diff --git "a/KerasAPIReference.txt" "b/KerasAPIReference.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/KerasAPIReference.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,11447 @@ +Fashion MNIST dataset, an alternative to MNIST +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data() +Loads the Fashion-MNIST dataset. + +This is a dataset of 60,000 28x28 grayscale images of 10 fashion categories, along with a test set of 10,000 images. This dataset can be used as a drop-in replacement for MNIST. + +The classes are: + +Label Description +0 T-shirt/top +1 Trouser +2 Pullover +3 Dress +4 Coat +5 Sandal +6 Shirt +7 Sneaker +8 Bag +9 Ankle boot +Returns + +Tuple of NumPy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (60000, 28, 28), containing the training data. + +y_train: uint8 NumPy array of labels (integers in range 0-9) with shape (60000,) for the training data. + +x_test: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (10000, 28, 28), containing the test data. + +y_test: uint8 NumPy array of labels (integers in range 0-9) with shape (10000,) for the test data. + +Example + +(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = fashion_mnist.load_data() +assert x_train.shape == (60000, 28, 28) +assert x_test.shape == (10000, 28, 28) +assert y_train.shape == (60000,) +assert y_test.shape == (10000,) +License: The copyright for Fashion-MNIST is held by Zalando SE. Fashion-MNIST is licensed under the MIT license. + +MNIST digits classification dataset +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data(path="mnist.npz") +Loads the MNIST dataset. + +This is a dataset of 60,000 28x28 grayscale images of the 10 digits, along with a test set of 10,000 images. More info can be found at the MNIST homepage. + +Arguments + +path: path where to cache the dataset locally (relative to ~/.keras/datasets). +Returns + +Tuple of NumPy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (60000, 28, 28), containing the training data. Pixel values range from 0 to 255. + +y_train: uint8 NumPy array of digit labels (integers in range 0-9) with shape (60000,) for the training data. + +x_test: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (10000, 28, 28), containing the test data. Pixel values range from 0 to 255. + +y_test: uint8 NumPy array of digit labels (integers in range 0-9) with shape (10000,) for the test data. + +Example + +(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() +assert x_train.shape == (60000, 28, 28) +assert x_test.shape == (10000, 28, 28) +assert y_train.shape == (60000,) +assert y_test.shape == (10000,) +License: Yann LeCun and Corinna Cortes hold the copyright of MNIST dataset, which is a derivative work from original NIST datasets. MNIST dataset is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. + +Reuters newswire classification dataset +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.reuters.load_data( + path="reuters.npz", + num_words=None, + skip_top=0, + maxlen=None, + test_split=0.2, + seed=113, + start_char=1, + oov_char=2, + index_from=3, + **kwargs +) +Loads the Reuters newswire classification dataset. + +This is a dataset of 11,228 newswires from Reuters, labeled over 46 topics. + +This was originally generated by parsing and preprocessing the classic Reuters-21578 dataset, but the preprocessing code is no longer packaged with Keras. See this github discussion for more info. + +Each newswire is encoded as a list of word indexes (integers). For convenience, words are indexed by overall frequency in the dataset, so that for instance the integer "3" encodes the 3rd most frequent word in the data. This allows for quick filtering operations such as: "only consider the top 10,000 most common words, but eliminate the top 20 most common words". + +As a convention, "0" does not stand for a specific word, but instead is used to encode any unknown word. + +Arguments + +path: where to cache the data (relative to ~/.keras/dataset). +num_words: integer or None. Words are ranked by how often they occur (in the training set) and only the num_words most frequent words are kept. Any less frequent word will appear as oov_char value in the sequence data. If None, all words are kept. Defaults to None, so all words are kept. +skip_top: skip the top N most frequently occurring words (which may not be informative). These words will appear as oov_char value in the dataset. Defaults to 0, so no words are skipped. +maxlen: int or None. Maximum sequence length. Any longer sequence will be truncated. Defaults to None, which means no truncation. +test_split: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the dataset to be used as test data. Defaults to 0.2, meaning 20% of the dataset is used as test data. +seed: int. Seed for reproducible data shuffling. +start_char: int. The start of a sequence will be marked with this character. Defaults to 1 because 0 is usually the padding character. +oov_char: int. The out-of-vocabulary character. Words that were cut out because of the num_words or skip_top limits will be replaced with this character. +index_from: int. Index actual words with this index and higher. +**kwargs: Used for backwards compatibility. +Returns + +Tuple of Numpy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train, x_test: lists of sequences, which are lists of indexes (integers). If the num_words argument was specific, the maximum possible index value is num_words - 1. If the maxlen argument was specified, the largest possible sequence length is maxlen. + +y_train, y_test: lists of integer labels (1 or 0). + +Note: The 'out of vocabulary' character is only used for words that were present in the training set but are not included because they're not making the num_words cut here. Words that were not seen in the training set but are in the test set have simply been skipped. + +get_word_index function +tf.keras.datasets.reuters.get_word_index(path="reuters_word_index.json") +Retrieves a dict mapping words to their index in the Reuters dataset. + +Arguments + +path: where to cache the data (relative to ~/.keras/dataset). +Returns + +The word index dictionary. Keys are word strings, values are their index. + +Boston Housing price regression dataset +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.boston_housing.load_data( + path="boston_housing.npz", test_split=0.2, seed=113 +) +Loads the Boston Housing dataset. + +This is a dataset taken from the StatLib library which is maintained at Carnegie Mellon University. + +Samples contain 13 attributes of houses at different locations around the Boston suburbs in the late 1970s. Targets are the median values of the houses at a location (in k$). + +The attributes themselves are defined in the StatLib website. + +Arguments + +path: path where to cache the dataset locally (relative to ~/.keras/datasets). +test_split: fraction of the data to reserve as test set. +seed: Random seed for shuffling the data before computing the test split. +Returns + +Tuple of Numpy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train, x_test: numpy arrays with shape (num_samples, 13) containing either the training samples (for x_train), or test samples (for y_train). + +y_train, y_test: numpy arrays of shape (num_samples,) containing the target scalars. The targets are float scalars typically between 10 and 50 that represent the home prices in k$.CIFAR10 small images classification dataset +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data() +Loads the CIFAR10 dataset. + +This is a dataset of 50,000 32x32 color training images and 10,000 test images, labeled over 10 categories. See more info at the CIFAR homepage. + +The classes are: + +Label Description +0 airplane +1 automobile +2 bird +3 cat +4 deer +5 dog +6 frog +7 horse +8 ship +9 truck +Returns + +Tuple of NumPy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (50000, 32, 32, 3), containing the training data. Pixel values range from 0 to 255. + +y_train: uint8 NumPy array of labels (integers in range 0-9) with shape (50000, 1) for the training data. + +x_test: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (10000, 32, 32, 3), containing the test data. Pixel values range from 0 to 255. + +y_test: uint8 NumPy array of labels (integers in range 0-9) with shape (10000, 1) for the test data. + +Example + +(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data() +assert x_train.shape == (50000, 32, 32, 3) +assert x_test.shape == (10000, 32, 32, 3) +assert y_train.shape == (50000, 1) +assert y_test.shape == (10000, 1)IMDB movie review sentiment classification dataset +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.imdb.load_data( + path="imdb.npz", + num_words=None, + skip_top=0, + maxlen=None, + seed=113, + start_char=1, + oov_char=2, + index_from=3, + **kwargs +) +Loads the IMDB dataset. + +This is a dataset of 25,000 movies reviews from IMDB, labeled by sentiment (positive/negative). Reviews have been preprocessed, and each review is encoded as a list of word indexes (integers). For convenience, words are indexed by overall frequency in the dataset, so that for instance the integer "3" encodes the 3rd most frequent word in the data. This allows for quick filtering operations such as: "only consider the top 10,000 most common words, but eliminate the top 20 most common words". + +As a convention, "0" does not stand for a specific word, but instead is used to encode any unknown word. + +Arguments + +path: where to cache the data (relative to ~/.keras/dataset). +num_words: integer or None. Words are ranked by how often they occur (in the training set) and only the num_words most frequent words are kept. Any less frequent word will appear as oov_char value in the sequence data. If None, all words are kept. Defaults to None, so all words are kept. +skip_top: skip the top N most frequently occurring words (which may not be informative). These words will appear as oov_char value in the dataset. Defaults to 0, so no words are skipped. +maxlen: int or None. Maximum sequence length. Any longer sequence will be truncated. Defaults to None, which means no truncation. +seed: int. Seed for reproducible data shuffling. +start_char: int. The start of a sequence will be marked with this character. Defaults to 1 because 0 is usually the padding character. +oov_char: int. The out-of-vocabulary character. Words that were cut out because of the num_words or skip_top limits will be replaced with this character. +index_from: int. Index actual words with this index and higher. +**kwargs: Used for backwards compatibility. +Returns + +Tuple of Numpy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train, x_test: lists of sequences, which are lists of indexes (integers). If the num_words argument was specific, the maximum possible index value is num_words - 1. If the maxlen argument was specified, the largest possible sequence length is maxlen. + +y_train, y_test: lists of integer labels (1 or 0). + +Raises + +ValueError: in case maxlen is so low that no input sequence could be kept. +Note that the 'out of vocabulary' character is only used for words that were present in the training set but are not included because they're not making the num_words cut here. Words that were not seen in the training set but are in the test set have simply been skipped. + +get_word_index function +tf.keras.datasets.imdb.get_word_index(path="imdb_word_index.json") +Retrieves a dict mapping words to their index in the IMDB dataset. + +Arguments + +path: where to cache the data (relative to ~/.keras/dataset). +Returns + +The word index dictionary. Keys are word strings, values are their index. + +Example + +# Retrieve the training sequences. +(x_train, _), _ = keras.datasets.imdb.load_data() +# Retrieve the word index file mapping words to indices +word_index = keras.datasets.imdb.get_word_index() +# Reverse the word index to obtain a dict mapping indices to words +inverted_word_index = dict((i, word) for (word, i) in word_index.items()) +# Decode the first sequence in the dataset +decoded_sequence = " ".join(inverted_word_index[i] for i in x_train[0])CIFAR100 small images classification dataset +load_data function +tf.keras.datasets.cifar100.load_data(label_mode="fine") +Loads the CIFAR100 dataset. + +This is a dataset of 50,000 32x32 color training images and 10,000 test images, labeled over 100 fine-grained classes that are grouped into 20 coarse-grained classes. See more info at the CIFAR homepage. + +Arguments + +label_mode: one of "fine", "coarse". If it is "fine" the category labels are the fine-grained labels, if it is "coarse" the output labels are the coarse-grained superclasses. +Returns + +Tuple of NumPy arrays: (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test). +x_train: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (50000, 32, 32, 3), containing the training data. Pixel values range from 0 to 255. + +y_train: uint8 NumPy array of labels (integers in range 0-99) with shape (50000, 1) for the training data. + +x_test: uint8 NumPy array of grayscale image data with shapes (10000, 32, 32, 3), containing the test data. Pixel values range from 0 to 255. + +y_test: uint8 NumPy array of labels (integers in range 0-99) with shape (10000, 1) for the test data. + +Example + +(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.cifar100.load_data() +assert x_train.shape == (50000, 32, 32, 3) +assert x_test.shape == (10000, 32, 32, 3) +assert y_train.shape == (50000, 1) +assert y_test.shape == (10000, 1) +ResNet and ResNetV2 +ResNet50 function +tf.keras.applications.ResNet50( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the ResNet50 architecture. + +Reference + +Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (CVPR 2015) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For ResNet, call tf.keras.applications.resnet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. resnet.preprocess_input will convert the input images from RGB to BGR, then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNet dataset, without scaling. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +ResNet101 function +tf.keras.applications.ResNet101( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the ResNet101 architecture. + +Reference + +Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (CVPR 2015) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For ResNet, call tf.keras.applications.resnet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. resnet.preprocess_input will convert the input images from RGB to BGR, then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNet dataset, without scaling. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +ResNet152 function +tf.keras.applications.ResNet152( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the ResNet152 architecture. + +Reference + +Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (CVPR 2015) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For ResNet, call tf.keras.applications.resnet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. resnet.preprocess_input will convert the input images from RGB to BGR, then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNet dataset, without scaling. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +ResNet50V2 function +tf.keras.applications.ResNet50V2( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the ResNet50V2 architecture. + +Reference + +[Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks] (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05027) (CVPR 2016) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For ResNetV2, call tf.keras.applications.resnet_v2.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. resnet_v2.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +ResNet101V2 function +tf.keras.applications.ResNet101V2( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the ResNet101V2 architecture. + +Reference + +[Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks] (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05027) (CVPR 2016) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For ResNetV2, call tf.keras.applications.resnet_v2.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. resnet_v2.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +ResNet152V2 function +tf.keras.applications.ResNet152V2( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the ResNet152V2 architecture. + +Reference + +[Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks] (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05027) (CVPR 2016) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For ResNetV2, call tf.keras.applications.resnet_v2.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. resnet_v2.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNet B0 to B7 +EfficientNetB0 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB0( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB0 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB1 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB1( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB1 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB2 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB2( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB2 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB3 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB3( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB3 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB4 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB4( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB4 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB5 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB5( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB5 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB6 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB6( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB6 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +EfficientNetB7 function +tf.keras.applications.EfficientNetB7( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the EfficientNetB7 architecture. + +Reference + +EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICML 2019) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For EfficientNet, input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer), and thus tf.keras.applications.efficientnet.preprocess_input is actually a pass-through function. EfficientNet models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0-255] range. + +Arguments + +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Defaults to 'imagenet'. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. Defaults to None. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000 (number of ImageNet classes). +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. Defaults to 'softmax'. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +InceptionResNetV2 +InceptionResNetV2 function +tf.keras.applications.InceptionResNetV2( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the Inception-ResNet v2 architecture. + +Reference + +Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning (AAAI 2017) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For InceptionResNetV2, call tf.keras.applications.inception_resnet_v2.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. inception_resnet_v2.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (299, 299, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 299, 299) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 75. E.g. (150, 150, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +'avg' means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +'max' means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +**kwargs: For backwards compatibility only. +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +Xception +Xception function +tf.keras.applications.Xception( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the Xception architecture. + +Reference + +Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions (CVPR 2017) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +The default input image size for this model is 299x299. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For Xception, call tf.keras.applications.xception.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. xception.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (299, 299, 3). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 71. E.g. (150, 150, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance.DenseNet +DenseNet121 function +tf.keras.applications.DenseNet121( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, +) +Instantiates the Densenet121 architecture. + +Reference + +Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (CVPR 2017) +Optionally loads weights pre-trained on ImageNet. Note that the data format convention used by the model is the one specified in your Keras config at ~/.keras/keras.json. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For DenseNet, call tf.keras.applications.densenet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +DenseNet169 function +tf.keras.applications.DenseNet169( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, +) +Instantiates the Densenet169 architecture. + +Reference + +Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (CVPR 2017) +Optionally loads weights pre-trained on ImageNet. Note that the data format convention used by the model is the one specified in your Keras config at ~/.keras/keras.json. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For DenseNet, call tf.keras.applications.densenet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +DenseNet201 function +tf.keras.applications.DenseNet201( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, +) +Instantiates the Densenet201 architecture. + +Reference + +Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (CVPR 2017) +Optionally loads weights pre-trained on ImageNet. Note that the data format convention used by the model is the one specified in your Keras config at ~/.keras/keras.json. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For DenseNet, call tf.keras.applications.densenet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with 'channels_last' data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with 'channels_first' data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +VGG16 and VGG19 +VGG16 function +tf.keras.applications.VGG16( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the VGG16 model. + +Reference + +Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition (ICLR 2015) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +The default input size for this model is 224x224. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For VGG16, call tf.keras.applications.vgg16.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. vgg16.preprocess_input will convert the input images from RGB to BGR, then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNet dataset, without scaling. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the 3 fully-connected layers at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with channels_last data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with channels_first data format). It should have exactly 3 input channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +VGG19 function +tf.keras.applications.VGG19( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the VGG19 architecture. + +Reference + +Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition (ICLR 2015) +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +The default input size for this model is 224x224. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For VGG19, call tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. vgg19.preprocess_input will convert the input images from RGB to BGR, then will zero-center each color channel with respect to the ImageNet dataset, without scaling. + +Arguments + +include_top: whether to include the 3 fully-connected layers at the top of the network. +weights: one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with channels_last data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with channels_first data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +InceptionV3 +InceptionV3 function +tf.keras.applications.InceptionV3( + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + input_shape=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", +) +Instantiates the Inception v3 architecture. + +Reference + +Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision (CVPR 2016) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For InceptionV3, call tf.keras.applications.inception_v3.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. inception_v3.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +include_top: Boolean, whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top, as the last layer of the network. Default to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), imagenet (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Default to imagenet. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. input_tensor is useful for sharing inputs between multiple different networks. Default to None. +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (299, 299, 3) (with channels_last data format) or (3, 299, 299) (with channels_first data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 75. E.g. (150, 150, 3) would be one valid value. input_shape will be ignored if the input_tensor is provided. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None (default) means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Default to 1000. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +MobileNet and MobileNetV2 +MobileNet function +tf.keras.applications.MobileNet( + input_shape=None, + alpha=1.0, + depth_multiplier=1, + dropout=0.001, + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the MobileNet architecture. + +Reference + +MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For MobileNet, call tf.keras.applications.mobilenet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. mobilenet.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) (with channels_last data format) or (3, 224, 224) (with channels_first data format). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (200, 200, 3) would be one valid value. Default to None. input_shape will be ignored if the input_tensor is provided. +alpha: Controls the width of the network. This is known as the width multiplier in the MobileNet paper. - If alpha < 1.0, proportionally decreases the number of filters in each layer. - If alpha > 1.0, proportionally increases the number of filters in each layer. - If alpha = 1, default number of filters from the paper are used at each layer. Default to 1.0. +depth_multiplier: Depth multiplier for depthwise convolution. This is called the resolution multiplier in the MobileNet paper. Default to 1.0. +dropout: Dropout rate. Default to 0.001. +include_top: Boolean, whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Default to True. +weights: One of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. Default to imagenet. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. input_tensor is useful for sharing inputs between multiple different networks. Default to None. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None (default) means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. Defaults to 1000. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +**kwargs: For backwards compatibility only. +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +MobileNetV2 function +tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2( + input_shape=None, + alpha=1.0, + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, + classifier_activation="softmax", + **kwargs +) +Instantiates the MobileNetV2 architecture. + +MobileNetV2 is very similar to the original MobileNet, except that it uses inverted residual blocks with bottlenecking features. It has a drastically lower parameter count than the original MobileNet. MobileNets support any input size greater than 32 x 32, with larger image sizes offering better performance. + +Reference + +MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks (CVPR 2018) +This function returns a Keras image classification model, optionally loaded with weights pre-trained on ImageNet. + +For image classification use cases, see this page for detailed examples. + +For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For MobileNetV2, call tf.keras.applications.mobilenet_v2.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. mobilenet_v2.preprocess_input will scale input pixels between -1 and 1. + +Arguments + +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, to be specified if you would like to use a model with an input image resolution that is not (224, 224, 3). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels (224, 224, 3). You can also omit this option if you would like to infer input_shape from an input_tensor. If you choose to include both input_tensor and input_shape then input_shape will be used if they match, if the shapes do not match then we will throw an error. E.g. (160, 160, 3) would be one valid value. +alpha: Float between 0 and 1. controls the width of the network. This is known as the width multiplier in the MobileNetV2 paper, but the name is kept for consistency with applications.MobileNetV1 model in Keras. +If alpha < 1.0, proportionally decreases the number of filters in each layer. +If alpha > 1.0, proportionally increases the number of filters in each layer. +If alpha = 1, default number of filters from the paper are used at each layer. +include_top: Boolean, whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to True. +weights: String, one of None (random initialization), 'imagenet' (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +pooling: String, optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. +None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. +avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. +max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Integer, optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +classifier_activation: A str or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless include_top=True. Set classifier_activation=None to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, classifier_activation can only be None or "softmax". +**kwargs: For backwards compatibility only. +Returns + +A keras.Model instance. + +NasNetLarge and NasNetMobile +NASNetLarge function +tf.keras.applications.NASNetLarge( + input_shape=None, + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, +) +Instantiates a NASNet model in ImageNet mode. + +Reference + +Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition (CVPR 2018) +Optionally loads weights pre-trained on ImageNet. Note that the data format convention used by the model is the one specified in your Keras config at ~/.keras/keras.json. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For NASNet, call tf.keras.applications.nasnet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. + +Arguments + +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (331, 331, 3) for NASNetLarge. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (224, 224, 3) would be one valid value. +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: None (random initialization) or imagenet (ImageNet weights) For loading imagenet weights, input_shape should be (331, 331, 3) +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +Raises + +ValueError: in case of invalid argument for weights, or invalid input shape. +RuntimeError: If attempting to run this model with a backend that does not support separable convolutions. +NASNetMobile function +tf.keras.applications.NASNetMobile( + input_shape=None, + include_top=True, + weights="imagenet", + input_tensor=None, + pooling=None, + classes=1000, +) +Instantiates a Mobile NASNet model in ImageNet mode. + +Reference + +Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition (CVPR 2018) +Optionally loads weights pre-trained on ImageNet. Note that the data format convention used by the model is the one specified in your Keras config at ~/.keras/keras.json. + +Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For NASNet, call tf.keras.applications.nasnet.preprocess_input on your inputs before passing them to the model. + +Arguments + +input_shape: Optional shape tuple, only to be specified if include_top is False (otherwise the input shape has to be (224, 224, 3) for NASNetMobile It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 32. E.g. (224, 224, 3) would be one valid value. +include_top: Whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. +weights: None (random initialization) or imagenet (ImageNet weights) For loading imagenet weights, input_shape should be (224, 224, 3) +input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of layers.Input()) to use as image input for the model. +pooling: Optional pooling mode for feature extraction when include_top is False. - None means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional layer. - avg means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional layer, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - max means that global max pooling will be applied. +classes: Optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified. +Returns + +A Keras model instance. + +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid argument for weights, or invalid input shape. +RuntimeError: If attempting to run this model with a backend that does not support separable convolutions.The base Layer class +Layer class +tf.keras.layers.Layer( + trainable=True, name=None, dtype=None, dynamic=False, **kwargs +) +This is the class from which all layers inherit. + +A layer is a callable object that takes as input one or more tensors and that outputs one or more tensors. It involves computation, defined in the call() method, and a state (weight variables), defined either in the constructor __init__() or in the build() method. + +Users will just instantiate a layer and then treat it as a callable. + +Arguments + +trainable: Boolean, whether the layer's variables should be trainable. +name: String name of the layer. +dtype: The dtype of the layer's computations and weights. Can also be a tf.keras.mixed_precision.Policy, which allows the computation and weight dtype to differ. Default of None means to use tf.keras.mixed_precision.global_policy(), which is a float32 policy unless set to different value. +dynamic: Set this to True if your layer should only be run eagerly, and should not be used to generate a static computation graph. This would be the case for a Tree-RNN or a recursive network, for example, or generally for any layer that manipulates tensors using Python control flow. If False, we assume that the layer can safely be used to generate a static computation graph. +Attributes + +name: The name of the layer (string). +dtype: The dtype of the layer's weights. +variable_dtype: Alias of dtype. +compute_dtype: The dtype of the layer's computations. Layers automatically cast inputs to this dtype which causes the computations and output to also be in this dtype. When mixed precision is used with a tf.keras.mixed_precision.Policy, this will be different than variable_dtype. +dtype_policy: The layer's dtype policy. See the tf.keras.mixed_precision.Policy documentation for details. +trainable_weights: List of variables to be included in backprop. +non_trainable_weights: List of variables that should not be included in backprop. +weights: The concatenation of the lists trainable_weights and non_trainable_weights (in this order). +trainable: Whether the layer should be trained (boolean), i.e. whether its potentially-trainable weights should be returned as part of layer.trainable_weights. +input_spec: Optional (list of) InputSpec object(s) specifying the constraints on inputs that can be accepted by the layer. +We recommend that descendants of Layer implement the following methods: + +__init__(): Defines custom layer attributes, and creates layer state variables that do not depend on input shapes, using add_weight(). +build(self, input_shape): This method can be used to create weights that depend on the shape(s) of the input(s), using add_weight(). __call__() will automatically build the layer (if it has not been built yet) by calling build(). +call(self, inputs, *args, **kwargs): Called in __call__ after making sure build() has been called. call() performs the logic of applying the layer to the input tensors (which should be passed in as argument). Two reserved keyword arguments you can optionally use in call() are: - training (boolean, whether the call is in inference mode or training mode). See more details in the layer/model subclassing guide - mask (boolean tensor encoding masked timesteps in the input, used in RNN layers). See more details in the layer/model subclassing guide A typical signature for this method is call(self, inputs), and user could optionally add training and mask if the layer need them. *args and **kwargs is only useful for future extension when more input parameters are planned to be added. +get_config(self): Returns a dictionary containing the configuration used to initialize this layer. If the keys differ from the arguments in __init__, then override from_config(self) as well. This method is used when saving the layer or a model that contains this layer. +Examples + +Here's a basic example: a layer with two variables, w and b, that returns y = w . x + b. It shows how to implement build() and call(). Variables set as attributes of a layer are tracked as weights of the layers (in layer.weights). + +class SimpleDense(Layer): + + def __init__(self, units=32): + super(SimpleDense, self).__init__() + self.units = units + + def build(self, input_shape): # Create the state of the layer (weights) + w_init = tf.random_normal_initializer() + self.w = tf.Variable( + initial_value=w_init(shape=(input_shape[-1], self.units), + dtype='float32'), + trainable=True) + b_init = tf.zeros_initializer() + self.b = tf.Variable( + initial_value=b_init(shape=(self.units,), dtype='float32'), + trainable=True) + + def call(self, inputs): # Defines the computation from inputs to outputs + return tf.matmul(inputs, self.w) + self.b + +# Instantiates the layer. +linear_layer = SimpleDense(4) + +# This will also call `build(input_shape)` and create the weights. +y = linear_layer(tf.ones((2, 2))) +assert len(linear_layer.weights) == 2 + +# These weights are trainable, so they're listed in `trainable_weights`: +assert len(linear_layer.trainable_weights) == 2 +Note that the method add_weight() offers a shortcut to create weights: + +class SimpleDense(Layer): + + def __init__(self, units=32): + super(SimpleDense, self).__init__() + self.units = units + + def build(self, input_shape): + self.w = self.add_weight(shape=(input_shape[-1], self.units), + initializer='random_normal', + trainable=True) + self.b = self.add_weight(shape=(self.units,), + initializer='random_normal', + trainable=True) + + def call(self, inputs): + return tf.matmul(inputs, self.w) + self.b +Besides trainable weights, updated via backpropagation during training, layers can also have non-trainable weights. These weights are meant to be updated manually during call(). Here's a example layer that computes the running sum of its inputs: + +class ComputeSum(Layer): + + def __init__(self, input_dim): + super(ComputeSum, self).__init__() + # Create a non-trainable weight. + self.total = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.zeros((input_dim,)), + trainable=False) + + def call(self, inputs): + self.total.assign_add(tf.reduce_sum(inputs, axis=0)) + return self.total + +my_sum = ComputeSum(2) +x = tf.ones((2, 2)) + +y = my_sum(x) +print(y.numpy()) # [2. 2.] + +y = my_sum(x) +print(y.numpy()) # [4. 4.] + +assert my_sum.weights == [my_sum.total] +assert my_sum.non_trainable_weights == [my_sum.total] +assert my_sum.trainable_weights == [] +For more information about creating layers, see the guide Making new Layers and Models via subclassing + +weights property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.weights +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Returns + +A list of variables. + +trainable_weights property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.trainable_weights +List of all trainable weights tracked by this layer. + +Trainable weights are updated via gradient descent during training. + +Returns + +A list of trainable variables. + +non_trainable_weights property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.non_trainable_weights +List of all non-trainable weights tracked by this layer. + +Non-trainable weights are not updated during training. They are expected to be updated manually in call(). + +Returns + +A list of non-trainable variables. + +trainable property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.trainable +get_weights method +Layer.get_weights() +Returns the current weights of the layer, as NumPy arrays. + +The weights of a layer represent the state of the layer. This function returns both trainable and non-trainable weight values associated with this layer as a list of NumPy arrays, which can in turn be used to load state into similarly parameterized layers. + +For example, a Dense layer returns a list of two values: the kernel matrix and the bias vector. These can be used to set the weights of another Dense layer: + + +>>> layer_a = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, +... kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.)) +>>> a_out = layer_a(tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.]])) +>>> layer_a.get_weights() +[array([[1.], + [1.], + [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] +>>> layer_b = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, +... kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(2.)) +>>> b_out = layer_b(tf.convert_to_tensor([[10., 20., 30.]])) +>>> layer_b.get_weights() +[array([[2.], + [2.], + [2.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] +>>> layer_b.set_weights(layer_a.get_weights()) +>>> layer_b.get_weights() +[array([[1.], + [1.], + [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] + +Returns + +Weights values as a list of NumPy arrays. + +set_weights method +Layer.set_weights(weights) +Sets the weights of the layer, from NumPy arrays. + +The weights of a layer represent the state of the layer. This function sets the weight values from numpy arrays. The weight values should be passed in the order they are created by the layer. Note that the layer's weights must be instantiated before calling this function, by calling the layer. + +For example, a Dense layer returns a list of two values: the kernel matrix and the bias vector. These can be used to set the weights of another Dense layer: + + +>>> layer_a = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, +... kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.)) +>>> a_out = layer_a(tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.]])) +>>> layer_a.get_weights() +[array([[1.], + [1.], + [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] +>>> layer_b = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, +... kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(2.)) +>>> b_out = layer_b(tf.convert_to_tensor([[10., 20., 30.]])) +>>> layer_b.get_weights() +[array([[2.], + [2.], + [2.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] +>>> layer_b.set_weights(layer_a.get_weights()) +>>> layer_b.get_weights() +[array([[1.], + [1.], + [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] + +Arguments + +weights: a list of NumPy arrays. The number of arrays and their shape must match number of the dimensions of the weights of the layer (i.e. it should match the output of get_weights). +Raises + +ValueError: If the provided weights list does not match the layer's specifications. +get_config method +Model.get_config() +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of a layer. The same layer can be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity information, nor the layer class name. These are handled by Network (one layer of abstraction above). + +Note that get_config() does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the returned dict if they want to modify it. + +Returns + +Python dictionary. + +add_loss method +Layer.add_loss(losses, **kwargs) +Add loss tensor(s), potentially dependent on layer inputs. + +Some losses (for instance, activity regularization losses) may be dependent on the inputs passed when calling a layer. Hence, when reusing the same layer on different inputs a and b, some entries in layer.losses may be dependent on a and some on b. This method automatically keeps track of dependencies. + +This method can be used inside a subclassed layer or model's call function, in which case losses should be a Tensor or list of Tensors. + +Example + +class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): + def call(self, inputs): + self.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(inputs))) + return inputs +This method can also be called directly on a Functional Model during construction. In this case, any loss Tensors passed to this Model must be symbolic and be able to be traced back to the model's Inputs. These losses become part of the model's topology and are tracked in get_config. + +Example + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,)) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs) +outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +# Activity regularization. +model.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(x))) +If this is not the case for your loss (if, for example, your loss references a Variable of one of the model's layers), you can wrap your loss in a zero-argument lambda. These losses are not tracked as part of the model's topology since they can't be serialized. + +Example + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,)) +d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) +x = d(inputs) +outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +# Weight regularization. +model.add_loss(lambda: tf.reduce_mean(d.kernel)) +Arguments + +losses: Loss tensor, or list/tuple of tensors. Rather than tensors, losses may also be zero-argument callables which create a loss tensor. +**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for backward compatibility. Accepted values: inputs - Deprecated, will be automatically inferred. +add_metric method +Layer.add_metric(value, name=None, **kwargs) +Adds metric tensor to the layer. + +This method can be used inside the call() method of a subclassed layer or model. + +class MyMetricLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): + def __init__(self): + super(MyMetricLayer, self).__init__(name='my_metric_layer') + self.mean = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='metric_1') + + def call(self, inputs): + self.add_metric(self.mean(inputs)) + self.add_metric(tf.reduce_sum(inputs), name='metric_2') + return inputs +This method can also be called directly on a Functional Model during construction. In this case, any tensor passed to this Model must be symbolic and be able to be traced back to the model's Inputs. These metrics become part of the model's topology and are tracked when you save the model via save(). + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,)) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs) +outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +model.add_metric(math_ops.reduce_sum(x), name='metric_1') +Note: Calling add_metric() with the result of a metric object on a Functional Model, as shown in the example below, is not supported. This is because we cannot trace the metric result tensor back to the model's inputs. + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,)) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs) +outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +model.add_metric(tf.keras.metrics.Mean()(x), name='metric_1') +Arguments + +value: Metric tensor. +name: String metric name. +**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for backward compatibility. Accepted values: aggregation - When the value tensor provided is not the result of calling a keras.Metric instance, it will be aggregated by default using a keras.Metric.Mean. +losses property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.losses +List of losses added using the add_loss() API. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, so it is eager safe: accessing losses under a tf.GradientTape will propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +Examples + + +>>> class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): +... def call(self, inputs): +... self.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(inputs))) +... return inputs +>>> l = MyLayer() +>>> l(np.ones((10, 1))) +>>> l.losses +[1.0] + + +>>> inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,)) +>>> x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs) +>>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x) +>>> model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +>>> # Activity regularization. +>>> len(model.losses) +0 +>>> model.add_loss(tf.abs(tf.reduce_mean(x))) +>>> len(model.losses) +1 + + +>>> inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,)) +>>> d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, kernel_initializer='ones') +>>> x = d(inputs) +>>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x) +>>> model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +>>> # Weight regularization. +>>> model.add_loss(lambda: tf.reduce_mean(d.kernel)) +>>> model.losses +[] + +Returns + +A list of tensors. + +metrics property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.metrics +List of metrics added using the add_metric() API. + +Example + + +>>> input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,)) +>>> d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2) +>>> output = d(input) +>>> d.add_metric(tf.reduce_max(output), name='max') +>>> d.add_metric(tf.reduce_min(output), name='min') +>>> [m.name for m in d.metrics] +['max', 'min'] + +Returns + +A list of Metric objects. + +dynamic property +tf.keras.layers.Layer.dynamic +Whether the layer is dynamic (eager-only); set in the constructor. + +Layer activation functions +Usage of activations +Activations can either be used through an Activation layer, or through the activation argument supported by all forward layers: + +model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation=activations.relu)) +This is equivalent to: + +from tensorflow.keras import layers +from tensorflow.keras import activations + +model.add(layers.Dense(64)) +model.add(layers.Activation(activations.relu)) +All built-in activations may also be passed via their string identifier: + +model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')) +Available activations +relu function +tf.keras.activations.relu(x, alpha=0.0, max_value=None, threshold=0) +Applies the rectified linear unit activation function. + +With default values, this returns the standard ReLU activation: max(x, 0), the element-wise maximum of 0 and the input tensor. + +Modifying default parameters allows you to use non-zero thresholds, change the max value of the activation, and to use a non-zero multiple of the input for values below the threshold. + +For example: + + +>>> foo = tf.constant([-10, -5, 0.0, 5, 10], dtype = tf.float32) +>>> tf.keras.activations.relu(foo).numpy() +array([ 0., 0., 0., 5., 10.], dtype=float32) +>>> tf.keras.activations.relu(foo, alpha=0.5).numpy() +array([-5. , -2.5, 0. , 5. , 10. ], dtype=float32) +>>> tf.keras.activations.relu(foo, max_value=5).numpy() +array([0., 0., 0., 5., 5.], dtype=float32) +>>> tf.keras.activations.relu(foo, threshold=5).numpy() +array([-0., -0., 0., 0., 10.], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor or variable. +alpha: A float that governs the slope for values lower than the threshold. +max_value: A float that sets the saturation threshold (the largest value the function will return). +threshold: A float giving the threshold value of the activation function below which values will be damped or set to zero. +Returns + +A Tensor representing the input tensor, transformed by the relu activation function. Tensor will be of the same shape and dtype of input x. + +sigmoid function +tf.keras.activations.sigmoid(x) +Sigmoid activation function, sigmoid(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)). + +Applies the sigmoid activation function. For small values (<-5), sigmoid returns a value close to zero, and for large values (>5) the result of the function gets close to 1. + +Sigmoid is equivalent to a 2-element Softmax, where the second element is assumed to be zero. The sigmoid function always returns a value between 0 and 1. + +For example: + + +>>> a = tf.constant([-20, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20], dtype = tf.float32) +>>> b = tf.keras.activations.sigmoid(a) +>>> b.numpy() +array([2.0611537e-09, 2.6894143e-01, 5.0000000e-01, 7.3105860e-01, + 1.0000000e+00], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor. +Returns + +Tensor with the sigmoid activation: 1 / (1 + exp(-x)). +softmax function +tf.keras.activations.softmax(x, axis=-1) +Softmax converts a vector of values to a probability distribution. + +The elements of the output vector are in range (0, 1) and sum to 1. + +Each vector is handled independently. The axis argument sets which axis of the input the function is applied along. + +Softmax is often used as the activation for the last layer of a classification network because the result could be interpreted as a probability distribution. + +The softmax of each vector x is computed as exp(x) / tf.reduce_sum(exp(x)). + +The input values in are the log-odds of the resulting probability. + +Arguments + +x : Input tensor. +axis: Integer, axis along which the softmax normalization is applied. +Returns + +Tensor, output of softmax transformation (all values are non-negative and sum to 1). + +Examples + +Example 1: standalone usage + + +>>> inputs = tf.random.normal(shape=(32, 10)) +>>> outputs = tf.keras.activations.softmax(inputs) +>>> tf.reduce_sum(outputs[0, :]) # Each sample in the batch now sums to 1 + + +Example 2: usage in a Dense layer + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(32, activation=tf.keras.activations.softmax) + +softplus function +tf.keras.activations.softplus(x) +Softplus activation function, softplus(x) = log(exp(x) + 1). + +Example Usage: + + +>>> a = tf.constant([-20, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 20], dtype = tf.float32) +>>> b = tf.keras.activations.softplus(a) +>>> b.numpy() +array([2.0611537e-09, 3.1326166e-01, 6.9314718e-01, 1.3132616e+00, + 2.0000000e+01], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor. +Returns + +The softplus activation: log(exp(x) + 1). +softsign function +tf.keras.activations.softsign(x) +Softsign activation function, softsign(x) = x / (abs(x) + 1). + +Example Usage: + + +>>> a = tf.constant([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype = tf.float32) +>>> b = tf.keras.activations.softsign(a) +>>> b.numpy() +array([-0.5, 0. , 0.5], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor. +Returns + +The softsign activation: x / (abs(x) + 1). +tanh function +tf.keras.activations.tanh(x) +Hyperbolic tangent activation function. + +For example: + + +>>> a = tf.constant([-3.0,-1.0, 0.0,1.0,3.0], dtype = tf.float32) +>>> b = tf.keras.activations.tanh(a) +>>> b.numpy() +array([-0.9950547, -0.7615942, 0., 0.7615942, 0.9950547], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor. +Returns + +Tensor of same shape and dtype of input x, with tanh activation: tanh(x) = sinh(x)/cosh(x) = ((exp(x) - exp(-x))/(exp(x) + exp(-x))). +selu function +tf.keras.activations.selu(x) +Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU). + +The Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU) activation function is defined as: + +if x > 0: return scale * x +if x < 0: return scale * alpha * (exp(x) - 1) +where alpha and scale are pre-defined constants (alpha=1.67326324 and scale=1.05070098). + +Basically, the SELU activation function multiplies scale (> 1) with the output of the tf.keras.activations.elu function to ensure a slope larger than one for positive inputs. + +The values of alpha and scale are chosen so that the mean and variance of the inputs are preserved between two consecutive layers as long as the weights are initialized correctly (see tf.keras.initializers.LecunNormal initializer) and the number of input units is "large enough" (see reference paper for more information). + +Example Usage: + + +>>> num_classes = 10 # 10-class problem +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, kernel_initializer='lecun_normal', +... activation='selu')) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(32, kernel_initializer='lecun_normal', +... activation='selu')) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(16, kernel_initializer='lecun_normal', +... activation='selu')) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')) + +Arguments + +x: A tensor or variable to compute the activation function for. +Returns + +The scaled exponential unit activation: scale * elu(x, alpha). +Notes: - To be used together with the tf.keras.initializers.LecunNormal initializer. - To be used together with the dropout variant tf.keras.layers.AlphaDropout (not regular dropout). + +References: - backendlambauer et al., 2017 + +elu function +tf.keras.activations.elu(x, alpha=1.0) +Exponential Linear Unit. + +The exponential linear unit (ELU) with alpha > 0 is: x if x > 0 and alpha * (exp(x) - 1) if x < 0 The ELU hyperparameter alpha controls the value to which an ELU saturates for negative net inputs. ELUs diminish the vanishing gradient effect. + +ELUs have negative values which pushes the mean of the activations closer to zero. Mean activations that are closer to zero enable faster learning as they bring the gradient closer to the natural gradient. ELUs saturate to a negative value when the argument gets smaller. Saturation means a small derivative which decreases the variation and the information that is propagated to the next layer. + +Example Usage: + + +>>> import tensorflow as tf +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='elu', +... input_shape=(28, 28, 1))) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2))) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='elu')) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2))) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='elu')) + + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor. +alpha: A scalar, slope of negative section. alpha controls the value to which an ELU saturates for negative net inputs. +Returns + +The exponential linear unit (ELU) activation function: x if x > 0 and alpha * (exp(x) - 1) if x < 0. +Reference: Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units (ELUs) (Clevert et al, 2016) + +exponential function +tf.keras.activations.exponential(x) +Exponential activation function. + +For example: + + +>>> a = tf.constant([-3.0,-1.0, 0.0,1.0,3.0], dtype = tf.float32) +>>> b = tf.keras.activations.exponential(a) +>>> b.numpy() +array([0.04978707, 0.36787945, 1., 2.7182817 , 20.085537], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +x: Input tensor. +Returns + +Tensor with exponential activation: exp(x). +Creating custom activations +You can also use a TensorFlow callable as an activation (in this case it should take a tensor and return a tensor of the same shape and dtype): + +model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation=tf.nn.tanh)) +About "advanced activation" layers +Activations that are more complex than a simple TensorFlow function (eg. learnable activations, which maintain a state) are available as Advanced Activation layers, and can be found in the module tf.keras.layers.advanced_activations. These include PReLU and LeakyReLU. If you need a custom activation that requires a state, you should implement it as a custom layer. + +Note that you should not pass activation layers instances as the activation argument of a layer. They're meant to be used just like regular layers, e.g.: + +x = layers.Dense(10)(x) +x = layers.LeakyReLU()(x) + +Layer weight initializers +Usage of initializers +Initializers define the way to set the initial random weights of Keras layers. + +The keyword arguments used for passing initializers to layers depends on the layer. Usually, it is simply kernel_initializer and bias_initializer: + +from tensorflow.keras import layers +from tensorflow.keras import initializers + +layer = layers.Dense( + units=64, + kernel_initializer=initializers.RandomNormal(stddev=0.01), + bias_initializer=initializers.Zeros() +) +All built-in initializers can also be passed via their string identifier: + +layer = layers.Dense( + units=64, + kernel_initializer='random_normal', + bias_initializer='zeros' +) +Available initializers +The following built-in initializers are available as part of the tf.keras.initializers module: + +RandomNormal class +tf.keras.initializers.RandomNormal(mean=0.0, stddev=0.05, seed=None) +Initializer that generates tensors with a normal distribution. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.random_normal. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.RandomNormal(mean=0., stddev=1.) +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.RandomNormal(mean=0., stddev=1.) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +mean: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Mean of the random values to generate. +stddev: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Standard deviation of the random values to generate. +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +RandomUniform class +tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=-0.05, maxval=0.05, seed=None) +Initializer that generates tensors with a uniform distribution. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.random_uniform. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=0., maxval=1.) +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=0., maxval=1.) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +minval: A python scalar or a scalar tensor. Lower bound of the range of random values to generate (inclusive). +maxval: A python scalar or a scalar tensor. Upper bound of the range of random values to generate (exclusive). +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +TruncatedNormal class +tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(mean=0.0, stddev=0.05, seed=None) +Initializer that generates a truncated normal distribution. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.truncated_normal. + +The values generated are similar to values from a tf.keras.initializers.RandomNormal initializer except that values more than two standard deviations from the mean are discarded and re-drawn. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(mean=0., stddev=1.) +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(mean=0., stddev=1.) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +mean: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Mean of the random values to generate. +stddev: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Standard deviation of the random values to generate before truncation. +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +Zeros class +tf.keras.initializers.Zeros() +Initializer that generates tensors initialized to 0. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.zeros. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Zeros() +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Zeros() +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Ones class +tf.keras.initializers.Ones() +Initializer that generates tensors initialized to 1. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.ones. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Ones() +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Ones() +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +GlorotNormal class +tf.keras.initializers.GlorotNormal(seed=None) +The Glorot normal initializer, also called Xavier normal initializer. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.glorot_normal. + +Draws samples from a truncated normal distribution centered on 0 with stddev = sqrt(2 / (fan_in + fan_out)) where fan_in is the number of input units in the weight tensor and fan_out is the number of output units in the weight tensor. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.GlorotNormal() +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.GlorotNormal() +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +References: Glorot et al., 2010 (pdf) + +GlorotUniform class +tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform(seed=None) +The Glorot uniform initializer, also called Xavier uniform initializer. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.glorot_uniform. + +Draws samples from a uniform distribution within [-limit, limit], where limit = sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out)) (fan_in is the number of input units in the weight tensor and fan_out is the number of output units). + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform() +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform() +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +References: Glorot et al., 2010 (pdf) + +Identity class +tf.keras.initializers.Identity(gain=1.0) +Initializer that generates the identity matrix. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.identity. + +Only usable for generating 2D matrices. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Identity() +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Identity() +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +gain: Multiplicative factor to apply to the identity matrix. +Orthogonal class +tf.keras.initializers.Orthogonal(gain=1.0, seed=None) +Initializer that generates an orthogonal matrix. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.orthogonal. + +If the shape of the tensor to initialize is two-dimensional, it is initialized with an orthogonal matrix obtained from the QR decomposition of a matrix of random numbers drawn from a normal distribution. If the matrix has fewer rows than columns then the output will have orthogonal rows. Otherwise, the output will have orthogonal columns. + +If the shape of the tensor to initialize is more than two-dimensional, a matrix of shape (shape[0] * ... * shape[n - 2], shape[n - 1]) is initialized, where n is the length of the shape vector. The matrix is subsequently reshaped to give a tensor of the desired shape. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Orthogonal() +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Orthogonal() +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +gain: multiplicative factor to apply to the orthogonal matrix +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +References: Saxe et al., 2014 (pdf) + +Constant class +tf.keras.initializers.Constant(value=0) +Initializer that generates tensors with constant values. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.constant. + +Only scalar values are allowed. The constant value provided must be convertible to the dtype requested when calling the initializer. + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Constant(3.) +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.Constant(3.) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +value: A Python scalar. +VarianceScaling class +tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( + scale=1.0, mode="fan_in", distribution="truncated_normal", seed=None +) +Initializer capable of adapting its scale to the shape of weights tensors. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.initializers.variance_scaling. + +With distribution="truncated_normal" or "untruncated_normal", samples are drawn from a truncated/untruncated normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation (after truncation, if used) stddev = sqrt(scale / n), where n is: + +number of input units in the weight tensor, if mode="fan_in" +number of output units, if mode="fan_out" +average of the numbers of input and output units, if mode="fan_avg" +With distribution="uniform", samples are drawn from a uniform distribution within [-limit, limit], where limit = sqrt(3 * scale / n). + +Examples + + +>>> # Standalone usage: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( +... scale=0.1, mode='fan_in', distribution='uniform') +>>> values = initializer(shape=(2, 2)) + + +>>> # Usage in a Keras layer: +>>> initializer = tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( +... scale=0.1, mode='fan_in', distribution='uniform') +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_initializer=initializer) + +Arguments + +scale: Scaling factor (positive float). +mode: One of "fan_in", "fan_out", "fan_avg". +distribution: Random distribution to use. One of "truncated_normal", "untruncated_normal" and "uniform". +seed: A Python integer. An initializer created with a given seed will always produce the same random tensor for a given shape and dtype. +Creating custom initializers +Simple callables +You can pass a custom callable as initializer. It must take the arguments shape (shape of the variable to initialize) and dtype (dtype of generated values): + +def my_init(shape, dtype=None): + return tf.random.normal(shape, dtype=dtype) + +layer = Dense(64, kernel_initializer=my_init) +Initializer subclasses +If you need to configure your initializer via various arguments (e.g. stddev argument in RandomNormal), you should implement it as a subclass of tf.keras.initializers.Initializer. + +Initializers should implement a __call__ method with the following signature: + +def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None)`: + # returns a tensor of shape `shape` and dtype `dtype` + # containing values drawn from a distribution of your choice. +Optionally, you an also implement the method get_config and the class method from_config in order to support serialization -- just like with any Keras object. + +Here's a simple example: a random normal initializer. + +import tensorflow as tf + +class ExampleRandomNormal(tf.keras.initializers.Initializer): + + def __init__(self, mean, stddev): + self.mean = mean + self.stddev = stddev + + def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None)`: + return tf.random.normal( + shape, mean=self.mean, stddev=self.stddev, dtype=dtype) + + def get_config(self): # To support serialization + return {'mean': self.mean, 'stddev': self.stddev} +Note that we don't have to implement from_config in the example above since the constructor arguments of the class the keys in the config returned by get_config are the same. In this case, the default from_config works fine. + +Layer weight regularizers +Regularizers allow you to apply penalties on layer parameters or layer activity during optimization. These penalties are summed into the loss function that the network optimizes. + +Regularization penalties are applied on a per-layer basis. The exact API will depend on the layer, but many layers (e.g. Dense, Conv1D, Conv2D and Conv3D) have a unified API. + +These layers expose 3 keyword arguments: + +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer to apply a penalty on the layer's kernel +bias_regularizer: Regularizer to apply a penalty on the layer's bias +activity_regularizer: Regularizer to apply a penalty on the layer's output +from tensorflow.keras import layers +from tensorflow.keras import regularizers + +layer = layers.Dense( + units=64, + kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l1_l2(l1=1e-5, l2=1e-4), + bias_regularizer=regularizers.l2(1e-4), + activity_regularizer=regularizers.l2(1e-5) +) +The value returned by the activity_regularizer object gets divided by the input batch size so that the relative weighting between the weight regularizers and the activity regularizers does not change with the batch size. + +You can access a layer's regularization penalties by calling layer.losses after calling the layer on inputs: + +layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, kernel_initializer='ones', + kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l1(0.01), + activity_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(0.01)) +tensor = tf.ones(shape=(5, 5)) * 2.0 +out = layer(tensor) +# The kernel regularization term is 0.25 +# The activity regularization term (after dividing by the batch size) is 5 +print(tf.math.reduce_sum(layer.losses)) # 5.25 (= 5 + 0.25) +Available regularizers +The following built-in regularizers are available as part of the tf.keras.regularizers module: + +L1 class +tf.keras.regularizers.l1(l1=0.01, **kwargs) +A regularizer that applies a L1 regularization penalty. + +The L1 regularization penalty is computed as: loss = l1 * reduce_sum(abs(x)) + +L1 may be passed to a layer as a string identifier: + + +>>> dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_regularizer='l1') + +In this case, the default value used is l1=0.01. + +Attributes + +l1: Float; L1 regularization factor. +L2 class +tf.keras.regularizers.l2(l2=0.01, **kwargs) +A regularizer that applies a L2 regularization penalty. + +The L2 regularization penalty is computed as: loss = l2 * reduce_sum(square(x)) + +L2 may be passed to a layer as a string identifier: + + +>>> dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, kernel_regularizer='l2') + +In this case, the default value used is l2=0.01. + +Attributes + +l2: Float; L2 regularization factor. +l1_l2 function +tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.01, l2=0.01) +Create a regularizer that applies both L1 and L2 penalties. + +The L1 regularization penalty is computed as: loss = l1 * reduce_sum(abs(x)) + +The L2 regularization penalty is computed as: loss = l2 * reduce_sum(square(x)) + +Arguments + +l1: Float; L1 regularization factor. +l2: Float; L2 regularization factor. +Returns + +An L1L2 Regularizer with the given regularization factors. + +Creating custom regularizers +Simple callables +A weight regularizer can be any callable that takes as input a weight tensor (e.g. the kernel of a Conv2D layer), and returns a scalar loss. Like this: + +def my_regularizer(x): + return 1e-3 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x)) +Regularizer subclasses +If you need to configure your regularizer via various arguments (e.g. l1 and l2 arguments in l1_l2), you should implement it as a subclass of tf.keras.regularizers.Regularizer. + +Here's a simple example: + +class MyRegularizer(regularizers.Regularizer): + + def __init__(self, strength): + self.strength = strength + + def __call__(self, x): + return self.strength * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x)) +Optionally, you can also implement the method get_config and the class method from_config in order to support serialization -- just like with any Keras object. Example: + +class MyRegularizer(regularizers.Regularizer): + + def __init__(self, strength): + self.strength = strength + + def __call__(self, x): + return self.strength * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x)) + + def get_config(self): + return {'strength': self.strength} + +Layer weight constraints +Usage of constraints +Classes from the tf.keras.constraints module allow setting constraints (eg. non-negativity) on model parameters during training. They are per-variable projection functions applied to the target variable after each gradient update (when using fit()). + +The exact API will depend on the layer, but the layers Dense, Conv1D, Conv2D and Conv3D have a unified API. + +These layers expose two keyword arguments: + +kernel_constraint for the main weights matrix +bias_constraint for the bias. +from tensorflow.keras.constraints import max_norm +model.add(Dense(64, kernel_constraint=max_norm(2.))) +Available weight constraints +MaxNorm class +tf.keras.constraints.MaxNorm(max_value=2, axis=0) +MaxNorm weight constraint. + +Constrains the weights incident to each hidden unit to have a norm less than or equal to a desired value. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.constraints.max_norm. + +Arguments + +max_value: the maximum norm value for the incoming weights. +axis: integer, axis along which to calculate weight norms. For instance, in a Dense layer the weight matrix has shape (input_dim, output_dim), set axis to 0 to constrain each weight vector of length (input_dim,). In a Conv2D layer with data_format="channels_last", the weight tensor has shape (rows, cols, input_depth, output_depth), set axis to [0, 1, 2] to constrain the weights of each filter tensor of size (rows, cols, input_depth). +MinMaxNorm class +tf.keras.constraints.MinMaxNorm( + min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, rate=1.0, axis=0 +) +MinMaxNorm weight constraint. + +Constrains the weights incident to each hidden unit to have the norm between a lower bound and an upper bound. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.constraints.min_max_norm. + +Arguments + +min_value: the minimum norm for the incoming weights. +max_value: the maximum norm for the incoming weights. +rate: rate for enforcing the constraint: weights will be rescaled to yield (1 - rate) * norm + rate * norm.clip(min_value, max_value). Effectively, this means that rate=1.0 stands for strict enforcement of the constraint, while rate<1.0 means that weights will be rescaled at each step to slowly move towards a value inside the desired interval. +axis: integer, axis along which to calculate weight norms. For instance, in a Dense layer the weight matrix has shape (input_dim, output_dim), set axis to 0 to constrain each weight vector of length (input_dim,). In a Conv2D layer with data_format="channels_last", the weight tensor has shape (rows, cols, input_depth, output_depth), set axis to [0, 1, 2] to constrain the weights of each filter tensor of size (rows, cols, input_depth). +NonNeg class +tf.keras.constraints.NonNeg() +Constrains the weights to be non-negative. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.constraints.non_neg. + +UnitNorm class +tf.keras.constraints.UnitNorm(axis=0) +Constrains the weights incident to each hidden unit to have unit norm. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.constraints.unit_norm. + +Arguments + +axis: integer, axis along which to calculate weight norms. For instance, in a Dense layer the weight matrix has shape (input_dim, output_dim), set axis to 0 to constrain each weight vector of length (input_dim,). In a Conv2D layer with data_format="channels_last", the weight tensor has shape (rows, cols, input_depth, output_depth), set axis to [0, 1, 2] to constrain the weights of each filter tensor of size (rows, cols, input_depth). +RadialConstraint class +tf.keras.constraints.RadialConstraint() +Constrains Conv2D kernel weights to be the same for each radius. + +Also available via the shortcut function tf.keras.constraints.radial_constraint. + +For example, the desired output for the following 4-by-4 kernel: + + kernel = [[v_00, v_01, v_02, v_03], + [v_10, v_11, v_12, v_13], + [v_20, v_21, v_22, v_23], + [v_30, v_31, v_32, v_33]] +is this:: + + kernel = [[v_11, v_11, v_11, v_11], + [v_11, v_33, v_33, v_11], + [v_11, v_33, v_33, v_11], + [v_11, v_11, v_11, v_11]] +This constraint can be applied to any Conv2D layer version, including Conv2DTranspose and SeparableConv2D, and with either "channels_last" or "channels_first" data format. The method assumes the weight tensor is of shape (rows, cols, input_depth, output_depth). + +Creating custom weight constraints +A weight constraint can be any callable that takes a tensor and returns a tensor with the same shape and dtype. You would typically implement your constraints as subclasses of tf.keras.constraints.Constraint. + +Here's a simple example: a constraint that forces weight tensors to be centered around a specific value on average. + +class CenterAround(tf.keras.constraints.Constraint): + """Constrains weight tensors to be centered around `ref_value`.""" + + def __init__(self, ref_value): + self.ref_value = ref_value + + def __call__(self, w): + mean = tf.reduce_mean(w) + return w - mean + self.ref_value + + def get_config(self): + return {'ref_value': self.ref_value} +Optionally, you an also implement the method get_config and the class method from_config in order to support serialization -- just like with any Keras object. Note that we don't have to implement from_config in the example above since the constructor arguments of the class the keys in the config returned by get_config are the same. In this case, the default from_config works fine. + +LeakyReLU layer +LeakyReLU class +tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.3, **kwargs) +Leaky version of a Rectified Linear Unit. + +It allows a small gradient when the unit is not active: + + f(x) = alpha * x if x < 0 + f(x) = x if x >= 0 +Usage: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU() +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[-0.9, -0.3, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[-0.3, -0.1, 0.0, 2.0] + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the batch axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +alpha: Float >= 0. Negative slope coefficient. Default to 0.3.ReLU layer +ReLU class +tf.keras.layers.ReLU(max_value=None, negative_slope=0, threshold=0, **kwargs) +Rectified Linear Unit activation function. + +With default values, it returns element-wise max(x, 0). + +Otherwise, it follows: + + f(x) = max_value if x >= max_value + f(x) = x if threshold <= x < max_value + f(x) = negative_slope * (x - threshold) otherwise +Usage: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU() +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU(max_value=1.0) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU(negative_slope=1.0) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU(threshold=1.5) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0] + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the batch axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +max_value: Float >= 0. Maximum activation value. Default to None, which means unlimited. +negative_slope: Float >= 0. Negative slope coefficient. Default to 0. +threshold: Float. Threshold value for thresholded activation. Default to 0. +Softmax layer +Softmax class +tf.keras.layers.Softmax(axis=-1, **kwargs) +Softmax activation function. + +Example without mask: + + +>>> inp = np.asarray([1., 2., 1.]) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Softmax() +>>> layer(inp).numpy() +array([0.21194157, 0.5761169 , 0.21194157], dtype=float32) +>>> mask = np.asarray([True, False, True], dtype=bool) +>>> layer(inp, mask).numpy() +array([0.5, 0. , 0.5], dtype=float32) + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +axis: Integer, or list of Integers, axis along which the softmax normalization is applied. +Call arguments + +inputs: The inputs, or logits to the softmax layer. +mask: A boolean mask of the same shape as inputs. Defaults to None. The mask specifies 1 to keep and 0 to mask. +Returns + +softmaxed output with the same shape as inputs. + +PReLU layer +PReLU class +tf.keras.layers.PReLU( + alpha_initializer="zeros", + alpha_regularizer=None, + alpha_constraint=None, + shared_axes=None, + **kwargs +) +Parametric Rectified Linear Unit. + +It follows: + + f(x) = alpha * x for x < 0 + f(x) = x for x >= 0 +where alpha is a learned array with the same shape as x. + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +alpha_initializer: Initializer function for the weights. +alpha_regularizer: Regularizer for the weights. +alpha_constraint: Constraint for the weights. +shared_axes: The axes along which to share learnable parameters for the activation function. For example, if the incoming feature maps are from a 2D convolution with output shape (batch, height, width, channels), and you wish to share parameters across space so that each filter only has one set of parameters, set shared_axes=[1, 2]. +ThresholdedReLU layer +ThresholdedReLU class +tf.keras.layers.ThresholdedReLU(theta=1.0, **kwargs) +Thresholded Rectified Linear Unit. + +It follows: + + f(x) = x for x > theta + f(x) = 0 otherwise` +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +theta: Float >= 0. Threshold location of activation.ELU layer +ELU class +tf.keras.layers.ELU(alpha=1.0, **kwargs) +Exponential Linear Unit. + +It follows: + + f(x) = alpha * (exp(x) - 1.) for x < 0 + f(x) = x for x >= 0 +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +alpha: Scale for the negative factor. +LeakyReLU layer +LeakyReLU class +tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.3, **kwargs) +Leaky version of a Rectified Linear Unit. + +It allows a small gradient when the unit is not active: + + f(x) = alpha * x if x < 0 + f(x) = x if x >= 0 +Usage: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU() +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[-0.9, -0.3, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[-0.3, -0.1, 0.0, 2.0] + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the batch axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +alpha: Float >= 0. Negative slope coefficient. Default to 0.3.ReLU layer +ReLU class +tf.keras.layers.ReLU(max_value=None, negative_slope=0, threshold=0, **kwargs) +Rectified Linear Unit activation function. + +With default values, it returns element-wise max(x, 0). + +Otherwise, it follows: + + f(x) = max_value if x >= max_value + f(x) = x if threshold <= x < max_value + f(x) = negative_slope * (x - threshold) otherwise +Usage: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU() +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU(max_value=1.0) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU(negative_slope=1.0) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.ReLU(threshold=1.5) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0] + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the batch axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +max_value: Float >= 0. Maximum activation value. Default to None, which means unlimited. +negative_slope: Float >= 0. Negative slope coefficient. Default to 0. +threshold: Float. Threshold value for thresholded activation. Default to 0. +Softmax layer +Softmax class +tf.keras.layers.Softmax(axis=-1, **kwargs) +Softmax activation function. + +Example without mask: + + +>>> inp = np.asarray([1., 2., 1.]) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Softmax() +>>> layer(inp).numpy() +array([0.21194157, 0.5761169 , 0.21194157], dtype=float32) +>>> mask = np.asarray([True, False, True], dtype=bool) +>>> layer(inp, mask).numpy() +array([0.5, 0. , 0.5], dtype=float32) + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +axis: Integer, or list of Integers, axis along which the softmax normalization is applied. +Call arguments + +inputs: The inputs, or logits to the softmax layer. +mask: A boolean mask of the same shape as inputs. Defaults to None. The mask specifies 1 to keep and 0 to mask. +Returns + +softmaxed output with the same shape as inputs. + +PReLU layer +PReLU class +tf.keras.layers.PReLU( + alpha_initializer="zeros", + alpha_regularizer=None, + alpha_constraint=None, + shared_axes=None, + **kwargs +) +Parametric Rectified Linear Unit. + +It follows: + + f(x) = alpha * x for x < 0 + f(x) = x for x >= 0 +where alpha is a learned array with the same shape as x. + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +alpha_initializer: Initializer function for the weights. +alpha_regularizer: Regularizer for the weights. +alpha_constraint: Constraint for the weights. +shared_axes: The axes along which to share learnable parameters for the activation function. For example, if the incoming feature maps are from a 2D convolution with output shape (batch, height, width, channels), and you wish to share parameters across space so that each filter only has one set of parameters, set shared_axes=[1, 2]. +ThresholdedReLU layer +ThresholdedReLU class +tf.keras.layers.ThresholdedReLU(theta=1.0, **kwargs) +Thresholded Rectified Linear Unit. + +It follows: + + f(x) = x for x > theta + f(x) = 0 otherwise` +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +theta: Float >= 0. Threshold location of activation.ELU layer +ELU class +tf.keras.layers.ELU(alpha=1.0, **kwargs) +Exponential Linear Unit. + +It follows: + + f(x) = alpha * (exp(x) - 1.) for x < 0 + f(x) = x for x >= 0 +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as the input. + +Arguments + +alpha: Scale for the negative factor. + +LocallyConnected2D layer +LocallyConnected2D class +tf.keras.layers.LocallyConnected2D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1), + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + implementation=1, + **kwargs +) +Locally-connected layer for 2D inputs. + +The LocallyConnected2D layer works similarly to the Conv2D layer, except that weights are unshared, that is, a different set of filters is applied at each different patch of the input. + +Note: layer attributes cannot be modified after the layer has been called once (except the trainable attribute). + +Examples + + # apply a 3x3 unshared weights convolution with 64 output filters on a + 32x32 image + # with `data_format="channels_last"`: + model = Sequential() + model.add(LocallyConnected2D(64, (3, 3), input_shape=(32, 32, 3))) + # now model.output_shape == (None, 30, 30, 64) + # notice that this layer will consume (30*30)*(3*3*3*64) + (30*30)*64 + parameters + + # add a 3x3 unshared weights convolution on top, with 32 output filters: + model.add(LocallyConnected2D(32, (3, 3))) + # now model.output_shape == (None, 28, 28, 32) +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the width and height of the 2D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along the width and height. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +padding: Currently only support "valid" (case-insensitive). "same" will be supported in future. "valid" means no padding. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation"). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. +implementation: implementation mode, either 1, 2, or 3. 1 loops over input spatial locations to perform the forward pass. It is memory-efficient but performs a lot of (small) ops. 2 stores layer weights in a dense but sparsely-populated 2D matrix and implements the forward pass as a single matrix-multiply. It uses a lot of RAM but performs few (large) ops. 3 stores layer weights in a sparse tensor and implements the forward pass as a single sparse matrix-multiply. How to choose: 1: large, dense models, 2: small models, 3: large, sparse models, where "large" stands for large input/output activations (i.e. many filters, input_filters, large np.prod(input_size), np.prod(output_size)), and "sparse" stands for few connections between inputs and outputs, i.e. small ratio filters * input_filters * np.prod(kernel_size) / (np.prod(input_size) * np.prod(strides)), where inputs to and outputs of the layer are assumed to have shapes input_size + (input_filters,), output_size + (filters,) respectively. It is recommended to benchmark each in the setting of interest to pick the most efficient one (in terms of speed and memory usage). Correct choice of implementation can lead to dramatic speed improvements (e.g. 50X), potentially at the expense of RAM. Also, only padding="valid" is supported by implementation=1. +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, channels, rows, cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (samples, rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (samples, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. rows and cols values might have changed due to padding.LocallyConnected1D layer +LocallyConnected1D class +tf.keras.layers.LocallyConnected1D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=1, + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + implementation=1, + **kwargs +) +Locally-connected layer for 1D inputs. + +The LocallyConnected1D layer works similarly to the Conv1D layer, except that weights are unshared, that is, a different set of filters is applied at each different patch of the input. + +Note: layer attributes cannot be modified after the layer has been called once (except the trainable attribute). + +Example + + # apply a unshared weight convolution 1d of length 3 to a sequence with + # 10 timesteps, with 64 output filters + model = Sequential() + model.add(LocallyConnected1D(64, 3, input_shape=(10, 32))) + # now model.output_shape == (None, 8, 64) + # add a new conv1d on top + model.add(LocallyConnected1D(32, 3)) + # now model.output_shape == (None, 6, 32) +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of a single integer, specifying the length of the 1D convolution window. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of a single integer, specifying the stride length of the convolution. +padding: Currently only supports "valid" (case-insensitive). "same" may be supported in the future. "valid" means no padding. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, length, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, length). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation").. +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. +implementation: implementation mode, either 1, 2, or 3. 1 loops over input spatial locations to perform the forward pass. It is memory-efficient but performs a lot of (small) ops. 2 stores layer weights in a dense but sparsely-populated 2D matrix and implements the forward pass as a single matrix-multiply. It uses a lot of RAM but performs few (large) ops. 3 stores layer weights in a sparse tensor and implements the forward pass as a single sparse matrix-multiply. How to choose: 1: large, dense models, 2: small models, 3: large, sparse models, where "large" stands for large input/output activations (i.e. many filters, input_filters, large input_size, output_size), and "sparse" stands for few connections between inputs and outputs, i.e. small ratio filters * input_filters * kernel_size / (input_size * strides), where inputs to and outputs of the layer are assumed to have shapes (input_size, input_filters), (output_size, filters) respectively. It is recommended to benchmark each in the setting of interest to pick the most efficient one (in terms of speed and memory usage). Correct choice of implementation can lead to dramatic speed improvements (e.g. 50X), potentially at the expense of RAM. Also, only padding="valid" is supported by implementation=1. +Input shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, input_dim) + +Output shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, new_steps, filters) steps value might have changed due to padding or strides. + +Dot layer +Dot class +tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes, normalize=False, **kwargs) +Layer that computes a dot product between samples in two tensors. + +E.g. if applied to a list of two tensors a and b of shape (batch_size, n), the output will be a tensor of shape (batch_size, 1) where each entry i will be the dot product between a[i] and b[i]. + + +>>> x = np.arange(10).reshape(1, 5, 2) +>>> print(x) +[[[0 1] + [2 3] + [4 5] + [6 7] + [8 9]]] +>>> y = np.arange(10, 20).reshape(1, 2, 5) +>>> print(y) +[[[10 11 12 13 14] + [15 16 17 18 19]]] +>>> tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=(1, 2))([x, y]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> dotted = tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=1)([x1, x2]) +>>> dotted.shape +TensorShape([5, 1])Minimum layer +Minimum class +tf.keras.layers.Minimum(**kwargs) +Layer that computes the minimum (element-wise) a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + + +>>> tf.keras.layers.Minimum()([np.arange(5).reshape(5, 1), +... np.arange(5, 10).reshape(5, 1)]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> minned = tf.keras.layers.Minimum()([x1, x2]) +>>> minned.shape +TensorShape([5, 8]) + +Maximum layer +Maximum class +tf.keras.layers.Maximum(**kwargs) +Layer that computes the maximum (element-wise) a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + + +>>> tf.keras.layers.Maximum()([np.arange(5).reshape(5, 1), +... np.arange(5, 10).reshape(5, 1)]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> maxed = tf.keras.layers.Maximum()([x1, x2]) +>>> maxed.shape +TensorShape([5, 8])Subtract layer +Subtract class +tf.keras.layers.Subtract(**kwargs) +Layer that subtracts two inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors of size 2, both of the same shape, and returns a single tensor, (inputs[0] - inputs[1]), also of the same shape. + +Examples + + import keras + + input1 = keras.layers.Input(shape=(16,)) + x1 = keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input1) + input2 = keras.layers.Input(shape=(32,)) + x2 = keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input2) + # Equivalent to subtracted = keras.layers.subtract([x1, x2]) + subtracted = keras.layers.Subtract()([x1, x2]) + + out = keras.layers.Dense(4)(subtracted) + model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=out)Concatenate layer +Concatenate class +tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1, **kwargs) +Layer that concatenates a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape except for the concatenation axis, and returns a single tensor that is the concatenation of all inputs. + + +>>> x = np.arange(20).reshape(2, 2, 5) +>>> print(x) +[[[ 0 1 2 3 4] + [ 5 6 7 8 9]] + [[10 11 12 13 14] + [15 16 17 18 19]]] +>>> y = np.arange(20, 30).reshape(2, 1, 5) +>>> print(y) +[[[20 21 22 23 24]] + [[25 26 27 28 29]]] +>>> tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([x, y]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> concatted = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()([x1, x2]) +>>> concatted.shape +TensorShape([5, 16]) + +Multiply layer +Multiply class +tf.keras.layers.Multiply(**kwargs) +Layer that multiplies (element-wise) a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + + +>>> tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([np.arange(5).reshape(5, 1), +... np.arange(5, 10).reshape(5, 1)]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> multiplied = tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([x1, x2]) +>>> multiplied.shape +TensorShape([5, 8])Average layer +Average class +tf.keras.layers.Average(**kwargs) +Layer that averages a list of inputs element-wise. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + +Example + + +>>> x1 = np.ones((2, 2)) +>>> x2 = np.zeros((2, 2)) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Average()([x1, x2]) +>>> y.numpy().tolist() +[[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]] + +Usage in a functional model: + + +>>> input1 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(16,)) +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input1) +>>> input2 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(32,)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input2) +>>> avg = tf.keras.layers.Average()([x1, x2]) +>>> out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)(avg) +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=out) + +Raises + +ValueError: If there is a shape mismatch between the inputs and the shapes cannot be broadcasted to match.Add layer +Add class +tf.keras.layers.Add(**kwargs) +Layer that adds a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 3, 4) +>>> x1 = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> x2 = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Add()([x1, x2]) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 3, 4) + +Used in a functional model: + + +>>> input1 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(16,)) +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input1) +>>> input2 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(32,)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input2) +>>> # equivalent to `added = tf.keras.layers.add([x1, x2])` +>>> added = tf.keras.layers.Add()([x1, x2]) +>>> out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)(added) +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=out)Dot layer +Dot class +tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes, normalize=False, **kwargs) +Layer that computes a dot product between samples in two tensors. + +E.g. if applied to a list of two tensors a and b of shape (batch_size, n), the output will be a tensor of shape (batch_size, 1) where each entry i will be the dot product between a[i] and b[i]. + + +>>> x = np.arange(10).reshape(1, 5, 2) +>>> print(x) +[[[0 1] + [2 3] + [4 5] + [6 7] + [8 9]]] +>>> y = np.arange(10, 20).reshape(1, 2, 5) +>>> print(y) +[[[10 11 12 13 14] + [15 16 17 18 19]]] +>>> tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=(1, 2))([x, y]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> dotted = tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=1)([x1, x2]) +>>> dotted.shape +TensorShape([5, 1])Minimum layer +Minimum class +tf.keras.layers.Minimum(**kwargs) +Layer that computes the minimum (element-wise) a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + + +>>> tf.keras.layers.Minimum()([np.arange(5).reshape(5, 1), +... np.arange(5, 10).reshape(5, 1)]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> minned = tf.keras.layers.Minimum()([x1, x2]) +>>> minned.shape +TensorShape([5, 8]) + +Maximum layer +Maximum class +tf.keras.layers.Maximum(**kwargs) +Layer that computes the maximum (element-wise) a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + + +>>> tf.keras.layers.Maximum()([np.arange(5).reshape(5, 1), +... np.arange(5, 10).reshape(5, 1)]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> maxed = tf.keras.layers.Maximum()([x1, x2]) +>>> maxed.shape +TensorShape([5, 8])Subtract layer +Subtract class +tf.keras.layers.Subtract(**kwargs) +Layer that subtracts two inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors of size 2, both of the same shape, and returns a single tensor, (inputs[0] - inputs[1]), also of the same shape. + +Examples + + import keras + + input1 = keras.layers.Input(shape=(16,)) + x1 = keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input1) + input2 = keras.layers.Input(shape=(32,)) + x2 = keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input2) + # Equivalent to subtracted = keras.layers.subtract([x1, x2]) + subtracted = keras.layers.Subtract()([x1, x2]) + + out = keras.layers.Dense(4)(subtracted) + model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=out)Concatenate layer +Concatenate class +tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1, **kwargs) +Layer that concatenates a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape except for the concatenation axis, and returns a single tensor that is the concatenation of all inputs. + + +>>> x = np.arange(20).reshape(2, 2, 5) +>>> print(x) +[[[ 0 1 2 3 4] + [ 5 6 7 8 9]] + [[10 11 12 13 14] + [15 16 17 18 19]]] +>>> y = np.arange(20, 30).reshape(2, 1, 5) +>>> print(y) +[[[20 21 22 23 24]] + [[25 26 27 28 29]]] +>>> tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([x, y]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> concatted = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()([x1, x2]) +>>> concatted.shape +TensorShape([5, 16]) + +Multiply layer +Multiply class +tf.keras.layers.Multiply(**kwargs) +Layer that multiplies (element-wise) a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + + +>>> tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([np.arange(5).reshape(5, 1), +... np.arange(5, 10).reshape(5, 1)]) + + + +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)(np.arange(10, 20).reshape(5, 2)) +>>> multiplied = tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([x1, x2]) +>>> multiplied.shape +TensorShape([5, 8])Average layer +Average class +tf.keras.layers.Average(**kwargs) +Layer that averages a list of inputs element-wise. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + +Example + + +>>> x1 = np.ones((2, 2)) +>>> x2 = np.zeros((2, 2)) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Average()([x1, x2]) +>>> y.numpy().tolist() +[[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]] + +Usage in a functional model: + + +>>> input1 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(16,)) +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input1) +>>> input2 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(32,)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input2) +>>> avg = tf.keras.layers.Average()([x1, x2]) +>>> out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)(avg) +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=out) + +Raises + +ValueError: If there is a shape mismatch between the inputs and the shapes cannot be broadcasted to match.Add layer +Add class +tf.keras.layers.Add(**kwargs) +Layer that adds a list of inputs. + +It takes as input a list of tensors, all of the same shape, and returns a single tensor (also of the same shape). + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 3, 4) +>>> x1 = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> x2 = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Add()([x1, x2]) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 3, 4) + +Used in a functional model: + + +>>> input1 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(16,)) +>>> x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input1) +>>> input2 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(32,)) +>>> x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation='relu')(input2) +>>> # equivalent to `added = tf.keras.layers.add([x1, x2])` +>>> added = tf.keras.layers.Add()([x1, x2]) +>>> out = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)(added) +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[input1, input2], outputs=out) + +Permute layer +Permute class +tf.keras.layers.Permute(dims, **kwargs) +Permutes the dimensions of the input according to a given pattern. + +Useful e.g. connecting RNNs and convnets. + +Example + +model = Sequential() +model.add(Permute((2, 1), input_shape=(10, 64))) +# now: model.output_shape == (None, 64, 10) +# note: `None` is the batch dimension +Arguments + +dims: Tuple of integers. Permutation pattern does not include the samples dimension. Indexing starts at 1. For instance, (2, 1) permutes the first and second dimensions of the input. +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same as the input shape, but with the dimensions re-ordered according to the specified pattern.Cropping2D layer +Cropping2D class +tf.keras.layers.Cropping2D( + cropping=((0, 0), (0, 0)), data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Cropping layer for 2D input (e.g. picture). + +It crops along spatial dimensions, i.e. height and width. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 28, 28, 3) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Cropping2D(cropping=((2, 2), (4, 4)))(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 24, 20, 3) + +Arguments + +cropping: Int, or tuple of 2 ints, or tuple of 2 tuples of 2 ints. +If int: the same symmetric cropping is applied to height and width. +If tuple of 2 ints: interpreted as two different symmetric cropping values for height and width: (symmetric_height_crop, symmetric_width_crop). +If tuple of 2 tuples of 2 ints: interpreted as ((top_crop, bottom_crop), (left_crop, right_crop)) +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, rows, cols, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, rows, cols) + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, cropped_rows, cropped_cols, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, cropped_rows, cropped_cols) + +ZeroPadding2D layer +ZeroPadding2D class +tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1), data_format=None, **kwargs) +Zero-padding layer for 2D input (e.g. picture). + +This layer can add rows and columns of zeros at the top, bottom, left and right side of an image tensor. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (1, 1, 2, 2) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> print(x) +[[[[0 1] + [2 3]]]] +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D(padding=1)(x) +>>> print(y) +tf.Tensor( + [[[[0 0] + [0 0] + [0 0] + [0 0]] + [[0 0] + [0 1] + [2 3] + [0 0]] + [[0 0] + [0 0] + [0 0] + [0 0]]]], shape=(1, 3, 4, 2), dtype=int64) + +Arguments + +padding: Int, or tuple of 2 ints, or tuple of 2 tuples of 2 ints. +If int: the same symmetric padding is applied to height and width. +If tuple of 2 ints: interpreted as two different symmetric padding values for height and width: (symmetric_height_pad, symmetric_width_pad). +If tuple of 2 tuples of 2 ints: interpreted as ((top_pad, bottom_pad), (left_pad, right_pad)) +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, rows, cols, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, rows, cols) + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, padded_rows, padded_cols, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, padded_rows, padded_cols)UpSampling2D layer +UpSampling2D class +tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D( + size=(2, 2), data_format=None, interpolation="nearest", **kwargs +) +Upsampling layer for 2D inputs. + +Repeats the rows and columns of the data by size[0] and size[1] respectively. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 2, 1, 3) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> print(x) +[[[[ 0 1 2]] + [[ 3 4 5]]] + [[[ 6 7 8]] + [[ 9 10 11]]]] +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D(size=(1, 2))(x) +>>> print(y) +tf.Tensor( + [[[[ 0 1 2] + [ 0 1 2]] + [[ 3 4 5] + [ 3 4 5]]] + [[[ 6 7 8] + [ 6 7 8]] + [[ 9 10 11] + [ 9 10 11]]]], shape=(2, 2, 2, 3), dtype=int64) + +Arguments + +size: Int, or tuple of 2 integers. The upsampling factors for rows and columns. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +interpolation: A string, one of nearest or bilinear. +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, rows, cols, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, rows, cols) + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, upsampled_rows, upsampled_cols, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, upsampled_rows, upsampled_cols) + +Cropping3D layer +Cropping3D class +tf.keras.layers.Cropping3D( + cropping=((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)), data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Cropping layer for 3D data (e.g. spatial or spatio-temporal). + +# Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 28, 28, 10, 3) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Cropping3D(cropping=(2, 4, 2))(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 24, 20, 6, 3) + +Arguments + +cropping: Int, or tuple of 3 ints, or tuple of 3 tuples of 2 ints. +If int: the same symmetric cropping is applied to depth, height, and width. +If tuple of 3 ints: interpreted as two different symmetric cropping values for depth, height, and width: (symmetric_dim1_crop, symmetric_dim2_crop, symmetric_dim3_crop). +If tuple of 3 tuples of 2 ints: interpreted as ((left_dim1_crop, right_dim1_crop), (left_dim2_crop, right_dim2_crop), (left_dim3_crop, right_dim3_crop)) +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +5D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, first_axis_to_crop, second_axis_to_crop, third_axis_to_crop, depth) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, depth, first_axis_to_crop, second_axis_to_crop, third_axis_to_crop) + +Output shape + +5D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, first_cropped_axis, second_cropped_axis, third_cropped_axis, depth) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, depth, first_cropped_axis, second_cropped_axis, third_cropped_axis)ZeroPadding3D layer +ZeroPadding3D class +tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding3D(padding=(1, 1, 1), data_format=None, **kwargs) +Zero-padding layer for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal). + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (1, 1, 2, 2, 3) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding3D(padding=2)(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(1, 5, 6, 6, 3) + +Arguments + +padding: Int, or tuple of 3 ints, or tuple of 3 tuples of 2 ints. +If int: the same symmetric padding is applied to height and width. +If tuple of 3 ints: interpreted as two different symmetric padding values for height and width: (symmetric_dim1_pad, symmetric_dim2_pad, symmetric_dim3_pad). +If tuple of 3 tuples of 2 ints: interpreted as ((left_dim1_pad, right_dim1_pad), (left_dim2_pad, right_dim2_pad), (left_dim3_pad, right_dim3_pad)) +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +5D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, first_axis_to_pad, second_axis_to_pad, third_axis_to_pad, depth) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, depth, first_axis_to_pad, second_axis_to_pad, third_axis_to_pad) + +Output shape + +5D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, first_padded_axis, second_padded_axis, third_axis_to_pad, depth) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, depth, first_padded_axis, second_padded_axis, third_axis_to_pad)UpSampling3D layer +UpSampling3D class +tf.keras.layers.UpSampling3D(size=(2, 2, 2), data_format=None, **kwargs) +Upsampling layer for 3D inputs. + +Repeats the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions of the data by size[0], size[1] and size[2] respectively. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 1, 2, 1, 3) +>>> x = tf.constant(1, shape=input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.UpSampling3D(size=2)(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 2, 4, 2, 3) + +Arguments + +size: Int, or tuple of 3 integers. The upsampling factors for dim1, dim2 and dim3. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +5D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, dim1, dim2, dim3, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, dim1, dim2, dim3) + +Output shape + +5D tensor with shape: - If data_format is "channels_last": (batch_size, upsampled_dim1, upsampled_dim2, upsampled_dim3, channels) - If data_format is "channels_first": (batch_size, channels, upsampled_dim1, upsampled_dim2, upsampled_dim3)Reshape layer +Reshape class +tf.keras.layers.Reshape(target_shape, **kwargs) +Layer that reshapes inputs into the given shape. + +Input shape + +Arbitrary, although all dimensions in the input shape must be known/fixed. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples/batch size axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +(batch_size,) + target_shape + +Example + + +>>> # as first layer in a Sequential model +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Reshape((3, 4), input_shape=(12,))) +>>> # model.output_shape == (None, 3, 4), `None` is the batch size. +>>> model.output_shape +(None, 3, 4) + + +>>> # as intermediate layer in a Sequential model +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Reshape((6, 2))) +>>> model.output_shape +(None, 6, 2) + + +>>> # also supports shape inference using `-1` as dimension +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Reshape((-1, 2, 2))) +>>> model.output_shape +(None, 3, 2, 2)RepeatVector layer +RepeatVector class +tf.keras.layers.RepeatVector(n, **kwargs) +Repeats the input n times. + +Example + +model = Sequential() +model.add(Dense(32, input_dim=32)) +# now: model.output_shape == (None, 32) +# note: `None` is the batch dimension + +model.add(RepeatVector(3)) +# now: model.output_shape == (None, 3, 32) +Arguments + +n: Integer, repetition factor. +Input shape + +2D tensor of shape (num_samples, features). + +Output shape + +3D tensor of shape (num_samples, n, features).Cropping1D layer +Cropping1D class +tf.keras.layers.Cropping1D(cropping=(1, 1), **kwargs) +Cropping layer for 1D input (e.g. temporal sequence). + +It crops along the time dimension (axis 1). + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 3, 2) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> print(x) +[[[ 0 1] + [ 2 3] + [ 4 5]] + [[ 6 7] + [ 8 9] + [10 11]]] +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Cropping1D(cropping=1)(x) +>>> print(y) +tf.Tensor( + [[[2 3]] + [[8 9]]], shape=(2, 1, 2), dtype=int64) + +Arguments + +cropping: Int or tuple of int (length 2) How many units should be trimmed off at the beginning and end of the cropping dimension (axis 1). If a single int is provided, the same value will be used for both. +Input shape + +3D tensor with shape (batch_size, axis_to_crop, features) + +Output shape + +3D tensor with shape (batch_size, cropped_axis, features) + +Flatten layer +Flatten class +tf.keras.layers.Flatten(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Flattens the input. Does not affect the batch size. + +Note: If inputs are shaped (batch,) without a feature axis, then flattening adds an extra channel dimension and output shape is (batch, 1). + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, ..., channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, ...). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Example + + +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, 3, input_shape=(3, 32, 32))) +>>> model.output_shape +(None, 1, 10, 64) + + +>>> model.add(Flatten()) +>>> model.output_shape +(None, 640)UpSampling1D layer +UpSampling1D class +tf.keras.layers.UpSampling1D(size=2, **kwargs) +Upsampling layer for 1D inputs. + +Repeats each temporal step size times along the time axis. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 2, 3) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> print(x) +[[[ 0 1 2] + [ 3 4 5]] + [[ 6 7 8] + [ 9 10 11]]] +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.UpSampling1D(size=2)(x) +>>> print(y) +tf.Tensor( + [[[ 0 1 2] + [ 0 1 2] + [ 3 4 5] + [ 3 4 5]] + [[ 6 7 8] + [ 6 7 8] + [ 9 10 11] + [ 9 10 11]]], shape=(2, 4, 3), dtype=int64) + +Arguments + +size: Integer. Upsampling factor. +Input shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, features). + +Output shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, upsampled_steps, features).ZeroPadding1D layer +ZeroPadding1D class +tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding1D(padding=1, **kwargs) +Zero-padding layer for 1D input (e.g. temporal sequence). + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 2, 3) +>>> x = np.arange(np.prod(input_shape)).reshape(input_shape) +>>> print(x) +[[[ 0 1 2] + [ 3 4 5]] + [[ 6 7 8] + [ 9 10 11]]] +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding1D(padding=2)(x) +>>> print(y) +tf.Tensor( + [[[ 0 0 0] + [ 0 0 0] + [ 0 1 2] + [ 3 4 5] + [ 0 0 0] + [ 0 0 0]] + [[ 0 0 0] + [ 0 0 0] + [ 6 7 8] + [ 9 10 11] + [ 0 0 0] + [ 0 0 0]]], shape=(2, 6, 3), dtype=int64) + +Arguments + +padding: Int, or tuple of int (length 2), or dictionary. - If int: How many zeros to add at the beginning and end of the padding dimension (axis 1). - If tuple of int (length 2): How many zeros to add at the beginning and the end of the padding dimension ((left_pad, right_pad)). +Input shape + +3D tensor with shape (batch_size, axis_to_pad, features) + +Output shape + +3D tensor with shape (batch_size, padded_axis, features) + +AdditiveAttention layer +AdditiveAttention class +tf.keras.layers.AdditiveAttention(use_scale=True, **kwargs) +Additive attention layer, a.k.a. Bahdanau-style attention. + +Inputs are query tensor of shape [batch_size, Tq, dim], value tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim] and key tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim]. The calculation follows the steps: + +Reshape query and value into shapes [batch_size, Tq, 1, dim] and [batch_size, 1, Tv, dim] respectively. +Calculate scores with shape [batch_size, Tq, Tv] as a non-linear sum: scores = tf.reduce_sum(tf.tanh(query + value), axis=-1) +Use scores to calculate a distribution with shape [batch_size, Tq, Tv]: distribution = tf.nn.softmax(scores). +Use distribution to create a linear combination of value with shape [batch_size, Tq, dim]: return tf.matmul(distribution, value). +Arguments + +use_scale: If True, will create a variable to scale the attention scores. +causal: Boolean. Set to True for decoder self-attention. Adds a mask such that position i cannot attend to positions j > i. This prevents the flow of information from the future towards the past. +dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the attention scores. +Call # Arguments + +inputs: List of the following tensors: * query: Query Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tq, dim]. * value: Value Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim]. * key: Optional key Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim]. If not given, will use value for both key and value, which is the most common case. mask: List of the following tensors: * query_mask: A boolean mask Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tq]. If given, the output will be zero at the positions where mask==False. * value_mask: A boolean mask Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv]. If given, will apply the mask such that values at positions where mask==False do not contribute to the result. training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (no dropout). return_attention_scores: bool, it True, returns the attention scores (after masking and softmax) as an additional output argument. + +Output: + +Attention outputs of shape [batch_size, Tq, dim]. [Optional] Attention scores after masking and softmax with shape [batch_size, Tq, Tv]. + +The meaning of query, value and key depend on the application. In the case of text similarity, for example, query is the sequence embeddings of the first piece of text and value is the sequence embeddings of the second piece of text. key is usually the same tensor as value. + +Here is a code example for using AdditiveAttention in a CNN+Attention network: + +# Variable-length int sequences. +query_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype='int32') +value_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype='int32') + +# Embedding lookup. +token_embedding = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(max_tokens, dimension) +# Query embeddings of shape [batch_size, Tq, dimension]. +query_embeddings = token_embedding(query_input) +# Value embeddings of shape [batch_size, Tv, dimension]. +value_embeddings = token_embedding(value_input) + +# CNN layer. +cnn_layer = tf.keras.layers.Conv1D( + filters=100, + kernel_size=4, + # Use 'same' padding so outputs have the same shape as inputs. + padding='same') +# Query encoding of shape [batch_size, Tq, filters]. +query_seq_encoding = cnn_layer(query_embeddings) +# Value encoding of shape [batch_size, Tv, filters]. +value_seq_encoding = cnn_layer(value_embeddings) + +# Query-value attention of shape [batch_size, Tq, filters]. +query_value_attention_seq = tf.keras.layers.AdditiveAttention()( + [query_seq_encoding, value_seq_encoding]) + +# Reduce over the sequence axis to produce encodings of shape +# [batch_size, filters]. +query_encoding = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()( + query_seq_encoding) +query_value_attention = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()( + query_value_attention_seq) + +# Concatenate query and document encodings to produce a DNN input layer. +input_layer = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()( + [query_encoding, query_value_attention]) + +# Add DNN layers, and create Model. +# ...MultiHeadAttention layer +MultiHeadAttention class +tf.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention( + num_heads, + key_dim, + value_dim=None, + dropout=0.0, + use_bias=True, + output_shape=None, + attention_axes=None, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +MultiHeadAttention layer. + +This is an implementation of multi-headed attention based on "Attention is all you Need". If query, key, value are the same, then this is self-attention. Each timestep in query attends to the corresponding sequence in key, and returns a fixed-width vector. + +This layer first projects query, key and value. These are (effectively) a list of tensors of length num_attention_heads, where the corresponding shapes are [batch_size, , key_dim], [batch_size, , key_dim], [batch_size, , value_dim]. + +Then, the query and key tensors are dot-producted and scaled. These are softmaxed to obtain attention probabilities. The value tensors are then interpolated by these probabilities, then concatenated back to a single tensor. + +Finally, the result tensor with the last dimension as value_dim can take an linear projection and return. + +Examples + +Performs 1D cross-attention over two sequence inputs with an attention mask. Returns the additional attention weights over heads. + + +>>> layer = MultiHeadAttention(num_heads=2, key_dim=2) +>>> target = tf.keras.Input(shape=[8, 16]) +>>> source = tf.keras.Input(shape=[4, 16]) +>>> output_tensor, weights = layer(target, source, +... return_attention_scores=True) +>>> print(output_tensor.shape) +(None, 8, 16) +>>> print(weights.shape) +(None, 2, 8, 4) + +Performs 2D self-attention over a 5D input tensor on axes 2 and 3. + + +>>> layer = MultiHeadAttention(num_heads=2, key_dim=2, attention_axes=(2, 3)) +>>> input_tensor = tf.keras.Input(shape=[5, 3, 4, 16]) +>>> output_tensor = layer(input_tensor, input_tensor) +>>> print(output_tensor.shape) +(None, 5, 3, 4, 16) + +Arguments + +num_heads: Number of attention heads. +key_dim: Size of each attention head for query and key. +value_dim: Size of each attention head for value. +dropout: Dropout probability. +use_bias: Boolean, whether the dense layers use bias vectors/matrices. +output_shape: The expected shape of an output tensor, besides the batch and sequence dims. If not specified, projects back to the key feature dim. +attention_axes: axes over which the attention is applied. None means attention over all axes, but batch, heads, and features. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for dense layer kernels. +bias_initializer: Initializer for dense layer biases. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer for dense layer kernels. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer for dense layer biases. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer for dense layer activity. +kernel_constraint: Constraint for dense layer kernels. +bias_constraint: Constraint for dense layer kernels. +Call arguments + +query: Query Tensor of shape [B, T, dim]. +value: Value Tensor of shape [B, S, dim]. +key: Optional key Tensor of shape [B, S, dim]. If not given, will use value for both key and value, which is the most common case. +attention_mask: a boolean mask of shape [B, T, S], that prevents attention to certain positions. The boolean mask specifies which query elements can attend to which key elements, 1 indicates attention and 0 indicates no attention. Broadcasting can happen for the missing batch dimensions and the head dimension. +return_attention_scores: A boolean to indicate whether the output should be attention output if True, or (attention_output, attention_scores) if False. Defaults to False. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (no dropout). Defaults to either using the training mode of the parent layer/model, or False (inference) if there is no parent layer. +Returns + +attention_output: The result of the computation, of shape [B, T, E], where T is for target sequence shapes and E is the query input last dimension if output_shape is None. Otherwise, the multi-head outputs are project to the shape specified by output_shape. +attention_scores: [Optional] multi-head attention coeffients over attention axes.Attention layer +Attention class +tf.keras.layers.Attention(use_scale=False, **kwargs) +Dot-product attention layer, a.k.a. Luong-style attention. + +Inputs are query tensor of shape [batch_size, Tq, dim], value tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim] and key tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim]. The calculation follows the steps: + +Calculate scores with shape [batch_size, Tq, Tv] as a query-key dot product: scores = tf.matmul(query, key, transpose_b=True). +Use scores to calculate a distribution with shape [batch_size, Tq, Tv]: distribution = tf.nn.softmax(scores). +Use distribution to create a linear combination of value with shape [batch_size, Tq, dim]: return tf.matmul(distribution, value). +Arguments + +use_scale: If True, will create a scalar variable to scale the attention scores. +causal: Boolean. Set to True for decoder self-attention. Adds a mask such that position i cannot attend to positions j > i. This prevents the flow of information from the future towards the past. +dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the attention scores. +Call # Arguments + +inputs: List of the following tensors: * query: Query Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tq, dim]. * value: Value Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim]. * key: Optional key Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv, dim]. If not given, will use value for both key and value, which is the most common case. mask: List of the following tensors: * query_mask: A boolean mask Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tq]. If given, the output will be zero at the positions where mask==False. * value_mask: A boolean mask Tensor of shape [batch_size, Tv]. If given, will apply the mask such that values at positions where mask==False do not contribute to the result. return_attention_scores: bool, it True, returns the attention scores (after masking and softmax) as an additional output argument. training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (no dropout). + +Output: + +Attention outputs of shape [batch_size, Tq, dim]. [Optional] Attention scores after masking and softmax with shape [batch_size, Tq, Tv]. + +The meaning of query, value and key depend on the application. In the case of text similarity, for example, query is the sequence embeddings of the first piece of text and value is the sequence embeddings of the second piece of text. key is usually the same tensor as value. + +Here is a code example for using Attention in a CNN+Attention network: + +# Variable-length int sequences. +query_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype='int32') +value_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype='int32') + +# Embedding lookup. +token_embedding = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=1000, output_dim=64) +# Query embeddings of shape [batch_size, Tq, dimension]. +query_embeddings = token_embedding(query_input) +# Value embeddings of shape [batch_size, Tv, dimension]. +value_embeddings = token_embedding(value_input) + +# CNN layer. +cnn_layer = tf.keras.layers.Conv1D( + filters=100, + kernel_size=4, + # Use 'same' padding so outputs have the same shape as inputs. + padding='same') +# Query encoding of shape [batch_size, Tq, filters]. +query_seq_encoding = cnn_layer(query_embeddings) +# Value encoding of shape [batch_size, Tv, filters]. +value_seq_encoding = cnn_layer(value_embeddings) + +# Query-value attention of shape [batch_size, Tq, filters]. +query_value_attention_seq = tf.keras.layers.Attention()( + [query_seq_encoding, value_seq_encoding]) + +# Reduce over the sequence axis to produce encodings of shape +# [batch_size, filters]. +query_encoding = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()( + query_seq_encoding) +query_value_attention = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()( + query_value_attention_seq) + +# Concatenate query and document encodings to produce a DNN input layer. +input_layer = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()( + [query_encoding, query_value_attention]) + +# Add DNN layers, and create Model. +# ... + +Dropout layer +Dropout class +tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate, noise_shape=None, seed=None, **kwargs) +Applies Dropout to the input. + +The Dropout layer randomly sets input units to 0 with a frequency of rate at each step during training time, which helps prevent overfitting. Inputs not set to 0 are scaled up by 1/(1 - rate) such that the sum over all inputs is unchanged. + +Note that the Dropout layer only applies when training is set to True such that no values are dropped during inference. When using model.fit, training will be appropriately set to True automatically, and in other contexts, you can set the kwarg explicitly to True when calling the layer. + +(This is in contrast to setting trainable=False for a Dropout layer. trainable does not affect the layer's behavior, as Dropout does not have any variables/weights that can be frozen during training.) + + +>>> tf.random.set_seed(0) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(.2, input_shape=(2,)) +>>> data = np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2).astype(np.float32) +>>> print(data) +[[0. 1.] + [2. 3.] + [4. 5.] + [6. 7.] + [8. 9.]] +>>> outputs = layer(data, training=True) +>>> print(outputs) +tf.Tensor( +[[ 0. 1.25] + [ 2.5 3.75] + [ 5. 6.25] + [ 7.5 8.75] + [10. 0. ]], shape=(5, 2), dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +rate: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the input units to drop. +noise_shape: 1D integer tensor representing the shape of the binary dropout mask that will be multiplied with the input. For instance, if your inputs have shape (batch_size, timesteps, features) and you want the dropout mask to be the same for all timesteps, you can use noise_shape=(batch_size, 1, features). +seed: A Python integer to use as random seed. +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor (of any rank). +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (doing nothing).GaussianDropout layer +GaussianDropout class +tf.keras.layers.GaussianDropout(rate, **kwargs) +Apply multiplicative 1-centered Gaussian noise. + +As it is a regularization layer, it is only active at training time. + +Arguments + +rate: Float, drop probability (as with Dropout). The multiplicative noise will have standard deviation sqrt(rate / (1 - rate)). +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor (of any rank). +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (doing nothing). +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input.SpatialDropout3D layer +SpatialDropout3D class +tf.keras.layers.SpatialDropout3D(rate, data_format=None, **kwargs) +Spatial 3D version of Dropout. + +This version performs the same function as Dropout, however, it drops entire 3D feature maps instead of individual elements. If adjacent voxels within feature maps are strongly correlated (as is normally the case in early convolution layers) then regular dropout will not regularize the activations and will otherwise just result in an effective learning rate decrease. In this case, SpatialDropout3D will help promote independence between feature maps and should be used instead. + +Arguments + +rate: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the input units to drop. +data_format: 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. In 'channels_first' mode, the channels dimension (the depth) is at index 1, in 'channels_last' mode is it at index 4. It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Call arguments + +inputs: A 5D tensor. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (doing nothing). +Input shape + +5D tensor with shape: (samples, channels, dim1, dim2, dim3) if data_format='channels_first' or 5D tensor with shape: (samples, dim1, dim2, dim3, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +Same as input. + +References: - Efficient Object Localization Using Convolutional NetworksGaussianNoise layer +GaussianNoise class +tf.keras.layers.GaussianNoise(stddev, **kwargs) +Apply additive zero-centered Gaussian noise. + +This is useful to mitigate overfitting (you could see it as a form of random data augmentation). Gaussian Noise (GS) is a natural choice as corruption process for real valued inputs. + +As it is a regularization layer, it is only active at training time. + +Arguments + +stddev: Float, standard deviation of the noise distribution. +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor (of any rank). +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding noise) or in inference mode (doing nothing). +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input. + +SpatialDropout2D layer +SpatialDropout2D class +tf.keras.layers.SpatialDropout2D(rate, data_format=None, **kwargs) +Spatial 2D version of Dropout. + +This version performs the same function as Dropout, however, it drops entire 2D feature maps instead of individual elements. If adjacent pixels within feature maps are strongly correlated (as is normally the case in early convolution layers) then regular dropout will not regularize the activations and will otherwise just result in an effective learning rate decrease. In this case, SpatialDropout2D will help promote independence between feature maps and should be used instead. + +Arguments + +rate: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the input units to drop. +data_format: 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. In 'channels_first' mode, the channels dimension (the depth) is at index 1, in 'channels_last' mode is it at index 3. It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Call arguments + +inputs: A 4D tensor. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (doing nothing). +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, channels, rows, cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (samples, rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +Same as input. + +References: - Efficient Object Localization Using Convolutional NetworksActivityRegularization layer +ActivityRegularization class +tf.keras.layers.ActivityRegularization(l1=0.0, l2=0.0, **kwargs) +Layer that applies an update to the cost function based input activity. + +Arguments + +l1: L1 regularization factor (positive float). +l2: L2 regularization factor (positive float). +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input. + +SpatialDropout1D layer +SpatialDropout1D class +tf.keras.layers.SpatialDropout1D(rate, **kwargs) +Spatial 1D version of Dropout. + +This version performs the same function as Dropout, however, it drops entire 1D feature maps instead of individual elements. If adjacent frames within feature maps are strongly correlated (as is normally the case in early convolution layers) then regular dropout will not regularize the activations and will otherwise just result in an effective learning rate decrease. In this case, SpatialDropout1D will help promote independence between feature maps and should be used instead. + +Arguments + +rate: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the input units to drop. +Call arguments + +inputs: A 3D tensor. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (doing nothing). +Input shape + +3D tensor with shape: (samples, timesteps, channels) + +Output shape + +Same as input. + +References: - Efficient Object Localization Using Convolutional NetworksAlphaDropout layer +AlphaDropout class +tf.keras.layers.AlphaDropout(rate, noise_shape=None, seed=None, **kwargs) +Applies Alpha Dropout to the input. + +Alpha Dropout is a Dropout that keeps mean and variance of inputs to their original values, in order to ensure the self-normalizing property even after this dropout. Alpha Dropout fits well to Scaled Exponential Linear Units by randomly setting activations to the negative saturation value. + +Arguments + +rate: float, drop probability (as with Dropout). The multiplicative noise will have standard deviation sqrt(rate / (1 - rate)). +seed: A Python integer to use as random seed. +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor (of any rank). +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode (adding dropout) or in inference mode (doing nothing). +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input. + +LayerNormalization layer +LayerNormalization class +tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization( + axis=-1, + epsilon=0.001, + center=True, + scale=True, + beta_initializer="zeros", + gamma_initializer="ones", + beta_regularizer=None, + gamma_regularizer=None, + beta_constraint=None, + gamma_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Layer normalization layer (Ba et al., 2016). + +Normalize the activations of the previous layer for each given example in a batch independently, rather than across a batch like Batch Normalization. i.e. applies a transformation that maintains the mean activation within each example close to 0 and the activation standard deviation close to 1. + +Given a tensor inputs, moments are calculated and normalization is performed across the axes specified in axis. + +Example + + +>>> data = tf.constant(np.arange(10).reshape(5, 2) * 10, dtype=tf.float32) +>>> print(data) +tf.Tensor( +[[ 0. 10.] + [20. 30.] + [40. 50.] + [60. 70.] + [80. 90.]], shape=(5, 2), dtype=float32) + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(axis=1) +>>> output = layer(data) +>>> print(output) +tf.Tensor( +[[-1. 1.] + [-1. 1.] + [-1. 1.] + [-1. 1.] + [-1. 1.]], shape=(5, 2), dtype=float32) + +Notice that with Layer Normalization the normalization happens across the axes within each example, rather than across different examples in the batch. + +If scale or center are enabled, the layer will scale the normalized outputs by broadcasting them with a trainable variable gamma, and center the outputs by broadcasting with a trainable variable beta. gamma will default to a ones tensor and beta will default to a zeros tensor, so that centering and scaling are no-ops before training has begun. + +So, with scaling and centering enabled the normalization equations are as follows: + +Let the intermediate activations for a mini-batch to be the inputs. + +For each sample x_i in inputs with k features, we compute the mean and variance of the sample: + +mean_i = sum(x_i[j] for j in range(k)) / k +var_i = sum((x_i[j] - mean_i) ** 2 for j in range(k)) / k +and then compute a normalized x_i_normalized, including a small factor epsilon for numerical stability. + +x_i_normalized = (x_i - mean_i) / sqrt(var_i + epsilon) +And finally x_i_normalized is linearly transformed by gamma and beta, which are learned parameters: + +output_i = x_i_normalized * gamma + beta +gamma and beta will span the axes of inputs specified in axis, and this part of the inputs' shape must be fully defined. + +For example: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(axis=[1, 2, 3]) +>>> layer.build([5, 20, 30, 40]) +>>> print(layer.beta.shape) +(20, 30, 40) +>>> print(layer.gamma.shape) +(20, 30, 40) + +Note that other implementations of layer normalization may choose to define gamma and beta over a separate set of axes from the axes being normalized across. For example, Group Normalization (Wu et al. 2018) with group size of 1 corresponds to a Layer Normalization that normalizes across height, width, and channel and has gamma and beta span only the channel dimension. So, this Layer Normalization implementation will not match a Group Normalization layer with group size set to 1. + +Arguments + +axis: Integer or List/Tuple. The axis or axes to normalize across. Typically this is the features axis/axes. The left-out axes are typically the batch axis/axes. This argument defaults to -1, the last dimension in the input. +epsilon: Small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero. Defaults to 1e-3 +center: If True, add offset of beta to normalized tensor. If False, beta is ignored. Defaults to True. +scale: If True, multiply by gamma. If False, gamma is not used. Defaults to True. When the next layer is linear (also e.g. nn.relu), this can be disabled since the scaling will be done by the next layer. +beta_initializer: Initializer for the beta weight. Defaults to zeros. +gamma_initializer: Initializer for the gamma weight. Defaults to ones. +beta_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the beta weight. None by default. +gamma_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the gamma weight. None by default. +beta_constraint: Optional constraint for the beta weight. None by default. +gamma_constraint: Optional constraint for the gamma weight. None by default. +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input. + +Reference + +Lei Ba et al., 2016. +BatchNormalization layer +BatchNormalization class +tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization( + axis=-1, + momentum=0.99, + epsilon=0.001, + center=True, + scale=True, + beta_initializer="zeros", + gamma_initializer="ones", + moving_mean_initializer="zeros", + moving_variance_initializer="ones", + beta_regularizer=None, + gamma_regularizer=None, + beta_constraint=None, + gamma_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Layer that normalizes its inputs. + +Batch normalization applies a transformation that maintains the mean output close to 0 and the output standard deviation close to 1. + +Importantly, batch normalization works differently during training and during inference. + +During training (i.e. when using fit() or when calling the layer/model with the argument training=True), the layer normalizes its output using the mean and standard deviation of the current batch of inputs. That is to say, for each channel being normalized, the layer returns gamma * (batch - mean(batch)) / sqrt(var(batch) + epsilon) + beta, where: + +epsilon is small constant (configurable as part of the constructor arguments) +gamma is a learned scaling factor (initialized as 1), which can be disabled by passing scale=False to the constructor. +beta is a learned offset factor (initialized as 0), which can be disabled by passing center=False to the constructor. +During inference (i.e. when using evaluate() or predict() or when calling the layer/model with the argument training=False (which is the default), the layer normalizes its output using a moving average of the mean and standard deviation of the batches it has seen during training. That is to say, it returns gamma * (batch - self.moving_mean) / sqrt(self.moving_var + epsilon) + beta. + +self.moving_mean and self.moving_var are non-trainable variables that are updated each time the layer in called in training mode, as such: + +moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + mean(batch) * (1 - momentum) +moving_var = moving_var * momentum + var(batch) * (1 - momentum) +As such, the layer will only normalize its inputs during inference after having been trained on data that has similar statistics as the inference data. + +Arguments + +axis: Integer, the axis that should be normalized (typically the features axis). For instance, after a Conv2D layer with data_format="channels_first", set axis=1 in BatchNormalization. +momentum: Momentum for the moving average. +epsilon: Small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero. +center: If True, add offset of beta to normalized tensor. If False, beta is ignored. +scale: If True, multiply by gamma. If False, gamma is not used. When the next layer is linear (also e.g. nn.relu), this can be disabled since the scaling will be done by the next layer. +beta_initializer: Initializer for the beta weight. +gamma_initializer: Initializer for the gamma weight. +moving_mean_initializer: Initializer for the moving mean. +moving_variance_initializer: Initializer for the moving variance. +beta_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the beta weight. +gamma_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the gamma weight. +beta_constraint: Optional constraint for the beta weight. +gamma_constraint: Optional constraint for the gamma weight. +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor (of any rank). +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. +training=True: The layer will normalize its inputs using the mean and variance of the current batch of inputs. +training=False: The layer will normalize its inputs using the mean and variance of its moving statistics, learned during training. +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input. + +Reference + +Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015. +About setting layer.trainable = False on a BatchNormalization layer: + +The meaning of setting layer.trainable = False is to freeze the layer, i.e. its internal state will not change during training: its trainable weights will not be updated during fit() or train_on_batch(), and its state updates will not be run. + +Usually, this does not necessarily mean that the layer is run in inference mode (which is normally controlled by the training argument that can be passed when calling a layer). "Frozen state" and "inference mode" are two separate concepts. + +However, in the case of the BatchNormalization layer, setting trainable = False on the layer means that the layer will be subsequently run in inference mode (meaning that it will use the moving mean and the moving variance to normalize the current batch, rather than using the mean and variance of the current batch). + +This behavior has been introduced in TensorFlow 2.0, in order to enable layer.trainable = False to produce the most commonly expected behavior in the convnet fine-tuning use case. + +Note that: - Setting trainable on an model containing other layers will recursively set the trainable value of all inner layers. - If the value of the trainable attribute is changed after calling compile() on a model, the new value doesn't take effect for this model until compile() is called again. + +RandomHeight layer +RandomHeight class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomHeight( + factor, interpolation="bilinear", seed=None, **kwargs +) +Randomly vary the height of a batch of images during training. + +Adjusts the height of a batch of images by a random factor. The input should be a 4-D tensor in the "channels_last" image data format. + +By default, this layer is inactive during inference. + +Arguments + +factor: A positive float (fraction of original height), or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for resizing vertically. When represented as a single float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. For instance, factor=(0.2, 0.3) results in an output with height changed by a random amount in the range [20%, 30%]. factor=(-0.2, 0.3) results in an output with height changed by a random amount in the range [-20%, +30%].factor=0.2results in an output with height changed by a random amount in the range[-20%, +20%]`. +interpolation: String, the interpolation method. Defaults to bilinear. Supports bilinear, nearest, bicubic, area, lanczos3, lanczos5, gaussian, mitchellcubic +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed. +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels) (data_format='channels_last'). + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, random_height, width, channels). + +RandomRotation layer +RandomRotation class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomRotation( + factor, + fill_mode="reflect", + interpolation="bilinear", + seed=None, + fill_value=0.0, + **kwargs +) +Randomly rotate each image. + +By default, random rotations are only applied during training. At inference time, the layer does nothing. If you need to apply random rotations at inference time, set training to True when calling the layer. + +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Attributes + +factor: a float represented as fraction of 2pi, or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise. A positive values means rotating counter clock-wise, while a negative value means clock-wise. When represented as a single float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. For instance, factor=(-0.2, 0.3) results in an output rotation by a random amount in the range [-20% * 2pi, 30% * 2pi]. factor=0.2 results in an output rotating by a random amount in the range [-20% * 2pi, 20% * 2pi]. +fill_mode: Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode (one of {'constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest'}). +reflect: (d c b a | a b c d | d c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. +constant: (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k) The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value k = 0. +wrap: (a b c d | a b c d | a b c d) The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. +nearest: (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d) The input is extended by the nearest pixel. +interpolation: Interpolation mode. Supported values: "nearest", "bilinear". +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed. +fill_value: a float represents the value to be filled outside the boundaries when fill_mode is "constant". +Raise: ValueError: if either bound is not between [0, 1], or upper bound is less than lower bound. + +RandomWidth layer +RandomWidth class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomWidth( + factor, interpolation="bilinear", seed=None, **kwargs +) +Randomly vary the width of a batch of images during training. + +Adjusts the width of a batch of images by a random factor. The input should be a 4-D tensor in the "channels_last" image data format. + +By default, this layer is inactive during inference. + +Arguments + +factor: A positive float (fraction of original height), or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for resizing vertically. When represented as a single float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. For instance, factor=(0.2, 0.3) results in an output with width changed by a random amount in the range [20%, 30%]. factor=(-0.2, 0.3) results in an output with width changed by a random amount in the range [-20%, +30%].factor=0.2results in an output with width changed by a random amount in the range[-20%, +20%]`. +interpolation: String, the interpolation method. Defaults to bilinear. Supports bilinear, nearest, bicubic, area, lanczos3, lanczos5, gaussian, mitchellcubic +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed. +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels) (data_format='channels_last'). + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, random_width, channels). + +CenterCrop layer +CenterCrop class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CenterCrop( + height, width, **kwargs +) +Crop the central portion of the images to target height and width. + +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, target_height, target_width, channels). + +If the input height/width is even and the target height/width is odd (or inversely), the input image is left-padded by 1 pixel. + +Arguments + +height: Integer, the height of the output shape. +width: Integer, the width of the output shape. +RandomCrop layer +RandomCrop class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomCrop( + height, width, seed=None, **kwargs +) +Randomly crop the images to target height and width. + +This layer will crop all the images in the same batch to the same cropping location. By default, random cropping is only applied during training. At inference time, the images will be first rescaled to preserve the shorter side, and center cropped. If you need to apply random cropping at inference time, set training to True when calling the layer. + +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, target_height, target_width, channels). + +Arguments + +height: Integer, the height of the output shape. +width: Integer, the width of the output shape. +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed. +RandomFlip layer +RandomFlip class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomFlip( + mode="horizontal_and_vertical", seed=None, **kwargs +) +Randomly flip each image horizontally and vertically. + +This layer will flip the images based on the mode attribute. During inference time, the output will be identical to input. Call the layer with training=True to flip the input. + +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Attributes + +mode: String indicating which flip mode to use. Can be "horizontal", "vertical", or "horizontal_and_vertical". Defaults to "horizontal_and_vertical". "horizontal" is a left-right flip and "vertical" is a top-bottom flip. +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed.RandomZoom layer +RandomZoom class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomZoom( + height_factor, + width_factor=None, + fill_mode="reflect", + interpolation="bilinear", + seed=None, + fill_value=0.0, + **kwargs +) +Randomly zoom each image during training. + +Arguments + +height_factor: a float represented as fraction of value, or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for zooming vertically. When represented as a single float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. A positive value means zooming out, while a negative value means zooming in. For instance, height_factor=(0.2, 0.3) result in an output zoomed out by a random amount in the range [+20%, +30%]. height_factor=(-0.3, -0.2) result in an output zoomed in by a random amount in the range [+20%, +30%]. +width_factor: a float represented as fraction of value, or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for zooming horizontally. When represented as a single float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. For instance, width_factor=(0.2, 0.3) result in an output zooming out between 20% to 30%. width_factor=(-0.3, -0.2) result in an output zooming in between 20% to 30%. Defaults to None, i.e., zooming vertical and horizontal directions by preserving the aspect ratio. +fill_mode: Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode (one of {'constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest'}). +reflect: (d c b a | a b c d | d c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. +constant: (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k) The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value k = 0. +wrap: (a b c d | a b c d | a b c d) The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. +nearest: (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d) The input is extended by the nearest pixel. +interpolation: Interpolation mode. Supported values: "nearest", "bilinear". +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed. +fill_value: a float represents the value to be filled outside the boundaries when fill_mode is "constant". +Example + +input_img = np.random.random((32, 224, 224, 3)) >>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomZoom(.5, .2) >>> out_img = layer(input_img) >>> out_img.shape TensorShape([32, 224, 224, 3]) + +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Raise: ValueError: if lower bound is not between [0, 1], or upper bound is negative. + +Resizing layer +Resizing class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Resizing( + height, width, interpolation="bilinear", **kwargs +) +Image resizing layer. + +Resize the batched image input to target height and width. The input should be a 4-D tensor in the format of NHWC. + +Arguments + +height: Integer, the height of the output shape. +width: Integer, the width of the output shape. +interpolation: String, the interpolation method. Defaults to bilinear. Supports bilinear, nearest, bicubic, area, lanczos3, lanczos5, gaussian, mitchellcubicRandomTranslation layer +RandomTranslation class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomTranslation( + height_factor, + width_factor, + fill_mode="reflect", + interpolation="bilinear", + seed=None, + fill_value=0.0, + **kwargs +) +Randomly translate each image during training. + +Arguments + +height_factor: a float represented as fraction of value, or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for shifting vertically. A negative value means shifting image up, while a positive value means shifting image down. When represented as a single positive float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. For instance, height_factor=(-0.2, 0.3) results in an output shifted by a random amount in the range [-20%, +30%]. height_factor=0.2 results in an output height shifted by a random amount in the range [-20%, +20%]. +width_factor: a float represented as fraction of value, or a tuple of size 2 representing lower and upper bound for shifting horizontally. A negative value means shifting image left, while a positive value means shifting image right. When represented as a single positive float, this value is used for both the upper and lower bound. For instance, width_factor=(-0.2, 0.3) results in an output shifted left by 20%, and shifted right by 30%. width_factor=0.2 results in an output height shifted left or right by 20%. +fill_mode: Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode (one of {'constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest'}). +reflect: (d c b a | a b c d | d c b a) The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. +constant: (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k) The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value k = 0. +wrap: (a b c d | a b c d | a b c d) The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. +nearest: (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d) The input is extended by the nearest pixel. +interpolation: Interpolation mode. Supported values: "nearest", "bilinear". +seed: Integer. Used to create a random seed. +fill_value: a float represents the value to be filled outside the boundaries when fill_mode is "constant". +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (samples, height, width, channels), data_format='channels_last'. + +Raise: ValueError: if either bound is not between [0, 1], or upper bound is less than lower bound.Rescaling layer +Rescaling class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Rescaling( + scale, offset=0.0, **kwargs +) +Multiply inputs by scale and adds offset. + +For instance: + +To rescale an input in the [0, 255] range to be in the [0, 1] range, you would pass scale=1./255. + +To rescale an input in the [0, 255] range to be in the [-1, 1] range, you would pass scale=1./127.5, offset=-1. + +The rescaling is applied both during training and inference. + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. + +Output shape + +Same as input. + +Arguments + +scale: Float, the scale to apply to the inputs. +offset: Float, the offset to apply to the inputs. + +Discretization layer +Discretization class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Discretization( + bin_boundaries=None, num_bins=None, epsilon=0.01, **kwargs +) +Buckets data into discrete ranges. + +This layer will place each element of its input data into one of several contiguous ranges and output an integer index indicating which range each element was placed in. + +Input shape + +Any tf.Tensor or tf.RaggedTensor of dimension 2 or higher. + +Output shape + +Same as input shape. + +Attributes + +bin_boundaries: A list of bin boundaries. The leftmost and rightmost bins will always extend to -inf and inf, so bin_boundaries=[0., 1., 2.] generates bins (-inf, 0.), [0., 1.), [1., 2.), and [2., +inf). If this option is set, adapt should not be called. +num_bins: The integer number of bins to compute. If this option is set, adapt should be called to learn the bin boundaries. +epsilon: Error tolerance, typically a small fraction close to zero (e.g. 0.01). Higher values of epsilon increase the quantile approximation, and hence result in more unequal buckets, but could improve performance and resource consumption. +Examples + +Bucketize float values based on provided buckets. + +>>> input = np.array([[-1.5, 1.0, 3.4, .5], [0.0, 3.0, 1.3, 0.0]]) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Discretization( +... bin_boundaries=[0., 1., 2.]) +>>> layer(input) + + +Bucketize float values based on a number of buckets to compute. + +>>> input = np.array([[-1.5, 1.0, 3.4, .5], [0.0, 3.0, 1.3, 0.0]]) +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Discretization( +... num_bins=4, epsilon=0.01) +>>> layer.adapt(input) +>>> layer(input) +CategoryEncoding layer +CategoryEncoding class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryEncoding( + num_tokens=None, output_mode="binary", sparse=False, **kwargs +) +Category encoding layer. + +This layer provides options for condensing data into a categorical encoding when the total number of tokens are known in advance. It accepts integer values as inputs and outputs a dense representation (one sample = 1-index tensor of float values representing data about the sample's tokens) of those inputs. For integer inputs where the total number of tokens is not known, see tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.IntegerLookup. + +Examples + +Multi-hot encoding data + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryEncoding( +... num_tokens=4, output_mode="binary") +>>> layer([[0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 2], [3, 1]]) + + +Using weighted inputs in count mode + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryEncoding( +... num_tokens=4, output_mode="count") +>>> count_weights = np.array([[.1, .2], [.1, .1], [.2, .3], [.4, .2]]) +>>> layer([[0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 2], [3, 1]], count_weights=count_weights) + + +Arguments + +num_tokens: The total number of tokens the layer should support. All inputs to the layer must integers in the range 0 <= value < num_tokens or an error will be thrown. +output_mode: Specification for the output of the layer. Defaults to "binary". Values can be "binary" or "count", configuring the layer as follows: "binary": Outputs a single int array per batch, of num_tokens size, containing 1s in all elements where the token mapped to that index exists at least once in the batch item. "count": As "binary", but the int array contains a count of the number of times the token at that index appeared in the batch item. +sparse: Boolean. If true, returns a SparseTensor instead of a dense Tensor. Defaults to False. +Call arguments + +inputs: A 2D tensor (samples, timesteps). +count_weights: A 2D tensor in the same shape as inputs indicating the weight for each sample value when summing up in count mode. Not used in binary mode. +CategoryCrossing layer +CategoryCrossing class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryCrossing( + depth=None, name=None, separator="_X_", **kwargs +) +Category crossing layer. + +This layer concatenates multiple categorical inputs into a single categorical output (similar to Cartesian product). The output dtype is string. + +Usage: + +>>> inp_1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'] +>>> inp_2 = ['d', 'e', 'f'] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryCrossing() +>>> layer([inp_1, inp_2]) + + + +>>> inp_1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'] +>>> inp_2 = ['d', 'e', 'f'] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.CategoryCrossing( +... separator='-') +>>> layer([inp_1, inp_2]) + + +Arguments + +depth: depth of input crossing. By default None, all inputs are crossed into one output. It can also be an int or tuple/list of ints. Passing an integer will create combinations of crossed outputs with depth up to that integer, i.e., [1, 2, ..., depth), and passing a tuple of integers will create crossed outputs with depth for the specified values in the tuple, i.e., depth=(N1, N2) will create all possible crossed outputs with depth equal to N1 or N2. Passing None means a single crossed output with all inputs. For example, with inputs a, b and c, depth=2 means the output will be [a;b;c;cross(a, b);cross(bc);cross(ca)]. +separator: A string added between each input being joined. Defaults to 'X'. +name: Name to give to the layer. +**kwargs: Keyword arguments to construct a layer. +Input shape a list of string or int tensors or sparse tensors of shape + +[batch_size, d1, ..., dm] + +Output shape a single string or int tensor or sparse tensor of shape + +[batch_size, d1, ..., dm] + +Returns + +If any input is RaggedTensor, the output is RaggedTensor. Else, if any input is SparseTensor, the output is SparseTensor. Otherwise, the output is Tensor. + +Example + +(depth=None) If the layer receives three inputs: a=[[1], [4]], b=[[2], [5]], c=[[3], [6]] the output will be a string tensor: [[b'1_X_2_X_3'], [b'4_X_5_X_6']] + +Example + +(depth is an integer) With the same input above, and if depth=2, the output will be a list of 6 string tensors: [[b'1'], [b'4']] [[b'2'], [b'5']] [[b'3'], [b'6']] [[b'1_X_2'], [b'4_X_5']], [[b'2_X_3'], [b'5_X_6']], [[b'3_X_1'], [b'6_X_4']] + +Example + +(depth is a tuple/list of integers) With the same input above, and if depth=(2, 3) the output will be a list of 4 string tensors: [[b'1_X_2'], [b'4_X_5']], [[b'2_X_3'], [b'5_X_6']], [[b'3_X_1'], [b'6_X_4']], [[b'1_X_2_X_3'], [b'4_X_5_X_6']] + +StringLookup layer +StringLookup class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.StringLookup( + max_tokens=None, + num_oov_indices=1, + mask_token="", + oov_token="[UNK]", + vocabulary=None, + encoding=None, + invert=False, + output_mode="int", + sparse=False, + pad_to_max_tokens=False, + **kwargs +) +Maps strings from a vocabulary to integer indices. + +This layer translates a set of arbitrary strings into an integer output via a table-based vocabulary lookup. + +The vocabulary for the layer can be supplied on construction or learned via adapt(). During adapt(), the layer will analyze a data set, determine the frequency of individual strings tokens, and create a vocabulary from them. If the vocabulary is capped in size, the most frequent tokens will be used to create the vocabulary and all others will be treated as out-of-vocabulary (OOV). + +There are two possible output modes for the layer. When output_mode is "int", input strings are converted to their index in the vocabulary (an integer). When output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf", input strings are encoded into an array where each dimension corresponds to an element in the vocabulary. + +The vocabulary can optionally contain a mask token as well as an OOV token (which can optionally occupy multiple indices in the vocabulary, as set by num_oov_indices). The position of these tokens in the vocabulary is fixed. When output_mode is "int", the vocabulary will begin with the mask token at index 0, followed by OOV indices, followed by the rest of the vocabulary. When output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf" the vocabulary will begin with OOV indices and instances of the mask token will be dropped. + +Arguments + +max_tokens: The maximum size of the vocabulary for this layer. If None, there is no cap on the size of the vocabulary. Note that this size includes the OOV and mask tokens. Default to None. +num_oov_indices: The number of out-of-vocabulary tokens to use. If this value is more than 1, OOV inputs are hashed to determine their OOV value. If this value is 0, OOV inputs will map to -1 when output_mode is "int" and are dropped otherwise. Defaults to 1. +mask_token: A token that represents masked inputs. When output_mode is "int", the token is included in vocabulary and mapped to index 0. In other output modes, the token will not appear in the vocabulary and instances of the mask token in the input will be dropped. If set to None, no mask term will be added. Defaults to "". +oov_token: Only used when invert is True. The token to return for OOV indices. Defaults to "[UNK]". +vocabulary: An optional list of tokens, or a path to a text file containing a vocabulary to load into this layer. The file should contain one token per line. If the list or file contains the same token multiple times, an error will be thrown. +invert: Only valid when output_mode is "int". If True, this layer will map indices to vocabulary items instead of mapping vocabulary items to indices. Default to False. +output_mode: Specification for the output of the layer. Defaults to "int". Values can be "int", "binary", "count", or "tf-idf" configuring the layer as follows: "int": Return the raw integer indices of the input tokens. "binary": Outputs a single int array per sample, of either vocab_size or max_tokens size, containing 1s in all elements where the token mapped to that index exists at least once in the sample. "count": Like "binary", but the int array contains a count of the number of times the token at that index appeared in the sample. "tf-idf": As "binary", but the TF-IDF algorithm is applied to find the value in each token slot. +pad_to_max_tokens: Only applicable when output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf". If True, the output will have its feature axis padded to max_tokens even if the number of unique tokens in the vocabulary is less than max_tokens, resulting in a tensor of shape [batch_size, max_tokens] regardless of vocabulary size. Defaults to False. +sparse: Boolean. Only applicable when output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf". If True, returns a SparseTensor instead of a dense Tensor. Defaults to False. +Examples + +Creating a lookup layer with a known vocabulary + +This example creates a lookup layer with a pre-existing vocabulary. + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d"], ["d", "z", "b"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab) +>>> layer(data) + + +Creating a lookup layer with an adapted vocabulary + +This example creates a lookup layer and generates the vocabulary by analyzing the dataset. + + +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d"], ["d", "z", "b"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup() +>>> layer.adapt(data) +>>> layer.get_vocabulary() +['', '[UNK]', 'd', 'z', 'c', 'b', 'a'] + +Note how the mask token '' and the OOV token [UNK] have been added to the vocabulary. The remaining tokens are sorted by frequency ('d', which has 2 occurrences, is first) then by inverse sort order. + + +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d"], ["d", "z", "b"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup() +>>> layer.adapt(data) +>>> layer(data) + + +Lookups with multiple OOV indices + +This example demonstrates how to use a lookup layer with multiple OOV indices. When a layer is created with more than one OOV index, any OOV values are hashed into the number of OOV buckets, distributing OOV values in a deterministic fashion across the set. + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d"], ["m", "z", "b"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab, num_oov_indices=2) +>>> layer(data) + + +Note that the output for OOV value 'm' is 1, while the output for OOV value 'z' is 2. The in-vocab terms have their output index increased by 1 from earlier examples (a maps to 3, etc) in order to make space for the extra OOV value. + +Multi-hot output + +Configure the layer with output_mode='binary'. Note that the first num_oov_indices dimensions in the binary encoding represent OOV values. + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d", "d"], ["d", "z", "b", "z"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab, output_mode='binary') +>>> layer(data) + + +Token count output + +Configure the layer with output_mode='count'. As with binary output, the first num_oov_indices dimensions in the output represent OOV values. + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d", "d"], ["d", "z", "b", "z"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab, output_mode='count') +>>> layer(data) + + +TF-IDF output + +Configure the layer with output_mode='tf-idf'. As with binary output, the first num_oov_indices dimensions in the output represent OOV values. + +Each token bin will output token_count * idf_weight, where the idf weights are the inverse document frequency weights per token. These should be provided along with the vocabulary. Note that the idf_weight for OOV values will default to the average of all idf weights passed in. + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> idf_weights = [0.25, 0.75, 0.6, 0.4] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d", "d"], ["d", "z", "b", "z"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(output_mode='tf-idf') +>>> layer.set_vocabulary(vocab, idf_weights=idf_weights) +>>> layer(data) + + +To specify the idf weights for oov values, you will need to pass the entire vocabularly including the leading oov token. + + +>>> vocab = ["[UNK]", "a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> idf_weights = [0.9, 0.25, 0.75, 0.6, 0.4] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d", "d"], ["d", "z", "b", "z"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(output_mode='tf-idf') +>>> layer.set_vocabulary(vocab, idf_weights=idf_weights) +>>> layer(data) + + +When adapting the layer in tf-idf mode, each input sample will be considered a document, and idf weight per token will be calculated as log(1 + num_documents / (1 + token_document_count)). + +Inverse lookup + +This example demonstrates how to map indices to strings using this layer. (You can also use adapt() with inverse=True, but for simplicity we'll pass the vocab in this example.) + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> data = tf.constant([[2, 4, 5], [5, 1, 3]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab, invert=True) +>>> layer(data) + + +Note that the first two indices correspond to the mask and oov token by default. This behavior can be disabled by setting mask_token=None and num_oov_indices=0. + +Forward and inverse lookup pairs + +This example demonstrates how to use the vocabulary of a standard lookup layer to create an inverse lookup layer. + + +>>> vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] +>>> data = tf.constant([["a", "c", "d"], ["d", "z", "b"]]) +>>> layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab) +>>> i_layer = StringLookup(vocabulary=vocab, invert=True) +>>> int_data = layer(data) +>>> i_layer(int_data) + + +In this example, the input value 'z' resulted in an output of '[UNK]', since 1000 was not in the vocabulary - it got represented as an OOV, and all OOV values are returned as '[OOV}' in the inverse layer. Also, note that for the inverse to work, you must have already set the forward layer vocabulary either directly or via fit() before calling get_vocabulary(). + +IntegerLookup layer +IntegerLookup class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.IntegerLookup( + max_tokens=None, + num_oov_indices=1, + mask_token=0, + oov_token=-1, + vocabulary=None, + invert=False, + output_mode="int", + sparse=False, + pad_to_max_tokens=False, + **kwargs +) +Reindex integer inputs to be in a contiguous range, via a dict lookup. + +This layer maps a set of arbitrary integer input tokens into indexed integer output via a table-based vocabulary lookup. The layer's output indices will be contiguously arranged up to the maximum vocab size, even if the input tokens are non-continguous or unbounded. The layer supports multiple options for encoding the output via output_mode, and has optional support for out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens and masking. + +The vocabulary for the layer can be supplied on construction or learned via adapt(). During adapt(), the layer will analyze a data set, determine the frequency of individual integer tokens, and create a vocabulary from them. If the vocabulary is capped in size, the most frequent tokens will be used to create the vocabulary and all others will be treated as OOV. + +There are two possible output modes for the layer. When output_mode is "int", input integers are converted to their index in the vocabulary (an integer). When output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf", input integers are encoded into an array where each dimension corresponds to an element in the vocabulary. + +The vocabulary can optionally contain a mask token as well as an OOV token (which can optionally occupy multiple indices in the vocabulary, as set by num_oov_indices). The position of these tokens in the vocabulary is fixed. When output_mode is "int", the vocabulary will begin with the mask token at index 0, followed by OOV indices, followed by the rest of the vocabulary. When output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf" the vocabulary will begin with OOV indices and instances of the mask token will be dropped. + +Arguments + +max_tokens: The maximum size of the vocabulary for this layer. If None, there is no cap on the size of the vocabulary. Note that this size includes the OOV and mask tokens. Default to None. +num_oov_indices: The number of out-of-vocabulary tokens to use. If this value is more than 1, OOV inputs are modulated to determine their OOV value. If this value is 0, OOV inputs will map to -1 when output_mode is "int" and are dropped otherwise. Defaults to 1. +mask_token: An integer token that represents masked inputs. When output_mode is "int", the token is included in vocabulary and mapped to index 0. In other output modes, the token will not appear in the vocabulary and instances of the mask token in the input will be dropped. If set to None, no mask term will be added. Defaults to 0. +oov_token: Only used when invert is True. The token to return for OOV indices. Defaults to -1. +vocabulary: An optional list of integer tokens, or a path to a text file containing a vocabulary to load into this layer. The file should contain one integer token per line. If the list or file contains the same token multiple times, an error will be thrown. +invert: Only valid when output_mode is "int". If True, this layer will map indices to vocabulary items instead of mapping vocabulary items to indices. Default to False. +output_mode: Specification for the output of the layer. Defaults to "int". Values can be "int", "binary", "count", or "tf-idf" configuring the layer as follows: "int": Return the vocabulary indices of the input tokens. "binary": Outputs a single int array per sample, of either vocabulary size or max_tokens size, containing 1s in all elements where the token mapped to that index exists at least once in the sample. "count": Like "binary", but the int array contains a count of the number of times the token at that index appeared in the sample. "tf-idf": As "binary", but the TF-IDF algorithm is applied to find the value in each token slot. +pad_to_max_tokens: Only applicable when output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf". If True, the output will have its feature axis padded to max_tokens even if the number of unique tokens in the vocabulary is less than max_tokens, resulting in a tensor of shape [batch_size, max_tokens] regardless of vocabulary size. Defaults to False. +sparse: Boolean. Only applicable when output_mode is "binary", "count", or "tf-idf". If True, returns a SparseTensor instead of a dense Tensor. Defaults to False. +Examples + +Creating a lookup layer with a known vocabulary + +This example creates a lookup layer with a pre-existing vocabulary. + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42], [42, 1000, 36]]) # Note OOV tokens +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=vocab) +>>> layer(data) + + +Creating a lookup layer with an adapted vocabulary + +This example creates a lookup layer and generates the vocabulary by analyzing the dataset. + + +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42], [42, 1000, 36]]) +>>> layer = IntegerLookup() +>>> layer.adapt(data) +>>> layer.get_vocabulary() +[0, -1, 42, 1138, 1000, 36, 12] + +Note how the mask token 0 and the OOV token -1 have been added to the vocabulary. The remaining tokens are sorted by frequency (1138, which has 2 occurrences, is first) then by inverse sort order. + + +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42], [42, 1000, 36]]) +>>> layer = IntegerLookup() +>>> layer.adapt(data) +>>> layer(data) + + +Lookups with multiple OOV indices + +This example demonstrates how to use a lookup layer with multiple OOV indices. When a layer is created with more than one OOV index, any OOV tokens are hashed into the number of OOV buckets, distributing OOV tokens in a deterministic fashion across the set. + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42], [37, 1000, 36]]) +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=vocab, num_oov_indices=2) +>>> layer(data) + + +Note that the output for OOV token 37 is 2, while the output for OOV token 1000 is 1. The in-vocab terms have their output index increased by 1 from earlier examples (12 maps to 3, etc) in order to make space for the extra OOV token. + +Multi-hot output + +Configure the layer with output_mode='binary'. Note that the first num_oov_indices dimensions in the binary encoding represent OOV tokens + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42, 42], [42, 7, 36, 7]]) # Note OOV tokens +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=vocab, output_mode='binary') +>>> layer(data) + + +Token count output + +Configure the layer with output_mode='count'. As with binary output, the first num_oov_indices dimensions in the output represent OOV tokens. + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42, 42], [42, 7, 36, 7]]) # Note OOV tokens +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=vocab, output_mode='count') +>>> layer(data) + + +TF-IDF output + +Configure the layer with output_mode='tf-idf'. As with binary output, the first num_oov_indices dimensions in the output represent OOV tokens. + +Each token bin will output token_count * idf_weight, where the idf weights are the inverse document frequency weights per token. These should be provided along with the vocabulary. Note that the idf_weight for OOV tokens will default to the average of all idf weights passed in. + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> idf_weights = [0.25, 0.75, 0.6, 0.4] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42, 42], [42, 7, 36, 7]]) # Note OOV tokens +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(output_mode='tf-idf') +>>> layer.set_vocabulary(vocab, idf_weights=idf_weights) +>>> layer(data) + + +To specify the idf weights for oov tokens, you will need to pass the entire vocabularly including the leading oov token. + + +>>> vocab = [-1, 12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> idf_weights = [0.9, 0.25, 0.75, 0.6, 0.4] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42, 42], [42, 7, 36, 7]]) # Note OOV tokens +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(output_mode='tf-idf') +>>> layer.set_vocabulary(vocab, idf_weights=idf_weights) +>>> layer(data) + + +When adapting the layer in tf-idf mode, each input sample will be considered a document, and idf weight per token will be calculated as log(1 + num_documents / (1 + token_document_count)). + +Inverse lookup + +This example demonstrates how to map indices to tokens using this layer. (You can also use adapt() with inverse=True, but for simplicity we'll pass the vocab in this example.) + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> data = tf.constant([[2, 4, 5], [5, 1, 3]]) +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=vocab, invert=True) +>>> layer(data) + + +Note that the first two indices correspond to the mask and oov token by default. This behavior can be disabled by setting mask_token=None and num_oov_indices=0. + +Forward and inverse lookup pairs + +This example demonstrates how to use the vocabulary of a standard lookup layer to create an inverse lookup layer. + + +>>> vocab = [12, 36, 1138, 42] +>>> data = tf.constant([[12, 1138, 42], [42, 1000, 36]]) +>>> layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=vocab) +>>> i_layer = IntegerLookup(vocabulary=layer.get_vocabulary(), invert=True) +>>> int_data = layer(data) +>>> i_layer(int_data) + + +In this example, the input token 1000 resulted in an output of -1, since 1000 was not in the vocabulary - it got represented as an OOV, and all OOV tokens are returned as -1 in the inverse layer. Also, note that for the inverse to work, you must have already set the forward layer vocabulary either directly or via fit() before calling get_vocabulary().Hashing layer +Hashing class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Hashing( + num_bins, mask_value=None, salt=None, **kwargs +) +Implements categorical feature hashing, also known as "hashing trick". + +This layer transforms single or multiple categorical inputs to hashed output. It converts a sequence of int or string to a sequence of int. The stable hash function uses tensorflow::ops::Fingerprint to produce universal output that is consistent across platforms. + +This layer uses FarmHash64 by default, which provides a consistent hashed output across different platforms and is stable across invocations, regardless of device and context, by mixing the input bits thoroughly. + +If you want to obfuscate the hashed output, you can also pass a random salt argument in the constructor. In that case, the layer will use the SipHash64 hash function, with the salt value serving as additional input to the hash function. + +Example (FarmHash64): + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Hashing(num_bins=3) +>>> inp = [['A'], ['B'], ['C'], ['D'], ['E']] +>>> layer(inp) + + +Example (FarmHash64) with a mask value: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Hashing(num_bins=3, +... mask_value='') +>>> inp = [['A'], ['B'], [''], ['C'], ['D']] +>>> layer(inp) + + +Example (SipHash64): + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Hashing(num_bins=3, +... salt=[133, 137]) +>>> inp = [['A'], ['B'], ['C'], ['D'], ['E']] +>>> layer(inp) + + +Example (Siphash64 with a single integer, same as salt=[133, 133] + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Hashing(num_bins=3, +... salt=133) +>>> inp = [['A'], ['B'], ['C'], ['D'], ['E']] +>>> layer(inp) + + +Reference: SipHash with salt + +Arguments + +num_bins: Number of hash bins. Note that this includes the mask_value bin, so the effective number of bins is (num_bins - 1) if mask_value is set. +mask_value: A value that represents masked inputs, which are mapped to index 0. Defaults to None, meaning no mask term will be added and the hashing will start at index 0. +salt: A single unsigned integer or None. If passed, the hash function used will be SipHash64, with these values used as an additional input (known as a "salt" in cryptography). These should be non-zero. Defaults to None (in that case, the FarmHash64 hash function is used). It also supports tuple/list of 2 unsigned integer numbers, see reference paper for details. +**kwargs: Keyword arguments to construct a layer. +Input shape A single or list of string, int32 or int64 Tensor, + +SparseTensor or RaggedTensor of shape [batch_size, ...,] + +Output shape An int64 Tensor, SparseTensor or RaggedTensor of shape + +[batch_size, ...]. If any input is RaggedTensor then output is RaggedTensor, otherwise if any input is SparseTensor then output is SparseTensor, otherwise the output is Tensor. + +TextVectorization layer +TextVectorization class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.TextVectorization( + max_tokens=None, + standardize="lower_and_strip_punctuation", + split="whitespace", + ngrams=None, + output_mode="int", + output_sequence_length=None, + pad_to_max_tokens=False, + vocabulary=None, + **kwargs +) +Text vectorization layer. + +This layer has basic options for managing text in a Keras model. It transforms a batch of strings (one sample = one string) into either a list of token indices (one sample = 1D tensor of integer token indices) or a dense representation (one sample = 1D tensor of float values representing data about the sample's tokens). + +If desired, the user can call this layer's adapt() method on a dataset. When this layer is adapted, it will analyze the dataset, determine the frequency of individual string values, and create a 'vocabulary' from them. This vocabulary can have unlimited size or be capped, depending on the configuration options for this layer; if there are more unique values in the input than the maximum vocabulary size, the most frequent terms will be used to create the vocabulary. + +The processing of each sample contains the following steps: + +1. standardize each sample (usually lowercasing + punctuation stripping) 2. split each sample into substrings (usually words) 3. recombine substrings into tokens (usually ngrams) 4. index tokens (associate a unique int value with each token) 5. transform each sample using this index, either into a vector of ints or a dense float vector. + +Some notes on passing Callables to customize splitting and normalization for this layer: + +1. Any callable can be passed to this Layer, but if you want to serialize this object you should only pass functions that are registered Keras serializables (see tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable for more details). 2. When using a custom callable for standardize, the data received by the callable will be exactly as passed to this layer. The callable should return a tensor of the same shape as the input. 3. When using a custom callable for split, the data received by the callable will have the 1st dimension squeezed out - instead of [["string to split"], ["another string to split"]], the Callable will see ["string to split", "another string to split"]. The callable should return a Tensor with the first dimension containing the split tokens - in this example, we should see something like [["string", "to", "split"], ["another", "string", "to", "split"]]. This makes the callable site natively compatible with tf.strings.split(). + +Arguments + +max_tokens: The maximum size of the vocabulary for this layer. If None, there is no cap on the size of the vocabulary. Note that this vocabulary contains 1 OOV token, so the effective number of tokens is (max_tokens - 1 - (1 if output == "int" else 0)). +standardize: Optional specification for standardization to apply to the input text. Values can be None (no standardization), 'lower_and_strip_punctuation' (lowercase and remove punctuation) or a Callable. Default is 'lower_and_strip_punctuation'. +split: Optional specification for splitting the input text. Values can be None (no splitting), 'whitespace' (split on ASCII whitespace), or a Callable. The default is 'whitespace'. +ngrams: Optional specification for ngrams to create from the possibly-split input text. Values can be None, an integer or tuple of integers; passing an integer will create ngrams up to that integer, and passing a tuple of integers will create ngrams for the specified values in the tuple. Passing None means that no ngrams will be created. +output_mode: Optional specification for the output of the layer. Values can be "int", "binary", "count" or "tf-idf", configuring the layer as follows: "int": Outputs integer indices, one integer index per split string token. When output == "int", 0 is reserved for masked locations; this reduces the vocab size to max_tokens-2 instead of max_tokens-1 "binary": Outputs a single int array per batch, of either vocab_size or max_tokens size, containing 1s in all elements where the token mapped to that index exists at least once in the batch item. "count": As "binary", but the int array contains a count of the number of times the token at that index appeared in the batch item. "tf-idf": As "binary", but the TF-IDF algorithm is applied to find the value in each token slot. +output_sequence_length: Only valid in INT mode. If set, the output will have its time dimension padded or truncated to exactly output_sequence_length values, resulting in a tensor of shape [batch_size, output_sequence_length] regardless of how many tokens resulted from the splitting step. Defaults to None. +pad_to_max_tokens: Only valid in "binary", "count", and "tf-idf" modes. If True, the output will have its feature axis padded to max_tokens even if the number of unique tokens in the vocabulary is less than max_tokens, resulting in a tensor of shape [batch_size, max_tokens] regardless of vocabulary size. Defaults to False. +vocabulary: An optional list of vocabulary terms, or a path to a text file containing a vocabulary to load into this layer. The file should contain one token per line. If the list or file contains the same token multiple times, an error will be thrown. +Example + +This example instantiates a TextVectorization layer that lowercases text, splits on whitespace, strips punctuation, and outputs integer vocab indices. + + +>>> text_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) +>>> max_features = 5000 # Maximum vocab size. +>>> max_len = 4 # Sequence length to pad the outputs to. +>>> embedding_dims = 2 +>>> +>>> # Create the layer. +>>> vectorize_layer = TextVectorization( +... max_tokens=max_features, +... output_mode='int', +... output_sequence_length=max_len) +>>> +>>> # Now that the vocab layer has been created, call `adapt` on the text-only +>>> # dataset to create the vocabulary. You don't have to batch, but for large +>>> # datasets this means we're not keeping spare copies of the dataset. +>>> vectorize_layer.adapt(text_dataset.batch(64)) +>>> +>>> # Create the model that uses the vectorize text layer +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential() +>>> +>>> # Start by creating an explicit input layer. It needs to have a shape of +>>> # (1,) (because we need to guarantee that there is exactly one string +>>> # input per batch), and the dtype needs to be 'string'. +>>> model.add(tf.keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.string)) +>>> +>>> # The first layer in our model is the vectorization layer. After this +>>> # layer, we have a tensor of shape (batch_size, max_len) containing vocab +>>> # indices. +>>> model.add(vectorize_layer) +>>> +>>> # Now, the model can map strings to integers, and you can add an embedding +>>> # layer to map these integers to learned embeddings. +>>> input_data = [["foo qux bar"], ["qux baz"]] +>>> model.predict(input_data) +array([[2, 1, 4, 0], + [1, 3, 0, 0]]) + +Example + +This example instantiates a TextVectorization layer by passing a list of vocabulary terms to the layer's init method. + +input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] + +input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = get_layer_class()( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, vocabulary=vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) + +output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) + +>>> vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] +>>> max_len = 4 # Sequence length to pad the outputs to. +>>> +>>> # Create the layer, passing the vocab directly. You can also pass the +>>> # vocabulary arg a path to a file containing one vocabulary word per +>>> # line. +>>> vectorize_layer = TextVectorization( +... max_tokens=max_features, +... output_mode='int', +... output_sequence_length=max_len, +... vocabulary=vocab_data) +>>> +>>> # Because we've passed the vocabulary directly, we don't need to adapt +>>> # the layer - the vocabulary is already set. The vocabulary contains the +>>> # padding token ('') and OOV token ('[UNK]') as well as the passed tokens. +>>> vectorize_layer.get_vocabulary() +['', '[UNK]', 'earth', 'wind', 'and', 'fire'] + +Normalization layer +Normalization class +tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.Normalization( + axis=-1, mean=None, variance=None, **kwargs +) +Feature-wise normalization of the data. + +This layer will coerce its inputs into a distribution centered around 0 with standard deviation 1. It accomplishes this by precomputing the mean and variance of the data, and calling (input-mean)/sqrt(var) at runtime. + +What happens in adapt: Compute mean and variance of the data and store them as the layer's weights. adapt should be called before fit, evaluate, or predict. + +Arguments + +axis: Integer or tuple of integers, the axis or axes that should be "kept". These axes are not be summed over when calculating the normalization statistics. By default the last axis, the features axis is kept and any space or time axes are summed. Each element in the the axes that are kept is normalized independently. If axis is set to 'None', the layer will perform scalar normalization (dividing the input by a single scalar value). The batch axis, 0, is always summed over (axis=0 is not allowed). +mean: The mean value(s) to use during normalization. The passed value(s) will be broadcast to the shape of the kept axes above; if the value(s) cannot be broadcast, an error will be raised when this layer's build() method is called. +variance: The variance value(s) to use during normalization. The passed value(s) will be broadcast to the shape of the kept axes above; if the value(s)cannot be broadcast, an error will be raised when this layer's build() method is called. +Examples + +Calculate the mean and variance by analyzing the dataset in adapt. + + +>>> adapt_data = np.array([[1.], [2.], [3.], [4.], [5.]], dtype=np.float32) +>>> input_data = np.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]], np.float32) +>>> layer = Normalization() +>>> layer.adapt(adapt_data) +>>> layer(input_data) + + +Pass the mean and variance directly. + + +>>> input_data = np.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]], np.float32) +>>> layer = Normalization(mean=3., variance=2.) +>>> layer(input_data) + + +GRU layer +GRU class +tf.keras.layers.GRU( + units, + activation="tanh", + recurrent_activation="sigmoid", + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + recurrent_initializer="orthogonal", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + recurrent_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + recurrent_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + dropout=0.0, + recurrent_dropout=0.0, + return_sequences=False, + return_state=False, + go_backwards=False, + stateful=False, + unroll=False, + time_major=False, + reset_after=True, + **kwargs +) +Gated Recurrent Unit - Cho et al. 2014. + +See the Keras RNN API guide for details about the usage of RNN API. + +Based on available runtime hardware and constraints, this layer will choose different implementations (cuDNN-based or pure-TensorFlow) to maximize the performance. If a GPU is available and all the arguments to the layer meet the requirement of the CuDNN kernel (see below for details), the layer will use a fast cuDNN implementation. + +The requirements to use the cuDNN implementation are: + +activation == tanh +recurrent_activation == sigmoid +recurrent_dropout == 0 +unroll is False +use_bias is True +reset_after is True +Inputs, if use masking, are strictly right-padded. +Eager execution is enabled in the outermost context. +There are two variants of the GRU implementation. The default one is based on v3 and has reset gate applied to hidden state before matrix multiplication. The other one is based on original and has the order reversed. + +The second variant is compatible with CuDNNGRU (GPU-only) and allows inference on CPU. Thus it has separate biases for kernel and recurrent_kernel. To use this variant, set 'reset_after'=True and recurrent_activation='sigmoid'. + +For example: + + +>>> inputs = tf.random.normal([32, 10, 8]) +>>> gru = tf.keras.layers.GRU(4) +>>> output = gru(inputs) +>>> print(output.shape) +(32, 4) +>>> gru = tf.keras.layers.GRU(4, return_sequences=True, return_state=True) +>>> whole_sequence_output, final_state = gru(inputs) +>>> print(whole_sequence_output.shape) +(32, 10, 4) +>>> print(final_state.shape) +(32, 4) + +Arguments + +units: Positive integer, dimensionality of the output space. +activation: Activation function to use. Default: hyperbolic tangent (tanh). If you pass None, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +recurrent_activation: Activation function to use for the recurrent step. Default: sigmoid (sigmoid). If you pass None, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +use_bias: Boolean, (default True), whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. Default: glorot_uniform. +recurrent_initializer: Initializer for the recurrent_kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. Default: orthogonal. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. Default: zeros. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +recurrent_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Default: None. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation"). Default: None. +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +recurrent_constraint: Constraint function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. Default: None. +dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs. Default: 0. +recurrent_dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. Default: 0. +return_sequences: Boolean. Whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full sequence. Default: False. +return_state: Boolean. Whether to return the last state in addition to the output. Default: False. +go_backwards: Boolean (default False). If True, process the input sequence backwards and return the reversed sequence. +stateful: Boolean (default False). If True, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be used as initial state for the sample of index i in the following batch. +unroll: Boolean (default False). If True, the network will be unrolled, else a symbolic loop will be used. Unrolling can speed-up a RNN, although it tends to be more memory-intensive. Unrolling is only suitable for short sequences. +time_major: The shape format of the inputs and outputs tensors. If True, the inputs and outputs will be in shape [timesteps, batch, feature], whereas in the False case, it will be [batch, timesteps, feature]. Using time_major = True is a bit more efficient because it avoids transposes at the beginning and end of the RNN calculation. However, most TensorFlow data is batch-major, so by default this function accepts input and emits output in batch-major form. +reset_after: GRU convention (whether to apply reset gate after or before matrix multiplication). False = "before", True = "after" (default and CuDNN compatible). +Call arguments + +inputs: A 3D tensor, with shape [batch, timesteps, feature]. +mask: Binary tensor of shape [samples, timesteps] indicating whether a given timestep should be masked (optional, defaults to None). An individual True entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be utilized, while a False entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be ignored. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. This argument is passed to the cell when calling it. This is only relevant if dropout or recurrent_dropout is used (optional, defaults to None). +initial_state: List of initial state tensors to be passed to the first call of the cell (optional, defaults to None which causes creation of zero-filled initial state tensors).ConvLSTM2D layer +ConvLSTM2D class +tf.keras.layers.ConvLSTM2D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1), + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1), + activation="tanh", + recurrent_activation="hard_sigmoid", + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + recurrent_initializer="orthogonal", + bias_initializer="zeros", + unit_forget_bias=True, + kernel_regularizer=None, + recurrent_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + recurrent_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + return_sequences=False, + return_state=False, + go_backwards=False, + stateful=False, + dropout=0.0, + recurrent_dropout=0.0, + **kwargs +) +2D Convolutional LSTM layer. + +A convolutional LSTM is similar to an LSTM, but the input transformations and recurrent transformations are both convolutional. This layer is typically used to process timeseries of images (i.e. video-like data). + +It is known to perform well for weather data forecasting, using inputs that are timeseries of 2D grids of sensor values. It isn't usually applied to regular video data, due to its high computational cost. + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the dimensions of the convolution window. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the strides of the convolution. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, time, ..., channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, time, channels, ...). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +dilation_rate: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any strides value != 1. +activation: Activation function to use. By default hyperbolic tangent activation function is applied (tanh(x)). +recurrent_activation: Activation function to use for the recurrent step. +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. +recurrent_initializer: Initializer for the recurrent_kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. +unit_forget_bias: Boolean. If True, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. Use in combination with bias_initializer="zeros". This is recommended in Jozefowicz et al., 2015 +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. +recurrent_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to. +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel weights matrix. +recurrent_constraint: Constraint function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. +return_sequences: Boolean. Whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full sequence. (default False) +return_state: Boolean Whether to return the last state in addition to the output. (default False) +go_backwards: Boolean (default False). If True, process the input sequence backwards. +stateful: Boolean (default False). If True, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be used as initial state for the sample of index i in the following batch. +dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs. +recurrent_dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. +Call arguments + +inputs: A 5D float tensor (see input shape description below). +mask: Binary tensor of shape (samples, timesteps) indicating whether a given timestep should be masked. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. This argument is passed to the cell when calling it. This is only relevant if dropout or recurrent_dropout are set. +initial_state: List of initial state tensors to be passed to the first call of the cell. +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_first' 5D tensor with shape: (samples, time, channels, rows, cols) +If data_format='channels_last' 5D tensor with shape: (samples, time, rows, cols, channels) +Output shape + +If return_state: a list of tensors. The first tensor is the output. The remaining tensors are the last states, each 4D tensor with shape: (samples, filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (samples, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. rows and cols values might have changed due to padding. +If return_sequences: 5D tensor with shape: (samples, timesteps, filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 5D tensor with shape: (samples, timesteps, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. +Else, 4D tensor with shape: (samples, filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (samples, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. +Raises + +ValueError: in case of invalid constructor arguments. +References: - Shi et al., 2015 (the current implementation does not include the feedback loop on the cells output). + +Example + +steps = 10 +height = 32 +width = 32 +input_channels = 3 +output_channels = 6 + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(steps, height, width, input_channels)) +layer = tf.keras.layers.ConvLSTM2D(filters=output_channels, kernel_size=3) +outputs = layer(inputs) +TimeDistributed layer +TimeDistributed class +tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(layer, **kwargs) +This wrapper allows to apply a layer to every temporal slice of an input. + +Every input should be at least 3D, and the dimension of index one of the first input will be considered to be the temporal dimension. + +Consider a batch of 32 video samples, where each sample is a 128x128 RGB image with channels_last data format, across 10 timesteps. The batch input shape is (32, 10, 128, 128, 3). + +You can then use TimeDistributed to apply the same Conv2D layer to each of the 10 timesteps, independently: + + +>>> inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10, 128, 128, 3)) +>>> conv_2d_layer = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3)) +>>> outputs = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(conv_2d_layer)(inputs) +>>> outputs.shape +TensorShape([None, 10, 126, 126, 64]) + +Because TimeDistributed applies the same instance of Conv2D to each of the timestamps, the same set of weights are used at each timestamp. + +Arguments + +layer: a tf.keras.layers.Layer instance. +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor of shape (batch, time, ...) or nested tensors, and each of which has shape (batch, time, ...). +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. This argument is passed to the wrapped layer (only if the layer supports this argument). +mask: Binary tensor of shape (samples, timesteps) indicating whether a given timestep should be masked. This argument is passed to the wrapped layer (only if the layer supports this argument). +Raises + +ValueError: If not initialized with a tf.keras.layers.Layer instance. +Base RNN layer +RNN class +tf.keras.layers.RNN( + cell, + return_sequences=False, + return_state=False, + go_backwards=False, + stateful=False, + unroll=False, + time_major=False, + **kwargs +) +Base class for recurrent layers. + +See the Keras RNN API guide for details about the usage of RNN API. + +Arguments + +cell: A RNN cell instance or a list of RNN cell instances. A RNN cell is a class that has: +A call(input_at_t, states_at_t) method, returning (output_at_t, states_at_t_plus_1). The call method of the cell can also take the optional argument constants, see section "Note on passing external constants" below. +A state_size attribute. This can be a single integer (single state) in which case it is the size of the recurrent state. This can also be a list/tuple of integers (one size per state). The state_size can also be TensorShape or tuple/list of TensorShape, to represent high dimension state. +A output_size attribute. This can be a single integer or a TensorShape, which represent the shape of the output. For backward compatible reason, if this attribute is not available for the cell, the value will be inferred by the first element of the state_size. +A get_initial_state(inputs=None, batch_size=None, dtype=None) method that creates a tensor meant to be fed to call() as the initial state, if the user didn't specify any initial state via other means. The returned initial state should have a shape of [batch_size, cell.state_size]. The cell might choose to create a tensor full of zeros, or full of other values based on the cell's implementation. inputs is the input tensor to the RNN layer, which should contain the batch size as its shape[0], and also dtype. Note that the shape[0] might be None during the graph construction. Either the inputs or the pair of batch_size and dtype are provided. batch_size is a scalar tensor that represents the batch size of the inputs. dtype is tf.DType that represents the dtype of the inputs. For backward compatibility, if this method is not implemented by the cell, the RNN layer will create a zero filled tensor with the size of [batch_size, cell.state_size]. In the case that cell is a list of RNN cell instances, the cells will be stacked on top of each other in the RNN, resulting in an efficient stacked RNN. +return_sequences: Boolean (default False). Whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full sequence. +return_state: Boolean (default False). Whether to return the last state in addition to the output. +go_backwards: Boolean (default False). If True, process the input sequence backwards and return the reversed sequence. +stateful: Boolean (default False). If True, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be used as initial state for the sample of index i in the following batch. +unroll: Boolean (default False). If True, the network will be unrolled, else a symbolic loop will be used. Unrolling can speed-up a RNN, although it tends to be more memory-intensive. Unrolling is only suitable for short sequences. +time_major: The shape format of the inputs and outputs tensors. If True, the inputs and outputs will be in shape (timesteps, batch, ...), whereas in the False case, it will be (batch, timesteps, ...). Using time_major = True is a bit more efficient because it avoids transposes at the beginning and end of the RNN calculation. However, most TensorFlow data is batch-major, so by default this function accepts input and emits output in batch-major form. +zero_output_for_mask: Boolean (default False). Whether the output should use zeros for the masked timesteps. Note that this field is only used when return_sequences is True and mask is provided. It can useful if you want to reuse the raw output sequence of the RNN without interference from the masked timesteps, eg, merging bidirectional RNNs. +Call arguments + +inputs: Input tensor. +mask: Binary tensor of shape [batch_size, timesteps] indicating whether a given timestep should be masked. An individual True entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be utilized, while a False entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be ignored. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. This argument is passed to the cell when calling it. This is for use with cells that use dropout. +initial_state: List of initial state tensors to be passed to the first call of the cell. +constants: List of constant tensors to be passed to the cell at each timestep. +Input shape + +N-D tensor with shape [batch_size, timesteps, ...] or [timesteps, batch_size, ...] when time_major is True. + +Output shape + +If return_state: a list of tensors. The first tensor is the output. The remaining tensors are the last states, each with shape [batch_size, state_size], where state_size could be a high dimension tensor shape. +If return_sequences: N-D tensor with shape [batch_size, timesteps, output_size], where output_size could be a high dimension tensor shape, or [timesteps, batch_size, output_size] when time_major is True. +Else, N-D tensor with shape [batch_size, output_size], where output_size could be a high dimension tensor shape. +Masking: This layer supports masking for input data with a variable number of timesteps. To introduce masks to your data, use an [tf.keras.layers.Embedding] layer with the mask_zero parameter set to True. + +Note on using statefulness in RNNs: You can set RNN layers to be 'stateful', which means that the states computed for the samples in one batch will be reused as initial states for the samples in the next batch. This assumes a one-to-one mapping between samples in different successive batches. + +To enable statefulness: - Specify stateful=True in the layer constructor. - Specify a fixed batch size for your model, by passing If sequential model: batch_input_shape=(...) to the first layer in your model. Else for functional model with 1 or more Input layers: batch_shape=(...) to all the first layers in your model. This is the expected shape of your inputs including the batch size. It should be a tuple of integers, e.g. (32, 10, 100). - Specify shuffle=False when calling fit(). + +To reset the states of your model, call .reset_states() on either a specific layer, or on your entire model. + +Note on specifying the initial state of RNNs: You can specify the initial state of RNN layers symbolically by calling them with the keyword argument initial_state. The value of initial_state should be a tensor or list of tensors representing the initial state of the RNN layer. + +You can specify the initial state of RNN layers numerically by calling reset_states with the keyword argument states. The value of states should be a numpy array or list of numpy arrays representing the initial state of the RNN layer. + +Note on passing external constants to RNNs: You can pass "external" constants to the cell using the constants keyword argument of RNN.__call__ (as well as RNN.call) method. This requires that the cell.call method accepts the same keyword argument constants. Such constants can be used to condition the cell transformation on additional static inputs (not changing over time), a.k.a. an attention mechanism. + +Examples + +# First, let's define a RNN Cell, as a layer subclass. + +class MinimalRNNCell(keras.layers.Layer): + + def __init__(self, units, **kwargs): + self.units = units + self.state_size = units + super(MinimalRNNCell, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + def build(self, input_shape): + self.kernel = self.add_weight(shape=(input_shape[-1], self.units), + initializer='uniform', + name='kernel') + self.recurrent_kernel = self.add_weight( + shape=(self.units, self.units), + initializer='uniform', + name='recurrent_kernel') + self.built = True + + def call(self, inputs, states): + prev_output = states[0] + h = backend.dot(inputs, self.kernel) + output = h + backend.dot(prev_output, self.recurrent_kernel) + return output, [output] + +# Let's use this cell in a RNN layer: + +cell = MinimalRNNCell(32) +x = keras.Input((None, 5)) +layer = RNN(cell) +y = layer(x) + +# Here's how to use the cell to build a stacked RNN: + +cells = [MinimalRNNCell(32), MinimalRNNCell(64)] +x = keras.Input((None, 5)) +layer = RNN(cells) +y = layer(x) +SimpleRNN layer +SimpleRNN class +tf.keras.layers.SimpleRNN( + units, + activation="tanh", + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + recurrent_initializer="orthogonal", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + recurrent_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + recurrent_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + dropout=0.0, + recurrent_dropout=0.0, + return_sequences=False, + return_state=False, + go_backwards=False, + stateful=False, + unroll=False, + **kwargs +) +Fully-connected RNN where the output is to be fed back to input. + +See the Keras RNN API guide for details about the usage of RNN API. + +Arguments + +units: Positive integer, dimensionality of the output space. +activation: Activation function to use. Default: hyperbolic tangent (tanh). If you pass None, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +use_bias: Boolean, (default True), whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. Default: glorot_uniform. +recurrent_initializer: Initializer for the recurrent_kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. Default: orthogonal. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. Default: zeros. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +recurrent_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Default: None. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation"). Default: None. +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +recurrent_constraint: Constraint function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. Default: None. +dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs. Default: 0. +recurrent_dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. Default: 0. +return_sequences: Boolean. Whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full sequence. Default: False. +return_state: Boolean. Whether to return the last state in addition to the output. Default: False +go_backwards: Boolean (default False). If True, process the input sequence backwards and return the reversed sequence. +stateful: Boolean (default False). If True, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be used as initial state for the sample of index i in the following batch. +unroll: Boolean (default False). If True, the network will be unrolled, else a symbolic loop will be used. Unrolling can speed-up a RNN, although it tends to be more memory-intensive. Unrolling is only suitable for short sequences. +Call arguments + +inputs: A 3D tensor, with shape [batch, timesteps, feature]. +mask: Binary tensor of shape [batch, timesteps] indicating whether a given timestep should be masked. An individual True entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be utilized, while a False entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be ignored. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. This argument is passed to the cell when calling it. This is only relevant if dropout or recurrent_dropout is used. +initial_state: List of initial state tensors to be passed to the first call of the cell. +Examples + +inputs = np.random.random([32, 10, 8]).astype(np.float32) +simple_rnn = tf.keras.layers.SimpleRNN(4) + +output = simple_rnn(inputs) # The output has shape `[32, 4]`. + +simple_rnn = tf.keras.layers.SimpleRNN( + 4, return_sequences=True, return_state=True) + +# whole_sequence_output has shape `[32, 10, 4]`. +# final_state has shape `[32, 4]`. +whole_sequence_output, final_state = simple_rnn(inputs) +LSTM layer +LSTM class +tf.keras.layers.LSTM( + units, + activation="tanh", + recurrent_activation="sigmoid", + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + recurrent_initializer="orthogonal", + bias_initializer="zeros", + unit_forget_bias=True, + kernel_regularizer=None, + recurrent_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + recurrent_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + dropout=0.0, + recurrent_dropout=0.0, + return_sequences=False, + return_state=False, + go_backwards=False, + stateful=False, + time_major=False, + unroll=False, + **kwargs +) +Long Short-Term Memory layer - Hochreiter 1997. + +See the Keras RNN API guide for details about the usage of RNN API. + +Based on available runtime hardware and constraints, this layer will choose different implementations (cuDNN-based or pure-TensorFlow) to maximize the performance. If a GPU is available and all the arguments to the layer meet the requirement of the CuDNN kernel (see below for details), the layer will use a fast cuDNN implementation. + +The requirements to use the cuDNN implementation are: + +activation == tanh +recurrent_activation == sigmoid +recurrent_dropout == 0 +unroll is False +use_bias is True +Inputs, if use masking, are strictly right-padded. +Eager execution is enabled in the outermost context. +For example: + + +>>> inputs = tf.random.normal([32, 10, 8]) +>>> lstm = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(4) +>>> output = lstm(inputs) +>>> print(output.shape) +(32, 4) +>>> lstm = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(4, return_sequences=True, return_state=True) +>>> whole_seq_output, final_memory_state, final_carry_state = lstm(inputs) +>>> print(whole_seq_output.shape) +(32, 10, 4) +>>> print(final_memory_state.shape) +(32, 4) +>>> print(final_carry_state.shape) +(32, 4) + +Arguments + +units: Positive integer, dimensionality of the output space. +activation: Activation function to use. Default: hyperbolic tangent (tanh). If you pass None, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +recurrent_activation: Activation function to use for the recurrent step. Default: sigmoid (sigmoid). If you pass None, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +use_bias: Boolean (default True), whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the inputs. Default: glorot_uniform. +recurrent_initializer: Initializer for the recurrent_kernel weights matrix, used for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. Default: orthogonal. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. Default: zeros. +unit_forget_bias: Boolean (default True). If True, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. Setting it to true will also force bias_initializer="zeros". This is recommended in Jozefowicz et al.. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +recurrent_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. Default: None. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation"). Default: None. +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +recurrent_constraint: Constraint function applied to the recurrent_kernel weights matrix. Default: None. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. Default: None. +dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the inputs. Default: 0. +recurrent_dropout: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state. Default: 0. +return_sequences: Boolean. Whether to return the last output. in the output sequence, or the full sequence. Default: False. +return_state: Boolean. Whether to return the last state in addition to the output. Default: False. +go_backwards: Boolean (default False). If True, process the input sequence backwards and return the reversed sequence. +stateful: Boolean (default False). If True, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be used as initial state for the sample of index i in the following batch. +time_major: The shape format of the inputs and outputs tensors. If True, the inputs and outputs will be in shape [timesteps, batch, feature], whereas in the False case, it will be [batch, timesteps, feature]. Using time_major = True is a bit more efficient because it avoids transposes at the beginning and end of the RNN calculation. However, most TensorFlow data is batch-major, so by default this function accepts input and emits output in batch-major form. +unroll: Boolean (default False). If True, the network will be unrolled, else a symbolic loop will be used. Unrolling can speed-up a RNN, although it tends to be more memory-intensive. Unrolling is only suitable for short sequences. +Call arguments + +inputs: A 3D tensor with shape [batch, timesteps, feature]. +mask: Binary tensor of shape [batch, timesteps] indicating whether a given timestep should be masked (optional, defaults to None). An individual True entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be utilized, while a False entry indicates that the corresponding timestep should be ignored. +training: Python boolean indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode. This argument is passed to the cell when calling it. This is only relevant if dropout or recurrent_dropout is used (optional, defaults to None). +initial_state: List of initial state tensors to be passed to the first call of the cell (optional, defaults to None which causes creation of zero-filled initial state tensors).Bidirectional layer +Bidirectional class +tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional( + layer, merge_mode="concat", weights=None, backward_layer=None, **kwargs +) +Bidirectional wrapper for RNNs. + +Arguments + +layer: keras.layers.RNN instance, such as keras.layers.LSTM or keras.layers.GRU. It could also be a keras.layers.Layer instance that meets the following criteria: +Be a sequence-processing layer (accepts 3D+ inputs). +Have a go_backwards, return_sequences and return_state attribute (with the same semantics as for the RNN class). +Have an input_spec attribute. +Implement serialization via get_config() and from_config(). Note that the recommended way to create new RNN layers is to write a custom RNN cell and use it with keras.layers.RNN, instead of subclassing keras.layers.Layer directly. +merge_mode: Mode by which outputs of the forward and backward RNNs will be combined. One of {'sum', 'mul', 'concat', 'ave', None}. If None, the outputs will not be combined, they will be returned as a list. Default value is 'concat'. +backward_layer: Optional keras.layers.RNN, or keras.layers.Layer instance to be used to handle backwards input processing. If backward_layer is not provided, the layer instance passed as the layer argument will be used to generate the backward layer automatically. Note that the provided backward_layer layer should have properties matching those of the layer argument, in particular it should have the same values for stateful, return_states, return_sequences, etc. In addition, backward_layer and layer should have different go_backwards argument values. A ValueError will be raised if these requirements are not met. +Call arguments + +The call arguments for this layer are the same as those of the wrapped RNN layer. Beware that when passing the initial_state argument during the call of this layer, the first half in the list of elements in the initial_state list will be passed to the forward RNN call and the last half in the list of elements will be passed to the backward RNN call. + +Raises + +ValueError: +If layer or backward_layer is not a Layer instance. +In case of invalid merge_mode argument. +If backward_layer has mismatched properties compared to layer. +Examples + +model = Sequential() +model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(10, return_sequences=True), input_shape=(5, 10))) +model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(10))) +model.add(Dense(5)) +model.add(Activation('softmax')) +model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop') + + # With custom backward layer + model = Sequential() + forward_layer = LSTM(10, return_sequences=True) + backward_layer = LSTM(10, activation='relu', return_sequences=True, + go_backwards=True) + model.add(Bidirectional(forward_layer, backward_layer=backward_layer, + input_shape=(5, 10))) + model.add(Dense(5)) + model.add(Activation('softmax')) + model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop') + +AveragePooling1D layer +AveragePooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D( + pool_size=2, strides=None, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", **kwargs +) +Average pooling for temporal data. + +Downsamples the input representation by taking the average value over the window defined by pool_size. The window is shifted by strides. The resulting output when using "valid" padding option has a shape of: output_shape = (input_shape - pool_size + 1) / strides) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = input_shape / strides + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> avg_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=2 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> avg_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=2, padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> avg_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='same') +>>> avg_pool_1d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: Integer, size of the average pooling windows. +strides: Integer, or None. Factor by which to downscale. E.g. 2 will halve the input. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, steps). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, downsampled_steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, downsampled_steps). +GlobalMaxPooling1D layer +GlobalMaxPooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling1D(data_format="channels_last", **kwargs) +Global max pooling operation for 1D temporal data. + +Downsamples the input representation by taking the maximum value over the time dimension. + +For example: + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.], [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [3, 3, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling1D() +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, features) +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, features, steps) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, features). + +GlobalAveragePooling1D layer +GlobalAveragePooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D(data_format="channels_last", **kwargs) +Global average pooling operation for temporal data. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 3, 4) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 4) + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Call arguments + +inputs: A 3D tensor. +mask: Binary tensor of shape (batch_size, steps) indicating whether a given step should be masked (excluded from the average). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, features) +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, features, steps) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, features).MaxPooling1D layer +MaxPooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D( + pool_size=2, strides=None, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", **kwargs +) +Max pooling operation for 1D temporal data. + +Downsamples the input representation by taking the maximum value over a spatial window of size pool_size. The window is shifted by strides. The resulting output, when using the "valid" padding option, has a shape of: output_shape = (input_shape - pool_size + 1) / strides) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = input_shape / strides + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=2 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=2, padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='same') +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: Integer, size of the max pooling window. +strides: Integer, or None. Specifies how much the pooling window moves for each pooling step. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, steps). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, downsampled_steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, downsampled_steps).AveragePooling3D layer +AveragePooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling3D( + pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Average pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal). + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (depth, height, and width) by taking the average value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +Arguments + +pool_size: tuple of 3 integers, factors by which to downscale (dim1, dim2, dim3). (2, 2, 2) will halve the size of the 3D input in each dimension. +strides: tuple of 3 integers, or None. Strides values. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3) +Example + +depth = 30 +height = 30 +width = 30 +input_channels = 3 + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(depth, height, width, input_channels)) +layer = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling3D(pool_size=3) +outputs = layer(inputs) # Shape: (batch_size, 10, 10, 10, 3)MaxPooling2D layer +MaxPooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D( + pool_size=(2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Max pooling operation for 2D spatial data. + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (height and width) by taking the maximum value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +The resulting output, when using the "valid" padding option, has a spatial shape (number of rows or columns) of: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - pool_size) / strides) + 1 (when input_shape >= pool_size) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - 1) / strides) + 1 + +For example, for strides=(1, 1) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> max_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_2d(x) + + +For example, for strides=(2, 2) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3., 4.], +... [5., 6., 7., 8.], +... [9., 10., 11., 12.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 4, 1]) +>>> max_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_2d(x) + + +Usage # Example + + +>>> input_image = tf.constant([[[[1.], [1.], [2.], [4.]], +... [[2.], [2.], [3.], [2.]], +... [[4.], [1.], [1.], [1.]], +... [[2.], [2.], [1.], [4.]]]]) +>>> output = tf.constant([[[[1], [0]], +... [[0], [1]]]]) +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... input_shape=(4, 4, 1))) +>>> model.compile('adam', 'mean_squared_error') +>>> model.predict(input_image, steps=1) +array([[[[2.], + [4.]], + [[4.], + [4.]]]], dtype=float32) + +For example, for stride=(1, 1) and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> max_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='same') +>>> max_pool_2d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: integer or tuple of 2 integers, window size over which to take the maximum. (2, 2) will take the max value over a 2x2 pooling window. If only one integer is specified, the same window length will be used for both dimensions. +strides: Integer, tuple of 2 integers, or None. Strides values. Specifies how far the pooling window moves for each pooling step. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, pooled_rows, pooled_cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, pooled_rows, pooled_cols). +Returns + +A tensor of rank 4 representing the maximum pooled values. See above for output shape.GlobalMaxPooling3D layer +GlobalMaxPooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling3D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global Max pooling operation for 3D data. + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +GlobalAveragePooling3D layer +GlobalAveragePooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling3D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global Average pooling operation for 3D data. + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +AveragePooling2D layer +AveragePooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D( + pool_size=(2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Average pooling operation for spatial data. + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (height and width) by taking the average value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +The resulting output when using "valid" padding option has a shape (number of rows or columns) of: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - pool_size) / strides) + 1 (when input_shape >= pool_size) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - 1) / strides) + 1 + +For example, for strides=(1, 1) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> avg_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_2d(x) + + +For example, for stride=(2, 2) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3., 4.], +... [5., 6., 7., 8.], +... [9., 10., 11., 12.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 4, 1]) +>>> avg_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_2d(x) + + +For example, for strides=(1, 1) and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> avg_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='same') +>>> avg_pool_2d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: integer or tuple of 2 integers, factors by which to downscale (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in both spatial dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same window length will be used for both dimensions. +strides: Integer, tuple of 2 integers, or None. Strides values. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, pooled_rows, pooled_cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, pooled_rows, pooled_cols). +MaxPooling3D layer +MaxPooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling3D( + pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Max pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal). + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (depth, height, and width) by taking the maximum value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +Arguments + +pool_size: Tuple of 3 integers, factors by which to downscale (dim1, dim2, dim3). (2, 2, 2) will halve the size of the 3D input in each dimension. +strides: tuple of 3 integers, or None. Strides values. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3) +Example + +depth = 30 +height = 30 +width = 30 +input_channels = 3 + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(depth, height, width, input_channels)) +layer = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling3D(pool_size=3) +outputs = layer(inputs) # Shape: (batch_size, 10, 10, 10, 3)GlobalAveragePooling2D layer +GlobalAveragePooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global average pooling operation for spatial data. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 4, 5, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 3) + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +GlobalMaxPooling2D layer +GlobalMaxPooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling2D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global max pooling operation for spatial data. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 4, 5, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPool2D()(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 3) + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +AveragePooling1D layer +AveragePooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D( + pool_size=2, strides=None, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", **kwargs +) +Average pooling for temporal data. + +Downsamples the input representation by taking the average value over the window defined by pool_size. The window is shifted by strides. The resulting output when using "valid" padding option has a shape of: output_shape = (input_shape - pool_size + 1) / strides) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = input_shape / strides + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> avg_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=2 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> avg_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=2, padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> avg_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='same') +>>> avg_pool_1d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: Integer, size of the average pooling windows. +strides: Integer, or None. Factor by which to downscale. E.g. 2 will halve the input. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, steps). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, downsampled_steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, downsampled_steps). +GlobalMaxPooling1D layer +GlobalMaxPooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling1D(data_format="channels_last", **kwargs) +Global max pooling operation for 1D temporal data. + +Downsamples the input representation by taking the maximum value over the time dimension. + +For example: + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.], [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [3, 3, 1]) +>>> x + +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling1D() +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, features) +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, features, steps) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, features). + +GlobalAveragePooling1D layer +GlobalAveragePooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D(data_format="channels_last", **kwargs) +Global average pooling operation for temporal data. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 3, 4) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 4) + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Call arguments + +inputs: A 3D tensor. +mask: Binary tensor of shape (batch_size, steps) indicating whether a given step should be masked (excluded from the average). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, features) +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, features, steps) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, features).MaxPooling1D layer +MaxPooling1D class +tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D( + pool_size=2, strides=None, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", **kwargs +) +Max pooling operation for 1D temporal data. + +Downsamples the input representation by taking the maximum value over a spatial window of size pool_size. The window is shifted by strides. The resulting output, when using the "valid" padding option, has a shape of: output_shape = (input_shape - pool_size + 1) / strides) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = input_shape / strides + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=2 and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=2, padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +For example, for strides=1 and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 5, 1]) +>>> max_pool_1d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2, +... strides=1, padding='same') +>>> max_pool_1d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: Integer, size of the max pooling window. +strides: Integer, or None. Specifies how much the pooling window moves for each pooling step. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, steps, features) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, features, steps). +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, steps). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, downsampled_steps, features). +If data_format='channels_first': 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, features, downsampled_steps).AveragePooling3D layer +AveragePooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling3D( + pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Average pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal). + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (depth, height, and width) by taking the average value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +Arguments + +pool_size: tuple of 3 integers, factors by which to downscale (dim1, dim2, dim3). (2, 2, 2) will halve the size of the 3D input in each dimension. +strides: tuple of 3 integers, or None. Strides values. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3) +Example + +depth = 30 +height = 30 +width = 30 +input_channels = 3 + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(depth, height, width, input_channels)) +layer = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling3D(pool_size=3) +outputs = layer(inputs) # Shape: (batch_size, 10, 10, 10, 3)MaxPooling2D layer +MaxPooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D( + pool_size=(2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Max pooling operation for 2D spatial data. + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (height and width) by taking the maximum value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +The resulting output, when using the "valid" padding option, has a spatial shape (number of rows or columns) of: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - pool_size) / strides) + 1 (when input_shape >= pool_size) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - 1) / strides) + 1 + +For example, for strides=(1, 1) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> max_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_2d(x) + + +For example, for strides=(2, 2) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3., 4.], +... [5., 6., 7., 8.], +... [9., 10., 11., 12.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 4, 1]) +>>> max_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') +>>> max_pool_2d(x) + + +Usage # Example + + +>>> input_image = tf.constant([[[[1.], [1.], [2.], [4.]], +... [[2.], [2.], [3.], [2.]], +... [[4.], [1.], [1.], [1.]], +... [[2.], [2.], [1.], [4.]]]]) +>>> output = tf.constant([[[[1], [0]], +... [[0], [1]]]]) +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... input_shape=(4, 4, 1))) +>>> model.compile('adam', 'mean_squared_error') +>>> model.predict(input_image, steps=1) +array([[[[2.], + [4.]], + [[4.], + [4.]]]], dtype=float32) + +For example, for stride=(1, 1) and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> max_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='same') +>>> max_pool_2d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: integer or tuple of 2 integers, window size over which to take the maximum. (2, 2) will take the max value over a 2x2 pooling window. If only one integer is specified, the same window length will be used for both dimensions. +strides: Integer, tuple of 2 integers, or None. Strides values. Specifies how far the pooling window moves for each pooling step. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, pooled_rows, pooled_cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, pooled_rows, pooled_cols). +Returns + +A tensor of rank 4 representing the maximum pooled values. See above for output shape.GlobalMaxPooling3D layer +GlobalMaxPooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling3D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global Max pooling operation for 3D data. + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +GlobalAveragePooling3D layer +GlobalAveragePooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling3D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global Average pooling operation for 3D data. + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +AveragePooling2D layer +AveragePooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D( + pool_size=(2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Average pooling operation for spatial data. + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (height and width) by taking the average value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +The resulting output when using "valid" padding option has a shape (number of rows or columns) of: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - pool_size) / strides) + 1 (when input_shape >= pool_size) + +The resulting output shape when using the "same" padding option is: output_shape = math.floor((input_shape - 1) / strides) + 1 + +For example, for strides=(1, 1) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> avg_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_2d(x) + + +For example, for stride=(2, 2) and padding="valid": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3., 4.], +... [5., 6., 7., 8.], +... [9., 10., 11., 12.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 4, 1]) +>>> avg_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') +>>> avg_pool_2d(x) + + +For example, for strides=(1, 1) and padding="same": + + +>>> x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.], +... [4., 5., 6.], +... [7., 8., 9.]]) +>>> x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 3, 3, 1]) +>>> avg_pool_2d = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), +... strides=(1, 1), padding='same') +>>> avg_pool_2d(x) + + +Arguments + +pool_size: integer or tuple of 2 integers, factors by which to downscale (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in both spatial dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same window length will be used for both dimensions. +strides: Integer, tuple of 2 integers, or None. Strides values. If None, it will default to pool_size. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, pooled_rows, pooled_cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, pooled_rows, pooled_cols). +MaxPooling3D layer +MaxPooling3D class +tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling3D( + pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format=None, **kwargs +) +Max pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal). + +Downsamples the input along its spatial dimensions (depth, height, and width) by taking the maximum value over an input window (of size defined by pool_size) for each channel of the input. The window is shifted by strides along each dimension. + +Arguments + +pool_size: Tuple of 3 integers, factors by which to downscale (dim1, dim2, dim3). (2, 2, 2) will halve the size of the 3D input in each dimension. +strides: tuple of 3 integers, or None. Strides values. +padding: One of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3) +Output shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3, channels) +If data_format='channels_first': 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3) +Example + +depth = 30 +height = 30 +width = 30 +input_channels = 3 + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(depth, height, width, input_channels)) +layer = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling3D(pool_size=3) +outputs = layer(inputs) # Shape: (batch_size, 10, 10, 10, 3)GlobalAveragePooling2D layer +GlobalAveragePooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global average pooling operation for spatial data. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 4, 5, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 3) + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +GlobalMaxPooling2D layer +GlobalMaxPooling2D class +tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling2D(data_format=None, **kwargs) +Global max pooling operation for spatial data. + +Examples + + +>>> input_shape = (2, 4, 5, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPool2D()(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(2, 3) + +Arguments + +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +Input shape + +If data_format='channels_last': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, rows, cols, channels). +If data_format='channels_first': 4D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels, rows, cols). +Output shape + +2D tensor with shape (batch_size, channels). + +SeparableConv2D layer +SeparableConv2D class +tf.keras.layers.SeparableConv2D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1), + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1), + depth_multiplier=1, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + depthwise_initializer="glorot_uniform", + pointwise_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + depthwise_regularizer=None, + pointwise_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + depthwise_constraint=None, + pointwise_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Depthwise separable 2D convolution. + +Separable convolutions consist of first performing a depthwise spatial convolution (which acts on each input channel separately) followed by a pointwise convolution which mixes the resulting output channels. The depth_multiplier argument controls how many output channels are generated per input channel in the depthwise step. + +Intuitively, separable convolutions can be understood as a way to factorize a convolution kernel into two smaller kernels, or as an extreme version of an Inception block. + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the height and width of the 2D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along the height and width. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: one of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +dilation_rate: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any strides value != 1. +depth_multiplier: The number of depthwise convolution output channels for each input channel. The total number of depthwise convolution output channels will be equal to filters_in * depth_multiplier. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied ( see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +depthwise_initializer: An initializer for the depthwise convolution kernel ( see keras.initializers). If None, then the default initializer ( 'glorot_uniform') will be used. +pointwise_initializer: An initializer for the pointwise convolution kernel ( see keras.initializers). If None, then the default initializer ('glorot_uniform') will be used. +bias_initializer: An initializer for the bias vector. If None, the default initializer ('zeros') will be used (see keras.initializers). +depthwise_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the depthwise kernel matrix (see keras.regularizers). +pointwise_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the pointwise kernel matrix (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation") ( see keras.regularizers). +depthwise_constraint: Constraint function applied to the depthwise kernel matrix ( see keras.constraints). +pointwise_constraint: Constraint function applied to the pointwise kernel matrix ( see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, rows, cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. rows and cols values might have changed due to padding. + +Returns + +A tensor of rank 4 representing activation(separableconv2d(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: if padding is "causal". +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. +Conv1D layer +Conv1D class +tf.keras.layers.Conv1D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=1, + padding="valid", + data_format="channels_last", + dilation_rate=1, + groups=1, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +1D convolution layer (e.g. temporal convolution). + +This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolved with the layer input over a single spatial (or temporal) dimension to produce a tensor of outputs. If use_bias is True, a bias vector is created and added to the outputs. Finally, if activation is not None, it is applied to the outputs as well. + +When using this layer as the first layer in a model, provide an input_shape argument (tuple of integers or None, e.g. (10, 128) for sequences of 10 vectors of 128-dimensional vectors, or (None, 128) for variable-length sequences of 128-dimensional vectors. + +Examples + + +>>> # The inputs are 128-length vectors with 10 timesteps, and the batch size +>>> # is 4. +>>> input_shape = (4, 10, 128) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv1D( +... 32, 3, activation='relu',input_shape=input_shape[1:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 8, 32) + + +>>> # With extended batch shape [4, 7] (e.g. weather data where batch +>>> # dimensions correspond to spatial location and the third dimension +>>> # corresponds to time.) +>>> input_shape = (4, 7, 10, 128) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv1D( +... 32, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape[2:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 7, 8, 32) + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of a single integer, specifying the length of the 1D convolution window. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of a single integer, specifying the stride length of the convolution. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: One of "valid", "same" or "causal" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. "causal" results in causal (dilated) convolutions, e.g. output[t] does not depend on input[t+1:]. Useful when modeling temporal data where the model should not violate the temporal order. See WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio, section 2.1. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. +dilation_rate: an integer or tuple/list of a single integer, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any strides value != 1. +groups: A positive integer specifying the number of groups in which the input is split along the channel axis. Each group is convolved separately with filters / groups filters. The output is the concatenation of all the groups results along the channel axis. Input channels and filters must both be divisible by groups. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied ( see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix ( see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'glorot_uniform'. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector ( see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'zeros'. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation") ( see keras.regularizers). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix ( see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +3+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (steps, input_dim) + +Output shape + +3+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (new_steps, filters) steps value might have changed due to padding or strides. + +Returns + +A tensor of rank 3 representing activation(conv1d(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1.Conv2DTranspose layer +Conv2DTranspose class +tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1), + padding="valid", + output_padding=None, + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1), + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Transposed convolution layer (sometimes called Deconvolution). + +The need for transposed convolutions generally arises from the desire to use a transformation going in the opposite direction of a normal convolution, i.e., from something that has the shape of the output of some convolution to something that has the shape of its input while maintaining a connectivity pattern that is compatible with said convolution. + +When using this layer as the first layer in a model, provide the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers or None, does not include the sample axis), e.g. input_shape=(128, 128, 3) for 128x128 RGB pictures in data_format="channels_last". + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the height and width of the 2D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along the height and width. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: one of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +output_padding: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the amount of padding along the height and width of the output tensor. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. The amount of output padding along a given dimension must be lower than the stride along that same dimension. If set to None (default), the output shape is inferred. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +dilation_rate: an integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any stride value != 1. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied ( see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix ( see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'glorot_uniform'. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector ( see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'zeros'. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation") (see keras.regularizers). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix ( see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, rows, cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. rows and cols values might have changed due to padding. If output_padding is specified: + +new_rows = ((rows - 1) * strides[0] + kernel_size[0] - 2 * padding[0] + +output_padding[0]) +new_cols = ((cols - 1) * strides[1] + kernel_size[1] - 2 * padding[1] + +output_padding[1]) +Returns + +A tensor of rank 4 representing activation(conv2dtranspose(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: if padding is "causal". +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. +References: - A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning - Deconvolutional NetworksDepthwiseConv2D layer +DepthwiseConv2D class +tf.keras.layers.DepthwiseConv2D( + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1), + padding="valid", + depth_multiplier=1, + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1), + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + depthwise_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + depthwise_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + depthwise_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Depthwise 2D convolution. + +Depthwise convolution is a type of convolution in which a single convolutional filter is apply to each input channel (i.e. in a depthwise way). You can understand depthwise convolution as being the first step in a depthwise separable convolution. + +It is implemented via the following steps: + +Split the input into individual channels. +Convolve each input with the layer's kernel (called a depthwise kernel). +Stack the convolved outputs together (along the channels axis). +Unlike a regular 2D convolution, depthwise convolution does not mix information across different input channels. + +The depth_multiplier argument controls how many output channels are generated per input channel in the depthwise step. + +Arguments + +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the height and width of the 2D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along the height and width. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: one of 'valid' or 'same' (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +depth_multiplier: The number of depthwise convolution output channels for each input channel. The total number of depthwise convolution output channels will be equal to filters_in * depth_multiplier. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be 'channels_last'. +dilation_rate: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any strides value != 1. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied ( see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +depthwise_initializer: Initializer for the depthwise kernel matrix ( see keras.initializers). If None, the default initializer ( 'glorot_uniform') will be used. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector ( see keras.initializers). If None, the default initializer ( 'zeros') will bs used. +depthwise_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the depthwise kernel matrix (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its 'activation') ( see keras.regularizers). +depthwise_constraint: Constraint function applied to the depthwise kernel matrix ( see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +4D tensor with shape: [batch_size, channels, rows, cols] if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: [batch_size, rows, cols, channels] if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4D tensor with shape: [batch_size, channels * depth_multiplier, new_rows, new_cols] if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: [batch_size, new_rows, new_cols, channels * depth_multiplier] if data_format='channels_last'. rows and cols values might have changed due to padding. + +Returns + +A tensor of rank 4 representing activation(depthwiseconv2d(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: if padding is "causal". +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. +Conv3D layer +Conv3D class +tf.keras.layers.Conv3D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1, 1), + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1, 1), + groups=1, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +3D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over volumes). + +This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolved with the layer input to produce a tensor of outputs. If use_bias is True, a bias vector is created and added to the outputs. Finally, if activation is not None, it is applied to the outputs as well. + +When using this layer as the first layer in a model, provide the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers or None, does not include the sample axis), e.g. input_shape=(128, 128, 128, 1) for 128x128x128 volumes with a single channel, in data_format="channels_last". + +Examples + + +>>> # The inputs are 28x28x28 volumes with a single channel, and the +>>> # batch size is 4 +>>> input_shape =(4, 28, 28, 28, 1) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv3D( +... 2, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape[1:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 26, 26, 26, 2) + + +>>> # With extended batch shape [4, 7], e.g. a batch of 4 videos of 3D frames, +>>> # with 7 frames per video. +>>> input_shape = (4, 7, 28, 28, 28, 1) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv3D( +... 2, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape[2:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 7, 26, 26, 26, 2) + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the depth, height and width of the 3D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along each spatial dimension. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: one of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape batch_shape + (spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape batch_shape + (channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +dilation_rate: an integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any stride value != 1. +groups: A positive integer specifying the number of groups in which the input is split along the channel axis. Each group is convolved separately with filters / groups filters. The output is the concatenation of all the groups results along the channel axis. Input channels and filters must both be divisible by groups. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix (see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'glorot_uniform'. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector (see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'zeros'. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector (see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation") (see keras.regularizers). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix (see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector (see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +5+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (channels, conv_dim1, conv_dim2, conv_dim3) if data_format='channels_first' or 5+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (conv_dim1, conv_dim2, conv_dim3, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +5+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (filters, new_conv_dim1, new_conv_dim2, new_conv_dim3) if data_format='channels_first' or 5+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (new_conv_dim1, new_conv_dim2, new_conv_dim3, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. new_conv_dim1, new_conv_dim2 and new_conv_dim3 values might have changed due to padding. + +Returns + +A tensor of rank 5+ representing activation(conv3d(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: if padding is "causal". +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. +Conv3DTranspose layer +Conv3DTranspose class +tf.keras.layers.Conv3DTranspose( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1, 1), + padding="valid", + output_padding=None, + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1, 1), + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Transposed convolution layer (sometimes called Deconvolution). + +The need for transposed convolutions generally arises from the desire to use a transformation going in the opposite direction of a normal convolution, i.e., from something that has the shape of the output of some convolution to something that has the shape of its input while maintaining a connectivity pattern that is compatible with said convolution. + +When using this layer as the first layer in a model, provide the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers or None, does not include the sample axis), e.g. input_shape=(128, 128, 128, 3) for a 128x128x128 volume with 3 channels if data_format="channels_last". + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the depth, height and width of the 3D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along the depth, height and width. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: one of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +output_padding: An integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the amount of padding along the depth, height, and width. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. The amount of output padding along a given dimension must be lower than the stride along that same dimension. If set to None (default), the output shape is inferred. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, depth, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, depth, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +dilation_rate: an integer or tuple/list of 3 integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any stride value != 1. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied ( see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix ( see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'glorot_uniform'. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector ( see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'zeros'. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix ( see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation") ( see keras.regularizers). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix ( see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector ( see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, depth, rows, cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, depth, rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, filters, new_depth, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, new_depth, new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. depth and rows and cols values might have changed due to padding. If output_padding is specified:: + +new_depth = ((depth - 1) * strides[0] + kernel_size[0] - 2 * padding[0] + +output_padding[0]) +new_rows = ((rows - 1) * strides[1] + kernel_size[1] - 2 * padding[1] + +output_padding[1]) +new_cols = ((cols - 1) * strides[2] + kernel_size[2] - 2 * padding[2] + +output_padding[2]) +Returns + +A tensor of rank 5 representing activation(conv3dtranspose(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: if padding is "causal". +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. +References: - A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning - Deconvolutional Networks + +SeparableConv1D layer +SeparableConv1D class +tf.keras.layers.SeparableConv1D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=1, + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=1, + depth_multiplier=1, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + depthwise_initializer="glorot_uniform", + pointwise_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + depthwise_regularizer=None, + pointwise_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + depthwise_constraint=None, + pointwise_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Depthwise separable 1D convolution. + +This layer performs a depthwise convolution that acts separately on channels, followed by a pointwise convolution that mixes channels. If use_bias is True and a bias initializer is provided, it adds a bias vector to the output. It then optionally applies an activation function to produce the final output. + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: A single integer specifying the spatial dimensions of the filters. +strides: A single integer specifying the strides of the convolution. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: One of "valid", "same", or "causal" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. "causal" results in causal (dilated) convolutions, e.g. output[t] does not depend on input[t+1:]. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, length, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, length). +dilation_rate: A single integer, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any stride value != 1. +depth_multiplier: The number of depthwise convolution output channels for each input channel. The total number of depthwise convolution output channels will be equal to num_filters_in * depth_multiplier. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied ( see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias. +depthwise_initializer: An initializer for the depthwise convolution kernel ( see keras.initializers). If None, then the default initializer ( 'glorot_uniform') will be used. +pointwise_initializer: An initializer for the pointwise convolution kernel ( see keras.initializers). If None, then the default initializer ('glorot_uniform') will be used. +bias_initializer: An initializer for the bias vector. If None, the default initializer ('zeros') will be used (see keras.initializers). +depthwise_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the depthwise convolution kernel (see keras.regularizers). +pointwise_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the pointwise convolution kernel (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the bias vector ( see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Optional regularizer function for the output ( see keras.regularizers). +depthwise_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the depthwise kernel after being updated by an Optimizer (e.g. used for norm constraints or value constraints for layer weights). The function must take as input the unprojected variable and must return the projected variable (which must have the same shape). Constraints are not safe to use when doing asynchronous distributed training ( see keras.constraints). +pointwise_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the pointwise kernel after being updated by an Optimizer ( see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the bias after being updated by an Optimizer ( see keras.constraints). +trainable: Boolean, if True the weights of this layer will be marked as trainable (and listed in layer.trainable_weights). +Input shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, steps) if data_format='channels_first' or 5D tensor with shape: (batch_size, steps, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, filters, new_steps) if data_format='channels_first' or 3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, new_steps, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. new_steps value might have changed due to padding or strides. + +Returns + +A tensor of rank 3 representing activation(separableconv1d(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. +Conv2D layer +Conv2D class +tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( + filters, + kernel_size, + strides=(1, 1), + padding="valid", + data_format=None, + dilation_rate=(1, 1), + groups=1, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +2D convolution layer (e.g. spatial convolution over images). + +This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolved with the layer input to produce a tensor of outputs. If use_bias is True, a bias vector is created and added to the outputs. Finally, if activation is not None, it is applied to the outputs as well. + +When using this layer as the first layer in a model, provide the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers or None, does not include the sample axis), e.g. input_shape=(128, 128, 3) for 128x128 RGB pictures in data_format="channels_last". You can use None when a dimension has variable size. + +Examples + + +>>> # The inputs are 28x28 RGB images with `channels_last` and the batch +>>> # size is 4. +>>> input_shape = (4, 28, 28, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( +... 2, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape[1:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 26, 26, 2) + + +>>> # With `dilation_rate` as 2. +>>> input_shape = (4, 28, 28, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( +... 2, 3, activation='relu', dilation_rate=2, input_shape=input_shape[1:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 24, 24, 2) + + +>>> # With `padding` as "same". +>>> input_shape = (4, 28, 28, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( +... 2, 3, activation='relu', padding="same", input_shape=input_shape[1:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 28, 28, 2) + + +>>> # With extended batch shape [4, 7]: +>>> input_shape = (4, 7, 28, 28, 3) +>>> x = tf.random.normal(input_shape) +>>> y = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D( +... 2, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape[2:])(x) +>>> print(y.shape) +(4, 7, 26, 26, 2) + +Arguments + +filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution). +kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the height and width of the 2D convolution window. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +strides: An integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the strides of the convolution along the height and width. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation_rate value != 1. +padding: one of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive). "valid" means no padding. "same" results in padding with zeros evenly to the left/right or up/down of the input such that output has the same height/width dimension as the input. +data_format: A string, one of channels_last (default) or channels_first. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. channels_last corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, height, width, channels) while channels_first corresponds to inputs with shape (batch_size, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be channels_last. +dilation_rate: an integer or tuple/list of 2 integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. Currently, specifying any dilation_rate value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any stride value != 1. +groups: A positive integer specifying the number of groups in which the input is split along the channel axis. Each group is convolved separately with filters / groups filters. The output is the concatenation of all the groups results along the channel axis. Input channels and filters must both be divisible by groups. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (see keras.activations). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix (see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'glorot_uniform'. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector (see keras.initializers). Defaults to 'zeros'. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix (see keras.regularizers). +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector (see keras.regularizers). +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation") (see keras.regularizers). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel matrix (see keras.constraints). +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector (see keras.constraints). +Input shape + +4+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (channels, rows, cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'. + +Output shape + +4+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (filters, new_rows, new_cols) if data_format='channels_first' or 4+D tensor with shape: batch_shape + (new_rows, new_cols, filters) if data_format='channels_last'. rows and cols values might have changed due to padding. + +Returns + +A tensor of rank 4+ representing activation(conv2d(inputs, kernel) + bias). + +Raises + +ValueError: if padding is "causal". +ValueError: when both strides > 1 and dilation_rate > 1. + +Embedding layer +Embedding class +tf.keras.layers.Embedding( + input_dim, + output_dim, + embeddings_initializer="uniform", + embeddings_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + embeddings_constraint=None, + mask_zero=False, + input_length=None, + **kwargs +) +Turns positive integers (indexes) into dense vectors of fixed size. + +e.g. [[4], [20]] -> [[0.25, 0.1], [0.6, -0.2]] + +This layer can only be used as the first layer in a model. + +Example + + +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Embedding(1000, 64, input_length=10)) +>>> # The model will take as input an integer matrix of size (batch, +>>> # input_length), and the largest integer (i.e. word index) in the input +>>> # should be no larger than 999 (vocabulary size). +>>> # Now model.output_shape is (None, 10, 64), where `None` is the batch +>>> # dimension. +>>> input_array = np.random.randint(1000, size=(32, 10)) +>>> model.compile('rmsprop', 'mse') +>>> output_array = model.predict(input_array) +>>> print(output_array.shape) +(32, 10, 64) + +Arguments + +input_dim: Integer. Size of the vocabulary, i.e. maximum integer index + 1. +output_dim: Integer. Dimension of the dense embedding. +embeddings_initializer: Initializer for the embeddings matrix (see keras.initializers). +embeddings_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the embeddings matrix (see keras.regularizers). +embeddings_constraint: Constraint function applied to the embeddings matrix (see keras.constraints). +mask_zero: Boolean, whether or not the input value 0 is a special "padding" value that should be masked out. This is useful when using recurrent layers which may take variable length input. If this is True, then all subsequent layers in the model need to support masking or an exception will be raised. If mask_zero is set to True, as a consequence, index 0 cannot be used in the vocabulary (input_dim should equal size of vocabulary + 1). +input_length: Length of input sequences, when it is constant. This argument is required if you are going to connect Flatten then Dense layers upstream (without it, the shape of the dense outputs cannot be computed). +Input shape + +2D tensor with shape: (batch_size, input_length). + +Output shape + +3D tensor with shape: (batch_size, input_length, output_dim). + +Activation layer +Activation class +tf.keras.layers.Activation(activation, **kwargs) +Applies an activation function to an output. + +Arguments + +activation: Activation function, such as tf.nn.relu, or string name of built-in activation function, such as "relu". +Usage: + + +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu') +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0] +>>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Activation(tf.nn.relu) +>>> output = layer([-3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) +>>> list(output.numpy()) +[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0] + +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the batch axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Same shape as input. + +Input object +Input function +tf.keras.Input( + shape=None, + batch_size=None, + name=None, + dtype=None, + sparse=None, + tensor=None, + ragged=None, + type_spec=None, + **kwargs +) +Input() is used to instantiate a Keras tensor. + +A Keras tensor is a symbolic tensor-like object, which we augment with certain attributes that allow us to build a Keras model just by knowing the inputs and outputs of the model. + +For instance, if a, b and c are Keras tensors, it becomes possible to do: model = Model(input=[a, b], output=c) + +Arguments + +shape: A shape tuple (integers), not including the batch size. For instance, shape=(32,) indicates that the expected input will be batches of 32-dimensional vectors. Elements of this tuple can be None; 'None' elements represent dimensions where the shape is not known. +batch_size: optional static batch size (integer). +name: An optional name string for the layer. Should be unique in a model (do not reuse the same name twice). It will be autogenerated if it isn't provided. +dtype: The data type expected by the input, as a string (float32, float64, int32...) +sparse: A boolean specifying whether the placeholder to be created is sparse. Only one of 'ragged' and 'sparse' can be True. Note that, if sparse is False, sparse tensors can still be passed into the input - they will be densified with a default value of 0. +tensor: Optional existing tensor to wrap into the Input layer. If set, the layer will use the tf.TypeSpec of this tensor rather than creating a new placeholder tensor. +ragged: A boolean specifying whether the placeholder to be created is ragged. Only one of 'ragged' and 'sparse' can be True. In this case, values of 'None' in the 'shape' argument represent ragged dimensions. For more information about RaggedTensors, see this guide. +type_spec: A tf.TypeSpec object to create the input placeholder from. When provided, all other args except name must be None. +**kwargs: deprecated arguments support. Supports batch_shape and batch_input_shape. +Returns + +A tensor. + +Example + +# this is a logistic regression in Keras +x = Input(shape=(32,)) +y = Dense(16, activation='softmax')(x) +model = Model(x, y) +Note that even if eager execution is enabled, Input produces a symbolic tensor-like object (i.e. a placeholder). This symbolic tensor-like object can be used with lower-level TensorFlow ops that take tensors as inputs, as such: + +x = Input(shape=(32,)) +y = tf.square(x) # This op will be treated like a layer +model = Model(x, y) +(This behavior does not work for higher-order TensorFlow APIs such as control flow and being directly watched by a tf.GradientTape). + +However, the resulting model will not track any variables that were used as inputs to TensorFlow ops. All variable usages must happen within Keras layers to make sure they will be tracked by the model's weights. + +The Keras Input can also create a placeholder from an arbitrary tf.TypeSpec, e.g: + +x = Input(type_spec=tf.RaggedTensorSpec(shape=[None, None], + dtype=tf.float32, ragged_rank=1)) +y = x.values +model = Model(x, y) +When passing an arbitrary tf.TypeSpec, it must represent the signature of an entire batch instead of just one example. + +Raises + +ValueError: If both sparse and ragged are provided. +ValueError: If both shape and (batch_input_shape or batch_shape) are provided. +ValueError: If shape, tensor and type_spec are None. +ValueError: If arguments besides type_spec are non-None while type_spec is passed. +ValueError: if any unrecognized parameters are provided. +Lambda layer +Lambda class +tf.keras.layers.Lambda( + function, output_shape=None, mask=None, arguments=None, **kwargs +) +Wraps arbitrary expressions as a Layer object. + +The Lambda layer exists so that arbitrary expressions can be used as a Layer when constructing Sequential and Functional API models. Lambda layers are best suited for simple operations or quick experimentation. For more advanced use cases, follow this guide for subclassing tf.keras.layers.Layer. + +WARNING: tf.keras.layers.Lambda layers have (de)serialization limitations! + +The main reason to subclass tf.keras.layers.Layer instead of using a Lambda layer is saving and inspecting a Model. Lambda layers are saved by serializing the Python bytecode, which is fundamentally non-portable. They should only be loaded in the same environment where they were saved. Subclassed layers can be saved in a more portable way by overriding their get_config method. Models that rely on subclassed Layers are also often easier to visualize and reason about. + +Examples + +# add a x -> x^2 layer +model.add(Lambda(lambda x: x ** 2)) +# add a layer that returns the concatenation +# of the positive part of the input and +# the opposite of the negative part + +def antirectifier(x): + x -= K.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) + x = K.l2_normalize(x, axis=1) + pos = K.relu(x) + neg = K.relu(-x) + return K.concatenate([pos, neg], axis=1) + +model.add(Lambda(antirectifier)) +Variables: While it is possible to use Variables with Lambda layers, this practice is discouraged as it can easily lead to bugs. For instance, consider the following layer: + +python scale = tf.Variable(1.) scale_layer = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x * scale) + +Because scale_layer does not directly track the scale variable, it will not appear in scale_layer.trainable_weights and will therefore not be trained if scale_layer is used in a Model. + +A better pattern is to write a subclassed Layer: + +```python class ScaleLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def init(self): super(ScaleLayer, self).init() self.scale = tf.Variable(1.) + + def call(self, inputs): + return inputs * self.scale +``` + +In general, Lambda layers can be convenient for simple stateless computation, but anything more complex should use a subclass Layer instead. + +Arguments + +function: The function to be evaluated. Takes input tensor as first argument. +output_shape: Expected output shape from function. This argument can be inferred if not explicitly provided. Can be a tuple or function. If a tuple, it only specifies the first dimension onward; sample dimension is assumed either the same as the input: output_shape = (input_shape[0], ) + output_shape or, the input is None and the sample dimension is also None: output_shape = (None, ) + output_shape If a function, it specifies the entire shape as a function of the input shape: output_shape = f(input_shape) +mask: Either None (indicating no masking) or a callable with the same signature as the compute_mask layer method, or a tensor that will be returned as output mask regardless of what the input is. +arguments: Optional dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the function. +Input shape + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + +Specified by output_shape argument + +Dense layer +Dense class +tf.keras.layers.Dense( + units, + activation=None, + use_bias=True, + kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", + bias_initializer="zeros", + kernel_regularizer=None, + bias_regularizer=None, + activity_regularizer=None, + kernel_constraint=None, + bias_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +Just your regular densely-connected NN layer. + +Dense implements the operation: output = activation(dot(input, kernel) + bias) where activation is the element-wise activation function passed as the activation argument, kernel is a weights matrix created by the layer, and bias is a bias vector created by the layer (only applicable if use_bias is True). These are all attributes of Dense. + +Note: If the input to the layer has a rank greater than 2, then Dense computes the dot product between the inputs and the kernel along the last axis of the inputs and axis 1 of the kernel (using tf.tensordot). For example, if input has dimensions (batch_size, d0, d1), then we create a kernel with shape (d1, units), and the kernel operates along axis 2 of the input, on every sub-tensor of shape (1, 1, d1) (there are batch_size * d0 such sub-tensors). The output in this case will have shape (batch_size, d0, units). + +Besides, layer attributes cannot be modified after the layer has been called once (except the trainable attribute). When a popular kwarg input_shape is passed, then keras will create an input layer to insert before the current layer. This can be treated equivalent to explicitly defining an InputLayer. + +Example + + +>>> # Create a `Sequential` model and add a Dense layer as the first layer. +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.Input(shape=(16,))) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(32, activation='relu')) +>>> # Now the model will take as input arrays of shape (None, 16) +>>> # and output arrays of shape (None, 32). +>>> # Note that after the first layer, you don't need to specify +>>> # the size of the input anymore: +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(32)) +>>> model.output_shape +(None, 32) + +Arguments + +units: Positive integer, dimensionality of the output space. +activation: Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation: a(x) = x). +use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector. +kernel_initializer: Initializer for the kernel weights matrix. +bias_initializer: Initializer for the bias vector. +kernel_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. +bias_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. +activity_regularizer: Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer (its "activation"). +kernel_constraint: Constraint function applied to the kernel weights matrix. +bias_constraint: Constraint function applied to the bias vector. +Input shape + +N-D tensor with shape: (batch_size, ..., input_dim). The most common situation would be a 2D input with shape (batch_size, input_dim). + +Output shape + +N-D tensor with shape: (batch_size, ..., units). For instance, for a 2D input with shape (batch_size, input_dim), the output would have shape (batch_size, units). + +Masking layer +Masking class +tf.keras.layers.Masking(mask_value=0.0, **kwargs) +Masks a sequence by using a mask value to skip timesteps. + +For each timestep in the input tensor (dimension #1 in the tensor), if all values in the input tensor at that timestep are equal to mask_value, then the timestep will be masked (skipped) in all downstream layers (as long as they support masking). + +If any downstream layer does not support masking yet receives such an input mask, an exception will be raised. + +Example + +Consider a Numpy data array x of shape (samples, timesteps, features), to be fed to an LSTM layer. You want to mask timestep #3 and #5 because you lack data for these timesteps. You can: + +Set x[:, 3, :] = 0. and x[:, 5, :] = 0. +Insert a Masking layer with mask_value=0. before the LSTM layer: +samples, timesteps, features = 32, 10, 8 +inputs = np.random.random([samples, timesteps, features]).astype(np.float32) +inputs[:, 3, :] = 0. +inputs[:, 5, :] = 0. + +model = tf.keras.models.Sequential() +model.add(tf.keras.layers.Masking(mask_value=0., + input_shape=(timesteps, features))) +model.add(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32)) + +output = model(inputs) +# The time step 3 and 5 will be skipped from LSTM calculation. +See the masking and padding guide for more details. +Image data preprocessing +image_dataset_from_directory function +tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory( + directory, + labels="inferred", + label_mode="int", + class_names=None, + color_mode="rgb", + batch_size=32, + image_size=(256, 256), + shuffle=True, + seed=None, + validation_split=None, + subset=None, + interpolation="bilinear", + follow_links=False, + smart_resize=False, +) +Generates a tf.data.Dataset from image files in a directory. + +If your directory structure is: + +main_directory/ +...class_a/ +......a_image_1.jpg +......a_image_2.jpg +...class_b/ +......b_image_1.jpg +......b_image_2.jpg +Then calling image_dataset_from_directory(main_directory, labels='inferred') will return a tf.data.Dataset that yields batches of images from the subdirectories class_a and class_b, together with labels 0 and 1 (0 corresponding to class_a and 1 corresponding to class_b). + +Supported image formats: jpeg, png, bmp, gif. Animated gifs are truncated to the first frame. + +Arguments + +directory: Directory where the data is located. If labels is "inferred", it should contain subdirectories, each containing images for a class. Otherwise, the directory structure is ignored. +labels: Either "inferred" (labels are generated from the directory structure), None (no labels), or a list/tuple of integer labels of the same size as the number of image files found in the directory. Labels should be sorted according to the alphanumeric order of the image file paths (obtained via os.walk(directory) in Python). +label_mode: - 'int': means that the labels are encoded as integers (e.g. for sparse_categorical_crossentropy loss). - 'categorical' means that the labels are encoded as a categorical vector (e.g. for categorical_crossentropy loss). - 'binary' means that the labels (there can be only 2) are encoded as float32 scalars with values 0 or 1 (e.g. for binary_crossentropy). - None (no labels). +class_names: Only valid if "labels" is "inferred". This is the explict list of class names (must match names of subdirectories). Used to control the order of the classes (otherwise alphanumerical order is used). +color_mode: One of "grayscale", "rgb", "rgba". Default: "rgb". Whether the images will be converted to have 1, 3, or 4 channels. +batch_size: Size of the batches of data. Default: 32. +image_size: Size to resize images to after they are read from disk. Defaults to (256, 256). Since the pipeline processes batches of images that must all have the same size, this must be provided. +shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data. Default: True. If set to False, sorts the data in alphanumeric order. +seed: Optional random seed for shuffling and transformations. +validation_split: Optional float between 0 and 1, fraction of data to reserve for validation. +subset: One of "training" or "validation". Only used if validation_split is set. +interpolation: String, the interpolation method used when resizing images. Defaults to bilinear. Supports bilinear, nearest, bicubic, area, lanczos3, lanczos5, gaussian, mitchellcubic. +follow_links: Whether to visits subdirectories pointed to by symlinks. Defaults to False. +smart_resize: If True, the resizing function used will be tf.keras.preprocessing.image.smart_resize, which preserves the aspect ratio of the original image by using a mixture of resizing and cropping. If False (default), the resizing function is tf.image.resize, which does not preserve aspect ratio. +Returns + +A tf.data.Dataset object. - If label_mode is None, it yields float32 tensors of shape (batch_size, image_size[0], image_size[1], num_channels), encoding images (see below for rules regarding num_channels). - Otherwise, it yields a tuple (images, labels), where images has shape (batch_size, image_size[0], image_size[1], num_channels), and labels follows the format described below. + +Rules regarding labels format: - if label_mode is int, the labels are an int32 tensor of shape (batch_size,). - if label_mode is binary, the labels are a float32 tensor of 1s and 0s of shape (batch_size, 1). - if label_mode is categorial, the labels are a float32 tensor of shape (batch_size, num_classes), representing a one-hot encoding of the class index. + +Rules regarding number of channels in the yielded images: - if color_mode is grayscale, there's 1 channel in the image tensors. - if color_mode is rgb, there are 3 channel in the image tensors. - if color_mode is rgba, there are 4 channel in the image tensors. + +load_img function +tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img( + path, grayscale=False, color_mode="rgb", target_size=None, interpolation="nearest" +) +Loads an image into PIL format. + +Usage: + +image = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img(image_path) +input_arr = keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(image) +input_arr = np.array([input_arr]) # Convert single image to a batch. +predictions = model.predict(input_arr) +Arguments + +path: Path to image file. +grayscale: DEPRECATED use color_mode="grayscale". +color_mode: One of "grayscale", "rgb", "rgba". Default: "rgb". The desired image format. +target_size: Either None (default to original size) or tuple of ints (img_height, img_width). +interpolation: Interpolation method used to resample the image if the target size is different from that of the loaded image. Supported methods are "nearest", "bilinear", and "bicubic". If PIL version 1.1.3 or newer is installed, "lanczos" is also supported. If PIL version 3.4.0 or newer is installed, "box" and "hamming" are also supported. By default, "nearest" is used. +Returns + +A PIL Image instance. + +Raises + +ImportError: if PIL is not available. +ValueError: if interpolation method is not supported. +img_to_array function +tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(img, data_format=None, dtype=None) +Converts a PIL Image instance to a Numpy array. + +Usage: + +from PIL import Image +img_data = np.random.random(size=(100, 100, 3)) +img = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.array_to_img(img_data) +array = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(img) +Arguments + +img: Input PIL Image instance. +data_format: Image data format, can be either "channels_first" or "channels_last". Defaults to None, in which case the global setting tf.keras.backend.image_data_format() is used (unless you changed it, it defaults to "channels_last"). +dtype: Dtype to use. Default to None, in which case the global setting tf.keras.backend.floatx() is used (unless you changed it, it defaults to "float32") +Returns + +A 3D Numpy array. + +Raises + +ValueError: if invalid img or data_format is passed. +ImageDataGenerator class +tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator( + featurewise_center=False, + samplewise_center=False, + featurewise_std_normalization=False, + samplewise_std_normalization=False, + zca_whitening=False, + zca_epsilon=1e-06, + rotation_range=0, + width_shift_range=0.0, + height_shift_range=0.0, + brightness_range=None, + shear_range=0.0, + zoom_range=0.0, + channel_shift_range=0.0, + fill_mode="nearest", + cval=0.0, + horizontal_flip=False, + vertical_flip=False, + rescale=None, + preprocessing_function=None, + data_format=None, + validation_split=0.0, + dtype=None, +) +Generate batches of tensor image data with real-time data augmentation. + +The data will be looped over (in batches). + +Arguments + +featurewise_center: Boolean. Set input mean to 0 over the dataset, feature-wise. +samplewise_center: Boolean. Set each sample mean to 0. +featurewise_std_normalization: Boolean. Divide inputs by std of the dataset, feature-wise. +samplewise_std_normalization: Boolean. Divide each input by its std. +zca_epsilon: epsilon for ZCA whitening. Default is 1e-6. +zca_whitening: Boolean. Apply ZCA whitening. +rotation_range: Int. Degree range for random rotations. +width_shift_range: Float, 1-D array-like or int - float: fraction of total width, if < 1, or pixels if >= 1. - 1-D array-like: random elements from the array. - int: integer number of pixels from interval (-width_shift_range, +width_shift_range) - With width_shift_range=2 possible values are integers [-1, 0, +1], same as with width_shift_range=[-1, 0, +1], while with width_shift_range=1.0 possible values are floats in the interval [-1.0, +1.0). +height_shift_range: Float, 1-D array-like or int - float: fraction of total height, if < 1, or pixels if >= 1. - 1-D array-like: random elements from the array. - int: integer number of pixels from interval (-height_shift_range, +height_shift_range) - With height_shift_range=2 possible values are integers [-1, 0, +1], same as with height_shift_range=[-1, 0, +1], while with height_shift_range=1.0 possible values are floats in the interval [-1.0, +1.0). +brightness_range: Tuple or list of two floats. Range for picking a brightness shift value from. +shear_range: Float. Shear Intensity (Shear angle in counter-clockwise direction in degrees) +zoom_range: Float or [lower, upper]. Range for random zoom. If a float, [lower, upper] = [1-zoom_range, 1+zoom_range]. +channel_shift_range: Float. Range for random channel shifts. +fill_mode: One of {"constant", "nearest", "reflect" or "wrap"}. Default is 'nearest'. Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode: - 'constant': kkkkkkkk|abcd|kkkkkkkk (cval=k) - 'nearest': aaaaaaaa|abcd|dddddddd - 'reflect': abcddcba|abcd|dcbaabcd - 'wrap': abcdabcd|abcd|abcdabcd +cval: Float or Int. Value used for points outside the boundaries when fill_mode = "constant". +horizontal_flip: Boolean. Randomly flip inputs horizontally. +vertical_flip: Boolean. Randomly flip inputs vertically. +rescale: rescaling factor. Defaults to None. If None or 0, no rescaling is applied, otherwise we multiply the data by the value provided (after applying all other transformations). +preprocessing_function: function that will be applied on each input. The function will run after the image is resized and augmented. The function should take one argument: one image (Numpy tensor with rank 3), and should output a Numpy tensor with the same shape. +data_format: Image data format, either "channels_first" or "channels_last". "channels_last" mode means that the images should have shape (samples, height, width, channels), "channels_first" mode means that the images should have shape (samples, channels, height, width). It defaults to the image_data_format value found in your Keras config file at ~/.keras/keras.json. If you never set it, then it will be "channels_last". +validation_split: Float. Fraction of images reserved for validation (strictly between 0 and 1). +dtype: Dtype to use for the generated arrays. +Raises + +ValueError: If the value of the argument, data_format is other than "channels_last" or "channels_first". +ValueError: If the value of the argument, validation_split > 1 or validation_split < 0. +Examples + +Example of using .flow(x, y): + +(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() +y_train = utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) +y_test = utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes) +datagen = ImageDataGenerator( + featurewise_center=True, + featurewise_std_normalization=True, + rotation_range=20, + width_shift_range=0.2, + height_shift_range=0.2, + horizontal_flip=True, + validation_split=0.2) +# compute quantities required for featurewise normalization +# (std, mean, and principal components if ZCA whitening is applied) +datagen.fit(x_train) +# fits the model on batches with real-time data augmentation: +model.fit(datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=32, + subset='training'), + validation_data=datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, + batch_size=8, subset='validation'), + steps_per_epoch=len(x_train) / 32, epochs=epochs) +# here's a more "manual" example +for e in range(epochs): + print('Epoch', e) + batches = 0 + for x_batch, y_batch in datagen.flow(x_train, y_train, batch_size=32): + model.fit(x_batch, y_batch) + batches += 1 + if batches >= len(x_train) / 32: + # we need to break the loop by hand because + # the generator loops indefinitely + break +Example of using .flow_from_directory(directory): + +train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( + rescale=1./255, + shear_range=0.2, + zoom_range=0.2, + horizontal_flip=True) +test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) +train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( + 'data/train', + target_size=(150, 150), + batch_size=32, + class_mode='binary') +validation_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( + 'data/validation', + target_size=(150, 150), + batch_size=32, + class_mode='binary') +model.fit( + train_generator, + steps_per_epoch=2000, + epochs=50, + validation_data=validation_generator, + validation_steps=800) +Example of transforming images and masks together. + +# we create two instances with the same arguments +data_gen_args = dict(featurewise_center=True, + featurewise_std_normalization=True, + rotation_range=90, + width_shift_range=0.1, + height_shift_range=0.1, + zoom_range=0.2) +image_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(**data_gen_args) +mask_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(**data_gen_args) +# Provide the same seed and keyword arguments to the fit and flow methods +seed = 1 +image_datagen.fit(images, augment=True, seed=seed) +mask_datagen.fit(masks, augment=True, seed=seed) +image_generator = image_datagen.flow_from_directory( + 'data/images', + class_mode=None, + seed=seed) +mask_generator = mask_datagen.flow_from_directory( + 'data/masks', + class_mode=None, + seed=seed) +# combine generators into one which yields image and masks +train_generator = zip(image_generator, mask_generator) +model.fit( + train_generator, + steps_per_epoch=2000, + epochs=50) +flow method +ImageDataGenerator.flow( + x, + y=None, + batch_size=32, + shuffle=True, + sample_weight=None, + seed=None, + save_to_dir=None, + save_prefix="", + save_format="png", + subset=None, +) +Takes data & label arrays, generates batches of augmented data. + +Arguments + +x: Input data. Numpy array of rank 4 or a tuple. If tuple, the first element should contain the images and the second element another numpy array or a list of numpy arrays that gets passed to the output without any modifications. Can be used to feed the model miscellaneous data along with the images. In case of grayscale data, the channels axis of the image array should have value 1, in case of RGB data, it should have value 3, and in case of RGBA data, it should have value 4. +y: Labels. +batch_size: Int (default: 32). +shuffle: Boolean (default: True). +sample_weight: Sample weights. +seed: Int (default: None). +save_to_dir: None or str (default: None). This allows you to optionally specify a directory to which to save the augmented pictures being generated (useful for visualizing what you are doing). +save_prefix: Str (default: ''). Prefix to use for filenames of saved pictures (only relevant if save_to_dir is set). +save_format: one of "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "pdf", "ppm", "gif", "tif", "jpg" (only relevant if save_to_dir is set). Default: "png". +subset: Subset of data ("training" or "validation") if validation_split is set in ImageDataGenerator. +Returns + +An Iterator yielding tuples of (x, y) where x is a numpy array of image data (in the case of a single image input) or a list of numpy arrays (in the case with additional inputs) and y is a numpy array of corresponding labels. If 'sample_weight' is not None, the yielded tuples are of the form (x, y, sample_weight). If y is None, only the numpy array x is returned. + +Raises + +ValueError: If the Value of the argument, subset is other than "training" or "validation". +flow_from_dataframe method +ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_dataframe( + dataframe, + directory=None, + x_col="filename", + y_col="class", + weight_col=None, + target_size=(256, 256), + color_mode="rgb", + classes=None, + class_mode="categorical", + batch_size=32, + shuffle=True, + seed=None, + save_to_dir=None, + save_prefix="", + save_format="png", + subset=None, + interpolation="nearest", + validate_filenames=True, + **kwargs +) +Takes the dataframe and the path to a directory + generates batches. + +The generated batches contain augmented/normalized data. + +A simple tutorial can be found here. + +Arguments + +dataframe: Pandas dataframe containing the filepaths relative to directory (or absolute paths if directory is None) of the images in a string column. It should include other column/s depending on the class_mode: - if class_mode is "categorical" (default value) it must include the y_col column with the class/es of each image. Values in column can be string/list/tuple if a single class or list/tuple if multiple classes. - if class_mode is "binary" or "sparse" it must include the given y_col column with class values as strings. - if class_mode is "raw" or "multi_output" it should contain the columns specified in y_col. - if class_mode is "input" or None no extra column is needed. +directory: string, path to the directory to read images from. If None, data in x_col column should be absolute paths. +x_col: string, column in dataframe that contains the filenames (or absolute paths if directory is None). +y_col: string or list, column/s in dataframe that has the target data. +weight_col: string, column in dataframe that contains the sample weights. Default: None. +target_size: tuple of integers (height, width), default: (256, 256). The dimensions to which all images found will be resized. +color_mode: one of "grayscale", "rgb", "rgba". Default: "rgb". Whether the images will be converted to have 1 or 3 color channels. +classes: optional list of classes (e.g. ['dogs', 'cats']). Default is None. If not provided, the list of classes will be automatically inferred from the y_col, which will map to the label indices, will be alphanumeric). The dictionary containing the mapping from class names to class indices can be obtained via the attribute class_indices. +class_mode: one of "binary", "categorical", "input", "multi_output", "raw", sparse" or None. Default: "categorical". Mode for yielding the targets: - "binary": 1D numpy array of binary labels, - "categorical": 2D numpy array of one-hot encoded labels. Supports multi-label output. - "input": images identical to input images (mainly used to work with autoencoders), - "multi_output": list with the values of the different columns, - "raw": numpy array of values in y_col column(s), - "sparse": 1D numpy array of integer labels, - None, no targets are returned (the generator will only yield batches of image data, which is useful to use in model.predict()). +batch_size: size of the batches of data (default: 32). +shuffle: whether to shuffle the data (default: True) +seed: optional random seed for shuffling and transformations. +save_to_dir: None or str (default: None). This allows you to optionally specify a directory to which to save the augmented pictures being generated (useful for visualizing what you are doing). +save_prefix: str. Prefix to use for filenames of saved pictures (only relevant if save_to_dir is set). +save_format: one of "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "pdf", "ppm", "gif", "tif", "jpg" (only relevant if save_to_dir is set). Default: "png". +subset: Subset of data ("training" or "validation") if validation_split is set in ImageDataGenerator. +interpolation: Interpolation method used to resample the image if the target size is different from that of the loaded image. Supported methods are "nearest", "bilinear", and "bicubic". If PIL version 1.1.3 or newer is installed, "lanczos" is also supported. If PIL version 3.4.0 or newer is installed, "box" and "hamming" are also supported. By default, "nearest" is used. +validate_filenames: Boolean, whether to validate image filenames in x_col. If True, invalid images will be ignored. Disabling this option can lead to speed-up in the execution of this function. Defaults to True. +**kwargs: legacy arguments for raising deprecation warnings. +Returns + +A DataFrameIterator yielding tuples of (x, y) where x is a numpy array containing a batch of images with shape (batch_size, *target_size, channels) and y is a numpy array of corresponding labels. + +flow_from_directory method +ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory( + directory, + target_size=(256, 256), + color_mode="rgb", + classes=None, + class_mode="categorical", + batch_size=32, + shuffle=True, + seed=None, + save_to_dir=None, + save_prefix="", + save_format="png", + follow_links=False, + subset=None, + interpolation="nearest", +) +Takes the path to a directory & generates batches of augmented data. + +Arguments + +directory: string, path to the target directory. It should contain one subdirectory per class. Any PNG, JPG, BMP, PPM or TIF images inside each of the subdirectories directory tree will be included in the generator. See this script for more details. +target_size: Tuple of integers (height, width), defaults to (256, 256). The dimensions to which all images found will be resized. +color_mode: One of "grayscale", "rgb", "rgba". Default: "rgb". Whether the images will be converted to have 1, 3, or 4 channels. +classes: Optional list of class subdirectories (e.g. ['dogs', 'cats']). Default: None. If not provided, the list of classes will be automatically inferred from the subdirectory names/structure under directory, where each subdirectory will be treated as a different class (and the order of the classes, which will map to the label indices, will be alphanumeric). The dictionary containing the mapping from class names to class indices can be obtained via the attribute class_indices. +class_mode: One of "categorical", "binary", "sparse", "input", or None. Default: "categorical". Determines the type of label arrays that are returned: - "categorical" will be 2D one-hot encoded labels, - "binary" will be 1D binary labels, - "sparse" will be 1D integer labels, - "input" will be images identical to input images (mainly used to work with autoencoders). - If None, no labels are returned (the generator will only yield batches of image data, which is useful to use with model.predict()). Please note that in case of class_mode None, the data still needs to reside in a subdirectory of directory for it to work correctly. +batch_size: Size of the batches of data (default: 32). +shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data (default: True) If set to False, sorts the data in alphanumeric order. +seed: Optional random seed for shuffling and transformations. +save_to_dir: None or str (default: None). This allows you to optionally specify a directory to which to save the augmented pictures being generated (useful for visualizing what you are doing). +save_prefix: Str. Prefix to use for filenames of saved pictures (only relevant if save_to_dir is set). +save_format: one of "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "pdf", "ppm", "gif", "tif", "jpg" (only relevant if save_to_dir is set). Default: "png". +follow_links: Whether to follow symlinks inside class subdirectories (default: False). +subset: Subset of data ("training" or "validation") if validation_split is set in ImageDataGenerator. +interpolation: Interpolation method used to resample the image if the target size is different from that of the loaded image. Supported methods are "nearest", "bilinear", and "bicubic". If PIL version 1.1.3 or newer is installed, "lanczos" is also supported. If PIL version 3.4.0 or newer is installed, "box" and "hamming" are also supported. By default, "nearest" is used. +Returns + +A DirectoryIterator yielding tuples of (x, y) where x is a numpy array containing a batch of images with shape (batch_size, *target_size, channels) and y is a numpy array of corresponding labels.Text data preprocessing +text_dataset_from_directory function +tf.keras.preprocessing.text_dataset_from_directory( + directory, + labels="inferred", + label_mode="int", + class_names=None, + batch_size=32, + max_length=None, + shuffle=True, + seed=None, + validation_split=None, + subset=None, + follow_links=False, +) +Generates a tf.data.Dataset from text files in a directory. + +If your directory structure is: + +main_directory/ +...class_a/ +......a_text_1.txt +......a_text_2.txt +...class_b/ +......b_text_1.txt +......b_text_2.txt +Then calling text_dataset_from_directory(main_directory, labels='inferred') will return a tf.data.Dataset that yields batches of texts from the subdirectories class_a and class_b, together with labels 0 and 1 (0 corresponding to class_a and 1 corresponding to class_b). + +Only .txt files are supported at this time. + +Arguments + +directory: Directory where the data is located. If labels is "inferred", it should contain subdirectories, each containing text files for a class. Otherwise, the directory structure is ignored. +labels: Either "inferred" (labels are generated from the directory structure), None (no labels), or a list/tuple of integer labels of the same size as the number of text files found in the directory. Labels should be sorted according to the alphanumeric order of the text file paths (obtained via os.walk(directory) in Python). +label_mode: - 'int': means that the labels are encoded as integers (e.g. for sparse_categorical_crossentropy loss). - 'categorical' means that the labels are encoded as a categorical vector (e.g. for categorical_crossentropy loss). - 'binary' means that the labels (there can be only 2) are encoded as float32 scalars with values 0 or 1 (e.g. for binary_crossentropy). - None (no labels). +class_names: Only valid if "labels" is "inferred". This is the explict list of class names (must match names of subdirectories). Used to control the order of the classes (otherwise alphanumerical order is used). +batch_size: Size of the batches of data. Default: 32. +max_length: Maximum size of a text string. Texts longer than this will be truncated to max_length. +shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data. Default: True. If set to False, sorts the data in alphanumeric order. +seed: Optional random seed for shuffling and transformations. +validation_split: Optional float between 0 and 1, fraction of data to reserve for validation. +subset: One of "training" or "validation". Only used if validation_split is set. +follow_links: Whether to visits subdirectories pointed to by symlinks. Defaults to False. +Returns + +A tf.data.Dataset object. - If label_mode is None, it yields string tensors of shape (batch_size,), containing the contents of a batch of text files. - Otherwise, it yields a tuple (texts, labels), where texts has shape (batch_size,) and labels follows the format described below. + +Rules regarding labels format: - if label_mode is int, the labels are an int32 tensor of shape (batch_size,). - if label_mode is binary, the labels are a float32 tensor of 1s and 0s of shape (batch_size, 1). - if label_mode is categorial, the labels are a float32 tensor of shape (batch_size, num_classes), representing a one-hot encoding of the class index. + +Tokenizer class +tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer( + num_words=None, + filters='!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n', + lower=True, + split=" ", + char_level=False, + oov_token=None, + document_count=0, + **kwargs +) +Text tokenization utility class. + +This class allows to vectorize a text corpus, by turning each text into either a sequence of integers (each integer being the index of a token in a dictionary) or into a vector where the coefficient for each token could be binary, based on word count, based on tf-idf... + +Arguments + +num_words: the maximum number of words to keep, based on word frequency. Only the most common num_words-1 words will be kept. +filters: a string where each element is a character that will be filtered from the texts. The default is all punctuation, plus tabs and line breaks, minus the ' character. +lower: boolean. Whether to convert the texts to lowercase. +split: str. Separator for word splitting. +char_level: if True, every character will be treated as a token. +oov_token: if given, it will be added to word_index and used to replace out-of-vocabulary words during text_to_sequence calls +By default, all punctuation is removed, turning the texts into space-separated sequences of words (words maybe include the ' character). These sequences are then split into lists of tokens. They will then be indexed or vectorized. + +0 is a reserved index that won't be assigned to any word.Timeseries data preprocessing +timeseries_dataset_from_array function +tf.keras.preprocessing.timeseries_dataset_from_array( + data, + targets, + sequence_length, + sequence_stride=1, + sampling_rate=1, + batch_size=128, + shuffle=False, + seed=None, + start_index=None, + end_index=None, +) +Creates a dataset of sliding windows over a timeseries provided as array. + +This function takes in a sequence of data-points gathered at equal intervals, along with time series parameters such as length of the sequences/windows, spacing between two sequence/windows, etc., to produce batches of timeseries inputs and targets. + +Arguments + +data: Numpy array or eager tensor containing consecutive data points (timesteps). Axis 0 is expected to be the time dimension. +targets: Targets corresponding to timesteps in data. targets[i] should be the target corresponding to the window that starts at index i (see example 2 below). Pass None if you don't have target data (in this case the dataset will only yield the input data). +sequence_length: Length of the output sequences (in number of timesteps). +sequence_stride: Period between successive output sequences. For stride s, output samples would start at index data[i], data[i + s], data[i + 2 * s], etc. +sampling_rate: Period between successive individual timesteps within sequences. For rate r, timesteps data[i], data[i + r], ... data[i + sequence_length] are used for create a sample sequence. +batch_size: Number of timeseries samples in each batch (except maybe the last one). +shuffle: Whether to shuffle output samples, or instead draw them in chronological order. +seed: Optional int; random seed for shuffling. +start_index: Optional int; data points earlier (exclusive) than start_index will not be used in the output sequences. This is useful to reserve part of the data for test or validation. +end_index: Optional int; data points later (exclusive) than end_index will not be used in the output sequences. This is useful to reserve part of the data for test or validation. +Returns + +A tf.data.Dataset instance. If targets was passed, the dataset yields tuple (batch_of_sequences, batch_of_targets). If not, the dataset yields only batch_of_sequences. + +Example 1: Consider indices [0, 1, ... 99]. With sequence_length=10, sampling_rate=2, sequence_stride=3, shuffle=False, the dataset will yield batches of sequences composed of the following indices: + +First sequence: [0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18] Second sequence: [3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21] Third sequence: [6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24] ... Last sequence: [78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96] + +In this case the last 3 data points are discarded since no full sequence can be generated to include them (the next sequence would have started at index 81, and thus its last step would have gone over 99). + +Example 2: temporal regression. Consider an array data of scalar values, of shape (steps,). To generate a dataset that uses the past 10 timesteps to predict the next timestep, you would use: + +python input_data = data[:-10] targets = data[10:] dataset = tf.keras.preprocessing.timeseries_dataset_from_array( input_data, targets, sequence_length=10) for batch in dataset: inputs, targets = batch assert np.array_equal(inputs[0], data[:10]) # First sequence: steps [0-9] assert np.array_equal(targets[0], data[10]) # Corresponding target: step 10 break + +Example 3: temporal regression for many-to-many architectures. Consider two arrays of scalar values X and Y, both of shape (100,). The resulting dataset should consist samples with 20 timestamps each. The samples should not overlap. To generate a dataset that uses the current timestamp to predict the corresponding target timestep, you would use: + +```python X = np.arange(100) Y = X*2 + +sample_length = 20 input_dataset = tf.keras.preprocessing.timeseries_dataset_from_array( X, None, sequence_length=sample_length, sequence_stride=sample_length) target_dataset = tf.keras.preprocessing.timeseries_dataset_from_array( Y, None, sequence_length=sample_length, sequence_stride=sample_length) + +for batch in zip(input_dataset, target_dataset): inputs, targets = batch assert np.array_equal(inputs[0], X[:sample_length]) + +# second sample equals output timestamps 20-40 +assert np.array_equal(targets[1], Y[sample_length:2*sample_length]) +break +``` + +pad_sequences function +tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences( + sequences, maxlen=None, dtype="int32", padding="pre", truncating="pre", value=0.0 +) +Pads sequences to the same length. + +This function transforms a list (of length num_samples) of sequences (lists of integers) into a 2D Numpy array of shape (num_samples, num_timesteps). num_timesteps is either the maxlen argument if provided, or the length of the longest sequence in the list. + +Sequences that are shorter than num_timesteps are padded with value until they are num_timesteps long. + +Sequences longer than num_timesteps are truncated so that they fit the desired length. + +The position where padding or truncation happens is determined by the arguments padding and truncating, respectively. Pre-padding or removing values from the beginning of the sequence is the default. + + +>>> sequence = [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] +>>> tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(sequence) +array([[0, 0, 1], + [0, 2, 3], + [4, 5, 6]], dtype=int32) + + +>>> tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(sequence, value=-1) +array([[-1, -1, 1], + [-1, 2, 3], + [ 4, 5, 6]], dtype=int32) + + +>>> tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(sequence, padding='post') +array([[1, 0, 0], + [2, 3, 0], + [4, 5, 6]], dtype=int32) + + +>>> tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(sequence, maxlen=2) +array([[0, 1], + [2, 3], + [5, 6]], dtype=int32) + +Arguments + +sequences: List of sequences (each sequence is a list of integers). +maxlen: Optional Int, maximum length of all sequences. If not provided, sequences will be padded to the length of the longest individual sequence. +dtype: (Optional, defaults to int32). Type of the output sequences. To pad sequences with variable length strings, you can use object. +padding: String, 'pre' or 'post' (optional, defaults to 'pre'): pad either before or after each sequence. +truncating: String, 'pre' or 'post' (optional, defaults to 'pre'): remove values from sequences larger than maxlen, either at the beginning or at the end of the sequences. +value: Float or String, padding value. (Optional, defaults to 0.) +Returns + +Numpy array with shape (len(sequences), maxlen) + +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid values for truncating or padding, or in case of invalid shape for a sequences entry. +TimeseriesGenerator class +tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.TimeseriesGenerator( + data, + targets, + length, + sampling_rate=1, + stride=1, + start_index=0, + end_index=None, + shuffle=False, + reverse=False, + batch_size=128, +) +Utility class for generating batches of temporal data. + +This class takes in a sequence of data-points gathered at equal intervals, along with time series parameters such as stride, length of history, etc., to produce batches for training/validation. Arguments + +data: Indexable generator (such as list or Numpy array) containing consecutive data points (timesteps). The data should be at 2D, and axis 0 is expected to be the time dimension. +targets: Targets corresponding to timesteps in data. It should have same length as data. +length: Length of the output sequences (in number of timesteps). +sampling_rate: Period between successive individual timesteps within sequences. For rate r, timesteps data[i], data[i-r], ... data[i - length] are used for create a sample sequence. +stride: Period between successive output sequences. For stride s, consecutive output samples would be centered around data[i], data[i+s], data[i+2*s], etc. +start_index: Data points earlier than start_index will not be used in the output sequences. This is useful to reserve part of the data for test or validation. +end_index: Data points later than end_index will not be used in the output sequences. This is useful to reserve part of the data for test or validation. +shuffle: Whether to shuffle output samples, or instead draw them in chronological order. +reverse: Boolean: if true, timesteps in each output sample will be in reverse chronological order. +batch_size: Number of timeseries samples in each batch (except maybe the last one). +Returns + +A Sequence instance. + +Example + +s + +from keras.preprocessing.sequence import TimeseriesGenerator +import numpy as np +data = np.array([[i] for i in range(50)]) +targets = np.array([[i] for i in range(50)]) +data_gen = TimeseriesGenerator(data, targets, + length=10, sampling_rate=2, + batch_size=2) +assert len(data_gen) == 20 +batch_0 = data_gen[0] +x, y = batch_0 +assert np.array_equal(x, + np.array([[[0], [2], [4], [6], [8]], + [[1], [3], [5], [7], [9]]])) +assert np.array_equal(y, + np.array([[10], [11]]))Model training APIs +compile method +Model.compile( + optimizer="rmsprop", + loss=None, + metrics=None, + loss_weights=None, + weighted_metrics=None, + run_eagerly=None, + steps_per_execution=None, + **kwargs +) +Configures the model for training. + +Arguments + +optimizer: String (name of optimizer) or optimizer instance. See tf.keras.optimizers. +loss: String (name of objective function), objective function or tf.keras.losses.Loss instance. See tf.keras.losses. An objective function is any callable with the signature loss = fn(y_true, y_pred), where y_true = ground truth values with shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN], except sparse loss functions such as sparse categorical crossentropy where shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. y_pred = predicted values with shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. It returns a weighted loss float tensor. If a custom Loss instance is used and reduction is set to NONE, return value has the shape [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1] ie. per-sample or per-timestep loss values; otherwise, it is a scalar. If the model has multiple outputs, you can use a different loss on each output by passing a dictionary or a list of losses. The loss value that will be minimized by the model will then be the sum of all individual losses. +metrics: List of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and testing. Each of this can be a string (name of a built-in function), function or a tf.keras.metrics.Metric instance. See tf.keras.metrics. Typically you will use metrics=['accuracy']. A function is any callable with the signature result = fn(y_true, y_pred). To specify different metrics for different outputs of a multi-output model, you could also pass a dictionary, such as metrics={'output_a': 'accuracy', 'output_b': ['accuracy', 'mse']}. You can also pass a list (len = len(outputs)) of lists of metrics such as metrics=[['accuracy'], ['accuracy', 'mse']] or metrics=['accuracy', ['accuracy', 'mse']]. When you pass the strings 'accuracy' or 'acc', we convert this to one of tf.keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy, tf.keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy, tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy based on the loss function used and the model output shape. We do a similar conversion for the strings 'crossentropy' and 'ce' as well. +loss_weights: Optional list or dictionary specifying scalar coefficients (Python floats) to weight the loss contributions of different model outputs. The loss value that will be minimized by the model will then be the weighted sum of all individual losses, weighted by the loss_weights coefficients. If a list, it is expected to have a 1:1 mapping to the model's outputs. If a dict, it is expected to map output names (strings) to scalar coefficients. +weighted_metrics: List of metrics to be evaluated and weighted by sample_weight or class_weight during training and testing. +run_eagerly: Bool. Defaults to False. If True, this Model's logic will not be wrapped in a tf.function. Recommended to leave this as None unless your Model cannot be run inside a tf.function. run_eagerly=True is not supported when using tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy. +steps_per_execution: Int. Defaults to 1. The number of batches to run during each tf.function call. Running multiple batches inside a single tf.function call can greatly improve performance on TPUs or small models with a large Python overhead. At most, one full epoch will be run each execution. If a number larger than the size of the epoch is passed, the execution will be truncated to the size of the epoch. Note that if steps_per_execution is set to N, Callback.on_batch_begin and Callback.on_batch_end methods will only be called every N batches (i.e. before/after each tf.function execution). +**kwargs: Arguments supported for backwards compatibility only. +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid arguments for optimizer, loss or metrics. +fit method +Model.fit( + x=None, + y=None, + batch_size=None, + epochs=1, + verbose="auto", + callbacks=None, + validation_split=0.0, + validation_data=None, + shuffle=True, + class_weight=None, + sample_weight=None, + initial_epoch=0, + steps_per_epoch=None, + validation_steps=None, + validation_batch_size=None, + validation_freq=1, + max_queue_size=10, + workers=1, + use_multiprocessing=False, +) +Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset). + +Arguments + +x: Input data. It could be: +A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors, if the model has named inputs. +A tf.data dataset. Should return a tuple of either (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). +A generator or keras.utils.Sequence returning (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). +A tf.keras.utils.experimental.DatasetCreator, which wraps a callable that takes a single argument of type tf.distribute.InputContext, and returns a tf.data.Dataset. DatasetCreator should be used when users prefer to specify the per-replica batching and sharding logic for the Dataset. See tf.keras.utils.experimental.DatasetCreator doc for more information. A more detailed description of unpacking behavior for iterator types (Dataset, generator, Sequence) is given below. If using tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy, only DatasetCreator type is supported for x. +y: Target data. Like the input data x, it could be either Numpy array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s). It should be consistent with x (you cannot have Numpy inputs and tensor targets, or inversely). If x is a dataset, generator, or keras.utils.Sequence instance, y should not be specified (since targets will be obtained from x). +batch_size: Integer or None. Number of samples per gradient update. If unspecified, batch_size will default to 32. Do not specify the batch_size if your data is in the form of datasets, generators, or keras.utils.Sequence instances (since they generate batches). +epochs: Integer. Number of epochs to train the model. An epoch is an iteration over the entire x and y data provided. Note that in conjunction with initial_epoch, epochs is to be understood as "final epoch". The model is not trained for a number of iterations given by epochs, but merely until the epoch of index epochs is reached. +verbose: 'auto', 0, 1, or 2. Verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch. 'auto' defaults to 1 for most cases, but 2 when used with ParameterServerStrategy. Note that the progress bar is not particularly useful when logged to a file, so verbose=2 is recommended when not running interactively (eg, in a production environment). +callbacks: List of keras.callbacks.Callback instances. List of callbacks to apply during training. See tf.keras.callbacks. Note tf.keras.callbacks.ProgbarLogger and tf.keras.callbacks.History callbacks are created automatically and need not be passed into model.fit. tf.keras.callbacks.ProgbarLogger is created or not based on verbose argument to model.fit. Callbacks with batch-level calls are currently unsupported with tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy, and users are advised to implement epoch-level calls instead with an appropriate steps_per_epoch value. +validation_split: Float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the training data to be used as validation data. The model will set apart this fraction of the training data, will not train on it, and will evaluate the loss and any model metrics on this data at the end of each epoch. The validation data is selected from the last samples in the x and y data provided, before shuffling. This argument is not supported when x is a dataset, generator or keras.utils.Sequence instance. validation_split is not yet supported with tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy. +validation_data: Data on which to evaluate the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch. The model will not be trained on this data. Thus, note the fact that the validation loss of data provided using validation_split or validation_data is not affected by regularization layers like noise and dropout. validation_data will override validation_split. validation_data could be: - A tuple (x_val, y_val) of Numpy arrays or tensors. - A tuple (x_val, y_val, val_sample_weights) of NumPy arrays. - A tf.data.Dataset. - A Python generator or keras.utils.Sequence returning (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). validation_data is not yet supported with tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy. +shuffle: Boolean (whether to shuffle the training data before each epoch) or str (for 'batch'). This argument is ignored when x is a generator or an object of tf.data.Dataset. 'batch' is a special option for dealing with the limitations of HDF5 data; it shuffles in batch-sized chunks. Has no effect when steps_per_epoch is not None. +class_weight: Optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to a weight (float) value, used for weighting the loss function (during training only). This can be useful to tell the model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented class. +sample_weight: Optional Numpy array of weights for the training samples, used for weighting the loss function (during training only). You can either pass a flat (1D) Numpy array with the same length as the input samples (1:1 mapping between weights and samples), or in the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. This argument is not supported when x is a dataset, generator, or keras.utils.Sequence instance, instead provide the sample_weights as the third element of x. +initial_epoch: Integer. Epoch at which to start training (useful for resuming a previous training run). +steps_per_epoch: Integer or None. Total number of steps (batches of samples) before declaring one epoch finished and starting the next epoch. When training with input tensors such as TensorFlow data tensors, the default None is equal to the number of samples in your dataset divided by the batch size, or 1 if that cannot be determined. If x is a tf.data dataset, and 'steps_per_epoch' is None, the epoch will run until the input dataset is exhausted. When passing an infinitely repeating dataset, you must specify the steps_per_epoch argument. This argument is not supported with array inputs. steps_per_epoch=None is not supported when using tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy. +validation_steps: Only relevant if validation_data is provided and is a tf.data dataset. Total number of steps (batches of samples) to draw before stopping when performing validation at the end of every epoch. If 'validation_steps' is None, validation will run until the validation_data dataset is exhausted. In the case of an infinitely repeated dataset, it will run into an infinite loop. If 'validation_steps' is specified and only part of the dataset will be consumed, the evaluation will start from the beginning of the dataset at each epoch. This ensures that the same validation samples are used every time. +validation_batch_size: Integer or None. Number of samples per validation batch. If unspecified, will default to batch_size. Do not specify the validation_batch_size if your data is in the form of datasets, generators, or keras.utils.Sequence instances (since they generate batches). +validation_freq: Only relevant if validation data is provided. Integer or collections.abc.Container instance (e.g. list, tuple, etc.). If an integer, specifies how many training epochs to run before a new validation run is performed, e.g. validation_freq=2 runs validation every 2 epochs. If a Container, specifies the epochs on which to run validation, e.g. validation_freq=[1, 2, 10] runs validation at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 10th epochs. +max_queue_size: Integer. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. Maximum size for the generator queue. If unspecified, max_queue_size will default to 10. +workers: Integer. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. Maximum number of processes to spin up when using process-based threading. If unspecified, workers will default to 1. +use_multiprocessing: Boolean. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. If True, use process-based threading. If unspecified, use_multiprocessing will default to False. Note that because this implementation relies on multiprocessing, you should not pass non-picklable arguments to the generator as they can't be passed easily to children processes. +Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs: A common pattern is to pass a tf.data.Dataset, generator, or tf.keras.utils.Sequence to the x argument of fit, which will in fact yield not only features (x) but optionally targets (y) and sample weights. Keras requires that the output of such iterator-likes be unambiguous. The iterator should return a tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, where the optional second and third elements will be used for y and sample_weight respectively. Any other type provided will be wrapped in a length one tuple, effectively treating everything as 'x'. When yielding dicts, they should still adhere to the top-level tuple structure. e.g. ({"x0": x0, "x1": x1}, y). Keras will not attempt to separate features, targets, and weights from the keys of a single dict. A notable unsupported data type is the namedtuple. The reason is that it behaves like both an ordered datatype (tuple) and a mapping datatype (dict). So given a namedtuple of the form: namedtuple("example_tuple", ["y", "x"]) it is ambiguous whether to reverse the order of the elements when interpreting the value. Even worse is a tuple of the form: namedtuple("other_tuple", ["x", "y", "z"]) where it is unclear if the tuple was intended to be unpacked into x, y, and sample_weight or passed through as a single element to x. As a result the data processing code will simply raise a ValueError if it encounters a namedtuple. (Along with instructions to remedy the issue.) + +Returns + +A History object. Its History.history attribute is a record of training loss values and metrics values at successive epochs, as well as validation loss values and validation metrics values (if applicable). + +Raises + +RuntimeError: 1. If the model was never compiled or, 2. If model.fit is wrapped in tf.function. +ValueError: In case of mismatch between the provided input data and what the model expects or when the input data is empty. +evaluate method +Model.evaluate( + x=None, + y=None, + batch_size=None, + verbose=1, + sample_weight=None, + steps=None, + callbacks=None, + max_queue_size=10, + workers=1, + use_multiprocessing=False, + return_dict=False, + **kwargs +) +Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode. + +Computation is done in batches (see the batch_size arg.) + +Arguments + +x: Input data. It could be: +A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors, if the model has named inputs. +A tf.data dataset. Should return a tuple of either (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). +A generator or keras.utils.Sequence returning (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). A more detailed description of unpacking behavior for iterator types (Dataset, generator, Sequence) is given in the Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs section of Model.fit. +y: Target data. Like the input data x, it could be either Numpy array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s). It should be consistent with x (you cannot have Numpy inputs and tensor targets, or inversely). If x is a dataset, generator or keras.utils.Sequence instance, y should not be specified (since targets will be obtained from the iterator/dataset). +batch_size: Integer or None. Number of samples per batch of computation. If unspecified, batch_size will default to 32. Do not specify the batch_size if your data is in the form of a dataset, generators, or keras.utils.Sequence instances (since they generate batches). +verbose: 0 or 1. Verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar. +sample_weight: Optional Numpy array of weights for the test samples, used for weighting the loss function. You can either pass a flat (1D) Numpy array with the same length as the input samples (1:1 mapping between weights and samples), or in the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. This argument is not supported when x is a dataset, instead pass sample weights as the third element of x. +steps: Integer or None. Total number of steps (batches of samples) before declaring the evaluation round finished. Ignored with the default value of None. If x is a tf.data dataset and steps is None, 'evaluate' will run until the dataset is exhausted. This argument is not supported with array inputs. +callbacks: List of keras.callbacks.Callback instances. List of callbacks to apply during evaluation. See callbacks. +max_queue_size: Integer. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. Maximum size for the generator queue. If unspecified, max_queue_size will default to 10. +workers: Integer. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. Maximum number of processes to spin up when using process-based threading. If unspecified, workers will default to 1. +use_multiprocessing: Boolean. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. If True, use process-based threading. If unspecified, use_multiprocessing will default to False. Note that because this implementation relies on multiprocessing, you should not pass non-picklable arguments to the generator as they can't be passed easily to children processes. +return_dict: If True, loss and metric results are returned as a dict, with each key being the name of the metric. If False, they are returned as a list. +**kwargs: Unused at this time. +See the discussion of Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs for Model.fit. + +Model.evaluate is not yet supported with tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy. + +Returns + +Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics) or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names will give you the display labels for the scalar outputs. + +Raises + +RuntimeError: If model.evaluate is wrapped in tf.function. +ValueError: in case of invalid arguments. +predict method +Model.predict( + x, + batch_size=None, + verbose=0, + steps=None, + callbacks=None, + max_queue_size=10, + workers=1, + use_multiprocessing=False, +) +Generates output predictions for the input samples. + +Computation is done in batches. This method is designed for performance in large scale inputs. For small amount of inputs that fit in one batch, directly using __call__ is recommended for faster execution, e.g., model(x), or model(x, training=False) if you have layers such as tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization that behaves differently during inference. Also, note the fact that test loss is not affected by regularization layers like noise and dropout. + +Arguments + +x: Input samples. It could be: +A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A tf.data dataset. +A generator or keras.utils.Sequence instance. A more detailed description of unpacking behavior for iterator types (Dataset, generator, Sequence) is given in the Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs section of Model.fit. +batch_size: Integer or None. Number of samples per batch. If unspecified, batch_size will default to 32. Do not specify the batch_size if your data is in the form of dataset, generators, or keras.utils.Sequence instances (since they generate batches). +verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 or 1. +steps: Total number of steps (batches of samples) before declaring the prediction round finished. Ignored with the default value of None. If x is a tf.data dataset and steps is None, predict will run until the input dataset is exhausted. +callbacks: List of keras.callbacks.Callback instances. List of callbacks to apply during prediction. See callbacks. +max_queue_size: Integer. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. Maximum size for the generator queue. If unspecified, max_queue_size will default to 10. +workers: Integer. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. Maximum number of processes to spin up when using process-based threading. If unspecified, workers will default to 1. +use_multiprocessing: Boolean. Used for generator or keras.utils.Sequence input only. If True, use process-based threading. If unspecified, use_multiprocessing will default to False. Note that because this implementation relies on multiprocessing, you should not pass non-picklable arguments to the generator as they can't be passed easily to children processes. +See the discussion of Unpacking behavior for iterator-like inputs for Model.fit. Note that Model.predict uses the same interpretation rules as Model.fit and Model.evaluate, so inputs must be unambiguous for all three methods. + +Model.predict is not yet supported with tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy. + +Returns + +Numpy array(s) of predictions. + +Raises + +RuntimeError: If model.predict is wrapped in tf.function. +ValueError: In case of mismatch between the provided input data and the model's expectations, or in case a stateful model receives a number of samples that is not a multiple of the batch size. +train_on_batch method +Model.train_on_batch( + x, + y=None, + sample_weight=None, + class_weight=None, + reset_metrics=True, + return_dict=False, +) +Runs a single gradient update on a single batch of data. + +Arguments + +x: Input data. It could be: +A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors, if the model has named inputs. +y: Target data. Like the input data x, it could be either Numpy array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s). It should be consistent with x (you cannot have Numpy inputs and tensor targets, or inversely). +sample_weight: Optional array of the same length as x, containing weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. +class_weight: Optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to a weight (float) to apply to the model's loss for the samples from this class during training. This can be useful to tell the model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented class. +reset_metrics: If True, the metrics returned will be only for this batch. If False, the metrics will be statefully accumulated across batches. +return_dict: If True, loss and metric results are returned as a dict, with each key being the name of the metric. If False, they are returned as a list. +Returns + +Scalar training loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics) or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names will give you the display labels for the scalar outputs. + +Raises + +RuntimeError: If model.train_on_batch is wrapped in tf.function. +ValueError: In case of invalid user-provided arguments. +test_on_batch method +Model.test_on_batch( + x, y=None, sample_weight=None, reset_metrics=True, return_dict=False +) +Test the model on a single batch of samples. + +Arguments + +x: Input data. It could be: +A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A dict mapping input names to the corresponding array/tensors, if the model has named inputs. +y: Target data. Like the input data x, it could be either Numpy array(s) or TensorFlow tensor(s). It should be consistent with x (you cannot have Numpy inputs and tensor targets, or inversely). +sample_weight: Optional array of the same length as x, containing weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. +reset_metrics: If True, the metrics returned will be only for this batch. If False, the metrics will be statefully accumulated across batches. +return_dict: If True, loss and metric results are returned as a dict, with each key being the name of the metric. If False, they are returned as a list. +Returns + +Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics) or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names will give you the display labels for the scalar outputs. + +Raises + +RuntimeError: If model.test_on_batch is wrapped in tf.function. +ValueError: In case of invalid user-provided arguments. +predict_on_batch method +Model.predict_on_batch(x) +Returns predictions for a single batch of samples. + +Arguments + +x: Input data. It could be: +A Numpy array (or array-like), or a list of arrays (in case the model has multiple inputs). +A TensorFlow tensor, or a list of tensors (in case the model has multiple inputs). +Returns + +Numpy array(s) of predictions. + +Raises + +RuntimeError: If model.predict_on_batch is wrapped in tf.function. +ValueError: In case of mismatch between given number of inputs and expectations of the model. +run_eagerly property +tf.keras.Model.run_eagerly +Settable attribute indicating whether the model should run eagerly. + +Running eagerly means that your model will be run step by step, like Python code. Your model might run slower, but it should become easier for you to debug it by stepping into individual layer calls. + +By default, we will attempt to compile your model to a static graph to deliver the best execution performance. + +Returns + +Boolean, whether the model should run eagerly. + +Model saving & serialization APIs +save method +Model.save( + filepath, + overwrite=True, + include_optimizer=True, + save_format=None, + signatures=None, + options=None, + save_traces=True, +) +Saves the model to Tensorflow SavedModel or a single HDF5 file. + +Please see tf.keras.models.save_model or the Serialization and Saving guide for details. + +Arguments + +filepath: String, PathLike, path to SavedModel or H5 file to save the model. +overwrite: Whether to silently overwrite any existing file at the target location, or provide the user with a manual prompt. +include_optimizer: If True, save optimizer's state together. +save_format: Either 'tf' or 'h5', indicating whether to save the model to Tensorflow SavedModel or HDF5. Defaults to 'tf' in TF 2.X, and 'h5' in TF 1.X. +signatures: Signatures to save with the SavedModel. Applicable to the 'tf' format only. Please see the signatures argument in tf.saved_model.save for details. +options: (only applies to SavedModel format) tf.saved_model.SaveOptions object that specifies options for saving to SavedModel. +save_traces: (only applies to SavedModel format) When enabled, the SavedModel will store the function traces for each layer. This can be disabled, so that only the configs of each layer are stored. Defaults to True. Disabling this will decrease serialization time and reduce file size, but it requires that all custom layers/models implement a get_config() method. +Example + +from keras.models import load_model + +model.save('my_model.h5') # creates a HDF5 file 'my_model.h5' +del model # deletes the existing model + +# returns a compiled model +# identical to the previous one +model = load_model('my_model.h5') +save_model function +tf.keras.models.save_model( + model, + filepath, + overwrite=True, + include_optimizer=True, + save_format=None, + signatures=None, + options=None, + save_traces=True, +) +Saves a model as a TensorFlow SavedModel or HDF5 file. + +See the Serialization and Saving guide for details. + +Usage: + + +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential([ +... tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, input_shape=(3,)), +... tf.keras.layers.Softmax()]) +>>> model.save('/tmp/model') +>>> loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('/tmp/model') +>>> x = tf.random.uniform((10, 3)) +>>> assert np.allclose(model.predict(x), loaded_model.predict(x)) + +The SavedModel and HDF5 file contains: + +the model's configuration (topology) +the model's weights +the model's optimizer's state (if any) +Thus models can be reinstantiated in the exact same state, without any of the code used for model definition or training. + +Note that the model weights may have different scoped names after being loaded. Scoped names include the model/layer names, such as "dense_1/kernel:0". It is recommended that you use the layer properties to access specific variables, e.g. model.get_layer("dense_1").kernel. + +SavedModel serialization format + +Keras SavedModel uses tf.saved_model.save to save the model and all trackable objects attached to the model (e.g. layers and variables). The model config, weights, and optimizer are saved in the SavedModel. Additionally, for every Keras layer attached to the model, the SavedModel stores: + +* the config and metadata -- e.g. name, dtype, trainable status * traced call and loss functions, which are stored as TensorFlow subgraphs. + +The traced functions allow the SavedModel format to save and load custom layers without the original class definition. + +You can choose to not save the traced functions by disabling the save_traces option. This will decrease the time it takes to save the model and the amount of disk space occupied by the output SavedModel. If you enable this option, then you must provide all custom class definitions when loading the model. See the custom_objects argument in tf.keras.models.load_model. + +Arguments + +model: Keras model instance to be saved. +filepath: One of the following: +String or pathlib.Path object, path where to save the model +h5py.File object where to save the model +overwrite: Whether we should overwrite any existing model at the target location, or instead ask the user with a manual prompt. +include_optimizer: If True, save optimizer's state together. +save_format: Either 'tf' or 'h5', indicating whether to save the model to Tensorflow SavedModel or HDF5. Defaults to 'tf' in TF 2.X, and 'h5' in TF 1.X. +signatures: Signatures to save with the SavedModel. Applicable to the 'tf' format only. Please see the signatures argument in tf.saved_model.save for details. +options: (only applies to SavedModel format) tf.saved_model.SaveOptions object that specifies options for saving to SavedModel. +save_traces: (only applies to SavedModel format) When enabled, the SavedModel will store the function traces for each layer. This can be disabled, so that only the configs of each layer are stored. Defaults to True. Disabling this will decrease serialization time and reduce file size, but it requires that all custom layers/models implement a get_config() method. +Raises + +ImportError: If save format is hdf5, and h5py is not available. +load_model function +tf.keras.models.load_model( + filepath, custom_objects=None, compile=True, options=None +) +Loads a model saved via model.save(). + +Usage: + + +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential([ +... tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, input_shape=(3,)), +... tf.keras.layers.Softmax()]) +>>> model.save('/tmp/model') +>>> loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('/tmp/model') +>>> x = tf.random.uniform((10, 3)) +>>> assert np.allclose(model.predict(x), loaded_model.predict(x)) + +Note that the model weights may have different scoped names after being loaded. Scoped names include the model/layer names, such as "dense_1/kernel:0". It is recommended that you use the layer properties to access specific variables, e.g. model.get_layer("dense_1").kernel. + +Arguments + +filepath: One of the following: - String or pathlib.Path object, path to the saved model - h5py.File object from which to load the model +custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. +compile: Boolean, whether to compile the model after loading. +options: Optional tf.saved_model.LoadOptions object that specifies options for loading from SavedModel. +Returns + +A Keras model instance. If the original model was compiled, and saved with the optimizer, then the returned model will be compiled. Otherwise, the model will be left uncompiled. In the case that an uncompiled model is returned, a warning is displayed if the compile argument is set to True. + +Raises + +ImportError: if loading from an hdf5 file and h5py is not available. +IOError: In case of an invalid savefile. +get_weights method +Model.get_weights() +Retrieves the weights of the model. + +Returns + +A flat list of Numpy arrays. + +set_weights method +Model.set_weights(weights) +Sets the weights of the layer, from NumPy arrays. + +The weights of a layer represent the state of the layer. This function sets the weight values from numpy arrays. The weight values should be passed in the order they are created by the layer. Note that the layer's weights must be instantiated before calling this function, by calling the layer. + +For example, a Dense layer returns a list of two values: the kernel matrix and the bias vector. These can be used to set the weights of another Dense layer: + + +>>> layer_a = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, +... kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.)) +>>> a_out = layer_a(tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.]])) +>>> layer_a.get_weights() +[array([[1.], + [1.], + [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] +>>> layer_b = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, +... kernel_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(2.)) +>>> b_out = layer_b(tf.convert_to_tensor([[10., 20., 30.]])) +>>> layer_b.get_weights() +[array([[2.], + [2.], + [2.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] +>>> layer_b.set_weights(layer_a.get_weights()) +>>> layer_b.get_weights() +[array([[1.], + [1.], + [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)] + +Arguments + +weights: a list of NumPy arrays. The number of arrays and their shape must match number of the dimensions of the weights of the layer (i.e. it should match the output of get_weights). +Raises + +ValueError: If the provided weights list does not match the layer's specifications. +save_weights method +Model.save_weights(filepath, overwrite=True, save_format=None, options=None) +Saves all layer weights. + +Either saves in HDF5 or in TensorFlow format based on the save_format argument. + +When saving in HDF5 format, the weight file has: - layer_names (attribute), a list of strings (ordered names of model layers). - For every layer, a group named layer.name - For every such layer group, a group attribute weight_names, a list of strings (ordered names of weights tensor of the layer). - For every weight in the layer, a dataset storing the weight value, named after the weight tensor. + +When saving in TensorFlow format, all objects referenced by the network are saved in the same format as tf.train.Checkpoint, including any Layer instances or Optimizer instances assigned to object attributes. For networks constructed from inputs and outputs using tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs), Layer instances used by the network are tracked/saved automatically. For user-defined classes which inherit from tf.keras.Model, Layer instances must be assigned to object attributes, typically in the constructor. See the documentation of tf.train.Checkpoint and tf.keras.Model for details. + +While the formats are the same, do not mix save_weights and tf.train.Checkpoint. Checkpoints saved by Model.save_weights should be loaded using Model.load_weights. Checkpoints saved using tf.train.Checkpoint.save should be restored using the corresponding tf.train.Checkpoint.restore. Prefer tf.train.Checkpoint over save_weights for training checkpoints. + +The TensorFlow format matches objects and variables by starting at a root object, self for save_weights, and greedily matching attribute names. For Model.save this is the Model, and for Checkpoint.save this is the Checkpoint even if the Checkpoint has a model attached. This means saving a tf.keras.Model using save_weights and loading into a tf.train.Checkpoint with a Model attached (or vice versa) will not match the Model's variables. See the guide to training checkpoints for details on the TensorFlow format. + +Arguments + +filepath: String or PathLike, path to the file to save the weights to. When saving in TensorFlow format, this is the prefix used for checkpoint files (multiple files are generated). Note that the '.h5' suffix causes weights to be saved in HDF5 format. +overwrite: Whether to silently overwrite any existing file at the target location, or provide the user with a manual prompt. +save_format: Either 'tf' or 'h5'. A filepath ending in '.h5' or '.keras' will default to HDF5 if save_format is None. Otherwise None defaults to 'tf'. +options: Optional tf.train.CheckpointOptions object that specifies options for saving weights. +Raises + +ImportError: If h5py is not available when attempting to save in HDF5 format. +ValueError: For invalid/unknown format arguments. +load_weights method +Model.load_weights(filepath, by_name=False, skip_mismatch=False, options=None) +Loads all layer weights, either from a TensorFlow or an HDF5 weight file. + +If by_name is False weights are loaded based on the network's topology. This means the architecture should be the same as when the weights were saved. Note that layers that don't have weights are not taken into account in the topological ordering, so adding or removing layers is fine as long as they don't have weights. + +If by_name is True, weights are loaded into layers only if they share the same name. This is useful for fine-tuning or transfer-learning models where some of the layers have changed. + +Only topological loading (by_name=False) is supported when loading weights from the TensorFlow format. Note that topological loading differs slightly between TensorFlow and HDF5 formats for user-defined classes inheriting from tf.keras.Model: HDF5 loads based on a flattened list of weights, while the TensorFlow format loads based on the object-local names of attributes to which layers are assigned in the Model's constructor. + +Arguments + +filepath: String, path to the weights file to load. For weight files in TensorFlow format, this is the file prefix (the same as was passed to save_weights). This can also be a path to a SavedModel saved from model.save. +by_name: Boolean, whether to load weights by name or by topological order. Only topological loading is supported for weight files in TensorFlow format. +skip_mismatch: Boolean, whether to skip loading of layers where there is a mismatch in the number of weights, or a mismatch in the shape of the weight (only valid when by_name=True). +options: Optional tf.train.CheckpointOptions object that specifies options for loading weights. +Returns + +When loading a weight file in TensorFlow format, returns the same status object as tf.train.Checkpoint.restore. When graph building, restore ops are run automatically as soon as the network is built (on first call for user-defined classes inheriting from Model, immediately if it is already built). + +When loading weights in HDF5 format, returns None. + +Raises + +ImportError: If h5py is not available and the weight file is in HDF5 format. +ValueError: If skip_mismatch is set to True when by_name is False. +get_config method +Model.get_config() +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of a layer. The same layer can be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity information, nor the layer class name. These are handled by Network (one layer of abstraction above). + +Note that get_config() does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the returned dict if they want to modify it. + +Returns + +Python dictionary. + +from_config method +Model.from_config(config, custom_objects=None) +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of get_config, capable of instantiating the same layer from the config dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity (handled by Network), nor weights (handled by set_weights). + +Arguments + +config: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +Returns + +A layer instance. + +model_from_config function +tf.keras.models.model_from_config(config, custom_objects=None) +Instantiates a Keras model from its config. + +Usage: + +# for a Functional API model +tf.keras.Model().from_config(model.get_config()) + +# for a Sequential model +tf.keras.Sequential().from_config(model.get_config()) +Arguments + +config: Configuration dictionary. +custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. +Returns + +A Keras model instance (uncompiled). + +Raises + +TypeError: if config is not a dictionary. +to_json method +Model.to_json(**kwargs) +Returns a JSON string containing the network configuration. + +To load a network from a JSON save file, use keras.models.model_from_json(json_string, custom_objects={}). + +Arguments + +**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to json.dumps(). +Returns + +A JSON string. + +model_from_json function +tf.keras.models.model_from_json(json_string, custom_objects=None) +Parses a JSON model configuration string and returns a model instance. + +Usage: + + +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential([ +... tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, input_shape=(3,)), +... tf.keras.layers.Softmax()]) +>>> config = model.to_json() +>>> loaded_model = tf.keras.models.model_from_json(config) + +Arguments + +json_string: JSON string encoding a model configuration. +custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. +Returns + +A Keras model instance (uncompiled). + +clone_model function +tf.keras.models.clone_model(model, input_tensors=None, clone_function=None) +Clone a Functional or Sequential Model instance. + +Model cloning is similar to calling a model on new inputs, except that it creates new layers (and thus new weights) instead of sharing the weights of the existing layers. + +Note that clone_model will not preserve the uniqueness of shared objects within the model (e.g. a single variable attached to two distinct layers will be restored as two separate variables). + +Arguments + +model: Instance of Model (could be a Functional model or a Sequential model). +input_tensors: optional list of input tensors or InputLayer objects to build the model upon. If not provided, new Input objects will be created. +clone_function: Callable to be used to clone each layer in the target model (except InputLayer instances). It takes as argument the layer instance to be cloned, and returns the corresponding layer instance to be used in the model copy. If unspecified, this callable defaults to the following serialization/deserialization function: lambda layer: layer.__class__.from_config(layer.get_config()). By passing a custom callable, you can customize your copy of the model, e.g. by wrapping certain layers of interest (you might want to replace all LSTM instances with equivalent Bidirectional(LSTM(...)) instances, for example). +Returns + +An instance of Model reproducing the behavior of the original model, on top of new inputs tensors, using newly instantiated weights. The cloned model may behave differently from the original model if a custom clone_function modifies the layer. + +Example + +# Create a test Sequential model. +model = keras.Sequential([ + keras.Input(shape=(728,)), + keras.layers.Dense(32, activation='relu'), + keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'), +]) +# Create a copy of the test model (with freshly initialized weights). +new_model = clone_model(model) +Note that subclassed models cannot be cloned, since their internal layer structure is not known. To achieve equivalent functionality as clone_model in the case of a subclassed model, simply make sure that the model class implements get_config() (and optionally from_config()), and call: + +new_model = model.__class__.from_config(model.get_config())The Model class +Model class +tf.keras.Model() +Model groups layers into an object with training and inference features. + +Arguments + +inputs: The input(s) of the model: a keras.Input object or list of keras.Input objects. +outputs: The output(s) of the model. See Functional API example below. +name: String, the name of the model. +There are two ways to instantiate a Model: + +1 - With the "Functional API", where you start from Input, you chain layer calls to specify the model's forward pass, and finally you create your model from inputs and outputs: + +import tensorflow as tf + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(3,)) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, activation=tf.nn.relu)(inputs) +outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation=tf.nn.softmax)(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) +2 - By subclassing the Model class: in that case, you should define your layers in __init__ and you should implement the model's forward pass in call. + +import tensorflow as tf + +class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): + + def __init__(self): + super(MyModel, self).__init__() + self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, activation=tf.nn.relu) + self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation=tf.nn.softmax) + + def call(self, inputs): + x = self.dense1(inputs) + return self.dense2(x) + +model = MyModel() +If you subclass Model, you can optionally have a training argument (boolean) in call, which you can use to specify a different behavior in training and inference: + +import tensorflow as tf + +class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): + + def __init__(self): + super(MyModel, self).__init__() + self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, activation=tf.nn.relu) + self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, activation=tf.nn.softmax) + self.dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5) + + def call(self, inputs, training=False): + x = self.dense1(inputs) + if training: + x = self.dropout(x, training=training) + return self.dense2(x) + +model = MyModel() +Once the model is created, you can config the model with losses and metrics with model.compile(), train the model with model.fit(), or use the model to do prediction with model.predict(). + +summary method +Model.summary(line_length=None, positions=None, print_fn=None) +Prints a string summary of the network. + +Arguments + +line_length: Total length of printed lines (e.g. set this to adapt the display to different terminal window sizes). +positions: Relative or absolute positions of log elements in each line. If not provided, defaults to [.33, .55, .67, 1.]. +print_fn: Print function to use. Defaults to print. It will be called on each line of the summary. You can set it to a custom function in order to capture the string summary. +Raises + +ValueError: if summary() is called before the model is built. +get_layer method +Model.get_layer(name=None, index=None) +Retrieves a layer based on either its name (unique) or index. + +If name and index are both provided, index will take precedence. Indices are based on order of horizontal graph traversal (bottom-up). + +Arguments + +name: String, name of layer. +index: Integer, index of layer. +Returns + +A layer instance. + +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid layer name or index.The Sequential class +Sequential class +tf.keras.Sequential(layers=None, name=None) +Sequential groups a linear stack of layers into a tf.keras.Model. + +Sequential provides training and inference features on this model. + +Examples + + +>>> # Optionally, the first layer can receive an `input_shape` argument: +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, input_shape=(16,))) +>>> # Afterwards, we do automatic shape inference: +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)) + + +>>> # This is identical to the following: +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.Input(shape=(16,))) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)) + + +>>> # Note that you can also omit the `input_shape` argument. +>>> # In that case the model doesn't have any weights until the first call +>>> # to a training/evaluation method (since it isn't yet built): +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)) +>>> # model.weights not created yet + + +>>> # Whereas if you specify the input shape, the model gets built +>>> # continuously as you are adding layers: +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, input_shape=(16,))) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)) +>>> len(model.weights) +4 + + +>>> # When using the delayed-build pattern (no input shape specified), you can +>>> # choose to manually build your model by calling +>>> # `build(batch_input_shape)`: +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential() +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)) +>>> model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(4)) +>>> model.build((None, 16)) +>>> len(model.weights) +4 + +# Note that when using the delayed-build pattern (no input shape specified), +# the model gets built the first time you call `fit`, `eval`, or `predict`, +# or the first time you call the model on some input data. +model = tf.keras.Sequential() +model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(8)) +model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)) +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse') +# This builds the model for the first time: +model.fit(x, y, batch_size=32, epochs=10) +add method +Sequential.add(layer) +Adds a layer instance on top of the layer stack. + +Arguments + +layer: layer instance. +Raises + +TypeError: If layer is not a layer instance. +ValueError: In case the layer argument does not know its input shape. +ValueError: In case the layer argument has multiple output tensors, or is already connected somewhere else (forbidden in Sequential models). +pop method +Sequential.pop() +Removes the last layer in the model. + +Raises + +TypeError: if there are no layers in the model. +SGD +SGD class +tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( + learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.0, nesterov=False, name="SGD", **kwargs +) +Gradient descent (with momentum) optimizer. + +Update rule for parameter w with gradient g when momentum is 0: + +w = w - learning_rate * g +Update rule when momentum is larger than 0: + +velocity = momentum * velocity - learning_rate * g +w = w + velocity +When nesterov=True, this rule becomes: + +velocity = momentum * velocity - learning_rate * g +w = w + momentum * velocity - learning_rate * g +Arguments + +learning_rate: A Tensor, floating point value, or a schedule that is a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule, or a callable that takes no arguments and returns the actual value to use. The learning rate. Defaults to 0.01. +momentum: float hyperparameter >= 0 that accelerates gradient descent in the relevant direction and dampens oscillations. Defaults to 0, i.e., vanilla gradient descent. +nesterov: boolean. Whether to apply Nesterov momentum. Defaults to False. +name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "SGD". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradients by value. +Usage: + + +>>> opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) +>>> var = tf.Variable(1.0) +>>> loss = lambda: (var ** 2)/2.0 # d(loss)/d(var1) = var1 +>>> step_count = opt.minimize(loss, [var]).numpy() +>>> # Step is `- learning_rate * grad` +>>> var.numpy() +0.9 + + +>>> opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1, momentum=0.9) +>>> var = tf.Variable(1.0) +>>> val0 = var.value() +>>> loss = lambda: (var ** 2)/2.0 # d(loss)/d(var1) = var1 +>>> # First step is `- learning_rate * grad` +>>> step_count = opt.minimize(loss, [var]).numpy() +>>> val1 = var.value() +>>> (val0 - val1).numpy() +0.1 +>>> # On later steps, step-size increases because of momentum +>>> step_count = opt.minimize(loss, [var]).numpy() +>>> val2 = var.value() +>>> (val1 - val2).numpy() +0.18 + +Reference + +For nesterov=True, See Sutskever et al., 2013.Adadelta +Adadelta class +tf.keras.optimizers.Adadelta( + learning_rate=0.001, rho=0.95, epsilon=1e-07, name="Adadelta", **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the Adadelta algorithm. + +Adadelta optimization is a stochastic gradient descent method that is based on adaptive learning rate per dimension to address two drawbacks: + +The continual decay of learning rates throughout training. +The need for a manually selected global learning rate. +Adadelta is a more robust extension of Adagrad that adapts learning rates based on a moving window of gradient updates, instead of accumulating all past gradients. This way, Adadelta continues learning even when many updates have been done. Compared to Adagrad, in the original version of Adadelta you don't have to set an initial learning rate. In this version, the initial learning rate can be set, as in most other Keras optimizers. + +Arguments + +learning_rate: Initial value for the learning rate: either a floating point value, or a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule instance. Defaults to 0.001. Note that Adadelta tends to benefit from higher initial learning rate values compared to other optimizers. To match the exact form in the original paper, use 1.0. +rho: A Tensor or a floating point value. The decay rate. +epsilon: Small floating point value used to maintain numerical stability. +name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "Adadelta". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm and represents the maximum norm of each parameter; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradient by value and represents the maximum absolute value of each parameter. +Reference + +Zeiler, 2012Adam +Adam class +tf.keras.optimizers.Adam( + learning_rate=0.001, + beta_1=0.9, + beta_2=0.999, + epsilon=1e-07, + amsgrad=False, + name="Adam", + **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm. + +Adam optimization is a stochastic gradient descent method that is based on adaptive estimation of first-order and second-order moments. + +According to Kingma et al., 2014, the method is "computationally efficient, has little memory requirement, invariant to diagonal rescaling of gradients, and is well suited for problems that are large in terms of data/parameters". + +Arguments + +learning_rate: A Tensor, floating point value, or a schedule that is a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule, or a callable that takes no arguments and returns the actual value to use, The learning rate. Defaults to 0.001. +beta_1: A float value or a constant float tensor, or a callable that takes no arguments and returns the actual value to use. The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. Defaults to 0.9. +beta_2: A float value or a constant float tensor, or a callable that takes no arguments and returns the actual value to use, The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates. Defaults to 0.999. +epsilon: A small constant for numerical stability. This epsilon is "epsilon hat" in the Kingma and Ba paper (in the formula just before Section 2.1), not the epsilon in Algorithm 1 of the paper. Defaults to 1e-7. +amsgrad: Boolean. Whether to apply AMSGrad variant of this algorithm from the paper "On the Convergence of Adam and beyond". Defaults to False. +name: Optional name for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "Adam". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradients by value. +Usage: + + +>>> opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.1) +>>> var1 = tf.Variable(10.0) +>>> loss = lambda: (var1 ** 2)/2.0 # d(loss)/d(var1) == var1 +>>> step_count = opt.minimize(loss, [var1]).numpy() +>>> # The first step is `-learning_rate*sign(grad)` +>>> var1.numpy() +9.9 + +Reference + +Kingma et al., 2014 +Reddi et al., 2018 for amsgrad. +Notes: + +The default value of 1e-7 for epsilon might not be a good default in general. For example, when training an Inception network on ImageNet a current good choice is 1.0 or 0.1. Note that since Adam uses the formulation just before Section 2.1 of the Kingma and Ba paper rather than the formulation in Algorithm 1, the "epsilon" referred to here is "epsilon hat" in the paper. + +The sparse implementation of this algorithm (used when the gradient is an IndexedSlices object, typically because of tf.gather or an embedding lookup in the forward pass) does apply momentum to variable slices even if they were not used in the forward pass (meaning they have a gradient equal to zero). Momentum decay (beta1) is also applied to the entire momentum accumulator. This means that the sparse behavior is equivalent to the dense behavior (in contrast to some momentum implementations which ignore momentum unless a variable slice was actually used). + +RMSprop +RMSprop class +tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop( + learning_rate=0.001, + rho=0.9, + momentum=0.0, + epsilon=1e-07, + centered=False, + name="RMSprop", + **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the RMSprop algorithm. + +The gist of RMSprop is to: + +Maintain a moving (discounted) average of the square of gradients +Divide the gradient by the root of this average +This implementation of RMSprop uses plain momentum, not Nesterov momentum. + +The centered version additionally maintains a moving average of the gradients, and uses that average to estimate the variance. + +Arguments + +learning_rate: A Tensor, floating point value, or a schedule that is a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule, or a callable that takes no arguments and returns the actual value to use. The learning rate. Defaults to 0.001. +rho: Discounting factor for the history/coming gradient. Defaults to 0.9. +momentum: A scalar or a scalar Tensor. Defaults to 0.0. +epsilon: A small constant for numerical stability. This epsilon is "epsilon hat" in the Kingma and Ba paper (in the formula just before Section 2.1), not the epsilon in Algorithm 1 of the paper. Defaults to 1e-7. +centered: Boolean. If True, gradients are normalized by the estimated variance of the gradient; if False, by the uncentered second moment. Setting this to True may help with training, but is slightly more expensive in terms of computation and memory. Defaults to False. +name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "RMSprop". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradients by value. +Note that in the dense implementation of this algorithm, variables and their corresponding accumulators (momentum, gradient moving average, square gradient moving average) will be updated even if the gradient is zero (i.e. accumulators will decay, momentum will be applied). The sparse implementation (used when the gradient is an IndexedSlices object, typically because of tf.gather or an embedding lookup in the forward pass) will not update variable slices or their accumulators unless those slices were used in the forward pass (nor is there an "eventual" correction to account for these omitted updates). This leads to more efficient updates for large embedding lookup tables (where most of the slices are not accessed in a particular graph execution), but differs from the published algorithm. + +Usage: + + +>>> opt = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(learning_rate=0.1) +>>> var1 = tf.Variable(10.0) +>>> loss = lambda: (var1 ** 2) / 2.0 # d(loss) / d(var1) = var1 +>>> step_count = opt.minimize(loss, [var1]).numpy() +>>> var1.numpy() +9.683772 + +Reference + +Hinton, 2012 +Adamax +Adamax class +tf.keras.optimizers.Adamax( + learning_rate=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-07, name="Adamax", **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the Adamax algorithm. + +It is a variant of Adam based on the infinity norm. Default parameters follow those provided in the paper. Adamax is sometimes superior to adam, specially in models with embeddings. + +Initialization: + +m = 0 # Initialize initial 1st moment vector +v = 0 # Initialize the exponentially weighted infinity norm +t = 0 # Initialize timestep +The update rule for parameter w with gradient g is described at the end of section 7.1 of the paper: + +t += 1 +m = beta1 * m + (1 - beta) * g +v = max(beta2 * v, abs(g)) +current_lr = learning_rate / (1 - beta1 ** t) +w = w - current_lr * m / (v + epsilon) +Similarly to Adam, the epsilon is added for numerical stability (especially to get rid of division by zero when v_t == 0). + +In contrast to Adam, the sparse implementation of this algorithm (used when the gradient is an IndexedSlices object, typically because of tf.gather or an embedding lookup in the forward pass) only updates variable slices and corresponding m_t, v_t terms when that part of the variable was used in the forward pass. This means that the sparse behavior is contrast to the dense behavior (similar to some momentum implementations which ignore momentum unless a variable slice was actually used). + +Arguments + +learning_rate: A Tensor, floating point value, or a schedule that is a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule. The learning rate. +beta_1: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. +beta_2: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential decay rate for the exponentially weighted infinity norm. +epsilon: A small constant for numerical stability. +name: Optional name for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "Adamax". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradients by value. +Reference + +Kingma et al., 2014 +Ftrl +Ftrl class +tf.keras.optimizers.Ftrl( + learning_rate=0.001, + learning_rate_power=-0.5, + initial_accumulator_value=0.1, + l1_regularization_strength=0.0, + l2_regularization_strength=0.0, + name="Ftrl", + l2_shrinkage_regularization_strength=0.0, + beta=0.0, + **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the FTRL algorithm. + +"Follow The Regularized Leader" (FTRL) is an optimization algorithm developed at Google for click-through rate prediction in the early 2010s. It is most suitable for shallow models with large and sparse feature spaces. The algorithm is described in this paper. The Keras version has support for both online L2 regularization (the L2 regularization described in the paper above) and shrinkage-type L2 regularization (which is the addition of an L2 penalty to the loss function). + +Initialization: + +n = 0 +sigma = 0 +z = 0 +Update rule for one variable w: + +prev_n = n +n = n + g ** 2 +sigma = (sqrt(n) - sqrt(prev_n)) / lr +z = z + g - sigma * w +if abs(z) < lambda_1: + w = 0 +else: + w = (sgn(z) * lambda_1 - z) / ((beta + sqrt(n)) / alpha + lambda_2) +Notation: + +lr is the learning rate +g is the gradient for the variable +lambda_1 is the L1 regularization strength +lambda_2 is the L2 regularization strength +Check the documentation for the l2_shrinkage_regularization_strength parameter for more details when shrinkage is enabled, in which case gradient is replaced with a gradient with shrinkage. + +Arguments + +learning_rate: A Tensor, floating point value, or a schedule that is a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule. The learning rate. +learning_rate_power: A float value, must be less or equal to zero. Controls how the learning rate decreases during training. Use zero for a fixed learning rate. +initial_accumulator_value: The starting value for accumulators. Only zero or positive values are allowed. +l1_regularization_strength: A float value, must be greater than or equal to zero. Defaults to 0.0. +l2_regularization_strength: A float value, must be greater than or equal to zero. Defaults to 0.0. +name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "Ftrl". +l2_shrinkage_regularization_strength: A float value, must be greater than or equal to zero. This differs from L2 above in that the L2 above is a stabilization penalty, whereas this L2 shrinkage is a magnitude penalty. When input is sparse shrinkage will only happen on the active weights. +beta: A float value, representing the beta value from the paper. Defaults to 0.0. +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradients by value. +Reference + +Original paper +Nadam +Nadam class +tf.keras.optimizers.Nadam( + learning_rate=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-07, name="Nadam", **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the NAdam algorithm. Much like Adam is essentially RMSprop with momentum, Nadam is Adam with Nesterov momentum. + +Arguments + +learning_rate: A Tensor or a floating point value. The learning rate. +beta_1: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. +beta_2: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential decay rate for the exponentially weighted infinity norm. +epsilon: A small constant for numerical stability. +name: Optional name for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "Nadam". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradients by value. +Usage # Example + +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Nadam(learning_rate=0.2) var1 = tf.Variable(10.0) loss = lambda: (var1 ** 2) / 2.0 step_count = opt.minimize(loss, [var1]).numpy() "{:.1f}".format(var1.numpy()) 9.8 + +Reference + +Dozat, 2015. +Adagrad +Adagrad class +tf.keras.optimizers.Adagrad( + learning_rate=0.001, + initial_accumulator_value=0.1, + epsilon=1e-07, + name="Adagrad", + **kwargs +) +Optimizer that implements the Adagrad algorithm. + +Adagrad is an optimizer with parameter-specific learning rates, which are adapted relative to how frequently a parameter gets updated during training. The more updates a parameter receives, the smaller the updates. + +Arguments + +learning_rate: Initial value for the learning rate: either a floating point value, or a tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule instance. Defaults to 0.001. Note that Adagrad tends to benefit from higher initial learning rate values compared to other optimizers. To match the exact form in the original paper, use 1.0. +initial_accumulator_value: Floating point value. Starting value for the accumulators (per-parameter momentum values). Must be non-negative. +epsilon: Small floating point value used to maintain numerical stability. +name: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "Adagrad". +**kwargs: Keyword arguments. Allowed to be one of "clipnorm" or "clipvalue". "clipnorm" (float) clips gradients by norm and represents the maximum L2 norm of each weight variable; "clipvalue" (float) clips gradient by value and represents the maximum absolute value of each weight variable. +Reference + +Duchi et al., 2011.TerminateOnNaN +TerminateOnNaN class +tf.keras.callbacks.TerminateOnNaN() +Callback that terminates training when a NaN loss is encountered. + +ProgbarLogger +ProgbarLogger class +tf.keras.callbacks.ProgbarLogger(count_mode="samples", stateful_metrics=None) +Callback that prints metrics to stdout. + +Arguments + +count_mode: One of "steps" or "samples". Whether the progress bar should count samples seen or steps (batches) seen. +stateful_metrics: Iterable of string names of metrics that should not be averaged over an epoch. Metrics in this list will be logged as-is. All others will be averaged over time (e.g. loss, etc). If not provided, defaults to the Model's metrics. +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid count_mode. +ModelCheckpoint +ModelCheckpoint class +tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( + filepath, + monitor="val_loss", + verbose=0, + save_best_only=False, + save_weights_only=False, + mode="auto", + save_freq="epoch", + options=None, + **kwargs +) +Callback to save the Keras model or model weights at some frequency. + +ModelCheckpoint callback is used in conjunction with training using model.fit() to save a model or weights (in a checkpoint file) at some interval, so the model or weights can be loaded later to continue the training from the state saved. + +A few options this callback provides include: + +Whether to only keep the model that has achieved the "best performance" so far, or whether to save the model at the end of every epoch regardless of performance. +Definition of 'best'; which quantity to monitor and whether it should be maximized or minimized. +The frequency it should save at. Currently, the callback supports saving at the end of every epoch, or after a fixed number of training batches. +Whether only weights are saved, or the whole model is saved. +Note: If you get WARNING:tensorflow:Can save best model only with available, skipping see the description of the monitor argument for details on how to get this right. + +Example + +model.compile(loss=..., optimizer=..., + metrics=['accuracy']) + +EPOCHS = 10 +checkpoint_filepath = '/tmp/checkpoint' +model_checkpoint_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( + filepath=checkpoint_filepath, + save_weights_only=True, + monitor='val_accuracy', + mode='max', + save_best_only=True) + +# Model weights are saved at the end of every epoch, if it's the best seen +# so far. +model.fit(epochs=EPOCHS, callbacks=[model_checkpoint_callback]) + +# The model weights (that are considered the best) are loaded into the model. +model.load_weights(checkpoint_filepath) +Arguments + +filepath: string or PathLike, path to save the model file. e.g. filepath = os.path.join(working_dir, 'ckpt', file_name). filepath can contain named formatting options, which will be filled the value of epoch and keys in logs (passed in on_epoch_end). For example: if filepath is weights.{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.2f}.hdf5, then the model checkpoints will be saved with the epoch number and the validation loss in the filename. The directory of the filepath should not be reused by any other callbacks to avoid conflicts. +monitor: The metric name to monitor. Typically the metrics are set by the Model.compile method. Note: + +Prefix the name with "val_" to monitor validation metrics. +Use "loss" or "val_loss" to monitor the model's total loss. +If you specify metrics as strings, like "accuracy", pass the same string (with or without the "val_" prefix). +If you pass metrics.Metric objects, monitor should be set to metric.name +If you're not sure about the metric names you can check the contents of the history.history dictionary returned by history = model.fit() +Multi-output models set additional prefixes on the metric names. +verbose: verbosity mode, 0 or 1. +save_best_only: if save_best_only=True, it only saves when the model is considered the "best" and the latest best model according to the quantity monitored will not be overwritten. If filepath doesn't contain formatting options like {epoch} then filepath will be overwritten by each new better model. +mode: one of {'auto', 'min', 'max'}. If save_best_only=True, the decision to overwrite the current save file is made based on either the maximization or the minimization of the monitored quantity. For val_acc, this should be max, for val_loss this should be min, etc. In auto mode, the mode is set to max if the quantities monitored are 'acc' or start with 'fmeasure' and are set to min for the rest of the quantities. +save_weights_only: if True, then only the model's weights will be saved (model.save_weights(filepath)), else the full model is saved (model.save(filepath)). +save_freq: 'epoch' or integer. When using 'epoch', the callback saves the model after each epoch. When using integer, the callback saves the model at end of this many batches. If the Model is compiled with steps_per_execution=N, then the saving criteria will be checked every Nth batch. Note that if the saving isn't aligned to epochs, the monitored metric may potentially be less reliable (it could reflect as little as 1 batch, since the metrics get reset every epoch). Defaults to 'epoch'. +options: Optional tf.train.CheckpointOptions object if save_weights_only is true or optional tf.saved_model.SaveOptions object if save_weights_only is false. +**kwargs: Additional arguments for backwards compatibility. Possible key is period.LearningRateScheduler +LearningRateScheduler class +tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(schedule, verbose=0) +Learning rate scheduler. + +At the beginning of every epoch, this callback gets the updated learning rate value from schedule function provided at __init__, with the current epoch and current learning rate, and applies the updated learning rate on the optimizer. + +Arguments + +schedule: a function that takes an epoch index (integer, indexed from 0) and current learning rate (float) as inputs and returns a new learning rate as output (float). +verbose: int. 0: quiet, 1: update messages. +Example + + +>>> # This function keeps the initial learning rate for the first ten epochs +>>> # and decreases it exponentially after that. +>>> def scheduler(epoch, lr): +... if epoch < 10: +... return lr +... else: +... return lr * tf.math.exp(-0.1) +>>> +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)]) +>>> model.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(), loss='mse') +>>> round(model.optimizer.lr.numpy(), 5) +0.01 + + +>>> callback = tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(scheduler) +>>> history = model.fit(np.arange(100).reshape(5, 20), np.zeros(5), +... epochs=15, callbacks=[callback], verbose=0) +>>> round(model.optimizer.lr.numpy(), 5) +0.00607ReduceLROnPlateau +ReduceLROnPlateau class +tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau( + monitor="val_loss", + factor=0.1, + patience=10, + verbose=0, + mode="auto", + min_delta=0.0001, + cooldown=0, + min_lr=0, + **kwargs +) +Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving. + +Models often benefit from reducing the learning rate by a factor of 2-10 once learning stagnates. This callback monitors a quantity and if no improvement is seen for a 'patience' number of epochs, the learning rate is reduced. + +Example + +reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.2, + patience=5, min_lr=0.001) +model.fit(X_train, Y_train, callbacks=[reduce_lr]) +Arguments + +monitor: quantity to be monitored. +factor: factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. new_lr = lr * factor. +patience: number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced. +verbose: int. 0: quiet, 1: update messages. +mode: one of {'auto', 'min', 'max'}. In 'min' mode, the learning rate will be reduced when the quantity monitored has stopped decreasing; in 'max' mode it will be reduced when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing; in 'auto' mode, the direction is automatically inferred from the name of the monitored quantity. +min_delta: threshold for measuring the new optimum, to only focus on significant changes. +cooldown: number of epochs to wait before resuming normal operation after lr has been reduced. +min_lr: lower bound on the learning rate. +CSVLogger +CSVLogger class +tf.keras.callbacks.CSVLogger(filename, separator=",", append=False) +Callback that streams epoch results to a CSV file. + +Supports all values that can be represented as a string, including 1D iterables such as np.ndarray. + +Example + +csv_logger = CSVLogger('training.log') +model.fit(X_train, Y_train, callbacks=[csv_logger]) +Arguments + +filename: Filename of the CSV file, e.g. 'run/log.csv'. +separator: String used to separate elements in the CSV file. +append: Boolean. True: append if file exists (useful for continuing training). False: overwrite existing file. +LambdaCallback +LambdaCallback class +tf.keras.callbacks.LambdaCallback( + on_epoch_begin=None, + on_epoch_end=None, + on_batch_begin=None, + on_batch_end=None, + on_train_begin=None, + on_train_end=None, + **kwargs +) +Callback for creating simple, custom callbacks on-the-fly. + +This callback is constructed with anonymous functions that will be called at the appropriate time (during Model.{fit | evaluate | predict}). Note that the callbacks expects positional arguments, as: + +on_epoch_begin and on_epoch_end expect two positional arguments: epoch, logs +on_batch_begin and on_batch_end expect two positional arguments: batch, logs +on_train_begin and on_train_end expect one positional argument: logs +Arguments + +on_epoch_begin: called at the beginning of every epoch. +on_epoch_end: called at the end of every epoch. +on_batch_begin: called at the beginning of every batch. +on_batch_end: called at the end of every batch. +on_train_begin: called at the beginning of model training. +on_train_end: called at the end of model training. +Example + +# Print the batch number at the beginning of every batch. +batch_print_callback = LambdaCallback( + on_batch_begin=lambda batch,logs: print(batch)) + +# Stream the epoch loss to a file in JSON format. The file content +# is not well-formed JSON but rather has a JSON object per line. +import json +json_log = open('loss_log.json', mode='wt', buffering=1) +json_logging_callback = LambdaCallback( + on_epoch_end=lambda epoch, logs: json_log.write( + json.dumps({'epoch': epoch, 'loss': logs['loss']}) + '\n'), + on_train_end=lambda logs: json_log.close() +) + +# Terminate some processes after having finished model training. +processes = ... +cleanup_callback = LambdaCallback( + on_train_end=lambda logs: [ + p.terminate() for p in processes if p.is_alive()]) + +model.fit(..., + callbacks=[batch_print_callback, + json_logging_callback, + cleanup_callback]) +TensorBoard +TensorBoard class +tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard( + log_dir="logs", + histogram_freq=0, + write_graph=True, + write_images=False, + write_steps_per_second=False, + update_freq="epoch", + profile_batch=2, + embeddings_freq=0, + embeddings_metadata=None, + **kwargs +) +Enable visualizations for TensorBoard. + +TensorBoard is a visualization tool provided with TensorFlow. + +This callback logs events for TensorBoard, including: + +Metrics summary plots +Training graph visualization +Activation histograms +Sampled profiling +When used in Model.evaluate, in addition to epoch summaries, there will be a summary that records evaluation metrics vs Model.optimizer.iterations written. The metric names will be prepended with evaluation, with Model.optimizer.iterations being the step in the visualized TensorBoard. + +If you have installed TensorFlow with pip, you should be able to launch TensorBoard from the command line: + +tensorboard --logdir=path_to_your_logs +You can find more information about TensorBoard here. + +Arguments + +log_dir: the path of the directory where to save the log files to be parsed by TensorBoard. e.g. log_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'logs') This directory should not be reused by any other callbacks. +histogram_freq: frequency (in epochs) at which to compute activation and weight histograms for the layers of the model. If set to 0, histograms won't be computed. Validation data (or split) must be specified for histogram visualizations. +write_graph: whether to visualize the graph in TensorBoard. The log file can become quite large when write_graph is set to True. +write_images: whether to write model weights to visualize as image in TensorBoard. +write_steps_per_second: whether to log the training steps per second into Tensorboard. This supports both epoch and batch frequency logging. +update_freq: 'batch' or 'epoch' or integer. When using 'batch', writes the losses and metrics to TensorBoard after each batch. The same applies for 'epoch'. If using an integer, let's say 1000, the callback will write the metrics and losses to TensorBoard every 1000 batches. Note that writing too frequently to TensorBoard can slow down your training. +profile_batch: Profile the batch(es) to sample compute characteristics. profile_batch must be a non-negative integer or a tuple of integers. A pair of positive integers signify a range of batches to profile. By default, it will profile the second batch. Set profile_batch=0 to disable profiling. +embeddings_freq: frequency (in epochs) at which embedding layers will be visualized. If set to 0, embeddings won't be visualized. +embeddings_metadata: a dictionary which maps layer name to a file name in which metadata for this embedding layer is saved. See the details about metadata files format. In case if the same metadata file is used for all embedding layers, string can be passed. +Examples + +Basic usage: + +tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir="./logs") +model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=2, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback]) +# Then run the tensorboard command to view the visualizations. +Custom batch-level summaries in a subclassed Model: + +class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): + + def build(self, _): + self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) + + def call(self, x): + outputs = self.dense(x) + tf.summary.histogram('outputs', outputs) + return outputs + +model = MyModel() +model.compile('sgd', 'mse') + +# Make sure to set `update_freq=N` to log a batch-level summary every N batches. +# In addition to any `tf.summary` contained in `Model.call`, metrics added in +# `Model.compile` will be logged every N batches. +tb_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard('./logs', update_freq=1) +model.fit(x_train, y_train, callbacks=[tb_callback]) +Custom batch-level summaries in a Functional API Model: + +def my_summary(x): + tf.summary.histogram('x', x) + return x + +inputs = tf.keras.Input(10) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs) +outputs = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(my_summary)(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +model.compile('sgd', 'mse') + +# Make sure to set `update_freq=N` to log a batch-level summary every N batches. +# In addition to any `tf.summary` contained in `Model.call`, metrics added in +# `Model.compile` will be logged every N batches. +tb_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard('./logs', update_freq=1) +model.fit(x_train, y_train, callbacks=[tb_callback]) +Profiling: + +# Profile a single batch, e.g. the 5th batch. +tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard( + log_dir='./logs', profile_batch=5) +model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=2, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback]) + +# Profile a range of batches, e.g. from 10 to 20. +tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard( + log_dir='./logs', profile_batch=(10,20)) +model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=2, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback])EarlyStopping +EarlyStopping class +tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping( + monitor="val_loss", + min_delta=0, + patience=0, + verbose=0, + mode="auto", + baseline=None, + restore_best_weights=False, +) +Stop training when a monitored metric has stopped improving. + +Assuming the goal of a training is to minimize the loss. With this, the metric to be monitored would be 'loss', and mode would be 'min'. A model.fit() training loop will check at end of every epoch whether the loss is no longer decreasing, considering the min_delta and patience if applicable. Once it's found no longer decreasing, model.stop_training is marked True and the training terminates. + +The quantity to be monitored needs to be available in logs dict. To make it so, pass the loss or metrics at model.compile(). + +Arguments + +monitor: Quantity to be monitored. +min_delta: Minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement, i.e. an absolute change of less than min_delta, will count as no improvement. +patience: Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped. +verbose: verbosity mode. +mode: One of {"auto", "min", "max"}. In min mode, training will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped decreasing; in "max" mode it will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing; in "auto" mode, the direction is automatically inferred from the name of the monitored quantity. +baseline: Baseline value for the monitored quantity. Training will stop if the model doesn't show improvement over the baseline. +restore_best_weights: Whether to restore model weights from the epoch with the best value of the monitored quantity. If False, the model weights obtained at the last step of training are used. An epoch will be restored regardless of the performance relative to the baseline. If no epoch improves on baseline, training will run for patience epochs and restore weights from the best epoch in that set. +Example + + +>>> callback = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='loss', patience=3) +>>> # This callback will stop the training when there is no improvement in +>>> # the loss for three consecutive epochs. +>>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)]) +>>> model.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(), loss='mse') +>>> history = model.fit(np.arange(100).reshape(5, 20), np.zeros(5), +... epochs=10, batch_size=1, callbacks=[callback], +... verbose=0) +>>> len(history.history['loss']) # Only 4 epochs are run. +4 + +RemoteMonitor +RemoteMonitor class +tf.keras.callbacks.RemoteMonitor( + root="http://localhost:9000", + path="/publish/epoch/end/", + field="data", + headers=None, + send_as_json=False, +) +Callback used to stream events to a server. + +Requires the requests library. Events are sent to root + '/publish/epoch/end/' by default. Calls are HTTP POST, with a data argument which is a JSON-encoded dictionary of event data. If send_as_json=True, the content type of the request will be "application/json". Otherwise the serialized JSON will be sent within a form. + +Arguments + +root: String; root url of the target server. +path: String; path relative to root to which the events will be sent. +field: String; JSON field under which the data will be stored. The field is used only if the payload is sent within a form (i.e. send_as_json is set to False). +headers: Dictionary; optional custom HTTP headers. +send_as_json: Boolean; whether the request should be sent as "application/json". +Base Callback class +Callback class +tf.keras.callbacks.Callback() +Abstract base class used to build new callbacks. + +Callbacks can be passed to keras methods such as fit, evaluate, and predict in order to hook into the various stages of the model training and inference lifecycle. + +To create a custom callback, subclass keras.callbacks.Callback and override the method associated with the stage of interest. See https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras/custom_callback for more information. + +Example + + +>>> training_finished = False +>>> class MyCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): +... def on_train_end(self, logs=None): +... global training_finished +... training_finished = True +>>> model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, input_shape=(1,))]) +>>> model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error') +>>> model.fit(tf.constant([[1.0]]), tf.constant([[1.0]]), +... callbacks=[MyCallback()]) +>>> assert training_finished == True + +Attributes + +params: Dict. Training parameters (eg. verbosity, batch size, number of epochs...). +model: Instance of keras.models.Model. Reference of the model being trained. +The logs dictionary that callback methods take as argument will contain keys for quantities relevant to the current batch or epoch (see method-specific docstrings).Regression losses +MeanSquaredError class +tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(reduction="auto", name="mean_squared_error") +Computes the mean of squares of errors between labels and predictions. + +loss = square(y_true - y_pred) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 1.], [1., 0.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() +>>> mse(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.5 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> mse(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.7, 0.3]).numpy() +0.25 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> mse(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.0 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> mse(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()) +MeanAbsoluteError class +tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError( + reduction="auto", name="mean_absolute_error" +) +Computes the mean of absolute difference between labels and predictions. + +loss = abs(y_true - y_pred) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 1.], [1., 0.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> mae = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError() +>>> mae(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.5 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> mae(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.7, 0.3]).numpy() +0.25 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> mae = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> mae(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.0 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> mae = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> mae(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError()) +MeanAbsolutePercentageError class +tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsolutePercentageError( + reduction="auto", name="mean_absolute_percentage_error" +) +Computes the mean absolute percentage error between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = 100 * abs(y_true - y_pred) / y_true + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[2., 1.], [2., 3.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 1.], [1., 0.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> mape = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsolutePercentageError() +>>> mape(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +50. + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> mape(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.7, 0.3]).numpy() +20. + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> mape = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsolutePercentageError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> mape(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +100. + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> mape = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsolutePercentageError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> mape(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([25., 75.], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', + loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsolutePercentageError()) +MeanSquaredLogarithmicError class +tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError( + reduction="auto", name="mean_squared_logarithmic_error" +) +Computes the mean squared logarithmic error between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = square(log(y_true + 1.) - log(y_pred + 1.)) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 1.], [1., 0.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> msle = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError() +>>> msle(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.240 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> msle(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.7, 0.3]).numpy() +0.120 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> msle = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> msle(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.480 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> msle = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> msle(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.240, 0.240], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', + loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredLogarithmicError()) +CosineSimilarity class +tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity( + axis=-1, reduction="auto", name="cosine_similarity" +) +Computes the cosine similarity between labels and predictions. + +Note that it is a number between -1 and 1. When it is a negative number between -1 and 0, 0 indicates orthogonality and values closer to -1 indicate greater similarity. The values closer to 1 indicate greater dissimilarity. This makes it usable as a loss function in a setting where you try to maximize the proximity between predictions and targets. If either y_true or y_pred is a zero vector, cosine similarity will be 0 regardless of the proximity between predictions and targets. + +loss = -sum(l2_norm(y_true) * l2_norm(y_pred)) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [1., 1.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> cosine_loss = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=1) +>>> # l2_norm(y_true) = [[0., 1.], [1./1.414], 1./1.414]]] +>>> # l2_norm(y_pred) = [[1., 0.], [1./1.414], 1./1.414]]] +>>> # l2_norm(y_true) . l2_norm(y_pred) = [[0., 0.], [0.5, 0.5]] +>>> # loss = mean(sum(l2_norm(y_true) . l2_norm(y_pred), axis=1)) +>>> # = -((0. + 0.) + (0.5 + 0.5)) / 2 +>>> cosine_loss(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +-0.5 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> cosine_loss(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.8, 0.2]).numpy() +-0.0999 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> cosine_loss = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=1, +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> cosine_loss(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +-0.999 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> cosine_loss = tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=1, +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> cosine_loss(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([-0., -0.999], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.CosineSimilarity(axis=1)) +Arguments + +axis: (Optional) Defaults to -1. The dimension along which the cosine similarity is computed. +reduction: (Optional) Type of tf.keras.losses.Reduction to apply to loss. Default value is AUTO. AUTO indicates that the reduction option will be determined by the usage context. For almost all cases this defaults to SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE. When used with tf.distribute.Strategy, outside of built-in training loops such as tf.keras compile and fit, using AUTO or SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE will raise an error. Please see this custom training [tutorial] (https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/distribute/custom_training) for more details. +name: Optional name for the op. +mean_squared_error function +tf.keras.losses.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the mean squared error between labels and predictions. + +After computing the squared distance between the inputs, the mean value over the last dimension is returned. + +loss = mean(square(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> assert np.array_equal( +... loss.numpy(), np.mean(np.square(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Mean squared error values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +mean_absolute_error function +tf.keras.losses.mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the mean absolute error between labels and predictions. + +loss = mean(abs(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> assert np.array_equal( +... loss.numpy(), np.mean(np.abs(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Mean absolute error values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +mean_absolute_percentage_error function +tf.keras.losses.mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the mean absolute percentage error between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = 100 * mean(abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true), axis=-1) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_true = np.maximum(y_true, 1e-7) # Prevent division by zero +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> assert np.array_equal( +... loss.numpy(), +... 100. * np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Mean absolute percentage error values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +mean_squared_logarithmic_error function +tf.keras.losses.mean_squared_logarithmic_error(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the mean squared logarithmic error between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = mean(square(log(y_true + 1) - log(y_pred + 1)), axis=-1) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.mean_squared_logarithmic_error(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> y_true = np.maximum(y_true, 1e-7) +>>> y_pred = np.maximum(y_pred, 1e-7) +>>> assert np.allclose( +... loss.numpy(), +... np.mean( +... np.square(np.log(y_true + 1.) - np.log(y_pred + 1.)), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Mean squared logarithmic error values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +cosine_similarity function +tf.keras.losses.cosine_similarity(y_true, y_pred, axis=-1) +Computes the cosine similarity between labels and predictions. + +Note that it is a number between -1 and 1. When it is a negative number between -1 and 0, 0 indicates orthogonality and values closer to -1 indicate greater similarity. The values closer to 1 indicate greater dissimilarity. This makes it usable as a loss function in a setting where you try to maximize the proximity between predictions and targets. If either y_true or y_pred is a zero vector, cosine similarity will be 0 regardless of the proximity between predictions and targets. + +loss = -sum(l2_norm(y_true) * l2_norm(y_pred)) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 0.], [1., 1.], [-1., -1.]] +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.cosine_similarity(y_true, y_pred, axis=1) +>>> loss.numpy() +array([-0., -0.999, 0.999], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +y_true: Tensor of true targets. +y_pred: Tensor of predicted targets. +axis: Axis along which to determine similarity. +Returns + +Cosine similarity tensor. + +Huber class +tf.keras.losses.Huber(delta=1.0, reduction="auto", name="huber_loss") +Computes the Huber loss between y_true and y_pred. + +For each value x in error = y_true - y_pred: + +loss = 0.5 * x^2 if |x| <= d +loss = 0.5 * d^2 + d * (|x| - d) if |x| > d +where d is delta. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huber_loss + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0, 1], [0, 0]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.6, 0.4], [0.4, 0.6]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.Huber() +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.155 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> h(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[1, 0]).numpy() +0.09 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.Huber( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.31 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.Huber( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.18, 0.13], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.Huber()) +huber function +tf.keras.losses.huber(y_true, y_pred, delta=1.0) +Computes Huber loss value. + +For each value x in error = y_true - y_pred: + +loss = 0.5 * x^2 if |x| <= d +loss = d * |x| - 0.5 * d^2 if |x| > d +where d is delta. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huber_loss + +Arguments + +y_true: tensor of true targets. +y_pred: tensor of predicted targets. +delta: A float, the point where the Huber loss function changes from a quadratic to linear. +Returns + +Tensor with one scalar loss entry per sample. + +LogCosh class +tf.keras.losses.LogCosh(reduction="auto", name="log_cosh") +Computes the logarithm of the hyperbolic cosine of the prediction error. + +logcosh = log((exp(x) + exp(-x))/2), where x is the error y_pred - y_true. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> l = tf.keras.losses.LogCosh() +>>> l(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.108 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> l(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.8, 0.2]).numpy() +0.087 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> l = tf.keras.losses.LogCosh( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> l(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.217 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> l = tf.keras.losses.LogCosh( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> l(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.217, 0.], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.LogCosh()) +log_cosh function +tf.keras.losses.log_cosh(y_true, y_pred) +Logarithm of the hyperbolic cosine of the prediction error. + +log(cosh(x)) is approximately equal to (x ** 2) / 2 for small x and to abs(x) - log(2) for large x. This means that 'logcosh' works mostly like the mean squared error, but will not be so strongly affected by the occasional wildly incorrect prediction. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.logcosh(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> x = y_pred - y_true +>>> assert np.allclose( +... loss.numpy(), +... np.mean(x + np.log(np.exp(-2. * x) + 1.) - math_ops.log(2.), axis=-1), +... atol=1e-5) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Logcosh error values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +Hinge losses for "maximum-margin" classification +Hinge class +tf.keras.losses.Hinge(reduction="auto", name="hinge") +Computes the hinge loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = maximum(1 - y_true * y_pred, 0) + +y_true values are expected to be -1 or 1. If binary (0 or 1) labels are provided we will convert them to -1 or 1. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.6, 0.4], [0.4, 0.6]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.Hinge() +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.3 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> h(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[1, 0]).numpy() +0.55 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.Hinge( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +2.6 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.Hinge( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([1.1, 1.5], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.Hinge()) +SquaredHinge class +tf.keras.losses.SquaredHinge(reduction="auto", name="squared_hinge") +Computes the squared hinge loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = square(maximum(1 - y_true * y_pred, 0)) + +y_true values are expected to be -1 or 1. If binary (0 or 1) labels are provided we will convert them to -1 or 1. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.6, 0.4], [0.4, 0.6]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.SquaredHinge() +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.86 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> h(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[1, 0]).numpy() +0.73 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.SquaredHinge( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +3.72 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.SquaredHinge( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([1.46, 2.26], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.SquaredHinge()) +CategoricalHinge class +tf.keras.losses.CategoricalHinge(reduction="auto", name="categorical_hinge") +Computes the categorical hinge loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = maximum(neg - pos + 1, 0) where neg=maximum((1-y_true)*y_pred) and pos=sum(y_true*y_pred) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0, 1], [0, 0]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.6, 0.4], [0.4, 0.6]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalHinge() +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.4 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> h(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[1, 0]).numpy() +0.6 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalHinge( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +2.8 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> h = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalHinge( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> h(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([1.2, 1.6], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalHinge()) +hinge function +tf.keras.losses.hinge(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the hinge loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = mean(maximum(1 - y_true * y_pred, 0), axis=-1) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.hinge(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> assert np.array_equal( +... loss.numpy(), +... np.mean(np.maximum(1. - y_true * y_pred, 0.), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: The ground truth values. y_true values are expected to be -1 or 1. If binary (0 or 1) labels are provided they will be converted to -1 or 1. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Hinge loss values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +squared_hinge function +tf.keras.losses.squared_hinge(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the squared hinge loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = mean(square(maximum(1 - y_true * y_pred, 0)), axis=-1) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.squared_hinge(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> assert np.array_equal( +... loss.numpy(), +... np.mean(np.square(np.maximum(1. - y_true * y_pred, 0.)), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: The ground truth values. y_true values are expected to be -1 or 1. If binary (0 or 1) labels are provided we will convert them to -1 or 1. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Squared hinge loss values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +categorical_hinge function +tf.keras.losses.categorical_hinge(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the categorical hinge loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = maximum(neg - pos + 1, 0) where neg=maximum((1-y_true)*y_pred) and pos=sum(y_true*y_pred) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 3, size=(2,)) +>>> y_true = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(y_true, num_classes=3) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.categorical_hinge(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> pos = np.sum(y_true * y_pred, axis=-1) +>>> neg = np.amax((1. - y_true) * y_pred, axis=-1) +>>> assert np.array_equal(loss.numpy(), np.maximum(0., neg - pos + 1.)) + +Arguments + +y_true: The ground truth values. y_true values are expected to be either {-1, +1} or {0, 1} (i.e. a one-hot-encoded tensor). +y_pred: The predicted values. +Returns + +Categorical hinge loss values. + +Probabilistic losses +BinaryCrossentropy class +tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy( + from_logits=False, label_smoothing=0, reduction="auto", name="binary_crossentropy" +) +Computes the cross-entropy loss between true labels and predicted labels. + +Use this cross-entropy loss for binary (0 or 1) classification applications. The loss function requires the following inputs: + +y_true (true label): This is either 0 or 1. +y_pred (predicted value): This is the model's prediction, i.e, a single floating-point value which either represents a logit, (i.e, value in [-inf, inf] when from_logits=True) or a probability (i.e, value in [0., 1.] when from_logits=False). +Recommended Usage: (set from_logits=True) + +With tf.keras API: + +model.compile( + loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True), + .... +) +As a standalone function: + + +>>> # Example 1: (batch_size = 1, number of samples = 4) +>>> y_true = [0, 1, 0, 0] +>>> y_pred = [-18.6, 0.51, 2.94, -12.8] +>>> bce = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) +>>> bce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.865 + + +>>> # Example 2: (batch_size = 2, number of samples = 4) +>>> y_true = [[0, 1], [0, 0]] +>>> y_pred = [[-18.6, 0.51], [2.94, -12.8]] +>>> # Using default 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> bce = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) +>>> bce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.865 +>>> # Using 'sample_weight' attribute +>>> bce(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.8, 0.2]).numpy() +0.243 +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction` type. +>>> bce = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True, +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> bce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.730 +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> bce = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True, +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> bce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.235, 1.496], dtype=float32) + +Default Usage: (set from_logits=False) + + +>>> # Make the following updates to the above "Recommended Usage" section +>>> # 1. Set `from_logits=False` +>>> tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy() # OR ...('from_logits=False') +>>> # 2. Update `y_pred` to use probabilities instead of logits +>>> y_pred = [0.6, 0.3, 0.2, 0.8] # OR [[0.6, 0.3], [0.2, 0.8]] + +CategoricalCrossentropy class +tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy( + from_logits=False, + label_smoothing=0, + reduction="auto", + name="categorical_crossentropy", +) +Computes the crossentropy loss between the labels and predictions. + +Use this crossentropy loss function when there are two or more label classes. We expect labels to be provided in a one_hot representation. If you want to provide labels as integers, please use SparseCategoricalCrossentropy loss. There should be # classes floating point values per feature. + +In the snippet below, there is # classes floating pointing values per example. The shape of both y_pred and y_true are [batch_size, num_classes]. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> cce = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy() +>>> cce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.177 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> cce(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=tf.constant([0.3, 0.7])).numpy() +0.814 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> cce = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> cce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +2.354 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> cce = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> cce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.0513, 2.303], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy()) +SparseCategoricalCrossentropy class +tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy( + from_logits=False, reduction="auto", name="sparse_categorical_crossentropy" +) +Computes the crossentropy loss between the labels and predictions. + +Use this crossentropy loss function when there are two or more label classes. We expect labels to be provided as integers. If you want to provide labels using one-hot representation, please use CategoricalCrossentropy loss. There should be # classes floating point values per feature for y_pred and a single floating point value per feature for y_true. + +In the snippet below, there is a single floating point value per example for y_true and # classes floating pointing values per example for y_pred. The shape of y_true is [batch_size] and the shape of y_pred is [batch_size, num_classes]. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [1, 2] +>>> y_pred = [[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> scce = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() +>>> scce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +1.177 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> scce(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=tf.constant([0.3, 0.7])).numpy() +0.814 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> scce = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> scce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +2.354 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> scce = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> scce(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.0513, 2.303], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', + loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy()) +Poisson class +tf.keras.losses.Poisson(reduction="auto", name="poisson") +Computes the Poisson loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = y_pred - y_true * log(y_pred) + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> y_pred = [[1., 1.], [0., 0.]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> p = tf.keras.losses.Poisson() +>>> p(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.5 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> p(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.8, 0.2]).numpy() +0.4 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> p = tf.keras.losses.Poisson( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> p(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.999 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> p = tf.keras.losses.Poisson( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> p(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.999, 0.], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.Poisson()) +binary_crossentropy function +tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy( + y_true, y_pred, from_logits=False, label_smoothing=0 +) +Computes the binary crossentropy loss. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0, 1], [0, 0]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.6, 0.4], [0.4, 0.6]] +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> loss.numpy() +array([0.916 , 0.714], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +from_logits: Whether y_pred is expected to be a logits tensor. By default, we assume that y_pred encodes a probability distribution. +label_smoothing: Float in [0, 1]. If > 0 then smooth the labels by squeezing them towards 0.5 That is, using 1. - 0.5 * label_smoothing for the target class and 0.5 * label_smoothing for the non-target class. +Returns + +Binary crossentropy loss value. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +categorical_crossentropy function +tf.keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy( + y_true, y_pred, from_logits=False, label_smoothing=0 +) +Computes the categorical crossentropy loss. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> loss.numpy() +array([0.0513, 2.303], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +y_true: Tensor of one-hot true targets. +y_pred: Tensor of predicted targets. +from_logits: Whether y_pred is expected to be a logits tensor. By default, we assume that y_pred encodes a probability distribution. +label_smoothing: Float in [0, 1]. If > 0 then smooth the labels. For example, if 0.1, use 0.1 / num_classes for non-target labels and 0.9 + 0.1 / num_classes for target labels. +Returns + +Categorical crossentropy loss value. + +sparse_categorical_crossentropy function +tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy( + y_true, y_pred, from_logits=False, axis=-1 +) +Computes the sparse categorical crossentropy loss. + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [1, 2] +>>> y_pred = [[0.05, 0.95, 0], [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]] +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> loss.numpy() +array([0.0513, 2.303], dtype=float32) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. +y_pred: The predicted values. +from_logits: Whether y_pred is expected to be a logits tensor. By default, we assume that y_pred encodes a probability distribution. +axis: (Optional) Defaults to -1. The dimension along which the entropy is computed. +Returns + +Sparse categorical crossentropy loss value. + +poisson function +tf.keras.losses.poisson(y_true, y_pred) +Computes the Poisson loss between y_true and y_pred. + +The Poisson loss is the mean of the elements of the Tensor y_pred - y_true * log(y_pred). + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(2, 3)) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.poisson(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> y_pred = y_pred + 1e-7 +>>> assert np.allclose( +... loss.numpy(), np.mean(y_pred - y_true * np.log(y_pred), axis=-1), +... atol=1e-5) + +Arguments + +y_true: Ground truth values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +y_pred: The predicted values. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN]. +Returns + +Poisson loss value. shape = [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]. + +Raises + +InvalidArgumentError: If y_true and y_pred have incompatible shapes. +KLDivergence class +tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence(reduction="auto", name="kl_divergence") +Computes Kullback-Leibler divergence loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = y_true * log(y_true / y_pred) + +See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullback%E2%80%93Leibler_divergence + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = [[0, 1], [0, 0]] +>>> y_pred = [[0.6, 0.4], [0.4, 0.6]] +>>> # Using 'auto'/'sum_over_batch_size' reduction type. +>>> kl = tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence() +>>> kl(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.458 + + +>>> # Calling with 'sample_weight'. +>>> kl(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=[0.8, 0.2]).numpy() +0.366 + + +>>> # Using 'sum' reduction type. +>>> kl = tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM) +>>> kl(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +0.916 + + +>>> # Using 'none' reduction type. +>>> kl = tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence( +... reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE) +>>> kl(y_true, y_pred).numpy() +array([0.916, -3.08e-06], dtype=float32) + +Usage with the compile() API: + +model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.KLDivergence()) +kl_divergence function +tf.keras.losses.kl_divergence(y_true, y_pred) +Computes Kullback-Leibler divergence loss between y_true and y_pred. + +loss = y_true * log(y_true / y_pred) + +See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullback%E2%80%93Leibler_divergence + +Standalone usage: + + +>>> y_true = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(2, 3)).astype(np.float64) +>>> y_pred = np.random.random(size=(2, 3)) +>>> loss = tf.keras.losses.kullback_leibler_divergence(y_true, y_pred) +>>> assert loss.shape == (2,) +>>> y_true = tf.keras.backend.clip(y_true, 1e-7, 1) +>>> y_pred = tf.keras.backend.clip(y_pred, 1e-7, 1) +>>> assert np.array_equal( +... loss.numpy(), np.sum(y_true * np.log(y_true / y_pred), axis=-1)) + +Arguments + +y_true: Tensor of true targets. +y_pred: Tensor of predicted targets. +Returns + +A Tensor with loss. + +Raises + +TypeError: If y_true cannot be cast to the y_pred.dtype. +Backend utilities +clear_session function +tf.keras.backend.clear_session() +Resets all state generated by Keras. + +Keras manages a global state, which it uses to implement the Functional model-building API and to uniquify autogenerated layer names. + +If you are creating many models in a loop, this global state will consume an increasing amount of memory over time, and you may want to clear it. Calling clear_session() releases the global state: this helps avoid clutter from old models and layers, especially when memory is limited. + +Example 1: calling clear_session() when creating models in a loop + +for _ in range(100): + # Without `clear_session()`, each iteration of this loop will + # slightly increase the size of the global state managed by Keras + model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) for _ in range(10)]) + +for _ in range(100): + # With `clear_session()` called at the beginning, + # Keras starts with a blank state at each iteration + # and memory consumption is constant over time. + tf.keras.backend.clear_session() + model = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) for _ in range(10)]) +Example 2: resetting the layer name generation counter + + +>>> import tensorflow as tf +>>> layers = [tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) for _ in range(10)] +>>> new_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) +>>> print(new_layer.name) +dense_10 +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase(1) +>>> print(tf.keras.backend.learning_phase()) +1 +>>> tf.keras.backend.clear_session() +>>> new_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) +>>> print(new_layer.name) +dense + +floatx function +tf.keras.backend.floatx() +Returns the default float type, as a string. + +E.g. 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'. + +Returns + +String, the current default float type. + +Example + + +>>> tf.keras.backend.floatx() +'float32' + +set_floatx function +tf.keras.backend.set_floatx(value) +Sets the default float type. + +Note: It is not recommended to set this to float16 for training, as this will likely cause numeric stability issues. Instead, mixed precision, which is using a mix of float16 and float32, can be used by calling tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy('mixed_float16'). See the mixed precision guide for details. + +Arguments + +value: String; 'float16', 'float32', or 'float64'. +Example + + +>>> tf.keras.backend.floatx() +'float32' +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_floatx('float64') +>>> tf.keras.backend.floatx() +'float64' +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_floatx('float32') + +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid value. +image_data_format function +tf.keras.backend.image_data_format() +Returns the default image data format convention. + +Returns + +A string, either 'channels_first' or 'channels_last' + +Example + + +>>> tf.keras.backend.image_data_format() +'channels_last' + +set_image_data_format function +tf.keras.backend.set_image_data_format(data_format) +Sets the value of the image data format convention. + +Arguments + +data_format: string. 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'. +Example + + +>>> tf.keras.backend.image_data_format() +'channels_last' +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_image_data_format('channels_first') +>>> tf.keras.backend.image_data_format() +'channels_first' +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_image_data_format('channels_last') + +Raises + +ValueError: In case of invalid data_format value. +epsilon function +tf.keras.backend.epsilon() +Returns the value of the fuzz factor used in numeric expressions. + +Returns + +A float. + +Example + + +>>> tf.keras.backend.epsilon() +1e-07 + +set_epsilon function +tf.keras.backend.set_epsilon(value) +Sets the value of the fuzz factor used in numeric expressions. + +Arguments + +value: float. New value of epsilon. +Example + + +>>> tf.keras.backend.epsilon() +1e-07 +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_epsilon(1e-5) +>>> tf.keras.backend.epsilon() +1e-05 +>>> tf.keras.backend.set_epsilon(1e-7) + +is_keras_tensor function +tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(x) +Returns whether x is a Keras tensor. + +A "Keras tensor" is a tensor that was returned by a Keras layer, (Layer class) or by Input. + +Arguments + +x: A candidate tensor. +Returns + +A boolean: Whether the argument is a Keras tensor. +Raises + +ValueError: In case x is not a symbolic tensor. +Examples + + +>>> np_var = np.array([1, 2]) +>>> # A numpy array is not a symbolic tensor. +>>> tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(np_var) +Traceback (most recent call last): +... +ValueError: Unexpectedly found an instance of type ``. +Expected a symbolic tensor instance. +>>> keras_var = tf.keras.backend.variable(np_var) +>>> # A variable created with the keras backend is not a Keras tensor. +>>> tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(keras_var) +False +>>> keras_placeholder = tf.keras.backend.placeholder(shape=(2, 4, 5)) +>>> # A placeholder is a Keras tensor. +>>> tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(keras_placeholder) +True +>>> keras_input = tf.keras.layers.Input([10]) +>>> # An Input is a Keras tensor. +>>> tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(keras_input) +True +>>> keras_layer_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(keras_input) +>>> # Any Keras layer output is a Keras tensor. +>>> tf.keras.backend.is_keras_tensor(keras_layer_output) +True + +get_uid function +tf.keras.backend.get_uid(prefix="") +Associates a string prefix with an integer counter in a TensorFlow graph. + +Arguments + +prefix: String prefix to index. +Returns + +Unique integer ID. + +Example + + +>>> get_uid('dense') +1 +>>> get_uid('dense') +2 + +rnn function +tf.keras.backend.rnn( + step_function, + inputs, + initial_states, + go_backwards=False, + mask=None, + constants=None, + unroll=False, + input_length=None, + time_major=False, + zero_output_for_mask=False, +) +Iterates over the time dimension of a tensor. + +Arguments + +step_function: RNN step function. Args; input; Tensor with shape (samples, ...) (no time dimension), representing input for the batch of samples at a certain time step. states; List of tensors. Returns; output; Tensor with shape (samples, output_dim) (no time dimension). new_states; List of tensors, same length and shapes as 'states'. The first state in the list must be the output tensor at the previous timestep. +inputs: Tensor of temporal data of shape (samples, time, ...) (at least 3D), or nested tensors, and each of which has shape (samples, time, ...). +initial_states: Tensor with shape (samples, state_size) (no time dimension), containing the initial values for the states used in the step function. In the case that state_size is in a nested shape, the shape of initial_states will also follow the nested structure. +go_backwards: Boolean. If True, do the iteration over the time dimension in reverse order and return the reversed sequence. +mask: Binary tensor with shape (samples, time, 1), with a zero for every element that is masked. +constants: List of constant values passed at each step. +unroll: Whether to unroll the RNN or to use a symbolic while_loop. +input_length: An integer or a 1-D Tensor, depending on whether the time dimension is fixed-length or not. In case of variable length input, it is used for masking in case there's no mask specified. +time_major: Boolean. If true, the inputs and outputs will be in shape (timesteps, batch, ...), whereas in the False case, it will be (batch, timesteps, ...). Using time_major = True is a bit more efficient because it avoids transposes at the beginning and end of the RNN calculation. However, most TensorFlow data is batch-major, so by default this function accepts input and emits output in batch-major form. +zero_output_for_mask: Boolean. If True, the output for masked timestep will be zeros, whereas in the False case, output from previous timestep is returned. +Returns + +A tuple, (last_output, outputs, new_states). last_output: the latest output of the rnn, of shape (samples, ...) outputs: tensor with shape (samples, time, ...) where each entry outputs[s, t] is the output of the step function at time t for sample s. new_states: list of tensors, latest states returned by the step function, of shape (samples, ...). + +Raises + +ValueError: if input dimension is less than 3. +ValueError: if unroll is True but input timestep is not a fixed number. +ValueError: if mask is provided (not None) but states is not provided (len(states) == 0). +Model plotting utilities +plot_model function +tf.keras.utils.plot_model( + model, + to_file="model.png", + show_shapes=False, + show_dtype=False, + show_layer_names=True, + rankdir="TB", + expand_nested=False, + dpi=96, +) +Converts a Keras model to dot format and save to a file. + +Example + +input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(100,), dtype='int32', name='input') +x = tf.keras.layers.Embedding( + output_dim=512, input_dim=10000, input_length=100)(input) +x = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32)(x) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')(x) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')(x) +x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')(x) +output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='output')(x) +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[input], outputs=[output]) +dot_img_file = '/tmp/model_1.png' +tf.keras.utils.plot_model(model, to_file=dot_img_file, show_shapes=True) +Arguments + +model: A Keras model instance +to_file: File name of the plot image. +show_shapes: whether to display shape information. +show_dtype: whether to display layer dtypes. +show_layer_names: whether to display layer names. +rankdir: rankdir argument passed to PyDot, a string specifying the format of the plot: 'TB' creates a vertical plot; 'LR' creates a horizontal plot. +expand_nested: Whether to expand nested models into clusters. +dpi: Dots per inch. +Returns + +A Jupyter notebook Image object if Jupyter is installed. This enables in-line display of the model plots in notebooks. + +model_to_dot function +tf.keras.utils.model_to_dot( + model, + show_shapes=False, + show_dtype=False, + show_layer_names=True, + rankdir="TB", + expand_nested=False, + dpi=96, + subgraph=False, +) +Convert a Keras model to dot format. + +Arguments + +model: A Keras model instance. +show_shapes: whether to display shape information. +show_dtype: whether to display layer dtypes. +show_layer_names: whether to display layer names. +rankdir: rankdir argument passed to PyDot, a string specifying the format of the plot: 'TB' creates a vertical plot; 'LR' creates a horizontal plot. +expand_nested: whether to expand nested models into clusters. +dpi: Dots per inch. +subgraph: whether to return a pydot.Cluster instance. +Returns + +A pydot.Dot instance representing the Keras model or a pydot.Cluster instance representing nested model if subgraph=True. + +Raises + +ImportError: if graphviz or pydot are not available.Serialization utilities +CustomObjectScope class +tf.keras.utils.custom_object_scope(*args) +Exposes custom classes/functions to Keras deserialization internals. + +Under a scope with custom_object_scope(objects_dict), Keras methods such as tf.keras.models.load_model or tf.keras.models.model_from_config will be able to deserialize any custom object referenced by a saved config (e.g. a custom layer or metric). + +Example + +Consider a custom regularizer my_regularizer: + +layer = Dense(3, kernel_regularizer=my_regularizer) +config = layer.get_config() # Config contains a reference to `my_regularizer` +... +# Later: +with custom_object_scope({'my_regularizer': my_regularizer}): + layer = Dense.from_config(config) +Arguments + +*args: Dictionary or dictionaries of {name: object} pairs. +get_custom_objects function +tf.keras.utils.get_custom_objects() +Retrieves a live reference to the global dictionary of custom objects. + +Updating and clearing custom objects using custom_object_scope is preferred, but get_custom_objects can be used to directly access the current collection of custom objects. + +Example + +get_custom_objects().clear() +get_custom_objects()['MyObject'] = MyObject +Returns + +Global dictionary of names to classes (_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS). + +register_keras_serializable function +tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(package="Custom", name=None) +Registers an object with the Keras serialization framework. + +This decorator injects the decorated class or function into the Keras custom object dictionary, so that it can be serialized and deserialized without needing an entry in the user-provided custom object dict. It also injects a function that Keras will call to get the object's serializable string key. + +Note that to be serialized and deserialized, classes must implement the get_config() method. Functions do not have this requirement. + +The object will be registered under the key 'package>name' where name, defaults to the object name if not passed. + +Arguments + +package: The package that this class belongs to. +name: The name to serialize this class under in this package. If None, the class' name will be used. +Returns + +A decorator that registers the decorated class with the passed names. + +serialize_keras_object function +tf.keras.utils.serialize_keras_object(instance) +Serialize a Keras object into a JSON-compatible representation. + +Calls to serialize_keras_object while underneath the SharedObjectSavingScope context manager will cause any objects re-used across multiple layers to be saved with a special shared object ID. This allows the network to be re-created properly during deserialization. + +Arguments + +instance: The object to serialize. +Returns + +A dict-like, JSON-compatible representation of the object's config. + +deserialize_keras_object function +tf.keras.utils.deserialize_keras_object( + identifier, module_objects=None, custom_objects=None, printable_module_name="object" +) +Turns the serialized form of a Keras object back into an actual object. + +This function is for mid-level library implementers rather than end users. + +Importantly, this utility requires you to provide the dict of module_objects to use for looking up the object config; this is not populated by default. If you need a deserialization utility that has preexisting knowledge of built-in Keras objects, use e.g. keras.layers.deserialize(config), keras.metrics.deserialize(config), etc. + +Calling deserialize_keras_object while underneath the SharedObjectLoadingScope context manager will cause any already-seen shared objects to be returned as-is rather than creating a new object. + +Arguments + +identifier: the serialized form of the object. +module_objects: A dictionary of built-in objects to look the name up in. Generally, module_objects is provided by midlevel library implementers. +custom_objects: A dictionary of custom objects to look the name up in. Generally, custom_objects is provided by the end user. +printable_module_name: A human-readable string representing the type of the object. Printed in case of exception. +Returns + +The deserialized object. + +Example + +A mid-level library implementer might want to implement a utility for retrieving an object from its config, as such: + +def deserialize(config, custom_objects=None): + return deserialize_keras_object( + identifier, + module_objects=globals(), + custom_objects=custom_objects, + name="MyObjectType", + ) +This is how e.g. keras.layers.deserialize() is implemented.Python & NumPy utilities +to_categorical function +tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(y, num_classes=None, dtype="float32") +Converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix. + +E.g. for use with categorical_crossentropy. + +Arguments + +y: class vector to be converted into a matrix (integers from 0 to num_classes). +num_classes: total number of classes. If None, this would be inferred as the (largest number in y) + 1. +dtype: The data type expected by the input. Default: 'float32'. +Returns + +A binary matrix representation of the input. The classes axis is placed last. + +Example + + +>>> a = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical([0, 1, 2, 3], num_classes=4) +>>> a = tf.constant(a, shape=[4, 4]) +>>> print(a) +tf.Tensor( + [[1. 0. 0. 0.] + [0. 1. 0. 0.] + [0. 0. 1. 0.] + [0. 0. 0. 1.]], shape=(4, 4), dtype=float32) + + +>>> b = tf.constant([.9, .04, .03, .03, +... .3, .45, .15, .13, +... .04, .01, .94, .05, +... .12, .21, .5, .17], +... shape=[4, 4]) +>>> loss = tf.keras.backend.categorical_crossentropy(a, b) +>>> print(np.around(loss, 5)) +[0.10536 0.82807 0.1011 1.77196] + + +>>> loss = tf.keras.backend.categorical_crossentropy(a, a) +>>> print(np.around(loss, 5)) +[0. 0. 0. 0.] + +Raises + +Value Error: If input contains string value +normalize function +tf.keras.utils.normalize(x, axis=-1, order=2) +Normalizes a Numpy array. + +Arguments + +x: Numpy array to normalize. +axis: axis along which to normalize. +order: Normalization order (e.g. order=2 for L2 norm). +Returns + +A normalized copy of the array. + +get_file function +tf.keras.utils.get_file( + fname, + origin, + untar=False, + md5_hash=None, + file_hash=None, + cache_subdir="datasets", + hash_algorithm="auto", + extract=False, + archive_format="auto", + cache_dir=None, +) +Downloads a file from a URL if it not already in the cache. + +By default the file at the url origin is downloaded to the cache_dir ~/.keras, placed in the cache_subdir datasets, and given the filename fname. The final location of a file example.txt would therefore be ~/.keras/datasets/example.txt. + +Files in tar, tar.gz, tar.bz, and zip formats can also be extracted. Passing a hash will verify the file after download. The command line programs shasum and sha256sum can compute the hash. + +Example + +path_to_downloaded_file = tf.keras.utils.get_file( + "flower_photos", + "https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/example_images/flower_photos.tgz", + untar=True) +Arguments + +fname: Name of the file. If an absolute path /path/to/file.txt is specified the file will be saved at that location. +origin: Original URL of the file. +untar: Deprecated in favor of extract argument. boolean, whether the file should be decompressed +md5_hash: Deprecated in favor of file_hash argument. md5 hash of the file for verification +file_hash: The expected hash string of the file after download. The sha256 and md5 hash algorithms are both supported. +cache_subdir: Subdirectory under the Keras cache dir where the file is saved. If an absolute path /path/to/folder is specified the file will be saved at that location. +hash_algorithm: Select the hash algorithm to verify the file. options are 'md5', 'sha256', and 'auto'. The default 'auto' detects the hash algorithm in use. +extract: True tries extracting the file as an Archive, like tar or zip. +archive_format: Archive format to try for extracting the file. Options are 'auto', 'tar', 'zip', and None. 'tar' includes tar, tar.gz, and tar.bz files. The default 'auto' corresponds to ['tar', 'zip']. None or an empty list will return no matches found. +cache_dir: Location to store cached files, when None it defaults to the default directory ~/.keras/. +Returns + +Path to the downloaded file + +Progbar class +tf.keras.utils.Progbar( + target, width=30, verbose=1, interval=0.05, stateful_metrics=None, unit_name="step" +) +Displays a progress bar. + +Arguments + +target: Total number of steps expected, None if unknown. +width: Progress bar width on screen. +verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose), 2 (semi-verbose) +stateful_metrics: Iterable of string names of metrics that should not be averaged over time. Metrics in this list will be displayed as-is. All others will be averaged by the progbar before display. +interval: Minimum visual progress update interval (in seconds). +unit_name: Display name for step counts (usually "step" or "sample"). +Sequence class +tf.keras.utils.Sequence() +Base object for fitting to a sequence of data, such as a dataset. + +Every Sequence must implement the __getitem__ and the __len__ methods. If you want to modify your dataset between epochs you may implement on_epoch_end. The method __getitem__ should return a complete batch. + +Notes: + +Sequence are a safer way to do multiprocessing. This structure guarantees that the network will only train once on each sample per epoch which is not the case with generators. + +Examples + +from skimage.io import imread +from skimage.transform import resize +import numpy as np +import math + +# Here, `x_set` is list of path to the images +# and `y_set` are the associated classes. + +class CIFAR10Sequence(Sequence): + + def __init__(self, x_set, y_set, batch_size): + self.x, self.y = x_set, y_set + self.batch_size = batch_size + + def __len__(self): + return math.ceil(len(self.x) / self.batch_size) + + def __getitem__(self, idx): + batch_x = self.x[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * + self.batch_size] + batch_y = self.y[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * + self.batch_size] + + return np.array([ + resize(imread(file_name), (200, 200)) + for file_name in batch_x]), np.array(batch_y)