====================JSON RESPONSES==================== identifier received from websocket 0b8422a2-3273-4615-9711-914a075b42e2 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 0) Updated content: [0 ] [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+B' SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL DEL Command list: ['SPECIAL', 'SPECIAL', 'SPECIAL', 'SPECIAL', 'SPECIAL DEL'] Chat: SPECIAL Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL F9' WAIT 0.713 SPECIAL CTRL+L REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+7 TYPE avMHOCI =| Command list: ['WAIT 0.713', 'SPECIAL CTRL+L', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+7', 'TYPE avMHOCI\t=|'] Waiting for 0.713000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 5) Updated content: [0 ] ^[[3~ Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: ^[[3~ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 7) Updated content: [0 ] ^[[3~^L Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: ^[[3~^L Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 9) Updated content: [0 ] ^[[3~^L^_ Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: ^[[3~^L^_ init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+2' VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+ SPECIAL CTRL+19 SPECIAL CTRL+11 SPECIAL CTRL+14 Command list: ['VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+', 'SPECIAL CTRL+19', 'SPECIAL CTRL+11', 'SPECIAL CTRL+14'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 26) Updated content: [0 ] ^[[3~^L^_avMHOCI =| Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: ^[[3~^L^_avMHOCI =| ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 13) Updated content: [0 ] / # avMHOCI=| [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # avMHOCI=| Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE JKQO4}EWMP|"w\tc' WAIT 0.410 REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+5 TYPE xU:c'7C ^ WAIT 0.507 Command list: ['WAIT 0.410', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+5', "TYPE xU:c'7C\x0c^", 'WAIT 0.507'] Waiting for 0.410000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.507000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 21) Updated content: [0 ] / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^ [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE \x0b (Z:{D&\\I' TYPE ;7O:rcqG`&@ REM Random actions WAIT 0.727 VIEW WAIT 0.591 Command list: ['TYPE ;7O:rcqG`&@', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.727', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.591'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 32) Updated content: [0 ] / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@ Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@ Waiting for 0.727000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.295' WAIT 0.777 VIEW VIEW VIEW TYPE m Command list: ['WAIT 0.777', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE m'] Waiting for 0.777000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.706' TYPE 8+'w$y{e TYPE S_6-oJ} D% VIEW WAIT 0.866 TYPE )[| Command list: ["TYPE 8+'w$y{e ", 'TYPE S_6-oJ}\tD%\r', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.866', 'TYPE )[|'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+'w$y{e Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+'w$y{e Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 48) Updated content: [0 ] / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+'w$y{e S_6-oJ} Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+'w$y{e S_6-oJ} ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 4) Updated content: [0 ] / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+'w$y{e S_6-oJ}D% [1 ] /bin/sh: xU:c7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+w{e: not found [2 ] / # Updated lines: 0 1 2 Fullscreen: / # avMHOCI=|xU:c'7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+'w$y{e S_6-oJ}D% /bin/sh: xU:c7C^;7O:rcqG`&@8+w{e: not found / # Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL F10 SPECIAL F6 WAIT 0.856 WAIT 0.211 SPECIAL F1 Command list: ['SPECIAL F10', 'SPECIAL F6', 'WAIT 0.856', 'WAIT 0.211', 'SPECIAL F1'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.856000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.211000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.624' SPECIAL EXG VIEW SPECIAL EXF5 TYPE F[BHA:af SPECIAL CTRL+X Command list: ['SPECIAL EXG', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL EXF5', 'TYPE F[BHA:af', 'SPECIAL CTRL+X'] Chat: SPECIAL EXG Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL F11' SPECIAL CTRL+5 SPECIAL HOME VIEW WAIT 0.271 VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+5', 'SPECIAL HOME', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.271', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE g6o\x0b?Sjm\:pU SH?^ WAIT 0.341 SPECIAL RIGHT Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.940', 'TYPE >m\\:pU\x0cSH?^', 'WAIT 0.341', 'SPECIAL RIGHT'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.940000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.341000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 14) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'VIEW' TYPE to]s( E'`)w|3J VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.880 VIEW Command list: ["TYPE to]s(\x0bE'`)w|3J", 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.880', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 28) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3J [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3J Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.169' TYPE t^8~/h|B_nD+W REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.570 VIEW Command list: ['TYPE \x0bt^8~/h|B_nD+W', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.570', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE 5\tB' VIEW REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL F3' SPECIAL F21 SPECIAL F16 SPECIAL F11 VIEW SPECIAL F12 Command list: ['SPECIAL F21', 'SPECIAL F16', 'SPECIAL F11', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F12'] Chat: SPECIAL F21 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL F16 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.291' SPECIAL CTRL+9 VIEW VIEW TYPE !4as TZ <>g19 TYPE *< 27kz Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE !4as\rTZ\t<>g19', 'TYPE \r*<\x0b27kz'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 42) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9 Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9 Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.126' REM Random actions WAIT 0.216 REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.927 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.216', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.927'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.216000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE Khbt9p"O' SPECIAL BACKSPACE VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+C VIEW SPECIAL F9 Command list: ['SPECIAL BACKSPACE', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F9'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ,|*=Nt' SPECIAL META+UP WAIT 0.547 REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+9 VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL META+UP', 'WAIT 0.547', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.547000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 42) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9 Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9 Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+J' WAIT 0.738 WAIT 0.725 VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+1 SPECIAL CTRL+C Command list: ['WAIT 0.738', 'WAIT 0.725', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+1', 'SPECIAL CTRL+C'] Waiting for 0.738000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.725000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW TYPE =7WHo b8%#&5NUMC REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'TYPE =7WHo\x0b\x0cb8%#&5NUMC', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' SPECIAL F9 TYPE -1?$HEko^w2,+ {U VIEW SPECIAL F6 TYPE 4 S^? {>oU`~ Tb$ Command list: ['SPECIAL F9', 'TYPE -1?$HEko^w2,+\x0c{U ', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F6', 'TYPE \x0b4\rS^?\x0c{>oU`~\tTb$'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 58) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE \tJ\rF_\\O |,\x0bI?V5rAk' WAIT 0.153 SPECIAL F4 WAIT 0.384 REM Random actions TYPE ) 5F*qYkoGR Command list: ['WAIT 0.153', 'SPECIAL F4', 'WAIT 0.384', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE )\r5F*qYkoGR'] Waiting for 0.153000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.384000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL CTRL+N TYPE vkt$i] WAIT 0.553 TYPE 2 a WAIT 0.668 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+N', 'TYPE vkt$i]', 'WAIT 0.553', 'TYPE 2\ra', 'WAIT 0.668'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 0) Updated content: [0 ] / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 13) Updated content: [1 ] /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" [2 ] / # 5F*qYkoGR Updated lines: 1 2 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGR Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 13) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGR Waiting for 0.553000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 19) Updated content: [2 ] / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i] Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.668000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 0) Updated content: [2 ] / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 5) Updated content: [3 ] /bin/sh: 5F*qYkoGRvkt]2: not found [4 ] / # a Updated lines: 3 4 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 /bin/sh: 5F*qYkoGRvkt]2: not found / # a Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL DEL WAIT 0.824 TYPE sN0L*m4 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL DEL', 'WAIT 0.824', 'TYPE sN0L*m4'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.391' SPECIAL CTRL+B SPECIAL F10 WAIT 0.922 WAIT 0.879 TYPE .X~>qNP@ Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+B', 'SPECIAL F10', 'WAIT 0.922', 'WAIT 0.879', 'TYPE .X~>qNP@'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 4) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 /bin/sh: 5F*qYkoGRvkt]2: not found / # a Waiting for 0.922000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.879000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.187' SPECIAL CTRL+K WAIT 0.451 WAIT 0.2258 WAIT 0.82221 WAIT 0.9127 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+K', 'WAIT 0.451', 'WAIT 0.2258', 'WAIT 0.82221', 'WAIT 0.9127'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 12) Updated content: [4 ] / # .X~>qNP@a Updated lines: 4 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 /bin/sh: 5F*qYkoGRvkt]2: not found / # .X~>qNP@a Waiting for 0.451000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 12) Updated content: [4 ] / # .X~>qNP@ [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 /bin/sh: 5F*qYkoGRvkt]2: not found / # .X~>qNP@ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.225800 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.822210 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.912700 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE !IEbo]L-N' REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.399 VIEW WAIT 0.947 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.399', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.947'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ^u L:h%' WAIT 0.856 SPECIAL F4 TYPE ywM-9[x "vQ1`Gbd REM Random actions WAIT 0.917 Command list: ['WAIT 0.856', 'SPECIAL F4', 'TYPE ywM-9[x\x0b"vQ1`Gbd', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.917'] Waiting for 0.856000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 27) Updated content: [4 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # >m\:pUSH?^ to]s(E'`)w|3Jt^8~/h|B_nD+W9-1?$HEko^w2,+{U ) /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "(" / # 5F*qYkoGRvkt$i]2 /bin/sh: 5F*qYkoGRvkt]2: not found / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd Waiting for 0.917000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.524' VIEW VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+J SPECIAL ENTER TYPE }]3>B v Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+J', 'SPECIAL ENTER', 'TYPE }]3>B\rv'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL DOWN' TYPE [cZi}bH %#rJ~ ? SPECIAL CTRL+E REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+L REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE [cZi}bH %#rJ~\x0c?\t\x0b', 'SPECIAL CTRL+E', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+L', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? init command: 'WAIT 0.118' VIEW VIEW TYPE {p @! |Lx%9i REM Random actions WAIT 0.601 Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE {p @!\n|Lx%9i', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.601'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ,N6Y?p]3' WAIT 0.794 SPECIAL F8 SPECIAL CTRL+L SPECIAL META+DOWN REM Random actions Command list: ['WAIT 0.794', 'SPECIAL F8', 'SPECIAL CTRL+L', 'SPECIAL META+DOWN', 'REM Random actions'] Waiting for 0.794000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: [0 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 41) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~? init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE zEva/m# VIEW VIEW TYPE ^b-us X SPECIAL SPACE Command list: ['TYPE zEva/m#', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE \r^b-us\x0cX', 'SPECIAL SPACE'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 48) Updated content: [0 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m# Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m# Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL CTRL+X WAIT 0.339 SPECIAL PGUP TYPE {$sjG2Cr7 pIyvP D REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+X', 'WAIT 0.339', 'SPECIAL PGUP', 'TYPE {$sjG2Cr7\tpIyvP D', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.339000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 64) Updated content: [0 ] / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+3' SPECIAL CTRL+17 SPECIAL CTRL+18 SPECIAL CTRL+14 TYPE qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP DqNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D (g8~uY976= Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D (g8~uY976= init command: 'TYPE ky9!$ixZ' TYPE UaJR3]wxi_4Lf X[VQ.v WAIT 0.573 TYPE (x REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['TYPE UaJR3]wxi_4Lf\x0bX[VQ.v', 'WAIT 0.573', 'TYPE \t(x', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.573000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 31) Updated content: [1 ] > (g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D (g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 33) Updated content: [1 ] > (g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v(x Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D (g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v(x Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' WAIT 0.345 SPECIAL CTRL+E SPECIAL CTRL+6 WAIT 0.237 VIEW Command list: ['WAIT 0.345', 'SPECIAL CTRL+E', 'SPECIAL CTRL+6', 'WAIT 0.237', 'VIEW'] Waiting for 0.345000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.237000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ' SPECIAL CTRL+B REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+9 WAIT 0.158 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+B', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'WAIT 0.158'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 32) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D (g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v(x Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.711' VIEW REM Random actions VIEW TYPE *J71',D4z VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', "TYPE *J71',D4z\r", 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE \x0bKf[SHy\x0b!w,}"' WAIT 0.670 SPECIAL PGUP SPECIAL HOME REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['WAIT 0.670', 'SPECIAL PGUP', 'SPECIAL HOME', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Waiting for 0.670000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 2) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D (g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v(x Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.668 VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+X Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.668', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+X'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ,}4.\x0c@^Yd\tF' REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+0 WAIT 0.909 TYPE + wl6b4@5IUvL1d TYPE W^Ei{dI2A~o]1yM Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+0', 'WAIT 0.909', 'TYPE +\x0bwl6b4@5IUvL1d', 'TYPE W^Ei{dI2A~o]1yM\x0b'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.909000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 3) Updated content: [1 ] > 0(g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v(x Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D 0(g8~uY976=UaJR3]wxi_4LfX[VQ.v(x Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 17) Updated content: [1 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1d [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1d init command: 'SPECIAL META+UP' WAIT 0.649 SPECIAL MESSAGES REM Random actions SPECIAL MESSAGES SPECIAL MESSAGES Command list: ['WAIT 0.649', 'SPECIAL MESSAGES', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL MESSAGES', 'SPECIAL MESSAGES'] Waiting for 0.649000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 32) Updated content: [1 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yM [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yM Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL MESSAGES Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL MESSAGES Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL MESSAGES Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+N' VIEW WAIT 0.848 WAIT 0.153 VIEW WAIT 0.397 Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.848', 'WAIT 0.153', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.397'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.990' VIEW WAIT 0.891 WAIT 0.489 WAIT 0.263 TYPE 6FX`ND foOPWj J; Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.891', 'WAIT 0.489', 'WAIT 0.263', 'TYPE 6FX`ND\tfoOPWj\x0c\x0cJ;'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+U' REM Random actions WAIT 0.215 SPECIAL F11 WAIT 0.118 WAIT 0.829 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.215', 'SPECIAL F11', 'WAIT 0.118', 'WAIT 0.829'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.215000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.118000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.829000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+X' TYPE OrYfnlA|M REM Random actions WAIT 0.485 WAIT 0.335 REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE OrYfnlA|M', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.485', 'WAIT 0.335', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 41) Updated content: [1 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M Waiting for 0.485000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.335000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE :[!' WAIT 0.475 REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+S SPECIAL CTRL+Q SPECIAL F3 Command list: ['WAIT 0.475', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+S', 'SPECIAL CTRL+Q', 'SPECIAL F3'] Waiting for 0.475000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE {O' VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.468 REM Random actions WAIT 0.540 Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.468', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.540'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE 3$&e~mu |-b@ SPECIAL CTRL+O VIEW WAIT 0.393 REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE 3$&e~mu\x0b|-b@', 'SPECIAL CTRL+O', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.393', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 52) Updated content: [1 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@ [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE YOUWn)R!(Foq*kwS' TYPE v9)Y] # REM Random actions TYPE qu/l 6)Ei -[ WAIT 0.889 WAIT 0.233 Command list: ['TYPE v9)Y] #', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE qu/l\x0c6)Ei\t-[\t', 'WAIT 0.889', 'WAIT 0.233'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 59) Updated content: [1 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] # Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # .X~>qNP@ywM-9[x"vQ1`Gbd[cZi}bH %#rJ~?zEva/m#{$sjG2Cr7pIyvP D 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] # Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.889000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 67) Updated content: [0 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 69) Updated content: [0 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-[ Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-[ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.233000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+B' WAIT 0.532 SPECIAL CTRL+F SPECIAL CTRL+H REM Random actions TYPE Y0gCB,A Command list: ['WAIT 0.532', 'SPECIAL CTRL+F', 'SPECIAL CTRL+H', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE Y0gCB,A'] Waiting for 0.532000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 68) Updated content: [0 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei- [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei- Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL BACKSPACE' REM Random Characters REM Random Characters REM Random Characters TYPE F[)iX_^V{/ REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random Characters', 'REM Random Characters', 'REM Random Characters', 'TYPE F[)iX_^V{/', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random Characters Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 75) Updated content: [0 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-Y0gCB,A Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-Y0gCB,A Reminder: Random Characters Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random Characters Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 5) Updated content: [0 ] > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-Y0gCB,AF[)iX [1 ] _^V{/ Updated lines: 0 1 Fullscreen: > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-Y0gCB,AF[)iX _^V{/ init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL RIGHT SPECIAL CTRL+3 SPECIAL CTRL+B VIEW TYPE 6\_n)`N2G!"8x B Command list: ['SPECIAL RIGHT', 'SPECIAL CTRL+3', 'SPECIAL CTRL+B', 'VIEW', 'TYPE 6\\_n)`N2G!"8x\nB'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 4) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: > 0+wl6b4@5IUvL1dW^Ei{dI2A~o]1yMOrYfnlA|M3$&e~mu|-b@v9)Y] #qu/l6)Ei-Y0gCB,AF[)iX _^V{/ Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' SPECIAL CTRL+U WAIT 0.489 TYPE ]ByiA{-a VIEW SPECIAL PGUP Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+U', 'WAIT 0.489', 'TYPE ]ByiA{-a', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL PGUP'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.489000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 2) Updated content: [0 ] > / [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > / Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 10) Updated content: [0 ] > ]ByiA{-a/ Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: > ]ByiA{-a/ Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' VIEW REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+9 TYPE g TYPE 4b[1 ,B*5qMY#Z!Q De Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'TYPE g', 'TYPE \r4b[1\x0c,B*5qMY#Z!Q\x0cDe'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE l; 8' TYPE J!B SPECIAL F12 REM Random actions WAIT 0.520 VIEW Command list: ['TYPE J!B', 'SPECIAL F12', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.520', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 13) Updated content: [0 ] > ]ByiA{-aJ!B/ Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: > ]ByiA{-aJ!B/ Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.520000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.550' VIEW REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL META+UP REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL META+UP', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' WAIT 0.542 VIEW TYPE \Uh V{?9dW (/A|" TYPE )ThJRQ n3"*L!>\# TYPE F ]r Gc6/ Command list: ['WAIT 0.542', 'VIEW', 'TYPE \\Uh V{?9dW\r(/A|"', 'TYPE )ThJRQ\x0cn3"*L!>\\#', 'TYPE F\x0b\x0b]r Gc6/'] Waiting for 0.542000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.238' VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+S VIEW TYPE frAK=X`(Von SPECIAL CTRL+7 Command list: ['VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+S', 'VIEW', 'TYPE \x0b\rfrAK=X`(Von', 'SPECIAL CTRL+7'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.361' REM Random actions WAIT 0.831 SPECIAL CTRL+6 SPECIAL CTRL+T WAIT 0.675 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.831', 'SPECIAL CTRL+6', 'SPECIAL CTRL+T', 'WAIT 0.675'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.831000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.675000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+D TYPE {1 iZ>KrBng fW(+ TYPE T%.zL!,#aB(KKrBng\x0cfW(+', 'TYPE T%.zL!,#aB(K ]ByiA{-aJ!B [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > ]ByiA{-aJ!B Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 0) Updated content: [0 ] > ]ByiA{-aJ!B{1 Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: > ]ByiA{-aJ!B{1 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 14) Updated content: [0 ] > iZ>KrBngfW(+ [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > iZ>KrBngfW(+ Waiting for 0.416000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 32) Updated content: [0 ] > iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K Ia!5p Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: > iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K Ia!5p Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 23) Updated content: [1 ] > Ia!5p Ddw6[!yYz"v~9:L Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: > iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K Ia!5p Ddw6[!yYz"v~9:L init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW VIEW REM Random actions REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.355' VIEW SPECIAL F4 WAIT 0.439 SPECIAL CTRL+5 REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'SPECIAL F4', 'WAIT 0.439', 'SPECIAL CTRL+5', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE s(' VIEW VIEW WAIT 0.453 WAIT 0.910 TYPE q iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: > iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.391000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'TYPE \t' VIEW VIEW WAIT 0.702 VIEW WAIT 0.371 Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.702', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.371'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.838' TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE VIEW Command list: ['TYPE', 'TYPE', 'TYPE', 'TYPE', 'VIEW'] Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: TYPE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'SPECIAL CTRL+2' VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.809 SPECIAL UP REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.809', 'SPECIAL UP', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.521' SPECIAL CTRL+U REM Random actions TYPE eP|r&2 WAIT 0.208 SPECIAL ENTER Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+U', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE eP|r&2', 'WAIT 0.208', 'SPECIAL ENTER'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.208000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 8) Updated content: [2 ] > eP|r&2 Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: > iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K eP|r&2 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions WAIT 0.957 TYPE [V+:K7 ~0G SPECIAL CTRL+D REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.957', 'TYPE \t[V+:K7\x0c~0G', 'SPECIAL CTRL+D', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 2) Updated content: [3 ] > Updated lines: 3 Fullscreen: > iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K iZ>KrBngfW(+T%.zL!,#aB(K eP|r&2 > Waiting for 0.957000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 11) Updated content: [0 ] > [V+:K7~0G [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > [V+:K7~0G Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL ESC' WAIT 0.719 VIEW REM Random actions VIEW TYPE FTQ;?n iH) Command list: ['WAIT 0.719', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE FTQ;?n iH)'] Waiting for 0.719000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.429' VIEW VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.672 VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.672', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' REM Random actions WAIT 0.126 SPECIAL LEFT VIEW WAIT 0.438 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.126', 'SPECIAL LEFT', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.438'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.126000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 10) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: > [V+:K7~0G Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.266' TYPE x REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+P REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['TYPE x', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+P', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 11) Updated content: [0 ] > [V+:K7~0xG Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: > [V+:K7~0xG Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.195' TYPE MmGO~Cu}s TYPE U1I, eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}s [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}s Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 23) Updated content: [0 ] > eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}sU1I, eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}sU1I, eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}sU1I, eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}sU1I, eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}sU1I, nse Updated lines: 0 1 Fullscreen: > eP|r&2MmGO~Cu}sU1I, nse Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.884' REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+S VIEW TYPE ,Fec#Q TYPE IW:aLth>dTr"m`~f Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+S', 'VIEW', 'TYPE ,Fec#Q\x0b', 'TYPE IW:aLth>dTr"m`~f\x0b'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' WAIT 0.727 REM Random actions SPECIAL PGUP TYPE .Ua |:iO'4og + # 2 WAIT 0.978 Command list: ['WAIT 0.727', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL PGUP', "TYPE .Ua\x0c|:iO'4og\r+ #\t2", 'WAIT 0.978'] Waiting for 0.727000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.978000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'VIEW' VIEW WAIT 0.796 SPECIAL F3 VIEW SPECIAL F5 Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.796', 'SPECIAL F3', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL F5'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE CR\t\t;B&c' TYPE 9D VIEW VIEW WAIT 0.438 VIEW Command list: ['TYPE 9D', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.438', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' SPECIAL PGDN TYPE Z|Rc) >/:eji(5G ~ SPECIAL F11 WAIT 0.146 WAIT 0.712 Command list: ['SPECIAL PGDN', 'TYPE Z|Rc)\n>/:eji(5G\x0b~', 'SPECIAL F11', 'WAIT 0.146', 'WAIT 0.712'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.146000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.712000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: "TYPE hRW'<#6Mrws u:}d{*Dn" VIEW VIEW TYPE SD?),TUg|V* TYPE W~ H #rL VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE SD?),TUg|V*', 'TYPE W~\x0cH\t#rL', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' TYPE H WAIT 0.205 VIEW VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE \x0cH\t', 'WAIT 0.205', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.205000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE 4D1iHK@Tg' SPECIAL BACKSPACE SPECIAL TAB WAIT 0.433 REM Random actions REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL BACKSPACE', 'SPECIAL TAB', 'WAIT 0.433', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.433000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'WAIT 0.747' WAIT 0.402 WAIT 0.619 SPECIAL CTRL+O TYPE J,DS?X&ft+$ SPECIAL CTRL+M Command list: ['WAIT 0.402', 'WAIT 0.619', 'SPECIAL CTRL+O', 'TYPE J,DS?X&ft+$', 'SPECIAL CTRL+M'] Waiting for 0.402000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.619000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'REM Random actions' WAIT 0.784 VIEW WAIT 0.650 SPECIAL F12 SPECIAL RIGHT Command list: ['WAIT 0.784', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.650', 'SPECIAL F12', 'SPECIAL RIGHT'] Waiting for 0.784000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE Z\tlX>~he-uEwnfi\\' TYPE kPW5q 8LB REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+0 SPECIAL CTRL+W Command list: ['TYPE kPW5q\n8LB', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+0', 'SPECIAL CTRL+W'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'VIEW' REM Random actions SPECIAL F10 SPECIAL CTRL+W VIEW WAIT 0.107 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL F10', 'SPECIAL CTRL+W', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.107'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'REM Random actions' VIEW REM Random actions TYPE a*p:[ VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+B Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE a*p:[', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+B'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.807' REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+E VIEW TYPE i VW Lk6o c|=_ WAIT 0.853 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+E', 'VIEW', 'TYPE i\tVW\nLk6o\x0bc|=_', 'WAIT 0.853'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'WAIT 0.948' SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC REM Random actions SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC SPECIAL SPECIAL RACE Command list: ['SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC', 'SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC', 'SPECIAL SPECIAL RACE'] Chat: SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL SPECIAL RAC Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL SPECIAL RACE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds init command: 'SPECIAL F12' VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+J SPECIAL CTRL+Z SPECIAL CTRL+O REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+J', 'SPECIAL CTRL+Z', 'SPECIAL CTRL+O', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE !.-{k\x0bto`=y>0*\t' VIEW VIEW REM Random actions VIEW VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: 'TYPE ^\\042' SPECIAL SPACE TYPE %h "y V SPECIAL F6 WAIT 0.326 VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL SPACE', 'TYPE \x0b%h\n"y\x0c V', 'SPECIAL F6', 'WAIT 0.326', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.326000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command init command: "TYPE Xudj\x0c'n" REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+B WAIT 0.370 TYPE