--- dataset_info: features: - name: repo dtype: string - name: docfile_name dtype: string - name: doc_type dtype: string - name: intent dtype: string - name: license dtype: string - name: path_to_docfile dtype: string - name: relevant_code_files sequence: string - name: relevant_code_dir dtype: string - name: target_text dtype: string - name: relevant_code_context dtype: string splits: - name: test num_bytes: 227163668 num_examples: 216 download_size: 30375843 dataset_size: 227163668 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: test path: data/test-* --- # 🏟️ Long Code Arena (Module Summarization) This is the data for Module Summarization benchmark as part of Long Code Arena provided by Jetbrains Research. ## How-to 1. List all the available configs via [`datasets.get_dataset_config_names`](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/v2.14.3/en/package_reference/loading_methods#datasets.get_dataset_config_names) and choose an appropriate one 3. Load the data via [`load_dataset`](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/v2.14.3/en/package_reference/loading_methods#datasets.load_dataset): ``` from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("JetBrains-Research/lca-module-to-text") ``` ## Datapoint Structure Each example has the following fields: | **Field** | **Description** | |:---------------------------:|:----------------------------------------:| | `repo` | Name of the repository | | `target_text` | Text of the target documentation file) | | `docfile_name` | Name of the file with target documentation | | `intent` | One sentence description of what expected in the documentation | | `license` | License of the target repository | | `relevant_code_files` | Pathes to relevant code files (files that are mentioned in target documentation) | | `relevant_code_dir` | Pathes to relevant code directories (directory that are mentioned in target documentation) | | `path_to_docfile` | Path to file with documentation (path to the documentation file in source repository) | | `relevant_code_context` | Relevant code context collected from relevant code files and directories | Note: you may collect and use your own relevant context. Our context may not be suitable. Folder with zipped repositories can be found in Files and versions ## Licences We extracted repositories with permissive license (we used the most popular permissive licenses~\cite{vendome2017license} --- MIT, Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, and BSD-2-Clause). The data points could be removed upon request