equivalently O a O set O b O is O a O basis O if O its O elements O are O linearly B-Math independent I-Math and O every O element O of O v O is O a O linear O combination O of O elements O of O and O every O element O of O v O is O a O linear B-Math combination I-Math of O elements O of O thus O the O solution B-Math set I-Math may O be O a O plane O a O line O a O single O point O or O the O empty O se O may O be O a O plane B-Math a O line O a O single O point O or O the O empty O se O a O line B-Math a O single O point O or O the O empty O se O a O single B-Math point I-Math or O the O empty O se O or O the O empty B-Math set I-Math the O mathematical O representation O of O a O physical O vector O depends O on O the O coordinate B-Math system I-Math used O to O describe O i O vector B-Math depends O on O the O coordinate O system O used O to O describe O i O in O general O a O system O with O more O equations B-Math than O unknowns O has O no O solutio O than O unknowns O has O no O solution B-Math it O was O initially O a O subbranch O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math but O soon O grew O to O include O subjects O related O to O graph O theory O algebra O combinatorics O and O statistic O but O soon O grew O to O include O subjects O related O to O graph B-Math theory I-Math algebra O combinatorics O and O statistic O algebra O combinatorics O and O statistics B-Math algebra B-Math combinatorics O and O statistic O combinatorics B-Math and O statistic O for O three O variables O each O linear B-Math equation I-Math determines O a O plane O in O threedimensional O space O and O the O solution O set O is O the O intersection O of O these O plane O determines O a O plane B-Math in O threedimensional O space O and O the O solution O set O is O the O intersection O of O these O plane O in O threedimensional O space O and O the O solution B-Math set O is O the O intersection O of O these O plane O matrices B-Math are O used O in O most O areas O of O mathematics O and O most O scientific O fields O either O directly O or O through O their O use O in O geometry O and O numerical O analysi O are O used O in O most O areas O of O mathematics B-Math and O most O scientific O fields O either O directly O or O through O their O use O in O geometry O and O numerical O analysi O and O most O scientific O fields O either O directly O or O through O their O use O in O geometry O and O numerical B-Math analysis I-Math these O are O vector B-Math spaces I-Math with O additional O structure O such O as O hilbert O space O with O additional O structure O such O as O hilbert B-Math spaces I-Math these O are O called O the O trivial B-Math subspaces I-Math f O the O vector O spac O f O the O vector B-Math space I-Math many O vector B-Math spaces I-Math that O are O considered O in O mathematics O are O also O endowed O with O other O structure O that O are O considered O in O mathematics B-Math are O also O endowed O with O other O structure O other O vectorlike O objects O that O describe O physical O quantities O and O transform O in O a O similar O way O under O changes O of O the O coordinate O system O include O pseudovectors O and O tensors B-Math analysis O evolved O from O calculus B-Math which O involves O the O elementary O concepts O and O techniques O of O analysi O analysis B-Math evolved O from O calculus O which O involves O the O elementary O concepts O and O techniques O of O analysi O this O line O of O inquiry O naturally O leads O to O the O idea O of O the O dual B-Math space I-Math the O vector O space O v O consisting O of O linear O maps O f O v O f O where O f O is O the O field O of O scalar O the O vector O space O v O consisting O of O linear B-Math maps I-Math f O v O f O where O f O is O the O field O of O scalar O vector B-Math space I-Math v O consisting O of O linear O maps O f O v O f O where O f O is O the O field O of O scalar O most O of O this O article O deals O with O linear B-Math combinations I-Math in O the O context O of O a O vector O space O over O a O field O with O some O generalizations O given O at O the O end O of O the O articl O in O the O context O of O a O vector B-Math space I-Math over O a O field O with O some O generalizations O given O at O the O end O of O the O articl O in O classical B-Math geometry I-Math the O involved O vector O spaces O are O vector O spaces O over O the O reals O but O the O constructions O may O be O extended O to O vector O spaces O over O any O field O allowing O considering O geometry O over O arbitrary O fields O including O finite O field O the O involved O vector B-Math spaces I-Math are O vector O spaces O over O the O reals O but O the O constructions O may O be O extended O to O vector O spaces O over O any O field O allowing O considering O geometry O over O arbitrary O fields O including O finite O field O are O vector O spaces O over O the O reals O but O the O constructions O may O be O extended O to O vector O spaces O over O any O field B-Math allowing O considering O geometry O over O arbitrary O fields O including O finite O field O this O is O also O the O case O of O homographies O and O möbius O transformations O when O considered O as O transformations O of O a O projective B-Math space I-Math the O third O system O has O no O solutions O since O the O three O lines O share O no O common O point B-Math the O basic O objects O of O geometry B-Math which O are O lines O and O planes O are O represented O by O linear O equation O which O are O lines B-Math and O planes O are O represented O by O linear O equation O and O planes B-Math are O represented O by O linear O equation O are O represented O by O linear B-Math equations I-Math this O is O also O the O case O of O topological B-Math vector I-Math spaces I-Math which O include O function O spaces O inner O product O spaces O normed O spaces O hilbert O spaces O and O banach O space O which O include O function O spaces O inner O product O spaces O normed O spaces O hilbert B-Math spaces I-Math and O banach O space O and O banach B-Math spaces I-Math the O linear B-Math span I-Math can O be O characterized O either O as O the O intersection O of O all O linear O subspaces O that O contain O s O or O as O the O smallest O subspace O containing O s O the O linear O span O of O a O set O of O vectors O is O therefore O a O vector O space O itsel O can O be O characterized O either O as O the O intersection O of O all O linear B-Math subspaces I-Math that O contain O s O or O as O the O smallest O subspace O containing O s O the O linear O span O of O a O set O of O vectors O is O therefore O a O vector O space O itsel O that O contain O s O or O as O the O smallest O subspace O containing O s O the O linear O span O of O a O set O of O vectors O is O therefore O a O vector B-Math space I-Math itsel O vectors B-Math s O therefore O a O vector O space O itsel O it O is O possible O for O a O system O of O two O equations O and O two O unknowns O to O have O no O solution O if O the O two O lines O are O parallel B-Math or O for O a O system O of O three O equations O and O two O unknowns O to O be O solvable O if O the O three O lines O intersect O at O a O single O poin O solution B-Math if O the O two O lines O are O parallel O or O for O a O system O of O three O equations O and O two O unknowns O to O be O solvable O if O the O three O lines O intersect O at O a O single O poin O if O the O two O lines O are O parallel O or O for O a O system O of O three O equations O and O two O unknowns O to O be O solvable O if O the O three O lines O intersect O at O a O single O point B-Math in O mathematics O a O linear B-Math combination I-Math is O an O expression O constructed O from O a O set O of O terms O by O multiplying O each O term O by O a O constant O and O adding O the O results O e O is O an O expression B-Math constructed O from O a O set O of O terms O by O multiplying O each O term O by O a O constant O and O adding O the O results O e O real O vector O space O and O complex O vector O space O are O kinds O of O vector B-Math spaces I-Math ased O on O different O kinds O of O scalars O real O coordinate O space O or O complex O coordinate O spac O ased O on O different O kinds O of O scalars O real B-Math coordinate I-Math space I-Math r O complex O coordinate O spac O r O complex B-Math coordinate I-Math space I-Math most O geometric B-Math transformation I-Math such O as O translations O rotations O reflections O rigid O motions O isometries O and O projections O transform O lines O into O line O such O as O translations B-Attributes rotations O reflections O rigid O motions O isometries O and O projections O transform O lines O into O line O rotations B-Attributes reflections O rigid O motions O isometries O and O projections O transform O lines O into O line O reflections B-Attributes rigid O motions O isometries O and O projections O transform O lines O into O line O rigid B-Attributes motions I-Attributes isometries O and O projections O transform O lines O into O line O isometries B-Attributes and O projections O transform O lines O into O line O and O projections B-Attributes transform I-Attributes lines O into O line O moreover O it O maps O linear B-Math subspaces I-Math in O onto O linear O subspaces O in O possibly O of O a O lower O dimension O for O example O it O maps O a O plane O through O the O origin O in O to O either O a O plane O through O the O origin O in O a O line O through O the O origin O in O or O just O the O origin O i O in O onto O linear O subspaces O in O possibly O of O a O lower O dimension B-Math for O example O it O maps O a O plane O through O the O origin O in O to O either O a O plane O through O the O origin O in O a O line O through O the O origin O in O or O just O the O origin O i O a O system O of O linear B-Math equations I-Math behave O differently O from O the O general O case O if O the O equations O are O linearly O dependent O or O if O it O is O inconsistent O and O has O no O more O equations O than O unknown O behave O differently O from O the O general O case O if O the O equations O are O linearly B-Math dependent I-Math or O if O it O is O inconsistent O and O has O no O more O equations O than O unknown O the O binary O operation O called O vector O addition O or O simply O addition O assigns O to O any O two O vectors B-Math v O and O w O in O v O a O third O vector O in O v O which O is O commonly O written O as O v O w O and O called O the O sum O of O these O two O vector O this O point O of O view O turned O out O to O be O particularly O useful O for O the O study O of O differential B-Math and I-Math integral I-Math equations I-Math if O such O a O linear B-Math combination I-Math exists O then O the O vectors O are O said O to O be O linearly O dependen O exists O then O the O vectors O are O said O to O be O linearly B-Math dependent I-Math this O is O the O case O with O mechanics O and O robotics O for O describing O rigid B-Attributes body I-Attributes dynamics O geodesy O for O describing O earth O shape O perspectivity O computer O vision O and O computer O graphics O for O describing O the O relationship O between O a O scene O and O its O plane O representation O and O many O other O scientific O domain O many O other O physical O quantities O can O be O usefully O thought O of O as O vectors B-Math all O these O questions O can O be O solved O by O using O gaussian B-Math elimination I-Math or O some O variant O of O this O algorith O most O physical O phenomena O are O modeled O by O partial B-Math differential I-Math equations I-Math the O binary O function O called O scalar O multiplicationassigns B-Math to O any O scalar O a O in O f O and O any O vector O v O in O v O another O vector O in O v O which O is O denoted O a O to O any O scalar B-Math a O in O f O and O any O vector O v O in O v O another O vector O in O v O which O is O denoted O a O a O in O f O and O any O vector B-Math v O in O v O another O vector O in O v O which O is O denoted O a O finitedimensional O vector B-Math spaces I-Math occur O naturally O in O geometry O and O related O area O occur O naturally O in O geometry B-Math and O related O area O finitedimensional B-Attributes vector O spaces O occur O naturally O in O geometry O and O related O area O these O equations O often O complex O and O nonlinear O can O be O linearized O using O linear B-Math algebra I-Math methods O allowing O for O simpler O solutions O and O analyse O however O the O general O concept O of O a O functional B-Math had O previously O been O introduced O in O by O the O italian O mathematician O and O physicist O vito O volterr O this O means O that O for O two O vector B-Math spaces I-Math over O a O given O field O and O with O the O same O dimension O the O properties O that O depend O only O on O the O vectorspace O structure O are O exactly O the O same O technically O the O vector O spaces O are O isomorphi O over O a O given O field O and O with O the O same O dimension O the O properties O that O depend O only O on O the O vectorspace O structure O are O exactly O the O same O technically O the O vector O spaces O are O isomorphic B-Attributes dimension B-Math he O properties O that O depend O only O on O the O vectorspace O structure O are O exactly O the O same O technically O the O vector O spaces O are O isomorphi O vector B-Math spaces I-Math generalize O euclidean O vectors O which O allow O modeling O of O physical O quantities O such O as O forces O and O velocity O that O have O not O only O a O magnitude O but O also O a O directio O generalize O euclidean O vectors O which O allow O modeling O of O physical O quantities O such O as O forces O and O velocity O that O have O not O only O a O magnitude B-Attributes but O also O a O directio O but O also O a O direction B-Attributes vectors B-Math which O allow O modeling O of O physical O quantities O such O as O forces O and O velocity O that O have O not O only O a O magnitude O but O also O a O directio O this O is O important O because O if O we O have O m O independent B-Math vectors I-Math a O solution O is O guaranteed O regardless O of O the O righthand O side O and O otherwise O not O guarantee O many O algebraic B-Math operations I-Math on O real O numbers O such O as O addition O subtraction O multiplication O and O negation O have O close O analogues O for O vectors O operations O which O obey O the O familiar O algebraic O laws O of O commutativity O associativity O and O distributivit O on O real O numbers O such O as O addition O subtraction B-Attributes multiplication O and O negation O have O close O analogues O for O vectors O operations O which O obey O the O familiar O algebraic O laws O of O commutativity O associativity O and O distributivit O addition B-Attributes subtraction O multiplication O and O negation O have O close O analogues O for O vectors O operations O which O obey O the O familiar O algebraic O laws O of O commutativity O associativity O and O distributivit O subtraction O multiplication B-Attributes and O negation O have O close O analogues O for O vectors O operations O which O obey O the O familiar O algebraic O laws O of O commutativity O associativity O and O distributivit O and O negation B-Attributes have O close O analogues O for O vectors O operations O which O obey O the O familiar O algebraic O laws O of O commutativity O associativity O and O distributivit O have O close O analogues O for O vectors O operations O which O obey O the O familiar O algebraic O laws O of O commutativity B-Attributes associativity O and O distributivit O associativity B-Attributes and O distributivit O and O distributivity B-Attributes the O magnitude O of O the O vector B-Math is O the O distance O between O the O two O points O and O the O direction O refers O to O the O direction O of O displacement O from O a O to O is O the O distance B-Attributes between O the O two O points O and O the O direction O refers O to O the O direction O of O displacement O from O a O to O between O the O two O points O and O the O direction B-Attributes refers O to O the O direction O of O displacement O from O a O to O in O mathematics B-Math a O matrix O p O a O matrix B-Math p O the O concept O of O vector B-Math spaces I-Math is O fundamental O for O linear O algebra O together O with O the O concept O of O matrices O which O allows O computing O in O vector O space O is O fundamental O for O linear B-Math algebra I-Math together O with O the O concept O of O matrices O which O allows O computing O in O vector O space O together O with O the O concept O of O matrices B-Math which O allows O computing O in O vector O space O this O allows O all O the O language O and O theory O of O vector B-Math spaces I-Math or O more O generally O modules O to O be O brought O to O bea O the O solutions O of O any O linear B-Math ordinary I-Math differential I-Math equation I-Math of O any O order O may O be O deduced O by O integration O from O the O solution O of O the O homogeneous O equation O obtained O by O removing O the O constant O ter O of O any O order O may O be O deduced O by O integration O from O the O solution O of O the O homogeneous O equation O obtained O by O removing O the O constant B-Math term I-Math homogeneous B-Math equation I-Math obtained O by O removing O the O constant O ter O gröbner O basis O theory O provides O algorithms B-Math when O coefficients O and O unknowns O are O polynomial O a O complete B-Math metric I-Math space I-Math along O with O the O additional O structure O of O an O inner O product O a O conjugate O symmetric O sesquilinear O form O is O known O as O a O hilbert O space O which O is O in O some O sense O a O particularly O wellbehaved O banach O spac O along O with O the O additional O structure O of O an O inner O product O a O conjugate O symmetric O sesquilinear O form O is O known O as O a O hilbert B-Math space I-Math which O is O in O some O sense O a O particularly O wellbehaved O banach O spac O linear B-Math algebra I-Math is O central O to O almost O all O areas O of O mathematic O is O central O to O almost O all O areas O of O mathematics B-Math the O definition O of O linear B-Math dependence I-Math and O the O ability O to O determine O whether O a O subset O of O vectors O in O a O vector O space O is O linearly O dependent O are O central O to O determining O the O dimension O of O a O vector O spac O and O the O ability O to O determine O whether O a O subset O of O vectors O in O a O vector B-Math space I-Math is O linearly O dependent O are O central O to O determining O the O dimension O of O a O vector O spac O scalars B-Math are O often O real O numbers O but O can O be O complex O numbers O or O more O generally O elements O of O any O fiel O are O often O real O numbers O but O can O be O complex O numbers O or O more O generally O elements O of O any O field B-Math a O differential B-Math equation I-Math can O be O homogeneous O in O either O of O two O respect O can O be O homogeneous B-Math in O either O of O two O respect O linear B-Math maps I-Math can O often O be O represented O as O matrices O and O simple O examples O include O rotation O and O reflection O linear O transformation O can O often O be O represented O as O matrices B-Math and O simple O examples O include O rotation O and O reflection O linear O transformation O and O simple O examples O include O rotation B-Attributes and O reflection O linear O transformation O and O reflection O linear B-Math transformations I-Math presently O most O textbooks O introduce O geometric O spaces O from O linear B-Math algebra I-Math and O geometry O is O often O presented O at O elementary O level O as O a O subfield O of O linear O algebr O geometric B-Math spaces I-Math from O linear O algebra O and O geometry O is O often O presented O at O elementary O level O as O a O subfield O of O linear O algebr O from O linear O algebra O and O geometry B-Math is O often O presented O at O elementary O level O as O a O subfield O of O linear O algebr O is O often O presented O at O elementary O level O as O a O subfield O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math in O general O a O system O with O the O same O number O of O equations B-Math and O unknowns O has O a O single O unique O solutio O and O unknowns O has O a O single O unique O solution B-Math around O this O date O it O appeared O that O one O may O also O define O geometric B-Math spaces I-Math by O constructions O involving O vector O spaces O see O for O example O projective O space O and O affine O spac O by O constructions O involving O vector B-Math spaces I-Math see O for O example O projective O space O and O affine O spac O see O for O example O projective B-Math space I-Math and O affine O spac O and O affine B-Math space I-Math the B-Math theory I-Math of I-Math nonlinear I-Math functionals I-Math as O continued O by O students O of O hadamard O in O particular O fréchet O and O lév O this O article O focuses O on O matrices B-Math related O to O linear O algebra O and O unless O otherwise O specified O all O matrices O represent O linear O maps O or O may O be O viewed O as O suc O related O to O linear B-Math algebra I-Math and O unless O otherwise O specified O all O matrices O represent O linear O maps O or O may O be O viewed O as O suc O and O unless O otherwise O specified O all O matrices B-Math represent O linear O maps O or O may O be O viewed O as O suc O represent O linear B-Math maps I-Math or O may O be O viewed O as O suc O the O existence O of O multiplicative O inverses O in O fields O is O not O involved O in O the O axioms O defining O a O vector B-Math space I-Math matrices B-Math is O a O rectangular O array O or O table O of O numbers O symbols O or O expressions O arranged O in O rows O and O columns O which O is O used O to O represent O a O mathematical O object O or O a O property O of O such O an O objec O in O all O these O applications O synthetic B-Math geometry I-Math is O often O used O for O general O descriptions O and O a O qualitative O approach O but O for O the O study O of O explicit O situations O one O must O compute O with O coordinate O is O often O used O for O general O descriptions O and O a O qualitative O approach O but O for O the O study O of O explicit O situations O one O must O compute O with O coordinates B-Math a O bijective O linear O map O between O two O vector O spaces O that O is O every O vector O from O the O second O space O is O associated O with O exactly O one O in O the O first O is O an O isomorphism B-Math in O mathematics B-Math and O more O specifically O in O linear O algebra O a O linear O subspace O or O vector O subspacenote O is O a O vector O space O that O is O a O subset O of O some O larger O vector O spac O and O more O specifically O in O linear B-Math algebra I-Math a O linear O subspace O or O vector O subspacenote O is O a O vector O space O that O is O a O subset O of O some O larger O vector O spac O a O linear B-Math subspace I-Math or O vector O subspacenote O is O a O vector O space O that O is O a O subset O of O some O larger O vector O spac O or O vector B-Math subspacenote I-Math is O a O vector O space O that O is O a O subset O of O some O larger O vector O spac O is O a O vector O space O that O is O a O subset O of O some O larger O vector B-Math space I-Math this O requires O the O heavy O use O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math for O nonlinear O systems O which O can O not O be O modeled O with O linear O algebra O it O is O often O used O for O dealing O with O firstorder O approximations O using O the O fact O that O the O differential O of O a O multivariate O function O at O a O point O is O the O linear B-Math map I-Math that O best O approximates O the O function O near O that O poin O linear B-Math algebra I-Math it O is O often O used O for O dealing O with O firstorder O approximations O using O the O fact O that O the O differential O of O a O multivariate O function O at O a O point O is O the O linear O map O that O best O approximates O the O function O near O that O poin O the O metric O also O allows O for O a O definition O of O limits O and O completeness O a O metric O space O that O is O complete O is O known O as O a O banach B-Math space I-Math metric B-Math space I-Math that O is O complete O is O known O as O a O banach O spac O it O follows O that O they O can O be O defined O specified O and O studied O in O terms O of O linear B-Math maps I-Math in O the O field O of O fluid O dynamics O linear B-Math algebra I-Math finds O its O application O in O computational O fluid O dynamics O cfd O a O branch O that O uses O numerical O analysis O and O data O structures O to O solve O and O analyze O problems O involving O fluid O flow O the O first O system O has O infinitely O many O solutions O namely O all O of O the O points B-Math on O the O blue O lin O solutions B-Math namely O all O of O the O points O on O the O blue O lin O weather O forecasting O or O more O specifically O parametrization O for O atmospheric O modeling B-Attributes is O a O typical O example O of O a O realworld O application O where O the O whole O earth O atmosphere O is O divided O into O cells O of O say O km O of O width O and O km O of O heigh O a O vector B-Math space I-Math is O finitedimensional O if O its O dimension O is O a O natural O numbe O is O finitedimensional B-Attributes if O its O dimension O is O a O natural O numbe O to O solve O them O one O usually O decomposes O the O space O in O which O the O solutions B-Math are O searched O into O small O mutually O interacting O cell O for O example O as O three O parallel O planes O do O not O have O a O common O point O the O solution O set O of O their O equations O is O empty O the O solution O set O of O the O equations O of O three O planes O intersecting O at O a O point O is O single O point O if O three O planes O pass O through O two O points O their O equations O have O at O least O two O common O solutions O in O fact O the O solution B-Math set I-Math is O infinite O and O consists O in O all O the O line O passing O through O these O point O in O mathematics O differential B-Math refers O to O several O related O notions O derived O from O the O early O days O of O calculus O put O on O a O rigorous O footing O such O as O infinitesimal O differences O and O the O derivatives O of O function O refers O to O several O related O notions O derived O from O the O early O days O of O calculus O put O on O a O rigorous O footing O such O as O infinitesimal B-Attributes differences I-Attributes and O the O derivatives O of O function O and O the O derivatives B-Math of O function O in O contrast O linear B-Math algebra I-Math deals O mostly O with O finitedimensional O spaces O and O does O not O use O topolog O deals O mostly O with O finitedimensional B-Math spaces I-Math and O does O not O use O topolog O and O does O not O use O topology B-Math this O is O in O particular O the O case O in O graph B-Math theory I-Math f O incidence O matrices O and O adjacency O matrice O f O incidence O matrices B-Math and O adjacency O matrice O if O every O vector B-Math within O that O span O has O exactly O one O expression O as O a O linear O combination O of O the O given O lefthand O vectors O then O any O solution O is O uniqu O within O that O span O has O exactly O one O expression O as O a O linear B-Math combination I-Math of O the O given O lefthand O vectors O then O any O solution O is O uniqu O these O concepts O are O central O to O the O definition O of O dimension B-Math in O mathematics O a O set O b O of O vectors O in O a O vector O space O v O is O called O a O basis B-Attributes p O vector B-Math space I-Math v O is O called O a O basis O p O vectors B-Math in O a O vector O space O v O is O called O a O basis O p O with O respect O to O general O linear B-Math maps I-Math linear O endomorphisms O and O square O matrices O have O some O specific O properties O that O make O their O study O an O important O part O of O linear O algebra O which O is O used O in O many O parts O of O mathematics O including O geometric O transformations O coordinate O changes O quadratic O forms O and O many O other O part O of O mathematic O linear B-Math endomorphisms I-Math and O square O matrices O have O some O specific O properties O that O make O their O study O an O important O part O of O linear O algebra O which O is O used O in O many O parts O of O mathematics O including O geometric O transformations O coordinate O changes O quadratic O forms O and O many O other O part O of O mathematic O and O square B-Math matrices I-Math have O some O specific O properties O that O make O their O study O an O important O part O of O linear O algebra O which O is O used O in O many O parts O of O mathematics O including O geometric O transformations O coordinate O changes O quadratic O forms O and O many O other O part O of O mathematic O have O some O specific O properties O that O make O their O study O an O important O part O of O linear O algebra O which O is O used O in O many O parts O of O mathematics O including O geometric O transformations O coordinate B-Math changes I-Math quadratic O forms O and O many O other O part O of O mathematic O quadratic B-Math forms I-Math and O many O other O part O of O mathematic O geometric B-Math transformations I-Math coordinate O changes O quadratic O forms O and O many O other O part O of O mathematic O sciences O concerned O with O this O space O use O geometry B-Math widel O sciences B-Attributes concerned O with O this O space O use O geometry O widel O in O both O cases O very O large O matrices B-Math are O generally O involve O the O following O pictures O illustrate O this O trichotomy O in O the O case O of O two O variables B-Math vectors B-Math play O an O important O role O in O physics O the O velocity O and O acceleration O of O a O moving O object O and O the O forces O acting O on O it O can O all O be O described O with O vector O play O an O important O role O in O physics O the O velocity O and O acceleration O of O a O moving B-Attributes object O and O the O forces O acting O on O it O can O all O be O described O with O vector O object O and O the O forces B-Attributes acting O on O it O can O all O be O described O with O vector O it O assists O in O the O modeling O and O simulation O of O fluid O flow O providing O essential O tools O for O the O analysis O of O fluid B-Attributes dynamics I-Attributes problems I-Attributes the O term O is O used O in O various O branches O of O mathematics O such O as O calculus B-Math differential I-Math geometry I-Math algebraic O geometry O and O algebraic O topolog O algebraic B-Math geometry I-Math and O algebraic O topolog O and O algebraic B-Math topology I-Math a O linear B-Math combination I-Math of O x O and O y O would O be O any O expression O of O the O form O ax O by O where O a O and O b O are O constant O of O x O and O y O would O be O any O expression B-Math of O the O form O ax O by O where O a O and O b O are O constant O to O express O that O a O vector O space O v O is O a O linear B-Math span I-Math of O a O subset O s O one O commonly O uses O the O following O phraseseither O s O spans O v O s O is O a O spanning O set O of O v O v O is O spannedgenerated O by O s O or O s O is O a O generator O or O generator O set O of O vector B-Math space I-Math v O is O a O linear O span O of O a O subset O s O one O commonly O uses O the O following O phraseseither O s O spans O v O s O is O a O spanning O set O of O v O v O is O spannedgenerated O by O s O or O s O is O a O generator O or O generator O set O of O spans O can O be O generalized O to O matroids B-Attributes and O module O and O modules B-Attributes spans B-Math can O be O generalized O to O matroids O and O module O the O elements O of O a O basis B-Attributes are O called O basis O vector O are O called O basis B-Math vectors I-Math f O a O linear B-Math map I-Math is O a O bijection O then O it O is O called O a O linear O isomorphis O is O a O bijection O then O it O is O called O a O linear B-Math isomorphism I-Math bijection B-Attributes then O it O is O called O a O linear O isomorphis O in O mathematics B-Math and O physics O a O vector O space O also O called O a O linear O space O is O a O set O whose O elements O often O called O vectors O may O be O added O together O and O multiplied O scaled O by O numbers O called O scalar O and O physics O a O vector B-Math space I-Math also O called O a O linear O space O is O a O set O whose O elements O often O called O vectors O may O be O added O together O and O multiplied O scaled O by O numbers O called O scalar O also O called O a O linear B-Math space I-Math is O a O set O whose O elements O often O called O vectors O may O be O added O together O and O multiplied O scaled O by O numbers O called O scalar O is O a O set O whose O elements O often O called O vectors B-Math may O be O added O together O and O multiplied O scaled O by O numbers O called O scalar O the O same O names O and O the O same O definition O are O also O used O for O the O more O general O case O of O modules O over O a O ring O see O module B-Math homomorphism I-Math because O a O solution O to O a O linear B-Math system I-Math must O satisfy O all O of O the O equations O the O solution O set O is O the O intersection O of O these O lines O and O is O hence O either O a O line O a O single O point O or O the O empty O se O for O improving O efficiency O some O of O them O configure O the O algorithms B-Attributes automatically O at O run O time O for O adapting O them O to O the O specificities O of O the O computer O cache O size O number O of O available O core O an O important O part O of O functional O analysis O is O the O extension O of O the O theories O of O measure B-Math integration I-Math and O probability O to O infinite O dimensional O spaces O also O known O as O infinite O dimensional O analysi O and O probability B-Math to O infinite O dimensional O spaces O also O known O as O infinite O dimensional O analysi O functional B-Math analysis I-Math is O the O extension O of O the O theories O of O measure O integration O and O probability O to O infinite O dimensional O spaces O also O known O as O infinite O dimensional O analysi O functional B-Math analysis I-Math is O of O particular O importance O to O quantum O mechanics O the O theory O of O partial O differential O equations O digital O signal O processing O and O electrical O engineerin O is O of O particular O importance O to O quantum O mechanics O the O theory O of O partial B-Math differential I-Math equations I-Math digital O signal O processing O and O electrical O engineerin O for O example O the O navierstokes O equations O fundamental O in O fluid O dynamics O are O often O solved O using O techniques O derived O from O linear B-Math algebra I-Math analysis B-Math may O be O distinguished O from O geometry O however O it O can O be O applied O to O any O space O of O mathematical O objects O that O has O a O definition O of O nearness O a O topological O space O or O specific O distances O between O objects O a O metric O spac O may O be O distinguished O from O geometry B-Math however O it O can O be O applied O to O any O space O of O mathematical O objects O that O has O a O definition O of O nearness O a O topological O space O or O specific O distances O between O objects O a O metric O spac O however O it O can O be O applied O to O any O space O of O mathematical O objects O that O has O a O definition O of O nearness O a O topological B-Math space I-Math or O specific O distances O between O objects O a O metric O spac O the O concept O of O linear B-Math combinations I-Math is O central O to O linear O algebra O and O related O fields O of O mathematic O is O central O to O linear B-Math algebra I-Math and O related O fields O of O mathematic O and O related O fields O of O mathematics B-Math an O essential O question O in O linear B-Math algebra I-Math is O testing O whether O a O linear O map O is O an O isomorphism O or O not O and O if O it O is O not O an O isomorphism O finding O its O range O or O image O and O the O set O of O elements O that O are O mapped O to O the O zero O vector O called O the O kernel O of O the O ma O is O testing O whether O a O linear B-Math map I-Math is O an O isomorphism O or O not O and O if O it O is O not O an O isomorphism O finding O its O range O or O image O and O the O set O of O elements O that O are O mapped O to O the O zero O vector O called O the O kernel O of O the O ma O is O an O isomorphism B-Attributes or O not O and O if O it O is O not O an O isomorphism O finding O its O range O or O image O and O the O set O of O elements O that O are O mapped O to O the O zero O vector O called O the O kernel O of O the O ma O or O not O and O if O it O is O not O an O isomorphism O finding O its O range O or O image O and O the O set O of O elements O that O are O mapped O to O the O zero O vector O called O the O kernel B-Math of O the O ma O in O mathematics O and O more O specifically O in O linear B-Math algebra I-Math a O linear O map O also O called O a O linear O mapping O linear O transformation O vector O space O homomorphism O or O in O some O contexts O linear O function O is O a O mapping O between O two O vector O spaces O that O preserves O the O operations O of O vector O addition O and O scalar O multiplicatio O a O linear B-Math map I-Math also O called O a O linear O mapping O linear O transformation O vector O space O homomorphism O or O in O some O contexts O linear O function O is O a O mapping O between O two O vector O spaces O that O preserves O the O operations O of O vector O addition O and O scalar O multiplicatio O also O called O a O linear B-Math mapping I-Math inear O transformation O vector O space O homomorphism O or O in O some O contexts O linear O function O is O a O mapping O between O two O vector O spaces O that O preserves O the O operations O of O vector O addition O and O scalar O multiplicatio O linear B-Math transformation I-Math vector O space O homomorphism O or O in O some O contexts O linear O function O is O a O mapping O between O two O vector O spaces O that O preserves O the O operations O of O vector O addition O and O scalar O multiplicatio O vector B-Math space I-Math homomorphism I-Math or O in O some O contexts O linear O function O is O a O mapping O between O two O vector O spaces O that O preserves O the O operations O of O vector O addition O and O scalar O multiplicatio O overall O the O application O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math in O fluid O mechanics O fluid O dynamics O and O thermal O energy O systems O is O an O example O of O the O profound O interconnection O between O mathematics O and O engineerin O in O fluid B-Attributes mechanics I-Attributes fluid O dynamics O and O thermal O energy O systems O is O an O example O of O the O profound O interconnection O between O mathematics O and O engineerin O fluid B-Attributes dynamics I-Attributes and O thermal O energy O systems O is O an O example O of O the O profound O interconnection O between O mathematics O and O engineerin O therefore O the O study O of O matrices B-Math is O a O large O part O of O linear O algebra O and O most O properties O and O operations O of O abstract O linear O algebra O can O be O expressed O in O terms O of O matrice O is O a O large O part O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math and O most O properties O and O operations O of O abstract O linear O algebra O can O be O expressed O in O terms O of O matrice O and O most O properties O and O operations O of O abstract O linear B-Math algebra I-Math can O be O expressed O in O terms O of O matrice O can O be O expressed O in O terms O of O matrices B-Math until O the O end O of O the O th O century O geometric B-Math spaces I-Math were O defined O by O axioms O relating O points O lines O and O planes O synthetic O geometr O were O defined O by O axioms O relating O points O lines O and O planes O synthetic B-Math geometry I-Math for O n O variables O each O linear O equation O determines O a O hyperplane O in O ndimensional B-Math space I-Math determines B-Math a O hyperplane O in O ndimensional O spac O variables B-Math each O linear O equation O determines O a O hyperplane O in O ndimensional O spac O these O theories O are O usually O studied O in O the O context O of O real O and O complex O numbers O and O functions B-Math functional B-Math analysis I-Math studies O function O space O studies O function B-Math spaces I-Math as O a O corollary O all O vector O spaces O are O equipped O with O at O least O two O possibly O different O linear O subspaces O the O zero O vector O space O consisting O of O the O zero O vector O alone O and O the O entire O vector B-Math space I-Math itsel O linear B-Math subspaces I-Math the O zero O vector O space O consisting O of O the O zero O vector O alone O and O the O entire O vector O space O itsel O the O zero B-Math vector I-Math space I-Math consisting O of O the O zero O vector O alone O and O the O entire O vector O space O itsel O the O second O system O has O a O single O unique O solution O namely O the O intersection B-Math of O the O two O line O single B-Math unique I-Math solution I-Math namely O the O intersection O of O the O two O line O linear B-Math algebra I-Math is O thus O a O fundamental O part O of O functional O analysis O and O its O applications O which O include O in O particular O quantum O mechanics O wave O functions O and O fourier O analysis O orthogonal O basi O is O thus O a O fundamental O part O of O functional B-Math analysis I-Math and O its O applications O which O include O in O particular O quantum O mechanics O wave O functions O and O fourier O analysis O orthogonal O basi O and O its O applications O which O include O in O particular O quantum O mechanics O wave O functions O and O fourier B-Math analysis I-Math orthogonal I-Math basis I-Math this O provides O a O concise O and O synthetic O way O for O manipulating O and O studying O systems O of O linear B-Math equations I-Math for O example O matrix B-Math multiplication O represents O the O composition O of O linear O map O multiplication O represents O the O composition O of O linear B-Math maps I-Math linear O systems O are O the O basis O and O a O fundamental O part O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math a O subject O used O in O most O modern O mathematic O a O subject O used O in O most O modern O mathematics B-Math linear B-Math systems I-Math are O the O basis O and O a O fundamental O part O of O linear O algebra O a O subject O used O in O most O modern O mathematic O for O linear B-Math systems I-Math this O interaction O involves O linear O function O this O interaction O involves O linear B-Math functions I-Math in O the O case O where O a O linear B-Math map I-Math is O called O a O linear O endomorphis O is O called O a O linear B-Math endomorphism I-Math some O processors O typically O graphics O processing O units O gpu O are O designed O with O a O matrix B-Attributes structure I-Attributes for O optimizing O the O operations O of O linear O algebr O for O optimizing O the O operations O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math square B-Math matrices I-Math matrices O with O the O same O number O of O rows O and O columns O play O a O major O role O in O matrix O theor O matrices O with O the O same O number O of O rows O and O columns O play O a O major O role O in O matrix B-Math theory I-Math cfd O relies O heavily O on O linear B-Math algebra I-Math for O the O computation O of O fluid O flow O and O heat O transfer O in O various O application O linear O algebraic O concepts O such O as O matrix B-Math operations O and O eigenvalue O problems O are O employed O to O enhance O the O efficiency O reliability O and O economic O performance O of O power O system O operations O and O eigenvalue B-Math problems O are O employed O to O enhance O the O efficiency O reliability O and O economic O performance O of O power O system O linear B-Math algebraic I-Math concepts O such O as O matrix O operations O and O eigenvalue O problems O are O employed O to O enhance O the O efficiency O reliability O and O economic O performance O of O power O system O vector B-Math spaces I-Math are O characterized O by O their O dimension O which O roughly O speaking O specifies O the O number O of O independent O directions O in O the O spac O are O characterized O by O their O dimension B-Attributes which O roughly O speaking O specifies O the O number O of O independent O directions O in O the O spac O in O geometry O matrices B-Math are O widely O used O for O specifying O and O representing O geometric O transformations O for O example O rotations O and O coordinate O change O are O widely O used O for O specifying O and O representing O geometric O transformations O for O example O rotations B-Attributes and O coordinate O change O and O coordinate B-Attributes changes I-Attributes there O are O many O rings O for O which O there O are O algorithms O for O solving O linear B-Math equations I-Math and O systems O of O linear O equation O rings B-Math for O which O there O are O algorithms O for O solving O linear O equations O and O systems O of O linear O equation O the O norm B-Math induces O a O metric O which O measures O the O distance O between O elements O and O induces O a O topology O which O allows O for O a O definition O of O continuous O map O induces O a O metric O which O measures O the O distance B-Attributes between O elements O and O induces O a O topology O which O allows O for O a O definition O of O continuous O map O for O instance O linear B-Math algebra I-Math is O fundamental O in O modern O presentations O of O geometry O including O for O defining O basic O objects O such O as O lines O planes O and O rotation O is O fundamental O in O modern O presentations O of O geometry B-Math including O for O defining O basic O objects O such O as O lines O planes O and O rotation O including O for O defining O basic O objects O such O as O lines B-Math planes I-Math and O rotation O and O rotations B-Math linear B-Math algebra I-Math is O also O used O in O most O sciences O and O fields O of O engineering O because O it O allows O modeling O many O natural O phenomena O and O computing O efficiently O with O such O model O a O euclidean O vector B-Math is O frequently O represented O by O a O directed O line O segment O or O graphically O as O an O arrow O connecting O an O initial O point O a O with O a O terminal O point O b O and O denoted O b O where O f O and O g O are O homogeneous B-Math functions I-Math of O the O same O degree O of O x O and O in O other O words O a O basis B-Attributes is O a O linearly O independent O spanning O se O is O a O linearly B-Math independent I-Math spanning I-Math set I-Math in O the O language O of O category B-Math theory I-Math linear O maps O are O the O morphisms O of O vector O space O linear B-Math maps I-Math are O the O morphisms O of O vector O space O are O the O morphisms O of O vector B-Math spaces I-Math a O system O of O nonlinear B-Math equations I-Math can O often O be O approximated O by O a O linear O system O see O linearization O a O helpful O technique O when O making O a O mathematical O model O or O computer O simulation O of O a O relatively O complex O syste O can O often O be O approximated O by O a O linear B-Math system I-Math see O linearization O a O helpful O technique O when O making O a O mathematical O model O or O computer O simulation O of O a O relatively O complex O syste O a O linear B-Math subspace I-Math is O usually O simply O called O a O subspace O when O the O context O serves O to O distinguish O it O from O other O types O of O subspace O is O usually O simply O called O a O subspace B-Math when O the O context O serves O to O distinguish O it O from O other O types O of O subspace O the O solution B-Math set I-Math is O the O intersection O of O these O hyperplanes O and O is O a O flat O which O may O have O any O dimension O lower O than O is O the O intersection O of O these O hyperplanes O and O is O a O flat O which O may O have O any O dimension B-Math lower O than O hyperplanes B-Math nd O is O a O flat O which O may O have O any O dimension O lower O than O this O was O one O of O the O main O motivations O for O developing O linear B-Math algebra I-Math this O includes O the O use O of O matrices B-Math and O vectors O to O represent O and O manipulate O fluid O flow O field O and O vectors B-Math to O represent O and O manipulate O fluid O flow O field O to O represent O and O manipulate O fluid B-Attributes flow I-Attributes fields I-Attributes this O is O the O case O of O algebras O which O include O field O extensions B-Math polynomial I-Math rings I-Math associative O algebras O and O lie O algebra O vector B-Math spaces I-Math are O completely O characterized O by O their O dimension O up O to O an O isomorphis O are O completely O characterized O by O their O dimension B-Math up O to O an O isomorphis O up O to O an O isomorphism B-Math a O vector B-Math space I-Math can O have O several O bases O however O all O the O bases O have O the O same O number O of O elements O called O the O dimension O of O the O vector O spac O can O have O several O bases B-Attributes however O all O the O bases O have O the O same O number O of O elements O called O the O dimension O of O the O vector O spac O however O all O the O bases O have O the O same O number O of O elements O called O the O dimension B-Math of O the O vector O spac O for O a O system O involving O two O variables O x O and O y O each O linear B-Math equation I-Math determines O a O line O on O the O xyplan O tropical B-Math geometry I-Math is O another O example O of O linear O algebra O in O a O more O exotic O structur O is O another O example O of O linear B-Math algebra I-Math in O a O more O exotic O structur O in O numerical B-Math analysis I-Math many O computational O problems O are O solved O by O reducing O them O to O a O matrix O computation O and O this O often O involves O computing O with O matrices O of O huge O dimensio O many O computational O problems O are O solved O by O reducing O them O to O a O matrix B-Math omputation O and O this O often O involves O computing O with O matrices O of O huge O dimensio O in O general O the O behavior O of O a O linear B-Math system I-Math is O determined O by O the O relationship O between O the O number O of O equations O and O the O number O of O unknown O geometric B-Math interpretatio O a B-Math first I-Math order I-Math differential I-Math equation I-Math is O said O to O be O homogeneous O if O it O may O be O writte O is O said O to O be O homogeneous B-Math if O it O may O be O writte O in O mathematics B-Math a O system O of O linear O equations O or O linear O system O is O a O collection O of O one O or O more O linear O equations O involving O the O same O variable O a O system O of O linear B-Math equations I-Math or O linear O system O is O a O collection O of O one O or O more O linear O equations O involving O the O same O variable O or O linear B-Math system I-Math is O a O collection O of O one O or O more O linear O equations O involving O the O same O variable O for O solutions O in O an O integral O domain O like O the O ring O of O the O integers O or O in O other O algebraic O structures O other O theories O have O been O developed O see O linear B-Math equation I-Math over O a O rin O modules B-Math over O the O integers O can O be O identified O with O abelian O groups O since O the O multiplication O by O an O integer O may O be O identified O to O a O repeated O additio O over O the O integers O can O be O identified O with O abelian B-Math groups I-Math since O the O multiplication O by O an O integer O may O be O identified O to O a O repeated O additio O since O the O multiplication B-Attributes by O an O integer O may O be O identified O to O a O repeated O additio O by O an O integer O may O be O identified O to O a O repeated O addition B-Attributes integers B-Math can O be O identified O with O abelian O groups O since O the O multiplication O by O an O integer O may O be O identified O to O a O repeated O additio O thus O computing O intersections O of O lines O and O planes O amounts O to O solving O systems O of O linear B-Math equations I-Math lines B-Math and O planes O amounts O to O solving O systems O of O linear O equation O and O planes B-Math amounts O to O solving O systems O of O linear O equation O the O concepts O of O linear B-Math independence I-Math span I-Math basis I-Math and O linear O maps O also O called O module O homomorphisms O are O defined O for O modules O exactly O as O for O vector O spaces O with O the O essential O difference O that O if O r O is O not O a O field O there O are O modules O that O do O not O have O any O basi O and O linear B-Math maps I-Math also O called O module O homomorphisms O are O defined O for O modules O exactly O as O for O vector O spaces O with O the O essential O difference O that O if O r O is O not O a O field O there O are O modules O that O do O not O have O any O basi O also O called O module B-Math homomorphisms I-Math are O defined O for O modules O exactly O as O for O vector O spaces O with O the O essential O difference O that O if O r O is O not O a O field O there O are O modules O that O do O not O have O any O basi O in O any O event O the O span O has O a O basis O of O linearly O independent O vectors O that O do O guarantee O exactly O one O expression O and O the O number O of O vectors B-Math in O that O basis O its O dimension O can O not O be O larger O than O m O or O n O but O it O can O be O smalle O consequently O linear B-Math algebra I-Math algorithms O have O been O highly O optimize O these O operations O and O associated O laws O qualify O euclidean O vectors O as O an O example O of O the O more O generalized O concept O of O vectors O defined O simply O as O elements O of O a O vector B-Math space I-Math a O linear B-Math map I-Math from O to O always O maps O the O origin O of O to O the O origin O o O in O modern O introductory O texts O on O functional B-Math analysis I-Math the O subject O is O seen O as O the O study O of O vector O spaces O endowed O with O a O topology O in O particular O infinitedimensional O space O the O subject O is O seen O as O the O study O of O vector B-Math spaces I-Math endowed O with O a O topology O in O particular O infinitedimensional O space O endowed O with O a O topology B-Math in O particular O infinitedimensional O space O this O article O deals O mainly O with O finitedimensional O vector B-Math spaces I-Math matrix B-Math theory I-Math is O the O branch O of O mathematics O that O focuses O on O the O study O of O matrice O is O the O branch O of O mathematics B-Math that O focuses O on O the O study O of O matrice O that O focuses O on O the O study O of O matrices B-Math a O solution B-Math to O a O linear O system O is O an O assignment O of O values O to O the O variables O such O that O all O the O equations O are O simultaneously O satisfie O to O a O linear O system O is O an O assignment O of O values O to O the O variables B-Math uch O that O all O the O equations O are O simultaneously O satisfie O uch O that O all O the O equations O are O simultaneously B-Math satisfie O in O multilinear B-Math algebra I-Math one O considers O multivariable O linear O transformations O that O is O mappings O that O are O linear O in O each O of O a O number O of O different O variable O one O considers O multivariable O linear B-Math transformations I-Math that O is O mappings O that O are O linear O in O each O of O a O number O of O different O variable O otherwise O it O is O infinitedimensional B-Attributes and O its O dimension O is O an O infinite O cardina O a O normed B-Math vector I-Math space I-Math is O a O vector O space O along O with O a O function O called O a O norm O which O measures O the O size O of O element O is O a O vector B-Math space I-Math along O with O a O function O called O a O norm O which O measures O the O size O of O element O such O a O system O is O known O as O an O underdetermined B-Math system I-Math if O in O addition O to O vector B-Math addition I-Math and O scalar O multiplication O there O is O a O bilinear O vector O product O v O v O v O the O vector O space O is O called O an O algebra O for O instance O associative O algebras O are O algebras O with O an O associate O vector O product O like O the O algebra O of O square O matrices O or O the O algebra O of O polynomial O and O scalar B-Math multiplication I-Math there O is O a O bilinear O vector O product O v O v O v O the O vector O space O is O called O an O algebra O for O instance O associative O algebras O are O algebras O with O an O associate O vector O product O like O the O algebra O of O square O matrices O or O the O algebra O of O polynomial O there O is O a O bilinear B-Math vector I-Math product I-Math v O v O v O the O vector O space O is O called O an O algebra O for O instance O associative O algebras O are O algebras O with O an O associate O vector O product O like O the O algebra O of O square O matrices O or O the O algebra O of O polynomial O v O v O v O the O vector B-Math space I-Math is O called O an O algebra O for O instance O associative O algebras O are O algebras O with O an O associate O vector O product O like O the O algebra O of O square O matrices O or O the O algebra O of O polynomial O analysis B-Math is O the O branch O of O mathematics O dealing O with O continuous O functions O limits O and O related O theories O such O as O differentiation O integration O measure O infinite O sequences O series O and O analytic O function O is O the O branch O of O mathematics O dealing O with O continuous B-Math functions I-Math limits I-Math and O related O theories O such O as O differentiation O integration O measure O infinite O sequences O series O and O analytic O function O and O related O theories O such O as O differentiation O integration O measure O infinite O sequences O series O and O analytic B-Math functions I-Math vectors O can O be O added O to O other O vectors O according O to O vector B-Math algebra I-Math vectors B-Math can O be O added O to O other O vectors O according O to O vector O algebr O