diff --git "a/interpretation/splits/train_met.jsonl" "b/interpretation/splits/train_met.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/interpretation/splits/train_met.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,1592 @@ +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sí, siempre dije que si moría, bien, siempre dije que si moría, volvería como perro que sería la mejor manera de ser", "sentence2": "Si muero, siempre creo que seré reencarnado como un perro.", "promptID": "496_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1488_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Más fría aún y más distante que nunca se alzó la voz de su señoría.", "sentence2": "La voz del Señor parecía tanto distante como pavorosa.", "promptID": "874_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2622_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las expectativas racionales crecieron, en parte, a partir de un intento de comprender la negociación real en las bolsas de valores.", "sentence2": "Cada vez más personas comenzaron a comerciar en bolsas de valores en línea.", "promptID": "583_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1747_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y en cuanto a los retos, ahora mismo estoy buscando una palabra que pueda ser cortada en dos formas más pequeñas sucesivamente.", "sentence2": "No me ha resultado fácil encontrar una palabra que se pueda segmentar en dos formas cada vez más pequeñas.", "promptID": "2310_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6929_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿No es extraño que no prestemos atención a uno de los rasgos más profundos del mundo que tenemos en frente de nuestra nariz colectiva?", "sentence2": "¿No miramos algo tan increíble?", "promptID": "582_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1745_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fue ella ahora la que la defendía, su voz temblaba con indignación.", "sentence2": "¡La mujer estaba tan encantada que se quedó sin palabras!", "promptID": "820_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2460_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La gran depresión llegó a California con fuerza.", "sentence2": "Nadie en California tenía trabajo.", "promptID": "1213_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3639_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, es posible seleccionar los bocados de información necesarios en entornos ruidosos, si se tienen en cuenta las expresiones faciales, los gestos y otras pistas contextuales que se toman en cuenta.", "sentence2": "La clara comunicación verbal es la única manera de obtener información", "promptID": "2384_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7150_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Las maravillosas conexiones formadas cada día son posibles gracias al apoyo de las operaciones de la Sociedad por parte de organizaciones como la suya!", "sentence2": "Sin tu organización, estas asombrosas conexiones no se habrían llegado a formarse nunca.", "promptID": "1864_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5592_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Flanqueándolo, una iglesia octagonal moderna al este y una capilla y una torre hexagonal al oeste representan el renacimiento de la posguerra de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "El mercado representa el renacimiento de la posguerra de la ciudad.", "promptID": "1130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3389_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Otros consejeros se hicieron eco de esta preocupación.", "sentence2": "Solo un consejero no expresó su preocupación por este plan.", "promptID": "1509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4526_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lo más importante es el hecho de que asistir a una representación en el IRT no es solo una excursión.", "sentence2": "Asistir a una actuación en el IRT no es solo un paseo divertido por el parque.", "promptID": "1757_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5269_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El martes, Bush advirtió: Con demasiada frecuencia, en asuntos sociales, mi partido ha pintado una imagen de Estados Unidos inclinándose hacia Gomorra.", "sentence2": "Bush no está de acuerdo con la forma en que su partido refleja el panorama.", "promptID": "2165_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6493_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los cupones especiales se han entregado agresivamente en las playas durante el día, con la esperanza de atraer a la multitud más grande posible para la noche.", "sentence2": "Los cupones se entregan en la playa, esperando clientes a largo plazo.", "promptID": "1153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3458_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las montañas robustas de Serra de Tramuntana se arrastran al mar tan marcadamente aquí que hay pocos puntos de acceso y un solo puerto y muelle de cualquier tamaño a lo largo de la costa.", "sentence2": "Las montañas hacen que resulte difícil construir puertos.", "promptID": "1043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3128_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Que él lo haga no creo que haga la más mínima diferencia, dijo su señoría de forma grave.", "sentence2": "Su señoría creía que cualquiera de las dos opciones habría tenido un impacto sustancial.", "promptID": "908_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2723_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los EE. UU. no eran una fuente primaria de recursos para Al Qaueda, aunque algunos fondos recabados en los EE. UU. pudieron haber llegado a Al Qaeda o sus grupos afiliados.", "sentence2": "No hay dudas de que Estados Unidos no le dio nada de dinero a Al Qaeda.", "promptID": "1644_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4931_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El descubrimiento que atrapó la imaginación del mundo entero fue realizado por James Wilson Marshall, un carpintero en el molino de John Sutter en el río American en Coloma, que está entre Sacramento y el lago Tahoe.", "sentence2": "James Wilson Marshall no hizo nada especial.", "promptID": "1145_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3433_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "el último contrato que se le concedió a Virginia tiene una demanda contra Gratin para que deje de construir porque se obtuvo de forma fraudulenta o algo parecido, como sabes", "sentence2": "Los contratos han levantado muchas banderas rojas con los abogados.", "promptID": "500_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1499_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para mí, soy completamente de la opinión de Wolverstone.", "sentence2": "Me alineé completamente con Wolverstone en este asunto.", "promptID": "992_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2975_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este es el sustento legal del abrazo nostálgico del Juez Anthony Kennedy a los derechos de los estados.", "sentence2": "Kennedy favorece los derechos de los estados.", "promptID": "2043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6129_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Louisa May Alcott y Nathaniel Hawthorne vivían en la calle Pinckney. Y Beacon Street se enorgullecía de contar con el historiador William Prescott. Oliver Wendell Holmes la apodó “la soleada calle que alberga a los pocos elegidos”.", "sentence2": "Hawthorne vivió en Pinckney Street.", "promptID": "1082_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3246_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Más fría aún y más distante que nunca se alzó la voz de su señoría.", "sentence2": "Como su señoría, él no mostró piedad con sus sujetos.", "promptID": "874_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2620_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, en GGD, se realizó un estudio de diseño como un trabajo separado, culminando.", "sentence2": "Un estudio de diseño se realizó de forma aislada.", "promptID": "1269_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3806_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Las maravillosas conexiones formadas cada día son posibles gracias al apoyo de las operaciones de la Sociedad por parte de organizaciones como la suya!", "sentence2": "Las organizaciones como la suya son las que ayudan a formar conexiones fantásticas todos los días.", "promptID": "1864_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5590_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sí, dijo Ogle, eso es verdad. Pero había algunos que todavía estaban en rebelión abierta y franca contra la línea de acción.", "sentence2": "Ogle nunca mencionó que hubiera nadie a quien no gustara el curso actual.", "promptID": "954_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2860_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aunque este planteamiento les resulte bastante razonable a los naturalistas, es uno de los planteamientos más controversiales para reconciliar la fe y la razón.", "sentence2": "Es difícil reconciliar fe y razón.", "promptID": "2101_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6302_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Durante este año fiscal y el siguiente, la escuela de derecho deberá absorber las reducciones según la apropiación estatal y unos mayores costes sanitarios, con un total de más de 400 000 $.", "sentence2": "El colegio de abogados tiene que lidiar con recortes de presupuesto.", "promptID": "1995_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5983_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El habla inglesa ya está recargada con palabras superfluas que nunca deberían haberse aceptado y que incluso ahora se debería rechazar.", "sentence2": "El inglés necesita urgentemente palabras exóticas adicionales.", "promptID": "2492_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7474_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero Pitt, aunque lo compartió, fue rápido en obedecer.", "sentence2": "Pitt siguió rápidamente la orden.", "promptID": "851_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2553_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las escarpadas crestas de Montserrat surgen de la llanura sin rasgos distintivos del Llobregat 62 kilómetros (38 millas) al noroeste de Barcelona, ​​en el corazón de Cataluña.", "sentence2": "Las montañas de Mountesserat son las más altas de la zona.", "promptID": "1152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3456_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sí, no lo hago bien, ¿qué es lo que pasó en la derrota en diciembre pasado? ¿o por cuántos votos? ¿o por unos pocos cientos de votos?", "sentence2": "Perdió no por muchos votos.", "promptID": "351_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1052_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se supone que los niveles de contaminación del aire por debajo del umbral para cada efecto de salud estudiado no causan el efecto.", "sentence2": "Hay un umbral en cada estudio que determina el efecto de la contaminación del aire.", "promptID": "1461_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4383_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El director aún no tiene una estrategia para quitar la información o compartir barreras y (más de dos años desde el 9/11) solo ha citado a un grupo de trabajo sobre el tema.", "sentence2": "El Director suprimió inmediatamente toda la información compartiendo barreras.", "promptID": "1715_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5145_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al pasar por ellos, es posible que veas una vieja chimenea que se rompe sobre la línea de los árboles, una señal muy fuerte de que el pueblo alguna vez formó parte de una hacienda.", "sentence2": "Las chimeneas indican que el pueblo formaba parte de una hacienda.", "promptID": "1106_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3318_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El New Yorker ha contraatacado con ediciones especiales-- tomos masivos sobre la raza, Hollywood o el futuro.", "sentence2": "The New Yorker ha respondido con más de 20 números especiales, incluidas revistas completas sobre racismo, viajes espaciales y educación.", "promptID": "2229_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6687_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La historia de la portada de Time es el programa de 12 pasos de Bill Gates para triunfar en la era digital.", "sentence2": "Kim Kardashian escribió la historia de portada de la revista Time sobre los 12 pasos necesarios para el éxito en la era digital.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6061_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando Babcock & amp; Wilcox modernizó la caldera AES Somerset 675 MWe, el parón comenzó el 14 de mayo y la caldera volvió a funcionar el 26 de junio, lo que supuso un parón de casi seis semanas.", "sentence2": "Hubo un corte de servicio de seis semanas.", "promptID": "1422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4265_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Louisa May Alcott y Nathaniel Hawthorne vivían en la calle Pinckney. Y Beacon Street se enorgullecía de contar con el historiador William Prescott. Oliver Wendell Holmes la apodó “la soleada calle que alberga a los pocos elegidos”.", "sentence2": "Hawthorne vivió en la calle Pinckney durante 7 años.", "promptID": "1082_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3245_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El cinismo se disuelve con su primer sabor del ambiente apacible de la ciudad, creado por una combinación inteligente de las comodidades de la modernidad sofisticada con los placeres más simples de la naturaleza en la puerta trasera.", "sentence2": "El pueblo es amistoso.", "promptID": "1219_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3656_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero sospecho que esta seriedad es solo una máscara bajo la cual se divertía Lord Julian en secreto.", "sentence2": "Julian parecía serio, pero en realidad se divirtió.", "promptID": "918_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2752_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He mandado enviar por usted, Capitán Blood, debido a ciertas noticias que me acaban de llegar.", "sentence2": "Las noticias que recibí me afectaron hasta lo más hondo.", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2373_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este es el sustento legal del abrazo nostálgico del Juez Anthony Kennedy a los derechos de los estados.", "sentence2": "Kennedy favorece los derechos de los estados cuando se trata de aborto.", "promptID": "2043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6128_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el medio de la plaza todavía hay sombra y un jardín de flores en donde los lugareños y los visitantes se reúnen para el almuerzo o la cena.", "sentence2": "La gente se alinea para comer en el jardín.", "promptID": "1220_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3659_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las palabras son, en general, antiguas.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de las palabras tienden a ser bastante viejas.", "promptID": "2367_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7099_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La reseña de John Horgan del libro Climbing Mount Impossible (The Mystery of Life) de Richard Dawkins es interesante.", "sentence2": "John Horgan dio una reseña brillante de cinco estrellas al libro de Richard Dawkins.", "promptID": "2159_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6476_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El espíritu de liberalismo prevaleciente en Europa tardó en llegar a España.", "sentence2": "El liberalismo no llegó a España hasta más tarde.", "promptID": "1218_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3653_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, su concepto del tiempo es circular, no lineal, por lo que marcar el paso del tiempo no es tan importante como celebrar la vuelta a los eventos de temporada.", "sentence2": "Como su concepto del tiempo es lineal, el paso del tiempo es más importante que el retorno de los eventos estacionales.", "promptID": "2305_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6913_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La tecnología, aunque supuestamente indispensable, nos ha hecho ir a la velocidad de la luz.", "sentence2": "La tecnología nos ha acelerado.", "promptID": "1990_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5969_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fue claro que la agencia líder de respuesta fue el Departamento de Bomberos de Nueva York, y que las otras agencias locales, federales, biestatales y estatales que respondieron actuaron en un rol de apoyo.", "sentence2": "El FDNY no quería que las agencias locales, federales, biestatales y estatales lo ayudaran.", "promptID": "1616_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4847_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los eurócratas de la Unión Europea tienen ideas valiosas, como persuadir a los gobiernos del continente para que hagan políticas de inmigración y ambientales armonizadas.", "sentence2": "Las políticas medioambientales y de inmigración no son buenas.", "promptID": "2199_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6596_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sí, no lo hago bien, ¿qué es lo que pasó en la derrota en diciembre pasado? ¿o por cuántos votos? ¿o por unos pocos cientos de votos?", "sentence2": "Fue rechazado porque la gente no quería salir a votar.", "promptID": "351_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1051_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los críos estamos construyendo nuestro mundo juntos, literalmente.", "sentence2": "La gente no vive en el mundo, está compuesto solo de animales y plantas.", "promptID": "691_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2073_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esperamos con interés su apoyo continuo y trabajar aún más estrechamente con usted y su personal este año y en el año fiscal 2002.", "sentence2": "Trabajamos estrechamente con siete empleados diferentes este año.", "promptID": "1377_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4130_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero este lustro en la dedicación se omite en esta revisión, dejando al lector con menos sabiduría que antes.", "sentence2": "La reseña cubría toda la información que un lector necesitaría saber.", "promptID": "2317_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6950_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Su ayuda hoy nos permitirá fortalecer aún más la herencia filantrópica de los Estados Unidos al expandir los cruciales programas educativos, de liderazgo y de divulgación del Centro.", "sentence2": "No planeamos expandirnos en absoluto.", "promptID": "1826_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5476_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El crecimiento económico es parte fundamental de la creatividad del universo como un todo.", "sentence2": "El crecimiento económico es un monstruo de un tipo muy particular; una entidad independiente del universo.", "promptID": "681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2041_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En este contexto, la reciente publicación del Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America, a pesar de sus 1.500.000 entradas, puede considerarse como solo un primer paso, aunque ambicioso.", "sentence2": "El Omni Gazetteer de los Estados Unidos es un primer paso.", "promptID": "2456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7366_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Qué aspecto de nuestra política exterior teme más Richard Clarkede que quede congelado o sea abandonado mientras los civiles son asesinados en Ruanda o sean congelados mientras los civiles son asesinados en Kosovo?", "sentence2": "Clarke tiene preocupaciones sobre cómo responderemos a la violencia reciente.", "promptID": "2161_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6481_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un caballero está ligado a su corcel a través del latín caballus (caballo).", "sentence2": "El mismo nombre de un caballero indica su conexión con su caballo.", "promptID": "2284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6851_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "22 A pesar de estos estrictos estándares de legislación con niveles salariales actualizados de vez en cuando, las violaciones generalizadas en los lugares de trabajo de prendas de vestir se han convertido en algo común en los años noventa.", "sentence2": "Los niveles salariales en la industria de la indumentaria no están estancados.", "promptID": "663_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1989_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El aumento de la población es como la polución a la inversa.", "sentence2": "El crecimiento de la población es similar al inverso de la contaminación.", "promptID": "2048_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6143_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La Figura 6 muestra los costos unitarios promedio generados con la función de costo para el USPS.", "sentence2": "El coste medio del servicio de correos está reflejado en el gráfico 6 y representa todos los beneficios.", "promptID": "1448_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4342_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las maravillosas conexiones que se forjan cada día son posibles gracias al apoyo de las operaciones de la Sociedad.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad contribuye mucho a las conexiones que se hacen.", "promptID": "1988_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5962_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fue ella ahora la que la defendía, su voz temblaba con indignación.", "sentence2": "La mujer estaba enfadada y a la defensiva.", "promptID": "820_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2459_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Solo a unas manzanas en la trasera del Malecen hay una creciente cantidad de clubes únicos con un toque más urbano.", "sentence2": "La colección de palos es aburrida e igual que las otras.", "promptID": "1133_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3398_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mi hermana salió una vez con un joven fornido que era un apoyo vigoroso de la Universidad de Iowa, de los equipos deportivos conocidos como Hawkeyes.", "sentence2": "Mi hermana es monja y nunca ha salido con un hombre.", "promptID": "2491_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7471_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Otras pruebas corroboran su cuenta.", "sentence2": "Hay otra información que contiene evidencia que respalda lo que ella dijo.", "promptID": "1627_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4880_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Mi esperanza es que hayas sido muy bendecido y alentado por este problema.", "sentence2": "Sé que harás todo lo que esté a tu alcance para luchar contra el cáncer de lactancia.", "promptID": "1766_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5298_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El martes, Bush advirtió: Con demasiada frecuencia, en asuntos sociales, mi partido ha pintado una imagen de Estados Unidos inclinándose hacia Gomorra.", "sentence2": "El jueves, Bush felicitó a su partido por pintar una imagen de Estados Unidos en dirección al sol.", "promptID": "2165_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6495_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero tienen un nombre secreto y privado que sigue siendo un secreto familiar.", "sentence2": "Esta familia tiene un secreto que permanece escondido.", "promptID": "2321_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6963_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las maravillosas conexiones que se forjan cada día son posibles gracias al apoyo de las operaciones de la Sociedad.", "sentence2": "La Sociedad ayuda a las personas a encontrar personas que también estén interesadas en las artes.", "promptID": "1988_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5964_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esperamos con interés su apoyo continuo y trabajar aún más estrechamente con usted y su personal este año y en el año fiscal 2002.", "sentence2": "Tenemos la intención de cortar nuestra relación con su organización con efecto inmediato.", "promptID": "1377_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4129_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero tienen un nombre secreto y privado que sigue siendo un secreto familiar.", "sentence2": "Un miembro de la familia publicó un libro y reveló todos los secretos de la familia.", "promptID": "2321_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6961_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El habla inglesa ya está recargada con palabras superfluas que nunca deberían haberse aceptado y que incluso ahora se debería rechazar.", "sentence2": "Los expertos han identificado cincuenta palabras diferentes que no deberían formar parte del lenguaje.", "promptID": "2492_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7475_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El New Yorker ha contraatacado con ediciones especiales-- tomos masivos sobre la raza, Hollywood o el futuro.", "sentence2": "En respuesta, el New Yorker ha publicado enormes números especiales sobre temas como Hollywood, la raza y el futuro.", "promptID": "2229_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6686_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las tasas para los estudiantes han aumentado un 12 % desde 1992-92, lo que representa una subida considerable.", "sentence2": "La matrícula seguirá aumentando cada año.", "promptID": "1899_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5697_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los patios y pabellones masivos sobre las cámaras funerarias de Yongle han sido restaurados, y albergan algunos de los tesoros excavados de las Tumbas Ming, incluida la armadura imperial.", "sentence2": "No puedes ver nada viejo en exhibición.", "promptID": "1072_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3216_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tienes el descaro de reprenderme porque no te cojo las manos cuando sé cómo están manchadas; ¿cuando sé que eres un asesino y algo peor? La miró con la abierta.", "sentence2": "Eligió tomar sus manos porque eran pequeñas, delicadas y, sobre todo, limpias.", "promptID": "767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2301_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No se deben pasar por alto los destellos de sabiduría.", "sentence2": "Los destellos de sabiduría siempre deben ser considerados.", "promptID": "2441_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7323_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Un oficial del Tesoro describió la postura de la CIA como negligente benigna hacia el Centro de Seguimiento de Activos Terroristas Extranjeros (FTATC), dijo que la CIA considera que el seguimiento financiero tiene una utilidad limitada.", "sentence2": "La CIA se basó en el seguimiento financiero ya que es la herramienta principal contra el terrorismo.", "promptID": "1741_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5223_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sabol dijo que, de vez en cuando, tiene que hacer una parada en boxes. Aunque incluso esto está organizado convenientemente.", "sentence2": "Sabol comentó que no necesita tomar descansos.", "promptID": "2055_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6165_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La acústica dentro del sepulcro es muy precisa, exagerando el sonido de los visitantes que se aproximan.", "sentence2": "La acústica hace que las cosas suenen fuerte.", "promptID": "1111_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3333_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Después de exigir repetidamente que Sudán dejase de apoyar a grupos terroristas, en 1993 el gobierno de Estados Unidos designó al país como un estado patrocinador del terrorismo.", "sentence2": "Sudán apoyaba a terroristas con pago de dinero y entrenamiento.", "promptID": "1690_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5068_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los vertederos de la historia están llenos de ruinas.", "sentence2": "A veces, los objetos preciosos que evocan recuerdos fuertes de eventos históricos pasados se encuentran en los restos de los patios de basura.", "promptID": "2069_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6206_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El espíritu de liberalismo prevaleciente en Europa tardó en llegar a España.", "sentence2": "España nunca ha sido liberal.", "promptID": "1218_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3654_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las palabras que no encajan no se pueden devolver.", "sentence2": "Todas las palabras son adecuadas.", "promptID": "2467_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7399_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Podría el estadístico promedio ser la fuente de orden en los organismos?", "sentence2": "Está claro que hay un orden en los organismos.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2161_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pídeles que salgan a navegar, Jeremy - dijo en voz baja.", "sentence2": "Él habló con un tono suave.", "promptID": "974_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2920_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si la inteligencia de defensa se reorganiza para elevar las responsabilidades del director de la DIA, entonces esa persona podría ser el funcionario apropiado.", "sentence2": "Director de la DIA es la posición más baja en relación con las responsabilidades.", "promptID": "1650_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4948_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No se deben pasar por alto los destellos de sabiduría.", "sentence2": "Los destellos de sabiduría, son de gran importancia.", "promptID": "2441_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7322_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Su relación con ella permaneció cercana durante su tiempo en EE. UU.", "sentence2": "Él tuvo una relación con una mujer estadounidense.", "promptID": "1682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5044_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "bueno, definitivamente los mantendremos pobres y pisoteados e indefensos", "sentence2": "Lo hacemos tan mal que la gente no logra tener éxito en nuestra sociedad.", "promptID": "493_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1479_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lo que pienso de usted puede ser muy poco para usted, señor. Esto fue un golpe desarmado.", "sentence2": "No importa lo que pienso de ti.", "promptID": "961_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2881_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tu apoyo a Goodwill proveerá formación profesional y servicio de colocación para ayudar a los más pobres de Indiana a encontrar empleos significativos.", "sentence2": "El respaldo a Goodwill reducirá la tasa de desempleo.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5355_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, el USDA argumenta que lo que se necesita es más poder de aplicación, y con ese fin, está avanzando un proyecto de ley diseñado para ampliar su autoridad.", "sentence2": "El USDA considera que necesitan una aplicación más flexible.", "promptID": "2061_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6183_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los vertederos de la historia están llenos de ruinas.", "sentence2": "Los depósitos de chatarra son instalaciones de almacenamiento con productos limpios y nuevos, almacenados en columnas ordenadas.", "promptID": "2069_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6205_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es necesaria la asociación de un fondo privado y fondos propios de la Universidad para que nuestra facultad de derecho continúe creciendo tanto en tamaño como en influencia.", "sentence2": "Nuestra escuela de derecho necesita fondos para continuar creciendo.", "promptID": "1756_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5268_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las esperanzas han aumentado, y también se han desvanecido, sobre los cítricos y la piña de las Bahamas.", "sentence2": "El cítrico bahameño no fue todo lo bueno que todos esperaban.", "promptID": "1013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3039_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es necesaria la asociación de un fondo privado y fondos propios de la Universidad para que nuestra facultad de derecho continúe creciendo tanto en tamaño como en influencia.", "sentence2": "Nuestra Facultad de Derecho cuenta con el respaldo, en parte, de la Fundación Melinda y Bill Gates.", "promptID": "1756_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5267_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El segundo nivel de falsedad es que Brock defiende a Hillary sólo para elevar su propio escándalo de propiedad.", "sentence2": "El siguiente nivel de mentiras va a ser uno en el que Brock defiende a Hillary para agrandarse a sí mismo.", "promptID": "2167_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6501_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sí, no lo hago bien, ¿qué es lo que pasó en la derrota en diciembre pasado? ¿o por cuántos votos? ¿o por unos pocos cientos de votos?", "sentence2": "Pasó por un margen de 99 %.", "promptID": "351_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1053_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tus palabras se han enfadado con él.", "sentence2": "Él realmente disfrutó de lo que dijiste.", "promptID": "914_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2742_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El aumento de la población es como la polución a la inversa.", "sentence2": "La polución es un factor limitante para el crecimiento de la población.", "promptID": "2048_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6142_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Steve, ni siquiera he podido quitarte tu billetera; respondió Hatch.", "sentence2": "Hatch bromeó que ni siquiera podía levantar la billetera de Steve.", "promptID": "2032_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6096_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por supuesto que eso podría aumentar el crimen, ya sabes, y la gente entra y te roba la televisión y la vente porque ya no pueden trabajar más, ya sabes", "sentence2": "Esto causará un descenso en el crimen.", "promptID": "333_xnli.dev", "pairID": "999_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los periódicos locales y las pocas emisoras satelitales influyentes, como Al Jazeera, a menudo refuerzan el tema yihadista que retrata a Estados Unidos como antimusulmán.", "sentence2": "Algunos periódicos de Arizona parecen antimusulmanes.", "promptID": "1608_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4823_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En su propio interés ilustrado, cuentan con el apoyo de esta incipiente organización, sabiendo que beneficiaría a la ciudad en su conjunto.", "sentence2": "Apoyaban a la organización porque sabían que aportaría beneficios a la ciudad.", "promptID": "1861_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5583_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Su ayuda hoy nos permitirá fortalecer aún más la herencia filantrópica de los Estados Unidos al expandir los cruciales programas educativos, de liderazgo y de divulgación del Centro.", "sentence2": "Podrías ayudarnos a expandir nuestros programas de alcance.", "promptID": "1826_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5478_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las palabras suaves y cálidas de los niños nos permiten calmar nuestros temores sobre los ordenadores que se bloquean, explotan y suspenden.", "sentence2": "Las palabras suaves y cálidas de los niños nos permiten no temer que los ordenadores se bloqueen, bombardeen y aborten.", "promptID": "2423_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7269_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así como Ross, Mehta lucha por expresar las virtudes inefables de William Shawn.", "sentence2": "Ross y Mehta no tienen problemas para expresar los principios de William Shawn.", "promptID": "2127_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6380_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La conexión entre la nación limitada y la igualdad sin límites tiene connotaciones paradójicas.", "sentence2": "La nación no está alcanzando todo su potencial.", "promptID": "682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2046_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El crecimiento económico es parte fundamental de la creatividad del universo como un todo.", "sentence2": "El crecimiento económico modela muchos sistemas naturales que se encuentran en el universo.", "promptID": "681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2042_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Por qué Gates produce a un ritmo tan frenético?", "sentence2": "El Presidente se preguntaba por qué las máquinas en la fábrica de Gates producen a un ritmo tan alto.", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6641_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "um, no hay nada de malo con ser un padre que da todo lo que tiene a uh a uh una persona como uh como como tú", "sentence2": "Está bien que los padres respalden a sus hijos hasta que puedan hacer las cosas solos.", "promptID": "454_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1361_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No estás seguro de que has sido claro del lado de quién estás.", "sentence2": "Es obvio a quién apoyas.", "promptID": "2066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6196_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El cinismo se disuelve con su primer sabor del ambiente apacible de la ciudad, creado por una combinación inteligente de las comodidades de la modernidad sofisticada con los placeres más simples de la naturaleza en la puerta trasera.", "sentence2": "La ciudad es un lugar enfadado y terrible.", "promptID": "1219_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3655_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La cooperación entre el programa y las divisiones de integridad es el medio por el cual se abordan los asuntos emergentes.", "sentence2": "Los dos grupos trabajaron juntos para asegurarse de que no faltaba ninguna pieza importante.", "promptID": "1417_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4250_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "costoso, puede obtener una gran cantidad de dinero en ese tipo de cosas, especialmente las cosas buenas", "sentence2": "No vale nada porque es basura.", "promptID": "460_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1378_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El gran momento histórico se produjo en 1864, cuando su capital, Charlottetown, organizó una reunión de líderes marítimos con delegados de Ontario y Quebec para marcar el camino hacia el estatus federal de Canadá como un dominio unido.", "sentence2": "Charlottetown acogió a líderes que estaban cambiando el sector marítimo.", "promptID": "1227_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3679_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El problema de la explotación en las relaciones sexuales aparentemente voluntarias nos ha acompañado hace mucho.", "sentence2": "El problema es que la explotación está mejorando.", "promptID": "615_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1843_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como veremos en ambos casos, parece que algo profundo está sucediendo en el universo que no está finitamente preestablecido.", "sentence2": "El universo en un lugar muy confunso.", "promptID": "709_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2126_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Otros consejeros se hicieron eco de esta preocupación.", "sentence2": "Todos los consejeros estuvieron unanimamente de acuerdo en que no habia de que preocuparse", "promptID": "1509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4525_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El descubrimiento que atrapó la imaginación del mundo entero fue realizado por James Wilson Marshall, un carpintero en el molino de John Sutter en el río American en Coloma, que está entre Sacramento y el lago Tahoe.", "sentence2": "James Wilson Marshall hizo algo especial.", "promptID": "1145_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3434_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los periódicos locales y las pocas emisoras satelitales influyentes, como Al Jazeera, a menudo refuerzan el tema yihadista que retrata a Estados Unidos como antimusulmán.", "sentence2": "Todos los periódicos estadounidenses tienen que sonar favorables a los musulmanes.", "promptID": "1608_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4822_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las disputas cogieron el tono de una lucha de clase.", "sentence2": "Peleaban por lo ricos que eran los directores ejecutivos.", "promptID": "746_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2236_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los críos estamos construyendo nuestro mundo juntos, literalmente.", "sentence2": "Cada ser viviente afecta el mundo en que vivimos", "promptID": "691_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2071_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Como veremos en ambos casos, parece que algo profundo está sucediendo en el universo que no está finitamente preestablecido.", "sentence2": "Parece algo profundo en el universo.", "promptID": "709_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2125_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Flanqueándolo, una iglesia octagonal moderna al este y una capilla y una torre hexagonal al oeste representan el renacimiento de la posguerra de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Una iglesia, capilla y torre hexagonal representan el renacimiento de la posguerra de la ciudad.", "promptID": "1130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3388_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El descubrimiento que atrapó la imaginación del mundo entero fue realizado por James Wilson Marshall, un carpintero en el molino de John Sutter en el río American en Coloma, que está entre Sacramento y el lago Tahoe.", "sentence2": "James Wilson Marshall inventó algo.", "promptID": "1145_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3435_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "RH-II etiqueta esta expresión actual como proveniente de South Midland y del sur de los Estados Unidos y significa estar al borde de.", "sentence2": "Esta expresión fue importada a los Estados Unidos de la jerga criolla.", "promptID": "2433_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7299_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tu corazón pasó a estar preadaptado para detectar temblores de terremotos prematuramente.", "sentence2": "Tu corazón no puede recoger temblores previos de terremotos.", "promptID": "598_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1794_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las disputas cogieron el tono de una lucha de clase.", "sentence2": "Pelearon acerca de los pobres contra los ricos.", "promptID": "746_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2237_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por ejemplos, los empleados deberían tener que usar una tarjeta de crédito designada por la agencia para ciertos gastos, como los hoteles.", "sentence2": "Los empleados necesitaban cargar toda su comida a la tarjeta.", "promptID": "1300_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3899_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y en realidad no lo entendió.", "sentence2": "Desgraciadamente, ella no pudo entender claramente debido a una barrera del idioma.", "promptID": "35_xnli.dev", "pairID": "103_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tenemos modelos matemáticos iniciales que revelan algo acerca de esta organización jerárquica, aunque muchos de los mejores modelos actuales son curiosamente limitados a pesar de su brillantez.", "sentence2": "Los modelos actuales son excelentes, pero limitados.", "promptID": "577_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1730_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es el deber de un CIO gestionar las expectativas y ayudar a asegurar que todos los miembros de una organización CIO comprenda con claridad sus responsabilidades.", "sentence2": "El CIO no tiene idea de cuáles son las responsabilidades de los miembros y no se hace responsable de informarlos.", "promptID": "1276_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3827_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, es posible seleccionar los bocados de información necesarios en entornos ruidosos, si se tienen en cuenta las expresiones faciales, los gestos y otras pistas contextuales que se toman en cuenta.", "sentence2": "Puede comprender lo que se comunica mediante expresiones faciales y gestos con las manos, incluso cuando no puede escuchar lo que se dice.", "promptID": "2384_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7152_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los vertederos de la historia están llenos de ruinas.", "sentence2": "La evidencia son los restos en el vertedero de la historia.", "promptID": "2069_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6207_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "28 En algunos casos son necesarios cortes más largos.", "sentence2": "Nunca es necesario tener interrupciones.", "promptID": "1456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4366_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es el deber de un CIO gestionar las expectativas y ayudar a asegurar que todos los miembros de una organización CIO comprenda con claridad sus responsabilidades.", "sentence2": "El CIO tiene muchas funciones, entre ellas la gestión de las expectativas y el asegurarse que los miembros comprendan sus responsabilidades.", "promptID": "1276_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3826_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero este lustro en la dedicación se omite en esta revisión, dejando al lector con menos sabiduría que antes.", "sentence2": "La revisión no cubre información esencial de la dedicación.", "promptID": "2317_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6951_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sacando más provecho de las relaciones crispadas entre British Telecom y MCI, WorldCom pujó más alto que BT al ofrece 30 mil millones de dólares por MCI.", "sentence2": "WorldCom nunca hizo una oferta contra BT.", "promptID": "2240_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6719_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La naturaleza igualmente caprichosa de las definiciones contraviene la descripción.", "sentence2": "Las definiciones son bastante secas y no descriptivas.", "promptID": "2372_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7114_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El habla inglesa ya está recargada con palabras superfluas que nunca deberían haberse aceptado y que incluso ahora se debería rechazar.", "sentence2": "Hay muchas palabras en inglés que deben ser removidas del idioma.", "promptID": "2492_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7476_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En el panorama de la aptitud física, la imagen, la mutación, la recombinación y la selección pueden confubularse para atraer a las poblaciones en evolución hacia los picos de una buena forma física.", "sentence2": "Muchos factores funcionan juntos para llevar a las poblaciones en evolución a niveles de aptitud física más elevados.", "promptID": "712_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2135_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las escarpadas crestas de Montserrat surgen de la llanura sin rasgos distintivos del Llobregat 62 kilómetros (38 millas) al noroeste de Barcelona, ​​en el corazón de Cataluña.", "sentence2": "El Montserrat son montañas.", "promptID": "1152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3455_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "bueno, definitivamente los mantendremos pobres y pisoteados e indefensos", "sentence2": "Los estamos alentando e inspirando cada día.", "promptID": "493_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1478_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las esperanzas han aumentado, y también se han desvanecido, sobre los cítricos y la piña de las Bahamas.", "sentence2": "Aunque las piñas sabían muy bien, los costos de envío eran demasiado altos para llevarlas al mercado.", "promptID": "1013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3037_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aunque este planteamiento les resulte bastante razonable a los naturalistas, es uno de los planteamientos más controversiales para reconciliar la fe y la razón.", "sentence2": "No hay manera de reconciliar fe y razón.", "promptID": "2101_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6303_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¡Las maravillosas conexiones formadas cada día son posibles gracias al apoyo de las operaciones de la Sociedad por parte de organizaciones como la suya!", "sentence2": "Las conexones hechas fueron hechas en vano no gracias a ti.", "promptID": "1864_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5591_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La presencia de Bugsy Siegel y Kid Twist en nuestra historia reciente no significa que seamos personas duras.", "sentence2": "La presencia de estos raperos en nuestra historia no garantiza que seamos duros.", "promptID": "2153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6459_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los Estados Unidos defendieron, y todavía defienden, a los musulmanes contra tiranos y criminales en Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afganistán, e Irak.", "sentence2": "Estados Unidos apoya plenamente a cualquier tirano que controle Bosnia", "promptID": "1676_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5027_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "28 En algunos casos son necesarios cortes más largos.", "sentence2": "A veces necesitas apagar la energía por más tiempo.", "promptID": "1456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4368_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No me apasiona lo que Wolverstone acaba de decir.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone había dicho algo que no hacía que uno se sintiera borracho", "promptID": "963_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2889_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, no puedo aceptar el origen de Hendrickson para las latitudes del caballo, aunque, para darle lo que se merece, sólo copió la etimología de otras fuentes, incluida el OED.", "sentence2": "No estoy de acuerdo con Hendrickson sobre el origen de las latitudes de los caballos.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7238_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, el impacto del volumen es mayor en los EE. UU. que en Francia porque los EE. UU. tienen densidades postales más bajas y una mayor variación en los volúmenes.", "sentence2": "El impacto en Francia es mayor que en los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1405_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4213_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando Babcock & amp; Wilcox modernizó la caldera AES Somerset 675 MWe, el parón comenzó el 14 de mayo y la caldera volvió a funcionar el 26 de junio, lo que supuso un parón de casi seis semanas.", "sentence2": "El apagon deberia haber terminado mucho antes.", "promptID": "1422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4264_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las palabras que no encajan no se pueden devolver.", "sentence2": "Algunas palabras no encajan en el puzzle.", "promptID": "2467_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7400_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta es una curva de demanda, condicionada a la restricción de que el descuento sigue siendo el mismo, bajo qué condición ningún remitente cambiará a la realización de tareas compartidas.", "sentence2": "La curva de demanda depende de que el descuento sea el mismo.", "promptID": "1385_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4153_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El problema de la explotación en las relaciones sexuales aparentemente voluntarias nos ha acompañado hace mucho.", "sentence2": "No hay explotación en las relaciones sexuales que son voluntarias.", "promptID": "615_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1845_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tres bancos japoneses se fusionarán para crear la mayor institución financiera del mundo.", "sentence2": "El banco será el mayor del mundo.", "promptID": "2130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6388_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las palabras que no encajan no se pueden devolver.", "sentence2": "Algunas palabras no encajan.", "promptID": "2467_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7401_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La presencia de Bugsy Siegel y Kid Twist en nuestra historia reciente no significa que seamos personas duras.", "sentence2": "Bugsy Siegel y Kid Twist son parte de nuestra historia y eso significa que somos duros.", "promptID": "2153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6457_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Louisa May Alcott y Nathaniel Hawthorne vivían en la calle Pinckney. Y Beacon Street se enorgullecía de contar con el historiador William Prescott. Oliver Wendell Holmes la apodó “la soleada calle que alberga a los pocos elegidos”.", "sentence2": "Hawthorne vivió en Main Street.", "promptID": "1082_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3244_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La cooperación entre el programa y las divisiones de integridad es el medio por el cual se abordan los asuntos emergentes.", "sentence2": "Los dos grupos trabajan juntos.", "promptID": "1417_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4251_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tienes el descaro de reprenderme porque no te cojo las manos cuando sé cómo están manchadas; ¿cuando sé que eres un asesino y algo peor? La miró con la abierta.", "sentence2": "Él cree que el crimen cometido puede haber sido genocidio.", "promptID": "767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2299_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El cinismo se disuelve con su primer sabor del ambiente apacible de la ciudad, creado por una combinación inteligente de las comodidades de la modernidad sofisticada con los placeres más simples de la naturaleza en la puerta trasera.", "sentence2": "La ciudad es tan agradable que nunca quiero irme.", "promptID": "1219_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3657_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lo que pienso de usted puede ser muy poco para usted, señor. Esto fue un golpe desarmado.", "sentence2": "Puede que te importe lo que pienso de ti.", "promptID": "961_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2882_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los críos estamos construyendo nuestro mundo juntos, literalmente.", "sentence2": "Los seres vivos componen el mundo como lo hacen las plantas y los árboles. Pero podemos cambiar los efectos que causamos.", "promptID": "691_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2072_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "... jirones de nubes blancas esparcidas por todo un claro cielo azul.", "sentence2": "El cielo está claro y azul, no se ve ninguna nube.", "promptID": "1983_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5948_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, es posible seleccionar los bocados de información necesarios en entornos ruidosos, si se tienen en cuenta las expresiones faciales, los gestos y otras pistas contextuales que se toman en cuenta.", "sentence2": "Incluso en un ambiente ruidoso, se puede reunir la información más importante observando las expresiones faciales, los gestos y signos contextuales.", "promptID": "2384_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7151_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero sospecho que esta seriedad es solo una máscara bajo la cual se divertía Lord Julian en secreto.", "sentence2": "Julian estaba siendo claro acerca de sus sentimientos.", "promptID": "918_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2754_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "McCoy invita a apoyar a la Fundación de la empresa con la cantidad de 10 000 $.", "sentence2": "McCoy está solitando una ayuda de 10 000 $.", "promptID": "1942_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5825_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta es una curva de demanda, condicionada a la restricción de que el descuento sigue siendo el mismo, bajo qué condición ningún remitente cambiará a la realización de tareas compartidas.", "sentence2": "La curva de demanda no depende de nada.", "promptID": "1385_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4154_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Limpia las palabras en su fragmento, también.", "sentence2": "Al pasar, no barres nada.", "promptID": "2407_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7221_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La gran depresión llegó a California con fuerza.", "sentence2": "California estuvo muy afectada por la mala economía.", "promptID": "1213_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3637_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al estallar la guerra, la reputación de Canadá de recibir inmigrantes y refugiados de todo el mundo se vio empañada por el bloqueo de comunistas y judíos de la Alemania de Hitler.", "sentence2": "Canadá es el país que más refugiados de países africanos ha acogido.", "promptID": "1127_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3381_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El crecimiento económico es parte fundamental de la creatividad del universo como un todo.", "sentence2": "Uno no puede separar el crecimiento económico del universo.", "promptID": "681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2043_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Más fría aún y más distante que nunca se alzó la voz de su señoría.", "sentence2": "Su señoría habló con calma a todos dando la impresión de ser una persona cálida y amable.", "promptID": "874_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2621_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tenemos modelos matemáticos iniciales que revelan algo acerca de esta organización jerárquica, aunque muchos de los mejores modelos actuales son curiosamente limitados a pesar de su brillantez.", "sentence2": "Hay mucho más por aprender sobre la organización.", "promptID": "577_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1731_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las montañas robustas de Serra de Tramuntana se arrastran al mar tan marcadamente aquí que hay pocos puntos de acceso y un solo puerto y muelle de cualquier tamaño a lo largo de la costa.", "sentence2": "Las montañas fácilmente tienen deslizamientos porque los puertos no se construyen fácilmente allí.", "promptID": "1043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3127_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La presencia de Bugsy Siegel y Kid Twist en nuestra historia reciente no significa que seamos personas duras.", "sentence2": "El hecho de que Bugsy Siegel y Kid Twist sean parte de nuestra historia no significa que seamos automáticamente duros.", "promptID": "2153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6458_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los cupones especiales se han entregado agresivamente en las playas durante el día, con la esperanza de atraer a la multitud más grande posible para la noche.", "sentence2": "Se reparten cupones en la playa, esperando atraer clientes por la noche.", "promptID": "1153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3459_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El portavoz de la ilegalizada Batasuna, Pernando Barrena, advirtió de que el proceso de paz en el País Vasco está \"en crisis\" y \"en situación de bloqueo\" por culpa de la actitud del Gobierno que, a su juicio, utiliza \"maniobras dilatorias\" para no poner en marcha la llamada mesa de partidos.", "sentence2": "La creación de la mesa de partido beneficia al Gobierno electoralmente.", "promptID": "74_esxnli", "pairID": "221_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La consigna era clara: el mal había sido enorme y la cirugía debía estar en consonancia con tal enormidad.", "sentence2": "Para combatir el mal, se recurrió a la cirugía", "promptID": "537_esxnli", "pairID": "1609_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estoy muy satisfecho por aportar mi granito de arena haciendo lo que más me gusta, dijo Francisco durante la presentación de este evento, cuyos beneficios irán a parar a esta asociación, para luchar contra esta grave enfermedad.", "sentence2": "Francisco participa en el haciendo cosas que no le gustan.", "promptID": "723_esxnli", "pairID": "2169_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las negociaciones para formar un gobierno de unidad nacional en la ANP se suspendieron a raíz de esta última oleada de violencia.", "sentence2": "La última oleada de violencia dejó más de cien heridos.", "promptID": "113_esxnli", "pairID": "337_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si no se puede hacer que lo justo tenga fuerza, como decía Pascal (de quien es el título de este artículo), al menos podríamos no pretender que lo que tiene fuerza es, solo por eso, justo.", "sentence2": "Lo que tiene fuerza es, solo por eso, justo.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1668_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Un fracaso no hace destino, es cierto.", "sentence2": "Un fracaso cambia el rumbo de tu vida.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1822_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Ayuntamiento de la capital subrayó la relevancia de este fallo judicial para luchar contra el vandalismo.", "sentence2": "Cada vez está más presente el vandalismo en las capitales.", "promptID": "8_esxnli", "pairID": "24_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Soy profundamente europeo en el sentido de que toda mi vida intelectual está construida en torno a la filosofía europea.", "sentence2": "Conocer la filosofía europea te hace sentir europeo.", "promptID": "536_esxnli", "pairID": "1607_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En la mayoría de los casos, el paso siguiente parece ser el natural dentro de esta espiral: el físico.", "sentence2": "El siguiente paso es el psicológico.", "promptID": "538_esxnli", "pairID": "1614_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Única salida a la crisis actual.", "sentence2": "La crisis actual no es un problema", "promptID": "293_esxnli", "pairID": "878_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El próximo 24 de mayo defenderá a España en el Festival de Eurovisión, ha terminado su primer disco, que verá la luz dentro de muy poco, y por si no fuera bastante, acaba de firmar un contrato para ser imagen hasta el próximo 31 de julio de ONLY, perteneciente a la multinacional danesa Bestseller, que comercializa cinco distintas marcas de ropa para mujer, hombre y niño.", "sentence2": "La multinacional danesa Bestseller es de las más fuertes dentro del sector de la moda.", "promptID": "722_esxnli", "pairID": "2165_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y sin embargo, es también la única de las ciudades \"mediterráneas\" que conserva el aura paradisiaca que era el atractivo primero de las ciudades levantinas.", "sentence2": "Esa ciudad se encuentra en la comunidad valenciana", "promptID": "508_esxnli", "pairID": "1522_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Precisamete, la lucha contra el sida, el paludismo y otras enfermedades constituye uno de los Objetivos del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas trazados para el 2015.", "sentence2": "La lucha contra el sida, el paludismo y otras enfermedades se ha conseguido para 2015.", "promptID": "344_esxnli", "pairID": "1030_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estoy muy satisfecho por aportar mi granito de arena haciendo lo que más me gusta, dijo Francisco durante la presentación de este evento, cuyos beneficios irán a parar a esta asociación, para luchar contra esta grave enfermedad.", "sentence2": "La asociación destinará los beneficios del evento para luchar contra una enfermedad grave.", "promptID": "723_esxnli", "pairID": "2168_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La consigna era clara: el mal había sido enorme y la cirugía debía estar en consonancia con tal enormidad.", "sentence2": "El mal exigía una cirugía complicada", "promptID": "537_esxnli", "pairID": "1610_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero, para no perder la costumbre, diversos medios vieron en este momento algo más que una espontánea reacción de la inesperada Kate durante este concierto, el primero que Pete Doherty ofrece tras abandonar la clínica de rehabilitación en la que tuvo que ingresar por orden judicial para someterse a un tratamiento por su adicción a las drogas.", "sentence2": "Pete Doherty tiene un expediente judicial limpio", "promptID": "786_esxnli", "pairID": "2357_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El bloqueo está visto, solo ha servido para endurecer y eternizar el régimen dictatorial (no me hablen de izquieras o derechas, que me da la risa, es una dictadura y punto).", "sentence2": "Los bloqueos disuelven dictaduras.", "promptID": "25_esxnli", "pairID": "73_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hace bastante tiempo que se comprendió que era un arma poderosa contra la democracia.", "sentence2": "Podría llegar a vencer a la democacia.", "promptID": "292_esxnli", "pairID": "874_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A partir de entonces, me parece que es difícil hablar de identidad latinoamericana porque es algo que está en constante movimiento, en constante diálogo con lo artístico.", "sentence2": "Latinoamericano es reconocida por sus artistas.", "promptID": "569_esxnli", "pairID": "1706_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y las ventas de botox, la toxina paralizante que ya todo el mundo conoce, alcanzan ya los 1.000 millones de dólares anuales.", "sentence2": "La sociedad rechaza tratamientos puramente estéticos sin base médica.", "promptID": "416_esxnli", "pairID": "1246_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las malas noticias para los empleados públicos se consumarán con la aprobación del decreto de prórroga presupuestaria, que mantendrá sus salarios congelados hasta que haya nuevas cuentas.", "sentence2": "Los salarios de los empleados públicos se congelarán con la aprobación del decreto.", "promptID": "179_esxnli", "pairID": "537_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sí, si se convierten en información útil y las herramientas para manejar esa información son muy simples e intuitivas de usar.", "sentence2": "Las herramientas deben implementarse en código abierto.", "promptID": "485_esxnli", "pairID": "1455_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para Rafaeli, la experiencia ha sido una \"aventura\".", "sentence2": "La experiencia ha resultado ser insulsa", "promptID": "119_esxnli", "pairID": "356_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Guardo ahora la impresión de esta diferencia porque la literatura que, en ocasiones parece como un juego o un oficio infantilizado, se revela aquí, en la grandeza de Ferrer Lerín, como el franco trasunto de un estrago.", "sentence2": "Ferrer Lerín ha puesto la literatura en en su lugar que merece.", "promptID": "565_esxnli", "pairID": "1693_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El portavoz de la ilegalizada Batasuna, Pernando Barrena, advirtió de que el proceso de paz en el País Vasco está \"en crisis\" y \"en situación de bloqueo\" por culpa de la actitud del Gobierno que, a su juicio, utiliza \"maniobras dilatorias\" para no poner en marcha la llamada mesa de partidos.", "sentence2": "La ciudadanía está de acuerdo con la creación de la mesa de partidos.", "promptID": "74_esxnli", "pairID": "220_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algo harán para que los especuladores (es decir los amigüitos del tripartit) que compraron a precio de mierda, puedan vender a precio de oro.", "sentence2": "Los especuladores comprarán barato.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "544_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Subir cuatro pisos varias veces al día es una paliza.", "sentence2": "Ha que subir y bajar cuatro pisos varias veces al dia", "promptID": "279_esxnli", "pairID": "836_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A estos ya les cerraron el chiringuito en la COPE y por eso montaron Esradio.", "sentence2": "Fueron despedidos de la COPE.", "promptID": "195_esxnli", "pairID": "585_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Zlatan sabe defender la pelota, asegura.", "sentence2": "Zlatan pierde todos los balones.", "promptID": "38_esxnli", "pairID": "114_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Creo que tenemos la prueba más palpable de la patética provocación en la que ha acabado determinado tipo de actividad considerada arte.", "sentence2": "Hay quien considera arte a esta prueba de provocación.", "promptID": "519_esxnli", "pairID": "1556_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta mezcla pone al cuerpo en alerta y tensión.", "sentence2": "Es una mezcla a la que el cuerpo reacciona.", "promptID": "419_esxnli", "pairID": "1256_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El objetivo del plan de menús de táper es ofrecer a quienes pasan todo el día fuera de casa una oportunidad de alimentarse de manera sana y equilibrada, de manera que puedan comer en la oficina o en el lugar de trabajo una comida lo más parecida posible a la que tomarían en su propia vivienda.", "sentence2": "Los que quieran comer en la oficina no tienen por qué cocinar ellos su comida.", "promptID": "437_esxnli", "pairID": "1310_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Deben obtenerse, mediante procesos que no dañen el medio ambiente, la salud humana y el bienestar de los animales ni la salud de las plantas, productos de alta calidad y una amplia variedad de alimentos que respondan a la demanda de los consumidores.", "sentence2": "Deben obtenerse productos de alta calidad y amplia variedad.", "promptID": "350_esxnli", "pairID": "1048_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Lo que da miedo es que si el partido que mas mima a sus trabajadores (PSOE) ha mandado al paro con una mano delante y otra detras a mas de 3.000.000 de ciudadanos..", "sentence2": "Mas de 3.000.000 de trabajadores se han quedado sin trabajo.", "promptID": "262_esxnli", "pairID": "785_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "BIen, dejémoslo en premio.", "sentence2": "Han llegado a un acuerdo.", "promptID": "633_esxnli", "pairID": "1898_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando hay una base de transportes barata, todo se despierta más fácilmente.", "sentence2": "No hay ninguna ventaja si la base de transportes es barata.", "promptID": "246_esxnli", "pairID": "736_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La eficacia policial, la presión judicial y la movilización política y social habían empujado a la banda al borde del abismo de la desaparición, y sin contrapartidas de ninguna clase.", "sentence2": "La mayor parte de la sociedad apoyaba la desaparición de la banda.", "promptID": "631_esxnli", "pairID": "1893_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El paso del tiempo es abrasador y va corroyendo el ánimo de la gente; muchos se irán (o ya se han ido) y al final se harán cargo del movimiento los grupos habituales de la sociedad alternativa, como los okupas y demás.", "sentence2": "Los grupos habituales de la sociedad alternativa se hacen cargo de los movimientos que han sido abandonados por gente desanimada.", "promptID": "515_esxnli", "pairID": "1545_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "También dijo que la decisión del gobierno hará posible la vuelta a la normalidad y abriría la vía al diálogo nacional para que ambas partes discutieran los problemas importantes a nivel nacional.", "sentence2": "La decisión del gobierno no hará posible la vuelta a la normalidad.", "promptID": "75_esxnli", "pairID": "223_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estas proporciones suponen un leve incremento con lo ocurrido en ejercicios anteriores.", "sentence2": "Estas proporciones no suponen nada.", "promptID": "462_esxnli", "pairID": "1386_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Supongo que habrá sido un error informático o un leve despiste, pero permítame mi toque de atención.", "sentence2": "Todo ha funcionado perfectamente", "promptID": "521_esxnli", "pairID": "1561_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A empresa también cuenta con una cobertura de actor vandálicos de hasta 3.000 euros o defensa jurídica gratuita cuando, por ejemplo, el condenado no cumple el laudo y éste tenga que ejecutarse en el juzgado de primera instancia y el arrendatario necesite los servicios de un bogado o procurador.", "sentence2": "Eso trae muchas ventajas y beneificios para los empresas.", "promptID": "235_esxnli", "pairID": "705_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por eso, un buen día, explota, y a lomos de su imaginación alcanza una extraña isla donde un puñado de monstruos le convierten en su rey.", "sentence2": "Los monstruos de la isla imaginaria son republicanos.", "promptID": "5_esxnli", "pairID": "14_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En la mayoría de los casos, el paso siguiente parece ser el natural dentro de esta espiral: el físico.", "sentence2": "El paso siguiente es el físico.", "promptID": "538_esxnli", "pairID": "1613_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "También dijo que la decisión del gobierno hará posible la vuelta a la normalidad y abriría la vía al diálogo nacional para que ambas partes discutieran los problemas importantes a nivel nacional.", "sentence2": "La vuelta a la normalidad posibilitará la apertura al diálogo nacional.", "promptID": "75_esxnli", "pairID": "224_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El experto norteamericano Mark Dow de Pharo Management ha cofirmado a WSJ que los inversores están vendiedo deuda venezolana para evitar más pérdidas tras la crisis de Dubai, conscientes de que el sistema bancario de Venezuela \"va a explotar\".", "sentence2": "Quien ha vendido la deuda venezolana ha sido el experto norteamericano Mark Dow de Pharo Management.", "promptID": "261_esxnli", "pairID": "782_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así, el avance de liquidación que baraja oficialmente el Gobierno para el cierre de 2008 todavía no dispone de datos definitivos- refleja unos ingresos estimados por el Impuesto de Sociedades que pagan todas las empresas españolas en un año, de 35.445 millones.", "sentence2": "El avance de liquidación que baraja el Gobierno cuenta con datos definitivos para el Impuesto de Sociedades.", "promptID": "284_esxnli", "pairID": "852_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Más adelante haces otras afirmaciones infundadas o falsas que ya no me voy a molestar en desmentir con fuentes, sinó que te lo diré y, en todo caso, espero que TU demuestres que son ciertas (como mínimo en algun caso, para que podamos ver que tus análisis tienen algo de rigor).", "sentence2": "Las afirmaciones que hace más adelante se contradicen con las primeras.", "promptID": "184_esxnli", "pairID": "551_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero al mismo tiempo Chávez es su talón de Aquiles, porque siendo subsidiario suyo, de llegar éste a desaparecer, los cimientos del proyecto de Ortega se verían remecidos.", "sentence2": "El proyecto de Ortega podría verse afectado negativamente por la desaparición de Chávez.", "promptID": "624_esxnli", "pairID": "1872_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El plástico del que están hechos los catéteres, por ejemplo, es sólido a 20 grados pero a los 37 grados habituales a que está el organismo se vuelve flexible y permite así navegar por el sistema circulatorio.", "sentence2": "Es posible hacer un cateterismo sin dañar las venas.", "promptID": "451_esxnli", "pairID": "1351_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según los problemas que tengamos, podemos escoger los ejercicios que mejor nos vayan (los hay especiales para reducir muslos, moldear caderas, afianzar glúteos, eliminar estómago, endurecer vientre).", "sentence2": "No hay ejercicio que sirva para afianzar glúteos.", "promptID": "730_esxnli", "pairID": "2190_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La cantante australiana quiso agradecer a su hermana, la también cantante Danni Minogue, su apoyo durante los duros meses de lucha contra el cáncer de mama que le diagnosticaron el pasado año y que le obligó a suspender su gira por su país natal, subiéndola al escenario en los dos conciertos que ofreció este fin de semana en Melbourne.", "sentence2": "La cantante ha tenido cáncer.", "promptID": "815_esxnli", "pairID": "2443_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El diplomático hizo el anuncio tres días después de que el presidente de Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, pidiese a Estados Unidos ser más severo en las penas a los narcotraficantes que sean extraditados, en una inusual reprimenda del más firme aliado de Washington en América Latina.", "sentence2": "Álvaro Uribe castigaría más fuertemente a los narcotraficantes.", "promptID": "29_esxnli", "pairID": "85_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Unos esperaban que las cuestiones políticas pudieran ser resueltas (o incluso disueltas) gracias a la clarividencia de los expertos y a la exactitud de sus procedimientos, otros lamentaban este proceso de despolitización tecnocrática que se traduciría en control, manipulación, destrucción y homogeneización.", "sentence2": "Unos confiaban en los expertos y sus procedimientos para la resolución de los asuntos políticos, otros deploraban su influencia y manipulación tecnocrática .", "promptID": "651_esxnli", "pairID": "1953_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Interesante link para orientar positivamente el voto de la población en las próximas elecciones.", "sentence2": "Los partidos de derechas han facilitado un link para orientar positivamente el voto de la población.", "promptID": "296_esxnli", "pairID": "888_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ahora quiere proponer, piscinas y toboganes, y \"pa\" cuando llegue enero temblaremos como flanes.", "sentence2": "Las propuestas que hace son de nuestro interés.", "promptID": "114_esxnli", "pairID": "340_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero el milagro será posible si la inversión va más allá de la pantalla.", "sentence2": "El colapso es inminente.", "promptID": "362_esxnli", "pairID": "1085_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me gustaría generar un poco de debate en torno a este asunto que me reconcome por dentro.", "sentence2": "El asunto a tratar ha sido uno de los temas preferidos para él.", "promptID": "267_esxnli", "pairID": "799_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, si la realidad interna de estas naciones continúa con su deterioro la venta forzada de posiciones en moneda extranjera podría conducir a fuertes oscilaciones en el mercado de divisas.", "sentence2": "El deterioro se debe a la realidad interna de las naciones.", "promptID": "216_esxnli", "pairID": "646_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para 2009, España puede cerrar el año con un PIB negativo de más de un tres por ciento.", "sentence2": "El PIB de España se basa en el turismo.", "promptID": "250_esxnli", "pairID": "748_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El bloqueo está visto, solo ha servido para endurecer y eternizar el régimen dictatorial (no me hablen de izquieras o derechas, que me da la risa, es una dictadura y punto).", "sentence2": "El régimen dictatorial es poderoso.", "promptID": "25_esxnli", "pairID": "75_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La actriz ha decidido además relatar su lucha contra el cáncer en un documental de dos horas que difundirá la cadena de televisión estadounidense NCB el viernes 15 de mayo.", "sentence2": "La actriz a padecido cáncer.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2459_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando sólo se habla de ellos están creando una equivocada imagen de la realidad.", "sentence2": "Ellos no son el foco de atención.", "promptID": "405_esxnli", "pairID": "1214_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si estáis explotados o en el paro a joderse, no haber nacido clase trabajadora.", "sentence2": "Si estás explotado y en el paro es porque perteneces a la clase trabajadora", "promptID": "282_esxnli", "pairID": "845_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero la obligación de atajarla y evitar que la metástasis nos alcance a todos es de todos.", "sentence2": "No se debe atajar ni evitar que la metástasis nos alcance.", "promptID": "610_esxnli", "pairID": "1830_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sus pasos son seguidos muy de cerca por decenas de fotógrafos que conscientes de su popularidad la persiguen sin descanso.", "sentence2": "Decenas de fotógrafos le persiguen", "promptID": "822_esxnli", "pairID": "2464_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El fallo dictado de forma firme por Laureano Martínez, titular del Juzgado de lo Penal 2 de Almería, impone a Amizian como autor de un delito contra la seguridad del tráfico una multa a razón de doce euros al día durante medio año, así como la privación del permiso de conducir vehículos a motor y ciclomotores durante un año y un día.", "sentence2": "Amizian fue condenado por un delito de tráfico.", "promptID": "44_esxnli", "pairID": "131_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "CORRESPONDE, desarrollado e implementado por la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Española para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial (SEH-LELHA), consta de un programa informatizado basado en guías de práctica clínica validadas que permiten al médico calcular el riesgo cardiovascular individualizado a la vez que determina un objetivo terapéutico específico.", "sentence2": "El programa informatizado para la Lucha contra la Hipertensión Arterial ha sido todo un éxito.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1447_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando alguien intenta investigar esas redes el virus reacciona y carga contra el ordenador del experto en seguridad.", "sentence2": "Nadie intenta investigar esas redes.", "promptID": "157_esxnli", "pairID": "469_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El primero es una suculenta indemnización ya pactada de 85 días por año trabajado, sin límite de antigüedad (la media ronda los 15 años y el salario bruto, los 1.200 euros).", "sentence2": "La indemnización ya pactada de 85 días por año trabajado y sin límite de antigüedad no convence a los sindicatos.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "26_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Interesante link para orientar positivamente el voto de la población en las próximas elecciones.", "sentence2": "Hay un link para orientar el voto de la problación en las próximas elecciones.", "promptID": "296_esxnli", "pairID": "887_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como consecuencia el nivel de ahorro de los hogares se disparará a niveles del 16,5%.", "sentence2": "Se habla de hogares españoles", "promptID": "234_esxnli", "pairID": "701_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En una sesión de grabación, las cosas se torcieron, según informan fuentes cercanas a la productora.", "sentence2": "Los problemas aparecieron durante una sesión de grabación", "promptID": "30_esxnli", "pairID": "90_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Deben obtenerse, mediante procesos que no dañen el medio ambiente, la salud humana y el bienestar de los animales ni la salud de las plantas, productos de alta calidad y una amplia variedad de alimentos que respondan a la demanda de los consumidores.", "sentence2": "No es preciso obtener una amplia variedad de alimentos.", "promptID": "350_esxnli", "pairID": "1050_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Desafío Español se ha colocado hoy un poco más cerca de las semifinales de la Copa Louis Vuitton tras ganar a dos de los rivales que luchaban por la misma plaza, el Shosholoza y el Mascalzone Latino-Capitalia Team.", "sentence2": "El Desafío Español disputará la final de la Copa Louis Vuitton", "promptID": "760_esxnli", "pairID": "2279_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La actriz ha decidido además relatar su lucha contra el cáncer en un documental de dos horas que difundirá la cadena de televisión estadounidense NCB el viernes 15 de mayo.", "sentence2": "El documental sobre la lucha contra el cáncer de la actriz, se estrenara en Navidades.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2458_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En otro frente, Sarko ya ha empezado a hacer reformas aceleradas para finiquitar un sistema social (empezando por atacar contra las 35h. semanales) y estado del bienestar con el que en españa no podemos ni soñar.", "sentence2": "Las reformas se pondrán en marcha en los próximos días", "promptID": "199_esxnli", "pairID": "595_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Escribía Benjamin en una de sus 'Tesis sobre la filosofía de la historia' algo sobre la naturaleza de ángel de la historia, esta imagen, 'proveniente' de un cuadro de Klee, debemos decir, ha tenido gran impacto al parecer, pues Ferlosio la recoge en su libro 'Sobre la Guerra' y también aparece en 'El hombre sin contenido', tratando de otros temas.", "sentence2": "La naturaleza de ángel de la historia se ha recogido en varios libros", "promptID": "525_esxnli", "pairID": "1574_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando alguien intenta investigar esas redes el virus reacciona y carga contra el ordenador del experto en seguridad.", "sentence2": "El ordenador del experto es atacado por el virus.", "promptID": "157_esxnli", "pairID": "471_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Ayuntamiento de la capital subrayó la relevancia de este fallo judicial para luchar contra el vandalismo.", "sentence2": "El Ayuntamiento de la capital destacó la importancia de esta sentencia en la lucha contra el vandalismo.", "promptID": "8_esxnli", "pairID": "22_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A esto se suma una economía basada en el ladrillo y el turismo, que no ha fomentado un crecimiento suficiente de los empleos de alta cualificación.", "sentence2": "Gracias a una economía basada en el ladrillo y el turismo se han creado infinidad de empleos de alta cualificación.", "promptID": "788_esxnli", "pairID": "2364_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La fuerza del inconsciente revelada por el psicoanálisis y el \"caótico\" comportamiento de la materia subatómica abierto a infinidad de probabilidades.", "sentence2": "El psicoanálisis trata sobre la fuerza del inconsciente", "promptID": "589_esxnli", "pairID": "1767_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y no tengo tan claro que el espejo devuelva una imagen certera de uno mismo.", "sentence2": "Lo tengo claro: el espejo siempre devuelve una imagen certera de uno mismo", "promptID": "645_esxnli", "pairID": "1935_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este retroceso de los precios tiene que ver con la estrategia lanzada por los vendedores estadounidenses para deshacerse de sus inmuebles.", "sentence2": "Los vendedores estadounidenses han provocado un retroceso en los precios", "promptID": "183_esxnli", "pairID": "548_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A empresa también cuenta con una cobertura de actor vandálicos de hasta 3.000 euros o defensa jurídica gratuita cuando, por ejemplo, el condenado no cumple el laudo y éste tenga que ejecutarse en el juzgado de primera instancia y el arrendatario necesite los servicios de un bogado o procurador.", "sentence2": "Eso trae muchas ventajas y beneificios para los empresas que tienen menos de 50 trabajadores.", "promptID": "235_esxnli", "pairID": "703_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me he quedado pillado.", "sentence2": "Sigo adelante.", "promptID": "283_esxnli", "pairID": "847_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A los pies del gigante aéreo se encontraban José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, el jefe de Estado francés, Jacques Chirac; el canciller alemán, Gerhard Schroeder; y el primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, representando a los cuatro países socios de Airbus y cofinanciadores del nuevo bebé gigante de la compaía, con capacidad para 555 pasajeros en su versión estándar (aunque puede llegar a tener 853 plazas).", "sentence2": "España, Francia, Alemania y Gran Bretaña han cofinanciado el nuevo bebé de Airbus", "promptID": "51_esxnli", "pairID": "151_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay fuertes rumores de separación, ya aparecidos en diversos medios, pero nada de eso es 100% seguro.", "sentence2": "La información es fiable", "promptID": "797_esxnli", "pairID": "2391_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Reintegrando tus propios ahorrillos para que los tragatochos que han de proveer un 20%, tengan que deshinchar sus megatasaciones absolutamente irreales respecto a la mayoría de salarios.", "sentence2": "Las tasaciones no son reales en relación a los salarios.", "promptID": "180_esxnli", "pairID": "540_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estas fechas rescatan y encumbran valores a menudo arrinconados por la rutina diaria.", "sentence2": "La rutina diaria es beneficiosa", "promptID": "784_esxnli", "pairID": "2352_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Más adelante haces otras afirmaciones infundadas o falsas que ya no me voy a molestar en desmentir con fuentes, sinó que te lo diré y, en todo caso, espero que TU demuestres que son ciertas (como mínimo en algun caso, para que podamos ver que tus análisis tienen algo de rigor).", "sentence2": "Las afirmaciones que hace más adelante no se han desmentido con fuentes.", "promptID": "184_esxnli", "pairID": "552_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estos que se hacen llamar periodistas se creen que hacen una labor social y lo único que hacen es embrutecer a la gente con su mierda de información de cotillas de patio.", "sentence2": "El periodismo es una profesión que tiene cada vez menos prestigio social.", "promptID": "4_esxnli", "pairID": "12_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Detecta \"signos de estancamiento\" en la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en los mismos espacios que la población general, aunque reconoce \"evidencias de una mejora\" en los últimos años.", "sentence2": "Se ha estancado el progreso de la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en los mismos espacios que la población general.", "promptID": "431_esxnli", "pairID": "1293_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, si la realidad interna de estas naciones continúa con su deterioro la venta forzada de posiciones en moneda extranjera podría conducir a fuertes oscilaciones en el mercado de divisas.", "sentence2": "Los políticos tienen que definir medidas para parar el deterioro.", "promptID": "216_esxnli", "pairID": "648_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay estabilidad política, su crecimiento es sostenido, tiene un sistema financiero sano, un banco central que sigue una política conservadora y una gran riqueza en materias primas, como el petróleo.", "sentence2": "A ese pais le va bien economicamente.", "promptID": "360_esxnli", "pairID": "1079_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además de la globalización de la fuerza de trabajo, de la liberalización del comercio mundial y de las políticas fiscales derechistas, Fukuyama considera \"que el malo de la película es la tecnología\": \"los beneficios de las oleadas más recientes de la innovación tecnológica han aumentado desproporcionadamente para los ciudadanos con más talento y formación\".", "sentence2": "Fukuyama habla sobre la tecnología.", "promptID": "606_esxnli", "pairID": "1817_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta mezcla pone al cuerpo en alerta y tensión.", "sentence2": "Se trata de una mezcla peligrosa.", "promptID": "419_esxnli", "pairID": "1255_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La forma en que está escrita es otra cosa: si es verdad que el estilo es el hombre, entonces hay que decir que Sada es el estilo.", "sentence2": "El estilo de Sada está altamente valorado.", "promptID": "543_esxnli", "pairID": "1629_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ahora quiere proponer, piscinas y toboganes, y \"pa\" cuando llegue enero temblaremos como flanes.", "sentence2": "En enero temblaremos como flanes.", "promptID": "114_esxnli", "pairID": "342_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero lo peor es que así como en economía destruir tejido industrial sanea y revitaliza, en lo que se refiere a uso de recursos energéticos destruir tejido industrial, infraestructuras y medios de transporte no ayuda en nada.", "sentence2": "Destruir medios de transporte es beneficioso para la economía", "promptID": "198_esxnli", "pairID": "593_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Corbacho lo tiene que saber, pero es maquillaje estadístico del más burdo.", "sentence2": "Corbacho conoce que los datos estan maquillados.", "promptID": "322_esxnli", "pairID": "964_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por este motivo, jamás podía recomendarse el uso del preservativo; ya que, de haber sido así, se hubiese estando impulsando a caer aún más en el aberrante vicio de la fornicación; mismo que podría estarlo practicando tanto la persona soltera como casada, e, incluso, cualquiera de los dos miembros de la pareja de esposos, y sin que hubieran tenido que caer necesariamente en la falta del adulterio.", "sentence2": "Los preservativos impulsan las relaciones sexuales entre personas.", "promptID": "24_esxnli", "pairID": "72_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Además de la globalización de la fuerza de trabajo, de la liberalización del comercio mundial y de las políticas fiscales derechistas, Fukuyama considera \"que el malo de la película es la tecnología\": \"los beneficios de las oleadas más recientes de la innovación tecnológica han aumentado desproporcionadamente para los ciudadanos con más talento y formación\".", "sentence2": "La tecnología beneficia a una parte de la sociedad con más talento y formación.", "promptID": "606_esxnli", "pairID": "1816_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una prioridad es fortalecer la cooperación con nuestros colegas rusos en esa área, incluidos la investigación científica, intercambios de técnicas, procesamiento de alimentos, así como producción agrícola, dijo Sui.", "sentence2": "Trabajar con los rusos carece de importancia.", "promptID": "444_esxnli", "pairID": "1330_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Colonias y cosméticos ecológicos: hay un amplio surtido con todo tipo de elementos y esencias naturales, no tóxicas y respetuosas con el medio ambiente.", "sentence2": "El venta de colonias y cosméticos ecológicos ha aumentado en los últimos año.", "promptID": "438_esxnli", "pairID": "1312_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algún día el propio deporte, en boca de tantos niños y niñas que empiezan a dar sus primeros pasos, nos dará las gracias.", "sentence2": "Muchos niños y niñas comenzaron a practicar deporte.", "promptID": "18_esxnli", "pairID": "53_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "También dijo que la decisión del gobierno hará posible la vuelta a la normalidad y abriría la vía al diálogo nacional para que ambas partes discutieran los problemas importantes a nivel nacional.", "sentence2": "Es un experto en este tipo de conflictos.", "promptID": "75_esxnli", "pairID": "225_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las pretensiones de tener más que tu vecino no se verían mermadas, solo que su crecimiento fuese controlado dentro de una legalidad y una tributación acorde con la cantidad de riqueza acumulada.", "sentence2": "El crecimiento para tener mas que tu vecino tiene que ser legal.", "promptID": "291_esxnli", "pairID": "871_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El principal buscador de Internet puede crear un desafío para los proveedores de servicios inalámbricos como Sprint y Verizon, así como para los fabricantes de teléfonos inteligentes como Apple.", "sentence2": "El principal buscador de Internet puede crear un desafío para los proveedores de servicios inalámbricos por su éxito tan rotundo.", "promptID": "122_esxnli", "pairID": "364_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y sin embargo, es también la única de las ciudades \"mediterráneas\" que conserva el aura paradisiaca que era el atractivo primero de las ciudades levantinas.", "sentence2": "No hay ciudades paradiacas en el mediterráneo", "promptID": "508_esxnli", "pairID": "1523_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Soy colombiano y quisiera decir que la guerrilla colombiana hace mucho tiempo dejó de llamarse así puesto que sus acciones no apuntan en torno a la revolución sino a sembrar el terror y el dolor en el país.", "sentence2": "El tipo de acciones llevadas a cabo por la guerrilla colombiana han cambiado desde su concepción.", "promptID": "87_esxnli", "pairID": "259_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El descenso se debe a \"un esfuerzo de austeridad\" del Gobierno.", "sentence2": "El Gobierno aplica recortes.", "promptID": "132_esxnli", "pairID": "396_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El cuadro de ejemplo muestra cómo comer pan sin contemplar la cantidad consumida del mismo supone un aporte extra a la dieta de 80 gramos de carbohidratos, traducido en unas 320 kcal diarias de más.", "sentence2": "El cuadro con el ejemplo del pan refleja el aporte extra de carbohidratos en nuestra dieta", "promptID": "441_esxnli", "pairID": "1322_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De igual forma que en las Bellas Artes, los Paisajes y su pintura han sucumbido al impacto del Progreso, en la vida cotidiana todos los Paisajes son ya destinos turísticos o construcciones virtuales.", "sentence2": "Los Paisajes y su pintura destacan en el ámbito de las Bellas Artes.", "promptID": "632_esxnli", "pairID": "1894_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Supongo que habrá sido un error informático o un leve despiste, pero permítame mi toque de atención.", "sentence2": "El error lo ha cometido un empleado", "promptID": "521_esxnli", "pairID": "1562_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es ese conjunto el que ahora se está desinflando velozmente, implotando luego de haber llegado a su máximo nivel de expansión posible en las condiciones históricas concretas del mundo actual.", "sentence2": "Después de haber llegado a su máximo nivel de expansión posible en las condiciones históricas concretas del mundo actual, ese conjunto se está desinflando lentamente.", "promptID": "170_esxnli", "pairID": "508_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para 2009, España puede cerrar el año con un PIB negativo de más de un tres por ciento.", "sentence2": "Se espera un crecimiento del PIB en España para el 2009.", "promptID": "250_esxnli", "pairID": "750_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Desafío Español se ha colocado hoy un poco más cerca de las semifinales de la Copa Louis Vuitton tras ganar a dos de los rivales que luchaban por la misma plaza, el Shosholoza y el Mascalzone Latino-Capitalia Team.", "sentence2": "El Desafío Español no gana al Shosholoza y al Mascalzone Latino-Capitalia Team.", "promptID": "760_esxnli", "pairID": "2280_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Britney ha disfrutado de unos tranquilos y familiares momentos en Malibú.", "sentence2": "Britney y su familia han estado desconectando en Malibú.", "promptID": "736_esxnli", "pairID": "2207_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay fuertes rumores de separación, ya aparecidos en diversos medios, pero nada de eso es 100% seguro.", "sentence2": "Un medio ha publicado que la pareja se va a separar", "promptID": "797_esxnli", "pairID": "2390_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A estos ya les cerraron el chiringuito en la COPE y por eso montaron Esradio.", "sentence2": "Realizaban un gran trabajo en la COPE.", "promptID": "195_esxnli", "pairID": "583_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estamos ante un nuevo modelo económico que precisa de nuevas herramientas y nuevos conceptos.", "sentence2": "Es un nuevo modelo económico que necesita herramientas y conceptos nuevos.", "promptID": "167_esxnli", "pairID": "499_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es ese conjunto el que ahora se está desinflando velozmente, implotando luego de haber llegado a su máximo nivel de expansión posible en las condiciones históricas concretas del mundo actual.", "sentence2": "Ese conjunto está desinflando velozmente por que no ha sabido adaptar a nuevas condiciones históricas concretas del mundo actual.", "promptID": "170_esxnli", "pairID": "510_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y las ventas de botox, la toxina paralizante que ya todo el mundo conoce, alcanzan ya los 1.000 millones de dólares anuales.", "sentence2": "El número de personas que se suma al bótox sigue en aumento.", "promptID": "416_esxnli", "pairID": "1248_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para quien aún tenga dudas sobre esta afirmación ahí van algunos datos.", "sentence2": "No existen datos para esclarecer las dudas.", "promptID": "554_esxnli", "pairID": "1662_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Algo harán para que los especuladores (es decir los amigüitos del tripartit) que compraron a precio de mierda, puedan vender a precio de oro.", "sentence2": "Los especuladores lo tendrán fácil para vender caro.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "546_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mi padre vivió muchos años en África y su estancia allí me marcó muchísimo.", "sentence2": "Jamás me ha interesado la vida de mi padre.", "promptID": "711_esxnli", "pairID": "2132_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El agua, los alimentos y los ecosistemas son tres aspectos de nuestro bienestar mundial tan íntimamente unidos que se han vuelto decisivos para los medios de subsistencia, el desarrollo sostenible y la estabilidad política, señala Harcharik.", "sentence2": "El agua, los alimentos y los ecosistemas no se consideran en el tema del bienestar mundial", "promptID": "402_esxnli", "pairID": "1206_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estamos ante un nuevo modelo económico que precisa de nuevas herramientas y nuevos conceptos.", "sentence2": "El nuevo modelo económico no precisa herramienas diferentes.", "promptID": "167_esxnli", "pairID": "500_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Detecta \"signos de estancamiento\" en la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en los mismos espacios que la población general, aunque reconoce \"evidencias de una mejora\" en los últimos años.", "sentence2": "Parece que se está estancando el progreso de la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en los mismos espacios que la población general.", "promptID": "431_esxnli", "pairID": "1292_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero al mismo tiempo Chávez es su talón de Aquiles, porque siendo subsidiario suyo, de llegar éste a desaparecer, los cimientos del proyecto de Ortega se verían remecidos.", "sentence2": "El proyecto de Ortega triunfará pase lo que pase con Chávez.", "promptID": "624_esxnli", "pairID": "1870_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La gestión de la crisis va más allá de la comunicación y empieza a rozar el hueso de esta amarga aceituna.", "sentence2": "La gestión de la crisis es simple y se resuleve solo con comunicación", "promptID": "577_esxnli", "pairID": "1731_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La Navidad pasó primero de ser una fiesta empantanada en las brumas de la fe a un festival del placer y el gasto.", "sentence2": "La Navidad se ha convertido en un festival centrado en el capitalismo.", "promptID": "567_esxnli", "pairID": "1701_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las pretensiones de tener más que tu vecino no se verían mermadas, solo que su crecimiento fuese controlado dentro de una legalidad y una tributación acorde con la cantidad de riqueza acumulada.", "sentence2": "El vecino tributa más que tú.", "promptID": "291_esxnli", "pairID": "872_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ha llegado entonces la hora de la negociación seria para buscar soluciones efectivas al restablecimiento del orden democrático en Honduras, las próximas elecciones mediante, y estas negociaciones deben pasar por una mediación aceptada por ambas partes.", "sentence2": "Se abrirá una nueva fase en Honduras a favor de la democracia.", "promptID": "646_esxnli", "pairID": "1936_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, si la realidad interna de estas naciones continúa con su deterioro la venta forzada de posiciones en moneda extranjera podría conducir a fuertes oscilaciones en el mercado de divisas.", "sentence2": "La venta en moneda extranjera no conduce a oscilaciones en el mercado de divisas.", "promptID": "216_esxnli", "pairID": "647_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay estabilidad política, su crecimiento es sostenido, tiene un sistema financiero sano, un banco central que sigue una política conservadora y una gran riqueza en materias primas, como el petróleo.", "sentence2": "El crecimiento del pais se debe a la exportacion de petróleo.", "promptID": "360_esxnli", "pairID": "1078_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y éstos colman la mesura, nos complacen.", "sentence2": "Estamos enfadados con ellos.", "promptID": "637_esxnli", "pairID": "1911_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En que la debacle de los bancos va a ser para grabarla en DVD con blue ray para no perder detalle.", "sentence2": "El DVD será un fenómeno de ventas.", "promptID": "309_esxnli", "pairID": "926_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En Inglaterra existe un tipo de pub híbrido a medio camino entre los bucólicos pubs campestres, y los bulliciosos pubs de las grandes ciudades).", "sentence2": "En Inglaterra solo existe un único tipo de pub", "promptID": "669_esxnli", "pairID": "2006_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El experto norteamericano Mark Dow de Pharo Management ha cofirmado a WSJ que los inversores están vendiedo deuda venezolana para evitar más pérdidas tras la crisis de Dubai, conscientes de que el sistema bancario de Venezuela \"va a explotar\".", "sentence2": "La deuda venezolana ha sido vendida antes de que haya explotado el sistema bancario.", "promptID": "261_esxnli", "pairID": "781_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En otro frente, Sarko ya ha empezado a hacer reformas aceleradas para finiquitar un sistema social (empezando por atacar contra las 35h. semanales) y estado del bienestar con el que en españa no podemos ni soñar.", "sentence2": "No hay ninguna reforma en contra del estado del bienestar", "promptID": "199_esxnli", "pairID": "597_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estamos ante un nuevo modelo económico que precisa de nuevas herramientas y nuevos conceptos.", "sentence2": "Los modelos económicos cambian porque la sociedad cambia.", "promptID": "167_esxnli", "pairID": "501_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estaba seguro de que maquillarían la cifra para dejarla justo por debajo de los 100.000.", "sentence2": "La cifra superó por poco los 100.000.", "promptID": "215_esxnli", "pairID": "644_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Guardo del post de V del día 13 la imagen de víctima embuchada de culpabilidad como un hallazgo, y la próxima vez que note que me deslizo a la autoinculpación, puede que pensar en términos de víctima embuchada me haga adoptar otra actitud.", "sentence2": "La imagen de víctima embuchada de culpabilidad puede influenciar mis actitudes.", "promptID": "623_esxnli", "pairID": "1867_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El vocalista de la banda de rock Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, atraviesa un momento bastante triste.", "sentence2": "El vocalista de la banda de rock Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, está atravesando uno de sus mejores momentos", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2404_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En el caso de cobertura de puesto de trabajo en los periodos de selección, la duración del contrato coincidirá con el tiempo que dure la selección o promoción, con un máximo de tres meses.", "sentence2": "La cobertura será de un máximo tres meses.", "promptID": "335_esxnli", "pairID": "1003_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El paso del tiempo es abrasador y va corroyendo el ánimo de la gente; muchos se irán (o ya se han ido) y al final se harán cargo del movimiento los grupos habituales de la sociedad alternativa, como los okupas y demás.", "sentence2": "El paso del tiempo corroe el ánimo de la gente, hasta el punto de que muchos se irán y dejarán el movimiento en manos de los grupos alternativos.", "promptID": "515_esxnli", "pairID": "1544_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es la lengua dinámica del emigrante niño que escucha hablar en su casa el español, y en la calle el inglés, y entonces lo que va a dar a la escritura literaria es una mixtura, una amalgama verbal que significa la creación de un nuevo lenguaje que no hace sino reflejar la experiencia diaria, que es una experiencia oral transmutada en experiencia escrita, y que, por tanto, no puede dejar de ser literaria.", "sentence2": "Las condiciones sociolingüísticas del niño emigrante conllevan la creación de un nuevo lenguaje que refleja su experiencia diaria.", "promptID": "547_esxnli", "pairID": "1639_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para mostrar las implicaciones que un Dispositivo de Adquisición de Lenguaje genéticamente determinado tiene para el comportamiento humano, Steve Pinker forjó la expresión \"instinto de lenguaje\".", "sentence2": "El témino \"instinto de lenguaje\" no pertenece al ámbito del comportamiento humano sino animal", "promptID": "510_esxnli", "pairID": "1530_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Subir cuatro pisos varias veces al día es una paliza.", "sentence2": "Subir y bajar cuatro pisos varias veces al dia no supone mayor esfuerzo", "promptID": "279_esxnli", "pairID": "835_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La crisis mundial también ha llegado a los ex millonarios de Estados Unidos, quienes viven una particular lucha por mantenerse al día con los pagos de la hipoteca.", "sentence2": "La crisis mundial se extiende a todas las clases sociales", "promptID": "817_esxnli", "pairID": "2451_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Más adelante haces otras afirmaciones infundadas o falsas que ya no me voy a molestar en desmentir con fuentes, sinó que te lo diré y, en todo caso, espero que TU demuestres que son ciertas (como mínimo en algun caso, para que podamos ver que tus análisis tienen algo de rigor).", "sentence2": "Las afirmaciones que hace más adelante no dejan lugar a dudas de su veracidad.", "promptID": "184_esxnli", "pairID": "550_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y las ventas de botox, la toxina paralizante que ya todo el mundo conoce, alcanzan ya los 1.000 millones de dólares anuales.", "sentence2": "Los especialistas en estética no esperan perder sus puestos de trabajo en un futuro cercano.", "promptID": "416_esxnli", "pairID": "1247_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A los pies del gigante aéreo se encontraban José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, el jefe de Estado francés, Jacques Chirac; el canciller alemán, Gerhard Schroeder; y el primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, representando a los cuatro países socios de Airbus y cofinanciadores del nuevo bebé gigante de la compaía, con capacidad para 555 pasajeros en su versión estándar (aunque puede llegar a tener 853 plazas).", "sentence2": "Los asientos del nuevo Airbus son cómodos", "promptID": "51_esxnli", "pairID": "152_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El portugués Banco Espirito Santo es otra de las entidades que quiere avanzar en banca patrimonial.", "sentence2": "Hay más de una entidad bancaria que como Banco Espirito Santo quiere avanzar en banca patrimonial.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1324_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si estáis explotados o en el paro a joderse, no haber nacido clase trabajadora.", "sentence2": "El autor de la frase es un empresario", "promptID": "282_esxnli", "pairID": "846_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La consigna era clara: el mal había sido enorme y la cirugía debía estar en consonancia con tal enormidad.", "sentence2": "La consigna respecto al mal no era muy negativa", "promptID": "537_esxnli", "pairID": "1611_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Este retroceso de los precios tiene que ver con la estrategia lanzada por los vendedores estadounidenses para deshacerse de sus inmuebles.", "sentence2": "El retroceso de los precios es debido a que los vendedores están manteniendo sus activos inmobiliarios", "promptID": "183_esxnli", "pairID": "547_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entre las novedades de esta temporada hay una nueva incorporación.", "sentence2": "La nueva temporada va a ser la bomba.", "promptID": "792_esxnli", "pairID": "2374_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Según los problemas que tengamos, podemos escoger los ejercicios que mejor nos vayan (los hay especiales para reducir muslos, moldear caderas, afianzar glúteos, eliminar estómago, endurecer vientre).", "sentence2": "Existen ejercicios específicos para endurecer vientre.", "promptID": "730_esxnli", "pairID": "2189_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El principal buscador de Internet puede crear un desafío para los proveedores de servicios inalámbricos como Sprint y Verizon, así como para los fabricantes de teléfonos inteligentes como Apple.", "sentence2": "No hay manera de desafiar a los fabricantes de teléfonos inteligentes como Apple.", "promptID": "122_esxnli", "pairID": "365_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El fallo dictado de forma firme por Laureano Martínez, titular del Juzgado de lo Penal 2 de Almería, impone a Amizian como autor de un delito contra la seguridad del tráfico una multa a razón de doce euros al día durante medio año, así como la privación del permiso de conducir vehículos a motor y ciclomotores durante un año y un día.", "sentence2": "Amizian mantendrá el permiso de conducir.", "promptID": "44_esxnli", "pairID": "130_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De igual forma que en las Bellas Artes, los Paisajes y su pintura han sucumbido al impacto del Progreso, en la vida cotidiana todos los Paisajes son ya destinos turísticos o construcciones virtuales.", "sentence2": "Los Paisajes se alejan del ámbito turístico cada vez más.", "promptID": "632_esxnli", "pairID": "1895_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En apenas ciento cincuenta páginas, Azúa condensa la historia del hombre, su lucha contra el tiempo y la muerte, la magia del arte y el misterio de la palabra.", "sentence2": "El libro tiene cerca de ciento cincuenta páginas", "promptID": "657_esxnli", "pairID": "1970_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Después de unos meses de distanciamiento se confirmaron las sospechas: Reese Whiterspoon y Jake Gyllenhaal han decidido emprender caminos diferentes.", "sentence2": "La sospecha de la ruptura de la relación entre Reese Whiterspoon y Jake Gyllenhaal era cierta.", "promptID": "675_esxnli", "pairID": "2025_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Precisamete, la lucha contra el sida, el paludismo y otras enfermedades constituye uno de los Objetivos del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas trazados para el 2015.", "sentence2": "La lucha contra el sida, el paludismo y otras enfermedades está muy adelantada.", "promptID": "344_esxnli", "pairID": "1031_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Seguramente es el estigma por haber destronado al \"kaiser\" Schumacher, el mejor piloto de la historia por títulos, a quien -según ellos- nunca podrá igualar.", "sentence2": "Schumacher es el mejor piloto de la historia de acuerdo a los títulos.", "promptID": "618_esxnli", "pairID": "1853_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La neutralidad de la Red no está tan relacionada con la libertad de Internet como con la lucha de algunas empresas del mundo Internet, que en general no son europeas, por afianzar su poder frente a las principales empresas que invierten en redes de telecomunicaciones.", "sentence2": "La guerra de las telecomunicaciones es una de las razones de la no neutralidad de la Red.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1371_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En Inglaterra existe un tipo de pub híbrido a medio camino entre los bucólicos pubs campestres, y los bulliciosos pubs de las grandes ciudades).", "sentence2": "Los pubs en las grandes ciudades de Inglaterra suelen ser bulliciosos", "promptID": "669_esxnli", "pairID": "2005_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según los problemas que tengamos, podemos escoger los ejercicios que mejor nos vayan (los hay especiales para reducir muslos, moldear caderas, afianzar glúteos, eliminar estómago, endurecer vientre).", "sentence2": "Hay algunos ejercicios que sirven para trabajar y moldear distintas zonas de nuestro cuerpo a la vez.", "promptID": "730_esxnli", "pairID": "2188_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Ayuntamiento de la capital subrayó la relevancia de este fallo judicial para luchar contra el vandalismo.", "sentence2": "Según el Ayuntamiento de la capital este fallo judicial no tiene ninguna repercusión en la lucha contra el vandalismo.", "promptID": "8_esxnli", "pairID": "23_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Seguramente es el estigma por haber destronado al \"kaiser\" Schumacher, el mejor piloto de la historia por títulos, a quien -según ellos- nunca podrá igualar.", "sentence2": "Schumacher es un piloto de motos.", "promptID": "618_esxnli", "pairID": "1854_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Subir cuatro pisos varias veces al día es una paliza.", "sentence2": "Hay una vivienda con al menos cuatro pisos", "promptID": "279_esxnli", "pairID": "837_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La eficacia policial, la presión judicial y la movilización política y social habían empujado a la banda al borde del abismo de la desaparición, y sin contrapartidas de ninguna clase.", "sentence2": "La banda estuvo a punto de extinguir por varios motivos.", "promptID": "631_esxnli", "pairID": "1891_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por eso, un buen día, explota, y a lomos de su imaginación alcanza una extraña isla donde un puñado de monstruos le convierten en su rey.", "sentence2": "Hay cocoteros en la imaginaria isla.", "promptID": "5_esxnli", "pairID": "15_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Afronta el futuro con optimismo y actualmente está centrada en la grabación de su nuevo álbum, para el que aún no hay prevista ninguna fecha de lanzamiento.", "sentence2": "No se está preparando ningún nuevo álbum", "promptID": "744_esxnli", "pairID": "2230_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por este motivo, jamás podía recomendarse el uso del preservativo; ya que, de haber sido así, se hubiese estando impulsando a caer aún más en el aberrante vicio de la fornicación; mismo que podría estarlo practicando tanto la persona soltera como casada, e, incluso, cualquiera de los dos miembros de la pareja de esposos, y sin que hubieran tenido que caer necesariamente en la falta del adulterio.", "sentence2": "El precio de los preservativos disminuyó durante ese período.", "promptID": "24_esxnli", "pairID": "70_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La gestión de la crisis va más allá de la comunicación y empieza a rozar el hueso de esta amarga aceituna.", "sentence2": "La gestión de la crisis es complicada.", "promptID": "577_esxnli", "pairID": "1729_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Soy profundamente europeo en el sentido de que toda mi vida intelectual está construida en torno a la filosofía europea.", "sentence2": "Solo se toma en cuenta la filosofía del siglo XX.", "promptID": "536_esxnli", "pairID": "1606_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y éstos colman la mesura, nos complacen.", "sentence2": "Éstos son buenas personas.", "promptID": "637_esxnli", "pairID": "1910_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Después de unos meses de distanciamiento se confirmaron las sospechas: Reese Whiterspoon y Jake Gyllenhaal han decidido emprender caminos diferentes.", "sentence2": "Reese Whiterspoon y Jake Gyllenhaal vuelven a estar juntos después de unos meses de distanciamiento.", "promptID": "675_esxnli", "pairID": "2024_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El banco tiene perdidas, y para que no quiebre, el Estado le mete dinero a espuertas.", "sentence2": "El Estado se debilita rescatando al banco.", "promptID": "304_esxnli", "pairID": "910_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El agua, los alimentos y los ecosistemas son tres aspectos de nuestro bienestar mundial tan íntimamente unidos que se han vuelto decisivos para los medios de subsistencia, el desarrollo sostenible y la estabilidad política, señala Harcharik.", "sentence2": "En el bienestar mundial se estudian, entre otros aspectos, el agua, los alimentos y los ecosistemas", "promptID": "402_esxnli", "pairID": "1205_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para quien aún tenga dudas sobre esta afirmación ahí van algunos datos.", "sentence2": "Los datos esclarecen dudas.", "promptID": "554_esxnli", "pairID": "1661_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y después dice que tiene un piso de su propiedad en alquiler, del cual se tiene que sacar un buen dinerillo al mes (los alquileres no son precisamente baratos), aparte de las chapucillas de los ordenadores y lo que le pagan en el equipo de fútbol.", "sentence2": "Su mayor fuente de ingresos proviene del equipo de fútbol.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "447_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero las mafias seguiran operando, en 4 dias fuera y santas pascuas.", "sentence2": "Las mafias no de disuelven.", "promptID": "47_esxnli", "pairID": "140_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De igual forma que en las Bellas Artes, los Paisajes y su pintura han sucumbido al impacto del Progreso, en la vida cotidiana todos los Paisajes son ya destinos turísticos o construcciones virtuales.", "sentence2": "Las Bellas Artes han sucumbido al impacto del Progreso.", "promptID": "632_esxnli", "pairID": "1896_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y no tengo tan claro que el espejo devuelva una imagen certera de uno mismo.", "sentence2": "Tengo dudas sobre si el espejo devuelve una imagen certera de uno mismo", "promptID": "645_esxnli", "pairID": "1934_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y aunque en menor medida, también se ha notado algo la crisis, como explica Luis, de 46 años, mientras termina de pelar una vistosa mandarina.", "sentence2": "La crisis ha azotado especialmente a Luis.", "promptID": "202_esxnli", "pairID": "605_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Afronta el futuro con optimismo y actualmente está centrada en la grabación de su nuevo álbum, para el que aún no hay prevista ninguna fecha de lanzamiento.", "sentence2": "En breve se lanzará un nuevo álbum", "promptID": "744_esxnli", "pairID": "2232_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En general, hay un clima de inseguridad, de desconfianza económica general, que se palpa, por supuesto, en el mercado inmobiliario.", "sentence2": "El mercado inmobilario está sufriendo las consecuencias del clima de inseguridad pero no de desconfianza económica general.", "promptID": "384_esxnli", "pairID": "1151_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estas proporciones suponen un leve incremento con lo ocurrido en ejercicios anteriores.", "sentence2": "Existe un incremento comparando con ejercicios anteriores.", "promptID": "462_esxnli", "pairID": "1385_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Seguramente es el estigma por haber destronado al \"kaiser\" Schumacher, el mejor piloto de la historia por títulos, a quien -según ellos- nunca podrá igualar.", "sentence2": "Nadie diría que Schumacher es el mejor piloto.", "promptID": "618_esxnli", "pairID": "1852_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aunque el Banco sostiene el reparto a domicilio a personas de la calle, ha tenido que restringir su actividad por la avalancha de peticiones en el resto de servicios.", "sentence2": "Además del reparto a domicilio a personas de la calle, el Banco está tratando de activar otros servicios auxiliares.", "promptID": "220_esxnli", "pairID": "660_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estoy muy satisfecho por aportar mi granito de arena haciendo lo que más me gusta, dijo Francisco durante la presentación de este evento, cuyos beneficios irán a parar a esta asociación, para luchar contra esta grave enfermedad.", "sentence2": "Francisco es cantante.", "promptID": "723_esxnli", "pairID": "2167_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Escribía Benjamin en una de sus 'Tesis sobre la filosofía de la historia' algo sobre la naturaleza de ángel de la historia, esta imagen, 'proveniente' de un cuadro de Klee, debemos decir, ha tenido gran impacto al parecer, pues Ferlosio la recoge en su libro 'Sobre la Guerra' y también aparece en 'El hombre sin contenido', tratando de otros temas.", "sentence2": "Ferlosio no ha escrito ningún libro", "promptID": "525_esxnli", "pairID": "1573_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Creo que tenemos la prueba más palpable de la patética provocación en la que ha acabado determinado tipo de actividad considerada arte.", "sentence2": "El arte tiene que ser provocativa por naturaleza.", "promptID": "519_esxnli", "pairID": "1555_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como consecuencia el nivel de ahorro de los hogares se disparará a niveles del 16,5%.", "sentence2": "El nivel de ahorro se reducirá", "promptID": "234_esxnli", "pairID": "700_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Colonias y cosméticos ecológicos: hay un amplio surtido con todo tipo de elementos y esencias naturales, no tóxicas y respetuosas con el medio ambiente.", "sentence2": "No es necesario añadir productos tóxicos para elaborar colonias y cosméticos.", "promptID": "438_esxnli", "pairID": "1313_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El portugués Banco Espirito Santo es otra de las entidades que quiere avanzar en banca patrimonial.", "sentence2": "El portugués Banco Espirito Santo ha avanzado en la banca patrimonial.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1325_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En apenas ciento cincuenta páginas, Azúa condensa la historia del hombre, su lucha contra el tiempo y la muerte, la magia del arte y el misterio de la palabra.", "sentence2": "Es el tercer libro de Azúa", "promptID": "657_esxnli", "pairID": "1971_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y también entiendo la angustia de muchos ciudadanos aplastados por la crisis, a ellos presento mi pesar por no ser capaz de protegerles mejor, aunque seguiré haciendo todo lo que sea capaz.", "sentence2": "Estoy contento con mi gestión de la crisis en lo que a la ciudadanía se refiere.", "promptID": "331_esxnli", "pairID": "991_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La idea de hacer el trabajo fue de Joan Costa, porque encajaba perfectamente con el máster que estábamos haciendo, y aunque el origen de la crisis estaba en Reino Unido, y hacer el trabajo era como recordárselo, son muy abiertos.", "sentence2": "La idea de hacer el trabajo fue de una persona.", "promptID": "378_esxnli", "pairID": "1132_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Aunque el Banco sostiene el reparto a domicilio a personas de la calle, ha tenido que restringir su actividad por la avalancha de peticiones en el resto de servicios.", "sentence2": "Aunque el Banco sostiene el reparto a domicilio a personas de la calle, no es capaz de seguir con la misma intensidad porque también se solicitan otros servicios.", "promptID": "220_esxnli", "pairID": "658_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Interesante link para orientar positivamente el voto de la población en las próximas elecciones.", "sentence2": "No ha habido ninguna intención de orientar el voto de la población en las próximas elecciones.", "promptID": "296_esxnli", "pairID": "886_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las negociaciones para formar un gobierno de unidad nacional en la ANP se suspendieron a raíz de esta última oleada de violencia.", "sentence2": "Paslestina continua sin gobierno.", "promptID": "113_esxnli", "pairID": "339_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algún día el propio deporte, en boca de tantos niños y niñas que empiezan a dar sus primeros pasos, nos dará las gracias.", "sentence2": "Los niños nos odian por haber comenzado a hacer deporte.", "promptID": "18_esxnli", "pairID": "54_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sus pasos son seguidos muy de cerca por decenas de fotógrafos que conscientes de su popularidad la persiguen sin descanso.", "sentence2": "Los fotógrafos le molestan", "promptID": "822_esxnli", "pairID": "2465_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La politica nacional misma, se sirve de unas leyes permisivas y una Policía cada vez más inmadura e indisciplinada.", "sentence2": "El sueldo de la policía ha bajado considerablemente en los últimos años.", "promptID": "107_esxnli", "pairID": "320_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La Navidad pasó primero de ser una fiesta empantanada en las brumas de la fe a un festival del placer y el gasto.", "sentence2": "Para algunos, la Navidad sigue siendo una fiesta religiosa.", "promptID": "567_esxnli", "pairID": "1700_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta mezcla pone al cuerpo en alerta y tensión.", "sentence2": "La mezcla relaja al cuerpo.", "promptID": "419_esxnli", "pairID": "1257_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El portavoz de la ilegalizada Batasuna, Pernando Barrena, advirtió de que el proceso de paz en el País Vasco está \"en crisis\" y \"en situación de bloqueo\" por culpa de la actitud del Gobierno que, a su juicio, utiliza \"maniobras dilatorias\" para no poner en marcha la llamada mesa de partidos.", "sentence2": "El proceso de paz en el País Vasco no avanza debido a desacuerdos con el Gobierno.", "promptID": "74_esxnli", "pairID": "222_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hace bastante tiempo que se comprendió que era un arma poderosa contra la democracia.", "sentence2": "La democracia es fuerte y sólida frente a cualquier ataque.", "promptID": "292_esxnli", "pairID": "876_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Me alegro de verla de nuevo. espero que el avión la haya dado alas.", "sentence2": "¡Qué alegría verla de nuevo! Espero que el avión la anime.", "promptID": "568_esxnli", "pairID": "1703_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La filosofía interpela así a la ciencia, pero con ello interpela asimismo a todos los que nos hallamos inmersos, más o menos pasivamente, en un mundo que es en gran parte fruto de la ciencia y de los modos de la tecnología que son retoños de la ciencia.", "sentence2": "La filosofía no interpela solo a la ciencia", "promptID": "559_esxnli", "pairID": "1675_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Guardo del post de V del día 13 la imagen de víctima embuchada de culpabilidad como un hallazgo, y la próxima vez que note que me deslizo a la autoinculpación, puede que pensar en términos de víctima embuchada me haga adoptar otra actitud.", "sentence2": "No voy a tener en cuenta la imagen de víctima embuchada de culpabilidad para nada.", "promptID": "623_esxnli", "pairID": "1868_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando hay una base de transportes barata, todo se despierta más fácilmente.", "sentence2": "El transporte ha encarecido en el último año.", "promptID": "246_esxnli", "pairID": "737_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El plástico del que están hechos los catéteres, por ejemplo, es sólido a 20 grados pero a los 37 grados habituales a que está el organismo se vuelve flexible y permite así navegar por el sistema circulatorio.", "sentence2": "El plástico del cateter va cogiendo mayor consistencia y rigidez cuando la temperatura ronda los 37 grados.", "promptID": "451_esxnli", "pairID": "1353_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A esto se suma una economía basada en el ladrillo y el turismo, que no ha fomentado un crecimiento suficiente de los empleos de alta cualificación.", "sentence2": "Los empleos de alta cualificación se fomentan en el sector industrial.", "promptID": "788_esxnli", "pairID": "2362_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me he quedado pillado.", "sentence2": "Estoy pensando.", "promptID": "283_esxnli", "pairID": "849_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El aporte energético de ambas sustancias edulcorantes es similar; tanto la sacarosa como la fructosa aportan 4 kilocalorías por gramo.", "sentence2": "El uso de la fructosa es más saludable que el de la sacarosa.", "promptID": "417_esxnli", "pairID": "1249_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta nueva ética tiene para el orden establecido la ventaja de ser perfectamente inoperante, pues, de hecho, nada amenaza la relación social de fuerzas que hace inevitable el despilfarro de recursos, y degradación de la naturaleza.", "sentence2": "La relación social de fuerzas es algo inevitable.", "promptID": "524_esxnli", "pairID": "1572_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es ese conjunto el que ahora se está desinflando velozmente, implotando luego de haber llegado a su máximo nivel de expansión posible en las condiciones históricas concretas del mundo actual.", "sentence2": "Después de llegar a su máximo en las condiciones históricas concretas del mundo actual, el conjunto va en caída libre.", "promptID": "170_esxnli", "pairID": "509_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para mostrar las implicaciones que un Dispositivo de Adquisición de Lenguaje genéticamente determinado tiene para el comportamiento humano, Steve Pinker forjó la expresión \"instinto de lenguaje\".", "sentence2": "La expresión \"instinto de lenguaje\" la utilizó por primera vez Steve Pinker para referirse a las implicaciones que un Dispositivo de Adquisición de Lenguaje genéticamente determinado tiene para el comportamiento humano.", "promptID": "510_esxnli", "pairID": "1528_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las negociaciones para formar un gobierno de unidad nacional en la ANP se suspendieron a raíz de esta última oleada de violencia.", "sentence2": "Las negociaciones avanzan con éxito.", "promptID": "113_esxnli", "pairID": "338_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El despegue definitivo de Agyness Deyn (16 de febrero de 1986, Manchester), que se considera amante del \"punk rock\" -lo que queda patente en los temas que toca con su banda de música Lucky Knitwear-, se produjo de la mano de los fotógrafos Mert Alas y Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "Dos fotógrafos tuvieron mucho peso en el despegue de Agyness Deyn.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2436_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La politica nacional misma, se sirve de unas leyes permisivas y una Policía cada vez más inmadura e indisciplinada.", "sentence2": "La policía es muy disciplinada.", "promptID": "107_esxnli", "pairID": "319_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta nueva ética tiene para el orden establecido la ventaja de ser perfectamente inoperante, pues, de hecho, nada amenaza la relación social de fuerzas que hace inevitable el despilfarro de recursos, y degradación de la naturaleza.", "sentence2": "La nueva propuesta ética trae grandes cambios para la relación social de fuerzas.", "promptID": "524_esxnli", "pairID": "1571_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algún día el propio deporte, en boca de tantos niños y niñas que empiezan a dar sus primeros pasos, nos dará las gracias.", "sentence2": "El grueso de la población practica deporte.", "promptID": "18_esxnli", "pairID": "52_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Guardo ahora la impresión de esta diferencia porque la literatura que, en ocasiones parece como un juego o un oficio infantilizado, se revela aquí, en la grandeza de Ferrer Lerín, como el franco trasunto de un estrago.", "sentence2": "La literatura no parece como el franco trasunto de un estrago a causa de Ferrer Lerín.", "promptID": "565_esxnli", "pairID": "1695_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En una sesión de grabación, las cosas se torcieron, según informan fuentes cercanas a la productora.", "sentence2": "La sesión de grabación transcurrió sin problemas", "promptID": "30_esxnli", "pairID": "89_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una posible historia de amor entre el sex symbol argentino de las pistas de tenis y una actriz 26 años mayor que él mantiene en vilo a la prensa de su país desde hace unas semanas.", "sentence2": "La posible historia de amor no despierta interés alguno.", "promptID": "810_esxnli", "pairID": "2429_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En apenas ciento cincuenta páginas, Azúa condensa la historia del hombre, su lucha contra el tiempo y la muerte, la magia del arte y el misterio de la palabra.", "sentence2": "El libro no trata sobre la muerte", "promptID": "657_esxnli", "pairID": "1969_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay que joderse con la hipocresía en la prensa / opinión pública.", "sentence2": "La prensa pública tiene la obligación de luchar contra la hipocresía.", "promptID": "37_esxnli", "pairID": "110_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En que la debacle de los bancos va a ser para grabarla en DVD con blue ray para no perder detalle.", "sentence2": "Los economistas seguirán con expectación el colapso de los bancos.", "promptID": "309_esxnli", "pairID": "927_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El vocalista de la banda de rock Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, atraviesa un momento bastante triste.", "sentence2": "Se escribe del momento que esta atravesando el vocalista de la banda de rock Aerosmith, Steven Tyler", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2406_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y también entiendo la angustia de muchos ciudadanos aplastados por la crisis, a ellos presento mi pesar por no ser capaz de protegerles mejor, aunque seguiré haciendo todo lo que sea capaz.", "sentence2": "Estoy apesadumbrado por no haber sido capaz de proteger a la ciudadanía de la crisis.", "promptID": "331_esxnli", "pairID": "993_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sí, si se convierten en información útil y las herramientas para manejar esa información son muy simples e intuitivas de usar.", "sentence2": "Las herramientas posibilitan el fácil acceso a la información.", "promptID": "485_esxnli", "pairID": "1454_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta es una cifra repetida en la literatura neopagana, wicca, new age y feminista radical, aunque en otras webs y textos de brujería actual se habla de 9 millones.", "sentence2": "La cifra que se baraja en las webs y textos sobre brujería es de 18 millones", "promptID": "109_esxnli", "pairID": "325_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, la presencia que más revuelo causó durante estas primeras jornadas del Rocío fue la de Carmen Martínez-Bordiu que, visiblemente relajada y feliz, estuvo acompañada por su hijo José Ramón y su esposa, Marisa, así como de sus mejores amigos, entre ellos Los del Río y Roberto Federici, con quien Carmen finalizó su relación en noviembre del año pasado.", "sentence2": "La señora Martínez-Bordiu pasó desapercibida.", "promptID": "794_esxnli", "pairID": "2382_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Binalshibh cree que el desacuerdo surgió en parte de las visitas de la familia de Jarrah.", "sentence2": "Las visitas familiares fueron la principal fuente de unidad para Jarrah.", "promptID": "1749_xnli.test", "pairID": "5246_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "72: Y como indiqué en el capítulo 2, la mezcla entre la calidez y las expectativas de un comportamiento maduro que conforman la crianza autoritaria de los hijos, también está ligada a la interacción hábil de los compañeros.", "sentence2": "Los padres autoritarios crean niños que pueden funcionar bien en la sociedad.", "promptID": "700_xnli.test", "pairID": "2098_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A diferencia de otros teatros sin ánimos de lucro de la ciudad, nuestros actores se ganan la vida con su oficio.", "sentence2": "Nuestros teatro cubre todos los seguros médicos de sus actores.", "promptID": "1924_xnli.test", "pairID": "5770_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El edificio construido sobre los barrios subterráneos de los guardias de las SS alberga la Topografía del Terror, una exposición de fotografías y documentos que ilustra conmovedoramente la vida de quienes resistieron el terror nazi.", "sentence2": "El edificio escondió las casas de los guardias de las SS.", "promptID": "1160_xnli.test", "pairID": "3479_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nada subraya las complejidades lingüísticas sutiles de manera más sorprendente que las malas comunicaciones que ocurren entre los pilotos, los miembros de la tripulación y los controladores de tránsito aéreo.", "sentence2": "Los pilotos están demasiado atrapados volando para comunicarse bien.", "promptID": "2333_xnli.test", "pairID": "6998_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La conglomeración de los medios funciona en ciclos, así que el pescado que actualmente está avanzado por las entrañas de los reyes de los medios podría no permanecer allí por demasiado tiempo.", "sentence2": "Los reyes de los medios dan la bienvenida a los peces en sus vientres.", "promptID": "2242_xnli.test", "pairID": "6726_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fui tan rápido como un rayo, ya sabes.", "sentence2": "Tuvo lugar en muy poco tiempo, ¿sabes?", "promptID": "2449_xnli.test", "pairID": "7345_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si no se asume ningún umbral, como suele ocurrir en los estudios epidemiológicos, se supone que cualquier nivel de exposición plantea un riesgo de respuesta distinto de cero para, al menos, un segmento de la población.", "sentence2": "Si supone que no hay un umbral, cualquier exposición se considera libre de riesgo.", "promptID": "1328_xnli.test", "pairID": "3983_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sin importar si es materia de literatura o tema humanitario o una persona importante de la historia -- cada obra está conectada al currículo del aula.", "sentence2": "Cada juego puede estar relacionado con lo que los estudiantes aprenden en la escuela.", "promptID": "1818_xnli.test", "pairID": "5452_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las economías de más éxito dependen de sectores privados vibrantes, que tienen interés en contener el poder indiscriminado del gobierno.", "sentence2": "Las empresas del sector privado tienen interés en limitar el poder del gobierno.", "promptID": "1750_xnli.test", "pairID": "5248_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Uno debe ser muy cauto a la hora de proponer etimologías que atribuyan el origen de una palabra al carácter juguetón o a menudo terminan siendo etimologías populares y totalmente vacías y llenas únicamente de una especulación vacía.", "sentence2": "Puedes simplemente proponer una nueva etimología cuando quieras.", "promptID": "2495_xnli.test", "pairID": "7484_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La postura de la administración Clinton es que internet debe ser una zona federal libre de impuestos.", "sentence2": "El gobierno de Clinton apoya la libertad en las redes.", "promptID": "2150_xnli.test", "pairID": "6448_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si liviana/ligera simplemente describe una característica de la cerveza (p. ej.", "sentence2": "La cerveza ligera no tiene un alto porcentaje de alcohol.", "promptID": "2280_xnli.test", "pairID": "6840_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "[Se debe decir con total franqueza que el Sr. Room escribió tan pronto como se dió cuenta de su desliz al considerar Bummel un río.", "sentence2": "Bummel es en realidad una marca de coches del este de Europa.", "promptID": "2294_xnli.test", "pairID": "6881_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Usando estas ocho técnicas simples, puede fabricar una noticia en la comodidad de su propio hogar.", "sentence2": "Solo los periodistas en una sala de redacción pueden escribir una noticia, y se necesitan 20 pasos para hacerlo.", "promptID": "2064_xnli.test", "pairID": "6190_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El gobierno talibán no ha sido popular entre las comunidades anti pastunes o los residentes más sofisticados y de mentalidad liberal de las principales ciudades, especialmente Kabul.", "sentence2": "Los residentes de mentalidad liberal de las principales ciudades apoyan plenamente el gobierno talibán.", "promptID": "2102_xnli.test", "pairID": "6306_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El fondo de jubilación se nutre de los ingresos por intercambio y otras fuentes de financiación.", "sentence2": "El fondo de pensiones no tiene fuentes de financiación.", "promptID": "1395_xnli.test", "pairID": "4184_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Uno de los fenómenos lingüísticos que ha emergido durante los últimos cien años es la aceptación de la noción de que un paso importante en la resolución de problemas radica en nombrarlos.", "sentence2": "Una vez que se le pone nombre a un problema, la solución aparecerá en un período de tiempo aceptable.", "promptID": "2346_xnli.test", "pairID": "7038_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A medida que se desvanecían todas las esperanzas de derrocar a los talibanes, se reanudó el debate sobre dar ayuda encubierta a los oponentes del régimen.", "sentence2": "Se negaron a perder la esperanza de trasladar a los talibanes y acordaron hacerlo solos.", "promptID": "1658_xnli.test", "pairID": "4974_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además, haz que las limitaciones de los datos sean claras, para que no se extraigan conclusiones incorrectas o no intencionadas de los mismos.", "sentence2": "Es importante mostrar los límites de los datos, ya que de lo contrario la gente hará inferencias inadecuadas que arruinarán el estudio.", "promptID": "1338_xnli.test", "pairID": "4013_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y, sin embargo, ha sido lo que ha sido y ha hecho lo que ha hecho en estos tres años, dijo ella. Pero ahora lo dijo con tristeza, sin ninguno de sus desprecios anteriores.", "sentence2": "Ella habló con tonos tristes.", "promptID": "783_xnli.test", "pairID": "2349_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "lanza un anuncio de cola ahí dentro", "sentence2": "Pon un anuncio de refresco.", "promptID": "364_xnli.test", "pairID": "1091_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además de Moussaoui, los dos agentes de Al Qaeda identificados por el KSM como posibles candidatos para la segunda oleada de ataques fureon Abderraouf Jdey, también conocido como", "sentence2": "Después de la primera oleada de ataques, no hubo más agentes disponibles.", "promptID": "1508_xnli.test", "pairID": "4523_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nada subraya las complejidades lingüísticas sutiles de manera más sorprendente que las malas comunicaciones que ocurren entre los pilotos, los miembros de la tripulación y los controladores de tránsito aéreo.", "sentence2": "Los pilotos son siempre perfectos comunicadores .", "promptID": "2333_xnli.test", "pairID": "6997_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "estoy tratando de aguantar allí", "sentence2": "Estoy intentando aferrarme a ello.", "promptID": "282_xnli.test", "pairID": "844_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Su nombre oficial era Flavian Amphitheater, el apellido de su constructor, el emperador Vespasiano.", "sentence2": "La familia Flavian dejó un legado impresionante que, ha día de hoy, aún impacta en la historia.", "promptID": "2380_xnli.test", "pairID": "7139_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay nacionalidades y grupos etnícos tan seguros, tan satisfechos consigo mísmos que, o bien rebotan los epítetos étnicos como piedras sobre un elefante o las toman como divertidos o incluso decorativos.", "sentence2": "Los grupos étnicos están avergonzados de sí mismos.", "promptID": "2347_xnli.test", "pairID": "7039_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En un libro tratando con un tema de este tipo uno debe ser extremadamente cuidadoso para adherirse a definiciones rígidas de los términos clave (eufemismo, disfemismo, tabú, etc.) y no desviarse de ellos.", "sentence2": "El libro simplemente explica cómo era la casa.", "promptID": "2341_xnli.test", "pairID": "7021_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nuestros hospitales universitarios y programas de investigación no reciben ningún apoyo estatal.", "sentence2": "El programa de investigación no puede obtener fondos del estado porque experimentan con personas.", "promptID": "1902_xnli.test", "pairID": "5704_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Para que puedas ser caritativo de alguna manera! rió suavemente.", "sentence2": "A veces, usted puede ser bastante generoso lo dijo con una sonrisa.", "promptID": "946_xnli.test", "pairID": "2837_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No contento con deshonrar moralmente a Clinton, sus adversarios trataron de inflar su encubrimiento del caso Lewinsky en crímenes y delitos imputables.", "sentence2": "El romance de Clinton con Lewinsky fue una desgracia moral para el Partido Demócrata y causó la derrota de Gore cuando se postuló para presidente.", "promptID": "2049_xnli.test", "pairID": "6147_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La propiedad es una sucesión de burbujas en el espacio o ciberespacio, con distintas personas que afirman una variedad interminable de intereses en ellas.", "sentence2": "En todos los lugares se puede ser dueño de propiedades.", "promptID": "2206_xnli.test", "pairID": "6617_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, hasta donde sabemos, la vida surgió aquí en la tierra sólo una vez.", "sentence2": "La vida en la tierra nunca emergió.", "promptID": "2147_xnli.test", "pairID": "6441_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un vínculo cálido entre padres e hijos basado en la cooperación es especialmente vital para ayudar a los niños recalcitrantes a internalizar los estándares de los padres.", "sentence2": "Se han realizado muchos estudios sobre los lazos padres-hijos.", "promptID": "714_xnli.test", "pairID": "2141_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La sabiduría convencional sobre el género musical conocido como Ragtime continúa fluctuando.", "sentence2": "La sabiduría convencional sobre el Ragtime musical no es constante.", "promptID": "2093_xnli.test", "pairID": "6278_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Además de Moussaoui, los dos agentes de Al Qaeda identificados por el KSM como posibles candidatos para la segunda oleada de ataques fureon Abderraouf Jdey, también conocido como", "sentence2": "La segunda ola de ataques se habría dirigido a las estaciones de tren.", "promptID": "1508_xnli.test", "pairID": "4524_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Espero vivir para el año 2000 para ayudar con la Guía Yiddish. Estoy seguro de que el yidish seguirá existiendo, sobreviviendo a sus detractores, como lo ha hecho durante mil años.", "sentence2": "Estoy seguro de que el yiddish aún existirá en el 2000.", "promptID": "2313_xnli.test", "pairID": "6937_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay muchas opciones para atacar la lógica de este argumento cosmológico y los oponentes contemporáneos del teísmo los han intentado todos.", "sentence2": "La lógica de este argumento cosmológico ha sido atacada muchas veces por contradictores.", "promptID": "2035_xnli.test", "pairID": "6104_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay tanto que se puede decir sobre eso, que sencillamente me voy a saltar eso.", "sentence2": "No hablaré sobre la historia de la ciudad porque hay mucho que decir.", "promptID": "5_xnli.test", "pairID": "15_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De esta manera, la ortografía de una palabra a menudo se relaciona con la de otras palabras que pertenecen al mismo paradigma, o a su propia historia.", "sentence2": "La ortografía de una palabra está ligada a la persona que la inventó.", "promptID": "2370_xnli.test", "pairID": "7108_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¡Todavía nos queda mucho para alcanzar nuestra meta de 365 000 $ de amigos y suscriptores como tú!", "sentence2": "En realidad, esperamos triplicar nuestro objetivo monetario.", "promptID": "1784_xnli.test", "pairID": "5351_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sullivan invoca el mantra del tratamiento igualitario como si fuera el fin de las discusiones.", "sentence2": "Sullivan confía en que el mantra de la igualdad de trato terminará con la discusión.", "promptID": "2099_xnli.test", "pairID": "6296_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "... .. guía espiritual y motivación.", "sentence2": ".. orientación de los ateos", "promptID": "1854_xnli.test", "pairID": "5562_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El lingüista que escribe libros parece invariablemente ser un eruito que pregona sus propios puntos de vista, algunos de los cuales, como mínimo, están muy escondidos.", "sentence2": "Los lingüistas ganan mucho dinero escribiendo libros.", "promptID": "2388_xnli.test", "pairID": "7163_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al Qaeda y el terrorismo fueron solo una prioridad más añadida a las ya apretadas ágendas con países como Pakistán y Arabia Saudí.", "sentence2": "Al Qaeda se agregó a la parte superior de la lista de prioridades.", "promptID": "1605_xnli.test", "pairID": "4813_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El desarrollo de una organización CIO es un proceso continuo que exige una comprensión clara de la responsabilidad de la organización para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades comerciales.", "sentence2": "Tienes que desarrollar cuidadosamente una organización de CIO o se derrumbará.", "promptID": "1315_xnli.test", "pairID": "3945_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Goistering era un término curioso para la risa fuerte femenina; un mal trabajador fue llamado, su excusa bien podría ser, ¡el viejo Laurence me atrapó hoy!", "sentence2": "Le dieron un nombre a la sonora risa de la dama.", "promptID": "2349_xnli.test", "pairID": "7046_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En el caso de los animales que no son recuperados por sus dueños, su Humane Society utiliza una amplia variedad de servicios para ayudar a esos animales y darles la oportunidad de una vida feliz.", "sentence2": "La Humane Society ayuda a los animales a vivir una vida feliz.", "promptID": "1858_xnli.test", "pairID": "5573_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En empresas líderes, los procesos de negocio en desarrollo desempeñan un papel clave en la determinación de cómo estas responsabilidades de gestión de la información están estructuradas y adaptadas para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes.", "sentence2": "Los procesos de negocios no están estancados; ellos evolucionan con el tiempo", "promptID": "1499_xnli.test", "pairID": "4495_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "FOREVER PLAID, un nombre que connota la continuación de los valores tradicionales, de la familia, el hogar y la armonía.", "sentence2": "FOREVER PLAID (por siempre a cuadros) sería un buen nombre para una novela distópica, porque evoca una sensación de horror.", "promptID": "1929_xnli.test", "pairID": "5786_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La filosofía legal de la Confederación triunfó tanto en esencia como en estilo.", "sentence2": "La filosofía legal fue derrotada.", "promptID": "627_xnli.test", "pairID": "1880_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "También demuestran una reducción de la confianza en sí mismos y de la motivación, expresando dudas respecto a su propia habilidad y evitando enfrentarse a problemas.", "sentence2": "Se retiran de problemas difíciles y tienen dudas sobre sus habilidades.", "promptID": "741_xnli.test", "pairID": "2223_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tal composición sin duda daría la impresión que la sección de cuerda de repente se había prendido fuego.", "sentence2": "Una amplia investigación de la composición demostró que el fuego tuvo que comenzar en la sección de cuerdas.", "promptID": "2400_xnli.test", "pairID": "7198_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De hecho, las gigantescas nubes moleculares frías que hay en las galaxias, sobre grados absolutos en temperatura, son mezclas muy complejas de especies moleculares, muchas carbonosas, así como el lugar de nacimiento de las estrellas.", "sentence2": "Las nubes moleculares son el lugar de nacimiento de las estrellas.", "promptID": "688_xnli.test", "pairID": "2063_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así que no tengo muy claro por qué.", "sentence2": "Estoy seguro de la razón por la cual.", "promptID": "10_xnli.test", "pairID": "28_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Bueno, no recuerdo, parecía que sí, pero podría ser que no, supongo, supongo", "sentence2": "Mi memoria está clara sobre lo que sucedió esa noche.", "promptID": "361_xnli.test", "pairID": "1083_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¡Para que puedas ser caritativo de alguna manera! rió suavemente.", "sentence2": "Siempre eres tan codicioso, dijo con una sonrisa.", "promptID": "946_xnli.test", "pairID": "2838_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los objetivos pueden parecer abstractos al hogar medio, una economía mayor influye claramente en el ahorro personal a través de planes de pensiones tradicionales con las prestaciones definidas.", "sentence2": "Para el hogar medio, los objetivos pueden parecer más abstractos.", "promptID": "1449_xnli.test", "pairID": "4345_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El fondo de jubilación se nutre de los ingresos por intercambio y otras fuentes de financiación.", "sentence2": "El fondo de pensiones es financiado por los empleados.", "promptID": "1395_xnli.test", "pairID": "4185_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "72: Y como indiqué en el capítulo 2, la mezcla entre la calidez y las expectativas de un comportamiento maduro que conforman la crianza autoritaria de los hijos, también está ligada a la interacción hábil de los compañeros.", "sentence2": "La interacción entre compañeros habilidosos se vincula a tener padres autoritarios.", "promptID": "700_xnli.test", "pairID": "2100_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Su apoyo a la Campaña operativa anual del museo permite atraer obras significativas a la colección y presentar exhibiciones especiales en toda la comunidad.", "sentence2": "El museo puede hacer grandes cosas con los 10 000 $ que diste.", "promptID": "1848_xnli.test", "pairID": "5543_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pero eso no era más que una máscara para su furia, y su veneno era evidente para todos.", "sentence2": "No tenía nada que ocultar y proporcionaba una apariencia genuina.", "promptID": "920_xnli.test", "pairID": "2759_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Correctamente implementado, este enfoque proporciona una seguridad razonable de que ocurrió un viaje.", "sentence2": "El enfoque no le dice nada acerca de si ocurrió un viaje.", "promptID": "1455_xnli.test", "pairID": "4363_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estas cosas están fuera del hombre, mientras que el estilo es el hombre en sí mismo", "sentence2": "El yo verdadero de una persona lo revelan hechos concretos.", "promptID": "2307_xnli.test", "pairID": "6919_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los principales honores van para The Riven, una actualización del juego de computadora más vendido de todos los tiempos, Myst, sobre una persona abandonada en una isla.", "sentence2": "Lamentablemente, el juego de ordenador llamado Myst nunca fue lanzado al público.", "promptID": "2095_xnli.test", "pairID": "6284_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esto no quiere decir que la tradición occidental tenga el monopolio de la amabilidad.", "sentence2": "La gente en el oeste es mucho más amable que otros.", "promptID": "2474_xnli.test", "pairID": "7421_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las búsquedas en las bases de datos fácilmente disponibles podrían haber desenterrado las licencias de conducir, las matrículas de coches y la lista de teléfonos.", "sentence2": "Los investigadores también pidieron acceso a las bases de datos profesionales.", "promptID": "1527_xnli.test", "pairID": "4579_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En el caso de los animales que no son recuperados por sus dueños, su Humane Society utiliza una amplia variedad de servicios para ayudar a esos animales y darles la oportunidad de una vida feliz.", "sentence2": "Todos los animales son recuperados por sus dueños.", "promptID": "1858_xnli.test", "pairID": "5572_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Llegaron a la conclusión de que ninguno de los pasajeros estaba relacionado con los ataques del 11 de septiembre y desde entonces no han encontrado evidencia alguna que haga cambiar esa conclusión.", "sentence2": "No creen que cualquier de los pasajeros estuviera relacionado con los ataques.", "promptID": "1720_xnli.test", "pairID": "5160_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El truco está en verme menos como el nuevo sheriff de la ciudad y más como una de las niñeras a las que los niños de los von Trapp mataron antes que a María.", "sentence2": "Tomo un enfoque de ley y orden y exijo que respetes mi autoridad como sheriff.", "promptID": "2200_xnli.test", "pairID": "6599_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "el pachuco, una combinación de inglés y español, también llamado caló, fue una fascinante fusión proveniente de muchas fuentes lingüísticas.", "sentence2": "El discurso de pachuco es una fusión de alemán y español.", "promptID": "734_xnli.test", "pairID": "2202_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Había claramente una vaga amenaza, un espíritu de motín que no podía entender.", "sentence2": "No entendía la amenaza que se cernía sobre él.", "promptID": "865_xnli.test", "pairID": "2593_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las búsquedas en las bases de datos fácilmente disponibles podrían haber desenterrado las licencias de conducir, las matrículas de coches y la lista de teléfonos.", "sentence2": "Varios tipos de información estaban disponibles en las bases de datos existentes.", "promptID": "1527_xnli.test", "pairID": "4580_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Puesto que nos volvemos independientes, por favor, ayúdanos a fortalecer la distinción de tu grado.", "sentence2": "Esperamos que nos ayudes cuando seamos independientes.", "promptID": "1950_xnli.test", "pairID": "5849_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Con su entrada en el Mercado Común en 1981, las perspectivas económicas de Grecia se fortalecieron.", "sentence2": "La población de Grecia estaba contenta de que el país se uniera al Mercado Común.", "promptID": "1033_xnli.test", "pairID": "3097_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si bien las cifras son impresionantes, las becas a menudo son críticas para reclutar a los mejores estudiantes con necesidades financieras.", "sentence2": "Hay 50 becas disponibles para los 50 mejores estudiantes.", "promptID": "1965_xnli.test", "pairID": "5894_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tales ebulliciones de locura continuaron durante tres décadas, volviéndose más rococó.", "sentence2": "Fue una locura en todas partes durante tres décadas.", "promptID": "2192_xnli.test", "pairID": "6576_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Goistering era un término curioso para la risa fuerte femenina; un mal trabajador fue llamado, su excusa bien podría ser, ¡el viejo Laurence me atrapó hoy!", "sentence2": "Goistering se refiere a la risa de un bebé.", "promptID": "2349_xnli.test", "pairID": "7045_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Podemos seguir reforzando la educación de buenos abogados.", "sentence2": "Podemos educar a los abogados si podemos darles acceso a la biblioteca de derecho.", "promptID": "1946_xnli.test", "pairID": "5837_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es una pena que la controversia provocada por Finkelstein haya eclipsado a su coescritora, Birn.", "sentence2": "Birn está recibiendo toda la atención, desde las noticias sobre Finkelstein.", "promptID": "2109_xnli.test", "pairID": "6326_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por tanto, debo decirte por qué el Center on Philanthropy también merece tu apoyo.", "sentence2": "Tengo que ponerte al día sobre por qué el Centro de Filantropía necesita tu apoyo.", "promptID": "1916_xnli.test", "pairID": "5746_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una vez que se toman estas decisiones, la organización de CIO debe proporcionar un soporte efectivo y receptivo a través de la asignación eficiente de recursos y la ejecución diaria de sus responsabilidades.", "sentence2": "La organización de CIO generalmente tiene un personal de siete personas a mano para brindar apoyo en estos casos.", "promptID": "1392_xnli.test", "pairID": "4176_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Uno es cauto a la hora de comer comida abiertamente, puesto que los monos es probable que vean esto como una invitación para cenar.", "sentence2": "No deberías comer alimentos al aire libre.", "promptID": "1225_xnli.test", "pairID": "3675_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sullivan invoca el mantra del tratamiento igualitario como si fuera el fin de las discusiones.", "sentence2": "Sullivan usa el mantra de igualdad de trato después de darse cuenta de que está perdiendo la discusión.", "promptID": "2099_xnli.test", "pairID": "6297_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El pobre sustantivo explotado era incluso usado cuando ni él ni ninguna otra alternativa era necesaria.", "sentence2": "El sustantivo se usa demasiado.", "promptID": "2282_xnli.test", "pairID": "6845_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay muchas opciones para atacar la lógica de este argumento cosmológico y los oponentes contemporáneos del teísmo los han intentado todos.", "sentence2": "Este argumento cosmológico ha sido aceptado y aprobado por todos los que lo leen.", "promptID": "2035_xnli.test", "pairID": "6105_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En un libro tratando con un tema de este tipo uno debe ser extremadamente cuidadoso para adherirse a definiciones rígidas de los términos clave (eufemismo, disfemismo, tabú, etc.) y no desviarse de ellos.", "sentence2": "El libro habla sobre los significados de la palabra.", "promptID": "2341_xnli.test", "pairID": "7023_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La tapadera debate si el objetivo de la OTAN debería ser desguazar Kosovo o administrarlo como un protectorado.", "sentence2": "La historia principal discute el objetivo final de la OTAN respecto a la soberanía de Kosovo.", "promptID": "2118_xnli.test", "pairID": "6353_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Uno retrocede y usa esta expresión cuando se encuentra en un lugar de desacostumbrada elegancia, como disfrutar de un aperitivo en un elegante restaurante con una bandada de camareros con esmoquin bailando alrededor.", "sentence2": "Esta frase se emplea en la situación más dura e informal que puede haber.", "promptID": "2352_xnli.test", "pairID": "7055_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La tapadera debate si el objetivo de la OTAN debería ser desguazar Kosovo o administrarlo como un protectorado.", "sentence2": "La OTAN cree que Kosovo debería ser dividida en zonas más pequeñas.", "promptID": "2118_xnli.test", "pairID": "6352_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In eVect, como veremos más adelante, las biosferas pueden maximizar el crecimiento sostenido promedio de su propia dimensionalidad.", "sentence2": "La dimensionalidad de las biosferas crece.", "promptID": "636_xnli.test", "pairID": "1908_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En empresas líderes, los procesos de negocio en desarrollo desempeñan un papel clave en la determinación de cómo estas responsabilidades de gestión de la información están estructuradas y adaptadas para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes.", "sentence2": "Como las necesidades nunca cambian, los procesos comerciales no necesitan evolucionar.", "promptID": "1499_xnli.test", "pairID": "4497_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Le invitamos a participar en Futures for Children patrocinando a un niño indígena estadounidense o haciéndose socio para apoyar nuestros proyectos de educación comunitaria.", "sentence2": "Si elige patrocinar a un niño indígena americano, no podrá participar en Futures for Children.", "promptID": "1778_xnli.test", "pairID": "5332_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En un instante, el capitán Blood vio lo que tenían en mente.", "sentence2": "Es cierto que el Capitán Blood sabía como leer a las personas que estudiaban Psicología en su universidad.", "promptID": "969_xnli.test", "pairID": "2907_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En 1847, un salvaje levantamiento conocido como la Guerra de Castas vio cómo los rebeldes mayas masacraban a los colonos blancos y tomaban el control de casi dos tercios de la península.", "sentence2": "La Guerra de Castas involucró a los Mayas.", "promptID": "1214_xnli.test", "pairID": "3640_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La cocina china aterriza en Cuba, y se inventa la cocina cubano-china.", "sentence2": "La comida china solo se encuentra en China", "promptID": "621_xnli.test", "pairID": "1862_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para el horror de algunos lectores del Western, sin embargo, lo citaron al menos una vez fuera de contexto en donde amenazaba enterrar a América.", "sentence2": "En realidad él quería comprar cerveza para América, pero un impedimento al hablar no le permitió expresarlo claramente.", "promptID": "2359_xnli.test", "pairID": "7075_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ser un generador de valor, un socio enfocado en el cliente en los resultados comerciales", "sentence2": "Los socios deben centrarse en los clientes para ser éxitosos.", "promptID": "1335_xnli.test", "pairID": "4005_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La mejor táctica para salir de una situación empañada por tu propia imperfección es definirte a ti mismo como el término medio, superior a los de tu izquierda y tu derecha.", "sentence2": "No es sabio culpar a los demás por su propia imperfección.", "promptID": "2087_xnli.test", "pairID": "6259_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Varios de ellos podrían haber sido creados por prisioneros cuyo vocabulario era demasiado pobre como para adaptar los conceptos, eventos o situaciones nombradas.", "sentence2": "Los prisioneros crearon historias.", "promptID": "2490_xnli.test", "pairID": "7468_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los primeros esfuerzos de los niños en la fantasía también revelan cómo de desafiante les resulta la tarea de separar lo pensado de la realidad.", "sentence2": "Los niños son capaces de imaginación.", "promptID": "674_xnli.test", "pairID": "2020_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El uso de nuevas tecnologías para individualizar los materiales de intervención breves y comentarios pueden ayudar a llenar vacíos en el sistema de atención para pacientes con patrones de consumo problemático y en riesgo.", "sentence2": "Los materiales individualizados con el resumen de las intervenciones pueden ser beneficiosos para los pacientes.", "promptID": "1365_xnli.test", "pairID": "4093_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Espero vivir para el año 2000 para ayudar con la Guía Yiddish. Estoy seguro de que el yidish seguirá existiendo, sobreviviendo a sus detractores, como lo ha hecho durante mil años.", "sentence2": "La cultura Yiddish ha sobrevivido por más de mil años.", "promptID": "2313_xnli.test", "pairID": "6939_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "el impulso continuado de 23Financial es esencial para lograr los objetivos de la Ley de CFO", "sentence2": "23Financial está cerca de completar todos sus objetivos legales.", "promptID": "1493_xnli.test", "pairID": "4479_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De hecho, tu historial de apoyo a la Sociedad Lowell Nussbaum paga mucho más que tu alquiler.", "sentence2": "Como nunca ha apoyado a la Sociedad Lowell Nussbaum, le recomendamos que lo haga ahora.", "promptID": "1925_xnli.test", "pairID": "5773_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El flujo básico de la historia mundial, como no soy el primero en mencionarlo, es hacia la interdependencia.", "sentence2": "Soy el primero en notar que el camino de la historia mundial es hacia la interdependencia.", "promptID": "2228_xnli.test", "pairID": "6683_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Nadie parece saber si estos deportes se juegan en una pista con una red, contra una pared, o ambas cosas.", "sentence2": "Las reglas y pautas de estos deportes aún no están claras.", "promptID": "2468_xnli.test", "pairID": "7403_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In eVect, como veremos más adelante, las biosferas pueden maximizar el crecimiento sostenido promedio de su propia dimensionalidad.", "sentence2": "No es fácil que se cultive la dimensionalidad de las biosferas.", "promptID": "636_xnli.test", "pairID": "1907_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es nuestra única oportunidad... El resto de sus palabras se hundieron en los gritos de la gente que insistía en que la chica se entregara para ser una rehén.", "sentence2": "Entregar al rehén habría supuesto una muerte segura para ella.", "promptID": "834_xnli.test", "pairID": "2502_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La creencia popular en Washington esta semana es que los escritores jóvenes como Glass, que se parten de la risa, merecen simpatía, porque el sistema les empuja a ser estrellas antes de ser obreros.", "sentence2": "Glass es un escritor.", "promptID": "2155_xnli.test", "pairID": "6465_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Correctamente implementado, este enfoque proporciona una seguridad razonable de que ocurrió un viaje.", "sentence2": "Este enfoque le muestra que el viaje se llevó a cabo.", "promptID": "1455_xnli.test", "pairID": "4365_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No fue hasta el otro día que Bradley se opuso al subsidio de etanol.", "sentence2": "Bradley apoyó un subsidio.", "promptID": "2146_xnli.test", "pairID": "6438_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Le invitamos a participar en Futures for Children patrocinando a un niño indígena estadounidense o haciéndose socio para apoyar nuestros proyectos de educación comunitaria.", "sentence2": "Si patrocinas a un niño indoamericano, estaría participando en Futuro para Niños.", "promptID": "1778_xnli.test", "pairID": "5333_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "el impulso continuado de 23Financial es esencial para lograr los objetivos de la Ley de CFO", "sentence2": "23Financial sigue logrando objetivos del Acto CFO gracias a un ímpetu positivo.", "promptID": "1493_xnli.test", "pairID": "4477_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Clarke mencionó al asesor de seguridad nacional Rice al menos dos veces que las células durmientes de al Qaeda probablemente se encuntran en los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "Clarke le dijo a Rice, consejero de Seguridad Nacional, que las células durmientes de Al Qaeda probablemente se encontraban en los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1549_xnli.test", "pairID": "4647_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sullivan invoca el mantra del tratamiento igualitario como si fuera el fin de las discusiones.", "sentence2": "Sullivan no sabe nada sobre el trato igualitario.", "promptID": "2099_xnli.test", "pairID": "6295_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De hecho, las gigantescas nubes moleculares frías que hay en las galaxias, sobre grados absolutos en temperatura, son mezclas muy complejas de especies moleculares, muchas carbonosas, así como el lugar de nacimiento de las estrellas.", "sentence2": "Las nubes moleculares no dan a luz estrellas.", "promptID": "688_xnli.test", "pairID": "2064_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "el arte de exprimir subvenciones es una forma de mendicidad en la que los participantes van bien muy bien vestidos.", "sentence2": "Nadie pide dinero mientras viste ropas bonitas.", "promptID": "2369_xnli.test", "pairID": "7106_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los caminos se retuercen, giran alrededor de curvas cerradas y se enrollan y ondulan.", "sentence2": "El camino era tan curvilíneo que era difícil conducir por él.", "promptID": "1246_xnli.test", "pairID": "3737_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En 1863 la nación seguía deseando crear una Unión más perfecta pero tenía además un pasado que al mismo tiempo inspiraba y molestaba a la nueva mentalidad autóctona.", "sentence2": "La nación estaba cambiando debido a la agitación política en 1863.", "promptID": "730_xnli.test", "pairID": "2190_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El uso de nuevas tecnologías para individualizar los materiales de intervención breves y comentarios pueden ayudar a llenar vacíos en el sistema de atención para pacientes con patrones de consumo problemático y en riesgo.", "sentence2": "No hay tratamiento para las personas con problemas de alcoholismo.", "promptID": "1365_xnli.test", "pairID": "4095_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Varios de ellos podrían haber sido creados por prisioneros cuyo vocabulario era demasiado pobre como para adaptar los conceptos, eventos o situaciones nombradas.", "sentence2": "Los prisioneros no los crearon.", "promptID": "2490_xnli.test", "pairID": "7470_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cabe señalar que el impacto de la densidad postal en el costo es mayor en Francia que en el", "sentence2": "La densidad postal aumenta el coste en Francia hasta en un 40 %.", "promptID": "1414_xnli.test", "pairID": "4242_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La amenaza que venía no era de células durmientes.", "sentence2": "Las células durmientes eran la única amenaza importante.", "promptID": "1723_xnli.test", "pairID": "5168_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si el producto incluía más contenido nuevo o invención, se utilizaban con frecuencia prototipos totalmente integrados para demostrar que el diseño cumplía con los requisitos.", "sentence2": "La construcción de prototipos generalmente añade varios días al marco temporal de un proyecto de desarrollo.", "promptID": "1389_xnli.test", "pairID": "4165_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los bomberos del condado de Baltimore no tienen un programa formal para proporcionar un impulso financiero a los bomberos y paramédicos que están lesionados y no pueden trabajar.", "sentence2": "Debería existir un programa para compensar a estos funcionarios.", "promptID": "1454_xnli.test", "pairID": "4362_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando Alice se opuso, él respondió que era un tipo diferente de firmeza. ¡Fue totalmente firme conmigo, te puedo asegurar!", "sentence2": "Alice dijo que no iría.", "promptID": "2381_xnli.test", "pairID": "7143_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La asociación de nombres de dinero con otros pesos es ouguiya (Mauritania) significa `onza.", "sentence2": "Hay una conexión entre los nombres del dinero y los nombres de los pesos.", "promptID": "2290_xnli.test", "pairID": "6870_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A medida que se desvanecían todas las esperanzas de derrocar a los talibanes, se reanudó el debate sobre dar ayuda encubierta a los oponentes del régimen.", "sentence2": "Proporcionar cobertura de asistencia a los enemigos de los Taliban era una posibilidad.", "promptID": "1658_xnli.test", "pairID": "4972_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El comienzo de 1991 renueva los recuerdos de los días de estudiante en la Universidad de Indiana.", "sentence2": "Los estudiantes graduados recuerdan su camino como estudiantes en la Universidad de Indiana.", "promptID": "1992_xnli.test", "pairID": "5975_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sí, personas que podrían estar en el trabajo en cualquier momento o cuyas decisiones podrían nublarse si tuvieran que tomar una decisión.", "sentence2": "Sí, las personas cuyas facultades de decisión nunca se ven afectadas.", "promptID": "262_xnli.test", "pairID": "786_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Su apoyo a la Campaña operativa anual del museo permite atraer obras significativas a la colección y presentar exhibiciones especiales en toda la comunidad.", "sentence2": "Dar dinero a la campaña ayuda mucho al museo.", "promptID": "1848_xnli.test", "pairID": "5542_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Uno de los fenómenos lingüísticos que ha emergido durante los últimos cien años es la aceptación de la noción de que un paso importante en la resolución de problemas radica en nombrarlos.", "sentence2": "En general, se está de acuerdo en que no tiene sentido nombrar un problema, ya que se pierde tiempo mientras surgen nuevos problemas y se cambian antes de encontrar soluciones.", "promptID": "2346_xnli.test", "pairID": "7037_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si fuera un ápice, tienes que hacer algunos ajustes en el regulador.", "sentence2": "Tendría que jugar con el regulador.", "promptID": "186_xnli.test", "pairID": "558_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los primeros esfuerzos de los niños en la fantasía también revelan cómo de desafiante les resulta la tarea de separar lo pensado de la realidad.", "sentence2": "Los niños no pueden fantasear.", "promptID": "674_xnli.test", "pairID": "2021_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para obtener pasaportes limpios y los dos pasaportes dañados, ver informes de inteligencia, interrogatorios del KSM, 3 de julio de 2003; 9 de septiembre de 2003.", "sentence2": "KSM nunca obtenía documentos limpios.", "promptID": "1734_xnli.test", "pairID": "5200_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Programamos nuestra entrada en el futuro tecnológico.", "sentence2": "Estamos construyendo los precursores necesarios para un futuro tecnológico.", "promptID": "501_xnli.test", "pairID": "1501_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estos enlazan las principales playas públicas (desde Warwick Long Bay hasta la bahía de Horseshoe).", "sentence2": "Las playas públicas por 5 $.", "promptID": "1080_xnli.test", "pairID": "3240_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los dirigentes también se centraron en Pakistán y en lo que podrían hacer para volver a los talibanes contra Al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "El foco no estaba en Pakistán ni en los talibanes.", "promptID": "1664_xnli.test", "pairID": "4992_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta declaración se emitió el día después de que los mercados financieros volvieran a abrir.", "sentence2": "Los mercados estaban cerrados porque existían problemas de liquidez generalizados.", "promptID": "1589_xnli.test", "pairID": "4767_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Colega, parecía que ten��a personalidad doble, tío.", "sentence2": "Mi jefe era suave y consecuente.", "promptID": "246_xnli.test", "pairID": "738_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "11 Sin embargo, en modificaciones más difíciles, el tiempo de inactividad podría verse afectado de manera significativa.", "sentence2": "El acondicionamiento no tiene un impacto real en el tiempo de inactividad.", "promptID": "1361_xnli.test", "pairID": "4081_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es una pena que la controversia provocada por Finkelstein haya eclipsado a su coescritora, Birn.", "sentence2": "Birn ha trabajado con Finkelstein desde que se inició la columna.", "promptID": "2109_xnli.test", "pairID": "6325_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "[Se debe decir con total franqueza que el Sr. Room escribió tan pronto como se dió cuenta de su desliz al considerar Bummel un río.", "sentence2": "El Sr. Room se negó a considerar la idea de que el Bummel podría no ser un río.", "promptID": "2294_xnli.test", "pairID": "6880_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si liviana/ligera simplemente describe una característica de la cerveza (p. ej.", "sentence2": "La cerveza puede tener la etiqueta lite o light.", "promptID": "2280_xnli.test", "pairID": "6838_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A veces hay que creer que todos los hablantes de inglés deben comprometerse con un asilo.", "sentence2": "A pesar de esta apariencia, los hablantes ingleses no tienden por lo general a ser mentalmente inestables.", "promptID": "2361_xnli.test", "pairID": "7081_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Además, haz que las limitaciones de los datos sean claras, para que no se extraigan conclusiones incorrectas o no intencionadas de los mismos.", "sentence2": "Ni siquiera deberíamos discutir los límites de los datos.", "promptID": "1338_xnli.test", "pairID": "4012_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los padres que entregan la alabanza no basada en el verdadero logro en realidad minan el desarrollo de su hijo.", "sentence2": "Ayuda al desarrollo de los niños el alabarlos sin importar el por qué.", "promptID": "690_xnli.test", "pairID": "2070_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ninguna otra profesión tiene una tradición de autodesprecio tan rica.", "sentence2": "Muchas otras profesiones piensan muy bien de ellos mismos.", "promptID": "2277_xnli.test", "pairID": "6829_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los padres que entregan la alabanza no basada en el verdadero logro en realidad minan el desarrollo de su hijo.", "sentence2": "El desarrollo de los niños es apoyado si son elogiados por las cosas que hacen.", "promptID": "690_xnli.test", "pairID": "2068_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta carta es para hacerle saber que, si bien hemos tenido algo de éxito esta temporada, aún necesitamos su ayuda para continuar con nuestro récord de sólida gestión fiscal y vibrantes producciones teatrales.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos su apoyo esta temporada.", "promptID": "1881_xnli.test", "pairID": "5643_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No puedes encontrar una respuesta más económica.", "sentence2": "No puedes encontrar una respuesta más barata del libro.", "promptID": "2119_xnli.test", "pairID": "6357_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La tecnología está muy integrada en los procesos empresariales en estas organizaciones, porque se ve como una ventaja para el negocio, no solo una herramienta.", "sentence2": "La tecnología es solo una herramienta y no un habilitador de negocios.", "promptID": "1279_xnli.test", "pairID": "3836_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De hecho, tu historial de apoyo a la Sociedad Lowell Nussbaum paga mucho más que tu alquiler.", "sentence2": "Durante la ultima década, la Sociedad Lowell Nussbaum se ha beneficiado de su apoyo.", "promptID": "1925_xnli.test", "pairID": "5774_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El artículo de Stevenson muestra una falta fundamental de comprensión sobre lo que implica nuestra campaña.", "sentence2": "Aunque Stevenson ha viajado con nosotros en la campaña, su artículo deja en claro que no estaba prestando atención a lo que trata la campaña, ni siquiera en el nivel más básico.", "promptID": "2226_xnli.test", "pairID": "6676_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La fuente afirmó que Bin Ladin solicitó y recibió asistencia del experto en fabricación de bombas, que permaneció allí brindando capacitación hasta el mes de septiembre del año 1996, fecha en la cual se transmitió la información a los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "La fuente no sabía nada sobre Bin Laden.", "promptID": "1675_xnli.test", "pairID": "5024_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es un área turbia, dice John Kirkwood, quien es con la ALA de Chicago Metropolitano.", "sentence2": "John Kirwood no está ni ha estado nunca vinculado a la Asociación de Administradores Legales del área metropolitana de Chicago.", "promptID": "2080_xnli.test", "pairID": "6240_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Correctamente implementado, este enfoque proporciona una seguridad razonable de que ocurrió un viaje.", "sentence2": "El enfoque asegura que el reembolso del viaje sea legítimo.", "promptID": "1455_xnli.test", "pairID": "4364_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, una de las organizaciones que analizamos, experimentó dos fusiones que requirieron que la compañía integrara rápidamente las nuevas empresas y se reestructurara para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades comerciales.", "sentence2": "La fusión de dos compañías en una sola organización y la reestructuración dieron como resultado un caótico entorno de trabajo .", "promptID": "1274_xnli.test", "pairID": "3821_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Podemos apuntar con más precisión y dar en el blanco más a menudo.", "sentence2": "trataremos de alcanzar la meta de recaudación de fondos todos los años.", "promptID": "1330_xnli.test", "pairID": "3990_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "y tú eres la minoría y estás atrapado con esto, pero mmm...", "sentence2": "Las minorías tienen tal vez la ventaja superior en este caso.", "promptID": "383_xnli.test", "pairID": "1147_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A medida que serpentea arriba y abajo los picos y crestas, el muro se ajusta a una topografía desafiante, que deja a muchos turistas sin aliento.", "sentence2": "La pared sube y baja por las montañas.", "promptID": "1197_xnli.test", "pairID": "3589_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si Godzilla está mejor cuando se empareja con los ecovecinos de la primera especie que con esa especie, esa especie se extingue en su nicho y se ve reemplazada por Godzilla.", "sentence2": "Godzilla tiene el potencial de borrar otras especies del planeta.", "promptID": "651_xnli.test", "pairID": "1951_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Qué pasó con el enfoque despiadado clásico de los militares de encontrar un chivo expiatorio?", "sentence2": "No hay evidencias de que los militares utilizaran cabezas de turco en el pasado.", "promptID": "2176_xnli.test", "pairID": "6528_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si los adjetivos suavizan los términos étnicos, los sustantivos pueden endurecerlos.", "sentence2": "Los verbos son la única manera de expresar términos étnicos.", "promptID": "2332_xnli.test", "pairID": "6996_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Podemos apuntar con más precisión y dar en el blanco más a menudo.", "sentence2": "Trataremos de alcanzar el objetivo mucho.", "promptID": "1330_xnli.test", "pairID": "3989_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "..uno se enorgullecería de formar parte y de apoyarlo?", "sentence2": "¿De uno que apoyarías?", "promptID": "1888_xnli.test", "pairID": "5664_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta carta es para informarle de que aún necesitamos su ayuda para continuar con nuestro récord de gestión fiscal sólida, producciones teatrales vibrantes y programas educativos sobresalientes.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos su ayuda para mantener nuestras producciones teatrales en marcha.", "promptID": "1919_xnli.test", "pairID": "5757_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cabe señalar que el impacto de la densidad postal en el costo es mayor en Francia que en el", "sentence2": "La densidad postal no tiene impacto en el coste.", "promptID": "1414_xnli.test", "pairID": "4241_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Uno de los fenómenos lingüísticos que ha emergido durante los últimos cien años es la aceptación de la noción de que un paso importante en la resolución de problemas radica en nombrarlos.", "sentence2": "En general, se acepta que uno de los pasos más importantes para resolver un problema es, primero, nombrarlo.", "promptID": "2346_xnli.test", "pairID": "7036_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En el régimen caótico, se filtra el mar verde centelleante.", "sentence2": "El mar era verde y parecía burbujear.", "promptID": "521_xnli.test", "pairID": "1563_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando esta técnica funciona, obtienes una historia poderosa, aunque una cuyo tema no se revela hasta alrededor del tercer párrafo.", "sentence2": "Esta técnica de escribir historias vale la pena cuando alcanzas el tercer párrafo.", "promptID": "2053_xnli.test", "pairID": "6158_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sería extremadamente difícil para un abogado de servicios legales en California saber si un cliente, que ha estado trabajando en la corriente migratoria en Arizona, ha cruzado temporalmente la frontera hacia México.", "sentence2": "Un abogado de California no puede saber a ciencia cierta si su cliente ha cruzado temporalmente la frontera con México.", "promptID": "1409_xnli.test", "pairID": "4226_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La democratización tampoco cambia la realidad subyacente de la geografía internacional.", "sentence2": "Todo el mundo puede reconocer que la realidad de la geografía internacional es rígida.", "promptID": "2108_xnli.test", "pairID": "6324_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta carta es para informarle de que aún necesitamos su ayuda para continuar con nuestro récord de gestión fiscal sólida, producciones teatrales vibrantes y programas educativos sobresalientes.", "sentence2": "No necesitamos más fondos para nuestros programas.", "promptID": "1919_xnli.test", "pairID": "5755_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, la palabra diagnóstico fue tomada prestada de una palabra griega (que, dicho sea de paso, no significaba lo mismo); doscientos años después, el verbo diagnosticar (una formación posterior) fue acuñado.", "sentence2": "La palabra griega de la que se tomó prestado el diagnóstico era la raíz de una planta.", "promptID": "2311_xnli.test", "pairID": "6931_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La empresa está preparada para reestructurarse y satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes del negocio.", "sentence2": "La compañía permanecerá estática.", "promptID": "1463_xnli.test", "pairID": "4389_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En todo caso, tendrían que tomarse pasos significativos para evitar prejuzgar las afirmaciones del cliente.", "sentence2": "No se requiere de un especial esfuerzo para evitar dañar las reclamaciones de un cliente.", "promptID": "1388_xnli.test", "pairID": "4162_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El régimen caótico contrasta crudamente con el régimen ordenado.", "sentence2": "Hay una gran diferencia entre los dos regímenes.", "promptID": "658_xnli.test", "pairID": "1974_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En consecuencia, las agencias federales deben volver a evaluar sus prácticas de capital humano para garantizar que los profesionales financieros federales estén equipados para enfrentar estos nuevos desafíos y respaldar la misión y los objetivos de sus agencias.", "sentence2": "Los agentes federales tienen prácticas adecuadas sobre los recursos humanos.", "promptID": "1379_xnli.test", "pairID": "4136_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Del mismo modo que existe un espectro de problemas de consumo de alcohol, puede haber una familia de soluciones.", "sentence2": "No hay una única solución a los problemas derivados del abuso del alcohol.", "promptID": "1487_xnli.test", "pairID": "4460_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mi madre terminó no siendo una de sus favoritas al principio y, ah, así que fue relegada a trabajar en el campo mientras que algunos de los otros niños no trabajaban en el campo.", "sentence2": "Mi madre era la chica de oro por lo que nunca tuvo que trabajar.", "promptID": "227_xnli.test", "pairID": "680_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De esta manera, la ortografía de una palabra a menudo se relaciona con la de otras palabras que pertenecen al mismo paradigma, o a su propia historia.", "sentence2": "La ortografía de una palabra está ligada a su historia.", "promptID": "2370_xnli.test", "pairID": "7110_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mucho se ha hablado de contratar a Michael Apted para darle un toque más humano a la serie.", "sentence2": "Michael Apted arruinó la serie al insistir en que eliminen cualquier elemento cálido y humano.", "promptID": "2002_xnli.test", "pairID": "6004_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A medida que se desvanecían todas las esperanzas de derrocar a los talibanes, se reanudó el debate sobre dar ayuda encubierta a los oponentes del régimen.", "sentence2": "Los talibanes no podían ser trasladados desde Kabul, por que algunos miembros del ejército de los EE. UU. debatieron la asistencia de sus oponentes.", "promptID": "1658_xnli.test", "pairID": "4973_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ella insistió en que él volara a casa, que significa que ella quería que volara a casa, aunque si lo hizo o no sería revelado en un capítulo posterior.", "sentence2": "A pesar de que ella le dijo que volviera a casa, no está seguro si lo hizo o no.", "promptID": "2351_xnli.test", "pairID": "7051_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El desarrollo de una organización CIO es un proceso continuo que exige una comprensión clara de la responsabilidad de la organización para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades comerciales.", "sentence2": "Es muy fácil desarrollar una organización de CIO.", "promptID": "1315_xnli.test", "pairID": "3944_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "61 Aunque, al final, los jóvenes se dan cuenta de que el esfuerzo puede compensar una menor capacidad, las chicas pueden concluir que dominar las matemáticas complejas no merece ese esfuerzo tan elevado.", "sentence2": "Las chicas creen que las matemáticas son difíciles.", "promptID": "629_xnli.test", "pairID": "1887_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Así que no tengo muy claro por qué.", "sentence2": "No sé por qué él transfirió las escuelas.", "promptID": "10_xnli.test", "pairID": "29_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De este modo, la asociación YMCA pretende poner en práctica los principios cristianos mediante programas que fomentan el crecimiento personal y desarrollan la salud de espíritu, mente y cuerpo en las personas.", "sentence2": "La YMCA solo promueve los principios propuestos por la Iglesia de Satanás en sus programas.", "promptID": "1984_xnli.test", "pairID": "5951_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hay muchas opciones para atacar la lógica de este argumento cosmológico y los oponentes contemporáneos del teísmo los han intentado todos.", "sentence2": "Algunos opositores contemporáneos del teismo tienen un interés financiero en desacreditar la lógica de este argumento cosmológico.", "promptID": "2035_xnli.test", "pairID": "6103_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Uno es cauto a la hora de comer comida abiertamente, puesto que los monos es probable que vean esto como una invitación para cenar.", "sentence2": "Puedes comer donde quieras ya que los monos le tienen miedo a las personas.", "promptID": "1225_xnli.test", "pairID": "3674_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las quejas cubrían problemas de equipaje, azafatas, vuelos misteriosamente cancelados, atrocidades cometidas, etc.", "sentence2": "La gente se quejaba del equipaje.", "promptID": "2030_xnli.test", "pairID": "6089_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Museo Marítimo ilustra la historia del puerto del Pacífico.", "sentence2": "El Museo Marítimo tiene 100 años de historia cubiertos en sus exhibiciones.", "promptID": "1200_xnli.test", "pairID": "3599_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Qué pasó con el enfoque despiadado clásico de los militares de encontrar un chivo expiatorio?", "sentence2": "El ejército tiene un historial del uso del chivo expiatorio.", "promptID": "2176_xnli.test", "pairID": "6527_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta es la última retirada Republicana.", "sentence2": "Este es el peor y menos efectivo repliegue republicano.", "promptID": "2076_xnli.test", "pairID": "6228_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tales ebulliciones de locura continuaron durante tres décadas, volviéndose más rococó.", "sentence2": "La locura solo duró un día.", "promptID": "2192_xnli.test", "pairID": "6574_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Programamos nuestra entrada en el futuro tecnológico.", "sentence2": "Construimos transistores, así que nuestro futuro estará dirigido por la IA.", "promptID": "501_xnli.test", "pairID": "1502_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Consultar la lista de puntos clave de la playa en las páginas 82 y 85.", "sentence2": "Solo tenemos una playa.", "promptID": "1186_xnli.test", "pairID": "3558_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En 1847, un salvaje levantamiento conocido como la Guerra de Castas vio cómo los rebeldes mayas masacraban a los colonos blancos y tomaban el control de casi dos tercios de la península.", "sentence2": "Los mayas eran totalmente pacíficos.", "promptID": "1214_xnli.test", "pairID": "3641_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lo cierto es que la comunicación cruzada a veces puede parecerse a las tres ironías, dependiendo de la intención, el público y el efecto.", "sentence2": "La diafonía no es aceptable para algunas audiencias.", "promptID": "2436_xnli.test", "pairID": "7307_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una vez que sales de las arterias principales apretadas por el tráfico, encontrarás el antiguo pueblo de Albufeira que conserva una cantidad sorprendente de encanto tradicional.", "sentence2": "La Albufeira es un lugar pintoresco porque no están permitidos los coches.", "promptID": "1124_xnli.test", "pairID": "3371_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Usted, junto con otros miembros afectuosos, estará ayudando en el esfuerzo por preservar y promover la orgullosa herencia de nuestro estado.", "sentence2": "El estado necesita que todos donen 20 $ para apoyar el patrimonio.", "promptID": "1953_xnli.test", "pairID": "5859_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nuestros encuestados más agresivos, entusiasmados con clavarse enteros repertorios de obras de una sola vez, ignoraron los libros y fueron directo a por los autores.", "sentence2": "Las personas que respondieron hablaron sobre sus autores favoritos.", "promptID": "2142_xnli.test", "pairID": "6426_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Le invitamos a participar en Futures for Children patrocinando a un niño indígena estadounidense o haciéndose socio para apoyar nuestros proyectos de educación comunitaria.", "sentence2": "Puedes participar en Futures for Children esponsorizando a un niño Indio Americano y enviándolo a la escuela.", "promptID": "1778_xnli.test", "pairID": "5334_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "el pachuco, una combinación de inglés y español, también llamado caló, fue una fascinante fusión proveniente de muchas fuentes lingüísticas.", "sentence2": "Los bloques de construcción del discurso pachuco son inglés y español.", "promptID": "734_xnli.test", "pairID": "2201_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Descubrirlo habría requerido una cooperación rápida y sustancial del gobierno alemán, que bien podría haber sido difícil de obtener.", "sentence2": "Si se completase la investigación podría haber revelado la ubicación de tres fugitivos.", "promptID": "1515_xnli.test", "pairID": "4543_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Fui tan rápido como un rayo, ya sabes.", "sentence2": "Fue el evento más rápido que hubiera experimentado nunca, ya sabes.", "promptID": "2449_xnli.test", "pairID": "7346_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fueron ellos los que hicieron el primer y más duro esfuerzo para construir una vida moderna en esta dura tierra.", "sentence2": "La tierra era firme.", "promptID": "1105_xnli.test", "pairID": "3313_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "el impulso continuado de 23Financial es esencial para lograr los objetivos de la Ley de CFO", "sentence2": "23Financial ha perdido impulso logrando sus objetivos ejecutivos.", "promptID": "1493_xnli.test", "pairID": "4478_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La creencia popular en Washington esta semana es que los escritores jóvenes como Glass, que se parten de la risa, merecen simpatía, porque el sistema les empuja a ser estrellas antes de ser obreros.", "sentence2": "El vidrio es un pintor.", "promptID": "2155_xnli.test", "pairID": "6463_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el caso de los animales que no son recuperados por sus dueños, su Humane Society utiliza una amplia variedad de servicios para ayudar a esos animales y darles la oportunidad de una vida feliz.", "sentence2": "The Humane Society es una organización sin fines de lucro que se preocupa por las mascotas abandonadas.", "promptID": "1858_xnli.test", "pairID": "5574_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Elevador? Él sonrió un poco.", "sentence2": "Sonrió ligeramente.", "promptID": "921_xnli.test", "pairID": "2763_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una sonrisa delgada y agria estalló en los altivos labios del oficial.", "sentence2": "El agente de policía nunca sonrió.", "promptID": "944_xnli.test", "pairID": "2830_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Además, haz que las limitaciones de los datos sean claras, para que no se extraigan conclusiones incorrectas o no intencionadas de los mismos.", "sentence2": "Es importante que se muestren los límites de los datos.", "promptID": "1338_xnli.test", "pairID": "4014_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cuando esto ocurre, el fondo sacrifica intereses de los valores del Tesoro sobre sus equilibrios invertidos y en cambio recibe el interés del fondo que toma prestado sobre la cantidad del préstamo.", "sentence2": "El fondo de préstamo siempre está garantizado 9% de interés.", "promptID": "1348_xnli.test", "pairID": "4044_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El excelente ensayo de Jacob Weisberg, Car Talk, aborda el elemento clave de las elecciones presidenciales y municipales de este año, redefine la palabra autocracia.", "sentence2": "Weisberg escribió sobre perros.", "promptID": "2046_xnli.test", "pairID": "6137_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En empresas líderes, los procesos de negocio en desarrollo desempeñan un papel clave en la determinación de cómo estas responsabilidades de gestión de la información están estructuradas y adaptadas para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes.", "sentence2": "Cuando se adoptan nuevos procesos comerciales hay que crear nuevos programas de entrenamiento.", "promptID": "1499_xnli.test", "pairID": "4496_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aun así, el correo electrónico del analista muestra que estaba confundiendo una amplia gama de avisos y barreras legales sobre la compartición de información y normas de administración sobre el uso por parte de agentes criminales de información recogida a través de canales de inteligencia.", "sentence2": "El informe del analista estaba tan desordenado que nadie podía leerlo.", "promptID": "1519_xnli.test", "pairID": "4557_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "lanza un anuncio de cola ahí dentro", "sentence2": "No publiques ningun anuncio.", "promptID": "364_xnli.test", "pairID": "1090_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por eso es tan desconcertante que el vestido y la decoración no combinen.", "sentence2": "Hay un sentido de belleza y orden cuando el vestido y la decoración están en armonía.", "promptID": "650_xnli.test", "pairID": "1950_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A medida que serpentea arriba y abajo los picos y crestas, el muro se ajusta a una topografía desafiante, que deja a muchos turistas sin aliento.", "sentence2": "El muro es grande y está hecho de piedra.", "promptID": "1197_xnli.test", "pairID": "3590_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Próximos eventos que no te querrás perder", "sentence2": "Hay importantes eventos en camino.", "promptID": "1845_xnli.test", "pairID": "5533_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Allí, a no más de tres millas de distancia, había tierra, una pared irregular de intenso color verde que llenaba el horizonte occidental.", "sentence2": "Un paisaje exuberante estaba a la vista.", "promptID": "757_xnli.test", "pairID": "2269_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La influencia de H. H. Richardson fue considerablemente más corta, pero durante al menos 20 años, el románico de Richardson dejo mella en los Estados Unidos como un Juggernaut estético, parafraseando a Cram.", "sentence2": "Richardson solo fue influyente durante un año.", "promptID": "678_xnli.test", "pairID": "2033_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero si usa la gramática, vocabulario y modismo del inglés estándar de los periódicos, libros, revistas y boletines de noticias, entonces todos nos percatamos de que su habla es su acento--y posiblemente su entonación.", "sentence2": "Su acento y posiblemente su entonación es lo que sobresale cuando usa la gramática y el vocabulario del inglés estándar.", "promptID": "2408_xnli.test", "pairID": "7224_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A medida que serpentea arriba y abajo los picos y crestas, el muro se ajusta a una topografía desafiante, que deja a muchos turistas sin aliento.", "sentence2": "La pared está en el piso plano.", "promptID": "1197_xnli.test", "pairID": "3591_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Buscas un poco de equilibrio?", "sentence2": "Podemos ayudarle a conseguir equilibrio ahora mismo.", "promptID": "1931_xnli.test", "pairID": "5792_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Asumimos una relación lineal directa entre el volumen per cápita y las piezas por unidad", "sentence2": "Sabemos que no hay conexión entre el volumen per cápita y las piezas por posible.", "promptID": "1420_xnli.test", "pairID": "4260_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Buscas un poco de equilibrio?", "sentence2": "No necesitas equilibrio, solo necesitas trabajar más duro.", "promptID": "1931_xnli.test", "pairID": "5793_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Descubrirlo habría requerido una cooperación rápida y sustancial del gobierno alemán, que bien podría haber sido difícil de obtener.", "sentence2": "Es una manera de decir que no soy un santo.", "promptID": "2306_xnli.test", "pairID": "6918_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De hecho, tu historial de apoyo a la Sociedad Lowell Nussbaum paga mucho más que tu alquiler.", "sentence2": "A usted se le conoce por apoyar a la Sociedad Lowell Nussbaum.", "promptID": "1925_xnli.test", "pairID": "5775_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La fuente afirmó que Bin Ladin solicitó y recibió asistencia del experto en fabricación de bombas, que permaneció allí brindando capacitación hasta el mes de septiembre del año 1996, fecha en la cual se transmitió la información a los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "Una fuente estaba dando información sobre Bin Laden.", "promptID": "1675_xnli.test", "pairID": "5023_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lo cierto es que la comunicación cruzada a veces puede parecerse a las tres ironías, dependiendo de la intención, el público y el efecto.", "sentence2": "Las conversaciones cruzadas nunca ocurren.", "promptID": "2436_xnli.test", "pairID": "7308_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De este modo, la asociación YMCA pretende poner en práctica los principios cristianos mediante programas que fomentan el crecimiento personal y desarrollan la salud de espíritu, mente y cuerpo en las personas.", "sentence2": "El YMCA tiene más de 100 programas que promueven los principios cristianos.", "promptID": "1984_xnli.test", "pairID": "5950_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El régimen caótico contrasta crudamente con el régimen ordenado.", "sentence2": "Uno no puede distinguir el régimen caótico del régimen ordenado; ellos son muy similares.", "promptID": "658_xnli.test", "pairID": "1972_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los ingresos por boletos no empiezan a cubrir el costo de estos programas.", "sentence2": "El costo de estos programas es muy elevado.", "promptID": "1788_xnli.test", "pairID": "5363_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero eso no era más que una máscara para su furia, y su veneno era evidente para todos.", "sentence2": "Intentó esconder una cara de villano con una fachada menos siniestra.", "promptID": "920_xnli.test", "pairID": "2758_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La conexión SCR puede ocurrir en un período de interrupción de tres a cinco semanas.", "sentence2": "Nunca hay cortes.", "promptID": "1374_xnli.test", "pairID": "4122_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El uso de nuevas tecnologías para individualizar los materiales de intervención breves y comentarios pueden ayudar a llenar vacíos en el sistema de atención para pacientes con patrones de consumo problemático y en riesgo.", "sentence2": "El ordenador y los sistemas de impresión requeridos para producir esos informes cuestan quinientos dólares.", "promptID": "1365_xnli.test", "pairID": "4094_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El flujo básico de la historia mundial, como no soy el primero en mencionarlo, es hacia la interdependencia.", "sentence2": "Como soy el último en notar, el flujo de la historia mundial va hacia una existencia más solitaria.", "promptID": "2228_xnli.test", "pairID": "6682_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La corte no es el único circo político en Washington esta mañana.", "sentence2": "El palacio de justicia no es el único lugar político de Washington.", "promptID": "2037_xnli.test", "pairID": "6109_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ha otorgado, según me han contado, la comisión del Rey a este hombre. Su propio tono traicionó la amargura de su rencor.", "sentence2": "Estoy seguro de que no otorgaste la comisión del Rey a este hombre, dijo alegremente.", "promptID": "809_xnli.test", "pairID": "2425_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thumairy niega incurrir en tales medidas disciplinarias.", "sentence2": "Thumairy confirmó que fue duramente castigado.", "promptID": "1739_xnli.test", "pairID": "5216_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El cuerpo del trabajo de Dowd como columnista y el particular las obras Flytrap con las que se ganó el Pulitzer es uno de los ejemplos más brillantes hasta ahora sobre la explosión del autocastigo.", "sentence2": "Para ver ejemplos brillantes de auto castigo de la generación boomer, no busque más allá de las obras Flytrap ganadoras de Pulitzer de Dowd y, en realidad, en la mayor parte de su trabajo como columnista.", "promptID": "2239_xnli.test", "pairID": "6716_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero muchos no pudieron resolver de una u otra forma hasta que estuvieron satisfechos tras varias preguntas, y sobre todo después de una hecha por Ogle.", "sentence2": "Ogle tenía muchas preocupaciones, de las cuales todavía se tenía que saciar.", "promptID": "910_xnli.test", "pairID": "2729_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ella insistió en que él volara a casa, que significa que ella quería que volara a casa, aunque si lo hizo o no sería revelado en un capítulo posterior.", "sentence2": "Ella le dijo que se mantuviera alejado de casa porque no era seguro.", "promptID": "2351_xnli.test", "pairID": "7053_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un creciente número de evidencias demuestran que las intervenciones en el departamento de emergencia son efectivas y que el tratamiento por derivación puede funcionar.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de los departamentos de emergencia brindan varias decenas de derivaciones todos los días.", "promptID": "1359_xnli.test", "pairID": "4075_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las metáforas animales originales son prácticamente destruídas con palabras que no hacen referencia a animales.", "sentence2": "Las metáforas de animales prácticamente han desaparecido.", "promptID": "2288_xnli.test", "pairID": "6863_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Dio un paso atrás, un hombre desconcertado e impotente.", "sentence2": "Su reacción demostró que estaba profundamente herido.", "promptID": "926_xnli.test", "pairID": "2778_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta declaración se emitió el día después de que los mercados financieros volvieran a abrir.", "sentence2": "Los mercados financieros estuvieron cerrados por al menos un día.", "promptID": "1589_xnli.test", "pairID": "4766_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nuestros hospitales universitarios y programas de investigación no reciben ningún apoyo estatal.", "sentence2": "El programa de investigación recibe del estado $100000 al año.", "promptID": "1902_xnli.test", "pairID": "5706_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Museo Marítimo ilustra la historia del puerto del Pacífico.", "sentence2": "El Museo Marítimo se ocupa de la historia.", "promptID": "1200_xnli.test", "pairID": "3598_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por ejemplo, la palabra diagnóstico fue tomada prestada de una palabra griega (que, dicho sea de paso, no significaba lo mismo); doscientos años después, el verbo diagnosticar (una formación posterior) fue acuñado.", "sentence2": "Los orígenes de la palabra diagnosis se remontan al griego antiguo.", "promptID": "2311_xnli.test", "pairID": "6932_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "O, considera el problema de informar al Congreso sobre acciones encubiertas.", "sentence2": "El Congero podría estar informado de las operaciones encubiertas.", "promptID": "2195_xnli.test", "pairID": "6585_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Él lo rimaba con pandemonium; a juzgar por las demandas que proliferan en los espacios de estacionamiento de condominio, barbacoas en el balcón y mascotas haciendo caca en los pasillos, podría haber tenido razón al usar el neologismo.", "sentence2": "La convirtió en una palabra que rimaba.", "promptID": "2350_xnli.test", "pairID": "7048_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "También demuestran una reducción de la confianza en sí mismos y de la motivación, expresando dudas respecto a su propia habilidad y evitando enfrentarse a problemas.", "sentence2": "Estas personas son demasiado confiadas y se apresuran incluso a manejar situaciones difíciles.", "promptID": "741_xnli.test", "pairID": "2222_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Del mismo modo, el riesgo general asociado con consumidores volátiles, numerosas temporadas de ventas y mercados segmentados, junto con una competencia internacional feroz han hecho que se convierta en una escena dura para los minoristas y fabricantes americanos.", "sentence2": "Es difícil que a los minoristas estadounidenses les vaya bien.", "promptID": "575_xnli.test", "pairID": "1725_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La amenaza que venía no era de células durmientes.", "sentence2": "La amenaza venía de políticos nacionales radicales.", "promptID": "1723_xnli.test", "pairID": "5169_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Había encontrado la única forma, y aunque no le gustara, debía hacerlo.", "sentence2": "Sentía un profundo deseo de cogerlo.", "promptID": "953_xnli.test", "pairID": "2857_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La búsqueda de contribuciones de la comunidad de alta tecnología es una de las razones por las cuales algunos candidatos han hecho grandes esfuerzos para desarrollar una plataforma de alta tecnología.", "sentence2": "La comunidad tech esta creciendo", "promptID": "2141_xnli.test", "pairID": "6422_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así que no tengo muy claro por qué.", "sentence2": "No sé por qué sucedió eso.", "promptID": "10_xnli.test", "pairID": "30_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Programamos nuestra entrada en el futuro tecnológico.", "sentence2": "Queremos evitar que la tecnología tenga éxito.", "promptID": "501_xnli.test", "pairID": "1503_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Allí, a no más de tres millas de distancia, había tierra, una pared irregular de intenso color verde que llenaba el horizonte occidental.", "sentence2": "No podían ver ninguna tierra por millas, solo un océano sin fin.", "promptID": "757_xnli.test", "pairID": "2271_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El corazón de la antigua Atenas estaba centrado alrededor de la cúpula de la Acrópolis, con templos sagrados construidos sobre la roca y la ciudad construida sobre sus flancos ondulados.", "sentence2": "La Acrópolis era el centro y el corazón de la antigua Atenas.", "promptID": "1233_xnli.test", "pairID": "3697_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero también existe una intensa competencia entre las facultades de derecho para atraer a los mejores y más brillantes estudiantes.", "sentence2": "Las escuelas de leyes quieren estudiantes con un GPA por encima de 3,9.", "promptID": "1803_xnli.test", "pairID": "5408_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y ella siempre estuvo ahí para nosotros", "sentence2": "¡Ella nunca nos apoyó en nada!", "promptID": "1967_xnli.test", "pairID": "5900_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una vez que sales de las arterias principales apretadas por el tráfico, encontrarás el antiguo pueblo de Albufeira que conserva una cantidad sorprendente de encanto tradicional.", "sentence2": "¡Albufeira es bulliciosa y alucinante!", "promptID": "1124_xnli.test", "pairID": "3370_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Imaginan una concepción diádica del gobierno'el individuo enfrentado contra el estado'.", "sentence2": "El gobierno diádico era inestable por un desequilibrio de poder y por la frustración de su pueblo.", "promptID": "673_xnli.test", "pairID": "2018_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En consecuencia, los responsables de la toma de decisiones y los gerentes del gobierno están adoptando nuevas formas de pensar, considerando diferentes formas de lograr los objetivos y utilizando nueva información para guiar las decisiones.", "sentence2": "Los representantes del gobierno intentan aumentar su poder pensando de manera diferente.", "promptID": "1261_xnli.test", "pairID": "3782_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Usando estas ocho técnicas simples, puede fabricar una noticia en la comodidad de su propio hogar.", "sentence2": "Escribir noticias en pijama es fácil y financieramente gratificante si sigues estos ocho pasos.", "promptID": "2064_xnli.test", "pairID": "6191_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Alguien recordará la Organización Mundial del Comercio en medio siglo?", "sentence2": "La Organización Mundial del Comercio no ha tenido ningún impacto memorable en la historia.", "promptID": "2207_xnli.test", "pairID": "6620_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, el SAB, respaldado por literatura reciente sobre este problema (Rossi et al.", "sentence2": "El SAB ignoró el tema por completo.", "promptID": "1280_xnli.test", "pairID": "3838_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Del mismo modo que existe un espectro de problemas de consumo de alcohol, puede haber una familia de soluciones.", "sentence2": "Diferentes pacientes descubren que hay métodos diferentes que funcionan para ellos en su recuperación del abuso del alcohol.", "promptID": "1487_xnli.test", "pairID": "4459_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las metáforas animales originales son prácticamente destruídas con palabras que no hacen referencia a animales.", "sentence2": "Las metáforas animales han desaparecido debido a las ciudades.", "promptID": "2288_xnli.test", "pairID": "6862_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Encima de todo esto, tenemos el hecho infeliz de que la escritura elocuente es de hecho a veces memorable, agravando el problema.", "sentence2": "Es mucho más probable que las personas recuerden la escritura pobre.", "promptID": "2283_xnli.test", "pairID": "6847_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Con tu aparato de TV y tu, creo que un castigo adecuado por robar la televión sería la muerte-", "sentence2": "¿Crees que la muerte puede ser un castigo un poco duro por robar?", "promptID": "362_xnli.test", "pairID": "1084_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Llegaron a la conclusión de que ninguno de los pasajeros estaba relacionado con los ataques del 11 de septiembre y desde entonces no han encontrado evidencia alguna que haga cambiar esa conclusión.", "sentence2": "Todos los pasajeros fueron detenidos por la policía para ser interrogados, pero finalmente fueron liberados.", "promptID": "1720_xnli.test", "pairID": "5158_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Goistering era un término curioso para la risa fuerte femenina; un mal trabajador fue llamado, su excusa bien podría ser, ¡el viejo Laurence me atrapó hoy!", "sentence2": "Pusieron nombre a la risa de la mujer de modo que pudieran hablar de ella sin que ella lo supiera.", "promptID": "2349_xnli.test", "pairID": "7047_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, el SAB, respaldado por literatura reciente sobre este problema (Rossi et al.", "sentence2": "El SAB habló sobre eso.", "promptID": "1280_xnli.test", "pairID": "3840_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El régimen caótico contrasta crudamente con el régimen ordenado.", "sentence2": "El régimen ordenado puede hacer más cosas de manera eficiente.", "promptID": "658_xnli.test", "pairID": "1973_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La propiedad es una sucesión de burbujas en el espacio o ciberespacio, con distintas personas que afirman una variedad interminable de intereses en ellas.", "sentence2": "Nadie en realidad posee propiedades.", "promptID": "2206_xnli.test", "pairID": "6616_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un creciente número de evidencias demuestran que las intervenciones en el departamento de emergencia son efectivas y que el tratamiento por derivación puede funcionar.", "sentence2": "Las recomendaciones del departamento de urgencias pueden servir.", "promptID": "1359_xnli.test", "pairID": "4076_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Uno debe ser muy cauto a la hora de proponer etimologías que atribuyan el origen de una palabra al carácter juguetón o a menudo terminan siendo etimologías populares y totalmente vacías y llenas únicamente de una especulación vacía.", "sentence2": "Tenéis que ser cuidadosos al pensar en una nueva etimología.", "promptID": "2495_xnli.test", "pairID": "7485_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cabe señalar que el impacto de la densidad postal en el costo es mayor en Francia que en el", "sentence2": "En Francia, la densidad postal tiene un gran impacto en el costo.", "promptID": "1414_xnli.test", "pairID": "4240_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Consultar la lista de puntos clave de la playa en las páginas 82 y 85.", "sentence2": "Existe una lista que explica todo acerca de lo agradable que es la arena en cada playa.", "promptID": "1186_xnli.test", "pairID": "3557_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ya entiendes la importancia de la narración, poesía, canción y teatro a la hora de fomentar la empatía, compasión e imaginación.", "sentence2": "La narrativa, la poesía, la canción y el teatro son importantes a la hora de promover la empatía, la compasión y el uso de la imaginación.", "promptID": "1857_xnli.test", "pairID": "5570_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los liberales negros, como los profesores Henry Louis Gates y Cornel West, mantienen la fe integracionista. Junto a ellos está el economista negro Glenn Loury, un conservador que rompió filas para respaldar la acción afirmativa como una política necesaria.", "sentence2": "Glenn Loury es un conservador.", "promptID": "2203_xnli.test", "pairID": "6607_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Confiamos en usted y en otros amigos generosos para proporcionar el 38 por ciento restante.", "sentence2": "El 62 por ciento ya ha sido cubierto, y esperamos que proporciones el resto.", "promptID": "1846_xnli.test", "pairID": "5536_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estos trabajadores no estaban atrapados, pero a diferencia de la mayoría de los ocupantes en los pisos superiores, habían decidido no descender inmediatamente después del impacto.", "sentence2": "Algunos trabajadores pensaron que la situación no escalaría.", "promptID": "1560_xnli.test", "pairID": "4680_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los primeros esfuerzos de los niños en la fantasía también revelan cómo de desafiante les resulta la tarea de separar lo pensado de la realidad.", "sentence2": "A los niños no les gusta ser imaginativo.", "promptID": "674_xnli.test", "pairID": "2022_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "61 Aunque, al final, los jóvenes se dan cuenta de que el esfuerzo puede compensar una menor capacidad, las chicas pueden concluir que dominar las matemáticas complejas no merece ese esfuerzo tan elevado.", "sentence2": "A las chicas no les gustan las matemáticas.", "promptID": "629_xnli.test", "pairID": "1885_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay nacionalidades y grupos etnícos tan seguros, tan satisfechos consigo mísmos que, o bien rebotan los epítetos étnicos como piedras sobre un elefante o las toman como divertidos o incluso decorativos.", "sentence2": "Algunos grupos étnicos tienen mucha autoestima.", "promptID": "2347_xnli.test", "pairID": "7041_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Su apoyo a la Campaña operativa anual del museo permite atraer obras significativas a la colección y presentar exhibiciones especiales en toda la comunidad.", "sentence2": "El museo no puede hacer nada con el dinero que reciben.", "promptID": "1848_xnli.test", "pairID": "5544_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nuestras fronteras y el sistema de inmigración, incluida la aplicación de la ley, deben enviar un mensaje de bienvenida, tolerancia y justicia a los miembros de las comunidades de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos y en sus países de origen.", "sentence2": "Tenemos que dejar en claro que no queremos inmigrantes aquí.", "promptID": "1585_xnli.test", "pairID": "4755_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las congelaciones de activos a nivel mundial no se han aplicado adecuadamente y se han eludido fácilmente, a menudo en cuestión de semanas, mediante métodos simples.", "sentence2": "A veces las personas pueden escapar de la congelación de activos si le pagan a alguien mucho dinero por ayuda.", "promptID": "1567_xnli.test", "pairID": "4699_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El corazón de la antigua Atenas estaba centrado alrededor de la cúpula de la Acrópolis, con templos sagrados construidos sobre la roca y la ciudad construida sobre sus flancos ondulados.", "sentence2": "El Partenón era el corazón y el centro de la antigua Atenas situada al pie de una colina.", "promptID": "1233_xnli.test", "pairID": "3699_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fueron ellos los que hicieron el primer y más duro esfuerzo para construir una vida moderna en esta dura tierra.", "sentence2": "La tierra era suave", "promptID": "1105_xnli.test", "pairID": "3314_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una sonrisa delgada y agria estalló en los altivos labios del oficial.", "sentence2": "El oficial sonrió durante cuarenta minutos.", "promptID": "944_xnli.test", "pairID": "2831_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Con su entrada en el Mercado Común en 1981, las perspectivas económicas de Grecia se fortalecieron.", "sentence2": "La entrada de Grecia en el Mercado Común fue buena para su perspectiva económica.", "promptID": "1033_xnli.test", "pairID": "3099_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La influencia de H. H. Richardson fue considerablemente más corta, pero durante al menos 20 años, el románico de Richardson dejo mella en los Estados Unidos como un Juggernaut estético, parafraseando a Cram.", "sentence2": "Richardson nunca fue influyente.", "promptID": "678_xnli.test", "pairID": "2032_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Él lo rimaba con pandemonium; a juzgar por las demandas que proliferan en los espacios de estacionamiento de condominio, barbacoas en el balcón y mascotas haciendo caca en los pasillos, podría haber tenido razón al usar el neologismo.", "sentence2": "Él escribió un poema con la palabra.", "promptID": "2350_xnli.test", "pairID": "7049_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las quejas cubrían problemas de equipaje, azafatas, vuelos misteriosamente cancelados, atrocidades cometidas, etc.", "sentence2": "No hubo ninguna queja en absoluto.", "promptID": "2030_xnli.test", "pairID": "6090_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Estos enlazan las principales playas públicas (desde Warwick Long Bay hasta la bahía de Horseshoe).", "sentence2": "Algunas playas son públicas.", "promptID": "1080_xnli.test", "pairID": "3239_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esto no quiere decir que la tradición occidental tenga el monopolio de la amabilidad.", "sentence2": "La amabilidad no es únicamente poseída por la tradición Occidental.", "promptID": "2474_xnli.test", "pairID": "7420_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sería extremadamente difícil para un abogado de servicios legales en California saber si un cliente, que ha estado trabajando en la corriente migratoria en Arizona, ha cruzado temporalmente la frontera hacia México.", "sentence2": "El abogado puede obtener la información a través de la red de trabajadores migrantes.", "promptID": "1409_xnli.test", "pairID": "4227_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para obtener pasaportes limpios y los dos pasaportes dañados, ver informes de inteligencia, interrogatorios del KSM, 3 de julio de 2003; 9 de septiembre de 2003.", "sentence2": "KSM obtuvo pasaportes limpios.", "promptID": "1734_xnli.test", "pairID": "5202_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una vez que sales de las arterias principales apretadas por el tráfico, encontrarás el antiguo pueblo de Albufeira que conserva una cantidad sorprendente de encanto tradicional.", "sentence2": "La albuferia es interesante.", "promptID": "1124_xnli.test", "pairID": "3372_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Para obtener pasaportes limpios y los dos pasaportes dañados, ver informes de inteligencia, interrogatorios del KSM, 3 de julio de 2003; 9 de septiembre de 2003.", "sentence2": "KMS obtuvo pasaportes 'limpios que afirmaban que era ciudadano estadounidense.", "promptID": "1734_xnli.test", "pairID": "5201_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "y tú eres la minoría y estás atrapado con esto, pero mmm...", "sentence2": "Lamentablemente, estás atrapado siendo una minoría.", "promptID": "383_xnli.test", "pairID": "1148_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Llegaron a la conclusión de que ninguno de los pasajeros estaba relacionado con los ataques del 11 de septiembre y desde entonces no han encontrado evidencia alguna que haga cambiar esa conclusión.", "sentence2": "Están seguros de que varios de los pasajeros estuvieron involucrados en los ataques.", "promptID": "1720_xnli.test", "pairID": "5159_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por tanto, debo decirte por qué el Center on Philanthropy también merece tu apoyo.", "sentence2": "Realmente necesito que sepas por qué el Centro de Filantropia necesita contar con tu apoyo financiero, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.", "promptID": "1916_xnli.test", "pairID": "5747_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "96 Y los padres y entrenadores que critican en lugar de alentar y no permiten que los jugadores se olviden de la derrota, provocan ansiedad intensa en algunos jóvenes.", "sentence2": "Los entrenadores no dejan que los jugadores se olviden de la derrota.", "promptID": "666_xnli.test", "pairID": "1996_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "EE. UU. ya que Francia tiene una gama más amplia de densidades postales y volúmenes más bajos.", "sentence2": "Francia no tiene un servicio postal.", "promptID": "1434_xnli.test", "pairID": "4300_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El excelente ensayo de Jacob Weisberg, Car Talk, aborda el elemento clave de las elecciones presidenciales y municipales de este año, redefine la palabra autocracia.", "sentence2": "Weisberg escribió sobre las elecciones presidenciales.", "promptID": "2046_xnli.test", "pairID": "6138_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sí, personas que podrían estar en el trabajo en cualquier momento o cuyas decisiones podrían nublarse si tuvieran que tomar una decisión.", "sentence2": "Sí, gente que quizás no tenga hambre.", "promptID": "262_xnli.test", "pairID": "785_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "11 Sin embargo, en modificaciones más difíciles, el tiempo de inactividad podría verse afectado de manera significativa.", "sentence2": "Se pueden experimentar impactos de tiempo de inactividad significativos en modificaciones más difíciles.", "promptID": "1361_xnli.test", "pairID": "4082_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esto no quiere decir que la tradición occidental tenga el monopolio de la amabilidad.", "sentence2": "La tradición occidental tiene un monopolio de la fealdad.", "promptID": "2474_xnli.test", "pairID": "7422_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin importar si es materia de literatura o tema humanitario o una persona importante de la historia -- cada obra está conectada al currículo del aula.", "sentence2": "Juega solo y no tiene ninguna aplicación en la escuela.", "promptID": "1818_xnli.test", "pairID": "5454_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "FOREVER PLAID, un nombre que connota la continuación de los valores tradicionales, de la familia, el hogar y la armonía.", "sentence2": "Nuestro CEO ideó el nombre POR SIEMPRE A CUADROS.", "promptID": "1929_xnli.test", "pairID": "5787_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las economías de más éxito dependen de sectores privados vibrantes, que tienen interés en contener el poder indiscriminado del gobierno.", "sentence2": "Los gobiernos totalitarios usualmente dependen del apoyo de compañías competitivas del sector privado.", "promptID": "1750_xnli.test", "pairID": "5250_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Él lo rimaba con pandemonium; a juzgar por las demandas que proliferan en los espacios de estacionamiento de condominio, barbacoas en el balcón y mascotas haciendo caca en los pasillos, podría haber tenido razón al usar el neologismo.", "sentence2": "No rimaba con nada.", "promptID": "2350_xnli.test", "pairID": "7050_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Con su entrada en el Mercado Común en 1981, las perspectivas económicas de Grecia se fortalecieron.", "sentence2": "La entrada al mercado común de Grecia marcó la caída de su economía.", "promptID": "1033_xnli.test", "pairID": "3098_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aparte de las piezas fijas, la mayor parte de la música es de percusión y sirve de apoyo y refleja la acción y el estado de humor.", "sentence2": "La música es principalmente flautas.", "promptID": "1085_xnli.test", "pairID": "3254_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un código postal puede ser atendido por muchas rutas.", "sentence2": "Muchas rutas pueden cubrir un solo código postal.", "promptID": "1375_xnli.test", "pairID": "4124_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A veces este proceso personal de madurez o decaimiento (haga su elección) se ve reforzado por lo que pase en la cultura.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de las personas considera que este proceso personal, que se refleja en la cultura actual, es decadencia más que madurez.", "promptID": "2222_xnli.test", "pairID": "6664_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Finalmente, uno debe desconfiar de la elongación que conlleva un significado claramente diferente.", "sentence2": "La ampliación es una gran manera de asegurar que se aclare el significado de una declaración.", "promptID": "2274_xnli.test", "pairID": "6821_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La búsqueda de contribuciones de la comunidad de alta tecnología es una de las razones por las cuales algunos candidatos han hecho grandes esfuerzos para desarrollar una plataforma de alta tecnología.", "sentence2": "Ha habido mucho esfuerzo en el lado tecnológico de la plataforma.", "promptID": "2141_xnli.test", "pairID": "6423_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un túnel de entrada con un cuarto de cocina a un lado y cuartos de almacenamiento en el otro, conduce a la sala de estar principal.", "sentence2": "La sala de estar es a través de un túnel.", "promptID": "1155_xnli.test", "pairID": "3464_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "(Antes de continuar, el lector puede intentar esta hazaña también).", "sentence2": "Antes de continuar, es posible que el lector desee probar este reto.", "promptID": "2368_xnli.test", "pairID": "7102_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, incluso en los últimos años en negro de USA Today, el periódico ha sido un imán para los estándares negativos de los medios de comunicación.", "sentence2": "Desde 2010, cuando el USA Today publicó las ganancias, aún reciben atención por sus críticas a los medios.", "promptID": "2052_xnli.test", "pairID": "6155_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al Qaeda y el terrorismo fueron solo una prioridad más añadida a las ya apretadas ágendas con países como Pakistán y Arabia Saudí.", "sentence2": "Había muchas prioridades además de Al Qaeda y el terrorismo.", "promptID": "1605_xnli.test", "pairID": "4815_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es nuestra única oportunidad... El resto de sus palabras se hundieron en los gritos de la gente que insistía en que la chica se entregara para ser una rehén.", "sentence2": "Una de las únicas oportunidades disponibles sería rendir a la niña.", "promptID": "834_xnli.test", "pairID": "2500_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La mejor táctica para salir de una situación empañada por tu propia imperfección es definirte a ti mismo como el término medio, superior a los de tu izquierda y tu derecha.", "sentence2": "Lo mejor que puedes hacer por una situación manchada por tu propia imperfección es huir de ella.", "promptID": "2087_xnli.test", "pairID": "6261_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aun así, el correo electrónico del analista muestra que estaba confundiendo una amplia gama de avisos y barreras legales sobre la compartición de información y normas de administración sobre el uso por parte de agentes criminales de información recogida a través de canales de inteligencia.", "sentence2": "El analista presentó un análisis claro como el agua.", "promptID": "1519_xnli.test", "pairID": "4555_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La postura de la administración Clinton es que internet debe ser una zona federal libre de impuestos.", "sentence2": "La administración Clinton no tiene opinión sobre la regulación de Internet.", "promptID": "2150_xnli.test", "pairID": "6450_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si no se asume ningún umbral, como suele ocurrir en los estudios epidemiológicos, se supone que cualquier nivel de exposición plantea un riesgo de respuesta distinto de cero para, al menos, un segmento de la población.", "sentence2": "Incluso si no hay un umbral, la exposición produce un enorme riesgo.", "promptID": "1328_xnli.test", "pairID": "3982_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Consultar la lista de puntos clave de la playa en las páginas 82 y 85.", "sentence2": "Hay una lista de las playas.", "promptID": "1186_xnli.test", "pairID": "3556_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La sabiduría convencional sobre el género musical conocido como Ragtime continúa fluctuando.", "sentence2": "La sabiduría convencional sobre el Ragtime musical continúa en aumento.", "promptID": "2093_xnli.test", "pairID": "6277_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ninguna otra profesión tiene una tradición de autodesprecio tan rica.", "sentence2": "Ningún otro trabajo tiene una sólida tradición de crítica sobre sí mismo.", "promptID": "2277_xnli.test", "pairID": "6831_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "O, considera el problema de informar al Congreso sobre acciones encubiertas.", "sentence2": "El Congreso puede detener las acciones encubiertas.", "promptID": "2195_xnli.test", "pairID": "6583_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Buscas un poco de equilibrio?", "sentence2": "¿Quieres un poco de equilibrio en tu vida?", "promptID": "1931_xnli.test", "pairID": "5791_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El pobre sustantivo explotado era incluso usado cuando ni él ni ninguna otra alternativa era necesaria.", "sentence2": "El sustantivo debería usarse más.", "promptID": "2282_xnli.test", "pairID": "6846_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nuestras fronteras y el sistema de inmigración, incluida la aplicación de la ley, deben enviar un mensaje de bienvenida, tolerancia y justicia a los miembros de las comunidades de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos y en sus países de origen.", "sentence2": "Nuestro país debería reparar nuestra imagen a nivel mundial y recibir a los refugiados aquí.", "promptID": "1585_xnli.test", "pairID": "4754_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si te has comprometido con o contribuido con 1991, te doy las gracias y el aprecio de la administración y la facultad de la escuela de ley.", "sentence2": "La Escuela de Leyes tiene un sello muy prestigioso.", "promptID": "1798_xnli.test", "pairID": "5394_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Había claramente una vaga amenaza, un espíritu de motín que no podía entender.", "sentence2": "La amenaza era vaga porque el área estaba cubierta de niebla.", "promptID": "865_xnli.test", "pairID": "2595_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero eso no era más que una máscara para su furia, y su veneno era evidente para todos.", "sentence2": "Su toxicidad viene de una infancia difícil.", "promptID": "920_xnli.test", "pairID": "2760_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Clarke mencionó al asesor de seguridad nacional Rice al menos dos veces que las células durmientes de al Qaeda probablemente se encuntran en los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "Clarke nunca le dijo al Consejero de Seguridad Nacional, Rice, que las células durmientes de Al Qaeda probablemente se encontraban en Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1549_xnli.test", "pairID": "4645_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una sonrisa delgada y agria estalló en los altivos labios del oficial.", "sentence2": "El oficial sonrió.", "promptID": "944_xnli.test", "pairID": "2832_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Le pido que se una a mí para renovar su promesa de apoyo a las bibliotecas universitarias en IUPUI, y que considere aumentar esta contribución.", "sentence2": "La IUPUI ya no acepta donaciones.", "promptID": "1800_xnli.test", "pairID": "5398_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin importar si es materia de literatura o tema humanitario o una persona importante de la historia -- cada obra está conectada al currículo del aula.", "sentence2": "Cada obra está relacionado con lo que los estudiantes de arte aprenden en clase.", "promptID": "1818_xnli.test", "pairID": "5453_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al medir la efectividad, la perfección es inalcanzable.", "sentence2": "Usted no puede ser perfecto ya que todos somos imperfectos.", "promptID": "1501_xnli.test", "pairID": "4503_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tales ebulliciones de locura continuaron durante tres décadas, volviéndose más rococó.", "sentence2": "La locura no se notaba entonces.", "promptID": "2192_xnli.test", "pairID": "6575_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los planes de ubicar aquí el Parlamento tras la independencia no llegaron a nada.", "sentence2": "El Parlamento fue fuertemente considerado para esta ubicación.", "promptID": "1149_xnli.test", "pairID": "3447_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sonja, la niña, gimió mientras se revolvía en la forma habitual de Meredith.", "sentence2": "Sonja lloró histéricamente mientras revoloteaba en el típico comportamiento de Meredith.", "promptID": "576_xnli.test", "pairID": "1727_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si bien las cifras son impresionantes, las becas a menudo son críticas para reclutar a los mejores estudiantes con necesidades financieras.", "sentence2": "No otorgamos becas ni ayuda financiera a estudiantes.", "promptID": "1965_xnli.test", "pairID": "5895_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Antes del 9/11, ninguna agencia del gobierno de los E.U. analizó sistemáticamente las estrategias de viaje de los teroristas.", "sentence2": "Las estrategias de viaje terrorista fueron una fuente importante de estudio del gobierno antes del 11 de septiembre.", "promptID": "1702_xnli.test", "pairID": "5105_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este presupuesto hace algunas elecciones importantes, aunque dudosas, aunque solo sea implícitamente.", "sentence2": "El presupuesto está haciendo algunos movimientos interesantes.", "promptID": "2041_xnli.test", "pairID": "6122_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¡Todavía nos queda mucho para alcanzar nuestra meta de 365 000 $ de amigos y suscriptores como tú!", "sentence2": "No tenemos ningún punto de referencia en lo que respecta al dinero.", "promptID": "1784_xnli.test", "pairID": "5352_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un código postal puede ser atendido por muchas rutas.", "sentence2": "La mayoría de los códigos postales cubren aproximadamente diez mil direcciones.", "promptID": "1375_xnli.test", "pairID": "4125_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ha otorgado, según me han contado, la comisión del Rey a este hombre. Su propio tono traicionó la amargura de su rencor.", "sentence2": "Su tono denunció la amargura de su resentimiento.", "promptID": "809_xnli.test", "pairID": "2426_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Es nuestra única oportunidad... El resto de sus palabras se hundieron en los gritos de la gente que insistía en que la chica se entregara para ser una rehén.", "sentence2": "Hay muchas alternativas para resolver este problema, además de entregar a la niña como rehén.", "promptID": "834_xnli.test", "pairID": "2501_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ella lo había estado observando con ojos brillantes, pero a la vista de su rostro abatido y el ceño fruncido que le marcaba la frente, su propia expresión cambió.", "sentence2": "Su cara se iluminó cuando vio el ceño fruncido en su cara.", "promptID": "788_xnli.test", "pairID": "2363_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los bomberos del condado de Baltimore no tienen un programa formal para proporcionar un impulso financiero a los bomberos y paramédicos que están lesionados y no pueden trabajar.", "sentence2": "Hay un plan para los bomberos del condado de Baltimore que los ayuda financieramente si se hacen daño trabajando.", "promptID": "1454_xnli.test", "pairID": "4361_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si liviana/ligera simplemente describe una característica de la cerveza (p. ej.", "sentence2": "Ligero y liviano solo se usan para describir vinos y whisky.", "promptID": "2280_xnli.test", "pairID": "6839_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A veces este proceso personal de madurez o decaimiento (haga su elección) se ve reforzado por lo que pase en la cultura.", "sentence2": "Nada de lo que está pasando en la cultura actual apoya este proceso personal, como sea que elijas llamarlo.", "promptID": "2222_xnli.test", "pairID": "6665_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "EE. UU. ya que Francia tiene una gama más amplia de densidades postales y volúmenes más bajos.", "sentence2": "La densidad postal en Francia es demasiado baja para soportar el mismo nivel de servicios de entrega de última millaque existe en los EE. UU.", "promptID": "1434_xnli.test", "pairID": "4302_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si los adjetivos suavizan los términos étnicos, los sustantivos pueden endurecerlos.", "sentence2": "Los términos étnicos tienen un impacto diferente cuando se usan como (o se modifican por) adjetivos en vez de sustantivos.", "promptID": "2332_xnli.test", "pairID": "6994_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ninguna otra profesión tiene una tradición de autodesprecio tan rica.", "sentence2": "Muchas profesiones tienen tradiciones de desprecio a sí mismas.", "promptID": "2277_xnli.test", "pairID": "6830_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La postura de la administración Clinton es que internet debe ser una zona federal libre de impuestos.", "sentence2": "La administración Clinton no apoya la reducción de impuestos.", "promptID": "2150_xnli.test", "pairID": "6449_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Además de Moussaoui, los dos agentes de Al Qaeda identificados por el KSM como posibles candidatos para la segunda oleada de ataques fureon Abderraouf Jdey, también conocido como", "sentence2": "KSM planeó una segunda ola de ataques.", "promptID": "1508_xnli.test", "pairID": "4522_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "yeah i always said if i died well i always said if i died i'd come back as a dog that'd be the best way to be", "sentence2": "If I die, I always believe I will be reincarnated as a dog.", "promptID": "496_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1488_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Colder still and more distant than ever grew his lordship's voice.", "sentence2": "The Lord's voice felt both distant and chilling", "promptID": "874_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2622_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Rational expectations grew, in part, out of an attempt to understand actual trading on stock exchanges.", "sentence2": "More and more people started trading on online stock exchanges.", "promptID": "583_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1747_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As for challenges, I am currently looking for a word that can be cut into two successively smaller forms.", "sentence2": "I have not had an easy time finding a word that can be cut into two successively smaller forms.", "promptID": "2310_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6929_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Strange, is it not, that we pay no attention to one of the most profound features of the world right smack in front of our collective nose?", "sentence2": "We don't look at something so amazing?", "promptID": "582_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1745_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was she now who was on her defence, her voice quivering with indignation.", "sentence2": "The woman was so delighted that she was speechless!", "promptID": "820_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2460_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Great Depression hit California hard.", "sentence2": "No one in California had jobs.", "promptID": "1213_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3639_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thus, it is possible to pick out the necessary morsels of information in noisy surroundings, if facial expressions, gestures and other contextual clues are taken into account.", "sentence2": "Clear verbal communication is the only way to gain information", "promptID": "2384_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7150_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The wonderful connections formed each day are made possible through the support of Society operations by organizations like yours!", "sentence2": "Without your organization these awesome connections would have never been formed.", "promptID": "1864_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5592_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Flanking it, a modern octagonal church to the east and a chapel and hexagonal tower to the west represent the city's post-war rebirth.", "sentence2": "The marketplace represents the city's post-war rebirth.", "promptID": "1130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3389_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Other advisers have echoed this concern.", "sentence2": "Only one adviser did not voice concern over this plan.", "promptID": "1509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4526_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Most important is the fact that attending a performance at the IRT is not just a field trip.", "sentence2": "Attending a performance at the IRT isn't just a fun walk in the park.", "promptID": "1757_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5269_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tuesday, Bush warned, Too often, on social issues, my party has painted an image of America slouching toward Gomorrah.", "sentence2": "Bush doesn't agree with the way his party paints a picture.", "promptID": "2165_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6493_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Special coupons are handed out aggressively on the beaches during the day, in hopes of luring the biggest crowd that night.", "sentence2": "Coupons are given out on the beach, hoping for long term customers.", "promptID": "1153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3458_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The rugged mountains of the Serra de Tramuntana sweep down to the sea so steeply here that there are few points of access and only one harbor and port of any size along the coast.", "sentence2": "The mountains make it hard to build harbors.", "promptID": "1043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3128_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I can't think that it would make the least difference if he did, said his lordship gravely.", "sentence2": "His lordship believed that either choice would have had a substantial impact.", "promptID": "908_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2723_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The United States was not a primary source of al Qaeda funding, although some funds raised in the United States may have made their way to al Qaeda or its affiliated groups.", "sentence2": "The US definitely did not give al Qaeda any money.", "promptID": "1644_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4931_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The find that caught the whole world's imagination was made by one James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter, at John Sutter's sawmill on the American River at Coloma, which lies midway between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe.", "sentence2": "James Wilson Marshall did nothing special.", "promptID": "1145_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3433_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "the latest contract that was awarded Virginia sued or has got a lawsuit against uh Gratin to stop construction because it was unfairly obtained or something like that you know", "sentence2": "The contracts have raised lots of red flags with the lawyers.", "promptID": "500_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1499_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For myself, I am entirely of Wolverstone's opinion.", "sentence2": "I completely side with Wolverstone on this matter.", "promptID": "992_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2975_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This is the legal underpinning of Justice Anthony Kennedy's nostalgic embrace of states' rights.", "sentence2": "Kennedy favors states' rights.", "promptID": "2043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6129_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Louisa May Alcott and Nathaniel Hawthorne resided on Pinckney Street, while Beacon Street which Oliver Wendell Holmes dubbed the sunny street that holds the sifted few boasted historian William Prescott.", "sentence2": "Hawthorne lived on Pinckney Street.", "promptID": "1082_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3246_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Colder still and more distant than ever grew his lordship's voice.", "sentence2": "As the lordship, he showed no mercy to his subjects.", "promptID": "874_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2620_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For example, in GGD, a design study was done as a separate job, culminating", "sentence2": "A design study was conducted in isolation.", "promptID": "1269_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3806_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The wonderful connections formed each day are made possible through the support of Society operations by organizations like yours!", "sentence2": "Organizations just like yours are what help form fantastic connections each and every day.", "promptID": "1864_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5590_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aye, said Ogle, that is true. But there were some who were still in open and frank revolt against the course.", "sentence2": "Ogle never mentioned anyone who disliked the current course.", "promptID": "954_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2860_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Though this approach will seem quite reasonable to rationalists, it is one of the more controversial approaches to reconciling faith and reason.", "sentence2": "It is difficult to reconcile faith and reason.", "promptID": "2101_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6302_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For this fiscal year and next, the law school is required to absorb reductions in its state appropriation and increased health costs totaling more than $400,000.", "sentence2": "The law school has to deal with budget cuts.", "promptID": "1995_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5983_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The English speech is already overburdened with outlandish words that ought never to have been taken in, and ought even now to be turned out.", "sentence2": "English is badly in need of additional exotic words.", "promptID": "2492_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7474_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But Pitt, although he shared it, was prompt to obey.", "sentence2": "Pitt quickly followed the order.", "promptID": "851_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2553_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The jagged ridges of Montserrat rise out of the rather featureless Llobregat plain 62 kilometers (38 miles) northwest of Barcelona, in the very heart of Catalonia.", "sentence2": "The Mountesserat mountains are the tallest in the area.", "promptID": "1152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3456_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "yeah i don't yeah well what get's me you know this thing it went down to defeat last December by how many votes by just a few hundred votes", "sentence2": "It lost by not very many votes.", "promptID": "351_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1052_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Air pollution levels below the threshold for each health effect studied are assumed not to cause the effect.", "sentence2": "There is a threshold in each study that determines the effect of air pollution.", "promptID": "1461_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4383_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Director still has no strategy for removing information-sharing barriers and-more than two years since 9/11-has only appointed a working group on the subject.", "sentence2": "The Director immediately abolished all information sharing barriers.", "promptID": "1715_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5145_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As you pass through them you may see an old chimney breaking above the tree line, a sure sign that the village was once part of a hacienda.", "sentence2": "The chimneys indicate the village was part of a hacienda.", "promptID": "1106_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3318_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The New Yorker has fought back with special issues--massive tomes about race or Hollywood or the future.", "sentence2": "The New Yorker has fought back with more than 20 special issues, including whole magazines about racism, space travel, and education.", "promptID": "2229_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6687_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Time 's cover story is Bill Gates' 12-step program for succeeding in the digital age.", "sentence2": "Kim Kardashian wrote the cover story for Time magazine about the 12 steps needed for success in the digital age.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6061_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When Babcock & Wilcox retrofitted the 675 MWe AES Somerset boiler, the outage began on May 14, and the boiler was returned to service on June 26 - about a six-week outage.", "sentence2": "There was a six-week service outage.", "promptID": "1422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4265_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Louisa May Alcott and Nathaniel Hawthorne resided on Pinckney Street, while Beacon Street which Oliver Wendell Holmes dubbed the sunny street that holds the sifted few boasted historian William Prescott.", "sentence2": "Hawthorne lived on Pinckney Street for 7 years.", "promptID": "1082_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3245_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cynicism dissolves with your first taste of the town's gentle ambience, created by a clever combination of the comforts of sophisticated modernity with the simpler joys of the wilderness at its back door.", "sentence2": "The town is friendly.", "promptID": "1219_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3656_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But I suspect this gravity for a mask under which Lord Julian was secretly amused.", "sentence2": "Julian looked serious but was actually amused.", "promptID": "918_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2752_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I have sent for you, Captain Blood, because of certain news that has just reached me.", "sentence2": "The news I received shocked me to the core.", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2373_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This is the legal underpinning of Justice Anthony Kennedy's nostalgic embrace of states' rights.", "sentence2": "Kennedy favors states rights when it comes to abortion.", "promptID": "2043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6128_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Still there is shade and a flower garden in the middle of the square where locals and visitors alike rendezvous for lunch or dinner dates.", "sentence2": "People line up to eat in the garden.", "promptID": "1220_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3659_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Words are, generally speaking, old.", "sentence2": "Most words tend to be fairly old.", "promptID": "2367_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7099_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "John Horgan's review of Richard Dawkins' Climbing Mount Impossible (The Mystery of Life) is interesting.", "sentence2": "John Horgan gave a glowing, five star review of Richard Dawkins' book.", "promptID": "2159_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6476_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The spirit of liberalism prevalent in Europe was tardy in reaching Spain.", "sentence2": "Liberalism didn't come to Spain until later.", "promptID": "1218_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3653_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Besides, their concept of time is circular, not linear, so marking the passage of time is not as important as celebrating the return of seasonal events.", "sentence2": "As their concept of time is linear, the passage of time is more important that the return of seasonal events.", "promptID": "2305_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6913_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Technology, although seemingly indispensable, has caused us to go into hyperspeed.", "sentence2": "Technology has made us speed up.", "promptID": "1990_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5969_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It was clear that the lead response agency was the FDNY, and that the other responding local, federal, bistate, and state agencies acted in a supporting role.", "sentence2": "The FDNY did not want local, federal, bistate, and state agencies to help.", "promptID": "1616_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4847_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The European Union's Eurocrats have worthy ideas, such as persuading the continent's governments to agree on harmonious environmental and immigration policies.", "sentence2": "The environmental and immigration policies are not good.", "promptID": "2199_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6596_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "yeah i don't yeah well what get's me you know this thing it went down to defeat last December by how many votes by just a few hundred votes", "sentence2": "It got voted down because people didn't want to get out and vote.", "promptID": "351_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1051_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We are literally making our world together, we critters.", "sentence2": "People do not live in the world it is made up only of animals and plants.", "promptID": "691_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2073_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We look forward to your continued support and working even more closely with you and your staff this year and in fiscal year 2002.", "sentence2": "We worked closely with seven different employees this year.", "promptID": "1377_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4130_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But this gloss on the dedication is omitted in the review, leaving the reader no wiser than before.", "sentence2": "The review covered all information that a reader might need to know.", "promptID": "2317_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6950_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your help today will enable us to strengthen further America's philanthropic heritage by expanding the Center's crucial educational, leadership and outreach programs.", "sentence2": "We don't plan on expanding at all.", "promptID": "1826_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5476_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Economic growth is part and parcel of the creativity of the universe as a whole.", "sentence2": "Economic growth is a monster of its own kind; an entity independent of the universe.", "promptID": "681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2041_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Taken in this context, the recent publication of the Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America , despite its 1,500,000 entries, may properly be seen as only a first step, albeit an ambitious one.", "sentence2": "The Omni Gazetteer of the United States is a first step.", "promptID": "2456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7366_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Which aspect of our foreign policy does Richard Clarke most fear will be abandoned--standing around while civilians are slaughtered in Rwanda or standing around while civilians are slaughtered in Kosovo?", "sentence2": "Clarke has worries about how we will respond to the recent violence.", "promptID": "2161_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6481_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A cavalier is tied to his steed through Latin caballus `horse.", "sentence2": "The very name of a cavalier indicates his connection to his horse.", "promptID": "2284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6851_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "22 Despite these strict legislated standards'with wage levels updated from time to time'widespread violations in apparel workplaces have become commonplace in the 1990s.", "sentence2": "Wage levels in the apparel industry are not stagnant.", "promptID": "663_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1989_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Population growth is like pollution in reverse.", "sentence2": "Population growth is similar to inverse pollution.", "promptID": "2048_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6143_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Figure 6 displays the average unit costs generated with the cost function for the USPS.", "sentence2": "The average cost for USPS is shown in figure 6 and shows all the profits.", "promptID": "1448_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4342_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The wonderful connections formed each day are made possible through the support of Society operations.", "sentence2": "The Society contributes a lot to the connections that are made.", "promptID": "1988_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5962_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It was she now who was on her defence, her voice quivering with indignation.", "sentence2": "The woman was angry and defensive.", "promptID": "820_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2459_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Just a few blocks in back of the malecen are a growing collection of unique clubs with a more urban edge.", "sentence2": "The collection of clubs is dull and looks the same as all the others.", "promptID": "1133_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3398_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster of the University of Iowa, the sports teams of which are called the Hawkeyes.", "sentence2": "My sister is a nun and has never dated a man.", "promptID": "2491_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7471_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Other evidence corroborates her account.", "sentence2": "There is other information containing evidence that supports what she said.", "promptID": "1627_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4880_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "My hope is you were greatly blessed and encouraged by this issue.", "sentence2": "I know you will do all in your power to fight breastfeeding cancer.", "promptID": "1766_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5298_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tuesday, Bush warned, Too often, on social issues, my party has painted an image of America slouching toward Gomorrah.", "sentence2": "On Thursday Bush complimented his party on painting a picture of America heading towards sunshine.", "promptID": "2165_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6495_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But they have one private, hidden name which remains a family secret.", "sentence2": "This family has a secret that remains hidden.", "promptID": "2321_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6963_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The wonderful connections formed each day are made possible through the support of Society operations.", "sentence2": "The Society helps people find people who are also interested in the arts.", "promptID": "1988_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5964_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We look forward to your continued support and working even more closely with you and your staff this year and in fiscal year 2002.", "sentence2": "We intend to sever our relationship with your organization effective immediately.", "promptID": "1377_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4129_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But they have one private, hidden name which remains a family secret.", "sentence2": "A member of the family published a book and revealed all of the family secrets.", "promptID": "2321_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6961_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The English speech is already overburdened with outlandish words that ought never to have been taken in, and ought even now to be turned out.", "sentence2": "Experts have identified fifty different words that should not be part of the language.", "promptID": "2492_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7475_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The New Yorker has fought back with special issues--massive tomes about race or Hollywood or the future.", "sentence2": "In response, the New Yorker has published massive special issues about topics like Hollywood, race, and the future.", "promptID": "2229_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6686_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Student tuition has been raised 12% for 1992-92, a significant increase.", "sentence2": "The tuition rate will continue to climb each year.", "promptID": "1899_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5697_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The massive courtyards and pavilions above Yongle's burial chambers have been restored, and they house some of the Ming Tombs' excavated treasures, including imperial armor.", "sentence2": "You can't see anything old on display.", "promptID": "1072_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3216_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "You have the effrontery to upbraid me because I will not take your hands when I know how they are stained; when I know you for a murderer and worse? He stared at her open-mouthed.", "sentence2": "He chose to take her hands because they were small, delicate, and most of all, clean.", "promptID": "767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2301_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The flashes of wisdom should not be overlooked,", "sentence2": "The flashes of wisdom should always be considered.", "promptID": "2441_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7323_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One Treasury official described CIA's posture as benign neglect toward the Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Center (FTATC), and characterized the CIA as believing that financial tracking had limited utility.", "sentence2": "The CIA relied on financial tracking as it's primary counter terrorism tool.", "promptID": "1741_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5223_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sabol said he has to take the occasional pit stop, but even that is conveniently arranged.", "sentence2": "Sabol remarked that he does not need to take any breaks.", "promptID": "2055_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6165_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The acoustics inside the tomb are very precise, exaggerating the sound of your approaching fellow visitors.", "sentence2": "The acoustics make things loud.", "promptID": "1111_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3333_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "After repeatedly demanding that Sudan stop supporting terrorist groups, in 1993 the U.S. government designated the country a state sponsor of terrorism.", "sentence2": "Sudan supported terrorists with cash payments and training.", "promptID": "1690_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5068_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The junk yards of history are strewn with wreckage.", "sentence2": "Sometimes precious items that evoke strong memories of past historical events are found in the wreckage of the junk yards.", "promptID": "2069_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6206_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The spirit of liberalism prevalent in Europe was tardy in reaching Spain.", "sentence2": "Spain has never been liberal.", "promptID": "1218_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3654_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Words that do not fit cannot be returned.", "sentence2": "All words fit.", "promptID": "2467_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7399_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Could statistical averaging be the source of order in organisms?", "sentence2": "It is clear that there is order in organisms.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2161_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Bid them take in sail, Jeremy, he said quietly.", "sentence2": "He spoke with a soft tone.", "promptID": "974_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2920_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If defense intelligence is reorganized to elevate the responsibilities of the director of the DIA, then that person might be the appropriate official.", "sentence2": "Director of the DIA is the lowest position in relation to responsibilities.", "promptID": "1650_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4948_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The flashes of wisdom should not be overlooked,", "sentence2": "The flashes of wisdom are of great significance.", "promptID": "2441_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7322_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "His relationship with her remained close throughout his time in the United States.", "sentence2": "He had a relationship with an American woman.", "promptID": "1682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5044_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "well we're definitely keeping them poor and down trodden and helpless", "sentence2": "We make it so poor people can't succeed in our society.", "promptID": "493_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1479_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "What I think of you can be a very little matter to you, sir. This was a disarming stroke.", "sentence2": "It doesn't matter what I think of you.", "promptID": "961_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2881_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Your support of Goodwill will provide job training and placement services to help the hardest to serve in central Indiana find meaningful employment.", "sentence2": "Supporting Goodwill will lower the unemployment rate.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5355_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The USDA argues, however, that what is needed is more enforcement power, and to that end, it is advancing a bill designed to expand its authority.", "sentence2": "The USDA says they need looser enforcement.", "promptID": "2061_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6183_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The junk yards of history are strewn with wreckage.", "sentence2": "Junk yards are storage facilities with clean, new, products stored in neat columns.", "promptID": "2069_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6205_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It takes a partnership of private support and University funding for our law school to continue to grow in stature and influence.", "sentence2": "Our law school needs money to continue to grow.", "promptID": "1756_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5268_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hopes were raised, and also fizzled, over Bahamian citrus and pineapple.", "sentence2": "The Bahamian citrus was not as great as everyone had hoped.", "promptID": "1013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3039_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It takes a partnership of private support and University funding for our law school to continue to grow in stature and influence.", "sentence2": "Our law school is supported in part by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.", "promptID": "1756_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5267_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The second level of falsity is that Brock defends Hillary only to elevate his own, proprietary scandal.", "sentence2": "The next level of lies is that Brock Defends Hillary to elevate himself.", "promptID": "2167_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6501_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "yeah i don't yeah well what get's me you know this thing it went down to defeat last December by how many votes by just a few hundred votes", "sentence2": "It passed by a 99% margin.", "promptID": "351_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1053_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your words have rankled with him.", "sentence2": "He really enjoyed what you said.", "promptID": "914_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2742_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Population growth is like pollution in reverse.", "sentence2": "Pollution is a limiting factor for population growth.", "promptID": "2048_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6142_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Steve, I couldn't even lift your wallet, Hatch shot back.", "sentence2": "Hatch joked thay he couldn't even lift Steve's wallet.", "promptID": "2032_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6096_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "course that might up crime you know and uh people go in and steal your television and steal and sell it just because they can't they can't work anymore you know", "sentence2": "That will cause a decrease in crime.", "promptID": "333_xnli.dev", "pairID": "999_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Local newspapers and the few influential satellite broadcasters-like al Jazeera-often reinforce the jihadist theme that portrays the United States as anti-Muslim.", "sentence2": "Some newspapers in Arizona sound anti-Muslim.", "promptID": "1608_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4823_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In their enlightened self-interest, they supported this fledgling organization, knowing it would benefit the city as a whole.", "sentence2": "They supported the organization because they knew it would benefit the city.", "promptID": "1861_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5583_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Your help today will enable us to strengthen further America's philanthropic heritage by expanding the Center's crucial educational, leadership and outreach programs.", "sentence2": "You could help us expand our outreach programs.", "promptID": "1826_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5478_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The soft, warm, children's words allow us to allay our fears about computers that crash and bomb and abort.", "sentence2": "Soft and warm words from children allow us to not fear that computers that crash, bomb and abort.", "promptID": "2423_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7269_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Like Ross, Mehta struggles to express William Shawn's ineffable virtues.", "sentence2": "Ross and Mehta have no problem expressing William Shawn's principles.", "promptID": "2127_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6380_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The connection between the limited nation and unbounded equality has paradoxical overtones.", "sentence2": "The nation is not reaching its full potential.", "promptID": "682_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2046_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Economic growth is part and parcel of the creativity of the universe as a whole.", "sentence2": "Economic growth models many natural systems found in the universe.", "promptID": "681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2042_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "So why does Gates produce at such a frantic pace?", "sentence2": "The President was wondering why machines in the Gates factory produce at such a high rate.", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6641_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "um there's nothing wrong with a parent gifting everything she has to uh to uh to an individual like uh like like you", "sentence2": "It's ok for parents to support their kids until they are able to do it on their own.", "promptID": "454_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1361_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "You are not sure you've been clear about whose side you're on.", "sentence2": "It's obvious who you support.", "promptID": "2066_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6196_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cynicism dissolves with your first taste of the town's gentle ambience, created by a clever combination of the comforts of sophisticated modernity with the simpler joys of the wilderness at its back door.", "sentence2": "The town is an angry, terrible place.", "promptID": "1219_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3655_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The cooperation between the program and the integrity divisions is the vehicle by which emerging issues are addressed.", "sentence2": "The two groups work together to make sure they aren't missing any important pieces.", "promptID": "1417_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4250_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "expensive you can get a lot of money in that kind of stuff especially the good stuff", "sentence2": "It's not worth anything because it's junk.", "promptID": "460_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1378_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "s great historic moment came in 1864, when its capital, Charlottetown, hosted a meeting of Maritime leaders with delegates from Ontario and Quebec to chart the path to Canada's federal status as a united dominion.", "sentence2": "Charlottetown hosted leaders who were changing the maritime industry.", "promptID": "1227_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3679_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The problem of exploitation in apparently voluntary sexual relations has long been with us.", "sentence2": "The problem of exploitation is getting better.", "promptID": "615_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1843_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As we will see, in both cases, it appears that something profound is going on in the universe that is not finitely prestatable.", "sentence2": "The universe is a very confusing place.", "promptID": "709_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2126_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Other advisers have echoed this concern.", "sentence2": "All of the advisers unanimously agreed that there was nothing to be worried about.", "promptID": "1509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4525_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The find that caught the whole world's imagination was made by one James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter, at John Sutter's sawmill on the American River at Coloma, which lies midway between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe.", "sentence2": "James Wilson Marshall did something special.", "promptID": "1145_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3434_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Local newspapers and the few influential satellite broadcasters-like al Jazeera-often reinforce the jihadist theme that portrays the United States as anti-Muslim.", "sentence2": "All American newspapers have to sound pro-Muslim.", "promptID": "1608_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4822_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The disputes took on the tones of class struggle.", "sentence2": "They fought about how rich CEOs were.", "promptID": "746_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2236_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We are literally making our world together, we critters.", "sentence2": "Every living being affects the world we live in.", "promptID": "691_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2071_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As we will see, in both cases, it appears that something profound is going on in the universe that is not finitely prestatable.", "sentence2": "It looks as though something profound in going on in the universe.", "promptID": "709_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2125_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Flanking it, a modern octagonal church to the east and a chapel and hexagonal tower to the west represent the city's post-war rebirth.", "sentence2": "A church, chapel, and hexagonal tower represent the city's post-war rebirth.", "promptID": "1130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3388_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The find that caught the whole world's imagination was made by one James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter, at John Sutter's sawmill on the American River at Coloma, which lies midway between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe.", "sentence2": "James Wilson Marshall invented something.", "promptID": "1145_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3435_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "RH-II labels this current expression to be of South Midland and southern U.S. origin and means to be on the verge of.", "sentence2": "This expression was imported into the US from Creole slang.", "promptID": "2433_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7299_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your heart happened to be preadapted to pick up earthquake pretremors.", "sentence2": "Your heart cannot pick up earthquake pretremors.", "promptID": "598_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1794_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The disputes took on the tones of class struggle.", "sentence2": "They fought about the poor vs the rich.", "promptID": "746_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2237_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For example, employees could be required to use the agencydesignated charge card for hotel and certain other costs.", "sentence2": "Employees needed to charge all their food to the card.", "promptID": "1300_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3899_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And, she didn't really understand.", "sentence2": "Alas, she was not able to understand clearly due to a language barrier.", "promptID": "35_xnli.dev", "pairID": "103_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We have beginning mathematical models that reveal something about this hierarchical organizationa=aalthough the best current models are curiously limited despite their brilliance.", "sentence2": "The current models are brilliant but limited.", "promptID": "577_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1730_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is the duty of a CIO to manage expectations and help ensure that all members of a CIO organization have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.", "sentence2": "The CIO has no idea what the responsibilities of members are and isn't responsible for informing them.", "promptID": "1276_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3827_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thus, it is possible to pick out the necessary morsels of information in noisy surroundings, if facial expressions, gestures and other contextual clues are taken into account.", "sentence2": "You can understand what is being communicated by facial expressions and hand gestures even when you can't hear what is being said.", "promptID": "2384_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7152_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The junk yards of history are strewn with wreckage.", "sentence2": "The evidence is the wreckage in the junk yards of history.", "promptID": "2069_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6207_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "28 In some cases longer outages are needed.", "sentence2": "It is never necessary to have outages.", "promptID": "1456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4366_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is the duty of a CIO to manage expectations and help ensure that all members of a CIO organization have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.", "sentence2": "The CIO has many duties, including managing expectations and making sure members understand their responsibilities.", "promptID": "1276_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3826_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But this gloss on the dedication is omitted in the review, leaving the reader no wiser than before.", "sentence2": "The review does not cover some essential information from the dedication.", "promptID": "2317_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6951_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "More Capitalizing on frayed relations between British Telecom and MCI, WorldCom outbid BT by offering $30 billion for MCI.", "sentence2": "WorldCom never bid against BT.", "promptID": "2240_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6719_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The equally whimsical nature of the definitions' defies description.", "sentence2": "The definitions are actually quite dry and non descriptive.", "promptID": "2372_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7114_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The English speech is already overburdened with outlandish words that ought never to have been taken in, and ought even now to be turned out.", "sentence2": "There are many English words that should be removed from the language.", "promptID": "2492_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7476_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the fitness landscape, image, mutation, recombination, and selection can conspire to pull evolving populations upward toward the peaks of high fitness.", "sentence2": "Many factors work together to pull evolving populations to higher fitness levels.", "promptID": "712_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2135_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The jagged ridges of Montserrat rise out of the rather featureless Llobregat plain 62 kilometers (38 miles) northwest of Barcelona, in the very heart of Catalonia.", "sentence2": "The Montesserat are mountains.", "promptID": "1152_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3455_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "well we're definitely keeping them poor and down trodden and helpless", "sentence2": "We are encouraging them and uplifting them every day.", "promptID": "493_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1478_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hopes were raised, and also fizzled, over Bahamian citrus and pineapple.", "sentence2": "Althrough the pineapples tasted great the shipping costs were too high to bring them to market.", "promptID": "1013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3037_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Though this approach will seem quite reasonable to rationalists, it is one of the more controversial approaches to reconciling faith and reason.", "sentence2": "There is no way to reconcile faith and reason.", "promptID": "2101_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6303_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The wonderful connections formed each day are made possible through the support of Society operations by organizations like yours!", "sentence2": "The connections made were made in vain no thanks to you.", "promptID": "1864_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5591_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The presence of Bugsy Siegel and Kid Twist in our recent history does not mean we are a tough people.", "sentence2": "The presence of these rappers in our history doesn't guarantee we are tough.", "promptID": "2153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6459_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The United States defended, and still defends, Muslims against tyrants and criminals in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq.", "sentence2": "The United States fully supports any tyrant controlling Bosnia.", "promptID": "1676_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5027_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "28 In some cases longer outages are needed.", "sentence2": "Sometimes you need to turn the power off for longer.", "promptID": "1456_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4368_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I'll not be bubbled by what Wolverstone has said.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone had said something that did not make one feel bubbled.", "promptID": "963_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2889_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thus, I cannot accept Hendrickson's origin for horse latitudes , though, to give him his due, he only copied the etymology from other sources, the OED included.", "sentence2": "I'm not in agreement with Hendrickson about the origin of the horse latitudes.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7238_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In contrast, the impact of volume is greater in the U.S. than in France because the U.S. has lower postal densities and a greater variation in volumes.", "sentence2": "The impact in France is greater than that in the United States.", "promptID": "1405_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4213_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When Babcock & Wilcox retrofitted the 675 MWe AES Somerset boiler, the outage began on May 14, and the boiler was returned to service on June 26 - about a six-week outage.", "sentence2": "The outage should have ended much sooner.", "promptID": "1422_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4264_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Words that do not fit cannot be returned.", "sentence2": "Some words do not fit in the puzzle.", "promptID": "2467_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7400_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This is a demand curve, conditional on the constraint that the discount remains the same, under which condition no mailers will shift to workshared.", "sentence2": "The demand curve depends on the discount being the same.", "promptID": "1385_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4153_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The problem of exploitation in apparently voluntary sexual relations has long been with us.", "sentence2": "There is no exploitation in sexual relations that are voluntary.", "promptID": "615_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1845_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Three Japanese banks will merge to create the world's largest financial institution.", "sentence2": "The bank will be the largest in the world.", "promptID": "2130_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6388_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Words that do not fit cannot be returned.", "sentence2": "Some words do not fit.", "promptID": "2467_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7401_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The presence of Bugsy Siegel and Kid Twist in our recent history does not mean we are a tough people.", "sentence2": "Bugsy Siegel and Kid Twist are a part of our history and that means we're tough.", "promptID": "2153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6457_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Louisa May Alcott and Nathaniel Hawthorne resided on Pinckney Street, while Beacon Street which Oliver Wendell Holmes dubbed the sunny street that holds the sifted few boasted historian William Prescott.", "sentence2": "Hawthorne lived on Main Street.", "promptID": "1082_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3244_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The cooperation between the program and the integrity divisions is the vehicle by which emerging issues are addressed.", "sentence2": "The two groups work together.", "promptID": "1417_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4251_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "You have the effrontery to upbraid me because I will not take your hands when I know how they are stained; when I know you for a murderer and worse? He stared at her open-mouthed.", "sentence2": "He believed the crime committed could have been genocide.", "promptID": "767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2299_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cynicism dissolves with your first taste of the town's gentle ambience, created by a clever combination of the comforts of sophisticated modernity with the simpler joys of the wilderness at its back door.", "sentence2": "The town is so pleasant I never want to leave.", "promptID": "1219_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3657_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "What I think of you can be a very little matter to you, sir. This was a disarming stroke.", "sentence2": "You might care what I think about you.", "promptID": "961_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2882_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We are literally making our world together, we critters.", "sentence2": "Living beings make up the world as do plants and trees. But we can change out the effects we cause.", "promptID": "691_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2072_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": ".. wisps of white clouds scattered across a clear, blue sky.", "sentence2": "The sky is clear and blue, with not a cloud in sight.", "promptID": "1983_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5948_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thus, it is possible to pick out the necessary morsels of information in noisy surroundings, if facial expressions, gestures and other contextual clues are taken into account.", "sentence2": "Even in a noisy environment, you can learn the most important information by looking at facial expressions, gestures, and contextual signs.", "promptID": "2384_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7151_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But I suspect this gravity for a mask under which Lord Julian was secretly amused.", "sentence2": "Julian was being clear about his feelings.", "promptID": "918_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2754_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "McCoy invites the support of The __ Company Foundation in the amount of $10,000.", "sentence2": "McCoy is requesting $10,000 worth of support.", "promptID": "1942_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5825_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is a demand curve, conditional on the constraint that the discount remains the same, under which condition no mailers will shift to workshared.", "sentence2": "The demand curve isn't dependent on anything.", "promptID": "1385_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4154_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It sweeps words in its passage, as well.", "sentence2": "When passing, it sweeps nothing.", "promptID": "2407_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7221_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Great Depression hit California hard.", "sentence2": "California was really hurt by the bad economy.", "promptID": "1213_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3637_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "At the outbreak of war, Canada's reputation for welcoming immigrants and refugees from all over the world was tarnished by the blocking of Communists and Jews from Hitler's Germany.", "sentence2": "Canada welcomed refugees from African countries the most.", "promptID": "1127_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3381_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Economic growth is part and parcel of the creativity of the universe as a whole.", "sentence2": "One cannot separate economic growth from the universe.", "promptID": "681_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2043_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Colder still and more distant than ever grew his lordship's voice.", "sentence2": "His lordship spoke calmly to all giving the impression of a warm and gentle person.", "promptID": "874_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2621_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We have beginning mathematical models that reveal something about this hierarchical organizationa=aalthough the best current models are curiously limited despite their brilliance.", "sentence2": "There is much more to learn about the organization.", "promptID": "577_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1731_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The rugged mountains of the Serra de Tramuntana sweep down to the sea so steeply here that there are few points of access and only one harbor and port of any size along the coast.", "sentence2": "The mountains constantly have landslides for the harbors aren't easily built there.", "promptID": "1043_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3127_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The presence of Bugsy Siegel and Kid Twist in our recent history does not mean we are a tough people.", "sentence2": "Just because Bugsy Siegel and Kid Twist are a part of our history doesn't mean we're automatically tough.", "promptID": "2153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6458_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Special coupons are handed out aggressively on the beaches during the day, in hopes of luring the biggest crowd that night.", "sentence2": "Coupons are given out on the beach, hoping to attract customers at night.", "promptID": "1153_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3459_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The spokesman for the illegalized Batasuna party, Pernando Barrena, warned that the peace process in the Basque Country is \"in crisis\" and \"in a state of blockage\" due to the attitude of the Government, which, in its opinion, is using \"delay tactics\" to avoid starting up the so-called \"dialogue table.\"", "sentence2": "The creation of the party board benefits the Government electorally.", "promptID": "74_esxnli", "pairID": "221_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The instruction was clear: the illness has been massive and the surgery had to be at the level of that massiveness.", "sentence2": "To combat evil, surgery was used", "promptID": "537_esxnli", "pairID": "1609_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I am very pleased to contribute a small amount doing what I love most, Francis said during the presentation of this event, whose funds will go to the association, to fight this serious disease.", "sentence2": "Francisco participates in it by doing things he doesn’t like.", "promptID": "723_esxnli", "pairID": "2169_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Negotiations to form a national unity government in the ANP were suspended in the wake of this latest wave of violence.", "sentence2": "The last wave of violence left over a hundred injured.", "promptID": "113_esxnli", "pairID": "337_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "“If we can’t make the just have strength,\" as Pascal (whom the title of this article is quoting) said, we could at least stop pretending that what has strength is, for that reason alone, just.", "sentence2": "What is strong is fair for that reason.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1668_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One failure does not define your destiny, this is true.", "sentence2": "A failure changes the course of your life.", "promptID": "608_esxnli", "pairID": "1822_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The capital’s city council highlighted the importance of this court decision in the fight against vandalism.", "sentence2": "Vandalism is increasingly present in capital cities.", "promptID": "8_esxnli", "pairID": "24_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I am deeply European in the sense that all of my intellectual life is built around the European philosophy.", "sentence2": "Knowing European philosophy makes you feel European.", "promptID": "536_esxnli", "pairID": "1607_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In most cases, the next step seems to be the natural one in this spiral: physical.", "sentence2": "The next step is a psychologist.", "promptID": "538_esxnli", "pairID": "1614_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Only exit from the current crisis.", "sentence2": "The current crisis is not a problem.", "promptID": "293_esxnli", "pairID": "878_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On May 24th he will represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest and has finished his first album which will launch in due course. If that was not enough, he has just signed a contract to be the image of ONLY until 31st July, which belongs to the Danish multinational Bestseller and markets five different brands of clothing for women, men and children.", "sentence2": "The Danish multinational, Bestseller, is one of the strongest in the fashion sector.", "promptID": "722_esxnli", "pairID": "2165_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And nevertheless, it is also the only one of the “Mediterranean” cities that conserves that heavenly aura which was the main draw of the Levantine cities.", "sentence2": "That city is located in the Valencian community", "promptID": "508_esxnli", "pairID": "1522_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In point of fact, the fight against AIDS, malaria and other diseases is one of the United Nations' Millenium Goals set for 2015.", "sentence2": "The fight against AIDS, malaria and other diseases was achieved for 2015.", "promptID": "344_esxnli", "pairID": "1030_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I am very pleased to contribute a small amount doing what I love most, Francis said during the presentation of this event, whose funds will go to the association, to fight this serious disease.", "sentence2": "The association will use the profits from the event to fight a serious disease.", "promptID": "723_esxnli", "pairID": "2168_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The instruction was clear: the illness has been massive and the surgery had to be at the level of that massiveness.", "sentence2": "The disease required a complicated surgery", "promptID": "537_esxnli", "pairID": "1610_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But in order to not break the habit, at the time various media saw it as more than a spontaneous reaction from the unexpected Kate during the concert. This is the first that Pete Doherty has offered after leaving the rehabilitation clinic he was admitted to in order to undergo treatment for his drug addiction.", "sentence2": "Pete Doherty has a clean court record", "promptID": "786_esxnli", "pairID": "2357_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The blockade, as it has been shown, has only served to harden and perpetuate the dictatorial regime (do not talk to me about the left or the right, gives me laughter, it is a dictatorship, period).", "sentence2": "Blockades dissolve dictatorships.", "promptID": "25_esxnli", "pairID": "73_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A long time ago it was understood that it was a powerful anti-democracy tool.", "sentence2": "It could defeat democracy.", "promptID": "292_esxnli", "pairID": "874_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "From now on, it seems to me that it is difficult to talk about Latin American identities because it is something that is in constant flux, in constant dialogue with the artistic layer.", "sentence2": "Latin America is known for its artists.", "promptID": "569_esxnli", "pairID": "1706_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And the sales of botox, the paralyzing toxin that everyone knows about, are already as high as 1,000 million Dollars a year.", "sentence2": "Society rejects purely aesthetic treatments without a medical basis.", "promptID": "416_esxnli", "pairID": "1246_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The bad news for public employees will be consummated with the passage of the decree for the budget extension, which will keep their salaries frozen until there are new accounts.", "sentence2": "The salaries of public employees will be frozen by the enactment of the decree.", "promptID": "179_esxnli", "pairID": "537_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Yes, if they become useful information and the tools to handle this information are very simple and its use is intuitive.", "sentence2": "The tools must be implemented with open source code.", "promptID": "485_esxnli", "pairID": "1455_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For Rafaeli the experience was an \"adventure.\"", "sentence2": "The experience turned out to be bland.", "promptID": "119_esxnli", "pairID": "356_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I am going away with the impression of this difference because literature that, at times seems to be a game or infantilized profession, is here revealed, in the greatness of Ferrer Lerín, as the faithful reflection of havoc.", "sentence2": "Ferrer Lerín has put literature in the place it deserves.", "promptID": "565_esxnli", "pairID": "1693_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The spokesman for the illegalized Batasuna party, Pernando Barrena, warned that the peace process in the Basque Country is \"in crisis\" and \"in a state of blockage\" due to the attitude of the Government, which, in its opinion, is using \"delay tactics\" to avoid starting up the so-called \"dialogue table.\"", "sentence2": "Citizens agree with the creation of the voting party table.", "promptID": "74_esxnli", "pairID": "220_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They will do something so that speculators (that is, pals of the three-party right) that bought at shit prices can sell at the price of gold.", "sentence2": "Speculators will buy cheap.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "544_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Climbing four floors of stairs several times a day is a pain.", "sentence2": "You have to go up and down four floors of stairs several times a day.", "promptID": "279_esxnli", "pairID": "836_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They have already had the bar at COPE closed, so they set up Esradio.", "sentence2": "They were fired by COPE.", "promptID": "195_esxnli", "pairID": "585_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "“Zlatan knows how to defend the ball”, he stated.", "sentence2": "Zlatan misses all of the balls.", "promptID": "38_esxnli", "pairID": "114_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I think we have the most palpable proof of the pathetic provocation in which certain types of activity considered art have ended up.", "sentence2": "Some consider this provocation test to be art.", "promptID": "519_esxnli", "pairID": "1556_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This mix puts the body on alert and under stress.", "sentence2": "It's a mix that the body reacts to.", "promptID": "419_esxnli", "pairID": "1256_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The goal of the Tupperware Menu Plan is to provide those who spend the whole day away from home an opportunity to eat healthy and balanced meals, so that they can eat a meal in the office or at work that is as similar as possible to the one they would have at home.", "sentence2": "Those who want to eat in the office do not have to cook their food.", "promptID": "437_esxnli", "pairID": "1310_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They should be obtained through processes that do not harm the environment, people’s health, animal wellbeing or plant health. High quality products and a wide variety of food that responds to consumer demand.", "sentence2": "We must obtain a wide array of high quality products.", "promptID": "350_esxnli", "pairID": "1048_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "What is scary is that if the party that spoils its workers the most (PSOE) has sent unemployment with nothing for more than 3,000,000 citizens.", "sentence2": "More than 3,000,000 workers lost their jobs.", "promptID": "262_esxnli", "pairID": "785_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "OK, let's leave it at price.", "sentence2": "They have reached an agreement.", "promptID": "633_esxnli", "pairID": "1898_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When there is an inexpensive transport base, everything gets awoken more easily.", "sentence2": "There is no advantage if the transport base is cheap.", "promptID": "246_esxnli", "pairID": "736_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Police efficacy, judicial pressure as well as social and political mobilization had push the band towards the edge of the abyss of disappearance, without any type of agreement.", "sentence2": "Most of society supported the band's disappearance.", "promptID": "631_esxnli", "pairID": "1893_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The passage of time burns. It slowly corrodes people's spirit; many will leave (or have left), and at the end the usual groups from alternative society, such as squatters and others, will take care of the movement.", "sentence2": "The usual groups of the alternative society are in charge of the movements which have been abandoned by disheartened people.", "promptID": "515_esxnli", "pairID": "1545_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He also said that the government's decision would make it possible to return to normality and open the way to national dialogue for both sides to discuss major issues at national level.", "sentence2": "The governments’ decision won’t make going back to normal possible.", "promptID": "75_esxnli", "pairID": "223_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These proportions mean a slight increase in comparison to previous years.", "sentence2": "These proportions don’t suppose anything.", "promptID": "462_esxnli", "pairID": "1386_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I guess it was a mistake from the computer or a small mistake, but allow me my warning cry", "sentence2": "Everything worked perfectly.", "promptID": "521_esxnli", "pairID": "1561_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The company also counts with insurance for vandalism with coverage up to 3000 euros, or free legal defense when, for example, the sentenced person does not comply with the ruling, in the instance that it needs to be enforced in the county court, and when the tenant needs the services of a lawyer or an attorney.", "sentence2": "That provides many advantages and benefits to companies.", "promptID": "235_esxnli", "pairID": "705_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Therefore, one day he explodes, and on the back of his imagination, reaches a strange island where a handful of monsters make him his king.", "sentence2": "The monsters of the imaginary island are republicans.", "promptID": "5_esxnli", "pairID": "14_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In most cases, the next step seems to be the natural one in this spiral: physical.", "sentence2": "The next step is a physical one.", "promptID": "538_esxnli", "pairID": "1613_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He also said that the government's decision would make it possible to return to normality and open the way to national dialogue for both sides to discuss major issues at national level.", "sentence2": "Going back to normal will allow the beginning of a national discussion.", "promptID": "75_esxnli", "pairID": "224_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "US expert Mark Dow, from Pharo Management, has confirmed to the WSJ that investors are selling Venezuelan debt to avoid further losses after the Dubai crisis, aware that Venezuela’s banking system “is going to implode.”", "sentence2": "The person who sold the Venezuelan debt was the North American expert Mark Dow of Pharo Management.", "promptID": "261_esxnli", "pairID": "782_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thus, the settlement advance that the Government is officially considering for the end of 2008 still has no definitive data-it reflects revenues estimated by the corporate income tax that all Spanish companies pay in a year, around 35,445 million.", "sentence2": "The settlement progress that the Government is considering relies on definitive data for corporation tax.", "promptID": "284_esxnli", "pairID": "852_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Later on, you make other unfounded or false statements that I will no longer bother to disprove with sources; but I will tell you—and, in any case, I expect YOU to prove that they are true (at least in some cases, so that we can see that your analysis has some rigor).", "sentence2": "The statements she makes below contradict the earlier ones.", "promptID": "184_esxnli", "pairID": "551_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But, at the same time, Chávez is his Achilles tendon, because as he is Chavez's subsidiary if Chavez ever disappeared the foundations of Ortega's project would be removed.", "sentence2": "Ortega's project could be negatively affected by Chávez's disappearance.", "promptID": "624_esxnli", "pairID": "1872_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The plastic that the catheters are made of, for example, is solid at 68 °F; but at the usual body temperature of 98.6°F, it becomes flexible, allowing it to navigate the circulatory system.", "sentence2": "It is posible to apply a catheterization without damaging the veins.", "promptID": "451_esxnli", "pairID": "1351_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Depending on what problems we have, we may choose the exercises that are most convenient to us (there are special exercises to reduce your thighs, shape your hips, strengthen your buttocks, eliminate your stomach fat, harden your belly.)", "sentence2": "There isn't an exercise for strengthening your buttocks.", "promptID": "730_esxnli", "pairID": "2190_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Australian singer wanted to thank her sister, also singer Danni Minogue, for her support during the hard months of fighting breast cancer that she was diagnosed last year and that forced her to cancel her tour of her country, taking her on stage at two of her concerts in Melbourne this weekend.", "sentence2": "The singer has had cancer.", "promptID": "815_esxnli", "pairID": "2443_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The diplomat made the announcement three days after the president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, asked the United States to be stricter in their punishments of extradited drug traffickers, in an unusual rebuke of Washington’s best ally in Latin America.", "sentence2": "Álvaro Uribe would punish drug traffickers more harshly.", "promptID": "29_esxnli", "pairID": "85_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Some hoped that the political issues could be resolved (or even dissolved) thanks to the clairvoyance of experts and the accuracy of their procedures; others regretted this process of technocratic de-politicization that would result in control, manipulation, destruction and homogenization.", "sentence2": "Some trusted the experts and their procedures for resolving political issues, others deplored their influence and technocratic manipulation.", "promptID": "651_esxnli", "pairID": "1953_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Interesting link to provide positive guidance for the people’s vote in the next elections.", "sentence2": "The right-wing parties have provided a link to positively orient the vote of the population.", "promptID": "296_esxnli", "pairID": "888_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Now he wants to propose swimming pools and slides, and by the time January comes around we will get the shakes.", "sentence2": "The proposals he makes are in our interest.", "promptID": "114_esxnli", "pairID": "340_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But the miracle will be possible if the investment goes beyond the screen.", "sentence2": "The collapse is imminent.", "promptID": "362_esxnli", "pairID": "1085_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I’d like to generate a debate regarding this issue I can’t stop thinking about.", "sentence2": "The discussed issue has been one of his favorite subjects.", "promptID": "267_esxnli", "pairID": "799_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, if the internal affairs of these nations continue to deteriorate, the forced sale of positions denoted in foreign currencies could lead to strong volatility in the foreign exchange market.", "sentence2": "The deterioration is due to the internal realities of the nations.", "promptID": "216_esxnli", "pairID": "646_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "By 2009, Spain could close the year with a negative GDP of over three per cent.", "sentence2": "The Spanish GDP is based on tourism.", "promptID": "250_esxnli", "pairID": "748_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The blockade, as it has been shown, has only served to harden and perpetuate the dictatorial regime (do not talk to me about the left or the right, gives me laughter, it is a dictatorship, period).", "sentence2": "The dictatorial regime is powerful.", "promptID": "25_esxnli", "pairID": "75_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The actress has also decided to recount her fight against cancer in a two-hour documentary that will be broadcast by the American television network, NCB, on Friday, May 15.", "sentence2": "The actress has had cancer.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2459_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When it is only them who are talked about, they create a mistaken image of reality.", "sentence2": "They’re not the centre of attention.", "promptID": "405_esxnli", "pairID": "1214_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If you’re exploited or unemployed, fuck you, you shouldn’t have been born working class.", "sentence2": "If you are being exploited and unemployed, it is because you belong to the worker class", "promptID": "282_esxnli", "pairID": "845_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "However, the obligation to stop it in its tracks and prevent metastasis includes us all.", "sentence2": "One must not stop or avoid the metastasis from reaching us.", "promptID": "610_esxnli", "pairID": "1830_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The steps she takes are closely followed by dozens of photographers who are aware of her popularity, pursuing her relentlessly.", "sentence2": "Dozens of photographers chase after him", "promptID": "822_esxnli", "pairID": "2464_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The judgment handed down in definitively by Laureano Martínez, presiding judge of the Second Penal court of Almería, charged Amizian, as person who committed a crime against traffic safety, with a fine of twelve euros per day for half a year, as well as revocation of his automobile and motorcycle driver's license for one year and one day.", "sentence2": "Amizian was convicted of a traffic offense.", "promptID": "44_esxnli", "pairID": "131_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "APPLICABLE, developed, and implemented by the Spanish Hypertension Society-Spanish League for the Fight against Arterial Hypertension (SEH-LELHA), consists of a computer-based program based on validated guides of clinical practice that allow the doctor to calculate individual cardiovascular risk at the same time that they determine a specific therapeutic objective.", "sentence2": "The computer-based program for the fight against arterial hypertension was a total success.", "promptID": "483_esxnli", "pairID": "1447_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When someone is trying to investigate these networks, the virus reactivates and loads onto the computer of the security expert.", "sentence2": "Nobody is trying to investigate these networks.", "promptID": "157_esxnli", "pairID": "469_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The first is a juicy severance package of 85 days per year worked, already agreed upon, with no limit on seniority (the average is around 15 years and the gross salary, 1,200 euros)", "sentence2": "The compensation already agreed upon for 85 days per worked year and without seniority limitations does not convince the unions.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "26_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Interesting link to provide positive guidance for the people’s vote in the next elections.", "sentence2": "There’s a link to guide the vote of the population during the next elections.", "promptID": "296_esxnli", "pairID": "887_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As a consequence, homes’ saving levels will increase to 16.5 %.", "sentence2": "It is about Spanish households.", "promptID": "234_esxnli", "pairID": "701_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In a recording session, things went wrong, as reported by sources close to the production company.", "sentence2": "Problems appeared during the recording session", "promptID": "30_esxnli", "pairID": "90_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They should be obtained through processes that do not harm the environment, people’s health, animal wellbeing or plant health. High quality products and a wide variety of food that responds to consumer demand.", "sentence2": "It is not essential to obtain a wide variety of food.", "promptID": "350_esxnli", "pairID": "1050_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Spanish Challenge has come a little close to the semi-finales of the Luis Vuitton Cup today after defeating two of the rivals competing for the same position, Shosholoza and the Mascalzone Latino-Capitalia Team.", "sentence2": "The Spanish Challenge will contest the Louis Vuitton Cup final", "promptID": "760_esxnli", "pairID": "2279_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The actress has also decided to recount her fight against cancer in a two-hour documentary that will be broadcast by the American television network, NCB, on Friday, May 15.", "sentence2": "The actress' documentary on her fight against cancer will premiere at Christmas.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2458_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In other news, Sarko has now begun to carry out accelerated reforms to do away with the social system (starting by fighting against the 35-hour work week) and a welfare state that we could not even dream of here in Spain.", "sentence2": "Reforms will start in the next few days", "promptID": "199_esxnli", "pairID": "595_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In one of this \"Thesis on the philosophy of history\", Benjamin wrote something about the angel nature of history, this image, \"originating\" from a Klee painting, apparently had great impact, we must say, since Ferlosio mentions it in her book \"On war\" and it also comes up in \"The man without content\" covering other topics.", "sentence2": "The angel's nature in history has been mentioned in various books.", "promptID": "525_esxnli", "pairID": "1574_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When someone is trying to investigate these networks, the virus reactivates and loads onto the computer of the security expert.", "sentence2": "The expert’s computer is attacked by the virus.", "promptID": "157_esxnli", "pairID": "471_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The capital’s city council highlighted the importance of this court decision in the fight against vandalism.", "sentence2": "The capital’s city council highlighted the importance of this sentence in the fight against vandalism.", "promptID": "8_esxnli", "pairID": "22_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "To this one adds an economy based on construction and tourism, that has not encouraged sufficient growth of highly qualified workers.", "sentence2": "Thanks to an economy based on bricks and mortar and tourism, countless high-skilled jobs have been created.", "promptID": "788_esxnli", "pairID": "2364_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The strength of the unconscious revealed by psychoanalysis and \"chaotic\" behavior of subatomic matter open to an infinity of probabilities.", "sentence2": "Psychoanalysis is about the strength of the unconscious.", "promptID": "589_esxnli", "pairID": "1767_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And I am not so sure that the mirror gives back a truthful image of oneself.", "sentence2": "It's clear to me: the mirror always returns an accurate image of oneself.", "promptID": "645_esxnli", "pairID": "1935_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This pullback in prices has to do with the strategy launched by American sellers to get rid of their real estate.", "sentence2": "American sellers have caused a rollback in prices", "promptID": "183_esxnli", "pairID": "548_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The company also counts with insurance for vandalism with coverage up to 3000 euros, or free legal defense when, for example, the sentenced person does not comply with the ruling, in the instance that it needs to be enforced in the county court, and when the tenant needs the services of a lawyer or an attorney.", "sentence2": "That brings many perks and benefits for companies that have fewer than 50 workers.", "promptID": "235_esxnli", "pairID": "703_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I was stuck.", "sentence2": "I keep going.", "promptID": "283_esxnli", "pairID": "847_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Standing at the feet of the aerial giant were José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the French head of State, Jacques Chirac; the German chancelor, Gerhard Schroeder; the British prime minister, Tony Blair, representing the four Airbus partner countries and co-financiers of the company's giant new baby, the standard version of which has room for 555 passengers (though it can have as many as 853 seats).", "sentence2": "Spain, France, Germany, and Great Britain have co-financed Airbus' new baby", "promptID": "51_esxnli", "pairID": "151_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There are strong rumors of separation, already appearing in various media, but none of this is 100 percent certain.", "sentence2": "The information is trustworthy", "promptID": "797_esxnli", "pairID": "2391_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Refunding your own little savings, so that the money eaters who are supposed to provide 20% must deflate their absolutely unreal megataxes regarding most salaries.", "sentence2": "The taxes are not real in relation to the salaries.", "promptID": "180_esxnli", "pairID": "540_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These dates bring back and enshrine values often set aside due to our daily routine.", "sentence2": "The daily routine is beneficial", "promptID": "784_esxnli", "pairID": "2352_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Later on, you make other unfounded or false statements that I will no longer bother to disprove with sources; but I will tell you—and, in any case, I expect YOU to prove that they are true (at least in some cases, so that we can see that your analysis has some rigor).", "sentence2": "The claims that have not yet been debunked by sources.", "promptID": "184_esxnli", "pairID": "552_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They call themselves journalists and they believe they are doing social work, but the only thing they do is turn people into idiots with their bullshit information.", "sentence2": "Journalism is a profession that’s becoming increasingly less prestigious.", "promptID": "4_esxnli", "pairID": "12_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He detects “signs of stagnation” in the inclusion of disabled people in the same spaces as the general population, although he acknowledges “evidences of improvement” in the last few years.", "sentence2": "The process of inclusion of handicapped people in areas occupied by the general population has been halted.", "promptID": "431_esxnli", "pairID": "1293_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, if the internal affairs of these nations continue to deteriorate, the forced sale of positions denoted in foreign currencies could lead to strong volatility in the foreign exchange market.", "sentence2": "Politicians have to define measures in order to stop deterioration.", "promptID": "216_esxnli", "pairID": "648_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There is political stability, its growth is sustainable, it has a healthy financial system, a central bank that follows a conservative policy and a great wealth in raw materials such as petroleum.", "sentence2": "This country is doing well economically.", "promptID": "360_esxnli", "pairID": "1079_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In addition to the globalization of the labor force, the liberalization of world trade and right-wing fiscal policies, Fukuyama believes that “the villain is technology”: “The benefits provided by the most recent waves of technological innovation have increased disproportionately for the most talented and educated citizens.”", "sentence2": "Fukuyama talks about technology.", "promptID": "606_esxnli", "pairID": "1817_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This mix puts the body on alert and under stress.", "sentence2": "It is a dangerous mix.", "promptID": "419_esxnli", "pairID": "1255_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The way it is written is something else: if it is true that the style is the man, then we must say that Sade is the style.", "sentence2": "Sada’s style is highly valued.", "promptID": "543_esxnli", "pairID": "1629_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Now he wants to propose swimming pools and slides, and by the time January comes around we will get the shakes.", "sentence2": "In January we will be a quivering jelly.", "promptID": "114_esxnli", "pairID": "342_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But the worst thing is that, while destroying the industrial fabric leads to streamlining and revitalization, destroying the industrial fabric, infrastructures and modes of transportation is in no way helpful in terms of the use of energy resources.", "sentence2": "Destroying modes of transportation is beneficial for the economy", "promptID": "198_esxnli", "pairID": "593_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Corbacho must know, but it is just crude statistical makeup.", "sentence2": "Corbacho knows that the data is made to look better.", "promptID": "322_esxnli", "pairID": "964_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For this reason, condom use could never be recommended; because, if it was, it would mean falling even deeper into promoting the horrific vice of fornication, which could be practiced just the same by single and married people, or even by either of the two members of a married couple, without necessarily having to sink to committing the crime of adultery.", "sentence2": "Condoms boost people having sex.", "promptID": "24_esxnli", "pairID": "72_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In addition to the globalization of the labor force, the liberalization of world trade and right-wing fiscal policies, Fukuyama believes that “the villain is technology”: “The benefits provided by the most recent waves of technological innovation have increased disproportionately for the most talented and educated citizens.”", "sentence2": "Technology benefits the part of society with more talent and training.", "promptID": "606_esxnli", "pairID": "1816_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A priority is to strengthen cooperation with our Russian colleagues in this area, including scientific research, technology exchanges, and food processing, as well as agricultural production, Sui said.", "sentence2": "Working with the Russians is irrelevant.", "promptID": "444_esxnli", "pairID": "1330_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ecological colognes and cosmetics: there is a wide array with all types of natural contents and essences that are not toxic while being respectful to the environment.", "sentence2": "The sale of ecological colognes and cosmetics has increased in the last year.", "promptID": "438_esxnli", "pairID": "1312_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One day, the sport itself, in the mouth of so many children who are starting to take their first steps, will thank us.", "sentence2": "Many children started playing sports.", "promptID": "18_esxnli", "pairID": "53_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He also said that the government's decision would make it possible to return to normality and open the way to national dialogue for both sides to discuss major issues at national level.", "sentence2": "He's an expert on this kind of conflict.", "promptID": "75_esxnli", "pairID": "225_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The intention of having more than your neighbor would not be diminished, but its growth would be controlled within legality and with taxation in line with the amount of wealth accumulated.", "sentence2": "Growth to have more than your neighbour has to be legal.", "promptID": "291_esxnli", "pairID": "871_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The main Internet search engine may create a challenge for providers of wireless services such as Sprint and Verizon, as well as for smart phone manufacturers such as Apple.", "sentence2": "The main Internet search engine may create a challenge for providers of wireless services due to its absolute success.", "promptID": "122_esxnli", "pairID": "364_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And nevertheless, it is also the only one of the “Mediterranean” cities that conserves that heavenly aura which was the main draw of the Levantine cities.", "sentence2": "There are no paradisiacal cities in the Mediterranean", "promptID": "508_esxnli", "pairID": "1523_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I am Colombian, and I would like to say that the Colombian guerrilla has not been called this for a long time, since its actions do not point to the revolution but to spreading terror and pain throughout the country.", "sentence2": "The type of actions carried out by the Colombian guerrilla changed since their conception.", "promptID": "87_esxnli", "pairID": "259_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The decline is due to \"an austerity plan\" from the Government.", "sentence2": "The government applies budget cuts.", "promptID": "132_esxnli", "pairID": "396_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The example chart shows how to eat bread without counting the amount consumed of the same, presupposing an extra addition to the diet of 80 grams of carbohydrates, resulting in 320 kcal extra per day.", "sentence2": "The box with the bread example reflects the additional contribution of carbs in our diet.", "promptID": "441_esxnli", "pairID": "1322_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the same way as they did in the fine arts, the landscapes and their paintings have succumbed to the impact of progress, in daily life all landscapes are already tourist destinations or virtual construction sites.", "sentence2": "The landscapes and their paintings stand out in the field of fine arts.", "promptID": "632_esxnli", "pairID": "1894_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I guess it was a mistake from the computer or a small mistake, but allow me my warning cry", "sentence2": "The mistake was made by an employee", "promptID": "521_esxnli", "pairID": "1562_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It is this set that is now rapidly deflating, imploding after reaching its highest possible level of expansion under the precise historical conditions of today's world.", "sentence2": "After having reached its maximum possible level of expansion in the concrete historical conditions of the present world, this set is slowly deflating.", "promptID": "170_esxnli", "pairID": "508_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "By 2009, Spain could close the year with a negative GDP of over three per cent.", "sentence2": "The Spanish GDP is expected to grow in 2009.", "promptID": "250_esxnli", "pairID": "750_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Spanish Challenge has come a little close to the semi-finales of the Luis Vuitton Cup today after defeating two of the rivals competing for the same position, Shosholoza and the Mascalzone Latino-Capitalia Team.", "sentence2": "The Desafío Español doesn't beat the Shoshloza or the Mascalzone Latino-Capitalia Team.", "promptID": "760_esxnli", "pairID": "2280_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Britney has enjoyed some quiet family time in Malibu.", "sentence2": "Britney and her family have been relaxing in Malibu.", "promptID": "736_esxnli", "pairID": "2207_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are strong rumors of separation, already appearing in various media, but none of this is 100 percent certain.", "sentence2": "A news medium has published that the couple is going to go through separation", "promptID": "797_esxnli", "pairID": "2390_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They have already had the bar at COPE closed, so they set up Esradio.", "sentence2": "They did a great job at COPE.", "promptID": "195_esxnli", "pairID": "583_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We are in front of a new economic model that requires new tools and concepts.", "sentence2": "It’s a new financial model that needs tools and new concepts.", "promptID": "167_esxnli", "pairID": "499_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is this set that is now rapidly deflating, imploding after reaching its highest possible level of expansion under the precise historical conditions of today's world.", "sentence2": "That group is quickly deflating, because it was not able to adapt to new specific historical conditions of the current world.", "promptID": "170_esxnli", "pairID": "510_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And the sales of botox, the paralyzing toxin that everyone knows about, are already as high as 1,000 million Dollars a year.", "sentence2": "The number of people trying Botox continues to rise.", "promptID": "416_esxnli", "pairID": "1248_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For anyone who still has doubts about this, here are some facts.", "sentence2": "There is no data to clear up the doubts.", "promptID": "554_esxnli", "pairID": "1662_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They will do something so that speculators (that is, pals of the three-party right) that bought at shit prices can sell at the price of gold.", "sentence2": "Speculators will have it easy to sell expensive.", "promptID": "182_esxnli", "pairID": "546_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "My father lived many years in Africa and his stay there had a great impact on me.", "sentence2": "I was never interested in my father's life.", "promptID": "711_esxnli", "pairID": "2132_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Water, foods and ecosystems are three aspects of our worldwide welfare so very closely intertwined that they have become decisive for means of subsistence, sustainable development and political stability, Harcharik points out.", "sentence2": "Water, food and ecosystems aren't considered part of global well-being.", "promptID": "402_esxnli", "pairID": "1206_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We are in front of a new economic model that requires new tools and concepts.", "sentence2": "The new economic model does not need different tools.", "promptID": "167_esxnli", "pairID": "500_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He detects “signs of stagnation” in the inclusion of disabled people in the same spaces as the general population, although he acknowledges “evidences of improvement” in the last few years.", "sentence2": "It seems that the process for the inclusion of disabled people in the same spaces as the general population is reaching a standstill.", "promptID": "431_esxnli", "pairID": "1292_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But, at the same time, Chávez is his Achilles tendon, because as he is Chavez's subsidiary if Chavez ever disappeared the foundations of Ortega's project would be removed.", "sentence2": "Ortega's project will triumph no matter what happens with Chávez.", "promptID": "624_esxnli", "pairID": "1870_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The crisis management goes beyond communication; it is beginning to rub against the core of this bitter olive.", "sentence2": "Crisis management is simple and is solved only through communication", "promptID": "577_esxnli", "pairID": "1731_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Christmas went from a party bogged down in the mists of faith to a festival of pleasure and expenses.", "sentence2": "Christmas has turned into a festival centered around capitalism.", "promptID": "567_esxnli", "pairID": "1701_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The intention of having more than your neighbor would not be diminished, but its growth would be controlled within legality and with taxation in line with the amount of wealth accumulated.", "sentence2": "The neighbor pays more taxes than you.", "promptID": "291_esxnli", "pairID": "872_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So, the time has come for serious negotiations to find effective solutions to restore democratic order to Honduras, with the upcoming elections in the interim, and these negotiations must include some mediation accepted by both parties.", "sentence2": "A new phase will begin in Honduras in favor of democracy.", "promptID": "646_esxnli", "pairID": "1936_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nevertheless, if the internal affairs of these nations continue to deteriorate, the forced sale of positions denoted in foreign currencies could lead to strong volatility in the foreign exchange market.", "sentence2": "Sales in foreign currency do not lead to fluctuations in the currency market.", "promptID": "216_esxnli", "pairID": "647_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There is political stability, its growth is sustainable, it has a healthy financial system, a central bank that follows a conservative policy and a great wealth in raw materials such as petroleum.", "sentence2": "The country's growth is due to petroleum export.", "promptID": "360_esxnli", "pairID": "1078_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These ones fulfill moderation, they make us happy.", "sentence2": "We are angry with them.", "promptID": "637_esxnli", "pairID": "1911_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In which the banking debacle will be available on DVD and Blu Ray so that you don’t miss any details.", "sentence2": "The DVD will be a sales phenomenon.", "promptID": "309_esxnli", "pairID": "926_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In England there is a type of hybrid pub midway between the bucolic rural pubs, and the boisterous ones in large cities.", "sentence2": "In England, there is only one kind of pub", "promptID": "669_esxnli", "pairID": "2006_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "US expert Mark Dow, from Pharo Management, has confirmed to the WSJ that investors are selling Venezuelan debt to avoid further losses after the Dubai crisis, aware that Venezuela’s banking system “is going to implode.”", "sentence2": "Venezuelan debt has been sold before the banking system crashed.", "promptID": "261_esxnli", "pairID": "781_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In other news, Sarko has now begun to carry out accelerated reforms to do away with the social system (starting by fighting against the 35-hour work week) and a welfare state that we could not even dream of here in Spain.", "sentence2": "There is no reform against the welfare state", "promptID": "199_esxnli", "pairID": "597_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We are in front of a new economic model that requires new tools and concepts.", "sentence2": "Economic models change due to society changing.", "promptID": "167_esxnli", "pairID": "501_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I was sure they would make up the figure to leave it just below 100,000.", "sentence2": "The figure slightly exceeded 100,000.", "promptID": "215_esxnli", "pairID": "644_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I keep the image of a victim steeped in guilt as a find from the post of V on the 13th, and the next time I notice that I slip into self-incrimination, I may think in terms of a victim smeared on me to adopt another attitude.", "sentence2": "Looking like a victim covered by guilt can influence my attitudes.", "promptID": "623_esxnli", "pairID": "1867_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The lead singer of rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, is going through a very difficult time.", "sentence2": "The singer of the rock band, Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, is going through one of his best moments", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2404_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the case of filling a job during the selection periods, the duration of the contract will be the same as the time which the selection or promotion lasts, up to a maximum of three months.", "sentence2": "The coverage will be for a maximum of three months.", "promptID": "335_esxnli", "pairID": "1003_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The passage of time burns. It slowly corrodes people's spirit; many will leave (or have left), and at the end the usual groups from alternative society, such as squatters and others, will take care of the movement.", "sentence2": "The passage of time corrodes the mood of the people, to the point that many will leave and abandon the movement to alternative groups.", "promptID": "515_esxnli", "pairID": "1544_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is the dynamic language of the immigrant child who listens to Spanish being spoken at home and English in the street that makes literary writing a mix, a verbal fusion, the creation of a new language that reflects daily experience, an oral experience transmuted into written experience, and which, therefore, cannot fail to be literary.", "sentence2": "Sociolinguistic conditions of an immigrant kid turn into the creation of a new language that reflects their daily experience.", "promptID": "547_esxnli", "pairID": "1639_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In order to show the implications that a genetically determined Language Acquisition Device has for human behavior, Steve Pinker created the expression \"language instinct.\"", "sentence2": "The term “language instinct” does not belong to the field of human behavior, but rather, animal", "promptID": "510_esxnli", "pairID": "1530_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Climbing four floors of stairs several times a day is a pain.", "sentence2": "Going up and down four floors many times a day does not involve a big effort", "promptID": "279_esxnli", "pairID": "835_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The global crisis also hit ex millionaires in the United States, who are also struggling to stay afloat with mortgage payments.", "sentence2": "The world crisis extends to all social classes.", "promptID": "817_esxnli", "pairID": "2451_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Later on, you make other unfounded or false statements that I will no longer bother to disprove with sources; but I will tell you—and, in any case, I expect YOU to prove that they are true (at least in some cases, so that we can see that your analysis has some rigor).", "sentence2": "The claims they make after don’t leave any room for questioning their veracity.", "promptID": "184_esxnli", "pairID": "550_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And the sales of botox, the paralyzing toxin that everyone knows about, are already as high as 1,000 million Dollars a year.", "sentence2": "The specialists in aesthetics don’t expect to lose their jobs in the near future.", "promptID": "416_esxnli", "pairID": "1247_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Standing at the feet of the aerial giant were José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the French head of State, Jacques Chirac; the German chancelor, Gerhard Schroeder; the British prime minister, Tony Blair, representing the four Airbus partner countries and co-financiers of the company's giant new baby, the standard version of which has room for 555 passengers (though it can have as many as 853 seats).", "sentence2": "The seat in the new Airbus are comfortable.", "promptID": "51_esxnli", "pairID": "152_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo is another one of the entities that wants to move into wealth management.", "sentence2": "There is more than one banking entity that wants to become a private banking institution like Banco Espirito Santo.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1324_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If you’re exploited or unemployed, fuck you, you shouldn’t have been born working class.", "sentence2": "The author of the sentence is an businessman", "promptID": "282_esxnli", "pairID": "846_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The instruction was clear: the illness has been massive and the surgery had to be at the level of that massiveness.", "sentence2": "The slogan about evil was not very negative", "promptID": "537_esxnli", "pairID": "1611_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This pullback in prices has to do with the strategy launched by American sellers to get rid of their real estate.", "sentence2": "Price are down because sellers are keeping their real estate assets", "promptID": "183_esxnli", "pairID": "547_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Among the news this season, there is a new addition.", "sentence2": "The new season will be the cat's meow.", "promptID": "792_esxnli", "pairID": "2374_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Depending on what problems we have, we may choose the exercises that are most convenient to us (there are special exercises to reduce your thighs, shape your hips, strengthen your buttocks, eliminate your stomach fat, harden your belly.)", "sentence2": "There exist specific exercises to strengthen the belly.", "promptID": "730_esxnli", "pairID": "2189_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The main Internet search engine may create a challenge for providers of wireless services such as Sprint and Verizon, as well as for smart phone manufacturers such as Apple.", "sentence2": "There is no way to challenge manufacturers of smart phones like Apple.", "promptID": "122_esxnli", "pairID": "365_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The judgment handed down in definitively by Laureano Martínez, presiding judge of the Second Penal court of Almería, charged Amizian, as person who committed a crime against traffic safety, with a fine of twelve euros per day for half a year, as well as revocation of his automobile and motorcycle driver's license for one year and one day.", "sentence2": "Amizian will keep his driver’s license.", "promptID": "44_esxnli", "pairID": "130_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the same way as they did in the fine arts, the landscapes and their paintings have succumbed to the impact of progress, in daily life all landscapes are already tourist destinations or virtual construction sites.", "sentence2": "Landscapes are increasingly of less interest for tourism.", "promptID": "632_esxnli", "pairID": "1895_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In barely fifty pages, Azúa condenses the history of mankind, its fight against time and death, the magic of art and the mystery of words.", "sentence2": "The book is about 150 pages long.", "promptID": "657_esxnli", "pairID": "1970_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After eight months of distancing the suspicions were confirmed: Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have decided to follow different paths.", "sentence2": "The suspicion of a breakup between Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal was true.", "promptID": "675_esxnli", "pairID": "2025_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In point of fact, the fight against AIDS, malaria and other diseases is one of the United Nations' Millenium Goals set for 2015.", "sentence2": "The fight against Aids, malaria and other illnesses progressed very far.", "promptID": "344_esxnli", "pairID": "1031_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Surely it is the stigma of having destroyed the “Kaiser” Schumacher, the best pilot in history by titles, the one who – according to them – can never be equaled.", "sentence2": "Schumacher is the best pilot in history when it comes to titles.", "promptID": "618_esxnli", "pairID": "1853_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The net's neutrality is not as much related to the freedom of the Internet as to the struggle of some companies in the Internet world, which are generally not European, to strengthen their power against the main companies that invest in telecommunications networks.", "sentence2": "Telecom wars are part of the reason why the Web isn't neutral.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1371_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In England there is a type of hybrid pub midway between the bucolic rural pubs, and the boisterous ones in large cities.", "sentence2": "Pubs in large English cities are usually very busy.", "promptID": "669_esxnli", "pairID": "2005_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Depending on what problems we have, we may choose the exercises that are most convenient to us (there are special exercises to reduce your thighs, shape your hips, strengthen your buttocks, eliminate your stomach fat, harden your belly.)", "sentence2": "There are some exercise which are meant to work and shape different zones of our body at the same time.", "promptID": "730_esxnli", "pairID": "2188_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The capital’s city council highlighted the importance of this court decision in the fight against vandalism.", "sentence2": "According to the city council of the capital, this court ruling has no impact on the fight against vandalism.", "promptID": "8_esxnli", "pairID": "23_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Surely it is the stigma of having destroyed the “Kaiser” Schumacher, the best pilot in history by titles, the one who – according to them – can never be equaled.", "sentence2": "Schumacher is a motorcycle rider.", "promptID": "618_esxnli", "pairID": "1854_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Climbing four floors of stairs several times a day is a pain.", "sentence2": "There is a house with at least four floors.", "promptID": "279_esxnli", "pairID": "837_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Police efficacy, judicial pressure as well as social and political mobilization had push the band towards the edge of the abyss of disappearance, without any type of agreement.", "sentence2": "The band was about to go defunct for several reasons.", "promptID": "631_esxnli", "pairID": "1891_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Therefore, one day he explodes, and on the back of his imagination, reaches a strange island where a handful of monsters make him his king.", "sentence2": "There are coconut trees on the imaginary island.", "promptID": "5_esxnli", "pairID": "15_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "She faces the future with optimism; she is currently focusing on recording her new album, which does not have a launch date as of yet.", "sentence2": "No new albums are in progress", "promptID": "744_esxnli", "pairID": "2230_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For this reason, condom use could never be recommended; because, if it was, it would mean falling even deeper into promoting the horrific vice of fornication, which could be practiced just the same by single and married people, or even by either of the two members of a married couple, without necessarily having to sink to committing the crime of adultery.", "sentence2": "The price of condoms decreased during this period.", "promptID": "24_esxnli", "pairID": "70_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The crisis management goes beyond communication; it is beginning to rub against the core of this bitter olive.", "sentence2": "The management of the crisis is complicated.", "promptID": "577_esxnli", "pairID": "1729_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I am deeply European in the sense that all of my intellectual life is built around the European philosophy.", "sentence2": "Only the philosophy of the 20th century is taken into account.", "promptID": "536_esxnli", "pairID": "1606_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These ones fulfill moderation, they make us happy.", "sentence2": "These are good people.", "promptID": "637_esxnli", "pairID": "1910_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After eight months of distancing the suspicions were confirmed: Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have decided to follow different paths.", "sentence2": "Reese Whiterspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are back together after a few months apart.", "promptID": "675_esxnli", "pairID": "2024_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The bank has losses, and and the government provides it with tons of money so it does not go bankrupt.", "sentence2": "The State is weakened by rescuing the bank.", "promptID": "304_esxnli", "pairID": "910_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Water, foods and ecosystems are three aspects of our worldwide welfare so very closely intertwined that they have become decisive for means of subsistence, sustainable development and political stability, Harcharik points out.", "sentence2": "International welfare studies, among other aspects, water, food and ecosystems.", "promptID": "402_esxnli", "pairID": "1205_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For anyone who still has doubts about this, here are some facts.", "sentence2": "The data clarify doubts.", "promptID": "554_esxnli", "pairID": "1661_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And then he said that he owned an apartment which he was renting, and he gets some good monthly money for it (renting is not particularly cheap), besides the mess with the computers and what he earns in the football team.", "sentence2": "His biggest source of revenue comes from the soccer team.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "447_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But the mobs will continue operating, in 4 days, out and that’s it.", "sentence2": "Mafias don’t dissolve.", "promptID": "47_esxnli", "pairID": "140_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the same way as they did in the fine arts, the landscapes and their paintings have succumbed to the impact of progress, in daily life all landscapes are already tourist destinations or virtual construction sites.", "sentence2": "Fine arts have succumbed to the impact of Progress.", "promptID": "632_esxnli", "pairID": "1896_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And I am not so sure that the mirror gives back a truthful image of oneself.", "sentence2": "I have doubts whether the mirror shows an accurate image of oneself.", "promptID": "645_esxnli", "pairID": "1934_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Although, to a lesser degree, you could also feel the crisis somehow, says Luis, 46 years old, while he finishes peeling an eye-catching tangerine.", "sentence2": "The crisis has hit Luis especially hard.", "promptID": "202_esxnli", "pairID": "605_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "She faces the future with optimism; she is currently focusing on recording her new album, which does not have a launch date as of yet.", "sentence2": "A new album will be released shortly", "promptID": "744_esxnli", "pairID": "2232_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Generally speaking there is a climate of insecurity and general economic mistrust. It is, of course, made evident in the real estate market.", "sentence2": "The real estate market is suffering the consequences of the climate of insecurity, but not of general economic mistrust.", "promptID": "384_esxnli", "pairID": "1151_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "These proportions mean a slight increase in comparison to previous years.", "sentence2": "There is an increase compared to previous exercises.", "promptID": "462_esxnli", "pairID": "1385_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Surely it is the stigma of having destroyed the “Kaiser” Schumacher, the best pilot in history by titles, the one who – according to them – can never be equaled.", "sentence2": "No one would say that Schumacher is the best pilot.", "promptID": "618_esxnli", "pairID": "1852_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Although the Bank has maintained home delivery for homeless people, it has had to restrict its activity because of the avalanche of requests for the rest of its services.", "sentence2": "Besides the home delivery to people in the streets, the Bank is trying to activate other auxiliary services.", "promptID": "220_esxnli", "pairID": "660_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I am very pleased to contribute a small amount doing what I love most, Francis said during the presentation of this event, whose funds will go to the association, to fight this serious disease.", "sentence2": "Francisco is a singer.", "promptID": "723_esxnli", "pairID": "2167_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In one of this \"Thesis on the philosophy of history\", Benjamin wrote something about the angel nature of history, this image, \"originating\" from a Klee painting, apparently had great impact, we must say, since Ferlosio mentions it in her book \"On war\" and it also comes up in \"The man without content\" covering other topics.", "sentence2": "Ferlosio has not written any book.", "promptID": "525_esxnli", "pairID": "1573_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I think we have the most palpable proof of the pathetic provocation in which certain types of activity considered art have ended up.", "sentence2": "Art has to be provocative by nature.", "promptID": "519_esxnli", "pairID": "1555_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As a consequence, homes’ saving levels will increase to 16.5 %.", "sentence2": "The savings level will be reduced.", "promptID": "234_esxnli", "pairID": "700_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ecological colognes and cosmetics: there is a wide array with all types of natural contents and essences that are not toxic while being respectful to the environment.", "sentence2": "You do not have to add toxic products in order to produce colognes and cosmetics.", "promptID": "438_esxnli", "pairID": "1313_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo is another one of the entities that wants to move into wealth management.", "sentence2": "The Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo has advanced in wealth banking.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1325_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In barely fifty pages, Azúa condenses the history of mankind, its fight against time and death, the magic of art and the mystery of words.", "sentence2": "This is de Azúa’s third book.", "promptID": "657_esxnli", "pairID": "1971_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I also understand the anguish of many citizens crushed by the crisis. I apologize to them for not being able to protect them better, although I will continue to do everything I am capable of.", "sentence2": "I am happy with my management of the crisis in regard to the citizenry.", "promptID": "331_esxnli", "pairID": "991_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The idea of writing the paper was Joan Costa’s because it fit perfectly with the master’s degree we were studying and, although the origin of the recession was in the UK, and writing this paper was like reminding them of that, they’re very open.", "sentence2": "It was one person's idea to do the job.", "promptID": "378_esxnli", "pairID": "1132_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Although the Bank has maintained home delivery for homeless people, it has had to restrict its activity because of the avalanche of requests for the rest of its services.", "sentence2": "Although the bank sustains home delivery for homeless people, it is not able to keep up with the intensity because other services are also requested.", "promptID": "220_esxnli", "pairID": "658_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Interesting link to provide positive guidance for the people’s vote in the next elections.", "sentence2": "There was no intention to guide the population's vote in the next elections.", "promptID": "296_esxnli", "pairID": "886_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Negotiations to form a national unity government in the ANP were suspended in the wake of this latest wave of violence.", "sentence2": "Palestine remains ungoverned.", "promptID": "113_esxnli", "pairID": "339_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One day, the sport itself, in the mouth of so many children who are starting to take their first steps, will thank us.", "sentence2": "The children hate us because we started doing sports.", "promptID": "18_esxnli", "pairID": "54_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The steps she takes are closely followed by dozens of photographers who are aware of her popularity, pursuing her relentlessly.", "sentence2": "Photographers annoy him", "promptID": "822_esxnli", "pairID": "2465_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "National politics use permissive laws and an increasingly immature and undisciplined police.", "sentence2": "The salaries of the police force have gone down considerably in the past few years.", "promptID": "107_esxnli", "pairID": "320_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Christmas went from a party bogged down in the mists of faith to a festival of pleasure and expenses.", "sentence2": "To some, Christmas is still a religious holiday.", "promptID": "567_esxnli", "pairID": "1700_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This mix puts the body on alert and under stress.", "sentence2": "The mix relaxes the body.", "promptID": "419_esxnli", "pairID": "1257_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The spokesman for the illegalized Batasuna party, Pernando Barrena, warned that the peace process in the Basque Country is \"in crisis\" and \"in a state of blockage\" due to the attitude of the Government, which, in its opinion, is using \"delay tactics\" to avoid starting up the so-called \"dialogue table.\"", "sentence2": "The peace process in the Basque Country is not moving forward because of disagreements with the government.", "promptID": "74_esxnli", "pairID": "222_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A long time ago it was understood that it was a powerful anti-democracy tool.", "sentence2": "Democracy is strong and solid in the face of any attack.", "promptID": "292_esxnli", "pairID": "876_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I am happy to see her again. I hope the plane has given her wings.", "sentence2": "What a joy to see you again! I hope the plane cheers her up.", "promptID": "568_esxnli", "pairID": "1703_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Philosophy therefore challenges science, but it also challenges all of us who are more or less passively immersed in a world that is largely the result of science and of forms of technology that are offshoots of science.", "sentence2": "Philosophy doesn't only question science.", "promptID": "559_esxnli", "pairID": "1675_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I keep the image of a victim steeped in guilt as a find from the post of V on the 13th, and the next time I notice that I slip into self-incrimination, I may think in terms of a victim smeared on me to adopt another attitude.", "sentence2": "I am not going to take into account the image of the stuffed victim as guilt of anything.", "promptID": "623_esxnli", "pairID": "1868_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When there is an inexpensive transport base, everything gets awoken more easily.", "sentence2": "The price of transport went up last year.", "promptID": "246_esxnli", "pairID": "737_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The plastic that the catheters are made of, for example, is solid at 68 °F; but at the usual body temperature of 98.6°F, it becomes flexible, allowing it to navigate the circulatory system.", "sentence2": "The plastic of the catheter gets more consistent and rigid when the temperature turns to around 37 degrees.", "promptID": "451_esxnli", "pairID": "1353_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To this one adds an economy based on construction and tourism, that has not encouraged sufficient growth of highly qualified workers.", "sentence2": "Highly qualified employees are promoting the industrial sector.", "promptID": "788_esxnli", "pairID": "2362_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I was stuck.", "sentence2": "I am thinking.", "promptID": "283_esxnli", "pairID": "849_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The energy contribution of both sweetening substances is similar; both sucrose and fructose contribute four kilocalories per gram.", "sentence2": "The use of fructose is healthier than sucrose.", "promptID": "417_esxnli", "pairID": "1249_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This new ethic offers the established order the benefit of being perfectly inoperative as, in fact, nothing threatens the social relationship of forces that makes wasting resources and damaging nature inevitable.", "sentence2": "The social relationship of forces is inevitable.", "promptID": "524_esxnli", "pairID": "1572_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is this set that is now rapidly deflating, imploding after reaching its highest possible level of expansion under the precise historical conditions of today's world.", "sentence2": "After reaching the maximum in the specific historical conditions of the current world, the group is on a free fall.", "promptID": "170_esxnli", "pairID": "509_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In order to show the implications that a genetically determined Language Acquisition Device has for human behavior, Steve Pinker created the expression \"language instinct.\"", "sentence2": "Steve Pinker used the expression \"language instinct\" for the first time to refer to the implications that a genetically determined Language Acquisition Device has on human behavior.", "promptID": "510_esxnli", "pairID": "1528_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Negotiations to form a national unity government in the ANP were suspended in the wake of this latest wave of violence.", "sentence2": "The negotiations continue successfully.", "promptID": "113_esxnli", "pairID": "338_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The definitive launch of Agyness Deyn (February 16 1986, Manchester), who considers himself a \"punk rock\" lover-which is made evident by the songs he plays with his music band Lucky Knitwear-took place along with photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot.", "sentence2": "Two photographers played a big role in the launch of Agyness Deyn.", "promptID": "812_esxnli", "pairID": "2436_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "National politics use permissive laws and an increasingly immature and undisciplined police.", "sentence2": "The police are highly disciplined.", "promptID": "107_esxnli", "pairID": "319_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This new ethic offers the established order the benefit of being perfectly inoperative as, in fact, nothing threatens the social relationship of forces that makes wasting resources and damaging nature inevitable.", "sentence2": "The new ethical proposal implies large changes to the social relations between forces.", "promptID": "524_esxnli", "pairID": "1571_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "One day, the sport itself, in the mouth of so many children who are starting to take their first steps, will thank us.", "sentence2": "The bulk of the population plays sports.", "promptID": "18_esxnli", "pairID": "52_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I am going away with the impression of this difference because literature that, at times seems to be a game or infantilized profession, is here revealed, in the greatness of Ferrer Lerín, as the faithful reflection of havoc.", "sentence2": "Literature does not look like the honest copy of a ravage because of Ferrer Lerín.", "promptID": "565_esxnli", "pairID": "1695_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In a recording session, things went wrong, as reported by sources close to the production company.", "sentence2": "The recording session went smoothly", "promptID": "30_esxnli", "pairID": "89_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A possible love story between the Argentinian sex symbol from the tennis courts and an actress 26 years his elder, which is keeping the press is his country in great suspense for a few weeks.", "sentence2": "The possible love story is of no interest.", "promptID": "810_esxnli", "pairID": "2429_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In barely fifty pages, Azúa condenses the history of mankind, its fight against time and death, the magic of art and the mystery of words.", "sentence2": "The book is not about death.", "promptID": "657_esxnli", "pairID": "1969_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "You have to deal with hypocrisy in the press/public opinion.", "sentence2": "The public press has the obligation to fight against hypocrisy.", "promptID": "37_esxnli", "pairID": "110_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In which the banking debacle will be available on DVD and Blu Ray so that you don’t miss any details.", "sentence2": "Economists will watch the collapse of the banks with expectation.", "promptID": "309_esxnli", "pairID": "927_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The lead singer of rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, is going through a very difficult time.", "sentence2": "News are being written about the moment that Steve Tyler, from the rock band Aerosmith, is going through.", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2406_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I also understand the anguish of many citizens crushed by the crisis. I apologize to them for not being able to protect them better, although I will continue to do everything I am capable of.", "sentence2": "I am sorry that we were not able to protect the public from the crisis.", "promptID": "331_esxnli", "pairID": "993_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Yes, if they become useful information and the tools to handle this information are very simple and its use is intuitive.", "sentence2": "The tools make it possible to gain easy access to information.", "promptID": "485_esxnli", "pairID": "1454_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is a number repeated in neopagan, wiccan, new age and radical feminist literature, although other websites and texts about current witchcraft often talk of 9 million.", "sentence2": "The number that appears on websites and texts about witchcraft is 18 million", "promptID": "109_esxnli", "pairID": "325_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "However, the attendee who created the biggest stir during the earliest days of El Rocío was Carmen Martínez-Bordiu, who, visibly relaxed and happy, was accompanied by her son José Ramón and his wife, Marisa, as well as their best friends, including Los del Río and Roberto Federici, with whom Carmen Martínez ended her relationship in November of last year.", "sentence2": "Mrs. Martínez-Bordiu went unnoticed.", "promptID": "794_esxnli", "pairID": "2382_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Binalshibh believes the disagreement arose in part from Jarrah's family visits.", "sentence2": "Family visits were the major source of unity for Jarrah.", "promptID": "1749_xnli.test", "pairID": "5246_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "72 And as I indicated in Chapter 2, the blend of warmth and expectations for mature behavior that make up authoritative parenting is linked to skilled peer interaction as well.", "sentence2": "Authoritative parenting creates children who can function well in society.", "promptID": "700_xnli.test", "pairID": "2098_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Unlike other not-for-profit theatres in the city, our actors make their living from their craft.", "sentence2": "Our theater covers all its actors' medical insurance.", "promptID": "1924_xnli.test", "pairID": "5770_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The building constructed above the underground quarters of the SS guards houses the Topographie des Terrors, an exhibition of photographs and documents which movingly illustrates the lives of those who resisted the Nazi terror.", "sentence2": "The building hid the SS guard houses.", "promptID": "1160_xnli.test", "pairID": "3479_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nothing underscores the subtle complexities of language more strikingly than the miscommunications that occur among pilots, crew members, and air traffic controllers.", "sentence2": "Pilots are too caught up in flying to communicate well.", "promptID": "2333_xnli.test", "pairID": "6998_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Media conglomeration runs in cycles, so the fish currently progressing through the bellies of the media kings may not stay there for long.", "sentence2": "Media kings welcome fish into their bellies.", "promptID": "2242_xnli.test", "pairID": "6726_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I was as fast as--as lightning, you know.", "sentence2": "It took place in no time at all, you know.", "promptID": "2449_xnli.test", "pairID": "7345_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When no threshold is assumed, as is often the case in epidemiological studies, any exposure level is assumed to pose a non-zero risk of response to at least one segment of the population.", "sentence2": "If you assume there is no threshold, any exposure is considered to be risk-free.", "promptID": "1328_xnli.test", "pairID": "3983_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Whether its a literature topic, a humanities issue, or an important person in history -- every play has a direct tie-in to classroom curriculum.", "sentence2": "Every play can related to what students learn at school.", "promptID": "1818_xnli.test", "pairID": "5452_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Successful economies rely on vibrant private sectors, which have an interest in curbing indiscriminate government power.", "sentence2": "Private sector companies have an interest in limiting government power.", "promptID": "1750_xnli.test", "pairID": "5248_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One must be very cautious in proposing etymologies that attribute the origin of a word to playfulness or they often turn out to be folk etymologies and totally empty of anything more than hollow speculation.", "sentence2": "You can just propose a new etymology whenever youw ant.", "promptID": "2495_xnli.test", "pairID": "7484_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Clinton administration's position is that the Internet should be a federal duty-free zone.", "sentence2": "Clinton's administration supports freedom on the web.", "promptID": "2150_xnli.test", "pairID": "6448_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If lite/light simply describes a characteristic of the beer (e.g.", "sentence2": "Lite beer does not have a high percentage of alcohol.", "promptID": "2280_xnli.test", "pairID": "6840_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "[ In all fairness, it must be said that Mr. Room wrote as soon as he realized his slip in referring to the Bummel as a river.", "sentence2": "The Bummel is actually an Eastern European brand of automobile.", "promptID": "2294_xnli.test", "pairID": "6881_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Using these eight simple techniques, you can fabricate a news story in the comfort of your own home.", "sentence2": "Only news reporters in a newsroom can write a news story, and it takes 20 steps to do it.", "promptID": "2064_xnli.test", "pairID": "6190_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Taliban rule has not been popular with non-Pashtun communities or the more sophisticated, liberal-minded residents of the major cities, especially Kabul.", "sentence2": "The liberal-minded residents of the major cities are in full support of Taliban rule.", "promptID": "2102_xnli.test", "pairID": "6306_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Retirement fund, consists of exchange revenue and other financing sources.", "sentence2": "The retirement fund has no funding sources.", "promptID": "1395_xnli.test", "pairID": "4184_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "One of the linguistic phenomena to have emerged during the last hundred years or so is the acceptance of the notion that an important step in solving problems lies in naming them.", "sentence2": "Once a problem is named the solution will follow in an acceptable time frame.", "promptID": "2346_xnli.test", "pairID": "7038_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As all hope in moving the Taliban faded, debate revived about giving covert assistance to the regime's opponents.", "sentence2": "They refused to give up hope in moving the Taliban and were in agreement about doing it alone.", "promptID": "1658_xnli.test", "pairID": "4974_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In addition, make the limitations of the data clear, so that incorrect or unintentional conclusions will not be drawn from the data.", "sentence2": "it's important to show the limits of the data or people will make bad inferences that will ruin the study.", "promptID": "1338_xnli.test", "pairID": "4013_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And yet he has been what he has been and done what he has done in these last three years, said she, but she said it sorrowfully now, without any of her earlier scorn.", "sentence2": "She spoke in sad tones.", "promptID": "783_xnli.test", "pairID": "2349_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "throw a Coke ad in there", "sentence2": "Put a soft drink ad up.", "promptID": "364_xnli.test", "pairID": "1091_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In addition to Moussaoui, the two al Qaeda operatives identified by KSM as candidates for the second wave of attacks were Abderraouf Jdey, a.k.a.", "sentence2": "After the first wave of attacks there were no more agents available.", "promptID": "1508_xnli.test", "pairID": "4523_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nothing underscores the subtle complexities of language more strikingly than the miscommunications that occur among pilots, crew members, and air traffic controllers.", "sentence2": "Pilots are always perfect communicators.", "promptID": "2333_xnli.test", "pairID": "6997_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "i'm trying to hang in there", "sentence2": "I am attempting to hang on.", "promptID": "282_xnli.test", "pairID": "844_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Its official name was Flavian Amphitheater , after the family name of its builder, the emperor Vespasian.", "sentence2": "The Flavian family left an impressive legacy that impacts history to this day.", "promptID": "2380_xnli.test", "pairID": "7139_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There are nationalities and ethnic groups so confident, so satisfied with themselves that ethnic epithets either bounce off them like pebbles off an elephant or are adopted as amusing or even ornamental.", "sentence2": "Ethnic groups are all ashamed of themselves.", "promptID": "2347_xnli.test", "pairID": "7039_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In a book dealing with a subject of this sort one must be extremely careful to cleave to rigid definitions of the key terms ( euphemism, dysphemism, taboo , etc.) and not deviate from them.", "sentence2": "The book just explains what the house looked like.", "promptID": "2341_xnli.test", "pairID": "7021_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Our teaching hospitals and research programs receive no state support.", "sentence2": "The research program can't get funding from the state because they experiment on people.", "promptID": "1902_xnli.test", "pairID": "5704_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So that ye can be charitable in some ways! He laughed softly.", "sentence2": "Sometimes, you can be rather generous he said with a laugh.", "promptID": "946_xnli.test", "pairID": "2837_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Not content to disgrace Clinton morally, his adversaries tried to inflate his cover-up of the Lewinsky affair into crimes and impeachable offenses.", "sentence2": "Clinton's affair with Lewinsky was a moral disgrace for the Democratic Party and caused the defeat of Gore when he ran for president.", "promptID": "2049_xnli.test", "pairID": "6147_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Property is an endless succession of bubbles in space, or cyberspace, with different people claiming an endless variety of interests in them.", "sentence2": "Property can be owned anywhere.", "promptID": "2206_xnli.test", "pairID": "6617_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Moreover, as far as we know, life emerged here on earth only once.", "sentence2": "Life on earth never emerged.", "promptID": "2147_xnli.test", "pairID": "6441_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A warm parent-child bond based on cooperation is especially vital for helping recalcitrant children internalize parents' standards.", "sentence2": "Numerous studies have been done on parent-children bonds.", "promptID": "714_xnli.test", "pairID": "2141_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The conventional wisdom about the musical Ragtime continues to fluctuate.", "sentence2": "The conventional wisdom about the musical Ragtime is not constant.", "promptID": "2093_xnli.test", "pairID": "6278_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In addition to Moussaoui, the two al Qaeda operatives identified by KSM as candidates for the second wave of attacks were Abderraouf Jdey, a.k.a.", "sentence2": "The second wave of attacks would have targeted train stations.", "promptID": "1508_xnli.test", "pairID": "4524_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I hope to live to the year 2000 to help with the Yiddish Guide . I am sure that Yiddish will still be around, surviving its detractors, as it has for a thousand years.", "sentence2": "I am sure the Yiddish will still be alive in the year 2000.", "promptID": "2313_xnli.test", "pairID": "6937_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are many options for attacking the logic of this cosmological argument, and contemporary opponents of theism have tried them all.", "sentence2": "The logic of this cosmological argument has been attacked many times by opponents.", "promptID": "2035_xnli.test", "pairID": "6104_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There's so much you could talk about on that I'll just skip that.", "sentence2": "I wont talk about the history of the city because there's too much to say.", "promptID": "5_xnli.test", "pairID": "15_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In this way, the spelling of a word often relates to that of other words belonging to the same paradigm, or to its own history.", "sentence2": "The spelling of a word is just tied to the person who invented it.", "promptID": "2370_xnli.test", "pairID": "7108_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We have a long way to go before we reach our goal of $365,000 from friends and subscribers such as yourself.", "sentence2": "We are actually hoping to triple our monetary goal.", "promptID": "1784_xnli.test", "pairID": "5351_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sullivan invokes the mantra of equal treatment as if it's an argument-ender.", "sentence2": "Sullivan is confident that the mantra of equal treatment will end the argument.", "promptID": "2099_xnli.test", "pairID": "6296_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": ".. spiritual guidance and encouragement.", "sentence2": ".. guidance from atheists", "promptID": "1854_xnli.test", "pairID": "5562_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The linguists who write books seem invariably to be scholars who are touting their own points of view, some of which are recondite, to say the least.", "sentence2": "Linguists make a lot of money writing books.", "promptID": "2388_xnli.test", "pairID": "7163_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al Qaeda and terrorism was just one more priority added to already-crowded agendas with countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.", "sentence2": "Al Qaeda was added to the top of the priority list.", "promptID": "1605_xnli.test", "pairID": "4813_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Developing a CIO organization is an ongoing process that demands a clear understanding of the organizationas responsibility for helping meet business needs.", "sentence2": "You have to develop a CIO organization carefully or it will fall apart.", "promptID": "1315_xnli.test", "pairID": "3945_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Goistering was a curious term for loud feminine laughter; a bad worker was called his excuse might well be, Old Laurence has got hold of me today!", "sentence2": "They gave a name to the lady's loud laugh.", "promptID": "2349_xnli.test", "pairID": "7046_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the case of animals that are not recovered by-their owners, your Humane Society uses a wide variety of - services to aid those animals and give them a chance at a happy life.", "sentence2": "The Humane Society helps animals live a happy life.", "promptID": "1858_xnli.test", "pairID": "5573_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In leading organizations, evolving business processes play a key role in determining how these information management responsibilities are structured and adapted to meet changing needs.", "sentence2": "Business processes are not stagnant; they evolve with time.", "promptID": "1499_xnli.test", "pairID": "4495_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "FOREVER PLAID - a name that connotes the continuation of traditional values, of family, home and harmony.", "sentence2": "FOREVER PLAID would be a good name for a dystopian novel, because it evokes a sense of horror.", "promptID": "1929_xnli.test", "pairID": "5786_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The legal philosophy of the Confederacy triumphed, both in substance and in style.", "sentence2": "The legal philosophy was defeated.", "promptID": "627_xnli.test", "pairID": "1880_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They also show a decline in self-con dence and motivation, expressing doubts about their own ability and retreating from challenging problems.", "sentence2": "They retreat from difficult problems and have doubts about their abilities.", "promptID": "741_xnli.test", "pairID": "2223_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Such a composition would no doubt leave the impression that the string section had suddenly caught fire.", "sentence2": "Extensive research of the composition proved that the fire had to begin in the string section.", "promptID": "2400_xnli.test", "pairID": "7198_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Indeed, the giant cold molecular clouds in galaxies, about degrees absolute in temperature, are highly complex mixtures of molecular species, many carbonaceous, as well as the birthplace of stars.", "sentence2": "Molecular clouds are the birthplace of stars.", "promptID": "688_xnli.test", "pairID": "2063_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So I'm not really sure why.", "sentence2": "I am certain as to the reason why.", "promptID": "10_xnli.test", "pairID": "28_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "well i don't remember it seemed like it did but it might not i guess i guess", "sentence2": "My memory is crystal clear of what happened that night.", "promptID": "361_xnli.test", "pairID": "1083_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So that ye can be charitable in some ways! He laughed softly.", "sentence2": "You are always so greedy he said with a smirk.", "promptID": "946_xnli.test", "pairID": "2838_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "targets may seem abstract to the average household, increased wealth clearly influences personal saving through traditional defined-benefit pension plans.", "sentence2": "For the average household, targets may seem more abstract.", "promptID": "1449_xnli.test", "pairID": "4345_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Retirement fund, consists of exchange revenue and other financing sources.", "sentence2": "The retirement fund is funded by employees.", "promptID": "1395_xnli.test", "pairID": "4185_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "72 And as I indicated in Chapter 2, the blend of warmth and expectations for mature behavior that make up authoritative parenting is linked to skilled peer interaction as well.", "sentence2": "Skilled peer interaction is linked to authoritative parenting.", "promptID": "700_xnli.test", "pairID": "2100_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Your support of the museum's Annual Operating Campaign helps to attract significant works to the collection and present community-wide special exhibitions.", "sentence2": "The museum can do great things with the $10,000 you gave.", "promptID": "1848_xnli.test", "pairID": "5543_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "But that it was no more than a mask for his fury and his venom was plain to all.", "sentence2": "He had nothing to hide and provided an appearance that was genuine.", "promptID": "920_xnli.test", "pairID": "2759_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Properly implemented, this approach provides reasonable assurance that a trip occurred.", "sentence2": "The approach doesn't tell you anything about if a trip occured.", "promptID": "1455_xnli.test", "pairID": "4363_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These things are outside of man, while style is man himself.", "sentence2": "A person's true self is revealed by concrete facts.", "promptID": "2307_xnli.test", "pairID": "6919_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Top honors go to the Riven --an upgrade to the best-selling computer game of all time, Myst --about a person marooned on an island.", "sentence2": "Sadly, the computer game called Myst was never released into the public.", "promptID": "2095_xnli.test", "pairID": "6284_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This is not to say that the Western tradition has a monopoly on Niceness.", "sentence2": "People in the west are far more nice than others.", "promptID": "2474_xnli.test", "pairID": "7421_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Searches of readily available databases could have unearthed the driver's licenses, the car registration, and the telephone listing.", "sentence2": "Investigators also requested access to professional databases.", "promptID": "1527_xnli.test", "pairID": "4579_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the case of animals that are not recovered by-their owners, your Humane Society uses a wide variety of - services to aid those animals and give them a chance at a happy life.", "sentence2": "All of the animals are recovered by their owners.", "promptID": "1858_xnli.test", "pairID": "5572_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They concluded that none of the passengers was connected to the 9/11 attacks and have since found no evidence to change that conclusion.", "sentence2": "They do not believe that any of the passengers were connected to the attacks.", "promptID": "1720_xnli.test", "pairID": "5160_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The trick is to think of me less as the new sheriff in town and more as one of the nannies the von Trapp children killed before Maria.", "sentence2": "I take a law and order approach and demand you respect my authority as sheriff.", "promptID": "2200_xnli.test", "pairID": "6599_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The pachuco speech, a combination of English and Spanish, also called cale, was a fascinating fusion drawing from many linguistic sources.", "sentence2": "The pachuco speech is a fusion of German and Spanish.", "promptID": "734_xnli.test", "pairID": "2202_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There was here quite plainly a vague threat, a mutinous spirit he could not understand.", "sentence2": "He did not understand the threat that laid before him.", "promptID": "865_xnli.test", "pairID": "2593_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Searches of readily available databases could have unearthed the driver's licenses, the car registration, and the telephone listing.", "sentence2": "Several types of information were available from existing databases.", "promptID": "1527_xnli.test", "pairID": "4580_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As we become independent, please help us strengthen the distinction of your degree.", "sentence2": "We hope you will help us as we become independent.", "promptID": "1950_xnli.test", "pairID": "5849_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "With its entry into the Common Market in 1981, Greece's economic prospects strengthened.", "sentence2": "Greece population was glad that the country joined the Common Market.", "promptID": "1033_xnli.test", "pairID": "3097_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "While the numbers are impressive, scholarships often are critical in recruiting the top students with financial need.", "sentence2": "There are 50 scholarships available to the top 50 students.", "promptID": "1965_xnli.test", "pairID": "5894_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Such ebullitions of insanity continued for three decades, becoming more rococo.", "sentence2": "There was insanity everywhere for three decades.", "promptID": "2192_xnli.test", "pairID": "6576_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Goistering was a curious term for loud feminine laughter; a bad worker was called his excuse might well be, Old Laurence has got hold of me today!", "sentence2": "Goistering refers to a baby's laugh.", "promptID": "2349_xnli.test", "pairID": "7045_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We can continue to strengthen the education of good lawyers.", "sentence2": "We can educate lawyers if we can give them access to the law library.", "promptID": "1946_xnli.test", "pairID": "5837_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It's too bad that the noise about Finkelstein has drowned out his co-writer, Birn.", "sentence2": "Birn is getting all the attention, since the news about Finkelstein.", "promptID": "2109_xnli.test", "pairID": "6326_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I must therefore tell you why the Center on Philanthropy also deserves your support.", "sentence2": "I have to give you insight into why the Center on Philanthropy needs support from you.", "promptID": "1916_xnli.test", "pairID": "5746_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Once these decisions are made, the CIO organization must provide effective, responsive support through efficient allocation of resources and the day-to-day execution of its responsibilities.", "sentence2": "The CIO organization usually has a staff of seven people on hand to provide support in these cases.", "promptID": "1392_xnli.test", "pairID": "4176_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One is cautioned about eating food openly, as the monkeys are likely to view this as an invitation to dine.", "sentence2": "You shouldn't eat food out in the open.", "promptID": "1225_xnli.test", "pairID": "3675_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sullivan invokes the mantra of equal treatment as if it's an argument-ender.", "sentence2": "Sullivan uses the mantra of equal treatment after he realizes that he is losing the argument.", "promptID": "2099_xnli.test", "pairID": "6297_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The poor overworked noun was even used where neither it nor any alternate was needed.", "sentence2": "The noun is used too much.", "promptID": "2282_xnli.test", "pairID": "6845_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There are many options for attacking the logic of this cosmological argument, and contemporary opponents of theism have tried them all.", "sentence2": "This cosmological argument has been accepted and approved by everyone who reads it.", "promptID": "2035_xnli.test", "pairID": "6105_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In a book dealing with a subject of this sort one must be extremely careful to cleave to rigid definitions of the key terms ( euphemism, dysphemism, taboo , etc.) and not deviate from them.", "sentence2": "The book talks about the meanings of the word.", "promptID": "2341_xnli.test", "pairID": "7023_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The cover story debates whether NATO's goal should be to carve up Kosovo or administer it as a protectorate.", "sentence2": "The main story argues NATO's end goal when it comes to Kosovo's sovereignty.", "promptID": "2118_xnli.test", "pairID": "6353_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One rares back and uses this phrase when one finds himself in surroundings of unaccustomed elegance, such as sipping an aperitif in an elegant restaurant with a bevy of tuxedoed waiters dancing attendance.", "sentence2": "This phrase is used in the roughest and most casual of situations.", "promptID": "2352_xnli.test", "pairID": "7055_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The cover story debates whether NATO's goal should be to carve up Kosovo or administer it as a protectorate.", "sentence2": "NATO believes they should divide Kosovo into even smaller areas.", "promptID": "2118_xnli.test", "pairID": "6352_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In eVect, as we shall see later, biospheres may maximize the average sustained growth of their own dimensionality.", "sentence2": "The dimensionality of biospheres grow.", "promptID": "636_xnli.test", "pairID": "1908_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In leading organizations, evolving business processes play a key role in determining how these information management responsibilities are structured and adapted to meet changing needs.", "sentence2": "Since needs are never changing, business processes do not need to evolve.", "promptID": "1499_xnli.test", "pairID": "4497_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We invite you to participate in Futures for Children by sponsoring an American Indian child or by joining a Membership Circle to support our community education projects.", "sentence2": "If you choose to sponsor an American Indian child you will not be allowed to participate in Futures for Children.", "promptID": "1778_xnli.test", "pairID": "5332_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In a flash Captain Blood saw what was in their minds.", "sentence2": "It is true that Captain Blood knew how to read people from taking Psychology back at his university.", "promptID": "969_xnli.test", "pairID": "2907_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In 1847, a savage uprising known as the Caste War saw Mayan rebels massacre white settlers and take control of nearly two-thirds of the peninsula.", "sentence2": "The Caste War involved the Mayans.", "promptID": "1214_xnli.test", "pairID": "3640_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Chinese cooking lands in Cuba, and Cuban-Chinese cuisine is invented.", "sentence2": "Chinese food is only found in China.", "promptID": "621_xnli.test", "pairID": "1862_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To the horror of some Western readers, however, he was at least once quoted out of context as having threatened to bury America.", "sentence2": "He actually wanted to buy beer for America, but a speech impediment kept him from expressing this clearly.", "promptID": "2359_xnli.test", "pairID": "7075_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To be a Value Creating, Customer Focused Partner in Business Results", "sentence2": "Partners need to be focused on customers to be successful.", "promptID": "1335_xnli.test", "pairID": "4005_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The best tactic for a situation tainted by your own imperfection is to define yourself as the happy medium, superior to those on both your left and right.", "sentence2": "It is not wise to blame others for your own imperfection.", "promptID": "2087_xnli.test", "pairID": "6259_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A number of them might have been created by prisoners whose vocabularies were too small to accommodate the concepts, events, or situations named.", "sentence2": "Prisoners created stories.", "promptID": "2490_xnli.test", "pairID": "7468_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Children's earliest efforts at make-believe also reveal how challenging they nd the task of detaching thought from reality.", "sentence2": "Children are capable of imagination.", "promptID": "674_xnli.test", "pairID": "2020_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The use of new technologies for individualizing brief intervention materials and feedback may help to fill gaps in the system of care for patients with at-risk and problem drinking patterns.", "sentence2": "Individualized intervention briefing materials may be beneficial to patients.", "promptID": "1365_xnli.test", "pairID": "4093_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I hope to live to the year 2000 to help with the Yiddish Guide . I am sure that Yiddish will still be around, surviving its detractors, as it has for a thousand years.", "sentence2": "The Yiddish culture has survived for more than a thousand years.", "promptID": "2313_xnli.test", "pairID": "6939_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "23Financial Continued Momentum Essential to Achieve CFO Act Goals", "sentence2": "23Financial is close to completing all of their Act Goals.", "promptID": "1493_xnli.test", "pairID": "4479_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Indeed, your history of support of the Lowell Nussbaum Society pays much more than your rent.", "sentence2": "Since you have never supported the Lowell Nussbaum Society, we encourage you to do so now.", "promptID": "1925_xnli.test", "pairID": "5773_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The basic flow of world history, as I'm not the first to note, is toward interdependence.", "sentence2": "I'm the first to note that the flow of world history is towards interdependence.", "promptID": "2228_xnli.test", "pairID": "6683_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No one seems to know if these sports are played on a court with a net, against a wall, or both.", "sentence2": "The rules and guidelines of these sports are still unclear.", "promptID": "2468_xnli.test", "pairID": "7403_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In eVect, as we shall see later, biospheres may maximize the average sustained growth of their own dimensionality.", "sentence2": "It is not easy for the dimensionality of biospheres to be grown.", "promptID": "636_xnli.test", "pairID": "1907_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It's our only chance.... The rest of his words were drowned in the shouts of the hands insisting that the girl be given up to be held as a hostage.", "sentence2": "To surrender the hostage would mean certain death for her.", "promptID": "834_xnli.test", "pairID": "2502_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The conventional wisdom in Washington this week is that young writers such as Glass who crack up deserve sympathy because the system pressures them into becoming stars before they are journeymen.", "sentence2": "Glass is a writer.", "promptID": "2155_xnli.test", "pairID": "6465_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Properly implemented, this approach provides reasonable assurance that a trip occurred.", "sentence2": "The approach shows you the trip occured.", "promptID": "1455_xnli.test", "pairID": "4365_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It's not just that Bradley opposed the ethanol subsidy until the other day.", "sentence2": "Bradley supported a subsidy.", "promptID": "2146_xnli.test", "pairID": "6438_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We invite you to participate in Futures for Children by sponsoring an American Indian child or by joining a Membership Circle to support our community education projects.", "sentence2": "If you sponsor an American Indian child you would be participating in Future for Children.", "promptID": "1778_xnli.test", "pairID": "5333_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "23Financial Continued Momentum Essential to Achieve CFO Act Goals", "sentence2": "23Financial continues to achieve CFO Act Goals thanks to positive momentum.", "promptID": "1493_xnli.test", "pairID": "4477_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Clarke mentioned to National Security Advisor Rice at least twice that al Qaeda sleeper cells were likely in the United States.", "sentence2": "Clarke told National Security Advisor Rice that al Qaeda sleeper cells were probably in the United States.", "promptID": "1549_xnli.test", "pairID": "4647_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sullivan invokes the mantra of equal treatment as if it's an argument-ender.", "sentence2": "Sullivan does not know anything about equal treatment.", "promptID": "2099_xnli.test", "pairID": "6295_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Indeed, the giant cold molecular clouds in galaxies, about degrees absolute in temperature, are highly complex mixtures of molecular species, many carbonaceous, as well as the birthplace of stars.", "sentence2": "Molecular clouds do not birth stars.", "promptID": "688_xnli.test", "pairID": "2064_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "grantsmanship a form of panhandling in which the participants are very well dressed.", "sentence2": "Nobody ever begs for money while wearing nice clothes.", "promptID": "2369_xnli.test", "pairID": "7106_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The roads twist and turn around sharp bends and roll up and over undulations.", "sentence2": "The road was so curvy that it was hard to drive on.", "promptID": "1246_xnli.test", "pairID": "3737_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In 1863 the nation still desired to create a more perfect Union, but it had in addition a past that both inspired and troubled the newly indigenous psyche.", "sentence2": "The nation was changing because of the political unrest in 1863.", "promptID": "730_xnli.test", "pairID": "2190_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The use of new technologies for individualizing brief intervention materials and feedback may help to fill gaps in the system of care for patients with at-risk and problem drinking patterns.", "sentence2": "There is no treatment for people with drinking problems.", "promptID": "1365_xnli.test", "pairID": "4095_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A number of them might have been created by prisoners whose vocabularies were too small to accommodate the concepts, events, or situations named.", "sentence2": "Prisoners did not create them.", "promptID": "2490_xnli.test", "pairID": "7470_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It should be noted that the impact of postal density on cost is greater in France than in the", "sentence2": "Postal density raises the cost in France by up to 40%.", "promptID": "1414_xnli.test", "pairID": "4242_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The threat that was coming was not from sleeper cells.", "sentence2": "Sleeper cells were the only threat of any significance.", "promptID": "1723_xnli.test", "pairID": "5168_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If the product included more new content or invention, fully integrated prototypes were frequently used to demonstrate that the design met requirements.", "sentence2": "Constructing prototypes usually adds several days to the time frame of a development project.", "promptID": "1389_xnli.test", "pairID": "4165_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Baltimore County firefighters do not have a formal program to provide a financial boost to firefighters and paramedics who are injured and unable to work.", "sentence2": "There should be a program in place to compensate these civil servants.", "promptID": "1454_xnli.test", "pairID": "4362_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When Alice objected, But that's a different kind of fastness, he replied, It was all kinds of fastness with me, I can assure you!", "sentence2": "Alice said she wouldn't go.", "promptID": "2381_xnli.test", "pairID": "7143_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The association of money names with other weights is ouguiya (Mauritania) means `ounce.", "sentence2": "The is an connection between the names of money and the names of weights.", "promptID": "2290_xnli.test", "pairID": "6870_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As all hope in moving the Taliban faded, debate revived about giving covert assistance to the regime's opponents.", "sentence2": "Supplying the Taliban's enemies with covert assistance was a consideration.", "promptID": "1658_xnli.test", "pairID": "4972_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Commencement 1991 renews memories of student days at Indiana University.", "sentence2": "Graduating students remember their path as students at Indiana University.", "promptID": "1992_xnli.test", "pairID": "5975_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "yeah people who who could be at work at any time or whose decisions could be clouded if they had to make a decision", "sentence2": "Yeah, people whose decision faculties are never impaired.", "promptID": "262_xnli.test", "pairID": "786_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Your support of the museum's Annual Operating Campaign helps to attract significant works to the collection and present community-wide special exhibitions.", "sentence2": "Giving money to the campaign helps the museum a lot.", "promptID": "1848_xnli.test", "pairID": "5542_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One of the linguistic phenomena to have emerged during the last hundred years or so is the acceptance of the notion that an important step in solving problems lies in naming them.", "sentence2": "It is generally agreed that there is no point in naming a problem, because it wastes time while new problems arise and change before solutions can be found.", "promptID": "2346_xnli.test", "pairID": "7037_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If it was off one iota, you had to do some adjusting to the regulator itself.", "sentence2": "You'd have to tinker with the regulator.", "promptID": "186_xnli.test", "pairID": "558_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Children's earliest efforts at make-believe also reveal how challenging they nd the task of detaching thought from reality.", "sentence2": "Children cannot engage in make-believe.", "promptID": "674_xnli.test", "pairID": "2021_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On obtaining clean passports and the two damaged passports, see Intelligence reports, interrogations of KSM, July 3, 2003; Sept. 9, 2003.", "sentence2": "KSM always failed to get clean documents.", "promptID": "1734_xnli.test", "pairID": "5200_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We gate our entry into the technological future.", "sentence2": "We are building the precursors necessary for a technology future.", "promptID": "501_xnli.test", "pairID": "1501_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These link the main public beaches (from Warwick Long Bay to Horseshoe Bay).", "sentence2": "The public beaches for $5.", "promptID": "1080_xnli.test", "pairID": "3240_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The principals also focused on Pakistan and what it could do to turn the Taliban against al Qaeda.", "sentence2": "There was no focus on Pakistan or the Taliban.", "promptID": "1664_xnli.test", "pairID": "4992_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This statement was issued the day after the financial markets reopened.", "sentence2": "The markets were closed because there were widespread liquidity concerns.", "promptID": "1589_xnli.test", "pairID": "4767_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Boss, he was like with split personality man.", "sentence2": "My boss was mellow and consistent.", "promptID": "246_xnli.test", "pairID": "738_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "11 However, in more difficult retrofits, down time might be impacted in a significant way.", "sentence2": "Retrofits have no real impact on down time.", "promptID": "1361_xnli.test", "pairID": "4081_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It's too bad that the noise about Finkelstein has drowned out his co-writer, Birn.", "sentence2": "Birn has worked with Finkelstein since the column was started.", "promptID": "2109_xnli.test", "pairID": "6325_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "[ In all fairness, it must be said that Mr. Room wrote as soon as he realized his slip in referring to the Bummel as a river.", "sentence2": "Mr. Room refused to consider the idea that the Bummel might not be a river.", "promptID": "2294_xnli.test", "pairID": "6880_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If lite/light simply describes a characteristic of the beer (e.g.", "sentence2": "Beer can have the tag lite or light.", "promptID": "2280_xnli.test", "pairID": "6838_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sometimes you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum.", "sentence2": "Despite this appearance, English speakers are not unusually prone to mental instability.", "promptID": "2361_xnli.test", "pairID": "7081_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In addition, make the limitations of the data clear, so that incorrect or unintentional conclusions will not be drawn from the data.", "sentence2": "We shouldn't even discuss the limits of the data.", "promptID": "1338_xnli.test", "pairID": "4012_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Parents who deliver praise not based on real attainment actually undermine their child's development.", "sentence2": "It helps children's development to praise them no matter what.", "promptID": "690_xnli.test", "pairID": "2070_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No other profession has so rich a tradition of self-deprecation.", "sentence2": "Many other professions think highly of themselves.", "promptID": "2277_xnli.test", "pairID": "6829_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Parents who deliver praise not based on real attainment actually undermine their child's development.", "sentence2": "Children's development is helped if they are praised on things they do do.", "promptID": "690_xnli.test", "pairID": "2068_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This letter is to let you know that, while we've experienced some success this season, we still need your help to continue our record of strong fiscal management and vibrant theatrical productions.", "sentence2": "We need your support this season.", "promptID": "1881_xnli.test", "pairID": "5643_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "You Can't Find a Cheaper Answer", "sentence2": "You can't find a cheaper answer from the book.", "promptID": "2119_xnli.test", "pairID": "6357_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Technology is highly integrated with the business processes in these organizations because technology is viewed as an enabler for the business, not just a tool.", "sentence2": "Technology is just a tool and not a business enabler.", "promptID": "1279_xnli.test", "pairID": "3836_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Indeed, your history of support of the Lowell Nussbaum Society pays much more than your rent.", "sentence2": "The Lowell Nussbaum Society has benefited from your support for the past decade.", "promptID": "1925_xnli.test", "pairID": "5774_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Stevenson's article shows a fundamental lack of understanding about what our campaign entails.", "sentence2": "Although Stevenson has traveled with us on the campaign trail, his article makes it clear he wasn't paying attention to what the campaign involves at even the most basic level.", "promptID": "2226_xnli.test", "pairID": "6676_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The source claimed that Bin Ladin asked for and received assistance from the bomb-making expert, who remained there giving training until September 1996, which is when the information was passed to the United States.", "sentence2": "The source knew nothing about Bin Laden.", "promptID": "1675_xnli.test", "pairID": "5024_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "That's a gray area, says John Kirkwood, who is with the ALA of Metropolitan Chicago.", "sentence2": "John Kirkwood is not and was never associated with the ALA of Metropolitan Chicago.", "promptID": "2080_xnli.test", "pairID": "6240_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Properly implemented, this approach provides reasonable assurance that a trip occurred.", "sentence2": "The approach makes sure travel reimbursement is legit.", "promptID": "1455_xnli.test", "pairID": "4364_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For example, one organization that we studied had experienced two mergers that required the company to quickly integrate the new businesses and restructure to meet growing business needs.", "sentence2": "Merging two companies into one organization and restructuring resulted in a chaotic work environment.", "promptID": "1274_xnli.test", "pairID": "3821_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We can aim more precisely and hit the target more often.", "sentence2": "we'll try to hit the fundraising goal every year.", "promptID": "1330_xnli.test", "pairID": "3990_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "and you're the minority and you're stuck with it but uh", "sentence2": "Minorities may have the upper advantage in this case.", "promptID": "383_xnli.test", "pairID": "1147_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As it snakes up and down the peaks and ridges, the wall conforms to a challenging topography, one that leaves many tourists gasping for breath.", "sentence2": "The wall goes up and down the mountains.", "promptID": "1197_xnli.test", "pairID": "3589_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If Godzilla' is fitter when coupled to the first species' econeighbors than that species, that species goes extinct in its niche and is replaced by Godzilla'.", "sentence2": "Godzilla has the potential to erase another species from the planet.", "promptID": "651_xnli.test", "pairID": "1951_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Whatever happened to the military's traditional heartless approach of finding a scapegoat?", "sentence2": "There is no evidence of the military using scapegoats in the past.", "promptID": "2176_xnli.test", "pairID": "6528_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If adjectives soften ethnic terms, nouns can harden them.", "sentence2": "Verbs are the only means of expressing ethnic terms.", "promptID": "2332_xnli.test", "pairID": "6996_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We can aim more precisely and hit the target more often.", "sentence2": "we will try to hit the target a lot.", "promptID": "1330_xnli.test", "pairID": "3989_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "..one you would be proud to be part of and support?", "sentence2": "One you would be a supporting member of?", "promptID": "1888_xnli.test", "pairID": "5664_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This letter is to let you know that we still need your help to continue our record of strong fiscal management, vibrant theatrical productions and outstanding educational programs.", "sentence2": "We need your help to keep our theatrical productions running.", "promptID": "1919_xnli.test", "pairID": "5757_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It should be noted that the impact of postal density on cost is greater in France than in the", "sentence2": "Postal density has no impact on cost.", "promptID": "1414_xnli.test", "pairID": "4241_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One of the linguistic phenomena to have emerged during the last hundred years or so is the acceptance of the notion that an important step in solving problems lies in naming them.", "sentence2": "It is generally accepted that one of the most important steps to solving a problem is first to name it.", "promptID": "2346_xnli.test", "pairID": "7036_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In the chaotic regime, the twinkling green sea percolates.", "sentence2": "The sea was green and appeared to bubble.", "promptID": "521_xnli.test", "pairID": "1563_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When this technique works, you get a powerful story, albeit one whose subject is not revealed until around the third paragraph.", "sentence2": "This story writing technique pays off when you reach the third paragraph.", "promptID": "2053_xnli.test", "pairID": "6158_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It would be extremely difficult for a legal services attorney in California to know whether a client, who has been working in the migrant stream in Arizona, has temporarily crossed the border into Mexico.", "sentence2": "A California attorney cannot know for sure if a client has temporarily crossed the border from Mexico.", "promptID": "1409_xnli.test", "pairID": "4226_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Nor does democratization change the underlying reality of international geography.", "sentence2": "Everyone can acknowledge that the reality of international geography is rigid.", "promptID": "2108_xnli.test", "pairID": "6324_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This letter is to let you know that we still need your help to continue our record of strong fiscal management, vibrant theatrical productions and outstanding educational programs.", "sentence2": "We don't need any more funds for our programs.", "promptID": "1919_xnli.test", "pairID": "5755_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For example, diagnosis was borrowed from a Greek word (which, incidentally, did not mean the same thing); two hundred years afterwards, the verb diagnose --a back formation --was coined.", "sentence2": "The Greek word from which diagnosis was borrowed meant a plant's root.", "promptID": "2311_xnli.test", "pairID": "6931_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The company remains prepared to restructure to meet ever-changing business requirements.", "sentence2": "The company will remain static.", "promptID": "1463_xnli.test", "pairID": "4389_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In all cases, significant steps would have to be taken to avoid prejudicing the client's claims.", "sentence2": "No special effort is required to avoid damaging a client's claims.", "promptID": "1388_xnli.test", "pairID": "4162_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The chaotic regime contrasts starkly with the ordered regime.", "sentence2": "There is a huge difference between the two regimes.", "promptID": "658_xnli.test", "pairID": "1974_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Accordingly, federal agencies need to reassess their human capital practices to ensure that federal financial professionals are equipped to meet these new challenges and support their agencies' mission and goals.", "sentence2": "The federal agents have adequate human capital practices.", "promptID": "1379_xnli.test", "pairID": "4136_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Just as there is a spectrum of alcohol use problems, there may be a family of solutions.", "sentence2": "There is not one solution to alcohol use problems.", "promptID": "1487_xnli.test", "pairID": "4460_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "My, my mother wound up not being one of his favorites early on and, ah, so she was relegated to working in the fields whereas some of the other kids didn't work in the fields.", "sentence2": "My mom was the golden child so she didn't have to work.", "promptID": "227_xnli.test", "pairID": "680_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In this way, the spelling of a word often relates to that of other words belonging to the same paradigm, or to its own history.", "sentence2": "The spelling of a word is tied to its history.", "promptID": "2370_xnli.test", "pairID": "7110_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Much has been made of hiring Michael Apted to bring a more human touch to the series.", "sentence2": "Michael Apted ruined the series by insisting they take out any warm, human elements.", "promptID": "2002_xnli.test", "pairID": "6004_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As all hope in moving the Taliban faded, debate revived about giving covert assistance to the regime's opponents.", "sentence2": "The Taliban could not be moved from Kabul, so some members of the U.S. military debated assisting their opponents.", "promptID": "1658_xnli.test", "pairID": "4973_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "She insisted that he fly home means `She wanted him to fly home,' though whether he actually did or not would be revealed in a later chapter.", "sentence2": "Even tho she told him to fly home it is unsure if he did or not.", "promptID": "2351_xnli.test", "pairID": "7051_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Developing a CIO organization is an ongoing process that demands a clear understanding of the organizationas responsibility for helping meet business needs.", "sentence2": "It's very easy to develop a CIO organization.", "promptID": "1315_xnli.test", "pairID": "3944_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "61 Although eventually young people gure out that effort can compensate for low ability, girls may conclude that mastering complex math is not worth the cost'extremely high effort.", "sentence2": "Girls think math is hard.", "promptID": "629_xnli.test", "pairID": "1887_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "So I'm not really sure why.", "sentence2": "I don't know why he transferred schools.", "promptID": "10_xnli.test", "pairID": "29_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In this way the YMCA seeks to fulfill its To put Christian principles into practice through programs that encourage personal growth and build health of spirit, mind and body for all.", "sentence2": "The YMCA only promotes principles espoused by the Church of Satan in its programs.", "promptID": "1984_xnli.test", "pairID": "5951_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There are many options for attacking the logic of this cosmological argument, and contemporary opponents of theism have tried them all.", "sentence2": "Some contemporary opponents of theism have a financial stake in discrediting the logic of this cosmological argument.", "promptID": "2035_xnli.test", "pairID": "6103_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One is cautioned about eating food openly, as the monkeys are likely to view this as an invitation to dine.", "sentence2": "You can eat wherever you want since the monkeys are scared of people.", "promptID": "1225_xnli.test", "pairID": "3674_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The complaints covered the baggage problems, surly flight attendants, mysteriously canceled flights, billing atrocities.", "sentence2": "People complained about baggage.", "promptID": "2030_xnli.test", "pairID": "6089_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Maritime Museum traces the history of the Pacific port.", "sentence2": "The Maritime Museum has 100 years of history covered in its exhibits.", "promptID": "1200_xnli.test", "pairID": "3599_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Whatever happened to the military's traditional heartless approach of finding a scapegoat?", "sentence2": "The military has a history of using a scapegoat.", "promptID": "2176_xnli.test", "pairID": "6527_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is the ultimate Republican fallback.", "sentence2": "This is the worst and least effective Republican fallback.", "promptID": "2076_xnli.test", "pairID": "6228_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Such ebullitions of insanity continued for three decades, becoming more rococo.", "sentence2": "The insanity only lasted for a day.", "promptID": "2192_xnli.test", "pairID": "6574_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We gate our entry into the technological future.", "sentence2": "We build transistors, so our future will be run by AI.", "promptID": "501_xnli.test", "pairID": "1502_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "See the list of beach highlights on pages 82 and 85.", "sentence2": "We only have one beach.", "promptID": "1186_xnli.test", "pairID": "3558_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In 1847, a savage uprising known as the Caste War saw Mayan rebels massacre white settlers and take control of nearly two-thirds of the peninsula.", "sentence2": "The Mayans were totally peaceful.", "promptID": "1214_xnli.test", "pairID": "3641_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The truth is that cross-talk may at times resemble all three ironies, depending on the intent, audience, and effect.", "sentence2": "Cross-talk isn't acceptable for some audiences.", "promptID": "2436_xnli.test", "pairID": "7307_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Once you're off the traffic-squeezed main arteries, you'll find that Albufeira's old town preserves a surprising bit of traditional charm.", "sentence2": "Albuferia is quaint because cars aren't allowed there.", "promptID": "1124_xnli.test", "pairID": "3371_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "You, along with other caring members, will be helping the effort to preserve and promote our state's proud heritage.", "sentence2": "The state needs everyone to donate $20 to support the heritage.", "promptID": "1953_xnli.test", "pairID": "5859_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Our more aggressive respondents, excited to nail entire bodies of work in one go, bypassed books and went straight for the authors themselves.", "sentence2": "People who responded talked about their favorite authors.", "promptID": "2142_xnli.test", "pairID": "6426_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We invite you to participate in Futures for Children by sponsoring an American Indian child or by joining a Membership Circle to support our community education projects.", "sentence2": "You can participate in Futures for Children by choosing to sponsor an American Indian child and send them to school.", "promptID": "1778_xnli.test", "pairID": "5334_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The pachuco speech, a combination of English and Spanish, also called cale, was a fascinating fusion drawing from many linguistic sources.", "sentence2": "The building blocks of the pachuco speech are English and Spanish.", "promptID": "734_xnli.test", "pairID": "2201_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is a way of saying, I am an outlaw, a mountain man!", "sentence2": "If completed the investigation might have revealed the location of three fugitives.", "promptID": "1515_xnli.test", "pairID": "4543_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I was as fast as--as lightning, you know.", "sentence2": "It was the quickest event I had ever experiences, you know.", "promptID": "2449_xnli.test", "pairID": "7346_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It was they who made the first and hardiest effort to hew a modern living out of this hard land.", "sentence2": "The land was hard.", "promptID": "1105_xnli.test", "pairID": "3313_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "23Financial Continued Momentum Essential to Achieve CFO Act Goals", "sentence2": "23Financial has lost momentum in achieving their executive goals.", "promptID": "1493_xnli.test", "pairID": "4478_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The conventional wisdom in Washington this week is that young writers such as Glass who crack up deserve sympathy because the system pressures them into becoming stars before they are journeymen.", "sentence2": "Glass is a painter.", "promptID": "2155_xnli.test", "pairID": "6463_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the case of animals that are not recovered by-their owners, your Humane Society uses a wide variety of - services to aid those animals and give them a chance at a happy life.", "sentence2": "The Humane Society is a non-profit organisation that cares for abandoned pets.", "promptID": "1858_xnli.test", "pairID": "5574_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Levasseur? He smiled a little.", "sentence2": "He smiled a bit.", "promptID": "921_xnli.test", "pairID": "2763_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A thin, sour smile broke on the officer's haughty lips.", "sentence2": "The officer never smiled.", "promptID": "944_xnli.test", "pairID": "2830_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In addition, make the limitations of the data clear, so that incorrect or unintentional conclusions will not be drawn from the data.", "sentence2": "it's important to show the limits of the data.", "promptID": "1338_xnli.test", "pairID": "4014_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When that occurs, the lending fund sacrifices interest from Treasury securities on its invested balances and instead receives interest from the borrowing fund on the amount of the loan.", "sentence2": "The lending fund is always guaranteed 9% interest.", "promptID": "1348_xnli.test", "pairID": "4044_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Jacob Weisberg's excellent essay, Car Talk, on the key to this year's gubernatorial and municipal elections, redefines the word autocracy.", "sentence2": "Weisberg wrote about dogs.", "promptID": "2046_xnli.test", "pairID": "6137_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In leading organizations, evolving business processes play a key role in determining how these information management responsibilities are structured and adapted to meet changing needs.", "sentence2": "New training programs have to be created when new business processes are adopted.", "promptID": "1499_xnli.test", "pairID": "4496_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The analyst's email, however, reflects that she was confusing a broad array of caveats and legal barriers to information sharing and rules governing criminal agents' use of information gathered through intelligence channels.", "sentence2": "The analyst's report was so messed up that no one could read it.", "promptID": "1519_xnli.test", "pairID": "4557_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "throw a Coke ad in there", "sentence2": "Do not put any ads up.", "promptID": "364_xnli.test", "pairID": "1090_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "That is why it is disconcerting if dress and decor are not in harmony.", "sentence2": "There is a sense of beauty and order when dress and decor are in harmony.", "promptID": "650_xnli.test", "pairID": "1950_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As it snakes up and down the peaks and ridges, the wall conforms to a challenging topography, one that leaves many tourists gasping for breath.", "sentence2": "The wall is big and made of stone.", "promptID": "1197_xnli.test", "pairID": "3590_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Upcoming events you'll not want to miss", "sentence2": "There are some good events coming up.", "promptID": "1845_xnli.test", "pairID": "5533_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There, not more than three miles away, was land--an uneven wall of vivid green that filled the western horizon.", "sentence2": "A lush landscape was within sight.", "promptID": "757_xnli.test", "pairID": "2269_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "H. H. Richardson's influence was considerably shorter-lived, but for at least 20 years Richardsonian Romanesque rolled over the United States like an aesthetic Juggernaut, in Cram's colorful phrase.", "sentence2": "Richardson was only influential for a year.", "promptID": "678_xnli.test", "pairID": "2033_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But if he uses the grammer, vocabularly, and idiom of the standard English found in newspapers, books, magazines, and news bulletins, then all we notice about his speech is his accent--and possibly his intonation.", "sentence2": "His accent and possibly his intonation are what is noticeable when he uses standard English grammer and vocabulary.", "promptID": "2408_xnli.test", "pairID": "7224_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As it snakes up and down the peaks and ridges, the wall conforms to a challenging topography, one that leaves many tourists gasping for breath.", "sentence2": "The wall is on the flat ground.", "promptID": "1197_xnli.test", "pairID": "3591_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Looking for a little balance?", "sentence2": "We can help you get some balance right away.", "promptID": "1931_xnli.test", "pairID": "5792_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We assume a direct linear relationship between volume per capita and pieces per possible", "sentence2": "We know there's no connection between volume per capita and pieces per possible.", "promptID": "1420_xnli.test", "pairID": "4260_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Looking for a little balance?", "sentence2": "You don't need balance, you just need to work harder.", "promptID": "1931_xnli.test", "pairID": "5793_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is a way of saying, I am an outlaw, a mountain man!", "sentence2": "It is a way of saying that I am not a saint.", "promptID": "2306_xnli.test", "pairID": "6918_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Indeed, your history of support of the Lowell Nussbaum Society pays much more than your rent.", "sentence2": "You have been known to support the Lowell Nussbaum Society.", "promptID": "1925_xnli.test", "pairID": "5775_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The source claimed that Bin Ladin asked for and received assistance from the bomb-making expert, who remained there giving training until September 1996, which is when the information was passed to the United States.", "sentence2": "A source was giving information about Bin Laden.", "promptID": "1675_xnli.test", "pairID": "5023_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The truth is that cross-talk may at times resemble all three ironies, depending on the intent, audience, and effect.", "sentence2": "Cross-talk never occurs.", "promptID": "2436_xnli.test", "pairID": "7308_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In this way the YMCA seeks to fulfill its To put Christian principles into practice through programs that encourage personal growth and build health of spirit, mind and body for all.", "sentence2": "The YMCA has over 100 programs that promote Christian principles.", "promptID": "1984_xnli.test", "pairID": "5950_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The chaotic regime contrasts starkly with the ordered regime.", "sentence2": "One cannot tell the chaotic regime from the ordered regime; they are too similar.", "promptID": "658_xnli.test", "pairID": "1972_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ticket income doesn't begin to cover the cost of these programs.", "sentence2": "The cost of these programs is very high.", "promptID": "1788_xnli.test", "pairID": "5363_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But that it was no more than a mask for his fury and his venom was plain to all.", "sentence2": "He attempted to hide a villainous face with a less sinister facade.", "promptID": "920_xnli.test", "pairID": "2758_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "SCR connection can occur in a three to five week outage period.", "sentence2": "There are no outages ever.", "promptID": "1374_xnli.test", "pairID": "4122_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The use of new technologies for individualizing brief intervention materials and feedback may help to fill gaps in the system of care for patients with at-risk and problem drinking patterns.", "sentence2": "The computer and printing systems required to produce these briefs cost five hundred dollars.", "promptID": "1365_xnli.test", "pairID": "4094_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The basic flow of world history, as I'm not the first to note, is toward interdependence.", "sentence2": "As I am the last to note, the flow of world history is towards a more solitary existence.", "promptID": "2228_xnli.test", "pairID": "6682_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The courthouse is not the only political circus in Washington this morning.", "sentence2": "The courthouse isn't the only political place in washington.", "promptID": "2037_xnli.test", "pairID": "6109_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "You have granted, I am told, the King's commission to this man. His very tone betrayed the bitterness of his rancour.", "sentence2": "I'm sure you didn't grant the King's commission to this man, he said cheerfully.", "promptID": "809_xnli.test", "pairID": "2425_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thumairy denies incurring any such disciplinary measures.", "sentence2": "Thumairy confirmed that he was harshly punished.", "promptID": "1739_xnli.test", "pairID": "5216_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The body of Dowd's work as a columnist, and in particular the Flytrap pieces that won her the Pulitzer, is one of the most brilliant examples yet of boomer self-castigation.", "sentence2": "For brilliant examples of boomer self-castigation, look no further than Dowd's Pulitzer-winning Flytrap pieces, and, actually, most of her work as a columnist.", "promptID": "2239_xnli.test", "pairID": "6716_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But many could not resolve one way or the other until they were satisfied upon several questions, and chiefly upon one which was voiced by Ogle.", "sentence2": "Ogle had many concerns, of which had yet to be satiated.", "promptID": "910_xnli.test", "pairID": "2729_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "She insisted that he fly home means `She wanted him to fly home,' though whether he actually did or not would be revealed in a later chapter.", "sentence2": "She told him to stay away from home because it was not safe.", "promptID": "2351_xnli.test", "pairID": "7053_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A growing body of evidence demonstrates that interventions in the emergency department are effective and that treatment referral can work.", "sentence2": "Most emergency departments provide several dozen referrals every day.", "promptID": "1359_xnli.test", "pairID": "4075_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Original animal metaphors are all but obliterated in words that have no reference to animals.", "sentence2": "Animal metaphors are mostly gone.", "promptID": "2288_xnli.test", "pairID": "6863_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He stepped back, a baffled, impotent man.", "sentence2": "His reaction showed that he was deeply hurt.", "promptID": "926_xnli.test", "pairID": "2778_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This statement was issued the day after the financial markets reopened.", "sentence2": "The financial markets were closed for at least one day.", "promptID": "1589_xnli.test", "pairID": "4766_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Our teaching hospitals and research programs receive no state support.", "sentence2": "The research program receives $100000 a year from the state.", "promptID": "1902_xnli.test", "pairID": "5706_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Maritime Museum traces the history of the Pacific port.", "sentence2": "The Maritime Museum deals with history.", "promptID": "1200_xnli.test", "pairID": "3598_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For example, diagnosis was borrowed from a Greek word (which, incidentally, did not mean the same thing); two hundred years afterwards, the verb diagnose --a back formation --was coined.", "sentence2": "The origins of the word diagnosis can be traced back to the Greek language.", "promptID": "2311_xnli.test", "pairID": "6932_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Or, consider the issue of informing Congress about covert actions.", "sentence2": "Congress might be informed about covert actions.", "promptID": "2195_xnli.test", "pairID": "6585_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He rhymed it with pandemonium ; judging from the lawsuits which proliferate over condominium parking spaces, balcony barbecues, and pets pooping in the halls, he might have been right to use the neologism.", "sentence2": "He made it a rhyming word.", "promptID": "2350_xnli.test", "pairID": "7048_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They also show a decline in self-con dence and motivation, expressing doubts about their own ability and retreating from challenging problems.", "sentence2": "These individuals are overconfident and rush in to handle even difficult problems.", "promptID": "741_xnli.test", "pairID": "2222_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "By the same token, the overall risk associated with fickle consumers, numerous selling seasons, and segmented markets'along with fierce overseas competition'has currently made this a tough arena for American retailers and manufacturers.", "sentence2": "It's hard for American retailers to do well.", "promptID": "575_xnli.test", "pairID": "1725_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The threat that was coming was not from sleeper cells.", "sentence2": "The threat was coming from domestic political radicals.", "promptID": "1723_xnli.test", "pairID": "5169_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He had found the only way, and repellent though it might be to him, he must take it.", "sentence2": "He had a profound desire to take hold of it.", "promptID": "953_xnli.test", "pairID": "2857_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The pursuit of contributions from the high-tech community is one of the reasons that some candidates have gone to great lengths to develop a high-tech platform.", "sentence2": "The tech community is growing.", "promptID": "2141_xnli.test", "pairID": "6422_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So I'm not really sure why.", "sentence2": "I don't know why that happened.", "promptID": "10_xnli.test", "pairID": "30_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We gate our entry into the technological future.", "sentence2": "We want to prevent technology from succeeding.", "promptID": "501_xnli.test", "pairID": "1503_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There, not more than three miles away, was land--an uneven wall of vivid green that filled the western horizon.", "sentence2": "They could not see any land for miles, only unending ocean.", "promptID": "757_xnli.test", "pairID": "2271_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The heart of ancient Athens was centered around the dome of the Acropolis, with sacred temples built atop the rock and the town built on its undulating flanks.", "sentence2": "Acropolis was the center and heart of ancient Athens.", "promptID": "1233_xnli.test", "pairID": "3697_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But there is also intense competition among law schools to attract the best and brightest students.", "sentence2": "Law schools want students with GPAs over 3.9.", "promptID": "1803_xnli.test", "pairID": "5408_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And she was always there for us", "sentence2": "She never supported us in anything!", "promptID": "1967_xnli.test", "pairID": "5900_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Once you're off the traffic-squeezed main arteries, you'll find that Albufeira's old town preserves a surprising bit of traditional charm.", "sentence2": "Albuferia is bustling and crazy!", "promptID": "1124_xnli.test", "pairID": "3370_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They imagine a dyadic conception of government'the individual pitted against the state.", "sentence2": "The dyadic government was unstable due to an imbalance of power and feelings of frustration by the people.", "promptID": "673_xnli.test", "pairID": "2018_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Consequently, government decisionmakers and managers are adopting new ways of thinking, considering different ways of achieving goals, and using new information to guide decisions.", "sentence2": "Government representatives are trying to increase their power by thinking differently.", "promptID": "1261_xnli.test", "pairID": "3782_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Using these eight simple techniques, you can fabricate a news story in the comfort of your own home.", "sentence2": "Writing news stories in your pajamas is easy and financially rewarding if you follow these eight steps.", "promptID": "2064_xnli.test", "pairID": "6191_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Will anyone remember the World Trade Organization in half a century?", "sentence2": "The World Trade Organization has made no memorable impact on history.", "promptID": "2207_xnli.test", "pairID": "6620_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "However, the SAB, supported by recent literature addressing this issue (Rossi et al.", "sentence2": "The SAB ignored the topic completely.", "promptID": "1280_xnli.test", "pairID": "3838_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Just as there is a spectrum of alcohol use problems, there may be a family of solutions.", "sentence2": "Different patients find that different methods work for them in their recover from alcohol abuse.", "promptID": "1487_xnli.test", "pairID": "4459_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Original animal metaphors are all but obliterated in words that have no reference to animals.", "sentence2": "Animal metaphors are gone because of cities.", "promptID": "2288_xnli.test", "pairID": "6862_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "On top of all this, we have the unhappy fact that eloquent writing is indeed sometimes memorable, compounding the problem.", "sentence2": "People are much more likely to remember poor writing.", "promptID": "2283_xnli.test", "pairID": "6847_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "with your TV set and you feel that a fitting punishment for television theft is death", "sentence2": "Do you feel death may be a little to harsh of a punishment for theft?", "promptID": "362_xnli.test", "pairID": "1084_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They concluded that none of the passengers was connected to the 9/11 attacks and have since found no evidence to change that conclusion.", "sentence2": "The passengers were all held by the police for questioning, but ultimately released.", "promptID": "1720_xnli.test", "pairID": "5158_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Goistering was a curious term for loud feminine laughter; a bad worker was called his excuse might well be, Old Laurence has got hold of me today!", "sentence2": "They named the lady's laugh so they could talk about it without her knowing.", "promptID": "2349_xnli.test", "pairID": "7047_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "However, the SAB, supported by recent literature addressing this issue (Rossi et al.", "sentence2": "The SAB talked about it.", "promptID": "1280_xnli.test", "pairID": "3840_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The chaotic regime contrasts starkly with the ordered regime.", "sentence2": "The ordered regime is able to get more things done efficiently.", "promptID": "658_xnli.test", "pairID": "1973_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Property is an endless succession of bubbles in space, or cyberspace, with different people claiming an endless variety of interests in them.", "sentence2": "No one ever really owns property.", "promptID": "2206_xnli.test", "pairID": "6616_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A growing body of evidence demonstrates that interventions in the emergency department are effective and that treatment referral can work.", "sentence2": "Referrals from the emergency department can work.", "promptID": "1359_xnli.test", "pairID": "4076_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One must be very cautious in proposing etymologies that attribute the origin of a word to playfulness or they often turn out to be folk etymologies and totally empty of anything more than hollow speculation.", "sentence2": "You hae to be careful when you think of a new etymology.", "promptID": "2495_xnli.test", "pairID": "7485_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It should be noted that the impact of postal density on cost is greater in France than in the", "sentence2": "Postal density has a big impact on the cost in France.", "promptID": "1414_xnli.test", "pairID": "4240_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "See the list of beach highlights on pages 82 and 85.", "sentence2": "There is a list that explains all about how nice the sand is at each beach.", "promptID": "1186_xnli.test", "pairID": "3557_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "You already understand the importance of storytelling, poetry, song, and theatre in fostering empathy, compassion, and the imagination.", "sentence2": "Storytelling, poetry, song, and theatre are important in promoting empathy, compassion, and using one's imagination.", "promptID": "1857_xnli.test", "pairID": "5570_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Keeping the integrationist faith are black liberals like Professors Henry Louis Gates and Cornel West. Joining them is black economist Glenn Loury, a conservative who broke ranks to endorse affirmative action as a necessary policy.", "sentence2": "Glenn Loury is a conservative.", "promptID": "2203_xnli.test", "pairID": "6607_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We rely on you and other generous friends to provide the remaining 38 percent.", "sentence2": "62 percent has already been covered, and we hope you will provide the rest.", "promptID": "1846_xnli.test", "pairID": "5536_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These workers were not trapped, yet unlike most occupants on the upper floors, they had chosen not to descend immediately after impact.", "sentence2": "Some workers thought that the situation wouldn't escalate.", "promptID": "1560_xnli.test", "pairID": "4680_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Children's earliest efforts at make-believe also reveal how challenging they nd the task of detaching thought from reality.", "sentence2": "Children do not enjoy being imaginative.", "promptID": "674_xnli.test", "pairID": "2022_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "61 Although eventually young people gure out that effort can compensate for low ability, girls may conclude that mastering complex math is not worth the cost'extremely high effort.", "sentence2": "Girls do not like math.", "promptID": "629_xnli.test", "pairID": "1885_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are nationalities and ethnic groups so confident, so satisfied with themselves that ethnic epithets either bounce off them like pebbles off an elephant or are adopted as amusing or even ornamental.", "sentence2": "Some ethnic groups have a lot of self-esteem.", "promptID": "2347_xnli.test", "pairID": "7041_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Your support of the museum's Annual Operating Campaign helps to attract significant works to the collection and present community-wide special exhibitions.", "sentence2": "The museum can't do anything with the money the receive.", "promptID": "1848_xnli.test", "pairID": "5544_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Our borders and immigration system, including law enforcement, ought to send a message of welcome, tolerance, and justice to members of immigrant communities in the United States and in their countries of origin.", "sentence2": "We need to make it clear that we don't want any immigrants here.", "promptID": "1585_xnli.test", "pairID": "4755_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Worldwide asset freezes have not been adequately enforced and have been easily circumvented, often within weeks, by simple methods.", "sentence2": "Sometimes people can escape asset freezes if they pay someone alot of money for help.", "promptID": "1567_xnli.test", "pairID": "4699_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The heart of ancient Athens was centered around the dome of the Acropolis, with sacred temples built atop the rock and the town built on its undulating flanks.", "sentence2": "The Parthenon was the heart and center of ancient Athens located at the bottom of a hill.", "promptID": "1233_xnli.test", "pairID": "3699_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was they who made the first and hardiest effort to hew a modern living out of this hard land.", "sentence2": "The land was soft.", "promptID": "1105_xnli.test", "pairID": "3314_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A thin, sour smile broke on the officer's haughty lips.", "sentence2": "The officer smiled for forty minutes.", "promptID": "944_xnli.test", "pairID": "2831_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "With its entry into the Common Market in 1981, Greece's economic prospects strengthened.", "sentence2": "Greece's entry into the Common Market was good for its economic outlook.", "promptID": "1033_xnli.test", "pairID": "3099_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "H. H. Richardson's influence was considerably shorter-lived, but for at least 20 years Richardsonian Romanesque rolled over the United States like an aesthetic Juggernaut, in Cram's colorful phrase.", "sentence2": "Richardson was never influential.", "promptID": "678_xnli.test", "pairID": "2032_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He rhymed it with pandemonium ; judging from the lawsuits which proliferate over condominium parking spaces, balcony barbecues, and pets pooping in the halls, he might have been right to use the neologism.", "sentence2": "He wrote a poem with the word.", "promptID": "2350_xnli.test", "pairID": "7049_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The complaints covered the baggage problems, surly flight attendants, mysteriously canceled flights, billing atrocities.", "sentence2": "There were no complaints at all.", "promptID": "2030_xnli.test", "pairID": "6090_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "These link the main public beaches (from Warwick Long Bay to Horseshoe Bay).", "sentence2": "Some beaches are public.", "promptID": "1080_xnli.test", "pairID": "3239_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This is not to say that the Western tradition has a monopoly on Niceness.", "sentence2": "Niceness is not solely owned by Western tradition.", "promptID": "2474_xnli.test", "pairID": "7420_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It would be extremely difficult for a legal services attorney in California to know whether a client, who has been working in the migrant stream in Arizona, has temporarily crossed the border into Mexico.", "sentence2": "The attorney can get the information through the migrant worker network.", "promptID": "1409_xnli.test", "pairID": "4227_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "On obtaining clean passports and the two damaged passports, see Intelligence reports, interrogations of KSM, July 3, 2003; Sept. 9, 2003.", "sentence2": "KSM got clean passports.", "promptID": "1734_xnli.test", "pairID": "5202_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Once you're off the traffic-squeezed main arteries, you'll find that Albufeira's old town preserves a surprising bit of traditional charm.", "sentence2": "Albuferia is quaint.", "promptID": "1124_xnli.test", "pairID": "3372_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On obtaining clean passports and the two damaged passports, see Intelligence reports, interrogations of KSM, July 3, 2003; Sept. 9, 2003.", "sentence2": "KSM got clean passports that said he was an American citizen.", "promptID": "1734_xnli.test", "pairID": "5201_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "and you're the minority and you're stuck with it but uh", "sentence2": "Unfortunately, you are stuck being a minority.", "promptID": "383_xnli.test", "pairID": "1148_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "They concluded that none of the passengers was connected to the 9/11 attacks and have since found no evidence to change that conclusion.", "sentence2": "They are certain that several of the passengers were involved in the attacks.", "promptID": "1720_xnli.test", "pairID": "5159_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I must therefore tell you why the Center on Philanthropy also deserves your support.", "sentence2": "I really need to tell you why Center on Philanthropy needs to have financial support from you before it's too late.", "promptID": "1916_xnli.test", "pairID": "5747_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "96 And parents and coaches who criticize rather than encourage and do not let players forget about defeat prompt intense anxiety in some youngsters.", "sentence2": "Coaches do not let players forget about defeat.", "promptID": "666_xnli.test", "pairID": "1996_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "U.S. since France has a wider range of postal densities and lower volumes.", "sentence2": "France does not have a postal service.", "promptID": "1434_xnli.test", "pairID": "4300_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Jacob Weisberg's excellent essay, Car Talk, on the key to this year's gubernatorial and municipal elections, redefines the word autocracy.", "sentence2": "Weisberg wrote about the presidential election.", "promptID": "2046_xnli.test", "pairID": "6138_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "yeah people who who could be at work at any time or whose decisions could be clouded if they had to make a decision", "sentence2": "Yeah, people who might not be hungry.", "promptID": "262_xnli.test", "pairID": "785_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "11 However, in more difficult retrofits, down time might be impacted in a significant way.", "sentence2": "Significant down time impacts might be experienced in more difficult retrofits.", "promptID": "1361_xnli.test", "pairID": "4082_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is not to say that the Western tradition has a monopoly on Niceness.", "sentence2": "Western tradition has a monopoly on ugliness.", "promptID": "2474_xnli.test", "pairID": "7422_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Whether its a literature topic, a humanities issue, or an important person in history -- every play has a direct tie-in to classroom curriculum.", "sentence2": "Plays stand alone and have no application in school.", "promptID": "1818_xnli.test", "pairID": "5454_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "FOREVER PLAID - a name that connotes the continuation of traditional values, of family, home and harmony.", "sentence2": "Our CEO came up with the name FOREVER PLAID.", "promptID": "1929_xnli.test", "pairID": "5787_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Successful economies rely on vibrant private sectors, which have an interest in curbing indiscriminate government power.", "sentence2": "Totalitarian governments usually rely on the support of competitive private sector companies for support.", "promptID": "1750_xnli.test", "pairID": "5250_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He rhymed it with pandemonium ; judging from the lawsuits which proliferate over condominium parking spaces, balcony barbecues, and pets pooping in the halls, he might have been right to use the neologism.", "sentence2": "There was nothing it could rhyme with.", "promptID": "2350_xnli.test", "pairID": "7050_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "With its entry into the Common Market in 1981, Greece's economic prospects strengthened.", "sentence2": "Greece's entry into the Common Market marked the downfall of its economy.", "promptID": "1033_xnli.test", "pairID": "3098_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Apart from the set pieces, most of the music is percussive and serves to support and reflect the action and mood.", "sentence2": "The music is mainly flutes.", "promptID": "1085_xnli.test", "pairID": "3254_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A ZIP Code may be served by many routes.", "sentence2": "Many routes may cover a single ZIP Code.", "promptID": "1375_xnli.test", "pairID": "4124_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sometimes this personal process of maturity or decay (take your pick) is reinforced by what's happening in the culture.", "sentence2": "Most people see this personal process, which is mirrored in today's culture, as decay rather than maturity.", "promptID": "2222_xnli.test", "pairID": "6664_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Finally, one must be wary of elongation that carries with it a distinctly different meaning.", "sentence2": "Elongation is a great way to ensure that the meaning of a statement is clarified.", "promptID": "2274_xnli.test", "pairID": "6821_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The pursuit of contributions from the high-tech community is one of the reasons that some candidates have gone to great lengths to develop a high-tech platform.", "sentence2": "There has been a lot of effort in the technology side of the platform.", "promptID": "2141_xnli.test", "pairID": "6423_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "An entrance tunnel with a kitchen alcove on one side, and storage alcoves on the other, leads to the main living area.", "sentence2": "The living area is through a tunnel.", "promptID": "1155_xnli.test", "pairID": "3464_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "(Before continuing, the reader may wish to try this feat, too.)", "sentence2": "Before going forth, the reader may wish to attempt this challenge.", "promptID": "2368_xnli.test", "pairID": "7102_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Yet, even in USA Today 's recent in-the-black years, the paper has been a magnet for negative media-critic boilerplate.", "sentence2": "Since 2010 when USA Today has posted a profit, they still receive attention for their media criticism.", "promptID": "2052_xnli.test", "pairID": "6155_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al Qaeda and terrorism was just one more priority added to already-crowded agendas with countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.", "sentence2": "There were many priorities besides Al Qaeda and terrorism.", "promptID": "1605_xnli.test", "pairID": "4815_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It's our only chance.... The rest of his words were drowned in the shouts of the hands insisting that the girl be given up to be held as a hostage.", "sentence2": "One of the only opportunities available would be surrendering the girl.", "promptID": "834_xnli.test", "pairID": "2500_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The best tactic for a situation tainted by your own imperfection is to define yourself as the happy medium, superior to those on both your left and right.", "sentence2": "The best thing to do for a situation tainted by your own imperfection is to run away from it.", "promptID": "2087_xnli.test", "pairID": "6261_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The analyst's email, however, reflects that she was confusing a broad array of caveats and legal barriers to information sharing and rules governing criminal agents' use of information gathered through intelligence channels.", "sentence2": "The analyst presented a crystal-clear analysis.", "promptID": "1519_xnli.test", "pairID": "4555_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Clinton administration's position is that the Internet should be a federal duty-free zone.", "sentence2": "The Clinton administration has no opinion on Internet regulation.", "promptID": "2150_xnli.test", "pairID": "6450_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "When no threshold is assumed, as is often the case in epidemiological studies, any exposure level is assumed to pose a non-zero risk of response to at least one segment of the population.", "sentence2": "Even if there is no threshold, there is a ton of risk from exposure.", "promptID": "1328_xnli.test", "pairID": "3982_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "See the list of beach highlights on pages 82 and 85.", "sentence2": "There is a list about beaches.", "promptID": "1186_xnli.test", "pairID": "3556_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The conventional wisdom about the musical Ragtime continues to fluctuate.", "sentence2": "The conventional wisdom about the musical Ragtime continues to rise.", "promptID": "2093_xnli.test", "pairID": "6277_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No other profession has so rich a tradition of self-deprecation.", "sentence2": "No other job has a robust tradition of criticism about itself.", "promptID": "2277_xnli.test", "pairID": "6831_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Or, consider the issue of informing Congress about covert actions.", "sentence2": "Congress can stop covert actions.", "promptID": "2195_xnli.test", "pairID": "6583_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Looking for a little balance?", "sentence2": "Do you want some balance in your life?", "promptID": "1931_xnli.test", "pairID": "5791_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The poor overworked noun was even used where neither it nor any alternate was needed.", "sentence2": "The noun should be used more.", "promptID": "2282_xnli.test", "pairID": "6846_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Our borders and immigration system, including law enforcement, ought to send a message of welcome, tolerance, and justice to members of immigrant communities in the United States and in their countries of origin.", "sentence2": "Our country should repair our image globally and welcome refugees here.", "promptID": "1585_xnli.test", "pairID": "4754_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If you have pledged or contributed for 1991, you have my thanks and the appreciation of the administration and faculty of the law school.", "sentence2": "The law school has a very prestigious label.", "promptID": "1798_xnli.test", "pairID": "5394_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There was here quite plainly a vague threat, a mutinous spirit he could not understand.", "sentence2": "The threat was vague because the area was covered in fog.", "promptID": "865_xnli.test", "pairID": "2595_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But that it was no more than a mask for his fury and his venom was plain to all.", "sentence2": "His toxicity came from a painful upbringing.", "promptID": "920_xnli.test", "pairID": "2760_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Clarke mentioned to National Security Advisor Rice at least twice that al Qaeda sleeper cells were likely in the United States.", "sentence2": "Clarke never told National Security Advisor Rice that al Qaeda sleeper cells were probably in the United States.", "promptID": "1549_xnli.test", "pairID": "4645_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A thin, sour smile broke on the officer's haughty lips.", "sentence2": "The officer smiled.", "promptID": "944_xnli.test", "pairID": "2832_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I ask you to join me in renewing your pledge of support to the University Libraries at IUPUI, and to consider increasing that contribution.", "sentence2": "The IUPUI is not accepting donations anymore.", "promptID": "1800_xnli.test", "pairID": "5398_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Whether its a literature topic, a humanities issue, or an important person in history -- every play has a direct tie-in to classroom curriculum.", "sentence2": "Every play is related to what the art students learn in class.", "promptID": "1818_xnli.test", "pairID": "5453_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In measuring effectiveness, perfection is unattainable.", "sentence2": "You can't be perfect because we are all deeply flawed people.", "promptID": "1501_xnli.test", "pairID": "4503_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Such ebullitions of insanity continued for three decades, becoming more rococo.", "sentence2": "The insanity was not noticed at the time.", "promptID": "2192_xnli.test", "pairID": "6575_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Plans to house parliament here after Independence came to nothing", "sentence2": "The Parliament was strongly considered for this location.", "promptID": "1149_xnli.test", "pairID": "3447_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Sonja the child wailed while thrashing about in Meredith's usual fashion.", "sentence2": "Sonja cried hysterically while flailing around in Meredith's typical demeanor.", "promptID": "576_xnli.test", "pairID": "1727_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "While the numbers are impressive, scholarships often are critical in recruiting the top students with financial need.", "sentence2": "We don't give scholarships or financial aid to students.", "promptID": "1965_xnli.test", "pairID": "5895_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Before 9/11, no agency of the U.S. government systematically analyzed terrorists' travel strategies.", "sentence2": "Terrorist travel strategies were a major source of government study prior to 9/11.", "promptID": "1702_xnli.test", "pairID": "5105_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This budget makes some big--if dubious--choices, if only implicitly.", "sentence2": "The budget is making some interesting moves.", "promptID": "2041_xnli.test", "pairID": "6122_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We have a long way to go before we reach our goal of $365,000 from friends and subscribers such as yourself.", "sentence2": "We don't have any benchmarks in regards to money.", "promptID": "1784_xnli.test", "pairID": "5352_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A ZIP Code may be served by many routes.", "sentence2": "Most ZIP Codes cover roughly ten thousand addresses.", "promptID": "1375_xnli.test", "pairID": "4125_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "You have granted, I am told, the King's commission to this man. His very tone betrayed the bitterness of his rancour.", "sentence2": "His tone denounced the bitterness of his resentment.", "promptID": "809_xnli.test", "pairID": "2426_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It's our only chance.... The rest of his words were drowned in the shouts of the hands insisting that the girl be given up to be held as a hostage.", "sentence2": "There are plenty of alternatives to solve this problem other than to hand over the girl as a hostage.", "promptID": "834_xnli.test", "pairID": "2501_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "She had been observing him with shining eyes, but at sight of his dejected countenance, and the deep frown that scarred his brow, her own expression changed.", "sentence2": "Her face lit up when she saw the frown on his face.", "promptID": "788_xnli.test", "pairID": "2363_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Baltimore County firefighters do not have a formal program to provide a financial boost to firefighters and paramedics who are injured and unable to work.", "sentence2": "There is a plan for Baltimore County firefighters to help them out financially if they get hurt on the job.", "promptID": "1454_xnli.test", "pairID": "4361_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If lite/light simply describes a characteristic of the beer (e.g.", "sentence2": "Lite and light are only used to describe wines and whiskey.", "promptID": "2280_xnli.test", "pairID": "6839_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sometimes this personal process of maturity or decay (take your pick) is reinforced by what's happening in the culture.", "sentence2": "Nothing that's happening in the culture today supports this personal process, whatever you choose to call it.", "promptID": "2222_xnli.test", "pairID": "6665_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "U.S. since France has a wider range of postal densities and lower volumes.", "sentence2": "Postal density in France is too low to support the same level of last-mile delivery services as exist in the U.S.", "promptID": "1434_xnli.test", "pairID": "4302_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If adjectives soften ethnic terms, nouns can harden them.", "sentence2": "Ethnic terms have a different impact when used as or modified by adjectives versus nouns.", "promptID": "2332_xnli.test", "pairID": "6994_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No other profession has so rich a tradition of self-deprecation.", "sentence2": "Many professions have traditions of self-deprecation.", "promptID": "2277_xnli.test", "pairID": "6830_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Clinton administration's position is that the Internet should be a federal duty-free zone.", "sentence2": "The Clinton administration does not support lowering taxes.", "promptID": "2150_xnli.test", "pairID": "6449_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In addition to Moussaoui, the two al Qaeda operatives identified by KSM as candidates for the second wave of attacks were Abderraouf Jdey, a.k.a.", "sentence2": "A second wave of attacks was planned by KSM.", "promptID": "1508_xnli.test", "pairID": "4522_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}