{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well.", "sentence2": "Santo vivió en Nueva York y trabajó en el alto regulador de O2.", "promptID": "20_xnli.dev", "pairID": "58_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well.", "sentence2": "Santo trabajó para Disney y operó las tazas de té.", "promptID": "20_xnli.dev", "pairID": "60_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así es como, mmm..., me quedo abrochado.", "sentence2": "Me aseguré de que la hebilla estuviera apretada para estar seguro.", "promptID": "29_xnli.dev", "pairID": "85_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así es como, mmm..., me quedo abrochado.", "sentence2": "Así es exactamente como me desengancharon.", "promptID": "29_xnli.dev", "pairID": "86_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así es como, mmm..., me quedo abrochado.", "sentence2": "Esa es precisamente la forma en la que estaba atrapado.", "promptID": "29_xnli.dev", "pairID": "87_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "También, oh, deja que salga de esto.", "sentence2": "No necesito lidiar con eso.", "promptID": "51_xnli.dev", "pairID": "151_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Eso es algo único en el sentido de que, eh, pasé cerca de 16 años de mi carrera profesional en actividades especiales.", "sentence2": "Estuve en actividades especiales durante años.", "promptID": "58_xnli.dev", "pairID": "172_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Eso es algo único en el sentido de que, eh, pasé cerca de 16 años de mi carrera profesional en actividades especiales.", "sentence2": "Nunca he tenido un trabajo.", "promptID": "58_xnli.dev", "pairID": "173_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Eso es algo único en el sentido de que, eh, pasé cerca de 16 años de mi carrera profesional en actividades especiales.", "sentence2": "Mi trabajo favorito fue en Actividades Especiales.", "promptID": "58_xnli.dev", "pairID": "174_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esto, bueno es, osea... la velocidad aumentó, aumentó y aumentó hasta que desplegamos en el extranjero.", "sentence2": "Se hizo cada vez más rápido.", "promptID": "75_xnli.dev", "pairID": "223_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esto, bueno es, osea... la velocidad aumentó, aumentó y aumentó hasta que desplegamos en el extranjero.", "sentence2": "Pareció durar una eternidad.", "promptID": "75_xnli.dev", "pairID": "224_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esto, bueno es, osea... la velocidad aumentó, aumentó y aumentó hasta que desplegamos en el extranjero.", "sentence2": "La velocidad me estaba alterando.", "promptID": "75_xnli.dev", "pairID": "225_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No quiero entrar en la Tercera SS que es el Tercer Escuadrón de Apoyo Estratégico.", "sentence2": "No podía esperar para entrar en el Third SS.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "286_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No quiero entrar en la Tercera SS que es el Tercer Escuadrón de Apoyo Estratégico.", "sentence2": "No quiero ser parte de la Tercera SS.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "287_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No quiero entrar en la Tercera SS que es el Tercer Escuadrón de Apoyo Estratégico.", "sentence2": "El Tercer SS es el peor escuadrón posible.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "288_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pequeñas cosas como esta marcaron una gran diferencia en lo que estaba tratando de hacer.", "sentence2": "Ni siquiera intenté hacerlo.", "promptID": "116_xnli.dev", "pairID": "346_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pequeñas cosas como esta marcaron una gran diferencia en lo que estaba tratando de hacer.", "sentence2": "Estaba tratando de lograr algo.", "promptID": "116_xnli.dev", "pairID": "347_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pequeñas cosas como esta marcaron una gran diferencia en lo que estaba tratando de hacer.", "sentence2": "Estaba tratando de terminar mi póster para la clase y los nuevos marcadores me ayudaron.", "promptID": "116_xnli.dev", "pairID": "348_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De todos modos, terminé de llegar a casa a las 6:30 de hoy y ese fue mi día.", "sentence2": "Pasé la mayor parte del día lidiando con un problema complicado de facturación al cliente.", "promptID": "208_xnli.dev", "pairID": "624_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "y que lo que pienso que va a ser realmente interesante es lo que hacemos sobre ello, quiero decir que vamos a tener que cambiar a la gente que nos representa", "sentence2": "Creo que será un desafío cambiar a nuestros representantes, pero al final valdrá la pena.", "promptID": "265_xnli.dev", "pairID": "794_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y pueden ser muy agradables también después de que hayan sido entrenados.", "sentence2": "Se vuelven endurecidos y fríos una vez que completan el entrenamiento.", "promptID": "267_xnli.dev", "pairID": "799_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "preocúpate por cómo afectan las noticias nacionales a la zona local", "sentence2": "Los periódicos nacionales hacen que nuestros locales parezcan atrasados.", "promptID": "289_xnli.dev", "pairID": "867_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "bien, pasarán por la ranura", "sentence2": "Se escurren con facilidad.", "promptID": "355_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1063_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh, sí, y yo iba a decir que, esto, volaré, lo que, osea, creo que se suponía que, esto, iba a pillar a algunos de los mismos espectadores como, osea", "sentence2": "Realmente ni siquiera sé qué elegiría.", "promptID": "391_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1171_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "oh, sí, y yo iba a decir que, esto, volaré, lo que, osea, creo que se suponía que, esto, iba a pillar a algunos de los mismos espectadores como, osea", "sentence2": "Yo elegiría I'll Fly Away.", "promptID": "391_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1172_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "oh, sí, y yo iba a decir que, esto, volaré, lo que, osea, creo que se suponía que, esto, iba a pillar a algunos de los mismos espectadores como, osea", "sentence2": "I'll Fly Away es mi película favorita y la veo semanalmente.", "promptID": "391_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1173_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "es solo que desde que estoy apretado con el dinero ahora mismo ni siquiera me doy un gusto", "sentence2": "No tengo mucho dinero en este momento.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1345_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "es solo que desde que estoy apretado con el dinero ahora mismo ni siquiera me doy un gusto", "sentence2": "Tengo un montón de dinero en este momento, así que quiero ir de compras.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1346_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "es solo que desde que estoy apretado con el dinero ahora mismo ni siquiera me doy un gusto", "sentence2": "Solo tengo 20 $ hasta el día de pago.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1347_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "mmm..., bien, y yo iba a decir que hay algunas otras áreas que podrían cortar, tú lo sabes, yo no, no necesariamente tendrían que cortarlo allí", "sentence2": "Pensé que deberían recortar en gastos de comida y no en libros.", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1489_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "mmm..., bien, y yo iba a decir que hay algunas otras áreas que podrían cortar, tú lo sabes, yo no, no necesariamente tendrían que cortarlo allí", "sentence2": "Iba a proponer otros cortes.", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1490_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "mmm..., bien, y yo iba a decir que hay algunas otras áreas que podrían cortar, tú lo sabes, yo no, no necesariamente tendrían que cortarlo allí", "sentence2": "¡No hay nada más que puedan cortar!", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1491_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estos compuestos avanzados de dispositivos moleculares surgieron porque la selección natural puede actuar sobre las propiedades colectivas de dichas adiciones moleculares cuando aumentan la idoneidad adaptativa.", "sentence2": "Todos los dispositivos moleculares son igualmente complejos.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1525_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estos compuestos avanzados de dispositivos moleculares surgieron porque la selección natural puede actuar sobre las propiedades colectivas de dichas adiciones moleculares cuando aumentan la idoneidad adaptativa.", "sentence2": "Bajo determinadas condiciones pueden surgir dispositivos moleculares más complejos.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1526_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estos compuestos avanzados de dispositivos moleculares surgieron porque la selección natural puede actuar sobre las propiedades colectivas de dichas adiciones moleculares cuando aumentan la idoneidad adaptativa.", "sentence2": "Estos dispositivos moleculares se usan principalmente para producir varios venenos para protección.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1527_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero no creo que ninguna de esas herramientas de algoritmos pueda ser implacable.", "sentence2": "El algoritmo no puede decidir cómo hacer un bocadillo perfecto sin un criterio humano.", "promptID": "510_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1528_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero no creo que ninguna de esas herramientas de algoritmos pueda ser implacable.", "sentence2": "No hay ninguna herramienta que pueda resolver este problema del todo por sí sola.", "promptID": "510_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1529_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero no creo que ninguna de esas herramientas de algoritmos pueda ser implacable.", "sentence2": "Estas herramientas funcionan sin problemas bajo cualquier circunstancia.", "promptID": "510_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1530_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La membresía eran entre 30 y 50 hombres adultos por capítulo (llamados moradas) y estaban divididos en dos miembros comunes llamados hermanos disciplantes (hermanos que disciplinan) y oficiales, llamados hermanos de luz.", "sentence2": "En cada capítulo sirvieron más de cien agentes.", "promptID": "525_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1573_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La membresía eran entre 30 y 50 hombres adultos por capítulo (llamados moradas) y estaban divididos en dos miembros comunes llamados hermanos disciplantes (hermanos que disciplinan) y oficiales, llamados hermanos de luz.", "sentence2": "Las sucursales contenían tanto miembros comunes como oficiales.", "promptID": "525_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1574_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La membresía eran entre 30 y 50 hombres adultos por capítulo (llamados moradas) y estaban divididos en dos miembros comunes llamados hermanos disciplantes (hermanos que disciplinan) y oficiales, llamados hermanos de luz.", "sentence2": "Estas unidades fueron responsables de la conversión de las poblaciones nativas de América Central.", "promptID": "525_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1575_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para los niños de 4 y 5 años, las preguntas más a menudo abordan la organización narrativa (¿Qué sucede después?", "sentence2": "Los niños generalmente no aprenden a comunicarse hasta la edad de seis años.", "promptID": "527_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1579_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para los niños de 4 y 5 años, las preguntas más a menudo abordan la organización narrativa (¿Qué sucede después?", "sentence2": "A los niños de cinco años les preocupa lo que suceda a continuación.", "promptID": "527_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1580_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para los niños de 4 y 5 años, las preguntas más a menudo abordan la organización narrativa (¿Qué sucede después?", "sentence2": "Los niños de cinco años se consideran, generalmente, conversadores pobres.", "promptID": "527_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1581_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Intuitivamente, el flujo ligeramente convergente en el espacio de estados permite clasificación cuando dos estados convergen en un único estado sucesor, esos dos estados se han clasificado como equivalentes por la red.", "sentence2": "El flujo convergente permite la clasificación.", "promptID": "528_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1582_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Intuitivamente, el flujo ligeramente convergente en el espacio de estados permite clasificación cuando dos estados convergen en un único estado sucesor, esos dos estados se han clasificado como equivalentes por la red.", "sentence2": "El flujo convergente está influenciado por la población.", "promptID": "528_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1583_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Intuitivamente, el flujo ligeramente convergente en el espacio de estados permite clasificación cuando dos estados convergen en un único estado sucesor, esos dos estados se han clasificado como equivalentes por la red.", "sentence2": "El flujo de convergencia evita la clasificación.", "promptID": "528_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1584_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Darwin comienza con la vida aquí ya.", "sentence2": "Darwin solo se enfocaba en estudiar cosas muertas.", "promptID": "542_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1626_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando la sociedad civil hace oídos sordos, las ideas locas pierden su ventaja.", "sentence2": "Las ideas locas son menos agudas cuando son ignoradas por la sociedad civil.", "promptID": "549_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1645_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Dos ideas americanas para proteger la bandera y celebrar la libertad de expresión, que posiblemente se convertirían en el foco respecto a las formas más contradictorias de ser americano.", "sentence2": "Todos los estadounidenses tratan la bandera con respeto.", "promptID": "572_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1714_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Dos ideas americanas para proteger la bandera y celebrar la libertad de expresión, que posiblemente se convertirían en el foco respecto a las formas más contradictorias de ser americano.", "sentence2": "Los estadounidenses odian la bandera.", "promptID": "572_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1715_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Dos ideas americanas para proteger la bandera y celebrar la libertad de expresión, que posiblemente se convertirían en el foco respecto a las formas más contradictorias de ser americano.", "sentence2": "Los estadounidenses quieren proteger la bandera.", "promptID": "572_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1716_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tenemos modelos matemáticos iniciales que revelan algo acerca de esta organización jerárquica, aunque muchos de los mejores modelos actuales son curiosamente limitados a pesar de su brillantez.", "sentence2": "Todo lo que se puede aprender sobre la organización ya es sabido.", "promptID": "577_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1729_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La biosfera se ha expandido, de hecho, más o menos persistentemente explotó, hacia la posible expansión adyacente.", "sentence2": "La biosfera creció 1000 millas.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1735_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La biosfera se ha expandido, de hecho, más o menos persistentemente explotó, hacia la posible expansión adyacente.", "sentence2": "La biosfera creció.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1736_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La biosfera se ha expandido, de hecho, más o menos persistentemente explotó, hacia la posible expansión adyacente.", "sentence2": "La bioesfera se achica.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1737_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿No es extraño que no prestemos atención a uno de los rasgos más profundos del mundo que tenemos en frente de nuestra nariz colectiva?", "sentence2": "Siempre prestamos atención a todo.", "promptID": "582_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1744_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El final del capitalismo de las plantaciones podría haber llegado con seguridad como la desaparición del comunismo en Europa.", "sentence2": "El capitalismo de plantaciones ha terminado.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1777_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El final del capitalismo de las plantaciones podría haber llegado con seguridad como la desaparición del comunismo en Europa.", "sentence2": "El capitalismo de la plantación es incorrecto.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1778_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El final del capitalismo de las plantaciones podría haber llegado con seguridad como la desaparición del comunismo en Europa.", "sentence2": "No hubo un final del comunismo en Europa.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1779_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y sin embargo, hoy en día la suposicion común es que se puede confiar en nuestros funcionarios con un mapa racial y étnico preciso de la nación estadounidense.", "sentence2": "La suposición de que los funcionarios tienen mapas raciales y étnicos es falsa.", "promptID": "607_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1819_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y sin embargo, hoy en día la suposicion común es que se puede confiar en nuestros funcionarios con un mapa racial y étnico preciso de la nación estadounidense.", "sentence2": "Hay una creencia generalizada acerca de nuestros oficiales.", "promptID": "607_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1820_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y sin embargo, hoy en día la suposicion común es que se puede confiar en nuestros funcionarios con un mapa racial y étnico preciso de la nación estadounidense.", "sentence2": "No hay una suposición común hoy.", "promptID": "607_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1821_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Durante los años escolares de preescolar y primaria, pensé que está muy enlazado al aquí y ahora.", "sentence2": "Los niños de preescolar y primaria suelen soñar con el futuro.", "promptID": "624_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1870_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Durante los años escolares de preescolar y primaria, pensé que está muy enlazado al aquí y ahora.", "sentence2": "Los niños de preescolar no pueden comprender el futuro.", "promptID": "624_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1871_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Durante los años escolares de preescolar y primaria, pensé que está muy enlazado al aquí y ahora.", "sentence2": "Los niños de preescolar piensan principalmente en el día de hoy.", "promptID": "624_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1872_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, si los nuevos precedentes nunca se extienden, la ley común difícilmente podría evolucionar.", "sentence2": "Las nuevas leyes son originales.", "promptID": "639_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1915_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, si los nuevos precedentes nunca se extienden, la ley común difícilmente podría evolucionar.", "sentence2": "Los griegos y los romanos tenían leyes que usamos hoy en día.", "promptID": "639_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1916_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, si los nuevos precedentes nunca se extienden, la ley común difícilmente podría evolucionar.", "sentence2": "La ley hace tiempo que está en vigor.", "promptID": "639_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1917_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me dirijo, en el apartado final de este capítulo, a otro puzle sobre lo que yo llamo un juego natural.", "sentence2": "No podría abordar el juego natural en este capítulo.", "promptID": "660_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1978_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me dirijo, en el apartado final de este capítulo, a otro puzle sobre lo que yo llamo un juego natural.", "sentence2": "No tengo la solución para el enigma del juego natural.", "promptID": "660_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1979_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Me dirijo, en el apartado final de este capítulo, a otro puzle sobre lo que yo llamo un juego natural.", "sentence2": "Este capítulo tiene material sobre el juego natural.", "promptID": "660_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1980_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si la expansión inicial es exponencial, después se ralentiza a linear, como en la hipótesis inflacionaria o quizás en este enfoque puramente cuántico, entonces el problema de partícula-horizonte puede desaparecer.", "sentence2": "Es posible que el problema del horizonte de partículas desaparezca.", "promptID": "667_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1999_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si la expansión inicial es exponencial, después se ralentiza a linear, como en la hipótesis inflacionaria o quizás en este enfoque puramente cuántico, entonces el problema de partícula-horizonte puede desaparecer.", "sentence2": "Las matemáticas para una expansión exponencial inicial son complejas.", "promptID": "667_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2000_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si la expansión inicial es exponencial, después se ralentiza a linear, como en la hipótesis inflacionaria o quizás en este enfoque puramente cuántico, entonces el problema de partícula-horizonte puede desaparecer.", "sentence2": "El problema del horizonte de partículas siempre está presente, independientemente del modelo de expansión inicial.", "promptID": "667_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2001_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por supuesto, si no pudiéramos solucionar nuestras formas elegidas de vivir, estaríamos muertos.", "sentence2": "Ingeniárselas para mantenerse económicamente no es fácil.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2005_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por supuesto, si no pudiéramos solucionar nuestras formas elegidas de vivir, estaríamos muertos.", "sentence2": "Los humanos siempre pueden sobrevivir a cualquier situación, incluso cuando no se están ganando la vida.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2006_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por supuesto, si no pudiéramos solucionar nuestras formas elegidas de vivir, estaríamos muertos.", "sentence2": "Tenemos que descubrir cómo vivir, para sobrevivir.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2007_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La conexión entre la nación limitada y la igualdad sin límites tiene connotaciones paradójicas.", "sentence2": "La nación no está conectada a la igualdad sin límites.", "promptID": "682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2045_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entonces Shannon tomó el logaritmo del volumen en el espacio de mensaje ocupado por un mensaje y lo multiplicó por la probabilidad de que ese mensaje se enviara desde la fuente.", "sentence2": "Shannon determinó que el mensaje provenía de una fuente negativa.", "promptID": "705_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2113_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Entonces Shannon tomó el logaritmo del volumen en el espacio de mensaje ocupado por un mensaje y lo multiplicó por la probabilidad de que ese mensaje se enviara desde la fuente.", "sentence2": "Shannon hizo cálculos sobre el mensaje.", "promptID": "705_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2114_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entonces Shannon tomó el logaritmo del volumen en el espacio de mensaje ocupado por un mensaje y lo multiplicó por la probabilidad de que ese mensaje se enviara desde la fuente.", "sentence2": "Shannon ignoró el mensaje.", "promptID": "705_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2115_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como veremos en ambos casos, parece que algo profundo está sucediendo en el universo que no está finitamente preestablecido.", "sentence2": "No está sucediendo absolutamente nada en el universo.", "promptID": "709_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2127_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el panorama de la aptitud física, la imagen, la mutación, la recombinación y la selección pueden confubularse para atraer a las poblaciones en evolución hacia los picos de una buena forma física.", "sentence2": "En niveles de aptitud física más altos, es más probable que las poblaciones en evolución sobrevivan.", "promptID": "712_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2134_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Podría el estadístico promedio ser la fuente de orden en los organismos?", "sentence2": "Los organismos están definidos por el caos; no hay un toque de orden en ellos.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2162_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Podría el estadístico promedio ser la fuente de orden en los organismos?", "sentence2": "Existe la teoría de que el promedio estadístico es la fuente de orden en los organismos.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2163_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El momento de diseño para que padres e hijos estén juntos es el primer paso hacia la implementación de ideas y prácticas que comentaré en este libro.", "sentence2": "Según este libro, los padres no deberían pasar tiempo con sus hijos.", "promptID": "725_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2173_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El momento de diseño para que padres e hijos estén juntos es el primer paso hacia la implementación de ideas y prácticas que comentaré en este libro.", "sentence2": "Este libro para padres está en la lista de los más vendidos del New York Times.", "promptID": "725_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2175_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "15 El comandante quiere que hagamos algo y ha usado el lenguaje de la ley para que entremos en acción.", "sentence2": "Si no fuera por la ley, habríamos desobedecido al comandante.", "promptID": "729_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2185_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "15 El comandante quiere que hagamos algo y ha usado el lenguaje de la ley para que entremos en acción.", "sentence2": "El comandante ha encontrado una manera de hacer que hagamos lo que él quiere.", "promptID": "729_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2186_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "15 El comandante quiere que hagamos algo y ha usado el lenguaje de la ley para que entremos en acción.", "sentence2": "El comandante sabe que nunca escucharemos nada de lo que dice.", "promptID": "729_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2187_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Relajo también puede describir una relación de broma, una broma de ida y vuelta, que a través de la risa alivia la tensión y desintegra la causa de la tensión del momento.", "sentence2": "El relajo no es gracioso en absoluto.", "promptID": "738_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2212_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Relajo también puede describir una relación de broma, una broma de ida y vuelta, que a través de la risa alivia la tensión y desintegra la causa de la tensión del momento.", "sentence2": "Relajo hace bromas sobre la economía.", "promptID": "738_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2213_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Relajo también puede describir una relación de broma, una broma de ida y vuelta, que a través de la risa alivia la tensión y desintegra la causa de la tensión del momento.", "sentence2": "Relajo contó chistes.", "promptID": "738_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2214_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "7), y aquellos con baja demanda (una media de 1300 unidades a la semana) y alta variación de demanda (Cv = 1,3).", "sentence2": "Los grupos de baja y alta demanda se combinan en un total de veinte.", "promptID": "739_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2215_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y es por eso que nos sentimos engañados por paredes huecas, puertas frágiles y barandillas temblorosas.", "sentence2": "Las paredes huecas dejan entrar mucho ruido del parque.", "promptID": "748_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2242_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Jeremy Pitt respondió a la risa con una palabrota.", "sentence2": "Jeremy Pitt respondió a la burla con una risita y lanzando un gancho hacia la cara del hombre que se reía.", "promptID": "754_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2260_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Jeremy Pitt respondió a la risa con una palabrota.", "sentence2": "Jeremy Pitt juró luchar por su país y su reina.", "promptID": "754_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2261_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pitt, que observó la escena desde la barandilla del cuarto de baño, nos dice que su señoría tenía la voz tan grave como un pastor de un ahorcamiento.", "sentence2": "Pitt nunca había visto a su señoría tan seria como estaba entonces.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2278_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pitt, que observó la escena desde la barandilla del cuarto de baño, nos dice que su señoría tenía la voz tan grave como un pastor de un ahorcamiento.", "sentence2": "Pitt juró que no pudo vislumbrar la escena.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2279_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pitt, que observó la escena desde la barandilla del cuarto de baño, nos dice que su señoría tenía la voz tan grave como un pastor de un ahorcamiento.", "sentence2": "Pitt fue testigo de cómo su señoría hablaba en serio durante la escena.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2280_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se le permitió percibir que era al elegante y apuesto joven de St. James, Lord Julian Wade, a quien ella dedicaba cada momento de su tiempo.", "sentence2": "Está encaprichada con Lord Julian Wade, a pesar de su naturaleza torpe.", "promptID": "768_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2304_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Pero... pero... a bordo de este barco...? El oficial hizo un gesto de impotencia y, rindiéndose a su desconcierto, se calló abruptamente.", "sentence2": "La oficina gritó durante minutos, enfurecida por la perversión de sus cubiertas.", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2305_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Pero... pero... a bordo de este barco...? El oficial hizo un gesto de impotencia y, rindiéndose a su desconcierto, se calló abruptamente.", "sentence2": "El oficial estaba confundido por lo que estaba sucediendo a bordo del barco.", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2306_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Pero... pero... a bordo de este barco...? El oficial hizo un gesto de impotencia y, rindiéndose a su desconcierto, se calló abruptamente.", "sentence2": "El oficial quedó estupefacto por los vómitos en la cubierta", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2307_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las cosas no le habían ido nada bien en los últimos quince días desde que aceptó la comisión del Rey.", "sentence2": "Durmió profundamente por la noche sabiendo que había rechazado el encargo del Rey.", "promptID": "789_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2365_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He mandado enviar por usted, Capitán Blood, debido a ciertas noticias que me acaban de llegar.", "sentence2": "No escuché ninguna noticia, Capitán Blood. ¿Tienes?", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2371_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He mandado enviar por usted, Capitán Blood, debido a ciertas noticias que me acaban de llegar.", "sentence2": "Recibí algunas noticias antes de enviar por ti, Capitán Blood.", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2372_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Por qué corres, entonces? Le preguntó fríamente, de pié, delgado y derecho ante él, todo en blanco y muy virginal excepto en su compostura antinatural.", "sentence2": "Su postura no se veía natural porque tenía dolor de espalda", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2377_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Por qué corres, entonces? Le preguntó fríamente, de pié, delgado y derecho ante él, todo en blanco y muy virginal excepto en su compostura antinatural.", "sentence2": "Ella no preguntó nada, ella le dijo que se fuera.", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2378_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Por qué corres, entonces? Le preguntó fríamente, de pié, delgado y derecho ante él, todo en blanco y muy virginal excepto en su compostura antinatural.", "sentence2": "Estaba vestida de blanco cuando preguntó: ¿Por qué corres, entonces?.", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2379_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Bueno, bueno, tal vez no me encuentre tan fácil de entender como se imagina.", "sentence2": "Piensa que agarrarme será realmente simple.", "promptID": "800_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2399_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Bueno, bueno, tal vez no me encuentre tan fácil de entender como se imagina.", "sentence2": "Puede que no sea tan fácil de atrapar como él piensa.", "promptID": "800_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2400_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fue ella ahora la que la defendía, su voz temblaba con indignación.", "sentence2": "La mujer ya había tenido bastante de su mal comportamiento.", "promptID": "820_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2458_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La vida puede ser endemoniadamente compleja, suspiró.", "sentence2": "Él dejó escapar un signo de resignación.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2494_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La vida puede ser endemoniadamente compleja, suspiró.", "sentence2": "La vida es infernalmente complicada debido a las muchas interacciones que uno puede tener.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2496_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Wolverstone se puso firme desafiante ante su capitán. Veré al coronel Bishop en el infierno o si alguna vez miento por el. Y escupió, seguramente con el objetivo de poner énfasis.", "sentence2": "El Coronel Bishop ha hecho algo para convertir a Wolverstone en su enemigo.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2497_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Wolverstone se puso firme desafiante ante su capitán. Veré al coronel Bishop en el infierno o si alguna vez miento por el. Y escupió, seguramente con el objetivo de poner énfasis.", "sentence2": "Escupió en el suelo para destacar su punto.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2498_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Wolverstone se puso firme desafiante ante su capitán. Veré al coronel Bishop en el infierno o si alguna vez miento por el. Y escupió, seguramente con el objetivo de poner énfasis.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone y el coronel Bishop eran amigos íntimos.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2499_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yo ... creo que lo ha hecho, dijo Calverley, entre la duda y la sospecha.", "sentence2": "Habló inteligentemente y claramente decidido ya que sabía que estaba en lo cierto.", "promptID": "836_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2508_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es un servicio respetable.", "sentence2": "No es un servicio para nada honorable, ¡es muy embarazoso!", "promptID": "839_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2517_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fuimos de un lugar a otro, y desde entonces ha sido una carrera.", "sentence2": "Siempre ha sido un concurso desde que fuimos.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2578_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fuimos de un lugar a otro, y desde entonces ha sido una carrera.", "sentence2": "La carrera había comenzado desde que teníamos cuatro años.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2579_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fuimos de un lugar a otro, y desde entonces ha sido una carrera.", "sentence2": "Nunca hubo una raza con la que comenzar.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2580_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El mío es la manera segura y fácil.", "sentence2": "Mi camino es el más difícil.", "promptID": "867_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2599_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No hay necesidad de hurgar en ese tema, a menos que quieras asegurarte de que nos hundimos.", "sentence2": "El barco se hundirá si la tripulación no actúa rápidamente.", "promptID": "888_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2662_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No hay necesidad de hurgar en ese tema, a menos que quieras asegurarte de que nos hundimos.", "sentence2": "Hay una forma de que se hundan.", "promptID": "888_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2663_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No hay necesidad de hurgar en ese tema, a menos que quieras asegurarte de que nos hundimos.", "sentence2": "No pueden hundirse en ninguna circunstancia.", "promptID": "888_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2664_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se veía a sí mismo como el perro de la fábula que había dejado caer la sustancia para arrebatarle una sombra engañosa.", "sentence2": "Nunca deseó ser como ese perro en esa fábula.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2671_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se veía a sí mismo como el perro de la fábula que había dejado caer la sustancia para arrebatarle una sombra engañosa.", "sentence2": "Esta es una fábula ancestral.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2672_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se veía a sí mismo como el perro de la fábula que había dejado caer la sustancia para arrebatarle una sombra engañosa.", "sentence2": "Había una vez una historia sobre un perro y una sombra engañosa.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2673_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, ¿cómo podría haberme ayudado si estadía? Y cómo Pitt no le respondió a él: ¿ves? Dijo él, y encogió los hombros.", "sentence2": "Les dijo que podía verlo, pero que al final no era gran cosa.", "promptID": "904_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2711_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, ¿cómo podría haberme ayudado si estadía? Y cómo Pitt no le respondió a él: ¿ves? Dijo él, y encogió los hombros.", "sentence2": "Estaba claro que quedarme podría haberme ayudado, por lo que nunca se cuestionó.", "promptID": "904_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2712_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Que él lo haga no creo que haga la más mínima diferencia, dijo su señoría de forma grave.", "sentence2": "Su elección fue comprar 12 pollos o 3 bueyes.", "promptID": "908_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2722_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Que él lo haga no creo que haga la más mínima diferencia, dijo su señoría de forma grave.", "sentence2": "Si eligió actuar o no, su señoría no creía que hubiera cambiado nada.", "promptID": "908_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2724_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero sospecho que esta seriedad es solo una máscara bajo la cual se divertía Lord Julian en secreto.", "sentence2": "Julian pensó que la situación era divertida.", "promptID": "918_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2753_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algunos de esos tontos pueden creer ese cuento. Sacudió el pulgar de manera despectiva hacia los hombres en la cintura, cuyos rangos aumentaban de manera estable por la llegada de otros de los camarotes de proa.", "sentence2": "La gente del castillo de proa se unía a los hombres en el combés.", "promptID": "934_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2800_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algunos de esos tontos pueden creer ese cuento. Sacudió el pulgar de manera despectiva hacia los hombres en la cintura, cuyos rangos aumentaban de manera estable por la llegada de otros de los camarotes de proa.", "sentence2": "Algunas personas creyeron la historia de que la princesa había sido devorada por un dragón.", "promptID": "934_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2801_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algunos de esos tontos pueden creer ese cuento. Sacudió el pulgar de manera despectiva hacia los hombres en la cintura, cuyos rangos aumentaban de manera estable por la llegada de otros de los camarotes de proa.", "sentence2": "Las filas de los hombres estaban disminuyendo, porque todos se estaban dirigiendo hacia el castillo de proa para cenar.", "promptID": "934_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2802_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entonces háganles saber que si intentan obstaculizar nuestra navegación, colgaremos a la prostituta primero y lucharemos por ella después.", "sentence2": "No había forma de saber si el bote seguiría avanzando.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2815_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entonces háganles saber que si intentan obstaculizar nuestra navegación, colgaremos a la prostituta primero y lucharemos por ella después.", "sentence2": "No había nada capaz de frenar la nave.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2816_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Entonces háganles saber que si intentan obstaculizar nuestra navegación, colgaremos a la prostituta primero y lucharemos por ella después.", "sentence2": "Intentaremos luchar por él una vez que empecemos a navegar.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2817_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así que has venido, el vicegobernador lo saludó y continuó con una serie de vagos pero malhumorados gruñidos.", "sentence2": "Esperaba tu llegada, dijo el vicegobernador.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2842_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así que has venido, el vicegobernador lo saludó y continuó con una serie de vagos pero malhumorados gruñidos.", "sentence2": "El vicegobernador no lo estaba esperando necesariamente, aunque lo saludó de todos modos.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2843_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así que has venido, el vicegobernador lo saludó y continuó con una serie de vagos pero malhumorados gruñidos.", "sentence2": "Hubo algo de remordimiento cuando el vicegobernador saludó con la mano.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2844_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sí, dijo Ogle, eso es verdad. Pero había algunos que todavía estaban en rebelión abierta y franca contra la línea de acción.", "sentence2": "El trayecto estaba lleno de territorio inexplorado que era, por lo tanto, muy peligroso.", "promptID": "954_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2862_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sobre él en la cintura, donde todo anoche estuvo tan calmado, hubo un ajetreo activo y frenético de algunos hombres sesenta.", "sentence2": "La noche se consideró tranquila, aunque hubo una gran conmoción después.", "promptID": "965_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2893_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No puedo pensar por qué deberías molestarte en defenderte - lo desanimó ella.", "sentence2": "Alentando esto, había encontrado muchas razones de por qué uno se pondría en problemas para defenderte.", "promptID": "966_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2896_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No puedo pensar por qué deberías molestarte en defenderte - lo desanimó ella.", "sentence2": "Ella había desalentado cualquier forma de defensa que se aplicara a usted.", "promptID": "966_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2897_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No puedo pensar por qué deberías molestarte en defenderte - lo desanimó ella.", "sentence2": "La defensa que ella propuso fue insuficiente.", "promptID": "966_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2898_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se paró cuando vio al capitán Blood, le saludó, como era su deber, pero la sonrisa que levantó el bigote rígido del oficial era tristemente sarcástico.", "sentence2": "El Capitán Blood no estaba en ninguna parte.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2992_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se paró cuando vio al capitán Blood, le saludó, como era su deber, pero la sonrisa que levantó el bigote rígido del oficial era tristemente sarcástico.", "sentence2": "Podría ver Captain Blood.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2993_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se paró cuando vio al capitán Blood, le saludó, como era su deber, pero la sonrisa que levantó el bigote rígido del oficial era tristemente sarcástico.", "sentence2": "El oficial tenia un bigote", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2994_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¡Ja! Wolverstone emitió una eyaculación de risa burlona.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone no se rió.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2998_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Ja! Wolverstone emitió una eyaculación de risa burlona.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone se rió.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2999_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Ja! Wolverstone emitió una eyaculación de risa burlona.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone pensó que era divertido.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3000_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Allí la escena es menos relajada y es posible que el problema del lenguaje te intimide, pero al menos podrás vislumbrar la sociedad de consumo china.", "sentence2": "Es una buena idea tener un traductor contigo.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3073_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Allí la escena es menos relajada y es posible que el problema del lenguaje te intimide, pero al menos podrás vislumbrar la sociedad de consumo china.", "sentence2": "Hay un problema de lenguaje que podría intimidarte.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3074_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Allí la escena es menos relajada y es posible que el problema del lenguaje te intimide, pero al menos podrás vislumbrar la sociedad de consumo china.", "sentence2": "No tienes que preocuparte por problemas de idioma allí, ya que todos hablan inglés.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3075_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La simplicidad de las líneas románicas de Sant Pau, representa un cambio agradable de la extravagancia del modernismo de Barcelona y la complejidad de la arquitectura gótica.", "sentence2": "Sant Pau no tiene líneas románicas.", "promptID": "1031_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3091_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La simplicidad de las líneas románicas de Sant Pau, representa un cambio agradable de la extravagancia del modernismo de Barcelona y la complejidad de la arquitectura gótica.", "sentence2": "Sant Pau tiene líneas románicas.", "promptID": "1031_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3092_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las montañas robustas de Serra de Tramuntana se arrastran al mar tan marcadamente aquí que hay pocos puntos de acceso y un solo puerto y muelle de cualquier tamaño a lo largo de la costa.", "sentence2": "Hay 27 puertos a lo largo de las montañas", "promptID": "1043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3129_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pedro tomó el trono, aunque la lucha armada continuó durante meses y la amargura siguió persistiendo mucho después de esto.", "sentence2": "10000 personas murieron en la guerra.", "promptID": "1066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3196_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pedro tomó el trono, aunque la lucha armada continuó durante meses y la amargura siguió persistiendo mucho después de esto.", "sentence2": "La guerra fue hace meses.", "promptID": "1066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3197_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pedro tomó el trono, aunque la lucha armada continuó durante meses y la amargura siguió persistiendo mucho después de esto.", "sentence2": "La guerra terminó en un solo día.", "promptID": "1066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3198_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los patios y pabellones masivos sobre las cámaras funerarias de Yongle han sido restaurados, y albergan algunos de los tesoros excavados de las Tumbas Ming, incluida la armadura imperial.", "sentence2": "Se muestran algunas antigüedades .", "promptID": "1072_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3214_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los patios y pabellones masivos sobre las cámaras funerarias de Yongle han sido restaurados, y albergan algunos de los tesoros excavados de las Tumbas Ming, incluida la armadura imperial.", "sentence2": "Puedes tocar algunas de las armaduras imperiales.", "promptID": "1072_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3215_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En el centro de la plaza se encuentra el granito Weltkugelbrunnen (o Fuente del Mundo) de Joachim Schmettau, que los lugareños han bautizado alegremente como la bola de masa hervida acuática.", "sentence2": "Weltkugelbrunnen está hecho de aluminio.", "promptID": "1073_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3217_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el centro de la plaza se encuentra el granito Weltkugelbrunnen (o Fuente del Mundo) de Joachim Schmettau, que los lugareños han bautizado alegremente como la bola de masa hervida acuática.", "sentence2": "El Weltkugelbrunnen está hecho de un granito muy negro y brillante.", "promptID": "1073_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3218_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En el centro de la plaza se encuentra el granito Weltkugelbrunnen (o Fuente del Mundo) de Joachim Schmettau, que los lugareños han bautizado alegremente como la bola de masa hervida acuática.", "sentence2": "Weltkugelbrunnen está hecho de granito.", "promptID": "1073_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3219_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al otro lado, en la Ciudad de la Música está el Museo de la Música y un salón de conciertos gigante, el Zenith.", "sentence2": "El Zenith acoge 1000 conciertos al año.", "promptID": "1074_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3220_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Que dicho terror aterrorice a aquellos esclavos del error terrenal, pues el horror de estas imágenes cuenta lo que les espera.", "sentence2": "A esas personas les pasarán cosas malas.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3271_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Que dicho terror aterrorice a aquellos esclavos del error terrenal, pues el horror de estas imágenes cuenta lo que les espera.", "sentence2": "Las imágenes muestran qué cosas maravillosas les sucederán.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3272_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Que dicho terror aterrorice a aquellos esclavos del error terrenal, pues el horror de estas imágenes cuenta lo que les espera.", "sentence2": "Esas personas serán asesinadas inmediatamente.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3273_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una serie de concursos de pesca constituyen la temporada de los ricos, brillantes y guapos que descienden a pescar durante el día y disfrutan de la vida social animada después de oscurecer.", "sentence2": "A la gente le gusta festejar después de pescar.", "promptID": "1118_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3352_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una serie de concursos de pesca constituyen la temporada de los ricos, brillantes y guapos que descienden a pescar durante el día y disfrutan de la vida social animada después de oscurecer.", "sentence2": "La gente va a pescar y luego se va directamente a dormir.", "promptID": "1118_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3353_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una serie de concursos de pesca constituyen la temporada de los ricos, brillantes y guapos que descienden a pescar durante el día y disfrutan de la vida social animada después de oscurecer.", "sentence2": "A la gente le gusta beber mucha cerveza en los bares después de ir a pescar.", "promptID": "1118_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3354_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al estallar la guerra, la reputación de Canadá de recibir inmigrantes y refugiados de todo el mundo se vio empañada por el bloqueo de comunistas y judíos de la Alemania de Hitler.", "sentence2": "Canadá nunca ha recibido refugiados.", "promptID": "1127_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3379_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Flanqueándolo, una iglesia octagonal moderna al este y una capilla y una torre hexagonal al oeste representan el renacimiento de la posguerra de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Estas estructuras fueron construidas por el mejor arquitecto del mundo.", "promptID": "1130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3390_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De ahora en adelante, la unidad nacional siempre jugó un segundo papel en los intereses étnicos, religiosos y, sobre todo, económicos regionales.", "sentence2": "La unidad nacional no tiene importancia alguna.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3442_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De ahora en adelante, la unidad nacional siempre jugó un segundo papel en los intereses étnicos, religiosos y, sobre todo, económicos regionales.", "sentence2": "La unidad nacional es más importante que todo lo demás combinado.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3443_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De ahora en adelante, la unidad nacional siempre jugó un segundo papel en los intereses étnicos, religiosos y, sobre todo, económicos regionales.", "sentence2": "La unidad nacional nunca es la primera prioridad.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3444_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las escarpadas crestas de Montserrat surgen de la llanura sin rasgos distintivos del Llobregat 62 kilómetros (38 millas) al noroeste de Barcelona, ​​en el corazón de Cataluña.", "sentence2": "Montesserant es un río.", "promptID": "1152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3454_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entre la isla y el continente está la Laguna Nichupté, una enorme laguna de agua de mar rodeada de manglares que son refugio de numerosas especies silvestres.", "sentence2": "Lagun Nichupte es un desierto.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3484_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entre la isla y el continente está la Laguna Nichupté, una enorme laguna de agua de mar rodeada de manglares que son refugio de numerosas especies silvestres.", "sentence2": "Laguna Nichupte tiene 10 acres de agua.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3485_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Entre la isla y el continente está la Laguna Nichupté, una enorme laguna de agua de mar rodeada de manglares que son refugio de numerosas especies silvestres.", "sentence2": "Laguna Nichupte es un cuerpo de agua.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3486_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El gran momento histórico se produjo en 1864, cuando su capital, Charlottetown, organizó una reunión de líderes marítimos con delegados de Ontario y Quebec para marcar el camino hacia el estatus federal de Canadá como un dominio unido.", "sentence2": "Charlottetown fue la más famosa en 2019.", "promptID": "1227_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3681_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los sistemas de recursos humanos se consolidaron y las nuevas estructuras corporativas se definieron con rapidez para asegurar un apoyo continuo hacia la base de clientes ampliada.", "sentence2": "Al consolidar los sistemas de recursos humanos, se creó espacio para las nuevas estructuras corporativas.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3754_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los sistemas de recursos humanos se consolidaron y las nuevas estructuras corporativas se definieron con rapidez para asegurar un apoyo continuo hacia la base de clientes ampliada.", "sentence2": "Se crearon estructuras corporativas.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3755_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las nueve agencias que respondieron informan su participación en un", "sentence2": "Estas nueve agencias están complacidas de tener un nivel de participación tan alto.", "promptID": "1272_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3816_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Desde 1996, el ratio de la riqueza de los hogares ha aumentado llegando a su máximo de 6,4 con rapidez en 1999.", "sentence2": "Todos los hogares ganaron 10000 $ más el año pasado.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3817_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Desde 1996, el ratio de la riqueza de los hogares ha aumentado llegando a su máximo de 6,4 con rapidez en 1999.", "sentence2": "Los hogares han estado perdiendo mucha riqueza.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3818_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Desde 1996, el ratio de la riqueza de los hogares ha aumentado llegando a su máximo de 6,4 con rapidez en 1999.", "sentence2": "Los hogares han incrementado mucho su radio de ingresos.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3819_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En el enfoque de la subclase, a la categoría básica y de trabajo compartido se les asigna un margen de porcentaje sobre el costo, para obtener su tasa promedio.", "sentence2": "La categoría básica es más que el coste.", "promptID": "1275_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3823_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el enfoque de la subclase, a la categoría básica y de trabajo compartido se les asigna un margen de porcentaje sobre el costo, para obtener su tasa promedio.", "sentence2": "El precio es un 10 % superior al coste.", "promptID": "1275_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3824_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En el enfoque de la subclase, a la categoría básica y de trabajo compartido se les asigna un margen de porcentaje sobre el costo, para obtener su tasa promedio.", "sentence2": "El precio siempre es inferior al coste.", "promptID": "1275_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3825_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No es posible conocer la extensión o dirección de la tendencia en el cambio de incidencia total basado en la aplicación general de una sola función C-R en cualquier parte.", "sentence2": "Es obvio cuánto prejuicio hay.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3850_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No es posible conocer la extensión o dirección de la tendencia en el cambio de incidencia total basado en la aplicación general de una sola función C-R en cualquier parte.", "sentence2": "No puede saber cuánto prejuicio existe porque es difícil separarse de otras influencias externas.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3851_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No es posible conocer la extensión o dirección de la tendencia en el cambio de incidencia total basado en la aplicación general de una sola función C-R en cualquier parte.", "sentence2": "No puedes saber cuánto prejudicio hay.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3852_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algunos propietarios de instalaciones han sido innovadores en sus planes de construcción para minimizar el tiempo de espera.", "sentence2": "El almacenamiento de inventario más eficiente es una pieza clave para minimizar el tiempo de inactividad.", "promptID": "1294_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3882_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, el personal del programa realiza varios talleres y ofrecen materiales educativos a los nuevos proveedores.", "sentence2": "El personal del programa cortó todos los talleres el año pasado.", "promptID": "1297_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3889_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se requeriría a los abogados financiados por LSC que den seguimiento a la ubicación geográfica de sus clientes y que se retiren de los casos si sus clientes extranjeros abandonan los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "Los abogados son pagados por el LSC si están trabajando en terrorismo.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3901_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se requeriría a los abogados financiados por LSC que den seguimiento a la ubicación geográfica de sus clientes y que se retiren de los casos si sus clientes extranjeros abandonan los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "A algunos abogados les paga el LSC.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3902_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se requeriría a los abogados financiados por LSC que den seguimiento a la ubicación geográfica de sus clientes y que se retiren de los casos si sus clientes extranjeros abandonan los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "El LSC sólo financia a los estudiantes de medicina.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3903_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero su trabajo en el banco afecta a las vidas de los desfavorecidos, como los llama Zelon, uno por uno.", "sentence2": "Su trabajo se centró en las personas ricas.", "promptID": "1309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3927_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los efectos de bienestar de los anuncios publicitarios que se desplaza se calculan de la misma manera que en la sección anterior sobre las ganancias.", "sentence2": "Calculan los efectos de bienestar como lo hacen sobre cuánto dinero ganan.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3934_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los efectos de bienestar de los anuncios publicitarios que se desplaza se calculan de la misma manera que en la sección anterior sobre las ganancias.", "sentence2": "Calculan efectos de bienestar rápidamente en una calculadora.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3935_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los efectos de bienestar de los anuncios publicitarios que se desplaza se calculan de la misma manera que en la sección anterior sobre las ganancias.", "sentence2": "No saben cómo calcular los efectos del bienestar.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3936_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "1) Aumento de la penetración de modos alternativos de comunicación", "sentence2": "La comunicación alternativa ahora constituye el 60 % de la comunicación.", "promptID": "1314_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3940_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "1) Aumento de la penetración de modos alternativos de comunicación", "sentence2": "Todos usan solo letras.", "promptID": "1314_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3941_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "1) Aumento de la penetración de modos alternativos de comunicación", "sentence2": "Cada vez son más populares otros modos de comunicación.", "promptID": "1314_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3942_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las estimaciones derivadas de los estudios sobre la exposición a largo plazo que justifican una parte importante de los beneficios del Cálculo Base no se ven afectadas.", "sentence2": "Todos los cálculos miran a las personas que están expuestas solo una vez.", "promptID": "1317_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3949_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Segundo, el departamento de urgencias es un entorno con un ritmo rápido en el que los profesionales no pueden sacar tiempo fácilmente para llevar a cabo unas intervenciones breves por el alcohol, aunque cuenten con la formación, las destrezas y el deseo de hacerlo.", "sentence2": "El ED no tiene prisa y es relajado.", "promptID": "1323_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3967_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Segundo, el departamento de urgencias es un entorno con un ritmo rápido en el que los profesionales no pueden sacar tiempo fácilmente para llevar a cabo unas intervenciones breves por el alcohol, aunque cuenten con la formación, las destrezas y el deseo de hacerlo.", "sentence2": "Las cosas van realmente rápido en el departamento de emergencias porque ven 2000 pacientes por semana.", "promptID": "1323_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3968_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Segundo, el departamento de urgencias es un entorno con un ritmo rápido en el que los profesionales no pueden sacar tiempo fácilmente para llevar a cabo unas intervenciones breves por el alcohol, aunque cuenten con la formación, las destrezas y el deseo de hacerlo.", "sentence2": "Las cosas se mueven realmente rápido en el servicio de urgencias.", "promptID": "1323_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3969_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este es un gran desafío y una gran expectativa para cualquier sistema de intervención.", "sentence2": "Toda invención supone retos, pero algunas invenciones conllevan muchos más retos que otras.", "promptID": "1324_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3970_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este es un gran desafío y una gran expectativa para cualquier sistema de intervención.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de las intervenciones son perfectas.", "promptID": "1324_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3971_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este es un gran desafío y una gran expectativa para cualquier sistema de intervención.", "sentence2": "Un tipo de intervención tiene un gran desafío, sin importar qué.", "promptID": "1324_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3972_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El uso de la tecnología puede reducir el tiempo necesario para que los proveedores y el personal proporcionen personalmente servicios de detección e intervención y se dirijan a los pacientes que puedan obtener beneficios de los breves mensajes de intervención.", "sentence2": "La tecnología puede reducir hasta un 80 % el tiempo que los proveedores y el personal necesitan para evaluar a las personas.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3994_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El uso de la tecnología puede reducir el tiempo necesario para que los proveedores y el personal proporcionen personalmente servicios de detección e intervención y se dirijan a los pacientes que puedan obtener beneficios de los breves mensajes de intervención.", "sentence2": "La tecnología puede reducir el tiempo que los proveedores y el personal necesitan para evaluar a las personas.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3995_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El uso de la tecnología puede reducir el tiempo necesario para que los proveedores y el personal proporcionen personalmente servicios de detección e intervención y se dirijan a los pacientes que puedan obtener beneficios de los breves mensajes de intervención.", "sentence2": "La tecnología no contribuye a la investigación en absoluto.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3996_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los recursos que estamos solicitando para el año fiscal 2002 son críticos para mantener nuestro alto nivel de desempeño y servicio al Congreso.", "sentence2": "Estamos solicitando los $ 3 mil millones que necesitamos.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4021_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los recursos que estamos solicitando para el año fiscal 2002 son críticos para mantener nuestro alto nivel de desempeño y servicio al Congreso.", "sentence2": "Estamos solicitando el dinero que necesitamos para este año.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4022_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los recursos que estamos solicitando para el año fiscal 2002 son críticos para mantener nuestro alto nivel de desempeño y servicio al Congreso.", "sentence2": "Este año no hemos pedido nada de dinero.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4023_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La figura 3 muestra los resultados básicos de los dos modelos.", "sentence2": "La Figura 3 muestra la tasa de crecimiento de la ciudad.", "promptID": "1350_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4049_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las funciones C-R también se pueden estimar con o sin umbrales explícitos.", "sentence2": "Las funciones C-R se pueden estimar de dos formas diferentes y después se pueden publicar para que el lector decida.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4057_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las funciones C-R también se pueden estimar con o sin umbrales explícitos.", "sentence2": "Las funciones C-R se pueden estimar de dos maneras diferentes.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4058_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las funciones C-R también se pueden estimar con o sin umbrales explícitos.", "sentence2": "Las funciones C-R nunca pueden ser estimadas.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4059_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Incluso si se le permitiera retirarse, esto no exime al abogado de sus obligaciones éticas con/para su cliente, ni de eventuales reclamaciones por negligencia.", "sentence2": "Si un abogado se retira de un caso, estará libre de toda obligación y responsabilidad.", "promptID": "1373_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4117_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Incluso si se le permitiera retirarse, esto no exime al abogado de sus obligaciones éticas con/para su cliente, ni de eventuales reclamaciones por negligencia.", "sentence2": "A nivel nacional, los abogados se retiran de solo el cinco por ciento de todos los casos.", "promptID": "1373_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4118_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Incluso si se le permitiera retirarse, esto no exime al abogado de sus obligaciones éticas con/para su cliente, ni de eventuales reclamaciones por negligencia.", "sentence2": "El abogado se puede enfrentar a responsabilidades incluso si abandona el caso.", "promptID": "1373_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4119_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esperamos con interés su apoyo continuo y trabajar aún más estrechamente con usted y su personal este año y en el año fiscal 2002.", "sentence2": "En este año pasado has hecho algo para apoyarnos.", "promptID": "1377_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4131_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Exigir a los abogados que supervisen los movimientos de los extranjeros elegibles en todo momento del año impondría cargas monumentales a los beneficiarios de LSC.", "sentence2": "Si se estableciera este requisito, la cantidad de beneficiarios del LSC disminuiría un 80 por ciento.", "promptID": "1378_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4132_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Exigir a los abogados que supervisen los movimientos de los extranjeros elegibles en todo momento del año impondría cargas monumentales a los beneficiarios de LSC.", "sentence2": "Sería un asunto trivial que los extranjeros que son aptos fuesen siempre supervisados por un abogado.", "promptID": "1378_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4133_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Exigir a los abogados que supervisen los movimientos de los extranjeros elegibles en todo momento del año impondría cargas monumentales a los beneficiarios de LSC.", "sentence2": "Sería mucho trabajo monitorizar a un grupo de personas en todo momento.", "promptID": "1378_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4134_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Incluyen un futuro presupuestario federal estable, innovación tecnológica y mejoras en las operaciones y la prestación de servicios de las agencias gubernamentales.", "sentence2": "Se incluyeron mejoras en las operaciones de las agencias gubernamentales.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4285_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Incluyen un futuro presupuestario federal estable, innovación tecnológica y mejoras en las operaciones y la prestación de servicios de las agencias gubernamentales.", "sentence2": "Debería haber habido más cosas incluidas.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4286_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Incluyen un futuro presupuestario federal estable, innovación tecnológica y mejoras en las operaciones y la prestación de servicios de las agencias gubernamentales.", "sentence2": "No incluyen la innovación tecnológica.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4287_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se supone que los niveles de contaminación del aire por debajo del umbral para cada efecto de salud estudiado no causan el efecto.", "sentence2": "La contaminación del aire no tiene ningún efecto sobre la salud, independientemente de los niveles.", "promptID": "1461_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4381_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si los activos existentes de los hogares pierden valor, la gente tiene que ahorrar más para alcanzar su meta de ingresos de riqueza.", "sentence2": "Los activos perderán valor a veces debido al mercado.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4435_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si los activos existentes de los hogares pierden valor, la gente tiene que ahorrar más para alcanzar su meta de ingresos de riqueza.", "sentence2": "Si los activos de los hogares pierden valor, la gente tendrá que ahorrar menos.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4436_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si los activos existentes de los hogares pierden valor, la gente tiene que ahorrar más para alcanzar su meta de ingresos de riqueza.", "sentence2": "Si los activos de las personas pierden valor, terminan teniendo que ahorrar más.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4437_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El movimiento islámico, que nació sobre 1940, es un producto del mundo moderno, influenciado por conceptos marxistas-leninistas sobre organización revolucionaria.", "sentence2": "El movimiento islamista se inició en el siglo VI.", "promptID": "1502_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4505_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No hemos encontrado indicios de que la idea haya sido informada a la nueva administración o de que Clarke les haya pasado su trabajo, aunque el mismo equipo de funcionarios de carrera abarcó ambas administraciones.", "sentence2": "Estamos 100% seguros de que Clarke nunca dio su papel a nadie.", "promptID": "1518_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4552_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No hemos encontrado indicios de que la idea haya sido informada a la nueva administración o de que Clarke les haya pasado su trabajo, aunque el mismo equipo de funcionarios de carrera abarcó ambas administraciones.", "sentence2": "No podemos encontrar pruebas de que Clarke le haya entregado su trabajo.", "promptID": "1518_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4553_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No hemos encontrado indicios de que la idea haya sido informada a la nueva administración o de que Clarke les haya pasado su trabajo, aunque el mismo equipo de funcionarios de carrera abarcó ambas administraciones.", "sentence2": "Sabemos con seguridad que Clarke les dio su trabajo el 2 de julio.", "promptID": "1518_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4554_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No está claro si el sistema puede instalarse antes del 2010, pero incluso este calendario puede ser demasiado lento, dados los posibles peligros de seguridad.", "sentence2": "Es difícil instalar el sistema porque los piratas informáticos lo atacan todas las noches.", "promptID": "1523_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4567_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Informe de inteligencia, interrogatorio de KSM, 30 de julio de 2003.", "sentence2": "El interrogatorio reveló que el sabor favorito de helado de KSM era el chocolate.", "promptID": "1524_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4572_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ramzi Yousef y Khalid Sheikh Mohammed planearon la trama aérea de Manila en 1995, y KSM ayudó a financiar el intento de Yousef de volar el World Trade Center en 1993.", "sentence2": "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed era bien conocido por sus esfuerzos para erradicar el terrorismo en todo el mundo.", "promptID": "1533_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4598_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hacen que sea más difícil atacar los objetivos con éxito e impiden los ataques, lo que hace que sea más probable la captura.", "sentence2": "Sabían que hacer que los objetivos fueran más difíciles conduciría a una mayor tasa de capturas.", "promptID": "1542_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4624_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Después de abrir nuevamente el espacio aéreo, nueve vuelos fletados con 160 personas, en su mayoría ciudadanos saudíes, partieron de Estados Unidos entre el 14 y el 24 de septiembre.", "sentence2": "Más de 100 ciudadanos saudíes salieron de los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4711_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Después de abrir nuevamente el espacio aéreo, nueve vuelos fletados con 160 personas, en su mayoría ciudadanos saudíes, partieron de Estados Unidos entre el 14 y el 24 de septiembre.", "sentence2": "El espacio aéreo no se reabrió hasta finales de octubre.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4712_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Después de abrir nuevamente el espacio aéreo, nueve vuelos fletados con 160 personas, en su mayoría ciudadanos saudíes, partieron de Estados Unidos entre el 14 y el 24 de septiembre.", "sentence2": "También hubo varias docenas de ciudadanos británicos que abandonaron el país.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4713_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Le pedimos a todas las naciones que se unan a nosotros.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos al menos 10 paises que se nos unan.", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4720_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Le pedimos a todas las naciones que se unan a nosotros.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos ayuda de todo el mundo.", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4721_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Le pedimos a todas las naciones que se unan a nosotros.", "sentence2": "¡Lo haremos solos!", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4722_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "También significaba que había un vínculo entre Khallad y Mihdhar, lo que hacía que Mihdhar pareciera aún más sospechoso.", "sentence2": "Nadie pudo encontrar una conexión entre Khallad y Mihdhar.", "promptID": "1581_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4743_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El pueblo de Estados Unidos esperaba disfrutar de un dividendo de la paz, ya que el gasto de EE. UU. en seguridad nacional se redujo tras el fin de la amenaza militar soviética.", "sentence2": "Cuando la amenaza soviética terminó, los EE. UU. Se embarcaron en una acumulación militar masiva.", "promptID": "1593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4777_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Nuestro sistema de control de fronteras debe ser capaz de controlar a las personas de manera eficiente y dar la bienvenida a los que son amigos.", "sentence2": "El proceso de selección en la frontera debe ser acogedor al mismo tiempo que productivo.", "promptID": "1609_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4825_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nuestro sistema de control de fronteras debe ser capaz de controlar a las personas de manera eficiente y dar la bienvenida a los que son amigos.", "sentence2": "No tenemos tiempo para las bromas cuando lidiamos con los cruces fronterizos.", "promptID": "1609_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4826_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Como resultado, ni el pueblo de los Estados Unidos ni el de Arabia Saudita apreciaron todas las dimensiones de la relación bilateral, incluyendo el papel saudita en las estrategias de Estados Unidos para promover el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio.", "sentence2": "Los sauditas y los EE. UU. trabajaron juntos.", "promptID": "1610_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4828_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como resultado, ni el pueblo de los Estados Unidos ni el de Arabia Saudita apreciaron todas las dimensiones de la relación bilateral, incluyendo el papel saudita en las estrategias de Estados Unidos para promover el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio.", "sentence2": "Los saudíes invitaron al enviado de los EE. UU. a trabajar en el proyecto de paz de Oriente Medio.", "promptID": "1610_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4829_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como resultado, ni el pueblo de los Estados Unidos ni el de Arabia Saudita apreciaron todas las dimensiones de la relación bilateral, incluyendo el papel saudita en las estrategias de Estados Unidos para promover el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio.", "sentence2": "Los saudíes se negaron a trabajar con EE. UU. y en su lugar impulsaron la violencia.", "promptID": "1610_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4830_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fue claro que la agencia líder de respuesta fue el Departamento de Bomberos de Nueva York, y que las otras agencias locales, federales, biestatales y estatales que respondieron actuaron en un rol de apoyo.", "sentence2": "El Departamento de bomberos de Nueva York no era la única agencia a cargo; otras tenían el mismo control.", "promptID": "1616_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4848_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No hay indicación de que Atta o Shehhi recibieran entrenamiento de vuelo adicional en junio.", "sentence2": "Hay evidencia de que Atta y Shehhi trabajaron duro para convertirse en mejores pilotos en junio.", "promptID": "1618_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4853_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El 4 de agosto, el presidente Bush escribió al presidente Musharraf para pedirle su apoyo en el tratamiento del terrorismo y para instar a Pakistán a participar activamente contra Al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "El presidente Bush no tenía ningún contacto con el presidente Musharraf.", "promptID": "1621_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4861_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El 4 de agosto, el presidente Bush escribió al presidente Musharraf para pedirle su apoyo en el tratamiento del terrorismo y para instar a Pakistán a participar activamente contra Al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "El presidente Bush escribió una carta al presidente Musharraf en agosto.", "promptID": "1621_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4862_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El 4 de agosto, el presidente Bush escribió al presidente Musharraf para pedirle su apoyo en el tratamiento del terrorismo y para instar a Pakistán a participar activamente contra Al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "El presidente Musharraf respondió al presidente Bush de inmediato.", "promptID": "1621_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4863_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero empleó su tiempo en conseguir funcionarios nuevos y trabajar en los documentos básicos de una nueva política de defensa, la revisión cuatrienal de defensa, la guia de planificación de defensa, así como los planes de contingencia existentes.", "sentence2": "Poner nuevos funcionarios en el cargo y trabajar en la política de defensa eran proyectos lentos.", "promptID": "1637_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4910_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las actuales exigencias de seguridad fomentan un exceso de clasificación y fragmentación de la información entre agencias.", "sentence2": "Los requisitos de seguridad no compartimentan demasiado la información.", "promptID": "1645_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4934_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si la inteligencia de defensa se reorganiza para elevar las responsabilidades del director de la DIA, entonces esa persona podría ser el funcionario apropiado.", "sentence2": "El director de la DIA no está involucrado con la inteligencia de defensa en absoluto.", "promptID": "1650_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4949_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si la inteligencia de defensa se reorganiza para elevar las responsabilidades del director de la DIA, entonces esa persona podría ser el funcionario apropiado.", "sentence2": "El director de la DIA está involucrado con la inteligencia de defensa.", "promptID": "1650_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4950_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El agente del FBI obtuvo, de un gobierno extranjero, una foto de la persona que se cree dirigió el atentado contra el Cole.", "sentence2": "La fotografía estaba ligeramente borrosa, pero el rostro de la persona aún era visible.", "promptID": "1671_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5013_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hablaron de los objetivos en lenguaje codificado, simulando ser estudiantes hablando de varios campos: la arquitectura como el World Trade Center, el arte como el Pentágono, el derecho como el Capitolio y la política como la Casa Blanca.", "sentence2": "Vinieron directamente y dijeron qué puntos de referencia estaban hablando.", "promptID": "1681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5041_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hablaron de los objetivos en lenguaje codificado, simulando ser estudiantes hablando de varios campos: la arquitectura como el World Trade Center, el arte como el Pentágono, el derecho como el Capitolio y la política como la Casa Blanca.", "sentence2": "Hablaban acerca de la arquitectura de los monumentos y lo utilizaban para las palabras clave.", "promptID": "1681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5042_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hablaron de los objetivos en lenguaje codificado, simulando ser estudiantes hablando de varios campos: la arquitectura como el World Trade Center, el arte como el Pentágono, el derecho como el Capitolio y la política como la Casa Blanca.", "sentence2": "Hablaron sobre los objetivos que querían explotar en el código.", "promptID": "1681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5043_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Su relación con ella permaneció cercana durante su tiempo en EE. UU.", "sentence2": "Nunca había estado en los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5045_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Su relación con ella permaneció cercana durante su tiempo en EE. UU.", "sentence2": "Pasó tiempo en los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5046_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Después de exigir repetidamente que Sudán dejase de apoyar a grupos terroristas, en 1993 el gobierno de Estados Unidos designó al país como un estado patrocinador del terrorismo.", "sentence2": "Sudán fue designado patrocinador estatal del terrorismo en 1993.", "promptID": "1690_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5069_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Después de exigir repetidamente que Sudán dejase de apoyar a grupos terroristas, en 1993 el gobierno de Estados Unidos designó al país como un estado patrocinador del terrorismo.", "sentence2": "Sudán era conocido como un líder en la lucha contra el terrorismo a lo largo de la década de los noventa.", "promptID": "1690_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5070_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando se determinó que el ataque estaba relacionado con Al Qaeda, la responsabilidad se trasladó a la Oficina local de Nueva York.", "sentence2": "La oficina de campo de Florida se hizo cargo porque estaba relacionada con Al Qaeda.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5101_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando se determinó que el ataque estaba relacionado con Al Qaeda, la responsabilidad se trasladó a la Oficina local de Nueva York.", "sentence2": "La Oficina de Campo de Nueva York lo gestionó cuando decidieron que Al Qaeda estaba involucrada.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5102_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando se determinó que el ataque estaba relacionado con Al Qaeda, la responsabilidad se trasladó a la Oficina local de Nueva York.", "sentence2": "La Oficina Exterior de Nueva York se hizo con el control de todos los sospechosos en custodia.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5103_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El director aún no tiene una estrategia para quitar la información o compartir barreras y (más de dos años desde el 9/11) solo ha citado a un grupo de trabajo sobre el tema.", "sentence2": "Dos años después, aún existían obstáculos para compartir la información.", "promptID": "1715_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5143_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una bola de fuego de combustible de avión estalló en el impacto y derribó, al menos, un banco de ascensores.", "sentence2": "El fuego estaba lo suficientemente alto como para derretir algunas ventanas de cristal de la zona.", "promptID": "1717_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5149_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este esfuerzo se realizaba antes del 11 de septiembre y continúa en una escala muy ampliada.", "sentence2": "Después del 11S, el esfuerzo aumentó de forma drástica.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5194_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este esfuerzo se realizaba antes del 11 de septiembre y continúa en una escala muy ampliada.", "sentence2": "Después del 11 de septiembre, el esfuerzo fue abandonado por completo a favor de diferentes tácticas.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5195_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este esfuerzo se realizaba antes del 11 de septiembre y continúa en una escala muy ampliada.", "sentence2": "Desde el 11/9, el financiamiento para el esfuerzo aumentó en un 120 %.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5196_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un oficial del Tesoro describió la postura de la CIA como negligente benigna hacia el Centro de Seguimiento de Activos Terroristas Extranjeros (FTATC), dijo que la CIA considera que el seguimiento financiero tiene una utilidad limitada.", "sentence2": "El seguimiento financiero consiste principalmente en examinar recibos de tarjetas de crédito y estados de cuenta bancarios.", "promptID": "1741_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5221_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un oficial del Tesoro describió la postura de la CIA como negligente benigna hacia el Centro de Seguimiento de Activos Terroristas Extranjeros (FTATC), dijo que la CIA considera que el seguimiento financiero tiene una utilidad limitada.", "sentence2": "Algunos funcionarios del Tesoro no creían que la CIA valorara el seguimiento financiero.", "promptID": "1741_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5222_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lo más importante es el hecho de que asistir a una representación en el IRT no es solo una excursión.", "sentence2": "Asistir a una actuación en el IRT será un descanso agradable y fácil de trabajar duro y de pensar.", "promptID": "1757_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5270_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lo más importante es el hecho de que asistir a una representación en el IRT no es solo una excursión.", "sentence2": "Para poder disfrutar plenamente de una actuación en el IRT, con antelación debe prestar mucha atención y estudiar el rendimiento y su historia.", "promptID": "1757_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5271_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Gracias por apoyar al Museo de Arte de Indianapolis en el 1999.", "sentence2": "Gracias por su donación de 100 $ al Museo de Arte de Indianápolis.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5287_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Gracias por apoyar al Museo de Arte de Indianapolis en el 1999.", "sentence2": "Gracias, pero no agradecemos que hayan faltado a sus donaciones en 1999.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5288_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Gracias por apoyar al Museo de Arte de Indianapolis en el 1999.", "sentence2": "Estamos muy contentos de que ayudase al museo.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5289_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es importante que sepamos sobre ti durante este último esfuerzo de la temporada.", "sentence2": "Este es el último círculo de donaciones que tendremos esta temporada, ¡así que necesitamos tu ayuda!", "promptID": "1767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5299_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tu apoyo a Goodwill proveerá formación profesional y servicio de colocación para ayudar a los más pobres de Indiana a encontrar empleos significativos.", "sentence2": "La gente del centro de Indiana nunca recibe entrenamiento laboral.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5353_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tu apoyo a Goodwill proveerá formación profesional y servicio de colocación para ayudar a los más pobres de Indiana a encontrar empleos significativos.", "sentence2": "Supporting Goodwill beneficiará a la gente de Indiana.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5354_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Trataremos de contactarnos con cada uno de ustedes que no han participado en este año fiscal en los próximos 45 días para que podamos alcanzar nuestro objetivo antes de la fecha límite del 30 de junio.", "sentence2": "No tenemos intención de contactar a aquellos que no donaron este año fiscal.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5380_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Trataremos de contactarnos con cada uno de ustedes que no han participado en este año fiscal en los próximos 45 días para que podamos alcanzar nuestro objetivo antes de la fecha límite del 30 de junio.", "sentence2": "Nos comunicaremos por correo en los próximos 45 días con quienes no hayan hecho donaciones este año fiscal.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5381_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Trataremos de contactarnos con cada uno de ustedes que no han participado en este año fiscal en los próximos 45 días para que podamos alcanzar nuestro objetivo antes de la fecha límite del 30 de junio.", "sentence2": "Durante los próximos 45 días, trataremos de contactar a aquellos que no hayan donado este año fiscal.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5382_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tu inversión mantiene la alta calidad de todos los aspectos del museo y hace posibles nuevos logros.", "sentence2": "Las inversiones no afectan en modo alguno al Museo.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5425_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tu inversión mantiene la alta calidad de todos los aspectos del museo y hace posibles nuevos logros.", "sentence2": "Las inversiones más grandes son más útiles para el Museo.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5426_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tu inversión mantiene la alta calidad de todos los aspectos del museo y hace posibles nuevos logros.", "sentence2": "El Museo se ve afectado por las inversiones.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5427_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y, espero que apoyéis los esfuerzos artísticos y educativos del Civic Theatre nuevamente este año.", "sentence2": "El teatro Civic está completamente financiado y rechazará más dinero.", "promptID": "1813_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5437_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y, espero que apoyéis los esfuerzos artísticos y educativos del Civic Theatre nuevamente este año.", "sentence2": "El Teatro Cívico necesita 1 $ millón este año.", "promptID": "1813_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5438_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y, espero que apoyéis los esfuerzos artísticos y educativos del Civic Theatre nuevamente este año.", "sentence2": "El Teatro Civico necesita necesita su apoyo.", "promptID": "1813_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5439_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Su apoyo ayuda a la sociedad a mantener un cuidado de calidad de las colecciones de animales y plantas y a realizar investigaciones importantes sobre especies raras, incluidas las del Plan de Supervivencia de Especies.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad se preocupa por los animales que están casi extintos en África.", "promptID": "1822_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5464_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Su apoyo ayuda a la sociedad a mantener un cuidado de calidad de las colecciones de animales y plantas y a realizar investigaciones importantes sobre especies raras, incluidas las del Plan de Supervivencia de Especies.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad se ocupa de los animales.", "promptID": "1822_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5465_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Su apoyo ayuda a la sociedad a mantener un cuidado de calidad de las colecciones de animales y plantas y a realizar investigaciones importantes sobre especies raras, incluidas las del Plan de Supervivencia de Especies.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad se preocupa de los niños pequeños.", "promptID": "1822_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5466_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ofrecer una atmósfera profesional para que muchos actores con talento de la comunidad perfeccionen sus habilidades.", "sentence2": "Los teatros comunitarios nunca ayudan a que los actores mejoren.", "promptID": "1827_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5479_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ofrecer una atmósfera profesional para que muchos actores con talento de la comunidad perfeccionen sus habilidades.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de los actores profesionales comenzaron en los teatros de la comunidad.", "promptID": "1827_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5480_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ofrecer una atmósfera profesional para que muchos actores con talento de la comunidad perfeccionen sus habilidades.", "sentence2": "Algunos actores usan el teatro comunitario para mejorar.", "promptID": "1827_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5481_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Necesitamos recursos para reclutar y formar a excelentes maestros.", "sentence2": "No necesitamos reclutar maestros, simplemente vienen a nosotros.", "promptID": "1837_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5509_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Necesitamos recursos para reclutar y formar a excelentes maestros.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos mejores profesores.", "promptID": "1837_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5510_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Necesitamos recursos para reclutar y formar a excelentes maestros.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos contratar 100 nuevos y buenos maestros.", "promptID": "1837_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5511_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tengo más que un trabajo", "sentence2": "Tengo un trabajo que ocupa todo mi tiempo.", "promptID": "1840_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5519_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los programas de amigos como Young Library Leaders y Love is Reading Together Week apuntan a los jóvenes e inculcan hábitos de biblioteca a una edad temprana.", "sentence2": "Los programas se centraron en lograr que los niños salgan y jueguen.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5611_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los programas de amigos como Young Library Leaders y Love is Reading Together Week apuntan a los jóvenes e inculcan hábitos de biblioteca a una edad temprana.", "sentence2": "Hay programas que animan a los niños a ir a la biblioteca dos veces por semana.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5612_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los programas de amigos como Young Library Leaders y Love is Reading Together Week apuntan a los jóvenes e inculcan hábitos de biblioteca a una edad temprana.", "sentence2": "Hay programas para que los niños se interesen en la biblioteca.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5613_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Le escribo para agradecerle por sus anteriores regalos a las bibliotecas de IUPUI University y para pedirle que nos vuelva a apoyar.", "sentence2": "Les pido que donen 10 dólares a la ASPCA.", "promptID": "1875_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5623_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Le escribo para agradecerle por sus anteriores regalos a las bibliotecas de IUPUI University y para pedirle que nos vuelva a apoyar.", "sentence2": "Le pido que done 100 $ a las bibliotecas de la Universidad IUPUI.", "promptID": "1875_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5624_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Le escribo para agradecerle por sus anteriores regalos a las bibliotecas de IUPUI University y para pedirle que nos vuelva a apoyar.", "sentence2": "Te pido que hagas otro regalo a las bibliotecas de la Universidad IUPUI.", "promptID": "1875_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5625_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¡Sería maravilloso si pudieras dedicar tiempo a visitar tu escuela y ver por ti mismo el progreso que hemos hecho a lo largo de los años y compartir el orgullo de nuestra herencia!", "sentence2": "No visites la escuela, sólo envía dinero.", "promptID": "1878_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5632_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Sería maravilloso si pudieras dedicar tiempo a visitar tu escuela y ver por ti mismo el progreso que hemos hecho a lo largo de los años y compartir el orgullo de nuestra herencia!", "sentence2": "Deberías visitar la escuela y ver la producción musical en la que hemos estado trabajando.", "promptID": "1878_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5633_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Sería maravilloso si pudieras dedicar tiempo a visitar tu escuela y ver por ti mismo el progreso que hemos hecho a lo largo de los años y compartir el orgullo de nuestra herencia!", "sentence2": "Deberías visitar tu escuela y ver lo que hemos estado haciendo.", "promptID": "1878_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5634_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los ingresos de Civic provienen de casas completas, talleres y programas de capacitación, alquiler de instalaciones, fundaciones, patrocinadores corporativos y contribuciones individuales de partidarios como usted.", "sentence2": "La gente nos da dinero para ayudarnos a cerrar la brecha de nuestro presupuesto de $1 millón.", "promptID": "1897_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5690_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las tasas para los estudiantes han aumentado un 12 % desde 1992-92, lo que representa una subida considerable.", "sentence2": "La tasa de matrícula se ha incrementado demasiado.", "promptID": "1899_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5695_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las tasas para los estudiantes han aumentado un 12 % desde 1992-92, lo que representa una subida considerable.", "sentence2": "La tasa de matrícula bajó un 40%.", "promptID": "1899_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5696_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para muchos, la filantropía no es más que los grandes gestos de los ricos.", "sentence2": "Todo el mundo se da cuenta de que sí queremos tener un impacto, todos tenemos que donar.", "promptID": "1938_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5812_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para muchos, la filantropía no es más que los grandes gestos de los ricos.", "sentence2": "Algunas personas consideran que donar es algo que solo hacen los ricos.", "promptID": "1938_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5813_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para muchos, la filantropía no es más que los grandes gestos de los ricos.", "sentence2": "Algunas personas piensan que son demasiado pobres para dar dinero, así que no hacen caso a nuestras llamadas.", "promptID": "1938_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5814_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "McCoy invita a apoyar a la Fundación de la empresa con la cantidad de 10 000 $.", "sentence2": "McCoy está pidiendo 250 000 $.", "promptID": "1942_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5824_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "McCoy invita a apoyar a la Fundación de la empresa con la cantidad de 10 000 $.", "sentence2": "McCoy necesita más dinero, pero en este momento está solicitando 10 000 $.", "promptID": "1942_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5826_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "... jirones de nubes blancas esparcidas por todo un claro cielo azul.", "sentence2": "El cielo es claro y azul, y hay nubes aquí y allá.", "promptID": "1983_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5947_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "... jirones de nubes blancas esparcidas por todo un claro cielo azul.", "sentence2": "El sol está detrás de una nube esponjosa con forma de un conejito.", "promptID": "1983_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5949_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La tecnología, aunque supuestamente indispensable, nos ha hecho ir a la velocidad de la luz.", "sentence2": "La tecnología ha hecho que la forma en que recopilamos información aumente a velocidades que nunca hemos visto.", "promptID": "1990_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5968_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La tecnología, aunque supuestamente indispensable, nos ha hecho ir a la velocidad de la luz.", "sentence2": "La tecnología no ha hecho nada para ayudarnos.", "promptID": "1990_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5970_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los graduados de la Escuela de Derecho I. U. Indianápolis se van con habilidades fundamentales de abogacía y una sólida educación legal.", "sentence2": "La Facultad de derecho IU tiene 1000 alumnos.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5977_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los graduados de la Escuela de Derecho I. U. Indianápolis se van con habilidades fundamentales de abogacía y una sólida educación legal.", "sentence2": "La Facultad de Derecho de IU enseña a futuros abogados.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5978_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los graduados de la Escuela de Derecho I. U. Indianápolis se van con habilidades fundamentales de abogacía y una sólida educación legal.", "sentence2": "La Facultad de Derecho de IU fue cerrada hace mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5979_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Teatro Cívico de Indianápolis ha entretenido a su audiencia con obras de teatro y musicales producidos profesionalmente durante 82 años. Al mismo tiempo, ha ofrecido un espacio para el talento excepcional de nuestra ciudad, pero es cierto que no ha sido tan amplio.", "sentence2": "El teatro Civic de Indianapolis ha producido espectáculos durante más de 80 años.", "promptID": "1994_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5980_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Teatro Cívico de Indianápolis ha entretenido a su audiencia con obras de teatro y musicales producidos profesionalmente durante 82 años. Al mismo tiempo, ha ofrecido un espacio para el talento excepcional de nuestra ciudad, pero es cierto que no ha sido tan amplio.", "sentence2": "El Indy Civic Theatre ha realizado 120 espectáculos en 80 años.", "promptID": "1994_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5981_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Teatro Cívico de Indianápolis ha entretenido a su audiencia con obras de teatro y musicales producidos profesionalmente durante 82 años. Al mismo tiempo, ha ofrecido un espacio para el talento excepcional de nuestra ciudad, pero es cierto que no ha sido tan amplio.", "sentence2": "El Teatro Indy Civic solo ha estado funcionando por 2 años.", "promptID": "1994_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5982_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Durante este año fiscal y el siguiente, la escuela de derecho deberá absorber las reducciones según la apropiación estatal y unos mayores costes sanitarios, con un total de más de 400 000 $.", "sentence2": "La facultad de derecho está obteniendo 1 millón de dólares más de lo normal.", "promptID": "1995_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5984_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los paquetes de cobertura de los semanarios complacen a los padres ansiosos.", "sentence2": "Las revistas de noticias diseñan sus paquetes de cobertura para atraer a los niños pequeños o ancianos.", "promptID": "2006_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6017_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay un detalle de las bromas sureñas que ha invertido sus asociaciones de clase.", "sentence2": "Japes del sur tiene una población de cinco mil en el verano y dos mil en el invierno.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6037_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay un detalle de las bromas sureñas que ha invertido sus asociaciones de clase.", "sentence2": "El sur de Jaspes tiene una asociación de clase muy clara y rígida.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6038_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay un detalle de las bromas sureñas que ha invertido sus asociaciones de clase.", "sentence2": "Aquí hay una asociación de clase que ha sido invertida.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6039_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La historia de la portada de Time es el programa de 12 pasos de Bill Gates para triunfar en la era digital.", "sentence2": "La revista Time tiene una foto de Bill Gates en la portada.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6062_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La historia de la portada de Time es el programa de 12 pasos de Bill Gates para triunfar en la era digital.", "sentence2": "La revista Time publica una historia sobre Bill Gates y el éxito en la era digital.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6063_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ejecutar silencioso, correr profundo, ejecutar la respuesta", "sentence2": "Correr mientras se hace ruido.", "promptID": "2027_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6079_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ejecutar silencioso, correr profundo, ejecutar la respuesta", "sentence2": "Corre agitando los brazos.", "promptID": "2027_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6080_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ejecutar silencioso, correr profundo, ejecutar la respuesta", "sentence2": "Corre sin ser oído.", "promptID": "2027_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6081_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sabol dijo que, de vez en cuando, tiene que hacer una parada en boxes. Aunque incluso esto está organizado convenientemente.", "sentence2": "Sabol no necesita tomar todas esas paradas en boxes.", "promptID": "2055_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6163_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sabol dijo que, de vez en cuando, tiene que hacer una parada en boxes. Aunque incluso esto está organizado convenientemente.", "sentence2": "Sabol mencionó que de vez en cuando tiene que hacer una parada en boxes.", "promptID": "2055_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6164_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, el USDA argumenta que lo que se necesita es más poder de aplicación, y con ese fin, está avanzando un proyecto de ley diseñado para ampliar su autoridad.", "sentence2": "El USDA dice que la policía necesita ayudarlos.", "promptID": "2061_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6181_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A menudo, los expertos dicen que la historia la escriben los ganadores.", "sentence2": "Los expertos dicen que los perdedores escriben historia.", "promptID": "2074_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6220_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Teoría del Ocio: La medicina moderna y la higiene han suprimido la mayoría de los principales problemas que solían afectar a nuestro sistema inmunológico.", "sentence2": "Nuestro sistema inmunológico se mantuvo ocupado en el pasado.", "promptID": "2078_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6234_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una forma de encontrar la respuesta es comenzar con otra ¿Cuánto valía la información de Ames para los soviéticos?", "sentence2": "No hay manera de llegar a la respuesta.", "promptID": "2085_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6254_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Por qué la solución consistente es la solución correcta?", "sentence2": "Es obvio que la solución uniforme siempre está equivocada.", "promptID": "2092_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6274_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Por qué la solución consistente es la solución correcta?", "sentence2": "Cuando se trata de eliminar residuos, ¿por qué es correcta la solución consistente?", "promptID": "2092_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6275_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Por qué la solución consistente es la solución correcta?", "sentence2": "¿Por qué coincide que la solución correcta es la que resulta más coherente?", "promptID": "2092_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6276_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este tipo de tratamiento para grandes contribuyentes es bastante rutinario.", "sentence2": "Los grandes donadores siempre reciben un trato especial en estos eventos.", "promptID": "2094_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6280_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este tipo de tratamiento para grandes contribuyentes es bastante rutinario.", "sentence2": "Todos contribuyen con la misma cantidad, para evitar un tratamiento especial.", "promptID": "2094_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6281_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este tipo de tratamiento para grandes contribuyentes es bastante rutinario.", "sentence2": "No hay nada nuevo en este tipo de tratamiento para los grandes contribuyentes.", "promptID": "2094_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6282_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las cenas con tele tienen un estigma terrible.", "sentence2": "El desayuno y el almuerzo son las únicas comidas que aparecen en la televisión.", "promptID": "2096_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6286_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las cenas con tele tienen un estigma terrible.", "sentence2": "La gente puede mirar cenas por televisión.", "promptID": "2096_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6287_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las cenas con tele tienen un estigma terrible.", "sentence2": "Las cenas en TV siempre muestran a una familia comiendo un plato de carne.", "promptID": "2096_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6288_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tres bancos japoneses se fusionarán para crear la mayor institución financiera del mundo.", "sentence2": "Los tres bancos respectivos ya son grandes.", "promptID": "2130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6390_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay una diferencia entre escepticismo cauto y escepticismo idiota.", "sentence2": "El escepticismo astuto es más común que el escepticismo mancuerna.", "promptID": "2152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6456_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Qué aspecto de nuestra política exterior teme más Richard Clarkede que quede congelado o sea abandonado mientras los civiles son asesinados en Ruanda o sean congelados mientras los civiles son asesinados en Kosovo?", "sentence2": "A Clarke le preocupa nuestra política exterior.", "promptID": "2161_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6482_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce comenzó su apología de ésta manera-- y lo cito de mala memoria-- la prolongación del crimen, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento, y la muerte son las razones por las cuales estoy aquí, Albert Schweitzer, y J. Edgar Hoover en el negocio.", "sentence2": "Bruce se disculpa muy a menudo.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6487_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce comenzó su apología de ésta manera-- y lo cito de mala memoria-- la prolongación del crimen, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento, y la muerte son las razones por las cuales estoy aquí, Albert Schweitzer, y J. Edgar Hoover en el negocio.", "sentence2": "Bruce se disculpa.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6488_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce comenzó su apología de ésta manera-- y lo cito de mala memoria-- la prolongación del crimen, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento, y la muerte son las razones por las cuales estoy aquí, Albert Schweitzer, y J. Edgar Hoover en el negocio.", "sentence2": "Bruce nunca se disculpa.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6489_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El segundo nivel de falsedad es que Brock defiende a Hillary sólo para elevar su propio escándalo de propiedad.", "sentence2": "Brock no defiende a Hillary.", "promptID": "2167_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6499_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Gracias al Vaticano II (y una de sus consecuencias poco notorias, un debilitamiento del anticatolicismo americano), los católicos socializan de forma desinteresada con otros cristianos y asisten a sus bautizos, bodas y funerales.", "sentence2": "Los católicos y los cristianos tienen algunas cosas en común.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6523_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Gracias al Vaticano II (y una de sus consecuencias poco notorias, un debilitamiento del anticatolicismo americano), los católicos socializan de forma desinteresada con otros cristianos y asisten a sus bautizos, bodas y funerales.", "sentence2": "Los católicos y los cristianos nunca participan en las mismas actividades.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6524_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Gracias al Vaticano II (y una de sus consecuencias poco notorias, un debilitamiento del anticatolicismo americano), los católicos socializan de forma desinteresada con otros cristianos y asisten a sus bautizos, bodas y funerales.", "sentence2": "Hay algunas tradiciones exclusivamente católicas.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6525_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sin embargo los senadores y legisladores estatales de Nueva York admiten que accedieron a la legislación porque estaban impresionados con la ferocidad del apoyo a la propuesta de ley.", "sentence2": "El estado de Nueva York tiene sus propios representantes gubernamentales.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6538_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo los senadores y legisladores estatales de Nueva York admiten que accedieron a la legislación porque estaban impresionados con la ferocidad del apoyo a la propuesta de ley.", "sentence2": "El estado de Nueva York no tiene senadores.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6539_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo los senadores y legisladores estatales de Nueva York admiten que accedieron a la legislación porque estaban impresionados con la ferocidad del apoyo a la propuesta de ley.", "sentence2": "El estado de Nueva York tiene más senadores que otros estados.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6540_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entonces, también en los trópicos cubanos, acaba de haber un día tan bello como la gloria, frío como la tumba.", "sentence2": "Cuba está en el Ártico.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6580_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Entonces, también en los trópicos cubanos, acaba de haber un día tan bello como la gloria, frío como la tumba.", "sentence2": "Cuba está en los trópicos.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6581_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entonces, también en los trópicos cubanos, acaba de haber un día tan bello como la gloria, frío como la tumba.", "sentence2": "Siempre está por encima de 80 en Cuba.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6582_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Busque la condescendencia, el sentimentalismo, la ironía (con opciones por separado para intencionales y no intencionales), el proxenetismo, el oscurantismo y los juegos de palabras.", "sentence2": "La ironía intencional es más común que la ironía involuntaria.", "promptID": "2198_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6592_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Busque la condescendencia, el sentimentalismo, la ironía (con opciones por separado para intencionales y no intencionales), el proxenetismo, el oscurantismo y los juegos de palabras.", "sentence2": "La ironía se subdivide en categorías.", "promptID": "2198_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6593_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Busque la condescendencia, el sentimentalismo, la ironía (con opciones por separado para intencionales y no intencionales), el proxenetismo, el oscurantismo y los juegos de palabras.", "sentence2": "Hay solo un tipo de ironía.", "promptID": "2198_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6594_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los eurócratas de la Unión Europea tienen ideas valiosas, como persuadir a los gobiernos del continente para que hagan políticas de inmigración y ambientales armonizadas.", "sentence2": "La Unión Europea tiene burócratas.", "promptID": "2199_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6595_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Por qué Gates produce a un ritmo tan frenético?", "sentence2": "Gates no produce de manera lenta.", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6640_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Por qué Gates produce a un ritmo tan frenético?", "sentence2": "¿Por qué Gates produce a un ritmo tan lento?", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6642_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No hace falta pedir perdón por nuestro papel de liderazgo.", "sentence2": "Nuestra única opción es seguir las instrucciones que nos den nuestros superiores y directivos.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6646_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No hace falta pedir perdón por nuestro papel de liderazgo.", "sentence2": "Nos hemos ganado el respeto y el derecho de ser líderes orgullosos en este tema.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6647_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No hace falta pedir perdón por nuestro papel de liderazgo.", "sentence2": "No le debemos a nadie ninguna disculpa por nuestro liderazgo en este asunto.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6648_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay, por supuesto, muchas escenas elegantes y coquetas en yates.", "sentence2": "Los grandes yates son muy caros de mantener ya que necesitan mantenimiento regular y usan grandes cantidades de combustible.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6649_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay, por supuesto, muchas escenas elegantes y coquetas en yates.", "sentence2": "Muy pocas escenas elegantes o coqueto tienen lugar en yates.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6650_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay, por supuesto, muchas escenas elegantes y coquetas en yates.", "sentence2": "Los yates se utilizan como escenario para muchas escenas elegantes.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6651_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los resultados franceses fueron básicamente llenar dieciocho millones de prescripciones para fen phen en los Estados Unidos el año pasado.", "sentence2": "Millones de personas tomaron un medicamento dietético que les hizo perder 20 libras cada una.", "promptID": "2234_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6700_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los resultados franceses fueron básicamente llenar dieciocho millones de prescripciones para fen phen en los Estados Unidos el año pasado.", "sentence2": "Millones de personas tomaron fen-phen.", "promptID": "2234_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6701_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los resultados franceses fueron básicamente llenar dieciocho millones de prescripciones para fen phen en los Estados Unidos el año pasado.", "sentence2": "Nadie tomó fen-phen en los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "2234_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6702_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Departamento de Estado le pidió a Moscú que modifique el Tratato ABM--al que la mayoría de los partidarios de la defensa antimisiles ven como un anticuado dinosaurio de la Guerra Fría de todos modos.", "sentence2": "El Tratado ABM no tiene nada que ver con el armamento.", "promptID": "2236_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6706_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Departamento de Estado le pidió a Moscú que modifique el Tratato ABM--al que la mayoría de los partidarios de la defensa antimisiles ven como un anticuado dinosaurio de la Guerra Fría de todos modos.", "sentence2": "El Tratado ABM ha ahorrado miles de millones de dólares.", "promptID": "2236_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6707_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Departamento de Estado le pidió a Moscú que modifique el Tratato ABM--al que la mayoría de los partidarios de la defensa antimisiles ven como un anticuado dinosaurio de la Guerra Fría de todos modos.", "sentence2": "El Tratado ABM implica defensa de misiles.", "promptID": "2236_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6708_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lo mejor que se puede decir de Podhoretz y Dexter es que a sus relojes biológicos no les quedan muchos minutos más.", "sentence2": "¡Decter es tan joven!", "promptID": "2250_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6748_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lo mejor que se puede decir de Podhoretz y Dexter es que a sus relojes biológicos no les quedan muchos minutos más.", "sentence2": "Decter tiene 85 años de edad.", "promptID": "2250_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6749_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lo mejor que se puede decir de Podhoretz y Dexter es que a sus relojes biológicos no les quedan muchos minutos más.", "sentence2": "Decter es viejo.", "promptID": "2250_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6750_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Un caballero está ligado a su corcel a través del latín caballus (caballo).", "sentence2": "Los Cavaliers son conocidos como soldados de infantería utilizados para defender posiciones fijas.", "promptID": "2284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6850_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un caballero está ligado a su corcel a través del latín caballus (caballo).", "sentence2": "Entre los caballeros hay tres razas diferentes de caballos que son famosas.", "promptID": "2284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6852_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según la reseña, el primero contiene 2 000 entradas, el último 2 700; pero el ODNW continene más densidad de información, al menos un treinta por ciento más, según mis cálculos.", "sentence2": "Según mis cálculos, el ODNW tiene más información de la que apunta la propaganda.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6910_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Según la reseña, el primero contiene 2 000 entradas, el último 2 700; pero el ODNW continene más densidad de información, al menos un treinta por ciento más, según mis cálculos.", "sentence2": "La ODNW tiene más de un treinta por ciento más de información.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6911_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según la reseña, el primero contiene 2 000 entradas, el último 2 700; pero el ODNW continene más densidad de información, al menos un treinta por ciento más, según mis cálculos.", "sentence2": "El ODNW carece de suficiente información y entradas necesarias para hacerlo útil.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6912_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Además, su concepto del tiempo es circular, no lineal, por lo que marcar el paso del tiempo no es tan importante como celebrar la vuelta a los eventos de temporada.", "sentence2": "Debido a su visión circular del tiempo, el regreso de eventos estacionales es más importante para ellos.", "promptID": "2305_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6914_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, su concepto del tiempo es circular, no lineal, por lo que marcar el paso del tiempo no es tan importante como celebrar la vuelta a los eventos de temporada.", "sentence2": "Celebran eventos de temporada porque creen que el tiempo es un ciclo.", "promptID": "2305_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6915_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, algunos tienen derivaciones claramente eliminadas del equipo usado o de la pista en la que se celebró la partida.", "sentence2": "Todos los deportes llevan el nombre de una pieza del equipo utilizado en el deporte.", "promptID": "2309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6925_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, algunos tienen derivaciones claramente eliminadas del equipo usado o de la pista en la que se celebró la partida.", "sentence2": "Algunos juegos no reciben su nombre del equipo ni de la pista.", "promptID": "2309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6926_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, algunos tienen derivaciones claramente eliminadas del equipo usado o de la pista en la que se celebró la partida.", "sentence2": "Esto sucede a menudo cuando se crea un deporte utilizando equipos existentes de otros deportes.", "promptID": "2309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6927_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y en cuanto a los retos, ahora mismo estoy buscando una palabra que pueda ser cortada en dos formas más pequeñas sucesivamente.", "sentence2": "Me interesé por la lingüística, desde que tomé una clase introductoria el año pasado.", "promptID": "2310_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6930_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es extraordinario que esta anomalía aún persista, incluso en muchas fuentes modernas.", "sentence2": "La anomalía se eliminó hace varios siglos.", "promptID": "2363_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7087_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es extraordinario que esta anomalía aún persista, incluso en muchas fuentes modernas.", "sentence2": "Esta anomalía podría corregirse, pero el costo sería significativo.", "promptID": "2363_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7088_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es extraordinario que esta anomalía aún persista, incluso en muchas fuentes modernas.", "sentence2": "Esta anomalía todavía existe hoy al igual que existía en el pasado.", "promptID": "2363_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7089_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como todos sabemos, existe una enorme cantidad de publicaciones que tratan sobre áreas altamente especializadas.", "sentence2": "Hay muchas revistas sobre los estudios científicos.", "promptID": "2386_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7156_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Como todos sabemos, existe una enorme cantidad de publicaciones que tratan sobre áreas altamente especializadas.", "sentence2": "Hay muchas revistas.", "promptID": "2386_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7157_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como todos sabemos, existe una enorme cantidad de publicaciones que tratan sobre áreas altamente especializadas.", "sentence2": "Hay solo 2 revistas.", "promptID": "2386_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7158_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De las cinco páginas de agradecimientos personales (en contraste con las dos páginas de bibliografía), se llega a la conclusión de que el diccionario se basa en gran medida en una investigación original.", "sentence2": "El autor de este diccionario hace un trabajo muy completo de documentación e investigación en practicamente cada entrada.", "promptID": "2395_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7183_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De las cinco páginas de agradecimientos personales (en contraste con las dos páginas de bibliografía), se llega a la conclusión de que el diccionario se basa en gran medida en una investigación original.", "sentence2": "Este diccionario parece estar plagiado de un diccionario existente escrito por un competidor.", "promptID": "2395_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7184_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De las cinco páginas de agradecimientos personales (en contraste con las dos páginas de bibliografía), se llega a la conclusión de que el diccionario se basa en gran medida en una investigación original.", "sentence2": "Este diccionario documenta en los reconocimientos personales que su contenido se basa en gran medida en la investigación original.", "promptID": "2395_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7185_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, no puedo aceptar el origen de Hendrickson para las latitudes del caballo, aunque, para darle lo que se merece, sólo copió la etimología de otras fuentes, incluida el OED.", "sentence2": "Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Hendrickson.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7237_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, no puedo aceptar el origen de Hendrickson para las latitudes del caballo, aunque, para darle lo que se merece, sólo copió la etimología de otras fuentes, incluida el OED.", "sentence2": "Estoy bastante seguro de que Hendrickson no tenía mucho en que basar sus ideas.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7239_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero la pregunta ni siquiera puede hacerse cuando se pierden los detalles.", "sentence2": "Aclarar los detalles hará que la pregunta sea más comprensible.", "promptID": "2418_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7252_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero la pregunta ni siquiera puede hacerse cuando se pierden los detalles.", "sentence2": "La pregunta debe ser respondida incluso con los detalles extraviados.", "promptID": "2418_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7253_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Y cómo se denominó Kermit a una cosa tan fría e inhumana como un protocolo de telecomunicaciones para transferir archivos entre un ordenador central y una microcomputadora?", "sentence2": "Kermit es el nombre que se atribuye a un cierto tipo de protocolo en las telecomunicaciones.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7255_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Y cómo se denominó Kermit a una cosa tan fría e inhumana como un protocolo de telecomunicaciones para transferir archivos entre un ordenador central y una microcomputadora?", "sentence2": "El protocolo de telecomunicaciones Kermit se trata de un método de conversación entre Facebook Messenger y WhatsApp.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7256_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Y cómo se denominó Kermit a una cosa tan fría e inhumana como un protocolo de telecomunicaciones para transferir archivos entre un ordenador central y una microcomputadora?", "sentence2": "El protocolo de telecomunicaciones Kermit se llama así por una rana.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7257_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En Santa Fe, donde la herencia y la población hispana siguen siendo considerables, los nuevos nombres pseudo-españoles son más aptos para ser correctos que en, por ejemplo, California o Tucson.", "sentence2": "Todos en Santa Fe tienen un nombre americano.", "promptID": "2422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7264_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En Santa Fe, donde la herencia y la población hispana siguen siendo considerables, los nuevos nombres pseudo-españoles son más aptos para ser correctos que en, por ejemplo, California o Tucson.", "sentence2": "En Santa Fe, la mayoría de la gente tiene nombres hispanos.", "promptID": "2422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7265_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En Santa Fe, donde la herencia y la población hispana siguen siendo considerables, los nuevos nombres pseudo-españoles son más aptos para ser correctos que en, por ejemplo, California o Tucson.", "sentence2": "Hay muchos nombres en español en Santa Fe.", "promptID": "2422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7266_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los delitos graves disminuyen, pero los asesinatos aumentan.", "sentence2": "Gracias a la fuerza policial, los asesinatos están en un absolutonivel más bajo.", "promptID": "2429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7285_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los delitos graves disminuyen, pero los asesinatos aumentan.", "sentence2": "Ha habido un aumento en los asesinatos porque un asesino en serie anda suelto.", "promptID": "2429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7286_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los delitos graves disminuyen, pero los asesinatos aumentan.", "sentence2": "Ha habido un aumento en asesinatos.", "promptID": "2429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7287_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En este contexto, la reciente publicación del Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America, a pesar de sus 1.500.000 entradas, puede considerarse como solo un primer paso, aunque ambicioso.", "sentence2": "El Omni Gazetteer de los Estados Unidos trata de animales.", "promptID": "2456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7367_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En este contexto, la reciente publicación del Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America, a pesar de sus 1.500.000 entradas, puede considerarse como solo un primer paso, aunque ambicioso.", "sentence2": "El Omni Gazetteer de los Estados Unidos es muy completo.", "promptID": "2456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7368_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ella apuntó un parche de arbustos igualmente deprimentes pero más espesos.", "sentence2": "Ella hizo un gesto hacia otro arbusto más tupido.", "promptID": "2464_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7390_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ella apuntó un parche de arbustos igualmente deprimentes pero más espesos.", "sentence2": "Gesticuló hacia un arbusto indicando que había allí algo deprimente.", "promptID": "2464_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7391_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ella apuntó un parche de arbustos igualmente deprimentes pero más espesos.", "sentence2": "Ese arbusto es menos espeso que el otro.", "promptID": "2464_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7392_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estas cajas vienen con cables (se llaman cables en el mercado porque parecen que son más impresionantes) que les permiten conectarse entre sí y a una fuente de alimentación.", "sentence2": "Cables es una palabra mucho más prestigiosa que alambres en cualquier negocio.", "promptID": "2478_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7432_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estas cajas vienen con cables (se llaman cables en el mercado porque parecen que son más impresionantes) que les permiten conectarse entre sí y a una fuente de alimentación.", "sentence2": "No hay cables o cuidado de cables incluidos en el intercambio de estas cajas.", "promptID": "2478_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7433_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estas cajas vienen con cables (se llaman cables en el mercado porque parecen que son más impresionantes) que les permiten conectarse entre sí y a una fuente de alimentación.", "sentence2": "Estas cajas pueden conectarse entre sí y ser energizadas con cables.", "promptID": "2478_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7434_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Mi hermana salió una vez con un joven fornido que era un apoyo vigoroso de la Universidad de Iowa, de los equipos deportivos conocidos como Hawkeyes.", "sentence2": "Mi hermana solía salir con un fanático de los equipos deportivos de la Universidad de Iowa, que se llaman Hawkeyes.", "promptID": "2491_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7472_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Mi hermana salió una vez con un joven fornido que era un apoyo vigoroso de la Universidad de Iowa, de los equipos deportivos conocidos como Hawkeyes.", "sentence2": "El joven con el que estaba saliendo mi hermana se sentía obligado a ser fanático de Hawkeyes porque trabajaba para la Universidad de Iowa.", "promptID": "2491_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7473_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well.", "sentence2": "Santo lived in New York and worked on the high O2 regulator.", "promptID": "20_xnli.dev", "pairID": "58_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well.", "sentence2": "Santo worked for Disney and operated the tea cups.", "promptID": "20_xnli.dev", "pairID": "60_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in.", "sentence2": "I made sure the buckle was on tight so I would be safe.", "promptID": "29_xnli.dev", "pairID": "85_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in.", "sentence2": "That is exactly how I was unhooked.", "promptID": "29_xnli.dev", "pairID": "86_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in.", "sentence2": "That is precisely how I was fastened in.", "promptID": "29_xnli.dev", "pairID": "87_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Also, oh, let me go through this.", "sentence2": "I don't need to deal with that.", "promptID": "51_xnli.dev", "pairID": "151_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities.", "sentence2": "I was in Special Activities for years.", "promptID": "58_xnli.dev", "pairID": "172_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities.", "sentence2": "I've never had a job.", "promptID": "58_xnli.dev", "pairID": "173_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities.", "sentence2": "My favorite job was in Special Activities.", "promptID": "58_xnli.dev", "pairID": "174_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas.", "sentence2": "It kept getting faster.", "promptID": "75_xnli.dev", "pairID": "223_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas.", "sentence2": "It seemed to take forever.", "promptID": "75_xnli.dev", "pairID": "224_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas.", "sentence2": "The speed was making me nervous.", "promptID": "75_xnli.dev", "pairID": "225_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron.", "sentence2": "I couldn't wait to go into the Third SS.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "286_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron.", "sentence2": "I don't want to be part of the Third SS.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "287_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron.", "sentence2": "The Third SS is the worst possible squadron.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "288_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do.", "sentence2": "I didn't even try to do it.", "promptID": "116_xnli.dev", "pairID": "346_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do.", "sentence2": "I was trying to accomplish something.", "promptID": "116_xnli.dev", "pairID": "347_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do.", "sentence2": "I was trying to finish my poster for class and the new markers helped.", "promptID": "116_xnli.dev", "pairID": "348_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Anyhow, so I finished came home at 6:30 today and that was my day.", "sentence2": "I spent most of the day dealing with a complicated customer billing issue.", "promptID": "208_xnli.dev", "pairID": "624_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "and that what i think is gonna be really interesting is what we do about it i mean we are gonna have to change the people who represent us", "sentence2": "I think it will be challenging to change our representatives but worthwhile in the end.", "promptID": "265_xnli.dev", "pairID": "794_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "and they can be very nice too after after they've been trained", "sentence2": "They become hardened and cold once they complete the training.", "promptID": "267_xnli.dev", "pairID": "799_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "care about how the national news affects the local area", "sentence2": "The national news outlets make our local places seem backwards.", "promptID": "289_xnli.dev", "pairID": "867_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "right they will go through the slot", "sentence2": "They are easy to slide through.", "promptID": "355_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1063_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh", "sentence2": "I really don't even know what I would pick.", "promptID": "391_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1171_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh", "sentence2": "I would choose I'll Fly Away.", "promptID": "391_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1172_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh", "sentence2": "I'll Fly Away is my favorite movie and I watch it weekly.", "promptID": "391_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1173_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "it's just that since my money is tight right now i don't even give myself a tempting", "sentence2": "I don't have a lot of money right now.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1345_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "it's just that since my money is tight right now i don't even give myself a tempting", "sentence2": "I have a ton of money right now so I want to go shopping.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1346_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "it's just that since my money is tight right now i don't even give myself a tempting", "sentence2": "I only have $20 until payday.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1347_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "um-hum well and i was gonna say there are some other areas they could cut you know i don't they wouldn't necessarily have to cut it out of there", "sentence2": "I thought they should cut the food expenditures and not books.", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1489_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "um-hum well and i was gonna say there are some other areas they could cut you know i don't they wouldn't necessarily have to cut it out of there", "sentence2": "I was going to suggest other cuts.", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1490_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "um-hum well and i was gonna say there are some other areas they could cut you know i don't they wouldn't necessarily have to cut it out of there", "sentence2": "There is just nothing else they can cut!", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1491_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These higher-order complexes of molecular devices arise because natural selection is able to act upon the collective properties of such molecular aggregates when those collective properties augment adaptive fitness.", "sentence2": "All molecular devices are equally complex.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1525_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "These higher-order complexes of molecular devices arise because natural selection is able to act upon the collective properties of such molecular aggregates when those collective properties augment adaptive fitness.", "sentence2": "More complex molecular devices can arise under some conditions.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1526_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These higher-order complexes of molecular devices arise because natural selection is able to act upon the collective properties of such molecular aggregates when those collective properties augment adaptive fitness.", "sentence2": "These molecular devices are mostly used to produce various poisons for protection.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1527_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But I do not believe any such algorithmic tool can be complete.", "sentence2": "The algorithm cannot decide how to make a perfect sandwich without human judgement.", "promptID": "510_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1528_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But I do not believe any such algorithmic tool can be complete.", "sentence2": "There is no tool that can completely solve this problem on its own.", "promptID": "510_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1529_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But I do not believe any such algorithmic tool can be complete.", "sentence2": "These tools work flawlessly under any circumstances.", "promptID": "510_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1530_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Membership consisted of between thirty and fifty adult men per chapter (called moradas) and were divided into two common members, called hermanos disciplantes (brothers who discipline), and officers, called hermanos de luz (brothers of light).", "sentence2": "Most than one hundred officers served in each chapter.", "promptID": "525_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1573_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Membership consisted of between thirty and fifty adult men per chapter (called moradas) and were divided into two common members, called hermanos disciplantes (brothers who discipline), and officers, called hermanos de luz (brothers of light).", "sentence2": "The chapters contained both common members and officers.", "promptID": "525_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1574_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Membership consisted of between thirty and fifty adult men per chapter (called moradas) and were divided into two common members, called hermanos disciplantes (brothers who discipline), and officers, called hermanos de luz (brothers of light).", "sentence2": "These units were responsible for converting native populations in Central America.", "promptID": "525_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1575_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For 4- and 5-year-olds, questions more often address narrative organization ( What happens next?", "sentence2": "Children do not usually learn to communicate until the age of six.", "promptID": "527_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1579_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For 4- and 5-year-olds, questions more often address narrative organization ( What happens next?", "sentence2": "Five year olds are concerned with what happens next.", "promptID": "527_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1580_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For 4- and 5-year-olds, questions more often address narrative organization ( What happens next?", "sentence2": "Five year olds are generally considered poor conversationalists.", "promptID": "527_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1581_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Intuitively, slightly convergent flow in state space allows classification, for when two states converge on a single successor state, those two states have been classified as equivalent by the network.", "sentence2": "Convergent flow allows classification.", "promptID": "528_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1582_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Intuitively, slightly convergent flow in state space allows classification, for when two states converge on a single successor state, those two states have been classified as equivalent by the network.", "sentence2": "Convergent flow is influenced by population.", "promptID": "528_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1583_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Intuitively, slightly convergent flow in state space allows classification, for when two states converge on a single successor state, those two states have been classified as equivalent by the network.", "sentence2": "Convergent flow prevents classification.", "promptID": "528_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1584_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Darwin starts with life already here.", "sentence2": "Darwin was only focused on studying dead things.", "promptID": "542_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1626_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When civil society turns a deaf ear, crazy ideas lose their edge.", "sentence2": "Crazy ideas are less edgy when they are ignored by civil society.", "promptID": "549_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1645_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Two American ideas'protecting the flag and celebrating freedom of speech'would eventually come into focus as contradictory ways of being American.", "sentence2": "Americans all treat the flag with respect.", "promptID": "572_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1714_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Two American ideas'protecting the flag and celebrating freedom of speech'would eventually come into focus as contradictory ways of being American.", "sentence2": "Americans hate the flag.", "promptID": "572_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1715_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Two American ideas'protecting the flag and celebrating freedom of speech'would eventually come into focus as contradictory ways of being American.", "sentence2": "Americans want to protect the flag.", "promptID": "572_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1716_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We have beginning mathematical models that reveal something about this hierarchical organizationa=aalthough the best current models are curiously limited despite their brilliance.", "sentence2": "Everything that can be learned about the organization has already been made known.", "promptID": "577_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1729_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The biosphere has expanded, indeed, more or less persistently exploded, into the ever-expanding adjacent possible.", "sentence2": "The biosphere grew 1000 mile.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1735_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The biosphere has expanded, indeed, more or less persistently exploded, into the ever-expanding adjacent possible.", "sentence2": "The biosphere grew.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1736_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The biosphere has expanded, indeed, more or less persistently exploded, into the ever-expanding adjacent possible.", "sentence2": "The biosphere shrinks", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1737_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Strange, is it not, that we pay no attention to one of the most profound features of the world right smack in front of our collective nose?", "sentence2": "We always pay attention to everything.", "promptID": "582_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1744_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The end of plantation capitalism might have come as safely as the demise of communism in Europe.", "sentence2": "Plantation capitalism has ended.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1777_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The end of plantation capitalism might have come as safely as the demise of communism in Europe.", "sentence2": "Plantation capitalism is wrong.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1778_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The end of plantation capitalism might have come as safely as the demise of communism in Europe.", "sentence2": "There was no end to communism in Europe.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1779_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And yet, today the common assumption is that our officials may be trusted with a precise racial and ethnic map of the American nation.", "sentence2": "The assumption that officials have racial and ethnic maps is untrue.", "promptID": "607_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1819_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And yet, today the common assumption is that our officials may be trusted with a precise racial and ethnic map of the American nation.", "sentence2": "There is a common assumption about our officials.", "promptID": "607_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1820_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And yet, today the common assumption is that our officials may be trusted with a precise racial and ethnic map of the American nation.", "sentence2": "There is no common assumption today.", "promptID": "607_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1821_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "During the preschool and elementary school years, thought is largely tied to the here-and-now.", "sentence2": "Preschool and elementary aged children often dream about the future.", "promptID": "624_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1870_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "During the preschool and elementary school years, thought is largely tied to the here-and-now.", "sentence2": "Preschool kids cannot comprehend the future.", "promptID": "624_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1871_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "During the preschool and elementary school years, thought is largely tied to the here-and-now.", "sentence2": "Preschool kids think mostly about today.", "promptID": "624_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1872_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Conversely, if new precedents never sent out ripples, the common law could hardly evolve at all.", "sentence2": "New laws are original.", "promptID": "639_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1915_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Conversely, if new precedents never sent out ripples, the common law could hardly evolve at all.", "sentence2": "The Greeks and Romans had laws that we use today.", "promptID": "639_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1916_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Conversely, if new precedents never sent out ripples, the common law could hardly evolve at all.", "sentence2": "The law has been around for a while.", "promptID": "639_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1917_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I turn, in the final section of this chapter, to yet another puzzle concerning what I call a natural game.", "sentence2": "I could not address the natural game in this chapter.", "promptID": "660_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1978_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I turn, in the final section of this chapter, to yet another puzzle concerning what I call a natural game.", "sentence2": "I do not have the solution for the puzzle of the natural game.", "promptID": "660_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1979_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I turn, in the final section of this chapter, to yet another puzzle concerning what I call a natural game.", "sentence2": "This chapter has material on the natural game.", "promptID": "660_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1980_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If the initial expansion is exponential, then slows to linear, as in the inflationary hypothesis or perhaps in this purely quantum approach, then the particle-horizon problem may disappear.", "sentence2": "It is possible for the particle-horizon problem to disappear.", "promptID": "667_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1999_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If the initial expansion is exponential, then slows to linear, as in the inflationary hypothesis or perhaps in this purely quantum approach, then the particle-horizon problem may disappear.", "sentence2": "The math for an exponential initial expansion is complex.", "promptID": "667_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2000_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If the initial expansion is exponential, then slows to linear, as in the inflationary hypothesis or perhaps in this purely quantum approach, then the particle-horizon problem may disappear.", "sentence2": "The particle-horizon problem is always there, regardless of the initial expansion model.", "promptID": "667_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2001_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Of course, if we could not solve our chosen ways to make livings, we would be dead.", "sentence2": "Figuring how to make a living is not a piece of cake.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2005_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Of course, if we could not solve our chosen ways to make livings, we would be dead.", "sentence2": "Humans can always survive any situation, even when they are not making a living.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2006_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Of course, if we could not solve our chosen ways to make livings, we would be dead.", "sentence2": "We have to figure out how to make livings, in order to survive.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2007_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The connection between the limited nation and unbounded equality has paradoxical overtones.", "sentence2": "The nation is not connected to unbounded equality.", "promptID": "682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2045_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "So Shannon took the logarithm of the volume in message space occupied by a message and multiplied it by the probability that that message was sent from the source.", "sentence2": "Shannon determined that the message came from a negative source.", "promptID": "705_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2113_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So Shannon took the logarithm of the volume in message space occupied by a message and multiplied it by the probability that that message was sent from the source.", "sentence2": "Shannon did calculations about the message.", "promptID": "705_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2114_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So Shannon took the logarithm of the volume in message space occupied by a message and multiplied it by the probability that that message was sent from the source.", "sentence2": "Shannon ignored the message.", "promptID": "705_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2115_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As we will see, in both cases, it appears that something profound is going on in the universe that is not finitely prestatable.", "sentence2": "There is nothing happening in the universe at all.", "promptID": "709_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2127_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the fitness landscape, image, mutation, recombination, and selection can conspire to pull evolving populations upward toward the peaks of high fitness.", "sentence2": "At higher fitness levels evolving populations are more likely to survive.", "promptID": "712_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2134_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Could statistical averaging be the source of order in organisms?", "sentence2": "Organisms are defined by chaos; there is not a hint of order in them.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2162_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Could statistical averaging be the source of order in organisms?", "sentence2": "There is a theory that statistical averaging is the source of order in organisms.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2163_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fashioning time for parents and children to be together is the rst step toward implementing the ideas and practices I'll discuss in this book.", "sentence2": "According to this book, parents shouldn't spend time with their children.", "promptID": "725_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2173_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fashioning time for parents and children to be together is the rst step toward implementing the ideas and practices I'll discuss in this book.", "sentence2": "This parenting book is on the New York Times bestseller's list.", "promptID": "725_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2175_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "15 The commander wants us to do something, and has used the language of the law to move us toward action.", "sentence2": "If it weren't for the law, we would have disobeyed the commander.", "promptID": "729_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2185_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "15 The commander wants us to do something, and has used the language of the law to move us toward action.", "sentence2": "The commander has found a way to make us do what he wants us to do.", "promptID": "729_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2186_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "15 The commander wants us to do something, and has used the language of the law to move us toward action.", "sentence2": "The commander knows that we will never listen to anything he says.", "promptID": "729_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2187_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Relajo can also describe a joking relationship, a bantering back and forth, which through the laughter relieves tension and disintegrates the cause of the tension of the moment.", "sentence2": "Relajo is not funny at all.", "promptID": "738_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2212_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Relajo can also describe a joking relationship, a bantering back and forth, which through the laughter relieves tension and disintegrates the cause of the tension of the moment.", "sentence2": "Relajo makes jokes about the economy.", "promptID": "738_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2213_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Relajo can also describe a joking relationship, a bantering back and forth, which through the laughter relieves tension and disintegrates the cause of the tension of the moment.", "sentence2": "Relajo told jokes.", "promptID": "738_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2214_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "7), and those with low demand (averaging 1,300 units a week) and high demand variation (Cv= 1.3).", "sentence2": "The low demand and high demand groups combine to a total of twenty.", "promptID": "739_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2215_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "That is why we feel cheated by hollow walls, flimsy doors, and shaky balustrades.", "sentence2": "Hollow walls let in a lot of noise from the park.", "promptID": "748_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2242_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Jeremy Pitt answered the laugh with an oath.", "sentence2": "Jeremy Pitt answered the laugh by giggling and throwing an uppercut into the laugher's face.", "promptID": "754_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2260_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Jeremy Pitt answered the laugh with an oath.", "sentence2": "Jeremy Pitt swore to fight for his country and his queen.", "promptID": "754_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2261_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pitt, who watched the scene from the quarter-deck rail, tells us that his lordship was as grave as a parson at a hanging.", "sentence2": "Pitt had never seen his lordship as grave as he was then.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2278_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pitt, who watched the scene from the quarter-deck rail, tells us that his lordship was as grave as a parson at a hanging.", "sentence2": "Pitt swore that he did not get a glimpse of the scene.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2279_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pitt, who watched the scene from the quarter-deck rail, tells us that his lordship was as grave as a parson at a hanging.", "sentence2": "Pitt witnessed how his lordship was serious during the scene.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2280_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He was allowed plainly to perceive that it was the graceful, elegant young trifler from St. James's, Lord Julian Wade, to whom her every moment was devoted.", "sentence2": "She is infatuated with Lord Julian Wade, despite his bumbling nature.", "promptID": "768_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2304_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But... but... aboard this ship...? The officer made a gesture of helplessness, and, surrendering to his bewilderment, fell abruptly silent.", "sentence2": "The office screamed for minutes, enraged by the debauchery on his decks.", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2305_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But... but... aboard this ship...? The officer made a gesture of helplessness, and, surrendering to his bewilderment, fell abruptly silent.", "sentence2": "The officer was confused by what was happening aboard the ship.", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2306_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But... but... aboard this ship...? The officer made a gesture of helplessness, and, surrendering to his bewilderment, fell abruptly silent.", "sentence2": "The officer was shocked senseless by the vomiting onto the deck.", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2307_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Things had not sped at all well with him in the past fortnight since his acceptance of the King's commission.", "sentence2": "He slept soundly at night knowing he had rejected the King's commission.", "promptID": "789_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2365_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I have sent for you, Captain Blood, because of certain news that has just reached me.", "sentence2": "I have not heard any news, Captain Blood. Have you?", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2371_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I have sent for you, Captain Blood, because of certain news that has just reached me.", "sentence2": "I received some news before sending for you, Captain Blood.", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2372_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Why do you run, then? she asked him coolly, standing slim and straight before him, all in white and very maidenly save in her unnatural composure.", "sentence2": "Her composure looked unnatural because she had a backache", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2377_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Why do you run, then? she asked him coolly, standing slim and straight before him, all in white and very maidenly save in her unnatural composure.", "sentence2": "She didn't ask anything, she told him to get out.", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2378_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Why do you run, then? she asked him coolly, standing slim and straight before him, all in white and very maidenly save in her unnatural composure.", "sentence2": "She was dressed in white when she asked: Why do you run, then?.", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2379_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Well, well, maybe he'll not find me quite so easy to grasp as he imagines.", "sentence2": "He thinks grabbing me will be really simple.", "promptID": "800_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2399_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Well, well, maybe he'll not find me quite so easy to grasp as he imagines.", "sentence2": "I may not be as easy to grab as he thinks.", "promptID": "800_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2400_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It was she now who was on her defence, her voice quivering with indignation.", "sentence2": "The woman had had enough of their bad behavior.", "promptID": "820_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2458_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Life can be infernally complex, he sighed.", "sentence2": "He let out a sign of resignation.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2494_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Life can be infernally complex, he sighed.", "sentence2": "Life is infernally complicated because of the many interactions one might have.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2496_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Wolverstone squared himself defiantly before his captain I'll see Colonel Bishop in hell or ever I lies to for him. And he spat, presumably for purposes of emphasis.", "sentence2": "Colonel Bishop has done something to make Wolverstone his enemy.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2497_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Wolverstone squared himself defiantly before his captain I'll see Colonel Bishop in hell or ever I lies to for him. And he spat, presumably for purposes of emphasis.", "sentence2": "He spit on the ground in an effort to emphasize his point.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2498_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Wolverstone squared himself defiantly before his captain I'll see Colonel Bishop in hell or ever I lies to for him. And he spat, presumably for purposes of emphasis.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone and Colonel Bishop were close friends.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2499_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I... I believe that he has, said Calverley, between doubt and suspicion.", "sentence2": "Cleverly spoke with clear decisiveness, knowing that he has with certainty.", "promptID": "836_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2508_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is an honourable service.", "sentence2": "It isn't an honorable service at all, it's very embarrassing!", "promptID": "839_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2517_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We went about, and it's been a race ever since.", "sentence2": "It has always been a contest ever since we went about.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2578_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We went about, and it's been a race ever since.", "sentence2": "The race had begun ever since we were four.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2579_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We went about, and it's been a race ever since.", "sentence2": "There was never any race to begin with.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2580_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mine is the safe and easy way.", "sentence2": "My way is the most difficult.", "promptID": "867_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2599_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There's no heaving to for such a matter as that unless you wants to make quite sure of our being sunk.", "sentence2": "The ship will sink unless the crew acts fast.", "promptID": "888_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2662_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There's no heaving to for such a matter as that unless you wants to make quite sure of our being sunk.", "sentence2": "There is a way for them to sink.", "promptID": "888_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2663_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There's no heaving to for such a matter as that unless you wants to make quite sure of our being sunk.", "sentence2": "They can not possibly sink in any circumstance.", "promptID": "888_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2664_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He beheld himself to be as the dog in the fable that had dropped the substance to snatch at a delusive shadow.", "sentence2": "He never desired to be anything like that dog in that one fable.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2671_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He beheld himself to be as the dog in the fable that had dropped the substance to snatch at a delusive shadow.", "sentence2": "The fable is as old as time.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2672_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He beheld himself to be as the dog in the fable that had dropped the substance to snatch at a delusive shadow.", "sentence2": "There was once a story about a dog and a delusive shadow.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2673_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Besides, how could their staying have helped me? And as Pitt did not answer him: Ye see? he said, and shrugged.", "sentence2": "He told them that he could see it but it was not a big deal in the end.", "promptID": "904_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2711_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Besides, how could their staying have helped me? And as Pitt did not answer him: Ye see? he said, and shrugged.", "sentence2": "It was clear that staying could have helped me, so no question was ever posed.", "promptID": "904_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2712_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I can't think that it would make the least difference if he did, said his lordship gravely.", "sentence2": "His choice was between buying 12 chickens or 3 oxen.", "promptID": "908_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2722_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I can't think that it would make the least difference if he did, said his lordship gravely.", "sentence2": "Whether or not he chose to act, his lordship did not believe it would have changed anything.", "promptID": "908_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2724_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But I suspect this gravity for a mask under which Lord Julian was secretly amused.", "sentence2": "Julian thought the situation was funny.", "promptID": "918_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2753_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Some o' them dawcocks may believe that tale. He jerked a contemptuous thumb towards the men in the waist, whose ranks were steadily being increased by the advent of others from the forecastle.", "sentence2": "People from the forecastle were joining the men in the waist.", "promptID": "934_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2800_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Some o' them dawcocks may believe that tale. He jerked a contemptuous thumb towards the men in the waist, whose ranks were steadily being increased by the advent of others from the forecastle.", "sentence2": "Some people believed the tale that the princess had been eaten by a dragon.", "promptID": "934_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2801_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Some o' them dawcocks may believe that tale. He jerked a contemptuous thumb towards the men in the waist, whose ranks were steadily being increased by the advent of others from the forecastle.", "sentence2": "The ranks of men were dwindling, as everyone headed towards the forecastle for dinner.", "promptID": "934_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2802_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Then let them know that if they attempt to hinder our sailing hence, we'll hang the doxy first and fight for it after.", "sentence2": "There was no way of knowing if the boat would still move forward.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2815_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Then let them know that if they attempt to hinder our sailing hence, we'll hang the doxy first and fight for it after.", "sentence2": "There was nothing able to slow down the ship.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2816_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Then let them know that if they attempt to hinder our sailing hence, we'll hang the doxy first and fight for it after.", "sentence2": "We will attempt to battle over it, once we begin to sail.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2817_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So ye've come, the Deputy-Governor hailed him, and followed the greeting by a series of grunts of vague but apparently ill-humoured import.", "sentence2": "I was expecting your arrival said the Deputy-Governor.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2842_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So ye've come, the Deputy-Governor hailed him, and followed the greeting by a series of grunts of vague but apparently ill-humoured import.", "sentence2": "The Deputy-Governor was not necessarily expecting him, though greeted him anyways.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2843_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "So ye've come, the Deputy-Governor hailed him, and followed the greeting by a series of grunts of vague but apparently ill-humoured import.", "sentence2": "There was some remorse when the Deputy-Governor had waved hello.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2844_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aye, said Ogle, that is true. But there were some who were still in open and frank revolt against the course.", "sentence2": "The course was full of territory that was left unexplored and was, therefore, very dangerous.", "promptID": "954_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2862_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "About him in the waist, where all last night had been so peaceful, there was a frenziedly active bustle of some threescore men.", "sentence2": "The night was considered restful though, there was a lot of commotion later on.", "promptID": "965_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2893_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I cannot think why you should trouble to put yourself on your defence, she discouraged him.", "sentence2": "Encouraging this, she had found many reasons as to why one would trouble themselves to defend you.", "promptID": "966_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2896_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I cannot think why you should trouble to put yourself on your defence, she discouraged him.", "sentence2": "She had discouraged any form of defense that was applicable to you.", "promptID": "966_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2897_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I cannot think why you should trouble to put yourself on your defence, she discouraged him.", "sentence2": "The defense that was put forth by her was insufficient.", "promptID": "966_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2898_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He stopped short at sight of Captain Blood, and saluted him, as was his due, but the smile that lifted the officer's stiff mostachios was grimly sardonic.", "sentence2": "Captain Blood was nowhere to be found.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2992_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He stopped short at sight of Captain Blood, and saluted him, as was his due, but the smile that lifted the officer's stiff mostachios was grimly sardonic.", "sentence2": "He could see Captain Blood.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2993_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He stopped short at sight of Captain Blood, and saluted him, as was his due, but the smile that lifted the officer's stiff mostachios was grimly sardonic.", "sentence2": "The officer had a mustache.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2994_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ha! Wolverstone vented an ejaculation of sneering mirth.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone did not laugh.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2998_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ha! Wolverstone vented an ejaculation of sneering mirth.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone laughed.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2999_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ha! Wolverstone vented an ejaculation of sneering mirth.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone thought that was funny.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3000_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There the scene is less relaxed and the language problem might daunt you, but at least you'll be able to catch a glimpse of Chinese consumer society.", "sentence2": "It is a good idea to have a translator with you.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3073_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There the scene is less relaxed and the language problem might daunt you, but at least you'll be able to catch a glimpse of Chinese consumer society.", "sentence2": "There is a language problem that might intimidate you.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3074_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There the scene is less relaxed and the language problem might daunt you, but at least you'll be able to catch a glimpse of Chinese consumer society.", "sentence2": "You do not have to worry about language issues there, since everyone speaks English.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3075_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The simplicity of Sant Pau's Romanesque lines is an agreeable change from the extravagance of Barcelona's modernisme and the intricacies of Gothic architecture.", "sentence2": "Sant Pau does not have Romanesque lines.", "promptID": "1031_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3091_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The simplicity of Sant Pau's Romanesque lines is an agreeable change from the extravagance of Barcelona's modernisme and the intricacies of Gothic architecture.", "sentence2": "Sant Pau has Romanesque lines.", "promptID": "1031_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3092_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The rugged mountains of the Serra de Tramuntana sweep down to the sea so steeply here that there are few points of access and only one harbor and port of any size along the coast.", "sentence2": "There are 27 harbors along the mountains", "promptID": "1043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3129_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pedro took the throne, though armed struggle continued for months and the lingering bitterness long after that.", "sentence2": "10000 people died in the war.", "promptID": "1066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3196_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pedro took the throne, though armed struggle continued for months and the lingering bitterness long after that.", "sentence2": "The war was months long.", "promptID": "1066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3197_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pedro took the throne, though armed struggle continued for months and the lingering bitterness long after that.", "sentence2": "The war was over in just a day.", "promptID": "1066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3198_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The massive courtyards and pavilions above Yongle's burial chambers have been restored, and they house some of the Ming Tombs' excavated treasures, including imperial armor.", "sentence2": "Some of the antiques are shown.", "promptID": "1072_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3214_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The massive courtyards and pavilions above Yongle's burial chambers have been restored, and they house some of the Ming Tombs' excavated treasures, including imperial armor.", "sentence2": "You can touch some of the imperial armor.", "promptID": "1072_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3215_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the center of the square is Joachim Schmettau's granite Weltkugelbrunnen (or Fountain of the World), which locals have gaily christened the aquatic dumpling.", "sentence2": "Weltkugelbrunnen is made of aluminum.", "promptID": "1073_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3217_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the center of the square is Joachim Schmettau's granite Weltkugelbrunnen (or Fountain of the World), which locals have gaily christened the aquatic dumpling.", "sentence2": "Weltkugelbrunnen is made of granite that is very black and shiny.", "promptID": "1073_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3218_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the center of the square is Joachim Schmettau's granite Weltkugelbrunnen (or Fountain of the World), which locals have gaily christened the aquatic dumpling.", "sentence2": "Weltkugelbrunnen is made of granite.", "promptID": "1073_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3219_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Opposite, in the Cite de la Musique are the Musee de la Musique and a giant concert hall, the Zenith.", "sentence2": "The Zenith hosts 1000 concerts a year.", "promptID": "1074_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3220_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "May such terror terrify those in thrall to earthly error, for the horror of these images tells what awaits them.", "sentence2": "Bad things will happen to those people.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3271_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "May such terror terrify those in thrall to earthly error, for the horror of these images tells what awaits them.", "sentence2": "The pictures show what lovely things will happen to them.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3272_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "May such terror terrify those in thrall to earthly error, for the horror of these images tells what awaits them.", "sentence2": "Those people will be killed immediately.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3273_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A series of fishing competitions make up a season for the rich, bright, and beautiful, who descend to fish during the day and enjoy the lively social scene after dark.", "sentence2": "PEople like to party after the fish.", "promptID": "1118_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3352_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A series of fishing competitions make up a season for the rich, bright, and beautiful, who descend to fish during the day and enjoy the lively social scene after dark.", "sentence2": "People go fishing and then go right to sleep.", "promptID": "1118_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3353_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A series of fishing competitions make up a season for the rich, bright, and beautiful, who descend to fish during the day and enjoy the lively social scene after dark.", "sentence2": "People like to drink a lot of beer at the bars after they go fishing.", "promptID": "1118_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3354_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "At the outbreak of war, Canada's reputation for welcoming immigrants and refugees from all over the world was tarnished by the blocking of Communists and Jews from Hitler's Germany.", "sentence2": "Canada has never welcomed refugees.", "promptID": "1127_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3379_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Flanking it, a modern octagonal church to the east and a chapel and hexagonal tower to the west represent the city's post-war rebirth.", "sentence2": "These structures were built by the greatest architect in the world.", "promptID": "1130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3390_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Henceforth, national unity always played second fiddle to ethnic, religious, and above all economic regional interests.", "sentence2": "National unity doesn't matter at all.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3442_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Henceforth, national unity always played second fiddle to ethnic, religious, and above all economic regional interests.", "sentence2": "National unity is more important than everything else combined.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3443_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Henceforth, national unity always played second fiddle to ethnic, religious, and above all economic regional interests.", "sentence2": "National unity is never the first priority.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3444_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The jagged ridges of Montserrat rise out of the rather featureless Llobregat plain 62 kilometers (38 miles) northwest of Barcelona, in the very heart of Catalonia.", "sentence2": "The Montesserant is a river.", "promptID": "1152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3454_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Between the island and the mainland is Laguna Nichupte, a huge seawater lagoon bounded by mangrove swamps that are havens to numerous species of wildlife.", "sentence2": "Lagun Nichupte is a desert.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3484_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Between the island and the mainland is Laguna Nichupte, a huge seawater lagoon bounded by mangrove swamps that are havens to numerous species of wildlife.", "sentence2": "Laguna Nichupte is 10 acres of water.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3485_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Between the island and the mainland is Laguna Nichupte, a huge seawater lagoon bounded by mangrove swamps that are havens to numerous species of wildlife.", "sentence2": "Laguna Nichupte is a body of water.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3486_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "s great historic moment came in 1864, when its capital, Charlottetown, hosted a meeting of Maritime leaders with delegates from Ontario and Quebec to chart the path to Canada's federal status as a united dominion.", "sentence2": "Charlottetown was most famous in 2019.", "promptID": "1227_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3681_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Human resources systems were consolidated and new corporate structures were quickly defined to ensure continued support to the enlarged customer base.", "sentence2": "By consolidating human resources systems, room was created for new corporate structures.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3754_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Human resources systems were consolidated and new corporate structures were quickly defined to ensure continued support to the enlarged customer base.", "sentence2": "Corporate structures were created.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3755_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "All nine responding agencies report participation in a", "sentence2": "These nine agencies are pleased that they had such a high participation level.", "promptID": "1272_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3816_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Since 1996, households' wealthincome ratio has increased rapidly-peaking at 6.4 in 1999.", "sentence2": "Households all earned $10000 more last year.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3817_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Since 1996, households' wealthincome ratio has increased rapidly-peaking at 6.4 in 1999.", "sentence2": "Households have been losing a lot of wealth.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3818_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Since 1996, households' wealthincome ratio has increased rapidly-peaking at 6.4 in 1999.", "sentence2": "Households have gotten a lot more wealthincome ratio.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3819_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the subclass approach, the basic and the workshare category are each given a percentage markup over cost, in order to obtain their average rate.", "sentence2": "The basic category is more than cost.", "promptID": "1275_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3823_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the subclass approach, the basic and the workshare category are each given a percentage markup over cost, in order to obtain their average rate.", "sentence2": "The price is 10% more than cost.", "promptID": "1275_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3824_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the subclass approach, the basic and the workshare category are each given a percentage markup over cost, in order to obtain their average rate.", "sentence2": "The price is always less than cost.", "promptID": "1275_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3825_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is not possible to know the extent or direction of the bias in the total incidence change based on the general application of a single C-R function everywhere.", "sentence2": "It's obvious how much bias there is.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3850_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is not possible to know the extent or direction of the bias in the total incidence change based on the general application of a single C-R function everywhere.", "sentence2": "You can't know how much bias exists because it's hard to separate from other outside influences.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3851_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is not possible to know the extent or direction of the bias in the total incidence change based on the general application of a single C-R function everywhere.", "sentence2": "You cant know how much bias there is.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3852_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Some facility owners have been innovative in their construction plans to minimize down time.", "sentence2": "More efficient inventory storage is a key part of minimizing down time.", "promptID": "1294_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3882_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In addition, program personnel conduct various workshops for and make educational materials available to new providers.", "sentence2": "Program personnel cut all the workshops last year.", "promptID": "1297_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3889_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "LSC-funded attorneys would be required to monitor the movements of their clients, and to withdraw from cases whenever their alien clients leave the United States.", "sentence2": "Attorneys get paid by the LSC if they are working in terrorism.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3901_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "LSC-funded attorneys would be required to monitor the movements of their clients, and to withdraw from cases whenever their alien clients leave the United States.", "sentence2": "Some attorneys get paid by the LSC.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3902_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "LSC-funded attorneys would be required to monitor the movements of their clients, and to withdraw from cases whenever their alien clients leave the United States.", "sentence2": "The LSC only funds medical students.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3903_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But her work on the bench affects the lives of the underprivileged, as Zelon puts it, one by one.", "sentence2": "Her work was focused on rich people.", "promptID": "1309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3927_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The welfare effects on the mailers who shift are calculated in the same way as in the above section on profits.", "sentence2": "They calculate the welfare effects like they do how much money they make.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3934_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The welfare effects on the mailers who shift are calculated in the same way as in the above section on profits.", "sentence2": "They calculate welfare effects quickly on a calculator.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3935_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The welfare effects on the mailers who shift are calculated in the same way as in the above section on profits.", "sentence2": "They don't know how to calculate welfare effects.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3936_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "1) Increasing penetration of alternative modes of communication", "sentence2": "Alternate communication makes up 60% of communication now.", "promptID": "1314_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3940_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "1) Increasing penetration of alternative modes of communication", "sentence2": "Everyone just uses letters.", "promptID": "1314_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3941_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "1) Increasing penetration of alternative modes of communication", "sentence2": "Other modes of communication are becomming more popular.", "promptID": "1314_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3942_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The estimates derived from the long-term exposure studies, which account for a major share of the benefits in the Base Estimate, are not affected.", "sentence2": "The estimates all look at people who are exposed just once.", "promptID": "1317_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3949_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Second, the ED is a fast-paced environment in which providers cannot easily find time to conduct brief alcohol interventions, even if they have the training, skills, and desire to do so.", "sentence2": "The ED is leisurely and relaxed.", "promptID": "1323_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3967_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Second, the ED is a fast-paced environment in which providers cannot easily find time to conduct brief alcohol interventions, even if they have the training, skills, and desire to do so.", "sentence2": "Things move really fast in the ED because they see 2000 patients a week.", "promptID": "1323_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3968_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Second, the ED is a fast-paced environment in which providers cannot easily find time to conduct brief alcohol interventions, even if they have the training, skills, and desire to do so.", "sentence2": "Things move really fast in the ED.", "promptID": "1323_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3969_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This is a large challenge and a large expectation for any one system of intervention.", "sentence2": "Every kind of intervention has challenges, but some have much more than others.", "promptID": "1324_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3970_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is a large challenge and a large expectation for any one system of intervention.", "sentence2": "Most interventions are perfect.", "promptID": "1324_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3971_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This is a large challenge and a large expectation for any one system of intervention.", "sentence2": "One kind of intervention has a big challenge, no matter what.", "promptID": "1324_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3972_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The use of technology may reduce the time needed for providers and staff to personally provide screening and intervention services and target patients who can derive benefit from the brief intervention messages.", "sentence2": "Technology can reduce how long providers and staff need to screen people by up to 80%.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3994_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The use of technology may reduce the time needed for providers and staff to personally provide screening and intervention services and target patients who can derive benefit from the brief intervention messages.", "sentence2": "Technology can reduce how long providers and staff need to screen people.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3995_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The use of technology may reduce the time needed for providers and staff to personally provide screening and intervention services and target patients who can derive benefit from the brief intervention messages.", "sentence2": "Technology doesn't help screening at all.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3996_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The resources we are requesting for fiscal year 2002 are critical to sustaining our high-level of performance and service to the Congress.", "sentence2": "We are requesting the $3billion we need.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4021_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The resources we are requesting for fiscal year 2002 are critical to sustaining our high-level of performance and service to the Congress.", "sentence2": "We are requesting the money we need for this year.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4022_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The resources we are requesting for fiscal year 2002 are critical to sustaining our high-level of performance and service to the Congress.", "sentence2": "We didn't ask for any money this year.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4023_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Figure 3 shows the basic results for the two models.", "sentence2": "Figure 3 shows the rate of growth of the city.", "promptID": "1350_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4049_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "C-R functions may also be estimated with or without explicit thresholds.", "sentence2": "C-R functions can be estimated a couple different ways and then published for the reader to decide.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4057_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "C-R functions may also be estimated with or without explicit thresholds.", "sentence2": "C-R functions can be estimated a couple different ways.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4058_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "C-R functions may also be estimated with or without explicit thresholds.", "sentence2": "C-R functions can never be estimated.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4059_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Even if withdrawal were allowed, this may not protect the attorney from ethical obligations to vigorously represent the client, or from claims of malpractice.", "sentence2": "If an attorney withdraws from a case they will be free from all obligation and liability.", "promptID": "1373_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4117_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Even if withdrawal were allowed, this may not protect the attorney from ethical obligations to vigorously represent the client, or from claims of malpractice.", "sentence2": "Nationally, attorneys withdraw from only five percent of all cases.", "promptID": "1373_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4118_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Even if withdrawal were allowed, this may not protect the attorney from ethical obligations to vigorously represent the client, or from claims of malpractice.", "sentence2": "The attorney may face liability even if they withdraw from the case.", "promptID": "1373_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4119_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We look forward to your continued support and working even more closely with you and your staff this year and in fiscal year 2002.", "sentence2": "You have done something to support us in this past year.", "promptID": "1377_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4131_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Requiring attorneys to monitor the movements of eligible aliens at all times of the year would impose monumental burdens on LSC grantees.", "sentence2": "If this requirement were put in place the number of LSC grantees would fall by 80 percent.", "promptID": "1378_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4132_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Requiring attorneys to monitor the movements of eligible aliens at all times of the year would impose monumental burdens on LSC grantees.", "sentence2": "It would be a trivial matter for attorney to monitor eligible aliens at all times.", "promptID": "1378_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4133_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Requiring attorneys to monitor the movements of eligible aliens at all times of the year would impose monumental burdens on LSC grantees.", "sentence2": "It would be allot of work to monitor a group of people at all times.", "promptID": "1378_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4134_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They include a stable federal budgetary future, technological innovation, and improvements in the operations and service provision of government agencies.", "sentence2": "Improvements in the operations of government agencies were included.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4285_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They include a stable federal budgetary future, technological innovation, and improvements in the operations and service provision of government agencies.", "sentence2": "There should have been been more things included.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4286_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They include a stable federal budgetary future, technological innovation, and improvements in the operations and service provision of government agencies.", "sentence2": "They did not include technological innovation.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4287_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Air pollution levels below the threshold for each health effect studied are assumed not to cause the effect.", "sentence2": "Air pollution has no effect on health regardless of the levels.", "promptID": "1461_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4381_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If households' existing assets lose value, people have to save more to attain their wealth-income target.", "sentence2": "Assets will lose value sometimes due to the market.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4435_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If households' existing assets lose value, people have to save more to attain their wealth-income target.", "sentence2": "If households assets lose value people will have to save less.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4436_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If households' existing assets lose value, people have to save more to attain their wealth-income target.", "sentence2": "If people's assets lose value they end up having to save more.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4437_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Islamist movement, born about 1940, is a product of the modern world, influenced by Marxist-Leninist concepts about revolutionary organization.", "sentence2": "The Islamist movement was begun in the sixth century.", "promptID": "1502_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4505_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We have found no indication that the idea was briefed to the new administration or that Clarke passed his paper to them, although the same team of career officials spanned both administrations.", "sentence2": "We are 100% certain that Clarke never gave his paper to anyone.", "promptID": "1518_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4552_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We have found no indication that the idea was briefed to the new administration or that Clarke passed his paper to them, although the same team of career officials spanned both administrations.", "sentence2": "We can't find proof that Clarke gave him his paper.", "promptID": "1518_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4553_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We have found no indication that the idea was briefed to the new administration or that Clarke passed his paper to them, although the same team of career officials spanned both administrations.", "sentence2": "We know for sure that Clarke gave them his paper on July 2.", "promptID": "1518_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4554_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is not clear the system can be installed before 2010, but even this timetable may be too slow, given the possible security dangers.", "sentence2": "It's hard to install the system because hackers attack it every night.", "promptID": "1523_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4567_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Intelligence report, interrogation of KSM, July 30, 2003.", "sentence2": "The interrogation revealed that KSM's favorite ice cream flavor was chocolate.", "promptID": "1524_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4572_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed masterminded the 1995 Manila air plot, and KSM helped fund Yousef 's attempt to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993.", "sentence2": "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was well known for his efforts to stamp out terrorism around the world.", "promptID": "1533_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4598_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They make targets harder to attack successfully, and they deter attacks by making capture more likely.", "sentence2": "They knew making the targets more difficult would lead to a higher rate of captures.", "promptID": "1542_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4624_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24.", "sentence2": "More than 100 Saudi national left the US.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4711_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24.", "sentence2": "The airspace did not reopen until late October.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4712_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24.", "sentence2": "There were also several dozen British nationals who left the country.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4713_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We ask every nation to join us.", "sentence2": "We need at least 10 countries to join us", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4720_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We ask every nation to join us.", "sentence2": "We need help from around the world.", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4721_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We ask every nation to join us.", "sentence2": "We will do this alone!", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4722_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It also meant that there was a link between Khallad and Mihdhar, making Mihdhar seem even more suspicious.", "sentence2": "No one could find a connection between Khallad and Mihdhar.", "promptID": "1581_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4743_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The people of the United States hoped to enjoy a peace dividend, as U.S. spending on national security was cut following the end of the Soviet military threat.", "sentence2": "As the Soviet threat ended the US embarked on a massive military buildup.", "promptID": "1593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4777_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Our border screening system should check people efficiently and welcome friends.", "sentence2": "The screening process at the border should be welcoming while also being productive.", "promptID": "1609_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4825_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Our border screening system should check people efficiently and welcome friends.", "sentence2": "We do not have time for pleasantries while dealing with border crossings.", "promptID": "1609_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4826_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As a result, neither the U.S. nor the Saudi people appreciated all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship, including the Saudi role in U.S. strategies to promote the Middle East peace process.", "sentence2": "The Saudis and the US worked together.", "promptID": "1610_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4828_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As a result, neither the U.S. nor the Saudi people appreciated all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship, including the Saudi role in U.S. strategies to promote the Middle East peace process.", "sentence2": "The Saudis invited the US envoy to come work on the middle east peace project.", "promptID": "1610_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4829_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As a result, neither the U.S. nor the Saudi people appreciated all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship, including the Saudi role in U.S. strategies to promote the Middle East peace process.", "sentence2": "The Saudis refused to work with the US and instead pushed violence.", "promptID": "1610_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4830_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was clear that the lead response agency was the FDNY, and that the other responding local, federal, bistate, and state agencies acted in a supporting role.", "sentence2": "The FDNY was not the only agency in charge; others held just as much control.", "promptID": "1616_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4848_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is no indication that Atta or Shehhi received any additional flight training in June.", "sentence2": "There is evidence that Atta and Shehhi worked hard to become better pilots in June.", "promptID": "1618_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4853_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On August 4, President Bush wrote President Musharraf to request his support in dealing with terrorism and to urge Pakistan to engage actively against al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "President Bush had no contact with President Musharraf.", "promptID": "1621_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4861_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "On August 4, President Bush wrote President Musharraf to request his support in dealing with terrorism and to urge Pakistan to engage actively against al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "President Bush wrote a letter to President Musharraf in August.", "promptID": "1621_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4862_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On August 4, President Bush wrote President Musharraf to request his support in dealing with terrorism and to urge Pakistan to engage actively against al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "President Musharraf replied to President Bush right away.", "promptID": "1621_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4863_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But his time was consumed with getting new officials in place and working on the foundation documents of a new defense policy, the quadrennial defense review, the defense planning guidance, and the existing contingency plans.", "sentence2": "Placing new officials in office and working on a defense policy were time consuming projects.", "promptID": "1637_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4910_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Current security requirements nurture overclassification and excessive compartmentation of information among agencies.", "sentence2": "Security requirements do not compartmentalize information too much.", "promptID": "1645_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4934_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If defense intelligence is reorganized to elevate the responsibilities of the director of the DIA, then that person might be the appropriate official.", "sentence2": "The Director of the DIA is not involved with defense intelligence at all.", "promptID": "1650_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4949_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If defense intelligence is reorganized to elevate the responsibilities of the director of the DIA, then that person might be the appropriate official.", "sentence2": "The director of the DIA is involved with defense intelligence.", "promptID": "1650_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4950_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The FBI agent obtained from a foreign government a photo of the person believed to have directed the Cole bombing.", "sentence2": "The photograph was slightly blurry, but the face of the person was still visible.", "promptID": "1671_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5013_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They discussed targets in coded language, pretending to be students discussing various fields of architecture referred to the World Trade Center, arts the Pentagon,law the Capitol, and politics the White House.", "sentence2": "They came right out and said what landmarks they were talking about.", "promptID": "1681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5041_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They discussed targets in coded language, pretending to be students discussing various fields of architecture referred to the World Trade Center, arts the Pentagon,law the Capitol, and politics the White House.", "sentence2": "They talked about the architecture of landmarks and used it for code words.", "promptID": "1681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5042_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They discussed targets in coded language, pretending to be students discussing various fields of architecture referred to the World Trade Center, arts the Pentagon,law the Capitol, and politics the White House.", "sentence2": "They talked about the targets they wanted to blow up in code.", "promptID": "1681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5043_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "His relationship with her remained close throughout his time in the United States.", "sentence2": "He had never been to the US.", "promptID": "1682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5045_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "His relationship with her remained close throughout his time in the United States.", "sentence2": "He spent time in the United States.", "promptID": "1682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5046_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After repeatedly demanding that Sudan stop supporting terrorist groups, in 1993 the U.S. government designated the country a state sponsor of terrorism.", "sentence2": "Sudan was designated a state sponsor of terrorism in 1993.", "promptID": "1690_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5069_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After repeatedly demanding that Sudan stop supporting terrorist groups, in 1993 the U.S. government designated the country a state sponsor of terrorism.", "sentence2": "Sudan was known as a leader in the fight against terrorist throughout the nineties.", "promptID": "1690_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5070_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When the attack was determined to be al Qaeda-related, responsibility shifted to the New York Field Office.", "sentence2": "The Florida field office took over because it was al Quaeda related.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5101_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When the attack was determined to be al Qaeda-related, responsibility shifted to the New York Field Office.", "sentence2": "The New York Field Office handled it when they decided al Qaeda was involved.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5102_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When the attack was determined to be al Qaeda-related, responsibility shifted to the New York Field Office.", "sentence2": "The New York Field Office took control over all the suspects in custody.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5103_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Director still has no strategy for removing information-sharing barriers and-more than two years since 9/11-has only appointed a working group on the subject.", "sentence2": "Information sharing barriers were still in place after two years.", "promptID": "1715_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5143_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A jet fuel fireball erupted upon impact and shot down at least one bank of elevators.", "sentence2": "The fire was hot enough to melt some of the glass windows in the area.", "promptID": "1717_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5149_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This effort was going on before 9/11 and it continues on a vastly enlarged scale.", "sentence2": "After 9/11 the effort increased dramatically.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5194_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This effort was going on before 9/11 and it continues on a vastly enlarged scale.", "sentence2": "After 9/11 the effort was abandoned entirely in favor of different tactics.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5195_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This effort was going on before 9/11 and it continues on a vastly enlarged scale.", "sentence2": "Since 9/11 funding for the effort has increased by 120%.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5196_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "One Treasury official described CIA's posture as benign neglect toward the Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Center (FTATC), and characterized the CIA as believing that financial tracking had limited utility.", "sentence2": "Financial tracking primarily involves examining credit card receipts and bank statements.", "promptID": "1741_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5221_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One Treasury official described CIA's posture as benign neglect toward the Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Center (FTATC), and characterized the CIA as believing that financial tracking had limited utility.", "sentence2": "Some Treasury officials did not believe the CIA valued financial tracking.", "promptID": "1741_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5222_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Most important is the fact that attending a performance at the IRT is not just a field trip.", "sentence2": "Attending a performance at the IRT will be a nice, easy break from hard work and thought.", "promptID": "1757_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5270_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Most important is the fact that attending a performance at the IRT is not just a field trip.", "sentence2": "In order to fully enjoy a performance at the IRT, you need to pay very hard attention and study the performance and its history beforehand.", "promptID": "1757_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5271_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999.", "sentence2": "Thank you for your $100 donation to the Indianapolis Museum of Art.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5287_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999.", "sentence2": "Thanks but no thanks for lapsing on your donations in 1999.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5288_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999.", "sentence2": "We are very glad you helped support the museum.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5289_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It's important that we hear from you during this last fundraising drive of the season.", "sentence2": "This is the last donation drive we will have this season, so we need your help!", "promptID": "1767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5299_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your support of Goodwill will provide job training and placement services to help the hardest to serve in central Indiana find meaningful employment.", "sentence2": "People in central Indiana never receive job training.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5353_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Your support of Goodwill will provide job training and placement services to help the hardest to serve in central Indiana find meaningful employment.", "sentence2": "Supporting Goodwill will benefit people in Indiana.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5354_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th.", "sentence2": "We have no intention of ever contacting those who have not donated this fiscal year.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5380_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th.", "sentence2": "We will contact by mail in the next 45 days those who have not donated this fiscal year.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5381_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th.", "sentence2": "We will try to contact those who have not donated this fiscal year in the next 45 days.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5382_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your investment continues the high quality of all aspects of the Museum and makes new achievements possible.", "sentence2": "Investments do not affect the Museum in any way.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5425_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Your investment continues the high quality of all aspects of the Museum and makes new achievements possible.", "sentence2": "Larger investments are more helpful for the Museum.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5426_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Your investment continues the high quality of all aspects of the Museum and makes new achievements possible.", "sentence2": "The Museum is impacted by investments.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5427_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And, I hope that you will support the artistic and educational efforts of Civic Theatre again this year.", "sentence2": "The Civic Theater is fully funded and will turn away any more money.", "promptID": "1813_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5437_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And, I hope that you will support the artistic and educational efforts of Civic Theatre again this year.", "sentence2": "The Civic Theater needs $1million this year.", "promptID": "1813_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5438_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And, I hope that you will support the artistic and educational efforts of Civic Theatre again this year.", "sentence2": "The Civic Theater needs your support.", "promptID": "1813_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5439_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Your support helps the Society maintain quality care of animal and plant collections and to conduct important research on rare species including those in the Species Survival Plan.", "sentence2": "The Society cares for animals that are almost extinct in Africa.", "promptID": "1822_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5464_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Your support helps the Society maintain quality care of animal and plant collections and to conduct important research on rare species including those in the Species Survival Plan.", "sentence2": "The Society cares for animals.", "promptID": "1822_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5465_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your support helps the Society maintain quality care of animal and plant collections and to conduct important research on rare species including those in the Species Survival Plan.", "sentence2": "The Society cares for little kids.", "promptID": "1822_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5466_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Provide a professional atmosphere for many talented community actors to hone and perfect their skills.", "sentence2": "Community theaters never help actors improve.", "promptID": "1827_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5479_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Provide a professional atmosphere for many talented community actors to hone and perfect their skills.", "sentence2": "Most professional actors started in the community theaters.", "promptID": "1827_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5480_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Provide a professional atmosphere for many talented community actors to hone and perfect their skills.", "sentence2": "Some actors use community theater to improve.", "promptID": "1827_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5481_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We need resources to recruit and develop outstanding teachers.", "sentence2": "We don't need to recruit teachers, they just come to us.", "promptID": "1837_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5509_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We need resources to recruit and develop outstanding teachers.", "sentence2": "We need better teachers.", "promptID": "1837_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5510_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We need resources to recruit and develop outstanding teachers.", "sentence2": "We need to hire 100 new, good teachers.", "promptID": "1837_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5511_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I've got more than a job", "sentence2": "I have a job that takes up all of my time.", "promptID": "1840_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5519_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Friends' programs such as Young Library Leaders and the Love is Reading Together Week target young people and instill library habits at an early age.", "sentence2": "The programs focused on getting kids to go outside and play.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5611_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Friends' programs such as Young Library Leaders and the Love is Reading Together Week target young people and instill library habits at an early age.", "sentence2": "There are programs that encourage kids to go to the library twice a week.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5612_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Friends' programs such as Young Library Leaders and the Love is Reading Together Week target young people and instill library habits at an early age.", "sentence2": "There are programs to make kids interested in the library.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5613_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I am writing to thank you for your past gifts to the IUPUI University Libraries and to ask you to renew that support.", "sentence2": "I am asking you to donate $10.00 to the ASPCA.", "promptID": "1875_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5623_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I am writing to thank you for your past gifts to the IUPUI University Libraries and to ask you to renew that support.", "sentence2": "I am asking you to donate $100 to the IUPUI University Libraries.", "promptID": "1875_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5624_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I am writing to thank you for your past gifts to the IUPUI University Libraries and to ask you to renew that support.", "sentence2": "I am asking you to make another gift to the IUPUI University Libraries.", "promptID": "1875_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5625_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It would be wonderful if you could take the time to visit your School, and see for yourself the progress we have made over the years and share in the pride of our heritage!", "sentence2": "Don't visit the school, just send money.", "promptID": "1878_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5632_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It would be wonderful if you could take the time to visit your School, and see for yourself the progress we have made over the years and share in the pride of our heritage!", "sentence2": "You should visit the school and see the musical production we've been working on.", "promptID": "1878_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5633_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It would be wonderful if you could take the time to visit your School, and see for yourself the progress we have made over the years and share in the pride of our heritage!", "sentence2": "You should visit your school and see what we've been up to.", "promptID": "1878_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5634_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Civic's revenue comes from full houses, workshop and program tuitions, facility rental, foundations, corporate sponsors and individual contributions from supporters like you.", "sentence2": "People give us money to help us fill the $1million budget gap.", "promptID": "1897_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5690_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Student tuition has been raised 12% for 1992-92, a significant increase.", "sentence2": "The tuition rate has increased a lot.", "promptID": "1899_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5695_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Student tuition has been raised 12% for 1992-92, a significant increase.", "sentence2": "The tuition rate went down 40%.", "promptID": "1899_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5696_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Many see philanthropy as no more than the grand gestures of the rich.", "sentence2": "Everyone realizes that we all have to donate if we want to make an impact.", "promptID": "1938_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5812_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Many see philanthropy as no more than the grand gestures of the rich.", "sentence2": "Some people think donating is just something rich people do.", "promptID": "1938_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5813_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Many see philanthropy as no more than the grand gestures of the rich.", "sentence2": "Some people think they're too poor to give any money, so they ignore our calls.", "promptID": "1938_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5814_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount of $10,000.", "sentence2": "McCoy is asking for $250,000.", "promptID": "1942_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5824_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount of $10,000.", "sentence2": "McCoy needs more money, but right now $10,000 is being requested.", "promptID": "1942_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5826_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": ".. wisps of white clouds scattered across a clear, blue sky.", "sentence2": "The sky is clear and blue, and there are clouds here and there.", "promptID": "1983_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5947_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": ".. wisps of white clouds scattered across a clear, blue sky.", "sentence2": "The sun is behind a fluffy cloud, the shape of a bunny.", "promptID": "1983_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5949_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Technology, although seemingly indispensable, has caused us to go into hyperspeed.", "sentence2": "Technology has made the way we collect information ramp up to speeds we've never seen.", "promptID": "1990_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5968_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Technology, although seemingly indispensable, has caused us to go into hyperspeed.", "sentence2": "Technology hasn't done anything to help us.", "promptID": "1990_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5970_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Graduates of the I. U .School of Law-Indianapolis leave with fundamental lawyering skills and a sound legal education.", "sentence2": "The IU School of Law has 1000 students.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5977_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Graduates of the I. U .School of Law-Indianapolis leave with fundamental lawyering skills and a sound legal education.", "sentence2": "The IU School of Law teaches future lawyers.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5978_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Graduates of the I. U .School of Law-Indianapolis leave with fundamental lawyering skills and a sound legal education.", "sentence2": "The IU School of law was shut down long ago.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5979_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Indianapolis Civic Theatre has entertained her audiences with professionally-produced plays and musicals for 82 years while providing an arena for our city's exceptional talent, but that is certainly not the extent of it.", "sentence2": "The Indianapolis Civic Theater has produced shows for over 80 years.", "promptID": "1994_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5980_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Indianapolis Civic Theatre has entertained her audiences with professionally-produced plays and musicals for 82 years while providing an arena for our city's exceptional talent, but that is certainly not the extent of it.", "sentence2": "The Indy Civic Theater has done 120 shows in 80 years.", "promptID": "1994_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5981_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Indianapolis Civic Theatre has entertained her audiences with professionally-produced plays and musicals for 82 years while providing an arena for our city's exceptional talent, but that is certainly not the extent of it.", "sentence2": "The Indy Civic Theater has only been operating for 2 years.", "promptID": "1994_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5982_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For this fiscal year and next, the law school is required to absorb reductions in its state appropriation and increased health costs totaling more than $400,000.", "sentence2": "The law school is getting $1million more than normal.", "promptID": "1995_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5984_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The newsweeklies' cover packages pander to anxious parents.", "sentence2": "Newsweeklies design their cover packages to appeal to small children or the elderly.", "promptID": "2006_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6017_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There is one detail of Southern japes that has inverted its class associations.", "sentence2": "Southern japes has a population of five thousand in the summer and two thousand in the winter.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6037_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is one detail of Southern japes that has inverted its class associations.", "sentence2": "Southern japes has a very clear and rigid class association.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6038_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There is one detail of Southern japes that has inverted its class associations.", "sentence2": "There is a class association here that has been inverted.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6039_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Time 's cover story is Bill Gates' 12-step program for succeeding in the digital age.", "sentence2": "Time magazine has a picture of Bill Gates on the cover.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6062_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Time 's cover story is Bill Gates' 12-step program for succeeding in the digital age.", "sentence2": "Time magazine is running a story about Bill Gates and success in the digital age.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6063_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Run Silent, Run Deep, Run the Answer", "sentence2": "Run while making noise.", "promptID": "2027_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6079_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Run Silent, Run Deep, Run the Answer", "sentence2": "Run with arms flailing.", "promptID": "2027_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6080_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Run Silent, Run Deep, Run the Answer", "sentence2": "Run without being heard.", "promptID": "2027_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6081_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sabol said he has to take the occasional pit stop, but even that is conveniently arranged.", "sentence2": "Sabol does not need to take all those pit stops.", "promptID": "2055_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6163_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sabol said he has to take the occasional pit stop, but even that is conveniently arranged.", "sentence2": "Sabol mentioned that now and again he has to make a pit stop.", "promptID": "2055_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6164_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The USDA argues, however, that what is needed is more enforcement power, and to that end, it is advancing a bill designed to expand its authority.", "sentence2": "The USDA says police need to help them.", "promptID": "2061_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6181_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pundits often say history is written by the winners.", "sentence2": "Pundits say losers write history.", "promptID": "2074_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6220_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Theory of the Leisure Modern medicine and hygiene have licked most of the major problems that used to preoccupy our immune system.", "sentence2": "Our immune system was kept busy in the past.", "promptID": "2078_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6234_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One way to find the answer is to begin with a different How much was Ames' information worth to the Soviets?", "sentence2": "There is no way one can arrive at the answer.", "promptID": "2085_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6254_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Why is the consistent solution the right solution?", "sentence2": "It's obvious the consistent solution is always wrong.", "promptID": "2092_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6274_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Why is the consistent solution the right solution?", "sentence2": "When it comes to waste removal why is the consistent solution correct?", "promptID": "2092_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6275_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Why is the consistent solution the right solution?", "sentence2": "Why does the right solution so happen to be the most consistent?", "promptID": "2092_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6276_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This kind of treatment for big contributors is quite routine.", "sentence2": "Big contributors are always given special treatment at these events.", "promptID": "2094_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6280_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This kind of treatment for big contributors is quite routine.", "sentence2": "Everyone contributes the same amount, in order to prevent special treatment.", "promptID": "2094_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6281_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This kind of treatment for big contributors is quite routine.", "sentence2": "There is nothing new in this kind of treatment for big contributors.", "promptID": "2094_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6282_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "TV dinners carry a terrible stigma.", "sentence2": "Breakfast and lunch are the only meals that appear on TV.", "promptID": "2096_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6286_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "TV dinners carry a terrible stigma.", "sentence2": "People can watch dinners on TV.", "promptID": "2096_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6287_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "TV dinners carry a terrible stigma.", "sentence2": "TV dinners always show a family eating some meat dish.", "promptID": "2096_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6288_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Three Japanese banks will merge to create the world's largest financial institution.", "sentence2": "The three respective banks are already large.", "promptID": "2130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6390_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There is a difference between canny skepticism and dumbbell skepticism.", "sentence2": "Canny skepticism is more common than dumbbell skepticism.", "promptID": "2152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6456_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Which aspect of our foreign policy does Richard Clarke most fear will be abandoned--standing around while civilians are slaughtered in Rwanda or standing around while civilians are slaughtered in Kosovo?", "sentence2": "Clarke has worries about our foreign policy.", "promptID": "2161_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6482_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce began his apologia this way--and I quote from bad memory--The continuation of crime, disease, suffering, and death is what keeps me, Albert Schweitzer, and J. Edgar Hoover in business.", "sentence2": "Bruce apologizes very often.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6487_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce began his apologia this way--and I quote from bad memory--The continuation of crime, disease, suffering, and death is what keeps me, Albert Schweitzer, and J. Edgar Hoover in business.", "sentence2": "Bruce apologizes.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6488_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce began his apologia this way--and I quote from bad memory--The continuation of crime, disease, suffering, and death is what keeps me, Albert Schweitzer, and J. Edgar Hoover in business.", "sentence2": "Bruce never apologizes.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6489_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The second level of falsity is that Brock defends Hillary only to elevate his own, proprietary scandal.", "sentence2": "Brock does not defend Hillary.", "promptID": "2167_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6499_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thanks to Vatican II (and one of its little-noted consequences, an ebbing of American anti-Catholicism), Catholics unself-consciously socialize with other Christians and attend their christenings, weddings, and funerals.", "sentence2": "Catholics and Christians have some things in common.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6523_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thanks to Vatican II (and one of its little-noted consequences, an ebbing of American anti-Catholicism), Catholics unself-consciously socialize with other Christians and attend their christenings, weddings, and funerals.", "sentence2": "Catholics and Christians never partake in the same activities.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6524_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thanks to Vatican II (and one of its little-noted consequences, an ebbing of American anti-Catholicism), Catholics unself-consciously socialize with other Christians and attend their christenings, weddings, and funerals.", "sentence2": "There are some exclusively Catholic traditions.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6525_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Yet New York state senators and legislators privately admit they assented to the legislation because they were impressed with the ferocity of the support for the bill.", "sentence2": "New York state has its own government representatives.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6538_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yet New York state senators and legislators privately admit they assented to the legislation because they were impressed with the ferocity of the support for the bill.", "sentence2": "New York state has no senators.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6539_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Yet New York state senators and legislators privately admit they assented to the legislation because they were impressed with the ferocity of the support for the bill.", "sentence2": "New York state has the more senators than other states.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6540_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So in the Cuban tropics, too, there has just now been a day as beautiful as glory, cold as the tomb.", "sentence2": "Cuba is in the arctic.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6580_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So in the Cuban tropics, too, there has just now been a day as beautiful as glory, cold as the tomb.", "sentence2": "Cuba is in the tropics.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6581_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "So in the Cuban tropics, too, there has just now been a day as beautiful as glory, cold as the tomb.", "sentence2": "It's always above 80 in Cuba.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6582_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Search for condescension, sentimentality, irony (with separate options for intentional and unintentional), pandering, obscurantism, and puns;", "sentence2": "Intentional irony is more common than unintentional irony.", "promptID": "2198_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6592_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Search for condescension, sentimentality, irony (with separate options for intentional and unintentional), pandering, obscurantism, and puns;", "sentence2": "Irony is divided into subcategories.", "promptID": "2198_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6593_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Search for condescension, sentimentality, irony (with separate options for intentional and unintentional), pandering, obscurantism, and puns;", "sentence2": "There is only one type of irony.", "promptID": "2198_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6594_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The European Union's Eurocrats have worthy ideas, such as persuading the continent's governments to agree on harmonious environmental and immigration policies.", "sentence2": "The European Union have bureaucrats.", "promptID": "2199_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6595_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So why does Gates produce at such a frantic pace?", "sentence2": "Gates does not produce slowly.", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6640_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So why does Gates produce at such a frantic pace?", "sentence2": "Why does Gates produce at such a slow pace?", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6642_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is no need to apologize for our leadership role.", "sentence2": "Our only option is to follow whatever directions we are given from our superiors and the higher-ups.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6646_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There is no need to apologize for our leadership role.", "sentence2": "We have earned the respect and the right to be proud leaders on this subject.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6647_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There is no need to apologize for our leadership role.", "sentence2": "We owe no one any apologizes for our leadership in this matter.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6648_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There are, of course, many elegant and flirtatious scenes set on yachts.", "sentence2": "Large yachts are very expensive to maintain as they need regular maintenance and use large amounts of fuel.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6649_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There are, of course, many elegant and flirtatious scenes set on yachts.", "sentence2": "Very few elegant or flirtatious scenes take place on yachts.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6650_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are, of course, many elegant and flirtatious scenes set on yachts.", "sentence2": "Yachts are used as the setting for many elegant scenes.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6651_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The French findings were basically Eighteen million prescriptions were filled for fen-phen in the United States last year.", "sentence2": "Millions of people took a diet drug that made them lost 20 pounds each.", "promptID": "2234_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6700_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The French findings were basically Eighteen million prescriptions were filled for fen-phen in the United States last year.", "sentence2": "Millions of people took fen-phen.", "promptID": "2234_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6701_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The French findings were basically Eighteen million prescriptions were filled for fen-phen in the United States last year.", "sentence2": "No one took fen-phen in the US.", "promptID": "2234_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6702_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The State Department has asked Moscow to amend the ABM Treaty--which most missile defense proponents view as an outdated Cold War dinosaur anyway.", "sentence2": "The ABM Treaty has nothing to do with weaponry.", "promptID": "2236_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6706_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The State Department has asked Moscow to amend the ABM Treaty--which most missile defense proponents view as an outdated Cold War dinosaur anyway.", "sentence2": "The ABM Treaty has saved billions of dollars.", "promptID": "2236_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6707_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The State Department has asked Moscow to amend the ABM Treaty--which most missile defense proponents view as an outdated Cold War dinosaur anyway.", "sentence2": "The ABM Treaty involves missile defense.", "promptID": "2236_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6708_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The best thing that may be said of Podhoretz and Decter is that their biological clocks can't have many more minutes left on them.", "sentence2": "Decter is so young!", "promptID": "2250_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6748_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The best thing that may be said of Podhoretz and Decter is that their biological clocks can't have many more minutes left on them.", "sentence2": "Decter is 85 years old.", "promptID": "2250_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6749_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The best thing that may be said of Podhoretz and Decter is that their biological clocks can't have many more minutes left on them.", "sentence2": "Decter is old.", "promptID": "2250_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6750_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A cavalier is tied to his steed through Latin caballus `horse.", "sentence2": "Cavaliers are known as foot soldiers used to defend fixed positions.", "promptID": "2284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6850_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A cavalier is tied to his steed through Latin caballus `horse.", "sentence2": "There are three different breeds of horses popular among cavaliers.", "promptID": "2284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6852_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to the blurbs, the former contains 2000 entries, the latter 2700; but the ODNW is more densely packed with information-- at least thirty per cent more, by my calculations.", "sentence2": "By my calculations, the ODNW has more information has more information than the blurbs suggest.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6910_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "According to the blurbs, the former contains 2000 entries, the latter 2700; but the ODNW is more densely packed with information-- at least thirty per cent more, by my calculations.", "sentence2": "The ODNW has more than thirty percent more information.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6911_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to the blurbs, the former contains 2000 entries, the latter 2700; but the ODNW is more densely packed with information-- at least thirty per cent more, by my calculations.", "sentence2": "The ODNW lacks enough of the information and entries required to make it useful.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6912_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Besides, their concept of time is circular, not linear, so marking the passage of time is not as important as celebrating the return of seasonal events.", "sentence2": "Because they view time as circular, the return of seasonal events is more important to them.", "promptID": "2305_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6914_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Besides, their concept of time is circular, not linear, so marking the passage of time is not as important as celebrating the return of seasonal events.", "sentence2": "They celebrate seasonal events because they believe time is s loop.", "promptID": "2305_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6915_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For example, some have derivations distinctly removed from the equipment used or the court on which the game is played.", "sentence2": "All sports are named after a piece of equipment used in the sport.", "promptID": "2309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6925_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For example, some have derivations distinctly removed from the equipment used or the court on which the game is played.", "sentence2": "Some games are not named after either equipment or court.", "promptID": "2309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6926_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For example, some have derivations distinctly removed from the equipment used or the court on which the game is played.", "sentence2": "This often happens when a sport is created using existing equipment from other sports.", "promptID": "2309_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6927_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As for challenges, I am currently looking for a word that can be cut into two successively smaller forms.", "sentence2": "I have taken an interest in linguistics, since I took an introductory class last year.", "promptID": "2310_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6930_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "' It is remarkable that this anomaly still persists, even in many modern sources.", "sentence2": "The anomaly was eliminated several centuries ago.", "promptID": "2363_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7087_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "' It is remarkable that this anomaly still persists, even in many modern sources.", "sentence2": "This anomaly could be corrected, but the cost would be significant.", "promptID": "2363_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7088_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "' It is remarkable that this anomaly still persists, even in many modern sources.", "sentence2": "This anomaly still exists today as it did in the past.", "promptID": "2363_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7089_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As we all know, there is an enormous number of publications dealing with highly specialized areas.", "sentence2": "There are a lot of journals about the scientific studies.", "promptID": "2386_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7156_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As we all know, there is an enormous number of publications dealing with highly specialized areas.", "sentence2": "There are a lot of journals.", "promptID": "2386_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7157_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As we all know, there is an enormous number of publications dealing with highly specialized areas.", "sentence2": "There are only 2 journals.", "promptID": "2386_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7158_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "From the five pages of personal acknowledgments (as opposed to a mere two pages of bibliography), it should be clear that the dictionary rests largely on original research.", "sentence2": "The author of this dictionary does a very thorough job of documenting and acknowledging the research that went into practically every entry.", "promptID": "2395_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7183_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "From the five pages of personal acknowledgments (as opposed to a mere two pages of bibliography), it should be clear that the dictionary rests largely on original research.", "sentence2": "This dictionary appears to be plagiarized from an existing dictionary written by a competitor.", "promptID": "2395_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7184_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "From the five pages of personal acknowledgments (as opposed to a mere two pages of bibliography), it should be clear that the dictionary rests largely on original research.", "sentence2": "This dictionary documents in the personal acknowledgments that its contents relies largely on original research.", "promptID": "2395_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7185_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thus, I cannot accept Hendrickson's origin for horse latitudes , though, to give him his due, he only copied the etymology from other sources, the OED included.", "sentence2": "I'm in total agreement with Hendrickson.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7237_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thus, I cannot accept Hendrickson's origin for horse latitudes , though, to give him his due, he only copied the etymology from other sources, the OED included.", "sentence2": "I'm pretty sure that Hendrickson didn't have much to base his ideas on.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7239_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But the question cannot even be asked when the details are mislaid.", "sentence2": "Just clearing up the the details will make the question more understandable.", "promptID": "2418_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7252_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But the question cannot even be asked when the details are mislaid.", "sentence2": "The question should be answerable even with the mislaid details.", "promptID": "2418_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7253_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And how did such a cold and unhuman thing like a telecommunications protocol for transferring files between a mainframe and a microcomputer get dubbed Kermit?", "sentence2": "Kermit is the name for a certain type of telecommunications protocol.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7255_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And how did such a cold and unhuman thing like a telecommunications protocol for transferring files between a mainframe and a microcomputer get dubbed Kermit?", "sentence2": "The Kermit telecommunications protocol refers to a way of talking between Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7256_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And how did such a cold and unhuman thing like a telecommunications protocol for transferring files between a mainframe and a microcomputer get dubbed Kermit?", "sentence2": "The Kermit telecommunications protocol was named after a frog.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7257_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In Santa Fe, where the Hispanic heritage and population remain considerable, the new pseudo-Spanish names are more apt to be correct than in, say, California or Tucson.", "sentence2": "Everyone in Santa Fe has an American name.", "promptID": "2422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7264_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In Santa Fe, where the Hispanic heritage and population remain considerable, the new pseudo-Spanish names are more apt to be correct than in, say, California or Tucson.", "sentence2": "Most of the people in Santa Fe have Hispanic names.", "promptID": "2422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7265_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In Santa Fe, where the Hispanic heritage and population remain considerable, the new pseudo-Spanish names are more apt to be correct than in, say, California or Tucson.", "sentence2": "There are a lot of Spanish names in Santa Fe.", "promptID": "2422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7266_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Serious crime down, but murders increase.", "sentence2": "Thanks to the police force, murders are at an all-time low.", "promptID": "2429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7285_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Serious crime down, but murders increase.", "sentence2": "There has been a rise in murders because a serial killer is on the loose.", "promptID": "2429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7286_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Serious crime down, but murders increase.", "sentence2": "There has been a rise in murders.", "promptID": "2429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7287_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Taken in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America , despite its 1,500,000 entries, may properly be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one.", "sentence2": "The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is about animals.", "promptID": "2456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7367_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Taken in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America , despite its 1,500,000 entries, may properly be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one.", "sentence2": "The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is comprehensive.", "promptID": "2456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7368_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "She pointed to a patch of equally depressing but bushier shrubbery.", "sentence2": "She gestured toward another, bushier shrub.", "promptID": "2464_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7390_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "She pointed to a patch of equally depressing but bushier shrubbery.", "sentence2": "She gestured towards a bush that was somewhat depressing.", "promptID": "2464_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7391_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "She pointed to a patch of equally depressing but bushier shrubbery.", "sentence2": "That bush is less bushy than the other.", "promptID": "2464_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7392_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.", "sentence2": "Cables are a much more prestigious word than wires whenever in a trade.", "promptID": "2478_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7432_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.", "sentence2": "No cables or wires care included in the trade for these boxes.", "promptID": "2478_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7433_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "These boxes come with wires (called cables in the trade because that sounds more impressive) that allow them to be connected to one another and into a power source.", "sentence2": "These boxes can be connected together and powered by cables.", "promptID": "2478_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7434_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster of the University of Iowa, the sports teams of which are called the Hawkeyes.", "sentence2": "My sister used to date a fan of the University of Iowa sports teams, which are called the Hawkeyes.", "promptID": "2491_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7472_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster of the University of Iowa, the sports teams of which are called the Hawkeyes.", "sentence2": "The young man my sister was dating felt obligated to be a Hawkeyes fan because he worked for the University of Iowa.", "promptID": "2491_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7473_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"}