EXAM: OB Ultrasound. HISTORY: A 29-year-old female requests for size and date of pregnancy. FINDINGS: A single live intrauterine gestation in the cephalic presentation, fetal heart rate is measured 147 beats per minute. Placenta is located posteriorly, grade 0 without previa. Cervical length is 4.2 cm. There is normal amniotic fluid index of 12.2 cm. There is a 4-chamber heart. There is spontaneous body/limb motion. The stomach, bladder, kidneys, cerebral ventricles, heel, spine, extremities, and umbilical cord are unremarkable. BIOMETRIC DATA: BPD = 7.77 cm = 31 weeks, 1 day,HC = 28.26 cm = 31 weeks, 1 day,AC = 26.63 cm = 30 weeks, 5 days,FL = 6.06 cm = 31 weeks, 4 days,Composite sonographic age 30 weeks 6 days plus minus 17 days. ESTIMATED DATE OF DELIVERY: Month DD YYYY. Estimated fetal weight is 3 pounds 11 ounces plus or minus 10 ounces. IMPRESSION: Single live intrauterine gestation without complications as described.