====================JSON RESPONSES==================== identifier received from websocket 8e0fdc54-271e-44e5-a402-3de33614238f ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 0) Updated content: [0 ] [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 4) Updated content: [0 ] / # Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # WAIT 0.240 REM Random actions TYPE h T(\ n'oe C;, Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;, Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.577000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.428000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.982000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds SPECIAL CTRL+I SPECIAL ESC VIEW TYPE 3F cM7O TYPE ^ueiX ,"2EVAL Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+I', 'SPECIAL ESC', 'VIEW', 'TYPE 3F\x0ccM7O', 'TYPE ^ueiX\n,"2EVAL'] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+I Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL ESC Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL DOWN WAIT 0.519 SPECIAL CTRL+T SPECIAL CTRL+E TYPE R Command list: ['SPECIAL DOWN', 'WAIT 0.519', 'SPECIAL CTRL+T', 'SPECIAL CTRL+E', 'TYPE R\t'] Chat: SPECIAL DOWN Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.519000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+T Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+E Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds TYPE _ ,2udgv VIEW WAIT 0.131 TYPE 7SR2kw_;}] 31U WAIT 0.807 Command list: ['TYPE _ ,2udgv', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.131', 'TYPE 7SR2kw_;}]\r31U\n', 'WAIT 0.807'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 6) Updated content: [1 ] > C;,R Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 6) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 14) Updated content: [1 ] > C;,R_ ,2udgv Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgv Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW TYPE n.VuW R9%dC`2}m REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'TYPE n.VuW\rR9%dC`2}m', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.102 VIEW VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.102', 'VIEW', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL F10 REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+J SPECIAL F4 REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL F10', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+J', 'SPECIAL F4', 'REM Random actions'] Chat: SPECIAL F10 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+J Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL F4 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds WAIT 0.704 TYPE XYV3F8>A" fn_JC}-4jt REM Random actions TYPE q & TYPE p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS Command list: ['WAIT 0.704', 'TYPE XYV3F8>A"\x0bfn_JC}-4jt', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE q\x0b&', 'TYPE p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS\r'] Waiting for 0.704000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 33) Updated content: [1 ] > C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jt [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jt Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 35) Updated content: [1 ] > C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq& [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq& VIEW REM Random actions TYPE g,$ C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 2) Updated content: [2 ] > Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions WAIT 0.188 VIEW REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.188', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.188000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+2 REM Random actions VIEW TYPE DgB/q"P @%9 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+2', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE DgB/q"P\t@%9'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+2 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command TYPE Zt+C=9 !%^} WAIT 0.510 SPECIAL PGUP TYPE dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!. VIEW Command list: ['TYPE Zt+C=9\r!%^}', 'WAIT 0.510', 'SPECIAL PGUP', 'TYPE dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.510000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 0) Updated content: [2 ] > Zt+C=9 Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 6) Updated content: [3 ] > !%^} Updated lines: 3 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^} Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL PGUP Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 24) Updated content: [3 ] > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!. Updated lines: 3 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!. Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command TYPE K J5F{jV;kC>!` ?v1IN WAIT 0.556 SPECIAL CTRL+G WAIT 0.126 REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE K\tJ5F{jV;kC>!`\n?v1IN', 'WAIT 0.556', 'SPECIAL CTRL+G', 'WAIT 0.126', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.556000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 25) Updated content: [3 ] > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.K Updated lines: 3 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.K ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 7) Updated content: [3 ] > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` [4 ] > ?v1IN Updated lines: 3 4 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1IN Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+G Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.126000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+G SPECIAL CTRL+D SPECIAL CTRL+V Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+G', 'SPECIAL CTRL+D', 'SPECIAL CTRL+V'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions SPECIAL F2 WAIT 0.648 SPECIAL CTRL+J WAIT 0.781 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL F2', 'WAIT 0.648', 'SPECIAL CTRL+J', 'WAIT 0.781'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL F2 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.648000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+J Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.781000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds WAIT 0.124 REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+I VIEW Command list: ['WAIT 0.124', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+I', 'VIEW'] Waiting for 0.124000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command WAIT 0.981 TYPE zJ@: TYPE 5}[IK (?O >Dy: TYPE SsU1TpZ WAIT 0.219 Command list: ['WAIT 0.981', 'TYPE zJ@:', 'TYPE 5}[IK\x0b(?O >Dy:', 'TYPE SsU1TpZ\t', 'WAIT 0.219'] Waiting for 0.981000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 11) Updated content: [4 ] > ?v1INzJ@: Updated lines: 4 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1INzJ@: Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 24) Updated content: [4 ] > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy: [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy: Waiting for 0.219000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 31) Updated content: [4 ] > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy:SsU1TpZ Updated lines: 4 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy:SsU1TpZ ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 31) Updated content: Updated lines: Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy:SsU1TpZ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds SPECIAL CTRL+W WAIT 0.899 WAIT 0.565 VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+W', 'WAIT 0.899', 'WAIT 0.565', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+W Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.899000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.565000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW REM Random actions WAIT 0.260 WAIT 0.744 WAIT 0.354 Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.260', 'WAIT 0.744', 'WAIT 0.354'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command WAIT 0.223 TYPE (' )1&UX8y TYPE N3F0>?B1v GWXEA REM Random actions WAIT 0.154 Command list: ['WAIT 0.223', "TYPE ('\n)1&UX8y", 'TYPE N3F0>?B1v\x0cGWXEA', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.154'] Waiting for 0.223000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 0) Updated content: [4 ] > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy:SsU1TpZ(' Updated lines: 4 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy:SsU1TpZ(' ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (6, 11) Updated content: [5 ] /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")") [6 ] / # )1&UX8y Updated lines: 5 6 Fullscreen: / # hT(\ n'oe C;,R_ ,2udgvXYV3F8>A"fn_JC}-4jtq&p,&Xd%En`LZx^6C$JS > Zt+C=9 > !%^}dmh,R72=|]zXH?*~!.KJ5F{jV;kC>!` > ?v1INzJ@:5}[IK(?O >Dy:SsU1TpZ(' /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")") / # )1&UX8y Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 25) Updated content: [0 ] / # )1&UX8yN3F0>?B1vGWXEA [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # )1&UX8yN3F0>?B1vGWXEA Waiting for 0.154000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds TYPE 3TXDu\ s < VIEW WAIT 0.421 VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE 3TXDu\\ \x0cs\x0b<', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.421', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 34) Updated content: [0 ] / # )1&UX8yN3F0>?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s< [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # )1&UX8yN3F0>?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s< Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.925 VIEW WAIT 0.860 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.925', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.860'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.977 SPECIAL CTRL+5 WAIT 0.988 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.977', 'SPECIAL CTRL+5', 'WAIT 0.988'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL CTRL+3 WAIT 0.535 TYPE q_e!O TYPE *V hmbU\ ife" WAIT 0.985 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+3', 'WAIT 0.535', 'TYPE q_e!O', 'TYPE *V hmbU\\ ife"', 'WAIT 0.985'] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+3 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.535000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 39) Updated content: [0 ] / # )1&UX8yN3F0>?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s_2*ugtU$1Daps TYPE ~ `:6N 5#; REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL F8', 'VIEW', 'TYPE C>_2*ugtU$1Daps', 'TYPE ~\t`:6N\r5#;', 'REM Random actions'] Chat: SPECIAL F8 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL F10 TYPE &; REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+C REM Random actions Command list: ['SPECIAL F10', 'TYPE &;', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+C', 'REM Random actions'] Chat: SPECIAL F10 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 54) Updated content: [0 ] / # )1&UX8yN3F0>?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ s?B1vGWXEA3TXDu\ sR+p~(nQtg.&UO% REM Random actions REM Random actions VIEW SPECIAL TAB Command list: ['TYPE \x0c|PH>R+p~(nQtg.&UO%', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL TAB'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 3) Updated content: [0 ] / # [t8,&+-6;BL^8erGaCm674.)y-~[`'~s) t;D8-NH6wkIK9#SW\X rzg,aGUR|PH>R+p~(nQtg.& [1 ] UO% [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # [t8,&+-6;BL^8erGaCm674.)y-~[`'~s) t;D8-NH6wkIK9#SW\X rzg,aGUR|PH>R+p~(nQtg.& UO% Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions SPECIAL DOWN VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+F TYPE r:jnm,Kf{}aU@._ Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL DOWN', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+F', 'TYPE r:jnm,Kf{}aU@._'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL DOWN Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL CTRL+H WAIT 0.295 VIEW WAIT 0.827 VIEW Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+H', 'WAIT 0.295', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.827', 'VIEW'] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+H Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.295000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+0 SPECIAL F5 TYPE 0bg{z TYPE ,}x4wF u7 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+0', 'SPECIAL F5', 'TYPE 0bg{z', 'TYPE \n,}x4wF u7\x0c'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+0 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL F5 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 8) Updated content: [1 ] UO%0bg{z Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # [t8,&+-6;BL^8erGaCm674.)y-~[`'~s) t;D8-NH6wkIK9#SW\X rzg,aGUR|PH>R+p~(nQtg.& UO%0bg{z TYPE x_0'`{Vj:Yl TYPE ?3[ @5y] bcL VIEW WAIT 0.135 SPECIAL F10 Command list: ["TYPE x_0'`{Vj:Yl", 'TYPE ?3[\x0b@5y] bcL', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.135', 'SPECIAL F10'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (3, 12) Updated content: [2 ] /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" [3 ] / # ,}x4wF u Updated lines: 2 3 Fullscreen: / # [t8,&+-6;BL^8erGaCm674.)y-~[`'~s) t;D8-NH6wkIK9#SW\X rzg,aGUR|PH>R+p~(nQtg.& UO%0bg{z /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # ,}x4wF u ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 13) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7 [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 24) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 35) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command WAIT 0.923 REM Random actions REM Random actions WAIT 0.894 SPECIAL CTRL+A Command list: ['WAIT 0.923', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.894', 'SPECIAL CTRL+A'] Waiting for 0.923000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.894000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+A Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds TYPE 0jzBINCM@6!>Wt udD"& WAIT 0.425 SPECIAL SPACE VIEW TYPE lQ(Dj Command list: ['TYPE 0jzBINCM@6!>Wt\tudD"&', 'WAIT 0.425', 'SPECIAL SPACE', 'VIEW', 'TYPE lQ(Dj'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.425000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 49) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>Wt Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>Wt ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 54) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"& Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"& Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL SPACE Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions SPECIAL F5 SPECIAL DOWN REM Random actions VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL F5', 'SPECIAL DOWN', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL F5 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL DOWN Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command TYPE <9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz SPECIAL CTRL+X TYPE 4 s& $[S^ `W_ER REM Random actions TYPE C_)A Command list: ['TYPE <9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz', 'SPECIAL CTRL+X', 'TYPE 4\ts&\x0b$[S^\x0c`W_ER\t', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE C_)A'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+X Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 69) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (0, 70) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4 Updated lines: 0 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4 ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 1) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E [1 ] R [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E R Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds TYPE SW0Z!y^E] 12|>QPz D REM Random actions TYPE m{j,eOlT 6QPz \tD', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE m{j,eOlT\r6WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E RC_)A Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 23) Updated content: [0 ] / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E [1 ] RC_)ASW0Z!y^E]12|>QPz D [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E RC_)ASW0Z!y^E]12|>QPz D Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 0) Updated content: [1 ] RC_)ASW0Z!y^E]12|>QPz Dm{j,eOlT Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # ,}x4wF u7x_0'`{Vj:Yl?3[@5y] bcL0jzBINCM@6!>WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E RC_)ASW0Z!y^E]12|>QPz Dm{j,eOlT ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 10) Updated content: [2 ] > 6WtudD"&<9!32JF6Cd,=Xcz4s&$[S^`W_E RC_)ASW0Z!y^E]12|>QPz Dm{j,eOlT > 6U|jmJHh%f s TYPE ^(' cj SPECIAL CTRL+5 VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', "TYPE y'\x0cT4)>U|jmJHh%f\ns", "TYPE ^('\x0bcj", 'SPECIAL CTRL+5', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 0) Updated content: [0 ] > 6U|jmJHh%f [1 ] [2 ] [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > 6U|jmJHh%f ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 5) Updated content: [1 ] /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" [2 ] / # s Updated lines: 1 2 Fullscreen: > 6U|jmJHh%f /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # s Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+5 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 10) Updated content: [2 ] / # s^('cj [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > 6U|jmJHh%f /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # s^('cj Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions TYPE QM$u n[qm]/e REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE QM$u \x0bn[qm]/e', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 22) Updated content: [2 ] / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/e [3 ] [4 ] [5 ] [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: > 6U|jmJHh%f /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/e REM Random actions REM Random actions REM Random actions TYPE t&Iy>1VS ,g(asb REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE t&Iy>1VS ,g(asb', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 37) Updated content: [2 ] / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: > 6U|jmJHh%f /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb VIEW TYPE f\>[mW8'dth U)ojDr^ WAIT 0.236 VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', "TYPE f\\>[mW8'dth\x0bU)ojDr^", 'WAIT 0.236', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions VIEW WAIT 0.456 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.456'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL F5 TYPE @r1VS ,g(asb@r 6U|jmJHh%f /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r 6U|jmJHh%f /bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected ")" / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r1VS ,g(asb@r'f\ Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+H', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+M', 'TYPE Q`[_A.io@,bX}4E', "TYPE \r{@i?!c2T vz8>'f\\"] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+H Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+M Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (1, 24) Updated content: [1 ] @h"aqJILwQ`[_A.io@,bX}4E Updated lines: 1 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8> Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8> ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 18) Updated content: [2 ] > {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\ Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\ Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW TYPE E6 0_y'Y D| WAIT 0.977 WAIT 0.415 TYPE gQR wK0 Alu p Command list: ['VIEW', "TYPE E6 0_y'Y\x0bD|", 'WAIT 0.977', 'WAIT 0.415', 'TYPE gQR\twK0\nAlu\tp'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command WAIT 0.297 REM Random actions WAIT 0.448 SPECIAL CTRL+8 REM Random actions Command list: ['WAIT 0.297', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.448', 'SPECIAL CTRL+8', 'REM Random actions'] Waiting for 0.297000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.448000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+8 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds WAIT 0.670 WAIT 0.656 VIEW VIEW TYPE L0 *>+Ek ?fVPya4]^ Command list: ['WAIT 0.670', 'WAIT 0.656', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE L0\n*>+Ek\t?fVPya4]^'] Waiting for 0.670000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.656000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command SPECIAL CTRL+T SPECIAL META+DOWN VIEW WAIT 0.828 WAIT 0.345 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+T', 'SPECIAL META+DOWN', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.828', 'WAIT 0.345'] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+T Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL META+DOWN Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions WAIT 0.121 TYPE Q.HP* >vL[w}K! VIEW REM Random actions Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.121', 'TYPE Q.HP* >vL[w}K!', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.121000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 32) Updated content: [2 ] > {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K! Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K! Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions VIEW VIEW WAIT 0.342 VIEW Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.342', 'VIEW'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command WAIT 0.540 VIEW SPECIAL CTRL+2 SPECIAL CTRL+0 WAIT 0.839 Command list: ['WAIT 0.540', 'VIEW', 'SPECIAL CTRL+2', 'SPECIAL CTRL+0', 'WAIT 0.839'] Waiting for 0.540000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command TYPE Mz REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions REM Random actions Command list: ['TYPE Mz', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (2, 34) Updated content: [2 ] > {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mz Updated lines: 2 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mz Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command REM Random actions VIEW REM Random actions REM Random actions SPECIAL F10 Command list: ['REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL F10'] Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW VIEW TYPE G{WmbyqkDIO "v-r:$4 REM Random actions TYPE ubQq Command list: ['VIEW', 'VIEW', 'TYPE G{WmbyqkDIO\n"v-r:$4', 'REM Random actions', 'TYPE ubQq'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command TYPE {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mz1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mz {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mz1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,# SPECIAL F12 SPECIAL META+DOWN TYPE 8`e:A( 5i[#dMVs_^m WAIT 0.825 Command list: ['TYPE B\rP.&>i4~ULV6ER{Dc,#', 'SPECIAL F12', 'SPECIAL META+DOWN', 'TYPE 8`e:A(\r5i[#dMVs_^m', 'WAIT 0.825'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Chat: SPECIAL F12 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (4, 0) Updated content: [2 ] > {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mz1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,# Updated lines: 4 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,# Chat: SPECIAL META+DOWN Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.825000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 0) Updated content: [4 ] / # P.&>i4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( Updated lines: 4 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 13) Updated content: [5 ] > 5i[#dMVs_^m Updated lines: 5 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds SPECIAL CTRL+9 TYPE >B%cJ@ TYPE v REM Random actions SPECIAL CTRL+3 Command list: ['SPECIAL CTRL+9', 'TYPE >B%cJ@', 'TYPE v', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL CTRL+3'] Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+9 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 19) Updated content: [5 ] > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@ Updated lines: 5 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@ Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 20) Updated content: [5 ] > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v Updated lines: 5 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v Chat: SPECIAL CTRL+3 Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds VIEW REM Random actions SPECIAL BACKSPACE WAIT 0.902 SPECIAL CTRL+8 Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'SPECIAL BACKSPACE', 'WAIT 0.902', 'SPECIAL CTRL+8'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW WAIT 0.193 SPECIAL CTRL+R TYPE rX)+bs4`x.m-CGd#^|HT VIEW Command list: ['VIEW', 'WAIT 0.193', 'SPECIAL CTRL+R', 'TYPE rX)+bs4`x.m-CGd#^|HT', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command VIEW REM Random actions VIEW TYPE lf50 REM Random actions Command list: ['VIEW', 'REM Random actions', 'VIEW', 'TYPE lf50', 'REM Random actions'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command WAIT 0.450 TYPE 3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc WAIT 0.974 REM Random actions REM Random actions Command list: ['WAIT 0.450', 'TYPE 3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc', 'WAIT 0.974', 'REM Random actions', 'REM Random actions'] Waiting for 0.450000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Waiting for 0.974000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 35) Updated content: [5 ] > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc Updated lines: 5 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds TYPE AX.+3?R VIEW VIEW WAIT 0.839 VIEW Command list: ['TYPE AX.+3?R', 'VIEW', 'VIEW', 'WAIT 0.839', 'VIEW'] Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 43) Updated content: [5 ] > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?R Updated lines: 5 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?R Exiting reading action list because of 'VIEW' command TYPE R# 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?RR#1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?RR# 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?RR#1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?RR#M"O2 yA s REM Random actions WAIT 0.485 REM Random actions Command list: ['WAIT 0.863', 'TYPE ,>M"O2\x0byA\x0bs', 'REM Random actions', 'WAIT 0.485', 'REM Random actions'] Waiting for 0.863000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds ====================JSON RESPONSES==================== Cursur at: (5, 70) Updated content: [5 ] > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?RR#M"O2yAs [6 ] [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Updated lines: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fullscreen: / # s^('cjQM$u n[qm]/et&Iy>1VS ,g(asb@r {@i?!c2T vz8>'f\Q.HP* >vL[w}K!Mzi4~ULV6ER{Dc,#8`e:A( > 5i[#dMVs_^m>B%cJ@v3qx^[Ze(_,k"Usc AX.+3?RR#M"O2yAs Waiting for 0.485000 seconds Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Reminder: Random actions Regular sleep for 0.200000 seconds Connection closed. Exiting.