--- annotations_creators: - expert-generated language_creators: - expert-generated - crowdsourced language: - ar multilinguality: - monolingual source_datasets: - original task_categories: - text-classification task_ids: - multi-label-classification --- # Arabic Quotes Dataset (arabic_Q) The "Arabic Quotes" dataset contains a collection of Arabic quotes along with their corresponding authors and tags. The dataset is scraped from the website "arabic-quotes.com" and provides a diverse range of quotes from various authors. ## Dataset Details - **Version**: 1.0.0 - **Total Quotes**: 3778 - **Languages**: Arabic - **Source**: arabic-quotes.com ## Dataset Structure The dataset is provided in the JSONL (JSON Lines) format, where each line represents a separate JSON object. The JSON objects have the following fields: - `quote`: The Arabic quote text. - `author`: The author of the quote. - `tags`: A list of tags associated with the quote, providing additional context or themes. ## Dataset Examples Here are a few examples of the quotes in the dataset: ```json { "quote": "اذا لم يكن لديك هدف ، فاجعل هدفك الاول ايجاد واحد .", "author": "وليام شكسبير", "tags": ["تنمية الذات", "تحفيز"] } { "quote": "قيمة الحياة ليست في مدى طولها ، بل في مدى قيمتها", "author": "وليام شكسبير", "tags": ["الحياة", "القيمة"] } { "quote": "التحدث عن الامور العميقة ليس سهلاً كما يبدو", "author": "جبران خليل جبران", "tags": ["التواصل", "العمق"] } ``` ## Dataset Usage The "Arabic Quotes" dataset can be used for various purposes, including: - Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks in Arabic text analysis. - Text generation and language modeling. - Quote recommendation systems. - Inspirational content generation. - text-classification ## Acknowledgements We would like to thank the website "arabic-quotes.com" for providing the valuable collection of Arabic quotes used in this dataset. ## License The dataset is provided under the [bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 License](https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigscience/license), which permits non-commercial use and sharing under certain conditions.