--- language: - "ar" pretty_name: "Questions and Answers Dataset in Arabic" tags: - "question-answer" - "language-learning" - "chatbot" license: "apache-2.0" task_categories: - "question-answering" - "text-generation" - "text2text-generation" --- # JSON File Description ## Overview This JSON file contains a collection of questions and answers in Arabic. Each question is associated with its corresponding answer. The file is structured in a way that allows easy retrieval and utilization of the question-answer pairs. ## File Structure The JSON file follows the following structure: ```json { "questions": [ { "question": "من هو أول من نزل على سطح القمر؟", "answer": "نيل أمسترونج" }, { "question": "كم عدد الأسنان في فم الإنسان العادي؟", "answer": "32 سنا" }, { "question": "كم عدد أعين الذبابة؟", "answer": "5 أعين" }, { "question": "كم عدد أرجل العنكبوت؟", "answer": "ج4 - 8 أرجل" }, { "question": "س5 - ماذا يسمى بيت النمل؟", "answer": "ج5 - قرية النمل" }, { "question": "س6 - كم عظمة توجد في جسم الإنسان؟", "answer": "ج6 - 206 عظمات" }, ... ] } The file consists of a single object with one key, "questions," which contains an array of question-answer pairs. Each question-answer pair is represented as an object with two keys: "question" and "answer". Usage: - Question-Answer Retrieval: Parse the JSON file and access the question-answer pairs programmatically to retrieve specific questions and their corresponding answers. - Language Learning: Utilize the question-answer pairs to develop language learning applications or quizzes where users can practice answering questions in Arabic. - Chatbot Integration: Integrate the JSON file with a chatbot system to provide automated responses based on the questions and answers available. Feel free to modify the JSON file by adding more question-answer pairs or use it as a reference to create your own question-answer datasets. Contributing: If you have additional questions and answers that you would like to contribute to this JSON file, please feel free to submit a pull request. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!