{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El primero es una suculenta indemnización ya pactada de 85 días por año trabajado, sin límite de antigüedad (la media ronda los 15 años y el salario bruto, los 1.200 euros).", "sentence2": "La indemnización tiene límite de antigüedad.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "25_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El primero es una suculenta indemnización ya pactada de 85 días por año trabajado, sin límite de antigüedad (la media ronda los 15 años y el salario bruto, los 1.200 euros).", "sentence2": "La indemnización no tiene límite de antigüedad.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "27_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ahora, parece que le han dado otro papel a Mª Antonia Iglesias.", "sentence2": "El papel anterior de Maria Antonia Iglesias fue muy pequeño.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "43_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ahora, parece que le han dado otro papel a Mª Antonia Iglesias.", "sentence2": "Maria Antonia ya no tiene ningún papel.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "44_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ahora, parece que le han dado otro papel a Mª Antonia Iglesias.", "sentence2": "Parece que Maria Antonia Iglesias tiene un nuevo papel.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "45_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y este buen señor con la mejor intención que habrá tenido, ha metido la pata.", "sentence2": "La edad le ha jugago una mala pasada a este buen señor.", "promptID": "19_esxnli", "pairID": "56_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El vehículo se estampó contra la mediana a la altura del falso túnel de Carlos Haya, una de las zonas en las que normalmente se forman retenciones.", "sentence2": "El vehículo tuvo un accidente contra la mediana.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "64_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El vehículo se estampó contra la mediana a la altura del falso túnel de Carlos Haya, una de las zonas en las que normalmente se forman retenciones.", "sentence2": "Hubo un accidente y murieron dos personas.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "65_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El vehículo se estampó contra la mediana a la altura del falso túnel de Carlos Haya, una de las zonas en las que normalmente se forman retenciones.", "sentence2": "El vehiculo llegó a su destino sin problemas.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "66_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente se destroce el higado sin molestar a los demás.", "sentence2": "No se está de acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente beba sin molestar a los que no beben.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "67_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente se destroce el higado sin molestar a los demás.", "sentence2": "El botellón es legal.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "68_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De acuerdo en habilitar espacios para que la gente se destroce el higado sin molestar a los demás.", "sentence2": "La gente bebe.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "69_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El bloqueo está visto, solo ha servido para endurecer y eternizar el régimen dictatorial (no me hablen de izquieras o derechas, que me da la risa, es una dictadura y punto).", "sentence2": "También me da la risa con Groucho Marx.", "promptID": "25_esxnli", "pairID": "74_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Actualmente, tres de cada cuatro cerdos ibéricos puros de alimentación exclusiva con bellotas sacrificados en la última campaña son 5J.", "sentence2": "La calidad de los cerdos ibéricos de la útlima temporada es alta.", "promptID": "26_esxnli", "pairID": "78_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De todas formas, ni el Real Mazdrid ni el Sevilla van a alcanzar al Barcelona.", "sentence2": "El Sevilla y el Real Madrid están a la misma distancia del Barcelona.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "82_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De todas formas, ni el Real Mazdrid ni el Sevilla van a alcanzar al Barcelona.", "sentence2": "El Real Madrid está por detrás del Barcelona.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "83_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De todas formas, ni el Real Mazdrid ni el Sevilla van a alcanzar al Barcelona.", "sentence2": "El Barcelona está por detrás del Sevilla.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "84_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El diplomático hizo el anuncio tres días después de que el presidente de Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, pidiese a Estados Unidos ser más severo en las penas a los narcotraficantes que sean extraditados, en una inusual reprimenda del más firme aliado de Washington en América Latina.", "sentence2": "Nadie se ha pronunciado tras las declaraciones de Uribe.", "promptID": "29_esxnli", "pairID": "86_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El diplomático hizo el anuncio tres días después de que el presidente de Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, pidiese a Estados Unidos ser más severo en las penas a los narcotraficantes que sean extraditados, en una inusual reprimenda del más firme aliado de Washington en América Latina.", "sentence2": "El diplomático pidió perdón por la ineficiencia de los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "29_esxnli", "pairID": "87_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En una sesión de grabación, las cosas se torcieron, según informan fuentes cercanas a la productora.", "sentence2": "Los sucesos ocurrieron hace un mes", "promptID": "30_esxnli", "pairID": "88_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Bienvenido de nuevo al gran circo Kimi, la F1 necesita a grandes pilotos y Kimi lo es, puede ir muy rápido y a poco que el Lotus funcione Kimi estará ahí dando guerra.", "sentence2": "Kimi formó parte del equipo de Mercedes en la campaña anterior.", "promptID": "31_esxnli", "pairID": "91_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Bienvenido de nuevo al gran circo Kimi, la F1 necesita a grandes pilotos y Kimi lo es, puede ir muy rápido y a poco que el Lotus funcione Kimi estará ahí dando guerra.", "sentence2": "La F1 desconfía de las habilidades de Kimi.", "promptID": "31_esxnli", "pairID": "93_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es un pueblo encantador por su situación y elementos etnográficos, pero no nos engañemos, si das dos pasos, uno si tienes la zancada larga, ya te saliste de sus límites.", "sentence2": "El pueblo es pequeño.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "97_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es un pueblo encantador por su situación y elementos etnográficos, pero no nos engañemos, si das dos pasos, uno si tienes la zancada larga, ya te saliste de sus límites.", "sentence2": "Las gente del pueblo es muy agradable.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "98_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es un pueblo encantador por su situación y elementos etnográficos, pero no nos engañemos, si das dos pasos, uno si tienes la zancada larga, ya te saliste de sus límites.", "sentence2": "El pueblo no tiene ningún interés.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "99_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ahora sólo funciona en Madrid, donde 116 hombres llevan un brazalete anti-maltrato.", "sentence2": "El brazalete anti-maltrato es una herramienta efiiciente para proteger a las víctimas.", "promptID": "34_esxnli", "pairID": "100_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En ese mismo trimestre, los dos juzgados ingresaron 965 asuntos penales y, a pesar de lograr tramitar 996 (muchos de ellos de los periodos anteriores y a fuerza de horas extra), a final de los tres meses aún había 422 pendientes, según los últimos datos del Consejo General del Poder Judicial.", "sentence2": "Los juzgados tramitan a tiempo todos los asuntos penales que ingresan", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "106_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En ese mismo trimestre, los dos juzgados ingresaron 965 asuntos penales y, a pesar de lograr tramitar 996 (muchos de ellos de los periodos anteriores y a fuerza de horas extra), a final de los tres meses aún había 422 pendientes, según los últimos datos del Consejo General del Poder Judicial.", "sentence2": "Los juzgados tienen dificultades para tramitar todos los asuntos penales que ingresan", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "107_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En ese mismo trimestre, los dos juzgados ingresaron 965 asuntos penales y, a pesar de lograr tramitar 996 (muchos de ellos de los periodos anteriores y a fuerza de horas extra), a final de los tres meses aún había 422 pendientes, según los últimos datos del Consejo General del Poder Judicial.", "sentence2": "El Consejo General del Poder Judicial emite datos sobre los asustos penales ingresado y tramitados", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "108_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Zlatan sabe defender la pelota, asegura.", "sentence2": "Zlatan se apellida Ibrahimovic.", "promptID": "38_esxnli", "pairID": "112_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ahora resulta que los catolicos nos van a dar clases de moral, cuando durante milenios han masacrado culturas, y naciones enteras, tan solo por el pinche poder y dinero. o que la no recuerdan que las Estupidas cruzadas, no fue solo una carniceria que decian libraban en nombre de dios, eso si son idioteces, y no estan imagenes que solo retoman simbolos banales.", "sentence2": "Las clases de moral son por el poder y el dinero.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "118_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ahora resulta que los catolicos nos van a dar clases de moral, cuando durante milenios han masacrado culturas, y naciones enteras, tan solo por el pinche poder y dinero. o que la no recuerdan que las Estupidas cruzadas, no fue solo una carniceria que decian libraban en nombre de dios, eso si son idioteces, y no estan imagenes que solo retoman simbolos banales.", "sentence2": "Los católicos han masacrado culturas en bicicleta.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "119_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ahora resulta que los catolicos nos van a dar clases de moral, cuando durante milenios han masacrado culturas, y naciones enteras, tan solo por el pinche poder y dinero. o que la no recuerdan que las Estupidas cruzadas, no fue solo una carniceria que decian libraban en nombre de dios, eso si son idioteces, y no estan imagenes que solo retoman simbolos banales.", "sentence2": "Los budistas van a dar clases de moral.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "120_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero ellas han decidido dar la cara y definen su estilo \"como más práctico y más directo\" que el de los hombres.", "sentence2": "Un estilo tan práctico como el de ellas supera al de los hombres en todos los sentidos.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "133_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero ellas han decidido dar la cara y definen su estilo \"como más práctico y más directo\" que el de los hombres.", "sentence2": "El estilo de los hombres es más práctico que el de las mujeres.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "134_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero ellas han decidido dar la cara y definen su estilo \"como más práctico y más directo\" que el de los hombres.", "sentence2": "El estilo de ellas es más directo que el de ellos.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "135_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hoy comienza el salón Sicur en Ifema.", "sentence2": "Madrid vuelve a acoger la feria de seguridad este año.", "promptID": "65_esxnli", "pairID": "194_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al igual que Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market es también lugar de visita y compra para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Smithfield Market compra más productos que Billingsgate Market.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "226_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al igual que Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market es también lugar de visita y compra para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Hay al menos dos mercados que compran para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "227_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al igual que Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market es también lugar de visita y compra para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Actualmente, Smithfield Market no compra para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "228_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Despúes del infierno que nos hicieron pasar en el pedregal ese que osaron llamar \"parque\" ahora se lucen teniendo que buscarse la vida uno como un gilipoyas para conseguir entradas para 1 día!!!", "sentence2": "Había mucha gente en el parque.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "241_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Despúes del infierno que nos hicieron pasar en el pedregal ese que osaron llamar \"parque\" ahora se lucen teniendo que buscarse la vida uno como un gilipoyas para conseguir entradas para 1 día!!!", "sentence2": "La experiencia en el parque fue inolvidable.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "242_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Despúes del infierno que nos hicieron pasar en el pedregal ese que osaron llamar \"parque\" ahora se lucen teniendo que buscarse la vida uno como un gilipoyas para conseguir entradas para 1 día!!!", "sentence2": "Conseguir entradas para un día no es nada fácil.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "243_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El hecho de que volvamos a Brasil a luchar por él otra vez lo hace aún más importante.", "sentence2": "Nunca volveremos a Brasil", "promptID": "82_esxnli", "pairID": "244_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El hecho de que volvamos a Brasil a luchar por él otra vez lo hace aún más importante.", "sentence2": "Volveremos a Brasil", "promptID": "82_esxnli", "pairID": "245_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Era un \"caballero\" de unos 50 años, un poco grueso y con pelo y bigote blancos.", "sentence2": "Al caballero todavía no le ha llegado la calvicie.", "promptID": "83_esxnli", "pairID": "248_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De Cuba cogería el clima y el trato humano.", "sentence2": "No soporto ni el clima ni el carácter de la gente en Cuba.", "promptID": "89_esxnli", "pairID": "265_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De Cuba cogería el clima y el trato humano.", "sentence2": "De Cuba me quedo con el clima y el trato de la gente.", "promptID": "89_esxnli", "pairID": "266_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De Cuba cogería el clima y el trato humano.", "sentence2": "En Cuba el clima afecta directamente a la forma de ser de su gente.", "promptID": "89_esxnli", "pairID": "267_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, Moratinos celebró un encuentro con representantes de los principales miembros de comunicación, a los que trasladó que España tendrá \"tolerancia cero\" con la emigración ilegal; \"el que no tenga contrato de trabajo no se va a quedar\", dijo el ministro, según detalló un asistente al encuentro.", "sentence2": "España no aceptará la inmigración ilegal según dijo Moratinos en un encuentro.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "274_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, Moratinos celebró un encuentro con representantes de los principales miembros de comunicación, a los que trasladó que España tendrá \"tolerancia cero\" con la emigración ilegal; \"el que no tenga contrato de trabajo no se va a quedar\", dijo el ministro, según detalló un asistente al encuentro.", "sentence2": "España no aceptará la inmigración ilegal pero sí la emigración ilegal según dijo Moratinos en un encuentro.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "275_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Además, Moratinos celebró un encuentro con representantes de los principales miembros de comunicación, a los que trasladó que España tendrá \"tolerancia cero\" con la emigración ilegal; \"el que no tenga contrato de trabajo no se va a quedar\", dijo el ministro, según detalló un asistente al encuentro.", "sentence2": "España no aceptará inmigrantes ilegales según dijo Moratinos en un encuentro.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "276_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Dos aspectos destacaban: que muchos países no recogen esa información de manera sistemática, y que España está a la \"cola\" de Europa en este asunto.", "sentence2": "Cada país recoge esa información de manera diferente", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "289_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Dos aspectos destacaban: que muchos países no recogen esa información de manera sistemática, y que España está a la \"cola\" de Europa en este asunto.", "sentence2": "España es líder en este asunto", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "290_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Dos aspectos destacaban: que muchos países no recogen esa información de manera sistemática, y que España está a la \"cola\" de Europa en este asunto.", "sentence2": "Francia está a la cabeza de Europa en este asunto", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "291_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por título llevaban nombres de grupos de música o famosos para potenciar las visualizaciones.", "sentence2": "Se seguía una estrategia concreta para atraer a los usuarios.", "promptID": "98_esxnli", "pairID": "294_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sharpton añadió que se reunirá con los auspiciadores del diario para alentarlos a retirar sus anuncios y sostuvo que los neoyorquinos deberían boicotear la publicación.", "sentence2": "Sharpton hará lo posible por conseguir más anuncios para el diario.", "promptID": "99_esxnli", "pairID": "295_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sharpton añadió que se reunirá con los auspiciadores del diario para alentarlos a retirar sus anuncios y sostuvo que los neoyorquinos deberían boicotear la publicación.", "sentence2": "El diario cuenta con gran cantidad de anuncios.", "promptID": "99_esxnli", "pairID": "296_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sharpton añadió que se reunirá con los auspiciadores del diario para alentarlos a retirar sus anuncios y sostuvo que los neoyorquinos deberían boicotear la publicación.", "sentence2": "Sharpton propuso que los neoyorquinos deberían boicotear un diario.", "promptID": "99_esxnli", "pairID": "297_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Suponen que este es el mayor meteorito que ha atravesado nunca la Península.", "sentence2": "El meteorito que atravesó la tierra era pequeño.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "307_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Suponen que este es el mayor meteorito que ha atravesado nunca la Península.", "sentence2": "Parece ser que es el mayor meteorito en atravesar la Península.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "308_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Suponen que este es el mayor meteorito que ha atravesado nunca la Península.", "sentence2": "El meteorito lo controlaron desde la NASA, para que no chocase contra la tierra.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "309_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A pesar de estimar parcialmente el recurso de las asociaciones profesionales y rechazar el de anticonstitucionalidad del sindicato, la sala del TSJM anula en su fallo el decreto del Área Única Sanitaria.", "sentence2": "El decreto del Área Única Sanitaria no saldrá adelante", "promptID": "106_esxnli", "pairID": "318_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pues Mr Ratzinger se va a llevar un disgustillo cuando vea el resultado de la encuesta sobre eutanasia, que podeis ver en portada jejejee Mas del 80% apoyandola, si es que España pasa de la iglesia cantidad, ya era hora.", "sentence2": "Solo el 20% de los españoles que han participado en la encuesta sobre la eutanasia estan a favor.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "322_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pues Mr Ratzinger se va a llevar un disgustillo cuando vea el resultado de la encuesta sobre eutanasia, que podeis ver en portada jejejee Mas del 80% apoyandola, si es que España pasa de la iglesia cantidad, ya era hora.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de los españoles que han participado en la encuesta sobre la eutanasia son ateos.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "323_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pues Mr Ratzinger se va a llevar un disgustillo cuando vea el resultado de la encuesta sobre eutanasia, que podeis ver en portada jejejee Mas del 80% apoyandola, si es que España pasa de la iglesia cantidad, ya era hora.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de los españoles que han participado en la encuesta están a favor de la eutanasia.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "324_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El PSPV está entrando en un juego peligroso para ellos.", "sentence2": "La peligrosidad del PSPV es mayor que antes.", "promptID": "111_esxnli", "pairID": "331_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El PSPV está entrando en un juego peligroso para ellos.", "sentence2": "La nueva maniobra del PSPV solo les puede beneficiar.", "promptID": "111_esxnli", "pairID": "332_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El PSPV está entrando en un juego peligroso para ellos.", "sentence2": "El PSPV va a ganar las elecciones.", "promptID": "111_esxnli", "pairID": "333_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, Hacienda ha realizado 765.057 devoluciones por importe de 525,2 millones, lo que supone un incremento en importe del 88,8% y del 56,8% en número respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior.", "sentence2": "Las devoluciones de hacienda crecen tal y como la economía se desarrolla.", "promptID": "115_esxnli", "pairID": "343_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para Rafaeli, la experiencia ha sido una \"aventura\".", "sentence2": "Rafaeli ha vivido una aventura", "promptID": "119_esxnli", "pairID": "357_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Todo lo que rodea a Michael Jackson es a lo grande, y así también será su despedida.", "sentence2": "La despedida a Michael Jackson se celebrará a lo grande.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "358_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Todo lo que rodea a Michael Jackson es a lo grande, y así también será su despedida.", "sentence2": "La despedida a Michael Jackson pasará despercibida.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "359_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Todo lo que rodea a Michael Jackson es a lo grande, y así también será su despedida.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson será despedido en breve.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "360_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Valderas, acompañado por miembros de la coalición, entre los que se encontraba la portavoz parlamentaria de IU, Concha Caballero, visiblemente afectada, indicó a los periodistas que \"nadie puede poner en duda este Estatuto, entre otras cosas, porque el 'no' ha sido derrotado rotundamente\".", "sentence2": "Valderas hizo las declaraciones él en solitario", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "376_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Valderas, acompañado por miembros de la coalición, entre los que se encontraba la portavoz parlamentaria de IU, Concha Caballero, visiblemente afectada, indicó a los periodistas que \"nadie puede poner en duda este Estatuto, entre otras cosas, porque el 'no' ha sido derrotado rotundamente\".", "sentence2": "Los priodistas creyeron a Valderas", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "377_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Valderas, acompañado por miembros de la coalición, entre los que se encontraba la portavoz parlamentaria de IU, Concha Caballero, visiblemente afectada, indicó a los periodistas que \"nadie puede poner en duda este Estatuto, entre otras cosas, porque el 'no' ha sido derrotado rotundamente\".", "sentence2": "Valderas hizo las declaraciones acompañado por miembros de la coalición", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "378_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Informaros, culturizaros un poco y llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que un servidor llegó hace mucho tiempo.", "sentence2": "Si os informáis y culturizáis llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que llegué hace mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "382_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Informaros, culturizaros un poco y llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que un servidor llegó hace mucho tiempo.", "sentence2": "Para llegar a conclusiones válidas es más importante informarse de la actualidad diaria que leer textos clásicos.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "383_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Informaros, culturizaros un poco y llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que un servidor llegó hace mucho tiempo.", "sentence2": "Si os informáis y culturizáis jamás llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que llegué hace mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "384_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La lista bianual de la reina Isabel II reconoce logros en todas las áreas de la vida británica, desde ricos y famosos hasta trabajadores sociales.", "sentence2": "La lista bianual de la reina Isabel II solo reconoce logros en el mundo de la música británica", "promptID": "131_esxnli", "pairID": "391_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tiene la mejor defensa, con el Pato Abbondanzieri en portería, y apenas se le puede achacar algo negativo.", "sentence2": "Una buena defensa es imprescindible para ser campeones.", "promptID": "133_esxnli", "pairID": "399_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y te vas a otra operadora y es lo mismo... ¡somos unos peleles para todos las compañías de comunicación!", "sentence2": "Tengo un contrato con una compañía de telecomunicación.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "409_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y te vas a otra operadora y es lo mismo... ¡somos unos peleles para todos las compañías de comunicación!", "sentence2": "Al cambiar de operadora puedes conseguir un trato justo de parte de la empresa.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "410_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y te vas a otra operadora y es lo mismo... ¡somos unos peleles para todos las compañías de comunicación!", "sentence2": "Ya me he cambiado de operadora anteriormente.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "411_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Le deso suerte en tan delicado partido.", "sentence2": "Se trata de un partido delicado.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "415_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Le deso suerte en tan delicado partido.", "sentence2": "Me gustaría que no se fuera a ese delicado partido.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "416_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Le deso suerte en tan delicado partido.", "sentence2": "Espero que fracase en el partido.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "417_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Vaya, por los pelos, yo es que la verdad, el primero no duro mucho, pero el segundo y siguientes va la cosa mejor.", "sentence2": "El segundo duro más tiempo que el primero.", "promptID": "140_esxnli", "pairID": "420_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y después dice que tiene un piso de su propiedad en alquiler, del cual se tiene que sacar un buen dinerillo al mes (los alquileres no son precisamente baratos), aparte de las chapucillas de los ordenadores y lo que le pagan en el equipo de fútbol.", "sentence2": "Tiene más de una fuente de ingresos.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "445_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y después dice que tiene un piso de su propiedad en alquiler, del cual se tiene que sacar un buen dinerillo al mes (los alquileres no son precisamente baratos), aparte de las chapucillas de los ordenadores y lo que le pagan en el equipo de fútbol.", "sentence2": "El precio de los alquileres es muy barato.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "446_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El prelado pidió la colaboración de los sacerdotes como símbolo hacia las personas que padecen dificultades por la de crisis económica.", "sentence2": "El prelado pidió colaboración a los sacerdotes.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "457_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El prelado pidió la colaboración de los sacerdotes como símbolo hacia las personas que padecen dificultades por la de crisis económica.", "sentence2": "Pidió no ayudar a los defavorecidos por la crisis económica.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "458_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El prelado pidió la colaboración de los sacerdotes como símbolo hacia las personas que padecen dificultades por la de crisis económica.", "sentence2": "Los curas ayudan a las personas más desfavorecidas.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "459_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La emperatriz, esposa del emperador Akihito y que desde hace dos años sufre una ligera gastritis, ha tenido úlceras en la boca y ha sangrado varias veces por la nariz.", "sentence2": "La emperatriz está enferma.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "460_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La emperatriz, esposa del emperador Akihito y que desde hace dos años sufre una ligera gastritis, ha tenido úlceras en la boca y ha sangrado varias veces por la nariz.", "sentence2": "La emperatriz está felizmente casada.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "461_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La emperatriz, esposa del emperador Akihito y que desde hace dos años sufre una ligera gastritis, ha tenido úlceras en la boca y ha sangrado varias veces por la nariz.", "sentence2": "La emperatriz goza de plena salud.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "462_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una encuesta revela que las chicas madrileñas son más tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "sentence2": "En Madrid se ha realizado una encuesta sobre la tolerancia con el colectivo gay", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "472_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una encuesta revela que las chicas madrileñas son más tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "sentence2": "Según la encuesta, las chicas son menos tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "473_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una encuesta revela que las chicas madrileñas son más tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "sentence2": "La encuesta también analiza posibles comportamientos racistas", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "474_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El presidente de Tralliance Corporation, Ron Andruff, consideró que el nuevo dominio tendrá una gran importancia para la industria global turística ya que facilitará a los usuarios encontrar los sitios web oficiales de los lugares turísticos de interés, discriminando un gran número de páginas no relacionadas.", "sentence2": "El nuevo dominio causará que los usuarios se encuentren con más páginas basura", "promptID": "159_esxnli", "pairID": "475_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En Roces había un lavadero, que hace bien poco hicieron desaparecer y tb en Contrueces lo que se llamaba El Manantial que ya nadie conoce y parece que a nadie le importe.", "sentence2": "La gente se muere por conocer los lavaderos de Roces y Contrueces.", "promptID": "162_esxnli", "pairID": "485_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Según la SGAE habrá que clausurar internet... no vaya a ser que tengamos demasiada información y entretenimiento... y lo que es peor, que sea gratis.", "sentence2": "La SGAE quiere ganar mucho dinero a toda costa.", "promptID": "165_esxnli", "pairID": "493_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según la SGAE habrá que clausurar internet... no vaya a ser que tengamos demasiada información y entretenimiento... y lo que es peor, que sea gratis.", "sentence2": "El Internet hace que la SGAE gane mucho dinero.", "promptID": "165_esxnli", "pairID": "494_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según la SGAE habrá que clausurar internet... no vaya a ser que tengamos demasiada información y entretenimiento... y lo que es peor, que sea gratis.", "sentence2": "La SGAE está sufriendo las consecuencias a nivel económico del Internet.", "promptID": "165_esxnli", "pairID": "495_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No hablar así de claro es manipular.", "sentence2": "El manipulador es siempre un hombre", "promptID": "175_esxnli", "pairID": "523_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Reintegrando tus propios ahorrillos para que los tragatochos que han de proveer un 20%, tengan que deshinchar sus megatasaciones absolutamente irreales respecto a la mayoría de salarios.", "sentence2": "El integro de los ahorros hace que las tasaciones sean más irreales.", "promptID": "180_esxnli", "pairID": "538_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algo harán para que los especuladores (es decir los amigüitos del tripartit) que compraron a precio de mierda, puedan vender a precio de oro.", "sentence2": "Los especuladores compraron grandes cantidades de butifarra.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "545_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La diversidad de legislaciones, por ejemplo, más que ahondar su división, lo que hace es permitir que convivan dentro de un mismo país diferentes modos de entender su organización.", "sentence2": "Las diferentes legislaciones unifican el país.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "562_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La diversidad de legislaciones, por ejemplo, más que ahondar su división, lo que hace es permitir que convivan dentro de un mismo país diferentes modos de entender su organización.", "sentence2": "La diversidad de legislaciones trae mejoras en la educación.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "563_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La diversidad de legislaciones, por ejemplo, más que ahondar su división, lo que hace es permitir que convivan dentro de un mismo país diferentes modos de entender su organización.", "sentence2": "Diferentes legislaciones dan lugar a la heterogeneidad.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "564_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Deberían hacerlo, declarar conjuntamente una suspensión de pagos, mandar el euro a paseo y regresar cada uno a su moneda.", "sentence2": "Deberían declarar la suspensión de pagos porque de lo contrario no tiene sentido mandar el euro a paseo.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "568_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Deberían hacerlo, declarar conjuntamente una suspensión de pagos, mandar el euro a paseo y regresar cada uno a su moneda.", "sentence2": "Sería conveniente que declararan una suspensión de pagos y que regresaran a su moneda retirando el euro.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "569_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Deberían hacerlo, declarar conjuntamente una suspensión de pagos, mandar el euro a paseo y regresar cada uno a su moneda.", "sentence2": "Sería un error muy grave declarar conjuntamente una suspensión de pagos, y peor aún que se mandara el euro a paseo.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "570_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El partido político de extrema derecha España 2000, la figura histórica del Cid Campeador, el PSPV y la refinería de Castellón centran las cuatro alusiones a la actualidad e historia valencianas.", "sentence2": "La refinería de Castellón es dirigido por el Cid Campeador, el cual es militante de España 2000.", "promptID": "192_esxnli", "pairID": "574_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El partido político de extrema derecha España 2000, la figura histórica del Cid Campeador, el PSPV y la refinería de Castellón centran las cuatro alusiones a la actualidad e historia valencianas.", "sentence2": "Hay al menos una cosa que el Cid Campeador y el PSPV tienen en común.", "promptID": "192_esxnli", "pairID": "575_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El partido político de extrema derecha España 2000, la figura histórica del Cid Campeador, el PSPV y la refinería de Castellón centran las cuatro alusiones a la actualidad e historia valencianas.", "sentence2": "El PSPV no hace alusión ninguna a la actualidad e historia valenciana.", "promptID": "192_esxnli", "pairID": "576_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No gusta lo que dice pero dice verdades como puños.", "sentence2": "Sus verdades son incomódas para muchos.", "promptID": "193_esxnli", "pairID": "577_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No gusta lo que dice pero dice verdades como puños.", "sentence2": "Nunca miente.", "promptID": "193_esxnli", "pairID": "578_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No gusta lo que dice pero dice verdades como puños.", "sentence2": "Escuchar sus verdades suele gustar a la gente.", "promptID": "193_esxnli", "pairID": "579_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "2.- Alguien que con poco conocimiento y un poquito de dinero extra se cree el rey del mambo y se mete en compras a precios de auténtica salvajada... aunque TODOS sabemos que no lo va a acabar de pagar y se lo van a quitar todo.", "sentence2": "La premisa se refiere a un futbolista", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "622_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "2.- Alguien que con poco conocimiento y un poquito de dinero extra se cree el rey del mambo y se mete en compras a precios de auténtica salvajada... aunque TODOS sabemos que no lo va a acabar de pagar y se lo van a quitar todo.", "sentence2": "A pesar de tener poco conocimiento terminará de pagar todas las compras", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "623_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "2.- Alguien que con poco conocimiento y un poquito de dinero extra se cree el rey del mambo y se mete en compras a precios de auténtica salvajada... aunque TODOS sabemos que no lo va a acabar de pagar y se lo van a quitar todo.", "sentence2": "Las compras caras no se pagarán del todo", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "624_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si fuera de lo segundo la empresa pondría formación de alto valor añadido pero no es el caso.", "sentence2": "La empresa no ha puesto formación de alto valor añadido", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "631_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si fuera de lo segundo la empresa pondría formación de alto valor añadido pero no es el caso.", "sentence2": "La empresa es de lo segundo", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "632_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si fuera de lo segundo la empresa pondría formación de alto valor añadido pero no es el caso.", "sentence2": "La empresa no es de lo segundo", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "633_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por su parte, fuentes de CC.OO. aseguraron a Europa Press que el Gobierno no ha informado de este cambio estadístico en el seno del diálogo social, si bien emplazaron cualquier valoración a la próxima comisión ejecutiva de la federación a finales de este mes.", "sentence2": "El cambio estadístico que se ha dado este último trimestre es el más grande de esta década.", "promptID": "218_esxnli", "pairID": "652_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por su parte, fuentes de CC.OO. aseguraron a Europa Press que el Gobierno no ha informado de este cambio estadístico en el seno del diálogo social, si bien emplazaron cualquier valoración a la próxima comisión ejecutiva de la federación a finales de este mes.", "sentence2": "CC.OO afirma que el seno del diálogo social está al tanto de este cambio estadístico.", "promptID": "218_esxnli", "pairID": "653_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por su parte, fuentes de CC.OO. aseguraron a Europa Press que el Gobierno no ha informado de este cambio estadístico en el seno del diálogo social, si bien emplazaron cualquier valoración a la próxima comisión ejecutiva de la federación a finales de este mes.", "sentence2": "La comisión ejecutiva se reunirá a finales de este mes.", "promptID": "218_esxnli", "pairID": "654_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Consideren también que el envío de más tropas estadounidenses a Irak parece correcto ahora que ha suscitado esperanzas racionales de que un Irak cooperador (a tres partes) avanza hacia el autogobierno, algo que podría justificar una futura retirada del Ejército estadounidense de ese país.", "sentence2": "No se enviarán más soldados a Irak.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "718_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Consideren también que el envío de más tropas estadounidenses a Irak parece correcto ahora que ha suscitado esperanzas racionales de que un Irak cooperador (a tres partes) avanza hacia el autogobierno, algo que podría justificar una futura retirada del Ejército estadounidense de ese país.", "sentence2": "El gobierno de Irak está dispuesto a cooperar.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "719_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Consideren también que el envío de más tropas estadounidenses a Irak parece correcto ahora que ha suscitado esperanzas racionales de que un Irak cooperador (a tres partes) avanza hacia el autogobierno, algo que podría justificar una futura retirada del Ejército estadounidense de ese país.", "sentence2": "Hay 13.000 soldados en Irak.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "720_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Otra mentira fascista que consiguió eco entre los sectores atrasados de la población es que los judíos controlan el gobierno y el parlamento.", "sentence2": "Los fascistas siempre dicen la verdad.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "721_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Otra mentira fascista que consiguió eco entre los sectores atrasados de la población es que los judíos controlan el gobierno y el parlamento.", "sentence2": "Los judíos tienen mucho dinero.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "722_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Otra mentira fascista que consiguió eco entre los sectores atrasados de la población es que los judíos controlan el gobierno y el parlamento.", "sentence2": "Los judíos no controlan el gobierno ni el parlamento.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "723_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como el niño que se queda en clase pensando en las musarañas y no atiende a la lección; la mejor forma de bajarlo de la nube y que recuerde que no debe distraerse es con una colleja del maestro.", "sentence2": "Los maestros dan muchas collejas a las musarañas.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "733_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Como el niño que se queda en clase pensando en las musarañas y no atiende a la lección; la mejor forma de bajarlo de la nube y que recuerde que no debe distraerse es con una colleja del maestro.", "sentence2": "Las collejas del maestro bajan a los niños de la nube.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "734_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como el niño que se queda en clase pensando en las musarañas y no atiende a la lección; la mejor forma de bajarlo de la nube y que recuerde que no debe distraerse es con una colleja del maestro.", "sentence2": "Los niños dan collejas a los maestros desde la nube.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "735_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En este caso una entidad financiera (la CAM concretamente) que se quedo en dación la promoción, salvo que no llegase a entregar toda el dinero de la hipoteca, cosa que no es probable, porque la práctica habitual en el sector es ir pagando los intereses de las hipotecas (para evitar su entrada en mora) con las entregas pendientes en aquellas promociones con margen suficiente (hace ya mucho tiempo que la norma en el sector es que el promotor ni huele el dinero, el banco hace la entrega directamente al constructor) y se suele apurar hasta el final para no declarar mora y no provisionar.", "sentence2": "Todos trabajan en conjunto para obtener el beneficio ajeno.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "745_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En este caso una entidad financiera (la CAM concretamente) que se quedo en dación la promoción, salvo que no llegase a entregar toda el dinero de la hipoteca, cosa que no es probable, porque la práctica habitual en el sector es ir pagando los intereses de las hipotecas (para evitar su entrada en mora) con las entregas pendientes en aquellas promociones con margen suficiente (hace ya mucho tiempo que la norma en el sector es que el promotor ni huele el dinero, el banco hace la entrega directamente al constructor) y se suele apurar hasta el final para no declarar mora y no provisionar.", "sentence2": "Los intereses de los créditos están estables en los últimos meses.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "746_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En este caso una entidad financiera (la CAM concretamente) que se quedo en dación la promoción, salvo que no llegase a entregar toda el dinero de la hipoteca, cosa que no es probable, porque la práctica habitual en el sector es ir pagando los intereses de las hipotecas (para evitar su entrada en mora) con las entregas pendientes en aquellas promociones con margen suficiente (hace ya mucho tiempo que la norma en el sector es que el promotor ni huele el dinero, el banco hace la entrega directamente al constructor) y se suele apurar hasta el final para no declarar mora y no provisionar.", "sentence2": "La entitdad financiera obtuvo como pago la promocíon.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "747_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según ha explicado, \"podríamos estar llegando al final del ajuste de cantidades\" tras el exceso de producción de viviendas durante los años del 'boom', lo que, teniendo en cuenta que históricamente los ajustes del 'ladrillo' en España se realizan en este ámbito, supondría que \"el grueso (del ajuste) está hecho\".", "sentence2": "Los bancos otorgaban créditos muy fácil.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "754_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Según ha explicado, \"podríamos estar llegando al final del ajuste de cantidades\" tras el exceso de producción de viviendas durante los años del 'boom', lo que, teniendo en cuenta que históricamente los ajustes del 'ladrillo' en España se realizan en este ámbito, supondría que \"el grueso (del ajuste) está hecho\".", "sentence2": "Durante los años del 'boom' se construyeron demasiadas viviendas.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "755_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según ha explicado, \"podríamos estar llegando al final del ajuste de cantidades\" tras el exceso de producción de viviendas durante los años del 'boom', lo que, teniendo en cuenta que históricamente los ajustes del 'ladrillo' en España se realizan en este ámbito, supondría que \"el grueso (del ajuste) está hecho\".", "sentence2": "Los ajustes del 'ladrillo' no se realizan en este ámbito.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "756_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pilar estaba mucho tiempo sola en la casa y disfrutaba estando en ella, sin más compañía que los lujos que la rodeaban.", "sentence2": "Pilar permanecía sola mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "775_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pilar estaba mucho tiempo sola en la casa y disfrutaba estando en ella, sin más compañía que los lujos que la rodeaban.", "sentence2": "A Pilar no le gustaban los lujos que había en la casa.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "776_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pilar estaba mucho tiempo sola en la casa y disfrutaba estando en ella, sin más compañía que los lujos que la rodeaban.", "sentence2": "Pilar disfrutaba con la compañía de su familia.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "777_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sobre la cuestión de la reducción de las pagas extra, explicó que \"se está negociando\" y que se tendrá en cuenta lo que decidan los agentes sociales, aunque exigió flexibilidad para \"mejorar la competitividad\" de Grecia.", "sentence2": "Los agentes sociales se reunieron con el gobierno.", "promptID": "260_esxnli", "pairID": "778_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sobre la cuestión de la reducción de las pagas extra, explicó que \"se está negociando\" y que se tendrá en cuenta lo que decidan los agentes sociales, aunque exigió flexibilidad para \"mejorar la competitividad\" de Grecia.", "sentence2": "la opinión de los agente sociales condicionará la reducción de las pagas extra.", "promptID": "260_esxnli", "pairID": "779_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sobre la cuestión de la reducción de las pagas extra, explicó que \"se está negociando\" y que se tendrá en cuenta lo que decidan los agentes sociales, aunque exigió flexibilidad para \"mejorar la competitividad\" de Grecia.", "sentence2": "La competitividad en Grecia es inmejorable.", "promptID": "260_esxnli", "pairID": "780_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lo que da miedo es que si el partido que mas mima a sus trabajadores (PSOE) ha mandado al paro con una mano delante y otra detras a mas de 3.000.000 de ciudadanos..", "sentence2": "El número de parados va en aumento.", "promptID": "262_esxnli", "pairID": "784_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Siempre he pensado que esa gente que demuestra que es de izquierdas llevando rastas, yendo comido por la mugre o con ropa \"alternativa\" tienen de izquierdistas una puta mierda.", "sentence2": "La gente que va con una apariencia descuidada, sucia y \"alternativa\" para demostrar que es de izquierdas, en realidad, no tiene nada de izquierdas", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "793_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Siempre he pensado que esa gente que demuestra que es de izquierdas llevando rastas, yendo comido por la mugre o con ropa \"alternativa\" tienen de izquierdistas una puta mierda.", "sentence2": "La gente de izquierdas no suele ir a la peluquería casi nunca.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "794_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Siempre he pensado que esa gente que demuestra que es de izquierdas llevando rastas, yendo comido por la mugre o con ropa \"alternativa\" tienen de izquierdistas una puta mierda.", "sentence2": "La apariencia descuidada de la gente de izquierdas es el mejor indicador de su auténtica forma de ser y de pensar progresista.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "795_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Edito: Lo de la Agustina que está hablando ahora, es como para plantarse mañana en la oficina y liarse a escopetazos.", "sentence2": "Mañana podría haber heridos o incluso muertos", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "814_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Edito: Lo de la Agustina que está hablando ahora, es como para plantarse mañana en la oficina y liarse a escopetazos.", "sentence2": "Mañana por la mañana la oficina abre a las 9h.", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "815_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Edito: Lo de la Agustina que está hablando ahora, es como para plantarse mañana en la oficina y liarse a escopetazos.", "sentence2": "Mañana no irá a la oficina", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "816_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Otra conclusión: en lo poco que se ha avanzado en el tema cancer es en la detección precoz y en factores de riesgo.", "sentence2": "Los factores de riesgo son limitados.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "823_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Otra conclusión: en lo poco que se ha avanzado en el tema cancer es en la detección precoz y en factores de riesgo.", "sentence2": "El cancer no se puede detectar precozmente.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "824_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Otra conclusión: en lo poco que se ha avanzado en el tema cancer es en la detección precoz y en factores de riesgo.", "sentence2": "En la investigación del cancer se ha avanzado sobre todo en detección precoz y en factores de riesgo.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "825_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Bibiana Aído también se refirió a uno de los proyectos \"más ilusionantes\" en los que trabaja su equipo, la Ley de Igualdad de Trato y aseguró que al texto todavía le falta recorrido y está previsto un proceso de escucha de los colectivos discriminados.", "sentence2": "El trato será diferente dependiendo del estatus de cada persona.", "promptID": "280_esxnli", "pairID": "838_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Bibiana Aído también se refirió a uno de los proyectos \"más ilusionantes\" en los que trabaja su equipo, la Ley de Igualdad de Trato y aseguró que al texto todavía le falta recorrido y está previsto un proceso de escucha de los colectivos discriminados.", "sentence2": "Bibiana Aído impartirá una conferencia sobre las mujeres marginadas en Africa.", "promptID": "280_esxnli", "pairID": "839_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Bibiana Aído también se refirió a uno de los proyectos \"más ilusionantes\" en los que trabaja su equipo, la Ley de Igualdad de Trato y aseguró que al texto todavía le falta recorrido y está previsto un proceso de escucha de los colectivos discriminados.", "sentence2": "El equipo de Bibiana Aído trabaja en un proyecto muy ilusionante, la ley de igualdad de trato.", "promptID": "280_esxnli", "pairID": "840_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los socialistas siguen aferrándose una y otra vez a esa estupidez, sin comprender que en cualquier tarea productiva se enfrentan los intereses de los productores, consumidores y propietarios del capital, intereses antagónicos e irreconciliables por métodos democráticos.", "sentence2": "Los neoliberales siempre han reprochado a los socialistas el hecho de no asimilar la confrontación de intereses entre los productores, consumidores y propietarios del capital en cualquier tarea productiva.", "promptID": "289_esxnli", "pairID": "865_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los socialistas siguen aferrándose una y otra vez a esa estupidez, sin comprender que en cualquier tarea productiva se enfrentan los intereses de los productores, consumidores y propietarios del capital, intereses antagónicos e irreconciliables por métodos democráticos.", "sentence2": "Ya era hora de que los socialistas comprendieran que en cualquier tarea productiva los productores, consumidores y propietarios del capital tienen intereses antagónicos e irreconciliables por métodos democráticos", "promptID": "289_esxnli", "pairID": "866_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los socialistas siguen aferrándose una y otra vez a esa estupidez, sin comprender que en cualquier tarea productiva se enfrentan los intereses de los productores, consumidores y propietarios del capital, intereses antagónicos e irreconciliables por métodos democráticos.", "sentence2": "Los intereses de los productores, consumidores y propietarios del capital son antagónicos e irreconciliables por métodos democráticos, pero los socialistas no lo quieren ver.", "promptID": "289_esxnli", "pairID": "867_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En todo caso, afirmó que \"es el peor momento posible para vender, así que hay que intentar sobrevivir hasta que llegue la recuperación\".", "sentence2": "El mercado de la vivienda ha llevado una tendencia alcista durante los últimos 12 meses", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "889_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En todo caso, afirmó que \"es el peor momento posible para vender, así que hay que intentar sobrevivir hasta que llegue la recuperación\".", "sentence2": "No es posible saber si una crisis ha tocado fondo", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "890_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En todo caso, afirmó que \"es el peor momento posible para vender, así que hay que intentar sobrevivir hasta que llegue la recuperación\".", "sentence2": "El autor de la frase cree que nos encontramos en uno de los peores momentos de la crisis", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "891_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El banco tiene perdidas, y para que no quiebre, el Estado le mete dinero a espuertas.", "sentence2": "Se va a dejar quebrar al banco.", "promptID": "304_esxnli", "pairID": "911_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Estado español se gasta cada año casi 500.000 millones e ingresa algo menos de 400.000 millones (redondeo grueso).", "sentence2": "El estado español gasta más que ingresa.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "934_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Estado español se gasta cada año casi 500.000 millones e ingresa algo menos de 400.000 millones (redondeo grueso).", "sentence2": "El estado español no exporta ningún bien.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "935_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Estado español se gasta cada año casi 500.000 millones e ingresa algo menos de 400.000 millones (redondeo grueso).", "sentence2": "El estado español tiene una deuda enorme.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "936_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aunque, \"ojo, el anterior dejó bien plantaditas y abonadas las semillas del desastre\".", "sentence2": "El anterior era un incompetente.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "949_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aunque, \"ojo, el anterior dejó bien plantaditas y abonadas las semillas del desastre\".", "sentence2": "El anterior era un hombre.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "950_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aunque, \"ojo, el anterior dejó bien plantaditas y abonadas las semillas del desastre\".", "sentence2": "Si no hacemos nada, todo ira bien.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "951_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ellos no tienen la percepción de que tengan que ahorrar porque siempre hay caza y si eres un buén comercial, con más motivo aún.", "sentence2": "Si eres un buen comercial no necesitas ahorrar.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "970_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ellos no tienen la percepción de que tengan que ahorrar porque siempre hay caza y si eres un buén comercial, con más motivo aún.", "sentence2": "Ellos creen que siempre es necesario ahorrar.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "971_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ellos no tienen la percepción de que tengan que ahorrar porque siempre hay caza y si eres un buén comercial, con más motivo aún.", "sentence2": "Ellos no ven la necesidad de ahorrar.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "972_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En primer lugar, consideran que el nuevo \"impuesto de solidaridad\" propuesto por Berlusconi \"debe ser eliminado, ya que penaliza fuertemente a los que ya pagan mucho, no sólo en comparación con otros países industrializados sino también teniendo en cuenta la calidad de los servicios y las inversiones públicas\".", "sentence2": "El impuesto de solidaridad será del 20%", "promptID": "326_esxnli", "pairID": "976_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En primer lugar, consideran que el nuevo \"impuesto de solidaridad\" propuesto por Berlusconi \"debe ser eliminado, ya que penaliza fuertemente a los que ya pagan mucho, no sólo en comparación con otros países industrializados sino también teniendo en cuenta la calidad de los servicios y las inversiones públicas\".", "sentence2": "Berlusconi ha propuesto un nuevo impuesto de solidaridad", "promptID": "326_esxnli", "pairID": "977_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En primer lugar, consideran que el nuevo \"impuesto de solidaridad\" propuesto por Berlusconi \"debe ser eliminado, ya que penaliza fuertemente a los que ya pagan mucho, no sólo en comparación con otros países industrializados sino también teniendo en cuenta la calidad de los servicios y las inversiones públicas\".", "sentence2": "Berlusconi no ha propuesto ningún nuevo impuesto", "promptID": "326_esxnli", "pairID": "978_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El problema de estos sustitutivos es que no soportan las altas temperaturas que se precisan en las frituras, aspecto que reduce su campo de aplicación.", "sentence2": "Estos sustitutivos tienen límites en su aplicación a causa de la temperatura en las frituras.", "promptID": "338_esxnli", "pairID": "1012_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El problema de estos sustitutivos es que no soportan las altas temperaturas que se precisan en las frituras, aspecto que reduce su campo de aplicación.", "sentence2": "Estos sustitutivos ecológicos tienen límites en su aplicación a causa de la temperatura en las frituras.", "promptID": "338_esxnli", "pairID": "1013_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El problema de estos sustitutivos es que no soportan las altas temperaturas que se precisan en las frituras, aspecto que reduce su campo de aplicación.", "sentence2": "Estos sustitutivos soportan las altas temperaturas que se precisan en las frituras, aumentando su campo de aplicación.", "promptID": "338_esxnli", "pairID": "1014_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El conocimiento, cada vez mayor, del comercio justo y la garantía del Sello Fairtrade han permitido que este tipo de productos se extiendan cada vez más por todo el mundo.", "sentence2": "El comercio justo tiene cada vez menos auge en el mundo", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1033_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El conocimiento, cada vez mayor, del comercio justo y la garantía del Sello Fairtrade han permitido que este tipo de productos se extiendan cada vez más por todo el mundo.", "sentence2": "El Sello Fairtrade garantiza que el producto es de comercio justo", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1034_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El conocimiento, cada vez mayor, del comercio justo y la garantía del Sello Fairtrade han permitido que este tipo de productos se extiendan cada vez más por todo el mundo.", "sentence2": "Cada vez más gente puede comprar productos de comercio justo", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1035_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta es su principal lucha; para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente los afectados deben de interponer una demanda en los Juzgados de lo Social y ganar el correspondiente juicio.", "sentence2": "Para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente es necesario acudir a los juzgados", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1042_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta es su principal lucha; para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente los afectados deben de interponer una demanda en los Juzgados de lo Social y ganar el correspondiente juicio.", "sentence2": "La interposición de la demanda conlleva automáticamente la concesión de Invalidez Permanente", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1043_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta es su principal lucha; para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente los afectados deben de interponer una demanda en los Juzgados de lo Social y ganar el correspondiente juicio.", "sentence2": "Para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente es necesario presentar informes médicos actualizados", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1044_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hasta el momento, los intentos por criar a esta especie en cautividad no han dado fruto, \"aunque no hay motivos -dice Ferrer- para pensar que no pueda criar en esas condiciones\".", "sentence2": "Todavía no se puede criar esta especie en cautividad.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1045_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hasta el momento, los intentos por criar a esta especie en cautividad no han dado fruto, \"aunque no hay motivos -dice Ferrer- para pensar que no pueda criar en esas condiciones\".", "sentence2": "Ferrer opina que es imposible criar esta especie en cautividad.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1046_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hasta el momento, los intentos por criar a esta especie en cautividad no han dado fruto, \"aunque no hay motivos -dice Ferrer- para pensar que no pueda criar en esas condiciones\".", "sentence2": "Se necesitan condiciones de calor y humedad para criar la especie.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1047_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una línea de investigación reciente se centra en evaluar el papel de la pectina de cítricos modificada (MCP), también conocida como pectina fraccionada, un polisacárido complejo obtenido de la cáscara y la pulpa de los cítricos.", "sentence2": "La pectina de cítricos modificada es un monosacárido simple.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1054_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una línea de investigación reciente se centra en evaluar el papel de la pectina de cítricos modificada (MCP), también conocida como pectina fraccionada, un polisacárido complejo obtenido de la cáscara y la pulpa de los cítricos.", "sentence2": "La pectina fraccionada que se obtiene de la cáscara de los limones es la más apreciada.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1055_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una línea de investigación reciente se centra en evaluar el papel de la pectina de cítricos modificada (MCP), también conocida como pectina fraccionada, un polisacárido complejo obtenido de la cáscara y la pulpa de los cítricos.", "sentence2": "La pectina fraccionada es un polisacárido complejo que se obtiene de los cítricos.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1056_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se trata del cáncer de piel más agresivo y de peor pronóstico, por eso su diagnóstico precoz \"es muy importante\", señala el doctor Miguel Aizpún, especialista en dermatología y alergias.", "sentence2": "El doctor Miguel Aizpún tiene cáncer de piel.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1069_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se trata del cáncer de piel más agresivo y de peor pronóstico, por eso su diagnóstico precoz \"es muy importante\", señala el doctor Miguel Aizpún, especialista en dermatología y alergias.", "sentence2": "El doctor Miguel Aizpún conoce el procedimiento para diagnosticar el cáncer de piel.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1070_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se trata del cáncer de piel más agresivo y de peor pronóstico, por eso su diagnóstico precoz \"es muy importante\", señala el doctor Miguel Aizpún, especialista en dermatología y alergias.", "sentence2": "El doctor Miguel Aizpún no es especialista en tratamientos de cáncer de piel.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1071_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta, por supuesto, debe ser compleja y debemos guardarla escrita, en un lugar seguro y jamás en un documento que esté albergado en el ordenador.", "sentence2": "Hay que tener cuidado con los documentos y las claves.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1075_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta, por supuesto, debe ser compleja y debemos guardarla escrita, en un lugar seguro y jamás en un documento que esté albergado en el ordenador.", "sentence2": "Debes tener un cuaderno de claves en un lugar diferenciado.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1076_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta, por supuesto, debe ser compleja y debemos guardarla escrita, en un lugar seguro y jamás en un documento que esté albergado en el ordenador.", "sentence2": "Las claves se encuentran en algún documento en el ordenador.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1077_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay estabilidad política, su crecimiento es sostenido, tiene un sistema financiero sano, un banco central que sigue una política conservadora y una gran riqueza en materias primas, como el petróleo.", "sentence2": "El pais necesita importar petróleo para hacer frente a la demanda.", "promptID": "360_esxnli", "pairID": "1080_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Keith Steele, director de AgResearch, ha aseugrado que se trata de una importante decisión que permitirá desarrollar nuevas vías de tratamiento a diferentes enfermedades.", "sentence2": "Keith Steele está convencido de que esta decisión permitirá mejorar el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades.", "promptID": "361_esxnli", "pairID": "1081_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Keith Steele, director de AgResearch, ha aseugrado que se trata de una importante decisión que permitirá desarrollar nuevas vías de tratamiento a diferentes enfermedades.", "sentence2": "Keith Steele, director de AgResearch, ha lamentado esta decisión porque perjudicará el tratamiento a diferentes enfermedades.", "promptID": "361_esxnli", "pairID": "1082_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Keith Steele, director de AgResearch, ha aseugrado que se trata de una importante decisión que permitirá desarrollar nuevas vías de tratamiento a diferentes enfermedades.", "sentence2": "AgResearch hará una aportación importante en el tratamiento a diferentes enfermedades.", "promptID": "361_esxnli", "pairID": "1083_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Problemas como la muerte fetal y la anemia, muy comunes también en los países pobres, podrían combatirse con el consumo de más minerales y vitaminas básicas, aseguran los expertos.", "sentence2": "La población de los países pobres no dispone de alimentos con minerales y vitaminas básicas.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1087_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Problemas como la muerte fetal y la anemia, muy comunes también en los países pobres, podrían combatirse con el consumo de más minerales y vitaminas básicas, aseguran los expertos.", "sentence2": "El sobreconsumo de minerales es la principal causa de la muerte fetal y de la anemia.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1088_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Problemas como la muerte fetal y la anemia, muy comunes también en los países pobres, podrían combatirse con el consumo de más minerales y vitaminas básicas, aseguran los expertos.", "sentence2": "El consumo de más minerales y vitaminas básicas evitaría las muertes fetales y la anemia.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1089_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La iniciativa, según Zaplana, se inscribe dentro del Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia y con ella se atiende una \"reclamación histórica\" de los abuelos que en muchas ocasiones ven frustradas sus relaciones con los nietos por una ruptura conyugal traumática o por la muerte de alguno de los padres.", "sentence2": "La relación de Zaplana con sus nietos se vio frustrada por una ruptura conyugal traumática.", "promptID": "366_esxnli", "pairID": "1096_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La iniciativa, según Zaplana, se inscribe dentro del Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia y con ella se atiende una \"reclamación histórica\" de los abuelos que en muchas ocasiones ven frustradas sus relaciones con los nietos por una ruptura conyugal traumática o por la muerte de alguno de los padres.", "sentence2": "Hay una nueva iniciativa dentro del Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia.", "promptID": "366_esxnli", "pairID": "1097_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La iniciativa, según Zaplana, se inscribe dentro del Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia y con ella se atiende una \"reclamación histórica\" de los abuelos que en muchas ocasiones ven frustradas sus relaciones con los nietos por una ruptura conyugal traumática o por la muerte de alguno de los padres.", "sentence2": "La nueva iniciativa del Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia es un reclamo actual.", "promptID": "366_esxnli", "pairID": "1098_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los costes de construcción, operación y mantenimiento actuales de los parques eólicos en el mar, al igual que la producción de energía, son superiores a sus hermanos de tierra.", "sentence2": "La energía eólica es la energía del futuro.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1105_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los costes de construcción, operación y mantenimiento actuales de los parques eólicos en el mar, al igual que la producción de energía, son superiores a sus hermanos de tierra.", "sentence2": "Ahorraremos gastos si construimos parques eólicos en el mar.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1106_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los costes de construcción, operación y mantenimiento actuales de los parques eólicos en el mar, al igual que la producción de energía, son superiores a sus hermanos de tierra.", "sentence2": "La energía eólica es más cara en el mar que en la tierra.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1107_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las armas terapéuticas para su tratamiento son la cirugía, la quimioterapia y la radioterapia, que se combinan en distintas modalidades según el tipo de tumor, su extensión y si el tratamiento es radical o paliativo.", "sentence2": "La cirugía es el tratamiento menos invasivo.", "promptID": "372_esxnli", "pairID": "1114_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las armas terapéuticas para su tratamiento son la cirugía, la quimioterapia y la radioterapia, que se combinan en distintas modalidades según el tipo de tumor, su extensión y si el tratamiento es radical o paliativo.", "sentence2": "Los tumores no tienen tratamiento.", "promptID": "372_esxnli", "pairID": "1115_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las armas terapéuticas para su tratamiento son la cirugía, la quimioterapia y la radioterapia, que se combinan en distintas modalidades según el tipo de tumor, su extensión y si el tratamiento es radical o paliativo.", "sentence2": "Cada tipo de tumor tiene un tratamiento diferente.", "promptID": "372_esxnli", "pairID": "1116_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El nuevo sistema de redistribución hará que tres cuartas partes de lo que se recaude en las comunidades autónomas -y no todo, como ocurría con el modelo actual- se meta una \"bolsa común\", como la llamó Salgado.", "sentence2": "tTres cuartas partes se meterá en una bolsa común", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1126_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El nuevo sistema de redistribución hará que tres cuartas partes de lo que se recaude en las comunidades autónomas -y no todo, como ocurría con el modelo actual- se meta una \"bolsa común\", como la llamó Salgado.", "sentence2": "El nuevo sistema meterá todo lo recaudado en una \"bolsa común\".", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1127_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El nuevo sistema de redistribución hará que tres cuartas partes de lo que se recaude en las comunidades autónomas -y no todo, como ocurría con el modelo actual- se meta una \"bolsa común\", como la llamó Salgado.", "sentence2": "Salgado se encarga de la redistribución", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1128_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La IEC es la organización mundial que prepara y publica los estándares internacionales para las tecnologías eléctricas, electrónicas y conexas, conocidas en inglés bajo el paraguas de la palabra \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "La IEC tiene más de 100 años de antigüedad", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1129_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La IEC es la organización mundial que prepara y publica los estándares internacionales para las tecnologías eléctricas, electrónicas y conexas, conocidas en inglés bajo el paraguas de la palabra \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "La IEC no se encarga de la estandarización", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1130_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La IEC es la organización mundial que prepara y publica los estándares internacionales para las tecnologías eléctricas, electrónicas y conexas, conocidas en inglés bajo el paraguas de la palabra \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "La IEC es una organización de ámbito mundial", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1131_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En la segunda parte, en marcha desde finales de 2004, se ha continuado por esta senda y se ha involucrado a agricultores, pastores nómadas, pescadores, cazadores, criadores de ganado y mujeres para acabar definitivamente con los conflictos y aumentar los ingresos de todos estos colectivos.", "sentence2": "Los esfuerzos para acabar con los conflictos y para que los colectivos aumenten sus ingresos han sido realizados por los sindicatos pero no por el gobierno y el patronal.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1135_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En la segunda parte, en marcha desde finales de 2004, se ha continuado por esta senda y se ha involucrado a agricultores, pastores nómadas, pescadores, cazadores, criadores de ganado y mujeres para acabar definitivamente con los conflictos y aumentar los ingresos de todos estos colectivos.", "sentence2": "En la segunda parte, en marcha desde finales de 2004, los colectivos se han involucrado para que aumenten sus ingresos pero quieren continuar con los conflictos para mejorar la situación económica de ellos.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1136_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En la segunda parte, en marcha desde finales de 2004, se ha continuado por esta senda y se ha involucrado a agricultores, pastores nómadas, pescadores, cazadores, criadores de ganado y mujeres para acabar definitivamente con los conflictos y aumentar los ingresos de todos estos colectivos.", "sentence2": "Se han hechos esfuerzos para acabar con los conflictos y para que los colectivos aumenten sus ingresos.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1137_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En la UE, el 65% de las que se han notificado durante el año 2007 proceden de productos originarios de la UE, mientras que el resto se han originado fuera de la frontera comunitaria, especialmente de China, el país no europeo con una mayor tasa de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud, con un 12% de notificaciones de información., un mensaje que se produce cuando, a diferencia de la alerta, no existe necesidad de acción inmediata, aunque sí como prevención futura.", "sentence2": "Productos derivados de pescado pueden ser muy perjudiciales para la salud, pudiendo producir la muerte en algunos casos.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1147_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En la UE, el 65% de las que se han notificado durante el año 2007 proceden de productos originarios de la UE, mientras que el resto se han originado fuera de la frontera comunitaria, especialmente de China, el país no europeo con una mayor tasa de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud, con un 12% de notificaciones de información., un mensaje que se produce cuando, a diferencia de la alerta, no existe necesidad de acción inmediata, aunque sí como prevención futura.", "sentence2": "China está libre de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1148_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En la UE, el 65% de las que se han notificado durante el año 2007 proceden de productos originarios de la UE, mientras que el resto se han originado fuera de la frontera comunitaria, especialmente de China, el país no europeo con una mayor tasa de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud, con un 12% de notificaciones de información., un mensaje que se produce cuando, a diferencia de la alerta, no existe necesidad de acción inmediata, aunque sí como prevención futura.", "sentence2": "Existen productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud alrededor de todo el mundo.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1149_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sea cual sea la vía elegida, se necesitará por parte del denunciante, una denuncia firmada con sus datos personales y los datos del establecimiento que se quiere denunciar (dirección y ciudad donde se encuentra).", "sentence2": "Es necesario identificar a la persona responsable del establecimiento que se quiere denunciar", "promptID": "386_esxnli", "pairID": "1156_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sea cual sea la vía elegida, se necesitará por parte del denunciante, una denuncia firmada con sus datos personales y los datos del establecimiento que se quiere denunciar (dirección y ciudad donde se encuentra).", "sentence2": "Es necesaria la firma del denunciante", "promptID": "386_esxnli", "pairID": "1157_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De las fotocopias detectadas en los primeros momentos de la llegada del euro, se ha pasado a auténticas obras de arte con gran parecido al original.", "sentence2": "Los billetes del euro se falsifican con facilidad.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1159_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De las fotocopias detectadas en los primeros momentos de la llegada del euro, se ha pasado a auténticas obras de arte con gran parecido al original.", "sentence2": "Las fotocopias de los billetes de euros cada vez son más auténticos.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1160_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De las fotocopias detectadas en los primeros momentos de la llegada del euro, se ha pasado a auténticas obras de arte con gran parecido al original.", "sentence2": "Cada vez es más difícil la falsificación de los billetes de euros.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1161_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y es que es un hecho indiscutible que estos países han estado, hasta la fecha, más preocupados por la autosuficiencia alimentaria, así como por controles oficiales que ponían el acento en las fases iniciales del canal de distribución (salud animal y vegetal), y en el control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origen animal e inspección post-mortem en el matadero.", "sentence2": "Nos estamos refiriendo a países del sudeste asiático", "promptID": "388_esxnli", "pairID": "1162_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y es que es un hecho indiscutible que estos países han estado, hasta la fecha, más preocupados por la autosuficiencia alimentaria, así como por controles oficiales que ponían el acento en las fases iniciales del canal de distribución (salud animal y vegetal), y en el control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origen animal e inspección post-mortem en el matadero.", "sentence2": "No hay ningún control oficial sobre las fases iniciales del canal de distribución", "promptID": "388_esxnli", "pairID": "1163_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y es que es un hecho indiscutible que estos países han estado, hasta la fecha, más preocupados por la autosuficiencia alimentaria, así como por controles oficiales que ponían el acento en las fases iniciales del canal de distribución (salud animal y vegetal), y en el control sanitario de los productos alimenticios de origen animal e inspección post-mortem en el matadero.", "sentence2": "Las fases iniciales del canal de distribución se controlarán de forma exhaustiva", "promptID": "388_esxnli", "pairID": "1164_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Siempre hemos reiterado que las redes P2P no son ilegales, pero sí el uso que se de ellas, cuando lo que se intercambia entre los usuarios son obras registradas por las que no se pagan derechos de autor.", "sentence2": "No se pueden intercambiar obras registradas, por las que no se pagan derechos de autor, mediante redes P2P.", "promptID": "389_esxnli", "pairID": "1165_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las niñas prefieren más los alimentos de sabores dulces y también los sabores suaves, mientras que los niños disfrutan más con sabores ácidos y pronunciados.", "sentence2": "Los niños y las niñas no tienen preferencias en cuanto al sabor de los alimentos", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1180_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las niñas prefieren más los alimentos de sabores dulces y también los sabores suaves, mientras que los niños disfrutan más con sabores ácidos y pronunciados.", "sentence2": "Las niñas no disfrutan con alimentos de sabores ácidos", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1181_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las niñas prefieren más los alimentos de sabores dulces y también los sabores suaves, mientras que los niños disfrutan más con sabores ácidos y pronunciados.", "sentence2": "Las niñas y los niños prefieren alimentos de distintos sabores", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1182_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La previsión de la UE es aprobar una variedad de maíz transgénico (el BT-11 de Syngenta) antes de fin de año.", "sentence2": "El BT-11 de Syngenta es altamente perjudicial para la salud.", "promptID": "396_esxnli", "pairID": "1187_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La última en aterrizar al es la denominada 'PepePeople', que está comercializada por CAMGE Financiera, fruto de la alianza entre General Electric y Caja del Mediterráneo, que va a permitir a los clientes de la empresa de Globalia obtener descuentos y ventajas exclusivas.", "sentence2": "CAMGE Financiera no comercializa.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1189_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La última en aterrizar al es la denominada 'PepePeople', que está comercializada por CAMGE Financiera, fruto de la alianza entre General Electric y Caja del Mediterráneo, que va a permitir a los clientes de la empresa de Globalia obtener descuentos y ventajas exclusivas.", "sentence2": "Los clientes de la empresa de Globalia van a tener descuentos y ventajas exclusivas.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1190_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La última en aterrizar al es la denominada 'PepePeople', que está comercializada por CAMGE Financiera, fruto de la alianza entre General Electric y Caja del Mediterráneo, que va a permitir a los clientes de la empresa de Globalia obtener descuentos y ventajas exclusivas.", "sentence2": "General Electric y Caja del Mediterráneo son aerolineas.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1191_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, exámenes minuciosos de contenido pueden hacer sonrojar al bioprocesador más convencido.", "sentence2": "El bioprocesador tiene que hacer exámenes minuciosos de contenido.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1195_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, exámenes minuciosos de contenido pueden hacer sonrojar al bioprocesador más convencido.", "sentence2": "El biprocesador tiene sentimientos.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1196_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, exámenes minuciosos de contenido pueden hacer sonrojar al bioprocesador más convencido.", "sentence2": "El bioprocesador no está convencido con los exámenes minuciosos de contenido.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1197_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El agua, los alimentos y los ecosistemas son tres aspectos de nuestro bienestar mundial tan íntimamente unidos que se han vuelto decisivos para los medios de subsistencia, el desarrollo sostenible y la estabilidad política, señala Harcharik.", "sentence2": "Harchaik está sensibilizado con los temas de bienestar mundial", "promptID": "402_esxnli", "pairID": "1204_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando sólo se habla de ellos están creando una equivocada imagen de la realidad.", "sentence2": "El espejo les da la imagen de la realidad.", "promptID": "405_esxnli", "pairID": "1213_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y su mecanismo de acción es doble: por un lado elimina los microorganismos que puedan encontrarse en los alimentos, que en la mayoría de los casos se introducen a temperatura ambiente, antes de ser llevados a la cámara; por otro lado, destruye los olores.", "sentence2": "Los microorganismos se introducen en los alimentos después de ser llevados a la cámara.", "promptID": "407_esxnli", "pairID": "1219_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y su mecanismo de acción es doble: por un lado elimina los microorganismos que puedan encontrarse en los alimentos, que en la mayoría de los casos se introducen a temperatura ambiente, antes de ser llevados a la cámara; por otro lado, destruye los olores.", "sentence2": "Su mecanismo elimina los microorganismos que se encuentran en los alimentos y destruye los olores.", "promptID": "407_esxnli", "pairID": "1220_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y su mecanismo de acción es doble: por un lado elimina los microorganismos que puedan encontrarse en los alimentos, que en la mayoría de los casos se introducen a temperatura ambiente, antes de ser llevados a la cámara; por otro lado, destruye los olores.", "sentence2": "El mecanismo mencionado solo destruye olores de verduras y lacteos, pero no afecta al pescado ni a la carne.", "promptID": "407_esxnli", "pairID": "1221_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Evaluación de un programa de buenas prácticas de manufactura aplicadas a las agroindustrias.", "sentence2": "Se bloquea la evaluación del programa de buenas prácticas.", "promptID": "414_esxnli", "pairID": "1242_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El aporte energético de ambas sustancias edulcorantes es similar; tanto la sacarosa como la fructosa aportan 4 kilocalorías por gramo.", "sentence2": "El aporte energético de la sacarosa es mucho mayor que el de la fructosa.", "promptID": "417_esxnli", "pairID": "1250_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El aporte energético de ambas sustancias edulcorantes es similar; tanto la sacarosa como la fructosa aportan 4 kilocalorías por gramo.", "sentence2": "La sacarosa es una sustancia edulcorante que, al igual que la fructosa, tiene un aporte enérgetico de 4 kilocalorías por gramo.", "promptID": "417_esxnli", "pairID": "1251_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La Audiencia Nacional hará, si se confirma la estafa -puesto que la investigación aún no se ha cerrado-, un requerimiento genérico para que puedan personarse los perjudicados, bien vía edicto o a través de los medios de comunicación.", "sentence2": "La Audiencia Nacional, si se confirma la estafa avisará a los perjudicados.", "promptID": "420_esxnli", "pairID": "1258_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La Audiencia Nacional hará, si se confirma la estafa -puesto que la investigación aún no se ha cerrado-, un requerimiento genérico para que puedan personarse los perjudicados, bien vía edicto o a través de los medios de comunicación.", "sentence2": "La Audiencia Nacional, si se confirma la estafa no avisará a los perjudicados.", "promptID": "420_esxnli", "pairID": "1259_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La Audiencia Nacional hará, si se confirma la estafa -puesto que la investigación aún no se ha cerrado-, un requerimiento genérico para que puedan personarse los perjudicados, bien vía edicto o a través de los medios de comunicación.", "sentence2": "Los perjudicados recobrarán su dinero.", "promptID": "420_esxnli", "pairID": "1260_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los 21 miembros del Panel serán funcionarios de alto nivel, representantes del sector privado y de la sociedad civil, tanto de países desarrollados como de naciones en desarrollo, diversos y \"equilibrados geográficamente\".", "sentence2": "Los 21 miembros del Panel provienen de distintos países y actores sociales.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1261_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los 21 miembros del Panel serán funcionarios de alto nivel, representantes del sector privado y de la sociedad civil, tanto de países desarrollados como de naciones en desarrollo, diversos y \"equilibrados geográficamente\".", "sentence2": "En el Panel, los representates de los países no están equilibradas geográficamente.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1262_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los 21 miembros del Panel serán funcionarios de alto nivel, representantes del sector privado y de la sociedad civil, tanto de países desarrollados como de naciones en desarrollo, diversos y \"equilibrados geográficamente\".", "sentence2": "La función de los 21 miembros del Panel sera reunir dos veces al mes.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1263_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La primera inmunización activa se empezó en el 2001, pero tuvo que suspenderse al poco de empezar por los efectos secundarios graves que produjo en un pequeño grupo de pacientes (18 sufrieron encefalitis y tres perecieron).", "sentence2": "No hubo problemas con los pacientes tratados durantes la inmunización activa que empezó en el 2001.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1270_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La primera inmunización activa se empezó en el 2001, pero tuvo que suspenderse al poco de empezar por los efectos secundarios graves que produjo en un pequeño grupo de pacientes (18 sufrieron encefalitis y tres perecieron).", "sentence2": "La primera inmunización activa se suspendió por efectos secundarios graves en algunos pacientes.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1271_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La primera inmunización activa se empezó en el 2001, pero tuvo que suspenderse al poco de empezar por los efectos secundarios graves que produjo en un pequeño grupo de pacientes (18 sufrieron encefalitis y tres perecieron).", "sentence2": "Los pacientes que en el 2001 participaron en la primera inmunización activa fueron más de 1000.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1272_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El portugués Banco Espirito Santo es otra de las entidades que quiere avanzar en banca patrimonial.", "sentence2": "Banco Espirito Santo no es una entidad bancaria portuguesa.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1326_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Con el consumo constante se alcanzan también unos niveles constantes del tóxico en el organismo.", "sentence2": "El consumo constante estabiliza los niveles del tóxico en el organismo.", "promptID": "443_esxnli", "pairID": "1327_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Con el consumo constante se alcanzan también unos niveles constantes del tóxico en el organismo.", "sentence2": "No se recomienda su consumo en caso de embarazo", "promptID": "443_esxnli", "pairID": "1328_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Con el consumo constante se alcanzan también unos niveles constantes del tóxico en el organismo.", "sentence2": "La variación en su consumo no afecta los niveles del tóxico en el organismo", "promptID": "443_esxnli", "pairID": "1329_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La neutralidad de la Red no está tan relacionada con la libertad de Internet como con la lucha de algunas empresas del mundo Internet, que en general no son europeas, por afianzar su poder frente a las principales empresas que invierten en redes de telecomunicaciones.", "sentence2": "Todas las empresas de Internet son europeas.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1369_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La neutralidad de la Red no está tan relacionada con la libertad de Internet como con la lucha de algunas empresas del mundo Internet, que en general no son europeas, por afianzar su poder frente a las principales empresas que invierten en redes de telecomunicaciones.", "sentence2": "Las redes de telecomunicaciones 5G han elevado la velocidad.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1370_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una rápida sucesión de colores y bloqueos alternativos dan el efecto realista que se espera.", "sentence2": "Una lenta sucesión de colores y bloqueos alternativos dan el efecto realista que se espera", "promptID": "464_esxnli", "pairID": "1390_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una rápida sucesión de colores y bloqueos alternativos dan el efecto realista que se espera.", "sentence2": "Se ha usado más de un color", "promptID": "464_esxnli", "pairID": "1391_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una rápida sucesión de colores y bloqueos alternativos dan el efecto realista que se espera.", "sentence2": "En este acto se busca un efecto realista", "promptID": "464_esxnli", "pairID": "1392_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsable de la CAR-CCR, matiza que se trata de un centro piloto, de cuya eficacia depende la proliferación de más centros especializados de este tipo en el conjunto de la red pública.", "sentence2": "El centro piloto tiene capacidad para 30 personas.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1414_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsable de la CAR-CCR, matiza que se trata de un centro piloto, de cuya eficacia depende la proliferación de más centros especializados de este tipo en el conjunto de la red pública.", "sentence2": "Si el centro piloto resulta eficaz, se crearán más centros especializados.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1415_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsable de la CAR-CCR, matiza que se trata de un centro piloto, de cuya eficacia depende la proliferación de más centros especializados de este tipo en el conjunto de la red pública.", "sentence2": "Frances Balaguer no es el responsable de la CAR-CCR.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1416_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los primeros estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1997 revelaron que todos los afectados por la enfermedad habían sufrido síntomas psiquiátricos, entre ellos depresión, ansiedad y cambios de humor, aunque no deben tomarse como específicos de la ECJ.", "sentence2": "los enfermos de ECJ sufrieron depresión.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1417_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los primeros estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1997 revelaron que todos los afectados por la enfermedad habían sufrido síntomas psiquiátricos, entre ellos depresión, ansiedad y cambios de humor, aunque no deben tomarse como específicos de la ECJ.", "sentence2": "La depresión es un síntoma de la ECJ.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1418_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los primeros estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1997 revelaron que todos los afectados por la enfermedad habían sufrido síntomas psiquiátricos, entre ellos depresión, ansiedad y cambios de humor, aunque no deben tomarse como específicos de la ECJ.", "sentence2": "Los primeros estudios se realizaros en el Reino Unido.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1419_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para conseguirlo se cuenta con un equipo profesional que se encarga de la alimentación y hace de ella una clave dentro del tratamiento integral de la enfermedad.", "sentence2": "Un equipo profesional sanitario se encarga de la alimentación.", "promptID": "476_esxnli", "pairID": "1428_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La SEOM plantea dos cuestiones.", "sentence2": "La SEOM ha planteado una cuestión muy radical.", "promptID": "477_esxnli", "pairID": "1429_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este material, denominado pellet, genera un rendimiento calorífico alto, por lo que este tipo de estufas comienza a ser una opción destacada para calentar el hogar.", "sentence2": "El pellet se usa para calentar el hogar.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1432_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este material, denominado pellet, genera un rendimiento calorífico alto, por lo que este tipo de estufas comienza a ser una opción destacada para calentar el hogar.", "sentence2": "El pellet se usa cada vez menos para calentar el hogar.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1433_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este material, denominado pellet, genera un rendimiento calorífico alto, por lo que este tipo de estufas comienza a ser una opción destacada para calentar el hogar.", "sentence2": "El pellet es mejor que la madera.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1434_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "CORRESPONDE, desarrollado e implementado por la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial (SEH-LELHA), consta de un programa informatizado basado en guías de práctica clínica validadas que permiten al médico calcular el riesgo cardiovascular individualizado a la vez que determina un objetivo terapéutico específico.", "sentence2": "Los médicos carecerán de la capacidad de calcular el riesgo cardiovascular individualizado.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1448_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "CORRESPONDE, desarrollado e implementado por la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial (SEH-LELHA), consta de un programa informatizado basado en guías de práctica clínica validadas que permiten al médico calcular el riesgo cardiovascular individualizado a la vez que determina un objetivo terapéutico específico.", "sentence2": "Los médicos tienen más facilidades para tratar la Hipertensión Arterial.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1449_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lamenta los retrasos en la puesta en marcha de la EFSA y asegura que no será una agencia de burócratas.", "sentence2": "La EFSA no se ha abierto a su debido tiempo.", "promptID": "490_esxnli", "pairID": "1469_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lamenta los retrasos en la puesta en marcha de la EFSA y asegura que no será una agencia de burócratas.", "sentence2": "La EFSA solo acogerá a mujeres.", "promptID": "490_esxnli", "pairID": "1470_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A finales del primer trimestre de 2004 ascendía a 2.129.500 personas.", "sentence2": "Se esperaba que alcanzara los tres millones en poco tiempo más.", "promptID": "491_esxnli", "pairID": "1471_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, los mensajes comerciales de las marcas serán mucho más sutiles.", "sentence2": "Los mensajes comerciales de las marcas serán más agresivos", "promptID": "494_esxnli", "pairID": "1480_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Son las fiestas del Carmen y el viento me trae la noche de verano madrileña en forma de orquesta itinerante con los últimos éxitos.", "sentence2": "Son las fiestas del Pilar", "promptID": "499_esxnli", "pairID": "1495_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Son las fiestas del Carmen y el viento me trae la noche de verano madrileña en forma de orquesta itinerante con los últimos éxitos.", "sentence2": "Hay un concierto", "promptID": "499_esxnli", "pairID": "1496_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Son las fiestas del Carmen y el viento me trae la noche de verano madrileña en forma de orquesta itinerante con los últimos éxitos.", "sentence2": "Es sábado", "promptID": "499_esxnli", "pairID": "1497_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero hay asuntos que son de menos broma, por desgracia es así; se invaden países, sin ir más lejos, en fin, no hace falta endilgar una lista casi interminable y más que evidente de temas que no son ninguna broma.", "sentence2": "La situación no tiene solución", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1501_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero hay asuntos que son de menos broma, por desgracia es así; se invaden países, sin ir más lejos, en fin, no hace falta endilgar una lista casi interminable y más que evidente de temas que no son ninguna broma.", "sentence2": "Todo va bien", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1502_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero hay asuntos que son de menos broma, por desgracia es así; se invaden países, sin ir más lejos, en fin, no hace falta endilgar una lista casi interminable y más que evidente de temas que no son ninguna broma.", "sentence2": "Hay temas preocupantes", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1503_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes no pasaría el tiempo, sólo pasarían las cosas.", "sentence2": "Con sólo seres pensantes en el planeta pasaría el tiempo.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1513_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes no pasaría el tiempo, sólo pasarían las cosas.", "sentence2": "El tiempo pasaría en un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1514_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes no pasaría el tiempo, sólo pasarían las cosas.", "sentence2": "Sólo pasarían las cosas si hubiera seres inanimados en el planeta.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1515_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una vez de vuelta aquí abajo, de donde nunca debieron haber salido, se acabaron los dioses.", "sentence2": "Volvieron a su sitio natural, aquí abajo, y así se esfumaron los dioses.", "promptID": "509_esxnli", "pairID": "1526_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una vez de vuelta aquí abajo, de donde nunca debieron haber salido, se acabaron los dioses.", "sentence2": "A pesar de volver aquí abajo, no se acabaron los dioses.", "promptID": "509_esxnli", "pairID": "1527_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Desde las alturas del poder, hay quienes declaran las canciones de Mejía Godoy sujetas a confiscación, como si se tratara de un hato de ganado, de un banco, o de una fábrica de productos lácteos.", "sentence2": "Las canciones de Mejía Godoy son afines a las alturas del poder", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1552_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Desde las alturas del poder, hay quienes declaran las canciones de Mejía Godoy sujetas a confiscación, como si se tratara de un hato de ganado, de un banco, o de una fábrica de productos lácteos.", "sentence2": "El poder considera confiscables las canciones de Mejía Godoy", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1553_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Desde las alturas del poder, hay quienes declaran las canciones de Mejía Godoy sujetas a confiscación, como si se tratara de un hato de ganado, de un banco, o de una fábrica de productos lácteos.", "sentence2": "Mejía Godoy dará un concierto la semana que viene", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1554_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sólo mejoras parciales, las cuales nada tienen que ver con la palabra \"progreso\".", "sentence2": "Progresar en este campo es importante para la supervivencia de las lenguas minoritarias.", "promptID": "531_esxnli", "pairID": "1591_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Durante tiempo, en cada casa que he vivido en el este de EE.UU incluso en Chicago he querido plantar un par de ellos a los lados del frente de la casa, pero nunca los he en contrado.", "sentence2": "Tras mucho esfuerzo, conseguí plantarlos en Chicago.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1600_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Durante tiempo, en cada casa que he vivido en el este de EE.UU incluso en Chicago he querido plantar un par de ellos a los lados del frente de la casa, pero nunca los he en contrado.", "sentence2": "Los pinos son difíciles de plantar en el este de EE.UU.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1601_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Durante tiempo, en cada casa que he vivido en el este de EE.UU incluso en Chicago he querido plantar un par de ellos a los lados del frente de la casa, pero nunca los he en contrado.", "sentence2": "Quise plantarlos en Chicago, pero nunca tuve ocasión.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1602_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cómo atraparlos y retenerlos el mayor tiempo posible.", "sentence2": "Hacer el trabajo con la efectividad máxima.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1618_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cómo atraparlos y retenerlos el mayor tiempo posible.", "sentence2": "Atraparlos y reternelos a los golpistas el mayor tiempo posible.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1619_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cómo atraparlos y retenerlos el mayor tiempo posible.", "sentence2": "Atraparlos en menos tiempo posible y retenerlos el mayor tiempo posible.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1620_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El mal del nacionalismo es que invierten estos términos y consideran la existencia de una identidad metafísica, la nación, que no es más que la consecuencia de la unión mística entre un determinado territorio y una cultura específica.", "sentence2": "El mal del nacionalismo es a causa de la desunión mística entre un determinado territorio y una cultura específica.", "promptID": "541_esxnli", "pairID": "1621_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ningún animal, sin embargo, podría encaramarse a la torre Eiffel porque ella misma ya es un animal y no ha producido crías.", "sentence2": "La torre Eiffel no tiene descendencia.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1654_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ningún animal, sin embargo, podría encaramarse a la torre Eiffel porque ella misma ya es un animal y no ha producido crías.", "sentence2": "La torre Eiffel tiene la capacidad de crear nueva torres.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1655_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ningún animal, sin embargo, podría encaramarse a la torre Eiffel porque ella misma ya es un animal y no ha producido crías.", "sentence2": "La Torre Eiffel está sin pintar.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1656_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La protección del marco no se extiende tan sólo sobre la esperanza de volverse a ver, sino también sobre el temor de no volverse a ver, pues temor y esperanza no son más que el anverso y el reverso de una misma moneda.", "sentence2": "A veces surge el temor de no volverse a ver.", "promptID": "553_esxnli", "pairID": "1657_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La protección del marco no se extiende tan sólo sobre la esperanza de volverse a ver, sino también sobre el temor de no volverse a ver, pues temor y esperanza no son más que el anverso y el reverso de una misma moneda.", "sentence2": "La esperanza de volver a ver suele ser mayor que el temor de no volverse a ver.", "promptID": "553_esxnli", "pairID": "1658_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La protección del marco no se extiende tan sólo sobre la esperanza de volverse a ver, sino también sobre el temor de no volverse a ver, pues temor y esperanza no son más que el anverso y el reverso de una misma moneda.", "sentence2": "No existe ningún temor por no volverse a ver.", "promptID": "553_esxnli", "pairID": "1659_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si no se puede hacer que lo justo tenga fuerza, como decía Pascal (de quien es el título de este artículo), al menos podríamos no pretender que lo que tiene fuerza es, solo por eso, justo.", "sentence2": "Pascual es el autor del artículo.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1666_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si no se puede hacer que lo justo tenga fuerza, como decía Pascal (de quien es el título de este artículo), al menos podríamos no pretender que lo que tiene fuerza es, solo por eso, justo.", "sentence2": "Pascual no escribe artículos.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1667_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algunos piensan que Calderón es un valiente, que ya era de luchar contra esa lacra social; otros creen que el presidente mexicano cometió un error, que lo mejor hubiera sido seguir haciendo de la vista gorda.", "sentence2": "Calderón no será recordado por su gran gestión.", "promptID": "560_esxnli", "pairID": "1679_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algunos piensan que Calderón es un valiente, que ya era de luchar contra esa lacra social; otros creen que el presidente mexicano cometió un error, que lo mejor hubiera sido seguir haciendo de la vista gorda.", "sentence2": "No hay unanimidad sobre la gestión de Calderón.", "promptID": "560_esxnli", "pairID": "1680_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El drama, la fragilidad del hombre en estos momentos de desamparo e hipocresia internacional, quizá se manifieste mejor y de forma mas rotunda y sin que tengamos que colaborar con el esfuerzo de nuestra atención, en esas imagenes que ayer y hoy nos MUESTRAN los diarios de los \"cuerpos\" asesinados en Gaza por Israel, ese pueblo \"elegído\" por un dios vengativo y atronador del Antiguo Testamento, y ayudado desde los años cuarente por los gobiernos americanos.", "sentence2": "El gobierno americano sigue ayudando a Israel", "promptID": "561_esxnli", "pairID": "1681_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El drama, la fragilidad del hombre en estos momentos de desamparo e hipocresia internacional, quizá se manifieste mejor y de forma mas rotunda y sin que tengamos que colaborar con el esfuerzo de nuestra atención, en esas imagenes que ayer y hoy nos MUESTRAN los diarios de los \"cuerpos\" asesinados en Gaza por Israel, ese pueblo \"elegído\" por un dios vengativo y atronador del Antiguo Testamento, y ayudado desde los años cuarente por los gobiernos americanos.", "sentence2": "Las imágenes muestran cuerpos vestidos", "promptID": "561_esxnli", "pairID": "1682_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El drama, la fragilidad del hombre en estos momentos de desamparo e hipocresia internacional, quizá se manifieste mejor y de forma mas rotunda y sin que tengamos que colaborar con el esfuerzo de nuestra atención, en esas imagenes que ayer y hoy nos MUESTRAN los diarios de los \"cuerpos\" asesinados en Gaza por Israel, ese pueblo \"elegído\" por un dios vengativo y atronador del Antiguo Testamento, y ayudado desde los años cuarente por los gobiernos americanos.", "sentence2": "Israel no asesina", "promptID": "561_esxnli", "pairID": "1683_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si aún vivierais y desearais todavía satisfacer en mi vuestra venganza, habríais de saber que la habéis logrado mucho mejor dejándome conservar la vida que aniquilándome.", "sentence2": "Aniquilar la vida es la mejor opción para vengarse.", "promptID": "563_esxnli", "pairID": "1688_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si aún vivierais y desearais todavía satisfacer en mi vuestra venganza, habríais de saber que la habéis logrado mucho mejor dejándome conservar la vida que aniquilándome.", "sentence2": "Dejando conservar la vida es una venganza mayor que aniquilar la vida.", "promptID": "563_esxnli", "pairID": "1689_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ya que la justicia no abarca el universo entero, podría decirse, por lo menos reina en África, afortunado continente.", "sentence2": "En África hay justicia.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1690_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ya que la justicia no abarca el universo entero, podría decirse, por lo menos reina en África, afortunado continente.", "sentence2": "En África hace mucho calor.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1691_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ya que la justicia no abarca el universo entero, podría decirse, por lo menos reina en África, afortunado continente.", "sentence2": "La justicia está en todas partes.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1692_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me alegro de verla de nuevo. espero que el avión la haya dado alas.", "sentence2": "¡Qué disgusto! No quería verla más.", "promptID": "568_esxnli", "pairID": "1702_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me alegro de verla de nuevo. espero que el avión la haya dado alas.", "sentence2": "Le gusta viajar en avión.", "promptID": "568_esxnli", "pairID": "1704_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y como estamos de aniversario luctuoso, vale la pena sumarme a los dolientes.", "sentence2": "El abuelo falleció hace 10 años ya", "promptID": "573_esxnli", "pairID": "1717_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y como estamos de aniversario luctuoso, vale la pena sumarme a los dolientes.", "sentence2": "Estamos de fiesta por el aniversario", "promptID": "573_esxnli", "pairID": "1718_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y como estamos de aniversario luctuoso, vale la pena sumarme a los dolientes.", "sentence2": "Estamos rememorando un episodio triste.", "promptID": "573_esxnli", "pairID": "1719_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El silencio que introduce un hiato, la espera que detiene la prisa, crean un vestíbulo, siendo este -inversamente- el ámbito del silencio y de la espera.", "sentence2": "El vestíbulo que causa el silencio tiene paragüero.", "promptID": "575_esxnli", "pairID": "1723_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El silencio que introduce un hiato, la espera que detiene la prisa, crean un vestíbulo, siendo este -inversamente- el ámbito del silencio y de la espera.", "sentence2": "El sielncio causa sensación de detenimiento.", "promptID": "575_esxnli", "pairID": "1724_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El silencio que introduce un hiato, la espera que detiene la prisa, crean un vestíbulo, siendo este -inversamente- el ámbito del silencio y de la espera.", "sentence2": "El silencio comporta ruido.", "promptID": "575_esxnli", "pairID": "1725_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No les molesten porque les salga del alma, no por que quede bien qué remedio, piensen tolerar a los otros.", "sentence2": "Me suelen molestar", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1726_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No les molesten porque les salga del alma, no por que quede bien qué remedio, piensen tolerar a los otros.", "sentence2": "Toleren a los otros", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1727_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No les molesten porque les salga del alma, no por que quede bien qué remedio, piensen tolerar a los otros.", "sentence2": "Nunca me molestan", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1728_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es cierto que la cultura gallega necesita un proyecto de internacionalización (visite varios blogs gallegos y verá que hay una interesante discusión abierta al respecto) pero no cabe duda que ese proyecto es harto complicado si desde un grupo mediático, se ponen trancas y barrancas, y a sabiendas del error (el de Juan Cruz, perdonable) solo se percibe acusaciones de sectarios por parte de otro \"intelectual\".", "sentence2": "Las culturas en general, la gallega en particular, que no tienen proyectos de internacionalización viven de las aportaciones domésticas.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1756_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es cierto que la cultura gallega necesita un proyecto de internacionalización (visite varios blogs gallegos y verá que hay una interesante discusión abierta al respecto) pero no cabe duda que ese proyecto es harto complicado si desde un grupo mediático, se ponen trancas y barrancas, y a sabiendas del error (el de Juan Cruz, perdonable) solo se percibe acusaciones de sectarios por parte de otro \"intelectual\".", "sentence2": "El desarrollo de un proyecto de internacionalización sería contraproducente para la cultura gallega.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1757_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es cierto que la cultura gallega necesita un proyecto de internacionalización (visite varios blogs gallegos y verá que hay una interesante discusión abierta al respecto) pero no cabe duda que ese proyecto es harto complicado si desde un grupo mediático, se ponen trancas y barrancas, y a sabiendas del error (el de Juan Cruz, perdonable) solo se percibe acusaciones de sectarios por parte de otro \"intelectual\".", "sentence2": "La cultura gallega necesita una proyección internacional pero este proyecto es muy complicado, más aún si se perciben acusaciones de sectarios.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1758_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algunas buenas gentes han propuesto que esa palabra está hecha de otras dos: triste y dulce.", "sentence2": "Algunos han propuesto que alguna palabra está formada por otras dos: triste y dulce.", "promptID": "591_esxnli", "pairID": "1771_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algunas buenas gentes han propuesto que esa palabra está hecha de otras dos: triste y dulce.", "sentence2": "La palabra está formada por alegría y amargura.", "promptID": "591_esxnli", "pairID": "1772_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Escarola, fofo... desde que le ha dado por la disciplina inglesa todo le parece light, cuando solo es parcial, ha tomado un fin de semana single como un paréntesis en la vida de relación no como la continuación (o el paréntesis) de una vida single.", "sentence2": "Se ha ido de fin de semana single en enero.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1780_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Escarola, fofo... desde que le ha dado por la disciplina inglesa todo le parece light, cuando solo es parcial, ha tomado un fin de semana single como un paréntesis en la vida de relación no como la continuación (o el paréntesis) de una vida single.", "sentence2": "Ha pasado el fin de semana acompañado de su pareja.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1781_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Escarola, fofo... desde que le ha dado por la disciplina inglesa todo le parece light, cuando solo es parcial, ha tomado un fin de semana single como un paréntesis en la vida de relación no como la continuación (o el paréntesis) de una vida single.", "sentence2": "Se ha ido solo de fin de semana.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1782_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No merece otra cosa que le llenen este blgs suyo donde anuncia sus libros como vulgar mercader, de cientos de respuestas de gentes que amamos y respetamos el arte en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones, incuida la historieta.", "sentence2": "Los amantes del arte van a llenar el blog de respuestas.", "promptID": "596_esxnli", "pairID": "1786_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y si acabó exiliándose a Francia y viviendo en Burdeos fue por su incompatibilidad con el régimen absolutista (\"¡vivan las cadenas!\") de Fernando VII, enemigo de la inteligencia, restaurador de la censura y la Inquisición, creador de las escuelas taurinas y gran promotor de las corridas de toros.", "sentence2": "Se exilio a Burdeos por no estar de acuerdon con las ideas de Fernando VII.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1807_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y si acabó exiliándose a Francia y viviendo en Burdeos fue por su incompatibilidad con el régimen absolutista (\"¡vivan las cadenas!\") de Fernando VII, enemigo de la inteligencia, restaurador de la censura y la Inquisición, creador de las escuelas taurinas y gran promotor de las corridas de toros.", "sentence2": "Vivió en Burdeos durante el régimen de Fernando VII.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1808_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y si acabó exiliándose a Francia y viviendo en Burdeos fue por su incompatibilidad con el régimen absolutista (\"¡vivan las cadenas!\") de Fernando VII, enemigo de la inteligencia, restaurador de la censura y la Inquisición, creador de las escuelas taurinas y gran promotor de las corridas de toros.", "sentence2": "Su afinidad con el reinado de Fernando VII propció su vida en Burdeos.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1809_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un fracaso no hace destino, es cierto.", "sentence2": "Una victoria no hace destino.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1823_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un fracaso no hace destino, es cierto.", "sentence2": "Hace falta más de un fracaso para hacer destino.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1824_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "V. Verdú solo ilustra -o documenta- con actuales encuentros multitudianrios festivos, lúdicos, poniéndolos en contraposición con otros -del pasado- no festivos sino, digamos, políticos o cívicos.", "sentence2": "V. Verdú trabaja en la ilustración", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1831_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "V. Verdú solo ilustra -o documenta- con actuales encuentros multitudianrios festivos, lúdicos, poniéndolos en contraposición con otros -del pasado- no festivos sino, digamos, políticos o cívicos.", "sentence2": "Verdú es periodista y escritora", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1832_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "V. Verdú solo ilustra -o documenta- con actuales encuentros multitudianrios festivos, lúdicos, poniéndolos en contraposición con otros -del pasado- no festivos sino, digamos, políticos o cívicos.", "sentence2": "Verdú realiza su trabajo sin fijarse en cuestiones contemporáneas", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1833_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los resistentes obtienen algunas victorias parciales en una Buenos Aires devastada pero acaban siendo aniquilados por la superioridad tecnológica y numérica de los invasores, los Ellos, que nunca se revelan por completo: en lugar de una exhibición simultánea de todas las fuerzas del invasor, el narrador dosifica la tensión narrativa mediante su revelación progresiva, que sigue el principio de la internalización de la amenaza hasta convertirse en subcutánea y dominar la propia voluntad.", "sentence2": "Los resistentes se han enfrentado a los invasores.", "promptID": "625_esxnli", "pairID": "1873_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los resistentes obtienen algunas victorias parciales en una Buenos Aires devastada pero acaban siendo aniquilados por la superioridad tecnológica y numérica de los invasores, los Ellos, que nunca se revelan por completo: en lugar de una exhibición simultánea de todas las fuerzas del invasor, el narrador dosifica la tensión narrativa mediante su revelación progresiva, que sigue el principio de la internalización de la amenaza hasta convertirse en subcutánea y dominar la propia voluntad.", "sentence2": "Los resistentes han conseguido derrotar a los Ellos.", "promptID": "625_esxnli", "pairID": "1874_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los resistentes obtienen algunas victorias parciales en una Buenos Aires devastada pero acaban siendo aniquilados por la superioridad tecnológica y numérica de los invasores, los Ellos, que nunca se revelan por completo: en lugar de una exhibición simultánea de todas las fuerzas del invasor, el narrador dosifica la tensión narrativa mediante su revelación progresiva, que sigue el principio de la internalización de la amenaza hasta convertirse en subcutánea y dominar la propia voluntad.", "sentence2": "Los Ellos vienen de Chile.", "promptID": "625_esxnli", "pairID": "1875_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y quiero más, hasta que se desahogue la indignación de los cielos.", "sentence2": "Ella quiere que se desahogue la indignación de los cielos en forma de nieve.", "promptID": "627_esxnli", "pairID": "1879_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y quiero más, hasta que se desahogue la indignación de los cielos.", "sentence2": "Ella quiere que se desahogue la indignación de la clase trabajadora.", "promptID": "627_esxnli", "pairID": "1880_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y quiero más, hasta que se desahogue la indignación de los cielos.", "sentence2": "El objetivo de ella es ver la indignación de los cielos.", "promptID": "627_esxnli", "pairID": "1881_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El aserto de Schopenhauer cada cual es el director teatral secreto de sus sueños pasa por Heidegger, cuyo claro del bosque es un teatro, sin asomo de otra idea, y llega a Binswanger, el heredero suizo de Freud, que define los infortunios existenciales como aquellas situaciones en que uno pierde la dirección escénica de su mundo.", "sentence2": "Cada perso intenta cumplir sus sueños", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1885_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El aserto de Schopenhauer cada cual es el director teatral secreto de sus sueños pasa por Heidegger, cuyo claro del bosque es un teatro, sin asomo de otra idea, y llega a Binswanger, el heredero suizo de Freud, que define los infortunios existenciales como aquellas situaciones en que uno pierde la dirección escénica de su mundo.", "sentence2": "El pensamiento de Schopenhauer, Heidegger y Binswanger puede expresarse en términos de teatro.", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1886_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El aserto de Schopenhauer cada cual es el director teatral secreto de sus sueños pasa por Heidegger, cuyo claro del bosque es un teatro, sin asomo de otra idea, y llega a Binswanger, el heredero suizo de Freud, que define los infortunios existenciales como aquellas situaciones en que uno pierde la dirección escénica de su mundo.", "sentence2": "Schopenhauer no escribió sobre los sueños de las personas.", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1887_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hace un café muy denso.", "sentence2": "Nunca prepara café.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1915_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hace un café muy denso.", "sentence2": "El café que prepara es muy denso.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1916_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hace un café muy denso.", "sentence2": "Su café es muy rico.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1917_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Porque los quie res, porque están subrayados en extremo, porque sí.", "sentence2": "Es una buena razón", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1918_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Porque los quie res, porque están subrayados en extremo, porque sí.", "sentence2": "Los quiero.", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1919_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Porque los quie res, porque están subrayados en extremo, porque sí.", "sentence2": "No los quiero", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1920_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No voy a entrar ahora en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad con respecto a los hechos de la realidad ni a sus paradojas.", "sentence2": "Es difícil diferenciar lo que es mentira o verdad.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1924_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No voy a entrar ahora en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad con respecto a los hechos de la realidad ni a sus paradojas.", "sentence2": "Alguien no ha querido entrar en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1925_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No voy a entrar ahora en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad con respecto a los hechos de la realidad ni a sus paradojas.", "sentence2": "Alguien ha entrado en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1926_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De momento se han salvado, pero en cuanto me vaya sólo podrá sobrevivir uno de ellos, quizás dos.", "sentence2": "En cuanto yo me vaya, su situación no cambiará en absoluto.", "promptID": "643_esxnli", "pairID": "1927_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De momento se han salvado, pero en cuanto me vaya sólo podrá sobrevivir uno de ellos, quizás dos.", "sentence2": "Aunque yo me quede con ellos, hay probabilidades de que alguno muera.", "promptID": "643_esxnli", "pairID": "1928_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De momento se han salvado, pero en cuanto me vaya sólo podrá sobrevivir uno de ellos, quizás dos.", "sentence2": "Su supervivencia depende de mi.", "promptID": "643_esxnli", "pairID": "1929_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La crisis parece gigantesca pero sin cálculo posible.", "sentence2": "No hay crisis que sea imposible de calcular.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1930_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La crisis parece gigantesca pero sin cálculo posible.", "sentence2": "Es una crisis muy grande, incalculable.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1931_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La crisis parece gigantesca pero sin cálculo posible.", "sentence2": "La crisis va a durar varios años.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1932_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y no tengo tan claro que el espejo devuelva una imagen certera de uno mismo.", "sentence2": "La imagen que el espejo devuelve de uno mismo no siempre es igual", "promptID": "645_esxnli", "pairID": "1933_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En cuanto a poetas y novelistas, el único de relieve es Jünger, en cuyo libro Tempestades de acero, Hitler ve un modelo para sus propias memorias de la Primera Guerra Mundial, obra que nunca llegó a escribir.", "sentence2": "Jünger escribió el libro Tempestades de acero", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1939_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En cuanto a poetas y novelistas, el único de relieve es Jünger, en cuyo libro Tempestades de acero, Hitler ve un modelo para sus propias memorias de la Primera Guerra Mundial, obra que nunca llegó a escribir.", "sentence2": "Jünger era alemán", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1940_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En cuanto a poetas y novelistas, el único de relieve es Jünger, en cuyo libro Tempestades de acero, Hitler ve un modelo para sus propias memorias de la Primera Guerra Mundial, obra que nunca llegó a escribir.", "sentence2": "Hitler escribió un libro sobre sus vivencias durante la Primera Guerra Mundial", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1941_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Unos esperaban que las cuestiones políticas pudieran ser resueltas (o incluso disueltas) gracias a la clarividencia de los expertos y a la exactitud de sus procedimientos, otros lamentaban este proceso de despolitización tecnocrática que se traduciría en control, manipulación, destrucción y homogeneización.", "sentence2": "Los expertos que mejor se adaptan al quehacer político son los economistas.", "promptID": "651_esxnli", "pairID": "1952_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El simulacro ideológico sería la forma de transmitir aquéllo, las ideas que lo vehículan (con perdón del palabro) Pero son interpretaciones de lo que escribe otro, arriesgadas por falta de datos.", "sentence2": "Las interpretaciones de lo que escriben otros son arriesgadas", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1957_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El simulacro ideológico sería la forma de transmitir aquéllo, las ideas que lo vehículan (con perdón del palabro) Pero son interpretaciones de lo que escribe otro, arriesgadas por falta de datos.", "sentence2": "Las interpretaciones las realiza un historiador", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1958_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El simulacro ideológico sería la forma de transmitir aquéllo, las ideas que lo vehículan (con perdón del palabro) Pero son interpretaciones de lo que escribe otro, arriesgadas por falta de datos.", "sentence2": "Las interpretaciones de lo que escriben otros son siempre exactas y acertadas", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1959_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los primeros románticos (que eran los buenos) afirmaban que toda gran obra ha de ser necesariamente incompleta, fragmentaria, inacabada.", "sentence2": "Los primeros románticos piensan que las grandes obras solo pueden estar completas.", "promptID": "655_esxnli", "pairID": "1965_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En verano, descamisados, los cuellos se ofrecen a la vista con generosidad.", "sentence2": "en verano se usa menos ropa.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1987_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En verano, descamisados, los cuellos se ofrecen a la vista con generosidad.", "sentence2": "en agosto se suelen usar jerses de cuello alto.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1988_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En verano, descamisados, los cuellos se ofrecen a la vista con generosidad.", "sentence2": "En verano pas personas no cubren el cuello con la ropa.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1989_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El trío de estrellas se encontraba disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena en el lujoso establecimiento cuando se percataron de que allí mismo otra estrella de Hollywood hacía exactamente lo mismo.", "sentence2": "En un modesto establecimiento, el trío de estrellas y otra estrella estaban disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1996_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El trío de estrellas se encontraba disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena en el lujoso establecimiento cuando se percataron de que allí mismo otra estrella de Hollywood hacía exactamente lo mismo.", "sentence2": "El trío de estrellas de la última película ganadora en Hollywood se encontraba disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena en el lujoso establecimiento.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1997_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El trío de estrellas se encontraba disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena en el lujoso establecimiento cuando se percataron de que allí mismo otra estrella de Hollywood hacía exactamente lo mismo.", "sentence2": "En una suculenta cena en el lujoso establecimiento, varios estrellas hicieron el mismo y se percataron.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1998_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tras el éxito obtenido en anteriores ediciones, el Calendario Cocineros Solidarios vuelve un año más de la mano de la Fundación SOS Día Universal de la Infancia para luchar en defensa de los derechos de los más pequeños.", "sentence2": "Este año el Calendario Cocineros Solidarios de la Fundación SOS Día Universal de la infancia, tendra como tematica el producto de temporada.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "1999_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tras el éxito obtenido en anteriores ediciones, el Calendario Cocineros Solidarios vuelve un año más de la mano de la Fundación SOS Día Universal de la Infancia para luchar en defensa de los derechos de los más pequeños.", "sentence2": "El Calendario Cocineros Solidarios ha tenido éxito en los ultimos años.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "2000_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tras el éxito obtenido en anteriores ediciones, el Calendario Cocineros Solidarios vuelve un año más de la mano de la Fundación SOS Día Universal de la Infancia para luchar en defensa de los derechos de los más pequeños.", "sentence2": "Este es el primer año que se saca el Calendario Cocineros Solidarios.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "2001_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En Inglaterra existe un tipo de pub híbrido a medio camino entre los bucólicos pubs campestres, y los bulliciosos pubs de las grandes ciudades).", "sentence2": "El número de pubs en Inglaterra ha descendido en la última decada", "promptID": "669_esxnli", "pairID": "2007_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El polifacético cantante Miguel Bosé colgó anoche el cartel de \"no hay entradas\" en el concierto que ofreció en la madrileña plaza de toros de Las Ventas.", "sentence2": "Las Ventas se llenó para ver el concierto de Miguel Bosé.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2035_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El polifacético cantante Miguel Bosé colgó anoche el cartel de \"no hay entradas\" en el concierto que ofreció en la madrileña plaza de toros de Las Ventas.", "sentence2": "Las Ventas lucía vacía en el concierto ofrecido por Miguel Bosé.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2036_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El polifacético cantante Miguel Bosé colgó anoche el cartel de \"no hay entradas\" en el concierto que ofreció en la madrileña plaza de toros de Las Ventas.", "sentence2": "El concierto de Miguel Bosé en Las Ventas fue espectacular.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2037_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al igual que sucediera con los afectados por el terremoto que azotó Haití el pasado mes de enero, en esta ocasión y debido al seísmo que este sábado se ha producido en Chile, los rostros conocidos no están tardando en prestar su ayuda.", "sentence2": "Las personas famosas están ayudando en el seísmo de Chile, del mismo modo que ayudaron a los afectados por el terremoto de Haití.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2038_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al igual que sucediera con los afectados por el terremoto que azotó Haití el pasado mes de enero, en esta ocasión y debido al seísmo que este sábado se ha producido en Chile, los rostros conocidos no están tardando en prestar su ayuda.", "sentence2": "Ningún famoso está ayudando en las tareas para mitigar los efectos del seísmo de Chile.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2039_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al igual que sucediera con los afectados por el terremoto que azotó Haití el pasado mes de enero, en esta ocasión y debido al seísmo que este sábado se ha producido en Chile, los rostros conocidos no están tardando en prestar su ayuda.", "sentence2": "Entre los rostros conocidos que están ayudando en el seísmo de Chile destaca Brad Pitt.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2040_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así, y después de haber vivido la jornada del viernes por la mañana en presencia de las autoridades civiles y eclesiásticas del Principado que les acompañaron durante la visita al Santuario de la Virgen de Covadonga, el Príncipe y Letizia dejaron atrás las montañas con su manto verde y la Cueva con la escalera del peregrino por la que bajaron hasta el estanque para tirar las monedas y pedir un deseo.", "sentence2": "El Príncipe y Letizia obviaron la visita a Covadonga.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2041_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así, y después de haber vivido la jornada del viernes por la mañana en presencia de las autoridades civiles y eclesiásticas del Principado que les acompañaron durante la visita al Santuario de la Virgen de Covadonga, el Príncipe y Letizia dejaron atrás las montañas con su manto verde y la Cueva con la escalera del peregrino por la que bajaron hasta el estanque para tirar las monedas y pedir un deseo.", "sentence2": "El Príncipe y Letizia visitaron Covadonga.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2042_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así, y después de haber vivido la jornada del viernes por la mañana en presencia de las autoridades civiles y eclesiásticas del Principado que les acompañaron durante la visita al Santuario de la Virgen de Covadonga, el Príncipe y Letizia dejaron atrás las montañas con su manto verde y la Cueva con la escalera del peregrino por la que bajaron hasta el estanque para tirar las monedas y pedir un deseo.", "sentence2": "El príncipe y Letizia están esperando que se cumpla el deseo que pidieron en Covadonga.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2043_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fueron adquiridos por un recaudador holandés por £620,000 - más del doble del precio estimado y una cantidad sin precedentes para la puja de un objeto de arte en una subasta holandesa.", "sentence2": "Las subastas de arte en Holanda atraen alas grandes fortunas.", "promptID": "682_esxnli", "pairID": "2045_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A pesar de la gravedad, se recuperó pronto y en julio del mismo año recibía el alta médica.", "sentence2": "Sufríó una enfermedad coronaria", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2053_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A pesar de la gravedad, se recuperó pronto y en julio del mismo año recibía el alta médica.", "sentence2": "Nunca se recuperó de la enfermedad", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2054_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A pesar de la gravedad, se recuperó pronto y en julio del mismo año recibía el alta médica.", "sentence2": "Después de recuperarse recibió el alta médica", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2055_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Curiosamente, su incursión en el mundo de la moda fue por casualidad.", "sentence2": "Antes era chapista.", "promptID": "686_esxnli", "pairID": "2056_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Curiosamente, su incursión en el mundo de la moda fue por casualidad.", "sentence2": "Se dedica a la repostería.", "promptID": "686_esxnli", "pairID": "2057_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Curiosamente, su incursión en el mundo de la moda fue por casualidad.", "sentence2": "Ahora se dedica al mundo de la moda.", "promptID": "686_esxnli", "pairID": "2058_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando rompa el hervor, dejar a fuego manso hasta que estén tiernas.", "sentence2": "Después de que rompa a hervir, hay que sacarlas inmediatamente.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2059_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando rompa el hervor, dejar a fuego manso hasta que estén tiernas.", "sentence2": "Hay que hervir el agua en una cazuela de barro.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2060_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando rompa el hervor, dejar a fuego manso hasta que estén tiernas.", "sentence2": "Se pondrán blanditas al de un rato.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2061_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Te desvelamos el nombre de algunos de los hoteles donde nuestros famosos favoritos han vivido algunos de sus mejores momentos.", "sentence2": "A los famosos les gustan los hoteles cuyo nombre nos van a desvelar.", "promptID": "690_esxnli", "pairID": "2068_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Te desvelamos el nombre de algunos de los hoteles donde nuestros famosos favoritos han vivido algunos de sus mejores momentos.", "sentence2": "Los famosos no han ido a los hoteles cuyo nombre nos van a desvelar.", "promptID": "690_esxnli", "pairID": "2069_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "3 NOVIEMBRE 2000 Fue la musa de Chanel durante siete años.", "sentence2": "Chanel agreció mucho su ayuda.", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2083_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "3 NOVIEMBRE 2000 Fue la musa de Chanel durante siete años.", "sentence2": "No tuvo relación con Chanel.", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2084_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "3 NOVIEMBRE 2000 Fue la musa de Chanel durante siete años.", "sentence2": "Fue la musa de Chanel", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2085_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los Reyes, que desde el primer momento han mostrado su apoyo a los familiares de las víctimas, han querido sumarse a este emotivo y sentido homenaje.", "sentence2": "Los Reyes no han mostrado su apoyo a las víctimas.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2086_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los Reyes, que desde el primer momento han mostrado su apoyo a los familiares de las víctimas, han querido sumarse a este emotivo y sentido homenaje.", "sentence2": "El homenaje a las víctimas ha contado con una gran afluencia de público.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2087_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los Reyes, que desde el primer momento han mostrado su apoyo a los familiares de las víctimas, han querido sumarse a este emotivo y sentido homenaje.", "sentence2": "Los Reyes se han sumado al homenaje.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2088_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algo que valora tremendamente a sabiendas de que no es lo mismo tener que estar ahí, y enfrentarse junto al Príncipe a las obligaciones diarias, a poder decir en un momento dado: desaparezco unos días.", "sentence2": "Lo que se valora realmente es que uno puede pasar de sus obligaciones.", "promptID": "699_esxnli", "pairID": "2095_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algo que valora tremendamente a sabiendas de que no es lo mismo tener que estar ahí, y enfrentarse junto al Príncipe a las obligaciones diarias, a poder decir en un momento dado: desaparezco unos días.", "sentence2": "El Príncipe no tiene obligaciones diarias.", "promptID": "699_esxnli", "pairID": "2096_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algo que valora tremendamente a sabiendas de que no es lo mismo tener que estar ahí, y enfrentarse junto al Príncipe a las obligaciones diarias, a poder decir en un momento dado: desaparezco unos días.", "sentence2": "Las obligaciones diarias del Príncipe son muchas.", "promptID": "699_esxnli", "pairID": "2097_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cada vez hay más gente que se apunta a la sana costumbre de consumir productos 100% naturales.", "sentence2": "Consumir productos 100% naturales es una costumbre sana", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2104_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cada vez hay más gente que se apunta a la sana costumbre de consumir productos 100% naturales.", "sentence2": "Hay cada vez más tendencia hacia los productos 100% naturales", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2105_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cada vez hay más gente que se apunta a la sana costumbre de consumir productos 100% naturales.", "sentence2": "El origen de los productos no preocupa de cara a la salud", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2106_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta semana, en Nueva York se ha presentado la estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center neoyorquino.", "sentence2": "El árbol de Rockefeller Center sera encumbrado por una estrella.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2122_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta semana, en Nueva York se ha presentado la estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center neoyorquino.", "sentence2": "La estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center es espectacular.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2123_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta semana, en Nueva York se ha presentado la estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center neoyorquino.", "sentence2": "El árbol del Rockefeller Center no contará con ninguna estrella.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2124_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Con algunos kilos de más y luciendo un look bastante informal, el protagonista de 'Gladiator' se deshizo en mimos y atenciones con sus dos pequeños por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "El protagonista de 'Gladiator' estaba muy pendiente de su look, muy cuidado y formal, y no prestó atención a sus dos pequeños mientras paseaba por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2128_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Con algunos kilos de más y luciendo un look bastante informal, el protagonista de 'Gladiator' se deshizo en mimos y atenciones con sus dos pequeños por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "El protagonista de 'Gladiator' paseó por las calles de Beverly Hills con un look bastante informal y dando una imagen de padre atento.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2129_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Con algunos kilos de más y luciendo un look bastante informal, el protagonista de 'Gladiator' se deshizo en mimos y atenciones con sus dos pequeños por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "El protagonista de 'Gladiator' es una persona cariñosa en su vida familiar.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2130_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Mi padre vivió muchos años en África y su estancia allí me marcó muchísimo.", "sentence2": "Mi padre estuvo en Guinea Ecuatorial.", "promptID": "711_esxnli", "pairID": "2133_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Oksana y Mel no sólo esperan con ilusión el lanzamiento del álbum, sino también la llegada de su primer hijo en común.", "sentence2": "El primer hijo en común de Oksana y Mel será bienvenido", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2137_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Oksana y Mel no sólo esperan con ilusión el lanzamiento del álbum, sino también la llegada de su primer hijo en común.", "sentence2": "El hijo en común se llamará Axel", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2139_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Juega con el color como con un accesorio de moda.", "sentence2": "siempre selecciona el color de moda", "promptID": "718_esxnli", "pairID": "2152_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Juega con el color como con un accesorio de moda.", "sentence2": "Tiene en cuenta el color.", "promptID": "718_esxnli", "pairID": "2153_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Juega con el color como con un accesorio de moda.", "sentence2": "Nunca tiene en cuenta el color, siempre en blanco y negro.", "promptID": "718_esxnli", "pairID": "2154_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Boris, con camiseta gris y bañador oscuro, estuvo muy pendiente de su mujer, espectacular con un bañador oscuro, con la que acaba de cumplir su primer aniversario de bodas.", "sentence2": "Boris y su mujer siempre visten con colores alegres.", "promptID": "720_esxnli", "pairID": "2160_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El próximo 24 de mayo defenderá a España en el Festival de Eurovisión, ha terminado su primer disco, que verá la luz dentro de muy poco, y por si no fuera bastante, acaba de firmar un contrato para ser imagen hasta el próximo 31 de julio de ONLY, perteneciente a la multinacional danesa Bestseller, que comercializa cinco distintas marcas de ropa para mujer, hombre y niño.", "sentence2": "Se trata de una persona muy activa.", "promptID": "722_esxnli", "pairID": "2164_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El próximo 24 de mayo defenderá a España en el Festival de Eurovisión, ha terminado su primer disco, que verá la luz dentro de muy poco, y por si no fuera bastante, acaba de firmar un contrato para ser imagen hasta el próximo 31 de julio de ONLY, perteneciente a la multinacional danesa Bestseller, que comercializa cinco distintas marcas de ropa para mujer, hombre y niño.", "sentence2": "No está relacionada con el mundo de la música.", "promptID": "722_esxnli", "pairID": "2166_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A partir de aquí el salvaje macizo de las Calanques se manifiesta en todo su esplendor.", "sentence2": "El macizo de las Calanques tiene una longitud de más de 10 kilómetros.", "promptID": "727_esxnli", "pairID": "2179_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A partir de aquí el salvaje macizo de las Calanques se manifiesta en todo su esplendor.", "sentence2": "Calanques es un macizo salvaje.", "promptID": "727_esxnli", "pairID": "2180_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A partir de aquí el salvaje macizo de las Calanques se manifiesta en todo su esplendor.", "sentence2": "Hay que volver atrás para ver el macizo de las Calanques.", "promptID": "727_esxnli", "pairID": "2181_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La limpieza resulta mucho más sencilla y profunda y la sensación que provoca es la de una gran amplitud.", "sentence2": "La limpieza se realiza con un spray especial.", "promptID": "738_esxnli", "pairID": "2214_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles lo resolvió en 1996 con el divorcio de la pareja y dictó una serie de condiciones nada beneficiosas para Banderas, quien, en aquellos momentos, quería evitar cualquier tipo de enfrentamiento con su ex mujer.", "sentence2": "Banderas nunca se ha casado", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2221_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles lo resolvió en 1996 con el divorcio de la pareja y dictó una serie de condiciones nada beneficiosas para Banderas, quien, en aquellos momentos, quería evitar cualquier tipo de enfrentamiento con su ex mujer.", "sentence2": "La pareja tenía 3 hijos", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2222_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles lo resolvió en 1996 con el divorcio de la pareja y dictó una serie de condiciones nada beneficiosas para Banderas, quien, en aquellos momentos, quería evitar cualquier tipo de enfrentamiento con su ex mujer.", "sentence2": "Banderas se divorció en 1996", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2223_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por su parte, Pierre Casiraghi va de blanco (chaqueta y pantalón) y lleva un sombrero de paja.", "sentence2": "Pierre corre el riesgo de ensuciarse.", "promptID": "742_esxnli", "pairID": "2224_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Afronta el futuro con optimismo y actualmente está centrada en la grabación de su nuevo álbum, para el que aún no hay prevista ninguna fecha de lanzamiento.", "sentence2": "La artista es africana", "promptID": "744_esxnli", "pairID": "2231_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El actor de Infiltrados ya expresó en el mes de junio su deseo de fortalecer la relación, pero la pareja decidió esperar a que naciera su bebé para poner fecha al enlace.", "sentence2": "El actor de infiltrados recibió varios premios por la serie", "promptID": "750_esxnli", "pairID": "2250_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El gusanillo de la interpretación le viene de familia.", "sentence2": "Sus padres son actores de teatro.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2254_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El gusanillo de la interpretación le viene de familia.", "sentence2": "Su familia está relacionada con el mundo de la interpretación.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2255_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El gusanillo de la interpretación le viene de familia.", "sentence2": "Ha sido la primera persona de la familia que se relaciona con la interpretación.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2256_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Máxima escuchó cuáles eran sus proyectos y estuvo conversando un rato con estas futuras empresarias y pudo conocer de primera mano los problemas a los que se enfrentan en el mercado económico turco.", "sentence2": "Todos los futuros empresarios en el mercado ecónomico turco son hombres.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2257_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Máxima escuchó cuáles eran sus proyectos y estuvo conversando un rato con estas futuras empresarias y pudo conocer de primera mano los problemas a los que se enfrentan en el mercado económico turco.", "sentence2": "Máxima esta interesada en el mercado económico turco.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2258_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Máxima escuchó cuáles eran sus proyectos y estuvo conversando un rato con estas futuras empresarias y pudo conocer de primera mano los problemas a los que se enfrentan en el mercado económico turco.", "sentence2": "A Máxima le gusta Turquía.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2259_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A mi, además me encantaría hacerlo con tiempo para poder disfrutar de todo lo que es el proceso y la orgánica de llevar a cabo los preparativos, el traje y todo lo que conlleva una boda.", "sentence2": "Yo no pienso pasarme tiempo con los preparativos de la boda.", "promptID": "756_esxnli", "pairID": "2266_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al acercarse la Navidad todos queremos mostrar nuestra mejor cara.", "sentence2": "Cuando se acerca la navidad la gente se muestra como cualquier otro día.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2272_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al acercarse la Navidad todos queremos mostrar nuestra mejor cara.", "sentence2": "El día de Navidad es cuando la gente da más ayuda al necesitado.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2273_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al acercarse la Navidad todos queremos mostrar nuestra mejor cara.", "sentence2": "La gente en navidad intenta ser más amable y atento.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2274_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para evitar sabores rancios o cortezas innecesarias, el jamón ha de tener siempre el borde limpio y perfilado, independientemente del tiempo que se tarde en consumir.", "sentence2": "El jamón ha de tener siempre el borde limpio y perfilado", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2287_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para evitar sabores rancios o cortezas innecesarias, el jamón ha de tener siempre el borde limpio y perfilado, independientemente del tiempo que se tarde en consumir.", "sentence2": "El jamón con el borde limpio y perfilado no se pierde", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2288_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para evitar sabores rancios o cortezas innecesarias, el jamón ha de tener siempre el borde limpio y perfilado, independientemente del tiempo que se tarde en consumir.", "sentence2": "El jamón no se rancia", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2289_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Limpie bien los filetes, pique los ajos en rodajas y póngalos a dorar en abundante aceite con fuego moderado.", "sentence2": "Los filetes no tienen que estar limpios.", "promptID": "764_esxnli", "pairID": "2290_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, añade entre los ingredientes el rico cazón (ese pescado que, preparado en adobo, resulta una de las delicias más típicas de la gastronomía andaluza), así como una suerte de manzana \"escharchada\" que le proporciona un toque muy especial.", "sentence2": "El cazón no está preparado en adobo.", "promptID": "766_esxnli", "pairID": "2296_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Además, añade entre los ingredientes el rico cazón (ese pescado que, preparado en adobo, resulta una de las delicias más típicas de la gastronomía andaluza), así como una suerte de manzana \"escharchada\" que le proporciona un toque muy especial.", "sentence2": "El plato contiene pescado.", "promptID": "766_esxnli", "pairID": "2297_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, añade entre los ingredientes el rico cazón (ese pescado que, preparado en adobo, resulta una de las delicias más típicas de la gastronomía andaluza), así como una suerte de manzana \"escharchada\" que le proporciona un toque muy especial.", "sentence2": "Es indispensable añadir sal.", "promptID": "766_esxnli", "pairID": "2298_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Original y personalísima, sus creaciones son las preferidas de buen número de actrices españolas, y ello a pesar de que desde ahce años nunca presenta en desfiles sus colecciones, apenas se anuncia, y de que produce casi todos sus diseños -menos los de alta costura- en Japón.", "sentence2": "Le gusta la comida japonesa.", "promptID": "770_esxnli", "pairID": "2308_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Original y personalísima, sus creaciones son las preferidas de buen número de actrices españolas, y ello a pesar de que desde ahce años nunca presenta en desfiles sus colecciones, apenas se anuncia, y de que produce casi todos sus diseños -menos los de alta costura- en Japón.", "sentence2": "Es una diseñadora de gran éxito.", "promptID": "770_esxnli", "pairID": "2309_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Original y personalísima, sus creaciones son las preferidas de buen número de actrices españolas, y ello a pesar de que desde ahce años nunca presenta en desfiles sus colecciones, apenas se anuncia, y de que produce casi todos sus diseños -menos los de alta costura- en Japón.", "sentence2": "Hace años que no realiza ninguna colección nueva.", "promptID": "770_esxnli", "pairID": "2310_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según afirma el autor, Michael Jackson vivió de forma caótica sus últimos días, que estuvieron marcados por la lectura de la Biblia y por la audición de músicas tan dispares como la clásica y la de los Gipsy King -a la que no solía ser muy aficionado.", "sentence2": "Mikel Jakson vivió de forma caótica sus últimos días", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2312_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según afirma el autor, Michael Jackson vivió de forma caótica sus últimos días, que estuvieron marcados por la lectura de la Biblia y por la audición de músicas tan dispares como la clásica y la de los Gipsy King -a la que no solía ser muy aficionado.", "sentence2": "El autor admira la conducta de Michael Jackson en sus ültimos días", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2313_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Eva puso el toque de glamour a una celebración marcada por adversas condiciones meteorológicas, pues el viento y la lluvia obligaron a cancelar la tradicional alfombra roja y a realizar un pequeño posado improvisado de aquellos que quisieron mostrarse a los fotógrafos.", "sentence2": "Eva estaba glamorosa con su vestido rojo.", "promptID": "774_esxnli", "pairID": "2320_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Eva puso el toque de glamour a una celebración marcada por adversas condiciones meteorológicas, pues el viento y la lluvia obligaron a cancelar la tradicional alfombra roja y a realizar un pequeño posado improvisado de aquellos que quisieron mostrarse a los fotógrafos.", "sentence2": "El buen tiempo hizo que la celebración se prolongara durante toda la tarde.", "promptID": "774_esxnli", "pairID": "2321_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Eva puso el toque de glamour a una celebración marcada por adversas condiciones meteorológicas, pues el viento y la lluvia obligaron a cancelar la tradicional alfombra roja y a realizar un pequeño posado improvisado de aquellos que quisieron mostrarse a los fotógrafos.", "sentence2": "Eva no pudo pasear por la alfombra roja.", "promptID": "774_esxnli", "pairID": "2322_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estas fechas rescatan y encumbran valores a menudo arrinconados por la rutina diaria.", "sentence2": "Estas fechas no rescatan ningún valor", "promptID": "784_esxnli", "pairID": "2351_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero quienes recibieron la mayor ovación a su llegada, también por parte de las estrellas fueron los 33 mineros chilenos que permanecieron atrapados 70 días a 700 metros de profundidad, y cinco de las personas que participaron en su rescate.", "sentence2": "33 mineros chilenos fueron expedientados por quedarse atrapados en la mina.", "promptID": "785_esxnli", "pairID": "2353_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero quienes recibieron la mayor ovación a su llegada, también por parte de las estrellas fueron los 33 mineros chilenos que permanecieron atrapados 70 días a 700 metros de profundidad, y cinco de las personas que participaron en su rescate.", "sentence2": "Aunque 33 mineros chilenos fueron resacatados, otros 17 mineros murieron en la mina.", "promptID": "785_esxnli", "pairID": "2354_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero quienes recibieron la mayor ovación a su llegada, también por parte de las estrellas fueron los 33 mineros chilenos que permanecieron atrapados 70 días a 700 metros de profundidad, y cinco de las personas que participaron en su rescate.", "sentence2": "Los 33 mineros chilenos sobrevivieron 70 días sin ver el sol.", "promptID": "785_esxnli", "pairID": "2355_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La admiro por la valentía y el empuje que demostró marchándose sola con su maleta a Hollywood.", "sentence2": "Se fue con sus amigos a Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2377_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La admiro por la valentía y el empuje que demostró marchándose sola con su maleta a Hollywood.", "sentence2": "Ella se fue a Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2378_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La admiro por la valentía y el empuje que demostró marchándose sola con su maleta a Hollywood.", "sentence2": "Logró triunfar en Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2379_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, la presencia que más revuelo causó durante estas primeras jornadas del Rocío fue la de Carmen Martínez-Bordiu que, visiblemente relajada y feliz, estuvo acompañada por su hijo José Ramón y su esposa, Marisa, así como de sus mejores amigos, entre ellos Los del Río y Roberto Federici, con quien Carmen finalizó su relación en noviembre del año pasado.", "sentence2": "Más de 12 personas acompañaron a Carmen Martínez-Bordiu.", "promptID": "794_esxnli", "pairID": "2381_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ayer, el mundo de la moda se tiñó de luto tras anunciarse que había sido encontrado su cadáver en el Sena, lo que abre varios interrogantes acerca de cuál ha podido ser la causa de su muerte.", "sentence2": "Alguien del mundo de la moda ha muerto", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2386_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ayer, el mundo de la moda se tiñó de luto tras anunciarse que había sido encontrado su cadáver en el Sena, lo que abre varios interrogantes acerca de cuál ha podido ser la causa de su muerte.", "sentence2": "El mundo de la moda está de enhorabuena", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2387_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ayer, el mundo de la moda se tiñó de luto tras anunciarse que había sido encontrado su cadáver en el Sena, lo que abre varios interrogantes acerca de cuál ha podido ser la causa de su muerte.", "sentence2": "Se trata de una modelo", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2388_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cualquier detalle se ha cuidado al máximo.", "sentence2": "El trabajo llega a niveles de detalle", "promptID": "799_esxnli", "pairID": "2396_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El vocalista de la banda de rock Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, atraviesa un momento bastante triste.", "sentence2": "Steven Tyler es uno de los miembros de la banda de rock Aerosmith", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2405_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cada una de sus apariciones públicas se convierte, sin ella pretenderlo, en un acontecimiento de gran trascendencia.", "sentence2": "Ella pretende que sus apariciones públicas sean de un acontecimiento de gran transcedencia.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2407_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cada una de sus apariciones públicas se convierte, sin ella pretenderlo, en un acontecimiento de gran trascendencia.", "sentence2": "Ella hace que las apariciones públicas sean de un acontecimiento de gran trascedencia.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2408_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cada una de sus apariciones públicas se convierte, sin ella pretenderlo, en un acontecimiento de gran trascendencia.", "sentence2": "Las apariciones públicas son de un acontecimiento de gran trascedencia social pero no política.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2409_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estuvo cinco años en antena y por ella pasaron más de 100 personajes durante más de 1.200 episodios.", "sentence2": "No alcanzó los 1.000 episodios", "promptID": "808_esxnli", "pairID": "2422_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Boda de Eudes de Orleáns, duque de Angulema, el mismo día y a la misma hora en que fallecía su abuelo, el conde de París.", "sentence2": "El duque de Angulema estaba muy unido al duque de París.", "promptID": "811_esxnli", "pairID": "2433_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El despegue definitivo de Agyness Deyn (16 de febrero de 1986, Manchester), que se considera amante del \"punk rock\" -lo que queda patente en los temas que toca con su banda de música Lucky Knitwear-, se produjo de la mano de los fotógrafos Mert Alas y Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "A Agyness Deyn no le gustaba la música.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2434_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El despegue definitivo de Agyness Deyn (16 de febrero de 1986, Manchester), que se considera amante del \"punk rock\" -lo que queda patente en los temas que toca con su banda de música Lucky Knitwear-, se produjo de la mano de los fotógrafos Mert Alas y Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "Agyness Deys, Mert Alas y Marcus Piggot se conocieron por sus aficiones a la música \"punk rock\".", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2435_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Zapatero es un gran aficionado al fútbol y después del jarro de agua fría de no ser sede de los Juego Olímpicos de 2016, ha mostrado su apoyo a la candidatura para ser la sede del Mundial de Fútbol de 2018.", "sentence2": "España no será sede de los Juegos Olímpicos en 2016.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2437_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Zapatero es un gran aficionado al fútbol y después del jarro de agua fría de no ser sede de los Juego Olímpicos de 2016, ha mostrado su apoyo a la candidatura para ser la sede del Mundial de Fútbol de 2018.", "sentence2": "La alegría de Zapatero al ser aceptada como sede de los Juegos Olímpicos le ha llevado a mostrar su apoyo a la candidatura del Mundial 2018.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2438_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Zapatero es un gran aficionado al fútbol y después del jarro de agua fría de no ser sede de los Juego Olímpicos de 2016, ha mostrado su apoyo a la candidatura para ser la sede del Mundial de Fútbol de 2018.", "sentence2": "Zapatero es un gran aficionado al fútbol y a los Juegos Olímpicos.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2439_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los directores del portal esperan una alta participación.", "sentence2": "El portal es atractivo.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2440_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los directores del portal esperan una alta participación.", "sentence2": "El portal no funciona bien.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2441_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los directores del portal esperan una alta participación.", "sentence2": "El portal será capaz de responder a mil visitantes.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2442_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La cantante australiana quiso agradecer a su hermana, la también cantante Danni Minogue, su apoyo durante los duros meses de lucha contra el cáncer de mama que le diagnosticaron el pasado año y que le obligó a suspender su gira por su país natal, subiéndola al escenario en los dos conciertos que ofreció este fin de semana en Melbourne.", "sentence2": "A la cantante se le ha caído el pelo.", "promptID": "815_esxnli", "pairID": "2444_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La cantante australiana quiso agradecer a su hermana, la también cantante Danni Minogue, su apoyo durante los duros meses de lucha contra el cáncer de mama que le diagnosticaron el pasado año y que le obligó a suspender su gira por su país natal, subiéndola al escenario en los dos conciertos que ofreció este fin de semana en Melbourne.", "sentence2": "La cantante es hija única.", "promptID": "815_esxnli", "pairID": "2445_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El futbolista, sin embargo, pretende recuperar el control total de estos derechos y podría estar esperando, por consejo de sus agentes, un contrato con otro club europeo o, en última instancia, un proyecto en Estados Unidos, donde el Los Angeles Galaxy le daría el cien por cien del control de sus derechos de imagen y, de paso, podría acompañar a su esposa Victoria en una aventura cinematográfica.", "sentence2": "El futbolista tiene el control absoluto sobre sus derechos de imagen", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2455_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El futbolista, sin embargo, pretende recuperar el control total de estos derechos y podría estar esperando, por consejo de sus agentes, un contrato con otro club europeo o, en última instancia, un proyecto en Estados Unidos, donde el Los Angeles Galaxy le daría el cien por cien del control de sus derechos de imagen y, de paso, podría acompañar a su esposa Victoria en una aventura cinematográfica.", "sentence2": "El futbolista no es dueño exclusivo de sus derechos de imagen", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2456_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El futbolista, sin embargo, pretende recuperar el control total de estos derechos y podría estar esperando, por consejo de sus agentes, un contrato con otro club europeo o, en última instancia, un proyecto en Estados Unidos, donde el Los Angeles Galaxy le daría el cien por cien del control de sus derechos de imagen y, de paso, podría acompañar a su esposa Victoria en una aventura cinematográfica.", "sentence2": "El futbolista comparte sus derechos de imagen a partes iguales con su actual club", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2457_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La actriz ha decidido además relatar su lucha contra el cáncer en un documental de dos horas que difundirá la cadena de televisión estadounidense NCB el viernes 15 de mayo.", "sentence2": "El documental mezcla el inglés con el idioma materno de la actriz.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2460_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y es que la Alta Costura ha dado el \"pistoletazo\" de salida y lo ha hecho mostrando las propuestas de dos destacadas firmas: Torrente y Versace.", "sentence2": "Todavía no se ha iniciado la temporada de la Alta Costura", "promptID": "824_esxnli", "pairID": "2472_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado, con sus calles abiertas al mar y sus coloristas casas de pescadores, es difícil de olvidar.", "sentence2": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado, con su iglesia románica, es difícil de olvidar.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2474_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado, con sus calles abiertas al mar y sus coloristas casas de pescadores, es difícil de olvidar.", "sentence2": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado es muy convencional, una más entre tantas.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2475_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es aquí donde nos ha hablado de cómo se encuentra su corazón, del que dice que está muy tranquilo y feliz.", "sentence2": "Tiene el corazón en paz y feliz", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2482_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es aquí donde nos ha hablado de cómo se encuentra su corazón, del que dice que está muy tranquilo y feliz.", "sentence2": "Ha pasado por una grave enfermedad el último año", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2483_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es aquí donde nos ha hablado de cómo se encuentra su corazón, del que dice que está muy tranquilo y feliz.", "sentence2": "Su corazón está inquieto y triste", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2484_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fue este verano cuando Cynthia decidió separarse del deportista, un proceso en el que consiguieron llegar a un acuerdo \"amistoso\", según informaron sus respectivos abogados sin dar demasiados detalles al respecto.", "sentence2": "Cynthia se ha enamorado de otra persona.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2485_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fue este verano cuando Cynthia decidió separarse del deportista, un proceso en el que consiguieron llegar a un acuerdo \"amistoso\", según informaron sus respectivos abogados sin dar demasiados detalles al respecto.", "sentence2": "Cynthia ha mantenido una relación sentimental con un deportista.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2486_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fue este verano cuando Cynthia decidió separarse del deportista, un proceso en el que consiguieron llegar a un acuerdo \"amistoso\", según informaron sus respectivos abogados sin dar demasiados detalles al respecto.", "sentence2": "Cynthia no tiene ningún abogado que la represente.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2487_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first is a juicy severance package of 85 days per year worked, already agreed upon, with no limit on seniority (the average is around 15 years and the gross salary, 1,200 euros)", "sentence2": "Compensation has a time limit.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "25_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The first is a juicy severance package of 85 days per year worked, already agreed upon, with no limit on seniority (the average is around 15 years and the gross salary, 1,200 euros)", "sentence2": "The compensation does not have a time limit.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "27_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Now it seems that Mª Antonia Iglesias has been given another role.", "sentence2": "Maria Antonia Iglesias' previous role was very small.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "43_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Now it seems that Mª Antonia Iglesias has been given another role.", "sentence2": "Maria Antonia already doesn’t have a role.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "44_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Now it seems that Mª Antonia Iglesias has been given another role.", "sentence2": "It seems that Maria Antonia Iglesias has a new role.", "promptID": "15_esxnli", "pairID": "45_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And this good man, with the best intentions that he may have had, messed up.", "sentence2": "This good man has not aged well.", "promptID": "19_esxnli", "pairID": "56_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The vehicle crashed against the median at the Carlos Haya cut-and-cover tunnel, one of the areas where bottlenecks usually form.", "sentence2": "The vehicle crashed against the median strip.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "64_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The vehicle crashed against the median at the Carlos Haya cut-and-cover tunnel, one of the areas where bottlenecks usually form.", "sentence2": "There was an accident and two people died.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "65_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The vehicle crashed against the median at the Carlos Haya cut-and-cover tunnel, one of the areas where bottlenecks usually form.", "sentence2": "The vehicle had no trouble reaching its destination.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "66_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "All right, let's enable spaces for people to destroy their livers without disturbing others.", "sentence2": "They do not agree with opening spaces for people to drink without bothering those who do not drink.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "67_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "All right, let's enable spaces for people to destroy their livers without disturbing others.", "sentence2": "Gathering to drink outdoors is legal.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "68_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "All right, let's enable spaces for people to destroy their livers without disturbing others.", "sentence2": "People drink.", "promptID": "23_esxnli", "pairID": "69_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The blockade, as it has been shown, has only served to harden and perpetuate the dictatorial regime (do not talk to me about the left or the right, gives me laughter, it is a dictatorship, period).", "sentence2": "Groucho Marx also makes me laugh.", "promptID": "25_esxnli", "pairID": "74_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Currently, three out of four pure-bred Iberian pigs that only eat acorns slaughtered during the last season are 5J.", "sentence2": "The quality of Iberian pigs from the last season is high.", "promptID": "26_esxnli", "pairID": "78_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In any case, not even Real Madrid nor Sevilla teams will reach the Barcelona team.", "sentence2": "Sevilla and Real Madrid are at the same distance from Barcelona.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "82_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In any case, not even Real Madrid nor Sevilla teams will reach the Barcelona team.", "sentence2": "Real Madrid is behind Barcelona.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "83_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In any case, not even Real Madrid nor Sevilla teams will reach the Barcelona team.", "sentence2": "Barcelona is behind Seville.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "84_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The diplomat made the announcement three days after the president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, asked the United States to be stricter in their punishments of extradited drug traffickers, in an unusual rebuke of Washington’s best ally in Latin America.", "sentence2": "No one has spoken after Uribe's statements.", "promptID": "29_esxnli", "pairID": "86_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The diplomat made the announcement three days after the president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, asked the United States to be stricter in their punishments of extradited drug traffickers, in an unusual rebuke of Washington’s best ally in Latin America.", "sentence2": "The diplomat apologized for the United States' lack of efficiency.", "promptID": "29_esxnli", "pairID": "87_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In a recording session, things went wrong, as reported by sources close to the production company.", "sentence2": "The event occurred one month ago", "promptID": "30_esxnli", "pairID": "88_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Welcome back to the great Kimi Circus. F1 needs great pilots, like Kimi. It can be really fast, and just with a bit of performance from Lotus Kimi will be there giving its best.", "sentence2": "Kimi was part of the Mercedes team in the previous campaign.", "promptID": "31_esxnli", "pairID": "91_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Welcome back to the great Kimi Circus. F1 needs great pilots, like Kimi. It can be really fast, and just with a bit of performance from Lotus Kimi will be there giving its best.", "sentence2": "The F1 does not trust Kimi’s skills", "promptID": "31_esxnli", "pairID": "93_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is an enchanting town because of its situation and ethnographic elements, but we mustn't deceive ourselves: if you take two steps or one if you have a long stride, you will be outside its limits.", "sentence2": "The village is tiny.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "97_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is an enchanting town because of its situation and ethnographic elements, but we mustn't deceive ourselves: if you take two steps or one if you have a long stride, you will be outside its limits.", "sentence2": "The villagers are very nice.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "98_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is an enchanting town because of its situation and ethnographic elements, but we mustn't deceive ourselves: if you take two steps or one if you have a long stride, you will be outside its limits.", "sentence2": "The country has no interest.", "promptID": "33_esxnli", "pairID": "99_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Now it only works in Madrid, where 116 men wear an anti-abuse bracelet.", "sentence2": "The anti-abuse bracelet is an efficient tool to protect victims.", "promptID": "34_esxnli", "pairID": "100_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In this same quarter, the two courthouses received 965 criminal matters and, although they processed 996 (many of them during the previous periods and during extra hours), at the end of these three months, there were still 422 pending trials, according to the last information given by the General Council of Judiciary.", "sentence2": "The courts process on time all criminal cases they receive", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "106_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In this same quarter, the two courthouses received 965 criminal matters and, although they processed 996 (many of them during the previous periods and during extra hours), at the end of these three months, there were still 422 pending trials, according to the last information given by the General Council of Judiciary.", "sentence2": "Courts have difficulties to process every criminal matter that’s submitted.", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "107_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In this same quarter, the two courthouses received 965 criminal matters and, although they processed 996 (many of them during the previous periods and during extra hours), at the end of these three months, there were still 422 pending trials, according to the last information given by the General Council of Judiciary.", "sentence2": "The General Council of the Judiciary issues data on penal issues that are registered and processed.", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "108_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "“Zlatan knows how to defend the ball”, he stated.", "sentence2": "Zlatan is called Ibrahimovic.", "promptID": "38_esxnli", "pairID": "112_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Now it turns out that Catholics are going to give us lessons in morality, when for thousands of years they massacred cultures and entire nations just for fucking power and money, or forgot that the stupid Crusades were not just a bloodbath they pretended to cause of God. That is what is truly idiotic, not theses images that merely retrieve banal symbols.", "sentence2": "Classes on morals are for the power and money.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "118_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Now it turns out that Catholics are going to give us lessons in morality, when for thousands of years they massacred cultures and entire nations just for fucking power and money, or forgot that the stupid Crusades were not just a bloodbath they pretended to cause of God. That is what is truly idiotic, not theses images that merely retrieve banal symbols.", "sentence2": "Catholics have massacred cultures at the drop of a hat.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "119_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Now it turns out that Catholics are going to give us lessons in morality, when for thousands of years they massacred cultures and entire nations just for fucking power and money, or forgot that the stupid Crusades were not just a bloodbath they pretended to cause of God. That is what is truly idiotic, not theses images that merely retrieve banal symbols.", "sentence2": "The Buddhists are going to give morality classes.", "promptID": "40_esxnli", "pairID": "120_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But they have decided to face the music and define their style \"as more practical and more direct\" than that of men.", "sentence2": "A style that is as practical as theirs surpasses that of the men in all senses.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "133_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But they have decided to face the music and define their style \"as more practical and more direct\" than that of men.", "sentence2": "Men's style is more practical than that of women.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "134_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But they have decided to face the music and define their style \"as more practical and more direct\" than that of men.", "sentence2": "Their style is more direct than theirs.", "promptID": "45_esxnli", "pairID": "135_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The SICUR trade show starts today at IFEMA.", "sentence2": "Madrid is again hosting the security fair this year.", "promptID": "65_esxnli", "pairID": "194_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Just as Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market is also somewhere the city’s major restaurants visit and shop.", "sentence2": "Smithfield Market buys more products than Billingsgate Market", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "226_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Just as Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market is also somewhere the city’s major restaurants visit and shop.", "sentence2": "There are at least two markets which make purchases for the large restaurateurs in the city.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "227_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Just as Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market is also somewhere the city’s major restaurants visit and shop.", "sentence2": "At the moment, Smithfield Market does not buy for the large restaurants of the city.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "228_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "After the hell they made us go through at that stony field that they dare to call a “park”, now they make us find a way to get tickets for one day as if we were idiots!!!", "sentence2": "There were a lot of people in the park.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "241_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After the hell they made us go through at that stony field that they dare to call a “park”, now they make us find a way to get tickets for one day as if we were idiots!!!", "sentence2": "The experience in the park was unforgeable.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "242_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After the hell they made us go through at that stony field that they dare to call a “park”, now they make us find a way to get tickets for one day as if we were idiots!!!", "sentence2": "Getting tickets for a day is not at all easy.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "243_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The fact that we are going back to Brazil to fight for it again makes it even more important.", "sentence2": "We’ll never go back to Brazil.", "promptID": "82_esxnli", "pairID": "244_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The fact that we are going back to Brazil to fight for it again makes it even more important.", "sentence2": "We will return to Brazil.", "promptID": "82_esxnli", "pairID": "245_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He was a \"gentleman\" around 50 years of age, a bit fat and with white hair and moustache.", "sentence2": "The gentleman has not yet become bald.", "promptID": "83_esxnli", "pairID": "248_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "From Cuba, I would welcome the climate and the interpersonal relationships.", "sentence2": "I can't stand Cuba's climate, nor the character of its people.", "promptID": "89_esxnli", "pairID": "265_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "From Cuba, I would welcome the climate and the interpersonal relationships.", "sentence2": "What I like about Cuba is the weather and the treatment of the people.", "promptID": "89_esxnli", "pairID": "266_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "From Cuba, I would welcome the climate and the interpersonal relationships.", "sentence2": "In Cuba, climate directly affects the way its people are.", "promptID": "89_esxnli", "pairID": "267_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Furthermore, Moratinos held a meeting with representatives of the main communication members, those that explained that Spain will have \"zero tolerance\" with illegal migrants; \"anyone without a work contract is not going to stay,\" said the minister, as a someone who was present at the encounter specified.", "sentence2": "Spain will not accept illegal immigration, Moratinos said at a meeting.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "274_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Furthermore, Moratinos held a meeting with representatives of the main communication members, those that explained that Spain will have \"zero tolerance\" with illegal migrants; \"anyone without a work contract is not going to stay,\" said the minister, as a someone who was present at the encounter specified.", "sentence2": "Spain will not accept illegal immigration but will accept illegal emigration as Moratinos said at a meeting.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "275_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Furthermore, Moratinos held a meeting with representatives of the main communication members, those that explained that Spain will have \"zero tolerance\" with illegal migrants; \"anyone without a work contract is not going to stay,\" said the minister, as a someone who was present at the encounter specified.", "sentence2": "Spain will not accept illegal immigrants, according to Moratinos in a meeting.", "promptID": "92_esxnli", "pairID": "276_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Two points stood out: that many countries do not collect this information systematically, and that Spain is at the \"rear end\" of Europe on this issue.", "sentence2": "Each country gathers this information in a different way", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "289_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Two points stood out: that many countries do not collect this information systematically, and that Spain is at the \"rear end\" of Europe on this issue.", "sentence2": "Spain is a leader in this issue", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "290_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Two points stood out: that many countries do not collect this information systematically, and that Spain is at the \"rear end\" of Europe on this issue.", "sentence2": "France is at the head of Europe in this issue.", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "291_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Their titles were names of music groups or celebrities to drive viewings.", "sentence2": "A concrete strategy was followed in order to attract users.", "promptID": "98_esxnli", "pairID": "294_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sharpton added that he will be meeting with the newspaper's sponsors to encourage them to remove their ads, and added that Newyorkers should boycott the publication.", "sentence2": "Sharpton will do anything possible to get more advertisements for the newspaper.", "promptID": "99_esxnli", "pairID": "295_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sharpton added that he will be meeting with the newspaper's sponsors to encourage them to remove their ads, and added that Newyorkers should boycott the publication.", "sentence2": "The newspaper has a lot of ads.", "promptID": "99_esxnli", "pairID": "296_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sharpton added that he will be meeting with the newspaper's sponsors to encourage them to remove their ads, and added that Newyorkers should boycott the publication.", "sentence2": "Sharpton proposed that New Yorkers should boycott a newspaper.", "promptID": "99_esxnli", "pairID": "297_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They believe that this is the largest meteorite that has ever crossed the peninsula.", "sentence2": "The meteorite that went through the earth was small.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "307_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They believe that this is the largest meteorite that has ever crossed the peninsula.", "sentence2": "Looks like it's the biggest meteorite to cross the peninsula.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "308_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They believe that this is the largest meteorite that has ever crossed the peninsula.", "sentence2": "The meteorite was controlled from NASA so that it would not collide with the Earth.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "309_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Although it partially estimated the appeal from professional associations and refused the appeal of anti constitutionality from the syndicate, the TSJM overrides in its decision the Single Sanitary Area decree.", "sentence2": "The decree from the Single Sanitary Unit will not go through", "promptID": "106_esxnli", "pairID": "318_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Well, Mr. Ratzinger is going to be upset when he sees the results of the poll about euthanasia, which you may see in the cover, hehehe. Over 80% supported it, it is obvious now that Spain does not care about the church, it was about time.", "sentence2": "Only 20% of Spaniards that participated in the poll on euthanasia are in favor.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "322_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Well, Mr. Ratzinger is going to be upset when he sees the results of the poll about euthanasia, which you may see in the cover, hehehe. Over 80% supported it, it is obvious now that Spain does not care about the church, it was about time.", "sentence2": "The majority of Spaniards that participated in the survey on euthanasia are atheist.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "323_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Well, Mr. Ratzinger is going to be upset when he sees the results of the poll about euthanasia, which you may see in the cover, hehehe. Over 80% supported it, it is obvious now that Spain does not care about the church, it was about time.", "sentence2": "The majority of Spaniards who participated in the survey are in favor of euthanasia.", "promptID": "108_esxnli", "pairID": "324_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The PSPV is playing a dangerous game for them.", "sentence2": "The danger of the PSPV is greater than before.", "promptID": "111_esxnli", "pairID": "331_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The PSPV is playing a dangerous game for them.", "sentence2": "The PSPV's new maneuver can only be beneficial to them.", "promptID": "111_esxnli", "pairID": "332_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The PSPV is playing a dangerous game for them.", "sentence2": "The PSPV is going to win the elections.", "promptID": "111_esxnli", "pairID": "333_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In addition, the Tax office has made 765,057 returns in the amount of 525.2 million, an increase of 88.8%, and 56.8% compared to the same period for the previous year.", "sentence2": "Tax returns grow as economy is developed.", "promptID": "115_esxnli", "pairID": "343_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For Rafaeli the experience was an \"adventure.\"", "sentence2": "Rafaeli has lived an adventure", "promptID": "119_esxnli", "pairID": "357_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Everything surrounding Michael Jackson is larger than life, as his farewell will be.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson’s farewell will be hugely celebrated.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "358_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Everything surrounding Michael Jackson is larger than life, as his farewell will be.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson’s firing will go off unnoticed.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "359_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Everything surrounding Michael Jackson is larger than life, as his farewell will be.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson will have his farewell soon.", "promptID": "120_esxnli", "pairID": "360_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Valderas, along with members of the coalition which included a visibly affected Concha Caballero, Parliament Spokesperson from IU, told journalists that \"no one can question this statute, among other things, because the 'no' answer has not been absolutely defeated.\"", "sentence2": "Valderas himself made the statements", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "376_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Valderas, along with members of the coalition which included a visibly affected Concha Caballero, Parliament Spokesperson from IU, told journalists that \"no one can question this statute, among other things, because the 'no' answer has not been absolutely defeated.\"", "sentence2": "The journalists believed Valderas.", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "377_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Valderas, along with members of the coalition which included a visibly affected Concha Caballero, Parliament Spokesperson from IU, told journalists that \"no one can question this statute, among other things, because the 'no' answer has not been absolutely defeated.\"", "sentence2": "Valderas made the statement alongside members of the coalition", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "378_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Inform and educate yourself a little, and you will come to the same conclusions that a server came to a long time ago.", "sentence2": "If you inform and educate yourself, you will come to the same conclusions that I came to a long time ago.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "382_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Inform and educate yourself a little, and you will come to the same conclusions that a server came to a long time ago.", "sentence2": "To reach valid conclusions, it is more important to get informed about current events than to read the classics.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "383_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Inform and educate yourself a little, and you will come to the same conclusions that a server came to a long time ago.", "sentence2": "If you inform and educate yourselves, you will never reach the conclusions that I reached a long time ago.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "384_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The biyearly list of Queen Elizabeth II recognizes the achievements in all fields of British life, from rich and famous people to social workers.", "sentence2": "Queen Elizabeth II's biannual list only acknowledges achievements in the world of British music", "promptID": "131_esxnli", "pairID": "391_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He has the best defence, with Pato Abbondanzieri as goalkeeper, and he can hardly be blamed for anything negative.", "sentence2": "A good defense is a must in order to become champions.", "promptID": "133_esxnli", "pairID": "399_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And you go to another phone company and it's the same... we're dummies for all communication companies!", "sentence2": "I have a contract with a telecommunications company.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "409_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And you go to another phone company and it's the same... we're dummies for all communication companies!", "sentence2": "When you change operators you may find a fair treatment from the company.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "410_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And you go to another phone company and it's the same... we're dummies for all communication companies!", "sentence2": "I already changed operators previously.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "411_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I wish him luck in such a delicate match.", "sentence2": "This is a difficult match.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "415_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I wish him luck in such a delicate match.", "sentence2": "I wish it wasn’t possible to go to that delicate game.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "416_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I wish him luck in such a delicate match.", "sentence2": "I hope he blows the game.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "417_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Well... that was close. The truth is that the first one didn't last long, but in the second one and following ones things are going better.", "sentence2": "The second lasted longer than the first.", "promptID": "140_esxnli", "pairID": "420_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And then he said that he owned an apartment which he was renting, and he gets some good monthly money for it (renting is not particularly cheap), besides the mess with the computers and what he earns in the football team.", "sentence2": "He has more than one source of income.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "445_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And then he said that he owned an apartment which he was renting, and he gets some good monthly money for it (renting is not particularly cheap), besides the mess with the computers and what he earns in the football team.", "sentence2": "Rental prices are very cheap.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "446_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As a symbol, the archbishop asked for the priests to support people suffering from difficulties due to the economic crisis.", "sentence2": "The prelate asked for the collaboration of all the priests.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "457_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As a symbol, the archbishop asked for the priests to support people suffering from difficulties due to the economic crisis.", "sentence2": "He asked not to help those who were affected by the economic crisis.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "458_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As a symbol, the archbishop asked for the priests to support people suffering from difficulties due to the economic crisis.", "sentence2": "Priests help those who are most disadvantaged.", "promptID": "153_esxnli", "pairID": "459_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Empress, wife of Emperor Akihito, who for two years has suffered a slight gastritis, has had mouth ulcers and has had several nose bleeds.", "sentence2": "The empress is ill.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "460_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Empress, wife of Emperor Akihito, who for two years has suffered a slight gastritis, has had mouth ulcers and has had several nose bleeds.", "sentence2": "The empress is happily married.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "461_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Empress, wife of Emperor Akihito, who for two years has suffered a slight gastritis, has had mouth ulcers and has had several nose bleeds.", "sentence2": "The empress has perfect health.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "462_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A survey reveals that women in Madrid are more tolerant of the gay community.", "sentence2": "A survey was launched in Madrid regarding tolerance of the gay community.", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "472_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A survey reveals that women in Madrid are more tolerant of the gay community.", "sentence2": "According to the survey, girls are less tolerant of the gay community.", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "473_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A survey reveals that women in Madrid are more tolerant of the gay community.", "sentence2": "The survey also looks at possible racist behaviors", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "474_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ron Andruff, president of Tralliance Corporation, estimated that the new control would have great importance for the global tourism industry since it would facilitate the process of finding official websites of touristic places of interest for the users, deprioritizing a large number of unrelated pages.", "sentence2": "The new dominion will make users find more trash pages", "promptID": "159_esxnli", "pairID": "475_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There was a panning site in Roces, which was recently removed, as wasas what was known as El Manantial (the Spring) in Contrueces, which no one knows anymore and it seems that no one cares about.", "sentence2": "People are dying to see the Roces and Contrueces washrooms.", "promptID": "162_esxnli", "pairID": "485_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "According to the SGAE, the Internet will have to be shut down... It is not like we want to have too much information and entertainment... and worse, for free.", "sentence2": "The SGAE wants to make a lot of money at all costs.", "promptID": "165_esxnli", "pairID": "493_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to the SGAE, the Internet will have to be shut down... It is not like we want to have too much information and entertainment... and worse, for free.", "sentence2": "Internet makes SGAE a lot of money.", "promptID": "165_esxnli", "pairID": "494_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to the SGAE, the Internet will have to be shut down... It is not like we want to have too much information and entertainment... and worse, for free.", "sentence2": "The SGAE is suffering the economic consequences of the Internet.", "promptID": "165_esxnli", "pairID": "495_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Not speaking clearly like this is manipulating.", "sentence2": "The manipulator is always a man", "promptID": "175_esxnli", "pairID": "523_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Refunding your own little savings, so that the money eaters who are supposed to provide 20% must deflate their absolutely unreal megataxes regarding most salaries.", "sentence2": "The integrity of the savings makes the appraisals more unrealistic.", "promptID": "180_esxnli", "pairID": "538_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They will do something so that speculators (that is, pals of the three-party right) that bought at shit prices can sell at the price of gold.", "sentence2": "The spectators brought large quantities of butifarra sausage.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "545_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The diversity of legislations, for instance, rather than deepen division makes it possible for different ways of understanding their organization to live together in the same country.", "sentence2": "The different legislations unite the country.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "562_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The diversity of legislations, for instance, rather than deepen division makes it possible for different ways of understanding their organization to live together in the same country.", "sentence2": "The diversity of legislation brings improvements in education.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "563_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The diversity of legislations, for instance, rather than deepen division makes it possible for different ways of understanding their organization to live together in the same country.", "sentence2": "Different legislations cause heterogeneity.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "564_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They should do so, jointly declare a default, get rid of the euro and return each to their currency.", "sentence2": "They should declare the suspension of payments because otherwise it doesn't make sense to get rid of the euro.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "568_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They should do so, jointly declare a default, get rid of the euro and return each to their currency.", "sentence2": "They should declare a suspension of payments and return to their currency by withdrawing from the euro.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "569_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They should do so, jointly declare a default, get rid of the euro and return each to their currency.", "sentence2": "It would be a very grave error to jointly declare a suspension of payments, and even worse if the euro were told to walk.", "promptID": "190_esxnli", "pairID": "570_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The far-right political party España 2000, the historical figure of the Cid Campeador, the PSPV and the Castellón refinery focus the four allusions to Valencian news and history.", "sentence2": "The Castellón refinery is run by Cid Campeador, which is a militant of Spain 2000.", "promptID": "192_esxnli", "pairID": "574_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The far-right political party España 2000, the historical figure of the Cid Campeador, the PSPV and the Castellón refinery focus the four allusions to Valencian news and history.", "sentence2": "There is at least one thing that El Cid Campeador and PSPV have in common.", "promptID": "192_esxnli", "pairID": "575_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The far-right political party España 2000, the historical figure of the Cid Campeador, the PSPV and the Castellón refinery focus the four allusions to Valencian news and history.", "sentence2": "PSPV does not mention any current or historical Valencian event.", "promptID": "192_esxnli", "pairID": "576_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "People don't like what he says, but he is saying the absolute truth.", "sentence2": "His words are uncomfortable for many.", "promptID": "193_esxnli", "pairID": "577_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "People don't like what he says, but he is saying the absolute truth.", "sentence2": "He never lies.", "promptID": "193_esxnli", "pairID": "578_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "People don't like what he says, but he is saying the absolute truth.", "sentence2": "People tend to like to listen to their truths.", "promptID": "193_esxnli", "pairID": "579_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "2.- Someone who, with very little knowledge and a bit of extra money, thinks he is the big kahuna and starts buying at truly savage prices... although we ALL know that they won't finish paying it and everything will be taken from them.", "sentence2": "The premise refers to a soccer player.", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "622_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "2.- Someone who, with very little knowledge and a bit of extra money, thinks he is the big kahuna and starts buying at truly savage prices... although we ALL know that they won't finish paying it and everything will be taken from them.", "sentence2": "Despite having little knowledge, they will finish paying all the purchases.", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "623_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "2.- Someone who, with very little knowledge and a bit of extra money, thinks he is the big kahuna and starts buying at truly savage prices... although we ALL know that they won't finish paying it and everything will be taken from them.", "sentence2": "Expensive purchases will not be paid for at all.", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "624_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If it were the latter, the company would create high value-added training, but that is not the case.", "sentence2": "The company has not implemented high added value training", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "631_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If it were the latter, the company would create high value-added training, but that is not the case.", "sentence2": "The company is the latter", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "632_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If it were the latter, the company would create high value-added training, but that is not the case.", "sentence2": "This is not a company of the second thing.", "promptID": "211_esxnli", "pairID": "633_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For their part, CCOO sources assured Europa Press that the Government has not notified this statistical change within social dialog, although they set any assessment for the federation's next executive committee later this month.", "sentence2": "The statistical change that occurred during this last trimester was the largest in this decade.", "promptID": "218_esxnli", "pairID": "652_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For their part, CCOO sources assured Europa Press that the Government has not notified this statistical change within social dialog, although they set any assessment for the federation's next executive committee later this month.", "sentence2": "The Workers' Commissions organization claims that they are aware of this statistical change.", "promptID": "218_esxnli", "pairID": "653_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For their part, CCOO sources assured Europa Press that the Government has not notified this statistical change within social dialog, although they set any assessment for the federation's next executive committee later this month.", "sentence2": "The executive commission will meet at the end of this month.", "promptID": "218_esxnli", "pairID": "654_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Also consider that sending more U.S. troops to Iraq seems right, now that there is increased rational hope that a cooperating Iraq (three-party) is moving towards self-government, which could justify a future withdrawal of the American Army from there.", "sentence2": "No more soldiers will be sent to Iraq.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "718_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Also consider that sending more U.S. troops to Iraq seems right, now that there is increased rational hope that a cooperating Iraq (three-party) is moving towards self-government, which could justify a future withdrawal of the American Army from there.", "sentence2": "Irak's Government is willing to cooperate.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "719_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Also consider that sending more U.S. troops to Iraq seems right, now that there is increased rational hope that a cooperating Iraq (three-party) is moving towards self-government, which could justify a future withdrawal of the American Army from there.", "sentence2": "There are 13,000 soldiers in Irak.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "720_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Another fascist lie that had repercussions among the backward sectors of the population is that Jews control the government and parliament.", "sentence2": "Fascists always tell the truth.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "721_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Another fascist lie that had repercussions among the backward sectors of the population is that Jews control the government and parliament.", "sentence2": "Jews have a lot of money.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "722_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Another fascist lie that had repercussions among the backward sectors of the population is that Jews control the government and parliament.", "sentence2": "Jews don't control the government or parliament.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "723_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Like a child who stays in class daydreaming and does not attend the lesson; the best way to get their head out of the clouds and remember that they shouldn't be distracted is with a smack form the teacher.", "sentence2": "Teachers smack the little pests on the back of the neck a lot.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "733_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Like a child who stays in class daydreaming and does not attend the lesson; the best way to get their head out of the clouds and remember that they shouldn't be distracted is with a smack form the teacher.", "sentence2": "The teacher’s slaps took the kids back to reality.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "734_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Like a child who stays in class daydreaming and does not attend the lesson; the best way to get their head out of the clouds and remember that they shouldn't be distracted is with a smack form the teacher.", "sentence2": "The children give their teachers slaps from the cloud.", "promptID": "245_esxnli", "pairID": "735_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In this case, a financial institution (the CAM, in particular) that kept the development as nonrecourse, unless the mortgage hadn’t been paid back entirely, which isn’t likely because common practice in the industry is to pay the interests of mortgages (to avoid entering in arrears) with pending delivery for the developments with sufficient margin (the rule in the industry for a long time has been that the developer doesn’t even see the money, the bank delivers directly to the builder) and waiting to the last minute is common practice to not declare arrears and not provision.", "sentence2": "Everyone works together to obtain the foreign benefit.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "745_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In this case, a financial institution (the CAM, in particular) that kept the development as nonrecourse, unless the mortgage hadn’t been paid back entirely, which isn’t likely because common practice in the industry is to pay the interests of mortgages (to avoid entering in arrears) with pending delivery for the developments with sufficient margin (the rule in the industry for a long time has been that the developer doesn’t even see the money, the bank delivers directly to the builder) and waiting to the last minute is common practice to not declare arrears and not provision.", "sentence2": "Interest on loans has been stable in recent months.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "746_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In this case, a financial institution (the CAM, in particular) that kept the development as nonrecourse, unless the mortgage hadn’t been paid back entirely, which isn’t likely because common practice in the industry is to pay the interests of mortgages (to avoid entering in arrears) with pending delivery for the developments with sufficient margin (the rule in the industry for a long time has been that the developer doesn’t even see the money, the bank delivers directly to the builder) and waiting to the last minute is common practice to not declare arrears and not provision.", "sentence2": "The financial institution received the development as payment.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "747_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to his explanation, “we could be reaching the end of the quantity adjustments” following the excess construction of housing during the “boom” years, which, taking into account that historically the adjustments to “brick” in Spain have occurred in these environments, would imply that “the worst (of the correction) is over”.", "sentence2": "Banks grant credits very easily.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "754_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "According to his explanation, “we could be reaching the end of the quantity adjustments” following the excess construction of housing during the “boom” years, which, taking into account that historically the adjustments to “brick” in Spain have occurred in these environments, would imply that “the worst (of the correction) is over”.", "sentence2": "During the boom years, too many houses were built.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "755_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to his explanation, “we could be reaching the end of the quantity adjustments” following the excess construction of housing during the “boom” years, which, taking into account that historically the adjustments to “brick” in Spain have occurred in these environments, would imply that “the worst (of the correction) is over”.", "sentence2": "The adjustments in the \"brick and mortar\" economy are not occurring in this field.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "756_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pilar was home alone for a long time and she enjoyed being home, without any company other than the luxuries surrounding her.", "sentence2": "Pilar was alone for long periods of time.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "775_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pilar was home alone for a long time and she enjoyed being home, without any company other than the luxuries surrounding her.", "sentence2": "Pilar didn't like the luxuries in the house.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "776_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pilar was home alone for a long time and she enjoyed being home, without any company other than the luxuries surrounding her.", "sentence2": "Pilar enjoyed the company of her family", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "777_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Regarding the question of the redundancy of the extra payments, he explained that they are “under negotiation” and will be taken into account in the decision of the social agents, although he called for flexibility to “improve competitiveness” in Greece.", "sentence2": "Social agents met with the government.", "promptID": "260_esxnli", "pairID": "778_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Regarding the question of the redundancy of the extra payments, he explained that they are “under negotiation” and will be taken into account in the decision of the social agents, although he called for flexibility to “improve competitiveness” in Greece.", "sentence2": "the opinion of the social agents will condition the reduction of extra payments.", "promptID": "260_esxnli", "pairID": "779_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Regarding the question of the redundancy of the extra payments, he explained that they are “under negotiation” and will be taken into account in the decision of the social agents, although he called for flexibility to “improve competitiveness” in Greece.", "sentence2": "Competitiveness in Greece is unbeatable.", "promptID": "260_esxnli", "pairID": "780_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "What is scary is that if the party that spoils its workers the most (PSOE) has sent unemployment with nothing for more than 3,000,000 citizens.", "sentence2": "The number of unemployed people is increasing.", "promptID": "262_esxnli", "pairID": "784_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I've always thought that those people who try to prove they're left-wing, with their dreadlocks and dirty looks or \"alternative\" clothes are in no way left-wing.", "sentence2": "People who choose an unkempt, dirty and “alternative” appearance to show that they are leftist don’t in reality have anything to do with the left.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "793_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I've always thought that those people who try to prove they're left-wing, with their dreadlocks and dirty looks or \"alternative\" clothes are in no way left-wing.", "sentence2": "Left-wing people almost never go to the hairdresser's.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "794_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I've always thought that those people who try to prove they're left-wing, with their dreadlocks and dirty looks or \"alternative\" clothes are in no way left-wing.", "sentence2": "The neglected appearance of left-wing people is the best indicator of their personality and their progressive views.", "promptID": "265_esxnli", "pairID": "795_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Edit: The Agustina one who is talking now, it’s like going to work tomorrow morning and shooting up the office.", "sentence2": "Tomorrow, there could be injuries or even deaths.", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "814_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Edit: The Agustina one who is talking now, it’s like going to work tomorrow morning and shooting up the office.", "sentence2": "The office opens at 9:00 tomorrow morning.", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "815_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Edit: The Agustina one who is talking now, it’s like going to work tomorrow morning and shooting up the office.", "sentence2": "Tomorrow he will not go to the office", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "816_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Another conclusion: among the few areas with advancement in the field of cancer have been early detection and risk factors.", "sentence2": "Risk factors are limited.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "823_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Another conclusion: among the few areas with advancement in the field of cancer have been early detection and risk factors.", "sentence2": "The cancer cannot be detected early.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "824_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Another conclusion: among the few areas with advancement in the field of cancer have been early detection and risk factors.", "sentence2": "In cancer research, the advancement has mainly been in early detection and risk factors.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "825_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Bibiana Aído also mentioned one of “the most exciting” projects for which her team works, the Law of Treatment Equality, and she ensured that the text still needs some work and it is expected to have a process of listening to the discriminated communities.", "sentence2": "The treatment will be different depending on the status of each person.", "promptID": "280_esxnli", "pairID": "838_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Bibiana Aído also mentioned one of “the most exciting” projects for which her team works, the Law of Treatment Equality, and she ensured that the text still needs some work and it is expected to have a process of listening to the discriminated communities.", "sentence2": "Bibiana Aído will deliver a lecture on marginalized women in Africa.", "promptID": "280_esxnli", "pairID": "839_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Bibiana Aído also mentioned one of “the most exciting” projects for which her team works, the Law of Treatment Equality, and she ensured that the text still needs some work and it is expected to have a process of listening to the discriminated communities.", "sentence2": "Bibiana Aído’s team works on a very exciting project, the Equal Treatment Law.", "promptID": "280_esxnli", "pairID": "840_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Socialists keep clinging again and again to this stupidity, without understanding that, in any productive task, the interests, antagonistic and irreconcilable interests, of producers, consumers, and the owners of capital face each other in democratic ways.", "sentence2": "Neoliberals have always accused socialists of not comprehending the confrontation of interests between producers, consumers and capital owners in any productive task.", "promptID": "289_esxnli", "pairID": "865_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Socialists keep clinging again and again to this stupidity, without understanding that, in any productive task, the interests, antagonistic and irreconcilable interests, of producers, consumers, and the owners of capital face each other in democratic ways.", "sentence2": "It is high time for socialists to understand that in any productive task, the producers, consumers and capital owners have antagonistic interests that are irreconcilable through democratic means.", "promptID": "289_esxnli", "pairID": "866_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Socialists keep clinging again and again to this stupidity, without understanding that, in any productive task, the interests, antagonistic and irreconcilable interests, of producers, consumers, and the owners of capital face each other in democratic ways.", "sentence2": "The interests of producers, consumers and owners of capital are antagonistic and irreconcilable by democratic methods, but socialists don’t want to see that.", "promptID": "289_esxnli", "pairID": "867_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In any case, he stated that \"it is the worst possible time to sell, so we have to try to survive until the recovery takes place.\"", "sentence2": "The property market has maintained an upward tendency over the past 12 months", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "889_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In any case, he stated that \"it is the worst possible time to sell, so we have to try to survive until the recovery takes place.\"", "sentence2": "It is not possible to know if a crisis has hit rock bottom", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "890_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In any case, he stated that \"it is the worst possible time to sell, so we have to try to survive until the recovery takes place.\"", "sentence2": "The author of the sentence believes we are undergoing one of the worst moments of the crisis.", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "891_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The bank has losses, and and the government provides it with tons of money so it does not go bankrupt.", "sentence2": "They will let the bank go bankrupt.", "promptID": "304_esxnli", "pairID": "911_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Spanish State spends almost 500 billion and they have an income of less than 400 billion (a gross rounding).", "sentence2": "The Spanish state spends more than it takes in.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "934_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Spanish State spends almost 500 billion and they have an income of less than 400 billion (a gross rounding).", "sentence2": "The Spanish government doesn’t export any goods.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "935_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Spanish State spends almost 500 billion and they have an income of less than 400 billion (a gross rounding).", "sentence2": "The Spanish stadium has enormous debt.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "936_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Although, \"careful, the previous one left the seeds of disaster well planted and fertilized\".", "sentence2": "The previous one was incompetent.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "949_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Although, \"careful, the previous one left the seeds of disaster well planted and fertilized\".", "sentence2": "The last one was a man.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "950_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Although, \"careful, the previous one left the seeds of disaster well planted and fertilized\".", "sentence2": "If we do nothing, everything will be fine.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "951_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They don’t have the perception that they will have to save money, because there’s always something to hunt, and even more if you’re a good trader.", "sentence2": "If you’re a good salesman, you don’t need to save.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "970_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They don’t have the perception that they will have to save money, because there’s always something to hunt, and even more if you’re a good trader.", "sentence2": "They believe it is always necessary to save.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "971_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They don’t have the perception that they will have to save money, because there’s always something to hunt, and even more if you’re a good trader.", "sentence2": "They don’t see the need to save.", "promptID": "324_esxnli", "pairID": "972_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "First, they consider that Berlusconi's new \"solidarity tax should be abolished, as it penalizes heavily those who already pay a lot, not only compared to other industrialized countries but also taking into account the quality of the public services and investment.\"", "sentence2": "The solidarity tax will be 20%", "promptID": "326_esxnli", "pairID": "976_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "First, they consider that Berlusconi's new \"solidarity tax should be abolished, as it penalizes heavily those who already pay a lot, not only compared to other industrialized countries but also taking into account the quality of the public services and investment.\"", "sentence2": "Berlusconi proposed a new solidarity tax.", "promptID": "326_esxnli", "pairID": "977_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "First, they consider that Berlusconi's new \"solidarity tax should be abolished, as it penalizes heavily those who already pay a lot, not only compared to other industrialized countries but also taking into account the quality of the public services and investment.\"", "sentence2": "Berlusconi did not propose any new tax", "promptID": "326_esxnli", "pairID": "978_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The problem with these substitutes is that they do not withstand the high temperatures required in fried foods, a factor which reduces the scope of their uses.", "sentence2": "These substitutes have limits in their application because of the temperature of fried food", "promptID": "338_esxnli", "pairID": "1012_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The problem with these substitutes is that they do not withstand the high temperatures required in fried foods, a factor which reduces the scope of their uses.", "sentence2": "These eco-friendly substitutes have a limited use due to the temperature of fried foods.", "promptID": "338_esxnli", "pairID": "1013_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The problem with these substitutes is that they do not withstand the high temperatures required in fried foods, a factor which reduces the scope of their uses.", "sentence2": "These substitutes withstand the high temperatures required for frying, expanding their field of application.", "promptID": "338_esxnli", "pairID": "1014_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Knowledge, which is ever greater, fair trade and the guarantee of the Fair Trade seal have allowed this type of products to expand globally.", "sentence2": "Fair trade is less and less on the rise in the world", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1033_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Knowledge, which is ever greater, fair trade and the guarantee of the Fair Trade seal have allowed this type of products to expand globally.", "sentence2": "The Fairtrade seal guarantees that the products are of fair trade", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1034_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Knowledge, which is ever greater, fair trade and the guarantee of the Fair Trade seal have allowed this type of products to expand globally.", "sentence2": "An increasing number of people can buy fair trade products.", "promptID": "345_esxnli", "pairID": "1035_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This is their main struggle; in order to obtain Permanent Incapacity, those affected must file a lawsuit in the Social Courts and win the corresponding trial.", "sentence2": "In order to get Permanent Disability it is necessary to go to the courts", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1042_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is their main struggle; in order to obtain Permanent Incapacity, those affected must file a lawsuit in the Social Courts and win the corresponding trial.", "sentence2": "Filing a complaint means automatically being granted a permanent disability.", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1043_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This is their main struggle; in order to obtain Permanent Incapacity, those affected must file a lawsuit in the Social Courts and win the corresponding trial.", "sentence2": "To get Permanent Disability, you need to submit up-to-date medical reports.", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1044_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Until the present, the attempts to raise this species in captivity have not been successful, \"Even though there are no reasons,\" Ferrer says, \"to think that it can't be raised in these conditions.\"", "sentence2": "This species cannot yet be bred in captivity.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1045_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Until the present, the attempts to raise this species in captivity have not been successful, \"Even though there are no reasons,\" Ferrer says, \"to think that it can't be raised in these conditions.\"", "sentence2": "Ferrer thinks that it is impossible to breed this species under captivity.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1046_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Until the present, the attempts to raise this species in captivity have not been successful, \"Even though there are no reasons,\" Ferrer says, \"to think that it can't be raised in these conditions.\"", "sentence2": "Hot and humid conditions are needed to breed the species.", "promptID": "349_esxnli", "pairID": "1047_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A recent line of research centers on evaluating the role of modified citric pectin (MCP), also known as fractionated pectin, a complex polysaccharide obtained from citric hulks and pulp.", "sentence2": "The modified pectine of citrus fruits is a simple monosaccharide.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1054_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A recent line of research centers on evaluating the role of modified citric pectin (MCP), also known as fractionated pectin, a complex polysaccharide obtained from citric hulks and pulp.", "sentence2": "The fractionated pectin obtained from the shell of lemons is the most valued.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1055_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A recent line of research centers on evaluating the role of modified citric pectin (MCP), also known as fractionated pectin, a complex polysaccharide obtained from citric hulks and pulp.", "sentence2": "Fractionated pectin is a complex polysaccharide obtained from citrus fruits.", "promptID": "352_esxnli", "pairID": "1056_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It’s the most aggressive skin cancer and the worst prognosis, this is why an early diagnosis “is very important”, says doctor Miguel Aizpún, who is a specialist in dermatology and allergies.", "sentence2": "Dr. Miguel Aizpún has skin cancer.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1069_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It’s the most aggressive skin cancer and the worst prognosis, this is why an early diagnosis “is very important”, says doctor Miguel Aizpún, who is a specialist in dermatology and allergies.", "sentence2": "The doctor Miguel Aizpún knows the procedure to diagnose skin cancer.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1070_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It’s the most aggressive skin cancer and the worst prognosis, this is why an early diagnosis “is very important”, says doctor Miguel Aizpún, who is a specialist in dermatology and allergies.", "sentence2": "Doctor Miguel Aizpún is not a specialist in skin cancer treatments.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1071_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It has to be complex, of course, and we have to keep it in writing, in a safe place and never in a file stored in a computer.", "sentence2": "You must be careful with documents and keys.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1075_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It has to be complex, of course, and we have to keep it in writing, in a safe place and never in a file stored in a computer.", "sentence2": "You have to have a notebook of keys in a distinctive place.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1076_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It has to be complex, of course, and we have to keep it in writing, in a safe place and never in a file stored in a computer.", "sentence2": "The keys are found in some document on the computer.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1077_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is political stability, its growth is sustainable, it has a healthy financial system, a central bank that follows a conservative policy and a great wealth in raw materials such as petroleum.", "sentence2": "The country needs to import oil in order to meet its demand.", "promptID": "360_esxnli", "pairID": "1080_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Keith Steele, AgResearch director, assured that this is an important decision that will make it possible to develop new lines of treatment for different diseases.", "sentence2": "Keith Steele is convinced that this decision will allow improving the treatment of different diseases.", "promptID": "361_esxnli", "pairID": "1081_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Keith Steele, AgResearch director, assured that this is an important decision that will make it possible to develop new lines of treatment for different diseases.", "sentence2": "Keith Steele, director of AgResearch, has regretted this decision because it will undermine the treatment of various diseases.", "promptID": "361_esxnli", "pairID": "1082_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Keith Steele, AgResearch director, assured that this is an important decision that will make it possible to develop new lines of treatment for different diseases.", "sentence2": "AgResearch will be make an important contribution to the treatment of different diseases.", "promptID": "361_esxnli", "pairID": "1083_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Problems such as fetal death and anemia, also very common in poor countries, can be combatted with the consumption of more minerals and basic vitamins, assure experts.", "sentence2": "The population of poor countries does not have food with basic vitamins and minerals available.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1087_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Problems such as fetal death and anemia, also very common in poor countries, can be combatted with the consumption of more minerals and basic vitamins, assure experts.", "sentence2": "Overconsumption of minerals is the leading cause of fetal death and anemia.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1088_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Problems such as fetal death and anemia, also very common in poor countries, can be combatted with the consumption of more minerals and basic vitamins, assure experts.", "sentence2": "The increased intake of basic minerals and vitamins would prevent fetal deaths and anemia.", "promptID": "363_esxnli", "pairID": "1089_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The initiative, according to Zaplana, falls within the Integral Family Support Plan; it tackles a \"historic claim\" of grandparents whose relationship with their grandchildren is often thwarted because of a traumatic conyugal breakup or due to the death of one of the parents.", "sentence2": "Zaplana's relationship with his grandchildren was hindered by a traumatic marital breakdown.", "promptID": "366_esxnli", "pairID": "1096_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The initiative, according to Zaplana, falls within the Integral Family Support Plan; it tackles a \"historic claim\" of grandparents whose relationship with their grandchildren is often thwarted because of a traumatic conyugal breakup or due to the death of one of the parents.", "sentence2": "There’s a new initiative in the Comprehensive Family Support Plan.", "promptID": "366_esxnli", "pairID": "1097_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The initiative, according to Zaplana, falls within the Integral Family Support Plan; it tackles a \"historic claim\" of grandparents whose relationship with their grandchildren is often thwarted because of a traumatic conyugal breakup or due to the death of one of the parents.", "sentence2": "The new initiative in the Comprehensive Family Support Plan is a current demand.", "promptID": "366_esxnli", "pairID": "1098_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Current production, operational and maintenance costs of the wind farms at sea, as well as the amount of power they produce, are higher than their equivalents on land.", "sentence2": "Wind energy is the energy of the future.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1105_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Current production, operational and maintenance costs of the wind farms at sea, as well as the amount of power they produce, are higher than their equivalents on land.", "sentence2": "We will save costs if we build wind farms off shore.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1106_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Current production, operational and maintenance costs of the wind farms at sea, as well as the amount of power they produce, are higher than their equivalents on land.", "sentence2": "Eolic energy is more expensive on the sea than on land.", "promptID": "369_esxnli", "pairID": "1107_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The therapeutic tools available for its treatment are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are combined in different ways according to the type of tumor, its extent and whether the treatment is radical or palliative.", "sentence2": "Surgery is the least invasive treatment.", "promptID": "372_esxnli", "pairID": "1114_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The therapeutic tools available for its treatment are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are combined in different ways according to the type of tumor, its extent and whether the treatment is radical or palliative.", "sentence2": "There is no treatment for the tumors.", "promptID": "372_esxnli", "pairID": "1115_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The therapeutic tools available for its treatment are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are combined in different ways according to the type of tumor, its extent and whether the treatment is radical or palliative.", "sentence2": "Every type of tumor has a different treatment.", "promptID": "372_esxnli", "pairID": "1116_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The new redistribution system will put three quarters of the money collected from autonomous communities-not all, as used to be with the current model-into a \"common purse\", as Salgado called it.", "sentence2": "Three quarters will be put into a common bag.", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1126_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The new redistribution system will put three quarters of the money collected from autonomous communities-not all, as used to be with the current model-into a \"common purse\", as Salgado called it.", "sentence2": "The new system will put everything collected into a \"common bag.\"", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1127_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The new redistribution system will put three quarters of the money collected from autonomous communities-not all, as used to be with the current model-into a \"common purse\", as Salgado called it.", "sentence2": "Salgado takes care of redistribution", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1128_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "IEC is the global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for electric, technological and connected technologies, which in English are known with the umbrella term \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "IEC is over 100 years old", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1129_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "IEC is the global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for electric, technological and connected technologies, which in English are known with the umbrella term \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "The IEC is not in charge of standardization", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1130_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "IEC is the global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for electric, technological and connected technologies, which in English are known with the umbrella term \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "The IEC is a global organization", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1131_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the second part, which is ongoing since the end of 2004, they have continued down this path, involving farmers, nomad shepherds, fishermen, hunters, cattle farmers and women in order to end the conflicts for good and increase the revenues of all these groups.", "sentence2": "Efforts to end with conflicts so that unions increase their income have been made by the syndicates, but not by the government nor the employers.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1135_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the second part, which is ongoing since the end of 2004, they have continued down this path, involving farmers, nomad shepherds, fishermen, hunters, cattle farmers and women in order to end the conflicts for good and increase the revenues of all these groups.", "sentence2": "In the second part, which is ongoing since the end of 2004, collectives have participated to increase their revenue, but they wish to continue with the conflicts in order to improve their economic situation.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1136_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the second part, which is ongoing since the end of 2004, they have continued down this path, involving farmers, nomad shepherds, fishermen, hunters, cattle farmers and women in order to end the conflicts for good and increase the revenues of all these groups.", "sentence2": "Efforts have been made to finish with conflicts and for the collectives to increase their incomes.", "promptID": "379_esxnli", "pairID": "1137_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "At the EU, 65% of those notified during 2007 came from EU products and the rest from outside the Community's borders, especially China, the non-European country with the highest rate of fish products suspicious of causing health risks, with 12% information notifications. This is a message produced when, unlike alerts, there is no need for immediate action but for future prevention.", "sentence2": "Fish-based products can be very harmful to health and, in some cases, can lead to death.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1147_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "At the EU, 65% of those notified during 2007 came from EU products and the rest from outside the Community's borders, especially China, the non-European country with the highest rate of fish products suspicious of causing health risks, with 12% information notifications. This is a message produced when, unlike alerts, there is no need for immediate action but for future prevention.", "sentence2": "China doesn’t have any suspicious fish derived products that pose a health risk.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1148_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "At the EU, 65% of those notified during 2007 came from EU products and the rest from outside the Community's borders, especially China, the non-European country with the highest rate of fish products suspicious of causing health risks, with 12% information notifications. This is a message produced when, unlike alerts, there is no need for immediate action but for future prevention.", "sentence2": "There are fish by-products suspicious of being a health risk all over the world.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1149_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Whatever the chosen way, the claimant will need to present a signed complaint with his or her personal details and the details of the venue he or she wants to report (address and city where it is located).", "sentence2": "It is necessary to identify the person managing the establishment that you want to report", "promptID": "386_esxnli", "pairID": "1156_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Whatever the chosen way, the claimant will need to present a signed complaint with his or her personal details and the details of the venue he or she wants to report (address and city where it is located).", "sentence2": "The person filing the complaint must sign it", "promptID": "386_esxnli", "pairID": "1157_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We have moved on from the photocopies detected soon after the arrival of the euro to real works of art that are very similar to the original.", "sentence2": "Euro banknotes are easily forged.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1159_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We have moved on from the photocopies detected soon after the arrival of the euro to real works of art that are very similar to the original.", "sentence2": "The photocopies of Euro notes are increasingly authentic.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1160_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We have moved on from the photocopies detected soon after the arrival of the euro to real works of art that are very similar to the original.", "sentence2": "Falsifying Euro bills is getting increasingly difficult.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1161_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is an indisputable fact that these countries have, to date, been more concerned about food self-sufficiency, as well as official controls that emphasized the early stages of the distribution channel (animal and plant health), and in the sanitary control of foodstuffs of animal origin and post-mortem inspection at the slaughterhouse.", "sentence2": "We're referring to Southeast Asian countries", "promptID": "388_esxnli", "pairID": "1162_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is an indisputable fact that these countries have, to date, been more concerned about food self-sufficiency, as well as official controls that emphasized the early stages of the distribution channel (animal and plant health), and in the sanitary control of foodstuffs of animal origin and post-mortem inspection at the slaughterhouse.", "sentence2": "There is no official control of the initial phases of the distribution channel", "promptID": "388_esxnli", "pairID": "1163_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is an indisputable fact that these countries have, to date, been more concerned about food self-sufficiency, as well as official controls that emphasized the early stages of the distribution channel (animal and plant health), and in the sanitary control of foodstuffs of animal origin and post-mortem inspection at the slaughterhouse.", "sentence2": "The initial phases of the distribution channel will be thoroughly monitored", "promptID": "388_esxnli", "pairID": "1164_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We always insisted that P2P networks are not illegal; it is their use that is illegal. Users are exchanging registered work for which no royalties are being paid.", "sentence2": "Registered works, for which no copyright is paid, cannot be exchanged through P2P networks.", "promptID": "389_esxnli", "pairID": "1165_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Girls prefer sweet-flavored foods and also mild flavors more, whilst boys enjoy sour, strong flavors more.", "sentence2": "Boys and girls don’t have any preference in regards to the flavor of the food", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1180_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Girls prefer sweet-flavored foods and also mild flavors more, whilst boys enjoy sour, strong flavors more.", "sentence2": "Girls do not enjoy food with acidic flavors", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1181_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Girls prefer sweet-flavored foods and also mild flavors more, whilst boys enjoy sour, strong flavors more.", "sentence2": "Boys and girls prefer food items of different flavors", "promptID": "394_esxnli", "pairID": "1182_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The EU's prevision is to approve a variety of transgenic corn (BT-11 from Syngenta) before the end of the year.", "sentence2": "Syngenta’s BT-11 is highly harmful to health.", "promptID": "396_esxnli", "pairID": "1187_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The last one to arrive is the so-called “PepePeople,” which is marketed by CAMGE Financiera, the result of an alliance between General Electric and Caja del Mediterráneo, which will give Globalia customers exclusive discounts and advantages.", "sentence2": "CAMGE Financiera does not commercialize.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1189_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The last one to arrive is the so-called “PepePeople,” which is marketed by CAMGE Financiera, the result of an alliance between General Electric and Caja del Mediterráneo, which will give Globalia customers exclusive discounts and advantages.", "sentence2": "Globalia’s clients will have discounts and exclusive benefits.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1190_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The last one to arrive is the so-called “PepePeople,” which is marketed by CAMGE Financiera, the result of an alliance between General Electric and Caja del Mediterráneo, which will give Globalia customers exclusive discounts and advantages.", "sentence2": "General Electric and Caja del Mediterranean are airlines.", "promptID": "397_esxnli", "pairID": "1191_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, detailed inspections of content could make even the most confident bioprocessor blush.", "sentence2": "The bioprocessor has to perform thorough examinations of content.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1195_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, detailed inspections of content could make even the most confident bioprocessor blush.", "sentence2": "The bioprocessor has feelings.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1196_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, detailed inspections of content could make even the most confident bioprocessor blush.", "sentence2": "The bioprocessor isn’t convinced of detailed content assessments.", "promptID": "399_esxnli", "pairID": "1197_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Water, foods and ecosystems are three aspects of our worldwide welfare so very closely intertwined that they have become decisive for means of subsistence, sustainable development and political stability, Harcharik points out.", "sentence2": "Harchaik is well used to the topic of worldwide wellbeing.", "promptID": "402_esxnli", "pairID": "1204_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When it is only them who are talked about, they create a mistaken image of reality.", "sentence2": "The mirror gives them the image of reality.", "promptID": "405_esxnli", "pairID": "1213_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And its action mechanism is double: on one hand it eliminates the microorganisms that can be found in food, which in most cases are introduced at room temperature before being taken to the chamber; on the other hand it destroys odors.", "sentence2": "Microorganisms are introduced into foods after being taken into the chamber.", "promptID": "407_esxnli", "pairID": "1219_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And its action mechanism is double: on one hand it eliminates the microorganisms that can be found in food, which in most cases are introduced at room temperature before being taken to the chamber; on the other hand it destroys odors.", "sentence2": "Its mechanism eliminates the micro-organisms in food and destroys odours.", "promptID": "407_esxnli", "pairID": "1220_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And its action mechanism is double: on one hand it eliminates the microorganisms that can be found in food, which in most cases are introduced at room temperature before being taken to the chamber; on the other hand it destroys odors.", "sentence2": "The above mechanism only removes vegetable and milk odors, but does not affect fish or meat.", "promptID": "407_esxnli", "pairID": "1221_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Evaluation of a program of manufacturing good practices applied to agroindustries.", "sentence2": "The evaluation of the good practice program is disabled.", "promptID": "414_esxnli", "pairID": "1242_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The energy contribution of both sweetening substances is similar; both sucrose and fructose contribute four kilocalories per gram.", "sentence2": "The energetic contribution of sucrose is much higher than that of fructose.", "promptID": "417_esxnli", "pairID": "1250_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The energy contribution of both sweetening substances is similar; both sucrose and fructose contribute four kilocalories per gram.", "sentence2": "Sucrose is a sweetening substance that, like fructose, has an energetic contribution of 4 kilocalories per gram.", "promptID": "417_esxnli", "pairID": "1251_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If the fraud is confirmed-given that the investigation is not yet closed-the National High Court will make a generic requirement so that the injured parties can appear in person, be it by decree or via the mass media.", "sentence2": "The National Audience will let the harmed ones know if the scam is confirmed.", "promptID": "420_esxnli", "pairID": "1258_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If the fraud is confirmed-given that the investigation is not yet closed-the National High Court will make a generic requirement so that the injured parties can appear in person, be it by decree or via the mass media.", "sentence2": "If the scam is confirmed, the Audiencia Nacional will not notify the injured parties.", "promptID": "420_esxnli", "pairID": "1259_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If the fraud is confirmed-given that the investigation is not yet closed-the National High Court will make a generic requirement so that the injured parties can appear in person, be it by decree or via the mass media.", "sentence2": "The injured parties will get their money back.", "promptID": "420_esxnli", "pairID": "1260_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The 21 panel members will be high-ranking functionaries, representatives of the private sector and civil society, both from developed countries and developing nations, a diverse and “geographically balanced” group.", "sentence2": "The 21 panel members come from different countries and social actors.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1261_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The 21 panel members will be high-ranking functionaries, representatives of the private sector and civil society, both from developed countries and developing nations, a diverse and “geographically balanced” group.", "sentence2": "The representatives of the countries in the panel are not balanced geographically.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1262_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The 21 panel members will be high-ranking functionaries, representatives of the private sector and civil society, both from developed countries and developing nations, a diverse and “geographically balanced” group.", "sentence2": "The function of the 21 members of the Committee will be to meet twice a month.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1263_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first active immunization began in 2001, but had to be suspended due to serious side effects which turned up in a small group of patients (18 suffered from encephalitis and 3 passed away).", "sentence2": "There were no problems with the patients treated during the active immunization that began in 2001.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1270_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The first active immunization began in 2001, but had to be suspended due to serious side effects which turned up in a small group of patients (18 suffered from encephalitis and 3 passed away).", "sentence2": "The first active immunization was suspended due to severe secondary effects presented by some patients.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1271_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The first active immunization began in 2001, but had to be suspended due to serious side effects which turned up in a small group of patients (18 suffered from encephalitis and 3 passed away).", "sentence2": "Over 1,000 patients participated in the first active immunization in 2001.", "promptID": "424_esxnli", "pairID": "1272_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo is another one of the entities that wants to move into wealth management.", "sentence2": "Banco Espirito Santo is not a Portuguese banking entity.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1326_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Constant consumption also causes constant levels of toxicity in the body.", "sentence2": "Constant consumption stabilizes the toxin levels in the organism.", "promptID": "443_esxnli", "pairID": "1327_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Constant consumption also causes constant levels of toxicity in the body.", "sentence2": "Consumption is not recommended during pregnancy", "promptID": "443_esxnli", "pairID": "1328_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Constant consumption also causes constant levels of toxicity in the body.", "sentence2": "Varying its consumption doesn’t affect toxic levels in the body.", "promptID": "443_esxnli", "pairID": "1329_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The net's neutrality is not as much related to the freedom of the Internet as to the struggle of some companies in the Internet world, which are generally not European, to strengthen their power against the main companies that invest in telecommunications networks.", "sentence2": "All Internet companies are European.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1369_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The net's neutrality is not as much related to the freedom of the Internet as to the struggle of some companies in the Internet world, which are generally not European, to strengthen their power against the main companies that invest in telecommunications networks.", "sentence2": "5G telecommunication networks have increased the speed.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1370_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A rapid succession of colors and alternative blockings give the expected realistic effect.", "sentence2": "A slow succession of colors and alternative blockings give the expected realistic effect.", "promptID": "464_esxnli", "pairID": "1390_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A rapid succession of colors and alternative blockings give the expected realistic effect.", "sentence2": "More than one color was used.", "promptID": "464_esxnli", "pairID": "1391_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A rapid succession of colors and alternative blockings give the expected realistic effect.", "sentence2": "This event seeks to achieve a realistic effect", "promptID": "464_esxnli", "pairID": "1392_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsible for the CAR-CCR, adds that it is about a pilot center, the efficacy of which will depend on the proliferation of further specialized centers of this type in conjunction with the public network.", "sentence2": "The pilot center has enough capacity for 30 people.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1414_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsible for the CAR-CCR, adds that it is about a pilot center, the efficacy of which will depend on the proliferation of further specialized centers of this type in conjunction with the public network.", "sentence2": "If the pilot center is effective, more specialized centers will be created.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1415_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsible for the CAR-CCR, adds that it is about a pilot center, the efficacy of which will depend on the proliferation of further specialized centers of this type in conjunction with the public network.", "sentence2": "Frances Balaguer is not responsible for CAR-CCR.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1416_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The first studies carried out in the United Kingdom in 1997 revealed that all of those affected by the illness had suffered psychiatric symptoms, among these being depression, anxiety, and mood changes, although these should not be seen as being unique to CJD.", "sentence2": "those sick with CJD suffered depression.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1417_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first studies carried out in the United Kingdom in 1997 revealed that all of those affected by the illness had suffered psychiatric symptoms, among these being depression, anxiety, and mood changes, although these should not be seen as being unique to CJD.", "sentence2": "Depression is a symptom of ECJ.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1418_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The first studies carried out in the United Kingdom in 1997 revealed that all of those affected by the illness had suffered psychiatric symptoms, among these being depression, anxiety, and mood changes, although these should not be seen as being unique to CJD.", "sentence2": "The first studies were done in the United Kingdom.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1419_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In order to obtain it, we have a professional team that is in charge of food and makes it a key factor in the integral treatment of the illness.", "sentence2": "A professional healthcare team is in charge of food.", "promptID": "476_esxnli", "pairID": "1428_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "SEOM presents two issues.", "sentence2": "The SEOM has presented a very radical question.", "promptID": "477_esxnli", "pairID": "1429_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This material, known as a pellet, has a high level of heat production performance, so these types of heaters are a notable option for heating homes.", "sentence2": "Pellets are used to warm up homes.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1432_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This material, known as a pellet, has a high level of heat production performance, so these types of heaters are a notable option for heating homes.", "sentence2": "Pellets are used less and less to heat homes.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1433_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This material, known as a pellet, has a high level of heat production performance, so these types of heaters are a notable option for heating homes.", "sentence2": "Pellets are better than wood.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1434_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "APPLICABLE, developed, and implemented by the Spanish Hypertension Society-Spanish League for the Fight against Arterial Hypertension (SEH-LELHA), consists of a computer-based program based on validated guides of clinical practice that allow the doctor to calculate individual cardiovascular risk at the same time that they determine a specific therapeutic objective.", "sentence2": "The doctors lack the ability to calculate individual cardiovascular risk.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1448_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "APPLICABLE, developed, and implemented by the Spanish Hypertension Society-Spanish League for the Fight against Arterial Hypertension (SEH-LELHA), consists of a computer-based program based on validated guides of clinical practice that allow the doctor to calculate individual cardiovascular risk at the same time that they determine a specific therapeutic objective.", "sentence2": "Doctors have more facilities to treat arterial hypertension.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1449_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He is sorry for the delays in the EFSA launching and assures that it will not be an agency of burocrats.", "sentence2": "The EFSA did not open in due time.", "promptID": "490_esxnli", "pairID": "1469_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He is sorry for the delays in the EFSA launching and assures that it will not be an agency of burocrats.", "sentence2": "The EFSA only accepts women.", "promptID": "490_esxnli", "pairID": "1470_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Late in the first quarter of 2004, it amounted to 2,129,500 people.", "sentence2": "It was expected to reach three million in a short time.", "promptID": "491_esxnli", "pairID": "1471_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Besides, commercial messages from the brands will be much more subtle.", "sentence2": "The commercial messages of the market will become more aggressive.", "promptID": "494_esxnli", "pairID": "1480_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It's the Virgin of Carmen Festival and the wind brings me the Madrid summer night in the form of a traveling orchestra playing the latest hits.", "sentence2": "They are the Fiestas del Pilar", "promptID": "499_esxnli", "pairID": "1495_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It's the Virgin of Carmen Festival and the wind brings me the Madrid summer night in the form of a traveling orchestra playing the latest hits.", "sentence2": "There is a concert.", "promptID": "499_esxnli", "pairID": "1496_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It's the Virgin of Carmen Festival and the wind brings me the Madrid summer night in the form of a traveling orchestra playing the latest hits.", "sentence2": "It’s Saturday", "promptID": "499_esxnli", "pairID": "1497_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But there are issues that are not that funny, and unfortunately that's how it is. Countries are invaded, as it happens. There is no need to churn out an almost endless and quite obvious list of issues that are no joke.", "sentence2": "The situation has no solution", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1501_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But there are issues that are not that funny, and unfortunately that's how it is. Countries are invaded, as it happens. There is no need to churn out an almost endless and quite obvious list of issues that are no joke.", "sentence2": "Everything's fine.", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1502_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But there are issues that are not that funny, and unfortunately that's how it is. Countries are invaded, as it happens. There is no need to churn out an almost endless and quite obvious list of issues that are no joke.", "sentence2": "There are concerning issues.", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1503_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On a planet without thinking beings and without sentient beings, time would not go by, only things would happen.", "sentence2": "The time would pass with only rational beings on the planet.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1513_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On a planet without thinking beings and without sentient beings, time would not go by, only things would happen.", "sentence2": "Time would go by in a planet without thinking creatures and without feeling creatures.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1514_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "On a planet without thinking beings and without sentient beings, time would not go by, only things would happen.", "sentence2": "Things would only happen if there were inanimate beings in the planet.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1515_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Once back down here, from where they should have never gone out, the gods are over.", "sentence2": "They returned to their natural place, down here, and the gods vanished.", "promptID": "509_esxnli", "pairID": "1526_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Once back down here, from where they should have never gone out, the gods are over.", "sentence2": "Despite returning down here, the gods were not finished.", "promptID": "509_esxnli", "pairID": "1527_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "From the heights of power, there are those who declare the songs of Mejía Godoy subject to confiscation, as if they were a herd of cows, a bank, or a dairy factory.", "sentence2": "Mejía Godoy's songs are related to the heights of power", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1552_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "From the heights of power, there are those who declare the songs of Mejía Godoy subject to confiscation, as if they were a herd of cows, a bank, or a dairy factory.", "sentence2": "The powers that be believe Mejía Godoy's songs can be confiscated", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1553_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "From the heights of power, there are those who declare the songs of Mejía Godoy subject to confiscation, as if they were a herd of cows, a bank, or a dairy factory.", "sentence2": "Mejía Godoy will give a concert next week.", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1554_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Only partial improvements, which have nothing to do with the word \"progress.\"", "sentence2": "Progressing in this field is important for the survival of minority languages.", "promptID": "531_esxnli", "pairID": "1591_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For some time, in every home where I have lived in the eastern U.S., even in Chicago, I have wanted to plant a couple of them at each side of the house, but I have never found any.", "sentence2": "After a lot of effort, I managed to plant them in Chicago.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1600_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For some time, in every home where I have lived in the eastern U.S., even in Chicago, I have wanted to plant a couple of them at each side of the house, but I have never found any.", "sentence2": "Pine trees are difficult to plant in the east of the United States.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1601_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For some time, in every home where I have lived in the eastern U.S., even in Chicago, I have wanted to plant a couple of them at each side of the house, but I have never found any.", "sentence2": "I wanted to plant them in Chicago, but I never had the chance.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1602_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "How to trap and retain them for as long as possible.", "sentence2": "Doing the job with maximum effectiveness.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1618_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "How to trap and retain them for as long as possible.", "sentence2": "Catching and detaining the coup members for as long as possible.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1619_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "How to trap and retain them for as long as possible.", "sentence2": "Catching them as soon as possible and keeping them locked as long as possible.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1620_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The evil of nationalism is that they invert these terms and consider the existence of a metaphysical identity, the nation, which is but the consequence of the mystical union between a particular territory and a specific culture.", "sentence2": "The evil of nationalism is because of the mystical disunity between a certain territory and a specific culture.", "promptID": "541_esxnli", "pairID": "1621_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No animal, however, could perch on the Eiffel Tower because it itself is an animal and has not produced offspring.", "sentence2": "The Eiffel Tower has no descent.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1654_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No animal, however, could perch on the Eiffel Tower because it itself is an animal and has not produced offspring.", "sentence2": "The Eiffel Tower has the capacity to create new towers.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1655_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No animal, however, could perch on the Eiffel Tower because it itself is an animal and has not produced offspring.", "sentence2": "The Eiffel Tower is unpainted.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1656_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The framework’s protection doesn’t only extend on the hope of seeing each other again, but also over the fear of not seeing each other again, because fear and hope are no more than both sides of the same coin.", "sentence2": "Sometimes we get scared of not seeing each other again.", "promptID": "553_esxnli", "pairID": "1657_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The framework’s protection doesn’t only extend on the hope of seeing each other again, but also over the fear of not seeing each other again, because fear and hope are no more than both sides of the same coin.", "sentence2": "The hope of meeting again is often greater than the fear of never see each other again.", "promptID": "553_esxnli", "pairID": "1658_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The framework’s protection doesn’t only extend on the hope of seeing each other again, but also over the fear of not seeing each other again, because fear and hope are no more than both sides of the same coin.", "sentence2": "There is no fear that they won't see each other again.", "promptID": "553_esxnli", "pairID": "1659_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "“If we can’t make the just have strength,\" as Pascal (whom the title of this article is quoting) said, we could at least stop pretending that what has strength is, for that reason alone, just.", "sentence2": "Pascual is the author of the article.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1666_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "“If we can’t make the just have strength,\" as Pascal (whom the title of this article is quoting) said, we could at least stop pretending that what has strength is, for that reason alone, just.", "sentence2": "Pascual doesn’t write articles.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1667_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Some think that Calderón is courageous, that it was high time to fight against that social blight; others think that the Mexican president committed a mistake, that the best thing to do would have been to continue to turn a blind eye.", "sentence2": "Calderón will not be remembered for his great governance.", "promptID": "560_esxnli", "pairID": "1679_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Some think that Calderón is courageous, that it was high time to fight against that social blight; others think that the Mexican president committed a mistake, that the best thing to do would have been to continue to turn a blind eye.", "sentence2": "There is no consensus about Calderon’s management.", "promptID": "560_esxnli", "pairID": "1680_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The drama and the fragility of mankind during these times of distress and international hypocrisy perhaps manifest themselves better and more emphatically and without us having to make such an effort to pay attention, in the images that the newspapers SHOWED us yesterday and today of the \"bodies\" Israel murdered in Gaza, the \"chosen\" people by the vengeful and thunderous God of the Old Testament and helped by the American governments since the 1940s.", "sentence2": "The American Government keeps helping Israel", "promptID": "561_esxnli", "pairID": "1681_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The drama and the fragility of mankind during these times of distress and international hypocrisy perhaps manifest themselves better and more emphatically and without us having to make such an effort to pay attention, in the images that the newspapers SHOWED us yesterday and today of the \"bodies\" Israel murdered in Gaza, the \"chosen\" people by the vengeful and thunderous God of the Old Testament and helped by the American governments since the 1940s.", "sentence2": "The images show bodies dressed.", "promptID": "561_esxnli", "pairID": "1682_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The drama and the fragility of mankind during these times of distress and international hypocrisy perhaps manifest themselves better and more emphatically and without us having to make such an effort to pay attention, in the images that the newspapers SHOWED us yesterday and today of the \"bodies\" Israel murdered in Gaza, the \"chosen\" people by the vengeful and thunderous God of the Old Testament and helped by the American governments since the 1940s.", "sentence2": "Israel does not kill", "promptID": "561_esxnli", "pairID": "1683_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If thou still lived and still wished to have thy satisfaction by taking revenge on me, though must know that you have accomplished this all the better by letting me keep my life than by annihilating me.", "sentence2": "Annihilating life is the best option to get revenge.", "promptID": "563_esxnli", "pairID": "1688_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If thou still lived and still wished to have thy satisfaction by taking revenge on me, though must know that you have accomplished this all the better by letting me keep my life than by annihilating me.", "sentence2": "To let someone keep their life is a much greater revenge than taking their life.", "promptID": "563_esxnli", "pairID": "1689_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Because justice does not encompass the entire universe, you could say that it does at least reign in Africa, the fortunate continent.", "sentence2": "There is justice in Africa.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1690_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Because justice does not encompass the entire universe, you could say that it does at least reign in Africa, the fortunate continent.", "sentence2": "It is very hot in Africa.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1691_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Because justice does not encompass the entire universe, you could say that it does at least reign in Africa, the fortunate continent.", "sentence2": "Justice is everywhere.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1692_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I am happy to see her again. I hope the plane has given her wings.", "sentence2": "How disgusting! I didn’t want to see her anymore.", "promptID": "568_esxnli", "pairID": "1702_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I am happy to see her again. I hope the plane has given her wings.", "sentence2": "He likes to travel by plane.", "promptID": "568_esxnli", "pairID": "1704_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And, since we are in a death anniversary, it is worthy to join those who mourn.", "sentence2": "The grandfather already died 10 years ago", "promptID": "573_esxnli", "pairID": "1717_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And, since we are in a death anniversary, it is worthy to join those who mourn.", "sentence2": "We are having a party because of the anniversary", "promptID": "573_esxnli", "pairID": "1718_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And, since we are in a death anniversary, it is worthy to join those who mourn.", "sentence2": "We're recalling a sad moment.", "promptID": "573_esxnli", "pairID": "1719_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The silence introduced by a hiatus, the waiting that puts a halt on the haste, create a lobby, this being, inversely,- the scope of silence and waiting.", "sentence2": "The lobby that causes the silence has an umbrella stand.", "promptID": "575_esxnli", "pairID": "1723_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The silence introduced by a hiatus, the waiting that puts a halt on the haste, create a lobby, this being, inversely,- the scope of silence and waiting.", "sentence2": "Silence causes a sensation of stillness.", "promptID": "575_esxnli", "pairID": "1724_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The silence introduced by a hiatus, the waiting that puts a halt on the haste, create a lobby, this being, inversely,- the scope of silence and waiting.", "sentence2": "Silence involves noise.", "promptID": "575_esxnli", "pairID": "1725_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Don't be bothered because it comes from the heart, not because it’s correct; try being more tolerant of others.", "sentence2": "They usually bother me", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1726_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Don't be bothered because it comes from the heart, not because it’s correct; try being more tolerant of others.", "sentence2": "Tolerate others.", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1727_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Don't be bothered because it comes from the heart, not because it’s correct; try being more tolerant of others.", "sentence2": "They never bother me.", "promptID": "576_esxnli", "pairID": "1728_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It’s true that the Galician culture needs an internationalisation project (visit several Galician blogs and you’ll see that there’s an interesting open discussion about it) but there’s no doubt that this project is very complex if a media group make it very difficult and knowing the mistake (Juan Cruz's was forgiveable), only perceive accusations of being sectarian from another \"intellectual\".", "sentence2": "Cultures in general, particularly the Galician culture, do not have internationalization projects, they live from domestic contributions.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1756_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It’s true that the Galician culture needs an internationalisation project (visit several Galician blogs and you’ll see that there’s an interesting open discussion about it) but there’s no doubt that this project is very complex if a media group make it very difficult and knowing the mistake (Juan Cruz's was forgiveable), only perceive accusations of being sectarian from another \"intellectual\".", "sentence2": "The development of an internationalization project would be detrimental to the Galician culture.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1757_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It’s true that the Galician culture needs an internationalisation project (visit several Galician blogs and you’ll see that there’s an interesting open discussion about it) but there’s no doubt that this project is very complex if a media group make it very difficult and knowing the mistake (Juan Cruz's was forgiveable), only perceive accusations of being sectarian from another \"intellectual\".", "sentence2": "Galician culture needs an international projection, but this project is very complicated, even more so if they receive accusations from sectarians.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1758_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Some good people have proposed that this word is made up of two words: sad and sweet.", "sentence2": "Some have proposed that some words are made up of two other words: sad and sweet.", "promptID": "591_esxnli", "pairID": "1771_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Some good people have proposed that this word is made up of two words: sad and sweet.", "sentence2": "The word is formed by happiness and bitterness.", "promptID": "591_esxnli", "pairID": "1772_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Endives, flabby... Since he’s adopted and English discipline, he thinks everything is low-fat, when it’s only partially. He’s taken a single weekend as a break from his life in a relationship not as a continuation (or a parenthesis) of a single lifestyle.", "sentence2": "He went on a single weekend in January.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1780_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Endives, flabby... Since he’s adopted and English discipline, he thinks everything is low-fat, when it’s only partially. He’s taken a single weekend as a break from his life in a relationship not as a continuation (or a parenthesis) of a single lifestyle.", "sentence2": "He spent the weekend in the company of his significant other.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1781_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Endives, flabby... Since he’s adopted and English discipline, he thinks everything is low-fat, when it’s only partially. He’s taken a single weekend as a break from his life in a relationship not as a continuation (or a parenthesis) of a single lifestyle.", "sentence2": "He's gone for the weekend only.", "promptID": "594_esxnli", "pairID": "1782_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He deserves nothing more than having that blog of his, where he advertises his books like a vulgar shopkeeper, with hundreds of responses from people like us who love and respect art in any of its forms, including comics.", "sentence2": "Art enthusiasts are going to fill the blog with answers.", "promptID": "596_esxnli", "pairID": "1786_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And if he ended up exiling himself to France and living in Bordeaux, it was because of his incompatibility with the absolutist regime (“long live the chains!”) of Ferdinand VII of Spain, enemy of intelligence, restorer of censorship and the Inquisition, creator of bullfighting schools and great promoter of bullfights.", "sentence2": "He exiled himself to Bordeaux because he did not agree with Ferdinand VII's ideas.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1807_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And if he ended up exiling himself to France and living in Bordeaux, it was because of his incompatibility with the absolutist regime (“long live the chains!”) of Ferdinand VII of Spain, enemy of intelligence, restorer of censorship and the Inquisition, creator of bullfighting schools and great promoter of bullfights.", "sentence2": "He lived in Bordeaux during Fernando VII's regime.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1808_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And if he ended up exiling himself to France and living in Bordeaux, it was because of his incompatibility with the absolutist regime (“long live the chains!”) of Ferdinand VII of Spain, enemy of intelligence, restorer of censorship and the Inquisition, creator of bullfighting schools and great promoter of bullfights.", "sentence2": "His affinity for the rule of Fernando VII saved his life in Burdeos.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1809_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "One failure does not define your destiny, this is true.", "sentence2": "A victory does not make a destiny.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1823_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One failure does not define your destiny, this is true.", "sentence2": "It takes more than one failure to get somewhere.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1824_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "V. Verdú merely illustrates – or documents – through current massive festive and playful encounters, juxtaposing them with others – from the past – which were not, let’s say, festive, politic or civic.", "sentence2": "V. Verdú works on illustration", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1831_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "V. Verdú merely illustrates – or documents – through current massive festive and playful encounters, juxtaposing them with others – from the past – which were not, let’s say, festive, politic or civic.", "sentence2": "Verdú is a journalist and a writer.", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1832_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "V. Verdú merely illustrates – or documents – through current massive festive and playful encounters, juxtaposing them with others – from the past – which were not, let’s say, festive, politic or civic.", "sentence2": "Verdú does his job without looking at contemporary issues", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1833_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The resistance achieves some partial victories in a devastated Buenos Aires but end up being annihilated by the technological superiority and larger numbers of the invaders. They never fully reveal themselves: instead of a simultaneous exhibition of all of the invading troops, the narrator doses the narrative tension by revealing it progressively, which follows the principle of the internalisation of the threat until it becomes subcutaneous and dominates one's own will.", "sentence2": "The resistance has fought the invaders.", "promptID": "625_esxnli", "pairID": "1873_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The resistance achieves some partial victories in a devastated Buenos Aires but end up being annihilated by the technological superiority and larger numbers of the invaders. They never fully reveal themselves: instead of a simultaneous exhibition of all of the invading troops, the narrator doses the narrative tension by revealing it progressively, which follows the principle of the internalisation of the threat until it becomes subcutaneous and dominates one's own will.", "sentence2": "The resistance has managed to defeat Them.", "promptID": "625_esxnli", "pairID": "1874_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The resistance achieves some partial victories in a devastated Buenos Aires but end up being annihilated by the technological superiority and larger numbers of the invaders. They never fully reveal themselves: instead of a simultaneous exhibition of all of the invading troops, the narrator doses the narrative tension by revealing it progressively, which follows the principle of the internalisation of the threat until it becomes subcutaneous and dominates one's own will.", "sentence2": "Los Ellos come from Chile.", "promptID": "625_esxnli", "pairID": "1875_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And I want more, until the heavens have vented their anger", "sentence2": "She wants the indignation of the heavens to be relieved in the form of snow.", "promptID": "627_esxnli", "pairID": "1879_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And I want more, until the heavens have vented their anger", "sentence2": "She wants the indignation of the working class to let off steam.", "promptID": "627_esxnli", "pairID": "1880_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And I want more, until the heavens have vented their anger", "sentence2": "Her goal is to see the outrage of the heavens.", "promptID": "627_esxnli", "pairID": "1881_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Schopenhauer’s tenet, every secret theater director of his dreams goes through Heidegger, whose forest glade is a theater, without seeing other ideas, and then they reach Binswanger, the Swiss inheritor of Freud, who defines existential misfortunes as situations in which people lose the scenic direction of their world.", "sentence2": "Every person tries to fulfill their dreams", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1885_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Schopenhauer’s tenet, every secret theater director of his dreams goes through Heidegger, whose forest glade is a theater, without seeing other ideas, and then they reach Binswanger, the Swiss inheritor of Freud, who defines existential misfortunes as situations in which people lose the scenic direction of their world.", "sentence2": "The philosophy of Schopenhauer, Heidegger, and Binswanger may be expressed in theatrical terms.", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1886_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Schopenhauer’s tenet, every secret theater director of his dreams goes through Heidegger, whose forest glade is a theater, without seeing other ideas, and then they reach Binswanger, the Swiss inheritor of Freud, who defines existential misfortunes as situations in which people lose the scenic direction of their world.", "sentence2": "Schopenhauer did not write about people's dreams.", "promptID": "629_esxnli", "pairID": "1887_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He makes a very dense coffee.", "sentence2": "He never makes coffee.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1915_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He makes a very dense coffee.", "sentence2": "The coffee he makes is very thick.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1916_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He makes a very dense coffee.", "sentence2": "Their coffee is very rich.", "promptID": "639_esxnli", "pairID": "1917_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Because you want them, because they are extremely emphasized, because yes.", "sentence2": "It is a good reason", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1918_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Because you want them, because they are extremely emphasized, because yes.", "sentence2": "I want them.", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1919_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Because you want them, because they are extremely emphasized, because yes.", "sentence2": "I do not want them", "promptID": "640_esxnli", "pairID": "1920_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I will not enter into logical disquisitions about what is a lie or what is true with respect to the facts of reality or its paradoxes.", "sentence2": "It is difficult to distinguish lies from truth.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1924_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I will not enter into logical disquisitions about what is a lie or what is true with respect to the facts of reality or its paradoxes.", "sentence2": "Someone did not want to get into the logical subtleties about what is truth and lies.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1925_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I will not enter into logical disquisitions about what is a lie or what is true with respect to the facts of reality or its paradoxes.", "sentence2": "Someone went into the logical subtleties about what is truth and lies.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1926_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They’re safe now, but when I go, only one of them will be able to survive, maybe two.", "sentence2": "As soon as I leave his situation will not change at all.", "promptID": "643_esxnli", "pairID": "1927_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They’re safe now, but when I go, only one of them will be able to survive, maybe two.", "sentence2": "Even if I stay with them, there are chances of some of them dying.", "promptID": "643_esxnli", "pairID": "1928_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They’re safe now, but when I go, only one of them will be able to survive, maybe two.", "sentence2": "His survival depends on me.", "promptID": "643_esxnli", "pairID": "1929_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The crisis seems gigantic, but without a possible calculation.", "sentence2": "There’s no crisis that’s impossible to calculate.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1930_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The crisis seems gigantic, but without a possible calculation.", "sentence2": "It's a huge, incalculable crisis.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1931_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The crisis seems gigantic, but without a possible calculation.", "sentence2": "The crisis will last a few years.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1932_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And I am not so sure that the mirror gives back a truthful image of oneself.", "sentence2": "The image that the mirror reflects of oneself is not always the same", "promptID": "645_esxnli", "pairID": "1933_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As for poets and novelists, only Jünger is notable, in whose book, Storm of Steel, Hitler sees a model for his own memories of World War I, a work he never managed to write.", "sentence2": "Jünger wrote the book Storm of Steel", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1939_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As for poets and novelists, only Jünger is notable, in whose book, Storm of Steel, Hitler sees a model for his own memories of World War I, a work he never managed to write.", "sentence2": "Jünger was German.", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1940_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As for poets and novelists, only Jünger is notable, in whose book, Storm of Steel, Hitler sees a model for his own memories of World War I, a work he never managed to write.", "sentence2": "Hitler wrote a book about his experiences during the First World War.", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1941_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Some hoped that the political issues could be resolved (or even dissolved) thanks to the clairvoyance of experts and the accuracy of their procedures; others regretted this process of technocratic de-politicization that would result in control, manipulation, destruction and homogenization.", "sentence2": "Economists are the experts best suited for political work.", "promptID": "651_esxnli", "pairID": "1952_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The ideological simulation would be the way this is transmitted, the ideas that vehicle it (sorry for the odd word). They are interpretations of what another person writes, exposed to risks because of a lack of data.", "sentence2": "Interpretations of what others write are risky", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1957_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The ideological simulation would be the way this is transmitted, the ideas that vehicle it (sorry for the odd word). They are interpretations of what another person writes, exposed to risks because of a lack of data.", "sentence2": "A historian makes the interpretations.", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1958_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The ideological simulation would be the way this is transmitted, the ideas that vehicle it (sorry for the odd word). They are interpretations of what another person writes, exposed to risks because of a lack of data.", "sentence2": "The interpretations of the writings of others are always exact and accurate.", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1959_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first romantics (who were the good ones) confirmed that all great works need necessarily be incomplete, fragmented, unfinished.", "sentence2": "The first Romantics believe that big works of art can only be complete.", "promptID": "655_esxnli", "pairID": "1965_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In summer, with no shirts on, necks generously offer themselves to view.", "sentence2": "In summer fewer clothes are used.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1987_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In summer, with no shirts on, necks generously offer themselves to view.", "sentence2": "high-necked jerseys are often worn in August.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1988_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In summer, with no shirts on, necks generously offer themselves to view.", "sentence2": "During summer fewer people cover their neck with clothes.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1989_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The trio of stars were quietly enjoying a succulent dinner at the luxurious establishment when they realized that another Hollywood star was doing exactly the same thing there.", "sentence2": "In a modest establishment, the trio of stars and one other star were quietly enjoying a succulent dinner.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1996_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The trio of stars were quietly enjoying a succulent dinner at the luxurious establishment when they realized that another Hollywood star was doing exactly the same thing there.", "sentence2": "The trio of stars from Hollywood's last winning movie was quietly enjoying a tasty dinner in the luxurious establishment.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1997_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The trio of stars were quietly enjoying a succulent dinner at the luxurious establishment when they realized that another Hollywood star was doing exactly the same thing there.", "sentence2": "During a succulent dinner at the luxury establishment, several stars did the same and realised.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1998_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "After the success achieved at prior editions, the Charitable Chefs Calendar is back for another year, thanks to the SOS Universal Children's Day Foundation to fight for defending the youngest ones' rights.", "sentence2": "This year, the SOS Foundation Charitable Chefs Calendar for the Universal Children's Day will focus on seasonal products.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "1999_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After the success achieved at prior editions, the Charitable Chefs Calendar is back for another year, thanks to the SOS Universal Children's Day Foundation to fight for defending the youngest ones' rights.", "sentence2": "The Calendar of Charitable Cooks has been successful in the past few years.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "2000_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After the success achieved at prior editions, the Charitable Chefs Calendar is back for another year, thanks to the SOS Universal Children's Day Foundation to fight for defending the youngest ones' rights.", "sentence2": "This is the first year that the Supportive Cooks' Calendar is published.", "promptID": "667_esxnli", "pairID": "2001_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In England there is a type of hybrid pub midway between the bucolic rural pubs, and the boisterous ones in large cities.", "sentence2": "The number of pubs in England has decreased in the last decade", "promptID": "669_esxnli", "pairID": "2007_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The versatile singer Miguel Bosé hung up a \"sold out\" sign last night at the concert that he gave at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas in Madrid.", "sentence2": "Las Ventas was filled to see Miguel Bosé's concert.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2035_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The versatile singer Miguel Bosé hung up a \"sold out\" sign last night at the concert that he gave at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas in Madrid.", "sentence2": "Las Ventas was empty during the concert put on by Miguel Bosé.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2036_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The versatile singer Miguel Bosé hung up a \"sold out\" sign last night at the concert that he gave at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas in Madrid.", "sentence2": "Miguel Bosé's concert in Las Ventas was spectacular.", "promptID": "679_esxnli", "pairID": "2037_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Just as it happened with those affected by the earthquake that shook up Haiti last January, in this occasion, and because of the earthquake that took place in Chile on Saturday, celebrities are quickly offering their help.", "sentence2": "Famous people are helping with the earthquake in Chile, just as they helped those people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2038_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Just as it happened with those affected by the earthquake that shook up Haiti last January, in this occasion, and because of the earthquake that took place in Chile on Saturday, celebrities are quickly offering their help.", "sentence2": "No celebrity is helping in the task of mitigating the effects of the earthquake in Chile.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2039_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Just as it happened with those affected by the earthquake that shook up Haiti last January, in this occasion, and because of the earthquake that took place in Chile on Saturday, celebrities are quickly offering their help.", "sentence2": "One of the famous faces that are currently helping in the earthquake in Chile is Brad Pitt.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2040_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In this way, and after having experienced the Friday in the presence of civil and ecclesiastic authorities from the principality who had accompanied them since the morning during the visit to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga, the prince and Letizia left behind the mountains with their green coat of trees and the cave via the ladder of the pilgrims, in order to dip into the pool to toss in the money and make a wish.", "sentence2": "The Prince and Letizia left the visit to Covadonga out.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2041_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In this way, and after having experienced the Friday in the presence of civil and ecclesiastic authorities from the principality who had accompanied them since the morning during the visit to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga, the prince and Letizia left behind the mountains with their green coat of trees and the cave via the ladder of the pilgrims, in order to dip into the pool to toss in the money and make a wish.", "sentence2": "The Prince and Letizia visited Covadonga.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2042_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In this way, and after having experienced the Friday in the presence of civil and ecclesiastic authorities from the principality who had accompanied them since the morning during the visit to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga, the prince and Letizia left behind the mountains with their green coat of trees and the cave via the ladder of the pilgrims, in order to dip into the pool to toss in the money and make a wish.", "sentence2": "The prince and Letizia are waiting for the wish they made in Covadonga to come true.", "promptID": "681_esxnli", "pairID": "2043_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They were acquired by a Dutch collector for £620,000 - more than double the estimated price and an unprecedented amount for the bidding of a work of art at a Dutch auction.", "sentence2": "Art auctions in Holland attract large fortunes.", "promptID": "682_esxnli", "pairID": "2045_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In spite of the seriousness, she got better quickly and in July of the same year she received medical release.", "sentence2": "He suffered from a coronary disease", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2053_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In spite of the seriousness, she got better quickly and in July of the same year she received medical release.", "sentence2": "He never recovered from the illness.", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2054_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In spite of the seriousness, she got better quickly and in July of the same year she received medical release.", "sentence2": "After recovering he received the medical discharge.", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2055_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Curiously, his foray into the fashion world was an accident.", "sentence2": "I used to be a chapista.", "promptID": "686_esxnli", "pairID": "2056_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Curiously, his foray into the fashion world was an accident.", "sentence2": "He's a pastry chef.", "promptID": "686_esxnli", "pairID": "2057_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Curiously, his foray into the fashion world was an accident.", "sentence2": "Now he works in fashion.", "promptID": "686_esxnli", "pairID": "2058_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When it starts to boil, leave them at medium heat until they are tender.", "sentence2": "After they start boiling, they must be removed immediately.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2059_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When it starts to boil, leave them at medium heat until they are tender.", "sentence2": "The water must be boiled in a clay casserole.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2060_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When it starts to boil, leave them at medium heat until they are tender.", "sentence2": "They’ll go soft in a bit.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2061_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We reveal to you the names of some of the hotels where our favorite famous people have lived some of their best times.", "sentence2": "Celebrities like the hotels whose name they are going to reveal to us.", "promptID": "690_esxnli", "pairID": "2068_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We reveal to you the names of some of the hotels where our favorite famous people have lived some of their best times.", "sentence2": "The celebrities have not checked in to the hotels whose names we will be told.", "promptID": "690_esxnli", "pairID": "2069_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "NOVEMBER 3, 2000 She was Channel’s muse for seven years.", "sentence2": "Chanel greatly appreciated his help.", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2083_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "NOVEMBER 3, 2000 She was Channel’s muse for seven years.", "sentence2": "They didn’t have any relation to Chanel.", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2084_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "NOVEMBER 3, 2000 She was Channel’s muse for seven years.", "sentence2": "She was Chanel's muse", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2085_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The king and queen, who from the very beginning have shown their support for the victims’ families, wanted to join in this emotional and heartfelt tribute.", "sentence2": "The kings did not demonstrate their support to the victims.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2086_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The king and queen, who from the very beginning have shown their support for the victims’ families, wanted to join in this emotional and heartfelt tribute.", "sentence2": "The tribute to the victims was attended by a lot of people.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2087_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The king and queen, who from the very beginning have shown their support for the victims’ families, wanted to join in this emotional and heartfelt tribute.", "sentence2": "The King and Queen joined the homage.", "promptID": "696_esxnli", "pairID": "2088_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is something he greatly values, knowing that having to be there and having to face daily obligations with the Prince is not the same as being able to say at one point: \"I'm disappearing for a few days.\"", "sentence2": "What is truly valued is that one can forget about his or her obligations.", "promptID": "699_esxnli", "pairID": "2095_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is something he greatly values, knowing that having to be there and having to face daily obligations with the Prince is not the same as being able to say at one point: \"I'm disappearing for a few days.\"", "sentence2": "The Prince has no daily obligations.", "promptID": "699_esxnli", "pairID": "2096_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is something he greatly values, knowing that having to be there and having to face daily obligations with the Prince is not the same as being able to say at one point: \"I'm disappearing for a few days.\"", "sentence2": "The Prince's daily obligations are many.", "promptID": "699_esxnli", "pairID": "2097_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are more and more people adopting the healthy habit of consuming 100% natural products.", "sentence2": "Consuming 100% natural products is a good habit", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2104_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There are more and more people adopting the healthy habit of consuming 100% natural products.", "sentence2": "There is growing tendency to use 100% natural products", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2105_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There are more and more people adopting the healthy habit of consuming 100% natural products.", "sentence2": "The origin of the products isn't worrying when it homes to health concerns.", "promptID": "702_esxnli", "pairID": "2106_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This week, the star that will sit atop the New York Rockefeller Center was revealed in New York.", "sentence2": "The Rockerfeller Centre tree will be topped with a star.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2122_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This week, the star that will sit atop the New York Rockefeller Center was revealed in New York.", "sentence2": "The star that will top the Rockefeller Center tree is spectacular.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2123_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This week, the star that will sit atop the New York Rockefeller Center was revealed in New York.", "sentence2": "The tree at Rockefeller Center will not contain any star.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2124_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "With a few extra pounds and and an informal look, the main character of “Gladiator” was very affectionate with his two kids along the streets of Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "The main character in “Gladiator” focused a lot on his look, which was carefully planned and formal, and he didn’t pay any attention to his two kids while they walked down the streets of Beverly Hills.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2128_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "With a few extra pounds and and an informal look, the main character of “Gladiator” was very affectionate with his two kids along the streets of Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "The protagonist of “Gladiator” walked the streets of Beverly Hills with a rather informal look and appearing to be an attentive father.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2129_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "With a few extra pounds and and an informal look, the main character of “Gladiator” was very affectionate with his two kids along the streets of Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "The protagonist of “Gladiator” is a loving person in his family life.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2130_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "My father lived many years in Africa and his stay there had a great impact on me.", "sentence2": "My father was in Equatorial Guinea.", "promptID": "711_esxnli", "pairID": "2133_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Oksana and Mel are looking forward to the album's release, but also the arrival of their first child together.", "sentence2": "Oksana and Mel's first common child will be welcome.", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2137_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Oksana and Mel are looking forward to the album's release, but also the arrival of their first child together.", "sentence2": "Their son will be named Axel", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2139_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He plays with color like it’s a fashion accessory.", "sentence2": "always select the color in fashion", "promptID": "718_esxnli", "pairID": "2152_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He plays with color like it’s a fashion accessory.", "sentence2": "It considers the color.", "promptID": "718_esxnli", "pairID": "2153_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He plays with color like it’s a fashion accessory.", "sentence2": "He never takes the color into account. It is always in black and white.", "promptID": "718_esxnli", "pairID": "2154_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Boris, dressed in a grey T-shirt and dark swimsuit, was very attentive to his wife, who looked spectacular in a dark swimsuit, with whom he has just celebrated their first wedding anniversary.", "sentence2": "Boris and his wife always dress in cheerful colors.", "promptID": "720_esxnli", "pairID": "2160_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "On May 24th he will represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest and has finished his first album which will launch in due course. If that was not enough, he has just signed a contract to be the image of ONLY until 31st July, which belongs to the Danish multinational Bestseller and markets five different brands of clothing for women, men and children.", "sentence2": "It is a very active person.", "promptID": "722_esxnli", "pairID": "2164_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On May 24th he will represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest and has finished his first album which will launch in due course. If that was not enough, he has just signed a contract to be the image of ONLY until 31st July, which belongs to the Danish multinational Bestseller and markets five different brands of clothing for women, men and children.", "sentence2": "It is not related to the music world.", "promptID": "722_esxnli", "pairID": "2166_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "From here on the massive wilderness of the Calenques reveals itself in all its glory.", "sentence2": "The Calanques massif is over 10 kilometers long.", "promptID": "727_esxnli", "pairID": "2179_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "From here on the massive wilderness of the Calenques reveals itself in all its glory.", "sentence2": "Calanques is a wild massif.", "promptID": "727_esxnli", "pairID": "2180_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "From here on the massive wilderness of the Calenques reveals itself in all its glory.", "sentence2": "We have to go back to see the Massif des Calanques", "promptID": "727_esxnli", "pairID": "2181_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cleaning is much simpler and more thorough and it creates a deep-clean feeling", "sentence2": "Cleaning is performed with a special spray.", "promptID": "738_esxnli", "pairID": "2214_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Superior Court of Los Angeles settled it in 1996 with the couple’s divorce, and dictated a series of conditions not at all beneficial to Banderas, who, at the time, wanted to avoid any kind of confrontation with his ex-wife.", "sentence2": "Banderas has never been married.", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2221_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Superior Court of Los Angeles settled it in 1996 with the couple’s divorce, and dictated a series of conditions not at all beneficial to Banderas, who, at the time, wanted to avoid any kind of confrontation with his ex-wife.", "sentence2": "The couple had 3 children", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2222_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Superior Court of Los Angeles settled it in 1996 with the couple’s divorce, and dictated a series of conditions not at all beneficial to Banderas, who, at the time, wanted to avoid any kind of confrontation with his ex-wife.", "sentence2": "Banderas divorced in 1996", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2223_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pierre Casiraghi wears white (jacket and trousers) and a straw hat.", "sentence2": "Pierre risks getting dirty.", "promptID": "742_esxnli", "pairID": "2224_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "She faces the future with optimism; she is currently focusing on recording her new album, which does not have a launch date as of yet.", "sentence2": "The artist is African", "promptID": "744_esxnli", "pairID": "2231_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The actor from The Departed already expressed in the month of June his wish to strengthen the relationship, but his partner decided to wait until the birth of her child to set a date for the marriage.", "sentence2": "The actor from \"21 Jump Street\" received several awards for the series", "promptID": "750_esxnli", "pairID": "2250_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The itch to interpret comes from his family.", "sentence2": "Their parents are theater actors", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2254_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The itch to interpret comes from his family.", "sentence2": "His family is related to the world of acting.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2255_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The itch to interpret comes from his family.", "sentence2": "He was the first person in the family to be involved in acting.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2256_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Máxima listened to what the projects were and she was talking to these future businesswomen and she was able to understand, first hand, what problems the Turkish markets are dealing with.", "sentence2": "All future businesspeople in the Turkish economic market are men.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2257_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Máxima listened to what the projects were and she was talking to these future businesswomen and she was able to understand, first hand, what problems the Turkish markets are dealing with.", "sentence2": "Máxima is interested in the Turkish economic market.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2258_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Máxima listened to what the projects were and she was talking to these future businesswomen and she was able to understand, first hand, what problems the Turkish markets are dealing with.", "sentence2": "Máxima likes Turkey.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2259_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I would also love to do it with time to be able to enjoy all the process and the flow of carrying out the preparations, the suit and everything that comes with a wedding.", "sentence2": "I'm not going to spend time with the wedding preparations.", "promptID": "756_esxnli", "pairID": "2266_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When Christmas is near, we all want to show our best face.", "sentence2": "When Christmas approaches, people are like any other day.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2272_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When Christmas is near, we all want to show our best face.", "sentence2": "Christmas Day is when people give more help the needy.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2273_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When Christmas is near, we all want to show our best face.", "sentence2": "During Christmas, people try to be friendlier and more attentive.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2274_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "To avoid rancid flavors or unnecessary rinds, ham must always have a clean, well-contoured edge, regardless of how long one takes to consume it.", "sentence2": "The edge of a ham must always have a clean, well-contoured border", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2287_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To avoid rancid flavors or unnecessary rinds, ham must always have a clean, well-contoured edge, regardless of how long one takes to consume it.", "sentence2": "The ham with a clean and shaped edge is not gone.", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2288_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "To avoid rancid flavors or unnecessary rinds, ham must always have a clean, well-contoured edge, regardless of how long one takes to consume it.", "sentence2": "The ham doesn't go stale", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2289_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Clean the steaks well, slice the garlics and sautée them in plenty of oil at moderate heat until they are golden.", "sentence2": "Filets do not need to be clean.", "promptID": "764_esxnli", "pairID": "2290_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Furthermore, among the ingredients is the delicious dogfish (that fish that, prepared in adobo, becomes one of the most typical delicacies of Andalusian gastronomy), as well as a kind of \"candied\" apple that gives it a very special touch.", "sentence2": "Cazon is not prepared in adobo (marinade).", "promptID": "766_esxnli", "pairID": "2296_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Furthermore, among the ingredients is the delicious dogfish (that fish that, prepared in adobo, becomes one of the most typical delicacies of Andalusian gastronomy), as well as a kind of \"candied\" apple that gives it a very special touch.", "sentence2": "The plate contains fish.", "promptID": "766_esxnli", "pairID": "2297_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Furthermore, among the ingredients is the delicious dogfish (that fish that, prepared in adobo, becomes one of the most typical delicacies of Andalusian gastronomy), as well as a kind of \"candied\" apple that gives it a very special touch.", "sentence2": "It is necessary to add salt.", "promptID": "766_esxnli", "pairID": "2298_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Original and very personal, her creations are the favorite of many Spanish actresses, despite the fact that she hasn’t presented her collections in fashion shows in years, barely advertises and produces almost all of her designs—except the the haute couture ones—in Japan.", "sentence2": "He likes Japanese food.", "promptID": "770_esxnli", "pairID": "2308_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Original and very personal, her creations are the favorite of many Spanish actresses, despite the fact that she hasn’t presented her collections in fashion shows in years, barely advertises and produces almost all of her designs—except the the haute couture ones—in Japan.", "sentence2": "She is a highly successful designer.", "promptID": "770_esxnli", "pairID": "2309_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Original and very personal, her creations are the favorite of many Spanish actresses, despite the fact that she hasn’t presented her collections in fashion shows in years, barely advertises and produces almost all of her designs—except the the haute couture ones—in Japan.", "sentence2": "New collections have not been done for years.", "promptID": "770_esxnli", "pairID": "2310_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to the author, Michael Jackson’s last days were lived in chaos and were spent reading the Bible and listening to music as diverse as classical and the Gipsy Kings—which he was usually not very fond of.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson lived his last days chaotically.", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2312_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to the author, Michael Jackson’s last days were lived in chaos and were spent reading the Bible and listening to music as diverse as classical and the Gipsy Kings—which he was usually not very fond of.", "sentence2": "The author admires Michael Jackson's behavior in his final days", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2313_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Eva added the touch of glamor to a celebration defined by adverse weather conditions, since the wind and the rain forced them to cancel the traditional red carpet and to have a small improvised photo shoot for those who wanted to show off for the photographers.", "sentence2": "Eva looked glamorous while wearing her red dress.", "promptID": "774_esxnli", "pairID": "2320_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Eva added the touch of glamor to a celebration defined by adverse weather conditions, since the wind and the rain forced them to cancel the traditional red carpet and to have a small improvised photo shoot for those who wanted to show off for the photographers.", "sentence2": "The good weather made the celebration go on throughout the afternoon.", "promptID": "774_esxnli", "pairID": "2321_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Eva added the touch of glamor to a celebration defined by adverse weather conditions, since the wind and the rain forced them to cancel the traditional red carpet and to have a small improvised photo shoot for those who wanted to show off for the photographers.", "sentence2": "Eva could not walk down the red carpet.", "promptID": "774_esxnli", "pairID": "2322_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These dates bring back and enshrine values often set aside due to our daily routine.", "sentence2": "These dates rescue no value", "promptID": "784_esxnli", "pairID": "2351_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But those who received the loudest applause when they arrived, also from the stars, were the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 700 metres underground for 70 days and five of the people who took part in their rescue.", "sentence2": "33 Chilean miners had proceedings filed against them for getting trapped in the mine.", "promptID": "785_esxnli", "pairID": "2353_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But those who received the loudest applause when they arrived, also from the stars, were the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 700 metres underground for 70 days and five of the people who took part in their rescue.", "sentence2": "Although 33 Chilean miners were rescued, 17 other miners died in the mine.", "promptID": "785_esxnli", "pairID": "2354_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But those who received the loudest applause when they arrived, also from the stars, were the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 700 metres underground for 70 days and five of the people who took part in their rescue.", "sentence2": "The 33 Chilean miners survived 70 days without seeing the light of day.", "promptID": "785_esxnli", "pairID": "2355_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I admire her bravery and will for taking off to Hollywood on her own with nothing but her suitcase.", "sentence2": "He went to Hollywood with his friends.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2377_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I admire her bravery and will for taking off to Hollywood on her own with nothing but her suitcase.", "sentence2": "She left for Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2378_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I admire her bravery and will for taking off to Hollywood on her own with nothing but her suitcase.", "sentence2": "She was able to make it in Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2379_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "However, the attendee who created the biggest stir during the earliest days of El Rocío was Carmen Martínez-Bordiu, who, visibly relaxed and happy, was accompanied by her son José Ramón and his wife, Marisa, as well as their best friends, including Los del Río and Roberto Federici, with whom Carmen Martínez ended her relationship in November of last year.", "sentence2": "More than 12 people accompanied Carmen Martínez-Bordiu.", "promptID": "794_esxnli", "pairID": "2381_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Yesterday, the world of fashion was tinged with mourning after it was announced that his body was found in the Seine, which raises several questions about what the cause of his death could be.", "sentence2": "Someone in the fashion industry has died.", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2386_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yesterday, the world of fashion was tinged with mourning after it was announced that his body was found in the Seine, which raises several questions about what the cause of his death could be.", "sentence2": "The world of fashion is in luck.", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2387_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Yesterday, the world of fashion was tinged with mourning after it was announced that his body was found in the Seine, which raises several questions about what the cause of his death could be.", "sentence2": "It is a model.", "promptID": "796_esxnli", "pairID": "2388_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Every detail has been take care of to the fullest extent.", "sentence2": "Work reaches levels of detail", "promptID": "799_esxnli", "pairID": "2396_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The lead singer of rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, is going through a very difficult time.", "sentence2": "Steven Tyler is one of the members of the rock band Aerosmith", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2405_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Each of her public appearances becomes, without her intention, an event of great transcendence.", "sentence2": "She wants her public appearances to be an event of great transcendence.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2407_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Each of her public appearances becomes, without her intention, an event of great transcendence.", "sentence2": "She turns public appearances into greatly transcendent events.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2408_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Each of her public appearances becomes, without her intention, an event of great transcendence.", "sentence2": "Public appearances are events of great social significance, but not political.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2409_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was aired for five years. Over 100 characters appeared there in over 1,200 episodes.", "sentence2": "It did not reach 1,000 episodes", "promptID": "808_esxnli", "pairID": "2422_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The wedding of Eudes of Orleans, Duke of Angouleme, on the same day and at the same time as his grandfather, the Count of Paris, died.", "sentence2": "The Duke of Angulema was very close to the Duke of Paris.", "promptID": "811_esxnli", "pairID": "2433_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The definitive launch of Agyness Deyn (February 16 1986, Manchester), who considers himself a \"punk rock\" lover-which is made evident by the songs he plays with his music band Lucky Knitwear-took place along with photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "Agyness Deyn did not like music.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2434_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The definitive launch of Agyness Deyn (February 16 1986, Manchester), who considers himself a \"punk rock\" lover-which is made evident by the songs he plays with his music band Lucky Knitwear-took place along with photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "Agyness Deys, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot met thanks to their fondness for punk rock music.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2435_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Zapatero is a big football fan and after a kick in the teeth for not being able to host the 2016 Olympic Games, he has shown his support to the candidacy to be home to the 2018 World Cup.", "sentence2": "Spain will not be the seat of the Olympic Games in 2016.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2437_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Zapatero is a big football fan and after a kick in the teeth for not being able to host the 2016 Olympic Games, he has shown his support to the candidacy to be home to the 2018 World Cup.", "sentence2": "Zapatero's happiness upon being accepted as the site of the Olympic Games has led him to show his support for the application for the 2018 World Cup.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2438_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Zapatero is a big football fan and after a kick in the teeth for not being able to host the 2016 Olympic Games, he has shown his support to the candidacy to be home to the 2018 World Cup.", "sentence2": "Zapatero is a great soccer and Olympics fan.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2439_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The portal directors expect large numbers of engagement.", "sentence2": "The portal is attractive.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2440_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The portal directors expect large numbers of engagement.", "sentence2": "The portal is not working correctly.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2441_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The portal directors expect large numbers of engagement.", "sentence2": "The portal will be able to respond to a thousand visitors.", "promptID": "814_esxnli", "pairID": "2442_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Australian singer wanted to thank her sister, also singer Danni Minogue, for her support during the hard months of fighting breast cancer that she was diagnosed last year and that forced her to cancel her tour of her country, taking her on stage at two of her concerts in Melbourne this weekend.", "sentence2": "The singer suffered hair loss.", "promptID": "815_esxnli", "pairID": "2444_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Australian singer wanted to thank her sister, also singer Danni Minogue, for her support during the hard months of fighting breast cancer that she was diagnosed last year and that forced her to cancel her tour of her country, taking her on stage at two of her concerts in Melbourne this weekend.", "sentence2": "The singer is an only child.", "promptID": "815_esxnli", "pairID": "2445_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The soccer player, however, intends to regain full control of these rights and could be waiting, on the advice of his agents, for a contract with another European club or, ultimately, a project in the United States, where the Los Angeles Galaxy would give him full control of his image rights and, in the process, accompany his wife Victoria’s screen acting adventure.", "sentence2": "The soccer player has full control over his image rights", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2455_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The soccer player, however, intends to regain full control of these rights and could be waiting, on the advice of his agents, for a contract with another European club or, ultimately, a project in the United States, where the Los Angeles Galaxy would give him full control of his image rights and, in the process, accompany his wife Victoria’s screen acting adventure.", "sentence2": "The football player isn’t the exclusive owner of his image rights", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2456_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The soccer player, however, intends to regain full control of these rights and could be waiting, on the advice of his agents, for a contract with another European club or, ultimately, a project in the United States, where the Los Angeles Galaxy would give him full control of his image rights and, in the process, accompany his wife Victoria’s screen acting adventure.", "sentence2": "The soccer player shares his image rights in equal parts with his current club", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2457_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The actress has also decided to recount her fight against cancer in a two-hour documentary that will be broadcast by the American television network, NCB, on Friday, May 15.", "sentence2": "The documentary mixes English with the mother tongue of the actress.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2460_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Alta Costura has given the \"green light\" and has done so showing the proposals of two outstanding firms: Torrente and Versace.", "sentence2": "The High Fashion season has not yet begun", "promptID": "824_esxnli", "pairID": "2472_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Its typical image of a seaside village, with its streets open to the sea and its colorful fishermen’s houses, is hard to forget.", "sentence2": "Its typical stamp of a fishing village with balconies, with its Romanesque church, is difficult to forget.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2474_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Its typical image of a seaside village, with its streets open to the sea and its colorful fishermen’s houses, is hard to forget.", "sentence2": "Its typical image as a fishing village full of balconies is very conventional, one among many.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2475_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is here where he told us about the state of his heart; he says he is very happy and calm.", "sentence2": "His heart is at peace and happy.", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2482_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is here where he told us about the state of his heart; he says he is very happy and calm.", "sentence2": "He’s had a serious illness this past year.", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2483_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is here where he told us about the state of his heart; he says he is very happy and calm.", "sentence2": "His heart is sad and restless", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2484_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It was this summer that Cynthia decided to separate from the athlete, a process in which they managed to reach a “friendly” accord, as they announced via their respective lawyers without giving any more details on the matter.", "sentence2": "Cynthia fell in love with someone else.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2485_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It was this summer that Cynthia decided to separate from the athlete, a process in which they managed to reach a “friendly” accord, as they announced via their respective lawyers without giving any more details on the matter.", "sentence2": "Cynthia has maintained a sentimental relationship with an athlete.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2486_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} {"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was this summer that Cynthia decided to separate from the athlete, a process in which they managed to reach a “friendly” accord, as they announced via their respective lawyers without giving any more details on the matter.", "sentence2": "Cynthia does not have a lawyer to represent her.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2487_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"}