int32 0
| score
float32 1.06
| translation
translation |
40,883,400 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Those Chinese are too cruel!!",
"ja": "やっぱり中国人は野蛮人です!!!"
} |
40,883,401 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This museum is a new kind of cultural facility that concurrently performs library functions and museum functions.",
"ja": "このミュージアムは、博物館的機能と図書館的機能を併せ持った、新しい文化施設だそうです。"
} |
40,883,402 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This may not be true in every organization.",
"ja": "これはどの団体でも真似できない。"
} |
40,883,403 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This is Your Brain on Stress!",
"ja": "(これこそ心にストレス!!)"
} |
40,883,404 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This is why writing, be it non-fiction or computer code, can be of particular appeal to INTPs, allowing them to regularly employ both their logic (Ti) and creativity (Ne).",
"ja": "これが、ライティングが(それがノンフィクションでもコンピューターコードでも)、論理性(Ti)と創造性(Ne)の両方を定期的に使用できるようにさせ、INTPに特別な魅力を与えることができる理由です。"
} |
40,883,405 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This is true, but most of them are waiting until the end of the year to do this.",
"ja": "考えられますが、ほとんどの人は年末までに"
} |
40,883,406 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This is a Google analytics cookie.",
"ja": "これは、Google Analyticsのクッキーです。"
} |
40,883,407 | 1.06 | {
"en": "This is actually how I lost my virginity.",
"ja": "こうして僕は童貞を喪失しました。"
} |
40,883,408 | 1.06 | {
"en": "They had this same tattoo on their hands.",
"ja": "さらに、彼は自分と全く同じタトゥーが腕にありました。"
} |
40,883,409 | 1.06 | {
"en": "They had decided to capture two and one was missing a wing.",
"ja": "たまたま2匹が留まって、片方が羽根を開いていた。"
} |
40,883,410 | 1.06 | {
"en": "“They dream about raising kids who can speak up and think for themselves.",
"ja": "「考えて行動する子ども・自分の思いが表現できる子ども」を育んでいます。"
} |
40,883,411 | 1.06 | {
"en": "They cared for these trees very carefully.",
"ja": "それらの木を大切に育てておられました。"
} |
40,883,412 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The Whitewater Canal was proceeding along well until its earthen walls and feeder dams were the victims of muskrats who burrowed through the walls, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages for which there was no money to repair.",
"ja": "ホワイトウォーター運河は順調に前進したが、 土の壁と給水ダムが マスクラットの犠牲となり、マスクラットは壁に穴を開けて何十万ドルもの損害を与え、 これを修理する資金がなかった。"
} |
40,883,413 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The Tweet is below.",
"ja": "下がそのツイッターだ。"
} |
40,883,414 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The tweet is below.",
"ja": "下がそのツイッターだ。"
} |
40,883,415 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The song held the top spot for three weeks.",
"ja": "この曲は3週にわたって首位を飾っている。"
} |
40,883,416 | 1.06 | {
"en": "These animals, they were being demonized.",
"ja": "これらの動物は悪魔のような存在として描かれていたのです。"
} |
40,883,417 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The Romanian Revolution started in Timisoara on December 15.",
"ja": "1989年12月のルーマニア革命はティミショアラで始まった。"
} |
40,883,418 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The right information from the right person can save lives.",
"ja": "正しい人の口は人を救う。"
} |
40,883,419 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The report suggests some interesting conclusions about the general trends in the industry.",
"ja": "レポートでは、業界での興味深い傾向がいくつか明らかにされています。"
} |
40,883,420 | 1.06 | {
"en": "There is no priest at the time.",
"ja": "現時点では、祭事等はありません。"
} |
40,883,421 | 1.06 | {
"en": "There are plenty of others without this caveat.",
"ja": "この断食をしないひともいます。"
} |
40,883,422 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The question- What can we do to change this trend?",
"ja": "質問.コースを変更するにはどうしたらいいですか。"
} |
40,883,423 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The patient went up to the front desk and asked about the anterior bridge.",
"ja": "患者様は前歯部に欠損があり、以前はブリッジを装着していらっしゃいまいた。"
} |
40,883,424 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The other side objected.",
"ja": "当方はそう反論した。"
} |
40,883,425 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The original diamond and backstop are still there.",
"ja": "裏にはイニシャルとダイヤモンドを留めてます。"
} |
40,883,426 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The operative word is \"militant\".",
"ja": "今日の単語は\"militant\"。"
} |
40,883,427 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The NSFR is expected to be implemented from January 2018.",
"ja": "◆NSFRは2018年1月から実施される。"
} |
40,883,428 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The North Face® 100 Australia (Australia)",
"ja": "ザ・ノースフェイス100オーストラリア/The North Face® 100 Australia、"
} |
40,883,429 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The next day she was dressed from head to foot in silk and velvet.",
"ja": "あくる日になると、ゲルダは頭から足の先まで絹やビロードの着物で包まれました。"
} |
40,883,430 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The move is aimed at restoring public confidence…",
"ja": "政府は、目的を「行政に対する信頼を回復し..."
} |
40,883,431 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The most important thing I found?",
"ja": "一番大切なもの、見つけた。"
} |
40,883,432 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The man who wasn't there....",
"ja": "「バーバー」The Man Who Wasn't There (2…"
} |
40,883,433 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The management position sounds like hell.",
"ja": "運営する側は地獄ような環境みたいだ。"
} |
40,883,434 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The “logic” is preposterous.",
"ja": "私の「論理学」は必修だ。"
} |
40,883,435 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The islanders returned.",
"ja": "鉄人が戻ってきた。"
} |
40,883,436 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The healer healed, that was their job.",
"ja": "施主への癒し、それが彼女たちの唯一の仕事。"
} |
40,883,437 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The full property is...",
"ja": "総資産は…"
} |
40,883,438 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The following events occurred on July 4.",
"ja": "以下は、7月4日の出来事です。"
} |
40,883,439 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The first command addresses who we worship; the second how we worship.",
"ja": "第1回は礼拝の心、第2回は私たちが礼拝する救い..."
} |
40,883,440 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The festivals aren’t just a repeat of math problems from school.",
"ja": "数学は学校の問題集のみを繰返しやりました。"
} |
40,883,441 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The event would give birth to the Pride parades today.",
"ja": "その時のデモ行進が、現在のプライドパレードの発祥となる。"
} |
40,883,442 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The Devil's Own War",
"ja": "THE DEVIL'S OWN ストーリー"
} |
40,883,443 | 1.06 | {
"en": "- the development of new products and solutions,",
"ja": "新製品の開発と提案、"
} |
40,883,444 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The cover of The Orb's 1991 album, Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld.",
"ja": "1991年にデビュー・アルバム『The Orb’s Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld』をBig Lifeよりリリース。"
} |
40,883,445 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The CJEU is due to hear the case on November 27.",
"ja": "イギリスは11月27日に事件のことを知ることになった。"
} |
40,883,446 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The child needs to know there is a clear procedure in place to deal with bullying.\"",
"ja": "「いじめられている子どもは、いじめに対処していく実際的な手段を知る必要があります」。"
} |
40,883,447 | 1.06 | {
"en": "• The back story on 10.9 might look more to the future.",
"ja": ">なななさん歴史の中の9.11という視点は、今後次第に高まっていくでしょうね。"
} |
40,883,448 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The B12 alone is no warrior.",
"ja": "B-29は戦闘機ではありません。"
} |
40,883,449 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The author chooses none of these.",
"ja": "筆者はこのどれにも該当しない。"
} |
40,883,450 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The Australian government in particular (one can discount for obvious reasons anything the Ukrainians might say) has been especially outspoken in its condemnation of Russia from a very early stage of the investigation.",
"ja": "(ウクライナ政府が言うことは、明白な理由から、誰だって疑ってかかっていただろうが、)特に、オーストラリア政府はこの捜査の初期段階からロシアを非難し、ずけずけと発言した。"
} |
40,883,451 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Theatrical murder.",
"ja": "DRAMAtical Murder トランプ"
} |
40,883,452 | 1.06 | {
"en": "The A6500 will go on sale in November for US$1,400 body-only.",
"ja": "a6600は11月発売で、ボディのみが1400ドル。"
} |
40,883,453 | 1.06 | {
"en": "That was a long term goal I wanted to achieve.",
"ja": "ずーっと達成したい目標でした。"
} |
40,883,454 | 1.06 | {
"en": "That kind of inward focus can be deadly for a church.",
"ja": "このようなオープンマインドの姿勢はもしかしたら教団において貴重かもしれない。"
} |
40,883,455 | 1.06 | {
"en": "That girl was hot and I want to have sex with her.",
"ja": "草食系男子だって、彼女は欲しいし、その彼女とSEXをしたいと思っています。"
} |
40,883,456 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Steve Jobs even believed that Apple would one day be at the intersection of technology and biology.",
"ja": "スティーブ・ジョブズ氏はアップルの製品は教養とテクノロジーの交差点から生まれたといっている。"
} |
40,883,457 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Step three: Forgive",
"ja": "第六段階:赦し"
} |
40,883,458 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Staring at people?",
"ja": "人の振り見て ?"
} |
40,883,459 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Stage 1: The Early Years",
"ja": "ディスク 1: The Early Years"
} |
40,883,460 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Spacey's representatives said earlier this month that the actor \"is taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment.\"",
"ja": "スペイシーの広報担当者は今月初め、「必要な検査と治療を受けるための時間を取っている」とコメントしていた。"
} |
40,883,461 | 1.06 | {
"en": "\"So what about the account?\"",
"ja": "« アカウントをどうしようか。"
} |
40,883,462 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Sorry, what does this mean?",
"ja": "ちょっとすまん、これってどういう意味?"
} |
40,883,463 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Sometimes she accused me of not loving Rajan.",
"ja": "以前、噂されていた彼女が新川優愛さん。"
} |
40,883,464 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Something like how important their call is.",
"ja": "呼びかけることが如何に重要かということです。"
} |
40,883,465 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Something is going to chance.",
"ja": "なにかとチャンスが訪れそう。"
} |
40,883,466 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Skip and Collin were also there.",
"ja": "そこにはマローネとコリーナも滞在していた。"
} |
40,883,467 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Skin-to-skin contact between mother and child is encouraged and breastfeeding should begin as soon as possible after the baby is born.",
"ja": "母児同室・母乳育児をお奨めしており、分娩後は早期に母乳を開始します。"
} |
40,883,468 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Sir, the principle has already been accepted.",
"ja": "すでに閣議で原則承認された。"
} |
40,883,469 | 1.06 | {
"en": "simcity buildit trick",
} |
40,883,470 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Silastic, Dow Corning and XIAMETER are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corporation.",
"ja": "Dow Corningおよび XIAMETERは、Dow Corning Corporationの登録商標です。"
} |
40,883,471 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Shouldn't their feelings be respected?",
"ja": "その気持ちは尊重しべきではないでしょうか。"
} |
40,883,472 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Shit call by the judge to even put you in that situation.",
"ja": "裁判員を法廷に並ばせて、揚句にはその家庭での会話まで入れ込んでること。"
} |
40,883,473 | 1.06 | {
"en": "She generally doesn't take people's shit.",
"ja": "なにも実際に人糞のやり取りを行うわけではない。"
} |
40,883,474 | 1.06 | {
"en": "She asked him not to increase trouble.",
"ja": "男にはこれ以上騒ぎを大きくしないように頼んだ。"
} |
40,883,475 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Shall we remember the CD-ROM in fifteen years?",
"ja": "1.CD-Rメディアは5年で読めなくなる?"
} |
40,883,476 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Segatore B et al. (2012): Evaluations of the Effects of Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Growth and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.",
"ja": "Segatore B et al. (2012): [大腸菌および緑膿菌の増殖および抗生物質感受性に対する超低周波電磁界の影響評価]"
} |
40,883,477 | 1.06 | {
"en": "seem to compose with such ease.\"",
"ja": "そんなスッキリとした作りにあります」といいます。"
} |
40,883,478 | 1.06 | {
"en": "See for yourself that you don’t think for yourself.",
"ja": "あなたは、あなたが自分自身だと信じているものではない ということを見抜きなさい。"
} |
40,883,479 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Secret police may open mail, tap telephone lines, use various techniques to trick, blackmail, or coerce relatives or friends of a suspect into providing information.",
"ja": "秘密警察は、メールを開いたり、電話回線をタップしたり、さまざまな手法を使用して、容疑者の親relativeや友人をだまし、脅迫したり、情報の提供を強要したりします。"
} |
40,883,480 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Russia is not a communist country.",
"ja": "日本は共産主義国家ではない。"
} |
40,883,481 | 1.06 | {
"en": "RE: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars",
"ja": "さらに、「静かなる戦争の沈黙の兵器」Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"
} |
40,883,482 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Repeated identical requests do not count towards the Error Rate unless they conform to the Back-off Requirements.",
"ja": "繰り返される同一のリクエストは、バックオフ要件に準拠していない限り、エラー率にカウントされません。"
} |
40,883,483 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Quite simply, he or she is to struggle with God.",
"ja": "それから彼または彼女は神を敬うように生きる。"
} |
40,883,484 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Q. How does that make you thankful?",
"ja": "Q. こんにゃくはどうやってできるの?"
} |
40,883,485 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Q: Are there any side effects of treatment?",
"ja": "Q:治療による副作用はありますか?"
} |
40,883,486 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Pregnant girl is reading a book lying in bed.",
"ja": "女子はエッチな本をベッドで読んでいる。"
} |
40,883,487 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Possession by Christian Mistress",
"ja": "CHRISTIAN MISTRESS『Possession』"
} |
40,883,488 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Please do not leave me to drown.",
"ja": "お願いだから、私を溺れさせないで"
} |
40,883,489 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Photoshop was a new tool back then.",
"ja": "バストランペットも当時では新しい楽器であった。"
} |
40,883,490 | 1.06 | {
"en": "(PHOTO: Centre for the Environment)",
"ja": "(写真:環境研修センター)"
} |
40,883,491 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Personally, I haven’t believed in the ‘rapture’ for years.",
"ja": "この「劫」については、だから何年のこととは言ってません。"
} |
40,883,492 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Perhaps we’ve seen our last crusade.",
"ja": "おそらく最後のツーショットを見てしまった。"
} |
40,883,493 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Performed by Fred Astaire",
"ja": "アーティスト:Fred Astaire"
} |
40,883,494 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Park works according to a strict protocol.",
"ja": "当サイトは厳密な規約に則って運営しています。"
} |
40,883,495 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Overall satisfaction was rated on a scale of 1 to 10.",
"ja": "通常、1対10の規模で満足度を測定しました。"
} |
40,883,496 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Or why you can’t seem to stick with one company?",
"ja": "-どうして1社で抱え込めないのでしょう。"
} |
40,883,497 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Or, go to the Shanghai Number 1 Food Mall.",
"ja": "次は、上海第一食品商店へ。"
} |
40,883,498 | 1.06 | {
"en": "Or at least “indefinite.”",
"ja": "indefinitelyは「無期限に」。"
} |
40,883,499 | 1.06 | {
"en": "On the other hand, who has time to cook when there is so much work to be done?",
"ja": "それに、高価で続けるとしてもそんなに仕事があるでしょうか。"
} |