{"title": "China car users - yay or nay?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yj958/china_car_users_yay_or_nay/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Tempted to get a Chinese car (x70 or Chery) but hearing a few love/hate reviews of it. Any honest feedback on their reliability, quality and aftersales? Thanks monyets", "comments": []} {"title": "First time went to Penang by cruise ship, Genting Dream. Humid weather but great experience.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yiola/first_time_went_to_penang_by_cruise_ship_genting/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Is Singapore that much better than Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18x40i8/is_singapore_that_much_better_than_malaysia/", "num_comment": 485, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Often, Malaysians are triggered when they hear Singapore is better than Malaysia.\nBut, one has to admit that Singapore's economy, infrastructure, education, transportation,\nhealthcare, sanitation, political stability is superior to not only Malaysia, but one of the best in the world. Of course, it is way more expensive to live in Singapore but the prospect there is so much better.\nI myself am a Malaysian and I do agree with that. Other than the food, I don't really see how Malaysia fares well against Singapore and don't really see why Malaysians go ballistic over it.\nWhat's others' opinions on this?", "comments": [["They have strong civil service and a stable government with long term plan.", "something we can only dream of", "We can keep dreaming of*", "Wawasan 2040", "Wawasan 4040*", "3030: Am I just a joke to you guys?\n\"Yes.\"\nHaha.", "Wawasan 404 not found", "islam not even found on 404.", "This, this is the accurate queue for us.", "accurate one is wawasan 3A03A0", "U mean Wawasan 3A03A0?", "Wawasan End Of Days. Cancel once end of world.", "\"system down\"", "in dubai:\n\"let's build a stable government with long term plan\"", "I guess this is what they say when other country managed like lego but ours is like jenga.", "during mahathir era was the most stable... so you want dictator style is it?", "Stable government during mahathir? Surely you're joking right", "thanos had 2/3rd consitution all the time\nif that not stable,i dunno what is", "Ahh sorry. I was talking about how he actively sabotages Anwar and other political rivals to get it. But if that's what you mean then yeah it's pretty stable \ud83d\udc4d", "What do you think Singapore did to other rival party? You think they play nice to stay in power for years.", "This. The double standard is real lol.\nThey think Singapore is a real democracy, but never bothered to learn about all the back room deals and shady negotiations. Lol.\nAdmittedly it does help with stability though. I mean, 1 single vision that's uninterrupted would do that.", "Ikr, drM is failure in comparison to LKY In term of dealing with opposition.", "Shhh. Don't say that. Later all the human rights activists gonna catch you and burn you at the stake lol.", "I think Dr. M's failure isn't how he dealt with the opposition.\nIt's what he used the power he gained for the country after he dealt with the opposition.\nWhich isn't much. But he did get Petronas Towers off the ground. For who, I dunno... :p", "all the small riot nvr turn to civil war,so", "True", "lol. at the cost of a lot of politician in jail.", "yep,unstablendictator is rare", "And big bonuses for civil servants to keep them happy.", "LKY was a dictator. No one bats an eye.\nEdit LKY", "Who lkw?", "They have GovTech and some of the best people actually choose to work there.\nMalaysia will find some way to either politicise or racialise the same damn thing.", "Malaysia doesn't want the pendatangs to work for them though. Happy and content working as a pendatang in a foreign country, at least you are economically treated fairly.", "Majority of those in government are Singaporeans.\nIn Malaysia. It's Malaysian malays.\nI think that's where Malaysia fucked up, because of open and very well known favouritism we have a glute of grifters who just do the bare minimum. Then you have mini fucked up political situations inside gov and non gov agency. That and the salary not being competitive to private sector is a big issue.", "we have a huge civil service though", "10 counters, only one or two open. 9am punch in, went for 2 hour long teh tarik session. 12pm go out to pick up kids from school, come back 3pm. 4.30pm already start the car to go back home. Add in tons of red tape, and our bloated gomen sector can never get any shit done", "to be honest, officers in counters that serve general public had improved throughout the years.\nbut good luck dealing with those officers that deal with business.", "Huge but inefficient and corrupted. Praying that you don\u2019t need to work in a job that requires you to frequently meet with civil servants\nThey will freeze your work until you pay them bribes or pay huge gifts to their sons or daughters weddings", "Which along with all the areas op mentioned above is far easier to implement, regulate and police with a smaller populace and small land mass.\nNot sure if it would be as successful at scale", "There are plenty of countries with a large population that have both: Australia, Japan, Germany, Canada, and South Korea\u2026\nMalaysia\u2019s civil service is notoriously large but inefficient, for no good reason", "Oh, im sure many know the reason, just that stating it here on reddit will get it downvoted to hell and reported", "Canada's civil service is trash and takes forever too.", "Well, says a lot about the rest of the world considering they were ranked #3 in the Civil Service Effectiveness Index by Oxford University\nThe main difference is these countries don\u2019t have an excessive amount of civil servants", "Depends on which area you're talking about because they rely on NGOs like feeding the poor, disabled and elderly which they are stretched thin and the selfish/entitled Singaporeans whom are from middle class or above still want to get free food from them...The entitled pricks have the audacity to request changing to more expensive brands of food (even requests for salmon) which are out of the budget of these selfless organizations.\nThere is also no budget to lift the poor out of poverty, nor any comprehensive plan for them. They are literally forgotten because I shit you not, the average Singaporean literally thinks the poor stay poor because of laziness, not the actual reality: there are no opportunities for the poor.\nSingapore also does not have unionship there, in fact about worse levels than Malaysia because Malaysia does have some form of unions (but still needs to be improved) so very easy to get toxic workplace in the guise of competitiveness. So far very little is done to solve the problems but toxicity is instead encouraged. Suicide is actually the leading cause of death in Singapore of age group 10 to 29 years old.\nThis is all goes back to how Singapore government does not allow criticism of them (authoritarian) so it shows when there oil scandals that took decades of corruption to finally uncover.\n________\nFor example Keppel oil company in a bribery case with Brazil's Petrobas, only revealed because of the US investigations.\nYou probably heard something that's it's 400million USD fine.\nBut what they don't tell you is that Keppel successfully received a 2.1 billion USD contract with the same Petrobas company. Wow their bribery to Petrobas totally profited them in the end.\nKeppel is actually run by Singapore's Prime Minister family, the Lee family.\n_______\nAnother oil scandal: The Hin Leong Scandal.\nSome documents were forged to siphon funds, which some 800 million could be found in Oon Kuin Lim's (owner) house.\nAnd it's clear, this has been going for decades.\nWere it not for the collapse of the recent oil prices, this case would have never been exposed because other countries are involved.\n________\nOr this other oil scandal:\nJuandi Pungot has been stealing gas from his former employer (Shell) since 2007.\nBut he has not been hiding it at all...\nHe frivolously spends on gambling in casino ships, investing in a Japanese restaurant (\"3 Amigos\" yes it's a weird name), designer watches, Mercedes Benz and some condominiums.\nAnd yet nobody caught him earlier when his usual salary is 6000 Singapore dollars.\nSo Juandi and his cohorts sold to are usually Greek and Vietnamese vessel ships. Since Juandi knew how Shell's internal systems work they could avoid some of the detection. While the rest they cover up with bribing the surveyors within Singapore's Shell.\nBut since the oil was missing in large quantities, Shell began figuring out something was suspicious starting in 2015...\nShell actually tried using experts from other offices with several investigations, but nothing came up (because of the surveyors) for a few years until they decided to use a global multidisciplinary team of Shell analysts to monitor tank movements. And so the unauthorized transfers were finally revealed.\nIt was in 1 August 2017 that Shell made a police report.\nJuandi heard about the investigation and resigned in December 2017 but he was still collecting the oil and selling it which lead to his arrest on 7 January 2018, as he was caught red-handed.\n______\nMannn I could keep talking about the weird Singapore businesses in 3rd world countries employing both child and slave labor for fracking, which in turn flooded their lands with salt water...making them unable to farm on those lands.\nAlso you might want to try checking about the different Singapore maps throughout the decades because they have been stealing sand (terrible environment stuff) to add onto Singapore.", "Singapore is definitely not scandal free but the crux of this post is whether Singapore is better than Malaysia.\nWe have a strong social service that only acts as a temporary solution to help the poor get back on their feet, and not to be relied on for free handouts. Even the underprivileged get heavily subsidised rental housing. Not saying the system is perfect but it's not as bad as you portray it to be. No opportunities? Underprivileged kids do get basically free education and additional tuition from volunteers, and education in Singapore is one of the great equalisers. Do well in school and you have a very high chance of succeeding and it's great for social mobility.", "WRONG,\n1st off let's ask, what is the standard of poverty in Singapore?\nThe Singapore government does NOT HAVE ANY STANDARD. Because of that loophole, it is harder to assess the poverty level. (Don't you just love the various ways of how an authoritarian government can cover their tracks?)\nNext, even with subsidized housing, you still need to pay it along with electricity/water, groceries, medical bills. (The water bill have the highest hikes of 18% extra in just 2024 and 2025 if anyone doesn't know)\nBut if someone loses their job because hiring a foreign worker is essentially cheaper (including a lot more easier mistreating foreign workers like slaves and making several foreign workers live in tiny rooms like heated sardine cans)\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/23/singapore-million-migrant-workers-suffer-as-covid-19-surges-back\nBut let's say they still have a job. How can they afford just the basics in life?\nIn fact, the struggling poor for their children are unable to escape child labor as the parents are force to use their own children to survive like working in hawker centres.\nSo the child will obviously have FAR LESS TIME studying out of poverty. How can you say that education is the \"great equalizer\" when they're still busy trying to survive?\nI haven't even included access to the internet, they can't afford laptops, smartphones or computers, how can you say that isn't a great disadvantage?\nLet's not forget not being able to access the internet alienates the poor children from the rest of the \"comfy lives\" children.\n(I haven't even addressed the concerns during the pandemic when remote learning was forced to be used, obviously that needs tech and the internet. Of course the poor were left behind)\nBack to medical bills, the disabled are extremely excluded from the healthcare system so anyone with a disability are essentially...unable to succeed in life...to put it kindly (but I'm actually raging about this). Forever to be poor, to say the least.\nI didn't include transportation fees, school supplies + textbooks, and yes lack of of food. (I already said NGOs in Singapore are already so stretched thin that they cannot reach every poor family).\nYou are unable to put yourself in the shoes of the poor as you had a comfy enough life that you cannot see how blessed you are versus how extremely stripped of life's necessities the poor are currently in.\nI suggest using 1 leaf cabbage soup and eating moldy bread as the only food per day for 2 weeks and see what happens. It's not just the diarrhea, it's the extreme hunger where you are more likely to do anything to fill your stomach and the 1st thing that is sacrificed are often education.", "Lmao, I studied in one of the poorer neighbourhoods in Singapore. I can assure you this much, Singapore actually has initiative to help its poor students. The poorer students actually used have to better meals then me during lunch time due to a scheme called FAS.They get pretty decent monthly allowance for food and transport. They also get groceries to their house during holiday month. Talking about transport, it\u2019s dirt for students here and the poorer students also get allowance. Without conversion a Malaysian student spent more on transport due to school van than a Singaporean does. Textbooks are all given for free to the poorer students or at least subsidised pricing for its people. And the textbook are given are new, far better than the torn ass shit I used to get in Malaysia.\nSingapore has many problem but not like Malaysia doesn\u2019t it have too. Last time i check 4 in 10 Malaysian Indian from underprivileged city dropped out of school. We don\u2019t even have anyways to get this students back to track at the very least sg give second chance with ITE. (Ain\u2019t a fan of their streaming system but it does do it job by providing worse performing students a second chance)\nSeems like u just wanna hate sg for the sake of it LMAO", "If that is so, according to your anecdotal evidence, why are there numerous NGOs in Singapore still unable to get food to every poor person in Singapore?\nAKA your anecdotal evidence is not the same situation for many others. Also at best you would only know of a few to dozens of people. In your lifetime.\nLet's ask the question. How many people did you think the FAS scheme covers?\nThe answer is less than 48,000 people per year and only around 300 are full subsidies. I consider this to be a travesty seeing as 26.6% live below average income (severe poverty standards as I said, are not standardized in Singapore) so that means about 1.56 million.\nIt's the pretense that Singapore is so squeaky clean that I have a severe distaste for. Especially seeing as the Singapore government made absolutely sure to suppress critics as reported in the Human Rights Watch reports.\nAt least for Malaysians, we don't pretend that corruption doesn't exist in the country.", "Any source for the 26.6%??", "https://beyondresearch.sg/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Youth-United-Impact-Study-Beyond-Social-Services.pdf\nAnd this figure is before the pandemic", "WRONG.\nJesus there\u2019s misinformation and there\u2019s cherry picking and you sir are doing both.\nSingapore has a per capita income benchmark below which short to medium term assistance is provided. This is better than our B40/M40/T20 classification for the purpose of directing aid to where it is needed.\nTheir former DPM gave a good response when a Western interviewer said why isn\u2019t Singapore doing more to help the needy via safety nets. His response was that they don\u2019t want a safety net, but a safety trampoline - so that people can bounce back up. ALL the aid given out comes with requirements such as attending job interviews, going for courses, etc. All of which is paid for and provided by either an NGO or a government funded social enterprise.\nALSO there is a government mandated minimum living space for foreign workers. In Singapore it is 4.5 sq metres. Yes, it\u2019s small. Guess what is Malaysia\u2019s mandated requirement? 3 sq metres.", "This coming from the guy who refused to read the \"illegal mining\" words in various articles I posted, in an earlier post of yours...now accuses me of cherry picking. What a hypocrite you are.\nI see not a single evidence to prove otherwise like minimum living space. Does it matter when regulatory bodies won't ever check? Just like how bribery and thievery went on for decades in the numerous oil scandals in Singapore, so too there are countless reports of 30 migrant workers living in the same room.\nhttps://theconversation.com/this-is-why-singapores-coronavirus-cases-are-growing-a-look-inside-the-dismal-living-conditions-of-migrant-workers-136959\nAs for the per capita income in Singapore, it still doesn't include low income standards. Why do you think researchers have a hard time assessing Singapore's poverty levels? None of what you said addressed the concerns of this loophole.\nAh yes which former DPM? Somehow the name escapes you?\nA whole lot of good the trampoline is when the trampoline has huge holes in the current Singapore society. You know what happens if you try to jump through that hole? You crashed onto the ground, broken. (26.6% of Singapore total citizens live below average income, we do not know the severe poverty levels because again, the Singapore government tries to project a nice image by using vagueness as a cover)\nJust like how Singapore healthcare hates the disabled. The disabled never chose that life but they're punished for it. God forbid if you get some severe disease that's permanent disability (or death) like sclerosis.", "You clearly have not been to Singapore lol.\nI have not seen a child work at the hawker centre.\nhttps://www.straitstimes.com/politics/parliament-all-secondary-school-students-to-have-personal-digital-devices-by-2028-200\nhttps://mothership.sg/2023/02/eligible-low-income-spore-households-can-get-broadband-at-as-low-as-s5-month/\nPeople who are disabled have CareShield Life to support them as well, on top of additional help from charitable organisations.\nBtw, our charities are heavily funded by the govt. Their balance sheets rival that of SMEs and they\u2019re all available in the public domain. And their funds are mostly generously deployed.", "I do not accept this anecdotal evidence. You are 1 person, how can you claim you visited all the hawker centres 24/7? Hence impossible\nhttps://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/task-force-education-helping-disadvantaged-kids-and-where-start-917221\nI rely on people who work with disadvantaged kids as my evidence.\nFor your 1st article, if you haven't noticed that's in 2028 which addresses future kids but not the kids today. Those poor kids would be out of the range. Also the title is very misleading, it's only about 200 Singapore dollars which is not enough to cover (about nearly 1000 to 1500 Singapore dollars today, just Chromebook alone) nor does it address monthly internet expenses.\nNevermind in the article, the MPs literally said they must not encourage laziness. Wow every where in Singapore, the poor are literally blamed for failed Singapore systems.\nYour 2nd article, states ONLY 60,000 FAMILIES. Do you know how many below the average income families are there in Singapore? About 1.56 million people.\n60,000 families is a huge failure if you ask me. If that's considered good civil service, I have a bridge to sell you...", "Im not saying our social service is perfect, and not going to address all the points you\u2019ve taken out of context. But you can come to Singapore and ask any of the underprivileged you\u2019re painting out to be worse than they are, whether or not they prefer to be \u201cpoor\u201d in Singapore or \u201cpoor\u201d in Malaysia. Since that is the crux of OP\u2019s thread.\nSingapore is not perfect, but it\u2019s not the hellscape you are trying to paint it to be.\nEdit: you can reply too but I will stop engaging with you as it\u2019s a waste of time. Smarter Redditors will judge for themselves while those that choose to accept the picture you\u2019ve painted, well, they\u2019re not worth my time. Peace \u270c\ufe0f", "The answer we didn't know to ask for, but needed. Naively reductive black and white statements like the one from OP makes me sick in my stomach.", "This is very interesting, do you mind sharing the source for child/slave labour for fracking? I'm curious about this", "https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/singapore/7221987/Singapore-accused-of-launching-Sand-Wars.html\nThis was back in before this 2010 article\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20R0C0/\nThen they move to other countries like Myanmar but pretty much the same fracking of stealing sand, flooding the lands of seawater (2020 article)\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/myanmar-youth-labour-children-school-idINKCN0WU184\nChild Labor in Myanmar, includes working in mines\nLike this article from United Nations\nhttps://news.un.org/en/story/2021/01/1082102\nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/584563/singapore-cambodia/\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSRY_aYmfFo\nCambodia lands stolen, video by The Atlantic in 2019 (linked in the article above)\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20702X/\nCambodia children used in construction labor, building bricks used in construction projects, you know using the sand.\nIf you notice, the countries targeted here have child labour are still happening due to poverty and corruption without inspections.\nhttps://media.business-humanrights.org/media/documents/files/documents/Oil_and_Gas_Scoping_Paper_19012015.pdf\nPage 9 , UNICEF article under Employment explains that children are often employed by 3rd party brokers, many whom are not regulated.\nOh and Indonesia actually recently lifted their sand ban so it's back to environmental destruction for them, also another country with children working in harsh conditions.\nhttps://thediplomat.com/2023/06/why-the-un-should-regulate-singapores-dangerous-sand-imports/\nAh I almost forgot,\nhttps://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/children-born-near-fracking-sites-have-an-increased-risk-for-leukemia-180980641/\nChildren health at risk being near fracking sites that previous articles already mention, are on their families' lands.\nAlso sand is a finite resource, it's actually like triangular shape pebble so it can catch the other materials in concrete mix. Sand from the desert cannot be used as it it's very round and smooth.", "Singapore didn\u2019t steal sand/land. They bought it from SUPPOSEDLY legitimate brokers. What those brokers did is beyond Singapore\u2019s purview. Eg, they bought sand from Batam from an Indonesian government licensed entity. The entity in turn, through corruption and such, dug up sand from places they were not supposed to and passed them to Singapore. This happened in Cambodia too. What are they supposed to do? Go to the local government to verify? They did. Impose their own check on another country\u2019s policies and enforcement? They can\u2019t. The issue of selling sand SHOULD be overseen by a third party eg UN for countries where corruption is rampant.", "https://www.smh.com.au/world/singapore-accused-of-stealing-beaches-20100213-nyd8.html\nhttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/singapore/7221987/Singapore-accused-of-launching-Sand-Wars.html\nhttps://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/sand-mining-construction-black-market-gangs-a7097911.html\nWhat are those then?\nOh you mean like the fracking on Myanmar lands that wrought environmental destruction didn't happen?\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20R0C0/\nCan't forget there are little to no compensation for those farmers.\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/us-cambodia-landrights-environment-idUSKBN12Y224/\nIllegal mining sand\nOr the part that many countries in Asia banned Singapore from taking any more sand? Because Singapore dares to take too much hence why they got into illegal mining.\nYour government just doesn't want to take any responsibility because stealing sand BENEFITS them. Don't make excuses after excuses when several environmental organizations around the world recognize the horrendous impact Singapore has done to many countries.\nEspecially seeing as the Singapore government makes sure to harass any critics\nhttps://www.hrw.org/news/2017/12/13/singapore-laws-chill-free-speech-assembly", "I think you need to take a lesson in comprehension.\nNowhere in those articles said Singapore directly stole the land. Let me list it out clearly:\nYou have a buyer of sand. This buyer buys from a broker. That broker sources for sand. The buyer trusts that the broker is legit because it has all the paperwork. Broker does illegal things and sells the sand as \u201cgood\u201d.\nIt\u2019s like you are a buyer of shampoo from a company that you trust ie Unilever. Unilever bought materials from trusted brokers. Broker sourced palm oil from a plantation that utilized child labour. You are responsible for child labour. \ud83e\udd2f\nYou have to understand that one sacred cow for Singapore is rule of law. But I guess it\u2019s hard to when we live in a country that doesn\u2019t have it.", "I also want to address 1 more thing,\nThe human and civil rights of people are extremely lacking in these 3rd world countries.\nHaving brokers does not mean the industries are regulated as stated here in this UNICEF article page 9 under Employment\nhttps://media.business-humanrights.org/media/documents/files/documents/Oil_and_Gas_Scoping_Paper_19012015.pdf\nChildren are used, and Cambodia do use children in making bricks for construction projects like Singapore's\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20702X/\nBrokers also do not ensure the lands are not stolen from the owners nor does the fracking done carefully without flooding farmlands\nhttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN20R0C0/\nWhich the fracking not only destroys environments and farms but also the health of the nearby people.\nhttps://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/children-born-near-fracking-sites-have-an-increased-risk-for-leukemia-180980641/\nWhy should 3rd world country citizens be sacrificed to make a pretty concrete jungle dystopia in Singapore or making Singapore lands bigger?\nNone of them asked for their lives to be uprooted into severe poverty and losing everything.", "Wow you must be intentionally not reading ILLEGAL MINING OF SAND especially in the 3rd article.\nNot my problem you purposely pick and choose what to see according to your bias.\nSpeaking of Unilever, you seem to think that \"legitimate companies\" can do no wrong.\nhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8072511/\nhttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/25/business/unilever-jj-skin-care-lightening.html\nUnilever puts skin whitening and bleaching chemicals\nOr back in 2006, mercury exposure to factory workers in India\nhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/econostats/2017/03/15/unilever-and-the-failure-of-corporate-social-responsibility/?sh=4c549fc2498d\nOr their failure to address so many countless sexual harassment among employees throughout the years. They never seem to learn any lesson. A staple in many corporations.", "Did Singapore deny you a visa or something? Edit:\nWhy don't you also list all the equivalent cases in Malaysia? That way, we can compare. Now it's just you trashing around, and even including false accussation like child labour.", "You said false accusations and yet why did Singapore target poor 3rd world countries with barely any worker unions and lacking severely in child rights?\nObviously to take advantage of the poor people and corrupt governments. What else?\nHow terribly lacking in imagination if you think this is over some personal grudge that you think must have happened...without any evidence.\nNay, this is the result of reading human rights, environmental destruction, climate change, financial fraud, the global sand wars. Singapore is not the only guilty country, Dubai is also another guilty country which their man-made islands have failed to fill the homes because obviously transporting feces from the islands, is not a stellar system) and knowing how extremely finite sand used in construction. We're going to run out in our generation about 10 years+ (that's a generous estimation based on old calculation before considering how much sand usage have severely increased in the last few years).\nBut I know you are the result of the conditioning in Singapore which their government made extremely sure to harass and suppress any critics.\nAs for Malaysia, oh man so many countless topics but Malaysia doesn't use child slave labor in other countries. Oh you know...we don't steal sand from marginalized people. I will say Malaysia needs to get back into banning Singapore from gaining anymore of our sand. The previous (x 2) corrupt administration decided to open the damn floodgates for that, and I. will. never. forget. that.\nI can even tell you the previous Minister of Environment (the result of the backdoor coup in 2020) didn't even have any science background but only religious studies and said chopping down the trees is good for the environment...I never want to go back to those times.\nBut anyway back to the topic at hand, the OP praised Singapore but he only saw the pretty concrete jungle. I just posted that the reality in Singapore is more like a capitalist nightmare with corruption. Singapore government just hides it better than Malaysia, lol.", "Why don't you try again, but be fair this time.", "Thank you so much for this, I was quite unaware of these issues! Genuinely appreciate it!!! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb", "we did have stable govt,for half century", "Thank you PAP representative."], ["Singaporean here. I feel that malaysia has us beaten in terms of culture while Singapore focuses on making things move efficiently. CNY, hari Raya and deepavali just feels different in Malaysia. In Singapore, it's just probably a change of decoration in the malls and such but in Malaysia, our neighbours invites us to come celebrate with them and enjoy the festival with them. Fireworks marks each celebration with a loud bloom (bye bye good night's rest) and our table will always be served with unique food from each festival.\nBut walking in Malaysia is really hard. What I thought was15 minutes walk from my wife's house to TREC ended up me being stuck at a roundabout with me playing frogger in real life. Safety isn't an issue in both countries as long as you are street smart. Though seeing a security guard in a mall with a big ass shotgun is always a sight to behold. One thing I'm always curious about is how maintenance for public facilities such as escalators is being handled. It can be under maintenance for a few months and the company in charge of it is strangely a clothing company.", "playing frogger in real life\n\ud83d\ude02 exactly how I feel, everything is designed for cars there", "Don't forget bus stops where no bus service actually passes through :D", "Or LRT stop that are just at the side of a highway", "Yep, overly designed LRT/MRT stations that drop you off to the middle of nowhere \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc", "The bus service is active. Just that the driver is not disciplined to follow the schedule", "That's a nice way to put it. I've always considered it as a lack of design and thought.", "I\u2019ve just visited KL and crossing the road was terrifying. I think it only gave us 15 seconds for a 6 lane road. We started by walking and ended up in a mad sprint, knowing what would happen if we didn\u2019t make it!", "Game over :26558:", "Exactly!", "focuses on making things move efficiently.\nEfficiency and maximizing logistics is a cultural win. It's not sexy, but any German would say it's an extremely important cultural trait.", "Ah yes. German. Even in WW2 their tank has to be serialized and the allied use that to gauge how many tanks they have LMAO", "There\u2019s pros and cons to preserving culture.\nSingapore eroded their culture, especially the minorities (through english language education and housing ethnic quota for example etc) so their citizens can unite as a single identity that is Singaporean. Much like Thailand and Indonesia.\nWhile for Malaysia each ethnic groups fought hard to preserve their culture. The festivities and our racial harmony looks great from the outside but in actually Malaysia is has a lot of race based issue.\nThere\u2019s no perfect recipe.", "to be honest i'd rather be in the most uncultured country and traded it with half the level of corruption and racial shit we have here", "Monkey Paw wish granted. You find yourself a peasant in North Korea, Corruption is double what we have but hey no racial shit.", "I can tell you with certainty that a lack of practice in cultural values would give rise to corruption. And any uncultured swine would still pile shit on you, regardless of race, language, creed, and religion.", "So like\u2026 CCP? But double the corruption however lesser racial shit?", "They have more racial shit than us on a daily basis it's just not against their own people.", "USA then", "why? Go move to Bangladesh then.", "hi, like mahathir said, there will be no race is all masuk malay, all bumiputra. ezpz.", "I think the shotgun is only for deterrence.. they'll probably never have to use it \ud83d\ude02", "CNY does feel a lot less festive in Singapore without the fireworks!", "A small sacrifice. Rather have no fireworks than a district on fire and lives lost.", "\" But walking in Malaysia is really hard. \"\nOne of the biggest things i hate about KL compared to Singapore.\nI wish our cities are walkable", "Probably just me being a hermit and anti-social, but festivals in KL also just.... feels like that. Yup, some decorations in malls changed. That's kinda it.\nMaybe I just need more friends."], ["As a Singaporean kid who frequents Malaysia...would say yes and no\nSg is better for studying and working...but life is hectic af. Everyday is just work/study, sleep then repeat\nLife in malaysia from what I see is much more chill on the other hand. I think the ideal plan is to earn $$$ in sg, live life in malaysia", "bro Malaysia also everyday work and sleep, pretty sure same for most countries everywhere unless u loaded", "SG also has better purchasing power, can use the iPhone index for that\nBase iPhone 15 128GB costs RM4049/ SGD1299 If you were to save RM100/SGD100 of your monthly salary (Assuming earning same number diff currency) you can get an iPhone way faster in Singapore.\nThe only issue is rental in Singapore that's very ludicrous, at least in Malaysia got option to live further out.", "live further out.\nBecause in Malaysia you need to get a car unless you live right beside your workplace. Public transportation in Malaysia is just sad to watch.", "And then you keep paying for the car. Service, minyak, roadtax, all sorts of things.", "Surely a better way to do the \"Iphone index\" would be the cost of iphone as a percentage of the average salary?", "It depends, because the average salary for SG is definitely gonna be higher due to the country being so small and being an international financial hub\nHence I just used a static number, because it's easier to see the differences I guess as I'm no economist haha", "Phone is just a phone. I don't view having an iPhone is a symbol of rich or wealthy.", "I don't use iPhone nor want one, I'm just using it as an example of purchasing power disparity between countries\nI can use PCs or laptops or TVs as examples too", "Ah i normally use a Mcd Double cheese burger meal to judge purchasing power.\nRoughly it's 8Sgd vs 19rm for the meal.", "iPhone is priced according to purchasing power of each country. I think it is still a pricey item regardless of selling in Singapore, Malaysia,or other countries.", "Not really, they ain\u2019t gonna sell iPhone much cheaper in Malaysia just because purchasing power in Malaysia is weak af. In fact the price difference of iPhone in SG/MY is actually quite close if you convert them to the same currency\niPhone is quite a good indicator for comparison since it\u2019s available worldwide, just like bigmac index", "If you use the proper iPhone index collated by Hype MY in 2022, how long does the average salaries person needed to work to buy the cheapest iPhone 14 pro\nMalaysia: 29.2 days\nSingapore: 7.6 days\nIt's a very big disparity, worst being Turkey and best being Switzerland\n", "The cost of living in Singapore is very high too. I do agree that the average Malaysians don't earn that much. Again, I don't know your earning power. Your comparison is biased if you based on a small sample of low income earners. One can't afford doesn't mean other can't afford. I am sure there are many Malaysians can buy iPhone without saving for more than 29 days of their incomes. Apple has done a proper market research before they set up their pricing strategies. Perhaps they only target on upper middle and upper income class earners.", "It's not about earning much, but of purchasing power parity. This reflects the purchasing power of regular items in Singapore. The other popular index is the big Mac index which also corroborate the fact\n\nWhat Singaporeans lose money on are on rents and utilities, when it comes to normal goods it's pretty cheap according to my SG friends. However this year's inflation may shake up lots of their budgets I'd reckon.\nI don't wanna drag this out, I'm not saying which country has it better. My point is pretty object, that Singapore's currency just has stronger purchasing power that's all.", "I have worked and lived in different countries such as the US, EU, Singapore, Australia, and part of Asia. I consider myself as an outlier since I received different remuneration packages. However, I found that cost of living is very similar if one earns and lives in the US compared the one earns and lives in Singapore or any country. In this aspect, it is not fair to compare the cost of living when we consider one who earns SGD or USD and spend their earnings in Malaysia. Nevertheless, I do find that Malaysian income growth is very slow compares to the cost of living. Buying an iPhone is not easy for average income earners in Malaysia.", "Just don\u2019t be poor. Ez", "You\u2019re just a kid. Life is the same everywhere unless you\u2019re rich", "Not entirely true. Many countries living the hectic life is a choice. Countries like South Korea it's not", "Depends on where you're living tbh. Kampung life is chill, but city life like KL is hectic AF.", "Do you think SG will be a mini Japan?", "The school part is more or less the same grind. Maybe the only plus is if your parents are middle class and can afford good enrichment class, you\u2019ll have a better chance of being among the top students due to there being less competition and many parents not being so kiasu.", "While a chill life is true if you live in more rural states such as the East Coast and East Malaysia, life in urban Malaysia especially KL is just as hectic as SG", "Yes as someone who's worked in sg between 2012-2017 about 4-5 months per year. I can atest to this. I still do some work in sg but post covid cost cutting has cut short the duration from 8-12 weeks at a time to just a week every couple of months.\nIt maybe fine if you've only known life in Sg since you were born but as a Malaysian who's worked there and has family there. It's very hectic.\nMy company's regional office is in Sg and I'd be station there a few times a year for exposure reasons and to conduct training.\nBiggest take away in terms of difference is quality of life but specifically in regards to time, energy and socialising. After a couple of weeks doing the Sg office life, the 745am commute in rush hour, the 9-5 job finishing on average about 7pm, the commute back and having to source dinner in a crowded CBD/neighborhood mall, it takes a toll on energy levels and starts to feel very robotic. I end the day at home about 9pm, eat dinner and straight to last min work emails or tv-bed time.\nAs opposed to KL office life (this of course is not the same for everyone) I can be home and settled by 7-8pm.\nAnd what I mean by energy levels is that 1-2 hours difference in ending a work day, you'd have more energy to spend time on yourself, family and friends.", "I've never worked in SG before. But I've worked in high stress job previously.\nOne thing I promised my self after I changed job was to never ever open my laptop after I closed it or download teams and outlook on my phone. Till today, I still did not take up offer for company phone because scared the expectation from boss sets in again.\nI cant imagine working in a place where many people would do what we did, because then I'll be pressured to do that again so that I don't get \"left behind\". And that was a miserable time of my life.", "Yeah. But the 24/7 hours for me comes with the job. Aviation risk consulting and claims adjuster. The airline industry doesnt sleep so there isn\u2019t much choice.", "Interesting, I was in oil and gas trading risk team and we never have public holidays because global prices change on daily basis and doesn't care if it's CNY or Raya (not a global holiday).\nNot to mention the price movement follows US time so you have to be ready to feed the price by 5am KL time so that our trader can start trading with latest price in the system.\nI just changed to construction industry instead haha. Less headache, and surprisingly more money.\nLeast we have Labour day and Christmas where at least the whole world stop for a day. I think aviation industry instead would be more busy during holidays =. =\".", "Yes about the holidays.\nMy primary work task is doing safety/regulatory audits for almost any one with an aircraft. From a crop watering aircraft/drone company, a flight school to a full blown commercial airline operator. Annually One main audit and one follow up to see if they complied.\nThe part where there\u2019s stress and pressure would be claims adjusting/investigations. Insurance companies, aviation regulators and the aircraft owners would be on our necks chasing us for an initial report for a claim. This is not just when something crashes but even if a mechanic damages a critical item like a rotor blade of a helicopter - could be during servicing or in transit. We have to be on site to determine if it\u2019s negligence, fraud, mechanical failure etc. of course if it\u2019s a major crash, I\u2019d be on site too. Was hiking in the middle of nowhere in Ipoh to reach a crash site a while back just to do initial documentation/evidence gathering. Sometimes the claims can takes months and years to solve especially if there\u2019s injury and deaths."], ["Malaysian, Singapore PR based in Singapore.\nIn all honesty, Singapore is better in many ways but it\u2019s not for everyone.\nYou need to be pretty disciplined and resilient to actually enjoy Singapore.\nInfrastructure/Amenities/Public Transportation/Government services - by far one of the best I\u2019ve experienced (I\u2019ve also lived in Sydney, HK and Tokyo). Everything\u2019s so efficient and well thought out. You don\u2019t waste unnecessary time on redundant processes/forms/steps/dresscode which is the norm in Malaysia. The quality of service is sooooo good. Even the Polyclinics here are doing better than some of the private hospitals in Malaysia.\nCleanliness - SG wins hands down. Despite the large crowds everywhere, public parks, toilets and roads are always in pristine condition and well maintained. People are civic minded and they care for their country. You don\u2019t litter or vandalize for sports. I rarely see potholes or broken traffic lights here which is a norm in many locations around KV.\nEconomy - Stronger and a clear MNC favourite. 70% of our regional APAC roles are based in Singapore due to its favorable economic policies and availability of strong talent. The government is just smart smarts (albeit sometimes at the expense of their own locals) in attracting foreign investment/diversification of businesses). Naturally there\u2019s more opportunities and you\u2019ll make more money in Singapore.\nAll about winning - Not saying we don\u2019t see this pool of people in Malaysia (maybe more so in Klang Valley), Singaporeans are built with a \u2018cannot lose\u2019 mentality; restaurants are booked in advanced, the best schools are oversubscribed, they don\u2019t wait to do their taxes, kids are enrolled in 20 types of enrichment classes, everyone has multiple insurance policies - in short, you snooze you lose. Again, naturally, you are less likely to fk up in life and would be better poised for success if you grow up here. So it\u2019s good to raise your kids here (susah susah dahulu, senang kemudian).\nSafety - somehow related to the point above, lesser crimes in Singapore as people are built to know it\u2019s stupid to risk your future in prison for petty crimes. I don\u2019t feel unsafe walking in Singapore.\nWe are comfortable in Singapore.\nBut it\u2019s not for everyone.\nIf you are used to/prefers a more chillax lifestyle, a bigger home, Malaysia fares better in many ways.\nThere\u2019s simply less pressure to perform. It\u2019s OK not to send kids for extra classes It\u2019s OK to complete that task late It\u2019s OK to forget dinner reservations sometimes\nI grew up in KL, and I must say pods of KL (Damansara, Mont Kiara, Desapark city, parts of PJ and Subang Jaya) are starting to mirror Singapore,especially among the millennials/ Gen- Y (that are in their late 20\u2019s to mid 30\u2019s). Private everything, overtime work, intense competition, stronger emphasis on health, safety and education so Malaysians can somewhat experience a mini Singapore life in a way.\nAnd I echo one of the comments above, people are warmer in Malaysia as there is less focus on success but more so on relationships and culture building. People are more oblivious to what others (or the government) are doing - not sure if that\u2019s good or bad though.", "Malaysia is probably better if you\u2019re either a high performer bumi who can get a scholarship or above middle class in the main state capitals.\nIn SG it feels like you don\u2019t have to be very rich or have connections to raise children who have a real shot at life.", "Speaking of potholes, I remember riding along KJE and saw one. The next day, it was fixed. Good old Singaporean efficiency.", "If one doesn't have a partner, or a wife/husband, the mountain is much steeper these days, not like the early 2000s or 2010s.\nProperty is much more out of reach, just saving for DP would eat up 7-10 years of work life (S$300k for a S$1-1.5m) property. A HDB for singles is only within reach when one turns 35 and to save the 20% for that 2-3BR that's $500-600k.\nThe cost of rent as a % of income, especially for someone moving to SG to work, is also much higher than it used to be. Back in 2010-2020, rent was about 15% of my income, these days I hear the number is like 25%-35%. Condos that used to be 2.4k sgd now go for 4k.\nI think your answers about economy also depends on what sort of role you fit into SG. in SG, there is pretty much a two-tier economy. There's a high value roles that see good salaries, good progression, and then there's the mass market that's stuck in sub-10k shit jobs.\nIf one is in the wrong industry, life in SG is not going to be great. You'll be stuck in all fronts because you can't afford to get out of the rental game.", "Same goes to every developed nation. Competition is just going to get fiercer. But still, Singaporeans will be ahead compared to your neighbors and at the very least, you have options. If people can\u2019t make the cut in Singapore, it\u2019s easier for them to move to a slower pace country with that 200K savings they have than the other way round. Imagine moving across the border with RM650K in your pocket- you\u2019ll be in good hands. It\u2019s not that hard to get a corporate job in Malaysia as long as you\u2019re educated and have the right skills. This is coming from someone who started off in Malaysia (and moved over late - after kids). Whatever RM I brought over here feels like peanuts in Singapore.", "Tbf, most of msia flaws are issues of money. At my level of income, i would never turn to sg xD i'd be losing so much purchasing power xD", "Cleanliness - SG wins hands down. Despite the large crowds everywhere, public parks, toilets and roads are always in pristine condition and well maintained. People are civic minded and they care for their country. You don\u2019t litter or vandalize for sports. I rarely see potholes or broken traffic lights here which is a norm in many locations around KV.\nlolol....Civic minded??!?! lolol Singaporeans are the same as Malaysians la. We litter everywhere. The difference between the two countries is there is an army of cleaners that will clean Singaporeans' trash every day without fail.\nEven with expensive fines we still litter like nobody's business. Just have a walk in the early morning in any housing estate before the army of cleaners start their job. Trash everywhere.", "yeah, i used to stay in Toa Payoh for a few years. Wtf cleanliness is he talking about?\nwalk outside around midnight, trash and cockroaches everywhere.\nand comparing Malaysian kopitiam vs Singapore's hawker center (MY don't have SG-style hawker center so i'm taking the next closest approximation for comparison), just the table cleanliness itself is quite telling, SG one wipe table already but still very greasy/oily.", "We have foodcourts", "not the same thing.", "I don't think the fines are actually being enforced so vigorously, so probably it really just more cleaners."], ["I was a Malaysian, but am now Singaporean. It is commonly thought that the cost of living in Singapore is very high, but it is really the other way round. Even in Singapore as a student and a young working adult, I found that it is easier to save money in Singapore. The most expensive things in Singapore are housing and cars. Of course in Malaysia, most Malaysians get to live in landed property, and drive up the driveway, press the autogate remote control and park right next to the front door so that you literally walk 3 steps into the house, sheltered from the rain.\nBut if you earn and spend in SGD, I think the daily necessities are indeed more affordable than if you earn and spend MYR.\nFor instance, 1 litre of Dove body wash can be bought for just under SGD5 in Singapore (I buy mine from this chain called Venus which sells toiletries), versus MYR19 which I just checked on Shopee Malaysia. How much would a Malaysian need to earn to keep spending MYR19 for a simple bottle of body wash?!\nJust the other day, I had dinner with my mum at Dome in JB. Just two of us and the cost came up to almost RM140. We are not talking about fine dining, mind you. This was just a regular meal (some salmon with rice, pastry with soup, etc.) at a Dome outlet at a JB hospital after our medical appointment, not even a special occasion. How much would a Malaysian have to earn to keep spending MYR140 for a simple meal for two?! In Singapore, an equivalent meal at Dome would not cost more than SGD60. If I earn SGD, spending SGD60 for a two-pax dinner is not cheap, but still quite affordable.\nThe cost of living in Malaysia is really quite shocking for the average Malaysian. Part of the reason for this is the continuously depreciating MYR, making everything imported, and even those locally made, more expensive. Some statistics:\nJust looking at the USD/MYR trend:\nOn 2 Sep 1997: USD1 = MYR2.9415\nOn 1 Sep 2023: USD1 = MYR4.641\nA depreciation of 58% in 26 years.\nSource: Bank Negara Malaysia data\nThe slide is even worse compared to our neighbours. The MYR has depreciated 67% against the SGD, and 62% against the THB over the same 26-year period.\nIt would be interesting to compare the inflation rate (CPI) between Malaysia and Singapore excluding housing and cars. If someone has the analysis, please share.", "I agree. I find it trivial to save 10-50% of salary in SG, as compared to practically impossible in MY.\nAnd we haven't even considered stability of the currency and purchasing power\nInflation is horrific because MY get double damage from raw material inflation and currency depreciation against major currencies", "This is true. Those Malaysians who like to bash Singapore as being more expensive has never actually lived there. Singapore gets you more bang of your buck as compared to Malaysia.", "Why long text when using iphone price is sufficient haha", "I disagree slightly with this.\nOn principle you are right. But I feel Malaysia (Klang Valley) has more cost saving/low end options. I don't have any official data to back it up but as someone who's worked in both countries simultaneously. The everyday cost of living in Sg is harder to cost cut as opposed to Malaysia.\nJust simplified examples of the top of my head. Expensive rent? You could move to Sungai Buloh, Kajang and still commute to most places in the city and rental can get pretty low. In Sg moving to the outskirts like Jurong or Punggol nowadays is still very costly. Commute time to the center of the two cities are roughly the same. Every day items - replace the dove bodywash with a watson/guardian in-house brand and it's pretty cheap. And this logic applies to drinks, food etc i.e replace starbucks with Zus coffee, a decent road side warong near my place in kl can cost my family of 4 around 40rm for dinner versus singapore I think 25-28 sgd would be the lowest I can imagine but you'd have to go out of your way for that kind of pricing.\nPost covid- one thing that has struck me is certain items/services aren't cheaper in Sg anymore in terms of currency 1:1. My BIL's 24 hour HDB public parking has gone up to 25sgd from 16sgd (this was 2018). My point is for 25rm you can park all day at many places in KL. Took a number of grab rides from Celmenti to parts of Sg mainly Tanjong Pagar area for work and it'll cost 20-28 sgd for a 10-15min ride, an equivalent ride in KL regardless of peak hours will still be in the range of 13-25rm. Ya Kun Kaya toast - set meals have now gone up to 6-7sgd when it was under 5sgd pre covid.", "I don\u2019t know why people don\u2019t mention this option, but moving to sungaibuloh kajang semenyih while working in kl is pretty much the equivalent of staying in JB and work in SG, so technically, there IS a much cheaper option for Malaysians working in Singapore.\nThe commute time probably isn\u2019t all that different compared to the jam all the way from those places in kl? Like, Setia alam to pj/kl takes 2.5~4 hours both ways especially on days with heavy rain anyway and that\u2019s not even considered a cheap place to buy a house", "Why give up Malaysia citizenship instead of just retaining at PR?", "Good question. There's nothing \"permanent\" about S'pore's PR. It is tagged to a \"re-entry permit\" that has to be renewed every five years with a supporting letter from the employer. I've setup family here. One fine day, I'm going to be no longer economically contributing, maybe infirm, dense or demented (haha!) and it would be time for the S'pore govt to say bye-bye, thanks, we aren't going to renew your re-entry permit, if I'm not a citizen.", "Hmmm i see your point. I was thinking along the line, if one day I\u2019m not financially contributing to the nation building I would be shunned by the SG government. In fact, when I\u2019m 40, people would rather hire younger people to work instead.\nThe amount of old people working in fast food and cleaner just makes me wonder what happened to them.\nThats why I would rather stay back as Malaysian and retire back here with the savings I have from SGD if I do happen to continue working in SG. by that time the money depreciate probably 1:5 and I will be lots richer? Haha who knows.\nAnyway my PR lapsing. I went back to Malaysia to work. Prefer my current life now.", "Yes your reasoning certainly makes a lot of sense if your family or extended family is in M'sia and you wish to retire in M'sia. Maybe a smaller town, not one of the big cities, will be able to stretch the money. Healthcare is super cheap for Malaysians too.\n1:5.... is not at all surprising.\nBut the political situation, racial mix over the years, and the difference in the birth rates among the races are things to think about. Rather sobering. You can see it if you crunch the population numbers from the Department of Statistics.", "Assuming that you\u2019re Chinese, how important is it for you that the Chinese community not dwindle in percentage in Malaysia? Lesser percentage of Chinese people would automatically less political power, obviously.", "Lower percentage definitely means less representation and less clout. Just see Anwar pussyfooting around the hypersensitive racial matter such that he dares not give positions to DAP even though they garner seats.", "While Malaysia as a whole has <2.1 birth rates, Malays are at 2.1. It is inevitable. The nons need to have more babies!", "It's actually much worse because Malaysians as a whole aren't producing enough babies to replace the older population.\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/11/976580/malaysias-falling-birth-rate-will-have-repercussions-future-labour-force", "You mean the nons need to stop giving up their citizenship lol wonder whats the stat on that?", "Understandable. This is an excellent discussion. You have a good day", "Very interesting. From your perspective, why there is still so many Singaporeans shopping in MY if things are cheaper in SG? It is good to hear from you considering your background.", "Some things are cheaper for someone earning SGD to buy in Malaysia after converting at SGD1 = MYR3.5.\nSay dinner for two pax at Dome, which would cost me SGD60 in Dome Singapore. I'd happily spend MYR140 at Dome JB because MYR140 works out to be only SGD40, so I save SGD20. That's why the Causeway is the busiest land crossing in the world \ud83d\ude02 More than 300,000 people cross the Causeway every single day, in each direction.\nThat's also why prices in JB are not cheap... thanks to S'pore-imported inflation. But that's also why when the borders were completely shut because of Covid, JB became a ghost town, the Johor economy was almost crippled and many businesses folded and bank loans defaulted.", "complain cost of living.\nSabun Dove.\nMakan Dome.\nLOL", "Jadi nak compare apa?", "Senang cerita. Singapura is a high income country and Malaysia, though I love it to bits, still belum boleh capai tahap tu even if we really tried. Sebab we shouldn't focus on the people in the urban area but in the kampung and small towns as well.\nNot everyone in Kampung needs or really want to eat at Dome, they will always go for cheaper solution while in Singapore you rarely get those options. And there's so much better option than dove for sabun in Malaysia and not everyone need to go to watson or guardian to get one.\nMalaysia got from high end family store macam aeon? or cold storage to something cheaper option macam econsave or nsk. But I can't say that about Singapore la sebab dah lama tak pergi.\nAll in all, Singapore is more organise. Nak jalan walking there lebih mudah, probably more stuff to buy.\nBut in Malaysia there's so much more to explore, especially the nature. The culture berbeza from negeri to negeri. The foods excellent. But I probably said this because I jarang berjalan to luar negara so I always thought we got the best of everything here.", "Thank you so much for the insight and factual analysis!", "Pretty much this. PR living and working in SG here. I think about it all the time when I go back to my hometown in Sarawak."], ["I think this is the clear divide of capitalism vs socialism, not saying Malaysia is not capitalist economy, but hear me out.\nWhen East Berlin was merged back into the West, 57% were nostalgic for their lifestyle back when they were under soviet rule. There were problems, but life was good there. They specifically missed social security, schooling system, career opportunities, life in general was slower paced and they could relax and not have to run the rat race.\nOf course, transitioning to a market system was great, a lot more material wealth, business, personal freedoms etc. but with capitalism there is pressure to perform and if you fail, you are relegated to B40 or poverty. I think there is tremendous stress in that area when living in Singapore.\nLiving in Malaysia things are generally slower, we have natural resources to help with our national wealth, the government has pretty much turned the govt sector into a welfare system, it gives time for us to relax and enjoy culture, life\u2019s smaller things. But it\u2019s just a really messed up system.\nIf only Malaysia was better managed like Norway, where money generated from petroleum extraction goes to investments that secures the future of its people. Too bad our politicians put us in the resource curse. Also, Kuala Lumpur as a city could take a several pointers from Singapore."], ["I find malaysians are very easily triggered online. In person, not so much so. In person, it turns into more of a debate, discounting all the extremist fools. Online, its all straight up rage, but often with alot of carefully researched facts."], ["I can\u2019t comment much, but lived in Singapore for a few months.\nIf you compare dollar to dollar value it\u2019s definitely more affordable to live in Singapore for basic necessities if you\u2019re not including getting a house or car.\nI saw somebody mention about singapore is all about work sleep repeat, it\u2019s the same in Malaysia unless it\u2019s holiday. But the holiday we get is different due to spending power, getting paid 5k SGD can easily spend on 4-5* hotel where as 5k in Malaysia we can only afford 2-3* hotel. Not to mention savings\nOther than that we don\u2019t even have community hubs. Which is something I adore a lot\nI feel safe jogging at 12am anywhere in Singapore."], ["My Malaysian friends want to move to Singapore, my Singaporean friends want to move to Malaysia", "Malaysians want to move to Singapore to work and then retire back in Malaysia. Singaporeans want to retire in Malaysia. Sama sama.", "The grass is always greener on the other side I guess...\ud83e\udd23"], ["Better is subjective.\nSingapore has a better economy and more stable government.\nMalaysia has better food, better standards of living (in terms of affordability), better sense of community and freedom.", "Im from sg, would love to retire in msia ngl", "Yeah my uncle who went to Singapore for work and is a very well paid professional there refuses to give up his Malaysian citizenship. Reason? He's planning to spend his retirement in Malaysia.", "that's the dream. You work in Singapore, but live in Malaysia (as in Johor). As a Johorean myself, I am looking forward for the RTS Link to be completed. Good for both countries.", "This might not be the case when you hit retirement age, given the current trajectory of Malaysian politics.\nBut yeah, thats my plan as well.", "Better local food maybe, not international food", "One of the wins for malaysians are the \u2728vibes\u2728 since we have large diversity of cultures, natural resources, and natural landscapes. But even with that the ministry of tourism is struggling hard to fight with neighbouring countries.", "Are you sure it is affordable for the Malaysians though? Take a teacher's salary for example. A teacher in Malaysia earns on average 2131 ringgit while a teacher in Singapore $4000. Currency aside, that is almost half difference. If you say a MCD meal in Singapore costs about $8 and Malaysia 15 ringgit, a Singaporean teacher can afford to buy 500 MCD MEALS a month compared to a Malaysian teacher 142 mcd meals. There are of course cheaper food options in Malaysia but in general, mega food chains in malls (4fingers, KFC, MCD etc.) do not price their menu according to the pay scale of locals but following the USD/cost of goods/etc.\nTherefore it is not as simple as slapping Malaysia with the \"affordable standard of living\" tag just because you as Singaporean see it as affordable. The salary scale to cost of consumer goods just do not match.", "How is Malaysia more affordable?\nI went to a random coffee shop in Gelang patah, Char Siew rice was close to 10RM.\nI can get Char Siew rice at ABC market for $5 with add meat.\nEverything was close to 10RM at this coffee shop, how is it cheaper?", "I think the reason many people mistakenly believe this notion is because, when comparing the cost of living, they tend to convert the Singaporean prices in SGD to MYR.\nThis may make that notion technically true, but the problem with this is, Singapore\u2019s wages are way higher on average.\nJust check out this link to see how different our wages are:\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/nasikatok/s/QYVCjorLjt\nWhile Singapore\u2019s median salary stands at around SGD5.3k, KL\u2019s median salary stands at a lower MYR3.9k, so it would be way easier for the median salary Singaporean to buy something that costs $10 in Singapore compared to how it would be for a KL-ite to buy something that costs RM10 in KL", "Yes this is it and I didnt know on average Malaysia's salary is that much lower, I figured it would be roughly the same as Singapore.\nBut it is even worse than I thought...\nI cant even imagine buying SG uniform at 79.90RM with Malaysia's pay. Which is crazy...", "10RM = S$2.85\n2.85 is less than 5\nIt's certainly not cheaper relative to wages, if that's your point, but it is cheaper.", "Well unless you are going to retire a with a fortune that cannot be finished. Eventually, you will need RM salary. It be a foolish thought to not think of the inevitability.", "it's no use being cheaper when the purchasing power is lower when things are already \"cheaper\". so it's actually a much worse situation", "I get that. It's \"more affordable\" if your plan is to work in Singapore and retire in Malaysia, or if you're visiting Malaysia from Singapore. Singapore is much richer with much higher wages and while stuff is more expensive, stuff like hawker food is not that much more expensive, compared to the wage differences. That stuff is actually surprisingly cheap in Singapore, relatively, if you consider it's one of the richest countries in the world. But it is still more expensive in absolute terms.\nOther stuff, like housing or a car, Singapore can be much more.\nDespite this, Singaporeans are still better off. Even if you had the same percentage of your salary going to living essentials, the % you have left over to save for your retirement or whatever is going to be a larger number in Singapore, simply as the starting number is so much larger. So while Singapore is \"expensive\", expensive with higher wages is still better. You also have more disposable income before retirement, if you visit Malaysia for a holiday.\nAnd some stuff, like electronics, computers, phones, etc.- they are basically the same price everywhere, so there's no cost advantage there to Malaysia. May even be a little cheaper in Singapore, and if you're flying out you can get the VAT back.\nThen, people working in Singapore (whether Singaporean or Malaysian) have the option of retiring to Malaysia when they are done working, bringing their accumulated savings/pension- which will go further in Malaysia, as it is \"more affordable\". Fewer people work in Malaysia and retire in Singapore.\nIt's just if the question is, which is more money, 10RM or S$5, S$5 is more money.", "More affordable than Singapore. At least for housing. I can't comment on food because I don't buy food in Singapore.", "Well it would depends on whether you worship landed or not. Since every form of housing has their pros and cons which eventually evens out and nothing is better than the other even when price is included.", "Freedom? Like LGBT rights? Like inter-faith couples intending to marry? Like unmarried couples in public areas? Like being able to criticize the royal families? Like being able to leave Islam? Like the rights of non-Bumis?"], ["Malaysian living and working in SG here, the grass is always greener on the other side. Not always a problem of scale, but one of policy and governance and planning."], ["One has to admit that Singapore's economy, infrastructure, education, transportation,\nhealthcare, sanitation, political stability is superior\nThis is fact, and it always makes Malaysian trigger about this.\nway more expensive to live in Singapore\nDepending on how you look at it, Singapore is a lot smaller country, thus it's no wonder that the land is scarcity.\nOther than the food, I don't really see how Malaysia fares well against Singapore\nOnly superior on Hygiene but not taste yet but that is what they prefer and cultured.", "I disagree on hygiene. Hygiene in public spaces are well maintained due to enforcement and maintenance by staff. But go to a majority of the HDB and you\u2019ll see that the average person there are stuck in the third-country mentality when it comes to hygiene. I\u2019ve visited multiple HDBs and there\u2019s so much shit in their corridors and garbage is not properly disposed off. I was surprised this was a thing there.", "Malaysia has all that AND no enforcement and maintenance by staff.", "Yeah, but Malaysia never promote themselves as spotlessly clean country. Probably the opposite."], ["Ex-malaysian converted to Singaporean here. Been working in Sg for close to two decades and holding Sg PR until 2021. Was planning to go back Malaysia once I hit retirement age but alas, whenever I see our govt, I kinda give up on the stability and future of Malaysia \ud83d\ude22\nPlus when my kids are born in Sg, all took Sg citizenship and I'm the last one to convert when I decided that Sg culture will be better suit my kids'future.\nI still hold Malaysia dearly in my heart as all my relatives are still in Malaysia but unless Malaysia will have a strong govt without any favouritism and corruption, Sg will be better than Malaysia imo"], ["Often, Malaysians are triggered when they hear Singapore is better than Malaysia.\nMalaysians aren't the only neighbor that could get triggered by such remark. Many people in neighboring Indonesia could also feel the same way about it.\nThe thing is, Singapore is a highly-optimized country that maximized whatever it has to the best it can be. It succeeds in many things that really counts, especially within standards of modern society: education, infrastructure, safety, political stability, technological advancement etc.\nThe country as a whole definitely isn't paradise, but considering how most of its neighbors have always been plagued by inefficient and corrupt government, Singapore is definitely a miracle by its own rights, and way ahead of everyone else in SE Asia when it comes to achieving so much with so little basic resources."], ["As a Malaysian who just moved to Singapore and working in Singapore. You really have to see it to believe it. By day 3, I already fell in love with the place and told myself no matter what, I must continue to stay in SG. Heck, I dare say even the food is actually quite good here."], ["9/10 of my Malaysians who went to Singapore for work no longer want to return to Msia", "Most malaysians will take PR but never citizenship. Best of both worlds. As a singaporean I've seen too many of this already.", "Not true especially among the younger Malaysians. Many are converting considering the balance of pros and cons have been tilting steadily in SG\u2019s favour in recent years", "But still buy Malaysian properties", "Juuuuuuuuuust in case. Singapore may not be good forever.", "and refuse to give up citizenship", "But will they retire there or come back ?"], ["it's always said Singapore is expensive to live. one normal cup of starbucks cost $6-7 in singapore. The same in Malaysia I saw was RM15-16. in SG a small restaurant manager earns $3-4k/mth. The other day at a shopping centre in MY i saw an ad for RM2.5-3k/mth for similar job title. And I always wonder how Malaysians survive. It feels like Malaysians get it worse in terms of purchasing power"], ["I agree OP. That is why so many Malaysians work and study in SG. Some even become SG citizens in the end. The strong SGD is a major plus too.\nIn addition :\nChangi > KLIA 1(Can't believe that the KLIA internal train is out of service for so long !)\nSQ > MH\nLess racial tensions in SG compared to Malaysia (Plus the Malays in SG seem to be less obsessed about race and religion compared to their Malay counterparts in Malaysia)\nInfrastructure maintenance is way better in SG compared to Malaysia.\nFoodwise, this is a very subjective matter. Personally i don't mind the food in SG. However, i can't get over the fact that in SG, they cover their grilled stingray in sambal sauce, and i prefer the Klang version of BKT lol.\nAnd KL shopping malls in general are more beautiful and exciting than those in SG.", "However, i can't get over the fact that in SG, they cover their grilled stingray in sambal sauce\nIs that a uniquely SG thing? I went to Batu Pahat and they also covered their stingray with sambal.", "Must be influenced by SG\ud83e\udd23"], ["Angmoh here. I live in Singapore but have visited KL & Georgetown, as well as JB, Langkawi & Tioman. This is only my view \ud83d\ude0a\nFor finance: big ticket items are more affordable in Malaysia, but daily necessities are probably a huge expense given local wages\nFor nightlife: both kind of suck \ud83d\ude05 SG is because of all the strict regulations around it that means nightlife venues are usually managed by large operators with a very bland/safe offering (or the underworld stuff, pick your poison); Malaysia its because a large % of the population is muslim so the offering is quite limited relative to the size of the cities/country (and not much cheaper than in more fun countries)\nFor culture: Singapore is a weekend trip. Malaysia has more to offer, although not THAT much more: there are only like 2-3 old(ish) cities in the whose country, since the Malays traditionally did not build cities, and what there is could use some freshening up.\nFor nature: hands down, Malaysia has Singapore beat, it's not even a fair contest. They have hills, mountains, jungles, beaches. I will say though: Langkawi nature is not being protected adequately, and many beaches are not cleaned in Malaysia. People keep throwing trash everywhere! This doesn't seem to happen as much in Thailand or Vietnam \ud83e\udd14 still, better than a beach with a view of an oil refinery in Singapore \ud83d\ude05 and some of the beaches in Malaysia (not the ones close to an airport) are absolutely fantastic.\nFor convenience: Singapore is better for walking/admin/legal system/business. Malaysia is better for getting a cheap grab, and going off into nature.\nAt the end of the day, I think Singapore is better if you want to make something of yourself, and Malaysia is better if you're already 1st world rich. I think a lot of the nature/nightlife/culture issues with both countries can be solved by travelling abroad for short trips, and its easier to do that of you're working in Singapore. But I still plan to learn Bahasa \ud83d\ude0a And who knows what Malaysia will look like in 10 years!", "Very nice comment, I tend to agree with most of what you said.\nI'm someone from Indonesia, have lived and worked in Singapore for several years and one of your remark is true; if you are someone who have generational wealth, living in places like Malaysia and Indonesia is a breeze. This is a very important point that many people tend to miss out, especially when they've never really lived in Singapore for quite sometime and see how life is from the inside.\nLife for the less fortunate on the other hand, is quite difficult in those places because of lack of good public education (without breaking the bank), poor infrastructure (requiring one to afford cars or motorbikes to commute), relatively low wages for the same type of work, corrupt law enforcers, corrupt justice system, corrupt government who don't manage facilities properly, etc among many other reasons. Singaporeans often do not realize how lucky they're having it this way because of lack of perspective how bad things are outside SG when everything is concerned.\nAlso, climbing up the corporate ladder is almost impossible without the right connection because meritocracy in Indonesia/Malaysia is still rather foreign concept. Most of the institutions both public and private tend to resort to mix of cronyism and nepotism while picking candidates and deciding who gets promotion.\nIn Singapore, while some of these issues do exist, you can technically still work your way up by pure hard work and ingenuity. In Singapore, people see you as an individual whose worth is recognized by the quality of your craft and not by skin color or religion. The contrast is quite significant in neighboring Malaysia/Indonesia. Say, if you're not of indigenous ethnic or Muslim, there are some positions within the society that you simply cannot access, or have difficulty getting into because of your religion or skin color.\nTrue, Singapore is small and there's really not much to see beyond the small island. But this could easily be rectified by having overseas holiday to many of SG's neighbors, so you can enjoy the views and the beautiful nature without having to deal with all the things that made SG's neighbors a hell to live with. Strong currency of SG also definitely helps in opening up holiday options into other less developed nations. Can't say the same if you're someone from Indonesia or Malaysia!", "Singapore is a travel hub for a reason, and many Singaporeans love to travel, even if it's nearby.", "People don\u2019t throw trash everywhere in Vietnam? As someone who lives in Vietnam I find that statement terribly false.\nAgree with everything else you said though, good points.", "I only went beaching in DaNang, which was alright overall", "Understandable. The main beaches near the resorts are alright. Everywhere else isn\u2019t."], ["It's a good, stable place, but I don't like the frenetic lifestyle. Malaysia is a little slower and that's just the way I like it.", "A little slower from all the Klang Valley jam during rush hour.", "\u201cJust one more lane bro trust me bro\u201d", "\"Just one more national car bro trust me bro.\"", "True, i went back to my grandparents hometown in sarawak and found it very weird yall walk so slow", "Yeah I am used to walk super fast in SG. Even now I\u2019m still waking fast lol.\nP/s: do you know Hong Kong people walk even faster than SG?", "At some point they\u2019re gonna out-evolve the cheetahs and walk at 60 km/h", "hey stop promotin perlis"], ["Just moved to SG for work 1 week ago. Public transport is very cheap and efficient. Always on time and rarely late. Also it is very walkable unlike in KL.\nAs for expensive, the rental here is crazy. However eating out very cheap compared to Malaysia. You can find chicken rice for $3.5 or $2.5 economy rice.\nLife here is also very fast paced. People walk way faster and even the escalators in mrt stations are set to a way faster speed.\nOverall like what others said, good place to earn money and save up. Then come back to malaysia and live a relaxed life with the sweet convertion rate."], ["It\u2019s not just better, it\u2019s much better"], ["Singapore fold times better as they don't put any manmade religion on priority ruling the country."], ["If you are rich, there is more freedom and variety in Malaysia, and the better access you have to health care, infrastructure etc.\nAs someone who stayed there for quite a while, on paper Singapore is better, but whether you can emigrate there and have a better, more enjoyable life is a different matter. I did not enjoy my time there."], ["As a Singaporean, I don\u2019t think I could live in a non secular country where religion is so pervasive. Just read about a Malay looking Chinese guy getting harrasssd for eating during Ramadan. Sounds damn backwards.", "A lot of people don\u2019t realise that Malaysia is actually a secular state, Islam just gets recognised as the official religion.\nBTW as a non Muslim KLite, it\u2019s relatively safe to do most of what you want so as long as you don\u2019t interfere, be flashy or be a busybody towards the Muslims. And that comment about the guy being harassed doesn\u2019t happen that often in urban areas.", "This is the consequences of living of a bubble. Travel a bit lol"], ["Facts are bitter. Malaysians on the whole are still a bunch of raging incels, that give so much of leeway to politicians but go mental when anyone says anything about Malaysia. It\u2019s the inferiority complex. Why do you think we rank so high in cyber bullying? I\u2019m Malaysian btw.", "Malaysian suka tegur, jaga tepi Kain orang. But never point fingers on himself.\nBut fucking hell, I still love Malaysia.", "Only the nasi lemak keeps me here. And roti canai", "R/sg everyday got incel post about why so hard to find gf fuck women blablabla, i think it's incel land there too.", "wthell,even wif geylang,incel not cured?", "Too incel to pay for sex. They think they should be paid for giving women their seed", "But Atleast they got money to find women to fck.\nHere duit takde, duk ramai2 luar klcc dan pavilion, sbb xde duit nak masuk beli barang tapi nak usha bini org, pastu overcompensate, guna kapchai buat superman utk impress minah.\nPastu lahir anak mcm anak tikus, kondom terlalu mahal, pastu pukul bini bina sbb mintak nafkah beli susu dan pampers.", "they complain cannot find gf because gold diggers eyeing their 3k or 4.8k pay. at least the guys here at 1.5k salary also seems to be pulling chicks lol", "Janji Honda.. even if 20 year old kapchai and the speedometer doesn\u2019t work", "You sound offended, truth hurts or something?", "i'm not even a dude. incels are everywhere, it's not exclusive to malaysia. no need to saintify singaporean men."], ["Singapore is better in almost every aspect be it economy,human capital,education,healthcare compared to Malaysia.That\u2019s not my opinion but it\u2019s a fact.There\u2019s no point to be bitter about it.Now that that\u2019s out of the way,as Malaysian we should try to emulate their success as both countries share more similarities and would benefit one another.", "Nay on healthcare. Speaking from own experience and my spouse who is a HCW.\nMalaysia has universal healthcare for RM1, SG doesn't.", "Malaysia has universal healthcare but the quality of it compared to Singapore is a joke. There's a reason why Malaysian politicians and T20 come to Singapore for healthcare. You pay what you get. Healthcare is also highly subsidized for citizens there via cost-sharing.", "1RM healthcare but what about the wait time?", "Everyone talks about wait time for public health in Malaysia like the hospitals are waiting for to die before they treat you.\nThe honest truth is that if the wait time is long, you probably can wait it out. Cause youve been triaged and can wait. This is the same with public healthcare around the world. If you rock up to a GH with a heart attack, I guarantee you wouldn't be waiting for a second.\nAnd you will still pay RM1.\nIf you want to skip queue to fix a non urgent life threatening issue, can go private. Where if there is a whole bunch of people, you still gotta wait, maybe queue shorter or none", "Malaysian Chinese working in Singapore here. Despite the rm1 healthcare we got in Malaysia, it\u2019s very common to read fund raising pleas for patients who can\u2019t pay for medical bills in Chinese newspaper.\nI don\u2019t see that in Singapore (except foreigners or patients who want to try unapproved drugs) though.", "SG is a lot better at support programmes and funding for needy. You have agencies like AIC and HPB, etc. plus they do a better job overall at publicity and awareness.", "Others have already replied but you'd be waiting too in SG public healthcare.", "Yeah this. Helping a Singaporean friend to get healthcare in Malaysia is an eye opening experience , in terms of affordability I didn\u2019t even realise that it\u2019s damn unaffordable if I go there", "Facts indeed. Emulating their success does much more wonders than just bickering them.", "It's pretty absurd to compare two countries of such disparate size.\nOf course Singapore is better. Pretty much in the same way every city-state is better than its bigger neighbor. Monaco, The Vatican, San Marino, and to some extent Montenegro, Qatar are all doing great compared to their country-sized neighbors.\nIt would be stupid to be \"bitter at facts\"but it would be almost equally stupid to fawn at Singapore without understanding the reasons behind their success. A strong culture of work (\"Made in Singapore\", used to be a thing in industry), a very present european culture of tertiary schooling post-decolonization (anecdotally, Mahathir studied medicine in SG), and all of this in a self-contained tiny package where limited infrastructures spending could go a long way for cheap (estimates go that Singapore has roughly 10,000 km of road while Malaysia has 290,000km, yet the coverage is better in Singapore).\nAdd to that the fortune to be on the way between China and the rest of the world and you had the perfect storm of people working hard at seizing a great opportunity.\nIn exchange for this, it's an ultra competitive and nigh unaffordable place with a climbing suicide rate and one of the lowest self-reported work or relationship happiness in the world.\nChoices had to be made."], ["Honestly if we just take out the normalized racism, corruption and maybe currency strength, Malaysia would be somewhat comparable.", "without those mentioned above, Malaysia is a paradise on earth. With good food, free from natural disaster (Flood can be mitigated), plenty of land, nice mountains, seaside and islands. What could you ask more."], ["From my last visit there, their infrastructure, public transport, housing issues and town planning are way ahead of ours. Even their policies related to these issues are all streamlined."], ["Envy is the thief of joy."], ["It's more developed, full stop."], ["Singapore has a stable government and strong leadership. I am not sure if they have zero corruption but certainly Malaysia has corruptions.", "Construction industry in SG follows the law very strictly. No kawtim culture here, or belanja makan practice. Unlike in malaysia, inspection with authorities always need to prepare an angpau to make sure the inspection will pass.", "ah yes, the industry that still ferries foreign workers on the back of open bed trucks. https://thediplomat.com/2023/11/a-lorry-ride-with-singapores-migrant-workers/\nthe industry that stuffs its workers into cramped hostels that spawned covid infection centers and then later treated it as if they are unwanted cattle, sequestering them into a part of the country and restricting thier movement. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/proof-accommodation-singapore-foreign-workers-step-right-direction-regular-checks-mom-3767186\nAh yes, no kautim culture indeed. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/bidadari-bto-corruption-bribes-construction-firm-project-manager-2601386\nhttps://www.cpib.gov.sg/press-room/press-releases/sentencedfor/\nhttps://sg.news.yahoo.com/ex-bca-contract-staff-charged-taking-bribe-040605330.html\nsure, sure.\nhttps://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/corruption-remains-low-construction-building-maintenance-concern\nSingapore's construction sector is definitely better than Malaysia. No doubt about it.", "Yes, way better"], ["They've reached high development status at par with countries like Norway Switzerland Canada. That's enough to be said lol......in Malaysia we are still arguing about which handbag the Minister stole for his wife in parliament or how young can Imams marry children in Kelantan"], ["Usually people who triggered were people refused to see n admit Malaysia is F in thousands of ways."], ["Every country has its plus and minuses, if you can take the good and avoid the bad then it would best. West has its problems, east has its problems, Muslim countries has its problems. That being said, the only people who are triggered are those whom says \u2018don\u2019t like get out\u2019. Meanwhile they yearn to go to the western countries \ud83d\ude06"], ["what i like about singapore is the commute experience\nfirst time ive been there by my own, i deliberately took buses and trains from terminal to the hotel which im supposed to be staying for work\nit was at 10pm even at that time\ni don't feel scared at all, managed to reach my destination with minor sweat\nKV transport system have a lot to learn"], ["As a foreigner who has lived in both, I would say I prefer working in Singapore and living in Malaysia. It's not about SGD vs MYR, it's more about the efficiency and no corruption. Things get done quickly in Singapore, they take much longer in Malaysia.\nI also enjoy the space Malaysia offers and I like the walkability of Singapore. I wish KL was more walkable, that would improve the city a lot."], ["Generally, as someone who are Malaysian with Singaporean roots with family living all over the world, I felt it's pretty the same as living in Klang Valley as M40.... except smaller and Singaporeans have more national obligations as citizens than us here. As for politics, I wouldn't say it was better than the clusterfrak we have here but people shouldn't romanticize their soft authoritarian system.\nBut it really depends. Not everything was greener at the other side. And I'm sure a lot of Singaporeans would love to migrate out and away if they can. While I want to be closer to my dad's relatives, I also couldn't live there in long term or having a family life there. They are very welcoming to economical higher skilled rich migrants, of course but if you want to start from scratch thinking all the prospects would change your life... well... eh.. try commuting life in JB first and test the waters before you commit to it."], ["Confirmed la. In Malaysia it\u2019s all about Islam, building as many mosques as possible, and eating as much money as possible. Who cares about progress? Who cares about infrastructure? Fuck education la. Fuck equality la. Fuck the minority la. Fuck public transport la. Fuck the fucking environment la. Fuck working hard la. Malaysia is fucked from the inside"], ["Singapore is better in almost every way. However, if you go to ground and observe the T40/M40, they don't look very happy there. There's also been a LOT of social engineering to get their people to confirm and behave specific ways. One comment from Singaporeans that they told me is that we have more freedom here in Malaysia.\nWe may not be #1 in the region like Singapore, but infrastructure wise, we're a strong number two. If you've traveled around SEA, that's really obvious.", "B40/M40 are seldom happy wherever they are. Because the constant comparison with the local T20.\nThis is also why immigrants are usually more content and thankful, they have a different reference to compare with.", "Good point. Never thought about the social engineering perspective.", "Quoting my China friend that's living in Singapore currently\n\"Compared to China? Same same but different, SG just another communist in different skin\"", "My goodness that quote haha."], ["The saltiness, cholesterol, and environment cleanliness, I don't think Malaysia is better."], ["The best you can do from this situation, Work in Singapore, save money, retire cheap in malaysia"], ["this is normal things, seldom the citizens of the country will loved that country, always said another country better, and it always subjective, always have pro and cons, there's no perfect country in this world"], ["All depends on what you want in life\nBut as far as objective measurements, Singapore is better in most ways"], ["Singapore better"], ["Dollar to dollar wise. Singapore wins because you can still get 4 5 dollars food in hawker. Where I'm at in Sabah the food prices are RM10 and above now going up to RM17 \ud83e\udd79 crazy expensive KV cannot even compare. East Malaysia everything expensive.", "And people still say Malaysia is more affordable :26558:", "If one earns foreign currency and is spending in RM. Yes they are not wrong that Malaysia is affordable. If they earn RM and spend in RM, then no it is not affordable as most things we buy are very much indirectly influenced by foreign currency, even if it is made in Malaysia but Raw material or ingredients is very much imported from other place"], ["Singapore is just a more efficiently run version of KL.\nand KL, being a capital city, is already more prosperous than the rest of the country by default."], ["It's the intangible that is the difference. My wife's a Singaporean and I'm Malaysian. She always commented that many Malaysian don't realize how lucky we are. Yes the tangible things like good government, infra and etc SG is better.\nBut the intangible is what makes the difference, malaysia has lots of land to do more things, we can be self sustaining in terms of food (even though we are not now). SG buys everything even the next few years they will claim they are green country with hydro powered sources. Where is it coming from? Sarawak, Vietnam.\nA Singaporean doctor who I know migrated to Australia, simple reason, he doesn't want his kids to grow up in a place where there is no food security. During MCO, when malaysia closed our border SG gov had to ensure Malaysia will still send daily food needs to them. It was unimaginable what the doctor said has come through not quite total disaster but a wake up call.\nUnknown to many Malaysian unless you lived there are many policies where gov has direct impact on one's daily life. CPF contribution and withdrawal, ERP and COE pricing. If you don't graduate from top schools like RI, Hwa Chong and etc but ITE (polytechnic) you will have tough time getting jobs. ITE students are graduate with real life skills and much needed.\nMalaysia like many countries favours a mix of sme, entrepreneurship and MNC corp. The sky is the limit if you work hard and be millionaires.\nDo you think you can critise the gov like how we do it?\nWhen you get to retirement age, if you find city living too expensive, one can move to a smaller town. At some point I won't be surprised that Johor will be the retirement village for the average Singaporean.\nThis is just my personal opinion and experience. Please don't flame me if you don't agree.", "As a Singaporean, I agree with your 1st few para on the inherent disadvantage Singapore has. In fact this is not new, this disadvantage since Singapore independence. However, good people and good governance can change things, and Singapore has routinely punch above it's weight. Result speaks for itself.\nSince you talk about food. A taxi driver in Penang once told me the food in Malaysia is more expensive than Singapore. How can it be? It is possible. A fresh graduate in Malaysia earns 3 to 4 k ringgit probably similar to a Singaporean fresh graduate. But wantan mee in Malaysia is easily 7ringgit, and in Singapore $5 is considered slightly expensive.\nIt is not true that in Singapore you need to be academically inclined only to earn a good living. There are positions in the government to reward these scholars, and open an avenue to move up the social ladder if you work hard. In another perspective, because the economy is very vibrant, a lot of people also become rich if they are willing to take risk and get into business.\nI have to agree retirement in Malaysia is probably better in Singapore since income become a limiting factor. But if you have money, there are many countries which you can retire in.\nPardon my English and just offering my perspective.", "Malaysia is the best choice for SG retirement because of its location, distance, similar/same culture, food, language, and most importantly one can stretch the retirement fund 3.5 times till date.", "Can't agree more on the retirement and back up plan to move to a smaller town. This option is no available in SG and will never have. It is a blessing if Johor could be a our fall back plan, we could only wait and see. Hopefully in our life time."], ["As a Singaporean in some stuff yes, others not so. We have less personal freedoms and of course, SPACE. But things are efficient here, civil service is one of the best in the world and so is infrastructure."], ["UMNO vs PAP"], ["the general consensus is usually that singapore is better for studying/working while malaysia is better for living. i know a lot of friends and family that work in sg, but all of the retirees always come bac kto malaysia."], ["IMO one can say that Singapore's political stability is bought at the cost of political stagnation. Now I am not saying that Malaysia is the premier example of how to treat political dissenters and differing opinion but right now we are experiancing a kind of political change that is unheard of in Singapore where one party had ruled since it's inception, like for once political parties are no longer assured of a safety deposit box vote.\nLegally we are also moving in baby steps towards the right direction, recently we revoked the mandatory death sentence for drug offences.\nAlso I would put that at least outside of KL, we don't face the kind of rat race mentality and hustle Singaporeans face on a daily basis."], ["People get triggered because most Malaysians already know that Singapore is objectively superior to our country in many ways. We don't need to be reminded of that fact constantly.\nBTW, \"better prospects\" in Singapore is contingent on having the requisite skills to compete with the talents over there. You're not going to have a very good time if you cannot keep up there."], ["Not a Malaysian subreddit thread without Singapore being mentioned , living rent free in their heads."], ["TBH I find their hawker scene better than ours. More accessible and less excessive seasonings.", "In general SG Hawkers are cleaner, and the food cooked is 'healthier', and the taste caters to the local populace.\nThere are many drives to cut down on sugar, salt, and oil in hawker food ongoing right now. That being said Hawker food here in sg is still very carb heavy, and you need some effort to find high fiber high protein stuff.", "And more hygienic. Still, the flavor doesn't hit the same \ud83d\ude05", "its accessible because its subsidized,\nhawkers in Singapore are designed to keep Singaporean working so that they avoid cooking which take away time from working", "Better accessible yes. But less seasoning? Nope. I think they put much more msg to compansate cooking skill", "Seasoning doesn\u2019t mean msg. But haha if you think ours have less msg. Malaysian food is obviously much more heavier in terms of taste. Some more many of the food establishment are operated by foreign labors, where not many can do things properly. One meal can give you high sodium, high cholesterol, high sugar, high fat eventually higher chances of dying early.", "i suspect that their hawker food have some dairy products since i tend to laosai a lot when eating out in SG.\nnever had that problem in MY unless i purposely add cheese toppings."], ["Am Singaporean with a home in Malaysia. Honestly I feel less stressed and happier when I cross the border into JB. Malaysians are nicer in my opinion. Very genuine hardworking, sincere people. No airs about them.\nIn terms of governance, yes Singapore is very efficient and the GDP per capita is higher but I just feel like things are very expensive and people are more stressed financially. And the upper middle class and beyond or those who aspire to be upper middle class tend to be materialistic, extremely brand conscious and yes a tad snobbish.\nSo I really appreciate how Malaysians honestly are salt of the Earth people. They seem by and large unbothered by materialism, very family oriented and yes the government isn\u2019t perfect but no government is. And of course there are gripes on cost of living and the economy. But when you don\u2019t make money, consumerism and accumulation of wealth as the main focal emphasis of your culture and identity as a country, It\u2019s Really different and honestly better\u2026\nAlso in terms of political freedom, Malaysia is way better and you guys abolish the death penalty. So how can I as a patriotic dyed in the wool red Singaporean say that Singapore is better\u2026"], ["SG is a fact better in economy, but to say better in everything than Malaysia is a little out of fact. Both country have ups and down and when comparing stuff, I always like to use quote below:\n\u201cThe grass isn't always greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it.\u201d \u201cSometimes the grass will appear greener on the other side because it has been fertilized by bullshit.\u201d", "That last paragraph is perfect."], ["Yes"], ["Depends which stage of life you are in your life.\nYou want to build your career and wealth? Singapore.\nYou want to have a better freedom of movement and retirement quality? Malaysia."], ["Invest in Singapore and spend in Malaysia. Earn 3:1 spend 1:3 Other part of life is subjective."], ["Salary , efficiency yes . And some industries sg > Malaysia\nHealthcare if I don\u2019t have more than average salary, it\u2019s not affordable imo at least on psych stuff . Also for green spaces imo Malaysia have way more variety when comes to park / hiking plus the lack of space would have drove me mad. I get why it\u2019s an attractive location but due to those factors it\u2019s not for me."], ["Food might be cheaper but I\u2019ve had low quality hawker fare in KL"], ["Yeah I agree that Singapore is a better country in almost every aspects except for the food. But for education in Malaysia if you choose government school you get education for free (stpm is free that\u2019s why I choose it) and only need pay for uni", "Education for Singaporeans are also almost free. Just a few dollars a month up to grade 12."], ["It's like comparing apples and oranges at this point..."], ["Well this is the typical siblings relationship, just like a poor big brother then that's the Rich little bro."], ["Overall i\u2019d say yes. Atleast those who work there can wipe their tears with SGD. When it is time, then come back chillax"], ["I always thought Malaysians triggered after hearing Singapore is better than Malaysia is just a meme or some sorts?", "It was so prevalent that it became a meme. Still, said topic is still often debated."], ["no clue, but whatever it is, it's bad enough for my uncle to suggest that I go SG to look for work in the future."], ["To each their own, and the grass is greener where you choose to water it."], ["Singapore is a city that happens to also be a country. There are no rural areas.\nConversely Malaysia is a full-fledged country with multiple cities and rural areas. It's very different.\nAdmittedly good governance and business friendly policies made Singapore great. But it actually started on a higher base. When it was kicked out in 1965 it was the biggest city and state in Malaysia (by population). Singapore had 1.8M people when Selangor (KL was in it at that time) had 450k. It also had Malaysia's largest port, Airport and university. UM in KL was a branch campus of the Singapore one, which later became NUS."], ["Just go work there and you\u2019ll find out if it\u2019s your cup or tea or not. There\u2019s about a million Malaysians working there already at any given moment."], ["I think it depends on who you ask and who goes ballistic. I don\u2019t mean to sound rude but anyone who gets mad when they hear Malaysia is inferior to Singapore aren\u2019t usually the most educated or the \u2018sharpest tool in the shed\u2019. Comparing countries is just plain stupid in this day and age. Is Canada better than USA? Is New Zealand better than Australia? Is Cyprus better than Greece? Each country has its pros and cons. Singapore? Sure..stable government, top notch infrastructure, public safety is always good but their cost of living is insane, the food sucks and the people are on the verge of a mental breakdown constantly. It\u2019s all about personal preferences and what suits you and works in your favour. Comparisons are just a catalyst for negativity imho."], ["I've never delved into SG's politics but I had a feeling that their politics are more stable than the shitshow over here. Other than that MY typically eclipses SG in most aspects: Food, Nature, Affordability, etc.\nAnother personal POV as a car enthusiast such as myself is that SG is pretty much car culture hell compared to the car culture in MY with all that COE and other bullshit laws and regulations they have."], ["Singapore is more world class. Michelin Star restaurants, international theme parks."], ["I mean when your government keeps on looting the treasury for their own ill gotten gains and waste it on frivolous things instead of building trains and drains and infrastructure..\nAll those decades of surplus gone just like that, you guys have to work to rebuild it and hope it won't get stolen again"], ["I suppose one perspective to take is whether one is happy in Singapore? For me, after staying in UK, KL, SG then HK, SG is the best compromise."], ["In terms of mindset, they are more open than Malaysians. For example, LGBTQ."], ["No it\u2019s not. Malaysia is much better.", "Could you elaborate?", "As a tourist I got visa stamp on passport. No need to apply for it online, costs less than Singapore and people were helpful. Food and everything was super cheap and affordable. So much more to explore. Maybe it depends on person if they like a place everything seems good."], ["Without reading the post and only looking at the title, this is what I have to say\nEarn Singapore salary, spend Malaysia money"], ["Hmm I don\u2019t know man. I guess Sg would be better if you\u2019re \u201clow to middle income\u201d because wages are better. But if you\u2019re rich (I\u2019m not), Malaysia is infinitely better. Sg is just another generic soulless city. If you\u2019re rich in Malaysia, there\u2019s nothing that Sg can offer you that Malaysia can\u2019t. Plus we have land, lots and lots of land. You can stay in multiple large landed properties with multiple cars, access to great healthcare (private) and education (private schools).", "that is not true,\nif you are rich Singapore is a much better country.\nboth for tax and economic opportunity reasons\nIts an open economy, you will not find much getting in your way if you run a business.", "I think he means that if you're rich and you don't really care about making money anymore. There's just more to enjoy in Malaysia than in Singapore.", "not true again, if you are rich, then it doesn't matter where you are living because the world is your oyster", "Yes, you are right, and SG is better for the rich because it is safer if compared to other places.", "If you were rich you wouldn't be saying this.\nThere's a limited level of access to ultra-luxe living in Malaysia, the government is nearly impossible to work with, locals are trying to exploit you opportunistically, and property security becomes a concern once your wealth reaches certain levels. Not to mention the business environment is embarrassing. There's a reason why the richest Malaysian in the world isn't even in Malaysia.\nThere's more to being wealthy than a few bungalows and visiting Pavilion."], ["Singapore is what Malaysia could've been like if it had a competent government at separation. The divergence within the last few decades is clear to see."], ["", "But Singapore is tiny. I have taken shits bigger"], ["small country. its like ure comparing a family of 3 with family of 30."], ["The best I can say is. Why we want to be like them. We find our own way much like Singapore find their own.\nThe grass will always look greener from the other side.\nFor me, we focused too much on the negatives that we forget the good things that we have."], ["In terms of purchasing power, the average SG worker can buy 3 times more things than the average Malaysian worker for the same amount of hours worked. Source: https://www.worlddata.info/cost-of-living.php\nSo in terms of economic data, yes.\nIn terms of food, no."], ["Singapore is the worse country in the world to live in as a car enthusiast. I could see why most of them come to Malaysia, night and day difference."], ["Singaporean with families from Malaysia and Malaysia roots. I prefer Malaysia honestly \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe", "Would you like to elaborate?"], ["Singapore has its own unique problem, Malaysia has its own unique problem.\nGrass is not always greener on the other side."], ["Yes but Malaysia has a better quality of life.\nAs an expat and speaking as a completely objective third party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter.\nI often tell people, Singapore is the brain and Malaysia is the heart.", "I often tell people, Singapore is the brain and Malaysia is the heart.\nI like this quote \ud83d\ude03"], ["Singaporean here. Y'all have better culture - life, food, recreation, geography. So yeah, if that matters I guess you guys have it better."], ["\u201cBetter\u201d is subjective man.\nSingapore is a much richer country, has way better infrastructure, education system, just overall quality of life.\nBut is that the best-all-end-all? Malaysia has better food, somewhat more relaxed lifestyle. From what I can see, singaporeans dont really have a \u2018lepak\u2019 culture the way we do here. It all comes down to what you prioritise"], ["Couldn't care less about them, why envy when we should be proud of our own country? Just like siblings, each has their own advantage and disadvantage. In area that we lack, we can learn to improve, but of course, it's up to the government willingness and ourselves to make this country better."], ["Been working here for seven years, I can conclude that Singapore is better than Msia if you are only here just to work. Salary and payment yes, but lifestyle and retirement is a big no."], ["Dont open this thread, i depart few thing\n-when someone is stronger than you, there is nothing u can do but compromise or co exist together and suffer the fate unless u found a way to avoid or beat it to defy the fate\n-singapore is almost like japan, surface look good but the people are suffering with high gst and locked out epf by paying monthly when they retire , foreigner taking their job , cannot take lump sum .\npeople only go there purely for money , in sacrifice of health and mental"], ["Singapore is a capitalist hellscape, which panders to the rich.\nLiterally a safehaven for the world's rich when they want to perform tax evasion or other \"ahem stuff\" from their original countries. As there are ZERO unions in Singapore.\nTo give an example, James Dyson of the Dyson company (you know the vacuums?)This guy is originally 1 of the people who pushed for UK's Brexit, but when the report came out that UK would lose money because of Brexit (basically relying on further countries to import/export items rather than countries in the EU which are much closer to UK hence less cost in shipping and refrigeration)...he ran all the way to Singapore.\nSo James Dyson lives in Singapore hence how he avoids a lot of taxes but the Dyson factories are in Malaysia.\nIf you check the timing of his UK exit, you would find out that since he came to SEA, the Dyson branch here (from employee reviews) has changed tremendously. What was once a company that relied on fresh ideas by engineers, now use them for harsh labor with no prospects of promotion. Along with toxic managers...\nAnd if you check the timing of the Dyson hair dryer, the 1st version used various Fashion Youtubers input but for the 2nd version (when James Dyson moved), the hair dryer did not use any Youtuber input nor any collaboration video which the 2nd version barely has any changes compared to 1st version. So this man has been mistreating Malaysian employees while making sure he wouldn't be taxed that much by our government since he lives in Singapore (The HQ of Dyson is also in Singapore).\nSingapore might look nice on the 1st glance but scratch that surface and you will find various strange things. For example, Singapore has a healthcare system but no system to take care of the disabled and poor.\nThe marginalized are often forgotten and villainized as \"lazy people\" or \"evil people\" when they are forced to turn to crime.\nA Singaporean would definately say the competitivenes in Singapore is high but they don't explain about the toxicity in Singapore workplace and studies that make suicide the no 1 death cause in Singapore (from age 10 to 29).\nSingapore is projected as a \"squeaky clean image\" but there are so, so many oil scandals, like the Keppel oil company owned by the Prime Minister's Lee family caught in a bribe with Petrobas from Brazil thanks to US investigations. The fine was 400 million USD but Keppel already had a contract with Petrobas worth 2.1 billion USD.\nThe Hin Leong Scandal has decades of fraud, or the Shell oil corruption as Shell's Singapore branch officials were caught stealing oil for years and sold off to others. If they have consistent surprise checks from regulatory bodies, none of that thievery or bribery would happen in all those cases.\nI could also talk about how Singapore exploits Vietnam, Cambodia using child and adult slave labor in fracking operations to steal sand. And they flood Vietnam lands with sea water which were farm lands. You should know from your science class that it's impossible to farm under seawater. So if you check Singapore maps throughout the decades, you would find stark differences with today's Singapore's map. Because they use the stolen sand to add onto their own lands.\nSingapore is instead a sham filled with broken dreams of its earliest predecessors where they had more socialist systems to help the poor gain skills, housed them and tried so hard to feed its people. But they were force to change in exchange for cooperation with the US, a nation of both capitalist and imperialist nightmares...\nAll because Malaysia kicked them out, in order to defend Malay Supremacy.\nSure, it's a shiny concrete jungle but that's it."], ["Lifestyle wise, sucks. I went to cinema last week. Imagine spending 25 mins watching gov ads about drugs, gambling, health and repetitive ads from lazada. It's just so boring, the seats are rough and straight. I just miss Malaysia's entertainment so much. Sorry to say that but the mamak store here is not even a mamak store. The vibes are just too different for people to chill after work. But certain area hawker food is really good, cause the chef mainly Malaysian ma lol.", "You chill at mamak stores? That\u2019s sad", "problem?", "Yeah, it\u2019s cringe and you are hogging seats", "Your content has been removed - Subreddit Language (Rule 2).\nHello, posts and comments should be in romanised English or Malay only. You may provide a translation by editing your comment and pinging us here for reapproval, thanks!\nFor posts other than English or Malay, feel free to post on our new Malaysian Lemmy community!", "After not going to the cinema for some time, I was shocked to pay $38 for 2 tickets to watch \"The Boy and The Heron\". \ud83e\udd72"], ["Have you learnt how LKY treat his political opponent?", "Not sure of the relevance of how a certain politician's behavior changed the image of the country as a whole but do enlighten me."], ["My wife is from Singapore. If you're Chinese life will be easy for you in Singapore because you'll have better opportunity to get a job you received an education with.\nIf you're a Malay minority and Muslim it's difficult.\nI've met a lot of Malay Singaporeans who live in the United States now and their lives are better here than Singapore in terms of career.\nSingapore has it's benefits though, affordable health care, affordable childcare and the people are smarter and they value education."], ["Well, Malaysia has cheap ass oil and lower cost of car ownership. Better something than nothing. Probably the only something that's worthy of mention."], ["Lives like a robot. Not better.", "Isn't that the same lifestyle in KL?", "Yeah but at least there are other places in Malaysia."], ["Malaysia is like a great big party taking place on the floor above a boring, sterile office that is Singapore."], ["Yes, Chinese majority rule is definitely better", "Boring tho like robots"], ["Malaysia is much better compared to Singapore. Yes, Singapore is almost perfect but Singaporean people are quite mean and nagging types. It's quite stressful to live in Singapore because most of the Singaporean are not considerate at all. If you minus the strict law from Singapore it will be a hell hole. Even they need sensor in elevator because some people urinate in there if no one see them. I have live in Singapore for few months and living in Malaysia for few years. There's no human touch in Singapore, but in Malaysia you can feel this country have colourful life."], ["Is the close-minded and backward thinking of Malaysia's governance that held us back. We were once as good as Japan, Korea and Singapore."], ["Singapore is a very hectic and competitive place to live. Plus I would go bonkers living in an expensive but tiny and cramped apartment. Singapore is small, the landscape artificial and near constant compared to the variety we have in Malaysia.\nMalaysia is much better in this regard. The grass always looks greener on the other side."], ["Size of Singapore can be stifling\nAnd one dominant party there."], ["Malaysian girls have better looks and figure for the current batch of 20s-40s. Not sure why.", "Could it be due to the food", "Maybe air"], ["Every country have their pro and cons, its not just all shunshine or all stormy. It depends on your personal want I supposed, economically yes, Singapore got us beaten, but since I made more money than the average Singaporean anyway, that advantage does not sounds that appealing to me."], ["How is this a question.", "Well, I'm simply asking for others' opinions."], ["At least y'all ain't a dead soul-less country + no ns\nso APA LAGI ENJOY AH SIAL"], ["Definitely.\nFirstly, regarding food, S'poreans generally concede the topic more nowadays but the context is also important. M'sia's hawkers are still dominated by family-recipe businesses (thus each has their own unique taste) whereas S'pore's foodstuff are all but factory-made since the 1970s. S'prean tastebuds have also watered down due to constant health campaigns, so lard, sugar, salt, oil/grease, even excessive coconut are instinctively disliked. Most of all, the exchange rate is the biggest draw: something simple like Malay nasi lemak, which costs only RM 5-7 in M'sia, is priced at least S$4.50 (RM 16) in S'pore.\nPersonally, I dare say S'poreans are used to only Johorean & Penang cuisine as well. (Yup, not even Peranakan cusine.) That said, having travelled around M'sia for decades myself (I have relatives who fatefully chose backward places like Terengganu to settle down in the past), IMO the native food at these rural/coastal spots is seriously quite unappetizing even to urban M'sians. Basically what's the catch of the day, fried to a crisp, then soused with food/flower dye or condiments to improve the taste.\nBut back to topic. Modernization-wise, IMO M'sia 2020s is at best what SG was like pre-1997 Asian crisis. The latter was a watershed for M'sia (political infighting & waywardness reaching new heights ever since) in thwarting the country's potential to this day. More narrowly, the leadership listlessness since 2018 mirrors the post-1997 lost years (M'sia didn't recover until 2004 or so) when Mahathir was more preoccupied with proving the IMF, Reformasi &, in time, Badawi wrong.\nFor SG (& most M'sians don't know this), there was a considerable prosperity leap in the early 2010s when its post-2008 economy recovered quickest, & the younger PM Lee (after waiting 14 years to take charge) was perhaps too eager to open up the country to foreign talent. The result was a great societal upheaval, a perfect storm of election defeats, rampant fake news (which ironically killed off all the alternative news media), enduring racism/xenophobia, & actual riots (in Little India). Basically, SG experienced Trump-style politics half a decade before Trump became mainstream. But it would ultimately paid off with today's high affluence (I call it the Generation by the Bay generation) that would leave M'sia in the dust even if the Sheraton Move hadn't happened.\nRather than comparing directly with each other, the following is a better insight about the pace of modernization each side had undergone over time. I've highlighted only the rankings (those marking the start/end of each PM's stewardship, along with the 3 worldwide economic disruptions) at selected years to indicate whether SG/M'sia stood against other countries on a global scale.\nThe highlighted years are 1981 (when Mahathir became PM), 1990 (when Goh Chok Tong became PM), 1997 (Asian Financial Crisis), 2003 (when Badawi became PM), 2004 (when Lee Hsien Loong became PM), 2008 (Global Financial Crisis), 2009 (when Najib became PM), 2018 (when Mahathir became PM again), 2020 (Global Covid Pandemic).\nLike them or not, the indexes are utilized by government policymakers & international institutions.\nGDP (nominal) per capita - average value an individual is contributing to the economy:\n1981 - 59th (M'sia), 32nd (SG)\n1990 - 60th (M'sia), 28th (SG)\n1997 - 55th (M'sia), 15th (SG)\n2003 - 67th (M'sia), 24th (SG)\n2004 - 68th (M'sia), 24th (SG)\n2008 - 70th (M'sia), 23rd (SG)\n2009 - 73rd (M'sia), 22nd (SG)\n2018 - 70th (M'sia), 7th (SG)\n2020 - 65th (M'sia), 6th (SG)\n2023 to 2018 IMF Projections - 71st (M'sia), 5th (SG)\nGDP (PPP) per capita - adjusted for cost of living:\n1981 - 61st (M'sia), 23rd (SG)\n1990 - 59th (M'sia), 11th (SG)\n1997 - 48th (M'sia), 8th (SG)\n2003 - 54th (M'sia), 7th (SG)\n2004 - 54th (M'sia), 8th (SG)\n2008 - 57th (M'sia), 8th (SG)\n2009 - 57th (M'sia), 6th (SG)\n2018 - 58th (M'sia), 3rd (SG)\n2020 - 58th (M'sia), 2nd (SG)\n2023 to 2018 IMF Projections - 59th-57th (M'sia), 3rd-4th (SG)\nHuman Developmental Index - general well-being of populace, i.e. life expectancy, access to education, standard of living:\n1990 launch of index - 70th (M'sia), 38th (SG)\n1997 - 54th (M'sia), 24th (SG)\n2003 - 60th (M'sia), 25th (SG)\n2004 - 64th (M'sia), 26th (SG)\n2008 - 73rd (M'sia), 21st (SG)\n2009 - 68th (M'sia), 21st (SG)\n2018 - 65th (M'sia), 9th (SG)\n2020 - 61st (M'sia), 10th (SG)\n2021 latest index - 62nd (M'sia), 12th (SG)\nGlobal Innovation Index - innovation to drive productivity & promote economic growth:\n2007 launch of index - 26th (M'sia), 7th (SG)\n2008 - 25th (M'sia), 5th (SG)\n2009 - 28th (M'sia), 7th (SG)\n2018 - 35th (M'sia), 5th (SG)\n2020 - 33rd (M'sia), 8th (SG)\n2023 - 36th (M'sia), 5th (SG)"], ["I think that it\u2019s stupid to compare the two. Singaporeans and Malaysians both need to stop living witg a chip on their shoulders and just live life."], ["Sg pros 1. Way lower income taxes compared to Malaysia 2. They have a philosophy of rewarding you if you act the way they want you to(and the govt isn't shy in telling you what to do). Social programs are robust and emphasise on self help. If you're a poor kid and willing to study hard they'll give you bursaries all the way until you get your job and will try to keep you in the country or govt. 3. Govt doesn't rob you of your money and punish you for working hard as bad as Malaysia does with surprise taxes and stupid policies to take your money and give it to someone in their favour 4. Very very efficient since everyone is kiasu, loves to complain - for the same money here you get better quality there, especially for mid-high end goods and services (before myr crashed under menteri magik formula n Deddy bifoty).\nSg cons 1. Lesser freedom of expression, many rules (a top technopreneur I met told me they can fine you if your car is unwashed, dirty and unkempt) 2. Expensive cars BUT once you have a car you're a king - it's still way cheaper than NY/HK/London CBD to be driving around with ERP and parking fees 3. Local Chinese and Malay food sucks. Filled with coloring and cheap ingredients. Chicken rice is painted with colour n apam balik is as hard as a frisbee. China food is pretty good, western, Indian, fusion can kick most Malaysian outlets to shame. 4. Citizens damn KPC n busybody. Like if a train comes late it gets on the news. Someone charges you sgd10 for mix rice also end up in the news and the guy has to apologise. Over here only the rm2000 siakap man from lgk makes it to the papers 5. You have to work til you die if you didn't save up and must be in good health. No free healthcare, CPF /MEDISAVE is a nightmare\nMY pros 1. Freedom, can litter all you want, speeding etc, get Saman, wait for diskaun. Woohoo. 2. Cheaper to retire here (for now). After daddy madani takes away the subsidies not sure how it will be for everyone who's not his favourite bifoty. 3. We have oil. This point alone is what allowed us to get away with all the idiotic decisions, wastage, stupid white elephant projects and generous heaping of corruption 4. Our local food is somewhat better but newsflash, sg is catching up, and th/id left us in the dust a long time ago 5. Bantuan bantuan bantuan! 6. Free healthcare that's pretty good - world class I'd say 7. Free schooling until secondary. Free food for poor kids (RMT or its equivalent) 8. Semangat kejiranan (Ish)\nMy cons 1. Just read this sub la no need to reinvent the wheel", "Freedom? You can't even sell a rainbow-colored watch. There's no freedom in Malaysia. The inability to regulate littering isn't freedom. Malaysia's only free compared to places like Iran and Saudi Arabia.\nIt's only cheaper if you don't use ringgit.\nMalaysia runs out of oil around 2035.\nThe local food is unhealthy and only \"better\" if you think sugar in everything makes everything better.\nA rich country wouldn't need this... and most Malaysians are broke.\nThe average life expectancy in Malaysia is 10 years shorter than Singapore's. Even foreigners in Malaysia statistically outlive Malaysians.\nI can't comment on the schooling, I was educated elsewhere\nDefinitely more than SG.", "You can rainbow all you like discretely, nobody here will bat an eyelid - it's only when they make it too obvious that they're forced to make a political statement. There's plenty of the alphabet crew here and the ones that are smart keep it in their bedrooms. Freedom of speech is something else, as it's a relic of colonialism and UK is probably worse when it comes to cancelling this and that and getting charged for \"hate speech\". Another relic of colonialism is making the govt be the cure to all your problems instead of taking things into your own hands like the original American constitution (small govt, low taxes) or even how HK was originally.\nTaste, that's all. sg food at the low end (sgd 2-6, hawker centre hdb) is also unhealthy with the colouring and stuff but the difference is it also tastes horrible. At least MY food doesn't torture you while it kills\nMalaysians are broke because they're pampered for 60 years of heavy subsidies in almost every part of life and don't forget all our utilities were govt owned and many still subsidised. Of course they never dealt with much hardship like earthquakes, hurricanes or even winter snow. Sure we have the annual floods but not as horrific as what happens in other countries. We have fertile soil, heavy agricultural subsidies and the list goes on. Now with economic mismanagement we're starting to feel the pinch but trust me the hardship is worse if you throw the average Malaysian in sg/HK/th/id.\nIt's highly dependent on own will - sg citizens are forced to prevent NCDs or even CDs because they know one hospital visit can screw up their savings, prevention is better than the cure but our healthcare is still way better even compared to NHS after factoring waiting time. The fact remains that our healthcare is top notch, notwithstanding the choices the citizens make.\nHowever to your point earlier about no freedom - we do get idiotic laws like GEG and anti party hopping, which is against freedom. The buck should stop at the individuals (would be smokers and MPs in this case). Nevertheless, it's a product of relying on the govt."], ["Is this bait? Because at the end of the day, this is subjective. But if I were rich, I'd pick living in Malaysia over Singapore. I go back and visit both, but Singapore is just so boring and same-ey. Malaysia just lacks good governance.", "No, it's a genuine question.\nAlso, I'd say you're right about Malaysia's biggest flaw."], ["No. Each country has their pros and cons. Stop believing Singapore propaganda.\nRemember kids, SGD 1 = MYR 3.5 means that you can earn loads of MYR and retire in MY.\nCan Singaporeans afford to retire in SG?\nJust a thought."], ["Only meaningful thing better about Singapore for the commoner is that the currency is strong. You can afford to travel to further places. That\u2019s pretty much it. Everything else is more expensive or shittier.", "Dollar for dollar our things are much more expensive.\nMy job pays more in SGD in Singapore, but things are lesser in SGD there, rental and property prices almost the same dollar for dollar...", "Indeed dollar to dollar it's cheaper. A plate of char kway teow cause 10-12RM! I'm kinda amazed when my parents in law bring me out for lunch and it's around 70-80rm for a table of 5. Eating out in Malaysia is really getting expensive.", "rental and property prices almost the same dollar for dollar\nThis is factually wrong.\nAffordable housing in Singapore is not your \u201cproperty\u201d nor works in any sense of the word.", "Hahahahahaha I laughed when you say rental is similar \u2026. Touch some grass yo\u2026", "I touch some grass you touch some tenancy agreements k?", "Rented for over 10 years\nLived In TTDI, have been paying for RM3000 for a two story terrance house.\nCan you get a similar SGD3000 for a two story terrace house in Singapore at the same kind of affluent neighbourhood ?\nHow you want to twist dollar to dollar, rental properties in malaysia is way cheaper than Singapore laaa\u2026", "Ffs I thought you have a strong comeback but you here just wanting to compare landed house.\nTouch some TAs from Singapore also not just Msia."], ["Please la yall have affordable cars \ud83e\udd72, imagine being a petrolhead in sg"], ["Even the food is better."], ["If you make >S$15k a month, you'll live perfectly fine and a relatively high quality of life. If not, its insufferable. To put it in perspective, its like living in River Valley vs Hougang lol"], ["sg has better infra, but you run out of places to go very quickly.\nit has better economy, but a lot of things are harder to use (buy new speakers, have to turn it down)\nit has better walking access, but your ahmoi is still capped at 10m\nthe food is cheaper and cleaner, but its bland cause shops need to jaga overhead.\nthere are other stuff but you get the idea, amazing corporate job ahmoi place, can go tier 1 instagrammable countries easily."], ["Singapore is better in terms of developing better. That\u2019s about it. Other elements are more around the same. Especially you living in KL city centre."], ["Singapore is a place to work and earn money, Malaysia to retire and live. It\u2019s too freaking boring to live in Singapore, don\u2019t even mentioned the food there\u2026"], ["I think Malaysia have better bah-kut-teh than Singapore."], ["Hi, Singaporean here with a lot of relatives in PJ KL. In a lot of fronts Singapore is a lot better than Malaysia . But you guys are more chill , big country and lots of nature . I feel sometimes Singapore is a little bit mickey mouse a lot of things are .....engineered\nBut then again I can only offer my opinion as a tourist , I truly enjoy everytime I come to Malaysia"], ["The have a better economy and more political stability. But I don't think their quality of life is better because of the highly competitive capitalistic environment.\nIf you're Chinese, you'll probably think it's better there. If you're Malay, you'll probably think better here. If your Indian, you're fucked either way."], ["At least there's no discrimination or privilege based on races in their policies in Singapore", "Oh you sweet naive child", "They have. Support minority.", "Doubt it. Same shit, different actors that\u2019s all."], ["Yet, singkies come to Malaysia...filiing up ron95."], ["Singapore is only good for making money. You don't want to live there."], ["Healthcare-wise, we are way better"], ["let me just state the obvious. Singapore is public transport heaven. trains are always on time, most taxi drivers aren't doing initial d shit, bus and taxis are gps tracked. taxis aren't old ass dingy cars.\nfoodwise, its pretty bland in a healthy sense.. just think of it as less salt less sugar of malaysian food."], ["Levels above foodies"], ["The only thing we have over them is beautiful landscapes all around us."], ["seems like we malaysians take water for granted, i feel like our country so hot, i cannot survive if access to water is being scarce and expensive"], ["They're better than us, no doubt\nExcept for their food"], ["The grass is always greener on the other side."], ["We have a bigger public servant than sg"], ["Depends on who you ask.\nTo the civil-minded, Singapore is the prime example of what Malaysia is capable of achieving.\nTo the Walaun, Singapore is negara kafir who has strayed from the path."], ["Yes in terms of civic society, but not in terms of freedom. In Malaysia you end up being more free because of lack of public order. People can get away with almost anything if they can pay their way out. If you don't have money, the government is still pretty inefficient so it doesn't really matter if kids without license ride motorcycles to take up the whole highways, general littering, trash burning, illegal parking, illegal anything really etc. People just don't care enough so the government also doesn't put in the effort. I say this with no offense, Malaysians are too easygoing and gentle. They just endure when bad things happen and turn a blind eye to the problem, they don't really believe there could be positive change."], ["no :29091:"], ["Singapore has it's problems just like us. It depends on your opinion on who is better cause in the end, where ever you feel more comfortable at is the better place for you."], ["If all good there then go there la. Why stay in a shithole \ud83e\udd71"], ["Can\u2019t help but feel cramped in SG. My dad described SG as a place where there\u2019ll be someone in every nook and cranny on the island.\nI like solitude when it comes untuk healing which there are plenty in malaysia."], ["Singaporean can brag about how good their economy is. Malaysian can brag about their land and natural resources. At the end we all know the country that self sufficient will win."], ["Singapore is better, please plan for mass migration there and don't come back. /s"], ["Our food is superior, but let\u2019s be honest, that\u2019s about it.", ":26563:"], ["They are quite sad tbh, long waiting for HDB which only can last for 99 years, car are bloody expensive and food is just mediocre. Everyday work and go home sleep. Everywhere full of people and long queue.", "Is true...usually each person will need at least two hdbs in their life time. Otherwise they outlive the house"], ["Singaporean here. Agree with ur points but the cost of living and the work culture here is not as good as Malaysia."], ["Some describe living in Singapore as a rat race where it\u2019s just stress everyday on top of being the most expensive place to live in so it can be considered a major trade off to some"], ["You don't see why Malaysians go ballistic over it???\nARE YOU BEING SERIOUS ON THIS??? DO WE HAVE TO EMPHASIZE IT TO YOU AGAIN THAT MALAYSIA FOOD IS 9 STREET AWAY BETTER THAN SINGAPORE FOOD??? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMN MIND??? THERE IS NO WAY SINGAPORE FOOD CAN BE BETTER THAN OURS!!! PERIOD!!!"], ["The problem with Singapore is that they can be crippled within hours. Water, oil and food, they have none"], ["no,my country (Malaysia) is always better"], ["No it's not. - a Singaporean."], ["Well, if Singapore were so great, why are even so many Singaporians wanting to leave? (Yeah, because it is so expensive...)"], ["you sure Malaysians triggered? or is it Malays triggered?\nonly time I get triggered by \"SG better\" is when it comes to food, and that is justified", "Mostly Malaysian Chinese talked alot about SG. And they usually mostly talked about trying to get a job there and shit talk our currency.\nI hardly hear any Malay friends or family member discuss about Singapore negatively or positively.\nNo idea what OP is all about unless the guy think reddit = reality."], ["Yes."], ["In case you haven't noticed, there's this thing that gives Malaysians a chance to retire with a T20 lifestyle: SGD"], ["the only think i can think of is that you can do a lot of grey area stuffs in Malaysia (you know i know kinda stuff) + more freedom i would say.\nOther than that, yeah, long way to go to head to that direction.."], ["yes and water is wet"], ["You can survive on your own rather than having to rely on parents to give you a room until you're married."], ["1st, I am Malaysian. My take is we make the best use of each other's strengths. If can afford the exchange rate and want to be close to home, higher education in Singapore is better than Malaysia. They have the world's top universities and definitely the top in Asia. If want to earn a better living, capitalise on Singapore's currency. But if want a better cost of living and life, stay in Malaysia"], ["Short answer:\nYes.\nAnd why do Malaysians have a hard time handling it? Because Malaysians culturally love to save face, even internally.\nTak apa, placate the blame whenever possible."], ["When rationality doesn\u2019t win, emotion rules. That\u2019s probably why."], ["The only difference that matters IMO is that Singapore citizenry is more civic conscious than Malaysians in their own country. It is enforced and not voluntary though, as from personal experience, as once Singaporean are here they behave worse than us."], ["where your dark soy sauce at?"], ["Syukurrrrrr negara masih aman. That aside, Malaysia is mainly crippled by the ketuanan Melayu nonsense, pensions, and all the welfare state initiatives. You lift this and remove the corrupt gatekeepers, Malaysia will go further."], ["Malaysia got poke backside PM, what more do we need?"], ["You got balls mate , to ask such question here.hopefully x suka blh kluar squad didnt found you"], ["My friend literally got bullied out of Singapore when he went to study there lol"], ["Live in Singapore for a few years, get your salary, experience, network, and offshore bank account, and leave."], ["Malaysia has land lol"], ["Should compare SG to KL , that is the only fair comparison"], ["the grass on the other side is always greener"], ["I think both countries have their pros and cons, but clearly saving up there and retiring here does pay off in many ways."], ["Singapore is a very small country compared to Malaysia. Hence it\u2019s unfair to compare the two. Of course the smaller one has less headaches to deal with."]]} {"title": "Which Jalan/ area can easily be made more walkable?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vpwa1/which_jalan_area_can_easily_be_made_more_walkable/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Are there any areas, where you think cars should totally be banned, and the area should solely allow pedestrians only?\nI\u2019ll start: Jonker street Melaka.", "comments": [["Jalan Bukit Bintang. Don\u2019t need to permanently close the roads but only close at certain times like weekends.\nIt could be a nice area but the crowded walkways and constant car horns make it unbearable."], ["Old town Ipoh"], ["Old Kangar. The old pedestrian walkway near cimb got demolished by MPK in 2017 which was appointed by UMNO. Fuck you UMNO. Just go on google maps. Search the store Kangar and change the dates. You'll see yourself how fucked Kangar became thanks to those UMNO fuckers who didn't even consult the local population at Pekan Cina to demolish the walkway"], ["Johor Bahru, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, maybe not necessarily banning car traffic totally, but heavily restricting it, such that the only vehicles driving there, are delivery vehicles.\nThe place sees so much foot traffic, especially on weekends when the place is flooded with Singaporean Tourists, and big stroads like the two \"barriers\" blocking good walkability around city square mall and the Komtar, are hurting the safety of pedestrians"], ["pasar seni"]]} {"title": "Question for Unifi users", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ybrhr/question_for_unifi_users/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I don't know if this is the right place to ask, so apologies in advance.\nI'm planning to install WiFi and I'm considering to use Unifi. Can I ask how the installation process goes? Are there any alterations done to the property when installing the WiFi?\nReally appreciate the responses", "comments": [["Don't get unifi! They're awful. Tried to charge us for an upgrade we never asked for. Unilaterally renewed a contract. Gave them notice to terminate another contract and they didn't act on it and kept charging monthly fees. Terrible customer service."], ["They have to pull in fibre from the outside. So there's some drilling involved."], ["TM will call you to set up a date, technicians will come to your house and do everything, TM operator will call you before technicians come to your house and after the technicians done and left. There will be hole digging on your wall if they cant route the wire other than by digging hole through the wall. Question that they will ask you is; where are you going to place your modem and router."]]} {"title": "Random abandoned building i found in Alor setar kedah around 2017", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vprqh/random_abandoned_building_i_found_in_alor_setar/", "num_comment": 9, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Backroom, local version."], ["Looks rather clean for an abandoned building"], ["looks a bit like those scene in movie, with someone locked up at the other side."], ["OP toggle collision off, got into the backrooms 2017"], ["I don't think abandoned building would be that clean tho.\nI went to my company old vacant building before and all the wire had been ripped out and became habitat of drug addict. All the glasses broken, walls filled with graffiti, full of trash and couple of needles on the floor. I even found an owl in the building top floor lmao.", "In 2017 my friends told me it just got abandoned.While i went there there was still an office chair and some other stuff.Also i alr moved to Langkawi so idk what it looks like now"], ["Definitely backroom vibes there\u2026.."], ["looks like it would make a sweet bachelors pad, industrial decor style"], ["r/LiminalSpace would love this"]]} {"title": "Business licence question", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vph2v/business_licence_question/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi all, wishing you all happy and prosperous new year \ud83c\udf8a.\nI own a barbershop (rental shop) , its a studio type so have large space still available. Note : Business licence is still in-progress being approved , applying through a runner.\nI want to ask , can i use the vacant space for setup other small business? I'm thinking of setting up a billiard table, and charging RMxx/hour to use it.\nSo my question is if I got licence for Barber services , can I still do this 'other business ' in the same shop? Legally there would be ay issues?\nThanking in advance.", "comments": [["I don\u2019t know about the legality, but getting a haircut where other people chatting about while playing snooker sounds annoying AF.\nI don\u2019t think guys normally get a haircut with friends either. So who are barber customers going to play with? If I want to go there to play with my friends, I run the risk of the one table (I assume) being occupied so I just have to wait. I better just go to an actual snooker place.\nI just think it\u2019s a weird combo. Assuming you don\u2019t want to add more chairs, maybe space the chairs further apart and add a screen of some sort between them? A bit more privacy would feel premium and I would even pay more for that.", "maybe space the chairs further apart and add a screen of some sort between them? A bit more privacy would feel premium and I would even pay more for that.\nNoted , i appreciate your input and idea from a customer's point of view. Thanks.\nI don\u2019t think guys normally get a haircut with friends either. So who are barber customers going to play with? If I want to go there to play with my friends, I run the risk of the one table (I assume) being occupied so I just have to wait. I better just go to an actual snooker place.\nThere are actually some barbershops already have pool table , but i think they dont charge. Actual purpose is to attract more customers, because they can play pool while waiting for their turn to get haircut. From what i observed like 20~30% people come with friends or family to get haircut. But i guess you're right, if i charge them for it, they won't be interested. Also the noise, it would annoy the haircut customers. Unless i do a partition with soundproof separating haircut area and pool table area.. I'll need to think . Anyway thanks again for letting know you opinion."], ["", "So its illegal then...got it. Thanks for info\ud83d\udc4d", "I see.."]]} {"title": "PAS lists out DAP\u2019s top 10 \u201cvenomous narrative\u201d throughout 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vp6qa/pas_lists_out_daps_top_10_venomous_narrative/", "num_comment": 36, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["Summoning the GOAT /u/jwteoh ...", "lmao, new year new me, imma pass the torch to you guys, please save it so you can copy paste it next time.", "u/jwteoh", "They should just create a bot at this point.", "jwteoh! jwteoh! jwteoh!"], ["PAS ending the year/ starting the new year by introducing 10 fitnahs.", "It's cool how you started and ended your sentence with the same word."], ["who have neglected their Islamic values and would even consider their fellow Malays to be racist for defending the Malay race or Islam\nYes, all these are very islamic and not racist in nature, Zurk Ahmad must have his head so far up Hadi's ass\nHadi: Other races are challenging Muslim's political power: https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/08/939467/voting-mandatory-if-other-races-are-challenging-muslims-political-power\nHadi: Non-Muslims must be grateful for \u2018being given a place\u2019 here, should just let Malays continue leading country: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/07/hadi-non-muslims-must-be-grateful-for-being-given-a-place-here-should-just-let-malays-continue-leading-country/73042\nHadi: Only Islam can rule, others must be 'pak turut': https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628\nPAS politicians insinuated that their rivals are the enemies of Allah: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/27/pas-man-says-sorry-after-calling-on-allah-to-defend-kedah-from-enemies-video/76640\nMuhyiddin claimed Christians of being in cahoots with a group of Jews to \u201cChristianise\u201d Malaysia: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/11/19/muhyiddin-in-hot-water\nDr. M: Parties led by non-Malays are 'parti pendatang': https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/09/04/dr-m-calls-parties-led-by-non-malays-039parti-pendatang039\nNon muslim woman fined for wearing shorts in Kelantan: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/non-muslim-malaysian-woman-fined-for-wearing-shorts-in-kelantan\nNon muslim unisex salon ban + closure: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/12/856735/terengganu-govt-enforce-unisex-hair-salon-ban-warns-offenders-fines\nNon muslims are the root of corruption https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/08/20/pas-hadi-claims-non-muslims-non-bumiputera-make-up-the-bulk-of-roots-of-corruption/\nPAS/Zul Zuhaimy: Mahu sembelih orang bukan Islam: https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/mahu-sembelih-orang-bukan-islam-zul-huzaimy-mohon-maaf/\nPN: May 13 rhetoric election propaganda: https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/78211/netizens-raise-alarm-over-may-13-hate-content-posted-on-tiktok\nHadi: Malaysia has to be ruled by muslims: https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/malaysia-mesti-dipimpin-oleh-melayu-islam/\nSanusi demolished colonial era legally built Hindu temples and label critics 'drunk on toddy': https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/12/03/lfl-slams-kedah-mbs-heavy-handed-defence-of-temple-demolition/ https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/553910\nPAS: Nurse's clothing too tight: https://www.malaysiadateline.com/dakwa-pakaian-nurse-ketat-mp-pas-kena-sekolah-dengan-presiden-persatuan-jururawat/\nPAS: No concerts because they promote hedonism: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/08/25/pas-urges-govt-to-cancel-all-upcoming-foreign-artist-concerts\nPN: The Malay Proclamation: https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/05/1096600/proklamasi-orang-melayu-kini-dapat-sokongan-pemimpin-pas-bersatu-dan\nAmar (PAS): Not having tap water is not a big deal. Villagers know how to dig their own wells: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/08/08/kelantan-villagers-know-how-to-dig-their-own-wells-says-amar/\nNik Abduh (PAS): Citizens should pray instead of requesting/begging for help: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2021/06/29/pas-mp-dismisses-white-flag-campaign-says-better-to-pray/\nPS: Omitted a few non 3R articles.", "Next time any PAS BS: u/jwteoh i choose you!", "Again, can we do it in a physical form? Like erecting banners and translate to BM for a greater audience instead of posting it on Reddit again and again and only us eating it up?", "I took screenshots of the articles that GOAT /u/jwteoh has listed and compiled them together as a collage here.\nThis is just a first version.\nFeel free to play around with it.", ""], ["Couple months later, \"Gong Xi Fa Cai\" wishes from PAS."], ["Anything PAS"], ["None of those 10 sound venomous to me. In fact, they sound like reasonable things to say. Which one of this is offensive?\nThe then DAP Selangor state EXCO Datuk Teng Chang Kim behaved barbarically by linking liquor issue to prayers (January 2023).\nActually what he said in response to PAS trying to ban alcohol sales at a mall in Penang: DAP veteran Teng had posted on his Facebook page that \u201cif you get intoxicated just by looking, that\u2019s your problem, not the alcohol\u2019s\u2026 your prayers have been in vain\u201d.\nWhat exactly is wrong with that?\nThe then Penang deputy chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy questioned the dominance of the Malays in the public service (February 2023).\nAnd what exactly is wrong with that?\nFormer DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua claimed that Malaysia no longer needs Malay political parties (June 2023).\nAnd what exactly is wrong with that?\nDAP tried to fan racial sentiment by politicising the Kota Bahru Municipal Council\u2019s compound on a boutique owner whose staff was fined for wearing shorts in the latter\u2019s business premises (June 2023).\nAnd what exactly is wrong with that?\nDAP chairman Lim Guan Eng made a 3R (race, religion and royalty) slanderous speech claiming a \u2018green wave\u2019 will destroy Chinese temples and that non-Muslims will face various sanctions if PAS were to win the Penang state election (July 2023).\nAnd what exactly is wrong with that? That's happening even in KL with dozens of Hindu temples, even as recently as last week, the 103 year old temple in Sentul being destroyed by YTL. Ever heard of a 103 year old mosque getting destroyed?\nDAP Ipoh Timor MP Howard Lee Chuan How committed misinterpretation of Quranic verses by urging Muslims to support the unity government (September 2023).\nSo non-muslims are not allowed to urge Muslims to support the government?\nDAP vice-chairman Nga Kor Ming condemned the costumes of Hamas fighters that were worn by school pupils in conjunction with the Palestinian Solidarity Week while urging the relevant authorities to take action (October 2023).\nIs it wrong to say that our young children don't need to be exposed to the trauma of some foreign shithole conflict that has nothing to do with Malaysia?\nDAP veteran leader Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang displays his chauvinist attitude by raising the issue of the Federal Constitution allowing non-Malays to be a Malaysian Prime Minister (November 2023).\nyahdda\nDAP Federal Territory chairman Tan Kok Wai pushing for the unity government to conduct local authority elections in Kuala Lumpur (December 2023).\nyahdda democracy bad eh?\nDAP Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham proposed the appointment of non-Muslims to sit in the special committee formed by the Federal Government to study the Syariah law (December 2023).\nenough lah with the pretense that Syariah law doesn't affect non-Muslims. We saw what happened to Ninja Joe restaurant, that Hindu lady who still hasn't gotten back her kids, the Perlis lady and so many.", "Wrong audience boss. Being meritorious academically in Uni also considered racist so the bar is very low.", "Mate, good effort in trying to explain but sadly imbecilic hillbillies just don't care. No matter what sorta facts you present, they've got their mind set. That's the effect of 'teh tarik by the tap'"], ["Below is a chronological list of some of DAP\u2019s domineering struggles throughout 2023 which would have \u2018cross swords\u2019 with PAS so to speak:\nThe then DAP Selangor state EXCO Datuk Teng Chang Kim behaved barbarically by linking liquor issue to prayers (January 2023).\nThe then Penang deputy chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy questioned the dominance of the Malays in the public service (February 2023).\nFormer DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua claimed that Malaysia no longer needs Malay political parties (June 2023).\nDAP tried to fan racial sentiment by politicising the Kota Bahru Municipal Council\u2019s compound on a boutique owner whose staff was fined for wearing shorts in the latter\u2019s business premises (June 2023).\nDAP chairman Lim Guan Eng made a 3R (race, religion and royalty) slanderous speech claiming a \u2018green wave\u2019 will destroy Chinese temples and that non-Muslims will face various sanctions if PAS were to win the Penang state election (July 2023).\nDAP Ipoh Timor MP Howard Lee Chuan How committed misinterpretation of Quranic verses by urging Muslims to support the unity government (September 2023).\nDAP vice-chairman Nga Kor Ming condemned the costumes of Hamas fighters that were worn by school pupils in conjunction with the Palestinian Solidarity Week while urging the relevant authorities to take action (October 2023).\nDAP veteran leader Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang displays his chauvinist attitude by raising the issue of the Federal Constitution allowing non-Malays to be a Malaysian Prime Minister (November 2023).\nDAP Federal Territory chairman Tan Kok Wai pushing for the unity government to conduct local authority elections in Kuala Lumpur (December 2023).\nDAP Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham proposed the appointment of non-Muslims to sit in the special committee formed by the Federal Government to study the Syariah law (December 2023).", "Sounds like PAS is pissed enough that DAP is uncovered their own bullshit to public. I just hope the Malays are smart enough that PAS is a party not a religion.", "It is basically \u201cI knew all of that is true, but I don\u2019t like it when it\u2019s you telling me that\u201d"], ["Top 10 like the most minor stuff lol. Where is PAS list for this year", "I'll be watching, no worries"], ["And how many \"venomous narrative\" has PAS said throughout 2023?\nNurses' uniform\n\"Sepupu Lim Kuan Yew\"\nCalling non-muslim voters as ingrate\nJust off the top of my head."], ["\u201cThis is because they\u2019ve succeeded in appointing spokesmen among the Malays who have forgotten about their Malay-ness\u2026.\u201d asserted Zurk.\nWhoa!"], ["Attacking DAP makes no sense because DAP is not fighting with PAS in election", "PAS is obsessed with DAP, like a stalker", "PAS needs a \u201cmonster\u201d for their audience.", "gotta keep voter in fear of the big bogeyman. Vote PN or else big bad dap gonna eat your chilren"], ["This is no longer Parti Islam. Should rename as Parti Melayu Sr-Malaysia, PMS."], ["Reminds me of a satire work by Fahmi Reza a while ago:\nMinda Presiden PAS\nDAP DAP DAP DAP DAP DAP DAP DAP", "Go one day without thinking of DAP(impossible challenge)"], ["Case of the pot calling the kettle black"], ["Lame"], ["Umpama periuk memanggil cerek hitam."], ["Pas desperately looking for Dap do anything Racist be like:\n"]]} {"title": "Deputy education minister says use of face mask encouraged at schools to curb spread of Covid-19", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vp23p/deputy_education_minister_says_use_of_face_mask/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["COVID-19"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Should we overhaul the driver\u2019s education system?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vos0j/should_we_overhaul_the_drivers_education_system/", "num_comment": 55, "flairlabel": ["Education"], "header": "I can\u2019t help but feel that our driver\u2019s education system is flawed. Looking at the average Malaysian driver\u2019s mentality and mindset, I believe that it is holding us back from our society\u2019s potential.\nWould it be better if licensing in Malaysia were more similar to the processes in Europe?", "comments": [["", "I kid you not, when I attended driver's school, neither the lessons nor the exams covered roundabouts. The \"left lane to exit 1 and 2, right lane for exit 3 and so on\" thing was discovered by me on the internet only recently.", "My undang \"teacher\" was thirty minutes late to the class. He never covered that topic, nor did any related questions came up in the exam (by some chance idk). My mother, who also taught me how to drive, also seemed oblivious of that law. When it comes to roundabouts, her solution is \"just don't drive parallel to others, they might need to change lanes\".\nNevertheless, I live in a small town (Ipoh) and traffic isn't too heavy, so you can agak2 your way through roundabouts. Things only changed when I came to KL.", "Because in Sabah if you suck at roundabouts you probably will get hit by Hilux\nI travel to Sabah frequently for work and I had to git gud at learning how to drive in Sabah.\nDriving in WM is ezpz just gotta watch out for the J/P/D plates, or a random Myvi going the speed of sound", "I don't recall having a \"undang\" teacher \ud83d\ude05 Thought it was just a booklet to memorize", "Im gonna take the middle", "Agreed. Trying to use a roundabout will give me a heart attack especially here in JB.", "Roundabouts are second nature for me.\nI live in Shah Alam.", "My god Shah Alam have a roundabout fetish. Good thing people there are good at it.", "i just kena this idiot using roundabout twice. normal road he's driving normally, slightly slower than other cars but that's fine. once he reach roundabout and he wants to take a 3 o'clock he'll go to the left lane then force the inner lane car to brake so he can take the 3 o'clock.\n2nd time he was behind me, near roundabout he cuts out to the left, speeds up and tries to do the same thing. this time to me.\nwtf seriously."], ["The problem is they don't care, not they don't know", "Should give them real consequences then. The duit kopi has got to stop and real enforcement should be carried out responsibility. This whole situation is a chicken and egg problem.", "Duit kopi has to stop? Bro, even Santa will ask what colour you want your dragon to be.", "How does duit kopi relate to santa and dragon colours?", "It's a joke. Christmas joke.", "Point he\u2019s making is that Santa asking about what colour you want your dragon to be is more likely to happen than corruption getting curbed", "Well it's easier to migrate to a country that has strict rule of law than to hope to change this lek lu cincai country from top to bottom", "Just get rid of roads and cars. Build more public transport and convert roads into pedestrian and cycling lanes.\nNo road, no car, no asshole driver. Problem solved."], ["This was an actual quote from my driving teacher: \"Malaysian driving test is the easiest to pass and easiest to die.\"", "Very accurate"], ["Oh it definitely is flawed. Duit kopi settles everything. Theory just covers maybe 20% of what you actually need to know. And fuck me how are people still clueless about using roundabouts? It\u2019s as if once we enter one, all rules don\u2019t apply."], ["The problem is not in the teaching but the attitude and the enforcement. Just take a look at the highly educated nations with high HDI such as Singapore \u2014 as soon as they cross the border the whole civilised mindset is put on pause.", "Haha that's very true. My friend says Singaporeans turn into devils on msian roads.", "Well said.", "That's because what's the point of being civilised when everyone else is not being civilised in the first place, similar to the broken windows theory. Malaysians constantly using Singaporeans as a scapegoat while not fixing its own problems first is why this country will never improve.", "That's a good argument in general but a bad one if it means setting personal accountability to the standards of others.\nYes, the window is broken but whether one takes advantage of it is entirely a personal choice \u2014 the answer to the question of if one should litter if some does it speaks more about the individual rather than any effects of being civilised.\nBy extension the Singaporeans who drive like maniacs here aren't good people to start with, regardless of how good the environment they are brought up in."], ["I personally do feel that the driving syllabus should be more technical covering basic defensive driving techniques. There should also be like an annual/bi annual rechecks (?) or recertifications for senior citizens after they passed a certain age to certify that they are still fit for driving especially in terms of vision and hearing capabilities"], ["No need.\nWe just need enforcement.", "Enforcement more on lane hogger, blur driver and phone use.", "You will need education on enforcement, and corruption too.", "Yea this. We got a handbook of rules (not sure now, I'm old). Everything from round abouts, lane-merging and T-junctions were all there. Though the emphasis at the time was a lot on passing and memorising the steps to do so, like everything other educational thing in this country."], ["I took Singapore's Basic Theory Test (same as our Undang) during my licence conversion. Their Undang has one important thing that ours didn't teach --- what to do when your car skids.\nThey also have two theory tests before the practical, first is this Basic Theory Test, then they have a Final Theory Test", "BTT/FTT is also pretty hard to pass (>90% to pass, not 50%) and you can't cheat/bribe your way through it."], ["I think rather than education being the main problem, the attitude of drivers are the issue, like I bet there's 3 people here that will say \"I don't care how gila I drive my car, if my car can drive 200km/h, I will drive 200km/h in taman area.\""], ["Lesen very expensive overhaul that first"], ["In addition to this, the way roads are designed is plain stupid. Road markings are often not up to date, and the roads themselves are not well maintained. Highways should also be designed properly. I remember trying to enter a highway only for there to be a fucking wall on the on-ramp."], ["Yes.\nWhen I took my lessons they didn't even teach you how to physically change a tire. I wanted to but the instructor was like 'tak payah lah' which is absurd because knowing how to change a tire in theory doesn't translate to being actually able to change a tire. So many corners cut.\nAlso the bribes. So shit.", "I agree. Most of my driving skills and mentality comes from those driving school youtube channels. My instructor prepared me for passing the exam and maybe a bit of knowledge about Malaysian roads. So far, I\u2019ve been teaching myself \u201creal driving skills\u201d ever since getting my Ps."], ["Every time I\u2019m in Malaysia I\u2019m amazed how bad people drive. In my country the number of road fatalities is 88 per 10 million inhabitants. In Malaysia the same statistic is 410.000, so about 4700 times worse.", "True. I just came back to Malaysia after visiting Australia for a while and I truly got a reverse culture shock at how people drive. There might be some Aussie bad apples on the road here and there but drivers are generally pretty great there. Meanwhile, I forgot how crazy Malaysian traffic is."], ["Education system\nor\nCorrupted officer system\n?????", "Everything"], ["Strict enforcement and punishment. Like ccp. Got saman? Cannot renew license. Each saman will deduct point. After reaching 0, gantung license.\nActually we do have that, but biasa ya bayar duit kopi boleh settle. So in the end, ketamakan is the main cause.", "Someone: If you don't have license, they cannot gantung your license"], ["Wholeheartedly agree. Ill be marked misogynistic but get fucked, some bitches doesnt know how to drive. Hogging fast lane going 30kmph while playing phone, IN THE HIGHWAY. They dont even watch right or left they just fucking move masa tukar simpang. Almost died twice this month.\nMen does shit like this too, but its just more common among women, or at least where im from. And its tiring sia tukar lane pun x bagi signal. Belajar apa masa lesen ntah."], ["For me, need ongoing strict enforcement. This may very likely be unpopular, but the gov needs to stand their ground on this 1 instead of worry too much on what people say in twitter.", "I\u2019ve got an idea. Why do we even announce speed cameras? Shouldn\u2019t they be kept hidden as to their location? If we know where the cameras are, nobody will actually follow the speed limit outside of the camera zones.", "Maybe it's because nobody follows the speed limit inside the zones if you don't announce it", "True as well. It\u2019s unclear most pf the time what the speed limit is on non-highway roads.", "This actually started when AES introduced. Many people questioned the legality of speed traps. If im not mistaken, the findings were, need to inform road users there are speed traps in the area."], ["no. stricter law and enforcement. heavier penalty for all offenses. education dont do shit when everybody else on the road are idiots"], ["No one knows how to use roundabouts in JB (Speaking from a citizen from Kluang - we have 5 roundabouts and most of us are born to be expert in it xDD). So it actually depends on where do you from and how does the driver behaves in there."], ["\nThis means go; yes?"], ["I read that annual road fatalities in Malaysia is 1,3 million. Let\u2019s say driver education radically improves - won\u2019t this create a population problem? Basically you will need to provide housing for additional 1 million people annually."], ["Practical driving training is a farce. Instructors will probably give you rounds of training along JPJ test routes and (at least at my driving school) ways to cheat the litar testing using the car they provide. You can really predict and apply what will come up on testing day.\nIn Britain, once you\u2019re done mastering theory they throw you straight on the road with an instructor beside you, and on test day the assessor will just tell you where to go and assess you on random stuff with zero predictability. And that includes obstacles like pedestrian crossings and tight roads\nAlso our roads really ease a lot of self-awareness from drivers. Two phase traffic lights, pedestrian priority crossings, plenty of roundabouts and PLENTY of speed cams are so common in Europe. drivers in malaysia are just too easy when the road system makes you aloof"]]} {"title": "Happy 2024 Nyets! \ud83e\udd73", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vojze/happy_2024_nyets/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["Haha i went to ioi also yesterday.. rmai gila org!", "AND GOT MISHA OMAR"], ["Happy New Year!"]]} {"title": "Can someone explain to me what is this \"planta\" and \"sabun lux\" thing on Twitter attacking PMX?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vo8av/can_someone_explain_to_me_what_is_this_planta_and/", "num_comment": 24, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I see some X users like https://twitter.com/Salim_Iskandar aka Parpukarri kept talking about some Planta and sabun Lux thingy. They were also some long-ass videos which I did not bother to watch. He thinks it'd be the downfall of the Madani govt (yawn).\nI am just curious what is the context. Can someone do a TL; DR?", "comments": [["", "To be fair, planta is way cheaper than lube.", "And reminds me of ramly burger", "Them ass cheeks reminding me of the nightly sin of going to find some buns..", "So this guy is fantasising about the PM having gay sex? Does this guy need it that badly?"], ["PN meme game is weak. Its not even funny and the common folks don't even get the reference unless its explained. Anyone remember kakistokrasi?"], ["It's just an evolution of the peliwat insult\nUsing sabun and Planta to licinkan the butthole\nBasically it's \"terpaling Islam\" having buttsex in their head, rent-free", "You don't really want to understand the mindset of walauns tbh, they have no brain capacity\nPH fans spin around like a washing machine, Walauns just stand in one place spewing sewer shit", "I would still prefer to bring back the court to reverse its judgement on PMX. All he has is a pardon from ex-Agong which really means the conviction still holds. This is why he can still be called a peliwat. I also don\u2019t think a 70 year old can rape a 20+ year old. But you can\u2019t argue with that when the judgement is still valid on paper.", "First one I can somewhat believe, as there are many closet gay out there.\nBut then he kena same charge same way at height of his political career, again. I mean dude, even the blind can see what's up.", "The fact that saiful changed his statement from rape to consensual after being told it's unlikely for a 68 year old man to rape a 20 year old , cements its bullshittery to me.", "Ummmm didn't the royal pardon voided the whole case itself?", "A pardon means he is a free man and does not need to undergo his sentence.\nHis conviction still stands.", "I\u2019m not sure exactly. But pardon means forgiveness which inadvertently also means Agong forgave him as \u201cpeliwat\u201d. Which is why many who wants to attack him can still use this against him especially when they have no more bullets against him.", "Please dont mock walaun.. Low iq is considered OKU and we dont mock OKU", "I get the gay references. But I think it's in context to an interview he did with a former inmate of Sg Buloh who was also incarcerated at the same time with Anwar."], ["I cant believe you still listening to parpukari....", "that's the real mystery here"], ["The guy claimed it was a normal accurance in prison to have gay sex orgy. They use planta and soaps as lubricants. And the guy claimed anwar on some occasions joined those orgies.\nBut for me, its just too farfetched. I dont think its true.", "this is not the news I wanted to read on NY 2024, butt here we are :26563:", "Guy make it sounds like he\u2019s been in prison before", "Dont judge other people fetish. I'm sure this guy has the same occuring dream over and over again."], ["Blud, just uninstall Twitter. Place been a hell hole for degenerates for years now. I used to think thats for Reddit, tbh, Twitter is just fucking worse."], ["Is he speaking from experience, perchance..\nThere's no more respect or even eloquence in insults these days..."], ["Hes like fahmi redza kinda off ... being called to pulis station few times..."]]} {"title": "Making mistakes in the new year? Ernest Ng has gotchu back", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vo7a2/making_mistakes_in_the_new_year_ernest_ng_has/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["Meme Monday"], "header": "", "comments": [["For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Sos"], ["Aiyyaaaa why u gotta speak like uncle roger la and put your manglish in written format haiiyAaaa", ""]]} {"title": "How A Crowdfunded Malaysian Film On Racial Tensions Became A Runaway Hit \u2013 Analysis", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18x3wz7/how_a_crowdfunded_malaysian_film_on_racial/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": ["Entertainment"], "header": "", "comments": [["Crowfunded? How? I like to make a movie about hang tuah. Assassin's creed and the raid style", "They did it on Kickstarter.\nBut about half came from a businessman at the very last minute.", "Thanks", "Can you make a movie for RM410,000. Because that's how they did it.", "Yeah, but RM400K budget probably do for a short film"], ["I watched last weekend. I\u2019m happy that it\u2019s good. Pretty on par with international indie in terms of storytelling and filmmaking."]]} {"title": "MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 1 Januari 2024 (pagi)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vny6r/met_malaysia_laporan_cuaca_1_januari_2024_pagi/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Technology literacy in Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vnap0/technology_literacy_in_malaysia/", "num_comment": 212, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "Just watched a few tik toks in Malay promoting cheap \"gaming\" laptops and oh my god the gullibility of the people in the comments actually made me mad. And the sad thing is that Malay speaking content creators take advantage of these people and either shill shitty product for exorbitant prices or outright scam their audience.\nSo what do yall think?", "comments": [["its the case of anak nak gaming laptop but bapak bukan gamer. so bapak pun beli saja since it says gaming laptop. well idk what spec are we looking at but im pretty sure the newer gen stuff can be used for \"budget gaming\"", "half of my friends tak tau boleh upgrade RAM and think 8gb is the maximum..\non a 3060 laptop...", "oh man i used to game with intel intergrated graphics XD", "I game on an MX 130 lol. In 2023.", "i5 8250, 8gb ram, MX150, 2gb vram, in 2024 playing x-plane. have to use a lot of plugin to reduce graphic and plug the charger all the time. still can play la haha", "Same, now in 2024.\ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude01", "Speaking of which! Some of them ironically didnt know that they ran some games with integrated graphics but they didnt know.\nall they say is \"bapak ah game tgh lah sial\"", "Oh yeah this happened to my cousin who is a software engineer. Years ago he bought a gaming PC but somehow he had been playing his games with monitor connecting to the motherboard hdmi output. It went on for half a year until I noticed and pointed it out to him. His realization was hilarious.\nI find it weird that there's alot of people i know who are pro at software (i.e. IT, coding or design) but are completely clueless outside of the software they use.", "Integrated graphic are getting good and more efficient lately", "Yo but amd intefrated graohics is freaking awesome tho. Got an old amd cpu with it for like Rm99 and it can run gta 5 high setting like a boss", "Yeah, I have a Ryzen 5600h with an integrated graphics card and it runs pretty well on 2010s games. Don't expect the same performance in modern games though.", "wtf really?", "the APU of Amd back then is really good for super budget setup,it still is good with the ryzen architecture", "And it\u2019s what Steam deck based on also", "Here I am stressing about putting 4 stick into my mobo n if the XPM would be disabled. While simultaneously fussing about the ram timing.\nwtfisitsocomplicatedsigh", "nahh itll always folo the slowest one. just keep it simple n use same model/brand/series for all the slots.", "I bought hyperx Fury just before covid as stock is running out. Its more expensive compared to like silicon power, so was checking out if can mix n match.\nIn fact, the seller only had rgb in stock precovid, so my case only the ram is lit fabulously lol. Damm sesat look.", "ignorance is bliss i guess\nthe problem is before they find out they planned to buy a new laptop.. or a prebuilt", "Some laptops can swap RAM nowadays tho, so I'd still blame it on those users for not educating themselves.", "The worst part is i once called them out but they say \" we're not rich like you\" but spend money on games thrice that amount.", "I think it isn't entire wrong, while some laptop still designed with upgradable memory on the motherboard, but most of the thin/ultra books have designed them as onboard memory which means non-upgradable.", "it really depends on the laptop model though, most laptop allow upgrade but there are some that are ass enough to have their RAM soldered onto it and non-upgradable", "I dont disagree. but they bought specifically gaming laptops that are gimped with 8gb ram with an empty slot. but they dunno anything about it", "Yeah you are right but these tiktok scammers are not selling new gen stuff, they are selling laptop 1 malaysia level chromebook from 2010's and advertise them as gaming laptops.", "owwh if thats the case we can flag that to tik tok as false advertizing. maybe go even better send to KPDN(idk what they can do rn really) XD", "Nah cuz \"gaming laptop\" is a really broad term. A laptop can be considered a gaming laptop even though it can only run minesweerper so that's an unfortunate loophole", "yeah thats quite a loophole.", "I don\u2019t think that would fly as \u201cgaming\u201d laptop. You would have to be a gigantic idiot with zero knowledge on what modern gaming is to fall for such a claim.", "Which is more than half of the people. All they know is more ram = better performance which is not totally wrong but there's more than just ram", "Except the people who are selling those stuff are not telling what generation CPU it is. I saw several ads telling 8th generation i7 below with no dedicated GPU \"gaming\" laptop"], ["Not just the Malay speaking audience, its every single society segment.\nThem young ones didn't have to troubleshoot their tech as often as millennials have to back in the day. If you never have to meddle to get things going, you won't have any incentive to learn more deeply than just using the thing.", "True. I used to think Gen Z would be better at tech so when I found the opposite, I thought it was weird until I read a similar comment like yours.\nA lot of the tech we have today is very streamlined compared to the late 90s to early 00s. They don\u2019t grow up tinkering a PC because a phone or tablet already fulfil their needs. Wifi routers now come with apps that make set up a breeze. Pirated stuff was rampant that we learned how to detect dangerous sites and deal with malware. Printers still suck, but we have less and less reasons to even print something in the first place.\nApart from PC gamers, I could now see why Gen Z is less tech literate. It\u2019s not their fault.", "You miss a huge point. Most of tech is now becoming less open. Everything is pretty much solder in and can't be changed. Only pc remain customizable. In the future even car knowledge is going down", "yes, which is why we need to have a right to repair thingy going on like what people are fighting for in the USA", "Good point too. I can\u2019t upgrade anything on my laptop.", "Hopefully framework laptop become normalise. EU is our only hope to reverse the trend", "Wait hold up are we talking about software literacy or hardware literacy??", "Both. Considering voice is also becoming more accessible. Just like how most today no longer need to hand write letter. I'm sure future norme generations need less typing and just use text to speech. Just like sense of direction since GPS become norm.", "its ok, the more the lesser there is on freedom, education and the good will to do things that are interesting, fun and meaningful, the more the people gonna start riots and wars. don't give face, consumerism or control or whatever, the future generations must know about all the important stuffs to continue having good lives. Lawan. Jgn ditindas. Kasi Bomb itu tempat. HA HA HA HA...", "True. I'm GenZ but my first phone was a 5 year old Redmi 2 that crashed all the time. Troubleshooting all of the endless issues made me interested in tech and knowledgeable about the intricacies of android like different runtimes. Eventually I picked up coding in form 3 and pretty much self learnt python and some C++.", "That\u2019s cool! Keep it up", "Not just hardware. Back in those days, windows was just crappy. Occasionally, it needs to be formatted and reinstalled just to keep it working properly. These days it has become reliable enough that we almost never need to reinstall the OS that comes preinstalled for the entire lifetime of the laptop.", "Another good point! We don\u2019t even need to defrag anymore.", "lagi cantik sekarang just give minor bug.. button kenot press then got sometimes annoying little things happen.. its ok la... a.i. programming language also seemed like got humour and mischief.. when ask to wear seksi sikit pun tak nak kasi tunjuk. HA HA HA HA HA.. main main. koyak baju baru tau. HA HA HA HA HA", "This is exactly why my 12yo got a mid range pc for his Christmas present. Now if he complains it isn't working well enough he can figure out which part needs replacing and what he wants to replace it with himself.\n(EDIT for shitty spelling)", "Great idea!", "You did a good thing", "There are people out there who don't know how to use windows or even navigate folders since they grew up with iPads\nhttps://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z", "True that. My first PC was supposed to be fully spec-ed to the teeth, and my dad paid an arm and leg for that. Turn out the shop conned us and gave us shitty parts. Gotta work and fix it so often that I learnt how to put together a PC pre-internet times", "yeah! there is now entire generation that dont know how to use a game controller!", "More likely don't know how to use a physical keyboard without auto correct than controller.", "Keyboard > Game Controller -> Touch Screen.\nI suspect he meant some mobile corny and stupid games. Only when ones get serious about AAA gaming, they had to earn the 10,000 hours.", "You... Did you watch Thor? That story threw cold water on me. Man, next gen gamers be wild.", "I have never touched a Nintendo switch ever in my life, of course I'm not going to know how to use that specific game controller", "i mean there kids now literally pushing aside controllers trying to press the screen as if its touchscreen.", "well then that's an entire issue", "Is this based on the short by Thor?", "I agreed, I helping someone with a Computer Science degree, asked him to reseat his RAM.\nHe said he don't know how to open his PC case, and don't know how remove RAM...", "To be fair it\u2019s software and not hardware specialisations.", "even worse, it's closer to theory and mathematics than it is to software, let alone tinkering with hardware.", "I'm a CS major and there's a course in my college that taught us how to pick and install PC components", "Yeah. Taking electrical engineering does not mean that i can fix your fridge. Haha", "TIL CS student learns how to build a PC", "CS \u2260 tech literate.\nDepending on their focus, they prolly might know more on programming side rather than the handy mandy parts.\nI think if they're doing IT (information technology) and still doesn't know much about the physical components of a PC, that's an issue.", "OMG. He will not survive..", "new gen only good at tok kok, but don't really know shit honestly. They're good at pointing out issues, but dont know or wont even bother learning how to fix it\n\"look, my car has a punctured tyre. Car seller need to make sure all tyre wont have this problem anymore. Lets all protest\"\n\"in the mean time, did you change the tyre first?\"\n\"why should I?\"", "Complex things became simple, but in reality it is still complex, just designed so most people can use it without bothering with the details. I would say foolproof, but even fools sometimes break them. Ready made things are a lot easier to have than something you need to make on your own. While i still believe that professional stuff should be left to the experts, i do believe that you should have a minimum understanding of something that you own.\nI still see people using default SSID that their ISP set for them. Many people drive cars without knowing how to maintain it, they just know have problem go to workshop, no money can still drive use until it breaks. For a pc, unless the user took the effort, most people dont even know what parts their own computer has."], ["I don't use TikTok but based on the stuff creators are promoting on YouTube it's pretty bad everywhere\nbomb power supplies\noverpriced trash\netc etc", "Yep same on tiktok but I think it's even worse. Promoting literal e-waste with that annoying ass voice and smug accent", "Can you link the video? I'm not on the Malaysian Tech algorithm it seems"], ["As a millennial myself with a computer engineering background, I started to avoid answering computer illiterate person about why their laptop/PC/smartphone is too slow for gaming. I'll just tell them to go and buy the most expensive device they can afford. If the games is still lagging, that's mean you are just too poor to afford a gaming device.", "That's a very nice and simple way to put it. I'll be using your answer as well but of course without the mention of poor part hahaha", "then they go buy macbook XD"], ["i5 i5 bagus bagus, turns out it is gen 1 i5? and the wow 16gb ddr3 ram? lol", "No shit I saw a vid saying that acer nitro 5 has 84 gb of ram lmao. I immediately called out their bullshit", "Yeah I see posts like\nGAMING PC MURAH\nCORE I7\nGTX GRAPHIC CARD\nReality: i7 1st gen, gtx 650, fire hazard psu, way too many rgb puke fans", "Can you recommend me a good one within student budget?", "what's your budget? some students consider 10k is a student budget. lmao", "dafuqfr ? i know generally u need atlease 4k for a decent laptop for student but 10k ??", "haiyaaa.. read properly laa.. 4k of course is good enough laa.. I'm talking about those rich as fuck, dumb fuck students who born with fuck you money.. that's why I put \"some\" and ask what's his budget?", "i know u did state \"some\" but it still large amount.\nmy nearby friends all mostly buy laptop more than 5k (hell one of em bought a laptop from harvey norman for almost 6k with 1660 ti 2 years ago) or just get 2nd shop. not one of em buy new and value buy laptop", "And what games do you play ? If you play Cyberpunl 2077 or Alan Wake 2 I would say forget it", "If your budget is 2k\u00b1. I'd suggest an integrated APU for starters. Ryzen 5 5600g, 16gb ram ddr4, 1tb nvme, 550w PSU. This is as basic as you can get, upgrade to dedicated gpu down the line. Unless you're looking for laptops", "This is worse than buying overpriced rubbish 'gaming' pc from wish.com"], ["Not just Malays la. I was actually quite surprised as well. I thought in this age these new gen would be somewhat literate regarding tech. Boy was I wrong. Type keyboard guna dua jari telunjuk. Words & excel x payah cerita la. I mean. Don't they teach all these in school? I remember started to learn all this in primary school. Sudah abolished ka?", "No, it is never abolished, its just idiots being idiots", "People just don't want to learn."], ["A lot of people don't know how to google. I think half of our problem can be solved easily if people know how to use their phone effectively lol. Heck I think significant of my time can be reduced if my clients know how to use the internet and not just social media smh\nI own a printing store so I deal with a lot of printing stuff and I'd say 80% of my customer don't even know how to send thing through whatsapp. Also the amount of people who SCREENSHOT THE IMAGES FROM THEIR GALLERY AND SEND IT TO ME instead of just sending that goddamn original images is so damn high then they got pissed when the img is so blur", "Googling the right thing is definitely a whole separate skill. There should be a whole free course on how to properly use Google", "Well I agree, googling the right thing (niche thing I suppose) def need skill. But googling in general shouldn't be too hard like what do you mean you don't know how to find \"contoh surat rasmi buka akaun bank\" \ud83d\ude2d", "Googling isn't hard, it just not the default behaviour anymore. I've noticed that more and more people prefer to be fed information rather than seeking it out themselves.\nIt's not that Googling is hard, it's just it doesn't even cross their minds to do it.", "You're right about that ain't gonna lie. There's even ChatGPT now to make it easier although giving the right prompts itself is also another whole separate skill \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d Not a W situation at all hahaha", "Quality of Google has declined over the years thanks to endless content shit farms, SEO, and more lately, AI generated content. Anyone who's tried to use Google for technical/nuanced discussion can probably agree it's quite difficult to find quality content now (even with the 'adding \"reddit\" to the end of your query' trick), couple with this newer gen and their approach to passively receive information, the internet as we knew it is dead.", "I work in IT retail and customers prefer to ignore us workers and instead Google while standing in front of the item they want to find. They end up taking a lot of time.", "Also the amount of people who SCREENSHOT THE IMAGES FROM THEIR GALLERY AND SEND IT TO ME instead of just sending that goddamn original images is so damn high then they got pissed when the img is so blur\nOh yeah i know that feeling very well.\nI often help my dad and uncles to print out basic documents and receipts/invoices for their work. Most of the time and I mean 99% of the time, they either send me a phone screenshot of the document/ OR literally taking a photo of the hardcopy document (not even using the feature that can convert the camera into scanner). These jpg images often get forwarded so many times via whatsapp or wechat until they became so compressed that you can't even read the text!\nYou know what's the worst ones I've received? SENDING ME A JPG OF A PHONE DISPLAYING A JPG OF THE DOCUMENT. OMFG CAN YOU PLEASE FORWARD ME THE PDF FILE."], ["I have a computer store and I was surprised that many customers came to me asking if Chromebook available. Most just look at price rather than spec\ud83d\ude13", "Yeah but you gotta take their budget into consideration. A lot of people can't afford a 1000+ laptop for work ya know", "you are not gonna get any new decent 'work' laptop even for 1000+, used or budget laptops yes", "welllllll its like that for many things really ahahaha malaysian right? ahahahaha. me imma spec person. but price.... well price is price ahahahaha gotta lower my expectations XD", "Or stock the actual decent Chromebook from Joi, Acer, Asus, etc instead of out of support Chromebook from years ago."], ["I'd say it's an intersectionality of several factors.\nMalaysians are generally penny-wise and pound-foolish. That's how so many are so easily duped into voting for the wrong parties, selecting the wrong leaders, making ill-advised spending, etc etc.\nNext, its technology literacy. For one thing, I noticed many in the malaysian population are, and might never be for the next 5 years, not ready for AI. By the time AI really runs in this country's economy and industry in full force, many might be losing their jobs. Of course, politicians might wanna prevent that from happening to save jobs, but that might just drag us further behind---as if we're not lagging already---in terms of output and production.\nthird, orang kite mentality. I've seen Malays scamming fellow malays into get rich quick schemes, saving plans, and even bogus Nabi relics exhibition. Looking at Hadi Awang is enough, another well known snake oil salesman. A lot of Malays are willing to trust a stranger just because he or she is from the same race instead of using critical thinking and analytical skills to discern truths for themselves", "By the time AI really runs in this country's economy and industry in full force, many might be losing their jobs. Of course, politicians might wanna prevent that from happening to save jobs, but that might just drag us further behind---as if we're not lagging already---in terms of output and production.\nAI in its current or upcoming form is not the promise its proponents, shills, critics, doomsayers, \"influencers\" claim it will be. Just like crypto. It's very underwhelming in reality. If the economy is gonna be shit, it will be for other reasons.", "Any reference to what you state? Because as I experienced from work, AI+analytics+automation has been progressing rapidly for the last 1 decade and no sight of underwhelming as you mentioned. There are many aspects of AI, although we have not reached AGI yet, which AI aspects to you think it is underwhelming?", "2 recent articles to help you make up your mind:\nhttps://locusmag.com/2023/12/commentary-cory-doctorow-what-kind-of-bubble-is-ai/\nhttps://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/02/the-i-in-llm-stands-for-intelligence/\nbut honestly, if you've used \"AI\" in any reasonable extent in actual work, I'm surprised you haven't reached the conclusion yourself. Everyone I know who've shared their experiences with AI use it to help them deal with menial and trivial tasks, or as a glorified if inaccurate google replacement. (it is actually better than Google for certain queries, but the fact that you cannot rely on it to be factual and error free...) but nobody I knows actually needs AI for their job.\nPersonally as a software developer AI is pretty much incapable of actually enhancing my workflow, copilot almost always gets in my way unless it manages to generate something I was planning to write anyway. I've never had it generate something that went \"huh, didn't know I could write it this way\", and more often than not, it feels like I'm working with a lobotomized ADHD junior dev breathing on my shoulder.", "There are many other aspects of AI that has made significant progress since the last decade.\nA fine example is how coke cola integrating generative AI into their advertising and marketing areas.\nAdobe has integrated AI generative fill as one of their features for image editing.\nAIOps has been deployed in enterprise environments to reduce MTTD and MTTR.\nThere are many more other AI implementation in enterprise solutions. Just because you aren't aware, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.", "Are you speaking first hand or are you just repeating what people are saying (particularly corporates who at the moment are particular vulnerable to the grifting and fraudulent marketing of these \"AI\" companies) The second article I linked literally addresses what you're talking about in your first reply and again in your second. Things that look like it works on the surface but is actually nonsense; still requires, and always will require, a human to verify and only passes in the most trivial of cases.\nAnd yes, I know generative image AI exists, and the progress it's made. But you're really conflating progress with potential impact. generative image AI shares the same fundamental limitations as LLMs. They aren't that different.", "I am speaking first hand. My spouse is in media advertising creative agency and I am an engineer from enterprise solution.\nIf you think all is horseshit, then why do our customers consitnue to spend millions in renewing solution subscriptions? You know something that they don't? \ud83d\ude02\nJust because it is not AGI, doesn't mean it is not making positive impact to the environment.", "\"People are making millions from X therefore it must be good XD\"\nok AIbro, please invest everything you have into ai stock and companies.\nlast few links for you before i drop out off this thread completely, which are probably gonna stay blue for you.\nhttps://medium.com/bits-and-behavior/more-than-calculators-why-large-language-models-threaten-public-education-480dd5300939\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MUEXGaxFDA\nhttps://drewdevault.com/2023/08/29/2023-08-29-AI-crap.html", "Orh right. You continue to drop links from what you have read and not experienced from enterprise solution deployment.\nSure, stay with that kind of mindset. It will bring you far.", "true ,true and all true!"], ["GAMING PC MURAH BOLEH MAIN PUBG , DOTA2.\nSPEC : 2nd Gen i5 + GT730.\nTechnically can play PUBG and Dota 2 at 14fps at 720p..", "Then they sell it for 2000 lol", "14 fps?? \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d", "You'd be lucky if it even launch", "Im surprised they still even have those in stock", "Can become a r/lowendgaming story", "dota 2 maybe not, since when my friend forced me to play dota 2, with my current Minecraft server PC(i3 4170 GT720) I can run DOTA 2 at 120fps", "Benda ni boleh buatkan orang kena gelak kaw-kaw dah..."], ["Hey there, currently in the United States. The same thing can be said for more \"rural\" areas, advertisement targets lower-income and technology-illiterate individuals. even worse is the credit payment plan, since America loves credit. A cheap 300-dollar laptop can cost 1000 with interest."], ["Thats why Malaysia is syurga scammer.", "a prc supplier once admitted as much to me"], ["Malaysian in a nutshell:\n\"Oh they have a lot of following so everything they say must be true!\"\n\"HOLY SHIT MURAH GILA!\" *proceeds to buy without even look at the products components\nKesah lak murah ke tak, asalkan ada perkataan \"gaming\". Same thing \"gaming\" chairs. For god sakes most of them aren't even good for your back.", "Ergonomic office chairs > Gaming chairs"], ["Scrolled very long in Malay gaming scene and out of the many videos I only saw two honest creators smh.", "Please share who the two honest content creators are, they definitely need more love from us.", "I hope Monaliza bro is one of them at least.", "I think even Monaliza has been criticized once in a while, not as egregious as this though. I think they released a video a while back reviewing a really dubious and cheap Android Box claiming it can do 4K, people called them out on it. Ironically, that review came after they released a video of their opinion on the whole LTT drama.", "Need to know who are they", "Turns out Melayu sendiri yang pijak Melayu. What a surprise"], ["Yeah especially when they say chromebook is good. like bruh no\ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0fget a refurbished laptop instead its far better", "Nothing wrongs with Chromebook if all the user need to do is browse facebook or watch youtube and some light typing on googles docs.\nVery good battery life and relatively secure.", "But to advertise it as a gaming laptop when there are already laptops specifically in that segment is pretty much misleading and false advertising.", "Too overpriced tho"], ["I know a ton of people that put their Wifi router in a cabinet somewhere, or behind their TV, and yet blame TM for shitty connections.", "Granted, TM aint the best either, they got their problems too\n(bad routing, crappy chinese no name routers [who is aztech])"], ["It\u2019s the consumer culture here in Malaysia. Tech is sold at less than reputable stores and there\u2019s only one big box store and they rip you off.\nCompared to say Best Buy in the U.S., video cards, CPUs, pre made PCs are all clearly displayed and the consumer is informed.\nMalaysia doesn\u2019t have good consumer protection laws and the general mentality is if you get ripped off then it\u2019s your fault."], ["People nowadays do not bother to Google and do any basic research before buying anything. Surprisingly from my circle of friends this goes the same with degree graduates."], ["I have no idea how to see how good they are. But I always ask for the specifications and compare it in game requirements test to see if can play or not.\nAlways check in game requirement test before buying.", "Yeah but the commenters always asking \"Roblox boleh tak? Blackshot boleh tak? San andreas boleh tak?\". Choosing the lowest end games as tester is genuinely making me mad. Either that or that guy that ask can pubg be played on a chromebook lmao", "Lol seriously? If like that just buy a RM300 laptop and it should work. The game I want to play lowest specs atleast RM700."], ["r u sure they dunno bout the specs\nim more astonished of the prices", "Yep. Saw one claimed acer nitro 5 has 84 gb of ram lmao", "84GB of RAM??? Gahdamn bro they tryna do server stuff for NASA bro", "Nah NASA sent people to moon with 4kb of ram", "plot twist: 84GB DDR ram."], ["You have no idea. I have some many people have trouble creating PDF from JPEG and these people just graduate from high school just a few years ago.", "Tbh I still have no idea to do it properly and just use online websites instead cuz every single app that I use ask you to sign up and shit", "Well you can always pirate the apps lol"], ["Can play Dota2, cannot play Minecraft"], ["I think the people who usually fall for all this stuff usually dont have the time to actually do research on the matter (too many other commitments), or they are just too trusting especially when its a source they are comfortable with (influencer, friend, uncle etc) or they are just dumb MFs. Its not just a malay thing, its a people thing."], ["Honestly, I myself had lost track of todays gaming tech. I was a gamer back in the days, and my knowledge in pc can be considered advanced. But nowadays, im totally lost. In terms of OS and softwares, I am still up to date a bit, but in terms of hardware.... nope. My knowledge are more towards phones now.\nWhen buying a pc or laptop, i just find my friend who is knowledgeable in this, tell him what i want to do, my budget, and then he will list down the specs that meets my needs.\nI dont even remember the graphic card used for my son pc. Hahahaha"], ["I don't think it's just technology literacy. That might be one of the key component. But I think it strikes deeper into media literacy. Identifying scams in media, be it audio or visual or both is a general skill, the reason one would believe in conspiracy theories spread through WhatsApp is the same reason people will fall for scams like these.\nIf you have strong media literacy, you would not be as easily preyed upon by these scummy business tactic. (not impossible, just harder, and avoid the drunning kruger effect)"], ["Yeah the seller said that pc has wifi and the comment asks wifi how much a month hahahaha"], ["I am guilty. I have zero knowledge of computers.", "That's what google is for my dude. Just search up linus laptop buying guide and learn from there. Oh and avoid the malay speaking side at all cost cuz most of them are shills", "Go to buildapc before buying anything!", "Watch these YouTubers called Jarrod's Tech and PC Centric. All you need to know tbh."], ["If anyone here is looking for a gaming laptop and can at least understand English, I recommend this youtuber called Jarrod's Tech. He helped me in my decision to get my gaming laptop and so far I'm very happy with my purchase.", "or go to places like r/laptops", "r/GamingLaptops to be more specific", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/laptops using the top posts of the year!\n#1: Got drunk and puked on my Lenovo Ideapad gaming 3, is there any way to clean under the keys or could any professionals do it? | 371 comments\n#2: i added an extra heatsink to this poor laptop. | 148 comments\n#3: Is this bad | 162 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub"], ["Business opportunities selling refurbished business or office laptop that just decommissioned."], ["I know basic computering but nothing fancy. But even as me whose not really a tech guy can see this scam is just, haih, theyre using gullible people, parents especially.\nThough, id say good for them. My parents doesnt buy me shits that easily when i was a kid, even phones are second hands that able to use basic smartphone stuff. Gotta learn the hard way id say"], ["There's a seafood/durian Chinese guy who's selling used Chromebooks as \"Gaming laptop\". So it's not a racial thing. Generally, many tech illiterate people are in the country."], ["As someone who manages the IT of my department any pc/laptop with gen 8 and below is not worth it. Obviously these content scammers don\u2019t know what they are talking about. Even in Shoppee there are seller selling gen 6 for more than rm1k"], ["I see it on fb as well, some random post advertising junk products and everyone in the comment section asking link pls, where can buy, so cheap onz buy, etc...\nThe amount of people who dont even bother to check the product quality, product usage & proper reviews but just look at the PRICE because some random page shared about it. Later, they complain product bad lah, scam me, all dumb excuses for their own stupidity.", "and then proceed to blame the bank for \"no security\" when they try to get discount by downloading shady app", "this also, those who download random apps really no hope\nno common sense"], ["Those are mostly kampung people who are less likely to be technologically literate.", "Yeah I know. Really sad to see tbh cuz they are getting scammed hard"], ["It's norm wait till you join pc group and just to watch drama unfold."], ["can you share those tiktok acc? would love to expose them", "Search up gaming laptop on tiktok and you'll find plenty"], ["those \u201cgullible people\" are bot."], ["not really Malaysia or Malay issue, they just copy marketing strategy from China n orang putih."], ["It's tiktok."], ["In this age where information is readily available online."], ["if you're spending any considerable amount of money on a product without doing extensive research then its really on you for getting tricked tbh"], ["Someone in pc gaming community fb group made a post complaining about this, then that kedai made police report. Something like fitnah or mencarut (the OP did use vulgar words to describe)"], ["As a millennial, I see a profit opportunity. If that's what the consumer wants, its what the market will provide.", "Sounds like market ripe for disruption for people who can tell the truth. Whether the good pc is affordable or not i dont know lah.", "good acceptable spec for me usually will range 2K+. anything below is just for school/office work n presentations n maybe for online/retail shops. doing those office stuff."], ["We are NOT yet a first world country and many people in Mlysia are not ICT expert,please be real", "Yeah I know. But at the very least they have the knowledge of googling what this and that is. Instead, they just blindly believe what this random person on the internet is saying", "Maybe they are dumb, truly dumb"], ["Another thing people often overlook in laptop specs is GPU wattage. There's a reason why some laptops are cheaper than their counterparts (+quality).", "I made that mistake with my previous gaming laptop. I got a Dell G3 the cheap one with GTX 1650. I didn't know the TGP was pretty low at the time. The i5-9300h was also probably bottlenecking my laptop. It was a rookie mistake. Now I moved over to the Lenovo LOQ series with my GPU having 115W TGP. No regrets."], ["I don\u2019t play games. So I just buy a M3 MacBook Pro and upgraded the ram to 16GB."], ["Probably because people think that gaming pc = console in terms of performance."], ["The logic is...as time move forward .. the latest laptop..already capable of playing..games...just don't expect for the game can play at full spec... Need to go basic level...graphic, shadows...etc.. Same like.mobile.phone..now.if go and buy...redmi note 10...already can play games...CODM..pubg... The setting out lowest...for longevity... All the now highest specs expensive pc or mobile fon...after 10 years will be cheap...the technology inside those machine will pass down ... Who know in the year 2030...all the cheap laptop is the high specs..."], ["What are their specs?", "Intel celeron should tell you everything. The other one i saw was a chromebook that can't even run the os properly", "\ud83d\udc80\nAnd they are passing them off as gaming laptops? That's a scam.", "Celeron should be banned", "celeron? lol wtf"], ["most people are not interested in learning stuff outside their interest, like food folks will be ignorant to what they eat.\nit is just for some of us, interest had to be learnt the hard way when we were growing up."], ["Probably because people using certain languages usually wouldn't look at the details of those products in other languages due to lacking competency to read and understand long passage plus jargon, so these content creators took this advantage. For example, I used both Italian and Jap to search for best pc 2023, but the recommended vids to watch lesser in Italian which almost all contents come from the same creator (and you never know whether it's accurate without comparison). This can form information cocoons when ppl are unable or fewer to actively search for contents in other languages. And information cocoons are almost every part of society makes wealth from.\n\nBtw I think only Eng and ch can direct more comprehensive search results...other languages..no."], ["genuine question from a tech illiterate:\nwhat do y'all think of those custom-built laptops like Illegear, Aftershock, Level51 etc.? Are they worth the price?", "No", "\"local\" brands like illegear, aftershock, level51 just buy chinese odm laptops from manufactures like Clevo or Tongfang, slap their name onto it and sell it\nNothing exactly wrong with that since those 2 brands make for various other brands as well, but the components that can be easily changed (RAM, SSD) would be determined by your reseller (do they give you cheap crappy ssd or good name brand ssd) and also the more important part is the warranty and after sales support\nI wouldn't completely dismiss them, just do your research and pick the best option"], ["Me working in retail selling IT stuff: True story bro....."], ["well, in my entire life I've only met one dude who knows remotely anything about tech."], ["i have to google what \u201cshill\u201d meaning"], ["My kid will be lucky to have me. I hope they are good at maths though. But amd integrated nowadays is quite okay, good enough for valorant and genshin which is what kids plays nowadays. Keyword: NOW."], ["You guys game with PC?"], ["My friend wanted a new laptop for his Uni work and he did a survey on a tech store (He came in with his parents). He asked for a laptop that could do heavy graphics design work (Preferably the one that has RTX) and the store retailer offered him a laptop with an Intel Iris GPU for the price of 3K.\nThankfully he knows technology and his father understood his work."], ["lul i created a thread about this the other day"], ["Its the same scenario as a non-car guy going to a showroom or the mechanic."], ["not just malay, everyone that sells tech and knows their audience/customer doesnt know shit will always push stuff to sell"]]} {"title": "Rotterdam Selection \u2018Fire on Water\u2019 Examines Malaysian Tamil Cinema, Trailer Unveiled (EXCLUSIVE)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yia3f/rotterdam_selection_fire_on_water_examines/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "2 being probed over statements on Islamic affairs council", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yb804/2_being_probed_over_statements_on_islamic_affairs/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Religion"], "header": "Investigations are being held under the Sedition Act 1948 and the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, says Bukit Aman.", "comments": [["Syakir Nasoha still NFA?"]]} {"title": "Happy new (tax) year everyone.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vnabl/happy_new_tax_year_everyone/", "num_comment": 87, "flairlabel": ["Meme Monday"], "header": "", "comments": [["For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["It mentions that items \"brought\" into malaysia, so if its merchants who dropship from outside of malaysia, they get taxed, but products who locally ship within malaysia are exempt from the 10% tax?", "Yeah, pretty much that. The rule is just extension to the current import tax for purchases from overseas, just with items under RM500 included now.", "So as long as the online merchant's I buy from ship within Malaysia, I won't get penalized with the 10% tax id it's below rm 500.", "Buying directly from an overseas vendor still seems to be cheaper than a dropshipper."], ["How can they find out if you buy from overseas ?", "Visible players like Shopee & Lazada will comply. Probably added to their platform already.", "umm,the items from overseas have to go through customs right?", "Managed by kastam, inspected by kastam, go through kastam", "It is already added. I had checked the prices. Compare them vs the price in your past orders."], ["I find it kinda weird when it's being \"demonized\" as increasing the cost, not being considerate of the B40s etc etc. But, the fact is just that they're removing the threshold exemption on import duty for goods below RM500.\nBuy from a local producer/distributor, done. I guess now importers would do things in bulk, which may be a good thing since buying in bulk would usually give you bulk discount. But, this could also give a reason for sellers to up the price for the \"risk premium\" too.\nI guess, bad marketing?", "Its because generally sellers will raise price instead.\nIf you locally price your item at RM3 and foreign equivalent items went from RM3.50 to RM 3.85, you know the market can bear a RM0.50 difference, so you will raise your price to RM3.35. Still 50 sens lower. Your net profit may literally double from this.\nNot everyone will do it... But generally this will happen or atleast is perceived to happen.", "correct me i am wrong but isn't the main reason people buy foreign equivalent items because it's more cheaper? Wouldn't saying foreign equivalent items went from RM2.50 to RM 3.10 would be more accurate as the purpose is to give local supplier the advantage. But if local supplier took the opportunity to raise it to rm 3.30-3.50 instead just seem counterproductive.", "But if local supplier took the opportunity to raise it to rm 3.30-3.50 instead just seem counterproductive.\nWelcome to economics. The government may want to do A, but get B result. People are greedy and will game the system.\nhttps://www.smh.com.au/property/news/governments-spent-20-5b-on-first-home-buyer-help-that-pushes-up-prices-report-20220707-p5azx3.html\nAust gov gave (so to speak) free money for first time home buyers, hoping to increase home ownership. House sellers naik harga since (a subset of) buyers budget increased.\n\"Australian governments spent more than $20.5 billion on first home buyer help in the past decade, which made housing affordability worse by driving up property prices and left existing homeowners richer, new research found.\"\ncorrect me i am wrong but isn't the main reason people buy foreign equivalent items because it's more cheaper?\nI buy cos more options... But price is definitely a plus point. Just saw someone's house deco snow globe thingy. RM170 got blowing 'snow', 6ft stand, lights, moving pieces AND music. Price include delivery. Wtf kind of price is that wei. (from taobao)\nSo now its more expensive and I'm relatively sure no one locally can fabricate it for sub rm200. There's atleast 2 independent small motors inside. Maybe 3.\nAnyway, we do the cheap export thing too, lol. https://www.malaysia-today.net/2012/01/18/protons-more-expensive-in-malaysia-than-overseas/", "Thanks for sharing , it just sad always got these people lying around waiting pounce on this kind of advantage, in the end the government was the one getting flakked even if the intention of policies is rational", "It's partially a protectionism thing. Let local producers profit more. It's fine if they raise salary together.\nBuy Malaysian products", "... They won't?\nSalaries don't go up cos its contracted. Government in 2024 may abolish this tax. Or reduce by 50% to 5%. Salaries can't (or hard) to go down.\nAlso owners will think... Staff same work, price difference only... Why they deserve increase. I tak harap the owners in general, jaded already.", "What happens if I buy 2x shoes in the example given? Would it still be taxed? Does that not mean bulk ordering will still result in each unit being taxed 10%?", "My bad, I got it wrong. I misunderstood how the tax works, I'm really sorry. It is charged not by total value, but by sales value of the goods. So, it'll be charged item per item.\nSo, if we're importing 10 units of something worth RM100 each (total import value of RM1000), still be taxed for each item.", "Anything imported >rm500 has always been taxed btw and that isn't changing.\nI actually don't mind the tax too much but the process itself is quite a hassle if not expensive. Each claim you always have to pay rm18 fee on top of the 10% and if you don't want to drive to the airport yourself to claim your parcel then you have to pay another rm50 on top of the rm18 and the 10%. At least that's how it was before", "What I mean is that the tax is charged as per single unit, not total value. As long as the unit price is below RM500, it will be taxed. I was correcting my previous comment.", "What is the difference between charging as per single unit with charging as per total value tho since it's always 10% anyway regardless if the stuff is >rm500 or not?", "Oh damn, I'm dumb. No difference in buying in bulk one way or another too. Thanks for pointing that out. I feel so stupid rn.", "This is how I understood it as well. That feels kind of heavy imo. A lot of shops on shopee for example are just dropshipping from China suppliers, so everything gets a lot more expensive. But i guess that is the point, to move consumers to local products instead"], ["baik kasi balik 6% gst", "With GST, everything you buy is taxed 6%. SST has a far narrower scope of things taxed."], ["so is it LGV or LVG? lol", "Low Value Goods", "yeah LVG makes more sense, i am just picking on the spelling mistake in the picture lol", "I read that as Louis Vuitton Goods. So atas sia", "Louis van Gaal", "The Customs Department uses LVG, so it\u2019s probably that."], ["Previously somebody here on this topic said the imported items were never taxed so this law is to close the loophole, is this true?"], ["Ah yes now all my taobao order will kena tax. Good year", "Any confirmation?", "I saw Shopee start to have this thing ady, when you order something from overseas LVG will be applied.", "Well Shopee and Lazada have local operations, Taobao idk how it will be implemented or is it ignored."], ["What about items from eBay? Does it mean we\u2019ll get double tax? I bought items from US and was taxed. Would I get taxes twice here?", "You can buy from parcel forwarding services and you won\u2019t get taxed", "Just read about it after your comment. So what the service basically is is that\n1) I buy any item from let say US vendor/person 2) instead of them shipping directly to me, I have them ship to the services address. 2b)service also help if the local vendor doesn\u2019t ship internationally 3) the forwarding service then ship to me\nBenefit: -it\u2019s like a local purchase, so I skip some stuff and fees instead of an international purchase\nRight?", "Yes. It works like that. I buy 2nd hand cameras and amazon stuff with it and I get them without taxes. Check out BuyAndShip if you\u2019re interested. Bought a lot of US stuff and ship em here no prob no taxes"], ["Highkey upset cuz i got posted (healthcare field) to east malaysia. Do you know how exp it is to pay shopee lazada shipping fees? And rural areas is very hard to buy stuff in local stores \ud83e\udd72 I survived off china online shopping for daily stuff. The shipping fees + product cost = more affordable than local stores\u2026.."], ["For those asking for GST back, I can\u2019t help but wonder, how often and how much are you all spending on items from overseas?\nI remember GST, it fucking hurts to see that extra 6% charge on every spending. This is especially true for someone not earning city level salaries.\nOn average I only order overseas items a few times a year, mostly because local stores are significantly more expensive. While I hate LVG tax as much as the next person, in my case it won\u2019t be as impactful as the all encompassing net that was GST.\nAlso, I remember how our government promised to use GST funds to improve public transport. What does that means for Sabahans? Jack shit!\nUntil there\u2019s transparency, I say no to GST."], ["Please don't complain guys, you'll see how reforms will benefit us in the long run. Give or take 70-80 years. By then our currency will be higher than SGD (Singapura sudah tenggelam bawah laut) :26554::26554::26554:\nYay, let us pay more taxes :29091::29091::29091::29091:", "Tis is de wey :26555:"], ["Tax is for the benefits of the country. Don't complain. Expect less potholes/religious agendas/racism this year /s", "Yes, Tax helps to benefit the country... IF AND ONLY IF they are actually used for the country.", "affordable education/health services ?", "both education/health services are still a joke after all the stupid taxes since gst crap.", "joke to you but not to the poor", "Yes let's help the poor by tax the poor,10/10 smart move.", "but this is not GST right?", "Tax for buying goods from overseas below rm500,I don't see any difference here, don't tell just beli buatan Malaysia la because most of the stuff we use on daily basis except food are from overseas,you think this will help local sellers when most of the stuff they sold were bought from overseas? they buy cheap from China sell it here with markup prices and government want to protect them and not us as consumers?", "just to feed the malay"], ["Inilah Malaysia Madani. Rakyat susah", "Ini untuk barang import.", "Yeap kita tak perlu risau, pada tahun 2379 kelak Malaysia akan menjadi hab penghalisan and pemprosesan barangan terutama di dunia. Kita tidak perlu lagi bergantung dengan barangan dari negara luar. Wawasan Madanon 2420 :29091::29091::29091:", "no, i want cheap crap from overseas", "Berape peratus barang yg jual online bkn import? lol. Local seller kalo nmpk harga barang online dah naik harga, ko igt diorg tak naik juga ke?", "tahu la"], ["Does it get charged upon payment check out? Anyone know how it is implemented?", "From the items in my cart that I remember, the 10% is already added to the displayed price. This is true for both Lazada and Shopee. A lot of them are more than 10% too ;_;", "Arghhhh whether it\u2019s overseas sellers local, I feel like all prices sure go up since many local sellers also get their stock from overseas :(", "the 10% is already added to the displayed price\nI thought us (as the buyer) would be the ones paying the 10% tax directly upon inspections by customs before it gets released to be delivered to us. Why are the online sellers adding 10% when many don't have a presence in Malaysia and will likely never deal with Malaysian customs?", "I haven't made an overseas online order yet, so not sure with the exact procedure.\nHonestly I rather the tax is pre-added to display price since items will be individually taxed anyway (shipping too), than to find time for the extra step to deal with customs.\nEdit: On hindsight you have the point. Do sellers pocket the 10% increase or is it an automated system in place that buyers aren't aware of?"], ["and if we buy from oversea ourselves how do we pay the taxes? hire Postage agent? have to pay agent fees on top of the 10% tax?", "yea i wonder as well. don't forget the rm18 fee for the form (borang)", "i just message Pos Malaysia's official Twitter account and they replied ' thank you for contacting Pos Malaysia. For your information, You can pay import tax and sales tax through Pos Malaysia cashless customs payment portal. Pos Malaysia will notify the customer digitally through mobile or email on any tax payment.' not sure if they will charge us for agent fees or not."], ["Terbaik mahaldahni"], ["Yeayyyyyy more taxes. pantek"], ["Got problem?"], ["For those saying us buying overseas item just because of cheap price, there some item that are only available overseas but have page on online platform.\n"], ["previously many ppl shop from overseas but underdeclare the value to avoid tax. example the item rm1k, will get taxed, but if declare rm400 no tax. so government rugi alot of tax on these. then now they include the items below 500 lo"], ["So you made 41k in sale this month then?"], ["Dumbest tax ever"], ["", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nBanned 1 day for repeated offence."], ["Be frugal. Use as much vouchers/coupons as you can. They help reduce the price a bit."], ["Few years back i ordered whey protein from Europe. Total was 900. Shipping was free stated in invoice which customs saw. They decided to charge me 50% tax at 450 ringgit. I no time to go customs so used poslaju broker service at rm50 to clear for me and bring to nearest pos malaysia office for pickup. I never ordered from overseas again now that the brand is sold here. I do know will kena tax but i read it was like under 10%. But mine charged 50%! What in the world. They said customs officer moody that day so my bad luck."], ["Genuine question, what\u2019s manufactured in Malaysia and not imported?", "Can ask the seller. Local brands are made in Malaysia. Or if an oversea branded product but have factory here then is still considered locally made."], ["thanks madani and happy new year to all madanon"], ["Yes I've already did comparison on some of the imported products that I usually buy.. Can see their price went up. I manage stocked up some before the 1.1 dateline thankfully."], ["Picture is Australia not Malaysia Kek"], ["Following sg \ud83d\ude06"], ["Beli iphone pun kena la lepas nie ... sbb carry dr oversea"]]} {"title": "We have huge fanbase, communities here are well growth as well. But still we did not being included in Steam sorting system. But clap to you all the dedicated gamers who has been good since day-1 gaming, we are still one of the best amongst SEA country according to ExoPhase", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vmvhv/we_have_huge_fanbase_communities_here_are_well/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Entertainment"], "header": "", "comments": [["just like Square Enix think we poor, what else is new?", "A tad late but please give context on this, seems entertaining", "The way they being snob toward SEA player about Babylon Fall, not that it a loss for us, since that game turns out to be a total failure anyway."]]} {"title": "Kapten Malaysia from 1980s", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vmlxx/kapten_malaysia_from_1980s/", "num_comment": 15, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "", "comments": [["Is 70 sen considered cheap back then?\nThere\u2019s a siri komik nasional?", "I remember sending publisher rm1 and stamp to publisher with checklist and they send me 3 comics, usually backdated old stock. pretty cheap source entertainment back then, but again ice cream is 10 cent, oren bodo is 30 cent.\nAnd some of the art is very incredible while some is iffy at best. it made me who I am today, trying to create my own comics book (still struggling though)", "The heck is an oren bodo? \ud83d\ude02", "my mom say yes", "My little star weekly newsletter is 50 sens in the 90s in full color, in the 80s 70 sens better come with lacquered paper."], ["Heh\nColek"], ["I love how the title have nothing to do with the picture"], [""], ["Wow, didn't know that we had a Captain Malaysia haha"], ["Ibrahim Hamid was most definitely tweaking when he made this."], ["Why is the coverpage showing a lady in baju ketat yg tak senonoh??? Must ban the komik before our innocent remaja get their hands on this komik. \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude09Rosak minda diorang, tau? \ud83d\ude09"], ["", "You know if you crop it like that...."], [">Saya percaya Allah itu satu dan dan tiada Tuhan melainkan dia\n>Aku tak suka pembuli, tak kisah dari mana\n>Mu kecek molek sikit\n>Dia member aku"], ["I've heard of Captain Boleh but not Captain Malaysia."]]} {"title": "BDS: McDonald's Malaysia has no grounds for lawsuit over boycott campaign", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vmjms/bds_mcdonalds_malaysia_has_no_grounds_for_lawsuit/", "num_comment": 193, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Has no part in this but I got prosperity burger earlier and there're bunch of discount. Well will keep this in view lol."], ["Earlier discussion\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18u3h2q/gerbang_alaf_restaurants_has_requested_bds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3"], ["Umm what the fuck is this I thought boycott doesn't work", "Globally, McDonalds (Franchise Owner) will discard this as a mosquito bite and let go. However, Malaysia Mcdonald's owner will not. You have to think these people as an individual restaurant owner whose business has basically experienced huge drop of revenue simply because they have the \"McD\" branding and the royalty they pay to the franchise owner is associated with terrrorism. Hence why this lawsuit is associated with the regional branding only.\nTo put it in scale, even if Mcdonalds get sanctioned in Malaysia, it won't dent them even a bit. With a global revenue of over 20 billion usd yearly, Malaysia's MYR 3 billion is small in comparison. Think of it as losing 50 cents from your 20 ringgit.", "McD, the franchise, is more of a Real Estate company than a restaurant. The value is in the land/building of the McD restaurant.", "Malaysia doesn't even pay the full 3 bill. Only 150mil. Cause they pay 5% revenue as royalty.", "That's what this sub would adamantly want you to believe in"], ["As much as I think this one is misguided, boycott is a form of free speech. Letting corporations successfully sued will set dangerous precedent.", "Freedom of speech doesn't = Freedom from consequences.\nI.e. if its defamatory.\nI'm free to say KFC is shit, that's a personal opinion and FOS.\nBut if I say KFC pays for terrorism via erotica staring their chicken, that's defamatory, and I'll be libel for it.\nPlease don't sue me KFC.", "I agree and I learnt this in my short law lesson in class for media. Freedom of speech doesn't equal to freedom from consequences when it's defamatory. Even if your claim is true and it's the truth, as long as the affected party is able to provide evidence that due to what you said affected their reputation and etc, it's defamation.", "Wait, but by this logic couldn't politicians sue news publications for libel if their acts of corruption get found and published? Doesn't this set a horrifying precedent?\nEdit for future clarification, I brought this up since the reply above brought up that even if the claim is true, as long as it causes harm, it's still libel.", "Defemation is only when its false facts. If its true facts, you cant sue for libel or defermation", "Defamation is lying and slandering, if it's true and the news publication has proof, it's not lying and slandering...\nIf someone says you're gay when you're not, that's slander...", "I think it's defamatory case since there's zero proof that Mekdi have anything to do with unintended funding on Israel.. But I agree that 50/50 of this case is Intimidation lawsuit or defamation or both", "Problem is that McDonald\u2019s did help Israeli int the form of its regional offices and historical issues.", "Good. Then BDS has nothing to be afraid about then.\nCan seek punitive damage too.\nAnyhow I doubt this is the only thing BDS has said about for McD to start this ball rolling.", "\"Kenyataan kami disalaherti\".", "You are correct, but I don\u2019t get why you can\u2019t understand when it\u2019s the same context?\nMcDonalds Israel and some other McDonald\u2019s - Helps Israel\nCorrect in inferring that McDonald\u2019s in someway is supporting Israel thus a reason to boycott\nMcDonalds Malaysia - donates to Gaza\nCan be inferred that McDonald\u2019s Malaysia in someway isn\u2019t supporting Israel thus shouldn\u2019t be a reason to boycott\nSo when someone (ie BDS Malaysia) make a blanket statement that we should boycott McDonald\u2019s in Malaysia because they support Israel can be a ground of Libel. Thus them suing can be a reasonable protest to that statement.", "I am aware of that contextual however it should be asserted it is the comes down to long historical issues with McDonald\u2019s US as well as how the cooperate body while not intending too failed to place restriction on the assistance and help towards armed forces of any nation.\nAs for Starbucks it came down to them sueing a union for Starbucks employee on their pro Palestinian statement by the US branch leading to massive boycotts and eventually Starbucks conceded.\nI am sure the people who initiated the lawsuits have probably had their careers dumped by the cooperation for the media backlash and sales drop as a whole.\nBoycotts them giving a million dollars to say they care about Palestinians could of been seen as a token offering as it took a while for the action to come out and the explanation of their issues with Israeli counterpart all leading to further leading to consumer mistrust.\nMcDonald\u2019s has pretty shot themselves in the foot with this lawsuit as well as this is another PR disaster.\nThey will go the way Starbucks went.", "McDonald\u2019s Malaysia are owned by the Saudis, so why no boycott other Saudis product? Again it is acceptable to boycott McDonald\u2019s. There are no harm to it. But if you make a written statement in someway saying that McDonald\u2019s Malaysia is supporting the Israel. They are justified in the legal action. I\u2019m not arguing on the ethicality of it. All your reasoning are based on the ethics. Which is a different topics from what McDonald\u2019s Malaysia is doing.\nA hungry person stole an apple a singular apple from a multibillion corporation. It is still wrong by the law but from the ethic to let him go is not wrong. But does the corporation has a legal stand to ask for compensation on the apple? Yes.", "What makes you think I don\u2019t boycott Saudi goods as well? It\u2019s well known the majority of the Islamic community hates the saudi government. Yemen deserved didn\u2019t deserve what happened to it and continues ti happen to it.\nMany Muslims do boycott goods related to Saudi Arabia with exemptions made for religious aspects.", "I\u2019m not saying you. This is not about you. This is about McDonalds Malaysia and BDS Malaysia. It\u2019s not about the ethics. From what is given here from both sides. BDS Malaysia is in the wrong unless they provide evidence. If the evidence is\nMcDonald\u2019s give money to Israel, thus McDonald\u2019s is supporting Israel\nis true. Then why\nMcDonald\u2019s Malaysia give money to Gaza, thus McDonald\u2019s Malaysia is supporting Gaza\nis not?", "I can agree with that, I am asserting the issue is with people originally commenting McDonald\u2019s was not doing it rather than specifying the issue about regional bodies etc.\nAlso this would be a bad PR move for McDonald\u2019s Malaysia as a whole as it will further antagonise the community - this is not a justification against for their justified action but rather just an opinion.\nI don\u2019t know enough about BDS McDonald\u2019s Malaysia particular statements.\nIn Australia BDS is about reducing the funds sent to the US in a visible and semi impactful manner.\nSimilarly to BDS America.", "If BDS doesn\u2019t mean to boycott McD Malaysia but towards Israel owned McD, they should be specific at the beginning. Instead they continue to instigate on the boycott causing reputation damage to McD Malaysia.\nYou play fire and now it is time to face consequences. From another Reddit user shared about McD CMO, BDS is screwed. Don\u2019t ever think to threaten them with lawsuit will damage their reputation (which already damaged by this likely so called being taken out of context, BDS boycott McD Israel not McD Malaysia nonsense), do you think they don\u2019t consider the consequences for defamation call?", "This is a reply for this comment and your other comment.\nI\u2019m in no way backing McDonald\u2019s but again replying to the context of McDonald\u2019s and BDS issue, and the mental gymnastics of the boycotter.\nMcDonalds funds is a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the war funds of the US of A. For comparison the DoD 2023 budget was around 800billions while McDonalds Market Cap is around 200billions mind you. What the USA Dod get for a year is worth simply 4x more of the whole of McDonalds a global Corporation.\nMy problem with the boycotts is their half ass approach and also the result that the action of the boycott hurts us, the local, more than help the Israel-Palestine war.\nBoycotting McDonald\u2019s (and Starbucks etc) is easy really easy really really easy. A \u201cvalue\u201d meal cost like rm20-30 for an average 4 person, a supposed fast food joint value meal could cost around rm60-70. And sadly with the average joe median wage around 2400rm wouldn\u2019t actually be able afford to eat at McDonald\u2019s every now and then. Thus boycotting a McDonald\u2019s is relatively simple for the like. That\u2019s why the trending of boycott McDonald\u2019s Starbucks and other \u201cluxury\u201d US based product are popular methods. It\u2019s thing they don\u2019t need and frankly some actually can\u2019t afford as well.\nBut my problem now is where are the boycott that actually hurt the US? Why are there no protest around US based MNC? Why are there no protest to scare away the US investor? Hurt the USD hurt the US image. Because people can\u2019t and people won\u2019t. They are scared. They are comfortable in their own bubble. They pretend that McDonald\u2019s is like a necessity to the Malaysian. Thus by boycotting McDonald\u2019s feels like a sense of accomplishment. But it\u2019s not (relatively) towards the Israel-Palestine war.\nWhat it hurt is only the McDonald\u2019s Image and PR. Locally it hurts our own people more that the McDonald\u2019s brand. Heck even if McDonald\u2019s suffer a major loss, they can still retreat to their own country of just stop selling in Malaysia. They might suffer losses but the won\u2019t go bankrupt. And yet I promise you the war would still go on. USD is king baby \ud83e\udd11\ud83e\udd11\ud83e\udd11\ud83d\udcb5\ud83d\udcb5\ud83d\udcb5\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb0", "Making comments only from the title without reading the artical or understanding the situation is a dangerous precedent.\nMcD is suing them for defamation, the spread of false information. Not for the boycott/freedom of speech.\nFor example, If I call you a pedo and as the result you receive tons of hate comments online, live harassment and negativity impact your live. You have the right to sue me for defamation.\nAlso before the company sue someone they normally ask the person/organization/company to withdraw the statement they found wrong publicly. Chances are they refuse to say they were wrong and made a mistake. So McD is suing them.", "Boycott is fine\nTelling people \"Ini company yang menyokong Israel\" (while being factually wrong) is not.\nIn an Ideal world, courts should be saying \"okay to boycott, but if you claim something , you have to prove it\"", "I wonder how deep the supply chain can be considered as \"menyokong Israel\".\nFor example, I open a restaurant, my ingredient is sourced from a company in China, the Chinese company sourced their raw material from Germany, the German company sourced the equipment to collect the raw material from a Poland company. The Poland company just manufacture the equipment, and the Poland company buy the rights to manufacture the equipment from an Israel company.\nSo technically.\nMe -> China -> Germany -> Poland -> Israel.\nIn this case, Is my restaurant support Israel ?", "I'm no expert in this matter but imo, it is not. You are only accused of supporting Israel if you are paying royalty directly to a company that openly admits that they are supporting Israel war effort.", "Company mana tu?\nMcdonald Corps have never anything about the Israeli War", "By your logic everybody is supporting Israel. Most of your nobel prize winners are Israelites.. many of your modern day technology were contributed by Israel.. But as usual, religious gymnastics will tell you to selectively boycott, the ones you can boycott you boycott, the rest don't need to boycott... Cause they already bought their expensive cars and phones... Rugi la kalau boycott... Padahal these things were invented and research by Israel long ago...", "In an Ideal world, courts should be saying \"okay to boycott, but if you claim something , you have to prove it\"\nHell...its in Islam itself.\nHadits Arbain #33: Yang menuduh harus datangkan bukti", "The problem is that it wasn\u2019t factually wrong.\nMcDonald\u2019s Israel was funding the Israeli efforts by providing soldiers with food and money.\nThe issue is also American support as McDonalds US has some endorsement of Israeli activities or items which gets money funded via McDonald\u2019s Malaysia royalties.", "4 different companies\nAlonyal ltd\nGerbang Alaf\nLionhorn Pte\nMcdonald corps\nPlease provide proof on how Gerbang Alaf money has made it's way into Alonyal ltd money\nThe issue is also American support as McDonalds US has some endorsement of Israeli activities or items which gets money funded via McDonald\u2019s Malaysia royalties.\nYou're also free to provide proof", "Well, whoever made claims and getting sued should show their card first- BDS should show how Gerbang Alaf is funding Alonyal and how Alonyal is funding the Jewish state.\nSince Gerbang is suing, BDS should come up with evidence or they are all talks no substances", "Yupe, it's time for BDS to show proof regarding their claims and if they can't well all I can say is good luck to them with this lawsuit.", "What are you on about? I am talking about McDonald\u2019s Israel not McDonald\u2019s Malaysia whose royalties etc are paid to the US branch.", "Maksudnya you have no idea\nCool, thanks for confirming my initial beliefs about you", "What are you on about lmao?, I am talking about McDonald\u2019s israel you know a regional office.\nMcDonald\u2019s Malaysia isn\u2019t involved in providing funds etc to Israel neither is McDonald\u2019s US, it is McDonald\u2019s Israel a body independent of McDonalds US.\nPeople are boycotting McDonald\u2019s due to its perceived help with McDonald\u2019s Israel and the fact the money is taxable to the US government fuelling potential decision in its aid to Israel.", "The problem is that it wasn\u2019t factually wrong.\nMcDonald\u2019s Israel was funding the Israeli efforts by providing soldiers with food and money.\nThe issue is also American support as McDonalds US has some endorsement of Israeli activities or items which gets money funded via McDonald\u2019s Malaysia royalties.\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014-\nYou mentioned it is not factually wrong before you wrote your explanation.\nSince it is not \u201cfactually\u201d wrong, and let your explanation, Gerbang Alaf is able to demand prove right in court since the whole BDS\u2019s narrative is that Gerbang Alaf is paying royalties/ supposed paying royalties to McD regional/ global and they will use the funds to support Israel..?\nAnyway let this go to court and also let us see the outcome. Emotions aside, personally want to see how this turns out and any evidence/ substances BDS is able to prove", "The support is seen as the setting of McDonald\u2019s Israel branches who as a regional body was supporting Israel armed forces etc.\nYou\u2019re confusing the problem with McDonald\u2019s Israel and McDonald\u2019s US and Malaysia.\nMcDonald\u2019s US had endorsed the establishment of McDonald\u2019s Israel and it is a tax payer to the Us government that funds the state of Israel.\nPs I can agree with specific if any claims are made wrongly fully by BDS Malaysia should be justify punished at the same time people need to be aware that they can still boycott a cooperation for its regional partners behaviour.", "I\u2019m quite aware with the differences between McD Israel/ Regional and McD MY.\nWhat I don\u2019t understand is that yes, McD regional has given their support to Israel and Gerbang is more pro Palestine, but again with our emotions at all time high, we are dragging Alaf into this.\nDo you know how many of our local staff are affected? Anyway that is a diff story. Back to our discussion\u2026. BDS should get sued and hope all this people who are cashing clout will think three times before coming up with bullshits", "its funny how u guys are pulling Gerbang into this shitshow due to McD Israel. :26554:\ntotally making 0 sense at all.\nit's been so many months, and there is still 0 proof shown that the royalty paid to Mcd US is helping them to fund Israel.\nMenuduh tanpa bukti tapi semua bangga giler.\nTo me this is no difference as pembunuh. (u guys are ruining tons of rezeki for our own people)", "It\u2019s about Mcdoanlds establishment in Israel rather than them funding the IDF (aside from McDonald\u2019s Israel).", "I never see anyone campaigning to boycott Gerbang Alaf. All I see is the campaign to boycott McDonalds.\nAnd Gerbang Alaf is just unfortunate to be part of McDonalds.", "It is factually wrong, and idiots took it bait hook and sinker", "It isn\u2019t. McDonald\u2019s israel made the decision, the other issue was historical endorsement by McDonald\u2019s us with McDonald\u2019s Israel in the past eg; with its setting up of business etc.", "t isn\u2019t. McDonald\u2019s israel made the decision, the other issue was historical endorsement by McDonald\u2019s us with McDonald\u2019s Israel in the past eg; with its setting up of business etc.\nIf what you said is true, then BDS has nothing to be afraid about the lawsuit. But remember, freedom of speech, expression comes at a price if it is factually wrong, and defamatory.", "So if your father is criminal and you as his child provide some money to him. You are guilty by association and should be treat as such?", "Human morality isn\u2019t as simplistic nor the comparison fair.\nA country that supports another to explicitly commit a crime in the sense of providing it with guns is just guilty.\nThe establishment of a franchise on occupied land (a crime against humanity) is complicit in the action.\nThe difference would the father is aware of the crimes the son will commit with the fund rather than not knowing.", "Then by association you are also guilty. All major technology have ties to Israel and yet you (no one else) is boycotting intel. Which is one of the largest employer in Israel tech sector. Microsoft, apple, AMD, etc.\nHuman morality isn\u2019t as simplistic nor the comparison fair.\nAnd yet you use simplistic and not fair comparison.\nMcD Malaysia market payment to McD global is insignificant and the source of money they get to support Israel is from their own market.\nYou're boycotting because of trend. Not actual humanitarian reason. That why you (and people like you) don't care about us or china many crimes. No boycott of their product or service. Even the Arab are not clean for committing similar crime against local tribal population.", "I am boycotting intel, haven\u2019t used their products in almost a decade unless no alternative was provided. Many Muslims do boycott intel as well. I am not using a simplistic manner but evaluating a business decision to do operations in Israel and considering the impact it has on my life.\nMcDonald\u2019s is service and good I can avoid and reduce consumption off due to alternatives or non-essential to me.\nIt\u2019s significant when a bunch of countries do it together which is happening.\nBoycotting because a trend - great low effort take when you are wrong.\n\u201cYou don\u2019t boycott Saudi or Chinese goods\u201d\n~> I do, the only exemption I have made are to goods that aren\u2019t replaceable, religious or essential.\nI avoid Saudi products to the best possibilities. I am attempting to get off this god forsaken platform due to it being owned in part by the US, Saudi and China.\nI avoid Chinese goods particularly from Tencent after realising their role in Uyghur genocide.\nStop talking like you know me when you don\u2019t.\nJust because you have a terrible take and biases does not mean you need to project them on me.\nI also boycott Russian items, I refuse to buy Volkswagen and Telsa for their inhumane practises.\nI no longer buy from nestle etc.", "You are the man!", "This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit.\nSo tldr, I'm \"boycotting\" unless it's inconvenient for me. Do tell me what CPU and OS you're using? And basically you are by your own standards guilty in assisting them.\nIt\u2019s significant when a bunch of countries do it together which is happening.\nSo basically insignificant and irrelevant. You do know that basically all middle east countries are in the process of normalizing relationship with Israel. Most of them already sign a peace treaty and have trade relationships.\nStop talking like you know me when you don\u2019t.\nJust because you have a terrible take and biases does not mean you need to project them on me.\nI agree, you should stop talking like you understand the whole situation.\nJust because you have a terrible take and biases does not mean you need to project them on me. You must hate your own reflection then.", "You fail to understand boycott and became a clown in your pursuit to own someone.\nCPU ~> went with one of the only two choices available AMD.\nOS? Linux.\nI am aware of the politics in the Middle East and only nations with absolute monarchies against the popular opinion of their people.\nAny semi democratic nation has done the opposite. Furthermore, all normalisation has ended for now due to the on-going war.\nI understand the situation way better than you.\nKeep up with the low effort bad takes Mr Pseudo intellect :)\n\u201coh boy let\u2019s let\u2019s normalise relationship with Nazi germany because other countries are doing it\u201d.", "You fail to understand boycott and become a clown in your pursuit to own someone.\nHave the boycott done anything or contributed to any progress?\nAMD.\nThey have significant investment in Israel\nLinux\nUsa... sure it's open source. No issue using it.\nAny semi democratic nation has done the opposite\nCare to name which nation? It's a short list compared to list that have recognised and made peace.\nKeep up with the low effort bad takes Mr Pseudo intellect :)\nYou're doing fantastic. Keep it up.\n\u201coh boy let\u2019s let\u2019s normalise relationship with Nazi germany because other countries are doing it\u201d.\nSays the person who is using \"nazi Germany\" stuff and accuse everyone as guilty by association for using them.\nall normalisation has ended for now due to the on-going war.\nAnd how many round have this been happening? If you \"understand\" the situation. You'll know its dumb to say \"ended\". at best temporarily pause for optics.\nIf the combined might of arab/middle east army fail several times / repeatedly to destroy a single nation even with surrounding advantage. God don't want you to win.", "libel is still libel. if you slander someone(company) you can't just expect to be able to walk away Scots free.", "BDS: Freedom of speech\nMcDonald: Freedom to sue", "Boycotting itself isn't wrong. But misinformation and spreading of rumours, slandering is wrong and can be sued.\nSo basically McDonald's isn't suing them for boycotting, they're going to sue BDS for slandering. It's very easy for McDonald's to win because they're just going to grab screenshots and evidence of posts made by BDS on social media.\nWhereas BDS will need to proof that they're not slandering by providing evidence where McDonald's Malaysia has directly sent money to Israel...(They pay royalties to McDonald's in US and not to Israel)... The outcome is pretty much set in stone already.\nWhatever news you hear now is just to buat wayang to win public opinion only. Slandering can be sued in the court of law as we've seen when PAS frequently loses to DAP in court on several occasions...\nDo you think the expensive lawyers hired by McDonald's won't know simple stuff like this and waste everybody's time suing something that's impossible? That's why from the start we already said, wanna boycott then boycott, it's your right... But don't go attack the employees and spread nonsense about Malaysia McDonald's paying money to Israel...", "Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.\nBoycott is fine, and cannot be stopped. But if someone starts lying (or claims unproven allegations), then they're potentially in trouble - libel and slander laws exist for a reason.", "Boycott if completely fine, as you said it is a form of free speech.\nBut stating and parroting misinformation to sway public opinion, that's text book defamation. Which is illegal. Free speech doesn't mean you can flap your gums and be free of consequences.\nHowever that being said, get fucked McD lol.", "Boycott is part of democracy. It's another form of voting, albeit with your wallet.", "What if the boycott is based on false information? That just becomes libel or slander at that point", "It isn\u2019t false the issue. The issue is well known that Israel McDonald\u2019s a regional office was involved in the findings. While local cooperations in Malaysia fund the US side of things which has had a role in McDonald\u2019s Israel establishment and historical issues.", "Again it\u2019s McDonald\u2019s as a whole and McDonald\u2019s as an entity. Terrorist organization bombing people claiming they\u2019re Muslim (Islam). Thus that mean Muslim here in Malaysia are terrorist by association? It doesn\u2019t. The (supposed) Islamic Terrorist is different Muslim from the Malaysian Muslim. So people can make a blanket statement that islam is a terrorist religion, it is in someway a freedom of speech, but if they write that Anon Bin Anon is an Islamic terrorist (by association) then it is libel and some other action to Anon can be also construed as a Hate Crime.", "(1) McDonald\u2019s Israel does have the flexibility to do as it deemed but it was also due to the global body not enforcing laws and regulation as many cooperation do so.\n(2) The boycott argument is that the money is sent to America which funds the American war efforts. Reducing the amount sent and business impacts will lead to a weaker US push.\n(3) the Boycott of American products has already began impact US policy.\n(4)The argument against a cooperation and individuals are different. organisations are led in whole by a small set of influential business decision markers which is not the same of individuals or groups beyond the control the other individuals within the same structure.\n(5) I do not boycott McDonald\u2019s because of the action of McDonald\u2019s Israel but rather the action of the government it funds.Reduction of consumption in whole or part is better than none.", "I think the Streisand effect will make some people boycott them even longer now", "Letting go of this perpetrator will set even more dangerous precedent.. Sue them till kingdom come.."], ["People all say boycott boycott that without understanding basic stuff. Do they even know how much royalty mcd pays? 5%. Let's say they sold 3 billion rm. 5% that's 150 million. In usd around 32 million. Mcdonald annual revenue is 25 billion. Malaysias total royalty is only 0.128%. Of mcds total revenue. That's an insignificant amount. Us government as well as many other countries provide aid to Israel starting in tens of millions to ten of billions of dollars. Even if mcdonald malaysia gave their 100% annual sales to Israel directly it would be insignificant. You might say oh it's not the impact but the idealogy or something but have you thought about the people who work there? Whether it be Starbucks or mcd these people earn very little in regards to our rising cost of living. They themselves aren't doing anything wrong. They're just working. Whether it be to raise money during their semester break. Or providing for their family. But cause of the boycott they're at risk of loosing their jobs. Did you think the company is gonna bear the loss? No they'll just downsize. Shut down stores. Lay off people.\nBerjaya has already laid off workers from Starbucks. If you wanna boycott fine boycott. But don't boycott companies like mcd and Starbucks whose only connection to this conflict is royalties. If you must boycott boycott companies who have their manufacturing or workers in us/Israel etc. Not in malaysia. You're just harming your own country.\nAs far as I see there's so much double standard. Boycott Starbucks but not Intel or heinz. When Israel kills Palestinians everyone yelling genocide and occupier. But when Egypt and Jordan occupy the land it's fine. Arab states kill hundreds of thousands among themselves no one saying they're committing genocide. Everyone shouting we stand in solidarity with Palestine. What about the 50+ thousand Christians who have been massacred by Islamic insurgents in Nigeria just cause they were Christian. What about the hundreds of thousands dead in the Yemen and Syrian civil war.\nAt the same time people keep spreading misinformation about Palestinians being native to the land. Hamas interior minister himself said in 2012. Every Palestinian can trace their Arab roots to countries like Yemen, Syria etc.", "I agree with some of your points, but it screams whataboutism. We\u2019re talking about Palestine, and its not like we\u2019re suppressing people to talk about Nigeria/Somalia/Yemen. If you want to talk, talk lah.\nAlso, you lost me at Palestinian not being native to that land. Because if so, Amy from NYC, Jakob from Germany and other settlers needs to fuck off from Jaffa, Sedrot and Tel Aviv", "Why should they leave. The land was given to the country. Are you saying families must only be of one nationality?. That people can't live in another country. Those cities you named aren't even illegal settlements which is another topic entirely. They're legal cities build by Israel on their own land. Malaysia has a few million foreigners who aren't Malaysian. Are you saying they should leave cause they weren't from Malaysia? Do you expect counties to have a 100% native population with 0 immigrants?.", "I agree with the point made in the second paragraph, if people really want to make an impact by boycotting some corporations, they should boycott financial institutions like Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal (just to name a few). These companies support Israel and boycotting them will do something to help."], ["It will be tough for Gerbang Alaf to win this, because McD brand is not owned by Gerbang Alaf, they are just a franchisee.\nBDS can argue that they are targetting McD globally, and its not a defamation per se specifically to Gerbang Alaf's McD.\nBased on that, Gerbang Alaf need to provide a prima facie or proof that BDS is out to get them specifically.\nWill be a long battle at the court, Palestine dah wiped out from the map pun belum tentu settle. (unless both parties decide to settle outside of the court)", "BDS can argue that they are targetting McD globally,\nExcept that the global BDS movement does not call for action against McDonald's:\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/make-an-impact\nCompanies such as Coca Cola and McDonald\u2019s are not priorities for the BDS movement at this stage. We focus on companies that play a clear and direct role in sustaining Israeli violations of international law and that we can have a tangible impact upon.\nThis is specifically action by BDS Malaysia, against McDonalds Malaysia.", "I just read BDS Malaysia website, they also stated the same thing:\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/boycott/\nIn the end I dont know what sort of evidence Gerbang Alaf will bring to the court against BDS Malaysia.", "I just read BDS Malaysia website, they also stated the same thing:\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/boycott/\nFrom that BDS Malaysia website:\nBerkenaan McD, ia bukan target utama BDS Malaysia. Ia dalam kategori Grassroots organic boycott targets. Berikut penerangan berkenaannya:\nMcDonald\u2019s (AS), Burger King (AS), Papa John\u2019s (AS), Pizza Hut (AS), WIX (Israel), dsb. kini disasarkan di beberapa negara melalui kempen boikot organik akar umbi. Ia bukan dimulakan oleh pergerakan BDS.\nPemboikotan ini adalah kerana syarikat-syarikat ini, atau cawangan atau francais mereka di Israel, telah secara terbuka menyokong kezaliman Israel terhadap warga Palestin, dan/atau memberikan derma dalam bentuk yang murah hati kepada tentera Israel di tengah-tengah serangan yang Israel sedang lakukan terhadap 2.3 juta rakyat Palestin di Semenanjung Gaza.\n...\nJikalau McD Malaysia keluarkan kenyataan terbuka mengutuk jenayah pembunuhan beramai-ramai yg dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap warga Palestin, inshaAllah, BDS Malaysia akan keluarkan kenyataan bahawa McD bukan lagi dalam senarai sasaran syarikat utk diboikot di Malaysia.\nAgain, this is a boycott specifically by BDS Malaysia against McDonalds Malaysia, and there is no global boycott by the parent org (as there is for Caterpillar/ Sodastream etc)\nFor the actual defamation suit, I suspect that this may be more related to whatever BDS Malaysia has been putting out on their social media/ campaign material, more than the website itself.", "I think BDS International and BDS Malaysia are separate entity, though they are sister organization, but the one that in this case is BDS Malaysia. And with all those inflammatory and defamatory (some said it's actually factually incorrect) statements and the sheer amount of tweets / tiktok videos that can be put into deposition for the court to decide, it is actually a strong case.\nI'm not a lawyer. I want they go head to head and use law to resolve the issues, to test our legal system.\nAnd, it is actually good, because maybe we will know who is funding BDS Malaysia."], ["I'm going to protest American companies to show I'm against genecide. The first thing I'll do is post about it on American owned social networks using my iphone \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "B-b-but boycott doesnt work, right? Thats why they so gelabah want to saman right?\nFuck off child killer", "Thanks for your contribution on Reddit. Every reddit post/comment is more $ for the American owned genocide supporting social media network Reddit. Thanks for supporting Israel \u270a", "And by sharing it on MedSos, many went to the streets to protest against their Gov. We can share the suffering of the people, raise awareness, organise protest, spread about companies we have to boycott. If you know how to read, you know Reddit isnt targeted for boycott under BDS. If you want to be stupid, do it properly", "I don't need to be stupid in a proper manner. You're already doing it just fine by yourself. Don't want to take your shine, my little soldier.", "Bodoh tanya lain, jawab lain\nDon't want to take your shine, my little soldier.\nThank you. Now go suck a Zionist dick, American scum", "Another dollar. Keep them coming. My Faithful Israeli solider \u270a", "Eh yknow what. Ill humour you.\nReddit is partially own by Saudi and China. America doesnt own all of reddit yknow\nReddit is not a target under BDS, thus no need to boycott, as they are not complicit and taking advantage in supporting the Genocide in Gaza\nI boycott for the sake of solidarity. I live in the Middle East (yknow the place you americans bomb to kingdom come, then comes back with PTSD). I hate seeing how Palestinians (of which I see struggling in refugees camp and are barely living in humane conditions) live. The minimum I can do is boycott the country that kills off its own democracy by surpassing congress to support billions to a terrorist state\nIf you have any other suggestions how I can support the Palestinian cause other than boycott and spreading awareness please do so", "Hopefully the war ends soon. It's not good for either side.", "That's called using their tools against them.", "We did it we successfully destroyed America! Wait isnt my American technologies work?", "Maybe learn about context. We are talking about malaysian mekdi here.", "American social media not really it\u2019s owned paritialy by non-US cooperation.\nThe IPhone uses parts made by Arabs etc.\nIt\u2019s a nuance thing.\nThe reality is you\u2019re overthinking what the boycott is, it was always aimed at reducing the consumption of goods or services in products deemed optional.\nNot all cooperations work with Israel so not all cooperations are boycotted.\nThe ones that do, also would be analysis on their importance to the individual etc.\nThe majority of boycotted products are products replaceable en-mass.", "McDonald's, KFC and Starbucks, etc also have asian made or non American made parts used for their everyday operations. They also import a lot of foreign ingredients and hire a lot of non-american, and yes Muslim workers.\nAlso iphones are replaceable as are American owned social media networks.", "I am well aware. I think you\u2019re not realising the point of a boycott, it\u2019s to reduce the sales directly to the end seller which in short the objective of reducing the consumption.\nThe majority of the goods boycotted are basically: replaceable. Will it impact other industries sure, that\u2019s why it puts more pressure on the cooperations.", "The point of the boycott is to not support certain american companies because they \"support\" genecide. But other companies that \"support\" genecide no need to boycott because it would be too inconvenient for the said boycotters. I'm sorry not trying to be rude, but it just seems so ironic and hilarious to me.", "To be fair you couldn\u2019t spell genocide.\nThat aside, it achieves the aim set in motion and it is your lack of ability to think which leads to the perceived irony.", "You don't need to spell words correctly to have rational thoughts. Those who like to point out spelling mistakes usually do so because they have nothing left to say in the argument.", "I gave an argument. You failed to read or understand the point of it.\nReduction in consumption of goods that fund a government that engages in the crimes against the victim nation etc.", "\"I'm going to boycott McDonald's, but instead of getting a large set, I'll get a medium set.\" That'll show Israel I mean business!", "Your point is beyond terrible.\n\u201cI am going to boycott McDonald\u2019s because they are alternative choices I can safely make without impacting my life in an adverse way while openly hurting a cooperation that funds a government involuntarily to do crimes abroad\u201d.\nThis argument does not mean \u201cI am boycotting this item which is actively used with limited or no choices eg: Medicine or Computer chips which can adversely impact my life.\u201d\nBoycotts are selective by nature and usually only applied to goods or services which can easily be replaced or not used.", "Which Genocide are you talking about?"], ["In the same line of thinking...\nIsrael uses equipment made by Boeing and Airbus for their military. So if you sit in the airlines that use Boeing and Airbus planes... you're also contributing to those company. So don't fly anywhere okay... don't fly to go for prayers... don't fly go holiday... Just sit at home. Thankfully Intel and AMD didn't come and support Israel... Wanna see what kinda boycott these jokers come up with. That would have been good. Keep them off the bloody internet.\nWanna help Palastine...do something that matters.", "Actually Intel will be constructing 25 billion usd plant in Israel but i don't see much news or controversy about it in Malaysia. I wonder how boycott on Intel would work .lol", "Yeah Intel doesn't make just chips. They make a lot more. Storage, wifi, lan devices. A lot of stuff. My motherboard for amd comes with a Intel wifi chip.", "In the same line of thinking...\nIsraelis breathe air. You are also breathing the same air as them. Don't breathe air then. Lets see if they can do that. I hope they do that.", "The D in BDS is for divest. Totally irrelevant unless you're running actual investments. That section of the movement is for a whole different kind of people, not common plebes.\nBut making BDS popular is. So boycott McD, because in the long run it's keeping BDS in public eyes, which means the D section can get to work.\nIt's like malaysians not watching Gal Gadot movies - total nothingburger to Israel. But international artists not performing in Israel is; and public perception that it is not acceptable to do that has to come from somewhere, and the more unacceptable to associate with Israel culturally all over the world the less barrier there is to that refusal.", "And that is why you are ask to boycott what you can, because everyone knows you cannot boycott every single thing. The easiest thing to boycott is fast food and fast fashion.\nIf every cause in the world were to follow this absolutism logic, no cause would ever succeed at all.", "I know the need to make a statement...but those who do this are like those 'Stop Oil' protesters...just menyusah-kan orang lain, by jamming up the roads, but in the end what impact wan or expecting? When everything you use or wear is made from oil... Same analogy...if some company says they're supporting Israel, in some way you boycott...but boycott also some only...apa ni...? Anyways to each his own... Thanks for the civil conversation. \ud83d\ude42", "dumbest shit I've heard", "This such a retharded mindset. This is clearly miles different than stop oil campaign", "Wanna help Palestine? Boycott Qatar Airways and Al Jazeera. Qatar is funding Hamas terror.", "Good. We need someone with balls to fight off Israeli terrorists", "Thanks, really open up my mind. Now, I'm going to boikot DAP related products since some of them supporting Israel.", "At least we\u2019re doing something. Tell me, what are you doing about it?", "Enjoying the fruits of your labour... I think you very much."], ["McD Malaysia owned by Saudi. Why not boycott Saudi instead?", "Better boycott Qatar. They support terror cells like Hamas."], ["It\u2019s always fun to see Malaysians shooting themselves in the foot because they are not smart of enough to see certain differences", "Yeah... Boycotting mcd and sb doing nothing for Palestine. I already calculated and the royalty paid by mcd malaysia isn't even 1% of global revenue. Only thing it's doing is making malaysians loose their jobs.", "Alright then, what do you suggest us to do?", "Boycott companies that actual have a part in the conflict. The companies that have actual stake in the conflict aren't even companies normal people can boycott. Malaysian airlines themselves still buys Boeing planes even though boeing literally makes the weapons used to bomb Gaza. Companies still use chipsets made by companies like Intel who have research centers in Israel with a plan to build a factory if I'm not wrong. Boycott the companies 100% or majority owned by israel or US. Not royalty paying companies. Best to boycott companies who don't hire much in Malaysia. For the sake of the workers who are simply just working to survive."], ["Oh thats easy, just \"dont buy them\" and it'd still count as legal boycott, dont need to push others, everyones already share the same sentiment lmao"], ["I think people have the right to channel their protest / support towards various companies as a way to deliver particular messages. The idea is to deliver the messages towards the appropriate companies, and whether the message being delivered strikes the appropriate note(s) or not.\nThe lawsuit towards the protesters was created by the owners of the Malaysian and Singaporean franchises, Lionhorn Pte Ltd, Saudi Arabian Sheik Fahd and Abdulrahman Alireza. They operate the business in a manner that did not contribute directly to the war effort by Israel. This was done by the global McDonald\u2019s franchise owners, which are not Lionhorn. So while Lionhorn contributes marginally to the global McDonald\u2019s franchise, Lionhorn is in fact owned by different people altogether who are seeing their profits heavily impacted by these boycotts.\nFurthermore the same people own the franchise across Malaysia and Singapore, both having diverse socioeconomic and demographic characteristics; the people in Singapore are far more US-centric compared to Malaysia, yet you don\u2019t see the same level of boycotts being practiced in Singapore. The franchise are owned by the same individuals from Saudi Arabia, are they suing anyone from Singapore for defamation?\nSimilarly many businesses we use in fact have ties to Israel; Microsoft, Google, Meta, Amazon, Intel, etc.. are we even able to boycott using all the products either ties to Israel? Are we even willing to? Even if we did, are we able to put a dent significant enough into their businesses and profits that they would consider our protests and make changes?"], ["anyone?"], ["McD Malaysia should do what Russia done, rebrand to different name , Russia McD replacement still use same supplier as original McD, same menu just rename etc"], ["Good job Mekdi!"], ["BDSMalaysia"], ["So if I say, \"don't eat McDonald's food, it's unhealthy and expensive\", no one bats an eye.\nBut if I say, \"don't eat McDonald's food, it's funding the Israeli government\", that's grounds for a lawsuit? What are we, Americans?", "Because the former is factually based, while the latter is not (or at the very least, not provably factual regarding McD Malaysia).\nThis is actually a strange situation - if the boycott campaign was ineffective, Gerbang Alaf would've likely ignored it, and the fact that BDS Malaysia was making... questionable claims would've been quietly ignored. That they're not is indicative that it's had some impact beyond just their reputation, and as such Gerbang Alaf is taking serious action to point out that the claims by BDS Malaysia are unsubstantiated.\nI expect that this is just the first in a multi-pronged response by them, let's see how it goes.", "Boycott affected Gerbang Alaf. McD head company just laughing at us with their skyrocketing stock price", "Because the former is factually based, while the latter is not\nNot really sure about that, though. I mean, when you consider the stuff the mamak and kopi tiam places offer, McD's aren't that bad. Hell, I would argue (if someone would bother to pay me lol) that because of the higher premium price of McD's, you're less likely to overeat a McD cheese burger than a super oily koay teow goreng with teh tarik.\nBut when I think about it some more, I think I kinda agree with Gerbang Alaf. McDonald's is headquartered in the US, not Israel. Plus there's also the RM1 million contribution made by McD Malaysia.\nI understand the reasoning of the BDS movement, but in this particular case they boycotters picked the wrong target.", "I mean, when you consider the stuff the mamak and kopi tiam places offer, McD's aren't that bad.\nDing ding ding. That's why you don't make specificclaims unless you damn kau certain. Saying McDonald's is unhealthy is generally supported by facts, but if you start making specific claims - ie, McDonald's is the unhealthiest food in Malaysia - then you're in trouble.\nBDS Malaysia seems to have alleged that McDonald's Malaysia was either supportive or funding Israel, and that's the kind of specifity that you need to watch out for - they could've stopped at something more moderate (ie McDonald's should do more to help Palestinians) but they didn't, and are know paying a price for that.", "The contribution to the Palestinian humanitarian fund is deemed by BDS as not strong enough as a position for McDonald's Malaysia to take.\nFor context, even Israel provides humanitarian relief for Palestine. Doesn't mean squat in McDonald's scale and in terms of solidifying their support for the Palestinian people like the rest of Malaysians.\nNot to mention that RM 1,000,000 is a mere ~0.03% of their annual revenue. Basically if someone makes RM 10,000 salary, he/she just donated RM 3. That's how little it is.", "Not quite, some instagrammers listed examples and reason why mcd is not healthy and is not hazard and got sued and we know the drill later.\nYes they sue, just not in this big media coverage but they will sue", "Can you share the examples? I suspect that these guys made the mistake of trying to be specific, and as said elsewhere, that can screw you over if you cannot prove it.", "I hope I can but not sure where I stand law wide", "This is the right way to get people to lose weight"], ["You know at the end the Malays will just come back and McD will do a massive marketing to lure them. The same people who boycott won\u2019t be doing it long.", "Seems like they can't wait that long and its hurting their business", "No worries. That is why they having massive promos", "Doesn't seem like McDonald's can wait for that any longer. They're obviously bleeding.", "Our McD may be going bankrupt, and have to sell their business on the cheap to McD US. Yay! /s", "bro not funny enough to be sarcastic \ud83d\ude29", "This is not the first time Mcdonald faced a boycott in Malaysia as well so they definitely used to it already.", "True they been hating Israel for decades", "Blame it on Dr M policy", "Ya ya because Dr M is the one killing humans being with bombs. It\u2019s not like the Malays in this country have a brain and can think for themselves right?", "Have you ever heard of Mosab Hassan Yousef [1]?\nSometimes, when you have have been living in the same circle and believing everything your circle is telling you, you developed a tunnel vision and completely bias. Try listen to both sides of the arguments.\n[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpnvUIcvNUE", "Yep, boycott doesnt work. Thats why they feel the need to saman"], ["Why doesn\u2019t anyone boycott facebook? Iirc mark zuckerburg has Jewish blood or follows Jewish tradition in many instances.", "So people are boycotting Jews, not Israel?", "Their platform is also being used by the Israelis no?", "Sure but you said people should be boycotting Facebook because Mark has \u201cjewish blood\u201d", "I thought everyone is boycotting everything Jewish and shit, or am I wrong?", "No they\u2019re boycotting companies that support Israel in certain ways.\nIf people are boycotting something because they\u2019re Jewish or whatever then that\u2019s just being antisemitic.", "But how is a local owned franchise, whose owners are monetarily supporting Palestinians, in support of Israel?\nI mean, it\u2019s not really going to affect Israel nor McD hq, since they are going to be collecting those royalty fees regardless of whether you make a profit or not I think.", "Yeah. Mcd malaysia royalty is only like 0.128%. Not even 1% of mcd total revenue", "Well the thought process behind it is less revenue, less royalty since it's by percentage, but as others here have pointed out. McD Malaysia royalties are barely a scratch on their worldwide earnings. They're going to put the local franchise owner out of business first before McD HQ itself.", "I don\u2019t know, I just know this is about Israel, not Jewish people.", "I see, well anyways, thx for letting me pick your brain. I\u2019m just trying to understand better this very strange situation.\nDon\u2019t get me wrong, o can understand the sentiment of it, but the actions is not very logical, at least to me.", "Actually X(twitter) also since Elon Musk is Jewish, but if you ask those people boycotting, they will say it\u2019s these two platforms that can help to get the word out about the boycott to reach a bigger audience konon. It\u2019s selective boycott at this point", "Exactly. Like I can dig the whole support for Palestine thing. But to boycott things that only hurt your own fellow citizens, is idiotic. Factually speaking, the Israelis don\u2019t feel a thing from this boycott, and I don\u2019t think the US hq gives a damn either, since the Malaysian franchise is owned by locals and people from the Middle East and all the US hq does is collect fees regardless of your profit or loss, I think.\nHowever, if you\u2019re boycotting to lower the price, this I actually support. They seriously overcharge their food nowadays."], ["All BDS is asking McDonald's Malaysia is to openly condemn the Israeli genocidal policies and publicly state its support for the Palestinian people. I tried to look it up and McDonald's Malaysia has not been able to release that particular press statement.\nThey can't even do that while being able to make other statements tiptoeing around it.\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/2023/10/15/press-statement-by-bds-malaysia-in-response-to-the-statement-by-mcdonalds-malaysia/\nLet me be clear - I hadn't boycotted them because I agreed (past tense) that their entity was different than the rest of McDonald's corp.\nHowever, this legal attack on BDS (which consequently might damage BDS effort on companies that do directly support Israel) and the fact that they have hesitated to openly condemn Israel, are sending a hint that they are not that independent after all.\nBoycott on.", "Why does McDonald's have to condemn Israel though? It's fine for someone to not have a stand on every issue. Can BDS blindly make accusations at anyone?\nBDS: hasn't condemned Israel. Boycott them!", "They are asking to condemn a genocide. A genocide which their counterpart in Israel gave free meals and money to child killers.\nIt\u2019s like this\u2014> PAS kelate kills orang asli. DAP Terengganu asks PAS Terengganu to condemn PAS kelate action. If DAP then says PAS Terengganu is okay with PAS kelate actions by being silent, is DAP wrong? Or is DAP being unreasonable?\nMust use DAP and PAS to give yall some local example. Hopefully all of the monyets in here can understand better.", "OK so using the same logic why isn't Anwar shouting about the actual genocides being commited around the world. The 50+ thousand Christians killed in Nigeria. The hundreds of thousands who were killed in Syria and Yemen. Hamas whose founding documents literally talks about commiting genocide against the jews and not to accept peaceful solutions.", "Because their name has been used to support soldiers massacring civilians and bombing hospitals. Condeming it (even Hamas if you want) is the basic human reaction no?", "Genocide?\nIn January of this year, the European Commission explicitly stated it considers it \u201cnot appropriate\u201d to use the term apartheid in connection with the State of Israel. Meanwhile Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by most Western countries. The Arab populations in Gaza, the West Bank, and inside Israel, have all increased tremendously since Israel\u2019s founding, but a genocide means a huge decline in population. The Arabs ruled by Israel (not Hamas or the PA), far from being subject to apartheid, get the same health care as Jewish Israelis, go to the same universities and restaurants, ride the same public transportation, vote in elections, serve in the parliament and the Supreme Court, and as doctors, lawyers, and in other professions. That is nothing like apartheid. It\u2019s Hamas who doesn\u2019t accept LGBTQ and atheists. Who oppresses women or other religions. Don\u2019t defend the real oppressors. Look up \u201cPallywood\u201d and learn about the shady propaganda tactics of the Palestinians.", "Yes. Genocide.\nhttps://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-un-experts-call-international-community-prevent-genocide-against"], ["Whatever."], ["please continue the boycott"], ["Only on r/malaysia i see people going hard defending mcd", "I have been boycotting McDonalds months ago (I have no money)", "Me boycotting mcd bcs i dont have money but just went there yesterday to redeem my free double cheeseburger lol", "only on r/malaysia I can see this stupid comment.", "Why so bitter? Prosperity sedap bro.", "Everyone like the food, but not these greedy corporations.", "Cool story bro.", "Gotta use waze/fb/instagram/apple product i guess", "Some people just wanna see the world burn. As long as they are not the one who\u2019s getting torched.", "this place is just a racist chinese sub who like to pretend they are above others", "It just a greedy corporate, they sell things in usd price but pay the employees in ringgit. Chill out bro, its not like mcd will give them a year free supply of prosperity burger to them lol."], ["Love the info you gave but why wasn\u2019t the analogy \u201c3 ringgit from your 20 ringgit\u201d"], ["No grounds for lawsuit?\nFight them in court, you lazy couch potato."], ["Who cares TBH, McDonald's is global, it's not disappearing unless you're from Russia and a few other countries. Think the prices are expensive in Malaysia, try the UK for price \ud83d\ude2c"]]} {"title": "Malaysians usher in New Year 2024 with religious activities, family outings", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vmi0h/malaysians_usher_in_new_year_2024_with_religious/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["\"... with religious activities...\"\n\ud83d\udc80"]]} {"title": "High-profile court cases to look out for in 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vmfzp/highprofile_court_cases_to_look_out_for_in_2024/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["I thought the stalker case would be critical since he is the first person to be charged under the law, but no, it was just a byline under the Paul Yong rape case.\nThe stalker trial will set a precedent for subsequent stalkers in Malaysia. Too low a punishment and it fails to be a deterrent."], ["Very good read actually, thank you for sharing OP!"]]} {"title": "Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia\u2019s prime minister, is wasting his opportunity - Having sought the top job for decades, he is making a hash of it (The Economist)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18x3taf/anwar_ibrahim_malaysias_prime_minister_is_wasting/", "num_comment": 66, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["Screencap of the article\n", "Doing the god\u2019s work indeed my friend. Thank you."], ["Fully agreed.\nLOL @ nonsense of \"reforms too fast\". Anwar is fucking up his reforms even in the past 12 months.\nRe-appointing Azam Baki. Absolute shithead who is as corrupt as the people he prosecutes and otherwise is incompetent as the top anti-corruption enforcement officer. Even the Judiciary hates Azam. No wonder Muhyiddin was acquitted in six months!\nRe-appointing Idrus Harun. Lost his footing after Zahid DNAA, Muhyiddin acquittal, 7 month absent teacher case, etc. That six-month extension butchered Anwar's judgement.\nWasted a year with first-term PKR MPs as Ministers of Education & Health. One already replaced, itself is a fucking indictment. You waited 20+ years to become PM and your PKR Health Minister barely lasted a year. How do you know so little about your party's own MPs?\n13+ months later, the UG has failed to provide its promised Joint Manifesto. This has caused many unforced errors: local elections spat between UMNO & DAP, zero ability to deliver on promises (because GE15 promises \"aren't relevant\" anymore lmao), GLC appointments withdrawn and immediately returned.\nCompletely unexplained delays on whistleblower protection & Ombudsman. Without these, you lose rural communities and urban reformers and corruption cases. I expect both bills to be significantly watered down with loopholes, just like the citizenship for Malaysian mothers.\nPoor rural outreach: with urban amateurs at Education & Health, cannot expect them to figure out key rural problems, but seriously, rural areas are just as shitty to work in as before: zero enforcement of minimum wage, abusive bosses, ultra-slow development, open secret corruption, etc.\nPoor UG outreach: UMNO & DAP still hate each other and selling the whole \"this is for unity and stability\" has worn out its welcome when little changes on the ground. You can't fight PN if your own racial animosity is equal to PN without the teeth. It looks more like political expediency to enter Putrajaya and less for the rakyat.\nInternally inconsistent. That's not bad necessarily, but it belies that there is no real vision. First we hate Azam, then we help him. First we halt all 3R, then we have little 3R enforcement. First we pass an AHL, then blame PN for adding loopholes, then never actually close the loopholes now you have a 2/3 majority. First Zahid has to call his Defence, then DNAA. First fight rural Sabahans and threaten their families on absent teachers, then protect the teacher once the High Court finds him actually fucking absent.", "somebody is keeping the receipt.", "Upvoted for saying it as it is. No political will to see things through = terrible leader. Less time politicking (PAS possibly joining, palestine support), more reforms.", "Absolutely disappointed - remember how promising it all looked when we got UMNO out. \ud83d\ude14", "So to make it short: he just want the leadership position, just like Muhyiddin, Hadi Awang, and Azmin crave to be a prime minister", "Did people not see this coming? He's only heading PKR and taking an anti-Mahathir/UMNO stance because it's the only way he can win votes.", "We gives him a lot of chance to make changes so we can decide on the next election whether should he stays or not? My ass and my guts? Zero chances. we're dealing with lesser than 4 + more evils.\nFor our \"future boy\" Saddiq? I'll let him stay in Political purgatory, I don't want him to fuck up the odds of PN's winning.", "I hate PN too, so yeah.\nI just happen to also hate Anwar.", "\"future boy\" Saddiq\nAbsolute no for me. The more I see his face on places like mgag the more irritated I feel. Behaves more like a strawberry gen version of a younger KJ than anything, with more childish petulance.", "Like I said, let him stay in political purgatory, I don't want him to fuck up the odds.", "And where did Hadi Awang say he wants to become Prime Minister as Anwar?", "We know he bullshit way too much when lots of his policy are meme using his own clips.\nYou know he is yet to prove his competency when all he could say at least they are better than PN. Without much actual proof.\nWhats worse is, they hyping up the wrong thing.", "hari ni kahwin takkan besok nak beranak:26554:", "Full year already beranak tho. Beranak took 9 months+ only.", "new cabinet needs time to work:26554:", "Happens more than you think nowadays haha", "i don't think it's anwar's choice to reappoint azam. it's azam who holds the cards. he has all the dirt on all the polliticians and more.\neven before anwar as PMX there was a time where they wanted to replace azam, that didn't work. he's way more powerful than most people know.", "See, that's the problem: Anwar spent 30+ years railing against corruption. That was Anwar's choice to focus on anti-corruption as his message to voters.\nBut now that Anwar has a chance to act differently, it appears he had no real strategy, no real plan, nothing in his mind or his Cabinet or his coalition on how to implement it. He is making the exact same failures as everyone else before him: losing his own message.\nIf Anwar didn't have a strategy of how to deal with corrupt public servants, then he massively oversold some pie in the sky mentality. Removing corrupt public servants is basically job #1 on day #1 of any anti-corruption initiative.\n//\nAnyways, Azam isn't some bulletproof man. Once you remove Azam, there's little he can do. His influence wanes as soon as he's no longer in charge of MACC. And, trust: there's an anti-Azam faction. He's lost many, many times in Court.\nMACC has enough dirt on Azam.\nSo does the SC.\nSo do the police.\nThe other problem is, it's likely Zahid had a role in choosing the next MACC Chief, according to the PH + BN joint resolution.", "you can't say he's not doing anything. coming in like a superhero and kicking out bad people left, right and center is not going to work.\nthese things need to be worked out in the background before making drastic moves.\nall the rakyat wants is iron man to come and blast the bad guys, reality doesn't work that way. especially in politics. worse still in fragile coalitions like this.", "Can\u2019t do anything if you still have no power. Sheraton move is a clear cut case. MPs can be bought/blackmailed. And we the people also are divided and can be bought and \u201credpilled\u201d. What chance does Anwar have or any of the PM. Even our bapa kronism also lose. Nobody has a chance at all. They have to be really popular to all races and religion to be able to change anything. Muda tried but they were far in over their head. Boomer got generation and generation of experience. Eventually MUDA collapse on their own and bit the redpill. People need to open their eyes. As how Malaysian see Mexico Zimbabwe Colombia corruption are too far gone where people have no chance to reform. Same je ngn malaysia. Too mucg tgk TV I think. The people lost plain and simple. All hail the oligarchs and capitalist. Expecting change is stupid. It has happen from day one of our human history. Sejak manusia pndai cucuk tanam. The only action for an actual reform of the government can only be made by the masses. But remember the price is \ud83d\ude35.\nHistory doesn\u2019t repeat itself but it rhymes."], ["Turns out he's not too different from your average politician. His accomplishments during the 90s overrated. I think most of those accomplishments due to M instead of him and this guy just lucky he was in the government back then.\nNow nobody to carry him and he has no excuses left. Most alarming problem is he literally ditched Reformasi just to stay in power. All the promises Reformasi supposed to fulfill already broken in this 12 months. Corruption and cronyism full flow.", "me, being an old guy and following anwar since the late 70s:", "Me, in my mid-20s but not completely ignorant of our country's political history:", "What was the alternative to this? Keep in Umno in power?", "Problem is, M is also overrated, and sowed seeds for a lot of problems of today, be it political or policy wise.", "M got some pros to go on. Anwar has his cons but not his pros. At least the economy part non existent and wanna dual wield PM + FM portfolio that even M not insane enough to do because it screams insecurity.", "dual wield PM + FM portfolio that even M not insane enough to do because it screams insecurity\nWrong. Mahathir did it twice, in fact. He was the one who started the trend of PM doubling as FM. I remember very clearly as a child, my father complaining that \"this is unprecedented\".\nThis in turn served as a template for Najib to do what he did, holding both roles for his entire term. By Najib's time the rakyat became jaded and numb to this due to Mahathir and Badawi making it a norm before him.\nYou can criticise Anwar but don't make it sound like Mahathir is any better. They're all the same."], ["rather than focus on economy he choose hamas palestin .", "rather than focus on economy he choose hamas palestin .\nDid he have a choice? Let me state very clearly. Malaysians love HAMAS more than their own kids. I say that because they are willing to risk the entire Malaysian economy (US is Malaysia's third largest trading partner and a major source of FDI) in order to support a clearly and openly terrorist organization. Malaysians love HAMAS so much that the education minister got on stage and parliament and was hysterical about her HAMAS solidarity week. Malaysians love HAMAS so much they were willing to give scholarships to HAMAS students that they denied to their own fellow Malaysians.\nA leader has no choice if his followers are all intoxicated. You try to talk sense to them and they'll just beat you to death, you might as well play along.\nDon't misinterpret what I have said above. It is not intended as incitement. It is an observation of facts on the Malaysian ground. It is simply true and factual that the Malaysian public are drunk on the HAMAS koolaid, so there's nothing any leader that wants to stay in power can do. Any attempt to lead them away from the HAMAS path will result in the leader being removed from power.\nIf you ask a typical Malaysian, is there anything that HAMAS can do that would result in you ending your support for them, the answer is nothing. HAMAS literally can do no wrong according to the typical Malaysian.", "I'm glad I'm not the only one has this view. I'm surprised this comment survived and not downvoted into oblivion.\nAnd remember the case where teachers in the national schools organized a parade participated by the students with replicas of weapons, and the Minister of Education says the ministry will investigate. But so far it has been dead silence."], ["ahh the good old reform paradox\npeople want reform untill the reform comes (see PH's first term, Najibs GST term & Pak Lahs petrol term)\nsecondly malaysians have this weird expectation where our politicians are seens as messiahs and saviors of the common man.", "Yeah, Anwar isn\u2019t great, but people\u2019s expectations of him are unnecessarily high. And most that want quick changes really don\u2019t understand that was why PH\u2019s first term failed.\nOn the other hand, BN and PN are just expected to do shit and most people will whine but will also say oh well what can we do.", "most folks dont understand policies have cost\nfolks just want the benefits but not the costs, so things cannot change that easily"], ["In my opinion, putting in reforms too fast was a key trigger for the collapse of PH's first term. It just wasn't popular, despite its necessity. It hurt too many people, from the regular Malaysians to the corrupt businessmen funding projects.\nI still don't see reformasi as completely dead. Abolishment of mandatory death penalty, stalking law, fiscal responsibility act were passed in 2023, very important if minimally impactful laws.\nThe laws that I expect that needs to be passed by the Madani government by 2026 before I call reformasi dead are separating the AG and PP, Ombudsman law, and Freedom of Information Act. If none of these happen, then yes I agree reformasi is dead.", "IMHO, I think it's the same root problem between PH 1.0 and this UG now, just a different flavour: miss the obvious reforms because none of these PH Ministers actually know 1) what reforms are most helpful to the rakyat (not to the Minister) and 2) how to sell reforms to communities that need them (aka rural, B40, and public servants).\nThere's all this talk to get rid of hardcore poverty, help rural communities, etc. But rural communities need basic institutional reform so badly: PN never did shit. Yet now, the UG doesn't even talk about institutional reforms to rural communities.\nI always go back to a lack of serious whistleblower protection reforms.\nWhistleblower protection reform is such an obvious win. Helps prosecute corruption cases, helps stop rural corruption, helps people feel safer in their communities, helps schools, hospitals, clinics, contracts, mega-projects, infrastructure, etc. Every time a whistleblower exposes a case, another big positive news cycle for Madani.\nAnd whistleblowers, ironically, risk their lives and they help the Government (who else does that except soldiers) and they've been resoundingly slapped in the face by this UG.\nOther great institutional reforms for ordinary rakyat, but you'll rarely find a PH (or BN or GPS or GRS) MP ever bring it up:\nthe noted Public Ombudsman \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\nminimum wage enforcement\ncrackdown on extremely absent teachers, teacher bullies, teacher pedophiles, etc.\nactual enforcement of ultra-racist epithets\nanti-SLAPP legislation to stop people getting bulldozed by lawyers", "The least he could do is abolish Akta Sakit Hati."], ["But the election is not due until 2027. And Mr Anwar\u2019s apparent abandonment of reform has a cost. It is reinforcing Malaysians\u2019 growing disillusion with politics. And how could it not? Their long-promised champion of change right now looks more like an obstacle to it.\nThis is a worry, especially as PAS has seemingly grabbed a good chunk of the youth. The #1 rule of a political party: make a base -> take care of your base, focus on your base, deliver what you promised to your base. Without your base, politicians often can't reinvent themselves quickly enough for the next election.\nI still laugh that Fadhlina, who is transparently trying to entice PN voters, is losing PH's base pretty damn fast. How did PN voters appreciate Fadhlina's pro-PN policies?\n\u201cWhat\u2019s interesting is that teachers used to openly support BN-Umno, and have now switched to PN and PAS. In our interviews, they even admitted that they liked (current) Education Minister (Fadhlina Sidek) but still chose to support PN,\u201d he said.", "I still laugh that Fadhlina, who is transparently trying to entice PN voters, is losing PH's base pretty damn fast. How did PN voters appreciate Fadhlina's pro-PN policies?\nSomething I read once - In a race to be more PAS than PAS, PAS will win every time\nCause why go for the imitation when you can get the Original Recipe?", "Reminded me of what my lecturer jokingly warn us not to copy each in the assignments. \u201cIt\u2019s not i dont trust you, I just don\u2019t trust your friends\u201d\nThe future for ourselves might be in the hands of others because our numbers is never enough.", "Not much of a worry. I feel that we\u2019re at a political impasse. PN is reaching voter plateau, so is Pakatan. 66 years of independence only to reach a dead end in politics.\nWe need a new younger Anwar to come in and tip the scale of balance."], ["He is not wasting his opportunity. He is doing exactly what he has always wanted to do as PM. It's just that what he wanted to do is different from what he said he wanted to do. And you guys believed him."], ["i m really glad that there are people keeping a close tab on him.\ni ll play the devils advocate tho.\nHOW could PH have remained in power if it had not shaken hands with BN?\na lot of talk is thrown around about corruption and the like. anwar had 2 choices. to maintain the integrity of his party and potentially losing the vote OR shake hands with BN.\nwinning is NOT easy. he got majority but did not win enough seats. does anyone here think anwar WANTS to shake hand with BN?\nalso anwar has the nice job of CLEANING THE SHIT LEFT BEHIND. for sure it will take a huge amount of work.\nif you've never worked in multi person project before you really are blessed. sometimes one staff in charge of one particular thing took shortcuts and left a pile of shit in the corner of a room. its like being the project head and having to learn how everything works and finding out that things arent adding up. how did the previous guy solve X problem? after much digging you found he never solved it but instead took all of it and hid it in the corner of a room behind some shelves. AND YOU ONLY FOUND OUT BY ACCIDENT much later when doing some \"spring cleaning\".\nthats just 1 example.\ni am 100% supporting anwar. but i do understand that he is very flawed, but as flawed as he is, as a NON i have no choice but to trust and support him.\ntbh i find it really sad that people would just learn to criticize him without any room for understanding or benefit of doubt.\nhe definitely is not free from criticism but its too easy to just choose to shoot without understanding the circumstances.\nnever forget. our country has been under BN rule \"forever\". you cant expect a new party to just replace BN overnight or over a few years", "as a NON i have no choice but to trust and support him.\nNo you have many other choices.\nnever forget. our country has been under BN rule \"forever\". you cant expect a new party to just replace BN overnight or over a few years\nThat's why we need to invest in many smaller parties.\nThe problem is the prisoners dilemma.\nThe best scenario for the public is if we can break all the power bases of the political parties where the progressive vote is split into at least 2 political coalitions and the conservative vote is similarly split.\nBut progressive voters like you won't invest in other parties because you're scared that the conservative forces won't similarly split their vote. Conservative voters also won't split their vote because they're scared of cina/DAP rule.\nThe only way to break this cycle is to push for proportional representation.\nIf PH won't do it, need to enmasse vote for an alternative progressive option. Similarly if PN won't do it, vote enmasse for BN or Pejuang.", "i like america because we can learn a lot from them. america shows us how people who have learned to minmax/optimize strategies to win at the game of democracy.\nmany small parties exist to fight for different things. but you know what happens to them? they're WORTHLESS. when you're up against larger parties, they have such a small amount of supporters they can barely gain enough power.\nso what happens is small parties realize this and band together. this has been quickly optimized to the point there are TWO parties. left or right. if you want to start your own party, your party is most likely toothless as it will be in such a minority it cant get anywhere. the best bet is to join one of the other parties rather than form a new third party. unless of course you have enough supporters that you can actually become a serious threat. that is NOT easy, especially when other parties have already formed alliances.\nso yeah for sure, Nons have other options but to be very honest those options are akin to throwing your vote away. they are not strong enough to lead anywhere.\nso what REAL choice do we have? UMNO/PN are very pro malays. PAS are pro ISLAM.\ni m from kelantan. i know for a fact that ALL shops in kelantan must close during friday prayer. its very hard for me to believe that PAS has nons best interest at heart. for sure, kelantan has a lot of thai buddhist temples, but that was under the allahyarham nik aziz's time. i dont like PAS but i like Nik.\nUMNO and PN... lets just say i know that in UiTM they have a session that teaches the students to be very pro malay. UMNO and PN would want more things to be more like UiTM where they take care of malay interests as much as possible before others.\ndont forget. after PH won, all the \"malay dominated\" parties woke up. they finally realized they're weak. the nons actually have power. they use it as a rallying cry to rally more support for pro malay parties.\nmalays are the majority. simple as that.\nPH is the party that has the most power/influence that can actually help the nons.\nat the very end you mentioned BN and pejuang as candidates for the nons. are you fucking kidding me? are you seriously fucking kidding me? BN was headed by Dr. M. even when he left he puppeteered BN from behind the scenes. Pejuang is directly formed by Dr. M.\nif you've been living under a rock you probably dont know that Dr M. has said a lot on social media really showing how he REALLY feels about the nons.\nno fucking thanks.", "You look at america and think that's a good democracy.\nI look at the Netherlands and see what they've done with proportional representation with a constitutional monarchy.\nat the very end you mentioned BN and pejuang as candidates for the nons.\nNo. I meant thats what the conservatives can consider as an alternative to voting for PN. FYI, there's conservative voters on r/malaysia. Not just nons.\nUltimately you decide whether you want a continued state of two sides that continue claiming to represent a country split down the middle like the US, or a country that has a democracy that more accurately reflects the diverse viewpoints of the public.", "lol i did not say its good democracy, i said i like america because we can learn from them. its like seeing a car crash and say look, thats how you get into a car crash.\ni purposely mentioned AS A NON, i have no other choices and you came in to say YES I DO HAVE CHOICES.\nfor sure, i do have choices but the choices you listed out are definitely shit choices to a NON.\nconservatives? why did you suddenly involve them? i SPECIFICALLY mentioned \"NONs\" because my voice does not represent conservatives. i do not represent all NONs but i believe my post represents what NONS can agree to.\nfor sure there are conservative voters on r/malaysia but it has nothing to do with what my \"NON POV\". you might as well say PAS is a good option then when i retort you can say \"well in malaysia there are many muslim people\".\nthere country is already split into two. malays and the nons. we are already more or less mirroring america.", "And what I advocated for to break the cycle is proportional representation.\nYou want to continue in the cycle in a broken game? Be my guest. I dare to change the system. I'm a NON as well.\nIf you read my previous responses, I set out why we're stuck in this cycle. Its the prisoners dilemma.\nThe public can't choose the best choice for them as they are all afraid of what happens if the other side wins.\nI talked about the conservatives to present a more complete picture but evidently that has escaped you. Perhaps English is not your preferred language?\nNak cakap bahasa mesia pun boleh\n\u8981\u8bb2\u534e\u8bed\u4e5f\u53ef\u4ee5,\u968f\u4fbf\u4f60\u3002", "Proportional representations sounds like a big joke if many Malaysians votes in parties that focus on race and religion as their party message.\nVoting is just a stop gap. Better to vote the party that stops the shittier party because once they start pilling up shit, no reforms can be made because someone waste time to clean up their mess.", "If that's what happens, that's democracy.\nBut I don't see it as likely as right now, rural areas have an outsized say because there's many constituencies with low populations.\nUrban voters have their votes diluted because of gerrymandering and malapportionment.", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon\u2019t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon\u2019t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks."], ["He did manage to contain inflation without increasing interest rates like previous government. The downside is, that made ringgit less attractive. Still, we are seeing ringgit recovering, very slowly."], ["this is the problem when he decide to want a PM by working with UMNO especailly the head is corrupt.\nHe burn the reputation, he build for so many years, same can be said for DAP, suddenly look like MCA 2.0.", "He never left UMNO willingly in the first place. He was forced out. Why would he not go crawling back to UMNO the moment they wanted him back?"], ["Ph 1.0 speed run of reform\nAlso ph1.0: why we losing vote?", "R/malaysia never learns. Always want to take the easy route."], ["We don't want old men running this country anymore. They are not aligned to our beliefs and values. 20 years of just observing the political arena only to screw it all up. Maybe we do need an iron fist to rule us all since we're so forgiving towards these clowns"], ["Is this an AI generated article? Why isn't there an author's name anywhere lol. The writing style also feels a bit off"], ["I personally think that by trying too hard to get support from the other side, he's screwing up the support he already has."], ["At this point I'm only voting PH because of DAP"], ["DSAI is behaving like IMO is partly due to his not so stellar mandate. He is forced into a UG or risk not being PM at all. Yes he struck a deal with the devil and is paying for it. I view it as more of he CANNOT do much rather than DO NOT WANT to do much.\nLight at the end of the tunnel? I think rayat needs to put the votes where the mouth is. Stop casting votes to corrupt politician even if it means voting in someone that is of different race, NoT aS cOmPeTeNt but ultimately honest."], ["Don\u2019t worry. The next PM will be from PAS. \ud83d\udc4d"]]} {"title": "Four new deaths, 50% surge in Covid-19 variant infections in S\u2019wak", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vmfcg/four_new_deaths_50_surge_in_covid19_variant/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["COVID-19"], "header": "", "comments": [["Mask up, people."]]} {"title": "9 Malaysian business & industry trends we predict will take off in 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vm5vc/9_malaysian_business_industry_trends_we_predict/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "PM hopes 2024 will bring more positive changes to the country", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vm07v/pm_hopes_2024_will_bring_more_positive_changes_to/", "num_comment": 13, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["In his vision, more islamic = more positive. hahaha"], ["Yea sure /s\nSST, LVG tax, petrol subsidy reduced", "The more the government saves on costs and raises revenue, the more money it has to distribute to the B40 and M40 income groups. Right now, a lot of the money spent on blanket subsidies go to either the really rich or smugglers. The top 10% of electricity users takes up 50% of electricity subsidy, while nearly half of the diesel consumption in Malaysia is smuggled out.\nIf you really are in the B40 or M40 income group, you would get even more cash transfers when the government significantly reduces its subsidy costs.", "Let's hope it's used wisely. Meanwhile business will take any chance they get to up rm0.5-1 every time"], ["I also hope 2024 will bring more positive change to the country by hoping there will be some reform by current government."], ["Susahkan rakyat saje"], ["\u201cMore\u201d"], ["Good luck, Madanon."], ["Hopefully 2024 brings 1 SGD = 4 MYR"], ["He should say something about dubai move"], ["positive for ??? testkit??? AIDS???"], ["Just noticed how much hair he lost, and he's only PM for a year."]]} {"title": "Towards 2024: What Malaysians want", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vlwc5/towards_2024_what_malaysians_want/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Kontraktor cuai punca kren tumbang - Loke dedah KTMB rugi RM2.4 juta", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y9mtj/kontraktor_cuai_punca_kren_tumbang_loke_dedah/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "What date is today ah?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vl6aa/what_date_is_today_ah/", "num_comment": 61, "flairlabel": ["Meme Monday"], "header": "HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!", "comments": [["For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Can't wait till 3A/3April/2023A", "4 April 2024, 4:44AM, be like 3A/3A/2023A, 3A:3A3AAM"], ["Not sure of the format. but i geddit :29091:"], ["Peterrr helppp i dont get ittt", "Chinese word for 4 is bad luck.", "Wasnt it death?", "It is, that's why is bad luck or bad omen", "Thanks", "It is death, that'd be why in chinese hotel you will not find level 4, there are only level 3 and 3A for the 4th floor"], ["Drake Hotline Bling Meme", "*starts playing the Arabic remix"], ["32/12/2023"], ["Was wondering what does it mean... lampi betul hahahaha. Happy new year everyone!"], ["Chinese Sci-fi\nin the far far future of 3A3A3A3A, Human falls to google who then falls to tiktok who then fall to Bing, truly a fate worse then death"], ["2024 babyyyy, hasta la muerte", "I meannn Japan is currently having an earthquake", "They have earthquakes on a yearly if not monthly basis my guy."], ["2023A is the lawak tandas of this year NYE celebration", "it's funny"], ["I hope by 203A3A, I have a kid who's finished high school with flying colors.... but I'm getting waaay ahead of myself\nAnyway, Selamat Tahun Baru, semua\u2764\ufe0f"], ["curious, did the same meme ran for 2013A?"], ["4/4/2024...", "3A/3A/2023A"], ["I gotta say, being afraid of puns is pretty much a solid reason to never judge others' beliefs.", "Agreed. Likewise, being afraid of crosses is also a solid reason to never judge others' beliefs, or concert, or wishing merry Christmas, or national language being used in forbidden stuff", "being afraid of crosses is dumb\ud83e\udd23\nnice strawmanning", "It\u2019s not a pun rofl. It\u2019s a Mandarin and dialect homophone, the word for the number four just sounds eerily similar to the word for death.\nIt\u2019s also not that big a deal, it\u2019s just avoided as light superstition especially for the older generation. Outside of that I wouldn\u2019t describe Chinese people as \u201cafraid\u201d of it in many other circumstances.\nPlease try and get it right before being smug", "the word for the number four just sounds eerily similar to the word for death.\nWhat do you think a pun is?", "A pun is fundamentally a joke dude. I dont think developers are deliberately creating floor 13A in their multi-million apartment projects off the back of endorsing the punchline of a pun.\nAlso there\u2019s no sentence here to create a pun, it\u2019s just the \u201chomophone\u201d of the letter four. When was the last time you\u2019ve heard a pun consisting of 1 word? Doesn\u2019t make sense even if you go out of your way to misunderstand it\nCome on, at least google it if you\u2019re not clear", "\u6211\u4eec\u4e0d\u8981\u642c\u5230\u6b7b\u697c\u53bb\nDoes this work?", "It\u2019s not a pun ??? ROFL\nUnbelievably hilarious try though, it\u2019s a good laugh \ud83d\ude02", "\u6211\u4eec\u4e0d\u8981\u642c\u5230\u6b7b\u697c\u53bb and\n\u6211\u4eec\u4e0d\u8981\u642c\u5230\u56db\u697c\u53bb\nGet it? I think it's pretty good! \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23", "Hey man I\u2019ll just leave these here for your reference so you can work on it in your own time. Good luck\npun\nafraid\nhomophone\nsuperstition", "Hey appreciate it! Hope you had pun!", "This is particularly funny because you conceptually understand how puns work because you just made one but still refuse to admit that, outside of a joke, you can\u2019t make and sustain a point to serve your ego."], ["2023 called and asked for the joke back.\nGuys, it's already stale, 4 isn't something we Chinese get fussed that much lah, 3A or 4 is just a preference. We deal with it instead of protesting and screaming agenda Yahudi.", "I thought it wasn't a big deal as well until people started having level 3A and 13A in buildings. That much work is a big deal.", "You know I've seen a big tauke demand they paint a wall red because he wanted it despite ruining the facade?", "what's your point?", "Things like these are usually the decision from one fella. Tauke no like, so change.\nBut most of us can deal with it, the reason why they put 3A is because they want to make sure the 4th floor sells out. That's all.", "so people might not buy if the floor was labeled as 4th?", "Some people won't.", "OK then it's not the tauke's decision. He's just listening to the market.\nIt seems to be a big deal to some people, and a big deal enough for the tauke to go through all that trouble.", "Both lah, tauke can be annoying AF with unreasonable demands, and also having 3A means 4th floor can be easier to sell.\nBut, I'd be happy to bet money you'll see Chinese living in 4th floor anyway. Some of us mind, some of us don't", "fair enough", "Haha cina scare 4:26561:", "Haha Yahudi coming to take your rights. /s"], ["lol. Happy New Year, Happy 2024 ! Let's Go !!!"], ["I remember joking that i will respond to a scene with a 444 patch on my arm, lets just say I got the desired reaction form my cina friends"], ["Only in China"], ["1/1/2023 Part2"], ["LMAO i'm chinese but it took me a solid 5 seconds to get it... happy new year!"], ["I\u2019ve been here for a day and I think I already get it. What\u2019s with adding an A to everything instead of just counting normally?"]]} {"title": "2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vbkje/2024/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "happy new year everyone!\nada yang renew license single tahun 2024 ni? kita geng hehe. #forfun", "comments": []} {"title": "Found this interesting hotair balloon place at KL", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vkll0/found_this_interesting_hotair_balloon_place_at_kl/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Entertainment"], "header": "Found this interesting new attraction at Sg Besi called KL Base. Basically it was the old airport with runway visible from the roadside. Turn in from Siu siu Restaurant through a long private road till middle part. Alson had Foodtruck Park (called KL Flyzone) , Inflatable Park and other event-based activities. Understood they have some plans and projects to turn it into new exciting hangouts.. Found their site called klflyzone.com.. Looks like they need more publicity.", "comments": [["This is the old Sungai Besai Air Base, previously the Air Forces HQ right in the middle of KL. Then the Air Force moved their HQ to Negeri Sembilan and this large piece of land is about to be used to build Bandar Malaysia under the infamous 1MDB.\nThe KL-SG High Speed Rail will also planned to be terminated here, but PH delayed Bandar Malaysia project in 2018 and it's developers have also fail to reach a deal among themselves. So this project is just hung up there and remained uncertain of its future.\nBtw, the MRT Putrajaya Line underground tunnel also pass through beneath the air base runway, they even built two stations inside this piece of land. But since Bandar Malaysia remained undeveloped, so these two stations were turned into provisional stations, sealed off from the public and waiting for the day where Bandar Malaysia is finally built.\nCurrently if you take the MRT Putrajaya Line, between Chan Sow Lin station and Kuchai station, you can saw the tunnel structure suddenly turn from round shape into square shape 2 times, a row of blue handrails will also appear on the side, this is where those two provisional station's platform located."]]} {"title": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 01 January 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vi83g/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Geopolitical Megathread"], "header": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread\nThis thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!\nGround rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.\nRationale: Why we have set this up\nThis thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!", "comments": []} {"title": "Internet Subscription Tax Relief", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vg9pc/internet_subscription_tax_relief/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Does anyone here knows if it's legal to claim the tax relief RM2500 Lifestyle category for Internet Subscription? This is the new CelcomDigi plan, would you be able to claim for it or not if I subscribe the plan?\nAnyone here accountant or tax agent? Haha. Comments and replies are greatly appreciated.", "comments": [["Yes, can claim 100% for phone bills that advertises internet as all-in-one as part of the 2,500 tax relief. If it was like yesteryears e.g calls RM50, data RM99, you can only claim RM99.", "Your reply is greatly appreciated. Thanks alot."]]} {"title": "Malaysian Rail Link: RM2.66b worth of ECRL projects given to Bumiputera companies", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yftiy/malaysian_rail_link_rm266b_worth_of_ecrl_projects/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "From TRX. Welcome 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vg6gm/from_trx_welcome_2024/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": ["Entertainment"], "header": "Instagram: @yong.chuannnnn", "comments": [["that three missing drones lol"], ["According to your position from that pic I was to your left lol"]]} {"title": "TRX Exchange New Year Fire Work", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vfsv6/trx_exchange_new_year_fire_work/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 01 January 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vfsa8/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/", "num_comment": 71, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.\nApa tanda si pinang kelat,\nBila dimakan terasa malan,\nApa tanda orang beradat,\nBila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.\nDad joke: 2024 resolution: Walking away from my bank account\nI\u2019m getting rid of all the negative things in my life", "comments": [["Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Baru perasan post related dengan vape kat shopee kena remove. sigh\nAny recommendation site online?"], ["Esok keje :26557:"], ["anyone here tried TWG Tea? How was it, really worth the T20 price?\nAm looking at slow juicer machine, might buy one if the star really align"], ["Hey guys, my best friend has a coldplay ticket she is looking to sell. CAT 8, 1x, Singapore 31/1/2024, price RM500 (negotiable). Do hit me up if you're interested!"], ["My pixel 5 having sim problem. It says temporarily unavailable sms and call. Any pixel 5 owner here?", "i use pixel 5a. i think thats temporary. will be back within a day. else, try select automatic network selection and restart your phone."], ["Rewatching rurouni kenshin: ep 55 - 57\nI have always liked sojiro's story. Clash of belief in a person is always fun and engaging to watch. He was left with 0 choice and had to become something he don't want just to survive. I'm glad that kenshin has shown him another option to live by, a choice given but not forced upon him. I'm glad that he has a choice now, unlike what has thrusted upon him when he was younger.\nChoice maketh a men.\nMy friend used to adore shishio, due to how bad ass and how menacing looking he was. We were yound. We don't understand his plan. He seems undefeatable and he was deemed one of the most dangerous foe kenshin has faced. At least that's what my friend has thought.\nRewatching his story, I don't know how he didn't die of cringe and shamefulness that he keep displaying whenever he has some screen time. Bloody guy was so edgy that he still think he will win even though he keep losing battles after battles. His stupid ship destroyed by a bomb without doing anything other than giving out a few tuutuut. His minions all ran or captured without doing anything more than cheering. His elite henchmen lost every battle. He still have the audacity to sit in his room with his stupid smug face, thinking that everything will be fine and dandy after he has defeated kenshin. Dude, you have lost most of your battle, where did you get your confidence from?\nI still couldnt figure out how shishio managed to bite kenshin in a sword fight. That doesn't make sense at all.\nI can't wait to reach yomi's part.", "Bloody guy was so edgy that he still think he will win even though he keep losing battles after battles.\nActually that kind of confidence is admirable. Can probably bullshit his way to a good position in his career, while instead I'd be a nervous wreck lol!"], ["TnB related stuff.\nSo I'm basically planning on building a house from scratch in Seremban. Does anyone know how much it costs from start to finish? I already have a contractor for that and I plan on getting 3-phase because my electricity consumption quite high. On that end, planning on upgrading my parents' house as well to 3-phase.", "below RM200k for barebone, above it for decent 4 person dwellings; of course land cost not included"], ["2024 will be the year of not getting into arguments/debates online!", "speak malay or you are not malaysian nyenyenyenye", "I disagree. Also, Ur mom gay.", "lol good try!"], ["Is the shopee rm11 deal legit? Tried it this morning and it immediately sold out not even a minute in."], ["Gave love a chance and got my heart broken in 2023\nIt\u2019s ok life is more than that\nHello 2024!", "may be a better year and a better partner for you!"], ["Selamat tahun baru monyet"], ["", "At least I'm inside rn. If I was outside.... Dah jadi content TikTok."], ["how much do you guys spend on parking weekly for work? i\u2019m considering whether i should get the season pass at my workplace or park at the mrt station", "rm5 per day at 1U - just go to the open-air Dataran parking", "Parking: RM8 (usually) x 3 = RM24\nToll: RM3.50 (usually) x 6 = RM21\nI used to park at a nearby Park and Ride, but then discovered that as long as I stay at 5 hours or less, it's cheaper and faster to just park at work.", "i see. i thought park and ride is rm4.30 which is about half of what you spend daily \ud83e\udd14", "Need to include LRT fare to and from work, too.", "i see. i get the rm50 monthly pass for public transport. tbh considering driving only because it\u2019s faster", "There's pros and cons, ofc. For me I like to drive because I am loving the freedom it gives me. I remember the times I get really frustrated because I want to go to work and there's no one picking up for Grab/AA Ride."], ["Is HP Sprocket not available to buy in Malaysia?"], ["Don't know why but I kinda find it funny that last night the northern states would've celebrated New Year's earlier while southern Thailand would've needed to wait an hour more for theirs, even though geographically they're a stone's throw away. Same case with Sarawak and West Kalimantan, too.", "celebrate new year at arau, and to hat yai, then take a flight to los angeles.", "Thailand is the more geographically accurate timezone, we adopted Borneo\u2019s earlier timezones."], ["Any recommendations for buying groceries for cheap? Milk, poultry, vegetables etc?"], ["Recommend me a good condo/studio pls"], ["I cried at the end during Abang Adik :'). Such a well written film, the cinematography, script, acting (the abang scene with monk was so strong). Go and do youself a favour by watching movie, prepare a tissue too. :26557:"], ["Where do you look?", "The price is too good to be true. I say they are not legit. Either they will send you a fake watch or you will not get any watch at all."], ["My 2024 is off to a bad start. My PS5 controller joystick suddenly got drift issue, my mother wanted to matchmake me with her friend's daughter and now I'm waiting for my friend due to my bike broke down in the middle of the road."], ["Anyone got an idea on where i can get dry ice in perlis?", "A pharmacy?"], ["Why is malaysia\u2019s reddit so dead?", "want to get this sub back to life? post some racial issues lol.", "Most of the old active nyets not very active anymore after the whole reddit 3rd party app debacle.", "Anywhere i can read more about it?", "You can read more here."], ["Hey quick question, my trans girlfriend is coming to visit me in Australia, and is doing a layover at KLIA. She's got the right gender markers on her passport and looks amazing, but she's worried about being harassed by security. She'll only really be there for 6 hours and won't do much apart from use the toilets and maybe shower.\nCould anyone give reassuring advice?\nI wanted to make this an actual post but it got deleted by mods.", "I am a transgender living in Malaysia for the past eight years. I have never been harassed by the authorities.", "So long as the fingerprints match.", "she will be fine. there's nothing to worry about"], ["Great start for the new year.\nMy selipar just got stolen at the self service laundry.", "roundabout way of telling you tahun baru kena beli selipar baru", "Yang hilang selipar Adidas. Now just pakai Asadi."], ["My new year's wish this 2024 is to get 30 followers on twitter, even if i rarely post my own tweets, mostly just retweets and likes, i would still be grateful for that."], ["I want to gift my sis with a cheap espresso machine with frothing wand under RM200 just for her to play around before dropping big bucks for a legit one. Can anyone suggest some brands on shopee/lazada?", "I'm going to say that those machines under 200 are really not pushing out espresso. But more akin to something like say a weak filter/moka pot (moka pot actually would taste better).\nClosest at this price to actually push out real espresso would be the wacaco picopresso (manual pumping device which actually hits the PSI needed to make espresso, no frothing wand) which you could pair with a nanofoamer.", "Gemilai CRM2008"], ["Got a call from Digi cos I wanna switch to Maxis. Current plan with them is Rm40 no 5G and 30GB data. Maxis Rm79 160GB data with 5G and very stable at my area.\nAfter trying to convince me and failed, they just hang up the call without saying anything. So that's how telcos are when you terminate them?\nAnyways, Happy New Years nyets! Hope 2024 will treat all of us with more kindness.", "They offered me unlimited (i subscribed rm40 also before) lol they called me multiple times\nI asked back why all these time never offered one I want to leave baru offer. But digi kinda persistent it took me 2-3 days baru boleh port out. Prev telcos senang je", "Literally just hung up with Digi. After hours of settling my porated bill, and replying to their PortOut message, they sent me an sms asking me to settle another sum of amount for my portout.\nCalled them and the reason they gave me was because today public holiday, nobody is in to calculate the ported rate. So need to pay full amount even when earlier the kiosk gave me the porated rate to pay. Tell me will take 2 bill cycle for them to send me a cheque as a refund for the additional amount I had to pay. If no cheque, have to call them AGAIN to find out why.\nNow pay dy have to wait 24hrs before can switch. To sign up so easy but to terminate have to go through so much nonsense.\nIdk but I have a feeling there's a speed cap to their unlimited data and there's no even 5G. Why would I take it. I need the 5G stability for my studies. I had Digi's 5G when it was only Rm10 and after that wanna charge me Rm20 \ud83d\udc80 after I stopped, damn connection keep on disconnecting when I use it as hotspot to study \ud83d\udc80", "That is shitty. U can subscribe 5g but it costs u another rm10 lol other people telcos free jer. I used digi pon cs prev i worked in district place digi je line paling ok. Yeah nak sign up easy nak port out macam2", "Yea and after contract ends, it's just the base 30GB data for me cos every free additional data was given because of contract. Then want me add more money for 5G access \ud83d\udc80 no thx"], ["Happy new year"], ["Welcome to 2024!\nThe year which will produce a large increase in motorcyclists on the road.\nWonders of expensive petrol"], ["This year my resolution is to stop buying gunpla\nCoz I'm gonna dive into miniature hobby after I clear my current backlog", "from one rabbit hole to the next? why can't both hobbies coexist though? I'm sure you'll get sick of painting minis after awhile.", "I tried it with gunpla + military kit\nIt only make my backlog increase, also I wanna go for minis coz I the kit look cool af", "MG Narrtive ver ka tho"], ["Happy 2024 nyets!"], ["Combed my hair to see more gray hair. Alhamdulillah.\nI am surprised I made it to this age, to be honest. Never thought I'd live past 20 when I was in my teens.\nDeath is coming for us all, whether we like it or not. It's not a rare tragedy that will only come for the unfortunate.\nIdeally, I want to die in my 90s as a cult commune founder, after living a long healthy life, and successfully breeding a few generations of my own ubermensch. But if I die in the near future as plain Jane (plain Joyah?) who never accomplished much and peaked in primary school, that's okay too.", "My age exists in a wave function, not a linear function."], ["just asking is how to apply driving license in Malaysia if I already have obtain a driver's license in another country.", "https://www.paulhypepage.my/foreign-driving-license-conversion-in-malaysia/#toc_Converting_Your_Foreign_Driving_License_in_Malaysia"]]} {"title": "PDRM Court Summons For Driving with an Expired License", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vfp32/pdrm_court_summons_for_driving_with_an_expired/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi. My dumb ass forgot to renew my license when it expired in March of this year. Kena caught at roadblock, issued a summons form with no amount. Just a magistrate court date for February.\nI know, I\u2019m stupid. I have already applied and paid for a renewed license via MyEg.\nThe question is do I have to attend court and pay? Or can this kind of summon be paid online? I work far away from where the court summon is issues so it would be a multiple day leave to travel.\nAlternatively, how can one check and double confirm the timing/date/location of the summons so I ensure I don\u2019t miss it?\nI\u2019m not looking to appeal should I attend, just want to pay for this expensive mistake and hopefully not get my license suspended.\nHopefully as someone with a clean record and first time offence, the judge will grant leniency.\nAny advice for me?", "comments": [["The question is do I have to attend court and pay?\nIf a magistrate summons you, you better show up.", "Agreed. OP, just show up during court, make a statement that you are wrong in this situation and try to make an appeal for the fines given by the judge. Prepare to bring some cash as well.", "Seems the abang polis pity me. RM70 fine on my bayar."], ["Better attend. If lucky, may be offered discount", "See on MyBayar is RM70 payable. I just pay je."], ["Straight to jail"], ["Dude, chill. You can usually settle the fine online. Check the PDRM website or call them to confirm. Save yourself from court drama, and next time, set a reminder for that license renewal."]]} {"title": "2024 Year New Happy", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vco8h/2024_year_new_happy/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Meme Monday"], "header": "", "comments": [["For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."]]} {"title": "Malaysia\u2019s new government database runs into privacy concerns amid recent hacks, data leaks", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y8re0/malaysias_new_government_database_runs_into/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Happy New Year my fellow Malaysian peeps \ud83c\udf8a\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf87", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vbxnl/happy_new_year_my_fellow_malaysian_peeps/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Fireworks go boom boom pow", "comments": [["And to you have a prosperous new year"]]} {"title": "Yeahh! 12:00am rn. Happy new year, \u65b0\u5e74\u5feb\u4e50, Selamat Tahun Baru.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vbq3g/yeahh_1200am_rn_happy_new_year_\u65b0\u5e74\u5feb\u4e50_selamat_tahun/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Wholesome"], "header": "", "comments": [["Woih cina, happy 2023A /s"]]} {"title": "Enjoy getting your \"Rail Rewards.\"", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vbb62/enjoy_getting_your_rail_rewards/", "num_comment": 14, "flairlabel": ["Meme Monday"], "header": "\"The term \"getting railed\" is a colloquialism or slang phrase that is often used to describe (ahem-ahem) activity in which one person is engaged in vigorous or intense sexual intercourse, particularly involving penetration.\" (Quora; 29 Jul 2021)", "comments": [["For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["This says more about you than the ad.", "I second this.", "I can't argue with this :26554:"], ["", "rail.. my.... life?", ""], ["Being railed is rewarding", "Highly enjoyable. Or so I've heard. Great back support too"], ["I too, enjoy getting railed as a reward \ud83d\ude06", ":29091:"], ["Leaving dot for list i need to see later", "hol' up. Why do you need a list?"], ["Free one Dr.Ratio for Railed"]]} {"title": "Sukunadua", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vazju/sukunadua/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Malaysia denials abound as rumours of fresh political coup do the rounds - SCMP", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18x3lub/malaysia_denials_abound_as_rumours_of_fresh/", "num_comment": 10, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["me, waiting for the next OYO Hotel Move:", "Hahaha . Like they are willing to be seen in that Hotel chain group.\nI think next will be Paris Move or Geneva Move or somewhere more atas. Who knows, maybe Epstein Island Move?"], ["SCMP. Misreporting MM's self resignation, etc. :26563:"], ["Penyu: But I wasn't even invited!", "If so, he was probably somewhere busy potong kek."], ["Screencap of the article\n", "Might wanna hide your emails.", "Nice catch", "Tag me to reapprove after you have censored your email", "Reapprove please, edit is done. Thanks."]]} {"title": "Dataran Merdeka, few mins past midnight 1/1/2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vatku/dataran_merdeka_few_mins_past_midnight_112024/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": ["Entertainment"], "header": "", "comments": [["No fireworks at Mardeka too?? I was at KLCC, they just had fountains and the tower had a lightshow for 50 seconds maybe.", "There's was an official announcement from KLCC a few days ago saying they will not have any fireworks display.", "Went there last night too at klcc, whoever sold those horns\u2026 you need to get your noggin bonked"], ["And ya all surprised covid number ia on the up."]]} {"title": "New Year", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vaswh/new_year/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Happy New Year To all That's here. May you year be properous . Take care", "comments": []} {"title": "happy new year", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18varie/happy_new_year/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "bottom text", "comments": [["Happy 2023A"], ["Happy new year, hope it will be better but be ready for worse"]]} {"title": "It\u2019s started, Happy New Year everyone", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vaqnl/its_started_happy_new_year_everyone/", "num_comment": 72, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Fuck lah KNN give me back GST!!!! Stress max seeing getting taxed here and there", "I'll grab popcorn when Madanon reintroduces GST while demonizing bossku and Formula boy grabs his bald head saying it's a good thing under Madanon :26554::26554::26554:", "Anything as long as I\u2019m not paying 10% for imported stuff since it\u2019s GST. Inb4 10% GST", "10% GST? That puts us inline with our neighbours.\nThailand has a 10% VAT, Indonesia has 11%. Singapore has theirs set at 8%. Meanwhile we have to pay several different taxes because (frankly) scrapping GST is a rather boneheaded populist move.\nMeanwhile, ours was set at 6% and tu pun dah bising.", "Singapore GST now 9% already", "Oh it just happened apparently, takes effect today. Wiki hasn't been updated yet.", "exactly \ud83d\ude02", "Yeah seeing how others are now at 10+/-,\nNot surprised if GST is reintroduced but at 10% lmao", "I saw a tony pua podcast saying 6% is regressive since the cost for small owners to collect the tax is close to the tax collected, it should be more than 6% to be sustainable, but our salary cant cope with that.. And the work for checking and refund process to business owners is extremely demanding and cant be process fast enough. The sudden stop and six month tax free also destroy the government finance.\nShould just suck it up and stay with it but deep inside i think he knows it is a must for populist move.", "No no don't say like that, you'll be tagged as Walaun if you say like that!"], ["Kind of hard to know what is the rate. Shopee doesnt display it. Or is it the displayed price readily inflated by the lvg tax.", "10%", "Yeah just check and the displayed price of all oversea item is already added with the 10% tax.", "is that really how is works? i was fiddling around in shopee last night too and couldnt understand why the LVG amount wasnt displayed even for overseas items at checkout\nnow it makes sense why the listed prices are not rounded off. would still be nice if they could give a breakdown though", "The other day bought a motherboard for rm69, today I checked the price rm75.9, the tax is added to the product in homepage alr", "i just checked out some kpop albums too. prices were RM9X.XX a day or two ago, now its all RM1XX.XX lmao", "If I knew this would happen would have bought all the things I needed earlier :(", "Same. I knew the tax was coming but didn't expect it to be this bad, thought it was a select few things and they will only list the tax at checkout rather than listing it outright everywhere.\nKinda sucks cause there's quite alot of things that can only be obtained from overseas, not to say there's a local alternative to it (like my kpop albums sigh)"], ["Its doesn't matter what kind tax\nOur business man\nGst? Fuck yes , raise price!\nSst ? Fuck yes , raise price!\nLower tax? Fuck yes , raise price!\nCost lowered? SORRY I CAN'T READ"], ["ABC, GST.", "Why does Madani act like this :26559:"], ["Is there product list on low value goods? Or how is it defined?", "Basically anything purchased online from overseas RM500 and below per item (not per order) excluding tobacco, liquour, and/or cigarettes. There are other conditions you can read up on sites like this", "Even from china? Because usually china item the cheapest", "yes especially from china,95% of the stuff sold online are from china that is their main target to tax those import cheap stuff from china.", "Good thing I bought a book online which is below RM500 that was shipped overseas before it was imposed", "Non low value goods already have tax. Basically everything is taxed, no more exceptions."], ["The thing is, this tax affect local sellers too. All my cart items just got the prices raised for no reason. Local sellers will also raise their price arguably because they bought their items from overseas.", "Domino effect \u2026.. when gov implemented something that does really go on check \u2026. you see seller rubbing their bird hand together and said it is time for profit \u2026..", "If items are imported and sold, they would already be taxed 10% duty and SST. I don\u2019t know which idiot seller would only import 2 items and keep it \u201clow valued\u201d just to save a few bucks. Nothing should be changed.\nWhat you\u2019re seeing are sellers just increasing price and blame it on LVG because consumers like you are ignorant to how LVG works.", "I don\u2019t know which idiot seller would only import 2 items and keep it \u201clow valued\u201d just to save a few bucks.\nThe tax are calculated based on unit price, not bulk price. Even if you buy 6 unit of Rm100 item you\u2019ll still be taxed 10% for each item.", "Doesn\u2019t matter.\nNo supplier in this world will give you a deal without a sizeable MOQ to begin with.", "10% of RM100 * 6 is the same as 10% of RM600 tho", "Well yes, my point is as long as the item falls under LVG, it\u2019ll be taxed regardless of cumulative amount when you buy in bulk. That example is for clarity to complement the point.", "Wrong reason. Its because they no longer need to compete with lower oversea price, and because there is no need to offer needless discount, just raise the price match. Consumer would pick local anyway for faster shipping."], ["PHcai: More tax is good for the country, and it's only affect oversea item.\nLocal seller: Silently jacked up the price too.\nPHcai: pikachu face"], [""], ["Shoot. Forgot about this."], ["Sonofabitch"], ["I checked, i think even though shopee states that, but I think their system has yet been updated which shop need to be taxed. From what I understand, only shops with 500k sales, not sure anually or monthly that is taxed. Small shops are not affected.\nSo, in theory, only big official stores are affected. But I had checked like huawei official store, price of its product remains the same. Even at checkout, no tax is added.\nLazada also same.\nSo, I think in the mean time, the taxes are not yet applied in shopee and also lazada.\nOr they count 500k sales annually in that specific platform only then applicable to be taxed. Maybe Huawei official store dont reach that amount, so not taxed. I only track a few stores but all that i tracked are not taxed. If anyone have tracked some other products from other big stores that may have 500k above sales can try check. \ud83e\udd14", "Nope i checked and all the small shops oversea items also have pre applied 10%, what you see price already included with the tax. The 500k sales means they SHOULD register with LHDN for this tax(not sure for what), but regardless of sales, their item will still get tax. I saved a lot of china items before and the raised price fits the 10% amount.", "Not just LHDN, Kastam Malaysia too.. companies gotta register with Kastam", "Thank you yeah i actually meant the customs", "The 500k limit is for SST, not for LVGT.", "Big official stores like the ones you mentioned already have their items taxed since day 1. Moreover they are more than the LVG threshold of RM500.\nNothing changes for big stores, only small store peddler would get a price hike."], ["Thank you madanon", "Need madanon version of this gif"], ["Ah AliExpress has put on the 10% tax too \ud83d\ude2d"], ["How much %?", "Holy hell", "New tax just dropped.", "Actual audit", "10% below 500, 30% above 500, that 30% not mention because its old rate and thus can use excuse \"we only add 10% tax on item below 500 to protect local brick and mortar traders\":26554:"], ["Looking at the comments, I feel a little relief after binging overseas items last night at the very last minute\nMeanwhile, I am targeting a cheap laptop from a local seller, which I saw suddenly today jacked up price more than 20% than yesterday, like WTF?", "I did just that but couldn\u2019t finish buying everything \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23"], ["Tax the poor eh, we should start uprising"], ["Man,there goes my hope of buying a new phone.", "A new phone is not a low value good below rm 500", "Unless the new phone is under RM500, it doesn't count."], ["What website is that ?", "Shopee"], ["How much?"], ["this is for the item from outside only right? pls be right"], ["So what are defined as LVGs? Do they provide that information to us or are we supposed to do our own homework?", "Any item that\u2019s below RM500, except for tobacco, alcohol I think"], ["How is all this going to affect my gunpla shopping?", "If it's local retailers, probably the prices will go up la, depending on how Litt Tak (Malaysia's Bandai distributor) alters their wholesale pricing."], ["Can explain? What it is?"], ["I knew this time would come so I borong lots of computer stuffs from china hahahha"], ["New year , new me , new price tag"]]} {"title": "Smoke earlier today first time seeing this", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18vafrm/smoke_earlier_today_first_time_seeing_this/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Saw this earlier today from my condo and was damn shocked. Heard it was a transformer explosion or sorts", "comments": [["So\u2026.no pope yet\u2026 /s"], ["Barbecue"]]} {"title": "Want To Visit Malaysia This Year. What's The Cycling Like? \ud83d\udeb4", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v9sgj/want_to_visit_malaysia_this_year_whats_the/", "num_comment": 9, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hello. How's the cycling infrastructure? I'd be visiting Kuala Lumpur first of course, so I was wondering what it's like to get around by bike. I want to do at least one cycling tour so recommendations on companies are fine too.", "comments": [["KL and Malaysia as a whole isn't very cycling friendly, you can watch this Danish vlogger who has lived in Malaysia for 10+ years, he has been filming himself cycling in Klang Valley area, by watching his video you can get a general sense of how KL/Malaysia cycling infrastructure looks like\nhttps://youtube.com/@mysustainablefuture", "wow this guy is determined \ud83d\ude05", "that's disappointing to hear. just got the bug to consider cycle touring Malaysia---guess i should refocus to Taiwan. That's too bad. I think the food and maybe people more friendly in Malaysia.", "If you are that kind of hardcore tourist that cycle from town to town, it is doable but you can only use those village road as the traffic on these road is much lesser. Don't use the highway.\nCycling inside the city area for commuting is a completely different story."], ["Our city is not really cyclist friendly, it's actually quite dangerous to ride around if you're not familiar with the road."], ["KL's got some decent cycling paths, especially around parks like KLCC and Taman Botani. For a cycling tour, check out \"Bike with Elena.\" Just watch out for the traffic \u2013 it's like playing Frogger on two wheels. \ud83d\udeb4\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"], ["horrible, it's basically a try not to die situation here. all we have are just painted bicycle gutters. most of the time, motorcyclists use the cycling lanes"], ["None."], ["I like to cycle around the city, not for commuting but leisure sightseeing. I will plan my route and avoid big highway whenever necessary.\nI ride around with a foldable, so I could just bring it into the trains and subway if I wanted go further without risking my life cycling on the highway.\nOn the weekend however, many cyclist can be seen cycling along the highway in the morning before the traffics picks up. I'm just not into those sort of cycling."]]} {"title": "The Dark Side of Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y8kz4/the_dark_side_of_malaysia/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["That thumbnail veli sus"], ["none can resist the power of tetek", ""], ["Balik, balik\nIt's history channel and not the video you're looking for", "U looking for what?", "MAV"]]} {"title": "International student coming to malaysia soon. Is MSU university any good(business foundation/finance).", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v9m4n/international_student_coming_to_malaysia_soon_is/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": [], "header": "As the title suggests i'll be an international(from sudan) student soon in KL.\nI was wondering if MSU was a good college since i dont find many people talking about it or should i find other options???\nAlso any tips for an international student would be amazing. I speak arabic as my first language and pretty fluent in english.", "comments": [["No, not really. I have only heard bad things from my friends."], ["As an MSU student, fuck no.\nPlease, find a better uni.\nMSU is plagued with management issues. And then some.\nAvoid it like the plague.\nThe only good thing that comes to mind is that its cheap. That's it.", "Is the education there at least good?", "Depends on the lecturer.\nSome can barely explain shit. Some are dedicated to their jobs. And some are flat out missing.\nIts a 5 / 10.", "So after i finish my foundation year there should i apply for another uni? If so, which unis are good for finance/business??", "I have no idea.\nBut please, pick a different uni."]]} {"title": "Crows / Pigeons overpopulation", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v8es0/crows_pigeons_overpopulation/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": [], "header": "any of you being pissed with the literal shit of crows and pigeons in your residential or work area?\nhas anyone wrote in to wildlife department or any authorities to solve this issue", "comments": [["You take their land, habitat and trees and then get angry when they shit.. what they are supposed to do? Use the toilet? The minor inconvenience of shitting is enough for you to kill and take a life?", "", "Well said \ud83d\udcaf"], ["Bangsar need to sort out this problem. Last time went for mamak and park near the mall area there my car literally covered in bird poo. Will think the second time when going to bangsar again."], ["Councils tend to shoot the crows now and then.\nNever heard of anything being done against the pigeons though - in fact more often than not I see people feed them.", "Some believe more pigeons at your shop = more wealth."], ["Yeah, those winged poop machines can be a real headache. Some folks write complaints, but it's like telling pigeons to follow traffic rules \u2013 good luck. Maybe invest in an umbrella hat?"]]} {"title": "Padu", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v7qry/padu/", "num_comment": 12, "flairlabel": [], "header": "If we work in non government sector, will PADU system detect our salary?", "comments": [["I heard it will IF you have filed your incum tax. So when i check it out on Jan 2 I expect to see all my details - up to and including my Covid jabs.\nOf course, if it doesn't crash 1st :26554:", "I think it will not crash as it's didn't give you any money to update,\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02"], ["From what i understand from this. You are supposed to update it. So probably no", "Good \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I doesn't gov get our personal info \ud83d\ude02", "Gov don't know your name? XD", "Unless you never pay taxes, the government already know you income anyway."], ["Reject this PADU aka Digital ID dictator bullshit.\nIt is as if the only solution to fuel subsidy is to give up our privacy and get the people of Malaysia further segmented, first by race, now by income.\nHow are they going to further divide us? They can use PADU as a SSO for webservices, and rat out who are critical of them online.\nAnd boom you lose all sort of subsidies.", "Yes, I think I don't want to update the info. This is terrible", "Sadly many monyet in this sub has Govern-Me-Harder mentality."], ["You don't pay income tax or have EPF?", "\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 terrible \ud83d\ude14"], ["https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/amp/category/nation/2022/11/08/invoke-staff-will-get-shares-when-company-is-listed-says-rafizi/"]]} {"title": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 03 January 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18x1pss/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Geopolitical Megathread"], "header": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread\nThis thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!\nGround rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.\nRationale: Why we have set this up\nThis thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!", "comments": [["Say, whatever happened to those Malaysian macais in Gaza shown pointing at Hamas rockets launched on Oct 7 on Tiktok/Instagram?"]]} {"title": "This Malaysian restaurant has had enough", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v74c0/this_malaysian_restaurant_has_had_enough/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "New Year\u2019s Eve plan?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v6996/new_years_eve_plan/", "num_comment": 109, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Let\u2019s talk about how y\u2019all spending NY eve. I used to love celebrating it in another country pre-pandemic. And now, I\u2019m just gonna Netflix and chill \ud83e\udd79", "comments": [[""], ["Us lonely people stay at home with our best friend, computer", "Alone but not lonely! \ud83d\ude06 pretty sure some of us also have chosen to stay home", "Same here OP! Ordered in some food and gonna find a good flick to watch \u263a\ufe0f", "Nice! I\u2019ve been on Netflix documentaries marathon since afternoon \ud83d\ude02"], ["Imagine myself outside with a bunch of friends counting down\u2026..\nI\u2019m just at home with my dog watching some tv shows. No GF no besties to spend it with.", "Spending it with yer dog also very nice ah!", "Thank you :D! Happy New Year and may 2024 be a wickedly awesome year for you my friend.\nI hope 2024 turns out to be better than 2023 for me personally."], ["Finishing Red Dead Redemption 2", "Good luck champ. Best game for me"], ["Going to gym to be the first person who bench 100kg in 2024.", "TeamNoSleep"], ["Making my newborn baby sleep and hope he does not woke up due to fireworks lol", "Aw haha! Funny my friend says shes gonna stay home too so that her cats wouldn\u2019t freak out bcuz of the fireworks \ud83e\udd79"], ["I'm literally in front of my computer reading manga while scrolling on Reddit. Maybe I'll do some diamond painting later"], ["Game, work tomorrow.", "Are you in the retail or service industry? \ud83d\ude0a", "Retail"], ["Bro, I need to submit FYP before 12am. \ud83d\ude14. Guess I just pretend to enjoy doing my Final year project only lor", "Broooo so last min ah u haha!"], ["Shooting the fireworks... By myself.", "Broooo"], ["I'm actually so bored I started working lmao.", "\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d anything but work"], ["plan?"], ["Sleep at home"], ["You mean you netflix and chill or you NETFLIX AND CHILL?", "In literal sense only \ud83d\ude1d"], ["Sleep. Tomorrow still had to work bro:26559:", "\ud83d\ude3fbrooo"], ["netflix, wandering inside my own head and just live another day like the usual", "It really is just another day \u263a\ufe0f", "i\u2019d like to believe that new year is just a state of mind, you can have new year everyday as long as you keep that mindset because after all we\u2019re our own universe"], ["Wish all of you a prosperous and happy new year 2024. That's my plan."], ["Just outside of my house with stray cats while watching people playing fireworks and also playing Mobile Legends."], ["PLAY BALDUR GATE 3"], ["watched Pendatang movie with burger ayam double cheese special at home. syok apaaa"], ["Sitting on my bed. Came to my room 2023. Leaving for 2024"], ["Gonna stay at home, reflect on some life lessons learnt in 2023 and hopefully not make the same mistakes on 2024. Then keep my cats company so they don\u2019t get scared by the fireworks.\nHappy new year everyone \ud83d\ude0a"], ["sleep"], ["Booked an Airbnb near TRX, chill with some friends"], ["Open up Animal Crossing New Horizons, docked it on the TV, celebrate the New Year's Eve with my wife (who is playing the game too), and those animal villagers that I have."], ["Netflix and chill because im so done with people"], ["Play lethal company\nFUN"], ["Gonna sleep through it cause 1/1 is not a holiday in Johor \ud83d\ude06", "Say what?", "Yup, not all states have 1/1 as public holiday.", "\ud83e\udd79"], ["I thought the fire works were cancelled because of Gayyyzaaaa."], ["All NYE events were cancelled for solidarity with Palestine and flood victims.", "Not true. There are countdown concerts at TRX & Sunway Velocity \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude42", "Waiting for comments commenting about the countdown concerts being insensitive", "This is why I\u2019m in Bangkok watching scantily clad girls prance about on stage while waiting for fireworks.", "Happy for you", "If only Malaysia would dedicate Langkawi to scantily clad dancing girls. \ud83d\ude02"], ["work", "\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffd"], ["Trying to finish a book.", "That\u2019s nice, I could only manage 1-2 pages before i pass out \ud83d\ude02"], ["nice great view directly at KL center in my room, thats good enough for fireworks this year, usually go out with friends but not this year, bit lazy", "Nice! I\u2019m very very lazy too lol"], ["Need plan?"], ["Dinner at The Traveling Duck then Goldfinger movie. With family & partner. Just nice.", "Niceeee!"], ["I'm old. I plan on being asleep by 10pm.", "I would want to sleep earlier if i can lol"], ["Working till 11pm and tidur. Never celebrate this.", "I like the idea that New Year gives a sense of fresh beginning \ud83d\ude0aThat said, I prefer to \u2018celebrate\u2019 Jan 1st."], ["I'm sitting on the couch and questioning my whole year of 2023. Kinda anxious to start my new year.", "Treat it as a great opportunity to start things anew and with hope \ud83d\ude0a"], ["As I get older, staying at home is the best.", "Word."], ["My post Covid joint pain and lethargy ensures I don't go anywhere", "Ahhh, hope u feel better soon!"], ["Netflix and karaoke at home with the fam", "Karaoke, that\u2019s cute! Haha"], ["Cry myself to sleep", "Nooooo \ud83d\ude2d"], ["Comforting all my dogs and cats coz fireworks \ud83d\ude2d", "\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d"], ["Celebrating NY in game."], ["Watch anime, play games, jerk off, etc. Same old same old."], ["I kena covid for 3 times, 2 times on end of december and I'm quarantine in my room now. I wish I got to celebrate new year eve outside next year.", "Aw, you will be by end of next year! Speedy recovery to you!"], ["As someone live and work in JB \u201cyou guys celebrate New Year\u2019s Eve?\u201d", "Honestly didn\u2019t know that \ud83d\ude15"], ["Cutie coming over to Netflix and chill ^", "\ud83e\udd73"], ["Usually house parties. This year decided to go to Langkawi - randomly", "I like this random plan heh"], ["stay at home, watch letsplay horror vids on youtube. i just don't want to get into an accident and die while celebrating new years lol", "Brooo \ud83e\udd72\ud83d\ude02", "it's true haha. there's bound to be accidents and deaths this new year!"], ["McD & YouTube for me"], ["When young, go out watch fireworks with my dog. Now that he has passed away, i just stay home lay in bed and checkout on shopee at midnight to save rm5"], ["Reading a book and then stuffing 12 grapes in my mouth before 12.01am then back to reading my book."], ["Alone, gaming, sleep"], ["Apply kerja \ud83d\ude22", "Hey Happy New Year and all the best to you! I will also have to start applying haha"], ["I was celebrating with my vtuber waifus. The hololive event was amazing."], ["Need to be giga Chad to the gym\nIs what my resolution every years"], ["Watching firewoks from home"], ["Nothing, more playing games, drink some cocoa\nPlanning to doodle some more OC stuff"], ["Well I was sad to hear KLCC wouldn't have a fireworks show so would've gone there. Still enough fireworks are the house :D"], ["i stayed at home and play state of decay 2"], ["Finished Hogwarts Legacy.\nI feel more satisfaction than go out count down and stuck at Highway for more than 1 hour"], ["Sleep earlier than usual"]]} {"title": "Spent the last evening of the year at Teluk Batik", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v5ocu/spent_the_last_evening_of_the_year_at_teluk_batik/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["ITAP"], "header": "", "comments": [["been there. looks good."]]} {"title": "BMF Scandal", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v58mo/bmf_scandal/", "num_comment": 18, "flairlabel": ["History"], "header": "Yooooooo just found out that back in the 80s we got this big scandal regarding BMF and loans to Hong Kong. And the leading man behind this scandal was a Malaysian / Singaporean / PRC by the name George Tan. I only know about it thru this movie Golden Finger, it doesnt portray the scandal fully but a bit of hints here and there and how they mentioned \u201cTimurlaysia\u201d got me curious. You guys should watch it!", "comments": [["The lesson is a public listed company backed by multiple reputable banks can be a scam/ hoax too."], ["Just watched it and yes, BMF was also the first thing that came to my mind when \u201cbank persekutuan\u201d and \u201cTimurlaysia\u201d were mentioned"], ["Haha yes.. good way to learn of past saga before 1mdb scandal. Your parents may heard of this as well."], ["is this movie in cantonese or Mandarin in malaysia?", "Cantonese, nei hiu kwang tung wa mou?"], ["I watched boy and the heron instead, quite regret it honestly", "Not good meh?", "Yeah despite very good art, the story is all over the place, it's like 3 different stories got stitched together.\nI won't say it's atrocious or very bad but was kinda disappointed as it was Miyazaki film."], ["It\u2019s always Mahathir\u2026.\nhttps://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2017/01/24/declassified-cia-documents-suggest-dr-ms-links-to-bmf-scandal/1299821"], ["gonna look it up. thanks!\nedit: quite good reviews at Rotten. interesting!", "Ohh its actually The Goldfinger not Golden Finger \ud83d\ude05", "Like the James Bond film?"], ["lol bn apologists gonna have a tough time defending their lords again and again and again..\n1mdb, bmf...what next ? Perwaja? or the forex loses we faced?\nonly one thing ties it up altogether, umno..."], ["will watch definitely!"], ["I thought for a moment that they were remaking the Bond film"], ["Wow, I only knew about IMF, which corruption scandal tied back to our current PM."], ["Imagine this movie getting banned here lmao"], ["Probably where Jho Low/ Ah Jib gor got his inspiration"]]} {"title": "Traffic on PLUS highway", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v4y1u/traffic_on_plus_highway/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "Hi there, I visit Malaysia every once in a while and I don't drive here as much, however when I travel towards JB using PLUS highway, the traffic will come to a standstill and when we drive past, there was nothing stopping the traffic. Is there a reason why is this happening? Cheers\nEdit: This happens during off festive seasons, and I could imagine the worst during festive seasons.", "comments": [["Hills and vehicles with no power \ud83d\ude02\nThere's always a buildup of traffic near the Nilai turn off. My theory it's various small cars and lorries slowing down as they climb the hill.\nAlso the dumbasses that tailgate & have to brake. Causing a chain reaction to happen behind them", "Yeah tailgaters are so dumb. I try to be a good driver and maintain some distance, an idiot always tries to slip in front of me. Another group are people who totally black out their windows, so i can't see past the car right in front of me."], ["The traffic will come to a standstill and when we drive past, there was nothing stopping the traffic\nWatch this video that explains how traffic builds up."], ["It\u2019s because people who are slow don\u2019t let ppl who want go fast go through, then a pileup occurs when the front brakes. Seriously Malaysians don\u2019t understand what the right lane is for instead just sitting there going the speed limit\u2026", "The number of times I've seen the left lane completely empty while the middle and right lanes are moving slow is baffling to me. It's like people are allergic to the left lane. I don't understand."], ["1) Theres some areas 3 lanes become 2.\n2) Certain exits and entry are kind of busy like ayer keroh. So, some cars from right lane last minute cut through to exit the highway, and some cars that just entered the highway not yet pickup speed straight enter right lane.\n3) the above also happens at busy r&r.\nWhen theres not many cars it wont create traffic jem, but when 10-20 cars do it in a short time frame, that creates the traffic jem."], ["Ah, the PLUS highway dance \u2013 comes to a standstill for no apparent reason. It's like Malaysian traffic has a secret flash mob agenda. Maybe the traffic jam is just practicing its festive season routine even when it's not festive. Cheers to the mystery of PLUS!"]]} {"title": "Question about trains in Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v4s61/question_about_trains_in_malaysia/", "num_comment": 14, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "Hello everyone it\u2018s my first time as a tourist in Malaysia, what a beautiful country! I\u2018m travelling with the wife and my cousin and his wife also.\nI have a question about trains: I booked a train from Ipoh to KL and it says \u201ePlatinum\u201c on the booking page. I also wanted to book a train from Penang to Ipoh but all the seats were booked already. Question is, is \u201ePlatinum\u201c a passenger class or is it a term for the whole train? I would really like to go to Ipoh by train. So is there a standard class that I can always just walk in or only reserved seats with \u201ePlatinum\u201c?\nIs Grab a viable option if there are no trains available? Do the drivers even go so far? We want to have a quick way because we don\u2018t want to spent much time in transportation. We are 4 persons.\nAppreciate any help of you guys! And sorry if this question was answered before.", "comments": [["Let me answer as a frequent ETS traveller. Because the other doesn't seem accurate in information. The Platinum class is actually the whole train, the class just means how many stops the train will go.\nPlatinum is the one with the least stops, which is the most \"express\". Gold will stop at more stations, with Silver stopping at the most. Platinum trains also have first class seats, at extra cost from standard Platinum, which are bigger with staff serving food (food is not free I think, never tried it). Gold trains don't have class separation in seats.\nFor Penang, there's only 1 Gold train a day and as you guessed for it being cheaper it is always full. Usually you'll need to book 2 weeks in advance. Platinum is usually possible to get tickets 1 - 2 days before or even on the same day except during peak travel seasons.\nI have never seen Silver trains, maybe they only exist on other lines or to other destinations.", "ETS Silver only exist on Ipoh-KL section, hence why you haven't seen it"], ["Platinum is a class, you could walk in and ask but that depends on luck (often booked)", "Thank you!"], ["There are Silver, Gold and Platinum with Platinum being the most expensive. It's a class term.\nYou can reserve all 3 types online, but if you only see Platinum, I'm guessing the other 2 types are sold out or just not available. What you see on the website should be more or less the same as tickets available at the counter.\nAs for Grab, it depends on your luck. What about taking buses to Ipoh?", "We looked up the busses but they did not fit in our schedule that well. Thank you so much for explaining!", "Please dodge the buses unless you're really tight on cash they're a horror with scheduling and breakdowns", "We will dodge them, budget is not the issue, we just all like trains very much. We\u2018ll try our luck at the train station and otherwise get a grab/teksi", "Alright safe travels!!", "Buses are fine as long as you stick with KKKL, Transnational and Aeroline. The rest aren't really reliable."], ["If you're gonna take a train from Penang, go to Penang Sentral at Butterworth. Take a KTM Komuter train from there all the way to Ipoh since it's the final stop for the train. No booking required just like you're taking a commuter type of train. I suggest you to download the KTMB Mobile app from the app store so you can check the train schedule from there."], ["From what I understand the main difference between platinum and gold is the train is pretty much direct to ipoh with almost no stops whereas gold has some stops in between.", "There's actually 7 stops on ETS Platinum between Ipoh and KL - Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kampar, Tg Malim, Sg Buloh, KL (Old Station), KL Sentral"]]} {"title": "Just now at kelana jaya", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v4m0g/just_now_at_kelana_jaya/", "num_comment": 93, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Anyone know what's this", "comments": [["\nsome fire near nxp", "Ohw I thought someone having early new year celebrations", "just fire, no work\u2026", "badum~", "New years Bon fire \u2026.. semangat satu Malaysia", "You took that picture yourself? Those buildings kinda look like the PPR near Sunway Setia Jaya", "yeah"], ["Yes we get it. You vape.", "Dude be flexing his vape skill fr fr", "Bro has the mouth of a sperm whale"], ["Thought it was some dude practising smoking/puffing tricks.", "Have to say that's a mighty impressive smoke ring!", "Someone is vaping, fire hazard style"], ["gender reveal, malay version", "Pronouns are Black?", "Nig/ga", "\"bapak ko hitam\" as the saying goes", "congratulations it's a fire!", "Chinese version would be white smoke from incense sticks?", "Sunat, yes?", "more like race reveal: congratulations, it's a Rohingya"], ["Red indians smoke signal", "Translation: send nudes", "No, send dudes... bro in a fight"], ["M. A. K. K. O. H. I. J. A. U.\n... I don't get the code."], ["Admiral Kuznetsov"], ["It's that blue caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland"], [""], ["OP can cross post to r/BeAmazed"], ["Snoop Dogg spotted"], ["Its a Native American smoke signal."], ["Looks like a transformer explosion smoke? Probably from a tnb power distribution."], ["Looks like a transformer explosion?"], ["That's a save point. Dont disturb the game's character please"], ["Actually passed by this, it was a fire at one of the factories."], ["Kelana jaya incident"], ["sekolah menengah bathroom:"], ["Seems like they haven't chosen a new Pope yet"], ["just passed it. smoke getting bigger and darker."], ["Hembusan naga yang sebenar"], ["something exploded"], ["High skilled Vaper"], [""], ["Smoke signal"], ["A Barrier is forming... Is this another Shibuya???"], ["U F O"], ["VAPE NATION"], ["Giant Vape"], ["Is that a prison?"], ["I asked for fireworks on NYE\u2026 not a literally fire\u2026"], ["A Garganta."], ["awal main recall\""], ["Bro flexing with his vaype"], ["Sorry i was vaping m(_ _)m"], ["A UFO but in smoke"], ["Someone finish their phone credit, need use smoke signal"], ["Attack of the titan. Smoking pot."], ["Sending signals...."], ["monster vape"], ["vape naish y'all"], ["A new pope has been elected."], ["Didn't know we had American Indians here."], ["Transformer letting out all the magic smoke."], ["someone vaping laa"], ["Damn his vaping is so damn good that bro can exhale a smoke signal."], ["Nah it\u2019s just Homelander grappling with some kind of stomach issue."], ["Vape mode baik punter!"], ["A rift in space and time"], [":26554:"], ["KL fire, penang fire."], ["jokes aside. ives seen a few videos like this not in Malaysia. can anyone explain what causes this phenom?"], ["I saw that too from Bangsar South"], ["Holy fire"], ["The world is coming to an end as we know it"], ["Wtf sempat lagi dia nak buat O"], ["seen from shah alam\n"], ["Baru 1 januari 2024... \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80"], ["Prolly blown transformer, or I think it is\nKinda remember seeing a post somewhere with the ring like that"], ["angel 01 attack in kelane jaya"]]} {"title": "Power Root units served with RM23 mil claim over 'AH HUAT' trademark dispute in Indonesia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y8isp/power_root_units_served_with_rm23_mil_claim_over/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [["The next most watched Malay drama story is right here man...\nMalay businessman defending his Chinese business partner from Indonesian rival companies...", "Let's make a Malaysian Yakuza spin offs"], ["Greedy MF"], ["r/indonesia done claim, Ah Huat is an Indonesian delicacy", "On another note, why are some Indonesians so insecure? Can't they acknowledge countries in SEA have a shared cultural heritage?"]]} {"title": "The \u201cNot your typical Ah Fook\u201d workshop", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v4fu8/the_not_your_typical_ah_fook_workshop/", "num_comment": 48, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Located in Seapark, PJ. I\u2019m fascinated this workshop has been a regular spot for luxury sports car repair and maintenance. By chance, you could sometimes find a Ferrari or Lamborghini at the repair bay. Although the workshop exterior looks old and ordinary they are well known by folks around here for ages.\nHas anyone had experience visiting this workshop for a repair? What\u2019s your feedback about this place.\nP.s. Both cars look like an Aston Martin. Correct me if I'm wrong. There are also 1-2 \u201cabandoned\u201d Bently parked outside last time but I believe they have been removed ever since the condo development (Ruby Seapark) in front.", "comments": [["both cars look like an Aston Martin\nActually left is an Aston Martin, specifically the DBS. Right is a 3rd gen Bentley Continental GT. I get your confusion.\nSome workshops are like this though not everyday. I know a guy who sends his Aston all the way to Sungai Buloh just because he knew the shop owner since he was in Naza then Aston Martin KL so he knows his way around the car.", "The first pic clearly shows the difference.", "Correct. If you\u2019re into cars, then clearly you can tell the difference between an Aston and a Bentley. I\u2019m just pointing out to those who can\u2019t. Considering the 3rd gen Continental is drastically different than the prev gens and Bentley took the Aston Martin DB9 and draw it on a tracing paper to design the 3rd gen Continental."], ["I'm quite fascinated on how these workshops can get the proper mechanics and possibly even tools to service these vehicles.", "The Best Ever Tool, The Technician.", "Sometimes workshops like this are family owned and passed down to generations. I know this one Wak in JB who worked for Cycle & Carriage in Germany and specialises in bodywork and paint before returning to Malaysia and opening up a shop here. His workshop doesn't look fancy but man, his workmanship is absolutely amazing.\nUnfortunately he moved his shop away from JB to Pontian due to his sick mother. But if there\u2019s any major repairs and restoration, I'm definitely sending my car to him.", "For the most part it's not very different from most cars.\nThe main difference is that these cars sometimes have software that require specialty reader to do their service.", "Have you not watched Mat Armstrong on YouTube?"], ["And in the shop row behind it you have the best duck rice", "From Penang. Picked up an M3 in KL. Stopped by for the best duck in Sunrise and happened to park here. First thought was.... Damn, this must be some fantastic workshop !! Look at all these cars!!!", "M3 ?!!Damn that's one hell of a car,M3 G80 i assume?or maybe m3 e92?", "Model 3?", "tbh that duck rice is overrated imo it\u2019s dry as fuck."], ["Looks can be deceiving. Shop might look run-down, but the technician/mechanic inside is better than the atas workshops or even service centers that charge you twice the price for mediocre workmanship. I've experienced this before."], ["You send your luxury car to this workshop so the mechanic won't fook up your car."], ["There's a workshop along Jalan Kuchai Lama that looks like absolutely run down, but is one of the official certified Porsche service center in Malaysia."], ["Most of these Ah Fooks worked at luxury car service centres before opening up their own. The clients who have known and trusted them from the original svc centres would \"support\" them by taking their cars to the new workshops. What more, they can get parts at cheaper prices as well, let alone labour charges."], ["It's Seapark, part of old PJ. It's not really surprising, many residents there are old money rich.\nJust swing by to Kampung Tunku beside it and you'll understand. It's called Kampung Tunku because of the many Tan Sri's and Tunkus who live / lived there. Taman Universiti, Taman Paramount, SS 2, Sekysen 22 and Seksyen 14 beside it as well, a lot of old money rich people."], ["Sometimes it\u2019s all about the r/kereta workshop familiarity. Yes workshop should have clean garage. But a rundown looking workshop isn\u2019t that bad too"], ["Also dumping ground for cars that people send to fix but no money to pay for the repairs"], ["I get my RS4 and S6 sedan serviced in a workshop near Assunta hospital/Campbell's factory\nPlace looks just like this picture\nThey at least didn't try to swap out stuff like parking sensors and my sports differential, steal my air compressor and coin purse; unlike Audi \"Damansara\" (near Ikea) and Glenmarie, whilst my car was still under warranty\nEff those guys\nEdit: the neighbor is a paint shop, and has some of the best lauk in PJ at their cafeteria", "What did they do to your parking sensor?", "Audi DAMANSARA stole my air compressor kit (for inflating flats), my parking sensors and a coin purse for tolls\nSince they didn't know who (plus i photograph my car during handover), they attempted to compensate by offering an umbrella, cap and 5w40 oil\nEff that, i demanded replacement, which they only did after 4 months\nPlus there was a dent on my passenger door"], ["Ah fook might be a bloody good mechanic, or better than those at the authorised service centre. If so, I 'd like to buy this Ah fook a beer."], ["that workshop always have sick cars, there was a 997 gt3 once when i ate at the food court behind it"], ["The shop beside used to be dai chow restaurant thong kee(not the cafe) 20 years ago. The best sweet sour pork ever. Sad they closed"], ["Why nobody mention about the opposite building(Use to be\"Ruby Theatre\")?. And as now I'm a middle age man, I realized the road is sure getting smaller around Sea Park."], ["Was at this same spot last month and spotted an Aston Martin and a Range Rover\n"], ["I\u2019m fascinated how people find this fascinating.", "think it's more from the contrast between the luxury cars and the run down state of the mechanic workshop", "What are you expecting? Welcome to Malaysia", "typical kopitiam reply. nothing to add, only snark and edge lord comment.", "Oh my god you are so cool being edge lord in a online forum, can i suck your dick already?", "Wut?", "You sound quite experienced at that", "People who need to get out the house more often", "Look it\u2019s a car, let\u2019s take a photo (in Homer Simpson\u2019s voice)"], [":26555:"], ["Reminds me of the time we and a friend were driving down to beranang and passed by semenyih (the road with a ton of car repair shops). My friend mentioned how old one and run down of the work shops looked and looking further inside there were 2 R33s in there. Kind of gave that old school workshop vibe where looks were just bare necessities."], ["There's a saying, sometimes the best mechanics is the \"pomen bawah pokok\"."], ["This workshop is always full of luxury cars!"], ["Talked to the owner before they only work on luxury cars, normal cars they won't bother"], ["anyone has good recommended workshop for Audi?"], ["Some mechanics had experience in official service center, then quit to run his own service shop"], ["For them, it is just another car no matter Ferrari, Aston Martin or what \u2026. What broken can be\u2026 I like the can do attitude and wiling to learn", "Usually these mechanics used to work for those official service center of luxury brands, now open their own workshop\nYou don't service these kind of luxury cars without some prior training/exposure or have that level of rich customer base if you don't have some connection.\nLike some poster above said, the owners of these car have probably known the mechanic for awhile"], ["recently follow many car modders on yt in US. some of them look early 30s. they bid on accident/ write off car from yard, refurbish and repair and resell. i am amazed by their mechanical skill; while engines are more or less work the same way between different make (ICE), but the wiring, the ECU, the programming...etc. its a wonder they know so many.\nsame goes with bike. specifically, those modding cafe racer. these bunch are even more special, they only work in their own garage. 1 guy even add turbo to his refurbished bikes\ni guess u cant judge a book by its cover."]]} {"title": "Public Transport in KL", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v3qaf/public_transport_in_kl/", "num_comment": 17, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I've been browsing threads here for quite some time, and it's interesting to note the varying opinions about the public transport system in KL. Many mention that KL is not very public transport-friendly and that having a car is essential for day-to-day life. I'm curious to hear more about your experiences. Have you personally taken the LRT, MRT, Bus, or ETS in KL? What were your thoughts and observations? Do you find public transportation convenient and reliable, or do you agree that having a car is necessary? How do you benchmark as a public transport-friendly city?", "comments": [["It is improving.\nPrior to moving overseas, my commute was completely by walking and by LRT (and I have friends who do that too) and going around in KL solely by public is very much possible. Any public transport system is time consuming when compared to driving, but the daily/monthly passes for citizens make it very much worth the hassle for me. I expect things will improve more once LRT3 and the MRT Circle Line are built, enhancing connectivity between lines.\nThey have a lot still to improve with respect to to bus lines and pedestrian walkability. Frequency wise, they are doing quite good even though Malaysians have unrealistic expectations of LRT operating at a 2-min frequency.\nTo compare it with capital cities of developed countries, we are still lagging behind but when looking at other developing/historically exploited countries, we are doing quite well.\nThe country I am currently living in, Japan, has some quirks too. People always talk about how good the public transportation in Japan, but once you get out of Tokyo and Osaka things start to go down. Some cities still require cars to get around properly, and with the whole population decline thing, rural train lines are actually going off one by one as they lack the ridership.\nWhat Malaysia needs to improve now, is the public transportation in cities besides KL and Penang. Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Alor Setar, Ipoh, Melaka, JB and Kuching all deserve a good system. It may not be full-on train lines, when a good bus system can actually do the job really well.", "Kuching desperately needs a good bus system. But no, for some reason they need a flagpole and that overdesigned Sungai Bintangor bridge.", "And they decided it is better to run a long-ass beta \"lab rat\" program to run some fake Autonomous Bus, and pump in a tons of money to have it powered by hydrogen."], ["The further you go into the CBD, the better it generally is. Generally, the trains are pretty great. They\u2019re frequent enough (could be better) and they are clean and efficient. The KTM is not meant to be rapid transit, so that is why it isn\u2019t frequent. It\u2019s commuter rail.\nThe ETS is meant for inter-city travel throughout the north. I have never taken it before so I can\u2019t say much about it.\nCertain journeys are convenient by train. Sunway Velocity, The Exchange, IKEA/MyTown, and Pavilion BB are on the same corridor. If you live in the city then sure you may not need a car, but even that is stretching it.\nThe problem lies in the buses and the overall city planning.\nKL has too little buses for a city its size. Despite numerous bus lanes, no driver has ever respected it, based on my experiences. The bus lanes are also limited to the inner city areas, and the outer suburbs (arguably areas that are most needing of bus services) do not have bus lanes whatsoever. Bus stops are not that well maintained. There are some nice ones with shelter, but a lot are just a pole. In Malaysia\u2019s hot and humid weather, it is so much more important that we have shelter. There isn\u2019t also much information on the bus stops. A lot have just nothing but a QR code to scan. A screen showing arrival times and routes would be nice. The stops also don\u2019t have much organisation, like codes or specific names. I\u2019d recommend a book called Better Buses, Better Cities to learn more about optimising public buses\nSo, the low number of buses, lack of respect for bus infrastructure and unprofessionalism causes low frequency and reliability.\nMalaysia is stuck deep in car-centricism. Transit-oriented development has been neglected. Most Malaysians are \u201chard-wired\u201d to want to drive cars, as cars (especially expensive cars) are seen as a status symbol. So, public transport has been regarded as \u201clower\u201d. This has caused development to prioritise driving instead of transit and walkability. As a result, even if the trains itself or buses are good, getting to them will be a huge problem, hence the first and last mile problem. There are a lot of other aspects to this problem that I won\u2019t cover in the interest of time.\nIn conclusion, I would say that KL public transport is good only if you only go to certain places. Out of these limited places, either just drive or wait 45+ minutes for a bus that may not even come. And even then, driving in KL is a nightmare."], ["I use the public transport in KL often and have used the ones in London (almost a year there), Tokyo, Beijing (almost a year there too), HK, Singapore and Shanghai.\nFor KL, It's ok, but can be better. On a scale of 1-5 it is a 3.5.\nIt's definitely modern and good but there lots of room for improvement.\nMaintenance - of the station facilities and the train itself. How many times have you seen screens not work or lights at the station not light up or escalator rosak? Don't even mention our bus stops some are just a physical pole by the road.\nFirst and last mile - to use the MRT/LRT people need to get to the stations. In most cities mentioned above either they have bus, shared bicycles or walkable/sheltered paths. Here lots of these paths are half gone or taken up by cars whose owner think that pedestrian walkways are free real estate. Otherwise the user has to share walking path with cars on the dangerous roads or worst- highways. Creating a less car centric and more pedestrian friendly urban design can really make people want to use the public transport more but they requires effort and cooperation with the city councils.\nReliability - I mean, no public transport system is perfect. Delays or malfunctioning trains occur in other places too but the frequency of it occuring in KL is too high for a relatively new system.\nEven the ticketing machines at stations sometimes rosak. The speed at the gate opens is also slow compared SG, Tokyo or HK (they use FeliCa NFC system), even though it's a few hundred millisecond, the perceived difference is there.\nFrequency - the train frequency is considered low even during rush hour if compared to most other nations. Also for some reason Prasana thought 4 car length was enough to transport ppl in KL when many countries use 6.\nOperating hour - not much complain but would be cool if they open from 5 to 1 daily for those super early workers or super OT employees or partygoers, not just events. Cadangan only.\nSafety/commuter civics - in SG they had volunteers in MRT to make sure idiots don't do stupid things. In China there are police officers doing bag check at every entrance and on the platform to ensure safety. In KL, the polis bantuan are sometimes there but sometimes not. Look at the women coach, no one enforce. Have ppl in the train and on the platform to keep watch.\nAll in all, it's there but not quite yet. Really hoping they complete the circle line asap. Even simple things like human centric design such as having the MRT arrival TV at the entrances (so commuters can decide to stroll or parkour up to the platform) can help make the journey better."], ["It's improving. The last mile is where the problem is. I need to drive 3km from my apartment to LRT or KTM. I guess stay anywhere 500m away from station will solve the problem but not everyone is so rich."], ["its ok, not good not terrible\nKL is quite public transport friendly, buses are terrible; greater kl is not that friendly\na huge part of why its a problem is cause our city planning is trash, people are stupid, and locals go holiday compare KL to Tokyo Greenline."], ["It's only good when you live somewhere with direct link to mrt/lrt Station and your destination is also direct link to any mrt/lrt station. Otherwise, a car is still very necessary unless you want to risk your life every few minutes trying to cross the road with no pedestrian crossing/lights"], ["I ride trains and buses to certain places including workplace. To get to the stations and stops, I have to walk under the sun and along busy street which makes it inconvenient and loud. I'm not complaining about the distance (10-15 minute walk) though as it's good for me to move around. The bus arrival time is almost always reliable with the help of Moovit app.\nConsidering where I live in is a concentrated residential area, I wish there are more locals taking public transport. Never seen the bus half full and most of the time, the passengers are foreigners. The route I am taking, there are at least 3 different bus lines and I have tried all of them. That shows how the bus facility is under appreciated.", "Agree!"], ["If you want to go to KLCC, forget about Persiaran KLCC station on the MRT Line 2. That will have you walking 10 min under the sun compared to LRT\u2019s direct connection to the mall.\nThis is one example of poor last mile connectivity. Not to mention most of Line 2\u2019s stops take you to places with lower footfall where ppl are better off driving anyway (eg: Equine Park, Jinjang, Kepong)"], ["lrt, mrt, good. monorail, mid. bus, horrible. ktm, deceased. (hopefully they will increase the frequency after track repairs)"], ["Not sure about KL in entirety but at least KLCC has amazing public transport, including mrt and lrt. But monorail can have higher frequency though"], ["A car is still essential. Outside of KLCC & Bukit Bintang area, train stations are quite far from each other, and we have poor infrastructure for pedestrians to navigate between them. LRT and MRT frequency is good for me. Bus IMO has the chicken and egg problem... people avoid it because of low frequency & still get stuck in traffic anyway, so we have less bus and bus lanes because of the lack of ridership.\nAt least things are getting better. It's unfortunate Ampang Park LRT doesn't directly connect to MRT, what a wasted opportunity. I haven't been to TRX yet though, looks neat."], ["Mrt helps a lot. But i would still say u cant survive in kl without car", "hahahaha I beg to defer :)\nThe truth is, in my entire life, I've never owned a car. :) I've lived in KL since my Uni and it's been 10+ years and I still live in KL without a car.", "Wahh i also live in kl during my uni time. That time also i cant survive la without car. Now i came back to work in kl also with car haha. I think there are still many places unreachable by public transport. But mostly improving. Sometimes i cannot tahan jam and cari parking then i\u2019ll use public transport"]]} {"title": "Im thinking of applying for driving school. And I have some questions.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wnt0l/im_thinking_of_applying_for_driving_school_and_i/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi guys. Just as the title said, I have a few questions about it.\nWill the teachers give out textbooks for the students to study?\nDuring the theory test, is there a DLP version?\nHow long did it take for you guys to study the textbook?\nWhat was it like when taking the actual driving test?\nAre the lessons (for theory test)that are taught at the school long? Like would they finish the entire syllabus in a day and take the exam immediately?or would they space it out?\nAnyways that's about it. Also if you have any advice. Please let me know!! Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR \ud83c\udf8a\ud83c\udf8a\ud83c\udf8a", "comments": [["Yes, the theory test has DLP, but you will be mainly learning the knowledge in Malay, so I don't suggest. There also used to be textbooks, but I didn't get them. Instead there is this kpp01 app on the play store that's pretty good(49/50 with just background knowledge and doing most quizzes available). The exam depends, but the course is a one day thing at the driving sch.\nFor the driving test itself, STAY CALM. I know people who failed just because the kinda panik then couldn't control the car properly. Also, remember your positioning and spacing. Plus, don't forget about the circuit part of the test. Me personally, I found that harder than the road test as actual roads have more space.", "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ADVICE \ud83d\ude2d\ud83e\udef6", "Np brother, i myself went through my test last week and passed it (Manual lesn). What licence are you taking btw?"], ["Hi, this is all just based purely on my experience:\nyes\nwhat's DLP?\nat my school at least, they'll tell you specific parts you have to pay especially close attention to\nI just lay low and not attract attention.\nyou can look at the schedule here"], ["+1 on the app\nI never touched the book and got 47"], ["I got the manual textbook\nIdk what dat is\nAn afternoon tea reading session\nJpj dude was chill\nHave to see the waiting list, may take days or years depending on where you live\nRead the textbook like a bed time story. The later parts in law are interesting. 49/50\nI was afraid the lectures would be boring, but I didn't even sleep once.\nDon't get startled and stay calm,"]]} {"title": "Lobak PPR tenants have amassed RM1mil in rental arrears, says rep", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v2nb1/lobak_ppr_tenants_have_amassed_rm1mil_in_rental/", "num_comment": 9, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "Chew Seh Yong says some tenants have not paid a sen in nearly 20 years.", "comments": [["The Seremban City Council has said it will seal units and tear up agreements with residents who refuse to pay.\ncity council will not gonna do this lmao. they never done anything in 20 years they wont do something new now:26554:", "If they do, it will be a political suicide lmao.", "Lol so true"], ["No action taken so don't need to pay lor similar to ptptn loans and iwk bill"], ["Hire the service of Abang-abang Ah Long, let them keep 25% of the collection. The problem will be solved in a short period of time. Hahaha...."], ["Give more subsidy to b40 , only choice"], ["Start clamping the cars. Only unclamped after dues are sufficiently paid."], ["It will be waived"], ["Damn, 20 years?"]]} {"title": "Originally Malaysian food?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v2j8z/originally_malaysian_food/", "num_comment": 48, "flairlabel": [], "header": "We're a melting pot of cultures, so nearly all of our food is from elsewhere. Rendang is from Indonesia, laksa is from Thailand, even our bak kut teh is southern Chinese. Yee Sang is either Malaysian or Singaporean but no one can definitively say which of the two.\nI'm not sure if kolok mee is a Malaysian-only dish, or is it brought from china.\nAt least Singapore got chilli crab.\nNasi lemak gua. Uniquely Malaysian \ud83d\ude02\nEDIT: Thank you for the list. I don't think less of Malaysian food just because our food is pinjam ke original ke apa. Its still good. just curious.", "comments": [["Rendang is from Indonesia, laksa is from Thailand, even our bak kut teh is southern Chinese.\nIt's new year eve, people are allowed to get high all day.", "You have the green light now go \ud83d\ude02"], ["Nasi Goreng USA and Chicken Chop comes to my mind, oh and Budu lol", "Can\u2019t say budu much, it can originate from thailand cause they have a similar fermented fish sauce called pla-ra and taste is similar to budu oops"], ["Nasi lemak is more Malay-cuisine food rather than Malaysian. There are a lot of Malays in Indonesia, especially in Riau and Sumatra who has also been eating nasi lemak for centuries.", "I thought Indonesia is Nasi Uduk? It's still santan based rice, but the spices used is different and the sides is also different.", "I agree. While a lot of people like to say that nasi uduk is Indonesia's nasi lemak, the two dishes are distinctly different. The spice blend and condiments are different, resulting in each having its own unique aroma and taste."], ["Bak kut teh is invented in Malaysia. So is pan mee - especially chili pan mee."], ["yee sang was invented by anthony loke father:29091:"], ["Malaysian western food, chicken chop is invented in Malaysia.\nIn fact, you can't find chicken chop in western countries"], ["Cambodia and Thailand have their version of nasi lemak but without sambal.\nKolo mee is just a variation of wanton mee.\nNasi talipot in Sabah and Nasi Kerabu?\nBKT is original Klang Crusine. Hokkien mee (big noodle in black caramel sauce) is original Malaysian no?\nHow is laksa Thai? I thought it was uniquely Malaysian."], ["Its crazy how Chicken Chop is the only modern day food from Malaysia that I known originated here (Plus we all first thought it was a western food right?)"], ["Dey Laksa is Perlisian lah. We made it first.", "Thailand used to control Perlis before they had to cede it to the British.", "Yes. We have unique identity. Not to Malaysian not too Thai"], ["I suggest you check out ikanmas.in for the origin stories of many Malaysian food. A lot of the iconic food we have today is the result of migrants recreating their hometown's food using locally available ingredients, and made for the local palate e.g. kek lapis, roti canai, pulut mangga, ipoh sar hor fun\nSometimes our version is superior to its original counterpart due to the intermingling of local cultures e.g. curry chee cheong fun, nyonya kuih, kam heong crab etc.\nAso in regards to rendang, it is the creation of Minangkabau people, but it is also created specifically for their frequent travels between Indonesia and Malaysia. So Malaysia played a part in its creation story."], ["There are no \"original\" Malaysian food. Malaysian cuisine is a mixture of regional cuisines, either from the \"Malay world\", China, India and the Middle East. Everything from roti canai (India), nasi lemak (regional), CKT (southern China), laksa (regional), satay (Indonesia), rojak (Indonesia) etc.", "We are the poster child of liminal countries. Traders, preachers, explorers, migrants all came from somewhere else, stay here awhile, and will be moving onto someplace else later."], ["BKT & Laksa is local, there are influences but its unique to the region\npan mee and its similar variants are quite unique to us.\nthere are quite a few more really, soong beef noodles, hokkien mee etcetc\ngoing by your logic no dish belongs anywhere, som tam would be laotian"], ["Geez where the heck is your homework from? By your logic, all food is from Africa because all humans are from Africa. The techniques, knowhow and philosophy are always from elsewhere but the resulting product and dish due to difference in produce, weather, influence and geography, is what makes them local and in this case, Malaysian.\nRendang: Yes more Indonesian than Malaysian but Rendang Tok is renowned from Perak. Typically Malaysian rendang is a lot less dry than Indonesian rendang.\nLaksa: Please enlighten me on what the Thai so called 'origin of laksa' is called? Similar to which one? Penang's tamarind asam laksa? Sarawak prawn and egg laksa? Melaka's coconut nyonya laksa? Yeah I don't think so.\nBak kut teh: Even if there is a precursor in southern China (the CCP may well have fabricated one just like they did for Yang Zhou fried rice, which is from HK), is it as significant to the people there as it is to the people in Klang? If you travel to the West and find BKT, will it be more similar to the Klang variant or Chinese variant? If it's the Klang variant then Malaysia will claim that, thank you very much.\nKolo mee: The style of dish is essentially Hakka mee and common everywhere, but the unique curly noodles (in contrast to Kampua mee) are locally manufactured and the red variant with char siu sauce is definitely local.\nFinally, to answer your question, here are some dishes off the top of my head:\nNasi lemak\nBak kut teh\nKL Hokkien char mee\nChicken chop\nChilli pan mee\nSalai masak lemak\nPongteh\nNyonya laksa\nAsam pedas\nLontong kering\nPatin tempoyak\nNasi kukus\nNasi dagang\nNasi kerabu\nLaksam\nKai si hor fun\nAsam laksa\nNasi kandar\nPasembur\nChar kuey teow\nPenang Hokkien prawn mee\nNasi daging air asam\nBihun sup daging\nTuaran mee\nPinasakan\nKolo mee\nSarawak laksa\nManok pansuh", "Hmm curious, what is you source to say Yang Zhou fried rice came from Hongkong, and not Yang Zhou, China?", "Ask and you shall receive. https://youtu.be/J3ahehPxJHE?si=gLVn_3xab-MiRa2N", "Huh.. that 1 minute video provided no proof whatsoever. It just claimed \"just go online and you will know that both (Yangzhao fried rice and Hokkien Fried rice), are Yue \u7ca4 dishes\".\nAnd HongKong does not own Yue, culture. Guangdong is also Yue, and on the mainland.\nNot even talking about the political status of the current HongKong, if it was created before British colonisation, wouldn't it still be counted as from China?", "Ooh wow I feel your butthurt. Proof? It\u2019s more than enough of an argument to persuade me, because it\u2019s just food buddy. It\u2019s not like killing citizens for protesting.", "Wow.. saying it is HK is an 'argument' for you.\nI was curious because the name LITERALLY says Yang Zhou fried rice.\nSure thing mate.. Oh by the way, paper, compass gun powder were all invented in HK too. It was invented in mainland China initially, but after a crackdown on protesters, the inventor magically changed to HK.\nOh and by the way Isaac Newton became Malaysian, since GB invaded and killed so many Indians, but is now also HK after May 13 incident.\n:).", "I was curious because the name LITERALLY says Yang Zhou fried rice.\nHokkien mee (be it KL, Singapore, or Penang) is not from Fujian. Ragu Genovese is made in Naples instead of Genoa. Baked Alaska is from New York City.\nConsider your curiosity quenched.", "Ohhh.... I will take those at face value.\nIn any case no proof that YangZhou Fried rice is from HK though, so I am going to disregard what you said and follow the general consensus that it was created by a magistrate of Yangzhou.", "Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt that it was created in Yangzhou, the argument that one would stir-fry sea cucumbers and scallops with fried rice, let alone have that popularised to the masses, is far-fetched. And there's no doubt the dish is popular. I'm just far more interested in the popularised version of the dish which I believe means more to the Cantonese and overseas Chinese, than the 'notarised' version does to the good people of Yangzhou.\nIt just sounds far more likely to me that it's an effort from the Chinese to compensate for their self-eroded traditions with a conveniently-named dish.", "I could not find the 'official CCP version', claiming that sea cucumbers are definitely needed.\nEven the most 'CCP friendly', news outlet, SCMP, just lists seafood, most of the time shrimp, but can be replaced if you want something fancier.\nUncle Rogers vid about it just looks like a fancy chef from a fancy restaurant using fancy ingredients, self claiming authenticity, akin to some fancy restaurant puting all sorts of expensive stuff in to wa tan hor, to make it fancy.\nAnd I too, believe that the authentic version, is likely much simpler. I also believe that it is much more likely that it originated somewhere in south china, like most if not all of HK's culture derives from, rather than it happening to be invented on HK island itself.\nI do not believe in your political commentary, in fact I believe otherwise, but that is not the point of the discussion anyway.\nI suppose, in myself, I still see no reason to believe it is from HK."], ["Laksa sarawak Nasi kerabu"], ["OP got his facts from a kopitiam conversation"], ["Ayam golek, Ayam masak merah, Ayam Titanium"], ["Pisang goreng cheese viral. Also no such thing as food that originates from Singapore."], ["Asking what is originally malaysian food is like asking for original american foods\nIt's ridiculous, since this nation is built off different cultures interacting with each other."], ["i don't know how much indonesian or derive from other nation can it be, but umbut masak lemak putih sounds and taste pretty traditional malay for me. also have you ever heard of ikan pekasam? paling-paling busuk nasi dagang pernah makan tak?\nOP really needs to touch grass further than his backyard"], ["Ayam percik, nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, nasi ulam, peknga"], ["there's no originality when it comes to food, if you dig deep enough, everyone copied something."]]} {"title": "Penang to give priority to mega projects in 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v2gaf/penang_to_give_priority_to_mega_projects_in_2024/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Chief minister Chow Kon Yeow is confident Silicon Island will replicate the success of the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, which brought economic renewal to Penang 50 years ago.", "comments": []} {"title": "How was your 2023?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18v131f/how_was_your_2023/", "num_comment": 15, "flairlabel": [], "header": "View Poll", "comments": [["2019 - depression\n2020 - covid, cat died\n2021 - was so taken advantage of, another cat went missing and never return\n2022 - horrible break up, got sick (separate event, not because of the break up)\n2023 - started off the year depressed, rn is still in limbo. It could have gone better, but it is definitely the best compared to past four years", "May the year gets better for you homie , mine was pretty bad as well this year hoping to get better treatment this coming year", "May we all have a good year ahead\ud83e\udd1e"], ["Great year, although it started rough this early on, but this year makes me grow a lot.\nLooking forward for 2024."], ["2023 is really best.\nStarted in martial arts and good enough to represent my school but didn't win, it's the participation that counts, everyone's a winner.\nRan SCMKL full marathon and finished below 4 hours first time.\nGained 6kg of muscles after weight loss of 18kg in 2022.\nAdded 100k into EPF self contribution and anticipate more than 6% dividends"], ["Started off bad and ended just OK. I lost my dad at the start of the year and had never lost anyone close to me before. Still grieving and decided that I would travel more because life is short you Know? I did more travelling than I had envisioned. Company also retrenched lots of staff in the middle of the year but thankfully I wasn\u2019t one of them.\nIf 2023 was a year of grief, I\u2019m hoping 2024 will be my year for recovery."], ["Quite a rollercoaster. Rough start, lost my cat at the end of last year. Went on a few months grieving period. Got another cat, then another cat got sick (not the new one), met the love of my life, and never felt happier. I explored and experienced so many things in the span of 8 months than I ever did in the years I've lived. Certain circumstances suck, but it all has led me here, i'm eternally grateful. Never knew loving someone and being loved could be just so.... warm. Here's to you baby. I know you'll read this :26561:\ud83e\udde1"], ["Had a rough start this year, but managed to make some changes that turn things around at the second half of the year. I changed my job, went on several trips, which is really what I enjoyed this year. But my social life is still dull as last year, really find it tough this year to vent out my feelings or meet someone new that can truly vibe with you."], ["Nothing really eventful, the most memorable event that happens to me this year is a tarantula spider crawl into my ear when I went off road jungle tracking. Oh man that hurt."], ["Got really no passion and bored at my work Got layoff Seeing dental RCT\nHope for the best next year."], ["Honestly one of the memorable years of my life. Finally got to see Muse last July."], ["2022 is still my best post-covid year"], ["It was the best year and also worst year of my life. Best because I got married this year (once in a lifetime) also my dad had cancer (discovered after my wedding) and passed in 2 months (first parent to go). So it\u2019s kinda like a strange year for me."], ["The year with the most active fighting game community participation and finally met with the folks behind FF14 & FF16 by Square Enix's CBU3 Yoshida-san & Koji Fox. A pretty good year personally.\n"], ["Worst physical pain I\u2019ve ever been in so far but managed to finish my engineering degree despite it. Achieved my goal of learning new things and got more new friends from cosplay and car community. Barely kept my sanity of trying to forget my crush.\nYeah, not bad. Not bad."]]} {"title": "Happy New Year Monyets!", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uzqpx/happy_new_year_monyets/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["What AI program this is?", "Likely some form of Stable Diffusion + ControlNet for the text"], ["More AI cringe", "Malaysia, well known for its\u2026 Japanese population?"]]} {"title": "Advice on moving to Kuala Lumpur from US", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uym8f/advice_on_moving_to_kuala_lumpur_from_us/", "num_comment": 23, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hello, i've been thinking about moving to malaysia for some time. My company has a singapore division i might be able to join and its remote. Currently I bring in 70k/year usd and was wondering if I move will be getting the equivalent of 70kusd for sgd so 92k sgd? Would I have to do taxes for both singapore and malaysia? 92ksgh is 320087.83rm which is 18k rm a month after taxes. I used the income tax calculator for that.(correct me if its wrong). I saw a few condomoniums in KL but as a foreigner am I allowed to purchase lets say a condomonium that cost 560k rm? How much is health insurance? How much would food cost for single person and ill probably eat out weekends. How much is internet? How much would it cost to lease lets say a new mercedes c class and how much would insurance be on that? Also another thing, how long would I be able to stay in malaysia as a US citizen? What would I need to do to get permanet residency?", "comments": [["Digital Nomad Visa https://wise.com/my/blog/digital-nomad-visa-malaysia", "is there any way to get money into a malaysian bank from singapore and it converts without any fees?", "Try Maybank or CIMB Bank. These two are Malaysian banks with branches in Singapore.", "Thank you! can you give me any insight if 18k rm a month is good to live by myself, i dont buy many luxury things, i do want a condo in high rise, and a nice car. I guess those two would be my biggest expense.", "That\u2019s enough money to afford fine dining everyday.", "is leasing car a thing in malaysia?", "You can consider getting a second hand myvi for 20-30k.\nAs for your taxes, correct me if I am wrong, you have to pay American income tax regardless where you are. Your employer is Singaporeans and if you on digital nomad visa you should be exempted from paying income tax here (https://visaguide.world/digital-nomad-visa/malaysia/#:~:text=for%20each%20dependent.-,Paying%20Taxes%20as%20a%20Digital%20Nomad%20in%20Malaysia,or%20clients%20based%20in%20Malaysia.&text=Other%20income%20is%20taxed%20at%20a%20rate%20of%2030%25.)", "Yea so basically each check singapore will deposit in my malay bank itll get taxed and I used the income tax calculator to see how much i'd get monthly", "Living cost: https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Kuala-Lumpur\nInsurance: Not sure. Consult with an insurance agent for medical insurance, I think coverage of 100-180k per year is decent. Ideally no co-pay.\nMerc: The repair cost could take the whole month of your salary. Check on mudah.my, carsome.com.my for second hand. Brand new is north of 200k myr.\nPR: it is a mystery. Even after marrying a local spouse, PR is not given.\nHow long can you stay: refer to digital nomad visa. I think that is the only visa you are qualified for. The workaround is to engage with employer of record services like remote.com. I am not sure how you would be taxed in this case.", "Op said nice car"], ["Check out the newly revised MM2H program.\nOne more thing, the road to PR is not an easy one ... citizenship is almost nil."], ["foreigner can only buy above 1m houses, some houses were marked up from 800k just to be sold to foreigners", "oh woww, what if i just want to rent apartment? Can i do that or is there a certain price point i can only rent at", "where is your preferred location and size?", "Kuala Lumpur, mainly towards the city. 2 bedroom. I want something that looks modern and luxury", "Won't be a prob if you're just renting a place. You are still gonna be bound to a lease/tenant agreement so read that before you sign it."], ["Many units around klcc walking distance, be prepared to pay rm3k for premium", "Thats alright if im bringing in 18k rm right?", "if you want to enjoy your stay long term, you should live like those expats. They rent a low density gated guarded area with landed property to park your car at front door, can keep large dogs, store your bicycles and stuffs, you don't have neighbours who are drinking, dancing and slamming doors at midnight.", "Honestly i'd rather want to be living among locals and hopefully getting married to one if allah wills it. And Im not doing it just for citizenship I know people make jokes about getting married just for citizenship", "You can\u2019t get Malaysian citizenship, fyi. You just can\u2019t.", "I think I got terms wrong I meant permanent residency is allowed through marriage"], ["Malaysian tax is territorial. Any income earned in malaysia is taxable. Unsure how US tax work when you earn in Singapore.\nYou can easily live in malaysia with USD2k monthly including rent. Don't think of buying until you're OK with the place. Car is not necessary if you live in KL. Rent is higher but won't exceed USD1k. Or you can rent outskirts of KL basically in Selangor area near LRT or MRT.\nJB is good if you want near singapore. Or try Penang where you can go \u26f1\ufe0f\nInternet at home about RM 100 to 150 depends on package. Mobile Internet too.\nIt's better to buy global health insurance coverage from Singapore. Can't remember which.\nForget citizenship"]]} {"title": "Potentially moving to Malaysia in the next few years.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uyh3j/potentially_moving_to_malaysia_in_the_next_few/", "num_comment": 63, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "Hello, hope this post is allowed. Looked at the rules and didn\u2019t see anything against it and looked at the previous posts and the wiki section but didn\u2019t see anything that really answered my questions. Had a few questions/discussion topics I was hoping somebody/ies might people able to answer/shed some light on.\nWe are looking to semi-retire and move to Malaysia (or potentially other similar countries) and wanted to get some additional info about areas that might fit us and about life there.\n1) What areas would be best for us? We like very urban areas, wife is from Tokyo, we would like to be able to not need a car and just be able to walk to everything. My wife is a bit bougee so it would be nice to be in a higher end area, but not a deal breaker. Would also love to be at or very near a beach. Would love to know best cities and/or neighborhoods?\n2) Weather, Looks like the weather is pretty decent although a little higher then would be perfect. Is there a good place if I would prefer 25c weather?\n3) Real estate, we would be looking at buying and wanted to know if that is generally a good idea. Initially looking at condos but read that they are not a great investment, would a house on land be better? Does property appreciate in Malaysia? Would it be better just to rent?\n4) Language, I only speak English and my wife speaks English and Japanese, obviously we would work to learn the language, but it seems English is very common as well. Would we be able to get buy with English well? Are some cities more or less friendly to English?\nAny other important insights would be appreciated as well!", "comments": [["Check out Mont Kiara, Desa Park City and KLCC areas of you want convenience and bougie living in Kuala Lumpur. You can try Penang too, but I'm not too familiar.\n25c is going to be pretty tough unless you're in Genting, Frasers Hill, Camerons. We're in the tropics and it's 30c and up during the day.\nProperty is pretty expensive now, but there's a bit of a glut, so there's room for negotiation.\nYou can get away with English in most developed areas.", "Thanks appreciate it. Seems Mont Kiara keeps coming up. Are you familiar with Johor Bahru?", "Ex expats here. Look up TTDI. Way greener, quieter and friendlier than the expensive and concrete sprawl that Mont Kiara is.", "Will do appreciate it!", "I am 100pc with you. TTDI is the bomb. MRT, extremely cosmopolitan, good shop mix, market, bank, supermarket. Good connectivity to nearby malls.", "Mont Kiara is very cosmopolitan and expat friendly. Too dense for my liking, but might fit your needs.\nI work in Singapore, but have not been tempted to visit JB (one train away). Haven't been there in 15 years.\nI hear its developing quickly, with train access directly to Singapore. Might be worth a look if proximity to sg excites you. Worth a look, but not enough to sway a long term decision tbh...", "Mont Kiara pops up alot as that is the traditional expat / japanese community.\nAnd seems like you and your wife prefers urban, ya probably makes sense MK fits the bill.\nTTDI will give a more suburb feeling BUT has the convenience of living in a city. It will be alot less crowded. But to get around TTDI a car is probably needed. (Although most malaysian will claim a car is needed anyway)\nAnd malaysia road is not designed to be safe for cyclist. :)\nCaveat: I like to get some meals at TTDI, but i'm not familiar with it like a local.", "Thanks we will look at that too! I don\u2019t mind a bit more suburban if we are very close to an urban area. Plus a lot of the videos I watch, I can see why people say you need a car everywhere, it doesn\u2019t look super walkable even in the central areas.", "I survived the 1st 5 working years in KL (from 2014 to 2018 before i got married) without a car. Relied on walking around and the LRT. It's not impossible but life as a single person is probably not a benchmark. Hahaha.", "Mont Kiara is nice and walkable but you can't get by out there without a car you'll just be locked in, it's an isolated expat suburb cut off from other parts of the city and public transport like the MRT. Johor Bahru was weirder than we initially thought, it's experiencing a boom these days with lots of new construction projects and a new rail shuttle to Singapore is being built, that being said it is definitely not pedestrian friendly and a bit of a small town feel to it. Penang is beautiful plenty of greenery and nice weather beaches etc, but not much in the way of public transport except for the main north-south bus. We always end up circling back to KL. Central parts of KL are the best in terms of public transportation and have some of the most walkable neighborhoods in Malaysia, also the most developed and overall access to conveniences within walking distance or a short MRT ride. You won't need a car just make sure your housing is walking distance to an MRT/LRT or monorail station, preferably with a covered walkway. Rent first, try the neighborhoods, then decide if you should buy.", "Appreciate it, good to know they a building a rail in Johor Bahru to Singapore. The videos show it as a two hour trek and if we moved there we would probably go pretty often.", "If you want a bougie place in Johor Bahru, I recommend the Iskandar Puteri/Nusajaya area, like Medini, Eko Botanic, Horizon Hills. A lot of expat in that area.", "Iskandar puteri especially. I live at econest and I swear that entire place feels like only expats inhabit it", "Thanks for the info!"], ["Difficult to not have a car in Malaysia, wherever you are, as public transport isn\u2019t like in Singapore or other countries. 25C would be difficult too, only in highland areas which are mostly tourist spots. English isn\u2019t a problem in the biggest cities of KL, PJ, Ipoh or Georgetown. Penang island sounds like it would tick off a lot of your requirements, condo prices aren\u2019t rising so much now due to oversupply, and it\u2019s near the beach area, although a car would be necessary. Also a big expat community, and is quite urban.", "Thanks appreciate it! Definitely don\u2019t mind having a car just like that urban lifestyle. Yeah I was hoping for 25C but I guess only potentially possible in a few more remote areas. Do most places have central AC?", "Most buildings / malls / restaurants / etc have AC. Apartments and houses? depends, but in the areas people are recommending to you, probably", "Appreciate it!"], ["What areas would be best for us? We like very urban areas, wife is from Tokyo, we would like to be able to not need a car and just be able to walk to everything. My wife is a bit bougee so it would be nice to be in a higher end area, but not a deal breaker. Would also love to be at or very near a beach. Would love to know best cities and/or neighborhoods?\nThere is a large Japanese/Korean expat community in Mont Kiara and Hartamas (both in Kuala Lumpur). Being mostly poised for expats, things are close by and a car is not needed. But you will be 100% living in that bubble.\nIf you want beach, you can look at Penang island, which I assume has also a decent Japanese expat crowd. But I am not that familiar.\nWeather, Looks like the weather is pretty decent although a little higher then would be perfect. Is there a good place if I would prefer 25c weather?\nLOL not gonna happen. Only highlands or places closer to jungles have this kind of temperature. Both are contradictory to your wants of an urban setting.\nReal estate, we would be looking at buying and wanted to know if that is generally a good idea. Initially looking at condos but read that they are not a great investment, would a house on land be better? Does property appreciate in Malaysia? Would it be better just to rent?\nLanded houses appreciate better. However will they keep appreciating? I don't know. However it is hard to find a landed house in KL (Mont Kiara or Hartamas) that are walking distance to many things. If you stay at Mont Kiara, then condos are the name of the game. Malaysia is a CAR society. It is hot and humid, and our public transport is not great.\nThere are also minimum purchase prices for foreigners. For example, you cannot buy a house lower than RM1mil (though many condos and landed houses in Mont Kiara are probably higher than RM1mil, so it might not be a problem).\nLanguage, I only speak English and my wife speaks English and Japanese, obviously we would work to learn the language, but it seems English is very common as well. Would we be able to get buy with English well? Are some cities more or less friendly to English?\nYes you'd get by with English in the Klang Valley area of Malaysia\nLastly, check out the MM2H program. Good luck.", "Thanks! Lots of great info and I will definitely check out MM2H. Appreciate the insight!", "You'd really need to check the visa and financial requirements under MM2H carefully, it is RM40,000 per month income and RM1 million fixed deposit.", "Yeah I was reading about it and probably not what I would want to do. Looks like the money you put in has to stay in there as well. You can use some money to buy a house but you still have a minimum account level."], ["Get an affordable car, Malaysia has lots of nature to explore. Only accessible by car."], ["Mount Kiara has a Japanese community, so it would be great for your wife."], ["Since your wife is Japanese and likes being boogie. You can consult our resident Japanese rockstar GACKT. He runs a consultancy here that assists people (especially Japanese) who want to move to Malaysia.\nhttps://businessreport.ctoscredit.com.my/oneoffreport_api/single-report/malaysia-company/1162313V/GACKT-IKEDA-ASIA-BRIDGE-PARTNERZ-SDN-BHD-\nNote: PM for the phone number. Not gonna share it here. The fanboys and fangirls might go crazy."], ["you know whay would be a nice challenge? move to klang, i suggest along the KAPAR road, around the 2nd mile mark, a good mix of malay, chinese and indians. schools are bad, good malls are in the next city over, its a port town so its unnecessarily hot and humid, and the people are somewhat mental. good cheap food still available. and you can also experince rohingya, bangladeshi and indonesian culture while you're at it. and if you dont mind driving to the botanic city nearby, you gonna experince borneo too, that place is practically kuching and kk combined."], ["25\u00b0C, urban, near a beach - sounds like Hong Kong to me, not Malaysia", "Maybe so but certainly not a similar cost of living. HK is about the same as where I live in CA", "HK housing is even more crazier than SF bay area."], ["", "Awesome, I definitely appreciate it. Maybe we will be neighbors one day!"], ["You may want to search on YouTube some videos on people relocating to malaysia for retirement. And reach out to Japanese club here for some input from those staying here.\nPenang is a favourite among Japanese.", "Yeah been watching a lot, appreciate it. I will see if she will reach out to them!"], ["How are you planning to move/stay in Malaysia? What visa are you going to use.", "Still looking into that, was originally just looking at using our passport and coming in as a tourist and leaving for a couple days or getting a work visa. May look into the mm2h program as well. Any other suggestions?", "we are applying for digital nomad visas.. also because we work remote anyway. abit hard for us (mid 30s to 40) to commit now which country we want, our plans are to travel and stay in different countries and see which ones we like best."], ["Urban, bougie, high end. Condo's around the KLCC park. Specifically those that just on its grounds. 24 concierge service, walkable, lrt, drinks at KLCC, grocers at KLCC etc", "Thanks will look more into it!"], ["Japanese? If you wanna stay in KL just go to Mont Kiara haha there's lots of expats there especially Japanese", "Oh if you are looking into JB, I think Puteri Harbour is the area for Expats", "Appreciate it, will look into that as well!", "Seems to be a common suggestion lol thanks!"], ["KL - desa park city. Penang - straits quay area.", "Thanks"], ["If you\u2019re on Facebook, there\u2019s a bunch of expat groups with retirees.", "I am not but my wife is. I will have her start checking!"], ["Firstly, not many major cities in Malaysia are on the coast, so urban and beach would be tricky. Having said that, Penang and Kota Kinabalu (KK) are quite popular cities to retire. I've read that Penang is especially invested in medical tourism.\nIn KL, Ampang used to be the expat neighbourhood and still remains the area where most of the embassies are located. It's also close to the city centre and the Twin Towers. Nowadays, the Mont Kiara, Hartamas, and Publika areas have the greatest concentration of expats. You could buy a condominium under the MM2H scheme and be able to walk about to shops, cafes and restaurants pretty close by. Very large Japanese and Korean communities, too, with their own shops and restaurants. Bangsar is another popular area but not as concentrated as Mont Kiara.\nAir-conditioning is your friend here, sorry to say. However, we do occasionally have cool mornings. The weather is pretty consistent all year round. It's either hot and sunny, or hot and rainy.\nAs it is with most countries, property appreciation depends on the location. Both types of property are available, and again, depending on your preference, you could easily purchase either under MM2H.\nEnglish is very widespread here, moreso than some of our neighbouring countries. As mentioned by others, you could easily find the Japanese community here. Most expats also have their own communities. Pubs are everywhere (if you're into that sort of thing), and you'll find lots of fans gathered whenever there are big football matches on.\nAll in all, I may be biased saying so, but from what my own expat friends have told me, Malaysia is one of the best options for retirement. In terms of location (easy to travel to other countries in SEA), expenses (cheaper than most), food (tons of choices), safety (crime, while it exists, isn't widely prevalent), stability (don't mind the politicians, locals rarely if ever riot), infrastructure (public transport isn't as widespread but it works but roads get you everywhere), activities (name it and it's available - golf, yoga, sports, even skiing) and food (did I mention food already because Malaysians live to eat, not eat to live). I wish you all the best. Gambatte and good luck!", "Thanks! I have definitely seen the same things you mentioned, that is why it is at the top of a short list of places to move to!"], ["Sorry but did you look up anything at all regarding Malaysia before making this post? The weather is almost NEVER 25\u00b0 lol", "Lol yes that is why I asked. Hoping there was some magical coastal city with cooler weather!", "Seriously still shell shocked from that perfect 25C comment lmao\nWait until they burn in the midyear 40C weather"], ["Try to check out several Japanese expat in Malaysia Youtubers contents.\nJust type Malaysian Japanese on YT search.\nCheck also the revised MM2H program too"], ["Mont Kiara hands down. Or mid valley. Your wife will love The gardens mall. It\u2019s like Beverly Hills.\nMont Kiara - Besides being expat friendly and having a good population of Japanese and Korean; the QOL, restaurants, shops etc are much more like the ones you will find in developed countries.\nMid valley - for rich or expats with a good amount of money. Shops at the gardens mall are Cartier, LV, Hermes etc. But it\u2019s also connected to mid valley mall which is more down to earth with regular shops.\nMalaysia is still far from being a developed country but there\u2019s spots that are.\nMid valley, Mont Kiara, Pavillion KL. These are the only places that has the western feel. TTDI still feels like underdeveloped.", "Thanks, appreciate it!"], ["Google mid valley and the gardens mall. There\u2019s condos nearby that is accessible by a sky bridge. And you can use grab (Malaysias Uber) from places to places"], ["I\u2019m an expat living in Penang. Penang is nice and urban, but it would be difficult to find something bougee where you can also walk to everything. Getting a Grab or buying a scooter is an option (I have a car). Beaches in Penang are not great (polluted water, lots of jellyfish). Hot and humid, you won\u2019t find 25C. Almost everyone speaks English here. I\u2019ve been here 3 years and don\u2019t frequently have an issue communicating with anyone. I would rent first and then buy if you decide to go that route.", "Yeah I think renting and finding the right area would be a good start"], ["If you want all of the above then Singapore might be a better fit. The only downside is the cost of living which is extremely high.", "Yeah cost of living would defeat the purpose for the move"], ["Penang is the best choice... less moral police.", "Oh I didn\u2019t even know that was a thing in Malaysia!"], ["Seems like you did your research and is ready to move to Malaysia. For area suggestions either Klang Valley (specifically areas around PJ that have more English centric locals which includes places like SS, PJU, PJS, Kota Damansara, Mont Kiara, Sri Hartamas, Bukit Damansara etc) or Penang (island side). Megah Rise is great tbh, if you want to experience authentic Malaysian lifestyle that is also friendly to English speakers. It is in the middle of most places you would usually go and a good mix of new + old businesses and buildings.\nI'm not familiar with Johor, no comment. But East Malaysia is also a big thumbs up. Much less politics and much better racial harmony. Kota Kinabalu I believe is more English friendly compared to Kuching, but both are much better than other places for English speakers than other cities I didn't mention.\nI would say maybe not Bukit Jalil, OUG etc as those area caters to people that are more from China and Taiwan. And any other cities to be honest, usually it's hard to survived without any Malay or Chinese. So pretty much it's around specific parts of the Klang Valley or Penang Island.\nBut just a note, Malaysia doesn't like giving residence to foreigners. Basically you're free to move here and live here, but don't expect to ever get any sort of permenant residence in return. Even foreign spouses have a hard time getting a permenant residence, but at least it is possible for foreign spouses married to local citizens. Unless you have a spare million MYR to deposit into Bank Negara under the MM2H scheme.", "Thanks appreciate the input!"]]} {"title": "Malaysia\u2019s key court cases in 2023: From Zahid\u2019s DNAA and Syed Saddiq\u2019s conviction, to vernacular schools and \u2018enticing women\u2019", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uxrgh/malaysias_key_court_cases_in_2023_from_zahids/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Zahid's DNAA is clear case that Malaysia justice system going down the drain. That politicians in power can do whatever it takes to stay in power. They can use AG/ power of prosecution to turn black to white , turn guilty to innocent \ud83d\ude06"]]} {"title": "How worried should we have been?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y8daz/how_worried_should_we_have_been/", "num_comment": 41, "flairlabel": [], "header": "My friends and I are backpacking in Malaysia at the moment and just got back from a trip to Kanching Waterfalls.\nAfter taking a wrong turn and walking for ages we saw this footprint in the mud. I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what it might be from and if we were going to be eaten?", "comments": [["That look like a wild boars or deers, but my best guess is that is from a wild boar\nYou shouldnt worry as much to be eaten.", "Don't know if they would make a meal out of you but wild boars could kill you too. They're dangerously aggressive.", "As Robert Baratheon found out.", "Yep.", "Hakuna Matata", "Ahhh makes sense, we were trying to work out if there was any chance it was a tiger or leopard. Thank you", "Their pawprints would look like, well, a cat's pawprint but larger.", "Tiger / Leopard prints will looks like a big cat. And for tigers, they will have a strong of piss smell if they are around you.", "Wild boars are as dangerous as encountering tigers or elephant in the jungle. Those fkers are unnecessarily aggressive and can endanger and possibly kill u. Its also omnivor which mean it eats everything."], ["Before clicking in, I thought the worried part is about White Shoes on mud.", "I thought it was snakes / bear traps / ant nest", "Find the hidden snake in the picture", "Yeah, the first I saw was the snake", "I was trying to locate 6 objects well hidden in photo hunt."], ["Predator is stalking you. Don't forget to mud your face", "Instruction unclear.\nWrestling in mud now.\nIt was fun.", "Pics or GTFO", "", "Git to da choppa!", ""], ["Idk if it's because I'm sick or something but I can't see any footprints. Those two..... sticks? Look like human femurs tho lmao", "I thought they were worried they'd found and ignored a human corpse!"], ["Wild boars can be aggresive and can cause serious injury, especially if a sow is protecting it's young. Keep away from all wild animals."], ["Looks like a boar indeed. But it's huge. Don't fk with it man. Boars are very very dangerous at that size. You better avoid that area. Print looks fresh, if there's no piss smell it means it's traveling. If there's a smell, it's near the nest.\nFyi, boars at that size can easily kill you as much as a leopard or more. They are way too wild and aggressive. And they don't go down at all unless you have a big ass gun. Knives and sticks don't do shit to it unless you're Rambo."], ["My dumb ass can't figure out what is wrong with the photo", "Same I was just thinking someone might have playfully poke some holes in the mud with a stick and what\u2019s wrong with that.", "Yours were reasonable in the least, my dumb ass actually thought those holes were from sloths for a split sec and I kept questioning myself why tf would I even think of sloths of all things"], ["It's wild boars.\nTiger paws are very obvious.\nAs for Jaguar, they are mostly on trees."], ["Could be tapirs"], ["Something something sinalau"], ["it just a Boar's footprint. just keep your distance and don't stir the hornet's nest (I mean provoke the Boar)."], ["I don\u2019t think the forest in Kanching has the capacity to host a wide variety of human-killing wildlife. It\u2019s most likely a wild boar. and it can kill you. It might not eat you though"], ["Can't see shit there, could you circle what the f you talking bout?"], ["Why so pussy, fight back !!!"], ["I thought it was a UXO, too much Arma I guess.\nStay safe op"], ["It's a wild boar. Don't worry they're very scared of humans and have great smell and hearing. They will smell/hear you coming and leave long before you find them"], ["If anything you should be worried about is ticks. Wild boars love playing in the mud and these mud pools are usually infested with them"], ["Not tiger or panther or clouded leopard dont worry its a hoofed animal but boars will attack still lol"]]} {"title": "Who are the most famous users in this sub?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uxhpa/who_are_the_most_famous_users_in_this_sub/", "num_comment": 16, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This thread from 6 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/ucSKHNGHBo", "comments": [["the cat guy I guess", "Baron cat?", "Feliomancy I think"], ["Irfan /s"], ["Unker, stormy001, feliomancy, amon_meiz, etc."], ["Haramboi(femboy who took picture with mahathir)"], ["Ask AI"], ["yolo"], ["Me Local calendar the Perlis dude. Also pdrm don't check my comments nanti masuk kem agama islam :)"], ["Fish guy"], ["Probably kuasasiswa, but don't think he posts /is active here anymore."], ["Elizabeth Tan(my wife) uses Reddit but not this sub imo", "What a coincidence! Najib Razak(also my wife) uses Reddit also and lurks this sub"], ["Joe"], ["big respect to stormy and ghostme from me!\nedit: u/stormy001 and u/ghostme80"], ["Martin Leong was famous for a few days.\nStill can't believe they thought they can get away with it."]]} {"title": "JPJ vehicle auction", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wtbv6/jpj_vehicle_auction/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I saw this tiktok video on JPJ account where they auction off vehicles. From the comments, the vehicles seemed to be confistcated for illegal modifications. Since they r illegally modified, would the next owner get into trouble for riding/driving them? If yes is it worth it to buy n modify them back to their legal state? Sidenote, how do i check which vehicles r available n their conditions?", "comments": []} {"title": "How is every 10th car I see in cities a luxury brand, albeit entry level?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uwqxa/how_is_every_10th_car_i_see_in_cities_a_luxury/", "num_comment": 186, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I\u2019m curious about the number of luxury cars on the road. 1 in every 10 cars in the klang valley? I heard many can\u2019t really afford it. Is that true?\nI earn upwards of 20k a month but it\u2019s hard for me to imagine paying for instalments for say a 150k car and so I stuck with my first car through the years. I know business owners and upper management peeps who own them but they are either earning high 6 to low 9 figures annually.", "comments": [["Different priorities. You can even look around some low cost flats and spot a few BMWs and Mercs.\nAlso if a couple only needs 1 car, it may make sense to finance a nicer car together, even if they couldn't afford it individually.", "Actually I did the math and I did this - financed a nicer (but not extravagant) car with my wife, one that\u2019s more comfortable and safer for my family to travel in. For 2nd car (mostly short trips to lrt/mrt) we kept a 6yo fully paid off Myvi.", "That's the sweet spot for me. 1 nice car and 1 fully-paid car with cheap maintenance for short trips.", "Second hand BMW and Merc are actually fairly cheap as they're hard and expensive to repair. BUT if you're good with wrench, you can get it running right at reasonable cost. I've seen enough people that do this and I'm impressed.", "BUT if you're good with wrench, you can get it running right at reasonable cost.\nI categorically refuse to believe that.... Those mid-luxury cars are FULL of electronic systems that require the authorized-reseller connective tools, to re-calibrate all the systems after you alter anything.\nMinor controversy a few years back when you couldn't even change the battery without going through the adjustment. They walked it back, but the more complicated repair are definitely soft locked.\nUnless you mean 1995 BMW or older but...no one will think you're driving a luxury car if it's a 30yo stock model. That's the sort of thing I see only certain people do, thinking they impress, but mostly it's just sad.", "I would argue that parts get cheaper, ecus softwares are available in bigger workshops too.\nI have a 2012 conti car and I changed a set of sensors 6 years back and it cost me 1k. I changed the same sensor again last year and it was only 400. I randomly checked prices of suspensions, disc rotors etc. they are all decently priced.", "BimmerLink and BimmerCode exists. Pair that with a cheap Bluetooth obd2 and you\u2019re set.\nSource: I maintained 3 second hand BMWs ranging from 2009 - 2020", "It really depends what you consider second hand, if you're talking about the previous generation, the high end ones are cheap sure but the entry level ones don't depreciate as fast. Pretty sure OP isn't talking about seeing 10-12 year old luxury cars on the road", "Or just swap a JZ engine and that r/kereta will run forever", "This is true. I've seen many expensive cars in PPRs that I've been to."], ["Yes there's lots of rich people in KL. Truth be told though, a lot of those people are earning less than 20k a month but will still buy these cars as a status symbol. Rather look rich than actually be rich \u00af_(\u30c4)_/\u00af", "So true. My friend\u2019s dad runs a SME company and struggling to make a profit. Yet, he\u2019s going around in the new BMW 7 Series with a driver acting as if he\u2019s some hotshot CEO.\nFinancially he\u2019s in the shit and always owes the bank 3-6 months of car instalment, house instalment etc.", "3-6 months of car instalment, house instalment etc\nO___O\nAnd I get my stomach in knots if I forgot to pay my instalments by the first week of the month.", "Yeah my friend regularly finds me to rant/share his frustrations with his dad\u2019s lifestyle choices. The amount of letters that show up at his house from the bank is astounding. There was a point where the house was days from being auctioned off by the bank.\nHis dad used the house as a collateral for the company. That\u2019s no way to run a business.", "if I forgot to pay my instalments by the first week\n2 sorts of people in life,\n-those who go to thailand on a fueltank with 1 bar left.\n-those who refuel at 3 bars when they head to their uncle, 2 towns away.", "Meanwhile, me, who refuels at 3/4s tank when I want to go to Seremban from KL \ud83d\udc40", "That good practice. I feel RM30 is the minimum amount to pump in your tank if going Seremban from KL", "Right? I understand there is good debt in business but unsure how this type of situation is liveable", "It's a company car. Company can get deep in debt and go bungkus, owner will just start another company and buy a new 7-series.\nAt the end of the day, it was the bank who issued the loan to a failing company. Until and unless banks exercise more responsibilities when issuing out loans, they will have to continue to take the risks with it.", "Old mindset of having a certain image if you wanna climb up in your career and/or business, and that especially incudes a car to be seen in. We seem to be going forward (or at least many would like to think so} but are still stuck with the mindset. If anything it's even way worse nowadays.", "Yeah status symbol and maruah. Stay in the slum but at least they know you have bnw/merc", "Biar papa asal bergaya, so they say.", "So true. Another thing is a lot of young people these days, probably because of the influence of Steve Jobs (gotta say this man had a lasting impact on the impressionable souls years after his passing), have this unrealistic dream of being successful means you have to be your own boss and start your own business, never realizing they don\u2019t have the talent, grit, resources, and network for it, and they own certain luxury items like a fancy car just to pass themselves off as \u201csuccessful\u201d smh.", "Wait till you go to cheras or kinrara.\nPlenty of RM 150K 3R2B apartments with X5, E-class in the parking lot (sometimes both of those belonging to 1 unit)\nOr those minuscule terrace homes with no grass, but a S-class hybrid ,which is too long for the carport, so they have to put styrofoam bumpers on their gate coupled with a long, rubber coated chain so it doesn't scratch their bumpers, since it can't fully close", "A car is an asset.. Worth the investment.. The bihher the better", "How is something that depreciates a good asset?", "Your forgot the /s", "Rather look like you have riches just so you can get some bitches"], ["BMW and Mercedes have their own financing packages now - you're basically leasing the car for the 1st 3 years at a low monthly payment with the option to pay a lump sum at year 4 to own the car outright.\nCan't pay the lump sum or don't want to?\nNo problem, just switch to a new model and start a new 3 year cycle!\nThink the lowest payment is below 2k a month, which means if you're earning 6k or 7k, you could get one of these cars.\nNot advisable, of course! Tapi gaya mesti ada ...", "Ahh, the good old PCP it seems like what you are describing"], ["You\u2019ll be surprised how cheap the second hand market can be for luxury cars nowadays depending on the year and brand as well. For example, 2016 BMW 330e is just over RM 60k, similar price for a 2016 Audi A3 just under RM 60k. Of course , have to factor in maintenance and running costs.", "Interesting, where do people normally go for 2nd hand cars?", "Good place to get an idea of the price is carsome, mytukar as those are slightly on the higher side but at least they\u2019re consistent with pricing and comes with warranty.\nThen once you find a car you actually like, I recommend heading to Facebook and look in those specific car groups to get an idea of the direct owner selling price. Usually you get it around 5-7k cheaper or more from carsome price.", "Adding on to this, BMW has their own \"certified pre-owned\" sales programme called Premium Selection. Similar to Carsome/Mytukar, the cars sold have been inspected (by a BMW dealer) and you get a warranty from the dealer (1 year i think) if the factory warranty has expired.\nToyota has a similar programme which I believe includes Lexus cars as well. Idk if other luxury brands like Merc or Audi have this.", "Pretty sure Mercedes also have these certified pre-owned program, seen some of these units before at MBM Kinrara & Hap Seng Star beside it", "Thanks for the tip I\u2019d love to have a great car. Will think of this when the time is right", "If you want some reassurance I\u2019d recommend looking at something like BMW Premium Selection since they\u2019re actually inspected by BMW dealers and have a one year warranty. Otherwise, there\u2019s always recond dealers (look for reputable ones and bring your own mechanic for inspection).", "The 2016 330e has a lot of battery issues and is no longer covered by BMW's battery warranty that's why it's going for so cheap. A friend of mine has the 2016 330e version and the electric motor gave way, he couldn't even get it fixed by a third party and eventually had to fix it from BMW. It costed him about 23k.", "i have a question here, what if i drive the car without using the EV features which purely run by petrol? can i take out the eletric motor?", "I think the air-conditioning runs via the electric motor so that probably won't work.", "i see, so the electic motor was in good condition during puspakom inspection\uff1f", "Both my friends who had 330e purchased new. One was 2016, other was 2018. The 2018 one the battery was only holding 5km of range before he decided to sell it.", "Wow EV r/kereta motor actually fails? Who wouldn\u2019t know \ud83d\ude33", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/kereta using the top posts of all time!\n#1: How much should I pay to a mechanic to check if a secondhand car is worth buying?\n#2: Just swapped the location of the MAF sensor. | 9 comments\n#3: What is your Impression/Opinion on Subaru Forester? | 9 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "That ain\u2019t a EV tho. 330e a PHEV.", "Oh yeah shit I forgot. Lmaooooo shame on me.", "Yes correct. Add cost of car and original battery replacement still below 100k style ma hahaha", "Except you gotta fork out that much cash. You can't take loan based on repair.", "The 330e is basically a 320i with batteries stuck up its ass, once that battery pack fails its basically just a really heavy 320i :26563:\nHonestly, just buy the 320i instead. No need headache the battery", "That is not true. 320i that gen is 1.5 or 1.6 turbo. The 330e was 2.0 turbo", "F30 2016 320i was 2.0 turbo\nThe one you thinking of is the 318i which was a 1.5 3cyl turbo, it was some 30k cheaper than the 320i at the time", "Huh my bad, for some reason I always thought it was 1.5 turbo.", "I don't blame you considering the numbers that used to denote the engine capacity means jack shit these days to BMW/Merc lol\nBut in any case the 330e is a bit of silly car as there are too many compromises vs its similar-engined non PHEV sibling. Smaller boot space, smaller fuel tank, and the extra 200+kg in weight ruins the handling. That plus 20k to replace the battery is why its so cheap in used market compared to the 320i", "One thing many forget is a 8yr old 300k car will still have 300k car maintenance costs."], ["While there is a group of biar papa asal bergaya, there Is also a group whereby they earn really good money. Like you yourself earn 20k a month. If I were you, I would buy a nice car for myself also. I mean I have driving around in a proton so why not indulge abit when I'm earning 20k in a monthhhhhh", "IKR. Work hard earn lots of money but not spend, in the end when we die (early) all of it goes to our kids who fight among themselves for inheritance.", "Yeah save2 pun no point jugak. Indulge a little", "what wrong in proton? i earned 15k nett still using proton preve haha, good handling and have many modifications option lol", "Nothing is wrong with a proton but imo if I'm earning good money, I will upgrade my car", "If you really wanted to flex your 15k get an inspira lol. Preve susah oh tukar cvt", "i notice that the transmission problem la before bought it. haha, just fix it with spare money. i bought it with cash around 20 k so got money to spare for maintenance purposes. better than buy new axia in my mind haha. you got car that same class with civic.", "CVT problem.\nFor Geely rebranded. It\u2019s a parts bin r/kereta", "the geely one is new s50 car proton, right?", "X50/x70/x90/s70\nSemua parts bin r/kereta Geely. Why provide spare parts when you can combine all to become a full car for sale?\nAlso you can delay months after months in car workshop and by the time the car comes out of the workshop, car warranty is over. Win win for Geely", "20k ain\u2019t that much if you planning to have kids. Not to mention, if not planning for kids, with 20k you just barely managed to comfortably own the latest 330i with 10% DP and 9 year loan. Still not an easy spend."], ["Some of them do sales or are agents. Insurance agents, property agents etc. (i heard) it helps them convey trust or reassurance to their clients rather than showing up in an old proton waja. Another reason is some of them may be car enthusiasts and like the handling a sporty BMW.\nWell some of my friends too get a used Merc / bmw. From 120k - 150k you can get a really good used 3 series / c class. Basically the psychology is \"why get a civic when for a little more i could get a 3yr old c class\"\nBut for those who do not require luxury cars, i find it a lil unnecessary to sink alot of cash into a depreciating asset. So yeah an ativa would do for me haha. That sums it up i guess", "Spending a little more to get a 2nd hand car makes sense. And on image, yes I do sometimes feel the pressure to own one in my circle as they are mostly execs and business owners and I\u2019m the odd one out.", "You could get a 2009 BMW 323i for around 24K during covid! Not sure how the prices are now. Generally, the expensive thing isn't the car, it's the maintenance and replacement parts.", "Actually german cars still quite affordable, my parents bought a 2010 c200k back in 2014. Until now it only needed regular servicing and even with the occasional pricey fixes id say after 9 years of ownership its not much more than a crv. Unless you fix it with original new parts \ud83e\udd23", "The Ativa is a great car for its price, runs and handles well too. Love the extra height."], ["What we see with our naked eyes might not entirely reflect the truth or reality.", "What superpower I want: To have Superman laser eyes and everytime I look at a person, I can see their full financial status. And judge silently those influencers who bergaya on the outside, but actually very poor in reality.", "Sounds like you'd like to be Bullshit Man", "YES!!! But with Balance Sheet! So, I'll be the BS Man!", "Yes, this question was sparked by a Reddit comment I read. A friend of the Redditor was in finance and told them that many actually can\u2019t afford luxury cars they own. So I wanted to see if there is more insider knowledge around.", "If they bought new, might have those leasing programs where the monthly payments are quite low at beginning\nIf bought used, well loan calculators are available and used car loan interest rate typically high 3% to about 4.5% (age of car, tenure & loan amount will affect interest rate). You can roughly calculate how much someone is paying for their luxury car\nUsually they can afford the instalment (barely), but will eat grass the moment anything goes wrong with the car and warranty cannot claim."], ["You can afford a 150k car. Why not? What's stopping you? What's your relationship with money? Try reading The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel.\n\"If you only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.\u201d - Montesquieu\nShared by Morgan Housel.", "Will look it up, I suppose my relationship could be defined by upbringing as I wasn\u2019t from a very rich family. Growing up my parents would boycott a stall/food for 20 years due to price increase sometimes and use the same car for 20 years and that made them affluent.", "Nothing wrong with using the same car for 20 years - if it doesn't impact what you want to achieve in your life. Just because you can afford nice things doesn't mean that you have to. But enjoy life a little. No harm in buying a nice car if you can afford it (i.e. you can still sleep well at night if the economy goes to shit). Anyway, this is more personal finance stuff.\nAnd yes, it is crazy how Malaysians are buying luxury cars and queueing up at luxury stores. It makes me wonder - are times really tough? Doesn't seem like it. But it's also confirmation bias - a psychology bias.\nWe tend to look out for things we pay attention to. People have the \"need\" to show off their wealth in cities. The games played in urban living are different. Status games. Whoever has the biggest house or car wins the status game. If you're not playing the same game, don't bother.", "I think your upbringing and personal experience will serve you well. Having the extra cash for house loan, occasionally having a good meal is more important. plus emergency fund. Car ownership to many is an emotional thing. It's easy to be caught up and compared when meeting up.\nLike many have said here, some flash due to pressure and some are company paid. Let's not forget con man also flash a lot.. they need to drive up to you and show off his 911 as a result of his \"hard work and successful investment\".\nThieves don't drive proton to rob nowadays.. alphard is the preferred ride. Just be comfortable and sensible with your choice.", "Different people just have different preference. Know what you want and spend on what makes you happy. Some people likes cars. Some dont.\nBut I personally think malaysians spend too much on cars. I mean some people are really not car enthusiasist but most probably arent. Somehow the slightly affluent ones has this mindset of... buy a new car every x years just because...\nHaving 9 year car loan option helps put those car on the road as well. Also i feel most malaysian are ok to take some money out to \"support\" the car. Just ingrained in us."], ["What job you're doing man? Hope I get one too.\nAnyway seriously, I know some people who earn around 7-8k and still get a luxury car. They go into debt and borrow around all the time. All cause they just wanna show off. Not to mention they don't have to pay rent cause living with parents, don't have to pay for food cause living with parents and so on. New phone, great car, pretty girlfriend, all sorts of branded stuff. Bank empty and friends hate em cause they haven't returned the money yet. Modern living on the edge style.", "Some people might not need to pay for housing so that 1-2k rent put straight into car, just like how you see those multimillion dollar houses but cars inside only 1st gen vios and myvi.", "See this is why I\u2019m very puzzled. I went through a lot to get where I am but every time I go out on the road, I asked myself is every 10 person earning 50k/mo. I\u2019m in upper management in an mnc currently but it was been a hard few years. Lost my job twice in startups due to closing shop"], ["I have been analyzing this phenomenon for a long time.\nHere's another factor no one has mentioned. You're approaching this from the total cost angle. There's another angle to take: monthly payment and cashflow.\nThe truth is cars are expensive and not affordable in Malaysia, even myvi is not cheap. That is why we take out loans and focus on the affordability of monthly payments. Because otherwise most of us can't even afford myvi or City.\nIt's just like housing. Most of us have to take out a home loan to afford buying a house.\nSince we're focusing on monthly payment. Is it really that big of a difference between 800 and 1500 per month? How about you stretch out the tenure? You'll be able enjoy nicer things NOW.\nThat said, there are definitely some people who can afford to buy these cars with cash.", "I feel that even with monthly payments it\u2019s quite expensive to devote any more than 10% for a swankier vehicle. Unless of course it generates more income like those who need it for image.", "I don't disagree with you. Heck I feel Axia is expensive. 30 plus k one year loan is 2 to 3k plus installment per month. That's crazy.", "Another thing to consider is that a car doesn\u2019t immediately lose all its value immediately. It might seem obvious since everyone knows about depreciation, but until recently I noticed I was thinking of car ownership cost as (sticker price + depreciation) when it really is just (depreciation) alone. When you buy a new 330i for 320k today, you don\u2019t pay 320k, you pay the monthly installment and initial down payment, then when you sell the car off you get some residual value towards your new car."], ["Don't be such a tight ass la...earning 20k a month makes u top tier in salary bracket and spending 10% of it on a car is very acceptable. 150k car monthly payment is 2k..OK what if u like to be comfortable in a nice car. If that's not your thing then just let other people be. A big no no is just spending beyond your means and having a hard time keeping up with instalments. Then asking for trouble...."], ["Let me tell you this.\nIf you start to find a particular car type or colour, that car will start to pop up more frequently in your view.\nWhat car on the road is irrelevant. There are luxury cars driven by bankrupt owners. Irrelevant."], ["1/10 is 10% if you account that it\u2019s KL, then maybe they\u2019re like 1%, so.. about right? Anyway you do often see some entry ones, but seeing a 7 series or sports car on the road is normally quite rare even in kl"], ["", "I earn upwards of 20k a month", "Just your typical reddit/lowyat person I guess lol. I might as well post why is every 5th person on malaysian reddit seem to earn more than 10k/month.", "Right? Damn. Seems like every or so thread related to financials or money in Malaysia, I see redditors that are bringing in 5 figures per month...", "Kesian right. Make a setori just to say they earn 20k:26563:"], ["Business owners or upper management peeps prolly driving company car. I think a lot of normies like us didn't realise that living a luxurious lifestyle out of our own pocket is kinda dumb. T20 peeps don't need to fork out their own cash for comfort and privileges, they got it for free.", "You\u2019re referring to T10 or T5. T20 in KL starts at RM16,640 HOUSEHOLD income.\nIf you\u2019ve been promoted to the point where you have a company car it\u2019s not really \u201cfor free\u201d\u2026", "Exactly this. People grossly generalizing the T20 as some luxurious elite are so mistaken. T20 is nothing nowadays, and even the T10 is easy to attain. The true elites are not on the spectrum as they aren\u2019t salaried and they\u2019re business owners or simply not reporting taxes and income themselves but via company or proxy.", "T20 has never been a luxurious lifestyle in any country, in most countries the narrative is of the 99% against the 1%, I have no idea who's bright idea it was to have the class divide be B40, M40 in T20 like all 3 groups don't have more in common with each other than the 1%.", "Probably the top 1%\u2019s idea \ud83d\ude2c", "Business owners and top execs at large companies don't usually drive entry level luxury cars though, from experience they usually go for E-class or 5 series tier at minimum. A lot of people driving entry level luxury cars are actually in their late 20s, earning around 7-8k or maybe 10k a month, living with parents and the cars are bought on long term loans (7 to 9 years).\nI'm in my late 20s and I know 3 people my age driving luxury cars. One is from a super rich family and his dad bought him a Porsche for his 30th birthday (his dad paid full cash for a Bentley last year, that's how rich they are lol). For the other 2, both of them live with their parents, had their parents gift them a downpayment for the car and took pretty long loans to lower the monthly repayment.", "Exactly. My friend who is a MD recently changed to a Range Rover because he prefers a SUV to drive his kids and parents around. The car is all paid for by his company. He also has a driver for personal matters like sending his kids to school, delivering documents and even getting groceries. The company also pays for their rent as the whole family needs to relocate from another state to KL.\nEven my bf drives a company car and his boss is hinting that they will be upgrading his car to a better model in 2024."], ["For the sake of brevity we\u2019ll only look at financial situation of the individual and forego the reason of purchase. I think generally these purchasers can be categorised as below:\n1) people who have low disposable income but stretches for it.\n2) people on company\u2019s dime. Obviously if your company gives you a certain budget for your car you\u2019ll want to maximise the value.\n3) people who have high disposable income but spends almost every dime (in my very limited exposure I\u2019ve seen a lot of people in this category).\n4) people who can actually afford it, which means they have the full cash for it (whether they pay in cash or takes a loan is immaterial) & this does not affect their current lifestyle at all. In terms of percentage this group is ridiculously small, probably top 1% income earners (note, not net worth, net worth means nothing if you can\u2019t generate enough income for your expenses).\nAnd here\u2019s how you get 1 luxury vehicle in every 10 cars on the road \ud83d\ude2c", "This also puts it in an interesting perspective. If only 1% can afford it and 10% of cars are luxury, it means that only 10% of the car owners we see can truly afford it. Of course some people brought up the 2nd hand market which could make the percentage higher, so it will be interesting to know how much % of luxury cars in Malaysia are bought secondhand."], ["In the KV, a lot of people are either of high income, or work in jobs that entail long hours on the road and require one to project a certain outward image of \"success\", like sales and marketing. Also maintenance and support services are more easily available compared to outside KV. So a combination of push and pull factors are at play here. So that's why you are more likely to see more exotics or harder-to-maintain 2nd hand luxury makes in KV. Biar papa asal gaya."], ["cheap fuel. we talk later when petrol is 3.50 a liter in 3rd quater next year.", "As in they have better fuel efficiency? I\u2019m not good with cars", "fuel efficiency can only carry you up to a point. You never going to beat someone driving bezza or myvi in mileage. 60 ringgit now can get you a full tank in bezza. This would be 100++ when fuel no longer subsidized. People paying 100 plus for a full tank would be paying 200 plus when the changes comes. This people is going to wrecked by fuel prices."], ["Op stated earning rm20k monthly but still doesn't know how to use excel at an executive level.\nAlso, if you earn rm20k per month, you should know how easy it is to pay for a rm150k.\nHigh level sus bro.", "Nothin about excel here bro. Also opportunity cost and weak ringgit does not make it easy.", "You do know your post history is open to public right?\nAlso, idk why you want to lie about earning rm20k per month la, what's the point?\nYou do know if you legit buy a rm150k car you only need to pay rm2k per month with only a 10% down payment right? That's like 10% only.\nSo don't go around bullshitting people please.", "Yes and if you\u2019re any smarter you\u2019d know I earn much more than 20k a month based on my post history. Just that 20k is a good milestone for Malaysians"], ["OP earns 20+k a month but can't imagine paying instalment for a 150k car? Oh, I seeeee.....\nDo you have 4 wives and 20 children to feed?", "Nope but I have until recently a student loan in usd. I\u2019ll admit it wasn\u2019t a good move to settle down here after studying overseas"], ["Yeah, 10% luxury car in KV is about right. I expected more tbh. Esp those lower income ones are either taking bus or rides motorcycles.\nI strongly believe Malaysia has a bimodal wealth distribution. Those who are working class and those who are SME owners/RE agents etc."], ["biar papa asalkan bergaya kan \ud83e\udee0\ud83e\udee0\ud83e\udee0"], ["The wealth in the country is more concentrated in the Klang Valley, so it's only natural that you'll see more luxury marques.\nAnyways, I was indirectly involved in the marketing of a luxury car brand at some point in my career a number of years ago. The personal monthly income level they targeted for their prospective buyers started as low as RM6k+, because there's supposed to be a market of young, up-and-coming people in the workforce who will live by the skin of their teeth and max out their DSR on a 9-year loan just for the sake of a nicer car. It feels almost predatory, but our financial system permits it."], ["A 150k car is maybe 1.5k, 1.6k a month, depending on the number of years of loan you take out. You can easily afford it. You earn 20k a month. Not sure why you say you \"can't imagine paying for it\". It's well within the recommended range of debt for you. So you either have monetary commitments elsewhere, or you simply view cars as nothing more than a way to go from A to B and don't really see the point of driving a better car I guess. Different people, different pleasures."], ["If you follow some of the post in r/MalaysianPF, you'll find many people asking if they should buy an expensive model as long as they can afford the installment. Just recently someone with only 100K annual wants to buy a 190K car. Those 9 year loans make really make it seems \"affordable\". To us, it may sound crazy but to them, they just want to feel good driving it."], ["I know someone with the same income as you who drives a Merc and a BMW for his wife.\nHis savings? lol.."], ["Sounds like a weird \u2018I earn xxx but i am smart enough to not chase luxury\u2019 flex.", "'Appearing smart enough to not chase' \ud83d\ude09"], ["I mean it really depends on your circle. My friends are mostly investment bankers, doctors, lawyers and they all drive expensive cars. And I know CEOs have their car all paid for by their company with personal driver.\nI also stay in MK so I see a lot of BMW and Mercedes in this area. Recently I saw a guy sent their kid to school in an Aston Martin.\nEven someone who earns less than half of your salary might be thinking of getting an entry level BMW. It\u2019s all depends on their priorities.", "My friends are mostly investment bankers, doctors, lawyers and they all drive expensive cars. And I know CEOs have their car all paid for by their company with personal driver.\nMy man. What car do you drive ? You are probably the T1 percent in this sub.", "Sadly I\u2019m not considered as T5-T10. Also yeah it depends on the car type.\nYou buy hyper car or super r/kereta the suspension definitely not on S class/Rolls Royce/ Maybach level.\nMy w140 ride comfort is something I love on a highway compared to GT86", "Well MK of all places I understand - or basically every private school in the country"], ["it's mostly 2nd hand"], ["Darn maybe GLCs are the way to go. I do have friends in semi-GLCs if ya know what I mean earning what you mentioned. I believe I can afford it but the opportunity cost is hard to stomach"], ["What level do you have to be at to earn 20k a month? Senior management?", "I\u2019m a young executive at a medium sized mnc", "Executive can earn 20k in KL? You\u2019re not even a manager? Amazing", "Executive as in this definition (director level): https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/difference-between-executive-manager-ahmed-abdul-qader?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via\nPeople thought I was bsing because apparently in Malaysia executive means junior"], ["Diff people have diff priorities.\nI stayed in a fully paid 5million house with a 150K car & a 15yrs old mazda. I am not really a car guy, I probably drive until it cannot be fix lol\nSomeone I know drive a new BMW X6 with a 1mil house on loan.\nor a couple with 5K income each drive a vellfire stayed in a 400k house.\nThen there someone, drive a camry, he is a factory owner."], ["I mentioned this in another thread. There is a mindset where people ignore the logic of things and get the most expensive car to show they are well off.... Behind the curtains they might be nose deep in debt. Don't you wonder why credit card offer credit transfer?\nBut admittedly, Some are actually rich as f."], ["Better be talking 20k USD per month otherwise that's barely middle class", "I\u2019d say not even middle class when it compares to US/Europe/UK. Junior exec for professionals like engineers lawyers etc. The ringgit is going to the dogs"], ["low 9 figures? 100million?\n100million i wouldnt be buying a entry level luxury brand..."], ["nice to see from outside but when dig through financially most are a mess. many have T20 earnings like this youtube video - earn 40K but spend 38K - B40 mindset:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e2FK8tzYAQ\nDont bother to be envious about them. I'm not :)"], ["If you are earning 20k a month without kids, a luxury car is serviceable. But of course your other expenses will suffer. Priorities"], ["It's funny because I can be considered upper middle class (aka I'm not struggling at least), I'm driving a car from the 2000s, even my dream car cost around like what 50k at most and it's a also from the early 2000s that I'll probably spend a pretty penny \"modernizing\" it, but yeah"], ["There are many hidden wealth in Malaysia, as much as 21% of the economy. Used to be about 30% not long ago.\nSome of those people who are earning 7 to 8k but driving a luxury car may actually be earning much more, who knows?\n\"Malaysia\u2019s shadow economy currently accounts for 21% of the gross domestic product (GDP) or an estimated RM330bil, says Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan.\"\nhttps://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/10/18/the-shadow-economy-is-shrinking-due-to-tin-and-e-invoice#:~:text=KUALA%20LUMPUR%3A%20Malaysia's%20shadow%20economy,says%20Datuk%20Seri%20Ahmad%20Maslan."], ["20k a month wow.....but I bet most of the owner you saw are in huge debt....brought just to show off"], ["Lots of rich & pretend rich ppl in MY"], ["True, I realised KL has more luxury cars than most advanced European cities, I guess probably they couldn't be bothered due to the parking situation unlike here, we've got dedicated parking lots in condos and landed housing, and -1 generation germans are not that expensive and maintenance is considerably cheap if you know the right places.", "Most European cities have way more narrow roads than us I think, which is why hatchbacks are the way there. Compare that to USA where even 200hp cars with 6s 0-60mph times are considered slow lol", "I visited KL recently and was shocked at the amount of LV bags I saw at malls. When I was living in the US I never see such things at all too."], ["Are you the same guy that made the post about why there are so many rich people in TRX?"], ["I guess the OP meant brand new cars? In general, luxury brands can be kept for over 10yrs with the right upkeep and maintenance. Hence, there bound to be people buying second hand luxury brand cars (I'm one of them!)", "I was asking in general, but yes I missed out the second hand market as a major contributor. Not going to lie, I\u2019m human too and do sometimes go \u201cwow that merc looks rad\u201d and wish I could drive something like that. Mind sharing where you get 2nd hand deals and your rules of thumb? How has maintenance been?", "The trick is to look for cars that are 3-5 years old. That's when the depreciation hit the hardest. For example, a BMW 330i back in 2019 was 330k brand new, today you can get it for around 190k.\nI just ordered a fully specced 2019 718 Cayman GTS for 480k, which would've costed around RM800k when brand new.\nAs for maintenence, as long as you stay within the entry level models and know a good mechanic, they're pretty affordable.\nFor example, a C200 service at the service center will cost you about RM2k, whereas at an independent work shop it'll be around RM800.\nContrary to popular belief, as long as you maintain the car well and on time, Merc and Beemers are pretty reliable. Never had issues with mine.", "Bruh, been eyeing some used BMW's 2016- 2017 era, how's the maintainance cost tho I can't imagine those brands break down more than the usual japanese brands. I feel like it's copium by most people who are afraid of owning one, scaring others or convincing themselfs(friends and family). Mostly worried about that, of course, im willing to do some work myself as a hobby.\nDon't really have friends and people around that owned Beemers before. As a car enthusiasts i think its time to dip my toe in some fun", "Which model are you looking at?\nThey are reliably but when they break, they indeed cost more to replace.", "Thanks for the tip! Maybe I\u2019ll revisit this end of 2024", "You can always shoot me a DM if you need advice looking for a car \ud83d\ude04", "Well Porsche is on the reliable side when it comes to exotic. (if well maintained)\nBut I still personally prefer to stick to JP car as they are generally more reliable & way cheaper parts.", "In the end of the day it's just a car. Just drive whatever that makes you happy."], ["My sister earns 23k a month and is driving a 10 year old Honda jazz. My cousins family that both earns a combined 10k blew their savings on a used Vellfire because someone called them poor. Materialism is strong in Malaysia, but its probably because of how judgemental and critical everyone is.", "There are better cars to buy than to blow their money on a Vellfire."], ["Some are from wealthy families, some have the financial capability, some are mlm/insurance/property trying to lure people to join them."], ["Hey OP, I'm in the same boat as you, worked hard to get to the same figures and realised it ain't shit, maybe a camry. Still driving my 14 year old camry, find car expenses not worth it at all. Did some calculation and feel that at 40k is when you can comfortably drive a luxury car + maintenance, depreciation and all the jazz. Anyone who disagrees is the AhBeng that drives luxury but eat maggi mee, all face and no brain.", "Exactly my sentiments. I feel that we barely earn what junior engineers earn in Europe/US/UK."], ["Second hand car , vehicle has been mortgaged / stolen, it is the new meta now"], ["For me as an engineer, I don\u2019t really need face so I\u2019m going to buy a new Axia Rahmah E r/kereta as a beater. I already have a highway cruiser w140 with a spirited driving GT86 anyway lolz", "momo here is living the gearhead life. Stay tuned for his FD rx-7.", "Lmao no way. Cant afford to pay cash", "Ahem, donation.\nWhen you get it, be sure to play only Eurobeat on the stereo \ud83c\udfb6", "Hahahaha sure\ud83d\ude02"], ["You gotta go out of KL buddy. And not as tourist my mingle with them. KL isn\u2019t a representative of what the whole of Malaysia looks like. True Malaysians living the Malaysia dream are those out of the city.", "Malaysian dream? What\u2019s that like?", "Eating maggi mee until the next paycheck after splurging on expensive items", "The context of my question was limited to cities. Not Malaysia in general.", "Dude if you go to kota bharu, it's just like KL in terms of luxury car ratio. Ok maybe a little less but it's mind boggling also given the background of small town.", "Lol in Kuching it's all Land Cruisers, , Veilfires pickups and Mercs. Most of them are >150k too"], ["Luxury cars are getting cheaper to own but ofc the caveat is that they are cheaper because they are used. For instance, a 2022 BMW 7 series retailed for around 600k to 700k but now when you check their premium selection site, you can get one for around 400k. The depreciation is mad for those and better yet, the gurantee given by BMW themselves makes it a better deal. Cars that are priced at rm2++k drop to sometimes less than 100k or just above so easier to own but remember the achillies heel of all these luxury cars (bar maybe only Lexus) is that the maintenance cost is gonna eat into your income a lot."], ["What do you do for a living?"], ["Real car enthusiast countries don't buy base models. M, S and R stickers are for suckers. You know what's up when N line from Hyundai isn't available in Malaysia but there is an N trim. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude05", "Feels bad mang. We used to get high end r/kereta trim but now even the new Camry reuses engine."], ["Beemer and masidi aren\u2019t THAT luxurious of a brand that you need more than 20k a month to own.\nThe entry models you see berlambak on the road are tin kosong models, much less equipped than the Japanese counterparts (i.e a top spec Accord/Camry/Mazda6 has so much more features and is better quality than the entry level big 3 German cars).\nYou\u2019re doing the right thing by not YOLOing into a car for the sake of superfluous status though. But at the same time there exists people that prefers a nice car over a big savings account. Different strokes for different folks."], ["there are many who earn 1m or even 2m/month, what not so common are billionaires", "But those are much smaller percentage, not like 1 in 10 cars like OP is talking about. Lower T20 group earns about 13K per month only. 1m or more per year is like top 1% in Malaysia. Not super rare but it is not like so common like you try to described."], ["Some are probably working at a high position, where the car is provided for him or her by the company. But there are a lot of wealthy people as well. Of course there are people who live above their means as well. So ya, it is pretty hard to gauge what is what."], ["Just so you know, many people finance those cars are 60-70% only. Most likely they sold their old valued cars and top up some cash. Monthly instalment for them could be as low as 1.5k-1.8k. Just like a honda civic. And when they sold their old car, can transfer NCD for insurance at 55%, save cost some more.\nIf you want one of those, you got to start somewhere i guess, if you're interested in cars then why not?"], ["second hand , sambung bayar, company benefit, clearance discount\nfor example 1k car benefit then you top up 2k, do that with clearance discount and you can get a BMW easily"], ["Low 9 figures? Like 100m+ a year? I didn't know there were such rich people in Malaysia...", "There are some businesses that are nondescript but take in that much profit. And people who own those maintain a low profile. However I only know 1-2 such people."]]} {"title": "Tax the rich to fund healthcare for the poor, says ex-MP", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uwmlv/tax_the_rich_to_fund_healthcare_for_the_poor_says/", "num_comment": 34, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "PSM chief Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj says wealth is captured by the very rich, while the average factory worker\u2019s wages have increased by only 1.4 times since 1970.", "comments": [["OK. Now define what is considered 'rich'", "Anyone richer than me is rich, anyone as rich as me is poor. Anyone poorer than me doesnt exist since Im the poorest.\n/s also not /s", "Those professionals that earn MYR20k lah of course, not those MEGAH Holdings CEOs, because cannot touch cronies. /s\nJoke aide, did he not know that we technically already are? like 30%, I think this is just a populist clamoring trying to gain support via people emotion instead of their brain.", "People who are rich are just those who accumulated significantly more wealth that he average person, although a factory worker would probably be considered below average. A rich person in Malaysia would probably be asset rich.\nI\u2019m pretty sure it\u2019s easy to define it in Malaysia seeing how the middle class is basically below poverty relative to developed world standards of living.", "People who are rich are just those who accumulated significantly more wealth that he average person\nLOL I know this. I'm looking for an actual percentile. Top 20? Top 10? Top 5? Top 1?", "I mean you asked rich, that would be anyone who\u2019s top 30%. As in someone who has the means to accumulate wealth although you wouldn\u2019t be rich enough to be a factory owner. It only takes rm2million + in assets to be in the top 1% and many have that net worth but are by no means living it up especially if you consider that they have debt and family.\nI know it sounds obvious but that\u2019s a disjointed idea of how wealth is distributed among the population. Since you could be an engineer for petronas and still be living paycheck to paycheck since your credit would be good enough to hold down a lot of debt compared to someone who makes 5k as a freenlancer. One guy is going to be categorically richer under a capitalist framework in 10 years compared to the other.\nA factory owner like the post is describing is considered \u201cvery rich\u201d, thats below the 1% already. We\u2019re talking about 0.x or even 0.0X%. A factory owner needs a rolling expense of millions and there are probably less that a few thousand Malaysians that even exists that can afford that.", "People who own entire offices and corporations.\nThat or like T level"], ["Salary 10k live in KL have 3 kids Salary 5k save 2k in kampong Tax the guy with 10k because he is rich? Betul ka ni?"], ["Who this sohai think is footing the bill to begin with?", "exactly. they can only tax people with income that is in the taxable bracket. as if they can go taxing the poor fellas to fund their own healthcare. talking rubbish this politician."], ["Always salah rich people.\nnever salah corrupt people.\nwhen you ask to tax rich, M40/T20 kena.\nCorrupt people got more money to corrupt. B40 get nothing, the cycle repeat.\nUnless we reduce corruption by 80-90% I will never agree with taxing the rich.", "Tu lah\nT20 gaji 10k je\nM40 gaji 6k\nUnder all these \"tax the rich\" schemes, this country would probably be one of the first countries where having lower salary is preferable"], ["Wqtch the zoo negara we call the parlimen accuse this of being some socialist agenda"], ["U tax too much, they move their money out. Equlibrium needs to be reached"], ["Dia sembang kencang macam ni memang best sebab belum jadi gov.\nLet's say PSM became government in the future, the dialogue/excuses will all be similar to the predecessor. (e.g kita tak mampu, or nanti investor lari, or saya janji tu tahun 2023)\nPenat dah kena tipu dengan politician. You want to survive as a normal citizen? You need to do it yourself.", "Hahaha betul la tu nothing new pun. PMX banyak kali kempen ceni"], ["If the poor has bad eating habits that contributes to health problems, then why should the rich pay for it. Look at the diabetes statistics, its crazy high and not okay.", "It could be that bad and low quality food are much cheaper than their healthier counterpart.", "It\u2019s exactly this amof", "So if someone speeding on highway and crash the car, we proceed to blame the government for not building wider road or blame others for driving too slow?\nEating bad is an option, its you decide to eat fried oily foods instead of more healthier option like stir fry or steam, its you decide to drink high sugary drinks instead of plain water, its you to decide not to exercise.\nTake myself as example. On work days I do OMAD (one meal a day) and 16hours fasting when not working. I exercise 3-5 times a week, half an hour each time. My BMI is around 19-19.5. Sure its the cheap low quality foods problem and not a personal commitment issue. Before you pointing the finger, look at your hands 3 fingers are pointing at yourself.", "Eating bad is an option, its you decide to eat fried oily foods instead of more healthier option like stir fry or steam, its you decide to drink high sugary drinks instead of plain water, its you to decide not to exercise.\nEven if they want to just cook at home, the cost of good produce is still much more expensive than the less quality produce. Basically, whether you're eating out or cooking at home, it's generally much more expensive for poor people to do so in ways that keep them healthy\nOn work days I do OMAD (one meal a day) and 16hours fasting when not working. I exercise 3-5 times a week, half an hour each time. My BMI is around 19-19.5\nEven if they do this, they can't really afford to break their fast with sufficiently healthy and nutritious meal each time.\nSo yeah, B40 do need assistances in affording healthy food", "You are deliberately jumping from one topic to another.\nIts personal choice to pick a good diet and personal responsibility to maintain good health. This will reduce cost of public healthcare. Or are you telling me the diabetic statistic is a hoax? Or you didnt know diabetic will bring diseases?\nIm not sure what your smoking in this afternoon. I gave an example of picking more healthier cook style and opt for no sugary drinks. You jumping to good quality food is expensive. Then need food assistance for the poor. Might as well say free organic high quality food for the poor.\nAlso for your last point, if you were fasting say OMAD, you are putting 3 meals budget into 1 meal, and this alone will make sure you can afford to break fast with much better option. And two here is not US where fast foods are dirt price, fast food price is much expensive than say economic rice. You can get a rice, a big portion of meat and vege. Then home cooked boiled eggs and fruits, with the cost of less than a KFC snack plate. Or you expect people to break their fast with organic fruits? Caviar? Maybe Godiva chocolate for dessert? What nonsense", "Eating bad is an option, its you decide to eat fried oily foods instead of more healthier option like stir fry or steam, its you decide to drink high sugary drinks instead of plain water, its you to decide not to exercise.\nEven if they want to just cook at home, the cost of good produce is still much more expensive than the less quality produce. Basically, whether you're eating out or cooking at home, it's generally much more expensive for poor people to do so in ways that keep them healthy\nBruh it's how the food is cook is the problem. How is it more expensive for poor people when oil use to boil fry food is more expensive than steam (water)/ stir fry (use less oil)/ or invest in good air fryer around rm100. And consuming less sugar is definitely not more expensive for poor people.\nTo be clear, you don't need to buy \"good produce\" you just need to buy and eat more \"produce\". And food/ingredients price is all about where you buy it. Don't go in upscale area. They'll charge you more. But just going down flea market or off middle class area. You'll find veg/fruit at a more reasonable price.", "Thier choices is starve or eat anything you can afford.\nYou speak like this because youre sheltered enough to not care about this. Even I woudnt go as low as to shit on people even if they did cause thier own issues. You fix nothing by shitting on them.", "I bet my goldfish he also blames poor people for being lazy and not \"pulling themselves up by strapboots\""], ["Hello,Mr ex-mp?? It's the apa-ada-malu corruption and year in-year out leakage that is the ROOT of this problem."], ["Yay let\u2019s squeeze the people who are paying income tax more /s\nedit: https://www.nst.com.my/amp/business/2023/02/882012/inculcating-culture-paying-taxes-malaysians\n\u2026 It was reported that Malaysia only has slightly more than 1.3 million individual taxpayers out of a population of more than 33.5 million, representing a mere 4.0 per cent of the whole population."], ["Now get people to agree what rich is."], ["Same like bn or ph script XD"], ["We not doing that currently?"], ["Many of the veritably rich people in Malaysia may not have monthly salaries, yet they derive a steady income from rent as they are asset-rich. Khazanah Research Institute recently proposed to the government to introduce a vacancy tax (report here), which is a tax on rented properties that are untenanted.\nThe intended outcome of the tax is \u201cto address the issue of wasted resources such as vacant and unsold units in addition to discourage speculation among both citizens and foreign buyers.\u201d Personally, I think a vacant tax is the best way to tax the wealthy that are not even part of the T20 income group, which has been heavily squeezed by high taxes and living costs. A capital gains tax on listed stocks may still hurt the T20 and M40 groups as the people in these income groups put some of their savings into the market.", "I agree that vacant homes contribute nothing. Taxes should be exponential so ppl cant just hoard houses they can never live in all of them or maintain."], ["They are already taxing the rich. Question is where the money go?\nWhat we want is the rich to come malaysia to spend and invest. Don't chase them away to singapore where the effective tax is lower."], ["Tax the rich? Nah won't work on most those who worship capitalisms, they will just go elsewhere. Instead give them a huge tax cut if they pay their low wages worker a decent/higher salary, than just 1500 minimum wages."]]} {"title": "PADU: Mungkin ramai tercicir, tak semua rakyat ada akses isi data dalam talian", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uvuk9/padu_mungkin_ramai_tercicir_tak_semua_rakyat_ada/", "num_comment": 56, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "Not yet started already got problem - not everyone got internet to fill up PADU - Governments agency should help in acquiring the information - MPs should do their part too\n\"Kita harus ingat tidak semua rakyat mempunyai akses kepada pendaftaran secara dalam talian, terutama masyarakat terpencil di luar bandar dan mungkin gelandangan di bandar raya yang tidak mampu memiliki telefon pintar.\n\"Seharusnya agensi kerajaan turun padang seperti satu masa dulu Jabatan Penerangan masuk ke kawasan terpencil untuk memberikan penerangan dan membantu proses pendaftaran.\n\"Ia juga boleh dilakukan oleh parti politik yang pastinya mempunyai pangkalan data pengundi masing-masing, apatah lagi wakil rakyat kawasan mesti turun padang seperti ketika tempoh berkempen dahulu,\" katanya kepada BH, hari ini", "comments": [["not everyone got internet (skill) to fill up PADU\nThe elderly already not doing to well when all the bills are digital and tax filing is online only, then drop this on them lagi?"], ["I don't understand. previously don't have existing data ke for BR1M etc. can't import database ke. E-wallet ask to update LHDN. can't import to PADU? mySalam auto send sms to activate, why the need for new database. if it's new and improved but require full manual key in is it really improved though. punya lah banyak data. data orang mati etc update je lah terus.", "PADU basically combines all these databases into one central one. According to Rafizi, this will make it easier for cross-agency policy work because currently there's a lot of bureaucracy involved in getting data from other agencies. The registration on 2nd January is just to verify whether the information that the government has is up to date/correct.", "the problem is also the data , who own it. unless a mechanism digital id if any of requesr must be honor by user each time somebody access then i agree . If auto expand to e wallet without our permission how ?", "Interesting point. Well I guess the ownership is still with the government, same as it is right now.\nBest answer I can give you rn", "his word nothing to me , the best is to open something like graphql what this x department can expose . He brag only gov staff do it without vendor but reality sync upon thousand of gov department not easy as seem .His mindset still think like old his invoke .", "The data is already there. You are just required to check and update if needed. Please read and understand first before bashing on something. Besides, its the government you're talking about, are you so sure the data is correct if they import it?"], ["PH and assuming everyone is a city dweller, what else is new", "Though I understand internet has not penetrated ALL parts of Malaysia (e.g. Veveonah situations) there seems to be juxtaposition.\nWe say rural folk are influenced by tik-tok, facebook, whatsapp fowards. How do they access this without internet? More and more are running online businesses and taking orders via whatsapp.\nThe first result on Google (whether you trust the source or not) says that internet penetration rate in Malaysia is 96.8%. Smartphone penetration according to MCMC in 2021 was 94.8%\nI mean, they can use all these social media services. Is the assumption they are too uneducated or lazy to use their internet access to do something else? Serious question.\nGovernments agency should help in acquiring the information\nMy understanding is, that PADU have already done that. The point is now for rakyat to confirm if the data is correct.", "You're missing the part where the people who doesn't have smartphones are likely to be the people who needs the subsidies the most. (barring woke only use Nokia phone for communication people).\n5.2% of the population(100-94.8) still means 1.8 million people.\nThat's what \"tercicir\" means in this context", "To clarify, I'm gonna admit I have no idea how the whole PADU database works, but neither does everyone else.\nAgain, I assume this is just a way to confirm your data.The data is already collected. If for some reason the government thinks you are T20 and you believe you are B40, then this is the way to update the database.\nPADU would only have information on people if they actually owned property, vehicles, EPF, tax filings, etc. If PADU has no information on these people, it would be safe to say they just fall within the B40 and subsidies are provided.\nThat is how it should be done anyway.", "I agree, It should be done that way\nBut even emadani have stupid hung ups like \"tak pernah declare LHDN tak dapat\" , which makes me very reluctant to bersangka baik with PADU's subsidy implementation\nBased on the past, it's more likely they'll just get no subsidy if PADU has no information", "PADU is going to be a political football when it launches no doubt. But really, what other ways are there to do it? If we want to reduce subsidy burden on the government and we can't remove subsidies for all, then there is no choice.\nHonestly people need to play their part as well. Malaysians are too often mollycoddled when it comes to these things. Reminds me of when there were complaints about RapidKL busses switching to TnG only and people didn't bother to read the notices, then got angry when their old parents couldn't use the bus \ud83e\udd26", "Census is the other way, like it or not the PADU system should be supplimentary to the census bureau. What the current government is doing is linking subsidy solely to PADU only. This is what the point of contention.\nOf course people would get angry. You give out a system where not only a failure to give out the proper time and education to inform your citizens on how to use that system, that is a failure on your part.\nIf you have the time and money for a self jerking party at bukit jalil then you should have the time and money to properly implement the sytem for your most vulnerable.\nBeing a democratic government, means you have to be prepare for the most vulnerable and weakest of your society. But hey its their fault isnt it for not doing \"their\" part. What is the point of paying the civil service if they cant peform their civil service.", "Census is anonymous...", "That is why I said supplimentary. No one system is fool proof. But if the government could make national policies based on those census they could also use them for this as well.\nAnd no the census isnt exactly anonymus they are taken based on your home address. The Identification Card have your home address. The government have all this decentralised info at their disposal but yet unwilling to cross check them. Yet PADU could be that, but hey apparently it is too much of hassle for them might as well pass it on to other people, typical government bureaucracy.", "The government have all this decentralised info at their disposal but yet unwilling to cross check them. Yet PADU could be that\nBro. PADU is exactly that.....", "And its kampung folks fault that they didn't have the amenities like the city folks /s", "They faults lar cause they vote PAS ,PN /s", "kampung folks\nThere are \"new villages\" and they tend to go with DAP/PH.", "Rapiji is what a redditor looks like when he tries politics.\nLooks good on paper, poor execution", "Shhhh later you got attack by those PH supporters"], ["And the demographic who needed the subsidies the most are probably the least likely demographic to be able to access, understand, fill up the necessary info correctly all electronically. Yes, this gov is a step-up from the previous one, but I can't help but to think they're constantly living in an elite, out-of-touch bubble from the common people on the ground. Smh.", "Why are we talking down and doubting the capabilities of these demographic like they are a bunch caveman? Have you met this people that you conjure up in your imagination? Do they wear leopard skin like Fred Flinstone?"], ["Hope this really transparent enough for all rakyat. Not another u turn policy."], ["I think most of the points described by the author are non-issues. PADU just essentially combines all the information that the government agencies already have on you, and registering for the platform is so that you can verify/update your personal data. Doesn't really affect you if you're currently eligible for welfare benefits (like STR / e-Madani). And for the rural areas, if I'm not mistaken DOSM/Economy Ministry has already done some \"turun padang\" test runs to increase awareness about PADU. Seems like more work needs to be done on that bit since people still don't understand what PADU is...\nI'm more concerned that PADU will be prone to lots of cyber attacks since it'll become the central data reservoir of the Federal Government. Looking at our cybersecurity track record, that doesn't seem promising.\nEdit: Apologies, I think PADU has an algorithm that can flag your profile if your information doesn't add up. For example, if you're eligible for STR under LHDN, but have several personal luxury vehicles under your name with JPJ. Not sure how it works, but I can understand the other commenter's scepticism and concern with PADU/MyDigitalID."], ["Most of the project is jumping the gun.\nFor example, sibuk nak buat pengkalan data, tapi access to the Internet and country coverage are still below par. PDPA pun tak fully enforced.\nSibuk nak bawak masuk Tesla for sustainability, tapi jalan raya kat Malaysia Masih macam sampah\nSibuk nak buat High Speed Railway to attract tourist, tapi pedestrian accessibility still teruk.\nDia umpama Tepung takde, tapi dah sibuk nak bina kedai roti/bakery.", "Sad statement i read today\nThis whole country is a sham", "tapi access to the Internet and country coverage are still below par.\nhttps://www.statista.com/statistics/227082/countries-with-the-highest-internet-penetration-rate/\nMalaysia is at 97.4%. Singapore is at 96.9%. What subpar are ypu talking about?"], ["DOSM akan bukak kaunter di setiap daerah untuk bantu rakyat isi PADU", "Macam mana kerajaan buat pun kalau rakyat malas, tak jadi jugak, sama macam banci penduduk ramai ja tak isi", "kau malas kau rugi. you cant help people who dont want to help themself \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"], ["I dont understand with people saying the wont fill PADU. It will be used no matter what, but do you want updated information or what ever the fuck the 100+ government agencies have on you now."], ["Maybe there would be some outreach program to help rural folks with low digital literacy to do so. We're going to have to wait and see.", "But the times that been given is 3 months brah..ain't no way also I'm afraid of this people go in and get your information like do we believe the government servants???", "3 months is a long time in the hands of a group of committed people. For now I am going to remain optimistic.\nAnyway, do remember that your participation in PADU is entirely voluntary so it's really your choice to register or not.", "How is it voluntary when Rafizi said if you dont participate dont blame us if you don't get subsidy???", "Well, you have a choice\n/s"], ["My opinion on their endgame: With enough data you can translate it to information that you can utilize to manipulate people. AKA like what CCP is doing. So of course lah that is the price that they are willing to sacrifice. This is one dystopian bullshit."], ["tak minat aku nak isi. Maaf ye, nak suruh aku undi BN/PH ok. Tapi nak isi PADU ni, fuck off ye rafizi.", "But then you may not get subsidi wor", "downgraded to bezza long time ago. i'm willing to pay i what used to pay to fuel up my perdana 120 a week just to keep my name out of the database.", "Your name and other information (education, monthly salary, etc.) have been in government databases from the time of your birth to the present.", "i dont have to volunteer more. They should what they already have on me."], ["What is PADU? do I have to do it?"], ["Skill issue baby"], ["Reject Digital ID aka PADU.\nDo not let the government to have an easy tool to further control people.", "But... But... But... Later no subsidy wor, me no rich like u", "I'm glad more people in Facebook has speak out against this dictatorship tool.", "That is why should not have targeted subsidy. Just float the petrol with some level of subsidy like what Najib did previously. All this new db and implementation is just new way for them create contract for new bunch of cronies. What makes t20 not so eligible for subsidies when this people are t1 asking you all to pay their high salary + allowances + the subsidy?", "Sadly people will not going to realize it, we most likely will be down voted here even.", "The monyets in this sub has \"Govern Me Harder\" mentality."], ["https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/amp/category/nation/2022/11/08/invoke-staff-will-get-shares-when-company-is-listed-says-rafizi/"]]} {"title": "average Malaysian cat (found in Putrajaya Lake)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uvtva/average_malaysian_cat_found_in_putrajaya_lake/", "num_comment": 24, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": [["OP GIVE BACK MY SECONDS IN WATCHING THIS VID !!!! KANASAI I THOUGHT A CAT WOULD ATTACK THE LIZARD !!"], ["Silly OP, that's a dog.", "Nah, it's crocodile"], ["average cat ... I knew they had nine lives but damn they can also shape shift nowadays?"], ["Ppsssp, ppsssspp, ppsssspp....", "What? PSP emulator ppsspp?! :26554::26561::29091::26558:"], ["I know 2 turtles in the Putrajaya lake. Their names are Georgie and Sarah and they usually accompany me when I'm questioning my existence. I usually feed them bread but since I have work, I can't spend time with them like I used to. Send my regards to them please :)"], ["Asian water monitor"], ["My parents always warned me and my siblings to never touch the water in the Putrajaya Lake\n\u201dTakut ada buaya\u201d\nWell, uh. no crocodiles, but i don\u2019t think i\u2019ll be touching the water"], ["that is fuking lizard... what cat???"], ["mkh... \ud83e\udd23"], ["I think the cat has autism."], [""], ["That is a huge dog"], ["Cute cat"], ["Is this the oyen that people have been talking about?"], ["Damn I didn't know cats had long tongues."], ["That is not very el gato of you"], ["Cute biawak"], ["This cat is the main reason why you guys don't have otters"], ["Water buffalo pun tak tau ke? Kesian city dweller"]]} {"title": "Drunk Indians Youngsters Blasting Music, loud exhaust car and motorbike at housing area", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uhb3r/drunk_indians_youngsters_blasting_music_loud/", "num_comment": 39, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi, I have been having issue where a group of (20-30) Indians, mostly motor rides, hanging out at a dark area behind shop lots blasting music using their car, drinking and cursing loudly. This has been going on for about 2 years. The same bike were also seen exchanging packets in the morning and afternoon with secondary school students during noon and evenings (they don't gather when this happens, just meet on each other's bike and exchange \"stuff\") and leave. Quite obvious for people who live around here. Police were informed (multiple times since a year ago) via phone and VSP (with images and videos) but obviously its not effective since its still continuing until today. Funnily, they will leave few mins after police call has been made. Hard to be coincidence??\nHas anybody have similar experience. Are cops in our country that unreliable or am I going about this the wrong way?", "comments": [["get a sniper rifle and sort it out /s\nsounds like drug dealers and they have someone on the inside to inform them. most likely someone working at the call center and probably in other places as well. so they take the reports and dont pass them on.\nLocal police could be bribed as well.", "Sounds like it, amazed by how these teenage or uneducated people in their 20s can have so much influence", "its not them, its the others around them. Alone they are useless.", "why not spy where they get their supplies, who they push the powder?", "Requires more effort many aren't trained to do and is much riskier than using a sniper rifle. Of course this needs to be extended to cops who accept bribes. Corrupt cops dying and if they can't catch the killer will force the cops to not be corrupt", "Yea, i agree with SystemErrorMessage, what we can do even if we know.? At the same time, sniper? haha, i don't mind them dying natural death (sounds like quite soon from health issues, gang fights and accidents) if it does not affect our peace or create even more of them during the wait.\nMeanwhile, hey there fellow Klangfella!..:)", "Need to be a very sharp shooter , kena cepat ...", "surpressors help making it impossible to pinpoint your location, so stealth and parkour skills would be quite useful."], ["If this is true then record a video and name and shame them also report them.", "I do have recordings of them, sent to cops via VSP, i did get a respond from them saying \"Operasi will target this area\" or something like that, but that's all.\nWondering if I should go up to Bukit Aman to submit the findings for any action to actually take place.", "U report HQ which is Bukit Aman, they will chk with the balai also , and the OCPD of the station or ketua balai on what action has been done , if they have records tht they attend to every case then ..huhuhu ...", "need long lens camera and shoot from far, else you will be hunted down"], ["It happened in my previous condo as well. The JMB did make several police reports but they keep coming despite getting warming from the police.\nI'm glad I have moved to a quieter neighbourhood."], ["I moved out of my previous neighbourhood because of incidents similar to this. Those '......' buy lots of beer at neighbourhood shops, parked cars nearby, play loud music, drink beer and dance with themselves on the road, throw and break bottles on the road.\nNow my new area in PJ is usually peaceful and quiet but sometimes the '......' come here too.", "Yea, sounds almost exactly the same. Saw them around 99 and local indian grocery shops which i know for sure sells \"questionable stuffs wrapped in old news papers\". Thanks for you comment KlangBaru but moving may not be an option", "There is always another better choice, win 70% lose 30% is still win"], ["Just move elsewhere.", "Yeah man just move to the only place that isn\u2019t infested with obnoxious Assholes such as the moon"], ["I used to have this problem in my old neighborhood. They get drunk, play loud music, urinated everywhere and even rape stray cats at night.\nThe solution is moved to majority Malay or Chinese neighborhood.", "rape stray cats\nWat", "Never underestimate the effect of todi"], ["Solution: roll in with a modified Honda cub and blast the hottest new music hits louder than they ever could. Once you have asserted yourself as their leader, lead them into the promised land, never to be seen again. Your neighbours will thank you for your sacrifice.", "don't be vodoh to stoop very low to their level"], ["Solution: Move to a better neighborhood. My neighborhood has only 1 Indian family (a civilized one) and 0 Malay family.", "it's more expensive to live in better neighbourhood but it's worth every sen", "this is the best possible solution"], ["Make a police report , or go talk to them and tell them you will make a police report aswell.", "Well the second suggestion, while technically a correct and diplomatic method, is also the one thats gonna get OP beaten up.", "Literally tak pernah kena belasah kot", "I got similar issue in my neighbourhood. They are well known for beating up people. I am fortunate enough when I confront them about the loud music they slow it down. I think showing respect and give some leeway work. I said that I have a small kid quite sensitive to loud music and I'm tired all day working, my request if they can slow down after 12 pm will be awesome. Amazingly this work wonders.", "OP got silat harimau, won't get beaten", "Lmao don\u2019t take this advice. Don\u2019t talk to them \ud83d\ude02", "Second option maybe they respect if you wear like Jemaah Tablighg or Jehovah", "Just make sure you are stern and tell them you are a resident, and if they don\u2019t believe you or seem to question, point towards your house and tell them your house number to clear any doubts. Another tip , when talking don\u2019t be too respectful or they might think you are a pushover. Drop the K-word frequently in the convo since our PM and Malays on twitter have deemed it fine to use since its a correct term and will make you seem like a history buff, that will gain you more respect \u270a.\nDon\u2019t forget to question their alcohol consumption and their level of intoxication by asking a simple screening question \u201cMabuk ka??\u201d\nJust follow this to the T and you will be fine. Do report back. If you can. Bon chance.", "Instructions incomplete, body dismembered :)"], ["Lol the amount of racists fucks in the comments."], ["Make a tiktok video"], ["Be a shame if you knew where the bike was kept and it ended up missing or returned to the original owner"]]} {"title": "MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 31 Disember 2023 (pagi)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uvq5n/met_malaysia_laporan_cuaca_31_disember_2023_pagi/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "regarding my last post, you guys saved my life", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uelcg/regarding_my_last_post_you_guys_saved_my_life/", "num_comment": 28, "flairlabel": ["Wholesome"], "header": "You can go ahead and check my profile if you want to know the whole story, but a few days ago I made a post in hope of seeking advice from fellow Malaysians, I was kicked out of my family's toxic household at 18, homeless for 2 days with 6 ringgit to my name. I was desperate, starving and I felt hopeless and lost.\nA few people messaged me directly to offer help hours after I made the post, supported me through it all mentally and financially, I was able to live on the streets and the homeless shelter for a couple days until I was safe. Somebody even paid for a night stay in a hotel for me. I never would've thought a bunch of internet strangers would help me through one of my toughest moments. I want to thank this subreddit and Malaysians, for having a good and loving sense of community, it restored my faith in humanity completely when I was in rock bottom. To those that helped me I can't thank you enough.\nAlthough mentally I'm still struggling with things, I am now safe, I'm with my uncle and we're on our way to Perlis, hopefully I can start over again and get my life straightened out. I feel positive about this and I couldn't get through this without the help of the very nice people I've ever met online. I will try my hardest to make the best out of it. Terima KASIH!!!!!\nspecifically, thank you Ryan and Rach L, I will never forget you guys \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\nupdate: Came back to a lot of wonderful messages and dms from a lot of people\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc we've arrived safely and my relatives are being nice and helpful as well. I can't stress this enough, I appreciate you all so much for being so supportive and it definitely has made me feel better and uplifted. you guys are awesome", "comments": [["Me too. Glad you had help. Bless the people who helped you too!!!"], ["Just read your post and i cant even imagine how devastating your situation is. Stay strong OP!", "Thank you to all of you for your supportive messages \ud83d\udc99 I will"], ["For context; OP's post that was redirected to the Daily Thread 4 days ago:\nNeed help. Homeless, hungry, don't know what to do\nPosting here cause I don't know where else to ask Malaysians for advice,\nFor the record i'm 18, my household has always been toxic. My mother especially, has always been very (verbally) abusive towards me and my siblings and would berate us for every little thing. It only got worse when my dad passed away a year ago, the verbal abuse didn't stop, mom would yell and scream at us when she's stressed about things at her work. It came to the point where I've accepted that this will be my everyday life. I understand that she's going through something, so does everyone in our family, but she refuses to accept the fact, and seek help so she takes it out on us instead. I just don't know why.\n2 days ago, I don't know what set her off exactly but she was even worse than usual. She got off from work early and she saw me still sleeping (it was 2pm, and I have insomnia, prescribed with alprazolam which causes me to be put in deep sleep) and woke me up by pouring water at me, yelling and telling me to wake up. She told me how i'm useless for the family and that she doesn't want to waste her money to take care of me anymore. She threw my wallet at me and gave me 10 minutes to get out of the house, and told me not to come back. I felt defeated, I didn't say anything, I just did what she told me to. I get how she feels that way.\nI'm wandering around KL Cheras now, with only 6 ringgit in my wallet. I haven't eaten since yesterday, my data will run out in 2 days, and I only had 2 hours of sleep earlier in front of an abandoned shop until I got kicked out by someone. I managed to get into contact with some of my close relatives from my dad's side of the family that are willing to take me with them for a while, only problem is they're in Perlis and could only get to me by Friday. I don't know where I should go till then. I'm just too hungry and have no energy left. Currently sitting at one of the bus stops here. My mom blocked my phone number from Whatsapp so I can't contact her. I can't go back home. I know it sounds silly, but mentally I feel so much safer here than how I would be back there, and I'm not so sure if she would've let me anyways. I don't know where to start. What do I do?"], ["Monyet together strong"], ["Faith in humanity r/Malaysia restored"], ["Please update us in the comments when you reached Perlis safely!"], ["Nice, I wasn't here when you posted the earlier post, but I'm glad the community helped you where it matters and that you're safe now!\nHopefully, your future is fulfilling for you!"], ["Bless the people who helped you."], ["You keep your chin up, this chapter is closed and better things will come by. Bad times never last but you have to remember to never give up on yourself, the people whom treat you kindly never gave up on you. Cheers mate."], ["How old are your siblings?"], ["this is heartwarming. Glad you're doing better"], ["I missed your first post but it's good to know that you're safe with your uncle. Hopefully your siblings can get out of the situation ASAP as well. all the best for your start over, OP."], ["redditor save the day, malaysia improved."], ["Hope you have a new start OP :26558:"], ["All the best OP!"], ["Glad that you're safe now. Hope things works out for you. Stay strong"], ["Good luck ! Fight hard to make a life worth living , grid and determination are key."], ["Update us OP ! Wish you all the best"], ["Sorry missed your first post. Sincerely wish you all the best and do let us know if you need more help. And thanks to the community here as well."], ["I had quite same issue as you. But I'm the problem so my mother ask me to get out. But I'm not as bad since I was working and got car. Had to stay in cheap hotel for 2 weeks I think. Then I rent a room.\nNow I think back, i should go and find other relatives for help for place to stay. Cheaper and easier. This will be lesson learn to everyone. ALWAYS FIND YOUR RELATIVES. and either way give help to them if can.\nI think here in Malaysia we are very considerate people. Not like in Europe or US. So please, please find your relatives and stay with them. Do not go homeless. Important to take care of yourself."], ["May god bless you"], ["Owh I missed the first post. Glad it works out for you"], ["hope everything's going to be better for u anon."], ["Hey. If you need someone to talk to or if you need any help, hit me up."], ["There is still good in this world. So glad you are ok.."], ["Happy that you are not alone. I experienced the same issue when I was 18. Was lost, nobody to guide me, alone and went hanyut for few years. Slept in masjid, but got chased out. But they were kind enough to let me sleep in the bilik jenazah. No jenazah though heh. Grateful for what i have rn."]]} {"title": "Need help with questionnaires!", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uundu/need_help_with_questionnaires/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi everyone, I am an IB student from Kolej Mara Banting. I am conducting a study about sharenting syndrome among Malaysians. Sharenting is a word derived from 'Share' and 'Parenting'. It's an act when parents overshare/ share personal information about their children that will affect their children's wellbeing.\nThere are two main objectives, which are the level of anxiety among adolescents involved in sharenting, and the level of awareness about sharenting among parents. With that, I need your help especially adolescents age 10-12 and 16-17, and parents age 25-34. It would be great if you could share these questionnaires to your siblings, peers or friends! \u263a\ufe0f\nAdolescent: https://forms.gle/cmCrMGKQaPdHQ8FV6\nParents: https://forms.gle/BScwcdFWv9j7AQLy8\n(Do let me know if questionnaires are not allowed in this subreddit, I will take it down immediately \ud83d\ude04)", "comments": [["I\u2019ll fill out the form. I\u2019m actually just done with A levels at a private college here - just wondering how the IB works in MARA/gov colleges and if there is a specific pathway one can go through to enroll in the course (is there a quota of sorts?)", "Hi there, thank you for your time! The IB programme here is pretty much the same as other IB schools. However, there aren't many subjects being offered here because there are no teachers available to teach. The subjects here are quite limited (there are no Group 6 or the Arts here so we mostly took 2 science subjects for science students, and 2 social science subjects for social science students). There are around 300 students here and all of us are sponsorship students (almost 95% here are MARA scholars and a few of them are under JPA). We applied under MARA YTP programme using SPM results and went through an interview session. Oh, and they only accept bumiputera here. Thank you again for filling out the form, have a nice day ahead! \ud83d\ude38", "I see, interesting. Good luck with the survey!"], ["Tbh whoever shares their kids pictures I will unfollow. I don't care about your family n offspring"]]} {"title": "Took this from George Town yesterday, is it normal or some accident?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uukpv/took_this_from_george_town_yesterday_is_it_normal/", "num_comment": 55, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "I'm a tourist and would appreciate if anyone can explain. Thanks.", "comments": [["Factory fire according to a response to a post I made over in r/Penang . I could see the cloud of smoke from my condo.", "Atp i believe that every negeri has their own subreddit lmao.", "Your comment made me check how true this is. Interestingly almost all states have their own subreddit except Kedah, Perlis, N9, Pahang and Johor (Johor Bahru sub does exist but not the entirety of Johor for some reasons). If including WP then the only one not on the list is Putrajaya. The only state sub to have more than 10k followers is r/Penang at 60k+ followers, a huge difference from the average.", "Make sense penang have lots of users. Expats and chinese seems the majority that uses reddit.", "All the negeri you list im surprised the most that Kelantan has its own sub. I thought kelatanese dont use reddit.", "I got excited, then discovered that r/Perak is dead :(", "me too! i got excited then realized it's the same for JB's sub.", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/penang using the top posts of the year!\n#1: All time favorite on the island | 15 comments\n#2: Tourist family. My wife and infant got screamed at in Penang Town Hall by a very angry man. What happened?\n#3: Travel Mistake 101 in Penang.\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub", "Mainly because JB people doesnt wanna be associated with other part. They see themselves as high n mighty", "Dafuq", "Im out here spreading misinformations", "What is blud on about\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80", "Bluds yappin", "", "What u mean by \"even r/sabah\"?? U semenanjing ppl think we all tree dwellers ah?\n- sent from cLayphone 15BC", "Chemical factory/warehouse fire."], ["Kebakaran dekat2 BKE. Area Permatang Pauh"], ["Snoop dog having a party", "Haram. Snoop Sausage."], ["This biasa. Is Aladin", "But is it Alladeen or is it Alladeen?", "Its aladeen"], ["Looks like a fire unfortunately."], ["Sorry man, I had way too many durians after lunch"], ["That was me. Entering the atmosphere"], ["Normal. Happens there every day."], ["Bhopal incident memories intensifies"], ["Return the slabbb....", "What\u2019s your offer!?"], ["Someone having bbq party, follow the cloud to good food"], ["How could that be normal lmao", "I haven't seen a factory chimney for ages so I'm not sure \ud83d\ude02"], ["a nuke just got dropped"], ["Retribution from PAS"], ["You watched Spiderman : far from home? Same guy"], ["OP's mom farted."], ["Trinity test"], ["That is a volcano eruption"], ["Mb bro, farted a bit"], ["I believe one chemical/manufacturing factory catches fire, not great, not terrible."], ["It really depends on where. In some places, accident is normal."], ["Dragon ball ada 7 biji semuanya\u2026"], ["\ud83d\udc7d"], ["\nSquare Enix is cooking on FF13 Remaster."], ["\nSaw this as well when I was going over the bridge. Thought I was seeing things."], ["Cool picture, notwithstanding the situation that caused it."], ["Bro, that's the Idea of Evil... What exactly were you doing this weekend?"], ["Last day for 2023 insurance claims"], ["U have 3 wishes, use wisely"], ["it was vapecon"]]} {"title": "Langkawi cannot be compared to Haadyai - both have different attractions, say tourism players", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y80eb/langkawi_cannot_be_compared_to_haadyai_both_have/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "Haadyai is a regional destination, while Langkawi is regarded as an international one.", "comments": [["so who are these players ? langkawi is international ? lmao ? Hat Yai has been tourist spot since 2000s and got a international airport some more, dont know what these player talking about\nbeside Hat Yai is much more muslim friendly and MORE FREEDOM and LOWER PRICE. No opportunistic malaysian money saver frugal people brain awaken will go langkawi just to spent while u can go out malaysia and explore foreign country for once like a bird out of their cage. (Yea i know Hat Yai is more Buddhist culture but there are influx of muslim people going there recently )\nthe player are probably just sour grape that business not doing well."], ["The way hatyai is more muslim and non muslim friendly at the same time \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d.", "Went there for holiday with friends last year, it was pride month, so Central Festival the biggest mall in the city was covered in rainbows and pride stuff. Girls in tudungs getting group pictures under big rainbow decorations. Songkla province is 80% muslim.\nMade me laugh, there would be riots across the country by the green fools if that happened here even though it's only 20% malay in Penang."], ["So... they don't want Langkawi to be compared with Haadyai, but they want to implement the things that are being done there in Haadyai in order to attract tourists...okay...", "Nothing will change because Langkawi is 90% Malays. It's a dead island. It is expensive and no fun allowed (unless you're VVVIP, as usual). The islands in Sabah are far better options."], ["Yeah, Langkawi got cheap booze. Main attraction.", "Pretty dismal reason to visit anywhere. I\u2019ll stick to Penang."]]} {"title": "/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 03 January 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wyox4/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/", "num_comment": 188, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.\nApa tanda si pinang kelat,\nBila dimakan terasa malan,\nApa tanda orang beradat,\nBila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.\nDad joke: In ancient Rome there were four kinds of poisons. Poisons I, II, and III would kill you instantly\nBut Poison IV would just make you itchy.", "comments": [["Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Hi all, I'm visiting Malaysia at the end of the month and I'd love it if anyone has the time to spare to look at my travel plans. Don't be shy to tear them apart if there's any dumbness below:\nDay 1: Relax in Kuala Lumpur and see the most popular attractions at a relaxed pace.\nDay 2: Fly out in the morning to Langkawi to stay at a (as yet undecided) resort.\nDay 3: Stay at the resort and explore Langkawi\nDay 4: More time staying at the resort and exploring Langkawi\nDay 5: Fly in the morning from Langkawi to Penang/Georgetown and stay the night there.\nDay 6: Spend the day in the Penang area eating as much delicious food as we can. Then fly from Penang to Singapore.\nDay 7: Spend the whole day in Singapore exploring.\nDay 8: Fly from Singapore back to Kuala Lumpur. Do some of the less relaxed things that we didn't do on day 1.\nDay 9: More time in KL, although only the first full day here.\nDay 10: Fly back home from KL to London in the evening.\nI wanted to take a ferry or altenate transport between Langkawi and Penang but it doesn't look like the ferry is running now so it will have to be a flight. I don't mind preferring flights if it saves a decent amount of time because 10 days isn't a lot to split up."], ["doesn't seem like I'll have enough money to buy furniture now.\nwhere did all that money gone to???\nSeems like I'll have to buy stuff piece by piece it seems. either that or take out some money from ASB or Tabung Haji", "I vote for take out money and go shopping! Why save when can spend? Hihi", "Oit jangan. have to sleep on the floor for few months if do that", "Take out money buy mattress lo, don\u2019t sleep on the floor.", "that is my 1st priority along with a wardrobe.\nguess everything else will need to wait", "Yiss. Congrats on your new house bye btw", "Mekasih"], ["can someone motivate me pls.\n_(\u00b4\u0f40`\u300d \u2220)", "Your forever 17"], ["how would you respond if your parents disown you? and what could be the reason if that happened?", "Eh.\nI love my parents, so I guess in theory I will be a little bit sad. But I've been all by myself for decades, so same old same old?", "", "So can it be said that you're losing your religion?\n... sorry. Just decided to hum that song just now \ud83d\ude05"], ["Family ordered Ayamas for lunch today and we were terribly disappointed. It's been a while since we last ate and the food quality has dropped so low. The golden roast was pale, the pepper roast was barely seasoned and they were both tasteless. Their chili sauce is still good though.\nAnyone ate Ayamas recently? I'm wondering if this is how they all are now or were we just unlucky with this one order.", "original roast is nice, but all of their food are always cold"], ["has anyone tried using malaysia's sim roaming package in singapore? is it fast?", "Used my Digi's roaming. Got 5G almost everywhere. Really fast."], ["\nNaaaaah because I left behind my hard rock cafe t-shirt and the bf put it on.\nImagine a giant white man in an XS t-shirt \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udc80\nHe also has this habit of taking my spot in the bed as soon as I leave for my classes. If a cat was a person, y'know? Always looking for cuddles and tight spaces and warm spots.", "cute"], ["Saw the third Singapore thread in two days. Is this what the cool kids are doing these days? Should I follow suit?", "You mean post on Malaysia about Singapore? Easiest way to farm karma I guess."], ["I'm a bit OOTL. What's this wake up to find 3 mil in bank account lore?", "Scroll down", "There\u2019s another story where this lady in Australia woke up to find that she had 10 million USD worth of crypto in her Coinbase account. Apparently an employee made a mistake and transferred the funds to her account instead.", "its 404million\nKUALA LUMPUR: A Maybank customer was surprised that she had become a millionaire overnight when her bank account showed more than >RM404 million\nhttps://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/985296/millionaire-mayhem-maybank-customer-wakes-rm404-million-glitch#:~:text=KUALA%20LUMPUR%3A%20A%20Maybank%20customer,a%20glitch%20in%20the%20system."], ["Kiasu lang people scared you share with others also. It\u2019s exclusively meant for your eyes only."], ["my workplace partner already throw letter\nthere are only 2 of us for our role in our company\nmy boss just ask me anxiously...are you planning to resign / looking for new job?\ntime to ask for a raise? :26554:", "Nah, ask the others who quit if they want to setup own employee owned company and poach all the old boss customers over to the new venture. Then when old boss close shop, offer 200% interest loan. /s"], ["is it compulsory to register for PADU?", "As far as I know, it's not mandatory, but subsidies will be based on the data off PADU. So if you don't mind paying the pam hijau rates at the petrol station, for example...", "Wondering how often the data is updated, let\u2019s say I\u2019m jobless, I\u2019ll be entitled to the subsidies but later I get a job down the line which puts me on higher salary tier, my subsidies will be removed?"], ["Hey, has anyone used Zlock in Johor before? I'm from Singapore, and I want to get a local Malaysian perfume off Shopee (my KL friend is helping me to order) but I don't have a home address in Johor and the item cannot be shipped directly to Singapore due to it containing alcohol. I was thinking to use Zlock (or MBE) but I don't know how. I tried to contact MBE for advice, but they didn't sound assuring on the phone. I've flexible working hours, and can travel to Johor often, so I was thinking to use Zlock to contain my parcel. I don't know any Johoreans personally who can help!", "Never heard of zlock, but ninjavan has pick up and drop off points all over malaysia and is an established courier. Just call up the branch closest to you if they accept pick ups there and ask for their address\nhttps://www.ninjavan.co/en-my/support/find-ninja-point", "I took a look at this and the process is unclear to me. Do I specify the address of a retail partner offering pick up service when checking out or do I need to inform Ninjavan first prior to checking out? I asked one of the stores offering pick up services and they aren't sure themselves. So, I've reached out to Ninjavan MY for an answer.\nNot sure why you were downvoted. Thanks for this suggestion!", "You need to confirm the receiver details from the pick up point, then add that address during purchase. Then you can come collect and sign off.\nFrom experience, Ninjavan isn't very transparent with their partners. Some are also unsure what their status are with Ninjavan and if they can collect Ninjavan parcels there or not unfortunately. You are right to contact Ninjavan to double check on this, perhaps they can forward you to a more \"established\" PUDO point instead. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing this from their website.\nAlso don't worry about the downvote, there has always been a serial downvoter in the Malaysian daily thread!"], ["Uh, my boyfriend's nephew just followed me on Duolingo after I joined his family plan \ud83e\udee0\ud83e\uddd0\nThis man! He just came out to his family months ago. I feel like we're really skipping chapters here."], ["Selamat tahun baru semua.\nGot a pair of old model iphones with batteries in their last legs. Anyone know how much it costs to replace batteries at Apple Store KL? Or can get similar quality at iStore or other authorized sellers?", "https://shop.switch.com.my/service-price-list like this cannot Google kot.", "Tq"], ["Does anyone know if the new LVG tax will apply to purchases on overseas platforms like Taobao and Amazon?", "It only applies to oversea platforms.", "Shopee also I think if it\u2019s overseas seller", "Yes."], ["This question may seem controversial, but, is it possible to fire elon musk as the owner of x (twitter) if a massive protest of tens of thousands of people at the x headquarters in san francisco forced him to resign?", "No, how to fire owner? He said he step down from CEO roles, but all of us know that's bs. He's still the one calling the shot behind the scene.\nThe only way he'll lose control of Twitter is if he did not paid his debt used to buy Twitter, then the banks can take control of his ownership.", "Depends whether there\u2019s board of directors and if they have any influence but dont quote me on this lol", "You believe too much in the power of democracy. Ironic how capitalism is basically the opposite of democracy.", "no. ownership of a private company is not subject to the forces of the public.", "He's a billionaire, he's above the law or public pressure."], ["Woke up this morning, checked my bank account and decided FD rates isn't doing it for me anymore and yeeted some pocket change into my TnG eWallet account.\nFeeling poor, idk you guys, should I retire in Malaysia with only this amount?"], ["I recently tried to renew my passport online and today when I checked the link, it stated that my photo didn\u2019t meet the specified requirements. After trip loading from the link provided, it states that photo upload successful.\nBut when I checked the passport status about 30 mins later, the same \u2018photo requirements unmet\u2019 message is shown. How long should I wait for the changes to reflect?\nEdit: the message shown was \u201cfoto tidak menepati spesifikasi gambar lonjong\u201d", "check if the photo requirements are met: most common mistake include wrong background colour, smiling, wrong kind of clothing", "This was the error message shown - foto tidak menepati spesifikasi gambar lonjong"], ["Go r/malaysia: Malaysia sucks, better move out\nGo r/singapore: Singapore sucks, better move out\nKinda funny but I get it, middle class and below are fucked everywhere", "This is common in most country subreddits. Personally I feel it's some kind of sampling fallacy; people who are happy with their lives rarely go to Reddit to talk about something they like about it. But a lot of ppl go to subreddit to rant or discuss something unpleasant that happened to them.\nNon-Malaysians or ppl unfamiliar with our country who have been lurking and reading controversial posts and comments on this sub probably come to the conclusion that Malaysia is an absolute shithole, but my two cents is this; despite my desire to see certain changes in Malaysia, there are also aspects that genuinely bring me joy and contentment here.", "Agree with you. Should we start an appreciation post? \ud83e\udd14 p/s: I consciously do not click on those poste", "yala. alot are bitter folks, hasad dengki, mata merah tgk orang lain kaya. golongan kapitalis la, kayangan la, tak bayar cukai la. baik senyap je la.", "nah.. exggeration most of the time, it's good to be critical of own country, else how are we suppose to improve", "grass always greener on the other side", "An old friend expanded on that \u2014 the grass is always greener where water and fertiliser are applied consistently."], ["Hi reddit. AITA? I read the singapore thread and concluded most of these folks are just poor low income folk. Why would I want to live in Singapore wehn I earn more than mosy singaporeans while living in Malaysia?!\nAll those ppl complaining about low incomes and low savings, and inflation should just git gud.\nSkill issue, srsly.\nAITA?", "Hey guys stop being poor if only life worked that way for everyone", "Exactly. Eat some cake while ur at it!", "Honestly you're joking but it's cheaper to be poor in an expensive area than it is to be poor in a town in Klang valley, for example.\nIt all boils down to flexibility. You always have more options (living arrangements, food, transportation) and access to opportunities (networking) and facilities in a big city teeming with foreigners and service industries.\nI recently moved from Klang to Serdang, nearer my school, and all that money that went into petrol and tolls is now channeled into food and having a better lifestyle and more time. Serdang is much more expensive than Klang but yeah, flexibility."], ["Why is everyone talking about their millions?\nAnyway...... I just got added by the man I'm seeing into his Duolingo's family plan. I asked him if we have a breakup, he's gonna kick me out?? and he was like I'm gonna kick you if you don't use it and I'll check your XP every day.\nI don't know why, but sharing an apartment felt like a much less of a commitment/relationship milestone than sharing a Duolingo plan because the green owl is a menace and that shit is serious.\nHe has a 500+ day streak. Once I got fluent-ish in German I dropped Duolingo. Moved on to other resources like Pimsleur and textbooks. It's interesting to come back. They changed the skill tree."], ["Would you spend RM100 on a keychain?\nUPDATE : I bought it. In a form of Pokeball Plus. I don't play Pokemom Go but had always wanted this Pokeball.", "If it was the Funkey S, maybe.", "What's that?", "\nTiny handhelds that can be keychains", "If it's a designer piece, sure", "No. Even rm10 keychain i would hesitate.", "Being a guy who doesn't buy stuff that won't get much use, that would be a no for me regardless of the value.\nStill using the same keychain at the moment that I bought on a trip to Taiwan over 9 years ago. If I do change it to the new one, then what to do with the old one?", "maybe if it's some titanium multitool EDC", "what can the keychain do", "Nope. Need something more functional to justify spending that much.", "If I can afford it, yes."], ["trolling aside, I feel like its the naivety and the gullibleness that makes them good at making money.\nbuy low sell high. simple and no emotions involved.\nsimilar with how Forrest Gump became good at ping pong. \u201cJust keep your eyes on the ball\u201d. Simple but effective. He also became a billionaire later in life.\nmaybe we should all be more like that. stop overthinking stuffs and just do", "i think you might be onto something here lol", "The secret is really not a secret. Save, invest, and keep gettibg promoted/earning more.\nBut its hard to execute well."], ["31M (32 this Friday), checked my bank account, didn\u2019t find 3mil in the account.\nAlthough my 4yo son did find my childhood remote control car at my parents\u2019 house the other day. Still functional after 20+ years, my son looks so happy to get to play with it. This is the second item I pass down to him after my childhood watch. Feel very content and enough with life.\nBut AITA for giving my son old toys/watch and not buying new one?\n", "Can see wife face in reflection, if this was a vtuber sub big controversy lol.", "What\u2019s a vtuber?\nAnyway, it\u2019s a distorted reflection. Actual lagi cantik & cute\u2026 lol", "Virtual YouTuber. Those people using anime avatar to make content on YT/Twitch/Kick. Famous ones are like Kizuna Ai, Gawr Gura, etc.", "lol and its really hi-res", "If he\u2019s happy, then it\u2019s all good :) I wished I have some of my childhood toys so well kept", "Have a few game console as well and I think my PS1 is still functional, OG Xbox & PSP busted tho.", "I have a hand me down PS1 too but not sure if it\u2019s still working haha"], ["Guess how many kgs of eggplants here? Eggplants grown at my school's organic garden~\n", "Or its more atas name, 'aubergine'.", "They're three names for this iirc, but can't remember the 3rd one", "Brinjal.\nEggplant is more commonly used for American English, Aubergine is used in UK English and brinjal Asian English I think.", "Macam 8kg or 12kg"], ["Was saying to my friends that this year is the last year my age starts with 2, and next year I\u2019ll be joining them in the 3 series and i feel old. Got a \u2018fuck off\u2019 from unker \ud83d\ude25\nFelt like i didn\u2019t do much last year, gonna live my life the fullest this year, then fuck off.", "bring me", "Leggoo~~ we start with glamping first", "Welcome to the 3 series club", "You kids get off my lawn shakes cane", "Okay, sorry makcik huhu"], ["Day 2 in 2024 of being paid to browse Reddit at work", "But do you have 3mil? I think not.", "Better than working and still not having 3mil"], ["Self test a day before and today, it confirmed that on the day of 2024 I have Covid. What a way to start the year by finally being Covid for the first time \ud83e\udd72"], ["I (30s, F) checked my bank account today and I just have 10 million. It just makes me sad, l know that\u2019s a lot but it\u2019s not enough for me, even the interest is not enough to cover my expenses. I posted at this anonymous forum looking for advice but everyone just dismissed me. I just need someone to tell me what to do. AITA?", "10 million rupiah kah?", "Eh, only 10 million? Pfft, get off my sight, filthy peasant. \ud83d\ude12", "Yta for misleading by providing false information.", "You\u2019re right, I actually have 12 million. I don\u2019t want to sound unrealistic, y\u2019know?", "WOW. lots of people have 10 MILLION in their bank account. if not, those 22million house bought by who? i think you need to do better. it's not good to show off your p00rs here.\nedit: i think YTA.\nedit: wow thanks for the gold.", "Gimme the 5 mil and I'll tell you what you to do. Else, YTA.", "No, why would I pay someone when I can get free advice on reddit", "Is this a troll, show or its false", "omg\nthanks for the hiburan. tergelak sendiri di ofis", "I don't have capital of 10mil but made some money doing nothing in 2023, I think yours do better uh?\n", "I made -30k in 2023 \ud83d\ude0e", "Why so noob? Buy when things crash not another way round.", "wait? it's not buy high sell low?\nthat's what I heard people do and that's what I did", "don't listen to that dumbass. buy high sell low, the way to go\ud83d\ude0e", "show ur earning, not just talk", "I'm going to make -RM3,000,000 in 2024!\nthat'll show him \ud83d\ude0e", "YTA, cat. YTA.", "You need to go beyond touching grass. I suspect you need to go find a park and roll down some hills filled with grass and shrubs."], ["Do I bother with other types of investing or just throw all my saving into ASB until 300k? I'm conflicted to diversifying my basket e.g Wahed for slightly more risky investment?", "Do that first before diversifying"], ["So I tried purchasing My50 online just to see how the experience goes because I forgot to top up my IC Touch N Go.\nJust from opening the PULSE app, it wasn't quite obvious where I should buy it. Only after a little bit of navigation I was directed to the link.\nThe purchase experience itself is quite standard. Add to cart, login to bank, pay. I get the email with the receipt and the order ID, which I assume is what I have to show to the counter to renew My50.\nThen comes the renewing day. This was around 7.15AM and there's already a number of people on their morning commute. I queued on the counter behind two people who were also renewing but through the usual way. Comes my turn, I showed the email receipt on my phone and hand over my IC to the counter. He straight away called a senior officer through his phone to ask about the procedure. While still on his phone, he took his iPad, logged in into a website, keyed in the order ID, scanned my IC. Whole thing took at least 20 minutes. By the time I was done there's like 15 people queuing behind me. Had I reload as usual it would take less than 1 minute. And I still get charged RM0.50 reload fee wtf.\nConclusion: not worth it at all. Just remember to bring cash to reload your card as usual. Or even better, reload yourself at somewhere like Caring or Guardian so you won't get charged RM0.50 reload fee and use the balance to purchase My50. If there's one advantage is that you can purchase the reload for other people's IC but that's it. It still won't save them the hassle of the counter experience.", "Or even better, reload yourself at somewhere like Caring or Guardian so you won't get charged RM0.50 reload fee and use the balance to purchase My50.\nyou can do that?\ud83d\udc80", "Yep. If your TnG balance in your IC is more than RM55, just go to the counter and say want to renew My50. Seeing that you just give your IC without a piece of RM50 along, they know you meant to renew using the TnG balance. No charge.", "hindsight that was obvious, but still, should've known it earlier haha"], ["I'm looking to give a present to my friend who likes having a calendar with interesting photographs / artwork, something like this. The only shop that I know of is Kinokuniya at Suria KLCC.", "if rajin, you can customize your own calendar on photobook(dot)com(dot)my.\nCan put any pictures and even add custom quotes or anything.", "can check eslite also."], ["Anyone ever been to the Outward Bound School (OBS) in Lumut? Fees are quite pricey, is it worth it to send my kids?", "Went for work training. Best!! How old are your kids? Usually i see adults je, SIA pun hantar their pilot cadets to train here", "Oh really... My kids 11 and 13, they do have specific programs for kids, just wanted to know if worth to send. A friend said that its good exposure to send to boarding school later", "my program was pretty hardcore physically so I guess their programs for kids are more laid back. The dorm and shower condition is kind of..meh, reminds me of army barrack lol so for the kids who are used to the usual luxury at home it may bring some discomfort, but other than that I enjoyed the experience. If you can afford it I think it's worth it.", "I see, alrite then, thank you!"], ["Spicy threads today. Y'all woke up and decided to choose violence against SG?\nToday's traffic is actually pretty okay, hardly any jam. I arrived at work in 45 minutes, which is pretty early, with the bottleneck at the Lebuhraya Salak merging into Old Klang Road.\nI should call my ex \ud83d\ude0f", "Its probably a pushback/response to the thread posted by a Singaporean last night asking why non-bumis are still proud/defensive to call themselves Malaysian.\nThe thread has since been deleted, but scrolling though it it was kinda blatant the poster was fishing for some sort of a \u201cMalaysia is terrible\u201d response, which most repliers did not give.", "saw that thread as well. downvoted it", "i missed drama dammit"], ["Hi guys. Recently, my facebook reels feed is showing these Chinese grocery store skit by the same group of actors although their roles change depending on whose reels I am watching.\nI am interested to know the actual source of this, I find these short videos rather entertaining. This is one poster I follow for the videos but I feel like the account only reposts the videos from original source.\nThank you."], ["anyone of you have video recording of your car's dash cam rear camera? want to train a ML model using the recording. can i have it?"], ["Hi morning, I'm from brunei and would like to send my parcel to miri, what is the best way to do this, can I use any post office or skynet, thank you for any help or suggestions", "just use kekal maju. their brunei branch is at Jangsak. got many trips to miri per week."], ["living in a aparment, there's a neighbour above me who let their cats stay outside of their house in a cage. problem now is that the cats are always meowing in the morning when people are still trying to sleep, if it was a small meow it's ok problem is the meow can be hear through the whole flloor. is there any law or things we can do, as trying to comunicated with the owner is futile as i have try contacting them but they never open their doors to communicate.", "you'll get used to it. i have 3 mosque surrounding my apartment, imagine that.\neither that or soundproof.\nor cat repellent.\nbtw their \"cats\"? how many are there?", "2 adult cats meowing every day from last year till now hahaha mosque i can tahan for some reason the cat's meowing i just cannot", "in the past i have a lot of troubles with people let their cats roam outside too\nfirst they like to pee/shit on other people's lawn eg: mine.\nand they are a threat to birds/squirrels..\nsince this is reddit i cant advocate for anything illegal...\nthe most pragmatic thing you can do is to soundproof\nor keep a dog , my dog kept all the cats away. but you live in an apartment:28915:\nother less savoury options exists too..", "inform the management?", "have inform them few times always say will take action but no changes from last year till now. i have videos of the noise the cats make but not sure if it's sufficiant to make a report to police.", "Get other residents to band together and make some noise to the management. Also bring it up at the next AGM, maybe try to kick out the current management.", "show us :26554:"], ["anyone succesfully do the ekyc on padu? I keep getting rejected even with good lighting, no glare etc :/", "try a darker background, make sure cards inside the dotted box , your face in the dotted circle. one of these things should make it work. and no flares.", "First try fail, second try I smiled a bit then can. The detection algo wants you to be nice :)", "did mine seamlessly, everything done in less than 10mins"], ["36 yr old, 3mil ringgit cash, is it good enough? 4% interest just rm10k a month, so although most ppl can't even hit 1mil at that age but I don't feel rich at all.", "Showing off my earning just doing nothing in yr 2023\n\nAnd yes I wasn't happy coz I eat the same food no matter how much passive income I got. How much can I eat? 10 meals per day?!", "Got property/a fully paid place to live? If got, then enough for basic FIRE life. If don't have, not enough. Back to work.", "Haven't paid off but can if I want. No brainer pay off coz my dividen is more than my mortgage interest", "maybe you should adopt altruism in your life", "Look buddy, if you want to show off how about buying me a steak dinner? I'll sing praises to you between mouthfuls of delicious beef.", "Not everyone is poor like you man. Tons of ppl in Malaysia have that or more than that\nIf not those landed that cost 2-3mil bought by who?", "Well hey those tons of people can buy me dinner too. Heck pay my car instalment and I'll be your bestie*\n* terms and conditions apply", "all that money and still can't buy love and attention?", "How to buy geniune love not sugar baby?", "be a kind and good person. it's free", "And why you need money to be kind again?", "Tak cukup. Sikit sangat tu.", "bro just humble bragging in DT \ud83d\udc80", "Not even humble bragging, this is bragging bragging.", "if you dont feel rich with 3mil no amount of money will make you feel like one", "5mil", "jangan layan dia ni, every day flex kat DT ada duit banyak pastu delete comment, weirdo", "sked robber come find him kot"], ["Because I've been switching between Darktide and Project Zomboid\nI got weirdest dream/nightmare that I'm slashing zombie and running to find safety\nI only woke thanks to my ma screaming that I'm late to work", "You sure that's not Hadron screaming at you?", "Nah, she a sassy ass Tech Priest that sometimes bricks ya weapon\nMeanwhile my ma just straight up scream \"woi!!! Dah dekat pukul 7!!! Bangun!!!!\""], ["Moving this post by u/Sorry_Landscape_9675 (the mod team has committed to do this for removals with a mental health component). The user has been informed this has been moved here, so please do add your replies below -\n29 yo male - Not used to be fat and now stuck for 4 years in life. NEED HELP, Please\nI used to be fat in high school 110kg. Then Iater after college, I started working, Introduced to gym and healthy lifestyle. I walked to office everyday which is less than a km apart. Long story short, I lost weight and fat. 82kg with only 15% fat and I am 179cm I was more confident than ever.\nLater the pandemic struck and the gym is closed. I dont and cant enjoy working out at home because I dont have that rugged and heavy duty equipment at home which will cost me ten of thousands to set up at home. I gained tons of weight because I used to eat like a hog and compensated with having an active lifestyle. But just that now i am not physically active as I used to.\nI quit my job in early 2021 because I found business opportunities in COVID. I sell covid test kits, I manage doctors, I partnered with clinics and conducted a huge mass testing for factory workers and construction workers.\nI made more than half a million in less than 6 month and it was a fun experience since I am really into business and selling. I think I just found my path in life. But having huge amount of money in a short time made me shock and I dont really manage my money well. Later, I found that I only have 20k MYR (I am a Malaysian)\nI bought many Steam games. Eat out at pricey restaurant and bought many big boys toys. Drones, Camera stuff, and High end PC. Giving present to my mum and dad, paying food for my friends when we were hanging out. I was engrossed in gaming. Late night gaming, while eating crap food via Grabfood (like ubereat). I got distracted a lot and i neglected my business. Later the Covid receded and the world back to normal. I dont have any customer anymore. Yet, I still keep paying for the store rent to keep my business equipments. It was like that for almost 2 years,\nNow I am 126kg with 29% fat. I lost muscles and gained weight. I got back to my hometown somewhere in the east coast of Malaysia and stuck with my mum after my father's demise early 2023. I am having issues dealing with my fatness. I am not confident at all to deal with people other than my mother and people really close to me. I avoid reaching out my friends, families and I am afraid seeing other people. What more to look for job or start a business.\nI am afraid of being judged as fat and tell me what you will but all in my eyes is showing that people see fat people are obnoxious and seen negative by many. Always being the dumb character in the movies and pop culture and media. Thus, making me hating myself a lot. Now that I am fat, I cant enjoy anymore going to the gym as I am not comfortable with the surrounding inside the gym. I cant stand being stared or watched even for the slightest second. I am extremely sensitive and I got easily harmed when doing any extreme physical activity to improve my wellbeing.\nI dont know what to do and where to restart my life all over again. Dear readers, I have a burning question in my chest. What and how should I do to remove this negativity and self-hate in order for me to start progressing in life. What are the steps should be taken to be able to see the positivity in others and exclude my fat image from myself so that I dont become harmful whenever I have to deal with others.\np.s : I have 4 years of experience in Safety, Health and Environment (SHE), I have an aircraft maintenance engineering diploma. I have 4 years of experience in business ll togetger. I can sing, act and I do voice overs in Fiverr and I do some video editting just for fun. I enjoy reading about engineering, tech, philosophy, psychology and history."], ["Today can buy the ado tickets already but not sure if I'm willing to blow 600 bucks for it as much as I want to."], ["Hi, I am a tourist planning to visit Genting this weekend. I am just wondering if Genting Skyworld is crowded on Sundays? I know usually theme parks are crowded on weekend, but I figured out in Genting website that they put Sundays as \"non-peak\" days, does it mean people go there less compared to Saturdays?\nThanks!", "less than saturdays, but still pretty thick crowd."], ["I've seen a lot of fake shopee reviews, but foreign girls putting on tudung and using Google translate to target Malay women is new to me.\nOr maybe those girls are real, the reviews are not.\nMakes me wonder how much of reddit comment is real. Maybe a lot of them were paid to promote dissent.", "it looks like they just use random selfie and product photos together.\nMakes me wonder how much of reddit comment is real. Maybe a lot of them were paid to promote dissent.\ni wish i get paid to reddit lmao..."], ["Maggi goreng\nDonat\nUbi kayu rebus\nRandom local kuihs and bingka's\nReally should get rid of my habits of googling random foods when hungry or craving late at night. Can't sleep demmit", "Why do I read the first half like the Powerpuff girls opening scene. :26563:", "I heard that cravings are actually your brain's reaction to vitamin /mineral deficiency. Idk if it's true or not."]]} {"title": "AirAsia Malaysia CEO Riad to Leave Role After Almost 6 Years", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18usojc/airasia_malaysia_ceo_riad_to_leave_role_after/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [[""]]} {"title": "Airbnb gave a millennial couple $100,000 to build a wacky house in Malaysia. So they did.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uslu9/airbnb_gave_a_millennial_couple_100000_to_build_a/", "num_comment": 26, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": [["that visible AC compressor ruining the look lol"], ["RM450,000 and this is what came of it lol.", "30% of it probably goes to the platform tbh", "You spelled \"taxes\" wrong", "You spelled \u201cpocket\u201d wrong"], ["This cost 100k USD? Gosh I really wish we could get a price breakdown for shit like this.", "Seems like the homeowners had to fork out 10k USD to finish the project. According to them from the website, they said that they will still build it, but the funds from AirBnB just helped expedite the process.\nThey also planned to build two more in the future.", "That include the fish farm and the fish and etc attach to the house. They need to build the fish farm to build the house. Plus the cost of labour of building something on sea. Finally you think fibreglass is cheap or something?", "Typical Malaysian project lah\u2026 masuk poket\u2026..", "Before saying \"Typical Project\" malaysian, jenis masuk pocket.. maybe you can just checkout this overall project around the world. Some of them are even stupid than our coconut floating house. And talk about typical malaysian masuk pocket ? Meh. You should find better argument.", "There have been so many dumb commenters here who don't actually know how much investment has to go into building something that meets the requirements set by the government. If only they actually read the article.\nAs this is a floating platform, of course it has to meet up to the requirements. What if it floats away? What if it takes in water. All of this has to be taken to account to ensure that nothing goes wrong.", "I'm getting downvoted for stating the obvious."], ["Hmm i thought the hse had to be wacky...wasnt evvisioning this."], ["looks like a kelapa shell stripped of its hard outer shell and but upside down, with holes cut in it.", "I tot that's what they're going for?"], ["at least put the ac on the back lah:26563:"], ["There\u2019s already something similar built in Melaka with better structure\u2026and multiple units. I\u2019m gonna sound like a hater but this looks like a fail to me.", "You're indeed a heater"], ["Could have built 2 to keep Rajah Bomoh happy"], ["How much masuk pocket ?"], ["Airbnb should give it to a Chinese couple instead lmao"], ["Embarrassing \ud83d\ude48"], ["The materials and build quality looks cheap. Do they get to pocket the rest ?", "They had to use an extra 10k of their own funds to finish the project, so no. Read first before judging."], ["I saw this. Looks really like floating trash"], ["It floats"]]} {"title": "On the cat walk: how to follow in a tiger\u2019s footsteps in the forests of Malaysia | Wildlife", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uslev/on_the_cat_walk_how_to_follow_in_a_tigers/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Not all DBKL car parks are free, says city hall - DBKL says surveillance will be stepped up in concentrated areas of parking touts, after car owner complains of a scratch on her car after refusing to pay.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18urum4/not_all_dbkl_car_parks_are_free_says_city_hall/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["When I read this, am I the only one who feels DBKL is a really corrupt scammy government agency. DBKL got millons from assessment fees and licenses and permits that businesses pay. Why the fuck are they subcontracting parking space management, I notice to \"an unnamed private company\"? Why can't they just be professional and apply the same consistent rules to parking everywhere? Instead now it is exposed how DBKL is mandi tahi together with kutu parking. Ain al Tahi should be the name of that area.\n\u201cThis car park is under the control of DBKL, and fees are applicable during office hours until 5pm. In addition, DBKL has contracted a private company to manage eight parking spaces as valet services after office hours,\u201d the statement said.", "This happen when city councils are appointed by the government of the day, instead of locally elected by locals.\nWhile general and state election remains a lost cause, at the very least Malaysians need to take back charge of their own city councils, and elect their own mayors.\nThen again, if the general and state elections is any indication, local elections are very likely a shit show also.", "Well, the effectiveness of local elections is one thing, but it's even admittedly tougher to get people to do it anyway even if it's a damn basic function of democracy because some idiots want to make it about race so now no one can have democracy on a more closer level"], ["It\u2019s about freaking time"], ["As usual, DBKL has been sleeping on the job. Not surprised in any way."]]} {"title": "Mrs World Malaysia 2023 to showcase largest wau costume at Las Vegas pageant next year", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ures8/mrs_world_malaysia_2023_to_showcase_largest_wau/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["Hope she gets to wau the people there!"]]} {"title": "Anthony Loke shares video of ministry's commitment to strengthen public transport", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18urcp9/anthony_loke_shares_video_of_ministrys_commitment/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [[":29091::29091::29091::29091:"]]} {"title": "Weight of expectation on PBAPP after major water cuts, repairs next month - Chief minister says agency needs to ensure greater efficiency in checking, rectifying and delivering for consumers across state.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18urb6r/weight_of_expectation_on_pbapp_after_major_water/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 31 December 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uqztp/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Geopolitical Megathread"], "header": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread\nThis thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!\nGround rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.\nRationale: Why we have set this up\nThis thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!", "comments": []} {"title": "Trapped In Shopping Mall Parking Lot: A Three-Hour Ordeal | TRP", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uqwxf/trapped_in_shopping_mall_parking_lot_a_threehour/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Try any anime event in the Mines."]]} {"title": "Portrayals of Muslims in western media", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18upfz0/portrayals_of_muslims_in_western_media/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": ["Education"], "header": "Hello im a senior in highschool, currently doing a study of the portrayals of Muslims in western media for my PIP in society & culture and would greatly appreciate if you guys could do my questionnaire, Jazakallah. :))\nhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_h8YkZ8_tghw0KrqMVIBlAgeiv6zAJQ-qchX6pPMlCFaK5g/viewform", "comments": [["Someone had a hard time finding students in school :)", "very true, sadly there are no muslims near me to survey, and holidays as well makes this very difficult aha.."]]} {"title": "Another Vulnerabilities Exposed by People for the padu.gov.my website", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wwcaa/another_vulnerabilities_exposed_by_people_for_the/", "num_comment": 71, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "After this tweet was made, they have changed the API. Although, it is unknown how many citizens data has been leaked before the change was made.\nhttps://preview.redd.it/e5sdgn1qk2ac1.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fbab681ac3f04f2abbd0e5ca47536e12473c5fb\nhttps://preview.redd.it/9hsfpm1qk2ac1.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3563e86e29769c1e59c533abd28efc9892998b", "comments": [["For real? Why did they even set it that way.", "Dev : sukar ni tuan nak buat database begini Dalam 7 bulan\nTuan : bukankah Kita Dalam era teknologi, gunalah AI seperti chatgpt , Kan boleh Bantu\nDev : okay boss", "Ah yes the typical boss that didn't actually know what they actually asking their employees to do. Then when anything happens blame the employee.", "Funny thing is I can actually see this conversation takes place.", "So what happens here is\u2026 to set your password, you computer need to send your password change details thru API to communicate with the server. This is the core functionality.\nHowever, the wrong here is\u2026 server didn\u2019t authenticate and verify whether the user sending this API is the actual real user. Meaning any cat dog and Harry can send this API request to make the server update whatever info related.\nThis is akin to a stranger bringing a lock picker to your house, and the lock picker didn\u2019t authenticate whether the stranger is the owner of the house or not. And now the stranger has access to your house \ud83d\ude00", "Ah, now that makes more sense. But the same level of stupidity. Dang, so a whole lot of students are getting exposed of their private information.", "Yeasss. So creating an \u2018app\u2019 isn\u2019t ez, writing is ez though, it\u2019s as simple as me typing this sentence, however many considerations go into designing and infra and implementation which does a lot of heavy lifting at the back end and future proofing.", "Which is why successful companies are well equiped with proper talent. FE devs, BE devs, QA, DB team, SA, CyberSec. Not surprised if gomen makes their employees double or triple hat. The same guy working on frontend is also forced to do the cyber security stuff. Yikes.\nBut also, there is a very high likelihood they dont have actual POs to be the bridge between idiot bosses who dont even know how to save a docx and the devs who speak an alien language.\nEdit: typo", "Pay the least amount required to get it running and pocket the balance of the budget. In Cantonese they say cheap things no good things."], ["nice. now they just need to hack one database to get all the data from every citizen of this country.\nSo sick of handing over our personal data to jokers like this. I'm a developer myself and I wouldn't even call this a rookie mistake. this is just straight up shit level implementation.", "Hence why even developer is panning this type of system.", "I am not a dev. But once i login to the web, i can feel it just similar as other normal GOV website with low security and not friendly UI and bad UX.", "i blame the mindset that because we are in 2024 now everything needs to be faster. make development faster they said. dumb idiot go eat and poop instantly la it's 2024 already. what make it worse is these idiots are the one that becoming the leader."], ["They devs are actively monitoring any feedback on Twitter. If you found any issue make a tweet and tagged them.", "I'm no dev, but is there no security testing or best practice to secure an app before releasing to public?", "They probably just did Nessus which is not the most accurate tool in the box for them but it is a baseline for many, and didn't use an actual red team to do end to end pentesting before releasing the front end app to public.\nOn the other hand, even if they did sca, sast, dast, fuzzing, and set waf/api inspections public vulnerabilities still exist because there is no silver bullet to solve cybersecurity problems.", "We're not asking for perfection, but if they can't even do a pen test for a gov website with a country's citizens' sensitive data (in fact, a nexus for it!) ... it's a fail. Clear and simple.\nFail fast, whatever, do it with a pilot user group, not with real people.", "Well i dont know if they have any mandate to comply to some security framework or policy or standard...", "If you use common sense... it's an app that is used by a government for a country's citizens... not some startup app dealing in thirst traps trying to get traction every quarter. There has to be some level of due diligence. (Hell, Indonesians love to hack our gov sites for fun - this is something known in the local gov cyberspace)\nNow whether they give a shit about that... our gov's data leaks and nonchalant attitude towards them so far already say a lot.", "so they outsource their QA team to the public... nice", "That's.. being more common for games to be shipped bugged or as pre launch; with further testing by buyers..", "Pre-order PADU now and get your data stolen, for FREE!", "IT QA consultancies hate this one simple trick!", "If you have to actively monitor social media for your product security, you can quit your job because it just proved you don\u2019t know your own product."], ["There are shit rafizi get undeservely criticized for, but this one is deservely so. It's good that the system is develop 100% by public servants, but looking at all of this, do we not have an actual competent it team in the ministry?", "You can have the most competent IT team in the world and it will still be a shit product if the work is on top of existing workloads", "Yes, when they boast about the genius cost saving by having a ragtag team of dev working part time on one of the major IT projects. I don't imagine it is going to end well."], ["When asked about the cost of development, Rafizi said there are two parts to it. He said the manpower cost is \u201cfree\u201d because it is built by civil servants who have spent the last 7 months developing it on top of their existing tasks\nMost likely developed using ChatGPT.\n:26554:", "A database that houses all critical personal information is built as a part time job?\nWell done \ud83d\udc4d", "Incoming ChatGPT dapat kewarganegaraan Malaysia scandal", "ChatGPT for PMXI", "Some of the other countries are also developing their version of Digital ID to bring in CBDC. And they are all going to be compatible with one another, so we can assume some entity has created a template for easier development for all countries to use.\nIf it is really develop by a foreign entity, then it will be a national security issue because our data could be access externally and it is worse than simply selling data to the highest scammer.\n\nAnd if Digital ID is about data, then CBDC will be about restrictions and control."], ["If anything Watch Dogs taught me is to approach centralised database with extreme caution. Security exploits are almost inevitable these days but they should not be making rookie mistakes such as this. They should hire white hats instead of the public doing the work for them.", "Not just public servants but a team of part timers... When you don't even want to pay full resources to develop a major IT project like this. They will have to save time, cut corners, etc to meet the deadlines."], [":26554:\n", ":26554:"], ["Grabs popcorn...\ncontinue to ignore PADU until dust settle down lmao.", "I've received the gov SMS this morning about the March 31 deadline? So, are we all collectively choosing to ignore the deadline or handover our data diligently and pray for the best?", "if they put deadline on this there are stupid as a rock."], ["And they have the gall to say we can use this tanpa was-was\ud83e\udd26", "He was right. Was-was or tanpa was-was make not difference :29091:"], ["Jesus, this is amateur hour."], ["Oh well I called it. But I inaccurately estimated by 364 days \ud83d\ude48\nhttps://reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18wauwu/_/kfyoc52/?context=1"], ["Heh, rakyat become unpaid QA. And They said the data will not be leak and safe LOL \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23. Basic API also fail."], ["Yeah I not going to bother with this until I desperately need to. They claim to be secure system etc but there's a lot of vulnerability found on day 1 as if they never beta test this stuff. This is why we always getting the scam caller and many more."], ["That sounds about right. They probably spent tens of millions building this thing with some local bumfuck company. 1 million to company. 99 million kick backs.\nThe company probably used chatgpt to code it\nThe data on Padu is probably minimal value anyways. A lot of effort to fleece poor people."], ["i would LOVE to know how much they paid for this, cause im 100% sure i can do it alone for half the price and still make a fortune"], ["Hello Chatgpt, please make code to hack PADU website\nEz job"], ["Shit developers. Fucking shit."], ["got a message asking me to sign up for this PADU thing. This post isn't doing much favours for my already low expectations. Should I avoid this after all?"], ["Is it mandatory to do this PADU thing?"], ["Looks like the early bird got the bad worms"], ["Reject PADU while you still can, reject Digital ID.\nDo not reduce yourself to become some data for a them to easily catergorised on who will be eligible for \"Ration Stamp\"", "If you don't register, not only will you not get your \"Ration Stamps\", your existence won't even be acknowledged and your rights will be non-existent.", "I think the key success to a product is its user base, just like any social media platform. If no (or relatively small) users registered, it effectively rendered the system useless."], ["Common Madani L."], ["Just last 2-3 week register then, a lot exploiting factor , we need these hero keep fuck the government"], ["Well maybe more discover later..... new developed system, need time to improve"], ["/technical:true pasti ke API dia semudah tu je? bukan dia authorize berdasarkan token dalam cookie ke?"], ["This exploit been patched."], ["Invoke"], ["It's not compulsory to register PADU right? What am I missing out without it?"], ["I am interested to know which company or cable did government hire to build our websites.\nAnyone have any insight?"], ["Tokenization? How is it possible? Is it past developers leak the source code and API endpoints? You gotta do tons of guessing for that params bro."], ["Gambling website had better security than what ever tf is this lmao.\n"], ["From what little I know about government projects, there are a lot of \"meet the criteria\" stuff to do before putting stuff public.\nNever once throughout the development were vulnerability asked and the only things asked were legality (state legal counsel) and \"mandatory information to collect\" (not sure where it originates from).\nHowever, the information are state level so not sure whether it applies to central government projects."]]} {"title": "Dr Wee: Do not burden patients undergoing T&CM treatments with SST", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y7qyl/dr_wee_do_not_burden_patients_undergoing_tampcm/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["*Do not burden patients undergoing treatment with SST\nFTFY"], ["Dr, Wee this time you have done good. Kudos"], ["Oh didnt know gov will raise sst to 8%."]]} {"title": "/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 31 December 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uo8pw/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/", "num_comment": 80, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.\nApa tanda si pinang kelat,\nBila dimakan terasa malan,\nApa tanda orang beradat,\nBila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.\nDad joke: I've lost control, I don't see an end, there's no escape. I don't even have a home anymore\nTime to buy a new keyboard", "comments": [["I just want my brain to forget everything except basic life functions.\nSudo delete all."], ["Happy new year to everyoneeee"], ["\nSomehow we made way to fireworks. Happy new year nyets!"], ["Happy new year, nyets!\nHope this comment will never end up with negative replies!", "Negative replies", "negative replies"], ["\nBought a new pillow for myself while anak got a new shoe which he wants to wear it directly after paying.\nHoping for a better sleep in 2024."], ["Happy new year Nyets!!\n"], ["Happy New Year ya monyets!"], ["Happy New Year to all the r/malaysia nyets!"], ["Happy new year everyone\ncelebrating alone again this year", "Hey Happy New Year fellow stranger :D! If it's any consolation....you're not the only one celebrating it alone in front of a screen either.", "Berakhirnya your zaman bujang tahun ini.\nSambung pulak tahun depan\u2026", "\ud83d\ude22"], ["Happy new year 2024, for all nyets.\n(And the fireworks outside finish too soon.)", "That's a sign of our current economic situation unfortunately."], ["People who be spending new years alone not by choice where ya at?", "lining up at a Starbucks trying to order a Java Chip Frappucino lol"], ["\nNye celebration? Whatever. Sis busy doing this.\nfinger was for scale", "Oowwwh that looks like a 1/8 scale. Very beautiful. My wife loves doing miniatures too", "I recently got into this. Quite therapeutic I\u2019d say.\nDo you do the miniatures with her?", "Noooooot really. I\u2019m don\u2019t have the hands for it.\n\nIn this picture except the raw materials of the furniture (furniture assembled by hands), mat and backdrop, pretty much almost all is hand made", "Broooo her works is immaculate! That\u2019s a really clean set.", "Ahaha many thanks. She does it for 1:3 scale dolls. She did them miniatures but normally after photograph one time, it\u2019s no more in used. Theres many other miniatures she made\n\nSet in question (IG handle in picture)"], ["anyone else punya unifi slow? or is it just me", "Ya same, i can't connect to any sites."], ["i fkng HATE TM :26559::26559::26559::26559: alr pay pun slow mcm babi"], ["\nEnd of the year is going great!", "\nHe on the other hand is like \"i aint playing your bs game lady\""], ["I just found out that my brother who works in KL vlogs about ACG stuff in his off time."], ["[Fresh grad] Is joining a Big 4 consulting firm good for career at the start?\nRecently offered a tech role in a consulting firm. Wondering if it's worth the stress and long working hours in return ?\nHad another offer where the startup offered me a tech role for RM500 more than the consulting firm, which would you pick ?"], ["Anyone spending NYE alone like me?\nI\u2019m planning on eating at KGB Burger, buying a six pack then going home to my dog and enjoying some shows to welcome NY.", "Me.\nMaking my usual dinner, then cleaning the house, doing some upkeep and eating oranges.", "What\u2019s for dinner tonight? Not a bad way to welcome 2024 imo hehe", "The usual - main entr\u00e9e are chicken breasts, the current craze I have right now is eating them with pasta.", "Pasta \ud83e\udd24 and what sauce did you use? Happy 2024 btw!", "Just the usual Prego in the can. I toyed with the idea of making my own but it feels that it'll cost more than just buying the store-bought version.\nHave a happy new year too!", "Can't beat Prego tomato sauce. It's really gooddddd.", "Me\nInstead of buying six pack\nI tengah refining my six pack", "Oh damn can I touch your six pack", "", "Dah 30\nBedtime is 9:45 \ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd2d", "I know the question, Saje xnak jawab\nMana ada fiancee\nKira duit jaa delulu\ud83d\ude02", "You said \"she is going to move in with me\" that's a plan not delulu."], ["Oooh Pendatang is very decent. Kudos to the director for portraying orange sendiri as the baddie and not conveniently using an external enemy."], ["Anyone got recommendation for countdown place ah? Somewhere close in between Seremban and Kajang"], ["Hi all, need your advice regarding last working day. Is it okay to hand email in my resignation letter to my boss even though he is OOO?\nMy boss is out of office until 8 Jan 2024. He is the type to totally block all work related stuffs during OOO.\nAs I have a new offer, I plan to email and hand in my resignation letter effective on 2 Jan 2024, and start serving my 2 month notice until 1 March 2024. My new job starts 4 March 2024.\nHowever, since my boss is unlikely to see my email until he starts work on 8 Jan, I\u2019m afraid he would make me change my last working day to 7 March 2024 quoting it\u2019s inappropriate to resign during his absence. What should I do in this case?", "Is ok just email to your boss or hr. Remember resignation date take effect on the day you send or email the letter. It's up to your boss if he read or don't read. If they don't acknowledge that then just mention you will bring this up to jabatan buruh. Good luck with your new job."], ["stocked up on some Strong Zero beer (or more precisely, RTD cocktail) today. Man I'm so getting hung over this NYE......"], ["Anyone here has experience reaching out to ombudsman (OFS) relating to fraud involving bank staff? Just wondering if I should get a lawyer or OFS"], ["\nLate Christmas party with my favourite nyets. Everyone brought their A game to the both the gift table and food table. Happy new year everyone \ud83c\udf89"], ["why is it so hard to get decent jeans nowadays :( too many skinny or ripped jeans. if its not those then usually they look rather ugly lol", "Levis?"], ["Me, looking at this month's gaji: \ud83d\ude0d\nMe, after paying car insurance, road tax and replacing the aircond in my room: \ud83d\ude2d\nSemua salah mamat ni", "Got a bunch of extra bonus and retention money this month \ud83d\ude0d\nThen I look at payslip to see just how much government steal from me \ud83e\udd7a"], ["Second question:\nI'm traveling through Malaysia and we were thinking of going to Penang/Georgetown next, but it seems like the weather isn't great and won't become any better the next couple weeks. Would it be worth it to go or would you recommend to skip the whole area if the weather isn't gonna be great?", "weather throughout the whole Malaysia is going to be largely the same, so I don't think it really matters where you go, it will rain regardless", "weather wont affect your city trip much. might want to prepare 1 or 2 indoor activities each day, just in case."], ["Hi guys!\nCurrently in KL for New Years. Just heard the fireworks are cancelled... Bummer!\nAny tips for tonight though?"], ["Cracking open a cold ginger beer tonight, a toast hoping 2024 is a better year for all of us.\nAlso looking forward to gw new mini release", "I'm waiting for the Death Wing Assault box price :/\nBut I'm torn.. I'm purely into painting the minis and don't play the game, so the codex and data cards will be a waste. So thinking if I should get the box or wait for individual releases.", "I would wait too or maybe find someone who wants the codex but not the models."], ["Happy last day of 2023, guys. I'm still on vacation until next Saturday so no work for me yet hehehe."], ["I'm here in a 3 day camping music festival, just like those we see in Coachella and Glastonbury. I haven't been to any of the music festivals back in Malaysia but I don't remember we had any which we could camp in. It's seriously a ton of fun and I hope if we ever had a chance to do something like Good Vibes again, it should be a thing."], ["Last evening my friends and i had a little gathering for secret santa cum new year, we rented airbnb and had potluck eeep i had so much fun! Coming home afterwards with the big paper bag from my santa (which funnily enough was my santee for the last one, and last, last one), kit was the first to claim his gift \ud83d\ude02\n", "\nAnd they take turns \ud83d\ude02 oml i kenot la with these two, fucking hilarious"], ["Is there gonna be NYE celebration tonight or its cancelled \ud83d\udc2f\ud83e\udd14\nIf yes, where \ud83e\udd14", "trx, velocity, ioi city mall, lalaport, ioi mall", "I wasn\u2019t aware that ioi city was also doing it as i wasnt really planning to go to one, but saw your comment while having late dinner with my friends and we quickly headed there. Had a really good time watching the fireworks so thank you for your psa.", "haha, no problem! happy new year!", "Happy new year!", "Sunway Velocity, iOi Puchong.", "Thanks \ud83d\ude48", "Also Kiara Bay Kepong! Got food and live band performance hehe. Welcomeeee HNY :3", "Curious too. If there is no firework at KLCC where to go?", "can try Sunway Velocity"], ["I had mutton briyani with mango lassi at The Ganga Cafe @ Bangsar yesterday, and it was alright. The portions are quite big; shown here could probably satisfy two average men, or maybe four women. Total cost is approximately RM50.\nThe clientele are mostly Indians, although there's a Chinese family eating naan there when I came in. Overall the place looks decently clean, although finding parking in the neighbourhood (it's a residential area) sure is a bitch.\nTonight, I guess I'll be staying in. At my age it's not a matter of what, but with who to do stuff with, and I'm all tapped out on that area \ud83d\ude05"], ["out of curiosity, do i need an international driving license if i were to drive down to Singapore?", "I don\u2019t think you need. Drove there a few years ago with MY licence."], ["Fell in love with protective hairstyles. Probably gonna make it my whole personality in 2024.\nBack in 2021 I planted some vines, I thought it would grow to be pretty hedges. It did grow, but reality doesn't follow my imagination. Now I have to take it down so this house would look less like a ketum addict's."]]} {"title": "Street racing in kuantan", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18unzku/street_racing_in_kuantan/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I am a student from selangor currently studying in pahang. So me and my friends are having midnight walk around Kuantan on weekends. And at about 1 o clock I saw about 20+ cars were racing in front of gio mall.\nSo the question is are the race legal? Why are they racing in the middle of city? Isn\u2019t the race dangerous to pedestrians or other street users and why they still do it?", "comments": [["illegal but oh well\nsame goes to weekend plus highway to pd, got so many fucking mat rempit haish cannot feel the night ride langsung"], ["babes rempit come in all forms. its not just motor HAHA also it happens around the nation also in highway etc not just pahang", "Yeah it is shocking me the most knowing it happened in the middle of the city"], ["Not legal\nEgo and brain problem\nNo shit Sherlock."], ["One of my friends who lives in kuantan said this happens every week and that makes me wonder isn\u2019t the police aware of it if it\u2019s happening that often"], ["Short answer, its illegal yet they just wanna relieve their passion.\nLong answer, it is illegal but Malaysia dont have much facilities for legal racing and some area that does are expensive and strict. Plus the adrenaline when stuff is illegal is better.\nWhen theres no legal way to do something u love, ull resort to stuff like this. Do they know its illegal? Yeah. Do they know its dangerous? Probably but theyd think theyre too good to cause an accident."], ["Don't even bother questioning how their brains works. Better just stay far away from them"]]} {"title": "ASNB, worth it or not?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u7ofn/asnb_worth_it_or_not/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Genuine question from me (19F), I\u2019ve been thinking about different ways to save up my money/investing. I thought gold would be a safe option but they\u2019re not something I can buy while I\u2019m still a student working part time.\nI don\u2019t want to take the risk of stock market so while I was scrolling through twitter, I found out about ASNB and I thought that it would be a great option for me until I told my mom about it in which she responded with a \u201cno\u201d but when asked why, she didn\u2019t say a thing.\nSo does ASNB worth it? Is it a safe option to invest my money in? It\u2019ll be great if anyone could also tell their whole experience with it.", "comments": [["Investing in ASB is a no brainer for beginner. It's easy to invest, easy to withdraw, and higher return than FD."], ["The safest option as govt won\u2019t ever let it bankrupt/have no money to pay back. It is essentially backed by the govt"], ["You're 19. You can afford to take risk. Look into international ETF. The ticker is VWRA buy through IBKR. or VT buy through FSMONE.\ndollar cost average every month for the next 20 years. Average return 8% if ringgit depreciate like past 20 years, additional 2% from forex gains. Way better than ASNB"]]} {"title": "Is it legit for e-commerce platform like Shopee to impose LVG tax before the effect date 1 Jan 2024?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u6xs8/is_it_legit_for_ecommerce_platform_like_shopee_to/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "Is it legit for Shopee to impose LVG tax before the effect date 1 Jan 2024?\nAs consumers, we are forcing to pay extra for goods purchased from oversea seller(China) before 1Jan 2024 as the e-payment system already has tax included.\nDoes anyone encounter similar issue here? Is it rightfully for the e-commerce platform to do so? Do we have rights to not paying the tax before the effect date?", "comments": [["Where did you get this information from? I just checked on Shopee and found that they have yet to imposed the tax.", "This is actually my own experience. I initially want to make payment to two China sellers at Shopee platform on 29 Dec 2023 and the price of items purchased has marked up to 10% from their regular price setting in their e-shop. E.g, a RM10 item is now priced at RM11 and their replied to my query is that the new price setting is requested by Shopee to include a 10% LVG tax. They just follow the instructions as Shopee oversea seller. I have also send in an email to Shopee to seek their concern about this issue on the same day and have not getting any reply from them. This truly make no sense\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21", "because by the time your item reach malaysia, it will be after 1st of January 2024, then going thru the kastam your item will then be taxed AFTER 1st of january 2024. They charge you earlier because they estimate item entering malaysia before 1 january 2024 is not possible."]]} {"title": "Police to probe RM700mil spent on govt publicity since 2020", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uhotn/police_to_probe_rm700mil_spent_on_govt_publicity/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Won't be surprised if this one gets swept under the carpet as well.", "Agree bro. Probe then sweep. Then forget"], ["How much per sms spam from GOV?"]]} {"title": "Kuala Selangor fauna(Mangrove broadwalk to Eagle feeding)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uhfb7/kuala_selangor_faunamangrove_broadwalk_to_eagle/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": [["In pic 19, although the tourism board label it as \"Eagle\" feeding,there are no actual eagles, they are Brahminy kites instead which feed along the whiskered terns(limited to 20 photos so did not post clearer image of terns)", "Nice catch! Love your pictures too. Malaysia does have an under appreciated bunch of local wildlife. Them fiddler crabs are just so enigmatic looking"], ["Pic #1, your average r/Malaysia nyet :26554:"]]} {"title": "Somalian Tiktok Influencer Safiah21 Disturbing People In Starbuck Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uh11w/somalian_tiktok_influencer_safiah21_disturbing/", "num_comment": 185, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "", "comments": [["So we got a Johnny Somali case here?", "apparently it's funny to harass people in public", "Wannabe somali", "Oh lawd"], ["I saw the original video and damn everyone was supportive. What's the world becoming to ><", "ohhh jgn memain dengan tiktok, the place where people easily influenced mcm kerbau kena tarik hidung", "Makes me hate TikTok even more", "Me whenever I see PN punya tiktok appear on my reddit/yt feed\nhttps://tenor.com/bqqkD.gif"], ["Let people drink and eat what they want :26563:\nAlso me: Eww Starbucks people and their glorified overpriced sugary water :26556:", "I agree. People who are boycotting should leave others alone.\nI don\u2019t support the boycott movement because it\u2019s nonsensical, but I also don\u2019t buy from Starbucks because it\u2019s overpriced.", "terrible overpriced coffee*. its only overpriced in malaysia, they actually compete in europe because starbucks malaysia is majority owned by a chinese tycoon who is as ignorant as ever.", "True, large cappuchino or milk coffee costs 4.00-5.00 Euro in Germany same as the mid size in Starbucks. Venti costs 4.50 but is like 2x the \"large\" cappuchino elsewhere\nIts not only MY, Starbucks is expensive relative to local salary levels all over asia. In Taiwan one venti milk coffee costs like three meals on the street, WTF?", "In the end, it's people and their money if they want to boycott they can boycott if they want to buy from them they can buy from them. What I don't like is when these activists that harrass and shame people.", "thats basically every single activist out there.", "how is it nonsensical, may I ask ??", "Boycotting Starbucks in relation to Palestine doesn't make sense. They're actually getting boycotted by pro-Israelis for not being Pro-Israel and boycotted by Pro-Palestinian for not being Pro-Palestinian enough.\nThe entire story started because some Starbucks workers who were trying to unionize tweeted some Pro-Palestine stuff (which they later backpedaled from and deleted). And Starbucks sued them for using Starbucks copyrights/trademarks. Starbucks didn't actually care about the specific issue, they were targeting the workers for unionizing and for using their brand to post stuff.", "Because boycotting USA companies does nothing other than harming workers here of their honest job. The execs and shareholders are basically losing nothing but their investment money, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. They're also very loosely tied with USA Starbucks, which again will hurt no one in USA.\nAvoid starbucks because their coffee is shit, not because nonsensical reasons.", "i mean the workers would have to be paid one way or another, regardless if they boycotted companies are losing sales or whatnot right? If the company failed to pay its workers and staffs then isnt it on them, instead of the people boycotting it ? the company had to make responsible, not the ones boycotting it no? I'm just genuinely curious", "the company had to make responsible\nThe thing is that there is no franchisee of Starbucks in Israel or Palestine, anyways. So how can Starbucks ever comply with the boycott movement to act \"responsibly\"?\nThey are literally the largest global fast food chain with no presence in Israel already. If people boycott them over Israel, they harm non-Israeli businesses exclusively\nIn case of MY Starbucks, its a local franchisee which sources from mostly non-US companies. Starbucks only loses on the variable part of the royalties payments, the majority of the harm goes to local workers in Malaysia and ASEAN (Starbucks workers themselves, but also suppliers like the Kerry Factory in Johor)", "Smart people know this, dumb people boycott", "Indeed, I saw people claiming McDonald's is an Israeli company lol.", "I will say this, My palestinian friend tried to lecture me about the Boycott IN A MEKDI lol", "If the Starbucks store in Malaysia got no business, they first reduce the number of staff (Malaysian), then maybe they are forced to close down. The franchise holders lose their money (Malaysian).\nStarbucks HQ back in Seattle is like oh no, we lost 1 of our 35711 stores... Anyway...\nEven if you manage to bankrupt Starbucks world wide, the US gov is oh no... Starbucks is bankrupt, anyway... Let's continue doing what we were doing with our first second and third largest military armies in the world", "Because a good percentage of people who are \u201cboycotting\u201d literally went to Starbucks and McDonald\u2019s when the 4 day ceasefire happened. The point is, many people are boycotting now just for social media clout or because it makes them look good in the eyes of others around them. I can guarantee that a good majority of people who are swearing they would never buy from American brands again to buy within few months. That\u2019s why I said it\u2019s nonsensical, they focus on short term goals rather than aiming at long term goals."], ["What about those workers earning a living there?", "who cares, let's people here don't have a job, die cannot eat, all their family members need to be neglected,as long as idk somehow saving Palestine by doing that?", "Malaysians losing their jobs is a worthwhile sacrifice for them. Because they claim it's easy to find a job.\nIt took me 1.5 years to find a job here even with a university degree.", "Because their mentality is that jobs that are easy to find are retails and Grab. Yeah, real career advancement.", "You can already see those comments on tiktok.", "All the while those on top who organized it wear luxury brands and drive luxury cars that support Isreal\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "Everyone should support Israel. They make the world safer by locking up Hamas terrorists.", "Ohhh boy, I guess you don't know who is funding them.", "Doesn't affect her, so fuck them", "Honest living at that \ud83e\udd72", "They can receive zakat instead.", "I saw someone asked the same thing on twitter the reply was...\n\"Don't worry Allah will grant them a better job...\""], ["I fking hate people like this. Let people do what they want as long it doesn't affect others.\nYou people need to take a chill pill."], ["Saw what somalis and pakistanis ( local and diaspora )wrote before abt malaysian minorities on twitter. Most of it are N*zi vibes and let say, not good.", "Oof, where did you read them? I might take a look myself", "I dont have the screenshot.\nBut I remember their messages be like \"Non malays should convert to Islam as the only way to achieve peace\" \"We have more rights over Malaysian non muslims once we enter Malaysia\"", "Last sentence is technically true.\nTheir children could be Bumiputera. They themselves can get ASB, if they got citizenship", "I think the fear of Rohingyas is justified if they demand citizenship. Look at those damn Somalis and Pakis are saying when they said non-Muslim Malaysians are beneath them.", "That is why they are one of the most hated ethnicities in the western countries."], ["There is no Starbucks neither in Israel nor in Palestine. There is also no Starbucks franchisee with HQ in Israel either\nPeople who boycott Starbucks because of Israel do so because one of the founders is an American Jew and achieve nothing except procing Israels bickering about criticizement of Israel being antisemitism right\nSBUX has little to do with this conflict as a chain of stores can...this is really stupid. Don't be ashamed dribmig your 1000kcal Venti Frappuchino\nSame with the McD boycott in MY...the franchisee is Qatari or Saudi lol", "I've been boycotting Starbucks way before it was cool, ever since I found out how horrible their \"coffee\" (sugar water) tastes.", "true hipster :)\ntbh I use them as a coworking space on travels all over the world. Buy one venti black filter coffee and use their comfy seats, plugs and wifi for half a day. Its a cost-efficient solution to get work done, and their filter coffee is just like any random black coffee quality-wise\nI would feel bad doing so at some mom-and-pop shop, buying only one drink for hours. Not so with Starbucks, because their franchisees are huge corps themselves\nCan't stand their sugary drinks", "I would feel bad doing so at some mom-and-pop shop\nit really depends on whether the shop is busy. For those who are not, i think they deserve your money more than SBUX.", "thats not the only thing. the world heavily boycotted israel during the early days under the british mandate when the arabs were fighting everyone. The jews supported the british against the barbaric arabs. However the whole world was very anti jew in the flow of weapons and equipment but turned a blind eye to the arabs who not only supported the nazis but started the violence in the first place. So the world had applied an unfair ruling to the jews letting the arabs do what they wish despite the rules but applying it to everyone else. The jews supported each other and managed to smuggle in their own weapons.\nBasically any boycott against israel isnt going to work, as they had experienced boycotts from the start. Not even the british allowed their own to sell weapons to israel during its early days so they developed the merkava tank. They even developed their own weapons that were very successful and used by the world even other muslim nations today out of the boycotts and restrictions they faced against terrible odds.\nSo i dont see how any boycott against israel would work given their largest financial income are from americans and they have succeeded under years of boycott.", "sorry but what the heck??\n\"barbaric arabs\"?? \"supported nazis\"?!!\nget your facts right!\nfirst of all, arabs have NOTHING against jews, they are just jews after all, we actually accepted them in palestine during WW2 when they were killed brutally by the nazi's.\nthen, we let them work in our country and eat and live among us like they were one of us.\nand until now, there are still palestinian jews who support palestine and are against the occupation.\nthe problem right now is with the \"ZIONISTS\", not the jews!!!\nthe zionists are the ones who we should all be against!\nso get your facts right and don't go around spreading false sh*t!!!!", "Damn you sound really angry does your anger make you wanna go around doing some ethnic cleansing of minorities?", "Ofc not, I'm actually very against the thought of wiping off a whole race!\nAnd yeah, ofc I'm angry, cuz ppl like u still exist.", "That's why nearly all Jews in Arab countries left, right?\nLet's not be delusional, such conflicts often end minority expulsions on both sides. We have seen it with Jews and Palestinians like we have seen it elsewhere, eg Greeks and Turks expulsing each other. There is rarely a \"good\" side in long-term conflicts\nAlso: 20 Karma acc made in Nov 23", "I'll tell you why all Jews left the Arab countries.\nFirst of all, all Arab countries are Muslim countries, which make it a bit hard for other religions to live their, especially Jews.\nSecond of all, Israel made it easy for all Jews to get the Israeli nationality, which made most of them go to Israel, or Palestine to be exact..\nAnd what about my karma? What does it have to do with what's happening right now??", "Wrong people boycott starbucks because 1. Founder is a staunch zionist in support of genocide 2. Starbucks the company sued Starbuck workers union in America for writing a pro palestinian statement.\nPeople boycott McD because - Israeli branch gave multiple thousands of free meals to IDF child killers while Palestinians children are dying of hunger and thirst\nAnti-boycotters clearly dont read and think they\u2019re the most intelligent people in the country when the opposite is true.", "Starbucks the company sued Starbuck workers union in America for writing a pro palestinian statement.\nhttps://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-10-18/starbucks-sues-workers-united-union-saying-pro-palestinian-post-damaged-its-reputation\nThey sued the union for using the \"Starbucks\" name and obvious similarity in their logo for this statement\nStarbucks sued for brand infringement. The Union could even ask for Jewish Genocide and it would likely be covered by free speech provisions in the US. But they shouldn't use Starbucks' name for politics\nFounder is a staunch zionist in support of genocide\nSo what? Siegl, the jewish co-founder, left the company 1980. He is now working as a keynote speaker (he did speak on events in KL, btw). If you want to boycott him for his opinion, boycott his speeches.\nIsraeli branch\nNot Israeli branch, but the Israeli franchisee, which is an Israeli company called Alonyal. As usual with such franchises, they act independently and McD has no right to immediately cancel their license over sth like that\nThe Malaysian Franchisee has nothing to do with Alonyals' decision, obviously.\nAnti-boycotters clearly dont read and think they\u2019re the most intelligent people in the country when the opposite is true.\nRight back at ya. As usual, BDS people embarrass themselves by swinging and missing\nIf you want to actually hit targets involved with Israel, don't buy Intel chips, don't buy Sodastream machines, don't buy Obela Hummous, don't buy Teva meds, don't buy PepsiCo products because PepsiCo has a Joint Venture with Strauss Group. These are examples of companies which run factories in Israel on their own, or are Israeli-owned or -based.\nBDS people could do all that, but they rather lash out at random big corps close-by because they have some links to Jews, because TikTok told them to do so.", "don't buy Sodastream machines\nDang they should boycott TeaLive now since TeaLive sells sodastream machines (which I assume they rebrand locally). However I love my sodastream machine, it really helps me cut down on other soft drinks as I discovered I really only enjoy the \"carbonated\" part of soft drinks XD", "The SodaStream boycott is also a tough one tbh\nThey had a factory in the West bank which they moved to Israel proper after public pressure\nBDS claimed a win, however, the SodaStream CEO criticized that they paid higher salaries than usual in Palestine (since IL salaries are higher than PS salaries) and employed mostly Palestinians, which thanks to the move lost their jobs because most couldn'T get a work permit for IL proper easily\nIn the end the boycott harmed both the company and Palestinians, but not Israel", "Who cares about Palestinian? Just need to show anti Israel. If Palestinian die,so what? Important is value signalling.", "The other person's name has an 88 btw. Take that as you will.", "What has my name got to do with it?", "I think they are implying that it's your birthyear and something about your age... but little do they realize it was your IQ.", "88 is a Nazi symbol. Stands for Hail H....\nBut hey, not likely he is using it that way", "I am taking about Howard Schultz. The man who is also against Starbucks workers having a union. If you couldnt care less about dying Palestinians at least care about the baristas and workers who dont have a union. Or just admit you dont care about other human beings and continue enjoying a shitty burnt coffee.\nhttps://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/howard-schultz", "So...the other guy who stopped being CEO at Starbucks. Great.\nOr just admit you dont care about other human beings and continue enjoying a shitty burnt coffee.\nSays the guy who wants to boycott a company on Malaysia and risk Malaysian jobs supposedly over people in the US not having a union lol\nAs I wrote, swinging and missing", "Its all just absolutism and whataboutism with you lot. You can\u2019t boycott everything because america holds too much power so you boycott what you can and the easiest thing is overpriced sugary coffee and fast food. By your rationale we all should just stop recycling since we use petrol cars right?", "You can\u2019t boycott everything because america holds too much power so you boycott what you can and the easiest thing is overpriced sugary coffee and fast food.\nI literally provided more fitting targets for a boycott including one of the largest US junk food manufacturers\nReading is difficult, I know", "Anti zionism is anti semitism according to the EU definition of antisemitism.\nHamas still has millions of Shekels and received billions of dollars from Qatar. No kid would be hungry if they cared.\nBoycotting Israel doesn\u2019t change a thing. You should boycott Qatar and Iran.", "You know theres a blockade right by Israel to allow food and aid into Gaza? No matter how much money Hamas purportedly has food cannot come in. Where do you get your news from: CNN BBC or Fox? Funny how the Palestinians are Levants so technically they are semites. So if you\u2019re against them are you anti-semitic too? I\u2019ll start taking the EU seriously when it criticizes Israel the way it rightfully criticizes Russian warcrimes. The West should be nobody\u2019s moral compass. They lost the plot decades ago.", "By the recent report that israel cutting off power and water, gives a clue to a lot of things. Israel controlling palestine to a tee. What money is good when you can't use it."], ["First of all, I thought this thing only happen in the US where a bunch of of TikTokers harrrasing workers and customers for not boycotting Starbucks.\nIt's their choice to to consume what ever they want. It's their money, goddamnit.\nThis user is using TikTok, which infact is supported by the Chinese Communist government that actively persecute and murder many Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. So this person better stop using the fucking app or else it'll be seen as hypocritical. And why stop here, this user is probably using products by Apple or Google in which they're supporting Israel. So that makes them even more of a hypocrite. Why bother shaming people for drinking Starbucks if you yourself are using products that are made by companies that support genocide? So stop with this fucking holier-than-thou mentality.\nI don't care if you're pro-Palestine or not, stop shaming people. It's their lives to do what ever they want. If you want real change, pressure your own politicians or lawmakers. Rant over, thanks for coming to my TED-Talk.", "Let's admit it, they only do selective boycott and ignore the rest."], ["Her harassment of people who patronised Starbucks has little to do with helping Palestine, and more to do with stroking her own ego and gaining likes on social media.\nInconvenient truth."], ["Cringe behaviour, time to buy starbucks tmr", "Belanja 1 ty"], ["she shd do it in Singapore. Then she will learn what is respect."], ["I hope she will deported out of this country for being stupid", "lol i expect the majority of the population here will treat her as queen while blaming the Cina for drinking in Starbucks.", "Funny how they told me as a non-Muslim that supporting Palestine is not for religion but humanitarian cause\nMy University had a \"Walk for peace\" campaign in honor of Palestine\nMy simple question, if this is for humanitarian causes, why was there no public outrage for the Ukrainians when Russia invaded? Why didn't they storm to the Russian embassy and cast them out?\nSimple answer: It IS about religion lol", "heck, there's even some malaysian teenagers on social media who supports Russia for their actions", "Support Russia, and then support Palestine later on. Lmao.", "I even approached one of them and they said they support Russia because \"Ukraine was under Russia during the soviet times\", like that doesn't make sense at all lmao. that doesn't justify anything", "That's a major facepalm.", "anddddd malaysia was under the british so whats his point. disappointing to see teens like this to have this type of mindset", "Total cringe. Imagine simping for the country that killed 43 of our citizens.\nMalaysia is too soft on Russia.", "It's probably the anti semitism thing that made them support Russia lmao", "It is not just Ukraine, the worse is there was lack of apathy for the war victims in Yemen and conflicts involving Muslim as victims elsewhere. Support foreigners in the expense of fellow citizens. Then blame cina for every problems caused indirectly by them. It is about religion, turning a blind eye when the perpetrators are muslims. Won\u2019t be so eager to be sopro pilistin now. I love Mekdi.", "Tbh, rohingyas in myanmar and people in darfur sudan are muslims too and they are prosecuted badly but no one goes and protest for them either.\nFunnily enough, rohingyas arrived in aceh indonesia but they are strongly rejected by the locals there just a few days ago, even the students went out and protested about them.", "Dont get started on some of the bs rohingyas have done here as well.", "I've read many Indonesians say that Rohingya refugees tend to behave terribly there, which is why they cant stand them any longer", "They behave very poorly in Malaysia too. Nearly every encounter I\u2019ve had with them isn\u2019t pleasant.", "Lets form a colony or mandatory territory for them and make a country out of the said territory. See how long it can last.", "yes, why is there no walk for armenia?", "Simple answer: It IS about religion lol\nnote: only the religion when practiced by Arabs\nThere's a genocide happening to Uyghurs in China but none of the muslims here seem to kick up a fuss about it.", "thats because its a counter genocide. All these terrible global preachers inciting hatred against the jews and non muslims, chanting loudly to convert western nations into islamic ones go unchecked outside china. You do that in china well you can see the results now. Mosques are being demolished and rules are being enforced to make sure there is no mosque too close to one another. Arrests are made for anyone who preach hatred and they would demolish any establishment supporting would be enemies.\nWhile china does have a racist policy in its integration, it however like poland is the only way against islamisation that would cause a country to go backwards as we have currently seen. The ughurs are not being genocided but being reeducated. Yes there are camps but they arent slave labours either as they get to use better equipment than malaysian farmers.\nIm not saying their approach is good, but currently no one in the world is giving a better solution to the muslim problem than china and poland.", "The ughyurs are not being genocided? Wow. Have you asked they opinion whether they are being ethnically cleansed or not?", "yes, i looked at both sides of the arguments. China does ethnic cleansing not by force but by ideology. Ask yourself why does china target the ughurs? What treat do they show to the CCP?\nThe answer - islam. Islam is a radical religion (if you study islam deeply you will come to this). If islam truely was peaceful, they would not be facing the same thing. Sure the CCP does trample on christians in china but not as bad as the muslims and with good reason.\nYou see while christian scripture has its horrors you would be far fetched to see christian radicalism except in the US against the church of satan which is actually a form of activisim against religion. christians thinks they legit worship satan. to me however all of abrahamic religions are from satan, they just call it god and dont want to admit it.\nShow me any good christian or islamic country. many countries in europe are atheists with only christianity for show.", "It's not about Islam. The Huis are Muslims too and they don't get targeted by the PRC government. The Uyghurs practice radical islam and commit terrorist acts, that's why they are being clamped down.", "That's what I was saying about the ughurs. However other Muslims say if you aren't radical you aren't a Muslim and consider you Kadir. Hamas will kill their own for watching porn. Therefore Islam radical and to anti terrorist is anti Islam. That's how the world responds", "Still remember the Malay in twitter either don't care or get angry at the women for throwing away their hijab during the incident of Iranian Protest. Something along the line of \"I know they are angry but throwing away hijab is too extreme\" \"They should not insult Islam this is wrong\" etc.\nIt's never human that they care.", "msu?", "Yeh", "Funny thing is I remember msu celebrating China's independence day for god knows what reason.", "Us Malays like to screw our fellow people for social media brownie points. Who make up most of the staff at Starbucks?", "Why blame the cina for drinking starbuck?", "pendatang/kafir harbi/DAP/Komunis/Sepupu Chin Peng pick your tagline here", "Who hurt u so bad bro?", "The average intelligence of the majorities", "Feel bad for you bro. Biasalah tak semua manusia tu baik hati.", "Lol xpayah cover bro, cuba korang baca komen kat TikTok tu, byk je member kau maki orang Cina sbb shorts tu ade \"muka sepet\"... dont expect much when most Malaysian are blinded with pemujaan yg zalim", "byk je member kau\nThere's no need for generalization, every race has their own bunch of assholes.", "Sorry bro. Aku tak ada tiktok. So selepas kau tersakiti, apa kau buat utk ubati hati kau?", "Minum Starbucks Dan makan mekdi", "I already don't support Starbucks because they use coffee specifically using CHILD SLAVE LABOR (look it up on Guardian news), against worker unions (countless news) or the horrendous olive oil in coffee travesty that makes everyone who drinks it has diarrhea.\nAnd all that from Howard Schultz who retired from the CEO position but his successor, Laxman Narasimhan is not any better since he said this month he only focused on demand and supply but not employee stability or wages. He doesn't address other concerns but makes new ones like using LLM (Large Language Model the actual name for fake AI) to make customers stay in Starbucks programs. (I'm putting it more kindly but he used the words \"Loyalty\").\nBesides most coffee enthusiasts know to stay away from burnt coffee made in Starbucks. Our Malaysian-made coffee is just miles better and cheaper to boot.\nThere are too many issues about Starbucks (not just Palestine) that I wish Malaysians took notice earlier, especially on worker rights.", "even malaysian starbucks which is heavily owned by a chinese tycoon, this chinese guy has the same idea as the american owners about the treatment of employees too and the same bad coffee and pricing. with those prices and popularity, i'd expect their barista to be paid at least 5k a month", "You know, with how pro-anything anti-Israel a majority of the Malaysian muslim population is, I doubt anything significant will happen to her. She might be ignored to continue her shinenigans until this schtick gets old and people start to feel embarrassed of her and thus of themselves because they had also enabled it.\nMy little future prediction anyway.", "israel has survived worse sanctions and boycotts before, thats how they managed to survive the brutal onslaught from the arabs. Not even the british would sell them military equipment that they started making their own and ended up one of the best in the world."], ["Go back to Somali and eat shit. Reminds me of another Somalian Tiktoker that has been arrested by Japanese authority due to a long list of criminal acts (trespassing, harassing civilians, making fun of nukes) he committed and live stream by himself when visiting Japan, the news say the sheer amount of evidence from his own videos is enough to put him under detention for years and investigation if the authority itemizes the all the crimes individually before the trial even start.", "Johnny Somal is a US citizen I think. He just uses that name for his shit. Dude is annoying as hell.. I don't like to target people's appearance but dude just looks annoying as fuck and even if you imagine him without hs antics, the way he talks, his appearance etc is just annoying af."], ["Deport her back to her country"], ["Not all Tourists are idiots people think they're because of people like these"], ["Somalia. Such a great and beautiful modern prosperous country built by people great religious people like Safiah. Hope she can return home soon. The rest of us would like that very much."], ["Another Karen mind ur own business"], ["r/imthemainchatacter"], ["More unemployed behaviour."], ["The Tiktoker hates Starbucks for it's involvement with Politics\nI hate Starbucks just because it's Starbucks", "The Tiktoker hates Starbucks for it's involvement with Politics\nThey hate Starbucks because it's the trend to hate on starbucks. They are clout chasing no talent vultures.", "Eh I wouldn't strawman the influencer too much , maybe she does have good intentions , but I find them annoying", "good intention? nah."], ["If I went in without intending to buy shit, that call out wouldve made me buy a drink and some for my officemates\nI support Palestine but this kind of activism makes me frustrated."], ["People need to learn to mind their own business."], ["Kick her the fuck out of our country wtf"], ["I believe they did the same in Istanbul and it was cringey af."], ["If I'm a foreigner of a country I would never do such stuff. Even in the US with free speech foreigners can get deported if they participate in a protest. She should go protest in her own country if she believes in a \"genocide\"", "That's not true"], ["people who support palestine and want to \"free\" palestine are the ones supporting genocide instead. The problem goes deep all the way into islam, and because israel so happens to be a jewish nation (with 1.5million arab muslims) suddenly they are the criminal and oppressor.\nYou should see what these muslim nations do, you really wouldnt want them around. Oh yeah a lot of people have had bad experience with a few muslim african nations too. Genocide against non muslims have been happening in nigeria recently. Armenia has been attacked by a turkish backed muslim nation keen on resuming its 100 year old failed siege, and more hate and anti kafir is being preached on a global scale to muslim to \"islamanise\" western nations, turning them into the same hateful backward middle eastern muslim nations."], ["I got cringed out"], ["I would have kicked him out if i was there."], ["Deport those Somalian \"pirates\" back into their country..."], ["Must be some deadbeat cousin of Johnny Somali. Unlike Japan some Malaysians might just beat his ass."], ["All \u201einfluencers\u201c need beatings, absolute human scum. Nobody needs them"], ["Get the f out of my country. I don't care what problems you have but we have the freedom to choose what we want to drink. Genocide is the Russian and Chinese propaganda against the America. My country doesn't need to get involved."], ["I love Starbucks after the boycott. It's so empty n peaceful, perfect place to meet clients n also do some work."], ["Alamak! What if somebody shouted Hamas are terrorists at her? \ud83d\ude02", "Cyberbullying using her minions on tiktok.", "Sadly, I can see that happening"], ["Look at me, this is my Starbucks now"], ["What an idiot. There is ZERO Starbucks presence in Israel.", "very few starbucks in europe. Some people appreciate the quality of their coffee you know, they dont care about a brand name."], ["Think I will order Starbuck\u3002"], ["Stupid cringe. Stfu. You want to support Palestine that\u2019s your choice. Convince people why that\u2019s right instead of shaming them, harassing them and forcing them to believe what you believe in."], ["The couple who left the Starbucks after that lady started shouting in public didn\u2019t leave out of shame, they left to not be harassed and out of reasonable fear an extremist would do something reprehensible."], ["So we have our version of \u201cPizzagate\u201d now?! :26563:\nJust leave people alone\u2026"], ["If I saw someone that looks like TikTok influencer filming something at a premise, I'd leave too. Don't wanna get involve in some shitty shenanigans."], ["If people wanna enjoy their burnt cheap arabica beans juice with a splash of a cheap Monin syrup for a crazy expensive price,let them be. I never boycott nor prevent people from doing so for whatever reason, I just hate the taste of Starbucks drinks. I went to Besut a month ago and I drank one of the most amazing coffee drinks that I have ever tasted for a fraction of the cost, plus they grind and brew the coffee beans in front of you and teach you how to do so. I didn't remember the cafe but there's an astronaut on the logos."], ["Starbucks drinks are shit.\nRegardless whether Pro-Palestine or not, this \"boycott\" has made me realise how much money we send to Western countries for no good reason.\nIf it's gonna be shitty sugar drinks, we might as well buy it from local brands like Zus, Gigi, Richiamo or whatever. Same shit but at least the money stays in the country.", "Hey hey, they started boycotting Zus for sounding like a Greek God too", "Berjaya Food operates Starbucks in Malaysia\nSure, Starbucks gets some royalties, but the majority of the income ends up at the Malaysian corp and. their suppliers, most likely\nNot sure who roasts the coffee for Malaysian Starbucks. In China, Starbucks operates their own plant. In India, its Tata. In Europe, its Nestle for the European Master Franchisee. Most likely its some company in one of the ASEAN countries supplying Malaysia\nMilk, Soy Milk and pastries are usually supplied by regional suppliers (in Europe the vegan milk alternatives are supplied by Belgian Alpro, for example, Milk is sourced locally in each country)\nSo, no, you don't have to avoid Starbucks to buy local\nSame with McDonalds, btw. They use a US company called OSI for sourcing meat in most parts of the world, which in turn relies on local farmers. Other goods are sourced locally on a regional level (eg Sauces for Malaysian McD are made by Irish Kerry Group at their Johor plant, Bread is made by ASEAN plants of Mexican Grupo Bimbo, Milk comes from some Japanese supplier AFAIK)\nYour local brand likely shares some suppliers with the Western big corps", "Starbucks drinks are shit.\ntheir food is apparently really good. lol https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bOkqFqqCAI4", "Meanwhile I think I\u2019m the only person in here who likes their drinks because it\u2019s nice to me", "Zus table so fucking small."], ["R\\crineworthy"], ["Who the fuck drinks Starbucks when we have our own coffee culture ? Doesn't matter if it was Jewish or Muslim I'd still boycott Starbucks because it serves crap coffee."], ["I'm not hating Starbucks at all, at least not now with the buy 1 free 1 until Monday. After Monday, that's another story for next year."], ["To each to their own id say. Ur money, if you wanna be a decent person then be la. If u wanna support genociders then support la.\nPersonally i just think people who buy Stabak n Kepsi ni bodoh, not bcuz ure supporting Israel thats u n god not me, but cibai the foods not even that food theyre getting worse kemon la sia.", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon\u2019t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon\u2019t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.", "Bluds out here resorting to exposing others kink just to support a brand that doesnt even care bout em, and support Israel? But hey, thats the best you can do. Terasa? Amik la bro"], ["Chad Somali"], ["And how is she disturbing people or Starbucks employees?\nThe video does not show that.\nCan the Author of this post please post an explanation?\nAnd I say this as someone who long boycotted Starbucks for years before the most recent Palestine issue. (Coffee acquired with CHILD SLAVE LABOR, they're against worker rights and unions and made the olive oil in coffee = diarrhea)", "How interesting, -15 votes but not a single explanation from anyone for DAYS,\nIf people actually bother to watch the video, it shows a couple checking the food (which faces are censored so I cannot check the validity, showing the woman having a thumbs up.\nIf those extremely normal actions are considered to be protesting, then a whole lot of Malaysians have questionable minds."], ["Stupid tourist. Malaysian doing our boycott without having to shriek inside the premise.\nWe fought with our wallets instead. Those who don't boycott, we don't hassle them.\nLive & let live"], ["I seriously condone punching mindless tiktokers like this on the face for the betterment of mankind."], ["Just mind your own business."]]} {"title": "Old school cool : revisitng 1998", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ugtih/old_school_cool_revisitng_1998/", "num_comment": 35, "flairlabel": [], "header": "We had Commonwealth games, Anwar getting arrested for reformasi and the financial crises\nWhats your fondest memory from that year?", "comments": [["Lesson from this video\nMalaysia good in preserving culture.\nPot hole\nCross the road sesuka hati\nNot maintain buildings\nNot friendly predestination walkway\nDouble park\nProton wira"], ["accessing the Internet via TMNet dial-up. Anyone remember babyrina? \ud83d\ude0f\nthe CM is Koh Tsu Koon from Gerakan. Since they're part of BN, okay lah\nwe would buy pirated game DVDs from malls, usually at the topmost floor. The one in Bukit Jambul Complex goes for RM12-RM15 per DVD\nBas Kuning ftw", "Bukit jambul complex omg. My fellow penangite I presume. I used to buy my pc game CDs from there. Good memories circling the top floor finding for my fav games during the holidays", "Yup, Penangite here! Of course I have fond memories of BJC (I was there back when there's an ice skating rink at the ground floor), but my most nostalgic CD/DVD shop would always be that place at Komtar (kinda hard to describe the location though lol).\nAlso back then there's a florist shop in Pulau Tikus that sells old PC games with their thick manuals.", "RJ computers :26554:", "Don't remember that, the old place that I can recall is Z'tronic.\nAnd of course Pineapple.", "Babyrina, we sure have cum a long way :26554::26554::26554:", "babyrina\nThere's separately one more, a Chinese girl. I thought she's Malaysian too, or at least claimed to be, supposedly was in Australia that time. Can't recall her name at the moment.", "Internet was introduced. Netscape navigator and yahoo paved the way. Mirc and icq happened and yes babyrina and Ckg Suraya were two staple names amongst the teenagers that time \ud83e\udd23", "Mirc and icq\nAnd MSN Messenger!", "One stop midlands better than BJC!"], ["I know it\u2019s probably just nostalgia and a lot of reminiscing of being a kid. But I always think there\u2019s something magical about Malaysia during the late 90s-early 00s for me when it comes to cartoons, musics, culture, entertainment etc"], ["Still hectic as ever around Kota Raya and Petaling Street, just more foreigners around and lots of homeless near CM."], ["All the cars seen are considered a shitbox today.\nAll the bikes mostly remain the same, small capchai dominated by ex5.", "Those mercedes cars are still around today. Back when German cars are reliable. Unfortunately the BMW and Citroen are gone today", "I still see quite a number BMW of that era today, the E36 and E39 are kinda reliable if maintained well"], ["I'm 5 years old in 1998, my only memories are buying steamed corn after kindergarten."], ["Video is going to be 26 yrs old. Half of 90s and 00s are entering 30s and 20s respectively. Holy...."], ["You can still see those 90s Mercedes E class today, but the BMWs ? Gone"], ["This is so so cool. OP thank you! Stuffs like this makes me feel connected to the past. Dear OP and mods, please don\u2019t take this down", "There are plenty of these videos on YouTube, this is probably taken from one of them.", "Ah really? Cool! Im gonna so go look for them, thank you"], ["world cup, brazil lost to France 3-1. Some food stalls in petaling street no longer there now. The food was real good back then.", "brazil lost to France 3-1\n3-0. The year I started to go football crazy"], ["For the first time , young gen X felt that we might lose our jobs after the Asian Financial crisis . Gloomy times as available jobs everywhere start to dry up , we were so used to walk in interviews held in numerous hotels."], ["They playing cricket in full uniform back in the days?????"], ["I visit KL with my parents for the first time. Landed in Subang. First time taking a flight too. I was 6 years old."], ["The haze of \u201897 always brings me back. Was in Kuching, so completely stuck at home for a week or so I think. Also the years of gaming with Diablo, Warcraft, C&C, etc."], ["Alr hear me out... One of the Malaysia Vet (1956) by the day he was born there is a record 9k+ baby born that day\nMy parents (1970-1980) have a record of 5k+ born that day\nMe a Gen Z? Only 1.7k+ born that day\nDo you guys know how crazy fast the birth rate drop year by year?"], ["Crazy how things almost didnt change.\nExcept for the banglas that is......."], ["no social media crap, cheap housing. These two alone is a massive buff compared to now."], ["looks pretty similar. it was less strict tho."], ["1998 ... it was the year economy went down the drain.\nI was one of the students supposed to be offered to study at UK for ICSA programs, instead being offered to complete Diploma in Business Study at UITM to compensate ... a lot of us completed the 1 year ICSA Matriculation had to bite the bullet.\nMe, well I basically rejected it & went drifted for awhile. Being impressionable 19 years old, got into Reformasi movement & full of idealism plus gung-ho anti Govt attitude.\n1998 was the year I taken to the streets of KL, crashing at friends' setinggan or low cost flats, planning Reformasi gathering etc. Growing my hair to shoulder lengths too. Baptism of fire in terms of political activism.\nBy 1999, I get back academically enrolling to private college for multimedia animation course, got caught up with Multimedia Super Corridor hype. Still get involved with Barisan Alternatif to fight the sitting BN Govt, atleast democratically."], ["Those schoolboys must be my peers\ud83d\ude02"]]} {"title": "We have no time to entertain political drama, says Fadillah", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ugliv/we_have_no_time_to_entertain_political_drama_says/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["PBB totally denied and indirectly slam J-Kom on Dubai Move. So did Govt propaganda unit J-Kom made up story lies about Dubai Move as a distraction ? https://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2023/12/30/j-kom-claims-dubai-move-aims-to-topple-pm-anwar-and-his-unity-govt/109888"]]} {"title": "Over 160,000 bank accounts, phone numbers listed in Bukit Aman\u2019s SemakMule database", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yfwie/over_160000_bank_accounts_phone_numbers_listed_in/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "The database lists suspicious bank accounts and phone numbers used by scammers", "comments": []} {"title": "Getting a maid in Klang Valley", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wv0b8/getting_a_maid_in_klang_valley/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I have no experience in hiring a maid. Wanted to hire a maid for daily cleaning (no cooking). Did some googling but i guess some real life advice from klang valley folks will be better. Is there any other options other than full time live in maid (particularly on cleaning dishes daily because my house does heavy cooking, like restaurant level) ? Indonesian or Philippines? How much is the cost nowadays? Any recommendations on which agency? And last but not least, any problems / issues faced?", "comments": [["It\u2019s super expensive. Last I checked agency fees like 20k, admin fee is like 5k, salary is 2k. Every year need pay the 25k again to sort visa out.\nSomething like that.\nWe are way past being a country that is THAT much better than theirs."], ["The one I know costs about 15-20K, renew permit is around 2K, salary is minimum wage for a live in maid.\nif you're looking for an hourly maid then it's about 70-100 for x hours."]]} {"title": "Seas of belawai", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ufdfy/seas_of_belawai/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Fundraiser Campaign", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y7cev/fundraiser_campaign/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hey guys right now my group is fundraising for two underprivileged homes; Rumah Sayangan and Buku Jalanan Chow Kit. The aim of our fundraiser is to support these children's education from underprivileged backgrounds. We desperately need more donations and if you guys are able to donate please do \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f. Currently we're at around RM630 and our goal is RM1350.\nThe link to the fundraiser is here and it would help us and them a lot if you guys could donate!!! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f Please consider!!", "comments": []} {"title": "Do mixed Malaysians question their cultural identity?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ueimt/do_mixed_malaysians_question_their_cultural/", "num_comment": 89, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "Hello fellow monyets,\nFor context, I'm half Sarawakian and half Chinese.\nBecause of this, I'm not really sure how to label myself. Ever since I moved to semenanjung, you're somewhat forced to be one or the other. So I get confused on whether I should embrace my Sarawakian identity or Chinese identity. Its significantly harder for me to embrace the Chinese side of me since I'm both a banana and a Muslim at the same time, so I tend to tell people I'm Sarawakian instead. I feel bad for it tho, its as if I'm abandoning my mother's roots.\nDo you fellow mixed race monyets feel the same?", "comments": [["You are seriously confused dude, what do you mean mixed sarawakian & chinese? Sarawak is a state, not a race. Malay, melanau, kayan, kenyah, iban is all sarawakian", "melanau, i say sarawakian because the majority of people in semenanjung dont know anything about our races. Force of habit sorry HAHAHAHA", "Are you sure that the majority of people in Semenanjung don't know anything about Sarawak races? The races of East Malaysia are taught in Schools.", "Some of them even say \u201cwelcome to Malaysia\u201d to East Malaysian when they arrive for holidays", "Yes I'm also sure. Most still think sarawkians live in trees", "I had an old friend who whenever faced with someone who thought they lived in trees would say yes we live in trees and that makes the maintenance of the elevators and air conditioning going up and down the tree quite expensive (reference to Kashyyyk), however the carbon credits generated helped offset the cost etc etc and see how much BS could be sold before the listener got doubtful\nAnd if the person finally said that was ridiculous, would point out the idea Sarawak + Sabah ppl live in trees was just as ridiculous:)", "How sure? Just your own anecdotal evidence? the distance past? or your own assumption like what majority of East Malaysian always repeat again and again, in Tiktok, here this subreddit, Facebook and Twitter? I think majority is a stretch in this day and age. Another assumption by me. The battle of ironic assumption. Unless there's a recent survey results or papers, it is all assumption.\nSometimes, whenever I read this stuff, its like we all are trying to increase the gap rather than solidifying unity. Especially OP's comment. \"Its the truth\" While its anecdotal, its the distant past and full of assumption.\nFor the original OP's comment, I'm also mixed. Chinese, Malay, Bugis and Jawa as my grandpa comes from Indonesia. If you wanna go even further, my grandma have an old family tree and one of my ancestor married a westerner. I don't give a damn. Its what you want. If you want to identify yourself with it, learn it. If you don't want to, forget about it and move on with your life.", "trust me, they dont."], ["i said sarawakian in general out of habit, because most semenanjung people don't know much about sarawakian races\nto clarify, i am melanau, so stop scolding me pls :(", "Chinese = 1 billion world wide\nMelanau = 100k\nPreserve your Melanau culture first but never forget your Chinese root", "Just to share my personal experience, my wife is Dusun from Penanampang and I am hokkien from Penang, we stay in KL and I encourage her to learn more of her Dusun heritage, language, food, lihing etc", "Just embrace both. I always introduce myself as Bidayuh and when they ask what race is that I explain it's 1 of the Dayak Bumi race from Sarawak.\nTbh the Semenanjungs are more in tuned with races in East Malaysia than they are long time ago so it's fine to say you are Melanau Chinese."], ["For me, I just tell everyone I'm Malaysian. I don't care if they want to identify me as \"Chinese\", but that's not who I am. I just so happen to practice Chinese culture and speak the language.\nMy parents and grandparents are born Malaysian, so I'm not exactly abandoning my roots despite them claiming otherwise."], ["You can mix and match", "hello, i is Sarawakian.\nat Chinese food stall:"], ["Chindian here. No confusion for me personally, just emotional baggage when it comes to elements of both cultures that I can't fucking stand. I basically just sit on the fence and not pick a side, and I haven't really felt a need to identify more with a specific side either.", "Omg relatable but then because i grew up mostly with my Chinese side of the family, i tend to identify more with Chinese culture than anything else which is weird coz i would never be mistaken for one on the street!", "Good for you!"], ["Sarawak melayu ke?\nMy cousins are half chinese half sarawakian melayu too and both live outside of Sarawak.\nOne is very devout and has beard and wear kopiah most times. No one ever assumes he is not Malay so he just tells people he is half Chinese from Sarawak.\nThe other is more modern, clean shaven etc. He looks more ambiguous so he tells people he chinese malay mix from sarawak.\nThey both can't speak much mandarin too, but they own it anyway.\nThe more modern one insisted on having his given Chinese name (not on ic) on his business cards because he reckons its a great ice breaker.\nAnd when the devout one got married to a malay lady he also did all the Chinese Rituals with gusto. It was pretty endearing watching his wife get kitted out in a full length kua and had the gold hair accessories pinned through her tudung.\nSo...\nNo need to abandon anything, and just embrace it and say you're Malay Chinese mix from Sarawak.\nIf they ask why you cannot speak mandarin just say cause my chinese family all banana too haha. Gen z and alpha chinese kids in Kuching are all bananas anyway man.", "That only can happen Sarawak, if it happens in a semanjung the jakim will show up and give saman.", "They live in KL tho and she wore the kua and did the tea ceremony in KL because they wanted it to be part of their wedding video and bulk of the wedding stuff like nikah ceremony etc already in KL.", "what the hell are you even talking about?"], ["I call myself rojak and just leave it at that. No point overthinking it as it will just stress me out already I\u2019m living with identity crisis since forever", "Ayy I call myself rojak too! My mum is mixed, my dad is mixed, I\u2019m super mixed \ud83d\ude02", "Yay we should form a rojak club \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude1b"], ["As a KL Chinese, I don't see any point in East Malaysians denying that they're East Malaysians. East Malaysians' lifestyle and culture are so different from Semenanjung that we're really two different countries who share the same flag.\nAin't no way two communities separated by a fucking sea will ever feel like they're 'one' culture.", "> Ain\u2019t no way two communities separated by a f*cking sea will ever feel like they\u2019re one culture.\n\u201dMotherland\u201d Orang Cina need to hear this", "this is so real. I hate the thinking of semenanjung Malaysians sometimes. They can be quite racist"], ["Lol everyone dunking on you in the comments for the Chinese / Sarawakian culture must not be an East Msian. It's true that Sarawakian isn't an ethnicity, but we East Malaysians do have a distinctly different culture??? compared to West Malaysians.\nIn peninsula, I feel like people identify as their race before they identify as a Selangorian (etc)/Malaysian.\nWhile East Malaysians in peninsula identify as Sarawakian/Sabahan. (Not all la, but speaking from my own experience and fellow East Msian friends' experience)\nEven my Sabahan pure Chinese friend, feels that she identifies more with fellow Sabahans than peninsula Chinese\nSo that's why you're feeling confused lol. It's not really race, it's the West Msia vs East Msia divide.", "this is true. Its not like semenanjung people know our races anyway."], ["When overseas, label yourself Malaysian. In malaysia, Sarawakian sound good enough."], ["Just say you are mix (peranakan). Oyemji we unlock new peranakan keee", "peranakan are not mix", "Bukan peranakan ayah from other race + emak (Malay) ke? \ud83e\udd14", "No lah... Tengok ni: https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_dan_Nyonya", "I baca article from this pulak https://says.com/my/amp/seismik/semakin-berkurangan-selami-asal-usul-baba-nyonya-peranakan\nNot sure lah, perkara ni still debatable. Kebanyakan chinese yang wavy hair or curly hair ni baba nyonya with Malay ancestry. The most accurate way is kena buat DNA test. Kalau betul ada Malay ancestry, means diorang part of Bumiputera lah kan?", "You pernah jumpa tak baba-nyonya?", "Pernah, but dalam sorang jelah", "nampak macam cina biasa kan?", "Not really, more like nampak macam Sarawakian", "Then maybe yang ni ada mix Melayu blood. Normally nampak macam cina biasa je."], ["I'm a 40yo half Malay, quater Chinese and quater French that grew up in Terengganu. I identify as Malay I guess since I grew up in kampung but when I moved to KL I just told people I'm Malaysian because no one could ever guess what I was"], ["Sarawakian here. Since you\u2019re muslim, on paper, that would be easy. Race will determine based on your dad\u2019s race. Even to register IC, JPN will emphasis on your dad\u2019s lineage compare to mother\u2019s side, because for muslim applicants, JPN will follow muslim way to determine your lineage.\nAs for culture, embrace all your mixed. Sometimes i got questions like what race i am from working colleague in KL. I usually just answer malay because that\u2019s what written in my ic, plus it makes the conversation simpler. But if they really2 wanna know, my dad is malay+iban, my mom\u2019s chinese, and don\u2019t get me started with my great grandparents which are mix of jawa, kedayan and brunei. That will easily messed up a simple conversation.", "Even to register IC, JPN will emphasis on your dad\u2019s lineage compare to mother\u2019s side, because for muslim applicants, JPN will follow muslim way to determine your lineage.\nThere's no rule that for Muslims, race will follow the father's. For example, if the father is Chinese and the mother is Malay, it's possible to register the child as Malay."], ["If yo\u2019re benefiting from the bumi status. Identify accordingly to the native status you got it from. Embrace the culture, be proud of it and if you haven\u2019t been, Start now.\nBtw: I am mixed too of iban kadazan and chinese descent. I look very much like Chinese. I identify proudly as iban bcs I live in Sarawak and am in a public university. I love all the cultures I am exposed to but for me to identify a little bit as all will not only hurt me but those who are of those races as well. Being a bit of multiple races, you\u2019ll never really feel belong. Hence, choose one, stick with it and embrace it.", "i got really lucky with the bumi thing. It just so happened that the only bumi amongst my grandparents is my grandfather on my father's side. If it were anyone else, then i wouldnt be bumi"], ["There are Chinese Muslims waaaay longer than Malay Muslims"], ["who cares? why do you give a fuck what other people think? cultural identity is relative, it only has power if you re desperate to fit in and thus put a lot of weight on what \"X\" society thinks. but if you live your live on your own terms, then what they think don't matter.", "I completely agree with this sentiment."], ["Yes I'm mixed sperm and ovum."], ["I\u2019m fully Chinese but don\u2019t speak Mandarin and my peers make me question my cultural identity.\nI think it\u2019s less of a race thing and more of the people around you that made you feel like you are less of something just because you are lacking some arbitrary feature."], ["I\u2019m not Malaysian (impostor) but I was born in Brunei, to Indian-Lankan parents, and live in Australia. When I see someone, I tend to use the one that people generally know better, so I say that I am Indian with most people, or when I see a Sri Lankan, I say I am Sri Lankan. I never really say that I am Bruneian, not because I am not proud to be from Brunei, it\u2019s that no-one knows where that is, and I do eat Malay cuisine but it\u2019s not close to the amount of Indian Curry I eat.\nSo when someone asks me where I am from, I tell them that I am an Indian-Australian. if they ask where I was born (because no one outside of ASEAN I\u2019ve ever met knew where this place was) I just tell them, Brunei, near Malaysia (because that\u2019s popular as a tourist destination and known as well)\nSo in my case, it\u2019s a matter of context, and a matter of which culture you feel closest to, or that you grew up with."], ["celup aja."], ["TIL Sarawakian is a race"], ["Lol you and me same brother. I'm a Chinese Muslim embracing the Chinese side more. Marriage is still a difficult issue I'm trying to figure out, as I prefer nons/chinese and don't agree with force conversion.", "For now, and probably a long time more, your only option left is to leave the country."], ["Just call yourself a Chiwakian."], ["i just tell them what\u2019s on my IC"], ["In Sabah, just call yourself Sino - provided one of your parents is of Sabah Native heritage"], ["Chinese-Indian-Jewish hybrid here. No, I do not question my cultural identity. I grew up surrounded by mainly Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish cultures (I speak Mandarin and Yiddish). Barely any Indian. Hence, these two are the ones I identify with. Period. No confusion."], ["That means you\u2019re local Chinese lah! As Malaysian Chinese, we have our own identity:\nNo allegiances to China or Taiwan, Malaysia only.\nLel why shouldnt you speak the national language\nSpeak your Fuzhounese or Hokkien etc too, we are not of northern Chinese stock (wait shit some sabahan chinese are northern Chinese fuck the north)\nok whatever imma sleep :p", "my mother is Cantonese but sure"], ["Embrace both sides.\n[1] The one main advantage we have as Malaysians is that we actually have a proper Chinese language education. That means our general grasp of the language (in a systematic educational sense) is better than many nations that have Chinese ethnic descents, thus giving you a clear advantage if you learned it and find an international job with a relevant requirement.\n[2] This is on top of having Malay as national language, which if you're already fluent potentially makes Indonesian somewhat comprehensible, and even if you're not familiar will quickly pick up on it.\n[3] Then we're a Commonwealth country, so English is a natural part of our societal fabric. Why would you not learn the language that's also usable with everyone by default from Korea/Japan to African and South America?\nI could also say something similar about Tamil, but I know little of the language and I'm barely aware the Tamil we have here may not necessarily be usable across India. I might be wrong.\nArguing about languages and culture is one of the stupidest things some Malaysians do and it's nauseating to see a lot more of it here recently. Why pick sides when you can take advantage of everything available and make you an international asset?"], ["I guess I'm Selangor-ian and Chinese. Now I'm confused of my identity too."], ["I Baba + Nyonya = mixed or not?"], ["So long you\u2019re rich people don\u2019t care"], ["You are sumandak. You don't take any side. Full stop."], ["Spare a thought for the people who live in parts of the country where it was multiracial since very long ago, like some places in Melaka.\nMy grandparents were already pre-mixed, and we generally identified ourselves with the culture we grew up in, Malay. If someone asks if I have any other ancestry because of my deviant physical traits from standard Malay, I don\u2019t deny.\nUltimately, beyond it being a nice little trivia, who cares?(Malaysians do, coz we a racist lot). My parents and grandparents raised me the best way they could, and if being in a monoculture setting is a part of that, I embrace that too.\nOn the flip side, me and a Malaysian Chinese colleague met a Filipino when traveling, and he was spiritedly talking up how he is partially Chinese to him, which annoyed my buddy a little: He only speaks English/Tagalog, and doesn\u2019t really show any common Chinese cultural traits.\nIf it means something to you, celebrate it, if not, then don\u2019t. It\u2019s your right, and no one should guilt you over this."], ["I am a mix of Melayu and Melanau with a bit of Iban and Chinese ancestry,I identify myself with the culture I'm usually surrounded with as a child which is a Melanau community.So I identify myself more as a Melanau even though my IC says Melayu"], ["There's no need to be identified with a single identity. Just embrace the fact that you have a little bit of each inside you. Im Dutch/Chinese/Malay and growing up, my parents reminded me that my cultural identity is first and foremost Malaysian, and not dictated by race, but by how and where you were raised."], ["nope. they leverage everything\nlike king coco once said\nlots of mix"], ["Ure a Chiwak. If people asks tf is that then ull explain. Ill just go im a Malay, if they point out i dont look like it then ill explain.\nEdit : If u wanna embrace anything, embrace what roots u feel best for u so ull actually learn w passion and love, not just, to brag idk. For me i just learn Malays culture since the other ethnics dont really see me as one of it. Fuck em idc"], ["Your identity is your personality, not what you look like. Be less superficial and do some deep introspection to discover what your true value and principles are."], ["My lun bawang friend just told everyone he's sarawakian because he looks more chinese than an original chinese. Plus EM identify their state first before race."], ["We are humans."], ["Just call yourself Malaysian of mixed heritage ? Malaysia is a multicultural nation"], ["Dude you're real Malaysian. Be proud."], ["You can label yourself an orangutan and no one cares. It what you do not what you say that matters most."], ["I'm not mixed race. But my suggestion is don't get caught up by the need to be one or the other. Be yourself.\nIt's perfectly fine to say you're Sarawakian. As a semenanjung guy, I would take it that you prefer to be known as someone from Sarawak, instead of someone of a certain race. I respect that. If fact, I like that.\nIf some people can't respect that, that's their problem, not yours."], ["i am born malay. my late grandmother is chinese (her parents gave her away to a malay family) . my great grandfather is from sulawesi. my late grandmother's ancestor (mother's side) is from pattani.\ni have worked in indonesia and china, learned about their culture. i speak chinese and learning thai at the moment. once in a while, i visited pattani for a cheap vacation.\nthe more i discover my origins, the more i understand about a person's identity is not limited to one race but identity is unique in each person. i am proud to have a mixed identity originate from several roots."], ["I am a mix too, and since culture is not a race, I have no issues with it.\nOn paper I am a Sarawak bumi, in life I practice Chinese culture, I eat like them, speak like that, and sometimes think like them too. Because I look almost like them yet my color and face slightly not like them, they will asks where I am from?, I just answer that I am a sarawakian, if they want to know more specific I will only tell my race stated in the paper."], ["Would someone who is half malay half filipino be considered mixed race in malaysia?"], ["Just embrace both side culturally. Mixed kids in Malaysia are dime a dozen."], ["You follow your dad so you are Melanau while your mom is Chinese (Cantonese/Hokkien/FooChow/ect?). You are a Bumi as well. This is your identity.\nWhen Semenanjung Malay is confused you say: Malay or Sarawakian will do.\nUs Chinese knows some cultures in Sarawak/Sabah because it was taught in school. Chinese wont care much about identity mix because hey, Malaysia apa pun ada \ud83d\ude02"], ["No , you're muslim, That is all. Just follow their way."]]} {"title": "MP: Store sufficient water before Jan 10", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ueh3f/mp_store_sufficient_water_before_jan_10/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "GEORGE TOWN: Consumers in the state should store enough water to help them get through the impending four-day water cut from Jan 10, says an MP.\n\u201cI advise those affected to store water early and buy mineral water as a precautionary measure,\u201d said Tanjong MP Lim Hui Ying.\n\u201cThose who need help can always reach out to us,\u201d said the Deputy Finance Minister after handing over water tanks to Pengkalan Kota assemblyman Wong Yuee Harng in Lintang Macallum 2.\nWater supply for most of Penang, both on the island and mainland, will be cut from Jan 10 to 14, while many other areas will have low water pressure.", "comments": []} {"title": "The origin of Anwar\u2019s beef with Tun Daim", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ue1ev/the_origin_of_anwars_beef_with_tun_daim/", "num_comment": 15, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["The only thing good about Daim is the chocolate.", "Please don't remind me. I wanna eat them now :26557:", "That\u2019s a Swedish company right?", "Yeap. Nothing to do with the Tun Daim but the coincidence is hilarious."], ["I doubt Mahathir was forced by anyone.\nHe's not the kind to be forced if he doesn't wanna do anything"], ["Why this look like fan made You tube video but got that actor that cheat on his wife?", "This is actually from the movie Anwar: The Untold Story"], [":26554: RPK said that anwar cronys is under tun daim too same goes to atok.."], ["Come on man. Do you guys actually believe this?", "Meanwhile present DSAI on Zahid :\nI guess lesson learnt from the past.", "", "Ask Anwar directly would be better \ud83e\udd23"], ["One is obviously portraying Daim in the movie, who are the other three ?", "Taikun taikun billiyun billiyun. /s"]]} {"title": "Is \"sibeh\" is bad word in penang?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18udmk4/is_sibeh_is_bad_word_in_penang/", "num_comment": 22, "flairlabel": ["Language"], "header": "My friend in penang told me that sibeh is a bad word and it is rude for me to say it in front of other penangnites.\nIn context: Si = \"die\" Beh=sounds like \"pek\" which is father in hokkien\nYeah I'm just confused about this. I always thought that sibeh=very. Any penangnites or nyets who understand hokkien help me explain this?", "comments": [["Your friend is full of it. Sibeh / sipek is just a word for \"very\", albeit in a crude manner.\nEdit : crude as in (sipek kiam = fucking salty)"], ["Sibeh isn\u2019t a bad word"], ["Sibeh is very\nYour friend is just messing with you.\nMy advise, mess with him back"], ["It's not a cuss word, it's just crass. People who label themselves as classy and turn up their noses on anyone using this crass word will look down on you if you used it too much. I use it sparingly and only in front of people who are ok with my usage of it."], ["hm? sibeh = very , yes. what is this? another cancelation attempt?"], ["Sibeh should be a slang word for \"very\".\nBut, I suppose it is rude to say it in front of your dad. As far as I know, it's made up of 2 words \"si\" and \"beh\" that means \"dead\" and \"father\" respectively. So uttering it every time is like saying \"Oh on my dead dad, that xxx is yyy\".\nThe other exclamation Chinese phrase is walaoweh, meaning showing surprise or incredulity. Based off \"wa\", \"lao\", and \"peh\" which means \"Oh my old dad!\"."], ["yea, the origin of the word is correct, you can ignore those comments that are ignorant of it, using a word without understanding the word's true origin is kinda pathetic\nits fine to use it among your friends, but not suitable with elders, its not very polite\nits exactly the same thing with \"fucking\" when you say this chicken chop is fucking good, nobody will think that fucking means sexual intercourse, although the origin of the word is referring to it, people will understand that you mean \"very\"\nstill, you wouldn't use the word \"fucking good\" in front of your parents or people that you should respect and be polite to", "Used the word in front of my high school bahasa cina teacher (that was more than 20 years ago), got told to never use the word again because of the exact same explanation by OP.", "Ding ding ding, the only correct answer in this thread.\nToo many people in this thread acting pro and giving the wrong answer is sibeh hilarious, and sibeh ridiculous too.\nKiang diu hou, mai geh kiang la dear cibais.\nSource: penang lang from pulau tikus here"], ["You sure your friend is from Penang? Lmao try to translate \"si pek kao lat\" or \"si pek ho liao\" with your friend's explanation and see if it makes sense or not.", "You can tell whether someone understands the dialect based on whether they think 4896 is a funny number"], ["I thought \"sibek\" means \"die white\" in Hokkien?"], ["Growing up I never used \"sipek\" / \"sibeh\". Very was \"cin chia\". I always assumed that was Southern Hokkien influence."], ["Sibeh ho jiak = very tasty"], ["What about Cibek?"], ["sibeh is not - your friend is lying.\nUnless it was cipet - then that's quite vulgar a term for the female genatalia."], ["No, sibeh means very"], ["Correct me if I'm wrong, but sibeh \uff08\u6b7b\u7236\uff09means \"to the extent that your father dies\", no? It's not a bad word per se, but it should be used only in very extreme situations and never in front of your elders."], ["Just use \u201cjin nah\u201d or \u201cjin jia\u201dThese are acceptable words for VERY.\nSi Beh is not a bad word but not a word you use with elders and people you respect."], ["Limbeh (meaning \"your father\" in a condescending way) is worse than sibeh, but still Limbeh is a mild word. So I'm not sure are your friend for real."], ["your friend sibeh hao siao"], ["Sibeh penang"]]} {"title": "I've done it", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18udg6z/ive_done_it/", "num_comment": 120, "flairlabel": ["Satire"], "header": "", "comments": [["Which one is you?", "Glad someone is asking the hard questions.", "Yeah that mathatir cosplay is really convincing", "lol", "sial can someone get this oldfart OP away from the coser?", "The ancient mysterious man", "probably the girl", "Are you sure it's a girl?", "Fooled me good"], ["He's like \"Adakah ini hasil wawasan 2020 aku\"", "dasar pandang ke timur gone right", "He wasn\u2019t being specific about which one to pandang \ud83d\udc40"], ["Watch out, he's going to sugma ur life force out", "Not gonna work, bro", "What is sugma? Is it a new malay slang?", "Sugma kacang, adik kecil\nGottem", "Another way to say \"suck my\""], ["Mahatir is having that Oppenheimer's regret look for the unprecedented effect of his 'Dasar Pandang Timur' policy.", "Hahahahahhaha this is a deep track sejarah"], ["\nYou can tell how disappointed he is to our generation \ud83d\ude02", "Same energy", "\ud83d\ude02", "This is not the point when I said pandang timur", "u sure that's not a happy face?"], ["DASAR PANDANG TIMUR IS RILLL"], ["I didn't know Tun M is a fellow redditor.", "he's one of us now"], ["Damn Tun M finally got a chance to take a picture with cosplayer"], ["Atok don't look impress in the first pic"], ["\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80"], ["Tun got same energy"], ["wow the cosplay is dope", "Very convincing indeed. Especially the wrinkles. Must have used up a lot of modelling Clay!", "Yeah that cosplay looks sexy hot!..\nAnd also haramboi costume looks cool too.", "Iirc that's a dude BTW \ud83d\udc80", "Obviously , its mahathir lol .", "", "Who is she cosplaying?", "some old and experienced politicians by the look of it idk"], ["Hasil Look East Policy."], ["Are you a boy or a girl? Because looking at the picture I cannot tell /s", "???\ud83e\udd21", "Yeah they should. I didn\u2019t disagree. But that\u2019s not what the entirety of lgbt represents. We\u2019re not \u2018lost generations\u2019. We are just more capable of expressing ourselves freely and don\u2019t have an ego as fragile as you. We know who we are. We know who we love. No one is \u2018forcing it down your throat\u2019. You see it on social media? Then don\u2019t use social media if ur that bothered. Simple enough. Don\u2019t criticise things that you don\u2019t know anything of and stick to living your pathetic old life to the fullest instead of being a hater over things that doesn\u2019t even concern you. You\u2019re a straight cisman. Good for you. Go lick a pussy or something. No one\u2019s asking you to cut your dick off and put on a dress. Your time is almost up anyways. Cheers.", "...that person did not say they are non-binary or trans?", "Imagine thinking that masculinity is so fragile that wearing a skirt can erase it", "I passed the entrance exam for a Japanese government uni in a STEM subject and have been able to pay off my tuition with my own part time job money for 3 semesters now, I think I'm doing quite well but eh \ud83d\ude0a", "You did not refute the point I brought up- that it is absurd to think that wearing a skirt makes a man any less of a man- and then claimed I lost. I explained how I don't think I did. I believe we are perfectly on point.\nWearing a skirt does not make a man any less of a man. The act of wearing a skirt and not believing in gender norms are not markers of incapablity, inability to succeed in modern life or lack of grit- that is the point I wanted to make. Men have worn skirt like clothes and paid attention to their appearances throughout history and across cultures- pants did not exist in Muhammad's age, nor in Jesus or in Buddha's, in Confucius's or Marcus Aurelius' or in the eras of emperors and kings... Are you going to argue that these people were not men?\nWhy are you hung up on another person's behavior?", "Why are you hung up on another person's behavior?\nProbably having post nut clarity after fapping to a man in a skirt.", "Wtf are you saying man", "omg i thought this was a girl the whole time", "No, he's a regular cosplayer in r/bolehland.", "oh well it\u2019s a really good cosplay", "Yes, and a very very friendly guy as well from his posts, and certainly does not warrant such hate.", "these haters really have nothing to do, i hope it doesn\u2019t affect him too much", "Comments removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat.\nWhile you're not using direct insults, you're still making personal attacks, i.e.: attacking your conversational partner instead of the topic itself - \"kids\" (declaring someone is your inferior and speaking down to them meets the criteria above). This causes escalation, so don't do that please.\nI also see you've been doing a lot of flaming in the form of bigotry on this thread.\nPlease stop equating LGBT to a form of mental illness.\nThe basic stance of American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychiatric Association is that \"homosexuality is not a mental disorder but is rather a normal form of human sexuality, and they propose that their stance is based on significant scientific evidence\".\nIn 1990, homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder by WHO (World Health Organization) in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10)\nIn 2019 WHO no longer classifies gender nonconformity as a \u201cmental disorder.\u201d\nYou're a relatively new account so please treat this as your one and only warning as reddiquette is actively enforced here."], ["Lmaooo that's insane"], ["Tun M: Maybe I shouldn't take photos with that Pink Guy last year..."], ["Easily post of the year"], ["Based siak, wtf..."], ["Bro rethinking his idea of \"Dasar Pandang ke Timur\""], ["He's not impressed"], ["Why is that leg at that angle ?\nThe second picture.."], ["Didnt know malaysia had a wax museum. It looks so real , howd you get it to change expressions?"], ["He looked like the grandpa in disney up movie lol"], ["Hahaha this is way just too funny Lol lah hahaha, speechless hahaha \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 Uncle brother Dr Mahathir still can't let it go his country and take it too seriously of his youngest generation :26558::29091:"], ["Who is this cutie on the right?"], ["Now I know Tun M Redditor name :26561:"], ["Is he going to save Cosplay ?"], ["\"if I have a time machine, I'll go back 80 years to my youth and show this pic to them and that'll make them commit sudoku on themselves\"", "You want them to commit a number-placement puzzle on themselves? \ud83e\udd14"], ["AYO WTF"], ["No fucking way XD"], ["Was he aware that you're a guy? \ud83d\ude02"], ["Nice to see Mahatir and his son"], ["Did you tell that fucking racist to piss off?"], ["ICONIC."], ["dont take foto... it's nothing. take video, it's more pro and can keep repeat and laugh, bcos Tun is the Shiaets, everyone wants to live the lavish life, how many can be so high up there, itu maha KUT !", "Yeah I should have lmao but the security was intimidating and there was a crowd of people wanting to take pictures"], ["", "H, T, L", "Eh\u2026 N, G", "Nah. it's B,G"], ["Congratulations champ, you made history"], ["I really hope nothing bad happens to you lol"], ["Never believed I'd live to see this \ud83d\ude02"], ["Not sure what is so proud about talking pictures with a racist ex PM"], ["What\u2019s so good about taking a pic with this old prick?"], ["Who ever did the make up is awesome"], ["Impossibly based."], ["I don't know who he is.\nNot knowing who he is is the best punishment for a narcissistic hypocrite like this."], ["This feels like a frickin fever dream"], ["Now do this but with obama"], ["Tun M is (not) impressed??? :P"], ["Shoulda done it without the mask..."], ["How is he 98"]]} {"title": "Ngeh apologises for non-Muslims on shariah law committee proposal", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18udckg/ngeh_apologises_for_nonmuslims_on_shariah_law/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": ["Religion"], "header": "DAP MP says he was not previously aware of the Sultan of Selangor\u2019s involvement and withdraws his statement.", "comments": [["He had what we commonly referred as foot and mouth disease . The cure is to think before opening one\u2019s mouth ."], ["just trying to push some button to gauge the response:26554:"], [":26554::26554::26554::26554::26554:"], ["U have no idea the chinese community is angry :26554:", "Even most Chinese knows this is out of bounds.", "His real name is ngeb ngeh lai"]]} {"title": "Desperate, doomed move: Lokman Adam claims Daim, Dr Mahathir behind Langkah Dubai", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ucdpj/desperate_doomed_move_lokman_adam_claims_daim_dr/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Pikachusupriseface.meme.jpg\nYoudontsay.meme.jpg"], [":26554:\nKek.\nSomeone knows he's fucked once new YDPA heads office."], ["Kangkang Mahadiu"], ["The madhatter's at it again!"], ["Lambat pulak orang tua ni nak pergi. Amal makan telur dengan Omega 3 setiap hari ke apa?"], ["This sub still believe word from this moron?"]]} {"title": "'Damage to Sungai Golok embankment possible act of sabotage'", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uc4bz/damage_to_sungai_golok_embankment_possible_act_of/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "depressed spm candidate", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wtanr/depressed_spm_candidate/", "num_comment": 38, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Well as the title goes, im sitting for spm soon and i felt depressed. While this is the most crucial period for us spm candidates to prepare ourselves for spm, i simply could not bring myself to do my revision and improve myself. I tried talking to mental health services online, but quickly quit because i was scared of revealing my personal infos. I didnt dare to talk to my parents about it, since they didnt believe that teenagers would feel depressed and whatnot. They blamed the internet for my \"laziness\" so i didnt open up to them anymore. My friends are aware of my depression, but i didnt wanna bother them because well, spm is nearing. I dont trust my school counselor too, since they are close to my subject teachers and they probably gossip about me. I once was called for counseling session because i wasnt performing well for my trial 1. After the counseling session, my teachers were kinda making sarcastic comments about how us younger generation is too soft and how back in the their time there's no such thing as depression among youngsters yada yada.. I often feel like giving up and wanting to end myself, but it felt alang alang since im almost done with my highschool.. I didnt know what else i wanted to say, but thanks for reading my vent.\nEdit : thank you so much for everyone who commented and shared some advice and their own journey!", "comments": [["Your teachers are dumb. Depression has always existed."], ["Really need help and i will suggest to speak with your parents first or else some other relatives you might be closer with.\nMental health is no joke regardless of age.\nAlso my 1 advise SPM is not end of the world. As a student i did not do that well in SPM, college or university where i barely pass with minimum CGPA.\nBut i am still happy as ever by enjoying student life.\nPlease do seek help man."], ["Stop caring what other people think about you (that includes family) or what they do behind your back.\nThink about what you want, what you want to do later in life. If going through SPM is required for what you're trying to achieve, then start focusing on that goal alone, and figure out ways to do it, whatever it is that's required.\nIt ain't easy but just make sure you focus on the end goal, fuck everything else.\nI was in the same boat, focusing on the goal at the end has always been what kept me sane.\nPeople can do whatever they want so fuck 'em.\nCaring less had helped me got out of my own downtime.\nIt might work for you. You can't change other people, but you can change you.", "I second this. I didn't get to where I am today by giving a shit about what other people thought about me while growing up. I had successes, I definitely as hell had failures and embarassing moments (I regret nothing), BUT I did what I wanted to do (the ones who put me down and didn't believe in me can go fuck themselves), I achieved what I wanted to achieve, and today I continue to work on whatever else I want to achieve.\nYes, it's work, and yes, it's effort. The journey, for the most part, will not be a smooth one. You will succeed, and you will fail along the way. Multiple times even. Things happen for a reason. Question is what are you gonna do about it? Learn from it, or give up? Giving up is the easy way out. The harder way would be to pull yourself out of that rut and PERSEVERE. If you want to be somebody and get somewhere someday, NO ONE is going to do it for you but YOU YOURSELF! So hang in there, tough it out, and I guarantee you you'll be a better person once you have gone through the rough and tough and emerge victorious on the other side! \ud83d\udc4d"], ["You should study. But life is more than just spm. Just do your best.\nI'm was a straight A spm student, UM graduate, worked in a bank but ended up losing my job (covid), then sell kuih during puasa, sell durian after that at side road, became coway agent and now doing sales as real estate agent.\nMy point is, even if you fail later at some point in life, as long as you did your best, its ok. Live and fight another day", "That's quite an impressive story of perseverance.\nMay I ask if you're happier with your new job and the way things turned out?\nOr would you have preferred to stay in banking given the choice?", "I'm actually very lucky to have a very supportive family and an understanding wife. I can't let my wife goes to work alone and brings in the money to put food on the table. Thats supposed to be my job. I guess thats my motivation.\nBack into banking? No. I do miss the banking job. But no. Not going back there.\nMy friends had offered me a job to get back into banking twice. I turned them down. I think I'm onto something here and I could hit my break soon. You could say I'm quite happy at where I'm at rn"], ["SPM can be retaken again next year or even the year after if you choose to.\nSure you lose out another year, but I\u2019m telling you this is also an option, to better prepare for SPM again.\nDon\u2019t lose your mind over it, It\u2019s not the end of the world.\ntake care."], ["My man, we\u2019ve all been there, and let me tell you, it gets worst when you go to uni \u2026 still have ptsd from my final year project\u2026.\nNot saying your situation isint serious. But what I would recommend is, just \u2026 don\u2019t think, and just study, no one is holding u back but YOURSELF ! Force yourself to study, read and learn non stop, finish the spm, then u get to hallelujah and enjoy.\nThink abt it, if you don\u2019t change and start now, and you fail your SPM, ur depression going to be lower than what it is now.\nI\u2019ve been there, and trust me, I just went and study, do revision, do homework, shut my phone and whatever that distracts me, sign out from FB / IG whatever. Only thing I was looking at online were either lofi musics and revision notes.\nDepressed but pass SPM \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb Depressed and fail SPM \ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffb\nThink abt it, let the pass / fail stress you out, then no time to worry abt depression, during my time, i just think abt how my parents gonna whoop my ass so bad if I fail my spm\u2026"], ["Take it one day at a time. One by one."], ["Seek professional help, by yourself if needed"], ["If finding someone to listen is hard, I suggest be your own counsellor. My way of coping is to talk to myself about any issues. Acknowledge that I have a problem, allow myself to vent and say it all out, from your own personal demons, your family, your gf, your school, etc. And only once you feel lighter, ask yourself what are the solutions, acknowledge any shortcomings and be realistic in your goals. Finally, boost yourself and motivate your beliefs to take it one step at a time. I often do this during my motor ride on my way to work. Helps me everytime when I feel a little depressed."], ["Before you give up, maybe just focus on a few subjects that you\u2019re already kinda okay with. You still have time. For the subjects you struggle with, put that as the lowest priority.\nGo for the small wins!"], ["I'm sorry you're going through this. Your teachers are not God. They aren't a higher power, therefore you can discard those notions. They came from a different time, as do we. Hang in there, okay? Things will turn out beautifully, I believe in you \u2764\ufe0f"], ["Can I be honest? Depression is a whole spectrum. It starts with suicidal thoughts and 80% down the road, it is being diagnosed as clinically depressed. You won't know whether you are right or your teachers/parents are right until you really give it your all. Document and journal it all down."], ["Teenagers with depression is real. I realized this too late years after finishing school. A lot of my friends were actually depressed during high school but they're just too good at hiding it. Teachers are one of the last person they would go too because you know how some teachers are, fucking busy bodies spreading stories. Best advice I could give to you is, stay close to your best mates even if it's just one person."], ["Don\u2019t worry. If you didn\u2019t do well on your SPM doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t continue your success life afterward. I don\u2019t want you or anyone to fail or not take SPM, It\u2019s just don\u2019t be a person that avoid SPM altogether. Take the SPM at least ada lah beberapa subject boleh lulus, so nanti tak lah susah sangat nak masuk keje mana2. Yang penting ada sijil SPM cukup. It\u2019s not too late to learn and not too early to start learning. Banyak lagi masa yang kita ada. Don\u2019t give up. Nanti boleh take tuition or online class for your failed subject.\nI, myself didn\u2019t have any chance to go to any school during my time and i was a big failure, well congrats to my parents since they didn\u2019t take any seriousness to my studies and I can\u2019t blame them since they are working hard asf to survive and they are in a different country so that adds up towards fucked up I guess? \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\nWell\u2026 I\u2019m 22 now and working my own and i took online classes for things i need to know, for example: Geography, Science, Business & etc\u2026\nYeah\u2026 kesimpulanya\u2026 you have a long way to go and more shity things will happen in your life. Be strong."], ["Take it easy. One day at a time. If you don\u2019t have the capacity to plan ahead, don\u2019t bother. Just concentrate on your day to day basis.\nDon\u2019t magnify spm, there are still so many other \u2018spm\u2019 when you get over this. Try your best and if you get good result, great. If not, so be it."], ["In my experience, SPM is way easier than the regular exams I've taken prior to it. I always got an E in maths, the teacher sucks whenever he taught my class with his sarcasm. But surprisingly I passed with a B+ in SPM.\nI was depressed too, I thought I was going nowhere after SPM so I just live life like a ride or die challenge. I did everything that I've never done before, going out, forced myself to socialise etc. It went well, I was no longer depressed because I told myself that I'm not gonna end my life without trying anything in life first. I knew my life would end someday, but before any of that happens I decided to go with whatever life throws at me. Everything goes well as of now and I'm having a lot of adventures. It'll get better, you just have to change your mindset and start to look around so you can appreciate the little things in life."], ["thanks for sharing. hope you learn from this."], ["SPM isn\u2019t important", "dont say it like that lol. SPM IS important, it id just not more important than one\u2019s mental wellbeing.", "Then what is important? Endlessly chasing better opportunities in life after screwing up SPM on purpose?", "Influencer, start your own sambal, TikTok affiliate, agent marketing etc and earn tons more.\nOne affiliate made 1.5 million in commission just in one year. It was all over twitter."], ["lel, weak ass", "Stfu", "okay blackie", "\ud83c\udf6a", "OP, pls don't mind about this piece of s***, mental health is no joke and I know how seriously bad this issue. My only hope is that you can recover well soon", "If im the op\u2026 I would laugh and I would expect some people are dumb in the comments."], ["", "Just stop being sad, yes that is sure gonna help."], ["I failed my SPM.\nDoing pretty good in my adult life. Just saying...\nSPM isn't everything."], ["Yall I'm crying ain't nobody gaf about your spm results\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d just the fact that you've completed them, as well as a degree if you're looking into more corporate jobs"], ["got milionaire out there dont finish school,spm is nothing lh\nso,what the reason u depress"], ["no need depress lah. live for the moment."], ["Tip from me, when I was going through my IGCSEs (SPM but Private School). I'd just focused on the process not the results. As long you've placed the time and effort into it, the results will come naturally.\nI used to be an D to F average for Math and Physics. Barely passing my Bio, Chem and English due to poor techniques. You will get there bro."]]} {"title": "The Federal Government will relinquish its authority over Sabah's electricity matters on 3rd Jan 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ubwix/the_federal_government_will_relinquish_its/", "num_comment": 17, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["TLDR: The Federal Government has given the State Legislature of Sabah the legislative powers to make laws on the matters of electricity. The Federal Government has also, by multiple gazatted orders, suspended the operation of federal electricity laws in Sabah. All of these will take effect on 3 Jan 2024\nThe Sabah State Legislature is expected to sit during a special session on 3 Jan 2024 to pass a new state law in regards of Sabah's electricity matters.\nGeneral news on this: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/994264/sabah-exercise-full-authority-over-electricity-accordance-malaysia\n1st pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20393/2023%20393/2023)\n2nd pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20394/2023%20394/2023)\n3rd pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20395/2023%20395/2023)\n4th pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20396/2023%20396/2023)\n5th pic: https://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?language=BI&type=pua&no=P.U.%20(A)%20397/2023%20397/2023)"], ["So if electricity in Sabah still fuck up it's not federal fault it's their state fault now?", "Yes, starting from 3 Jan 2024.\n* Something fuck up in SS *\nSS: Ini semua salah Semenanjung!\nFeds: * Give up power and transfer it to SS states *\n* Something still fuck up in SS *\nSS: [Surprised pikachu face]\nFeds: :26554:\n/jk", "it was not instantly , they can say they have a plan, but need time to execute", "too bad, the legacy effects from Feds may take years to wear off", "Yeah sabah mp's kroni is salivating right now", "oh they will find some way to blame", "One of the comment already preset the blame shift towards \"the legacy effects from Feds may take years to wear off \". So if they start to use that excuse, people like that guy would eat it up easily. Because surely, only the feds are dirty and theirs are squeaky clean. Next, they'll use the word lesser evil as a counter point, same old, same old. Cheers.", "Federal's fault because they refuse to take responsibility for the state's incompetence"], ["Hmm Taib Mahmud - Electricity Edition will be born then.\nSemua kontrak utility Sabah dia akan sapu", "Taib is Sarawak agong, what does it have to do w Sabah?\nSabah have their own blood suckers", "I know, my point and yours are the same. There will be some cronies/blood sucker who monopoly all those deals either directly or indirectly, and Sabah will remain the same despite all resources.", "That why Bung and Shafie want to gether2 against Hajiji", "And u think that\u2019s for the sake of Sabahan? \ud83d\ude02", "Better than Hajiji the \"Sabah Maju Jaya\" signboard guy"], ["Elon Musk is going to sell tons of Cybertruck :26554:"], ["Hope it doesn't turn out like Texas."]]} {"title": "The Public Finance and Fiscal Responsibility Act 2023 has been gazetted and will take effect on 1st Jan 2024", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ubhwo/the_public_finance_and_fiscal_responsibility_act/", "num_comment": 17, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [["Summary of this Act:\nThis law will mandate the government to issue multiple different financial or economic reports annually and every 3 or 5 years and table them in the Parliament. The Minister of Finance has the responsibility to formulate several fiscal and economical policies and ensure they are adhered to by other government entities.\nIf any factors derail the economic development or financial stability of Malaysia, or if an entity's debt that is guaranteed by the government is about to default, the government need to table a contigency plan or solution to the Parliament or House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat).\nThis law also mandated the government to spend at least 3% of our GDP on development expenditure and to keep the national budget deficit to be not larger than -3% of our GDP. Under this law, the government will also need to keep the national government debt to be lower than 60% of our GDP.\nFailure to keep aforementioned policies and criteria will mandate the government to answer to the Parliament.\nHowever, this not cause a change in government or a government shutdown like in the US if the Parliament decided to not approve the contingency/mitigation plan formulated by the government.\nThis is because the law only said \"If the fiscal adjustment plan is not approved, the House of Representatives may pass a resolution to require the Minister to improve the fiscal adjustment plan to be laid in the House of Representatives as soon as practicable\"", "A simple question. Do all the different government departments publish their financial reports every year?", "Honestly, I don't know.", "Why isn't this post upvoted more, didn't everyone complain about no reforms ever since going into power. This is one of the big ones, but everyone seem to sleep over it."], ["The whole Act can be accessed here:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/act-detail.php?act=850&lang=BI&date=29-12-2023#timeline\nPDF version:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/ilims/upload/portal/akta/outputaktap/1946989_BI/WJW23%EF%80%A21340%20BI.pdf\nThis whole Act, except section 37 and 38, will come into force on 1st of January 2024:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?type=pub&language=BI&no=P.U.%20(B)%20584/2023%20584/2023)\nThe Prime Minister, with the YDPA power delegated to him, has prescribe the authoritative text of this Act and its subsidiary legislation shall be in English:\nhttps://lom.agc.gov.my/act-view.php?type=pub&language=BI&no=P.U.%20(B)%20585/2023%20585/2023)"], ["Thank you OP:26561:"], ["Any other countries doing this? Any chance the info able to identify scum moves like 1MDB buying land from government and selling it back with inflated price?"], ["\ud83d\udca9\nDSAI: Reee one person cannot hold both PM and Finance Minister portfolio.\nMadanon: Anyways.", "Anwar wrested some of Finance Minister\u2019s powers by instituting this Act, and it took him less than a year to introduce the bill. Did any previous Finance Minister make the effort to propose the law?", "Is that a rhetorical question? The point he made about FM and PM not being held by one person over the years meant nothing?\nYou're saying if he didn't hold both of the portfolio or someone else had it, there's zero chance of reform or new laws being enacted. I suppose we could always look at the dark days of the first PH government under Tun. Maybe the PM should always hold the Finance Minister post in perpetuity.", "I understand if you are disappointed with this.\nFor now, please be assured that Anwar has done major reforms in the ministries that he personally oversees. For the Finance Ministry, which is an indispensable ministry that handles the country\u2019s Treasury and is currently facing fiscal constraints, Anwar has introduced this Fiscal Responsibility Act and stipulated that all government procurement processes must be done through open tender. For the Prime Minister\u2019s Office, he has instructed to start working on separating the powers between the Attorney General and the Deputy Public Prosecutor.\nThere is also now a Second Finance Minister to take a more hands-on role in the ministry.", "Hindsight is 20/20. Of course we are hopeful for proposed changes, and it would take awhile to see their effects. Let's hope for the best for now :29091::29091::29091:", "Do I think it's rather hypocritical yes,but judging by current political situation , is it a necessity? Imo Yes.I mean who else would you suggest to be finance minister instead.\nIt has to be someone from PKR and someone who can keep power dynamic balance. Especially when UMNO is in the team.", "yes,but judging by current political situation , is it a necessity? Imo Yes.I mean who else would you suggest to be finance minister instead.\nwhat current political situation and why is it a necessity?", "The current government is a combination between PH and BN long time rivals. There is no way we are getting a UMNO finance minister nor a DAP finance minister due to their voter base. So that leaves us with either a PKR finance minister or a senator.\nWhile finance minister holds alot of power, it still have to listen to either PM or TPM. When anwar announce himself as finance minister, it was during the early days of the uncanny alliances. Most people including Anwar are probably uncertain how this alliances will hold out in practice.\nLets say if we put some pkr guy or senator, who is to say we won't have some umno peeps coming in an demanding approval for this project and that under the pretense of \"TPM ordered it\", you can't deny my approval. Now either the minister have to approved it or went to Anwar over and over to ask for permission.\nIf that is the case, wouldn't it create a tense and distrustful political situations? It's not a simple case of just whatapps anwar, \"hey this umno minister suspiciously ask for RMxxx million for xxx, do i approve?. With anwar as finance minister however, the power hierachy is atleast there to prevent this kind of precedence from happening in the first place.\nWhen now that they worked for 1 year atleast. and things look rather calm and stable, so anwar finally able to appoint a senator to help finance ministry task.\nEdit 1: an analogy would be a assistance headmaster is less likely to ask the treasurer to make some suspicious approval under the table if the person itself is the headmaster itself", "Thank you for the detailed response.", "No problem, I just really wish more people would discuss it from this point of view. Trying to atleast understand if there is a rationality behind the decisions.\nInstead of just going \"haha, typical politicians being hypocrite and not fulfilling their promises\" and then just full stops there."]]} {"title": "Looking for spiritually antinomial communities or societies within Kuala Lumpur.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y74t5/looking_for_spiritually_antinomial_communities_or/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hello, I'm looking for inverted communities or societies of Satanism, Mysticism, Wiccanism, Thelemites and the others related communities within the vicinity of KL.\nPlease message personally, if you have information regarding this.", "comments": [["Pretty sure there\u2019s a community of Thermites in my house, can put you in touch if you want"], ["Nice try, PDRM.", "Heh. Caught me"]]} {"title": "Self-Collect Shoe Box", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ubfue/selfcollect_shoe_box/", "num_comment": 12, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I went to a 24-hour laundry in Sungai Way, PJ today and what caught my interest was this shoe box machine. I checked the price it cost 18 bucks for 1 pair of wet wash services.\nHas anyone tried this before and is it safe to leave your shoe inside the machine overnight?", "comments": [["How I wish there is one in my area. It is pain in the ass to wash my hiking shoe. RM18 is pretty reasonable.", "18 bucks for a deep clean is a bargain. Worth every penny to wash off the hard stained, dirt on your shoe"], ["Wow. Thats useful", "Indeed it is. Let the pro clean it for you with reasonable price"], ["Someone will come and collect, the will wash em on the washing machine next to it\n/s"], ["Wow gg sunway velocity"], ["Got different pricing in different area ni.\nThe LaundryBar Mega outlet in Damansara Jaya has the box too, but its RM30 instead.", "That\u2019s pricey for a pair of shoe! Here it\u2019s RM30 for 2 pairs only"], ["Wahh kat kl got?", "Not pretty sure, so far I\u2019ve found in Sungai Way, PJ. My best bet is look at a 24-hr laundry bar. There's a higher chance you could find them"], ["Try Jordan's or some hype shoes n see", "Jordan? Hell nah, I wouldn\u2019t let some unknown strangers touch it w/out my supervision unless a beat-down, unbranded or counterfeit shoes"]]} {"title": "Are there any folklores or legends that you know which is not famous in Malaysia?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18uarjr/are_there_any_folklores_or_legends_that_you_know/", "num_comment": 41, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "like datuk gong (ik its belief and not folklore but its kinda awesome how the belief is adapted here in this part of SEA)", "comments": [["Legend had it, field at school used to be graveyard of japanese soldier/their victim.", "every school has this legend and then kids ended up having mass hysteria during camping at school \ud83d\udc80", "I've seen it first hand during my secondary school years, for a brief while. It's more solo hysteria than anything else. Kid had to be restrained by classmates and the pendidikan jasmani teacher. I happened to be passing by at that moment. Pupils dilated, incoherent. Sure, the old school had a history of being converted to a Japanese internment camp during ww2, but I suspect he probably had a bad trip. Some kids from the next class were known to deal at the shop-lot behind the school, wouldn't know what kinda bullshit they cut their products with. There were lots of rumours that it's powdered glass and rat poison.\nI didn't stay around to see if whatever they're trying out works. I heard that the Pendidikan Islam teacher from the convent next door tried prayers. She prayed until she huffed and puffed, and gave up. They called the boy's mother next. She came to school, gave the boy 2 hard smacks to the cheeks, and woke him up. Even gave him a scolding and all. Luckily, the school allowed him to go home earlier than usual that day.", "all that and kid 's high \ud83d\udc80 but so dangerous eh rat poison!!", "It was a wild time. During my generation, Dr M's project IC really did a number on my hometown. Hard drugs like meth were trafficked in, while basic necessities like cooking oil, diesel, and even goddam soap were smuggled out by boat. A lot of my classmates ended up being dirt poor filipinos with either red ICs or no IC at all. Their moral values on certain areas are also a lot more flexible than that of an ordinary Malaysian. Kids that end up hooked on drugs either chose really bad meth if they have the cash, or they end up huffing glue.", "My school then was actually a Japanese Prison. Hence the name of the road, Jalan Penjara but was demolished by Brits and turned into Christian School. Now it's gahmen school", "For my primary school, the field was merely a torture site. The science garden was the graveyard ( I used to believe it because I found a bone after digging in the garden ) and classrooms were hospital wards.\nWe also believed that there was a secret room behind the wall of 2022\u2019s 6 Lavender classroom. We believed that it was sealed off after someone killed a whole bunch of students behind that wall. Until this day, I couldn\u2019t figure out why they didn\u2019t put another classroom next to the existing classroom.\nWhen I think about it, there\u2019s no way that\u2019s true because my primary school is in Putrajaya.\nAlso there\u2019s a rumour of a clown living in the girls bathroom"], ["Sarawak jungle is one of the oldest rainforests in the world. There must be some interesting folklores and legends story there.\nI\u2019ll start. Usually in the late evening, if you heard the sound of monkeys in the middle of sarawak jungle, don\u2019t just assume it\u2019s a monkey. It might be a type of ghost that looked like monkey resting on tree branches, and when it\u2019s time for it to walk, it will transform into 12ft monster and walk around the jungle.", "thats scary \ud83e\udd27 americans always said about appalachian legends and some of our jungles also have existed since forever.. who knows what might be in there", "Sounds like one of the jungle creatures from Princess Mononoke."], ["Orang mawas is Malaysia very-own Bigfoot that is located in Johor. I don't think many people talk about it.\nSpeaking of Johor, one of my favourite cryptids ever is Dengkes and Tepok, the mythical twin tigers that some people say still roam Johor to this day. Despite being partly the inspiration of the two tigers in our national seal, people outside of Johor don't really know about it.", "I've heard of mawas, there used to be those conspiracy books they sell or mastika... but the two tigers, that's new!"], ["How about Sang Kelembai, is she popular?", "i think there used to be children's books about her, but i dont think kids nowadays know her tale.."], ["I once heard a friend who told me famous stories among the prison warden in Malaysia.\nThe story goes that one day, there is this wak, black magic, bomoh type of person that entered the prison. Everyone thought he was a weird dude. One day, he draws a boat on a wall and tells everybody that he can use black magic to escape using the boat. He invites people to join his escapes. Some people laugh at him, while there are minority of people who want to join him. The next day, the wak and everyone who wanted to join him disappeared from the prison, along with the picture of the boat. Everyone left shocked by the discovery, and the disappeared people had never been seen anymore.\nI didn't research the validity of this claim, and my friend can overexagerrate his stories, but the details kept me remembering these stories for a very long time.", "Lol prisoners would sign left and right to learn that one", "Can't wait for nft version"], ["I have read of a lady (can't recall her exact name, Cik Siti something) who would get married and the men would be found dead the day after. This went on until 99 men and the 100th man to marry her was a man who was well-versed in the mystical arts. During their first night, he noticed that her vagina opened and out poured hundreds of poisonous creatures like scorpions, snakes, centipedes etc, etc. He killed them all and they managed to live happily ever after.\nBesides that, before Islam or even Hinduism arrived, Malays used to revere 'hiyang' who were thought to live on mountains. This became the origin for the words 'sembahyang'' which is basically 'sembah + hiyang' and 'Kayangan' which is derived from 'ka + hiyang + an' as in the 'place where hiyang resides'.", "Ohh! The 99 husband lady got really tamed down in the telemovie ver lol + new info about the sembahyang word \ud83d\ude2e", "Found her name! It's Cik Siti Aminah Tanah Mahsyur also known as Cik Siti Jalang.\nHere's a fascinating thread if you are interested in Malay folklore. https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/b5jz6j/agama_lama_orang_melayu_sebelum_kedatangan_hindu/", "Thank you!!", "You are welcome !", "The guy must be very horny to deal with all of that sht coming from her huha."], ["The Green Lady. A mournful ghost of a mother mourning the death of her only son who was a student of the school. She would appear wearing green kebaya. Target would usually be among the juniors who happen to resemble her dead son.\n1st there would be the kelambu already set up on the boy's bed while all students were in prep class. There will always be a green smudge at a corner somewhere.\nThen the uniform left hanging to dry overnight will be found to be completely dry and fully ironed. Again there will be a green smudge on his collar.\nThen the lady will sat by the boy bedside each night looking at him while he is sleeping. She'll sang old malay dodoi songs in hauntingly mournful voice while caressing the boy's face.", "Ini kisah sekolah melayu jalan station", "Heheheh... Malay Secondary School Jalan Station. Sebelum tu Tiger Lane. La ni Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah", "The real mak kau hijau", "u make me wanna google but im scared to now \ud83e\udd72", "Except for the smudge which can be resolved with breeze. What a polite and helpful ghost!", "Free laundry service"], ["Theres a bunch of inappropriate myths/folklores from Sabah that ik of. But tbh idk if they were made up by my family (as in by my moyangs) or actual folklores", "ehh what kind of inappropriate", "for example there is this one ghost who is drawn to the sound of children crying, specifically if they cry abt petty things like not wanting to eat vegies or take their medicine. When that ghost is able to locate that child and if that child is still crying she would take out her boobs, which my parents used to describe as pointy and red \ud83d\ude2d, and shove it into the kid\u2019s mouth. The name of the ghost literally teanslates to narrow boobs \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d.\nI say that I think my ancestors (or at least a group of parents in my kg) made this story up bc only the ppl in my hometown has ever heard of this ghost. This is so obviously a myth made up to scare their child into doing things. I have never even heard of the backstory of this myth. Like at least most ghosts have their origin story\n(ps If you\u2019re from Sabah and u have heard this story pls tell me what u call this ghost im tryng to see something)", "The lengths people go to just to get kids to eat their vegetables", "our ancestors love boobie ghosts huh...\n((im not \ud83e\udd27 all i know about boobie ghost is hantu k0pek lmao))"], ["Both my late grandmother and maternal grandmother claimed to have stumbled upon cryptids.\nFor my grandmother, after her family was destroyed and her ancestral lands collectivized by the communist army during the tail end of the era of warlords and generals, my grandmother decided to flee to the then North Borneo against the wishes of my grandfather, who had already established himself there earlier, working for the Chartered Company. On the boat there, she claimed to have seen a dragon flying overhead. Other than the ability to fly, she said that it is actually no more than a simple minded and playful animal, and that there's nothing supernatural or divine about it.\nFor my maternal grandmother, after the Chartered Company forces failed, and her father was executed by the Japs at the start of WW2, she quickly made herself scarce and ran deep into the jungles of the Pendalaman. She made a simple hut under a tall tree, and claimed that her neighbor was a furry half man half ape that made its nest atop that tree. Every morning, the noble creature would climb down his tree, and spent his entire day in search for food, and would be back by sunset. The said creature walked upright, taller than any man she had ever seen, and is completely mute. She said he is as intelligent as a human, and could understand her situation. He helped her with food, and kept watch over the area they were staying at night. She spent a few years like this until the war was over, and she went back to civilization.\nFor my era, things have changed a lot, Dr M's project IC was in full swing. Demographically, the locals were totally outnumbered by the foreign citizens. It's in this kinda era that I can sometimes see practitioners of magic amongst these foreigners. Amulets and tattoos are the most usual tell, commonly said to protect the user from small arms fire. The most egregious I've ever encountered was a sigil tattooed on an old man's forehead. They never bothered to update their magic to withstand against aerial bombardment though, as the army did recover a number of them from the bodies of the Sulu Sultanate soldiers back in 2013.", "It's Protection against Arrows, not Evasion (dodge AoE)", "we should really have a fantasy series. just imagine the folklores we can be inspired from."], ["In Kertih, there's one old woman in her 50s that looks like a pretty young lady with good body. She offered her body to young local men and got a lot of lovers. It is believed she has the art of sucking youth out of the boys to make her young.", "a malaysian succubus?????"]]} {"title": "Sheraton Move, London Move and now, Dubai Move?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ua5yr/sheraton_move_london_move_and_now_dubai_move/", "num_comment": 81, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Lol they know if Sultan Johor becomes YDPA in a few months, they can\u2019t stand a chance.", "he likes anuar?", "Tun M has bad blood with Johor royalty", "The fact that this come after Daim got put in the naughty list ,Tun M know he have less time to do his move", "About 32 days left.\nIt's the final countdown intensifies", "Almost checkmate \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "ahh, yes. thank you. totally forgot that", "To the point of personally visiting him all the way in Turkey when Anwar was getting treatment there.", "woah. so its not like 'preferrin the other just cuz you dont like this one' kinda feel. i see", "What am I missing here? Is mahathir doing some shit? Why now? IIRC he isn't even an MP. This government is already a bit of a shitshow, they should just let Anwar cook so they can just swoop in for a won next election.", "I think what they are trying to do is create the narrative that they are the saviours of the Malay race. One key difference I noticed with the Malay community this time that is absent during the Sheraton move is the rapid decline of the malays into political extremism. You can see this on twitter (who have always been a PH stronghold) where everyday it gets worse and worse. If they collapse the government, they will be hailed as heroes of the Malay community and ride that shit to secure a decade or more of power", "IMO rn Malays don't really like their king. They don't rlly need kings to \"safeguard\" \"Malay rights\" they have politician edi. Esp politician that play race card. King don't play race card.", "Mahathir 97 bro. You think he can wait next election?", "Yes, but also that's what I thought when I voted in PH last election.\n\"He's 90 something, how long can he not pass to Anwar.\"\nAnd I was ohhh so wrong.", "Bro one heart discomfort and top 10 best heart doctors would surround him, he aint going anywhere.", "Mahatir goes into power today. Tomorrow scientists announce a pill to prolong livespan.", "Salt is a really good preservative", "But they ingat current Agung dumb ?", "Hadi awang, din pagoh & tun m can't sit comfortably after this hehehe"], ["Apart from PN leaders, he claimed there was also the involvement of influential veteran political figures with the rank of Tun\nI wonder who could that be... \ud83d\ude0f", "Tun Perak maybe \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f", "Man comes back from the dead to make us into a superpower like the good old days.", "Someone should make a manga of that.", "Tan Tin Tun?", "Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat.\nThey deserve Tun title more than the other two turds.", "Tunak Tunak Tun", "Tak Tun Tuang"], ["At this rate, \"Langkah\" will be Malaysia's equivalent to \"-gate\".", "Langkah Batang Berjuntai when?", "Everyday.\nWhen we get fucked by the government.", "Chun tai?\nWtf"], ["Sounds stupid. Opposition too busy talking about bringing down government and not taking care of their own constituents. What happened to gabungan 4? Any projects that will develop kelantan, terengganu kedah and perlis? Or just gonna buy another mazda cx5.", "Why would they care about their constituents.\nIt's all about the gaji buta and SUV's.", "PN was in gov for more than 2 yrs, what major development projects were implemented in the East Coast and Northern states?", "Project Kereta baru merc/vielfire\nProject pi makan nikah 50 kali tahun ini"], ["A viral message on social media recently claimed that a plan was being hatched in Dubai, dubbed the Dubai Move, by representatives of Umno, PN and GPS.\nPN teamming with H2O's anti-Zahid camp is one thing, but GPS? Are those guys very greedy to the point that they are willing to work with the same guys who will damage Sarawak's social diversity?\nEh who am I kidding. Borneo politicians are labeled as frogs for a reason.", "GPS always there cause they know they r King Maker by playing both side they can get rewards when anyone come to power , why would they want making Malaysia great,it's better if Sarawak is great. You can see that some policy Sarawak do not follow federal,like Sarawak want pmr/spm style exam in there state,push for more control in oil related field and etc", "Do you think they even care about making Sarawak great? What have they done since?", "hard to put into words i guess", "offering pm position is too juicy to say no", "I thought PNPAS coalition PM candidate is this DR Sam that Pas supporters keep bring up?", "then there is 0 incentive for GPS to support them. they are DPM now.", "Why him though and not any of his seniors i.e. VP Tuan Ibrahim or even the head honcho the president Hadi himself?", "Didn't GPS initially supported Muhyiddin as PM before Anwar persuaded them to team up with PH", "There were some small scale protests in Sarawak when Abang Jo flew to meet Muhyiddin and then talks of potential riots materialised later, after that they walked back and was suddenly friendly to Anwar.\nA certain someone high up in the Sarawak cabinet is a petty man and has targeted several DAP rep's family members that work in the public sector. Even those who are just small secretaries lost their jobs because they were related to a DAP member.\nThe man is a tyrant and he just wants a political party that would support his tyrannical rule, working with PH means he still has to work with the opposition in his state.", "You can't just drop that on us without giving any hint on who the higher up is."], ["RIP MYR man. Can\u2019t we just have a stable term for the government?", "Until a single party or single coalition has a simple majority. Since 2018, no coalition nor party has that golden number.\nSo expect a shaky government for the next election cycle or two.", "Until a single party or single coalition has a simple majority.\nI don't think so. Best counter-example:\nIn 1986 GE7, UMNO wins a massive super-majority with 74% of all MPs.\nIn 1988, UMNO creates a fucking Constitutional Crisis.\nA single party winning a majority is not enough in Malaysia anymore. It is pure and basic institutional reforms. That will create a stable gov't.", "simple majority\nWrong. Larger majority. Don't need to be 2/3rds, but enough that some frogs won't topple them.", "Not even. Even \u00be majority didn't prevent UMNO's 1988 Constitutional Crisis.\nPoliticians will fucking politic, no matter the majority."], ["It\u2019s time for the Anwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Special."], ["Here we go again"], ["Mr. Worldwide"], ["Imagine if they used all of this cunning and energy to do their actual jobs. Malaysia would lead the world."], ["Expected Tun M Cronies' relationship with Sultan Johor is shaky (In Blood War)\nMore to come as everyone runs for their lives.:26554:"], ["If I were not mistaken, they hatched this plan while YDPA was at Dubai for the UN Climate Change Conference"], ["3 years of political crisis n we passed a bill to stabilise government. Would the King want to be the factor that throw a working gov into crisis again?\nAny decision has to be consulted w the Council of Rulers including the Sultan of Johor", "Anything they have to do it before 31st Jan 2024.\nI'll bet my left nut new YDPA will not do a certain Tun any speckle of favor. Which this move is clearly head by.", "Actually, at 1 point theres no choice. If a law does not pass, then the PM have no choice but to resign or call for election. Because it shows the PM no longer have the majority.", "I think a motion of no confidence need to be called first\nNot law no pass = resign/re elections\nThat sounds too abusable to be an actual proceeding.\nAnyhow if its a motion of no confidence, PN is screwed. Fat chance they can out buy the sitting Gov's counter offer.", "Nope. No need. The constitution only states the PM needs the majority of parliament. Theres 2 ways to determine it\n1) as you said, motion of confidence\n2) the passing of laws\nThe passing of laws require a simple majority. A law not passed means dont have a simple majority.\nJust like what happened to muhyiddin. The reason he avoid having a parliament sitting is because if a law is not passed, then he has to step down. A motion of confidence or no confidence can be blocked by the speaker. If motion of no confidence is the only way, then theres no way to remove a sitting PM.", "Council of rulers and Agong can give their say but he still need to a point someone who get majority in the parliament unless he want hang government", "I wonder if its a constitution crisis if the YDPA wanna play games and keep VETOing PM selection from the party that pisses him off.\nCan he do that? Constitution sifu clarification welcomed.\nThat'll be very funny to see.\nI mean very terrible, so please don't do that:26554:", "Current Agong step down early and give the responsibility to the new Agong ie Sultan Johor, GG???", "That will make the old man's head pop off, and spill another Facebook/Twitter rant tornado.\nActually, that would be funnier. To watch that old fart piss and whine his way into 2024:26557:", "Stepping down literally just one month before his term ends anyway?\nThat is spite if I'd ever seen one haha.", "Even regular people close to retire already malas want handle things at work apatah lagi this more complicated thing like appointing a PM and to handle bickering among MPs, Party .", "Hang parliament? U know what is the bill about? That wont happen already. No reason for the King to overthrow a working government"], ["With covid and banjir now, this is their main focus wth. And they want to convince us that they are capable of running this country?", "They were never interested with running the country, they just want to run the money"], ["This ain't madagascar, but they sure like the song."], ["next lancau move"], ["Guess you could say they like to move it move it, you like to move it move it, we like to? MOVE It!!"], ["This is democracy. Biasa la ni.\nPMX pun dulu slalu announce \u201ci got the numbers\u201d. Same thing.", "If this is our democracy, then we are fucking screwed as a country.", "Naah we\u2019re not. Chill.", "Hah. Preach brother."], ["Uk move(ulu klang move)"], ["Whatever move also same old people play musical chairs."]]} {"title": "Something is wrong (Maybank mae)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ua2cc/something_is_wrong_maybank_mae/", "num_comment": 28, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This is pissing me off", "comments": [["Yes, this dogshit.\nI believe, -daily limited to reset once -internet issue -no old password\nOr app maintenance. The app is just a failure.", "Gosh and my current manager needs us to create an account now \ud83d\udc80 this is so silly omg", "All good, almost all Malaysian knows the Maybank efficiency.", "Lol I hope she will", "I can confirm the 1 limit password reset per 24hr thing, should put on the list.. Shitty app"], ["wait till u see the UOB app man, i genuinely hate it so much from every aspect", "They didn't have the email feature like what Citibank did. A total downgrade after their acquisition.", "I raise you Public Bank's. It's dog shit.", "I say this is the shittiest of shit.\nI don\u2019t know why banks never put efforts into their mobile apps, but constantly pushing into mobile banking (secure2u, secure approval etc) when it\u2019s so frustrating to use.\nThen comes the fucking notifications spamming. MUTED THEM ALL.", "oh god ive seen my friend using it, its actually so terrible and messy", "Now try bank islam Both their web and mobile ecosystem are fucking atrocious even if we lower the standard to 2010s"], ["I wonder why they limit password to only 12 letters, coz usually stronger passwords are longer. Yea i get it i can make strong passwords with 12 chars only but would it be also better if can make it long as well.", "Right? That's so silly too", "cut cost ma... 13 letters got ghost pulak. what can do?", "In properly stored password it is hashed before it being stored into database. Hashes has static length so no matter how long your passwords is it always have the same length.", "CIMBClicks have a higher character limit but they don't allow copy-pasting your password in their Android app because of security.", "That\u2019s the opposite of security"], ["They still run on old legacy system that built on COBOL, hence the limiting characters and options for a modern secure password.", "Not surprising. COBOL developers are highly sought after by banks, tax agencies etc."], ["yes. the fking password is ridiculously short for a BANK\nmy shitposting twitter account has more security"], ["Yo bro. I also had this problem, went to contact their staff and they told me to create the new password on their website instead of the app. It actually worked for me.\nHope this helps"], ["Yup I quit when reaching this step"], ["Start a using @ 0 4 $ in the password.. if you want to maintain the old password, but not same as old password Example P@$$w0rd"], ["Same issues here, been trying to open account since last month, posted 1star Google Play review, they asked to me to contact then via Twetter and told me to go to maybank branch when I asked then to fix the app registation they were like 'Trust me bro, just go to the Maybank branch', Freaking lazy Dev.\nAlso what's up with the shitty password guidelines? 12 Characters limit, really? Even my Password Manager told the generated password for MAE has a poor security, its also prevent users to use Passphrase due to character limits. Latest Password guidelines recommends length limit of at least 64 characters to allow people to use Passphrase Like Diceware which is strong but easily remembered password if you wanna know more check out this video!"], ["To be safe, it's always better to do it from a browser by logging into the main portal especially password change. Mobile app are cranky, convenient yes but for consistency and reliability browser approach from a tablet or desktop is best."], ["Is that tantan?"], ["if I remember correctly the special character ';' is not available but doesn't show up in the info tip"]]} {"title": "Why are museums so underwhelming in Malaysia?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u9no5/why_are_museums_so_underwhelming_in_malaysia/", "num_comment": 112, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "I visit museum whenever I visit a new city or county. With Malaysia, I find the museum really underwhelming. Even the national museum is not really up to standarde for a National museum. I been to museum in US, Europe, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Thailand, Vietnam.\nI say Malaysia museum of all sorts are so underwhelming here.I don't see much attention to detail or story telling. Only walls of information like a powerpoint presentation or copy paste of general knowledge. There is no artifact on display or just badly curated.\nI love history, arts, and culture. I truly wish Malaysia step up it's game.", "comments": [["We don't have the habit of preserving our culture and history as a society unfortunately. Agree with you that our museums are really bad, doesn't inspire and feel \"museum\" enough\nOnly one I'd say that feels contemporary enough to be an actual museum in Peninsula is probably the Bank Negara Museum. Otherwise the newly opened Borneo museum on Kuching is also up there!", "Been to the bank negara museum, can confirm it's quite good\nThat said, maybe I'm biased but the old Kuching museum has a certain charm to it, but yes it's not up to par with more modern museums", "I think the comment above was referring to the newly opened Borneo Cultures Museum in Kch, it\u2019s world class!", "Yes, I am aware, but I have never been to the new one since leaving Malaysia. While the old Brooke era museum is full of childhood memories for me\nWould love to visit the new museum at some point in the future tho", "Ah woops, gotchu. I think the old Brooke era Sarawak Museum is being refurbished at the moment, but if you haven't been back in a while, you should also add the (kind of new) Brooke Gallery in Fort Margherita to your list.", "I actually came back about a few months back but just stayed in Sibu for two weeks to see my fam lmao", "Would like to piggyback the top comment but the Islamic Arts Museum in KL is incredibly beautiful and one of the best experiences in KL. Not that this is important, I\u2019m not Muslim myself but have visited this museum multiple times.\nBonus. Its a great place for dates!", "i see you JAKIM :26562:", "Singaporean here - I just went to bank Negara museum and several days ago and gotta say that my kids did have fun. But plenty of interactive stuff broke/wasn\u2019t working so that\u2019s a huge bummer for my kids", "The last sentence is so typically Malaysia haha", "We don't have the habit of preserving our culture and history as a society unfortunately\nI will go even further than that. I don't think it is by accident. Malaysian government actively wants to destroy old culture and history that doesn't fit their narrative. So many cases of destroying the Hindu-Buddhist historical sites. Lembah Bujang. Completely wiped out. The researchers assigned to study it, of course not even one Hindu or one Buddhist. That would be offensive, right? Like last week, YTL destroyed a more than 100 year old Nagamma temple in Sentul. I can guarantee you that you didn't hear about it. YTL is considered as the landowner which is odd because YTL only got founded in 1955. More than a century after Indians were staying there. The land in Sentul was technically railway land and the railway workers, almost completely Indians were given that land to stay when all the railway and shit that made Malaysia rich was being done. But I guess those ownership papers got burnt in the fires of 1948 and May 13, 1969.\nMalaysia doesn't want to talk about real history. They only want to talk about fake history. That's why there is so much talk about Palestine but not even 1 word mentioned about the fact that Malaysia sold weapons to Sri Lanka when Sri Lanka was genociding Tamils there. Why isn't that raised in our museums that seem to be so active in promoting Palestine now?", "Ironically we are not good at preserving our current history too. I've long advocated for a Petronas motorsports museum (I'm an F1 fan) because they have a rich history in this sport. They have the resources to build a museum and have sponsored the best cars and racers from the likes of F1 and MotoGP too. The likes of Michael Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton and Valentino Rossi have been with teams sponsored by Petronas, and Petronas were the title sponsors of Mercedes when they had the most successful period in F1 history.\nYet there isn't a single momento like even a display car or helmet to show off their contributions to motorsports."], ["Mostly my opinion:\nMalaysia, through most of its history, stone construction has not been the norm. Mostly the locals use wood. So we don't have lots of preserved indigenous artifacts beyond a few hundred years. On top of that, much of Malaysia's ancient history is oral and tribal. Much of it has probably been lost. There is a relative lack of things like Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu constructions that are very old unlike say Thailand, India, Vietnam and China.\nOn top of that Malaysia has a history of \"borrowed\" culture going back in history. Arab traders bringing Muslim religion and language. The Indians and Chinese too. Then came the waves of Western colonialists. In this sense, Malaysia has been a \"melting pot\" being at the center of many sea trade routes.\nEven things we consider \"traditional\" in Malaysia like the royalties etc appear to borrow heavily from traditions that are not indigenous. (Sultan, for example, is an arabic term) The Majapahit empire, for example, is Javanese-Hindu and is not centered around the current political boundaries of Malaysia. Then there is the influence from Thailand that is primarily Buddhist.\nIn a sense, this doesn't blend well with the current political ruling class that like to craft a narrative that Malaysia as predominantly Muslim and thus being Muslim is somehow central to Malaysia's past. History would point out a much richer and more diverse origins of Malaysian tradition and culture but this is actually quite politically inconvenient.\nThis probably disconnects many Malaysians from things going back more than a few generations. This is probably reflected in the academics as well as how things get curated in museums.", "You're not lying. There is literally an UMNO Museum In Melaka, literally at the historical area below A Famosa and with the other museums.", "I went there earlier this month and that particular museum is probably not gonna last that much longer. I would be suprised if it still exist beyond 2024.", "Why? Genuinely curious", "2nd floor isn't open to public, not that it has anything good anyways. And I was the only person who went there for the day (as of 3pm based on the logbook). Also no more aircond, which is a sure sign they are dying.", "Ah i see. When I was in melaka a few years back I was there and wanted to enter but it was closed hahah", "And we also have to contend with the fact each state museum wants to house their own artefacts (which Malaysia in general has very limited amount to begin with). The State Museums sometimes have much better artefact collections than the National Museum.\nAnd ofc, there's also the obvious issue of funding. Malaysian Museums in general (rightfully) have very low admission fee. A lot of them you don't have to pay a single cent.", "Wish I can upvote you twice. Super true", "Man. I want to print this out and just hand it out to people. Multi-purpose answer for most Malaysia FAQs", "This is the right answer.", "This I believe is the real reason. Politics and religion."], ["Hopefully this could improve sooner than later.\nThe one in Kuching, Borneo Cultures Museum is amazing though. If you like museums, I think its worth a visit when you do visit Kuching. Being the newest built 'big' museum really do wonders. The facility inside is nice, clean and modern. I don't really have an eye for architecture, but from the looks of it, the architecture of the building itself is well designed as well. Could spend an entire day there if you actually go through the exhibits slowly and read through everything.", "i really love this museum too. i went there during their spirit showcase (im not sure if it's permanent or not). the vibe is amazing, the showcase is amazing, the layout inside is amazing, the interactive showcase is amazing as well. 10/10 would recommend.\nalso i went to islamic arts museum in kl couple months ago. while it's not as amazing as sarawak and has no interactive feature, the paintings and items on showcase are quite a curious sight to see too.\nand perhaps you might want to take your kids to klcc petrosains and planetarium kl if they're into interactive museums. my kids love those a lot.", "I can vouch for this. There's a lot of heart put into it, it's modern(as of right now), the museum is very interactive, there's a merchandise store, it's a good tourist attraction, the entrance fee is also pretty cheap. I spent like 4 hours there reading and going through every artifacts and taking tons and tons of pictures. Sadly, I didn't get to experience the last floor entirely because the museum was about to close. I will definitely go there again in the future. It's a good family visit too however children tend to get bored easily but even then, there is an interactive section, made for kids (and fun loving adults) so even kids would love the experience.\nIf you're visiting Kuching, make sure to go there. It's genuinely a good museum and the largest one in Malaysia too.", "The State Museums are all generally very good. Perak Museum, Kota Tinggi Museum, Stadhuys (and the museums surrounding it), Seri Menanti Museum, and so on."], ["I would say have you visited our museum in the late 80's or early 90's it would be a lot more interesting. I remember a room full of weapon relics like keris of all shape and sizes, musket and pistols used by the British army when they colonized our country, as well as a replica of tin mining ship the size of a car. Another fond memory I had was the longest rotan found in the jungle of Malaysia, it was like 400 meters long (I think lol), they fixate it on the ceiling of the showcase and have it looped around the room several dozen times to fit its massive length.\nVisited the museum again with an Australian friend like 15 years ago, that time the museum is already fallen into a sorry state. The room full of keris shrunk into a single cabinet, most showrooms are basically empty. Such a sad fate for a place that holds the many amazing things in the past.", "Yeah, all thanks to the legendary head curator, the late Shahrum Yub back then - he really has the passion to do his job. Read his interview once in Mastika about how his team handled the tomb of King Tut for \"Tombs Around The World\" and it already make me go wow. Those period was the peak of National Museum.\nIt takes both the leaders passion and the gov passion to return it in similar state again, which per current Malaysia gov standard...uhhhhh......"], ["The Islamic arts museum is REALLY good. Serious kudos to the management there. Highly recommend. But yeah Muzium Negara was so sad.", "Agree. Very comparable to the one I\u2019ve been to overseas.", "I love the Islamic Arts Museum. Easily one of my favourite museums of anywhere I've visited.", "And cheap too! RM7 for the permanent exhibit and RM4-6 for the rotational one. They're also the only centre for restoration in Semenanjung. Most museums use them for repairs and restoration. They also used to have art classes like calligraphy."], ["Many of the muzeums here were old and wasn't kept up with the latest technology. If you have the time, pleaee visit the relatively newly built Borneo Museum in Kuching, Sarawak. Some people say that it's even better than Muzium Negara"], ["The Borneos Culture Museum in Kuching is pretty good. Went there last year and thoroughly enjoyed myself."], ["Underfunded. Im guessing the only budget they get is for staff, electricity, water and keeping the place clean. Nothing more.", "Yep underfunded and most of the history stuffs are under appreciated as well in Malaysia.", "Let's normalise not saying \"stuffs\" folks"], ["Imo it\u2019s because Malaysian don\u2019t view Museums as interesting or a tourist attraction. Most Malaysians view museums as boring and only for history. The best Museum I\u2019ve been to is the National History Museum in London. We should have a cultural change to value art and history more."], ["I was at Islamic Art museum yesterday with my foreign friend. I was blown away cos it\u2019s a world class standard and he really liked it too."], ["The artifacts are probably in British Museum /s\nJokes aside, even the buildings are not as appealing or majestic as museums in other countries. It is hard to attract tourists or locals to come and see them.\nShoutout to Museum of Islamic Arts tho, they are really nice."], ["It's easier for the politicians to control the masses if the masses do not learn from the past ;)", "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past"], ["Probably because we don't have a lot to preserve lmao. Try other museums instead of just tue national museum (like the perak man one) since our museums are split so many places"], ["The Borneo Cultures Museum in Kuching is absolutely fantastic. Huge, excellent collection, modern design and great use of technology, interactive, very well curated. Though the Sabah State Museum in Kota Kinabalu is indeed rather sad."], ["Our national arty gallery is pretty good tho"], ["Im guessing it\u2019s simply we\u2019re generally not proud of our heritage and culture. Museum is where we showcase our history of heritage and culture. I\u2019ve been to Istanbul museum and Taiwan\u2019s, they really take pride on their rich history no doubt."], ["have u been to Sarawak muzium? very curious which state museum u have visited"], ["I always thought muzium is very boring since I'm grow up in Malaysia, until one day i step into taiwan muzium."], ["Museums are what is known as sociological expressions, in that they act as cultural conduits linking present to past. They therefore tend to be very well established and appreciated in areas of the world where there is a strong sense of connecting past, present and future together to inform society.\nMalaysia as a whole is not very interested in its past except in niche scenarios ( like most Penangnite who are Chinese or Indians are very interested in Penang history from the early 17th century onwards ). Malaysia is more interested in ethnic identification, which may mean one is interested in looking at the past except in the case of Malaysia the ethnic identification is a legal entity as well so it becomes more a focus on the present and less about the past.\nAs a result, museums become less important. Cultural things of the current becomes more important, such as existing festivals and rituals ( it does not need the past to be valid ).", "Chat GPT ah bro \ud83d\ude02"], ["Because real Malaysian heritage is shopping and eating. Look at the number of huge shopping malls"], ["When I went to the National Art Gallery in Malaysia, I couldn't help but imagine some government bureaucrat saying, \"we need an art museum like a serious country\" and so they came up with a really poor, half-assed imitation of a Western art museum.\nWhen I went to the Islamic Arts Museum I had the opposite impression. I felt like the backers authentically cared about showcasing the diversity of Muslim cultures around the world and through history and did something impressive.\nSmaller local museums similarly fall into two camps. There are some real hidden gems in different parts of the country, but then there are some pathetic misses."], ["because most of the museum worthy collection is privately owned and owners dont want to part with it"], ["You can try visiting the Malaysian Chinese Museum in Serdang. Ive been there earlier this year, and it is by far the best museum ive been to in Malaysia"], ["Bro Kuching has the best museums here. Check them out."], ["You're pretty much describing the country."], ["Correct genealogy and accurate history interferes with the official world view"], ["If you haven't been, the Penang War Museum is my favorite museum ever, and I've been to many of them abroad."], ["I see many complaints. Any idea how to improve on the situation?"], ["Shout out to Terengganu State Museum which is for me quiet decent but not spectacular.\nI frequently went to museum in Malaysia and got laugh at doing that sometime haha."], ["You should go to Sarawak Museum. You may change your mind. I\u2019ve been to museums in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea. Sarawak\u2019s new museum tops it all imo"], ["Islamic Art Museum KL is really good, you should visit it."], ["Some artifacts were sold secretly and replaced with replicas. Malacca has interesting museum but dont visit the istana. Not worth it, it has mural painting for Hang Tuah legend but no actual written records"], ["Why bother with museums when you can see real-life dinosaurs roaming around us in daily life.\nIt's pretty easy to spot them really, they're the ones shouting ketuanan melayu."], ["Because it didn't match with our Arab descendant narrative."], ["keeping the people dumb is how 3rd worlds control their population.\nsmart citizens will change things, dumb citizens will follow along."], ["I hate malaysia museum"], ["Cos Malaysians are very under-educated (by international standards) and basically extremely ignorant. Religious schools still teach evolution is fake\u2026so yeah\u2026cool level of general knowledge, guys..", "Religious schools still teach evolution is fake\nDo they? I came from SK Agama and did alot of religion study outside school in HS. The ustat and ustazah never said it's fake. They just did not mention it and ignored the question when asked. The best reply I ever got was \"wallahualam\".", "My and my wife religious schools were pretty aggressive that it wasn\u2019t true. This is retard-level education", "Idk but being agnostic and atheist seems to be a weirdly cool and trendy thing for redditors hence the constant demonisation of religion here although benda tu takde kene mengena langsung. What in the world is wrong with some people."], ["I see. At least you guys still have a museum haha. I'm from Brunei and ours have been closed for 15 years under \"renovation\" but afaik nothing moved. Perhaps it can be a paranormal sighting spot or something."], ["Really? Have you tried Dewan Rakyat?"], ["You went to the wrong place? Go to the British museum as they nicked all the good stuff! /s"], ["Since we're all here anyway - are there any museums in the Klang Valley that redditors are impressed with?", "Islamic arts Museum. I reckon it's good because it's privately owned. Their collection is extensive.", "Which one ah", "Next to Masjid Negara", "Idk if it's in Klang valley but I loved the orang asli museum, I also dk if it's up to you guy's standard but yeah", "The one that\u2019s next to Muzium Negara? Pretty sure that counts as Klang Valley!\nIt focuses on OA craft and artwork, and is quite good in my opinion.\nOr did you mean the one at Ayer Keroh outside Melaka?", "This one actually https://www.google.com/maps/place/Muzium+Orang+Asli+Gombak+(MOAG)/@3.2942978,101.7295488,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x31cc3f1492d7133d:0x2ec3082898d10f95!8m2!3d3.2942924!4d101.7321237!16s%2Fm%2F03hn05r?entry=ttu/@3.2942978,101.7295488,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x31cc3f1492d7133d:0x2ec3082898d10f95!8m2!3d3.2942924!4d101.7321237!16s%2fm%2f03hn05r?entry=ttu)\ni just realized it says gombak in the name, so not klang valley sadly", "I think Gombak counts according to this:\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klang_Valley\nI wasn\u2019t aware of that one - will check it out as I live quite near. Thanks for the info!"], ["The Islamic art museum is pretty good"], ["Becos we never conquered any other countries and steal their treasures and we kena conquered and our treasures all at British museum.....", "Laughs in Singapore National Museum, Art Museum, Asian Civilisation Museum etc etc.\nBut no seriously Malaysia\u2019s museum is kinda underwhelming for a country this developed. It was strange to me that visiting museums is not part of the tour when visiting Malaysia."], ["Because all the good stuff were taken away by the colonizers when they were here hundred of years ago. If you have the chance to go to prominent museums in europe, you can see how much of our stuff were taken back there. Same thing happened to all the place where they colonized.", "Singapore's museums are really good tho, even their art ones.", "Because we got bajet to obtain exhibits mah. Collectors and owners also have peace of mind lending their objects to us because they know anything they lend will be secure and well-taken care of.", "The fuck you on about. Taipei and Seoul museums are nice. Also as others have said Singapore. Even Japan and their museums is about Japanese culture not so much about their colonizing past.", "Example, Klang bell, a 1200years old bell from bronze age found in klang. Taken by british and currently displayed in british museum. Also look at the database of british museum, around 3000 artifacts from malay peninsula alone in their collection.everything good were looted."], ["Our museums have only like 50 yrs of history compared to other countries, who tf wants to visit? Defo not me. All displaying cultural underwear and panties across different eras \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 as my dad likes to say in Cantonese \u201c\u770b\u4ec0\u4e48\u9a6c\u6765\u5e95\u88e4\u201d"], ["Idk, museum always seems like a creepy place. I went one in melaka, there was an empty cradle with a doll (probably) inside with voice of crying baby and angklong background music.\nAlso went to the terengganu one, there was this traditional clothes section. Put inside a small room that looks exactly like my late grandma\u2019s room. Also creepy. I hv the photo but it\u2019s buried too deep inside my gallery.\nEdit: also good idea by op but i dont think the price will be rm5 per entry anymore."], ["Suggest you try other things in Malaysia i.e food hunting. This museum stuff is so politically fucked up that it's not worth your time."], ["Even the scammers knew elsewhere to rob"], ["They should bring back the Hantu exhibits honestly it was the multicultural learning experience memory I had in school"], ["It is and its below average since forever. It is always under budget and not up to date with the latest discoveries. It is saddening \u2639\ufe0f"], ["We didn't get to loot any nations so we just put any available local items on display even though we knew that it's kind of boring.\nLooted relics make other nations' museums so overwhelming"], ["The new Borneo museum is so cool, did you know the museum have a samurai sword owned by a Japanese general and was given as a \u201cpeace offering\u201d when the Japanese surrendered\nThat\u2019s so cool to me, I love weapons\nAlso if you love archaeology you can see the history of archeology in Sarawak since Niah Cave have the oldest human remains in Malaysia"], ["Yeah muzium negara is pretty bad. Went to the museum in melaka, it was way better and had more things to see."], ["Because malaysia's history is not as what it seems."], ["Tengah adjust2 history to 'educate' the kids lagi mah, cannot finalise lagi ni"], ["Take the exhibit back from british museums, maybe it would be better."], ["Except for Bank negara Museum, others hmm..."], ["Fucking boring ass country"], ["I share the same opinion with the others here: Malaysians are historically bad at preserving history,\nSome time ago I was researching about Malaysian fashion trends throughout the decades and I couldn't find anything even in the National Library.\nHad to ask some netizens online about this and they replied it's about 10 years behind Western trends. It would be a while before I could confirm this via old photos of a church.\nI was able to get a rare book about how Tanah Melayu and Malaysia looked like in Kuala Lumpur via old drawings and photos, but this was thanks to my father's colleagues. But I have never seen a copy of this book elsewhere. This book did not come up in the National Library database although it's possible it's a limited accessed book that you cannot borrow the book but only look at it.\nBecause of my experience in trying to find all these valuable resources, my answers are very different from the typical Malaysian when it comes to \"How to get Malaysians to be more proud of being Malaysian?\"\nI only said that \"unless the historical resources are available to every Malaysian, how can they be proud of something they do not know exists?\" I also cited the West like the US has rich records of each decade like fashion, politics etc, but apparently, this was not the answer the asker wanted to hear...\nAnd so the asker accused me of \"Unworthy of being Malaysian\"."]]} {"title": "Can boss force salaried employee to work out of buisness hour if mistakes were made at work? (Whithout paying OT)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u8bxc/can_boss_force_salaried_employee_to_work_out_of/", "num_comment": 19, "flairlabel": [], "header": "My sister work hybrid as a grahpic designer, sometimes when she made a mistake at work she is expected to overtime remotely and finish the day work, she's currently on probation/intern for 3 months, so her pay is already low, but they never pay her OT for the hours she spent off-site or at home, some even take her untill 4am in the morning, imo her mistakes aren't that major, cause usually it's because they were expecting her to focus on something more instead of something else without clarifying her what she actually need to prioritize on, which cost her time but in the end she is at fault for not asking, though i think she was given vague instructions that were made to be misunderstood. But i won't debate on that. Currently she's working on 3 projects with day by day deadline, She is issued to design something that is given to her day to day, if she fail to finish it within a day she is expected to OT, even if she din't make any mistakes they would still call her up at night to send in the day work if she haven't finished. The deadline never exceed 2-3 days within announcement. If she don't do OT would she get in trouble? Considering they don't pay her for the time anyway? Also theres one more thing that happened to her, the \"manager\" messed up the deadline for the project she worked on and he didn't even clarified it, just deleted it and edited some stuffs to cover up the mistake and expected her to work with the new deadline, is this legal? The \"manager\" also likes to send in the working files 30 mins before the buisness hour is up.... This is her 2nd company (1st hybrid) and she got loads to complain about but the driving factor that makes her want to quit is working off buisness hours (OT).\nFor clarification, i get that salaried empoyees in the US are mostly exempt from OT pay, and instead is compensated by something called \"Comp Time\" but that's not mandatory, not sure how it is in Malaysia, and i also know that since the gig she is on is fairly competitive and since the deadline depends on the client, she is expected to work off hours remotely or in office, but this has been going on for the past 3 months and she has been missing her sleep which i think is not a healthy environment to be in, or this gig is just not suited for her.\nClarifcation 2: It's not actually \"intern\" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just that this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in \"probation\" she is promised minimum salary after a few more months.\nEdit: forgot to mention, tomorrow (sunday) they expected her to be on-call to finish the project she worked on before new year, this is off buisness hours and shes is not getting payed for it.", "comments": [["Exploitation, grey area.\nTake it as a lesson, get more confident in the future and a better job.", "Thanks for the advice, i'll try making her consider on changing her gig if that's possible...."], ["TLDR : yes until report to JTK but once u report to JTK there is no turning back because the next you go job interview, the HR will start to check whether u have history report against former employer and will deterrent from hiring you because u caused trouble.", "This is why malaysia is heaven for crocs , free abusive workforce country", "HR will start to check whether u have history report against former employer\nHolup, they can do that? How though?", "Call your previous employer if curious enough and check jtk department, everything just need ic name . U are fucked if is niche industry because everyone know everyone and this has just happen few week ago at instagram salary malaysia gap confession.\nFun fact : maybank have a hr department that send authentic employee potential survey / queries to previous employment to confirm any issues before hiring", "Does this meen it's an offence to hold \"salaried\" employees out of buisness hour to stay for extra hours to make amendments for the mistakes that's been made? Or can we not force employees to stay for the deadline wether or not mistakes has been made? Not sure what the state law is in Malaysia, thanks for replying."], ["So many things wrong with the situation but for rm500/mo the best thing is to just GTFO of that company immeadiately.\nTell your sister to just email saying he quit and start looking for a new job, block all contact with that company.\nOT is the least of her concerns to be honest."], ["As far as I concerned, if your salary is more than MYR3500, you are not able to claim OT anymore, for whatever reason.\nBut usually, you don\u2019t really have to spend much on OT once you reach this stage. So, I can say your sister is abused. Not surprising though since graphic industry was never fair to begin with, just look at Les Copaque issues.\nGraphic people usually stay for the passion, if she no longer have that passion, ask her to jump somewhere else before her mental health detoriate at the speed of light.", "She is in probation/intern for said company, she is paid RM500 monthly, last month got deducted but won't say how much and why just for the sake of not being specific.\nJust for clarification, it's not actually \"intern\" since she had that experience in her first company already, it's just this 2nd company ask to pay lower then minimum cause she is new, only 1 year experience as an intern in first company so i think it's more accurate to call this in \"probation\"", "Is she an employee under probation or is she an intern? She cannot be both. As an employee of a Malaysian company she must be paid at least the statutory minimum wage (RM1500 for employees paid per month or RM 7.21 per hour for those paid per hour). Help her to make a report to JTK then find a new job ASAP", "This is bs. She's not an intern, she is a fully working employee who is under probation because she's new. She's being grossly underpaid at a RM500 salary - even waiters at restaurants are paid more. Likely the employer does not even have a salary slip for her because they are paying her below minimum salary. 100% being exploited.", "Is she living in outskirts? Because she should receive a minimum wage at least. I earned more working in 7-11 and our OT was paid.\nYou should have a reality check with her."], ["Employers are required to pay at least 1.5x for overtime hours. You can refer to the Employment Act 1955 (for West Malaysia) which protects employees with salary up to RM4,000.\nErm, maybe there's something wrong with my work ethic, but if they're paying low salary they shouldn't expect the employee to go beyond normal working hours without OT pay or allowance. Perhaps she can discuss with her superior regarding these issues, like, \"hey I've been working a lot beyond 6pm, can you please review my workload or advise the company's OT policy?\" If they refuse she should remain polite, but understand that all her personal resources belong to her.\n\"Sorry, internet down in my area I can't access the files.\"\n\"Sorry, my pc broken.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone a bit old sometimes calls automatic go to missed calls.\"\n\"Sorry, need to celebrate my grandma's birthday can't help.\"\n\"Sorry, my mum forcing me to go family trip.\"\n\"Sorry, my phone data running out, I don't have money to top up...\"\nThat's just a way to cope and be petty, but ultimately it's just not a good company."], ["Cannot. Must pay 1.5x. Here you go.\nhttps://malaysia.acclime.com/guides/employment-law/\nSeek arbitration."], ["When you are employed under other person, you basically a corporate slave. The company has poor culture, merely let the person who made mistake to work alone. No teamwork etc?\nThere are companies or place that treasure employees. Tell her to keep looking for it."], ["Not considering context: If mistakes were made at work, you should solve it yourself and not cause trouble for others. If you feel bad doing unpaid OT to fix your mistake, imagine doing unpaid OT to fix someone else's mistake while the other guy went home on time and doesn't respond.\nAt my current workplace, I have a mistake prone colleague and when you tell him to be more careful, his attitude is that others should find his mistakes and clean up after him. Not a pleasant person to work with.\nWith your sister's current company, the problem isn't fixing mistakes. The problem is her overwork and the company is just abusing her. She should leave."], ["The way you described the problem is still rather vague. Whether or not she is an intern or an employee depends on her contract, not on what you think is or isn't. I'm going to have to make assumptions here.\nInterns are generally not covered by the Employment Act. It feels like her company was hiring an intern, with the possibility of hiring her as an employee after a few months, and your sister got in with both eyes open. I would presume that she is not a salaried employee, she is an intern with an allowance. Very simple is to check if the employer has contributed to her EPF or not.\nIf the employer did pay EPF then they kantoi, they screwed up and she can take action about the minimum wage and unpaid overtime as an employee. If not, then very simple, stop doing OT and wait for the manager to terminate if they think a complacent mule like your sister is so easy to find. Anyways, the worst that could happen is that she gets fired, and people get fired all the time, it's seriously not a big deal, it happens quite often. Move on and find another job."], ["OP, let me give you a scenario.\nYou order pasta without nuts due to allergy (last order, kitchen closing), they serve you pasta mixed with nuts and you cant separate them.\nAs a customer, what are your expectations?\nAs the chef what is your responsibility?\nAs the restaurant owner, how would you feel?\nMany comments here miss out on the \"made mistake\" part. F***, everyone should just make mistakes and claim 8 hours OT then."]]} {"title": "Merdeka 118 rising on a gloomy day", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u7zip/merdeka_118_rising_on_a_gloomy_day/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["The citadel"], ["I call it the walkie talkie"], ["Kinda has middle finger vibes \ud83d\udd95", "Exactly what I see from an architectural standpoint. All the other buildings around it are much lower, thus being the folded fingers"], ["Half life vibes"]]} {"title": "Bukit Tunku residents to meet DBKL tomorrow over telco tower construction", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wrfdt/bukit_tunku_residents_to_meet_dbkl_tomorrow_over/", "num_comment": 7, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": [["In one way, we demand fast speed 5G coverage and high coverage and service availability; on the other hand, when no more strategic location to build the telco tower for last mile coverage, what gives ?", "Not in my backyard attitude.\nbut later got an issue,they are the ones that complain first.", "Ironically, Malaysia 5G use sub-6 band which is \"harder\" to penetrate yet they are not scared of 2G and 4G tower which use lower frequency which can penetrate and travel further.", "Penetrate me harder with your 5g"], ["It's about \"health issues\", those claims belong in the rubbish.", "Later, \"5G Malaysia syok sendiri, no coverage at all\"", "So true."]]} {"title": "Panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur - circa 1900", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u7uxm/panoramic_view_of_kuala_lumpur_circa_1900/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": ["History"], "header": "", "comments": [["Based on my estimation, with the the Sultan Abdul Samad building's clock tower as reference, this picture is probably taken somewhere on the hill where the current Chin Woo Stadium stands, or the current location of Merdeka 118 tower.\nIf you zoom in the photo, you can see some of the buildings in the middle hase chinese architecture on its roof (dragon sculpture on the roof). That row of buildings are probably the current Chinatown of KL.\nYou can also see the old Central Market building on the left near the coconut trees."], ["Which part of KL is this?", "That clock tower is defo Dataran Merdeka"], ["I wonder how many of the buildings still stand?", "At least one"]]} {"title": "Food variety at TRX Mall", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u7faj/food_variety_at_trx_mall/", "num_comment": 24, "flairlabel": ["Food"], "header": "So something I noticed when I went to TRX Mall was there was an abundance of Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Taiwanese food but zero Western / Italian food? Is this by design, or is there a reason for it?\nI saw some Korean fast food restaurant where they eat with plastic gloves.\nActually the food choices there were quite jarring, and yet the outlets are mostly packed to the brim with queues outside. And this is despite the pricing on the high side.", "comments": [["there was an abundance of Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Taiwanese food but zero Western / Italian food?\nThe last time I checked, Majority of us were Asian.", "So?\nThe majority of us are also non-chinese, and nearly all of us are non-korean/Japanese/Taiwanese", "Asian. A-S-I-A-N.", "What's so special? Why not south east asian? Why not Eurasian?", "Because it\u2019s a free market. Maybe you don\u2019t see a pasta shop because they can\u2019t afford the rental. Who knows? Ask TRX"], ["But u didn\u2019t see mexico restaurant", "No I didn't", "Chica Bonita, a Mexican restaurant on level 2, piqued my interest; you can see the url for the full address on Google Maps. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=594529445&hl=en-US&cs=1&sxsrf=AM9HkKmZEJAjej0Pn4Fd-tRhGiwuaNh0Qw:1703913941391&q=Chica+Bonita+-+Elegante+@+The+Exchange,+TRX&ludocid=13795793928594912584&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5XixGVmdi0UHOzdmyknH-_z&kgs=7afcb0001cc7b163&shndl=-1&shem=lcspe,lsp&source=sh/x/loc/act/m1/4", "yup, highly recommend this place for authentic Mexican instead of the usual Tex-Mex", "Lmao.\nChica bonita is ANYTHING but authentic Mexican gastronomy.", "Chica bonita is laughably bad", "Also daylight robbery prices because people don\u2019t know shit about Mexican food in Malaysia.", "Where do you guys recommend", "I really enjoyed Colombo, Sri Lankan cuisine right opposite Chica Bonita\nDespite the crowd, Day One Day One Noodles at the lower floor really surprised me in a good way. Not sure if its halal or not though"], ["It can either be the overwhelming demand for such cuisine or the target demographic (East Asians) supposedly has the most spending power, hence they cater to them\nIf I were to go there, food court or fast food only for me :28915:"], ["Did u miss all the kenny hills restaurants?!?!?", "I associate that with cakes and baked food", "They do western pretty well."], ["Western food in Malaysia sucks. Italian food is so-so"], ["The shops follow the money, that's simply common sense. If these shops have no demand, they will eventually close. If they continue to exist, it means people prefer them over whatever shop you have in mind, that's all."], ["Tbh the food selection at TRX is appaling. The only thing that is really interesting is Kanbe Ramen but the queue is off putting"], ["When I saw a long queue for Nando's, I knew it was time for me to get the fuck out of the mall."], ["Nope. There definitely are Western food in the Exchange. I've been there last week."], ["I feel like the mall is more catered towards Chinese influencers crowd judging from the brands. Things like TGI Fridays or Tony Romas rarely attract them."]]} {"title": "Want to climb mount Santubong but heard it\u2019s too dangerous alone, even for someone who\u2019s okay with intermediate to harder. Any packages?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u6y1p/want_to_climb_mount_santubong_but_heard_its_too/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I\u2019m wondering if there\u2019s anything I could pay for to get into a group that climbs the mountain. I would honestly prefer to do it alone.", "comments": [["I think you'd get more chances of serious replies posting this in r/Sarawak, it seems rather out of place here"]]} {"title": "is malaysian sweet and sour crab same as singapore chili crab?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yi7ow/is_malaysian_sweet_and_sour_crab_same_as/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Food"], "header": "hi i used to live in sg and miss chili crab so much. i was thinking of going to lala chong or hokkaido seafood and trying out their sweet and sour crab. has anyone tried it? is it similar?\nthanks", "comments": [["ya its similar"]]} {"title": "Nice 1991 Malaysia Airlines CM make by Japanese advertising company", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y6q6i/nice_1991_malaysia_airlines_cm_make_by_japanese/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": [["I'm still more partial to their \"Going Beyond Expectations\" campaign in the mid-2000s TBH."], ["Wtf this actually seems good enough to entice me to fly over"], ["This for Japanese market"], ["It was surprisingly serious cm, different from what I expect to find in the cm."]]} {"title": "Are those people calling for donation from National Cancer Society, National Kidney Foundation, etc by the roadsides and malls legit?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u64x2/are_those_people_calling_for_donation_from/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": [], "header": "They are certainly growing in numbers and I noticed they always target those who are alone. They would usually ask for an auto debit transactions for donations. I do not mind donating but whenever they talk about payment methods something just feels off about it. What do you guys think? Have you donated?", "comments": [["Legit. But they are middle people, not direct. Which means, they take a certain percentage from what you donate and give the rest to what organization hired them. That percentage is the problem. Some years back it became an issue. Those companies takes high percentage of the donation.\nYou give rm10, maybe rm1-2 actually goes to the organization."], ["If you want to donate, check out their website and donate directly to them."], ["Those MLM agents must be making a killing or the public is still this naive if they're more of them! Don't ever layan if they ask for your card details, they can easily take more than what's promised. If you have a busy life, you won't realise they've been siphoning you for years, going by some Google reviews.\nIf you call them to cancel, they'll make life difficult or manipulate you into a 'discount donation' to get you to stay on. Some even rage or beg to guilt trip you (\"Why did you agree to the plan then?\") The only way is to quietly change your card although it's a hassle.\nWe're not advising against donating to charity. Just not through middlemen. But if you really want to check how legit a charity is, look for the most recent financial statement or a proper customer careline instead of one general email (both of which I did not find with NCSM). Some NGO's donations might not even be tax claimable, despite what the agents say."], ["Anyone can rent a spot at the mall.\nAnyone can create a website too. Check for the registered company and license, and their representatives/ physical location too.\nFor bank-in, should go into a registered company account etc."], ["Yes they are legitimate charities. Usually these charities will hire a company to raise funds/get people to donate for them."], ["Check out Omniraise. That\u2019s them."]]} {"title": "Georgetown and Balik Pulau", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u630f/georgetown_and_balik_pulau/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Pics taken from Ngor Hean temple and Air Itam Dam.", "comments": [["\nView from mainland"], ["The fresh rubber sap is brilliant"]]} {"title": "Genuine Question: Why restaurants like these suddenly appear all over Malaysia?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u5fo3/genuine_question_why_restaurants_like_these/", "num_comment": 162, "flairlabel": ["Food"], "header": "", "comments": [["Just like how the boba tea was the crazed a few years ago and many stores keep popping up.\nThis time it's these type lo, in mainland China, they're very easy to dapao, pack and eat during rush hours. Convenient food.", "To add on, boba tea craze has transform itself into \u65b0\u8336\u996e(new tea drink -direct translated). basically it has 3 distinctive features - premium ingredients, digitalisation & tech, & branding. Nowadays you can see tealive tryna re-position itself and convert to more tealive+ stores. However I\u2019m not sure if it can actually beat mixue & chagee/beutea\nTl;dr mid range bubble tea business is quite fucked", "Mixue / chagee is meta nowadays. Still remembered when bubble tea first started, bubble tea stores were more packed than a club on a weekend lol!", "If the meta = using creamer for milk tea I rather not drinking.", "can other boba tea shops even compete with Mixue being around? They offer the same stuff (it's just milk tea + mass produced boba lmao how different can it be) for way cheaper that I sometimes wonder do the franchisee really make any profit, or I've been overestimating just how much the raw materials cost for these things", "Mixue tastes heavily processed. Cant stand it. Their soft serve taste like sweet shaving cream to me - processed taste. Just max 3 licks & decided its not for me.\nChagee,heytea, gongcha, koi .. got natural taste.", "Mixue = creamer. They don't use real milk. How different can it be? Day and night.\nEven their ice cream is not milk. It's too artificial for me to eat it."], ["Mostly established by Chinese nationals from China; competition in China is tough; some may not have a chance to create or earn a respectable living in China, so they relocate to Malaysia for Business.\nThere will be some loopholes as well, as some of them wanted to diversify their investment and money, and as we all know, China is quite rigorous about money flowing out, leaving them no alternative but to establish businesses outside of China.", "Also monopoly of targeted Chinese market share.", "With such a large population, anything they do would be perceived as monopolistic; after all, the country took 50 years to attain its current state. Their mindset at this age is still to advocate for a better lifestyle and living conditions. Whereas in other developed nations, the mentality is long gone, and people increasingly seek work-life balance and a sense of purpose in life.\nWith a population of 1.3 billion or 1.4 billion people, moving from poverty to middle class is a highly difficult challenge.\nUpcoming Nation might be India which population surpass China.", "Considering how said mentality us still prevalent in easern countries(japan korea singapore), i doubt its a chinese only issue", "Is it even worth it\u2026most of my chinese office mates prefer local Chinese or hong kong/taiwan food and obviously this is not targeted towards the majority muslim population. Can they survive?", "They can. This is just \u9810\u5236\u83dc. The safety standard and taste is far from freshly cooked meal. Even China themselves don't want to eat it.", "i read somewhere that this is called \u79d1\u6280\u4e0e\u72e0\u6d3b , all additives and technology based. i still remember a case where even the ice cream can't be melted with scorching heat. my brother brought some made in china junk food when he went there for business trip, it tasted weird. for me la.", "Personally, I prefer Hong Kong and Taiwanese cuisine. My Generation Z friend, on the other hand, adores Chinese cuisine. But I'll still eat but not preferable because their food is strong in flavor, oily, and spicy, and I prefer sambal lol.", "This is the only correct answer. What cannot be sold in China goes to malaysia. Malaysia has always been trashbin for anything can't sold in China.", "Meh, Malaysia is pretty much trashbin for anything else people don't want elsewhere. Those garbage exporters still making business as far as I know."], ["This is basically Zhap Fan, aka Chinese Nasi Campur. Chinese people loves Nasi Campur, but the formula is almost always the same.\nI think one franchise was brought in and it became an instant hit with the locals. And because Chinese businessmen being Chinese businessmen, they like to tap on the market ASAP, earn the big money while it's still hot.\nThey should import/make a halal version while they are at it, because halal sells... A LOT.", "Cannot simply call yourself halal nowadays. Can easily backfire.", "Their target audience are usually mainland Chinese", "as a non chinese i wonder how malaysian chinese feel about mainland chinese in malaysia", "I don't give a shit about them unless they act up", "i see. also how do they feel about malaysian chinese? do yall mingle with each other", "I can't speak Mandarin and they don't speak English so no", "Not gonna lie, most of it is expensive.", "very hard to obtain the halal symbol. not ez to do", "Is it similar to pop meals?"], ["Because of the influence of China.\nIf you go Pasar Malam, many stalls are selling China street food as well.", "China street food example? I go to a Chinese pasar malam. The new thing I saw recently was some Taiwanese pinwheel pancake. Was nice but definitely foreign influence.", "The entire Nyomya cuisine is \u201cChinese influenced\u201d, among other things. Foreign influence has been floating around for ages all over SEAsia", "You see the burst of god damn stinky tofu ? That\u2019s Chinese influence.", "Stinky tofu has been around for ages though. I remember stinky tofu at my local pasar malam 15+ years ago. Plus would you call that Chinese influence? Stinky tofu for me is more of taiwanese influence than Chinese.", "You are right. Stinky toufu is more Taiwan than China. It's everywhere in Taiwan night market.", "Stinky toufu is Taiwan if you every been to Taiwan you will see stinky rough everywhere.", "So are China , I heard news last time China use actual shit to make their stinky tofu", "The pasar malam in Taman Connaught, Kuala Lumpur is full of china foods now, and it's so expensive. Back then we eat at pasarmalam bc we r broke, now only the rich will eat at pasarmalam..", "I nearly laughed sadly at this. So sad but true.", "Its been long i haven't come to Taman Connaught pasar malam."], ["kinda strange to hear that this is also happening in Malaysia too\n(Similar thing also happening in Thailand)\nthese restaurants are mostly run by Chinese nationals", "They learnt a thing or two from Thailand. If China was to be a powerhouse they\u2019ll need soft power too. And that soft power is in the form of food diplomacy. And it\u2019s kinda working", "I think it's desperate move rather than attempt to gain soft power. Read the \u9810\u88fd\u83dc scandal recently in China."], ["To add on. Some of these stores won\u2019t breakeven. Probably tastes mediocre or normal at best.\nThey are for the Chinese to wash $; these losses etc allow them to move funds legally out of China."], ["Some are shell companies/restaurants for Chinese nationals to get their family out of china.\nSetup f&b business, say you need someone to manage the business, send your family member over to manage the business.\nRinse and repeat. If they make a business out of it, great. If not, at least can get out of the country and take some money out as well", "Source: trust me bro", "It's not even a wild guess. Why do you think Chinese nationals are spreading their wealth to Australia,Canada and Singapore nowadays?", "In case things turn to shit in china they can escape to those countries", "Because rich Chinese ppl like buying nice fancy new things. Same like how rich Indian/ Middle Eastern/ insert random nationality do the same", "Many Chinese national \u6da6 to many countries, mihoyo setup another office in Montreal in case shit goes bad for gaming in China", "You don't understand the CCP very well...", "Ah, the local CCP expert have arrived.", "I\u2019m sure you u/arbiter12 our resident CCP armchair expert knows better", "China restrict their people from going out of the country?", "More like they restrict capital outflow.", "China restrict their people\u2019s money from going out of the country"], ["F&B business is one of the riskiest things you can invest in so people tend to jump onto one fad to another to follow the crowd. From bubble tea shops, to fried stuff and finally to this", ":26554:What could be greater risk than competing with a population of 1.4 billion people?\nAny second, you'll be replaced by someone fresh. :26558:"], ["Cause it\u2019s been proven time to time where mainland china food suits majority of chinese malaysian palettes. ie: any mala hotpot, sour fish, smelly snail noodle. By the growth of these restaurants and human traffic patronising it, I think it gives confident to f&b owner/investor, just copy paste the shit from china and it will be a hit.", "I wonder if they would make it halal. I would so would love to try it", "It\u2019s expensive to make it halal when the food itself is already quite cheap.", "I mean making it halal attracts more customers which can offset and even give more profit", "Also mean less chinese will go to you", "Doesn't matter since the food now targets potentially 60% of Malaysia population, more profit to be made", "Issue with making some food halal is that, not every ingredient is halal, example they\u2019re using some proprietary or their preferred brand of soy sauce or mala sauce, which is sourced from China, which don\u2019t have halal certification.\nSo they can\u2019t get halal here.\nTo make something halal, they\u2019ll need to restructure their entire logistic and sourcing, which does not make sense for tiny profit margins.", "Yea. Halal dimsum was a hit and the owner even got datukship from that.", "I\u2019ve seen quite a few Hui Chinese (Mainland Muslim Chinese) restaurants around Setapak in Danau Kota, you could check those out. I remember seeing a few Uyghur ones elsewhere in Setapak too, can\u2019t remember exactly where though.\nNot sure if they have Halal certification but should be since I regularly see other Malays eating there", "If you want those halal China food, you can probably just eat the mee hiris thingy?\nYou can get an idea of it", "I am still not used to it. Also feel like the dishes are monotonic.", "\"human traffic\" can't mention China Chinese cuisine without it", "i don't think so. i think Malaysians generally ok with the spicy one only. I went to China Tianjin for a week, and I feel that it's just not for me. Went for a local cuisine restaurant and almost everyone left unsatisfied (not hungry, just like not fulfilling). after that, I remembered for one meal, we chose Japanese, another western. A colleague of mine lagi, after dinner with food items all over the table, order wanton noodle at the hotel for supper. A friend of mine, when she went to UK, the only Chinese food she could tahan is the Hunan cuisine, but she said too expensive, so she would rather had Indian food or just fish and chips."], ["Personal experience: So I have been traveling around southern and middle part of Semenanjung and I see these restaurants in a lot of places. The food is decent but overpriced (since I can eat a way better meal with more meat/seafood at other restaurant with the same amount of money).\nI am wondering whether they all belong to the same tauke \ud83e\udd14", "It's basically expensive chap fan.", "It's basically expensive chap fan.\nTechnically Truth, In my opinion is more cater for family size \"Chap Fan\" rather than individual.", "yes. just go to a local kopitiam and can get freshly cooked meals for far lesser price.", "It\u2019s really expensive but for China nationals this is more to their preferred taste over Malaysian Chinese food. Although I\u2019m Chinese but I don\u2019t really like a lot of China\u2019s cuisine.", "You are not alone, I\u2019m fujian Chinese and I prefer Malaysian hokkien food more than fujian hokkien food more \ud83d\ude02 Curry Mee is really good then you have Nasi Kerabu (Malay), and nyonya cuisine. All these are just very good", "Interesting", "I'm just curious, where are you from? If you're from Penang island I'm surprised it hasn't arrived there, since these states have the highest Malaysian Chinese concentration so the PRC will import to these places first. Especially the cina cina type, they're very attuned to what's hot in China and will quickly latch onto anything exported over.\nFor this style of serving, I'd say it's very common in China, packed exactly how delivery food looks like. In fact at first I thought you were posting something from China."], ["Many Chinese people \u6da6(run) from China, in Singapore the Chinatown literally just all Szechuan stuff \ud83d\ude05 I can\u2019t even find other fujian hokkien restaurants"], ["Mamak can't always rule the night, the chinese gotta keep up", "These are not local Chinese though", "And you think all mamaks are locals?\nI've got a bridge I'd like to sell to you bud."], ["Because teenagers these days be scrolling DouYin and watching lame ass China content, China food has been growing in influence. Only thing they offer is cheap, not any tastier, quality is also not there (taste and presentation vary quite noticeably from branch to branch).", "\"Cheap\" what's the point with insulting somebody else's cuisine", "Cheap as in price bro. The only insult in there is the lame ass China content. Brooo \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02", "Cheap, hell no. People are saying it is pricy. The price is around 20 more or less. Not the biggest fan but if that's cheap. You must be joking. \"Lame ass China content\" projecting much, never knew posting food content and influencing others to try = lame ass content. Aren't they doing what others have been doing for ages."], ["Hate to say this but take your own risk for eating in this kind of restaurant. There are actually no cooks. All of them are just staff that trained to heat up food.\nIf you know chinese, you can look up on \u201c\u9884\u5236\u83dc\u201d to learn more about it, but in short, it's basically pre-cooked food that is then chilled and ready to be eaten once reheated. The food can last around a year before it goes baf"], ["Obviously businessman coming from china n Taiwan, they have to expand their business"], ["Franchise expansion, said business is probably dwindling in China so they opted for oversea expansion. Malaysia is one of the prime location because of many china citizen staying in Malaysia for various reasons", "Yup, the revival of MM2H program."], ["The influence of China is huge on Chinese teenagers and even young adults here in Malaysia. The Chinese TikTok app (douyin) and another social media called \u2018\u5c0f\u7ea2\u4e66\u2019 has too much influence on people here. Also, a lot of young kids on that app post very stupid stuff and embarrass our country\u2019s name. As the app is only intended to be used by China residents, a lot of Malaysian videos on that platform that reaches the China residents\u2019 feeds have comments filled with explaining what Malaysian Chinese is because most people think that Malaysia only has Malay people. The only reason I see as to why officials of the Chinese apps are not banning access to the app from outside countries, is to collect data and info on us, as is in their own country as well to gain a better control and power over the world.\nMalaysian Chinese love these kinds of stores because they are usually cheap (due to cheap ingredients that are mostly made from chemicals) and taste good because of the absurd amount of sodium and fats present in their food.\nUsually these stores are loved by lalazai and lalamuis those materialistic(which is also gotten from Chinese culture) kids wearing \u2018adlv\u2019 or \u2018I don\u2019t smoke shirts\u2019 with their dyed hair and anything they put on or buy to make them look rich", "Cheap ingredients made from chemical? Proof that happens in Malaysia?", "Im not sure about this restaurant but have u tried MiXue? Yeah just tasting it you know it\u2019s chemicals, even the air conditioner smell has a very concentrated chemical smell", "Only RM2.90 for a lemon drink, hella confirmed it's made of chemicals."], ["rise of china influence in tiktok and xhs. personally i hated it. might as well eat mixed rice"], ["Basically chapfan with more bowl to wash"], ["A loophole in our law to get citizenship, establish a business here and they will be able to move here"], ["Non-Malaysian here but my guess would be that these are made by either Chinese nationals trying to have diverse income source or maybe Chinese Malaysians (?) ?"], ["Whenever I see this, it reminds me of a video about how chinese chef is able to recreate savoury pork bone soup from a whole bunch of artificial seasoning, without a single piece of bone or meat, and this give me the same vibe. Like how does one serve hot chinese or any asian meal, in fast food style?", "It is indeed, that\u2019s why I don\u2019t really like trying different food in China especially northern and central. I usually do lots of research before choosing the restaurant to go", "agreed\nsomehow I'd prefer Indian, Malay or whatever (I'm local Chinese)\nbut\nI'm kinda bored on Chinese food tbh", "Shichuan cuisine fatique. I have that too. Everything tastes salty, mala spicy, and oily", "yeap indeed"], ["I have a theory that One condition for China to invest in Malaysia we also have accept them to open business here also so that Chinese China don't be ackward when come here when looking for food", "If you're referring to Anwar's recent visit to China, it is not the case. These China restaurants have been popping way longer before the COVID years.\nIt's a natural phenomena - the more people from one country starts coming over to live whether for business, work, or study, the more likely F&B from that country pops up. If you know where UCSI is, you'd know that there's a Nigerian restaurant nearby because there are many Nigerian students there. Same natural phenomena for Malaysian restaurants overseas, you can find them in London and Australia (not sure which city)."], ["Low creativity. Just copy paste everything from China and prays it works. Just fed up of all China copycat. Where is the OG?"], ["The type of Restaurants where the owner are most probably from mainland China? Since the sanction from USA and big businesses all around the world are in the process of decoupling (pulling out their factories and stores from China), China's economy is now in shambles. It matters a lot when you have to feed a whole country of billions of people that suddenly out of jobs.\nLong story short, they are looking business elsewhere from mainland to survive. Since Malaysia has close ties with China, and it has existing Chinese living in it, it would be an ideal market. Same with Thailand and Vietnam.", "no bruh US is not sanctioning China like this.", "That's not what they're saying, look past the word sanction and focus on the word decoupling.\nChina has the so-called three horse carts that drive their economy: exports, investments, internal consumer spending\nExports: Due to the decoupling efforts led by USA (but tbh they shot themselves in the foot with the insane COVID lockdowns, as Atrioc would put it xjp is scaring the hoes, they're having issues with capital flowing out of the country on an immense scale at the moment) their exports are weakening.\nThere has always been limited investment opportunities in china due to the corruption and inconsistent authoritarian iron fist of the CCP, and for a long time real estate was the only option to invest in, and now that's in shambles, and all there's left in investment is the government itself investing in bad infrastructure projects. Those investments are not driving the economy effectively.\nInternal consumer spending: they're on a deflationary spiral at the moment with extremely high youth unemployment (they stopped publishing the numbers a couple months ago even). Households are also riddled with debt (tied to their real estate bubble burst). No one's gonna spend or take up new debt\nIf you speak Chinese and follow/keep up with financial/economy related news and online content/sentiment, you'll see a very prominently negative outlook on the future of the country amongst China's populace. It's not just big money and business moving out of the country; anyone who can afford it are advised to leave the country too to seek greener pastures elsewhere. Apparently a lot of them are going to USA, Japan, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia"], ["Trending XHS Duo ying China pop\nIs expensive and not delicious \ud83d\ude13"], ["Due to the increasing amount of China Chinese study abroad here"], ["I live in Canada and shops in our malls are closing, just to be replaced by these stores selling cheap knock-off clothing."], ["If you pay attention to news and global economy you will know China is pushing pre made meal now to cut cost. All those unsold food can sell to Malaysia. Malaysia is pretty much dump for anything that can't sell in China."], ["Same like boba shops and yogurt drinks shops, it\u2019s a trend"], ["wonder how many of these will flop.", "With the amount of poor quality chap fan store these days still existing, I don't think so unless they drastically raised their prices"], ["Genuine question also: what do you mean by \u2018these restaurants\u2019?\nFor context, im a Malay who likes noodles and most of chinese food lol", "It is just like mixed rice but the dishes are pre-plated. You take the dish from the table just like you do with mixed rice. The price is cheaper than ordering freshly cooked so it feels like it is affordable.\nIf you go as a couple, each one takes 2 dishes suddenly you get 4 dishes to be shared.\nA typical Chinese restaurant will charge RM10++ for a vegetable dish. Rm15-20++ for a small meat dish."], ["Like every other F&B trend in Malaysia: someone became a supplier, and convinced a bunch of people to open up shop, buying their supplies from them. Hence, many of them have the exact same materials/style."], ["humanity has aged like fine wine, the more futuristic, the more they're fked."], ["chinese culture invation"], ["Decent taste, decent price, open to the wee hours, clean premises and have you seen the quality of the chap fan stalls these days. They have been taking advantage of the poor quality of chap Fan stalls and kept opening more location"], ["The store looked interesting then I remembered I\u2019m Malay and that ain\u2019t a halal place"], ["Where the Bin Chi Ling?", "somewhere near Bin La Den"], ["Oh this, these places tend to be overpriced af, but it has that allure of \"authentic Chinese (mostly Si Chuan or Chong Qing) cuisine\" so no matter how expensive the dishes are ppl will still go there\nI do prefer them over regular mix rice simply because of the mapo tofu"], ["Because China mainland are here to stay"], ["So many answers, but nobody mentioned that it's actually quite cheap and affordable for the price no?"], ["Ate at a similar store like this in Uptown and I quite enjoy it"], ["Why did this became a problem for you to ask? Why don't you ask why Japanese and Korean food are popping up all over Malaysia?"], ["Thanks for letting me know such Chinese restaurants exist in Malaysia now. I shall plan a trip this coming January when I travel up north\nTo answer your question it's because Sichuan cuisine is loved by Chinese diaspora all over the world, so some Chinese Nationals residing here are just making bank off of the craze", "Not all Chinese diaspora...\nSichuan cuisine is not native to Malaysian Chinese palates, nor did it have much of a presence in our cuisine until recent years. Hokkien, Hainan, Hakka, Teochew style food were our staples. Please don't think of Chinese diaspora cultures as a homogeneous thing.", "It's not native to Singapore too, but in recent years it's really been making a huge impact here. Chinatown here is now overrun by many Sichuan restaurants run by Chinese nationals, there's more Hai Di Laos everywhere, every school and university has a mala stall in their canteen, and we've had mala KFC, potato chips and other snacks too because everyone loves it now"], ["why? because people like it. supply and demand."], ["It's marketing. Package it differently, charge more. I make ownself cheaper."], ["china Australia also like this lol"], ["Pot, bowl style fast food trending."], ["money.\nthere's really no other reason for businesses to open."], ["Under the same consultant company I guess. The consultant company offers the project and investors or boss interest in it."], ["It targets a very specific market, young people who now have a limited budget and little time to cook/eat well.\nI'm in that target group, this suits me to a tee, cheap wholesome non-processed food."], ["Because opening in Malaysia cheaper than opening in Singapore."], ["Looks tasty and quite cheap? Kinda hope someone will make for a muslim one."], ["The era of delivery, they're easy to deliver"], ["30 days Visa free for chinese citizen is an invasion."], ["A meal for rm8? Sign me up man. Honestly i just want good zapfan, dont really care where they come from. If its a good addition to my wallet, ill happily embrace them into my neighbourhood. No longer need to pay the stingy zapfan aunty take small portions still blink eye can charge like rm15+"], ["Restoran viral"], ["There's always a trend that will last around 10 - 20 years until something else comes up. 30 years ago we had DeliFrance. After that we had Coffee Bean until Old Town White Coffee came. Now you see DeliFrance no more, Old Town also doing so-so la along with Coffee Bean. The BobaTea craze has been around few gears already still strong but now came to Boba tea ice-cream craze. In few years, all these will also be dying all gone when something new came up. All for syok saja. Thing is people can get tired of these things especially when they are not cheap"], ["Concept looks similar to the tiffin carrier of old."], ["I categorise this as the China Zap Fan"], ["Beware of \u9884\u5236\u83dc, aka pre-cooked meals in packages. They are of extremely low quality, full of preservatives and food coloring. The fucking China gahmen is forcing these shitty meals onto school kids.\nhttps://youtu.be/lq5RyYoGvu4"], ["I don't really like China food and I tend to stay away from it\nBut there's this tomato egg noodle that I tasted once and I really liked it\nWhich is crazy considering I don't even like tomato but that's like the only thing I like\nThe other thing I like is dumping lol\nIdk about the rest\nI think China food is like really \"heavy\" in taste compare to Chinese food in Malaysia which is like \"light\", idk if this is the correct term"], ["To make money"], ["Mainland China punya globalisasi"], ["They want to attract these China food ads to all the whole Malaysian Chinese community.\nHonestly as a Malaysian banana cina, i don't really eat most of these kind of restaurants."]]} {"title": "Is this scam in Georgetown?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u4qbf/is_this_scam_in_georgetown/", "num_comment": 18, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "I (F, solo) arrived in Georgetown last night, while on the street a guy comes to me and asked if I can help him take a pic, his camera is so blurry so I told him it wouldn\u2019t look good, he agreed and then said could you help me take pic over there with the street art? I said yes but the pic wouldn\u2019t look good as you can see how bad the picture quality can get, it only captures the color and light but no details at all, he then said, well thank you and I\u2019m going to have some tea would you like to come? I said no my friends are waiting for me, he then shook my hand and said goodbye. I feel this is such a weird conversation and got more alert. After meeting with my friends (yeah I did have friends waiting for me), another guy come to us and ask for money to help me get some food and pick his mom at home, we were really trying to help so asked a lot questions but there\u2019re so many loopholes in his stories so we have to let the guy deal with his own issues.\nI feel these two are both scammers, and if they are, what the hell? That a normal thing in Georgetown? Need to be more vigilant", "comments": [["I just read a thread in r/travel by a woman who was traveling in Barcelona and was asked out to tea by a random stranger. She declined, but someone mentioned it\u2019s a scam where you go out and are eventually presented with a huge bill.", "\"She was about to get teabagged in Barcelona...\"", "I've heard of this, on a Youtube video on a type of scam in Beijing.\nIn the video the mat salleh tourist was approached by a Chinese person who spoke English and said they were a tourist too, claiming to be from another part of China, who then asked them if they wanted to have lunch together or something like that, with the scam being that just like in Barcelona they'd be presented with a huge bill."], ["if those who come and ask for money giving you sad stories then yea its a scam.\nAs for inviting you for tea or a drink at a nearby coffee stall, so far in malaysia we dont have such scam yet, thry cant bring you to a kopitiam and get you charged for rm50 for a coffee. But still, just reject for your own safety.", "The \u201cteashop\u201d scam is here in Malaysia.\nIt works thru chat and dating apps. Not sure about in real life approach.\nThey will ask to meet up. And will ask you to meet at bars or similar. And ask you to buy very expensive drinks.\nStay safe.", "Ah, same scam in other Asian countries I think, the classic teahouse scam"], ["If anybody looks to you for money or randomly asking you out for tea, it's most likely a scam. They'll put on sad face, wear dirty clothes and look pitiful to play with your emotions. Locals don't entertain random strangers like that, do be careful."], ["The second one is probably a scam. It happened to me too. A man on a bike asked me if I'm a foreigner and speak English and I said yes. He said he needed money because he forgot his wallet. He only has his phone. I asked him why doesn't he use his phone to call a friend to help him? Or he can use his bike and ride back home. Then he left angry."], ["Most likely you\u2019re targeted because you don\u2019t look like a local."], ["Dude\u2019s so ugly his camera thinks his face is NSFW and blurred it out.", "Lol take my upvote"], ["I had a similar experience in Seoul when some random dude on the subway asked if i'd like to get a beer with him.. i declined as i was on the last train rushing back to Incheon and I wouldnt be able to find my way back on my own.\nNo idea if it was a scam or not in my case, but the invitation seemed genuine at that time.", "Yeah no, thats predatory behavior\nI believe its similar in Japan whereif you agree to go with someone after the last train went away is how they\u2019re getting you to sleep at his home\nIts definitely not a good idea to accept it"], ["Scam and vigilante more\nSorry it happen to you\nU probably stand out a lot since it is foreigner and u are soloing travelling , best be careful and dont go out at 11pm onward", "Yeah, thanks and also I think my backpack says it all, definitely became more vigilant after that"], ["Asking money usually scam but I think it's normal to invite tourist to have a tea or coffee if they already intended to go for a tea prior to meeting the tourist. Quite common in Penang. Don't think it's a scam."], ["There\u2019s a guy who claimed he\u2019s from Dubai and asked if I\u2019m a foreigner. I said yes and he asked to show my country currency to him while he showed me his USD. Dubai uses dirham and not USD. meanwhile, his partner keep telling us to put our hotel names in her phone. Sure as hell dodgy"]]} {"title": "Malay Racism by local Chinese", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u4epl/malay_racism_by_local_chinese/", "num_comment": 425, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Edit : those comments he made it sounds like a low key jokes. Since it\u2019s repetitive and explicitly mentioned Islam Malay race, I don\u2019t find it funny. Futhermore, at the beginning of the trip we almost got into an accident because of his distraction using his phone.\ni recently hired a private driver from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands (booked a month ahead) to show my foreign friends around CH. Note : I don\u2019t drive, that\u2019s why I hired a driver.\nUpon picking up he did mentioned to my foreign friend about the boycott of Starbucks, etc and how some states are very strict religious (Kelantan, Kedah). I was like oookay but brushed it off. While in the car, he made another comment about some attractions in CH where mostly are \u201cIslam Malays like you lah\u201d (his exact words) dressed up nicely and take photos. Again, I brushed it off cos yeah it\u2019s true and didn\u2019t think much of it. I just thought ok his kind of jokes lah.\nLater on during the drive, he made some other comments which unfortunately I don\u2019t remember anymore, but it started to made me uncomfortable. I did mentioned later on to my foreign friends about it. They don\u2019t really understand or gets what the driver said because of his slang. Some of the remarks was when one car at a junction try to selit driving into the lane, he said \u201cthis Malay ahh, I will not give a chance in my lane\u201d. \u201cBest time to visit CH is during puasa month where all Malays is fasting. No jam\u201d. \u201cAll this Malays lah that go out, we Chinese don\u2019t go out cos we don\u2019t like jam\u201d.. well, I saw a bunch of Chinese too. Mostly family with kids. When we passed by one of the tea plantation, there were so many cars parked at the road side. He made another comment \u201csee, this all Islam Malay people like you lah\u201d. One of my foreign friend asked \u201cwhat did you said\u201d and he ignored him. When we were looking for a parking lot, one Malay couple was about to leave. I said \u201cthank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation\u201d. Not sure he heard me or not.\nI looked up his Facebook page, all of his customers are foreigners and Chinese. Imagine, what kind of things he said to these people.. He shouldn\u2019t have accept my trip when he knew well in advance I am a Malay.\nI have never ever experience such a racism in my life, let alone in my own country. I have Chinese, indian, all kind of races friends and we got along well.", "comments": [["As a former grab driver, many hired drivers didn\u2019t land in that profession due to their intellectual prowess.", "lmao... i agree with you. just read any mandarin version grab driver fb group. they amount of hate and vitriol they have toward grab and the customers is insane. i saw one post not long ago scolding people for giving rm2 tip.", "What? Grab drivers expect people pay tip now?"], ["Leave an honest review", "Was thinking the same. Will do some time..", "Should just give him the middle finger before you leave.", "I\u2019m too baikkk \ud83d\ude05 when he dropped us off, he said thank you great trip. It was silent from all of us \ud83d\ude02", "Lol I'm getting downvoted for telling people to give their middle fingers to racists. Such is the Reddit community.", "i'd be happy too, got paid driving, not getting yelled at for risking customer's lives in car, talking a whole ton of brainless shits due to being so overconfidently smart and yet not a word of disapproval and lastly, felt like an emperor doing the peasants a service.\nlast last, kena viral pun xde video kah gambar kah... flex on \"kita diam ja dia macam syok ja.. dalam minda dan hati \"die tu bodoe\" tapi yg bodoe tu tak rasa langsung.. relek ja.. syok ja.\nLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL\nHAHAHAHAHAHA\n>Insert age\n>insert fun fun\n:26555:"], ["You were unlucky to have met such a driver. I hope you take action and report/leave a review to him. It's not Okay to take racism straight to the face like this.", "It's good if he/she does reveal the name or even better if there is a video because I don't want this to be a rage bait post.", "It was indeed. I will definitely will a review on his Facebook page", "", "You and I both know what I meant la, don't nitpick on gammer or sentence like that la comeon", "Sounds more like a you issue ngl, what the comment you're replying to seems very clear in intention.\nObviously all racism is bad, but when it's straight to the face it definitely affects you more, so it's worse to experience/encounter day to day"], ["I'm chinese and I've seen cina uncles and aunties like this. This behaviour needs to go. I love tearing down all the bs logic in racist conversations. This one is FULL of it.\nIf you don't like Malay, why you take Malay client?\nAlso saying that 'Malays jam the road'..... bruh. They're here for a HOLIDAY, not tearing the place up etc. What you don't want their money is it?\nThese people just don't want Malays around. Whats worse is they won't acknowledge their racism.", "It\u2019s became a hassle now to even talk to some of my distant relatives because of this. Dude, I don\u2019t care, I hate everyone equally."], ["So many comments here are just ridiculous.\nFirst things first, racism is never justified. It is pure discrimination, plain and simple. What that driver did, is sadly, a rather common occurrence and I am always disgusted by it. You could argue he was \"joking\" but based on OP, it has clearly went past any benefit of the doubt for it to be a \"joke\".\nHalf the comments here trying to justify the racism with things that mainly boil down to. -paraphrasing A) There's institutionalised racism in the other way. B) Nons have no special right\nIt makes the anger / negative attitude UNDERSTANDABLE, but not JUSTIFIED. Just like how we can understand a fear of small spaces (claustrophobia), but often not justifiable.\nHalf of the comments here stating things like 'now you understand how the nons feel.' Not to discredit your personal experience, I'm sure you have your reason to say that, and it might be your own personal experience, but saying that is akin to saying 'now you know how I feel' to a covid patient after recovering from covid. How is saying that helping anyone or beneficial? You didn't choose to be the target of racism, nor did OP.\nThe other thing I noted is that quite a few Malay commented how they used to be vocal about abolishing bumi rights and so on, but have stopped because they don't see a point in doing so anymore because it's a dammed if you do, damned if you don't situation. This just proves 2 wrongs don't make a right. The civil rights movement with MLK would not gain any success if it did not gain the support of the president of that time, a white man supporting a black man. Our common enemy are the racist. The supremacist. Not based on what we put under 'kaum' when we fill in our own personal information. How are we going to move forward to true equality when we keep showing each other hostility?", "The common malay are just as powerless about these policies. I'm not an employer or a landlord or a politician. All I can do to help is shut down racist comments made from my family and friends. To quote Satrapi \"The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me\"", "Absolutely agree, however I'm of the opinion that if the \"common Malay\" is not rallying against obvious racist policies, there's even less incentive for those in power to do anything about it.\nSo what you're doing in shuting down racist comments is already enough and should be applauded for that. Keep that up and maybe some day, some one who actually has power decides the status quo needs to be changed. Small steps can lead to big changes.\nAbsolutely agree with your quote about the difference between us and government. That's why we should all come together.", "Racism is racism dude, stop justifying racism. You can't justify racism by one race is because of this or that. That's total bullshit.", "What you are seeing here is just people thoughts and facts, I don\u2019t think most of them are justifying the racism including myself.\nA lot Malaysian who are here are more exposed to western values and modern acceptable norms. Especially the woke culture.\nMalaysia is in a very different place and time compared to the west.\nOur affirmative action isn\u2019t comparable to others countries but make no mistake, discrimination is discrimination and it will create the same problem as those that are oppressed, no matter in lighter or heavier forms. What the OP experienced and others that commented here is the result of the affirmative action.\nThe country will never really heals unless people start talking instead of pointing fingers", "I agree, people can express their thoughts, negative or otherwise. Facts are facts and nothing can change it. The reason why I say there seems to be a hint of justification of racism is based on context and usage of these facts by certain comments.\nParaphrasing and shorten from below comments -\nA: He is racist. All the talk about Malay supremacy, come to penang and you will hear talks of Chinese Supremacy. Same bullshit, applies to both. -> (Anectodal evidence, expressing thoughts, but generally in agreement that the driver is racist and therefore bad.)\nB: Chinese have special rights that malay are currently enjoying? -> (Trying to justify/reason that one party is more/less wrong to be racist due to the existence of \"special rights\" ; Usage of facts, the existence of special rights to try and justify racism.)\nC: We do, its called economic power. But the affirmative action policy is rotten and only benefits the politician instead of the bumiputera. -> (Went the opposite direction and used a common talking point of racist to justify certain racist policies)\nI agree with you as well, in regards to what OP experienced is the result of affirmative action, as well as how the country will never really heal until we stop pointing finger. But evidently, there are so many finger pointing here despite how \"a lot of malaysian here are more exposed to modern acceptable norms\". Hence my expression of dissapointment that there are quite a number of finger pointing going on here.", "If you asked me, it's better to stop reading these kind of post and just enjoy your weekend if op him/herself can't provide any proof to what they post because it is possible he/she is just rage baiting people.", "Now that you mentioned 'rage baiting', I do have to ask. I often see people suspect similar posts for rage baiting, is it a common enough occurence to warrant such a suspicion?\nSide note: OP's story seems believable enough to me, and I've seen it happen before myself. (That doesn't neccesarily mean this post is genuine). But IMO, I am much more dissapointed in the comments if anything, the post itself 'appears' genuine to me.", "Right? I'm chinese and I've seen cina uncles like OP's driver. Its believable to me.", "It's hard for me to say how common it is but I have seen post that's down right questionable. This is why as a rule of thumb always believe these kind of story with mountain of salt or even better don't believe at all since it's op that made this claim and it's up to them to show proof because the person just have to be a good storyteller to make it seem believable.", "Fair enough, I agree with you.\nPersonally, I was just expressing my disdain for a huge part of the comment section whether the OP's claim is true or not.\nHope you have a great weekend ahead!", "Lol if it's racism by Malay it will be raining upvotes but when it's racism by Chinese to Malay suddenly it's a false flag op?\nThis is like saying black Americans can't be racists."], ["I'm non but I can imagine being in your place and already felt disgusted by the driver's behaviour. Also felt a secondary embarassment for your friend.", "Thanks for your understanding. Like I said, I have never experienced such thing, neither oversea nor Malaysia. I also felt embarrassed to my friend and one of them wanted to say \u201cenough with the Malay comments\u201d if the driver say more about it."], ["There are racist in every race.", "True. But the hypocrisy by the Chinese is what that is pissing people off.\nMalays are very honest about their racism and despite institutional racism I\u2019ve never experienced racism personally from Malays (I\u2019m Indian).\nMeanwhile the Chinese act like oppressed minority and treat other minorities like rubbish. I went to SJKC and trust me, you\u2019ll know what the Chinese really think of you if you can understand the vile things they say behind your back.", "As an ethnic Chinese, I have to agree with your last sentence.", "Best part is they'll just say it even though you didn't do anything to/Interact with them, like say if you enter a lift or the same cable car or just minding your damn business queuing up for the train", "Thank you. They\u2019re the type who will use phrases like Satu Malaysia when it benefits them, but when it doesn\u2019t they will be racist as hell.", "I'm not Chinese I'm Malaysian?", "Malays are very honest about their racism and despite institutional racism I\u2019ve never experienced racism personally from Malays (I\u2019m Indian).\nMeanwhile the Chinese act like oppressed minority and treat other minorities like rubbish. I went to SJKC and trust me, you\u2019ll know what the Chinese really think of you if you can understand the vile things they say behind your back.\nTHIS.\nThe local Chinese are EASILY the most openly racist in the country, then spend all of their time telling everybody how racist of a country it is.\nWhile Malays keep the racism limited to the laws and roadblocks.\nI've never had a Malay stranger say anything racist to me about local Indians or Chinese, but the Chinese? The number of times they'd go into an \"I'm not racist, but\" rant...\nlol", "racism in any form is bad lol", "And generalizing like this is not racist? And your source is literally: Trust me bro.", "I think Indians would be well attuned to the nuances of racism on account of the Malaysian situation.", "He\u2019s just talking about his experience tho\u2026. Why are u mad?? Instead u should take it as a lesson to not being one of them racist people lol", "stop invalidating people\u2019s experience", "Look at the dumpster crabs in this thread generalizing people. Semua dua kali lima only.", "What do you expect some random redditor can just come and make these kind of post without proof and redditors here will just eat it up. Of course there are racist chinese/malay/indian uncles in malaysia but when people make this kind of post at least try to back it up with evidence and also their social media links so that we can name and shame them."], ["You can find them here too, lurking always ready to jump in and unleash their closeted racism on certain topics and comments :29091::29091::29091::29091:", "Agreed, sometimes this subreddit Chinese (I am Chinese myself) is too aggressive in seeking out racism and kiasu, ends up being racist themselves", "I kena attacked many times already by them.", "Yeah perhaps because the ground was never equal to begin with , and the privileged keep asking for more ground", "Nothing worse than having to skirt around issues that would label one a race traitor. There are those who are happy to coexist together and forge ahead, and those who don't."], ["That driver might be one of the monyets here lol", "True, if there was a bingo card for typical r/malaysia redditor comments, he would have gotten bingo twice"], ["All this Malays lah that go out, we Chinese don\u2019t go out cos we don\u2019t like jam\nnah bro, this one isn't true. As a Chinese, I can confirm most chinese also like to stuck in traffic jam esp. during holiday. Chinese are the most kiasu one. Everyone goes outing during holiday, chinese x boleh tahan also want to go out.", "I also disagree with his opinion. I was like \u201cbanyak je chinese. Even Indians\u201d. It was during school break after Xmas. Of course there\u2019s huge traffic from all kinds of races. Even from Singapore."], ["I mean, the part about puasa month being the best month to go out without large crowds or traffic is true \ud83d\ude02", "I actually felt the same, this one point is just a matter of fact. It's the same as saying CNY/Raya is the best time to be in Klang Valley, no large crowd.", "it appears to be an insult to OP.", "I mean, that line, if standalone, is just an observation. I've sat with Malay grab drivers 'jam teruk sebab CNY'. Just an obsevation. But the whole conversation with OP is pretty racist.", "im going to cameron during puasa then. lel"], ["Malaysian Chinese are some of the most racist folks I have come across, with the Penang variety especially toxic.", "Penang kias are the worst. They really believe in their own hype."], ["A lot of Chinese people are just as racist. Difference is just that they're not backed by the government so they had to do it in a more clandestine manner", "The fact that indians would prefer to be friends with malays more (even with all the insitutionalized racism) over the \"not racist people\" , tells you all you need to know about how racists these people are.\nMalays are racists to other races because of power. Give them that and they'd shut up.\nThese \"not racist people\" are racists purely because they hate you\nMalays say shit like \"they want to steal our country\" or \"kafir cabar islam\"\nThey say shit like \"backwards 10anak pedos\" or \"apunene will kidnap you\"", "Exactly. Everyone should really learn mandarin and Hokkien and go to Penang for a weekend to listen in on what they say behind your back when they assume you don't understand. They're just unnecessarily mean and vicious even if they don't know you from Adam. Just walk around queensbay mall, get into a lift, or browse some mid tier shops (~300-400 dollar shoes/clothes).", "Can confirm. As an Indian, bumi laws and institutional racism aside, I\u2019ve never experienced personal racism from Malays.\nThe Chinese have treated me like rubbish my entire like (I went to SJKC). You cannot imagine the nasty things they say behind your back when they think you don\u2019t understand their language.", "GG if you're one of the dark ones it's either \"Kuli\" (more to central Malaysia) or apunene all the way.\nLittle shits of all ages thank you for your service by scaring them to submission (if you don't eat/finish homework/behave yourself apuneneh catch you)\nInb4 anyone says it's a global Chinese thing, it's not - have worked in china n the people are really nice. Some villagers may stare, take pictures and kids touch you and stuff cuz they haven't seen non-Hans in real life - it's the same effect when orientals go to India/pakistan in the deep rural areas or even places like old Delhi.\nThat said, there is still racism from pedalaman, kampung types if you're in SRK by your classmates (bile nk masuk isle, sembah patung masuk neraka, kling balik India) but you don't get random unprovoked statements like this uncle.", "nb4 anyone says it's a global Chinese thing, it's not - have worked in china n the people are really nice. Some villagers may stare, take pictures and kids touch you and stuff cuz they haven't seen non-Hans in real life - it's the same effect when orientals go to India/pakistan in the deep rural areas or even places like old Delhi.\nMalaysia's Chinese are the most racist I've ever been around, and that's counting:\nTaiwan\nHong Kong\nFilipino Chinese\nThai Chinese\nAmerican Chinese\nI actually stopped my Cantonese lessons of three years after moving here because I couldn't stand the toxicity. lol", "I'm sorry to ask but what is apunene?", "Racist term for Indians. I'm sure there's some Chinese in here who can explain how it came about and if you wait long enough there's gonna be those justifying it crawling out of the woodwork", "I was called uncle ta pien (correct my spelling please) by one of my wife\u2019s friends kids. I know what that means, (wife is Chinese) and the fact that I\u2019m brown skinned triggered the kid to say that, only goes to show what their parents teach them regarding people of colour.\nTo be a bit petty, their dads are more tanned than I am. In the words of the great Michael Jordan, fuck them kids.", "Anecdotal evidence at its finest... lol \"personal racism\"", "are you trying to invalidate other's personal experience?", "I've been mocked by Malay as Cina Babi + threatened for another 513, yet you dont see me crying about Malay being taliban/terrorist, while this fella think all Chinese are racist in order to justify his own racism. Lol yeah anecdotal evidence at it's finest", "yet you dont see me crying about Malay\nbut less intelligent\nthe only normal Indonesians are probably the ethnic Chinese(Tionghoa), Balinese Hindus and Christian", "fanfanye back at it again lmao", "Imagine there is some form of racism backed by the government /s"], ["Poor guy probably doesn't have any Malay friends.", "By whose fault if not his own. A grown man can think.", "Probably got rejected by a gyatt Malay awek"], ["This is probably where the sentence \"kamu balik china lah\" would be justified cuz since he hate malays so much and thinks all chinese are oh so good then pindah to china lor\nIm saying this as a chinese ok,we all are born here so the most basic mindset is to just idk not hate each other because of race ok? :26558::26558:"], ["When we were looking for a parking lot, one Malay couple was about to leave. I said \u201cthank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation\u201d. Not sure he heard me or not.\nLmao this is a good comeback (imo)\nAnyways, OP, I really hope you reported this guy and also criticize him kaw kaw in your review.", "One of my friend said good I said that \ud83d\ude02\nYes I will some time write a review on his Facebook page"], ["Nothing uncommon. Those racist people whether its Chinese, Malay or any other races are the reason why national unity are as bad as now.\nBetter let them be. Because these kind of people are living under a rock. Living in different world"], ["It's just a fact that there are hella lot of racist people in the country, regardless of their race. It's the inevitable outcome of using race as the determining paradigm for policies, politics etc from the formation of the country until now. People are shaped by their lived realities -- doesn't excuse their behavior but does at least help us understand.", "Not an excuse .. he\u2019s a racist.", "Agree. He is racist. All those blab aboutMalay supremacy, just come to Penang and hear those Penang Lang talk about Chinese Supremacy there in Penang. Same all bullshit. It apply to both.", "Pretty much. Don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Just have to accept Malaysia look nice on the outside only, multi culture this that. In the inside, we have people like this.", "Chinese have privileged special right and special pass malay are currently enjoying?", "We do, it\u2019s called economic power. But the affirmative action policy is corrupt at its core as well, instead of helping the bumiputera it only serves to benefit the politicians", "Does it provided free by the government? Also any chinese that isn't poor = stole land and resources from malay forefather since british era for these kind of group , its their coded response when you try to say chinese economics in here , its not a plus and don't use it.", "Chinese help chinese, that means we had rich colonial era chinese hand down their knowledge and resources to other chinese. Notice how chinese SRJKC are generally bigger and better funded? Some employers are also quite racist, or just rather speak Chinese than speak other languages, so you see Chinese SME mostly filled with other Chinese. Education and resources trickle down from the colonial forefathers. Plus we work hard and we have a culture of prioritizing material wealth (Ang Pau, 8888, Fatt Fatt, Gong Xi Ni, Toto Magnum 4D, Genting).\nAll these combined have put Chinese in another tier economically compared to the rest. It will take time to equalise. But bumi special rights is making you racist, and because you are racist, you make them hate us and label us \u201cracist Chinese\u201d.\nThis is why I say bumi special rights only benefit politicians. Because it makes people like you racist against Malays, and it enforces the dislike that Malays have against the Chinese. It was just a bandage solution to prevent more killings.", "Yeah for the top 1% big crocs maybe ,and nobody is stopping them learning chinese , it has nothing to do with the average joe of lower or middle income regular people , but instead of hating them big crocs they decide to label chinese= rich and hate all the chinese instead\nDon't forget this is a place where a \"melayu malas\" gets you in jail while cina babi pendatang penjajah penipu gets your a fuck tons of likes.", "Nobody is stopping the employer from learning Malay either, they just chose not to.\nI agree there are many poor Chinese as well, and this has affected them just because of their race.\nDo you not realise that bumi rights have made both Chinese and Malay racist against each other? How can you not realise that? How can you blame them but not the 1% big crocs that implemented this policy in the first place? Why are you so hypocritical and not realise you are doing the same thing and label malay = racists and hate all of the Malays?", "You seem to suggest Chinese are somehow racist against Malays because of bumi laws. This is the biggest rubbish I\u2019ve heard in my life.\nExplain why Chinese treat Indians like garbage then. Shouldn\u2019t Chinese people sympathise with Indians for being a fellow minority and treat them like allies? Reality is Chinese people treat Indians like dirt beneath their shoes. I\u2019m Indian and I can safely say despite bumiputera laws, Malays have treated me better than Chinese by far. Go and ask any Indian people or other minorities from east Malaysia and they\u2019ll say the same.\nChinese people are simply racist because they think they\u2019re superior. They can\u2019t even be bothered to learn BM because they think it\u2019s beneath them.", "You seems to agree with the policy in the first place by saying chinese also have the privileged rights by dominating the economics imply we are equal and suddenly claim i hate all malay , i don't, but i can't blame people for being racist when one privileged side can get away scot free with being racist and other side goes to jail", "This applies to the malays too bro. Your average Malay may be tricked when told the Chinese took his money but in truth it was taken by the elite malays who send their kids overseas and vacay there every few months.\nI keep saying it's a class war not a race war but we are all too blinder by our resentment of the other races.", "I've had experience working for a Chinese owned company as the only Malay actually working there, when I was interviewed, the boss informed me that he wished to be more inclusive and is looking forward to hiring other races in his company, he mentioned that there will be another Malay staff who will also be hired.\nI then voiced out my concern of not being able to speak Mandarin but is willing to learn it, he dismissed this and said, It's okay la, we can speak Malay/English. Worry not, there would not be any language barrier, etc.\nI then gave the job a shot because it was during Covid time and jobs are hard to come by, but when I started, everyone was speaking in Mandarin all the time (that's fine by me cause yeah that's you guys native tongue, suka hati la). What pisses me off the most is 1, when I try to communicate with them in regard to my duties or jobs, they either just ignore me, shrug me off or plainly say, 'saya tak tahu la, cuba tanya boss', even though she was actually in the same role as mine. It's not like they can't speak Malay or English, they can (from what I heard when they went to buy from kedai makan) but they chose not to when we are at work.\nNo. 2 when I had learnt a bit of Mandarin, I tried to communicate with them in Mandarin, like trying to break the ice etc, they just laughed at me outright, maybe because my beginner level Mandarin sounded funny, but that shit hurt so bad bro. Like I'm trying over here okay.\nThen I learnt that the supposedly another Malay staff to be hired has only worked for 3 days and resigned, I stayed around only for a month before I had enough and walked out too. I told my boss, if you intend to be inclusive, next time do communicate that with your staff too cause apparently they are not in the same boat as you.", "Actually I am chinese banana and I too experienced something like this back in primary school (SRJKC). So I understand roughly what you feel. I hated mandarin when I was younger because of their ego and perangai.\nBut here I want to also add that not all the Chinese companies like that, in fact I would say more often than not you would see offices with good leadership normally have mix races working there. The issue you face mainly because of the boss. He wants to be inclusive now because he wasn\u2019t inclusive before, why? Then during the entire time he was non-inclusive his staff would adapt to that working culture and he himself would attract like-minded staff. Personally I would leave such a company if boss had racist mentality.\nI\u2019ve become a manager myself, and my team is mix race from the beginning, we don\u2019t see skin color, we all Malaysian. I\u2019ve always told other managers, do not hire based on racial prejudice, its disgusting for their image as a manager and it shrinks your talent pool just to serve their stupid prejudice.\nIn fact, the best performing teammate I ever had was Malay (a lot of racist manager thinks Melayu malas \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f)\nSorry to hear about your experience bro, hope you found a better company to work for!", "Yes. It is call over sympathy. Malay are too soft hearted. These are the specialities that have been benefits for some time.", "That sounds like a privilage both parties enjoy", "https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Boi7KNsUTT4aEfqCYkWgxeM5LKExgsVz7J2Fpuvfe3EHSu89nEueenW7TsSwwSKol&id=100002268614992&mibextid=Nif5oz\nNothing looks too softhearted for me , i guess you're the gosok parang type , pls do it asap.", "Not the gosok parang type. The constitution is a social contract, breach it off means an act of war. It is better every one keep quit and just act according to the social contract. One less thing to worry about and let PMX do well in his Primeship", "The constitution is a social contract, breach it off means an act of war.\nThe constitution can be ammended, it's not something set in stone", "Something that we can Agree. We should change it. A nation needs to have only one strong identity. A one country rules by one government and one ruler.", "A nation needs to have only one strong identity. A one country rules by one government and one ruler.\nUhmm....", "You literally said its over sympathy for letting minorities have what they having rn , that means you think they shouldn't have any rights at all while they already a second class citizen. PMX who? The guy who literally just have the K-word pass?\nIm voting for pas next elections.", "Owh. A PAS supporter. No wonder", "Just to bring everything down faster.", "Somehow it's all crickets among the toons who voted him in. He's only gonna get worse, this is just the cinematic trailer\nPas can easily win if they just stop saying idiotic things. These guys are practically handing it over to pn with their mismanagement but I guess it's a race to the bottom in Malaysia all day everyday since 2008", "Pas literally gain more vote by saying stupid thing , sembelih all kafir , x suruh cina potong lanjiao even humiliated sultan yet it becomes the reason wins the biggest, we are on a high speed lane of right with no return and anyone that doesn't think so is delusional.", "Far right and far left are both bad. How can be stable if the government itself wobble from left to right and vice versa.", "I do think that is not an excuse to justify the racism displayed by the drivers. It is more like a sad reality on why this happens and how is this still happening. It is not going away any time soon, all race will come to face this problem.", "How exactly does fighting fire with fire solve the problem?"], ["You are unlucky to have met the typical racist Chinese. Apologies on their behalf, mate.\nThose are the type of people who look down on other races just because they were born Chinese. It is like auto pandai, kaya compared to other races; other races are beneath them.\nWhen you try to fight back, they will play victim.\nUnfortunately, most of these racists are those in the B40, M40 categories. Ironic, isn\u2019t it?"], ["The amount of excuses people make here for being racist just because he is Chinese, this sub is just full of hypocrite Chinese racists", "I grew up online (Gen Z) as a Malay and I've always been vocal IRL and online about abolishing bumi rights, affirmative actions, and fighting against racism etc.\nBut now that we have Ktads from LYN pouring in and other average Malaysians trolling this sub I realized that it's just an issue not worth caring about because I see how they are. I've been attacked many times simply because of my username. Abu Nawas is not even my name, he was a philosopher.\nBe pro-equality, still have Chinese people being racist at you.\nBe pro-bumi, same shit.\nWhy bother?\nEDIT: I talk about online experiences because it's something we all can relate to but I myself have also experienced a lot of real-life racism from Chinese people.", "Unfortunately it will take some time for newer generations to change the status quo. I feel sad for my racist friends and family. The bumi policy isn\u2019t helping assimilation at all, and PAS/DAP politicians also keep making the racial divide even larger to serve their own interests. Reading the comments in this sub has brought to light the true situation on the ground now about racism in Malaysia, it doesn\u2019t seem like we are truly that united, everything just on the surface for show only. We actually have a lot of work to do.", "Just try and say Pas/dap are two sides of the same coin and watch yourself being downvoted by the ultra red beans", "agree lah. I used to preach about abolishing bumi rights and shit but I realize whats the point anymore? will abolishing bumi rights make all malaysian learn malay? Will ablolishing bumi rights make cultural assimilation a thing?\njust like you said why bother anymore.", "\nWhy bother? Lets protest the intake of non bumis instead. /s", "pls la. special bumi rights should be abolished because it helps the malays - yeah that's right, how's that for an out of the box take.\ndon't do it because you want to do virtue signalling", "Again, as I said, I don't bother about bumi rights anymore. I never benefitted from it anyway. People crack it up to be something bigger, while in reality, it's not life-changing.", "They don\u2019t need to be abolished or bulldozed. They just need to be quietly died down.", "Chinese are not just racist in Malaysia, unfortunately.", "They even have a lot of in-fighting. North vs. South. Taiwan vs. Mainland. Diasporas vs. Mainlanders. Etc.", "Yeah they also have Sunni vs Shia, Indonesia vs Malaysia", "If you're trying to bait me, I am a Malay who's not a Muslim and I am part-Indonesian.\nIn my opinion, most people are awful regardless of creed.", "Well at least have some nuance then instead of generalising that Chinese as a people have a lot of infighting \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f you want unity? Don\u2019t la throw fire on hate \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\nBtw bro, how are you a non muslim Malay in Malaysia? I\u2019m curious, did you go through official channels or just senyap senyap don\u2019t practice? Any backlash? I asking coz my friend married into muslim", "What does unity look like? The USSR? Pol Pot's regime? Marxism? It doesn't exist and it never will. Me making a comment about Chinese in-fighting doesn't mean that I don't think the same about Africans or Arabs or even Europeans.\nI am non-Muslim because I decided to be non-Muslim. Who cares what my documents say? If I leave Malaysia, it will stop being relevant anyway.\nYes there is backlash, by baboons who never think for themselves.", "Unity looks like Sabah", "You mean poverty.", "Bro just said Kota Kinabalu = poverty \ud83d\udc80", "So is this generalisation? How all muslim are terrorist sounds to you?", "hilarious", "They will track you down and behead you, watch out. Sleep in fear tonight.", "oh no ahhhhh takut", "Now that's an actually racist take lmao. What race does not have racists? Just discuss the issue la, racism = wrong, no matter the context or race. Why gotta spew ur closeted racism here? Gtfo you're as much of a problem as the driver if you're a racist"], ["I had this Indian lady who mistakenly thought my worker had given her the wrong change. It was the correct one.\nBut the interaction is somewhere along \u201cInilah orang Islam\u2026\u201d right to her face."], ["I\u2019m a Singaporean Muslim (non Malay). I feel like Malaysian Chinese who don\u2019t \u2019make it\u2019 in life have a chip on their shoulder against Malays and Muslim in Malaysia. I was in Penang (not going back, too boring) and the Chinese drivers can\u2019t seem to wait to let you know how they feel about Malays in their country."], ["Sounds like the average /r/Malaysia redditor OP."], ["Should leave a comment or review on his fb account."], ["Speaking of racism, If we do something which is the right thing, are we considered racist too ? A few time I experience people called racist for wanting to do the right thing as racism is kinda subjective too. Not to say the driver here is not racist.\nFor example (I don't mean to generalize certain race, just example where doing the right thing can be viewed as 'racism' by certain people):\nI want only poor bumis to be helped, rich bumi should not get any help anymore and all the resources should be focused to help poor bumi -- I am called a racist for some reason even I didn't say the resources go and help non-bumi.\nThere is a time where my department is like 90% from a single race, I approve new people to department based on a standard test. Some people are uncomfortable with my department being majority a single race and asked me to \"lower\" acceptance score to increase the diversity of my department -- Somehow I am the racist one. Dude, my department already at full capacity and hiring people who didn't fit the skill needed will doom my department.\nThe most frustrating incident where I am called racist by BOTH side during one time I need to handle a promotional material for my club.\nI have a BM version of our Christmas promotion, It's just something like \"Selamat Hari Krismas, semoga kamu begembira dengan promosi kami\". Some people complain that I am not sensitive and racist , aske me to not use BM because it might make the event seems to be Islamic event and might confuse people. (Since when BM = Islam) ?\nThen I just do the materials in English, Tamil, and Chinse. THE SAME PEOPLE say I am racist again for not having BM, saying I see BM not important and thus not using it. I reply when I use BM you all said I am racist, I no use BM you all said I am racist again, what dafak you want me to do ? They keep quiet and left the club, I'm done lmao.", "The only comment I feel worth replying because I can feel your frustration as a marketer - tired of the vile shit from the others from both sides of the coin.\nJust a thought: don't you think maybe they were just setting you up for failure, maybe they wanted you out anyway? You know la, office politics.\nMy question is, did you check first if BM is required? I understand sometimes you need BM in everything although I think the current climate might make BM for Christmas a contentious issue. You could maybe table your opinion first and see what they decide before execution? I'm not sure what industry you're in but I'd fuck it all and just do English alone. My excuse is if cannot read English then you're probably not the target audience."], ["As a chinese I feel uncomfortable and cringed by reading the dialogues from him ._. Unfortunately after years of modern education we still have those kinds of people here, being racist towards other ethnicity in the roots of their minds. Hopefully you won't encounter this kind of person in the future.", "Thank you for your understanding. I lived in Austria for 13 years, I have never experienced racism. Until few days ago, in my own country. I also hope that I don\u2019t have to encounter this again. Thank you!", "Hi, if you don't mind what kind of job did you do while in Austria? I am interested in emigrating to europe\nBut I am just a fresh grad tho"], ["Haih. I've been around long enough to see this sort of racism from all races.\nThe only difference is how openly racist he is to you in front of your face. Usually talk bad behind, this one talk bad in front asking for a bad review."], ["I just hope this story didn\u2019t get into FB & Twitter. I\u2019m tired reading racist posts here and there all the time."], ["TIL there are racist people in Malaysia /s"], ["Give him negative 5 stars if you could. Elaborate the situation briefly in the reviews. Fuck racism."], ["Racism in Malaysia has always been rampant. Before it was mostly locals on foreigners; now finally it\u2019s becoming prevalent among the locals themselves.\nBack in 2011, I was literally told by an aged Chinese man \u201cI don\u2019t talk to your kind, get lost\u201dwhen me and my friend simply asked for directions to Pavilion in KL. One of the many examples. Outright racism that I have faced in Malaysia in my first 3 months, I haven\u2019t faced that in 3 years in Australia (a supposedly racist nation)\nA slippery slope, my friends."], ["We\u2019re Malaysians. We\u2019re racist to each other.", "Sadly.."], ["Racism is not unique to any race. It is more prevalent among the uneducated. So a boomer driver? Not surprised.", "Even among the educated ones. Seen plenty of them here in Reddit."], ["Now i know how that one guy from America said malay ppl kil Christians and destroy churches came from \ud83d\ude02 must be from his visit to Malaysia when hearing things from this kind of unker"], ["Bruh... that's just fucked up. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I seriously, honestly wish I was in that car with you so I could just lay it back on the dude. Nobody should be allowed to be that rude and racist and be allowed to walk away unscathed.", "Thanks bruh.\nFurthermore, we told to him cut the trip short cos we were tired but mocking us \u201cyou young people why tired. Look at those backpackers carrying huge bags not tired\u201d. Side note: we are half the age of the backpackers. He should be happy to cut the trip short and still we pay full price. My foreign friend said it\u2019s exhausting to discuss something with him.", "Is he a Chinese uncle?", "He is indeed a Chinese uncle.. I had Chinese uncles as my grab drivers in Penang. Some of them, we had a really good conversation."], ["Man this guy was disturbingly comfortable with his racism.... Makes me wonder how much worse he is behind closed doors.\nFwiw, OP, this is an unfortunate reality for a lot of people where some assholes are just very comfortable with being a racist piece of shit to your face. But from experience, they very quickly back down or shut their mouths the minute you call them out on it. Most of us are just too polite in these situations, so its likely they haven't experienced anyone actually telling them off for their racist behaviour."], ["Unfortunately, racism still happened in Malaysia and it's not only by specific races."], ["In this community only Malay racist other race no racist /s", "Versa to you bolehlanders , privileged and government backed majority vs suppressed discrimination minorities was being asked to give up more rights", "The only people that actually benefit from the bumi right is the people on top of the hierarchy pyramid. Ie elites.", "but you posted on bolehland. Are you not one of them too?", "Shhh ,hydra dominatus."], ["He is a redditor."], ["Plenty of those racist in this sub. You're wasting your time posting here."], ["Report that guy, just a shameful act of racism. On Chinese social media and press, Malay on Chinese is so frequently reported and the comments are like \"oh we are bullied for being a unique small minority\",but I actually also felt that Chinese on Malay is also frequent in the form of stereotypes, just that Chinese people is known to keep their feelings to themselves and being clever about it. Seriously, if we were to achieve actual unity, this has to change."], ["Hey OP, wait until you learned how badly racist some Chinese are against Indian people."], ["You should have asked him to stop or call him out when he says anything racist. Usually people who are racist out in the open have either a lack of shame or they are really lowly educated."], ["This is what happens when you live in your own bubble and not befriending people from other backgrounds. Ignorance breeds hate.\nMost Malaysian aspire the same. To have an honest living and practice our own things.", "Did you not read that OP has\u2026foreign friends and local non-malay friends?", "I am referring to the racist uncle, iant it obvious?", "Nope, not to me. Using the word \u201cyou\u201d breeds my assumption that you are referring to OP as obviously you don\u2019t have direct contact with the driver, unless he is your dad or something.\nAnd the uncle is a driver by trade. We can assume he met people from different backgrounds so excuse my misunderstanding", "Exactly. Don't use the word \"you\" unless the person is being addressed directly. Use third person pronouns instead."], ["Op, there are many ppl like this who are tin kosong. This is oral diarrhoea from orang tak educated. They open their mouth and talk shit cause they are looking for conflict. I can gurantee this type of bodoh are the ones that go home to the wife and kids and talk shit in the family too. Believe me, I\u2019m sure his children don\u2019t see this man as father of the year, unless his kids are also bengap like him. He was really overstepping talking to you and your foreign friends like this- not professional at all. You need to proactive next time. When you paid for a service and things are making you feel uncomfortable- you need to speak up. This man so anti Malay this and that- he still take the Malay money right? So he can stfu. When ppl go off topic, \u2018hello sir, please end this type of conversation, I don\u2019t pay for this political talk\u2019. Be firm, but polite. If more ppl can speak up against idiots talking shit in the streets- this world would be a better place."], ["CASE-1:I booked grab and I was waiting for 15min approx, then a Chinese lady driver came , as soon as she noticed I'm a foreigner she ran away with her car \ud83d\ude02, that time me and my friend laughed so hard.\nCASE-2: I share my apartment with a local Chinese gentleman aged nearly 40-45. in this apartment the rule is that everyone should keep the common area silent after 10 at night. so me and my friend take our dinner at 9-10 usually. but this china guy sometimes got mad, shout, throws tables Infront of us and says that why we eat at 9, we should take our meal at 7\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02. also he implies rules that we even cannot do an egg fry after 7 at night. already informed the management team but that didn't work unfortunately, after contact maybe I can change my apartment.", "Bruhhh\u2026 that grab situation happened to me last week in Penang. He was Chinese uncle. Waited almost 10 mins and he was secs away to fetch me and two foreign friends, he cancelled\u2026 drove passed us too \ud83d\udc80"], ["Somwthing off topic, if you are to post this in bolehland, i wonder what will be the replies like.", "The exact same replies as the comments in this post i would bet, just with different race."], ["Sounds like your typical racist Chinese unkerr"], ["come to penang lah, they even call you huana (barbaric people) in normal daily conversation and nothing racist about that to them.", "Huana literally means malay people", "Huana just means Malay", "Huana is literally how hokkien people call malay and there is no degratory in it.", "Teochew people also, afaik there's no alternative word because that's the only word my grandma was taught growing up.", "'then the K word is how melakans call indians , theres no degratory meaning in it '\nSee how that sounds ? Huana is still an ethnic slur with deeper meaning in other places such as the philipines or taiwan", "Yeah but we are not taiwan or philipines , the other is not goverment backed , we don't purposely say it to degrate people , simply because there is no other word in hokkien to call malay people or widely know yet , you can launch a cancel culture on them , but cancelling is a west liberal thing you might want to avoid it", "What about calling them Malay or Melayu instead though?\nI'll be like me calling my dad Keling because I grew up with the word and for some insane reason, never hearing the word Tamil in my life.", "There no such word exist in hokkien yet , and educating language outside of main mandarin dialect in sjkc is illegal the teacher will cane you for even speaking one hokkien word , hokkien education is non existence how do you expect people to change, launch a cancel culture then , but then there will be people purposely use it for degratory because yall just put a degratory meaning in it by trying to cancel it.", "So you want to invent a new word? Good luck with that.", "That\u2019s literally how language evolve. You think we\u2019ve always had the word \u201cbasikal\u201d ??", "I grew up in Ipoh and they called white people \"gwai lou\". It's devil or something.", "That's Cantonese. Chinese people in Ipoh are mostly Cantonese and Hakkas. Gwei Lou is transliterated as \"ghost fella\" because they are white as ghosts. I'd imagine some white guy in the past exaggerated the explanation to his fellow white people by using \"devil\" to sound more sensational (and maybe cool) and it caught on.\nFun fact for you, the uncommon opposite version which non-Chinese probably don't know is \"hak gwai\" which literally means \"black ghost\", used to describe Africans. It technically does not apply to Indians, if you hear someone say that then they're not just racist but categorically stupid in his attempt at racism.", "I see. Thanks for explaining!", "I hear hak gwai and hak chai used against Indians all the time. It\u2019s not uncommon.", "if you hear someone say that then they're not just racist but categorically stupid in his attempt at racism\nThe original meaning was meant for Africans. As I said, racist just gonna be racist.", "Bro, that doesn\u2019t make it better tau.", "I live in Penang (till mid Jan 2024 before going back to Austria). And I have many Chinese grab drivers. Never a problem. I remember I had a really good conversations with some of the Chinese drivers."], ["ni mesti jenis suka hon x penyabar"], ["Now you meet one, as an ethnicity cina guy, next time you heard some racist remarks from them, just talk in Mandarin or Hokien or Cantonese i understand Chinese, you will be surprised by their face changes XP"], ["He is racist and weak that why he only focus on the disadvantage in life. Life condition him to be that way. But guess what even if he born as malay he will find some other negative on Chinese and other races also.\nCan't help him but to pity him.\nWe should all be equally treated and look for the positive side of the world."], ["REVEAL THE NAME", "And you will just believe this post by an anonymous poster? Without any evidence of such incident?", "Pls reread what I type because I want proof and not another rage bait post.", "Sry replied to the wrong comment", "Apology accepted", "Yup, need some proof. If not it\u2019s just flaming and look at the commenters going wild.", "Yupe and people are typing alot of colourful comments when there's no proof from op side."], ["Racism is everywhere if you see it.\nIt\u2019s a pity that he chose to live his life around it.\nI can\u2019t blame him and I won\u2019t condone this kind of behaviour, we live in a country that has institutions and open racism to the non and what you experienced is daily life of the non more or less.\nI hope we can one day break from this vicious cycle of hatred."], ["I\u2019m a foreigner and live with Chinese family. Sadly racism is a thing towards Malay\u2026"], ["Review, \"thank you but please shut up next time, I need a driver not a storyteller\""], ["Thats why he become a grab driver and not working elsewhere that need more intellects"], ["just drive motor lah kalau tak nak jam only OL je i see naik moto senang"], ["He could be the next makcik kemboja, if only you record then let the authorities handle him."], ["Tipu ni cina mana ada racist. Melayu je yang racist"], ["Hey, maybe you'd meet the uncle again during the next r/Malaysia meet up session. Now got common topic."], ["Looks like you\u2019ve just found CCP supporter."], ["this uncle is probably those shit stain ccp supporters who call china their mother country too."], ["We the government, teachers and parents should educate the school students about race equality and racism."], ["your mistake was you did not shut him down when he first started talking shit. you should have told him that you are not paying him to talk, but drive. you allowed him to continue and he took that as you agreeing with what he said and so he pushed his limits and went on further. as the employer, you should have done that. you are accountable for the experience that your foreign friends are having."], ["Welcome to the experience of every other non Malay in Malaysia."], ["What country do you think you're in? Communities actively generalise each other or get opinions on each other through Tik Tok / political parties"], ["My last Grab ride back from the airport was in a Malay fella's car \u2014 had a good chat about stuff that the whole 45 minutes felt like 15 minutes.\nIf anything my long term (10+ years) hired car guy is a Malay fella as well we get quite candid about such conversations as well, dude had done nothing but be on time and a good conversationalist. We spoke relatively 'controversial' subjects because we were both each other's soundboard on things like this.\nAs some has mentioned here you got unlucky."], ["It's unfortunate you end up with this moron. Even the worst racist I know is professional if he was paid for a service."], ["He's an idiot, and obsessed with Malays.\n\"thank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation\u201d isn't racist, but why even need to mention the race unless he's obsessed with them?\\\nThere was a bunch of racist things tho"], ["Funny how Malay keep saying don\u2019t paint them with one brush then proceed to paint all Chinese with one brush lol", "they literally said that this Grab driver was the first time they had experienced such racism, and that they had lots of Chinese and Indian friends who were perfectly alright\nIronically you're the one saying \"Malays keep saying\" as if they're all one monolithic group", "Actually there are a lot of Chinese who are racist and I say that as a Chinese person myself. The in-your-face racists like that driver are rare though.", "Now put a mirror on your comment. Replace race \"x\" and put race \"y\" in the same spot. Doesn't make sense right? Because it's still same thing."], ["The irony being a post about a racist Chinese driver while the comments are being racist against Chinese in particular.\nLet's just make this clear as day, the driver is racist, period. more than likely uncle type who don't know when to keep their mouth shut. Met a few of them but they mostly talks about business even though I have no interest\nHowever whether a person is racist or not does not depend on race, is the individual, if you disagree then you are a racist. Chinese, Indians, Malays and every single race all have their bad apples and just leave it at that."], ["The worse part is they called it \"free speech\". Racism in Reddit is also getting bad by the day."], ["finally understand how minority feel in this country?", "yala cina cannot be rasis only malay only", "More like privileged goverment backed majority prohibited a supressed discriminated minorities to talk back while they can freely do so without consequences", "prohibited a supressed discriminated minorities to talk back? what minorities cannot talk balk ke? tak paham le", "Blh , tapi masuk lokap", "Calling minority balik tongsan and K word no issue. The cambodian merchant saying M word (lazy) police involved KEK.", "Ask minorities like indians who are more racist to them, the \u201cgovernment backed majority\u201d malays or the fella minorities chinese\nSee what you come up with for the results and lets us know", "Nobody going to jail by saying indian malas ,your pmx even got himself a k-word pass , privileged ones.", "Why MY pmx? Youre not gonna claim youre malaysian now? Why bother posting on this subreddit if you cant even pretend youre a malaysian?", "Well i didn't vote for him plus given your comment i bet you're one of those call us pendatang anyway, does it matter?", "Did i ever even imply that? Lmfao. Is it just like your lifestyle to feel victimised in any sort of discussion because you cant handle that you are wrong?\nJust because you didnt vote for PMx doesnt mean that he\u2019s not your prime minister. Every Malaysians had to go through 50+ years of BN, are you going to say that all the previous PMs werent your prime minister too? Do you really think people were proud to call the BN PMs their PM even with all the corruption back then? Or are you really happy calling Najib your PM but not PMX lol?\nLoser malaysian mentality thinking, only wants to claim to care about Malaysia but never wants to admit anything that is part of Malaysia and then complain when nothing changes", "Perhaps you should to get your brethen to admit cina are malaysian first", "Why my brethen? How come you dont wanna claim those people to be a part of your brethen too? Somehow youre making it like i\u2019m the one who has the division mindset when youre the one who cant stop thinking that me and you arent from the sane group lol\nYour internalised us vs them is so chronic man start having friends irl"], ["Been subject to racism from a very young age so nothing new here (you are fortunate to be so shielded). Cina babi, balik Cina and even school teacher saying \u2018mata sudah sepit lagi mahu mengantuk\u2019 - accepted this since very young and already numb to it."], ["Alhamdulillah, I saw the comments here and I will keep them in mind the next time I vote.", "Vote based on proposed policies not some salty comments on a reddit thread lol", "Thats not gonna be good for ph with all those new tax coming in and impending subsidy cut.", "New luxury tax and targeted subsidy if I'm not mistaken, bad for rich tycoons but good for common folks no?", "All kena, rich t20 luxury tax, increased income tax,\nm40 below rm500 online purchasing tax, increased electricity tariff, no fuel subsidy\nB40=Win with increased br1m, fuel subsidy.\n2024 gonna be a smashing year.. no wonder Chinese says 4 is suwey.", "b40 definitely kena also.. business owned by M40 and T20.. if these people are hit, the goods that B40 buy is gonna get hit too.", "You got me at the last part \ud83d\ude02 take my upvote", "It's not just reddit comments, I have been treated like this (like OP was treated but worse) in real life as well without any provocation from me.\nBesides, those comments were highly up voted. Not just this thread, but also the thread showing the child who was crushed by a police car. Smirking, \"now you know how the nons feel\". Gila. A child died, and they're smirking. This racism is upvoted, this is condoned, this is promoted within their community.\nI used to be the exact opposite of this. I used to be so vocal about making things fair for every one.", "I'm sorry for your experience, but please don't judge the whole orchard from a few bad apples. Keep in mind that the racist/extremist people are always the vocal ones and like to circle jerk. Vast majority of the nons are always silent because they don't want to get into trouble. They would rather work hard to better their lives than release their dissatisfaction on others, which is exactly what the vocal racists you saw do, to the point of being heartless and bodoh.\nAsk any of your Chinese/Indian friend (I assume you have, you should have) about the news, they would surely criticize the police and kesian the child.\nBtw if you vote for PN/PAS which endorse race/religion supremacy then you're not any different from the same people you condemn. Just saying.", "So you just gonna believe some random reddit post.", "1) it's not just some reddit post, I have experienced this in real life as well.\n2) it's not the post that I have issue with, it's the comments justifying and condoning racism towards Malay people.", "Who cares who you vote, go ahead hahahahahahah"], ["Thx to our great government that been playing racism cards n promote \"bumi rights\" which rose unfairness n equally questions in the sunlights.\nPlus they purposely brainwashing people to be racism , so we keep fighting between ourselves while the politicians sitting on top enjoying our ripped off taxes money n corruption.\nBe awake people, be clarity of mind, knowing what causes all these n walk yourself away from this.\nEdit: typo correction"], ["ill say ,just go back to main land", "Don't fight racism with more racism", "Nah, they need a taste of their own medicine - they know what they're doing is wrong, and if they didn't, now they'll know how it feels\nPrimitive idiots need primitive lessons. Start at the bottom of the pyramid then work yourself up", "Who are these 'they'? You are speaking of? OP posted 1 racist guy who happens to be Chinese. You are going to blame the whole race because of 1 person?\nYour moral high ground 'so high'", "\"They\" refers to the individual racists. If someone pokes your eye they should be ok with their eyes being poked out", "Luckily, for the rest of us, we have the justice system. You go ahead and poke people's eyes then, will read about you in the headlines", "Well, maybe u should go back to Indonesia?", "What is this logic? Not ALL Malays are from Indonesia.\n???"], ["When we talk about racism in Malaysia, we typically bring up Malay-on-Chinese racism, sometimes Malay-on Indian. What many don't realise is that Chinese-Malaysians are just as bad if not worse. I've seen so many instances where Chinese look down on Malays and Indians, they stick only amongst themselves, refuse to speak BM despite holding an IC, the list goes on. Heck if they see you're ethnic Chinese who can't even speak Chinese, they'll ejek you like there's no tomorrow. The reality is Malaysians as a whole are guilty of racism, not just Malays.\nI'm Chinese-Malaysian and I have no issue interacting with Malays or Indians. I just speak BM and interact with them just like any other person, and if someone is being a d*ck to me then... that's their personal problem."], ["Generally the older generations can be very racist, they're mostly the product of their time and don't think being racist is a big deal. For Gen Z onwards there's absolutely no reason to be racist piece of shit. These people mostly just wanna be edgy or going all out to be an asshole because it's cool. Otherwise, they are people who grew up in an echo chamber and never go out their comfort zone when socialize. And I'm speaking of people of all skin colors."], ["Blame it on the individual, his up bringing has led him to this path as fate we would have called it. Just let it be. Racism a worldwide problem, since the dawn of men."], ["Sorry u have to go through that, us Chinese don't claim him", "Thank you bro \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffd"], ["We found the private driver y'all!", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech.\nThis is an official warning to stop fanning racial flames on this thread, or a ban will be imposed.", "People like you hurt non-racist Malays. Wow.", "So u just paint everyone with one brush ? In your mind all malays are racist hence all Malay deserves to be treated that way ?"], ["wow...not even election season and still got race-baiting propaganda....what's going on?"], ["You ain't a racist if you are Chinese.\nEdit: calm down guys not all Chinese ok. Only some."], ["Hohoho don\u2019t worry. Institutionalised racism still in place. Ketuanan still rules.", "It\u2019s so funny that the word ketuanan has been mentioned by no one in daily conversations. Not even the Malays themselves.\nMeanwhile Cina ledditors lol.", "Just because you didn\u2019t hear it mentioned doesn\u2019t mean it doesn\u2019t exist.", "It does exist. I was merely pointing out where or by whom the word was most used."], ["feels great on the receiving end huh? I'm sorry that you had to experience racism, the driver's behavior is inexcusable, but not out of the ordinary as a Malaysian, so... shake it off, I guess? like so many nons and minorities in the country", "Thanks, OP feels better now. /s"], ["As a Malay, I wonder what Chinese who regularly engage with the foreigners or expats tell them about Malays and Malaysia in general. I studied in Europe and I was once asked by my Eurpoean classmate whether it's true in Malaysia everyone is prohibited from drinking becayse Islam dictates us. I was like, \"everyone? you sure?\". Sigh. FYI, we have Malaysian Chinese in the class too, so I kinda sus thats where they got the wrong info from. Again, not all Chinese. Chinese are like Kelantanese, well organised and unionised people, but their unity kinda annoy people around them.", "I'm currently studying in Europe and whenever someone ask if they should go to Malaysia, I tell them just go there for the food and nature", "Maybe Islam is the one who make a bad name to Malaysia?", "As for the case of drinking, only the Muslims are prohibited tho. Not everyone. Non muslims rights to their lifestyle is duly protected.", "but majority of the population doesn't want Malaysia to be promoted that way...They'll rather let Malaysia to be known as the Mecca of the east or something and Islam doesn't have good reputations among western Europeans", "Then why can\u2019t people wear shorts in Kelantan?"], ["You seriously comparing how black Americans being treated in the US to how non bumi being treated in malaysia ?\nWhat ?!!! How ?!!!!\nAs per you mention, Chinese owned business is the core of Malaysian economy. How can a group of people that have these kind of success still thinks that thy are being treated worst that blacks American in America where they have been systematically put in poverty and at one point slaves by the American whites ?\nThis is why I hate people like you ! Yes here there\u2019s racism in Malaysia. no one can deny it but for you to belittle the hardship of black Americans it\u2019s craaazyyyy to me !!! Nuts !", "Yes, non bumis are openly discriminated in Malaysia and that is an ugly fact. From Education to Businessses. It's not a country based on meritocracy. Listen, I know of non bumis with Straight As and denied entries to do medicine in local Unis but for Bumis, they could get in with lesser grades. Government scholarships given to Bumis with lesser grades than Non Bumis ( straight As) despite the non bumis parents being hawkers... wtf.\nI dont think I said anything to belittle the hardship of black Americans. Black Americans do have a louder voice in the US than the Chinese in Malaysia. Blacks face hardships due to their own work and home culture and attitudes. So u r jumping to wrong conclusions.\nI don't have data to prove that Chinese owned companies are the core of the Malaysian economy today considering many Bumi enterprises are also very large but the Chinese entrepreneurs in 70s to 90s did help build the economy. Unfortunately the Malaysian Govt does not want to give credit to them.they are constantly told to thank the Malays?? Pfft...for what? Only in Malaysia do u have Malay dominated politicians openly threatening another race. Do u think the white Americans can say \"black ppl, don't test our patience with u??\" . Even South Africa does not behave like Malaysia..pls go get ur facts right.\nMalaysia is a sad state with a divisive Govt for the past 30 yrs. A truly none progressive mindset, esp the politics and Govt.\nMalaysia would be a far more progressive country if the government stopped it's racial politics. A country so rich in natural resources but poorly developed local talent due to racial politics and discrimination is the cause of Malaysia's poor economy and quality of life. The problem is u have this small elite group of Malays who wants control of the Malays to win elections. I don't have the data but only a small elite group of Malays are reaping the rewards but more than 60pct of them are struggling financially. This is just general observation.\nIt will take generations to reverse this sick racism in Malaysia.", "As a Malay who is pro abolishing bumi rights, I don\u2019t feel welcome in this fight for equality in malaysia if on the other side are people like you who painted every Malays with the same brush.\nThe simple fact is, you need Malays on your team to win the equality fight in malaysia . This will never happen when we see what kind of sick opinion the people that want to fight for \u201cequality\u201d have on malays in general.\nTepuk dada, Tanya selera.. you wanna fight against racism, then don\u2019t be racist first \u2026\nAnd for your simpleton mind let me tell you this, Black Americans may have a louder voice now, but most of them are still in poverty. Look at facts, get off the internet. Compare the household income of Chinese Malaysian and black Americans in the context of each country\u2019s demographic la.", "I agree with u. All races should work together and push the entire nation forward. It's frustrating for non bumis to be constantly told they don't belong to Malaysia when all they know is about Malaysia. Racism is toxic and will never go away but the government should not openly use it as a tool to win votes and constantly poison the minds of Bumis that Chinese are a threat to the Bumis existence. The Chinese are not interested in taking any privileges from the Malays. They just want to earn a decent living for their families. The Govt should stop sowing hate into the minds of Malays that Chinese are a threat..it just builds this distrust amongst races. I agree that not all Malays are racist but many view non bumis as trying to take things away from them.\nIt's just disheartening to see a country with so much resources and talent to be in this state.", "If I'm malay why would I ever want it to change. I'm a privalaged race. My local politicians and religious leaders remind me everyday that I'm the superior race and everyone else is beneath me. I get free handouts in terms of welfare and bumi discounts. If I get an income of only 3k rm I am very contented. I daily look at religious and propaganda tiktok and FB telling me all the bad things other races are trying to sabotage us and they will be our downfall. While at the same time coming into major liberal cities looking for work under Chinese bosses and do gigs treating it as a full time job. Also under the management of other races. Then have to also rent from nons as well but quietly curse them inside of being a non halal abode.\nI do not ever see this nation progressing ever in the next coming century even. We are only a step or crisis away from regressing into a total taliban like Islamic state. Don't have to look far. ACEH is a good example. If tht ever comes to happen. Malaysia is gone. Malay conservatives won. All nons would desert Malaysia in droves and any hope of Malaysia ever developing into a 1st world state is gone while other aswan countries overtake us and our main import then will be security guards and maids.", "Haha this guy is the supreme ultra malay tuan tanah, no use arguing with him", "\"The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US\"\n\"As a Malay, most will feel supreme over other races..\"\nI know you are racist, but perhaps try to get out of your bubble sometimes and interact with people?\nReading your comment makes me shiver, to think there are still hardcore racist like this as Malaysians.", "The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US\nExcuse you? Call us woke for knowing of their slavery and in 2023, blacks still get SHOT, LYNCHED for existing. It feels good to be in control by putting another race down, doesn't it? We're not the ones being randomly stopped by the street for 'spot checks' or followed around in stores as if we're stealing.\nNo one is ignoring your first paragraph, but you really sound like an All Lives Matter apologist. \"I hate everyone equally!\"", "That's coz blacks have a higher risk of killing others due to their historical crime track record..it's unfortunate but black youths have given themselves that reputation. The police see them as high risk so they get shot. I disagree with the way the police behave but the US is actually a pretty messed up ctry now. That is the sad fact. A bunch of hypocrites and corrupted Democrats and Reps. China will overtake the US.", "Bruh this man is purely a racist fella why is he not banned here, mods need to put a warning on his username tbh idk if he\u2019s super racist or super dumb", "Bro, in what way are Chinese Malaysians treated far worse than blacks in the US?", "This clown hasn't heard of apunenehs apparently", "Go learn history bro", "Bro, u have Malay politicians openly tell the Chinese to go back to China. Which part of Malaysia do u live in? Do u have the US government tell the blacks to go back to Africa because America.is for whites? Do u hear the American government threaten the Blacks that they were not welcome in the US altho they were born there? Duh. .I know my facts and lived thru racism there..so don't tell me bs bro. I m just stating the truth in Malaysia for the Chinese..if u can't handle it,.so be it.\nRacism in any country is bad but the sad truth is no one hides in Malaysia."], ["That is messed up. Probably weren't even aware his words reek racism."], ["After reading the post and comments I want to preface again how important this is every race has racists residing in them and they all come in different ways to be racists so yes sure Chinese racists can be this and Malay racists can be that still doesnt excuse racism as a whole.\nOk we got that out the way then my opinion in this incident is that these type of people should be reviewed and viraled online publically for any racists to finally change their views and learn from it.\nHowever I also want to say that just because this Chinese guy did this doesnt mean every Chinese person are like this. Because what he did or say the first few times are fine like \"Malays frequent this place\" or \"starbucks boycotting\" what ISNT OK is that he just flats out says something he doesnt like about Malays and say \"Malays like you lah\" really shows how little he has communicated or formed any deep friendships with any Malays in his time on a country literally named \"Malay\"sia."], ["This is why bumi rights are created", "Do we kill them with kindness instead?"], ["Is he a boomer generation?\nIMO, quite common among this generation.", "Yes.."], ["This type is typical uncle lah, but this one so atrocious in his racism. Malay ex muslim here, I think people that hate Malays and Islam have a history of hatred and bigotry themselves and perhaps even a superiority complex. I personally forgive those who have wronged me, even if I\u2019m denied my rights to leave the religion I have no hatred for you guys. I want to live my own life too. I think more people should be tolerant and empathetic to each other, you and me Indian or Chinese we are no different except than the classes and caste that the racist society has laid down upon us. I\u2019m not blaming all Malays here, I know there are many Malays that disagree with racism and special privileges. Malays that are secretly no longer faithful. Malays that are humanistic but also still believe in a higher power. I have no problem with humans preserving their humanity and sympathy for others. Please ppl, what our country need for change is for us to try and relate. See what\u2019s it\u2019s like to be in other people\u2019s shoes."], ["well, now you probably know why he isnt doing other work...a person of such EQ couldnt possibly be in any team based jobs"], ["Racist betul . Really unacceptable. Leave an honest feedback on this driver please"], ["wtf\nthose r rookie number,tell unker he got to pump more\nu sure he blue ic msian"], ["Woah, if we\u2019re behaving this way here, I can only image the true extent of the racial sentiment outside of the Reddit bubble which should be the paragon of progressivism.\nThe future outlook of this country grows gloomier by the day. To be honest, I think we deserve it."], ["As a grab driver, It's not that rare lol. I've heard so many remarks made by these dinasours. But I'm actually more hopeful with new gen chinese. They're more open minded, sincere and polite imo. Lots can actually converse well in malay."], ["Smlj joke he does. Don't bother about an idiot like him. Educate him like a little kid next time if you have d chance. What an ass"], ["Sorry you went through that. I experienced horrific racism myself - a foreigner who was there because Malaysian friends requested that I come, and signed me up to do something meaningful there.\nThis driver was very rude to me and then asked for 5 stars at the end of the journey. Since I apologetically refused, he became extremely verbally abusive, told me to go back to my country, telling me I expect unreasonable things from Malay people - that he is not rude, he is Malay - and that people from where I \u201cam from\u201d will go burn in hell because we are disgusting. I\u2019m also not actually from the region of the world that he assumed me to be from - most Malaysians love to visit my home country en masse, so it was a fair enough exchange for me to be there.\nI would have preferred your driver to be honest, but evidently, it comes from all groups."], ["Just say the same thing back to him about cina lah"], ["Race baiting this sub is hilariously easy.\nWho cares what some random cab driver thinks? Leave a review and move on. Also, you're a paying customer, tell the dude to stfu and put on some T.Swift.", "The whole journey OP couldn't say a word, but can come to reddit and say a lot lol. How about grow a pair and tell the taxi driver to shut it as a paying customer, berani kat leddit aje.", "said by the person who has been very vocal talking shit about B40s for the past few years\nWhy only berani on reddit"], ["man you know, you sound like a well to do guy, and im not defending him but this fella is a driver helpless has to work his ass off to survive watching prices go up and up and up all the time while making basically less and less because of price gouging and rideshare apps\nmalaysia is full of racism, all against all, if you wanna single this chinese out for hating malays i also think you're being a bit naive or over indignant, basically people are dissatisfied with the government and taking it out on each other\nbe a bigger person and think compassionately instead of showing how disillusioned this guy is to the entire reddit"], ["Racism is institutionalised, what can you do? Article 153 already proves inequality between people being okay in this country.\nYou lot like to remind us we are pendatangs and we need to go back where we come from, you leech from our hardwork, you don't appreciate us, and you slowly encroach and erode our rights slowly. You want us to not be racist?\nI feel bad for you but I don't feel surprised tbh, I can also name situations where I get abused too. But I don't make a big post here whining about something we see every 5 years.\nIn conclusion, you can't change something that's already acceptable here.", "Fucking based perspective but it's also regarded AF. By this reasoning we shouldn't try to progress but just lie down and accept it because it's here to stay? I see you have the courage to make a based take but no balls nor willingness to fight for change. Woe is us apparently.", "I see you have the courage to make a based take but no balls nor willingness to fight for change.\nLol I was one of those who marched on the streets and joined rallies for Bersih, I have friends who marched to the polling centres to become barricades to prevent them from tampering the ballots. I've argued with people and even my own family members, convincing them changw is required, I've done my part since long ago. So you don't get to tell me about fighting for change.", "Okay so then you make no sense with your statement. You went to the rallies and fought on the streets and here you are telling people essentially it is what it is? Are you just making based statements without thinking?", "here you are telling people essentially it is what it is?\nWell I'm telling you after fighting for change during my younger days, nothing has changed. Same shit, different packaging.\nIf we are sincere in eradication of social issues, it takes time and institutional enforcement with willpower to change things. And I can tell you as long as we have the same bunch of ppl ruling and wanting to maintain the status quo, it will never change.\nSo yeah, I think I wasted time doing what I did. Been there done that. I wished I got myself rich and left the country.", "Ah okay so because your experience has changed you have devalued your so called \"effort\", and what you did in the past is meaningless as you have changed your perspective to \"it will never change\". So there's no point in telling me I can't judge your balls, because you've already lost them in your journey to writing this back and forth. Either way it's a base statement but regarded reasoning. I see why you think the country won't change. Have a good day.", "Ah okay so because your experience has changed you have devalued your so called \"effort\", and what you did in the past is meaningless as you have changed your perspective to \"it will never change\".\nThings won't change because it takes more than just changing politicians and parties to fix the problem. We've changed several governments since 2018, tell me what had truly changed apart from pushing people further to the extremes of the political spectrum? Are we much closer to a better country now than before? No we aren't. The fact that there's still idiots trying to make moves to wrest back power is proof that it doesn't matter how people vote, they don't fucking respect your vote. All they care about is lining their pockets with money.\nSo there's no point in telling me I can't judge your balls, because you've already lost them in your journey to writing this back and forth.\nYou don't get to judge me because you're don't know me, heck I'm pretty sure I've done far more than you for the country than you ever did. Who do you think you are? You're a nobody, just a pathetic little prat who thinks he's someone who can make a splash lol. You'll realise it soon enough and I'm just going to say:\nI told you so.", "No I'm just someone who used logic to find the fallacy in your thinking and disconnect between making brash statements and action. You are so blind you can't even see the disconnect between your past and what you say. You're a hypocrite plain and simple, and any actions you've done for the country is mitigated by the statements you've made dismissing the efforts of others. Frankly, you have your head on straight, but have allowed your regarded reasoning to blind you. I'd expect a little more from someone with two braincells when a third party can see the flaw in your own perspective. Question is will you be able to look past your own ego?\nI can fully judge you because you lack conviction. You very may well have done more for this country, but with statements like that? I think my reasoning is more applicable.\nYou're kind of smart and have some balls. Don't be a regard.", "Putting a bunch of big words in a long-winded reply doesn't make you look smart or put your case any better. You've not made any point across that has any merit, and solely focused on attacking me as a person, what does that tell me? You've got nothing to stand on, and you can't refute my points at all.\nYou can't judge me because you've done fuck all, I've done more, my friends have done more, everyone has seen what \"change\" has done and we can tell you until there's a willingness to change from the top down and also removing certain privileges that certain groups will never agree with, you're stuck with the same problems over and over and over again.\nIt's not about conviction, it's just that me after decades of fighting and putting so much energy and effort to wanting a better country, finally realising that I am just one person, and unless the fucking Malays, Chinese, Indians, etc are all on the table and wanting change, you can kiss my ass about conviction or judgement because you have nothing to show about your own efforts, let alone your logic.\nDon't be a regard.\nSure, I won't be a regard to a retard. And take whatever is left of your two braincells and see your way out of this room.", "Okay nevermind I thought you had some intelligence. We won't ever agree and you'll just have to deal with the fact some retard online judged you, actually found inconsistency in your logic, and you wasted your time on the last day of 2023 arguing because... I don't know what you're trying to say really. As if your past actions absolves you from making stupid statements.\nHere's a new years resolution: pick up a dictionary. Can't blame other people when you don't understand words \ud83e\udd37"], ["Try to put yourself in his shoes on why he came to such politically incorrect behavior.\nLet's put it this way, the minorities also experiencing daily institutionalized racism that the majority thinks is fully justified. I personally experienced that a Nasi Lemak stall owner refused/or gave priority to her own kind while everyone is on the queue to place order, it was obvious that when it finally reach my turn she instead serving the next person in-line, I walked away, I don't know if it will be safe to eat.\nThat's how your elected Government wants it.\nEdit: I love my Malay and Indian friends, but that's how the institutionalized racism runs things here. Also, your skin complexion will determine who you are and your voting option, PAS, Bersatu, UMNO, MIC, MCA, Pejuang all require a specific type of skin color, there are a few others options, but for another topic."], ["He's wrong to make those comments. But I heard that Malaysian racism was fundamentally perpetrated by the unfair policies from the government. Malay people got all the benefits based on their race. If this doesn't change there's no way to deal with racism."], ["Here we go again. Another race bait post. \ud83d\ude44"], ["i love malays", "i only got malay friends tho, maybe they can find me a cupboard to live in... like anne frank", "Not in this economy bruh ain't feeding another mouth.", "i love how this post is some chinese dude being racist to malay, then u malay dudes are doing the same where the love bro? one malaysia", "I am an equal opportunity hater. I am Malay, I hate Malays, and I hate other races also.", "I am an equal opportunity liker. I like everyone", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks."], ["Maybe you are not a racist, but most of the people around you are."], ["Deep down we are all racist."], ["pancing jgn x pancing... kasi kelentong.. crowd mentality, sheep mentalty, human saikology.. kasi ja... hantam ha ha ha ha... ada chance.. baru natang beruk"], ["Tbh there isn't any racism undertones, but there are remarks made along the lines of racial stereotyping i can understand why OP feels uncomfortable, don't think it's necessary to do anything beyond brushing it off"], ["Dude. We are all racist to some degree.\nJust unlucky you met uncle who could keep quiet..\nDid you tell him directly you're uncomfortable and for him to just be quiet?"], ["Lol cina kena racism everyday never see we bark also. U go mamak as a cina see u kena or not..for us it is business as usual duh"], ["Damn so many racists here in these comments. Btw if u wanna race, lets do rally. More challenging \ud83d\udd25"], ["based uncle", "Bruhh \ud83d\udc80"], ["Literally nothing he said was racist against Malay, you are too sensitive bro and need a thicker skin"], ["1st time?"], ["Use your special privilege to ask him back tongsan, chinese are minority am i right."], ["I guess certain race mod tak tahan makan cili"], ["there is a reason why it becomes like this."], ["Adoiii do we live in your head rent free or what? \ud83e\udd23"], ["Maybe we should analyze what makes them that way."], ["Wait.. the op post getting down votes\ud83d\ude02"], ["Two sides of the same coin unfortunately"], ["I would have confronted him in the face. It\u2019s offensive to have this kind of racism thrown at your face.\nYou let it pass and he will never learn, the next customer will suffer."], ["pay no mind to it\nIt's a fact that stupid, racist, sexist, and selfish-aholes exist. We either act as a responsible member of society to do something about it, or just pay no mind to it if we can't do anything. Not worth thinking about them"], ["Just post out his phone number and personal details, he will receive the warning soon"], ["Tips: 1 star review can be remove, rmb make a 2 stars review for this shit"], ["Man can't wait for these boomers to die out."], ["Isn't there pretty significant institutional racism against Chinese in favor of Malays, which are typically less educated and skilled?"], ["I'm chinese and I must say this was a gut wrenching read. I've also had come across an uncle in my past job who tried to start a conversation with me with this vibe criticising a malay colleague who I have dinner together with every night. Saying job not done well enough plus the bad ender typical lazy malay attitude. I just said to the uncle - as fellow technically trained people I sincerely can't follow how what you said at the end was helpful or constructive to getting the job done. Can't you simply discuss with him? End of conversation."]]} {"title": "[Viral] A woman was recorded scolding a bus driver for not allowing her to board the bus immediately after it had arrived", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wr89q/viral_a_woman_was_recorded_scolding_a_bus_driver/", "num_comment": 33, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "", "comments": [["Just came here to say, the bus driver lady is commendable. She didn't raise her tone or voice which is probably what most of us would do when faced with another person doing the same to us. Now that takes lots of maturity, perhaps when you've live long enough and seen much enough to know most angry people are just angry because they are embarrassed that they may be wrong.. talking slowly, softly, calmly, objectively.. you can't go wrong. Let the camera be the judge."], ["I am confused. She said scan to ride, so this should be free Selangor bus. Why people in twitter saying this is MRT bus? There is nothing to scan in MRT bus... Props to the chill driver tho"], ["Siti Karen", "Karina", "Nur Karen", "wehh \ud83d\ude02 aku baca siti karim"], ["naik bas ni ade jadual die, bkn sampai terus jalan. takde kekerapan macam tren. bas tak banyak pastu kena tempuh jalan lagi. tak biase naik bas la tu. nak laju order driver. pengangkutan awam la kena kongsi naik"], ["That is one shaky recording from the passenger."], ["All the bus driver lady had to say \"You don't know the rules, that means you don't take the bus enough (despite you claim opposite)..\" Oooooppppp!\nExperience > Loudness", "I can\u2019t tell if you\u2019re translating what she said or if you\u2019re suggesting she should\u2019ve said it", "\"had to say\" should mean they're suggesting they say that.\nBut that's what was said too so I see your confusion lol", "I believe the driver did say that....twice!\nsecond time got cut by Karen asking for customer service number (she knows she lost already)."], ["\"Korang rendahkan public transport mcm ni ke\"?\nThe makcik is a public transport driver....\nKenapa la perlu nak gaduh2 bising2. Tanya baik2lah. Kalau betul driver salah laku, adukan pada saluran yang sepatutnya dengan cara baik. Kan dah popular lobang hidung ko yang kembang dan muka yang only a mother could love tu. Nice."], ["Jap wat is a Malaysian equivalent to us Karen ,can someone suggest name x", "", "But joyah is for kaki onion", "Minah", "KM aka Kak Markonah\nKM is literally Malaysian Karen (typically Malay makcik/or anak dara tua). With looming midlife crisis, haven\u2019t had sex in a lifetime, dating life sucks, these bitches tend to be piss off at literally everything.", "Karin.\nBut Maya Karin is a treasure. So kenot"], ["Dont know the whole story cant judge anyone \ud83d\ude24", "From my experience, the MRT buses don\u2019t start until like 3-5 minutes before the scheduled departure time. So the drivers don\u2019t let anyone onboard.", "I dont understand why they do this.\nThey start the engine have the bus running with air cond on while I have to seat at bus stop next to their bus engine that generating hot air.\nIt is already hot in Malaysia, heat from engine near you literally turn the bus stop into mini furnace. :26563:", "Because private entities are not obligated to provide comfort. The confines of a bus is deemed private and they have every right to do whatever they want.", "drivers don\u2019t let anyone onboard.\nwho make this rule? what is the purpose of this rule? the bus aircond on full blast, engine running yet they don't people in?", "Many reasons, like they\u2019re not paid while waiting, so why should they deal with passengers during their break?\nalso they may be liable if anything happens to you while waiting inside the bus.\nAnd not all drivers put the engine on and AC full blast while waiting for the departure time which may be like 25 mins away.\nJust wait at the bus stop la."], ["Hahaha I used to make this joke too.\nAnd that's why I don't have any girlfriend back then.\nBut kipidap with the funny!"], ["Aku kena sedai elok je"], ["before gaduh flip out phone ~deep breath\u2026here goes\u2026.pungpangpungpang"], ["Cikgu aku cakap, kalau rupa kita tak berapa elok, perangai kita kena la elok sikit. Nanti takde la orang menyampah sangat. Cikgu aku cakap lah. Time sekolah rendah dulu."]]} {"title": "Gerbang Alaf Restaurants has requested BDS Malaysia to retract damaging statements, post an apology to McDonald\u2019s Malaysia, and cease any actions that harm the company\u2019s reputation.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u3h2q/gerbang_alaf_restaurants_has_requested_bds/", "num_comment": 112, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Oh boy, this is not going to end well.\nI can already foresee the shitstorm on Facebook comment section."], ["Reminder that BDS Malaysia is not formally part of the actual Palestinian run BDS movement, and that the main BDS movement does not call for a boycott of McDonald's:\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/make-an-impact", "BDSMovement\nBDSM", "Me after knowing it.", "BDS Malaysia is BDS at home", "It is \"endorsed\" by or at least related to the main BDS Movement, and if you actually read the website, they mention that you should follow local campaigns.\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott#:~:text=Check%20with%20BDS%20organisations%20in%20your%20country%20for%20the%20brands%20being%20targeted%20in%20your%20community.\nhttps://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/join-a-bds-campaign?country=Malaysia"], ["BDS finally managed to piss off Melati Abdul Hai. She is a nice lady, but you do not want to piss her off.", "Backstory?", "She is the current Chief Marketing Officer at McDonald's Malaysia. She was put in charge back when McDonald's Corp (the global McDonald's) sold their Malaysian restaurants and the Malaysian McD license to a Saudi Investment Group. At the time the McDonald's brand in Malaysia was in the ropes and she turned it around. She is a very intelligent and nice woman until you piss her off. If you do, she will come at you with everything she has got and then some.\nSOURCE: I worked with her for many years.", "She sounds like the kind of boss you want. Somebody chosen on merit!", "She sounds badass, any story you are willing to share?", "Only that she drove a lot of innovation on the digital advertising front. So much so that many of the other McDonald's worldwide including the US and Japan started emulating her strategies and McD Malaysia became the reference for digital advertising worldwide for McDonald's. But I don't know if that is still the case.", "Any examples of innovation you can share?", "she started boosting posts on fb.\nEdit: It's a joke guys. adoi. Who is going to share with u something pnc...", "I have to say that out of all fast food chains here, McDonald\u2019s is the best in terms of customer experience and perhaps service by far; and maybe most consistent in their food quality. Since the change of using kiosk ordering, and its app and drive-thru experience, it\u2019s all much efficient compared to last time when ordering via multiple counters with humans. Is this bcos of her?", "those are not marketing related", "Totally agree with you on her.\nSOURCE : Family member", "Isn\u2019t the current CMO Eugene Lee?", "Unless things changed recently, no. Eugene used to be under her, but moved to Singapore to work for McDonald's Corp as the marketing head for emerging markets. But I have been out of the loop for a while, so my info could be outdated.", "Woah someone who is knows some whose is high up in MCD chain of command\u2026. Hey can we used you to get free MCD food \ud83e\udd23", "If you mention my name, they might charge you double :-)", "Aww man \u2026 what a bummer \ud83d\ude14", "I dropped your name for a discount, suddenly kena red flag and a bunch of bouncers came out of the store room to specifically kick me out of the restaurant", "Kesian dia, piss off sampai have to limit comments fb and twitter on mekdi page. Looks like this move pissed of the people more."], ["Ooh, this is an interesting conflict to see."], ["Their logo says Justice, Freedom, Equality lmao. Does this include LGBT and ex-Muslims? Asking for a friend.", "Selective freedom. Damn hypocrisy", "Freedom for Palestine. But rohingya can go die la. :)", "\"Freedom for Palestine death to Israel\" \"how about uyghur?\" \"Uyghur? What uyghur?\" /s", "Yeah. Real hypocritical freedom keyboard warriors we have.\nIt just a matter of time we accept selective refugees from Palestine and Afghanistan and deport back the rohingyas.", "They are living in a delusion society or just being a random exploited puppet.", "Also no mention of justice for non-muslims aka kaffirs.", "Only when theres Jews involved, there is news. For them.", "Rules for thee, not for me", "What about the hostages taken by Hamas? They don't deserve freedom?", "to them, these hostages don't exist. Remember, anything Jew or Israel is bad to them.", "Now swap that Hamas to Israel, it's the same for both.", "It's not like most people are giving a free pass to Israel. But why only condemn Israel when both of them are bad.", "Because Israel is actively stealing Palestinian lands or supporting Israeli \"settlers\" with IDF support to harass and kick families off their farm land which they then squat on and claim as their own.\nIsrael is a modern colonial state and with that considered Israel has massive support from the US and most western nations. God forbid Palestinian civilians who have been harassed and killed since LONG before Oct 7th get some support for the rest of us. Not to mention the violence in the West Bank that has NO Hamas, what about them?\nHamas is a Gaza only group that has no tanks or air military and Israel regularly gets billions of dollars for weapons specifically to kill Palestinians.\nThey are not nearly equal in scope of danger it's like comparing an army to a street gang. They could easily detect and find Hamas only but they're choosing to collectively punish the civilians. It's the Dahiya doctrine they punish the whole.\nThey also brutally tortured my uncle when he was a teenager and all the young boys/men they rounded up in our village in Lebanon with no charges. My uncle had all his teeth broken out of his mouth and his knee destroyed after 3 months when they randomly just let him go after having their fub. So when they claim they treat prisoners well that's a damn lie.\nSo in short, Israel has suffered loss too, of course, but compared to the blood and suffering Israel and the settlers have inflicted the sympathy many have tends to be used on Palestinians instead.", "I'm sorry for what your uncle has been through. I don't support Israeli settlers colonialism and inhumane actions as well. However, I don't think you should downplay Hamas capabilities and their crimes. They are comparable to Al Qaeda and Taliban more than street gangs. I also don't think there's a way to filter out Hamas as they can blend in with other Palestinians easily. I think the two-state or three-state solution is the way to go.", "There's literally a video about Hamas freeing Israelis and they are healthy as well. Not the same as Palestinian after 10-20 years being hostage by Israel that come out with mental health/breakdown. You can search for them.", "You know those videos could be PR right? What about the German girl and many women who were raped and murdered? What about the many elderly and children kidnapped? What about the Thais and Nepalis who have nothing to do with this war but were still killed and kidnapped?", "many women who were raped and murdered\nSource? Tak payah downvote, just give us a credible source that isn\u2019t Orientalist Israeli propaganda", "Not a video of the rape, but just watch the \"parade of Shania Louk\" and you tell me if those people are justified\nYou might need to search in the deep webz tho\nIf you don't want to bother, it's basically a video of a (dead and half naked) woman on a truck, while everyone around them is shouting takbir. A teenage boy was even in video spitting on the dead woman's body.\nIf the video is an elaborate Israeli propaganda then I'll be damned", "Shani Louk, you mean?\nBtw https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/s/jSrqmVT1gY", "Seriously, just go find the video and then tell me if Hamas is innocent\nGoing \"haha Israel rapes too\" doesn't absolve Hamas of it's sins", "And what? You think I will support rape and killing of German and etc?\nDude, they come to the warzone country, expect that at least.", "This is what I said about giving a free pass to Hamas. Hamas did disgusting shits to civilians and foreigners, you all turn a blind eye and some even support them. You all only attack Israel non-stop. You all are choosing sides, man.", "Some people are just goddamn hypocrite. Side they don't like committing atrocities are bad (that's fair). But when the side they support commit atrocities, suddenly \"it's a warzone\", the victims should expect it.\nSuch a disgusting mentality to have, why is it so hard to say both side are horrible for committing heinous acts?", "It didn\u2019t start on Oct 7 but both sides sure", "And now swap that word to Israel too. Some will support them as well. What's your point here?", "Point taken. Should change their organisation tagline to Justice, Equality and Freedom for Muslim because that is what they are fighting for.", "Congratulations on falling for propaganda\u2026", "Consumed too much hamas propaganda lol", "Why are you getting downvoted for speaking the truth? Thats the real character of the humans in this sub. Bootlickers of the zionist state.", "", "Ummmm, No! No, it does not.", "Change equality to security and add peace, you'll get Anakin Skywalker 'shop' attention."], ["Finally mcd will it put a nail in their coffin or ?", "I hope they have more endgame promotion before that tho", "They will not unfortunately. Paling teruk pun downsizing jer."], ["Boikot bukan sebab support yahudi tapi sebab harga 'yahudi' pastu lepas makan lapar balik", "This, harga kasi turun lor"], ["I feel they should remain quiet until the boycott has lost momentum."], ["Not specific to this topic but there are protest groups out there that picks up random causes to then blackmail businesses into paying hush money."], ["Want to boycott, go ahead. Dont need to speak ill of other ppl. Let the masses decide for themselves", "The masses did decide. And now you see what McD is doing in response."], ["The opportunist in me wishes that this backfires so hard McD will further lower their price."], ["McDonald also to blame. No balls, want to kowtow to blackmailers. Have some backbone and integrity la. Stand strong till the end but instead kowtow to pressure from customers.", "More like pressure from shareholders leh. See their stock hurt since the boycott, now only slowly growing back.", "US MCD stock price has been rising tremendously since Oct 2023 (that's when it started right?). Like 25% up over 3 months.\nHeck, it was crashing since Jun and it turnaround after the boycott, so yay?", "Yup! I made so much money from the boycott. Highly recommend everyone to invest against the next boycot"], ["Damn Terrorist Hamas gang", "Wow, the fact that comments like this are allowed in this sub. Top contender for worldnews siot", "the irony", "Damn IOF terroist geng"], ["I didn\u2019t actually start boycotting McDonald\u2019s until they threatened people with the Sedition Act. Probably not visiting their establishments until they apologize for it."], ["So the boikot is working yes?", "Yup."], ["this is stupid, shit like this just gonna rouse more shit. should've weathered the storm.", "Let\u2019s see how it plays out first , too early to pass judgment whether it\u2019s stupid or otherwise ."], ["Wow go go go BDSM"], ["For me, both parties are shithole,\nhamas literally purge civilian in a concert, while Israel bombing civilian populated area"], ["I literally checked BDS Malaysia website, it has not made mention of boycotting McDonald's in its statements.\nWhat is Gerbang Alaf referring to here? Which statements are they asking to retract - can anybody point me to them?", "https://bdsmalaysia.com/boycott/\nThere's literal Mcdonald's picture on there\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/kempen-terkini-1024x1024.jpg\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/2023/10/15/press-statement-by-bds-malaysia-in-response-to-the-statement-by-mcdonalds-malaysia/\nWe note also that various McDonald\u2019s franchisees in countries such as Turkiye, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have announced efforts to provide aid to Palestinians. We further call on McDonald\u2019s Malaysia to condemn Israeli genocidal policies.\nFailure to do the above will reflect McDonald\u2019s Malaysia\u2019s unconcerned stand as thousands of Palestinians are killed under Israeli bombs and may lead to calls for a boycott of all outlets here in Malaysia.\nHere they basically admits they're \"blackmailing\" Malaysia's Mcdonalds into making a statement against Israel, and also sending aid to Israel\nWhich they did within days\nBDS also said this\nJikalau McD Malaysia keluarkan kenyataan terbuka mengutuk jenayah pembunuhan beramai-ramai yg dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap warga Palestin, inshaAllah, BDS Malaysia akan keluarkan kenyataan bahawa McD bukan lagi dalam senarai sasaran syarikat utk diboikot di Malaysia.\nWhich they failed to do so even after Mcdonald's followed their threats", "Sounds like one of the Fox News tactics of \"tacit agreement\", which should sound familiar to some on here:\n\"... if they're against the atrocities in Gaza, they would have mentioned an opposition against it and yet there isn't any. We are not saying they're supporting to the actions of the aggressors. Just asking the questions here, folks\".\n*deep frowns and silence, staring at the camera*", "tahukah anda k-fry tak pernah condemn Israel", "There's literal Mcdonald's picture on there\nYes, but you need to read what they said about that.\nBerkenaan McD, ia bukan target utama BDS Malaysia. Ia dalam kategori Grassroots organic boycott targets. Berikut penerangan berkenaannya: McDonald\u2019s (AS), Burger King (AS), Papa John\u2019s (AS), Pizza Hut (AS), WIX (Israel), dsb. kini disasarkan di beberapa negara melalui kempen boikot organik akar umbi. Ia bukan dimulakan oleh pergerakan BDS.\nFailure to do the above will reflect McDonald\u2019s Malaysia\u2019s unconcerned stand as thousands of Palestinians are killed under Israeli bombs and may lead to calls for a boycott of all outlets here in Malaysia.\nHere they basically admits they're \"blackmailing\" Malaysia's Mcdonalds into making a statement against Israel, and also sending aid to Israel\nThey're saying that the boycott is happening, but they didn't start it. And they were suggesting McDonald's to be more aggressive in condemning Israel to be clear on their stance, rather than tiptoeing around the issue.\nWhich they failed to do so even after Mcdonald's followed their threats\nDid McDonald's send out a statement condemning Israel?\nWhich they did within days\nThis isn't condemning Israel. This is them giving aid to Gaza. It doesn't mean a lot. Even Israel is giving aid to Gaza.", "It doesn\u2019t mean a lot? What did you do for them, mr. Keyboard warrior?", "Dont you know a strongly worded letter is more impact than RM 1million", "I wonder which stadium would the next goalpost be moved to.", "You're missing the point.\n\"It doesn't mean a lot\" in terms of making a clear stance in condemning Israel. Try to keep up. The reason is in the very next sentence that reads, \"Even Israel is giving aid to Gaza.\"\nNext time, maybe you wanna try to listen and understand what people are saying rather than just thinking about how to respond.", "It\u2019s ok you can take your pointless rhetorics back home where people can listen to your nonsense better.\nBy the way you still haven\u2019t answered me. What have you done so far mr. Keyboard warrior? All philosophical talk and no action? Baliklah\u2026", "nice pivot.", "Great comeback.", "Hey thanks! I'd teach ya, but let's be real \u2013 it's way over your head.\ud83d\ude09", "As real as the whoosh over your big egotistical head?\nHonestly go back to your village where you can continue to feel like you\u2019re the smartest person there."], ["Good comment but pro zionishit dan malay haters also downvote this"], ["https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/12/31/we-didnt-start-mcdonalds-boycott-says-bds-malaysia/ lontar batu sembunyi tangan?\ndont get me wrong, it is amazing that the boycotts have driven mcd to take action but to try and duck out of it seems somewhat sneaky? just crowdfund the amount like what politicians are apt to do nowadays."]]} {"title": "Sudden switch to meritocracy in education may cause unrest, says ex-MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj (PSM)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u3fho/sudden_switch_to_meritocracy_in_education_may/", "num_comment": 64, "flairlabel": ["Education"], "header": "", "comments": [["Malaysia is not ready for meritocratic practices in its education system, according to Parti Sosialis Malaysia chairman Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj.\nHe said a sudden shift to meritocracy could exacerbate political and social unrest if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students.\n\u201cAny system must be fair to all. This is also not something that is politically feasible or acceptable. It\u2019s going to cause a lot of unhappiness,\u201d he told FMT in an exclusive interview.\nProposals for university admissions to be based on merit have arisen out of discontent with the current quota system by which non-Malays from lower economic backgrounds have missed out on opportunities for higher education.\nTo be fair, I think the Dr. is just pointing out the sad reality that many in the public sphere of Malaysia today probably won't be ready for a meritocratic education system (or as close to meritocracy as it can be), not that he's personally against a meritocratic system.\nHell, not too long ago in 2018, there was huge rally in KL because the conservative forces in this country don't agree with Malaysia ratifying a UN treaty calling for an end to all forms of racial discrimination.\nAnti ICERD rally: So, what's the estimate?\nWhat would happen if such a laudable policy was simply proposed today? The Unity government would be criticized left, right and center for being 'anti-Malay' and 'taking away' Bumiputera rights, and the gullible will believe in this narrative.", "I think this is something that some people here on Reddit cannot appreciate and comprehend. While most people on this subreddit want social reforms and eradication of race-based rhetoric, mathematically the entire r/malaysia is only a drop in the ocean of Malaysia\u2019s population, most of whom are still stuck in the ethnic dogmas.\nAt one event after Belanjawan 2024, the organisers made it clear that they were pushing for the government to introduce the GST or the VAT. When Anwar got up on stage for his keynote speech, he said that reforms \u201cmust be gradual and sequential\u201d as doing the opposite would only raise the ire of the people and perhaps burden them. OP already gave good examples on the reasons the Malay electorate quickly turned on Pakatan the first time it took over the government.\nRealistically, we can\u2019t change people\u2019s mindsets in a snap of a finger. And the government ultimately has to follow the tide as it needs to stay in power, lest there would be a prolonged political instability. America took over a century to do away with racial discrimination practices, and it was only less than two decades ago that it legalised same-sex marriage.", "America took over a century to do away with racial discrimination practices\nTbf if something is not achievable within our lifetime, it might as well be impossible / pointless.", "Why? Does the world end with our life?", "if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students\ni kindda agree if people have this assumption set as default. but we have done this before and it goes the other way around really badly. :26561:", "Interesting! Could I get some sources on that?", "https://www.dapmalaysia.org/all-archive/English/2002/may02/bul/bul1598.htm\nDAP welcomes the move by the government to implement a selection system based completely on merit for entry into public universities this year (2002)\nThe announcement of the successful enrolment of students into public universities this year has seen the increase of Bumiputra student intake to 68.9% of the total enrolment while enrolment of non-Bumiputra students has declined to 31.1% (Chinese-26.4% and Indian-4.7%)\nfor comparison the previous quota that was used prior to that year was:\nMalay 55% ( increase to 68.9)\nChinese 35% (decrease to 26.4)\nIndian 10% (decrease to 4.7)", "Tbf, \u2018merit\u2019 is a metric ripe for manipulation", "Read the full report, the title is \"3 Steps to Restore the Confidence of Non-Bumiputra Students in STPM\".\nThe decrease in enrolment of non-Bumiputra students had been attributed to the drastic decline of the number of non-Bumiputra applicants due to the fact that not many Chinese and Indian students were interested to pursue STPM.\nHow ? \"Chinese students make up only 22% of the total applicants while 5.33% are Indian students.\"\nWhy ?\n\"many who have scored good grades in their SPM examination and have good prospect of being admitted into public universities. Their choice is understandable as sitting for the STPM is a \u201chigh risk\u201d move, as is does not guarantee a place for them in their preferred courses in the public universities due to the restricted places under the quota system. \"\nRead full below.\nDeputy Education Minister Datuk Hon Choon Kim revealed that Chinese students make up only 22% of the total applicants while 5.33% are Indian students. The low application by non-Bumiputra students shows that many Chinese and Indian students have no confidence in the Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) and thus many of them refused to further their studies to Form 6 after they have sat for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) but instead opted to study in private colleges pursuing twinning programs or professional courses. This includes many who have scored good grades in their SPM examination and have good prospect of being admitted into public universities. Their choice is understandable as sitting for the STPM is a \u201chigh risk\u201d move, as is does not guarantee a place for them in their preferred courses in the public universities due to the restricted places under the quota system. This undeniably is a more secured option but at the same time creates a lot of financial burden for parents who have to fork out a large sum of money to finance their children\u2019s high tuition fees in private colleges and their cost of living in cities.", "if it resulted in professional courses being filled with an overwhelming majority of non-Bumiputera students\ndosent matter. the point is on one year they do quota and another year they do merit and there are noticeable difference in both year. the system did change but the scenario that people think will happen does not happen and somehow become way worst\nfast forward 10 years later (2013) Lim Kit Siang still complain about how merit system was worst then quota.", "Seems to be this might have something to do with the Matriculation system still being on the quota 90:10 system?\nAs pointed out by the article you linked, that system remains and if a substantial portion of university admission are given to matriculation students, you would logically see a drop since the \"backstop\" mechanism that keeps STPM students filled in would be gone.\nWould love a good study/analysis on the mechanics of that if anyone has it, seems like a bunch of research to actually drill down to the possinle causes.", "Then it\u2019s not fair to capable nons who should rightfully fill the place. That in itself is a great disservice to the nation n much unbeneficial to bumis"], ["Pain now, gain later"], ["The way to do it is by first starting a \"no one left behind\" policy in education.\n1st step: get a lot more teachers, like 30% more than what we have now at least.\n2nd step: You suck at studying? Failing your \"insert subject\"? You join after school class, mandatory. Qualified guidance counsellor to 1 to 1 go through what's the student's problem is and helping them to fix it. No go home loiter, we make sure you pass, by understanding why you can't understand. Move you to syllabus more suitable to your aptitude.\nThen we go towards a more meritocracy education system.", "Last time in my primary school, which was a SJKC, used to run this kind of system during the year of UPSR. All of us would have to attend additional classes after school every day.", "as if malaysia has enough money to hire qualified and non abusive guidance counsellor hahaahha", "Well we have enough money to hire the largest civil servant to population ratio.\nProbably train/ transition them in, or they can quit and try their luck in private sector.\nIt's a matter of wanting to do it or not.\nI mean we suddenly got money to complete the shelved LRT2 stations no? That was what? 5 billion?", "I mean we suddenly got money to complete the shelved LRT2 stations no? That was what? 5 billion?\nNot comparable (though I don't disagree with the rest of your post).\nIt's a lit easier to obtain loans and investment for tangible infrastructures than it is for the nebulous gift of education.", "I think I said this because recently Tony Pua went to a podcast called \"are we ok\" to say they shelved those stations because its not feasible at current area population usage.\nI understand your counter argument but the point I'm making is they can stomach a bad investment without considering the fiscal return, against the guy I'm replying that said they \"don't have the money\"", "The problem here is that assuming all teachers are fine and not emotionally abusive.", "By that logic, nothing can be done to anything; because one component of a larger picture will always be broken sometime, somewhere.\nA thing to be concerned about yes. But very unproductive to not do anything because something might be a problem.\nToo lazy to do an analogy, so something something, Murphy's Law.", "i'm not against the addition of teachers, i'm just saying that both the addition of teachers into the teaching sector and implementing regular check-up of the teachers should be in place (which is unlikely to happen)"], ["From free tongkats to free electric wheelchairs for generations, now you expect them to make an effort?"], ["Should not have quota for certain courses that have bad consequences when small mistakes are made e.g. nuclear science, medicine, structural, geotechnical, aviation etc"], ["When will Malaysia ever be fully ready, actually?", "never", "Yes. The only answer to this question", "I'm afraid, that ship has sailed. It's should have been done right after independence"], ["isnt meritocracy = fairness? what's the point of graduating with tongkat?", "no, it is not. imo A+ with 20 hours of tuition a week is worth much less than A- while tending to a parent's nasi lemak stall every day. wouldn't it be much worse if that bright student, who overcome such adversity to get their results, still wasn't supported and left to waste away in the end?"], ["Survival of the fittest, scared is for the weak"], ["I don't get it. Are we not using meritocracy in tertiary education except for UITM/Matriculation?", "Keyword is matriculation."], ["What a stupid country and policy lol. Enjoy the brain drain"], ["They know if they play fair, public universities will be dominated by Cina"], ["Sudden change, yes. Gradual change, no.\nKeep the racial quota for now, but make it b40 malay only. Need to check income tax to verify. It helps the country because families who want to enjoy this needs to declare income, more data for the government and potential higher income tax collection.\nWe can open it up to other races after the majority are used to the concept."], ["SMKCs: meh"], ["Instead of heaving Matrik/University quotas.\nHow about with give free tuition to Bumiputera instead ? Like we open a free tuition center for all the Bumis, filled with the best teachers. If you cannot succeed even with the best teachers helping you for free, I don't think university is for you."], ["Don\u2019t worry. Someone will pop up and say ketuanan doesn\u2019t exist, it\u2019s something imaginary cooked up by the Chinese Malaysians on Reddit."], ["Then ask why companies want to hire non Malays? Racist ke?"], ["There\u2019s a white horse in the room thats never talked about. The average IQ of Malays(and Indians) fall substantially behind the Chinese. This will be reflected in academic performance. This is not easily corrected and will take generations. So mediocracy will not work for Malays for the longest time."], ["Allocate seats as per race distribution, so roughly 10% to Indians, 30% to Chinese and 60% to Malays. Use meritocracy within each category. Its not hard.\nThis way Malays are ensured allocation, while there\u2019s still a mechanism to ensure seats for the highest performers within each category.", "Well if that's the case you gotta allocate proportionately to sabah and sarawak folks as well, Iban, dayak, kadazan etc.\nMalaysia isn't just peninsula", "Agreed.", "I was gonna agree and upvote the idea but that last sentence is distasteful.", "Not a fan of this. My perceived aim of public university education is to give lower income students to affordable venue to better themselves and improve social mobility. Instead of making the distribution based on race, we should make it based on socioeconomic level and academic performance. High performers from a high income family don't need public university ecudation because their family can afford private university education for them.", "That would be the ideal situation. I completely agree. My comment was trying to be realistic and ensure a proportionate level of malay seats.", "You made a valid point that I felt was worth looking into deeper and definitely one for discussion, until...\nIf you don\u2019t agree with this you\u2019re a racist.\n...because apparently this isn't a discussion and if I find a flaw in it I'm a racist lol. Sorry, get over yourself.", "or distribute based on familial income."], ["A pure meritocracy would benefit the rich more than the poor. After all, the rich has access to better resource, food, school. They can afford to go to tuition. They can afford to focus in afterschool activities (is it called coop?) for better points while the poor might have to spend their day helping with family businesses and maybe take care of their younger siblings while their parents are out working.\nIn the end, the gap between the rich and the poor would only grow larger. Meritocracy is fine and all but a quota system should still be implemented, so stop acting like it's a bad thing. In fact, isn't all public universities like this? As far I know, UM is under this system.", "They can afford to focus in afterschool activities (is it called coop?)\nMy time it was called Ko-K (Pronounced Co-Kay. Short form for Ko-kurikulum, which is the Co-curriculum in Malay.)", "Quota suppose to be universal as in for the poor or b40 - and not race based. Not all nons are t20 and not all Malays are from b40."], ["Isu is not about competition at all for Malays. Its about having the unis opened but sjk/smjk still being there.", "Sjk and smk accept students from any race.", "They can accept animals and plants even. The sentiment remains that the malays consider them divisive.", "To be fair if a llama can make RM1 = USD1 , I will gladly vote the llama to be our next PM.", "sembang kencang anyone can"], ["So ? How to increase its country economy? Will it be continue of 500 years of being bully by other nation or prosperity after 100 years ?"], ["We should do it slowly and gradually instead"], ["Malaysia ni semua kena sudden sudden. Kalau nk pelan2, kena kaji dulu, kena cuba try test dulu takkan jadi. Sebab sem depan tukar menteri dia jadi lain pulak."], ["How about, placing quaotas based on economic status? This would be a better way to go."], ["Not doing it means we can't compete with our neighbours and our best brains will go overseas. Its happening now. Many of our young talented people already in Singapore, Australia, UK, Taiwan, etc."]]} {"title": "Uproar over govt move to tax traditional, complementary medicine", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u3asv/uproar_over_govt_move_to_tax_traditional/", "num_comment": 9, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [["\u201cAccording to my understanding, Western medicine and modern medicine are not subject to any taxation, so why are TCM services subject to taxes? This is clearly unfair and unreasonable to TCM practitioners and patients.\u201d\nComparing 'traditional' and 'complementary' medicines in any way as if it is as effective as 'Western' medicine is laughable, especially since the recent pandemic has shown in real time that 'Western' medicine such as vaccines and boosters have been far more effective at saving lives than whatever nonsense 'traditional' herbal remedies and the like can possibly offer.\nI welcome the government's move to tax these 'alternative medicine', and I hope this drive people to instead use actually effective evidence-based medicine than these medical quackery.\nPeople should be free to choose whatever method of healthcare they want, but stipulate that people must be informed as to the safety and efficacy of whatever method they choose. People who choose alternative medicine may think they are choosing a safe, effective medicine, while they may only be getting quack remedies. Grapefruit seed extract is an example of quackery when multiple studies demonstrate its universal antimicrobial effect is due to synthetic antimicrobial contamination.\nThose who have had success with one alternative therapy for a minor ailment may be convinced of its efficacy and persuaded to extrapolate that success to some other alternative therapy for a more serious, possibly life-threatening illness. For this reason, critics contend that therapies that rely on the placebo effect to define success are very dangerous. Scientifically unsupported health practices can lead individuals to forgo effective treatments and this can be referred to as \u201copportunity cost\u201d. Individuals who spend large amounts of time and money on ineffective treatments may be left with precious little of either, and may forfeit the opportunity to obtain treatments that could be more helpful. More research must be undertaken to prove the effectiveness of complimentary therapies before they can be incorporated in formal medical practice. Sufficient evidence is required for biological or clinical plausibility in order to justify the investment of time and energy in exploring the merits of alternative medicine. After all, human life is precious and no chances can be taken to comprise the health of any individual.\nComplementary and Alternative Healthcare: Is it Evidence-based?", "When I got covid a few months after getting the second shot, taking Lianhua Qingwen really help me to cope with the fever.\nRingworm is very nasty skin infection. Using a chinese med that I bought from shopee really help someone I know with this problem (she has tried many type of meds from pharmacy & doctors but with no success, sometimes the infection gone for a while but always come back). That Chinese med is really good for many types of skin diseases too.\nA rm1 lice treatment for my cats that bought from shoppee is as good as than rm50 western one. Plus, the lice didn't come back after a few weeks.\nTaking ashwaganda continuously for two months help me lowering my bp significantly compare to years of taking doctor's prescribed meds.\nSo, my point is not all western medicine is good & not all traditional medicine is snake oil.", "snake oil.\nWas an actual useful medicine from Chinese rail workers in the US wild west. Con artists saw that as an opportunity by going town to town to sell fake elixers with no snake oil. Hence the phrase \"snake oil salesman\".", "Just to be clear, there\u2019s no independent body to establish the effectiveness of TCM. This doesn\u2019t mean that TCM doesn\u2019t work, especially for home remedies for common conditions e.g. simple fevers, treating genetic conditions like balding and even natural remedies for improving testosterone levels like what they eventually scientifically concluded for Tongkat Ali funnily enough.\nA lot of TCM actually works but it\u2019s effectiveness is whack because there\u2019s no lab practice to establish dosage and other issues like delivery mechanisms that\u2019s almost always oral or topical in TCM for example.\nI\u2019ve seen TCM and alternative medicine be very helpful for many especially vulnerable groups of society because they\u2019re usually less intimidating and more personal in its approach to helping with conditions. Obviously we need to temper expectations because alternative medicine isn\u2019t going to cure cancer for example but to make the wide claim that alternative medicine is \u201cmedical quackery\u201d is awful for people who benefit from it.\nTaxing it just to recover debt caused by non-evidence based economic policy is the biggest irony here by the way. Let\u2019s not lose sight over the bigger picture here", "Non-stop cough for 2 months, not covid, 3 different sets of antibiotics and I still coughing the same 2 weeks after the 3rd antibiotics set was done.\nWent to a proper TCM, 2 sets of meds in 2 weeks I've stopped coughing like a maniac.\nI'm not saying TCM>Western meds. Hell, I'm not even saying TCM=Western meds\nBut to discount TCM as \"nonsense\" is very ignorant and biased of you. Its a culmination of of experience and trial and error dating back to 200BCE, with written methodology and formula till this day.\nNot all of it is proven, because there's not enough Western study of it to put it into journalistic publication.\nAnd you know what's Western medication once accepted?\nLobotomy."], ["Some private hospitals offer traditional medication to treat patients. I think that's the root cause\nRich corporation screwing up everything"], ["Prosecute corrupted people?\nGov : Nope\nattempt to introduce policy to reduce corruption?\nGov : Nope\nSlowly cut subsidy to cut expenses, keep inflation managable?\nGov : Nope, lets put target subsidy that hurt M40/T20 salary earn more than a factory owner that make B40 product.\nGov : also to keep our debt managable, we will raise tax instead."], ["Good, taxing these scammers with their snake oil crap is a good move"], ["PMX: that\u2019s the price of freedom, so everybody pay up! no exception!"]]} {"title": "A Malaysian Tesla Model 3 customer receives mismatched door panels", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u38k1/a_malaysian_tesla_model_3_customer_receives/", "num_comment": 8, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "", "comments": [["This is the Tesla experience."], ["not uncommon.\nlet me tell you about the time the land rover factory did not remove a plastic seal and install the air con drainage hose. customer complained got water sound. found out this was the case, the whole floor was flooded, fried a couple of electronic control units.\nluxury at it's best.", "It's...... pretty uncommon tho. You're using Land Rover as an example, another brand known for their shit tier quality.", "tesla isn't well known for good quality.\nland rover isn't bad honestly. it's the owners that are giving the brand a bad look. those that maintain the car well have no complaints. those that can't afford to maintain it well, those are the ones complaining all the time.", "Tesla isnt known for their quality regarding panel gaps and rattles. Mismatched doors are definitely uncommon lol", "rattles when old i don't know. when new nothing much. i've only had experience with about 5 teslas. main obvious gaps is the whole boot i guess. but it's evenly bigger gap compared to other panels.\nother cars have their problems too. had porsches with rattles in door panels that can't be fixed. lamborghini urus with rattles in the sunroof that can't be fixed. uneven panel gaps in mercedes-benz c63s.", "The only rattling I\u2019ve had in my model 3 was a piece of plastic moving freely in the door panel. I just took a pry tool, separated the panel and pulled the piece out. No rattles other than that one."], ["Imagine paying almost RM 200k, macam ahem . . . P1 je.\nUsed to be a fan of Tesla."]]} {"title": "Driver refuses to pay RM15 to jaga kereta for public parking space in KL, comes back to a scratched car - paultan.org", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u37sd/driver_refuses_to_pay_rm15_to_jaga_kereta_for/", "num_comment": 54, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["That's why I drive shit car, people scratch also I won't notice", "Problems solved?", "The scratch mark or the shit on the car?", "Yes"], ["go scratch other cars that paid them the rm15", "Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. Right!"], ["Our police is driven by social media. If the news is big enough they will take action. I believe the news will blow up if you catch a person actively damaging your car in full HD."], ["I would park in a legal car park and walk a bit further rather than give money to these kutus. Or use public transport/Grab.\nIf everyone stops giving in to these pests, they'll be starved of their income.\nBut as most Malaysians prefer to take the easy way out, then by all means, go ahead and pay the 15 bucks extortion fee.\nThe problem will always be here because of people willing to pay out of both convenience and fear.", "It happens on legal parking spots too", "You mean double charges, one to the real owner, another to these parasites ?", "Yes, sometime you see those popular places where you can pay just using app. Some asshole will approach you and ask you pay like RM20.\nWhen you say you already paid using app, they say the app is for parking, the RM20 for \"security\".", "motherfuckers..., entrepreneurship and gangsterism makes great enterprise, but wait, that's extortion.", "you called it beautifully", "That\u2019s just a protection racket", "These are legal public parking spots. Usually by day pay using app and night is free but then these mofos come out to extort. Authorities unfortunately also kerja 9-5. This issue has been ongoing for over a decade, be it city centre or suburbs.", "Agree, the authorities should clamp down on this after-hours activity by the parking kutus.", "There was an incident in the past where they got reported and the \u2018collector\u2019 got fined with summons. Now not sure", "When the summons is less than what they collected in one night, that will surely teach those kutus a lesson", "They will ask for money on a legal car park too.", "I mean parking inside a building or a closed car park space, not legal street parking.", "From the picture, it's along Jalan Sultan Ismail, next to the Damascus shop. There are VERY limited parking at the back. The nearest \"a bit\" further parking would be Pavilion. Looks like at night and she just wanna grab some food. All the power to you, but it doesn't seem like she have much choice at that given time."], ["I drive a cheap car but put a nice number plate. Most times they just say oh cantek nombor keta ye. I just walk away pretending not to hear because don't want them to even initiate conversations or ask for money. So far so good it worked to scare them off. I don't mind to pay for valet parking and other proper privately owner car parks but just not to touts or gangster jaga keta."], ["Pay 15 or I scratch your car! Sometimes these fellas are asking for a beating.", "Ya I once got so mad after he said want to scratch my car for refusing to pay him. I went over to him, moved his chair next to my car. Told him, baik you duk sini jaga keta ku. You pun cari makan aje. Kalo I balik tgk keta Kena gores calar, you tau je la. You org satu jln jgn ingat nak cari mkn kat cni sminggu. Bukannya you org parking berlesen.", "I like this response", "Because depending on the parking lot arrangements, can ask bus kilang to wait and park overnight daily. Force their own hand to call for majlis perbandaran to remove illegal vehicles parked and so on. So eventually they slap their own face. Whoever that operates will come apologise since their own periuk nasi affected. Monthly can be from RM 15k - RM 50k depending on how hot the location is.", "I wonder if we can beat people up who want to damage our property as self defense in the eye of the law.\nLike one dude is approaching my car with a coin, I prevent him from getting near my car but he refused to walk away and so I beat him up to protect my car.", "Bring pepper spray", "You versus all 3-4 of them? Good luck Mr Ip Man", "Maybe just take video and call police , nothing good fighting violence with violence. I just hope our abang police will do something", "Technically if you send them to hospital, they can\u2019t calar ur car. I hope you\u2019re good at leg kicks lol"], ["One effective way is to not go where such activity happened. This should force the businesses to force the local city council to act because businesses pay for permits to operate.\nIf businesses can't co-operate to protect their customers then customers should walk away with their money.\nOr customers just pay for the \"protection\"."], ["Freaking hate these thugs, too bad it's scary for a female driver to not give in when you drove across town for half an hour for an appointment and found out when you already there. I pray that they go to hell"], ["It appears they are learning from Indonesia"], ["Malaysia Boleh"], ["Park a tesla. Sacrifice your tesla. The car records 24/7 surround view. Report police with evidence clear as day", "You think the police would actually take action? You sweet summer child.", "Tangkap depan, lepas belakang", "IF police give a crap", "RIP to your tesla 200k. They don't give a rats ass about this petty crime."], ["Get a real job, you bum!"], ["Find the person who did this and do the same to the face"], ["Over at where I stayed, there's a Maybank and also a police station nearby. Walking distance. Park outside Maybank, public parking spot, always got one guy will come and ask for money cos we park there. I asked my dad once that isn't it free? He told me just do it even tho it's Rm1 cos we don't want any trouble as in like causing a fight or whatsoever. And no that fella doesn't jaga parking there cos it's a public parking space to begin with. My dad just say, you just help when you can cos the person that ask for money there is a homeless and sleeps there too.\nThere's also an instance where we went somewhere, open air parking, no sign indicating that it's private and have to pay to park. Right after we exit the car, a guy approached us and ask for Rm5 and said it's for parking. We paid and as we were walking off, my dad told me this one jaga parking but illegal. He said he'll pay once and no more. It's better to pay this once than not paying and walk away. My dad is a one time bad experience and no more next time kind of guy.", "Your daddy needs a baseball bat", "i don't understand this at all", "Pay once to save you the trouble and just don't go back there to put yourself back into the same situation knowing it's gonna happen. If you don't wanna pay, get back into your car and leave.", "Thanks for the tl;dr"], ["They\u2019re here to stay. Just pay them, Grab over or stay home.", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon\u2019t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon\u2019t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks."], ["If you can afford it go take a taxi/e-taxi.", "Your brain is like your username", "Use e bike", "Take the train lah. It's in Bukit Bintang after all."]]} {"title": "Suspend Padu until PDPA amended, govt told", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y652j/suspend_padu_until_pdpa_amended_govt_told/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Another screwup by tin kosong , Rafizi"], ["Padu will be the main source of data to determine fuel subsidy. Suspend padu means suspend targeted subsidy.\nWhich means, I believe, gov will not suspend padu no matter what."], ["", "Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.\nIt's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.\nOr you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.\nBeep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me."], ["Bro, you can tell them anything. But there's no stopping the PADU train. It will stop only after it crashes and burns....or if it runs out resource."]]} {"title": "MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 30 Disember 2023 (pagi)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u346j/met_malaysia_laporan_cuaca_30_disember_2023_pagi/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Malaysia's Pride! Young Malaysian Eco-champion Calls For Global Climate Action By Reflecting On Local Flood Disasters At The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u2z4y/malaysias_pride_young_malaysian_ecochampion_calls/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": [["I am happy more young people who are concerned and involved are recognised by the minister. I am sure this is not a PR stunt by NN. These young people must not just talk and blow hot air but go down to the grown to survey the actual flood areas and recommend what can be done for the causes and effects."]]} {"title": "Tangkak, Johor, Malaysia Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel | Weather.com", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u2wv8/tangkak_johor_malaysia_weather_forecast_and/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Singapore jails man for 20 weeks over use of fake Malaysian passport", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u2vvm/singapore_jails_man_for_20_weeks_over_use_of_fake/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Screencap of the article\n"], ["Mirror"], ["Malaysia need to ban or jail this fella too."], ["Padan muka"]]} {"title": "That's it monyets, our strategy to get on the map works.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18yfhnb/thats_it_monyets_our_strategy_to_get_on_the_map/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Pembangunan in malaysia is literally pembinaan bangunan, good job people now we are a developed nation!"]]} {"title": "Powerful quarters behind alleged diesel shortage in Sarawak, says state DAP veteran", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u2shc/powerful_quarters_behind_alleged_diesel_shortage/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["yeah... he can't say it out loud that the fuel stations and the industrial zones are owned by the same group of people."]]} {"title": "The Joint Management Body of AraGreens Residences has obtained a judgment against HSB Development for breach of duty of care for common property defects, Malaysiakini reports. The ruling has set a precedent for JMBs to hold developers accountable.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18u2s5u/the_joint_management_body_of_aragreens_residences/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Yes, deserve"]]} {"title": "Pioneering Pendatang: Thank you for the questions, r/Malaysia!", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tzo04/pioneering_pendatang_thank_you_for_the_questions/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Was very privileged to conduct this interview with the scriptwriter of Pendatang, Lim Boon Siang, and the managing director of Kuman Pictures, Amir Muhammad.\nThank you for the questions that you guys shared from the other day!\nI didn't explicitly follow the questions that were provided (I sourced from multiple places and came up with my own spontaneously as well), and am very happy to share it with you - thank you for the inspiration :D\nYou can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81jIiPyOPP0\nhttps://preview.redd.it/ox94pndxx89c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace0841ad28dfbeb114fe09a091688d947c15336", "comments": []} {"title": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 30 December 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18typcw/rmalaysia_geopolitics_containment_megathread_for/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Geopolitical Megathread"], "header": "r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread\nThis thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below!\nGround rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate.\nRationale: Why we have set this up\nThis thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!", "comments": []} {"title": "/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 30 December 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tvxx4/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/", "num_comment": 93, "flairlabel": [], "header": "This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome.\nApa tanda si pinang kelat,\nBila dimakan terasa malan,\nApa tanda orang beradat,\nBila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan.\nDad joke: I've lost control, I don't see an end, there's no escape. I don't even have a home anymore\nTime to buy a new keyboard", "comments": [["Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Does Starbucks Malaysia support Israel? Because I like Starbucks but feel like I'm shamed for drinking it. Starbucks has stated they \"Stand with humanity\" and I assume they sued the workers fund because they don't want their name to be associated with the war and Hamas or Palestine and Israel. I could be ignorant in this but it's hard to believe they support Israel when there's no valid evidence that they do. There's also no Starbucks store in Israel. Pls educate if I'm wrong."], ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLTuXPODvr4\nthis reminded me like when i was what? 10yrs old? a similar programmable toy car by kfc during those times... can set way point commands then onces set, it can carry out the waypoint commands.. good times.\ngrab food dude was alright, he was being himself by talking some stuffs.. I'm too old for the humor but I meant, better for people to talk than to refrain and you'll know lesser about them as a person, people need to talk it out either.\nnow that restaurant food felt laced, because I kinda can feel the difference of having foods or some sort of chem reaction in the body (absorbtions) , pain, feelings, regeneration and many more effects.\nnow the usual polishing the shictk , some mehrunes dagons sparks.\nHJA HA HA AH AH\n:26558:"], ["went to amcorp mall this morning. I guess I was too early (arrived around 10:45), not may flea market stall / shop open yet.\nbought Harlequin by Bernard Cornwell, part of The Grail Quest series for RM19.90 at Bookexcess. I guess I'll be going there again later next year as need to buy the other part of the series as well.", "Isn't the flea market on Sundays?", "Saturday n sunday"], ["Why when talking about racism coming from a certain race,they always try to justify it or make excuses?\nAs if racism is justifiable, you're not making yourself or your group look any better."], ["Chat aku dapat free 3 bulan apple arcade, suggest game apa best?", "Sayonara Wild Hearts, Limbo+, Mini Motorways, Sneaky Sasquatch.\nFM 2024 Touch if you are into football manager simulation.", "Thanks for the suggestion. Tried FM but text too small."], ["Was talking to my friend about gunshot wounds. Didn't realised he is now a surgeon in the state in a dangerous area. It's normal for them.\nHow is this even a thing. How can someone just be like shooting people. Then my racist side be like no wonder they are supplying ammunitions to Israel. They upgraded themselves from shooting schools to bombing schools.\nThings that I can never say in real life..."], ["I want to do something but I don't want to.\n\ud83d\ude22\nI heard it's called ADHD paralysis, but who knows. I try not to rely on information that's obtained from a youtube short.", "If you don't mind, are you officially diagnosed with ADHD or not?\nI think it could be that you're just unmotivated at that time. There's no reason to suspect that you have ADHD paralysis unless if you got ADHD"], ["So, I bought my Zenfone 3 last year on shopee and I bought it at about 76% less than what they actually priced right now. So my phone should actually perform good at 1699 when I bought it about 400. My phone camera right now is at the worst quality of a phone and a bit slow maybe because of load of things I put in the phone and I don't even know that my phone is 1699. How do I know if my phone is fake or China model? The phone work properly but sometime a bit slow.", "The specifications of the phone is bad. Might need to upgrade"], ["am the only one? i easily get sick when i sleep late (11pm) even tho i get a full good 8 in. pretty frustrating since ofc social events are pretty much all at night. :<"], ["There\u2019s so many interracial couples in melbourne but it\u2019s almost always a white man with asian chicks", "Could be a sign for you", "Ihik time to cari jodoh", "How long you will be there?"], ["", "\nThis otter says tahniah to you"], ["Anyone can recommend cheap but decent paper or notebooks for use with fountain pens? Am using it for studies and note taking.\nAm I looking out for their gsm or what? Specifically for the pilot kakuno/metropolitan sort with standard pilot ink.", "Anatomy do sell paper and notebook skin separately. I always thought it\u2019s expensive but end up using it a lot because it looks nice and they have colour paper in A5 size. So maybe you can check them out."], ["guys random, but like, i wanna recreate this mac & cheese recipe. but where pray tell, can i find, a block of cheese: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNntLucC/", "oooohhh this guy knows something about cheese! i guess the best shot you can take is to go to isetan groceries or high end groceries. i have seen sharp cheddar and mozzarella but im not sure about the colby jack. its as hard as to find pecorino romano", "Thanks!!!!! Yeah i checked out my local jaya grocer and nada, oebsoyo, no \ud83e\uddc0 \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\nI wanna try this recipe so bad. Damn isetan groceries, i only know 1 in klcc urgh, 2 states away.", "sorry i assume you wrongly. maybe for you online shopping is the only way.", "i tried checking on shopee and no luck: mozarella cheese, sharp cheddar, colby jack cheese. there's slices.\nbut i do go to klcc once every quarter year so I'll check it out. this seems like it'll be the most expensive mac & cheese everrrr. I'll try my luck at village grocer in cyberjaya, sort of nearer to where i am."], ["how does one attend counselling? i am not depressed, just need some professional advice.", "Glad to hear that you're considering going for counselling! Indeed one doesn't have to experience any bad mental health problems to see a counsellor - it's actually good to do so for maintaining good mental health!\nAs for how to - quite simply, as generally you'd find counsellors in private or community based practices, you can just go and see one - that's the simple guide.\nFor something more detailed - you can first do some simple look up on a few services, to have a little more options, before deciding on which one you'd like to try. (\"Try\" is a key word - so don't worry too much about finding the right or best service!)\nUsually, I'd just suggest you to consider practical factors like accessibility (easy to get an appointment, nearby etc.) and budget if you're unsure of which counselling service to choose. Don't stress over looking for the \"best expert\" for most general cases - unless you're looking at some exceptionally niche situations, most counsellors may help.\nAfter deciding on a service to try, you can get an appointment (by calling, messaging, emailing etc.) to confirm your session. Many services do accept walk-in, but usually I'd advise getting an appointment to be sure. (You can also get to ask the counsellors any questions you may have if you reach out before attending the session.)\nAnd after confirming your appointment, just wait for the date and time, and then just go!\nUsually you don't need to prepare anything specific for the session other than yourself mentally. But if you wish to get more of the session, you may want to prepare and plan how you'd want to tell your stories or share your worries before coming to the session. In this way, you may get more time to think through what are the main things you want to share with the counsellor, and that you don't miss any main points during the first sessions (which may happen if you're formulating your thoughts right on the spot during the session). Don't worry if you don't really know what to prepare or plan on sharing though! In general, counsellors will do their job in helping you open up on your issues by asking questions/guiding your sharing - counsellors will make sure they have a more complete understanding of your challenges before moving forward with helping you deal with them.\nNormally, counsellors may take a few sessions at the beginning just to listen to your \"problem\" (understanding what you're facing and what help you're looking for), and give less focus on the \"solution\" at the beginning stage. So don't worry if you don't feel like getting much counsel at first. Do try seeing the counsellor for a few (~3) sessions to see if you're comfortable with the counsellor and if you're happy with the help and service you're receiving. Sometimes things don't work out between the client and the counsellor, that's okay. You may always try to see another counsellor (so now you might see why it's good to do some research before starting your counselling journey!)\nAnd that's basically how you see a counsellor!\nHope this gives you a more comprehensive idea on how to go about seeing a counsellor. And if you have any questions on what I'm sharing, or if you have other questions relating to seeing a counsellor, don't have feel free to get in touch with me here, will always be happy to help where I can.", "wow thats lengthy. thanks for the effort!"], ["Crossing Peneng bridge to Seberang Prai today and saw big black smoke coming from Seberang Jaya area. Anyone know what happened?"], ["Boss just sent a message saying that our salary will only come in next week instead of today. \ud83d\ude2d\nHe said the accountant \"made a wrong entry\". Does it mean the accountant sent the money to the wrong bank account? What does it mean exactly?", "Sounds so sus. Takkan company has no buffer to deal with this kind of mistake. If I were a prudent wageslave, I'd look for a new job.", "Means boss got no money to pay, next week customer pay him so he can pay u. Time to look for new job"], ["Is anyone actually getting tested for COVID and updating their mysej anymore? I noticed half my office sick, and when I asked if they tested for COVID and many laughed it off.", "Nobody cares anymore. My BIL got TB though and apparently it\u2019s quite rampant now for some reason.", "TB is rampant now? First time I'm hearing about it. That's scary. Any news articles on this?", "Not really. I think last I google there\u2019s ~30k so far and my BIL is quarantined for 6 months and have to report to KKM clinic everyday to get meds. They are working hard to not let it get worst."], ["How this sub progressed from being a peaceful small community to the inevitable forum for racial issues.\nIt reminds me of my own childhood. I've always had Chinese and Indian friends because the Malays rejected me. Up until my diploma days, you know. The Nons took me in as their own.\nAnd now they wouldn't because now we're all grown up and have inherited the sin and hatred of our ancestors. You get older, you face more problems, and you develop complicated, sometimes warped, worldviews. Adulthood is hard and it's easier to return to the mentality that was enforced onto you as children. Many come back to their own people for easy and familiar support.\nDo you know who my friends are now? They're not many but white guys. Not your usual white guys. The kind that comes to Asia and feels like they don't belong either and they're trying to make their way back to the West or staying here temporarily. Yeah. It sucks but they're the only ones who I can fit in with these days. I miss diversity in my life. I miss not having to pretend like I understand white culture. I really still don't. I'll never be a Westerner."], ["I know that I can be extremely emotional and misconstrue things people say, but I think I have the right to be sensitive about something said last night.\nIn Denver, I befriended a friend of my friend\u2019s husband\u2019s, whom I will refer to as M henceforth. I would be lying to say I was not slightly attracted to him, as he was over six feet tall, lanky with noticeable muscle definition, and has an infectious smile that any toothpaste commercial director would cast in a heartbeat. I also thought his Napoleon Dynamite afro hair is adorable.\nThe first time that we met, it was just waving of hellos and byes as I was more preoccupied with my friend and her children while he was having beer with my friend\u2019s husband. My friend later told (signed to) me that M, too, asked whether I was single. But he never asked me out or gave me his number. I can only assume that he lost interest after finding out that I am a transgender, something that Americans are always too worried to broach, but I can understand if he had such aversions.\nWe properly talked (signed, M is also deaf) the next time that the both of us were at my friend\u2019s place. I thought I carried myself well, despite my anxiety and excitement about talking to someone new, so much so that he offered to take me to dinner before I left Denver \u2014 and he said (signed) I didn\u2019t even have to bring my caregivers as he flexed his arms to prove that he had the strength to carry me and push my wheelchair at non-wheelchair-friendly areas.\nM prefaced our conversation at the dinner with saying he hoped I didn\u2019t think it was a date, which I didn\u2019t given his initial hesitance, just for the record. I was just happy to meet new Deaf people to befriend.\nHe said he got out of a messy divorce just a year ago, and was not interested in dating again. Fine. Maybe I wrongly assumed he discriminated against transgenders.\nWe talked (signed) a lot, as the conversation\u2019s flow was a steady and clear stream. I was amazed that he could speak hearing people\u2019s language and is working as a lawyer, while he said (signed) that I have the most interesting life story he had ever heard (read). He also was amused that I asked him to take me to get ice cream in the middle of winter.\nWe became texting friends since then, as I gleefully shared photos of my Christmas celebration and he, his, which was not much because he is Jewish. As a car enthusiast, he asked me to take a photo of my sister\u2019s Rolls-Royce in London. And at random times, he would send me memes and jokes that he found on the Internet since I\u2019ve \u201cmissed out so much from not having a social media account\u201d.\nLast night, I guess our conversation took a turn to the deeper side, when I asked him about his child and his previous relationships. I can\u2019t tell why I inquired \u2014 maybe I was trying to live vicariously through M. I told him about how I\u2019ve only had one boyfriend \u2014 I no longer count the guy that I was seeing early this year as one. And it is unlikely that I will meet anyone again now that I am a transgender, especially a transgender in a wheelchair. We Deafies are blunt people, and I added how the Deaf community can be quite discriminatory against the disabled.\nMaybe I put him in a spot by saying (texting) that, and his response was: \u201cDon\u2019t say that. You\u2019re really beautiful and fun to talk to. You will find someone if you keep looking.\u201d\nI ignored what he wrote at first, and continued the conversation by changing the topic. But when I was sent to bed, I began to think, If he finds me physically attractive and interesting, why won\u2019t he just ask me out?\nIs he really not ready to be in a relationship? Or is he not keen to date a cripple? Or a transgender\nI recall a while back, when I had another account here, someone remarked that I am \u201cinteresting\u201d because of all the traits that I have. It doesn\u2019t matter if I am rich and/or beautiful, but being physically and intellectually disabled and a transgender would definitely repel people from taking interest in me. This is something that perhaps I have to live with until the day I die \u2014 and maybe so does my sister who has promised to take care of me."], ["Is it me or Shopee's app is incredibly slow?", "It's that darn popup advertisement on the homepage.\nWhen I installed it on a new phone, it showed up almost immediately. Nowadays, it pops up after a few seconds of scrolling and I almost always pressed it by accident."], ["Many houses in Penang are stocking up water for January including apartments. People are buying 100+ L buckets to store water. My only question is, with all these sudden additional weight, building should be strong enough to support right?\nReference", "Interesting thought! I'm no engineer but if you think of it as every unit in the building suddenly being visited by 2 skinny people (50kg each), it doesn't sound as bad.", "Doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way until you add all the numbers up by 300\u00d7 units in a high dense. Based on my understanding, buildings are built to withstand a certain amount of weight calculated by engineer before building and what goes into the building materials. That is why building with no swimming pool are not allowed to have a make shift swimming pool besides those kids inflatable ones due to the additional weight that could compromise the building structure."], ["Why do most of the religious people I meet are disgusting once they've open up to me... So far there's only 3 religious people I know who aren't disgusting.", "it's very typical of religious ppl, they think they are special and above everyone else. even with ppl of the same religion.", "Superiority\nI've mentioned it before, people who do nothing but pray and read religious books, will consider themselves as \"religious and pious\"\nExcept they've never done anything good(charity/helping others) , so their souls aren't really kind anyway\nSo now we have people who arent kind, but thinks of themselves as kind..\nThats recipe for disgusting mentality", "Disgusting in what way exactly?", "Justifying violation of human rights in god's name"], ["Sometimes I come across sales people with FB posts (mainly car dealership) using the word 'cikgu' to refer to their customers. And most of these customers are not actual teachers. Is there a meaning behind this?", "Respect but encik just too formal, no reason i think. Like ppl calling police officer datuk."], ["Being a (flawed) human means looking at the hot women and feeling sad because you know that they'll be having fun at all the cool parties. Unlike you, you loser \ud83d\ude0f\nBeing a logical human means acknowledging that, but also knowing that deep down, you don't really fit in at all those cool parties, so what's the point in going there if you won't enjoy yourself anyway?\nAnd being a mature human means realizing all that, but you still kinda want to go if given a chance because your dick also gets a say in the decision-making process \ud83d\ude02 (but you won't beat yourself up if you didn't go)\nTonight malas masak, so I think I'll go to that vegetarian banana leaf place in Bangsar that I saved on Instagram. Tell me if this is a bad idea.\nNot sure what to do tomorrow night though; are there any street parties or whatnot? I don't one that's gatekeep because let's be honest, I'm not gonna make the cut. I just want to get out of the house, at least until they install the new aircond.", "Can go Kiara Bay Kepong. There\u2019s a night market there with live performances and countdown.", "Thanks for the tip. I might!", "lots of malls having count down party at night. ioi city mall, sunway velocity... etc.", "'zat so? Thanks for the tip. I'll probably look into Velocity, IOI Putrajaya is a no-go on account of Putrajaya highways being scary af at night.", "i followed those info pages, i saw a post before that lists down all malls with count down. just now i passed by velocity, they already closed the road to set up the place (like last year.)", "closed the road to set up the place\nOkay, new plan: go celebrate, if I can find parking \ud83d\ude05", "if you're brave enough can take lrt or mrt. extend till 1:30 tomorrow night.", "because your dick also gets a say in the decision-making process\nsolution: beat your dick"], ["Anyone here a photography enthusiast? Do you know a place that services/cleans cameras?", "There's a couple that I know but they're mostly for analog cameras.\nVincent Camera Service Center", "thanks! I have an analog as well so this will help."], ["I\u2019m looking for someone to watch malaysia open final badminton on jan 14 with me. I bought the tickets already. Let me know if interested?", "this is smooth one\ud83d\udd25"], ["any good nail salon recommendations in mid valley area or other malls ? preferably if they do korean/japanese gel. thanks", "1.CRNailz 2.Nail it creations mani & pedi"], ["KL twin towers was intimidating seeing up close. the fact that you can walk close to the actual tower and look up feel humongous.\nalso: is pelita considered as malaysian mcdonald?", "malaysian mcdonald? bro ramly is the only legitimate successor.", "also: is pelita considered as malaysian mcdonald?"], ["Does anyone keep sourdough starter around cheras area and willing to share some? I can start my own colony, but much prefer the shortcut. Willing to drive to your place with my own container, just need the dough."], ["I tested COVID positive on Thursday (had symptoms since Tuesday night). Had a mild fever on Thursday and has been almost asymptomatic since yesterday (only a light headache and sore throat). Today is the 3rd day I've isolated myself from the family. Made another round of COVID test and was still positive\nQ: How long do I need to isolate myself? I'm fully vaccinated with 1 booster", "MoH recently said 5 days after the first day of showing symptoms, then mask up.", "mask up\nEven indoors around family? If yes, does that mean I still can't touch things too?\nAlso, do you have the link to the MoH guideline?", "\nBy right you should mask up even indoors with family and use a separate bathroom but this is a privilege some don't have. Remember this thing is airborne and can easily spread in closed spaces.", "Thanks!"], ["I just watched a few videos by MGAG\nWhy do they act like they have learning difficulties in the videos ?\nIt's very cringe the way they act and talk.", "i am one of the few admins of a quite large not for normie local meme page. mgag had no shame stealing memes from our page. then as a sign of apology, mgag reached one of the admins and offered him to be on their ransom. they never realised they add the cherry on top of the cake of humiliation.", "You don't want to watch the \"NPC\" videos then if you think those are cringe\nMgag is 5 years behind the cringe", "I used to watch them regularly when it was the old team. Their videos were actually pretty good.\nNow it's like their content has been dumbed down. What kind of audience are they targeting ? Ppl with learning difficulties ?\nKrystal is most cringe. Makes me wonder if her IQ is even 60. Hope she not like that in real life. What a bad representation of amoi."], ["Where is your go-to place to buy educational/prototyping boards like Raspberry Pi, Adafruit, etc?"], ["Singahor or Johorpore?", "Malaysia :29091:"], ["Where can I bring my malay frens to hangout after countdown tomorrow? KL areas near KLCC", "24h mamak", "Pelita basically lol"], ["I'm wide awake. \ud83c\udfb6"], ["First complete family trip in 10 years. A lot has happened. I'll be reuniting with my brother after 6 years ever since he left for uni and my parents re-married after getting divorced in 2017. Not sure how it'll go but I'm grateful I get to see my family again.", "that sounds dramatic but nice. good luck and wish you have a good time."]]} {"title": "Why malaysia categorize people like minangkabau or javanese or bugis as malay ?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tsdke/why_malaysia_categorize_people_like_minangkabau/", "num_comment": 138, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "In indonesia we view them as tribes with their own distinct culture and they have their own tribal language and traditional clothes so the malay concept for acknowledging these people as malay is so moronic in my opinion\nThey are clearly not malay eventhough majority of them are muslim,so why malay have to steal other people from different culture and put them in one box as malay ? Just because they have same skin colour with malay doesnt mean they are automaticaly malay", "comments": [["Do you know that even Malay have their own \u201ctribe\u201d?\nBtw, there\u2019s no stealing or anything going on. As a Sarawak Malay, I can\u2019t and wouldn\u2019t claim Kelantan/Terengganu/N.Sembilan/etc Malay culture as my own.", "Fr. There are similarities by having the same roots but in the end we have different dialects, mindset and clothing though minor", "One of the reason why federal assistance for West Malaysia felt more of a compulsory than voluntary for the past decades.\nGotta coat sugar on federal daddy by supporting their policies or else no funds for you."], ["There's a difference between Melayu Jati and Melayu Anak Dagang among the Orang Melayu Malaysia\nMelayu Jati refers to the Malay tribes that established kingdoms in the land. Melayu Kelantan, Pahang, Kedah, Terengganu, etc.\nMelayu Anak Dagang are the Austronesian tribes who are Muslims, migrated and settled in the land that would become modern day Malaysia, intermarried and become assimilated, and eventually became Malayized (this is where the term \"Masuk Melayu\" comes in play). They wear Melayu clothes, habitually speak Bahasa Melayu, and practice budaya Melayu. So much so that they are considered as Melayu also. Although they might retain some aspects of their original heritage.\nThe modern day constitution does not differentiate between who is a Melayu Jati and who is a Melayu Anak Dagang.", "There's three actually Melayu Jati, Melayu Anak Dagang and Melayu Peranakan, Melayu that are mixed with others like Melayu Cocos, Cape Malays and Melayu Betawi (although this one only in Indonesia)", "This is correct. This what I learn at my Uni.. already forget what subject it is.", "Where is this referred from", "Please dont destroy our belief!\nAll malays import from Indonesia\n/s"], ["That would just make bumiputra complicated.", "Then what about sarawak/sabah bumiputra? Theres plenty of chinese in sarawak that is bumiputra", "There are instances of chinese being labelled as bumis back in the older days cuz sometimes chinese peeps got kids and gave them away for adoption to tribes due to not being able to care for them. Then they make ic just claim bumi la cuz grow up with bumis. But that shit stopped like decades ago tho", "Can confirm bc my mom is exactly this.", "Same here my Muslim kampung adopted a ton of children (not all became Muslim) regardless they all got bumi status.\nThis isn\u2019t the case anymore tho."], ["It's just like malay call cuttlefish, octopus and squid all as sotong. Its just easier.", "Cuttlefish: Sotong katak,\nOctopus: kurita,\nSquid: cumi-cumi.\nHope that helps.", "Thank f\u2019n you!\nYou are forever blessed in all your endeavours relating to clan sotong-sotong.", "Isnt octopus called gurita not kurita?", "Yes.", "Both can be used.", "I've never seen it spelled with g before, always k", "I remember being a kid wondering why I have 3 different friends who look like 3 different races called Malay, none of them mixed btw. All their parents just are 100% \u201cMalay\u201d\nWhile I\u2019m a chindian who has at times been told to go back to \u201cmy country\u201d\nI still don\u2019t know exactly how it works but it\u2019s stupid", "Oh that. That's called Racism my boy :28915:", "It makes you feel better.\nGoing to have to drop the majority of my ethnic classification to a single ethnicity due to how mix many of east Malaysians are by government laws recently to simplify our ethnicities.\nI am an orang asal and yet very mix.\nI was always harassed unironically by people of immigrant descent or immigrants to go back to my own country LoL.", "Use bi-generation (Doctor Who reference)", "it's not just easier- it's an erasure of identity."], ["I'm just sharing a poem by Usman Awang, a Johorean. Probably it has to do with how Malays in the peninsular view the concept of race during the early Malay nationalism period.The was even an attempt by leftist Malays like Burhanuddin Helmi to form Melayu Raya (along with Indonesia) after the end of Japanese Occupation. British put a stop to that."], ["They aren't counted as malay, \"officially\" but they can change their race as Malay since Malaysia constitution refers the Malay as: \" orang Melayu itu mestilah beragama Islam, mengamalkan adat budaya Melayu, bertutur menggunakan bahasa Melayu dan (a) lahir sebelum hari merdeka sama ada di Persekutuan atau Singapura, atau pada hari merdeka telah bermastautin di Persekutuan atau Singapura\", so, most of the people from the races you stated (+ siamese) already changed their identity to Malay to gain \"bumiputera\" status and its privileges, or else their identity would just be \"keturunan Indonesia\".\nBut socially, people are still calling javanese, \"orang jawa\" most of the time, not happening to minangkabau and bugis tho, people will just call them malay", "Actually, it's just this current generation that doesn't. The previous generation would actively identify by their ancestors, whether bugis or minang or what not. My uncle-in-law would stand by the term of \"orang Bugis\" whenever got people asking our family \"orang mana dia tu?\" in earshot. Heck, even a slightly older friend of mine would call herself orang Minang.\nSo if you wanna blame someone for not referring to their ancestors, probably blame this generation instead.\nP/s: on paper, of course they would still be labeled Malays, it's easier that way for them. But vocally, they'd stand by whatever they are."], ["need to prop up the Malay numbers. cannot show that Malay is lesser than 50%", "\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\udc4d"], ["I'm surprised no one brought up the 1998 riots or the 60s genocide yet to flame OP", "I believe the demographic of this sub is predominantly innocent to that knowledge, and history book didn't mention at all.", "Welp we had our own may incident tho not as tragic as the one happened in Indonesia"], ["Broadstroke categorization invented by the colonial brits when doing population surveys back in the days. We just inherited it and believed it lol.", "Inherited it, and continue to use it as a political tool to keep the \"majority\" numbers.\nBased on the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, Malay is a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, and conforms to Malay customs.\nBy that, anyone can become constitutionally \"Malay\".\nAlso, think about why they make it hard for converts to revert.", "You missed out one important context to the definition of Malay - they should also be a person who is born before independence day. So anyone born after that will follow their parents\u2019 race.", "Farish A Noor has a chapter about this in his book What Your Teacher Didn't Tell You. He shows our original census having like 9 races for what we consider as \"Malay\" today. Great book 10/10 read.", "I see it as similar to classification of race and ethnicity in North America vs Europe. In Europe, Europeans identify as their respective ethnicity while in North America, Europeans identify as white. The white identity was crucial for Europeans to distinguish themselves from natives and Black people who they deemed inferior to them. Similarly, in Malaysia, the Malay identity was important to distinguish themselves from migrant races and possibly also because they view other races as inferior to them.", "The controversial ones don\u2019t see the other races as \u201cinferior\u201d but rather as a threat to their lifestyle, wealth and religion as their leadership would have them believe."], ["Racial politics is different here"], ["IMO there isn't much tribalism between Malays. Even the Mamak Malays. In the North there's lots of Mamaks but are Malays. They'll look 100% like any other South Indian but will be Bumiputera. This is because lots of Malays in the north had intermixed with Malays from Myanmar and Southern Thailand. This is why Northern Malays are diffrent from Southern Malays.\nIn the South, the food is more Southeast Asia toned such as Tempeh,Rebung,Rendang\nIn the North, our food is influenced by Indian Food such as Curry,dalca,roti canai,chapati,bihun sup,sup tulang.\nMalays in Kelantan create their own language,food and culture. For example akok cake,etc. Kelantanese Food is like a long lost Jungle Kind Malay Food with their own version of cheese.\nThis also kinda explains the election results.\nNo matter how Indian looking, white looking(me personally), if your dad/mom(citizen,etc many factor for mom) is a Malay, then you are MALAY."], ["The malays in Malaysia are based on the ethnicities of the Malay world which is an outdated term for the Austronesian realm which include the Javanese, the Bugis and etc. The word is used by the British due to group ethnicities in the Malay peninsula which is was and still a diverse place. We simply just inherited the term. It is no different than you guys inheriting the term Indonesian that was coined by the Dutch to refer to all ethnicities in the Dutch East Indies so don't act all high and mighty", "But indonesian is not ethnicity nor its how dutch refer us, its from british geography scholar. The term is neutral and refer to nationality ,if we inherited from dutch we will call ourself dutch east indies. Indonesia doesnt refer to a certain ethnicity if we are like you guys who refer all brown skinned muslim people as malays , we\u2019ll call it \u201cjavanese\u201d because its the biggest ethnicity in south east asia but of course its wrong, so we call ourself indonesian which doesnt elevate certain ethnicity status\nMalays is not neutral term, its just specific term for ethnicity in sumatra and semenanjung and for censuses reason and lazyness , British starting to call brown skinned people of sea as malays, which is really wrong and misleading like you said.\nLooks the way of op do the word is rude but it is pretty true how malaysia refer malays is outdated and misleading but its in your constituency law so as long as malay malaysian doesnt call brown Muslim people outside malaysia as malays and force \u201ctamadun malay\u201d or \u201cgreat malays civilization \u201c and \u201cmalay race\u201d which is not exist, we are fine with it but in reality some of malaysian think like that."], ["The concept of Bumiputra is a scam when you know there's a tier even for Bumiputra. Thumbs up to the generation that votes the parties that screams Bumiputra whole year long /s\nThe party that screams the another card buys expensive cars and will let a newspaper company goes bankrupt by not paying will 100% be worse.", "Shallow minded people think racial class is everything. Reality is when you realize it's economical class that really separate people apart"], ["Numbers politics n identity politics. Without it their numbers are not enough"], ["Politics"], ["I think it's just political will back in 70s. My late dad was categorized as Javanese in his death certificate but was Malay in my birth certificate. I know someone who was of arab descent are also \"Bumiputera Malay\" in their IC and then proud that they only have Malay grandmother or something."], ["Singapore and Brunei also does this- in fact in all 3 countries' constitutions a Malay is someone who: 1. Speaks Malay \"habitually\"; 2. Practices \"Malay customs\"; and 3. Is a Muslim\nMy guess is that the British just decided to lump all Muslim pribumis as \"Malay\" (including Indian Muslims and Arabs) which probably was not something the Dutch did. Also Malay is the majority among the pribumis, unlike in Indonesia. So upon independence the Constitution (which was written by the British) maintained this."], ["Assimilation"], ["Easy ; put all under once category and then claim they are the majority and slowly rot away their original name, background and identity with one created by the ruling elites.", "Sounds like what the so called Communist, USSR did in their whole existence and failed.", "But I see a lot of people are coming to be more individualistic; they will claim their bugis/jawa roots then calling themselves malays.", "It's better if Malaysians starts recognising their heritage. We're a mixed pot of ethnicity. Don't let rulers divide us using the laziest excuse: RnR"], ["Could be an attempt at erasing the culture and identity of the native people here by grouping them all as Malay people."], ["Hello cultural genocide, nice to see you again :29091:", "To be fair it isn\u2019t exactly a cultural genocide.\nFrom east Malaysia and from a \u201cclan\u201d of orang asal that was is partially malaynised. Our orang asal community tend to be very mix anyway so we often combine different cultures.\nThe vast majority of Bumi adopted part of Malay culture or some in full due to brotherhood. (In the east at least)\nFor my people, it was more brotherhood with east Malaysian Malays (indigenous Malays) and also more to integrate with west Malaysia.\nWe are way to mix of all ethnicity from European to etc so every has a sub section of something really different but in our core we have our orang asal culture and orang Melayu culture", "Elaborate what cultural genocide means specifically", "Indonesia is well known for their force assimilation policy. Chinese cant even have Chinese name or use Chinese language in everyday life in public sphere.", "This was abolished about 25 odd years ago so people can speak Chinese and use Chinese names now. But then again Chinese Indonesians still use Indonesian names and speak Bahasa Indonesia out of habit and convenience.", "They still do to this day? No apparently"], ["I am of Pagaruyung descent.\nPagaruyung was called Malayupura at one point... did you know? Arguably, the true Malays are Minang and Riau people, from West Indonesia. We started with the kingdom of Malacca, founded by a Sumatran.\nFYI, Javanese are often NOT regarded as true Malays. They're often called Orang Jawa here. They still look Javanese (tanned skin, squared jaw, short). They cook and eat and sell Javanese food even to this day. Same goes for Bugis but most Bugis tend to drop their heritage and assimilate because they look less distinctive. Even to this day, we worship Hamka etc., still relevant culturally, and we have a lot of roads and places named after prominent Sumatrans who developed Malaysia in the early days."], ["Same way how China is actively turning everyone into a single \"Han\" ethnicity, so it is easier to control."], ["If I\u2019m not mistaken, all this tribes are Austronesian Family. Including Pinoy (Philippines). During British colonial era, they thought Malays = Austronesian Family.\nPersonally, I don\u2019t really called Javenese, Pinoy, Minangkabau as a Malay but I prefer to called them as Austronesian family. Which different culture but similiar language and ancestors.\nIs like Chinese, Koreans and Japanese and many more are different cultures but share same ancestry"], ["becos they are lazy"], ["To be fair, anyone can be a Malay and Malay loves that. You can be a non-Asian but still be a Malay if you adapt the culture and live like a Malay.\nOf course, the final ingredient would be marrying a Malay.\n\u201cBut you won\u2019t get bumiputra benefits!\u201d\nThat\u2019s where you\u2019re wrong kiddo. I have seen multiple scenarios where non-Malay was identified as Malay just because they look like it. Some of them included a pure Chinese who just happened to look a lil bit darker & speak fluent Malay.\nHonestly, I\u2019m not even mad.\nIf this is what it takes to unify Malaysia, so be it.", "I always see people said that among bumiputera, Malay are first class while others are second class\u2026 but if you think about it a second, it\u2019s weird. Anyone can legally become a Malay. That\u2019s mean the so called first class is actually open while the second class is an exclusive\u2026 That\u2019s doesn\u2019t make sense.", "The root of the problem is the mandatory religion, and it is a one-way street, you can't get out; however, you may choose not to practice, but still subject to some laws.", "People no longer see religion as a belief, they see religion as component in a system. Something that can be swap anytime. Unlike components, belief is hard to change. It\u2019s either get stronger or weaker but not outright forgotten. That\u2019s why the constitution placed Islam first in the definition of a Malay, because belief is the core of any human.", "My Uncle was a high ranking police officer and was Chinese. He was very tan and looked Malay also having great Malay obviously.", "So its very easy for the rcta crowd to become malay", "That\u2019s why many Malays are mad at local chinese that can\u2019t even speak basic BM"], ["Mencapai definisi melayu; Islam, bertutur bhs Melayu, mengamalkan adat Melayu. Eventho they\u2019re from different culture, they assimilated well with the malays. Ask any malaysian javanese what\u2019s their breakfast today, or better \u201cisuk tadi mangan opo?\u201d Instead of pecel they ate nasi lemak.", "", "Bit harsh tbh. The person you're replying to didn't make those rules", "Your take is stupid, narrow and lacking forethought.\nI'm not the person you're insulting and I'm not Malaysian, but I think it's a bit less upsetting when you understand that all identities are partly made up and deeply contextual....\nto make a whole religion take an identity\nIndonesia does exactly the same thing in its own ways, as all countries do. For example, it doesn't matter what you believe, you're forced to accept one of the official religions on your identity card.\nI'm not defending how Malaysia uses religion and ethnicity in constructing its national identity, but its easily understood in historical context.", "Yeah they are not Malay in the blood. But have you read his comment properly? Malay is just an umbrella term for people of the same behaviour, religion, language and shit. Let's take your example, say you are an Indian but grew up in Germany, practice german culture, speak german and eat german food. People will consider you German but not ethnically German.", "That's the short version of what is legally malayu/bumiputra. It's not biological, but rather recognises cultural similarities. Same religion, same language, tradition, etc. As long as it's 70%+ similar at the time of independence. You can legally call yourself Malay/bumiputra status. Since this was fairly new after the war. Where most people lost their documentation and don't really have education on biology/race. So they basically round up most Muslim as melayu and any other orang asli group as bumiputera.\nNow it's base on parents bloodline. That's why melayu technically don't have freedom of religion and some don't look Malay due to mix with other race Arab/cina/Indian/etc.", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon\u2019t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon\u2019t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks."], ["I heard a taxi driver in Batam speaking Malay like Malaysian accent, he claimed to come from somewhere in Sumatera. I think he is a pure Malay.", "yes there are Malays in Batam. Batam, Lingga and Riau used to be part of Johor empire not long ago.", "Southern Sumatran provinces of Riau Islands, Riau, Palembang, Jambi are the original Malay heartlands. Remember Parameswara came from Palembang, and he was from a long line of ancestors of the Srivijaya- a Malay empire.\nConversely the Majapahit was a Javanese empire."], ["Racial politics and required inclusivity. When politicians are trying to invoke racial prejudice against the minority, it's easier to use the term \"Malay\" to include all the above mentioned groups. Being Malay is a privilege and has constitutional perks, so it's a win win situation for the politicians and the ethnic groups involved. Tun Mamak has been one of the fiercest champions of Malay rights, him being a Mamak of course.", "There's nothing wrong with being Mamak. Even PMX have Indian ancestry. We accept all kind in Malaysia", "Learn to read. Did I say there's anything wrong with being Mamak, Bugis, Minangkabau? I was answering the OP on why the tendency to include all \"tribal groups\" under the general umbrella of ethnic Malay, and why such groups overwhelmingly self identify as being Malay. If you think using the term Mamak is derogatory, that's on you, not me."], ["Ek eleh dia ni. Still have the mentality:\n\"Indonesia is the centre of the universe and the world should follow us\".\nIndonesia this Indonesia that...\nPshhhhhhh", "\nUmmmmmmm yea", "Empower your passport that doesn't require so many visa, travel the world and open up the mind."], ["Thanks to British Segregation, I guess?", "Nah. Just racism. Even Indo discriminates against full on Chinese since the old Dutch East Indies company days."], ["Just like what most malaysian think indian=tamil and by default people that celebrates deepavali", "Nah, most Malaysians do not think that. Many are aware of the difference between north and South Indian.", "Though, with some generalisation by religions. Hindu = all Tamils, Muslim = all mamaks. Punjabi are spared from both because they are Sikhs.\nNot many know the fine details tho, like if they are aware about Chettiar, Malayalam and Telugu groups settling here.", "That I can agree tho I expect most people can\u2019t tell the difference between many different bumi groups as well.\nBut yeah I agree there is generalisation just at a different level", "That's confusion only exist in western countries by westerners.", "Nope, Malaysians are guilty as well for being ignorant with the different groups of people who call Malaysia their home. I find it a pet peave with Malaysians who are oblivious with this than some westerners.", "That sounds more like an issue of the people you surround yourself with.\nSkill issues. Yikes."], ["So that the \u201cmajority\u201d is. So\u2026"], ["I know that this question is rage bait, and OP is a bad faith arguer and not for actual discourse. But Indonesians need to realise the history of Malaysia, and the history of Indonesia are very different.\nAs per your example the Minang people, the Bugis and the Java people are still minang and still java in essence, but those tribes in Malaya has been \"malayanised\" to a point where their culture has been adopted and absorbed to the the greater Malayan Malay identity.\nThen, there came the colonial history. Unlike in Indonesia, the racial demographic of the local populace and immigrants brought in by the colonial authority wasn't as drastic as in Malaya during the same period. If we used the British census of 1911, the \"Malays\" made up 46.8 percent, while the Chinese and Indians were 34.7 and 10.1 percent of the population, respectively. This means the total amount of \"Malay\" and the total amount of \"Non-Malay\" were nearly proportionate in numbers.\nThis spark another point of social demographic in the way Malayan Malay society sees itself. If you think the feelings felt by Indonesians during your early period of independence against the Chinese were bad. Imagine when it also comes into play demographics.\nThus, \"Malay\" became a catch-all term for the tribes in Malaya. As a way to nurture a bigger identity, in a way, it is like an umbrella for this group to be under. They are still of Minang descent, Javanese descent, and Bugis descent but are now in a greater national identity for political reasons.\nJust like how there are Indonesian Javanese, Indonesian Minang or Indonesian Malay. It is another layer of umbrella terms used in Malaya for the sake of political cohesion. Thus, the term Malay is then referred to not only in a racial or tribal sense but also in a larger polity as well for political cohesion."], ["you dont know kah?\nthe country some outdated policy is to make everyone \"Malay\". You marry a Malay, you become a Malay regardless of your gender.\nIf you are not \"Malay Bumi & islam\", you downgraded second class citizen as stated in Constitution."], ["Because different country have different interpretation of what is a Malay.\nIf you think Malaysian Malay is too broad of a categorisation, check out how the Philippines defines a Malay.\nAlso, easier to govern. For example there are many Chinese subgroups e.g. Hakka, Hokkien, etc. but then it is easier to group them all as Chinese. Same goes with Malay, Indian, and Dayak groups.\nIn Malaysia we like to say \"cincai kira\". Which shows Malaysian tendency for simplicity and pragmatism. Whatever works, fine with us.", "If Chinese subgroups can be referred as Chinese and Indian subgroups can be referred as Indian and can Malayic speaking subgroup be referred as Malay?"], ["If you don't know, during 16xx there's a kingdom names Malay kingdom of Johor riau, in which consist of, Johor, riau,Jambi and kepri. This is why those decent from minang and javanese or bugis decent are considered as malay. They are in the Malay realm.", "and basically they speak the variant of the same language family"], ["You what's funny? Indonesia had a dream of annexing malaysia right away after British left and called it Indonesia Raya. By that point, if they manage to achieve their wet dream they'll just label everyone melayu nusantara.\nThe term isn't unique to Malaysia btw that's what your government want you to believe. See malay archipelago to understand what i mean."], ["If you like diversity so much why did you force assimilate the ID chinese?"], ["Sebab semua bumiputera, so no point beda2. As Muslims, it is important to be united upon Islam", "United?", "Unity"], ["...because we all were malay? It's an ethnicity, right?", "Not really.\nMalay is both of an ethnic and racial group.\nEthnicity can be specific and they can be similarities however it also has sub ethnicity due to the major differences within a single ethnic group.\nRace on the other hand does not take into account genetics but rather culture and geography.", "And for many people there is no malay race, there are austonesian. \u201cMalay race\u201d is outdated term from british colonial era which is not exist", "You might be confused.\nThe Malay race has existed pre British era.\nEven then the concept there is no Malay race is blatantly wrong.\nYou are now confusing the concept of race with old European racism and racial category.\nModern concepts of race and the Malay identity has always existed.\nMalay as a race has always been about culture, language and beliefs. Ethnicity wise it\u2019s about genetics.\nThis is how the Arab world is majority non Arab.", "No its not, \u201cmalay race\u201d its just outdated debunked by many scholar because the existence and reason is doofus and has been ingrained to your country as segregation and reason for your \u201cpride\u201d of malay civilization. I am not confused.\nMalay as group of people in fact exist in the later phase of srivijaya and coming from jambi and south sumatra, and people later adapted as \u201cgroup\u201d name starting from there because the oldest melayu kuno prasasit is prasasti kedukan bukit from sumatra. It spread out to riau and then semenanjung\nAnd you know javanese sundanese bataknese and minang and all ethnicity in sumatra and java are far more older than malay and non of them refer themselves as \u201cmalay race\u201d\nMalay race still just a tool from british to validate malay king at the time as proxy leader and census.\nYeas malay ethnicity is older than british colonization but not \u201cmalay race\u201d because its never existed", "Brother you\u2019re going down a rabbit hole without any level of understanding about race and ethnicity and also historical concepts of race.\nI am not Malay, I don\u2019t identify as Malay. Now your coming to attack both affirmative action and indigenous rights two aspects adopted by the United Nations and many countries including the US, Australia and so fourth.\nJavanese etc are a different race I am not sure what aspect of modern race usage you are using but it\u2019s completely wrong and not even the definition I have mentioned.\nMalay again just like Arab has been defined racially as both a geographical, linguistic, cultural and at times a religious group.\nYou are failing basic race concepts and understanding of modern race history. The Malay race as a concept traces back to the Malay Annuals long before European colonialism in the region.\nYou are using Johann Friedrch (who is not even British) definition of race which labels almost all of south east Asia maritime as Malay.\nThis is the outdated and wrong racial information you are using.\nInstead of yapping about a topic you have little understanding about with such confidence. Settle down and actually learn about modern race classification, historical, the difference between indigenous rights, affirmative action and segregation and so fourth.\nTo further add: if you are referencing the modern concept of Malay race in Malaysia in particular again it just came down to cultural, linguistic, religious and geographical aspects.\nIt was a sub variant of the already establish identity of the Malay peoples.", "Oh if its like that , i am really sorry for my misunderstanding, i am myself not exactly the believer of \u201crace\u201d and more like cultural group. The problem is whenever some people refer to \u201cmalay race\u201d in malaysia is always like include us javanese, sundanese etc to bloated their number and pride. Which is wrong and ignorant thats what i refer to\nYes there is malay cultural group spread from palembang jambi riau and semenanjung", "That I can agree with. I am explaining in the Malaysian context and modern usage of race as a cultural group.\nThanks for the conversation.", "You too have a great day", "You do know many of javanese, sundanese approve of the assimilation right? Do you want to call it wrong and ignorant when both melayu jati and melayu dagang agree on the assimilation? Name me one event of forced assimilation of malays to the orang dagangs.", "No what i mean is javanese and sundanese in indonesia, not in malaysia and from what i know there is little to no emigration of sundanese to malaysia only javanese from Java Island. I am an indonesian javanese the bonafide one, if javanese who live long enough in malaysia choose to assimilate, sure no problem we called them in javanese \u201c jawa sing wes ilang jawane\u201d mean \u201cjavanese whose already lost their javanese\u201d\nWhat i refer is malaysian malay who always said the true javanese and sundanese and another ethnicity in indonesia as \u201cmalay\u201d or \u201cmalay race\u201d which is wrong and ignorant", "You have no idea what you're talking about."], ["k."], ["because science said so\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy5ZvYUjmqY\nInfact from this study by USM prof has proven that all east asian people originated from the same mitochondrial DNA."], ["Username indicates OP is \"tak betul\"...jangan layan sangat"], ["It can be not as sinister as it seems. In Singapore it\u2019s the same. In SG it\u2019s not just Malays, Chinese regional language culture was also deemphasized. It\u2019s a lot to do with practicality. Identifying and mixing with a bigger group is sometimes needed. Sometimes there\u2019s just not enough people to keep traditions and language because they inter-marry. The important thing is whether the people themselves want to be identified as such. I think people from Negeri Sembilan identify as Malay and Minangkabau at the same time."], ["If I\u2019m not mistaken, it\u2019s because, on our road to achieving independence (with only Malaya jn 1957), it was easier to unite all these closely related Austronesian ethnic groups under one well-known \u201cMalay race\u201d label that the Europeans put us under than to use several different ones or to come up with a new one."], ["Nah, not really. Its just more to eases formal stuff. So if anything on paper it refer to each main tribe. Thats all.\nBut when in daily conversation or cultural wise usually we goes to each fucking tribe and pray that were the rarest like some pokemon shit to be exotic, of if theres many find each flock like birds. And be racist to eachother, cant forget that as Malaysian"], ["It's in the constitution."], ["There are no Malay word for Austronesian bro. So we just group ourself as Malay."], ["because those people identify as malay in malaysia."]]} {"title": "Customer question why there's no Halal logo after bought the product.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y60a4/customer_question_why_theres_no_halal_logo_after/", "num_comment": 100, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I'm a new entrepreneur, a customer bought my packed frozen pastry and whatsapp to the staff that why my product don't have Halal logo. I just started the biz less than 2 months ago and just only placed the product at that particular shop on the 4th day when the customer bought it.\nIs it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly? Hmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm.. If the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nHas any food entrepreneur encountered this before? What do you think?", "comments": [["Honestly, many Muslims have no idea how difficult it is to actually get a halal certificate from JAKIM.\nEven if you can source all your ingredients from halal suppliers the end product may not be halal certified. That's not to say that just because you don't have a halal certificate you are non-halal.\nI always see people asking whether a product is halal. When you explain the differences. They only want to know a yes or no answer.\nYou have a brain, decide for yourself.", "Even they (muslim businesses) don't bother to get the cert themselves. It is a lot of hassle and red tape processes involving alot follow up and paperwork.", "You have a brain, decide for yourself.\nOur education system discourages this unfortunately.", "Our government is actively discouraging this too", "Let's not forget the non halal lift controversy during mco, when a hotel claims it was forced to do it because JAKIM threatened to revoke their certificate and even implied it had to pay coffee money on top of everything to get certified halal despite fulfilling all requirement.", "What was the controversy? Lift also need halal meh?", "There was a lift specifically used for non-halal food. It was to avoid cross contamination. Idk if this is the standard but maybe it is? Since everything do need to be separated.\nEdit: it was a lift to transfer/transport the food Edit 2: from kitchen to a hall", "Then any hotels that share loading bay lift with non halal restaurants are gonna be in trouble.", "Yeah probably, unless it's well packed etc. The one mentioned here was for buffet hall (if I'm not mistaken from previously reading articles) for events etc and it was like ready to serve food with possibilities of spilling easily (not airtight containers etc).\nEdit: from kitchen to buffet hall if I'm not mistaken", "majority have no brain, thats why malaysia is still lagging so far behind", "Halal ke ni?\nTrust me bro", "Betul, betul, betul.", "Wait, we have to use our brain in the social media era? :O /s"], ["Ignore that customer. You should just display your list of ingredients and the customer should do their own due diligence."], ["I've had a client try applying for the halal logo. Took months. It's not an easy process which is why so many just choose to say \"no pork no lard\" or \"Muslim friendly\" restaurant.", "It's really more difficult than most folks think. I have a friend who's in Japanese restaurant, ingredients fully sourced from several suppliers, all owning halal cert. He applied to Jakim for the cert, with all listed suppliers, no contamination and took him 3 months pending. Half a year on, someone called up asking for 6 figure to get approval.\nCases like this are why I question myself who or which story to believe in. Some say in 1 month can kao tim and all.", "For a small restaurant with small inventory is easier,cause every single ingredients needs to have a halal cert. If a large restaurant with 1500+ ingredients will be too time consuming.\nI've heard cases where even the soda gas canister need a halal cert. They make it hard and if they know u are a big company, they will push you for bribes la.\nFor the masses very easy only. Just spam :-\nHalal?\nHalal x?", "I can't sleep. At this point, I'm questioning my sanity if Jakim will ask the restaurants if their steel/metal cutlery, plates and bowls are halal."], ["Unless you advertise that you are completely halal, then your customer might have pre-assumption that all of your product are halal and should have logo on it.\nBut again, shouldn't customer always check what product they are buying before they actually went and buy it?", "No. I never mentioned Halal in my product whatsoever because I know we can't simply use the term without the certificate. But all ingredients are using Halal indeed", "Are you halal? If you are then easy to answer. If you are not then need halal cert.", "If they are halal but makan kopi duit or practise I scratch your back, you scratch my back... Are they still halal?", "Come on, some people are just outright self-entitled thinking that their religious needs is instantly and always at the top of eeeeeeveryone's mind.", "It was just a simple question. OP can answer not halal or if halal without cert can explain why (as op said its a new business).\nThe customer will most likely understand the reasoning.\nJesus fucking christ /r/Malaysia, if the customer is a vegan asking whether the product is vegan innocuously you wouldn't be seeing this kind of response. It's not like the customer is threatening to badmouth OP's product?\nKalau tak tanya macam mana nak find out halal or not? That also can say self entitled wth la.", "If the question was \u201cis this halal certified?\u201d nobody would care. It\u2019s a common question. The way it was asked is indeed quite entitled, not to mention ignorant. Imagine not understanding halal certification despite its apparent importance to your life.\n\u201cUh, why isn\u2019t this latte made with fair trade oat milk?\u201d\nSee the difference there?\nIf it\u2019s so important to you, then pay attention. It is nobody\u2019s job but your own to make sure your conscience is clear in regards to dietary restrictions, religious or otherwise.", "Some people will say \"do your own due diligence.\" They will always overstretching it to cover the simplest fact; they're an asshole. It was a simple fucking question and OP could've answer it in the nicest way possible and not make this an issue. But guess what, on top of it was an \"inconvenience\" to them, it was also a religious issue which makes it their favorite issue to shit on.\nHow that kind of replies isn't violating this sub's rules is beyond me. But somehow my answer is.", "Ikr.. I'm in pharma sales imagine if my doctors ask me is the drug halal certified and I go off on the doctor with an attitude saying he should do his own research and I'm not there to fulfill his religious beliefs. Or if you are a sales engineer and your customer asks you does this product comply with so and so certification? It's a perfectly valid question.\nAs the business owner OP is the best person to ask and if OP wants to be a good business owner instead of catering to this sub's closeted racists then it should have been a simple yes or no answer or just nicely explain why there's no halal certificate or no plans to get one", "Who\u2019s the asshole here? Did the customer ask, \u201cdo you have halal certification?\u201d Or did they ask \u201cwhere is your halal logo?\u201d as though that\u2019s the default?\nI hear people ask the former all the time, and it\u2019s completely fine. That\u2019s not what this customer was doing, and you wanna act like people calling them out for their entitled attitude is prejudicial. Get a grip."], ["That's the problem with Muslims in Malaysia. They are so hardcore trying to be strict & pious in their beliefs that they will want people around them to conform to their beliefs.\nSo it's not on you to not have halal logo and it's on them to ensure it's halal BEFORE PAYING FOR IT.\nMy advise is to put a sign its Muslim friendly in the future. Halal logo is very difficult to get (ahem you need to pay to get it)", "Plot twist: those customer are jakim staff looking for biz", "Ah possible", "Or one of those holier than thou TikToker trying to make one of those expos\u00e9 video about their latest discovery of people trying to \"scam\" them.", "Yeah I guess I better tell my aunty (who sells frozen karipap) her karipap isn't Halal because she didn't get a JAKIM cert.\nPeople don't know what goes into getting the cert, hence why many SMEs prefer not to get one despite them using 100% halal ingredients.", "Like I said it's on the Muslims to do their due deligence but they pick and choose when to be holy as those road side makciks obviously don't have any halal or jakim certs but those Muslims & non Muslims business owners with bigger capital & machinery will always kena. Why? Melayu kuat dengki.", "Makcik washes her butt fr", "Its not dengki. If muslim buy from makcik muslim tepi jalan, of course the makcik use halal ingredients.. Makcik sure us halal ingredients, if not the profit is haram.", "Try asking some of your friends this question \"have you ever gotten food poisoning during bazaar Ramadan or even at those road ride sellers\"\nHalal isn't just about being pork free. Halal is about being clean and honest in dealing with food. One that majority of Muslims have forgotten but hey let's use it to attack those businesses who are doing better than those road ride makciks", "Oh gosh, speaking about food poisoning. Honestly I don't buy really food from tamu/bazaar anymore after my son once had the takoyaki bought from the stalls.. 2 hrs after consuming it, he had diarrhea and even vomit while he's sitting in the toilet. Imagine that.", "Yes i know halal is not only about ingredients. Halal is more than pork. Halal is about cleanest as well. Not only bazzar Ramadan, school cantin also lots of food poisoning. Non muslim food stall also have the same case.\nAyam jika tidak diuruskan dengan cara yang halal juga haram untuk masyarakat Muslim. Ini bukanlah suatu masalah. Pembeli Muslim berhak bertanya soal halal dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan. Bagi saya, tak patutlah seseorang Muslim itu marah jika pembuatan makanan itu tidak mempunyai logo halal. Dia patut pandai memilih apa yang baik atau tidak untuk dimakan. Ini bukanlah hanya di Malaysia, di negara lain juga, seorang Muslim yang sejati pasti mahukan makanan yang halal.", "Sik perlu cakap banyak. Just come to sarawak. Muslims here are more open and some even have halal cert opening their gerai next to a pork kolo mee seller and the plates and cups are shared.\nIts been donkey years like this and west malaysia Muslims are damn lazy, \"buys item, eh halal bang ke ni?, eh tak halal lah, boycott! then goes to KL bukak tudung and go kelab\"\nJangan hypocrite. Wanna be a true Muslim be 100%. Don't half past six. Tak minum arak but rokok boleh. Menyampah", "I dont know which muslim hurt u so bad. Yup ive been to Sarawak before. No problem at all. I eat halal food. I choose what i want to eat.\nTalk about arak. this morning saw news, 1 people from Sarawak drunk & driving opposite direction in Johor and cause accidents.", "Whataboutism. Suggest you look that up.", "Thank you for advice. I think you should too \ud83d\ude0a", "You are just assuming that. There's no way to know unless you have seen all the ingredients and the whole cooking process.\nYou should apply the same standards of judgement as you would to all food business if you think a halal cert is that important.", "\nBasically them", "Great advice. Thanks! Yup, long procedure too. I was told that average takes about 1 year to get it or more..oh dear~", "I've applied for Halal cert before and yes, it took me about 1 year to get it.", "Wow, do you mind to share total cost how much to get it?", "The fee is around RM800 and you only have to pay after you've passed all their criteria. I've heard some shops have to rennovate their production area to meet the specification.", "That consider very cheap. From what I've heard cost up to a few k", "That is the renovation he is talking about and bias asking for bribes (threatening to fail if no bribe) otherwise they got to apply again and wait another year", "Bribe for cert\u2026.eh dah tak halal la ni\u2026.", "money > religion. PAS is the example.", "Do you need to renew the cert?", "Every 2 years need to renew", "Good to know. Thanks", "You can say Jakim halal pending. You can tell your customer am waiting for halal cert that the process takes a year due to procedures and wait list and assuming your product is halal reaffirm your customer.\nThere are a lot of sharks that want to take down your business because they are dissatisfied that you exist and run a competing business. Example is the guy saying road side coffee from Vietnam not halal and go publish some BS about it when they themselves can't compete selling vietnam coffee compared to road side. Tbh it's easy to compete since 99% of them only sell coffee that supposedly is better than our local triple mix horrors but worse than any real coffee made by a skilled barista. Even Starbucks coffee is crap and overpriced. The only reason I'm not in the business is lack of capital and I prefer to be in tech. Not that I can't setup an innovative cafe with someone if anyone is interested.\nCase of Vietnam coffee they go further to say not Jakim halal cert. But the coffee vendors actually are halal certified. Given that people like my mum were easily fooled about vaccine misinformation for COVID she wouldn't listen to me about Vietnam coffee either. Scientifically the worst non halal case is roadside roaster using lard on machines but industrial don't do that because lard goes stale fast and doesn't survive long.", "Paying for it is such a scam, Singapore too. It's a racket.", "What is the problem with Muslims in Malaysia? Just because we want to eat halal food?", "The problem with Muslims in Malaysia they cherry pick what they wanna believe in THEN force other people to follow what they cherry picked but as they say when online kecam but behind the scene rub kukujiao. (kelantan has the highest rate of aids, underage assaults and pregnancies)", "Muslims is not about negeri. Muslim is the way of life. Real Muslims know what do & dont in islam. Im not seeing any non muslim in Malaysia got beheaded because of any cherry picked as u said. We not forcing. There's rules in Malaysia. As Sultan Selangor said. Im stand for Muslims, not race.", "Loads of whataboutism coming from you. Argument simple je. Yes you force businesses to have halal cert but gerai tepi Jalan? Even if got halal cert then you see the boss is Chinese... Then say eh boss cina tak bersih.", "I eat halal food from chinese restaurant. I eat halal food from indian restaurant. I dont see any problems. My uncle is Chinese Muslims doing F&B. Chinese food is more healthy then Malay food for me. Im not seeing any problems with that. Its not about race for me. As long it's halal, will do for me.\nIts not about whataboutism, its about how u accept it, which perspective u looking into it. And im not arguing with u. I just tell the truth as Muslim.\nHave a good evening \ud83d\ude0a", "I wanna respond, but I'm afraid people will cry...", "If a Muslim asks whether a food is halal, that's a problem now?"], ["Going by actual Jakim halal certification requirements, 90% of non certified Malay muslim eateries certainly do not meet the requirements, notably on the hygiene side, this is not throwing shade at the eateries, rather than the hospital level hygiene requirements of Halal certification. It's put in place so the enforcement can find fault to mintak rezekiiiiiii"], ["Is it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly? Hmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm.. If the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nMaybe the customer missed it.\nIs Muslims is your target market ?. If yes, you can apply for it and if everything checks out, you will receive it.\nTo answer the customer question : just said the truth ie highlight all the ingredient , and say that the process for Halal logo is already on going.", "Thanks for your advice. I am looking into it way faster than I've planned now.", "Yeah, agreed. Just cater to your targeted customer base. If you're not Muslim but want Muslim people to buy your product, then just get the certificate. There might be some misunderstanding or miscommunication, and you can always explain to the customer properly.\nNo need to be like certain comments here, terpaling tersakiti sangat pasal isu halal cert ni. Makcik tepi jalan la, warung roti canai la. Those kind of small business usually established among their own community where everyone knows each other. In close-knit communities, small businesses often operate without needing a halal certificate as trust within the community is sufficient. Some of these businesses may gain popularity and attract customers from outside, and even then, some choose to obtain the halal certification as they grow.\nThe issue arises when larger businesses process their products in factories under non-Muslim names, target Muslim consumers, yet question or criticize Muslim customers when asked about the halal certificate? GTFO."], ["Somehow no one questions the halal certifications on the roadside stalls. There\u2019s no consistency when it comes to questioning."], ["to get halal cert, you must have a separate kitchen from your daily house use and biz use.\nthat's why most home bakers don't have halal jakim cert.\nwhen you placed your product at a shop, people usually think that you have some sort of small kilang or something to produce and already apply for halal jakim.\nhalal jakim takes quite a long time to approve. almost a year i think. i remembered 1 new resto/bakery at my old neighbourhood using no pork no lard sign for 1 and half years then they got the halal jakim sign."], ["There is no compulsion for you to have the Halal logo. Just reply \"belum apply, saya baru start business, Che\".", "That's right. Hmm no idea what the staff said to the customer though"], ["I just slap \u201cProduk keluaran Muslim\u201d on there coz can\u2019t say halal."], ["\"Kedai ni halal ke?\" says an anon looking for supper before hitting Trec"], ["The question of halal when it comes to pastry is a legit one as there are butter/oil substitutes used such as pork lard and pork gelatine. And there are shops that specifically say they are non-halal. I think used to got one in sunway pyramid that sold non-halal egg tart.\nHowever, if the customer insist on why there is no halal logo, then it comes to how you brand yourself. Do you brand yourself as Muslim friendly or not? Do you want to have that image? If yes then say that you are in the process of getting the cert and it will take a while since you only started. But you can say that you source halal ingredients and this is simpler to prove as the ingredients provider themselves must have halal cert. Whether or not they accept at that point is not on you anymore.", "Good point."], ["I work for MISHU, and we have a biz licensing dept. Lemme know if you want me to put you in touch with our team :)\nAlso to answer your questions, I think 2 months is possible but the requirements are very strict. All your suppliers must be halal themselves.", "Alright. Thank you"], ["Some muslim businesses dont even bother with halal certs because they're just too strict and expensive.\nBut. It's for that reason, jakim's certification is regarded as one of the most trustworthy halal certification in the world."], ["Just ignore that fussy customer. I wonder if she ask makcik jual kuih tepi jln if that makcik got halal logo or not"], ["I found out it is just not necessary to get the halal certification unless you do big sales. Thats why most restaurants dont get the cert, its just expensive and takes a long ass time to approve, plus need to redo every now and then even if you dont change ingredients. You dont see food court shops with official jakim certs, but they have all the other necessary ones. I sometimes see the 'Halal' written in jawi, not the jakim version but just normal text on food products.\nKinda weird for the customer to buy the product but later question about the logo. If they really cared they wouldve looked for it the moment they picked it up. Maybe a friend or family member asked them about it."], ["Unfortunately there is a lot of ppl like this around. They buy a rm10 food stuff and ask if got halal cert. Seriously fuck these ppl. Why? U don't ask a kerepek seller or ayam gunting seller got halal cert or not now do you? I get you are trying to make sure u don't eat anything forbidden in your religion buy do you really think a smb gonna have halal cert ahh? Kanina and then on top of it buy already then ask ahh? U fuck and jizz and then wear the condom or wear it before?"], ["To assuage the customer's concern a short but simple : \" We are in the process of applying for Halal certification.\" should suffice."], ["Halal logo aside if you're continously facing this problem start advertising the product as \"using 100% halal ingredients\" and have the documents (halal certification of the raw ingredients) to back that claim up if the customers ask further.\nAgain, it's only Day 4 of your operations. This customer could be an exception in asking for an actual halal logo.\nThen again who are your competitors in \"frozen pastries\"? If there are already large suppliers selling the same product with halal logo near to where you're selling - customers like this can swing towards the one with an actual halal certification.\nTake this as a learning curve on market demands.", "Got it. Thanks"], ["no way man, to obtain halal logo, good luck, it is long journey process like genshin impact 7 world\nto get the halal logo, according from a lawyer and some auditing job seen some agreement stuff\n-your raw material, supplier , kitchen application, food etc must be from halal basis / halal sources, cannot be non-halal supplier, there will be sometime On-site Audit if needed\n-Fully operational before applying (Atleast 3 Month)\n- Follow safety guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health Malaysia\n- Halal compliance and there are rules and guidelines that must be follow\n- Compulsory at least 2 Malaysian and Muslim employees are required.\n-there will be sometime internal auditor halal coming to your place in once a while.\n-Only produce and / or process Halal products, there cannot be other non-halal\nall the best, good luck, have fun applying."], ["Kick them out tell them you don't tolerate bullshit like this in your store. Bring their cave age crap mentality to shithole, not Malaysia."], ["https://vulcanpost.com/827419/halal-certification-licence-jakim-malaysia-restaurant-cafe/amp/"], ["The answer is no , it is not easy to get halal certification. You need to apply via JAKIM and then they need to do a very thorough audit on your premises to prove that you are indeed halal.\nPork free is also not equal to halal. Alcohol free is also not equal to halal. Somehow this is still confusing to some people"], ["Is it possible to obtain a Halal logo this quickly?\nSpeaking from a consumer standpoint since I used to run my own business before, customers don't care. It's your responsibility as far as they're concerned. So it's something you gotta sort out yourself. Especially if you're going to expect significant sales from Muslims.\nHmm, I only have the manager's contact, don't have the other staff's contact though (yet)..hmm..\nMaybe get a letter of certification from the supplier and put it on display to alleviate the concern of your customers. Again, this could help especially if you're expecting significant sales from Muslims\nIf the customer is so concern with the Halal, why bought it in the first place..hmm..\nThat might not be the right way to think about this issue. The customer might have overlooked the matter at first and it only occurred to him or her after the purchase's been made. Either way, it's bad for PR to not entertain this issue.", "Thanks. I'll see what I can do for now"], ["What brand?", "Does it matter? The Muslim should have checked before buying no?", "Exactly"]]} {"title": "How to get out of hardselling?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18ts3fc/how_to_get_out_of_hardselling/", "num_comment": 35, "flairlabel": [], "header": "SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY.\nFor context: I\u2019m a relatively young woman in her 20s and has some hair loss problems which led to me going to a hair clinic to help with it\nMy hairloss problems are okay now, the hair has grown back but the hair clinic keeps trying to hardsell me their scalp care packages which is too fucking expensive and I can barely afford it with my shitty marketing job that pays peanuts.\nI\u2019m very socially awkward and shy and a total doormat so I said yes to it\u2026 I tried to get out of it but they explained through their science or whatever (who knows if its even true) and I was annoyed so I just said yes.\nWorst part is the scalp care stuff is to help with my dandruff. I\u2019ve been going to the clinic for about 9 months now and the dandruff is still there\u2026 girl\u2026\nHas anyone who has hairloss problems and goes this hair clinic (rhymes with scare loc) experienced the same thing?\nPlease help me get out of these hardsell packages. I CANT AFFORD TO KEEP PAYING RM300++ A SESSION FOR THIS SHIT\u2026\nAt the moment, I\u2019ve been trying to reschedule my appointments further apart to be able to pay for these things\u2026 Help a doormat like me say no.", "comments": [["Ask your family member to go with you. Let them speak for you and just say NO", "Or a friend. This is likely the best short term solution. Long term, you best talk to a psychologist/coach. Small investment to not get shafted again."], ["Young lady you just have to say no. Do it a coupler of times and one day you won't feel guilty at all saying that."], ["\u201dI can\u2019t afford to continue these payments\u201d\nIt is that easy", "that was the FIRST thing i tried.. and guess what they decreased the price to \u201cstudent price\u201d so i can \u201cafford it\u201d\nbelieve me\u2026 i\u2019ve tried that way.", "Then keep saying, I still cannot afford it. Until they shut up. At some point in life, you need to learn to be shameless and keep saying no to things you do not want.", "In that case just tell them to fuck off \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02"], ["Easiest way is to tell them you don\u2019t have money. Ask them if 15RM a session is okay cause that\u2019s all you can afford.", "Hahaha, uno reverse low ball"], ["Smack them with some honest google maps reviews"], ["The earlier you learn to say no, the better, because this won't be the only time this happens to you in your life.\nOne thing to remember dealing with hardsellers:\nNEVER EXPLAIN WHY\nExplaining just gives them an opportunity in to sway you.\nJust say \"No thank you.\" If they ask why just repeat \"No thank you\" but offer no explanation until they get the message. Or if you're like me and ran out of fucks to give, I just say \"No thank you. I'm done and do not call me again\" and hang up without giving them a chance to reply.\nSociety raises a lot of women to be people pleasers, and it's horrible because salespeople use that to take advantage of them. Trust me when I say the earlier you learn to recognize this and stop being a people pleaser/doormat the better.", "\u2018not explaining why\u2019 is actually great advice!!! being short and concise\u2026 i will try it!! (after i finish this damn scalp care package like if i ady paid for it might as well go\u2026 unless? lol)", "That is correct. You instruct. First say no. Then enforce. I said no. Enforce again. Which part of no did you not understand and raise your voice. Look at them. Eye contact. Learn to instruct not explain your decision. Similarly when you ask someone to do something. Instruct not explain."], ["smile n say no, keep repeating"], ["They don't like charge your card once a month or anything, right? Only when you go for the session? Then block the number to save yourself the stress.", "no no, only during sessions. i dont have a credit card lol i dont wanna get into debt when i barely make money"], ["Let me guess, OneDoc? My gf got into something similar and I ended up scolding her kaw kaw. Get someone close to you to help you."], ["Dont say yes. Dont pay."], ["That sounds like an expensive clinic. You might wanna give Dr. Ranjit Singh of Subang Jaya a try."], ["Out of topic, but how can a shy socially awkward person works in marketing? How does that work", "im also a theater kid so during interviews i just act outgoing and super upbeat so when i get the job, i can regress back into a hermit crab\nmy marketing job is more backend than dealing with clients and influencers sooooo yea"], ["Just say no. Counter offer? No. More offer? No. More blabbering? No. Start slowly walking out of the shop and give them a middle finger. That will stop them.\nWhich one is more important? Their business or your money? You decide. If you continue to act like a doormat then ofc your money is gonna be gone."], ["Go to a reputable dermatologist instead. I had problems with hair loss and dandruff (separate issues). Cause for hair loss was due to iron-defiency anemia. The doctor advised me to take iron pill for 3 months after which the hair loss significantly improved. He also gave lotion and shampoo for dandruff which worked well as long as I was using it."], ["Had experienced with weight management package.\nThey kept forcing me to signup more and more package. They even coldcalling even after 6 months no longer with them.\nDo this:\nIf you schedule a session with them, don't turn up. Don't pickup their call.\nThey will keep forcing u, either you ignore them or block them."], ["Here I thought only men can suffer from hair loss. Being honest about your financial situattion usually does the work for me with hardselling. You probably are too empathetic to reject them because you too are in similar line of work. But remember that just like you, they are used to get rejected. Be selfish, you go there to help yourself, not them. Pretending to talk on the phone usually works too, if they are too persistent."], ["If the payment isn\u2019t automatic or a subscription, just always say u are busy when they schedule an appointment."], ["let me go with you next time"], ["Just repeat \"No, thank you I'm not interested\". It's tiring but they have to make sales for commissions, it's okay to say no.\nTake this as an opportunity to practice \"thick face\" and say no."], ["Just say \"NO\". Actually I realize many don't realize we can say no without giving reason. Keep repeat no on every sentence the sales says."], ["Get yourself in a huge debt to motivate yourself to say no to hard sellers. Or just change clinic"], ["I set myself a rule that if they are purposely targeting your insecurities, I will not allow myself to be spoken to in that manner.\nI will not allow my money to go to anyone that feels it\u2019s appropriate to maliciously comment about my skin/weight/hair/etc. Once you understand that the salesperson are the problem, not your hair/scalp or anything else, it will be easier to say no!"], ["Just learn to say NO.\nYour world opens up after..."], ["Is this headspa by one hair by any chance?"], ["U need some gangster fmly members or friends who can do the talking for u That will make them come to their senses"], ["Is it Johnson protein?"]]} {"title": "First 3,000 PADU users will receive free Touch \u2018n Go NFC cards, Mydin discounts - SoyaCincau", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18to75f/first_3000_padu_users_will_receive_free_touch_n/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "The newly constructed national-level centralized database will be open for registration on 2 January 2024.", "comments": [["Exactly how much data does Government have on you?\nThis is how you find out. Even more reason to vote for people who won't abuse us all and screw us over GE after GE.", "If people filed their taxes diligently and answer the census they would have not need this. Don't need so many places to keep this sort of thing.", "big If. If so big even Tun will walk away.", "Baiting people for their privacy and data, to be controled by the government."], ["Oh wow that\u2019s useless if I live in Sabah/Sarawak"]]} {"title": "Hannah Yeoh\u2019s ministry report card for 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tnl3y/hannah_yeohs_ministry_report_card_for_2023/", "num_comment": 18, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Still a better report card than \"lawat kenduri\".\nActually.. anything is better than that."], ["Oi u/Marathonjohns. Nah. Kasi lu :26554:", "A mans gotta eat!"], ["Why does number 6 count as pencapaian?\nAnd skrin besar for sport event has been done many times before no?\nThe rest is good", "Mostly for jawatan2 belia i think and allocated budget for the deserved group. Like KJ was head of belia umno and he was 40 yo. 40 yo head with 20 yo head too much difference. But if you\u2019re 30, will have the same fire and desire as 20 yo. This will make a good team to move the belia group.\nAlso most importantly, less people to claim e-belia rm200.", "I see, it makes sense"], ["ministry report card jer.\nMana MP report card? Cries as Segambut district citizen.", "Besides the segambut Dalam road widening (finally), there's nothing else man \ud83d\ude2d"], ["and just like that, ministry report card are viewed as admirable, act of transparency by the ministers:26554:"], ["none of those related to me, why even bother?", "It's almost as if the government is supposed to help the whole population and not just you", "I benefit nothing from them, what makes you think I would care about their their report? as matter of fact, I benefitted nothing from 90% of these \"ministers\"", "Then clearly this video is not for you lol. Just watch the 10% ones and feel good then I guess? I don't go all the way to comic con and stand there saying the convention doesn't benefit me as a food lover.\nAlso, wouldn't it be good for you to look through all their reports? To see whether you benefitted or not? Wouldn't that help you make decisions and opinions on each minister and then vote/support those that are doing actual work that benefits you? It's a literal performance summary because it's hard to track certain progresses and whatever.", "Number 1 tip: don't talk to people like this because they already set their mind in place."], ["On socmed u get ppl calling her eh amoi, leng lui or just cina. That's just disrespectful."]]} {"title": "GOOD muslim-friendly wantan mee", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wqrfo/good_muslimfriendly_wantan_mee/", "num_comment": 32, "flairlabel": ["Food"], "header": "anybody knows where to get GOOD muslim-friendly/halal wantan mee anywhere in malaysia? tak kira udang ke ayam, as long as the noodles are springy and overall taste is good", "comments": [["Besides Abg Jamal and Kelana Jaya Sek5, there's also HK Wantan Mee as well as vegetarian versions with mock char siew (plant based) from vegan places like Camelion or Veggie Century or BMS Organics", "Vegan places without the Halal sign is no good for the religious", "Why? It\u2019s vegan. No meat and no dairy. More Muslim friendly than most places without cert.", "Vegan and halal are 2 different stories.", "You might think so, but Halalness as it is defined here and in Muslim Scriptures, is more than just the types of food, it includes preparation, source of produce etc.", "I\u2019m not comparing them to a halal certified eateries. I\u2019m comparing them to restaurants or mamak without halal certs but are Muslim friendly. They are definitely more hygienic than the Ramadan bazaar. A lot of sellers at Pasar Malam sourced their frying and cooking oil from different restaurants. We have restaurants and we sell thriced fried cooking oil to those vendors at a cheap price.\nThat\u2019s why I don\u2019t eat at Pasar Malam anymore.", "I have tried taking some of my Muslim customers to vegan/vegetarian cafes, namapak Cina behind counter will look for Halal cert. But when Mat Salleh principle bawak makan at Troika, no questions asked.", "The vegan one that cater to strict Buddhist is even more halal - cannot even use garlic and onions. Not sure about chilli \ud83e\udd14", "Again you are looking at the ingredients only. Shows you don't get it. Wait till deal with Orthodox Jews, lagi pening", "If the cook who is a devout buddhist who never kill/ harm any animal, person and also strict vegetarian - is it good enough?\nIf the answer is no, I guess just forget about halal market for food operators with no money / right people.", "Trust me, the mat salleh can say it\u2019s Muslim friendly but being in the restaurant industry, they are often not because they don\u2019t really care. They only remove pork dishes and stop there. They still use wine to cook most of the dishes. Even a simple ingredient like Mirin is not hahal and is routinely used in 99% of Japanese restaurants.", "I trust you because I know it is true, also Troika is an expensive Mat Salleh dining wining place in KL.", "", "Hello /u/VeryIrritatedCrow, your comment has been removed under spam.\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.", "Aduhai, I swear orang melayu kat zaman sekrang dah terlalu malas nak belajar tentang agama sendiri.\nPergi baca Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 173, Surah Al Nahl, Ayat 115, and especially Surah Al Maidah, Ayat 3.\nPersonally I don't like vegan food because of the stupid hippie health bullshit surrounding it. But even I can't deny that Vegan food is litterally just No meat, not dairy, no product from animals. Only in Malaysia orang islam kita macam ni. Agama ni bukannya susah, semua dah ditulis..."], ["Wantan mee without pork is like Nasi Lemak without sambal.\nAnyway, you can check out Restoran Jamal Mohamed.", "Char siew bansai", "Someone said in another post about halal beer\nBruh if its no alcohol then its not beer\nnow i wonder if can halal stripclub exist?", "They don't have halal stripclub\nBut there is a private halal strip performance...\ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude0f\ud83e\udee3", "There are something called root beer and ginger ale - neither has alcohol. It's just a name.", "Do you mean the charsiew or the pork filling in wanton? Base wantonmee don\u2019t need the charsiew and wanton fillings can be shrimp. So no it\u2019s not like nasi lemak without sambal.", "Base nasi lemak doesn't need sambal either. You just need coconut milk rice and condiments.", "Are you saying wantonmee without charsiew is like nasi lemak without sambal lmao cmon man. Wantonmee is just the wanton and the mee. Anything else solid added is uncalled for and is just there to make up for lack of quality.", "I'm seriously not going to argue over food, so sure thing man."], ["Im chinese and my mom makes it at home too. its really easy to make its like cooking maggi but instead of adding the powder you add the black sauce. top it off with some greens and slice some chicken if youre so inclined and none would be the wiser"], ["A stall near the Petronas Station in Desa Sri Hartamas serves excellent wantan mee and nasi ayam. Don't know the name but I've had it many times. Edit: yes, it's halal. Owners are Malay."], ["I also want to know :29091:\nIn b4 no pork no lard no good, crowd chimes in.", "As said above Restoran Jamal Mohamed near FAM Kelana Jaya.", "Because even the soup is made with pork in it,it will never taste the same or you might aswell just eat any dry mee since the saus is just black soy sauce."], ["Sorry, there is none."]]} {"title": "Risk of Tiger Attacks in Taman Negara close to Kuala Tahan?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tjxe7/risk_of_tiger_attacks_in_taman_negara_close_to/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "Hello!\nGoing to Kuala Tahan for Taman Negara in January and learned that there are also easy treks one can take on alone (without a guide). Now given four fatal attacks this year by Tigers in the northern region of Taman Negara and that it is mating season until April I've been wondering if there is something relevant to be said about the risk of Tiger attacks beyond it being unlikely but possible?\nSeems like opposed to wolves and most bears Tigers are quite opportunistic predators who also do not seem fearful of humans beyond general hesitance to risk injury.\nCheers", "comments": [["You enter malaysia jungle, theres always a risk. Another common wild animal you need to look out for are wild boars. With a guide, at least they know how to read animal tracks so can know if theres any danger."]]} {"title": "For Malaysian, time to plan your leaves for 2024! Here\u2019s a list of the long weekends of the 2024.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tng88/for_malaysian_time_to_plan_your_leaves_for_2024/", "num_comment": 14, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": [["Planning my fishing trip"], ["Hmm... would there be a jam on the PLUS highway on the 25th (Thaipusam)? Feels like I might want to visit my parents in Penang if there's no jam.", "Think most will save their leaves for CNY and Raya. Too early in the year to use up the leaves. LoL", "Thaipusam have 2 days, combine saturday and sunday = 4 days. So, dont even need to take leave to spend time in penang.\nAnd from my experience, every long holiday the traffic to penang will be jam packed. I had faced it 2 times. I forgot which holiday it was, but imagine from kl to penang 8 hours."], ["Thanks OP!"], ["OP kasi flair yg elok jgk. Aku stim sia :26554:"], ["i do want to add that on September since prophet muhammad birthday and malaysia day happened on the same day (16th sept), thus 17th sept also a national holiday.", "Company boss: nuh-uh \u261d\ud83c\udffb"], ["Kaamatan and Gawai festivals are also part of the long weekend of 2024."], ["Thank you for this"], ["Raya is 10th April?! I thought it was 9th???"], ["Doesn't affect those that work half or full day on Saturdays"], ["There's no 's' in leave."]]} {"title": "Bugatti EB110 in Malaysia again", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tn801/bugatti_eb110_in_malaysia_again/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "found this pic on FB\nrupanya owner ni selalu pergi workshop brader ni untuk cat balik kereta dia.\nowner cakap Malaysia banyak exotic cars cuma \"sorok bawah selimut\"", "comments": [["Beautiful car"], ["Whaaaa, I thought Malaysia won't ever have any"]]} {"title": "Merdeka 118's Light Show", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tmug4/merdeka_118s_light_show/", "num_comment": 3, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "", "comments": [["Source:\nVisualrepublik\nhttps://www.instagram.com/p/C1UUKaXSWRQ/"], ["Dull and boring."], ["haiya..."]]} {"title": "Sultan Selangor titah orang bukan Islam tidak campuri urusan hal ehwal Islam", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tme0o/sultan_selangor_titah_orang_bukan_islam_tidak/", "num_comment": 30, "flairlabel": ["Religion"], "header": "Daulat Tuanku !!!!\nShah Alam: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah mengingatkan rakyat khususnya yang bukan beragama Islam agar menghormati dan tidak mencampuri urusan berkaitan hal ehwal agama Islam di negara ini.\nSultan Sharafuddin selaku Pengerusi Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia (MKI) bertitah demikian susulan cadangan Ahli Parlimen Beruas Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham supaya kerajaan melantik pakar daripada orang bukan Islam untuk membantu Jawatankuasa Khas Mengkaji Kompetensi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menggubal undang-undang Islam.", "comments": [["If org islam can stop campur urusan bukan islam, then we have a deal. Jgn kau nasik tu makan pun nak bungkus pun nak."], ["You can have your isolated religion affair management once you keep it out of public discourse and general fucking legislation.", "Malaysia constitution : Basically others are NPC but please also contribute your taxes to support the priority of the majority. X suka? Boleh keluar Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku :29091:"], ["How about you menghormati people who wanna keluar Islam", "Exactly most muslims are not given a choice for religion since they are born into it and should have a right to opt out.\nAfter all it would be between them and god, why should humans intervene if they truly believe there is a god", "Yup. This.", "Amen Nyet. Amen."], ["so this is how they all behave. If they want to shut down discussion, just declare the issue as Islamic and then issue a thinly veiled threat of violence of their arbitrary decree is violated.", "True, it's easily abused to be honest.\nFor example, Muslims business in certain sector is bad while Non Muslims is good in the similar sector.\nThen suddenly got proposal to only allow Muslims to be able to operate in the sector, Non Muslim can no longer operate there and need to sell their business.\nThen authorities arrest every Non-Muslims who objects to this proposal because \"interfering\" with Muslim matters."], ["when it has something to do with basic human rights, of course people are gonna campur tangan...", "All laws cannot conflict with constitution. That\u2019s the safeguard.\nWhether the enforcement agencies overstep or not that\u2019s another matter.", "Don't worry Loke said it's ok no need nons representative", ":29091::29091::29091:"], ["Lol. Sultan titah towards non Muslims are not legally binding.", "Then that DAP Ngeh can try respond back to that Sultan saying \" Your statement does not matter, not legally binding to me\".", "Well they did listen to previous selangor sultan when he told em to grant Chinese and Indians citizenship back then. But after merdeka sultan dont have that kind of power anymore i think (granting and revoking citizenship is now no longer within the sultan jurisdiction).", "It's this OP posting. What do you expect...syok sendiri laung there daulat tuanku. This OP memang wan lah, will post all this nonsense"], ["The Sultan, as with all royals in Malaysia, has 3 actual powers - the discretion to not dissolve state parliament, the (limited) discretion to appoint the Menteri Besar, and as head of Islam for their state.\nThey've got no authority over non-Muslims in their state.\nIn other words, this has got as much legal authority as the Rukun Negara does - none at all."], ["Boleh titah orang islam tidak campur urusan hal ehwal bukan islam?\nAh who am I kidding. Malaysia is now unofficially an islamic state already. Anything related to non muslim is free game because ini negara islam progressive"], ["He (not specifying anyone) can shut the fuck up", ""], ["Justeru, Sultan Selangor mengharapkan agar ahli politik khususnya yang bukan beragama Islam untuk tidak terus-menerus mencampuri urusan hal ehwal agama Islam.\nNo problem. Tapi, PAS how? No holds barred?"], ["Then, if Murtad buat Gay Sex, hal bukan Islam lah. So now we legalise gay sex only for nons. Kami tak kacau Muslim. Kacau nons je."], ["Things can work in both way, I don\u2019t give a shit on you, you don\u2019t give a shit on me, then we\u2019ll all be fine. I\u2019m not interested in any religion, I can live my single day without being religious. Faith ain\u2019t nothing, Monster Hunter Iceborne is everything."], ["Whats wrong with have other opinions? Problem with Muslims these days too close minded\u2026", "It is seen as mockery. Same case why non muslim sharia lawyer not allowed to practice unless they are Muslim themselves. I know a sikh lawyer that complained about this long time ago as he completed his study in sharia law yet he wasn't allowed to practice for the same reason. Something like why would you pretend play of using sharia law when you don't even believe?", "Something like why would you pretend play of using sharia law when you don't even believe?\nBeing a lawyer has nothing to do with what one believes.\nIt's so stupid and backward to make it a requirement for sharia lawyers to believe in Islam. Sharia are laws. Laws don't care whether you believe them or not.", "Well stupid to you not stupid to them. Can read more here.\nhttps://www.malaysianbar.org.my/article/news/legal-and-general-news/general-news/who-qualifies-as-a-syariah-lawyer#:~:text=To%20deal%20with%20this%2C%20they,syariah%20lawyers%20must%20be%20Muslim."], ["The problem is that there are many people that don't even know their own religion and think that they can have a say with the do's and don'ts of the religion. Muslim or non Muslim, same nyet \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude2e\u200d\ud83d\udca8"]]} {"title": "The truth about Putin\u2019s shootdown - Investigating MH17, the crime that presaged the war in Ukraine", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tmbxc/the_truth_about_putins_shootdown_investigating/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": ["History"], "header": "", "comments": [["Russia killed 43 Malaysians by shooting down MH17.\nIsrael killed 0 Malaysians by shooting down...nada.\nYet Malaysians sukak jilat buntut Putin - go figure.", "Not only that, plenty of those morons would support Russia in the Russo-Ukrainian War because Zelensky is Jew therefore he is seen as a proxy of the West and the Jewry.", "Ya.\nBecause Russia got muslims, ma. Mainly Chechens & Ingush peoples. Also a bit from Central Asia."], ["Screencap of the article\n"]]} {"title": "Can we someday have a law where we report highbeam sohais for cash or have their license revoked:/ literally so fed up with these fuckers", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tm7da/can_we_someday_have_a_law_where_we_report/", "num_comment": 182, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Been behind me for fucking half an hour sien", "comments": [["\nTime to do this", "I wish this is legal", "Same", "I did it on my car\u2026 so far it is safe\u2026 just be careful always turn off if not in use.", "Show us the mod please. I'd like to do it too but I drive hatchbacks", "Hatch back is lot more better\u2026 just shop some bright ass \u201cspot light\u201d in shoppe and if you find it is good then just buy it\u2026\nSince you are using Hatchback you can just attach the spot light at the base of you radio board\u2026 and let it face back. From there pandai2 sambung wayar to somekind of switch", "I have a solar light unit at 1000w. Perhaps it'll work. Hmmmm", "Holy fuck\u2026 thats big\u2026 start small dude \ud83d\udc80", "No problem just make your break light Bright and when at traffic just hold your break light it going to be annoying for them", "...but this requires braking. Usually on the road, this happens on highways where you don't brake for extended periods of time.\nThere's really no way to win", "Alright teknik cari gaduh, let him overtake you than chase him and high beam him from behind", "Been there when young, nowadays I just mencarut and let them overtake", "Brake check him until he overtakes you, or he gets down the car and fight you.\nEither way, there's drama!", "Halo pulis, akta hasutan candidate here", "Cannot lah unless you don\u2019t plan on stopping in front of regular ppl for sure will have collateral damage as well, then u become asshole too", "A friend of mine bought a silver navara and he stick some kind of silver reflector sticker and the back of the truck.", "Counter Beam: Lampu offensive", "Mana install I want", "was planning to install one behind my truck"], ["You can email jpj. Include your details and what you believe the other car did wrong. Include the plate number of the car. Video or photo of the vehicle with the offence. Plate number must be clear.", "Was assuming jpj wouldn\u2019t give a damn even if I sent them something but if u tried it. Does it work?", "They do. Not sure about jpj, but the police traffic 1 is proven to work. A friend of mine once got a court summon because he rode his motorcycle against a 1 way street. Someone reported him.\nSo im guessing jpj also works.", "Ah I\u2019ll try it soon then", "My experience on the other hand, is that i reported some lorries driving dangerously, over speed limit and obviously overweight (like it is going to explode) to the number they always put behind the lorries (aduan sila sms blabla number). This is in the era where the sms to 5 digit number is the norm. Didnt get any response, dont know if my report is in or not, taken care of or not."], ["I curse 7 generations of theirs to the deepest pits of hell.\nOn top of being fucking annoying, it's also extremely dangerous as the glare obscures the vision - it's especially hard to tell when motorcyclists are coming through.\nThese are the kinds of sohais I wish there was \"social justice\" for. Fucking had it with these sohais.", "THANK YOU AMEN AMIN NAMO ABUTABHI BROTHER", "Bro, u dont say. Most motor use high beam also.", "I\u2019m sorry man\u2026 try to fix it, but still if i put on low beam it goes to high beam\u2026 if i put it on high beam it goes to high beam\u2026 bike parts are not getting cheap. \ud83d\udc80", "Put tape on the top half of ur front light. Now its a low beam. Your welcome :>", "That\u2019s actually what i did yesterday", "Did it work", "Amazingly enough\u2026 yes\u2026"], ["I will purposely slow the car to the point they cannot tahan and overtake me. No rage on both side and problem gone. Doesn't take half an hour. Works everything.", "This is what I usually do... I take my leg off the accelerator, and just let the car cruise until it crawls.. No aggressive sudden brakes since that's dangerous.", "I did once, except it wasn't a highway. It was a two lane road and I am already on the left lane. The idiot think it is funny to follow behind me with lampu so bright when the right lane is empty.\nSo I just promptly indicate left, and proceed to stop and park on the side of the road.\nIt was midnight too so there is no one else around on the road so it is so obvious when he passed me I immediately get back on the road again behind him calmly continue driving.\nYou can't argue with stupid. Best is to let them be on their way."], ["It doesn't matter what law, these sohais will always be there to announce their stupid presence... Just slow down, let them pass... & you can have your revenge if you want to... Just a waste of time to even think about them..."], ["If you are not on the right lane (overtaking lane), then just flip the rear review mirror on your r/kereta.\nIf you are actually on the right lane, get out of the lane", "I don't think OP would dare take pic if traffic is fast. The vehicle is moving slowly that's why he is able to take a pic hahaha"], ["Pullover, get behind him, revenge", "Do not revenge. Later if someone bring baseball bat, everyone in trouble. Unwanted and useless escalation. A lot of case already. Regular people suddenly become crazy.", "I\u2019d love to but I\u2019m a relatively new driver and Honda city brakes kinda shit", "Your tyres suck. I drive a Honda City sometimes and never had an issue. If you don't have a gear selector hope your auto gear has a selector as that helps slow the front section of your car.\nCar brakes can easily out break tyre grip. Modern cars have abs so it makes you think your brakes are terrible as they don't lock. When your tyres don't grip abs won't let you over brake and lock the tyres.\nGrab an OBD2 device and see if abs trips when braking. If it does it's a problem with your tyres.", "Too professional. Put it in words monke like me can understand. But basically what\u2019s a oBD2 and yeah idk much bout cars as well gotta say, shud I get Michelin tires?", "Michelin sucks kinda lol. Go continental.\nOBD2 is a diagnostic port. When there's no grip abs releases the brakes to prevent your tyres locking which causes flat spots and reduced braking distance. If you feel your brakes suck check your tyres. Make sure they are also filled too. When a safety feature triggers it usually gets logged which you can read from any computer plugged into the OBD2 port. In some cases your brakes may not be working properly like your fluid levels being too low however most of the time people don't realise their tyres are worn or are using terrible tyres.", "Michelin primacy and pilot sport series is actually good", "the 2 main brands are michelin and continental, and there are many sub brands or brands connected to them. The michelin side dont even last 5 years, only 2 years. Continental is about 5 years in practice.\nDespite what they say about their life time, the in practice part is down to rubber degradation not wear, based on my experience. My used car initially came with michelin, and based on the year needed changing despite 2 years. I had an accident with them, no grip then suddenly super grip and burst.\nMy mums honda city came with continentals, been stuck with them and worked great, 4-5 years between changes with the exception of the tyre bursting from very very bad pot holes. I switch my used car to one of continental sub brands and its been decent.", "Yeah I mean other Michelin maybe questionable but FWIW Primacy and Pilot Sport is actually good in my experience", "true, but not everyone can afford the same as you. Im currently using vikings on my ecobox, a sub brand of continental. Its been more than 2 years and grip is still good even though i dont drive much. The tyre advertises as a balanced tyre in wet/dry so its not the best at either as it is advertised for use in cities and are asymmetrical tyres. They were very cheap too. When i say grip is good i mean the rubber degradation as i've left my car parked outside unused for months which is usually quite a harsh thing.\nIn general most people wont be able to afford the best tyres and own ecoboxes which then means like in the case of the honda city and toyota vios which are 3rd world special ecoboxes is that, what can they afford? And in this case michelin doesnt cater to them. You own a performance car and you can afford the tyres thats good but not everyone can either. Your tyre fails on the road you're hitting something while on a track theres grass and tyres to pad your crash.", "sigh\nI am not saying people should absolutely go for these Michelin tyres. I\u2019m not saying everyone can afford primacy and PS4/PS5.\nI\u2019m just saying they are good. So not all Michelin tyres are bad.\nI myself is using Lassa brands. Sounds sketchy but it\u2019s claimed to be using Bridgestone rubbers.", "Aite noted my guy", "Allow me to complicate things for you.\nShock absorbers are also responsible for this. If the damping is poor, the contact patch varies. Good or bad tyres lose their contact time on the road thus causing longer braking distance and most people fail to realise this happens long before you actually hear the clunking noises.\nIt's subtle. Check the absorbers regularly. The bounce test is often done, but people don't see the nuances. Every tyre rotation interval is an opportunity for visual and mechanical checks.\nReplace brake fluid FULLY every 20k km DONE. Not that expensive by the way. Our climate is humid. Every time you press brakes they transfer heat from pad to fluid. Repeated heating and cooling causes moisture to form, and over time this will interfere with the fluid's incompressibility. Modern vehicles may have a sensor for this, but I still think prevention is better than cure. Even if it looks 'clean'. Sludge is also an enemy that will be slayed this way.\nCar ownership sucks sometimes. I digress.\nLearnt this over 4 decades of driving. Happy motoring!", "Pilot sports 5 is one of the best tyres ive ever used on the road and that coming from a guy who used to track a lot locally and internationally and have used slicks and semi slicks", "Yeah even their primacy tyres are good", "the problem is their life span, not initial performance. Mine caused an accident being just 2 years old. No grip, suddenly super grip, burst and crash.", "My last pilot sport 4 lasted well into its 5th year whilst i waited for the pilot sport 5 to ve released. Im not sure about cheaper offerings from them as i have always made it a point to invest in good tyres usually top of the line as i am a fast driver in a decently powerful car. I can't say much about your experience as I've not experienced it but I'd recommend using nitrogen for better lifespan, slower loss of pressure, maybe checking for uneven wear, rotate the tyres etc.", "Nitrogen part not true. Mine is an ecobox. The problem I had was rubber degrading and I have to park outside. Our affordable houses don't have garages.\nThe only place where nitrogen is used is aeronautics. The high heat can cause the oxygen to combust and the uneven gas heat capacity would be an issue. So I bet where you fill is a scam because most of air is nitrogen.\nSure mine aren't performance tyres but not everyone can afford a lot of money for high performance tyres. If the main brands regular tyres rubber last long that's the minimum. There's trade off in a lot for design though and the tyres I once had the biggest complaint was life span and was a common complaint.", "Ill counter argue that nitrogens benefits come from lower wear over time when it comes to the steel lines in your tyres which can affect longevity. It also requires less refill in general as it is more stable. Proof in case i drop 5 to 10 psi (low profile tyres) over a month compared to conventional air through gas station compressors that sees that every 2 weeks. If you like, I'll share my logs through 2023. Its minute in detail but is worth it in the long run. Again granted, very heavy driving and fast corners (empty roads only. I dont let loose when there's cars around)\nI totally get where you're coming from. I do. Ive been broke through most of this year thanks to many things affecting the business but if you dont mind my 2 cents, your tyres are the only thing connecting you to the roads. Its worth maybe saving 50 a month over 3 years for an upgrade. It keeps you safe, protect you from idiots and granted our weather, it'll minimise dangers from puddles on our shitty roads. It really does cut through the waters extremely well. Great stopping distance, handling, reliability really does go a long way to protect your investment and yourself.\nI don't mean to offend. Just sharing my thoughts as i do believe in the importance of good tyres and what it brings to your table.\nEdit: my nitrogen refills are free of charge even when i buy my tyres from elsewhere.", "You understand well the N2 argument in lower performance requirements. The part we need to be wary of is actually moisture in the compressed air system. Believe me when I say our petrol stations or most tyre shops for that matter do not have air dryers. At most a small in line filter dryer that hardly gets purged. Only industrial systems here have it because moisture reduces pneumatic performance and causes valve problems. Also corrosion.\nNitrogen is therefore logical in this respect, and nothing else. The average car does not need F1 levels of predictability or measurability.\nYes, our sun does a terrific job of breaking down and hardening the tyre compound, regardless of quality of the tyre. That's what branded tyre dressing compounds and regular washing with good degreasers are for. Car ownership goes beyond just the cosmetics. Don't skimp on quality and regularity.\nHappy motoring!", "You don't need to be near for high beams to work. They are literally meant to be bright far away", "The car brakes shit not cause of the brand. It's cause there's something wrong with it. Get your brakes checked. If that shop say it's like that fk that shop and go another.", "It's the tyres. Abs is preventing the wheels locking so you can't tell. If tyres don't grip abs don't brake.", "Esp if shock absorbers are failing.", "thats if the ESP plays with the suspension. basic ESP uses brakes instead so thats wh you typically see ESP and ABS together.\nHowever it is important for the regular driver to have ESP to avoid accidents altogether /s", "Extra Sensory Perception. Yes. Foresee idiots and defend. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude01", "can you explain 'brakes kinda shit'", "Or just change to another lane, slow down, let him pass, and change back.", "I like doing this when I can. I'm petty as fuck."], ["I put mirrors at the back and reflective tape all over the back bonnet. Get fucked highbeamer.", "Someone get this guy a YouTube channel. We need to do what he does.", "I already have one but I only make videos", "You only make videos? For YouTube? That...that'll do just fine.", "LOL. This serial liar does not even own a car. He is the Captain Planet that \"cleans\" with sticks he found and takes the LRT everywhere.", "Yes I need tutorial"], ["Flip your center rear kview mirror.. that way, you just looking in the reflection. That's how I drive at night. Down side is, if you forgot to flip back and an idiot have very low or did not turn on their light, you have no idea someone is behind you\nhttps://www.v3cars.com/features-explained/day-night-inside-rear-view-mirror-irvm-feature-explained#:~:text=A%20mechanical%20switch%20under%20the,everytime%20you%20change%20the%20mode. Hope this helps..", "I can\u2019t tell if your joking but I\u2019ll take a look soon", "Not a joke. That's why you have that toggle in your center rear view mirror..\nA good driving instructor should have teach you this. I don't remember who taught me.."], ["I always keep a hand held mirror in my glovebox for this situation, I aim the light back at their retina :)", "HOLY FUCK YOU GENIUS I LOVE REDDIT SO MUCH"], ["Turn the mirror away, take the foot off the accelerator and let the car slow down to a crawl. Best done when there's car on your side and so the farker at the back can't overtake.\nIt will drive him mad while U drive peacefully in a safe speed."], ["Just flip your rearview mirror???\n", "Can confirm it works for high beams from sohai drivers, but on roads where there are non-functional street lamps/street lamps that run in the day time, might be harder to see what's behind your car", "Yeah actually this is the way", "The problem is the side mirrors as well lol."], ["Switch lane let them overtake switch back to original lane turn on high light"], ["A lot of people seems to be assuming I\u2019m on the right lane. I\u2019m on center lane and we\u2019re all stuck in traffic.", "Well next time put in that detail. Road hogs (babi jalanan) are a menace too.", "Yeah forgor people can\u2019t read minds will rmb next time"], ["I know a person who purposely did this every time he drives Aruz. Reason is because he points out that every suv drivers do this. Tried to argue that it is not true but stupidity wins\u2026"], ["Aim your rearview mirror toward the car... They will shut it down themselves... I used it quite a lot of time... It worked... Maybe the light reflected back to them..."], ["Same. Drove from KL to JB then back to KL few days ago and highbeam mofos are out in full force. I am already in the slow lane since i drive an older car, I even let go of the throttle to let this mofo overtake me. Nope, they wants to ride my ass with high beams and fog lights on. Even worst if I get stuck in a jam and it is downhill.\nHappened more than once too in the same drive, although with varying degrees of annoyance."], ["You\u2019re forgetting the best part, he\u2019s behind you which means you can drive slow af to piss him off."], ["As someone with poor vision, these lights always hurt my eyes.\nThey so blind they need such bright and high lights to drive?\nI hope they all crash.", "Fr"], ["I hope these kind of people always have to go to the toilet when they got comfortable on their bed and their car's engine breakdown at the most inconvenient of their time"], ["Every Malaysian should strive to be a sohai, since Malaysia Boleh!\nJoke aside. Malaysia tarak boleh, sebab orang malas kerja enforcement tarak buat kerja.\nSo you can report kaw-kaw, but unless you have enough wang sogok, then nothing of substance will be done.\nMalaysia Boleh!\nThat is why awhile ago someone asked if he/she should learn Cantonese or Mandarin, and I replied French or German instead. Pity me got thumbs down.\nWhy French or German leh?\nBecause someday if lucky, can migrate to a much better country mah.\nTo live in a better country needs to speak French or German. Otherwise, how? Speak Cantonese with the foreigners ah? Boleh balik Malaysia la.\nDon't dream small by learning Cantonese/Mandarin.\nDream big by learning French/German instead.\nMalaysia Tak Boleh! Saya Boleh!\nMaciam ni la.", "Ong very motivational. Bout to resign from digi customer service and go learn Myanmar language and have my organs harvested", "Then you would not be upgrading yourself to a better country. Instead, you would be downgrading yourself to a worse country.", "So wow, much motivational", "https://govisafree.com/best-countries-to-live-in/\nYup"], ["Dont forget rear foglamp cibais"], ["Problem really is when they put those LED lights on cars not meant for such lights."], ["That\u2019s why YB allows 100% tint for the back. Make use of it"], ["Bruh, now day there's too many white light on the road. Not the gentle factory manufactured ones, but OEM REM parts. Last time I check a set of them would cost 400 ringgit but at shopee only 30 ringgit a bulb. Smh no wonder lah sakit mata", "Oem are manufactured by Tier 1 manufacturers and are 1 to 1 replacement parts. Hence, conforming to standards.\nYou are referring to REM parts (replacement equipment manufacturing) which are not going to meet any standard. Companies like Depo fit in the latter. People buy these because REM are cheaper than even used OEM. Such is the market.\nGood OEM are APM, Kayaba, Stanley, Koito, Tokico,Philips, Osram, MGAE, VDO, Visteon, Delloyd etc etc, backed by big corporations that supply both the vehicle manufacturer and after sales markets.\nYou really don't want to ruin your Continental or Asian car with REM parts.", "Ahh REM. Never heard of that term. Make perfect sense to me, it always chepo replacement flood the market. Thanks info \ud83d\udc4d"], ["lmaoo, I can relate to you. Was driving back to Ipoh on 9-10 pm , and one range rover black color headlight so bright I can see heaven already. My eyes can't even open and worse, there was jam. Can't even move to left cuz already filled with cars.", "Let\u2019s change our back car window to reflective ones like the motorcyclist helmet kind of mirror", "AHAHAH i seriously second this choice. But unfortunately I am a chicken and scared later polis tangkap me :/", "Worse if the jerk behind is a thug in real life with connections. Malaysia Baharu...", "yep, that's why gotta be extra extra careful while driving. Especially those expensive cars, you dk who's driving and what they might do if you piss them off"], ["Never have this issue after I tinted my back glass 90% dark. (It\u2019s legal though, no limit for back seat glasses). I guess you should do that too. But yeah, fuck these dufes"], ["Just let him through\u2026 if you\u2019re driving on the right lane you\u2019re blocking ppl"], ["just put a mirror at back to reflect back\ud83d\ude0e", "This is the way"], ["so why u cibai dont move away and let him overtake ? ego right...typical"], ["Ahhh... Honda City driver... No wonder feeling so entitled. Haha. It depends really. If you are on the right lane, then move to the left lane. If it is a one-lane, then follow the speed limit and use the thing on your rear view mirror.", "On the center lane all the time. I\u2019m not a right lane hogger u nerd.", "You could have moved to the left lane and let him pass no?", "Haha ok2 no need to get emo. Then another option is to move to the left most lane.", "I\u2019m not surprised if u have no friends Man. U wanna look at what u wrote? I don\u2019t think u gave any valuable inputs", "Oh man I shook some feathers didn't I. Let's be friends then \ud83d\ude09", "Mmm explain it on monke mm actually u don\u2019t have to I\u2019m done here\ud83d\udc4c", "I mean, why else would the car makers come up with this feature? To shoo away reindeers is it? Nooo. It is to tell other drivers to move away. I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...", "You have not been driving on the highways at night. People use high beam all the time.", "Yeah I've been there. My point is, avoid these people within your power and not crying out to have laws for it. It's a simple issue with a simple solution. And I am sure any law abiding drivers would use the high beam when the need arises.", "\"I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...\"\nYou obviously don't know them.", "I thought its main purpose is to be used during very low visibility like when there is no streetlight at all, even then when there is another car in front of you or coming the opposite way we always turn it off anyway to be considerate and safe. But then, I might be wrong so feel free to correct me.\nAlso it is damn hard to change lane safely when you cannot see anything behind you other than the bright light beeming into your every mirror.\n\"I know they won't use it lightly if it is not necessary...\" Look if this is the case no one would complain also.\nAnd also I drive a small old ratty car so I never stay on the right lane or middle lane unnecessarily, but still kena this kind of driver how??\nIt is obvious that you are one of these kind of driver so my advice is to think of other people when you drive. We share the road, so try to match other's speed and be kind and considerate. Not keep beeming everyone demanding people give way to you regardless of any situation. Who the f do you think you are?.", "Woah no need to use f letter here. The lever has 2 sides, when you push it, high beam for the dark roads, if you pull it, it is for a quick second to signal something and it goes back to its natural position.\nMy point is, it is a simple problem with a simple solution. Use your own means to control the situation. You can adjust your rear view mirror so it won't be glaring as much, and then safely change lanes."], ["Usually partially blind old uncles. What to do, aging population"], ["Goes both ways.\nStop hogging the right lane if you\u2019re cruising at 40km/h. Fuck off."], ["Highbeam literally flashbanged my eyes at night. That's why I don't drive at night anymore"], ["put reflective mirror at the rear :)"], ["This is the reason why i always try to buy cars with auto dimming rear view mirror, precisely to not get blinded by these assholes\nSometimes certain things really can't be helped like if you drive a low car and the car behind is a tall SUV, but most times you can see idiots that turn on their high beam because they don't know what's the difference. Easy to spot because they'll have their fog lights on too.\nBasically they switch everything on blindly (heh) and go about their way blinding everyone", "I didn\u2019t know auto dimming morris existed I\u2019ll need one", "It's very handy, borderline essential given how ignorant our drivers are. Highly reccomend!"], ["if your car has rear fog lights turn them on", "If only I had them.. does myvi highest spec have that? I\u2019d get a myvi when I earned enuf money", "don't think so. usually only conti cars got"], ["Even if there are laws about this fat chance of ppl abiding by it and the police/jpj enforcing it."], ["I would usually let the overtake me then turn my highlights on \ud83e\udd23"], ["Buy mini spotlight and put in the back"], ["Usually I just flip that switch below my rear view mirror and proceed to slow down gradually.\nHe can over take me whenever he is ready."], ["I usually tap down on the rear view mirror leaver to have it polarized. I thought its standard in all vehicles. Although, i do agree it can be annoying to see high beam on side view mirrors."], ["Try install reflective tint on rear windshield and chrome accessories.."], ["I'm kinda guilty about this but then again, I have no idea how or why my saga headlight normal mode is like a highbeam. Been getting flashed by oncoming traffic even though it's on normal. It came out of the factory like that or something?"], ["just get out of the way slowpoke", "cry"], ["why drive infront of the dude for 30mins without letting him pass."], ["Also the light would be pointed straight to the front instead of angled downwards"], ["Driving with astigmatism even more jialat :( it's really super dangerous wth"], ["Adjust your side mirrors towards them.."], ["Next time someone's headlight is stabbing your eyes through the rear view mirror, the mirror has a little tab on it. FLICK THE TAB", "THANK YOU"], ["First get auto darkening mirror. Second, angle mirror upwards. Third, let them overtake then do the same to them"], ["They should ban white light. Revert to orange lights."], ["Just let him pass. Don't be a moving chicane"], ["we have the same problem in brunei..."], ["Let\u2019s fix the bully rempits first\u2026"], ["This is in fact illegal in many countries. You are not allowed to use your high beams in good weather because it can blind other drivers."], ["we have many laws in Malaysia. the problem is the enforcement authority and the lack of enforcement, lack of professionalism and customer service, huge attitude problem with all government authorities. stuck in Third-World level of service."], ["Better weaponised backlight by shining super power light and and let them suffer."], ["Let them pass"], ["apparently there is a new traffic law that we need to have BOTH hands on the wheel if caught on camera we have one hand adjusting radio we will be fined\uff01 what country are we living in\uff1f", "And not a law on retards that loves to use highlights \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d"], ["You can try adjusting your rear view mirror to direct the beam to the driver's eyesight. It might be difficult to adjust if you are driving along."], ["May I know what speed are you driving and at which lane? What\u2019s the speed limit?"], ["nowaday all new car from manufacturer come with white beam... jpj traffic police probably will not do anything one, who knows they themselve might also onwed car with white beam\none time i slow drive 30kmh on left lane hoping the high beamer car behind me will overtake, mana tau he also follow me slow drive 30kmh kitai"], ["I usually adjust my side mirror towards the driver then move so that it hits the driver. When lights go down, I readjust them"], ["Ikr..."], ["Totally fine if it's pitch black and they are leading the way. The problem is those with high beams with fog lights on from the back.\nBlinding me every time.", "We were on a jammed highway my guy but yeah i didn\u2019t put in enuf context"]]} {"title": "Anthony Loke: Elected reps should focus on their work instead of attempting to topple govt", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y5sfu/anthony_loke_elected_reps_should_focus_on_their/", "num_comment": 30, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["PN reps actually do their job challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)", "What if their constituency wants you to actually topple the government because it has DAP?", "asking PN MP to do their jobs is like asking the husband or the kids to take out garbage outside, it's impossible.", "Eh? Bad comparison. My husband takes out the garbage all the time.", "I'm a husband here. Can confirm.", "Im a son and not a husband. Can conlanfirm.", "I just took out the trash too lol \ud83d\ude02 married 20 years and it\u2019s been my task everytime \ud83d\ude1d"], ["Pas lebai has been in politics almost the same as BN. Their method is the same. Don\u2019t support anything if they are opposition."], ["This comment section feels... out of touch? He's walking the talk, no?\nOut of all the elected MPs & ministers, Anthony Loke is the most competent minister in the cabinet. So competent that his ministry requested his presence even before he was elected Transport minister."], ["So, when they are the government, they tell people not to do what they did.", "Funny is when PN is in government, the collapse is ultimately caused by infighting, so much for the united muslim government.", "At least they didn't do infighting as PKR \ud83e\udd71\ud83d\ude02 They even throw plastic chair around during the fight. Ex prisoner clan \ud83d\ude01", "They tried but failed. Also they aren\u2019t the one initiated it but got invited."], ["i don't think they have the incentive to \"focus\" on their work when their immediate concern is avoiding jail time."], ["Finally the dubai / chow kit move is real"], ["Loke wasted time bagi comment about them.\nShould have just buat tak tahu & laugh, then continue his own work that he is doing good job now. Dont give attention to these fools."], ["The DAP ones too. Got some only show up for election period only.", "Name them.", "Source: I made it the fuck up!", "He\u2019s still pissed with Tony Pua lol. But that constituency is the largest in the country. It\u2019s literally impossible for him to be there for everyone.\nNot to mention even in small areas an MP really needs a team to manage the high volume of enquiries and issues. But when Tony uses his team or works with the ADUN for this, he\u2019s considered slacking. When in fact the real job for the MP is to legislate and be the voice of his constituents at the Federal level, not deal with ground issues (which are still important, but that\u2019s not his main role).\nSometimes you just can\u2019t win man."], ["Actually, I don't really mind what's the opposition move in this BUT Sanusi bloody genius telling this to whole world with everyone on all ears like..........."], ["Slepas jadi krajaan vs sblom jadi krajaan"], ["Let me translate it.\nIts ok if we do it, but if you do it, you are bad.", "Did DAP actively tried to topple the government even when they're the opposition?", "Dude, \"I have the numbers\". Even though it was anwar, but DAP was part of it.", "Technically that's true. At least they did it openly in parliament and in public instead of trying to go meet YDPA while He's on vacation and try to subvert the government", "So, loke statement should be \"its ok to topple gov, but do it openly\". Hahaha. Is that it?", "Announce to the public first before going to meet YDPA in Dubai \ud83e\udd23", "Hahaha. But rumors has it the agong turned thrm down and told them to prove it in parliament.", "I dont know how thats considered \"toppling the government\". Thats some huge mental gymnastics in your argument there, as usual."]]} {"title": "Malaysians have 3 months to update info in Padu database ( No Update No Subsidy )", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tm2n1/malaysians_have_3_months_to_update_info_in_padu/", "num_comment": 32, "flairlabel": ["Science/ Technology"], "header": "PUTRAJAYA: Malaysians will be given a three-month period until March 31 next year to update and verify their information with the national Central Database System (PADU).\nEconomy Minister Rafizi Ramli said the public can start updating their information after the launch of Padu by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 2.\nThe minister added that no action will be taken against those who do not update their information in the database system.\nHowever, Rafizi said those involved are at risk of being excluded from receiving targeted subsidies that will use updated data in PADU later.\n\"According to its mandate, PADU is tasked with providing the most accurate household profiles for the targeted reassignment of subsidies.\n\"If you do not update your data, there is no problem, but if you do not receive (subsidies), don't be angry,\" he said at a press conference here today.", "comments": [["Knowing malaysians, many will rush to update on the 30th of march, and then system crash. And finally gov give extention."], ["This came abruptly. Previously sounds like automatically get our info somewhere. Now suddenly want us to do data entry lol. I highly doubt 3 months is enough"], ["Why do we need to update it? Can't they just access our data from LHDN?", "LHDN doesn't have info on the b40...they don't file taxes", "they should use the e-kasih database instead. its a dedicated database for poverty. kementrian pembagunan wanita are tasked to kept this db updated.", "If you want subsidies you MUST work for it \ud83e\udee3\ud83e\udee3\ud83e\udee3\ud83d\ude2c", "This is a tough one to be honest.\nAssuming they couldn't get the data otherwise, on one hand I don't want to trust the gomen with my personal info.\nOn the other hand, I also don't want to pay the current pam hijau rates for petrol \ud83d\ude05", "agreed. I don't trust the government with personal info."], ["Let's see how this goes"], ["Do T20s have a reason to do it? Seems like it\u2019s just handing over data that could be another avenue for a leak.", "They want to trace all groups so that more data on which person pay taxes. Lots of so call b40 have ubregistered bussinesses. Same like t20. So yeah, indirectly have better track and potential nation revenue", "Only those who are eligible for subsidies so T20 don't need to bother unless you want to update your personal info for the gov", "Better update lor mana tau if you living with old parents can get subsidi using parents info or if give subsidies depend on your vehicle maybe you drive myvi that usually a b40 car"], ["Im actually 50/50 on this. With mydigital id couple with this padu. With so much information in 1 place, its just a matter of time the gov do something like social credit follow china. They already have all the resources to do so.\nAnd given a gov thats easily koyak, I dont think its impossible.\nYou banyak bunyi, cut social credit, if below certain score, cannot receive any gov subsidy or any form of assistance.\nTill now, they have yet to release any info how they going to determine a person is eligible for subsidy. How do they calculate. The only info they gave is no longer b40, m40 and t20.", "Yep, this is the endgame. Folks here seem chill about it but imagine a PAS-Bersatu coalition with that kind of power...", "PAS bersatu ministers never threaten openly to send police car to persons house, or actively control and monitor the media. Im actually more worried with this gov. They are too trigger happy.", "That\u2019s essentially the end goal. It\u2019s all wrapped in a beautiful package as \u201csubsidies\u201d now. Once they have all they need, it\u2019s a centralized surveillance system.\nUpdate your face and spotted location from CCTV (states now starts using AI CCTV), use it for election targeting as now they have your real and up-to-date address to precisely determine the demographic, monitor your movements (they can effectively do this when you need to scan or show your \u201cPADU\u201d authentication during payment of petrol), monitor your transactions (again, through the authentication) and many more you could do with centralized database.\nRemember people, information is currency, think twice before you take any further action.", "There are many monyets in this sub (on top of cytro) who see this as \"advancement for the country\" and will attack your narrative.\nThey will call it a Conspiracy Theory.\nDigital ID was a conspiracy theory, and it is now a reality.", "Social credit, the crab form of government policy.", "Sooner or later, digitalized ringgit."], ["how do you relay this information so people that actually need it knows they have to update their information?\nsms\ntv adds from 7pm to 10pm\n4 social media posting\n:26554:"], ["Where to do it?", "wait 2/1/24 ,pmx need to launch it 1st"], ["The meta is changing"], ["Sounds like some Gestapo shit here"], ["Why is there a deadline to begin with? What happens to people who start/stop working after 30th of March? Getting married and having new child? The population changes over time no?\nDoesn't sound like a central database to me if it has to involve data entry from the user.\nFrom the article they even mentioned that the data isn't flowing freely within the government. It sounds like a yet-another-separated-system to me.", "Have some faith in PMX he is the chosen one to lead Malaysia to more glory"], ["I'm just worried there will be another data leak like what happened to EPF recently, and I strongly feel that it's not a matter of \"if\", but \"when\" that will happen.\nOn the other hand I also don't want to potentially lose out on subsidies, so I guess I'm just going to drag and finally cave in and update at the last minute"], ["Anybody already done it? What kind of data is it asking?\nHome address and current income?", "Not yet launch, just preliminary notification"], ["I though they have those data during occasinal banci thingy... wtf..."], ["Will never give info to the Gov. Becarefull what we share to them."]]} {"title": "Ngeh's proposal to have non-Muslim experts in syariah law committee a mistake \u2014 Loke", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tlooa/ngehs_proposal_to_have_nonmuslim_experts_in/", "num_comment": 6, "flairlabel": ["Religion"], "header": "", "comments": [["Political correctness at its finest."], ["Mistake or not, it actually served a more important purpose \u2014 to get multiple parties, especially the royalty and political leaders to openly reiterate the separation of both laws in terms of application.\nWhat is more interesting however is the absence of PAS leadership who were weirdly silent on this matter (from the mainstream media at least), they would be the very first to latch on this to score political points especially with enemies DAP in the crosshair.", "You can check on Facebook or Twitter la. PAS leadership has responded. 90% Malay support after this, takkan lepas punya la nak hentam. Bola tanggung.", "Malas nak check Facebook la abam, haven't been there for half a decade."], ["Crucify him"], ["Meh ,if this was MCA or Gerakan during BN reign this post would have more traction"]]} {"title": "Married couple found dead in Seremban condo", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wq69x/married_couple_found_dead_in_seremban_condo/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Increase in divorce cases among teachers who failed in their transfer requests", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tllh0/increase_in_divorce_cases_among_teachers_who/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Education"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "\"Cold\" war", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tje03/cold_war/", "num_comment": 50, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Why tf you tape the cuck oo", "In real cuck fashion, it\u2019s wearing a dick cage", "It's chastity cage/belt if anyone wondered", "Bondage :26561:", "Aedes", "You know how it feels being taped up", "my workplace also tapes the bottom.. idk why they dont want any drainage there its just water..."], ["Serious question: Is there a much cheaper filter that I can use that wouldnt cost me a lot per month but has similar benefits?", "Yes. Like this https://shp.ee/rf6fd5q. You get 8 filters for around 150++. Installation, learn from youtube or ask seller for video or ask a reliable friend to do it for you. Just buy the tools & tube & connectors. Just change the filters periodically according the type. Btw, cuckoo & coway has only 4 filters.", "How do these traditional filters compare to the Cuckoo and Coway machines OP posted ? Im struggling to decide which one to go for", "It's better in terms of water taste & filtration since it has 8 filters (with maifan stone) compare to four filters in coway/cuckoo. But tbh, I haven't tested the water since I don't have any test kits available. I guess it's not much different because before this, I have been using cuckoo for 8 years. The downside is that it's not automatic, there's no cool or hot water. But it's very, very affordable.", "Can search up Yamada Water Filter in shopee / lazada", "This things only suitable for offices where you can offload the maintenance to the vendor. But for personal/residential use, not worth it.", "I use the LG tankless one, LG puricare. It is basically the same thing with a hot/cold dispenser, and the service you just gotta do it yourself every 6 months. It's painless and none of this subscription, Bullshit.", "Just get something simpler like the red Panasonic water filter or the equivalent 3M water filter. Our water is very drinkable and you don't need anything elaborate for home use, in most cases."], ["Coway has better aftertaste", "Wey that is not normal at all \ud83d\ude2d", "How is there any different taste? They're both plain water \ud83d\udc40\ud83e\udd28", "You sir did not drink enough water hahaha. Every single one of em taste different, just like coffee", "Hahaha best well put yeah each water surprise surprise has different taste like water from the alps(like evian) taste the best. Cleanest water and super smooth and basically near 0 taste in it and super refreshing at real crazy expensive prices only affordable to the rich and wealthy.", "Yeah, even warm one taste better than damn cold dasani lmao", "depends on the model, the one my relatives have taste like shit"], ["cuckoo > coway", "Sk magic > cuckoo > coway", "Isn't SK magic a little more expensive than these 2?"], ["Asked the cuckoo installer once what brand is best he said SK magic...forgot y"], ["you vs the guy she tell you not to worry about"], ["Which one is better? In terms of taste, features etc."], ["honestly i cant tell if the coway one is from 1980 or 2080"], ["question - if you operate an eating place, how much would you price a tall glass of cold water taken from this machine plus hygienic tube ice? RM3? RM5?", "Bruh, nothing more than RM1. It\u2019s water", "At most 50 Sen, RM 3/5 water better give me fucking super powers bro", "I saw a post of someone getting charged RM5.00 for water in a cup in Langkawi. Not even bottled water.", "This is why I don't like tourist areas, like jfc you'd think our economy was turning into Zimbabwe cash", "RM 0.\nExpensive food can be justified if it\u2019s good. RM 3 for ice water is just scummy AF.", "Especially because water bills in malaysia is extremely cheap", "Banyak kedai makan dekat kawasan aku kasi free flow ja kalau air kosong ais. Kalau kau tak kedekut sangat, lagi ramai orang pergi kedai kau.", "Rm3-5???? At that price, you better be serving me some premium natural mineral water like evian or something, not some filtered tap water"], ["Sigh\u2026 flick the water tap in Singapore", "It aint for me."], ["Which one the best"], ["I thought this is about students fighting over water so they had to get another one"], ["SK Magic watching from afar \ud83d\udc40"], ["The left one how to pronounce? Kuku?:26563:"], ["Cuckoo solos>>"]]} {"title": "Motac MM2H Service Counter", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tj456/motac_mm2h_service_counter/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "Hi, anyone heard of or been to the recently-opened MM2H service counter at Motac? I lost my old passport and need to transfer the visa page onto the new one which I have applied for. Not sure if this is covered under their \"pass transfer\" service. Thanks in advance.\nOne-stop MM2H hub opens at Motac in Putrajaya | The Star", "comments": []} {"title": "PAS appeals against RM656k award to Harakah printer", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tj2g0/pas_appeals_against_rm656k_award_to_harakah/", "num_comment": 38, "flairlabel": ["Politics"], "header": "", "comments": [["harga sebijik alphard full spec. Gila punya la nak lari ngelat bayar hutang. This is basically chump change to pas. Yet the amount kung fu they are trying to do to not pay their dues shows what kind of people this people are.", "This is just petty on PAS part"], ["So, tak bayar hutang tu, halal tak?", "Jangan tanya soalan susah...", "PAS halalkan", "By doing service to PAS PAS has granted them the payment of key to heaven , paying them in earthly money implies key to heaven to be lower than earthly bond , and that is sinful. Thus it\u2019s actually a sin to pay them money.", "This guy needs to go to the mental gymnastics Olympics."], ["Screencap of entire article\n"], ["Just pay up what you owe and be done with it."], ["brought to you by the most pious, religious, tolerance, transparent party. pathetic"], ["Bayar jelah. 656k je. Bayar saman fitnah berjuta-juta banyak kali ada pulak duit. Cuba berhenti buat fitnah, mesti banyak duit. Taklah orang tu bankrap sebab tak dibayar."], ["Ini semua salah DAP and PMx", "80% of Harakah's content is that", "Still salah DAP no matter what.. Pas supporter catch a cold still DAP fault"], ["The founder of the printing company was in the ICU and in critical condition two weeks ago.", "They better pay up quickly before he dies"], ["Kenapa PAS tak boleh bayar ni? Ini ke parti agama yang paling hebat? Aduh."], ["Not surprise since pas really like to lowball debt. Finally it will end as \u201cconsider as charity work is much better rather than asking to pay debt\u201d."], ["Can afford to buy a Mazda and Merc for the whole gang but can't pay to a printing company", "Again...jangam tanya soalan susah..."], ["Pay up suckers. Just dig into the flush funds you stole from the people of Kelantan for decades, go on less trips to Golok for a while and maybe ram each other instead.\nFuck PAS. Hope God sends all you lot and your supporters to Hell.", "Ya sure hell want to accept this lot?"], ["Is there something that the public is missing??", "PAS is trying to get out of payment by saying the old harakah company \"doesn't exist anymore\"\nThey would then need to pay to the owner directly, instead of the company\nSure, it's stupid, and the court obviously thinks so, but their logic basically boils down to \"if bankrupt companies does not need to pay their debts , why can they claim their receivables\"", "I'm pretty sure the old harakah company folded because PAS never paid them. Went bankrupt. Makes this entire debacle even sadder/funnier, depending on who you are.", "The funnier thing is the new Harakah Company is obviously owned by new gen.\nThe old company was biased as fuck, but it was still written professionally by journalists\nThe new one... It's basically if you took your average cybertrooper and ask him to write articles", "The reply should be, \"kubur kira ke kalau lunaskan hutang begini?\"", "They kinda need to claim their receivables to get out of bankruptcy.\nIf anything, those who can't pay their receivables should be the one declaring bankrupcy"], ["Sembang agama tapi hutang don't wanna pay. Typical PAS lol"], ["file appeal ade duit pulak\u2026hais"], ["PAS can do shit like this and still have moral high ground to their supporters. It\u2019s asinine. If one of the most successful and wealthy parties wouldn\u2019t even pay off their due debts to struggling entities, then why does anyone think they will be a good leader for Malaysia?", "Because their God said so \ud83d\udc81\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"], ["PN pipu ada hati beli kereta mewah. Tukar nama je jadi PArtiSetan."], ["Appeals? Kasi PAS bungkus... Then they ask for donations, then kasi the donaters bungkus..."], ["I had a similar experience when I worked overseas. There was a Baptist pastor who probably got his credentials from a night school bible college for paroled convicts. He would dress shabby when putting in his orders for his church newsletter but would be wearing gold rings and necklaces and driving a new Cadillac when he came pick it up. Always tried to lowball or take the product on credit or in exchange for blessings but we wouldn't give in.\nAlternatively, a few Catholic nuns and priests would come in and would be extremely polite and pay on time.\nSo the lesson is if they try to not pay, or con you, then they're not very religious in the first place."], ["Owe money, pay money la. If not just ask RM100 from each member. Memperbodohkan rule of law je."], ["Iblis pas", "That sounds like a badass metal band name."]]} {"title": "Sepet (2005) by Yasmin Ahmad", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tizkx/sepet_2005_by_yasmin_ahmad/", "num_comment": 11, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "Comments?", "comments": [["Wow, has it been 18 years already?\nWatched in the cinema, it was very good.", "Amazing overall. Gubra got my bulu. standing"], ["How I missed Yasmin.. sepet, grubar. She was unique and special. Dare to show what we really are and in her life as well."], ["Till this day I still can't find the uncensored(uncut) version which is available on VCD many years ago :(", "That's tough... all vcd kena kuman.", "I got 1 VCD ori. Sepet", "Deserved to be uploaded to archive.org", "I dunno how to upload archive?", "Any chance you know how to rip a VCD's content?"], ["Absolutely brilliant, no holds barred, way ahead of it's time, i think if you release it now, Certain groups would have it banned immediately, haha"], ["Oh I remember this and scratching my head over some of its scripts. Mostly involving Takeshi Kaneshiro.\nThe girl love Takeshi Kaneshiro BUT didn't wan't / watch Chungking Express movie? LOL, come on!! Chungking is one of his earliest movie. And someone selling Chungking Express at pasar malam? Again.. Come on! I toured Petaling street and most pasar malam at Klang Lama / Gombak area searching for Chungking Express VCD and found NONE! One of the seller who's a movie buff said that you can't find it anywhere, coz even the chinese don't watch that movie.. The only place I found it is SPEEDY store, original copy, and even that at bargain section. All this happens way before Sepet movie in 2005.\nSepet movie itself is ok though, like an extension of CNY Petronas ads in early 2000 IIRC. Maybe Yasmin wanted to push, hey you guys should all watch Chungking Express coz it's so freaking cool! (I agree). And Sepet's intro reminds me of Monsoon Wedding by Mira Nair, another cool film in my book.\nTalking about Yasmin Ahmad, I enjoy her small appearances in the first 15 Puasa (series) as a kampung folk, teaching her son \"mengaji\" while \"kukur kelapa\" in the kitchen .\nman I'm old..:26563:"]]} {"title": "'Why Him But Not Me?'- Tony Fernandes Asks Why Cosplayer Can Go Shirtless But Not Him", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tios4/why_him_but_not_me_tony_fernandes_asks_why/", "num_comment": 32, "flairlabel": [], "header": "In a cheeky social media post, AirAsia\u2019s CEO, Tony Fernandes, has tickled the internet\u2019s funny bone.\nStanding alongside a cosplayer decked out in pink hair and elaborate body paint, Fernandes quipped about the double standards of shirtlessness.\nHe questioned why his own shirtless moments garner global headlines while similar sights go unnoticed for others.\n\u201cSo Sukuna can walk around KL shirtless but I can\u2019t? This isn\u2019t the Shibuya incident!!. Hahahahahha,\u201d he wrote in his recent post.\nHis post, with a light-hearted tone, reflects on why his own past shirtless episode became a viral news story, while others pass without much ado.\nThe viral headlines he meant involved a LinkedIn post where he was seen getting a massage during a virtual meeting, aiming to showcase AirAsia\u2019s informal work culture.\nThe post, although later deleted, attracted varied reactions from netizens.\nThe comments under his recent post are playful and teasing.\nOne person jokes about the cosplayer\u2019s good looks and fit body, another suggests that Tony would be famous even when dressed simply.", "comments": [["Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalised articles. At /r/Malaysia, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a responsibility to be skeptical, check sources, and comment on any flaws.\nYou can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it.\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns."], ["Unrelated, but the way this post is written is giving AI vibes", "Weirdkaya is a content farm after all"], ["If he cosplayed as a \"shirtless out of touch CEO\" then he gets a pass?\nNO.\nWHY NOT ??!!\nHe's not cosplaying..."], ["One is a cosplayer.\nOne is an out of touch guy thinking he's being \"one of the people\" with his antics. You are not \"one of the people\" Tony."], ["because he is not doing it at the workplace!"], ["Sorry to say, ugly people dont get the free nips pass.", "Mutahar in one video:"], ["I'm not interested in seeing some hanging man tits.", "Reminds me of this movie character who infamously says \"Luuk at mah....sexxeh tit-ess.....\". Anyone wanna take a guess?"], ["I think what's most impressive is Tony knows the plot of JJK", "even working in the phrase Shibuya Incident with capitals in the right places. foooo JJK - Msia lovestory is just heartwarming!"], ["No one wants to see your gut Tony."], ["Because youre fat af tony"], ["Because Tony, throughout heaven and earth he alone is the honored one."], ["Sexual empowerment Vs put on a shirt"], ["if i was airasia pilot,id def fly topless now"], ["Because he is HIM!"], ["Boobs or titties are not allowed, we don't want our ladies walking around topless", "Freethenipple"], ["Because you are ugly and nasty, and get naked to get brownie points for no reason ?"], ["He is right. As much as you love hating on him"], ["because u r fat fcuk capitalism"], ["Yes you may if you paint yourself pink like BUU :26554:"], ["Does AirAsia not have any goddamn HR? What a nightmare of a boss to have"], ["Money cant buy u class....go get fit and make it worth ur korean wife"], ["Jfc this has gotta be the dumbest thing I've read today \ud83d\ude2d"], ["Trying too hard to stay in the news \ud83e\udd2d"], [""], ["I don't think he realises what dumb of a statement he put out when he wrote it."], ["Equal rights for women"], ["Nah he\u2019d win"]]} {"title": "Biker always stop at pedestrians walkway at traffic light \ud83d\ude05 police there also never tegur.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18th6u5/biker_always_stop_at_pedestrians_walkway_at/", "num_comment": 52, "flairlabel": ["Culture"], "header": "Bad attitude.", "comments": [["police sendiri pun blocking the pedestrian walkway", "Betul \ud83d\ude05 bad culture", "They're all just lepak over there", "Guess where does the police cut out from ?", "Lol kawan sekampung"], ["Our traffic laws will never work if motorbikes can still do whatever they want. At least once a day I'm face to face with a motor going the wrong way.", "We'll always be a developing nation and not a developed nation", "Sorry to break it to you but the definition of a developed nation is mainly about its state of economy with high income and standard of living. The citizens mentality and behaviour is not considered as part of the criteria. If that is important, US will be the first to be out of the list as a portion of their population still seems to believe they are still living in the 1800s going wild with guns everywhere.", "True, and the constant protests for lgbt rights and shit it\u2019s disgusting, it\u2019s true that once u actually see it like how I went there for a trip, then only u know how bad the condition is there", "What's the logic with lgbt there? Pulled it out of your ass there?"], ["usj 7?", "USJ1. Happen every morning. As the cross bridge been removed for construction then pedestrians can only walk on the road, but biker less considerate \ud83d\ude05", "", "This is new", "You stay USJ1 ? Sometime when traffic police there to guide the traffic will be more worst than without them. \ud83d\ude13", "I was wondering when tf did the bridge collapsed. They removed it to construct what?", "Will build bridge from Mydin direct to kewajipan. And bridge to kesas. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb", "Gg traffic going to be even more horrible during the construction phase", "Yes. Expected. But for better future then have to tahan\ud83e\udd72", "Another flyover. Supposedly to ease congestion."], ["Actually king of the road is not Myvi but motorbikes coz traffic laws somehow not applies to them and they are immune to it anyway", "Against traffic. Go wrong way \ud83d\ude13", "Just look at those Shopee food, food panda and grab", "Memang teruk. Hit my car because they go wrong way", "Later show you wallet only got rm10 \u2026. \u201cTolong bang \u2026 tak Ada duit\u201d", "This is standard script \ud83d\ude0e"], ["Pedestrians are the lowest caste here, no doubt"], ["I hate bikers, they just do whatever they want and hon you like they own the road.", "I got my bike license this year, and I truly want to respect the law, but if I stand behind cars at traffic lights, cars bully me. If I respect the speed limit, cars tailgate me. If I stop before the white line, cars pushes me. The only way I have to stay alive on the road is defensive driving.", "Ride long enough you gonna learn there\u2019s only so much you can do to respect other road users. Your life 1st. You gonna give less shit to car drivers with walls around them. The distance between you and death are just the distance between your head and the asphalt."], ["Polis semua tak boleh pakai.", "I know that intersection. They're actually working. Or to be precise, they're on standby. That's a very jam area daily and when it becomes unbearable at a certain time (before work and after work), they take over from the traffic lights.\nTraffic police don't wait in office until traffic jam happens and then spend 15-20 minutes to arrive there. They're on standby nearby so that when start jam, they can enter immediately.", "Sometimes traffic police is seen but sometimes not. I don\u2019t get it why they don\u2019t just fix the traffic timing instead?", "Because Malaysian drivers can be assholes, especially those who try to push their car into a long queue, stop in the middle of an intersection and block everyone else."], ["fun fact, did you know that it's also illegal for motorcyclists to ride on the emergency lane? but they all don't give a rats ass and laugh in the face of \"laws\"", "Why you don't understand their plight and how much they suffer having to ride bikes... why can't you give them this leeway ?? /s\nBasically more or less the argument I see often when people defend motorcycles."], ["If they are on duty, they can actually park wherever they want. If they are on duty la. If they just decide to lepak there for no reason, then its wrong."], ["I\u2019m quite sure our polis actually don\u2019t know shit about our own law. They are only being told to do certain jobs, and that\u2019s all they will do. Otherwise, \u201cwhy bother?\u201d", "Maybe some of them yes."], ["in Malaysia bikes > everything else"], ["Not a good PR pic for the team"], ["USJ 7 moment"], ["Lmao, and look at their bellies, i thought they have bmi requirements??", "They don\u2019t care"], ["Polis busy talking la."], ["Damn here in the morning confirm jam\ud83d\ude2d", "Been there every morning can confirm. Even more worse when there\u2019s traffic blocking the yellow boxes right at the middle of intersection"], ["I pernah tegur 2 police one time when they try to get on their bike on sidewalk near gurney plaza."], ["Ahh, summit intersection, the bane of my existence in the morning."]]} {"title": "Benefits of getting married in Malaysia", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tgt59/benefits_of_getting_married_in_malaysia/", "num_comment": 14, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Just curious on what kind of benefits married couples will get in terms of govt incentives or income tax, etc. Need more insights on this!", "comments": [["Able to checkin into OYO and cheap budget hotels and when JAKIM comes knocking, you can show them the card nikah, smile smugly, get a pat on the back and continue to kongkek", "You definitely did that", "She definitely did it"], ["I don't think we reach level like Germany yet. Where married couple have lesser tax.\nBut there are some, iinm SSPN and Health insurance for kids is deductable", "How about married couples that do not have kids? Any good benefits or incentives that are beneficial?", "Shared tax. But not really useful unless 1 not working, or 1 super rich", "nothing much."], ["Divorce money", "Bruhh that's dark"], ["Govt incentives?", "Figured this kind of things doesn't exist in Malaysia"], ["Legally Buat Anak\nCan check in Budget Hotel then JAIS come, smile to them\nCan Share name in property/ownership\nCan walk together holding hands without Pak Cik Karim Masjid Busybody viraling it on Facebook\nCan show PDA without Mak Cik Kiah Suami Pak Leman viraling it on WhatsApp forward\nCan have sex in car without jais tangkap\nCan live together tanpa fitnah(Muslim problem mah)\nCan do pegging(any Queers want to be pegged secara Halal??!?)\nCan use Sex Toy legally\nNo need Alarm clock", "No need alarm clock is the funniest lol. Also about the car,are you speaking from experience? Seems rather specific of a spot"], ["Declare separately or together depends on your Tax Bracket. IRB will adjust so you see how in March 2024.\nGood Luck paying less tax. And claiming relief."]]} {"title": "Malaysia's Squad Announced for AFC Asian Cup 2023", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y5r83/malaysias_squad_announced_for_afc_asian_cup_2023/", "num_comment": 29, "flairlabel": ["Sports"], "header": "", "comments": [["Out of boredom I checked how many of these had Malaysian heritage and how many of these are straight out naturalized. All I found are 4 Naturalized, 10 part-Malaysians and 12 actual Malaysians.\nMatthew Davies: Born in Australia, mom's from Sabah\nDaniel Ting: Born in England, dad's from Sarawak.\nDominic Tan: Born in Singapore, both parents from Penang\nDion Cools: Born in Sarawak, Malaysian mother and Belgian father\nJunior Eldstal: Born in Sabah, mom's from Sabah and dad's from Sweden.\nCorbin Ong: Born in England, mom's Malaysian Chinese and dad's from Barbados.\nStuart Wilkin: Born in England, mixed English-Malaysian blood.\nEndrick: Naturalized, from Brazil.\nBrendan Gan: Born in Australia, mom's an Aussie and dad's a Malaysian Chinese from N9.\nNatxo Insa: Born in Spain, grandma's from Sabah.\nDarren Lok: Born in England, mixed English-Malaysian Chinese, dad's from Melaka\nSumareh: Naturalized, from Gambia.\nPaulo Josue: Naturalized, from Brazil.\nRomel Morales: Naturalized, from Colombia.", "*naturalized\nalso it's interesting to see that we are much more aggressive in finding heritage & naturalized players than our ASEAN neighbours. IIRC Singapore only got that one Korean guy, Indonesia got Jordi Amat and a handful others while we seem to have a whole starting XI", "Can't believe I mispelled that word for a long time lol.\nPretty sure Indonesia's following our footsteps as well since they also got the likes of Elkan Baggott (Ipswich) and Justin Hubner (Wolves) on their lineup.", "yeah they're ramping up the naturalization efforts. We also have several naturalized U-23 players playing in Europe like Richard Chin and Nooa Laine", "This wasn\u2019t the case when I used to follow local football avidly circa 2005 to 2012", "Daniel ting is actually part Malaysian", "re-checks Huh, his dad is from Sarawak.\nThanks for the correction dude.", "Among all of these players, only Sumareh went to football academy in Malaysia, he actually grew up here since he was 12"], ["Kim Min Jae vs Darren Lok; Son and korean guy vs cools"], ["Play with JDT use Tiki Taka,Play for Malaysia use Sean Dyche Target man tactics", "can\u2019t really tiki taka against opponents who are technically sounder than yourself lo"], ["I do like how the lineup is made up of various races (and some naturalised guys of course). Of all the sports I believe football is the one that can really bring every Malaysian together as literally everyone plays it."], ["attacking lineup is scary on paper\narif aiman basically the best player for half of the pitch\npawi is arif aiman before arif aiman himself\nhopefully akhyar play as super-sub, he's good at that\nall they need now is faisal halim can find the finisher behind the next, and darren lok keep on winning the aerial battle"], ["Syamer Kutty Abba\nLama siot tak tengok lord main"], ["Mana Sadee Sali sia"], ["You know, those stereotypical Malaysian names like Matthew Davies, Stuart Wilkin, Dion Cools, Paulo Josue and Romel Morales.", "They\u2019re half Malaysian tho so what\u2019s your point?\nAlso bruh you never met east Malaysians or eurasians before who have very western Christian names?", "Time to get out of your basement. Never been to east Malaysia right?", "Matthew, Stuart, and Dion can be considered as a typical East Malaysian name...", "I even have a Malay friend by the name (as in his ic) Dion.", "Watch more football and understand the relevance of our national squad having mixed-blooded/naturalised players; and its not new thing also. Lots of countries done this in football, moreover those with dual-citizenship countries. Tapi tulah, orang sibuk nak bual, awak pun sibuk nak campur. Paling habis baik, support time final depan tv, mengharapkan besok cuti. Perangai..", "Some random Iban or Bidayuh in Sarawak probably have the most Spanish sounding name to ever exist in the world"], ["while other countries send their own country born citizen."], ["Are they the drug addicts?"], ["We're finishing last place in the group, just wondering how many goals we gonna concede?\nEdit: Number of downvotes will be our Goal Difference"], ["Why sumareh still there??"], ["Although I've not watched any Malaysian football since idk 2018, I hope we can go further in the Asian Cup instead of always getting knocked out at group stage.\nNvm after looking at who we've tied with in the Group stage ie: South Korea, Bahrain and Jordan. I have absolutely no hope now. Time to play park the bus style and do damage control and not lose 7 8 nil"], ["A win against Jordan, a draw against Bahrain might just be able to do it"]]} {"title": "Don't use hazard lights when driving in the rain, says JKJR", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tgnxm/dont_use_hazard_lights_when_driving_in_the_rain/", "num_comment": 50, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["This had been a standing issue for a long time already. Those people just dont care.", "huh. I use them to signal \"Thanks\" e. g. when some fella give me way. It's nice when the fella also hazard light flash back :29091:", "I blame Badawi who told people to use hazard lights in the rain"], ["This really grinds my gears when people do this lah.\nJust wait and see some poor person gonna be broken down on the road (shoulder or emergency lane) during a downpour and then some dipshit slams into their vehicle from behind because \u201csemua orang buka lampu hazard masa hujan.\u201d\nAs usual Malaysians tunggu high profile fatalities baru react. \u201cNever expect this lah. Tak pernah terfikir akan berlaku.\u201d\nBlah fucking blah. No, no and a thousand fucking times no. The authorities said no but then everyone thinks they know better so nothing changes.\nI guess rule of thumb is drive like everyone is a moron or psychopath on the road and maybe, just maybe you\u2019re safe.\nOk end rant.", "Sadly you can drive like a saint but one red light runner is all you need to end up in the hospital/garage shop.\nI literally had that experience. Green light, tunggu 2saat, coast is clear. Bergerak. BAM.\nBabi."], ["The only way is education, reminders, enforcement, punishment", "How do you punish drivers in this instance? Stop them in the middle of the heavy rain to summon them?", "Or you know cameras and npr like most countries do traffic enforcement", "Nah it's easier to close eye and eat bribes.\nImagine if we had a country where the bloody motosikal riders actually had consequences to their actions."], ["Yup. Turn your headlamp/fog lamp or can turn on highbeam if heavy rain and your visibility is poor in that situation. Hazard light means got hazard/emergency. Dont let people confused. Drive with caution in heavy rain and slow traffic. This law is not only in Malaysia btw some others country also implement it."], ["It's so funny how people are confidently wrong about the actual functionality of hazard lights. Maybe I don't know it's in the name..if downpour is so bad there is banjir ahead and I'm slowing down significantly lower than the speed limit, mmh..I wonder if that maybe a harazadrous scenario in which I might want to inform the drivers coming up on my rear about...now if only there was an international driving signal for hazard up ahead \ud83e\udd14"], ["Just gonna come out and say it...\nThere are a lot of people who should not be allowed to drive in this country.\nIt's infuriating when one obeys the traffic laws and sees literally everyone else being absolute fuck wads with virtually no repercussions.\nHazards when driving, double parking, not keeping up with the pace of traffic, lane hogging, lack of lane discipline, the lost goes on.\nBut of course, most people just brush it off as \"it's Malaysia ma, what to do\".\nThe \"tidak apa\" attitude is the norm."], ["Thus thread proves people need to go through drivers ed again."], ["I used hazard lights once in the rain. My dad was driving me and he suddenly felt chest pain, I took over the wheel to send him to a clinic, I was 13 and only learnt to drive from Gran Turismo so I knew other cars had to be alert of my presence."], ["Update: Forgot to take pictures, but Police did uses hazard lights to escort BSN truck."], ["Oh really ? Isn't hazard light's usage is for everything else except standing still ? /s", "I use it for saying thanks to the loser at the back who let me merge from the left and cut him off!"], ["I think using hazard light during heavy rain is still a debatable issue. There is one time, heavy rain pour jn a heavy traffic and it\u2019s barely seen what in front of the car. Car in front switch on hazard light and helps to increase it\u2019s visibility. So its a total of car\u2019s brake light, third light and hazard light to help be more visible. Keep in mind that rain in Malaysia is one of the heaviest downpours in the world.", "Nope, not even top 10 heaviest", "It's not a debatable issue. The authority says no, so no.", "People need to go back to driving school to learn back wtf hazard lights are used for", "Who give a fuck what they authority say. Do what is safest", "If everybody turnon hazard during low visibility then how would you differentiate between if somebody is just trying to increase their car visibility vs their car actually broke down in the middle of the road and has to stop?", "The safest is for everyone to follow the rules. People thinking they know better than everyone else is the reason that Malaysia has such a high road accident rate.", "I get that, but one time, the rain were so heavy, it is almost impossible to gauge the distance between cars, and visibility were so low, like barely a few meters and I am already driving super slow. I am thankful the car in front of me actually pull out his hazard light because it allows me to gauge the distance carefully and the dude's car were greyish with really not so visible red light (again, due to heavy rain). For some reason, the traffic keeps going at different speed and that hazard light was extra helpful. Additionally, it was during dawn and not at night so for some reason, it is harder to see the redlight? Again, Idk. Maybe its the blinking effect that make it easier to see. I ain't no traffic or light scientist, but it does help me on that time. I am not rich so I don't have some fancy light setting either. Just normal stuff.\nI am not advocating nor supporting, but just saying it does help me on that time. Just some anecdotal stuff. And again, it was not normal rain, it was some extra heavy rainfall during Monsoon season + La Nina stuff.", "I mean, username checks out, I guess.", "The safest is to not turn on the lights", "Modern sedans have dedicated fog lights to address this issue. Hazard lights should be reserved for its purpose, letting people know its a hazard.", "Some new cars in their entry level specs don't have fog lights tho", "Do you think everyone drive modern sedan?", "Doesn't change the fact that hazard lights should still be used for a stopped vehicle.", "Why?", "Read the article or not?", "You'd be even more visible if you stuck disco lights on your dick and swung it outside the window but it doesn't mean you should do it. If you're told not to do it don't do it dude.", "I encountered this situation before, rain so heavy that it was hard to see pass 5 m in front. Even with fog light/front light/any light that available on, car in front are still barely noticeable until someone turn on hazard light, and everyone else follow. It does make them more visible with this blinking light to me. Oh ya,although it was raining at evening, the sky are still bright. The rain drop become silvery white colour, so a yellowish light does stand out more in that scenario.", "I know this rain type. Worst than the most f'd up haze because your windscreen is fogging up too", "no = no. plus there are those that keep going left or right of the lane and you wouldn't know because of the hazard light. AND should stop and reat if visibility is really bad. it's already at risk and by having disorientating signal to other road users increases that risk. no = no.", "Why need hazard light and not just turn signals?"], ["i dunno about you, but if the car in front of me pops their hazard lights that means they are coming to a sudden stop and you should too.\nit works fine in Thailand, it has also never caused me issues when driving in Malaysia. Every damn light helps when you are driving in torrential rain that car wipers were never designed for.\nIf you think someone is popping hazard lights to make a turn you're a bodoh."], ["Why, though? Not every car has strong taillight, and some car colors are less visible in rainy days. My first highway accident is in such a condition; tip #4 is trash because visibility is less than 5m, how the fuck do you know you are tailgating/tailgated or not? The only way I saw the car in front was because it had hazard light ON, and I got hit from behind because I wasn't (and my car was silver).\nHazard light means take extra care/caution because car is in hazardous state i.e. In a heavy rain. Else why not call it STOP light, as the \"tips\" imply its name is literal but used the WRONG definition for \"amaran/ bahaya\"?", "it's all down to the meaning of how it is meant to be used. cause if a car is stationary or to indicate distress, they flip the hazard lights on mis-using it can lead to dilution and things lose their meaning like they are seemingly so nowadays.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_lighting#Hazard_warning_signal\nNot every car has a strong taillight, but they can maintain a safer distance and drive slower.", "Again, can't judge a safe distance if can't see vehicle in front. Following a blinking light is better than guessing.\nDilute their meaning? I guess that means hazard = stop now? Read yoyr own fucking link\nThis function is meant to indicate a hazard such as a vehicle stopped in or near moving traffic, a disabled vehicle, a vehicle moving substantially slower than the flow of traffic such as a truck climbing a steep grade, or the presence of stopped or slow traffic ahead on a high speed road.\nHAZARD LIGHT IS NOT A STOP LIGHT", "If you are moving and have your hazard lights turned on, how are you going to indicate when you're going to switch lanes?", "Do I look like I'm going to switch lane in a hazardous situation? Lmao", "Again read the rules, stop interpreting your own even if you think it doesn't make sense that's how alot of countries see it as, i did not say it is a STOP light you dolt, the links first line also clearly says its not.\nEven if you don't like the rules it does not make it any less clear.\nAgain, can't judge a safe distance if can't see vehicle in front. Following a blinking light is better than guessing.\nYou are not able to judge the distance because you are in the front vechicles water wake then give it a longer distance especially in rainy day; give things some distance and you will see clearly.", "Then stop telling me to only use HAZARD light when I stop.\nAnd no, the rain itself reduce visibility. You're malaysian? I doubt you've driven in the rain."], ["I only use it when there were heavy rain that traffic slows due to high water level. We already have break lights on in such situations, hazard lights add a stronger message.", "hazard lights add a stronger message\nthere you have it, boys. it\u2019s all about sending a stronger message. we need to be firm about it. if it means going to war against JKJR, so be it!\nedit: forgot my /s", "Duh if all cars are braking constantly, all red lights you think in heavy rain they can differentiate with a complete stop in the middle of the rain. A lot of morons couldnt and thats when shit happens."], ["I turn my hazard lights on because i am a hazard. I cant see the car in front and behind me during heavy rain. I have perfect vision but despite slowing down and keeping left, i have difficulty seeing and therefore require the car in front to turn on the hazard lights in order for me to maintain distance"]]} {"title": "Is there Merdeka 118 skydeck open to the public?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wphet/is_there_merdeka_118_skydeck_open_to_the_public/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I'm coming to KL in 2 weeks, and I would like to be able to get into the 118 and check out the views. Despite Wikipedia saying there is a skydeck, I cannot see anywhere online about how to buy tickets or if its even open?", "comments": [["according to local news, the tower is expected to open this month and its observation deck is expected to open in the second half of this year.", "thank you :)"]]} {"title": "Warganet dakwa kedai runcit di Forest City jual ubat terkawal secara terbuka", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tgfob/warganet_dakwa_kedai_runcit_di_forest_city_jual/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Food"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Best way to get to Penang tomorrow?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tg8m1/best_way_to_get_to_penang_tomorrow/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Hi good people. I\u2019m a tourist, trying to get to Penang from KL tomorrow.\nI understand that there are trains and buses that go there.\nHow do I book the train? Is there a website?\nSame question for buses!\nAny help would be awesome. Thanks!!!", "comments": [["Bus: 50% Offer Kuala Lumpur to Penang bus ticket from RM 26.60 | BusOnlineTicket.com\nTrain: Welcome to the KTMB Integrated Ticketing System"], ["Try this 2 sites for bus and train services http://www.tbsbts.com.my/ (bus) https://www.ktmb.com.my/ETS.html (train). I find it easier using their apps. Good luck getting a ticket for tomorrow"]]} {"title": "Ado's The First World Tour \"Wish\" 2024 Concert in Malaysia: Online Sale Details", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tg5ea/ados_the_first_world_tour_wish_2024_concert_in/", "num_comment": 10, "flairlabel": ["Entertainment"], "header": "More info here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/zNdnd5Ejjgd11EVt/?mibextid=xfxF2i", "comments": [["After the nonsense with the Yoasobi concert, imma just keep my expectations to get tickets for Ado as low as possible to avoid inevitable dissapointment...", "Ado isn't as big as Yoasobi. Fingers crossed it would be easier to get.", "Yikes, I wasn't in the know but what happened?", "Website kept crashing nonstop, small venue and just loads of scalpers floating around social media selling overpriced tickets"], ["bruh 3 zones only ahhhh :("], ["Intourlive\nYeah, get ready to be double teamed by scalpers and promoters, with no lube", "Its that bad huh ? Damn ... Anyhow, its going to be my 1st time buying the tickets, I'm a nervous wreck . Do you stay on the page few hourse before the given time (1pm) or the Queuing start after 1pm ? Do we need to stay on this page ? https://my.bookmyshow.com/events/ADO24MSA Will there be a link to press to start the Queue ?"]]} {"title": "What happens when you report a business to EPF & Labor Department?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tfo07/what_happens_when_you_report_a_business_to_epf/", "num_comment": 25, "flairlabel": [], "header": "I\u2019m planning to report a business for neglecting some employee rights to its part time workers (no EPF, no payslip to part time workers, etc). Seems like a small issue to some, but I don\u2019t want to be part of the problem.\nIn saying that, has anyone ever done this and what\u2019s the process like on the EPF/LD side?", "comments": [["You will need to provide proof first, EPF statements and proof they got salary from X company by bank statement. Also proof they worked in that company.\nAfter that the Labour Department will take over and will work on behalf of the victims.\nThey take their work seriously and doesn't mess around.\nEdit: But do note. Some companies label their part time workers as freelancers or contract workers, in which they are not obliged to give EPF.", "Got it. I\u2019m one of the part time workers. I had insisted for outstanding payslips few months ago which they had reluctantly gave. But after that it\u2019s back to no payslips. They\u2019ve said in the beginning that they don\u2019t really give payslips to PTs, and I\u2019ve also confirmed it with other PTs through text messages that they don\u2019t receive theirs.\nThe absence of EPF deductions/contributions are definitely easy to prove as my own payslips can already show that. And while they don\u2019t give any employment contract, I\u2019ve requested an employment confirmation for other purposes in the past and I think it can be a confirmation for contract of service.\nWould the LD only work on my personal case since I\u2019m the one reporting or would they check the whole business\u2019s operational records? Tbh, I\u2019m not reporting for mainly personal reasons since I only work there casually, I just don\u2019t want the other PTs being taken advantage of. I\u2019ve talked to some of them, but since they\u2019re very young they don\u2019t seem to mind."], ["You can ask at FB Malaysia HR group such as this and this via anonymous post. They can provide are better insights and directions.", "Thanks for the recommendations! Will check them out"], ["Sounds more like off record employees.", "Most likely. But I\u2019ve managed to get an employment verification letter for myself and had insisted on payslips, though still missing some payslips.", "Ok. Another thing, do you have a fixed number of working hours a day?", "No I don\u2019t, I\u2019m a casual worker. I\u2019ll let them know how many days I can work for the following week schedule and they\u2019ll match that. However in the beginning it is 2-3x week.", "And in a day, how many hours do you work? And how many hours does permanent staff there work. You need to work at least 30% of the hours permanent staff work a day to be eligible for epf. Means if they work 8 hours, you need minimum 2 1/2 hours minimum.\nBut im not sure about number of days in a week is counted or not.", "It\u2019s a fixed 5.5 hours for part timers per shift. 8 hours for full timers.", "Then i see no problem on your part. But know that, once you make the report, you pretty much burn the bridge already. People normally make report when they already have plans to leave the company.\nJust bring whatever you have to the labor office.\nJust thinking how your company going to twist this. From what you wrote, this looks like a clear cut case. Theres no way your company would make it this easy. There must be some loopholes that they know.", "Not really a problem to me, I haven\u2019t been available to cover a shift for 2 months now anyway because my own work is keeping me busy. Working here is just to get some physical movement going (own work is too sedentary).\nWhile yes I want them to pay my EPF and give me my slips, I honestly just wanna do this for the other part timers even though they don\u2019t really care, they\u2019re all still so young, in their early-mid 20s and I hate to see them get taken advantage of. There\u2019s even a policy (with letter) that says the company will deduct salary for replacement if an employee breaks stuff. I know for a fact that\u2019s not allowed.", "I see. Then bring this matter to the labor office. Just bring whatever you have now, if they think its enough they will go investigate. If not enough, try to get what they need.\nYour case is really interesting. 1st time im hearing a company do something so clearly wrong. Normally they do it along the cracks so it can still be debated if its right or wrong. But from what you wrote, theres no argument.\nPlease update us when theres any new development.\nBut my gut is telling me, for a company to openly do something like this, there is a chance they are already ready to pack things up.\nBecause if you look it up, they just made alot of offence under Akta KWSP 1991 dan Peraturan Dan Kaedah KWSP 1991.\nSection 43 (2) Kegagalan membayar caruman KWSP pada atau sebelum 15hb.\nSection 48 (3) Memotong caruman syer pekerja daripada gaji pekerja dan gagal membayar kepada KWSP.\nSection 42 (1) Kegagalan menyedia dan memberikan slip gaji kepada pekerja.\nSection 46 (1) Kegagalan Pengarah Syarikat, Rakan Kongsi Firma, Pemegang Jawatan Persatuan membayar caruman KWSP yang tertunggak\nYou can look at the penalties of each of these and they are no joke.\nSo, theres a chance they are going to pack things up and run away at the 1st sign of trouble."], ["If you make a report to EPF, they'll sue the directors of the company for missing contribution and interest. You don't need to do anything else other than read the updates they send you."], ["As far as I kmow, part time or freelance employer is tricky case. It depends on the whatever black and white you signed with them prior job commence whether you are being treated as part timer or freelancer. For most freelance, employee not obligated to covers full time benefits such as socso epf n etc.\nHaving said so, income tax is still need to be reported under Borang B instead of Borang BE. Now first question to yourself, did you declare your income to LHDN on your part time freelance Iinome?\nIf you did not my advise to u is better find other job and move on to other place that provides whatever epf socso you wanted instead of stirring the honest nest. LHDN will hunt you for sure.\nThen access your contract of employment is it being treated as part timer contract or freelancer contract.Rule of thumb is part timer is part of company employment, freelancer is considered as own business.. Same as those gig workers.\nSome companies does contribute epf n etc to its freelancer but that's very very rare(because it's treated as ur own business / income, why should company obligated to pay these benefits) . But if you are really defined as part time worker under the contract you sign the just terus report to EPF. They are super friggin efficient.\nIf you cocksure your employment is under the definition of part timer then you can seek remedies as below\nif your pay is under myr 4k you can just directly report to WFW app cause under 4k is directly under Employment act and labour dept jurisdiction\nIf above you need to file case to industrial relation office in which you possibly need to lawyer up for settling any dispute\nThe WFW and industrial relation matters are not related to EPF.\nGood luck.", "Er, I don\u2019t have issues with LHDN, this is a part time job that I started doing only this year so it has not been declared yet, and I\u2019m self employed and have always declared all my income. If LHDN wants to audit me I have no problem. I\u2019ve reported my income on both borangs so I\u2019m aware of the process.\nMy main issue with reporting them has to do with them taking advantage of young part time workers there. I\u2019m not sure why you\u2019re suggesting me to move on when my concern for the kids aren\u2019t getting solved.", "I have re edit the entire reply. Please read thru again", "Reread and to answer you question, I have a contract of service and not contract for service. For myself, I\u2019m a confirmed part timer and they are my employer, not an independent contractor being sourced by them. The problem lies with the rest of the kids as these kids don\u2019t even have any letter of confirmation.", "So what proof they have they have been working with this company? Are they being paid in cash or bank / cheque. If there is nothing signed before starting job it's a very tough case. Company can always argue they are just freelancer not covered by fulll/part time benefits.\nEpf you can whistleblow but this case of yours you cannot report those matters of payslip n etc on their behalf. They have to file it themselves. Otherwise the cunning company will argue that you are just shit stirring something that doesn't have anything to do with you.\nSo if you want gomen take action reports has to be done individually.\nBecareful on all these because it could backfired on yourself. Every company has lawyer to teach them how to maneuver all these grey areas. You want to be sure you are going the right track sought advice from HR lawyer.", "We\u2019re being paid through bank by the company acc.\nIn regards to payslips, that\u2019s what I fear. The most I can do is to show the company policy memo of salary deduction for faulty equipment caused by employees.", "I don't know what ur meaning of letter of confirmation. Confirmation is only for full time staff. Bare minimum there should be contract of of for service has be signed before work commence. If the kids doesn't have that, then the only proof is payment. But from what I understand from your comment. It's a weak case. No terms set no paper sign, they can always say it's freelancers.\nAnd I wanna emphasise again, becareful these thing might backfires on you. I kmow your heart is right but strategize your move so your income is secured and not being sued by your company if you decided to file report\nI don't know the full scenario so I'm only commenting what I've read here. Again good luck", "Verification of part time employment with said company. But that\u2019s only me. The rest of the kids have nothing besides payment.", "And under what ground can they sue me if I have all the necessary documents, at least for myself?", "For yourself it's fine.. If you want to report the matters that including others... I can foresee these are coming to you\nScenario if the kids unable to proof that they are part timer,\nIf I'm the company I will sue you for having malicious intent, creating unnecessary problem and causes the company lost xxx amount money and tine etc.", "I hope u re read again what I've written. If you have full proof that you and the kids terms of employment satisfied under the definition of part timer then go ahead to file ur complaints."]]} {"title": "This is how TikTok AI pronounce Kadazan Dusun", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tfkll/this_is_how_tiktok_ai_pronounce_kadazan_dusun/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Mildly interesting"], "header": "https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNnYtfUX/\nFrom this video", "comments": [["Sounds like an European name of it."]]} {"title": "MDAC foreign entry question", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tfhxb/mdac_foreign_entry_question/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Looking for clarification - I see there is a new option for MDAC for digital entry to Malaysia. The infographics state that if it\u2019s your first time you need to have your passport registered manually. Seeking clarification. Does \u201cfirst time\u201d mean first time ever visiting Malaysia or first time registering for an MADC??", "comments": []} {"title": "Hello fellow Malaysians, do you feel lonely?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tfahp/hello_fellow_malaysians_do_you_feel_lonely/", "num_comment": 89, "flairlabel": [], "header": "Loneliness seems to be a growing phenomenon in the modern world despite us being the most well connected generation to ever exist. It's so bad that loneliness is even labelled as an epidemic in the US.\nJust wondering if other Malaysians feel lonely too and why? Where you feel like you can't connect to anybody even when surrounded by people, that's what loneliness is.\nEdit: Gotta edit cause replies seem to indicate some misunderstanding of loneliness Vs being alone. You can be lonely even when surrounded by people. You can feel completely connected to others even if you're by yourself. The key point is the lack of connection, not physical people. Thanks for the replies!", "comments": [["I live alone, I don't have friends, I don't go out of the house except for work or meals, I don't talk to anyone in person unnecessarily.\nI genuinely could not be happier.", "Nice, a life of solitude can be very fulfilling if it's your thing. Nothing like being free to be yourself without caring about other people's opinions.\nIt's just that I do crave some connection from time to time, having deep conversations with somebody that isn't intimidated or bored by that kind of stuff.", "Yup cmon let's break the chain! OP, start a discord grp or telegram chat or smthng with everyone responding to your post", "That is actually a lovely idea. Just that, maybe I'm not the right person to host such a thing? \ud83d\ude05\nAre there such discord groups tho?", "My bro is just happy playing GI", "Yessir...although...it's becoming a bit dry lately.\nI also enjoy preparing dinners that take all afternoon to prep on weekends, like now. Hah.\nI'd also like to clarify that although I don't speak to others unnecessarily, it's not a two-way deal, there are others out there who check in on me from time to time, which I appreciate of course."], ["Unpopular take, people have to be more proactive. There's a difference being alone and lonely in a crowd. Find your purpose, goal and especially community. That's what I observe in successful people. If you are just doom scrolling and looking at people social media, shit feeds your depression. Go out more. Prioritise.", "I do kinda agree with this, I don't really have socmed so I just talk and initiate convos with people around me in the uni. I have quite a few friends now"], ["Having toddler son, sometimes I wish I can be lonely again \ud83d\ude05", "It's definitely nice to have some alone time every now and again, especially when kids are involved \ud83e\udd72"], ["One can be lonely amidst a sea of friends and family", "That's exactly the point, yes. Loneliness is not defined by presence of people, it's defined by the connection with people"], ["i guess i felt lonely, i have a lot of friends (more like i knew a lot of people but not much of a good friends) , but after certain period like school, i knew everyone but then they were all gone, then uni where i think it was fun with everyone like a family then all gone with their path of course but now i felt all alone like where was them all \ud83e\udd23 to all my friends if u saw me in dating apps just ignore it, i need someone to talk too \ud83e\udd72", "Yes, life brings people apart as you grow up. But I suppose if you stick to it long enough, life brings people together again towards the later years. If you're in your 20s to 30s that's when most people focus on themselves and family but don't really have spare time to socialise unless you're lucky enough to click with a group well.\nDating sites nowadays are just full of thirsty ppl tho not sure if it's worth wading thru all that muck to find connection, no harm trying tho!", "yeah i got the point hahah i am not sad, i knew they are working on themselves as well as their family, i do wish them all good luck cause i knew i am struggling too now \ud83d\ude05, i just missed the time when we hang out without thinking what time to go back \ud83d\ude06\nas for dating apps, i am just killing my time and loneliness nothing beyond it \ud83d\ude05, but most were searching for love so i just skip it \ud83d\ude06 i sorry and thanks for some of the people that waste time talking with me"], ["Yes I do but not all the times. There seems to be a lot of depth lacking in the connections I\u2019ve made, connections always feel\u2026superficial.\nBut I also love solitude. Most of the times I prefer doing things by myself and people seem to have problems with it. I enjoy my own company. I like having meals just by myself, I prefer solo travel than with people etc. It\u2019s peaceful. But when people see, they also go oh so pity why alone. What\u2019d you mean? I\u2019m having a blast here???\nAnd because of that, I tend to be pickier or just harder to connect with a lot of people. I need to like your company more than I like my own, and that\u2019s hard to beat. And so a lot of the times, I enjoy the time with people, but only to an extent. I think, missing genuine intimacy would be a better expression than feeling lonely.", "Omg yes! Superficial is the word, I've always just termed it as 'shallow'. It is the lack of intimacy and connection like you say, that results in the loneliness.\nFor me, it comes from feeling so alien just because the way I think and perceive things seem to be so different compared to how other ppl in Malaysia do? Like this is not just something I personally feel, but others have expressly pointed out."], ["Just make up friends in your head like a real mentally unstable person would do \ud83d\ude0e", "I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends \u266b\u266b\u266b\nThey're in my head \u266b\u266b\u266b\nNirvana - Lithium", "Working smart, not hard. I like it"], ["When you were younger early 20s you have a lot of friends with you, life is always fun. When youre mid 20s your friends started getting married and having kids until it isnt the same again (tried going out with my friend with kids- the hangout sucks)\nLate 20s your friends will abandon you and prioritises their spouse and family, something that isnt wrong at all\nSo im in late 20s..but yeah i dont wanna get married just for the sake of not wanting or scared to be alone. Some people i know just scared of living and ended up alone that theyll just marry earlier..my mother did the same too"], ["Most Malaysian materialistic tho, not much interesting to talk about besides what's ur job, ur property and show off continental car etc.", "Exactly! I have rarely been able to make conversation about anything beyond the shallow topics with most Malaysians. Everyone seems to think life is all about making money, having a job, owning property and then retiring. As if there is nothing else to being a human. The only topics that can be considered deeper to talk about in Malaysia are politics and religion/race, but even then you'd be lucky if the person you talk to doesn't just get super defensive and shut down other perspectives. People are so tribalistic in the name of loyalty, and few Malaysians posses any critical thinking skills or are open minded enough.\nI find it sad, how the best conversations I've had are with completely random strangers overseas, not with fellow Malaysians I've known for years."], ["No friends but still live with family. So... Doesn't really feel lonely"], ["Lonely because you feel other don't really understand you, or doesn't have the same topic/hobby/interest as you, or you yourself doesn't have any hobby or interest. If feels like socializing is not rewarding or fun, or a waste of time.\nSo develop many hobbies or interests, find a new group to engage in such activities. If you like hiking, join a hiking group. If you like dancing, join a dance class. If you like Crypto, find your Crypto bros. Sadly, people around us might be too small of a group which propbably doesn't share the same interest as us. We are more likely to have similar interest with people around when we are young, but it is harder/more different as everyone grow older.\nAs for soulmate and deep discussion kind of relationship, this will be hard. Everyone is busy with their own things, and to have a deep relationship require a lot of time to really understand someone. But it always start with the person you spend the most time with in a certain period of time: like a long travel with a friend, your gaming kakis, joint venture with a friend, or your childhood friend or schoolmate. Of course relationship changed (turned into memory) as everyone moved on with their lives, then you need a different batch of active friends on your next phase of life.\nSometimes I don't feel lonely even though I don't mingle/socialize with people, because I spend my time on creating, crafting, writing, making, reading the things I love."], ["I don't feel lonely. Have a very nice community of supportive people around me. Im quite blessed. Getting into hobbies definitely helped make me feel more part of something"], ["I'm not alone, but I feel lonely, I'm stuck in the motion and I hate it"], ["Come to TTDI park every morning, there are many groups that you can join in and it's FOC."], ["i tend to isolate myself from my friends bcs in my mind im not needed there. there are also times when i want to call someone to talk about my thoughts but when i go through the list of friends i have, i dont think i want to bother any of them with my thoughts so i always ended up talking to myself in front of a mirror as a thinking process. it is lonely, but i tend to direct my attention to games and not indulge too much in that loneliness. i distracted myself often and i try not to think too much abt how lonely i am.\nbut it is suck that i dont have anyone to talk to abt random topics i found. like last time i found an interesting research paper and i wanted to talk abt it to someone but i cant think of anyone that would be interested and would engaged in the conversation so i ended up just posting it on ws status and just wrote it as \"an interesting topic frfr\" lol", "I could've written this myself! Except that I vent to myself in a journal in lieu of a mirror\ud83e\udee0\nI have the 'STEM' type of autism and for a girl, I am either too dry, braggy or attention-seeking for both neurotypicals n neurodivergents! Even when talking superficial such as TV dramas, it is also frustrating when you realise no one likes the same niche series as you! :26557:", "i tried journaling too but since i cant write as fast i thought i can so i just continued talking to the mirror \ud83d\ude02 i totally relate to the tv shows but instead of tv shows, mine is more towards the games i played and even if they asked abt it, i realised i tend to just explain it as simply as i can bcs ik they dont really have genuine interest abt it \ud83e\udee0"], ["lonely so lonely I'm mr lonely", "I have nobody~", "well if you want to,I could be your new friend? idk"], ["being alone is better than poor"], ["I do feel lonely. Like I long for companionship, someone who would just be by my side n listen to me ranting, someone who could just stare into the night skies with me n relax."], ["Yes lol but it is what it is amiright fellas"], ["Not anymore, but was falling into that pattern before I decided to make a conscious change.\nTechnology is reducing and eliminating the need for social skills (especially during childhood and adolescence) which decreases the ability to form and maintain fulfilling and meaningful connections with others."], ["If i turn 37 and still not getting married, i will definitely not going to get married till die. I will just go somewhere , where people dont judge. Start a new life. Or maybe go to Palestine and join Ham4s. Nothing to lose.\nBtw i'm 32.", "Why H4m4s not F4t4h?\nChill. Just 32 bro. For men life begin at 40.", "Exactly. but maybe I'll favor a janda with kids in the future. Nobody would judge me asking if those kids are my grandchildren or children.", "Hahahaha. Right decision! Why not Janda kan? Butt. If u stay same place/area after marry the Janda with kids, people will ask and judge jugak right? Eh baru kahwin sudah ada anak ka? Anak luar nikah ka? Humannn.. Always will judging u no matter what. Fuk humannn!"], ["I do sometimes. And ig keep attacking me with couple vids."], ["i wanna make friends but most people of my age are mat rempits and always lepak at mamak playing ML. it's hard for me since I dont go outside or playing ML and i dont have moto, how can i rempit hah? some of them even flex their aweks on IG stories showy\u00b2 and do all couple thingy and it makes me jealous as hell. how people expect me to make friends liddat?", "I'd say, broaden your horizon then. With different types of ppl from different age groups, cultural groups, even nationalities. From my own experience, interactions with those most different than myself have also been the most enriching. Whereas the ones I grew up with or around tend to stay the same, mentality wise and can even become toxic at times especially if they feel you are too different. Nothing wrong with my own kind of people... But nothing wrong with you being different either. The world looks much more interesting when we have different perspectives."], ["Every day bro, every day"], ["I feel lonely but it's more because I find it hard to express my dumb feelings about niche personal topics I feel strongly about, nobody will understand it \ud83e\udd72 also mask alot because of it", "Your feelings are not dumb, they are completely valid because they are yours. Your opinions may be niche, but that's only because you think out of the box and don't just agree blindly with what the majority says. That is a strong suit and sadly a rare one in Malaysia where most ppl are just sheeps and can't think independently. We have all been taught too long WHAT to think that only few know HOW to think."], ["This year I have had several realizations about myself and one of them was I am a very lonely person. I always feel this sadness within me even when I\u2019m with other people and one day it just hit me that, aaah I\u2019m lonely."], ["Lately I do feel lonely. I have great friends and loving families, but sometimes I just want attention from someone that I love. It\u2019s different when you talk to friends and the person that you love."], ["No, I don't feel alone. I am born an introvert, I can work with people professionally at my job, but still personally an introvert. I am the most lonely when surrounded by many people I don't know.\nDon't worry, I treasure my family. Aloneness and loneliness are not the same, but I do not hold grudges for people who pity me for being 'lonely', I consider it an honest mistake and move on."], ["Learn to enjoy your own company and to be happy on your own. Getting married because tak tahan la sorang-sorang is one of the stupidest reasons ever to get married. Times three if the other reason is nak merasa orang jagakan makan pakai like cibai you want a fuck parent is it", "I agree with the first 2 lines of your comment, but genuinely can't understand what you're trying to say in the last sentence lol.\nBut yea, getting married out of fear of being alone is a surefire way to confirm you will be lonely. Especially if the partner is not someone you can connect and have an understanding with.", "For his last rant at the end, he's saying it's worse when people marry simply cuz they want someone to take care of them where it's all one-sided. Think a man-child who needs a woman to wait on him, bring home the bacon, be his maid/kongkek buddy, etc.\nUnfortunately I know a few such guys. I wrote sometime ago about how one couldn't even drive himself around, so he relies on the gf to do so and takes advantage of the distance (eg: asking to go from Mytown to Putrajaya).", "Some people get married to have someone else take care of their makan pakai. They don't want a spouse, they want a fuck mommy.\nIt's part of the reason I'm content being alone. People always tell their sons to \"cari bini, ada la orang jaga makan pakai\". Who's gonna jaga your baby boy's makan pakai? Not me.", "It's stupid when people think like that. When you get married, BOTH parties have to take care of each other. The same goes in reverse too, where the woman expects her husband to take care of her entire livelihood while she takes care of the house, altho I guess to an extent that is more accepted? Still not ok tho.\nAlso in my experience, the kind of parents who let their sons behave like that are the types who think their babies are completely innocent angels even when the son gets caught red handed with some domestic abuse or shit. Yikes"], ["Gotten used to rolling with it, so yeah. Comfortably alone and numb.", "Seems like the case with a lot of modern day people. The constant stimulation from our phones have made us numb, feeding us with unlimited connections but not really providing any real sustenance.\nIt's gotten so bad in other more developed countries that they have terms for these kinds of people, hikikomori in Japan and hidden youths in china. I'd say even incels are a form of lonely people, altho that comes attached with a whole other baggage to unpack.\nGuess I'm just curious what's the Malaysian context going to be like. Does it ever get too much for you? If so, how do you deal with it?", "like someone said, you do have to take initiative to socialise sometimes. Like, my office dept is touted to be super social, but at lunches when everyone's on their phones...it feels safer to retreat to my own device as well. Used to join Toastmasters, made a few friends there until they all left due to busyness and the club became more cliquey the longer I stayed.\nI too prefer topics that aren't superficial like celeb drama, but those who are willing to talk deep with you are hard to find.\nDespite my OG comment, I miiiight go insane if I became a shut-in anyway! Even introverts like me need communication!", "Ah.. the cliques. That shit gets taken to the extreme when it comes to girls. Coming from an all girls' school, it's either u're popular, clever/nerdy or a weirdo. And if you happen to not fit in properly with any one group you're just basically left in limbo. Everyone only wants to talk about guys, school stuff, makeup, the next cool item and shit like that. Then as adults the topics broaden slightly to include money, family, properties, work, the next expensive statement item, maybe politics sometimes or religion if they're really feeling it.. but yea, it never gets any deeper.\nAt least with dudes you can talk about deeper stuff every now and again over drinks, so long as no feelings are involved that is lol.", "Bro the hikikomori. I would love some imperial Japanese person to just look and give us their opinion on this phenomenon."], ["guys.. don't let the lonely shit get into u, get your hobby, meet some friend which has same hobby, if good find a partner.. fight for it, I know it is hard.. I have been so lonely... but recently I met my partner, and things has change to more sunshine, I hope u guys can do it too, cheers"], ["> You can be lonely even when surrounded by people\nthe privilege this guy have... tell that to my entire college classmate that ghosted me regardless of committed or shallow interactions", "I'm sorry if your classmates ghosted you. Have you ever found out the reason why tho?\nAnd also, that's not something said due to privilege. More like what loneliness CAN mean. You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely, if you know what I mean.", "Never knew, never bothered, kinda assumed being connected on social media like fb was fine enough.\nI think you've already experienced alot of opportunities you already had with people around you, which gradually feels bland. Maybe thats the reason on my side, It gets more difficult to meet new people and actually enjoy the time spent together though, even if its pretending.", "From your comments so far, it sounds very much like you're just projecting your own dissatisfaction or insecurity onto others. Like assuming there is privilege or that I've had many opportunities when you know next to nothing about me. That is something that is potentially driving people away from you. Insecurity and bitterness is not a pleasant thing, people can sense it off of you and it makes them uncomfortable. Which in turn makes it difficult to meet new ppl and make friends.\nAlso, the fact that you never knew or bothered to think about these things indicate you might be in denial/numb to your situation which actually sounds like it is causing you some distress. Perhaps learn to be more self aware or seek mental health support if it really does bother you. It is never a bad thing to start somewhere and there is no shame in wanting to better oneself. Best of luck to you"], ["No", ""], ["Once u have enough money, u won't feel lonely my friend"], ["Friend with benefit / non string attached / situation relationship / sex friend"], ["Hell yea I am"], ["Loneliness is a paradox. The symptoms of loneliness are the very things that will push people away. If you want to make friends, you need to act like you're not lonely or sad or needy or weird. You need to act happy."], ["Yes. I feel incredibly lonely. I am an only child so I have grown up with this feeling. I project a lot onto my partner to fill this void which isn't fair to him."], ["Sometimes, yes.\nFor me, it's because I sometimes think that my friends aren't actually my friends, or I wonder why they don't reach out to me as often as I'd like them to.\nBut truly, my friends do still love me. It's just that maybe they're busy or caught up with their own hectic lives. Or maybe they're thinking like me, thinking that they have no one because they don't get checked up on often.\nI intend to make more of an effort to reach out to them."], ["someone won't feel lonely when he/she found another lonely person.\none way is to get away from loneliness is to work abroad. normally Malaysians living abroad are close with each other. For example, Malaysian community in china always organize gathering every month. They have wechat group to get and receive help. or you can hang out at one of the restaurant owned by Malaysian and hangout with other Malaysians there.\nbut when Malaysians return home, most of them become busy with their family.\nironic isn't it?"], ["Loneliness seems to be a growing phenomenon\nloneliness is even labelled as an epidemic in the US\nGotta edit cause replies seem to indicate some misunderstanding of loneliness Vs being alone\nWith these 3 lines you said alone, you kinda hit the jackpot on \"we live in modern times, therefore, we live longer than 30-50 years and psychology is invented\"\nI think loneliness has always existed like even for people that feels lonely even with people surrounding them. Just that it wasnt experimented, known existence nor well documented so its not a \"growing phenomenon\" imo. But more like we are now more aware it exist.\nSo when this question was asked and if people answer honestly or not just proves whether Malaysians are willing to accept shit/stuff like these exists instead of throwing depression to good ol kena sihir or evil spirit or whatever which still existed 10 years ago and seen with my own eyes on relatives being sent to temples or whatnot instead of professional psychiatrists or therapists which btw is still kinda stigmatized today and you will be called crazy lol.\nAlso imo as well(not studied) is that people back in the day did not have internet so loneliness usually are cured with surrounding people. Say you have a depressed person and people think theyre crazy so theyre brought to a church and is surrounded by supportive people that kept saying nice words and they kept going once a week. It kinda is and can be/possibly therapeutic. which of course today we learn its NOT FOR EVERYONE cause for introverts whom are at the extreme end can end badly when forced to church or whatnot everytime. Also that in modern times these loneliness can be amped by wide internet and social media usage in many different factors but id say what i wrote in the first 3 paragraphs stands as the majority reason why.\nEdit: correcting and adding on words.", "Those 3 lines you quoted are not my personal opinions, they are mostly based on real research and plucked from a video I recently watched on exactly this issue (link: https://youtu.be/I19btmIBhx0?si=6WZVHH7Cjcc1k2lH). You need only search up 'loneliness' on Google and you will get various results including research on the issue becoming more and more prevalent in quite a few countries, including the US, hikikomori in Japan and hidden youths in China.\nIn fact, that's the reason I even made this post, to garner different opinions and POVs as to whether it's a growing thing in Malaysia too. Of course, loneliness is not a new phenomenon (I never said it was), but it is definitely growing. Loneliness has haunted us as long as humanity has existed. We are social creatures, hardwired to need social connections in order to survive and the lack of that actually triggers a stress response in individuals. But for quite a while the phenomenon is isolated to only certain groups such as the elderly. Now it is affecting more youths as well.\nIt is also true that we are now becoming more aware and accepting of mental health issues. Which can only be a good thing. As only with awareness can we learn to identify and overcome mental health issues, which like you also said, gets heavily stigmatised especially in Asian societies.\nWhile loneliness is indeed a growing thing, it did not start in this modern era. It actually has been on the rise since the 60's, when ppl became more individualistic and societal communities started losing its grip on ppl's lives. Of course all this is mostly based on western contexts, but we can't deny it hasn't reached our shores. Especially with the integration of internet and social medias into our daily lives, the issue has only become exacerbated. Even our Asian societies are becoming more individualistic and less communal. How often do we see young ppl chatting in public with strangers and join community activities? Kids don't even really get to play outside with each other as much as they used to. Heck, how many of us even know our neighbours or speak to them?\nWhile the situation is indeed sad, I'm only glad that it hasn't gotten too bad in Malaysia (Midnight mamak sesh is still a thing thank goodness). But I do encourage you to watch the video and read up some about it, it's quite an eye opening thing. Hopefully we can catch this bug and nip it in the bud if more ppl are aware of it.", "Yeah will do take time to watch, I think what you said is true. Yeah you kinda did change my perspective a bit as in the spectrum of how much modern age has to do with amping up loneliness within people.\nId say like you did social media and internet did help us connect more but also become super dependant to it. So there is more individualism over communal like you said.\nImo this is a new societal issue where we have to deal with in this age. But it was at a lot smaller scale before due to cultures being in communal spaces at all times and if you don't youre casted out. Which is why I also think that today people are more educated than ever and able to branch out in interests which is good but also come with the bad like we are discussing here.\nAnyway thanks for your rundown its really good."], ["Loliness as explained by Kurzgesagt\nThis a good infographic documentary.", "Hehe Loliness", "Kurzgesagt is one of my favourite informative channels! Another fav is TedEd or PBS Eons"], ["Been alone is not a bad thing sometimes \u2026. It give you time to reflect about your target and health other been distracted thing that sometimes feel not important at all or your just giving too much with no return"], ["I hvae friends, but I still feel lonely and isolated, probably because I have no one to share my hobby/passion with"], ["After 4 years of struggling, I seem to be getting the hang of it now. Like I used to struggle a lot and that manifest with me fighting with people and blaming them for what lacks in my life but lately the struggle seems to ease a bit and if they do happen it'd happen in a short strings of suicidal thoughts but it'd pass after like maybe a day. I like to say we can only learn to live with the feeling but to be honest I don't think there's a lot to learn of it. It's more like how much abuse you can endure of that feeling until you get use to it. Sure you may be feeling like you're unwanted or unloved but once the rationality sets in you realise you're not really alone you're just lonely and it's a punishing feel to have."]]} {"title": "Modern Slavery", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18teedg/modern_slavery/", "num_comment": 4, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["And this is why AI gping to be a reality."], ["Modern Slavery"], ["wtf wif saudi arabia,no one expect em to be same league wif sweden,but,did they kidnap ppl on street and force work?\nso no slavery in japan korea aus"], ["Most people are slaves of their bosses."]]} {"title": "Lethal Company fun (Comic Fiesta 2023)", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18te8wp/lethal_company_fun_comic_fiesta_2023/", "num_comment": 12, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Cosplayers @IG:\nMannibaashful ameerrrshahter myth_lee Spacedcadian"], ["Where Bracken?", "Didnt see one sadly \ud83d\ude02", "probably best for your life...", "Oh yea.. I kinda forgot I even had a life in the first place \ud83d\ude02", "They outside,\nShould worried about outside BS shenanigans.\n1) blind dogs, 4 baboon hawks, Alaska bullworm, no weight tree giant during evening night / eclipses.\n2) weather like stormy (thunder), foggy and raining (quicksand).\n3) electric bee, ghost girl during outside hunted, that guy with a tragedy mask spinning around.\n4) ice cream truck, sus guy with shovel and guy with extended ladder."], ["'Picture taken minute before disaster due to the mask guy shenanigans'."], ["That poor guardsman gets his weapon stolen, the commissar will not be pleased"], ["I'm gonna wait for someone to cosplay that little bitch girl."], ["Jack in the Box?"], ["Secure. Contain. Protect."], ["I saw those two scavengers on the first day, wanted to take a picture with the custom helmet guy but didn't see them after that sadly, i only have a short recording of me walking past them"]]} {"title": "Suggestions for Borneo jungle experience.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18y58ck/suggestions_for_borneo_jungle_experience/", "num_comment": 5, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "I am travelling to Malaysia this month, and planning to spend a couple of weeks in the jungle. I will be mostly winging it, not booking any \"tours\" and such. Maybe pay some locals near the forest to take me to cool places. But thats about it.\nAny suggested/hidden spots to visit?\nAny other tips?\nIs peninsular Malaysia worth visiting for the \"jungle\" experience, since my flight out is from KL?", "comments": [["dont wing it in malaysian jungles, they are dangerous\nyou certainly dont want to add to the annual \"dumbass tourist gets lost in jungle\" stat\nalso its the monsoon season so its even more dangerous", "gets lost in jungle\" stat\nOfc I wont be going too far from a mudroad. Basically places that a scooter/dirt bike can reach and then go with a local.\nIm mainly concerned about criminals, like kidnapping, but since Im not white thats unlikely.", "the mudroad makes little difference if the timing is wrong and the weather is wet\nthis just happened https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/01/03/search-resumes-for-two-missing-hikers-at-mount-matang-in-sarawak/110342", "Crime is unlikely but you NEED local guidance if you venture into the jungles. There are huge swarths of jungle that simply don't have phone connection yet alone internet...\nWorst comes to worst, you may need jungle survival skills to live off the land until help could be reached. Seriously, Don't fuck around and find out."]]} {"title": "Two Malaysians were involved in the Premier League floodlight scandal in 1997", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wp241/two_malaysians_were_involved_in_the_premier/", "num_comment": 2, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Those two Malaysians:"], ["Paul Phua?"]]} {"title": "Covid-19 cases, deaths under control, says health ministry - Health minister Dzulkefly Ahmad says no new variants have been detected, and that the prevailing variant is Omicron, with known sub-variants that do not cause more severe cases.", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18te6a7/covid19_cases_deaths_under_control_says_health/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["COVID-19"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Wet passport ruins Malaysian couple\u2019s honeymoon after airline denies check-in", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18te3yr/wet_passport_ruins_malaysian_couples_honeymoon/", "num_comment": 23, "flairlabel": ["Tourism & Travel"], "header": "", "comments": [["tl;dr:\nthey managed to pass immigration but denied by the airline\nairline denies them because if Turkey rejects them, the airline will have to send them back to KL at their own expense\nmake sure your passport is not damaged before traveling", "yeap, and thats why we should always respect our travel docs. some people wrap them in resealable plastic bags.\nbut at least he's not bitching about it and is self aware. even using his mistake as a reminder to others.", "I just use a sandwich zip lock bag. Low tech solution.", "I put mine in Daiso zip lock bag", "I always thought those specialized password hard plastic protector things were silly, but it makes sense now", "Eh the part with info is plastic anyway", "think of it as food. theres this nice cake, it has garnishing all over. the most important part is in the centre. but the person you served it to saw that theres a piece of shit right at one corner of the dish.\nfor sure, one can just push the meal to the side. but knowing that a theres a POS on the meal makes you SUS the entire dish. no ones gonna eat that cake."], ["Screencap\n", "Thanks for the info."], ["i mean...if you hand me a wet RM50...i would reject the same yo..."], ["news from a few weeks ago...."], ["may be about time to make passport & the ink water proof?\nCant believe we still use these decade old system.", "Visa stickers and immigration stamps stick better on paper than plastic.", "Photo page is plastic on modern passports. Visas and ESTAS can be entirely electronic."], ["Guy's kind of an idiot tbh. Not just for ruining his passport but not having the brains to let his wife continue on the trip while he quickly renews his passport and buys a new ticket to rejoin the tour. He would have cut his losses in half", "Unless you read the story in full, it's a Sunday. Immigration department is not open. Even if they are, he could have still missed his flight since it was an early morning flight. Immigration department is not a 24/7 operation.\nSecondly, it was a tour group. December is the peak travel season, there is a possibility that there was no more empty seat on the departure date or if there was, it would have cost a bomb. Only Turkish Airlines flies between KL and Istanbul daily.\nAsking his wife to proceed with the tour would have been \"better\" option, one person missing the tour is better than two persons. Of course, the wife chose not to proceed.", "UTC is open on Sunday. He could have gotten a flight the next day and rejoined the tour. Yes, he would have to pay more. But instead he sacrificed the entire trip instead.\nBut of course some people can't think that far ahead. I laughed at his excuse of not wanting to join late and missing out on some of the activities. Bro, so you just choose to miss out everything instead.", "I think you missed the part \"travel peak season\". Even if you have the money to burn now, if the airline has no empty seat for you, you still can't travel. If it is a business class seat upward of 10K, might as well burn the tour and book a new one?? Which part of the early morning flight do you not understand? It was 1am. UTC daily operation starts when? And he is based in Johor, not Selangor for that matter. And he is a cleaner, working in Singapore. Doubt he has a few hundred thousands lying around the house to spare a last min ticket.", "Go and check the ticket prices to Istanbul right now. It's within 4-5k return. Doable. If you don't have that much to spare but book a trip costing RM16K, then he's even dumber than I thought.", "He could have booked the tour way earlier, at an early bird price etc. They could have been saving that RM16k for some time we will never know. Kind of condescending to label others as dumber as if you know their circumstances, no?\nOnline ticket prices are different than counter prices if you are not well informed. Also, even if he bought a new ticket, how can he travel without a proper passport? Wait for Monday for UTC to open? Apply passport last min walk in (assuming officers at UTC allows him to do walk in application, usually they don't), one day settle passport, then buy air ticket assuming the direct flight is available on the subsequent day, fly out...that's two days lost. Catching up with the group somewhere in Turkey, another day or two loss. That is three/four days loss from the booked nine-day tour. Would be even lesser if the flight is on later days or the new flight requires multiple transits.\nRather than labelling others as an idiot, why not try to empathise or sympathise. At least those are free...."], ["This guy learned it the hard way"]]} {"title": "Analysts divided on impact of Mat Sabu\u2019s \u2018mercy to all creations\u2019 pledge", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tdi9i/analysts_divided_on_impact_of_mat_sabus_mercy_to/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Religion"], "header": "Amanah\u2019s policy will appeal to urban and non-Malay voters but risks alienating rural Malay communities, says a political analyst.", "comments": [["Amanah have no chance winning rural malay votes in the 1st place."]]} {"title": "Tun M\u2019s latest rambling after Daim being investigated", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tdg66/tun_ms_latest_rambling_after_daim_being/", "num_comment": 105, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["That's right Tun. You and your family should be investigated too.", "If Atok and his family get investigated, all corrupt Bersatu, PKR and Umno politicians are gonna get arrested. Lmao", "", "If he legalised illegal money wouldn\u2019t that money be legal?", "I wish that the post 2003 pm were smarter than him. My problem with Najib was the way he acting damn dumb when caught in 1mdb fiasco. Even authority & rakyats couldn't blame Tun on Carrian scandal."], ["Why is Dr. M working against Daim now? Or is his post some 4D sarcasm?", "Classic Tun M sarcasm", "If the message is reversed, he think any Tun should be above the law? And choose to ignore it at their whims? That's no different than those thugs Datos we had on the streets.", "I am just glad he lives long enough to see his own downfall. Losing to a clown in Langkawi and his closest crony being investigated for corruption", "He's just typical him in being sarcastic, kinda like in a \"come and get me if you can\" sort of way. Think it's because its always his character to be like this, and also partly arrogance cause he has never been caught before this", "Everyone except me, myself, the greatest descendant of Iskandar Kutty from Tamil Nadu is free from all criticism and any wrongdoings, I am always right.", "*narcissism", "That is only the old dynasty king can do...sarcasm & join pas", "\nstopthechocolatehate"], ["8. I'm not sour Mukhriz is being sidelined.", "Even Najib and Hishamudin was able to stand on their own two feet even after daddy is gone. Mukhriz is simply too weak to be a politician.", "ye, that guy ain't got charisma. he's just simply meek.", "Perhaps he doesn't want to be one ?\nHe could be happy just being an entrepreneur, but got pushed into politics because daddy said so.\nThe above is just an opinion, and an unverified one. I do not know Mukhriz personally, of course.", "Still make him a weak one. A daddy boy in that case", "You're not wrong by the way."], ["Ah, sarcasm from the Old Man. Funny though, you'd think he might have learnt a lesson after 20+ years of effing over the country. But noooo... He continues, except that his racism is increasingly obvious now."], ["Recalcitrant oldman forgot to add /s\nBeing his sarcastic self", "Nah adding the sarcasm label makes it less funny"], ["Says the guy who started all the political witch hunt in the country", "I'm still laughing at the \"Suspicion should be enough\" because if that was true, HE is the most suspicious one in the whole country! lol."], ["Please lah. He was the bloody fool who appointed the biggest crook as his successor. As always, he's sharp as a bowling ball and smooth as sandpaper.", "\"Accusations due to politics\" lol.\nDo you really believe Anwar sodomized anyone? Tun M is the biggest example of a political frame job creator and he still dares to make such a comment. It's like he's being two faced."], ["Man, no wonder this guy work so hard to stop DSAI to become PM", "But he had caused a lot of damage to our country. DSAI is having a hard time cleaning it up without getting accused to be pro-Malay."], ["Mahathir is a run too. He is tun dr Mahathir. He definitely needs to be investigated since while he himself doesn't wave supercars around his kids do. You don't magically get that rich leading companies"], ["Looks like he forgot he is the biggest Tuns of them all. Kerala Tua Mudah lupa..."], ["\"Suspicion should be enough\" lol.\nTun M, my man, YOU are the most suspicious one in the whole lot! lol\nNice own goal."], ["He's gonna regret posting this tweet lmaoo SPRM are already investigating him and his family's wealth lol"], ["\"Don't google BMF scandal\" - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, USA.", "You missed the area.\nLangley, USA.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-CG5w4YwOI"], ["Such a wonderful stand up comedian he is. No way Harith Iskandar comes close to him."], ["Salty that his buddy and most likely proxy kena, resorted to a bitter sarcastic post"], ["Lol I thought you were gonna post his tweet from today about Jews controlling America. Old man has too much time on his hands."], ["When will he die?"], ["Karma's a bitch. I hope Tun M lives long enough to see his generation's wealth goes up in flames"], ["Sarcastic or not, he definitely should be the first to be investigated considering he held public office and was the PM for so long.\nAs the longest serving PM, not only must he be clean, he must also appear to be clean. Considering his kids are billionaires, he owe Malaysians an explanation.\nAnd to use one of his mind games, \"why be afraid if he is innocent?\".\nNo need to investigate all Tuns. Just start with this one."], ["Sarcasm. Plain and simple."], ["Whoosh"], ["Someone\u2019s tail got stepped upon."], ["Sigh, retirement does not suit him eh"], ["LOL\nAzmin, you reading this? :26561:\n"], ["His time is about to come up"], ["Investigate him then :)"], [": is it just me or does it seem really sarcastic?"], ["Next will be Tun M"], ["The worst person you know just made a great point.", "What was the great point that Tun made?\nLets not forget this is the same tactic Najib used. He said no evidence of wrongdoing. Remember the lady that recorded him and Azrul Kanda and Ketua Setiausaha Negara agreeing to modify the audit to hide their trail. Najib nearly put her in jail. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysian-officer-secretly-recorded-meeting-where-najib-tampered-with-audit-court-hears\nIf not for all the brave people that brought out the evidence, the whole 1MDB thing would have been covered up and the country would just be even worse.\nIt is no surprise that LHDN chases food truck people more than they dare to chase the Daims and Mahathirs of Malaysia. They know they'll never be able to get to the evidence because there's so many tricks and murders these guys do to get rid of evidence.", "Corruption bad"], ["Why is he still calling himself a Doctor? Doctor of what? Stealing", "He is a medical doctor", "His licence was revoked 30 years ago. He is a piece of shit", "Until you can prove otherwise, it's a non-controversial fact. I mean I don't like the guy, but this kind of sentiments/statements is exactly why everyone cannot believe factual evidence anymore.", "what's your source? I can't find any story about his medical license being revoked", "In addition to the qualification, you need a license. The license has usually has requirements on minimum hours of practice and study. After he reached a degree of political success, I doubt he has continued to keep it current / updated.", "His practicing certificate has probably not been renewed for decades and is not legally allowed to practice medicine, but he is still a certified doctor unless his university revoked his medical degree.", "False. You can\u2019t call yourself a Dr like this. He needs to remove the Dr title with immediate effect", "False. I am actually a doctor and wondering what else you put in your ass to pull out next.\nalso, at the risk of sounding like a mahathir fanboy (which i am not), All of these doctorates qualifies him to be called a doctor. Just like how half our menteri got honorary dr title from some random university", "You are a doctor of what? Hentai?", "Don't be a lunatic. You can fight against corruption and cronyism without going outright crazy.\nHe graduated, the title stays with him even if he is not practicing. What does NOT stay with him is a valid licence.", "He has deceived us for long enough!", "Yes and you did not have to add yourself to the list of people that lie to us. It does you no good, you'll just be another junior Mahathir and Malaysia has enough of those kind of people already.\nFight them, don't become them.", "Wrong"], ["Normalise barring seniles from politics"], ["I\u2019m counting down the days, if you get what I mean."], ["These apes in the comments dissing the most influential and productive leader this nation has ever seen. We are the only nation that doesnt appreciate their own successful leader. Other countries appreciate him more than us. What loser we are.\nName me one other person that has benefitted the nation for all races other than Tun. Ill wait.", "These apes in the comments dissing the most influential and productive leader this nation has ever seen. We are the only nation that doesnt appreciate their own successful leader. Other countries appreciate him more than us. What loser we are.\nName me one other person that has benefitted the nation for all races other than Tun. Ill wait.\nlol. Many Malaysians not only drank all the koolaid Madey made, but even swallowed the bottle itself.\nhoot hoot or whatever ape sounds you think us losers make.\nNext time, maybe check your facts. I'll give a simple thing which you can try to think about.\nSingapore started off worse off than Malaysia. Their PM cried on TV when Singapore got kicked out of Malaysia because he thought all of his country and all the people (of all races) would end up worse off. But then Razak Madey gangsters overthrew Tunku and took power in Malaysia and look where we are today.\nMalaysia had more oil than Norway and started off with around similar GDP in 1970. But look how Norway has become a fully civilized high quality of life country while Malaysia.... well, has people who \"Ill wait\".... lol\nAll the shit that Mahathir did is fake bullshit.\nHere's top 3.\nEconomic Growth\nIt is easy to get fake growth when you take the nation's oil money and stuff it your son's sapura pockets and build 2 big penises to show off to other Middle Eastern nations who love comparing dick size buildings. Do we need to talk about the shitty motorcar company that ended up being sold to China. What about the shitty airline? How many billions of bailout the rest of us paid for these shitty companies.\nLegal system\nCompletely destroyed. Ops lalang.\nVision 2020\nOh look at that. What happened? Kebutaan rakyat.\nBut it is okay. Just claim it is DAP that blocked the country from prospering or blame Chinese Jewish Indian communists who were working for Gorgon Soros. The 'ill wait' community will accept that as sacred words of truth. lolz", "Just to be clear, you meant to say it is shameful for people in this country to dislike Tun M?", "You can dislike anyone you wan bud. The reasons on why you are disliking him makes no sense. You would only like dislike him if you lived in the a world past his time, where you dont see the difference in Malaysia from before he was in power vs after he stepped down.\nEveryone has faults but to discredit all he done , which ways and beyond more than any of the other failures after him by some assumptions that you make is beyond me. Comparatively every other pm after him is completely incompetant and most of them didnt even get into office legitamately.", "Damn bro, assume much eh? When I studied Dr M, he was still the first PM, and he is the most interesting and powerful person. I don\u2019t mean to be rude but seriously go figure why he is still hated. Also, if we are gonna play the \u201cwhat-if\u201d game, I guarantee you Tun M didn\u2019t build the whole modern Malaysia on his own. Dr Lim Chong Eu probably did more than him but it is not like we are gonna read it in the textbooks.\nChill bro, you are not gonna change minds here.\nHave a happy new year \u270c\ufe0f", "What does he was still the first PM mean exactly? Also the hate on him or why he is hated is irrelevant. He has done more for the country than any other PM before or after him and yall shitting on him cause he\u2019s done some bad drops in a stream of good?\nWhy not criticize the other comparatively useless PM after him like you do with him?\nYoure brining up a chief minister that has helped Penang alot. Youre saying the changes he brought to Penang was way more than the leader that brought Malaysia to the forefront all those years ago?\nNot here to change minds. Yall not appreciating him are kinda lost and biased already. Just trying to understand the logic that goes into it so maybe It could change my mind about Tun M. So far its always about him being racist towards non-Malays. When on the Malay side he\u2019s being criticised from being more aligned to Chinese interest. Which one is it do you think?", "Erm still assume much bro. You okay? \ud83d\ude05 Maybe go read up stuff more before you comment further.", "These kind of comments are so useless. Youre assuminh Im assumine when I can do the exact same to you which Im not. Again tell me one other PM that has done more. Ill wait. Pay so much for education, and we\u2019re answering questions with , \u2018you find out yourself bro\u2019 lel", "Are you ok? I love watching people talking to themselves to be honest. It is a fetish I try my best to keep in control. But please, keep replying \ud83d\ude02", "You are replying so how is it a frtish about me replying to no one when you keep replying. Is this a quazi way of trying to insult me? Lol. You could insult me by answering the question definitively"], ["Why the fuk i read his tweet with dr. mahathir accent? :26554:"], ["Haha. He feel the heat now"], ["Luckily is from Earth. i thought Mars :26554:"], ["I am surprised there is still soooooo much stale, hot air in him."], ["Sarcasm. The hypocrisy of this man to even pen this post. We all know he is worried hence the rants. Daim is his proxy. Anwar knows this. And he knows the only way to Mahathir\u2019s heart is through his wallet."], ["He must've come up with this in Langkawi. I just saw him and his entourage driving through Pantai Tengah yesterday. He's probably pissed of what's become of this place too."], ["You first"], ["I agree and Mahatits should be the first to be investigated"], ["I'd say pot kettle etc, but this is like the original cauldron"], ["He knows he and his friends are untouchables. It's more like touch us if you DARE"], ["Even though I don't agree with him, this is very well written."], ["lol the original black kettle trying to drown with every other kettle .."], ["TDM and Daim have a love-hate relationship throughout knowing each other."], ["\"Just STFU old man. Your time is over\"\nHis entire business n involvement with maybank should have in depth investigation for the past 50 years."], ["His entire business n involvement with maybank should have in depth investigation for the past 50 years."], ["Isn't he a Tun himself?"], ["Wah a post by him without mentioning cina, nons and DAP"], ["Ladies and gentlemen, this should be in the dictionary to define \u201cdigging your own grave\u201d or \u201cone shoot oneself in the foot\u201d"], ["Lol, he's unhinged."], ["Finally the Tuns feel the full force of the ITA 1967.\nNormal citizens have been experiencing this for years. If your recorded expenditure does not match your income tax forms, you will be charged with false declarations and your assets seized to satisfy the shortfall."], ["I like the idea of making whipping a mandatory for corruption.\nWould be better if they make it for public view, especially for high profile offenders.\nLet the world seen how the punishment look. People don't take serious, because they didn't see how much the damage whipping could cause.\nSome people even thought that it's just as similar to rattan punishment at school."]]} {"title": "Eight key legal reforms in 2023 that take Malaysia forward", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tdao6/eight_key_legal_reforms_in_2023_that_take/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Nadma: Number of flood evacuees in four states drops slightly to 23,008 as of this morning", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tc93e/nadma_number_of_flood_evacuees_in_four_states/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": ["Environment"], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Proton X50 Purchase On RM2,000 Monthly Salary With RM1,070 Instalment", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tbs8s/proton_x50_purchase_on_rm2000_monthly_salary_with/", "num_comment": 97, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["Why not just buy cheap used car?", "Need to look like a wealthy poor dude.", "Because to them it would be humiliating if they were caught in a used car.\nHell if they wanted new car there's Axia E spec.", "axia \"Ew miskin\" spec /s\n(idk what E spec is)\nmy mom was a victim of multiple underhanded used car tactics and scams pre-2000 and she never ever bought used again ever since. just another perspective", "Need to fix?", "Unfortunately, Malaysians look into the car, and you drive a lot. It determines the respect you get on the road and out of it. Don't believe me, take a merc out for a spin and a Myvi, you will see the difference. Even the foreign security jaga also will padang atas bawah.", "Those are the kinds of Malaysians you don't wanna bend over backwards to impress. Why try to please the eyes of shallow ass people?\nI know some of the richest mudafakas in Cheras and Bukit Jelutong but they drive like freaking proton personas and old gen honda citys. Those are the people I truly wespek.", "Why try to please the eyes of shallow ass people?\nBecause sometimes those shallow-ass people are the ones you need the help the most.\nI know some of the richest mudafakas in Cheras and Bukit Jelutong but they drive like freaking proton personas and old gen honda citys.\nThe difference is that said muthafakas are well known. You, are not.", "Because sometimes those shallow-ass people are the ones you need the help the most.\nBy going into huge debt to impress? Impressive logic, bro.\nThe difference is that said muthafakas are well known. You, are not.\nThe brand of the car certainly isn't the reason for the difference. They didn't drive fancy cars to get to where they are and that's partly how they got rich, by not doing the same stupid financial mistakes we poor monkeys make by getting indebted buying unproductive assets.\nThey taught me to be efficient with my 9to5 salary and make my excess money work. And take advantage of the fact that I'm not held back decades by unnecessary monthly repayments for buying depreciating assets. And use my own skills to impress people that I need help from, not cars.\nI mean sure, you do you and by all means, get a car you can't afford to potentially get ahead in life. But for people who think like us, it's certainly not an efficient nor financially prudent thing to do.\nBut you do you.", "You dare question road royalty myvi?", "have bought a used car before and the experience is a nightmare to me, a lot of problems after few months"], ["Who the hell wrote this garbage? RM1060 instalment for Salary of RM2000 is suicide.", "That is exactly the point, the person is suicidal.", "got other source of income", "The Ms puiyi way?", "The Ms puiyi way?\nIf is a Man?", "This is 2023/2024 bro, stop gender discrimination.... Man too can be Chippendale..", "don't manipulate the comments, it is a simple question \"if a man\" from which word do you think is falling under gender discrimination.", "doesn\u2019t have to be\u2026there\u2019s many side income u can find", "Pretty sure that's the point of this article?", "What if salary of 2k but saving of 100k - 200k?", "Go ahead if he wants to burn his savings on a monthly basis, as his salary of RM2000 after EPF, SOCSO, and EIS leaves him with roughly RM1700.", "Car loan interest rate vs FD rate my man.. The maths check out. This is why rich people still buy cars using loans. The cash is better off parked in an investment vehicle. Pun intended."], ["I pay about 1.1k monthly car installment on a ~5k salary (after EPF cuts) and it's painful... Better buy a cheaper, second hand car unless you really willing to make yourself suffer.", "What made you want to pay 1.1k on a ~5k salary??", "depression lmao came out of a relationship and wanted my dream car which was a civic", "All of my loans are 1.7k and bills not included, on a 4.1k salary and it's painful.\nTo pay half of a salary just for a car is damned stupid"], ["RM 1070 is just the start of the nightmare lol"], ["So this story does re-affirm the practice of people that spend more than their means. And don't be surprised that it happen on every tier of salaries. I've been told where someone earning more than 10k and cannot pay a rental deposit because their spending habits.\nLike a friend say, gaji sejuta masuk, sejuta keluar.", "people that spend more than their means.\nWat u mean beyond? 1070 is not beyond 2000. Still within means. /s", "here we see a great example of this mindset at play. Still within means, but is it reasonable?\nthat aside. with a salary of 2k and as a reasonable adult, there is other reasonable way the money be spend. say a RM500 car loan + RM100 medical/life insurance + RM200 saving (or more towards a house purchase saving) + food + ASB maybe.."], ["Biar papa asal bergaya bodo"], ["If he is a bachelor staying with parents with no contribution to the household, , and his main transport is motorcycle, I think its doable. To survive that is. Have to sacrifice entertainment and non-essential things.", "What new car owners don't see yet or forgot is the insurance and maintenance.\nSure, the insurance will lower due to NCD over the years, but the maintenance will pile up. As long as his salary keeps up to inflation and the accumulated wear and tear maintenance, and have a job, he may be fine.", "From his financial sense, I think he would probably buy insurance through installments. A 70k car, the insurance with no ncd could reach almost 2k. I dont think he or she has the means to pay it without installment.\nI will always recommend cheap cars for 1st time car owner so can build up the ncd 1st.", "It\u2019s doable but also very financially irresponsible.", "Decades ago i had worked at a bank as a loan processing officer. I can tell you, through out my time working there, I can confidently say 90% of the applicants are financially irresponsible. Hahahaha.\nMany people, if possible wants to max out their dsr to the dot.\nPeople must understand, dsr is not to be used as a reference to affordability. Even if your loan is approved, does not mean you can afford it.\nSo to the girls out there, dont simply see a guy driving a 2.0 civic rs and straight assume huyooo so stylo, dude must have money.", "Lol rm 1k left for food per month. I think he better learn how to make roti", "If he is living with parents, dinner and weekend meals already covered. So only need to spend on working days breakfast and lunch. probably spend about rm300-350 a month on meals. Fuel for motorcycle depends how far he work i think about 100 is already enough. So, he is left with rm500 to spend on other things after minus car installment. Assuming the motorcycle is fully paid.\nTake out car once or twice a month go jalan- jalan. So, i think its possible.", "As if there is no toll in KL and he doesn\u2019t need to pay for this phone and mobile plan. This whole thing should be investigated. Why are banks approving such loan is beyond my understanding.", "My guess, he has some other side income that the sales advisor manage to convince the bank can be used as normal income. Because bank approval nowadays are centralized. Theres really no way can pass the loan with just that 2k income.\nOR, got a guarantor.", "Also can easily sell the car if he\u2019s in trouble. This car fetch a quite high price."], ["I see they've interviewed my older brother \ud83d\ude12"], ["I haven't bought a car yet but is this sustainable? I mean logically I'm wondering about his rent, food, insurance and emergency fund. It doesn't add up.", "Nope. Even just 1 tyre of X50's size is around RM400-RM600 assuming new and reputable brand. No way this is sustainable.", "But how did the loan got approved? Was the bank desperate for business? Or was it through back door?", "Not too sure to be honest! Perhaps the person applying had a strong guarantor", "Ohhh\u2026 Guarantor. Thanks for the info, it make sense now on how the loan passed the approval", "Same as my junior, bought one from PROTEGE allowance, now unemployed, but can sustained from guarantor aka PAMA.", "SUV owner here, RM400/tyre is on the very cheap side.", "if u have other sources of income but didn\u2019t report of course it\u2019s sustainable n i\u2019m sure this guy that bought the x50 has other undisclosed income", "If they don't have any rent, and live with their parents who cover all their bills and food, yes it's possible."], ["Got a friend at my ex workplace like this. Our salary around 2500 only but he got an X50. Asked him how much monthly and said around 1k. Meanwhile me with the same salary already feel like my 400 monthly axia is a damn burden.", "Nope, this is just a pretty normal thing in Malaysia these days. Banks will approve loans to anybody. I've got several people earning the starting salary at my workplace who have been approved for s70 loans.", "got assets or whatever shit to prove that they can is enough...officially im unemployed n have no income but can loan stuff hehehe"], ["Gilaaa... whoever it is just digging own grave."], ["guys,suggest me cheapest toyota plz", "Axia E.\nYes really. Daihatsu is under Toyota r/kereta", "Buy a Perodua and save half your money. Same components, no import tax."], ["if u bujang , dont have any other commitment and living with ur parent. and dont want to get marry until next 7-9years go for it bro. i been bujang too but once i married and getting more commitment i downgraded, when im 40s im planning to upgrade."], ["Wait... For a moment there I thought I was on r/malaysiapf"], ["man that is a terrible idea."], ["Duit takda tapi gaya mesti ada"], ["Clickbait article. Buyer probably have a guarantor or fixed deposit."], ["This is ridiculous. This is what I call tak boleh fikir punya orang. Over ten years ago when my salary was 3k+ I didn't even dare to dream about buying a Kawasaki Super KIPS (RM10k) even though I wanted one so badly."], ["If said guy has no side income, man gonna have a real good time paying for this r/kereta in the future"], ["\"Duit aku, suka aku. Lu jangan sibuk, okeh?\""], ["Car is an asset.. Should have bought a BMW 3 series instead"], ["That guy probably has a lot of cash incomes..", "Undeclared income"], ["It's absurd, but just shows how stupid expensive cars are in this country, there's only 2 ways out of this, reduce the excise duties, or improve public transport so people don't have to rely on cars", "Reduce excise duty won\u2019t help because you can\u2019t import in without AP\nThey need to abolish AP to import cheaper K r/kereta", "Yes that too"], ["I\u2019m so grateful that I see car as just a tool to get me from point A to point B."], ["Let me tell you a story ; my office boi did this but with the new Myvi. Lasted 4 months. Ended up in debt. Tried to get monies thru those handphone gambling. Lost. It\u2019s so bad he don\u2019t have money to even fuel his vehicle.", "Man was confident in his maths and budgeting.\nMan was wrong"], ["I can get quite irresponsible with my money sometimes, but this is on a whole new level. This is beyond reckless."], ["Don't know real or not. Its a story that another website report and this website then copy paste."], ["I saw the original post awhile ago, no way would the bank approve such loans unless they see this guy have some wealth under him. Plus RM2000 salary with wife and couple childrens seems very fishy don't you think?", "got other undisclosed income\u2026if u look at me u would be confuse how i bought a car while officially i\u2019m unemployed"], ["a few sides about the story to be thought about...\nthe buyer had a/some side hustle(s)\nhigh downpayment 30-40% maybe\nas someone said above strong 'guarantor'\nslip gaji gomen clean baik punya....\nthat car SA either really sorry or promoting his skill - any gaji can be adjusted for a spanking new x50 to upgrade your looks... (maybe la)"], ["Air muka dlu ye. Dompet koyak xpe janji gaya ada.\nPersonally feel with 2k salary, shouldn't commit into anything above 60k. Baik bezza dlu jgn susahkan diri demi imej."], ["Bersangka baik~~~ He could be wealthy family... Gaji baru 2k, tapi dalam bank got 100k money from parents (ataupun loan atas nama parents), upfront parents bayarkan, thus bank loan approved...\nBayaran bulanan pun parents yang bayarkan, so mmg 2k gaji tak mati pun...\nHarap semua Bersangka baik\u00b2~~~ Tak baik mengutuk orang yg \"Have\u00b2\""], ["On paper possible. Even with a calculator possible. But all u need is some random occurance like a tyre puncture and you will be having problems affording next meal. Or worse still your company delays salary for whatever reason. But hell if mummy daddy rich and u got high savings then go for it"], ["Got the lowest model bezza even thou I could afford such cars, it's just a medium to get you from point A to B tbh nothing more"], ["1/3 of salary to pay this is also hard to swallow. Imagine more than 50%. Then add up some more for fuels and tolls. Gonna be high all the time"], ["I think the writer how wrote such a shocking stories just to put up for the sake of writing\u2026. There is not much research done before a stories was written \u2026. Yes, The buyer could have low salary but could possibly have a lot of \u201cloaded\u201d behind the scene at their back too\u2026."], ["No thanks, petrol cost, insurance, upkeep service, roadtax, paying for your toll business. Be smart and use public transport, ride the bus or train."], ["Wow. Back when I was working with a salary 10x more than his, I drove a 30k second hand camry. Guess he got more guts than me"], ["Not a chance"], ["The buyer might ended up at posting at muflis fb group or has plenty of side incomes"]]} {"title": "what are your thoughts on the recent news about perodua?", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tbk63/what_are_your_thoughts_on_the_recent_news_about/", "num_comment": 21, "flairlabel": [], "header": "https://preview.redd.it/3yecofv4859c1.jpg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3fcfef0d53a1c19fc11a0ce5a68ff6541da510", "comments": [["After all these years P2 is still rebadging cars to resell locally at 300% markup? Where is the knowledge transfer that was supposed to elevate us to the world stage as a major automobile exporter?", "If we really aim to have robust technology, we should actually start with heavy machinery, not cars, all the countries that become 1st world because of their manufacturing industries focus on heavy machinary first\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f we dah terlajak salah langkah dah bro."], ["Tbh it's a shitty situation but seems like the vested interest/automotive lobby is too strong, plus lots of jobs at stake. They will just carry on, business as usual unless consumers are the ones that take a stand. You see the share price for MBMR and UMW also never drop.", "Sime is taking over UMW bro, of course. What a timing for the acquisition lol. Not sure if it would be impacted", "Sime darby is gigantic already, we really need an anti competition law, but who am I kidding, this country love building tall hence love big corporate monopoly, the consequences of tall building(super massive corporation) crashing is not even in the dictionary of our lawmakers."], ["Take big L and no bonus next next year", "Meanwhile their board of directors will continue taking bonuses"], ["Gov should foece suspend the sales of the affected models untill a new valid test is done."], ["produa....fanatik banyak. no hal.\nlain la proton....isu berungkit ungkit 7 keturunan tak abis...."], ["My kelisa is a year older than me since factory"], ["It's an open secret in this industry. Even without test, we already know some cars are overturned to the level of flight."], ["I for one would encourage everyone thinking of a Perodua to change to buy a Saga/Iriz/Persona. Pay similar or a bit more but for a safer car in terms of crash durability.", "Ploton salesman detected :29091::29091::29091:", "Yes bank transfer completed :26561: back to my kapchai", "Proton x70 bullshit still gives me nightmare.", "Could you elaborate? It seems to have captured the hearts of everyone. I am wondering if I should get me one.", "Riiiight. I will not overturn my 2 decade old No Proton policy. Whatever fault Perodua and Toyota's may have, their positives still outweigh the shitty built quality and unreliability Proton of old and the unproven technologies of new Proton (rebadged Geely).\nSource: I drove a Wira 99-05 and heard nightmare stories about Sagas and Wajas from friends and family. Never Proton again!", "Your anecdotal evidence vs my anecdotal evidence. Do whatever you want"], ["My thoughts are Perodua won't be the last company affected by this. If it isn't the car manufacturer, it might be the supplier of a certain part cheating in certification. Like that Takata airbag scandal affecting Honda cars."], ["But muh Japanese quality."], ["Pretty sure most malaysians dont care about safety."]]} {"title": "Madani govt's policies boost Malaysia's comparative advantage \u2014 Economist", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tbj90/madani_govts_policies_boost_malaysias_comparative/", "num_comment": 1, "flairlabel": ["Economy & Finance"], "header": "", "comments": [["Lmao I thought this article would have some analysis but just quoting Anwar and his cronies word for word.\nHow much we pay The Economist for this piece of propaganda?"]]} {"title": "Nestle Malaysia, Red Crescent volunteers provide much-needed relief to flood-stricken families", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18tbinp/nestle_malaysia_red_crescent_volunteers_provide/", "num_comment": 0, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": []} {"title": "Rafizi: >2 million Malaysians earn less than RM2000 per month", "href": "/r/malaysia/comments/18wnmv1/rafizi_2_million_malaysians_earn_less_than_rm2000/", "num_comment": 66, "flairlabel": [], "header": "", "comments": [["I'm one of them sadly, im an account assistant and do full sets but get paid 1.8k no epf no benefits. But this was the first job that gave me an opportunity to I took it.", "Epf is mandatory. If they're not they're in the wrong. No excuses. You can report to Epf to start an investigation.", "At my first job, my boss elak pay EPF by considering me as a freelancer. Didn't know any better and just accepted it", "My boss said that because of 3 months of training and 3 months probation dont have. So probably by next month i can get higher pay and epf lah", "I work part-time at Giant 2003 also got EPF.\nTraining at Airasia for 6 months in 2015 also got EPF\nYour boss memang bullshit one.", "Considering your salary is 1.8k, and epf cut is 11% employee and minimum 12% employer. Since you've been there for close to 6 months, you have lost about RM2484 of your epf money (6 months).\nYour boss is full of shit, and you should either demand the backpay, or report this to the relevant authority. This is extremely illegal.\nConsidering the power of compound interest, that missing 2k today could very well be worth a lot of money by the time you retired in 40 years time.\nIf scare, I would consider asking your colleague if this is the same for them. If so, there's power in number and you all can tibai the boss together. Good luck man.", "From my deparment, my colleagues are foreign from the Philippines, 2 of them. The rest are local seniors and I'm sure they get epf and good pay else they wouldn't be there.\nI might change after a month or two, hopefully can get better opportunities la", "Excuses. If you receive any sort of salary from an employer as an employee, you contribute to EPF. If next month you still don't have EPF deduction report to Epf immediately and get your bullshit employer fined.", "Last time the company I work dont pay epf on time. One employee complaint to epf. Company gelabah straight away pay epf. Company cuba nak tipu.\nLong ago this one company consider me as trainee for 1 year since its my 1st job. Already 1 2 months but still not give me offer letter. Another guy still works there but his contract ends for months already. All these are company tactics to avoid epf", "This. I worked part time Petronas many many years ago also got EPF. I was barely legal age.", "Your boss is full of shit", "ur boss full of bs, i worked part time at a department store for 1 month also got EPF", "If you're a full time employee, EPF and SOCSO are not benefits, they are compulsory. I'm looking for my next job and it has to come with medical benefits at the very least. I got into an accident last year on the way to work and had to rely on SOCSO for my surgery cost.\nI'm also livid at the fact they(my company) are not required to pay me any allowances which were included in the offer letter plus my basic salary. Basic pay matters even though your total salary plus allowances are counted towards EPF/SOCSO contribution.", "Uh that\u2019s illegal. Even my part time job I still get EPF.", "How long have you been at the company? Might be a good time to look at other opportunities if you have been there for more than 2 years.", "This month will be my 6th month working in this company", "I wish you luck. Hope you arrive at a better future.", "Thank you so much \ud83d\ude0a", "Please report it to the authorities.", "ur boss nooblh,tell him to take intern,no need pay anything", "damn i was looking for account assistant last month. small af co still pay better", "Next time lah haha"], ["Now that one of our official minister recognise the core problem with many Malaysians, I hope they will follow up and implement policies that will benefit the people, not the MNCs.", "Kot kot nanti election tukar government lagi sebelum sempat nampak results", "Yeah annoyingly this can happen. Or it takes so long up until the next GE; a change in minister and they start it all over again.", "Just flower talk only like all the promises before. Bunch of actors."], ["Honestly, I think most Malaysians at that wage-level is being taken advantage of one way or another.\nEither through being aggressively low-balled or some small SME taukes doing some shady crap.\nLike even in this post, we have someone employed and paid but have no EPF contributed. Flat out illegal. Education goes a long way and not necessarily just from books/tests.\nWe, as fellow employees and Malaysians should really be educated on our rights as employees via the Employment Act. Being taken advantage of is horrible, being taken advantage of when you are financially vulnerable, doubly so.\nAnd the whole increasing wages leading to increases in prices is such a fallacy. It always seem to be parroted by the very same people that WILL increase prices regardless. They can stub their toe in the morning and increase prices in the afternoon.", "replace spm math wif Employment Act.....", "Yeah there are these so called economy experts in social medias when you call for wage increase they would say it will lead to further inflation as though things are so cheap nowdays \ud83d\ude02", "I would say that everyone having enough disposable income in their pocket results in a better economy overall but maybe that is why I am a redditor rather than an established economist.\nTimes are incredibly hard. Doesn't matter if you are M40 or T20. Only those in the very tippy top of the echelon aren't affected."], ["That\u2019s not the worst news. Statistics from DOSM shows that half of the working people earn less than RM2.6k, even though our average income is around RM6.5k. This shows that upper-class people earns much higher than it should, especially above 15k as there\u2019s a spike in that region. For context, an ideal data only shows slight difference between average and median income. Take Germany for example, their average income is around 3.7k\u20ac while the median income is about 3.5k\u20ac.\nOne of my hot takes is that minimum wage should be different across states, and the context of poverty should be revised as different people has different financial circumstances, not just depending on the total household income alone. Another take is that we could abolish minimum wage entirely, and replace it with employer-employee wage ratio. This propose that an employer\u2019s income should not exceed a certain multiplier, relative to the employee\u2019s income, this includes bonuses to avoid employer\u2019s taking advantage of the system. Of course, determining an income is a complex process but I think these are valid considerations to the current situation.", "Minimum wage differences between states might cause more problems than it can fix. Malaysia is already at a point where we are exporting our brightest to different countries. Imagine everyone wants to move into Selangor mainly due to the better pay.", "Imagine everyone wants to move into Selangor mainly due to the better pay.\nIt has already been happening for the last 30 years lol", "I think it\u2019s better than sending our peoples to another countries, no? Besides, better pay doesn\u2019t necessarily means more savings as your expenses increases as well. My point is that you save less money when you are living in urban areas compared to suburban/rural areas, assuming that you are earning the same minimum wage. So why not set different minimum wage across states? That would at least gather the bright minds to the center, creating competition. Of course there\u2019s high chance that you will find better pay in urban areas but that doesn\u2019t keep small companies to take advantage of employees.", "Nah, not really. There are a plethora of new factors you need to consider, such as the cost of living. You might assume an increase from 2k to 4k seems worthwhile until you do your research and discover that an average 900 sqft, 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms flat will consume half your salary.\nSo, no. You wouldn't simply relocate to another state solely because the pay is better."], ["If you are student or fresh graduates and such, listen to this will be good as it will be awesome. A menteri talk about struggles of the rakyats. A menteri did a good check on the economy.\nBut if you are parents and workers, all these talks is just nonsense. Because we want to see it being implemented and realistically able to help rakyats overcome that struggles. While yes it is good for a menteri to address this in public, people also want to see it benefitting the rakyats as a whole. Not just talk.\nI hope the full videos of him talking include the plans that the government will be going to be implemented in 2024. Already 14 months in charge...sigh\nAnyway, hope for a better Malaysia \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe"], ["Guys, always choose US/Canada employer, they will pay you better with a proper wage. I hate hokkien tauke despite being hokkien myself. They expect overtime, pay like Pennies, go for oversea companies, no overtime, and they encourage diversity and 2 weeks paid holidays that you can take anytime of the year. You can chained it with public holidays", "Aussie employers also quite good."], ["Every time meeting with my boss, worker will say not enough salary and ect. But my bos will say company got no profit. MF company will go bust already every years no untung"], ["Many employers in Malaysia are actually evil. They want to save up. And they know you needed the job. Karma will haunt them. Wonder why they never progress in their biz?"], ["Sadly to say this, we are at a catch-22 situation here. Unfortunately salary and wages are heavily dependent on the market dynamics. We are at a crisis point with not only low wages in the formal sector, but also a sector that is the most susceptible to changes brought by AI. Companies are already scrambling to see how they can incorporate AI into their workflow and people who are in the 2k a month bracket are the ones most impacted. Having any sort of progressive wage policy would only exacerbate and accelerate the adoption of AI by this companies. How to solve this? I don\u2019t know. But what I can tell that the danger is very real and if we are not prepared we might be in a bigger mess than we are now."], ["Also, a lot of Borneo citizens who are working in Sabah/Sarawak love taking pay