diff --git "a/interpretation/splits/test_nonrelevant.jsonl" "b/interpretation/splits/test_nonrelevant.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/interpretation/splits/test_nonrelevant.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,696 @@ +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fuimos de un lugar a otro, y desde entonces ha sido una carrera.", "sentence2": "Nunca hubo una raza con la que comenzar.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2580_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Allí la escena es menos relajada y es posible que el problema del lenguaje te intimide, pero al menos podrás vislumbrar la sociedad de consumo china.", "sentence2": "No tienes que preocuparte por problemas de idioma allí, ya que todos hablan inglés.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3075_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Se paró cuando vio al capitán Blood, le saludó, como era su deber, pero la sonrisa que levantó el bigote rígido del oficial era tristemente sarcástico.", "sentence2": "El oficial tenia un bigote", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2994_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las funciones C-R también se pueden estimar con o sin umbrales explícitos.", "sentence2": "Las funciones C-R nunca pueden ser estimadas.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4059_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los programas de amigos como Young Library Leaders y Love is Reading Together Week apuntan a los jóvenes e inculcan hábitos de biblioteca a una edad temprana.", "sentence2": "Hay programas que animan a los niños a ir a la biblioteca dos veces por semana.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5612_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La historia de la portada de Time es el programa de 12 pasos de Bill Gates para triunfar en la era digital.", "sentence2": "La revista Time tiene una foto de Bill Gates en la portada.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6062_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "mmm..., bien, y yo iba a decir que hay algunas otras áreas que podrían cortar, tú lo sabes, yo no, no necesariamente tendrían que cortarlo allí", "sentence2": "¡No hay nada más que puedan cortar!", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1491_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De todos modos, terminé de llegar a casa a las 6:30 de hoy y ese fue mi día.", "sentence2": "Pasé la mayor parte del día lidiando con un problema complicado de facturación al cliente.", "promptID": "208_xnli.dev", "pairID": "624_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yo ... creo que lo ha hecho, dijo Calverley, entre la duda y la sospecha.", "sentence2": "Habló inteligentemente y claramente decidido ya que sabía que estaba en lo cierto.", "promptID": "836_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2508_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El mío es la manera segura y fácil.", "sentence2": "Mi camino es el más difícil.", "promptID": "867_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2599_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Fue claro que la agencia líder de respuesta fue el Departamento de Bomberos de Nueva York, y que las otras agencias locales, federales, biestatales y estatales que respondieron actuaron en un rol de apoyo.", "sentence2": "El Departamento de bomberos de Nueva York no era la única agencia a cargo; otras tenían el mismo control.", "promptID": "1616_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4848_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El uso de la tecnología puede reducir el tiempo necesario para que los proveedores y el personal proporcionen personalmente servicios de detección e intervención y se dirijan a los pacientes que puedan obtener beneficios de los breves mensajes de intervención.", "sentence2": "La tecnología no contribuye a la investigación en absoluto.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3996_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Pero... pero... a bordo de este barco...? El oficial hizo un gesto de impotencia y, rindiéndose a su desconcierto, se calló abruptamente.", "sentence2": "El oficial quedó estupefacto por los vómitos en la cubierta", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2307_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "De ahora en adelante, la unidad nacional siempre jugó un segundo papel en los intereses étnicos, religiosos y, sobre todo, económicos regionales.", "sentence2": "La unidad nacional nunca es la primera prioridad.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3444_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una bola de fuego de combustible de avión estalló en el impacto y derribó, al menos, un banco de ascensores.", "sentence2": "El fuego estaba lo suficientemente alto como para derretir algunas ventanas de cristal de la zona.", "promptID": "1717_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5149_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los recursos que estamos solicitando para el año fiscal 2002 son críticos para mantener nuestro alto nivel de desempeño y servicio al Congreso.", "sentence2": "Este año no hemos pedido nada de dinero.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4023_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Así que has venido, el vicegobernador lo saludó y continuó con una serie de vagos pero malhumorados gruñidos.", "sentence2": "Esperaba tu llegada, dijo el vicegobernador.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2842_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La vida puede ser endemoniadamente compleja, suspiró.", "sentence2": "La vida es infernalmente complicada debido a las muchas interacciones que uno puede tener.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2496_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, no puedo aceptar el origen de Hendrickson para las latitudes del caballo, aunque, para darle lo que se merece, sólo copió la etimología de otras fuentes, incluida el OED.", "sentence2": "Estoy bastante seguro de que Hendrickson no tenía mucho en que basar sus ideas.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7239_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los efectos de bienestar de los anuncios publicitarios que se desplaza se calculan de la misma manera que en la sección anterior sobre las ganancias.", "sentence2": "No saben cómo calcular los efectos del bienestar.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3936_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Estos compuestos avanzados de dispositivos moleculares surgieron porque la selección natural puede actuar sobre las propiedades colectivas de dichas adiciones moleculares cuando aumentan la idoneidad adaptativa.", "sentence2": "Todos los dispositivos moleculares son igualmente complejos.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1525_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se veía a sí mismo como el perro de la fábula que había dejado caer la sustancia para arrebatarle una sombra engañosa.", "sentence2": "Esta es una fábula ancestral.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2672_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así que has venido, el vicegobernador lo saludó y continuó con una serie de vagos pero malhumorados gruñidos.", "sentence2": "El vicegobernador no lo estaba esperando necesariamente, aunque lo saludó de todos modos.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2843_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se paró cuando vio al capitán Blood, le saludó, como era su deber, pero la sonrisa que levantó el bigote rígido del oficial era tristemente sarcástico.", "sentence2": "El Capitán Blood no estaba en ninguna parte.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2992_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Wolverstone se puso firme desafiante ante su capitán. Veré al coronel Bishop en el infierno o si alguna vez miento por el. Y escupió, seguramente con el objetivo de poner énfasis.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone y el coronel Bishop eran amigos íntimos.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2499_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las funciones C-R también se pueden estimar con o sin umbrales explícitos.", "sentence2": "Las funciones C-R se pueden estimar de dos formas diferentes y después se pueden publicar para que el lector decida.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4057_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sí, dijo Ogle, eso es verdad. Pero había algunos que todavía estaban en rebelión abierta y franca contra la línea de acción.", "sentence2": "El trayecto estaba lleno de territorio inexplorado que era, por lo tanto, muy peligroso.", "promptID": "954_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2862_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Según la reseña, el primero contiene 2 000 entradas, el último 2 700; pero el ODNW continene más densidad de información, al menos un treinta por ciento más, según mis cálculos.", "sentence2": "La ODNW tiene más de un treinta por ciento más de información.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6911_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Desde 1996, el ratio de la riqueza de los hogares ha aumentado llegando a su máximo de 6,4 con rapidez en 1999.", "sentence2": "Los hogares han incrementado mucho su radio de ingresos.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3819_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Durante este año fiscal y el siguiente, la escuela de derecho deberá absorber las reducciones según la apropiación estatal y unos mayores costes sanitarios, con un total de más de 400 000 $.", "sentence2": "La facultad de derecho está obteniendo 1 millón de dólares más de lo normal.", "promptID": "1995_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5984_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando se determinó que el ataque estaba relacionado con Al Qaeda, la responsabilidad se trasladó a la Oficina local de Nueva York.", "sentence2": "La Oficina de Campo de Nueva York lo gestionó cuando decidieron que Al Qaeda estaba involucrada.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5102_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Después de abrir nuevamente el espacio aéreo, nueve vuelos fletados con 160 personas, en su mayoría ciudadanos saudíes, partieron de Estados Unidos entre el 14 y el 24 de septiembre.", "sentence2": "El espacio aéreo no se reabrió hasta finales de octubre.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4712_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los efectos de bienestar de los anuncios publicitarios que se desplaza se calculan de la misma manera que en la sección anterior sobre las ganancias.", "sentence2": "Calculan efectos de bienestar rápidamente en una calculadora.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3935_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Gracias por apoyar al Museo de Arte de Indianapolis en el 1999.", "sentence2": "Gracias por su donación de 100 $ al Museo de Arte de Indianápolis.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5287_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tu apoyo a Goodwill proveerá formación profesional y servicio de colocación para ayudar a los más pobres de Indiana a encontrar empleos significativos.", "sentence2": "Supporting Goodwill beneficiará a la gente de Indiana.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5354_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La biosfera se ha expandido, de hecho, más o menos persistentemente explotó, hacia la posible expansión adyacente.", "sentence2": "La biosfera creció 1000 millas.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1735_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los sistemas de recursos humanos se consolidaron y las nuevas estructuras corporativas se definieron con rapidez para asegurar un apoyo continuo hacia la base de clientes ampliada.", "sentence2": "Se crearon estructuras corporativas.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3755_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿Y cómo se denominó Kermit a una cosa tan fría e inhumana como un protocolo de telecomunicaciones para transferir archivos entre un ordenador central y una microcomputadora?", "sentence2": "El protocolo de telecomunicaciones Kermit se llama así por una rana.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7257_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce comenzó su apología de ésta manera-- y lo cito de mala memoria-- la prolongación del crimen, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento, y la muerte son las razones por las cuales estoy aquí, Albert Schweitzer, y J. Edgar Hoover en el negocio.", "sentence2": "Bruce se disculpa muy a menudo.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6487_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Podría el estadístico promedio ser la fuente de orden en los organismos?", "sentence2": "Los organismos están definidos por el caos; no hay un toque de orden en ellos.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2162_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El final del capitalismo de las plantaciones podría haber llegado con seguridad como la desaparición del comunismo en Europa.", "sentence2": "El capitalismo de la plantación es incorrecto.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1778_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Las funciones C-R también se pueden estimar con o sin umbrales explícitos.", "sentence2": "Las funciones C-R se pueden estimar de dos maneras diferentes.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4058_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Gracias al Vaticano II (y una de sus consecuencias poco notorias, un debilitamiento del anticatolicismo americano), los católicos socializan de forma desinteresada con otros cristianos y asisten a sus bautizos, bodas y funerales.", "sentence2": "Los católicos y los cristianos tienen algunas cosas en común.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6523_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Se requeriría a los abogados financiados por LSC que den seguimiento a la ubicación geográfica de sus clientes y que se retiren de los casos si sus clientes extranjeros abandonan los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "El LSC sólo financia a los estudiantes de medicina.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3903_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No hace falta pedir perdón por nuestro papel de liderazgo.", "sentence2": "Nuestra única opción es seguir las instrucciones que nos den nuestros superiores y directivos.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6646_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Algunos propietarios de instalaciones han sido innovadores en sus planes de construcción para minimizar el tiempo de espera.", "sentence2": "El almacenamiento de inventario más eficiente es una pieza clave para minimizar el tiempo de inactividad.", "promptID": "1294_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3882_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well.", "sentence2": "Santo vivió en Nueva York y trabajó en el alto regulador de O2.", "promptID": "20_xnli.dev", "pairID": "58_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Bueno, bueno, tal vez no me encuentre tan fácil de entender como se imagina.", "sentence2": "Piensa que agarrarme será realmente simple.", "promptID": "800_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2399_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los recursos que estamos solicitando para el año fiscal 2002 son críticos para mantener nuestro alto nivel de desempeño y servicio al Congreso.", "sentence2": "Estamos solicitando el dinero que necesitamos para este año.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4022_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce comenzó su apología de ésta manera-- y lo cito de mala memoria-- la prolongación del crimen, la enfermedad, el sufrimiento, y la muerte son las razones por las cuales estoy aquí, Albert Schweitzer, y J. Edgar Hoover en el negocio.", "sentence2": "Bruce nunca se disculpa.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6489_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Gracias por apoyar al Museo de Arte de Indianapolis en el 1999.", "sentence2": "Estamos muy contentos de que ayudase al museo.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5289_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "mmm..., bien, y yo iba a decir que hay algunas otras áreas que podrían cortar, tú lo sabes, yo no, no necesariamente tendrían que cortarlo allí", "sentence2": "Iba a proponer otros cortes.", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1490_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los eurócratas de la Unión Europea tienen ideas valiosas, como persuadir a los gobiernos del continente para que hagan políticas de inmigración y ambientales armonizadas.", "sentence2": "La Unión Europea tiene burócratas.", "promptID": "2199_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6595_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entre la isla y el continente está la Laguna Nichupté, una enorme laguna de agua de mar rodeada de manglares que son refugio de numerosas especies silvestres.", "sentence2": "Lagun Nichupte es un desierto.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3484_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Por qué Gates produce a un ritmo tan frenético?", "sentence2": "¿Por qué Gates produce a un ritmo tan lento?", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6642_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los sistemas de recursos humanos se consolidaron y las nuevas estructuras corporativas se definieron con rapidez para asegurar un apoyo continuo hacia la base de clientes ampliada.", "sentence2": "Al consolidar los sistemas de recursos humanos, se creó espacio para las nuevas estructuras corporativas.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3754_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es importante que sepamos sobre ti durante este último esfuerzo de la temporada.", "sentence2": "Este es el último círculo de donaciones que tendremos esta temporada, ¡así que necesitamos tu ayuda!", "promptID": "1767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5299_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¿Por qué corres, entonces? Le preguntó fríamente, de pié, delgado y derecho ante él, todo en blanco y muy virginal excepto en su compostura antinatural.", "sentence2": "Estaba vestida de blanco cuando preguntó: ¿Por qué corres, entonces?.", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2379_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según la reseña, el primero contiene 2 000 entradas, el último 2 700; pero el ODNW continene más densidad de información, al menos un treinta por ciento más, según mis cálculos.", "sentence2": "Según mis cálculos, el ODNW tiene más información de la que apunta la propaganda.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6910_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pitt, que observó la escena desde la barandilla del cuarto de baño, nos dice que su señoría tenía la voz tan grave como un pastor de un ahorcamiento.", "sentence2": "Pitt nunca había visto a su señoría tan seria como estaba entonces.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2278_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Hay, por supuesto, muchas escenas elegantes y coquetas en yates.", "sentence2": "Los yates se utilizan como escenario para muchas escenas elegantes.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6651_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay un detalle de las bromas sureñas que ha invertido sus asociaciones de clase.", "sentence2": "El sur de Jaspes tiene una asociación de clase muy clara y rígida.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6038_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, el USDA argumenta que lo que se necesita es más poder de aplicación, y con ese fin, está avanzando un proyecto de ley diseñado para ampliar su autoridad.", "sentence2": "El USDA dice que la policía necesita ayudarlos.", "promptID": "2061_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6181_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Incluyen un futuro presupuestario federal estable, innovación tecnológica y mejoras en las operaciones y la prestación de servicios de las agencias gubernamentales.", "sentence2": "Se incluyeron mejoras en las operaciones de las agencias gubernamentales.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4285_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Le pedimos a todas las naciones que se unan a nosotros.", "sentence2": "Necesitamos al menos 10 paises que se nos unan.", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4720_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Trataremos de contactarnos con cada uno de ustedes que no han participado en este año fiscal en los próximos 45 días para que podamos alcanzar nuestro objetivo antes de la fecha límite del 30 de junio.", "sentence2": "No tenemos intención de contactar a aquellos que no donaron este año fiscal.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5380_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este esfuerzo se realizaba antes del 11 de septiembre y continúa en una escala muy ampliada.", "sentence2": "Después del 11S, el esfuerzo aumentó de forma drástica.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5194_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Entonces háganles saber que si intentan obstaculizar nuestra navegación, colgaremos a la prostituta primero y lucharemos por ella después.", "sentence2": "No había forma de saber si el bote seguiría avanzando.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2815_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He mandado enviar por usted, Capitán Blood, debido a ciertas noticias que me acaban de llegar.", "sentence2": "No escuché ninguna noticia, Capitán Blood. ¿Tienes?", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2371_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El final del capitalismo de las plantaciones podría haber llegado con seguridad como la desaparición del comunismo en Europa.", "sentence2": "No hubo un final del comunismo en Europa.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1779_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se requeriría a los abogados financiados por LSC que den seguimiento a la ubicación geográfica de sus clientes y que se retiren de los casos si sus clientes extranjeros abandonan los Estados Unidos.", "sentence2": "Los abogados son pagados por el LSC si están trabajando en terrorismo.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3901_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Después de abrir nuevamente el espacio aéreo, nueve vuelos fletados con 160 personas, en su mayoría ciudadanos saudíes, partieron de Estados Unidos entre el 14 y el 24 de septiembre.", "sentence2": "Más de 100 ciudadanos saudíes salieron de los Estados Unidos.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4711_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Sin embargo los senadores y legisladores estatales de Nueva York admiten que accedieron a la legislación porque estaban impresionados con la ferocidad del apoyo a la propuesta de ley.", "sentence2": "El estado de Nueva York no tiene senadores.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6539_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "¡Ja! Wolverstone emitió una eyaculación de risa burlona.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone se rió.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2999_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los graduados de la Escuela de Derecho I. U. Indianápolis se van con habilidades fundamentales de abogacía y una sólida educación legal.", "sentence2": "La Facultad de Derecho de IU fue cerrada hace mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5979_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Trataremos de contactarnos con cada uno de ustedes que no han participado en este año fiscal en los próximos 45 días para que podamos alcanzar nuestro objetivo antes de la fecha límite del 30 de junio.", "sentence2": "Durante los próximos 45 días, trataremos de contactar a aquellos que no hayan donado este año fiscal.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5382_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por supuesto, si no pudiéramos solucionar nuestras formas elegidas de vivir, estaríamos muertos.", "sentence2": "Los humanos siempre pueden sobrevivir a cualquier situación, incluso cuando no se están ganando la vida.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2006_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si los activos existentes de los hogares pierden valor, la gente tiene que ahorrar más para alcanzar su meta de ingresos de riqueza.", "sentence2": "Los activos perderán valor a veces debido al mercado.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4435_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las actuales exigencias de seguridad fomentan un exceso de clasificación y fragmentación de la información entre agencias.", "sentence2": "Los requisitos de seguridad no compartimentan demasiado la información.", "promptID": "1645_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4934_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La vida puede ser endemoniadamente compleja, suspiró.", "sentence2": "Él dejó escapar un signo de resignación.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2494_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las cosas no le habían ido nada bien en los últimos quince días desde que aceptó la comisión del Rey.", "sentence2": "Durmió profundamente por la noche sabiendo que había rechazado el encargo del Rey.", "promptID": "789_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2365_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pitt, que observó la escena desde la barandilla del cuarto de baño, nos dice que su señoría tenía la voz tan grave como un pastor de un ahorcamiento.", "sentence2": "Pitt juró que no pudo vislumbrar la escena.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2279_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Tu inversión mantiene la alta calidad de todos los aspectos del museo y hace posibles nuevos logros.", "sentence2": "Las inversiones más grandes son más útiles para el Museo.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5426_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Entonces, también en los trópicos cubanos, acaba de haber un día tan bello como la gloria, frío como la tumba.", "sentence2": "Cuba está en los trópicos.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6581_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "es solo que desde que estoy apretado con el dinero ahora mismo ni siquiera me doy un gusto", "sentence2": "No tengo mucho dinero en este momento.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1345_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Entonces, también en los trópicos cubanos, acaba de haber un día tan bello como la gloria, frío como la tumba.", "sentence2": "Cuba está en el Ártico.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6580_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Que dicho terror aterrorice a aquellos esclavos del error terrenal, pues el horror de estas imágenes cuenta lo que les espera.", "sentence2": "Esas personas serán asesinadas inmediatamente.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3273_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las nueve agencias que respondieron informan su participación en un", "sentence2": "Estas nueve agencias están complacidas de tener un nivel de participación tan alto.", "promptID": "1272_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3816_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "No quiero entrar en la Tercera SS que es el Tercer Escuadrón de Apoyo Estratégico.", "sentence2": "El Tercer SS es el peor escuadrón posible.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "288_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No es posible conocer la extensión o dirección de la tendencia en el cambio de incidencia total basado en la aplicación general de una sola función C-R en cualquier parte.", "sentence2": "No puedes saber cuánto prejudicio hay.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3852_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De las fotocopias detectadas en los primeros momentos de la llegada del euro, se ha pasado a auténticas obras de arte con gran parecido al original.", "sentence2": "Los billetes del euro se falsifican con facilidad.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1159_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "No voy a entrar ahora en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad con respecto a los hechos de la realidad ni a sus paradojas.", "sentence2": "Alguien ha entrado en disquisiciones lógicas sobre lo que es mentira o verdad.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1926_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cómo atraparlos y retenerlos el mayor tiempo posible.", "sentence2": "Hacer el trabajo con la efectividad máxima.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1618_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para evitar sabores rancios o cortezas innecesarias, el jamón ha de tener siempre el borde limpio y perfilado, independientemente del tiempo que se tarde en consumir.", "sentence2": "El jamón no se rancia", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2289_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Otra conclusión: en lo poco que se ha avanzado en el tema cancer es en la detección precoz y en factores de riesgo.", "sentence2": "En la investigación del cancer se ha avanzado sobre todo en detección precoz y en factores de riesgo.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "825_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Suponen que este es el mayor meteorito que ha atravesado nunca la Península.", "sentence2": "Parece ser que es el mayor meteorito en atravesar la Península.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "308_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si no se puede hacer que lo justo tenga fuerza, como decía Pascal (de quien es el título de este artículo), al menos podríamos no pretender que lo que tiene fuerza es, solo por eso, justo.", "sentence2": "Pascual no escribe artículos.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1667_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al igual que Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market es también lugar de visita y compra para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Hay al menos dos mercados que compran para los grandes restauradores de la ciudad.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "227_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El gusanillo de la interpretación le viene de familia.", "sentence2": "Ha sido la primera persona de la familia que se relaciona con la interpretación.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2256_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se trata del cáncer de piel más agresivo y de peor pronóstico, por eso su diagnóstico precoz \"es muy importante\", señala el doctor Miguel Aizpún, especialista en dermatología y alergias.", "sentence2": "El doctor Miguel Aizpún tiene cáncer de piel.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1069_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La neutralidad de la Red no está tan relacionada con la libertad de Internet como con la lucha de algunas empresas del mundo Internet, que en general no son europeas, por afianzar su poder frente a las principales empresas que invierten en redes de telecomunicaciones.", "sentence2": "Todas las empresas de Internet son europeas.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1369_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los 21 miembros del Panel serán funcionarios de alto nivel, representantes del sector privado y de la sociedad civil, tanto de países desarrollados como de naciones en desarrollo, diversos y \"equilibrados geográficamente\".", "sentence2": "Los 21 miembros del Panel provienen de distintos países y actores sociales.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1261_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y después dice que tiene un piso de su propiedad en alquiler, del cual se tiene que sacar un buen dinerillo al mes (los alquileres no son precisamente baratos), aparte de las chapucillas de los ordenadores y lo que le pagan en el equipo de fútbol.", "sentence2": "Tiene más de una fuente de ingresos.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "445_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Este material, denominado pellet, genera un rendimiento calorífico alto, por lo que este tipo de estufas comienza a ser una opción destacada para calentar el hogar.", "sentence2": "El pellet es mejor que la madera.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1434_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En la UE, el 65% de las que se han notificado durante el año 2007 proceden de productos originarios de la UE, mientras que el resto se han originado fuera de la frontera comunitaria, especialmente de China, el país no europeo con una mayor tasa de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud, con un 12% de notificaciones de información., un mensaje que se produce cuando, a diferencia de la alerta, no existe necesidad de acción inmediata, aunque sí como prevención futura.", "sentence2": "Existen productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud alrededor de todo el mundo.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1149_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Otra mentira fascista que consiguió eco entre los sectores atrasados de la población es que los judíos controlan el gobierno y el parlamento.", "sentence2": "Los fascistas siempre dicen la verdad.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "721_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Edito: Lo de la Agustina que está hablando ahora, es como para plantarse mañana en la oficina y liarse a escopetazos.", "sentence2": "Mañana podría haber heridos o incluso muertos", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "814_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles lo resolvió en 1996 con el divorcio de la pareja y dictó una serie de condiciones nada beneficiosas para Banderas, quien, en aquellos momentos, quería evitar cualquier tipo de enfrentamiento con su ex mujer.", "sentence2": "La pareja tenía 3 hijos", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2222_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una encuesta revela que las chicas madrileñas son más tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "sentence2": "La encuesta también analiza posibles comportamientos racistas", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "474_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Con algunos kilos de más y luciendo un look bastante informal, el protagonista de 'Gladiator' se deshizo en mimos y atenciones con sus dos pequeños por las calles de Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "El protagonista de 'Gladiator' paseó por las calles de Beverly Hills con un look bastante informal y dando una imagen de padre atento.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2129_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Desde las alturas del poder, hay quienes declaran las canciones de Mejía Godoy sujetas a confiscación, como si se tratara de un hato de ganado, de un banco, o de una fábrica de productos lácteos.", "sentence2": "Las canciones de Mejía Godoy son afines a las alturas del poder", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1552_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Algunas buenas gentes han propuesto que esa palabra está hecha de otras dos: triste y dulce.", "sentence2": "La palabra está formada por alegría y amargura.", "promptID": "591_esxnli", "pairID": "1772_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Zapatero es un gran aficionado al fútbol y después del jarro de agua fría de no ser sede de los Juego Olímpicos de 2016, ha mostrado su apoyo a la candidatura para ser la sede del Mundial de Fútbol de 2018.", "sentence2": "La alegría de Zapatero al ser aceptada como sede de los Juegos Olímpicos le ha llevado a mostrar su apoyo a la candidatura del Mundial 2018.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2438_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "V. Verdú solo ilustra -o documenta- con actuales encuentros multitudianrios festivos, lúdicos, poniéndolos en contraposición con otros -del pasado- no festivos sino, digamos, políticos o cívicos.", "sentence2": "V. Verdú trabaja en la ilustración", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1831_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En todo caso, afirmó que \"es el peor momento posible para vender, así que hay que intentar sobrevivir hasta que llegue la recuperación\".", "sentence2": "El autor de la frase cree que nos encontramos en uno de los peores momentos de la crisis", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "891_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Consideren también que el envío de más tropas estadounidenses a Irak parece correcto ahora que ha suscitado esperanzas racionales de que un Irak cooperador (a tres partes) avanza hacia el autogobierno, algo que podría justificar una futura retirada del Ejército estadounidense de ese país.", "sentence2": "Hay 13.000 soldados en Irak.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "720_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Durante tiempo, en cada casa que he vivido en el este de EE.UU incluso en Chicago he querido plantar un par de ellos a los lados del frente de la casa, pero nunca los he en contrado.", "sentence2": "Los pinos son difíciles de plantar en el este de EE.UU.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1601_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Informaros, culturizaros un poco y llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que un servidor llegó hace mucho tiempo.", "sentence2": "Si os informáis y culturizáis jamás llegaréis a las conclusiones a las que llegué hace mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "384_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Fue este verano cuando Cynthia decidió separarse del deportista, un proceso en el que consiguieron llegar a un acuerdo \"amistoso\", según informaron sus respectivos abogados sin dar demasiados detalles al respecto.", "sentence2": "Cynthia ha mantenido una relación sentimental con un deportista.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2486_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para Rafaeli, la experiencia ha sido una \"aventura\".", "sentence2": "Rafaeli ha vivido una aventura", "promptID": "119_esxnli", "pairID": "357_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aunque, \"ojo, el anterior dejó bien plantaditas y abonadas las semillas del desastre\".", "sentence2": "Si no hacemos nada, todo ira bien.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "951_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En un planeta sin seres pensantes y sin seres sintientes no pasaría el tiempo, sólo pasarían las cosas.", "sentence2": "Con sólo seres pensantes en el planeta pasaría el tiempo.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1513_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A pesar de la gravedad, se recuperó pronto y en julio del mismo año recibía el alta médica.", "sentence2": "Sufríó una enfermedad coronaria", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2053_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Máxima escuchó cuáles eran sus proyectos y estuvo conversando un rato con estas futuras empresarias y pudo conocer de primera mano los problemas a los que se enfrentan en el mercado económico turco.", "sentence2": "Máxima esta interesada en el mercado económico turco.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2258_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "3 NOVIEMBRE 2000 Fue la musa de Chanel durante siete años.", "sentence2": "Fue la musa de Chanel", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2085_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una encuesta revela que las chicas madrileñas son más tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "sentence2": "Según la encuesta, las chicas son menos tolerantes con el colectivo gay.", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "473_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "De todas formas, ni el Real Mazdrid ni el Sevilla van a alcanzar al Barcelona.", "sentence2": "El Barcelona está por detrás del Sevilla.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "84_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ya que la justicia no abarca el universo entero, podría decirse, por lo menos reina en África, afortunado continente.", "sentence2": "La justicia está en todas partes.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1692_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En este caso una entidad financiera (la CAM concretamente) que se quedo en dación la promoción, salvo que no llegase a entregar toda el dinero de la hipoteca, cosa que no es probable, porque la práctica habitual en el sector es ir pagando los intereses de las hipotecas (para evitar su entrada en mora) con las entregas pendientes en aquellas promociones con margen suficiente (hace ya mucho tiempo que la norma en el sector es que el promotor ni huele el dinero, el banco hace la entrega directamente al constructor) y se suele apurar hasta el final para no declarar mora y no provisionar.", "sentence2": "La entitdad financiera obtuvo como pago la promocíon.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "747_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La actriz ha decidido además relatar su lucha contra el cáncer en un documental de dos horas que difundirá la cadena de televisión estadounidense NCB el viernes 15 de mayo.", "sentence2": "El documental mezcla el inglés con el idioma materno de la actriz.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2460_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Oksana y Mel no sólo esperan con ilusión el lanzamiento del álbum, sino también la llegada de su primer hijo en común.", "sentence2": "El primer hijo en común de Oksana y Mel será bienvenido", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2137_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El futbolista, sin embargo, pretende recuperar el control total de estos derechos y podría estar esperando, por consejo de sus agentes, un contrato con otro club europeo o, en última instancia, un proyecto en Estados Unidos, donde el Los Angeles Galaxy le daría el cien por cien del control de sus derechos de imagen y, de paso, podría acompañar a su esposa Victoria en una aventura cinematográfica.", "sentence2": "El futbolista comparte sus derechos de imagen a partes iguales con su actual club", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2457_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Le deso suerte en tan delicado partido.", "sentence2": "Se trata de un partido delicado.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "415_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Al acercarse la Navidad todos queremos mostrar nuestra mejor cara.", "sentence2": "El día de Navidad es cuando la gente da más ayuda al necesitado.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2273_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y si acabó exiliándose a Francia y viviendo en Burdeos fue por su incompatibilidad con el régimen absolutista (\"¡vivan las cadenas!\") de Fernando VII, enemigo de la inteligencia, restaurador de la censura y la Inquisición, creador de las escuelas taurinas y gran promotor de las corridas de toros.", "sentence2": "Vivió en Burdeos durante el régimen de Fernando VII.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1808_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Si aún vivierais y desearais todavía satisfacer en mi vuestra venganza, habríais de saber que la habéis logrado mucho mejor dejándome conservar la vida que aniquilándome.", "sentence2": "Dejando conservar la vida es una venganza mayor que aniquilar la vida.", "promptID": "563_esxnli", "pairID": "1689_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cada una de sus apariciones públicas se convierte, sin ella pretenderlo, en un acontecimiento de gran trascendencia.", "sentence2": "Las apariciones públicas son de un acontecimiento de gran trascedencia social pero no política.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2409_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Valderas, acompañado por miembros de la coalición, entre los que se encontraba la portavoz parlamentaria de IU, Concha Caballero, visiblemente afectada, indicó a los periodistas que \"nadie puede poner en duda este Estatuto, entre otras cosas, porque el 'no' ha sido derrotado rotundamente\".", "sentence2": "Valderas hizo las declaraciones acompañado por miembros de la coalición", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "378_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No merece otra cosa que le llenen este blgs suyo donde anuncia sus libros como vulgar mercader, de cientos de respuestas de gentes que amamos y respetamos el arte en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones, incuida la historieta.", "sentence2": "Los amantes del arte van a llenar el blog de respuestas.", "promptID": "596_esxnli", "pairID": "1786_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cualquier detalle se ha cuidado al máximo.", "sentence2": "El trabajo llega a niveles de detalle", "promptID": "799_esxnli", "pairID": "2396_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los 21 miembros del Panel serán funcionarios de alto nivel, representantes del sector privado y de la sociedad civil, tanto de países desarrollados como de naciones en desarrollo, diversos y \"equilibrados geográficamente\".", "sentence2": "En el Panel, los representates de los países no están equilibradas geográficamente.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1262_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Es cierto que la cultura gallega necesita un proyecto de internacionalización (visite varios blogs gallegos y verá que hay una interesante discusión abierta al respecto) pero no cabe duda que ese proyecto es harto complicado si desde un grupo mediático, se ponen trancas y barrancas, y a sabiendas del error (el de Juan Cruz, perdonable) solo se percibe acusaciones de sectarios por parte de otro \"intelectual\".", "sentence2": "La cultura gallega necesita una proyección internacional pero este proyecto es muy complicado, más aún si se perciben acusaciones de sectarios.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1758_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cuando rompa el hervor, dejar a fuego manso hasta que estén tiernas.", "sentence2": "Se pondrán blanditas al de un rato.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2061_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Al igual que sucediera con los afectados por el terremoto que azotó Haití el pasado mes de enero, en esta ocasión y debido al seísmo que este sábado se ha producido en Chile, los rostros conocidos no están tardando en prestar su ayuda.", "sentence2": "Ningún famoso está ayudando en las tareas para mitigar los efectos del seísmo de Chile.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2039_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El mal del nacionalismo es que invierten estos términos y consideran la existencia de una identidad metafísica, la nación, que no es más que la consecuencia de la unión mística entre un determinado territorio y una cultura específica.", "sentence2": "El mal del nacionalismo es a causa de la desunión mística entre un determinado territorio y una cultura específica.", "promptID": "541_esxnli", "pairID": "1621_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según afirma el autor, Michael Jackson vivió de forma caótica sus últimos días, que estuvieron marcados por la lectura de la Biblia y por la audición de músicas tan dispares como la clásica y la de los Gipsy King -a la que no solía ser muy aficionado.", "sentence2": "Mikel Jakson vivió de forma caótica sus últimos días", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2312_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "2.- Alguien que con poco conocimiento y un poquito de dinero extra se cree el rey del mambo y se mete en compras a precios de auténtica salvajada... aunque TODOS sabemos que no lo va a acabar de pagar y se lo van a quitar todo.", "sentence2": "A pesar de tener poco conocimiento terminará de pagar todas las compras", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "623_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta, por supuesto, debe ser compleja y debemos guardarla escrita, en un lugar seguro y jamás en un documento que esté albergado en el ordenador.", "sentence2": "Hay que tener cuidado con los documentos y las claves.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1075_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La emperatriz, esposa del emperador Akihito y que desde hace dos años sufre una ligera gastritis, ha tenido úlceras en la boca y ha sangrado varias veces por la nariz.", "sentence2": "La emperatriz está felizmente casada.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "461_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En la UE, el 65% de las que se han notificado durante el año 2007 proceden de productos originarios de la UE, mientras que el resto se han originado fuera de la frontera comunitaria, especialmente de China, el país no europeo con una mayor tasa de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud, con un 12% de notificaciones de información., un mensaje que se produce cuando, a diferencia de la alerta, no existe necesidad de acción inmediata, aunque sí como prevención futura.", "sentence2": "China está libre de productos derivados de pescado sospechosos de riesgo para la salud.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1148_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La emperatriz, esposa del emperador Akihito y que desde hace dos años sufre una ligera gastritis, ha tenido úlceras en la boca y ha sangrado varias veces por la nariz.", "sentence2": "La emperatriz está enferma.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "460_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Suponen que este es el mayor meteorito que ha atravesado nunca la Península.", "sentence2": "El meteorito lo controlaron desde la NASA, para que no chocase contra la tierra.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "309_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según ha explicado, \"podríamos estar llegando al final del ajuste de cantidades\" tras el exceso de producción de viviendas durante los años del 'boom', lo que, teniendo en cuenta que históricamente los ajustes del 'ladrillo' en España se realizan en este ámbito, supondría que \"el grueso (del ajuste) está hecho\".", "sentence2": "Los bancos otorgaban créditos muy fácil.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "754_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En ese mismo trimestre, los dos juzgados ingresaron 965 asuntos penales y, a pesar de lograr tramitar 996 (muchos de ellos de los periodos anteriores y a fuerza de horas extra), a final de los tres meses aún había 422 pendientes, según los últimos datos del Consejo General del Poder Judicial.", "sentence2": "Los juzgados tramitan a tiempo todos los asuntos penales que ingresan", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "106_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Valderas, acompañado por miembros de la coalición, entre los que se encontraba la portavoz parlamentaria de IU, Concha Caballero, visiblemente afectada, indicó a los periodistas que \"nadie puede poner en duda este Estatuto, entre otras cosas, porque el 'no' ha sido derrotado rotundamente\".", "sentence2": "Valderas hizo las declaraciones él en solitario", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "376_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta es su principal lucha; para conseguir la Invalidez Permanente los afectados deben de interponer una demanda en los Juzgados de lo Social y ganar el correspondiente juicio.", "sentence2": "La interposición de la demanda conlleva automáticamente la concesión de Invalidez Permanente", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1043_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En verano, descamisados, los cuellos se ofrecen a la vista con generosidad.", "sentence2": "En verano pas personas no cubren el cuello con la ropa.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1989_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según ha explicado, \"podríamos estar llegando al final del ajuste de cantidades\" tras el exceso de producción de viviendas durante los años del 'boom', lo que, teniendo en cuenta que históricamente los ajustes del 'ladrillo' en España se realizan en este ámbito, supondría que \"el grueso (del ajuste) está hecho\".", "sentence2": "Los ajustes del 'ladrillo' no se realizan en este ámbito.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "756_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Valderas, acompañado por miembros de la coalición, entre los que se encontraba la portavoz parlamentaria de IU, Concha Caballero, visiblemente afectada, indicó a los periodistas que \"nadie puede poner en duda este Estatuto, entre otras cosas, porque el 'no' ha sido derrotado rotundamente\".", "sentence2": "Los priodistas creyeron a Valderas", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "377_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Actualmente, tres de cada cuatro cerdos ibéricos puros de alimentación exclusiva con bellotas sacrificados en la última campaña son 5J.", "sentence2": "La calidad de los cerdos ibéricos de la útlima temporada es alta.", "promptID": "26_esxnli", "pairID": "78_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta semana, en Nueva York se ha presentado la estrella que encumbrará el árbol del Rockefeller Center neoyorquino.", "sentence2": "El árbol de Rockefeller Center sera encumbrado por una estrella.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2122_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La diversidad de legislaciones, por ejemplo, más que ahondar su división, lo que hace es permitir que convivan dentro de un mismo país diferentes modos de entender su organización.", "sentence2": "La diversidad de legislaciones trae mejoras en la educación.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "563_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y si acabó exiliándose a Francia y viviendo en Burdeos fue por su incompatibilidad con el régimen absolutista (\"¡vivan las cadenas!\") de Fernando VII, enemigo de la inteligencia, restaurador de la censura y la Inquisición, creador de las escuelas taurinas y gran promotor de las corridas de toros.", "sentence2": "Se exilio a Burdeos por no estar de acuerdon con las ideas de Fernando VII.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1807_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En cuanto a poetas y novelistas, el único de relieve es Jünger, en cuyo libro Tempestades de acero, Hitler ve un modelo para sus propias memorias de la Primera Guerra Mundial, obra que nunca llegó a escribir.", "sentence2": "Jünger era alemán", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1940_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Cuando sólo se habla de ellos están creando una equivocada imagen de la realidad.", "sentence2": "El espejo les da la imagen de la realidad.", "promptID": "405_esxnli", "pairID": "1213_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Despúes del infierno que nos hicieron pasar en el pedregal ese que osaron llamar \"parque\" ahora se lucen teniendo que buscarse la vida uno como un gilipoyas para conseguir entradas para 1 día!!!", "sentence2": "La experiencia en el parque fue inolvidable.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "242_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El Estado español se gasta cada año casi 500.000 millones e ingresa algo menos de 400.000 millones (redondeo grueso).", "sentence2": "El estado español gasta más que ingresa.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "934_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado, con sus calles abiertas al mar y sus coloristas casas de pescadores, es difícil de olvidar.", "sentence2": "Su típica estampa de pueblo marinero abalconado, con su iglesia románica, es difícil de olvidar.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2474_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El primero es una suculenta indemnización ya pactada de 85 días por año trabajado, sin límite de antigüedad (la media ronda los 15 años y el salario bruto, los 1.200 euros).", "sentence2": "La indemnización tiene límite de antigüedad.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "25_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El hecho de que volvamos a Brasil a luchar por él otra vez lo hace aún más importante.", "sentence2": "Nunca volveremos a Brasil", "promptID": "82_esxnli", "pairID": "244_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La diversidad de legislaciones, por ejemplo, más que ahondar su división, lo que hace es permitir que convivan dentro de un mismo país diferentes modos de entender su organización.", "sentence2": "Diferentes legislaciones dan lugar a la heterogeneidad.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "564_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En cuanto a poetas y novelistas, el único de relieve es Jünger, en cuyo libro Tempestades de acero, Hitler ve un modelo para sus propias memorias de la Primera Guerra Mundial, obra que nunca llegó a escribir.", "sentence2": "Jünger escribió el libro Tempestades de acero", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1939_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero hay asuntos que son de menos broma, por desgracia es así; se invaden países, sin ir más lejos, en fin, no hace falta endilgar una lista casi interminable y más que evidente de temas que no son ninguna broma.", "sentence2": "Hay temas preocupantes", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1503_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La IEC es la organización mundial que prepara y publica los estándares internacionales para las tecnologías eléctricas, electrónicas y conexas, conocidas en inglés bajo el paraguas de la palabra \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "La IEC tiene más de 100 años de antigüedad", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1129_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y te vas a otra operadora y es lo mismo... ¡somos unos peleles para todos las compañías de comunicación!", "sentence2": "Tengo un contrato con una compañía de telecomunicación.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "409_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según afirma el autor, Michael Jackson vivió de forma caótica sus últimos días, que estuvieron marcados por la lectura de la Biblia y por la audición de músicas tan dispares como la clásica y la de los Gipsy King -a la que no solía ser muy aficionado.", "sentence2": "El autor admira la conducta de Michael Jackson en sus ültimos días", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2313_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El nuevo sistema de redistribución hará que tres cuartas partes de lo que se recaude en las comunidades autónomas -y no todo, como ocurría con el modelo actual- se meta una \"bolsa común\", como la llamó Salgado.", "sentence2": "tTres cuartas partes se meterá en una bolsa común", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1126_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ningún animal, sin embargo, podría encaramarse a la torre Eiffel porque ella misma ya es un animal y no ha producido crías.", "sentence2": "La torre Eiffel no tiene descendencia.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1654_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles lo resolvió en 1996 con el divorcio de la pareja y dictó una serie de condiciones nada beneficiosas para Banderas, quien, en aquellos momentos, quería evitar cualquier tipo de enfrentamiento con su ex mujer.", "sentence2": "Banderas nunca se ha casado", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2221_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pilar estaba mucho tiempo sola en la casa y disfrutaba estando en ella, sin más compañía que los lujos que la rodeaban.", "sentence2": "Pilar permanecía sola mucho tiempo.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "775_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La previsión de la UE es aprobar una variedad de maíz transgénico (el BT-11 de Syngenta) antes de fin de año.", "sentence2": "El BT-11 de Syngenta es altamente perjudicial para la salud.", "promptID": "396_esxnli", "pairID": "1187_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El vocalista de la banda de rock Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, atraviesa un momento bastante triste.", "sentence2": "Steven Tyler es uno de los miembros de la banda de rock Aerosmith", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2405_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los primeros estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1997 revelaron que todos los afectados por la enfermedad habían sufrido síntomas psiquiátricos, entre ellos depresión, ansiedad y cambios de humor, aunque no deben tomarse como específicos de la ECJ.", "sentence2": "los enfermos de ECJ sufrieron depresión.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1417_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La admiro por la valentía y el empuje que demostró marchándose sola con su maleta a Hollywood.", "sentence2": "Ella se fue a Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2378_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En ese mismo trimestre, los dos juzgados ingresaron 965 asuntos penales y, a pesar de lograr tramitar 996 (muchos de ellos de los periodos anteriores y a fuerza de horas extra), a final de los tres meses aún había 422 pendientes, según los últimos datos del Consejo General del Poder Judicial.", "sentence2": "Los juzgados tienen dificultades para tramitar todos los asuntos penales que ingresan", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "107_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El vehículo se estampó contra la mediana a la altura del falso túnel de Carlos Haya, una de las zonas en las que normalmente se forman retenciones.", "sentence2": "El vehículo tuvo un accidente contra la mediana.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "64_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El trío de estrellas se encontraba disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena en el lujoso establecimiento cuando se percataron de que allí mismo otra estrella de Hollywood hacía exactamente lo mismo.", "sentence2": "En un modesto establecimiento, el trío de estrellas y otra estrella estaban disfrutando tranquilamente de una suculenta cena.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1996_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsable de la CAR-CCR, matiza que se trata de un centro piloto, de cuya eficacia depende la proliferación de más centros especializados de este tipo en el conjunto de la red pública.", "sentence2": "El centro piloto tiene capacidad para 30 personas.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1414_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La emperatriz, esposa del emperador Akihito y que desde hace dos años sufre una ligera gastritis, ha tenido úlceras en la boca y ha sangrado varias veces por la nariz.", "sentence2": "La emperatriz goza de plena salud.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "462_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La crisis parece gigantesca pero sin cálculo posible.", "sentence2": "No hay crisis que sea imposible de calcular.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1930_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Dos aspectos destacaban: que muchos países no recogen esa información de manera sistemática, y que España está a la \"cola\" de Europa en este asunto.", "sentence2": "Cada país recoge esa información de manera diferente", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "289_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El portugués Banco Espirito Santo es otra de las entidades que quiere avanzar en banca patrimonial.", "sentence2": "Banco Espirito Santo no es una entidad bancaria portuguesa.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1326_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El simulacro ideológico sería la forma de transmitir aquéllo, las ideas que lo vehículan (con perdón del palabro) Pero son interpretaciones de lo que escribe otro, arriesgadas por falta de datos.", "sentence2": "Las interpretaciones de lo que escriben otros son arriesgadas", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1957_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Otra mentira fascista que consiguió eco entre los sectores atrasados de la población es que los judíos controlan el gobierno y el parlamento.", "sentence2": "Los judíos tienen mucho dinero.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "722_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Al acercarse la Navidad todos queremos mostrar nuestra mejor cara.", "sentence2": "La gente en navidad intenta ser más amable y atento.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2274_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es aquí donde nos ha hablado de cómo se encuentra su corazón, del que dice que está muy tranquilo y feliz.", "sentence2": "Ha pasado por una grave enfermedad el último año", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2483_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Los ojos grises del joven maestro lo rozaron.", "sentence2": "El joven lo observó durante un minuto exactamente.", "promptID": "935_xnli.test", "pairID": "2803_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La defensa implacable del ministro Gustav Noske llamó a 4000 Freikorps (soldados de asalto de derechas) para reventar el movimiento.", "sentence2": "Noske quiso que el movimiento se detuviera antes de perder el poder.", "promptID": "1102_xnli.test", "pairID": "3304_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y en este momento, el tonto quijotesco corre hacia el peligro en nuestro nombre.", "sentence2": "Se dirigirá al peligro nuevamente mañana.", "promptID": "943_xnli.test", "pairID": "2829_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "96 Y los padres y entrenadores que critican en lugar de alentar y no permiten que los jugadores se olviden de la derrota, provocan ansiedad intensa en algunos jóvenes.", "sentence2": "A las mujeres de hoy les gusta tener una esbelta estructura corporal.", "promptID": "666_xnli.test", "pairID": "1997_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y por todo eso no perdió nada de su rígida compostura externa, el miedo invadió su corazón.", "sentence2": "Su compostura permaneció firme mientras su corazón se llenaba de alivio.", "promptID": "889_xnli.test", "pairID": "2666_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Numerosos oficiales respondieron para ayudar a los civiles heridos y para instar a los que podían caminar a abandonar el área de inmediato.", "sentence2": "Los oficiales acordonaron el área y se negaron a permitir que alguien entrara o saliera.", "promptID": "1602_xnli.test", "pairID": "4805_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los hilos de trece colores de la magnífica alfombra simbolizan las trece colonias originales de esta nación.", "sentence2": "La alfombra tiene cincuenta colores, representando a los grandes estados de esta nación.", "promptID": "1850_xnli.test", "pairID": "5548_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Rudolph Giuliani defiende su gestión en el asunto del a Amadou Diallo en Newsweek. [El Departamento de Policía de Nueva York] no es el KKK, comenta.", "sentence2": "Rudolph Giuliani hizo una declaración a la revista Newsweek sobre su manejo del tiroteo de Amadou Diallo.", "promptID": "2077_xnli.test", "pairID": "6231_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La principal conclusión a sacar de nuestra simulación es que los agentes autónomos acoplándose a uno o más procesos autocatalíticos y de trabajo son una perfectamente razonable, si bien novedosa, forma de desequilibrio, red de reacción química abierta.", "sentence2": "Podemos sacar una conclusión de la simulación que hicimos en el ordenador.", "promptID": "584_xnli.test", "pairID": "1751_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Eso, yo era el único 922 que era hombre de soporte vital, el otro hombre era un apoyo fisiológico.", "sentence2": "Un hombre dio apoyo fisiológico.", "promptID": "149_xnli.test", "pairID": "447_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "61 - Los empleados federales pueden estar cubiertos por los programas de seguro social, como Security62 y Medicare bajo los mismos términos y condiciones que el resto de la población cubierta.", "sentence2": "Los empleados federales aceptan los mismos términos y condiciones que el resto de la población asegurada.", "promptID": "1444_xnli.test", "pairID": "4330_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Veo, señor, que todavía no entiende las circunstancias.", "sentence2": "Entendió la situación completa y muy claramente.", "promptID": "901_xnli.test", "pairID": "2701_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La salida de Lamar Alexander es digna de mención, aunque no llega al punto de ser ilógica.", "sentence2": "La salida de Lamar Alexander no es popular dentro del grupo.", "promptID": "2088_xnli.test", "pairID": "6262_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Teníamos trajes completos de presión en el avión, como los que usaban los astronautas, excepto que el nuestro era totalmente plateado, plateado, con bota y todo, para reflejar el calor, por supuesto.", "sentence2": "Nuestros trajes eran los mismos que los de los astronautas, excepto para reflejar el calor, los nuestros eran plateados.", "promptID": "69_xnli.test", "pairID": "206_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "no lo sé, pero sigue pensando como en el campo cuando dijo eso pensé qué", "sentence2": "Creo que fue en el país.", "promptID": "423_xnli.test", "pairID": "1267_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La mayoría de las casas tendrán un nacimiento preparado para las oraciones y los villancicos.", "sentence2": "Casi ningún hogar tiene montado un nacimiento.", "promptID": "686_xnli.test", "pairID": "2056_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Varias plantas de fuego hubieran superado la capacidad de extinción de incendios de las fuerzas disponibles", "sentence2": "Solo teníamos 2 extintores a mano.", "promptID": "1619_xnli.test", "pairID": "4856_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El terrorismo que alimentaron Bin Laden y al Qaeda era diferente a cualquier cosa a la que el gobierno se hubiera enfrentado.", "sentence2": "Era la primera vez que el gobierno se enfrentaba a este tipo de terrorismo.", "promptID": "1657_xnli.test", "pairID": "4970_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Observe cómo la pintura trampantojo en el bajo techo arqueado aspira a convertir la pequeña iglesia en una excelsa catedral gótica.", "sentence2": "La pintura aspira a convertir la iglesia en una catedral gótica.", "promptID": "1108_xnli.test", "pairID": "3322_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Por consiguiente, sé que te esfuerzas mucho para ser compasivo y cariñoso con otros.", "sentence2": "Sé que gastas mucho para pagar a las personas que te rodean y están hambrientas.", "promptID": "1985_xnli.test", "pairID": "5955_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Dominando la desembocadura de la bahía de Sant Antoni es la demacrada silueta de la isla de Coniera, o Conejera (que significa madriguera de conejo o madriguera).", "sentence2": "Coniera tiene 3 millas cuadradas.", "promptID": "1079_xnli.test", "pairID": "3235_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "E igualmente indiscutiblemente, la econósfera se ha vuelto más compleja en los últimos millones de años de evolución homínida.", "sentence2": "La econosfera de los humanos modernos es mucho más sencilla que la de los homínidos antiguos.", "promptID": "747_xnli.test", "pairID": "2240_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La supervisión por parte del Congreso en inteligencia y lucha contra el terrorismo ahora presenta deficiencias.", "sentence2": "El Congreso nunca ha tenido la supervisión de inteligencia ni de contraterrorismo.", "promptID": "1643_xnli.test", "pairID": "4927_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "En ese momento se abrió un camino entre las filas de hombres, y a través de él vino la señorita Bishop seguida por su ochavona.", "sentence2": "La señorita Bishop caminó a través de un grupo de hombres.", "promptID": "805_xnli.test", "pairID": "2413_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En ese momento se abrió un camino entre las filas de hombres, y a través de él vino la señorita Bishop seguida por su ochavona.", "sentence2": "La señora Bishop caminaba entre un grupo de veinte hombres.", "promptID": "805_xnli.test", "pairID": "2414_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La sangre y el flujo no son como la comida,", "sentence2": "La comida es más como rocas y árboles que sangre o crecida.", "promptID": "2345_xnli.test", "pairID": "7035_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Tras el impacto, muchos fueron asesinados o gravemente heridos; otros resultaron relativamente ilesos.", "sentence2": "Mucha gente murió en el impacto.", "promptID": "1617_xnli.test", "pairID": "4850_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me pregunto, ahora, dijo en breve, si la jugarreta está funcionando en ti.", "sentence2": "Él nunca cuestionó si la travesura era obra tuya.", "promptID": "972_xnli.test", "pairID": "2914_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El Comité de Desarrollo de IMA reunirá todas las promesas recibidas hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1998, dólar por dólar.", "sentence2": "El IMA dejará de igualar las promesas el 25 de diciembre de 1998.", "promptID": "1933_xnli.test", "pairID": "5798_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El tono de la enmienda sigue siendo respetuoso con el control de los estados sobre el proceso electoral, incluso para las oficinas nacionales.", "sentence2": "Los estados cambian su proceso electoral cuando lo consideran apropiado.", "promptID": "740_xnli.test", "pairID": "2218_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ah, y si luego tratas de sacarlo de tu empresa pagarás un alto precio.", "sentence2": "Si sales un poquito de la corporación, en realidad puedes ahorrarte mucho dinero.", "promptID": "477_xnli.test", "pairID": "1430_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por otro lado, las partículas y las tres fuerzas no gravitacionales todavía tienen que incorporarse a una imagen de red de giro.", "sentence2": "Hay tres fuerzas no gravitatorias.", "promptID": "551_xnli.test", "pairID": "1653_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lo que la película no menciona es que Kaufman hablaba con frecuencia de cómo le gustaría llevar a cabo su propia muerte.", "sentence2": "La película tuvo una entrevista profunda con Kaufman sobre su muerte.", "promptID": "2004_xnli.test", "pairID": "6011_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "William Lowe Bryan, el presidente de IU, cuyo sueño de tener una universidad de amplia base llevó a fundar la Escuela de Medicina de IU en 1903.", "sentence2": "Bryan quería comenzar en una escuela de medicina para hacer sueños Universidad fuera más prominente.", "promptID": "1867_xnli.test", "pairID": "5601_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Abeam con el Arabella, al otro lado del puerto, eran los edificios blancos de cara plana de esa imponente ciudad que descendía hasta la orilla del agua.", "sentence2": "El Arabella llegó a una pequeña ciudad que estaba ubicada en una tierra yerma carente de vida.", "promptID": "815_xnli.test", "pairID": "2443_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El flujo de ahorro es esencial para acumular grandes grandes riquezas, por regla general, alguien que no ahorra nunca tendrá riquezas.", "sentence2": "Si no ahorras dinero en tu cuenta bancaria, no tendrás nada.", "promptID": "1319_xnli.test", "pairID": "3955_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La defensa implacable del ministro Gustav Noske llamó a 4000 Freikorps (soldados de asalto de derechas) para reventar el movimiento.", "sentence2": "Noske quería que las cosas continuaran de inmediato.", "promptID": "1102_xnli.test", "pairID": "3305_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Según el grupo central de seguridad de la información de la empresa, este proceso aumenta la conciencia de seguridad entre los gerentes comerciales, desarrolla el apoyo para los controles necesarios y ayuda a integrar las consideraciones de seguridad de la información en las operaciones comerciales de la organización.", "sentence2": "Este procedimiento suele considerarse perjudicial para la seguridad.", "promptID": "1362_xnli.test", "pairID": "4085_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "sabiendo todo el tiempo que, habiéndolo sabido, siempre habría conocido su voz tan singular y desgarrada", "sentence2": "Conozco esa voz porque le pertenece a mi madre.", "promptID": "2121_xnli.test", "pairID": "6363_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La Figura 4 muestra la curva de oferta de los servicios de trabajo compartido.", "sentence2": "Los servicios de trabajo compartido tienen ofertas diferentes.", "promptID": "1268_xnli.test", "pairID": "3804_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A menos de una milla del Arboretum, encontrará dos iglesias en el lado derecho de la carretera, respaldadas por cientos de tumbas familiares pintadas de blanco en la ladera.", "sentence2": "Las iglesias también son guarderías para niños.", "promptID": "1136_xnli.test", "pairID": "3406_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Dijo que si sus asesores le hubieran dicho que había una celda en Estados Unidos, se habrían trasladado para ocuparse del asunto.", "sentence2": "Nos habríamos encargado de la célula de EE. UU. si hubiésemos sabido que existía.", "promptID": "1729_xnli.test", "pairID": "5186_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Con base en esta evaluación de riesgos, Centrelink desarrolló una serie de estrategias de prevención destinadas a formar a los beneficiarios y empleadores sobre sus obligaciones a la hora de declarar ingresos.", "sentence2": "Centrelink no sabe cómo abordar el problema.", "promptID": "1286_xnli.test", "pairID": "3856_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ni siquiera entendió la ceremonia nupcial, ni siquiera sabía que se había casado, en serio--", "sentence2": "Sabía en lo que se estaba metiendo.", "promptID": "188_xnli.test", "pairID": "564_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "y tú eres la minoría y estás atrapado con esto, pero mmm...", "sentence2": "No eres una minoría.", "promptID": "383_xnli.test", "pairID": "1149_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En respuesta a la llamada de Richard Lederer al sometimiento en una competición de superoraciones de once palabras con la mayor gracia y coherencia [El glamour de la gramática, XVI, 4], yo ofrezco el", "sentence2": "Las reglas de un concurso de superfrases siempre requieren la presentación de oraciones con exactamente once palabras.", "promptID": "2371_xnli.test", "pairID": "7113_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para la necesidad de pasar de la necesidad de saber a la necesidad de compartir, ver el testimonio de James Steinberg, 14 de octubre de 2003.", "sentence2": "James Steinberg se mantuvo firme sobre que el intercambio de datos se debía evitar a toda costa.", "promptID": "1592_xnli.test", "pairID": "4775_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lo acepto como la única manera de salvarnos a todos de la destrucción cierta que mis propios actos hayan podido traer sobre nosotros.", "sentence2": "Aunque el problema no haya sido causado por voluntad propia, puedo rescataros a todos.", "promptID": "940_xnli.test", "pairID": "2820_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por el contrario, una oferta gubernamental de dinero no es coacción, y ni siquiera remotamente comparable a lo que sucede en China.", "sentence2": "El Gobierno claramente está sobornando a las personas mientras estas le den dinero.", "promptID": "2124_xnli.test", "pairID": "6372_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "así que hay muchas cosas como esa que hace Texas Instruments y que incluso la mayoría de los empleados no sabe que hace", "sentence2": "Texas Instruments fabrica bombas que son altamente secretas.", "promptID": "482_xnli.test", "pairID": "1445_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En cualquier caso, nos desplegamos, y puedo decir ahora que por este motivo nos desplegaron a Kadina, en Okinawa, y esto fue en 1968.", "sentence2": "Nunca terminamos desplegando a nadie.", "promptID": "223_xnli.test", "pairID": "668_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "¿CUÁL ES EL DESAFÍO PRINCIPAL?", "sentence2": "Desafiamos a la gente mayor a caminar una milla por día.", "promptID": "1958_xnli.test", "pairID": "5873_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Cerca de la acción original y todavía brindando el testimonio más vivo de los días de Klondike, la ciudad en auge de Dawson City cedió en 1951 al centro de transporte y comunicaciones de Whitehorse como capital territorial.", "sentence2": "Whitehorse era el nombre de una potente bebida alcohólica.", "promptID": "1125_xnli.test", "pairID": "3375_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Si pensamos que estamos sujetos a una cierta toma del mundo que prevaleció en 1787, 1791 o 1868, entonces deberíamos decidir qué sentimientos son importantes.", "sentence2": "En el año 1787, la gente pensaba que el mundo era plano.", "promptID": "616_xnli.test", "pairID": "1847_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Esta es la forma en la que se va el dinero...", "sentence2": "Nunca se sabe lo que sucede con el dinero.", "promptID": "2417_xnli.test", "pairID": "7251_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "ponerse en el camino del otro, sí señor", "sentence2": "Por supuesto, salirse del camino de los demás.", "promptID": "416_xnli.test", "pairID": "1246_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "En el centro del complejo, en las aguas protegidas de la laguna interior, hay un programa para nadar con los delfines.", "sentence2": "Podrá nadar con delfines que hacen alocados trucos.", "promptID": "1056_xnli.test", "pairID": "3167_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Una diferencia es que otros grupos necesitan hacerlo porque para funcionar deben asignar nuevos significados a las palabras y frases existentes o acuñar nuevas palabras y frases.", "sentence2": "Algunos grupos necesitan inventar nuevas palabras.", "promptID": "2469_xnli.test", "pairID": "7406_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Cerca de la acción original y todavía brindando el testimonio más vivo de los días de Klondike, la ciudad en auge de Dawson City cedió en 1951 al centro de transporte y comunicaciones de Whitehorse como capital territorial.", "sentence2": "Whitehorse era la capital del territorio.", "promptID": "1125_xnli.test", "pairID": "3374_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Allí, a no más de tres millas de distancia, había tierra, una pared irregular de intenso color verde que llenaba el horizonte occidental.", "sentence2": "La isla a la que se estaban acercando estaba inhabitada.", "promptID": "757_xnli.test", "pairID": "2270_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "El lago se encuentra a la sombra de varias montañas altas, incluyendo Scafell Pike, la más alta de Inglaterra a 977 m (3 205 pies).", "sentence2": "El pico de Scafell es un gran lugar para ver el lago.", "promptID": "1047_xnli.test", "pairID": "3141_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De pie junto al capitán Blood, miró hacia popa, siguiendo la indicación del capitán con la mano, y lanzó un grito de asombro.", "sentence2": "El Capitán Blood era notoriamente bueno en promoviendo la moral.", "promptID": "912_xnli.test", "pairID": "2734_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El comentario del análisis pedagógico del programa fomenta el cumplimiento y puede ser un disuasorio para las futuras malas conductas y los médicos son conscientes de que la HIC monitorea las solicitudes de reembolso anualmente.", "sentence2": "Todos los años HIC hace un seguimiento de los reembolsos.", "promptID": "1364_xnli.test", "pairID": "4092_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Resaltaron la importancia de la supervisión continua como medio para garantizar que los controles siguen siendo adecuados, que abordan los riesgos actuales y que no obstaculizan innecesariamente las operaciones. Además, el marco de supervisión es fundamental para comprobar que las personas que usan y mantienen los sistemas de información cumplen con las políticas de la organización.", "sentence2": "Dijeron que era importante estar vigilante cuando se tratara de los controles de las fábricas de noticias.", "promptID": "1368_xnli.test", "pairID": "4104_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh, oh Dios, bueno, eso suena como una aventura", "sentence2": "Parece una experiencia horrible.", "promptID": "294_xnli.test", "pairID": "882_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "De manera intuitiva, parece poco probable que un planeta como ese de entidades complejas e inertes podrían haberse alzado de manera instantánea desde el big bang.", "sentence2": "Dios creó el universo.", "promptID": "642_xnli.test", "pairID": "1924_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las agencias necesitan poder medir el éxito.", "sentence2": "Las agencias pueden saber si tienen éxito por la cantidad de dinero que recaudan.", "promptID": "1600_xnli.test", "pairID": "4799_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Esta es la forma en la que se va el dinero...", "sentence2": "Esa es la forma normal de las cosas con dinero.", "promptID": "2417_xnli.test", "pairID": "7249_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Esta es la forma en la que se va el dinero...", "sentence2": "Eso es lo que sucede con el dinero.", "promptID": "2417_xnli.test", "pairID": "7250_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El edificio construido sobre los barrios subterráneos de los guardias de las SS alberga la Topografía del Terror, una exposición de fotografías y documentos que ilustra conmovedoramente la vida de quienes resistieron el terror nazi.", "sentence2": "El edificio no tenía sótano.", "promptID": "1160_xnli.test", "pairID": "3478_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los problemas del uso de alcohol entre los pacientes heridos no son de la incumbencia del equipo de emergencias.", "sentence2": "El equipo de traumatología maneja principalmente problemas de alcohol.", "promptID": "1380_xnli.test", "pairID": "4139_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La chica que me puede ayudar está en la otra punta de la ciudad.", "sentence2": "La chica de la que necesito ayuda vive muy lejos.", "promptID": "19_xnli.test", "pairID": "55_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las líneas compuestas de cajas muestran el nivel de bienestar de todos los anuncios combinados y las líneas compuestas de diamantes muestran las pérdidas técnicas (si son negativas) de trasladar el trabajo a otra parte.", "sentence2": "Las líneas calculan que el nivel de bienestar de los que utilizan el correo es del 10 %.", "promptID": "1285_xnli.test", "pairID": "3853_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me supone una gran satisfacción invitarle a participar en el Círculo Interno Senatorial Republicano para celebrar nuestro espíritu en nuestra Convención Nacional Republicana en Houston, Texas, entre el 16 y el 20 de agosto.", "sentence2": "La convención nacional republicana siempre se realiza en abril.", "promptID": "1936_xnli.test", "pairID": "5808_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Con refuerzos, los españoles consiguieron establecer una cabeza de playa.", "sentence2": "Los españoles tenían 100 personas ayudando.", "promptID": "1094_xnli.test", "pairID": "3280_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Por tanto, a medida que aumenta la diversidad de objetos en la web, la diversidad de posibles nichos de nuevos bienes y servicios aumenta con más rapidez todavía.", "sentence2": "Cuantos más objetos haya en la web, más difícil se hace la existencia de nichos de mercado.", "promptID": "664_xnli.test", "pairID": "1990_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Mientras tanto La Fuerza Aérea compró el SR71, ahora el A-12, que estábamos trabajando con la CIA.", "sentence2": "La Fuerza Aérea compró 18 aviones.", "promptID": "166_xnli.test", "pairID": "496_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y esa es la maravillosa herramienta de los Programas Educativos del IRT: permite que los niños presencien historias que les enseñan a usar herramientas para la vida cotidiana y para la supervivencia", "sentence2": "Los Programas de Educación IRT ayudan a las personas mayores.", "promptID": "1912_xnli.test", "pairID": "5734_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Y se estremeció con el recuerdo.", "sentence2": "Ella estaba tratando de no pensar en el evento que tuvo lugar.", "promptID": "841_xnli.test", "pairID": "2522_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En lo mío no he hecho nada de lo que me avergüence, teniendo en cuenta la provocación que recibí. Su mirada vaciló, y cayó antes que la suya tan intensa.", "sentence2": "Estoy muy avergonzado de todo, necesito disculparme de inmediato.", "promptID": "816_xnli.test", "pairID": "2447_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los arabescos y las volutas de las molduras y los ornamentos arquitectónicos en un salón francés reflejaban los volantes que adornaban los vestidos de las mujeres y los volantes de las camisas de los hombres.", "sentence2": "Los vestidos de las mujeres tenían cintas.", "promptID": "671_xnli.test", "pairID": "2012_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Este es un simple desplazamiento desde el equilibrio, y un dispositivo simple, la escama de mica, se hará para hacer temblar, por lo tanto, extraer el trabajo mecánico.", "sentence2": "Algo ha sido desplazado del equilibrio.", "promptID": "555_xnli.test", "pairID": "1663_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Tras el impacto, muchos fueron asesinados o gravemente heridos; otros resultaron relativamente ilesos.", "sentence2": "Todos perdieron una extremidad en el impacto.", "promptID": "1617_xnli.test", "pairID": "4849_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¡PRODUCTOS RECIÉN LLEGADOS, CADA REGALO MARCA LA DIFERENCIA!", "sentence2": "Solo regalos a partir de $100 marcan la diferencia.", "promptID": "1782_xnli.test", "pairID": "5346_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hace unos 1400 años, antes de que el Palacio de Estei fuera construido, Milreu también fue la gran mansión de una persona eminente.", "sentence2": "Milreu estaba justo en el corazón de la ciudad.", "promptID": "1029_xnli.test", "pairID": "3087_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me pregunto, ahora, dijo en breve, si la jugarreta está funcionando en ti.", "sentence2": "La fuente de la travesura no fue solo tuya.", "promptID": "972_xnli.test", "pairID": "2916_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Así que quiero seguir, porque sé que si no lo hago, hay muchos problemas que puedo tener.", "sentence2": "Muchas cosas pueden salir mal si no sigues trabajando en eso.", "promptID": "459_xnli.test", "pairID": "1375_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La tecnolog��a está muy integrada en los procesos empresariales en estas organizaciones, porque se ve como una ventaja para el negocio, no solo una herramienta.", "sentence2": "El software de programación avanzada es una de las tecnologías clave en las que se centran las empresas.", "promptID": "1279_xnli.test", "pairID": "3835_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "La mirada del Capitán Blood recorrió las filas de aquellos tipos resueltos y de ojos fieros, luego se detuvo nuevamente en Ogle.", "sentence2": "El Capitán Sangre está ciego.", "promptID": "950_xnli.test", "pairID": "2849_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Sin embargo, la guia presupuestaria emitida al día siguiente destacó como prioridades los crímenes con armas de fuego, el narcotráfico y los derechos civiles.", "sentence2": "Muchas personas se opusieron a las prioridades establecidas en la orientación presupuestaria.", "promptID": "1722_xnli.test", "pairID": "5165_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Un bote que se había acercado y que había pasado desapercibido desde la orilla llegó rayando y chocando contra el gran casco rojo del Arabella, y una voz estridente lanzó un gran grito.", "sentence2": "El Arabella es un bote con un exterior rojo.", "promptID": "984_xnli.test", "pairID": "2951_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Para la acción encubierta, por supuesto, la Casa Blanca dependía del Centro Antiterrorista y la Dirección de Operaciones de la CIA.", "sentence2": "La Casa Blanca no tenía disponible ninguna agencia para manejar las operaciones encubiertas.", "promptID": "1545_xnli.test", "pairID": "4635_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El caso de Chavez es un reflejo de los descubrimientos de la encuesta de los servicios legales de Colorado, que informan que trabajadores migrantes en granjas en todo el estado están expuestos de manera habitual a pesticidas peligrosos en violación de leyes federales.", "sentence2": "El caso de Chavez se trataba de fiestas de té.", "promptID": "1345_xnli.test", "pairID": "4035_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pero tenía prisa por aterrizarte.", "sentence2": "La persona quería un amante.", "promptID": "827_xnli.test", "pairID": "2479_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Por lo tanto, irradiar alimentos parece seguro, efectivo y barato.", "sentence2": "Irradiar la comida parece útil.", "promptID": "2151_xnli.test", "pairID": "6453_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "El segundo punto de ataque es la afirmación de Omnes de que algunos observables no se pueden observar.", "sentence2": "Omnes dijo que puedes ver todo.", "promptID": "568_xnli.test", "pairID": "1702_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Es una hélice pequeño que fraguó una inyección, pero el tubo de presión de respiración del piloto y la contrapresión.", "sentence2": "El tornillo es pequeño y plateado.", "promptID": "139_xnli.test", "pairID": "416_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nada resalta de ninguno de ellos en cuanto a la única capa de seguridad relevante para la actual evaluación de puestos fronterizos.", "sentence2": "Se descubrió evidencia alarmante durante el cribado el análisis del punto de control.", "promptID": "1506_xnli.test", "pairID": "4516_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "sabiendo todo el tiempo que, habiéndolo sabido, siempre habría conocido su voz tan singular y desgarrada", "sentence2": "Conozco esa voz", "promptID": "2121_xnli.test", "pairID": "6362_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Aun así, París creó recientemente millas de carriles bici que cruzan toda la ciudad, aumentando de gran manera la seguridad de los ciclistas (y su popularidad).", "sentence2": "Todavía es increíblemente peligroso ir en bicicleta en París.", "promptID": "1095_xnli.test", "pairID": "3285_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La explosión mató a seis personas, hirió a otras 1000 y expuso vulnerabilidades en los planes de emergencia del World Trade Center y de toda la ciudad.", "sentence2": "Se tomaron medidas para abordar las preocupaciones de seguridad después de la explosión.", "promptID": "1707_xnli.test", "pairID": "5120_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El amor lo vence todo (a menos que trabajes para el Weekly Standard): Brit Hume (Fox News Sunday) especula sobre el porqué Lewinsky podría no... Todavía tiene un enamoramiento sin esperanza con el presidente.", "sentence2": "Brit Hume trabaja para Fox.", "promptID": "2001_xnli.test", "pairID": "6003_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Los padres que arrojan sus manos en la desesperación y buscan en los estantes de sus padres o abuelos para encontrar una visión más probada y verdadera se encontrarán atrapados en el mismo enigma.", "sentence2": "Debido a su exceso de ego, los padres nunca se dan por vencidos ni buscan otras pistas.", "promptID": "608_xnli.test", "pairID": "1822_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Binalshibh cree que el desacuerdo surgió en parte de las visitas de la familia de Jarrah.", "sentence2": "Jarrah estuvo metido en una pelea con su cuñado.", "promptID": "1749_xnli.test", "pairID": "5247_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Según el grupo central de seguridad de la información de la empresa, este proceso aumenta la conciencia de seguridad entre los gerentes comerciales, desarrolla el apoyo para los controles necesarios y ayuda a integrar las consideraciones de seguridad de la información en las operaciones comerciales de la organización.", "sentence2": "Tener mejor seguridad puede aumentar un 10 por ciento o más la eficiencia del lugar de trabajo.", "promptID": "1362_xnli.test", "pairID": "4084_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "claro, claro, no hagas todo lo posible y", "sentence2": "Necesitas pasar por todo el asunto.", "promptID": "304_xnli.test", "pairID": "912_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Qué campamento tiene razón implica unas enormes consecuencias en la salud pública.", "sentence2": "Al menos un campo tiene consecuencias de salud pública.", "promptID": "2191_xnli.test", "pairID": "6572_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mientras tanto La Fuerza Aérea compró el SR71, ahora el A-12, que estábamos trabajando con la CIA.", "sentence2": "La Fuerza Aérea no tenía ningún plan.", "promptID": "166_xnli.test", "pairID": "498_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La Alianza Auld, un tratado de acuerdo entre Francia y Escocia, nació.", "sentence2": "Francia y Escocia comparten un tratado conocido como la Alianza Auld.", "promptID": "2473_xnli.test", "pairID": "7417_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Como se observó en el capítulo anterior, debe haber algo de interacción en la entrada al posible adyacente que abre la exploración por la capacidad de la selección natural para quitar a los perdedores.", "sentence2": "La selección natural siempre sucede.", "promptID": "548_xnli.test", "pairID": "1642_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "También en este grupo se encuentra la Enmienda Vigésimo Tercera, que extiende el derecho de voto para presidente y vicepresidente a ciudadanos calificados en el Distrito de Columbia.", "sentence2": "La enmienda 23 dice que puedes votar por el presidente si vives en California.", "promptID": "737_xnli.test", "pairID": "2209_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Rockefeller quedó atrapado en esta angustiado ofrenda cuando Avenging Angel Tarbell empezó a arrancarse la carne en McClure's.", "sentence2": "Rockefeller era avaro.", "promptID": "2007_xnli.test", "pairID": "6021_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Y quizá no. La voz de Wolverstone llegó lenta y burlona para responder a la confiada emoción del otro, y a medida que hablaba avanzó hacia el lado de Blood, un aliado inesperado.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone permaneció en silencio mientras se alejaba de Blood.", "promptID": "817_xnli.test", "pairID": "2451_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Un asociado de un alto cargo de Hezbolá estaba en el mismo vuelo que llevó a los futuros secuestradores a Irán.", "sentence2": "Mientras que en Irán los secuestradores recibieron entrenamiento especial.", "promptID": "1543_xnli.test", "pairID": "4629_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me supone una gran satisfacción invitarle a participar en el Círculo Interno Senatorial Republicano para celebrar nuestro espíritu en nuestra Convención Nacional Republicana en Houston, Texas, entre el 16 y el 20 de agosto.", "sentence2": "La Convención Nacional Republicana sólo ha estado en Houston una vez.", "promptID": "1936_xnli.test", "pairID": "5806_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pero a medida que fue creciendo, nunca reconoció que estaba equivocada, pero sí cambió su comportamiento.", "sentence2": "Ella nunca admitió que estaba equivocada.", "promptID": "168_xnli.test", "pairID": "503_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Me doy perfecta cuenta de lo que hiciste, y me doy cuenta de que en parte, al menos, he podido meterte prisa", "sentence2": "Desconozco que hiciste o por qué lo hiciste.", "promptID": "829_xnli.test", "pairID": "2485_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En los siglos pasados, sin embargo, era el lugar predilecto de los piratas caribeños, lejos de las garras de los señores coloniales en La Habana, San Juan en Puerto Rico y la ciudad de Panamá, los puestos coloniales más cercanos.", "sentence2": "Nunca ha habido piratas en el Caribe.", "promptID": "1191_xnli.test", "pairID": "3571_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pitt, medio vestido con camisa y pantalones, se apoyó contra la barandilla y lo observó, una preocupación inconfundible impresa en su semblante franco y justo.", "sentence2": "Pitt llevaba puesta una camiseta y pantalones.", "promptID": "929_xnli.test", "pairID": "2786_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Porque la verdad es que un edificio, sin importar qué tan útil, bien construido o hermoso sea, no simpatiza con la forma en que se visten las personas, y se arriesga a lucir no solo anacrónico, sino francamente tonto.", "sentence2": "Un edificio no puede ser bonito si las personas discapacitadas no pueden entrar.", "promptID": "563_xnli.test", "pairID": "1689_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El 25 de agosto, después de que se inaugurase la convención democrática en Atlantic City, N. J. Johnson, que tenía entonces 56 años, amenazó en tres conversaciones grabadas con retirarse de la carrera presidencial.", "sentence2": "Johnson amenazó con retirarse.", "promptID": "2023_xnli.test", "pairID": "6069_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Me gustaría decir que los agentes autónomos que componían esa comunidad llevaban incorporados, individual y colectivamente, los conocimientos para seguir ganándose la vida con los juegos naturales que constituían su mundo.", "sentence2": "Los agentes ganaron 80 000 $.", "promptID": "564_xnli.test", "pairID": "1691_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como orgulloso escocés, creo que una razón mucho más probable para esta aparente falta de ambición lingüística se encuentra en el dialecto regional.", "sentence2": "El idioma escocés es muy ambicioso.", "promptID": "2325_xnli.test", "pairID": "6974_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Las principales figuras del personal de White House de Bush sería la Consejera de Seguridad Nacional, Condoleezza Rice, que había sido miembro del personal del NSC en la administración de George H.W.", "sentence2": "Condoleezza Rice fue increíble en su trabajo como asesora de seguridad nacional.", "promptID": "1628_xnli.test", "pairID": "4883_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pamela Harriman, la embajadora de Estados Unidos en Francia, la legendaria financiera del Partido Demócrata, y esposa y amante en serie de grandes hombres del siglo XX, murió de una hemorragia cerebral a los 76 años.", "sentence2": "Harriman estuvo casado ocho veces.", "promptID": "2123_xnli.test", "pairID": "6369_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estas capacidades eran insuficientes, pero se hizo poco para expandirlas o reformarlas.", "sentence2": "No cambiaron mucho su programa de vigilancia.", "promptID": "1516_xnli.test", "pairID": "4546_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Las agencias necesitan poder medir el éxito.", "sentence2": "Las agencias realmente nunca saben si tienen éxito o no.", "promptID": "1600_xnli.test", "pairID": "4800_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Hacer lo contrario enviaría un mensaje preocupante a los empleados de GAO, la prensa y el público.", "sentence2": "Si no les muestras a los trabajadores que les estás escuchando, estás enviando un mal mensaje.", "promptID": "1289_xnli.test", "pairID": "3866_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "¿Por qué dejaste ir a Wolverstone y a los demás? Gritó con un toque de amargura.", "sentence2": "Había dejado ir a Wolverstone, pero se quedó con los demás.", "promptID": "775_xnli.test", "pairID": "2323_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Si estás pensando en tocar las fibras sensibles del obispo, eres un tonto más grande de lo que siempre había pensado, Ogle. Tú estabas con todo menos con pistolas.", "sentence2": "Si Ogle fuera listo, habría hecho que el obispo se enamorara de él.", "promptID": "952_xnli.test", "pairID": "2854_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "La defensa implacable del ministro Gustav Noske llamó a 4000 Freikorps (soldados de asalto de derechas) para reventar el movimiento.", "sentence2": "Noske quería detener lo que sucedía.", "promptID": "1102_xnli.test", "pairID": "3306_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "La confusión creada por dicho requisito sería significativa.", "sentence2": "Ajustar los requisitos reducirá el grado de confusión.", "promptID": "1398_xnli.test", "pairID": "4192_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pitt, medio vestido con camisa y pantalones, se apoyó contra la barandilla y lo observó, una preocupación inconfundible impresa en su semblante franco y justo.", "sentence2": "Pitt llevaba un traje de Batman.", "promptID": "929_xnli.test", "pairID": "2785_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No creo que el posible valor de reconocimiento supere el riesgo de una posible finalización del programa cuando se sube la apuesta por Taliban que exhibe a un Depredador carbonizado frente a la CNN, escribió.", "sentence2": "No estaba contento de que se mostrara un depredador quemado en la CNN.", "promptID": "1692_xnli.test", "pairID": "5074_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Ni siquiera entendió la ceremonia nupcial, ni siquiera sabía que se había casado, en serio--", "sentence2": "Ella no entendía que estaba atrapada con el chico para siempre aunque nunca lo había conocido.", "promptID": "188_xnli.test", "pairID": "562_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Y en este momento, el tonto quijotesco corre hacia el peligro en nuestro nombre.", "sentence2": "Ahora mismo va directo hacia el peligro.", "promptID": "943_xnli.test", "pairID": "2827_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Una de las consecuencias devastadoras de una cardiopatía es el daño irreparable que hace al músculo cardíaco.", "sentence2": "El daño hecho al músculo cardíaco por la enfermedad cardíaca se repara fácilmente.", "promptID": "1884_xnli.test", "pairID": "5651_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estas soluciones necesitarán abordar tanto los tipos de intervenciones que encajen mejor con cada ED y centro médico como los problemas específicos del paciente.", "sentence2": "La terapia grupal e individual son dos tipos de intervenciones comúnmente asignadas a los pacientes.", "promptID": "1342_xnli.test", "pairID": "4025_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A pesar de eso, el tratamiento de Honey se explica prácticamente por sí mismo, y cualquiera que esté contemplando un trabajo sobre el acento estadounidense haría bien en guiarse por los principios que ha establecido.", "sentence2": "Honey puede hablar varios acentos.", "promptID": "2445_xnli.test", "pairID": "7333_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Hay un proceso lingüístico en la evolución de nuestro vocabulario que no está funcionando con un alto índice de eficiencia.", "sentence2": "Nuestro vocabulario no tiene un proceso lingüístico.", "promptID": "2489_xnli.test", "pairID": "7465_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Estamos tan acostumbrados a escuchar a las empresas de EE. UU. quejarse de la competencia extranjera que es fácil ver las recriminaciones de Kodak después de la derrota, como un lloriqueo más.", "sentence2": "La competencia extranjera arrasará con las compañías estadounidenses.", "promptID": "2237_xnli.test", "pairID": "6709_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Los diccionarios que he comprobado son silenciosos --inapropiados, pienso- en este sentido.", "sentence2": "Los diccionarios no hablan mucho de estos sentidos.", "promptID": "2348_xnli.test", "pairID": "7042_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "y también causaría que la gente compactase más su basura mmm..., y mmm..., y limitar el volumen probablemente esté un poco más cerca del problema real que limitar el peso", "sentence2": "La gente no tiene que preocuparse por la cantidad de basura en la medida que ésta se deseche adecuadamente.", "promptID": "288_xnli.test", "pairID": "863_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "En la lucha contra el terrorismo, estas distinciones parecen cada vez más artificiales.", "sentence2": "Las distinciones parecen verdaderamente genuinas.", "promptID": "1674_xnli.test", "pairID": "5020_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Una diferencia es que otros grupos necesitan hacerlo porque para funcionar deben asignar nuevos significados a las palabras y frases existentes o acuñar nuevas palabras y frases.", "sentence2": "Algunos grupos necesitan inventarse nuevas palabras para abordar los tiempos cambiantes.", "promptID": "2469_xnli.test", "pairID": "7405_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "El tono de la enmienda sigue siendo respetuoso con el control de los estados sobre el proceso electoral, incluso para las oficinas nacionales.", "sentence2": "Los estados gobiernan el proceso electoral.", "promptID": "740_xnli.test", "pairID": "2220_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Se conmovió para levantar su voz por encima de su nivel lánguido habitual.", "sentence2": "Levantó la voz tan alto que podía oírse a kilómetros de distancia.", "promptID": "899_xnli.test", "pairID": "2696_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Más recientemente, en un caso comercial en Nueva York, Klayman se encontró en el otro extremo, acusado de parcialidad étnica.", "sentence2": "Klayman no esperaba ser acusado de parcialidad étnica.", "promptID": "2010_xnli.test", "pairID": "6029_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ole, dijo él con una voz fría y aguda como el acero, tu estación está en el puesto de tiro.", "sentence2": "Le dijo a Ogle que su posición estaba siempre está en la cocina.", "promptID": "997_xnli.test", "pairID": "2989_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Como se observó en el capítulo anterior, debe haber algo de interacción en la entrada al posible adyacente que abre la exploración por la capacidad de la selección natural para quitar a los perdedores.", "sentence2": "No hay interacción.", "promptID": "548_xnli.test", "pairID": "1643_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Observe cómo la pintura trampantojo en el bajo techo arqueado aspira a convertir la pequeña iglesia en una excelsa catedral gótica.", "sentence2": "La pintura convertiría la iglesia en un harén.", "promptID": "1108_xnli.test", "pairID": "3324_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "es", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Para las EGU afectadas de 2010 y posteriormente cada año, el Administrador ubicará las asignaciones de mercurio en la sección 474 y realizará subastas de derechos de estas asignaciones de mercurio de conformidad con la sección 409, en las cantidades que figuran en la Tabla A.", "sentence2": "Ellos limtan el mercurio.", "promptID": "1376_xnli.test", "pairID": "4128_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We went about, and it's been a race ever since.", "sentence2": "There was never any race to begin with.", "promptID": "860_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2580_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There the scene is less relaxed and the language problem might daunt you, but at least you'll be able to catch a glimpse of Chinese consumer society.", "sentence2": "You do not have to worry about language issues there, since everyone speaks English.", "promptID": "1025_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3075_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He stopped short at sight of Captain Blood, and saluted him, as was his due, but the smile that lifted the officer's stiff mostachios was grimly sardonic.", "sentence2": "The officer had a mustache.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2994_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "C-R functions may also be estimated with or without explicit thresholds.", "sentence2": "C-R functions can never be estimated.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4059_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Friends' programs such as Young Library Leaders and the Love is Reading Together Week target young people and instill library habits at an early age.", "sentence2": "There are programs that encourage kids to go to the library twice a week.", "promptID": "1871_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5612_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Time 's cover story is Bill Gates' 12-step program for succeeding in the digital age.", "sentence2": "Time magazine has a picture of Bill Gates on the cover.", "promptID": "2021_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6062_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "um-hum well and i was gonna say there are some other areas they could cut you know i don't they wouldn't necessarily have to cut it out of there", "sentence2": "There is just nothing else they can cut!", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1491_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Anyhow, so I finished came home at 6:30 today and that was my day.", "sentence2": "I spent most of the day dealing with a complicated customer billing issue.", "promptID": "208_xnli.dev", "pairID": "624_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I... I believe that he has, said Calverley, between doubt and suspicion.", "sentence2": "Cleverly spoke with clear decisiveness, knowing that he has with certainty.", "promptID": "836_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2508_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Mine is the safe and easy way.", "sentence2": "My way is the most difficult.", "promptID": "867_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2599_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It was clear that the lead response agency was the FDNY, and that the other responding local, federal, bistate, and state agencies acted in a supporting role.", "sentence2": "The FDNY was not the only agency in charge; others held just as much control.", "promptID": "1616_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4848_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The use of technology may reduce the time needed for providers and staff to personally provide screening and intervention services and target patients who can derive benefit from the brief intervention messages.", "sentence2": "Technology doesn't help screening at all.", "promptID": "1332_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3996_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But... but... aboard this ship...? The officer made a gesture of helplessness, and, surrendering to his bewilderment, fell abruptly silent.", "sentence2": "The officer was shocked senseless by the vomiting onto the deck.", "promptID": "769_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2307_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Henceforth, national unity always played second fiddle to ethnic, religious, and above all economic regional interests.", "sentence2": "National unity is never the first priority.", "promptID": "1148_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3444_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A jet fuel fireball erupted upon impact and shot down at least one bank of elevators.", "sentence2": "The fire was hot enough to melt some of the glass windows in the area.", "promptID": "1717_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5149_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The resources we are requesting for fiscal year 2002 are critical to sustaining our high-level of performance and service to the Congress.", "sentence2": "We didn't ask for any money this year.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4023_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So ye've come, the Deputy-Governor hailed him, and followed the greeting by a series of grunts of vague but apparently ill-humoured import.", "sentence2": "I was expecting your arrival said the Deputy-Governor.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2842_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Life can be infernally complex, he sighed.", "sentence2": "Life is infernally complicated because of the many interactions one might have.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2496_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thus, I cannot accept Hendrickson's origin for horse latitudes , though, to give him his due, he only copied the etymology from other sources, the OED included.", "sentence2": "I'm pretty sure that Hendrickson didn't have much to base his ideas on.", "promptID": "2413_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7239_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The welfare effects on the mailers who shift are calculated in the same way as in the above section on profits.", "sentence2": "They don't know how to calculate welfare effects.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3936_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "These higher-order complexes of molecular devices arise because natural selection is able to act upon the collective properties of such molecular aggregates when those collective properties augment adaptive fitness.", "sentence2": "All molecular devices are equally complex.", "promptID": "509_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1525_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He beheld himself to be as the dog in the fable that had dropped the substance to snatch at a delusive shadow.", "sentence2": "The fable is as old as time.", "promptID": "891_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2672_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So ye've come, the Deputy-Governor hailed him, and followed the greeting by a series of grunts of vague but apparently ill-humoured import.", "sentence2": "The Deputy-Governor was not necessarily expecting him, though greeted him anyways.", "promptID": "948_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2843_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "He stopped short at sight of Captain Blood, and saluted him, as was his due, but the smile that lifted the officer's stiff mostachios was grimly sardonic.", "sentence2": "Captain Blood was nowhere to be found.", "promptID": "998_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2992_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Wolverstone squared himself defiantly before his captain I'll see Colonel Bishop in hell or ever I lies to for him. And he spat, presumably for purposes of emphasis.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone and Colonel Bishop were close friends.", "promptID": "833_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2499_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "C-R functions may also be estimated with or without explicit thresholds.", "sentence2": "C-R functions can be estimated a couple different ways and then published for the reader to decide.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4057_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Aye, said Ogle, that is true. But there were some who were still in open and frank revolt against the course.", "sentence2": "The course was full of territory that was left unexplored and was, therefore, very dangerous.", "promptID": "954_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2862_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "According to the blurbs, the former contains 2000 entries, the latter 2700; but the ODNW is more densely packed with information-- at least thirty per cent more, by my calculations.", "sentence2": "The ODNW has more than thirty percent more information.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6911_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Since 1996, households' wealthincome ratio has increased rapidly-peaking at 6.4 in 1999.", "sentence2": "Households have gotten a lot more wealthincome ratio.", "promptID": "1273_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3819_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For this fiscal year and next, the law school is required to absorb reductions in its state appropriation and increased health costs totaling more than $400,000.", "sentence2": "The law school is getting $1million more than normal.", "promptID": "1995_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5984_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When the attack was determined to be al Qaeda-related, responsibility shifted to the New York Field Office.", "sentence2": "The New York Field Office handled it when they decided al Qaeda was involved.", "promptID": "1701_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5102_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24.", "sentence2": "The airspace did not reopen until late October.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4712_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The welfare effects on the mailers who shift are calculated in the same way as in the above section on profits.", "sentence2": "They calculate welfare effects quickly on a calculator.", "promptID": "1312_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3935_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999.", "sentence2": "Thank you for your $100 donation to the Indianapolis Museum of Art.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5287_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Your support of Goodwill will provide job training and placement services to help the hardest to serve in central Indiana find meaningful employment.", "sentence2": "Supporting Goodwill will benefit people in Indiana.", "promptID": "1785_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5354_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The biosphere has expanded, indeed, more or less persistently exploded, into the ever-expanding adjacent possible.", "sentence2": "The biosphere grew 1000 mile.", "promptID": "579_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1735_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Human resources systems were consolidated and new corporate structures were quickly defined to ensure continued support to the enlarged customer base.", "sentence2": "Corporate structures were created.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3755_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And how did such a cold and unhuman thing like a telecommunications protocol for transferring files between a mainframe and a microcomputer get dubbed Kermit?", "sentence2": "The Kermit telecommunications protocol was named after a frog.", "promptID": "2419_xnli.dev", "pairID": "7257_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce began his apologia this way--and I quote from bad memory--The continuation of crime, disease, suffering, and death is what keeps me, Albert Schweitzer, and J. Edgar Hoover in business.", "sentence2": "Bruce apologizes very often.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6487_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Could statistical averaging be the source of order in organisms?", "sentence2": "Organisms are defined by chaos; there is not a hint of order in them.", "promptID": "721_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2162_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The end of plantation capitalism might have come as safely as the demise of communism in Europe.", "sentence2": "Plantation capitalism is wrong.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1778_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "C-R functions may also be estimated with or without explicit thresholds.", "sentence2": "C-R functions can be estimated a couple different ways.", "promptID": "1353_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4058_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thanks to Vatican II (and one of its little-noted consequences, an ebbing of American anti-Catholicism), Catholics unself-consciously socialize with other Christians and attend their christenings, weddings, and funerals.", "sentence2": "Catholics and Christians have some things in common.", "promptID": "2175_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6523_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "LSC-funded attorneys would be required to monitor the movements of their clients, and to withdraw from cases whenever their alien clients leave the United States.", "sentence2": "The LSC only funds medical students.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3903_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is no need to apologize for our leadership role.", "sentence2": "Our only option is to follow whatever directions we are given from our superiors and the higher-ups.", "promptID": "2216_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6646_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Some facility owners have been innovative in their construction plans to minimize down time.", "sentence2": "More efficient inventory storage is a key part of minimizing down time.", "promptID": "1294_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3882_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well.", "sentence2": "Santo lived in New York and worked on the high O2 regulator.", "promptID": "20_xnli.dev", "pairID": "58_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Well, well, maybe he'll not find me quite so easy to grasp as he imagines.", "sentence2": "He thinks grabbing me will be really simple.", "promptID": "800_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2399_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The resources we are requesting for fiscal year 2002 are critical to sustaining our high-level of performance and service to the Congress.", "sentence2": "We are requesting the money we need for this year.", "promptID": "1341_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4022_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Lenny Bruce began his apologia this way--and I quote from bad memory--The continuation of crime, disease, suffering, and death is what keeps me, Albert Schweitzer, and J. Edgar Hoover in business.", "sentence2": "Bruce never apologizes.", "promptID": "2163_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6489_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999.", "sentence2": "We are very glad you helped support the museum.", "promptID": "1763_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5289_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "um-hum well and i was gonna say there are some other areas they could cut you know i don't they wouldn't necessarily have to cut it out of there", "sentence2": "I was going to suggest other cuts.", "promptID": "497_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1490_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The European Union's Eurocrats have worthy ideas, such as persuading the continent's governments to agree on harmonious environmental and immigration policies.", "sentence2": "The European Union have bureaucrats.", "promptID": "2199_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6595_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Between the island and the mainland is Laguna Nichupte, a huge seawater lagoon bounded by mangrove swamps that are havens to numerous species of wildlife.", "sentence2": "Lagun Nichupte is a desert.", "promptID": "1162_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3484_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So why does Gates produce at such a frantic pace?", "sentence2": "Why does Gates produce at such a slow pace?", "promptID": "2214_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6642_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Human resources systems were consolidated and new corporate structures were quickly defined to ensure continued support to the enlarged customer base.", "sentence2": "By consolidating human resources systems, room was created for new corporate structures.", "promptID": "1252_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3754_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It's important that we hear from you during this last fundraising drive of the season.", "sentence2": "This is the last donation drive we will have this season, so we need your help!", "promptID": "1767_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5299_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Why do you run, then? she asked him coolly, standing slim and straight before him, all in white and very maidenly save in her unnatural composure.", "sentence2": "She was dressed in white when she asked: Why do you run, then?.", "promptID": "793_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2379_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to the blurbs, the former contains 2000 entries, the latter 2700; but the ODNW is more densely packed with information-- at least thirty per cent more, by my calculations.", "sentence2": "By my calculations, the ODNW has more information has more information than the blurbs suggest.", "promptID": "2304_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6910_xnli.dev", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pitt, who watched the scene from the quarter-deck rail, tells us that his lordship was as grave as a parson at a hanging.", "sentence2": "Pitt had never seen his lordship as grave as he was then.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2278_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "There are, of course, many elegant and flirtatious scenes set on yachts.", "sentence2": "Yachts are used as the setting for many elegant scenes.", "promptID": "2217_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6651_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is one detail of Southern japes that has inverted its class associations.", "sentence2": "Southern japes has a very clear and rigid class association.", "promptID": "2013_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6038_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The USDA argues, however, that what is needed is more enforcement power, and to that end, it is advancing a bill designed to expand its authority.", "sentence2": "The USDA says police need to help them.", "promptID": "2061_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6181_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They include a stable federal budgetary future, technological innovation, and improvements in the operations and service provision of government agencies.", "sentence2": "Improvements in the operations of government agencies were included.", "promptID": "1429_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4285_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We ask every nation to join us.", "sentence2": "We need at least 10 countries to join us", "promptID": "1574_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4720_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th.", "sentence2": "We have no intention of ever contacting those who have not donated this fiscal year.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5380_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This effort was going on before 9/11 and it continues on a vastly enlarged scale.", "sentence2": "After 9/11 the effort increased dramatically.", "promptID": "1732_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5194_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Then let them know that if they attempt to hinder our sailing hence, we'll hang the doxy first and fight for it after.", "sentence2": "There was no way of knowing if the boat would still move forward.", "promptID": "939_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2815_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I have sent for you, Captain Blood, because of certain news that has just reached me.", "sentence2": "I have not heard any news, Captain Blood. Have you?", "promptID": "791_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2371_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The end of plantation capitalism might have come as safely as the demise of communism in Europe.", "sentence2": "There was no end to communism in Europe.", "promptID": "593_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1779_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "LSC-funded attorneys would be required to monitor the movements of their clients, and to withdraw from cases whenever their alien clients leave the United States.", "sentence2": "Attorneys get paid by the LSC if they are working in terrorism.", "promptID": "1301_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3901_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "After the airspace reopened, nine chartered flights with 160 people, mostly Saudi nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24.", "sentence2": "More than 100 Saudi national left the US.", "promptID": "1571_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4711_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Yet New York state senators and legislators privately admit they assented to the legislation because they were impressed with the ferocity of the support for the bill.", "sentence2": "New York state has no senators.", "promptID": "2180_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6539_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Ha! Wolverstone vented an ejaculation of sneering mirth.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone laughed.", "promptID": "1000_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2999_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Graduates of the I. U .School of Law-Indianapolis leave with fundamental lawyering skills and a sound legal education.", "sentence2": "The IU School of law was shut down long ago.", "promptID": "1993_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5979_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th.", "sentence2": "We will try to contact those who have not donated this fiscal year in the next 45 days.", "promptID": "1794_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5382_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Of course, if we could not solve our chosen ways to make livings, we would be dead.", "sentence2": "Humans can always survive any situation, even when they are not making a living.", "promptID": "669_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2006_xnli.dev", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If households' existing assets lose value, people have to save more to attain their wealth-income target.", "sentence2": "Assets will lose value sometimes due to the market.", "promptID": "1479_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4435_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Current security requirements nurture overclassification and excessive compartmentation of information among agencies.", "sentence2": "Security requirements do not compartmentalize information too much.", "promptID": "1645_xnli.dev", "pairID": "4934_xnli.dev", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Life can be infernally complex, he sighed.", "sentence2": "He let out a sign of resignation.", "promptID": "832_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2494_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Things had not sped at all well with him in the past fortnight since his acceptance of the King's commission.", "sentence2": "He slept soundly at night knowing he had rejected the King's commission.", "promptID": "789_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2365_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pitt, who watched the scene from the quarter-deck rail, tells us that his lordship was as grave as a parson at a hanging.", "sentence2": "Pitt swore that he did not get a glimpse of the scene.", "promptID": "760_xnli.dev", "pairID": "2279_xnli.dev", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Your investment continues the high quality of all aspects of the Museum and makes new achievements possible.", "sentence2": "Larger investments are more helpful for the Museum.", "promptID": "1809_xnli.dev", "pairID": "5426_xnli.dev", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So in the Cuban tropics, too, there has just now been a day as beautiful as glory, cold as the tomb.", "sentence2": "Cuba is in the tropics.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6581_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "it's just that since my money is tight right now i don't even give myself a tempting", "sentence2": "I don't have a lot of money right now.", "promptID": "449_xnli.dev", "pairID": "1345_xnli.dev", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "So in the Cuban tropics, too, there has just now been a day as beautiful as glory, cold as the tomb.", "sentence2": "Cuba is in the arctic.", "promptID": "2194_xnli.dev", "pairID": "6580_xnli.dev", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "May such terror terrify those in thrall to earthly error, for the horror of these images tells what awaits them.", "sentence2": "Those people will be killed immediately.", "promptID": "1091_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3273_xnli.dev", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "All nine responding agencies report participation in a", "sentence2": "These nine agencies are pleased that they had such a high participation level.", "promptID": "1272_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3816_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron.", "sentence2": "The Third SS is the worst possible squadron.", "promptID": "96_xnli.dev", "pairID": "288_xnli.dev", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It is not possible to know the extent or direction of the bias in the total incidence change based on the general application of a single C-R function everywhere.", "sentence2": "You cant know how much bias there is.", "promptID": "1284_xnli.dev", "pairID": "3852_xnli.dev", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.dev"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "We have moved on from the photocopies detected soon after the arrival of the euro to real works of art that are very similar to the original.", "sentence2": "Euro banknotes are easily forged.", "promptID": "387_esxnli", "pairID": "1159_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I will not enter into logical disquisitions about what is a lie or what is true with respect to the facts of reality or its paradoxes.", "sentence2": "Someone went into the logical subtleties about what is truth and lies.", "promptID": "642_esxnli", "pairID": "1926_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "How to trap and retain them for as long as possible.", "sentence2": "Doing the job with maximum effectiveness.", "promptID": "540_esxnli", "pairID": "1618_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "To avoid rancid flavors or unnecessary rinds, ham must always have a clean, well-contoured edge, regardless of how long one takes to consume it.", "sentence2": "The ham doesn't go stale", "promptID": "763_esxnli", "pairID": "2289_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Another conclusion: among the few areas with advancement in the field of cancer have been early detection and risk factors.", "sentence2": "In cancer research, the advancement has mainly been in early detection and risk factors.", "promptID": "275_esxnli", "pairID": "825_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "They believe that this is the largest meteorite that has ever crossed the peninsula.", "sentence2": "Looks like it's the biggest meteorite to cross the peninsula.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "308_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "“If we can’t make the just have strength,\" as Pascal (whom the title of this article is quoting) said, we could at least stop pretending that what has strength is, for that reason alone, just.", "sentence2": "Pascual doesn’t write articles.", "promptID": "556_esxnli", "pairID": "1667_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Just as Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market is also somewhere the city’s major restaurants visit and shop.", "sentence2": "There are at least two markets which make purchases for the large restaurateurs in the city.", "promptID": "76_esxnli", "pairID": "227_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The itch to interpret comes from his family.", "sentence2": "He was the first person in the family to be involved in acting.", "promptID": "752_esxnli", "pairID": "2256_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It’s the most aggressive skin cancer and the worst prognosis, this is why an early diagnosis “is very important”, says doctor Miguel Aizpún, who is a specialist in dermatology and allergies.", "sentence2": "Dr. Miguel Aizpún has skin cancer.", "promptID": "357_esxnli", "pairID": "1069_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The net's neutrality is not as much related to the freedom of the Internet as to the struggle of some companies in the Internet world, which are generally not European, to strengthen their power against the main companies that invest in telecommunications networks.", "sentence2": "All Internet companies are European.", "promptID": "457_esxnli", "pairID": "1369_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The 21 panel members will be high-ranking functionaries, representatives of the private sector and civil society, both from developed countries and developing nations, a diverse and “geographically balanced” group.", "sentence2": "The 21 panel members come from different countries and social actors.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1261_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And then he said that he owned an apartment which he was renting, and he gets some good monthly money for it (renting is not particularly cheap), besides the mess with the computers and what he earns in the football team.", "sentence2": "He has more than one source of income.", "promptID": "149_esxnli", "pairID": "445_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "This material, known as a pellet, has a high level of heat production performance, so these types of heaters are a notable option for heating homes.", "sentence2": "Pellets are better than wood.", "promptID": "478_esxnli", "pairID": "1434_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "At the EU, 65% of those notified during 2007 came from EU products and the rest from outside the Community's borders, especially China, the non-European country with the highest rate of fish products suspicious of causing health risks, with 12% information notifications. This is a message produced when, unlike alerts, there is no need for immediate action but for future prevention.", "sentence2": "There are fish by-products suspicious of being a health risk all over the world.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1149_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Another fascist lie that had repercussions among the backward sectors of the population is that Jews control the government and parliament.", "sentence2": "Fascists always tell the truth.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "721_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Edit: The Agustina one who is talking now, it’s like going to work tomorrow morning and shooting up the office.", "sentence2": "Tomorrow, there could be injuries or even deaths.", "promptID": "272_esxnli", "pairID": "814_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Superior Court of Los Angeles settled it in 1996 with the couple’s divorce, and dictated a series of conditions not at all beneficial to Banderas, who, at the time, wanted to avoid any kind of confrontation with his ex-wife.", "sentence2": "The couple had 3 children", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2222_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "A survey reveals that women in Madrid are more tolerant of the gay community.", "sentence2": "The survey also looks at possible racist behaviors", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "474_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "With a few extra pounds and and an informal look, the main character of “Gladiator” was very affectionate with his two kids along the streets of Beverly Hills.", "sentence2": "The protagonist of “Gladiator” walked the streets of Beverly Hills with a rather informal look and appearing to be an attentive father.", "promptID": "710_esxnli", "pairID": "2129_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "From the heights of power, there are those who declare the songs of Mejía Godoy subject to confiscation, as if they were a herd of cows, a bank, or a dairy factory.", "sentence2": "Mejía Godoy's songs are related to the heights of power", "promptID": "518_esxnli", "pairID": "1552_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Some good people have proposed that this word is made up of two words: sad and sweet.", "sentence2": "The word is formed by happiness and bitterness.", "promptID": "591_esxnli", "pairID": "1772_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Zapatero is a big football fan and after a kick in the teeth for not being able to host the 2016 Olympic Games, he has shown his support to the candidacy to be home to the 2018 World Cup.", "sentence2": "Zapatero's happiness upon being accepted as the site of the Olympic Games has led him to show his support for the application for the 2018 World Cup.", "promptID": "813_esxnli", "pairID": "2438_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "V. Verdú merely illustrates – or documents – through current massive festive and playful encounters, juxtaposing them with others – from the past – which were not, let’s say, festive, politic or civic.", "sentence2": "V. Verdú works on illustration", "promptID": "611_esxnli", "pairID": "1831_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In any case, he stated that \"it is the worst possible time to sell, so we have to try to survive until the recovery takes place.\"", "sentence2": "The author of the sentence believes we are undergoing one of the worst moments of the crisis.", "promptID": "297_esxnli", "pairID": "891_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Also consider that sending more U.S. troops to Iraq seems right, now that there is increased rational hope that a cooperating Iraq (three-party) is moving towards self-government, which could justify a future withdrawal of the American Army from there.", "sentence2": "There are 13,000 soldiers in Irak.", "promptID": "240_esxnli", "pairID": "720_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For some time, in every home where I have lived in the eastern U.S., even in Chicago, I have wanted to plant a couple of them at each side of the house, but I have never found any.", "sentence2": "Pine trees are difficult to plant in the east of the United States.", "promptID": "534_esxnli", "pairID": "1601_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Inform and educate yourself a little, and you will come to the same conclusions that a server came to a long time ago.", "sentence2": "If you inform and educate yourselves, you will never reach the conclusions that I reached a long time ago.", "promptID": "128_esxnli", "pairID": "384_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It was this summer that Cynthia decided to separate from the athlete, a process in which they managed to reach a “friendly” accord, as they announced via their respective lawyers without giving any more details on the matter.", "sentence2": "Cynthia has maintained a sentimental relationship with an athlete.", "promptID": "829_esxnli", "pairID": "2486_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For Rafaeli the experience was an \"adventure.\"", "sentence2": "Rafaeli has lived an adventure", "promptID": "119_esxnli", "pairID": "357_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Although, \"careful, the previous one left the seeds of disaster well planted and fertilized\".", "sentence2": "If we do nothing, everything will be fine.", "promptID": "317_esxnli", "pairID": "951_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "On a planet without thinking beings and without sentient beings, time would not go by, only things would happen.", "sentence2": "The time would pass with only rational beings on the planet.", "promptID": "505_esxnli", "pairID": "1513_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In spite of the seriousness, she got better quickly and in July of the same year she received medical release.", "sentence2": "He suffered from a coronary disease", "promptID": "685_esxnli", "pairID": "2053_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Máxima listened to what the projects were and she was talking to these future businesswomen and she was able to understand, first hand, what problems the Turkish markets are dealing with.", "sentence2": "Máxima is interested in the Turkish economic market.", "promptID": "753_esxnli", "pairID": "2258_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "NOVEMBER 3, 2000 She was Channel’s muse for seven years.", "sentence2": "She was Chanel's muse", "promptID": "695_esxnli", "pairID": "2085_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "A survey reveals that women in Madrid are more tolerant of the gay community.", "sentence2": "According to the survey, girls are less tolerant of the gay community.", "promptID": "158_esxnli", "pairID": "473_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In any case, not even Real Madrid nor Sevilla teams will reach the Barcelona team.", "sentence2": "Barcelona is behind Seville.", "promptID": "28_esxnli", "pairID": "84_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Because justice does not encompass the entire universe, you could say that it does at least reign in Africa, the fortunate continent.", "sentence2": "Justice is everywhere.", "promptID": "564_esxnli", "pairID": "1692_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In this case, a financial institution (the CAM, in particular) that kept the development as nonrecourse, unless the mortgage hadn’t been paid back entirely, which isn’t likely because common practice in the industry is to pay the interests of mortgages (to avoid entering in arrears) with pending delivery for the developments with sufficient margin (the rule in the industry for a long time has been that the developer doesn’t even see the money, the bank delivers directly to the builder) and waiting to the last minute is common practice to not declare arrears and not provision.", "sentence2": "The financial institution received the development as payment.", "promptID": "249_esxnli", "pairID": "747_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The actress has also decided to recount her fight against cancer in a two-hour documentary that will be broadcast by the American television network, NCB, on Friday, May 15.", "sentence2": "The documentary mixes English with the mother tongue of the actress.", "promptID": "820_esxnli", "pairID": "2460_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Oksana and Mel are looking forward to the album's release, but also the arrival of their first child together.", "sentence2": "Oksana and Mel's first common child will be welcome.", "promptID": "713_esxnli", "pairID": "2137_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The soccer player, however, intends to regain full control of these rights and could be waiting, on the advice of his agents, for a contract with another European club or, ultimately, a project in the United States, where the Los Angeles Galaxy would give him full control of his image rights and, in the process, accompany his wife Victoria’s screen acting adventure.", "sentence2": "The soccer player shares his image rights in equal parts with his current club", "promptID": "819_esxnli", "pairID": "2457_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I wish him luck in such a delicate match.", "sentence2": "This is a difficult match.", "promptID": "139_esxnli", "pairID": "415_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When Christmas is near, we all want to show our best face.", "sentence2": "Christmas Day is when people give more help the needy.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2273_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And if he ended up exiling himself to France and living in Bordeaux, it was because of his incompatibility with the absolutist regime (“long live the chains!”) of Ferdinand VII of Spain, enemy of intelligence, restorer of censorship and the Inquisition, creator of bullfighting schools and great promoter of bullfights.", "sentence2": "He lived in Bordeaux during Fernando VII's regime.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1808_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "If thou still lived and still wished to have thy satisfaction by taking revenge on me, though must know that you have accomplished this all the better by letting me keep my life than by annihilating me.", "sentence2": "To let someone keep their life is a much greater revenge than taking their life.", "promptID": "563_esxnli", "pairID": "1689_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Each of her public appearances becomes, without her intention, an event of great transcendence.", "sentence2": "Public appearances are events of great social significance, but not political.", "promptID": "803_esxnli", "pairID": "2409_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Valderas, along with members of the coalition which included a visibly affected Concha Caballero, Parliament Spokesperson from IU, told journalists that \"no one can question this statute, among other things, because the 'no' answer has not been absolutely defeated.\"", "sentence2": "Valderas made the statement alongside members of the coalition", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "378_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He deserves nothing more than having that blog of his, where he advertises his books like a vulgar shopkeeper, with hundreds of responses from people like us who love and respect art in any of its forms, including comics.", "sentence2": "Art enthusiasts are going to fill the blog with answers.", "promptID": "596_esxnli", "pairID": "1786_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Every detail has been take care of to the fullest extent.", "sentence2": "Work reaches levels of detail", "promptID": "799_esxnli", "pairID": "2396_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The 21 panel members will be high-ranking functionaries, representatives of the private sector and civil society, both from developed countries and developing nations, a diverse and “geographically balanced” group.", "sentence2": "The representatives of the countries in the panel are not balanced geographically.", "promptID": "421_esxnli", "pairID": "1262_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "It’s true that the Galician culture needs an internationalisation project (visit several Galician blogs and you’ll see that there’s an interesting open discussion about it) but there’s no doubt that this project is very complex if a media group make it very difficult and knowing the mistake (Juan Cruz's was forgiveable), only perceive accusations of being sectarian from another \"intellectual\".", "sentence2": "Galician culture needs an international projection, but this project is very complicated, even more so if they receive accusations from sectarians.", "promptID": "586_esxnli", "pairID": "1758_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When it starts to boil, leave them at medium heat until they are tender.", "sentence2": "They’ll go soft in a bit.", "promptID": "687_esxnli", "pairID": "2061_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Just as it happened with those affected by the earthquake that shook up Haiti last January, in this occasion, and because of the earthquake that took place in Chile on Saturday, celebrities are quickly offering their help.", "sentence2": "No celebrity is helping in the task of mitigating the effects of the earthquake in Chile.", "promptID": "680_esxnli", "pairID": "2039_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The evil of nationalism is that they invert these terms and consider the existence of a metaphysical identity, the nation, which is but the consequence of the mystical union between a particular territory and a specific culture.", "sentence2": "The evil of nationalism is because of the mystical disunity between a certain territory and a specific culture.", "promptID": "541_esxnli", "pairID": "1621_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to the author, Michael Jackson’s last days were lived in chaos and were spent reading the Bible and listening to music as diverse as classical and the Gipsy Kings—which he was usually not very fond of.", "sentence2": "Michael Jackson lived his last days chaotically.", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2312_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "2.- Someone who, with very little knowledge and a bit of extra money, thinks he is the big kahuna and starts buying at truly savage prices... although we ALL know that they won't finish paying it and everything will be taken from them.", "sentence2": "Despite having little knowledge, they will finish paying all the purchases.", "promptID": "208_esxnli", "pairID": "623_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It has to be complex, of course, and we have to keep it in writing, in a safe place and never in a file stored in a computer.", "sentence2": "You must be careful with documents and keys.", "promptID": "359_esxnli", "pairID": "1075_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The Empress, wife of Emperor Akihito, who for two years has suffered a slight gastritis, has had mouth ulcers and has had several nose bleeds.", "sentence2": "The empress is happily married.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "461_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "At the EU, 65% of those notified during 2007 came from EU products and the rest from outside the Community's borders, especially China, the non-European country with the highest rate of fish products suspicious of causing health risks, with 12% information notifications. This is a message produced when, unlike alerts, there is no need for immediate action but for future prevention.", "sentence2": "China doesn’t have any suspicious fish derived products that pose a health risk.", "promptID": "383_esxnli", "pairID": "1148_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Empress, wife of Emperor Akihito, who for two years has suffered a slight gastritis, has had mouth ulcers and has had several nose bleeds.", "sentence2": "The empress is ill.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "460_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They believe that this is the largest meteorite that has ever crossed the peninsula.", "sentence2": "The meteorite was controlled from NASA so that it would not collide with the Earth.", "promptID": "103_esxnli", "pairID": "309_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to his explanation, “we could be reaching the end of the quantity adjustments” following the excess construction of housing during the “boom” years, which, taking into account that historically the adjustments to “brick” in Spain have occurred in these environments, would imply that “the worst (of the correction) is over”.", "sentence2": "Banks grant credits very easily.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "754_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In this same quarter, the two courthouses received 965 criminal matters and, although they processed 996 (many of them during the previous periods and during extra hours), at the end of these three months, there were still 422 pending trials, according to the last information given by the General Council of Judiciary.", "sentence2": "The courts process on time all criminal cases they receive", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "106_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Valderas, along with members of the coalition which included a visibly affected Concha Caballero, Parliament Spokesperson from IU, told journalists that \"no one can question this statute, among other things, because the 'no' answer has not been absolutely defeated.\"", "sentence2": "Valderas himself made the statements", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "376_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "This is their main struggle; in order to obtain Permanent Incapacity, those affected must file a lawsuit in the Social Courts and win the corresponding trial.", "sentence2": "Filing a complaint means automatically being granted a permanent disability.", "promptID": "348_esxnli", "pairID": "1043_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In summer, with no shirts on, necks generously offer themselves to view.", "sentence2": "During summer fewer people cover their neck with clothes.", "promptID": "663_esxnli", "pairID": "1989_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to his explanation, “we could be reaching the end of the quantity adjustments” following the excess construction of housing during the “boom” years, which, taking into account that historically the adjustments to “brick” in Spain have occurred in these environments, would imply that “the worst (of the correction) is over”.", "sentence2": "The adjustments in the \"brick and mortar\" economy are not occurring in this field.", "promptID": "252_esxnli", "pairID": "756_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Valderas, along with members of the coalition which included a visibly affected Concha Caballero, Parliament Spokesperson from IU, told journalists that \"no one can question this statute, among other things, because the 'no' answer has not been absolutely defeated.\"", "sentence2": "The journalists believed Valderas.", "promptID": "126_esxnli", "pairID": "377_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Currently, three out of four pure-bred Iberian pigs that only eat acorns slaughtered during the last season are 5J.", "sentence2": "The quality of Iberian pigs from the last season is high.", "promptID": "26_esxnli", "pairID": "78_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This week, the star that will sit atop the New York Rockefeller Center was revealed in New York.", "sentence2": "The Rockerfeller Centre tree will be topped with a star.", "promptID": "708_esxnli", "pairID": "2122_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The diversity of legislations, for instance, rather than deepen division makes it possible for different ways of understanding their organization to live together in the same country.", "sentence2": "The diversity of legislation brings improvements in education.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "563_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And if he ended up exiling himself to France and living in Bordeaux, it was because of his incompatibility with the absolutist regime (“long live the chains!”) of Ferdinand VII of Spain, enemy of intelligence, restorer of censorship and the Inquisition, creator of bullfighting schools and great promoter of bullfights.", "sentence2": "He exiled himself to Bordeaux because he did not agree with Ferdinand VII's ideas.", "promptID": "603_esxnli", "pairID": "1807_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As for poets and novelists, only Jünger is notable, in whose book, Storm of Steel, Hitler sees a model for his own memories of World War I, a work he never managed to write.", "sentence2": "Jünger was German.", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1940_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "When it is only them who are talked about, they create a mistaken image of reality.", "sentence2": "The mirror gives them the image of reality.", "promptID": "405_esxnli", "pairID": "1213_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "After the hell they made us go through at that stony field that they dare to call a “park”, now they make us find a way to get tickets for one day as if we were idiots!!!", "sentence2": "The experience in the park was unforgeable.", "promptID": "81_esxnli", "pairID": "242_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Spanish State spends almost 500 billion and they have an income of less than 400 billion (a gross rounding).", "sentence2": "The Spanish state spends more than it takes in.", "promptID": "312_esxnli", "pairID": "934_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Its typical image of a seaside village, with its streets open to the sea and its colorful fishermen’s houses, is hard to forget.", "sentence2": "Its typical stamp of a fishing village with balconies, with its Romanesque church, is difficult to forget.", "promptID": "825_esxnli", "pairID": "2474_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The first is a juicy severance package of 85 days per year worked, already agreed upon, with no limit on seniority (the average is around 15 years and the gross salary, 1,200 euros)", "sentence2": "Compensation has a time limit.", "promptID": "9_esxnli", "pairID": "25_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The fact that we are going back to Brazil to fight for it again makes it even more important.", "sentence2": "We’ll never go back to Brazil.", "promptID": "82_esxnli", "pairID": "244_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The diversity of legislations, for instance, rather than deepen division makes it possible for different ways of understanding their organization to live together in the same country.", "sentence2": "Different legislations cause heterogeneity.", "promptID": "188_esxnli", "pairID": "564_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "As for poets and novelists, only Jünger is notable, in whose book, Storm of Steel, Hitler sees a model for his own memories of World War I, a work he never managed to write.", "sentence2": "Jünger wrote the book Storm of Steel", "promptID": "647_esxnli", "pairID": "1939_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But there are issues that are not that funny, and unfortunately that's how it is. Countries are invaded, as it happens. There is no need to churn out an almost endless and quite obvious list of issues that are no joke.", "sentence2": "There are concerning issues.", "promptID": "501_esxnli", "pairID": "1503_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "IEC is the global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for electric, technological and connected technologies, which in English are known with the umbrella term \"electrotechnology\".", "sentence2": "IEC is over 100 years old", "promptID": "377_esxnli", "pairID": "1129_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And you go to another phone company and it's the same... we're dummies for all communication companies!", "sentence2": "I have a contract with a telecommunications company.", "promptID": "137_esxnli", "pairID": "409_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to the author, Michael Jackson’s last days were lived in chaos and were spent reading the Bible and listening to music as diverse as classical and the Gipsy Kings—which he was usually not very fond of.", "sentence2": "The author admires Michael Jackson's behavior in his final days", "promptID": "771_esxnli", "pairID": "2313_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The new redistribution system will put three quarters of the money collected from autonomous communities-not all, as used to be with the current model-into a \"common purse\", as Salgado called it.", "sentence2": "Three quarters will be put into a common bag.", "promptID": "376_esxnli", "pairID": "1126_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "No animal, however, could perch on the Eiffel Tower because it itself is an animal and has not produced offspring.", "sentence2": "The Eiffel Tower has no descent.", "promptID": "552_esxnli", "pairID": "1654_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Superior Court of Los Angeles settled it in 1996 with the couple’s divorce, and dictated a series of conditions not at all beneficial to Banderas, who, at the time, wanted to avoid any kind of confrontation with his ex-wife.", "sentence2": "Banderas has never been married.", "promptID": "741_esxnli", "pairID": "2221_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pilar was home alone for a long time and she enjoyed being home, without any company other than the luxuries surrounding her.", "sentence2": "Pilar was alone for long periods of time.", "promptID": "259_esxnli", "pairID": "775_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The EU's prevision is to approve a variety of transgenic corn (BT-11 from Syngenta) before the end of the year.", "sentence2": "Syngenta’s BT-11 is highly harmful to health.", "promptID": "396_esxnli", "pairID": "1187_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The lead singer of rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, is going through a very difficult time.", "sentence2": "Steven Tyler is one of the members of the rock band Aerosmith", "promptID": "802_esxnli", "pairID": "2405_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The first studies carried out in the United Kingdom in 1997 revealed that all of those affected by the illness had suffered psychiatric symptoms, among these being depression, anxiety, and mood changes, although these should not be seen as being unique to CJD.", "sentence2": "those sick with CJD suffered depression.", "promptID": "473_esxnli", "pairID": "1417_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I admire her bravery and will for taking off to Hollywood on her own with nothing but her suitcase.", "sentence2": "She left for Hollywood.", "promptID": "793_esxnli", "pairID": "2378_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "In this same quarter, the two courthouses received 965 criminal matters and, although they processed 996 (many of them during the previous periods and during extra hours), at the end of these three months, there were still 422 pending trials, according to the last information given by the General Council of Judiciary.", "sentence2": "Courts have difficulties to process every criminal matter that’s submitted.", "promptID": "36_esxnli", "pairID": "107_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The vehicle crashed against the median at the Carlos Haya cut-and-cover tunnel, one of the areas where bottlenecks usually form.", "sentence2": "The vehicle crashed against the median strip.", "promptID": "22_esxnli", "pairID": "64_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The trio of stars were quietly enjoying a succulent dinner at the luxurious establishment when they realized that another Hollywood star was doing exactly the same thing there.", "sentence2": "In a modest establishment, the trio of stars and one other star were quietly enjoying a succulent dinner.", "promptID": "666_esxnli", "pairID": "1996_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Francesc Balaguer, responsible for the CAR-CCR, adds that it is about a pilot center, the efficacy of which will depend on the proliferation of further specialized centers of this type in conjunction with the public network.", "sentence2": "The pilot center has enough capacity for 30 people.", "promptID": "472_esxnli", "pairID": "1414_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Empress, wife of Emperor Akihito, who for two years has suffered a slight gastritis, has had mouth ulcers and has had several nose bleeds.", "sentence2": "The empress has perfect health.", "promptID": "154_esxnli", "pairID": "462_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The crisis seems gigantic, but without a possible calculation.", "sentence2": "There’s no crisis that’s impossible to calculate.", "promptID": "644_esxnli", "pairID": "1930_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Two points stood out: that many countries do not collect this information systematically, and that Spain is at the \"rear end\" of Europe on this issue.", "sentence2": "Each country gathers this information in a different way", "promptID": "97_esxnli", "pairID": "289_esxnli", "genre": "newspaper", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo is another one of the entities that wants to move into wealth management.", "sentence2": "Banco Espirito Santo is not a Portuguese banking entity.", "promptID": "442_esxnli", "pairID": "1326_esxnli", "genre": "consumer", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The ideological simulation would be the way this is transmitted, the ideas that vehicle it (sorry for the odd word). They are interpretations of what another person writes, exposed to risks because of a lack of data.", "sentence2": "Interpretations of what others write are risky", "promptID": "653_esxnli", "pairID": "1957_esxnli", "genre": "literature", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Another fascist lie that had repercussions among the backward sectors of the population is that Jews control the government and parliament.", "sentence2": "Jews have a lot of money.", "promptID": "241_esxnli", "pairID": "722_esxnli", "genre": "economy", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "When Christmas is near, we all want to show our best face.", "sentence2": "During Christmas, people try to be friendlier and more attentive.", "promptID": "758_esxnli", "pairID": "2274_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It is here where he told us about the state of his heart; he says he is very happy and calm.", "sentence2": "He’s had a serious illness this past year.", "promptID": "828_esxnli", "pairID": "2483_esxnli", "genre": "celebrity", "source_dataset": "esxnli"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The young master's grey eyes skimmed it.", "sentence2": "The young man looked at it for exactly one minute.", "promptID": "935_xnli.test", "pairID": "2803_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The ruthless defense minister Gustav Noske called in 4,000 Freikorps (right-wing storm-troopers) to smash the movement.", "sentence2": "Noske wanted the movement to stop before he lost power.", "promptID": "1102_xnli.test", "pairID": "3304_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And the quixotic fool is running into danger at the present moment on our behalf.", "sentence2": "He will head into danger again tomorrow.", "promptID": "943_xnli.test", "pairID": "2829_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "96 And parents and coaches who criticize rather than encourage and do not let players forget about defeat prompt intense anxiety in some youngsters.", "sentence2": "Today's women like to have a slender body structure.", "promptID": "666_xnli.test", "pairID": "1997_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And for all that he lost nothing of his outward stern composure, fear invaded his heart.", "sentence2": "His composure remained steadfast as his heart filled with relief.", "promptID": "889_xnli.test", "pairID": "2666_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Numerous officers responded in order to help injured civilians and to urge those who could walk to vacate the area immediately.", "sentence2": "The officers cordoned off the area and refused to let anyone in or out.", "promptID": "1602_xnli.test", "pairID": "4805_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The thirteen yarn colors of the magnificent rug symbolize the original thirteen colonies of this nation.", "sentence2": "The rug has fifty colors, representing all the great states of this nation.", "promptID": "1850_xnli.test", "pairID": "5548_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Rudolph Giuliani defends his handling of the Amadou Diallo shooting to Newsweek. [The New York Police Department] is not the KKK, he offers.", "sentence2": "Rudolph Giuliani made a statement to the Newsweek concerning his handling of the Amadou Diallo shooting.", "promptID": "2077_xnli.test", "pairID": "6231_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The main conclusion to draw from our simulation is that autonomous agents coupling one or more autocatalytic and work cycles are a perfectly reasonable, if novel, form of nonequilibrium, open chemical reaction network.", "sentence2": "We can draw a conclusion from the simulation we did on the computer.", "promptID": "584_xnli.test", "pairID": "1751_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "That, I was the only 922 which was life support man the other man was a physiological support.", "sentence2": "One man gave physiological support.", "promptID": "149_xnli.test", "pairID": "447_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "61--Federal employees may be covered by social insurance programs such as Social Security62 and Medicare under the same terms and conditions as the rest of the covered population.", "sentence2": "Federal employees agree to the same terms and conditions as the rest of the covered population.", "promptID": "1444_xnli.test", "pairID": "4330_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I see, sir, that you do not yet quite apprehend the circumstances.", "sentence2": "He completely and quite clearly, understood the situation.", "promptID": "901_xnli.test", "pairID": "2701_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Lamar Alexander's way out is worth noting, though it doesn't rise to the level of illogic.", "sentence2": "Lamar Alexander's way out is not popular within the group.", "promptID": "2088_xnli.test", "pairID": "6262_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "We had full pressure suits there in the aircraft just, just like the astronauts wore, except ours was totally silver, silver uh, boot and everything, to reflect heat, of course.", "sentence2": "Our suits were the same as the astronauts except to reflect heat, ours were silver.", "promptID": "69_xnli.test", "pairID": "206_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "i don't know though but i still think like out in the country when she said that i was like what", "sentence2": "I believe it was out in the country.", "promptID": "423_xnli.test", "pairID": "1267_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Most homes will have a nativity scene, a nacimiento, set up for the prayers and singers.", "sentence2": "Almost none of the homes have a nativity scene set up.", "promptID": "686_xnli.test", "pairID": "2056_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Several floors of fire would have been beyond the fire-extinguishing capability of the forces that we had on hand.", "sentence2": "We only had 2 fire extinguishers on hand.", "promptID": "1619_xnli.test", "pairID": "4856_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The terrorism fostered by Bin Ladin and al Qaeda was different from anything the government had faced before.", "sentence2": "It was the first time the government had faced this type of terrorism.", "promptID": "1657_xnli.test", "pairID": "4970_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Notice how the trompe l'oeil painting on the low arched ceiling aspires to turn the little church into a lofty Gothic cathedral.", "sentence2": "The painting aspires to turn the church into a Gothic cathedral.", "promptID": "1108_xnli.test", "pairID": "3322_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Consequently, I know that you go to extra lengths to be compassionate and caring to others.", "sentence2": "I know you spend a lot to fee the hungry people around you.", "promptID": "1985_xnli.test", "pairID": "5955_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Dominating the mouth of Sant Antoni Bay is the gaunt silhouette of the island of Coniera, or Conejera (meaning rabbit's warren or burrow ).", "sentence2": "Coniera is 3 square miles.", "promptID": "1079_xnli.test", "pairID": "3235_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And equally unarguably, the econosphere has become more complex over the past few million years of hominid evolution.", "sentence2": "The econosphere of modern humans is much simpler than that of ancient hominids.", "promptID": "747_xnli.test", "pairID": "2240_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Congressional oversight for intelligence-and counterterrorism-is now dysfunctional.", "sentence2": "Congress has never had oversight for either intelligence or counterterrorism.", "promptID": "1643_xnli.test", "pairID": "4927_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "At that moment a lane was opened in the ranks of the men, and through this came Miss Bishop followed by her octoroon woman.", "sentence2": "Miss Bishop walked through a group of men.", "promptID": "805_xnli.test", "pairID": "2413_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "At that moment a lane was opened in the ranks of the men, and through this came Miss Bishop followed by her octoroon woman.", "sentence2": "Miss Bishop walked through a group of twenty men.", "promptID": "805_xnli.test", "pairID": "2414_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Blood and flood are not like food,", "sentence2": "Food is more like rocks and trees than blood or flood.", "promptID": "2345_xnli.test", "pairID": "7035_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Upon impact, many were killed or severely injured; others were relatively unharmed.", "sentence2": "Many people died on impact.", "promptID": "1617_xnli.test", "pairID": "4850_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I wonder, now, he said presently, if the mischief is of your working.", "sentence2": "He never questioned whether the mischief was your doing.", "promptID": "972_xnli.test", "pairID": "2914_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The IMA 's Development Committee will match all pledges received by December 31, 1998 dollar-for-dollar.", "sentence2": "The IMA will stop matching pledges on December 25, 1998.", "promptID": "1933_xnli.test", "pairID": "5798_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The tone of the amendment remains deferential to the states' control of the electoral process, even for national office.", "sentence2": "The states change their electoral process when they see fit.", "promptID": "740_xnli.test", "pairID": "2218_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh and then if you try to get it outside of your uh corporation you're gonna pay an arm and a leg", "sentence2": "If you go just a little bit out of the corporation you can actually save yourself a lot of money.", "promptID": "477_xnli.test", "pairID": "1430_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "On the other hand, particles and the three nongravitational forces have yet to be incorporated into a spin network picture.", "sentence2": "There are three nongravitational forces.", "promptID": "551_xnli.test", "pairID": "1653_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "What the movie neglects to mention is that Kaufman had often talked about how he would like to pull off his own death.", "sentence2": "The movie had an in depth interview with Kaufman about his death.", "promptID": "2004_xnli.test", "pairID": "6011_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "William Lowe Bryan, the IU president whose dream of a broadly based university led to the founding of IU School of Medicine in 1903.", "sentence2": "Bryan wanted to start a medical school to make the university more prominent.", "promptID": "1867_xnli.test", "pairID": "5601_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Abeam with the Arabella, across the harbour, were the flat-fronted white buildings of that imposing city that came down to the very water's edge.", "sentence2": "The Arabella came to a tiny city that was located on a barren land devoid of life.", "promptID": "815_xnli.test", "pairID": "2443_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The flow of saving is essential to accumulating a stock of wealth-as a general rule someone who never saves will have no wealth.", "sentence2": "If you don't save money in your bank account, you will have nothing.", "promptID": "1319_xnli.test", "pairID": "3955_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The ruthless defense minister Gustav Noske called in 4,000 Freikorps (right-wing storm-troopers) to smash the movement.", "sentence2": "Noske wanted things to continue right away.", "promptID": "1102_xnli.test", "pairID": "3305_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "According to the utility's central information security group, this process increases security awareness among business managers, develops support for needed controls, and helps integrate information security considerations into the organization's business operations.", "sentence2": "This process is generally considered to be harmful to security.", "promptID": "1362_xnli.test", "pairID": "4085_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "knowing all the while that, having known, I always will know this torn, singular voice", "sentence2": "I know that voice because it belongs to my mom.", "promptID": "2121_xnli.test", "pairID": "6363_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Figure 4 shows the supply curve of workshare services.", "sentence2": "The workshare services have varying supply.", "promptID": "1268_xnli.test", "pairID": "3804_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Less than a mile past the Arboretum, you will find two churches on the right side of the road, backed by hundreds of white painted family tombs on the hillside.", "sentence2": "The churches are also daycare centers for children.", "promptID": "1136_xnli.test", "pairID": "3406_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "He said that if his advisers had told him there was a cell in the United States, they would have moved to take care of it.", "sentence2": "He would have taken care of a cell in the US if he had known about it.", "promptID": "1729_xnli.test", "pairID": "5186_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Based on this risk assessment, Centrelink developed a range of specific prevention strategies aimed at educating beneficiaries and employers on income reporting requirements.", "sentence2": "Centrelink didn't how how to address the problem.", "promptID": "1286_xnli.test", "pairID": "3856_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "She didn't even understand the marriage ceremony, she didn't even know that she had gotten married, really--", "sentence2": "She knew what she was getting into.", "promptID": "188_xnli.test", "pairID": "564_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "and you're the minority and you're stuck with it but uh", "sentence2": "You are not a minority.", "promptID": "383_xnli.test", "pairID": "1149_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In response to Richard Lederer's call for submissions in a most graceful and coherent eleven-word supersentence contest [ The Glamour of Grammar, XVI,4], I offer the", "sentence2": "The rules of a supersentence contest always require submission of sentences with exactly eleven words.", "promptID": "2371_xnli.test", "pairID": "7113_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For the necessity of moving from need-to-know to need-to-share, see James Steinberg testimony, Oct. 14, 2003.", "sentence2": "James Steinberg was adamant that sharing data was to be avoided at all costs.", "promptID": "1592_xnli.test", "pairID": "4775_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I accept it as the only way to save us all from the certain destruction into which my own act may have brought us.", "sentence2": "Though the problem was not caused by my own volition, I can rescue you all.", "promptID": "940_xnli.test", "pairID": "2820_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "To the contrary, a government offer of money is not coercion--and not even remotely comparable to what goes on in China.", "sentence2": "The government is clearly bribing people if they give any money", "promptID": "2124_xnli.test", "pairID": "6372_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "all that so there's a lot of things like that that Texas Instruments makes that even the employees don't know they make for the most part", "sentence2": "Texas Instruments makes bombs that are top-secret.", "promptID": "482_xnli.test", "pairID": "1445_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Anyway, we deployed and I can tell now be, because of this that, that, that, uh, we deployed to Kadina, Okinawa, and this was in 1968.", "sentence2": "We never ended up deploying anyone.", "promptID": "223_xnli.test", "pairID": "668_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "WHAT IS THE SENIOR CHALLENGE?", "sentence2": "We challenge seniors to walk a mile every day.", "promptID": "1958_xnli.test", "pairID": "5873_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Close to the original action and still providing the most vivid testimony to the Klondike days, the boomtown of Dawson City yielded in 1951 to the transportation and communications center of Whitehorse as territorial capital.", "sentence2": "Whitehorse was the name of a potent alcoholic beverage.", "promptID": "1125_xnli.test", "pairID": "3375_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "If we think we are bound by a certain take on the world that prevailed in 1787, 1791, or 1868, then we should decide whose sentiments matter.", "sentence2": "People in 1787 thought the world was flat.", "promptID": "616_xnli.test", "pairID": "1847_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "That's the way the money goes--", "sentence2": "You could never know what happens with money.", "promptID": "2417_xnli.test", "pairID": "7251_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "get in each other's way yeah", "sentence2": "Of course, getting out of each other's way.", "promptID": "416_xnli.test", "pairID": "1246_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "At the center of the resort, in the sheltered waters of the inner lagoon, there is a Swim with the Dolphins program.", "sentence2": "You can swim with dolphins who can do crazy tricks.", "promptID": "1056_xnli.test", "pairID": "3167_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "One difference is that other groups need to do so because in order to function they must either attach new meanings to existing words and phrases or coin new words and pharases.", "sentence2": "Some groups need make up new words.", "promptID": "2469_xnli.test", "pairID": "7406_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Close to the original action and still providing the most vivid testimony to the Klondike days, the boomtown of Dawson City yielded in 1951 to the transportation and communications center of Whitehorse as territorial capital.", "sentence2": "Whitehorse was territorial capital.", "promptID": "1125_xnli.test", "pairID": "3374_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "There, not more than three miles away, was land--an uneven wall of vivid green that filled the western horizon.", "sentence2": "The island they were approaching was uninhabited.", "promptID": "757_xnli.test", "pairID": "2270_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The lake itself lies in the shadow of several high mountains, including Scafell Pike, the highest in England at 977 m (3,205 ft).", "sentence2": "The peak of Scafell Pike is a great spot for viewing the lake.", "promptID": "1047_xnli.test", "pairID": "3141_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Standing beside Captain Blood, he looked astern, following the indication of the Captain's hand, and cried out in his amazement.", "sentence2": "Captain Blood was notoriously good at promoting morale.", "promptID": "912_xnli.test", "pairID": "2734_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The program's educational feedback encourages compliance and can act as a deterrent to future wrongdoing, as practitioners are aware that HIC tracks what is claimed for reimbursement on an annual basis.", "sentence2": "Reimbursements are tracked every year by HIC.", "promptID": "1364_xnli.test", "pairID": "4092_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "They stressed that constant vigilance was needed to ensure that controls remained appropriate--addressing current risks and not unnecessarily hindering operations--and that individuals who used and maintained information systems complied with organizational policies.", "sentence2": "They said it was important to be vigilent when it came to the news factory controls.", "promptID": "1368_xnli.test", "pairID": "4104_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "oh oh my word well that sounds adventuresome", "sentence2": "That sounds like an awful experience.", "promptID": "294_xnli.test", "pairID": "882_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Intuitively, it seems unlikely that such a planet of nonliving complex entities could have arisen spontaneously since the big bang.", "sentence2": "God created the universe.", "promptID": "642_xnli.test", "pairID": "1924_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Agencies need to be able to measure success.", "sentence2": "Agencies can tell if they are successful by how much money they raise.", "promptID": "1600_xnli.test", "pairID": "4799_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "That's the way the money goes--", "sentence2": "That's just the normal way of things with money.", "promptID": "2417_xnli.test", "pairID": "7249_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "That's the way the money goes--", "sentence2": "That's just what happens with money.", "promptID": "2417_xnli.test", "pairID": "7250_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The building constructed above the underground quarters of the SS guards houses the Topographie des Terrors, an exhibition of photographs and documents which movingly illustrates the lives of those who resisted the Nazi terror.", "sentence2": "The building had no basement.", "promptID": "1160_xnli.test", "pairID": "3478_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "issues of alcohol use among injured patients are not in the purview of the trauma team", "sentence2": "The trauma team primarily handles alcohol issues.", "promptID": "1380_xnli.test", "pairID": "4139_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The girl that can help me is all the way across town.", "sentence2": "The girl I need help from lives a ways away.", "promptID": "19_xnli.test", "pairID": "55_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The lines composed of boxes show the welfare level of all mailers combined and the lines composed of diamonds show the technical losses (if negative) of shifting the work to another party.", "sentence2": "The lines calculate that the welfare level of the mailers is 10%.", "promptID": "1285_xnli.test", "pairID": "3853_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "It gives me great pleasure to extend to you this invitation to Join the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle in a celebration of our spirit at our Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas, August 16-20.", "sentence2": "The Republican National Convention is always in April.", "promptID": "1936_xnli.test", "pairID": "5808_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "With reinforcements, the Spaniards managed to establish a beachhead.", "sentence2": "The Spanish people had 100 people helping.", "promptID": "1094_xnli.test", "pairID": "3280_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Thus, as the diversity of the objects in the web increases, the diversity of prospective niches for new goods and services increases even more rapidly!", "sentence2": "More objects on the web makes it harder to have niche markets.", "promptID": "664_xnli.test", "pairID": "1990_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "In the meantime the Air Force bought the SR71, now the A-12, that we were working with the CIA.", "sentence2": "The Air Force bought 18 planes.", "promptID": "166_xnli.test", "pairID": "496_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And that's the wonderful tool of the IRT Education Programs--it lets children witness stories that teach them tools for everyday living and surviving.", "sentence2": "The IRT Education Programs help elderly people.", "promptID": "1912_xnli.test", "pairID": "5734_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "And she shivered at the memory of it.", "sentence2": "She was trying not to think of the event that took place.", "promptID": "841_xnli.test", "pairID": "2522_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In my own I've done nothing at all that I am ashamed of, considering the provocation I received. Her glance faltered, and fell away before his own that was so intent.", "sentence2": "I'm very ashamed of everything, I need to apologize immediately.", "promptID": "816_xnli.test", "pairID": "2447_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The arabesques and curlicues of the moldings and architectural ornaments in a French salon mirrored the flouncing ribbons that adorned the women's dresses and the frills of the men's shirts.", "sentence2": "The women's dresses had ribbons.", "promptID": "671_xnli.test", "pairID": "2012_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "This is a simple displacement from equilibrium, and a simple device, the mica flake, will be made to quake, hence, extract mechanical work.", "sentence2": "Something has been displaced from equilibrium.", "promptID": "555_xnli.test", "pairID": "1663_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Upon impact, many were killed or severely injured; others were relatively unharmed.", "sentence2": "Everyone lost a limb upon impact.", "promptID": "1617_xnli.test", "pairID": "4849_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "NEW ARRIVALS EVERY GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE!", "sentence2": "Only gifts above $100 make a difference.", "promptID": "1782_xnli.test", "pairID": "5346_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Some 1,400 years before the Palace of Estei was erected, Milreu was also the large country house of an eminent person.", "sentence2": "Milreu was right in the heart of the city.", "promptID": "1029_xnli.test", "pairID": "3087_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I wonder, now, he said presently, if the mischief is of your working.", "sentence2": "The source of the mischief was not yours alone.", "promptID": "972_xnli.test", "pairID": "2916_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "so i want to keep at it because i know that if you don't uh there's there's lots of problems that you can have", "sentence2": "A lot of things can go wrong if you don't keep working at it.", "promptID": "459_xnli.test", "pairID": "1375_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Technology is highly integrated with the business processes in these organizations because technology is viewed as an enabler for the business, not just a tool.", "sentence2": "Advanced scheduling software is one of the key technologies businesses focus on.", "promptID": "1279_xnli.test", "pairID": "3835_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Captain Blood's glance raked the ranks of those resolute, fierce-eyed fellows, then it came to rest again on Ogle.", "sentence2": "Captain Blood is blind.", "promptID": "950_xnli.test", "pairID": "2849_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The budget guidance issued the next day, however, highlighted gun crimes, narcotics trafficking, and civil rights as priorities.", "sentence2": "Many people objected to the priorities laid out in the budget guidance.", "promptID": "1722_xnli.test", "pairID": "5165_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "A boat that had approached unnoticed from the shore came scraping and bumping against the great red hull of the Arabella, and a raucous voice sent up a hailing shout.", "sentence2": "The Arabella is a boat with a red exterior.", "promptID": "984_xnli.test", "pairID": "2951_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "For covert action, of course, the White House depended on the Counterterrorist Center and the CIA's Directorate of Operations.", "sentence2": "The White House had no agencies available to handle covert operations.", "promptID": "1545_xnli.test", "pairID": "4635_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Chavez's case mirrors the findings of the survey by Colorado Legal Services, which reports that migrant workers at farms statewide are regularly exposed to hazardous pesticides in violation of federal laws.", "sentence2": "Chavez's case was about tea parties.", "promptID": "1345_xnli.test", "pairID": "4035_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "But I was in haste to land you.", "sentence2": "The person wanted a lover.", "promptID": "827_xnli.test", "pairID": "2479_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "So irradiating food seems safe, effective, and cheap.", "sentence2": "Irradiating food seems useful.", "promptID": "2151_xnli.test", "pairID": "6453_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "The second striking point is Omnes' claim that some observables cannot be observed.", "sentence2": "Omnes said you can see everything.", "promptID": "568_xnli.test", "pairID": "1702_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It's a little screw which set an injection but the, the breathing pressure tube to the pilot and counter pressure.", "sentence2": "The screw is tiny and silver.", "promptID": "139_xnli.test", "pairID": "416_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Nothing stands out about any of them with respect to the only security layer that was relevant to the actual checkpoint screening.", "sentence2": "Alarming evidence was discovered during the checkpoint screening.", "promptID": "1506_xnli.test", "pairID": "4516_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "knowing all the while that, having known, I always will know this torn, singular voice", "sentence2": "I know that voice", "promptID": "2121_xnli.test", "pairID": "6362_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Even so, Paris recently created miles of cycling lanes that crisscross the entire city, making bicycling much safer (and more popular).", "sentence2": "It's still incredibly dangerous to cycle in Paris.", "promptID": "1095_xnli.test", "pairID": "3285_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The explosion killed six people, injured about 1,000 more, and exposed vulnerabilities in the World Trade Center's and the city's emergency preparedness.", "sentence2": "Steps were taken to address security concerns following the explosion.", "promptID": "1707_xnli.test", "pairID": "5120_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Omnia vincit amor (unless you work for the Weekly Standard): Brit Hume ( Fox News Sunday ) speculates on why Lewinsky might not She still has a hopeless crush on the president.", "sentence2": "Brit Hume works for Fox.", "promptID": "2001_xnli.test", "pairID": "6003_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Parents who throw up their hands in desperation and search through their own parents' or grandparents' shelves for a more tried and true vision will nd themselves mired in the same conundrum.", "sentence2": "Due to their inflated ego, parents never give up or search for other clues.", "promptID": "608_xnli.test", "pairID": "1822_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Binalshibh believes the disagreement arose in part from Jarrah's family visits.", "sentence2": "Jarrah was involved in a fight with his brother in law.", "promptID": "1749_xnli.test", "pairID": "5247_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "According to the utility's central information security group, this process increases security awareness among business managers, develops support for needed controls, and helps integrate information security considerations into the organization's business operations.", "sentence2": "Better security can improve workplace efficiency by 10 percent or more.", "promptID": "1362_xnli.test", "pairID": "4084_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "right right don't go through the whole nine yards and", "sentence2": "You need to go through the whole thing.", "promptID": "304_xnli.test", "pairID": "912_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Which camp is right has enormous public health consequences.", "sentence2": "At least one camp has public health consequences.", "promptID": "2191_xnli.test", "pairID": "6572_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the meantime the Air Force bought the SR71, now the A-12, that we were working with the CIA.", "sentence2": "The Air Force didn't have any planes.", "promptID": "166_xnli.test", "pairID": "498_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The Auld Alliance, a treaty of accord between France and Scotland, was born.", "sentence2": "France and Scotland share a treaty known as the Auld Alliance.", "promptID": "2473_xnli.test", "pairID": "7417_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "As noted in the previous chapter, there must be some interplay in the entry into the adjacent possible that gates the exploration by the capacity of natural selection to trim away the losers.", "sentence2": "Natural selection always happens.", "promptID": "548_xnli.test", "pairID": "1642_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Also in this group is the Twenty-Third Amendment, which extends the right to vote for the president and vice president to citizens otherwise qualified in the District of Columbia.", "sentence2": "The 23rd amendment says you can vote for the president if you live in California.", "promptID": "737_xnli.test", "pairID": "2209_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Rockefeller was caught up in this anguished giving when Avenging Angel Tarbell began to rend his flesh in McClure's.", "sentence2": "Rockefeller was stingy.", "promptID": "2007_xnli.test", "pairID": "6021_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "And maybe it won't. Slow and mocking came Wolverstone's voice to answer the other's confident excitement, and as he spoke he advanced to Blood's side, an unexpected ally.", "sentence2": "Wolverstone remained quiet as he made his way away from Blood.", "promptID": "817_xnli.test", "pairID": "2451_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "An associate of a senior Hezbollah operative was on the same flight that took the future hijackers to Iran.", "sentence2": "While in Iran the hijackers received special training.", "promptID": "1543_xnli.test", "pairID": "4629_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "It gives me great pleasure to extend to you this invitation to Join the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle in a celebration of our spirit at our Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas, August 16-20.", "sentence2": "The Republican National Convention has only been in Houston once.", "promptID": "1936_xnli.test", "pairID": "5806_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "But as she got older, um, she never acknowledged that she was wrong but she did change her behavior.", "sentence2": "She never admitted that she was wrong.", "promptID": "168_xnli.test", "pairID": "503_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "I realize fully what you did, and I realize that partly, at least, you may have been urged by consideration for myself.", "sentence2": "I have no understanding of what you did or why you did it.", "promptID": "829_xnli.test", "pairID": "2485_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In past centuries, however, it was the haunt of Caribbean pirates, being far from the clutches of colonial overlords in Havana, San Juan in Puerto Rico, and Panama City, the nearest colonial outposts.", "sentence2": "There have never been pirates in the Caribbean.", "promptID": "1191_xnli.test", "pairID": "3571_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "Pitt, loosely clad in shirt and breeches, leaned against the rail the while and watched him, unmistakable concern imprinted on his fair, frank countenance.", "sentence2": "Pitt wore a shirt and breeches.", "promptID": "929_xnli.test", "pairID": "2786_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "For the truth is that a building'no matter how useful or well built or beautiful'that is not sympathetic to the way that people dress risks looking not merely anachronistic, but downright silly.", "sentence2": "A building can't be pretty if handicapped people can't go in it.", "promptID": "563_xnli.test", "pairID": "1689_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "On Aug. 25, after the Democratic convention had opened in Atlantic City, N.J., Johnson, then 56 years old, threatened in three recorded conversations to withdraw from the presidential race.", "sentence2": "Johnson threatened to withdraw.", "promptID": "2023_xnli.test", "pairID": "6069_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "I want to say that the autonomous agents comprising that community had, individually and collectively, the embodied know-how to get on with making a living in the natural games that constituted their world.", "sentence2": "The agents made $80,000.", "promptID": "564_xnli.test", "pairID": "1691_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As a proud Scot myself, I feel that a much more probable reason for this apparent lack of linguistic ambition is to be found in the regional dialect.", "sentence2": "The Scottish language is known to be highly ambtious.", "promptID": "2325_xnli.test", "pairID": "6974_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The principal figures on Bush's White House staff would be National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who had been a member of the NSC staff in the administration of George H.W.", "sentence2": "Condoleezza Rice was amazing at her job as National Security Advisor.", "promptID": "1628_xnli.test", "pairID": "4883_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Pamela Harriman, the U.S. ambassador to France, legendary Democratic Party financier, and serial wife and lover to great men of the 20 th century, died of a brain hemorrhage at 76.", "sentence2": "Harriman was married eight times.", "promptID": "2123_xnli.test", "pairID": "6369_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These capabilities were insufficient, but little was done to expand or reform them.", "sentence2": "They didn't change their surveillance program much.", "promptID": "1516_xnli.test", "pairID": "4546_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Agencies need to be able to measure success.", "sentence2": "Agencies really cant ever know if they're successful or not.", "promptID": "1600_xnli.test", "pairID": "4800_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "To do otherwise would send a troubling message to GAO's employees, the press, and the public.", "sentence2": "It's a bad message if you don't show the workers that their voices are heard.", "promptID": "1289_xnli.test", "pairID": "3866_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Why did ye let Wolverstone and the others go? he cried, with a touch of bitterness.", "sentence2": "He had let Wolverstone go, but he kept the others.", "promptID": "775_xnli.test", "pairID": "2323_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "If ye're counting on pulling Bishop's heartstrings, ye're a bigger fool, Ogle, than I've always thought you was with anything but guns.", "sentence2": "If Ogle were smart, he would have made the Bishop fall in love with him.", "promptID": "952_xnli.test", "pairID": "2854_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The ruthless defense minister Gustav Noske called in 4,000 Freikorps (right-wing storm-troopers) to smash the movement.", "sentence2": "Noske wanted to stop what was happening.", "promptID": "1102_xnli.test", "pairID": "3306_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "The confusion created by a such a requirement would be significant.", "sentence2": "Adjusting the requirements will reduce the amount of confusion.", "promptID": "1398_xnli.test", "pairID": "4192_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Pitt, loosely clad in shirt and breeches, leaned against the rail the while and watched him, unmistakable concern imprinted on his fair, frank countenance.", "sentence2": "Pitt wore a Batman suit.", "promptID": "929_xnli.test", "pairID": "2785_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "I do not believe the possible recon value outweighs the risk of possible program termination when the stakes are raised by the Taliban parading a charred Predator in front of CNN, he wrote.", "sentence2": "He was not happy that a burned Predator was shown on CNN.", "promptID": "1692_xnli.test", "pairID": "5074_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "She didn't even understand the marriage ceremony, she didn't even know that she had gotten married, really--", "sentence2": "She didn't understand that she was stuck with the guy forever even though she'd never met him.", "promptID": "188_xnli.test", "pairID": "562_xnli.test", "genre": "facetoface", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "And the quixotic fool is running into danger at the present moment on our behalf.", "sentence2": "He is heading into danger right now.", "promptID": "943_xnli.test", "pairID": "2827_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "One of the devastating consequences of heart disease is the irreparable damage it does to the heart muscle.", "sentence2": "The damage done to the heart muscle by heart disease is easily repaired.", "promptID": "1884_xnli.test", "pairID": "5651_xnli.test", "genre": "letters", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "These solutions will need to address both the types of interventions that best fit each ED and medical center and the specific problems of the patient.", "sentence2": "Group and individual therapy are two types of intervention commonly assigned to patients.", "promptID": "1342_xnli.test", "pairID": "4025_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "Despite that, Honey's treatment is virtually self-explanatory, and anyone contemplating a work on American accents would do well to be guided by the principles he has established.", "sentence2": "Honey can speak several accents.", "promptID": "2445_xnli.test", "pairID": "7333_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "There is a linguistic process in the evolution of our vocabulary that is not functioning with a high rate of efficiency.", "sentence2": "Our vocabulary does not have a linguistic process.", "promptID": "2489_xnli.test", "pairID": "7465_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "We've become so accustomed to hearing U.S. companies complain about foreign competition that it's easy to see Kodak's post-defeat recriminations as just more whining.", "sentence2": "Foreign competition will destroy U.S. companies.", "promptID": "2237_xnli.test", "pairID": "6709_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The dictionaries I have checked are silent--improperly so, I think--on these senses.", "sentence2": "Dictionaries do not talk about these senses very much.", "promptID": "2348_xnli.test", "pairID": "7042_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "and it would also cause people to compact their garbage more uh and uh and limiting the volume is probably a little bit closer to the real problem than limiting the weight", "sentence2": "People do not need to worry about the amount of garbage as long as they dispose of it properly.", "promptID": "288_xnli.test", "pairID": "863_xnli.test", "genre": "telephone", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "In the struggle against terrorism these distinctions seem increasingly artificial.", "sentence2": "The distinctions seem truly genuine.", "promptID": "1674_xnli.test", "pairID": "5020_xnli.test", "genre": "nineeleven", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "One difference is that other groups need to do so because in order to function they must either attach new meanings to existing words and phrases or coin new words and pharases.", "sentence2": "Some groups need make up new words to address changing times.", "promptID": "2469_xnli.test", "pairID": "7405_xnli.test", "genre": "verbatim", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "The tone of the amendment remains deferential to the states' control of the electoral process, even for national office.", "sentence2": "The states rule the electoral process.", "promptID": "740_xnli.test", "pairID": "2220_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "He was moved to raise his voice above its usual languid level.", "sentence2": "He raised his voice so high that it could be heard for miles around.", "promptID": "899_xnli.test", "pairID": "2696_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "neutral", "sentence1": "More recently, in a trade case in New York, Klayman found himself on the other end of charges of ethnic bias.", "sentence2": "Klayman didn't expect to be charged with ethnic bias.", "promptID": "2010_xnli.test", "pairID": "6029_xnli.test", "genre": "slate", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Ogle, said he, in a voice cold and sharp as steel, your station is on the gun-deck.", "sentence2": "He told Ogle that his station is always in the galley.", "promptID": "997_xnli.test", "pairID": "2989_xnli.test", "genre": "fiction", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "As noted in the previous chapter, there must be some interplay in the entry into the adjacent possible that gates the exploration by the capacity of natural selection to trim away the losers.", "sentence2": "There is no interplay.", "promptID": "548_xnli.test", "pairID": "1643_xnli.test", "genre": "oup", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "contradiction", "sentence1": "Notice how the trompe l'oeil painting on the low arched ceiling aspires to turn the little church into a lofty Gothic cathedral.", "sentence2": "The painting would turn the church into a harem.", "promptID": "1108_xnli.test", "pairID": "3324_xnli.test", "genre": "travel", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"} +{"language": "en", "gold_label": "entailment", "sentence1": "For affected EGUs for 2010 and each year thereafter, the Administrator shall allocate mercury allowances under section 474, and conduct auctions of mercury allowances under section 409, in the amounts in Table A.", "sentence2": "They limit mercury.", "promptID": "1376_xnli.test", "pairID": "4128_xnli.test", "genre": "government", "source_dataset": "xnli.test"}