Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
On XX/XX/XXXX I ordered a cylinder head truck engine part from XXXX ( Merchant/Seller ) for {$370.00} charged to my Citibank credit card. Merchant 's website advertised the part as completely remanufactured in like new condition by " extremely meticulous quality control process and highest standards '' covered by a 3 year warranty. Merchant did not warn consumers that buyer assumes the risk of defective or nonconforming goods or the cost of shipping or return shipping in the event the goods are defective or nonconforming. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received the engine part by XXXX shipping. On XX/XX/XXXX, I inspected the part and discovered it was defective and nonconforming because it was partly remanufactured and still dirty with carbon buildup, oil, rust and damaged components. I tried in good faith to resolve the matter with the Merchant several times, but Merchant failed to act. Therefore, on XX/XX/XXXX, I reshipped the defective engine part back to the Merchant using Merchant 's XXXX return shipping label included with the original shipment. XXXX confirmed Merchant received the return on XX/XX/XXXX. I waited until XX/XX/XXXX for Merchant to process my refund but Merchant refused to issue credit to my Citibank card. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received my Citibank card statement that showed Merchant charged my card in the amount of {$370.00} on XX/XX/XXXX but there was no corresponding credit for the returned engine part. On XX/XX/XXXX, I called Citibank Customer Service to dispute the charge and requested a chargeback because the engine part was defective and had been returned to Merchant. On a recorded phone call, two Citibank dispute experts, XXXX and XXXX, said they would promptly investigate the matter to issue a credit and send me a reply by mail in a couple of days. However, they never replied, so on XX/XX/XXXX, I wrote Citibank a letter to the address specified for disputes ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, SD XXXX ) with written request that Citibank chargeback the defective item that I returned to Merchant in XXXX and credit my account for {$370.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX, Citibank called my work to collect the disputed balance of {$370.00}. After several phone transfers, I spoke with XXXX with Citibank Billing Department on a recorded phone call and told her the purchase has been disputed several times with no response from Citibank. XXXX said that Citibank received my written dispute letter on XX/XX/XXXX, that they were still investigating and that they will reply soon by mail. However, to date Citibank has failed to reply to either of my disputes or to issue a credit to my card account even though the defective item was returned to Merchant eight days after I received it. Instead, Citibank has damaged my credit rating by reporting my card account as delinquent to credit bureaus, continuously harasses me with calls to my work to demand payment and has failed to protect my consumer rights for defective goods purchased with a credit card. All the while Citibank has protected the fraudulent Merchant that has received a windfall by having both the item returned to them and keeping the credit card proceeds from the sale!
Was not notified of investigation status or results
On XX/XX/2021 sent a letter regarding inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report, To this day over 60 days later i have not received a response yet. I feel like im being taken advantage of and being ignored of my disputes. Section 611 ( a ), it is plainly stated that a failure to investigate these items within 30days gives a reason to immediately remove those items from my credit report it has been over 60 days so they should be deleted promtly. I demand these accounts be deleted immediately or i will file for iltigation due to the stress you caused me.My information was also impacted by the equifax data breach and may have got into the hands of the wrong person.
Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
They put my mortgage in forbearance and reported it to the credit companies and now my credit score dropped 67 points and they broke the CARE ACT
Fee problem
Hello there, I 've been a member with Key Bank since XXXX . I have a Key Previlege account and CD account with Key Bank and was told that I will not be change a monthly maintenance service charge per their Personnel Banker XXXX XXXX on my Checking. I did not realize that this account was being charged monthly service fee since XXXX of XXXX thru XXXX XXXX .This is my savings account for my widow mother. When I received the statement for this account, I did not check activity detail indicate on the statement that Key Bank was charging me a monthly fees. Due to the fact that I was told no monthly fees, I did not double check the statement. When monther needed the funds and notice the monthly fees indicate on the statemented for XXXX XXXX . We question Key Bank. This is when I call the customer service and spoke to XXXX on XXXX XXXX XXXX was told that she that their system was not able to link my account together since I original open XXXX account in XXXX since XXXX and recently open a CD in XXXX WA. I know that it was my mistake for not reviewing the statement monthly, but since this was a raining day funds for my mother I did not think about checking the detail and told upfront no fees would be charged.. I was advise by their customer service ( XXXX ) t o close my current checking account and open a new account which I did. I feel I am a victim of FRAUD by Key Bank and dishonest done by their employees. They were dishonest with me and was told that I will not be charged. I tried resolving this issue with Key Bank and after 16 days of waiting for a response I finally received a return call from the Branch Manager XXXX XXXX that the company will only refund the service fees of a couple month. I am asking for t he Seven month refunds of the service fees that they charged me totaling {$170.00}. I feel that I was taken advantage of. It 's not my problem that there system is not able to link out of states account. I should not pay the price for their system failure. Thanks XXXX
Company closed your account
I filled a complaint and concerns with U.S. Bank and there negative practices towards their customers. I spoke to one of their supervisors name XXXX. She made the problem worst. Without my permission she decided to close both of my U.S. Bank and XXXX credit cards. I did not authorize this. I have recording to back this up. I was not allowed to use my cards. Later on I received two letters from U.S. Bank stating both of my accounts were closed. When I called U.S. Bank a representative stated both accounts were closed, but someone at the Bank reopened both accounts a few days later. For their I apologize they offered me {$50.00} reward card. I explained to them I did not want it. They tried to force me to spend it and I said no. I found out today, XX/XX/2022 someone added money to my rewards account of {$50.00}. I explained to U.S. Bank I did not want the money because they were trying to bribe me. Also, because of tax purposes, I did not U.S. Bank illegally adding and deducting money from my credit card accounts. XXXX has been illegally tampering with my accounts, and it needs to stop.
Indicated you were committing crime by not paying debt
XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, CA XXXX. I visited location after receiving a bill. Employee, told me that I had purchased a tablet on my account. I never purchased a tablet, then he said it was a lab top, I never purchased a lab top. He did not show me the alleged receipt or my signature for this item. I made numerous telephone calls to XXXX, I was treated badly, left on hold for hours. Desperate I contacted the XXXX, as a result a man who stated he was from XXXX called me, tried to speak to him, but he was threating me, he was very nasty and rude. Never heard from him again. As a result they placed on collections for XXXX something I do not owe. I disputed this item on my credit report 3 times already, it was removed deleted all 3 times. However it was placed on my credit report again. I contacted the collection agency, AFNI, INC XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX, IL XXXX, spoke with XXXX, explained this collection is not accurate not mine, it has been removed and deleted 3 times. She was very stern and short, accused me of not contacting the police for identity theft. I told her I contacted the XXXX, after I tried to resolve with XXXX. She said she didn't care, this item was not sold to the collection agency, she stated it belongs to XXXX, and they can do what ever they want! She also threatened me by saying it was going to start being on my credit for 7 years. I told her that I was going to contact you the CFPB and she stated " you can contact who ever you want, but until you have a police report there is nothing you can do. She demanded that I provide them with a police report, wanted my home address and telephone number. She stated she would mail me paperwork to fill out and an affidavit. I currently live with someone who is battling XXXX, I'm limited to time, and the outside public exposure, I'm desperate these people wont leave me alone. I'm really hoping you can help me. I also contacted XXXX to let them know they helped me dispute this item in the past, they know this item needs to be deleted. Why is it still in my credit report? I filled out a dispute with XXXX.
Debt was paid
Dyck-O'Neal, Inc. filed over 1000 cases in Maryland using fraud from National Mortgage Settlement cases. Many Maryland families have been enslaved for life with 100,000. - 300,000 plus illegal judgments. It is time for action by authorities to demand restitution for crimes committed by substitute trustees NAMED in the National Mortgage Settlement. The Department of Justice knows about these crimes and should be issuing indictments and arrest warrants for the NMS 15 ( a ) violators ; any criminal act. I reported these crimes prior to this communication and your answer was less than acceptable given the dire circumstances of the victims. I have been intimately involved in more than one of these cases with good results proving FRAUD. For way to long these NMS crimes have been allowed to continue. It is time to act for the citizens ( over 1100 ) in Maryland alone, obtain some justice. Looking the other way when crimes have been committed with substantial evidence to prove the cases is just another crime. I look forward to a easy process to prove over 1000 fraudulent debt collection cases. I obtained evidence from many files in Maryland the reveal the fraud involved in these illegal judgments. These cases are very easy to solve. The evidence in located in each one of the foreclosure files ( east to see ) and the subsequent actions filed by DYCK using obvious fraud documents.
Problem with customer service
My second submission of my application was denied by XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. My credit score was in great shape after my first submission of all required documents in XX/XX/XXXX where I didnt have my mortgage yet nor did I apply for any student loans yet, but my loan servicer American Education Services ( AES ) & XXXX XXXX declined my 1st submission without adequately contacting me directly to let me know there was an issue with one of the copies I faxed since they claimed recently that it was illegible. However I have a confirmation page with screenshots from the fax machine that I used the first time to prove that AES equipment ( fax machine ) was faulty back then. I thought this was settled since my first submission because I was not contacted directly given the fact I have followed up with AES right after my first submission over the phone. This caused my brother a higher interest in his business loan because of your negligence in maintaining your fax machines. Now, the second time I had to resubmit my co-signer release form after I just got a mortgage, andapplied for few student loans for graduate school where my credit score is not as good as it used be in XX/XX/XXXX when I did my complete first submission. AES is very negligent along with XXXX XXXX, not appropriately contacting the customer via the phone or direct email on a timely manner, which caused my co-signer extra financial burden in his business decision making! XXXX XXXX did hang up the phone on me twice when I tried to explain the issue at hand! When I met the minimum credit standards in XX/XX/XXXX, I never received follow-up or update after my submission. When I resubmitted the second time in XX/XX/XXXX, I received a letter from XXXX XXXX denying my request due to not meting the minimum credit standards. I called their dispute center as indicated on their letter attached below, and I got hung up on twice. Funny business. I will also seek legal advice regarding this matter if I have to since my credit history and my fax confirmation page & documentation are in my favor in this matter! Both XX/XX/XXXXXXXX and American Education Services have more than 300 verified complaints due to their malpractices towards consumers in the following links : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX There is a a need for regulators to crack down on fraudulent negligent firms like AES and XXXX XXXX .
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I'm XXXX XXXX, and I appreciate your taking the time to CORRECT some of the information in my credit file ; however, there are still other accounts that need to be UPDATED. The 3 credit bureaus must verify these accounts under Sections 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) and 611 ( a ) ( 1 ). ( A ). I'm hoping that these disputed accounts get corrected. XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$660.00} XXXX XXXX Balance : {$0.00} XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance : {$410.00} XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance : {$3600.00}
Contacted me after I asked not to
I have a judgement against my ex husband on XXXX bills that still show on my credit score. How can I get this off my credit score and on his???
Frequent or repeated calls
Sears wrote to me and said my credit card could be closed due to non-use. I used the card for small purchase of {$1.00} for website domain, {$9.00} for an event and {$14.00} for XXXX XXXX vitamins. These charges were authentic and have been paid for. However, recurring monthly charges of {$14.00} were showing up for web hosting that I did not order through XXXX. I disputed the charges online and Sears says they credited the account once for {$14.00}, agreeing to my dispute. I was transferred to place a block on the recurring charge. I spoke to XXXX. I asked for a new card with new # 's and exp. date, but was turned down on XXXX. I was to be emailed a new status of my account with the credits applied and recurring charges to be blocked. My account would then actually have a credit. However, I am now receiving around 25 phone calls since XXXX that I need to call them back. I have actually received more calls than this, but this is just since I wrote the " cease and desist '' order. This was after I faxed a notice on XXXX to them to stop harassing me and not to call the house. I received confirmation that fax went through. I then followed up with a letter to Citibank to block the account and shut it down. Instead of replying to that letter directly, Citibank sends me a letter on XXXX asking if I'm having financial difficulty and threatens to ruin my credit with an amount due of {$36.00}. On XXXX it is now over {$75.00} sent by email. On XXXX I get a notice from credit karma that my credit rating has changed - it has dropped 180 points because Sears has reported the disputed charges as late payments. Now I am having a problem logging into the Sears card account to check the account status. I can see why the Sears company is in danger of going out of business forever!
Information belongs to someone else
I received a copy of my credit report and found the following item ( s ) to be in error, also the below are against to the law FCRA
Problem with fees
Citi Bank posted my payments 16 to 25 days after they were mailed for the months XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX of 2021 ; previously, they were posted 6-9 days. They charged me late penalties and interest, waiving the first assessment for the XXXX invoice after I complained. I subsequently complained in writing, on XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, and XX/XX/2021, about additional late fees and penalties, including late fees and penalties on contested amounts, noting the previous posting history and noting that other creditors to whom I mailed payments at the same time posted those payments in 5 to 7 days. Citi then waived the remaining fees and interest but reported the delinquency to credit reporting services, which resulted in a XXXX point and two rating category drop in my credit score from an " exceptional '' XXXX to a " good '' XXXX, now adversely impacting my ability to get a housing loan. I asked for proof of late payment in light of my evidence of timely payment. Today, in a phone call which was recorded, the Citi Executive Response Team from the Office of Citi President and CEO XXXX XXXX told me I'd have to get a subpoena for that information. I went to the Citi website to get a copy of the card holder agreement but was informed I had to request a copy online that would be mailed to me in 7-10 days. I requested it online but never received it. I then again asked for a copy of the agreement in writing, to which the Executive Response Team stated they would mail it to me in 7-10 days. I have yet to receive it.
Reporting company used your report improperly
My name is XXXX XXXX this complaint is not made in error neither is it being made by a third party.I declare under penalty of perjury I am alleging that a person or company- without my authorization- from unauthorized use of my social security number and card used my personal identifying information to apply for goods, services, or money ; and, was successful in creating some accounts. I have no knowledge of this and All is being investigated by the FTC.
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
I reviewed my credit report and Equifax and XXXX hasn't remove unauthorize inquiries on my credit report. XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX was authorize in writing by me as I signed documents in person at business establishments. Equifax and XXXX and credit companies doesn't have no written document of my signature of Authorization to pull my credit. I don't provide verbal consent or authorize online, on the phone. I am a Citizen XXXX Lifetime, Retired and a XXXX XXXX XXXX Military Veteran. Also add my former employer on my credit reports. XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CaliforniaXXXX XXXXXXXX email : XXXX I retired on Lifetime XXXX on XXXX XXXX. I was employed at XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX from XXXX XXXX till XXXX XXXX. Thank You for my accommondation of my XXXX XXXX Act under Department of Justice. With Honor and Respect Always!
Information belongs to someone else
It has been drawn out into the open that you are not hindering records when I sent a copy of the FTC report. Since it is a necessity by regulation 605b of the FCRA I'm sending this Complaint to again assist with laying out a lawful response. In the event that you decide to not obstruct the accompanying things recorded beneath which are answering erroneously because of fraud, I will hand my archives over to my lawyer to begin a legitimate activity. It's my goal to not seek after any legitimate activity so if it's not too much trouble, comply with the law. Please delete the following items listed below in my personal file : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, WA XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, WA XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$410.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$0.00} XXXX ( Original Creditor : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$460.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX ( Original Creditor : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$1400.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$640.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$0.00} XXXX ( Original Creditor : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) XXXX Balance : {$0.00}
Information belongs to someone else
I got my credit ran today XX/XX/2020 at the XXXX dealership because I am trying to buy a new car but I did not get approved for the loan due to having accounts in negative standing on my credit report. I looked through each of those accounts myself and none of them belong to me ; I did not open any of those accounts and I did not allow anyone to open them in my name. I did not benefit anything from these accounts such as money, goods, services or any other benefit nor did I make any payments towards any of these accounts. I have no idea who could have stolen my personal information to open these accounts but I have already notified the companies as well as filed a police report.
Information is not mine
In XX/XX/2015 I noticed an unknown entry on my Equifax credit report from a " XXXX Collection Service '', which also goes by the name " XXXX '', Acct # XXXX. On XXXX, I sent a certified letter, was received on XXXX, requesting validation. I did n't get a response at all. In a letter sent XXXX, I disputed the above tradeline with Equifax. In a response dated XXXX, Equifax " Verified '' the entry.
Account status incorrect
From XXXX to now I have been in contact with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX letting them know that I was going through financial hardship. My wife abandoned me on a military base, took my kids, my brother and father died and that my mother was in XXXX and they vowed to help me but as soon as I left the military in XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX repossessed my car and treated me like they never knew me. I recorded all my conversations and notes in this matter. I've been with XXXX XXXX for almost 20 years and to get this type treatment is unsat.
Information belongs to someone else
Hi I am submitting this XXXX XXXX this isn't any influence and this is not a third party. XXXX has low and unfair credit number for me in their report. I have complained. The problem has not been resolved. my fico has me at a credit score over 719XXXX has me at a score around 590. That is a huge difference. XXXX paints me as a XXXX. my fico say I have good credit. What the heck is going on here. i have almost no debt and my identity was stolen causing my score to drop n i made this clear for 60 days straight with XXXX i spoke to a representative agent name XXXX and XXXX and XXXX from the fraud department I prefer to speak to a us rept but they refused they had me on mute for 4 hours which was hurtful I have a perfect repayment record. I have very low credit utilization. I have three negative credit items outstanding debt now. I have modest but ok income. Social Security. Something is wrong with XXXX. I do not understand why they are abusing consumers .This was a fist step towards attempting resolution. They kept lying telling me they disputed n its not reporting but it keep reporting this inaccurate information without my authorization. They refused or were unable to verify n remove the inquiries and its been 60days n they record the calls n admitted they had my police report n ftc and affidavit That was after attempting to contact XXXX more than 21 times. XXXX is an abusive company. They are supposed to be protecting consumers. They need to be reigned in. they are causing me severe XXXX and stopping me from getting this job offer n now im homeless n cant provide to my XXXX year old daughter PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE im XXXX now.with no help.
Received bad information about your loan
I have been a customer of XXXX for many years. I've never been late on one payment. They failed to process my annual income certification for IBR, which created a cascade of problems. Most recently, the company has reported my account as " Payment Deferred. '' I never once have requested a deferment or forbearance. As a result, my credit score has decreased. The company is so bad at addressing problems that itself has caused. I've had no less than 10 separate calls to customer service reps who have never been able to fix or address any issues - and in fact just create more problems. Now, my credit is damaged because of something the company did without my consent or request.
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
in XX/XX/2018 Discover called to set up a payment arrangement for Discover card they told her that the charges were right at {$2500.00}. After doing some investigation we discovered that that was not the charges that I have made. My total charged on the account were less thaN {$700.00}. I submitted bank statements, police report, statements from the bank of the fraudulent account stressing to the fact that I did not have, nor had I ever, had an account with that bank, however the fraud department of discover card services section of chose to hold me liable for the charges on the account saying that since they had previously received payments from my XXXX account that the other account had to be mine also. They did not, per their representative, did not investigate the fraudulent bank account, they did not contact the merchant where the fraudulent charges were made, they did not except the police report and they did not remove the fraudulent charges. Discover did not do anything to resolve this issue, or too verify any of the evidence submitted.
Company closed your account
I got a Discover Secured Card for {$1000.00} I had it for 6 months! I had applied for a non secured and got approved but they wanted me to grant them permission to go through my taxes and IRS personal information! I declined - do they closed my secured card which had NOTHING to do with my new application for non secured! They have my money, and have hurt my score I have been building up this whole pandemic! How dare them I did nothing wrong! The card was opened 6 months but when I tried to get a card no secured they hurt my secured??????? They are backwards! Only company asks for IRS permission. They need investigated!
Investigation took more than 30 days
Equifax, XXXX, and XXXX are not complying with their own policies in a timely manner.
Information belongs to someone else
I asked this company for a investigation on items that was previously disputed I was never provided any results by mail as I asked for in my investigation I attached proof that I asked this company for proof of the outcome of my investigation and it was never received. I consulted a attorney and asked what should I do I was advised to get a police report and ask for a investigation I did that and had yet to here back. I provided this company with police report number and letter that I received from my local police department and a FTC report and my identification card and social security card. When I contacted this company to notified them that I sent this certified mail the company denied ever receiving this information so now I'm filing a complaint because this isn't right and other people should know how they are treating people that are regular American citizens that served this country and was robbed my identity from theft and because this company make money off of people having as many account on there credit report good bad or even if they are destroying your life and your financial freedom I will get justice and I will file a law suit pending the outcome of this complaint. Thanks again
Information belongs to someone else
I am writing this as a formal complaint against Equifax for not investigating and removing the errors and inaccuracies from my credit report. Equifax has violated my privacy and my rights under the FCRA. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ), credit reporting agencies required by federal law to verify - through the physical verification of the original signed consumer contract - any and all accounts they post on a credit report. Otherwise, anyone paying for their reporting services could fax, mail or email in a fraudulent account. Under the FCRA, unverified accounts must be removed unless they are able to provide me a copy of verifiable proof which they have yet to do after multiple requests. I've never even heard of most of these companies or the inquiries attached to my report so I would like verifiable proof in the form of a signed contract that these are mine. Please see my attached disputes previously sent to Equifax and help me get these deleted from my credit report.
Company closed your account
I recently opened an account with your company which is now closed. I like many of your other customers are independent contractors. I was given the opportunity to apply for the government 's aid PPP. However I was using a mobile bank and I was required to have a bank on the lenders list so I picked you all. After receiving my funding into the account the account was closed. I was told by my lender and the SBA that independent contractors did not need a business account to apply for the loan. When I speak to your customer service reps they wont tell me whats going on. I am a XXXX and XXXX driver. This pandemic has been hard on me since its so dangerous to drive others around without risking XXXX. The SBA PPP was saving myself and my family. The amount in question is {$16000.00}
Account status incorrect
In XXXX of this year, we were reported 30 days late on our XXXX XXXX HELOC to the credit bureaus. I do all my banking via their mobile app and I have been seeing multiple glitches lately. The payment minimum said {$0.00} for the following month and that is why no payment was done. Apparently their app does not update until multiple days later after a recent payment has been processed. That is exaclty what happened in the month of XXXX.
Debt is not yours
Received texts and calls from person/s indicating that they worked with MRS Associates debt collection about a debt owed to XXXX XXXX. I have zero knowledge of having any debts owed and the numbers do not match listed numbers for MRS Associates so I believe them to be completely fraudulent. The number that they called with is : XXXX They texted with : XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX
Account status incorrect
I paid my balance with XXXX on XX/XX/2022. I was told it would take 30-45 days for it to be removed from my credit report but it has now been 3 months. My credit has been affected. My account still says I owe them and havent been paying them for the last 3 months when in actuality its already been settled. Sezzle support has done nothing but repeat 30-45 days even after its been much longer than that. They refuse to help in any way and this isnt an isolated incident. XXXX works well until you have a problem and then they become a company from XXXX. I have the receipt of my payment to XXXX. I have transcripts of XXXX employees being completely negligent, some not even reading what I actually said before responding. I have been disputing this with the credit bureas and XXXX and XXXX say that the information is accurate according to XXXX which is False! I have submitted the receipts, got verification from both XXXX and XXXX themselves that I paid! Yet they refuse to correct my credit report.
Can't use card to make purchases
I open and received a new credit card : CITI CUSTOM CASH. I applied for it in advance anticipating a purchase I wanted to make. I have a summer home, and used it as my credit card address. I received a notification that I have to call a number because they detected a " suspicious activity ''. I called, and the only way to unlock my account is CITI to send a letter to my home address which I can't obtain because I'm NOT at my summer home right now. It would also take a long time not appropriate for my purchase. I asked to close my account which is also impossible according to CITI. I never heard of anything like that which is very concerning. CITI Customer Service is HORRIBLE with hours holding. They use off-shore representatives, speaking to the XXXX customer service is impossible due to wait time. All representatives are rude, especially ones in the " XXXX XXXX '' ( name : XXXX- a supervisor ).
Reporting company used your report improperly
I receive d a copy of my credit report with the intention of trying to improve my credit and take care of my responsibilities and noticed a few accounts that i wanted a little more explanation on. I am not saying they are reporting right or wrong. I am just saying that I am not 100 percent sure if they are. I also read something called the Fair Credit Reporting Act where it said by law, I had rights to challenge anything I am not sure is accurate. Some of the people reporting things on me, I have never heard of which made me write to you all. Are you familiar with something called 15 U.S.C Sec. 168i ( a )? I heard that if you can't provide proof, these accounts must be deleted. Well I want these accounts deleted if they are not 100 percent right and correct, So, would you please check on these and get back to me? I saw on a Credit Site and Board where this lawyer said you have 30 days to compete this investigation. Please investigate the following accounts and remove them if anything is missing or not correct on them
Account status incorrect
I contacted Ally Financial at XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX inquiring about an extension on my loan so that I may be able to get the account current. I was informed that I must pay XXXX to be awarded an extension and my next payment of XXXX would be due XX/XX/XXXX. This would give me an extension for XXXX and XXXX payments and put my account current for XXXX. I was given confirmation # XXXX On XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX POS XXXX was debited from my bank account to pay the required XXXX ( XXXX processing fee ) for the extension. XX/XX/XXXX Ally Financial Online payment was debited from my bank account XX/XX/XXXX Ally Financial Online payment was debited from my bank account My financial institution was bought out, so I am having trouble located the XXXX and XXXX payments. I can find this information if requested. My credit report shows me 60 days past due for XX/XX/XXXX and 30 days past due for XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX. According to the phone call and payments that I made these payments should be marked as on time.
Information belongs to someone else
THE ACCOUNTS LISTED DO NOT BELONG TO ME SOMEONE USE MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND PHOTO ID TO OPEN FRAUDULENT ACCOUNTS IN MY NAME I HAVE CONTACTED LOCAL AND FEDERAL AGENCIES TO MAKE A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I am writing to request and initiate a formal complaint against Equifax, XXXX and XXXX CRAs. On XX/XX/2020, I mailed Equifax, XXXX and XXXX to Block Fraudulent information being reported, accounts for which I am a victim of identity theft. ( ATTACHED ). They have been unwilling and/or unable to conduct an adequate investigation and/or failed or refused to block usage of these fraudulent accounts being reported. Please contact these agencies and initiate a formal investigation into possible violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and/or Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. I will also be contacting the Attorney General and Postal Inspection Service for other possible violations of the law.
Banking errors
My name is XXXX XXXX, and I have been a longtime Ally customer. I have happily referred many friends to Ally, because I believe in the service and value Ally has offered over other banks. My experiences over the past two months have brought me to a place I never thought I would be : thinking about moving my money elsewhere and discouraging anyone from banking with Ally. I know you're all incredibly busy, and I so appreciate any time you spend reading this. On XX/XX/22 we discovered that someone had written fraudulent checks and stolen {$10000.00} from our checking account. We went through the investigation and found that a relative 's savings account at a different institution had been compromised. The criminal transferred all of their funds out and downloaded images of all recently deposited checks. They then started using those images to create fake checks for many of my wife 's relatives. We know three who had a similar situation happen as to what happened to us. This was Ally XXXX # XXXX. We went through the process of putting restrictions on the compromised checking account with the Loss Prevention Team. We filled out the affidavits, got a police report, and we did everything that was asked of us. Throughout the process, I asked for a call from our investigator. I was told often we would receive one promptly. I have still to this day never talked to an Investigator. We did eventually get the {$10000.00} back, and the general Loss Prevention Team was able to help me transfer it to our new Checking Account, but we were still told we could not close the comprised account until the investigation was completed. I asked to speak to the investigator, and we did not hear back from them until XX/XX/22 when she left us a voicemail. My wife and I are both XXXX and young parents, so it is hard for me to pickup during XXXX, but I called less than 40 minutes after the investigator called hoping to speak to her. I called again later that day; left two voicemails and still have never heard back. That brings us to XXXX. I got an alert that a large transaction had been posted to the compromised account. I was confused since the account was supposed to be restricted. I had to pay fees for checks I wrote from this account that bounced after it was restricted, so I wasn't sure how a large check could even be cashed. This is in reference to Ally Dispute # XXXX. Someone had written a fraudulent {$8000.00} check to the compromised account, and the money was taken from our Savings Account through an Overdraft Transfer. I immediately called the Loss Prevention Team, and what they discovered on their end was that without our permission the Investigator, who we have never directly communicated with, had reopened the compromised account and turned on Overdraft Transfer Protection. This was on an account I had wanted to close when this process started and was told I could not! We were never notified that the compromised account was " turned back on, '' or that Overdraft Transfer Protection was enabled again. The team at Loss Prevention was kind, the rep I spoke to was empathetic, re-restricted the account, and talked to two levels of supervisors to try to figure out what happened. No one had an explanation, and they all found this quite upsetting. While this was comforting to know that they viewed this as an error Ally caused, it was frustrating to not immediately have my money returned. It is now XX/XX/XXXX. My wife and I have called the Investigator at least once every three days, left messages for Supervisors, contacted Ally through social media, and called the general fraud line countless times. If you look up our case you will see how often we have contacted them. Everytime we call the general fraud line they confirm that we have turned in all the necessary documents, they are confused why this has taken so long to resolve, and they promise we'll hear back soon. Often they have been able to get our investigator on the line, who they both present as the person who created the issue that caused the {$8000.00} to be taken by un-restricting the compromised account without our permission, and the only person who can help us. It makes sense why she would not want to talk to us. When they get her on the line they say either she is unable to talk to us, or she promises she will call you today, or call her direct line back in an hour, and she'll update you. We have done all of this to no avail. My wife and I are now again nervous about our financial stability. The first incident with the {$10000.00} I understood was a fraud that was not our fault or Ally 's. That was resolved in 10 days too. This time really feels like it was Ally 's fault though. Decisions were made without our permission that caused this to happen, and we have been told that Ally was in error. Yet now we are at 34 days and the {$8000.00} taken has not been returned. I tonight have no timetable on when our money will be returned or if I will have to go through this whole process again for a mistake that someone at Ally made. I would love either an e-mail or phone call back ( XXXX ). Thank you so much for your time.
Trouble with how payments are being handled
The complaint is regarding how the company accepts payments. Ever since XXXX XXXX bought out my loan earlier this year, I have been dealing with the servicing company American Education Services ( AES ). Each month I call to make payment, AES employs strong-arm tactics to try to force me into giving them my banking account and routing number. I continue to be told, every month, that they will accept my banking account and routing numbers as the only form of payment. Each time they conclude our transaction by reminding me that they will allow the " courtesy '' of a debit, only after being transferred to a number of gatekeepers who all try to dissuade me or deveieve me that debit is not an option. I deal with this every month that I call. I was told today, by AES, that " this is how we 've always done it '' when it comes to accepting payments strictly through banking routing numbers. This is a dubious explanation as debit is clearly possible. I have also been told by a supervisor that they actively discourage debit because it costs them money to process payments this way. I 'm not sympathetic as this is the year XXXX and I would like to conduct my business- as I do with countless other merchants and vendors- and use my debit card. I have told AES that I can not and will not provide them my banking details, yet they will not accept this explanation each month I call.
Information belongs to someone else
XXXX XXXX is reporting a debt that is not mine. They have failed to provide any documented proof of identity. They have also failed to show any payments made by me to XXXX XXXX. They have repeatedly reported this item on my credit without providing any documentation showing proof of the debt or proof of identity. This item is not mine and your company is in violation of the FCRA by reporting information that does not belong to me. Again I am requesting documentation that proves XXXX can confirm that they verified identy prior to reporting a debt and proof of payments. XXXX has not been able to provide this to myself or any other entity.
Information belongs to someone else
Identity theft.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Companies Involved : - XXXX in partnership with XXXX XXXX ( card provider ) - XXXX - Equifax Due to my case not cleanly falling into one of the credit bureaus ' several dispute categories, I have been unable to solve this issue for 5 years now. Timeline : XXXX : A clerk at a card table in XXXX sold me on applying for a XXXX credit card. This was in XXXX, XXXX where I lived at [ XXXX ] XXXX : Card never arrived so I called customer support. They informed me the card was mistakenly sent to the address on my ( outdated ) XXXX ID rather than the hand written address in my application form. Card was thought to be cancelled at this time. XXXX : Late charges on this account began showing on my credit report. I have never seen this card, did not activate this card, nor have I ever made any payment towards the alleged balance. I did not see the report until much later. By then the card had been long maxed-out and was closed for non-payment. Assumedly, there is a paper trail of spending which demonstrates the card was most likely used near my old address in XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Similarly my accounts have not spent any money in XXXX store since at least XXXX. In general, fraud claims are geared toward *application* fraud. The application was genuine however. The problem lies with XXXX XXXX in failing to properly deliver the card and later failing to cancel the card ; in addition of course to whoever ultimately found and activated the card. Having disputed this many times, the responses I get have been along the lines of being told that they verified no payments were made. Well of course there were none! These overly simplified methods of settling disputes are negligent in cases where a human must actually think through the timeline and understand problems.
Reporting company used your report improperly
The items that are reflected on my credit report are inaccurate. It is your duty to inform consumers about the things they need to know ACCURATELY. Kindly conduct investigations on these accounts and inquiries and update them accordingly or I will seek litigation.
Attempted to collect wrong amount
XX/XX/XXXX I received two letters in the mail from Bank of the West Recovery Department. One letter was informing me that I was now in default the bank was accelerating payment for my loan. The balance reverted to the original balance due of {$12000.00} even though it was negotiated at the time my home went into foreclosure in XXXX and after 13 years of paying with no defaults my balance is {$3000.00}. The second later dated the same day and received the same day declared me in default of not responding to the first letter and encouraging for me to seek immediate assistance to save my home. My attempts to clear this up are ongoing.
Information belongs to someone else
I recently checked my credit report and noticed two fraudulent medical accounts XXXX XXXX XXXX in the amount of {$1500.00} and XXXX XXXX XXXX {$65.00}. Along with 3 inquires. I have reached out by phone on XXXX XXXX to XXXX, EXQUIFAX and XXXX. I was informed to complete a FTC Identity theft report. I mailed my true identity, supporting documents to validate my identity, and the FTC report on XX/XX/2021. The account came back verified. I called the Companies in question and was informed to call the Credit Bureaus. The Bureaus are not properly validating the accounts. I have not signed or authorized to request for these companies to have financial ties on my behalf. I am disappointed as a consumer the Bureaus are not responsively upholding the credit laws Section 609 AND section 605.
Debt is not mine
XXXX has been attempting to collect on a non-existent debt. I have at all times had all outstanding balances paid on all accounts. I have proof of payment for the amount they allege is owed ( attached hereto ). A different collection agency previously tried to collect on this account approximately 1 year afo. I contested the claim, and that stopped contacting me. Now a different collection agency is contacting me to attempt to collect on the same non-existent debt. XXXX has agreed verbally on the phone that I owe no debts, and promised a letter of confirmation which they never sent.
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
I sent XXXX multiple letters to verify this account and I never received proof or a copy of a application with my signature.
Received bad information about your loan
I re-applied in XXXX for continuing on the Income Based Repayment Plan with Nelnet, stud ent loan servicer. Company messaged me to state that they received the paperwork. Company did not contact me again until XXXX to state that my payment would be double (!!! ) from what I have been paying ( and that I was no longer in the IBRP program ). Upon calling, I was told the form I sent it was " expired. '' However, the form had an expiration date on it for XXXX ( XXXX XXXX ). The company also stated that they had sent me an email ( they did not ) and regular mail ( they did not ). Thus, I had not been notified of this " expired '' paperwork. Upon speaking to a manager, it was acknowledge that it was Nelnet 's error and they would reprocess that paperwork as it was the appropriate forms. Three weeks later, no correspondence from Nelnet except to state that my next payment ( still the increased payment ) was due. I called the company again, and they stated that the paperwork was expired and that they sent me a correspondence to fill out a new form. This was never sent to my email or home address. I now have to take a forbearance as they will not accept the payment I have already been paying for the last year, or quickly process the paperwork ( which according to them was the correct paperwork ) in order to avoid economic hardship. I have based my career on making timely payments in an appropriate loan repayment program and I do not know if forbearance will affect the Student Loan Forgiveness Program. Further, I was told by the company that the paperwork was not expired while on the phone the first time and they rescinded that without ever contacting me.
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Saturday night I got a email stating a Lender had checked my credit. I reached out to my lender and asked if they pulled my credit under a name CBNA and he said they have not ran my credit yet and does not know who this company is. My identity was compromised last year so Im not sure what this is all about. I need this to be removed from my account!
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
ATTN Collections Dept I am submitting a complaint in reference to this company knowingly reporting inaccurate data. My credit profile is affected by these penalties, preventing my creditworthiness, due to these companies. I demand proof of the purchasing agreement? Valid Authorization/ proof of alleged debt. Reporting without valid proper disclosure requirements are in direct violation of my consumer rights. I legally requested a description of the details of the verification process used to verify this alleged account. Federal law requires you to respond in thirty ( 30 ) days to failure to comply with these federal regulations by the FTC U.S C41, et esq. I am maintaining a careful record on my communication with your company. Thank you, I look forward to resolving this expeditiously
Public record information inaccurate
XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/2019 Case # XXXX *Inaccurate information regarding sentence length of incarceration.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I XXXX XXXX am filing this complaint on behalf of myself for false reporting misleading information. This complaint has not been filed by a third party nor was it filed in error. You said that these items were verified by the creditor however there is nothing notated on my credit reports that these items were ever disputed. That is a violation and these items need to be deleted and/or the late payments need to be updated.
Deposits and withdrawals
I deposited a check written to me through my mobile app immediately after it was written to me by my sister on XX/XX/XXXX in the amount of almost 4k. I waited a couple of days to make sure it cleared and then used the funds. On XX/XX/XXXXthe money was then withdrawn from my account. I then immediately called to find out why on XX/XX/XXXX. The first level was unsure and put in a ticket for someone in the escalation department to contact me. I waited another day for someone to return my phone call. XXXX contacted me and we played phone tag until I decided not try and get someone else on the line. I then spoke to XXXX. She listened to my explanation and then said she would look into it further. I called back a couple more times only to be told they really couldn't do anything for me and that I would have to wait for XXXX to return my call since she was my case worker. I also heard multiple stories about my deposit during this time. I hear that it was withdrawn due to the physical check being deposited into an ATM by another individual. Ironically the name they were a little unclear of the account it was put in was XXXX with the same last name. At this point they knew it was fraud but it is not until todayXX/XX/XXXX that I was told that there was actually going to be a fraud investigation opened on my behalf. During this time I also spoke to 3-5 more representatives before I got XXXX on the line and conferenced him in with XXXX XXXX who told XXXX XXXX that they in fact could not see what the institution was that claimed the check was deposited into or the name of the person who's account it was put in to. So now the story had changed. I now have spoken to XXXX and had to repeat my story once again. She also claimed to take ownership and resolve my issue. It has been a week and now they are saying since it is fraud that they may not be able to get all or any of my funds returned but now this is a bank error because a fraud case should have been opened immediately. XXXX XXXX can only see the deposit to PNC into my account as the only withdrawal of the check. They have no record or any other attempt to debit the account the check was written out of. I keep getting the run around and lied to on multiple occasions and PNC is claiming it is not a bank error. Also when speaking to XXXX I was told that she was restricted by law to tell me the name of the persons account or the institution it was supposedly deposited into. Even though I was given this information before and then she herself mentioned that I was previously told the name of the persons account. So was this illegal? I find it hard to believe that XXXX XXXX doesn't have the money in my sister 's account with them, only sees one attempted debit to her account and no others, but PNC has this institution that they can't see or name ( whichever lie they want to tell at the time ) and this name of a person so conveniently close to mine. It has been over a week with many hours spent trying to get a resolution. I have had bills reversed and late fees for bills I can not pay due to this money being in limbo somewhere. PNC is not eager to help and is definitely not handling this in a responsible manner. I am extremely disappointed in this institution.
Investigation took more than 30 days
Account information incorrect
Equifax is reporting lates that should not even exist on a closed account. I haven't had the account open since 2015 so all of the lates that exist on the account should not even be reporting.
Problem with fraud alerts
I have placed a fraud freeze on my credit reports. Recently, I attempted to get a new credit card. The freeze worked exactly the way it should ; XXXX sent me a letter saying they needed a pin, or for me to release the freeze to continue. The problem is with Equifax. Through their website, they asked for indentification from me, but did NOT request the pin I have recorded from them. Immediately after, they refused all further contact by phone or internet : " We 're sorry ... we can not process your online request concerning an Equifax security freeze. To assist us in processing your request please submit in writing the required items outlined below. '' I am not comfortable with sending information that is already sensitive in the clear, and especially when it includes the PIN that is the master key to my credit report with XXXX. But I have no other option.
Problem using a debit or ATM card
On XX/XX/2019. My phone was hacked by an 800 phone number XXXX found on XXXX thinking it for XXXX costumer service when I needed help to cancel a transaction I sent to a friend through XXXX. But unfortunately they hacked my account by taking my name, phone number and the device am using to access XXXX and {$1200.00} was stolen through XXXX XXXX. I called XXXX but XXXX says they can not accept my claim because my phone was used on XX/XX/XXXX to access XXXX so they have no evidence that I didnt authorized those transactions. I have explain to them several times that I didnt authorized any payment and my phone was hacked because they people ask me what phone am using, and I didnt know anything so I told them the device. But XXXX still dont want to help me trace my money. At this point I know they wont help. They are aware that people are using their app to scam people in the app but they have ignored and dont do anything about it. I need help getting my money back because I didnt authorized any transaction and dont know these people. Thank you.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
.Hi, I can't believe you guys are taking advantage of me. I AM VERY UPSET the credit bureaus have not responded back to me about my investigation. I sent a letter, it's more than 60days. I need these accounts deleted or updated. These are the items I demanding to be deleted immediately Chapter XXXX bankruptcy XXXX Please remove this bankruptcy from my Public record Chapter XXXX bankruptcy XXXX Please remove this bankruptcy from my Public record
Information belongs to someone else
Some body try to rent an apartment in my name in Louisiana, I found that in a credit card charge, when I realize that I started to check my credit and to my surprise there were numerous accounts in my name .These fraudulent accounts are causing me to pay high interest an a lot of credit rejections, I need to remove these fraudulent accounts from my report.
Received bad information about your loan
Submitted Employer verification form for XXXX on XX/XX/2022. Mohela took XXXX XXXX to process application and denied stating my employer entered an end data on the application. This information is inaccurate. The form has no end date and is clearly marked by my employer " Still Employed '' on full time basis and continue to work XXXX per XXXX
Information belongs to someone else
I have fraudulent accounts and personal info reporting on my credit report. It do not belong on there. I have documents of SSN, DL, Fraud Report. Please remove negative accounts and personal information on the fraud report! In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act XXXX, the accounts listed on my attachments has violated my rights. 15 USC 1681 Section 602 States I have the right to privacy. 15 USC 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions. 15 USC 1666B : A creditor may not treat a payment on a credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan as late for any purpose.
Information belongs to someone else
My purse was stolen out of my car in a XXXX parking lot ( XXXX, NC ). I did not do a police report at that time. After recently pulling a copy of my credit report I have noticed that there are quite a number of medical debts that are n't mine. I immediately contacted the collection company who did not help me and I then contacted the credit bureaus ( Equifax, XXXX, and XXXX ) and let them know about the problem. I disputed all items asking that signed documents be shown as proof that these charges belong to me. I have not received any original signed contracts to prove that these accounts are mine because there are none. I was told to get a police report but the years in between now and then of coarse that was impossible. I understand that each bureau reports differently however truthfully these accounts do n't belong on any of these bureaus credit report for me. I have attached my FTC Identity Theft Report Letter as well as the letter that I sent to Equifax XX/XX/2017. These accounts are making my credit score bad and its hurting my credit credibility. I have been trying to have these accounts removed for about three months now. This is unfair to me and I really need it to be fixed.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
On Thursday, XX/XX/2018 I submitted a complaint informing Equifax that there are fraudulent accounts reporting on my credit report. I submitted the Identity theft report as proof of these fraudulent accounts but to no avail as Equifax failed to block these accounts from my credit file stating that they verified that these fraudulent accounts belong to me. I would like a reinvestigation, I would also like for Equifax to send me proof along with all information regarding that investigation including the furnisher of the fraudulent information and how they verified the accuracy of these fraudulent accounts. This letter is my final communication regarding the inaccurate entries being reported under XXXX XXXX XXXX Child Support, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX/XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I have repeatedly asked for evidence to support your reporting, but yet again, you have failed to provide me with a copy of any viable evidence submitted substantiating their claims. Furthermore, I have requested your method of verification, and you have not complied, which is an additional violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act 611 ( a ) ( 7 ).
Information belongs to someone else
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Please provide validation of debt for this account with signature. As I have requested this before. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I have previously disputed with the credit bureaus to delete inaccurate information that is reflected on my credit reports. To date, to no avail. The following information should be deleted from my credit reports : XXXX : Delete Also Known As : XXXX XXXX Delete Addresses : XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX & XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX . XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX Equifax : Delete : XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX : Delete : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. # XXXX, XXXX XXXX, TX XXXX
Was not notified of investigation status or results
According to 15 U.S.C 1681 states that CRAs are required to report only accurate credit reports and exercise the consumer 's right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 subsection ( A ) ( 4 ) There is a need to ensure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumers right to privacy. These consumer reporting agencies are in violation, of which, 15 U.S.C. 1692g ( a ) - Notice of Debt { Within five days after the initial communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt, a debt collector shall, unless the following information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid the debt, send the consumer a written notice containing }. They were to notify me of this in writing 5 days prior, I was not. As the original creditor, only I can validate this debt. I do not validate this debt. I contacted them multiple times but I never received any response yet, which violated my rights on 15 U.S.C 1681N and 1681O for their willful and negligent non-compliance.
Problem using a debit or ATM card
I submitted a dispute in the amount of {$780.00} because I purchased an item & havent received it. My bank is refusing to dispute the transaction saying its past 120 days in which the reason I notified them immediately once the merchandise had not been received, nor have I had any further communication with the merchant. They allowed my account to be debited. At this point its theft & and theyre making me liable & refusing to refund the money.
Reporting company used your report improperly
Due to the Equifax cyberattack, my information has been stolen.
Information belongs to someone else
This is the several time I've complained about being a victim of identity theft. You must remove/block any account that was opened without my knowledge, consent, or authority within XXXX business days with ( XXXX ) appropriate proof of the identity of the consumer ; ( XXXX ) a copy of an identity theft report ; ( XXXX ) the identification of such information by the consumer; and ( XXXX ) a statement by the consumer that the information is not information relating to any transaction by the consumer. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Account status incorrect
I am concerned about the validity and accuracy of the account which is having a late payment status on my credit report. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is an on time paid account and should not be reported as such. Given the fact that I send my payments before the due is unfair when you see this error on your credit report
Public record information inaccurate
I have sent Certified letters to all three credit bureaus to have this bankruptcy removed from my credit report and I have received the same response " This item has been verified through a third party reporting agency " I have a letter from the US District Court stating they do not verify to anyone.
Problem with product or service terms changing
XXXX XXXX XXXX va for XXXX XXXX was offered to get there student loans forgiven because the lack of jobs XXXX promise is wasnt true we suffered from lack of employment and now theses loans are missing with me bettering myself with XXXX kids in my life and its not fair for me to struggle after I went to a school with broken promises and graduated on the deans list
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
In relation to ID XXXX regarding XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX CFPB proposed a question as to what would be a fair resolution to this issue? My response, A fair resolution to this issue would be to request that XXXX and Equifax please " remove '' the negative collection agency ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ), from my credit reporting profile so that my FICO score can return to its original state due to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, being paid in full. Now that we have received a response from the Company XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ), on XX/XX/2022, informing us that any credit reporting XXXX provided on behalf of the creditor has been deleted accordingly. The deletion has been confirmed, I would like to move forward with submitting an additional complaint to the CFPB regarding the credit reporting bureau, XXXX. During my most recent telephone correspondence with a XXXX Supervisor, by the name of XXXX, he ( XXXX ) informed me that collections remain on ones credit report for seven years, unless I as the consumer receive notification from the collections company XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ), requesting that the negative report be removed ( deleted ) from the consumer 's credit profile. Therefore, considering that the third-party collection agency XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX erroneously placed negative information on my personal credit profile, without notifying me and allowing proper time for me to respond to the negative information being reported by the Creditor, I am requesting that XXXX please XXXX remove '' the negative collection agency ( XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX from my credit reporting profile BEFORE a seven-year removal of the erroneous credit reporting can take place so that my FICO score can return to its original state. The collections supervisor ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) informed me that they would report the balance as paid ; however, to have the collections removed from my credit report, I would need to speak to someone within the Credit Bureaus ( XX/XX/TransUnion/Equifax ) XXXX I spoke to an XXXX representative to confirm my dispute and payment, with the ability to remove the negative reporting collections the same day. Considering XXXX was the one that notified me of the negative collection being on my credit profile, I had no idea that the negative collection information had also been reported to XXXX and Equifax. However, XXXX and Equifax are stating that they are merely reporting agencies, and the negative collection reporting has to stay on your credit report for seven years although the payment has been updated to paid in full with a XXXX balance. I find this to be false information. If XXXX was able to remove it from the credit report the same day after showing that the payment in full was made to the third-party collection agency, XXXX and Equifax possess these same capabilities. No ones FICO credit score should be reduced by over 100 points due to an erroneous collections charge in the amount of only {$100.00}, due to the creditor (XX/XX/XXXX ), not following up per the documented conversation to receive the remainder of payment by phone. Allowing creditors, third-party collection companies, and credit reporting bureaus to place negative erroneous information on a person 's credit file that is utilized to weigh an individuals credibility to make life-saving decisions, must stop immediately. The point of filing a dispute with the credit bureaus ( XXXX and Equifax ), is to have the negative erroneous reporting from the collections REMOVED from my credit report file immediately, not to wait for seven years. If I had received the follow-up within a timely manner as promised by theXX/XX/XXXX representative, or proper notification from the third-party collection agency (XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX that is when I could have provided the additional payment information and resolved this matter prior to reporting erroneous information to the third-party collections, and placing this error onto my credit profile. It must stop with allowing creditors, third-party collection companies, and credit reporting bureaus to submit a charge to your credit profile, then tell you it must stay on your credit report for seven years before it can be removed. UNACCEPTABLE. I am reaching out to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) requesting your kind assistance to further investigate this matter and to provide additional knowledge and instructions for having XXXX and Equifax remove the negative paid in full third party collections account ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ), from my credit report due to it is hurting my FICO credit score and causing emotional distress if I am unable to provide for my family because every business venture and creditor review what is reported to the three major credit bureaus to determine one 's creditability. On Thursday, XX/XX/XXXX, 2022. the Company XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, responded to CFPB Case ID No. : ID XXXX, stating that on XX/XX/ 2022, XXXX ( XXXX ) placed an account with us for collection or we would not have attempted to contact XXXX XXXX. XXXX wrote to and called the consumer to advise him of the account. Prior to our receipt of the complaint, XXXX had already ceased collection efforts. On XXXX XXXX, 2022, XXXX XXXX called XXXX and paid the balance in full. The companys response is proof that not only are they not able to supply documentation that they reached out to me, but the company also did not comply with The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) allows for legal action against certain collectors, such as XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, that dont comply with the rules in the law. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, did NOT comply with the FDCPA rules in the law. Therefore, one must be selective about what is reported to confirm the accuracy and comply with the due diligence process prior to reporting negative information to a consumers credit profile. I do hope I have provided enough detailed information to the CFPB to support this matter to assist your staff members in developing a full understanding of the dispute and reasoning for your assistance request. It is important that we take the time from our busy lifestyles and speak out when a wrong has been rendered so that no other consumer will experience such amiss. Thank you in advance for your kind assistance, and please do not hesitate to contact me if additional information is needed. Best regards, XXXX XXXX, XXXX Email : XXXX C : ( XXXX ) XXXX
Information belongs to someone else
I am a victim of identity theft. The thief has my SS, DOB and address. With this information, the thief conveniently called the credit reporting agencies and was able to place a fraud alert on my file and CHANGE THE PHONE NUMBERS on my account. I am SHOCKED that the credit reporting agencies allow a phone number that has been in use for 20+ years to be changed that easily and NONE of the agencies notified me of a change to my contact information. THANKS to the Credit Reporting Agency changing my phone number, the fraudsters were able to buy a car in my name with the Car Dealership contacting the FRAUDSTER at the number they had provided to the Credit Reporting Agency, i.e. Equifax. The credit report supplied to me by the dealership clearly states to contact the consumer at a fraudulent phone number to verify the application for credit. With increased sophistication of FRAUD, Equifax, XXXX, and XXXX CLEARLY NEED A NEW METHOD of verification besides SS, DOB and ADDRESS. Perhaps a good called ID would be a good investment.
Debt is not yours
XX/XX/2020 my wife was rear ended by another vehicle while on the off-ramp of a freeway. Not only was the at fault driver not billed for the emergency services ( transportation ) rendered to my wife as they should have been. The company has refused to work with XXXX as I am XXXX XXXX military for payment that they deemed my wife and I responsible to pay. XXXX was contacted and ensured my wife and I that they have sent correspondence to the debt collector stating my wife nor I are responsible for this debt.
Unable to open an account
I attempted to open an account with PNC bank to take advantage of their compensation if you get direct deposit. PNC bank opened multiple accounts in my name then sent me notices saying they were all closed. In addition, they sent me a card but I have been unable to access the account online and customer service is of no assistance. I am unsure how or why they would have done this in the first place. My concern is that they are actually using these fake accounts in my name to borrow money under my social security number. Im asking for an investigation into whether PNC is opening extra fake accounts in customers names then sending them notices that they are closed. Thank you
Seized/Attempted to seize property
I had a discover card with payment protection which showed a charge for on all statements. they refused to use this insurance and sued me in court which I was unable to attend due to a death. My mother. They got the judgement and attached my wages as well as a lein on my home. this debt has been paid in full per my payroll dept and they have yet to remove the lein on my home thus preventing my refinance in order to save my home. I have communicated with there attorney by fax and requested this be removed and copy the release to the VA to show the lein has been removed. As of this date XXXX/XXXX/2015 there has been no response to remove this lein. I would like the justice department to look into this practice of denial with records of this insurance on the statements from discover bank as well as securing this relieve of lein at once.If there is no response I would like the justice department to support this senior citizen as well as all who have been doused by this charge that is denied when requested.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Equifax and XXXX are reporting incorrectly that I am ( 60 ) days late on the XXXX XXXX account number XXXX. ( Please see page attached from my credit report. ) This account reports a {$0.00} balance and {$0.00} past due. Please keep in mind that it is impossible to be past due on an account with a {$0.00} balance. This incorrect reporting is harming my credit score and this line item needs to be removed from my credit report. I have contacted the ( 2 ) bureaus to remove this however, I have not been successful.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Credit inquiries are the most common ways a bad actor, hacker, impersonator, or other entity uses to gain inappropriate, illegal, unlawful, unauthorized, and credit without resent. There has been a warning on my report to not approve such things. My credit report with Equifax is a complete mess, full of inaccuracies, and they have chosen not to deal with it. This is unacceptable. Any fraudulent, illegal, illicit, unlawful, inappropriate, unauthorized, no consent, no permission from myself, XXXX XXXX XXXX is not considered a valid reason to grant credit, credit access, credit inquiries, and other things. These entries should and shall be removed. I have been locked out and I am unable to have my account restored, even though I am paying a monthly subscription fee to Equifax. I can not get access. My score reports back as "? '' and everything is hidden, unavailable, or technical errors pop up. I have talked with Equifax many times, I have verified myself over the phone, they have acknowledge they are in receipt of my unlock requests, yet, I still can not gain access to my account, credit report, score, or any other credit related information. I am 100 % locked out and I can not do anything about it and Equifax refuses to resolve the issue,
Debt is not yours
In XXXX I entered in to a lease agreement at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX. When I occupied the building, the water service was not turned on. Once on, it was discovered that there were a multitude of leaks. I informed the owner of the issue and he asked me to call a plumber as I XXXX a XXXX XXXX XXXX and had a contact. My XXXX XXXX XXXX called and scheduled the plumber and some work was completed. The owner never made the water system completely workable, and in XX/XX/XXXX I vacated the property. Shortly thereafter, my XXXX XXXX XXXX received a bill from XXXX XXXX. I explained the situation and told them that my XXXX XXXX XXXX was not responsible for the bill and provided them with the owners information. I received some threatening correspondence from the building owner stating that I was responsible. At that time, I refused all calls and emails from he and the owner. I attest that this obligation is not mine for two reasons : 1 ) The plumbing work was completed on a building where I was only a tenant. 2 ) The plumbing services were ordered by my XXXX XXXX XXXX on behalf of the owner. My XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) was billed for this service. My XXXX ceased operation in XXXX. This credit and debt collection is in my personal name.
Information belongs to someone else
This is not my accounts. I don't have a contract with this company, nor have I ever even spoken to this company.
Debt was result of identity theft
My identity has been compromised by somebody I do not know. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Attempted to collect wrong amount
I took out a loan with Republic Finance. I tried to work with them. After, some time pass by I did not hear from Republic Finance. I assumed that the debt was written off. Two years passed by and I was notified by Human Resources that my wages were being garnished. Republic hired a collection agency by the name of XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX. I was never served any papers to appear in court. After, receiving the copy from my employer of this garnishment I reached out to XXXX XXXX his assistance spoke to me. He was very rude and unprofessional. In addition, I explained I moved and had certain circumstances that took place in my life including a divorce. No sympathy or compassion. Remind you this company makes you pay insurance on this loan. In addition, they are taking out 25 percent EVERY PAY CHECK!! I do not make much from my company. As a XXXX XXXX this is a hardship. They are taking almost half of my salary. In addition, they added collection fees, court cost along with other bogus charges. I need some form of assistance. Also, I advice anyone I REPEAT DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH REPUBLIC. There collection agencies will milk you dry, lie, and use all types of unethical procedures to collect monies from you.
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act XXXX XXXX XXXX. with no account number has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C. 1681 section 602A States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C. 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting angency can not furnish a account without my written instructions.
Information belongs to someone else
I received a letter from CFPB on XX/XX/2022, that you closed my complaint to protect myPRIVACY. I called XXXX, XXXX, and Equifax after I purchased a credit report fromXXXX on XX/XX/2022. After receiving a copy of my report, I saw these UNVERIFIABLEitems on my personal profile, I noticed that there were Names : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX ; XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX CA XXXX ; XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX CA XXXX. Accounts : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$0.00} ; XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : {$1400.00} ; XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance : $ XXXX : XXXX XXXX my credit report which are UNKNOWN to me. This isdisappointing because I have been paying XXXX XXXX to get a report every month and Ihave been disputing fraud items on my credit report all this time. One of the staff told me tovisit https : // and Report the Fraudulent items and have them BLOCKED ORREMOVED from my credit file. Ive attached a copy of the identity theft report ( FTC report # : XXXX ), and guess what I found? Per Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 605B ( a ) thecredit bureaus are required to remove/block any item which was opened without myknowledge, consent or authority within 4 business days with ( 1 ) appropriate proof of theidentity of the consumer ; ( 2 ) a copy of an identity theft report ; ( 3 ) the identification of suchinformation by the consumer; and ( 4 ) a statement by the consumer that the information isnot information relating to any transaction by the consumer. A copy of my Driver 's License, Social Security Number and Proof of Address are all included in this complaint. I want you toknow that I am telling the truth and by XXXX, XXXX, and Equifax not blocking theseitems are inadvertently resulting in me being extorted.
Account information incorrect
XXXX XXXX XXXX sold my account debt of {$240.00} to XXXX XXXX and closed the account on XX/XX/2016. When I check my credit report, the balance owed still shows {$240.00} and not {$0.00}. Since the account was sold I am no longer obligated to pay XXXX XXXX XXXX and the account balance should be {$0.00}. This was confirmed when I called XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Information belongs to someone else
As per 15usc 1611 XXXX XXXX and Equifax is criminally obligated. They are affably obligated for twofold the measure of the money charge as per 15 usc 1640. Furthermore, they are at risk for each fdcpa infringement as per usc XXXX. Im requesting they eliminate this supposed obligation from my shopper reports, transmit installments to me for infringement. A supposed obligation being outfitted on your credit report is an infringement of 15 usc 16922b. ( 2 ) it is likewise publicizing to certain installment. Which is illicit. Im requesting that you eliminate these Transactions from my report promptly as they are an infringement of my privileges as a governmentally protected purchaser under title 15 section 41. Concerning the records recorded underneath as a customer Im requesting a cancellation of these records. Cc : Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Cc : Attorneys General Office. Cc XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Cc : State Senate. Cc : Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Cc : Comptroller of the Currency. Cc : Federal Reserve System. Cc : XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX. Cc : Federal Trade Commission. Cc : State Regulatory Agency
Account information incorrect
Home Depo is still reporting Incorrect High Balance History and Inconsistent Dispute Responses to the Credit Reporting Agencies. They claim they are not in their XX/XX/XXXX response to my CFPB COMPLAINT. ( See attached Screenshot of my XXXX Online Dispute Results ) I was advised by an XXXX Representative that as of XX/XX/XXXX, the Home Depot Account was being processed to be DELETED from my Credit Report by all Credit Reporting Agencies. ( See attached XXXX Report awaiting Deletion beginning XX/XX/XXXX ) Citi Bank also admitted in their XX/XX/XXXX letter of Response to the CFPB that Home Depo did not provide them Documentation during the Investigation Period ( 2 Billing Cycles ) of my XX/XX/XXXX Dispute. They also admitted in the above mentioned letter that 4 Billing Cycles later, they Charged me again for that same Disputed Purchase of {$2900.00}. This is a breach in their Credit Card Contract Regarding the Dispute Process. They continued to Bill me for the Disputed amount with Interest, and Included it in my Total Balance, therefore Reporting Incorrect Information to the Credit Bureaus.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
FedLoan Servicing Credit failure to MOV. failure to comply with FCRA 611 ( a ) ( 7 ) within the time set forth by law and continued reporting of unverified information which now, given all my attempts to address it directly with the creditor, as willful non-compliance.
Information is not mine
Hello, In regards to my Credit Report with Equifax, I am submitting information again to dispute a charge of : {$990.00} from : XXXX which was opened on : XX/XX/2012. I am again disputing that I do not owe this debt and at that time, I submitted proper information to Resident Collect and Equifax to reflect that I had a stolen identity. The CRA XXXX Equifax XXXX continues to list this debt as valid, and has not shown such proof that it belongs to me, other than the word of the collection agency - they themselves can not show just cause as to this being a valid debt belonging to me. Therefore, I am requesting that this entry be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED from my credit report. XXXX again contacted the XXXX ( XXXX ), and submitted again the information and they state via letter that : XXXX is no longer pursuing the debt and the account is closed. The also say that they have ceased activity and have notified the CRAs of this intention. I am wondering why Equifax refuses to remove this from my report. Please see the attached letter. I want this entry deleted NOW!
Debt was paid
For the past three months, I have had issues with my Upgrade card falsely labeling my account as delinquent for non-payment despite the fact that I have my payments set up to be automatically deducted monthly. I have called so many times about this issue I have lost count with the most recent call being today XX/XX/2022. I am told that their system incorrectly allocates my payments and that there's nothing that can be done unless I call in every month prior to my payment being deducted to make sure someone manually allocates the payment correctly. In the meantime, if this isn't done, my account is labeled as being delinquent and all of my card transactions are declined. They also have charged me several " accrual ' fees related to this despite me never making a late payment or underpaying. They are penalizing customers because their system is flawed.
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
I submitted formal disputes with XXXX, Equifax, and XXXX in regard to inaccurate late payment from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX showing on my reports, in which I'm co-signer for my wife, on her Equifax report shows paid as agreed but all 3 of my reports shows 1 30 day late in XX/XX/2017. This caused my credit score to drop more than 60 points, resulting me not able to qualify for personal loan.
Reporting company used your report improperly
I asked the credit bureaus to verify the following accounts but after sending in a letter of dispute, they still failed to verify the said accounts. In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions.
Information belongs to someone else
Equifax breach has caused two items on my credit report to be inaccurate
Account status incorrect
In XX/XX/2022, I paid in full this credit card with the understanding from the creditor that they would update my credit reporting by closing the account and deleting this account completely from my credit profile.
Was not notified of investigation status or results
On XX/XX/2020 I sent a letter regarding inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report, to this day over 60 days later I have not received a response yet. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of and being ignored of my disputes. Section 611 ( a ) it is plainly stated that a failure to investigate these items within 30 days gives a reason to immediately remove those items on my credit report it has been over 60 days so they should be deleted promptly. I demand these accounts be deleted immediately or i will file for litigation due to the stress you caused me. My information was also impacted by the XXXX data breach and may have got into the hands of the wrong person.
Information belongs to someone else
XXXX, XXXX XXXX SOC SEC # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX ADDRESS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, FL XXXX TODAYS DATE : XX/XX/XXXX Dear Sir or Madam : The sole purpose of this letter is to inform you I have been a victim of identity theft. I am further requesting that you block the following fraudulent information from my credit reports so that I can proceed accordingly with my file. Once more, I want to emphasize none of the information stated below relates to any transaction that I have made. XXXX XXXX Reported : XXXX. XXXX, XXXX + {$0.00} Closed XXXX Reported : XXXX. XXXX, XXXX + {$0.00} Closed THESE INQUIRIES DO NOT BELONG TO ME The items listed are clearly fraudulent ; therefore, I am requesting that they are deleted /blocked by name of source. In addition, A CRA must block the fraudulent information and the victim must be identified within four business days after accepting his/her Identity Theft Report. When it accepts the Identity Theft Report, the CRA also must notify the furnishers of the fraudulent information that the victim has filed the Report, that the Report states that the information they furnished Resulted from identity theft, and that it is blocking the information that they furnished. FCRA 605B ( b ), 15 U.S.C. 1681c-2 ( b ) .III. A. Blocking Information in Credit Reports under Sections-605B and 623 ( a ) ( 6 ) Under section 605B of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ), both the credit reporting agencies ( CRAs ) and the creditors, debt collectors, and other companies that reported the identity theft-related information to the CRA ( furnishers ) are responsible for blocking fraudulent information from appearing in victims credit reports, blocking fraudulent information from appearing in victims credit reports Please let me know if you need any other information from me to block this information on my credit report. Sincerely, XXXX, XXXX XXXX SOC SEC # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX ADDRESS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, FL XXXX
Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
1. XX/XX/2021, received notice from XXXX XXXX, SD XXXX name of sender was not included ) telling me that my APR on a closed account ( closed in XXXX ) may increase and require me to pay more monthly. 2. XX/XX/2021, called number listed on notice and spoke to XXXX from Citibank. Asked why is APR increasing on a closed account which I pay on time every month? Answer : The federal gov't controls the prime ; Don't see anything about an APR increase ; No you can not dispute the change ; and Contact for more info. 3. My complaint : Who protects my rights in this matter? Where is my Notice to Dispute? Can the company legally increase my APR on an account that is closed but being timely paid monthly? Thankyou.
Confusing or misleading advertising about the credit card
I am writing to file a formal complaint against The May Department Stores Company and Citgroup who purchased the May Department Stores Company credit card receivables and services all cardholders for a deceptive business practice of offering deferred interest programs with full knowledge they would block consumers from applying payments towards deferred balances illegally generating deferred interest. I am requesting your office investigated this illegal practice and enforce current laws or enact new laws to prevent this type of leading practice targeting minorities and seniors and file a class action lawsuit on behalf of all consumer affected. I made ( 2 ) two deferred purchases first on XX/XX/XXXX, in the amount of {$1000.00}, second on XX/XX/XXXX, in the amount of {$500.00}, for a total of {$1500.00}. Although I made other purchases during this time period XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX, I paid Macys {$2800.00}, towards my deferred balance who refused to apply said funds as directed and blocked consumers from making selective payments towards deferred balances. After I filed a formal complaint Macys then decided to apply two payments in the amount of {$420.00}, towards the deferred balance then charges {$490.00}, in deferred interest after 12 twelve-month period ended {$310.00}, interest for {$1000.00}, purchase and {$180.00}, interest for {$500.00}, purchase and claimed balances were not paid prior to ending period with full knowledge Macys blocked consumers from applying payments towards deferred balances. Macys engaged in a deceptive business practices by refusing to disclose how consumers can apply payments towards deferred balances prior to purchase, blocked consumers from applying payments towards deferred balances, falsely claimed deferred interest on the of {$1000.00}, purchase was {$280.00}, but charged {$310.00}, claimed deferred interest on the amount of {$500.00}, purchase was {$110.00}, for 12 months but charged {$180.00} interest for balances that were paid. Macys knowingly applied payments towards newer purchases without the consent or knowledge of consumers, sent out complicated statements that did not show or disclosed formulas or rational uses to apply payments towards deferred balances then claimed it was the consumer responsibility to apply said payments. In addition, Macys refused to allow me to dispute the interest charges or calculations told the consumer to make additional payments, said consumers do not have the rights to dispute any of their billing or interest charged which is a direct violation of Fair Credit Billing Act. I asked Macys to allow me to file a billing dispute under the FCBA, placed disputed amount aside and remove from outstanding balance opposed to being charged more interest on the deferred interest charged in amount of {$490.00}, until issues can be considered reviewed by several government agencies. Macys denied my rights to dispute deferred charges which is a direct violation of FCBA. Therefore, I am seeking assistance and ask your office to investigate this deceptive business practice and provide relief in form a class-action lawsuit or enact and enforces laws to prevent companies for using this deceptive lending practice. Please find attached an XXXX spreadsheet and Macys invoices showing payments and balances and Macys billing statements for evidence your review please note first payment amount was {$400.00}, almost half the amount charged {$1000.00}.
Reporting company used your report improperly
This is regarding the recent hack of Equifax, resulting in my information being distributed to the hackers/unknown parties and now my identity and credit being at risk of theft for the remainder of my life.
Account status
I paid off my XXXX account in XXXX with EOS-CCA from XXXX a debt collector from XXXX. I settled and paid my debt in full under the terms that EOS offered me. I am applying for a mortgage and need to have a letter sent to me showing this debt has been settled and need this to reflect in my credit report. My account number is XXXX. They refuse to report the debt as paid in full and keep stating it is XXXX 's duty to do so. I have contacted XXXX and they tell me it is EOS_CCA responsibility. I do n't know who to believe. I need a letter to be sent to me that I have paid this off and I need to have this information reflected on my credit report as soon as possible. Thank you. Sincerely, XXXX
Reporting company used your report improperly
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. As stated in 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions. I, at no time gave anyone written permission to place anything on my credit report. Also if you look at the company website it states the following ... XXXX XXXX XXXX On the FAQ section it states also... Will XXXX, XXXX remove the account from my credit reports after it has been resolved? Your account will be considered paid-in-full or paid-in-full for less than the full balance after your final payment is successfully posted. Within approximately 30 days of your final payment successfully posting, we will request that the credit reporting agencies delete our tradeline related to your account from your credit bureau report.