Outcome,CheckIn,Priority,Person,Description,IsDone,Attachments,Project,Last Updated ,2021-01-25,0,Debbie Developer,Build widget abc for use in Neptune,true,,Neptune,"Jan 25, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2020-12-29,3,Backlog,Add support to import xyz files,false,,Neptune,"Dec 23, 2020 by Morgan Manager" ,2020-12-29,3,Cody Coder,Finish changes to abc dialog,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Dec 21, 2020 by Cody Coder" ,2020-12-29,0,Debbie Developer,Fix xyz on mobile,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Dec 22, 2020 by Debbie Developer" Partly done,2020-12-29,0,Debbie Developer,Implement new UI design for xyz,true,,UI/UX,"Dec 22, 2020 by Debbie Developer" ,2020-12-29,0,Morgan Manager,Review upcoming designs,true,,UI/UX,"Dec 23, 2020 by Morgan Manager" ,2020-12-29,0,Morgan Manager,Talk to customer abc about xyz,true,,UI/UX,"Dec 23, 2020 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-04,3,Backlog,Optimize performance of abc,false,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 04, 2021 by Morgan Manager" All done except function Z,2021-01-04,0,Cody Coder,Implement new xyz formula functions,true,,Neptune,"Jan 03, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-04,0,Cody Coder,Fix bug in abc dialog,true,,Neptune,"Jan 03, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-04,0,Debbie Developer,Improve messages in case of xyz warnings,true,,UI/UX,"Dec 29, 2020 by Debbie Developer" ,2021-01-04,0,Debbie Developer,Implement new user options in abc,true,,UI/UX,"Dec 29, 2020 by Debbie Developer" Design at https://...,2021-01-04,0,Drew Designer,Design addition of abc to home page,true,,UI/UX,"Jan 06, 2021 by Drew Designer" Decided to go with abc,2021-01-04,0,Debbie Developer,Research choice of library for xyz,true,,Neptune,"Dec 29, 2020 by Debbie Developer" "Found root cause, fix in progress",2021-01-04,0,Erin Engineer,Debug and fix race condition in xyz,true,,Neptune,"Dec 31, 2020 by Erin Engineer" Design at https://...,2021-01-04,0,Drew Designer,Design abc dialog,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 07, 2021 by Drew Designer" ,2021-01-04,0,Morgan Manager,Follow up with Bob about abc,true,,Recruiting,"Jan 04, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-04,0,Morgan Manager,Work with Drew on revising abc dialog,true,,Neptune,"Jan 04, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-11,2,Backlog,Switch email service from abc to xyz,false,,Neptune,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-11,0,Cody Coder,Add a button to abc to do xyz,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 10, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-11,0,Cody Coder,Fix up UI glitch in abc dialog,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" "Turns out harder than it looks, will try library xyz instead",2021-01-11,0,Debbie Developer,Integrate library abc into the build,true,,Neptune,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-11,0,Drew Designer,Design email template for xyz,true,,Neptune,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-11,0,Debbie Developer,Improve messages in case of abc warnings,true,,Neptune,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-11,0,Erin Engineer,Finish fixing race condition in xyz,true,,Neptune,"Jan 10, 2020 by Erin Engineer" ,2021-01-11,0,Drew Designer,Add options for abc to dialog,true,,Neptune,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-11,0,Morgan Manager,Review plans for project abc with Erin,true,,UI/UX,"Jan 11, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-19,5,Backlog,Run a user study for Neptune designs,false,,UI/UX,"Jan 14, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-19,3,Backlog,Upgrade build to support abc library,false,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 16, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-19,0,Cody Coder,Write automated tests for xyz,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 19, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-19,0,Cody Coder,Build form to collect abc,true,,UI/UX,"Jan 19, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-19,0,Drew Designer,Revise UI for abc and xyz,true,,UI/UX,"Jan 18, 2021 by Drew Designer" Works well,2021-01-19,0,Debbie Developer,Integrate library xyz into the build,true,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 18, 2021 by Debbie Developer" Done but need to work on auth,2021-01-19,0,Erin Engineer,Implement backend API for project Neptune,true,,Neptune,"Jan 19, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-19,0,Drew Designer,Design the start screen for project Neptune,true,,Neptune,"Jan 19, 2021 by Drew Designer" ,2021-01-19,0,Morgan Manager,Get feedback on project Neptune from abc and xyz,true,,Neptune,"Jan 19, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-19,0,Morgan Manager,Interview engineering candidates,true,,Recruiting,"Jan 19, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-19,0,Erin Engineer,Fix test failure in xyz,true,,Neptune,"Jan 19, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-25,0,Erin Engineer,Implement auth for Neptune backend,false,,Neptune,"Jan 25, 2021 by Erin Engineer" ,2021-01-25,0,Cody Coder,Write tests for corner cases with xyz,true,,Neptune,"Jan 25, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-25,0,Cody Coder,Build welcome dialog UI for abc,false,,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 22, 2021 by Cody Coder" ,2021-01-25,0,Debbie Developer,Fix confusing error when xyz happens,true,,Mobile Optimization, ,2021-01-25,0,Drew Designer,Make requested revisions to Neptune start screen,false,,Neptune,"Jan 23, 2021 by Drew Designer" ,2021-01-25,0,Debbie Developer,Implement new user options in xyz,false,,Neptune,"Jan 25, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-25,0,Erin Engineer,Write tests for Neptune backend,false,,Neptune,"Jan 25, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-25,0,Drew Designer,Customize mobile version of abc,true,1,Mobile Optimization,"Jan 23, 2021 by Drew Designer" ,2021-01-25,0,Morgan Manager,Interview candidates,false,,Recruiting,"Jan 25, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2021-01-25,0,Morgan Manager,Discuss proposed changes to Neptune,true,,Neptune,"Jan 24, 2021 by Morgan Manager" ,2020-12-29,6,Backlog,User options for abc broken on mobile,false,,Mobile Optimization,"Dec 23, 2020 by Morgan Manager"