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Reputation, Credibility, and the Risk of War March 27, 2013 Mark J. C. Crescenzi, Bowman and Gordon Gray Term Associate Professor of Political Science Does the sullied reputation of strong international powers diminish their effectiveness in preventing conflict and put the world at greater risk? Professor Mark Crescenzi speaks about the impact of a nation’s reputation on the outbreak of war. He addresses the role of the United States’ reputation in its ability to avoid violence in the Middle East and Asia. He also discusses the role of reputation and learning in understanding war and violence between the state of Israel and its neighbors. TIME: 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. All Humanities in Action events take place at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill. There are no preparatory readings for Humanities in Action events. Program Tuition: Register ahead of time and pay $18.00 per program or pay only $8 if you are a member of the UNC General Alumni Association (GAA). To check your membership status or to join the GAA, please visit alumni.unc.edu or call 800.962.0742. GAA membership is open to all UNC alumni and friends. Tuition is $20.00 for everyone paying at the door. Flyleaf Books: Location and Contact Info 752 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (Historic Airport Rd) Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Next to Foster’s Market and Flying Burrito Monday – Saturday: 9-9
Biologists can have an uneasy relationship with math and theory. The field prioritizes pushing forward the conventional status quo at the expense of abstract theorizing and risky experiments. Bill Bialek, theoretical physicist at Princeton University, said, “we cannot expect that the biology community itself will create a genuinely receptive audience for theory.” I’m criticizing the culture of biologists, but, in all fairness, other scientists, like physicists, suffer from their own issues as well. Physicists fear complexity and ambiguity in their work. But I can testify that these issues biologists suffer from harm research and can be solved with a greater understanding of the abstract. From the first biology course I took in high school, I was bored. Everything was about memorizing vocabulary and information. It was easy to understand why I quickly ran to physics. But, even as much as some of the tests supposedly focused on “application” instead of “memorization,” the magic was never there. Even though some exams would emphasize “applying” certain concepts to answer questions, the rigor of the reasoning was never anything more than superficial knowledge of facts. Even when I entered university, the inquiry, creativity, logic, and other forms of critical thought were gone. Instead, the biology curriculum was always about knowing information and regurgitating it on exams. The consequences are that we’re setting ourselves up for siloed cultures, risk-averse research, and regressive thought. Physics, on the other hand, gave me what I wanted. In my physics courses, I could understand how problems made sense from questions to answers without worrying about memorizing too much. I could use mathematical equations to explain phenomena, rather than accepting them for the way they were. Thankfully, my upper level biology course (AP Biology) shifted the focus away from memorization and towards more effective ways of learning, but physics always had that charm that other disciplines lacked. As Bialek explains, a theoretical physicist can sit at a computer with a pen and paper in order to perform research as much as he/she wants to. An experimental biologist requires all the equipment of a lab and stringent requirements of conducting research in order to get work done. These are generalizations and simplifications that don’t account for the nuances and differences in individual instances of both physics and biology, but the cultural distinction stands. The field of physics can allow for that exploration and creativity that biology needs to grasp. Physics research builds and re-builds upon theoretical premises much more easily than biology does. I still find biology beautiful, with some areas even more interesting than physics. For me, the research on evolution and genetics is far more interesting to me than the high-energy particle collisions at CERN or the solid-state materials work. And the utility of biological research, from medicine to social sciences, is often viewed as more valuable than many areas of physics. I don’t believe the field of biology is broken beyond repair, nor that it is in some sort of crisis. It’s more of an issue that is holding the discipline back that should be worked against. We need a universalist ethos that allows for greater cross-cultural transmission between the two biology and physics. Interdisciplinary fields such as bioinformatics and biophysics are a step in the right direction for both fields, but a more fundamental change in the way biologists approach problems is necessary. Biologists can think through problems the same way physicists do. This could mean using statistical techniques from thermodynamics in simulating genetic evolution. Or it could be looking at analogues between elegant physics equations and nature’s tendency for simplicity. Maybe physics can learn from biology, as well, if physicists embraced complexity in their work. With greater reverence for creativity and abstract in new ways of looking at biology, scientists can be encouraged to take more risks. And the risks will yield greater results, quelling the fears that taking risks is harmful to science. And maybe I can enjoy my biology classes a bit more.
We learn in today’s podcast with speaker and author, Laura Gauld, that the word “accept” is an important part of parenting. Laura talks about accepting what our own parents gave us, taking a look at how we listen, and actually reaching out and seeking honesty about how others see us. Today’s mantras are: Are you trying to be “the perfect mom?” Think you’re “not very good at being a mother…?” This podcast and book are for you! Although the title of this book, by Dr. Sheryl Ziegler, might sound like a book for mothers of younger children, be assured that it’s not. Moms of teenagers experience burnout too, and can benefit from not only listening to this podcast but also reading the book. Burnout has its symptoms and it has its remedies, and Dr. Ziegler is an expert in both. In our podcast, Dr. Ziegler talks about how burnout can affect so many parts of a woman’s life: friendships, partnerships, work, and of course, our kids. “We will be parents until we breathe our last breath.” - Laura Gauld This parenting fundamental and the mantras that explain it teach us the importance of continuing to grow and change as parents. We are never too old to look at our own attitudes and change the ones that might be holding us back; or to take risks in our lives. The five mantras in this podcast are: “Our conscience is the compass of our destiny.” - Laura Gauld So how do we teach conscience to our kids? Advice on that, and the last five mantras of Parenting Fundamental # 4 are discussed in today’s podcast with Laura. Discover more advice from the parenting village at www.biggestjob.com. Grit is a word that we hear a lot these days; we talk about it in the Biggest Job Workshops, and in part 2 of our conversation with Rebecca Mannis, a learning specialist who founded Ivy-Prep, we learn that grit is something that can be intentionally taught to kids. “There are ways in which we can step back and understand what our responses are and appreciate our experience”, Dr. Mannis says. “Encourage your kids to appreciate why it is they may be feeling a certain way; encourage them to try something even if it brings up discomfort.” Dr. Mannis also shares in this podcast her views about how technology has increased anxiety in kids. Her website: www.ivy-prep.com Dr. Rebecca Mannis, a learning specialist and founder of Ivy Prep, says that each child has a natural way of learning, whether they are intellectually gifted or specifically challenged with a learning issue. Her Ivy Prep Learning Center bridges the fields of neuropsychology and education in a targeted and customized way to help students of all ages in NYC and worldwide. The Ivy Prep approach uses methods, tools and tech that enhance learning via a cohesive education action plan that tends to the total individual. In this interview, Dr. Mannis talks about how students come to understand how they learn best and how to work effectively on their own at home and at school. This is called “metacognitive awareness – awareness of one’s own thought process.” But don’t let the big words keep you from listening; Dr. Mannis explains her field and puts everything into terms any parent can understand. There are specific ways parents and teachers can help kids become their own best guides. And it’s all closely related to unique potential! Her website: www.ivy-prep.com “Parenting is messy,” says Laura Gauld. When I think about this, it’s really true! Parenting is messy. Just accepting this might make the job a little easier, don’t you think? We might not get so caught up in how we look as a parent or how we’re doing at the job. It’s also important to remember that humor and humility are two very important traits in parenting. In this podcast, Laura shares with us the following mantras from Fundamental #4 (Have faith in your child’s unique potential and the larger forces at work): This is an intriguing question that Neha Gupta, founder of Elite Private Tutors and College Shortcuts answers on her blog at www.eliteprivatetutors.com/2016/10/students-beg-colleges-accept-instead-way-around . Neha’s enthusiasm for what she does shines through in what she shares with us about how to motivate students, how to give them confidence, and her warning about how the common app might make every applicant common. “What is that thing that makes you, you?” she asks students? She is also a speaker and author of the book, The 4-Year Plan, which you can find on her website and costs only the shipping charges. “You are in this game for the long haul!” I know you’ve heard this said before, or in different ways, but hang on to this mantra, as it’s so important. Hang on, too, to the vision you have for your child. Sometimes they may say they don’t have a vision for themselves, or they don’t care, but they do; “every child wants to be somebody.” Today’s mantras are important (aren’t they all?) – but they can escape our memories and our practice of parenting when we get caught up in so much “every day stuff.” So listen carefully, listen twice, even, and share this and all our podcasts with your friends. (We can add your friends to our list so they receive the notices directly.) Included in today’s podcast are the following mantras: Parenting Fundamental 4: Have faith in your child’s unique potential and the larger forces at work. This 13th podcast with Laura Gauld is a special one. (Not that they aren’t all great!) This fourth fundamental is a wonderful tool to help us as parents let go when things go off track – getting out of the way so our kids can experience some short-term struggles for long-term gain - learning something about themselves, acquiring some grit and some courage. Laura also talks about labels we put on our kids and the importance of creating a partnership based on trust with your child’s teachers and coaches. Today’s mantras are: Did you know that a college application only gets minutes in front of admissions officers? How do you construct an application that stands out in this sea of competition? With four million seniors each year competing for coveted spots at colleges, an application needs to effectively communicate a student’s achievements and potential to give them the best chance at admission - whether your student is applying to an Ivy League or a different dream school. Today we are speaking with Amber Jin, the founder of Get Into Ivy, about the college application process - from the number one mistake students make, to must-have elements that will help them make an impression on admissions officers. Parents, you’ll want your student to listen in, and you will want to tune in until the end to find out where you can be most impactful in the process. Visit www.getintoivy.com for a very informative article for parents called The Parents’ Guide to College Application; and additional tools and resources to guide you and your student through the college application process. Do you remember the power of a “look” from your parents when you were growing up? That’s the first mantra discussed on this podcast with Laura Gauld, as we wrap up parenting fundamental #3 on building family traditions. How did we know what our parents meant when they gave us the “look”, and how can we get back to that in parenting today? Full of great tips, this conversation covers Mantras 56-60: "Focus on family spirit and not family image." What an important and thought-provoking mantra, especially in a world where image seems to be everything. But how do we do this? “It’s not easy,” says Laura Gauld; “and it’s usually a struggle or challenge in the family that gets us to the point of understanding that each family does have a family spirit, and that family spirit is more important than our family image.” The mantras in this podcast are: “If you want to go fast in your life, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” African Proverb “Life is not just about taking care of ourselves.” Laura Gauld Both of the above quotes are covered in this podcast, as well as many other meaningful tips from mantras 46 – 50 under Parenting Fundamental # 3: Build Family Traditions: “When parents change the way they interact with their sons and daughters, they pave the way for transformation.” While Super Camp is for kids, The Seven Biggest Teen Problems and How to Turn Them into Strengths is a book written for parents to help them see what changes they need to make to effect changes in their children. “We’re different from most other programs because we’re purposefully evolving,” says Bobbi in her book. She and her team of facilitators have identified the most common difficulties they see teens facing and boiled them down to seven main issues: You can find Bobbi at www.supercamp.com "The big picture of raising children is done with the actions, routines and practices that make up lifetime memories, habits and character," says Laura Gauld, author and head of Hyde School. "It is never too late to start a family tradition and often the value of these actions is seen looking back at one’s upbringing." In this podcast, she covers the first 5 mantras for Parenting Fundamental #3 - Build Family Traditions (#41-45): One of the mantras Laura Gauld discusses with us in today’s podcast is “don’t lie, don’t quit.” This is a great lesson for kids and adults and a very simple thing to remember. If I’m off track in my life, I won’t lie about it and I won’t give up. I can imagine our kids remembering this mantra when they are adults if they hear it often enough from us, and probably repeating it to their kids. (See below for all the mantras in today’s podcast.) There are other great tidbits and lots of helpful information in this conversation, as we wrap up the lessons for our second parenting fundamental: Raise children to be accountable to life. "Why do we have kids wanting to shoot up a school?" This is the question Joe Gauld, founder of The Hyde School in Bath, Maine, asks at the beginning of this podcast. Thus starts his explanation of looking at a deeper lesson in the Florida School schooting, rather than just a band aid solution to our national crises of school shootings. “Develop a safe place or sanctuary,” Joe proposes, “that will allow students to trust that teachers see the best in them and want the best for them. Then let the school be student-centered, based on the character development of each individual as well as the academic development of the kids. In this way we will begin to get rid of the resentment and bullying that has happened as a result of focusing totally on achievement.” There is a lot of wisdom in what Joe shares with us on this podcast. You can see his full article in the Portland Press Herald: https://www.pressherald.com/2018/02/22/maine-voices-laser-focus-on-each-students-unique-potential-to-make-schools-safe-sanctuaries-of-learning/ Are you worried about a teen who says they are depressed? Do you see anxiety in your teen? Do you find vagueness a part of yours or your teen’s communication? In part two of our podcast series with Hilary Jacobs Hendel, we learn about what to do if a teen says they are depressed or if they exhibit anxiety. Hilary talks about the importance of roots and wings for our children, the difference between healthy and unhealthy shame in parenting, and why families fall into vagueness as a defense in their communication with one another. Can you laugh at yourself during some tough parenting moments? Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? It is possible, says Laura Gauld in our 7th podcast interview in which she shares with us more wisdom from Parenting Fundamental #2: Raise children to be accountable to life. Laura also shares with us the necessity of teaching our children to delay gratification, and the importance of teaching them how to work. “What would we have needed in order to be able to talk openly about issues of suicide, teen pregnancy, birth control, addiction, or abuse, (to our parents)?” Dawn Menken in Raising Parents, Raising Kids. Dawn Menken, author, teacher and workshop leader, has graciously joined us for a second podcast to talk in depth about the issue of bullying. She discusses the four roles of any bullying situation and says each can be alive in all of us at any given time: She gives tips for parents on how to help children understand what’s at the root of bullying; what parents need to look at in themselves that might be promoting bullying attitudes in their children; and the responsibility parents have in helping to prevent and deal with bullying. My biggest take-aways from this podcast were learning Dawn’s approach to back talk from our teens, learning how to help a child who is sworn to secrecy by a friend whose secret needs to be known, and the subtlety of where bullying comes from in families. This podcast is one not to be missed! Find Dawn at: Teams Rise Up: Summer Leadership Intensive July 16-20, 2018 How do you respond to your child when they get angry at you? Is your answer or reaction also one of anger? Wouldn’t it be great if we understood what emotions get triggered in us that make us respond the way we do? This podcast with Hilary Jacobs Hendel will help you answer these questions. Hilary has written a book called “It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self.” While the title might lead you to think this book is about therapy or psychoanalysis, there is a lot in it to help parents understand where our emotions come from and how we can respond differently to our kids when they are upset; we can also teach them how to deal with their emotions, rather than throwing up defenses to avoid them. Tricia Uber, Director of College Counseling at Hyde School, advises parents on how much to be involved in the college application process, and where to leave things up to the student. "Students need to have a team for the application and decision process," she says, "but the final decision should be up to the student." Listen to this podcast and get more advice and wisdom about the entire college application process from Tricia, some of which may surprise you! This sounds like a parenting conundrum, doesn’t it? So many parenting moments are moments of doubting what the outcome will be, and often doubting ourselves. That’s when we need to go back to our principles, and assure ourselves that even a bad outcome will move us into a new place of learning – about ourselves, as well as our children. This podcast is filled with gems of parenting wisdom from author and head of Hyde School, Laura Gauld. The mantras we discuss include, Are you worried about a child using substances? Would you like to know how to speak with your teen about substance use? In this podcast we hear from Geno Ring, Certified Alcohol and Drug counselor, as he shares his 34 years of experience as a substance abuse counselor with us. Geno is not only knowledgeable about the dangers of substance abuse in teenagers, he also has great advice for parents. While he advocates finding a counselor in your area so you can meet in person, you can find Geno at this confidential email address: firstname.lastname@example.org
On Feb. 26, the National Labor Relations Board reversed its previous ruling on the controversial Browning-Ferris case, a stunning backtrack of its December decision to undo the Obama-era rule aimed at protecting working people from unaccountable corporations. Also known as the joint employer rule, Browning-Ferris established a new standard for determining the relationship between employees and corporations that operate in a franchise or contract model, like McDonalds, Amazon or any number of tree trimming companies that employ IBEW members. The Obama board’s 2015 ruling, which now comes back into effect, makes it easier for employees to bargain with or hold accountable parent companies and not just with direct employers like contractors or franchises. According to the standard, if a parent company contracts work and exercises a substantial amount of control over the conditions of employment, that company is considered a joint employer and therefore subject to the standards and laws that come with that. It also applies even if the parent company doesn’t necessarily exercise control but reserves the right to do so. “Millions of working people were empowered by this rule,” said International President Lonnie R. Stephenson. “Without it, employers were free to dodge responsibility and point the finger at someone else, leaving their workers without any recourse.” The February reversal came about not because of an ideological shift, but from a conflict of interest — a rare occurrence, according to former NLRB member and chairperson Wilma B. Liebman. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” Liebman told the New York Times. The vote in December 2017 was on a case known as Hy-Brand. That case didn’t directly address the joint employer issue, but the board voted to overturn it anyway, and NLRB member William Emanuel cast one of the votes in favor. Prior to his appointment by President Donald Trump last year, Emanuel worked for Littler Mendelson, the world’s largest management-side law firm, which was one of the firms involved in the original Browning-Ferris case. That potential conflict prompted a letter from Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Patty Murray of Washington asking for an inquiry. The letter was signed by four additional members of Congress, including New Jersey Rep. Donald Norcross, a member of Folsom, N.J., Local 351. The NLRB’s inspector general conducted the inquiry and issued a report on Feb. 9. “I have determined that there is a serious and flagrant problem and/or deficiency,” wrote Inspector General David P. Berry in the report. Berry also noted that the vote “calls into question the validity of that decision and the confidence that the board is performing its statutory duties.” Berry also commented on the handling of Hy-Brand as a vehicle to overturn Browning-Ferris, noting that while the two cases started out as separate matters, the chair “marshaled Hy-Brand through the board's deliberative process” effectively consolidating them, and called it a “do over.” Due to the inspector general’s report, the NLRB voted once more, this time without Emanuel, to undo the December decision, restoring the 2015 standard. If a case comes before the board that properly challenges Browning-Ferris, it could then vote to overturn it again. But until that time, the standard will be one that makes it easier for working people to challenge the corporations that may not sign their checks but do determine their working conditions. That is, unless Congress gets involved. The New York Times reported that a bill to return to the pro-employer, pre-2015 standard passed the House of Representatives in November and is awaiting action in the Senate.
Andhra University MBA Admission | Fee, Syllabus, Last Date: Andhra University offers MBA admissions for students passionate about a career in management. MBA admissions in Andhra University are based on university, state, or national level management entrance exams. The MBA courses are specially designed for students with having a keen interest in management. APICET is an important state-level exam held on 30thof September 2021 and the results will be announced soon. Andhra University MBA Admission Highlights: |Course Name||[MBA] Master of Business Administration| |Course Type||Post Graduation| |University Name||Andhra University| |Approved By||AICTE, UGC, NAAC-A| |University Type||State University| |Address||Waltair Junction, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530003| |Application Form Online Date||April 2016| |University official Website||https://www.andhrauniversity.edu.in/| What is an Andhra University MBA? MBA degree at Andhra University can be gained in the streams like Retail Management and in General stream. In all disciplines, the duration of the course remains the same that is two years. This degree will be a stepping stone towards a successful career in the business industry. The students must have a bachelor’s degree from a known institute in any field. For these students, minimum marks in the last qualifying exam are 50% and the same is 45% for SC/ST aspirants. The minimum required qualification is a bachelor and these students will also appear in the entrance exam. An equivalence certificate is mandatory. Andhra University MBA Application Form Students of General class will get the application form submission] through a fee of INR 1200, while those from SC/ST class will pay INR 1000. How to apply online - Click on the link to enter the website https://www.andhrauniversity.edu.inFirst step will be self-registration as a new student. - After generating the email ID, log in again and open the link to the application. - Enter all required personal and academic details in the form. - Upload paperwork if required and carefully check everything is provided. - Upload your photograph and fee demand draft. Andhra University MBA Admission Process - Visit the Official website of the University - Click on the application form - Filling in all the details regarding personal details, Qualification details, etc. - Click on the Submit button and make a payment of Rs.1200. - Download the application for future references. Required Documents for Admission - 10th class mark-sheet and certificate. - 12th class mark-sheet and certificate. - Graduation mark-sheet and certificate. - Caste certificate. - Migration certificate. - Scanned copy of passport size photograph and signature.
ICRA incorporates into its projects an informal network of qualified people from different parts of the world who have expertise in analysis of violent conflict. ICRA carries out discrete and independent research and analysis of conflicts and conflict factors in order to facilitate conflict prevention, management and resolution initiatives. Clients are offered discrete private oral or written briefings. Snapshot briefings in written form are available on the issue of interest to the client on a particular topic. ICRA has also developed a bi-monthly journal called “Central Asia and its wider neighbourhood“. With a regional interest in the Central Asian states, the journal focuses on commercial developments as well as security issues in the region, including China, Pakistan, India, Iran, Russia and Afghanistan. To buy the Journal, details are on the Central Asia page. ICRA offers training through the Conflict Analysis Training programme (CAT) to those who are dealing with research and analysis of conflicts and its residual effects. Over the past 10 years, ICRA has run Conflict Analysis & Resolution courses in Myanmar, Moldova, Sudan, Albania, Montenegro, and with some schools in the UK. ICRA also prepares discussion papers designed to raise for debate some of the issues that occur in conflict situations rather than to provide a complete analysis. The latest papers address “The effects of small arms on society”, “Water & Conflict”, and “Urbanization and Violence”. In addition to papers prepared by ICRA, there is material written, reviewed or edited by ICRA’s advisors. This includes an analysis on the prospects of evolution of the Colombian peace process, written by Román D. Ortiz and Janneth Vargas, and published by the Center of Hemispheric Policy of the University of Miami; and a review of the book “Afghanistan in Transition: beyond 2014?” Ed. By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza. ICRA also provides advice and analysis to Plant for Peace (http://plantforpeace.org), an initiative that aims “to assist rural communities and smallholder farmers in conflict and post-conflict territories around the world to achieve food security and sustainable economic development”.
Common Rules Of Rummy Card Game That Must Be Followed Rummy is definitely one of the most interesting card games. The beauty of the game is that it appeals to all. Age, gender and other things barely matter as rummy is a game that is open to one and all. It is easy to learn and interesting to play. That is why more and more people enjoy this game. You need to know the rules first to start as a beginner in rummy card game. How to Play Rummy Card Game? Like all games, there are some basic principles or rules that govern the rummy game. If you want to know how to play rummy, you should know these rules first as are listed below: - The number of cards distributed to each individual player is same, and is 13 cards in the most common variation of the game. - A joker is cut out from the deck of undistributed cards to act as a joker. This is apart from the existing jokers and blanks cards in the deck. - A player needs to make two melds and two sequences to win the game of rummy. Out of the two sequences, one needs to be completely natural. Joker cannot be used in a natural sequence. - A player can pass his turn if he finds the chances of winning few as he picks his hand. - A player may also pass half way through the game but then more points will be counted for passing than while passing in the beginning. What is the Difference Between Online Rummy and Offline Rummy? While the online rummy card game is designed to be as similar as possible to the actual card game, there naturally are a few differences. Knowing these differences can help you grasp both the games better: - When you play rummy online, there is specific time allotted for each individual’s turn. - As you quite expect, you don’t need to buy a deck of cards when you play rummy on the internet. - When you play rummy offline, you often choose friends or people you know as co-players. While playing rummy online, you can get a chance to play the game with complete strangers. - As long as you have an internet connection, you can play rummy anytime of the day without anyone to stop you. - Playing rummy with cash online won’t be regarded as gambling. Some Tips to Help Win the Game As everyone wishes to excel in the game they play, here are some excellent tips for the game: - Avoid disposing off cards that will give the opponent a hint as to what cards are in your hand. - Try to guess from the cards disposed by the opponent what cards he may have in hand or what sequences he plans to make. - If you are sure you have a bad hand, quit the game before it is too late. - Half way through the game if you realise you are losing, quit. - Try to understand the opponent’s strategies. - Try to reduce points in the hand once your life (the natural and real sequence) are formed. Good players of rummy often possess many skills in common. These are life skills like organising and intuitive skills. Play rummy often on KhelplayRummy to enhance these skills and run a better chance for winning in life itself.
This week started horribly with the death of my granny. Although she was 100 years old, it is still sad to lose a loved one. Something so beautiful came out of her death though. Distant cousins who I had lost touch with years ago reached out to me in our shared grief. People had such nice things to say and I realised who actually really cares about me. I spent some quality time making an art work memorial for her and found some peace in doing so. Then later in the week the world was once again thrown into a state of tragedy when we woke up to the horrible news about the bomb in Manchester. And once again, there was beauty to be seen everywhere. One awful person causes devastation, thousands of people retaliate with only goodness and kindness. From the taxi drivers who offered free rides to people who opened their homes to strangers. It’s easy to forget how amazing the world and people around us can be when we face loss, stress and trauma. The kindness of people doesn’t really lessen the devastation and pain but it does give a level of hope. It is a hope that things are not actually all terrible. That there is more good than bad in the world. That we can survive tough times. Open yourself up to the potential of beauty in every moment. It will make things just a little bit better.
Solar panels, or photovoltaic systems, are used all over the world to collect the sun’s rays and convert them into electricity. The sun provides us with power in the form of photons, which are the particles that make light. We have developed the technology for making solar panels to enable us to extract this energy from the sun and use it to generate electricity. Many countries around the world have now incorporated this technology into their electrical grids. Because solar panels have become such a popular source of alternative electricity, there is a growing demand for trained solar panel installation engineers in Malaysia. It is not difficult to locate trained solar panel engineers in Malaysia. They are readily available in all major cities. However, it may be difficult to find someone who is qualified to install solar power systems for residential customers. Qualified solar panel installation professionals can command expensive monthly payments. Therefore, if you want to build or purchase a solar panel system for your home in Malaysia, you need to take steps to ensure that you hire the right person for the job. The first step to ensure that you find an expert to fit your residential solar panels is to ensure that they have sufficient experience. There are many companies that specialize in solar panel equipment sales and installation. Sedona Energy, which is one of these companies, has trained over 2021 solar panel technicians in Malaysia. Their websites contain a comprehensive list of training courses they have offered both locally and internationally. Next, ensure that your prospective installer is able to explain to you the difference between net energy and solar pv. Net energy is generated using magnetic power and does not require sunlight. Solar power is generally produced by using photovoltaic cells. Net energy can be costly because the sun does not shine at all during cloudy or overcast days. When choosing which type of residential solar panels you will install, you should also consider any possible installation locations. Your electrical utility may not allow for the installation of photovoltaic or solar panels on rooftops, and you could face significant up-front costs. In addition, you may find that you need to obtain a business license in order to install these types of systems on your own roof. On the other hand, net metering allows you to sell electricity to your electrical utility, which may allow you to circumvent any up-front costs. This allows you to effectively lower your electricity bill while still enjoying the ability to generate your own electricity. Another important consideration when choosing a solar panel system installation company in Malaysia is the warranties on their products. It’s not uncommon for solar panel manufacturers in Malaysia to not provide warranties on their products. In some cases, manufacturers do offer warranties on their products; however, they usually only last for six months to one year. Be sure to check this out, and ask any questions that you might have about the product. You’ll find that most reputable companies in Malaysia will provide a warranty on both their residential solar panels as well as their commercial solar panels. Just be sure that you fully understand all of the details, and that you’re absolutely comfortable with installing any solar power system that the manufacturer recommends. The final consideration for choosing a solar panel system installation company in Malaysia is whether or not the company offers a service contract. If a company in Malaysia does not offer a service contract, you’ll want to make sure that it can easily provide support for your residential or commercial solar pv power systems. If it does not offer a service contract, you will also want to make sure that the company in question has adequate and effective customer service. Remember, having solar pv solar panels installed can be an expensive process. Therefore, if you have any questions, you will want to get them answered before the work begins. Once you’ve decided on the company that you want to work with, you’ll also want to consider price. Of course, you must make sure that the price that you’re being quoted is a true reflection of what it will cost to install solar panels for your residence or business. Most importantly, however, you need to make sure that you’re getting a fair price. In Malaysia, it’s not uncommon for solar panel installer prices to be much higher than they are in the U.S., Europe, or Japan. However, when you consider the fact that a chargeman or could potentially save you thousands of dollars per year on your electricity bill, saving you even more money on your utility bills, the cost to have one installed should be easily worth the expense.
Elevator and escalator inspection Elevator and Escalator Department had been formed with expert inspectors who had more than one decade of inspecting kinds of elevators and escalators. The elevator inspection activities: - Inspection of electric and hydraulic elevators - Inspecting escalators - Primary and Periodic inspection of elevators and escalators in accordance with national standard
An opinion essay requires students to write their thoughts regarding a subject matter. Their point-of-view is backed by relevant examples and explanations. Before starting an opinion paper, it is important to study the definition, topics, requirements, and structure. Referring to examples is also highly useful. Take a look at this guide to learn how to write an opinion essay like an expert. Students should express their thoughts in a precise manner while providing opinions on the issue related to the field within reasonable logic. What do you want to do? Check my answers Email my answers to my teacher. Please allow access to the microphone Look at the top of your web browser. The opposing viewpoint is also suggested, but it is followed by arguments that show its inconsistency. Take a look at the guide prepared by Custom-writing experts to learn how to write a perfect opinion essay! You may be wondering: How do I write an opinion essay?
By John Winters, for The Ukiah Daily Journal. Ukiah’s Sixth Annual Lantern Festival is a festive welcome to the Year of the Rooster Chinese New Year, the start of the Chinese lunar calendar year, is a two-week period filled with ceremonies and festivities. It is a time to give thanks to the deities that oversee the crops and pray for a bountiful harvest. Marking the start of the spring growing season in China, the Lantern Festival, which traditionally takes place in Chinese communities around the world at the end of the two-week-long Chinese New Year, is an opportunity to celebrate the reunion of family, to celebrate one’s health and well-being, and to pray for good crops and fertility. For the more than 300 Ukiahans and visitors who attended the Sixth Annual Lantern Festival in the Alex R. Thomas Jr. Plaza in Historic Downtown Ukiah on Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m., the festival was a chance to ring in the Chinese New Year with traditional dance and music performances by students of the Developing Virtue Boys School from the campus of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Inclement weather has never kept the Lantern Festival from delighting Ukiah during Chinese New Year, and this year was no exception. “Rain or shine, we always put the event on,” said Rick Hansen, executive director of the Ukiah Main Street Program, which organizes the event in conjunction with the Developing Virtue Boys School at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Talmage. “We’ve always wanted to do things that celebrate the diversity in the community,…and the Lantern Festival is a wonderful way to celebrate that diversity with a fun community.” The Lantern Festival began with the Dragon Dance, an energetic display of dance and percussion where the dancers performed as segments of a long Chinese dragon lofted high on poles, which chased a rotating pearl around in the heavens. Ryan Liang, a student at Developing Virtue Boys School, performed in the Dragon Dance as the Pearl. “I will be doing musician for the Lion Dance, I’ll be the Pearl for Dragon Dance, and I’ll be in drumming, too. We come from the school together, and there’s different things that we do here, such as selling T-shirts [and] teaching kids how to make lanterns. There’s different performances such as the Chinese Orchestra, Lion Dance, Dragon Dance and drumming.” The Dragon Dance was followed by a traditional drumming performance underneath the pavilion, an energetic, dynamic performance during which the entire drum troupe performs a choreographed ensemble piece where the performers play the drums with wooden beaters, then take turns standing atop the drums, rotating throughout the assemblage of drums to play each others’ drums, and raising their arms in the air in an exuberant display of showmanship that evokes the advent of spring through the voices of approaching thunder and clattering rain on rooftops. Taken as an entire piece, the choreographed movements of the drummers evokes the stirring of spring winds and, finally, the rays of sunlight shining down onto the wet fields, ready to receive the spring’s new harvest. The Poloynis family got front row spots for the traditional drumming performance. “We’ve been coming every year. It’s pretty awesome,” said Achilles Poloynis. “I brought my son Henry and my daughter Avery. This is the start of the Year of the Rooster –that’s Avery’s birth year – so we’re seeing what kind of cool roostery stuff we can find throughout the day.” And what did the kids think of the drumming? “I thought it was really, really, good!” said Henry Poloynis, who attends River Oak Charter School. “It was awesome!” echoed Avery Poloynis, who attends Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts. The drumming was followed by a performance of the Chinese orchestra, and finally, the exuberant finale, the Lion Dance. With cloudy skies and temperatures hovering in the mid-50s, the skies over Downtown Ukiah sprinkled festivalgoers with intermittent rains before the event and during the Dragon Dance, but auspiciously allowed the Lion Dancers to perform their acrobatic dance maneuvers without a drop of rain interrupting a synchronized performance that involved four Developing Virtue students dancing, jumping, and leaping from a series of elevated platforms in two beautiful traditional Chinese lion costumes, where one performer plays the head and the other the tail. The dancing was accompanied by an energetic performance on traditional Chinese percussion that inspired several children in the crowd of an estimated 200 observers to play “air drums” alongside the Developing Virtue Boys School percussionists, which included Ryan Liang. “In the future, we’ll be around other places performing,” said Liang. “It’ll be cool if we can have a lot of people come and see us perform or just to be able to enjoy what we do.”
I am so excited to talk with you today about an incredible time management /organization /scheduling /maximizing productivity strategy called bullet journaling. Have you heard of it before? If not, you’re not alone. Often times when I mention bullet journaling to a friend, I get one of the following questions in response: - Huh? What is bullet journaling? - How do I start a bullet journal? - Don’t you need a lot of time and to be “artsy-craftsy” to use a bullet journal? Today I will break down these three important questions so that you can learn what the heck a bullet journal is, whether a bullet journal is right for you (I think it is), and how you can get started TODAY! Are you ready for this? Let’s do it. Bullet Journaling for Beginners A friend of mine piqued my interest in bullet journaling several months ago when she dove into the practice. I was intrigued and immediately wanted to learn more about it. In fact, I was wondering those same three questions that I just mentioned above. So like most people do when faced with something interesting yet unfamiliar, I turned to my good friend, Google. I eventually found my answers to those three questions, but surprisingly enough, it took me quite a while. I couldn’t find a step-by-step guide or a tutorial that walked me through the entire process from start to finish. Instead, I found bits and pieces of great suggestions and ideas on several different blogs and websites. Quite frankly, this left me feeling a little confused and intimidated by the entire process. Nevertheless, I eventually figured it out, and I fell in love with the technique. So much so, that I wanted to create that step-by-step guide that I was looking for so that others could quickly learn the bullet journaling process. And that’s what you have here today: a beginner’s guide to bullet journaling. Between this post, and my free video course, you will be ready to start your journal TODAY. First thing’s first: what is a bullet journal? Basically, a bullet journal is a notebook that combines scheduling, journaling, and a creative outlet, all in one. It is a place for you to maintain your schedule, record your thoughts and dreams, and also express your artistic side. That being said, the artistic thing is entirely optional. As you read through this post you will see a wide range of different styles. As I am not the most artistically inclined (as much as I try!), my spreads are not super stunningly beautiful. That being said, I reached out to some incredibly talented bullet journalers, who so kindly let me use their images as well. This way I can show a whole range of page designs. If you find an approach you love, I’ve also included the Instagram links for each contributor at the bottom of this post, so you can check out their feeds for even more great ideas. “Okay, okay great… I get that the bullet journal is this combination of three components, but what is it EXACTLY?” Basically, when you create a bullet journal, you’re creating a personalized one-of-a kind planner that fits YOUR schedule, whether you’re a 9-5er, a stay at home parent, a teacher, and everything in between. [bctt tweet=”A bullet journal is a personalized, one-of-a-kind planner that fits your schedule.” username=”BusyBeingPaula”] What you need. Let’s start by talking about what you need. Fortunately, the supplies are incredibly basic. The two leading brands are Moleskine and Leuchtturm, which both have sewn-in bookmarks and a pocket at the back. If you search “bullet journals” on Amazon, you will certainly find many other brands as well, but those are the two leaders in the field. I personally prefer Leuchtturm, because the pages also come pre-numbered, which is so convenient (you’ll see why in a moment). Whichever notebook you choose, I suggest getting a notebook with good quality paper that doesn’t bleed through. I also suggest getting a book that is somewhere around 5”x 8″ in size. (It’s the easiest to carry around.) You have many options in regard to the page style, whether it is lined, a dot grid, or blank pages. I like the dot grid style the best, as I think it’s the easiest for drawing straight lines, but choose what works best for you! Many people who have hopped on the bullet journal bandwagon opt for fun, brightly colored fine tip pens. Do you need that? Nope. Are they fun? Yup! I have a few different favorite types. Gel pens are classic because they write smoothly and they literally sparkle. The downside, however, is that they take a LONG time to dry, and they often smudge and smear if you’re not careful. As you can see below, I speak from experience. This was the first day that I bought my journal; I was so excited to get started, and on page four it was SMUDGE CITY. (You have no idea how hard it was for me not to tear out that page and start again. Ha.) Long story short, when I have time for my pages to dry, gel pens are super fun to use. I also have a favorite brand of felt tip pens, which dry instantly and also come in bright colors. I use these when I know I have to close my book quickly, or I am creating my monthly/weekly spreads and I’m dragging my hand all over the page. Not a fan of sparkly neon colors? Totally fine. The classic Bic pen works just as well 🙂 As long as you have your notebook and a writing utensil, you’re in business. Stencils are helpful when you’re looking for a quick way to create your spreads or are perhaps not as artistically inclined as others (ahem…me). In fact, I actually made some stencils of my own, just because I was looking for a more efficient way to make my weekly/monthly spreads. If you’re interested, you can get them here! A simple alternative to the stencil – not much explanation needed here 🙂 That’s it! That’s all you need for bullet journaling. A notebook, pen(s), and possibly a ruler or stencils. Easy! Now here’s what you do with them. How to Start A Bullet Journal The bare bones of the bullet journal practice include six parts: the index, the future log, the monthly log, the weekly log, the daily log, and a handful of symbols. I’ll go through the basics here, and when you watch the video, you’ll get a more in-depth explanation and further examples to include in your journal. The index goes at the very front of your notebook, so be sure to save a few blank pages. This is basically a growing table of contents. As you continue adding content to your journal (the next month, the next week, your shopping list, weekly menu, books to read etc.) you put the title of that page and the page number in the index. This makes for very easy reference. This is a section where you can schedule things ahead of time, usually months in advance. Attending a birthday party in May? Traveling to home for Thanksgiving? Anniversary in 6 months? Put that information in the future log. You can migrate it to the monthly log once you reach that month… As the name suggests, the monthly log helps you lay out your month, and it acts as a quick reference. Like your standard calendar, this is where you write the main events coming up in the next 4 weeks. You can tackle this approach in a few different ways. The original creator of the bullet journal keeps it very simple. They recommend writing the month at the top of the page and the days of that month down the left margin followed by the letter of the corresponding day. So if it is Tuesday the 12th, it would be 12T. Alternatively, you can physically draw out the month in a grid pattern over one or two pages. As I am a visual person, I prefer this method. I also rely on my stencils so that I don’t have to carefully space out each box each time. The weekly log breaks down your month into more specific tasks and goals. You might use the weekly log to map out your specific work projects for the week, which gym classes you’ll take, what day the laundry gets done etc. I like to map out my menu, and any weekly goals that I wish to accomplish as well. The daily log is where you lay it all out each day. What are all the small tasks that you need to accomplish? Do you have any major events today? When is your son’s soccer practice? The daily log is your to-do list to get it all done. (Overwhelmed by your to-do list? Check out my tips on crushing those tasks in three simple steps here!) The bullet journal also uses different symbols to indicate what items you’ve completed, what events are scheduled, whether the task is a priority etc. You can create your own marks to designate these items. I’ve adopted the standard Bullet Journal signs, which include the following: X: completed task >: you migrated your task to the next day <: task is scheduled That’s it! Those are the six main components of Bullet Journaling. Are you intrigued? Want to learn more? Click the image below for a FREE CLASS on setting up your bullet journal. You’ll receive loads of tips, strategies, and suggestions on how to make this planner work for you! Have you ever used a bullet journal before? What do you love most about the idea of a bullet journal? What do you find confusing? Let me know below! Looking for Bullet Journal inspiration? Check out these fantastic Instagram feeds filled with beautiful spreads:
Immagine&Poesia…Then and Now Mary Gorgy Gregory Immagine&Poesia is an international art movement founded in Turin, Italy in 2007 by a small group of poets and artists, including Aeronwy Thomas, Lidia Chiarelli, Gianpiero Actis and others, who believe that the power of the written word and the power of visual image, when joined, create a new work which is not only greater than the parts, but altered, enhanced, changed and magnified by the union. Since their founding, their ideas have spread and the group has grown to include a wide range of artists and writers from around the world—from fledgling painters, photographers, videographers and promising young poets to luminaries like Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Immagine&Poesia shares in a great heritage that includes many important movements. The manifesto of Surrealism was written by the poet/critic Andre Breton, and came to full voice in the imagery of Dali, de Chirico and Magritte. Dante Rosetti, the poet/painter, founded the Pre-Raphaelites, who found not only inspiration, but a higher truth in the poetry of Keats. Paul Klee wrote poetry; e. e. cummings painted. For which was Blake better known? Perhaps the greatest expression of the marriage is in the sister arts of poetry and painting that flowered in the Zen Buddhist art of China and Japan, including Zenga and the calligraphic works of the Edo period monks. All art is inspired and informed by other art. It is difficult, indeed, to imagine a serious trend in art that has not found its echo in literature, or a meaningful direction in literature without a parallel path in the visual arts. How can art not reflect its own time and place, its unique world view, and be relevant? Or, as Yeats says, “How can we tell the dancer from the dance?” It may be that in the beginning was the word, but art has never been far behind. Mankind’s first words were pictures—pictographs of men and animals, sun and moon. Lascaux’s cave paintings and aboriginal rock art tell us of a world where men dwelled among demons to be conquered and gods to be appeased, and life depended upon the success of the hunt. The walls of Egyptian temples employed pictures and hieroglyphs to tell of battles and kings, but their artistry and grace tell a greater story, one of a culture of elegance and refinement never before seen on earth. Renaissance cathedrals and chapels were decorated with scenes from the Gospels and the stories of beloved saints, and the architecture and art took the place of the written word for an illiterate congregation listening to prayers in a language they did not speak. Throughout history, art and literature, especially poetry and song, its most itinerant form, have been the means for mankind to make his story known. No chronology of rulers or map of borders can tell of human joy and sorrow, longing and fulfillment, for these are the domain of poetry and art. Immagine&Poesia has renewed the tradition of bringing together artists and poets to create new collaborations and in these collaborations reside new ideas, new vitality, and new ways of seeing. And being, as all relevant art is, a product of its own time, Immagine&Poesia uses new technologies to reach its audience. Through the use of digital imagery and global, always-on communications, artists from small towns in Asia can collaborate with poets in Europe. A painter from South America can join her image to the work of a poet from Wales, and not only will the work be changed by the experience, but both poet and artist will be, too. Like synaptic neurons firing together to form a thought, or tributaries flowing together to form a great river, the collaborations of artists and poets support, as Immagine&Poesia states in its manifesto, “activity, imagination, originality and research.” And through publishing these collaborations, Immagine&Poesia brings to art a new, 21st century, illuminated manuscript, a modern day Zenga to contemplate. New York, 2010
Virtual reality has created the possibility to experience worlds that have not, or cannot exist. This capability substantially increases the scope of experimental settings for researchers. Testing scenarios need no longer be bound by factors that would normally prevent certain experiments taking place – time, safety, budget (or even: the laws of physics). It’s possible to simulate anything in VR. While the possibilities for testing have increased, technology has also been needed to keep up. If you want to test the attention of (for example) pilots while they experience a new flight simulation, you’ll need information about where they’re looking. This is where eye tracking in VR comes in. Below, we will introduce eye tracking in VR, and explain how it’s different to eye tracking in the real world, and walk through how it even can improve the virtual experience itself. How does VR eye tracking work? Eye tracking typically works by continuously measuring the distance between the pupil center and the reflection of the cornea – the distance changes dependent on the angle of the eye. An infrared light, invisible to the human eye, creates this reflection while cameras record and track the movements. Computer vision algorithms are able to deduce from the angle of the eyes where the gaze is directed. The principle is the same in VR, with one crucial difference – the eyes don’t necessarily point to where the person is looking. In the real world, the eyes display what is called “vergence” – where the angle of the eyes are directed towards a central point at which the gaze meets (see the figure below). In an everyday setting, if a line could be drawn from the center of each eye, both would meet the same junction – the object that the person was looking at. In VR, the display is placed so close in front of the eyes that the eyes don’t necessarily display vergence, but there is still of course a perception of depth due to the 3D information presented. VR eye tracking must therefore contend with the incomplete gaze information . Fortunately, while the position of the eyes doesn’t tell the whole story, we do have the missing data. By combining information about the depth of the virtual objects in the VR environment it’s possible to construct a model of what was looked at – a virtual line can be traced from the direction of the eyes into the virtual world. Not all VR environments necessarily have this information, which precludes accurate tracking in those scenarios, but for those that do, eye tracking can be carried out. The benefits of eye tracking in VR As the rendering of complete virtual environments is a computationally expensive process, there is an imperative to find ways to reduce this burden, so that that processing power can be spent in other ways (e.g. to ensure a smooth experience, to expand functionality, or graphical appearance). By using information from eye tracking in VR, it’s possible to carry out what is known as “foveated rendering” – in which only those elements of the environment that are looked at are rendered. This can reduce the processing power required, and also create a more immersive environment, in which the virtual world more closely represents the real world. This both echoes our real world experiences in style – as our peripheral vision is largely blurred – but also by creating a more realistic sense of depth. Researchers have previously pointed out that a lack of focus blur can lead to a “different perception of size and distance of objects in the virtual environment” [1, 2]. By introducing peripheral blur, a sense of depth perception increases. This blurring is created by a process called “accommodation” – wherein the lens of the eyes adjusts its focus relative to the distance of the viewed object. The foveated rendering can also improve the ecological validity of the experience (that is, how well an experiment mimics reality). By creating environments that are closer to real life, the behavior of participants within VR can also be assumed to be close to real life. Researchers can be increasingly confident that the results of the experiment are applicable beyond the virtual world. This ultimately means that attentional processes can be both measured, and trusted to be more true to life as a result of eye tracking. This opens up the possibilities for understanding human behavior accurately in settings that would otherwise be too costly or impractical to expose participants to in real life. VR Eye Tracking Research An example of this is shown in research that used iMotions to compare different methods of instruction for working in a wet lab . Participants were trained at either a desktop PC, or within a virtual environment. The wet lab is an environment that is often too costly to place students in, yet it’s possible to test in a cost-effective manner how participants responded to the environments. The researchers were able to deduce that increased immersion, yet less learning took place for those in the VR setting, compared to the screen-based version. Another example using iMotions involved participants driving a virtual car, while following an autonomously-controlled virtual car . The researchers were able to expose the participants to what would have been unsafe environments if the experiment was carried out in the real world, without any risk of danger. They found that the increased comfort of the participants in relation to the autonomous car also increased the risk of a collision – a critical factor for maintaining driver safety in the presence of self-driving cars. Further research with iMotions in VR has explored disease diagnosis on a virtual island , the experience of (virtual) social interaction combined with haptic feedback , and testing the effect of architectural designs on feelings of rejuvenation, without the cost of construction , among other research. For the future of research in VR – the possibilities are virtually limitless. Clay, V., König, P., König, S. (2019). Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12, (1):3 Eggleston, R., Janson, W. P., & Aldrich, K. A. (1996). Virtual reality system effects on size-distance judgements in a virtual environment. Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, 139–146. https://doi.org/10.1109/VRAIS.1996.490521 Makransky, G., Terkildsen, T. S., and Mayer, R. E. (2017). Adding immersive virtual reality to a science lab simulation causes more presence but less learning. Learn. Instr. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.12.007 Brown, B., Park, D., Sheehan, B., Shikoff, S., Solomon, J., Yang, J., Kim, I. (2018). Assessment of human driver safety at Dilemma Zones with automated vehicles through a virtual reality environment. Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), pp. 185-190 Taub, M., Sawyer, R., Lester, J., Azevedo, R. (2019). The Impact of Contextualized Emotions on Self-Regulated Learning and Scientific Reasoning during Learning with a Game-Based Learning Environment. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-019-00191-1 Krogmeier, C., Mousas, C., Whittinghill, D. (2019). Human, Virtual Human, Bump! A Preliminary Study on Haptic Feedback. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). DOI: 10.1109/VR.2019.8798139 Zou, Z., Ergan, S. (2019). A Framework towards Quantifying Human Restorativeness in Virtual Built Environments. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA).
Universidad del Pacífico Rhetorical strategies and emotions in political marketing management The purpose of this paper is to analyze how political marketing management in terms of communication practices influence the voters’ emotional responses as they observe and listen to the discourse of a political leader. An experiment was conducted, in which participants watched the last debate of the campaign leading up the Peruvian presidential elections held in June 2016. During the experiment, the Emotient FACET technology codifies the facial micro-expressions of participants. The results reveal that a voter’s political tendencies influence the intensity of their positive emotions, when the political leader communicated a challenging message. Rhetorical strategies and non-verbal behaviors accompany this type of message in order to emphasize the discourse and persuade the audience. The findings suggest that the gender gap in attitudes toward female politicians exists and could change the relationship found, influencing negative emotions instead of positive emotions. The implications of the findings for achieving political success are discussed. The study makes a methodological contribution, employing an experimental protocol based on Emotient FACET technology in a political context, thereby enabling more direct and objective measurement of voters’ emotional responses.
Our oceans are a dangerous place to live. A recent report authored by scholars from Oxford University found that some parts of the world’s high seas face man-made threats so severe, from climate change to pollution, that these regions are near their ecological tipping point. One of these threats is lesser known but just as dire, endangering marine animals, the ocean ecosystem, and people alike. This menace is ghost gear: in 2009 the UN estimated that a staggering 640,000 tons of fishing equipment is lost, discarded or abandoned in global waters annually, and this figure does not include gear loss from illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Once derelict, this lost gear continues, unintentionally, to catch marine life. Plastic is so durable in the marine environment that when one entangled animal dies, the debris still has the potential to trap another animal Every year, more than 100,000 whales, dolphins, seals and turtles are caught in this lost, abandoned or discarded fishing gear, or ‘ghost gear.’ Entanglement has various impacts on animals. Smaller animals, like seal pups, may put their heads through rope or monofilaments (single, continuous strands of synthetic fiber commonly used in fishing gear) that then become firmly fixed around their necks or bodies, slowly cutting into their flesh as the young animals grow. Many bigger animals become chronically entangled in ghost gear for months or even years, causing immense pain and suffering, and prolonged entanglement can prevent an animal from feeding to the point of starvation. Animals such as whales towing large amounts of fishing gear become exhausted and may ultimately drown or die of exhaustion. This prolonged suffering can take up to 6 months. The rope and line ligatures in fishing nets can cause amputations and infected wounds, further reducing an entangled animal’s chances of survival. What lies beneath the surface: Causes of ghost gear Why does ghost gear enter our oceans to begin with? Much gear loss is accidental. A 2009 report by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) found that the predominant causes of ghost gear are gear conflicts (e.g. when active trawlers pass through an area where static nets are positioned), extreme weather, or strong currents. In the photo: A seal pup entangled in ghost gear, in the Isles of Shoals, off the coast of Maine and New Hampshire.© – Credit: Steve Whitford / Marine Photobank Some fishing gear loss is intentional; fishers fishing illegally may purposely abandon their gear to avoid law enforcement. And some intentional gear abandonment is caused by avoidable factors, such as a lack of accessible onshore gear and waste disposal facilities. While the causes of ghost gear are varied, derelict fishing equipment is consistent in its durability. Most ghost gear is made of plastics that take centuries to decompose into microplastics, some as long as 600 years. Such plastic is so durable in the marine environment that when one entangled animal dies, the debris still has the potential to trap another animal. A single lost fishing net can be enormous, the size of a football field. Other forms of ghost gear, like packing bands commonly used around bait and packing boxes, may be smaller, but just as deadly, frequently entangling seals and sea lions. How ghost gear harms marine animals Ghost nets have driven some species to the point of extinction. The vaquita porpoise, a little-known species found only in Mexico’s Gulf of California, is the world’s most endangered marine animal, with an estimated 25 individuals left on earth. Ghost nets are the single biggest contributor to the vaquita’s near eradication. Local fishers use illegal nylon gillnets to catch a fish called the totoaba, a critically endangered species sold illegally in China where its bladder is used in traditional medicine. Once abandoned, these gillnets don’t just catch the totoaba, itself a critically endangered species; they entangle and drown vaquitas. In the photo: Christina Dixon of World Animal Protection observes the collected debris at beach clean-up on Perranporth beach, Cornwall, UK. Credit: © World Animal Protection / Greg Martin The impact of ghost gear doesn’t end with snaring animals at sea. Throughout their long life cycle, fishing gear and other debris in the oceans slowly break down to become the size of grains of sand – known as ‘microplastics’. These minute plastic granules are found in water and sediments and may have a toxic effect on the food chain that scientists are only beginning to understand. Reports show that over 800 species of marine life are affected by ghost gear. It’s found in every ocean and sea on the planet; even remote Antarctic habitats experience such pollution. And this gear is known to travel long distances from its point of origin, accumulating in hotspots around oceanic gyres. The tags of lobster pots set in Maine and Newfoundland have washed up in Scotland, making the transatlantic journey of over 3,000 miles; nets found in Hawaii, an oceanic hotspot, have traveled from as far away as Asia. Ghost gear doesn’t just cause harm for animals – it negatively impacts seafood and marine industries themselves. For every 125 tons of fish caught, about a ton of ghost gear is left behind. Derelict fishing gear causes large-scale damage to marine ecosystems and compromises yields and income in fisheries; it’s been estimated to have caused a 10% decline in fish stocks globally. U.S. researchers have estimated, for example, that a single ghost net can kill almost USD$20,000 worth of Dungeness crab over 10 years. Governments and marine industries spend many millions of dollars annually to clean up and repair damage caused by ghost gear. Ghost gear is a true global problem, one that requires global solutions at scale. Hope for ghost-gear-free seas But the good news is that awareness of the ghost gear problem, and its urgency, are growing. In 2015, World Animal Protection launched the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), the first cross-sectoral alliance working to drive solutions to the ghost gear problem worldwide. The GGGI’s strength lies in the diversity of its participants, including representatives from the fishing industry, the private sector, academia, governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The GGGI aims to offer achievable guidance for the seafood industry to meaningfully reduce marine litter, and is working collaboratively with the fishing industry to do so. In the photo: World Animal Protection staff visit Steveston Harbour Authority in British Columbia, Canada. Steveston Harbour Authority is working with partners Aquafil and Interface Inc. on a net recycling program to turn old fishing nets into carpet tiles and other products. Credit: © World Animal Protection / Rob Trendiak Earlier this year, the GGGI launched a new Best Practice Framework for the Management of Fishing Gear, which recommends practical solutions and approaches to combat ghost fishing across the entire seafood supply chain, from gear manufacturers to port operators to seafood companies. Advancements to fishing gear design, sourcing decisions, fishing policies and disposal of end-of-life fishing gear can significantly reduce the impact of ghost gear on marine ecosystems, livelihoods, and wildlife. Bureo, a Chile-based GGGI participant, for example, makes skateboards, sunglasses and other from recycled fishing nets. Their recycling program in Chile, ‘Net Positiva’, provides fishing net collection points to keep plastic fishing nets out of our oceans. Their program protects wildlife and supports local fishing communities through financial incentives, preventing harmful materials from entering the ocean. And these measures aren’t just theoretical; the Best Practice Framework also includes accompanying case studies on how changes have been achieved in practice by those working to prevent ghost gear. Such approaches include net recycling programs, derelict gear removal initiatives, and fishing management policy adjustments, among others. GGGI participant World Animal Protection Canada is, for example, supporting a derelict crab trap recovery project in the northern British Columbia Dungeness crab fishery that will set the stage for a longer-term approach to recovering lost gear and addressing economic and ecological impacts of lost crab pots. Despite having a well-managed fishery and undertaking stray pot removals each year, fishers in the area report that there are many stray pots underwater that have not been retrieved due to logistical and financial limitations. Lost crab traps can continue to “ghost fish”, cause navigational and safety hazards to other vessels in the area, detrimentally impact the marine habitat, and potentially entangle marine mammals. As the seafood industry looks to become more sustainable and limit its impact on vulnerable marine ecosystems, seafood companies, retailers and fishing industry representatives have been very receptive to the practical guidance developed by the GGGI through a wide public consultation. Surveys during the consultation period showed that over one-third of participants ranked ghost gear as a moderately or highly significant issue. On World Oceans Day this year, Young’s Seafood’s Head of Corporate Social Sustainability David Parker, a GGGI participant and Steering Group member, commented that: “A clean and healthy marine environment is imperative to great quality and sustainable seafood, and what’s good for our oceans is inherently good for our industry. We are pleased to have had a hands-on role in the GGGI since its inception, bringing a seafood industry perspective through the network of our supply chains around the world.” Parker continued, “We believe that sustainable practice is the only way to safeguard the future of fish for generations to come. As a leading processor of responsibly sourced fish, we strive to do the right thing, always. Since we started out, the GGGI has helped to reduce litter in the world’s oceans in three major ways. Firstly, through direct on-the-ground action with divers retrieving hundreds of lost fishing gear to be recycled. Secondly, raising awareness globally through innovative projects and political awareness work with the FAO, which has the potential to translate into lasting policy. And, thirdly, by providing recycling facilities for end-of-life gear with end-use developments such as transforming this plastic into anything from skateboards to bikinis to sunglasses. At Young’s, we’ve been supplying fish for more than 200 years. We believe that sustainable practice is the only way to safeguard the future of fish for generations to come.” It is our hope that companies will start adopting the framework’s recommendations in their Corporate Social Responsibility programs and in standard-setting and certification programs in the future. “The Best Practice Framework fills a vital need for the seafood industry,” said Jonathan Curto, Sustainability Coordinator at TriMarine, a GGGI participant. “Reducing ghost gear is important to all of us, and the practical guidance and case studies the Best Practice Framework provides will help companies to implement positive changes and processes across the seafood supply chain. Participants in the GGGI hope that the document will not only protect the environment for wildlife and other marine users, but also increase productivity for suppliers and retailers.” Sustainable Development Goal 14: Protecting our oceans Pressure is also growing for countries to take an active role in reducing marine litter. After all, our planet’s wellbeing – for people and animals alike – depends on healthy oceans, and here lies the United Nations’ responsibility and mandate. In 2015, the UN established 17 ambitious global targets, known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 14 is entirely focused on the world’s oceans or “Life below the water”. The first target under this goal, target 14.1, concentrates on marine pollution and calls for a significant reduction of marine pollution of all kinds, including ghost gear, by 2025. As part of its far-reaching efforts to protect our oceans, the UN also held the first-ever Ocean Conference this June at its New York headquarters. The aim of the event was to turn Goal 14 into tangible, positive action items to drive change for the world’s oceans and the life within them. At the World Economic Forum in January this year, Peter Thomson, President of the UN General Assembly, said: “The ocean underpins trade, tourism, employment and food security. Therein lies the call to action, since the oceans’ health is vital to humanity’s well-being, and since it is human activity that is causing the decline of the oceans’ health, then it is our responsibility to correct our actions and set about reversing that decline.” Real action, including encompassing solutions, is needed now, and this was very much the spirit in which countries from all over the world gathered at the UN this summer. World Animal Protection was there to encourage and motivate countries to recognize that the issue of ghost gear greatly affects our oceans and the life within them. After all, ghost gear is four times more likely to impact marine animals by trapping, injuring, mutilating or killing them than all other forms of marine debris combined. We were heartened to find at the Ocean Conference that countries very much acknowledged this shared responsibility to protect our oceans. More than 1,393 commitments were pledged to take action and reverse the global decline in ocean health. And ghost gear featured high on the agenda, with an incredible 11 countries signing Statements of Support for the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI). These countries — Belgium, Sweden, New Zealand, Tonga, Panama, The Netherlands, The Dominican Republic, Tuvalu, Samoa, Palau and Vanuatu — all welcomed the GGGI and publicly supported its commitment to improve the health of marine ecosystems, protect marine animals from harm, and safeguard human health and livelihoods. In the photo: World Animal Protection and the Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation, in partnership with local fishermen, removed ghost fishing gear off the coast of Portland, Maine. The group removed 147 derelict traps and 1,000 pounds of rope and line. Any animals found inside lost traps (mostly crustaceans) were released back into local waters, and 44 traps in good condition were returned to their owners. Gear that could not be reused was recycled by the NFWF Fishing for Energy Program. Credit: © World Animal Protection / Kristian Whipple. In addition, Belgium partnered with the GGGI as a key sponsor and has pledged significant financial support to deliver a pilot project on the marking of fishing gear in the South Pacific. While seemingly simple, marking fishing gear to identify who owns it and where it originated is hugely important. Gear marking allows fishers to retrieve gear they have accidentally lost, dissuades them from deliberately abandoning it, and helps identify fishing activity happening illegally. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, a global problem, is a major contributor to ghost gear. Mr. Didier Reynders, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, said: “We must strive to make the private sector, fishing industry, academia and governments work together to reduce the impact lost gear has on the economic sector, food security and most importantly on marine ecosystems. Certification and marking of gear to make it traceable and recycling of retrieved materials are some of the most promising solutions. My country supports the gear recovery initiative and recycling as a principle.” Ahead of the Our Ocean Conference taking place in Malta at the start of October, we are hoping to see more Governments pledging a commitment to address the issue of ghost gear by implementing national marine litter plans and joining the Global Ghost Gear Initiative. Since 2014, Our Ocean conferences have invited world leaders to look forward and respond, delivering high-level commitments and transforming the challenges ahead into an opportunity for cooperation, innovation and entrepreneurship. We are hoping that we can build on the momentum of the UN Ocean Conference and see commitment be translated into action. A call to action for sea life The time to act for the world’s marine life is now. A 2016 study published in Marine Policy by Wilcox et al. found fishing-related gear to be one of the three sources of marine litter – along with balloons and plastic bags – posing the greatest entanglement risk to marine wildlife, including seabirds, sea turtles and some of our most iconic marine mammals like whales and dolphins. Businesses also have a crucial role to play, by getting involved with the Global Ghost Gear Initiative. To learn more, visit www.ghostgear.org. You can also find the GGGI’s Best Practice Framework for the Management of Fishing Gear and contact the GGGI for more information via our website. Government action is vital. We urge national and international representatives from countries around the world to join the GGGI’s efforts to eliminate ghost gear and create safer, cleaner oceans. And how can you take action to help combat ghost gear? World Animal Protection’s Sea Change campaign works around the world to reduce the volume of ghost gear, remove and recycle such gear from the oceans, and rescue entangled animals. You can visit our website to learn more and join our mailing list, at www.worldanimalprotection.us.org/seachange. In addition, as a consumer, you can also become educated on where fish comes from before buying it and understand which fisheries you are buying into. As Martin Stelfox from the Olive Ridley Project, a GGGI participant, highlights: “As consumers, we have the power to protect our fisheries and stock levels.” If advocates, governments, and industry come together as committed partners and champions, we believe that we can achieve ghost-gear-free seas. The future of our oceans – and their inhabitants – depends on it. In the photo: Rescuers were able to untangle the gill net from this entangled sea lion in California. Credit: © Kanna Jones / Marine Photobank World Animal Protection is an international non-profit animal welfare organization that has been in operation for over 30 years. The charity describes its vision as: A world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended.
An Alternative to Table Salt Good on Fish and Chicken This is a Seasoned Salt that is good as a substitute for Table Salt, and also versatile in cooking. It works well for cooking Chicken, any Fish Steaks or Fillets. It can also be used to flavor Rice, Pasta and Vegetables. The recipe is adapted from Jean-Georges Vongerichten and was served at restaurant Vong in Manhattan in place of ordinary Table Salt. 2 heaping tablespoons Star Anise 2 Cinnamon sticks, broken into pieces 3 tablespoons Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao) 2 tablespoons Cloves 2 teaspoons Cumin Seeds 1 teaspoon Celery Seed ½ cup Kosher Salt or Sea Salt Grind the Star Anise, Cinnamon, Sichuan Pepper, Cloves and Cumin Seeds in a spice grinder or mortar and pestle. Combine the Spices and Salt in a bowl and mix thoroughly. This mixture provides intense flavor and piquancy but with only half the amount of sodium of ordinary Table Salt.
#include<cs> is a podcast about computer science and technology with an extra dose of fun. Co-hosted by Janelle Marie Salanga and Dr. Joël Porquet-Lupine @ UC Davis, the podcast uses non-technical language to explain computer science history, issues, and news. Meet our team! Janelle Marie Salanga, Host, Co-Founder Janelle Marie Salanga is a Science & Technology Studies major and Asian American Studies minor at UC Davis. Aside from being an editorial intern for UC Davis Magazine, they hope Disney stops making live-action remakes, that the San Francisco Giants return to greatness, and that conversations about diversity actualize into more stories and technology from #ownvoices. Dr. Joël Porquet-Lupine, Host, Co-Founder Dr. Joël Porquet-Lupine is an Assistant Professor of Teaching Computer Science at UC Davis. He teaches many of the core CS courses in the undergrad curriculum, and his research mainly focuses on developing new tools to improve engineering education. Prior to joining UC Davis, he worked in many diverse settings across the private sector and academia around the world. Armin Nouri, Production Assistant Armin Nouri is a third-year Cognitive Science major and a production assistant for the team. His job includes assisting the crew with sound editing, outreach, brainstorming topics, and making silly jokes. In his spare time, he enjoys writing, photography, and picking up heavy objects. Jules Lozano, Website Management and Design Juliana (Jules) Lozano is a second-year Cognitive Science major with an emphasis in Neuroscience. She works on website management and design. Outside of the podcast, she can be found writing short stories and poems or doing yoga. Olivia Tobin, Research and Script writing Olivia Tobin is a second-year Computer Science major and English minor. For the podcast, she researches possible topics for episodes and helps write the script. Noah Rose Ledesma, Audio Engineering and Production Noah is a third-year computer science major and (future) philosophy minor. He has a great interest in education and teaching within computational fields. He does audio engineering and production for #include<cs>. Past members of the podcast - Madiha Javed
The Role of Human Copper Transporter 1, hCTR1, in Copper and Cisplatin Entry in Mammalian Cells thesisposted on 24.10.2013, 00:00 by Kristin D. Ivy Copper is a trace element that is important to drive a wide array of biochemical processes that are essential for life. Copper plays a major role in cellular respiration, iron metabolism, and skin and hair pigmentation to name a few. Elevated levels of copper are toxic and disruptions of copper homeostasis are seen in such human disorders as Wilson’s and Menkes disease. In order to maintain copper homeostasis, efficient mechanisms have evolved to facilitate copper import, copper export and cellular distribution of the metal. Copper uptake is regulated by the CTR (copper transporter) family of proteins, which are highly conserved. High affinity copper uptake is facilitated by CTR1 and CTR3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and by hCTR1 in humans. Cisplatin (cDDP) is an anti-cancer drug used in a number of malignancies including testicular, ovarian, cervical, bladder, lung, head, and neck cancers. Its use is limited by the development of resistance, often rationalized via effects on cellular uptake. It has been claimed that hCTR1, the human high affinity copper transporter, is the major entry pathway for cDDP and related drugs via a mechanism that mimics copper. We compared the uptake rates of copper with cDDP (and several analogs) into HEK293 cells over-expressing wild-type or mutant hCTR1, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (mefs) that do or do not express CTR1, and human ovarian tumor cells, sensitive or resistant to cDDP. We have also compared the effects of extracellular copper, which causes regulatory endocytosis of hCTR1, to those of cDDP. We confirm the correlation between higher hCTR1 levels and higher Pt-drug uptake in tumor cells sensitive to the drug. However, we show that hCTR1 is not the major entry route of platinum-drugs and that the copper transporter is not internalized in response to extracellular drug. Our data suggest the major entry pathway for platinum-drugs is not saturable at relevant concentrations and probably not protein-mediated. Clinical trials have been initiated that depend upon regulating membrane levels of hCTR1. If reduced drug uptake is a major factor in resistance, hCTR1 is unlikely to be a productive target in attempts to enhance efficacy, although the proteins involved in copper homeostasis may play a role. We also investigated three hCTR1-independent copper uptake systems. A chloride-dependent anion system was identified in intestinal and kidney cells. This anion uptake system is located on the apical membrane in polarized cells thus being appropriately localized to faciltate copper uptake from the diet. We studied HEK 293 cells overexpressing DMT1, the divalent metal transporter. Metal accumulation analysis showed that DMT1 transports both Fe and Mn, but neither Cu (I) nor Cu (II). CTR2 is highly homologous to CTR1 and has been suggested to facilitate low-affinity copper uptake or perhaps play a role in intracellular copper transport. We show that over-expresssed hCTR2 is partially localized at the plasma membrane in HEK 293 cells as shown by cell surface biotinylation and sucrose gradient fractionations. Measurement of 64Cu uptake rates into HEK cells overexpressing hCTR2 show that although expressed at the surface, hCTR2 transports copper very poorly, if at all.
Book Review by Dr J.R. McKay. Ha Mai Viet’s Steel and Blood: South Vietnamese Armor and the War for Southeast Asia is an ambitious work. The author tried to produce both a history of the armoured branch of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and a history of the armoured branch’s unit’s roles on the ARVN’s battles with the Vietnamese Communist forces. While South Vietnam, and by default the ARVN, and its armoured branch lasted for only twenty years, this was a nation and an army that fought against its enemies for most of that time. Steel and Blood is effectively two smaller books in one. The first part is a “Combat History” of the armoured branch’s participation in battles as well as a narrative of the war from an ARVN perspective. The second part of the book, “Military History,” is a summary of the organizational history of the South Vietnamese Armor Corps, a compendium of information on that branch and a comparison of its equipment with that of its North Vietnamese counterpart. The combat history describes a series of battles from 1963 to 1975, based upon ARVN’s battles with the Communists. It starts with an orientation on the role of the armoured branch’s units in a series of battles, but slowly transforms into a general narrative on the progress of the war. Colonel Viet tried to tell the tale of what happened, balancing between what he stated that he sought to do and providing the proverbial “bigger picture.” While this might frustrate some readers, some observations merit mention. First, one should keep in mind that he has provided a glimpse into a perspective that is often overlooked. The common narrative with regard to the ARVN has been that it was overly oriented on the byzantine politics of Saigon and insufficiently focused on waging counter-insurgency operations until 1968, when the Tet Offensive led to the development of a more combat-oriented ethos. Colonel Viet’s book points out that a number of ARVN units often fought harder than was realized at the time or since despite the political proclivities of some of the ARVN’s general officers. Second, the author left one with the distinct impression that ARVN units tended to view their advisors less as sources of advice than sources of firepower. One gets the sense that during the earlier years, in some cases, ARVN officers may have resented advice from the technically sound yet less experienced advisors. The perception of advisors as sources of firepower appears to have become more acute after the 1972 Easter Offensive. The Nixon Administration’s policy of “Vietnamization” meant the phased withdrawal of American combat forces and increasingly shifting the burden of combat onto the ARVN. The Nixon Administration could not reverse this trend for domestic political reasons and sought to make greater use of air power as a result. This is a potential lesson for those destined for advisory duties; those being advised may be more interested in one’s capacity to influence the battle than one’s advice on how to do same. Third, the book leaves one with the distinct impression that as the Communists made the transition from guerrilla warfare to mobile warfare, the importance of ARVN’s armoured branch increased. The early battles described organizations analogous to reconnaissance squadrons conducting economy of force operations against the Viet Cong; the later battles described ARVN tanks duelling with the North Vietnamese counterparts. Indeed, the Communist fielding of T-54 equipped units prompted the ARVN’s fielding of a number of M-48 “Patton” equipped units to cope with the threat. This also supports a broader point about the nature of insurgencies. The endgame of any insurgency is to set the conditions for assuring victory once conventional warfare begins. Colonel Viet’s accounts of battle start with clashes with the Viet Cong guerrillas in the mid 1960s and ends with tank battles between the North Vietnamese Army and the ARVN. This section of the book, unfortunately, was at times difficult to follow. The author sought to describe both operational and tactical actions without maps, but made references to a series of place names. While there was an appendix providing general maps of South Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh trail, the inclusion of a series of smaller maps that showed the location and how the battles occurred would have helped clarify the “combat history.” Throughout this section, one was tempted to read the “military history” to get a sense of the evolution of the armoured branch’s organizations before linking it to their combat performance. The military history was a collection of related topics designed to inform the reader about the war, the armoured branch’s evolution and its equipment. Again, the ARVN perspective was enlightening and it allows one to see the conflict through Vietnamese, albeit Southern, eyes, as opposed to the American or French perspectives. The organizational history began with the Vietnamese National Army of 1950, which was the army raised by the French within Vietnam during the war with the Viet Minh. The ARVN’s armoured branch’s roots lay in the creation of a series of reconnaissance platoons in 1950, which coalesced into companies in 1951, battalions by 1953 and regiments by 1954. After the Vietnamese National Army became the ARVN in 1955, these reconnaissance regiments became armoured cavalry regiments, four armoured regiments, a school and an amphibious group. In this period, they were equipped with Second World War era equipment cast off by the French that had been donated by the United States. During the 1960s, the older equipment was replaced by M113 armoured personnel carriers and M-41 “Bulldog” tanks. The book describes the 1960s as a developmental period where the armoured branch began to specialize more. Armoured cavalry companies were the most common unit, but the branch also began to field reconnaissance and tank companies as well. Indeed, the book left one with the impression that the ARVN armoured branch fought most frequently as companies within larger entities. Indeed, the ambitious combination of the “combat history” and the “military history” was most useful in illuminating such matters. Colonel Viet followed this discussion of the evolution of the branch’s units with a compendium of facts. This had the effect of breaking a logical sequence of information in order to provide a series of interesting yet esoteric facts. He identified every commander of an ARVN armoured unit from the troop to the brigade level, the surgeons, and provided an account of their reunion at Fort Knox in 2000. Unfortunately, the multiple sources of information made this section, and indeed the book, seem less of a general history than a sourcebook or compendium of facts about the ARVN armoured branch. Ha Mai Viet was a South Vietnamese Armor corps officer who served for 21 years, retiring as a Colonel. During that time, he had served in a number of different positions within armoured units, but his two most noteworthy positions were as an Assistant Division Commander and as the chief of the Quang Tri province.6 This meant he had fought the Communists for at least twelve years before leaving his country in its final days. His patriotism and pride in his military have been reflected in his writing. In addition, he wrote some of the accounts of specific battles from a personal perspective. Readers should take these points in mind before passing judgement on the book’s value. Readers may be wondering what value a book about a nation that vanished a quarter century ago may have today. What can the ARVN’s experience tell us today? Is it relevant for the Canadian Forces in the early 21st century? The short answer to such questions is yes; however, this depends upon one’s perspective and interests. Those interested in comparing the evolution of different armoured branches may also wish to read those parts of the book. One should note that the ARVN’s approach to combat development was based upon trial and error in battle; they did not have the luxury of time to consider their organizations in great detail. Furthermore, reading the ARVN perspective may give pause for thought for those destined for advisory duties about what those being advised may be thinking. Dr J.R. McKay 1. The RVN is better known as South Vietnam. 2. Many readers will no doubt be aware of the American participation in the war, spanning from 1964 to 1973 and the end of the war between North and South Vietnam (1973-1975), however, many may not be aware that South Vietnam had to contend with several armed groups in its infancy in 1955 and coup attempts from within the ARVN. The Communist insurgency began in South Vietnam in 1957 and North Vietnam began to provide support to that insurgency in 1959. A year later, the North Vietnamese sought to see all armed resistance groups in South Vietnam coalesce into the National Liberation Front for South Vietnam (NLF). Readers may recognize the other, slightly inaccurate, name for the NLF—the Viet Cong. The ARVN began fighting [?] 3. There are two examples of this phenomenon. The author defends the actions and decisions of ARVN tactical commanders at the Battle of Ap Bac (January 1963) and the President’s direction that contributed to the disaster in Operation LAM SON 719 (January 1971). For details, see: Ha Mai Viet, former Colonel, ARVN, Steel and Blood: South Vietnamese Armour and the War for Southeast Asia, (Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2008), 16-17 and 84. For examples of the criticism levelled on those two incidents, see: Lieutenant General Phillip B. Davidson, U.S. Army, Retired, Vietnam at War: The History 1946-1975, (Novato: Presidio, 1988), 573-604, and Neil Sheehan, A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam, (New York: Random House, 1988), 203-265. 4. Readers should be aware that due to the influence of the U.S. Army, the ARVN armoured branch used the term “Troop” to describe subunit-sized organizations and the term “Squadron” for unitsized organizations. This review uses the generic Canadian Army terminology of “company” and “battalion.” 5. The M-41 “Bulldog” came into American service during the Korean War and entered ARVN service in 1964. It weighed 24 tons, its main armament was 76 mm, it had 12 to 38 mm of armour, and it could reach speeds of 72 km/h. 6. This province was in Military Region 1 / I Corps Tactical Zone, just south of the Demilitarized Zone. He left South Vietnam in 1975, during the final days of that country. Source : Canadian Army Journal, Vol. 12.1 Spring 2009, pp. 123-125 (pdf). © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2009
Murphy’s Law: Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) recognized no power greater than Nature, and spent his life investigating the nature of Nature. His ability to concentrate may have been enhanced by a childhood accident. As he raced for a moving train where he sold newspapers, a conductor helped him aboard by grabbing him by his ears. The young Edison felt a snap inside his head that left him hearing impaired for life. He would secure well over a thousand patents for his inventions, but that story is well known. His truculent agnosticism is not generally known, but it resulted from his investigation into the alleged supernatural. He had only three months of formal education in his entire life and that occurred when he was a young child. His Port Huron, Michigan schoolmaster told his mother the lad was just too thick to be educated. She snatched him from school and gave him a love of knowledge. He spent hundreds of hours at the Detroit Public Library while he had a daily seven-hour wait for his return train. He studied Thomas Paine’s Age of Reason before he was 12, and said the “flash of enlightenment that shone from its pages” never left him. Only after he had left for New York, and later New Jersey, did he speak about his investigations into the alleged supernatural. It caused a lot of commotion at the time. He called religion a “damned fake…Religion is all bunk…All bibles are man-made.” His shareholders trembled every time he spoke about religion but he refused to be muzzled. When President McKinley issued a public prayer of thanks for victory in the Spanish American War, Edison claimed, “But the same God gave us yellow fever, and to be consistent, McKinley should have thanked him for that also.” His first wife, Mary Stilwell, died of typhoid when he was 38 and he ascribed the cause to Nature, not some god who decided to punch her ticket. He married Mina Miller a few years later and here his agnosticism met with resistance. She was the devout daughter of a Methodist minister who tried to convert him into a Christian. She failed but the marriage survived after he was subjected to 6 Methodist bishops who came to his home to convert him at the request of Mina. He listened to the bishops for a while, until they started interrupting him, and one another, in the discussion. That was it. He departed with the statement, “I’m not going to listen to anymore of this nonsense.” He and Mina never again discussed religion and their marriage blossomed. He had a lifelong love of children. His own father was brutal. His father once gave public notice in Milan, Ohio that his 6-year-old son would be whipped openly for burning down the family barn during one of his early experiments. Edison spoke about the unfairness of steeping children in superstition before they have a chance to think for themselves-“The great trouble is that the preachers get the children from six to seven years of age, and then it is almost impossible to do anything with them. Incurably religious-that is the best way to describe the mental condition of so many people. Incurably religious.” He claimed, “I do not believe that any type of religion should ever be introduced into the public schools of the United States.” Edison investigated the supernatural as he did the natural world and said, “I have never seen the slightest proof of the religious theories of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God…If there is really any soul, I have found no evidence of it in my investigations.” In 1910 he told the New York Times, “No, all this talk of an existence for us, as individuals, beyond the grave is wrong. It is born of our tenacity of life-our desire to go on living-our dread of coming to an end as individuals. I do not dread it though. Personally, I cannot see any use of a future life.” What Do You Think? “Thomas Alva Edison” is copyright © 1999 by John Patrick Michael Murphy. The electronic version is copyright © 1999 Internet Infidels with the written permission of John Patrick Michael Murphy.
Microlens arrays with superior form accuracy are used for applications, where reliability and highest efficiency are crucial criteria. They range from beam transformation for fiber coupling over the homogenization of laser light up to the efficient combination of laser stacks of identical wavelength. The lateral dimensions of the arrays range from some millimeters in the micro-scale up to 30 millimeters for the macro-scale. The dimension of the array structures are typically in the submillimeter range. With its unique production technique, INGENERIC is able to keep the form accuracy of the arrays within the submicron range. Customized microlens arrays are INGENERIC’s daily business: From lens design, prototype manufacturing and small series production to mass production. superior beam shaping efficient transformation and homogenization highest transmission due to minimized transition zones typical facet of 400um long term stability We operate a strict quality control policy. For diagnosing the relevant product characteristics and thus ensuring the specified quality, INGENERIC has a considerable equipment of measurement devices available. Beyond that, certain products can further be tested in the application which they will encounter at your site. In conjunction with our sophisticated manufacturing technology, this guarantees the production of optics with unsurpassed collimation and homogenization characteristics. Customized Microlens Arrays Spherical and Aspherical Microlens Arrays Major applications for lens arrays with spherical or aspherical curvature are imaging and illumination as well as the effective collimation of laser light. Lens apertures from 0.2 mm up to 3.0 mm are possible. High filling factors and minimum dead zones allow unique beam shaping results. Most spherical and aspherical microlens arrays are customized solutions, especially designed and manufactured for the individual needs of our customers. We manage to manufacture microlens arrays with the following typical characteristics: Material: optical glass (high refractive index material) Max. array size: app. 30.0 x 30.0 mm EFL: 0.3 … 5.0 mm Lens diameter: 0.2 … 3.0 mm Lens aperture: round, rectangular Arrangement: linear, hexagonal QTY of lenslets per array: 5 … 500 Pitch: 0.2 … 4.0 mm Pitch accuracy: < 2 µm across 25 mm Form accuracy: < 250 nm EFL tolerance: < 1% * Application: e.g. collimation of VCSEL arrays Dead zones: < 10 µm CT accuracy: < 20 µm *) High relative radius tolerance ( < 0.2% ) For deviating requirements, please contact our specialists. QTY of lenslets 10.0 x 10.0 15.0 x 12.0 8.0 x 6.0 1.1 … 1.3 Cylindrical Microlens Arrays Cylindrical microlens arrays are used for the transformation of high power diode laser beams. The INGENERIC XP-micro-cylindrical arrays stand out due to an aberration free image and an optimum light efficiency. Assuring facts for these features are the extremely high pitch-repeatability and the minimized dead-zones between the lens elements. Due to the high form accuracy the arrays show an extremely stable focus position.
I remained too much inside my head; I began to lose my mind. –Edgar Allen Poe “Would you marry me,” I begged him to say yes. I spoke the request I had been wanting for so long. The more the world wanted us apart, the more we gravitated towards each other. The world hates what cannot be comprehended. Beasts and human? An abomination, a sin. The Lord clenched his chest and fell to his knees at the sight of such an un-Godly social experiment. Yet it was not our fault that we fell in love. Like Adam and Eve, we knew right from wrong, but it was temptation that brought us upon one another. It was always temptation that made the most bias and greatest fall and lose strength. I didn’t care if it was morally wrong to fall for whomever I loved. With all the wrong gone on in the world, how could true love fall in this category? It was only hypocrites, self-loathing hypocrites that defiled everything that was good in the world. Oh how I hate people like that. They go around living their lives with their heads held high, nose at an angle and spiting on everyone who they think is beneath them. It’s just child’s play for them to detest me. I know God hates ugly, but you don’t even have to dig deep in my heart to know I have no love for them. “Don’t you love me?” Anyone might think I just hate white folks, except my lover, because they are white and the world is hateful, but I don’t too much like black folks either. None of us will ever leave slavery if we don’t all band together. You don’t need to be self-educated to know right from wrong. Right and wrong ain’t something them book with them English words in it can teach you. Yet, some even know right and wrong, but can’t live by it. Despite my hatred for the world, there was only one true person that held my heart. My Clarence dear. So loyal to me he is. Greater than any man in the South. I can hardly remember a time when I did not cling to my lover. He always gave me that feeling of hope. Something in him always told me, even though we were in the midst of a troubling time, there was still a beating heart in the world. But don’t none of them Negroes like me since I have been with Clarence. To what I suspect, it may be jealousy at the least. I believe many of them desire to be with him or if they have to, be raped by him, just something to make them cry at night and wish even more they were dead. Even if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to hold a nice conversation with one of them. My whole race card had expired. None of them merely talked to me. I am a black sheep, exiled by my own kind. No one to relate to, no one to braid my hair and discuss whatever the hell with. “Would you marry me if I was white?” I burst out with a different approach to make the question more suiting. Clarence I knew loved him. Although he was taller than average, blond-headed and blue-eyed, he had my heart. I know, slave masters kept wenches all the time, but our relationship was different. I was more than just a bed mate. He wasn’t a racist bigot. How unusual and unbelievable it was, it had been too long under his protection to know him in any other way. To be a person born into the slave trade is as like being conceived at the gates of Hell. My burnt crisp skin that which was cooked by the devil’s roasting pan. The way he fiddled at my hair with his pitchfork to conduct a nappy mess on my head. And the way he placed me in the world at such an un-Godly time. Being black in America when a system constantly works against you is a curse. My appearance was not a choice but; white folks treat us as though we willingly picked to jump into this lake of fire. Unfortunately, my outward appearance will not change in the years to come. Nor will the way I and all the other Negroes are treated because of it. It’s preposterous that at this time a white man can steal a horse and be hung because of it but kill a black person and live. But there was no need for me to complain. Unlike my other equals that produced their only means of surviving in the field, I did not work. My master, he did not pay attention to if I got the work done or not. An unusual black woman I was, but I did help out in the kitchen. My hands had not touched a crop since I was eight years old. This is when I took to the kitchen like my mother and those mothers before her. This is also when I took a liking the Master Clarence; who I only called Clarence. And when he would call, “Minnie, Minnie… You stay out that field. They don’t need you. Too pretty to crop, to pretty to pick.” So I say he took a liking to me too. Harmless or not, his heart was set on me. That’s why I’m set apart from the rest of the Negroes. To say I was in love with Clarence was just an understatement. What would I do without him, and him without me as his companion? Being with my love Clarence was like sleeping with God. His silence left me with the question of whether he loved me at a different level than he had before. Laying in the lush that be in his master quarters was where I stayed. The rest of the Negroes were outside in the slave quarters. This is where they stayed at night but, many of them did not remain in the homes. But none of them were stupid enough to run away and not come back. Just recently, many that choose to roam the land at night did not come back. “I…,” he said. Lying next to Clarence was like being closer God. His whole physique and personality is the opposite of me. The way his hair flows from his scalp to create the cows lick at the front of his forehead. I always wondered why the white man’s hair came out all straight like grass and got real oiled up. And the fact that my hair was dry like all the other Negroes. I prayed for hair like his. His fair skin that contained little patches of freckles on his face and arms. His jaw was cut and structured like the no one other. His high cheek bones looked like they begged for me to rub my lips upon them. And I enjoyed them, even though sometimes all I could taste was sweat. His height is what set him apart from the other white men I Knew in Forees County. His height, counted from the scratches marked beside the barn in the field were higher than any man on the plantation. I had never actually measured him but by the height of other men I had seen, I guessed her was seven feet. His bulky body and the awkward way he walked was much different than those of the Negroes. The cotton picker men smelled of hard work and hard days gone by. I preferred Clarence’s aroma to theirs. He completes me. Whether be a good or a bad thing. His love matters much more. “How would they react, “Clarence asked as he pushed his hand into my grasp. His eyes my caught my glance and I could see the sparkle in his light brown eyes. “When the time comes and we can. Don’t over think things. Good things come to those who wait Minnie.” The sound of his voice alone was comforting…But his answer did not relive the empty hole in my heart. I rolled over in bed. Facing away from Clarence. Screeching voices, horrible moans, scratching at the roof of the home and my beating heart were the sounds that filled my desperate soul. I couldn’t stand the sounds, especially that out my heart, but I had too. I starred at the blurry wall. I could not let him see me cry myself to sleep.
Τoxic people are the ultimate curse of our life on earth. They can turn your life into hell since they are obsessed with regimenting the world of others so that it revolves merely around them and their needs. Their constant attempts of standing out at the expense of others is a spin-off of their smashed personalities. So, let’s learn how to spot them and kick them out of our lives once and for all! They Disregard your Privacy A toxic person doesn’t care about the boundaries or personal preferences of others and encroaches on their personal space. Even when it comes to intimate relationships, such as the husband-wife relationship, some personal bounds should exist for each of the two spouses. As Khalil Gibran puts it: “Let there be spaces in your togetherness.”. A toxic person doesn’t understand this idea as they always want to know everything about you because this makes them feel in control. So, whenever you encounter a straitjacket character, confront them and tell them to adhere to their limits. Usually, they will respond by saying that you are not a true friend, to which you should respond, “yes, you’re right” and walk away. Having a breathing room is a crucial prerequisite for a healthy, self-perpetuating relationship, so don’t compromise it by befriending an invasive friend. They are Sarcastic Sarcasm is the best weapon of toxic people, and they use it as a self-mechanism trick to distract themselves from the emptiness inside them. Beneath the sarcasm, it lurks an element of weakness and jealousy. Sarcastic guys love to call your confidence into question and mock you to drain your self-esteem. Although you should get out while you can, we recommend that you stay a little while to neutralize your friend’s toxicity by showing them that it’s null and silly. Exposing yourself to the toxic sarcasm of your friend and turning tables on them will give your self-esteem a great boost and will make you feel so proud of yourself. How can you do it? There is a reliable strategy called “The Strategy of Unexpected Validation.” This strategy is about confirming the criticism of your toxic friend – a reaction that the toxic person doesn’t expect from you. Want some examples? Here you are: When Nelson Mandela was studying law at the University of South Africa, a white professor used to habitually mock him. One day, the professor was eating in the dining room, and Mandela came along with his trays and sat next to the professor. The professor said: “Mr Mandela, you do not understand, a pig and a bird do not sit together to eat.” Mandela dished it back to him saying: “You do not worry, professor. I will fly away,” and he went and sat at another table. We assume Mandela walked away in slow motion while his colleagues showered him in dollar bills. Here is another example: If you are a wife who screws it up in the kitchen and can’t get rid of your mother-in-law’s villainous mockery, stop defending yourself and, instead, agree with her that you are not a good cook. Mother-in-law: Is this human food or chicken food? Wife: Chicken food. And, if she gives your house the white-glove test, just do as follows: Mother-in-law: This table is too dusty. Yikes! (dusts her hands off) Wife: (Offers a handkerchief and smiles). So, if you have a sarcastic friend, don’t leave away immediately; seize the opportunity to stick your tongue out and tell them that you don’t care about their stupid opinion. (Not literally, of course). They are Attention-Whores Toxic people, especially those who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, don’t like to listen to anyone but themselves. They want everyone’s eyes to be on them, and they always try to steal the show. As a result, they interrupt you while you are speaking, make the conversation about their achievements, and harp on your mistakes. Narcissistic husbands feel intensely jealous whenever their wives succeed at something, and they usually ruin their wives’ careers. Narcissism might seem a little bit harmless at the beginning, which is why an empathetic girl might feel like: “Poor guy. He needs some support and encouragement. I will help him claim his healthy self, and he will stop acting like this after marriage” (Duh)! If you think so, you are 200% mistaken and out of your mind; it might be sad when a person doesn’t get his due encouragement and love as a child, but let’s be fair: As adults, we need to get over our insecurities not to smash other people’s lives! Yes, it’s devastating when your parents don’t come to your graduation party, yet as a sane person, you shouldn’t let others pay for that. Therefore, refrain from getting involved with these people; just sigh and bid them farewell. They need a psychiatrist, neither a friend nor a wife. They Thrive in Drama Toxic people revel in drama because it brings them to the centre of attention. They love to point a finger in your face and say: “Argh! Look what you’ve done to me!” They are always right, and you are wrong because they decided to pronounce themselves ultimate victims. Socializing with someone with this mentality will make you feel constantly regretful and anxious. It is like you are dealing with a child, whom you always try to please. Moreover, drama queens enjoy asking you to prove yourself by challenging you to do difficult stuff so that they can approve of you. They have a way of stirring the pot and creating dramatic situations so that they can grab their popcorn and enjoy the movie. Now, let’s take a moment to blame these families who prevented their children from pursuing an acting career. We are suffering because of you, people as your children are still flaunting their talent in real life! To neutralize this type of toxicity, instead of rising to the challenge to prove yourself brave, kind, or trustworthy, tell your friend upfront that you fail to meet his challenge and that you deserve an F on the test. Proudly announcing that you aren’t perfect will drive them up the wall.
Glenn Cunningham was born in Atlanta, Kansas on August 4, 1909. His father, Clint Cunningham, was a water-well driller who also did odd jobs. At the age of 7, Cunningham and his older brother Floyd were badly burned in a schoolhouse fire. The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned, pot-bellied coal stove. Glenn Cunningham had the job of coming to school early each day so that he could use kerosene to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived. One cold morning someone had mistakenly filled the kerosene container he used with gasoline, and disaster struck. The students arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames. Terrified on realizing that Glenn was inside, they rushed in and managed to drag the unconscious little boy out of the flaming building. He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital. From his bed, the dreadfully burned, semi-conscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother. The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die as the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body. But the brave boy didn’t want to die. Glenn made up his mind that he would survive. And somehow, to the amazement of the physician, he did survive. Yet when the mortal danger was past, he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly. The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body, it would almost be better if he had died, since he was doomed to be a life time cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs. His mother refused to let the doctors amputate. The doctors told him and his parents that he would never walk normally again. However, Glenn and his family refused to accept such claims and with much determination and unwavering faith, he would not only walk, but run, and very fast. Once more this brave little boy made up his mind. He would not be a cripple. He would walk. But unfortunately from the waist down, Glenn had no motor ability. His thin, scarred legs just dangled there, all but lifeless. But although he did survive, the effects of the fire had clearly taken their toll: the arches on both of his feet were damaged, the toes on his left foot were nearly burned off, and his right leg was a few inches shorter than his left one. Doctor wondered if he would ever walk again, but a determined Glenn went home and began steadily rehabilitating his injuries. Ultimately Glenn was released from the hospital. Every day afterward his mother and father would massage his little legs, but there was no feeling, no control, nothing. Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever. When he wasn’t in bed, he was confined to a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he threw himself from the chair. Glenn pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legs behind him. He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, stake by stake, he began dragging himself along the fence, resolved that he would walk.He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence. There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life in those legs. After weeks of practice, he gained a minor victory when he walked with crutches. Several months later, he was able to stand on his own. And nine months after that, he could once again walk without crutches. It was Glenn’s determination and persistence that led him to walk again.Slowly over a period of months, Glenn’s legs began to function, to the astonishment of the doctors.Christmas eve 1917, Glenn gave his mother a present by taking his first steps without holding onto anything. Soon, he proceeded to run, grabbing a milk cow or mule’s tail, taking as much weight off his legs and running behind as the animals headed to water. He still couldn’t straighten out his right leg. Every step was “like daggers,” but he never quit trying. In time Glenn discovered that it was less painful to run than to walk. Ultimately through his daily massages, Glenn’s iron persistence and his resolute determination, he did develop the ability first to stand up, then to walk haltingly with help, then to walk by himself – and then miraculously – to run. Well, he actually started doing something more akin to hopping fast than running. But before long, young Glenn Cunningham was known throughout the community for his running. Because he ran everywhere.He once said, “I didn’t move 10 feet without breaking into a run. I ran and ran and ran.” Strangely enough, however, although walking caused him great pain, running hardly hurt at all. And so, as Glenn would later remark, “For five or six years, about all I did was run.” His legs remained deeply scarred, however. Throughout his life, he would have to massage them and spend time doing long warm-up exercises in order to maintain circulation. In addition, his injuries meant that he could never run smoothly or efficiently; he compensated with endurance and strength. Glenn said this about his first race “My father was definitely against athletic events. He just didn’t see the need for it. But I decided to enter a competition. I just didn’t tell anybody at home. I showed up at the track meet in my workclothes and thick-soled canvas sneakers. I was a fourth grader, and most of the others were high school athletes. All of them wore running shorts and spiked running shoes. I must have looked like David lined up against all the giants, but I won going away! I ended up getting a whipping from my father that evening when I got home.” Decades later, he would call that race the biggest of his life—a monumental statement considering the races to come in his future. By the time he reached high school, Glenn was a solid multi-sport athlete, competing in football, basketball, and track, despite the fact that he required long extensive warm-ups before any athletic activities due to the various circulation problems caused by his childhood accident. He competed in both the 1932 Summer Olympics as well as the 1936 Summer Olympics.In the 1932 Olympics he took 4th place in the 1500 m, and in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, he took silver in the 1500 meters.An athlete who survived severe burns on his legs as a youth, Glenn Cunningham was one of the world’s top middle distance runners during the 1930s, winning the prestigious Sullivan Award in 1933 as the nation’s top amateur athlete. In 1934, he set the world record for the mile run at 4:06.8, which stood for three years. In 1936, he set the world record in the 800 m run. In 1938, he set a world record in the indoor mile run of 4:04.4. He retired from competition in 1940. In 1933, Cunningham graduated from the University with the highest academic record in his class.Cunningham went on to graduate school at the University of Kansas, then earned a master’s degree from the University of Iowa in 1936, and a Ph.D. in physical education from New York University in 1940. He taught physical education at Cornell University from 1940 to 1944, and later joined the Navy, where he attained the lieutenant rank, helped create physical training programs in several Navy stations, and visited many military hospitals in order to encourage wounded soldiers. Cunningham married Ruth Sheffield, in the summer of 1947. Although he might have used his name as a star athlete to make a great deal of money, he was more interested in helping others than in making a fortune. He and his wife opened the Glenn Cunningham Youth Ranch and over the next three decades, raised over 10,000 foster children. He had a positive attitude as well as a strong religious faith. His favourite Bible verse was Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Glenn Cunningham went from possibly never walking normally again to holding world records at the Olympics for the USA. Those kinds of achievements would not happen without extreme will power and faith. Quotes of Glenn Cunningham “As long as you believe you can do things, they’re not impossible.” “ I think it was at that very moment that I made one of the biggest decisions of my life. I’m NOT going to be an invalid! I remember saying over and over, “I will walk! I will walk!” “ My family was wonderful. I can’t even imagine how horrible it must have been with all the smells and the sight of my rotting flesh. I had lost all the flesh on my knees and shins, as well as all the toes on my left foot. My transverse arch was mostly gone. Yet my family kept changing the dressings and massaging my legs, though there was little muscle left to massage. Even after I was able to stand, holding onto either the bed or a chair, a neighbor kid said, “Aw, you ain’t nevergonna walk again!” But by then I knew that nothing was going to stop me.” “My Mother and Father had always brought us up to never complain. I was asked to do a lot of speeches through the years, and I often talked about overcoming challenges, but I just always figured that I needed to do my best and never quit. Complaining about something I had no control over would have diminished what I was trying to do. I just wanted to let my running speak for itself.” “In running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents. The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions” Glenn shared the never-quit philosophy that was the framework of his own successes, including these gems: • If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. • Belief influences action, and action influences belief. • Act as if it were impossible to fail. • Every great accomplishment started with a thought. View this video to see Glenn Cunningham in action.
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, at Jamaica Hospital in the borough of Queens, New York City. Trump's role as president is to get the people to trust him and create credibility. In the speech, he uses the word "we" a lot. He constantly explains that it is "we" who have to do a lot of things together some examples could be” Together, we will make America strong again. We will make wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together, we will make America great again.” He is very much in favor of them rebuilding the US together for something good again. This can create credibility in people as it creates a community. He has also just won an election as president and automatically makes him more credible.
The gain of the amplidyne is related to the gain of D.C. generator of equivalent rating as ____ that of D.C. generator. A. equal to B. less than C. more than D. any of the above Share your understanding of this question with the correct explanation.
There is a crucial aspect of feminine wisdom that has largely been lost in today’s world—a “sacred feminine” which, if reclaimed, could help relieve a tremendous amount of conflict and suffering all across the planet. In this 13-part Goddess Returns series, acclaimed teachers Sally Kempton and Ken Wilber discuss one of the most powerful ways we can reconnect with this divine feminine: by invoking and internalizing the energetic qualities of eleven different Hindu goddesses. Original illustrations by Charles Ekabhumi Ellik Quotes taken from Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton Become a member today to listen to this premium podcast and support the global emergence of Integral consciousness Receive full access to weekly conversations hosted by leading thinkers Receive full access to the growing Journal of Integral Theory & Practice library Courses & Products 20% discount off all products and courses from our friends and partners Free Bonus Gifts The Integral Vision eBook by Ken Wilber (worth $19 on Amazon) + The Ken Wilber Biography Series You can cancel future billing anytime – easily and online Our 30-day, 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. About Sally Kempton Sally Kempton, formerly known as Swami Durgananda, is recognized as a powerful meditation guide and as a spiritual teacher who integrates yogic philosophy with daily life. She is the author of the best-selling book Meditation for the Love of It, and writes the popular Wisdom column for Yoga Journal. She is a teacher in the tantric tradition of Kashmir Shaivism, conducts workshops and retreats on its applied philosophy, and is also a core founder and faculty of iEvolve: Global Practice Community. About Ken Wilber Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. He is an internationally acknowledged leader, founder of Integral Institute, and co-founder of Integral Life. Ken is the originator of arguably the first truly comprehensive or integrative world philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory”.
What do you use pumpkins for? Today is known as National Pumpkin Day. Yeah, pumpkins are so good, there’s a national day dedicated to them. Pumpkins are this season’s most popular fruit. Did you know pumpkins are technically considered a fruit? The definition of a fruit is “the edible, seed bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant.” With one slice into a pumpkin, you see it’s full of seeds. More specifically, however, a pumpkin is a part of the gourd family, along with cantaloupe, watermelons, zucchini, and more. Pumpkins are overflowing the cardboard boxes lining your every grocery store. There is an abundance of this in-season fruit. How will you choose to make the most of your pumpkin this holiday season? Just a few suggestions, if you know other ways to use your pumpkins, leave yours in the comments below! By: KayLynn P.
Modern commercial boilers, particularly high-end ones, are generally more efficient than old outmoded boilers, both in terms of fuel consumption and their durability. But this does not necessarily mean that just buying owning one, you’re getting the best performance from your commercial boiler. Relying on your boiler to optimise itself isn’t going to bring you maximum efficiency. Whether it’s minimising fuel consumption or reducing running costs, there a multitude of things that you can do to ensure you’re getting the best possible performance from your boiler. If you are wondering whether your modern commercial boiler is operating at 11 and what you can do to help it do so, here are a few things you can start with. How Old is Your Boiler? Many existing boiler installations involve installing a modern commercial boiler on top of an older system. Although on the surface replacing the boiler and re-using the rest of the system seems like a good money-saving tactic, it’s actually counterproductive. Because the existing ageing system may contain debris and dirt, it can drag down the performance of the new boiler and shorten the lifespan of the new boiler – costing you more money in the long run. Older systems also tend to not perform to the same standards as a modern boiler, even if they are in relatively good shape. Whether it is because they are outmoded or because age has already led to the breakdown of components, it always results in reduced efficiency for the system as a whole. Implementing water treatment as much as possible will help prevent the additional corrosion of internal parts due to age and dirty water. It is therefore always smart to first check if the existing system is not hindering the newly installed boiler with a professional service. Take Advantage of Modern Control Capabilities One advantage that modern boilers have is that energy use can be optimised through inbuilt power saving features, such as settings that only engage the boiler at a certain time or temperature. This ensures that your boiler is only switched on when it is needed and shut down when it isn’t, preventing energy wastage and prolonging the lifespan of your boiler. Another control capability you may want to take advantage of is the ability to arrange your boilers to service mixed-use developments from a central plant room. Essentially, this is where intelligent boilers efficiently distribute heat and hot water to different parts of the building according to their specific demands and needs, without the need to set up multiple boiler points. This type of setup is ideal if your building has a wide array of needs dependent on multiple factors. For example, if you house retail units with modest demand during the daytime, alongside residential units that will require peak heat and DHW in the mornings and evenings. Some of the newer boilers have now been fitted with outdoor weather sensors, enabling them to adjust the heat output to accommodate changes in the temperature of the external environment. If you ensure this setting is switched on, your boiler will automatically reduce the heat in warmer climates and increase the heat in cold weather, minimizing its own waste and fuel use. Don’t Ignore the Small Details It can be easy to write off a rising gas bill as an anomaly of use, but if your gas bills are continually rising for no real reason, there may be a deeper issue at hand. If your gas bills are soaring and you haven’t changed the way that you are using your boiler, it could be an indication that your boiler is inefficient and may need a further investigation. Broken components, or general wear and tear, all result in increased fuel consumption – meaning your boiler is working harder and costing more, and performing less. Similarly, keep an eye, and an ear out, for any abnormal stains or sounds around your boiler and the plumbing system. Regular and Preventive Maintenance As with any equipment or device that is under heavy use, your commercial boiler needs regular servicing and preventive maintenance. Many boilers degrade and ultimately fail because they were not being serviced or maintained, leaving what could have been relatively minor issues to snowball. Regular preventive maintenance is also a must because it is a requirement for many modern boilers’ warranties. It’s always worth checking whether your manufacturer’s warranty stipulates the need for annual service and maintenance, and if it does, always make sure you use a professional plumber or tradesman with the relevant professional certifications. Regular servicing should stop you from having any nasty, sudden – and expensive – surprises. Making sure you’re getting the most from your commercial boiler doesn’t have to be complex, or unnecessarily expensive. Always do some research on the make and model of your boiler to ensure you’re using your particular boiler’s features to their fullest capacity, and remain observant to any changes in your boiler’s performance. More importantly, be proactive getting your boiler regularly serviced by a licensed tradesman. Whilst the initial investment may seem out of bounds when there is nothing apparently wrong, remember that it is just that, an investment. A plumber can the warning signs and fix an imminent issue before it becomes one, saving you money, downtime and hassle in the process. If you remain diligent in the upkeep of your commercial boiler, you’ll ensure it a long and efficient life for years to come.
|3 Months Ended| Apr. 02, 2016 |Inventory Disclosure [Abstract]| |Inventory Disclosure [Text Block]|| Inventories, consisting principally of appliances, are stated at the lower of cost, determined on a specific identification basis, or market and consist of: We provide estimated provisions for the obsolescence of our appliance inventories, including adjustments to market, based on various factors, including the age of such inventory and our management’s assessment of the need for such provisions. We look at historical inventory agings and margin analysis in determining our provision estimate. A revised cost basis is used once a provision for obsolescence is recorded. The entire disclosure for inventory. This may include, but is not limited to, the basis of stating inventory, the method of determining inventory cost, the major classes of inventory, and the nature of the cost elements included in inventory. If inventory is stated above cost, accrued net losses on firm purchase commitments for inventory and losses resulting from valuing inventory at the lower-of-cost-or-market may also be included. For LIFO inventory, may disclose the amount and basis for determining the excess of replacement or current cost over stated LIFO value and the effects of a LIFO quantities liquidation that impacts net income. Reference 1: http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/presentationRef
By Joel Leyden Israel News Agency New York — June 1, 2015 … With Israel being bashed everywhere from the White House, Iran, and the ICC to BDS, Flotillas and J Street, having a parade of over 50,000 people cheering and smiling is just the medicine the Jewish nation so badly needs. In 1965, thousands walked down Riverside Drive in support of the young State of Israel. This impromptu walk evolved into the Salute to Israel Parade on Fifth Avenue. In 2011 the name of the Parade was changed to focus on celebrating the vibrant and diverse country of Israel. The Parade features over 40,000 marchers from many organizations. Hundreds of thousands enthusiastic spectators watch American and Israeli community leaders and dignitaries, entertainers, artists, musicians, dancers, celebrities, floats and marching bands. The sponsors of the 2015 Celebrate Israel Parade include: America-Israel Friendship League, American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center, American Friends of Leket Israel, American Friends of Magen David Adom, American Zionist Movement, Ariel University Avi Chai Foundation, Bat Mitzvah Project HUG and Bnai Zion Foundation, Bnei Akiva of the United States and Canada, The Cheese Guy, EL AL, Dr. Felix Glaubach & Family, The Hampton Synagogue, The Hebron Fund, Hillel Yeshiva, IDB Bank, IDT Corporation Iranian American Jewish Federation, Israel Bonds, Israel Ministry of Tourism, Israeli American Council, JDate, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, Jewish National Fund, Jordache, Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, Kars 4 Kids, One Israel Fund Nefesh B’ Nefesh, Russian American Jewish Experience, Sephardic Heritage Alliance Inc., StandWithUs, State of Israel and UJA-Federation of New York .
The Installation of Omicron The first issue of the Purple, Green, and Gold,, Lambda Chi Alpha's first exoteric national publication, featured the installation of Omicron Zeta, and was sometimes referred to as the “Omicron issue” or the “Cornell issue.” wrote this article describing the installation of Omicron Zeta. Murray D. Lincoln of Gamma Zeta, Massachusetts, the correspondent, later went on to found Nationwide Insurance and CARE. The installation of the local fraternity, ISWZA, as the Omicron Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, took place at their chapter house on October 10 and 11. The ceremonies were well attended by the alumni of the local chapter and also by representatives from Penn. State, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, and Massachusetts Agricultural College . This being the first installation of a chapter under the revised ritual, it gave the old L.C.A. men and the ritual committee an excellent opportunity to see the new ritual in practice. And as was clearly shown at the time the revision was a great improvement on the old ritual, being a great credit to the work of Brothers Cole and Mason, instrumental in perfecting it . Since Cornell University is one of the largest institutions of learning in the eastern part of the United States, it is particularly fitting that we should have a chapter established there as early as possible. As a delegate from Gamma Zeta at the Massachusetts Agricultural College, I journeyed to Ithaca on October 10. The trip proved to be one of great interest since I had never before had the pleasure of seeing much of the state of New York in the daylight. Practically all of the state, from the flat level fields and pastures of the central portion to the hilly, rolling districts of the west and southwest, is very picturesque and interesting. Of especial interest on the route to Ithaca are the various lakes in the central portion of the state, while the ride from Auburn to Ithaca, which takes roughly one and one-half hours, along the very water line of Lake Cayuga on one side, and a splendid line of cliffs, rising to an elevation of from forty to seventy-five feet on the other, interspersed snow and then with deep gorges over which fall tiny streams of water, is one not easily to be forgotten. The University itself like so many of our colleges is situated “on a hill,” overlooking a valley into which Lake Cayuga flows, and bounded on the further side by a gentle rising slope which is seen to be dotted with farms and hamlets. The building and campus are both massive and beautiful, combining to form an Alma Mater of which any college man may well be proud. The chapter house, situated on one of the principal streets of the campus, to the westward of the university itself, is practically a new one, modern in construction and admirably suited to the needs of a fraternity. As is customary at Cornell, the men have their meals served in their own house, a practice which cannot but help to strengthen the fraternal bonds and fellowship of the members. Another excellent custom is observed, namely that before almost every meal one or more of the college songs is sung— which goes to show that even in fraternal surroundings loyalty to the college is not forgotten. During my stay there of a little over two days, I was treated with much cordiality and respect, and gained a very favorable impression of this latest addition to the members of our fraternal circle. To me at least, the men seem to be earnest and conscientious workers both in the fraternity and in college life, taking an active part in many of the various sports, standing well in the eyes of their fellow classmates, and if I may use the expression, “making good” in every way. With the best wishes of all the Zetas extended to them, we welcome Omicron Zeta into our midst, firmly believing that by so doing we are strengthening the workings and spreading the good name of “Old Lambda.” The Fraternity Situation Zeta Psi was the pioneer society at Cornell and from the first she has held her dignified, exclusive, generous and fair position so characteristic of the general fraternity. Chi Phi came next, but after a time withdrew and reappeared in 1888. Kappa Alpha, perhaps the most exclusive of all, was the third and then Alpha Delta Phi. Both of these organizations added much to the character of the system at Cornell and have shown unusual strength from the first. Phi Kappa Psi also came with the first year but was not thoroughly rooted and succumbed in 1876. Chi Psi and Delta Upsilon, the latter first as an anti-secret society but changed to a non-secret, were also numbered among those of the first year. The second year from the Delta Kappa Epsilon and the Theta Delta Chi. Three years later Phi Delta Theta established a chapter which existed until 1875, when it was withdrawn and not replaced until ten years after. In 1874 Alpha Sigma Chi was established and continued as such until 1879 when all the chapters of this fraternity were absorbed by Beta Theta Pi. The Cornell chapter became Beta Delta and has flourished as such since that time. Psi Upsilon came to Cornell in 1876 by absorbing a large part of the local chapter of Phi Kappa Psi, which extinguished the latter for a period of nine years, after which it has revived and has since maintained a good all around chapter. In 1878, Delta Beta Phi was founded at Cornell and spread to give other institutions but in 1882 the entire society disbanded. With the increase in size of the university has come an increase in the number of fraternities. Alpha Tau Omega was established in 1887, Phi Gamma Delta in 1888, Phi Sigma Kappa in 1889, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Phi, Delta Chi, Sigma Chi in 1890, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Phi 1891, Kappa Sigma in 1892, Alpha Zeta, Sigma Phi Epsion, Sigma Nu in 1901, Theta Xi, Theta Lambda Phi, Alpha Chi Rho in 1903, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Sgma in 1904, Kappa Psi, Ometa Tau Sigma in 1905, Alpha Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi in 1907, Zeta Beta Tau in 1908, Gamma Eta Gamma in 1909, Theta Chi in 1912, and Lambda Chi Alpha in 1913. In addition to these Cornell has an unusually large number of local clubs. The most prominent of these are Skill 1901, Bandhu 1902, Zodiac 1904, Seal and Serpent 1905, Nayati 1907, Acacia 1908, Alpha Theta 1911, Eleusis and Caduceus 1912 . As the alumni list of each chapter grow larger and more prosperous, the feeling of interest which every graduate member has for the undergradate led to the desire to erect permanent dwellings for all who came after them. At Cornell the feeling is very strong that until a chapter has a permanent home it can not be more than temporary in character. This principle was strongly shown by some of the best fraternities who refused to established chapters until a permanent lodge was secured. The windowless lodge with its air of mystery has never found favor at Cornell. The relation which the fraternity system sustains to the whole student body is interesting, from the fact that it is tending toward an ideal, and because it has reached this ideal at Cornell to a greater degree than at almost any other institution. The sharp rivalry and class distinction between fraternity and non-fraternity men, too often found and a cause of condemning the system, does not exist at Cornell. The system of rushing has been adjusted to a nicety and at present there is none of the confusion and expense and mistakes formerly attendant upon rushing freshmen. In 1905 eight freshmen, who became acquainted through an escape in which they outwitted some sophomores, organized and founded as a social club the Iswza Fraternity. Until 1908, the club consisted of the eight original members, when they initiated some new men into the organization and bestowed upon them the full significance of the letters I.S.W.Z.A. and gave the the rites of the stone on the turtle back . In 1911, the club became larger, and moved into a new house. In May, 1913, the organization was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, and shortly after purchased the chapter house which it now occupies, in the center of the fraternity district at 614 Stewart Ave., within five minutes walk of the Quadrangle. At present the membership is thirty, seven of whom are seniors. Every course is now represented except Veterinary Medicine. Outside of the regular university work many of the men are engaged in other pursuits. We have men out for football and cross country, several of whom are on the training table. Lambda Chi Alpha On October eleventh and twelfth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, occurred the installation of Omicron Zeta chapter of ΛΧΑunder the most favorable auspices. Immediately following the "Crew Celebration" which took place on the Library Slope, but a stone's throw from the house, Brother Warren A. Cole gave the alumni who were present, the oath and ritual of ΛΧΑ. On the following day the entire bunch of forty-five attended the Cornell-Carlisle football game at Percy Field. That night immediately after the banquet, Brother Cole, with the aid of brothers from Amherst, Penn. State, and M.I.T. initiated and gave the ritual to four pledges in the most impressive manner, at the same time initiating us into the mysteries of ΛΧΑ. It was in the wee hours of Sunday morning before his work was completed. It was with a feeling of regret that we saw our visitors leave for their respective homes the next day. May they come again. To you with whom we are yet to be acquainted, we extend a hearty invitation to visit Baby Omicron. And so we make our debut in the Purple, Green and Gold and hope that our new relationship may further strengthen us and the rest of the fraternity in the fraternal bonds of ΛΧΑ. - At the time, the membership of most chapters was quite small, complicating the issue of who would conduct the installation. Warren A. Cole led the degree team, which was assembled from volunteers from the closest existing chapters. Note also that Massachusetts Agricultural College is now the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. [back] - Refinements to the modern (Mason) ritual, approved in March, continued over the summer; whether the first installation under this ritual was Pi Zeta at Worcester or Omicron at Cornell, or perhaps another, may be fairly disputed. [back] - Ernst Fischer was invited to join Nayati, and the decision to organize I.S.W.Z.A. as a fraternity played a role in his decision not to accept that bid. Eleusis later accepted a charter from Theta Kappa Nu, which merged with Lambda Chi Alpha in 1939. Seal and Serpent was the only local to survive through the Great Depression. [back] - There is no evidence one way or another to suggest I.S.W.Z.A. was organized as a fraternity, or ever known by that name, in the immediate aftermath of the “Famous Freshman Melee” of 1905. By the accepted account, the group did not become formalized until fall 1907, particularly after the celebrations following the Princeton game on October 26. Several documents, however, including the petition for a Lambda Chi Alpha charter, “backdate” the fraternity in this way, presumably to make it seem more established and distinguished of an organization. [back]
The only Portable Liquid Oxygen Unit of its kind Manufactured by Essex Cryogenics called the Mass Oxygen Distribution System or MODS, is an Emergency Oxygen System for the Masses. The MODS is the only Medical Grade Oxygen Delivery System that can be immediately deployed and set-up anywhere! This low pressure, portable 75 liter liquid oxygen storage and gaseous distribution system is capable of supplying oxygen to as many as 150 patients at the same time through the use of Patient Distribution Kits, PODS, or a Linear Patient Distribution Kit (LPDK). Which sole purpose is to provide the additional lines to distribute oxygen to patients. Capable of delivering oxygen indefinitely by alternating the oxygen from one VGL (Vertical Gas Liquid) Cylinder / VGL Connection to the other VGL Connection / VGL Cylinder. Dual vaporizers allow switching immediately from one external source to another. Thus, breathing oxygen is seamlessly and continuously provided without interruption even after the relatively immense on board LOX (Liquid Oxygen) is used. Moreover, the system provides an ability to fill/refill on board LOX while simultaneously delivering oxygen to patients, again without interruption. The use of a dual coil heat exchanger means that frost build-up on the heat exchanger does not interrupt operation. The low temperature caution alarm and outlet gas pressure warning alarm provide protection to patient from cold oxygen and from loss of pressure no matter whether few or many patients are using the system. The battery-driven microprocessor alarms with pressure and temperature alarming with outlet pressure signaling alert to the need for VGL/source change-over. The large 75-liter on board LOX storage provides a hospital-type flow of many hours before supplementing, as by VGL resupply, will be needed. Safe and effective mass distribution of breathing oxygen is thus assured in a situation such as a mass casualty incident where many patients need emergency oxygen in a location where, for example, patients, even if widely located about the location, will be given medical attention for an indefinite period whether of a few hours or many hours. A great need is thereby fulfilled. After use, the shutoff/vent feature allows the outlet to be shut off and vent all hoses and accessories at the same time, so safely allowing system disassembly. The MODS Portable Liquid Oxygen Unit is an FDA Class II Device with FDA 510K Clearance and is covered under U.S. Patent # 8,402,965. It has solid rubber tires and can be moved by one person. The MODS is certified to D.O.T. 4L for safe transportation of Liquid Oxygen. The delivery rate/deration is 450 LPM at 200 +/- PSIG to multiple patients. A Required Operating Temperature should be between -32 DEG F to 130 DEG F (0 C to 49 C) with an Outlet Pressure of 200 PSIG nominal. Essex MODS is a portable, large-volume, supply and distribution system designed to provide life-saving oxygen to mass-incident, multi-patient injury sites. Essex MODS MASS OXYGEN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The Essex MODS Mass Oxygen Distribution System is a low pressure portable liquid oxygen storage and gaseous distribution system that is mobile, extremely robust and made to the highest quality and durability standards.SOLD OUT
Dog training is easier the earlier you begin – and ideally, that would be the day you bring a new puppy home. But, not all pet parents take the time to fully train their furry friends at a young age, and some don’t have the opportunity. What if your dog is an adult? Can you teach an older pooch new skills and behaviors? Fortunately, yes — it’s never too late to start dog training. Professional trainers routinely work with adult pets, and here at iWorkDogs, clients turn to us for a range of reasons. Training an Adopted Dog Many people adopt adult dogs from shelter and rescue facilities, and these pets can become happy, well-adjusted members of the family. Getting to that point may take time due to the different living environment, but dog training can be effective. Regardless of an adopted dog’s age, it isn’t too late to start. Training for Major Life Changes Having a baby, moving from the city to the country – people make these types of big changes all the time. Learning to live with the new situation isn’t always easy, and that’s true for us as well as our four-legged friends. For a dog, training sessions may be necessary to adjust to life changes. Training to Break Bad Habits Pet owners often put up with bad habits for years, as they don’t have the time or motivation to bring the problem to a stop. Eventually, however, the behavior becomes to be too much of an issue – and that’s when they want to start dog training. Waiting to train isn’t ideal, but with the right approach, dogs can learn new behaviors. Training to Socialize a Dog Socialization is somewhat different than training for new skills. When a pooch grows up without learning how to socialize, teaching them to become comfortable around other people and dogs and in unfamiliar situations can be challenging. Training sessions can help, but depending upon how scared, stressed or anxious a dog is, success with socialization may require a professional. Do you need assistance with dog training? If you’re in Los Angeles or the greater southern California area, turn to the iWorkDogs team. We’re the preferred trainers of local shelters, rescues, veterinarians and breeders – and with us, your furry family member will have fun learning. We offer a range of training options, including group classes, private sessions and board-and-train boot camps. Our professional trainers have experience working with all breeds, ages and temperaments – and we’re confident we can achieve results with your beloved pooch. For more information on iWorkDogs or our LA dog training programs, contact us online or call our Los Angeles office today.
Sponsor: National Science Foundation The ZOOplankton Sonar (ZOOPS) is a multiview, multimodal acoustic and optical zooplankton sonar system. It combines multiple, broadband acoustic sensors with a high-resolution camera and narrowband optical illumination. The system aims to provide enhanced information of zooplankton distributions in the ocean. Its features are: - Multiple acoustic views of the same field of view - A high-resolution optical image of the field of view that is insonified by acoustic transmissions. - Broadband sound between 1.5 and 2.5 MHz which allows for resolving echoes from individuals with better than 3mm resolution. - The ability to be towed, profiled, or fixed at one location. System control, data aquisition, networking, and storage are provided by a National Instruments PXI system running windows XP. Two 10 MHz 12-bit ADC broads record acoustic data from up to eight hydrophones. A 100 MS DAC board provides generation of custom waveforms that are amplified by a 250 W power amp before being transmitted. Reson 2MHz broadband transducers are used for both transmitting and receiving sound. A Basler Scout-g CCD camera collects optical images of light scatter in the 525 nm wavelength. Two DeepSea Power and LightLED sources are currently used for illumination. The main controller housing was machined out of aluminum and the hydrophone and camera housings were machined out of titanium. Mechanical fabrication was performed at the Marine Science Development Center. For additional detailed information about the system, motivation of the project please see the excellent report by Florian Aulanier below. - Principle Investigator: Jules S. Jaffe - Principle Engineer: Fernando Simonet - Assistant Engineer: Florian Aulanier - Techincal Consultants: Robert Glatts, Paul L. D. Roberts, Fred Jaffre (WHOI) - Students and Interns: Justin Haag, Christian Briseño, Gabriel Obregón Photos, Videos, and Data:
A recently developed technique that keeps donor organs warm and pumping with blood, oxygen, and other nutrients could shake up a field that’s been relying on low-tech cold storage for decades. In March, the US Food and Drug Administration granted its first approval for a normothermic system for pretransplant organ preservation to the Organ Care System (OCS) Lung platform from Massachusetts-based TransMedics. Donor lungs in the device are maintained at body temperature, perfused with a solution supplemented with red blood cells, and ventilated with a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, keeping them in a near-physiological state. Abbasi J. Normothermic Preservation Poised to Change Organ Transplants. JAMA. 2018;319(22):2263. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.7234 Customize your JAMA Network experience by selecting one or more topics from the list below. Create a personal account or sign in to:
In the two years since President Donald Trump declared his vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific, the United States government has released numerous documents outlining U.S. strategy to realize that vision. These strategy documents — such as the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and the Indo-Pacific Strategy report — are clear and comprehensive. They underscore the nature of the challenges that the U.S. and its allies and partners face — and, more importantly, provide a pathway forward. In the era of strategic competition with revisionist authoritarian powers, a consistent thread found in all these documents is how the United States cannot and should not have to be at all places all the time, and, more importantly, do it alone. Indeed, for this vision to be realized and for the strategy to work, American allies and partners must work closer together more than ever before. The free and open Indo-Pacific strategy necessitates reliable allies and partners with shared vision, strategies, and policies to work closer together to preserve the rules-based order and the norms and institutions of that order. Nowhere is this more necessary than in Asia. Anchoring the Regional Security Alliances As often stated by senior U.S. officials, the U.S.-Japan alliance is the cornerstone for peace and stability in Asia. And the U.S.-Japan security alliance remains the anchor of the U.S. posture in the Indo-Pacific. Yet, there are limits to the security alliance as it is presently construed. More specifically, there are limits to American standing on its own to respond to the immediate and fundamental changes in the regional security environment. Indeed, this is why the United States has tried to encourage South Korea and Japan to work closer together. In an area fraught with intra-regional conflicts and profound strategic changes with the rise of revisionist authoritarian powers, countries like Japan and Taiwan — because of their shared values, strategic interests, and geographical location — are natural allies. The two countries have the advantage of already enjoying a very close partnership built on close people-to-people ties and similar threat perceptions toward immediate and fundamental changes in the regional security environment. In some sense, their visions are already aligned. But now it is important for the two countries’ defense and security establishments to align those strategies with concrete policies. Why Policy Alignment is Critical Now The importance of policy alignments among American allies and partners was suggested in a recent speech given by a senior defense official in the U.S. In remarks delivered at the Global Taiwan Institute’s annual conference on “U.S.-Taiwan Relations: A Shared Vision in the Indo-Pacific” on September 11, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense David Helvey stated: In fact our National Defense Strategy identifies alliances and partnerships as a crucial and durable asymmetric advantage that no other country can match. As the Department implements the NDS in the Indo-Pacific, we are strengthening these relationships by helping others modernize their military forces and strengthen our deterrent capability. For it is only by, with, and through our allies and partners that we can safeguard the rules, norms, and standards that have conferred enormous benefits to the region. In a follow-on speech delivered at the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council’s 19th annual U.S.-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference, Helvey elaborated: “Taiwan is a critical partner in the Indo-Pacific” and “[i]t is in this strategic environment that the Administration continues to faithfully implement the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) as part of a broader commitment to the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific.” (RELATED ARTICLE: Like the U.S., Japan Should Have Its Taiwan Relations Act) While not explicitly mentioned, his comments clearly implied that closer ties between Japan and Taiwan are integral to the realization of a free and open Indo-Pacific. (RELATED ARTICLE: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW | Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen Seeks Security Talks with Japanese Government) Earlier in 2019, former officials from the United States, Japan, and Taiwan gathered in Tokyo and issued a joint declaration calling for an enhancement of U.S.-Japan-Taiwan ties. The joint statement called for the enactment of six specific measures to help enhance the security of Taiwan and address regional security concerns. These measures were: - Approve the participation of Taiwan in U.S.-Japan co-hosted humanitarian regional maritime security exercises; - Commence official security dialogue between Japan and Taiwan; - Initiate official security dialogue between Japan, the United States, and Taiwan; - For Japan to enact a “Basic Act on Exchange between Japan and Taiwan” - For Japan to enact legislation of agreements and memorandums of understanding with Japan and the United States in Taiwan; - Establish policies, mechanisms, and resources to commonly counter malign influence operations initiated by the PRC designed to undermine the Japan-U.S. security alliance and the democracy and freedom of Taiwan. Highlighting the challenges ahead, the stated purpose of the symposium was to have a discussion that “included improving the regional security environment for Taiwan and ascertaining the direction of Japan-U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation against the background of China’s growing and explicit ambition to annex Taiwan, which is raising tensions in Taiwan and neighboring area.” A member of the group, retired Lieutenant General Wallace Gregson, who most recently served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs and also as commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific, issued a clear warning. He stated that the “most severe gray zone threat” in the region is the Chinese Communist Party’s subversion of the legitimate government on Taiwan. Specifically, he said the undermining of democracy in Asia is inextricably linked to U.S. security and called on democracies to respond to these threats. The joint statement also called for an official security dialogue between Taiwan and Japan, which follows the steady deepening of U.S.-Taiwan security ties in recent years. Indeed, the secretary-general of Taiwan’s National Security Council made an unprecedented visit to Washington, DC, in May to meet with his counterparts in the U.S. government. This is the first official and publicly-acknowledged visit made by an NSC secretary general to Washington, DC, since the switch in diplomatic relations in 1979 and a first since the passage of the Taiwan Travel Act in February 2018. Likewise, senior policymakers in Taiwan are calling for dialogue with their Japanese counterparts. In late February, Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, called for a direct security dialogue between Taiwan and Japan. In an interview with The Sankei Shimbun, President Tsai stated that: Taiwan and Japan are confronted with the same threats in the East Asian region…. It is vital that talks be raised to the level of security cooperation…. Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe has been extremely friendly with Taiwan, and, after his inauguration, has made dramatic decisions [for Japan-Taiwan relations]. For the next step, it is necessary to strengthen our security discussions. For the free and open Indo-Pacific strategy to work, American allies and partners — with shared vision, strategies, and policies — must work closer than ever before. Strengthening security cooperation through dialogue between Taiwan and Japan, and trilaterally between the United States, Japan, and Taiwan, will help to further the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific. - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW | Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen Seeks Security Talks with Japanese Government - How Far Will Japan Go to Help Keep Taiwan Free - What Measures Can Japan, U.S. Take to Defend the Western Pacific Against China’s Aggression? - Common Concerns, Common Mission: Japan, U.S. Defend Western Pacific vs China Aggression - Taiwan and China, from the Perspective of Foreign Journalists - ‘Behaving Like A Nice Kid’ Gets Taiwan Nowhere, Says Former President Chen Shui-bian - Former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian Re-emerges, Pushes for Referendum on China - Security, Defense Cooperation Puts Japan-Taiwan Relations Back on Track - Like the U.S., Japan Should Have Its Taiwan Relations Act - In Reviewing US China Policy, Consider Taiwan - China’s Artificial Islands ‘Not Territories’ — Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou - “We’re Not Chinese”: Worlds Biggest Overseas Taiwanese Organization To Form in Japan Author: Russell Hsiao
Cross-posted from Global Exchange At COP 16 this week, the tone has been tense and difficult, both inside the negotiations at Cancun’s opulent Moon Palace, and on the margins where social movements, NGO’s, and indigenous peoples’ groups have gathered to raise their voices in opposition to the increasingly crushing decisions of global elites. After last year’s fractious meeting in Copenhagen, and with echoes of the 2003 rout of the WTO here still lingering, Cancun at the beginning of the week was an armed encampment. Between the armored vehicles patrolling the outside and the labyrinthine and exhausting process to get anywhere near the inside, a clear attempt has been made to marginalize civil society, if not to neutralize it altogether. The title of an article in Mexico’s La Jornada newspaper last week summed up the mood well in a play on the literal meaning of the name given to this artificial Caribbean paradise: Cancun is indeed a nest of snakes. After a year of contentious wrangling between an immovable object and an unstoppable force – the Cochabamba People’s Agreement, ratified by 35,000 people last April, and the Copenhagen Accord, rammed through by the U.S., China, and a small group of economic heavyweights last December – and with countries left and right threatening to abandon the Kyoto Protocol like rats from a sinking ship, it is more than clear that no significant agreement will come out of Cancun next week. But, given the nature of any possible agreement that might be reached, the pertinent question may be: so what? Coming into Cancun, the refrain from Northern governments and the media has been that there are low expectations for COP 16. From the U.S., for example, the Obama administration will send the Secretaries of Energy and of Agriculture, showing a lack of will to move forward at a high diplomatic level, even as the Wikileaks diplomatic cable scandal undermines whatever vestiges of trust may have existed in the international community. In response to these pronounced ‘low expectation’, Pablo Solon, Bolivia’s ambassador to the United Nations pointed out in an article in the UK’s Guardian, “I wonder whose expectations they are talking about? The reality is that the talk of ‘low expectations’ is a ploy by a small group of industrialized countries to obscure their obligations to act.” While the U.S. and other powers appear to be doing ‘not enough’ on climate change, in fact they are doing more than enough – blocking the agreements, bullying the other Parties, implementing militaristic anti-immigration policies to further repress those forced to flee environmental and social collapse in the global South, and pushing climate-readiness doublespeak through false solutions like agrofuels, GE trees, and deeply dubious policies like REDD (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). REDD – one of the key policy proposals on the table in Cancun – is indicative of the difference between Copenhagen and Cochabamba. Far too complex to explain in a few sentences here, REDD proposes putting a price on forests based on the value of the Co2 they capture, in order to keep trees standing by making them worth more as trees than as timber. A fundamental market-based approach to mitigating the climate crisis, many indigenous people and campesino groups, including Via Campesina and the Indigenous Environmental Network, see REDD as a Trojan Horse concealing within its byzantine innards potentially the largest landgrab of all time. Indeed, many of the indigenous delegates I’ve talked to view it as a both a violation of the sacred, and the next phase of the genocide they’ve survived for centuries. Indeed, when the U.S. negotiators yesterday proposed that the words “indigenous peoples” be replaced in the negotiating text with “indigenous groups” – reversing with the stroke of a pen decades of work to gain collective rights for precisely those peoples most affected and least responsible for the climate crisis – they might as well have offered some smallpox blankets to go with it. With the language from the Cochabamba Agreement sacked entirely from the negotiating text, leaving little but market fundamentalism on the table, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change now giving attention to geoengineering despite the recently called global moratorium, with murky politics and backroom deals standing in for the “commitment and compromise” called for by the UNFCCC, and with armed federales patrolling the streets to intimidate and criminalize dissent, it is frankly difficult to see a how we’ll climb out of the viper pit.
Cast notes: *Richard Bennett was Constance Bennett's father in real life. Bought was the only film they made together. Bought is a 1931 American Pre-Code drama film produced and released by Warner Bros. and directed by Archie Mayo. The movie stars Constance Bennett and features Ben Lyon, Richard Bennett and Dorothy Peterson. It is based on the 1930 novel Jackdaw's Strut by Harriet Henry. In November 2013 a group called Ellandi bought Market Gates for £28m. Ellandi plan to upgrade and expand Market Gates providing an extra 1904 sqm over two levels. A bought deal is financial underwriting contract often associated with an Initial Public Offering or public offering. It occurs when an underwriter, such as an investment bank or a syndicate, purchases securities from an issuer before a preliminary prospectus is filed. The underwriter acts as principal rather than agent and thus actually "goes long" in the security. The bank negotiates a price with the issuer (usually at a discount to the current market price, if applicable). The advantages of the bought deal from the underwriter's perspective include: The advantage of the bought deal from the issuer's perspective is that they do not have to worry about financing risk (the risk that the financing can only be done at a discount too steep to market price.) This is in contrast to a book building or fully marketed deal, where the underwriters have to "market" the offering to prospective buyers, only after which the price is set. The disadvantage of the bought deal from the underwriter's perspective is that if it cannot sell the securities, it must hold them. This is usually the result of the market price falling below the issue price, which means the underwriter loses money. The underwriter also uses up its capital, which would probably otherwise be put to better use (given sell-side investment banks are not usually in the business of buying new issues of securities). Bought priesthood is a term originating with the United States labor press in the early to mid-20th century and popularized again more recently by intellectuals like Noam Chomsky. It refers to the constellation of technocrats, columnists, pundits, university professors, public intellectuals, business lobbyists and so on who benefit from the political status quo and use their position to defend and support it. Bought & Sold is a television program that airs on HGTV. The show is a spin-off of HGTV Canada's Buy Me. The show focuses on 12 realtors who work out of ReMax Village Square Realtors located in northern New Jersey. The bought priesthood represents the flip side of McCarthyism and the Hollywood blacklist, which sought to marginalize public figures whose beliefs and advocacy were deemed to threaten or undermine the political status quo. A bought out deal is a method of offering securities to the public through a sponsor or underwriter (a bank, financial institution, or an individual). The securities are listed in one or more stock exchanges within a time frame mutually agreed upon by the company and the sponsor. This option saves the issuing company the costs and time involved in a public issue. The cost of holding the shares can be reimbursed by the company, or the sponsor can offer the shares to the public at a premium to earn profits. Terms are agreed upon by the company A bought review is the system where the creator (usually a company) of a new product pays a reviewer to review his new product. Primarily used in the car, movie, and game industry this system creates a kind of undercover advertising. Bought reviews tend to be biased due to the informative value of reviews. In some cases, a bought review may be independent, if the person that is hired to do the review has a strong reputation for independence and integrity. Even if a "bought review" from a respected critic is actually independent, the perception of potential bias will remain, due to the financial relationship between the company and the critic. Despite Bought to Rot being announced and released as the first record with The Devouring Mothers, it is in fact the second album the trio have recorded together. The first album recorded by the three was done so in 2017, and was entirely made up of the Mountain Goats covers, which approached record labels refused to release due to its lack of originality. Bought to Rot is the debut solo full-length album by Laura Jane Grace, best known as founder and leader of Against Me!. The record was released under the pseudonym Laura Jane Grace & The Devouring Mothers, referring to the group's members: Grace herself, Atom Willard (current drummer of Against Me!) and Marc Hudson (long-time sound engineer and collaborator with Against Me!). The album was released on November 9, 2018, on Bloodshot Records, a Chicago label that Grace approached when she discovered the label's headquarters was a few blocks from her residence. Bought & Sold is a 2016 memoir book by Megan Stephens and published by HarperCollins. The Wife He Bought is a lost 1918 silent film drama directed by Harry Solter and starring Carmel Myers and Kenneth Harlan. This film was based on a short story One Clear Call by Larry Evans. It was produced and released by Bluebird Photoplays, a division of Universal Film Manufacturing Company. We Bought a Zoo is a 2011 American family comedy-drama film loosely based on the 2008 memoir of the same name by Benjamin Mee. It was written and directed by Cameron Crowe and stars Matt Damon as widowed father Benjamin Mee, who purchases a dilapidated zoo with his family and takes on the challenge of preparing the zoo for its reopening to the public. The film also stars Scarlett Johansson, Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Thomas Haden Church, Patrick Fugit, Elle Fanning, Colin Ford, and John Michael Higgins. The film was released in the United States on December 23, 2011 by 20th Century Fox. The film earned $120.1 million on a $50 million budget. We Bought a Zoo was released on DVD and Blu-ray on April 3, 2012 by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Dartmoor Zoological Park (originally Dartmoor Wildlife Park), on which the film is based, is a 33-acre zoological garden located near the village of Sparkwell, Devon, England. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment released We Bought a Zoo on DVD and Blu-ray on April 3, 2012. In August 2011, it was announced that Icelandic musician Jón Þór "Jónsi" Birgisson, the lead singer of the band Sigur Rós, would be composing the music scores for We Bought a Zoo. Director Crowe described the choice as "only natural", since "Jónsi has been a part of the making of We Bought A Zoo from the very beginning". On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 64% based on 165 reviews, with an average rating of 6.23/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "We Bought a Zoo is a transparently cloying effort by director Cameron Crowe, but Matt Damon makes for a sympathetic central character." On Metacritic the film has a score of 58 out of 100, based on 40 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews".
When should we take more risks with our investments? Why should I invest in Real Estate when the returns are at most 20-30% over 3-5 years, when investing in the financial markets can possibly net me 100% returns in less than a year? Now, this isn’t a post about Real Estate Investing vs all the other different kinds of investments. I am a believer of diversified portfolios. This is true-r today than ever before as besides for Real Estate Investing and financial markets, consumers now have things like bitcoin, as well as alternative investments like art, alcohol and even watches. However, Real Estate has characteristics which make it a very suitable asset class for retirement planning. These are: 1. Tangible can see and feel 2. Hedge against inflation 3. Tends to appreciate because of scarcity and population growth And most of all, a steady and less volatile income stream from rental. So let’s explore how to retire with Real Estate. I explain this through what I call the Property Life Cycle. 0 – 25 years old: learning & accumulating wealth At this stage, we are still schooling and learning. We are still mostly ignorant about the world, and even if we are financially literate, we would lack the funds for investment. Also, maybe you just started work and don’t have a lot of savings. Hence, it is really just about accumulating wealth here so that they can be put to better use in the next phase. 25 – 55: the asset growth phase Here, you are in your prime life stage where you are stable, growing and incomes are increasing year after year. During this time, people can afford to be more aggressive in their career choices, and investments. The need for passive income is less as job stability is high and predictable. Also, if you are on the left side of 35, leverage plays a huge factor as you are still eligible for the maximum 75% loan to value and 30 year loan tenure. Which means you can stretch out your purchase when you invest in real estate. Investors should go for the highest possible capital gains now, instead of defensive options, even if it means negative cash flow for the period. Not all real estate investments are created equal, but with good selection, a gain of about 100% every 5-7 years is very possible. Then once you have accumulated a property portfolio, which can consist of residential, commercial, industrial and even overseas, you would then be at the next phase. 55—65: consolidation and preservation. Here, you start to slow down. Perhaps competition at your workplace is more intense with the new young generation, and job stability isn’t like what it was before. Mindsets has also shifted and you now priorities stability and predictability over intense risky moves. So it’s time to pay off your housing mortgage. If you have multiple, re-evaluate to see if any rebalancing is required. Once mortgages are paid down, you are prepared for the last stage. It’s the time you want now! You’re ready with a portfolio of real estate investments which are fully paid. There are 2 options. 1. Sell everything and downgrade, unlocking a huge sum of money in the process. 2. Keep the properties for rental income. Either way, you should be good for a comfortable retirement ???? So this is the structure that I use to help my clients plan how to retire with real estate. Note this important point, the years are only for reference. In this standard structure, 65 is the retirement age. However, if your target is 50, we can shift the scales accordingly. The key idea is to guide you to decide what kind of purchase you should be considering at your current phase. Once you know your phase, and your ending point, there should be no doubt on what kind of real estate asset to acquire. My Own Example When I was 26, and looking to get my 1st property, I figured I was in the asset growth phase. Like all first time buyers with a limited budget, the comparison was between a resale flat and a new hdb BTO. Ultimately I decided to not overstretch my finances and went for a 3 room flat in Bidadari, the upcoming estate in the north east. Given my options on the market as well as the outlook on hdb prices, it was the right choice. Even though many people questioned my decision to pick a 3-rm unit instead of a larger one. There is a video I shot about my Bidadari decision, which you can view here. To conclude, you can use this Property Life Cycle as a reference guide. At the end of the day what you want is a rental property. How many of you agree that an additional $2,000 a month would be life changing? Which phase are you at now? If you are interested to educate yourself further, you might be interested in one of my Offers! Feel free to leave your comments and feedback as well, or further questions via the contact form. New videos released on YouTube every Tues and Thurs. Subscribe here.
Every computer owner must keep active, daily backups of all of their data. We like to use the 3-2-1 Commandment of Backups: Thou shalt keep: 3 copies of any data, on 2 different media on-site, and 1 copy offsite. Put another way: A file doesn’t exist unless it exists in three places. The 3-2-1 rule applies to any piece of digital data, however minor, small, or seemingly unimportant. - Copy 1 is the drive inside your Mac, - Copy 2 is an external hard drive in your home or office, which gets backups via the Time Machine software, connected either directly to your computer or over your internal network, - And the 3rd copy happens across the internet, frequently to a service such as Carbonite or our current favorite, Crashplan. We have established easy, elegant, and cost-effective methods to achieve 3-2-1, and we will work with you to find the solutions that best fit your business. Here’s a scenario: Let’s say you are maintaining good, solid, daily 3-2-1 backups. And then, in normal use, your Mac’s hard drive fills up, and you need to free up space. Before we do that, we just need to consider 3-2-1: if you delete something from your Mac, that means that you have to copy that stuff to a 3rd destination. The easiest solution for that is simply another external drive. Think of it as an archive—you know you’ve got the data on Time Machine and Crashplan, so you can either do a manual, organized copy to the Archive Drive, or set some different software to automatically build the archive as you go, depending on your workflow. It’s worth noting that Apple will release Mountain Lion this summer, which will let you set Time Machine copying to multiple drives. That’s going to ease a lot of our decisions in this arena. Give us a call. We’ll help you choose the right devices, at the price that fits.
I have long loved Graeme Base‘s books; they are amazing in both prose and illustrations (of which he does both). Although I focused on a picture book author last week, Graeme Base writes for older readers (from upper primary school children to adults). Before I discuss his writing, I just have to pay tribute to Base’s stunningly beautiful and detailed illustrations. These highly detailed illustrations are not only beautifully drawn on a surface level, in many of his books they include hidden pictures, intricate details and even clues. Some examples: (Notice the hidden monkey in the bottom left or the tarantula on the right? There are ten hidden animals on this page worked into the detail of the trees, etc.) The Eleventh Hour (Why yes, the numbers on the game board are out of order… a clue perhaps?) “Diabolical dragons daintily devouring delicious delicacies.” (Animalia) The door swung open soundlessly, as if it were a dream, For this was where Miss Poodle lived, ‘The Mademoiselle of Mime’, And for an hour, without a sound, she acted out the crime.” (pg. 14, Enigma) Picture Books for Older Readers With the exception of The Waterhole and perhaps Animalia (as they can both be enjoyed by younger readers), the majority of Graeme Base’s picture books are aimed at older primary school readers (or even adults). They include complex language, mysteries to get the reader thinking and a sense of adventure. They often also include historical and geographical references. “Sorry to hear the raid was a bit of a flop, but I don’t see how it was my fault. I can’t help it if the Ancient Britons are onto us and have moved inland. Frankly I think the bottom is falling out of this Viking business and we should look at reindeer farming or something instead.” (pg. 6, The Discovery of Dragons) A sea of sound that rose and fell upon a rhythmic shore. ‘Nice meshing, Sprocc-groob!’ Stickman called. ‘You’ve really got it down! This joint ain’t heard a mesh like this since SkatMan came to town.’” (The Worst Band in the Universe) Graeme Base’s books need to be experienced in person to fully understand how clever and beautifully illustrated they are. It is easy to spend hours immersed in their pages. A side note in regards to Aussie Author Month: One of the aims of Aussie Author month is to raise awareness and funds for the Indigenous Literacy Project – a project that aims to raise Literacy levels amongst Inigenous Australians living in rural and remote communities. You can learn more here: http://www.indigenousliteracyproject.org.au/ and you can donate to the project as part of Aussie Author month here: http://www.gofundraise.com.au/page/ausbooks
Thank you for interest in Hutchings Museum for your field trip. Our mission is to partner with you in bringing learning to life! We offer many activities for your students that will support, expand and enhance what you are already doing in your classroom. Teachers, you can visit our museum for FREE to see how our exhibits can enhance your curriculum. Look at our Teacher Resources for more videos and educational tools you can use before and after your trip. Field Trip Pricing Standard – $4 per student Our museum offers different core aligned Museum Experiences that allow educators to focus the tour on areas that most closely align with their learning objectives. Teachers can customize field trips by choosing any six of the Museum Experiences below. - Veteran’s Memorial - Native American - Live Animals - Western Expansion / Wild West Students will be broken into groups that will rotate through each Museum Experience as a guided tour. Rotations are approximately 20 minutes each, for a total of two hours. Weather permitting, classes are welcome to eat lunch on the museum lawn following the field trip. Chaperones $4. Teachers are free. For groups smaller than 30 students, call us and we will make arrangements with you. Groups should not be more than 85 students. Schools that wish to bring more than 85 students can schedule their field trip for multiple days to divide up the students. If it is necessary for all students to come on the same day; and do not meet these requirements, you will need to purchase at least one additional Museum Experience and plan for an additional half hour for an additional rotation.
aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), which is a 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase inhibitor ( Lieberman, 1979 ), along with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), which blocks ethylene receptors and retards ethylene action ( Blankenship and Dole, 2003 ), have been Satoru Kondo, Hiroko Yamada, and Sutthiwal Setha Carl D. Schlagnhaufer, Richard N. Arteca, and Eva J. Pell Ethylene production is involved in many plant physiological processes including stress responses and is frequently associated with foliar senescence. Ethylene emission is a common plant response to many biotic and abiotic stresses. We have cloned two ACC synthase cDNAs (OIP-1, PAC-1) from the leaves of ozone treated Solanum tuberosum L. plants. Plants treated with ozone produced ethylene within 1 hour following treatment initiation. Levels continued to increase reaching a peak after 2 h. PAC-1 was expressed after 1 hour reaching a maximum by 2 hours and showed a marked decline after 4 h. OIP-1 was first expressed after 2 hours and high levels of expression continued up to 4 hours following treatment initiation. Leaves treated with CuCl2 produced high levels of ethylene within 0.5 hour after treatment initiation. Ethylene levels continued to increase reaching a peak after 2 hours with no change after 4 h. PAC-1 was expressed after 0.5 hour reaching a peak at 1 hour and showed a progressive decline from 2 to 4 h. However, OIP-1 expression was first detected 2 hours following treatment initiation and high levels of expression continued up 4 h. Leaves exposed to Alternaria solani produced increased levels of ethylene 1 day following inoculation reaching a peak after 3 days. PAC-1 was expressed at a low level 1 day after inoculation and expression remained constant for the duration of the experiment, whereas, OIP-1 was not expressed until day 4. Chih-Hsien Lei, Jon T. Lindstrom, and William R. Woodson At anthesis, petunia pollen contains large amounts of the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). This ACC is thought to contribute to the rapid burst of ethylene produced by the pistil following pollination. An analysis of ACC content in developing anthers revealed that ACC began to accumulate the day before anthesis, indicating its synthesis was a late event in pollen development. We employed degenerate DNA primers to conserved amino acid sequences of ACC synthesis to amplify a cDNA from anther mRNA by RT-PCR. The resulting cDNA (pACS2) was sequenced and found to represent ACC synthase. Use of pACS2 as a hybridization probe revealed an increase in ACC synthase mRNA concomitant with the increase in ACC content. Further analysis indicated the ACC synthase mRNA was localized specifically to the haploid pollen grain. In an attempt to determine the function of ACC in pollen maturation or pollen–pistil interactions, we have generated a series of transgenic petunias designed to inhibit the accumulation of ACC in pollen. For these experiments, we have employed a pollen-specific promoter (LAT52) from tomato to drive the expression of antisense pACS2 or the coding region of ACC deaminase. The results of the experiments will be discussed. Gabriel O. Sozzi, Adela A. Fraschina, Agustín A. Navarro, Osvaldo Cascone, L. Carl Greve, and John M. Labavitch α-l-Arabinofuranosidases (α-Af) are plant enzymes that have the capacity to release terminal arabinofuranosyl residues from a wide variety of pectic and hemicellulosic polymers, as well as different glycoconjugates. Our interest in α-Af is related to its potential role in ripening-related loss of arabinose from tomato fruit cell walls. Using both control (cv. VF 36) and ACC synthase antisense (A11.1) tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), we demonstrate that tomato α-Af activity is present during the entire ontogeny of the fruit. Immature 10-day-old fruit displayed 6-fold more α-Af activity on a per gram fresh weight basis, than mature green fruit. In VF 36 fruit, α-Af activity increased 45% from mature green 4 (48 days post anthesis) to light red stages (55 days) when fruit ripened on the vine. In contrast, no similar increase was detected in ACC synthase antisense fruit that do not ripen in the same time frame. However, when A11.1 fruit were detached at 48 days after anthesis and treated continuously with 100 mL·L-1 ethylene the fruit ripened and α-Af increased, as in ripening normal fruit. The α-Af activity pattern is similar to that reported for tomato β-galactosidases. The increasing α-Af activity during ripening and the decreased activity in antisense ACC synthase fruit after reaching the mature green stage suggest a role for ethylene in the ripening-related synthesis or activation of this enzyme. James R. Gorny and Adel A. Kader The objective of this study was to compare and contrast the mode of action by which elevated carbon dioxide and/or reduced oxygen atmospheres inhibit ethylene biosynthesis. `Golden Delicious' apple fruit were placed at 0C in one of the following four atmospheres: 1) air; 2) air + 5% CO2; 3) 2% O2 + 98% N2; or 4) 2% O2 + 5% CO2 + 93% N2 and then sampled monthly for 4 months. Ethylene biosynthesis rates and in vitro ACC synthase activities were closely correlated in all treatments. In vitro ACC synthase activity and ethylene biosynthesis rates were lowest in fruit treated with 5% CO2 + 2% O2, while air-treated fruit had the highest ethylene biosynthesis rate and in vitro ACC synthase activity. Fruit treated with air + 5% CO2, or 2% O2 + 98% N2, had intermediate ethylene and in vitro ACC synthase activities. In vitro ACC oxidase was significantly different among treatments, but not as closely correlated with the ethylene biosynthesis rate as in vitro ACC synthase activity. Western blot analysis of the ACC oxidase protein was performed to determine if activity differences among treatments were correlated with the amount of enzyme present in vivo. ACC synthase and ACC oxidase mRNA transcript of abundance was determined via Northern blot analysis. Results will be discussed regarding how ethylene biosynthesis is inhibited at the molecular level by elevated CO2 and/or reduced O2. James R. Gorny and Adel A. Kader Preclimacteric `Golden Delicious' apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) were stored at 0 °C in: air; air + 5% CO2; 2% O2 + 98% N2; or 2% O2 + 5% CO2 + 93% N2, and sampled monthly for 4 months to investigate the mechanism(s) by which reduced O2 and/or elevated CO2 atmospheres inhibit C2H4 biosynthesis. Ethylene biosynthesis rates and in vitro ACS activity were closely correlated in all treatments, while in vitro ACO activity significantly increased over time regardless of the treatment. Only a small amount of C2H4 biosynthesis inhibition by lowered O2 and/or elevated CO2 atmospheres could be accounted for by suppressed induction of ACO activity. Western blot analysis demonstrated that apples held for 2 months in lowered O2 and/or elevated CO2 atmospheres had significantly reduced abundance of ACO protein, compared to fruit held in air. Northern blot analysis of ACS and ACO transcript abundance revealed that reduced O2 and/or elevated CO2 atmospheres delay induction and reduce the abundance of both transcripts. Reduced O2 and/or elevated CO2 atmospheres reduce C2H4 biosynthesis by delaying and suppressing expression of ACS at the transcriptional level and by reducing the abundance of active ACO protein. Chemical names used: 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), ACC synthase (ACS), ACC oxidase (ACO), ethylene (C2H4), S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). Jon T. Lindstrom, Chih-Hsien Lei, Michelle L. Jones, and William R. Woodson Mature pollen from Petunia hybrida contains significant levels of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), and this ACC is thought to play a role in pollination-induced ethylene by the pistil. We investigated the developmental accumulation of ACC in anthers and pollen. The level of ACC in anthers was very low until the day before anthesis, at which time it increased 100-fold. A 1.1-kb partial ACC synthase cDNA clone (pPHACS2) was amplified from total RNA isolated from mature anthers by reverse transcriptase, followed by polymerase chain reaction using oligonucleotide primers synthesized to conserved amino acid sequences in ACC synthases. The expression of pPHACS2 mRNA during anther development was correlated with the accumulation of ACC and was localized to the pollen grain. The pPHACS2 cDNA was used to identify the PH-ACS2 gene from a library of genomic DNA fragments from Petunia hybrida. PH-ACS2 encoded an ACC synthase transcript of four exons interrupted by three introns. The ACC synthase protein encoded by the PH-ACS2 gene shared >80% homology with ACC synthases from tomato (LE-ACS3) and potato (ST-ACS1a). A chimeric PH-ACS2 promoter-β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was used to transform petunia and transgenic plants were analyzed for GUS activity. GUS staining was localized to mature pollen grains and was not detected in other tissues. Despite similarities to LE-ACS3, we did not detect GUS activity under conditions of anaerobic stress or in response to auxin. A series of 5-prime-flanking DNA deletions revealed that sequences within the PH-ACS2 promoter were responsible for pollen-specific expression. Akihiro Itai, Takaaki Igori, Naoko Fujita, Mayumi Egusa, Motoichiro Kodama, and Hideki Murayama synthase gene ( PpACS4 ). To get ACC synthase genes related to pathogen infection, total RNA was extracted from leaves 0 h and 12 h after inoculation according to the hot borate method ( Wan and Wilkins, 1994 ). First-strand cDNA was synthesized from 1 μg Pankaj Kumar Bhowmik and Toshiyuki Matsui The molecular and enzymatic changes that follow harvesting of asparagus are important aspects for postharvest deterioration. To define the factors contributing to postharvest deterioration, the early changes in ethylene production and the activities and expression of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase, ACC oxidase, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) were studied in whole spears and in excised top and bottom portions. As a result of wounding, ethylene production was found higher in both top and bottom portions compared with whole spears but followed the same trend reaching the peak at 16 hours after harvest. ACC synthase was rapidly induced in excised top portions but no significant ACC synthase activity was observed in excised bottom portions. In top portions, ACC synthase reached a peak 8 hours after harvest and thereafter started to decline. In contrast to ACC synthase, ACC oxidase was induced markedly in both top and bottom portions and remained high until 16 hours after excision. On the other hand, PAL greatly increased in activity in bottom portions but not in excised tops. Northern blot analysis showed that increased mRNA levels coincided well with the excision-promoted increases in enzyme activity and ethylene production. Michelle L. Jones and William R. Woodson Following a compatible pollination in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L. `White Sim'), a signal that coordinates postpollination events is translocated from the style to the ovary and petals. In this paper the roles of ethylene and its direct precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), in this signaling were investigated. Following pollination, ethylene and ACC increased sequentially in styles, ovaries, and petals. Ethylene and ACC were highest initially in the stigmatic region of the style but by 24 hours after pollination were highest in the base. Activity of ACC synthase correlated well with ethylene production in styles and petals. In ovaries, ACC synthase activity decreased after pollination despite elevated ethylene production. Lack of ACC synthase activity in pollinated ovaries, coupled with high ACC content, suggests that ACC is translocated within the gynoecium. Further, detection of propylene from petals following application to the ovary provided evidence for movement of ethylene within the flower. Experiments that removed styles and petals at various times after pollination suggest there is a transmissible pollination signal in carnations that has reached the ovary by 12 hours and the petals by 14 to 16 hours.
In March of 2016 Loretta Ross lectured at Brown University and spoke about fighting for reproductive justice through a human rights framework. She described 8 categories of human rights that have been developed and expanded upon since the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which was written in 1948 after World War 2. She described these categories as: - Civil Rights – Non-Discrimination, Equality - Political Rights – Voting, Speech, Assembly - Economic Rights – Living Wage, Workers’ Rights - Social Rights – Health Care, Food, Shelter, Education - Cultural Rights – Religion, Language, Dress - Environmental Rights – Clean Air, Water, and Land. No Toxic Neighborhoods - Developmental Rights – Control Own Natural Resources - Sexual Rights – Right to Have or Not Have Children, Right to Marry & When, Same-Sex Rights, Trans-gender Rights, Right to Birth Control and Abortion, Right to Sexual Pleasure and Define Families Her lecture inspired me to investigate the UDHR, and I found it to be an inspiring document. I was struck by this powerful global effort to create a collective agreement to define the necessary freedoms and rights of the human race. However, this document alone does not protect people from our governments’ abuses of power. In the United States we are living under a president who, in his first few days in office, created legislation to actively violate the rights of our citizens and those seeking refuge in this country. However, human rights have been violated since colonization began in 1492 of what is now known as the United States. Our federal government continues to fail to acknowledge, apologize, or make reparations for the colonization, genocide, and slavery of indigenous communities of First Nation Tribes and people brought into slavery from African countries. The United States actively supports and participates in human rights violations nationally and internationally, in areas that include our prison and policing system, war, genocide, environmental devastation, slavery, trade agreements, and our involvement in the IMF and World Bank. This project is an artistic interpretation of the UDHR. This is a series of linocut prints highlighting the preamble and the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are not taught this document in most educational settings. It is leaders like Loretta Ross who teach us to fight for freedom and justice through grassroots organizing to make institutions accountable to these values. It is our responsibility as humans to hold ourselves, our neighbors, and our leaders accountable to a global standard of human decency to ensure that human rights are upheld at all levels. The global fight for human rights is ongoing. Educate, Agitate, Organize. Meredith Stern, 2017 Made possible in part by a Rhode Island State Council on the Arts grant.
By Martin Heller The days when I could carry my entire development environment on a floppy disk are gone. Borland's C++ Development Suite 5.0 sets a new mark in the file-size category, requiring upwards of 200MB for a complete installation. But there's a lot crammed into that space. The Borland C++ compiler and its associated tools support all the latest ANSI keywords and extensions, including the standard C++ library. They can generate either 32- or 16-bit targets from a single environment, a real time-saver. Almost all development environments come on CD-ROM these days, and chew up at least 100MB of hard disk space when installed, so I don't mean to pick on Borland. And, as with most bulky applications, you can also save disk space by doing a partial install of the software, or even by setting up the product to run directly from the CD. BC++ also supports Java development. While you can use it to develop Java applets, it's not as convenient or satisfying as developing Java from a specialized Java development environment such as Symantec's Café. Borland's AppAccelerator JIT compiler is speedier than the standard Java interpreter, but it's not redistributable. And Borland's Java debugger seems slow and fragile compared to Café's debugger. I suspect that Borland's Java support will improve with its release of Latté, its own specialized Java programming environment. Borland updated its venerable ObjectWindows Library (OWL), so it now supports the new Windows 95 common controls, and the revised compiler has been extended to also compile Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) code. Unfortunately, although it supports MFC, Borland didn't include the MFC sources, so you'll be applying some source code patches whenever you want to compile MFC with BC++, a tedious extra step that shouldn't have been necessary. The compiler gave me satisfactory performance during operation, and the speed of the compiled code was generally competitive with other C++ environments. Programmer productivity is the real criterion for picking a development package, in any case. The BC++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is now fully programmable, for those of you who might like using ObjectScript to customize and automate your programming environment. Borland certainly hopes you will. In fact, the company even sponsored an ObjectScripting contest to promote the idea. Borland's graphical resource editing tools are still top-notch. They are now integrated visually into the IDE. Still, they don't have the same functional integration as Microsoft's. In Visual C++, you can generate a class to handle a dialog from the graphical dialog editor, an efficiency that can save much time for the developer. If Borland's tools can do that, I certainly have yet to figure out how. On the plus side, Borland's class browser is fully graphical, and Borland's C++ debugging tools have been augmented in this edition of the environment. The company added CodeGuard, an automatic runtime code checking tool, to the mix. While it's not a substitute for a more thorough bug detection program like NuMega's BoundsChecker, CodeGuard usually manages to catch simple pointer and handle usage errors that might otherwise go undetected. The final pieces of the BC++ Development Suite are PVCS Version Manager and InstallShield Express. The former helps teams manage BC++ projects and deal with the always tricky version-control problem. InstallShield can help developers build professional-looking installation programs without writing scripts or spending years on setup routines. These features are integrated well enough to give the word "suite" some meaning. My biggest problem with this suite is pretty fundamental, however: MFC implementation. BC++'s half-hearted MFC support probably will keep me from choosing it as my primary work environment. Borland has, however, already uploaded one patch to its BC++ Web page, http://www.borland.com/. Hopefully, I'll see others on the Borland Web site that address this problem. Overall, BC++ Development Suite 5.0 is a creditable next step for Borland, and also a good value. It makes a nice upgrade for established Borland C++ developers, especially if they are committed to OWL, insist on working with a third-party framework and/or need to work without an application framework. Borland C++ Development Suite 5.0 Price: $499.95; competitive upgrade, $349.95 Pros: C++ and Java compilers; debugger, version control and database tools; generates 16- and 32-bit C++apps Cons: Doesn't include MFC Platforms: Windows 95, 3.1x, NT Disk Space: 250MB WinMag Box Score: 3.5
Government has directed the Deputy Commissioners (DCs) to take action against transmission of 34 TV channels, including those from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, stating that their content could incite violence and create law and order problem. The directive comes after New Delhi asked the state government to take immediate steps to stop the unauthorized broadcast of Pakistani and Saudi Arabian channels in the state. “It has been reported that the cable operators in the Valley have been transmitting certain TV channels (which are not permitted by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India). “It needs to be noted that transmission of non-permitted TV channels apart from attracting the violation (of the law), has the potential to encourage or incite violence and create law and order disturbances in the Kashmir Valley,” read an order issued by Principal Secretary, Home Department, R K Goyal, to all the deputy magistrates (deputy commissioners) of the state said. Goyal asked DCs to clarify the action that has been taken over reports that cable operators were transmitting non-permitted channels and also directed them to take urgent necessary action. “In the circumstances, it is impressed upon you to ensure that urgent necessary action is taken in accordance with provisions of law,” the order reads. He said the transmission of non-permitted TV channels by the cable operators attracts violation of the Cable TV Networks Regulation Rules. “As per Section 11 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, the district magistrate has the power to seize the equipment in case of a violation,” the order reads. On Friday, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister M Venkaiah Naidu called up Chief Secretary over the issue and sought a compliance report at the earliest. He expressed concern over reports that these channels were being broadcast in Jammu and Kashmir without permission. The State Home Department, which is headed by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, has listed 34 such channels belonging to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia including Zakir Naik’s banned Peace TV. The 34 channels are Peace TV Urdu and English, ARY QTV, Madni Channel, Noor TV, Hadi TV, Paigam, Hidayat, Saudi Al- Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah, Saudi-Al-Quran Al-Karim, Sehar, Karbala TV, Ahli-biat TV, Message TV, Hum TV, ARY Digital Asia, Hum Sitaray, ARY Zindagi, PTV Sports, ARY Musik, TV One, ARY Masala, ARY Zauq, A TV, Geo News, ARY News Asia, Abb Takk News, Waseb TV, 92 News, Duniya News, Samna News, Geo Tez, Express News and ARY News. The principal secretary, Home Department, asked the deputy commissioners to file a compliance report.
Kazakhstan makes a significant contribution to the development of a sustainable transport system in the region: Askar Mamin A. Mamin noted the importance of the topic of sustainable transport in the context of economic development of the countries of the region which “Ensuring the trade flows of modern logistics infrastructure and high-quality service for speed and cost of delivery will allow the participating countries in the transit corridors to develop new markets and attract cargo flows,” A. Mamin said. According to him, the adoption of sustainable development goals, including the creation of transit transport infrastructure and sustainability within 70th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, is a major breakthrough in global development. “Kazakhstan is making a significant contribution to the development and modernization of the logistics infrastructure of the region,” A. Mamin said. In the framework of participation in the Global Conference, First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan was received by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The parties stressed the role and importance of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the development of bilateral Kazakh-Turkmen relations, the strengthening of cooperation in all spheres of interstate relations. During the meeting the sides discussed prospects of development of the rail corridor “North – South”, which is an important part of the new railway Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran. In December 2014, the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran opened the railway line Uzen – Bereket – Gorgan connecting three states. The sides noted the importance of the international road for the development of the regional economy, as well as the prosperity and strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. In addition, the sides exchanged views on the development of the Kazakh-Turkmen cooperation in the gas industry, transboundary water management. A. Mamin thanked the Turkmen side for participation in the forthcoming international exhibition EXPO-2017 “Energy of the Future.” During the forum, A. Mamin met with members of the governments of China, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ukraine. Source: The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
The Outermost Frontier is a transcription of series of letters sent by Helmut Pabst during his service in the 129th Infantry Division on the Eastern Front from the start of Operation Barbarossa to his death on 6th September 1943. Pabst was born in 1911 and before the war was a law student. He started the […] Category: Book Review Flying from Malone is Guy Warner’s history of Belfast’s first airport that operated from 1924-25. The aerodrome was located in the south of the city off the Malone Road on the site now occupied by the Taughsmonagh housing estate. The land for the site was purchased by the council in the early 1920s and flights […] Book Review – Susan B. Cunningham, Sir Crawford McCullagh, Belfast’s Dick Whittington (Donaghadee, NI: Ballyhay, 2016) The book Sir Crawford McCullagh, Belfast’s Dick Whittington, is a biography of The Rt Hon Sir Crawford McCullagh, 1st Baronet (1868-1948) who was a draper, unionist councillor on Belfast City Council and held the position of Lord Mayor for a record 17 times. McCullagh came from humble origins. He grew up in County Armagh, the fifth […] Book Review – Brian M. Walker, A History of St George’s Church (Belfast: Ulster History Foundation, 2016) Brian M. Walker’s book is an excellent chronological institutional history of St George’s church located on High Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was written to mark the church’s 200th anniversary in 2016. The book starts by considering the previous structures which stood on the site before St George’s was constructed in the early 19th century. […] Book Review – John Killen, A History of the Linen Hall Library 1788-1988 (Belfast: Linen Hall Library, 1990) John Killen’s A History of the Linen Hall Library 1788-1988 is a solid and worthy chronological narrative of the first two centuries of the Linen Hall Library (LHL). He starts by setting out how the library came of the intellectual ideas of the enlightenment and the social movement amongst literate and wealthy middle-class people to […] Book Review – Lyn Gallagher, The Albert Memorial Clock (Belfast: The Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, 2004) Lyn Gallagher’s The Albert Memorial Clock is a short pamphlet on the design, building and restoration of the building after which her publication is named. It was written to mark the completion of restoration work on the Albert Memorial Clock (AMC) in 2002. The original structure was completed in 1869 to commemorate Queen Victoria’s late […] Book Review – Francis Higgins, Religion, Riots and Rebels, The Incredible History of Brown’s Square Belfast (Belfast: Belfast Lad, 2020) Francis Higgins’ book, Religion, Riots and Rebels, examines the social and economic history of Brown Square and its residents from its establishment in the late eighteenth century to the present day. Today, this area is located in the centre of Belfast. It stands west of the City’s Cathedral quarter, its cultural and tourist hub, and […] J.C. Beckett’s Belfast, The Making of a City is an anthology of 12 essays by different historians on the social, political, economic and cultural development of Belfast during the Victorian and Edwardian periods. The nineteenth-century marked the period when the town of Belfast developed from a provincial market town of 20,000 in 1800 to an […] Book Review – J. Smithson, A Taste of Success, The First Battle of the Scarpe (Helion: Solihull, 2017) Jim Smithson’s excellent book brings new understanding to the opening phase of the April 1917 Battle of Arras. Paul O’Brien’s excellent new book examines the role of the para-military Auxiliary Division in the 1920-21 British counter-insurgency campaign against the IRA during the Irish War of Independence. Book Review: A.L. George, The Chinese Communist Army in Action: The Korean War and its Aftermath (New York, 1967) Dr Alexander George’s book is a fascinating insight into how the newly created Chinese communist state in the late 1940’s sought to direct, sustain and shape small group relations in their People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and how this system functioned under the stresses of combat in during the Chinese intervention in Korea during 1950-51. Stephen Miles’ book examines how tourism to the Western Front has developed over the last century. Nick Lloyd’s new book covers the controversial Third Ypres campaign giving a valuable and unique insight into the both the allied and Germans experiences. John Hockey’s book is a ground breaking insight into the life, culture and experience of the British Army infantry private in the late 20th Century. In his admirable 2011 book, Jonathan Fennell argues that the morale of the British Eighth Army during the summer of 1942 reached a ‘crisis’ but recovered to be the most decisive factor in the allied victory over Axis forces at the Second Battle of El Alamein. Book Review: J.A. Frank & G.A. Reaves, “Seeing the Elephant”: Raw Recruits at the Battle of Shiloh (Westport, Conn., 1989) This excellent book examines the morale, attitudes and experience of Confederate and Union soldiers who fought at the Battle of Shiloh. It follows their journey from enlistment and training in 1861 at the start of the US Civil War, to their first experience of combat, ‘seeing the elephant’, at Shiloh in April 1862. Book review – J. McPherson, For Cause and Comrades, Why Men Fought in the Civil War (Baton Rouge, Lo., 1994) Professor James McPherson makes a convincing case on the importance of ideology and political belief in the explaining why 3 million Americans enlisted, fought and endured in the US Civil War. Book Review – S. Rabalais, General Fox Conner, Pershing’s Chief of Operations and Eisenhower’s Mentor (Havertown, Pa., 2016) Steven Rabalais’ fascinating biography is the first to cover the life of US army officer Fox Conner (1874-1951). Connor served as ‘Black’ Jack Pershing’s Chief of Operations in the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) during the Great War and in the 1920’s became a close confidant, mentor and friend to Dwight Eisenhower. Historian Robert Engen’s book convincingly explains what motivated Canadian soldiers to fight and endure during the Second World War campaigns of Sicily, Italy, Normandy and North West Europe in the face of intense combat, heavy casualties and adversity. Book Review: D. Bird, The Spirit of the Troops is Excellent, The 6th (Morayshire) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders in the Great War 1914 – 1919 (Moray, 2008) Derek Bird’s chronological account of the 1/6th (Morayshire) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders, in the Great War is a solid unit history.
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KATHMANDU VISIT A DAY IN KATHMANDU an official French speaking Nepalese tourist guide, all entrances to parks and museums, transport, private minibus, ... PROGRAM OF KATHMANDU VISIT DAY Departure from the hotel at 8 am and direction Pashupatinath Pashupatinath is a hotbed of cremation. After half dipping the corpse in the river, the eldest son of the deceased ignites the body by introducing fire by the mouth. Subsequently, the ashes are scattered in the waters of the Bagmati to reach the sacred waters of the Ganges. On the left bank of the river, there are sanctuaries sheltering lingam (phallic symbol), which symbolize the procreative aspect of Shiva. They are associated with complementary elements, the yoni (symbol of the female sex), in the shape of a cube. After this visit, we head to Boudhanath. we win the stupa of Boudhanath, mainly frequented by Tibetans. This imposing monument, the largest Buddhist sanctuary in Nepal, radiates a feeling of calm and power at the same time. The crowd runs along the stupa in a clockwise direction, turning the "prayer wheels". These cylinders contain rolls of paper sheets or cloth ribbons, on which is written the mantra "Aum mani padme hum!" ("Glory to the jewel in the lotus flower"). The setting in motion of the mill is equivalent to the recitation of the psalmody. We visit a monastery, built near the stupa where we admire large statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva, as well as murals depicting the life of Buddha. Our guide explains the different mudra, (codified gestures); the position of Buddha's hands suggests an attitude: meditation, compassion, taking the Earth to witness, etc. Bhaktapur, former capital Malla, we will visit the monastery of Shechen. In Bhaktapur the "palace of fifty-five Windows" presents windows of different size and shape, all finely worked. The Sundhoka Gate (Golden Gate), allowing entry to the worship parts of the palace, is one of the latest achievements of Newar art. It is surmounted by the effigy of the goddess Tuleja Bhawani. It is a beautiful work hammered copper, gold. Also on the Durbar Square, we discover the erotic scenes carved on the wooden props of the temple of Pashupatinath. On the Taumadhi Tole Main Square stands the five-storey Nyatapola Temple dedicated to the Great Goddess Siddhi Lakshmi. It is reached by a staircase lined with statues representing beings of increasing strength: wrestlers, elephants. In the square of Tachupal Tole is the temple of Dattatreya, dedicated to the three Hindu deities (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma). Today is the women's party (teej). All radiant, draped in their red saris, they carry their offerings (flowers, fruits, rice, earth, red powder ...) consecrated by the brahman and deposit them in the temple, in honor of Shiva. They wish long life and prosperity to their husbands. In the afternoon, we wander the streets of Bhaktapur. We stop in front of some houses with wooden doors and windows worked.Bhaktapur is a city of potters. The pottery is cooked in ovens covered with clay and straw, then dried in the sun on large squares.One of us, being interested in Nepalese paper, made from the daphne, Saïla takes us to discover a craft factory. The official paper of Nepal is a white craft paper. We end with a visit to a Thangka workshop ("thing that is unrolled" in Tibet), traditional paintings depicting Buddhist deities. The painter draws the characters on a cotton canvas most often, then paints it with pigments dissolved in water and added a colloidal substance Patan is an essentially Buddhist city. Many monasteries are built in the city, including the Golden Temple called "Kwa Bâhâ".In a small square, out of the way, stands the temple of Mahabuddha or temple of Thousand Buddhas, covered with terracotta tiles. In the afternoon, we walk through the streets of Patan. This city is known for its Newar goldsmiths. We observe craftsmen making or polishing Buddha statues. Our guide explains that for a statuette ordered to be valuable, the lama must, before closing his base, introduce sacred texts, mantras, and other precious objects for the family. Then we go to Patan Museum, a marvel. Statues of Hindu or Buddhist deities, in gilded copper and bronze, are exhibited: Indra (the God of the Gods), Dipankara (the Buddha of the Past), Sakyamuni (the Buddha of the Present), Amoghasiddhi (the Buddha of the Future). At noon we will stop at a Nepali restaurant, where we taste the momos, steamed meat pies or a Dal Bath, white rice (bhat) and a bowl of lentil soup (dal) decorated with a vegetable curry (tarkari).
Bear in mind that analysis is not only utilized to review novels. Your youngster will certainly need to check out guidelines, worksheets, text books as well as test documents for a long time. The better they can review, the better their comprehension will certainly be, and also the far better their test scores will be also. A detailed set of preschool worksheets will certainly cover the fundamental skills your kid needs so they can start institution with self-confidence. Bear in mind that analysis is not just utilized to read stories. Your child will need to review guidelines, worksheets, text publications and also test documents for a lengthy time. The far better they can review, the much better their understanding will be, and the far better their test ratings will certainly be as well. An extensive set of printable preschool worksheets will cover the standard skills your youngster needs so they can begin institution with self-confidence. Absolutely, your little adorable kid has all the capability to discover essentially anything while he is yet innocent-looking baby. According to looks into, children who were trained as well as established during these interesting years verified to be more sharp and extra active in institution than those who were not.
The Principles of Freight Forwarding The standards of cargo sending are started on the proficient and financially savvy move of merchandise that are kept up in great condition all through their movements. To achieve this, cargo forwarders become specialists in dealing with the coordinations important to guarantee that merchandise show up on schedule. Fruitful exchange and delivery in growing globalized markets implies having the correct devices available to you. Arranging duties, customs guidelines and being conversant in the necessities of delivery via land, ocean, rail, and air, cargo forwarders deal with the dangers and advantages of transportation both broadly and globally utilizing the most recent advances in data innovation. Effectively Navigating the World of Freight Forwarding Having the information and aptitudes to explore the guidelines of cargo sending is indispensable to guaranteeing the effective shipment and conveyance of merchandise. Indeed, even as the information on customs guidelines is a significant segment, the effective exchange of products through cargo sending depends on its administration industry. Thusly, cargo sending relies upon having the correct individuals whose responsibility to greatness and consumer loyalty guarantees that merchandise arrive at their last goal in an opportune and proficient way. Numerous traditions business firms perceive this and guarantee that their top faculty are accessible to tailor and build up a happy with transportation experience for their customers. Arranging the coordinations and guidelines of cargo sending is a mind boggling task; the best possible import and fare of merchandise relies upon picking a traditions financier firm and a cargo forwarder you can trust. A cargo forwarder is a key middle person in the global shipment of sea cargo freight. They follow up for the benefit of the shipper and exporter and facilitate with all the players associated with a sea cargo shipment. A cargo forwarder’s obligations include: Prompting the transporter about the most effective choices as far as cost and time Holding a spot on the transporter’s vessel and any gear required Taking care of all desk work, documentation, and custom techniques Sorting out land transportation for get as well as conveyance Helping compartment following at all times Cargo sending comprises of key coordinations arranging and execution for the global development of merchandise, for the benefit of transporters. In particular, a cargo forwarder will complete cargo rate exchanges, holder following, traditions documentation and cargo union, among different errands. Bringing in and trading makes worthwhile open doors for organizations with the fortitude to execute key coordinations plans. In any case, the coordinations of universal delivery is entangled, without a doubt. Master information on customs guidelines and conventions, which fluctuate nation to nation and even port to port Deft critical thinking, for when the climate, innovation or human instinct neglect to oblige ideal ventures, as they are all wont to do A nature for arrange building, in light of the fact that from multiple points of view, a flexibly chain is just as solid as the gatherings pushing it. What’s more, you additionally need a permit to do it. Universal flexibly chains are a certainty of the globalized commercial center. Truth be told, they characterize it. Any place customs business, stockroom arranging, load booking, and payload protection are required is the place cargo forwarders can be found. In other words, they’re all over the place. Characterizing the Role of Freight Forwarder Cargo sending is the coordination and shipment of products starting with one spot then onto the next by means of a solitary or various transporters by means of air, marine, rail or parkway. The significance of cargo sending for worldwide exchange was perceived in India in International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA). CIFFA perceived that sending cargo, regardless of whether via land, marine, rail or air requires coordination, guideline and settled upon best practices to guarantee that merchandise stream in a convenient and capable way across fringes, over oceans, and all through the world.
Update: see a short video of how this post works here: video I want to illustrate the literate programming capabilities of org-mode. One idea in literate programming is to have code in blocks surrounded by explanatory text. There is a process called "tangling", which extracts the code, and possibly compiles and runs it. I have typically used python and emacs-lisp in org-mode, but today we look at using Fortran. The first simple example is a hello world fortran program. Typically you create a file containing code like this: PROGRAM hello PRINT *, "Hello world" END PROGRAM hello That file can be named something like hello.f90. We specify that in the source block header like this: There are a variety of ways to build your program. Let us create a makefile to do it. We will specify that this block is tangled to a Makefile like this: Our Makefile will have three targets: - hello, which compiles our program to an executable called a.out. - execute, which depends on hello, and runs the executable - clean, which deletes a.out if it exists hello: hello.f90 gfortran hello.f90 execute: hello ./a.out clean: rm -f a.out *.o Now, we can run elisp:(org-babel-tangle), which will extract these files to the current directory. Here is evidence that the files exist. hello.f90 literate.org Makefile Let us go a step further, and use the makefile to execute our program. The first time you run this, you will see that the make clean execute rm -f a.out *.o gfortran hello.f90 ./a.out Hello world That works well! The only really inconvenient issue is that if you update the Fortran code above, you have to manually rerun elisp:(org-babel-tangle), then run the make executecommand. We can combine that in a single block, where you do both things at once. (org-babel-tangle) (shell-command-to-string "make clean execute") rm -f a.out *.o gfortran hello.f90 ./a.out Hello world That is it in a nutshell. We had a source block for a Fortran program, and a source block for the Makefile. After tangling the org-file, we have those files available for us to use. Next, let us consider a little more complicated example. 1 A slightly more complicated example. Now, let us consider a Fortran code with two files. We will define a module file, and a program file. The module file contains a function to compute the area of a circle as a function of its radius. Here is our module file, which is tangled to circle.f90. MODULE Circle implicit None public :: area contains function area(r) implicit none real, intent(in) :: r real :: area area = 3.14159 * r**2 return end function area END MODULE Circle Now, we write a program that will print a table of circle areas. Here we hard-code an array of 5 radius values, then loop through the values and get the area of the circle with that radius. We will print some output that generates an org-mode table . In this program, we use our module defined above. program main use circle, only: area implicit none integer :: i REAL, DIMENSION(5) :: R R = (/1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 /) print *, "#+tblname: circle-area" do i = 1, 5 print *, "|", R(i), "|", area(R(i)), "|" end do end program main Now, we make a makefile that will build this program. I use a different name for the file, since we already have a Makefile in this directory from the last example. I also put @ at the front of each command in the makefile to suppress it from being echoed when we run it. Later, we will use the makefile to compile the program, and then run it, and we only want the output of the program. The compiling instructions are more complex. We have to compile the circle module first, and then the main program. Here is our makefile. circle: @gfortran -c circle.f90 main: circle @gfortran -c main.f90 @gfortran circle.o main.o -o main clean: @rm -f *.o main Now, we run this block, which tangles out our new files. Note that results above show we have tangled all the source blocks in this file. You can limit the scope of tangling, by narrowing to a subtree, but that is beyond our aim for today. Finally, we are ready to build our program. We specify the new makefile with the -f option to make. We use the clean target to get rid of old results, and then the main target with builds the program. Since main depends on circle, the circle file is compiled first. Note in this block I use this header: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results raw That will tell the block to output the results directly in the buffer. I have the fortran code prename the table, and put | around the entries, so this entry is output directly as an org table. make -f makefile-main clean main ./main It takes some skill getting used to using :results raw. The results are not replaced if you run the code again. That can be inconvenient if you print a very large table, which you must manually delete. Now that we have a named org table, I can use that table as data in other source blocks, e.g. here in python. You define variables in the header name by referring to the tblname like this. #+BEGIN_SRC python :var data=circle-area Then, data is available as a variable in your code. Let us try it and plot the area vs. radius here. For more fun, we will make the plot xkcd , so it looks like I sketched it by hand. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.xkcd() print data # data is a list data = np.array(data) plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1]) plt.xlabel('radius') plt.ylabel('area') plt.savefig('circle-area.png') [[1.0, 3.14159], [2.0, 12.56636], [3.0, 28.27431], [4.0, 50.26544], [5.0, 78.53975]] It appears the area increases quadratically with radius. No surprise there! For fun, let us show that. If we divide each area by \(r^2\), we should get back π. Let us do this in emacs-lisp, just to illustrate how flexibly we can switch between languages. In lisp, the data structure will be a list of items like ((radius1 area1) (radius2 area2)…). So, we just map a function that divides the area (the second element of an entry) by the square of the first element. My lisp-fu is only average, so I use the nth function to get those elements. We also load the calc library to get the math-pow function. (require 'calc) (mapcar (lambda (x) (/ (nth 1 x) (math-pow (nth 0 x) 2))) data) Indeed, we get π for each element, which shows in fact that the area does increase quadratically with radius. You can learn more about tangling source code from org-mode here http://orgmode.org/manual/Extracting-source-code.html . 2 Summary key points - You can organize source files in org-mode as source blocks which can be "tangled" to "real" source code. - You can build into your org-file(s) even the Makefile, or other building instructions. - You can even run the build program, and the resulting programs from org-mode to capture data. - Once that data is in org-mode, you can reuse it in other source blocks, including other languages. What benefits could there be for this? One is you work in org-mode, which allows you to structure a document in different ways than code does. You can use headings to make the hierarchy you want. You can put links in places that allow you to easily navigate the document. Second, you can build in the whole workflow into your document, from building to execution. Third, you could have a self-contained file that extracts what someone else needs, but which has documentation and explanation built into it, which you wrote as you developed the program, rather than as an afterthought. You can still edit each block in its native emacs-mode, and have org-mode too. That is something like having cake, and eating it too! Downsides? Probably. Most IDE/project type environments are designed for code. These tools offer nice navigation between functions and files. I don't use those tools, but I imagine if you are hooked on them, you might have to learn something new this way. Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying. Org-mode version = 8.2.5h
**Last updated on: 15 October 2020** Question: What do Korean King Sejong and Leonardo da Vinci have in common? Answer: Both are men of many talents and great inventors. Leonardo da Vinci is well-known as a painter but he is also an inventor, sculptor, mathematician and engineer. Like da Vinci, Korean King Sejong also had talents in many fields and with the help of his subordinates, had introduced a large number of inventions with huge impact on the society not only during his reign but even today. King Sejong is a well-respected king and is called 세종대왕 (King Sejong the Great) in South Korea. King Sejong was the 4th king of the Joseon Dynasty, ruling from 1418 to 1450. During his reign, he had many significant achievements including the following: Invention of the Korean alphabet, 한글(Hangeul), should be the most well-known achievement of King Sejong. Before the invention of Hangeul, the Koreans adopted Chinese characters as the written form. However, as the Chinese language and the Korean language belong to different linguistic families, Korean was not ideally expressed in Chinese characters. With the help of some scholars, King Sejong invented Hangeul which was promulgated in 1446. The scientific and easy-to-learn nature of Hangeul has contributed to the high literacy rate in South Korea. Hangeul was included in the UNESCO list of Memory of the World Heritage in 1997. Reform of the Land Tax System During King Sejong’s reign, the land tax system underwent several major reforms but the most revolutionary aspect of these reforms is the review process before their implementation – before the new system was implemented, King Sejong conducted a nationwide survey to gauge public opinion on the new system. At that time, kings usually regarded themselves well above the people and it was rare that a king would listen to the views of the people before implementation of policies. As King Sejong was a great lover of music, he instructed the most talented musician, Pak Yon, to find a method of tuning all musical instruments to improve the existing ones and invented new ones so that a complete Korean orchestra could be assembled (like the Western classical music). Pak Yon succeeded in establishing the twelve standard notes by creating a pitch-pipe, improving 56 musical instruments and inventing 9 new ones. Under the direction of King Sejong, the rain gauge (providing a more precise method of measuring precipitation), four types of sundial (measuring the time of the day and the 24 solar-terms accurately), water-clock (having the capacity to display and announce the time) and new forms of weapons like fire arrows (helping territorial expansion which marked the boundaries of the Korean peninsula) were invented. With so many great achievements, King Sejong is well-respected by the Koreans and his portrait is printed on the 10,000 won banknotes of South Korea. Moreover, next to “The Story of Admiral Yi Sun-shin (충무공이야기)” exhibition hall at the Gwanghwamun Square (which is mentioned in my blog post dated 1 December 2014), there is “The Story of King Sejong (세종이야기)” exhibition hall where you can find information, objects and interactive games relating to his achievements. Next time when you visit Seoul, you may visit the two national heroes (King Sejong the Great and Admiral Yi Sun-shin) in one go! Reminder: The next blog post will be published on 19 January 2015. Watch this space! Arirang TV, “King Sejong“, 100 Icons of Korean Culture, 2014-10-20 Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project, King Sejong the Great: the everlasting light of Korea: thoughts and achievements of King Sejong, the most enlightened ruler in five thousand years of Korean history (2nd ed.), Seoul: Diamond Sutra Recitation Group, 2010 董向榮著,《南韓創造奇跡》,香港: 香港城市大學出版社,2009年版, 112-115頁 “King Sejong Story“, Korea Tourism Organization – more detail on “The Story of King Sejong” exhibition Hall Website of “The Story of King Sejong (세종이야기)” and “The Story of Admiral Yi Sun-shin (충무공이야기)” exhibition halls – more detail on the two exhibition halls “Hangeul (Korean Language)“, Korea Tourism Organization
Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition. Although several epidemiological and etiologic studies with large sample sizes have been conducted on Caucasians, such data regarding Asian populations are lacking. A total of 580 patients diagnosed with rosacea were enrolled from October 2014 to February 2015 at 14 general hospitals. Questionnaires, including the standard classification and grading system, were used for evaluation. The average age of the patients was 47.9 years. While 83.8% of patients revealed a single subtype, 16.2% of patients revealed mixed subtypes showing two or more subtypes simultaneously. Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR) was the most prevalent subtype. ETR combined with papulopustular rosacea showed the highest proportion in the mixed subtype group. Mild severity was revealed in 71.9% of patients. The most common aggravating factor was emotional changes (51.7%), followed by stress (48.4%). Approximately half of the patients (47.4%) showed relatively low awareness of rosacea. By identifying the epidemiological and etiologic features in Korea, we can suggest valuable clinical avenues for research, education and awareness among rosacea patients. - clinical feature ASJC Scopus subject areas
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Ball mill machine is widely used to process cement, silicate product, building material, refractory material, fertilizer, ceramics and glass, etc. Flotation cell, also named as flotation machine, is of great importance for ore separation. The flotation effect can be influenced by the factors of ore particles, ore pulp or drug. Briquette machine is also called briquetting press machine, briquetting machine or pressure ball machine. The coal ash dryer made by our company, as the Chinese leading raw coal drying machine supplier, is specialized in drying the coal ash and then makes new use of it. Mobile crusher is the machine that has crusher, feeder, feeding hopper, belt, driving and controlling systems on mobile chassis. The Single-Cylinder Cone Crusher is widely used for medium, fine and superfine crushing operation of mine, aggregate, metal ores, limestone, granite, basalt, river gravel, construction waste, steel slag, cement raw material, ceramic raw materials. VSI sand maker, also called VSI crusher, is the major machine for sand making plant. During the crushing process of sand making machine, raw materials hit each other and not hit any metal parts. Jaw crusher machine, also named jaw crusher for short, is the earliest crusher.
Students can Download History Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India Class 10 Social Science Advent of Europeans to India Textual Questions and Answers I. Complete the following blanks with suitable answers : Advent Of European To India Class 10 Pdf KSEEB Question 1. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks occupied …………. city. KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Social Science Question 2. The sea route between India and Europe was discovered by ………… KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Social Question 3. The capital of French in India was ………. Advent Of Europeans To India Notes Pdf KSEEB Solutions Question 4. In 1757, Robert live declared …….. war over Siraj-ud-Daula. Advent Of Europeans To India Notes KSEEB Solutions Question 5. The Dewani rights over Bengal were handed over to British by ………. KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 1 Question 6. The dual government policy was implemented by …….. in Bengal. II. Discuss in a group and answer the following Questions: Advent Of The European Into India Class 10 Questions And Answers Question 1. How did trade take place between India and Europe during the middle ages? The Arab merchants carried the Asian Merchandise into Constantinople of Eastern Roman (Byzantium) Empire. Italian merchants would buy these goods and then sell in European countries. There was a great demand for Indian spices like pepper, cardamom, Ginger and many other spices in Europe. Like this, Constantinople was the center of international business and considered as the ‘Gate of European Trade’, while Arab merchants had gained a monopoly over the trade in Europe, the merchandise from Asia had brought good profits to Italian merchants. Advent Of Europeans To India KSEEB Solutions Question 2. Discuss the reasons that resulted in the discovery of a new sea route to India? The trade and commerce between Asia and Europe were taking place through the city of Constantinople. In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured the city of Constantinople. As a result all the trade routes connecting the city of Constantinople came under the control of Turks. The Turks started levying too many taxes on the goods passing through these roptes. As a result, the merchants felt that the trade was not profitable. Meanwhile, Spain and Portugal were attempting to break the monopoly of Italian traders. They started encouraging courageous sailors to find a sea route to India. The invention of Compass, Astrolabes, and Gunpowder provided further impetus to this venture. Advent Of European To India Class 10 Notes Pdf KSEEB Solutions Question 3. Make a list of the Europeans who arrived at India to do business? - Portuguese: Portuguese were the first to arrive at India for the trade and were also the last to leave India on the sea route. - Dutch : Dutch are from Holland or Netherlands. They established United East India Company in 1602 with tie aim of doing business with eastern countries and entered countries like india, Java, Sumatra, Indonesia and Spices rich islands. - English: In 1600, December 31, Queen Elizabeth issued a royal charter authorizing East India Company to trade with Eastern Countries for fifteen years. - French: French East India Company started as a government-owned company in 1664. It started its first factory in Surat in the year 1668. In this way Portuguese, Dutch, English and French were the Europeans who arrived at India to do business. The Advent Of Europe To India Notes KSEEB Solutions Question 4. Explain the Second Carnatic War? In the changed circumstances, French made Salabath Jung, another son of AsafJha as the Nizam of Hyderabad. An officer named Bussi was stationed in Hyderabad for his protection by French. In Carnatic Chandsaheb was the Nawab with the help of French. Robert Clive of East India Company attacked Arcot, the capital city of Carnatic and defeated Chandsaheb. Chandsaheb was imprisoned and later killed in this war. In the place of Chandsaheb, the English named Mahammad Ali, the son of Anwaruddin, as the Nawab of Carnatic. The second Carnatic war ended with the Treaty of Pondicherry. French recalled Dupleix. This war brought laurels to English, while French suffered a political setback. Advent Of European To India Notes Pdf KSEEB Solutions Question 5. State the reasons and results of Plassey war? Battle of Plassey (1757):Aliwardi Khan, the Nawab of Bengal died in 1756. His grandson Siraj-ud-Daula came to throne. The Plassey Battle took place between the young Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula and the British in 1757. - Misuse of Dastakaths: Siraj-ud- Daula was furious that the Dastakaths were misused by the officials of the company incurring losses to the government treasury. - Mending of the fort without permission: The British repaired the fort of Calcutta and placed canons in them. This further angered Siraj- ud-Daula and he ordered the removal of canons from the court. The British refused to do this angering the Nawab further. - Black Room Tragedy: Siraj-ud- Daula conquered the Fort William easily and imprisoned some of the British. He imprisoned 146 Englishmen in a small room in the fort, of which 123 died. This is called as the Black Room Tragedy. This enraged Robert Clive and arrived in Bengal with a large army. - This war brought out the immorality, lack of unity among the Indians and the greed of Indian businessmen. - Mir Jaffar became the Nawab of Bengal. - The company gained exclusive rights to do business in-Bengal. - Mir Jaffar had to pay rupees seventeen qorner and seventy lakh to as a relief to Sirja-ud-Daula’s attack on the Fort William. - The British projected Mir Jaffar as an inefficient Nawab and brought in his nephew Mir Qasim as the new Nawab. Advent Of Europeans To India KSEEB Question 6. What were the results of the Battle of Buxar? The combined forces of Mir Qasim faced the British army led by Hector Munro at Buxar in 1764. Mir Qasim got defeated and ran away from the battlefield. Sha Alam-II surrendered. The efforts of the combined forces to stop the British force failed completely. - Sha Alam-II accorded the Dewani rights over Bengal to the British. - Sha Alam-II gave away all the rights over Bengal to the British for an annual fee of rupees 26 lakhs. - The Nawab of Awadh had to give away a fine of rupees 50 lakh for waging a war against the company. - With the death of Mir Jaffar, the company paid pension to his son and took over the entire administration of Bengal. Class 10 Social Science Advent of Europeans to India Additional Questions and Answers Advent Of European In India Questions And Answers KSEEB Solutions Question 1. Dutch establish ……… company. United East India. Advent Of European In India Ncert Pdf KSEEB Solutions Question 2. The Mughul Emperor ………… issued royal permission to English to establish their first warehouse of the factory at Surat. KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Social Science Question 3. English had established……….,…….. and ….. as the centres of their Presidencies. Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta. Advent Of Europeans To India Class 10 KSEEB Solutions Question 4. French started their first factory insured in the year ……….. Advent Of Europeans To India Lesson KSEEB Solutions Question 5. The Hyderabad Kingdom was established in 1724 by …….. KSEEB Social Solutions For Class 10 Question 6. Between English and French …….. Carnatic wars took place. Advent Of The European Into India Questions And Answers Question 7. Shah Alam-II accorded the ………… rights over Bengal to the British KSEEB Solutions For 10th Social Question 8. English started their first warehouse of a factory at ……… Robert Clive brought in …….. concept. Nasir Jung defeated French and took ……. We hope the KSEEB SSLC Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India help you. If you have any query regarding Karnataka SSLC Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.
Also called yuca, manioc, mandioca, aipim, and tapioca Gluten-free- is a woody shrub native to South America of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. It is incredibly versatile: it can be boiled, baked, steamed, grilled, fried, mashed or added to stews. It is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Loaded with beneficial antioxidants and vitamin C, adding yucca into your diet is a simple way to give your immune system a healthy boost. Frequently, it is served with meat, sprinkled with salt, pepper and lime juice. Many recipes call for it to be grated. When cooked, it turns yellow, slightly translucent and a little sweet.
Another great post from Scott, who always says it the way it is. For two years I woke up every morning and thought, “I cannot do this one more day and every night I went to sleep thinking I cannot do this one more day.” Until one day someone said I was so strong and I looked back and realized I had been surviving and getting stronger day by day, sometimes hours by hour. I was doing what i thought I could never survive and I was learning and growing and getting stronger. What I thought would surely break me had given me the strength and resolve to hold my ground, even gain ground. You can too. “Courage is not something you have, it’s something you earn.” Malcolm Gladwell tells the story of the bombing of London in World War Two. The Germans called it the “blitzkrieg” or just the Blitz: “In the years leading up to the Second World War, the British government was worried. If, in the event of war, the German Air Force launched a major air offensive against London, the British military command believed that there was nothing they could do to stop it. Basil Liddell Hart, one of the foremost military theorists of the day, estimated that in the first week of any German attack, London could see a quarter of a million civilian deaths and injuries. Winston Churchill described London as “the greatest target in the world, a kind of tremendous, fat, valuable cow, tied up to attract the beast of prey.” He predicted that the city would be so… View original post 1,002 more words
Gippsland Memorial Park was filled with the sound of music on Sunday when a special Remembrance Day service was held at the newly-upgraded cemetery grounds. The City of Traralgon Band and Morwell Caledonian Pipe band wowed spectators with moving pieces of music to begin the ceremony, which had a distinct focus on the region’s historical connection to the men and women serving in the First World War. The Traralgon Public Cemetery Trust received a $155, 292 grant from the Latrobe Valley Authority’s community facilitation fund to go towards developing a military and emergency services memorial precinct at Gippsland Memorial Park – part of the precinct, a 15-metre granite wall with a commemorative plaque, was unveiled at the ceremony. Speaking at the ceremony, trust chair Chris Stammers said the precinct would be a peaceful space that would let community members “honour and remember the brave men and women who have served in the armed forces”. “Most returned to their families, many with severe physical and mental scars … they continued to make a significant contribution to their families and to the community for the rest of their lives,” he said. “This space is a work in progress and will evolve over time to best serve the community’s needs.” Mr Stammers said the City of Traralgon Band, who played at the ceremony, had a strong connection to the local men and women who served in the armed forces. “In the outbreak of the First World War young men began enlisting to go to service and would inevitably meet at the railway station … and they would leave to start this experience that was just horrendous when you look back and think about what they had to do,” he said. “The Traralgon Band would be playing at the platform at the station. I can just imagine the emotions of seeing those young men heading off to war and the band playing a very stirring march. “And when eventually soldiers began to return, the same thing happened … I can imagine the steam engine coming into the station and the soldiers getting off the train and the families wondering what they would be greeted with.” Mr Stammers said the band would also play when returned soldiers passed away back home, and would march behind the coffin before they were buried. “That just shows the commitment that the Traralgon Band have provided to those soldiers and the community,” he said.
What’s the one thing ALL people share no matter what roles they play in life? TIME. We all have the same seven days in our week and 24 hours each day to allocate to living, vocation, creating, relating, discovering, resting … you get the idea. So why are some of us burdened and overwhelmed while others of us experience a sense of freedom and fulfillment? Every leader who is also a parent and juggles graduate school or work related travel faces competing priorities. I’ve done all those things at the same time—and lived to tell some hilarious stories. I’ve also worked with executives and working women at all levels who’ve struggled to “get it all done.” I’ve read hundreds of books and articles on organizing, planning, productivity, and circadian rhythms. What can I say? I’m kinda geeky about testing systems and processes. Here’s what I generally share: First, our lives and priorities are different, so what works perfectly for one individual may not resonate fully with the next. Give yourself a break if the “latest” system is not your cup of tea. Second, there ARE nuggets of wisdom within the many available ideas and resources that will work. Consider these three books to address procrastination (priorities done on time), an overall system (not dropping any balls), and your environment. 1. Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time – What I love about this book is that it’s organized into short, easy to scan chapters. Tracy uses frogs as a metaphor for priorities and tasks that deluge us (I picture the biblical plague of frogs). Tracy’s frog wisdom includes: “If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliestone first.” Then he shares uber practical options to up your productivity and timeliness. With 21 implementable ideas, incorporating even a few will make a difference. I have only one critique: be mindful of the difference between workplace “socializing” (a potential time waster and procrastination technique) and strategic socializing(a critical action to build relationships with colleagues, test ideas informally, and garner support for or consensus on proposals). Tracy doesn’t differentiate, and the second type of socializing is important—especially to women in the workplace. 2. David Allen’s Getting Things Done – Getting Things Done (often referred to as GTD) is all encompassing—capturing personal, professional, and any other roles and responsibilities into a single system. When we humans download all the “things” into a trustworthy system, we free our minds to be fully present and productive. We don’t drop any balls—or forget appointments, miss deadlines, or experience those dreaded OSMs (Oh Sh-t! Moments) because we suddenly realize today the soccer team needed snacks and we’ve flown to Boston. Allen updated his classic in 2015 with discussion on GTD integration with digital apps and devices. I use a paper-digital hybrid for my planner, calendar, projects, and tickler. I know people who are avidlyall paper or all digital. GTD works.The processes are clearly laid out and can be implemented flexibly. Success takes (a) an upfront commitment to collect and categorize ALL the “things” and (b) an ongoing set of routines to work the “system.” I like his text for the psychology of why GTD works. At the same time, Allen’s writing style and occasional verboseness is not for everyone. Ok, for some it’s almost painful. Luckily, you can scan a chapter for free on Amazon and decide for yourself. If you feel it’s too wordy, Google “GTD” for all sorts of summaries on the process. Again, because we’re all unique, recognize that proscribed elements can be adapted and personalized. 3. Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing – The diminutive wonder that is Marie Kondo has generated a whole movement regarding possessions which “spark joy.” What GTD and Allen have done for to do’s, the KonMari system delivers to environments. Just visit Pinterist or Instagram and you’ll find thousands of before-and-after pics of rooms, cupboards, closets, and garages worldwide. Kondo advocates collecting all of one thing—such as clothing—into one location. Take a look at the pile. How does this feel or represent you? Then, pick up each item individually, asking yourself if it does, indeed, spark joy. Such keepers are sorted, organized, folded, and put away systematically to enable maintaining order. Items that don’t spark joy are symbolically thanked and then donated or disposed of. The recommended sequence for the KonMari process in a home begins with clothing—because we often intuitively grasp what sparks joy in our attire. Next, we work through books, papers, miscellaneous (the kitchen, the linen closet, the bathroom, or the garage), and finally sentimental items (pictures, mementos). The resulting orderly, joy sparking home helps us by knowing what we have and where things belong. This means we don’t waste time searching for stuff, we don’t waste money to buy items we have but can’t find, and we’re more mindful of our possessions and space. Our environment and belongings support our lives more meaningfully. Studies tell us we can succeed at goals alone—including eating our frogs, managing our bunnies (this is my own reference to any pile of paper, which seems to breed like rabbits overnight), and freeing ourselves from stifling environments. But, we do so best if we’re intentional and accountable. If you really want to make a change, tell someoneand engage a partner or coach to help. If you could wave your magic wand, what would you change? Would being more productive, timely, or organized support your goals? In what way? Thank you for visiting Dr. Kathryn Bingham’s blog! We invite your discussion at LEADistics’ community page. Fans and honest critics are welcomed! Please see our Comments Policy and reuse Permissions on the LEADistics FAQ page. All LEADr Board posts are covered by copyright law, with all rights reserved.
It is scary that bullying has become so much more difficult to find and control. When I was a child and you heard the term bully you tended to think about the boy on the playground who pushed other kids or pulled the ponytails of the girls. Today, bullying is ever present in technology and the implications of cyber bullying are vast. A mean word or an embarrassing picture can be spread faster and broader than we ever imagined. We read of terrible stories of girls posting locker pictures of another girl to humiliate her, or boys dominating another boy and posting the pictures and videos for the world to see. This level and depth of humiliation and mental torture is beyond what most of us ever had to deal with growing up. This means we have to be even more vigilant in protecting our kids and also making sure our kids are not the ones doing these things. Talk to your kids / students about cyber bullying. - Do not respond/engage to the abuse. No back and forth. You can never win in a back and forth online argument! - Talk to someone about it. Don’t keep it to yourself. Ignoring bullying only leads to its escalation. - Keep records/print off messages if possible, to help identify the bully. - If necessary get a new number, account, give it out one person at a time and keep a diary daily to record any abuse, your tormenter may be closer than you think. - Take a break – unplug. - Amend anti-bullying policies to include text messaging, cell phone use, and online bullying. - Make a commitment to educate teachers, students, and parents about cyber bullying. - Make sure parents know whom to contact at the school if there is a problem. - Never allow a known incident of bullying to pass unchallenged and not dealt with. - Make this topic easy to discuss. Proactively ask your kids if they are having problems. Look at their accounts. Forget worrying about intruding, parent them! - Place and keep the computer in an open, common space. Look at their phones and tablets for warning signs. - Inform Internet Service Provider (ISP) or cell phone service provider of abuse. - Do not erase messages; keep for evidence. - Software help – McAfee Parental Controls filter both IM and Chat Rooms. Tracker programs. Be vigilant if you suspect cyber bullying and fight technology with technology. General Guidelines for talking with your child about Cyber Bullies Parenting a child who is being bullied is very difficult. Every fiber within you wants to step in and be the protector, confront the bully, yell at the teacher, and even scream at the parents of the bully. You want to protect your child. But as a parent you have to know and understand that this is part of growing up, and your child needs to learn. They need your protection but not as an avenger. They need your protection as a nurturer. Parents, if your child is being bullied please do the following: Listen to your child. When their self-confidence is being diminished at school you have to build it back up at home. Tell your child that he or she has done the right thing by coming to you. Advise them to report ALL bullying. Parents and teachers must help them see, believe, and understand that they are worth hearing. Tell your child that he/she has done the right thing by talking about what has happened. Ask your child’s teacher to help your child talk about what is happening. Don’t leave it to chance. Collaborate with school personnel to address the problem. Talk to the principal, teacher, counselor, or anyone else you need to in order to make sure the problem stops. Sadly, it is also important for parents and the student to keep written records. Preserve any evidence of aggression. It can help protect your child in case a bully is denying their behavior to protect themselves. In some cases, it can help to role-play assertive behavior with your child. Help your child stand up to a bully in a safe yet assertive manner. Across the board, it is important to speak very clearly and plainly with your child about what is going on. Give them simple, straightforward advice about where to go and who to reach out to at school or anywhere that they feel threatened or are in danger. Assure your child that there is nothing wrong with reaching out for help. Finally, MAKE YOUR CHILD FEEL SPECIAL! When a child is bullied it isn’t the physical results that last, it is the mental. When a child feels like he has been humiliated or made to feel less than others then the mental and emotional impact is much more damaging and long-lasting. Your kids have to have your help. You have to rebuild their self esteem and this doesn’t happen by accident. Do these things to rebuild your child’s emotional security: - Tell them you love them. - Hug them. - Sit and talk to them. Show real interest in them. - Set them up to succeed. Find something they can do and praise them for it! - Step in and help. Let them see you as being there for them. - Make sure they know that home is safe. Home is shelter. Home is absolute. - MAKE YOUR CHILD FEEL SPECIAL! It is a brave new world. Our conveniences and comforts that are afforded through technology are one of our great achievements. However, these technologies can also harbor a dark side. Cyber bullying, online gambling, pornography, sexting, and the list goes on. These are real issues your children and your students face today that many of us did not even dream about when we were kids. You have to get involved with your kid’s and your student’s online lives and when you see the tell-tale signs of cyber bullying or any other cyber issue step in. Bullying, even online bullying, can completely change the way a child views him or herself. Don’t let your favorite piece of technology become your student’s nightmare.
With your USB connection from the Circuit Playground to your phone set, the Circuit Playground Express data can be logged to the phone. You should also use the Google Play Store to install a spreadsheet (or other program of your choice) to capture data from the Circuit Playground Express acting as a HID keyboard. As Android is Google-centric, the best option is to go to the Google App store and load Google Sheets if it is not already available. I note that Microsoft Excel is also available in the Google App Store, but we didn't try it! The code can be either of the programs earlier in this tutorial. The demonstration will use the second example which includes plant soil moisture data in the fourth column of the spreadsheet. You can change the program to add or subtract data as desired.
Here is the latest in a series of examinations into urban legends about TV and whether they are true or false. Click here to view an archive of the TV urban legends featured so far. TV URBAN LEGEND: The famous interracial kiss on Star Trek was originally going to be between Mr. Spock and Lt. Uhura. While the current Star Trek film series is a dramatic departure from the old Star Trek set-up in a number of ways (primarily the fact that the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise all took on their respective jobs on the ship at a much younger age than they did in the regular timeline) the interpersonal relationships among the crew are roughly the same as they were in the original stories featuring them. A notable exception, however, is in the romance between the half-Vulcan first officer Mr. Spock and the ship’s communications officer, Lt. Uhura. The two did not have many scenes together during the original Star Trek series. However, did they almost share a notable piece of television history? Was the famous interracial kiss during “Plato’s Stepchildren” in the last season of the original Star Trek television series originally going to take place between Uhura and Spock rather than Uhura and Captain Kirk? The kiss, which happened towards the end of the show’s run in November 1968, was a big deal at the time, as anything involving race was quite controversial for television networks. In fact, it was just earlier that year that there was controversy at NBC (the network that aired Star Trek at the time) over “interracial touching” between singers Harry Belafonte and Petula Clark in a TV special by Clark (in an old TV Legends Revealed I looked at how Clark and her husband boldly handled the controversy). The networks were constantly worried about advertisers freaking out over anything having to do with race. The scene in the episode involved Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Nurse Chapel and Dr. McCoy being trapped on a planet filled with people with telekinetic powers (all but one, a friendly little person named Alexander, played by The Wild Wild West‘s Michael Dunn, himself the spotlight of an old TV Legends Revealed). The people referred to themselves as Platonians, in honor of the Greek philosopher Plato. They torment the crew members by forcing them to entertain them. At one point they telekinetically force Kirk and Uhura to passionately kiss. Here is the scene in question… According to Nichelle Nichols, originally it was going to be Spock that Uhura was making out with. In an interview with the Vancouver Sun, she recalled: Bill Shatner saw what was going on and he said, ‘Woah, woah, woah. If anybody is gonna get to kiss Lieutenant Uhura it’s gonna be me.’ And he had the whole thing changed so the first interracial kiss was with Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk. Bill wanted to rehearse all the time. He said he wanted to get this right! I said to him, “It’s right, it’s right. I promise you, it’s right.” And the camera was shaking and the director was laughing his head off. We really had a good time. While it is true that at one point the scene was going to be between Spock and Uhura, that was not the original plan. As noted before, the scene was considered to be quite controversial at the time, so one of the ideas suggested by executives was to switch Spock and Kirk (in the episode, Spock and Nurse Chapel were forced to kiss at the same time that Kirk and Uhura were forced to kiss) and have Spock kiss Uhura instead. The original script, though, was Kirk and Uhura together. Nichols very likely did not know that at the time, so she’s just giving the story from her perspective, which is that William Shatner was not having it and insisted that changed the script, which they did. From her perspective, he was changing the script from its original form while in reality he was changing it BACK to its original form. There is some debate between Shatner and Nichols over whether they ever literally touched lips (Shatner says that they never actually made physical lip contact while Nichols says that they did). I can’t tell you for sure, especially since the point of contact is obscured in most shots of the kiss. Nichols has also told a story about the show trying to film an alternate take without the kiss in case they wanted to use it but then Nichols and Shatner kept ruining the alternate take by Shatner making weird faces during the scene. I certainly can believe that happened, but I can’t say for sure one way or another. I am confident, though, that the story that it was originally Spock and Uhura who were going to kiss is… Feel free (heck, I implore you!) to write in with your suggestions for future installments! My e-mail address is email@example.com. Be sure to check out my Entertainment Urban Legends Revealed for more urban legends about the worlds of TV, Movies and Music!
Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Tennessee Authorities Failed to Forward Requisition Papers on Date Agreed A. S. Colyar, the Tennessean, who figured conspicuously in the recent dictograph sensation involving bribery charges and countercharges of graft between Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward and others, on the one hand and Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives aLnford [sic], on the other was released from his bond Thursday at 2 p. m. by Chief Beavers. Colyar’s name jumped into the news when the dictograph matter became public and the following day there came a wire from the Knoxville police to the Atlanta police, asking that Colyar be arrested and held for them. They charged an indictment for forgery. Accordingly, Colyar was arrested. He said the charge was four years old and had never been prosecuted. He alleged a conspiracy. A few hours later, Colyar was released on bond. Thursday was the day set by the Tennessee police for the delivery of requisition papers and the extradition of Colyar to Tennessee. No documents came, but instead Chief Beavers received a letter from the Knoxville chief of police requesting that Colyar be held until June 3. Chief Beavers declined to accede to this. His reply to the Knoxville chief was quoted by him to be that immediate action would have to be taken on Thursday or he would order the release of Colyar and his bondsmen. Grand Jury Subpena Is Served Upon A. S. Colyar The [1 word illegible] Thursday morning of a grand jury subpena for A. S. Colyar to appear before the grand jury Friday morning led to the belief that the grand jury had decided to make an investigation of the charges which have been made [1 word illegible] A. S. Colyar and the city detectives against Colonel T. B. Felder and the counter charges which Colonel Felder has made against them. An investigation developed the fact that the city detectives, anticipating that the grand jury would make such an investigation had the subpena issued so that A. S. Colyar would be on hand should his testimony be needed. The grand jury has taken no action [1 word illegible] to an investigation and it does not meet until some time next week, the actual date not having been fixed. A. S. Colyar was served with the subpena and stated that he would be available to the grand jury should it want to interrogate him. Burns’ Detective, Tobie, Left Atlanta Thursday C. W. Tobie, the Burns detective, who on Tuesday evening announced that he had discontinued his investigation into the murder of Mary Phagan left Thursday afternoon for Chicago. Just prior to taking his train, Mr. Tobie denied that he had given out an interview to the effect that William Burns would himself come to Atlanta soon after his return to this country from Europe. “I have made no such statement, and I am not advised of any such intention on the part of Mr. Burns,” declared Mr. Tobie. * * *
Using the PureThermal 1 for Lepton Development Lepton gives makers the ability to do a wide variety of things that aren’t possible without thermal cameras. Lepton transmits video data over the SPI protocol, which is ideal for embedded devices. Unfortunately, many platforms like laptops and desktops don’t expose a SPI bus, making it impossible to directly access Lepton’s video feed. That’s where the PureThermal 1 comes in. PureThermal 1 sits between a Lepton* (current version 80×60 only) and your laptop, and transmits Lepton’s video data over UVC (USB Video Class) just like a regular webcam would. Because it’s a webcam, it enables a developer to use a wide variety of pre-existing software with it seamlessly. You can view the video stream with a standard webcam viewer like VLC, or use the video data for computer vision with OpenCV without any additional work. PureThermal 1 can do anything a visible webcam can do, plus some things that visible webcams can’t do. - Because it uses USB, it is cross-platform. The PureThermal 1 works on Windows, OS X, and Linux. PureThermal 1 is based on an ARM Cortex-M4 processor, and the reference firmware is open-source in case you need to customize it for a specific application. The hardware schematic is also open-source. The reference firmware xan be modified to do light image processing right on the PureThermal 1 itself. PureThermal 1 is powered over USB and has a very small footprint, so it can fit just about anywhere a breakout board could. It has the hardware built in for analog video output, a Li-ion battery, and UART and I2C expansions. The reference firmware doesn’t take advantage of these features, but they’re there for your project to leverage. PureThermal 1 as an open, versatile, and hackable Lepton platform makes it a very good choice for those looking to get started with Lepton development. More information about the PureThermal 1, including detailed specifications and datasheets is available here.
Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court Network Upgrade Cook County is the second largest county in the U.S. and home to more than 40% of all the residents in Illinois. The Circuit Court of Cook County is the largest of the 24 judicial circuits in Illinois and one of the largest unified court systems in the world, with approximately 400 judges serving 5.2 million residents and more than one million cases filed each year within Chicago and its 126 surrounding suburbs. The Clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court is the official keeper of records for all judicial matters and is responsible for managing an annual operating budget of more than $100 million with a workforce of 1,474 employees. In 2008, the Clerk’s Office purchased a document management system to electronically store, manage and provide access to records and images for the entire county court system. Although the system itself was self-contained, the County’s existing network infrastructure required upgrade and modification to provide the speed, bandwidth and capacity needed to support a new, multiuser system. The Clerk’s Office sought a network specialist to assess each county courthouse, its own headquarters and bond courthouse-equipped district police stations that would require regular access to the system. As subcontractor to AMCAD, Level-1 assessed, developed and documented specifications for each site based on the new system’s capacity and connectivity needs and user base and then designed and implemented an enhanced network solution that would support such high-volume access. Because the powerful data management system required more bandwidth than many locations could support, Level-1’s solution for optimal use of the network’s bandwidth required a county-hosted distributed, multi-location network along with modified LAN/WAN traffic patterns. In many locations, the facility’s communications and electrical infrastructure was outdated and undocumented. To ensure that each building’s infrastructure would support its new networking equipment, each embedded cable was tracked, identified and documented to provide an effective blueprint for the network upgrade as well as for future projects involving mechanical, electrical and plumbing upgrades.
Sustained competitive advantage based on high quality input It is often observed that some firms perform better than others within a population of firms producing the same products . In this paper, potential sources for creating sustained competitive advantages are addressed. According to the resource-based view of the firm, this phenomenon is rooted in heterogenic firm resources and immobility of key resources. This paper reports the findings from an empirical study of the Norwegian seafood industry. By analyzing internal financial statements in a period of 12 years it is revealed that some firms perform over average compared to its competitors. These firms are said to have a competitive advantage. Based on this observation it is analyzed how firms act to cope with input uncertainty. The firms are grouped according to their relative performance, and it is found that the best performing group is supplied with high quality fresh fish. The paper discusses implications of the findings, both managerial and theoretical.
April 9th, 2019 The LIVE EBP viewer has been launched today The LIVE EBP viewer has been launched this afternoon in the framework of the Bird Numbers 2019 conference in Évora, Portugal. Now up-to-date bird movements that take place across Europe are just one click away! The LIVE EBP viewer shows the distribution of 105 bird species on weekly animated maps spanning from January 2010 up to the current week. This is an unprecedented development in European ornithology and a landmark in the mobilization of citizen science data. The new EBP project video teaser presented in the launching event In his opening speach Ruud Foppen, EBCC chairman, has described the origins of the EBP project and its role in the EBCC and Frank Vassen, from DG Nature, has hightlighted the relevance of combining the efforts of so many partners and online portals to obtain European-wide visualizations of bird movements. Opening speach by Ruud Foppen, EBCC chairman Gabriel Gargallo, EBP project coordinator, has stressed the importance of the work developed by all the IT specialists involved in the data connectivity implementation, one of the key developments behind the LIVE EBP viewer. He has also stressed the the importance of the EU LIFE preparatory grant obtained shortly after the first EBP viewer was presented in June 2015. Thanks to this grant, during the last three years the EBP has put in place a completely new central database repository and automatic data-flow system, has increased by 27% its original geographic coverage and has significantly improved the quality of the data gathered across Europe. The LIVE EBP viewer is possible thanks to the implementation of an automatic data flow that covers 99% of the whole EBP data Bird Numbers 2019 attendands could enjoy the LIVE EBP viewer in the middle of the launching event Enjoy the LIVE EBP viewer!
MIT scientists conduct the first experiment at NSLS-II’s Soft Inelastic X-ray Scattering beamline. On July 15, 2018, the Soft Inelastic X-ray Scattering (SIX) beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II)—a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory—welcomed its first visiting researchers. SIX is an experimental station designed to measure the electronic properties of solid materials using ultrabright x-rays. The materials can be as small as a few microns—one millionth of a meter. The first researchers to take advantage of the world-class capabilities at SIX were Jonathan Pelliciari and Zhihai Zhu, two scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The pair used SIX to study a chromate sample, a fascinating material with novel applications in magnetism, batteries, and catalysis. Little was known about the electronic structure of the chromate sample the MIT team studied at SIX, and their research is aimed at unlocking the properties of this material. To do so, they needed the atomic sensitivity and energy resolution of the SIX beamline. Picture: The sample chamber of the Soft Inelastic X-ray Scattering (SIX) beamline at NSLS-II allows scientists to mount their materials on a special holder that can be turned and moved into the beam of bright x-rays.
> Not so long ago nearly > all C programmers were using DOS (or extended DOS) and a VESA graphics > package would run on their systems. I suspect only a minority of the > Ada community even *could* run such a thing on their system. Yes, this is precisely why there is less Ada Free software and why less is being developed. We are not beyond the power curve yet. It is still worth maintaining the DOS version of gnat, but not the way ACT charges The charge should be more like the much lower prices we pay for shareware. I can afford 50 dollars a year, and I make slightly below average for senior systems engineers. Others perhaps could afford 20 dollars per year. Still others have the skill to compile gnat under DOS, and finally others have the skill to fix the runtime bugs and the packed bitstrings in gnat 3.07. A combination like this is what will pay for a gnat version of DOS. ACT charges are easily affordable to those who a priori have committed to gnat to do a project for which they will make more than 1500 x 4 = 6000 X 100 = $600,000 profit. However, this is not what developers of Free software tend to be able to afford, since their profit on gnat is ZERO. The 1,500 per seat for a minimum of 4 seats makes no sense for Free software. It also sometimes makes no sense for government agencies, unless projected three to five years in advance. Some software is still written in DOS (other than free software) because it is the fastest memory mapped and port access hardware to do realtime graphics and other hardware-fast types of things. Some software is still written in DOS because there are physically and mentally handicapped people, like myself, who have a great deal of trouble trying to put a mouse over a particular character with any reliability on Macs or Windows. Perhaps it is not a handicap at all, but an advantage. Command line systems can do almost everything faster than a mac. It is amazing what people give up when they go to windows: hot function key interfaces, repeat commands, file comparison, hardware text mapping for instant display, the best text editor in the world (The DOS version of Multiedit by American Cybernetics), reliable keyboard interrupt, ability to play music instruments on the keyboard more than 2 keys pressed at a time, non-mouse tools, non-mouse databases, easiest way of controlling the serial and parallel ports, operating system calls that work, ability to run really tiny executable files, knowing what directories are affected by installing code, knowing that you have completely uninstalled a program, ability to run code in a tiny amount of memory, unlimited virtual storage through djgpp, etc. I can live with all the mouse lovers of the world, but my NT at work has a dual boot into DOS, and my computer at home does not have a mouse, and it runs DOS.
[log in to unmask] wrote: > [log in to unmask] wrote: > >The C programming language has standard libraries for converting > >time in secs since 1970 to date, and vice-versa. The file structures > >usually have the "time last accessed" as this 32-bit number. > >to a 64-bit compiler is great, but your OS and file > structure might be > >still affected. > >So this affects only C and Unix, Right? Alas no, it affects a lot of > >Operating Systems that have C components. Like Windows 95, 98, > >NT, and I think 2000, also Win 3.11, in fact, a significant > >of the world's computers. Of Macs I know not, but it > wouldn't surprise > >me if they had the same problem on some versions of their OS's, > >especially the ones with significant bits of Unix in them (via Next). > The Macintosh calling interface provides for the expression > of tens of thousands of years. What they do internally is > something they might have to fix some time, but that is > rather easier than making users change. For what it's worth, the information about Windows in the original message is incorrect. The Win32 API returns times as a structure (record) with a 16-bit year number. The Windows documentation says that year numbers from 1601 to 2399 are guaranteed to work, and years outside of that might work. Of course, Windows has C code internally, so it is possible that there would be a bug in the OS, but I would expect that be fixed in Windows 2037 :-). But Ada programs would still continue to work. I actually had experience with this, as the BIOS on one of our Windows NT servers became convinced that it was 2099 in January. Both the OS and the custom written, all Ada mail management service ran properly; and the Ada program logged the year as 2099 in its log files. Some other services crashed, however, possibly because of their C heritage.
Torquato Tasso (1544–1595) has long enjoyed a reputation as both one of the finest poets of the Renaissance and an influential critic. He is best known for his epic poem Jerusalem Delivered (1581), whose topic was the First Crusade. This poem, initially completed in 1575, was revised into a longer version, Jerusalem Conquered. During the process of revision, Tasso undertook the writing of a long critical treatise, Discorsi del Poema Eroica (1594; Discourses on the Heroic Poem), which both defended the epic poem he had already written and anticipated some of the principles underlying its revision. The text of the Discourses itself represents a considerable amplification and revision of an earlier critical text, Discourses on the Poetic Art, which had appeared somewhat earlier, in 1587. Tasso was born in Sorrento and spent some years at the court of Ferrara where his conduct obliged the duke, Alphonso II, to have him incarcerated on grounds of insanity. After his release in 1586 he wandered from court to court and died in Rome. “Paranoia” might be too strong a word; but certainly a great deal of insecurity and anxiety about adverse criticism of his epic informs Tasso’s Discourses, which – characteristic, to some extent, of Renaissance scholarship – parades its learning and takes great pains to assert its points of originality, especially as against recent influential writers such as Lodovico Castelvetro. Tasso’s own revised Discourses on the Heroic Poem had a considerable impact not only on Renaissance but also on subsequent literary theory in Italy, England, and France. Its influence stemmed no doubt partly from the fact that this theory of epic poetry was advanced by the first great epic poet in a European vernacular: it was effectively the theory behind his own epic composition, the theory that justified and explained his own epic. Tasso well understood the important critical issues of his own day – such as the relative values of Homer and Vergil, ancients and moderns, as well as the issue of the usefulness of poetry as against its function of affording pleasure – and his text reflects his accommodation of the various demands on poetry and criticism. As the translators of Tasso’s text point out, apropos of these demands, “Tasso took them all into account, reconciling society’s demand that poetry should entertain, the Church’s demand that poetry should encourage the faith, the humanist’s veneration for Antiquity, the modernist’s self-applause – and managed not to degrade poetry into entertainment, confuse it with propaganda . . . disparage ancients, medievals, or moderns; he even managed not to be anti-Aristotelian or anti-Platonic.”1 Indeed, Aristotle is one of the main sources of Tasso’s text, the others being Horace and the canons of classical rhetoric. In a broad sense, Tasso might be said to adapt and extend Aristotle’s insights into the basis of his own theory of the heroic poem, with a view to justifying the content, style, and diction of his own epic. In book I of his treatise, prior to his task of defining a heroic poem, Tasso offers a series of attempts to define poetry in general. He suggests that all of the species of poetry, including epic, tragedy, comedy, and song, are forms of “imitation in verse” (DHP, 7). What do they imitate? Tasso takes up the Stoic view that poetry imitates human and divine actions. He rejects the idea that any divine action can be imitated as such, and concludes that poetry “is an imitation of human actions, fashioned to teach us how to live. And since every action is performed with some reflection and choice, poetry will deal with moral habit and with thought” (DHP, 10). In arriving at this definition, Tasso began by acknowledging Aristotle’s dictum that “in all things one must consider the end” or purpose; and in defining poetry, we must keep before our eyes its “excellent purpose” (DHP, 6, 10). However, he rejects the idea, derived from Horace’s Ars poetica, that the purpose of poetry is twofold, encompassing both pleasure and utility. A single art, says Tasso, cannot have two purposes which are somehow unrelated. Hence, either poetry should set aside any “useful” purpose such as instructing and content itself wholly with delighting, or “if it wishes to be useful, it should direct its pleasure to this end. It may be that pleasure directed to usefulness is the end of poetry” (DHP, 10). The intrinsic connection between pleasure and usefulness demanded by Tasso proves effectively to be a subordination of pleasure to usefulness, in the relation of means and end: the poet, he says, “is to set as his purpose not delight . . . but usefulness, because poetry . . . is a first philosophy which instructs us from our early years in moral habits and the principles of life.” At any rate, the pleasure produced by poetry should be circumscribed by its moral purpose: “We should at least grant that the end of poetry is not just any enjoyment but only that which is coupled with virtue” (DHP, 11). While this may seem a far cry from Romantic and postmodernist demands that pleasure should be unshackled and unrestricted, and allowed to indulge in free play, Tasso does point out that “to aim at pleasure is nobler than to aim at profit, since enjoyment is sought for itself, and other things for its sake . . . the useful is not sought for itself but for something else; this is why it is a less noble purpose than pleasure and has less resemblance to the final purpose” (DHP, 11). Tasso now expands his definition to the following: “poetry is an imitation of human actions with the purpose of being useful by pleasing, and the poet is an imitator who could, as many have, use his art to delight without profiting . . . the poet is both a good man and a good imitator of human actions and moral habits, whose purpose is profit with delight” (DHP, 12–13). While Tasso does not entirely dismiss the opinion of Maximus of Tyre that “philosophy and poetry are two in name but of a single substance,” he suggests that what differentiates the two disciplines is their manner of considering things: “poetry considers them in as much as they are beautiful, and philosophy in as much as they are good” (DHP, 13). Poetry strives to reveal beauty in two ways, by narration and by representation, both of which fall under the heading of “imitation.” Tasso follows Aristotle in stating that narration is the mode proper to the epic or heroic poem. He suggests a further, un-Aristotelian, difference between epic poetry and tragedy, which is a difference in “the means or instruments employed to imitate; for tragedy, in order to purge the soul, uses rhythm and harmony in addition to verse.” Hence, in Tasso’s formulation, epic and tragedy agree in one element, the things imitated, since both represent the “actions of heroes.” They differ in the means they use to imitate, as well as in their mode of imitating (DHP, 14). Tasso also, however, suggests a further important difference, a difference in effect upon the audience or listener. He initially defines the heroic poem as “an imitation of an action noble, great, and perfect, narrated in the loftiest verse, with the aim of giving profit through delight.” But as he acknowledges, this definition does not differentiate between various kinds of poetry, since “the end of each ought to be peculiar to it” (DHP, 14–15). The effect of tragedy, he says (following Aristotle), is “to purge the soul by terror and compassion.” That of comedy is “to move laughter at base things.” Similarly, the epic poem ought to “afford its own delight with its own effect – which is perhaps to move wonder” (DHP, 15). While he acknowledges that tragedy and comedy may also produce a degree of wonder, this effect is peculiarly appropriate to epic poetry, since we will gladly accept in an epic “many wonders that might be unsuitable on stage . . . because the reader allows many liberties which the spectator forbids” (DHP, 16). The epic poet’s primary purpose, moreover, is to produce wonder, whereas this is merely an ancillary effect of other forms of poetry (DHP, 17). A further feature of an epic poem, according to Tasso, is that it is a “whole,” with four components: the fable, or imitation of the action; the moral habit of the persons in the fable; thought; and diction (DHP, 18–19). This connection of poetry with truth is taken up in detail in book II, where Tasso says that the poet can either invent the matter or content of his poem or take it from history; the latter is more creditable in Tasso’s eyes, on the general ground that “truth [as opposed to fiction] provides a more suitable basis for the heroic poet,” who must “pursue the verisimilar” (DHP, 26). The poet delights the reader with the “semblance of truth,” and “seeks to persuade us that what he treats deserves belief and credit.” Citing the authority of Aristotle, Tasso urges that if poets are imitators, “it is fitting that they imitate truth” (DHP, 27). In contrast with Mazzoni, Tasso insists that poetry “belongs under dialectic along with rhetoric . . . its function being to consider not the false but the probable. It therefore deals with the false, not in so far as it is false, but in so far as it is probable. The probable in so far as it is verisimilar belongs to the poet” (DHP, 29). Following Aristotle, the principal subject of the poet, says Tasso, “is what is, or may be, or is believed, or is told; or all these together” (DHP, 30). Tasso thus attempts to rescue poetry from the province of sophistry and to bring it back under the realm of dialectic. The poet is a maker of idols or images not in the same sense as the sophist; rather, the poet “is a maker of images in the fashion of a speaking painter, and in that is like the divine theologian who forms images and commands them to be” (DHP, 31). Tasso associates poetry, however, not with the scholastic theologian but with the mystical theologian: “to lead to the contemplation of divine things and thus awaken the mind with images, as the mystical theologian and the poet do, is a far nobler work than to instruct by demonstration, the function of the scholastic theologian. The mystical theologian and the poet, then, are noble beyond all others” (DHP, 32). In summary, the poet, although a maker of images, “resembles the dialectician and the theologian rather than the sophist” (DHP, 33). Moving to the other qualities of the epic, Tasso reminds us that he has hitherto cited two essential obligations of the epic poem: to be verisimilar and to express the marvelous. Tasso gives examples of how the same actions can be viewed from one perspective as verisimilar and from another as marvelous: the actions of God and of supernatural forces are marvelous when considered from a human and natural standpoint; they will be verisimilar, however, when regarded “in terms of their agent’s efficacy and power,” when viewed apart from human and natural limitations (DHP, 38). In book VI Tasso takes up the question of the relative merits of epic and tragedy, and of course, for him, it is the epic poem that must be accorded the higher honor. He calls the epic poem “the most beautiful of all kinds,” as well as “the most magnificent”; as such, it provides its own distinctive delight, a delight produced through metaphor and the other figures of speech (DHP, 172, 177). Tasso sharply contrasts the ornate diction and figurativeness of the epic with the plain or low style of speech. His views are especially interesting if seen as an unwitting but prescient commentary on our own preference for plain speech and clarity, a preference embodied in our theories of composition and attributed by many thinkers to the predominating philosophies and requirements of the bourgeois world. Tasso names the “lowly form of speech” the “thin or spare” style: “This style suits slight matters; and the words should be common and ordinary, since whatever departs from common usage is magnificent. Words that are metaphorical, invented, foreign . . . are unsuitable . . . What the lowly style requires above all else is likelihood and what the Latins called evidentia, the Greeks energy, which we might no less properly call clarity or expressiveness. This is the power that makes us almost behold the things narrated; it comes from a minutely attentive narration that omits nothing” (DHP, 188–189). What these comments help us to see is that the linguistic dispositions that have sometimes been called bourgeois clarity and bourgeois realism – and even naturalism – did not arise in recent history. These modes have always been available, but only as elements of a “low” or “common” style which took its place as one level of approach to language, within a hierarchy of levels. Ascent on this hierarchy was measured precisely by departure from the “ordinary” and the mundanely likely or probable and expressiveness of detail. The approach to language, and hence the world view embodied in or enabled by language, that was integral to the later bourgeois revolutions was a reductive approach inasmuch as language was stripped of its figurative capacity, a capacity which enshrined the ability to express the present world as one element in a larger, providential, and ultimately mysterious order. The reduction to so-called “literal” language implied a world infinitely intelligible, intelligible to its very foundations on the basis of reason and experience and observation. What to Renaissance writers was the lowest common denominator in terms not just of style but of the world views implied in style became in recent history the predominant mode of expression and thought, as in the pervasiveness of realism, naturalism, and the expression of “ordinary” life. In arguing the superiority of epic, Tasso is of course challenging the authority of Aristotle, who urged the superiority of tragedy given that it has all of the elements of epic but in greater concentration and unity. In fact, Tasso himself has recourse to the authority of Plato whom he cites as preferring epic because it relies less on extrinsic aids (such as actors). Tasso adds that inasmuch as tragedy has epic elements, it borrows these from the epic (DHP, 204). While Tasso concedes that tragedy is more concentrated because smaller, he urges that the epic, being larger, has greater power and gives greater pleasure, which is “true pleasure” as opposed to that offered by tragedy, which is “mingled with weeping and tears.” Tasso denies that tragedy achieves its end better; it achieves this by “an oblique and tortuous road, while epic takes the direct way. For if there are two ways of improving us through example, one inciting us to good works by showing the reward of excellence and an almost divine worth, the other frightening us from evil with penalties, the first is the way of epic, the second that of tragedy, which for this reason is less useful and gives less delight” (DHP, 205). What is interesting here is Tasso’s recognition that he is vying with the revered authority of Aristotle: he suggests that he is parting company with Aristotle in a few matters so that he “may not abandon him in things of greater moment, that is, in the desire to discover truth and in the love of philosophy” (DHP, 205). It is perhaps characteristic of his status as an important Renaissance theorist that Tasso builds his own theory of epic on the foundation of Aristotle’s poetics by refashioning that very foundation to serve his own purpose. Where later thinkers will reject Aristotle outright, Tasso’s relation to the ancient master is such that he must invoke the very authority he is called upon to subvert by his own actual poetic practice. Introduction,” in Torquato Tasso, Discourses on the Heroic Poem, trans. Mariella Cavalchini and Irene Samuel (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973), pp. xxii–xxiii. The translated text is hereafter cited as DHP.
How the Author of The Graduate Walked Away From Middle-Class Mores Beverly Gray on Charles Webb's Unexpected Life of Charity When first-time novelist Charles Webb gave birth to The Graduate in 1963, he had no trouble admitting that his leading character was modeled after himself. Not that he had personally enjoyed a steamy affair with his father’s law partner’s wife. Nor had he busted up a wedding-in-progress in order to save his own true love from a questionable marriage to someone else. But Webb, who died of complications from a blood disorder on June 16th at the age of 81, saw Benjamin Braddock (the character indelibly brought to the screen by Dustin Hoffman in 1967) as a reflection of his own wants and needs. He too was a recent college graduate (Williams ’61) puzzling over his plans for the future. Generations who’ve cheered for Ben and Elaine aboard that bus at the close of the megahit film have debated what lay down the road for the pair. What if Benjamin Braddock, having rescued Elaine from marriage to a well-connected frat boy, had concluded that society’s rules were not for him? What if the two of them had decided, on principle, to reject money, possessions, conventional values, and every other aspect of middle-class society? In other words, what if the Benjamin Braddock so many of us know and love had gone on to live Charles Webb’s adult life? Charles Webb, it seems, got off the bus in a big way. Though born into comfortable circumstances and assured—on the strength of the film’s huge box office—that attention would be paid to his future literary efforts, he did everything in his power to thumb his nose at the status quo. When he married college sweetheart Eve Rudd (who later changed her name to Fred in sympathy with men of low self-esteem), he insisted they sell back their wedding gifts to the original givers. (He later explained this quixotic gesture by saying that he hadn’t wanted the presents to own him.) With Fred’s apparent consent, he chose to make a practice of giving away worldly goods. His earnings from the sale of The Graduate’s screen rights to producer Lawrence Turman may have been modest, but the film’s success led to a paperback edition that was a publishing bonanza for Webb, until he decided to hand over his royalties to the Anti-Defamation League. As Webb spelled it out to a somewhat mystified journalist, “Though neither Fred nor I are Jewish, we gave the rights to the ADL because we felt they had influenced us in a profound way, to understand prejudice in all its forms and victims.” Similarly, the two developed the habit of buying and then quickly shedding houses and works of art. In 1970, the movie sale of Webb’s The Marriage of a Young Stockbroker enabled them to buy an 11-room mini-mansion in leafy Williamstown, Massachusetts. After a few short weeks, they gifted their new home to the Audubon Society and moved on.In 1988 a stunning piece in People . . . described Charles Webb and his wife Fred living out of a Volkswagen van along with the mutt they’d dubbed Mrs. Robinson. It’s not easy to parse Webb’s mania for giving away possessions. This seems to have been one part liberal guilt, one part restlessness, one part a determination to veer away from the conventional path. In any case, the Webbs and their two sons roamed the country, living at various times in trailer parks, a Motel 6, and other temporary shelters, while taking on odd jobs (some of them very odd indeed) for income. More and more, they were starting to depend on the kindness of strangers. In 1988 a stunning piece in People, subtitled “Footloose, Fundless, Looking for Help,” described Charles and Fred living out of a Volkswagen van along with the mutt they’d dubbed Mrs. Robinson. They’d just been booted out of a housing arrangement with a woman in Bethel, Connecticut, who disapproved of their penchant for nudism. Belatedly, Fred was growing worried about their dire financial straits, saying, “I guess we thought that because we were so generous, the world would come to our aid if we needed it. I guess we were naïve.” It was around this time that the Webbs decided to pin their hopes on a move to England. Though still scrounging for basic necessities, they continued to donate their occasional windfalls to others. One example: the local artist who—having received the equivalent of $20,000 from yet another Webb film deal—briefly attracted attention in 2003 when he mailed himself to London’s Tate Museum in a packing crate. Charles and Fred were also there to cheer when their younger son David contributed to the British fine arts scene by publicly cooking and eating a copy of The Graduate, garnished with cranberry sauce. The book’s enduring fame, it seemed, was ripe for such self-satire. Generations of fans have assumed that Ben and Elaine, after sorting out her tangled legal status, will get married and settle into domesticity. Webb clearly made the same assumption in 2007 when, at long last, he published a sequel to The Graduate, titled Home School. It portrays a middle-aged Ben and Elaine raising two children while alternately courting and fending off the interference of Elaine’s mother, the notorious Mrs. Robinson. This poses the question: what did Webb himself think of marriage as an institution? Early on, it seems Webb’s views were largely traditional. To the surprise of critic Stanley Kauffmann, then writing for the New Republic, Webb contacted him in 1968, deeply upset that the film version of his novel had shown Ben rescuing Elaine from her new husband seconds after the minster had pronounced them husband and wife. Webb’s message to Kauffmann was a passionate insistence that “in the book the strength of the climax is that [Ben’s] moral attitude makes it necessary for him to reach the girl before she becomes the wife of somebody else, which he does. In the film version, it makes no difference whether he gets there in time or not. As such, there is little difference between his relationship to Mrs. Robinson and his relationship to Elaine, both of them being essentially immoral.” (In the pages of the New Republic, Kauffmann expressed total bafflement that “the author of this novel, even though possibly upset at being brushed off in all the furor about the film, can equate morality with marriage-licenses so absolutely.”)Many cinephiles to whom I have spoken seem convinced that Benjamin Braddock would ultimately have a bright future. Some four decades later, in an email to film historian Mark Harris, Webb backed away from his own argument about the sanctity of marriage, admitting that “I cringe at the quote. . . . Was I really that priggish? Yes, I suppose I was.” But in the interval between 1968 and 2008, Webb and Fred clearly re-thought their own views of marriage as a moral force. In 1981 they divorced, variously explaining this act as a show of solidarity with gay people who could not legally wed or as a protest against the inequality of women in wedlock. Still, theirs was apparently a genuine marriage of true minds: despite the severing of their legal ties, they never lived apart. They remarried in 1998 so as to smooth their immigration to England, and remained inseparable, despite Fred’s severe 2001 mental breakdown that at one point had them getting their mail at a Salvation Army shelter. (Fred died in 2019.) Ben and Elaine seem to foresee, at the end of The Graduate, a life filled with possibility. I suspect that the Webbs, at the start of their life together, felt the stirrings of that same sense of adventure. There are those, watching the Mike Nichols film, who suspect the young couple on the bus are headed for trouble. But many cinephiles to whom I have spoken seem convinced that Benjamin Braddock would ultimately have a bright future. Said one, decisively, “He’s got a college education, he’s a smart guy, he got the Halpingham award. And a beautiful woman at his side—he’ll do okay. I’m sure he went into plastics.” Charles Webb began his adult life equally blessed, but his determination to turn away from plastics in all its forms led him to a very different lifestyle. As he told the Los Angeles Timesin 2008, “The penniless author has always been the stereotype that works for me. . . . When in doubt, be down and out.” And so, despite all his gifts, at the end of his life that’s exactly what he was. Still, by all accounts he was a kind and creative man. When working on my 2017 book, Seduced by Mrs. Robinson: How The Graduate Became the Touchstone of a Generation, I tried hard to track him down. But the reclusive Webb proved difficult to find, and because I knew of his tendency to steer clear of the press I eventually quit trying. I later learned that he had sought out my book and had given it his own idiosyncratic endorsement. Here’s the message that came back to me via a rare Webb correspondent: “I was able to get ahold of Seduced By Mrs. Robinson, and found it generally accurate, if unflattering.” Quite so, I hope.
Near the end of Pietro Marcello’s Martin Eden, the 2019 film adaptation of Jack London’s 1909 novel, released today in the US, a withered Luca Marinelli as Eden tells a bemused audience, “The writer Martin Eden doesn’t exist. He is only a product of your imagination. He’s actually only a hoodlum and a sailor. I’m not a legend. Stop trying, you can’t screw me. You will never screw me!” It was an unlikely outcome. London’s semi-autobiographical story originally charted the short life of an uneducated sailor in Oakland, California who abandons his working-class job to become a learned man, a writer. Eden’s decision is nominally instigated by the beautiful Ruth Morse, who comes from a bourgeois family. If Eden is to marry her, as both he and Ruth evidently desire, he must first pursue his education. By the time London wrote Martin Eden, the author was in his early thirties and had already published The Call of the Wild, The Sea-Wolf, and White Fang (the latter, incidentally, was the first novel I was introduced to, and the first I loved). Sick, ambitious, and spiteful of fame’s distractions, London set out in the South Pacific on a boat he built, writing the book during a bitterly difficult voyage. It wasn’t immediately clear to me whether Marcello’s Italian adaptation would be a work of earnest kitsch. I confess that I feared it would be a slightly fawning piece of Americana. This had nothing at all to do with the filmmakers but rather my own suspicion of novel-to-film adaptations in general, and particularly those that uproot the original narrative and graft it onto different locales. But Marcello’s fine translation of London’s work flourishes in its Italian setting, casting Eden as a Neapolitan seaman-turned-failed foundry worker (this, at least, before he attains his ultimate success). The film unfolds like one of the classic neorealist epics of the mid-20th century, filled with interpolated, dreamy footage that almost constitutes an unspoken storyline of its own: flashbacks of a young Eden writing out his name or dancing with his older sister, ships tipping over, trains speeding up and down the Italian countryside. Martin Eden can’t be much without a strong anchor, and it is the big-eyed Luca Marinelli (recently featured in the Charlize Theron-helmed feature, The Old Guard) who makes a good movie into something remarkable. Over more than two hours, Marinelli develops Eden from a feisty, emotional and somehow still repressed dreamer into a man not that much older but so severely disillusioned and diseased that he appears to age on an accelerated timeline. The character of Ruth has become Elena in Marcello’s version, played by an understated Jessica Cressy. The literary critic Sam Baskett, writing of London’s novel, observed that “On one level, Martin Eden, written at a crisis in London’s life, is a not altogether conscious confession of a variety of personal failures, including his failure to become the iconoclastic yet affirmative writer he had expected to be.” One of the titles London had originally conceived for the book—Success—was a wry jab at the sort of materialist excess that was concerning the author at the time. Though never quite ashamed of his origins, Eden rejects the tiresome life of the underpaid laborer and embraces bookishness as a new adventure to be had. He reads and reads and, through the work of Herbert Spencer, Charles Baudelaire, and others, becomes in many ways more attuned to reality than Elena and her insufferable family, who don’t really seem to know what to do with their affluence. As Elena, Cressy does a wonderful job taking offense at the impositions of the world beyond her gated estate. When Eden is unfairly represented as a socialist in a news article (he is, in fact, a fetishist of individualism who regards socialists as a harmful ideological bloc), Elena leaves him. She, along with Eden’s sister, never much cared for his somber writings on poverty and inequality anyway. That kind of thing didn’t sell because it brought no joy to people’s lives. After a series of failures and returned manuscripts, however, Eden’s bombastic writings do catch a publisher’s eye. As his profile increases, the qualities that make Eden compelling as a singular figure are the same traits his unscrupulous publisher converts into a commodity, a brand. When he is clearly sick and suffering, the publisher attempts to force a publicity trip to the US. Eden only makes it to a local event, where he delivers the lines that opened this review. By now Elena has come back, begging for marriage. “I betrayed your love, but now I want to live it,” she tells Eden. And yet when he curses, Elena urges him to moderate his language, drawing an ironic laugh. “You’re bothered by the swear words, as always,” he spits. He had wanted so much to please Elena and her family (to be “a dog by your side!”). A life full of constant disappointment and deficient ideals leads Eden into the film’s final sequence, as ambiguous and weighty as the controversial conclusion of the novel. Martin Eden would have made for an interesting watch at any point in time, but it is uncannily poignant in this moment, when many of us are reevaluating our relationships to work and pleasure. More to the point, the film is about the life of the writer, asking whether it can ever be a good in itself. Whether this life can escape the profit motive is one question, but the movie is most interesting when it prompts us to consider why we care for certain trappings and lifestyles. When war looms, when death encroaches, and when love proves fickle, what is there for the pen (or typewriter) to defend against?
Lisa Guernsey’s Screen Time: Children & Technology Book Club My buddy Lisa Guernsey, Director of the New America Foundation’s Early Education Initiative and author of Screen Time: How Electronic Media – From Baby Videos to Educational Software – Affects Your Young Child will be working with the Association for Library Services to Children’s Children & Technology Committee to host a “Screen Time” Book Club! (Note: from to organizers: Lisa will only be a part of the discussion for the Q&A session on April 8th) Lisa has been enthusiastically supportive of Little eLit since the very beginning, and has been solidly advocating for the role of children’s librarians in the digital age. She’s the one who put the “Media Mentor” bug in my ear along with Chip Donohue, and she’ll be one of the advisors on the National Forum for Young Children, New Media & Libraries in 2015 if (when!) it’s funded. Her work with the Campaign for Grade Level Reading has guided a lot of the work we’re doing here, especially the first iteration of Pioneering Literacy in the Digital Wild West: Empowering Parents and Educators, and we look forward to working with her more in the future. The Children & Technology Committee is happy to present a new opportunity for members of the Children & Technology Interest Group: a weekly asynchronous “book club” to read and discuss Lisa Guernsey’s important book, “Screen Time: How Electronic Media – From Baby Videos to Educational Software – Affects Your Young Child.” How will this work? Each week, beginning February 25, Andrea Vernola and Melissa Depper will add a post to the Children & Technology Interest Group on ALAConnect [details about ALA Connect below]. The post will contain discussion questions and conversation starters for one or two chapters of Lisa’s book. Read or re-read along with us and connect with other library staff who are interested in learning about digital media, children’s development, and ways to help patrons navigate 21st century parenting. Comment on the posts here in Connect and ask your own questions of other book club participants! What is the schedule? Feb 25: Chapter 1: What Exactly Is This Video Doing to My Baby’s Brain? Mar 4: Chapter 2 and 3: Is TV Turning My Tot into a Zombie? and Could My Child Learn from Baby Videos? Mar 11: Chapter 6: What Is Educational About “Educational” TV? Mar 18: Chapter 7 and 8: Could the Right DVD Teach my Child to Speak, or Better Yet, Become Bilingual? and Can Electronic Media Enrich My Child’s Vocabulary? Mar 25: Chapter 10: Is Interactive Media Worthwhile–or at Least Better Than TV? Apr 1: Chapter 12: How Do Real Families Make Smart Media Choices? Plus! Live Lisa Guernsey Q&A! “Screen Time” Author Lisa Guernsey has generously agreed to participate in a live Google Hangout Q&A at the end of the book club, on April 8, 8PM EST, to answer questions and respond in person. As we determine interest in this Q&A, we will figure out the most equitable way to fill the limited spots available. We’ll post reminders for the next two weeks, and then start with our first chapter on February 25. We are looking forward to hearing what you have to say! For those of you new to ALA Connect, a few details. You do not need to log into ALA Connect in order to see details of the book club. You will, however, have to create an account and log in if you are interested in participating in discussion. You do not need to be an ALA member to create an ALA Connect account.
How to pay visits to shrines and temples この投稿は 日本語 でもお読みいただけます Recently, when introducing “Goshuin” to you, we mentioned that “When receiving a “Goshuin”, you should always worship in advance”. But, how should you worship? The method of worship is different between shrines, where God is enshrined, and temples, where faith in Buddha is expressed. Shrines and temples may have their own specific rules. However, the basic philosophy is the same. This article will introduce you, in order, to the main points in an easy-to-understand way. At the entrance to the shrine is the “torii” or gate, and it is said that the world of the shrine begins inside here. There is also a “Sanmon” (main gate) at the entrance to temples, and Buddha is considered to inhabit the area beyond this gate. For this reason, before you pass through the gate, you should straighten your appearance, and bow. In the case of a temple, you should join your hands in prayer and bow before going in. Where there is a threshold, be sure to enter without treading on this threshold. Avoid the center of the approach The center of the approach is called “Seichu”. “Seichu” is considered to be the path that God takes. When you are at a shrine or temple, keep to the edges of the path as much as possible. At the edges of the approach, there is a place known as “Chozuya” or “Temizusha”. Cleanse your hands and mouth here before worshipping. As you are cleansing rather than washing, there is no need to use large quantities of water. Perform the whole procedure below with one scoop of the ladle. - Take the ladle in your right hand and take a generous serving of water. - Cleanse your left hand: Splash a little water on your left hand. - Cleanse your right hand: Move the ladle to the left hand and splash a little water on the right hand. - Rinse your mouth: Move the ladle back to your right hand and hold a small amount of water in your left Place this water in your mouth and rinse. (Do not touch your mouth with the ladle.) - Cleanse your left hand again: Splash water on the left hand with which you touched your mouth. - Cleanse the ladle: Stand up with the handle facing down, drip the remaining water into the handle and cleanse. - Return the ladle to its original position. Make a money offering There will be an offering box placed in the location of worship. This is both an expression of gratitude and an offering for your wishes being granted. Depending on a play on words, there may be amounts of money that are good luck and those that are bad luck, but there are no clear rules. Quietly put in the amount of money that you yourself wish to contribute. There may be a bell or “Waniguchi” (temple gong) over the offering box. Shake and ring the bell by pulling the chord. The method of worshipping differs greatly between shrines and temples. Here I will introduce you to the general method of worship. Shrine:Two bows, two claps, one bow At a shrine, you clap your hands together. - Correct your posture - Two bows: Bow deeply twice. - Put the palms of your hands together in front of your chest. Point the fingers on your right hand down slightly and make some space within the palms of your hands. - Clap twice: After opening both of your hands out about the width of your shoulders, clap twice. - Pray: Match your palms together up to your fingers directly in front of your chest and pray. - Bow once: Lower both hands, and finally bow once more. Temple: Put your hands together and bow once You must not clap your hands together at a temple. - Correct your posture - Put your palms together: Match your palms together up to your fingers directly in front of your chest. - Pray: Pray with your palms joined together. - Bow: Lower both hands and finally bow once more. When leaving the “Torii” or gate of the shrine or the “Sanmon” of the temple, turn back and give one bow. In the case of a temple, you should join your hands together. When leaving the “Sanmon”, take care not to step on the threshold. Never forget the most important thing – the “heart” When worshipping, the most important thing is to treasure God or Buddha and feel gratitude. If you know the correct etiquette, you can worship with gusto, but it is not such a problem if you make a mistake. Rather than being overly concerned about procedure or manners, make sure you do not forget the original purpose of worship. - How to Describe “Personal Requests” in your RIREKISHO – Documents required for job hunting 09 - How to Describe “Reason for Application” in your RIREKISHO – Documents required for job hunting 08 - How to Describe “License/Qualifications” in your RIREKISHO – Documents required for job hunting 07 - How to Describe “Academic History/Work History” in your RIREKISHO – Documents required for job hunting 06 - “Photograph” to affix to the “RIREKISHO” – Documents required for job hunting 05
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Business Administration In the Assessment Year, the course Business Administration introduces students to key concepts, conceptual categories and current management theory. Business Administration focuses on a systemic, process-oriented understanding of management, organization and environment. Students learn about the main tasks and value creation of management. Lectures, exercises and independent studies are based on the St.Gallen Management Model (SGMM), which serves as a conceptual frame of reference that allows us to understand the most important relationships between organization, environment and management. The SGMM helps meaningfully classify modern management challenges in their complex historical and situational embeddedness. Particular focus is placed in the first year on market- and customer-oriented aspects of management (Autumn and Spring Semester) and the basics of financial management and accounting (Spring Semester).
On Wednesday, July 21, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones joined the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis as the organization distributed food to families who participated in the location’s youth summer programming sites. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis distributed $200 worth of food each to 60 youth and their families, courtesy of Instacart and made possible by the City’s role in funding and helping start these crucial summer programs. “Summer programming for our youth keeps them safe, engaged, and learning while school is out of session,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “My administration has made supporting our youth a priority, and I’m thankful for the partnership between the City and key providers, like SLPS, to connect families with these services and resources.” This summer, the City of St. Louis announced five youth programming sites, including this one at Northwest Academy of Law High School, for the summer to keep youth safe and engaged while school is out. These neighborhood-based locations provide education and enrichment programming as well as wrap-around services for children and their families, like navigators to help connect parents with local resources. These kinds of programs illustrate Mayor Jones’ commitment to expanding opportunities for St. Louis youth to grow in safe and educational environments. Mayor Jones’ American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) direct relief plan contains $4 million in funding for youth programming. Originally Appeared Here
The computer gaming industry is of course massive and simulation games have been popular for a long time. Traditionally though, game makers made their money by selling games and upgrades for games. The SIMS being one of the best examples. I must admit to having enjoyed some of their games in the past, especially the classic Sim City. Zynga has taken this to a whole new level of success with Farmville, a sim game which has become incredibly popular on Facebook. People pay real money to buy virtual tractors and other items in the game. This has now gone to such an extreme that Tesco is now about to start to sell real money vouchers in their stores. In About Us on Zynga, they emphasize that their games are free, which is totally true, but there are elements in many of their games where you pay money to buy virtual things, or for example in the poker game, to buy back in to the weekly tournament if you lose your chips. This adds an amazing dimension to this free game business. According to industry experts, as reported on Rev2.org, Zynga could be worth as much as US$5 Billion, which they predict could double in the next 5 years. Seems the concept of free and internet based games may have some commercial merit:)
This new puzzle features a pair of lapwings and their nest. The traditional terms `plover`, `lapwing` and `dotterel` were coined long before modern understandings of the relationships between different groups of birds emerged: in consequence, several of the Vanellinae are still often called `plovers`, and the reverse also applies, albeit more rarely, to some Charadriinae (the `true` plovers and dotterels). The birds in this puzzle are Northern Lapwing. The Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), also known as the Peewit, Green Plover or (in the British Isles) just Lapwing, is a bird in the plover family. It is common through temperate Eurasia. It is highly migratory over most of its extensive range, wintering further south as far as north Africa, northern India, Pakistan, and parts of China. It is a wader which breeds on cultivated land and other short vegetation habitats. 3 – 4 eggs are laid in a ground scrape. The nest and young are defended noisily and aggressively against all intruders, up to and including horses and cattle.
Gas Leaks in Newton Gas is NOT SAFE, NOT CLEAN, NOT GREEN Newton has 926 un-repaired gas leaks (2019). Gas leaks maps make the invisible visible. (HEETMA.org) Utilities report over 16,000 gas leaks in Massachusetts. (Independent researchers typically find many more by a factor of 2-3). HOW YOU CAN USE THE MAPS Know your Gas Leaks! Do you smell gas on your block? Click on this link to the Newton Map. Is your leak there? If not, call 1-800-233-5325 or 911. Tell them you smell gas! Let us know. [email protected] The map can also show patterns. For example, many leaks on one street indicate a pipe in poor condition. The map also shows leaks near schools, hospitals, and other sensitive areas. Please share the link to your town’s gas leaks map with your local fire department, board of health, and sustainability committee as well as your DPW and town engineer. Because gas leaks kill trees by suffocating their roots, forward the map to your tree warden and conservation commission. GAS IS DANGEROUS Why? Because of the air pollution and explosion potential from 900+ leaks in Newton gas pipelines. - Heatbreaking video of young girl seconds before she died in a gas explosion in her home. - Merrimack Valley gas explosions 9/2018 - Gas explosion in Dallas Environmental & Climate Justice Climate change has a disproportionate impact on communities of color and low income communities in the United States and around the world. (link) What is Mothers Out Front/Newton doing? For the past 4 years MOF/Newton has been educating our community. We have held rallies and planted signs to raise awareness of the hundreds of gas leaks under our streets. We believe our community needs to know and understand the dangers of gas. MOF educates and shares information about the damage caused by fossil fuels and advocates for divestment from fossil fuels. MOF works to pass legislation and policies that promote clean energy, energy efficiency and environmental justice. Gas Leaks Allies: Learn what a state wide coalition is doing about gas leaks What You Can Do - Join us in creating a sustainable future for our children. https://ma.mothersoutfront.org/newton - Sign up to the MOF newsletter. [email protected] - Learn about alternatives to oil and gas for home heating: HEATSMART/COOLSMART - Opt Up to 100% electricity (Newton Power Choice) - Sign up for Mothers Out Front Action Alerts. Be notified about advocacy activities. Join us in working with our local officials and legislators to support policies to fix the leaks and take meaningful climate action. Smell Gas– Act Fast If you smell gas anywhere, including in your home, go outside and call 1-800-233-5325 or 911 immediately. Do not assume that someone else has already reported the emergency. Know how to shut off your gas line A Different Kind of Fix for Leaking Gas Pipes, NEEP The Solution-learn about alternative uses for the gas pipeline infrastructure. Do you like this page?
David Grant is passionate about Toronto’s trees. He’s particularly fond of the majestic silver maple that stood outside his Cabbagetown home. But he’d never thought much about how to care for it – until three years ago, when the ice storm hit. Surveying the downed branches in his own yard and along his street, Grant wondered about the millions of other trees across Toronto. Did his fellow homeowners know how to care for them in the wake of such a damaging event? Soon after, Grant met Sandy Smith, a professor in the Faculty of Forestry, who had an interesting idea: students from Smith’s graduate class in urban forest conservation would work with Grant and other Cabbagetown residents to devise a long-term plan for the care of their community’s trees. Residents themselves could then follow the preservation plan. “It was like a dream come true,” says Grant. Now, he is looking to replicate the success of Cabbagetown Releaf – the non-profit association he founded to carry out the plan – in other communities. And, once again, he has enlisted Smith’s help. Early in October, Smith and a colleague, Prof. Danijela Puric-Mladenovic, spent the day training about 25 Torontonians in the basics of forest management at an event organized by Cabbagetown Releaf. The hope is that these newly trained citizen foresters will fan out across the city and set up urban forestry groups in their own communities. “This is David’s vision to educate and build awareness, so the average person knows about the health of trees,” says Smith. “Governments can’t afford all the work that needs to be done.” Smith likens “citizen foresters” to “citizen scientists,” a movement that has gained steam in recent years to involve members of the public in science projects ranging from counting butterflies to tracking bird migration. A citizen scientist group in Toronto monitors the health of the Rouge River in Scarborough. Citizen foresters would do something similar for the city’s trees. The effort aims to protect a valuable investment. A 2014 report by the TD Bank Group estimates that Toronto’s 10 million trees are worth about $700 each, or $7 billion in total. According to the report, the urban forest provides Toronto residents with more than $80 million worth of environmental benefits and cost savings each year, or about $125 per household. These benefits include improved air quality, better storm water management, reduced flooding, and cooler homes and businesses. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide, which helps to slow climate warming. The study didn’t put a dollar value on less tangible benefits, such as the enjoyment people get from parks, but Grant sees these as no less important. “Nature helps people de-stress,” he says Looking ahead, Grant has no shortage of ideas about how to expand the program. He wants to encourage community members to grow trees from seeds and then have an annual seedling giveaway. He thinks there’s good potential for working with schools to have students grow seedlings and to share these with neighbourhoods that need more trees. One day, Toronto might be home to a small army of citizen foresters tending to the urban canopy. “We need to protect what we have,” says Grant, “and to start doing things for future generations.”
Annnnddd welcome back all – Wow 2019! The years fly past so quickly don’t they? I had a great Christmas and New Year break – lots of beach time, swimming and even more eating and drinking. But now, due to popular demand (you know who you are!), I am back to continue my journey into everything essential oils and chemical free living. And this is where it got interesting… Everything went blank. That list of ideas in my little book seemed so foreign to me now… I mean, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about – a first for me. So I sat down and just did a little Google search on essential oils and one oil kept appearing more than any other… Peppermint. I am not a fan at all of peppermint in food so I have not usually looked too much at it. However looking back I have included it in many of my posts to date – which I will obviously revisit below – so there must be some pretty good manly uses for it. I also know from doing my research in regards to essential oils and science that it is one of the few oils that has actual proven medical benefits. I mean, why wouldn’t I write about it then. So pour yourself a manly beverage and let’s explore the world of Peppermint Essential Oil uses for men! Before we start As usual, I want to give you all of the man-facts without bogging you down into reams and reams of information that, let’s be honest, many of you are not going to read. So to assist you here I have included links to the relative headings below so that for those of you who are interested (or have a trivia night coming up) can gain some knowledge and those who just want me to get on with the manly uses can jump straight there! - What is peppermint? - Scientific research into peppermint essential oil - Benefits of peppermint essential oil - 5 Manly uses of peppermint essential oil - Risks of using peppermint essential oils What is peppermint? Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) is actually a hybrid species of a cross between watermint and spearmint and relatively new in modern terms having only really been identified and studied since the mid-1700’s. Spearmint, on the other hand traces back to mythological and biblical times and in ancient Rome was used in digestive disorders. The most common use of peppermint in a non-essential oil capacity is in Peppermint Tea which is promoted to assist with digestive complaints, headaches, bad breath, colds and sniffles, low energy levels and concentration issues. Most of which I will probably repeat throughout this post as benefits of the essential oil as well. It is also used as a flavour in toothpaste and chewing gum. Peppermint Essential oil is manufactured via the steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops of the peppermint plant. It takes roughly 450grams (1 pound) of peppermint to create one 15-ml bottle of Peppermint essential oil. Scientific research into peppermint essential oil Unlike many other essential oils out there where research is limited and promoted benefits are loose to say the least, there appears to be a lot more tangible evidence on the benefits of peppermint essential oil. Most studies will still acknowledge however that a lack of scientific evidence on the effect of peppermint does hinder comprehensive results in many tests and experiments. However – and I will try and keep these brief – I have highlighted a couple of these studies below: The use of peppermint essential oil for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Subjects were given peppermint oil capsules for the treatment of active irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) over a two-week period. Those taking the oil capsules (compared to those taking the placebo) were found to report significantly superior improvement of IBS symptoms abdominal pain. The study concluded that peppermint essential oil is a safe and effective short-term treatment for IBS. Source: Khanna R, MacDonald JK, Levesque BG, Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Downloaded 03/01/19. Effects of Peppermint Essential Oil on Physical Performance. This study investigated the effects of peppermint essential oil on the increased ability of subjects to complete various physical challenges. Results found that after oral ingestion of the oil, significant increases were experienced when subjects completed grip force, standing vertical jump and standing long jump activities compared to previous attempts. Source: Meamarbashi, A, Instant effects of peppermint essential oil on the physiological parameters and exercise performance – Downloaded 03/01/019 Benefits of peppermint essential oil The benefits list of peppermint essential oils is a long one. Funnily enough however, it is one that, in my humble man-pinion appears to be more realistic that many others that I have read through – Is that a break in my skepticism you ask? Maybe just a little… I will however admit that some of these benefits still cause me some concern in the fact that they are realised via the ingestion of the oils. I know that the research I have outlined above and in previous posts state that they are safe, but my jury is still out on this. So, as usual, if you are ingesting them, please be careful, do your research and do not allow your children to do so without consulting a medical professional. Anyway, the benefits/uses of peppermint essential oils include: - Assisting with IBS, Colic and Nausea – this is obviously one of the proven benefits of both the oil and - Soothing sore muscle joints – This one I can attest to – see below. - Clearing sinus’/blocked nose – The menthol qualities of peppermint provide a cooling and soothing effect that is also able to assist in temporary relief from blocked sinuses and runny noses. Add three drops to a diffuser or bowl of boiling water. - Increased Energy – Much like the research into physical improvement, peppermint oil is claimed to assist with increased mental and physical energy. Inhale via a diffuser or apply topically to muscles and joints or the temples as required. - Fresher breath – Makes sense… Peppermint is a common ingredient in toothpaste, mouthwash and lollies. Add a few drops to boiling water (add some lemon too if you like) and swirl it around the old cake-hole, or drink peppermint tea. 5 Manly uses of peppermint essential oil Finally – the good stuff. In fact the more I think about it, I actually use peppermint essential oils more than I realise. The previous section obviously highlights some of the most common (and less controversial) uses of peppermint essential oil but here are five other manly uses I have come up with – and yes, I will be stealing from previous blogs but just think of that as me saving you some time!! Use 1 – Stiff muscle joints. I have discussed this quite comprehensively in my post on sore feet however since then I have tweaked my concoction just a little to actually incorporate peppermint essential oils. In this post I used Panaway (which is a mixture of Peppermint, Wintergreen, Helichrysum and Clove) and coconut carrier oil to assist in relieving stiff muscles and joints. I have since added a few drops of peppermint as well for its cooling and soothing effects. I have found that the addition of the peppermint oil really does make a difference especially when applied prior to playing – something I guess is backed up by the research above. Use 2 – Insect repellent Fact! Insects hate peppermint – ok, an unproven fact but hey, I have tried this one as well. On New years eve, I was down at the headland having a gentle beer with the neighbours and noticed I was getting eaten alive by mozzies. I didn’t have any insect repellent but I did have my ‘muscle cream’ from use 1 above in the car. I applied it and no more bites! We also get quite a few blowflies around the area in summer from the bins (don’t ask) – We have been putting peppermint in the diffuser outside when we are having a BBQ and I have to say… fewer flies! – We sometimes add lemon to this as well. Use 3 – Hangover Again, I have discussed this at length in another post where I was given a mixture of lemon, lavender and peppermint for a post bucks (stag or bachelor) party hangover. If push came to shove however, I would also recommend peppermint on its own. Again, I have tried this after one too many ‘gentle’ beers on NYE with said neighbours. Peppermint and grapeseed carrier oil were added to a roller bottle and rubbed onto the ole tummy the next morning. I have to say, I did start to feel a little better. Of course I can’t quantify this one, but again, there is factual proof in regards to IBS and nausea for this oil. It is also an active ingredient in the Digize essential oil blend which is created especially for use in calming the body after a large or spicy meal so I believe it is worth a shot anyway. Use 4 – Acne As with many other essential oils, peppermint is actually quite good for the skin, especially when inflamed. Peppermint oil is good at stopping pores from clogging and is a natural anti-inflammatory so it also has the ability to sooth and heal. To treat or reduce the occurrence of acne, mix 1 drop of peppermint oil and 1 drop of eucalyptus oil (an excellent antiseptic that kills bacteria) with 6-8 drops of water and apply with a cotton bud or ball. If the menthol effects of the peppermint become overbearing, try instead adding the oils to a small amount of chemical and odour free face moisturiser. Use 5 – Manly diffuser Recipes Yep, reusing from old posts but here they are… 4 drops Orange 4 drop Peppermint 3 drops Peppermint 2 drops Stressaway Risks of using peppermint essential oils I think it would be remiss of me to discuss the use of any types of essential oils on too much detail without highlighting the risks. One of the benefits of this oil is its menthol and cooling qualities, but of course this could also be one of its greatest concerns. If you are allergic to, or at the very least sensitive to, peppermint or any other type of mint or mint type plants, then I would probably suggest giving this one a wide berth. I would also highly recommend keeping this one away from children and never use of babies. Also avoid this one of you are pregnant unless cleared by medical professional first. Other risks of peppermint essential oil include: - Stinging to eyes and mucous membranes -.be careful when using on your face. - Heartburn was recorded as a side effect when administered to subjects in the physical experiments outlined above. - Burning to sensitive skin – if you are subject to rashes etc. try on a small area first. So that is it, the world of peppermint essential oil. It has many uses and appears to be one of the most readily researched of the essential oil stable. I will continue to update this page as I discover more uses for it – especially the manly uses. But in the meantime, let me know below if there are any uses you are aware of that I might be able to add. And if all else fails, there is always peppermint tea! Once again, thanks for your time and as always, Follow me for more of the good stuff
Oct 14 (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp is shutting down LinkedIn in China nearly seven years after its launch and will replace it with a streamlined version of the platform that would focus only on jobs. LinkedIn is the only major US-owned social network operating in China, where the government requires such platforms to follow strict rules and regulations. “We are facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and higher compliance requirements in China,” LinkedIn said in a blog post Thursday. LinkedIn said it would replace the Chinese service, which restricts the posting of certain content due to regulatory requirements, with a new portal called InJobs. The new service, which will launch later this year, will not include a social channel or the ability to share posts or articles, he said. California-based LinkedIn, which was bought by Microsoft in 2016, has become very popular globally with employers, employees, and job seekers, as its social media-like features make it easy for them to connect with each other while they build their professional network. (Reporting by Eva Mathews in Bengaluru and Elizabeth Culliford in London. Edited in Spanish by Rodrigo Charme)
from the title, this is not about an article of war. The KMT government from the first source is about the beginning of the Song Dynasty to Song Taizong said Zhaopu suriko "Chinese both ANN Yi from the service group. Therefore, for resisting foreign aggression, the first inside." It is in the external and internal circumstances, we should start to worry, to win the final victory. So in today’s Shanghai dragon industry, how do we understand the as a webmaster, every day we observe a variety of data, particularly important is the keywords ranking. Look at the ranking of each day is stagnant, as practitioners, but also more and more big pressure. Many owners think that the article not included, not updated snapshot, keywords ranking does not rise but declined and so on a series of factors of love for Shanghai spiders don’t climb to your site by. So, how to attract the love of spiders in Shanghai to climb their own website page mentioned at the beginning of the article "the KMT government, we as a webmaster, so to understand: in the station optimization for patients, as the station optimization worries, we should first do the optimization of the site within yourself, than to do every day, hundreds of" junk "very much. We first strong "(here refers to the site of the internal optimization), to meet the user’s experience. Here is the home page head, do not click on logo effect. This is not conducive to the user experience, hope that the webmaster should make corresponding adjustment. ?The first reaction is: many owners outside the chain, the chain that the amount and way wide influence to attract spiders, then the general practice is every day to send hundreds or thousands of junk chain. Here I want to say a personal point of view, the amount will not fine. Here is an example: map appears in the lower left corner of the page, this marked red area, whether it is necessary? Or is the location is wrong? We can assume that you are a user, after entering the site, recommend a hot, how will appear in a page at the bottom of what? The user can position such notice, not to add a chain of clicks, but the hot recommend either appear in the main page of area, or directly removed. here is a very important article page, because the page is related to the site collected. Most of the webmaster is very care about, will go to update every day, whether it is the article for the user has no value, as long as the relevant to our website on the line. So you have love in Shanghai, love Shanghai more love and included in the article add the inner chain. Is it really so? The answer is negative. "
You may recall that in our last episode we discussed the results of 19th-century attempts to rigorously define the concept of whole numbers. These attempts culminated in the Peano axioms, a set of simple properties that defined numbers on the basis of the primitive concepts of zero and succession, plus a few related rules. While this definition has its merits, Bertrand Russell pointed out that it also has some major flaws: sets that we don’t think of as whole numbers, such as all numbers above 100, all even numbers, or all inverted powers of two, could also satisfy these axioms. So, how did Russell propose to define numbers? Here’s Russell’s definition: “A number is anything which is the number of some class”. Great, problem solved, we can end the podcast early today! Or… maybe not. Let’s explore Russell’s concepts a bit, to figure out why this definition isn’t as circular as it seems. The basic concept here is that we think of a whole number as a description of a class of sets, all sets which contain that number of elements. Let’s take a look at the number 2. The set of major US political parties, the set of Mars’s moons, and the set of my daughter’s cats are all described by the number two. But how do we know this? You might say we could just count the elements in each one to see they have the same number— but Russell points out that that would be cheating, since the concept of counting can only exist if we already know about whole numbers. So what do we do? The concept of 1-1 correspondence between sets comes to the rescue. While we can’t count the elements of a set before we define whole numbers, we can describe similar sets: a pair of sets are similar if their elements can be put into direct 1-1 correspondence, without any left out. So despite lacking the intellectual power to count to 2, I can figure out that the number of my daughter’s kittens and the number of moons of Mars are the same: I’ll map Mars’s moon Phobos to Harvey, and Mars’s moon Deimos to Freya, and see that there are no moons or cats left over. Thus, we are now able to look at two sets and figure out if they belong in the same class of similar sets. Russell defines the number of a class of sets as the class of all sets that are similar to it. Personally, I think this would have been a bit clearer if Russell hadn’t chosen to overload the term ‘number’ here, using it twice with slightly different definitions. So let’s call the class of similar sets a numerical grouping for clarity. Then the definition we started with, “A number is anything which is the number of some class”, becomes “A number is anything which is the numerical grouping of some class”, which at least doesn’t sound quite as circular. The wording gets a little tricky here, and I’m sure some Russell scholars might be offended at my attempt to clarify it, but I think the key concept is this: A number is defined as a class of sets, all of which can be put into 1-1 correspondence with each other, and which, if we conventionally count them (not allowed in the definition, but used here for clarification), have that number of elements. Is this more satisfying than the Peano axioms? Well, if we identify zero with the empty set and the succession operation with adding an element to a set and finding its new number, we can see that those axioms are still satisfied. Furthermore, this interpretation does seem to rule out the pathological examples Russell mentions: the numbers greater than 100, even numbers, and inverted powers of two all fail to meet this set-based definition. And Russell successfully used this definition as the basis for numerous further significant mathematical works. On the other hand, Russell’s method was not the final word on the matter: philosophers of mathematics continue to propose and debate alternate definitions of whole numbers to this day. Personally, I know a whole number when I see it, and maybe that’s all the definition a non-philosopher needs on a normal day. But it’s nice to know there are people out there somewhere thinking hard about why this is true. And this has been your math mutation for today.
Camping might be something you used to do when you were younger. It was fun then and still can be fun if you know what you’re doing and come prepared. With the proper advice, you can make your camping experience enjoyable. Use this advice to help you! Pick a type of sleeping bag that happens to be appropriate for the season. If you bring a sub-zero sleeping bag to go camping in mid-summer, you might find that you are sweating all night long. If you use a lightweight sleeping bag during the winter, you can spend your night shivering if it’s cold outside. Without protection, you are running the risk of developing hypothermia. It is important to keep in mind the fact that your person and all of your possessions will get dirty during a camping trip. If you prepare yourself for this ahead of time, it won’t stress you out as much when it happens. Have fun and go with the moment rather than stressing and worrying about it. You can reclaim the normalcy in your life when you arrive back home. Attend a class in first aid; this is a really good idea if you are camping with children. If an accident occurs, you’ll need to know what you need to better the situation until you can receive medical attention. Make sure you do the proper research. You should be aware of things like whether there are snakes around and what kind of animals live there. Check the terms of your health insurance before leaving. You may need additional coverage in case you have an accident in a different state. This becomes even more important if your camping trip takes you to another country. It always pays to be prepared for anything! Emergency kits are a good thing to have prepared for any camping trip. There are certain things you’ll need to include at certain locations (i.e. a snake bite kit.) However, there some basics you should always have with you. Some extra things,like antivenom should be included for specific types of wildlife as well. Oranges taste great, but they can also help keep mosquitoes away from you. After you’ve enjoyed the orange, keep all the peels. If the mosquitoes are swarming, rub the peels over your body to keep them at bay. Make sure to finish setting up camp during daylight hours. When traveling in an RV, locate a safe parking area. When using a tent, choose a dry flat location. If you do this before dark, you can become accustomed to the area around you. It will also save some time and frustration since you will be able to see better. Make sure that you bring all of your camping equipment with you before you head out on your trip. For example, your trip can be ruined if you forget your sleeping bag or tent. Create a checklist if you feel like you are going to forget something. Kids love camping, but you need to plan out activities for them to do on the trip. They might get antsy once you start to get deeper in the forest. Children may not have an idea of how to fish or set up a tent. Spend a day teaching them what they need to know before you leave for your trip. It’s important to talk with you kids about the dangers of camping. Ensure you children know what poison ivy and poison oak looks like, what to do if they get lost or stumble upon wildlife. Take care to pack sufficient, non-perishable foods. You don’t want to bring a lot of food that will easily spoil. Food poisoning could put an end to your nice vacation. Prepare your food properly and research any precautions you need to take. Make sure to prepare in advance before you engage in a camping trip. Bring creature comforts like a sleeping bag, extra blankets and even an air mattress. That helps you if the night gets really cold, and you are able to use them as padding, as well. As you set up your campsite, choose an area that is as smooth and as level as possible for the location of your tent. Pitching your tent on bumpy, rocky ground or on a slope won’t make for a very comfortable night’s sleep. Prevent water from getting in by placing a tarp or plastic sheet under the floor of your tent. Pack strategically. Create a checklist of what you’re going to be bringing along and check things off while you’re packing them. If you are going deep into the bush or backcountry where emergency supplies and services are inaccessible, then you really need to make sure you have first aid material and related equipment. A lot of people forget to put up shelter before it gets dark. When it is daytime, it is a much easier setting for pitching a tent. A flashlight or fire will help you out. However, setting up your camp while it is still daylight is always your best option. Make sure that you never go camping without duct tape. Tents can get torn and they are hard to fix without having the right material. Your tent can easily be repaired with some duct tape, which will keep you nice and dry in your damaged tent. You may have enjoyed camping as a kid and want to experience it again as an adult. The keys are knowledge and desire. Use the information in this article to give you ideas and advice on going camping now. Make memories with your children and friends in the great outdoors.
Adelaide’s new U City development in the heart of the CBD has been recognised as South Australia’s ‘greenest’ building design to date and is predicted to use 45 per cent less energy and 30 per cent less water than a comparable new building. The carefully-considered design of the new 20-storey U City CBD building is Adelaide’s most environmentally efficient and sustainable. This multi-use $100 million development with a design rating of 84.9 out of a possible 100, represents world leadership in sustainable design and has achieved more Green Star points than any other project in South Australia. Some of the key design features that will feature on this site tour include an embedded electricity network, a 55 kilowatt solar PV array on the roof providing renewable energy, gas boosted solar hot water, natural cross ventilation throughout all living spaces, double glazing and shading features on the façade to reduce its heat load and showcase the environmentally conscious products that were chosen. This building also features a mix of specialist accommodation for people living with a disability, commercial spaces, retirement apartments, a function centre, retail and a range of social service offerings. Don’t miss the opportunity to see world-class design and some of the latest technology in action. There are only 20 spots available, don’t delay book your ticket now!
3 classes covering this paper 1 topic over 1 hour long each. A comprehensive teaching of all types of functions to be integrated including exponentials , trig functions and more . Also includes Area by Integration and Rates of Change in Integration. Exam style questions covered, homework plus solutions at end of each class. 6th Year Integration Category: 6th Year Online Maths Grinds
Published: Monday, January 25 2021 10:29 Written by Mark A. Lefebvre A good question. Our model is different from the model John Vervaeke puts forth because we started this quest by trying to reverse engineer the meaning crisis. Our view is purely practical in nature and we need a model that will allow us to act in the world. Since we had some idea of how these things might have come about, we needed a model that would accommodate an approach that fit the hypothesis about what the meaning crisis actually is. To that end, we used a signalling paradigm to relate to what we think is going on to a set of components which would allow some level of manipulation. Thus, our model is all about understanding the meaning crisis in terms that intersect psychologically and practically. Having said all of this, the 4 types of knowing, for us, is a small (but key) part of our overall approach and work product. We hope to be sharing more about the intersection of the 4P model with hypothesis around various ways of addressing the meaning crisis as we relate this work to our larger body of work. If you are looking for a slide outlining the model, please go here: Meaning Community 4 Types of Knowing Thank you for your interest, I hope this providing some insight into our motives, methods and goal. Published: Monday, December 28 2020 12:54 Written by Super User We are a community based around the work of John Vervaeke, striving to connect all practice based communities together as a way of exploring the topic of meaning. We feel that John's work has given us a framework for discussing topics around meaning, virtue, ethics and related issues. On this site you will find links to John's work, the work of other people who are 'meaning adjacent', as well as links to sites, communities and practices that we think are useful for people to explore. Please join us, we are always looking for help or just participation of any kind! Our motto is: We become better when we participate together.
Passing Drama by Angela Melitopoulos, excerpt, 4,36 min a videoessay directed by Angela Melitopoulos 66 min, PAL, Digibeta, 1999, (German and Greek language, subtitled in English) "Everything forgotten mixes with the forgotten of the world before." (Franz Rosenzweig) „PassingDrama" is based on different recollections told by refugees. This videoessay is the woven sound picture of the migration of Angela Melitopoulos'family. Drama is the name of a small city in Northern Greece. The city is inhabited by refugees who are survivors of deportations from Asia Minor to Greece in 1923. In World War II their children escaped the Bulgarian occupation and became workeslave in Hitler's Germany. Interviews with those refugees connected to Melitopoulos father's recite of his departure from Greece to Vienna are tracing a diagonal path through Europe crossing four different national states. The homeland of these refugees was changing continuously. Their storytelling relates to the local condition of integration. To choose recites from people who have experienced an exodus nearly forgotten in European history meant to consider ways of making the process of forgetting a part in the process of notation (montage). Telling a story, which has been transmitted, retold, re-memorised from one generation to the next meant to make a film on the subject of refugee narration itself. Fragments of recorded interviews formed the voice level in that the story appears as a texture made out of different densities of concret or superfluous „thought-flows". In their narration the refugees connected their own words with generated word-constructions of others. The recalled words of others intensified through the melody of their voices. Voice melody as an indication for collective/generated memory became the parameter to choose text from the interviews. Aflux of voices layered one over the other, erasing or reinforcing each other, reaching the audible space or becoming mute, created the rhythm in the editing and the structure of the narration. The voices are like invisible threads in the woven structure of this video. They appear and dissappear like a thread on the front side of a carpet. Only by looking at the back-side of the carpet one can follow them. The images of the different locations of the migrated path are displayed in different image-speed in the video. Thus location appears as a distinct time-zone in the narration. The further the location relates to the past the more the images are processed and edited. Real-time represents the here and now time-zoneof the narration. Half speed represents the second generation of the narration and stands for the documentary time-zone(the fathers recite). Images processed with dynamic motion control are representing the generated imaginary of placesor paths known through stories told by others (the third generation: the grand-parents) but not seen as a eye witness „Passing Drama" is edited as a hypertextual structure of images and sounds, a structure of memory and recollection visualised through the possibilities of non-linear editing. „Passing Drama" narrates from the point of view of a minority, who's past seems to be devoured by industrial machines in favour of a majority. Award of the German Filmcritics for experimental video 2000 Award of the Council of Europe, VideoArt Festival Locarno Award of Internationale Mediafestival Medi@terra Athens Handapparate - 20180124_Jamie_Allen_IXDM_TOUCHING SHADOWS - Material Witnessing Handapparate - 20180124_Jamie_Allen_IXDM_TOUCHING SHADOWS Handapparate catalog - mediathek catalog - HGK catalog - Handapparate catalog - HGKplus - 414 seconds
We spend our lives accumulating wealth and fulfilling the wishes of our loved ones. Apart from this, we plan for our retirement as well such as funding our retirement accounts like IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc. However, while starting these accounts we need to ensure that we have properly designated a beneficiary who would get the money if in case of our death. Failing to do so can result in our accounts facing probate for the distribution to the heirs. However, by properly updating the beneficiary designation one can avoid probate and thus such accounts can bypass the probate When a person opens a retirement account, naming beneficiaries is among the paperwork required to do so, which can be a single person or multiple people according to the person’s wishes. One is said to be the indirect owner of the retirement accounts, however, there is a third party owner like a custodian who takes care of the assets for the benefit of the owner and hands over the assets to the named beneficiaries after your death. Apart from the benefit of avoiding probate, these accounts also help in securing the wealth from creditors. A valid beneficiary means someone who is alive, can receive the assets and meets any requirements set by the administrator of the asset. By not meeting any of the aforementioned criteria, the beneficiary designated is not considered as valid and thus probate will come into the picture to distribute the wealth causing delays, reducing the amount received by the beneficiaries, and limiting payout options. Why retirement accounts go through probate? Here we have summarized some of such instances that lead you to inviting probate: Not naming your spouse: In most of the states, it is mandatory that a spouse is entitled to half of each and everything that has been added to the retirement account during the marriage by the other spouse. This implies that in case you have named someone other than the spouse, completely or partially, as your beneficiary for such accounts then the spouse is authorized to file a claim to the assets which will invite probate. Hence, you must have a signed waiver by your spouse if you are designated a beneficiary other than your him/her. If you name your estate or trust as beneficiary: Naming your estate a beneficiary to your retirement account can cause you loss of money and time as the estate will have to go through probate and thus the creditors can claim their debts reducing the amount. In the same way, designating a trust as the beneficiary is not suggested as the beneficiaries lose some funds as well as the flexibility to use the funds. If in case, you want a trust to handle the funds for some time in case of spendthrift or minor beneficiary then you must discuss with a lawyer first. Naming a minor as beneficiary: Minors are not authorized to inherit the funds of the retirement accounts directly. If you are willing to name a minor as the beneficiary, then in order to avoid probate, you should designate someone who will manage the funds until the minors become adults. You can consider using the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (UTMA) to name a custodian for your account. In case of failing to do so, the court might need to step in to do it for you. Not naming alternate beneficiaries: It is always advised to name alternate beneficiaries for your retirement accounts to protect your accounts from probate. As in the case, your designated primary beneficiary is dead or is unable to receive the funds due to other reasons like mental incapacity, etc., probate will step in to distribute the funds. This can easily be avoided by having alternate beneficiaries to receive the funds in the absence of primary beneficiaries. Keeping beneficiary designations up-to-date: You can change your beneficiary designated anytime according to your wishes for which you need to contact the account administrator to update the beneficiary information. It could be done in case life-changing events like the death of the beneficiary, divorce, remarriage, childbirth, etc. In case you die after the death of your beneficiary then the probate will step in and distribute the money. In case you die with your ex-spouse as the beneficiary, then even after your remarriage, your ex-spouse will have claims on the funds of such accounts. Hence, to avoid any such circumstances, it is advised to review your accounts and if required, update the beneficiaries as well. Retirement accounts can be used to transfer the funds to your heirs without the intervention of the probate and creditors, however, you need to avoid the aforementioned mistakes while naming beneficiaries for these accounts. Designating a beneficiary is usually just a matter of filling out a simple form, and you may even be able to do it online while reviewing them with due course of time, at least annually or with life-changing events like divorce, remarriage, etc.
Insect allergy – Definition Allergies are abnormal or adverse reactions to a substance. Insect allergies are a reaction to insect stings or bites. It can also occur with exposure to such insects in an environment. Insect allergy – Causes Stinging insects include: - Yellow jackets - Fire ants Biting insects include: - Kissing bugs Insects that cause respiratory allergies include: - Lake flies - Caddis flies Insect allergy – Risk Factors Factors that increase your chance of insect allergies include: - Age: young children - History of other types of allergies, including hay fever - Family history of allergy - Occupations that expose you to insects - Living conditions that expose you to insects or dust-containing insect allergens Insect allergy – Symptoms An allergy to biting and stinging insects can affect the area around the bite or sting and cause: - Skin rash Anaphylaxis can be a life-threatening reaction that causes: - Skin rash, hives, itching, swelling in areas away from the sting site - Swelling of lips, tongue, face, throat, and eyelids - Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing - Dizziness, fainting - Severe drop in blood pressure - Respiratory and/or cardiac arrest Some insects cause respiratory allergies that result in: - Runny nose - Difficulty breathing - Shortness of breath Insect allergy – Diagnosis The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. A physical exam will be done. Most diagnoses are based on a history of a reaction after a sting. For those with a severe insect allergy, stings may be life-threatening. Therefore, it is important to see an allergist or immunologist (doctor who specializes in allergies). - Skin prick test — An extract of the insect’s venom or protein is diluted. The dilute is placed on your forearm or back skin. If there is swelling or redness, an allergic reaction may be present. The doctor will make the diagnosis based on the skin test and your history of symptoms. Some skin tests can have a severe allergic reaction. This test should only be used under the supervision of a physician or other trained medical personnel. Severe eczema may make this test hard to interpret. - RAST or ELISA test — The doctor may order blood tests (RAST or ELISA). These tests measure the level of insect-specific IgE in the blood. IgE is a type of protein that the body produces when it is exposed to something to which it is allergic. The presence of IgE in the blood may indicate an allergy. Insect allergy – Treatment Some reactions cause trouble breathing. In this case, call for emergency medical help. Treatment may include: - Epinephrine — injected immediately in the event of a severe, life-threatening insect sting allergy (anaphylaxis) - Antihistamine medications — to decrease swelling and itching - Ice — applied to local area of sting or bite to decrease swelling - Corticosteroid medications — for more severe swelling, itching, nasal congestion, and sneezing - Bronchodilators — inhalers that can be used to decrease asthma-like symptoms, such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath - Venom immunotherapy — a series of allergy shots to gradually desensitize you to insect stings; usually for honeybees, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps, or fire ants If you are diagnosed with a reaction to an insect bite or sting, follow your doctor’s instructions. Insect allergy – Prevention To reduce your chance of having an allergic reaction to either biting or stinging insects: - Avoid stinging insects. - Be very careful when doing yard or garden work. Beware when hiking in the forest. - Don’t walk barefoot. - Don’t wear scented products. Perfumes can attract stinging insects. - Keep exposed skin to a minimum. - Consider immunotherapy (allergy shots). These can lessen your reaction to stinging insects - Carry self-injectable epinephrine and possibly Benadryl for severe reactions. - Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace. These will inform others of your allergy. To reduce your chance of having an allergic reaction to insects that provoke respiratory responses: - Avoid having carpeting, curtains, or other fabric that may gather dust in your home. This is very important in the room where you sleep. - Vacuum and wet mop your floors frequently. - Regularly wash your linens in very hot water. - Cover mattresses and pillows in allergy-proof covers.
von Willebrand disease – Definition von Willebrand disease (vWD) is an inherited blood disorder. It decreases the blood’s ability to clot. As a result, bleeding lasts longer than usual. von Willebrand’s disease is the most common hereditary bleeding disorder, affecting about 1% of the population. It affects both sexes approximately equally. There are no racial or ethnic associations with this disorder. von Willebrand disease – Causes vWD is caused by a reduced amount of a protein called von Willebrand factor (vWF) or an abnormality in this protein. This protein helps blood to clot. When a person is bleeding, blood cells called platelets form a plug to stop the bleeding. Normally, vWF allows platelets to adhere to the cells that line the inside of the blood vessels (endothelium), a process necessary for successful clotting. If there is not enough vWF or if it is defective, platelets cannot properly grip onto the injured area and bleeding does not stop as quickly as it should. VWF has a separate function of protecting against the break down of another protein involved in clotting — factor VIII:C. The relative absence of functioning vWF, therefore, can lead to minor clotting problems through this mechanism as well. von Willebrand disease can often be traced through several generations in a family. Some have symptoms, while others just carry the gene. Most people with vWD inherit only one gene with the vWD defect. They have one of the milder forms of the disorder — either type 1 or type 2. This means they have some blood clotting ability. The small percentage of people who inherit two defective genes — type 3 vWD — have little clotting ability and experience severe bleeding episodes. Types 1 and 2 are usually inherited in what is known as a “dominant” pattern. A man or woman with the disease has a 50% chance of passing the gene to his or her child. This means that if even one parent has the gene and passes it to a child, the child gets the disease. Whether the child has no symptoms, mild symptoms, or, less commonly, severe symptoms, he or she definitely has the disease. Regardless of severity of the symptoms, the child can still pass the gene to his or her own offspring. Type 3 von Willebrand disease, however, is usually inherited in a “recessive” pattern. This type occurs when the child inherits the gene from both parents. Even if both parents have mild or asymptomatic disease, their children are likely to be severely affected. von Willebrand disease – Risk Factors A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. The only risk factor for vWD is having family members with this disease. von Willebrand disease – Symptoms Many people with the vWD gene have very mild symptoms or none at all. When symptoms do occur, the severity varies from person-to-person. Many people only notice symptoms after taking aspirin or similar medications that interfere with clotting. Symptoms usually begin in childhood and fluctuate throughout life. Common symptoms include: - Easy bruising - Frequent or prolonged nosebleeds - Prolonged bleeding from the gums and minor cuts - Heavy or prolonged bleeding during menstrual periods - Bleeding in the digestive system - Prolonged bleeding after injury, childbirth, surgery, or invasive dental procedures von Willebrand disease – Diagnosis Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. Blood tests may be done to check the following: - Bleeding time — In vWD it will be prolonged, particularly after the administration of aspirin. - Factor VIII antigen — This indirectly measures levels of vWF in your blood; in vWD, it will be reduced. - Ristocetin cofactor activity — This shows how well your vWF works; in vWD, it will be decreased. - von Willebrand factor multimer — This examines the different structural types of vWF in the blood; in vWD, it will be reduced. von Willebrand disease – Treatment Many people with vWD do not need treatment. If you do, your treatment will depend on the type and severity of your vWD. In many cases, treatment is only necessary if you are having a surgical or dental procedure that is likely to cause bleeding. Treatment may include: - Desmopressin — This medicine usually controls bleeding in mild cases of type I vWD by raising the level of vWF in the blood. It can be taken as: - Nasal spray (Stimate) - Injection (DDAVP) - Intravenous infusions to control your bleeding — These infusions are concentrates that contain: - Factor VIII - von Willebrand Factor - Birth control pills — This medication may be used to control heavy menstrual periods in women with type 1 vWD. - Antifibrinolytic medicine (often Amicar) — This can be used for bleeding in the nose or mouth. It helps keep a clot that has already formed from being dissolved. - Recominant Factor VIIIa — This treatment may rarely be used if a person develops antibodies to von Willebrand Factor. von Willebrand disease – Prevention There are no guidelines for preventing vWD. Genetic counseling can be helpful to review a detailed family history and discuss risks and tests available for von Willebrand disease.
About the Workshop Cell polarity pathways play fundamental roles in defining the function, architecture, and fate of cells and in turn the generation and homeostatic control of multicellular tissues. Critically, mutations in polarity and membrane trafficking are common in cancer and other diseases, yet mechanisms remain poorly understood. As central architects of cell morphology, polarity pathways shape and in turn are shaped by the cell’s cytoskeletal and membrane networks. This EMBO Workshop will explore this intersection between polarity, cytoskeleton and cellular membrane networks in the context of polarized cells and tissues. It will bring together researchers from around the globe and across career stages to identify and highlight new principles of cellular organization and how these concepts impact our understanding of the role of polarity and membrane dynamics in human development and disease. This EMBO Workshop will be organized around core topics that represent the next frontier in our understanding of polarizing systems: spatiotemporal control of cell fate, principles of self-organizing networks, shaping and deploying dynamic membrane networks, integration of chemical and physical cues, coordinating polarity and membrane systems during multicellular development, and the implementation of cutting edge technology to reveal new principles in membrane organization. Important notice: Due to ongoing restrictions on travel and large gatherings, the meeting will move to an online format. Please note the programme and registration changes. We have re-imagined the programme to focus on opportunities for networking, discussion and feedback. Key changes: (1) The meeting will center around topic-focussed discussion sessions. (2) All talks except keynotes will be pre-recorded to enable the live sessions to focus on discussion. (3) Instead of posters, presenters will pre-record short talks and present in parallel small group discussions during the meeting.