====================JSON RESPONSES==================== identifier received from websocket ed9dfafa-de20-46f7-a7e0-dbc081f29ed4 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 0) Updated content: [0 ] [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 4) Updated content: [0 ] / # Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # init command: 'VIEW' REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+J REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+J', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' WAIT 0.696 REM Random actions==================== REM Random actions==================== WAIT 0.478 REM Random actions==================== Command list: ['WAIT 0.696', 'REM Random actions====================', 'REM Random actions====================', 'WAIT 0.478', 'REM Random actions===================='] Waiting for 0.696000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.478000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+S' TYPE TYPE SPECIAL CTRL+C TYPE yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u: TYPE Command list: ['TYPE', 'TYPE', 'SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'TYPE yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:', 'TYPE'] Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 4) Updated content: [0 ] / # ^C [1 ] / # Updated lines: 0 1 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 24) Updated content: [1 ] / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u: Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u: init command: 'WAIT 0.257' VIEW REM Random actions SPECIAL DOWN SPECIAL F5 VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL DOWN', 'SPECIAL F5', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE }iRy\x0bOYZTUzs[fh' SPECIAL F3 VIEW SPECIAL LEFT VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL F3', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL LEFT', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL TAB' VIEW WAIT 0.730 TYPE *A2\?wz:T VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.730', 'TYPE *A2\\?wz:T', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL F3 SPECIAL TAB TYPE Wr;G%h^ SPECIAL CTRL+D VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL F3', 'SPECIAL TAB', 'TYPE Wr;G%h^', 'SPECIAL CTRL+D', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 24) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u: Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 31) Updated content: [1 ] / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^ Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE >F&Ybu^hzg L-' SPECIAL CTRL+C TYPE Mi]4x a~wG SPECIAL PGUP SPECIAL F11 WAIT 0.379 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'TYPE Mi]4x\ta~wG', 'SPECIAL PGUP', 'SPECIAL F11', 'WAIT 0.379'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 4) Updated content: [1 ] / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^^C [2 ] / # Updated lines: 1 2 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^^C / # Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 9) Updated content: [2 ] / # Mi]4x Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^^C / # Mi]4x ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 13) Updated content: [2 ] / # Mi]4xa~wG Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^^C / # Mi]4xa~wG Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.379000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE \r' TYPE PJx=1 Cj<,d/*X WAIT 0.848 TYPE q`u:cvH k@1rZ!n~+\ TYPE HaKr<]cjyz VIEW Command list: ['TYPE PJx=1\nCj<,d/*X', 'WAIT 0.848', 'TYPE q`u:cvH\x0ck@1rZ!n~+\\\x0b', 'TYPE HaKr<]cjyz', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.848000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 0) Updated content: [2 ] / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1 Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^^C / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 12) Updated content: [3 ] /bin/sh: Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1: not found [4 ] / # Cj<,d/*X Updated lines: 3 4 Fullscreen: / # ^C / # yt${bDeIhGNA1 7_a+u:Wr;G%h^^C / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1 /bin/sh: Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1: not found / # Cj<,d/*X Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 29) Updated content: [0 ] / # Cj<,d/*Xq`u:cvHk@1rZ!n~+\ [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # Cj<,d/*Xq`u:cvHk@1rZ!n~+\ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 39) Updated content: [0 ] / # Cj<,d/*Xq`u:cvHk@1rZ!n~+\HaKr<]cjyz Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # Cj<,d/*Xq`u:cvHk@1rZ!n~+\HaKr<]cjyz Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.882' VIEW TYPE OA8' ,nXZ09? |r#u WAIT 0.626 VIEW VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', "TYPE OA8'\t,nXZ09?\r\x0c|r#u", 'WAIT 0.626', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+B' REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+Z SPECIAL CTRL+X VIEW VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+Z', 'SPECIAL CTRL+X', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.4 seconds WAIT 0.602 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.4 seconds', 'WAIT 0.602'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+F' SPECIAL UP REM Random actions TYPE B SPECIAL ENTER VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL UP', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE B', 'SPECIAL ENTER', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 18) Updated content: [0 ] / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1 [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 19) Updated content: [0 ] / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 0) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 4) Updated content: [1 ] /bin/sh: Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B: not found [2 ] / # Updated lines: 1 2 Fullscreen: / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B /bin/sh: Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B: not found / # Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL META+UP' REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions TYPE m Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE m'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE 6/sT~ rl`D,]*x SPECIAL CTRL+S REM Random actions VIEW TYPE c Command list: ['TYPE 6/sT~\x0crl`D,]*x', 'SPECIAL CTRL+S', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE c'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 5) Updated content: [2 ] / # m Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B /bin/sh: Mi]4xa~wGPJx=1B: not found / # m Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 18) Updated content: [0 ] / # m6/sT~rl`D,]*x [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # m6/sT~rl`D,]*x Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions==================== REM Random actions==================== SPECIAL CTRL+L REM Random actions==================== REM Random actions==================== Command list: ['REM Random actions====================', 'REM Random actions====================', 'SPECIAL CTRL+L', 'REM Random actions====================', 'REM Random actions===================='] Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions==================== Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+3' TYPE ua SPECIAL CTRL+13 SPECIAL CTRL+15 SPECIAL CTRL+18 SPECIAL CTRL+12 Command list: ['TYPE ua', 'SPECIAL CTRL+13', 'SPECIAL CTRL+15', 'SPECIAL CTRL+18', 'SPECIAL CTRL+12'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+13 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+15 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+18 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+12 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: "TYPE 1Kd4YCSTo'!\x0c\x0b-@b5" REM Random actions WAIT 0.866 REM Random actions WAIT 0.971 REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.866', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.971', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.866000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.971000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL RIGHT' REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL F9 VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F9', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+5' SPECIAL CTRL+2 WAIT 0.567 SPECIAL CTRL+8 SPECIAL CTRL+1 SPECIAL CTRL+6 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+2', 'WAIT 0.567', 'SPECIAL CTRL+8', 'SPECIAL CTRL+1', 'SPECIAL CTRL+6'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.567000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL END WAIT 0.294 TYPE t VIEW SPECIAL F1 Command list: ['SPECIAL END', 'WAIT 0.294', 'TYPE t', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F1'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.294000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL RIGHT VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+6 VIEW VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL RIGHT', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+6', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE f;vksa_\\zVZCeM' TYPE ,Y" EN TYPE M>hGy5 ?Y* TYPE r47 ,.[uTlA !hQC WAIT 0.629 REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE \x0c,Y" EN\t', 'TYPE M>hGy5\r?Y*\t', 'TYPE r47\r,.[uTlA\x0c\x0b!hQC', 'WAIT 0.629', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.629000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE 31Ql VIEW VIEW VIEW TYPE (zS25jP':KeOTI8 Command list: ['TYPE 31Ql', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', "TYPE (zS25jP':KeOTI8 "] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+C VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE N|YEw_}3T+(Q&\x0cl/ ' TYPE r}'? A0g)X5buimt WAIT 0.190 WAIT 0.153 WAIT 0.109 VIEW Command list: ["TYPE r}'?\x0bA0g)X5buimt", 'WAIT 0.190', 'WAIT 0.153', 'WAIT 0.109', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.190000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.153000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.109000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ] xZVR/Ceq4uwvo,LN\t' TYPE @D TYPE .yG=W8U REM Random actions REM Random actions TYPE c}+bu:9e^ Command list: ['TYPE @D', 'TYPE .yG=W8U ', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE c}+bu:9e^'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+M' TYPE N vt VIEW WAIT 0.898 WAIT 0.900 REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE N\x0cvt', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.898', 'WAIT 0.900', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE [\x0cVy\x0bc+\\\r' VIEW WAIT 0.510 SPECIAL RIGHT VIEW VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.510', 'SPECIAL RIGHT', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL RIGHT' REM Random actions SPECIAL FQ SPECIAL FQ SPECIAL SPECIAL FQ Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL FQ', 'SPECIAL FQ', 'SPECIAL ', 'SPECIAL FQ'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL FQ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL FQ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL FQ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.302' REM Random actions TYPE TW REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'TYPE TW', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.829' REM Random actions REM Random actions WAIT 0.771 WAIT 0.951 REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.771', 'WAIT 0.951', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.771000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.951000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE \tT\x0c>kN' TYPE D4qH(,X" j REM Random actions VIEW VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+2 Command list: ['TYPE D4qH(,X"\x0bj', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+2'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW WAIT 0.944 REM Random actions REM Random actions WAIT 0.557 Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.944', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.557'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.160' REM Random actions WAIT 0.741 VIEW WAIT 0.749 SPECIAL CTRL+3 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.741', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.749', 'SPECIAL CTRL+3'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.741000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.656' REM Random actions WAIT 0.405 VIEW REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.405', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.405000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' TYPE "L W{ TYPE Z 94gBWo(k.?w REM Random actions REM Random actions WAIT 0.220 Command list: ['TYPE "L\x0bW{', 'TYPE Z\t94gBWo(k.?w', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.220'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.220000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+R' WAIT 0.513 TYPE p-=\BLS }$+ WAIT 0.726 REM Random actions WAIT 0.694 Command list: ['WAIT 0.513', 'TYPE p-=\\BLS\n}$+ ', 'WAIT 0.726', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.694'] Waiting for 0.513000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.726000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.694000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+V' SPECIAL DOWN SPECIAL CTRL+9 REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.887 Command list: ['SPECIAL DOWN', 'SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.887'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE #b-[Yq$08_ TYPE c1}OC$R SPECIAL F7 SPECIAL CTRL+W SPECIAL INS Command list: ['TYPE #b-[Yq$08_', 'TYPE c1}OC$R', 'SPECIAL F7', 'SPECIAL CTRL+W', 'SPECIAL INS'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+N' TYPE [; REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL META+DOWN TYPE # Command list: ['TYPE [;', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL META+DOWN', 'TYPE #'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL DEL' SPECIAL DEL SPECIAL DEL SPECIAL DEL REM Random actions SPECIAL DEL Command list: ['SPECIAL DEL', 'SPECIAL DEL', 'SPECIAL DEL', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL DEL'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE |\'70%A?5"l{(w<\x0cXv4' VIEW TYPE qQu!&$ REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+4 TYPE 9*[ ;M"GBT Command list: ['VIEW', 'TYPE qQu!&$', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+4', 'TYPE 9*[\t \x0b;M"GBT'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' SPECIAL CTRL+0 REM Random actions TYPE W REM Random actions REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+0', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE W', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL F10' SPECIAL F10 TYPE ~]yh d 9!{ SPECIAL F10 SPECIAL CTRL+9 WAIT 0.928 Command list: ['SPECIAL F10', 'TYPE ~]yh\nd\x0c9!{', 'SPECIAL F10', 'SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'WAIT 0.928'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.928000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.787' VIEW WAIT 0.770 TYPE }7.CTpDWj+bH5 YwAn - VIEW SPECIAL F3 Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.770', 'TYPE }7.CTpDWj+bH5\nYwAn\x0b-', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F3'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' TYPE XB_Wc {~ WAIT 0.689 VIEW TYPE Dye VIEW Command list: ['TYPE XB_Wc\n{~', 'WAIT 0.689', 'VIEW', 'TYPE \nDye ', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.689000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' TYPE ]o\tu0fyQ%Pg>#1G&Mv TYPE DRizl&L]$6Yrm REM Random actions WAIT 0.999 SPECIAL CTRL+T Command list: ['TYPE ]o\\tu0fyQ%Pg>#1G&Mv', 'TYPE DRizl&L]$6Yrm', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.999', 'SPECIAL CTRL+T'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.999000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE \rV7C' VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+F REM Random actions WAIT 0.615 VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+F', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.615', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions WAIT 0.217 SPECIAL CTRL+U VIEW VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.217', 'SPECIAL CTRL+U', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.217000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL INS' SPECIAL SHIT TYPE |9: *_ ZdJ SPECIAL CTRL+6 WAIT 0.835 SPECIAL VF3 Command list: ['SPECIAL SHIT', 'TYPE |9:\t*_\x0cZdJ', 'SPECIAL CTRL+6', 'WAIT 0.835', 'SPECIAL VF3'] Chat: SPECIAL SHIT Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.835000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL VF3 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' SPECIAL SPACE SPECIAL SPACE REM Random actions VIEW TYPE N! 93*`Qbw MU Command list: ['SPECIAL SPACE', 'SPECIAL SPACE', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE N!\r93*`Qbw\tMU'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE .!hs=B~;\x0cMqJ i`V@w' TYPE gH;& TW}av0 REM Random actions TYPE |ZKMhP+dv[ VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE gH;&\tTW}av0\t', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE |ZKMhP+dv[', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE @mQX ' REM Random actions WAIT 0.656 WAIT 0.174 WAIT 0.507 TYPE @ /r Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.656', 'WAIT 0.174', 'WAIT 0.507', 'TYPE @\r/r'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.656000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.174000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.507000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE D^[k' VIEW WAIT 0.198 VIEW TYPE X1& UF[` \BT*= VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.198', 'VIEW', 'TYPE X1&\rUF[`\n\\BT*=', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+T' WAIT 0.378 TYPE F TYPE ]+D VIEW TYPE T Command list: ['WAIT 0.378', 'TYPE F', 'TYPE ]+D', 'VIEW', 'TYPE T'] Waiting for 0.378000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.831' VIEW REM Random actions VIEW TYPE : $8~b&< REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE :\x0c$8~b&<\x0b', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE =gzDie3"FR9ufd;0?M' WAIT 0.832 SPECIAL CTRL+T TYPE p =3re TYPE Sis <: x6qR=~k z/93 WAIT 0.229 REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['TYPE h];O|Ew)ku\t/>3re', 'TYPE \nSis\t<:\x0bx6qR=~k\rz/93', 'WAIT 0.229', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.229000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' VIEW REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+P VIEW WAIT 0.451 Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+P', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.451'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE y!^P hw TYPE },!mYVqEI dpC)'8SxP? WAIT 0.538 VIEW VIEW Command list: ['TYPE j>y!^P\rhw\n', "TYPE },!mYVqEI dpC)'8SxP?", 'WAIT 0.538', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.538000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' TYPE Y 1='oAB8ri;%Sl{e] VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+I VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ["TYPE Y\x0b\x0c1='oAB8ri;%Sl{e]", 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+I', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL CTRL+C SPECIAL DOWN TYPE < VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+3 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'SPECIAL DOWN', 'TYPE <', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+3'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+L' VIEW TYPE < A$j?."d M (y REM Random actions VIEW TYPE X7yz&6q+ #i Command list: ['VIEW', 'TYPE < A$j?."d\x0c\x0bM\r(y', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE X7yz&6q+\x0b#i\r'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.538' VIEW TYPE Zo5E .ijwu(H d VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+8 TYPE 2I Command list: ['VIEW', 'TYPE Zo5E .ijwu(H\x0bd', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+8', 'TYPE 2I'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.620' VIEW WAIT 0.918 WAIT 0.257 VIEW TYPE q6V>?p !rs|,8Xc@WIz Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.918', 'WAIT 0.257', 'VIEW', 'TYPE q6V>?p\t!rs|,8Xc@WIz'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+M' SPECIAL CTRL+7 SPECIAL CTRL+B REM Random actions WAIT 0.846 TYPE a^W5Un h* qX Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+7', 'SPECIAL CTRL+B', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.846', 'TYPE a^W5Un\rh*\tqX'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.846000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+4' SPECIAL F1 REM Random actions TYPE c!p,?529v $B| \_ SPECIAL CTRL+3 TYPE % G Ykl*B3d78M,n Command list: ['SPECIAL F1', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE c!p,?529v\x0c$B|\x0b\\_', 'SPECIAL CTRL+3', 'TYPE % G Ykl*B3d78M,n'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+Y' SPECIAL CTRL+4 REM Random actions WAIT 0.8% TYPE ,^' WAIT 0.321 REM Random actions REM Random actions TYPE bu,gle`)" Command list: ['TYPE ud\nJy9Ih"8OKi p>\'', 'WAIT 0.321', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE bu,gle`)"'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.321000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.899' TYPE: total TYPE: list TYPE: number TYPE: list VIEW Command list: ['TYPE: total', 'TYPE: list', 'TYPE: number', 'TYPE: list', 'VIEW'] Chat: TYPE: total Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE: list Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE: number Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE: list Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW REM Random actions VIEW TYPE 1*StR5$ VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE 1*StR5$', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.124' TYPE ~"!}Xn/ ;W0K lf VIEW WAIT 0.588 TYPE Zw REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE ~"!}Xn/\x0c;W0K\x0clf', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.588', 'TYPE Zw', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.745 TYPE /o1Sd~@X.$r7y>%; x TYPE %tSPH F.+l ':v6x_Vk Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.745', 'TYPE /o1Sd~@X.$r7y>%;\tx', "TYPE %tSPH\rF.+l\x0b':v6x_Vk"] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL F5' SPECIAL CTRL+7 SPECIAL YELLOW: 0 TYPE M: Y TYPE x0;BH= SPECIAL F10 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+7', 'SPECIAL YELLOW: 0', 'TYPE M: Y', 'TYPE x0;BH=', 'SPECIAL F10'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL YELLOW: 0 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'VIEW' WAIT 0.777 SPECIAL CTRL+T VIEW REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+4 Command list: ['WAIT 0.777', 'SPECIAL CTRL+T', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+4'] Waiting for 0.777000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE G_I`YHs\rRa' TYPE =i 19A:h.0`T'Z TYPE l94LZz@|pWH WAIT 0.459 SPECIAL END WAIT 0.644 Command list: ["TYPE =i\n19A:h.0`T'Z", 'TYPE l94LZz@|pWH', 'WAIT 0.459', 'SPECIAL END', 'WAIT 0.644'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.459000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.644000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'VIEW' TYPE +\}*u0Cs7`&w8 VZz,1 WAIT 0.576 TYPE 6 k- a VIEW TYPE = p5n4$|Q9R'L& Command list: ['TYPE +\\}*u0Cs7`&w8\rVZz,1', 'WAIT 0.576', 'TYPE 6 k-\x0ba', 'VIEW', "TYPE =\np5n4$|Q9R'L&"] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.576000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL BACKSPACE' WAIT 0.964 TYPE !4K"Ea%z&P gRX/ VIEW / RESULTS VIEW / RESULTS WAIT 0.514 Command list: ['WAIT 0.964', 'TYPE !4K"Ea%z&P\x0bgRX/\x0b', 'VIEW / RESULTS', 'VIEW / RESULTS', 'WAIT 0.514'] Waiting for 0.964000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: VIEW / RESULTS Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: VIEW / RESULTS Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.514000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE >8Z!]x<6W\\i' SPECIAL F10 TYPE `#^' WAIT 0.282 WAIT 0.543 REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL F10', "TYPE `#^'", 'WAIT 0.282', 'WAIT 0.543', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.282000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.543000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.746' TYPE "9n SPECIAL F3 SPECIAL END VIEW WAIT 0.118 Command list: ['TYPE "9n', 'SPECIAL F3', 'SPECIAL END', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.118'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE [3 ~_Qq^\\i' VIEW TYPE +k763 aV SPECIAL CTRL+C SPECIAL F7 SPECIAL CTRL+8 Command list: ['VIEW', 'TYPE +k763\naV', 'SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'SPECIAL F7', 'SPECIAL CTRL+8'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE "