text,label Having a cup of tea I have a cold so it`s tasting really good!,1 Can you talk to my hubby and convince him that that`s a great present for ALL mommies???,1 forgot my lunch and no one else is ordering stuff boooooo!,0 _uk o2 - train from Bristol to London. It`s terrible - and no wifi,0 Sleep....take two....this better work!,1 "long, fun day now for some relaxation. some TV with the mom, then sleeeep",1 Ugggh school is so boring! I cant wait for this year to be over. So stressed -.= i shoulda stayed home today....,0 Just downloaded music for over an hour. Love when that happens,1 "had a great time celebrating mother`s day to me, being a mom is the best job on earth!",1 I`m entering a two month study/exam period. Which is awesome. - See you on the flip side,1 " Maybe u should get a coffee machine at your new desk, seems appropriate",1 Watched Kunguma poovum konjuma puravum... Liked it very much! excellent cinematography!!!,1 Oh no! I totally forgot he played today.,0 sorry 19/female/atl very lonely,0 Lovely walk this morning with the missus; drizzle didn`t matter,1 Riley had an alphabet fashion show today and I forgot my camera. It was so cute!,1 happy mother`s day to all the mothers in the world.,1 "i misss my phone,",0 "Really missing hockey already. Off for a night in Dtn Naperville. Can`t wait for the day off tomorrow, I have to work Sunday.",0 Lol @ me and whispering so we don`t get in trouble and being almost 30! Feels great to be home feeling like kids,1 i keep trying to get through but i cant,0 is not feelin well... i feel sooooo weak....i hate bein sick in the summer,0 I had the worst dream ever: the Lakers were losing 11 : ZIP & Courney Cox had a mohawk wtf.,0 would like to go back to bed. horrible headache pounding behind my eyes and all over my skull,0 "sociology is done, english and biology left... i`m going to DIE",0 Haha you`re welcome! I was honestly going crazy too. Have a great night as well,1 " Yeah, plus I always totally overspend",0 is tired. 04:30 alarm setting will do that Off to bed as soon as my bloody iPhone Backup and Sync finishes.,0 swoobs and swass.... why the hell is air not on TODAY when I am packing blech,0 awww. If I coukd send it from my phone I would. What kind of flair would you like?,0 still no direct message for me. what the hell am I complaining about? i`ll c ya in 27. if u don`t answer i`ll ask in 5*.,0 That would be SOOOOOO much and Geeky to the ultimate LEVEL! But I work 9 to 530am,1 Because you`re everything to me DEMI LOVATO,1 i`m a little sad that school ended today i`m moving so i`m going to miss all my new friends from this year. just got a hair cut,0 I`m tired. I think I`m becoming too old to go out.,0 "_eliza ohhhh that makes sense then. 8D and i need to reread the lotr trilogy, i lost the three books a long time ago and i`m sad.",0 I wish I could still drink it but I had two bad nights with white wine in London and then I was sick for almost a week,0 The city officially smells like dead fish,0 Is still awake at 5AM but for way better reasons. A fantastic night with fantastic people... and fantastic food!!,1 well she likes it so i call it a SUCCESS,1 Pineapple rocks bud,1 " possibly! NyQuil will get me through tonight though Doctors Monday! (I hope for the swine, just so I can be on google maps)..jk",1 haha this tripped me up once when I was talking to Harvard - I read it as an aussie automatically - came off as an idiot,0 feels at home to be back at church,1 aww sorry ot hear that least its work though!,0 Thanks for the follow back,1 "Being involved in requirements and architecture is nice and all, but now I`m looking forward to writing some code!",1 "29 mei, missing my dad for over a year now",0 Ugh our two week push to produce a six pack has produced nothing but pain!,0 sadly my corporate giant employer won`t let me get to that site...,0 I`d love too see you were it ,1 Watched the White House dinner speech by Barack. He`s just so many kinds of awesome!,1 winter flu has to twitter about logies to get noticed. haha. I love rove,1 no.1 dont really mean anything to me anymore :L it did when good old top of the pops was on every sat or friday or something,0 http://twitpic.com/4fnaa - haha love you two girl,1 How Come I Can Never Sleep Past?? Not Good,0 "Morning everyone sorry for going early last night had bad news, felt totally **** Today is a new day",0 17 again was funny,1 "hey please reply me, i can`t call you im from Mexico and i don`t know the code love you",1 If you don`t want to come then don`t come. JEEEEEZ.,0 "I love summer, but I oddly don`t want this school year to end.",1 I can`t **** concentrate with this **** heat! Cooler is so not doing it`s job.,0 i really wish i could.,1 " I wasn`t given an exact date, but it shouldn`t be much longer. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience!",0 aaaw... that`s very sweet of him. my girl friends gots to drag them hubbies just so we can 'nite-out'. unless my beer. LoL,1 Have a slight headache,0 i feel u but its sooo close to me hard not to but i cant so no point ugh,0 still aint get my vanilla frosty yet.,0 "ok all, bedtime for this bonzo! i just got done with my math homework and my brain is done for the day. Nite nite have a great day!",1 This day will pass slowly. All of these days will. RAWR!!!! ...,0 cutting hair allll day wish i was outside,0 I think my wireless router is dieing,0 http://twitpic.com/662vk - WHY DO U LOT MOCK ME!!!,0 Sometimes I could swear I really am insane.,0 picture to burn - taylor swift! great song!,1 So im playing hooky from work and it feels good Gonna go get ma hair did! .......i wonder how fitzsimmons is doing?,1 Have a fantastic opening flower drummers!! From the ALL Asian cast and crew,1 " Thanks dear, I know this, but I appreciate the validation as always",1 " aha, so that`s you. I`ve been meaning to take a look. Looks cool. If you could just get a pool in there",1 I don`t think the neti pot is working for me maybe I`m doing it wrong?,0 "_ Oh god, yeah! I forgot about that",0 " it`s not a test to find cancer, it`s just some stuff in regards to; in this case, positive results would be a good thing",1 " how tough was that, just wanted to hug her like my own",0 ahh when i was there it was closed,0 decided 2 trans frm relaxed 2 natural hair but i wish my whole head looked like my roots. Age of the instant gratification....,1 Aw one of our fishies died,0 " Uhhh.. not yet, maybe my DM inbox is just slow. I`ll let you know when it shows",0 " Thanks Heather, glad you like the dish",1 TGIF Resto here at home is dayuummm expensive!,0 http://twitpic.com/4w06l - LOVE IT! U have a great job!!,1 "_Kill_Boy oh sorry! not getting all my replies nothing against you. and yes, i do know nirvana",0 I love how when I leave my laptop on my bed it creates a nice toasty spot,1 on another note I totally love this pic of you and your dad....old pic - http://bit.ly/18aEG8,1 " Thanks mate, just came on board here at Twitter ... .. tweet up sounds great..",1 "Finally got to wash my hair! I feel much better now, but I gotta dry it ... Effffffort.",1 Just got home interesting night,1 The balmain knockoffs in bebe make me sad.....I want the real deal...these shoes look cheapy cheapy.,0 getting my new cellphone on wednesday! the LG Voyager! its soo sweet! i can`t wait that long though,1 "_L Thanks,I think your the first girl to say that...besides my mom",1 " yep, i wish they were all playing dubiln",1 I cant stand summer fever (for me) and when the weather gets really humid lol,0 yeah I LOVE CALI so much,1 "Just went through my piggy bank, man there was a hell of a lot of money in there! I can easily live out of just it for the next 2 weeks",1 "Woo, Hulu Desktop! My poor Mac is kinda struggling with it though, poor little Core Duo just can`t keep up",0 Wating to get my hair cut before prom. It sucks people screaming instead of talking. Probably going to be wating for another hour ...,0 I`m excited! Hust let me know when you want to go over to Lucky7 Tattoos,1 awww...on ur way out Have fun for me toooo!,1 : I`ve got a fairly flat route available... the problem is I no longer have a fully functional bike to ride,0 " yeah that`s trueee i can`t wait till the tour dvd comes out, that tour was so epic (: and the backstage material is hilarious",1 SICK! I`m totally getting GH5!! Too bad you guys didn`t get to play in Boston,0 CongratulationS. Great funky site! U did it waaw,1 Baking WIN! Thanks for that!,1 guessing... Ran 4 miles & gym? Superman you oxox,1 thanks for havin us overrr!,1 thanks for the #followfriday,1 I feel your pain. Mine is the same way,0 beach...yummy steak and catching up on `lost` with my man...lovely day,1 its weird how thinking about may 2nd totally changed my crappy mood to happiness...i miss so much,1 " No! I would like this! Yesterday, I talked with Alyso Stoner xD And Benton sent me a private messae and coment me here!",1 "@ MGM grand, mraz on stage! No doubling back opener. lots of old memories flooding back",1 wishes he could be with that special someone....,1 Okay haileys really gone now. everyone keep her in your prayers.,0 good to know PLN`s Earthday doesn`t only happen in my neck of the woods,1 happy mothers day..,1 sorry about it,0 Loves random acts of kindness and laughter,1 anyone have tickets to the mtv movie awards? some guy scammed me,0 I want all the soldiers to come home so we don`t have to hear about anymore being killed.,1 _Man im fully obsessed with their burritos enchilado style. My mom doesnt wanna go with me tho,0 thanks bebeisis that is right is your name by any chanve elisabeth???,1 "Fatigue settling in, but gotta power through! Awesome seats again tonight. I`m pretty lucky. Life ain`t too bad...",1 lunch was going home to rest...not well today,0 "Going home but when i get home , BLACK BERRY ! WOO HOO . . . and get to see presten ! <3",1 My truss failing http://yfrog.com/154upj,0 "Radio:ACTIVE never gets old and never will this is the 4th time i have listened to the cd (its on repeat) today, and still love it! =D",1 I`m at my saddest right now. I lost my mobile phone earphones. Waz feels a little incomplete and I feel the same,0 oooh harlow is so sweet,1 ha! lemme know what you find (tho I suspect it will be a lot of complaints). Have a peaceful night my friend,1 Wake Up..... Please.,0 " Awww that`s no fun, did you take something?",0 That was ****.,0 Just found out I can`t drink at this bar! Booo missing e1 at palomino`s! No cheers sad face,0 Finally. Deleted her number from my phone contacts #heartbreak,0 #fieldnotes I ordered some on the 8th and they still haven`t arrived. 3 weeks and still no books,0 Spent too much today!!! Tube journeys always take soo long. Braces on thursdayyy,0 i want magic mountain tix but i dont get ur station out in paso boo sux for me,0 had one of the greatest days ever! spent the whole day with besties & celebrated installs with the friends i love oh so much <3,1 "Wishing it was a sunny day, then I might just be bothered to get outta bed! ..up the blues",0 do it at like like 9 causeee im babysitting haha or you should call me causeee im kinda bored right now,0 So my coworker/friend told me the manager who sent me home is afraid she`s in trouble for sending me home haha. Dumb ****,0 "_Confidential I tried to use Spinelli to turn him on to GH, but it didn`t really work",0 I`m sure Mayor Brainard will be thrilled to hear that you`re a fan.,1 would really like to not be at work and instead taking a nap.,1 THIS WEBSITE GAVE ME A VIRUS! When i opened it more windows kept POPPING up,0 **** typical. GH:M arrives just as I leave for work. It`s going to be a long day,0 loadsa shizze has happend IM SO UPSET..,0 Just watched the movie The Holiday. I had forgotten what a feel good movie it was! Lovely evening.,1 _DESIGN allright! Looking forward to it..,1 Also... #travel #backpacking hope you enjoy our pics & videos,1 http://twitpic.com/4jfkw - AFC! Oh yess,1 "Really enjoyed Star Trek - great movie, amazing special effects. Definately recommend even if your not a Trekky",1 saying goodbye to for a year she`s been awesome in helping me fit into the team at Veritas!,1 "My poor heather, she didnt make the cheerleading squad. Im sorry babygirl. Maybe next year",0 Greg Pritchard was ROBBED of a place in the final of BGT... Cry baby ****-face got through instead,0 love u!! and love mr. player! come visit me i miss u girls,1 Im bored -musiic[BOX],0 **** just spent a week whole of pay on shopping oh well i`m happy!!!,1 Back to reality... boo,0 " wow 41,000 now....your really kickin` Carey`s butt with this competition! See you both very soon!",1 _90 haha agreed LOL,1 man i need 2 find a siitter Val still aint **** wit me LOL,0 Harley passed away in December 2008 http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/616974,0 hahah okay then thanks for this short explanation ;),1 " I`m good, thanks. Hope you`re enjoying the weekend!",1 "_home Yes - that would be perfect. That was supposed to happen, last night, still dry. Usually happens as I a heading to appt.",1 9 more week! July 8th. Flolloping just perfectly describes the way she moves my belly hehe,1 "_hall no i was gutted when he wasn`t. lmao. i think i`m obsessed with him, bahaha.",1 I`m at work and I`m still sick and I`m really pissed off about Sunday!!!,0 My head hurts so bad I could scream!,0 " I`ve always been pretty athletic, I especially love b-ball. Anyway, yeah I can run",1 Maaan if I was in pain I`d come. I wanna come eat some 4 me lol *rolls eyes*,0 Chem wasn`t better than physics. And now I`m so tired. _astri HAHAHA NTN BBF JUGA YA? Hihi gue sukanya Jun Pyo?,0 @_enzo blech... thats a fail when you`re receiving dollars. I quoted a job in USD last month. i`m getting paid now = major losses,0 Good morning It`s raining here.,1 it would be cool if they had people make videos of themselves miming the song and make one big video so EVERYONE can be in it.,1 "Thanks to good friends for coming out, hanging out and being our ears out there, you know who you are",1 that makes me sad for you,0 is having this massive headache! and all i want to do is eat some nachos..,0 " Ouch, I`m sorry then",0 Ugh just got out of work i think i`m a dang taxi for ppl but i just can`t say no!!!! o well its my fault,0 had the best weekend,1 _ I got 71! That`s more than I`m following... I feel special now,1 Yaay congrats Shmolan on graduating I`m proud of you!! Have fun! <3,1 _Ferman that`s so weak!! facebook fail,0 Exhausted after coming home from a swim this morning! It`s more tiring than I remember! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY,0 _aguirre not going anywhere & when my book finally gets hre It will be cool 2 know wht Butch looks lk..LOL It was going in mail tdy,1 Yay my friend Glen is here. Now i`m like this,1 "humm.... I adore Mark #hoppusday ,so I`m just going to throw it out there #hoppusday....... have a nice #hoppusday people!!",1 I`m pretty sure my bum shape will still be imprinted there,1 piyaaa! hi. :] im hyper & im bored & im online & im going to find pictures for the noteboook. still cant send messages. grr.,0 bit excited are u bradie lol,1 My back is killing me. Stupid softball,0 omgggg!! Hawaii!! That`s amazing!! I wanna live there,1 I have to start eating healthy,1 Happy May Day and Star Wars Day,1 someone came in when I was sleeping off my national passtime and turned me human,1 _sydney is he on twitter? I know he is into photography. Runs also popular photography blog too.,1 _Kill_Boy I know the feeling,0 gonna get a tan. i am so white,0 I have started to fear weekends since joining German classes,0 ask mark if he still has that old blink sense of humor!! i miss it,0 " Birthday **** is a great song, man. Something different about it! That`s what ppl want!",1 Star Warz day? Really..that is a hot topic? Man..oh man.. I`m just waiting for Star Trek!,0 'I think you should know this. He`s going to break up with you. And I just had to tell you. I`m sorry. I know you love him.',0 " Totally unsurprised that Dave isn`t coming back to 10. But Annalisa is wrong for it, opposite of big warm mellow Dave.",0 i`m going to kill myself T_T . i wasted hundreds of download and realised i got the wrong one,0 ~ I`m sure that would make Mr. Koons very happy,1 _Aitana K ??? What??? No way!!!! No,0 _Geronimo Thanks for sharing with your friends!,1 " **** brah, u not happy?",0 Now that`s what i like to hear! You won`t unfollow us little people on Twitter when you make it big will u?,1 "Watching Twilight again !!! <3 I`m watching the Audio Commentary, it`s sooo funny ;)",1 love session 2 of king of queens,1 Funeral ceremony...gloomy friday...,0 thinks its annoying when i keep getting twitter error messages from my mobile,0 what a great project!!! Wish I could have done that with DD1. She`s too old now.,1 idk if i could. it would cost me soo much there.,0 http://twitpic.com/4u5h8 - leon looks supa` fly on that mini couch,1 going to funeral today for friend and classmate who died in a car wreck last Friday,0 Sharapova loses 1st set 6-1,0 Pug just woke me from an incredible sleep!,0 Finally i have finished my tec recipe card and i feel somewhat accomplished,1 "_chung oh get well soon Alexa, take some rest",1 " i miss you too; i need to talk to you, i keep screwing up .. lovee u !",1 The NVIDIA ION-based Lenovo IdeaPad S12 ( http://is.gd/J6Zy ) is awesome. Fn key to left of Ctrl makes it non-starter for me though,1 " mmm thanks, if u get too stoned and eat it thats cool",1 "I am tired tired tired, I think Im getting sick.",0 there`s relisting fees when you don`t complete a sale? that sucks!,0 So is on SNL tonight! it`s going to be a HILARIOUS,1 Glad to be home I wish I could make feel better,1 "Yo! Its moms day today, so do it big for mom dukes and behave!",1 to mast ladki patata hai chal jiske sath bhi jaye khush rehna...will miss u my love... #twpp,0 "Recession hit Veronique Branquinho, she has to quit her company, such a shame!",0 "Truck has bit the dust, don`t know if I`ll make the Mustangs game tomorrow",0 I accidently dropped it & now the screen is all messed,0 rocks my world!!!! soooo funny!!!! <3,1 "Oh insomnia, I hate you. I`m bored of staring at my ceiling, cano go sleepnow please?",0 keeping it chilled.,1 be sure to tell your Mom you love her and thank her for putting up with you!,1 Discovered that Numpy arrays can hold values of any type. Useful for manipulating arrays of numbers with uncertainties.,0 I got the new Silverstein CD. aha. Its AMAZING. I highly recomend it.,1 " Ooooh, boo! We only see each other at the bar (at `s well) or miss each other! I`ll make a pt of stopping by! ;)",0 Do you think the bead crumb navigation will return to the new Fusion studios? I really miss that at the top of each item.,0 Home from a day of pampering with mom & dinner with family. Am currently snuggied up on the couch with a glass of wine & a new book. Ahhh,1 finally over my sickness.,1 baaha & healthy choice my friend! (:,1 how was your day ? boredom stuck my head,0 Hello to all my new followers.. say hi @ me so i can say its nice to meet you too!,1 just threw up,0 Oh dear. Sunburned back,0 Sick kid trumps advance planning. Bummer,0 arrg - i`ve been trying to upload my picture...darn thing won`t let me,0 "I had a new work picture taken today, hated it, it looks too much like me http://bit.ly/PHjUR",0 aww i`m sad i didn`t get to go to your going away party! stupid work!,0 I haven`t talked to you since the last day of school! that`s no right.,0 Sitting outside in the cold by the ocean with a glass of wine.,1 May the 4th be with you. Happy Star Wars Day! http://ow.ly/52Aw,1 Just rang the irish one. Drunk. Must confiscate phone. hate him lots.,0 Come to Rochester with me and Nikki. Beer and a Hog Roast always helps.,1 OMGosh! it`s 79 degrees and I`m sweating and miserable! what am i gonna do when i visit the ATX? need..AC! need...AC!,0 Working on my resume while listening to the rain and enjoying a Circus Boy,1 very relaxing thank you. Hope you get to put your feet up tomorrow and enjoy the day,1 Thank you! I hope you have a great rest of your day! Have you had your afternoon coffee yet?,1 _sounds bicycle? Sucks i cant ride with you,0 Leaving NOLA today Counting down the seconds `til I start crying. Love this place so much.,1 bye bye for now you lovely tweeters and especially my followers,1 "Cougar Privacy Threatened as Surveillance Increases http://bit.ly/ayViO - sorry, couldn`t help myself with this one",0 " I saw them at a show a few weeks ago. Hate to say I was not all that impressed fun. and AS were good, though.",0 So my parents are too busy making me feel like **** to realise that I`ve got worse and need to see a doctor again. No sleep sucks,0 #followfriday _1001 cuz ive never been added to anyone`s followfriday either & cuz he`s got a cool picture,1 " no I was trying to interview Dr Paul Twomey, CEO of ICANN. Phone issues cut the interview from 30 mins to 15.",0 Njoying sunday plce and learning abt more in joomla,1 Wohoo! Going to see Eddie Izzard in December!,1 had a very good day and is now going to get into bed!,1 my apartment is emptying out more & more each day.. so sad.. last week at 2000,0 is feeling so bored... i miss school time,0 Everythings Sooo Messed Up!!!!!!! Life Sucks!!!!!!!!!!,0 "Today has been a nice positive fun day , after several weeks of bum days",1 "When the weather`s... ugh, something like asthma. So, yeah, Ventolin.",0 " kk, awesome.",1 my portfolio v2 uploaded! any comments and feedback are warmly welcomed! http://www.maxiin.net/,1 _k_2k - Y!360 closing? get out!,0 i think the vog is making me sicker than i think. feeling slightly achy,0 You know what? That cowboy hat in your pic made me smile today (you don`t see many of those in Japan),1 I do amazing at beer pong with my brother,1 _sutra what is your next youtube video gonna be about? I love your videos!,1 I`m bummed...you`re gonna be only 30 minutes from me on Sunday & I can`t come hear ya.,0 One more thing 'Shattered' is an amazing song by O.A.R.,1 May the 4th be with you Happy Star Wars Day !!!,1 Haha. It`s pretty good they`re making something with chicken yum!,1 Good choice,1 ze Franz has not friended me i think they think i`m a creepy stalker or sommat. Hmph.,0 What a busy day ... am disappointed that today`s show is a repeat,0 Loving Lego Indiana Jones. A game-researching aracheologist`s dream,1 rec game....trying not to cry...the pain is to much..i need him...can`t lose him --->--->--- A rose for YOU!,1 They`re gone.,0 http://twitpic.com/4w3he The pretty flowers john mains brought the ladies 2nite!,1 _de_B You have to email her - she only gets what people want in so they aren`t on the site. Shame about the trousers,0 i`m watchign the garden from the window...far too hot for me,0 " yes super lakas ng ulan. buti nalang i have a red bandana, body ko lang ang wet look hahah!",1 awww ok lol hopefully by than im still here and not back over in the states,1 I like to support my friends It`s sad that I`m your only friend though,0 Gutted. The kitchen is empty literally EMPTY. No even kidding. I`m so hungry,0 sweet dreams,1 I cant WAIT to be home and snuggle with my puppies! and my Fiance,1 I still want a Smartcar!!! Don`t they have the most wonderful designs ever?,1 Having Margaritas w/ mommie...what a great combo!,1 I wish I could just go for a drive..or a movie or the store..I just wanna be alone,0 just found out my friend`s dad passed away yesterday,0 " cheers mate, still getting over Wednesday You ok? You should be, you are an incredibly wealthy man",1 " bahaha, BOF? you`ve gotta get a life... although i can`t say much with my obsession with miley cyrus.. I`VE gotta get a life",1 ahhh...Lily`s new kitten just took a giant wet stinky **** on me,0 the classes with my students are over gonna miss them...,0 dancing around and cleaning the house..... loving my sunday so far,1 my ipod died not running until it is charged.,0 " No, I`m working on it all day Monday. Will try to remember to email but if you`re smart you`ll remind me.",1 "Zeb has napped for 6 hours already today, and is asleep again... he must be growing fast",1 " awww bless him i am indeed coming, 68 days woooo! are you?",1 blimey! You`re still suffering?!!,0 how poetic.. great going.. keep them coming,1 ", goodnight",1 Happy Mother`s Day !,1 #firefly weekend on SciFi channel I`m a happy man,1 Poor dear. Your fellow **** mavens have been there. What gym do you belong to? PEAC?,0 " i love that show. I would totally go on Time Bandit #deadliestcatch TPG:'Love ocean, crab legs suspense'",1 pacquiao fight was fun at home wif fam and melissa sat. today was a mission to ikea. srsly 4 different freeways to ge to burbank.,1 baseball games whoo hooo when to banquet yesterday at the hyhtt sooo fun,1 thank you.,1 " Thanks, that was gonna be my next tweet...You the man Figuratively speaking",1 Heading to the U of Utah hospital. Have a great day everyone,1 A Happy Mother`s Day to all moms and soon to be mom`s out there.,1 It`s great,1 Another day I haven`t got time to play plus it`s raining and chilly And also have a headache - WTH? . . going back to sulking mode.,0 " iya, nyokap gue pernah berkata demikian :-| and it`s so hard to share what we have",0 nice! now gimmeh some nice stuff,1 " You might have too. One of them accused you guys to being 'One Sided' on the issue. They`re getting way, way out of hand.",0 happy mama`s day ladies! have a good day.,1 Omg. I got no sleep again. Neighbors are building a deck & they`ve been starting @ 5:00am. I`m SO tired. Feel like I just took Benadryl,0 thanks for the answer I had been wondering the whole week,1 "already knows 3 dishes: Torta, Hotdog, & Itlog. Hurrah for me!",1 I`m going to the show in Amsterdam! Can`t wait!,1 " Ugh, you people and your fancy trips to Italy while I`m slaving away at this computer.",0 "Oh and thank alllll of you who put me in ur Follow Friday!! to all of my new followers I usually do it, but today...I`m just too tired!",0 " aw, that`s cute",1 Or nudge the partner! Good birthday/ christmas/ I just want to buy you something gift!,1 Two dozen roses sent overnight and delivered this morning. Just found out the recipient is out of town!! Sad,0 Good B-movie... Starship Troopers is cool! Citizen,1 I believe a man died in a car wreck today just right down the road. It happened at 12 and at 2 he was still in the car.,0 _girl - Bummer...mail came but package didn`t,0 is feeling sad I so dont do goodbye`z!!!!,0 sucks that i don`t have a drawing tablet!,0 noone wants to talk to me lol,0 " OI, are you mocking the fact I dont cry at tv things?! *Feels bad*xxx",0 I`m so tired. I don`t get how I am. I sat on the lawn mower and didn`t push the whole **** thing.,0 hi beautiful! How`s it going? ,1 " Thanks for all of the awesome tweets LeeLoo, glad you enjoyed the weekend.",1 I hate that I am so stinkin tired everyday! It`s so hard to get up...I thought I was supposed to start getting energy back now.,0 Watching one of my fav movies Sparkle + go get food later!,1 " well, not all. just stay away from those kinds and surround yourself with those who don`t. happy mother`s day to ur mom, treiz!",1 everything. *weeps*,0 "just woke up, no school today, we are free",1 - God i`m up early. Hayley still asleep but today is party day so i`m getting stuff ready. x,0 "I can`t have any pets in the appartment I really want, so no rat yet.",0 Glad you are happy!,1 Omg! Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you everyone This calls for me to watch at least 1 film tonight.,1 aww that is sad,0 ooohhh imma need you to get on that asap love you,1 when it rains it pours - how true is that? I`m so sorry I hate those kinda times.,0 "its at 3 am, im very tired but i can`t sleep but i try it",0 aw i`m sorry i was rooting for you just to let you know!,1 had a fun day at the theatre... glad to be back in town for a while,1 Happy Mother`s Day! Hugs~,1 Thank you x,1 " Hey Sam, happy mothers day",1 " that happened to me so often, i hated it. every time i moved to a username that i thought i`d love, i moved soon after.",0 Oh..I`m so borin`.. why not play the computer?? My mom`s say: because your makin` task..!!,0 I wasn`t sore yesterday. But i`m definitely feeling those hills now! My legs hurt all the way up to my booty. Its a good hurt,1 Just finished first workout on Jillian Michaels 30day making the cut program! Feeling great Hopefully the eating will be just as good,1 " LOL, point at yourself and laugh!",1 is updating you LIVE from Benihana of Tokyo in Waikiki Happy Birthday Mark!!!,1 Youtube is made of fail right now. Or maybe it`s just me that it hates.,0 KILL IT JASMINE! Haven`t talked to you for ages.,0 " Shiv, his place, slowly I hope",1 Went to see Wolverine with the husband (who is off work today) - was pretty good,1 Jamies Free Views Dead,0 The ultimate shirt folding tool (http://www.flipfold.com/)- I saw using this in one of Big Bang Theory`s episodes,1 i dunno if he saw it happy birthday girl!,1 " bummer, bro, sorry to hear that",0 you`re in London?! Wow! I`m near there,1 " that was flippin` sweet, dudes. thanks for sharing",1 my body is aching. I can barely move...but its worth it to be champs,0 "TGIF.,..i wish that saying applied to me, but i work Saturdays",1 " I`ll have to watch it soon then! An I love, New York? Sweet! I`ll be on the lookout for that.",1 sweaty and tired from the 6 lap run. gonna do sun run next year no matter what.,0 hand hurts,0 "I woke up with a sore throat Work tonight. Grad practice in the morning, hanging with family, then GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL",0 uh oh,0 had a great day...and now I`m off to bed. tomorrow I`m back in sd,1 Hello May you have a great day,1 : sorry guys i have to drop out of the trip... some personal commitments..,0 _cupcakes that busy wowsa .. okay my pizzas gonna be a while sorry..,0 I love finding regional groups of Twitterers! Glad I could connect you with a few new people,1 i suppose i best get ready for work grrr,1 the hotel should be thankful,1 is about to go into her last final. happiness!,1 have fun at the viper room tomorrow night i know the fam out there will be in attendance to support all of yall,1 " man, I am really sorry",0 my feet are cold.....i hate when my feet get cold,0 Today was not an inspirational photography day #photography - http://twurl.nl/jnizbw,0 Cultural tour 102 by loiusa`s family: kangaroo sight-seeing in cemetary. Lovely,1 _Photography Good Morning! Hope you have a great day!!,1 good morning...did you break 5 digits yet?,1 The Northern Clemency. But I don`t recommend it. Too much description and not enough action. Too slow,0 mom is ok so far. just missing jaron,0 up and reading the (maltese) sunday newspaper over coffee... Aaaah.. Glorious Sundays,1 shut up.,0 Tonight was fun. Love my girl Tanna!,1 "poor me, JUST going to nap",0 "I have class tomorrow and tomorrow is Saturday, I hate having class Saturday",0 at homee. bored plzz! someone txt me about doing something this weekend.,0 "'I`ll see you again yeah?' 'Its up to you' 'I guarantee you will, i dont want to wait to long not seeing you' **** fruit basket! Hahaha",1 Happy Mother`s Day to all your wonderful moms!,1 haha i just realised it sounded a lot like stellllaaa lol. anyhoo i got ur facebook msg and will start working soon hopefully,1 " praying you get better soon you sweet one , sorry your still not well",1 : saw it yesterday. Pretty good.,1 has a gym day and is hoping to enjoy the last Friday of her twenties.,1 "_dizon it`s a little late but congratulations, leah happy mothers day!",1 I should have posted this for the world Pinhole day I Love this picture. http://twitpic.com/4jb4d,1 Thanks hun! Next time we`ll all go again,1 : hehe�I bet you have never looked back! 3 weeks is a long school trip!,1 that is my idea of good dinner happy munchin,1 " She must be able to tell we`re reprobates, despite your endorsement. She sounds pretty smart!",1 " - yay for getting errands done! oh, an assortment of out-of-my-control things. topped off w/ a **** race, haha",0 Wishing everyone a Happy Mother`s Day. xoxo,1 "So happy, my VStudio shortcuts are backkk",1 Down again seems like it never gonna stop and I`ll never get what i want,0 As predicted i feel lyk **** gahh i hate bein ill!! At wrk tweet lata ****,0 "my wack friends are all raiding my kitchen. RENE, my love bound for badluck and DEBBIE, my psycho korean friend. <3",1 There is something wrong with me! I`m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Yet all I`ve done for the last 3hrs is toss & turn in bed,0 off to work! missing out on all the sunshine!,0 yup its working. they couldn`t recover anything on it though,0 <3 ryan baby iloveyopu **** <3 10 days kayleigh baby lymz cntt waiit,1 my gawwddd ! 6 headshotss inna row? im on fyaaahhh!,0 What would you know about packing? You`re making poor Lauren do it all.,0 physics the most boring class ever!,0 The nocturnal serendipity... Kashmir is an important means to that end...,1 "Went to see Priscilla Ahn last night, was amazin! so were the bands before her actually",1 Its summer and no one has texted/called me. Im a loner,0 idiot family and how I have been feeling just don`t mix amongst other stuff,0 "Woo! Two days till awesome gig, one day till Uni is finished for 12 days #gigs #3yp",1 Yay! SNL is on!,1 " Thanks, Wookie-man. I test stuff out on you. lol",1 Thanks mama ! I absolutely adore her,1 Thanks bro.,1 Kennedy was re-injured at RAW on Monday. He`s got s serious muscle issue in his back and a broken wrist.,0 " I`m so sad I missed your calling time, I got home from practice too late",0 haha! nice! Have fun doll! Hopefully I`ll see ya soon! I miss ur face!,1 enjoying my Bank Holiday Just had a meeting with the real estate agent who will offer our Amsterdam apartment for rent,1 Wow! Some person u are!,1 Just had my hair cut it looks like ****,0 On my way to get the crate and Bella Dolce!!!! Sad cuz is going tto Richmond,0 I`m completely exhausted thanks to yesterday. Can I go home yet?,0 i had a dream that u didn`t like me,0 I miss my boys,0 13:00 is kickoff. The red cars hopefully,1 sick to my stomach.. and i have a headache.. i wish someone could come rub my temples.,0 getting ready to go to IKEA. All alone cuz no one will go with me,0 " Oh I believe you... sooo thinks she belongs elsewhere, I say I dont think so...",1 Good work.I`ve only just managed to turn my studio on... I envy your productivity,0 ouch... head hurts,0 just got out of the pool!! so fun..now gonna watch tv and do stuff on the computer. (:,1 Unless that invite comes with a beta key I`m not going to be much help...,0 " I am sending healthy, healing thoughts in the mumborg`s direction.",1 Just finished Church. Happy Mother`s Day!,1 : have fun focus grouping! i have no participants as of yet..,1 "Tip for today - The eagles are specials against the broncos, put your house on them",1 Chillin` following some cool people!,1 Feeling pretty good this morning! Lets hope it lasts through the day,1 *hug*,1 cheer up buttercup! Rain will go away and hearts always mend. I can actually bet $ on that!,1 my plans might have just gone out the window too bit gutted.,0 Congrats on the Invisalign! I need to get refitted for mine - I got lazy and stopped wearing them.,0 Watching French Open tennis - sad to see Venus make an early exit this morning!,0 hehe true. i wonder what he will come up with,1 Bah I don`t think `s FB fan page will get to 7500,0 If I smile at you will you follow me please lol,1 Excellent point.,1 some great stuff on website today,1 at home sick,0 It should be illegal for me to date,0 Good night everyone...... Time to go mimmiz......,1 Are you blogging yet? I miss you writing,0 "hey Tweeties, my auntie jus got n a bad car accident...pls keep her yall prayers ...thanx",0 "I though the clothes of AW0910 Collection from +9 designers will be there, together with the visual arts, but it is not",0 Oh wow Thanks for the info.,1 lots of Reqs today.... no fun,0 Mondays best excited about the week!!,1 "drinking some really nice coffee, got to go to the dentist at 9am this morning",1 I`m so proud of my NAU graduate friend!!! We`re getting ready to celebrate tonight!!! It`ll be an international ordeal~,1 It`s a sad day for beer drinking movie goers. The Speakeasy theaters are no more,0 Hanging with kevin tomorrow! out goes being productive.,1 "So, no yarn arriving until Monday and I don`t even know what`s in this shipment. I have nothing to dye. Now what?",0 " hey!, which song was that? I would like to listen to it",1 had a horrible sleep + in a rather bad mood,0 My computer is being killed by a combo of mirrors edge and really poor win7 thermal management...75c gpu = one sad game,0 lmao I`m glad you guys liked it,1 " Aw, thanks. Slowly getting over it. Yep, he tweaked his knee late in the third. Basically stood still for the last 2 games.",1 I wish I couldn`t wrap my head around it Hopefully it`ll wake up some people that say/think 'racism doesn`t exist anymore',1 sorry you didn`t make it Good luck next time though!,1 Happy Mother`s Day to all my twitter moms (including myself),1 " Oh dear, it will be late there.... good ol Michigan! Well I look forward to chatting with you when our wakeful hours overlap.",1 _berra happy birthday!,1 oh how I miss my truck... I could have my whole place moved by now...,0 "sorry to hear that It`s going okay, just tweeting away ",0 "Had a good time at Flap-a-taco with , , and ",1 also just hanging right now?? just bored hahaha didn`t have to work again today this is different.... no hours no money lol whatev,0 Looking for the in Coal Harbour. Can`t find it!,0 playing my new ds lite! Love it!,1 I realised when I got home that I left mine in your fridge - you`re welcome to have it if you like.,1 "the people are coming to kill my mouse on monday i have mixed emotions. i mean, he lives in my desk drawer!!",0 Ha good morning! May the fourth be with you too,1 Got a Saturdays framed signed foto last night and a Valentino rossi 1 aswell eee what a night,1 I miss standing next to you...,0 My body hurt I need a rub down like NOW!,0 Tired and gunna go to bed soon!!! First time I`ve been online today!! All ready for mother`s day tomorow,0 I just saw 22nd of June and it make me think of Jenny I miss her so much ...,0 Not looking forward to next wednesday at all,0 _TRUESDALE lmao! you a mess. Im gonna be in ATL in a few weeks,0 i think you should follow me. as i only have on follower. stalk me please,1 i need people to talk to me please im very bored x follow me!,0 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOMS OUT THERE !!!,1 today is going to be AH. Giving notice to my boss today. She is going to be upset I`m totally stressed.,0 hey we were doing the same thing this weekend! but it was for the kiddos...gotta love ikea,1 my internet is being a ***** again!!! wtf. i think im gonna sleep afterward. internet is driving me crazyyy!,0 _hansen Darn - I just realised 'pull the other one' would have been a *far* better response to your name suggestion,1 resistance was futile! Needed pretties to knit with,0 Oh cool! When is Alpha 1.18 coming out? Auto-connect was the feature I wanted to request,1 No u miss me !!!!! LOL,0 took my forum access away fail.,0 "Hey, Good Morning guys!!",1 " today 'sonny with a chance' came to brazil, i loved it!! you`re amazing <33 please reply",1 "am chillaxin after a busy BankHoliday, Hope everbody had a gd wkend! Holiday in 12 days!!! ****",1 " Thank you, thank you!! Thought this is where all the cool kids hang out now, hehe xoxo!",1 god I need to revise today! I`m so lazy,0 happy mothers day to all you mums out there,0 hi I`m ok still not feeling great,0 I hate not getting e-mail`s going to do other stuff now...ice my toe (long story) and have some calpol (cold :S) soooo night xxxx,0 i miss coffee,0 " also, try Friendly Fires if you haven`t already heard them. great stuff AND Florence and The Machine. Great, great music",1 Just got Dailybooth and not sure what to do. It`s confusing!,0 i really miss my satan kitty,0 " Not really, injured so can`t do much exercise. The KG`s are coming on already. Also still looking to rent some place!! Fun times!",1 awww Mary I wish I could come but I`m going away 2morrow,1 .. these holidays are soo boring..,0 Demoing with Gary burr!!! So excited to get some 'girls' music on tape!! Missing Tayla,1 " Oh man, Did Yogg today. Worse than last week.",0 Not yet... sorry,0 Kisses! or its screwed. i`ll be a raggy old cat woman ha i`m pretty sure of it,0 Thank you all for your incredible support and encouragement-it means so much!! You constantly bless me & I am thankful for you!!,1 Delayed flight San Diego to Las Vegas. Why do delayed flights feel sooooo **** depressing!,0 "Oh. The voting is over! But don`t worry, I already voted for you about 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times earlier!!!!!! <3",1 " Not true, you can get worse burns today... don`t forget sunscreen",0 " oooh...I wish I could`ve gone there today, too! I know Zach was looking forward to it.",1 Goin to bed... Finally. So sleepy! *Happy mothers day!*,1 " http://twitpic.com/4v0vr - cool! you and your mother have awesome hair styles,! Wish her a happy mother`s day!",1 "Also, anyone else hayfevery today??? I`ve only been awake for 40mins and sufferin already",0 " Ha, if i was , I would be pointing out the irony of that last spelling mistake. With swearing.",0 i waited too long to buy pink tickets! now we`re going to be in nose bleed!! how sad we`re taking binoculars...,0 "I am the empitome of epic fail, just you know, more epic than fail.",0 that frenchfry-corndog looks so delish! I WANT!! Welcome back to Seattle!,1 whenever you are mama! Let`s do it,1 I don`t think I`m going camping,0 sorry bout your cat !,0 When we got more followers we gonna have a competition.Hope you all look forward !,1 is resting. ahhhhh. I feel good,1 awesome,1 thanks!! my friends and I went and watched movies and ate chocolate chip pancakes at one of my friends` house. it was fabulous!,1 Seems like everyone I know is asking for computer help... kill me now,0 DANG i want to be on the beach late at night. that`s the best. the sound of waves and the breeze!!hope you are well!,1 Omg guys my internet has been down the whole day It`s still not working I`ll try fix 2m,0 " Thanks for the link, ive voted & i`ll send that out too.",1 I hate my life,0 dont get too excited bby i hear thunder rolling in,0 Chillin Waitin For My Hunny Baby To Get Out Of Work!!!!! To Get My Drink On While Finishin Da Song I Have,1 hut myself in the face with a hammer earlier by accident obviously it hurts.,0 i just looove my bf u are awesoome!!!! [hannah montana the movie was amazing best movie ever!!] // cool http://gykd.net,1 haha IE...it`s expensive!!!! Hm...let me message you later,0 in about half a hour i`m going to my english lesson...guess i`ll have to wait...and wait for a couple hours so i`m over with it.(( :S )),0 I heard from & you`re away. I miss you too Look forward to tweeting with you when you return.,0 For _inLaPush because she misses Quil so... Far Away ~Nickleback ? http://blip.fm/~5z639,0 ughhhh.... sad day.,0 "the $60,000 i spent going to college was well spent. I`m going to meet a man tomorrow in the Toys`R`Us parking lot for a cleaning job.",1 " you`re missing out, bb! i`m such a cereal nut, i think i like every kind available.",1 **** it. Totally gutted I decided not to go out tonight. Roni Size is DJing,0 Back at homes hmm.. i rly am going to miss my boo for 2 days like wtf,0 "It`s time for school, y`all !1!! HAPPY STARWARS DAY",1 _Anais I feel reeeally bad now.... sorry,0 just thought about how unfair 3 ppl have been 2 me n got depressed again HATERS!!!,0 Is anyone there? Please say hello - I`m feeling lonely,0 Haha I like that. You`re actually saying thanks to the bots! Never looked at it like that.,1 Miss the newest version on Glade on Debian..,0 Just snappy`s delivered some tea and ice cream. I love my sister.,1 Yes Hindustan Rocks dude! Dunia mein asay koi fusion nehi milegi,1 Glorious sunny day in London town.. I`m in drama school fighting people with swords while protecting my romantically structured face,1 " its like a little adventure, only Im kinda worried about her, and I cant take the bus to where she is cos my oyster is broken",0 Nothing beats spending an evening with my mom,1 I have a better idea: need a couple hour of relax. bed time. Sweet dreams to everyone! love u all,1 I know it`s sad. But back in 05 the auto industry didn`t understand that iPhones would change our lives,0 thankyooooou,1 my head huwwts,0 Not looking forward to this long trip in the morning. I`m sick,0 I like all the songs I can`t say just one guys! love ya,1 " Oh good, this thing is viral now",1 good luck with the deer next weekend!! Hope it isn`t too cold or snowy,1 " ... thx for ur msg, so awesome! luv the new single! xoxo",1 Whooops... wrong smiley... it`s supposed to be LOL,0 Needs a yummy breakfast after her shift,1 " I forgot that was tonight! Was planning on heading down to the Cask, that might not be such a good idea",0 But he has an out of date script. That`s really bad. So midway thru his pitch we catch it. He gets all butthurt and storms out. His loss.,0 "Ok, I`m going outside...wish i was playing basketball oh well...",1 Cramps . . .,0 Crappy Day...,0 Happy Mothers Day,1 Steam Punlk fashion show at Anime North and for the first year since TorCon we aren`t back til & missed it,0 i didnt get the msg!! :`( but i bought princess,0 " man those people are hard to reach, I`ve been stalking H.R.",0 Lebron maybe the MVP this year ... but I like the Lakers to win the NBA Title,1 OMG! It`s the famous Amanda woman person thingy! HUGS ALL AROUND!,1 wats gooood !! miss yall already,0 Thx 4 sharing!,1 i`m not proud. but os x excels at video/photo editing where the pc lags so much behind.,0 Hate being sick especially when there`s no one to pamper me,0 is sad that she is not seeing Basshunter at Metroplex this weekend,0 Took me 2 times to get over the wall. What killed me was the 150 lb dummy that you can`t drag. 12 seconds over.,0 hopefully today will work in our favor,1 _Death Well I`m impressed with your technical skillz,1 Why don`t we close the library due to the great weather? And the ac isn`t working #fb,1 hahahahhahaha it was true! and i could really stretch out and stuff! shame rem`s dog got mad when i tried to put him in avi`s face,0 [ I`m not sure what you mean by 'blowin this joint'?? '] rb lol lol good one...... ? http://blip.fm/~5z2zo,1 Oh no... that bird is back,0 Moral support for students,1 http://twitpic.com/4w483 you guys look so nice,1 for sure! You and your wife seem like cool cats.,1 "http://twitpic.com/67mj4 - Yes, it is nice. Oh and Kevin`s shirtless too but you don`t see it as well",1 Another Friday night in. Man being skint is rubbish.,0 " it was a biligual sweatshop LOL I talk 2 him once in a while but not as much, he got an r6",0 I wish you guys had gotten it on video,1 All moved in to our new apartment. So exciting,1 ", i missed everyone tonight",0 So you wouldn`t reply to my gorgeous hot pink shoe then?,1 iknowww! Not many people know about it tho. So I like to keep it my little secret,1 aww sweetie you could always take a break and read or write something happier that`ll make you feel better,1 "Woke up dreaming I met my Hero; Author Anne Rice & her son, author Christopher Rice. I was in such euphoria. Perhaps I would someday.",1 " SAME. its just not happening, and im going out too!. UH-OH.",0 sounds like you`ve had a nice weekend lady!,1 Hi everybody! Sorry for the long listening. Iwas too busy.,0 Justin`s blanket shed black lint all over my white skirt.,0 Happy Mother`s Day to the only mother I have on my list!,1 Watchin Grease 2 and waiting for 9 to hurry up and come so I can talk to my girl. Ugh..... it seems so far away...,0 my son got stung by a bug for the first time his little finger is slightly swollen.,0 Restoring new iTouch 2. Excited to use it. Yeeeeeeeee. Goodbye iTouch 1.,1 I love your tweets... Your sweet,1 love how dad said he`d be ready to go at like 3:15 and it`s now 4pm and I`m still working.,1 I am going to die tomorrow night. should be here.,0 no sorry twitter sucks balls since the replys change #fixreplies,0 sadface,0 gah i forgot about separate bins. maybe this is a bad idea,0 Crawling into bed super happy that the Penguins won tonight,1 Happy Mothers day to all you MI.. mothers out there. Thanks for doing what you do .. whatever that is,1 " no not proper, my dog barks too much & jumps up & its all my fault for not being strict enough",0 i jus love doin night shifts...will be done in an hour,1 says from now it will be impossible to Plurk from work system administrators closed the access in the firew... http://plurk.com/p/x25jw,0 " awe! i miss him so much. they`re on 'vacation'. which has lasted for like, six months. and i miss you!",0 I think I should hire one of those tranlsators.. because no one ever understands me....,0 thanks! You`re the first one to wish me a happy mother`s day,1 greeeeeeeeeeeat this summer i have four classes...if you know me...u know why,1 is having a quiet mothers day evening... happy mothers day to all the yummy mummies,1 friday.....i have nothing to do so sad,0 Hey! It`s so funny - I stopped to get a coffee on the way in and spilt half of it in the car!,1 All new implementation of test discovery for unittest. This time in a loader. Good start I think. http://twurl.nl/nz8f4y,1 a night alone with my piano...and a pro tools session... ill take that ANYTIME.,0 Nailing some webconcepting *in the zone*. I should be awarded..,1 "Star Wars day? I didn`t know there was a such thing May the force, be with you <3",1 " she`s in LA, wanting sun today... but apparently LA isn`t cooperating",0 Aural goodness,1 " thanks i have to finish schoolwork today, no rehearsal tonight though. what ru doing?",1 Listening to: Sweet Talk 101 - Cute Is What We Aim For /// Considering taking up the GameBoy Color again. I miss chiptune.,0 but my bday is JUNE 19.. this is wack... and ihavent seen any promotions for my bday party someone better finagle this asap!,0 I have a friend who loves that spot. I want to go,1 Blah. Work at job one all day and job two all night.,0 Guten Morgen/ Good Morning/,1 watching beauty & the beast haha,1 Here`s getting cold.. And I got my coffee break 2 minutes ago. Enjoy your drink,1 Happy Mother`s day mang!!! thank you and i love you,1 have a great camp!!!!! Wish I could be there.,1 don`t want to go to work tonight,0 the mall i once worked at has turned into a very depressing place,0 i can be a good girl at school.. today i was!! i did it!! yayy,1 Geometry is so **** boring. waste of time.. 20 more minutes left,0 just waking up...ahh i have a headache,0 "i wanna do something tonight, but that doesnt look very promising",0 " just finished mine, some parts were remarkably difficult cramming kanji now!",0 I miss the Air Canada Centre and Andy Frost...,0 i seriously neeed to study,1 is maxin and relaxin... ahhh,1 com`on dude always think that things can get worst,0 " soooooo wish i could, but im in school and myspace is completely blocked",0 go and see my puppy! I don`t want to be there alone,0 I missed one,0 A year from now is graduation....i am pretty sure i`m not ready for it!?!?!?,0 I`m SAD SAD SAD!!! thought my aunty Stina coming but no more i was so looking forward to having family..i miss dat! i`m alone on maui,0 "Stupid jobs, idk what to do.",0 _ no idea what that means bb,0 "We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off",1 " i incredily love reading your tweets! they`re so entertaining, keep it up.",1 iamkiara__ im so sick I fell over last night outside coz I was putting something in the bin,0 My flip flop just broke...walking in downtown seattle,0 " lol, my current mp3 player is a brick. It would be nice to have something slim",1 "Good morning, sunshine! I`mm gonna start my day wth some movies.",1 " you, my friend, are a true fan",1 "It`s Friday, but not the most pleasant ones waaaaaay to much work...",0 yea yea im about to torture myself by doing a stanky leg marathon..ima do the dance for hrs til I can`t no mo,0 " Thanks! I downloaded the trial version of Stuffit, and it worked. Good advice.",1 I hate today.,0 well keep me posted if it comes out fully thanks,1 It`s your inherent humility,1 I`m at home recovering from major liver surgery. In alot of pain.,0 "So, I finally got my but on Twitter. Let`s hope I make good use of this site",1 just got home from church. The Service was good,1 Hey #socialmediatv ugh no way to do video>blah {pouts} (Social Media TV live > http://ustre.am/2NjV),0 Officially out of my apt Learned some stuff about the crazy neighbors that used to live across the hall....scary!,0 Wow. I hope he gets better... cancer can GTFO.,1 Can you please with that? I`d love some egg +bacon +ranch +bed for giving birth 3 times in 4 years!,1 I am not doing much all well!,0 i cant get through,0 wats up with the racism in australia? Its not nice,0 Selling artwork+ risk game with the boys+ startrek= just what i needed. What a good day,1 Had the best wknd with her man and levi and sara love u guys,1 Just got a new Ipod. Life`s Good.,1 Noooo! Poor SE,0 jus sittin in da libray and this stupid computer wont let me order any mac foundation,0 "no work today! went shopping, and now relaxing &learning for the toefl",1 cant believe i stay out this late!.....waking up for work in T-minus 4hours,0 Ooh hayfever has struck..thought I was going to avoid it this year but nooo! Remedies anyone...?,0 its impossible to watch in full ANY flash video with my mac after 5.7,0 just answered you- never learned how to write in French- just basic stuff-,0 Thank god camera fixed itself. I want a new ipod,1 is super stressed!,0 http://twitpic.com/66ydb - I made sure you got credit at the end of the book...I`m sure I forgot people though.,0 ohhh yea it is from the same film and this one had been a fave for a longgggg time... any1 for humma humma?,1 Tired. About to climb into bed and fall asleep. I hope this weekend will be fun... I only have a couple of weeks left,1 Downtown drinking celebrating the cavs victory!!!,1 I miss rollerblading down Shoreline.,0 Thanks For The Follow.,1 " I recommended .net, I guess since they bought something from you they featured you. Hopefully it brings in more business",1 " I wish I can see that. They have CNN here again, with no volume.",1 It was fun At a friends house cuz you know I don`t have a yard big enough for a firepit. SNIFFLE!,1 Getting bored sitting at the hotel room the entire day,0 " i wish i could offer a hug right now, so bad",0 " oh, a really good 1 dude, thx... added",1 Oh snap! Just broke my windshield while replacing my wiper blades.,0 wat a stressful week i jus hope everything falls into place 4me,0 " yeah she`s part lab, part spaniel.. all energy hehe but i love her to death",1 twitter is acting weird,0 I have one less follower That makes me sad and I feel like my life is dull and uninteresting.,0 ?Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? Happy Birthday to u? And many more!,1 " You`re welcome! Actually, the all Swedish fans are trying to get McFly to us! We are very close now",1 woo hoo its friday!! ....wait.... i have to work at the cleaners tomorrow.,1 " ****, so many good deals...you guys have a conspiracy to steal all my money",1 nick is so cute in the tiger costume ahaha it made my day,1 wow thanks for saying that man! I`d love to illustrate children`s books!,1 good night,1 My goodness! I go single and **** goes crazy! Haha. **** this. I like being single too much. I do what I want...holla!,1 Hope you feel better soon.,1 " awww, a very happy birthday to him",1 WH Correspondant`s Dinner Rocked! Wanda Sykes was hilarious and Obama wasn`t too bad Happy Mother`s Day to all the mom`s out there......,1 " I`m glad for you I`m fine, thanks. Just another night full of M",1 " but i do emily ahahha you scare me, so it would work",0 "alphonso milkshake in the morning, lassi in the afternoon and fresh nimbupaani in the evening....summers can be fun",1 just wants to get it over and done with. I miss working,0 " Eat it, it`s good for you",1 Oh... I miss the Piano.,0 Ohh grandpas.. Stable.. Won`t kno all details til tomorrow when I visit... Keep him me and my fam in ur prayers..thank you ... Goodnite,1 going to bed cuz i have to get up at like seven thirty or something tomorrow. today was actually not that bad of a day.,1 i miss that too,0 Get to see and hopefully meet these guys next week at ROTR!! Can NOT wait!!! Adelitas Way - Invincible ? http://blip.fm/~5ynxr,1 " - Me. because my ex boyfriend of 2 years (we broke up 2 months ago) is engaged to his gf of 6 weeks. sad, embarrassed. Hug?",0 It was indeed a lovely evening. Over far too quickly I got home at 1115 in the end. Coffee in bed this morning,1 "re-dyed the hair, early start tomorrow heading down to londons clothes show, great place to be when i feel fat. bright side = motivation",1 Ahh saved from mowing the lawn by the rain Now I have plenty of time to go kayaking. Blessed are the rain gods!!,1 oh no! :| no more celebrity ding dong for ages,0 "Forced myself out of bed this morning, but failed to cycle in. ****.",0 _ranjan Did I ever mention what a nice and awesome dude you are?,1 "stupid Folkestone cinema is only showing Star Trek 3 times, **** them",0 _pearlman mow love mow,1 congrats ya ran,1 my tummy hurts i blame last night`s chinese food.,0 4 fillings to the good(?); two more appointments to go,1 " i think in the end, remembering the poetry and feeling behind something is far more important than the name.",1 ": What a let down! No MRI today, neurosurgeon didn`t order it--which means we have to come back to OkC soon & we no nothing new",0 Thats charmingly funny,1 mmmm... looks so yummy! good seeing u,1 haha it will be interesting haha,1 Twitter you suck,0 lmao haha nice lolz it`s all good though. i can wait lol,1 They`re for my mama I always bake late and get worried that the mixer is gonna bother people.,0 just another manic monday.. wish it were sunday.. that`s my fun day happy monday twitterland,1 New blog post: [Blog] auto insuran...: I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless ...) .. Meanw ...,0 One lane stop and go trafffffffic suckssss! Almost to wwork thanks to **** miinnnesota roads,0 Going downstairs for more coffee and socialising Wow... Only 4:16?.. Gives me time for French later,1 My mouth hurts. Wish I could cut my head off,0 fell on the sidewalk in harvard square. stupid cobblestones! now my hand hurts,0 sadly awake. wondering about contact info for all of the fun folks I hung out with at the shop. YAY 23b!!! Miss you guys,0 i really wish i could make it! a 12 hr. drive just isn`t going to happen this weekend.,1 oh great! hope you`ll have a blast there! ;),1 I love to! But I`m only available from 5pm. and where dear? Would love to help convert her vids.�,1 i can`t stop listening to new single! (paranoid) it`s so amazing. i love them.,1 I kno I kknow ... sigh... been on. but it sux,0 Went out to get groceries...prices are inflating Gas went up another 10 cents to hit $2.49... #TCOT,0 Having Fever dont feel to work,0 *kiss kiss* stu deezy off to bed to have sweet dreams of you ma`am hehe xxoxo,1 "is excited to be visited by her twin and best friend! dinner, star gazing, and a movie! // cool http://gykd.net",1 "Laughing for no reason...maybe its because its 2:27 and I`m tired, haha. Maybe i should go to bed Night!",0 " Yeah, if I lived on the rez, I`d already be dead.",0 "ya know why today sucks? its been raining, we have no $, & no possibility of a magic friday. so whats goin down tonight?",0 your **** miss you!!!!,0 "sooo tired, I wish I had time for a nap before work",0 20 at least hugh happy trails,1 is playing around && having fun with little kids right now hahahahaha,1 Is too much of a bro,0 Forgive me good lord for this time I /knew/ wat am I doing.. Except the mighty oracle just didn`t *&@#ing care to fully support UnixODBC.,0 " WOOHOO!!!!! nothing says a hot date night than a squeegee! LOL i`m watching Dora on noggin with my 2yr girl, hubs is at work",1 Ok getting the pink stripey one it`s the most subtle I`m a bit bored of the floral print! Ok?,0 " Oh Jordan! I�m ready for the next contest, baby!!!! Can�t wait! Kisses from Brazil. I love you!",1 White House? This thing`s a lifesaver: http://snipurl.com/hkuj9,1 hates the sound of silence..doesnt like being shut out..,0 my mum would be happy to receive 2 handbags and a card from us today. heheee.,1 She! Maybe that was our first mistake. Not everyone is as cool as (brown nose moment),0 that sucks!,0 HOMELESS afterJune 1st.......,0 thinks malibu is the drink for me lets all hit the bottle woop woop ****,1 home sweet home? i think no! huaaaa,0 "_Cullen10 That`s so nice to hear i love you, you`re my best friend and my sister *hug u*",1 " hi angela, can you check your email? I need one thing from you (sorry if it`s your day off )",0 I`m here if ur here for me!,1 Layin in bed awake. Txtin my girl in vegas. Wishin I didn`t have to work and I was w her,0 i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate mother`s day.,0 _127 glad you got a laugh out of it,1 Nyappy mother`s day to your mom`s.,1 i hate that feeling you get when you listen to a song and it completely reminds you of how things used to be & you get emotional,0 *hug* yep I hate that meself,0 Finished new moon! Woo! Now i want the next one...,1 I spell my name alyson too! Aly for short! We spell it the best,1 " You`re a fine looking set of neighbours, I must say! Lots of compliments have been showered upon your header graphic too",1 _cupcakes sometimes plugging it into 240 can fix problems..,1 ****.. my legs are sun burned...,0 I just added a butt to your name in my phone after I made you go home in the cold. Because I love you!,1 "mmm, pizza for dinner. yum. but i burnt my mouth though ..",1 New picture bored.,0 OMGod I`m soooo tired I don`t think I have the energy to film today lol,0 why on twitter does no one talk 2 me i know your all celebs and i`m nt but it`s nice to be spoken to once in a while,1 "My cable signal is all messed up!!! I`m missing Ghostwhisperer In other news I have hurt my toe and have a cold, in like hot weather!!!!",0 aww my friend just called and said that she got a better job so she won`t be working with me anymore,0 "Feel quite down, not quite sure why though :s so going to bed night everyone x",0 Fast & Furious = EXCELLENT movie. And Andy is a great guy Most of the time.... lol,1 n case you missed the show yesterday - here`s a chance to listen again on the BBC iPlayer enjoy http://tiny.cc/oIkbK,1 "I am going to work than, ill be home, and im going to look for my camera since it must be lost in my house. everyone have a wonderful day",1 "Happy Mother`s day! Going to cook something, thank goodness there`s tablespotting",1 get well soon!,1 I wanna go see the cab really bad.,0 "AAAAARRRRGGGHHH! there is a huge spider in the towel pile, *cries* glad Kerbear isn`t here sorry mum cant bring the rest in",0 I wasn`t feeling it,0 "about to head to Starbucks. was gonna take the bus to Paradise and Starbucks, but missed it by 2 minutes.",0 Oh boy this is going to be a loooooong day,0 "Its 4.30am, sleep timeee. I wanted to watch Gossip Girl but i`m way too tired Goodnight!",0 People at work are stressing me out.,0 good morning twiggas and twitches http://bbltwt.com/sciif getcha motivation on,1 i was too slow to get $1 Up tix,0 if officially done with high school.... so sad... i miss them already! movie later???,0 learn learn!... we can learn together!,1 Learned a lesson the hard way. Lost my USB stick and backup was a month old,0 " nooooooooo....u never call me anymore lol...but, i`ve been good too...rick ross is in town, might go 2 his show 2nite ;-)",1 now my ds just died whatta letdown!,0 " they really do need to mind their own business, eating disorders are NOT the only reason people have to vomit, assholes",0 I`m so honored to hear my name on a Breezy track hope u liked my ****! #drunk_bowling,1 virus hunting on computer - always wondering what it will destroy,0 converting the Armin Only - Imagine concert for my iPhone... fun fun,1 chili cheese fries a bad idea for lunch..,0 i don`t know what i`m doing i feel so empty LOLLL cheesy but true :/,0 " hey, is your site down? I was going to listen to the web stream but can`t get to the site...",0 Back at work.....too much email in my inbox....,0 "Trying to open a .docx file on my virtual system while I`m under the dryer. But it only has Office 2007,",0 it was me the whole time I did a ton of things so u would believe me but u wouldn`t listen or let me prove it. Or blve me,0 good and you cup cake,1 Good Morning! - Court - Crossfit - Bible Study - Someone very special`s house http://tinyurl.com/cjs668,1 lol. i get about the same reaction when i mention my new goal - kona triathlon now that boston marathon is done.,1 Their songs make me want to cry..,0 Bushidokan class got canceled. I`ll just have to sign up for karate someplace else!!,0 im feeling like ish! i just wanna go home and go mimis,0 Happy mother`s day to you as well! Have a good one!,1 yep trying to beat the cold winter. Morning swim is always refreshing~ good start of day,1 "Fyi- putting makeup on under flourescents = FAIL. ... oh face-peely, why must you look so hideous? Also, wheres my lipstick?",0 "Im free at last, tomorrow I get to remember what Sundays look like",1 gooooood morning,1 Bloody servers are down at work for at least 3 hours. Want to go home now!,0 Kill me now I`m so sick n it`s Friday night!!,0 i really cant take this.,0 I love you Thomas.I will always respect and support your decision.and I`ll miss you but you`re gonna do amazing things <3 you,1 http://twitpic.com/4jeij - New forest hoping the walk would lose me some pounds,1 Oh oh! Going shopping with my best friend today! Yaay! Going to be so much fun Need to get alot of new clothes..,1 " U were great, as always. But, can`t we do an east Germany on noko? Or at least provoke them & then go in 4 the kill.",1 "NAPLAN testing, tuesday, wednesday & thursday. i`m afraid about the maths one, english ,not so much",0 thanks! I love a good bargain.,1 " Well thats even worse cuz when it gets hurt everyone is in pain, but poor Stephen has a smushed twitter now!",0 - Sorry only just seen this - how strange it seems only to happen from my iPhone - perhaps it is a problem with Twitterific,0 It`s easy.....just turn your keyboard upside down,1 _ luv it so true,1 " I LOVE fresh garden veggies...especially tomatoes! We are in a tiny apartment, with a non-sunny patio!",1 " Sure! My entire blogroll is terribly updated, but this could motivate me to update and redo it!",1 OH NO TODAYS JAY LENOS LAST SHOW!!! WE`LL MISS U MR. LENO,0 I`m sorry you`re having a bad day I was just looking back through. Do I need to give someone a knuckle sandwich?,0 " Hi Lisa, you have the most BEAUTIFUL pups! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!2 Raven, Rio& Thors WONDERFUR mama!! *kittykisses*",1 " Good morning! Nothing in particular, meeting people and having drinks this evening what are you doing with your Monday?",1 planning for mothers day special for my beloved mother,1 "Am in the place called 0UT OF NOW WHERE!! Take me out from here, somebody http://myloc.me/1XRI",0 "Why are tea pitcher things so hard to find? I haven`t seen any here, and I`ve only found this http://tiny.cc/vynk5 online. Ugly.",0 We Agree!! You guy rock,1 still trying to get better had to get mommaz lovin..headed to her house.. ahhhhhh i so hate this feelin!,0 Has a headache,0 You`re welcome. There! I added you already!,1 " yeah well a deadline is in T-9 hours, that`s architecture for you, oh well... mmm that coffee sounds like a good idea",1 sitting in the car with my cat. he keeps meowing and i feel so bad,0 _henrie i would still rather be in your shoes instead in bed bc i work from 10-9 tommorow. i love cold weather.,1 Last week of class... Well technically classes are over just have two exams and summmmmerrrrr begins...yeahhhhhyaaaaaa,1 Just finished watching the series return of the Chasers War on Everything - really quite **** compared to how it used to be,0 a bit too early for me and wanting to have nice lunch too... have a good time,1 Ta very much! Happy B-Day to G-son,1 is 99% sober at Brittney`s with Becky and Brit <3,0 : psh...didn`t even pay for me though,0 thanks for coming in tonight it made me so happy,1 yea it is. thanks for the link.,1 happy mothers` day to all your moms!,1 you know ur dog is getting old when she sits down to eat...poor hilly please don`t grow up,0 Good Morning! It`s been a while since I`ve 'talked' to you - Keep up the awesome tweets.,1 Had a long day at work. Stood home. Now sleeping to have another long day at work tomorrow & happy mothers day to all mothers,1 headache boo,0 I would totally take you to prom...if i hadnt already gone sorry lol,0 " I saw slater on some MTV show, So you think you wanna dance with slater or some **** like that. Where`s Kelly Kapowski",0 My car broke down. Time to start looking at getting another. If its not one thing its another.,0 Computer pissing me off. 4 gig ram 2.5ghz Dual core and vista freezes...**** you microsoft...i want win 7,0 "So disapointed,good Evans, they sound really bad, so out of tune #britainsgottalent",0 "Feeling so rough today, just want a cuddle and some sleep",0 " Yeah I`ve been going there for the last month!! SO amaaaazing, I`ll bring some back for you",1 "but i didnt krystal spent the night last night..i dnt think i posted that. but ya, we laughed a lot. SQUIRREL! & HOUSE! new inside jokes.",1 well uhm i guess u pretty do now dont u? lol but it still sounded good,1 hmmm really??? that`s weird idk about that one sowwy,0 is wondering what happened to all those froggies at the potato farm!,0 Goddamn bloody stress and **** sending my body haywire,0 " YAY!!!! I have Mark issues, too...you`ll find I have A LOT of issues. lmao",0 "Colleague that 'helped' by creating his unit`s site in iWeb was NOT helpful. Trash code, 24 CSS files for a 4 page site, no optimizing.",0 I hate being yelled and sworn at,0 Ahhh I am sooo happy Ashley Tisdale is in Germany but I am not in Oberhausen... But i will show it in the TV at 8 o` clock,1 lmao i get that alot haha,1 " Hello!! sounds very good, you can count on me, I follow you!!!",1 My bum hurts.,0 ___ haha was it good? i bet it was,1 He brings SOOO much joy!! Show it!! great song! ? http://blip.fm/~5z3oq http://ff.im/2L63l,1 i think twitter hates every1 when it comes 2 photos! took me ages the other day 2 change my pic!! especially at this time!,0 just had the most emo moment too many tears love my family and sorors,1 hey there. How are you. Pleasant surprise,1 just helping myself to some caramel digestives,1 I would but you`re too far away,0 " My youth group was there! I would have liked 2 go, but I couldn`t afford it, & I had a drama performance/party... Luv ya tho!",1 " - I`m really thinking about staying till tomorrow .. I have to be back in Philly 2nite, but I wanna stay so bad.",0 Hangin with the fam! My head is hurtin,0 seen mi abueltia at the hospital... she`s doing good!,1 Roscoe - Smooth Sailin` WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS SONG?????? RAP FRIENDS U HAVE FAILED ME,0 " (cont) a bastardized version of French? It`s fun, believe me!",1 "63 days of summer holiday left, and they are going way too slow! When will school get here???",0 I guess its bedtime. Goodnight twitter. my bed is so big and empty without him.,1 not at work today .i have my car back she is perfect going random shopping later .,1 it wont work for me,0 I feel lost... I keep running (in my head) from staring faces.. haha. basically:Headache & eyes hurt,0 PRETTY! I hope I win,1 "It has been 24 hours now, since I had my dog put to sleep. RIP my old friend.",0 wonders why am I so clumsy lately? http://plurk.com/p/x28ka,0 is sitting in the marshall center w/Mina. Some1 must really not want me to go to the gym..this time i lost my wallet n w/no ID i cant go,0 Will we be able to see clips/episodes on the C4 website from America? Or will I languish reading the news stories again?,0 "Happy Mother`s Day to all the Ladies... With all the moments we cherish with our children, today let those moments cherish you in return.",1 Have a nice Sunday ****,1 I`m sooooo excited to see you also love.....let the craziness begin 7 daysssssss YAHOOOO,1 i know i really wanna do some more stuff im out of school in the next week so ill have a few free days a week... ill hit u up,0 "Oh, and before that last tweet i spent about half an hour on brushing my teeth with my new electric toothbrush! I feel great",1 yeah the weather ruined my plans too i was gonna beach it up as well,0 I just got my JAGK shirt in the mail! Omg I love it!!! see you saturday!!,1 Just got home from Stacey`s lovely wedding,1 " LOL! I liked the log ride reference, but all I think about when I think of that ride is how wet you get",1 AWW thanks hopefully it is,1 kittens are cute then they grow up n become CATS,1 "I think Tania is too cute, too nice I love her! <3",1 "Repeatedly rubs thumbs softly and lovingly upon new Sarah Rayne novel. Sigh, and it`s not a paperback.I`m the potrait of profound bliss",1 i know. it sucks,0 "Omg,... just had the best roast ever! but now im full haha,..",1 is traumatized and saddened by the 2 baby squirells she just found on abandoned on the sidewalk.,0 well dnt really knw wot to do stay wit some 1 who doesnt want 2 b wiv me or move home to rents after 4yr of bein away,0 Too bad.,0 Damnit. Sorry to hear dude,0 Oh no I wanted to go to sea but today the sun is not here! SIGH!,0 " It wasn`t the best flick, to be sure. I`m just ready for 'Star Trek' now",0 Going to fold laundry and then hit the sack. I have boring saturday evenings,0 got really sad wen holly started crying awwww bless,0 And that`s what makes you an amAzing MOTHER HAPPY MOTHERS DAY SOLO!! LUV YA!!,1 I am going to be sooooo busy today it`s not funny. i hate busy day`s,0 tell pete he looks sexy with a beard.,1 I hate being young,0 sees the finish line disappearing in a plethora of emails!!! WAH!,0 we`re getting another puppy ... not cool... really,0 Can`t sleep....restless mind! Agh,0 There was no traffic at all on my way home and all traffic lights were green.Im afraidIowe karma a big check,1 Was quite amusing watching Pangaea sing 'F*** Killah Priest!' I guess he won`t be featuring on their album,1 I will never eat broadway pizza again.. feelin ill.,0 "Soon we are going to look at a cabaret, it`s going to be fun!",1 lol i know and haha..did you fall asleep?? or just get bored of shaun :p joke,0 listening to the new demo! This song is going to be fantastic once its done!,1 I think they are disgusting,0 stranded @ delhi Airport flight delayed,0 "SMH!!!! Im sick with this bug that`s going around..Almost everyone I know is sick, including me...",0 That wouldn`t have happened if Ravit hadn`t asked me. I met her thru a Twitter friend in CT. Love social media that way.,1 "trying to wake up, but is finding it very hard",0 Lies...lies...lies....you just cant avoid to lie about practically...EVERYTHING!,0 I`m good.,1 i was so close to the tacos...one spot too late,0 " Yeah, I didn`t buy that for one hot minute.",0 "It is so miserably hot, the a/c in my house is broken",0 " shame I dont still have my 286 compaq portable, which was really anything but portable LMAO, last tweet 4 now, toodle pip",0 Being slammed with spam followers today. Is it just me? Or is that all I can attract. Get a life people.,0 "28deg C in here, all this tech in my room does have the major downside of a lot of heat, doesn`t help its hot outside 2",0 " I wish I was! well, for the past hour I have been. But before that I was in bed. Proper migraine!",0 my fab broke,0 "Well, she`s getting through.",1 _Guy Would luv to hear music too but i�m out of batteries - the tv plays besides but i think this is some kind of vampire movie,1 gotta go twitterers (?) my stupid sister wants to go on facebook oging to montreal 2morrow so i wont be on for a while! bye!! XoXox <33,0 Just updated #Tweetie and open in browser is still broken.,0 Officially Mother Day here HAPPY Mother Day to all the MOMS,1 still sick thinking about naming the puppy june,0 excited for YSJ Summer Ball - I wish we had one too,1 I`m off for tonight good night everyone,1 " CVS is that like a genetic brand?Poor you,my hubby gets bad allergies..no fun!",0 " arnold, california. aka the best place ever...wish you could come with!!!",1 "boopboopboop. still talking to ashley & brittany. i`ve been talking to ashley for forever, and our convo still goes places. we`re awesome",1 I loved it! You guys are amazing!,1 _X sorry about that.,0 "$900 cheque to cash tomorrow, why I didn`t get it in the bank I have no idea. Feel safe to get the 500D now though woooo",1 _aguirre Now I wish I was going,1 welcome to my life,1 Oh no!! I hope it`s not bad,1 thought Yes Man was good had a blast with old friends tonight and heard some great music,1 so I`m kinda pissed that Boys Like Girls is gonna be at Kentucky Kingdom on a date i already have a show,0 "_Kimbalicious you can have the milk i have, i only have that here to drink i think thats whats making me feel sick",0 "my house is so sad looking without all of the furniture, air mattressing it for 2 nights and then I`m officially moved from Knoxville.",0 _Bloody_Poet Bad friends! Sorry to hear that.,0 you should say mlia instead of fml i hope you find it soon,1 I`m so bunged up!! I Hate colds!!,1 Just five more days. Five more long days. Ahh!,1 yep nothing better,0 I know you would be successful. And you`re just starting. You would do great in the coming years. Good luck to you,1 - love your new avatar!,1 we will work on that mama sweetdreams!,1 I fought Jered to the death to avoid a wet willy.. but he got me anyway. Q is coming over.. bike ride?,0 babysitting kids who won`t let me play wii with them,0 Bonjour Twitterland !,1 But it was worth it ****.,1 i love you twitskies,1 so **** tired. didn`t get home till 5:30. work at bjs at 12:15,0 Ratings Army Wives teary; Criminal Minds Yikes! Criminal Intent takes all sorts. real life news horrifying ok me for bed nite all,0 " told you, you would sweep haha :-p",1 Happy Mother`s Day to all Mothers out there,1 "study all day. just finished my care plan. hungry as hell! ima go treat myself with a burrito, for a good days work",1 odd i tried to call mitchel musso but it dosent work....,0 i had a new friend who called himself shame.,0 "G*morning! Rain, rain and more rain.. ! But I don`t care so much",0 I didn`t check Twitter till just now. Thanks everyone for all the Congrats! I really really appreciate it #fb,1 Miley Cyrus = great actress,1 I want to watch the movie 'Up' but no one wants to watch it with me,0 I really hope so,1 I`m depressed ! I want to know you and kiss you all,0 Hadnt cried in such a long time,0 " Good too thanks So, you had a nice evening with your father? that`s cool Thanks for the link BTW!!",1 oh well Its great to see the canadian math trades getting bigger though.,1 o its feels like a hot box and no matter where i go in here it still feels like a hot box! ice cream isn`t working n e more,0 Good morning ready to start this week.,1 happy Mother`s Day to all the moms out there,1 _ yeeeee Haha. The funniest thing is when dudes that cant ball bring their hot gfs along so they can watch them get murked!,1 We wasnt invited to yall get togethers either! Then and was playin security and told us to be quiet!!,0 Yes PM PM you are right,1 today was such a horrible dayy,0 dude I have 2 more hours and I`m all done with my work,1 why doesnt he want me anymore,0 Weekend looks sloppy Looking forward to a great week with great customers!,1 i am soo **** sick of wades mood swings... uhh i hate him.. he`s an ****!! ahhhh,0 " It`s sunny and hot in London today, while I sit in office cranking spreadsheets",0 Good Morning people!!! Have a great day,1 " Yup, us too. Spending time with Mom, Sis and Aunt Have A great Mothers Day!",1 hey! sorry for the late reply.but i do plan on posting on both facebook and twitpic.,0 to start **** or leave **** alone...tough decision,0 The sweety sat on the table this morning...Just woke up! Very sweet! Oh...btw...I think i`ll be home around 7 pm!!! ****,1 Please wish your wife Evelyn a Happy Mother`s Day for me and tell her I hope that she has a wonderful day. Spoil her today.,1 Good morning scary world!,0 "Well I did run over a cat today (I know how sad) I cried and screamed my lungs out!!! I felt HORRIBLE, poor thing",0 Thanks for the #followfriday!,1 " yeah, that does sound a bit bad man... i got **** exam week this week",0 At the library being friggin bored.,0 Goood Moring,1 the sun burned me today....my arms look angry Party tonight tho babes! woop!,0 My arms hurt,0 good luck C have funn!,1 " Morning, hope you have a super day...enjoy !",1 oh that makes sense! Well you are officially my first from a celebrity!!,1 bored bored bored. nothing to do today besides work at 5,0 Ow it hurts,0 _datti Thanks sankar for ur wishes,1 " Hey, nice seeing you on Saturday. Glad things are going well for you.",1 I love Metal Gear Solid 4 and Valkyria Chronicles.,1 "Right! Into action! Grab a shower, grab my camera and, I think, a walk in the sunshine along the canal. Later, good tweeple",1 Kimberlee Hatch!!!!!!! I miss you,0 Hecks yeah. Jandy timsamlake is too rawesome!,1 Saw the new Star Trek movie yesterday `twas very good. Having a quiet day today - off to the gym then for lunch,1 Good for you Rachel. I have nowt,1 "Wee laddie`s been SO upset for about 2 hours. Tried soothing him in bed, nursing, etc. Nope. Up at 3:30am for real food. Blue Clues now.",0 i like this Dr. Seuss quote - �You know you`re in love when you can`t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.' -,1 _Girl OOC sorry we keep missing each other...,0 " that was a really good interview to read, really enjoyed it x",1 I am blessed beyond measure,1 Wow I really need to have fun tonight now,1 " Hi man, yeah I so wanna go, but I`m on Maui #liloven",0 is liking this feeling,1 - NOT A HEAP HEY. JUST BOUT TU HIT THE SACK. ITS 1.15AM HERE. I NEED SOMEONE TU CUDDLE. SUCKS WBU.? X,0 Good Morning everybody and happy Mothers Day!!!!,1 "not enjoying this cold, raininy Boston day. I think my new metal back doesn`t like getting wet. ;-)",0 _Trainr Thanks for the link. It made me smile,1 dam i missed hollyoaks 2nite!,0 i feel like tweeting you for no reason. so um hiiiiii.,0 i hope unni will make the audition . fighting dahye unni !,1 I dont think my twitpic is working,0 " I am twittering, LIKE A BOSS. Thanks Savvv",1 yes but 75% are on the wrong wireless plan,0 - so sweet why aren`t you out livin` it up this saturday night?,1 they have nice cakes why can`t I like them? Haha and you should! That`s sooo gayy though,1 have a Happy Trip!!,1 laundry instead of sitting here. that darn laundry keeps mocking me.,0 wooo...my luck is done,0 Thanks for Following,1 thats the crazy part - was for 16:30. but reasons include 'full schedule' & 'travelling with his daughter'... So. Not. Cool,0 Happy mom`s day to you too,1 I`m so disgusted that my assumptions regarding what happened in Harlem last night were 100% correct without reading the story first.,0 I wonder why thumbnail pictures aren`t showing up on my TweetDeck?,0 " Ugh, looks like you`ll have some work to do . Good luck",1 Irony: Inventor of Ford Mustang can`t keep his car http://tinyurl.com/lpmvtk via :,0 had a cool lil night. Now at Berrie`s about to eat pizza waitin for ,1 you and are both baitersss hope tonight is fun!,1 http://twitpic.com/54khn - I am very sad. They cut down my Pink Tree. I noticed it when I left today to get Betos,0 lol exams i didn`t go to mcast or other school i finished form 5 and that`s it soo disappointed in myself,0 "we finally hit 1,000 friends! thanks!",1 Cars been dropped off for service and mot getting the train home! Hate public transport!!,0 Thank you for the advice I`ll work on that when Im not at work.,1 Thanks for your definition of throwbie! Editors reviewed your entry and have decided to not publish it.,1 ready for a day full of His presence i`m expecting the best!,1 Someone just **** up birthday **** for me ... he basically said the song is about a **** being selfish ... Listen to the song carefully,0 " I`ve read good things bout it. Just not feelin it tonight. Proly finish it tomorrow, after Star Trek",1 that is so lovely,1 " thank you for accepting my request!! must take care of my little girl, maybe i write back later",1 http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/richardchan.htm OMFG this dude looks well `ard! He puts me to shame...,0 "Got my tattoo fixed today, and it didn`t hurt to much, thank god Can`t wait to get the next one. $$$.",1 " thanks for rubbing it in, jerk where are you guys going this weekend?",1 Still hating the whole Twitter replies thing. I feel like I`m missing bits. #fixreplies,0 "Ok, i`ve eaten some food and now bored to death in my room. Seriously, there is nothing to do. Guitar been taken to the venue!",0 I`m off to a fun filled evening at a funeral home ... Joy.,1 Migraine is fighting its way back from last night.,0 Good Luck!!! keep rockin!,1 "_xD Si pero parece que las personas de facebook no estan de acuerdo (that was probably all wrong, but I tried...)",0 idk why im so hyper im jumping everyhere. ugh lets let it be friday sweeney todd then cinco de mayo il those parties,0 LMAAAOOOOO that is horrible. Poor thing,0 yeah unfortuantley Sam hanks **** bowl that he like rolled along the floor got me out grr,0 Twenty minutes on a **** call you would think that the person would mention there is already a trouble ticket investigating the issue,0 @_hayles are u serious???? you touched his ****? ohmygod u ****!!! lol aaaaawwwwwww y did u tell me that!!!,0 " I`m up wit cha!! Just got home from da reggae club, wishin I was sexin somebody!!!",1 " i`ve sent a twitter invite to poet friends, i`m hoping they will come poetize, would love 2 see more poets here #poets",1 OK. Happy to hear that you are feeling fine,1 you`re a big man for embracing your tears,1 Still not asleep. Ahhh Wtf?!,0 Was at Ruby Skye last night as well! Superb set by Steve. The last hour was loaded with Thrillseekers material old and new,1 Oh how i love my family.,1 Happy Mother`s Day,1 why must the weather b so nice and then so bad all in 1 minute,1 WiSHiNG ALL THE MOTHERS A HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY,1 cn i gt a twit frm u pls? Hva gr8 shw 2nyt !,1 I`m still up! Thank you all for praying (: AHAHAHA! I`m watching Britney: For the Record until school. Today should be a good day,1 " Fear not! You deserve alot, you care for animals. )) I`ll get some food, don`t worry!",1 Hahahahahahahahahah! That tickled me so much!,1 Sitting with sabbeth in first period. buhahaha we are so cool -sabbeth lmao,1 ten update away from 2000 whooo hoooo budden!,1 no room for me smh,0 That`s a great idea,1 "_98 ****, that`s my favorite part...lol...ok, i`ll just keep in stock alot then",1 Oh no! I hope you find your kitten,1 "Good afternoon all. Sorted technical glitch. A rainy BH monday so a lazy day, then daughters and their menfolk round for a roast dinner",1 " *waving* you wanna come get Diablo, he barked so much til he made himself sick",0 Morning tweeple,1 hoping it will rain again because it`s sooo warm,1 Car shopping with kacy yay,1 i posted it! let me know what you think? theres a really cute cut out in the back too.,1 " so glad, I hope yall make it back down near New Orleans",1 haha. i love you too aimeeeeeee!,1 "niqhty niqht niqht .. all toqether, GREAT day ;; ily yall !!",1 Scary!,0 Had an awesome weekend and an awesome turn out to my rummage sales on friday and saturday!!,1 I don`t wanna be single the rest of my life,1 loving life lately!!!! Looking forward to going to see Samantha! Hanging out with Natalie right now!,1 It`s raining that fine rain!!! U know the fine rain that wets you the most,1 "Oh please! I wanted to complete an unfinished tweet, and 5 tweets cropped up in between! and now my tweet looks dorky.",0 I`m trying to figure out how on earth I am supposed to be able to update my statuses via my phone. Someone help meeee!,1 "aww, jon ryan bob and greta in one picture? how adorable and it brightens my morning, ty jon walker",1 taylor swift`s 'you belong with me' is so amazing. love the mv!,1 Would like some Nutella. None to be had,0 is cute,1 oh yes! I was amazed! It was so nice! Next we can go drive it! That`s if they trust us! Haha,1 Startin to get a head ache!!!! Uuuggghh!!!,0 just had a falling out with nick,0 School Over!!! I`m gonna miss a bunch of people,0 nope not really only a sweatshirt. oh and these really really awesome doughnuts haha,1 My sunburn itches ouch,0 Enjoying my weekend with my sis ****,1 Meeting up with Karen and the boys for some drinks at The Dock!!! All I wanna do is drink though.. **** it like Andrea said! Haha,0 Thanks! I am doing good... Did you read any of my blog posts?,1 " Ashotn looks great, and you look fantastic as always! You two still have the newlywed glow, and that`s forever. TRUE LOVE",1 " 'We never want to lose the fans that got us here!' Thank you for saying that Wish you and the others a nice day, greets",1 *sad face* project-m keeps crashing my itunes,0 _Smith glad the zoo was fun and you had a great mothers day hun,1 "waking now, so lazy and very worry ...",0 I`m sorry,0 wish u was in the D!,1 Well it`s friday and usually the start of something awsome...I`m not sure if that`ll be this time around I gotta shake this,1 awww thank u. Feels good to be here,1 caught me at lunch today... you were correct of he stalking me,1 going out on thursdays is a terrible idea. i knew there was a reason i haven`t done it all quarter. *pops advil*,0 Sorry was that mean,0 happy mum`s day! i kinduhh have a major crush on alex johnson from the cab,1 It`s teddy-chucking time,0 Thanks,1 Walking to class. I hate not having a bike....especially mine.,0 " it was just true and you do cause me to having dirty thoughts lol well also some other dude, huh? ;) xoxo",0 Anyone got any remedies for neck pain? Haven`t been able to turn my head properly without a bad twinge for a few days now,0 New picture isn`t working,0 " umm get ready, help my mum, give GJ his presents when he gets up (could be a while), wait for people to arrive, then party",1 so you should. You`re a fantastic actor it`s about time you got some recognition for it.,1 "I`m in dire need of a second job, if you hear of anything in nightlife or food service please please please think of me",1 I`m bummed to miss you. Hope you enjoy your writing conf. tho!,0 I forget how much I miss my tribe til I have limited access to talking to them. Spotty internet in the country so I won`t be here long.,1 thanx for showin luv,1 WHAT! That`s horrible! To purposely write about it to a bunny is just mean & cruel! Not to mention just plain tacky....,0 " Buying my copy today, so excited! Need to learn it for friday Good luck in sheffield",1 Is losing money in Vegas...,0 _bum lol *30 minutes slow* in a sec i was just having fun tearing down old posters and putting up new ones,1 Lol at the VATS on The Insiders,1 I dont feel well i got a dentist appointment later.,0 oh great.,1 let`s hope so,1 what happened? are you suffering from neck/shoulder/back pain like me? i can`t move either,0 After 42 hours of not sleeping it is time for bed. Alaska-so far so good,1 "Gee I`m totally hatin` this , like for real ! I mean like, duh ! I`ve studied enough, and all that I need is refreshing tonite ! Hard ?",0 "Incase I forget, Happy Mother`s Day to all you moms out there, and to my mommy. The very best one in the world",1 I`m so sleep deprived but it`s to hot to sleep.,0 "just missing you&hoping to talk to you soon..I`m so happy you`re mine again, though You have no idea..<3",1 check out this funny movie http://tinyurl.com/d3qwar,1 Again.. check out http://www.myspace.com/therealfunkymonkey ....these guys rock this one too ? http://blip.fm/~5jkbc,1 "Barack Obama is a legend, just watched his dinner speach, it was pretty funny",1 Thanks.,1 Am busy yes...But then always am. Hope you had a great time traveling. Where did you go? Welcome back!,1 Aww Holly Steel ... Dont cry,0 " if you like those cookies, you are going to LOVE my cookies Lars Tetens cookies that is. You coming to see us on 5/16?",1 "Happy mothers day to all the Twitter moms, sent my own mom a very sleepy video by phone and called after.",1 I totally want some white chocolate macadamia cookies from Mrs. Fields but the mall is soooo far away. Bleh i think I`ll make my own,0 You must be scared to be trolling here. You guys are so sad. #tcot #right,0 chillaxing really Yeah man hehe,1 School can blow me. He looks nice today thoughh.,1 " or, Green Day: boulevard of broken dream, Hinder: lips of an angel, Howie Day: collide - that was such a nice song",1 "Dinner party was great! Happy, full clients that is what I like to end my day with",1 " oops, me and my drunken stupor lol. Ima check it out",0 waaa the octo drive and i can`t go for it,0 egh blah and boooooooooooo i dunno wanna go to work HANGOVERS SUCKKKKKK Im a drunk mess!,0 SO BORED.,0 "throat is reallyyyyy sore , i can barely talk",0 "laptop pooped. new harddrive needed? using DH`s old pc now. maybe offline a while **** BSOD!! happened too many times, Safe Mode only now",0 Oh good God crampsss...,0 I`m glad you liked it Want more?,1 Seriously though. Amazing night.,1 "'They say I look yummy & they want a taste, but I`m a human not a sandwich.' LMFAO makes me",1 "going on a picnic with my dad - atleast i persauded him out of the idea of walking & cycling. yum, special k.",1 "Sleeeep. Good day, nice night, comfy bed.",1 thanks you soo much i need this day for these five kids lol,1 Internet stopped working right in the middle me quantum leap. grr,0 This is sad,0 " OOooOO -- no, I have not! Glad to hear it was incredible, though! I still have it bookmarked to try sometime",1 Unfortunately for us it looks like there are NO funny people on twitter Should we move to FB or start our own...flitter,0 " ah, ok thank youuuuuu!",1 Thanks for the shoutout,1 Thank you,1 No problem! Look forward to your next tweet.,1 gonna have a lazy day today,0 I like your new profile pic. Very cute,1 " That`s the problem. The earphones I get here don`t last more than 2 months, no matter what brand or price.",0 glad you could make it,1 It`s going to be a fun night and I`m helping host it!!!,1 Joey`s getting a new lizard... This should be fun x,1 i feel super sick,0 Happy mother`s day to all the mums out there,1 Wishing everyone a good night,1 thanks!,1 I missed you guys this morning. I`m in Tacoma w/ no KGW to start my day.,0 " Here, have fun with this: http://bit.ly/PlNm4",1 "ssshhh everybody, I think is asleep... don`t disturb him.",0 Oh **** ... Placebo tix and Tori Amos both go on sale at 9am. Anticipating hot cake distribution of both.,0 OMG Great Day Today Went To A Art Thingy And Noe I Really Want A Zune HD And The Bed Part Its Raining Come Out Mister Sun,1 I hope they re-run this nerdprom later- sounds like they`re having LOTS of fun. Thanks all for the play-by-play,1 The Goonies. Projected. On a garage door. With my friends. Amazing.,1 yeah it is I feel sad tho.,0 wants to feel better,1 I`m not feeling very inspired today...I was suppose to be @ the B`ham concert tonight!,0 I`m terrified about the surgery next week,0 "feeling very stressed and strung out, awake at 4.50am, mind buzzing... and Mrs Dr. A is not talking to me",0 YES!! cant wait. hope these vip passes help since people already campin out hahah,1 love the stuff he sell... you should help this guy with his logo and shop it`s kinda Wordart,1 Does anyone know how to scale a pic down I`m trying to change my pic but all my pics r 2 big n I keep cropping them...HELP,0 waitin 4 the skool bus soo tired nd still soo much 2 do...want 2 b lazy nd sleep but since I cnt ill sing all my fav songs,0 i can`t wait! its most definately going to be amazing. <3 michelle,1 dude i will check again but i couldnt find anything haha i am capital ****-E-D,0 no worries,1 Oh No!!!! I must be gettin old!!!! My mom use to watch this show....I miss her,0 Hellerrr new followerss. I`m Tricina & uhhm I`m cool,1 " Alas, we can`t broadcast the lunches as we have no bandwidth in those rooms",0 Why am I so tired?????? Whyyyyy make it stop. Merm is not going to be fun tonight.,0 doesnt work already,0 Oh that can`t be nice,0 "I have test tomorrow but i dont study, then i go very bad",0 Even IE8 would be better,1 best show of my life. mcfly rocks my world i wanna meet you guys ;;,1 @_Flik_ Good one. Might think about it for this year`s NaNoWriMo competition.,1 Hello my lovely followers love and peace from my house lolz We just need the weather!,1 "I don`t want to lose my wisdom teeth, they make me wise. I will soon be without a trace of wisdom",0 Oh no!! Hope they get you in soon and can make you feel all better. Hugs from the other coast!!,1 Been meaning to email you for months. Your pre-reunion party must be coming up soon. Really wish I could be there. >140 char soon,1 I think I juz missed my last bus .. Need to walk home sia - http://tweet.sg,0 that `preview` of a trailer for new moon was a joke...14 seconds. still watched it tho. twice. lol figured i missed something! still sick,0 Redskins release Jon Jansen. That guy put in a ton of sweat and bruises for the team. He will be missed. http://tinyurl.com/mdewfk,1 " haha hell ya id love to find some boys to toke with, and thats a very sexy bike",1 " Ahhh! I knowww! I saw it May 5th and 6th in Newcastle and it was so good!!! I`m soo excited for 6th June, as its my bday aswell!",1 Am happy to provide backup support for all murderous rampages,1 " and yep, you`ve converted me to Blip. Been great to hear a lot of others suggestions - some pretty great stuff!",1 classic SNL digital short tonight! Be my mother lover ha ha... too good!,1 " thats what doting husbands are for LOL!! I hope that once my braces go on, I can eat normally again",1 is allergic to you...Oh NO!,0 oh no! i`m sorry. at least you`ll still be able to buy regular tickets and not worry about limits?,0 Why am I having such a hard time falling asleep,0 i am waaayyyy hungry! oh fyi my work email is down again BLAH!,0 "_d Aaaww!! That`s so good to know, I`m glad James is doing great We LOVE you guys! KIsses from Venezuela!",1 " if I could make it to Philadelphia this year I would be there!! but sadly, i cannot",0 Bummed that F! F! F! broke up,0 Scared waiting for the call,0 Thanks for the link Geoff,1 oh no! Poor thing keep us posted.,0 " Thanks. I am greedy, looking for a full fledged widget (a la twitter) so I can like and share from within NV. 2 much to expect?",1 Awww Thatss Well Sad x,0 ...hey danny .. did u run already ??? hope you have a good day ;) i love you !!!!,1 About to embark on a large tour of bars for a project. Hopefully I won`t die from alcohol poisoning,1 " Sounds lovely, hope you have a great day",1 sorry mo. we thought that u have to work tomorrow we go to the casino together too :?),0 yeah surrrrrously. we win,1 Feel sorry for Adam Cook. Be strong for David and family,0 " LOL it`s not the army it`s starfleet, rules are meant to be broken to get the job done. That`s why he gets the medal",0 just got home! not wanting to read the last chaper of breaking dawn cause i dont want it to be over,0 grrh wii remote dead.. no multiplayer here tonight,0 finally some effing internet! i effin need to update the wifi in SG malls. Idk how i miss dada and craigie......,0 im good! im on my laptop using and external internet plug. i need to send it away to be fixed,1 oops i did it again...really shouldnt have.,0 "I love my mom! Happy Mother`s Day, mommies",1 "wow this morning 8.15 hrs ding dong breakfastservice, was a surprise of Marjoleine, Guido and Dirk for mothersday.Mother hapy, father too",1 Some goodies bagged at the car boot including some very cute cross stitch birds for my craft room! The man selling was a sweetie,1 oops! ignore last post meant to be a direct message!,0 "The one day I do my hair, weather sucks where is the sun?",0 YEAYYY! good for you,1 I am sad because I broke my super-awesome giant paper clip I was using for my Italy notes,0 Goodnight everyone Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there,1 aww I wish the same thing...,1 "Come on Kirk, hook up your Wii to the wifi....you can do eeet!",1 This is dumb. I keep losing followers!,0 awesome! maybe someday I`ll find a book of yours on the bestsellers list? lol,1 *happy to help*,1 " btw, short notice I know, but we`re RSVPing no for your party- thanks so much for the invitation, though! I`m out for 2nite too",1 "getting ready to start my work week, it`s so not TGIF for me!! It`s monday",0 Bored out of my mind! LOL,0 it`s ok because one of my favorite movie series is Star Wars. That makes me more of a dork than you,1 " Yeah, I`m behind on my classic cinema calendar-making. I haven`t had time to go see any anyway.",0 fighting with mum on mothers day,0 saw you today! So BEAUTIFUL!! You looked so good! Glad to see the wonderful turnout!,1 Good morning all! Its a fabulous morning here!,1 omg wtf why is there a **** site following me?!,0 http://twitpic.com/4wsk3 - too cute,1 "Ate Mandy, please forgive me. I really am sorry. I don`t wanna lose my Bff",0 "My jeans that were once two inches too long are now about five inches too long. Holy cow, am I getting shorter?!?",0 " thanks lovely, will let you know when its up and ready! The baby havs are gorgeous, I want something to put in them x",1 I should`ve known something would go wrong. The van is having problems. Oh please tell me it will not cost us an arm and a leg,0 I ate too many kisses.,0 that is definitely a blast from the past,1 Thank you! And I don`t care for the look on his face.,1 "To all my friends: Im deeply sorry i`m moving, i will miss u all so very very much!",0 Is going to have one upset daughter in a bit..mr. Rat took a sudden turn for the worse and didn`t make it,0 " Tom , today my school played POV at the break , and I almost cryed ! your show in sao paulo is today ! I wish i could be there!",0 I already miss my Mohawk.,0 i cant afford it go to school here ? !!,0 So tired. Work today.,0 "Is on her way to nottingham! ICOF tonight, then no more gigs umtil download. Fail",0 http://twitpic.com/6714p - I feel really emotional Its been great seeing your pics and keeping up with you. Gonna m ...,1 " ooooo, an explanation?, Thank god for that or u would forever be wondering!..I love a good night mare tho!!",1 yea i just got outta one too....i want him back tho but i feel the same way...i`m cool on dudes for a lil while,1 Following new other #sanctuary fans! See the wonders of #SanctuarySunday !!! good to meet you all!,1 "Coldstone with kayla and some fat guys, but she is all that matters",1 "bored bored bored! wish i had something to do tomorrow, especially with the weather we`re to have! not fair",0 happy mother`s day to all moms and pseudo stepmoms,1 " E.L.O. wow, brings back so many happy memories. LOVE this band!..and yes, I know I`m showing my age but I don`t care",1 yes we must I had so much fun at SXSW with you guys PJ party in my room,1 That`s me on a good day,1 what a riot..now you can tell you`re friends you`ve got chlamydia..but you`re hoping to get pox-syphilis soon,0 I miss laughing till my stomache hurts,0 good to have a (boy)friend like you,1 rblpnBro Not quite where I need to be here ... sad but true. Soon however all will be WELL 6wks ? http://blip.fm/~5z4ve,0 oh and twas my very brilliant idea if I do say so myself what can I say i`m an ideas woman,1 yeah it does...i had fun today...i regret not taking that cup now...it was awesome...i must find one just like it now,1 Big Thanks Melody! Gotta love that sunshine-lots of vit D,1 Sorry for the delay in publishing this weeks show Some technical difficulties during encoding. Will be out asap but may be Saturday.,0 "I`m going through withdrawls, missing someone!!!!",0 i lost mx way,0 Exactly! Silent treatment is a great torture method,0 " I love U2! Lol, I you ever need a slow but good audiobook Oliver Twist is a one I`ve been listening to lately.",1 My throat hurts,0 Glad to see it`s a typical Bank Holiday weather wise - I was going to do so much today - yeah right!,1 Isn`t MSN in this case a lot easier? Hahaha!,1 So nice to go into the bathroom and not hear the sound of gently running water,1 "is anxiously awaiting Rockets-Lakers game ... Yes, I finally got Tix for Games 3 & 4 .... Yeahhhhh",1 So I thought the Cavs would crush the Magic and I come home from up north to realize how wrong I was.,0 " but better hurry, so you wouldn`t be labeled as copycats",1 listening to those litle hyperbirdies terrorizing the world since 4.30! lets cook em,0 just got Up and going to get ready to go to meadowhall ;) can`t believe my internet broke yesterday GUTTED,0 aww that`s horrible! xD,0 my phone is broken & im too lazy to go to the verizon store to get a new one.. oh well i guess no phone for awhile.. aha,0 ****. I have lost the game more times today than any other day in history. #lostthegame (Blame ),0 got an ear infection...man that **** hurts!,0 "PKU meeting in London, ON all day today. One of my favorite PKUers Jessie not there. He has PKU and Leukemia and was in the hospital.",0 have fun,1 " I really hope you see my tweets. Sent you so much, I swear. Do a tour in the Philippines, please? *prays*",1 Your birthday? WELL Happy birthday,1 " No ways. If you can nab a youngster, go for it! My best friend swears by younger men - apparantly they can go for longer too!",0 looking at all my old myspace status` oh mann. Skyrockets in flight! afternoon delight! AAAAAAAAfternoon delight!,1 Starbucks I`m lovin` it,1 I only do computers. Am hopeless at everything else,0 thanks for the feedback everyone,1 "Felt like ****, behaved like my son; ate to compensate. Pigged out on home-roasted sugar almonds. Painful tum, threw up, still feel sick.",0 Had fun 2nite...i was pleasantly surprised,1 having my brecky. Good Morning x,1 "bout to watch notorious cause that`s how i`m feelin now. wish i could eat something, but i can`t. surgery tomorrow. no food til saturday",0 sorry to hear your news,0 _shines92 aww that sucks,0 " inoo thats why i sed ino how u feel coz im in love with kyle, i feel like such a saddo but its true ha i wanna see him tuesday",0 I had fries and an ariZona at 1130 and that`s the only thing I ate today. feeeeeed meeeeee,0 I can`t has blocked me. I can`t even request,0 " yea, I was just about to say something It`s great to hear! Ukrainian!",1 Monday and I am at work and the legs are a still hurting a little! Smile,0 "Hi, i was just getting up now so i tought i could write something. Today i`m gonna go shopping! Soo fun, isn`****?",1 glad u liked post looking at the back end now...the sub 2 your blog is automatic. send url and i`ll verify.,1 with thee ladies getting retarded,0 jb are so cute! lmfao -giggles-,1 " Wow, really? I didn`t know it was that serious. Well that sucks. Texas must have been chock full of asbestos.",0 " I know, they`re ****. I am trying to sort out my portfolio and I don`t know what to put in it!",0 "can`t believe I just drove all the way back to school...whatever HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY: Mommy, Precious, Candis and Granny",1 im writing an exam on a SATURDAY that should be illegal where`s my weekend?,0 I wish the weather would be slightly less rainy so I could use the hot tub.,1 oops. Cy`s place is too near. Trouble for me.,0 I just vacuumed my entire house three times. Screw all vacuums!!,0 "Oh, and yippee for Lyn-Z Way who gets to celebrate Mother`s Day for the first time as a mother.",1 Wishing all Mothers Happy Mother`s Day,1 "omg having so much fun watcing house bunny, courto isa a ledge for sending me link <3",1 "_Paradise Hi Dale, your welcome man! Hope ur weekend is going well. I think I would enjoy your Desert Paradise! fun, fun, fun!",1 " Iowa is like that sometimes, it gets frustrating.",0 that`s so weird seeing your MySpace page without me there! Had to delete my page though.,0 " okay, thanks!",1 Had an awesome lunch with the family & now dinner with the in-laws,1 "Just woke up & can`t go back to sleep. Had a txt from the bff sayin if you`re up call me, sounds important but that was 4 hours ago",1 Well on a normal day I`d already be done with work...Unfortunately this is not a normal day. Which means I`ll be in the office till late.,0 "oh happy day!!! nice weather, smiling, happy baby and icecream later",1 " awww I know you never will, I`m so thankful I can count on you, love ya boo",1 is that teh part where hes liek feeling the girl. i feel sooo soooory for her,0 Going to the courthouse to pay for tags & taxes on all our cars...this is gonna be expensive.,0 Rockstar photographer shoot went great tonight. A little different than the usual stuff - very nice.,1 i hate history coursework sooo much,0 thanks!,1 i dont think i have ever laughed so hard,1 i never knew a dentention was so hard 2 get,0 Itsurely will dear . in posted a presentation on Swine flu yest and it got 500 downloads in just a day!!i feels great,1 Went to friend`s house to watch some good old season 1 episodes of Supernatural <3 **** I love this show soo **** much,1 awe...Thank you Jon!,1 going to take my last final ... wish me luck ..,1 "aaahhh, showers are great",1 "late for sick kid at home, hope she feels better later tonite",0 "happy mothers day to all the mothers, grandmothers, furbaby mommies, etc! heading out for breakfast with my mom shortly",1 lucky! I still want those blue ones,1 " It`s just a shame what wisdom comes with age, but age destroys youth",0 _KittyKat so now im bored..untill i go out,0 awww such a sweetie. hope your mom has a wonderful mother`s day too,1 i love the dreambears!.. i want a **** best friend!,1 Dump your worries in the Stress Fire. Fun and profoundly freeing http://budurl.com/c765,1 So bored... need more people for rsmv !! jagex doesn`t let u say RSMV unless its the first word u say in the sentence.. sad,0 "Im so angry right now .. today im not doind nothing and all my classmates yes ,i think i will stay with my friend Mr.Computer .. hope not",0 haha sounds like your going to have heaps of fun ****,1 "_music im always blunt with my feelings, never seems to do any good",0 "Hour fifteen drive. Just left, bored and ate half my food already",0 _e thanks for following me. Nice to meet you,1 I ? JONAS` second episode! Aww! Nick is so handsome,1 sorry to hear that,0 "_brown Damnit, I accidentally put instead of in my #FollowFriday",0 I hate cottage cheese. I even got some fancy stuff last weekend with lemon and berries...I could only eat half of it.,0 "... I want to die. I want to TAKE my own life, forever. She`s trying to get me to do a duet.",0 " ooh good! im starting with the hardest one, gonna be at it all day. ive locked my door and im only leaving for food and toilet! x",1 Good morning,1 _ that sucks!,0 "#web20 -- a good metaphor in democratic process: Truth is better served, not by transparency -- but by the opaqueness of private `Vote`",1 Just the mother of all bad days,0 watching SNL with guess Justin Timberlake...OMG! He is too funny! hahahah,1 I love the fact that it`s a bank holiday monday and i can stay in bed,1 My husband thinks my Twittering makes me a creeper... whatever.,0 "So i have done absolutely NOTHING all day today...how pitiful is that...smdh...guess I cant go out 2nite, I gotta work booo ",0 "California`s budget deficit (now at $24.3 billion) means big problems and lots of cuts, including 220 of our state parks",0 " great pic,have to upload my pix tomo,I`ve no laptop tonight.",1 "So far absolutely perfect. Great view, directly across from the elevators and ice machine and impecible weather. I need my bike.",1 Mmm wasabi coated peanuts! Burns so good,1 I lost my artistic abilities,0 Manchester was wayyyyy to busy! so warm today also! :`(,0 real stressed,0 I`m really excited that I`m a Queen Bee on the Power Mom 50 List I feel really REALLY honored. #nielsenpowermoms,1 I miss you,0 " So!!! Why should that matter? I bet you would be GREAT at it! I do!!! It`s what you love, right? Why not go for it!",1 out of commish for a few days in ATL with fam. Just saw the updates to the .net website... Looks AWESOME!,1 " Awesome! Saw you added me on MySpace, could you please >NOT< tag me in the photos there? Thanks.",1 "got to final table, but....went out third. Don`t think I`ll be getting my free seat",0 looks like the eprocurement e-mail address from office mate is blacklisted by IT here.. asking them to whitelist now.,0 "okay, got the card, but my phone is **** up at the moment. please use email to reach me, sorry",0 "Is so freaking bored on the bus. Hate being poor, �4.80 return for a 10 min train or �2 return for an HOUR long bus.ipod has no battery 2",0 want somebody to hold me Alma! tear tear,0 Another HD - my lecturer was gob smacked by how good our presentation was,1 " Sadly not, no. They`re his colleagues and it`s a work party",0 Happy STAR WARS Day - May the fourth be with you!,1 sorry for my lack of tweets ive been buzy. new vid this saturday!!,0 "My goodness! Another hit, another run!!!",1 "Ok, WTF?! Why do you have something on your menu *in the window* if you don`t sell it?! I wanted my bubble tea",0 hurts to be you! Sunshine all weekend and you don`t get to play. That`s sad.,0 @_NyLana_ An! Happy Mother`s Day!,1 good morning. have to get ready to go to the hospital and get a cat scan. best wishes to you.,1 " So far, so good. It`s still early, though!",1 is now going to see his very ill uncle on saturday and spend the night at his house as even more bad news has come up,0 once i hit christian in the head with a metal bat! haha he then socked me in the eye! haha i miss being a reckless little kid,0 Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you when you can be anything that you want to? morning everyone! Hope you have the best day ever,1 Watching Jeremy assemble jr`s new radio flyer bike!!! Jr is sick with 100 degree fever taking a nap. This will cheer him up though!,0 " http://twitpic.com/3goxn - yes , everybody love you. i`m a german Fan. Follow me !",1 ROFLMAO for the funny web portal =D,1 " i would but he`s premiering avatar footage and can`t do it then. also, we better hang out.",1 I need a break! I NEED KITKAT! haha!,1 " Nope Not that I have to worry about the possibility. I`m more worried about GOOG`s design than her personal taste, actually.",0 "the neighborhood gas station is gone, kaput, out of business. No more convenient trips for ice or whatevs. over 3 miles now to travel..",0 working again today but off tomorrow for dan`s party! yay!,1 Is feeling really bad about goofin` on not knowing she really wasn`t at the meeting! Dang I`m sorry! Me & my big `ol mouth,0 "Played with FontStruct http://is.gd/ejE uploaded to dafont, 16k downloads & top of its category http://is.gd/wyyp Very wtf moment for me",1 good morning! off to the gym I go,1 " It was a lot of stress, though, so with that and supporting two big families he never quit smoking and died of lung cancer at 51.",0 Eminem`s new song 'Beautiful' is amazing!. Listen to the MAGIC right NOW!! http://www.myspace.com/steve005,1 TGIF. I don`t feel good.,0 " Where I live, all the small markets deliver their day-old bread to the food bank, but times are really tough, even for me",0 p.s. sorry about ur uncle,0 "_shantz heyy shantell! twitter is cool, thats why! and guess what!! i followed britney spears, and she followed me back!",1 I hate going online and looking at the balance in the bank. its always a lot lower than I need it to be.,0 "Two months ago, I became worthless.",0 Wolverine is awesome.. love it! your such a great actor..,1 congratulations on your shirt btw!,1 'AAARRRGGGGHHH' is the only thing that can decribe how I feel rite now!,0 Starting to spoil my pug since her brother Max passed away on Tuesday. We miss him.,0 Happy mother`s day to your moms.,1 HaPPy B-DAY Ma Freaaaaaaak <3,1 asks: did anyone possibly get a photo of me receiving my diploma? Dad`s camera died right at that moment.,0 "I want to ride my bicycle today, but it`s too cold and cloudy today",0 YAY jack won. but downer i`ve just remembered its friday meaning i have work tomorrow,1 Just found out that one of my coworkers in St. Paul (who I actually know and talk to) got laid off. This blows.,0 u feeling urself so much u cant say hi??? me no likey u,0 " I love my mom, she`s the best mom on the planet",1 "Our jazz band freakin` KICKED ****!! Good job, team!",1 me too. I hate my computer so much..,0 thanks so much for the discount code. looking forward to trying your pads out,1 Signing out for the night - have a good Sunday night all,1 Loves him but most importantly loves my mom! Happy Mothers Day!,1 Doesnt feel good! but I cant miss work tomorrow!,0 " unfortunately, I will miss Girl Bros. Radio tonight. Will be in the midst of an all night writing session",0 BOOK NOW & SAVE:SUMMER 2009 * THE AMAZONES VILLAGE SUITES****-CRETE-GREECE! THE BEST PLACE TO BE!,1 WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?! Last night and this morning SUCKED... More moving tonight.,0 "thelma & louise, Good movie.",1 my nail broke I haaaaaaaaate,0 " lolll, i cba to get the sun stuff and i forgot that the back of my leg wouldnt gwt tanned lol. it hurts sooo bad right now",0 Oh I`m sorry I can`t even imagine...although I know it will be reality for me soon,0 i love everrything from breadtalk i would eat the whole place if i could,1 "Ok, 4 Star Trek fans have given the new movie good reviews getting very excited!!!",1 #followfriday follow these ppl ... they are interesting .. doesnt tweet much though,1 sorry to tweet about BGT but poor wonderful crazy weird Greg so not fair. the silly little girl is never going to cope. urgh. NOT FAIR.,0 "Bad day! Work`s TOO stressful...been involved in a minor accident, but everything`s ok so far. Have to cut down immediately!",0 " ah man, that`s sucks. What happened to it that`s prompting a reinstall?",0 would love to see that!,1 is not running in the Annapolis half marathon this weekend because i failed to meet the registeration deadline & its completely filled,0 _Songs I know Especially since the summer is such a boring TV time to begin with.,0 " I haven`t heard anything negative yet. As a former manager used to tell me: If they`re quiet, be happy",1 "God, I HATE scary movies. They are not at all. I`m such a wimpy.",0 i`m so glad,1 _LeAnn if it makes you feel better im studying on a sat night w/o blackberries,1 What? But....but...the Nurburgring... why is it so good? http://tinyurl.com/krcamp,1 http://twitpic.com/4hbs5 - ahahahahahahahaha can i please eat that off your head ****,1 weebo is dying,0 I`m scared to set the pw on my BB bc I might forget it & end up losing all my data. But yet I have financial info on it. Catch 22,0 And it stopped raining. Fuckingtastic! ),0 "Changed my hairstyle,but it isn`t good as it supposed to be N don`t wealth that much money.. hate that hairdresser~~",0 I`m a good girl...ALL work is done,1 I`m going to ask Waldi. I hope he makes a new keyword for me,1 not but I went to his page and it made me hungry,0 im trying to fix myself really but i need to stop cutting myself,0 FREE UNLIMITED RINGTONES!!! - http://tinyurl.com/freeringring - USA ONLY - Awesome 4 iphone,1 FRIDAY so freakin happy today was an annoying day buuut WEEKEND! TGIF<3,1 Spent some time with the Guild Wars 4th birthday update. Menagerie is a welcome new feature... For Rangers anyway.,1 Just finished yet another amazing book by Susan Elizabeth Philips!!! God I love her books so much!!! Which one to read next??? hmmm...,1 So Tired. It`s not right to have to get up so early,0 http://twitpic.com/4jkvh - I wasn`t bored really.. my redd converse. I love converse.,1 sourish limbs is preventing me from gg out on a friday. not happy. i haven`t been on at 12am for a v long time...even more so on a fri,0 really? Awesome!,1 Birthday tomorrow. Doing jack **** all weekend,0 "TodaY was better. My Panda can eally cheer me up. I dont know, I am Happy, Like the legit happy.",1 Wishing all the mommies out there a very happy day!!!,1 "it`s `s birthday today, wish her a good one assholes! Sleepytime",0 Awesome! Wish I could fly out to see her,1 " thanks babe. I guess I will find the right person one day, til then I`m better off alone",1 Car-warmed Sprite tastes like sore throat,0 "finally friday , but still grounded till next thursday -- stereos = life <333",1 My aim is not working due to network problems,0 having a great mothers day,1 i just found a crack in my baking bowl...milk spilled everywhere,0 i`m not being mean,1 "The sun is attempting to increase her efforts. Alas the same cannot be said for me. I see a bath, a couch & a book in my immediate future",0 Up way way way to early this am....thanks _benson,1 "Hi all, just recovering from a party, looking forward to an exciting bank holiday around the diy shops...life cant get much better.surely",1 i hate rain and people.,0 wishes happy mothers` day to all moms out there.,1 " Oh, I see. Daily life shots? It`ll be interesting as well.",1 my back hurts have a heating pad on it... stupid ladder y did you have to collapse and make me fall on my back/bum???,0 "http://twitpic.com/61ov1 - i ahte stress, its supposed to be friday! it makes me wanna cry",0 _morley LOL I love your kids,1 ooooh it`s you lol I didn`t know!! Have fun with your princess,1 Oh Duh....I see that now .....thank you....,1 Good morning tweeps. Busy this a.m. but not in a working way,1 Woke up from aspirating some stomach acid. I`m praying that I dont acid reflux and that it was a one time thing,0 Hey wow cheers for the insight ppl looks FUN oh im just stunned..it`s AWEOMSE!!! (robluketic live > http://ustre.am/2w5v),1 THE SUN IS SHINING< THE SKY IS FACKING BLUE< TELETUBBIES? I HAVE TO **** WORK.,0 mOod. was way too much fun. lol.. I lOve to dance TEchno !!! <3 ... life.lOve.stress &&. set backs <3 gnite,1 my 6th wedding anniversary today... so lucky to have such a gorgeous wife,1 "going out with my tita gi, sister and my beloved lola! Were going to treat her for dinner! Wohoo... So excited and hungry...",1 I can`t eat a hot pocket anymore without thinking about Jim Gaffigan,0 in rye..happy mothers day mums ily mummy lol,1 Going to tmobile i need a new phone this G1 is so not working for me anymore,0 No more Wiffleball.. ****.,0 "ok.. BEST SNL episode i`ve seen in a hot minute. Justin is wonderful and Ciara has muscles..the end. G`nitey, tweet tweets!",1 " Thanks, glad you agree wth my follow or not policy",1 thanks for a nice blog post! should however be given some creds since he has done at least half of the work on it,1 Feel like **** today Got a speeding ticket 1st since 5 years...blows!!!!!!!,0 i`m going to try to get some sleeeeeeep. goonight twitter have a nice mother`s day.,1 " -- No fair, I want a sticker but I just moved away from London",0 I am slowly getting angry at this Jon and Kate Plus 8 thing,0 " Yes, but I`m quite rusty. I`m hoping to get back to it and 'tune up' my skills. Tim plays guitar. We threaten duets.",0 _musings Good morning! It is raining here,1 " Not a problem. I loved that idea, and of course the photos were just perfect!",1 Laying in bed til workkk... Oh the life. Definitely pinched a nerve.,0 I feel actual heartbreak.. _Gates last night x,0 @_Esme_Cullen_ I`m taking a million songs from your blip.fm station thing. Sorry,0 @ amhzz... did u get an invite? I miss u,0 Almost made it to reading comedy outlet. Headlining all weekend. Only took me 2 extra hours with traffic. Basically doubled my time.,0 "just got to kansas city and excited for a fun weekend with my family, my sis, parker and josh",1 I`m Such a nerd. Reading my first of many books this summer,0 This is a much better tool than some I have come across http://www.tweepular.com - Twitter Karma on Steroids,1 mmm much better day... so far! it`s still quite early. last day of #uds,1 Thank you!!,1 Morning all! Have a GREAT DAY! Off to school I go,1 Just saw Zack and Miri Make a **** with and . sooo good.,1 just said goodbye to the younger bro. #misshimalready,0 missing on his birthday,0 I`m one tough momma. Put together a swing set for Tammy allll by myself today! My hubby would be so proud of me. :],1 " Dunno yet, would LOVE to though! I keep missing them any other time for some reason :S & have fun!",1 Ugh cant sleep on this bus. still have like 5 hours,0 " i wish i could sat but thats a super busy day sunday perhaps? playing football in dolores park too, youre welcome to come hang!",1 "watching FRIENDS reduces stress inside me. Thanks to Bright, Kauffman, and Crane who are created these series love love love",1 Then you might enjoy this one too http://tinyurl.com/ygcp3f,1 ", in about two hours I`m setting out on a 600-mile drive home. Mostly I`m hoping it goes quickly.",1 " Sweeny Todd is an awesome movie, the best",1 My poor poor mouth,0 IN PAIN. my big toe got stomped on during the hokey cokeu. it`s throbbing. anyone have any suggestions to heal it?,0 i hope its earlier. september is along time offf,1 frame damage... car could be totalled,0 http://twitpic.com/4jb66 - lol pretty long,1 "Ordering pizzas, watching Diggnation, trying out Tweetdeck. All is good",1 where`s enthusiasm in meeeee,0 95 degrees and a crappy a/c,0 No FAIR!,0 Happy Mothers Day to all the mom`s around Hope you have a wonderful day!,1 " let me guess ... ran a few miles? Respect dude, I can`t do it. Maybe you should train me",1 " I kind of figured. He`d probably be unable to reason out why a lot of the things in manga happen, or the way they happen.",0 Not feeling comfortable with myself today,0 "I had 2 buy a new washer, bought the dryer 2. Dryer labeled electric but is gas GRRR. Now we have 2 load it up tomorrow 2 return it.",0 "So, what`s so great bout your so called `wonderful love life`? For god sake, W-A-T-E-V-A!",1 " Oh, will do. I had to bring the souffl� home I`m SO full! It`s delicious! One of my Philly favs.",1 Good Morning everyone! Enjoy your day! Thinking of all my tweet friends,1 I am off to bed now....my family has a wonderful day planned for me today Happy Mother`s Day,1 Hi John! Thanks for sharing that quote! It`s soo true,1 **** no dublin,0 .. Guess ol` Tom has another mission impossible ... some of this is like trying to prove innocence .. I didn`t get hugged,0 I am so hungry! And there is no food for me to steal,0 My long lost friend!,0 Busy but fantastic. Tried to unplug for a few days. Thank you for the FF!!,1 " lol, on blip.fm is not the on twitter! i hate that song btw",0 Watching Body of Lies...good film,1 im so hungry and i have nothing to eat,0 "Shooould be sleeping already, but got caught up watching some late night `Roseanne`. Officially off to bed after the next episode!",0 "**** it, the guys aren`t at #comet09 I hope they win though",1 "Today is my first real mothers day with my son actually here he wasn`t born yet last year , can`t wait to hug him when I get home",1 Been helping ex-student with Uni assignment via Skype .... gotta love a connected world. Now sudying `game design`. Even better.,1 alright don`t want you to overdue it now. LOL you are funny nite nite,1 "Power Outage, door to freezer propped open, 3G ice cream make for slippy floor M-er F-er!!",0 "So much to do this summer, hopefully all comes in favor and nothing has to be cancelled worked hard for it...",1 Mowing #6. I hate my lawn,0 Cheese and Onion! Vinegar taste weird on crisps! England`s got loads of weird crisps flavorus lol.. What do you like ? x,0 "@_everblue She actually posted again to say that it was the 2nd and not the 4th, so nevermind.",1 good to know thanks,1 looks to be a great morning already!,1 ****....game starts in 30 min!!,0 Scramming a little early. Nibs sounds pathetic.,0 "Kidney Stones again What did I ever do to deserve this kind of pain, not once or twice but five times in my life??? Took drugs, peace out",0 Shots suuuuck! im done no more vacines!,0 Shame about your job have you thought about working for yourself? there`s big money to be paid http://bit.ly/1864ml,0 Thinks he may have broken his nose at the show,0 gosh it`s anoher cloudy day wish they would go away.. or rain..,0 wishing I got fij,1 _in_love aww me too!!! we miss you.,1 _ I`m so tired I think imma go to bed,0 " Nicky, I LAND at 10pm, it will be like 10:40 before I get home! UGH! Wont be any fish fry left for me anyways",0 TY sweetheart,1 Its time for me to pack up at work now and have not had much time for twitter! Thank you for any follow fridays. Be back later!,1 I love my life Ni night twitter!<3,1 seen loads of new photos and stuff of new moon and cant wait lol (L) Taylor lautner lol takes his shirt off 3 times yum =]... lol,1 aww cant wait to have you back in LA! <333,1 " awww, I hates it wen families are brokun up by humuns. Maybee you see him agin wun day.",0 britains got talent is rather disappointing this year,0 I know what you mean. My little dog is sinking into depression... he wants to move someplace tropical,0 " Kewl, I only got my iPhone and gotta hope it lasts all weekend Only got a shuffle, might bring that anyways... See ya 8am!",1 " Feeling inspired this evening, huh?",1 I know! D: I finally got my component cables for the PS2 in the other day and instead of playing P3:FES I played OoT.,1 I miss my peanut gallery,0 " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it!!! No, actually, I have been having mad cravings lately though",1 That`s the Birthday Boy`s iPod Touch and DSi set-up and sorted. Just to think I would have been happy with a ball + boots at that age!,1 read your status update & just wanted 2 b sure I was on your follow list Hope u r having a wondefl wkend Michael~blessings,1 I understood you pre-coffee tweet I`m good,1 NAT!!! I`m going to miss you so badly,0 O dear. so you`re going to be **** that kiddoe and I`m going to sit there doing.. nothing! awesome WHERES THE SHOPPING?!<3,0 today was the BEST <3 eff yeah i <3 ,1 why am i so tired?,0 started a great mother`s day season!,1 Ugh.. Fricken Internet is down. Can do like 0 work without it. I want back in college just for the connection,0 Found my book. Starting a real paper-bound journal tonight. Have an annoying zit above my lip. Makes me look like I have herpes,0 " I can`t believe that he almost got put down, before the rescue group went and got him.",1 feeling like ****. hope its not swine flu or something,0 Kewl Sounds good. Will wait for it. Thanks,1 " Hey Steve. I think you are such an awesome actor. I love every movie you are in, and I love The Office.",1 ahh! Yay! so you`re gonna get it?,1 "oh dear, they selected the worst bit for highlight for soprano guy",0 god bless u and I hope the rest of your weekend is joyfull,1 someone has hacked into my emails!! **** off!!,0 sad assembly next block,0 can`t help but feel today will be a massive Michael Jackson rumour day. [Cue all the MJ haters...],0 Just got up thinkin about how weird it is w/out our dog,0 alright - was only joking - I just said no wine here - fool me maybe? - I don;t like drinking,0 The Priests were really good. Guess they wouldn`t be welcome on Late Late at the moment,1 loves my new twitter background...my two heros...wichita and kraussey! haha,1 Don`t worry you will have Ava to distract you on the flight,1 Just got finished cleaning and putting out my mom`s presents. Happy mother`s day. I`m going to sleeeeep.,1 "Tbh having no credit in your phone sux. i cant even text people to see what`s happening, like its totally grrrsville",0 Back from hospital. Doc says I`ll live,1 Happy Mother`s Day to the tweetin` mamas Nite tweeple!,1 I was going to but I`m stuck with it as I seem to have misplaced my remote It`s extra bad tonight as well :|,0 sorry for taking over twitter with my i-can`t-sleepness,0 " great interview, your videos are my favorite on youtube",1 oh no Jess I hope the person is ok,1 And I still recall how helpful you were way back when as I struggled on an AR contest question...,1 just watched that new T-mobile advert on Youtube.. i love it 'hey jude!!!!!!',1 Im so tired. And its so gloomy what happeened ro summer?,0 'locked up abroad' makes bein half brown good risk mgmt when travelin 3rd world. i blend. i feel sorry for my hostage magnet white pepo,0 WE Quite Like Worthing its a relaxing place with nice coffee shops and fresh air.. and not too many Oiks,1 good morning tis a rainy Monday morning...blahhh!,1 may have unintentionally snubbed someone due to my ineptness/shyness. feel badly,0 "Okay, the man with the hook for a hand is kinda freaking me out right now.",0 is back home now gonna miss every one,0 i always have those for my Champions League parties Tis awesome,1 My dog is suffering from abandonment issues. She thinks I`m moving without her.,0 " if you don`t mind, change your profile pic with a picture of you in UK. It`ll be fun",1 "had an eventful weekend and nice week off, looking forward to a final chill out day",1 haha it scared the **** out of me.,0 _Rose *hugs* thanks. I don`t know how I`m going to fix this if I`m ever going to get my account back.,1 "finally gone to the beach, yeaaaah!",1 happy star wars dayyyy =D and hbd to uncle LEE,1 it because your handwriting isnt on any of them. and everyone is making fun of me because im sitting by myseld in the lrc,0 "I need to change my ways, instead of just being weak. I love she`s a great role model",1 alicias tonight? idkkkk. ughhh,0 "oo. and studied today outside after having a ben+jerry`s.. wearing a sundress, hopefully didn`t get an awkward tan line.. haha!",1 But I hate being me,0 Holy **** I am exhausted! Resting up so I can go see Wolverine later,0 ...And omg whats this dirty letter from Danny everyones been on about? Its absolutely none of my business but I still feel left out lol,0 At social. just saw G-1.. Awwww,1 Sounds great. I`m looking forward to it then,1 i promised myself i would spread the cards around India...and I only gave someone a deck & then never gave them out,1 http://tinyurl.com/nqudrt - Hurt my finger at work,0 hahaha probably not sorry. We`ve got some things to do around the house...and then we have to go to Jared`s parents house,1 That`s exactly how I feel. I hope you start feeling better soon.,1 _face and nana.wish i was there last night,1 Oooh you just spoiled my teenage fantasy,0 ... Still feelin like blah... 3 more hours,0 "Its official, I`m having the worst day. I called it a mile away",0 break a leg but don`t do it for real it just a saying :p ' good luck',1 Well thank you.,1 "I hate different referenced assemblies. My FNH goes against castle 1.1, Caliburn against 1.03 .. not to mention dynamicproxy in NH",0 I don`t wanna be a **** when I go to Europe. Need to eat right but it`s so difficult,0 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY VICKY!!!! AND TO ALL THE OTHER MOTHERS WHO READ THIS!!!,1 yeah I didn`t realize how bad it all was till now,0 http://twitpic.com/67wb4 - Gotta a show on Monday at 9.... hopefully my head will be better by then....,1 Summer Glau to appear in Dollhouse next year http://tinyurl.com/mnrezc... I still can`t believe they won`t renew TSCC,0 wants cookie,1 " Ordered mine, thank you!!",1 Get you lol what time we eating id hate to be late,0 Getting AxKit running on Ubuntu 8.04 is making my head explode.,0 it`s the best day ever. it`s my birthday,1 animating an ad for work. One of my favorite things to do. So much so that I`m doing it on a saturday night for fun!,1 "Good am all..: hanging out with ma dad 2day, looking for a job still..",1 Not that funny! I wont jump,0 Enjoying afternoon tea with my friends.. Cake delicacies equal sweet time,1 " no, silly, to shoot other shoppers with though a taser is probably the more humane penalty for 12 items in 5 item line",0 I`m bummed that I can`t wear my sweet Nike kicks to work.,0 "Just got home, no rosie surprise of smiles hugs & kisses waiting for me.",1 I`m sorry to hear that.,0 STUPID!!!! my ipod is taking forever to load.,0 Ohnoes! That`s icky!,0 Ow... My shoulder muscle (I can`t remember the name :p) hurts... What did I do? I don`t even know,0 This has been a dismal week.,0 http://yfrog.com/0xoxij Fry bread is good but they only gave me a little pinch of lettuce ha ha,1 " thanks for the follow, your family photo is beautiful happy mother`s day to your wife!",1 What a bad day!,0 "Looking to sketch final catwalk outfit, i really REALLY want my long pink hair back. i also want to dye my models hair pink not allowed",1 aww such a cutie,1 " Thanks hun, it was great",1 why do you say that i`m a ****? i find that hurtful!,0 I`d love to!!,1 watching W. with jas. i love my brother he`s my best friend,1 _tha lol congrats!,1 ooooo i love pretty feet,1 really sick and tired but my body`s resisting rest!,0 nice weather..looks like its going to rain here in # Delhi.,1 And ... Happy Mother`s Day to all Moms You sure are the ? heart of mankind.,1 Watching Battlestar Galactica Season 1...Yeah you read it right!,1 has found a free wifi point ... and it`s sunny,1 " Happy mother`s day! Hope you have a great one with Harlow, your mom and those you love You`re such an awesome mommy! ^^",1 happy birthday,1 Somehow my alarm became an hour fast and I came to realize it as I was leaving the house.. It feels good having an early start,1 wow the weather is amazing today!,1 KICKIN BAK......NEED 2 DO MY HW.....I MISS U BABE LOLZ,0 " i want to but i can`t call you cause i live in argentina I really really love you mitchel! You`re AWESOME, you Rock!?",1 "_billiam whoa..you`re fast. Check it out I`ve submitted my comment . Oh, and thanks!",1 morrrning. time for school. (: time to learn!,1 http://twitpic.com/4so0u - OOO i wish i was her he`s hot,1 Haha how exciting wat does it look like?!,1 "I feel bad over everything.. How can I be so stupid? Why was I so harsh? Its my fault, I know it. I`m sorry SaVvy, love you guys<3",0 Lula is not feeling well. http://tinyurl.com/m8kcsq,0 : eww. dislike,0 haha well then maybe u shouldn`t be so weak hehe jks ****,1 she fell into deep crack in the glacier so terrible,0 Love the unique accordion thief buffs - thank you!,1 "My gut says to replace $$$ appliances instead of repair, but I want to be smart with $. When I try repair, replace was the right choice.",1 Dang you internet. . . Its been down all night. . .,0 has such a freakin migraine,0 Ugh. My feet feel like they`re going to fall off.,0 and the download failed My phone does not like your phone.,0 "Dang, I need a bed in the bay area Monday / Tuesday night Anyone able to help out?",0 It worked. Cool AND the gang!,1 darn it. I did it again.! keep forgetting that darn 'D' for DM`s.....,0 Good mornin` everyone . Beautiful sunday for all the beautiful moms of ours. Had my breakfast with the lady .... Lets move on .,1 I just cried whilst watching hollyoaks .. i need a life! lol,0 Sending angry vibes to the individual in a blue vehicle who hit my car in the QFC parking lot on Broad and failed to leave a note,0 All is well..That ends well! < unless of course well times the power of three = the sum of ends if X being All,1 " Trickery? No, just exasperation at seeing **** Pride hijacked by a politics bigger and uglier then anything it`s meant for",0 Thanks! carry on the craziness again!!!,1 "Oh great, Radio Disney doesn`t crash with the latest webkit, so my kid can run it again. HEY WAIT.",1 cool. my **** itch. got sunburned at the volcano,0 "Ugh, still sick. This Calgary cold has lasted forever.",0 I LOVE CHICAGO. Tonight was AMAZING!!,1 I heart Mela so so much cept last time I went they booked us in on the Saturday instead of the Friday and wouldn`t feed us,0 spending some quality time with my fender tele deluxe...true love,1 is tanning with emily! too bad its prob gonna rain,0 The cats are gone. All 3 of them.,0 Boy is going to a movie. I wish I didn`t feel like ****.,0 I have 3 computers all going now. IE 7 on XP and IE 8 on Vista all are still NO Shows!,0 " oh okay cool, i love the fast and the furious can`t wait to see the new one",1 my mom watched my new video and she actually LOL Love her! xoxo http://bit.ly/16w6zV,1 "cold,so cold ****!",0 Still sick at home,0 " Hey! It`s easy...Just type what you`re doing! Just like facebook, but much simpler. Have a good day!",1 " Aww, that`s sad. I miss seeing you guys on the big screen.",0 well even with her breakdown she was better than the other acts unfortunately! Britain`s got very little talent,0 **** week all **** week off to the gym now with the worst headache.,0 I can`t sleep. I can`t find my grandmother`s quilt or locket. I`m sick at myself cause I may have lost them somehow. Or they were stolen,0 Good Morning i ate pizza for breakfast,1 ans so the lion.......kicked the dogs ****!!!!,0 No pool today. Stupid weather.,0 **** you is all i have to say,0 Up a little.. Good luck to tam and robert who each have 25% of me. Cant text at the table,1 that sucks mama,0 "True to form, Bank Holiday Monday looks like it might be rainy. Hope it holds off til later, family&friends plan walk and picnic today",1 Well best of luck,1 " thanks stephen, appreciate it",1 OMG I`M SOO EXCITED! i`ve been waiting for it ever since i saw the 5th one at midnight the night before!,1 "getting off for the night, in such a great mood!",1 Awe - didn`t know cats got skin cancer,0 happy sunday all,1 hurt. done trying..,0 "My back is all kinds of messed up, and Strudel is going to live in another town until we move, I`m going to miss the little runt",0 live long and prosper #fb,1 It baffles me how much Radio Shack isn`t the same Radio Shack I grew up with,0 It wouldn`t let me download it cos it said I`m the UK. I had a little cry.,0 Working on your birthday isn`t so bad when you get to work with Ruby on Rails,1 "i think my cold is getting worse, not better!! i cant stop coughing - it really sucks!!",0 " I`m running out of things to say, and I`m starting to think you`ll hate me for flooding your inbox with 'Philippines tour?'",0 LMAO...Ha! No I just simply wanted to go to NY!,1 i so can`t be bothered working tomorrow!,1 " Thank a Chu?t � Ch?c v?y qu�, hik, ch?c em ph?i ?i h?c 1 kh�a ph? c?p ki?n th?c c? kh� g?p =.=",1 btw ian watkins has stopped following me so i am a wee bit pissed off!,0 I feel like... I`m not gonna make it this year,0 Well I *did* put in a good innings...sweared at the brother in law..was in fine form,1 britain is ****,0 "Watching the best movie ever: The NeverEnding Story! I wish my babbby was with me, though.",1 is NOT watching Star Trek tonight. But is heading to a lovely dinner and fun board games night with ,1 My bike was put on hold...should have known that.... argh total bummer,0 " - Love the comeback, I will stay tuned! You fellows should follow people on here though. You`ll in turn get more followers",1 " hm, this not a good medium for much more then yes/no I am responding to previous posts,days ago, & other conversations we had",0 Omg going to die of swine flu when I go to Melbourne,0 don`t worry just sleep.,1 you are lame go make me breakfast!!,0 will be lonely for 4 days because will be in baguio. http://plurk.com/p/x2apl,0 "So I played this game , yeahhhhh I lost I`m inlove ughh....really cause I`m such a fool.",0 *HUGS you* awwww......i`m sorry you are feeling sad E!,0 Flap-a-taco was nice until the plebs came in.,0 kinda has a headache...,0 i hope you knew its due tuesday,1 How cool is that! Thank you so much! luv it!,1 " - I`m hoping these pills will do something, cuz I`m gonna go nuts",1 Is watching 'It takes Two'.... such a classic lol,1 " Thanks, Kelly! You are too sweet!",1 perfect song!,1 "@_katieedwards I can`t yet back, I`ve run out of texts! I`ll ring you laters xoxo",0 oh ****! I completely forgot about Thirsty Thursday! oh. my. gaga. this sucks,0 Who builds a hotel without air-con? Bloody boiling in here...,0 Suddenly I remember all the memories with him ohhh please,0 Filming at a carnival for my music video... It reminds me of the Cherry Festival that I used to go to back home... Ahhh memories...,1 Just spent the last two hours playing L4D with babe Had HELLA fun. I love him <3,1 I`ve got a dentist`s appointment soon! The drill feels like I`ve got my brain in a blender - not looking forward to it,0 Ohhhhh how I miss the Brunch,0 "_Chip That`s right! I totally forgot. Might not be till August, though Have a great summer!!",1 Musem equaled FAIL!!!!! hall of **** life was closed cause of construction,0 reunited and it feels so good,1 " sorry I missed you . Saw you across the way, I was busy taking pix-abt 4:15 came to meet U-but U were gone",0 "trying to do a blend. i know, i suck at them but there`s no harm in trying.",0 Morrningg just slept for 12 hours and now i have a headache D;,0 I am probably spamming my follower`s account.,0 "Well, looks like it is going to be another night without my snuggle bug Missing my Big Girl.",0 Chilling with my baybee sarah! i love this girl,1 "Wanna know a not fun way to wake up? Having a panic attack and not being able to breath for no **** reason, that **** sucked",0 Working at hop city. Gotta miss baseball,0 that doesn`t sound like fun,0 gutted your out off hollyoaks ****,0 Don`t worry. You`ll be 38 soon,0 : i miss you,0 well my daughter is 20 now...thats why I said `I miss those days`...they go by sooo fast,0 Yes!! Finally Friday...which tech means nothing to me since Im currently unemployed,0 "Happy mothers day to those of u that are mothers, and happy mothers day to all of your mothers I miss my mom....",1 nope don`t think I will. Thnx for asking lol I will be fine,1 Checking out Ciege Cagalawan`s S/S Collection and I am regretting that I did not see his collection tonight I got invites!,0 that was an interesting show to say the least. recap tomorrow. first i must sleep. work in am.,1 "Is there a way I can sleep for the next 8 or 9 days? That way when I wake up, she`ll have returned & I wouldn`t have missed her SO MUCH!",0 tell him ill beat him up if he doesnt share,0 "FML.. today sucks.. i just hope the dance will bring my soul up.. i pray, but im still sad..i hateee todayyyyyy!!! >;(",0 done with the photo album as im a good person so i make it quite private for now. pity you ben haha,1 "going to head to bed now finally...goodnight! Hopefully my dreams will consist of ravishing things, such as: Zachary Quinto.",1 "MIT bookstore has best book selection, but it`s the one bookstore I have no coupons or discounts for",1 I want to wish HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY to my two favorite moms in the world: My own mom of course and my sister!!! HAPPY MOM`S DAY TO YOU TWO!,1 not well,0 Just wrote lyrics to my new song exciting!I slept on a full stomach again it`s the worst feeling waking up and still feeling full euggh,0 Law week is gonna go the **** off SO EXCITED,1 " DAMMIT. I guess my baby daddy is some impostor then...i kid, i kid",0 I`m doing okay,1 "Currently 52� in Msla, not a cloud in the sky, no humidity, gonna get into the 80s today, and I`m...working.",0 I GOT UR BACK @ BABY!! much love to ya!,1 Where is my bestie when i need him ,0 there are some really scary noises coming from outside,0 _ryall What if I thought I was a Star Trek person but I wasn`t all that crazy about the new movie?,0 _another_1 I love that we just get a little peek of your dimple,1 " Ok that`s not true! Plus, you`re insulting me saying that I`m insulting you! I`ve been trying to cheer you up. But�nada�",0 i`m playing good because i`m a big baby,1 Don`t tease me! I`m in desperate need of an adjustment.,0 " TAYLOR! are you back in Nashville now..or LA? well, how was your trip? did ya have fun? love ya girly!",1 I hate how MS makes me feel. I can`t control my legs 2nite & am in too much pain - it`s driving me crazy Anyone else get those moments?!!,0 "Hello dark hair! Well, my plans for today just got cancelled make some better ones?!",0 " They do! Lilash I`m guessing, right? Oh and what camera are you using? That is insane quality!",1 " Gosh, no need to be so rude.",0 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to everyone lucky enough to be a mommy. extra special happy to who became a mommy 2day,1 No. That would be too easy. All I have is the user manual which is not enough for me to claim his bike,1 you`re the absoute best,1 " G`night Jonathan! I tried to stay up, I really did. I can`t wait till ur in my timezone! Will be so much easier then!",1 having my hair dyed today ugh im bored. still tired from friday lol. swear down bossman ;),0 Stress-free is the way to be,1 hurray twin girls born on this beautiful May day,1 wow i must have been tired. i fell asleep @ exactly the start of the 10pm news & now up as if its 8am.,0 The weather is so ugly n L.A... It`s really cold,0 back from lunch and it`s pouring rain! ugh ohh well at least it gets me into a Death Cab For Cutie mood!,1 Start of diet today I think I have to face I will never get back down to 77kilos (unless I cut a leg off)�,0 "Is in the badbooks again, don`t know why I bother",0 Sad nothing.,0 "Eating Which Wich, yumm! Dont think I`ve had it since the season ended",1 Nice PC Authority review of the Tivo VOD service here: http://bit.ly/Ps7y2 I`m still loving my Tivo,1 Eating a dillybar from DQ! Yuuum,1 Doubtful! It`s going to be on 24/2!,0 http://twitpic.com/45r61 - saddest thing i`ve seen a while,0 if i wasnt workin in 5 hours id be gettin ratarsed to the point where i couldnt even see let alone stand up...THAT is how **** i feel,0 doing the awful online portuguese test!,0 "_C I can`t find the original on blip.fm and the Ex Models version, not so much...",0 " Ahh. ... Well, I was hoping that I could learn some stuff on the way. ... Why not you and I work on separate things but also",1 " yip, that would be a sign that you`ve been on the dodgy sites Jo... eish boet, it ain`t cool",0 "ahhh ... i don`t care, i love this movie in all it`s cheesy-ness",1 yeah its Friday! I thought my sis was coming into town turns out she is not!! so sad! i miss my babies!!!,0 " Hmm... it`s a miracle you`re using twitter, and it`s fun... so... Tweet!",1 " :O goodness, i havn`t heard it. i lovelovelove her old stuff though, the overture the underscore is the best album i think",1 Oh no! I used my internal sig for an external e-mail ****. #fb,0 hey mia! totally adore your music. when will your cd be out?,1 Today I wrote two songs (one for temple which I will probably never perform ever) and one for mothers day. Happy vesak everyone rena xoxo,1 Who`d have thought Wallace & Gromit and the team behind Monkey Island could have combined so disastrously?,0 no wonder you hate driving and country roads and stuff,0 I`m gettin ready for my trip back to MA... I don`t wanna leave!,0 think i may have broke a toe at the bar tonight......thanks drunk girl for steppin all over me!!!!!,0 Happy Mothers Day Breakfast With The Fam <33,1 "Trying to decide on a movie with the friends.. not going to well! lol :p No bible study 2nite, which means ****-day cake buy my own??",0 Geocaching.com seems to have a huge delay delivering Pocket Queries,0 " And now she also rides giant squids...who knew! Ama hafta go now i`ll try and get on later, love to you ****",1 _cunning I gotta go to my cousin`s grad party,1 " I love you so much. Just got into my hiding spot, gonna go check out datalounge",1 ZOMG SO CUTE MATT. **** thats a good movie,1 Happy Mother`s Day to all the Mom`s,1 " I don`t know what that means, sorry",0 thanks timmy. turns out he has strep and a high fever.,1 Happy Mother`s Day everyone,1 Hulu Desktop looks nice but not for my region,1 Ha ha ha I know! Love it! Love him!,1 Darn. No bacon,0 Spoke about culture to some of our Rackers over at the Castle. Now time for some awesome Mexican food. No drinking--antibiotics.,1 shld says.. great phone,1 "I am back from my weekend getaway! Energized for another week, bring it on! lol",1 "I miss ya, Boyfriend! When am I gonna see ya again? Br!Tt!!!",0 " Need a tickettttt Gah. Ya you`ve got me on there, reason346.. Haven`t listened to dear Elliott for a few weeks...overdue..",0 " Yes, though perhaps I wasn`t thinking. I like vague. It seems a popper term for you.",0 awhile ago it freaking hot! now it`s wet turn off!,0 (votes) sadly no.. but did you vote for my log yet? I`m gonna vote for yours,0 I hate it when my sweetie has a bad day http://tinyurl.com/lr22dj,0 NOW IM SAD BUT IM NOT GIVING IN FIRST..I DIDNT DO NOTHING!!!! :**-(,0 " *reads phone book* Hugh Clancy, Hugh Claments...Nope, no Hugh Clap. Poor Holly, though she`ll grab pity votes like a shark.",0 " Thanks to TweetStats, I confirmed what I long suspected: Twitter is keeping me up way too late! http://tr.im/kpc1 ",0 Good morning everyone! It`s back to work for me - so won`t be able to chat until tonight - I hope everyone has a great day!,1 Thanks for the follow my new Twitpeeps!,0 " sorry I missed you at the farm today, but DM me if you would like some photos from today",0 "is back from a very long day out at Naz. Gunna crash. Up tomorrow for Mothers Day... editing photos from today, hangin with my mom, etc.",0 " we always miss each other, don`t we?",0 "Man, my sinuses r really buggin me this morning",0 Just woke up from a five hour nap. I still have a headache. Medication time!,0 "Hello and thank you for all of the #followfridays people. I always forget, sorry",0 Bumping dj opus in the drunk in the car. lmao. Don`t act like u don`t know.,0 true that! don`t know why i bothered this morning cos I just put it up in a pony soon as I got to work anyways,0 ". No sun but I can see the ocean now..I almost ran over a squirrel driving home from the store, was so foggy! Where r you?",0 _McLife yeah that is the one thing i hate about tweetdeck,0 Working!!! Still sick,0 "aghh mann i missed like half wowp, nd i dont like to start watching things in the middle of the show, i forgot to record it, im maddd!",0 Listening to Miley Cyrus Breakout CD ! love it!,1 " I`m not going, sadly. Maybe next year, eh?",0 "http://twitpic.com/4jkea - now has 10,000 followers! Congrats!",1 "watching a boring police prog after making a fab pasta dinner, trying to cut down on alcohol so only had water",0 Shower. Class. More class. Taking care of my lady-friend. Writing like there`s no tomorrow.,1 There is a motorcycle for sale down the road. Mind you it`d be stupid of me to get it. Summer 5 months away.,0 _trip I bet he didn`t fall asleep till like this morning sorries.,0 " so long, farewell! <333 Have a super amazing day! I`m going to sleep.",1 I am tired.,0 I`m glad you`ve been having fun babe,1 borred what everyone doingn check out links on my profile,0 "#bigfanfriday 2day, & i go & friggin loose 1, life sucks!!",0 is not having a good day... I havent had a good week forreal!!,0 i know but its better than nothing,1 Well hello twitters,1 "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them",0 Missing nathan and the bccg already. And my best friends that tried to visit me Heading back tomorrow afternoon.,0 i wish i could meet you once do u think this will happen someday? :`(,0 again thanks to my dear neighboor who also gave me coffee when I needed it. She is the best,1 " It`s 12:30AM, stopped tweeting, my brain`s not functioning. I wanna cry. Haha. Philippines tour, please? Love ya!",0 Britain`s got (good) Weather. I wish I had some of that over here.,1 your making me jealous now I want one! How long have u guys been married?,0 listening to ECHO by Gorilla Zoe ahh love that song,1 "Its prob cuz I don`t really like sleeping in late, even if I tried.",0 awww lol yh it is worth it- mcfly are worth it 2 eekk,1 "I feel sick..like don`t wanna get out of bed, be bothered, don`t go 2 work, turn da light off, pull da shades n tv off type of sick",0 is problem free for now. atleast i already said to that person the truth.,1 FML i just spilled my entire can of diet coke IN MY LAP. yay,0 _ebru thank you for the link...very cool...see you on monday!!!,1 working on diffusing that irritation but this traffic sure isn`t helping mother F! it`s always real bad the days th@ i help plan stuff,0 "I work for a man that is so bad at his job that the whole team want to leave, and all believe we would make more money if he wasn`t here",0 Just saw my boo he went back to work now time to do my hair but it`s going to rain WTF,0 "christian lacroix, and one of our on-off clients, gone bust. http://tinyurl.com/kv653j",0 my it teacher made the lamest joke today about darth vaders birthday cuz it was may 4th. lol i love it. Happy STAR WARS Day everyone! !!!,1 is hungryyyyyyy!! going to eat traditional indian food...the pakistani way. woowoo! hahaha! >[_()\/3,1 uuuugh i hate everything,0 "is disappointed to learn Newark, OH cancelled their july 4 fireworks due to the economy",0 aw man im sorry! I have logical reasoning I promise! I had to study in order to tutor my new student! 4give me,0 " um that`s really scary, please be safe! Btw ill be in orlando next week",0 Listened to Eyes on Fire and enjoyed it. Thanks,1 yeah bit it is overheating a bit and the AC died.,0 love it!,1 I find this tune to be very sexy. Smooth... have a lovely day ? http://blip.fm/~5yzb6,1 " Awesome effort this w/e,even if u didnt win.Good luck at Tassie",1 haha calm down. Youll get ur shades. I`m still sick tho. So I`ll prolly knockout after,0 Morning all! Something for the weekend and leftover dominos. Noiiiiice,1 Yep! Tail between legs!,0 make sure you call yur mother & tell her how much you love her. Tell her I love her for bringin you into the world.,1 checking iDestroy sales.... sales are good,1 i tried calling work 5 times and they wont answer,0 " Sorry to hear that, dude",0 Nice we didn`t see the fireworks but we sure heard `em,1 Looking forward to a short work week followed by a mini-vacation in Clemson,1 Hope ur havin fun in da club,1 "Won a diamond for my comp�tition , yaayy tomorow its the DIAMOND DANCE OFF !! Were the best .. Still in montr�al !!",1 Somebody please save the polar bears!,1 " nope, up tomorrow I`m tired need bed",0 "Charter is pissing me off, the rest of the internet can access my blog except me should have it fixed soon they say, we will see...",0 just got home from a partyyyy. had a good time. can`t wait for my birthday in 7 days!,1 Sticks and stones may break my bones...but words will hurt forever.,0 Oh yah! My dad does that. But I don`t have a landline.,1 " saw your pics, so awesome!",1 woohoo! congrats to your friend and the boyfriend.,1 Hoping I hear something soon about Krystles surgery,1 Business or pleasure? Will keep my eye out for anything. You`re just missing a Moondog concert tomorrow night,0 maybe I missed my chance this time,0 "_Morris Congratulations! what a milestone for you and your girls! I`m almost at five months, just for one though You rock!",1 "Gosh I miss singer`s theater. I miss learning music, doing acting exercises, n I ESPECIALLY miss being onstage.",0 "im backkkk!!!!!!!! hungry as hell, havent ate today",0 Everyone is working tonight! I`m bored,0 " I`d love that. And, don`t think of it as easy. Think of it as enthusiastic.",1 eeeeeeeeeeeeee i jealous sia i didnt get to seee,0 " Actually, I`m supposed to do that w/ my dad + cousin, My cousin is in trouble though, so we never get together",0 ommg gurll why aren`t u going how sad,0 "Happy Mother`s Day to all the Mom`s out there, but especially to my wonderfuly Mommy",1 I just read your twitter bio. Love it. Very clever and cute. I`m all about smiles.,1 "Latest: Saw Animal Collective in Oakland and they were AMAZING! Now, I am trying to clean my room",1 Wow That had to be difficult,0 apologies don`t fix hurt feelings kev. anyway i`ll get it from u next time I c u.,0 Happy Anoop Day to you too Monica,1 Man with a kickin` top hat just left. Invited me to blues jams session put on by street musicians. HarpmanHatter.,1 it`s really gutwrenching. So sad,0 _**** cheer up lizzi there will b another foh hero concert but still i suppose we can b upset xoxoxo,0 My sister is graduating too & I can`t afford to buy here anything,0 would like a hug and a kiss from Eric. Long distances really really stink,0 no turkey leg? i can`t believe it!,0 "_mcfly Haha! Yeah, I heard they that Leicester won I was home by my self, with a movie, some candy and a pizza.. ! Amazing evening",1 is wishing good night everybody,1 HAPPY B-DAY SHARON,1 My iPod headphones have gone kaput. Wanted to buy new ones. Should I buy some Bose instead then? Do they work with Apple?,0 "sososo bummed, like really bummed, i hate this rain, ruin my date...",0 i need 2 b getting 2 sleep 4 the night. Have a good sunday,1 oh phew you scared me. I wont have ANY access when im in mexico,0 weird. I tot it will usually rain east coast first. And east coast usually gets more rain.,0 "Alright, I think it`s time for bed...even though I`ll probably surf the net for another hour before I go to sleep lol! Goodnight",1 That was stone cold Crazy.... ?,0 really? ur a brave lady walkin around those lions then. any other book suggestions?,1 good. that was the intent. hopefully others get the same vibe,1 i feel like I`m on house arrest.,0 "Worried about Bry, he has bronchitis and a sinus infection Poor baby.",0 what fun! I got retweeted by a bot,1 That sucks! It`s thundering here. I`m getting ready to shut down.,0 Good morning World! Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!,1 the tip of my finger hurts lmao,0 I have Vampire Knight music!!! I feel very special..,1 Its so sad,0 It`s ok now ! I`ve cleared my cache and everything is fine,1 #vwll2009 Would one of the VWLLers want to add this event to our Ning? http://bit.ly/BF5sh Would much appreciate that,1 Well can ya please send some luvin to im sensing deep fiery anger surrounding his presence right now...,1 " Haha, yeah. It was here and there before but now it`s constant",1 "http://twitpic.com/675t7 - Square B - she is sad because she wasn`t there and now she`s, well, square (crocheted bee with poly fibe ...",0 "thinking lots of revision tomorrow woo, hope it a sunny one.",1 Bad Day. History Test Tommorrow. And I want to go out in the sun and play..,0 "omg, did anyone see the wee girl on bgt..!**** sucha shame",0 Sorry we couldn`t get the projector working with the windoze laptop but a ton of people came up afterwards and saw it live,0 not funny,0 back to work tomorrow whose idea was it to go back on a saturday?!? Oh wait... that would be mine. FAIL.,0 is very disappointed that cadbury chocolate blocks got smaller,0 Arg Exile still has that problem with Alt-Tabbing,0 Evaluating my people...Dont like this part of the job,0 My record player has decided to die. Why on Friday night? Sad E http://twitpic.com/667a4,0 " Haha, true thankfully the regular keyboard does the job... most of the time.",1 "****, I paid like $16 my first Slightly Stoopid show and now they charge $47 a pop makes me sad...",0 "_juneau I did, until my parents got all f`d up and I started comfort-eating",0 wants to hang out with friends SOON!,1 Check out my song 'time to lose it' on www.myspace.com/flownyce you`ll enjoy it I promise,1 Marley crying for more ball throwing....keeps eying me through the door,0 has now found a bug in the RHEL5 bnx2 driver Cant handle high packets per second (> 50k),0 I wish i had a smartphone with an irc app. That`d be pretty cool.,1 THANKS!,1 "Going to bed early... got a lot of important women to visit for Mothers Day tomorrow! PS- As of midnight tonight, HAPPY BDAY BOO BEAR!",1 Cant believe there had been nice weather all day and I was stuck in doors all day,0 " sweet, I`m trying to earn my crown for gluten free baking!",1 has made herself officially unavailable to her best friend,0 goodnight everyone.,1 I think the x3 is confusing ;-) can`t believe that many peeps will know that it should be a heart,0 Love how my printer decided to print all my blacks all marbled - 1hr before an interview for new work this morning.,1 lovin` my new blackberry,1 " Lol, me too!!",1 " yeah, its super **** today Stupid writing! ugh",0 I thimk you were working on those muscles we love so much.,1 Picking up a couple toys tonight! D300 and 50mm f/1.4! YAY!! :-D Just for the weekend though,1 The jetway feels like the seventh layer of hell. Oh and there are way too many babies on this flight. And I forgot my Bose.,0 Happy Mother`s Day to all of the mothers and mothers-to-be My mom is getting a special gift from me today,1 "loves GOSSIP GIRL Episode 23, The Wrath of Con",1 "Last Heroes ep until Sept Sick & drugged for past 3 days. Dr says lacking in everything, esp -get this- SUNSHINE.",0 "Gha, off to work - hopefully traffic has cleared up by the time I get there!!",1 "Wishes I was going to the pxy summer jam, but can never seem to win",1 Going to Al Ain. Need to check out one store. Hope i find things that I`m looking for.,1 GAH! I got some of your songs off itunes I`m so happy! They`re SO AWESOME!!! keep it up!,1 Pshh i dont have it,0 i don`t even want to go to the store to get ice cream. i wasted a cute outfit on... sitting on my **** on twitter!!,0 Josie`s out of surgery. She`s now officially unable to procreate. And She`s way out of it... Poor medicated baby,0 : more interested in watching SNL for Ciara than Justin Timberfake,1 I somehow miss you.,0 "Looks like another sleepless night dedicated to homework. Sorry in advance, Ms. Chapman.",0 " is making cupcakes and says i can`t have any kelli, you`re a bad sister.",0 Yeah it is. Thanks,1 that sucks! put some britney on!,0 my stomach feels like it`s touching the ground..i`m SO full,0 is there anyway you could forgive me?,0 "Sooo, I spent most of my day sitting at home in front of the computer in my pajamas...I love these days.",1 morning Newt...hope you are well!,1 "i love this girl ,she rocks!",1 the japanese exchange student is the cutest thing i`ve ever seen. seriously HAHA i want to put her in my pocket&keep her D:,1 Yup I stayed until the very very end Exciting!,1 oh my god. i can`t do the end of the dance *sob*,0 _au my pleasure... hey it was played at my going away from nz party back in 87 lots so it is burned into my brain,1 Castiel is loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,1 _Janeway OOC: Goodnight,1 "Happy Mother`s Day to everyone`s mothers, mothers-to-be, grandmothers, great grandmothers...All the WOMEN! I salute you all",1 At least you`re getting closer to normal bedtime. Enjoy your trip. Keep us updated. Sweet dreams,1 Jimmy Eat World`s initials are JEW....new favorite band,1 Ugh worried about my math test,0 My mom likes Milow`s version of Ayo Technology... It`s a good thing she doesn`t have a clue what it`s about.,1 we keep getting pet days but i heard the weekend is to be fab !!! wedding how soon again ?,1 yeah I know it`s so stupid !!!!!!! There no jobs I mean come on,0 lol well thank you,1 school then game oh joy totally not lookin forward to this day,1 enjoying my coffee with this super delicious cookie,0 " I didn`t say I met *all* the awesomest people, just a bunch of them.",1 i`m pretty bored/tried. my mom is going to be home in an hour. is fixing to leave. aww... she`s going to texas for a month..,0 wheres the music mannnn!!?? my inbox is still empty,0 Got moommy somn special for mothers day,1 totally missed the chatroom. I`m so lame,0 haha thanks its for history and its on how the invention of television has influence america lol,1 Keep the suggestions coming...I love the classics!,1 is seriously heartbroken!!!,0 wat u doin my bad im mixin this song,0 Geez I`m hating bein at work till 10 on a day like this I feel like its a wasted lovley day,0 aww we love you too,1 sayid could be dead.,0 I know june 2010... but its gonna be so good. Im going to se it even if im 20 when it comes out.,1 Happy mothers dat,1 " I love how Alex Pardee colours his picturs, so differnt",1 " awwww ray you`re the best. it means a lot to me that you say that! i can`t wait to hang with you again, hopefully soon!",1 i feel in love with pizza girl... now i eat pizza everyday,1 " Oh, sweetie, I`m so sorry. That`s the last thing you needed right now. *hugs*",1 can`t wait to hear the evp! And cuuuute picture.,1 aw u can`t let me in on the secret!,0 we`ll be visiting my grandparents later. BTW i just heard katy perry`s HOOK UP whew so cool i love it more than k.clarkson`s version,1 Happy Mother`s Day!!,1 Pretty sure my kitties missed me...one is laying on me and the other 2 are on each side of me. They are so cute though.,1 seniors done 5 more days!! woohoo!! going out for the night.,1 is highly amused I wasn`t treated nicely like any other patient..not my fault my life is better than yours.,1 oh haha thanks again! that`s something new!,1 im glad you got on twitter. I love you baby,1 Have just bought a TV tuner for my laptop. He he. I deserve a present,1 yeps...just for today though I badly wanted to do some geek-shopping...,0 i used to have an ozzy osbourne pillow. my mom threw it out. i miss that thing.,0 oh! i think i didnt do well on my photo editing for Db! sorry :|,0 "hey life, i love you! (translation: i love life!)",1 Gained 3lbs wish I could afford something other than top ramen... If only I had a job...,0 "my littelist fish, udon, is dearly departed",0 PGPM student from where? I myself was a PGPM student about 4 years back. I wish I could stay one,1 Aw how come ur up so early? love ur youtube vids btw,1 I have trouble updating!!!,0 thats funny.. actually.. i could use a haircut...might be growing it out thru August for Woodstock Anniversary Party....40 yrs,0 My stomach is killing me do I can`t sleep,0 good 1km visible shot of TD one shows total decoupling of the low and mid level centers....this system is DEAD!! Waiting for the next one,0 Aww Thanks! Glad I appreciated the weather so much yesterday!,1 I don`t feel so good after eating all that food ugh.,0 haha..yeah..10th of May..lol..im greeting in advance! haha,1 there`s something about this area that makes my tonsils swell up everyday. i don`t get it.. i feel slightly miserable. #FF done 4 now!!,0 Just dusted & vacuumed apartment. I think I need another new vacuum...my entire apartment is smoky. I just bought this one from Kmart,0 "This wind is crampin` my style. I have a section of my yard that won`t get any water. I`d move the sprinkler, but it`s surrounded by mud.",0 yeah those are better ads It makes them look part of your content rather than blatant adverts ;),1 youstinkatrespondingtotexts!,0 OMG I am @ the hair salon. *tears* I hope I get out of here soon. We watching the Real House wives of NYC in here.,1 "'Patchouli oil & incense had a surge in popularity in the 1960s & 1970s, mostly among devotees of the free love & hippie lifestyles.'",1 "trying to upload a custom background on here, but it`s not working",0 oooooo. i like that too! anywhere near mommy is good for me.,1 "grr! i hate being **** near forced to go places. especially to sit on a bus for an entire day just to sit in a house in podunktown, va",0 Grass fed beef burgers with sauteed mushrooms and cheddar on wheat buns along with a salad. Yum. Poor Kim still isn`t feeling well,0 " forward to starting teaching new students all about hypnosis, will have plenty of laughs I`m sure",1 Wishes a Happy Mother`s Day!,1 omg! I dont blame you! hope you didnt hurt him too bad,1 **** - doesn`t show how people are more conservative in blackjack,0 God bless that oh-so-sexy rahul picture,1 have a awesome day at school!!!,1 " Hey, nothing wrong with that!",1 "YESSS, FLASH IS BEING **** TONIGHT! It.........takes.................time...........to.........open...........a..........webpage......",0 I was never a good stereotypical teen,0 "Thought I`d check out home, that was 10 minutes ago, downloading update, now home square....that`s why I can`t be bothered with it Sony",1 My stomach hurts so bad,0 I am sitting at work watching the clock. It isn`t moving fast enough.,0 What? I was being serious.,0 which case? I got a new one last week and I`m not thrilled at all with mine.,0 "trying to learn for my oral exam, but I`m too distracted",0 I have MAJOR CRAMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,0 10 Cutest Cat moments video - http://shrt.st/4ce - enjoy,1 michael scholfield is no more. He is dead. I am sorry,0 "6:29 pm - ok, let`s go now through #bowman #strategicClock but first.. a break :-0 aargh.. tired",0 bahaha loving twitter to me last night. DRUNK. lol,1 lmao back in queens now,1 aww BBQ? that`s not fair all i had was chocolate,0 Would love it but have plans,1 Hello there hope your over your flu now,1 Is in serious pain.,0 don`t think i can take a needle. watched a horribly gory short film on drugs a few months ago. i`m scarred for life.,0 FRIENDS COMING TONIGHT! Hopefully the weather will stay nice,1 loves listening to people practising on the piano downstairs,1 Happy mother`s day to all moms out there! i just played tong-its a while ago.,1 is tired. And turning off the Internet. You can play on it in the morning.,0 I wanted to see it until I saw that it was PG 13. That totally bummed me out.,0 #BGT Piers shouldn`t have buzzed when the little girls were singing,0 loving Mondays for so many reasons!,1 absolutley gutted i am this ill when a) it`s this sunny outside and b) i have **** loads of revision to do for my c) exam on tuesday,0 awww she`s laavly ;) I had to come in but I`ve got a stunning wee tan (l) ;) yourself?,1 _d Wish Leigh a Happy Mother`s Day for me! It`s midnight in NY,1 Somehow I have yet to accomplish a **** thing.,0 school for a bit. glad jake got the day off,1 How the **** do 2833 songs fill an iPod that is supposed to hold 4000?,0 so...i really want to be home right now.,1 "omds! holly steel, bless her! x",1 i heard it is not illegal unless you are caught,0 "owww, back pain hm, walmart or no? i could get cupcakes~",0 whats up? im sad you didnt text today.,0 I am pretty sure that`s the sort if tweeting that will lose followers. But stuff it- it was well worth it,1 cleaning and packing. Moving house is ****. It`s going to be a long weekend....,0 " yahyan: iaaaaaaaaaaaaan, i was just joking",1 Everything is annoying me today,0 4am Hubby`s alarm-song playing was 'Blame it on the Alcohol' Of course I couldn`t get back to sleep after cause thinking of Joe on cruise,0 whys your cat in pain?,0 sexxxxxxxy I had a silly weekend with my bff =P Fun times! Haha,1 you are so right! ,1 going shopping with my mammyy.... my makeup and face are being generally quite nice to me today,1 " See you October! Love the new book, when`s the next one out?",1 ~Congratulations Daddy,1 is very hungover,0 Ugh my trousers do that too and I`ve never found a way to combat it! It`s so weird,0 i need to write really bad. can someone go get my diary from my flat for me,0 @ Sly party enjoying life partying tonight.....maybe?,1 Someone keyed my car.,0 Good morning guys! Dont forget: Today is mothers day! Mommy? I LOVE YOU ! You�re the best <3,1 Anyone ever had that heavy feeling of sadness in their hearts? Thats my case rite now.,0 the boys didn`t finish their tacos so now I`m eating them happily,1 Forgot to set the alarm for a 6am ride Hope I can get in a few easy miles after work. Tomorrow: racin` the Gap!,1 " After many attempts, I can`t figure out how put a pic in the avatar. Tells me pic is too big. Frustrated trying.......sorry",0 And I want you to shut the **** up.... I really hate living with my step dad. =-\ I can`t wait to move out...,0 This 'Monarchy' is gonna bleed ALL of us dry! We are nothing more than slaves to the pigs in D.C. I don`t reconize my country anymore!,0 gah! no money..... at least not for bakugan,0 happy mother`s day to all the moms out there. i hope i never join that crowd,1 Me and my son just got up. He sure does love the morning time. I KNOW he did not get that from me.,1 "spray tan = fail on legs and feet. I`ve been scrubbing them and feet look better, but they looked awful this morning Everywhere else = ok",0 Disturbed. They sold the baby tiger I met in Thailand as an exotic pet. Greedy bastards,0 I really don`t like this weather,0 Aww ya not showing off all us mums should be proud of ours kids and let everyone know it,1 " I`M AWAKE, AND HAPPY!",1 " very sweet!!! HAHA. I am like super proud to be a new mom!!! I feel like, i got the PERFECT daughter. And i am a GREAT mom!!!",1 "_d you`re gonna take good care of that little baby and he`s gonna be a strong boy, that`s for sure",1 "Or this, for that matter: http://bit.ly/SS6Yp So jealous.",0 watching the original sabrina the teenage witch movie. so different from the series but so rad,1 supporting superfly all the way,1 I almost lost you again phone silly indy,0 I am also very tired,0 _E LOL yeah I had a few slices of cheddar cheese b4 sleeping.,0 thinks revising in the garden from 8 this morning without sunscreen isnt the best idea ive had oucccccccch,0 Sleepy time! Happy Mothers` Day to current and future moms around the globe!,1 "first year in ages where i`m not going to the crafty raft :O i don`t mind though, i don`t even like the crafty raft",0 thanx for the bday wishes ray,1 " Thanks! Actually, when I first got my twitter, my pictures wouldn`t upload either. But they upload, it just takes a",1 " Let us know what happens, poor little guy.",0 _78 I`m sowwy u have to work w/an idiot. I will call u if u want. Just to break up ur day.,0 but i love adriana,1 I just noticed that They are so ridiculous,0 Feeeel like ima die! Now on my way to rainforest. !! I need a girls spa day ASAP!,0 I wish yesterday was Friday,1 I Wanna be @ JET in the Mirage... Couldn`t get to Hawaii either *****Someday***** Much Love To THE_WOCKEEZ and SuperCr3w,1 Jeff & I are looking for long lasting love! Just not with each other we both like Men,1 wow we r watching the outsiders smelly english.,0 that`s depressing,0 Ugh I can`t breathe right today,0 tonights been boring!,0 and all chevre: please follow me at for chevre only I`m using for public tweeting! Thanks!,1 _louise bless ya... I know that feeling all too well!,1 I see your date is showing you a good time Still want a stripper picture,1 I honestly feel like I`m not healing or getting any better. This is not good,0 ask to create a fake competetion and declare you the winner and then gift you a return ticket courtesy the producers.,0 "Going to bed, busy day tomorrow...Happy Mother`s Day Madre! Te Amo!",1 it was a great wedding! the band was awesome (they played a ton of great 80`s songs) as was the food!,1 " I`m feeling much less alone now in my love for Fitzcarraldo, most people I mention it to have no idea what I am talking about.",0 "to and , thanks for following me.",1 Yes I do! And I`m still almost at my Gmail storage ceiling! ARGH! I am being FORCED to delete stuff.... or buy more space.,0 People are cruel sometimes. I can`t imagine being a Star.,0 my little felted thing looks like an incestuous by- product of two of your lovelies,1 i feel sick after that oreo and cheesecake milkskake lol,0 "_ YEEEAH :`D lmao, dentists aren`t nice espesh after they decide your too old for goodie bags with stickers & awesome toothpaste",1 I`m sorry about your car. I feel for you...,0 My new landlord just called.. I cant move in until tomorrow morning Way to rain on my parade..,0 "got so totally lost that I had to pay for a taxi to get me back to where I was supposed to be. Yeah, something like that, lol.",0 listening to music!! my phone just died on me !! Can`t find my charger... my brother needs 2 stop taking mine without asking!!,0 Rescued two adorable pit mix pups today. LC and Brody. Looking to adopt? E-mail me for more info and pics!,1 Just paid my bills now I have no money,0 Sam can go shoot her self.,0 EPIC moment! hahahha i swear.. i really wanna see it,1 happy mother`s day to your moms,1 aww you are too kind!! Hi sweetie! Are you guys out partying without me I`m the only person who came to work 2nite lol,1 Im only failing 1 class.... Algebra 2 **** it that **** is hard!,0 " Wooops! Meant I agree with Boomstone..trying 2 reply 2 both, LOL. Happy Mothers Day to you as well! TTY soon!",1 " Haha, that`s great. Yeah, Zachary Quinto as Spock is really awesome indeed!!!",1 A very exciting week,1 Awesome pics! It`s a nice way to start the week,1 yeah doesn`t that suck! I am working with a Nano here so i had to take 75% of my music off! so sad,0 " -I don`t have a ticket, my boyfriend isn`t that into them, it might rain, and I`m on a budget...boo! I <3 tho",1 "aww i can`t believe that wee girl on bgt was crying, it was so sad",0 i love you. don`t leave me!,1 Is it possible to a have phobia of phobias? Afraid to look at list.,0 lmfao!!! Yea anyone?? Please?? We`re really pretty!!!,1 those splinters look very painful...but you were being very heroic saving mr. Pickle,0 This is great curl-up-in-a-ball-and-read later. I wish I had a book.,1 "now, in a weird mood muahaz",0 " haha hi mum! wow yes, very modern of you. now you just need to get a facebook account! p.s. talk to me by writing ",1 Photo: hannahisdead: omg i wanna read Pride and prejudice and zombies fuckyeah zombies http://tumblr.com/xol1qyw8v,0 " I did my best, it is Sunday after all",1 Morning Tweethearts! Now home after traveling 302 mi.thru 2 states & 2 faires in 3 days. So inspired! Ready to write as I enjoy coffee.,1 " Unfortunately, yes...not outside!",0 " im good thanks, may need you`re advice soon as im playing with a new font of my own",1 missing someonee...,0 " This is late, but I was actually in the spelling bee back in the day. I got eliminated in state finals though.",0 "Urghh, I`m gonna do my project now don`t wanna waste valuable weekend time",1 _2008 lol oh dnt worry u`l be able to squeeze it soon enough!! Hope you have a good day today!,1 "And they are so censoring over at nin.com, nobody can really speculate about these things are disagree with anything",0 Now the mosquito truck is waking me up,0 Thank you!,1 ",:Mother, Happy Mother`s Day.... and to all Mom`s there...... God Bless yhaw all... ?",1 " Well, thanks for thinking of me! And if you ever do get the scratch for one, well, I`m right here!",1 "YAHOO! volleyball, hiking, eating a fish eye, witnessing, sleeping on the beach, jumping rocks, & hanging where Jurassic Park was filmed!",1 My Respect For Travis Clark Has Gone Down 7.5 Notches,0 _juansimon God I`m bored. Wish we could`ve done something 2night!,0 you could say that. I left it in VT and have been Blackberryless since Tuesday Night. I`m lost,0 http://twitpic.com/48gy0 - He`s Well Cooool ;) Lovve The Ro&Co Shoooow,1 Finally home after a big of travelling!! ahhhhhh now time to realx!!,1 whew finally got in to RC..,1 "Had to fix bike chain on the way to work...arrived a filthy, bloody mess lovely weather though!",0 Writing an essay in college writing so boring,0 " Hey thats good, my Daughter`s still asleep and Son is drawing, better feed him v soon",1 not feeling well at all today! ugh cant I just go home.,0 : I will press that ignore button,0 So I`m REALLY considering it at the moment Same days but even more money. Harder work though but can`t imagine harder than I do now.,0 don`t ask Hoping that today will be an improvment on the rest of the week. Looking forward to the weekend weather!,1 good morning,1 What`s with the mass exodus from work at half three? It makes me sad,0 HAHAHAHA...yeah you mess up that crossing and kneeling bit you will get called out...JOKING,0 "Cooking microwave pizzas, yummy",1 I have no IPhone (poor credit!). But I cannot live without my cell phone! I am on mass transit every day!,0 "going to my bff`s. haha. but thats in like 2 hourssss sooooo...calllll me. actually darn, i have hw",0 Stayin over at dustins tonight... my car hates me!,0 Your peanut butter soup was amazing and so was everything else! Your soup was just a higher form of amazing,1 Felt one tooth without the braces bracket. I got soooo hype,0 Is leaving Utah today Super Sad Face,0 Laura elle s`en fou elle don`t like the french fans,0 Home Sweet Home by Carrie Underwood makes me sadd,0 HEY YOU` ALL SUCK;its anybody on there :s im so bored common answear me,0 " ****, for reals? wtf",0 unless absolutely gorgeous I`d rather men stayed covered up! Have seen sights today to put you off your food....... #ukpubs,1 "I`m a giver, and life rewards the takers. We givers make takers possible, but we get no appreciation for what we do--we just get taken.",0 The new resigned cricinfo : http://tinyurl.com/mxlcuv I hate change,0 "We need to remodel the house and the thoughts of doing it make me kind of ill He has one way and I have anouther, I just want to move. !",0 http://twitpic.com/4wh4d - LAUREN is AMAZING....well from what I see on the hills lol Seem like a great friend to have!!,1 I wish my roommates were coming home soon maybe i should take a nap to waste time,1 Rofl. I love you too Trina.,1 is wondering y Mother Nature is making my life miserable,0 is satisfied with her FP`09 review,1 "one of my favorite, most relaxing songs to wake up to: http://tinyurl.com/c8fr3e Good morning.",1 "#DuckRaces in the bath don`t quite work Especially if you have no ducks! Only a polar bear,a seal & a whale.",0 juss came backk from Berkeleyy ; omg its madd fun out there havent been out there in a minute . whassqoodd ?,1 headed to the hospital. i can`t take the pain anymore,0 I can remember those Evidence Based Management lectures...definitely the best of EBM,1 Good Morning and thanks for the Retweet,1 " thanks for the r/t, I was hoping I had some *classy* followers",1 why is everyones tweets about britains got talent?! i feel left out,0 Anybody else experiencing painful slowdowns with facebook?,0 at work with a HUGE headache,0 seagull hates me and im utterly depressed about it. i miss him.,0 All of a sudden I`m craving broccoli and cheese soup really bad... oh the hunger,0 Ugh. Another 'what day is it today?' (5 most uttered words last 2 weeks for me) - Missed a 10 yr old birthday & it was even on my iCal.,0 i wish i was outside,1 very familiar.....sorry you`re feeling that way,0 Oops! I got taken ...,0 Taking the dog on a walk..the weather is perfect rite now _p sucks becuz she didn`t come with me hahaha,1 I hurt my foot in gym class.,0 " No i am not a mom or dad, hmm well I will forward the link to my mom. I am embarrassed now",0 Margaritas with my Momo. I`ve missed her.,0 Happy May Bank Holiday British Peeps,1 romance zero is funny,1 its a nice pair of shoes. i checked other nike shoes if its worth buying... it is,1 Ugh fun concert screen cracked on phone again because it fell... =\,0 awwwww i`m such a scifi geek and StarWars is the TEN COMMANDMENTS for us geeks!!,1 my brother is irritating. and not just bc he takes & wears my clothes without asking. i want to punch him violently for **** he does.,0 is wishing everyone a blessed & beautiful Mother`s Day!,1 I am totally knackered and back in the meeting,0 Ugh have to report again monday,0 Not Columbus but just wanted to say sorry to be missing Indiana show tomorrow. So sad I will be in the woods with 8 GS.,0 Well I was following you because I think your interesting ... and I was right,1 _uts bass love,1 " haha, nice wheels. Victoria will be doing her own peddling thankfully, the boys will get the free ride",1 also just spoke to my <3... �tear�,1 Well tell me what fashion tips you need and I`m your woman hehehe,1 "Sitting in mels house, just finished eating mcdicks, laughing at all the dumb stuff I said tonight!! Ready for bed? I think so",1 THANK YOU LOVE!,1 " Awww, that sucks. Maybe it`s on Youtube somewhere?",0 the best things in life are free x,1 "Hey Girlie, How are you doing? ",1 I regret not going to the Movie audition today Seems like my neighbors are gonna get a call back . http://myloc.me/21RK,0 fucken tired as **** it`s sunny.. good day? deffff,0 absolutely gutted that i`m not going to badu tonight. you guys have fun...! just got home and need to head downtown now. gd this heat!,0 it`s not working here,0 "Sitting at work, waiting for this day to be over with. It is always Fridays that take forever. Wish the weekend would get here already.",1 The $500 I saved on not buying a couch is going towards paying my visit to ER for UTI,1 Oh no.... Trouble in paradice,0 im gonna fail this test miserably in history,0 is sad she got her plans cancled,0 Hello my friend...you found me on GBW? How are you doing? Glad to see you twitter but I have to learn German,1 night 5 not talking to my victor i`m so bored at night now. grrrr i hate this ****,0 I totally did go! and he was AMAZING. He`s is the reason I bought the tix. He only did 3 songs. But Blood Bank was 1.,1 "get down tonight: http://bit.ly/QxXhi the bridesmaids, moms, bride & I rockin` the reception",1 it was fun Ate at mas.Thanks!! Good luck w/ ur showing tomorrow.,0 " I send messages to greg all the time, no answer its ok I still love o & a, goog luck with your move to Erie.",1 feels disappointed..mahirap talaga mag-supervise ng tao.. http://plurk.com/p/wxqwa,0 Izzy!!! So sorry to hear that - what a disaster,0 lol... i`ve been in Bk for over a year... going on 2 and u haven`t come yet!!!,1 well then happy mothers day ahahahahahaha,1 "creeped it up at the ice cream social! good times. lars and the real girl, such a sad movie",1 im sorry. i dont wanna cuz of how u act. u just turn right around and ignore me and all that,0 forgot she had a Twitter account. Happy Mother`s Day!,1 sooo tired of this cubicle,0 wah....American Chocolate Cheese Cake for my chweet mummy ! muaxxx,1 I have just read up on lactose stuff and I CAN EAT HARD CHEESE!!! There is no lactose in it!!! *Jumps of Joy this rainy day* YAY!!!!,1 At home now. Feeling very tired. I want to take a nap but I can`t.,0 is in mourning that he is having to miss the homesssssskooooler fair today!!!,0 I`m missing crab legs and attending my going away instead!,0 aw. that sounds amazing But I think I have work. Thank you for inviting me though,1 I dont like this random gloomy weather,0 2 hours 3 mins left.....THE PRESSURE!!!! We need to hurry #48hours,0 " Awww, that wasn`t very nice.",0 Congrats to Dave & Anna! Surprise proposal at the Enzian Theater in Orlando http://qik.com/video/1638824,1 doesn`t wanna get dressed up and be an adult today.,0 Wish I was in ATL!!,1 Has that sinking feeling that it`s all about to go **** up.....bracing myself for the comedown,0 http://twitpic.com/4jber - aww .... then we wonder why they hate us later..... lol!!,0 Oh noooooo!!! I`m so sorry!! That sucks hard!,0 just stop talking if ur gonna be that mean,0 has has an ok day with jo. She bit me and now its bruised.,0 perfect night in nj.,1 "_Marls Nah I got bare work to do, 3 weeks left and I`m bare behind",0 " noooooooo i miss you sooooooo much, gaah",0 Happy Mother`s Day! It will be a good day,1 Thank you ****,1 thanks gail imma try this one day! looks yummy! geezzz. after my siargao trip nlng pla. heheh.,1 laundry and loud music.... relaxing,1 I think I left my conference feedback sheet in my bag. Oops. Just say Excellent for everything Found out about it from you,1 Im wishing that i had the weekend off so i can go to SOL.,1 Happy Star Wars Day to you all,1 Morning workout sesh. Love Life.,1 that`s sad,0 _dazzles Well tonight would be a good time to watch.,1 I`m siiiiiickkk I dun feel good!!,0 not working here,0 _mommy oh well i hope she gets better,1 Smiling! These guys are! Turn up your speakers and SMILE~life is good! http://www.imtiredonline.com/smile/,1 I had fun this summer,1 I wish I could...but I`m @ work when she`s on...,1 Is a **** but she`ll never know I said it cuz she doesn`t love her twitter,0 studying out of spite. whatever.. Wonderful unforgettable weekend with DC,1 Hey Mitchel when will you be live again? I didn`t get a chance to call you,0 "is HOT. Just done some late spring cleaning! About to settle down with a book i can barely read, left my glasses at my mums",0 that made me sad..,0 "I missed you yesterday, Lacey. We get to go to granulation tonight, though.",0 _and_Zi Thanks! I`m on my way now,1 "Control which tweets u post on Facebook by using a hashtag, check out this awesome easy app! http://apps.facebook.com/selectivetwitter/",1 always makes bad decisions,0 "Sweet USB at Charles and Marie site, just bought it http://tinyurl.com/csdhw9",1 i basically want the world to kno that i have the BEST best friend love her <3,1 Nice to see you tweeting! It`s Sunday 10th May and we`re celebrating Mother`s Day here today. So be nice to yer Mom,1 'i hear its wonderful in california.',1 Discrimination is not a bad thing. I`ve learned to say no. My children would say I mastered that years ago,1 "i lost my nintendogs, it`s very upsetting.",0 just got in. I have the best friends,1 lol.well.hope you find someone to give you a massage wish i could but i`m half a world away lol,1 Thank you Google for your Adsense Payment. If only the Aussie dollar wasn`t as strong,1 hehe - about NZ being the most magical place on Earth.,1 Thank you,1 dear oh dear.....,0 Adam Lambert rocks! He must win American Idol!,1 Finally lost FM97,0 " ...i`m sorry about you are still sick u know most of them, AND i know that u will guess the 'pelzer present' ;-)",0 " that is cute, a manly cute of course. reminds me of a Scion",1 nooooooo sue is retiring no no no no!,0 - Wtf Polyvore? what`s that? enjoy it though.,1 oh my gosh!!! hollyoaks was so sad tonite,0 " haha you didnt see my macbook or my 24`` imac in that pic, so feel extra jealous lolll",0 Missed getting my 'Twilight' jacket @ modcloth! Man I wish I didn`t have long monkey arms and could of gotten the L instead!!,0 looking forward to the reading this post as I like your `no ****` writing and often learn a few things,1 OMG. Today felt like the last day of school! it`s horrible!,0 _Butler I think/hope they might put an age limit on next year on the back of that #bgt,1 Just got my **** kicked in Tripoly lol I got such bad cards... i suck,0 good song,1 "mmmmmm, late night Brusters ice cream! om nom nom nom",1 " Hi there. I agree! Small children should be running about happy, not breaking down in tears",1 "watched 100th episode of numb3rs. loved how they did a throwback to the first episode, using the sprinkler theory",1 Follow _joe he`s cool,1 I think my cheap sunglasses are falling apart. Oh well,0 "After being down for several hours, finally my site is back online. Silly DNS setting mistake",0 "Hi tweete, surprised to see everyone still up...maybe it`s the full moon",1 Hahaha!! Tv isn`t really my thing anyway..I more of a music girl,1 Hate to break every1`s heart but confirmation jus came in that Austin & Sophia do NOT & never had a twitter another sad day!!,0 oh no.... please... dont do that to yourself again,0 "this is the worst day ever, i`ve been told im a chav",0 " thankyou very much, you rock!",1 I`m poorly and can`t sleep,0 Mikey I`m bored,0 Watched Australia last night and got to say bloody fantastic film with the added bonus of Hugh Jackman definitely a got to see movie.,1 Feeling good about our win! Its nice being softball champs bring on the season!,1 "[Dashboard - Modest Mouse] First Modest Mouse blip! Oyay, not bad. ? http://blip.fm/~5z309",1 You WILL be succesful Love You!,1 " Yep, I tolerate nothing in the facebook group",0 can`t school just be done already? it hurts too much... seeing him every day,1 Good Morning!!! Work and then it`s ESPN`s Sunday night Baseball. hopefully it won`t get rained out,1 yay! welcome to the etsy-seller world,1 hoping that one day i will be able to go on dates with my 26 year old boyfriend without his parents...,1 " I will take lots of pics! it is really pretty there, lots of palm trees.",1 i loooooove bank holidays,1 LOL yeah I forgot about your TweetDeck statuses! So funny,1 Had so much fun with j� and family Happy bday my beautiful aunt! s2,1 in bucher`s class?! i cried too!,0 " Thanks, hope you have a good one",1 Can`t stop coughing,0 I still can`t believe the Matt McCoy interview got 255 views!! Twitter truly is....AWESOME!,1 just called me a cheeseburglar. He made me sad,0 WTF? Twitter doesnt support messages from my phone -I wanted to be able to Twit while on vacay. Poo on you Twitter,0 I am doing Geography Revision on Earthquakes! How Boring!!,0 " you guys were absolutely amazing tonight, as always. thanks for always bringing the dance party.",1 UGH! I have GOT TO STOP biting my nails grrrrr,0 "_x Haha, You sound like lizzie :L she`s got a sister who is older than her, and she`s like argh :@ all the time",0 reyt fancies a valentinos. Worst of times considering i can`t have any,0 Ok ... the passengers ... no one is alive ... they`re all dead ... you just don`t know it til the end ... then you cry ...,0 aww dont cry ashley,1 thats great I`ll make sure I get a copy,1 _LaMont yr very young looking dude,1 My cat has been missing for 2 days. I am freaking out.,0 "got through two thirds of new moon in three days, now on to eclipse..........then more work assignments sadly dnt write them selves.",0 Starting my 2nd shift! Im going to miss like an hour of the lakers game!,0 Kyles going out of town this weekend play time wif my fwiends. Rawrrr.,1 _za thanks man. I can`t wait,1 " Hi Susan, read your blog. It`s really good. I look forward for the tweet updates",1 'my name is Tony!!!!!! ...not hey!!!!' - poor tony,0 I hate watching the News. Why do such awful things happen?,0 This will be the worst day ever....graduation,0 Goodnight tweeps.,1 I`m so lost without my laptop. And no break again for me today. Made even worse that the 2 big bosses of skipton showed up today,0 ummmm i have no idea what im doing but my friend is pissed off at me now and i dont know why she hates me so much I NEED HELP BRITNEY plz,0 http://twitpic.com/4vvou - Ok...I LOVE IT!! Melika come on do your make-up like this next time we go out,1 My purple pusrse is pretty someone tell Katie Holmes!,1 " again, surely the uploading could wait until you got home? I`m all about enjoying the party when you can.",1 "twitter wont change anything TWITTER, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!",0 try to play John Travolta`s 'Grease Lightning' bassline.. it`s cool,1 Did not win Kelly Clarkson Tickets. Sorry Cecilia. Really wish I could give that to you! You so much deserve it.,0 ": `Bring it on: In it to win it` is the BEST movie ever!! U are the best actress, singer, dancer and role model ever<33 xoxo",1 I love colorful horsies!,1 " Thanks! Yes, this sudden downpour does seem rather freakish. Is it really the end of summer here in the Philippines?",1 " Susan Egan, I love her! And yeah, it said I would have a pleasant trip.",1 on my way homee i love long car rides<3,1 http://twitpic.com/663vr - Wanted to visit the animals but we were too late,0 Have been feeling very sick had day off today... ARRRGH,0 Had a nice dinner with the hubby and now on our way home 45 min drive out of the city. *sigh*,1 peep this remix from 'The Wu Dynasty' remix tape its delayed but this will give u a idea,0 Your not alone im gutted i missed the convention too!,0 working allllllllll weekend..how thrilling..and i have to say bye to goshy on sunday cause she is leaving for poland for 3 months,0 lappy charger is completely dead... conserving what`s left of the battery until i can afford to buy a new one,0 Had such a great weekend! Glad it`s sunny out today,1 " How hard is it 2 be running back an forth constantly? Ya kno workin all the time, havin crazy sleepin schedules? Must be hard",0 awww wish I was there! Have a brew for me B!,1 misses her phone... having no service sucks,0 whooop! you got me on twitter!! dang our line of communication keeps growing!,1 "Feeling some butterflies today Study study study contracts; gonna ace this, then on to the write-on competition for the journals.",1 just hanging with my bestie,1 dunno. Maybe the flu. I feel a bitbetter now.,1 Just saw Ghost of Girlfriends Past it was actually really cute for a total chick flick. Mattew McConaughey is smexy,1 "My guitar ain`t here yet?, feel like i lost a limb!.",0 on no bsg might just have made me cry,0 you are one of my favorite musicians/artists ever!! Please keep up the great work John,1 " ... Yay! I can give you a lesson tomorrow, at Church.",1 AP: North Korea could opt for devastating land assault... http://tinyurl.com/nmg9ht (via _Report) Scary talk to say the least. mm,0 "ugh, not sure i have the patience or remaining intelligence at this point in the day (week?) to refactor and rewrite this package of code",1 " Wow, you mom has a lot of energy. I`m getting tired just reading your tweet and ur living it.",0 Rachmaninoff makes me a happy panda.,1 " I have yet to understand any sentence u have ever typed,but it`s kinda fun-like learning a foreign language&I love to quote u.",1 i bought a Italian horseshoe charm. Dragon! it seems to be very strong,1 don`t go to logan square we`re pretty sure the shirt isn`t there 1 more philly local tmrw,0 Has to be a Mac! Believe me - you won`t regret it,1 Good morning to the world. Hope everyone is ok,1 Good Morning! ? http://blip.fm/~5jnl7,1 looks like yet another beautiful day in London,1 Sittin through this boring **** conference call... Then i get to go home n nap *{missin alot }*,0 " Yes. But, Cute AND Predictable works for you...",1 "o/*\o (high five) to all of our fans! It`s finally here! I`ll write up a fancy news post shortly, wanted to get the mod itself out ASAP",1 grrrrri want you to come kiss justice for me !!!,1 : nice to see you on twitter!,1 _43 HAHHAHAH that really made me laugh out loudd! ahahahahahahahahah your fuunny!!,1 that`s precious,1 OMG - the M&Ms in my pantry are calling my name. I`ve been ignoring them all day. It is driving me completely insane. Too many calories,0 Lucky you...my day has gone by with large amount of boredom...and a little stress. The detalis can get a bit gruesome,0 Really nervous about my animal rights presentation next period,0 why do you hate me!?,0 back to my interesting emails...,1 have fun on flashy fed hill..im sure you`re imported cheeto eating **** will fit in lol,1 This month was a bad month to try and get an advert together for Kobold Quarterly,0 Don`t we all love bank holidays,1 " why arent u famous already? lol you have a very adoring fan, that fan would do anything for you hehehe, im you no.1 fan",1 thanks alot. Hope you can help spread the word and get people involved. We are already making a real difference,1 " i hope that happens tomorrow, then ill be there ;) (Providing my dad gets better to take me )",1 My kids count down the days till Saturday. I hope it`s something they remember all of their lives!,1 FALL ASLEEP ON ME AGAIN But I know how it feels now LOL. Drag Me To Hell tonight! Quite excited,1 you can see the coffee table again!! ...so when r u cominging over 2 insult me into cleaning the rest of the house?,0 _lawrence did you forget something this morning? you nearly ran me over at the bottom of the hill! its very very warm in the shop! x,0 no way! **** that sucks B! are you ok?,0 so my son is not the only one! that`s really nice to know. he really is good at being three. and dh will be late today,1 rubbish!,0 you really have to come to ireland some time! we love you over here <3,1 happy mommah`s day to your moms http://plurk.com/p/stqya,1 I�m sorry for that,0 "Noticed Wellwood has all his teeth in tonight, that`s nice",1 I feel useless I don`t know what to do right now. I`m so bored,0 "Hoisin duck pizza, salt and pepper pizza and gelato for dinner with Edmund and Jade. Good times!",1 I`m 25 in december that`s not good at all next big birthday is 30 after 21 it flys by for sure,0 " hi again, sorry was going to pass on your email to my assistant (Rel and Soc) and lost it. dm it to me, pls?",0 GIVE A HATER A Hug ? Why would you do that? I don`t like mwean people,0 Are you in Galbladia Garden? That **** is hard.,0 "I have such fantastic friends, including several ones met through here! thanks for being in my life - you are such amazing people!",1 "chillin on break eatin some grub. pretty burnt out had an eventful day. wanting to go to the movies with Ian, not happening though.",0 " There are 3 other Drs. in the office and only mine does this It drives me nuts, especially when it is an appt. for my kids.",0 "Just got woken up by my mom... Our ENTIRE first floor is flooded. All our furniture, curtains, moms expensive rugs.... Soaked and ruined",0 I have a great house to sell you! Comes complete with a riding mower!!,1 OMG I BROKE DOWN AND HAD PIZZA BECAUSE I WAS STRESSED OUT you mad at me?,0 " I feel for you, that sounds like how Kiya was last night all I can say is get comfy on the couch and enjoy the cuddles!",1 Spent the last 2 years largely ambivalent about s/w dev practices. Can feel care factor returning. Look out!,0 Fog horn of DOOM! A great way to start the morning... living next to the harbour is really great,1 happy mother`s day to all moms out there...,1 I`m thinking the 'Chevrolet Doom' would be fitting for GM,1 Woke up late & trying to get **** done before work,0 " It Was The Best Evar & My First,, You Didnt Awnser Any Of My Questions xoxo",1 " Thanks for the feedback. Surreal life, surreal oils",1 Yeah they are! So stop making fun of me! I gotta get new ones,0 OH THAT`S GOOD! My top 4 are: The Haunted House/Sound one; Bakery; Inside Ralphie`s body; & ..... I FORGET!!,1 is tired and about to go to sleep. night everyone,0 #thingsmummysaid You are the result of a broken condom.,0 "_dam haha, that would be cool. brianna and i should fly over there haha",1 Very nice! Bea and I are so bummed we can`t make it We should try and get together in the near future.,1 everything is your fault moxy...everything. x,0 Feeling bad that didnt get to see UP,0 Twitter won`t let me update online. My update box won`t work.,0 Sometimes people never learn to shut up and stop talking ****,0 "I have a crush on this guy at my job, name is tyler and his eyes are blue and very mesmerizing and he is too cool. Nite",1 why won`t the kids sleep,0 Gmorning Hermana! Thank you for your testimonial it is wonderful. Posted already.,1 I hate when you cant sleep,0 aw. wasn`**** sad?! give ginger a little pat on the head for me! mwah!,0 i wanna good breakfast with school is wiggity whack!,1 _ listen to FTSK they stop my bordum haha how was your day? finished crying about Harold? ha ****,0 good morning hun! i loved the movie what happens in vegas~ it is such a good movie,1 "Wooow, I haven`t charged my iPod Touch all day today, and it`s still ALIVE! That`s so coolio",1 me toooooo! Thank u,1 Worried about our Arabelle. Tweet please. Or text.,0 Its so **** hot! **** no air conditioning.,0 sorry guys i didn`t sign in for a while sorry every1,0 45Th st pub anyone tonight? Dont want to be a lonely drunk tonight,1 is going to drink a mojito and lay down to watch movies with my hubby. Goodnight fellow tweeters,1 _ They were some nice Pics you have kept there.. you seem to carry your Cam around along with you..,1 Going to meet the new family I`m babysitting for... Wish I was still sleeeeping,1 Thanks too,1 _Polanco Hi I have uploaded 5 completely new Chinese Lessons on www.youtube.com/ChineseLearn Please feel free to watch and enjoy,1 it makes perfect sense. I guess i am very down to earth. Thanks for your reply,1 " I bet you received lots of hit from that tweet; at work i cannot, wish i could",0 Indeed. Thanks for sharing that! Now I can go to sleep giggling. Night!,1 OMG!!! That`s a nightmare,0 Beautiful morning here in the mountains,1 omg! shannon Happy Birthday!!!! I`m celebrating for you!,1 "Too many cocktails last night, my head hurts",0 Headed to drop my lil cuz off at the bus stop! Then its back to the bed to read my book! relaXin on my day off.,1 Oh no!,0 The problem is that I`m not finished with it But I have logged in mass hours this week on it. And i`m not being paid! POP!,0 happy Star Wars day,1 " last time I looked, they were about 400. They gave us a demo, so cool",1 and this terrible cartoon that`s supposed to be mexican.,0 _Myst I am soooo disappointed that that is what he looks like btw! The image is gone,0 try #fireflight first... female fronted metal is awesome.. .. Unbreakable album would be a good start!,1 " Hope you get better. I know you will have the best medical attention. if not let me know, I will be right over",1 Already misses ,0 My ipod has taken it`s last breath... Im truly devastated. I have lost my public transportation companion,0 I Luv Da movie Say Anything... ? http://blip.fm/~5yroy,1 that`s what i tell everyone! their food is the WORST! no one understands my horror.,0 Ship. I`m stuck.,0 "wow, nothing like a sale to perk up a girl`s evening, huh!",1 Brand new is playing at the epicenter in July when I`m in NY. Jesse lacey why do you hate me?,0 "Alright! Party was a success! We all had fun, & now it`s over",1 I appreciate the effort. My skin is much softer than your screen,1 yum - mother`s day lunch at The Food Business in Burnside was delicious! such a gorgeous day,1 Got back from Arizona yesterday. Moved the furniture and stuff out of the Arizona house and shipped it to Redwood City. How sad.,0 "I swear, now my dog is having anxiety issues.",0 :: I know the feeling Its a little depressing :S,0 Im.in.the.room Im.watching.the.HANNAHmovie.withMOM.She.said.this.film.very.great.,1 Hmmm. Using TinyTwitter on a small non-touch screen is really not much fun,0 "4 novos followers http://migre.me/SfN Sorry, the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity. strange � �timo",0 _apuya hey hey andrew!!! haha! ;P well happy mother`s day to your mum.,1 Just got back from Kuantan Had sooooooo much FUN,1 http://twitpic.com/4t4jv - No joke my puppy Maddie looks EXACTLY like Maui!!! she`s so cute!!,1 can I help in any way?,1 great show,1 monday at the school gosshhh what I`ve been waiting for,1 "Oh..Summer begins..yay.. The fighting, Crying and stress has started with the kids..It`s only been 3 hrs since they got out.",0 I wish I could spend my last weekend as a high school student in burbank with everyone and not fly off to dc,1 Just finished filming for the day another fun day on the set! Hahaha!,1 " yeah, getting shows can be an interesting process. the key is following up... at least that`s what i`ve learned so far",1 I luv urs! admitting niley with a kiss (: but then they change their minds haha & demi/sterling (: not jemi but still cute,1 made breakfast today......Happy mother`s day ..,1 is going to her last full day of school. life is good.,1 oh cool you are coming to berlin ! ! !,1 Done With Exams...Now Focusing on Summer School...DAYUUMM Life`s Hard,0 thank you for the link! it explains a lot! and I`m glad you`re feeling good! I`ve a friend coming tomorrow. will be fun!,1 http://bit.ly/PenQl I`ve added a new icon to the feedicon database Have some fun with it!,1 Its times like these that I miss Manila. I`m not feeling up to myself lately,0 " I need a hug because our pitching has been lackluster, our shortstops can`t field & Big Papi can`t get above the Mendoza line.",0 thanks glad you like it,1 I`ma say you should smudge yourself before I start calling people given the malicious action we pulled the other night,0 good night! im off to sleeep!!!! 5 am good mornining! xD,1 boo... i was hoping for a fake alien story with a tinfoil covered beachball photo,0 That`s the problem. DNS isn`t working uTorrent and DestroyTwitter are working while everything else is down.,0 _of_Twtr Beautiful!,1 i love the game! that`s my show... suuuppper pissed it got cancelled!,1 Just saw the Toy Story 3 trailer! It`s about to get EPIC! Woody taking L`s once again,1 @_juliamarie people just don`t appreciate nature. it`s sad. did the lil dude survive?,0 Good Morning!,1 no problemo!!! Family Guy is on there too,1 I love the guy that was standing behind me,1 ahh my poor feeeeeet,0 "Nearly fell asleep, but was jolted out of bed by a massive panic attack and now I`m not sure if I can sleep at all.",0 Going to bed now...good night tweeters,1 Going into town later to get myself a birthday present. An iPod Touch will do nicely I think,1 Have fun at the show tonight... wish I could be there,1 It was blatently your fault for just shoving it in the bag when I said no I felt that you had very much tricked me. ****,0 no I like be able to say it and it be the truth. Instead of some magical mystery tour I get led on.,1 _club wished I could have been there last night. Sounds like it was rocking! Can`t wait to see pix or vids,1 Thai food with Natalie. She loves this stuff. That makes me smile.,1 **** how you not gonna follow me son?,0 " dude, I can safely say I was blown away when I heard Attics. I`ll make sure I pass it on as much as I can!",1 Sneezing hurts my back.,0 You`re welcome...,1 wow cute Pic,1 And it`s only downhill from now until Labor Day!,0 producing the 6 with then anchoring... and a sad goodbye to Miss Lynne Ashminov we will miss you!,0 Okay I`m seriously bored. I have nothing to do. I can`t go out cause it`s raining.,0 The usual. Two family parties today. Happy Birthday Lily! http://twitpic.com/4w472,1 "When i say 'we close at 6', it does not mean 'come in at 6'. Ffs people. Also RIP Polly",0 ughh...i dont feel good,0 " 'You guys could have fun in a cardboard box'.. I miss you already, bro.",0 " I had mailed for something, you got the e-mail, I didn`t which should probly mean I won`t get it",0 Can`t believe i`m spending my lunch break inside @ my desk,1 this week of mine was not easy! but finally it`s over! (:,0 Ohhh only a bit of time left to have an account on the forums.. I do hope I get to be a leader some day :/,1 Pooping in a Pennsylvania rest stop! I hate using public toilets,0 YES I AM GOING TO BE A SOPHMORE IN COLLEGE. Geez. Cant get a job cause everyone thinks im fifteen.,0 doesnt want exams next week,0 Yeahhh... thx. I figured it out,1 yes i am and i was ready to go when i got here. ugh and its sooo pretty outside..,1 yes! it definitely paid off ... thanks 4 the advice,1 drag me to hell looks so freakin scary watch terminator! it was really good.,1 nothing yet still looking....but lets for sure do lunch next week!!,1 "14 hours later, I am still too drunk to drive... For shame on me for letting myself drink that much. I am not in peak spirits right now.",0 "Lunch is boringgg driving after school today, ugh hope i do better with mr. Dodd",0 yay! you should do it. just think about the animals and it`s not as hard,1 I want to go with you ! But I`m tierd....,0 "Cool music collection, can be used for non-intrusive background music - music from keygens! http://www.keygenmusic.net",1 " eeeeep so jealous ;) I`m at work um, how can u receive Viva? Do they broadcast it online? :plz:",0 Decided not to go...I want to see my sweetie But I can`t.,0 glad I wore my black rats and a flowy shirt im so full from my dozen mixed oystsers seafood platter and death by chocolate,1 " me too, it sucks",0 Yay! Tell her I said congrats,1 welcome,1 I KNO!!! im so sad! evry1 is leavin its horrible! im supposed to b happy for summer but i cant ima miss evry1!,0 _LOCA thank you babe What are you doin this evening?,1 seems like working.. rofl - sadly money is not growing on a tree,0 this hiatus of yours is like... really long. Boo,0 R.I.P little bird that flew into my window snapping his neck,0 I KNOW! I love Nicholas Braun & I think he`ll make an okay Cameron but I don`t wanna see it either,1 understandable. yah i leave on monday! I`ll be gone when you`re in chi,1 it was AMAZING!!! Had the best time hope you had a good weekend too.,1 "is happy and clean, squeaky clean",1 Off to England during the summer holidays this year.... yay!,1 I don`t wanna work a 10-hour shift today! I`d rather whisper sweet-nothings into the earpiece of a lady friend`s cellphone.,0 " well doesn`t that look fab, even if I do say so myself!",0 i didn`t get to chat! . oh well. time to eat a praline.,0 " I`m an iPhone owner, so I don`t really have a choice on which media player I use. FYI Apple makes terrible Windows software",0 thanks we did reviews today and i feel like idk anything. anyways. how r u?,1 " most definately! They are having a hard time, cuz I`m so young & never saw this, but I wrkd hard making cars & now I`m disabled",0 "In the UK with no phone service oh yea and still sick (cough, sniff)",0 You`re a good friend Dave.. we can wait!! Hope we dont have to wait too long though,1 I don`t think my friends like me anymore (via #zenjar ),0 " the ending is te funniest, you`ll see. ;) you know paranoif is always stuck in my head?? Love it.",1 Joan is such a legend! I can`t wait for apprentice finale!!! im so addicted i think i need a rehab!! LOL tweet later.. xoxo,1 "battery is low boooooooo in Palm Springs, CA http://loopt.us/2SljBw.t",0 stressed beyond BELIEF. need a nap,0 "Youtube`s tubes appear to be clogging up somewhat today, connection errors a plenty.",0 thinks Aaron is pretty darn awesome,1 "Apparently Paige is partying with Rose Jenn and Adam again, without me My child has such a wild imagination. ;)",1 wellll...... only 2 that will feed me the others were mainly shade loving native wildflowers.,1 wow its follow friday and i havent tweeted... Fail. And nobody has followed me today dble fail. *suicide*,0 what a waste of lives ... http://tr.im/mLou,0 " And so very you. You know I say it w/ nothing but love, dude.",1 good morning! Got to be afternoon in Germany,1 watching hoping for haley,1 Missing you all deeply,0 any chance of seeing you at a race in germany? unfortunately hardly any tv & news coverage of cycling here anymore!,0 assumes it wasnt so taboo to start an email with 'LOL' considering that the reply it got started with 'ROFL. PWN3D.' I love the internet!,1 i wish i was home in bed naked,0 Missing my morning work out cause my bench press is back in Jakarta goodluck diga! Test will be easy peasy! Hehehe,1 congratulations penjiiii !!! Are we calling him soulja boy or mcbaby lol,1 awwww..... thought it`d be a 'yummy' experience. Will try it next time. Kapag magkakasama ulet tayo nila Mapet ;-),1 ree-heally hoping the rain stops by the time i get off the metro at courthouse. i didn`t bring an umbrella today.,1 dammit i had the passes but i am still at work,0 It was truly awful,0 what about Your Body by Tom Novy or Voodoo Child by Rogue Traders. They are from 04/05. Good memories from these songs,1 "A sunny morning in the Big K, with lawns to mow and a 2 mile to run to attempt, urgh",0 " Yep, finished, chocked full of spelling and grammatical errors, but I`m cleaning it up tomorrow and popping it up hehe",0 I want some pineapple! I miss my baby,1 I have coffee and a Sociology paper to complete. Happy Mothers Day,1 " thanks oscc i have been changing it up lately, and I like this layout the most <33",1 just met Sarah Kelly... wow... she is an amazing woman of God! and she gave me a free t-shirt! gotta love free merch,1 Wow. Way to be discouraged idk anymore... fml.,0 and i have cheese and no chips.,0 happy early mothers day!!!!,1 _bear i like you,1 He`s an amazing jockey! Saw that Clydesdale commercial too..loved it!,1 i am doing homework it sux big time maths is the worst!!!!!!,0 At Twin Peaks. High Yay!,1 Thanks bb.,1 "george lopez, bed, mommys day tomorrow ;) i wish house was on Hugh Laurie, is sexay. sometimes i like way older guys.",1 that sigh doesn`t sound happy.,0 "Crisis averted! Phew! On a different note, and ....you guys are making me so proud! tear! wish i could have joined",1 / happy mommy`s day,1 " Awww, thanks Jon! I appreciate that",1 i love you <3 host me lmao,1 "Wow one year today Luc Bourdon was killed, doesn`t seem that long ago",0 have a good day ? http://blip.fm/~5yomt,1 Here at work having lunch. A lot of work and not enough help,0 Aren`t you suppossed to support the local economy ... LOL ... good for you and congrats,1 have you seen 'The Fifth Element'? makes 'super green' a lot funnier,1 having a great time in kc http://twitpic.com/4w3fi,1 "14 pages left to read, then it will be time to start all over again, and again. Off to Lunch Duty...love 6th graders",1 More pictures! It was such a pretty day http://tr.im/kWOD #fb,1 Ugh what an amazing night. Time for bed! I know i`m gonna sleep well. And with no getting up early! good night!,1 http://twitpic.com/416b7 - hey! nice pic,1 Out for ultimate training. looking forward to the sunset!,1 "Just finished The Village. So in love,could watch it over and over! Wonder why I can`t get to sleep tonight",1 " wow, that`s good",1 I MISS U CEDDY,0 Having trouble syncing my iphone to my work exchange email help!!!!,0 " aww homesick i feel you! im homesick for my 2nd home, campp",0 Oh ****. That really sucks,0 Good Morning. It`s Friday and the start of my work week But... Lakers are going to take the 4th W tonight. Woohoo GO LAKERS!!!!,1 Ready for Eastenders - going to be a good one!! .. Then the last BGT Semi Final .. FINAL tomorrow night though Exciting stuff...,1 me too i hate revision,0 a lovely weekend thank you Whats it like where you live? Exciting im sure night night ****,1 "Yummy yum-cha for mother`s day with mum, dad, arcel and egg-pants yuuuuuum http://twitpic.com/4w65x",1 Awww... It works ok for me.. but I have an apple laptop so it might be a little difference!!,1 I wish my grandmother had taken me to the US with her,1 omg. cat had a hairball. awake now.,0 Wish I was in Dallas.. Can I still say ow!? lol Hey... u spelled my name wrong It`s all good. Thanks for #FF love,1 My stomach is all EXPLODE from the wendys why is everything that tastes good bad for you?,0 I wish GM stock would turn around at 80 cents a share I would be willing to buy some...if I knew it would do something,1 _Molotov Go much bamboo? Would you like to attempt to structure a sentence that makes sense? Why did i fail english and others pass?,0 "reaons not worth it; drunk for no reason, depressed about revision, nothing happened. Reason`s worth it:Matt, ...after that? i dunno",0 oasis or ribena? toughest decision everrr,0 yeha i broke their page... damit... im trying to fix it how... hope you dont bank with communityfirstandtrust,0 My Twitteeeerrr babiieshow Ive missed you I hate this whole not having a phone thng,0 hahahahaha u look really good in ur picture,1 ? I had great time in Boston. Thanks to my baby girl. http://plurk.com/p/rplmy,1 just getting off of work for the day! Hope everyone has a wonderful mother`s day tomorrow! Hope you enjoy ur cheesecakes too!,1 you givein lady ga ga arun for her money in that get up hee hee love it,1 Computer is packed away. There goes my life. Right into a cardboard box.,0 oh I`m sorry for that. how old was your grandpa?,0 just had a great talk with grace about how awesome God is and how he works...that somehow started with how remote controls work,1 "...living in my studio, sounds very important ;) oh Mildura is totally boring!! Mhhh...whatever! byeeee",0 " 'organization ...ITIL, forget about people (and so they fail)' preaching to the converted IT is the people http://tr.im/kWUA",0 Stressed out fro work and having a drink,0 whew! thassa relief,1 " Wish i was out an about, stuck in with a pile of boxes, a sore back and a load of tesco blue shopper bags to fill from the kitchen",0 tonight was fun,1 " thanks, feeling good and off to New Forest later",1 "Well, I`m here, good morning/brunch-ish I took my exam, think I did good",1 Watching George Lopez. Went to my school and played some basketball. Today was pretty nice. And HOT!,1 Supernatural was good as Loved it.,1 "I forgot, Happy Mom`s day.",1 "actually, i think i`m being mean to her....i feel sorry now",0 "I did the dishes and I`m now on a train to Newcastle. Have to leave #nontweetinggirlfriend behind for 2 weeks, which is always a bit sad",0 Just finished The Minish Cap. It`s a great game! I`ll miss Ezlo and Link.,1 " Hehe, you`re an expert now eh?",1 "Spending a wonderful Mothers Day with Brad, Mom and Dad. Happy Mothers Day to all Moms",1 "Ah, finally at home in my comfy bed. Goodnight",1 peeling so much!! ..I feel so bad,0 i cooked breakfast for my mom HAPPY,1 unemployment line here i come.,0 shakalohana week two of flat wavez no surfin,0 HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL MOMMIES,1 "I hate traffic. Dallas is nothing, but traffic!",0 arrgghhhggguuuiiissshhhh no idea what to do for this modern assignement.... Burma or Cuba???? eeeep help!,0 that`s no bueno...hope u feel better!,1 "Still unbelievably shocked about the firing of THE best radio personality, Martin Streek",0 I`m SO thinking about skippin out to NY in the morning. . . but all of my plans were for tonight well . . . most of them anyway.,1 My Degree [Tear] happy moment! http://mypict.me/1ZpF,1 feels great after solving a minor but long term problem with 3ds max just now! Maybe I should try animating the avatar after all? xD,1 "I really fancy Baked Eggs, but I have no Spinach",1 _another_1 yeh I can`t even imagine.... good luck to them,1 will maybe have my cell phone soon ! Yeah !,1 "Good thing is: They have a computer. Bad thing is: It blocks ALL VIDJAGAME SITES! Yes, even VGTribune.com is blocked!",1 Awesome fortune cookie! I think you really WILL go to exotic places. Hope all is well!!!,1 "Happy sunday, beautiful day in London... off to meet Chergo for breakfast ****",1 _Josa how exciting!!! looking forward to pics on facebook ****,1 "I am in school. Absolutely I have been sick .. I want to go home - we are writing of geography, the best it will",0 awww holly shes so cute! i hope they let her sing again!,1 i was screaming like a maniac! But the thing was u couldn`t scream on the ride which sucked the fun out of everything so...,0 Seeing my brother graduate tomorrow. Should be fun.,1 I still have a very depressed feline fuzzball...it`s another trip to vet tmrw to see what can be done...worried doesn`t even cover it,0 Haha...YAY!!! I`M CURED!!!!,1 happy mother`s to all the moms out there..,1 enjoy!!! have a good day. don`t forget to twitpic ****,1 : Ok its suppose 2b followfriday not unfollow Friday aw well I have nice tweeters anyway! <-almost doesnt sound right...lol;),1 acsvxdcbgfn soccer now. shall see young phoebe after D: I don`t want her dressed up though,0 " under a week delivery to OZ, awesome product, awesome prices. The parcel today made my day",1 I`m exhausted new song 'one day' on myspace check out http://www.myspace.com/tannajoy,0 school. 39 days !!! so exited. Amazing premier ,1 I`m not giving up http://bit.ly/SnjEn,1 I don`t know what to write anymore! My mind must be tired. It`s past midnight here already. Do a tour in the Philippines?,0 meetings are overrated.,0 "35mins through the 1hr 20mins Google Wave demo, that looks a lot of fun, would love to test it though. http://bit.ly/WnMSc",1 really not feelin well...,0 "Whataburger closing all locations but tally so harsh, might have to transfer schools",0 "Right, is too glorious a day to be sat inside....must go and do something more active! Have a good day all",1 a successful shopping day,1 my sunburn hurts,0 Facebook decided I`m annoying or abusive because I add lots of friends. At least I have no distractions from coursework now...,0 love for vintage books...old books shopping this morning,1 _Foster Still not working,0 "Working, Listening to music,Testing out a new singer/guitarist tonight, let`s hope for the best",1 just had a bbq... YUM im full now,1 jungle book 2 is sooooo cute.. i have nothing to eat or drink,1 YAY! GO TAYLOR SWIFT!! come to australia again!!!,1 Why am I limited to only being able to sync with 1 MS Exchange account on iPhone? ... same goes for Outlook. Why can`t I have more? Lame.,0 Laying in bed texting. Good night ya`ll,1 I love flock on ubuntu,1 "Thanks to all the people who added me on Skype If you want to add me, my name is same as my twitter name, and my YT name, and Blogtv, etc",1 " My #followillfriday sucks because while I was teaching people how to be nice, you **** were drooling over Notion",0 Just saw it tonight as well... Great movie!! Hope you`re well mate! Cheers E,1 haha. that`s awesome. good job,1 right on! i`m 29 myself... i turn 30 in october. i think that pretty much makes us awesome,1 I dedicated today to Mothers Day videos because without Moms (and Dads) we wouldn`t be here tweeting.,1 rest well!,1 I can`t think of a way to express in 140 chars how disspointed I am with the advertising on Lifehacker`s Why I Didn`t Buy A Mac article.,0 it`s ok lol I think we might do the same dates.,1 Decode by Paramore is a great song... Love it...,1 gooooooooood im not a complete nut case then,1 "Gotta get up early to spend some time with my mommy before I go to work, so I`m off to bed. Goodnight twitter",1 congrats!,1 "Love story on loop for the past 30 minutes. I love this song.. It makes me happy, like this!",1 heheh ....qualifying was pretty exciting tho ..,1 is lonely in need of company,0 won`t need my hugs anymore,0 " weird as usual, but ok... that`s why we like it",1 Thank you all for the huge response w/ blessings & congratulations for us and Anna... We`re indeed a family in church love that so much,1 Got a right bad headache,0 "Want to get my hands dirty with FubuMVC. http://bit.ly/J00ha, but the document is not yet complete",0 "Oh, tonight is a good night",1 i like yours too i enjoy your photography. =],1 Karaoke at a small town bar. Having a wonderful time!,1 "The sun is shining brightly and the day has just begun! What`s in store? Wandering around les calanques maybe? Vin, definitely!",1 nomatter how much i sleep am still tired,0 Fender is hiding under the couch ... he knows I`m getting ready to leave and he isn`t happy about it,0 Lots of confusions I`ve at my work place..,0 " my pleasure, its a great recipe",1 I miss him soooo much not gonna see him for 2-3 months,0 welcome to twitter my friend,1 " Oh man, that sux... price u pay for being on the org chart (and responsible, and stuff...)",0 "Watching Nemecek go on her computer, fun! Lol I keed! Norms was fun",1 is home whoott. Happy Mother`s Day Madre,1 the kid that got a second chance shudnt have. mowgli didnt. gutted,0 " you should so host the next logies, i only laughed at your bit really",1 " did some research, but couldn`t find the specific thing which i wanna do with this drive`s autorun",0 i`m at work starving,0 i`m using paint.net x64 and it`s running crazily fast - can`t afford CS4 unfortunately... yet,0 " ok sweet! and whenever u want, I am stuck in bed all weekend",0 " Please send me those youtube links, Erin watched most of them but I was cooking and didn`t get to see the cowboys",0 i have high cholesterol,0 its gonna be a great week! dallas next weekend!!!,1 " ~entonces estas perdonada porque sigues a tom conrad, who we all know is made of awesome",1 "I want to see my friends Mindless fun. No work, all play. All drunk, all walwal. All being mean to each other and sleeping in one bed",1 i did and i feel great.... but i still miss it...,0 They don`t let the queer boys donate blood.,0 bored well its not like any one can see this i havent got any friends,0 lost HIATUS noooooooooooooooooo D: back to school tomorow. back in 10TY (),0 That is the sweetest loveliest thing for you to say. You made me smile. Thank you for that.,1 Was eating a tomato and it squirted all over me.,0 "Jesus...I`m being SLAMMED via DM`s from the Papaya lobbyists. OK. Holy ****: Mangosteen, Durian or Papaya...or cybersecurity on a stick.",0 its like that with the goo goo dolls for me. Then I heard 'iris' and absolutely loved it,1 LMAO! I don`t fake being Paris anymore. Look at my bio ;) and by the way I can`t log onto your forum...,0 Wow thanks a lot! I can`t believe I didn`t think of that. XD,1 braving the standby line @ TheView bright & early today!! hope to hear about your book & hope I get in! 3rd time`s the charm,1 Too much details !!! (But glad he is better),1 Revamping my recording studio today and adding some nice high end outboard gear...very exited!,1 now my heart isnt cold but im still missing you.,0 I hope your mom is ok?,1 its Monday and all is good,1 Why do weddings on TV make me cry? Is it just my inner desire to be eternally happy and start the rest of my life??,1 This song is a slap on you face!! ? http://blip.fm/~5jib6,0 ooh ouch! lovely weather but ****! cover up sugar! x,1 I love you too baby see i`m cool now!!!,1 " I have heard that about a lot of programs like that, we go to a large chain of learning centers, sorry for you!",0 " the new series of the hills was on yesterday in uk , it was amazing! you looked really pretty on your birthday too.",1 never a relaxing weekend for the allahpundit,0 "ok, son in bath, so gonna see if I can find some quick quotes. Gonna miss ya`ll this weekend. I`m already gettin sad",0 it would hurt only when you touch it or when it gets hit. But when you don`**** won`t but after a month it wouldn`t hurt na!,0 " it`s a good sized family room, so not too cramped, watched match in room Watched tv on iplayer after kids asleep",1 "And, I`m accumulating money again, so I can use a fancy finance app. Thinking of getting another CD or an IRA. saving for a house. crazy!",1 I just got twitter for my palm <3,1 i agree with come to canberra! we are the raddest!,1 next year will be sweeet,1 Can`t wait to see you on December in Switzerland for a third rendez-vous Great show ! You are just amazing ... Enjoy in OZ,1 " What Makes Me Happy? My Daughter, My Family & Their Support, Money, Shopping, & Restaurants",1 awww I love me some charlies we are enjoying some lucky food LOL,1 courtney seems like a cool chick & shes pretty,1 Watching maxium 100. Why can`t I look beautiful like those girls.,0 Still gutted that man utd lost,0 _alfradique No fun Well hopefully you don`t have much more to go...,1 _Dubai Enjoy sounds idyllic AND Geordiebird has lost her bikini...perfect holiday!,1 my twitter has been hacked again,0 http://twitpic.com/4wl7x - Very pretty Janette I have that exact same Hey Monday band! And its on the same arm :O,1 had 2 leave the mrs cuz i have to go 2 work really didn`t want to.,0 offically in DC ..... missing my numero uno,0 oh yah her and angel came and harrassed me and tried to break in my house!! lol Burgen,0 Sunburnt Gutted! Hope it`s faded by tmw!,0 " Loved your blog from the MusiCares event, good work",1 " Not going to dwell on it. It happened, it`s passed. Just a shame as he was so supportive! Such is life! x",0 omg i found it thnx,1 Bah! Still at work. Lol my feet hurt and my nose won`t stop running!,0 i hate songs and surveys they always seem to make me cry.,0 Might be in the middle of a perfect weekend...,1 Hey never realized that you also get a Twitter account. Your guides are truly many times a lifesaver to me.,1 Now standing because my tailbone is killing me,0 " awww, that`s cute.",1 Consider yourself lucky. It hasn`t rained here in ages. It`s depressing.,0 " fair enough. actually, you dont have to give me x-men. mad max will do me fine",1 They wouldn`t reverse any of my overdraft fees.,0 goin ta bed now! goodnite jessica,1 whatsoever do you mean by `how I get down` lol I`m always sober,1 Sad! Casue everyone is going their seperate ways! Never going to see my friends again!,0 oh that was good cake,1 Tummy bugs are lame! Got about an hours sleep if that.,0 http://twitpic.com/2dmtn - I saw this pic and it reminded me of you in Anna and the King.. so cuuuute little fella,1 roughnight,0 Still awake lol Finished talking to a really good Brawl player. We talking in SmashSpace.ning.com Join the website if you like SSBB!,1 lmfaoooo i **** love this showwwww,1 http://twitpic.com/4ve84 - Wow! A nice laptop,1 Stupid sun i actually have to work now,0 "Dad`s retelling his saskatoon m&g story, love hearing what the guys said to him I never heard any of it",1 _marie Stick with me kidd...you`ll be alright (there`s a whole sketchy world out there waiting to be taken advantage of,1 Aww sad now stupid crapped up phone and deciding that you would go and screw yourself up and never again work arghhh,0 "amazing, my brand new PARI neb broke. go figure. and it`s the weekend. looks like i won`t be getting another one until next week. *sigh*",1 haha.. good for you,1 wellity! i think ima gonna clean my room :| ****. i need to read a good book. sense and sensibility here we come! BEAT THE LILY,1 "oh yes, happy star wars day. May the fourth be with you...",1 " lol, what`s wrong? workin right now sowwwy",0 " yeeh. i also have a thing for drummers basically, all guys have 2 do is play an instrument or sing and im all theirs :p",1 Today is my Mother`s birthday- Happy Birthday & I love you! She is an angel whom has helped me so much during this time of my life,1 has just bought attics to eden by madina lake it`s totally AMAZING,1 just got the dreaded call from babysitter - little H has bumped her head Sitter says she`s fine and goose egg is going down fast,0 home! i dont know what im doing tmrw besides the whole mommys day thing. but then what? feeling awesome NIGHT YOU GUYS,1 Wasn`**** totally awesome? Seeing the rebooted crew was so nice!,1 owww i think i tore something in my leg,0 You know funny thing about everyone packing for E3 is that I am packing to go to mexico... not E3,1 lol well i learned somethin new thx !,1 Thats soooo pretty. Mine havnt flowered for years,1 Ok so I`m **** hungry....! I`m fat I know..I know..! Aha,0 "? ... thx for ur msg, so awesome! luv the new single! xoxo http://tr.im/kpDW",1 Having rice crispies this morning Brings back some good memories!,1 AHhh FCUKKK...i missed out AGAIN You must fill me in with the deetZ...see you tonight?!?!!,0 excited about this week! trying to have a productive monday. trying. hard.,1 wow that is a great list... Now i need to shop,1 I`m craving something salty in my mouth! Tired of pretzels tho.,0 sowwy. Lover you,1 " Also it has a dense treatment of CPS and Continuation based Interpreter design, which is not there in SICP. Good to have both",1 LOL - Birmingham was my 1st love... but it`s time to move on! ;) Good Morning,1 thanks!! I`m a fabric addict lately - I`ve bought soooo much!,1 SWAY SWAY BABY zommgg love it need more screamo tho boys,1 i don`t understand the whole follow friday thing?,0 that is comedy good luck my friend!,1 yeah thought it was awesome - glad to see some characters like Gambit brought back into the fold,1 live long and prosper ! lol star trek was the best!,1 poor pooch...,0 what interview! leave me alone,0 Awaiting reply from two projects. One cancelled.,0 "i really really hate biology , u______________________u",0 _anderson hehe fun tweets !,1 You`re right....I`m 29 and I`ve heard the song a time or two,1 hey thanks mate your cool coz you watched it...,1 "In bed now tonight has been really really funny, best family ever !",1 ? MADAYA KA CHRISTIAN. BLEH!!! I HATE U http://plurk.com/p/wy2yg,0 bud light?!?!?! up in Massachusetts and no Boston Lager? Guess I won`t catch the next flight njoy!,1 wish i was going to prom!!!! oh well..going to go wish my girls good luck!! then going to good oll APPLEBEES!!! yumm,1 just left work. inventory was way easy and I got to put in my highschool musical 3 cd! it was amazing. goodnight goodnight everyone :],1 "At every gas station, I look for postcards for No luck.",0 AND I didn`t get the job,0 My mom just came home and she FINALLY got me a guitar strap! yay!,1 So sorry to hear about your mom! that really sucks,0 Can`t wait for live! It`s ages away but still I should do a and plan what I`m going to wear lol,1 so instead of laying out in this 90 degrees i`ve gotta give 32 fourth graders miso/rice/sushi/mochi in an hour fml,0 omg i just slept like 18hrs in the last 22hrs... i think i`m dying or something reminds me of catcher,0 #asylm yay registered but lost all my friends,0 dude i am so sorry!!!!! I never got that number for you my fail i just remembered,0 msn-ing. no school shouldn`t there be more bank holidays? x,1 Jumping im the shower after a long day of work it shall feel ahmazing I CAN MATH!,1 they don`t use MSN either I don`t think and they are thousands of miles away so can`t do it face to face,0 "Oh, my God..... The end of the first course))) don`t believe in it) but, yeh, so many exams La-la-la// everything is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!",1 Doing really well! I will stay here as long as is needed! So you can definitely come and visit me!! Look forward too ...,1 Way too many people indeed... I only recognize the Chinese guy... LOL,1 Oh yea! I didn`t think it was open yet! They took over Ben & Jerry`s. I loved that place.,1 I told ya`ll I am a good girl. You can see my halo and everything,1 thanks anyway,1 i miss my boo on another note im soready for this game to come on tonight...fox grill anyone???!!,0 It will be an Adventure! Have FUN with your 5 yr old and 8 mo old! (You`re brave.) Hope you have a great time!,1 "enough for today, good night all",1 It`s Friday... But its only Friday morning. Ugh.,0 aww loves you! way too cute ;),1 aww preciate the loves hunnie,1 you`ll be fine don`t worry ... good luck again,1 Wonderful! Let me know what you think. Not light reading,1 "#Beijing Good massage for you & Sexy girl & 100% real photo 13341015518 - w4 (Beijing): Hi, .. http://tinyurl.com/c48m6r",1 Teaching people the beauty of twitter,1 Can`t believe those idiots buzzed out the juggler.,0 "Google Wave looks cool. I should be working for these guys, I came up with some of these ideas years ago. http://tinyurl.com/m77gp7",1 Tyler Perry is Hilarious! I think I will. I`m off to bed though so I tweet ya in the morning. Goodnight!,1 " Folks thought it was hilarious when I told them the story, and then they saw the shirt I wore tonight. Laughter all night.",1 Bwahah I love the jackass movies! I have chocolateeee!,1 thank u!!! u kno ppl already look @ my chest ne ways might as well give them somethng to throw them off! LOL!,1 " Wow, that is good I`m on Mac too with XP via Parallels if you ever need a tester ;)",1 Charlene my love. I miss you,0 boo for all the season finales..,0 3am i still cant sleep,0 If my phone dies I will die too!,0 wat the! you were in riverside??,0 "New Star Trek movie = Awesomeness. Unnecessary brief underwear scene (pun intended) but besides that, just awesomeness. #startrek",1 "'No offense, but your hair is bad today.' Life isn`t worth living anymore Nothing hurts quite like hair insults. *cries into pillow*",0 night night dollies you are al so amazing,1 Happy Mother`s Day to all the moms out there! Just finished having lunch with my relatives. I wuv you mommy and granny. HAHAHA.,1 " i know, and we gotta wait until earl 2010, i think or very late 2009! its just wrong",0 " oh, that is very nice!! I will do something nice next week ~ going to Madrid next weekend for few days",1 Sadly no. It didn`t come with one...,0 - had a great time at the `block party` - so did mackenzie,1 " Aww, I had one yesterday, they suck",0 " Look at all this feedback! You should do it more often, seriously The crazier the topic, the better.",1 Oh great Tampa people - anybody in the area know someone who works for the Jain Society of Tampa Bay? None of their phone #`s work.,0 Gdnight Tweeters (: Night sleep tight and don`t steal my blankets Otay! I love YOUS,1 To lose this gut lol no seriously i have gained a lil and im not liking how it looks.,0 Greenville Drive games just aren`t the same without the 'Baseball Guy' clown.,0 The 'Catch Me If You Can' DVD that I rented from Blockbuster.com yesterday was cracked. Figured it out about 35 minutes into the movie.,1 I`m likable after all HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Still over the moon,1 http://tinyurl.com/ry9wap Hi!!! You are pretty man... I cant upload more pics here for some reason You wrote you wish to find a women ...,1 " Michelle, is on here. Don`t u miss her being on Fox? I liked your interviews with her.",1 Didn`t make to my cousin`s yacht convention. Hope he doesn`t get upset. And hope he won.,1 yer i hope the competition doesnt end before i post my video! lol but there are some really good singers who entered.....,1 Mexican coca cola in a bottle. New favorite thing. No high fructose corn syrup.... sugar is so awesomely old school.,1 being at work while sick blows! kill me. i feel like ****,0 "on my 42nd written ****.. i get less ideas every day, and every day",0 goodmorning,1 happy mothers day to you as well!,1 "Baking experiment results: delicious, very sweet, very rich. Almost too sweet.",1 i wish my drems could come true,1 graduation next sunday.. im going to miss my class,0 So my lucky jade nacklace/matching earrings ain`t so lucky. Lost an earring. Now the chain broke on pendant,1 that was funny! LOVED IT! I almost fell for it. Haha,1 "catching the last bit of Later with jools .. last in series .. sob, cry",0 "TAKE THAT, TAKE THAT!!!! IN YOUR FACES!!!!!!!!!!!! Robbie won!",1 I miss you too!!,0 you are a good child.,1 Happy Mother`s Day to all the Mom`s out there I happen to have the greatest Mom in the world I love my Mom she`s my best friend,1 night Diana and if you travel soon take care,1 ugh but they are so unattractive! u might as well drink from a regular glass. i really dont like them,0 Is really sad that shes missing critical mass,0 it is ****...u have dissappointed me that past few days,0 I love my hair blowin in the wind,1 " nnnaaa uhhhh playah! shawty aint got nun, maybe it was ur phone or mines but I wanted to hit me up when u left the studio",0 http://bit.ly/LaZEL Wow Christian Lacroix bankrupt.. sad,0 "oh man, just seen the BGT news.. not cool. i loved greg. that dancing weepy kid was just **** obnoxious imo.",1 i cannot sleep due to watching UKTV food. its keeps my cravings at bay. i think my bodies guna ache tomro,0 Think of the prize at the end. So sorry to hear that though.,0 how fun! where is the twitpic! I had purple hair once...,1 soooo jelous of you right now,0 He needs to go back to his Scotty. That is what he was using when he won last year,1 This definitely separates a professional robber & from an amateur one!,0 good luck.. Finally your long time will of panvel tweetup finally coming true..,1 Awww that poor little girl on BGT,0 Now I`m all sad because I`ll probably never see Fleetwood Mac.,0 Google Chrome forgot what everything looks like for some reason,0 Not feeling too good,0 " I love this!! our body should tell us how much sleep it needs, and its always good to be mindful at mealtimes",1 nice one,1 " wow!! you really are a pretty talented lady, most impressed",1 _Fenton i didnt even finish cleaning my room cuz i went to a party ahhhh ITS STILL MESSY,0 http://twitpic.com/4wbn6 - my hubby and his adoarble baby brother,1 "has tummy pains n woke stu up for a drink in the middle of the night, I don`t remember it",0 "Starting my internship today, pretty excited!",1 eating truffles yum!,1 " hey dougie, just thought i would tell you that your gig in edinburgh got a brilliant review in the scottish sunday mail ****",1 One downside of the nice weather: It brings of the chavs...,0 http://twitpic.com/4wh4d - this is a very pretty picture,1 ooo and good luck for dundee tonight i can`t be there cos i have a ton of uni work,1 "Prayin for dad in Wellington, FL http://loopt.us/F8_Jqg.t (via ). I too live in welly. May i pray f.. http://bit.ly/lB9SN",1 I`m Christine and I`m a friggin` shopaholic. Check out my new coat Had to promise someone I wouldn`t spend for 2 weeks after buying this,1 thank you!! ooh I see you`ve read Desert Islands http://is.gd/ys6K great book!,1 Today was fun I <3 meeting boardies! The acoustic set was just soo phenomenal!,1 awesome lucky you,1 has a terrible headache. I need relief!,0 "my girlfriend still likes sesame st, and so do I",1 " i should have shouldnt i, im happy you enjoyed it cos im thoughtful like that you see, and YAYA i hav 20 followers woop",1 my dark knight dvd is missing i`m pissed,0 lol my other tank/dps friend is having the same problem in a different guild. wtf is wrong with this server?,0 _rockett i know! And he laughed at the stupid `women`s right`s` joke. Wth! Glad we have the same humor!,1 broken I can`t c it,0 http://twitpic.com/4wmaw - pink.green.. Love it.!,1 _x little Taylor? i feel sorry for the way she spells her name,0 : aww im sorry honey. that stinks,0 it wouldnt let me vote yesterday but i made up for it today. i really hope u win cause everyone knows u deserve it =D,1 finally Mike0hh`s birthday <3 can`t wait to **** ruin it,0 I am finally plugged in to listen to Flashpoints on http//:www.kpfa.org shoutout and have missed the segment about Chevron,0 what about me I miss you too!,0 It`s so sad http://bit.ly/b8jTH I love Kelly! <3,0 LOL how many stalkers today?you just love getting creepy stalkers,1 Just had an amazinq qirls-niqht-out. I quess its always qreat to have an excuse to wear tiny dresses & heels,1 Leme put this bottle of ciroc in ya..Baby i can make you popular!!,1 "Last one month due to summer, strawberry is not availble in the Chennai markets!",0 "Poor Greg stupid UK, always doing the sympathy vote. xo",0 " Alas, the best I can offer is a small pony and a rowing boat",0 supposed to be visiting Austin Sun-Thurs..but not feeling well since vaca. Would`ve said hello for sure!,0 bugger didn`t know that shame people have to stick there nose in!,0 yaaay for u cleaning ur room. I said hi to u the other day & u didnt write me back,0 looks like we`re rained out for weekend climbing,0 Stupid MSN It wont let me onnnn,0 "_J_Stuart Unfortunately not yet, I am still without licence.",0 _the_bear I love the names!,1 Prom is so over rated!! Irritated... Going to bed goodnight,0 "Double rainbow above the Organs. Pretty, but doesn`t take the edge off my $460 grocery tab.",1 "feels a sinus headache brewing, but can`t take drugs.",0 ahhh i think my legs are burnt they hurt,0 I`m the heir to the over draft,0 "gooooooodmorning world(: god bless, and have a great day!",1 Follow Friday is a bit hard to do when my work kicks in on Fridays,0 "I also have a certain CD from camp that a certain somebody gave me... Yeah, there`s this guy in the video that`s really frickin hot!",1 You bet!...I`ll be there in spirit (I`m in the UK really LOL) Like the pic BTW **** x,1 " Is competition around the corner? if not take it slow for at least a week. Twisted my ankle back in jc, awfully painful.",0 Please Review Sunehre Ad Placement http://tinyurl.com/oow6mk,1 " Hi Nic, i was so excited to heard that PCD will perform in Jakarta. I hope u will visit my town, Bali as well. Love Ya !",1 " ohh sorry , thats someone else`s pic my bad",0 "Playin City of Villains, wishin my buddies were playin with me.....",1 "wish i could be in via funchal yesterday, , , , were PERFECT, the best day in my life ****",1 you will be great! Have a wonderful first day,1 would wish the severe migrains would stop!!! doc`s prescriptions arent working,0 crying so hard.......,0 BIG HUG FOR YOU,1 weee! internet is back here at home!,1 Hurray for old friends with beer and lady friends!!!!,1 "yesterday was fun.. 1st concert of the year [i know, i`m late xD].. buena vista social club live FOR FREE..",1 -- Omg I can`t believe jay leno is going off the air I HATE CONAN O`BRIAN,0 Cool Guide.. My best Tip.. Do NOT Use Them Unless Absolutely Needed !!!,1 " thank you btw, if u`re wondering, you can check out the 'Fuel' brand here ( )",1 Brilliant Thanks! Not sure what brownie points will get you though!,1 Thanks! I know.,1 is feeling the effects of spring. My sinuses are killing me,0 Chilling with Colton who just redesigned the Cocktail Hacker card backs for me.,1 i reckon i could live of yogurt for a week if i had a good selection of flavors,1 " oh no, you`re gonna have to break up w/your ups guy when you move",0 Shower. Then back to bed. So sick still.,0 "juss boredd, !",0 Bored...um...Song of the day: 'I caught myself by Paramore' and 'No good deed from the musical Wicked' Oh! And Fully Alive by Flyleaf!!!,0 "my brain is gonna explode, a minute from now ) it is full of numbers @-) this should be the cliiimb. :-j i`m climbing the: mt. numbers.",0 "**i hate my hair hiss tee, I feel like I shuld hang out in the ghetto wid dis style",0 sittin at home watchin monster in-law waitin for pizza.. yum yum,1 I HATE FLORISTS No rose for cassadee tomorrow now =/ fricken **** florist people ={ hmm..need something else...hmm...,0 The test today was killer. I didn`t even manage to finish on time.,1 Hey im a fan from New Zealand. Loving the show even tho we are soooo behind in the episodes! haha. Keep up the good work,1 imagine i would say'bitch!' lol if i were ma d! haha but im not cuz ur cool,1 I`ve been dead the past 2 days...the flu sucks,0 Hope your son is okay!,1 "Went on a short flight around the Geelong waterfront. Surprised at how well I handled it, as I`m still exhausted from last weeks meetup",1 Why isnt my internet working,0 soo **** stressed out...I think I could possibly lose it,1 very very bad headache that is getting worse by the minute not better.,0 they tried to take me 2 jail sissy apparently i have a warrant in agg town (yeah shocked the hell outta me 2)lmao yeah right,0 is ready for a productive friday. one of the last of the year,1 Got the keys to my new flat - gorgeous weather for weekend - and i`m spending it 'PACKING',1 Oh no! So sorry about your pets..,0 i cant sleep ughh n i have registration tomorrow at 11 this suxs *Shooting Star*,0 _OTTAWA have fun!,1 welcome ! since it seems you`re interested in cheese I hardly suggest you to follow too,1 Home Sweet home <3 Going to see Hannah Montana The Movie AGAIN today <3 DDD,1 "srsly, nobody evr reply`s 2 me.",0 Thanks! (followed me back),1 kellie: Its a major problem okay. alex: what is? Kellie: hahahahahahahaa your face,1 that`s a very cute picture ... but you don`t get fat from licking BBQs ... he must have found some chops on someone else`s ...,1 Greg Pritchard was robbed ii am too gutted for words,0 Happy Mother`s Day! I love my mommy,1 "I hate working nights, cos I`m not really able to enjoy this gorgeous weather, as I will be asleep",0 hotness personified,1 " I`m having exactly the same day you are, man. Just buried over here #FollowFriday",0 Omg i`m on a one year work permit! Going home end of June...i`m really gna miss it #canada,0 ughhh rejected from the 09 mediation program. SUCKSSSS.,0 Happy Mother`s Day :] I lovee you mami,1