mistake all then gives ultimatum tired situation let pass let kiss p try forget orr talk anymore forget feelings her course go second option stand watching together go away her quaratine came still forgot her six months text see forgot her tell no hard apologizes fellas indeed hitting girls truly unforgettable friends mine tell stop little bitch forget already move on people understand side considering calling ending previous deal guys think whole story", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal dreamsi vivid suicidal dreams last night jumping front train today im travelling train im scared ive planned im going it theres stopping train passes around station never busy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried years cant anymoreyou know feel like persevered lot grew taking care severely ill mother father worked long hours take care medical bills even money family keep fed count one hand number times went clothes shopping family horribly narcissistic even let take advantage full college scholarship needed housekeeping family super bigoted wouldve disowned came transgender never actually came them thus sacrificing happiness also sacrificed grades social life them moved shunned socially awkward cast aside longterm boyfriend transgender suffer bone structure issues legs disallow walking properly makes difficult hold job struggled keep employed town retail chief field employment back living bigoted terrible family make feel like less person daily basis want die cant live awful goddamn people anymore worthless enough justify keeping alive anymore resolved fact tomorrow nights night", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "arguments proanti free will claritys sake whether personally believe product environment meaning factors as raised us live socioeconomical status etc determine become choices make long make said choices also believe people change change environment thoughts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "do grew strict christian household dad mom spurred religious stuff siblings recently told believe god still make terrible efforts try convince bible true beliefs interfered education going without high school diploma unwillingness put school instead give christianbased curriculum ponder rely internet tried best get license money take it job lost birth certificate cant take first driving test fucking problems make life living hell wake up try convince im okay over try quelm good time friends like drink too legal drinking like course care admit sometimes like get drunk came home one night parents could smell alcohol today mom asked drink all parents burden life much try say needs get shit together cant help think ill probably happier college own without license right none that except depression religious parents without saying go hand hand young adult problem need leave asap", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "killing practical thing situationi want kill birthday month wanted said id wait til case things got better got worse going homeless im disabled cant work get situation people like me without friends family disabled always end shittiest situations homeless forced sell things money raped beaten robbed look upon etc dont know want deal kill avoid stress shitty life id end living im homebound means never able leave house ill like sleeping car time scares me dont even blinds windows plan try use towels hot af out makes symptoms worse like ill miserable literally nothing like im already nothing huge waste life hate im lived fucking years waste like somebody else years added life instead boring idk im rambling think im really going kill almost night like easy kill thinking thing gives peace right", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heck hummus smoothie bean paste dream", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homehome break feel alone brings back feelings people miss dearly people used life bed makes feel like sleeping never getting up place heavily associated many issues ive escaped away college toxic", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck want die christmas eve good life apparently friends girlfriend however family hates wants die leave cant stop remembering past idea kill months worth wellbutrin months worth seroquel want take end all past fucking haunting cant get it know anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag tolerance already zero contemplating suicide lot didnt want see would lead didnt want brothers incredibly lucky got referred good psychologist like hes helping problems getting rehabilitation welfare hassle constantly talk new counselors psychologists psychiatrists triggers breakdowns hate talking strangers im ashamed all hate share truly feel strangers makes real", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cupcakesok lied another person suicidal flow events life never connected much peers family is was much fundamentalist christian took passionately faith conflicted growing realization attracted guys family moved average every year recently friend mind come mean somebody feel safe talking all grade school got good grades gifted program pretty awesome sat scores blackbelt in tang soo do hate myself mothers emotional support punching bag since father left freshman highschool made deeply fearful connecting anyone even slightest degree told since people around deeply sad father left mother finally took seriously enough let see somebody it depression meds made difficult think feel anything all started cutting soon starting meds took stopped cutting month meds started effect ever told anybody cutting feel ashamed able deal many people clearly dealing fine talked several councilors always ended thinking fine tell anything really mattered without also telling strong urge though desire end life fallen completely behind college certainly fail entire second semester getting full as first semester painfully deep way know handle knowing wake tomorrow drive school found making stupid mistakes also found difficult resist driving bridge close house every time pass it the speed limit unreasonably high back road is want make sure something super obvious missing everybody else somehow understanding would appreciative things show comments anything word wait it gets better anything somebody in metaphorical sense kind gesture honestly helpful somebody irl posting right now edit typed one go spelling grammar mistakes please tell fix them", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everything gets taken away mei rose high loved hard dared much tried grasp star overreached fell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrong mesorry bad english yo full happy life supportive family couple friends beautiful girlfriend happy still feeling empty fighting wdepression since never told anybody except friends girl lot suicidal urges past even tried once hate aggressive guy think hurts people around meespecially girlwhich makes hate even more sometimes look mirror say self worthless piece shit appetite life do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "darkness darkness im swimming alone pool darkness feel like darkness slowly pulling yell help one hear begin see water eye level kick flail fighting stay darkness darkness let go hold slowly begin give feeling lies water line waters starts fill lungs lungs held much life yet allow murky water replace know path lead happiness someone grab hand pull darknesss grasp one knows stand boundary boundary light dark give thing holds strength courage held heart cant save water slowly slip world conscientiousness undetected occupants world want fight anymore ive given darkness", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theoretically speaking much sugar would enough sugar crash thanks fall asleep cant im taking special reinforcements bad idea let know", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "accidentally put earbuds washing machine somehow still fucking work they sound better before what fucknation", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im nightmares everywhere end time furthest ive gotten beginning phase intend going back point im getting bad stuff", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help meimy old male obsessed sex got point im mastrubating atleast times per day started years ago years times day started cutting month ago cause cant take anymore feel like someone stabbing see hot girl know cant cause im stupid lonely coward cant anything tell im cause makes feel even worse top everything cm belt nail coffin want pick stupid knife instead wrists cut fcking throat need stop agony im currently watching wrists cant stop crying im sorry bad language stupid post sorry wasting time im still piece shit moron deserves burn hell", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mens mental health talked nearly enough mens mental health talked nearly enough live australia wouldnt say huge friend group outside school still know friend mine attempted redflag one cuts dad committed redflag yrs ago male heard much terms awareness mens mental health boys school apart average ooooh ask friends ok like bullshit hard school make time us miss one lesson every weeks educate us things like this like friend self harming wants kill himself important learn one skill learn skills could literally save lives iv always good mental state either literally one knows dont know talk thing im claiming expert would even executed im sad things arent taught us institutions meant prepare us future sorry bad format mobile", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hashtag first world problems want make joke school shootings online classes dont know phrase", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired fighting wretched disease tired crying everydayfeeling like void existence barely present world sake existing empty used unsavable beyond redemption thread sanity hope snapped long agoim free falling abyss despair point return alone complete darkness memories goes die vast emptiness consumes digested belly metabolised energy parasites living within everything part me personality hopes dreams identity world used food selfish nothing world could fill taken keep giving thing retain could give living meaning clich life without living human anymore a walking empty void existencethe thing stopping death death essence life meaning living dying want end infinity loop suffering pain keeping body alive sake exscruciating pain never stoptill drop ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess id set fail life goodbye world hope happier without meas title says im stuck right now fight past two days work finances ive helpful all fulltime office job cant fulltime office job nearly got terminated resigned instead avoid shame fucked bigtime previous workplace fed way deal time workdesks manipulated time system thats reason quiti really lot ampxb said know could still employed again right now im freelance recruiter manager esl teachers earn much operations started recentlyi five teachers im paid per class done money runs quickly frustrated lately regards that ampxb life would surely better gone shit nmom edad focused whats wrong life then nmoms help maybe id greatpaying supervisory job now hell least something bearable do ampxb unfortunately think still employed again maybe life meant be perhaps would better dead start call center similar toxic work environment perhaps right photographer case goodbye everyone broken dreams someone hand gun exactly one bullet chambered please edit spent hell time trying get another job prior resignation want hire all help want write shit boring articles anymore then", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yep screwed last week mentioned sex someone school shes pregnant wonderful", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seems people care enough certain peoplei feel like theres enough empathy understanding world especially people feel like one cares them makes angry im sure wanna anymore want change world seems like impossible task wish people would care feel neglected cared for everyone deserves loved thats believe really sad people treated like shit even matter makes angry really makes want live cruel world like one", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "third times charmsorry formatting im mobile im suicidal thoughts years now started side comments oh ill kill things go well evolved comments actual possibility could take currently senior year high school doubt even graduate back freshman year urges lowest recent years ive struggling coping whatever fuck have therapist told showed symptoms bipolar ii anyways ive attempted twice recent one second week senior year discharged therapy beginning new year due wanting participate group therapy prior planning commiting back november go bang decided present poem writing club school received decent reception decided stick bit met current girlfriend due pretty great im waiting school poetry slam which thursday finish decide kill myself grades time low im missing classes cant bring get morning get get scared going school surrounded people stay home hide ive disappointed parents siblings going school family amazing cant even blame turned out feel sorry put years really deserve family theyve done especially dad dad incredible person ive ever pleasure knowing just want disappointment think ill able redeem mentality think contemplating seeing psychiatrist last month considering fact got discharged within last months think consider letting get appointment like ive got skills going me ive got writing video games neither going helping life anyways week maybe see infinity war go im going head buy rope go nearby forestwoods want family ones find body cant bear idea that feel bit guilty next week dads birthday oh well cant feel anything im gone right wish luck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think meant longhad post throwaway account think handle life longer really envision future let alone tomorrow normally main priority get day without something stupid feel like always trying reach friends mental state make apparent care know pretend sad actually it thats shit ampxb ones know sad family members especially mom reason end even know thats enough anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "viewi wanted get opinions this obviously dont feel comfortable talking people know ive depression probably influenced view redflag alot used think redflag terrible thing ooo im gonna go hell die blah blah blah im mature enough realize life meaning whatsoever like humans natural survival instinct manage realize real purpose life point keep living mean even end suffering depression real purpose life go it im sure guys get alot views", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres lesbian player school description required", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first day lent days go", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another one unable cope lifeso thing having depression is never knew it always felt way remember anything else includes completely forgotten everything happened life prior puberty one earliest memories is something around remember time children school hanging other except me shy ever anything usually hung alone here thats years past now except consecutive days felt good alone anymore ive always contemplated redflag every day made plans eventually threw away involved wimp actually determined finally end myself sadly day task anyway something rather impactful happened beginning year put another crisis finally got open one friends have turned mistake unfortunately since straight went parents told it convinced get counseling medical therapy started end january now month weekly appointments therapists taking antidepressants convinced ever things helpful all making things even worse huge waste time also feel terrible everytime talk reasons basically regular reminder pf hate alive last week ditched therpist stopped taking antidepressants know feel like best thing do finally feel like could accomplish fatal task made new friend university also deals depression copes cutting places one sees alas mean give tips accidentally anyway started to even think control happening cant deal life moment another thing kinda lost control marijuana abuse know serious drug past smoked one two weekend relax months now consume least gram day soon effect fades away immediately start feeling bad everything take next hit whole text pretty badly structured probably incomprehensive doubt anyone actually cares get there get core problem hate living live without anyone existence caring enough show genuine love me im gomma stay alone forever way around it medication world change fact nothing desirable one would ever want me antidepressants help this neither therapy said trying seriosly trying make work noticed correct along tell me supposed now except killing myself often get lost thoughts driving maybe finally next days over grateful advice give _this whole text typed using smartphone keyboard probably missed lot letters buy hope recognizable also im native english speaker sorry mistakes made_", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im lowest point lifei good life good position job liked amazing girlfriend several friends ruined all got fired broke incapable changing ruined friendship friends month since broke up shes gotten help best friend theyre close seems like theyre interested connecting connecting despite barely meeting maybe months ago im middle child one expectations thrown sister screwed up ive never close family im boy never really knew interact theyre disappointed hobby playing games feel like one left huge burden placed myself im looking reason feel even hopeless see old friends fun together without me feel like dont matter anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know n word bad but look white black even american topic really big issue look watching much american entertainment content swear words kinda feel right reason nword seem like bad thing maybe cause seeing black dudes say homies idk word exactly sounds bad talking among friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo serious question slep sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want itlike little things keep alive music games youtubers laugh want make day happy like min day think parents grandma sad like friends social life guy sits day home ad sad lonly anyting say help it least tell showld kill without pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "violent hater minorities guys vote want negative karma", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna play truth dare dm cmon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wow something surprise though flawed far better expectedbr br the brand new space liner arcturus passengers final days sixteen day trip jupiter without warning ships cerebral central computer sounds disaster alarm orders everyone evacuate br br soon handful people remaining including one ships astrogators penny captain cary director shipping line kenyonbr br it turns alarm false main cerebral actingbr br erratically remaining passengers crew must escape ship andbr br avoid personal conflicts order survivebr br the film starts well opening commercial nice touch obvious parallels space odyssey historicbr br sinking titanic film slow times pacingbr br problems generally well made well acted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deserve liveive good enough life everything handed me done im worth half time anyone puts toward me everyones worse done more right sad alive", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im killing next week want someone keep company gocan anyone friend little while ive never friend im tired alone hope mind seeing messages next week edit reddit made post seen nobody least tried", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attempted cut selflooong story short tried cut today one big knives cutting block tried cut near hip would easy hide marriage done nowhere go down bridge via knife knows", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting gnarly space facts run knowledge day three days remain wow three days thats insane always questions topics me let know comments ill see tomorrow fact lets talk little bit saturns lesserknown moons cool are titan enceladus iapetus cant get attention want give info on im going waste time here lets dive right in ampxb dione first moon dione like moons tidally locked parent planet however theres something odd way dione tidally locked side dione faces saturn fewer craters side face saturn exact opposite many scientists expecting could indicate point past massive impact may caused diones orientation completely reverse ampxb mimas third favorite saturnian moon one feature named herschel crater put simply massive crater likely made impact nearly obliterated mimas big makes mimas look like death star star wars ampxb rhea back nasa announced observations cassini probe suggested rhea could small ring system would marked first time moon known rings cassini observations unfortunately revealed evidence ring material ampxb tethys final moon tethys dense liquid water suggests moon may almost entirely made water ice saturnian moons super interesting loved fact little quirks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "insert interesting subject title herehello name scott im uk im years old first reddit post ive submitted usually prefer remain anonymous me life shiitake moment much like lot people im unemployed on sick since im single years diagnosed hiv december ive got friends anymore due personalitymental health disorders im completely disconnected family financially broke understandably things causing feel suicidal days dark disturbing place wouldnt wish anyone nice meet even dire circumstances", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote redflag note part demanded post set delayed send go end it guess thats healthy part im sorry bit novel see much reason selfedit stagei want say im sorry family didnt cause this deserve this didnt deserve me deserved child sibling wouldnt hurt you break heart force feel unnatural unearned guilt child sibling absolute best disease beyond powers suppose im also sorry current friends might hurt know isnt fault either lights life marvels every one wish much happiness love success suppose im also sorry former friends rejected plain terms who assume either nurse unspoken grievance simply lost interest novelty wore virtues multiplied know ive resented it resentment begin realize mostly arose failed understand you needed much obligation give part arose failure understand myself part still wants spit poison feel wronged me ill show proper motive redflag never particularly likeable girl thinking clearly never particularly good hiding ugly irritating features graced im sorry wasnt either us wanted be thats thing always really wanted liked people effort put failed often not course cant try likeable tried interesting clever generous since seemed like things might attract people guess couldnt get hang it lack core capacity basic humanity many share deficient perhaps even everybody liked would still feel way whatever hurt goes deeper bandage woven shared lagers laughter mend trying fight loneliness kind snake oil remedy dont know finding miserable failure things desire even need certainly does well im sure understand im sorry trans community know clich tranny cant hack it kills herself old story told poorly one strove tell realm many others suppose overestimated myself im sorry making us look bad wont first time ive sorry ambassador us hard sometimes seems get easier little while brief illusions success popularity distract me never lasts soon every time im back first real emotional memories are back high school when now lie bed staring wall fantasizing things never be finding solace planning end it knowing theres really nowhere run disease inside me constitutes rotten core me realized hasnt gotten better keep going round around finding back stale hell gritted teeth attempted bare many times before changes upon changes road less same tired march i edited explicit description methods line subreddits rules im sorry wont pass cheekbone genes next generation like always joked would im sorry wont well whatever plans werent idle daydreams might nursed realities merely yetunrealized hearts wish could see you im sorry anything wished said didnt opportunities slip away kinds reasons me thoughts keep running back road past times before curling hole chest imagining sweet oblivion hope you think me think back rare moments happy lying back stephens van long ago watching street lights pass like auroras overhead perfect sunday sams cabin giggling wrestling sticks bottled water saturday evening music festival attempting clumsily apply makeup rhea messy poorlylit sedan moment apartment when whisper kevin asked could fuck me which come think it one memories involving drugs far bingeing rome brother basement eating quesadillas mom made bowling two strikes row annabelles birthday party night comical failure everyone else getting ready leave philosophy mind classes occasionally felt like neil ryan me bouncing ideas became polished arguments though guess sometimes really three us better yet ever luck making happy think that thats really gave life whatever small worth had least little consolation if among people annoyed made angry even put worst moments least times paid enormous debt awfulness little joy maybe version eternal recurrence favoured nietzche relatable character cloud atlas true find places likely not chances time read body floated distance entry point fraser river may unrecoverable which honestly gives fuck instinct give friends first pick clothes basically worldly possessions right there probably workable option donate organization needs them maybe youll find something mine garage sale value village somewhere likely not please dont blame me please dont blame yourselves everyone constitution survive world didnt come argue case want say goodbye love you wish could stay im sorry say cant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thanks gold kind stranger thanks gold kind stranger", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "it really think totheres option living shit kill done it anything im missing here mean living shit life go fuck itself fuck it fuck fucking done edit heres hoping hold onto determination get home school im sick sniveling coward never it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today cried alone sitting corner feeling low depressed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "take step forward two steps back want anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought redflagi posted week saying gonna kill myself major problems going life seem resolved now even though dont desperately need die still think redflag im worthless hate person constant voice head repeating insecurities mistakes im constantly stressed pain but every think redflag feelings go away dont care im smartest handsome messed life doesnt matter anymore dead im posting im wall feel like matter months go though it please help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saying lyrics song day one everything said went right head head went right head keep trynna text leave messages read read leave em read fuck em end best freind instead instead best freind instead spent million dollars fell bed bed fell bed dont understand dont understand thay aint hot switch blink eye cant copy see talk topic got babys man life good odyssey wings uptop mother fuckin pull big big chanaleys double c channel feet dnt know whats really seat oversized play boy made tea bad bitch pull ridin jeep got freind passengers seat fuck g treating rari like srt one one tell want cause babe intention seek real baby like could leave also need time breath know wasent honest cause im big dog chasing fleas everything said went right head head went right head keep trynna text leave messages read read leave em read fuck em end best freind instead instead best freind instead spent million dollars fell bed bed fell bed couldnt match flight top speed im far outta league came creek came streets spent ten mil one piece got eights nines dimes tens quarters patek philippe california miami downsouth peice im turbo ride phocahantas meltin ice cream im like tickin time bomb blowing reality yeah gotta juice prove yeah buy boxes buy boobs buy boots like christian loubs switched white girl barely new im sending fire every block aint safe nomore im hot blow like nitro till see fireworks sky cant say belong streets fuck cause im guy dont comprehend cant see eye eye everything said went right head head went right head keep trynna text leave messages read read leave em read fuck em end best freind instead instead best freind instead spent million dollars fell bed bed fell bed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone feels bad me aggressively compliments", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant deali moments yearn take life scared it guess characteristic trait mine severely depressed serious heavy suicidal ideations strong pull hard black dealt depression since child one would think id uses now imagined razor slitting vein wrist i even researched it happened twice times gave hard jolt back reality present immense fear right situation created almost myself feeling pulls strong almost hard fight wrote final goodbye today children anything else able see kids years taken hidden me thay result depression situation vile human control know happening yanked me no sexual abuse thoughts feeling torturous know strong enough", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "constantly myselffalling back old habits hurt today havent bruised long time again bad usually used hopelessness getting me lose little hope every day dont think im worth anymore want kill thing thats stopping make parents friends feel scares bad enough break might stop caring that im tired fucking life bringing everyone me dont want burden anymore convinced died tragic way would help everyone realize need live lives feel like death could good everyone want stop hurting bad", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lost friend redflag worry going lose everyonei lost friend unexpectedly last year know sad gone someone life upset now want leave alone get scared say goodbye friends hanging out start get feeling im never going see again someone answer text email hours start grieving them one year this paralyzing ive cried many deaths never happened stop freakishly obsessive people life know might sound bad want care much im tired grieving people died", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would like surprise friend kindness strangers crowd funding vet bill please take look gofundme url set up donations greatly appreciated even unable donate shares facebook twitter helpful thank taking time read request", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sad insecure paranoidfyi going bit nonsensical long and think dark rant also using throwaway obvious reasons consumed suicidal thoughts hours day even remember time think cutting myself shooting myself taking pills hanging myself even child nightmares people killing ritualistic way dreams always left conscious enough feel terror knowing slowly murdered someone else gaining enjoyment act fact earliest memories kind monster thinks sort thing grade school know theres something wrong me normal want hurt oneself time im kind paranoid maybe im murderer kind violent person know sounds stupid actually want hurt anyone else would someones brain programmed like mine ive never chosen think dark things always happens ill typing imagining convulsing taken cyanide thoughts constancy terrifying think people sense am choose polite really violent people always off look eyes im guessing it too ive always severe trust issues feel like friends simply pity me keep around someone laugh at seems like something lot normal people dokeep loser around feel better themselves im pretty sure im loser people work constantly talk lazy incompetent coworkers clearly interest selfaggrandizement im also sure im incompetent weird person there im around stories uncomfortable around me least thats suspect that felt like constantly one everyone put feel better ive always hated it school people would brag got better grade me able problem faster me romantically seems like every guy ive ever liked already someone else thought beneath them first two people asked said much hurt time actually appreciated honesty last guy really liked girlfriend constantly gave looks yeah chose me bitch mutual friends often social settings ramped pdas whenever near even family always given shit weird mother complains im androgynous need care less people says im good manipulated used view society negative want adopt simply philosophical grounds even parents criticise front people always have ive never tried prove anything bloat value individual everyone moments get bit full overestimate abilities ive never willingly represented something better am think this people take advantage low selfesteem take advantage fact im civil quiet easygoing coworker recently announced matter shrugged off understand acceptable say things like people especially ones supposed colleagues see inconsiderate behavior like time everyone always goes it especially chatty people ones simply fill silence time literally spew hatred questioned expressed opinion world politics everyone looked though idiot really dislike confirmation bias applied personalities understand people measure worth social settings last paragraph really over sorry lately paranoia seems getting better me feel like hear peoples thoughts walk past them theyre thinking much want make eye contact me stupid look awkward am feels like everyone knows messed am theyre choosing laugh make feel worse rather try help really want someone help me cant believe anyone would actually want to exist none normal fact lot really wrong snap lose sense empathy compassion others know im horrible person even probably sound like serial killer waiting cant die already", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymoreim tired trying happy pretending am im tired trying make friends turn friends barely get solitary one talk anymore hate job hate alone hate myself hate every ounce life dont think keep trying anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know contains spoilers not want risk blacklisted year br br i disagree entirely viewer comments described guns germs steel politically correct neomarxist cannot watched series i didbr br the series i watched depicted history european colonisation americas southern africa particular inaccuracies saw nothing series portrayed europeans bad people happened lucky though europeans often were lucky theres nothing wrong luck neither see native peoples portrayed poor little innocent things anything inca rather arrogant would expect leader would dealing foreigners country conquered living memory world power br br i certainly saw nothing could construed marxist neomarxist except incredibly elastic imaginationsbr br otherwise many african peoples do builtin immunity malaria tropical diseases europeans lack time height successes aztec maya inca civilisations were advanced world wealthy sometimes so aboriginal american khoisan populations were decimated smallpox diseases introduced europeans european colonists decimated tropical diseases like malaria note khoisan peoples completely different subsaharan african peoples br br so see commentators complaining about thing i find complain series tell anything know time finished seventh grade theres really nothing new way historical information film does however present nice dramatisations events conquest incas production values high fills holes get covered mrs grubers sixth hour social studies class milan middle schoolbr br if rent buy this assuming decent primary andor secondary school education learn anything new enjoyable entertaining time reviewing already learned or learned time hit high school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish deadi grit teeth everything do hate job abusive ex boyfriend stop harassing found stole bunch money bank account im broke im tired deal stress well im tired brunt everyones frustrations job treating like less human ever wanted life someone love unconditionally never got that never get that friends tired hearing whine every day miserable am im tired hearing say it anti depressants stop attempting redflag feel dead inside wish dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give upi dont know fuck do feel fucking useless miserable try make new friends get ghosted time girl know irl ive talking year seemingly blocked number unadded snapchat reason dont know wanna give living done worrying anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "began watching boku hero academia expected level sadness something added reminded life life nothing pain watching everybody made feel sad everybody improving themselvesachieving dreams mentors adventures feel pain much healthier mine tv screen fades black felt empty sad depression began show mean self again could repeat my life boring their real bakugous real i coward repeats head chest felt heavy shit wish could world lot destructions free there instead house many years even allowed go faraway feel like reality always like thisempty sad boring filled suffering even remember feels like happy something want go fight supposed feelings ever receive negativity quarantine making fucking worst everytime movie music ends stare around room feel nothing immense sadness emptiness sad want exciting life hard sad fact bnha", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feeling guiltymy parents middle divorce theyve separated long time live mom ptsd living dad whole personality changed it stressed feel like telling want die for millionth time would make feel worse would much easier leave silently dad good health insurance golly sure wish last fee hed ever pay cremation burial ive financial emotional drain since baby sit night fighting myself should go get pills rope eventually pass thinking it get yelled everything sit there screaming silently cant see much im hurting whenever say much pain im alive get brushed told you could worse wish worse could justify feeling way live constantly disassociating yelled at misunderstood cant deal anymore everything ready thats left willpower sorry long post", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats called oh yeah yandere find one those want yandere gf find one those", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best friend likes idk kind long sorry so best friend leaving next week hung last time ended making touching almost went stopped mom rushing us home acting really weird taking home didnt text back next morning talked phone last night basically said loved wanted show make see beautiful him said felt like half said almost cried kind scary didnt know say feel like im freaking kind of dont know feel love feel like see friend hes liked ive always rejected him ghosted it felt like couldnt handle felt scary feel like thinks ill keeps making jokes leaving now also girlfriend hates me theres that please give advice dont want hurt love him tldr best friend intimate says likes dont know do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking killing myselfim going really rough phase right now im bipolar i started treatment working know do appointment psychiatrist tomorrow even want bother anymore im done feel like jumping balcony", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rides horses type riding western english bareback fuckung around worst fall mine near concussion riding bareback helmet like fucking eijit whip hard pony goes like bullet jumps a drills spuds go flying friend drag creek make worse supposed riding keep gob shut", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "middle aged done status quo ideation set inhi going now spent half day sleeping much day away possible rest researching methods for umpteenth time alone nothing constructive life every day difficult day before am hope change spend every day trying reach people social media whatsapp mostly contact people face face choice made every minutes face misery again haul task online encounter avoid suffering cant see keeping struggle another plus years set ready reach place tried failed cant talk anyone know this reluctant even post this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "give award first person comment joke makes laugh write em below fan dark humor get banned pls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die painlessly possiblei planning take massive overdose prescription pain killers already large stash assorted anti depresetnts fair pain killers obvious would able cause lot harm myself main reason havent taken overdose yet dont want fuck up last thing want take medication cause irreversible damage live long painfull life dissabled person simply want take large overdose bed listen music slip away reletivly pain free ampxb im currently looking reddit comunity something simmilar could find cocktail drugs would man size fittness general health would cause slip coma heart stop beating would cause massive internal bleeding would slowly kill hours days", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush usually sits lunch table alone say mean theres people around usually talk anyone phone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life boring hope diei life boring childhood always lonely never friends family always fighting kinda sad childhood abusive teachers amp parents day getting boring even feel depressed now want redflag either hope die soon without redflag", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "omg realised something okay someone tells something double check im hearing right even doubt heard right could possibly wrong wasnt said realised tell mum something say sure another thing little would ask someone something would say never even though remember since adult everybody believed tldr years people doubting made hard believe im relaying correct message", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " woke up slept hours get another hour sleep get up clue do yeah sleep schedule fucked went bed like pm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ralph bakshis forgotten masterpiece fire ice old oop rental videotapebr br well one thing better conanesque film ever see sure cheesy cares stood test time way started look cheesy comparisons modern fantasy epics like lotrfotr though love filmbr br plot goes like this battle fire ice kings daughter kidnapped jarols ice subhuman creatures sole survivor victimized village rescues herbr br yeah sound original nurse betty thats point really bring life interesting idea world two enemies fire ice succeedsbr br action scenes superb well handled terrific suspence plenty loud noises check climatic battle thats endingbr br acting dialogue competent really gonna nominated oscar ok get nervesbr br animation quite good shot d rotoscoped i think looks pretty good lot backgrounds look really detailed well drawn although character designs feel little dimentional okbr br overall fine neglected little gem entertain superfical entertainment ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate im back herei tried commit redflag little year ago im bad place wish successful particular needwant posting this wanted express it seriously nothing offer world before time gone im burden family friends little offer beyond paying rent course fair share taxes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "turning nocturnal fuck timezones mfs making spend less time gf shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "read read obamas voice fellow americans president united states enormous erection michelle let cuck speech hard fact could break diamond thank god bless america", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sept would fifth wedding anniversary feels oddly comforting specific date feel like everything happens like water ducks back normal peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im taking easy way outi see way dont see point going anymore never anybody never be second plummet bridge cure depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "frick magic eye bot homies hate magic eye bot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "future awaits us overpopulated unforgiving wasteland hellish unwanted existence film brings mind problem still plagues us doubly since film released back lets hope world going end like thisbr br soylent green wild movie enjoyed much likable characters semiapocalyptic setting compelling thoughtprovoking storyline machoest macho man there charleton heston richard fleischer gave movie unpleasant dirty feel almost choked stench city filthy inhabitantsbr br the characters wonderful charleton heston become one favorite actors thorn man created role badass yet likable toughguy could definitely put thorns shoes sees something right everyone around either listen more like paid listen wants dead edward g robinson in last film rip plays lovable old sol enough nasty place everyone else great especially leigh tayloryoung shirl piece furniture comes apartment residesbr br the special effects fantastic even soylent green factory futuristic apartments especially scoops bulldozers get rid people excellent polluted air outside looks disgusting nasty empty city streets filled vile putrid people unsettlingbr br one final note ending even still shocked me gruesome think it pretty good ideabr br the bottom line br br an excellent s science fiction flick makes think leaves feeling uneasy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "christopher nolans first feature film wowed critics saw first came out shot micro budget student film real class film shot black white features people assume friends nolans appearing movie say bad actors quite good could see jeremy theobald alex haw appearing projects unfortunately since made years agobr br nolans thriller much like memento play chronologically shifts scenes around much like pulp fiction writing fantastic great twisting thriller temporal order film shifted around makes even interesting thought last ten minutes particular everything starts become clear excellentbr br for film small budget recognizable names all good superior hollywood studios offer nolan three films this superior memento quite good still excellent insomnia cemented exciting new talent recent times cant wait batmanbr br this film short sweet certainly great watch professional twists fantastic completely surprising also thought score david julyan also excellent atmospheric chilly quality it gone compose nolans films br br overall would recommend this intend get nolans films low budget gem br br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im drunkall drink make friends dislike every time interact me use life talk would person people would look forward talking to im person people want interact drinking time feel like interact people drink time talk people like regular person drink solution need use it im pussy need someone talk with friends say im bipolar drink personally know am need someone talk phone voice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "billed story steve biko played excellently denzel washington expect actually story donald woods played kevin klinebr br this undoubtedly making kline serious actor surprisingly good rolebr br attenborough gave sort direction expect often spectacular scenes masses sort get acrossbr br the remainder cast competent enough good job ends ultimately sad tale south africa still nowhere near distant past", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genuinely hate pretentious mofos underground music taste bc whenever search artist like monthly listeners music sounds like groaning liarssss know every single one listens one direction one looking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "main support tired methis first time something like this im freshman college far home friends dealing depression anxiety long time started self harming years ago past months ive seriously considered redflag best friend always big support me different states seen since summer past week one worst weeks life hurt really badly began writing goodbye letters ready it tried reaching her always says wants to respond guy reason last week mom came parents weekend really think wouldve done otherwise anyway friend big long talk happened know level feels terrible needed most kept saying one point making things hard her put much pressure her im upset this think thoughts often constantly feel like burden shed better without me hearing actually say stuff made almost impossible go on days since incident kind distant unwilling discuss happened feel alone empty know would upset died im juts confused im working finding therapist the colleges wellness center made feel worse knows this reason ive open friend suicidal thoughts asked be im quite sure im hoping get posting this want alive anymore im asking save me reassuring im burden really enough long tendency answer hours stuff never bad never asked help best friend know without her know wants me anyone else dealt something similar continue work friendship let go let go practically alone want feel tied down know could use advice guess right feel like need end one deal anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally finished moving months family planning move away small town nc florida intense packing weve managed get one family friends houses live minutes away tampa also everyone mentions it yes understand covid issue left rest stops made wore masks gonna wait week anything quarantine which gives us time settle in currently complaint going feet sea level average f feet sea level average f anyway hope yall read this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "aight imma head outanyone need something im gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like cutting myselfi dont history cutting im actually great blood hate needles almost fainted nurse withdrew blood me short blood makes queasy though feel really low even angry overwhelmed filled selfhatred look facial razor pick obsessively imagine would feel like cut myself my facial razor sharp ive cut accidentally times ive never cut purposely dont get urge coming from though suppose good mention ive struggling thoughts redflag dont consider serious serious attempt drunken tried fling onto upcoming traffic due fight boyfriend dont think would done wasnt intoxicated though", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "born wrong generation year old listens smells like teen spirit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents understand want vert rich later like iknow worth talking millions billions billionaire buy everything available earth ur playing life creative mode prob wont billionaire lowest goal mill net worth one day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finished geometry summer work get algebra sophomore year finished fucking geometry lfg id like thank couple people far ive come first all uiia whos consideration kind heart gave strength motivation one else could be could even said outside this reading this cannot thank enough everything done me second umikyni ive said iia could said you amazing friend source motivation well mention cheered shit got stressful getting algebra year sophomore newfound motivation mostly thanks gentle souls gratitude immeasurable cant imagine id gone without them reasons call best friends times like really shine amazing friends grace earth thank much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "test want httpsopenspotifycomsocialsessionpiempflkpwnyurionyuoiyvnmutileclytfgtysfehkvugwcigceovcxaxldvlyjlwakyyhpplbrilvtvzpqoolutxfqxasitbdwctlirpkctpmusyoq want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im done trying feel betterthe reason im still alive know mum devastated ever killed myself ever passes im still state im going hesitate ending life shortly after im almost take meds go therapy nothing seems help enough dont want around anymore hate feeling like this wouldnt wish upon enemy brain feels like constantly like static tv wont shut overthinking do think im running options dont see living past got accepted health science degree dont even know wanna try know im smart mental illness holds back think cant anything im good enough need fucking help dont know anymore ive run options", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "possible spoilers included nothing critical given awaybr br i watched classic low budget movie video knocked level energy present screen actors proud especially john daniels must see another films movie boast great performances manages stylish sequences like baron throws someone window see shards glass falling swimming pool erupts impact fallen man love way slowmotion photography used s cinema dreamy hypnotic cool witty black dudes spout great one liners slimy seedy lumps white trash come unpleasant ends love it rating ever comes dvd count purchase", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone ignoring subi dont know say friends dont want say word goodbye them thinking messaging goodnight thanks everything think", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could find dads gun morning chain hanging punching bag looking real enticing would like talk killing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever walk around night think easy would step street let car hit you damn beautiful night see stars smell scent fresh rainso easy kill moments beautiful wish life would always like that nights too nights try sleep nights like even good music help nights want someone hold lap tell everything fine time time cant run away work busy living life inescapable hide yourself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help needed interviewees needed idk flair sorry hello everyone im getting bit desperate decided try posting subreddit basically one activities subject school wanted us interview people chatting taking care sick people home please pm want answer questions shall give context pm anonymity shall also discussed you choose want keep secret not thanks advance everyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting motivation something lifei chronic depression social anxiety life long lack motivation thought started getting passion weightlifting would set back right track and felt like awhile ive gone gym like times entire year took time school get better get treatment made depressed isolated im situation made new friend years ive single entire life im going new school soon even though social anxiety makes school miserable experience trying read motivational posts watch videos sucks know way turn life around better start proactive it cant convince even worth it ive depressed long become part me almost like im addicted depressed point effort would take even put slightly better place seems insurmountable cant stop thinking much easier would kill myself desire anything become anything fuck tough like want die time desire better life think lucky sheltered am make feel like im ranting entitled manchild something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ms aparna sen maker mr mrs iyer directs movie young girls struggle cope debilitating conditionbr br meethi konkona sen aloof kid ever since childhood shown signs delusion one knows why dormant tendency however slips control job assignment takes neighboring bihar raped political goons resulting trauma also leads episodes manicdepressive psychosis addition schizophrenia careens control years progressively getting worse sinking deeper private worldbr br the juxtaposition unsettled divorced elder sister domineering ways make already bad situation worse indicative fine line abnormal seemingly normal ms sen also makes excellent commentary social alienation individuals social rehab standard therapy along deadly mindaltering drugs poor destitute whore always left fend usually fall waysidebr br the romantic connection dr kunal anu unnecessary also cafeteria scene dr kunal explains anu real world really them redundant anu already know that english dialog bit awkward times though acting compensates that konkona shabana prove reputation every bit worth it waheeda rahul shefali play limited roles well br br extensive research seems done illness evident clear mdp coexist schizophrenia patient sidebyside also early part dr kunal recommends ect shock therapy invalidating fact work schizophrenics extreme mdp suicidal tendencies forms bipolar disorderbr br the ending remarkable story suggestive unknown solution maybe solution movie could ended nicer note since worldwide mentally ill lead balanced fruitful fulfilling lives good medical carebr br nonetheless excellent film made extreme sensitivity subject hats ms sen one india couldve done better", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "energy talk write everything im feeling people around making feel worse worse genuinely scaryi legitimately know get moment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "clear want cant stop thinking him start crush one point anymore gay bisexual pretty clear like like that kind casually expressed interest months ago knew meant nothings happened were really good friends im starting collapse little bit im starting spiral reignited depression self esteem issues control spend lot times imagining situations were together happy little while hes anybody hurt anyways ive tried move simple times", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " two films released within weeks aliens steven spielbergs et john carpenters thing two them et one hearts people world over even though thing debuted first people entranced spielbergs warm fuzzy feelgood alien fable stayed away thing drovesbr br its hard see why two diametrically opposed one optimistic tale designed warm cockles stillbeating heart harsh uncompromising film paints alien life something purely determined destroy us guess audiences felt et much cuter prospect things tentacles slime coated salivabr br its taken time thing gone win substantial cult audience should thing rare example superior remake takes best qualities classic reinvents startling imaginative ways indeed carpenter job well actually succeeds making film every inch equal genres showrunner alien thats even rarerbr br carpenters film follows source material faithfully thing another world did keeps frigid wastes antarctica setting perfect backdrop trying establish heightened sense isolation although bit thin characterisation remake gets right inside mindset actors amplifies uncertainty fear slowly surrounds thembr br frequent carpenter collaborator kurt russell returns hot success escape new york cast one carpenters perpetual antiheroes plays macready helicopter pilot antarctic research station what theyre researching anyones guess trouble begins norwegian chopper nearby station flies macreadys trying gun siberian husky airbr br they end dying troubles camp tries solve mystery happened take husky add own except husky husky all shapechanging alien norwegians discovered frozen ice thawed out massacred crew capable absorbing victims will duplicate living right smallest detail soon paranoia suspicion works way man crew noone certain human notbr br the thing one john carpenters finest films fact im tempted say best film hes ever made even surpassing classics like halloween dark star reason place thing top carpenters list feels like last film could truly called classic others thereafter felt like carpenter slumming it films flow cool sophistication ragged intensity prevalent earlier worksbr br but thing john carpenter peak powers never generated suspense unbearable degree even ferocious assault precinct second alien makes presence known carpenter ratchets tension level relentlessly delivers punches come agonising joltbr br the film blend pure atmospherics visceral horror approach often seem odds one another carpenters hands melds together beautifully bringing rob bottin howling fame lays bear astonishing transformation effects ever see horror film amorphous shapes halfformed human features starkly contrasted gaping jaws spider legs fully flexible tentacles indeed films effects amazing squirminducing thing came fire realisticbr br that type thinking misses point entirely shortchanges films values many carpenter stages effects setpiece needs to films quieter moments seems especially attuned story thing often bewildering tale shadows whispers implications characterisation never one john carpenters strong suits works advantage thing hardly know anything cast makes present situation much confusing were never certain one moment next who this thing holds well maintains mystery subsequent viewingsbr br a special mention go excellent film score ennio morricone pulsing thud thud every two seconds creates eerie spooky feeling hard shake whole film wonderful exercise paranoid manipulation scene bloodtest see whos human wound dexterity carpenter may find biting nails without even realisingbr br the thing pure unadulterated classic even ending leaves vague suspicion everything resolved underrated film well worth reappraisal received much better et", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gonna acting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "college going happen ive made decisioni fucked bad fault im going college get stay home go back community college spare money goes bills mom cant pay food get stay miles civilization people might want spend time with make friends anyway since im socially broken cant form intelligent conversation fuck even sentences around people last thing look forward to left entire world give hope maybe things start looking soon happening me im going trapped going way always been well know what im fucking going take it im going live like anymore know when ive decided im committing redflag soon time suits it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggling year nothing improved anything things gotten worse something clicked inside today think current situation ever improve cannot stand around family understand support me matter many times try explain never understand never help me hate think ever change see way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi im czech republic feel like walking edge cliffbroken english allert true depresion anymore sometimes start shaking wanna try get drunk lie snow sounds easy really trying get mood watching anything entertaining meh keeps coming look train little bub kinda angry cuz even trying social kontakt brain probably protect depresion triggers social anxiety skeletons wardrobe whatever got better even learned act public tried go local nerd comunity nice rich kids idea now one online friend cant go too far etc etc fuck want someone like me years good score staing alive alone hope find poison gonna speep today", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey im sad please get free hug ill pay back promise im bit down stay bald stay fresh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "note hope help people understand one day thank youdont read last night first night thought enough energy it never real felt brain numb tears anxiety focus hopelessness hopelessness self esteem hopelessness hopeful thinking go exact spot dreamed happening sticking decision moment walked front door never wanted leave note im gonna start see get dont want call seasonal depression captive depression nonsensical depression proves useless curable wanna call restless hopelessness nothings left sad feelings go numb literally feel bliss go body im still imaging nothingness dont know mind goes drifts dont wanna make sappy note sticking facts logical non sensical ironic sounds coming depressed kid dont sad leave angry drive find real cure patience cure comes happy patience support like dopamine drip kidney failure patient striving get transplant surviving medication theyre skin turns yellow family love ever drove resenting emotionally ugly treat everyone great mask fact really another spec star dust universe doesnt care im ash want listen make note want understand really feels like even though brain body hopefully never will want listen tell working pushing harder ever isnt working me need reason emotion great life what strive cant reach try ill never see really feels like normal again name every reason wrong dont convince im wrong convince brain subconscious convince sadness less sadness others take care mourn sadness others dont want share this mind clearing up always trys best moment carve path clear view one days storms going thick wont feel drowsy day hope whatever hell pushing me little mercy love guys love you dani", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish endim done im fucking exhausted fighting brain live honest dont even want anymore people say im kind opened heart ive used atm lot money dont ever see getting back ive blocked said person borrowed money ask mom borrow money havent done ages shows im useless hate debt anyone especially mom works damn hard money medication made fat dont know shift it absolutely zero motivation literally move bed go downstairs watch tv want slim pretty again sharp objects taken away crave release feeling blade across skin family told disappointed self harm cut im cutting ive pushed friends family away wish could go euthanised everyone favour im fat ugly mess cant even look mirror im disgusted myself medication increased months back isnt working ive saving up getting courage end want pain stop please whichever higher power may there kill end suffering", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m married kids successful almost jumped story building todayi dealt depression minimum years diagnosed reality likely dealing entire life depression anxiety ptsd adult due multiple traumas life including molestation family member course several years young child teen years ive countless meds counseling hospital done heavy counseling month still continue find darkness despair life ive married twice second marriage failing struggle lack sex life zero sex drive also causes issues mental stability likely due sexual abuse gotten point really care anymore im religious man believe god jesus died sins also fear committing redflag ill go hell honestly thats thing stopping me kids wife parents friends today close jumping roof parking ram work stories concrete im pretty sure header would job quickly painfree reason though it much pain suffer much honestly believe life believe get better im ruining family depression hurting kids cant check least let live without me cant find peace continue suffer day day day pain end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hole people mean say trouble finding hole whilst losing virginity middle genuine question", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kms didnt got phone talked friends nothing happenedhere right now laying bed phone dead set killing myself it felt like gonna bigger burden died alive stopped midway opened phone chatted everything nothing go minutes ago talked wanting get wraps tomorrow", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone defined definition intellectual being a person listen the william tell overture without thinking lone ranger this heartily concur surely would tall order accomplish this one leopold stokowski arturo toscanini leonard bernstein would find nigh well impossible dobr br and disgrace radio series television series along movie serials feature films syndicated newspaper comic strip comic books part make the masked man plains faithful indian companion tonto deeply seeded element collective psyche literary folklorebr br as legends started gradually first series radio plays written local use detroit radio station wxyz creator one george w trendle principal writer series mr trendles brotherinlaw mr fran striker year ranger first rode the plains early western united states lone ranger tonto radio series successfully guided depression era americans mid late s world war ii postwar era found country midst supernova explosion invention technology new communications medium standing ready wings unable go forth day vj day achieved accomplished world america ready settle peace prosperity new technology was course television would surely need something else roller derby wrestling marigold arena fill broadcast hours first time tv station anything on except portrait mohican chief test pattern schultz soon post haste networks began tapping existing natural resources existing programming virtually would ripe adaptation tv screenbr br so folks lone ranger incorporated interested producers jack chertok harry poppe sherman harris jack wrather approached deal put masked man tonto television waves well radiobr br immediately went work gave us first season made use considerable back log radio dramas potentially adaptable tv dramas cast clayton moore fine supporting actor many feature film dozen years experience also done work serials republic pictures thrill factory would invaluable experience the lone ranger cast faithful indian companion partner bringing justice various parts frontier sheer perfection charactersupporting actor jay silverheels must mention rift clayton moore walked replaced john hart season so mr moore back inhaving missed much now back story first years filming gave episodes look sound own made good use screen narrator gave shows feel authenticity individual standout one kind series actors employed veterans movies late silent era thru s s lot exclusively cowboy movie players good example casting glenn strange bartender sam gunsmoke vicious murderous gang leader butch cavandish cavendish gangs massacre texas rangers led origin john reid thought slain texas rangers lone rangerbr br in addition old timers cast find lot new coming talent then cast see people like phyllis coates dwayne hickman denver pyle others cast week week this along always calling fairplay justice peace western worldbr br the last couple seasons brought big changes first use colour filming made difference colour tv set still long way household second new set musical themes queues other rossinis finale u wutt new music never big deal us preferred old radio stock stuffbr br with series two feature films done period lone ranger warner brothers lone ranger lost city gold united artists character permanently indelibly impressed identity people americans", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "taking lethal dose diphenhydramine tonighti depersonalization derealization im convinced im living simulation way death life made shitty nothing real im inside computer feel like thoughts actions arent even mine want end depression feeling tonight taking mg diphenhydramine enough kill me live brain dead bed rest life miserable death option escape", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "welp teacher emailed parents grades theyre probably gonna get pissed take things make wanna kill away think something right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "forgetting stuff yeah mostly indifferent happening around me think common symptom guys deal it making lot mistakes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "talking much anyone bcos suicidal idk feel suicidal long time infact actually suicide plan really tired worthless battling depression redflag bpd alcoholism suicidal", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure might taught turning light car meant certain death werent also taught rolling window really fast would make car fucking implode", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "watched rw years ago like idk would never want anyone deal suicide conscious would blame anyone now literally depressed obviously okay ever like mmmm dunno startin think lot people could shit done moreeelike never wanted feel blame suicide strong motivator like still alive type this now bitter shit world kind done kind it literally everything go fuck care literally kind point maladaptive survival core beliefs strongest notredflag fight ever happens getting ass continuously handed whatever forces routine basisbut like jesus man would hug hard give knew one could save life get", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably best place look help going ti selfish attempt validate myself wife cheated online physically trying stay together stupid yes ik happened really hostile easily annoyed her really snappy kind rude sometimes day asked get dido said why please you said sometimes j left work distant asked wrong said hurt said said said attention yesterday watching guys youtube wet reason all today really irritated get annoyed easily want love truly idk do sometimes feel like mentally well physically stuff mind watching rd person view like anymore cannot cry either tried happens get really mad jumbled mess sorry really want someone say fine something idk heart hurts feels empty point could watch bad things happen living things care like emotionless way weird idk going anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit glitching anyone else nothings seems operating right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jesus freaking christ bro messed up scrolling comments posts new literally guy defending nzis saying nothing wrong murdering literal millions people know small minority guys gals like people lead astray easily brainwashed things see online calling jews judaism opposition makes freaking scared", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lady tramp ii scamps adventure think good movie think first lady tramp movie better original would think original movies compared sequeals better lady tramp ii takes original time juniors turn lady tramps youngster scamp always hates treated things done him following rules house taking baths time taking things nice easy scamp gets angry runs away pack dogs left loose scamp meets another dog called angel get along fine things scamps mother father did italian meal spagetthi meatballs etcafterwards scamp realises loved family especial pal baby scamp comes back angel joined family give movie ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reasons live valid reasonslooking end soon sick living everyday miserable nobody talk gives valid reason stay", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like girl girl ive known long time weve friends long remember also live close go school wondering friendzone ask out age taking similar things school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel stupid thismy life really crappy parents dead tumors brain spinal cord grandmother raised never fails remind held back things me life would comfortable would able retire already makes feel bad obviously resent saying things me makes feel worse fact people constantly telling im lucky her admirable stepping raise me since young could think much happier shell gone recently bought miniature dachshund puppy really love literally reason get every morning bought shih tzu like dachshund dog misbehaves beats tells it shell yell dog stupid like me gross like me makes feel like hates much hates dog care things important me reason killed yet im afraid happen dog ive always thought throwing busy street done it since im unemployed failure tells everyone too ive thinking different ways mind scares me feel stupid whiny feeling bad something trivial cant stop it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scrolling feed apart suicidal thoughts well times separate think outside see tortures mind do regrets challenges pain suffering becomes heightened happiness trying obtain happiness states mind seems useless brain hard thing manage sometimes look cat non human living beings think lovely existence think much must ironic mind intelligent also makes cruel", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "music recommendations looking new songsartists playlist try anything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "written stone disney animations simply must musicals right where show me found attempt much enjoyable not containing hokey madeforfiveyearold standard disney musical fare br br while story enthralling could been still quite good enjoyable adventurous hoped bit more yes considering subject matter movie not bitter disappointment utter failure billed be br br the animation quality average dialog quite compelling story line plot subplot amazing creativity found within production refrain outlining plot done done movie well worth view fan fantasybr br this is opinion best disney animated feature length filmbr br it rates frombr br the fiend ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought getting betterits year since wanted seriously kill myself note planned back went therapy hashed problems depression years discharged months ago therapy im back never ending pit despair loneliness want take knife end it im tall pounds asian want affection find someone grow learn with never success relationship wise ive never even girlfriend ever im sick everything feel like never find love tried improving change going gym personality passions music arts always good enough friend im tired honestly dont think win societal standard seems go hand hand opportunity aka handsome somewhat tall manly man", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "putney swope unique low low low budget gem late s probably would forgotten time two things paul thomas anderson who named cheadles character boogie nights buck swope eponymous hero film limited dvd release watching putney swope like listening hardcore punk rock may make lot sense at least upon watching first time respect film passion unabashedly rebellious message understand lot things putney swope part liked it think movie grows mebr br the film advertised parody new yorks madison avenue best known s advertising capital world members generation x may lost concept fortunately mad men tv provide us otherwise lost piece us history need know watching movie ad agencies largely male even largely white establishmentsbr br with premise mind movie opens ad agency board meeting members predominantly white except putney swope arnold johnson bears uncanny resemblance dick gregory film token africanamerican board board members selfabsorbed soulless chairman falls dead front them concern become chairman next without even removing body boardroom begin paper ballot elect next chairmanbr br putney swope elected landslide members think swope qualified voting swope illfated attempt board members sabotage members chance elected chairman plans backfired swope takes charge sinks boat firing one original members hiring people color place br br after point film became for me weird hard follow plotwise may even plot really whole idea film seems what if scenario result new truth soul inc firm would unconventional successful nonetheless firm ends making much money members build huge glass case keep cash unexplained purposes could swope trust banks although point touched upon explained film could also metaphoric way knowsbr br most movie takes place inside ad agency occasional scenes white house president who unknown reason midget assumption political joke made cant figure what filmmakers saying president small insignificant part american life saying latest elected officials nixon time insignificant candidates know found bit eerie however man playing president bore striking resemblance future president ronald reagan funny make connection years movie madebr br what film may benefited showing consumers outside ad agency reacted new ads course ad footage possessed strange funny appeal unconventional creativity ads convince people buy product so how movie hinted idea new ad campaign successful client interaction calls white house however would revealing see average people since demographic always profitable advertisersbr br although parodies political messages film may made probably stand test time film still lot unique qualities arnold johnson magnetic x factor benefited greatly film swopes rough voice actually director robert downey srs voice dubbed in sometimes poorly fit character well authoritative outsider hires fires workers random earns respect one employees revolutionizing ad agency seeking new ideasbr br the premise film was still is incredibly risky especially since film written directed white man robert downey sr however film declines fall victim negative black stereotypes would lead rise fall blaxploitation genre years later although sex scenes may bit offputting viewers main message black owned operated business thrive innovation risk taking many people may take notredflag message away movie didbr br putney swope remains overlooked movie strange era downey sr even despite sons recent comeback never quite got recognition director deserved however find dvd movie buy watch it netflix ditto movie confusing times worth watching gusto ambition nonconformist stature even todays movie standards", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun fact day three five american bear dog which extinct neither bear dog yellow crab multiple white hairs body catch bacteria feed thermal vents bacteria deep dark areas ocean dont go process photosynthesis chemosynthesis process turning minerals thermal vents energy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made throw times im sitting blood vomiti cant control this cant afford help kind would accept it kind life this every day hurts destroys body gets cuts ruins everything life cant stop want bring girlfriend want burden anything sometimes wish would find someone better feel bad slitting throat", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still prayi dont god pray anymore gone never there still pray pray believed in pray death pray pray soul would ripped body could nothing ghost pray pray god nothing gone left me still pray", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want scream top lungs methis feeling crippling suffocating im better dead everyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "realised cant draw make dank meme shutterstock images", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school discord band class started discord im excited feels like dream come true cant wait use nitro memes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stuckwent outside last night probably home around am planned know why around hours standing sitting staring railing back fourth kept thinking this dunno whats called stopping me wanna it really do bad get cant sure anxiety looking wondering bad itll hurt height think ending another way sure though appointment nurse wednesday dunno im supposed hold im keep thinking going back tonight actually it im stuck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m end worth anything anyoneyes crying anyone hear me anyone exist there ive end rope before new im married kids etc externally many think great marriage people see nonstop fighting got hr fight nothing new here nothing shell person dead inside want love loved bc live expectation screw time nothing tried leave goodness heavens rained upon me got kids involved screaming yelling almost drove car road way work morning canr stop thinking it hate passion driving force am course weakness right makes problems fighting hurts her hurts me hurts kids control around them cant leave option best option accidental death source problems gone peace reign insurance cover bit everyone move support friends church much better without there may say kids need dad right scenario means contention fights big problems without me peace time morn maybe life goes peaceful without me sure of anyway anyone cares willing chat need somethibg idea what lost wandering around anyone care person takes life insignificant one brings pain ok sort rambling thinking straight phone curious anyone talk text at ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "giving last weeki lonely searched love church online apps school speed dating friends lounges found luck seriously considering redflag please help me honestly even know could help me ive given one week live really want die want alone anymore thank taking time read this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almosti put dads gun head pulled trigger first time im disappointed gun empty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost life meaningi pieces yet feel empty worked hard graduated college good job husband home community friends family charity work volunteer hobbies children pets yet life feels numb meaningless feel guilty things people want happy grateful still dont feel like im supposed to never feel like fit belong anywhere think redflag time wrong me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "done deserve hellfuck world everyone living it im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "literally whyfam life gotta put us much fucking fair man lose feels reason end day im change situation ahhahahahha fucking hell yall life struggle", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck fuck fuck friend tried kill self last night im scared took bunch pills throw thankfully shes ok fuckkk didnt want tell would get ideas said wasnt suicidal lied fuck say her", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like disrespect yall year olds know yall gay young like broski middle school thinking parkour way tag like bitch im bi didnt truly find till like cuz actually tested out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "grownup mids even close nancy drews key demographics pleasantly surprised film afternoon so could tell pair sixtyish silverhaired ladies row me older man left theater ahead specifically praised film ish female usher who said shed seen film previous evening quite liked itbr br more point however row ahead me nine count them nine tenyearold girls lined next other passing popcorn hot dogs candy back forth giggling previewsbr br once film began promptly settled watchbr br and much peep till closing credits began rollbr br this perfect film quite pay high school subplots quite confident enough tone thugs hair far toward critically inept times adaptation source material essentially respectful plot hangs together fairly well treads deftly sins excessive cheesiness excessive modernization last least emma roberts carries movie startling grace josh flitters superb timing notwithstanding roberts movie pulls beautifully nancy drew much direct ancestor kristen bells veronica mars film also lineal descendant jodie fosters early underrated candleshoebr br in todays marketplace rarity family movie respects viewers intelligence such everyones taste is best movie kind decades", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanting kill helping othersi trying positive things community live one counties state extreme poverty rate saying everyone poor here wealthy neighborhoods sure police definitely give shit homeless people troubled youth white poc cis trans straight queer ethnic minority even though definite majority county cismale lightskinned guess straight idk definitely mostly attracted women romantically sexually queer thoughts tendencies whatever nothing would consider queer over feel like id coopting stretching guess im beta whatever def frat bro college lives parents nice part time job campus try help youth community lot raising funds dreamer scholarships hosting know rights workshops families may affected current administration hosting allday higher education career conference every year junior senior high school students feeds breakfast lunch free gets familiescaretakers hair saturday work campaigns would expand certain things help people campaigns people buy way office im fourth generation activist want help inspire next generation help people prevents blowing brains out ive diagnosed major depression d my lame social worker sent behavioral health hospital know getting into thought going scan brain whatever im dumb lot times people make want end all a im marginalized bad person nothing even though im ignorant do helps tell help shitposter commonly found found helping others community let alone fighting chains also unaware current evil representatives smaller local laws elections want help tell fucking help tell campaigns critical you im going waste time listening shitty panel campus three hours results progress plan fight system b thats liberal me ill stick shitposting commie never helped person life audacity tell activists do constantly found confusing radical philosophy know nothing banter tactics affective breaking chains know keywords memes call radical c i think shitty ambiguous art project profit activism choir preacher hyper derivative works art think activism merely existing commonly found disinterested politics expects laws know change based outrage knows keywords radical leftist stalinist whateverists locks echo chamber build audience passive art meaning make artist look like socially conscious edgelord instagram hate people annoying inactive too want people help others know might something bring playbook experience knowledge simply fine echo chambers unchallenged oppression privilege know privileges social constructs wealth guarantee want kill reason besides hate height tremendously good day general body my face okay guess work overlooked abcs millennials listed want help people lack support get upsetting help less shit talking me could help many lives want die ill regret posting this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posting makes panicive gad mdd since child feel like getting worse days cant anything stay bed job cant afford therapy medicine feel like ill never amount anything im afraid everything dropped college im failure everything do practical talents im smart never know say social situations im people feel like im heart attack feel like deserve little friends have understand talk me im still live dad would homeless without him every job ive had ive broke quit nobody hire me make art point long run want exist anymore probably got hours sleep last night stay awake worry people important me made friend online last november weve talked every day since struggle depression too reached last night know say would help them know would say myself want help feel like id say wrong thing told id need me know thats enough im worried want lose them im tired want sleep sleep nightmares want cry hate myself want hide even know im posting this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "closest ive feltso ive seeing therapist months would like see psychiatrist possible medication scares much worry losing am think would feel knowing need pill feel normal feel lonely want feel like belong something wish could find someone relate talk to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting first car soon looking lots early s subaru legacys imprezas cars would guys recommend live rural town school part time job situated main highway traffic lights traffic bad weekends friday afternoons amount beaches accessed going town", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "what point point anymore longer continue fight try find reasons keep living reasons find waste time days wander around feeling invisible like im speck dust floating air forgottenthe end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "care anythingi care family husband loves want anymore really care sex years quit college hours left care ill never finish care appearance care ive stolen almost every job ive ever worked at conscience it care get caught care anymore mom alcoholic never loved enough stay sober stay close care im deep debt ill never get out makes difference care anything anymore goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help get internetthe internet driving fucking crazy want exist want get sleep one day world ends masturbate much might get heart attack day spend much time reddit youtube feel like dont know doing going fucking autopilot falling everyday", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "true story walked bathroom boys talking issues communism", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sad want diei lonely think im depressed know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need helpi suicidal past year hidden away everyone feel like ruin lives closest people parents say leaving never coming back want die even", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might kill tonight d rapist boyfriend leaving rn", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got pumpkin spice latte four pumps pumpkin extra whip coconut milk put fridge drink tmrw class also whats yalls starbs order", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone dm pleaseee im really bored im looking friends stuff also im really bad conversation dm might seem bit dry first", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would people miss diei start post saying planning kill current time sorry post meant go know else male currently st year college met people consider friends still connected good bunch old ones healthy relationship parents teachers idea plagued awhile would people miss die sense kill selfwould one miss me understand would sad sure would get me talk regularly friends college playing games still thought back mind says no one would miss would forget soon afterwords guess one main points thinking shit self worth zero social life side college real world also self conscious weight trying fix say think killing time soon thanks responses", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stolen utorpedodickboy whats first impression based username heh filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find place better send reboot start starting reboot connecting server found server deleting viruses uploading new data done done done done done done done done removing extra files installing install done human verification required download apps continue vpn vpn stupid game toddlers play downloads apps reboot failed be free support us donating us remember share social media tell friends", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressedanxious life spent youth moving around small outsider kid would always target bullying learned hide emotions fake okay draw attention away myself spent time books imagining fantasy worlds life made close friend rd grade another subject bullying although abused well confided th grade realised wanted live anymore shamefully tried end friendship could deal feelings felt sorryit time started dropping hints parent admired time masked panic child might issues told talking problems okay people around me grew close friends none could trust fully feelingsthese past years slowly settled gone university find failure address mental health resulted apathy studies hobbies developed real deep friendships cannot find trusting emotions people do relieved hurti completed subject past couple years past due graduate cannot keep lying parents live with cannot tell truth either one parent socially inept understanding background mental health grew abusive household difficult time confusing honesty manipulationi never hurt myself know tell people feel without like manipulating them burdening them feeling like shit receiving end know difficult hear know tell parents", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "overgoodnight everyone pray everyone seeking help finds solace late me r k q always love all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanted clarify anyone else still virtual fully hey everyone school fully virtually entire year choice go back chose since halfway year point felt like itd drastic choice start going back miss friends yes some everything else would no anyone else still going virtual hard time get distracted easily use personal computer instead chromebooks hurt eyes screen small", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genetics shitdont wanna get much detail im basically yo male acne balding head look feel like disaster seriously consider jumping infront subway train whenever im there hope might get decent paying job kill graduation years afford get rid acne ill still balding male im awkward slow boring looks problem ill certainly die alone standards nothing special me get pitty im crippled lost close one ridiculous financial problems im kid never grew therefore flew radar im close hopeless", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many friends have post title asks many friends have much think good amount", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "barman wanted make movie wanted to simple that succeeded goal also making wonderful movie especially visually knows use pans slowmotion sequences tracking shots crane shots etc beautiful smooth way gives movie relaxing feel itbr br the story lives different characters nothing common except one thing party attend to also turnpoint movie beauty picture lies question characters effect eachother in comparance similar course better movie like magnolia simply think barmans idea beauty lies different details experiences people go makes breaks lives barman successful telling little stories describe little experiences knows people antwerpbr br the soundtrack movie also excellent surprise know barman also succesful songwriter musician band deus music sometimes hot time relaxing contributes sunny smooth feel movie times hear funky poprockmelodies give scenes strength needbr br theres one flaw thats last half hour runtime breaking up last scenes fresh accurate scenes then cant figure outbr br all beautiful sunny movie lifts belgian cinema upbr br br br its breeze flows girls hair sunny afternoon making even beautiful fresh breeze makes relax passes crowded party someone opens door breeze carries perfume beautiful girl sitting next park met week ago breezebr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking last letters everybody clear reasons mental state abusive mother therapist care less clear contributors relatives friends care course innocents children nice people issuesi wish tell people made decision care still afraid end mother therapist blame others innocents left wonder wrong sort want dick anyone also want people use ignorance mean might someone could save at least therapist future realize power would write it blaming others", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "improving rejection first english second language sorry miss spell something abaut rejected big time hurt like hell could get her make feel terrible abaut self especially looks never fat extra weight on never tried anything abaut it quarantine hit looked mirror decided make change started running dieting going gym lost kg quarantine ended went back school got showered compliments ever since lost weight love totally changed me depressed hated way look happy look good never ended getting girl got something much better learned best way getover bad things pick hobbies improve person make things easier forget", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "vampire tales cup blood gothfest based anne rice vampire chronicles prove satisfying experience veritable consortium undead contemporary setting queen damned directed michael rymer story shadows darkness unfortunate souls dwell therein eternitybr br vampire lestat stuart townsend bored world longer excites him asleep many years suddenly sounds world hears extended slumber change liking hears ventures forth investigate finds world filled new sounds new kind music driving penetrating sounds assault senses make feel alive welcome knows long last time come time like come open face world terms toward end becomes front man band singer performer unlike world ever known presents vampire quickly amasses following extends far beyond london where begins ultimately take death valley california plans give concert promises beyond anything anyone ever seen experiencedbr br lestat powerful without question kind take favorably fact revealed them one marius vincent perez vampire powerful right vampire fact made lestat many years before gathering coming together making plans meet lestat concert going music something else well one point lestat inadvertently awakened mother all powerful vampires akasha aaliyah make presence known all especially one chosen rule side king lestat concert rest assured akasha attendance without failbr br make mistake lestats story rymer presents amid setting rich atmosphere exquisite moments though film less bite say interview vampire bram stokers dracula sets good pace scenes provide real thrills overall film soaked menace could be much one might expect final tally fact amount flesh incinerated wins actual bloodletting though taste gore fair share lips mouths dripping red stuff theres good fx hand too especially sequences accentuate speed vampires move hurtle air faster naked eye discern decent job rymer could put teeth played alienation hinted lestat is get sense detachment enough get totally involvedbr br interview vampire tom cruise brought charismatic star power role lestat townsend even effective look attitude captures lestat perfectly plays sense acceptance closer scrutiny may even find hint remorse longing good performance one sells character convincinglybr br marius vincent perez nice job too is fact one strengths film though character bit ambiguous that however way written perezs performance quite good br br turning noteworthy performances well marguerite moreau jesse young woman curious good gorgeous lena olin maharet jesses aunt ultimately plays pivotal role outcome drama involving lestat akashabr br akasha aaliyah absolutely riveting presence one say gifted performer tremendous talent beauty and tragically left us much soonbr br supporting cast includes paul mcgann david christian manon mael claudia black pandora bruce spence khayman matthew newton armand tiriel mora roger megan dorman maudy much stronger story usual offerings particular genre anne rice fans especially pleased queen damned film nicely crafted delivered director rymer engaging cast focusing attention drama story way presented rather concentrating merely providing cheap thrills rymer succeeded turning true horror film definitely cut above one may whet appetite same thats magic movies rate one br br br br br br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "summon power reddit guess lot schools germany want write final exams even though didnt get lot time learn them thats friends started petition exams would help lot could sign petition ampxb httpchngitytvmdyvpdmhttpchngitytvmdyvpdm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sitcom revolved around girl must learn responsible actions power magic often used try help loved ones herself frequently resulting literal puns often disastrous always humorousbr br the program began sabrinas adventures high school fictional town westbridge located near boston massachusetts as opposed greendale comics series later seasons sabrina graduated high school enrolled college moved attempts live keep job local newspaper breaking comic roots show ended sabrinas wedding although end abandoned wedding ran harveybr br many episodes involve sabrina getting meet natural supernatural means popular reallife musical artists time including coolio violent femmes backstreet boys phantom planet davy jones monkees britney spears avril lavigne daniel bedingfield hanson edens crush savage garden n sync ashanti course nature band melissa joan harts thenboyfriend now husband mark wilkerson appeared episode ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thinking killing next weeks f lately ive contemplating redflag plans found looking online ways kill least amount pain think hospitalization even option financial state family in feel unfixable unimportant im end rope even know im posting here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate new downvote colour thats guys thats post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost almost subs pls help httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucthaqrfgkugrun_mq", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "road notifications already reached reddit notifications road help commenting post spam dms utrizzuth thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thank god concept sleepi sure would killed already taking naps sleeping wasnt thing way hell could survive hearing thinking things going world ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im officially admittedly depressed tw want move toxic houseturning thought id magical way house money accomplish goals finally report abusive ex rapist thought finally get therapy etc stopped taking zoloft sertraline back cold turkied good emotional parents dont take anymore eye exams doctors appts concern swept rug always say theyll get therapy glasses never follow through need therapy ive needed since freshman year cheap therapists never give shit me called one saying suicidal wanting go politely told calm hung up dug trauma never showed another appointment braces years teeth straight beautiful year ago dentist told need wisdom teeth removed asap itll destroy progress guess cant afford it need glasses weak eye doesnt drift direction quite frankly im used looking fucked ive raised average family may selfish want ugly im terrified finally job cant leave money yet started first training day today looking job months dad wouldnt let work dad selfish controlling mom praises kisses feet defends him theres way point itll long time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "happening boys im now got really sweet cupcake presents im happy dudes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell obe reason end all feeling like ahit past years everyone says im faking depression im really depressed gen z fake depression therefore also do ao close ending all tell good reason killing myself care feelings family", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long history mental illness suicidal thoughts that interests diagnosed bipolar ii disorder first hospitalised diagnosed borderline personality disorder traits top upon second hospitalisation also tried and obviously failed attempt twice today different though today learnt new way make attempt looking one everyday week year since mind racing things need funeral afterdeath arrangements keep hitting block what happens fail again anyone tried failed attempt knows end feeling like loser even little worse before case even hangover uni work submit times easy hide fact would made attempts life way seem like case scared found forced hospital third time row looking advice get away it know rules thought could vent here done good job isolating everyone reaching nuisance sick therapy please ask is share perhaps start swan song", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "covidmarshall loser ucovidmarshall annoying hate much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "combination meds criticali took like mg opipramol mg mirtazapine mg lorazepam mgs xanax also mg venlafaxin matter h want sleep possible die kind medication taken once", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "great anime true animation old still worth watching better plot ninja scroll problem kinda longbr br japanese movie star hiroyuki sanada played ujio last samurai played main character jiro directed rintaro galaxy express metropolisbr br the anime good animation old anime interesting characters like main villain tenkai ando shouzan course lets forget beautiful musical scores filmbr br all movie worth watching fans anime animation general action samuraininja flicks despite lows film film great film watchbr br dont miss film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well much say film except truly wonderful film natalie portman absolutely fantastic daughter lovely motherdaughter relationship film br br beautiful film", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "going drown tomorrowi terrible gambling addiction general bad person truly believe potential good good heart someone profound said the road hell paved good intentions like here good intentions get life together inevitably sucked back vices hold me expect anybody understand cant stop gambling wasnt position would share views shame thrust world fault own expected make something ourselves yet us would better returning primordial ooze wherest came report back tomorrow unsuccessful guess either put euphemistcally pass away near death experiance which knows could life changing going go surfing late local uncrowded surf break know ledges put longest leg rope surf board im going space monkey swim hook leg rope ledge pass out body automatically breath salt water hoping enough kill me know space monkey hyperventiate breathes breath hold breath til quickly pass out used high school shits gigs also highly intoxicated hopefully increase probabilty success hopefully fail like everything else life choosing drown want burden family idea committed redflag really shame pretty amazing potential us squander it well atleast have also relatively short life space negative impact im years old still living home pay rent money bank car cleaning work even spend money ive lost grand sisters money managed pay last year ripped people selling racing tips promising people would make lot would sent negative ripples this everything matters hope anyone reading this hope alright edit post tomorrow night means removed gene pool cya", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lifes kinda bruh im really tired life ive gotten point life enjoyable stuff like moment mom figures im fun gets mad being electronics much like electronics things stayed havent left me wont betray give insights characters lives new life fun me really dont care im addicted electronics real way find enjoyment life deal with all thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stubbed toe loses balances hits funny bone desk corner thanks life", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess got breakup well understatement month days but whos counting dumped text talking online fried asked still liked me said direct quote used to im bi different group people like five seconds later screenshot conversation sent him played dumb first thinking meant see im bi part rather used like her portion guess thought good tell cruelly end gave saw meant see then natural reflexes hide emotions kicked in pretended give damn did still do honest cant quite work feel this emotions range were mature yearold get become stronger together i know weird around him still civilised go die fucking bastard whos far chicken worth time around him put fake front smile laugh act like care inside hurts see happier without me guess fact life miss him miss quirky geeky personality obsession things medical miss tried fit crowd yet managed entirely unique special miss way would anything cheer up miss ability make laugh split second miss would make feel like person world mattered miss long talks way first person approached faced problem viceversa all miss trust other best friend barely proper sentence passes us day month since got dumped know im him yet still feel hollow inside like part missing friends tell hes worth it hes trash move on still defend were friends right know feeling way normal know terms hiding emotions right know want best friend back want happy need like love me please treat friend im sorry whoever reads new felt like typing out seeking advice listening ear read this thanks hearing ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish parents would forget could disappearwhy born burdensome world feels pointless working studying get better job later on end working more feel selfish ive known people thatve gone worse struggles yet im one wants disappear feel selfish parents worked incredibly hard hopes successful career good life disappear would waste time money love parents getting older happen pass away really think would reason continue living anyone else feel same", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "slim jim kid forgot name im going call sj for slim jim ill get story soon middle school rd period pe pretty quickly sj became friend him me girl talking period every day funny adventures together first ill talk slim jim story sj always looked behind bleachers bo reason coach never paid attention one day sj found old hard gross slim jim sj asked wanted shank steven the kid everyone hates especially me told stupid idea asked girl hung us told while holding back laugh it it sj shanked kid meat stick another less funny event forgot adhd meds managed break glasses attack me friend steven like days days pushing kid half size away girl foot taller didnt hurt or himself got mad me avoid head first charging minutes day got yelled pushing him sj got sent nurse charging students head first told sj bi thought meant slept guy girl explain attracted someone different sex illegally conversation went lgbtq stuff reason thought trans girl definitely wasnt sj youre reading go get help buddy insane tldr crazy friend shanked kid stick meat insane things", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice neededhello im currently needing opinions boyfriend extremely anxious depression hospitalized week able seek help past weeks looking getting house activities however recently fallen back loop admitted started hurt feeling complete loss asked could stay tonight hes scared might do told could course would figure things together alone this want possibly suggest pick maybe go back hospital hes admitted needs help im wondering anybody knows would best action take go back place make plan together would want next", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think messed first impression crush today okay riding bike go see crush first time wind blowing hair around like crazy ruined hair im scared crush think im ugly wont consider dating first impression bad also didnt make laugh today", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "start company years ago ambition goal job stayed stayed stayed wasting away s s s role changed significantly currently making ever asked take different roles however absolutely miserable low point job argument person worked years someone would consider friend upset management style also made ridiculous mistake little ago could problems comes long time feeling knowing would without job would feel adrift job looking at know details would like environment like schedule would probably make half currently making let us say get job sucks would do job way long", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lay bed hours point back pain get work minutes clock in motivation anything days off literally stare computer screen force something bare minimum find wanting end it would bad ask myself lonely always broke hopeless disgusting looking half blind know nobody could ever actually want me decent paying job always playing catch financiallyin end resolve kill myself though want continue living would upset something killed me think id grateful always tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say turning one things look forward tohow spent th birthday weeks ago knee praying hours friend got shot safe makes alive sadly didnt ever since day ive hoping see bigger picture think live grief longer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "long overdose startsive taken full bottle mg capsules cymbalta plus ten mg tablets lexapro once feel like seeking help anymore useless long symptoms headache diziness begin kick in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im trying take test flies sex right next me want bother swatting away also want get bad grade test distracted flies sex", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first episode friends aired sept the one monica gets roommate song playing rachel sits window towards end show line plays is if ever need holding anyone know artist singing title song seems great songi would love get copy it thanks assistance looking albumcd purchase it br br i shows available purchase enjoy show again seemed believablethanks hours entertainment provided years", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "least guys stop messaging say im gonna sext seriously hard keep conversation going lady reddit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shave hair off im kinda tempted buzz hair rn im tired it yall think full send buzz no cause im pretty sure itll look horrible also never done idek", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life time little richard told little richard produced directed little richard one sided one songs biography even docudrama good writing great energy outstanding leading actor playing richard music little richard rocks tight lipsync every songbr br the movie covers early childhood carrys thru formative years music wild success richards throwing away praise lord tied together well obvious comeback manages stay away idea little richard discovered beatles opened himbr br my main objection outrageous counter cultural behavior underplayed get feel audience experienced time energy still has come across full force seemed tame compared remember timebr br the best scenes richard getting jilted lucille writing song strip bikini shorts performing make point decent place changebr br if gotten bronze liberace richard use refer interviews theres story trust saw perform couple months ago still flirts pretty white boys giving one particularly good dancer audience headband nearly still going strong recommend movie concert tv appearance find little richard always", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alright alright before everyone start get close leaves really seen coming not really thought would different never even close close someone before even though suck communication rarely talked struggles made soo much easier knowing alone would given life save yours without hesitation would given last penny without hesitation would lost limb without hesitation would lost sensory organ hesitation would lost regular organ hesitation would given car would given bike would given place live mad myself even depression redflag adhd finally drove away fucking terrible communication skills best friend even say hello alone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "magnitude stalingrad tragedy concisely presented end note movie in battle stalingrad one million people killed action froze death died starvation russians romanians italians hungarians germans austrians surrounded men sixth army o taken prisoners returned homeland years laterbr br what story tell fieldmarshall paulus surrendered share hardship captivity men special treatment highest ranking prisonner taken soviet army when presence nuremberg trials asked fate prisoners declared fine freed war died east germanybr br the film presents first part tragedy actual battle stalingrad however entire picture fate prisonners also forgotten", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "previously seen zu warriors magic mountain film setting takes place chinas mountains legend zu looks like another dimension thank tsui harks extensive use cgi effects hes able portray vision mountains floating clouds land beings fly freely powers ranging razor sharp wing blades split swords ultra cool moon orbbr br while many characters one focus mainly king sky enigma romance aspect there although movie seems much darker predecessor cecilia cheung beautiful presence screen makes movie worth watching beginning like resembles countess from zu warriors well playing enigma deals facing past life oh way mention cecilias appealing eyebr br in truth zu warriors comedy elements special effects limited due time tsui hark takes whole new level sets new standard cinema", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok done perfect vampire movie gothic beautiful ingredients realistic vampire wonderful story take note transylvania assure you movie respects vampire lore exactly like tales heard childhood transylvanian quite believable must see it interested real vampires depicted medieval chronicles done recent hollywood movies as far guess hollywood problem mix vampires incubus pretty hilarious me vampires never goodlooking attractive inspire horror repulsion incubus called country night flier one beautiful demon kills victims loving them strongly recommend gothic person there see also sequels good course miss dark shadows something similar nosferatu venice klaus kinski recommend one to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoiler alert wish could discuss without revealing specific plot points cant sorrybr br i looking imdb review george c scott movie stumbled across summary reviews version many notredflag reviews decided order even though awhile truncated rushed thought george c scott embodied tortured nature and physical appearance books rochester t beven looking dvds cover thinking isnt timothy dalton goodlooking role latter concern reinforced fact decided reread book dvd backorder said minute started watching this captivated first disconcerting hear s dialog spoken writtenwith little attempts modernizationbut dalton clarke threw thoroughly actually enjoyed fact adapters trusted audience follow archaic speech much book screen extra bonus know someone watch versions jane eyre who wants see film man keeps poor crazy woman attic frankly someone read book stumbled across hour half two hour versions would think thats pretty much story entailsrochesters secret affect everyone around him luckily version actually jane eyres whole lifebr br some people criticized casting dalton dashing clarke reserved cant argue first point in moment believe rochester me clarkes performance mark jane eyre quiet guarded one remembers book much adult janes fieriness passion occurs private struggles criticisms baffle me reviewers say clarke short pretty enough book goes ad infinitum small plain jane is ms clarke tall filmmakers toned looks make janes declarations lack beauty credible scarcely help dalton tall say chemistry leads what scene jane finally comes room wedding fiasco fairly vibrates passion longing sadness regretand thats first example comes mindbr br i agree criticisms missed scenes helen burns rivers siblings dialog oddly truncated rochester declares jane misjudge me hate mad waited rest exchange rochester explains jane go mad would still love care her powerful moment book wish included think mistake bring scene rochester part story jane own might done claritys sake found jarring wanted sly humor scene jane opines rochesters ardor cool hell become gruff again may like by daltons performance good rare misstep glaringwhen rochester weeps library saw actor crying scene rochester sets anyone ever caught episode s show dark shadows one knows expectvery stark sometimes rickety looking interiors others commented thoroughly succinctly makeup job rochester sports end yikes bad conclusion abrupt anguish suspense wanted rounded ending and copy dvd credits beginning end eleven minute episodes gets bit much said glad film watch again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts scaring mehello need somewhere share story hopefully get advice ive depressed think ive sunken back want live on see light end tunnel anymore ive lost confidence know do good days suffer anxiety always worry things go bad ill suffer heartache cant happening again know happens im scared whatll ill do days triggers smallest things hear something want hear something excited happen could sat alone mind wanders overthink suddenly im crying again frustrating scary gorgeous family always me love much think world try think push always work happened got heart broke guy loved seeing casually nine months never wanted anything serious though always hoped eventually went asked relationship said really liked cared him said no want girlfriend fair enough let go talk that found three weeks later girlfriend devasted time lost job nearing eviction house hardly friends social life friends busy relationships also self esteem issues raped cousin eight bullied school college cherry top slowly sunk depression move bed cried time drank alcohol even took overdose though survived it confidence felt like nothing eventually sorted out went doctors went anti depressants took therapy session sorted though family kept going gave advice support got job managed pay rent arrears went more got well guy friends hung enjoyed hanging house felt better enjoying life again last since ive two guys hurt both one went another lass front face party went week dumped saying would still sex want relationship go further gutted feel like anything wrong still see im normal usually bubbly self always goes wrong think somethings wrong me first guy especially hurt really liked him friend well lost him ive sunken low again hate myself cant stand look mirror sometimes feel like theres hope me horrible thoughts thoughts whisper weak am pathetic go work come home what nothing guys lost friends well keep trying think positive thinking oh bad concentrate work concentrate thoughts let up always come back one guy wanted anything me never wanted relationship used shot away like im nothing went lasses time lives cant see nothing valuable myself cant see nothing good wonder anyone would want me thats wanted someone know happen now im dreading christmas new year know depress more alone try think matter enjoy single loss friends social life time anything im always working makes think it life make goals myself like wanna learn drive next year dark thoughts come forget that care goals anymore worst im still attracted one guys one walked another girl party scares more want feelings ill get hurt cant take heartache hes still friend family see often act causal around friendly distant want get close cant rid feelings im scared one days ill hear getting girlfriend hurt me cant take that know do anxieties throttling me want go whole process tablets therapy part sees silly get depressed over probably feeling like this im broken know fix me im actually even planning commiting redflag christmas thoughts petrify know part im pushed hard enough dont want family cant take thoughts life anymore always wait something bad hit im scared feel blows get christmas new year feeling like this advice anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "vague idea bettie page was partly due appearance wee days playboy apparently got photo taken santa hat that know mag was movie cowritten directed american psychos mary harron fleshes key parts life well enough southern belle church goer bad experiences leaves behind seek better times new york city gets modeling lot more soon becomes underground pinup sensation bondage obvious and notorious title trait attributed her actress gretchen moll portrays her gets spirit woman well could really lot success film simplistic character even times ideas morality questionable well adam eve naked they comments couple times apparently filmmakers leave later years pages life leave kind redemptive period leaving behind photo shoots jesusbr br in all notrious bettie page much kind usual biopic presented hbo films albeit time stamina featurefilm release best scenes harron captures page questionable positions getting photos overthetop poses starring ridiculous films whips chains leather uniforms adds much needed comic relief films otherwise usual nature story behind uninteresting involves governments investigation smut came photos underground magazines much time given explore merely hinted at page complexities relationships sex fifties given really neat black white look sometimes seemed harron progressing black white photos tinted went along watchable view knowledgeable bette page probably fans too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relapsed day sucks idk im good time rn like lifes kinda coming ass probably plan funeral soon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "como dijo vladimir una paja dormir como dijo vladimir una paja dormir", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly dont knowman im regular white kid smoke weed say whatever fuck want moment cause got months probation literally dont know whats happening brain im depressed anything im sad got anxiety really bad months ago got dirtbike wreck totalled injuries brain one severe trauma ive noticed anger issues went freak tf littlest things im literally insanely frustrated everything govermentmom political shit everything im mad dont want help therapist psychiatrist cause nothing fix", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant take migrainesim already severely depressed get migraines almost every day nothing doctor gives works cant take it im hours current pain one worst ones yet nothing works otc painkillers work ice heat packs work matter lay sit up want over cant think straight living worth it fuck constant head pain god would design us way know im saying im middle it im crying pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "th birthday today couldnt give less fuck strange seems like every year birthdays becoming normal day plus dont really like messages get old friends etc find awkward dreading going college checking snapchat sound like miserable cunt right im starting feel every year birthday birthdays aint special anymore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "way put phone pocket pocket upside down screen facing thigh horizontal yknow type stuff yes im typing damn bot idk enough ill post see guess", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "genre dinosaur animation new york time travel circusbr br main characters rex tyrannosaurus rex elsa pterodactyl dweeb parasarolophus ooo triceratops boy called louis girl called cecilia captain neweyes actors john goodman rex yeardley smith cecilia martin short stubbs clown felicity kendal elsa etcbr br what happens four dinosaurs see above fed brain grain cereal cuddly friendly dinosaurs going nice children go new york big plansbr br my thoughts cute animated film animation dinosaurs go cuddly friendly bit floppy notsogood look pleasant way like dinosaurs cuddly friendly nice friendly good like almost characters featured especially elsa cecilia course like others well overall like film lot br br recommended to people like good childrens animated films people like dinosaurs john goodman people think circuses always seem enjoy ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "women confusing asked crush got used like took long make move ive know weeks tf didnt make move", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seasonal depressiondoes spring summer ever make anyone depressed like winter validates depression makes feel normalsunlight make feel better im fucking low reminds hell need climb of im curious anyone else feels like thisregardless this im gonna try fucking hardest embrace warm weather positive vibesi cant afford feel like longer", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking gf requirements human optional alive preferably age within years older ladies dm info", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression suicidal tendencies turn anxiety loneliness span two weeks brain universe hate guts", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "utadddyy appreciation post u pog ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant stop thinking redflagit feels like always way out brain hyper focuses much diagnosed earlier year bpd feel ive got worse worse constantly think ending know right it would hurt many people yet lay awake night crying eyes constantly thinking life worth it im lost know do one day fear feeling get much simply it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want jump window want cut ears hear anything want see anything cannot breath someone say resson survive please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "past six months went break person ever let truly loved mentally ill family member threaten shoot me repressed memories molestation abuse work way counseling lost home break up bought th wheel cannot register title dispute three owners ago found father barely actually father much more last month living truck two dogs suicidal urges thoughts multiple times day seems like everytime think bottom something comes along kick teeth like passed redneck wearing steel toes feel fucked completely fucked work day play dogs pass again know get this housing rental prices soaring nearly impossible find one construction paychecks right now know do holding onto vague plan hope keep working something eventually get better not feel fucked beyond fucked one days reckon give in tie noose hope happens quick family friends another continent know chose post this guess would least like heard someone two pups abuela used say man plans god displans used powerful reminder form old saying feels like oppressive approximate generalities life it want sleep peacefully knows interesting title", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupid poll stupid idea anyways crush considered popular person quiet person scale quiet kid popular person ever im honestly curious ratio could answer feel comfortable", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holy shit cant even comprehend much hate guy playing gta chilling guy came u destroyed someones cargo going kill u asked whose didnt know said look crew tag grieferdeleter kd kept killing x spawnkilled didnt even chance hate soo mucb fucking angry him like hard leave alone save gamertag tho", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "expect permit test i live california im california resident taking permit test next monday ive practicing throughout lockdown attentive road signs parents drive id like say mildly good understanding everything yet finish little aaa booklet dad gave look over expect suggestions study prepare", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guns expensivei mean knew reason figured land free tm came plentiful cheap guns finish job turns may plentiful theyre hardly cheap anyone afford kill america anyway came home feeling even sad useless before", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats first impression someone wears boots thesehttpsdiponvvotwcloudfrontnetpostsbcbffcaffem_bcbfaacedjpeg boots im thinking buying pair versatility durability would first impression be cool", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck environment people go thru shit n im still going thru shit sorry u dont like except im not", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trying win white mans game heart intact dollar dream really kind hard sleep thoughts streets", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thank youhi first time posting throwaway think friends really know reddit account anyways going lot posts ive realized always people reaching willing help need want say thank you pretty touching know people care enough browse subreddit reach someone struggling ive recently diagnosed things gone downhill pretty fast never saw kind person act terrible thoughts head weekend stood train tracks cried felt accepting that im scared found staring knife minutes flew plane traveled dangerously close city skyline problem parents brother flight want die me hate thoughts im thoughts cant control stopping acting im control myself depression causing want stop gets worse im already medication going two fricken therapists want act feel like im heading darker darker place", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bro realized girlfriend man man girlfriend holy shit dont know landed like damn fuckin cute beautiful man wanna cuddle like shit man finally somehow landed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one find girlfriend must hard must awkward whyyyy also hot chocolate today pretty good spilt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres second goes dont question existence wanna diemy social academic life turning shit second great news im slipping means im literally gonna die soon whether intentionally not cannot take life anymore im sure im depressed sad anymore im numb like cant feel anything beyond bodys defensive mechanism whatever disconnected world wrong cant fake someone else already lost am dont know im alive till one hate enough kill me probably dont trust ensure die im scared might fail live miracle dont think life let go easy yano death me get amen im religious btw", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mitras wishes hug gt_gt case need feel like know mitras wants happy unless trying murder innocents", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck math literally everyone hate math", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good night everyone ill date crush moment going date dreams remind drink water stay hydrated oh last thing game", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always joking redflag firstweather joking know people take wrong way moved joking actually tanking health purposely cutting deeper should ya know results started first relationship cheated me think about im happy anymore nothing exciting eyes none family checks feels like one cares even see pain im going through would anyone notice would anyone come looking knows cares", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need coffee dont wanna get", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depressed disappointedim seventeen years old feel like life going want it people always tell good am rhchaotic handsome youre smart rhchaotic life ive believed jumped hoops maintain status wear expensive clothing keep groomed keep grades up take college level classes etc yet enough find difficult bond people hard make friends hell people school try avoid talking noticing me probably think im awkward asshole ive thinking maybe im smart everyone thinks im handsome ive looked ways able connect attract people theyve failed ive decided im good enough this feel mind failing me cant focus anything anymore causing grades slip memory getting worse forgetting things happened mere seconds ago refuse become idiot id soon kill myself im good enough anyone im good enough myself whats point living one family wants around you end this want make things clear stated title im depressed least think am im disappointed whats become me mind good was attractive people certainly show ive started consider redflag more maybe theyll care im dead worry impressing anyone anymore id free", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deserve painive gotten back burning myself deserve pain im disgusting human being", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "breakthe break fun spending entire time sitting room bed crying door locked looks like head back school i could take knife beside reasons jam throat slide across bleed horrible pain really better two considering go back school guy wants slit throat anyways reasons seriously really want gather enough courage time ill it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nearly k main cant get karma alt mustve lost touch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going redflag next weekend change mindtitle read posts want know whats up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried kill today weaki even know someone read not need vent somewhere today tried hang started feel pain stopped weak want try strength that think itll work feel alone want end it feel bad mom dad baby sister know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "you ruin everythingim ive physical mental health issues long remember ive spent time hospitals body mind trying best person be always coped well teenager id lash family adult ive learned turn anger hurt inwards something rather outward family cutting parts lives while holding responsible sins long past committed failing recognize work ive put try better soon brother uncle friend month ago got together without even minutes apartment acted like fault include me started discussing childhood therapy turning stones id looked long long time got ptsd diagnosis realized idea less ideal childhood blamed for actually pretty abusive well last days telling come home christmas see kids love dearly want told things wanted grab medical paperwork know id back went tense want bring things brought said felt told running christmas leave asked like told abuse played called liar said remembered never happened either lying nuts im shook remember things clearly vividly happenedi think im pretty sure ive burned last bridge family theyve called liar crazy told ruined everything im left doubting everything im hurting physically mind falling apart heart never felt broken part really wants leave world guess think ill ok really mind ended im trying best", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "canvas tracking tabs bet heard rumor canvas tracking tabs partially true go near canvas sidebar adress bar say logs also means could inactive cannot however tell tab opened toatilly exposed however pattern leaving question similar amount time get trouble get phone keep doc notes splitscreened look at however make habit makes teachers suspicious canvas spyware track mouse however", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dms open quite tired enough sleep yet lol im glad weekend starting get late im quite tired yet seeing anyone else around wanting chat whatever ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got attacked im much pain turkey gerard attacked feeding chickens wanted seven different states new name gerard christmas dinner pack shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "my synopsis rae christina ricci high school slut nymphomaniac connects ronnie justin timberlake fulfill needs ronnie must report national guard unit leaves rae alone rae alone long town tramp powerful need hookup man party rae taken home friend ends beating half death throws side road next day lazarus samuel l jackson finds rae carries home lazarus gives medical care rae believes also save herself rae like dog heat lazarus puts pound chain around radiator keep going looking men lazarus problems own wife left another man lazarus turns blues music relieve painbr br my comment movie deep meaning get past sex violence film different feel it story raw almost puts movie there pound chain good metaphor symbolic chastity belt give love away anyone keep true love chain could also parallel wife chained kitchen yet rae cook rae wanted sex time whereas wife may not think craig brewer writer director made extraordinary movie samuel l jackson sings mean blues song story emotionally charged tackling subjects race religion music sex one paramount classics run time rated r", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "convince friends cries help ironic keep lying make know anything cant fucking anymore im fucking lonely please god stop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doneim done point person actually tolerates barely replies therapist talks bc shes payed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like women like like french filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag helpwould downing bottle tylenol pills drinking quite bit vodka kill me please recommend something thats common houses", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want mummom know feel open minded personi struggling reason keep pushing quite time gone waste im miserable want end however small part wants tell mother struggles raised s though experience mental issues depression anxiety etc tell her also fyi hate confrontation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school election campaign videos bad one things either entire video essentially saying vote me say something like ill get things done they wont thats private schools work essentially like life interesting horse snowboard vote also one extremely low resolution web cam footage stretched fit aspect ratio usually would encourage vote dont think none gave reason vote like vote me k bye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey another food thing whipped cream pink lemonade powder yes no", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cute girl litteraly bedroom way looks swear im going die knife bit annoying though", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fall apart everydaywithout distractions feel like im gonna go nuts today got never slept kept thinking problems problems panic attacks past got work easily finishing around sat everything kept feeling like going break again used drink vodka stop thoughts keep coming back kept feeling like wanted grab knife cut throat let press there mentally fall apart anything stress about depression gets worst want kill little confidence actually it cant think properly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate life currently", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "international movies never fail disappoint watched spanish one called rec im nd now great", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know type go year old male little backstory ive suicidal depressed year now better today people thought friends fucking left me middle city going hang hours sudden left tried texting multiple social medias phone numbers texted back yet know know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "struggled ptsd depression physical pain hate fear ect ect ect since left military right deployment mental hospitals rating va issues day goes life think redflag stooping much hurt keep feeling bay time today day afraidish feel confident try attempt life tonight sure mood getting worse every minute passes trying figure call help things consider this last time made call help mental ward topeka ks many months muuuuch longer average stay want go again many reasons one want bring bc nasty catch understand spend days month ward it loose disability month homeless again option swore last time matter what even day ever homeless again deserve this so said reluctant ask help bc feel almost signing life away make little money va anything would fall financial hiccup would crush life know do want stop pain want old life back miss me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say number give song playlist music heavy recommend listen speaker headphones best experience dm want link it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "convince mei made similar post couple days ago depression subreddit im posting here hardly energy type more ill keep short really want die im fully sure committing act myself family made clear want around friends want friends interests ambitions life meaning purpose never has cant seem get family understand depression many issues could stem aspergers convince continue", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking hate worldthe world fucking dark people mean nobody gives shit anybody else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "action horror scifi exploitation director fred olen ray shows talent director character actor william smith one best toughbad guys industry treats viewer best acting performance career randy travis gives best lee van cleef impression hes bad film smith travis make movie rest cast none really stand out ray great job directing flick smith travis good id give b western scale one tenten best seven", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom forget name time dad like y oh sorry dad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nowtwo months ago starts ive depression years feel cant hold longer probably fault too mean fired drinking job liquor store wrecked car hammered top off love life leaves me job car fuck those her glue last three years everything real girlfriend confidence little is shattered since cant push actually try fix myself years life true accomplishments goals thing ive managed nab beautiful unlucky women deserve let slip away maybe fat idiotic self deserves this whats next theres honesty much else see working life job ill hate really better death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quarantined thanksgiving isolated quarantine last days college dorm different city one live in wish could turkey right family", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want explain ex left l", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today already sucks woke took shet bad legs hurt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sister got scammed hi im younger here sister shes amazing person me mom drive meet aunt cousin cousin chill car aunt mom sister go inside get sweet dress also got crown business idk say name not get home takes crown show us second took pop jewel came out touched one time first got today day nothing happened today takes out puts head two gems popped out crown apparently adhesive used sucked shes freaking it likely got scammed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tired everything seriously considering end allso lately ive feeling really everything something ive dealt long time unbearable im pathetic year old loser basically future friends nothing care anything anymore spend nights crying help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pushups decide to day managed pushups imma try get tomorrow", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gf contemplating redflag know doive girl almost months sweetest kindest considerate person ive ever met family mess parents divorced father inconsiderate asshole mother narcissistic bitch mother forces everything her including taking care adopted sister age like baby father kicked long ago hated new family feel like wanted belongs place constantly daily fights parents found out last week cries sleep most nights think means every night found couple days ago nightmares want sleep it along sleeps little wakes several times night hinted redflag before met told cut thought redflag see parents would even care never noticed cuts did never mentioned it past couple texts thats sent me tells wants give up given up ive tried give support im professional needs help phone night said wanted help family cant afford it parents freelance dad seems money relationship probably willing spend it help girl feels guilty receiving help went psychiatrist before says one thing parents use guilt trip her im fucking worried know please help me know much longer take this forgot mention living beijing expats unfamiliar most", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "amber heard seen memes bitch want say insulting female dogs dogs higher level her call something else thank you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "multiple half assed redflag attempts since elementary schoolnot sure much actually intend say ive suicidal long remember think first attempt around age suicidal thoughts constant life since then age ive tried kill times success struggled self harm that got close trying lost motivation even resorted staring floor realizing would fuck like past times planning going field near house jamming knife stomach probably badly worded whatever im incredibly frustrated especially years denied help medical malpractice bullshit pushing closer closer killing myself kept alive peoples sake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "late forties era screwball comedy over films moving different direction comedically otherwise television looming horizon hollywood would soon rough time where one wonders would movies gone television come along arrival scene delayed five ten years mr blandings builds dream house offers one particular way comedy might developedbr br ad man jim blandings along wife two daughters living nice way cramped new york city apartment one day gets bright idea might fun realize dream building house suburbs buys property connecticut one built precise specifications well almost known trouble might changed mind might have decide frail premise wonderful film results full conflict middle class dream owning ones home oftentimes unpleasant reality acquiring one nothing comes easy life mr blandings learns one miserable things always go ones way is all long run but blandings asks every minutes long longbr br this movie delight not suppose masterpiece capramccarey tradition worthy successor thirties pictures may well harbinger things come arrival television changed cultural landscape radically real warmth picture good deal wc fieldsian hardedged reality obtruding periodically much leave bad taste people film smart affluent decidedly professional upper middle idle rich upper classbr br lead players cary grant myrna loy plays mr mrs blandings perfection melvyn douglas fine pragmatic lawyer friend often bring unpleasant topics real world works is too wonderful sense want better term one might call romance suburbia infancy immediate postwar years one sees woods streams drew people country first place people definitely fish water still largely rural connecticut short years things would change mad rush suburbia would full gear destroying forever pastoral innocence many yearned small towns soon would connected highways littered bottles cans effluvia rivaling anything one would encounter city", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidalim sure belongs here know go advice needs rules ill delete post suffer anxiety ive going therapist help much lately want live anymore want kill want exist anymore feel much better im asleep conscious almost everyday thought what would happen killed myself crosses mind probably it family bf would sad hand find looking dose pills deadly human know something pass talk someone want look like im trying get attention get people pity also want bother anyone things like this better things worry about", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nobody gets enough love anymore people say attractive people think world lot polite actually is think sucks world polite accepting black friends get lot hate online person like wtf fault born way im make internet little polite heres virtual hug and maybe kiss deserve it notice pain want know well love hope made daynight little better suffering take hug anyways love amazing people incredible talents personalities", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fed everythingi pre defense monday presented research paper get ba degree defense academic advisor said everything fine members committee criticise me worry presented research committee member knows quite lot general area research though specific topic said revise paper apparently got things wrong point sent parts research academic advisor never mentioned things committee member criticised might postpone ba defense though allowed defend it cant stop thinking fault though tried really hard also feel bad ill tell relatives manage graduate year know able stand such smart girl pity comments similar thing happened last year worked hard still rewrite research im good nothing really studied hard though ive started correcting research result still good enough cant go like that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill today wont homeworkyay", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could schlocky idea private detectives getting involved women theyre supposed spying on dialogue written perfectly banalbr br but actors turn dialog something makes sense see real people behind unreal lines directing wonderful scene ends without dragging longbr br i showed several friends mids perplexed bad material could made good movie friends enjoyed too", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "morning morning finally olved maths problem let sleep last night r guys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still thinking dying alone world appearanceif curious story see previous post used driven determined make better life myself barely get bed objectively bad looking anyone guaranteed alone miserable day drop finish off whats point even trying like polishing turd wanted world never be day sit computer ranting online disgusting looking am people try console me make feel better fact arguably least attractive guy planet death friend", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher said someone class th best ever compositions ever seen grade yes know him hes me great achievement life ask anything compositions time cheers people see post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "technically true joined subreddit technically belong years sadness noises", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "put insane disadvantage compared everyone elsewhile people age grew developedive suffering dealing much crap gives benefit life whatsoever fuck tell go onto tell succeed good life awful competitive luck based worldi literally cannot anything well fuck expect succeed fuck people expect someone mental illness succeed life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "college idea im doing pretty much nobodyi attend expensive college idea fuck im feel like im squandering parents money time being idea want career motivation study feel like nobody purpose world keep hearing everything right trust god cant anymore want drop kill something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember posted snail emoji got awards", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stunningly wellmade film exceptional acting directing writing photographybr br a newlywed finds married life expected starts question duty versus duty society together sister inlaw makes radical departures conventional roles mores", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "holiday question yall ever open gift early christmas eve", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone hack account pay made gmail dont remeber password need get fortnite account back becuase hacked pay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone explain spent whole year learning write fancy like get american education system obsolete fuck cmon ever time child needed whole year learn write signature cursive dumb shit makes sense apart public education ridiculous", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really want see shitposting yo future kids roast us", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont know im doingi year old almost completed bachelors degree fine art art dont know im doing every thought every action brings conclusion kill myself basement ceilings whic could hang im dont know do drinking feel way every day every second dont know want dont know anything ongoing problem masturbation drive creating anything girlfriend tells one idea doing parents ask make something dont know passions are passionate anything dont drive anymore dont know im lookin for accrued incredible amount debt thesis show may smoked weeed fucjed around think im fucked dont want anymore wrong want die dont want anymore dont want anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help needed save man assuming posts case young boy still trending social media extremists trying get young man lynched vocal opinion hashtag trending twitter accuses blasphemy extremists spamming gain attention im asking please help save using trends try bury blasphemy trend btsarmypakistan imrankhanjawabdou imrankhankhulwaopubg please report hashtag go httpshelptwittercomformshttpshelptwittercomforms choose harrassment link httpshelptwittercomformsabusiveuserhttpshelptwittercomformsabusiveuserca choose options detailed screenshots add urls attached add two paragraphs details add urls httpstwittercommahnoorism_statusshttpstwittercommahnoorism_statuss add description light recent hashtag fast becoming top trend pakistani twitter hashtag blasphemourmarufzaid spreading rapidly response mob pakistani users trying get another twitter user killed response alleged blasphemy know twitter notolerance policy type hatemongering especially dangerous lifethreatening hashtags like this urgent emphatic request take hashtag blasphemourmarufzaid immediate effect young pakistani life depends it credit twitter unavsszz save life even people think wont please everyone scary situation wish anyone go through appreciate help this thank you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "parents standards weird like video games language obviously matter drugs matter violence matter single frame tit dick fucked kinda weird", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ujk_jirachi grew level attack defense sp atk sp def speed ampxb sadly gain stats like pokemon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "real onez get joke ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dying pen ink runs dry marks black escape eye dying pen invisible bold cryi never know im sane end life immersed loss daily grind without family better dying blotty pen end cross hatch contour write letter empty maybe beautiful newly used know ill pour ink empty gone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nightmares every time fall asleepi much better started shitty fucking nightmares theyre always disgusting gory centered around things shake core know do last night took handful benadryl knocked long while never dreams take higher tolerance im running out im afraid sleep want end already im miserable anxious im awake already lifes sick joke point enough wracked paranoid intrusive thoughts things past obsessive fears im awake nope im fucking miserable im asleep too im exhausted time boot sorry coherent ive drank tonight see helps go sleep am today least nothings helping want end see fucked things dreams hey least temporarily scramble brain enough get maybe hour nap in", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "doesnt even knowmy sister loves one song logic redflag quietly sing along plays it sings happily taking lightly dont want alive want die today doesnt know mumble words really mean it pains know this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "trigger reddit ok pls show mercy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im getting feeling everyone paindoes everyone want end suffering everyone hide unbearable suffering god destine us suffer wrong avoid suffering", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "must ban rban video games making outrageous arguments involving video games cause people watch child porn become neo nazi also use terrible photoshop make youtube videos video game look like nazi propaganda", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "attracted chris hansen httpsimgurcomakxhqywd every time says take seat want get show presence want whisper hes chris hansen dateline nbc theyre investigation men try sleep underage girls", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired struggleive therapy medication since much adolescents spent drug induced zombie graduated binge drinking consuming mg thc day form edibles career almost encourages substance abuse anyone looking would dream job im tired go days without sleep sleep solid hours medication working therapy nothing always unhappy ive set date improve check out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "actual serious post thing hate life hard fix myself hard care thing actively avoid thing emotions fuck emotions like this get jealous feel sad couple time thinking best friends relationship someone get angry im good thing ive never good anything life life started years wasted wasted year work harder try catch cant harder try productive come point hating myself push idea helping myself hhate save myself willingly help myself theres way finally live happy maybe years itll take ages finally get feet im lazy want die rather see fail fail fail again even succeed wont enough ive losing weight year still hate look cant save myself cant people accept people kill themselve want die peacefully theres way ask help death everything disposal yet dont use them hate even seeing friends something life got new car old one broke alot failed mot im nothhing flesh brains value im worthless people need bbe like oh ok useless fucking die would able give resources someone use far better me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im pissedi home alome weekend shouldve killed chance means i money go buy rope jump bridge onto train tracks sit around cry watch youtube feel like im going insane want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lmfao judge acts like knows whats best depressed peopleso went juvie last month stupid internet crime left days speak psychologist depressed anxiety cope computer made bad mistake talk put meds kept telling social anxiety want end lot time behaved never anything bad let go home really got judge read report saw panic attacks almost killing there put probation forcing social talk people understand hard scared am disorder something wanted to go back jail dont fce fears really makes upset cant say anything it judge kept talking how im failure computer whats making depressed even said report try try everyday unmotivating hard scary makes judge expert makes smart know whats best me yes get want break law hurt people but easy knew knows wants suffer go jail dont face it makes stressed makes want die even help someone like me really annoying", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else good day end day still feel sad shitty", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reading likely know feeling also reading may realise important people talk getting this one anymore ex took them found new man took everything still admire her why want someone ask question too god hate this realised position people talk too not", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tomorrow going home visited dad first time year probably last time ever plan equipment date even time know stop me friends more like acquaintances know mental health optimal family life family abusive anything dysfunctional one knows thought daily last months one last therapy session goes down unrelated issues seriously doubt going tell anything all get tiny little moments doubt like right now sure choice pass way soon mindset completely decided it everything cold meaningless here supposed stuff plan stuff good person really want disappear one fucking day wake wish not drift middle conversations fantasizing ending it snappy total nightmare around starting lose grip reality fucking hard deal bullshit stuff bad going get worse want happens ask this want this want this fuck know want know whatever is would never able achieve it know trying here sorry hope grandma sad think anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "former gifted child case again dissapoint parents show think anymore maybe stop high expectations me show terrible be man terrible kid thinking way deserve horrible gifted got lucky disappointment deserve trash kid like deserve better part wants make parents proud time want disappoint finally see really", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see point anymorei see point living anymore clinical depression grief consumed me get enjoyment anymore trolling fuck people here even enjoy weed anymore one thing helped see good people made love life stopped working want end mom recently passed im probably gonna readmitted within week two cant anymore want either die bed day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please stop making post automatically say deleted annoying make screen recording every time read someones post want people actually read post make regular", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rather ran cari hope things dont get betternot everyone ill wait accident happen feeling suicidal makes feel guilty everything every aspect born ratand die like stupid rati exist sufferi envy love watch people everything goes well themi wonder pure souls are", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think im going try get together tomorrowive suicidal years go cycles intense crippling depression life goes shit one aspect time im left reeling job house joys relationships closest become incredible messes ive better recognizing im spiralling ive absolute tailspin weeks everyday become darker thought last serious look flaws ways kill them tomorrow want laundry clean car try think killing myself hard think even manage even matter know depression exaggerates problems way become thousand tonne behemoth little voice head whispers sure dont want tomorrow go well tried it right now tonight really want shoot head done it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "us british people guns but haveummmpotato guns potatoes yeah take that please hurt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoilersbr br ive heard gripe special effects detract movie movie suspense film good that stand point movie rocks franke rocks enjoy ones plastic hearts content complaints movie unless watch english dub total farce creates illusion b movie br br one complaint music video dvd say sings it id love know br br br br quality entertainment replayable ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help mechanics pulling together started depression turning existential crisis im starting feel pretty valid logicali couple issues right coming head found long ago going major depressive episode something gone even know honestly might ptsd sprinkled there guess consider really irrelevant given new found turn ive going here psychiatrist ive got sucks ass spent great deal time carving everything make life easy went psychologist first really thing offer breathing exercises left least convinced everything possible within powers conclude rationally issue chemical imbalance first insurance company gives list people can see get reimbursed go almost everyone booked weeks months advance think ridiculous is finally find someone go sit week calling tried make job easy possible explaining fact felt like weight world going crush first time life felt defeated reaching out regular doctor even im self employed etc try self sufficient possible im asking help im asking help explained everything going life provided much detail possible alleviate fears drug seeking made clear starting get gravely concerned short term state jumbling story couple times gathered professional avoidance prescribed something would take up several weeks months see change thought insane dumped mind came help felt like even paying attention prescribed benzos short term support never someone ask something like that ill tell what trick problem long term meds giving redflag idealization issues returned told aggression issues want get hospitalized arrested whatever since never officially tell anyone im threat what load fucking bullshit another days sort put nd prescription different longer acting prescription bottle refill days great enough time get next bridge go get refilled said day two earlier refill thats fine big deal told them fact quiet number left days felt need boost return week later pick im told doctor changed mind thinking wtf says days right there issue apparently since write date too pharmacists said totally unprofessional manually verify it even remember many days refilled for months ago mean pleaded guy im drowning life cant coming back making weekly appointments im trying sort out need training wheels guess every fucking person comes trying score pills including me okay enough guy ive got medication now fantastic lets move next issue here ive trying tell significant hey im going trouble right now please please keep down total ball buster normal times ive always managed fine got decade ago ive asked guess consider almost bare basics yelling house nagging try make effort intimate understanding right now im bitch it know help get this getting anywhere every time bitching something could think hanging basement kept thinking itd quick itd like going sleep ill never deal bullshit again okay im falling back looking sort temporary support ask mom ive extremely good terms forever help want clear relationship amazing said let time needed most explained needed help needed talk significant keeping line needed family support here basically shifted said one one needed help shit sitting paths ahead me fight fight fight battle get back drugs helping risk getting locked hospital telling truth risk losing means support significant process minutes tops turns existential crisis ive got good life recently ive become convinced ultimately life one enormous distraction ive chasing level happiness unobtainable immediately people talk this dance around subject become obvious im questioning existence immediately turn discussion honestly chasing material happiness oh that end that ultimately capitalist goals already went road happy kids realized different happiness distraction sort used look someone like larry ellison idealize him look successful is got older children idealize someone like that saw someone bought heroic amount bullshit sacrificed entire life pursuit ultimately power guess see world differently ultimately believe purpose life deep meaningful relationships ultimately complex that im way oversimplifying things here really starting get rails im starting feel like alien planet people truly identify days ive got small group confidants really truly adore people feel genuine loyal feel like majority people meet genuine vast vast majority people meet wrapped trivial bullshit trying seen way sort person cant connect them one hand totally understand person feel great sadness shame bought bought hard im trying cross bridge next stage cant find enough people there increasingly feel like amount effort necessary stabilize essentially rebuild core foundation much ive got partner seems concerned whether toys cleaned ground put bullet head doctor worried hell get rolled writing sloppy prescription endless number shitheads deal daily basis business people would piss kids cereal save recently id seen someone handful times last year sort start unplug like been never noticed really recently killed im starting see startling parallels am path least resistance redflag think worth fighting for ultimately feel life become one big distraction efficient honest help legislatively practically prohibitive must something wrong here cant hard correct chemical imbalance seeing world shit colored glasses im getting really sick it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "european movie nice throwback time student s experiences living abroad interacting nationalities although circumstances slightly different klapisch the director went new york film school one would think drawing experiencebr br it interesting film balances message one generalize notion for every stereotype underlying truth example italian character based pothead aspect wellknown italian stereotype german character features tried tested stereotypes stereotypical aspect movie character central theme infidelity critic observed infidelity crucial french film class british filmbr br both main character girlfriend played entirely likable think deliberate greatbr br it may unintentional nationals elements could taken metaphor countries perceived role eu british woman fling american who entertainer like s us president frenchman shows natural leader when landlord shows upbr br although europe diverse new york striking see two nonwhite characters one chilean woman indigenous features despite appearing age main character portrayed potential object interest another gambianspanish rather gambiancatalan male appears bit inventedbr br one might ask klapisch chose protagonists longestablished eu member countries western europe nationalities reflect would meet students s believe exchange programs contemporary europe much diverse erasmus program encompasses countries iceland eastern europe many eu members understand however choice nationalities familiar majority viewership may deemed necessary distract contrast klapisch wants create peoples europe bureaucratic europebr br despite minor gripes great movie made consider going back europe live french friend mine also expatriate us captured shared feelings piece contradiction if europe like us would leave heartbeat", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got released hospital overdosingi took pills dad left work everything arriving hospital pretty much blur im fucking disappointed angry didnt work im useless cant even kill properly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "inconsequential ramblingsive hard times long time ago ive come understand troubles life result shit went years ago now directly comes time everybodys life realize responsible choices certainly am held accountable happened me people change life change without cutting ties massive effort people really capable of maybe included idk im trying though im back school im stumbling across bull shit problems last time around years ago seclusion hard time life go away quickly really fucks up every day faced dread peers never experienced never will prolonged exposure sort shit changes person literally changes you synapses change different neural pathways become ingrained like trenches ruts become almost impossible climb of brain fucks cope add isolation concoction result one trainwreck personality ie me dad died suddenly without warning mom confessed suicidal thoughts me still boy fucked man gone forever happy family gone forever gone god damn instant little left almost wondered even existed first place holding onto memories like grabbing smoke shit continued years later widow cant afford house anymore lose it fucking home place grew up gone likely forever im holding place heart someday successful enough buy back despite sincere fucking efforts school feel acting vain much thoughts run depraved desperate demeanor alienate myself alone crowd going motions smiling polite happy normal thin veneer nobody understands", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "letter myselfdear self hate you hate much thought many ways ive wanted die stupid things thinking actually going change youre parents think disappointment embarrassment said many times ive practically become numb words many people tried reach out tell fine obviously werent didnt accept it didnt want burden them want good image yourself want others believe everything control stupid sounds couldnt done work done everything correctly shouldve done everything start look brothers everything control great life ahead them always get compared theyre far smarter better looking overall superior you shouldnt born family mistake reason mom dad fight always you enjoy messing peoples lives still here everyone favor leave hate you hate much die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worked hard title cant sleep lonely anyone wanna talk nothing everything", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "almost socialized today class today really extracurricular class instructor said got popsicles could go outside eat chat whatever hung around bit really talk anyone know anybody want butt without really knowing say closest got instructor asked wanted another said good since hands already mess one had idk though want able make friends talk people actually ends like end awkwardly hanging around within vicinity without really going anything actually something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ey yo boys homie kamren needs big tiddy gf help out already got best girl world man two anime body pillows singing sad song sad playing guitar poorly get man girl", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know alone fall love random new girl every day feel like shit time extremely happy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok heres thing saw someone else goes well nothing guy weight would date me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im confused right normally lot black eyes yesterday did woke morning saw mirror something different realized black eyes gone ive since suddenly disappear fuck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "asked crush gay sad", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stuckive attempted redflag many times already last one weeks ago serious far excuses cerebral palsy alone rejection family living arrangement dissolved know go im stuck definitely know feel near future try soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "needed vent mind me fuck tired tired even energy pissed exhausted constantly keep trying bounce back positive mindset damn curveballs quittin", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive thinking ending everything awhile today day finally made say i used happy years ago perfect life good friends great relationship figure job all friends gone faded away part havent talked year today significant said shes longer love ive known long time im blaming going happier without wish best cant start life anymore ive peaked gone hill everything going hill would want stay bad times ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "purpose existing left memy girlfriend months broke last night around midnight bother much time next day next fucking day posted picture another guy devastated inside know anymore besides killing myself want feel remorse me doesnt certainly matter ill dead least want pain go away", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish people family owned cats dogs like cousins million nd amp rd cousins like aunts uncles none pets like how nearly classmates least family member pet im one family genuinely loves animals understand cousins living situation unable pets rich cousins", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot stop thinking muscle man tiddies live rent free mind also teeth hurt idk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " feel like reason im following redflag mother brother themim middle aged guy single lonely graduate college crappy gpa real hopes life feel within grasp im sick needing scrape others survive motivation shriveled away feel like im taking space education psychology neuroscience ive come figure think quite effective painless ways well frustration mother brother love much would destroy thing so feel trapped cant escape either way im hurting someone makes feel helpless depressed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats point allwhy suffer decades whether work illness life general given wrong cards poker fold give cards cant that cant see getting better all does stays way two seconds goes right back shithole", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know else turnyesterday person talked problems told geniuely hang already basically friend weve friends years cried almost three hours ivr bad mood swings either nothingness anger deep sadness want bother one else know theyll probably thing another person already lied caring friend im scared message call redflag hotline feel much anxiety im scared go anywhere else im even scared say reddit actually want die feel safe reaching help dont know else turn help right im really hoping made post right losing right think killing myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "system science told effortless videos guess systemofadown easier metallca ironmaiden httpsyoutubejoxrpjq_humhttpsyoutubejoxrpjq_hum", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guilthi reddit month ago watching video ramateur two days ago remebered it suddenly absolute horror girl underage rape today searched original content proven im disturbed think tell family kill myself today soon cant live uncertainty", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "study hall teacher sexual assaulted kid find happen year ago randomly came mind chilling found word mouth former study hall teacher kids thats heard day one could stop making jokes talking save life study class like th year math grades taking nose dive dumbass wanted stay in hes bail set still pin time im gunna adult", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "justyeah need get stuff mindmy first kiss want it know coming anything depressing looking back wanted special never felt pretty never felt significant nothing bad ever happened buti still felt off especially first kisswhen called asked boob size virginity thing felt though object fast forward two years high school grad working amusement park living dorms everyone knew virgin come august close crew lifeguards wave special party handcuff party type pair someone handcuffed every time partner drinks must same partner cute russian foreigner got semiintoxicated heading bar realized forgot id badge offered walk room accepted walk in takes handcuff forces wrist around bed rail puts say no beg no looking door handle waiting roommate come backshe come back sees looking locks it finishes allows go bathroom shock walk bathroom sit down pee wipe toilet filled blood toilet paper saturated same shamefully walk back crawl bed disgust spoons me want it know say no next morning wake up sheets also saturated blood go work rumors spreading individual taking someones virginity true me turn break krista hear ___ took someones virginity acted clueless walked away cried knew true events taken place found thought gave up summer season ended turned slut hooking people left right want special things back know kiss wanted good first kiss someone really likedi know virginitybut wanted someone loved current boyfriend sleeping roomthe man love man respects me know may redflag watch materialbut events specifically rape haunt dreams haunt me conquer me make feel like nothing sit here many nights wanting end all feel like itd easier deal know may seem simple dumb want firsts back know people harder mean hurt too like im sitting here one thought years making read this thanks venting im bad night sorry think im pity party like address people may think say it tlampdr first kiss stolen virgin raped work crew found joke turned slut haunts dreams love boyfriend wanted him regular thoughts redflag sorry seem like panzy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys party tonight regular show goddamn fucking good like come guitar melody slaps harder boxer steroids song written specifically cartoon goddamn good rant goodnight dm want ill respond im six hours im going bed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rickroll lofi the best rickrollhttpsyoutubexx_xnxxfa", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "throwback like ten going tomboy phase guy went boys secondary school gave pamphlet secondary ran away crying bruh see thought boy tall cornrows boobs yet wore masculine clothes still event and growth boobies led becoming feminine person ever", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mood right httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvkijpcuvbmampappdesktophttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvkijpcuvbmampappdesktop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant manage really irritated incessant theres still hope nonsense find looking solutionmy latest attempt sort shit came abrupt painful end yesterday dont want live find information wise redflag isnt answer disgusting think people youll leave behind hurt bullshit shuffle misery people dont mourn while entire life mourning problem want find sure fire way die successfully peace without much chance interrupted living worse shape now wouldnt want cause trauma somebody going business eg train driver pedestrians etc know isnt place advice methods find aforementioned attitudes towards redflag totally misplaced forces people utterly brutal things order escape demons", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "losing willi went first major bout depression around im now waxed waned never truly gone away im tired first response every problem well could kill yourself draining constantly feel like this effect life relationships studies feel like im wasted potential feel like anyone would miss gone one reach to also deal fairly severe anxiety self confidence issues getting much me know else do every day getting harder could think painless method id done something now ive found brink quite times ive always chickened out even so getting point think im going soon im sorry messed post im new here know else go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend dying friend swears shes going kill mental state terrible constantly complains body even going way harm look prettier lives toxic household parents hate dad covid doesnt exist type dude mom tough love type self confidence issues yet lot pride wont see therapist thing though shes probably one best people know helps everyone nice everyone goes extra mile everyone doesnt think shell missed believes replaceable im scared tbh texting nights ago says may start cutting soon shes done drugs alcohol quickly put stop that im wondering send screenshots conversations mother maybe shell forced get help dont wanna force get help dont know point", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im starting get sure really itim native speaker m think comitting redflag months now ive seen psychiatrist help all opposite case told intelligent age much reach future talked positive me view opposite case put even pressure me know im way intellectual people age thats important all thing is suck school never learn pay attention lessons never did even years ago grades really bad finish school since think want become self employed already made lot money online trade last year know easy future till now another reason finally kill antisocial af hate people get bored people very quickly aggressive violent too pretty sure kind aspd know cant remember ever felt empathy someone love see people suffer extreme torture rape kill fantasies get normal sex together psychiatrist called complex extreme end life best thing could imagine do see pain annoying things things im able do really want it want time half year ago knew would one day urgent now since months want really badly every every second day cant live like longer exist sounds great i atheistic think mind self conciousness dies physical death impossible imagine to exist feels", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want older id like writer film andor television im interested guys want", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dm bored ass im bored damn mind willing talk anything hit up", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanting make amends vs knowing kill tw metooi feeling debilitating levels shame metoo coverage recently fixated creepy fucking loser nice guy ways selfishly hurt around me psychiatrist male basically tells im hard myself men news done far worse points lacking experience perspective know wrong want someone take seriously tell without minimizing things yo man dealt major depression since didnt lose virginity technically mention inexperienced socially awkward mentioned somewhat nice guy time good friends woman freshman year college ill call h h started showing interest exciting didnt get much lived dorm h would get bed cuddle watch movies virgin also depressed albeit higher functioning eventually asked liked said yes also told want relationship told ok soon began pestering herasking reconsider months still friends still cuddled became clear becoming less comfortable me kept asking reconsider basically treating like boyfriend months despite feelings felt entitled it told liked me entitled nice guy eventually told could longer friends me told contact her recommended see shrink blocked facebook justice served since graduating spent time alone lot time reflect try better person stayed away dating work entitlement issues anxiety around year ago started thinking h again still blocked wonder subject metoo wonder one reasons psychiatrist isnt taking seriously hes done something worse feel like progress ive made sham whatever good manage never undo selfidentity abuser pain ive caused women people kind enough care me back thinking justice left redflag shamefully selfish worry even bother put effort better person hobbies interests career h reappear life let everyone know manipulative creep many ways still am", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "womens rights people rights fighting for need angry paragraph im curious rights deprived currently im masogonistic dont know rights women dont someone tell itd cool", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "verge redflag head tension degrading brain helpi never used reddit before since good reputation helping people thought would good idea ask help here question is head tension forehead life adhd symptoms comes depression social isolation etc head tension let focus like something stick burried head cant think flicker memory constantly forget im current moment everything exists depersonalization derealization slowly forgetting language words grammar syntax school years university though dropout social anxiety seems memory flicker strong feel dizzy also maybe general anxiety idk asked technical questions need math years getting slower slower mentally speaking even stuff love like music make music many times im composing cant focus music cant almost see screen hear see blurry makes sense anything tbh cant see hear things much second passes forget even hard sometimes listen people read even forget midway amwhats happening im reading get stuck zoning everything becomes like blurry something head constantly hurts head tension angry showing face young supposedly normal many thoughts could focus normal person adhd would could now cant even simplest tasks getting worse constantly instructive thoughts filling mind brim like making excuses work legit feel odd wtf happening cant grasp myself maybe dumb maybe cant grasp reality maybe stupid child raised properly anyways good example instrusive thoughts lately mind completely empty meditating even easy thoughts cant even write make music like used this drop college this failed two semesters three really like cant grasp brain literally rotting shrinking bit backstory went school like normal kid always alone friends till highschool began create social skills always needed help mother study resulted lot fights house alone countless hours everyday trying learn something able so still remember rustle trees room young almost childhood life was depressed school depressed home always since young constantly depressed seen neurologist said might adhd paid attention nothing done it kept like this always getting worse highschool think bit before head tension started think maybe middle school attention people saying started degrading forgetting grammar language spanish english horribly depressed worsen head really hurt memory got worse well everything forward recent past went psychiatris diagnosing adhd july went well got perfect score adderall really helped lot went university again slowly effects adderall started drop always was filled anxiety classrooms people time started panic attacks anxiety got worse worse throughout years tried manage well university kept getting panic attacks believing might trauma school years tried kill dorms twice went psychiatric hospital twice help all also antidepressants shit second time tried kill went university try more got think panic attack strong move all shaking whole body tense dizzy frozen got strong point move almost talk felt like loosing conciousnes happened hometown house whole week trembling able talk properly think properly mental breakdowns getting insane quit university still keeps head tension mind dying shaking anymore walk still panic attacks yes intense one made stop moving im verge redflag again asking reddit help wtf this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else get like sometimes struggle mental health problems dont really know me days really mood open problems im order improve myself soon im sitting someone actually struggle fully honest end downplaying things im thinking whole lot actually comes talks kinda want talk bout crap going comes freeze act like everythings going good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "still depressed hard recount deep lows got point would lay bed eat weight eventually differentiation tasks like eating jogging watching tv became laying bed anything else not laying beddid care dressed shoes drove around goal paid bill pure apathy care was long dying oknothing made upset getting point care hair looked awful killing it care looking bad comfortable feel nothing worries would ever bother leavebut end year looked mirror lbs overweight friends hobbies aspirations nothing recognize myself entire year felt like one long day laying bed anybody get point things could say none matters anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help im serious today started getting noti phone saying anne sent photos offical notification hit clear come back idk happening cant remember clicking fishy sites also get ads sometimes open phone now please help also im android use play protect matters also update got fb dms sas random girl rubbing tits", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredim god damn tired im beginning fucking despise people it get better every single god damn interaction life event proven otherwise tell ignore pain suffering cant help feel must insane denial", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys names reddit vastly different girls like guys username would epicbigchungus girls would katlynxox idk find strange difference see", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people actually simping thats bad taste bruh like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know else gotheres one left im year old anxietydepressionagoraphobia ive unmanaged diabetes last years husband last friend earth cheated last fall satisfy fetish could fulfill him says hes sorry loves want leave cant find trust again college education job drivers license expired year im afraid go dmv penny name car credit nonexistant everything husbands name may well exist family single friend husband betrayed me take good care him keep home peaceful neat cook beautiful meals us cry every day full darkness rage hate world hate everyone ever known leaving me given much love take take take need someone theres one there disappear theres strength left inside me feel worthless unlovable therapy since teenager tried countless drugs me love husband desperately honestly know staying believe love anywhere else go im trapped scared completely alone even know begin take back life even worth it pleasure find life brief moments husband forget hes done me food cant even enjoy beautiful rich foods know im sick cant risk it sometimes want eat death even know control diabetes is try eat healthy diet know thats enough well own im terrified go doctor since miscarriage shortly married years ago live denial health suffer huge secret guilt eat anything steamed vegetable theres joy theres relief pain thats snowballing inside since child theres one left reach help tried calling redflag hotline hung person got line im afraid speak them im scared want pain stop want die want pain stop never will know that im strong enough keep going hell pathetic last hope sending message void internet know expect this stop cant go on know do death feels like option relief know actually experience relief be pain more calls me help me god help me please please need peace need feel loved cant more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "love feel like trying find past year dont feel love entire family would feel would sense loss money emotions ever remember feeling brief joy brief anger faked crying hour see would actually emit emotional response get hug hate emotion feel like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "niece home im officially uncle now sister husband newborn baby returned home hospital today words cannot describe excited itll help niece grow thrive many years come today officially become uncle cant wait share life advice hobbies niece welcome family emma", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dear google ads fuck me semi virgin eyes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really thinking getting ran shredded train reading seems pretty foul proof seems like much wrongi afraid jump bridge survive whole body broken happened holy even know would pointeveryday getting harder harder literally snap life fucking hate life much everyone ask why reason needed bullshit life calledsorry rantting honestly want kill self every fucking second goes by hate wake still alive want dead bad wuss so honestly better way kill myself getting hit train jumping bridge", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "continueever since middle school wanted commit redflag gotten better final stretch school college want end it logic shifted hate awful person deserve live whats point living figured like everyone else problems things good bad at thats fine theres reason hate myself do every action take causes sadness happiness happiness attain never lasts days ive tried medication makes everything worse much worse whats point continuing moments happiness life drowned sadness feel every day life come world alone go alone loving family amp caring friends ive bright future almost hundred grand name without much raising finger attain it cant enjoy that instead focus fact cant enjoy it focus everything thats wrong regrettable past actions must hurtful towards anything care about even jest one nicest people thats fine fact like making people happy since cant enjoy happy least window shop watch happiness whats point carrying though everything eat turns ash reason ive killed yet selfish hurtful towards people care about fairly disturbing thought process recently you always go way others something yourself something wanted since middle school kill yourself realize preferred method selfinflicted death gunshot head anything else would give much hesitation plenty live for want too spend much effort trying accomplish goals things could make happy im tired trying happy failing constantly cant make moment happiness last ocean painful things remember harp on even ocean look perspectives life disappointed myself ignoring introspective causes depression life another source complete meaningless life work semihard attain certain goals values completed joy rather limited still existent however tired tired work age rest life filled nothing work till retire wake up work sleep repeat why thats mind numbing task endure rest see able future definitely something look forward too want alive going forced work rest life fun fact ive commited hospital self harm fifth grade attempted redflag four times last attempt senior highschool used cut myself ive put antidepressants three times real effect offered moderate place back said gonna hard tell people alive want to course reason gave mwm decline place far depressing tldr emotions caused negatives life outweigh emotions positive carry on want stop putting effort alive far much work appears little pay off", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "went mental hospital february lot things happened since then distracted fact put week reminded recently immediately made resentful kind angry reminder ever get deal it couple months hospital", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "envy towards sister leading become increasingly suicidali close committing redflag sensitive obsessive emotional anxious idealistic bitter miserable lazy unforgiving nature younger sister motivated observant perceptive diligent calm thickskinned confident realistic skeptical logical rational objective intelligent fair honest positive forgiving reserved tolerant openminded independent selfcontrolled humorous analytical quick thinking respectful wise unapologetic keep wishing could life personality gifts", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck boris johnson fuck making schools go back march th wont time play games instead work", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom came lesbian today might get downvoted hell feel like homophobe im totally comfortable mom gf im trying get it cant needed advice dont understand why im sad af now also gf ugly maybe thats reason idk please dont hate homophobic im trying accept way is maybe need advice emotional support", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people hyping among us low iq know iq gamers like play town salem superior game filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom attempted redflagyear ago father successfully killed tried get help impatient program first attempt mother tried slit wrist way did inpatient program now literally reliving worst nightmare cant stop thinking kill comes out talked seems want get better cope situation still suffering ptsd finding father dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depends next weeknext week ill get exam results fail them im gonna get kicked college trigger chain events leading hope decent future ruined so yeah pass exams gotta it finishing uni hope good life without it virtually reasons live know yet im gonna iti still hope case heaven knows pretty much hate life far got opportunity make things better might might manage might think extreme measure exams not fail ill go back shithole country place fucking hate place ive waiting years leave cant conceive living again really want die it wish luck guys maybe case", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "done before but need help talk mei would like help you give comfort message give someone talk long can remember someone cares", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurt pain suffering going every day poor animals getting tortured exploited humans pleasure nature poor ppl third world countries hurtsthe monotony typical day day life cities work eat social media tv sleep especially work taking much lives makes rly hate living hate this hate living world disgusting even makes ashamed human bc amount suffering causing beings every dayit hurts sad say find rly difficult to sense turn off things live blissful ignorance enjoying little things like silly little hobbies tv shows whatnoti simply cannot see point thingsi get life lot things within control focus would make happierbut could turn blind eye horrible things happy could happy things going everydayi cannot stand live worldi want diei want diei find strange brain always like want die want die want die actually like realistically suicidal like planning suicide anything also doubt ever brave enough want badly enough actually take action probably case keep thoughts i want die really badly want exist guess good world nowhere near enough negate hurt suffering pain goes everyday planeti tired want herei want to cannot seem take anymore living world like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal feel life worthlesshey reddit thought id clarify things bat im suicidal though contemplated concept action several times ive never cut myself severely depressed or least think so exactly plea help advice mostly place vent thoughts honest people might willing contemplate life compexities me im years old male well average life friends successful loving family musical hobby guitar production regardless factors would normally make anybody feel content lives still find feeling sense worthlessness apathy myself humanity life general almost every moment every day dwell fact everything know ever known history life occured one small planet one small galexy endless vastness universe become extremely apathetic unambitious it life begins feel small start think deeply types things often do lately really starting hit hard species promoted self importance point feel though whole world forgotten fact planet smaller spec dust comparison even milky way let alone entire universe thoughts constantly feel though life planet completely utterly useless human race survival life completely futile illusion created around give us sort self importance purpose life question attempting answer since first abstract thoughts ever concieved personally believe real point purpose life ive already said pursuit continuation species completely futile live anybody live anybody alive nobody knows makes depressed days go thoughts constantly polluting mind maybe one days itll much ill pull trigger then thoughts subjects sorry parts or whole thing seem bit incohearent first time ive ever organized written thoughts theyre confusing jumbled head may came post also sorry spelling grammar errors typed phone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "already year time flies fun far learned lot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know much live for thats makes worsei dont know start this dont know right place me dont think ill kill myself cant write this toddler asleep chest kindergartner asleep next room husband left work feel irreparably broken want stop im getting help im medicated enough im afraid tell doctor enough were running pills try im afraid im broken plan ive plan like fantasy vacation play head go beach leave keys phone shoes sand take pills left swim swim far can fall asleep go under one find clean me im really trying everytime feel like im ok something knocks again tired completely tired keep throwing things hole chest cant fill it medication working self harm burns leg working family loves fucking much working fuck wrong me desperately want ok want happy want ok swimming fall asleep feels like way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gay suck pp well saw post found suck pp soo gay suck ur pp ps gay totally normal ashamed", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun fact rteenagers still option report pedophilescreeps like wtf thats kinda weirdchamp", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "me im sitting womens clothing store waiting sister mom girl works walks smiles least times comes compliments shoes comes another time tells need anything let know could mistaken guy store women going need anything right may overthinking seems like shes leaving subtle hints make move idk let know guys ps compliment made feel super good daily reminder compliment someone whenever youre thinking something genuinely nice them may make day made mine", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck thisi hate much hate life fighting anxiety good could nothing ever changes really dont want hurt family god hate world sick all tomorrow tonight im going take knife cut deep wrist pain nothing compared anxiety hope life god hope tortured way tortured me fuck god", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anything fineim yr old boy fucking old ass dad always shouts play computer says fucking study knows top student science school even care thinks im lazy planning kill today get fucking home ill find overpass throw cars passing by", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "never give let turn around desert", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever thought anal jarjar binks neither go hornyhell bastard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gone my therapist taking weeks off im gonne see again thank support im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im pissed mom moved brother room totally makes sense brothers room sister me other like privacy life suddenly lose it going college makes absolutely sense two oldest room two youngest another wouldnt make sense put year old room rather year old dont know dont fucking get it annoying always planned moving dont want deal bullshit years used able light room able make sound even play guitar night cant shit use flashlight go bed super quiet mention everyone barges room time its like free all one knocks know unlock door really quickly hate lack privacy really getting me unfortunately smart thing financially stay home deal save money god really affecting mental health no cant dorm college min away worth k semester", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ngl im kinda upset im upset name kira associated jojo instead death note", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "broke bug rule minei m cried someone yesterday close fuck supportive im embarrassed told dont want anymore im sick saying im okay people worry pay attention it told sit town hoping bloke come beat up starved days laying bed staring ceiling wanted die right there dont know im better worse it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "woman ever treated respect nan died months ago household screwing us theres nothing do refuses seek help never change want move out nowhere go job money best wait someone dies suppose", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "commit tax fraud im going tell commit tax fraud filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler fille", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mental breakdown front dad people snicker sometimes school one kid called school shooter overreacting feel like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school lunch ever sit nice delicious school lunch frozen cold", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found facebook sister got married whole family therethey lied doing got upset sister sent hundreds text messages horrible person am thats im done want gone im gone hope eventually feel guilty me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pleasehelpsomeonei seriously cant anymore ill broken lost never thought could get fucking bad year worst year life far fucking tired bs every single day torture need someone talk to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "id say im active ive made posts sub dont comment much might seen", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advice here im sure insecurities run wild im justified thinking boyfriend line met girl friends set first date went jogging weird know hobby wanted get it theyd never met this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ironicisnt ironic guy helped pull least people redflag one listen cry help ironic person spends much time voluntarily counseling people online one go to ironic one cares one notice gone cant anymore im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "believe wanted series work early departure kevin kilner dealt near death blow season one robert leeshock right part jane heitmeyer admirable job lead series got messy confused point know happened season five mess sometimes time drop red cape stick sword bull know mean consistent thread holding series together amazing performances leni parker anita laselva two taelons quiet idealogical conflict talents wellwritten dialogue would two weird bald manchicks bmovie seriesbr br if series could ended season picked later syfy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres pointi understand happening me ive always generally quiet person never stuck head belong intrude anyones business feel im punished like devil past life theres light life glimpse enjoyment whatsoever really begin with thought joining military would different would help become confident outgoing same wake up go work get back home nothing sulk go bed start cycle over went depressed high school student depressed military member little year found months ago mom sick things physically mentally needs take care her light life suffering cant take care her im trying things get stationed closer her realistically much chance air force care me well being family care work do feel route destined take while im finally preparing it cant see living end next year let alone end enlistment theres point im gonna state misery entire time cant talk mental health theyll put redflag ward cant talk chaplains always ends talking religion something gave ago nobody truly talk it nobody probably cares anyways want stop feeling way even means stop feeling everything things used stop thinking family much would hurt them potential become something getting lot easier disregard things feel sooner later theres gonna nothing dissuade going it looks like notable thing happen life ill add air force redflag statistic maybe theyll start caring people more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shit guys feel like fucked or had friend uh like argument yesterday online school nothint special tho normally sit together class talk lot etc today entered class sittting guy also friend tho even say hello saw idk give up also note im scared ask were ok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lied toi girl talking lied said single back suicidal again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like one series need see sure would see beginning cool sucks series fun second part season stale come go want happens many series end something special second part series always goes drain one also somewhat did third part one spoil ruin whole series usually doesnt ending perfect series fits perfect actually pretty angry guys vals life actually wanted end jeff end later changed chose take vic series almost seasons without him biggest surprise also made series go topbr br see many times series actually cool expect second part good third part needed made series one worth whole thing happy say glad happy series go see two guys girl pizza place seen whole series back", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want love loved fear hurting others want socialize similar reason want face future fear hurting people cannot live past mistakes knowing probably hurt people want isolate cannot hurt people burden anymore die completely alone want hurt anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "jk rowling transphobic everyone says really found nothing offensive tweets feel like people actually wanting get offended maybe wrong views it record year old straight guy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "downvote want getting repetitive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "personally watched see footage s s fascinating learn drug movement essentially started became pop culture eventual uncompromising force life interviews classic rock stars titillating humorous feel like secret nodding head timebecause feels good familiar loved it segments spresent day highly recommend aspects including rock music hipper movement politics good ol history check marked box saying contains spoiler idea might consider spoiler regards since discussed whats segments wanted safe", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reaching breaking pointive diagnosed severe my psychiatrists words own depression long time things finally reaching breaking point everyday seems living hell earth school friends consistently ignore treat like im outsider ever really talk either a im emotional breakdown b none friends around that act like im there or worse still like im painful nuisance worst all one person used talk this first person told depression worst offender every time see which often feel like knifes twisted stomach romantic life similar ive never kissed never girlfriend every time ive asked someone out ive denied hard school painfully boring best torturous slog worst grades shitter were talking low cs ds someone who last year straight student and matter hard try lack drive ability bring up home life bad family tries help me none understand depression like act depression simply means im sad top this feel like im carrying great weight shoulders lack energy anything lack drive willpower try improve lot antidepressants im simply damn thing anymore abandoned betrayed friends misunderstood family im cracking weight me simply going fuck you leaving reinvent option waiting high school hoping things get better college option im standing death seems way out back september attempted commit redflag failed next time im sure lucky", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "br br having read unemployed critics review went screening radio knowing expect thankfully unemployed critic appears anyway frustrated film directormovie critic review callous totally uncalled forbr br this movie make laugh make cry end give moment pausebr br to paraphrase line delivered actor ed harris final barbershop scene and time thought teaching radio truth ishe teaching us treats us time like wish treated other timebr br yes movie tugs heartstrings yes emotionally manipulative yes cuba gooding jr in oscar worthy performance little top times see christmas day dance scene know what what every awhile community america needs reminded tolerance great country need reminded great bebr br this solid cast particularly pleased see s epatha merkerson portraying radios mother something outside law order always wondered ms merkerson great actor quality writing delivered buy strong cast law order watching movie easy see indeed fine actorbr br also joining cast small important powerful roles alfre woodard principal debra winger careerresurrecting role coach joness wife chris mulkey protagonist frank claybr br we cannot look ed harriss performance coach harold jones reflecting movie grown deep south self hard truly appreciate mr harris contribution film coach jones ed delivers quiet rock solid performance man mission coach harris let town circumstances divert knows heart right thing dobr br if see movie make sure hang around end credits treat real james robert radio kennedy mid s shown still leading tl hanna football team field every friday nightbr br one final note teen mid late s movie worth price admission sound track alone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "boyfriend makes feel loved im still used itbut nice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "agree nomad s hvrs comments perfect laid back sunday morning movie humor subtle exact opposite slapstick one misguided commenter notedbr br but always ceases amaze often find wanting come back movie over originally copied movie onto vhs years ago premiered one pay cable free weekend previewshbo maybe never heard previously know marketed well dvds released en mass one first movies replaced great combination cast writing plus back drop montana wilderness hurt things either beautifulbr br its probably type comedy everyone is adam sandler type stuff alley probably cup tea movie needs full attention humor mostly dialogbr br i believe next viewing probably th still know gets scenes like one hoods police cars start blowing off im going loose ed oneills face priceless recommended ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sick itid like say ive dealing lot car accident two midterms taking credit hours courses summer trying expand nothingness social life im looking friends necessarily mean friends cool stuff im much interested something intimate if immodest someone sex with someone try sexual fantasies with im going lie you sex part mandatory thing me appreciate everything else im majorly affected anniversaries going dates weekly wants thats cool sex reasonable time weeks right now nobody seems like hookups wouldnt bad seems put incel land niceguy land god dont ever want compared that im serious say sex could say stay friends benefits would perfectly fine that ive flipped them always acted like big deal said no ive worked courage talk many times isnt girl interested girl date black guys stood prom college girl looking relationship thought college like sex mania something girl gay happy days ago brother told girls thought cute wanted set something up gave number give them would text ghost me well im getting tired shit pardon language dont want around see history repeat itself vital part development celibacy sacrifice willing make life money hookers premium porn connections hookups hate bars clubs entire lifestyle general one thing cant stand seeing right relationships again im getting little heavy worded here fuck every single person relationship shows fucking time dont want see that well anyways thats it want feel way anymore long im alive im gonna feel way so", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dead luckyi cant help think died lucky theres pain stress depression family friends homework work nun bliss want dont wanna wait anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "society moved past need umegathiccc think time simultaneously push button", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "walt disney old men put spin classic fairy tale cinderella guess could say helps form unofficial fairy tale princess trilogy classic disney yearsbr br the plot cinderella nice girl cant catch break daughter nice wealthy widower loved dearly mother passed away cinderella young cindys father felt needed mother figure eventually married woman would become known lady tremaine widow two daughters age cinderella anastasia drizella first seemed get along cinderellas father died lady tremaines true nature revealed cold cruel callous heartless mean spirited woman passed traits daughters spoiled bratty equally mean spirited anastasia drizella hate cinderella know deep better looking overall nicer attractive lady ie appealing men mother lady tremaine hates cindy pretty much reasons years passed lady tremaine began squander family fortunes stubborn futile quest improverefine awkward unattractive daughters to call homely would insult homely people everywhere three relegated cinderella multitasking servant house abusing her mistreating humiliating every chance get they particularly fond increasing already absurd workload brings us cinderella present blossomed good looking young lady somehow manages remain kind hearted nice despite abusive step family holds hope one day tables turn favor br br cinderella gets shot freedom happiness royal ball held introduce local prince eligible young maiden take wife settle down start family etc naturally step family tries keep attending even going far physically assault rip dress procured with little help mice friends dress belonged biological mother finally pushed beyond breaking point cinderella runs courtyard cries despair point fairy godmother short plump jolly woman arrives provides cinderella transportation transformed dress after all cinderella make good impression ball entered scene looking like gotten gang raped cindy arrives ball prince falls hard her pesky midnight rule gets way forcing flee leaving behind glass slipper make long story short long harrowing quest find mystery girl via trying glass slipper cinderella found prince get married giving happy ending deservesbr br overall enjoyable disney classic without flaws glaring prince little macguffin help push plot along little screen time even less dialogue never get know well get good look relationship cinderella which unfortunate since according making documentary prince originally meant play bigger role additional scenes help flesh cinderella might helpful there song showed fantasizing turning army maids clean house well eavesdropping stepfamily post ball show amusement jealousy cut walt thought made look spiteful still cinderella likable enough heroine even upstaged mice friends theres sweetness film becoming harder find days course made now cinderella would probably put struggle family dress ripping scene would probably free climax either picking lock making impractical yet exciting jump window beside pointbr br and say cinderella sets bad example young girls well consider least cinderella go around getting publicly drunk indecently exposed unlike modern day princesses you know mean", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im completely alone foreign country im afraidive lost fiancee drug addiction had moved china kicked habit reality situation kicking in today best friend basically brother started hate something did last person left world ive suicidal different im afraid go home live fifth floor im afraid ill throw window", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever kissed someone listening skrillex switched full make sesh right beat dropped curious anyone ever done this im bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ephebophile deserve blow brains outim fucking hate ephebophile mean id never act still attraction bad enough kill mean fuck cant normal guess ill try get drunk try end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel life pointless waste space oxygen feel like living others myself dreams afraid chase afraid success failure time think offing time anxious want bother anyone dead body material crap etc wish could infinity glove snap get done without mess couple years ago man sued parents born really felt that sure meant be snap back nothingness conceived remember it point big blissful black hole unawareness paradoxes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scaredthe last couple months girlfriends cutting gotten worse tells wants kill herself getting worse every day feels like matter tell try best comfort isnt getting better tells shes scared one day might actually moment caught emotions might something shell regret pretty bad anxiety depression something cant relate understand well people try love best her dont want end life single decision isnt thinking through dont know help even help tells im reason live stresses dont know anything working want help get this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please someone talk me helpi tried everything four psych wards different medications therapist weed meditation cant anymore im blowing constantly so month old three year old fucking depressed want die every single day says hes worried know know help idk help myself please someone tell something worth living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont feel like myselfi hurt everyone care", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymoreim married ive married long time pretty bad lot it met best friend thick thin meanwhile husband bad husband great father fall love best friend meet best friend best time entire life yes know cheated know even though husband ok know bad person know made bad choices tell husband prior love anymore want divorce even know take skills money job best friend says ready move miles me cant sell house etc takes time know says things make second guess everything meanwhile husband trying wanting go counseling wanting fix everything fantastic really different person toward me says like slapped sense want live without me every time touches kisses cannot stop thinking best friend know deep cant alone right now know long going take best friend anything said things like said make second guess everything tell cant kid kid needs normalcy stability friend says okay cant talk good long while im losing someone love damn much best friend honestly ive always wanted die life since day shitty amplified", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know someone said going kill todayits got phone girlfriend one acquaintinces last year college said going kill today minutes ago currently phone redflag prevention hotline sure else do im immediate vicinity either them didnt say going kill herself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im m im still im turning months still im throughout whole life hit puberty year ago think growth spurt already passed women date since im tall hell im way average bright side see get called cute thats height people take seriously get made fun of women see man im failure man add cant even socialize properly im skinny athletic get shit beat karate tournaments due large height weight difference lack intelligence cant get high grades fail lot height evident everything me cry easily give easily used try hard pace others ahead surpass fail anyway something always stop me unsociable lose patience easily cried month called girl cute whole class girls blocked me height thought weird creepy people told blocked me im joking people blocked me im extremely pathetic world hates me lack every talent skill universe give shits hard try ill always fail one likes me ill never get girlfriend ill never taken seriously ill never person want be ill always failure man", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really really need help this badly pleasemy friend tried commit redflag before failed girlfriend left hes suicidal again love kid want kill himself would destroy me reason suicidal thoughts feels alone cant get job dropped high school family problems top hes black much people admit it people racist ny criminal record anyone mean anyone knows job place go please let know anything keep occupied volunteeringetc also anything say anything mean absolutely anything please come forththank you", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "changed pfp bored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant anymoreim tired everything everyone anything life offer one cares help me trust anyone anymore experiences old friends constantly stay bad friendships pushing away anyone whose nice head thats good true want trust anyone seems like good friend know able bear hurt again already cant bear anything else dont wanna bring anyone else apparently thats here im done dont want anymore friends havent pushed away yet im hiding everything them know problems im acting think im improving cant continue burdening anyone although wish strength keep myself know dont everythings getting worse dont know much longer handle for nothings worth it try", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "abnormal feel like lack sex going last strawi problems real ones feeling trapped unfulfilling marriage one thats worse happy not id rather pull trigger leave try to what start over cheat would better leaving grieving family option leaving divorce alone ill survive consider though maybe ill easier forget im villain this care people think will feeling like sex stupid thing put importance makes loathe more want forgotten", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel giving enough time feel prayers answered moved abusers house bliss weeks lapses desires hurt worse today one f days keep praying religious time let cry feels prayers get answered given anybody else help sorrows universe truly want brave myself know begin even meditate journal every single day matter nobody knows even tell mei feel horribly alone many people love come help feel absolutely terrified ask help back even could cannot feel like open like that want trauma dump especially tell people stories get disgusted cannot handle it even know dude feel like still suicidal everything perfect is feel praying much cannot take given shut up feel like help coming soon trying find valid suicidal still", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "failing highschool want kill myselfive honour student since grade im currently grade ive schools moved times never stay house years soon years pass family moves new location hard make friends make im gonna move again mom literally came room one day said were moving dad left kindergarten never seen since hes running cops last year failure year first semester got honours like always second semester went hill transfered completely new district mother transfered school week started sign classes want since classes wanted full highschool supposed go signed ap classes art kids smart school math slower kids completely died class schopl filled fithy rich drugged white kids coming asian family completely hated it fit in whole year made friends second semester science new caucasian teacher completely hated guts mother decided would great idea go vacation week summer break hand around assignments one week panicking thankfully really killed me whole week vacation panic science teacher gave notes study on friends class would help surrounded classmates copied person teacher would make jokes like mimicking donald trump saying racist things made joke said see white kids laughing looked directly me shed always forget im class would mark absent shed never give assignments literally everyday would go desk ask it every day shed give tons home work id fail it asked help would always half ass answers shed always talk boyfriend forget something were learning students would always correct her failed me got needed pass longer storythis yearskip put science grades went last year marks teacher amazing suddenly kicked class put learning support im good student homework sat class nothing counsiler like all school offers support think credits last year low asked online courses summer school extra credits counsiler like said hates said everything mom wants take science classes cores next semester sci eng social next year sci sci need science graduate shes forcing me first semester almost over huge mental breakdown last year cry front people started crying room mom came running think shes help right no yelled me screamed threw things me said things like fuck crying huh answer me look me fuck problem threw phone charger me younger sibling amp steal swear lie time theres sooo much drama tell all ive depressed long many years gone without killing myself cant fake smiles anymore theres absolutely way ill get enough credits graduate want drop end all care anymore almost am right now cant sleep think killing myself im ready die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reddit awful twitter way better fight me time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally ittoday last day work ive already sold belongings taken every cent account ive booked three nights casino luxury suite entertainment duration stay sounds like proper send ask me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "liked stanley iris much acting good story unique interesting arrangement absence violence sex refreshing characters convincing felt like could understand feelings enjoyable movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "iim seeing posts people wanting live die wanting die cant bring itbut can want die think surroundings people care die see sad love me sacrifice sad stop sad cats cared for mum understand partners friends know best option people want whats best regret would cats love much much better life mum going much better cant think reason stay", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "discord server howdy anyones interested joining discord server please dm me pretty chill mostly place bored people hang out open suggestions mods pretty nice ask role bot something thanks great day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know shy girl interested theres girl classes shes really shy ive class know knows me im really sure likes though even interested begin with doesnt use social media often doesnt text much fun ive trying start conversations doesnt mind talking although bit comfortable theres someone us shes friendly laughs jokes doesnt start many conversations herself im always one asking things likes dont want make feel bad herself dont want ask yet test would like become closer possibly relationship", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel prior redflagattempti feel like im going step hill day day everytime think cant take another day turns could all tell actually reach point cant take it know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people raise put telling everything ok you next day mean show nothing hate disrespect done them done world liars", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sucked dick yes prophecy true tasted like fish bit worth it almost broke back it really sore", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like ive never purposeno matter bad things get miserable am cant seem force get find job see job leads anything quitting cant handle it im qualified good enough anything im actually interested able sustain i make art enough it car money one degree im already much debt first time tried im afraid go back fail again im scatted brained im weak live disability even energy apply it feel like answers job prospects im incompetent everything feels like doors closed ever even got live life supposed make money everything make money from cant do go living theres hope anything get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " days till im oap okay maybe oap styll one year till im longer teenager quite concerning", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im asking kinda need hair advice here post selfie asking advice go irl peeps", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "needed someone talk toi found resources page here went wwwcrisischatorg read faq terms conditions sat waited almost hour asked right now panicked told know im currently act anything told chat people committing redflag right place talk someone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mobility issues since twenty three following difficult pregnancy triggered inflammatory arthritis fibromyalgiachronic fatigue syndrome years ive falls due unsteady feet best times added mobility issues right ankle calf permanently injured achilles tendonitis plantar faciitis muscle calf tightened much due shortening tendons foot points instead sitting normally osteoarthritis right hip slips socket causes lot pain ongoing impact rest body back often spasms locks issues frozen shoulder limits use right arm top this kidney liver bladder problems", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one unusual plots ive seen horror film based good solid universal studios fare lots monsters pretty heroine torchbearing villagers favorite part larry talbot the wolf man searching cure lycanthropy dying original wolf man resurrected wanders frankenstein meets wolf man house frankenstein searching way end affliction think firsttime viewers find search particular movie interestingbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mr gorbachev tear wall guy america idk", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello im b r e k questionn answer reference f matters and u ask dms actually flooded w creeps", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate lifethe title says also know nobody cares life wish life society world all even like myself nobody care im gone makes wish gone already im stupid lame old duck nothing probably nothing contribute nothing live for im florida hate it yes suicidal thoughts every while though super serious days feel like want go it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know sleep cycles get kind messed unwell currently summer break school making really bad anything day coming episode energy things including go downstairs stay long enough much which leads main problem here eat enough this purpose despite depressed problem body time generally care going body doing anyway started notice eating like day usually crap led host physical problems hair falling more usual even less energy constant pit stomach two weeks know problem know fix it cannot find energy anything ithow make get depressive episode make sure eating foods good do looking anything huge simple advice people get it know make eat morebetter energy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal message meif feeling suicidal message talk try help please message", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yes dad winning told dad got awards reddit didnt understand said happy clearly something right get ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried kill last night woke morning know feel itlast night took entire bottle xanax drank nearly entire bottle gin amp vodka proceeded go sleep ready felt really sick one point blacked out woke hours later covered vomit seems threw xanax really know feel want die dont need everything stop edit probably going try tonight knows may work time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends sister a moves back mom b slips drugs b invites man c paid sex mom b b know happened next dayjust story might get complicated follow adrug abusingpimp day daughter bthe mom canonymous man dmy friend quiet time friend finds ill call d tells confirmed followup conversation b weekend super worried b bmomis constantly blacked drunk weeks friend would interject im friend defined someone hearing story second hand seen first hand mother drinking beginning early afternoon reaction friend d getting quietly mad hearing increased drinking seems brought raping event ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "decided finally talk someone getting helpthanks encouragement redditor commented first post talked one best friends cutting suicidal thoughtsand attempts also talked mother going on toughopening like that im glad it ive decided go kind counseling first step sometime week im nervous talking shrink want get better want depressed wish luck", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "told did brother realized situation partner arrived back hours messaged said i didnt mean seem like break up but brother angry kicked out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else feel like subreddit besides teenagers really mean ive noticed reddit maybe two years every time post another subreddit people really cruel tried posting ask reddit post got trolled hell direct messages filled really hateful stuff tried posting life pro tips literally entire comments filled people calling bad person understand perspective wish willing bit nicer it every time try posting casual conversations post gets removed facilitating conversation even though make effort include phrases like anyone relate this anyone else different perspective honestly feel like impossible interact reddit community without delete half posts avoid opening direct messages maybe thats collateral damage teenage girl internet dont understand way everyone always talks social media terrible fake literally every social media ive nicer accepting reddit made arbitrary rules cant talk instagram account use emojis frankly anything without receiving public hate find teenagers subreddit people react posts without immediately trying think hate comment hit hardest know reaction post going stop using reddit thats entirely valid reddit provides unique community interact people share specific passions opinions dont want loose that may true im sensitive need learn take joke fault first place posts suck even fact im making post know cant person feels alienated community thought would find acceptance in want people know theyre alone thank teenagers subreddit downvoting posts hell half time hope future reddit little accepting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "random thought wonder infinate alternate dimensions exist think dont like would dimension typing id suddenly teleported giant mansion made gold another planet treated like king long ride dildo infront people five minutes day weird inappropriate example infinate alternate dimensions thing happen alternate dimension me really kind impossible infinate alternate dimensions exist dimension someone creates elixir immortality machine visit every single alternate dimension once nothing like happened possible really", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "iti always see everyone around tough anytime life hits curve ball im barley getting bed days feeling like everyone hates get cant keep trying thing made try like used pain would cause friends commit life hard times everyone says toughen brave u brave one really understands struggle survive world im judged dont many opportunities im different mom thinks know feel struggle doesnt put mask everyone see happy reality im never happy even im still sad im point everyone around brave tough moment something small happens breakdown", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im going something fun entertaining im going try start playing air soft dad lets me reason want friends play sport something play video game watch anime school summer play pandemic ft part wear masks know consequences ive looked equipment guns total total", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymoredont really know im posting since think im really looking someone talk sympathy anything like that guess ill blunt want kill myself know im going to im afraid went painful experience ive ever want go again guess wish way would fail painless accessible me theres not feel abandoned lonely right one person life felt comfortable enough talk emotions feeling told feeling aforementioned blue mind you response basically i think im able speak anymore thats fair enough guess burdened knowledge issues problems worry about really needy selfish put them regardless feel angry betrayed right anyone talk to know people around might available talk feel like trust anyone let alone comfortable enough talk stuff with describe crippling anxiety depression im feeling anybody really talk anymore ive decided try see gp know actually will thinking going place nearly induces anxiety attack want things change im thinking selfharming again see pretty edgy thing used long time ago help suppress thoughts feelings redflag depression still bear scars last time kind stuff completely destroys selfconfidence know really looking approval anything im thinking loud point again really know im posting purpose is wanted get guess sorry wasting time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "young filmmaker talent capturing audience quickly unusual camera work sparse intense scripts concept combining animation live footage remarkably wellexecuted soundtrack goodbr br the decision release movie twelve parts online puts onus director make episode fascinating enough viewer invest buying upcoming episode wish motion pictures kind commitment keeping audiences entertained throughout storiesbr br highly recommended", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell friendsthrowaway account reasons met vast majority friends internet kill im sure theyd ever know title says tell im killing let slowly forget me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "felt like wasteful empty piece shit thought fixing would fix mental statei everything supposed help years workampxbi good dieti exercise every daymy hygeine taken care even comfortable appearancei meditatelow redflag well paying jobfriends family love support mean world mehobbies interestsi go outsidei get enough sleepampxbany yet still feel sameampxbi want die go sleep never wake up experience pain anymore want hurt anymore want sit feeling sorry without even reasonable explanation anymore know do tried fix it really tried want strong care me want hurt them know special everyone struggles would make things worse even dangerous care about here feel guilty it way get better hanging thread way drag this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "privately chat someone microsoft teams wanna tell girl class rom pog idk privately chat someone microsoft teams meeting class", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sodium cyanide pillscan anyone give info sodium cyanide pills reliable kill quickly", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "night might really final nightim going honest ive wanted die long time sometimes felt really bad sometimes bad right now feel like really alternative thing drink family expense like years now perspective drive friends got nothing im thinking either driving car train station decapitation train going forest short drop suspension prefer train next one comes hours", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "note planim going put thoughts here sections be work escorting sexuality drug alcohol addiction family attention want plan work work software engineer well would able hold job months without company getting tired me im good do bosses love output open source projects contributions even first programming job startup cto shocked first day repeat shock every job companies get tired reputation coming work straight nightclubs drunk drugged up tired needing snort coke work stay awake productive escorting sexuality said above cant hold permanent work one nice thing going im young pretty good looking girl look age look men love that get little girl daddy want fuck little hot teenage daughter sex boring me like girls went long period knowing im straight lesbian bisexual think like men sense daddy real birth dad course want daddy older guy looks me loves me helps get early twenties gives advice suppose people call having daddy issues escorting go really wrong sometimes clients beat shit hookers happened once thankfully got tied dark room beaten whipped positive side getting beat escorting builds character makes really really strong take ton abuse people but head drug alcohol addiction debatable whether im coke addict desperately need it want use it thanks hooker get lots easy free access cocaine use times week alcohol destory me used teetotal innocent quiet shy teen im alcoholic confident loud partygirl arrest record drunk disorderly drunk disorderly drunk disorderly love vodka need vodka two bottles fridge right im going start pouring finish letter im quiet night been nights row now drink sleep family hate reasons go into shit hardest bit write ive typing nonstop minutes im unsure say hesitating mum want anymore know doesnt even says loves me never shows appreciation anybody anything dad worked hard provide sister because mum worked decades lazy bitch first memory dad took party workplace threw children shy one scared talk anyone eventually dragged car shouted me fucking disappointment obviously yet outgoing loud confident child everyone would prefer wish got divorce instead constant arguing theyve since born desperate move away home take arguing anymore people argue public still upsets me attention makes happy used to awkward kid teenager fucking love center dance floor one stage naked girl one guys talk clubs pubs gangbang last night escorting contact first person get naked fuck put clothes back on walking around nude men look wank wanted attention wanted fuck girl though what want secure job better flat my current place tiny studio suck dick afford things alcohol withdrawal symptoms hours sober family the plan obviously redflag note plan redflag question when is anything want first redflag plan long remember first genuine redflag plan two years ago going travel south east asia spend savings fun fucking hookers haha ive become one twist die get executed instead ran away another place nothing like said attention section enjoy makes happy maybe seek out reading story earlier httplongformorgstorieslittlegirllost go read it good story girl ran away los angeles seek fame got fame became one biggest porn stars era shot head am another thing read earlier httpwwwnytimescommagazinehereiswhathappenswhenyoucastlindsaylohaninyourmoviehtml lindsay lohan still gets acting gigs despite crazy bitch it cant i could run away la hollywood whatever id go trying would homeless enough savings last year work out end all finally end all would relief stress problems suicidal voice head thats taunted whole life ironic get feel relief id dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hit lick im broke af rn need cash this need good methods", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "somebody please listen tell lit cant one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvakfwhlgnrhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvakfwhlgnr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im crying hard loved knex man connect make structures im crying hard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " yearslast time self harmed years ago days today fine day right im worst ive since im really struggling deal it girlfriend important day tomorrow want wake anyone know do help", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help im hearing weird sounds parents room wanna come room case", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hello nerds first throat hurts poor sleeping going start drinking warm water second everyone doing whatcha nerds to", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "helpits getting hard", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brilliant well made contribution group fans considering made back bedroom painted green screen story lines complex twisting characters show realistic depth dimension cgi created crew breathtaking first season might little shaky final well thought well shot fans might thought star trek franchise come end early cancellation enterprise fans take answer recommend fans newcomers alike hidden frontier crewbr br make so", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many reviews film write get right tom conway fully inherits mantle falcon reallife brother george sanders entry decked beautiful doublebreasted singlebuttoned drapestyle suits cruising gorgeous steel cars huge fender skirts suicide doors come armpit conway travels new york miami keep formula industrial diamonds falling wrong hands client lovely virginal louisa briganza got gorgeous hair let kiss first two months along way runs type colourful array characters b movie could provide sidekick outing perhaps best among falcon sidekicks edward brophy goldie locke given really funny lines runs sinister dish doris blanding type s chick know puts out cohort benny played steve brodie who twenty years later presley punching bag two paramount king movies work cold fish yachtingcapwearing kenneth sutton ready takes get formula cruises yacht brazil saddled stoniest falconpursuing cops ever entry still reigns supreme forget minute melodramas give hour falcon movie day got wife two kids whos got time twohour movie shake dry martinis forget troubles great falcon movie tape local tv toronto like years ago luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "strange lights seen honolulu httpsyoutubedgcdzmhkwhttpsyoutubedgcdzmhkw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life changed forever wednesday afternoon driving work stopped red light gray truck pulls next me cute girl waving n shit roll window down she wave says hi light turns green go separate ways way made feel indescribable felt happy feeling hours laid awake bed night thinking moment girl fucking said hi me no mistake anybody else drive very distinct car no wouldnt recognized me moved states graduating high school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "situationbonjour jai ans et depuis longtemps lenvie de redflagr pourtant je ne suis pas hyper triste douleur de jai fais une tentative il moins dun et aprs avoir pris du recul je suis rendu compte que ce passage lacte tait juste un moyen de dire famille que jai tais manipul et pour en quelque sorte condamn socialement la personne de famille et annoncer son danger mes proches malgr cette ide folle javais quand mme envie de mourir comment pardonn cette personne sachant que je ne peux pas lattaquer frontalement car je sais que elle va nier le plus chiant dans cette histoire cest que mes parents prennent maintenant pour un salaud comme dhab le manipulateur te fais passer pour lagresseur et je suis oblig de partir en vacance avec bref jai limpression que quoi que je fasse elle fera chier jusqu que je tue pour de bon car aprs tentative elle continuait je ne sais plus quoi faire", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont got many friends feeling good common taught sense less friendsyou ought depressed annoying sometimes still gets feel quite happy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone gives me give myselfi tried hard sorts bad things happening all anger sadness depression recently started taking antidepressant zoloft taking birth control pills made suicidal thoughts go roof major mood swings days cant function ive way clingy thought persevering would okay going well im going stop taking them fucked up fucked up person really matters me gave me im going rough time obviously owe same wish given me made feel like world collapsing beautiful going succeed changed mind lot things nobody else ever able to thinking might want kid someone able love me someone able open me care me felt important valued first time life breakdown two days ago made look like fool telling badly needed him say word me tell why even say good bye best friend years bestest friend recent fell love ruined everything im much would take dinner ski trip parents birthday spend many nights me tell loves me disappear always ruin everything always happens care much let people inside walls disappear like even there thats im worth im going make st birthday ive enough cant anymore cant keep letting people find problems get worse around christmas birthday every year disappear hope die tonight theres really much left anymore cant trust anyone cant let anyone everyone help pour soul to cry sit suicidal moments nobody me always ends giving up told would different this wonderful person best friend three years least gone cant take control emotions first break heart give without word last cant anymore bad times obviously outweigh good things offer everyone leaves least leave first choice anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember felt like anxious one medicine none ones ive put take edge off cant even play xbox live without holding breath get anxious people hear breathe mute mic give lungs reprieve go back holding it thanks reading little rant", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like im buried pressure want stopreason im relationship someone extreme mental illness told lives cause im reason rushed uni cant leave unless wanna pay lot money back cant afford reason parents black white non understanding people world im want live life explore self find am im constantly promising ill start family girlfriend cause cant bare see upset im constantly stress im ready end it wanna fall asleep behind wheel crash tree wanna sit train tracks blast favourite music wait im stuck dont know get", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting worsedue recent problem girl date or dated dont even know anymore added pain already feeling leaning towards idea ending life planning goodbye letter feeling slight urge jump rd floor shopping mall subway tracks nownow looking painless ways die sleeping pills currently leading damn damn", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "family wrong whole life ive told family im smart always ahead peers school logical way thinking recently though finally realized case im smart im autistic well high school particularly smart think logically emotionally everyone know higher level classes me im struggling times im really smart im stupid sure might quite bit smarter average person family thing is theyre kind stupid younger believe it said smart also lived cousin epitome moron barely average people idiots im genius im idiot", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m cannot keep fighting fighting long time remember long problems simply cannot hold anymoretoday first day years alcoholic father threatened hit told kim nobody could stand around drunk adult first time life change thati cannot describe awful feel hearing call idiot several times threatening mei always felt disappointment everyone specially himhe always called useless idiot lazy many things always felt like son never wanted happened today simply makes want run away end alli also feel like disappoint mother specially talking school ever since depression started struggled concentrate work even subjects like every time talk highschool feel like burden disappointment gifted child used tomy sister another problem sometimes feels like everything alright others treats like annoy her like care meanother problem feel like belong anywhere even friends consider brothers mothers even though gone several groups friends never manage feel like belong like truly care even like mei feel alone lost want pain end want stop feeling like burden everyone elseevery time knife hands cannot bring end everything cut arms swallow pain today different even cuts helped deal pain matter many times it deep were feeling go awayi really want push blade chest simply slash veins afraid afraid next afraid hurting mom sister afraid leaving alone stupid father cannot get enough courage itsorry bad english native language feeling way help writingi needed get chest so thanks listening kind strangers cannot go anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really wanted spend new year friends perents asked fuckin today st december noon plans friends new year party sorry kinda gave got angry every time asked ill celebrate another new year watching netflix room go sleep almost immediately midnight", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im disasterim sorry whining advance im like small two bedroom run trailer two racist parents hate me im fat get mad cannot stop eating get punched bullied school get sent dick pics every signle fucking social network called gay got job pay home school dsl internet lines break fixed years got enough money pay sattelite internet rush login restart school parents call dumbass tell everything belongs selling stuff right now parents hate me im restart school college ever take me nothing get bullied everyday know else go back beaten black blue everyday let win career options ahead nothing lose feel like im thinking clearly first time life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "realisewhen finally realise months telling thought much realise option cant live like longer girlmy self mind dreams gone nothing take back past please let anybody stand way you nobody narcissistic personality destroy life please please run sooner later end take", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end myselfsad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain sad pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ending right nowwhen knew would switching careers wanted different field graduated university even said ill kill nothing works best field want switch to im already nothings working best make work every day feel inadequate myself think place anymore got months turn leave then", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "killed back i thought awhile back think about fascist becomes dictator dont see way out im queer female told roe v wade would never turned republican political science professor saw happened georgia alabama see supreme court filled snake talkers graduated college right pandemic im stuck working minimum wage job nobody hiring nobody wants me experience everyone requires it im going ruining back working retail lowes possibly rest life people giving interviews service work less make now recently mental breakdown cannot work full time without coming home crying sleep work repeat theres nothing left becomes president again take years get canada theres nothing left me im debt rest life due student loans cannot even pay cant even pay bills im going lose health insurance end year bills start accrue interest assume defer loans much eventually come take shit away idk hopefully ill fucking dead happens", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "afraid yet willingim tired itlife lived long survivedkept breathing remember like pretend happy actually truly feel happiness feel dead inside told id finish degree next yearat least mom dad think complete failure now im done it cant keep this hurt myselfthat helps sometimes want iti cant keep living like this somebody help me give painless death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people live us yall wearing masks saw whole tiktok comment section wearing mask theyre rights dont save covid thought knew that masks dont spread germs infect people especially anyone high risk family member home dont know suddenly bragging right come fake excuse walk around wout mask mostly southern states guess mandatory wear one", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone know good ways make money online free also without paypal", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ready diei sad get drunk friend supposed comfort tonight left get drunk aunt left alone nobody wants fucking around me even stay im fucking crazy nobody needs me nobody wants me fucking care anymore tomorrow im killing myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im point living seem like something want im trying find please place end lifei thought shooting shower water running mess family clean up ive also thought backyard anything significant clean up or driving somewhere parking shooting car someone else would likely find mother personally see me ampxb please help me going happen im trying least disturbing way parents necessarily see deal body ampxb would it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "second viewing still wonderful romance is opinion much better film came paired dvd set leo mccarey weepie classic an affair remember yet seems fallen favour slightly only rating imdb dismissed many critics gooey slush sad intelligent romantic drama good work two leads jennifer jones william holden anything film wellremembered gorgeous colour cinematography unforgettable musical score much like valentines day gave excuse watch movie again im glad it still think holdens character death heavily foreshadowed taking suspense final scenes film moving really enjoy it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would antidepressants enough kill someone if taken enough could work", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "somewhat new minecraft question got new pc christmas got minecraft sort played never made deep run days later stockpiled blocks worth iron found diamonds excluding turned pick im preparing nether question would smarter make armour diamonds tools diamond pick break enough iron make new set armour go iron tools also make diamond armour whats pick", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "foster families fakei really hate foster family reason want slice throat open fucking hate much want see dead first years life brought pain suffering never ever heard positive affirmation them make feel like im worthless always mentally abusing cant take anymore im verge harming them cant leave company let please someone help im kill care long see corpse maybe way things going", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna talk yeah im back whoever looked recent post", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody get feeling accomplishment finishing projects homework anymore everything went damn im pretty proud myself wow im exhausted ill sleep now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sons friend attempted redflagmy son almost good friend sort girlfriend last year couple months hes distanced her found better friends tried commit redflag wednesday asked see today mother said extenuating circumstances please tell anyone get doctor bothered mom even want me know son going emotional support level need know plus hes going hide something magnitude me thinking whole thing gives pause mom highconflict drama queen want son hurt want friend get real help suggestions", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "id rather kill disappoint family killing disappoint familylife fair wish family love me theres many people deserve loving families one universe waste love me want love want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im gonna kill someday turn thats promiseim life complete total shit is got friends family members despise me even internet people take seriously really wanna live full life get old health really starts go downhill ill kill then know ill etcbut someday promise right take life away want to nobody stop me hate society forcing us live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sometimes one thing enough live die fori honestly feel like people never kill x youre looking excuses live really want die dismissive rhetoric people one thing resolveddidnt happenwas attained would able live people one person one hope would able die like many people im enduring purely family destroying sustainable theyre excuse sole reason case everyone sometimes one thing enough thought", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "always thought son donald trump normal kid holy fuck kid absolutely crazy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "pushed away last friend nothing stopping anymoreyet cant it sit look pills ive amassed cant want bad cant im coward wish courage go want pain end want fucking end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could hera girl school near recently killed herself age hurts never knew her stories tell things common suicidal thoughts act out head went different outcomes etc want die know im going it however exactly trust cant even productive even want to knowing another girl went saddens me want anyone else feel way wish life nicer wish must shit world death saw scenario outcomes play out saw everyone grieve hurt including myself wish option would fix lives easily want girl did hate took someone elses death realise this ive posted many times even nice advice help im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats favourite song need new music kinda tired playlists rn ik might faq need recommendations lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fiance abandoned one day left nothing place safety net trying live friends feel empty inside place world worked much therapy anchored much past trauma thought nothing works anymore lost ocean agony trying best live friends cat know long hold for lost much weight already trying eat taking vitamin try keep stuff okay love life finish sentences sort love suddenly gone trapped apartment alone want belive light side hard see it anti depressent remove ability feel cannot smile cry laugh tried finding work disability work hard find issue needed work right away since better off everything name id lose healthcare joint sorry formatting make posts often abandoned", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "frustrate everyone maybe im better deadno matter hard try fit nice always end frustrating everyone lets face it everyone little patience dealing me im sorry im perfect im sorry im that cant help fact im prone committing stuff thats problematic realise problematic hate feel like this maybe died wouldnt happen anymore dont feel like day", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help me ive writers block one thing years ive really wanted write story years thing holding back cant figure kind character antagonist is backstory want want it someone could please help me driving insane years", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "find uselessits like walking empty room filled people like big hole space getting ready jump", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "headache like motivation sigh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "damn insurancebought life insurance itd pay house roommate homeless go two year redflag clause cant till april year could take two fucking yearsi dunno", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wish detroit become human universe know im human want drink blue blood see happens", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see someone try pickup girl literal cringe like hey dm oh youre single too cant help cringe lets real need stop simping youre actually one people something productive life right cringe anyways nice day night", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "makes sense guns illegal californiathe redflag rates would skyrocket", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "opinions anarchy someone tells theyre anarchist would say return", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film scaring since first day saw itbr br my mum watched telly back remember woken middle night tearful ramblings dad helped stairsbr br she saying something like dont let get me something like that asked made upset told shed watching woman blackbr br so obviously watch even though eleven let me scared s me ive immune horror films since watching this", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sick tired everything nothing helps anymore even know jm making post honestly becuase going chnage anything horrible pos partner left me mother nothing yell me talks hates wants gone genuinely cannot find anything else live for terribly school rest life going keep painful fucking struggle life want live anymore tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried od xanax alcohol wednesday lost minimum wage jobi got fired pizza place counting drawer slowly going slowly counted drawer two years working well paying stressful call center job eventually quit mental health reasons previously one said anything pace work pizza place fact complemented customers speed even given tip taking pizza dining area customary business attempt guess say impulsive part really needed pizza job source income right search engine evaluator working home organization work doles hours sparsely standards difficult understand even harder meet everything pay employees arrived home angry fired room mate works home representative call center quit back march snaps going stairs loudly so shout back him person ive known almost years never argument with and best described acting without thinking took xanax room probably pills ran liquor store there got sort fruit flavored vodka cooler downed fast can friend come pick drive house show supposed play memorys bit hazy point got eveyone got clued happening let lay couch people checked breathing next thing remember waking couch next day people seemed glad ok guess obviously play going first show new project mine let lot people down saw therapist friday morning really wanted hospitalize me refused thought worst passed hospitalization would waste time make financial issues worse immediately therapy went pick check job incident manager fired me something im proud never happened before im supposed see therapist monday im trying get psychiatrists appointment moved up therapist recommended increasing lexapro dose guess ive survived redflag attempt now little physical harm consider lucky feel scared guilty intense depression ive experienced since ive meds", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quirky movie brits well low budget cameo type roles well executed story little weak recently widowed judi dench decides round blonde bombshells well almost all girl band performed war london obligatory sondaughter thinks gone potty like way movie lets young people see monopoly feelings love even lust old wrinklies good laugh too judi dench superb always pity get see blonde bombeshells end little rushed thought kept thinking watched david jason would made even better patrick ian holm although quite adequate transvestite drummer cheery movie well worth night girls ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relapsing isnt enoughi annoy people probably annoy everyone amount posts ive made ive deleted im sick tired world im going go look tools attempt again cutting bullshit im fed endless cycle goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "theres way im going live thisim a im completely useless severe low self esteem confidence depression generalized anxiety chronic loneliness trust issues im shy quiet person one friend give shit using fulfill desires studied worked along fruitless path im job know drive even move around city public transport im scared call phone ask help let alone search new job single useful skill know listen get paid that im going die know live dying feels natural correct im living parents narcissistic mother alcoholic father im scared everything everyone got gun sleeping pills blame disappearance nerve ask other makes feel better know possession im useless im needed fault going get better time nothing know live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recently ive eating stomach problems im getting really bad stomach pain im hungry appetite throw little food eat think eating disorder something im sure", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ibe gotten point even tried kill myself im pretty sure id faili going kill tonight as hope school everyday thought youll good everything else want end life obviously pointless im sure way certainly die risk taker dont know do parents wont take seriously friends try help cant do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "months since died im still ok mother died april came home hospital one day laid bed doctors came home explaining things would work on suddenly im room crying hear family panicking mother dying worst part last time talked night before sounded happy coming home gonna make favorite cereal her mother lot things wrong her infected toe doctors fix something wrong spine end liver cancer somehow got without doctors noticing months since died still feels like last week cant stop crying everytime think her im stuck knowing never gonna see quinceanera wedding even hold grandchildren hurts knowing anymore know wrote this feel like needed vent somewhere", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know im gona dieis bad know im gona die mom dog dies one live thats im gona kill myself people say find someone need stop depressed want spread sadness anyway literally see reason would live want kill myself logical worries sadness end endless cycle getting better going deep", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys found someone crush like thats ever gonna happen", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "another lonely night starring ceiling guess lonely together", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im aloneim two hours away anyone knows im alive university friends even anyone knows name cant handle fucking alone subhuman cant even look anyone eyes speak every day panic attacks drawn fear schoolwork know wont make it please god let convenient dont disappoint family comes it ill find way cant fucking take anymore much im fucking sorry boyfriend friends family please god let finally feel peace", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dieso came reasons ive depressed three years mostly laying bed nothing ive mental hospital times even finished high school leech parents im pedophille aspergers syndromediagnosed make up psychosis depression everyday take kinds medication none help ive though cannibalismeating people ive hit mother couple times tortured girl history depression every body pretty much hates me im lowest form human being cannot concetrate enough even read book memory completely shot connections lost also necrophille bunch pariphillias im horrible traits combined one human being single redeeming quality have ive stolen money mom people ive leeched governemnt programs country one failed redflag attempt also like adolph hitler think hes really inspiring watch speeches read autobiography im practically neo nazigood luck everyone save me say change", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like many reviewers here memories show universally warm fact fond said cherished memories recently purchased dvd box set order revisit happy carefree period childhood whereby used sit utterly mesmerised watched ongoing quest monkey pigsy sandy tripitaka later yu lung horsedragonman youll really need watch understand much loved show initially aired bbc friday evenings recallbr br well im pleased say even years viewing adult ie cynical eyes show lost none inimitable charmbr br simply wonderful entertainment magical characters comical interactions one another perhaps special effects which actually serve heighten fun course forgetting hugely memorable opening title sequence first season passing time way shape form diminished monkeys spellbinding charmbr br as monkey would probably say oi there go grab nostalgic fun", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life sucksthere nothing interesting exciting anymore used hobbies enjoyed nowadays feels like carrying tasks feeling numb things zero interest constantly procrastinate wish could stay bed day nothing even though hate too social life sucks one real friend lives far away see often parents live far away too apart friends use me call need something talk like care act differently tried socialize get know people unsuccessfully try kind everyone judge people hate way look keep thinking reason friends people life friends people know diseappeared right parents would people would notice that talk feelings anyone would drive away want burden life sucks could stop existing would great want kill myself sorry read this sucks like living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want talkim year old trans women cant take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "change ios app logos photos im honestly know change app logos", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found movie hilarious spoofs popular movies time funniest seen sort movie give try saw movies movie spoofing get humor enjoy moviebr br i and others watched movie me felt funniest part movie this spoiler tell actually happens scene flashy thingy mib first discover device know does later movie understand get therebr br my complaint movie never able find dvd could buy copy", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even know writing herei want kill myself badly guess guts woulda done long time ago thought years feels different maybe listening frank sinatra wanna it wanna badly everytime think it think family dead care family get sad lonely year old guy give fuck anything years staying home playing video games failed college parents expect enter again much problem really bored life biggest problem gambling addiction parents send little bit money every month spend mostly ciggaretes gambling sometimes even money buy food feel sad gamble feel betterlose feel bad even know thoughts now usually think redflag bed nothing block thoughtsthe next day wake sit pc goes away now im sitting pc thoughts probably even commit today even know writing feeling sad really sad good wayeasy way seems redflag troubles gone sadness gone reason it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need medication elsei really need find sth stop feeling bad wanted go see doctor get anxiety relievers medications cant let parents know itll worse me tried look unprescribed anxiety medications confusing choose wait least month see results used wonder would people take drugs drink alcohol jump cliff think finally understand think durable solution me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hyrdroxyzine sertraline overdosemy first post im wondering happens overdose zoloft vistaril like pills mg zoloft pills mg vistaril", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "labeling film lesbian love story accurate calling pride prejudice straight love story theres much thatbr br yes main character lesbian story classic bildungsroman journey childhood adulthood sexual innocence maturity personal blindness self discovery stylistic element camp films direction hindrance rather serves underscore staged dramatic parts main characters lifebr br those know anna chancellor bbc version pride prejudice certainly amazed here rachael stirling stellar main character nan keeley hawes wideeyed goodness lover kitty butler chancellor might stand role aside sally hawkins plays zena butler film faint heart piece progay advertising either real story real comedy drama engaging story compelling characters well worth watching", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im currently hiding toilet work dont want locked toilet ive minutes send help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody wanna play xbox pretty bored last days wondering anybody wanted play xbox gamertag thoughtified got cod modern warfare rainbow six siege red dead redemption dark souls honor minecraft sea thieves shoot dm reddit xbox wanna play", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure title onei dont care anymore quit job go school wouldnt work school schedule the first time risked anything something myself cant get another decent job im flat fucking broke also drop school dont hope all dont even try job interviews anymore know wont get itive rejected fair amount im anxious fucking time dont want get hopes spiral deeper depression ive become numb go numb bipolar acting fucking symptoms come shit cant kill family shit dont want anymore keep fucking dont want try anymore fucked cant talk dont want bring people know wont help idk let out maybe someone relate", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looking forward anythingfuture seems like pointless slow painful really want go that", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fun facts ruin day nothing ive got nothing googles failing recently", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "start feeling anything better wth anybody know long citalopram eight years mgs daily feedback appreciated almost months without citalopram", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "needed get lot stuff chest maybe cry help maybe random ramblingsi sure post about may considered cry help open post emotions even arbitrary chaotic writing dumb person know frankly care dwelled sorry life long time thought pen thoughts still feel like something pour heart here want say verge killing or least want think also delusions life worst life ever universe objective enough know people worse circumstances dealing it said that standing crossroads failure lack motivation anything feel desire keep living life often contemplated would like die often wished life would end accident but enough rambling want pen life once think anyone world knows true family included positive lied every person know certain point life told close friend person wearing mask mask every occasion behind mask masks hide truly am wearing enough masks forgotten lost lie life point tried struggling slugging forward tried living life future tried living life one day time end didnt matter either way trainwreck life still trainwreck personal life shambles social life nonexistent professional life collision course towards freight train coming full speed idea even feel emotionally now would wonder bad things be firstly transgendered individual thirdworld country studying us since lgbt rights country nonexistent possible way transition future finishing studies finding job in us another firstworld country cannot tell anyone tg since pretty much means lose assistantship also shoot chances career field thus living lie life past x years lied colleagues roommate friends lied try fit people lied drive people away dont think anyone know really am top that gain age slowly become harder transition so another time bomb ticking away tried preparing transitioning taking unsupervised hormone therapy electrolysis well though help bit still hate look whenever look mirror anytime also extremely stupid decision taking hormones without doctoral supervision lead medical complications social level due above driven friends away pretty much living life recluse top that slowly become emotionally detached almost everything life find little joy sorrow things happening life lied friends hide tg self lied top lies found out scared even try start romantic relations life generally messed scared rejection life professional level also heading towards failure xth year graduate studies even though funding dry up much stress finish work still seems like uphill battle top that figured past months looking job job market bad find reasonable job sick trying doesnt seem like get enough work done get degree get job student visa expires doesnt help people always high expectations dont know why tired failing again stress taken toll physical lifestyle well gone fit active person someone totally outofshape developed terrible eating sleeping habits feeds desire nothing throughout day big struggle get bed everyday morning wish day ends asap almost always given considering real goals life cant justify purpose life anymore sick trying meet failure anywhere everywhere tired fighting uphill battle every avenue life and often felt past months would existed all doubt existence worth anyone worth anyone suicidal thoughts infrequently last months tired life want spend next years repeating wake something sleep routine again frankly little desire living know consequences taking life would people genuinely care me likely looking help doubt anyone position help really but think needed get chest weighing heavily long time hopefully pull things work out not well least tried someone take time read whole thing would really like thank taking time read ramblings someone probably would never meet long thanks fish", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really worried mom need helpokay gonna super long and apologies formatting im mobile friday morning mom left work trying sleep utility pole fell house we live trailer park garbage truck got tangled wires decided best idea try gun snapped pole right outside house landed right sleeping didnt come roof cause damage generalized anxiety panic disorder also others matters now well fear trees falling houses wreck pole roof also live wires along ground long story short garbage company refusing pay us stay anywhere else we power s s fahrenheit company would come fix pole cant even appraise monday this happened friday mom i tight budget is trying scrape past two nights heres concern comes from mom obviously depressed past nights im add stress burden im absolute mess cant close eyes without hearing crack bang pole made broke landed cant stop feeling house shake cant stop feeling like run im trying hold dont add stress shes got enough worry is tonight hotel staying at complained able home started crying everything hit once mom told needed quiet tried told ive trying keep together dont want burden going come little bit theres lot going head im really feeling depressed keep flashbacks havent told this told im realizing affecting her feels like wanna kill i checked hospital earlier year due feeling extremely suicidal supposed do drive us bridge wouldnt talk me went bathroom closed door made scared considering said went see okay told leave alone told wasnt going sure going okay said would fine able talk need stop holding stuff making depend her asked meant said crying way threatening hurt kill myself told thats meant all told might meant thinly veiled threat told dont see shes going keep making see im going through never acknowledge shes going through dont know do thought right thing feel like messed everything up want okay need okay trying focus myself able honest say im still completely terrified happened ive never said anything depressed felt suicidal i dont whole time dont know would gotten get bad flashback dont know help her cant fix situation house cant fix myself cant fix either im trying best add pressure stress feel like added ton idk even need helpadvice on dont know said said frustration doesnt make less serious right dont know someone please say something", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need make next hours soim garbage person im staying family home cause im jobs yesterday family said xmas early thought would better wasnt there gotta disappear approximately hours starting hours think setting fire alot dont want anyone see face ever again think whole ordeal family think want around set fire think im dramatic think pull frodo disappear think wrap heavy chains jump big river maybe dont find body atleast pretend im wandering somewhere something happened brain cause two years ago thinking gonna bake pie family make extra special thinking anyone sees whats fastest way kill myself im literally reassured got bit cash pocket worst case scenario go gas station buy gas set alight comforting thought now might run away seems fine", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today wake moms phone call crying vacation tells something attacked dove saved left blood feathers chest feels like someone sitting it feel sad empty also full pain sure sounds stupid hurts bad feel dead inside hurts much bird killed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant decide wanna shoot odi dont think bring actually shoot head ordered shit ton dxm definitely use overdose dont really know im posting im trying get someone change mind doubt guy gonna give suggestions one better way go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "worldppl cares give themi planet yrs one thing learned ppl care u something give them im tired this wish born way care productive im told wanna connect ppl want cant connect anyone awful feel trapped inside head hell u suppose u wanna connect ppl nobody wants connect u theres point living like", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want dieright fucking now ive given years get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know anymore want help feeling hopeless her im afraid going take toll relationship mental health issues actively dealing wish could see issues affecting people herself tldr mother unaddressed mental health issues get take seriously seek professional help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ishould try drown something might cause punishment i exchristian", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "broke glasses broo cannot believe it every single glasses had broke break streak right dumb cant", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enough destiny bs hurt enough peoplei regularly failing get university two years now absolutely hate everytime give party interference control entire work gets splashed away till got university rejections visa denial got girlfriend looked mdd also cheated back life not girlfriend lover supports lot cant stop feeling paranoid jealous end hurting her spent lot parents money look disappointed now already sitting clonazepam tablets ready pocket pop get knocked all big failure loser even guts end life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reason get besides going workive struggling depression since fall last year awhile ok felt like going get go back happy care free self sometime early june contracted herpes genital oral gave overwhelming sense hopelessness along feel need try romantic relationships anymore want tell anyone herpes slept hours today reason wake up everyday work thing keeps killing badly think would affect mom sister words encouragement would much appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "definitely feel like optionto copy paste thoughts raw gti feel im absolutely going able go nowhere life right even though im eighteen true rights person order get need change anyway knowing parents definitely treat like garbage physically verbally violent towards past cant expect going alive long enough support financially emotionally also cannot feel obligated take separate governmentfamily people directly responsible life capability look anymore suppose means rot financially physically immediately commit redflag want immediately burden anyone previously supported want anything else initiative contribute means potentially parents people around support get agitated attack like parents did think know options allowed have want read anyway thank i want add more feel like also disrespectful look others support journey one deserves support someone family take time busy lives end tried work study immediately detrimental system working in guessed detrimental system people inside system support far knew going focus far enough thanks support guys", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont feel real anymorei nearly killed three months ago heres started freshman year highschool came gay family five most peers thought people could trust course highschool started regret decision massively regretted every second every day close people came didnt even speak anymore everytime walked passed one felt heart race body tremble wanted turn back time take back drove deep depression didnt talk anyone outside school gained alot weight sleeping schedule fucked insanely paranoid junior year thought killing every day towards end junior year talked parents decided online homeschooling would best solution better mental health april september started getting fitness lost lbs throughout time felt better ever felt didnt think redflag thought future offer me changed homeschooling started first three days homeschooling isolating spent hours dark empty house work knew something off started getting feelings again knew going work put next three days decided anymore told parents isolation feelings coming back decided maybe could put another year highschool transfer back final thought its senior year everything different fucking wrong first day back highschool okay second day little worse still okay third day worst day life now since homeschooling first three days states schoolyear started missing work first three days highschool problem that but get know me paper teacher im sure know go teacher gives piece paper tells fill class starts work it finish it go hand in teacher tells present class heart starts racing body starts shake little bit start think okay itll fine act like uninterested nobody think anything it sit computer start read paper a little awkwardly noticeably awkward get two words teacher goes up up look hes motioning stand up shit hits fan stand start read voice gets high pitched shaky hands start visibly shaking get little misty eyed hear people giggling background hear someone say something like yo fuck get sit down try hide face whatnot thoughts race like never next minutes class ends everyone goes lunch walk around halls feeling completely hopeless first impression made everyone perception rest year people know im gay im stuck year im gonna make it lose rationale walk side door empty staircase leave building text mother love im sorry start walking towards traintracks pouring rain getting soaking wet care totally desensitized everything around me thing cared ending it start getting closer tracks hear train coming im getting ready die train goes front reach it say fuck cares start walking around thoughts get worse think stepping front car no cant that someone else could get hurt alright ill go home slit wrists im walking home mom calls calmly trys reason tells well figure calm anything hearing voice went home waited later day parents withdrew highschool saw therapist weeks diagnosed severe depression nothing me felt like chore like there felt pathetic theres nothing therapist changing someones sexuality the stem suicidal thoughts positive hang there it gets better shit turned away even more stopped going things cooled bit three months ago dont feel anything anymore time im happy im distracting myself look back pictures kid recognize myself feel like im playing role playing poorly im completely desensitized world around dont see point sticking around whats point living life going end anyway doubt someday im going kill myself everyday thought everytime walk bridge next busy traffic always there cant see living much longer thoughts cant see way thoughts changing even know replies im hoping get posting whatever", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "adults like dare get angry publicly humiliated disrespected you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mental break hearing chadwick boseman relizing going get worse words encouragement please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "decidewhether kill myself redflag definitely always wrong make rational choice reason enough im heavy burden friends family contribute anything little hope later im young still doubt ill successful even happy future id rather kill sooner waste fewer resources therapy medication air seeing future", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im hopeless livebefore vent ass off legitimately cant wait year over days know nothing special switch january december nothing day change seriously though gives opportunity make new year better happened year year far worst year senior year high school ended abruptly super long break later august started university wish didnt absolutely horrible im currently enduring christmas break took long time get used things exams quite confusing anyways ive decided drop university completely ive already paid first semester dont plan next absolutely idea wanted do wish learned earlier could go community college instead least join workforce feel like college isnt something frontal cortex fully developed make good decisions dont know career would fit me ive never job before enjoy reading writing learning healthcare related sciences im fan math mainly hard time understanding it weird thing used enjoy reading problem solving lot feel like ive gotten lazier like get distracted easily something play hands order something else ill get fidgety think big problem im afraid touched dont like anyone touching anywhere even simple high five handshake would problem future job seeking im sure past trauma dont like feeling another persons skin me dont like people looking think theyre perverts do also makes quite shy except im online anonymous forum like place sometimes get jealous envious others also defensive im hopeless arent i", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cut nails rubbed hands lotion feel smooth", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck lifei getting it stopped watching porn hot back old friend everything getting back together fuck test maths it think clearly id probably done fight stress spiraling thoughts crying gave up completed one exercise without breaking down said fuck send back probably pass math feel like im good stress thoughts prevent it get better time belive me feel like bomb try get life together something bad happens goes shit im gf performing worse worse school parents understand want good grades think every single day redflag see option cant love parents shit me never loved them want escape shit alone without family without anyone", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quick questionim gonna kill cut myselfalthough did anything find thought coming back constantly get school work job rest life ill live retirement home ten years die special theyre goal life me im pretty much watching world die phone sorry grammar", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want big bearded muscly lumberjack dude hold me like sometimes night daydream held stuff reality wouldnt want random dude holding ahhh anyone else relate wheres lumberjack ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nut november nut november nut november going well day tho smh get rid horny", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "maybe kill finally meet god reincarnate womanfuck life born man", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think going kill myself year old male know father left years old negligent disconnected alcoholic kid mom used abuse relentlessly would beat belts extension chords punch face tell im stupid burned cigarettes times taken years pay student loan debt degree completely useless live poverty hurt knee month ago cant even manual labour jobs used get by everything seems completely hopeless clue doing totally atomised family support live pay check pay check cause living high even though work hours week barely scraping by whenever start get ahead something bad happens months ago shell dollars get car fixed needed new control arm plus new tires plus alignment tow need new muffler pass emission test cannot legally drive work knee gets better grinding like mad man shelling physio therapy get knee fixed costing ton ill laid bed months able work able pay rent bank account needs last rest month life exhausting work hard can never pull pit im sad anything hopeless depressed stuck escape me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont think anymoreabout year ago ruined life went school shitfaced every single day due extreme social anxiety depression little know life would get x worse got caught getting driven hospital get stomach pumped getting picked dad broke families heart let go back school weak later happy see friends return passion violin it performing arts school although got past substance abuse depression continued grow winter break parents found finsta personal information feelings mental health sexuality embarassing due fact wasnt ready come out made switch schools closer one promised could return old school got better april mentality improved therapist said good go back parents didnt even try im still stuck god awful school cannot truly call anyone friend friends old school lost contact me parents emotionally abuse sisters every day escape friends boyfriends school life become one tomultuos torture work hard every day please parents practicing violin working grades losing weight never enough them every day tell year ill college ill life new friends sort partner cant fucking live awful cycle one day havent sober school month smoke wax pen bathroom every single day cant stand existing anymore havent told one person school truly anything everyone else relationship least fucking friend cant fucking hold anymore school hell home hell sleep hell im going end awful existence anniversary day ruined life keep telling self better next year also said last year im suicidal ive ever liife", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every reason happybut im not every day think ending life im engaged wonderful man love much moved great new place promising careers financially secure supportive parents honestly know things starting going downhill least think know when early dropped masters degree went existential crisis following years hopping jobs getting paid peanuts gaining lot weight putting strain health relationship may landed current job fantastic following month grandmother passed away decade circling drain longer recognising anyone december started weight loss programme successful lost kg earlier year estranged halfbrothers pancreatic cancer turned terminal died two months later may july proposed partner years said yes last month best friend killed traffic accident fault cant tell fianc hopeless powerless terrified feel hes already hell feel incredibly guilty whenever much tell feel bit blue hes already everything would feel selfish telling somehow enough also feel terrible hiding fact sometimes want leave along everyone else deserve this cant tell parents mother manic depressive refuses treatment prejudice father already heartbroken loss estranged son who blamed gay despite fact mother one initiated divorce estrangement another son suddenly decided renounce family without telling us why effectively already lost two four children bear threaten loss youngest daughter too ive told therapist underplay feel evident im coping seem alarmed blame him know need time heal even cant get deaths im family leave want waste annual leave sick leave processing feelings like stereotypical woman im worried dont ill end psychiatric hospital something selfinflicted worse dead im utterly miserable wits end know do im desperate relief kind crushed guilt even thinking love love me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "enough time claw mental health problems k guys need advice dont know do ampxb lot mental health problems might know fixreduce impact them tldr find hobby ie something like brings joy would able better cope problems ampxb think might like writing scripts cuz tried got really inspired really happy like day want get habit so problem takes time dont time lot homework do ampxb im starting get point school everything becomes really important every test take influences final score influences university go in country called atar think comparable sat basically constantly homework do ampxb means cant devote time write scripts since im anything fix mental health im incapable spending time required get homework done ampxb cant ignore homework work fixing mental health cuz ill fail school would make parents angry would make mental health worse im sure ignore trying fix mental health longer cuz im afraid im going wake one day fed everything kill myself ampxb thing think gap year basically taking year away studies high school university im going stage make decision another years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried commit redflagtried hang panicked breathe kicked in kitchen knives dull pain tolerance low guess thats failed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "typical suicidal thoughtsi feel empty angry sad time decades ive therapy help medicine makes zombie want end cant read anymore cant feel genuine joy anymore want disappear forever evaporate air", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell replace plastic bags bottles also motivate answer filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler filller strok filler kara give nude", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone wanna chat im bored kinda wanna talk someone sleep maybe tomorrow dunno yet comment dm wanna", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys need help homophobic parents blocking access talk friends parents decided look phone without permission decided go discord backread found messages non binary person turns support try make sure understand people something wrong mentally next day change passwords go stuff without permission theyre even mad tell im allowed im allowed keep anything absolutely nothing im years old also think classmates gay people reason im like im allowed talk anymore ampxb know sorry bad formatting need advice", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tired pitiful existence might kill soonthere place me im year old autistic trans or least gender questioning person know already makes people sympathy me know im disgusting broken human fucking mean id never wish anyone torture waking hating knowing cant really damn thing it end people change nature hating others fail show even slightest bit empathy towards gone through family religious stopped caring religion long time ago god fucking tyrant choice me ive never normal jealous people seem find life easy get things handed them even curing genderconfused thing theres way stop autistic supposedly prediposed lgbt ive suffered mental health problems trauma fitting inbullied entire life amount therapy make truly happy anyway whats damn point im autistic all everyone knows theyre equal fucking hate going lgbt support groups feeling butterflies stomach feeling accepted first time life taken away people want treat even subhuman fucking hate knowing ill probably commit redflag either way eventually even transitioning delay that bet post get reposted one transhating subs everyone agree waste life end right agree them tired bothered writing paragraph long post chest hurts crying much ive scared want hurt family whats lose now theyll hate anyway", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help getting though todayi severe physical pain ongoing chronic illness doctors cant fix horrible depression want alive anymore im struggling find housing stay abusive spouse anymore told would months year get housing assistance im unable work physical disabilities income amp k debt", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " suicidalim nineteen living major depressive disorder ive interviews last month got denied them ive worked every day past six months also drink gallon water day also ive going nofap years now dont even drink smoke drugs really trying hardest leave hell nothing seems work supposed kill myself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ignore this small rant im kinda angry right since joined server among us since game starting decided write start chat person named death note decided say something like shut lime i lime game bit rude literally reason trying rude writing start talking buddies chat wrote oh sorry game starts someone reports body death note friends start saying fucking proof got voted lost fucking temper im shorttempered im working fixing got angry started cussing person friend jumped defend them round ended rejoined server banned me mean fair enough nice go like im sorry person loosing temper gonna ignore fact rude reason towards me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "may contain spoilersbr br all dogs go heaven great movie saw two years old understand well saw times started love it love songs movie favorite songs let surprised soon come home beautiful songs thing bothers movie charlie dieing little sister even watch part movie wonderful br br my favorite part movie annabelle charlie flying around heaven heaven beautiful movie clocks clever also love itchy fact dachshunds own cute br br overall love movie suggest everyone see it give movie stars", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "venting right knowsi really wish truly loved someone soon got kicked exs home grandma feel tho eager turn stab back im still sure may agreeing grandma get crazy ass leave alone know next weekend goes way expect go nothing left gonna act redflag plan belive anyone ever gave flying fuck im mistake child severe mental disorders worsened abuse feeling love since ish never knew express emotion properly thanks parents may veey undoing one relationship think really loved person", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "believe reason movie get recognition deserves many misconceptions darwin pro con would say real man depicted without sterility is although movie snapshot man technique storytelling expanded life far beyond years touched movie deep movie pondering modern life way think provoke study man whose thoughts and used him certainly affected lives movies historical context great primary job actors stay way history carried day actors job good work them say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want homework period pains make unable anything expect lie bed agony", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tldr tips manage depression stuck homeim edge severe depression feels worse cos two month respite period mid april early june things still shit mom still dying still felt loadssssss better however hit rock bottom cannot leave house much see friends developed social redflag too know make better tips handle depression stuck home would appreciated tips please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression strong physically hurtsi feel sharp pain chest anyone else feel thing", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "stupid super lucky got beautiful wife kids mortgage steady job nearly years turned supposed feel like shit time supposed suicide ideation every second day supposed get point week nearly jumped multi story car park good things feel like meet distractions world slows enough immediately think ending all react negatively everything first response putting unwanted strain notredflag reinforcing idea burden around me see lot posts people shit situations here understand completely feel way feel feel guilty feeling way counts not do still sure turn around hang got lot thankful for still want end all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point go nowin situation redflagim feeling more theres nothing really left me im last year one two strokes left side paralysis right side constant pain central post stroke pain increases sensation movement lost job lost motorcycle lost bank account least figures debt year behind child support still waiting months now decision social security reason im street pity family member whos basically letting squat house hes trying sell feel like loss everything could deal with starting actually seem bad ive done times moving around this pain think can want take anymore va tried several pain killers settling oxycodone worked take pain away made care it drugs baaad mkay cant keep increasing that tried tens hwave both hurt more lyrica pregabalin mgx kinda helps pain still there typing feels like streaks searing electricity shooting arm radiating fingers help like oxyxidone gets high much say break toe work work stop bar couple shots fix toe stop broken get buzz helps broken leg think shots help point simply getting high work im trading one high another getting high legal state means really cheap weed helps moment cant high day want anything really anything anyway struggle walk fall often generally takes xx longer task normally would sink dishes take hours get through ill lucky id break anything know expect this typing seems help ive alone living alone mean almost full year since leaving va hospital staying at job real friends social media outside reddit every day physically mentally hurts hurts lie try sleep hurts sitting shower chair so slip kill myself hurts walk point win situation ive mris cts blood work angiograms heart monitors name it bp great low cholesterol heart great history stroke family non smoker outside weed active lifestyle before stroke neurologist gave up saying tests run happened cant fix it deal it funny got optometrist fitting darkened indoor glasses eyes fine brain fucked up hey heres bandaide ya exist try make next day it hurts get this tell myself never get through may subside compared worse never goes away like blown speaker car matter high low change volume one still crackles piss poor job supposed do something repaired fucking brain brain damage theres nothing anybody it take drugs try get time take drugs order refill time lyrica controlled substance va procedures go through takes time ran wed get refill following tuesday withdraws bad symptoms stroke wishing death brings back bandaide fix takes drugs smoking weed day helped waiting real drugs two days finally slept better still hurts lie there whats worse spasticity spasms waves clenching muscles tightening shaking movement causes pain sensation affects nerves right side causes pain spasms hurt like someone kicking ribs laying down drugs supposedly help win situation do va anti opiates could get oxy again get stronger dose high day drugs drugs drugs wake up take pills make take pills try sleep wake up take pills", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "paini severe condition thats caused face burn swell lips feel swollen time theyre starting harden eyes burn ive spent three years going specialists trying control symptoms since severe medication reaction caused it misdiagnosed dermatologists cant go outside sun cant lay flat cant exercise look like completely different person loved life every moment agony ive lost family wifes affair ive lost face literally dont know much longer expected hang", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remarkably well done underrecognized limited distribution bigstudio feel understands horror genre speeds along clever plot twists never stumbles could college cult classic ever gotten opportunity", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "walk weird dad came room told walked weird look videos walk elegantly know walk stumble im underweight anemic go obviously try walk straight stuff years back friend told walk like hobo im insecure dad also told fix posture which true learn sit im humiliated im already insecure everything myself", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f ask stuff please im bored like answering questions idk yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall think weird ghost corner room sleep paralysis demon see us masturbate sleep", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "finally timeive conciously suicidal around years now though chances suicidal words great ive song dance while ive gotten help changed life grew up fell love got job whole nine yards everything anyone ever given solution feeling tried helped time others end still feel way help everything wilted either friendships faded love moved california pursue job studies longer excite me job miserable day one therapist stopped talking months ago ive lost losing everything given hope future cant find go looking again wise man told sort person people keep like particularly smooth rock brightly colored leaf im sort people lose interest pretty much soon lose balked then proven true time time again hold anyones interest im even holding mine ive fallen back old signs worsening depression appetite energy want talk anyone anything everything ive said past months feels like mistake want text long distance boyfriend want exist want fade obscurity soft smoke want presence cease be so ive decided start prepping clean apartment distance friends family save pay last month rent front roommate struggle maybe ill take train ontario see canada first time go quietly hotel room something soft something final give everyone wants chance good bye chance without letting catch on want make scene want fade away want hurt them me im waiting finally time go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought todaya lot dog extra cuddly hardly ever is havent sleeping much lately think adding feeling down today dog gets credit world shes keeping here ill seeing dr morning im emotional it hate admitting something wrong", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "let tell story relationship till day im love life pretty disastrous long story short long ass chain rejections mostly due revolting time cut late im ict assistant school things looking brighter me started focusing life girls less started joking friend mine who teaching cannibal corpse girl right next recognized band might seem like lot eyes practically heart shaped point started talking told shed fell long time ago bit later dated revealed pansexual all dated honestly ive never happier compatible intimate kids kids even started sharing hobbies all anyway turned exclusively lesbian months later knowing wasnt either hands accept it absolutely wrecked dated makes difference things stiff us month half talking like best buds again shes great hard feelings still emotionally scarred breakup like goddamn one time date shattered sense selfesteem turns lesbian and despite wanting move feelings someone else acknowledge im ready new thing wait moral story im really fucking revolting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please help me cant help myselfmy fathers voice head years told worthless am stupid am ill always failure much hates me much regret was moved away miles miles away voice still head every time fail something hear him every time im proud shoots down tells cut tells im attention im insane locked away im shame him cant related him voice telling even deserve live voice telling easy would die im please help me please ive wanted die never bad think would feel cant sleep please anyone even care need something keep living for", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friends house thanksgiving watched dvd movie eddie monroe ive fan indie films almost years i loved brothers mcmullen impressed good movie is friend works magno sound told us movie shot super photography good looked though mm shoot furthermore music combined fred carpenters direction art storyline original led ending surprised us watchingvery cool acting entire cast good especially actor played uncle benny amazing film nice holiday treat delighted one first view movie many seeing future", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "girl told look like angel angels actually attractive theyre ugly see real description", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "infection want tell family members fear gossiping like problems idk embarrassing idk serious", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hollowi feel hollow feel like everything happening around isnt real im really dark place rn feel like me feel like time coming end blame myself problem everything bad happening rn couldve done something different game life made every wrong move must think im least somewhat smart guess not everything know upside down people better picture im sorry im sorry everyone ive disappointed im sorry everyone disappoint dont know right dont know whats left do im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cannot get grip wasted everyone time fucked everything up more thanks big sleep soon", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "f ask girls sleepover questions want girls ask us anything well answer put whos answer weve got lots time ask away lt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die want die want diefuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "see point livinghey so whole bunch things happened recently moved dads im high school still awkward cause cant split rest extended family mom alcoholic albeit functioning one like beats anything now used get drunk would verbally abuse me fucking hate seeing drink makes really really edge tries conceal it too pretty obvious aware life cant talk either cause im barely hanging is cant bring another problem table also probably getting rid horse im sure ill financial means get another one know sounds like stupidest problem horses biggest passion ive put everything learning train raise them goal raise living become olympic rider ive life depressive periods kept going really reason live guess pile everything triggered another depressive episode know know want die theres much stopping me theres nothing hang for gonna say family something along lines brash care people good reason keep living time things change theyre reliable ive got one person might want keep living for happiness feel compare much fucking hate living days everything feels fake real sonot worth it like everything used forseeable would continue living that weird sense describe idea nothing real like real plane genuine feeling nothing genuine like look beautiful sunset something used really make happy notice it feel nothing spent hours night contemplating plan redflag know id do really want die know next", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want help want lose friends processtheyre people met internet years ago ive never met real life best friends scared old friends many years ago away talk wanted die self harmed ive started hurt want tell them im afraid theyll say want lose friends keep mouth shut problems really business anyway ive already lost friends this think could handle losing again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help understand purpose thingsno im suicidal downvote whatever keep attention important posts want insight without getting flamed it get something like subreddit hotline going help anyone actually wants kill themselves seems like posts people seeking attention making genuine cries help lack power actually kill anyway like people come hear someone tell everything going alright rather actually talking redflag sense less like rredflagwatch like rdepressionhelp passive suicidal thoughts lack actually it thoughts btw like cant relate all fact im currently passing time couple hours appointment doctor tell cocktail antidepressants still goddamn thing ive diagnosed major clinical depression years already im suicidal even though seems like offed awhile ago", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "amazing girl ive met falling love dont know dowe met everything great move said could make work everything good couple months shes texting less going more shes doesnt love more leaves one might well end all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ready diei nothing anymore everyone says gets better doesnt know feels love loved anymore heart completely shadowed mind ive planning day time fast approaching unless someone something prove life worth living im gone edit everyone responded thank kind words honestly think person alive would care enough even read mundane little post sincerely thank you people like give hope something while", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im waiting parents die kill myselfmy parents good people adopted raised best efforts want upset them especially mother attached would go insane kill myself im almost lover life loneliness unbearable right want live like this time want parents sad im waiting", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "say mario party ruins friendships obviously none played demotion gun game bo", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive planning redflag cant talk therapist it doive planning redflag hate it know cant talk therapist id risk getting baker acted florida thing something many obligations like school family cant miss institutionalized something talk therapist go to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "batman returns opinion first batman batman series half movie batman returns is first batman tim burton batman joker played wonderfully michael keaton jack nicholsonbr br in batman returns feel perfectly cast batman movie yes even better dark knight keaton returns batman perfect role never going far top character batman perfect film comes two villains hes against first danny devito delightfully insane penguin michelle pfeiffer catwoman dare say one interesting complex villains batman movies feel way pfeiffer way becomes catwoman starts rather pathetic mousy selena kyle truly dives dark side mind get brilliant performance woman goes trying hero villain suppose back hero end also amazing cast evil businessman max schreck played amazing legendary christopher walken supporting role theres something role love maybe look schreck film makes performance better already isbr br story wise say batman returns much going time around opposed first batman part reason loved story much fact burton dared go much darker twisted direction opposed nicholsons top antics story penguin tries deceive people gotham making new hero mayor city catwoman struggle decide really new persona comes batman feel one hes ring leader holds two stories together course kicking ass timebr br cinematography film dark atmospheric like story thats taking place within it gotham city never looked good bluray hd chance see way means truly adds overall experience batman returnsbr br so truly feel batman movies batman returns believe tops dark knight enjoyed movie heath ledgers amazing performance joker felt movie lacking something batman returns lacks nothing want see amazing film feel perfect cast batman light bat signal for", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoilers spoilers must something air immediate postwar years made night cities attractive settings movies gaggle nocturnal urban films made time america one notable carol reeds odd man out english picture wounded gunman staggering streets belfast america high noon properly high midnight film noirbr br crossfire really film noir trappings noir though uses aims bigotry directed edward dmytryk written john paxton adapted novel richard brooks book concerned murder homosexual movie victim changed jew though filmed like mystery little suspense film fairly obvious murderer early on makes film watchable beautiful evocation city washington dc world war ii gifted craftsmen working films time unlike many night movies crossfire set mostly indoors police stations rooming houses allnight movie theaters soldiers everywhere film itching get back civilian lives yet one senses men meet personalities shaped military experience going tough return old neighborhoods maybe even impossible seem bound one another anything anyone elsebr br yet men never truly bonded anyone military murderer monty one individual one senses never connected civilian life either lone wolf also needs people desperately alone sadistic streak mile wide always needs someone nearby butt jokes man kills harm fact stranger him monty figured mans religion enough really mean kill guy intent merely humiliate beat up quite drunk time montys fists got better him act sets story story motionbr br once movie builds head steam characters come rapidly focus montys opposite number keely another soldier who though introspective like monty somewhat detached harbors resentment toward anyone seems reasonable even amiable guy finley pipesmoking homicide detective dandyish tad effete compared men uniform proves match various mostly recalcitrant soldiers deals with actors plays roles roberts ryan mitchum young give excellent performances different key ryan monty tense paranoid always looking around someone pick on one feel anxiety becoming victim himself keely mitchum lowkey almost nonchalant never raises voice seems say offer permitted script youngs performance often criticized soft find deceptively strong nicely offbeat cuts stereotype hardboiled cop makes character finley bit prince crime detectionbr br there surprises crossfire though script times surprisingly wellwritten even brilliant character actor paul kelly gives one best short performances movies boyfriend woman soldier picks bar kelly may may husband may may live her though seems relaxed enough apartment beauty scenes nothing made clear man seems little confused role is ought be way scenes form thematic core film anomie exception detective men film drifting aimless basically lost seriously others respect crossfire is preaching near end film vagueness identity easily lost warped men drift one bar another film engage sort woozy camaraderie personalities merging kind general american male template something happens something nailed down word mentioned whether jew hillbilly things suddenly turn tense notion individuality identity outside group anyone like them becomes deeply offensive even loathsome then tempers flare whatever stirred resolved forgotten men revert loose nonpersonal group normality order restored", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont deserve live anymorefor years felt sorry depressed recently realized fault mine only ruined it family loved me friends cared everything else high honors school college bound bright future popular kid happy wither away alone hopeless wasted youth childhood behind me escape constant drug use hope all ive felt suicidal before ive cliff ive pills hand feels different know follow doubt mind should everyones sake", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck macbeth essay macbeth write fucking clue play dont speak fluent ye olde englishe anyone explain macbeth", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "like penis balls choose ass weakling", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "face makes wish deadwhy unattractive weird my facehttpsimgurcomasoveix older guy take advantage party friends afterward ignored bragged friends calling gross younger brother grade friends bullied happened social media would make posts looked old im fat slut developed early age continuously told overweight slutty would pick apart features every day lips thin eyes close together man jaw prominent chin ugliest girl school moved away new state four years since happened guys grade would ask sex tell tell anyone ugly would say man ever want me said im attractive enough sleep seen me im saying else would people treat horribly like random girl different school party took photo scrunching face egged like cute posted online making fun calling ratchet guy friends saying look like yearold btch would people unless ugly graduated would say im grossest girl school guy sleeps desperate would greet telling wrinkles face peeling skin disgusting burned deleted photos school true people bully you shows shitty character yours else would treated way unless hideous annoying fault bullying show im weird", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im almost certain crush depressed posted fitness account confident lately lot family members commenting post ive never seen want sad text her so say", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "melancholy haruhi suzumiya anime left quite impression me partially characters many fall anime fantasyscifi stereotypes placing stereotypes rather mundane setting high school twist appreciated theres somewhat insane titular character something else headstrong almost amoral girl ridiculous amounts talent secret aware ofbr br the setup series bit mindtrip essentially suzumiya unbeknown herself sort superpowerful being capable godlike feats creation destruction destroy rebuild reality whim narrator primary character kyon high schooler whose sympathycuriosity haruhi appears cause drag him will club starting spice life bored normal life searching adventure claims three unusual members secrets end dragged crazy schemesbr br there bit crazy enjoyable philosophic consideration early debate whether world merely haruhis creation gets bored old one whether characters exist serve serve continue exist whether could exist without her bit conundrum enjoyable one same scififantasy scenarios occasionally occur series think joy series lies normal things are remains tension knowing things boring haruhi might destroy world hopes making interestingbr br the art clean line ive come expect anime typically gets imported us like character designs whole lot action series think sits better way series narrated mind kyon play omniscient narrator comments knows feels hes lot going head actually speak whole lot good get hear itbr br the voice acting english dub acceptable enough prefer japanese acting it stranger aspects series parodies traffics fanboyism found amusing first season admit theres lack closure series really larger story arc seems take things one time easy series pick put down although think rather entertaining qualities still quite hard put down also based series light novels author directly involved writing seriesbr br even though based novels still wish series stronger story arcs love naturally get watch characters develop well series play quiet moments well crazier ones seeing haruhi grow quite treat well watching relationships develop sos brigade haruhis clubbr br its everyone due mindtwisting premise extraordinary beings mundane world setting probably sate fanboys actionscififantasy might little offkilter relationshiporiented drama lovers willing try something little different like strangely quirky series like this think melancholy haruhi suzumiya rather refreshingly unique enjoyable series please ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think anything school rest week ive enough now mean whats worst could happen", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "drugs really bad except weed coke shrooms acid aya dmt", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "film moved beyond comprehension remain favourite film time mainly almost every emotion rolled minutes hardest part take whenever want hear amazing music songs film put dvd player wondering anyone anywhere knows sings songs film found looked everywhere think sporadically past years favourite quote film court advocate says but words ask direct confrontation direct call violence biko replies well confrontation now see violencebr br craig robertson fife scotland", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might play song repeat next week december frankie vali seasons fucking slap might listen times week depends feel", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know even seatbelts people die time car crashes thought thay interesting", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cat keeps ending allmy cat my parents care them thing keeps killing myself know baby wouldnt die without doesnt exactly love i new scratches arm looking cute little face admiring uniqueness shes crazy gives little boost serotonin need make another day literally cant sad looking cats cats dont career involves kitties animals dont feel purpose feel better knowing help cats animals wanted post maybe guys something like makes future little brighter maybe think thing think reason live taking care animals knowing need makes feel little less shitty little purposeful ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck relationships want sex yes took idea hot post here opinion different know deserve people jus waiting turn sex", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher nerve teacher nerve send email homework pm i go sleep pm smartalec says thats right sent you like kidding me maybe send homework earlier fault sleep wake am im able work send me", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont like want fix hard shit made overview really dont like am dont good personality im funny im skinny af really dont like myself heres thing fully realizing hate thought hating fix it im starting working eating better friend thats going help think biggest thing personality another person definitely wouldnt friends myself want nicer funnier seen guy people and myself like talk around dont really know change tbh feel like im asshole half time annoy people whenever say anything even get annoyed talk really need fix this anyone knows how please say something need change", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel depressed first time months ever since moved austin ive pretty much perfectly content extrmely happy tbh however today took total nosedive feel like absolute garbage start ran blades razor week ago body hair started growing back really like that along didnt realize much money spending stupid shit turns ive spent dollars random subscriptions shit dot job cant get one right get ss card wait dad fucking give me run two weeks honestly know im going able get back groove going super well two months running every day week left week plan rained every day needed run snowed week ive able keep diet fact ive actually restricted got calorie tracker app however today stressed started eating made stressed forth feel gross tired hopeless im ready start adult yet feel like choice need get therapy cant fucking without ss even fucking backed would take months schedule fucking appointment along fucking acne killing me especially back making feel disgusting cant see dermatologist reasons therapist ive adult days fucking hate it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey need help much brother youtube channel quite works hard would great guys could watch stuff dont let know sent though thanks merry christmas httpsmyoutubecomchanneluckrcwfqnbusvceoqha", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont carei could give fuck less anymore dont care health fuck else going life fuck honestly im really quite tired fucking living lonesome im either gonna relapse cutting slit fucking arteries care less change doesnt matter doesnt mean shit new home new friends new whatever doesnt fucking matter still wont fucking make feel like im shit stain dont fucking say stupid im you bullshit ive heard fucking much intoxicating making every bit breathing hurt thousand times more im planning i id rather impulsive fucking get out thought fucking person around might wanna know fuck happened maybe theyll find somewhere fucking mess post fuck all", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna buy gorillaz song machine thing bad mean like much money realllyyy need spend vinyl prints n shit", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "orange exist vid case also want mind fuck century httpsyoutubewxxwjprfyhttpsyoutubewxxwjprfy soo everyone elses monday", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last post lie still need male names teacher said name racist yeah stupid ik casper change it though people dont think im racist please good names serious names although kinda wanna name dolphin", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "started watching expecting worst happy find film turned enjoyable slightly confusing parts like justs started singing gave chance see daniel wu action first time better actor thought times seemed bit place thought purple storm deserves hong kong legends release different hk films mans emotional struggles confronted memory loss may sound corny eventually pieces actually really makes film lot interesting get film find keeps gripped it miss one bit lot film wil make sense example missed bit start recommend anyone watches miss it say film worth watching grateful surprise me enjoyed it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi mental illnesses therapy since february therapist wants go iop get checked psychiatrist since kind limbo happy suicidalhow it know ill able even student still kind considering guessty intensive outpatient questions", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life hardi kind problem cant handle life one thing day im ready something unexpected happens suffer much supposed keep living without good reason everyday life everybody cause much suffering me stop working lot do life college that could finish nothing home suffer future suffering everyday make food wash clothes pay bills theres way keep living one problems redflag logical alternative", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "memes go brr memes cant post subredditsso im asking financial karma support", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one time ex walked toilet commented thicc looked cringe thought everyday tbh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "could introduce one law would why title says all would change reason", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alan johnson don cheadle successful dentist shares practice business partners alan also loving wife jada pinkett smith two daughter camille lache smith imani hakim also let parents stay huge apartment new york city somehow feels life somewhat empty one ordinary day city sees old college roommate charlie fireman adam sandler alan seen charlie years alan tries befriends charlie again charlie lonely depressed man hides true feelings people cares him since charlie unexpectedly loses family plane crash one planes september alan nearly feels comfortable charlie alan mentions things past charlie turns violent towards alan anyone mentions deceased family alan tries help charlie tries make life little easier himself alan finds making charlie talking true feelings difficult expectedbr br written directed mike bender blankman indian summer upside anger made wonderfully touching human drama moments sadness truth comedy well sandler offers impressive dramatic performance sandler offers dramatic role paul thomas andersons punchdrunk love cheadle excellent usual pinkett smith fine alans supportive wife liv tyler also good young psychiatrist saffron burrows quite good beautiful odd lonely woman wild crush alan film sadly box office disappointment despite great reviews cast firstrate here writing director wonderful russ t alsobrooks terrific widescreen cinematography movie great nyc locations film makes new york beautiful city look picturebr br dvd sharp anamorphic widescreen transfer gooddolby digital surround sound dvd also jam session sandler cheadle featurette photo montage previews expecting dvd features like audio commentary track director deleted scenes reign me certainly one best films came year sure movie looked great big screen sadly chance see theater also kind movie plays well dvd film good soundtrack well plenty familiar faces supporting roles bitparts even director bitpart byran sugarman whos actor himself reign me one underrated pictures year also best sandler film taste since the wedding singer miss it hd widescreen ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "painless redflag methodsstraight point please otherwise comment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "home years basically isolated outside world last couple years cry eyes every night wondering pain sadness feel ever go away feltfeel alonei friendsnot even onlineno one talk tountil met guy online sweet timevery religious godly timei wanted feel lovedand less lonelyless sadi wanted make feel better instead gave stithat stuck lifehe told knowand stupidly believed time later friend told sti way mei feel usedlike trash hated long thisbut times worsei cannot even stand look mirror i felt lonely before guaranteed likely going die alone going want diseasei feel dirty stupid trusting him knowing purposefully gave disease makes feel worthless isolated world nothing thoughts company mind rn darkest place bei hate myselfi hate ami keep shit over end place time on bathroom floor crying praying pain loneliness go away feel stupid want pain stopit hurts never goes awayeverytime try make pain stop make loneliness go away replace paini feel like escape deathi cannot take anymore cannot m purposefully gave mef hpv things could get anyworse", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life alright summer break hell deal going back school genuinely know deal this endless agony redflag redflag boredom somehow get start school make winter seasonal depression top depression good combo genuinely feel hopeless really want go back school fell helpless please deal id rather die go back school", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found one local grocery stores near sells croissants literally cents piece theyre good croissants too also sell ham cheese ones like cents still hella cheap find earlier actually get croissants havent that wasted opportunities smh yes buy lots croissants upon finding out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rr_d_a epic yes tag detectives yes need private detective got back rr_d_ahttpswwwredditcomrr_d_areddit detective agency submit post detectives investigate case prove person arguing wrong also prove facts conspiracies more visit rr_d_ahttpswwwredditcomrr_d_a communicate private detective today note similar ryourredditlawyerfirmhttpswwwredditcomryourredditlawyerfirm note automated post bot harassmentpersonal attacks given screenshotted reported note copy pasted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know im able that since tell doctor truth begin with say doctor clearly believe follow appointment bf waiting room admit anything teary eyed however anyones experience worth go police", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quite mitchell leisen fan great anticipation rented movie print got extremely bad worn use scorched seemingly beyond repair movie dark dark certain scenes cinematographed dark cant see single thing said believe share opinion first review movie starts unusually tote lines rhythms typical hollywood s movie heck even typical hollywod movie era seems director influenced europeans certain caustic realism proceedings opening shot crafted camera movement placement maggie carole lombard skid fred macmurray meet half expect start singing make believe show boatit starts laughs poor anthony one scene role speaks word english gets slapped around freddie skids bum care hes bum thats signs army hide world hes released though set screenplay shenanigans misses boat new york movie kicks high gear begin get french movie sixties vibes whole proceedings scenes well acted lombard cecil cunningham movie gains pulse macmurray good lombard fall nurtures talent trumpet temptress arrives form dorothy lamour enough plot movie fantastic montage sequences dazzled me good lombard scores home run movie second half bit called freddie fails deliver goods heavily melodramatic ending actor believe movie falls short since typical movie structure set design direction worth look one hits season know exact rank though", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck you fuck me fuck everything tried hard going give may well fucking suffer fuck here fuck here fucking ask this fucking human make mistakes fuck supposed do die like fuck point guys kill myself fuck point make point well ya see everytime try one thing important gone longer fucking happy more fuck learned stocks stuff fucking rich guess could sleep life away fuck everyone biggest fuck goes me fuck me fuck everything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "justice room without room several years basically leaving everything sisters room even slept times live fucking living room need place chill space things looking window instead wait year old sister leave someday buy apartment finally room me family far bad great privacy space place basically room living room im rate moved time get room unless sister leaves do know big deal compared things people go families homes attempt chat people this thanks reading far good person reading random persons complains stuff", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mcdonalds secrets former employee food probably touched ground ate it dont use gloves anything hygiene everything frozen icecream machine broken one bothered clean takes long asf one wants say broken people drunk high working youre rude customer food violated gets without ever knowing source former employee maybe add even crazier things later", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "advice chimps chimp give orange give eat orange eat orange give eat orange give you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "despise skittles cause slogan lying slogan says ill taste rainbow many colors like bitch skittles come colors red purple orange yellow lime green fucking taste rainbows actual skittles come colors smh fuck skittles", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im alone homeless living tent woods eaten days conversation someone weeks sleep hours day due paranoia schizophrenia sleeping woods actually terrifying non stop anxiety feels like im going heart attack im edge time get moment relax breathe without worrying loneliness definitely worst part someone call literal fantasy fighting impossible im ready give up see point continuing see future this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "word excellent movie go see it director ron howard mean director ron howard fantastic job usually does incredible attention detail vivid colors decorations breathtaking whoville atmosphere astonishing variety costumes wait theres story good too theres clearly message extracted thoughtful viewers jim carrey topnotch probably best grinch possible girl taylor momsen real good im sure great future dog cool all high quality christmas fairytale like fairytales you like christmas youbr br reading reviews here get life hurts every time see people who well got hearts two sizes small", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "abuse workplace seems like everyone says oh get it baby theres nothing wrong you actually one women tell husbands behavior completely normal everyone acts like that i floored know one person goes shit like work acts like wtf want brush off one gives shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lol discovered phone cast videos nintendo switch im allowed tv room use switch that make good connection could also connect jbl flip speaker it better audio cant wait test that", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gem movie people like fun quirky premises love history traditions scifi classic hollywood movies alien martian crew embodiment classic scifi character member hollywood royalty pure pleasure watching bounce residents big bean", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "side effects failed attempt using tylenoli know mess liver anything else", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "low key feel like could get though im way outta league feel like kind connection tho ill still wait", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone kill mecaution come anything advice topic dont bother posting wanna hire thug someone like kill me look much would costetc", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "george armstrong custer known history inept general led rgiment death battle little big horn they died boots on paints different picture general custer movie portrayed flamboyant soldier whose mistakes misdeeds mostly ue love adventurebr br errol flynn plays george armstrong custer first meet confident recruit west point custer quickily distinguishes cadets beeing poor student always seems trouble somehow never appears bother custer seems confuse genuinely know gets predicaments spite poor standing eventualy graduates becomes officer united states army error custer receives promotion rank corrected leads union regiment battle confederates campaign successful custer becomes unlikely national hero custer returns hometown marries sweetheart libby played olivia de havilland libby supportive understanding wife steadfastly stays side follows frontier assumes leadership seventh regiment cavalry custer becomes man honor strives keep peace native americans prove intentions enters treaty crazy horse leader sioux treaty jeopardized conspiracy spread false rumor gold found black hills custer sacrifices life well lives men command prevent slaughter thousands innocent settlersbr br errol flynn dominates scene appears successfully portrays custer flamboyant arrogant romantic funny depending mood scene olivia de havillands depiction libby bacon custer love life lets us see tender gentle side chemistry dehavilland flynn acted together several movies smooth almost makes viewer feel like playing parts custer wife actors portrayals characters truly enhance performances flynn de havilland anthony quinn crazy horse sidney greenstreet general winfield scott arthur kennedy edward sharp among actors whose roles made movie entertainingbr br the reviewer would rate star movie historically accurate entertaining movie little bit everything adventure comedy romance appeals large variety audiences casting characters excellent actors give believable performances makes forget largely based fiction instead fact reviewer especially likes native americans shown bad guys showed wanting protect sacred landbr br ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone please give good reason end allbecause cant think one its op permanent solution temporary problem good reason know temporary id rather take risk its selfish good reason selfish want someone live life pain misery want die there people suffering worse good reason make pain hurt less make feelings go away adds guilt top everything else its cowards way out good reason us okay cowards else got", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "considering redflag tonightdont know put here im depressed", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredim tired life last years used time happy time distant memory suffer anxiety ocd god damn every day battle brings past year actually getting better started making friends started working out even fell love tore apart life hit much past period am rock bottom again cant anymore im tired", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yk tho moment change flair feel hella powerful switching flair mmmmhhmm", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got another creepy pm whys always crusty ass year old man child saying dumb shit asking nudes cant sum big titty ass milf shit nicely asks nudes wouldnt mind tbh", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "unpopular opinion maybe rickrolling taught beware phishing sitesviruses school ever done me thats internet school ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel empty aloneby accounts happy grateful life think dying multiple times day either accident redflag feel like control aspects life feel like get chose it feel trapped bullshit going motions theyre considered something everyone doing feel hallowed inside years like whatever inside good decayed feel ive also become extremely bitter towards world wishing bad things strangers ridiculous things like bad glance feel like life constantly hindered inability perform anyones standards im constantly letting wife down feel like good role model daughter either feel like would better took huge life insurance policy slit throat least could provide them mention im ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sure anybody would interested comedy series ive working since freshman year high school coming end want see live one day freshman year high school friend bored grabbed camera went hall film lunch period next week eventually started posting videos regularly lets say got bitstupid first episodes pretty timid awkward watch share young looked really hope make people laugh series means lot dozens people cameos co star helped produce every episode characters friends high school maybe guys favorite anyways final episode premieres saturday pm est trailer now things actually happen show last line almost every episode since joe biden presidentit total satire turns may future seeing involved knows parodied several tv genres varying degrees success created convoluted story full conspiracies battles maybe small bit dimensional hopping hair goes short spiked shoulder length despacito released piqued interest find searching lost files john youtube playlists seasons complete season finales please nice ive never shared anyone outside school really hope people like it tldr lost files john offers unique blend comedy awkwardness enough head scratching plot twists plot holes leave thinking days check youtube catch premiere final episode saturday", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "people love care care cant find someone cares hobbies genuinely interested jealous people crushed on ahh wanna talk anyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "subreddit special placeive misdiagnosed entire life finally went amazing transplant psychiatrist needed kidney first time stayed working someone almost years worked together finally told bi polar disorder learned whole life suffering borderline personality well im heartbroken lashed family couldnt help it scared sad cant believe made far think poor little kid let people ruin him deserved better care treatment intense therapy ive living im burning fire see feel much long im checking hospital first time willingly others th th honestly pray last thank sharing stories helped ways ever explain you dont know ill get back honestly im rushing time thanks listening", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw begotten last night im two minds filmbr br on one hand appreciate total invert michael bay film dialogue extremely stylized grainy bw photography genuinely horrific imagery ever set film compelling use sound which nobody else seems really picked yet reflection theme dares go filmmakers terms images production concept movie people understand read comments find lot people whose lack ability figure film results shrieking pretentiousness fervor gibbon rattling bars cage feeding time genuinely shocked disturbed me last time film managed agobr br on other thirtyminute short sprawls hour half understand might artistic merit using repetition monolithic pacing bludgeon case help everything hang together imagine approached ragged man street grabys shoulders says something completely confounds core being then instead leaving shattered gibbering wake keeps talking talking talking end movie found glancing watch again br br this entertainment people disentertainment deprogram people watched glitter watch movies entertained frustrate confound possibly anger you approach begotten like chocolate cake want eat tastes good approach like something menu never heard before something see furtive glances kitchen door something thats dark glistens twitches platter something order taste good know like", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life doesnt seem get betteri fucking miserable througout high school got bad point didnt show anymore luckily got university however still stay home parents since commuter school despite wanting get second chance new start somewhere figured living parents wont bad since still pontenial campus social life however online classes made everything worse ive literally stuck house nearly year friends goals dreams im passive day day want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hand favorite playlist ill listen rate do promise", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really liked two coyotes one friends rented night really impressed good cool main guys were wonder thinking making sequel would excellentbr br two coyotes rocks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m thinking offing half year now nothing brings joy nothing live for job like work smoke drink brain away find hapiness bad nights", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "results survey go together response no q joe mama good one q funny please joe mama good one response yes q hes cute like well thank aware q more minecraft know talking ive never posted anything minecraft related response no q because stole wife remember whose wife qdont steal wife u moron know talking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want die want stop livingi know im feeling im tired alive wish could fall asleep never wake up think ill anything wish could done all hate waking every morning realizing everything good dream think ill ever reach it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im scaredwhy cant get right im scared im really scared im gonna harm way cant come back from schools fine decent grades family loves want end bad fucking bad im scared im gonna something able regret", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " im still awake watching one piece nightmorningday guys", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got rickrolled past self yeah past self rickrolled me months ago school rickrolled family smart clock setting routine forgot turn routine never got triggered smart clock randomly played never gonna give thats got rickrolled past self", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend might kill tonight please helpive known best friend ever since freshman year high school weve always close ever since opened depression suicidal thoughts everythings gotten steadily worse tonight bf broke said best relationship ever had sent humungous paragraph well could redflag note successful im break right fix this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mean come onyou know ive disappointed time time again lately starting show im thought id attending stanford freshman working laid back indie place ca dorming future assets id great girlfriend wholl taken virginity wouldnt see family often would new friends better friends richer better looking competent friends could look now attending community college selling menthols garbage still virgin lesser friends wouldnt like know live with probably guessed it family wanna know mother recently yelled joking hiding rice crispies do hide rice crispies even rice crispies putting people werent ready parents dad poor cheap mother emotionally unstable pretty much year old werent brothers shop wed street right now see family isnt meant be cant function independently want leave dead im still dependent people hospitable friends girlfriend happy place enjoyment life me surrounded people dont want around still virgin huge embarrassment standards age expected understand sexually become good communicator aspect cant even much talk girl dont really want friend anything because wanted friend would go talk guy way id comfortable would understand better girls sex obligation otherwise im giving time money ordinary friend absolutely nothing women chant sex rape see make want slaughter them also offend actual rape victims mocking using inductive logic deductive circumstance essentially stereotyping women network dating friends thats totally fine social networking site dating site thats cruelty ive heard stories vaginas warmth immense pressure seems like partner porn could ever hope do look back this think disgraceful ive become obviously must enduring sort punishment existing makes sense way ive listened people talk beautiful world be listened awe amazing stories recently realize world would like offer sincere apologies control circumstances birth thus unable abort myself forgive may perhaps goodbye", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "indefinitely grounded according father proceed situation tldr parents basically fucking hate called sorts terrible things arrested small weed possession threatening demolish social life improve situation", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seven years old mama told go make friends lonely", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need scared dyingi feel like even know normal anymore even happy years ago feel like body even remember again recently turned drinking help cope freak boyfriend break heart withdrawals two days top destruction one point drank bunch cleaner ended throwing basically right away certainly enough kill me missed work call go back tomorrow telling hospital wasnt maybe been im getting much anxiety sadness it degree work retail im even good capable that social anxiety constantly killing making hard carry conversation around anyone boyfriend whole life one constant fuck up im honestly bother im going ever fuck more deserve world deserve patient loving boyfriend wish could die everytime overdose end getting scared telling someone landed ward twice considering crashing car next since would something come back from even im still scared im waiting kinda wanted vent see anyone feels point lives", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day random questions much u wanna go back school", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "garbage truck guys important planet along fireengine guys doctors without politicians really notice much difference without garbage cleaners collectors world would shit place", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "might going hawaii tomorrow idk wanted flex everyone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep secreti think might literally insane felt stars fall sky last night wish here dream there better doesnt seem thats case anymore keep relying people things save me doesnt work guys fyi might little bit sucks get high life drop back down drop distance really disorients you kinda wish never started get better because depressed before got used numbed out right old wounds feel open wanna grab razor make skin match im getting old shit guys im half year dont want circles getting better anymore rest life theres point kinda realize going get better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want wrong help help helpi keep burning tonight cant stop thinking easy would please someone talk something random please let go edge know im pathetic would easy cant stop last time cut wrists got hospitalised want please chat me anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking manybeen thinking deleting account might well leave trace theres parallel l saw", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "allaround superb film moving experience filled real life emotion theres lessons learned love sex work religion american culture regardless ones sexual preferencebr br while film also scathing indictment mormons church latter day saints belief system conservative faith could easily take place bit ironic homosexuality currently condemned mormons uncertain terms heres faith mandated generations believers practice polygamy true believers gave practice forced federal government order utah join union talk unique form hypocrisy br br the sex scenes portrayed unrated version tasteful surprisingly brief theres nothing would offend anyone open mindbr br what film makes obvious homosexuality perfectly natural people gay heterosexuality people straight love sex obviously quite different needs absolutely beautiful beyond words occur time two adults profound erotic love one lifes precious gifts congratulations filmmakers job well done", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "motivation group ive feeling demotivated lately idea might work small group people around age send message saying life like right want change months work changing lives way want return march st talk successful unsuccessful us far fetched idea think could work message want try out", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sensitive staying home school beacuse anxiety recently severe anxiety school blue pretty much point almost feel like im gonna pass out context staying home school two weeks symptoms covid returned back home anxiety attack way im currently scrambling solutions do im currently way ampxb teachers always mentioned if something bothering always talk us it thats did assuming staying home played nothing worry and everyone gets sometimes even explaining almost passed feeling well suggested go home got pissed me portray helpful individuals yet made efforts get help sensitive dumb trying handle myself do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "best friend lost husband redflag months agoshe unfortunately one found suffering ptsd incident switching meds around recently started telling mom anymore feel like cant anything like im helping anymore know do im scared loosing her", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yall ever just want sugar daddy me okay asking friend anyway", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "therapist quit meso said kinda pretty board fact told try stop worrying things much rude anything said see could it that maybe one reasons came therapy first place session ended said felt help making much progress sugested sending peer adequate treatment kept hearing horrible stuff said this im feeling utterly hopeless utterly abandoned afraid jump it never got tell bad felt quit on actually told much hurts seem want open nobody else fucking unbearable want it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im really done lifenow understand if any people reading post might wonder happened get point really wanting optout life ill real you whole lot abuse stopped whatever never got help that got extremely suicidal around ish years ago never got help that family kinda toxic sometimes whos isnt nothing extremely terrible like close family member dying anything im pretty lucky way life food roof head mostly supporting family im sure talked would help me etc etc etc im rambling now post sorta last ditch effort something im sure point kinda wanna talk someone dont know who really dont want talk family dont know point feel like im limbo calm storm makes sense dont know end post im gonna remind kind people wash hands", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sniff sniff rips roof building mmm smell cabbage rips entire fridge devours contents", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont knowi dont even feel like belong here im constant balance slightly numb daydreaming redflag ive done everything fucking feel something past months ive cut many fucking times finally stopped weeks ago bled much thought hit vein although sometimes wish had wouldnt deal fucking noise around me bullshit many ideas many people think know all canmt tune anymore feel like everything coming end im shouldnt fucking go this sounds selfish feel it wish didnt aware everything falling apart around me wish didnt people age shaming putting acting bullshit thats going on im tired nothings getting better im drunk mind right now im trying make things coherent forgive this fuck pointless want drink cant move", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like ive hit rock bottomabout week ago felt great things really started look me asked girl really like prom said yes spring break close plans friends past couple days though ive feel like shit ive never felt bad before ive seriously started thinking ways end it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "point someone go hospitaltheres difference wanting disappear stop existing bit come back wanting die actual planwriting noteetc theres also nebulous inbetween phase person acts impulse maybe die maybe not spectrum someone go hospital im terrified commitment mental hospital ive heard terrible things them especially one area walk er nearby happen send there want go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scream pain sometimes bashings would bad would call mum work sometimes brother would home alone returned school would torment bash me would run room lean bedroom door weight brother kicked punched side once wood splintered went back still noone stopped him", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im white supremacist white skin kinda perfect filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry right subreddit post direct go somewhere else went psychiatrist today expectation get prescribed stimulants take test get some point got diagnosed major depressive disorder prescribed zoloft lie psychiatrist told past current situation honestly even depressed pretty functional outside everyday random bouts hour depression lot look forward honestly confused diagnosed today major depressive disorder", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok know im gonna go commit bunch crimes least im wanted someone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "so everyone needs hear it hope okay ever need anything tell me actually tell feeling right now honest", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "comment post ill reply super toxic test me rumored killed ppl insults", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "current bf care guy friends trusts put precarious position feeling guilt go away cant spend rest life working spending time home away people level redflag near panic attack occasionally leads one point dont eat barely sleep days tldr feeling guilty nothing conditioned previously abusive relationship", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im fuckin happy sebastian vettel checo podium", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go list see many ppl hating life get like that mean feel way many people depression", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "moonstruck one best films ever film dvd movie deals new york widow cher falls love boyfriends danny aiello angry brother nicholas cage works bakery im glad cher oscar movie nicholas cage danny aiello great too direction norman jewison who directed fiddler roof fantastic moonstruck excellent movie everyone see laugh mustseebr br stars", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate lifeive struggled depression long time nights ago first time ive ever seriously considered killing im scared since think about life meaningless basically hate end suffering animals me ive thinking receiving help much anxiety go forward it im scared mom tell dont need help im depressed like sister went help anxiety depression everyday battle im slowly losing used smoke weed escape lately ive bad get massive anxiety attacks im high looks like escape death", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone rant youre lmk lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please helpcan someone please tell live regret much things ill never able take back get badly hurt ill never go back ignorant people really believe me really drama queen like thought know put stupid situation know said wrong things still thought someone would help told hurt long ago humiliation comes back waves again", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "seriously feel like shell everyday struggleim m im terrified life friends girlfriend fault though girl broke months ago really stressed life worried relationship changing makes sense used friends brother cut old friends life nothing drama queens often stay awake nights wondering lost girl supposed with like quick silly relationship real thing slowly time developed feelings eventually clicked really sweet girl best boyfriend her sometimes would want go somewhere something id say im busy work something looking back wonder that seem like me even felt guilty sex had felt dirty awful days after felt like scumbag felt weird someone care like did really worry one chance love know know im experienced world yet really love me cant get back even tried hardest another guy started dating weeks split up hurt one ended things night texted told felt listened understood told need move ill find amazing girl future id like believe im best looking guy im short pretty average looking kinda boring learn lot relationship weird way heartbreak kinda good thing ive learned better person really treat people much respect really worry im going punished breaking heart worry hurt someone come along hurt worse ive learned lesson past months hell ive learned people objects love inst game something take care maintain almost like car mental health plummeted therapist im sure really helps aside losing pushed old friends away me really regret doing toxic people looking manipulate cause drama every little thing ive never seen men act like fools stopped talking them walked away told handle bs left course like it find lonely work come home eat ill play video games every again try go things find fun find constantly lonely upset ive tried making new friends work really kind crowd ill starting senior year fall cant wait get with want go college meet new people get fresh start dad works security guard one local colleges get free tuition im sure understand great is really even know major in id also like join military point life id like adventure get old ive always interested military cant decide want ill drop college join military find something like ill get degree join officer work walmart today guy work told works mcdonalds comes walmart works hes divorces everyone ex wifes cheated him really want end like that want start living cousin gave great advice comes life love told never afraid losing people never ever think girl dated the one millions like her see point programming freak things worry ill eventually marry convenience end getting cheated on ive seen terrible is mom cheated dad twice turned shell man want like that feel like im destined explore see much see idk really believe spiritual mumbo jumbo multiple people told old soul me theres something gives old soul vibe maybe thats true maybe well never know want live life want make great life long friends want fall love amazing girl become man want be id like think im bad person someone needs help im there im personable person ill talk anyone always try see everyone point view understand everyone thinkingfeeling im stingy money either sure im trying save money someone needs cash ill help out im introvert super outgoing personality everyone works seems like school ive fair share headbutts couple pleasant people go way start problems ive really working improve feels like im stuck theres nothing really driving forward anyone give advice id really appreciate it ive used analogy older posts ill use again best way describe im feeling feel like im ship ocean im helm compass thick film fog surrounding entire vessel pick heading compass wont know whats front know anymore whats point going ive already messed life up feel like complete shit guess deserve punishment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "told closest person suicidal ive feeling want go even morehe said id selfish causing lot pain people care despite this ive lot longer want stick around lot gone right life including relationship him mattered me also chest post anyone read relates descendence depression told truthfully love care him im thankful everything done including wish helped make come true saying loved want anything happen me changed mood sudden even hold hand talk really im spending night im scared leave hell never talk makes even sad hopeless want kill much sooner personal deadline jan th sorry lack format whatever care much right now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want end iti really do never amount anything let die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "probably gonna jump bridgenot really sure im here experience tells ignore advice kind excited extinguishing life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys might last resorti didnt know hard would get help emailed samaritans response th queue right lifeline crisis chat im alone lost much last year friends son job fear going lose husband next due depression anger sadness im breaking point dont know do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "milfs superior milfs there without mommy milkers superior", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life overive thoughts urges last month so bipolar went meds consultation psychiatrist due covid pretty isolated kept working out more months later ive destroyed body due overtraining future wellfailed attempt start college again ive started medication again seems hopeless do", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "way ill ever worth something im food wormsnobody wants friend get know me im intense im loving im annoying need much validation anytime meet someone form close connection scare away get attached people fast borderline pd wasnt like would worth more nobody cares nobody loves nobody wants get know shouldnt alive want dead want fucking dead let bleed out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "japanses trees pretty school tree starting grow white flowers looks like trees japan pink im sure probably wanted share", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mental health whack bro like cant decide whether im afraid death suicidal death like think dont think thats healthy idk lol day listening music asked sister weird automatically think songs redflag yeah bit concerned lol dont think id actually take life tho fingers crossed dont feel bad anything lol im vibing", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "teacher let bit much talking incest basically english reading poem reference ancient pharoahs egypt lead onto topic lot incest among royal families evolved onto royal families effects incest eventually topic went onto teacher talking reached distant family said researching family tree ended getting touch one distant relatives ended meal together went talk one rd cousins half chinese half australian described young women rephrased young beautiful women idk relavent upper end s may seem bad honest probably isnt time whole class went bit uncomfortable worst possible time say that literally talking incest brings up bit weird", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "dont want dieplease help mothers day mother overbearing cruel dont get hit takesthrows away stuff constantly tells us much suck whatever dont know im right mind right now therapist told call ever feel suicidal am suicidal doubt make end week dont wanna make things worse already dont know anyone advice whatever just call her please need dont know dont want see dont know else please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant seem connect peoplei want badly desperately really whole life put flaws issues people try kind empathetic person brings around me feels like something broken everyone else see except me shitty childhood gave lot character flaws including body dysmorphia social anxiety took years thought worked rest life line thought ready dating intimacy ive tried going bars tinder bumble plentyoffish name it match lot people social ineptitude eventually catches thats that ive suicidal thoughts life especially younger used particular tree would think every drive home work real big one curb never foot traffic long straightaway plenty time build speed anyway past year left feeling lost alone ive ever been afraid people like look like never imagined like am want someone see value me know much offer world around me cant seem convince anyone it last weeks especially hard try tricks taught stay happy helped path healing first place seem work anymore cant stop thinking much want feeling stop honestly even know im posting here need something know what feel like im constantly drowning everyone around much fun life want bother bring down always thought tough person matter hard life kept hitting would keep going smile honestly know much longer can feel alone edit anyone there could really use someone talk to little thats okay thanks time edit please anyone all even listen problems guy girl mongoose care view everyone equal desperately need someone talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock fuck brice maddock", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "til qantas acronym stands queensland northern territory aerial services ive known airline entire life first think airline ive know now know feel ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ago phone got stuck boot loop got mad punched realised right testicle little circle pulsating ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wrote felt laptop never againi never life talked depression anxiety keep bottled inside write somewhere whether laptop paper ive writing diary years parents havent found one time decided write laptop parents found it said ive feeling depressed whole life wanted die wasnt death note anything expressing feeling time mum found screamed yelled blamed me told never dumb shit like depression head im faking attention feel im always damn phone ever since would bring ask still think dumb shit like say better would tell truth", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want diegeneric ass title im stuck toxic friends toxic parents house soul sucking job theres time pursue dreams simple dream life hands suffering time im done man im sick hearing might change someday cuz really believe waiting know kill cuz really im good enough thats truth im trying dramatic look people inspire me theres hope ever great living india like curse get toxic parents tell be get toxic friends treat like satan even suggest like tradition shit expected do space want time kill myself im sure cut wrist try carbon monoxide poisoning whats surer way go", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need advice open uphow hell supposed tell family suicidal thoughts get help im young need financial support therapy cant imagine telling problems especially since would seem like little bitch complaining shit since hard life all also things would probably never knew felt way would feel awkward hell knowing this feel like even therapist would tell stop pussy open up need advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "called redflag hotline number condescending pos counselor thats sign know isi dealing lot family issues financial issues forming social support issues former abuse flashbacks eating disorder racism more suicidal one thing every time think ive hit rock bottom theres another hit cant take anymore called hoping sort reprieve got condescending piece shit counselor hung initially could hear kept telling that got second time gave bs excuse know happened major thing condescending was tone choice words horrible telling people worse anyone one facebook friend ended pouring everything one else acquaintances friends people struggled tried hardest take next level got nowhere deep debt student loans keep calling harassing me extended family cut lives due revealing choice abused one them ugly black girl constantly dealing overlooked treated like crap live self esteem shit asked years ago work crappy menial wage job part time mentally handle full time job people look time accomplished none hopes dreams last thing needed hear good due one facebook friend afraid overwhelmed counselors tone voice condescending kept saying right every sentence like idiot waiting respond hard describe condescending was business hotline also seems like sign one cares even people supposed to getting older things improving getting worse seeing former high school bullies news social media better me failure thing called life cant deal anymore always held even little bit hope things would change matter bad got ive homeless before worse ever see end sight see life improving matter hard tried improve life ended spot rock bottom again plan want quit hesitation pain get with", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "incredibly salty rn found old ds game room called pokemon conquest remember playing little bit leaving halfway story days ago decided pick again today finally got point felt ready fight final boss went in bitch dodged least attacks attacks chance landing times attacked me got _ crits_ rest party members also dodged tons attacks mention weird stage gimmick inflicts status happen land like tiles map also one party members moves inflict knockback meaning knock onto tiles inflict status ill bouta die sodium poisoning swear god", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "saw today dollar tree ive depressed years now wasnt lately suicidal thoughts im unemployed failed years college due anxiety depression starting community college freshman age still failing classes right now former bullies high schoolthe reason depression going places got yale dating studying abroad im still stuck hometown dealing trauma everyday adds breaking pointlast night ok ko cartoon show really liked ended final episode talked growing up really hit hard hated stuck mentally still watching kids cartoons scared people watched show hours today first time planned kill myself going wait familys asleep tonight ill entire bottle antidepressant sleeping pills cup coffre soy milk bit afterwards mom told buy stuff dollar tree went saw cashiers wrist know say cutter cut across want attendion cut vertically truly want die like long cuts vertical something scared me help picture dead real thought terrifying also something seeing someone might also going suicial thought made feel like im alone decided kill today", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im always stressed anyone know less stressed week exam week basically free time late night early morning except today dont class calm feel like im failure get score lower passing dont wanna disappoint parents sunday bday please help ive trying making shitposts subreddit working", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think ityou know loved much carried entire year owe much tried commit redflag last month took lot pills ive called paranoid blamed bipolar suggesting friends knew something didnt know right seeing guy lied encouraged anyway friend told last month said ever something like hed personally beat death care false hope kept going gone i still love her always given me since worth think time love would never ever blame her kept alive long", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need someone join gta lobby hang vehicle cargo missions im year old american guy matters gladly chit chat topics like politics cars really anything tbh im xbox gamer tag misumat", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "francis ford coppolas masterpiece great ending golden decade american cinema s atmosphere tolerance openmindness progressiveness among studios allowed making major films best directors united states ever had historian events preceded decade a violent deaths major figures american political cultural scenes racial struggles emergence s counterculture increase violence death streets seemed influence vision filmmakers willing dare different create entertaining intelligent motion pictures coppolas film strange blend humanistic thinking skillful filmmaking following parameters war adventure films time subverting flowing reflections value life reason death ethics war also passionate work made odds chronicled documentary hearts darkness filmmakers apocalypse motion picture went beyond previous reflection vietnam war ever reach screen may definite vietnam motion picture dealing coppola defied formula classic melodrama found two vietnam movies made simultaneously the deer hunter coming home latter ones platoon casualties war vietnam became starting point make products genre horror jacobs ladder comedies good morning vietnam among respectable coppola courage take economic political conflict background search answers questions faced man every day life without betraying dramatic consequences war", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "belong worldi never begin withim tired ive actively passively suicidal since years young thinking taking out want end violent disturbing life was growing up want one find me somewhere forests montana lake colorado always wanted move think thats ill find sort peace love nature ive ever loved anything entire life want surrounded die want given back earth put stupid box thrown ground gift come earth would bring last bit peace able give back it im sorry cant shit more", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "why brain took nap wet dream ex interesting kinda weird would recommend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "god good doctor good series im rewatching love it yea plot holes inaccuraties good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell someone friend i suffer depression idea redflag ongoing since im feels almost normal im used used patterns last year suffer mostly anxiety drift feel somewhat control im happy with ive never really told friends seem never get bar one shes best friend witn years lately ive noticed mood low asked broke completely broke said dosnent know always anxious etc one thing seemed make clear topic way redflag horrible left behind imagine etc thats worry low points would say similar things yet thinking would kill later night feel lost help shes private person feel something important let slide tell another friends im breaking trust even tho didnf tell tell anyone given ive sent pages use anxiety help still feel like know advice would much appreciated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like shit itonight might time slit arms long time god fucking tired this want dissapear everything hard oh fucking god hate fucking place want end much ask tired", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "started watch movie vh cringed mtv movies bad wasnt expecting much movie really good liked lot even twist end see movie shows made tv movies good exist", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "depression caused chronic inflammation brainhi read article depression caused chronic inflammation makes way brain feeling suicidal please take couple nsaids advil aspirin give little time see start feeling better started felt really bad actually really think helps take first signs im sure know mean feel depression creeping you also love heavy weight lifting help mood course depressed want exercise easy minute warm treadmill gets ready work love peace you brothers sisters", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im looking someone art webcomic ive come here preferably find someone help within age range basically short story id like turn webcomic cant art myself need find artist right now story planned art last thing list", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey girl making hey girl post need stop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "forced go residential anorexia treatment months ago parents threatened conservatorship me week extremely depressed put pounds ed clothes fit get new ones hardly money food still get agonizingly hungry used eating parents sent money since got out literally almost money spent new clothes oversized baggy ones hide body grocery items depressed hardly get bed see friends ashamed look like zero money head space work right now parents giving money feel hopeless helpless even considering selling pet snake much love her could use extra hundred dollars make ends meet much worse went treatment ask this feel like parents ruined life worse going treatment", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone thats alone matter are act feel always someone you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im criminal kill myselfunfortunately criminal eyes hurt someone else kill myself read reddit hurt someone kill yourself cant logically explain im still alive many times bc everytime something happens destroys last remnants selfesteem inside im back point misery", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "many pimples blackheads create whole army fr", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "agree strenghts mentioned reviews beats missing keep firmly inside genre crime drama film noir limit great drama beyond limits elements make film noirnot say great film noirs arentcantshouldnt also great dramas one isntbr br one note music film used sparingly would say used accentuate action frequently wife elementsbr br great set film way abrupt sort non ending ending either right let dependsbr br spoilers follow specificsbr br the big turn story involves children seeing mother die big moment children never shown react one way other neither cries neither asks father happened kids good actors reactions father suppose matters big misstep heart story kids kept mostly blank reaction really none next scene look nothing happenedbr br in like fashion bond forms belmondo venturas characters belmondo says knew partner killedbut never explained impact dramatically belmondo anyone else belmondo romantic subplot also strains credibility though convincingly acted venturas character lets belmondo involve total stranger escape plan reason even comment seem notice another gapbr br the ending movie spoil it ending happens screen perfunctory voice tell happened guess tries make feel true life like missteps leaves drama screenbr br whats point dealing issues know maybe goals film limited giving audience wants crime melodramasuggest deeper elements move ignore thembr br too bad much recommend film ventura good bad could great drama well crime storyas imdb favorite movie time godfather film potential would make good remake though done us problems would probably sink film hands right director would good remakethough doubtful venturas performance could toppedbr br so worth seeing frustrating whole", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "homework experience desperation desperation race work race time then winged hussars arrive", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "urgent really want talkim going die im going commit redflag im lower priority everyone else here still time wanlt talk want able say want die without regretting without making tje person feel bad without thinking ruined image person heavy overdramatic annoying want die bad want disappear everyones memories want never existed hate bad bad part knows im bad day today meds rheir job usually ill feel okay morning nd grateful that doesnt feel like roght right want talk someonw know wonlt hate me dont know dont know canlt hate me please give words words grateful able talk someone doesnlt hate me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "speech disorderis making feel way killmyself cant order food talk someone phone cant take good grades college get job dream everything hard cant say name last friends it cant countine life know money live everything hard im fucking loneliest room dark days know people bad but cant live pain life stuttering therapy giving effect oh god im young much dreams im overthinking everyday much pain heart oh god cant handle this therapist said situation improving swear im surviving fucking years even decide live live pain lifeand end surely end mental problems want tell u want talk give positive effect me im trying tell monster able me phone room dark thinking thinking much stop feeling soon sleep forever peacefully love want feel pain loveyouall", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever told anyone everything exactly sure even for whether want know someone cares maybe want someone know remember meit dark couple days keep thinking tired alive pain think ever really want die definitely want keep living life thisi guess start saying privileged access free healthcare limitations mental health therapist click wonderful job care mother loves me still cannot find desire carry oni medic army still really ready deal reality it made mistakes cannot shake ifs haves could haves always remember made mistakes called things good enough speak casualty could have led picture mind always come back to telling air force jtac officer sorry nothing left could do worst all congruence many small things added together create situation situation crept aware everything heading late really guilt fear gets mei afraid myself actions mistakes especially potential causing unforeseeable unpreventable catastrophic harm trust right thing good thing try put place never anything scared harm allow harm come people around me withdrawn slowly tried fade everyone lives way cannot hurt hurt much finally go it also scares me idea one outside family maybe friends would really care killed terrifyingi cognizant enough know killing selfish thing something harm instead good people around me know unfair family friends therapist coworkers voice says fundamentally bad unlovable broken burden feel definitive told since organ donor would better something positive offset partially negative know fully buy yetit years felt like this run rest s maybe gotten worse least definitely gotten better fucking lonely time tried kill myself gone month redflag recovery program loving relationship destroyed idiocy baggage tried kill again got inpatient wing va hospital couple weeks ago checked fear would now weeks later edge again want die find still scared deed gets close harm pain would people want live anymore without prospect getting better so tired alive pain unable connect people see future things get better see future keep going indefinitely fucked know good compared many people unlimited medical benefits veterans administration good me believe work great job va medical center helping veterans idea something meaningful bring positive things peoples lives keeps going darkest ruminations come in see harm people pain burden shitty destructive way belief gone resentment comes anger frustration suicide would hurt loved ones holding back frustration idea trapped feeling forced live instead really wantif made far thank sorry even posting this creating something invariably spread pain people know share pain misery loves company also scared lonely afraid die without anyone ever knowing understanding guess want chest", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tried overdose xanax alcoholi want live anymore im nearly millionaire im still happy whole entire family died still haunts every day years gun matter painful might would end instant really need help someone talk to shitty hotlines anything need get stuff chest thanks reading", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like dog sense suicidal condition think know store myselfim sorry thank good companion", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicide sounds pretty fucking awesome literally nothing going wondering anyone knows anything could help stop really fucking close idk anything worked anyone avoid", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please tell gets betterim fired best job ever months ago reasons fault even unemployment judge agreed decided case favor took huge cut pay find work barely pay bills cant afford real food eat regards cant afford go socialize means cant meet new people date almost years cant even get people im interested talk me im roundly ignored everywhere go never finished college cant afford go back owe crippling amount debt university unpaid fees cant attend anywhere else almost friends old job none ever speak unless initiate conversation even leave soon can two real friends roommates spend time playing wow together ignore part one got interview job told also applied get interview one seems interested say one shares interests talk like im uneducated idiot people even know half things love talk like im ignorant cant seem catch break anymore since beginning last year life fallen apart things going faded away feel like peaked long time ago prospects ever getting better matter hard try get hole im afraid sitting welfare hospital somewhere dying alone unloved im friends family funeral none now please someone tell gets better please", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom mom talking birth control morning means still secks going kword", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "deleted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone list random things love learning things abt different ppl heres list love knitting scrapbooking im allergic chocolate im currently working engineering project kms love collecting vinyls im additional one play flute clarinet somee violin currently trying learn piano ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "keep talking kid sexualizing shows like one talking about people keep talking cuties one talking pen like come people way worse", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "update supposed nowabout month ago posted wanting commit redflag and well did drank bottle peroxide threw bunch went er im college student missed half semester came back proceeded skip two weeks worth classes depressed face world now ill probably fail out im still beyond depressed medicated least hide home every day cant homework cant focus anything except silent hill which beaten three times point cannot connect people family anyone really think redflag almost daily days better others horrible experience hospital want go back im terrified dying know would mess offing myself see work depression enough get place okay", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal without depression sadnessi woke today orders head clear crisp repetition commit redflag happening lately thought today going drag not thought going depressed day im not im quite content actually ive got plenty energy big goofy smile bounce back suicidal thoughts casually anyone else feel suicidal without actually down im unhappy hate myself good life people generally really nice me think exhibit signs depression newfound lack desire connecttalk anybody even family figure im either really mentally sick realize it im becoming enlightened knows", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "standard title saying come over basic karma farm phrase take spotify cakecheese edit thanks free karma second edit saying thx awards third edit saying family member died helped fourth edit apologising meta", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "join whiteboard link saw someone else thought itd fun idea shitshow last time lmao good luck httpsrwhiteboardfoxcom", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "day writing something positive happened today english class really really fun today discussed topics everyone interested in", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ever huge crush celebrity younger older still find attractive longer crush fantasies want support fan", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad enlightened mindset help friends advice good sparking live others helped others darkest shit know ups downs ins outs still keep slipping mode self destructive behaviour keep saying going end killing myself know people love hit everyone like train probably think great say happiness gone mind numb suffered physical pain spine dental problems trouble eating swallowing things work waiting operation totally aware case much good around me grateful effort spent trying give boost living society holiday booked still hope turned reddit cannot turn anyone cannot bring worry them lost soul", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need money fuck lifemy kids dont even know me sure even know exist years old new dad ever able to coming end im dead end go got nothing literally basket clothes box full miscalanous shit money car job house im miles away family members dad wants live life woman dont blame him honestly point better dead ive fucked life im grand debt child support grand liscense owe credit cards combined amount grand owe bank k im fucked money literally way solve problems want able pay family put nice house nice car want able sit worry im gonna pay bills pay things wanna able sit back relax financial problems thats going happen means changing it im fucking pussy kill myself option try rob bank go prison", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "right schedulefor now ive wondering possible ive managed make long know someone else me would ended long time ago wanted hold out case maybe im wrong maybe old saying it gets better actually true know ive always known doesnt thats say cant doesnt hasnt continue to things decay thats life hate pessimistic thats reality would best people would honest it said im honestly peace know leave anytime know how when wait right moment im sick feeling like im crying wolf day come though maybe soon ill right schedule", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend abandoned mei recently started dating older guy hes kind generous beautiful human hes supported abuse home parents beating me made friend life line greatest supporter gave courage recently told realtionjsip went mental threatened tell abusive parents living partner even went far calling dumb stupid know do partner literally enough whole situation announced would better broken up feel suicidal rn want someone smother pillow done it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "selfish wanting end lifebeen feeling suicidal got around purely people would get upset understand get called selfish loads things wanting end life understand people thinking selfish ending seems like option sometimes go things go nobody else understands dont even see good future people bring like gonna change things dont see happening sometimes get right edge attempting end realise fuck calm myself ive never believed thought id never get far im still daily things keep putting im scared ill get far ill end killing without hesitation lacking support right ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " times mg fatal overdosefatal overdoses reported generally doses mg currently mg disposal really really want take alcohol meds really tempting feel like ive tried everything happy", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " tiredim damn tired school im damn tired constantly depressed suicidal want enjoy life cant schools fucking sideways im struggling keep grades up maintaining even bs struggle used think smart actually dumb thought smart could memorize dumb stuff elementarymiddle school ive mistakenly taken honorsap courses im paying price always thought werent honors youre idiot youre honors automatically smart see isnt case hate school life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "william powell philo vance the kennel murder case film also starring mary astor paul cavanagh eugene palette helen vinson ralph morgan dog show philo entered scottish terrier captain serves background locked room mystery many suspects mystery clever denouement complicated interesting since talkies still quite young camera work little static michael curtiz good job directing actionbr br the supporting cast excellent entire cast brings film notch lots actors played philo vance including paul lukas basil rathbone wilford hydewhite edmund lowe james stephenson alan curtis warren william others powell played five times best fit role relaxed serious time made the thin man catapulted big stardom spent years film then beginning career stage age remarkable man remarkable screen presence remarkable actor lived nearly were lucky films available dvd tcm today the kennel murder case great story fun film miss it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna diebottom text", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time favorite thing good thing love argue friends family even though im wrong im trying stop", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "lonely kinda sucks im human wish close friend could talk not im looking one here suppose life yet become familiar pain things constantly built knocked every years military child normally problem never occurred friends made online would go too nothing left past loneliness ive felt long time suicidal previously weird like that maybe growth almost hurts expense sadness sometimes wish could ignorant fool enjoy time have try think im ever gonna able escape dissapointment realizing ill lose everything again again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly want one reasoni cant think single valid reason live me every single aspect life harrowing disgusting putrid want it need find way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brother needs helpmy brother needs help last year come terms fact serious drinking problem said really rash things past one point committed briefly couple nights threats taken positive steps since then quitting drinking one relapse aware of getting medication seeing therapist seem help see this brief exchangehttpsimgurcomauqlcff today difficult soooo misanthropic hopeless feeling feel like advice try give laughable eg i understand stalin scorch earth fuck everyone well sounds like need good ol fresh air think exercise important helped struggles depression response angry genocidal statements seem comical however taken initiative things ive mentioned above wits end next course action be", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wholesome post pm havent got bed yet cant bring anything dog asleep back getting id wake stay", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "since september last year borrowing four six films week harold washington library boasts impressive dvd collection the hwl truly circulating library threequarters films given time recently thrilled find short films david lynch yesterday knowing little animated series picked dumbland im report that david lynch fans watching eight episodes half hour wellspentbr br the remarkable feature brief pieces soundtracks episode rhythm respiratory digestive systems provide percussion outrageous voices accent pauses ends physical violence supplies beats chirping birds buzzing sockets brush along edges many elements fill orchestra pacing crude animation often keeps sync sound soundtrack struck lynchs primary interest creating disseminating work way eight shorts unique lynchian rhythmsbr br that said situations odd ugly profound dumb funny hell theres enough space within reflect absurd humans be cant say ill watch collection again anyone revelled movements suite inland empire dumbland worth half hour time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "brother gets n w paying hell yea already finished like good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "remember watching s recently borrowed couple episodes public librarybr br with nearly year hiatus come another conclusion principals interviewed series center power like traudl junge hitlers secretarykarl doenitz head germanys navy anthony eden uk long gone first hand accounts live onfrom generals admirals sergeants russian civilians concentration camp survivors record here br br i remember lord mountbatten interview killed s br br this truly gem believe producer series knighted queen elizabeth work well deservedbr br seeing episodes library makes want buy setbr br this given review discovered like fine bottle wine appreciated little time", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "nowi know correct place post not not remove it failing redflag confusing overwhelming feeling left even drained began even know possible tried kill days ago spotty vision pounding head ignited carnal stupid impulse tear belt away neck so now tell someone call someone pretend like never happened days since ive stowed away everyone let music tide over night im alone guilt how pathetic that raw feel confused feel conflicted know fuck say think now im fucking alone know us trapped shitty little worlds fuck man hate feeling fucking way so now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want fucking diei hate away school hate home ive always wanted die option gets appealing every day weak staying strong realizing amount lifes bullshit want withstand dont want live anymore think thats totally valid", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ayudame por favor necesito ayuda en classe de espaol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im tiredplease excuse english im spanish well know anymore ive trying fight long im weak keep falling feel like im worth fighting anymore lately ive suicidal thoughts cant find reasons keep fighting im bother everyone keep hurting everyone im nothing mess mother literally said me dead me talk anymore keep making life living hell asked dad professional help said need it thing need stop am thats tip iceberg stop all im nothing bother whats point keep living", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "college makes want commit redflagi hate college much want get get job live life stressed every goddamn moment feel like school completely consumes im exhausted morning sit hours lectures studying rest day less hours studying high enough quality work feel insanely guilty myself would force work late night tired cant concentrate late also makes failure years old never internship meaningful job done research care major picked hated least would make somewhat employable hate schools stupid fratboy workaholic culture every moment filled anxiety thinking everything wrong never amount anything choice though parents would never let leave transfer again desperately want school over still two years ill probably phd thats way really successful industry something like that stress constant selfhatred shitty people make want end now want go rest college want out", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "momi think thing hurts whole world mom makes feel bad realizes it cries hug apologize try better mother makes feel worse sensitive feel way", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "relish every moment languorous spectacle music match mahlers th gorgeous listen vocal portion rd symphony beautifully utilised film many aspects film main subject overpowering force beauty spontaneous nature absence logic love adoration also ardent fan bogarde believe rarely wonderful try the servant however note recommmend multiple viewings", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want boyfriend looks like would walk forest wearing leaf crown surrounded woodland animals asking answer riddles three really much ask", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "emojis means quite simple cream rain hand eggplant simple right", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "plan killing st monththat day fast approaches small part resents way feel seems embrace it cant help myself want die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tell weird sexual video image saw internet ill see weird dunno saw girls cup tubgirl im curious weird sexual stuff find internet", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last sandra bullock indeed beautiful woman ive finally found film gets actress forget predictable keanufodder speed forget predictable kleenexfodder sleeping tests herbr br and great technofeminist role really works well screen subject close bone issues raised seem farfetched whole experience helped along fine supporting cast makes quite unnerving couple hoursbr br you may never enter another chatroom again fact im getting quite nervous writing reviewerbye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "definitely gamer couple people family boyfriend are so little reluctantly decided find big deal fantasy stuff saw dorkness rising thought hilarious slapstick disrespectful enjoy role playing games also importantly people whove never gamed enjoy feel left lost trying understand plot acting great field shotsset believable makes want see movies production company cant wait see future holds group three cheers well done", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im failureim failure im job prospects relationships friends give shits abusive family ive decided think im better dead life gets worse time never better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "life failure mi honestly never suicidal thoughts life considering now wife left january waiting papers come now learned today passed promotion everybody said sure would get job basically deadend skills move another industry financially im ok whats fuckin point more job thing left life idea continuing move thing even wake for literally friends either moved away got married kids prospect another human really seems far reach right now anybody talk anything aside dad mom sad actually want text exwife somethinganything human contact im going that want reach employees subordinates want worrying knowing feel way feel emptiness now cant describe bad hurts im reaching guys now", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "spoilers four men ed jon voight lewis burt reynolds drew ronny cox bobby ned beatty decide go rafting trip cahulawassee river floodedbr br they wanted fun nice weekend naturebr br but two mountain men cross path rape one bobby everything begins go hell handbasket nice weekend even cost one fours lifebr br deliverance italian stupidly titled un tranquillo weekend di paura a calm weekend fear grandad movies like texas chainsaw massacre the hills eyes wrong turn last house left evil naturerevenge subgenre films one scariest right next the hills eyesbr br based book james dickey who appears movie sheriff bullard chilling story someone go situation thinking knows everything doesntbr br and image dead mans hand raising water hands holding rifle onesheet haunting images never leave mindbr br deliverance ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey guy movies everything choices times life must pick something pass away movie prove that course life fact like beautiful picture movie shows shows indeed may figure that im trying say full pain love deep lessons live aaron mormon missionary real shepherd digging thing beautiful deep inside chisthian skin feeling guybr br its great end always believe fate surprise turn live like latter daysbr br big deal watch it", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oh guys found it found song ive heard young even like much", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "europe received quite shock luis bunuels lage dor released causing riot paris screened thereresulting banned something like forty years three years laterin when europe gotten shockit turned ear ekstasea symphony of sortsto love film starred youngunknown german actress named hedwig kieslerwho would later change name hedy lamarrwhen moved america escape madness adolf hitleras evaa young bride married colddistant loveless husband played emil jermanonly discover made major mistake one divorce latereva footloose fancy free one day skinny dipping lakewhen discovers adama handsomeyoung engineer played aribert mogwho takes real fancy and shehim wild night passionevas exhusband turns againhoping win eva backonly find rival spoil transpires czech director gustav machaty who directed original screen version madam xanother parable romantic obsession directs screenplay jacques koerpelfrantisek horky machatyfrom novel robert horky films velvety cinematography which reminded avant garde photographerman rays photos erawhich goes impressionistic use light shadowa lotis hans androschin jan stallich films brisk editing antonin zelenka films art direction goes lushnearly art deco lookis bohumil hes quirk film music scoreby giuseppe beccewhich goes topmelodramatic feel gets old fast certain themes repeated againwearing welcomefastkind like david leans use certain musical themesespecially lawrence arabiaand drzhivago years backa brand new restored print made best source materialcobbled together various european existing prints availablerestoring quite possibly closest version originally looked like vatican condemned decadent yeahrightlike church never anything wrongand hayes office cut ribbonswhen finally released usa in hayes office approved cut likewise minimal dialog german english subtitles it meant mainly visual experience ratedbut contains infamous nude skinny dipping scene hedy lamarr done tastefullymind you suggestions sexual content likewisethat would scarcely earn pg ratingnowadays worth look interest early european cinemaor avant gardeexperimental cinema", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "accidentally spent dads money let us say berated put as always am getting point try spend every minute life working trying sleep deal everyone lonely breakdowns daily", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "chance encounter train young couple spends single night strolling streets vienna discussing life love primary reason see before sunrise watch young julie delpy deliver lines celine sexy brainy soulful browneyed blond sort cross brigitte bardot joni mitchell midtwenties risking overstatement celine practically ideal woman unusually beautiful feminine natural unpretentious introspective selflessly loving easily forgive bit eccentric talks blue streak sincere intelligent remarks occasionally penetrating further varied expressions nothing short captivating speaks english french accent endearing br br if fly ointment good movie would unkempt disheveled costar ethan hawke jessie comes like vaguely appealing slob sort maynard g krebs nineties attempting appear detached nonchalant sort drags certain shots pants fit poorly tee shirt coming untucked wavy dark hair his attractive feature needs good washing someone really showed properly trim youthful goatee nevertheless supposed represent unwashed youth twoweek train ride around europe look cultivated probably pretty genuine oftcynical observations wry sense humor seem impress unapologetically romantic celine although occasionally disturbed extent alienation finally admits utterly sick likes near feels like different person presence know getting somewhere br br after blowing collective funds series cafes bars silly diversions agree may never see one another again make it jesse bums bottle red wine sentimental bartender newfound lady love may repair local park middle night lie grass looking moon stars watching sun come up br br given boundless luck romance department especially irksome jessie definition naive jerk foolishly allows wonderful young lady slip grasp contents halfbaked plan quickly devised railroad station bids adieu reunite spot half year appointed time comes know beautiful unusual girl involved another perhaps even married pregnant whatever reason probably show jesse ends working target if hes lucky local library go back vienna desperate see again wind alonebr br despite discouraging conclusion before sunrise beautiful movie highly recommend sequel before sunset", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "school begins augest th told id gain weight throughout summer no still freaking skinny hate it cursed fast metabolism cannot look like normal teenage girl makes self harm damn redflaged weight makes want end", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one else tell im finally killing myselfi need get void years years im finally ready time mess up succeed dont care anymore medication therapy hospitalization ive realized ptsd commit redflag mind it nothing feels real ive attempted know do reached one last time earlier today counsellor college ok made really realize go this feel free feel peace ready", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "crush lol fellas approach girl interested in texting since quarantine chance sorta move got text introduce myself without awkward andor getting friend zoned lol", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "last post hereit honor knowing you kill weeks nothing change everytime see hangmans knot noose feel warmth like something loves me hope leave hard feelings here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "topped school feel like loser im feel like wasted highschool years studying gaming pc randomly surfing web even remember much high school years made little friends past years still cant talk girls increasingly low self esteem got really good marks got best college city feeling like piece shit looking back time wasted anyone advise deal this thanks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im sure feel again genuinely feel sad first time forever think genuinely loved girl hate taking granted wish never bruh wish wasnt fucked head im lonely sad depressed idk kinda wanna go know im done whatever put for idk man feel something", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucking panic attack shower recommend was taking hot shower middle hot sunday start think feeling loneliness ive long you guess much social distancing helped nothing extraordinary years old never kissed girlvery afraid talk new people im working therapy talked friends while felt joy year etc suddenly realize heart beating fast fast someone standing shower first time happened never got used it start focus breathing and while heart goes less desperate rhythm gotta say man think depresso pills job wish could stop feeling like time dont worry intend carbonara sayonara", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant get ex cant get himok im point think talk this feel fucking stupid getting worked someone barely know ampnbsp love interest met tinder started talking originally planned hook up dirty maybe hang bit relationships strings attached nothing committing type point life since travels lot much point relationship game this ive already hooked people tinder casual one night stands started messaging back forth meeting up getting know bit other etc really interesting started getting excited see texted me loved sound voice bit scottishbritish accent sounded exotic kind really liked photos profile friend put him thought going go really well set date meet pub arrived really expected hey tinder right got talking drinks together initially attractive thought he grown facial hair since photos bit outgoing tastes getting along hed put hands mine touch face nuzzle me affectionate even though bit awkward first drinks came like it got back place sex etc thought hed get leave ended staying night ampnbsp talked him liked him wed goof around lot made laugh cried hes one funniest charismatic guys id ever met everything say interesting fascinating everything him places hed been things hed done views life treated really well always thinking needs first making laugh gently holding me always touching me stroking me cuddling me said weird girl one adorable cute girls hed ever known gorgeous told like put down needed stop worrying much stop apologizing time made really happy moment handsome guy attracted inside wanted cuddle me always hed come wherever went talk me made feel loved wanted needed held hand stroked face gave kisses refused let go made feelcontent dress put makeup impress him single thing except myself could see truly was everything me inside personality got chance shine happy body well ampnbsp cuddling nearly slipped said i love you habit know boyfriend snuggling absent mindedly cooing one another say i love you contented sigh stopped myself since well met i love you really something say said already knew going say think crazy first time something like happened apologized said i cant love you yet love person like lot great said that made heart skip little hated it started crying told knew going end badly told borderline personality disorder ultimately fear abandonment get attached deeply quickly also mentioned wanted let feelings love developing soon die told feelings bad thing wanted feel them feel them mind long understood commit time life traveling reasons feel way yet know desperate ignorant excited what accepted happy hear say i love you back me even meaning hold weight promised would never hurt me loved human being person even together sense lovers wanted part life wanted friend gentle since wonderful person felt heart hearts meant it sure anyone ability lie buti truly felt meant it did still does days went on spent time together staying one night one another turning two three four happy room him never ran things talk to never left side felt tranquil peace life grew attractive eyes every way even though known long felt like best friend someone known life everything unidentifiable familiar quality went pubs together went eat went walks went many events art festival town good content many years despite fact allergies started acting contracted staph infection parents the community live town rampant mrsa still texted often hosts house days tying loose ends figuring travel east end week like planned ampnbsp decided spend one last night together left ex texted nowhere sent blind panic told together several years broke separate times emotionally unstable blackmailed manipulated staying attempting threatening redflag stopped loving started antidepressants despite this never thought ill her loved anything always unconditionally told every time gotten back touch always ended back together im freaking fuck out chance picture now was sick rage tears completely shattered felt robbed chance even began try told also reason commit still loved ex probably always would closest person whole entire life closer family even though together knew shed never again and shouldnt get back together sake still hopelessly love deserving unconditional love well then told touch anymore touched me tried comfort me harder falling wanted feelings desperately die want feel anything anymore wrong wrong want fall trap again told know could ever commit relationship even future me anyone firmly believed still love ex sure hed ever get her understood family member friend lover falling outs with fights with never really forget them even years later feelings still hes hes younger years may wise mark be likes think rationally emotionally knows cant get back together her still theres lot emotion lot tension feel like im living shadow ex love interest said cared me lot ex hed heart beat cares great deal situation causing pain too wanted friends promise wed ever together know could get it hurt me else could do wanted cut life completely might answer still partially want since every time think heart hurts think lot growing do ampnbsp hes left east train now offered take travels could come time wanted to really wanted to cant said hes probably good me ever make long term plans schedules hitchhikes couch surfs drinks lot loves dangerous situations lots socializing strangers one favorite things go super crowded pub shoulder shoulder locals chat strangers make new contacts sorts things worst nightmare now im looking back rational standpoint probably in love him probably desperate needy human connection someone want me tender me make feel special needed that incredibly handsome cute though good bed even well endowed average best thats generous always took needs consideration first hes heavy drinker heavy partier care consequences lives life recklessly cant this could ever thrives danger unknown never plans never cares takes life one day time survives gets by cant either could ever although parts personalities overlap lot goals views world same different people left feeling alienated abandoned times want admit even short time him less aware craving love human affection gentleness tenderness alone year without things daydreamer hopeless romantic needy clingy wanting passionate intense something like dropped lap gave it even though knew horrible idea would end pain desperate anxious chance matter dismal odds could happiness again towards wasprobably infatuation liked idea represented want need adventure breaking chains bind traveling world seeing sights experiencing life offer saw me looks completely inconsequential saw soul needed even need it treasure looking find turned blind eye many cons blissfully drinking ignorance moment felt high situation way lied intentionally hurt me circumstance once person person im fighting killing feelings him trying keep alive slightest tiniest chance years now might able try again meantime itd hurt constantly knowing hes talking ex thinking ex love distant afterthought since hes still obsessed cant live that even just friends ive distanced time being need time grieve heal still entirely know make feel im angry betrayed heartbroken frustrated im many things once since writing this ive given final phone call summed mentioned post told cannot even stay friends damaging right now hurts much fucking much think best ampnbsp tldr bpd sorts attached guy barely knew scared whats next scared self harming tendencies suicidal thoughts happened", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "m couple unusually touchyclose nights vacation close friend f im ohio friend washington know parents met high school needless say see whole lot since were far away go vacation twice year families ive known whole life became friends couple years ago text talk every day mutual friend zone strongly although good friends never anything even close going beyond that also bi tell leans towards liking girls guys vacation montana pretty typical outdoorsy day vacation us ill call friend e first three days typical fun much talk about last two nights stayed hotel gave us extra rooms reservation something messed due covid anyways got room e sister l got room since room two beds well sort of queen bed pullout couch basically single bed wanted sleepover type thing unusual own were comfortable whatnot first night played various games watched tv probably hour l fell asleep e tired went sit couch bed read old text conversations between ourselves phone one point put elbow shoulder like would put elbow window car rest definitely pretty unusual touchy people physical contact wed ever fake hitting wrestling something like phone anyways one point got photos sent messages tried take phone look them pulled away basically ended lying bed trying keep away usually point would give maybe reach around grab it laid top one hand eventually gave up move rested head shoulderchest probably half hour super late decided try get sleep slept maybe hour in separate beds someone made loud noise hallway woke up although sister somehow slept it e came back sat pillows played hair while also unusual said tired crawled bed laid next better part hour keep mind extremely small bed nothing comfortable needing sleep perspective sister started shuffle around e jumped quickly point went day mention anything all except one point morning e made awkward compliments hair eyes ampxb next night situation except l fell asleep much faster e came bed again time put head shoulder pretty much right away tired since barely slept night before laid next said tired asked put phone away did laid said going go sleep also patted top head said interesting gesture still exactly understand that anyways sat gave standing laid back down minutes later exact thing eventually got went sleep notably every time sister kind shuffled door creaked something e sat stood up clearly want people seeing going on ampxb weeks since trip weve texted every day usual since essentially mention nights except saying misses pullout couch bed it comfortable really cannot stress enough nothing like ever happened us before even year ago accidentally brushing leg made say ew also note really initiate contact anything went along mind all initiate basically everything really know now last thing want jeopardize good friendship also curious two nights tldr spent couple nights close friend unusually touchy close theres mention since idk now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "looked ocean blue eyes glistering nightsky sitting there looking nightsky always fascinated secrets fo space like fascinated gorgeus smile im glad see happy brings slight joy me however wondered id ever enough", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "concerned teenager subreddit full fake teens child predators people clearly taking advantage state try groom me like need something counter this scary many got today alone vulnerable please please stay safe check account look long person signed up investigate suspicious behavior please immediately report amazing moderators stay safe yall", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hate world nothing good ever happens me miserable fuckit really hard see reasons stay alive think ever escape misery death would free pain have fuck world", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gets invited minecraft realm me know what even tho get anxious around people im gonna join friends would like play them also me joins immediately regrets see gamertags run cant see fear yeah fine", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fucki made post before talked situation little friends leaving college parents really like care me long im fed really care feel dropped school parents pushing go back motivation finish it like used like hockey computers hate them feel like nothing left me cant feel happiness life point living seen signs things going get better even know could get job show up thats school anyways still like talk friends like discord that seems like like really care happens me try tell im feeling awful ignore it really care matter much try get point across im happy think ever happy crave like important somebody day see really isnt possible personality besides sad time thing play fucking video games day even get joy that used watch people play games youtube shit thats enough either ive pondering whether like hig hike south see something finally makes feel better like leave one would really notice parents probably tell im gone like days since rarely even check me like matter choose im going happy im told redflag answer really tell why want like stop feeling pain alone time ive never actual girlfriend anyone actually cared me feel like matter im going actually meet anyone shallow am push talk girls hurts everytime get ignored told im boring like actually matter school say get really picked gotten shit kicked like times like talking like wanna give want kill myself feel like im running excuses im alive right now used fit healthy hockey im underweight almost pass randomly get anything used actual friends really like talking since really reason talk im boring uninteresting may think im assuming things get told repeatedly dad mom thinks like help feel better gives tell im feeling brother literally wants die like joke wanted stab one point hid room hes disabled really take seriously still hurt want see actual sign like im making day fucking get old thing sit waiting friends talk computer wait long enough try talk like play game get mad leave fucking sucks know do run away stay dropout go school anything never motivation fucking myself know least structured shit probably said lot things multiple times fucking hate feeling shitty empty want something change like anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "imagine personality post made using ppls personality im talking", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "shoutout unnecessarily strict things parents sometimes really hot day today nearing c dad refused turn ac angry staying inside", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "every attempt getting soundboard failing tips websites applications something use soundboard im legit annoyed point username checks hard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thank you feel free send message need someone talk toplease", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even suicidalmy life general pretty unsatisfying ive got point still want die want live either seek death seek avoid either literally care one way live die see should long live dying always continue option die matter long lived get remember anyways i reason believe sort afterlife exists even really know im asking im really confused probably even bother posting this feel like need put kind cry help somewhere", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "title rock abuse im scared deadrock bullying lately really wanted kill myself thing is scared scared rock music genre rock person online terryfing im scared violent im scared listen im scared please redflag way nothing else im scared im fucking scared meeting since threatend sell valuable things life yes power im scared im really scared please help myself im scared sorry im scared tried meet park pictured him scared even more big cant strong big scares me tried stab i scared said try would slaughter dog dont want anymore mg acetaminophen way please painless im scared im scared ok love hate im scared miss pebble was might need call help help im scared rock remember im gone ill haunt you scared best regards dead", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hating body time _ tfw u sleep pillow ur thighs ur ur side rest upon eachother cant stand feel touch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "election matters year meme year fuck fuck presidential election fuck you vote leonardo dicaprio", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "tech progress thing makes want liveconsidering drastically different lives compared two decades ago im really curious see whats going happen next ai autonomous vehicles g research blockchain cant help wonder world going look like years now yes friendless lonely depressed mentally ill piece trash im ready suffer always chance die unless suffering excruciating unbearable physical pain need rush things", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "goodnight yall appreciate yous", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "imagine me running bedroom am morning screaming hustle hustle hustle wake ask confused who tf you answer get hustle go go h sleep hustle hustle hustle", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help mei want kill everyone myself hate world everything it nothing good life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im dirty feel really dirty everything body dirty shower im still dirty brush teeth mouth dirty teeth feel like fall hair feels disgusting feel like roots hair like dirty dark basement legs many bruises face looks like soemthing wrong feel weak feel thankful shitty things life right becasue least use excuse im hurting much didnt would nothing blame fucked thank universe keep giving fucked shit allah dont believe elhamdulillah u gave fucked life hope put hell asap suffering reason wont feel like something wrong lately read pyschology website sensitivity genetic im gonna blame mom kids even tho fucked head makes fucked kids like mom cant therapist feel disgusted today arm touched mine wanted throw anyway dont know take care thank never teaching thanks never emotionally available making ashamed every part body elhamdulillah blame mom anyway dad biggest asshole ive ever seen selfish ass person ever dont deserve family dont deserve single thing still give fucking patriarchy whatever stayed stupid small town never moved istanbul never meet mom bc u married lived city generations ur stupid backwards head still even tho live north america sometimes u outside house sit living room talk convince shit yes ppl sit discuss convince man let us live lives way want congrats fucking dictator controlling adults kids lives hate you hate erdogan hate allah three head could would kill feel happy fuck u fuck mom especially fuck u making watch little sister slowly getting fucked say fault fault u made kids everyone knew u cant take care of stop raw fucking throwing babies around hate u also feel bad bc know end really fault whatever fuck society guess like fuck u sex years months ago didnt want born", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mf beans beans", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "confession time seo years ago stuck member toilet full waste", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thwart life friend mother uses program life track life enabler abusive parents enginerd im looking possible workarounds like blame cold fucking phones battery location spoofing im probably start testing obdii tracking devices good excuse obdii devices car nerd friend says devices interfere cars securityengine control module cause car run poorly time friend says use devicesobdii diagnostics", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "recognises me aka legend idk curious ujcttt fucking legend", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mom took playstation away took virginity whos laughing bitch", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sorry unsure right subreddit post already know goods severe depression adhd redflag name it today like hours put game something happened caused wastelose least two hours worth progress immediately made lose interest motivation keep going happens time me sense small thing leading loss feeling something do loss motivation boredom melts depression end sitting around day bored unable convince even bother trying another game my comfort hobby have even get up hate feeling like small inconveniences know get funk find new thing hyper fixate distract boreddepressed easily depressed unmotivated", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hey reddit times gotten harder daysits months since love life committed redflag hands still tremble type this hard keep pretending outside world ive since episodes depression lasting hours others day two none like im going now ive tried kill failed failure something new me ive failing whole life hurts looking people normal life cant it know saying head life like driving car like taking train get direct train buy tickets destination think got one way ticket months ago good reason carry useless existence logical brain telling carry emotions telling ive enough im work im tearing apart inside cant take anymore", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time comefor end life good run definitely hoping for thats life try like did would nice friend thats possible someone like me sorry making waste time read this since matter", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "made wishlist ramen it anyone could help would much appreciated thank you zip code link amazon wish list url", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "fuck im done nowim done trying completely tried rekindling relationship take break personal reasons put much fuckiong effort girl months chasing me moment fix shit parents date dosent want shit friends lmao friends weve never friends met drunk hell thats started bullshit man life fucking worthless cant shit right fucked timing ive lost important person bad luck comes s comes s fuck world fuck everything man im done", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag hotline hung memaybe sign worth trying find hope", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "gf ruined entire life sent nudes muslim motheri feel horrible life shit grades extremely bad family fight time other friends girlfriend talked hours everyday got extremely jealous crazy sudden shamed everything did ruined life sending sexual chat history fetishisms nudes muslim mother placed lock down phone got taken away me wifi got taken away me im forced pray times day yells hour refuse life horrible using razors blades cut open foregead forearms im depressed suicidal yet lack power end myself please help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi d hope ur great day just long enough", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "got caught beating meat bruh shit gonna awkward idk dad gonna pissed smh days ive done without getting caught today do", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "eric bogosians ability roll character character one man show exhibits true range character actor persona message convey truth society class drugs etc absolute must anyone serious fan acting performance contains hilarious real moments ever experienced viewing audience", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "asked crush read title happy able share feelings said feels way officially dating yet update soon", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "whats point short ventone favorite rap songs part rapper goes people telling positive im supposed positive see shit positive thats always ive felt people want positive fucking reason alone positive keep getting rejected positive one one really gives fuck you positive lifes bad want kill yourself positive things positive about positive good thing could happen literally get girlfriend genuinely likes me effort anymore second guessing inferiority jumping hoops treated like invented weird concept called love trying test unfortunate unwilling happens supposed to shit like happen itll never even happen normally me lots effort trial error feelings inferiority really see point even living anymore know death coming soon thats im actually coming way around knowing ill soon rid whole world bit peace have fantasize nowadays dead consciousness sucked body even dream love anymore anymore fucking everything normal people", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "battle wits im hosting battle wits two friends people consider academically smart claim smarter one talking one day decided battle wits find one actually smarter serious thing supposed prepare questions stuff im pretty much ideas thus far three rounds wikipedia speedrun first one get wikipedia page danjaq plastic surgery clicking links winner flash questions answer many trivia questions minute can whoever answers questions correctly winner drawing competition draw something using ms paint whoevers drawing crowd deems best winner were gonna people watching well far id like make around rounds whoever wins rounds considered bigger brain input appreciated thanks ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im exhausted tired think donei want anymore feel better fucking tired want give up", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "sedated started laughing today went gastroscopy sedated immediately waking started laughing unconsciously however fact remember laughing reason nurses wondering laughing fact know thats pretty weird", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "redflag hotline call popup saying error reddit funit seems like inconvenience sorry bug reddit know lot political policy talk", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " year old aspergers failing grades unexplained attendancesi feel really stupid ignorant probably guessed im year old kid living aspergers syndrome feeling depressed lately grades absolutely suck were working major projects school ive gotten detention twice stupid reasons today first failing get one little detail assignment attendance missed classes spanish teacher absolute psycho total asshole me even gotten point dad extremely pissed im depressed please need feel happy again people reddit help me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first comment make laugh gets silver thats good luck", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi gamsrs anyons wnt discordio basically guys girls shitposting playing games like among us minecraft javacracked war thunder fall guys doom hearts iron overwatch csgo one guy big nintendo fan wants friends chilllll dm link d", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "today learned whatever happens masturbate menthol shampoo even try", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oi dm me else dunno id didnt something f", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyones gone nowthat really final nail coffin speak could go back time tell id years think believe me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "wanna left alone want isolated every living thing fucking planet theyre driving crazy im close fucking snapping rn want left alone", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hold damn long life continue messing againfuck life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "need help english hw usually need help questions fucking hard least know answer pls help stranger need gave every apologize opportunity possibility way means hes always time got office now will would might may have procedure apply person normal ordinary plain regular ps english second language mean ok", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "um tall guys curious feel like im short", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guess moonlight comfort im sitting outside balcony darkness outside night sky me stars moon now", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im looking friends wrote bunch interested yo im im kinda lonely shit yada yada wanna meet friends guess interests include video games types preferably good story im always looking someone play smash play basketball stuff im pretty tall like art im good heres looks things im years old live canada alberta im single just kidding actually im kinda not brown hair brown eyes im pretty buff could say idk awkward section two awkward personality section thanks todd my names todd jesse well people tell im kind person im also little bit sad lot bad feel lot lose motivation thats im looking people talk vent maybe play game im also kind childish guess like marvel lego still read games lot hyped steve smash yea theres im also pretty funny idk youd vibe sense humour still also im smart suck math socially awkward ive never talked girl really hit anything still think thats cool guess anyway thanks reading hope make friend two id love anyone talk lol anyway bye", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "quick question would rather always go bathroom lights off always door open fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "thought could help them stupid enough think could it longfor anonymity obviously changing names duh another thing post me suicidal little shaken happened im worried came looking advice need fast know much time have well grace likes like tells depressed people like way feel bad liking way also making depressed feel even worse basically told saved life pretty much feeling alone people like tried kill multiple occasions met me tells nice thought could go slight hope might like her liked were best friends like way im glad friend finally feel bad feel like like interests understands lot better people dont shell talk depressing things life bad person which all gets mad tell things bad seem always accuses lying trust thinks tell things shell shut up ive found like helping people problems like help people honestly care feel bad hurt themselves older sister rachel cuts burns attempted redflag multiple times also rachel know grace also aware grace finally open enough confess cutting going quit live promise get mad know hard addictions be anyway point made feel guilty still cutting made feel done it reason always told could make stop made feel enough like good enough help someone stop causing pain themselves ive never felt way anything enormous sense guilt finally broke hard promised grace tell rachel cutting problem intended keep it snapped guilt pressure confessed everything rachel lift weight told right thing nobody keep secret like that right thing feel like did rachel confronted grace front i_just_need_help told everything need stop this told grace fond tumblr looked poems wrote knives hints cutting throughout them checked scars joke mom tell me mom understand makes things worse assume common another reason grace tell rachel feared would tell mom way would tell her even grace suicidal way could ever her grace said really mad me want talk even see me extremely character ever since met yandere me shed talk even worst moods want cut contact asked sister told redflag part knew cutting redflag part new she people delivered final blow push edge said care care anything didnt believe grace ever it believe trust came realize told thing mattered realness feeling something pain something knew find it thats snapped take anymore broke cried half hour cried since never cry id never experienced anything like before hell cry dog dies found body cry grandma died always thought emotionless anything happened help think fault happen got involved really want kill myself id never thats about ive feelings redflag looong time id never it mostly id feel bad family back point rachel grace always talk everyday fb rachel deleted fb past felt getting close like knew lot her found scary convinced reactivate messaging tumblr while well grace deactivated again tumblr really want talk apparently fault want die cant live guilt do think help all cant anything", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " brother got drunk broke foot told believe sexual abuse also told get kill when letting live rent bill free dad told fuck walked house pay immediately started attacking verbally incredibly angry quickly nana told today knowing bulimic massive self image issues put weightwhy move away friends moved closer family", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "alone hurts best everyone else end redflag never wanted pain took mg vistaril otc medicines", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anybody play csgo so rank you", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "person moderates subs abusing powerspread message days ago contacted umassaccountnukes post powermodsi asked name powermodi didnt believe firstbut bit research found guy moderates subsyes heard right many people completely banned reddit criticizing himplease spread messageby altcause theres high chance person moderates sub active on name uawkwardtheturtle checked moderation tabit didnt actually show subsbut checked manually searching many subreddits found indeedtrue", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone say it get betteri remember first time felt depressed around got first phone talking friends one day told know live anymore felt like given up told chin up much live for really changed keep hearing answer get better get better fuck told this justification wake one day said oh look life better no yes suicidal years one told get suffering cope it look years cant even look one day look telescope glass broken feel angered all depression anxiety everyone telling worry die peace gun head scared pull trigger hope now gone man watching street waiting something interesting actually happen apologize lot chest im done life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would rather die way instead dyingalright go girl middle teenage years ive abused parents half life abandoned whenever people see problems realise im normal perfect someone love might truly love promises hell save us someday know cant happen even though love thought it reason im slowly dying realizing even live freedom anyway im terminally ill point could fucking die second likely fault know karma shit terrible person young mother always tells useless helpless ever able live alone im taking shit heart always correct me id rather kill die suddenly keep letting bloody punching bag everyone use disgusting joke maybe get reincarnated ill finally better life someday find person love again know it", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "anyone else find life much work worth itim living nothing care money only buy food struggle make friends self esteem issues gf cant get study im living nothing easier end cant even would abousulty destroy mum cba trying fix many issues", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone else it want die also want livelike would het killed would fine it would care get killed would mind eighter selfharm without real reason where cut yourself feel like sad sad also happy wanting die also wanting live", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "mum coming backmy mum left house tears dripping eyes shouting im coming back gone weeks", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bad parents inability decide overall badi committed college beginning may get wrong great school clue im life think logical make around every semester fulltime college student apparently do great city want able enjoy it that plus leaving home gives extreme anxiety work college would ultimately make im able make matters worse im still hung end basically twoyear relationship five months ago keep thinking things could done differently could better caused lot stress school since blamed entire thing want apologize point late plus would make look like fool even would put ease would make poeple dislike id admitting wrong thatd cause whole lot more hate seeing ex successful going one best schools state feel like im competition her go local community college ill consider failure even better decision myself hate living home parents supportive all keep saying got whole college mess want go chosen community college begin with change mind every second im scared leave one second cant wait meet roommate go college life next love job love people they truly make feel like matter super easy im good it issue deadend job id keep went community college near me but work out would then im also totally love coworker might affecting opinion think also think really cool friend im bad determining platonic romantic feelings either cool though yikes know situation kind unrealistic ill drop haha so go college not know decision make myself cant hence contemplation redflag lot im quite bad dealing unfortunately pause button life even know want die think feel important anyone life im unsure life course thats typical guess im conflicted really want anymore guess sad ive written redflag letter almost every month year months write little one feel like cold say goodbye many people care even really seem care anymore felt sad while want know do want know someone cares wants succeed kind feels like nobody does feels like nobody believes me im terrified failure even want try graduate eighteenth birthday never saw living past age seventeen im here hell doing clue im scared anything absolutely hate college could absolutely hate come back wasted first semester oh well im broke cant afford that cant certain ill actually end going anywhere life unless go school god know mind filled idea death want know people know ive lately want know care not im tired assuming do feel like let people know matter way much really seem care all like theyre affectionatecaring people probably me know really know looking posting this well maybe stemmed whole i seek validation romantic partners thing quite well college came again love would kind nice guess one funny thing happened though kind brightened day little last night trying make asmr video friend joke make laugh one soap cutting videos accidentally stabbed hand know sounds terrible kind funny fact lol", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "weeks ago planning leaving job try something wanted life once put everyone else priority wanted take sort controlthe universe said nostarted month hospitalized today learned semirare disease need constant life changes doctor follow ups rest life cannot really leave job since need insurance ever today learned news family member passing awaytoday learned person loved lied meall one day lost losti wanted something would make happythe universe said noi tired now universe said no", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "started planning recently limit days talking boyfriend bursting tears easily seeing face state amp hearing cried voice breaks heart guilt trip stuff understands painit feeling want him realized reason need reconsider suicide care afterlife family sadness painful stuff ending ed psych ward boyfriendbut still fucking hard keep living hellish torture want make crythink many relate thanks reading want kill cry", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant even express vent app without someone seeing bitching complainingthis dont open cause people dont care say shut stop whining someone kills exact people say reach someone like wtf", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "heard theres no emoji rule ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "death starvationmade earlier thread probably monday lived long sleep due hunger pangs knocking out ill probably get banned heres paypal case anyones able donate bread milk paypalmediafuckinbetes", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows lady knows guy knows i", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im ugly inside outim fucking failure whats point even living mediocre life even family dont understand im feeling like say everything thing im disgusting looking cant even look mirror cant die already know people care me cant even self harm anymore im constantly crying reason hate useless worthless ugly self dont want live everyday life seeing miserable face people care dont even care least wont care long want disappear nobody remembering me im worthless human even good look talented lot people way worse im still complaining makes even pathetic hope today itll work", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "time start noblanket hear really really fucking hate cold showers recently one small parts day could truly relax enjoy suffering want get soon possible study saying lonely people shower longer comforting feeling similar hug missing think coldshower good forces get comfort somewhere else ideally drives self improve get relationship similar nofap however found finding entirely much comfort bed sleep important need make less comfortable think start sleeping without blanket would sleep floor introduce discomfort parents come room wake good amount time noblanket starts today basically continue nofap coldshower eventually horny comfortdeprived choice improve looks start approaching life suffering live just live like auschwitz prisoner bro next step food hollow cheeks", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "would happen killed myself would gowhat happens redflag go end up selfish kill yourself", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh parents put content filter wifi weird first youtube videos went pornhub scared cause xfinity internet page showed like mature content cant watch shit vpn time think theyre idk think maybe little siblings even watch mature videos sites idek", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "go outwhat best way die something heroic die saving someone get fight drug gang let shoot me pretend shoot police with fake gun something shoot me try break world record high chance fatal get pet crocodile trigger feminist myself decide", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "know fact depressed teenager friends slept time could think suicideso always parameter used measure emotional state life always thought i feeling bad felt years must depressed even suicide popped mind therei going therapy last years came mind ask therapist ever depressed since going there told am depression comes many forms case sometimes positive events make snap it brief periods time back iti sad feel sickness years put many obstacles life never happy guess depression talkingi took appointment go see psychiatrist want official diagnosis and free country scared taking meds feel hopelesstldl sad time depressed look signs found depressed time", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "yo girls actually like guys moan ive heard somewhere know true", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "well im sure definitely want anymore ive work months trying change career hate used do thought go back money terrifying every single person ive made plans even grab coffee ditched me last straw buddy said hed go fishing me got early dug worms got shit together ditch min before cat needs surgery called fho cant afford it tried fundraising nothing kid asshole understand why makes fun me ever wants money make food seem clean cook thanks appreciation anything do fuck everything laugh make fun me like ask empty fucking trash bathroom cause obviously overflowing one ever does so threw trashcan get bitched it nothing good enough make fun say certain words like adhesive fucking let it friends cant drive cause never taught money nothing im fucking useless lump everytime ask help im let down told im grumpy stop grumpy like wtf man im fucking tired it even get mad stand ground everyone ends pissy nothin g gets solved always turned around me stopped cleaning nothing plus hate living pig pen taken away dishes ffs enough dishware ppl live still get bitched at im absolutely done ive it know whether scream scream die fucking run time dying seems pretty awesome figure everything themselves im done spend day staring fucking wall now sometimes theres tears", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "please trash art got rejected art collab thing cuz like portfolio please tell sucks art improve qwq stuff here httpsdrivegooglecomfolderviewidjggirwnmmvvtghcldulicduwkg", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi hru im longing kind human interaction rn tell ur day", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "friend going shit post supposed funny friend going shit want help idk how told needs talk im idk else help her anyone know help help", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "getting admitted hospitali live uk sure whether elsewhere theres something quite get system far understand it way getting immediate help ie hospital failing actual redflag attempt show doctor say i going kill todaytomorrow method otherwise experience pretty much hmm heres slight med adjustment see feel come back month whilst appreciate simply enough space hospitals also really understand scenario could ever occur surely made decision make doctors appointment day tell them anyone experience situation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cutted dck accidentally last night fun vacuum cleanerhowever consider bag inside divice sharp pieces glass picked earlier many different positions tried night one really messed physically brother busted room caught red handedi immediately took dick rubbed pieces glassit aint serious hurts even pee", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "extrovert adopt me ima shy good natured introvert anyone adopt please", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "update updateso scrolling rmeirlmeirl left suicidal jokes always do one op responded real fast asked wanted talk ended talking abt hours wouldve definetly killed myself ending chat pm asking tomorrow today was trying send message im there found wasnt deleted account since suffering depression im certain killed himself want die now person listening making comfortable even social anxiety knew himher hours i think she saved life already cant take this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found rage novel mentions suicidal thoughtsthe rage novel question herehttpwwwredditcomrragenovelscommentsqhi_seriously_think_about_it_on_a_near_daily_basis ive posted ask reddit herehttpwwwredditcomraskredditcommentsquzua_redditor_just_posted_a_ragenovel_that told link here figured hurt post something get advice all anything else doz edit far ive linked im assuming guy context comic redflag prevention website well here ive sent message mods reported link also", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "toi apologize advance use insensitive language first time writing matter familiar terms lost relative redflag year ago painful days ago heard another news high school friend scares much might lose redflag scares especially relative took life one saw signs protect ones care for know loved one danger late good reading non verbal signs strong tendency think everything okay makes blind subtleties would help someones pain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " movie amazing watched town next one grew up went saw buildings story took place in overall loved movie one jake gyllenhaals best also favorite parts science fair times father sad seemed homer wanted follow dream dad seem care one way another tag line true sometimes one dream bright enough light sky way movie shot impeccable believable could recorded s dress accurate slang too definitely recommend movie", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": " dying seems like reliefi constantly feel trapped pointless life thoughts killing push way head im man asking help difficult", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts overwhelming im accepting themi feel getting closer closer point ill try kill im happy thats goal life ive failed achieve goals killing goal might today tomorrow even week ill eventually hate alive fucking hate want alive anymore whats point alive never person want whats point alive stuck body hate way change whats point alive cant anything love forced things hate every single day escape hell whats point living alone feel like outcast society ive lived life motto only best good enough im best im even average im average cant live like anymore already got plan ill feel like last straw", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "someone tell deja vu please wonders months looked still dont know meanssss", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "first saw absolutely riveting documentary initial release back and really profound effect me much bugged several friends see repeat screenings bottom linenone friends walked away disappointed ever stellar film scottish conceptual artist andy goldsworthywho creates absolutely beautiful pieces art using natural materials woodwaterflowersrocksetcto create pieces eventually return natural form a statement temporary state everything get see goldsworthy create several works temporary artas well long term installations major galleries around worldas well pieces natural worldas well german film makerthomas riedelsheimer directsphotographs edits meditation creative process real treat eye ear with ambient musical scorecomposed performed fred frithwhos music generally edgy experimentalnoise textured guitaras well capable ensemble musicians although film available dvd years nowif find cinema highlighting revival fine filmby meansseek its easily film composed large screenwith proficient sound system truly experience film right way mpaa ratingbut contains nothing offend unless live birth sheep screen destined offend disturb", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "even emotional point goddamn irritating tf hv live want avail services life offers want companionship others well want dead done it better later less collateral damage trynna every single one trying stop me already tired enough please go more would prefer nothing instead anything anyway end rant w h ", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "help someone doesnt want helpedone pf friends spiraling depression seems getting worse worse weve trying get least try recover refuses lets everything overpower her us trying best say alright say shes fine let try fight thoughts getting her ive went im recovered dont worry cant stand anyone going misery school ended several hours ago us afraid might actually summer one stop her honestly despite recovering know do dont truly dont know help someone doesnt take help know help needs someone ive done shes pushing everyone away emotionally dont know save late feel helpless need advice thank reading ramble beg help hope good day hope gets better", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "honestly much hate say it rest generation kiss normal high school experience goodbye shit aint ever going least years shit like this things were stay fuck shit im afraid school aint ever going free freshman year ever again", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "much homeworkim getting hours homework every day cant spend time family friends barely time talk girlfriend parents yell manage time better really difficult cause usually get like hours sleep every night cant wake early cause feel emotionally deprived anything wanted drop college classes parents let me get yelled spending time anyone everyone thinks im lazy really im drained fucking thing every day want kill ends im tired shit", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "think call nervous breakdown got triggered slight disagreement wife absolutely exploded ran bedroom cried intensely least three hours probably worst ever felt emotionally dealing feeling guilt plus knowing let wife kids going birthday party them wife confused doesent understand happened really sure myself best guess stuffing emotions finally hit limit breakdown", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hat alland good life everyone hah nice end struggle without victory over time give atoms back universe thanks loan tried tell younger pain ends here regret nothing cant lucky eh life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "suicidal thoughts back feel like getting worse tried hope tried therapy three help fourth tried made feel worse ed gets worse ocd too probably bpd too gotten point believe living everyone happiness exist atleast me boyfriend shitty job it parents struggling financially worrying making waste money therapy time going things differently going jump backing out telling anyone cannot stop even try written two three letters already know tell boyfriend really want end me know make sure try get better atleast strong stay planned outfit know going spend last days people happy memories going bake cake them last cake ik one thing would remember by strong enough everything happened life broken point unfixable sorry this happening thoughts back", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive done it ive achieved maximum djent wanted play specific song guitar tune string ebeadgb leaving high e need it neither snark phone tuner pick sound lowest string anymore hell amps built tuner hardly does like play peak performance", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "scared upset angry romantic rant told guy liked text worlds worst texter checks maybe one week messages everyone friend knew liked him days tells days ago said wanted friends forgot tell that waiting rejection thats worst partthe waiting days days coming terms fact doesnt like nothing ever happen wait fear hes judging me im angry friend dont know do ", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "moment text hi beat clingy bastard", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "writing something positive day day physics test today think pretty good", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "rip hero alex diedive never sad death someone whos grandma", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "guys think this w e p u nhttpsbeepboxcoplayersongnsbklejtmagnjfirotvluaqdfayzccacfbevqpffffetvluaqdfayzccacfbevqpffffetvluaqdfayzccacfbevqpffffetvluqdfyzcwbpcexabiqfadftwgockwpeewypmir_ixdpejujejkzdqlnubjdddiwuopopoorxajalaparhrdqlnudicscscsdhkopooorxaoczveeskczaahljspejejejrtpcvvvwzoporopoqkcywahljsjejejejrtpvvvctdvthaphzkpnyvaparvdqlnvpzysqsooeyysyscsytsecyzysgrwekygxqzajajajattshejejejelscscyysygefkygxvxsgnmptcnappjkvtsxopltr_p_clcprtohwsdvkmntcvvupbpcwmiywlboywlboywlboywlboywljnztiqfwxqet_duyyewasnqvxwzobaeyypcsztzclodwpepolccscgqwfgkzacjejejeibzapajajaihkovgtyczmcsssstdprrrrsqndjjjjjkqtdypw", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "found cockroaches bed one closet get rid them someone actually help im terrified cockroaches im go bed two climbing crack bed do im going sleep couch bc im genuinely terrified", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "posted before still aroundi dont know anymore new medication taking feelings away honestly dont even know treatable depression life going nowhere im terrible hate job wife nothing grow apart friends driven away everyone life relationship family feel alone head every day replaying feelings one talk to singular reason killed yet sole provider wife even love point know committed redflag insurance money even enough keep afloat cant afford therapy dont qualify sort assistance boat sinking nowhere turn to", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel bad todays kids wont expirience star wars like did why", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "reflections trip home longon trip back home realized something people want see mask real me one wants see real me parents ask doing mask says fine real thinks redflag weekly sometimes daily basis parents ask going children looking forward grandchildren mask laughs says day maybe real goes wtf hate children even meet someone wont raising child hate them people force talk future joy mask real asks future joy cant see future past next month joy watching friend graduate joy joy sadness seen behind mask nearly enough understand it also saw behind it basically told put mask back on blows plans made later evening supposed last hooray moves across country deserts it story life people ask enjoying new location mask says great loving it real hates wants nothing return previous location friends people ask memorable call new job emergency services dont want memorable call want funniest call memorable call one try forget daily basis mask tells funny antidote guy lamp real tries force sound childs voice head people ask it first time mask real agree something dont know dont know able get bed morning dont know able go work every day dont know able take constant abuse supervisors dont know able go classes masters dont know things possibly biggest mystery still alive thought many times night killing since last september iterations plan adapted changed situation changed well preferences thinking plan weirdly comforting feels like safety hatch pulled point feels comforting know end misery point choosing feels like nice warm blanket parachute wrapped one maybe keeps going thought stuck way out weirdly makes want keep going things get worse always pull trigger allows go sleep night gives courage life gets fucked decision made bail allowed stand boss get fired what drive risky kill car accident sparred grief spurs on also makes miserable still want die still think death much better world would without me life sucks want everything end quickly possible want shit show call life want something different want things get better never seems do hope to expect worse every situation everyone never disappointed tldr reflections recent trip back home still alive yet dont want caring spurs on", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hi partner dv survivor years eroded everything mentally abused mostly throughout sexual elements towards last years shes lovely caring girl world beautiful also easy likes drinks weekends drink brings different girl maybe true girl im sure girl vivid flashbacks pretty harsh shes therapy thats tough going well popping cork anger bottled years", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ive lost everything know else turn days ago everything fine girlfriend years talking getting ready go pick month old son left house come back soon laid took bit nap woke suddenly panic felt soetching wrong tried call her answer tried text answer called parents house told there started franking point know going ok not sitting home still waiting something anything hear knocks door ran upstairs see anyone there asked replied policeand coming them opened door went told charged assualt uttering death threatsand fears babys safety know think say anything understood rights put cell tell place cleaning stuff really believe would thoughtthe night ends finally posting bail walking back home get well stuff babies stuff gonethis blue fine happened allowed contact go near families place tried call multiple times understand could even me little boy lawyer appointment set wednsday want se baby sad still want girlthis girl put hell come im scared scared child know do feel like choice redflag point really want se baby bad know", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "im wellim thinking killing time im severely mentally ill ive lost therapist friends job leave apartment medications working appointment see psychiatrist next wednesday spontaneously wrapped vacuum cleaner cord around throat pulled tight get sensation asphyxiation lot sleeping pills keep thinking downing lot alcohol duct taping mouth shut hoping id pass vomit choke unconscious access gun id shoot head right without hesitation", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "want kill myselfcan escape feeling dont want die want die im probably going die", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "everyone wants live nobody seems care make things worse mejust rant everyone wants live terms give shit make harder actually try want live care add misery im selfish one wanting die whats point nobody acts like even want around mom yelled panic attack every time wake one like make better im supposed keep living even though miserable frankly keep going year now keep going constantly pain nobody acts like even like around point much relief me i want to die im allowed nothing nobody willing make easier whats point", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "done lifeim tired im feeling nothing regret failure depression overall point know find sometime future feel even care id rather move on im scared hurt want to im considering it especially want bring family down thats thought keeping alive right now fear thought fade away love them fucking hate life", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "isnt stupid isnt stupid im afraid tell family important stuff fear teased honestly cant believe it smh ridiculous", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "feel like way outin january attempted od failed things alright little got hospital feel like redflag option dad fight lot starting crying fighting called ungrateful little bitch said stuff could would abort right made want die know abuse feel like burden everyone around me", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good questions class poll wondering make poll class little fun circuit breaker", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "really venting posti live constant need end every day thats want write about ive subscribing lot different subreddits recently found one ive reading snippets reading comments others guess want give collective heartfelt thank everyone subreddit really cool little virtual respite exists uncaring cold void world yeah post follow rules something guess none ever read this", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "frogs would make good shoes", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "update cuttertilldeathso update life going now original post months ago httpwwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentslnoocuttertilldeath first statement ill start saying finally diagnosed major depressive disorder aswell severe anxiety might add update cut past months now used think killing everyday every morning wokeup something bad happened day went bed fell asleep night would pray wakeup morning wanted pain suffering over id gone world people life would move act never there one would care everyones lives would lot easier parents friendsif even call that boyfriend ive multiple attempts aswell planned out left redflag notes ready it well see unfortunately im still alive update weeks ago jumped nd story bedroom window im okay though wanted die get higher left ankles sprained everything else fine depression medication wellbutrin xl working really well love anxiety medication klonopin fucking amazing feel calm piece surroundings get tense anxious racing thoughts great d boyfriend brokeup im really well broke months ago great part is hes still best closest friend emotional attachment anymore were other d communication mother anymore afraid stand upspeak myself assertiveness amp mindfullness key d", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "oopsyesterday ragequit job brink called parents told needed come pick up also handed revolver now morning feel like ive made huge mistake really wish gone it im parents radar bigtime drive back apartment feeling captive life made suicidal asking help made captive powerless ever before god really hope get chance kill himheritthem", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "ok dont hateim im serbia life like dad hates son relly shity guy befor mom disapointed school granperenc died days ago im relly depersed nobady talk sad trayed kill self failed stoped self every time think abaut every day somewon give advice", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "person hurt mei sorry strong enough sorry allowed treated horribly sorry didnt enough brand pills took whatever could find im sorry headache feel im sorry know wont change anything im sorry feel alone im sorry never feel safe im sorry trying wasnt enough sorry never live life deserve", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "using guni got abused many people socially isolated years already wrote lot subreddit met nice people nice people also abusing guess yesterday asked friend could borrow hunting rifle ill receive rifle hours whats best way use it pulling trigger rifle throat put bullet straigt brain", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "kill meyeah thats", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "one best ensemble acted films ive ever seen much plot acting incredible see characters change ever subtly undr influence rented villa italy love happiness film casts mesmerizing spell you much villa women truly enchanted", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "hurricane say palm tree better hold nutsthis ordinary blowjob", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "bruh statistics cram hours worth math videos chapter test currently basically pm test due pm context im college courses also babysit siblings including month old baby brother mention depression anxiety much work dont im overwhelmed yeah constant cycle anyway yeah", - "output": "normal" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "cant fucking another second thisive wanted kill fucking long tried several times thought getting better lmao wasnt im bad ever hate everything life fucking going anywhere seem make mistake mistake fucking rant everyone else lmao fuck dude guess shitty lives huh feel terrible im going friends care honestly im point really barrier anymore last straw finally happened too thats awesome im trans ftm two years still dysphoric mind nothing changed much thats even worst though lol weeks ago drinking friends house got blackout drunk really bad night im pretty sure someone fucked lmao definitely condom anything even though took plan b think fucking worst thing couldve happened happened theres symptoms it everything sore gross morning after bruises over theres scattered memories someone sex me know consent even did even sober enough stand definitely state to got sexually assaulted sex traumatic reminder super dysphoria inducing avoid costs done right mind ive nonstop anxiety attacks last week even period year plus ahahahah apparently im unluckiest fucker alive thats fucking kill myself everything goes wrong im sick im sick forcing get motions top it cant even think put name literally retch dysphoria another panic attack skipped school go cry car today cant fucking man even thinking whats happening right makes want go grab knife get one dads guns hell theres plenty lakes around too hard lol ive wanted excuse long ive known redflag cant take care im state requires parent consent it tell one theyll fucking mad might let get rid theyll literally ruin life afterwards tell them know fuck happened remember consenting it plus physically able this ive got bmi get periods literally testosterone fucking years way apparently was im fucking miserable sex even decision im one stuck consequences thats all cant it life nonstop traumatic events ive got hella mental illnesses want fucking deal anymore care enough future give damn recovery im sorry friends sister know fucking break hearts cant fucking go anything else end here", - "output": "depressed" - }, - { - "instruction": "Find whether the text belongs to depressed or normal?", - "input": "good reason feel like this personality makes difficult reach outmy head mess sure rambling pile garbage never talk anyone problems posting something like extremely uncomfortable me sure rethink decision make post delete havent able find help yet figure anything learned years reddit help area everything sure enough search guys are quick rundown me middle aged married kids successful dont remember feels like happy cant recall last time felt kind joy become really good faking around friends family flip switch head time social act happy make jokes play part make sure sadness leak spoil day anyone else exhausting sometimes work smile keep shit together hours straight im nice guy everyone depends get things done im nice guy everyone looks support advise im nice guy exhausted faking day long sit car breaking point get physically ill throw upthen flip switch time go home pretend everything fine get feeling everyone around jealous family dream wife beautiful kids amazing large home drive nice cars make good living area live in feels like costume covering reality feel like failed oldest child adult know resents me try force involved exhausting try best shield bullshit younger kids also feel like failing cant seem give attention deserve feel like hate it heard talking eachother night crushed little soul left think wife planning leave me told years felt trapped needed independence best support starting new business finally working going well always thought would make things better instead unease festered grown stronger feel it resents tell holding long enough set someplace go leaves me issues past always able flip switch put brave face whatever takes work out trying feel spent keep cracking up almost broke tears birthday party front kids simple dentist visit much almost started bawling making cup coffee after cant keep shit together normal situations hell something big business life sham feel like faking years moment someone going call bullshit seems rock solid everyone assumes kicking ass always razors edge balance feel like family here know quick family turn shut out become damn much want done everything already set everything up plan place put end things shielding friends family much possible wont look like redflag one would ever think did another tragic accident different others happen every day took large life insurance policy established trust children prepared documents attorney handle estate past simply plan place enough keep level anything drastic last month real struggle every single day it spoken wife feeling depressed wants therapy thats another mountain climb dont know energy make happen therapist years ago called set appointment last week refused book me dont recall ended therapy last time around must said done something horrible wont take back punch gut havent able make pick phone call another one quite frankly thought sitting therapists office makes feel ill uneasy dont even know ever helped made better faking everyone elses sake tldr exhausted tired sad want done", - "output": "depressed" - } -] \ No newline at end of file