id,inputs,targets,dataset_name,sub_dataset_name,task_type,template_id,language,split,script 15001,"詹姆斯不知道該怎麼辦。 他覺得如果再進一步,就會破壞他和珍的關係,他不想這樣做。 同時,他還鬥志昂揚,推得更遠可能會有什麼好處? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 創辦 B: 破壞 C: 產生 D: 修理 E: 構建",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15002,"做麵包是一種什麼樣的活動? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自豪 B: 混亂 C: 可喜 D: 過敏反應 E: 精通",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15003,"我在學校,想喝杯牛奶,我去哪裡找? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 家裡 B: 牛下。 C: 食堂 D: 選單 E: 飯菜",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15004,"什麼一般當選的職位可能容易被貼上黃鼠狼的標籤? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 華盛頓特區 B: 室外 C: 公職 D: 游泳池 E: 雞舍",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15005,"護士在哪裡和老年人一起工作? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 療養院 B: 診所 C: 醫務室 D: 公園 E: 醫院",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15006,"一隻猴子在野外,它們可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熱帶地區 B: 學校 C: 研究室 D: 寵物店 E: 故事書",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15007,"哪裡可以存放餡餅? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 外面 B: 窗臺 C: 冰箱 D: 冰箱 E: 烤爐",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15008,"售票處前面站在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公園 B: 禮堂 C: 電影院 D: 地鐵 E: 火車站",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15009,"學生可能要在哪裡上多期? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 行尾 B: 數學 C: 句尾 D: 學校 E: 歷史",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15010,"學生可能在哪裡使用停車結構? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 芝加哥 B: 商場 C: 大城市 D: 車庫後面。 E: 大學校園",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15011,"為了對抗通貨膨脹,你應該這樣做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不滿 B: 省錢 C: 不多 D: 投資 E: 高利率",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15012,"大家參加總決賽是有原因的,他們都是什麼比賽? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 擅長 B: 不同 C: 與會者 D: 怕 E: 獨特個性",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15013,"上學時要注意哪些人? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 墜落 B: 時候 C: 愚蠢 D: 耐心 E: 教師",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15014,"有什麼好的方法可以讓食物熱起來? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冰箱 B: 烤爐 C: 領域 D: 桌子 E: 櫥櫃",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15015,"什麼東西有一個架子,不能讓你看到裡面的東西? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書櫃 B: 爐子 C: 含酒精 D: 櫃子 E: 雜貨店",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15016,"這個人想換一個新的長椅,那麼他在哪裡找呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地下室 B: 傢俱店 C: 裝飾 D: 會客室 E: 沙發店",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15017,"她在美容院的時候,可以看著來來往往的人在各個不同的店鋪,因為美容院位於哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挑衣服 B: 文員 C: 美髮 D: 商場 E: 街區",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15018,"賭博的時候,你通常會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 窮酸 B: 破產 C: 險的 D: 癮頭 E: 賠錢",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15019,"課堂上指導大家集思廣益,他們會如何動腦筋來做這件事呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 握手 B: 控制事件 C: 相談甚歡 D: 裝扮 E: 創想",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15020,"約翰在一傢什麼都不做的公司工作。 它只是購買、銷售,做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自有資源 B: 郵購 C: 作案 D: 貨架 E: 運貨",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15021,"捲髮棒哪裡用最好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 屜 B: 使用 C: 寢室 D: 盥洗室 E: 閨房",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15022,"約翰不喜歡排隊。 他工作了很久,患了什麼病? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 攪拌 B: 雨 C: 常識 D: 要等 E: 疲勞",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15023,"如果一棵樹後面有光源,會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 收容 B: 跌倒 C: 拓展 D: 擋風 E: 投影",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15024,"學生在學校哪裡貼口香糖? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書籍 B: 人行道 C: 電影 D: 架子 E: 飲水機",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15025,"戴夫覺得懲罰約翰犯錯是錯誤的。 這將是不公正的。 它只會是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 恨意 B: 哀憐 C: 愧疚 D: 滑稽 E: 報應",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15026,"肖恩急著回家,但紅綠燈變成了黃燈,他被迫做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花時間 B: 磨蹭 C: 慢慢來 D: 海洋 E: 減慢",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15027,"公司很便宜。 沒有做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 喝咖啡 B: 支付員工 C: 作案 D: 自有工廠 E: 郵件客戶端",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15028,"夫妻雙方要離婚時,對配偶以外的人有什麼不利影響? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 兒女情長 B: 抑鬱症 C: 無偶 D: 賠錢 E: 慘不忍睹",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15029,"什麼地方可以有上百家體育用品店? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 買運動器材 B: 球衣 C: espn D: 城鎮 E: 城市",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15030,"什麼地方可以有一個後花園? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 警局 B: 城市 C: 房子 D: 英格蘭 E: 城鎮",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15031,"放鬆的方式有很多,對於這個人來說,就是簡單的開一個,然後呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 多米 B: 自家 C: 讀書 D: 點亮 E: 禦寒衣",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15032,"如果你在擺弄一個滑膩的物體,你可能會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 譜寫 B: 掉 C: 民間 D: 藍草音樂 E: 發現",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15033,"藝術行業的人都在努力做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 掙錢 B: 決策 C: 有想象力 D: 創造 E: 產物",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15034,"在美國海岸的哪裡,你會發現好萊塢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 加利福尼亞 B: 丹麥 C: 林蔭道 D: 國家 E: 美國",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15035,"有些人不喜歡喝醉,這給他們帶來了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 醉酒 B: 放鬆 C: 噁心 D: 戰鬥 E: 死亡",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15036,"如果我想最大限度地增加我的潛在客戶數量,我應該在哪裡建立一個新的百貨商店? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 愛達荷 B: 大城市 C: 商場 D: 在城裡 E: 紐約",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15037,"一個人可能會從哪種地方拿走一個裝滿貴重寶石的天鵝絨抽繩包? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 百貨公司 B: 洗衣房 C: 垃圾桶 D: 自由商店 E: 珠寶店",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15038,"在超級公路之上,你能去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工業化國家 B: 農村 C: 網路空間 D: 計算機網路 E: 城市",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15039,"手的反面是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 腳趾 B: 身體部位 C: 腿部 D: 腳步 E: 腳步",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15040,"如果人想在一個溫暖的地方,哪裡是一個好地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 墨西哥 B: 醫生 C: 仗 D: 工作場所 E: 冰箱裡",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15041,"人們表演了一場音樂會之後會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 笑容 B: 音樂 C: 媒介 D: 掌聲 E: 完成",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15042,"當他們展示的房子有問題時,房地產經紀人會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 嫵媚 B: 無能 C: 掩蓋 D: 誇大 E: 欺瞞",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15043,"當一個庫存看到想法變成現實時,他們會把朋友們聚集在一起做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自豪 B: 滿足感 C: 慶祝 D: 成績感 E: 賭博",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15044,"詩人想向文學專業的學生宣傳自己的新文學,他去哪裡宣傳呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 教室 B: 書店 C: 大學 D: 研究 E: 家裡",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15045,"什麼樣的地方有旋轉門,裡面有東西可以買? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商場 B: 公共場所 C: 銀行 D: 紐約 E: 超市門",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15046,"電動機為許多重要的東西提供了動力,包括一個如果幾乎每家。 命名這個專案? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電力機車 B: 電打字機 C: 斑斕海象 D: 電鑽 E: 電冰箱",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15047,"哪裡不太可能有快速路? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 國家 B: 地圖 C: 加拿 D: 大城市 E: 海洋",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15048,"丹不喜歡他看到的東西,所以他把控制知道翻給了安迪。 旋鈕在什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電視 B: 控制盤 C: 門口 D: 屜 E: 開門",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15049,"他必須發誓,他將是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 無纖維 B: 實話實說 C: 不說謊 D: 責任感 E: 認為",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15050,"小便後,我應該在吃飯前做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 吃 B: 洗手 C: 洗腳 D: 拉鍊褲 E: 抽水馬桶",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15051,"這個專案的聲音不對,因為它的一條腿不平。 這個專案可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 紡車 B: 腿部空間 C: 三角鋼琴 D: 病床 E: 辦公椅",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15052,"媽媽看著孩子們在雨中玩耍,就知道自己又要洗漱了,什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 淋溼 B: 弄髒 C: 髒兮兮 D: 亂來 E: 髒兮兮",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15053,"一個局可能在哪裡負責? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 議會 B: 總公司 C: 辦公樓 D: 法國政府 E: 臥室",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15054,"新建道路的開挖會在哪些地方造成交通堵塞? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 埃及 B: 公海 C: 城市 D: 荒漠 E: 採石場",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15055,"詹姆斯的彈跳橡皮球在休息,所以他可以睡覺了。 他早上起床後,又會把它們放在什麼狀態? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 踥蹀 B: 顛倒 C: 積極 D: 覺醒 E: 重持",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15056,"在冬季狩獵的時候,他能聽到樹林裡的每一個動靜,這是因為一切的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 靜止 B: 靜態 C: 靜止的 D: 沉默 E: 靜止",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15057,"買了之後,你會把鐵皮放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 五金店 B: 購物袋 C: 古董店 D: 蛻變 E: 填埋",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15058,"莎莉認識一個在酒廠工作的人。 他每天都會乘坐公共交通工具去上班。 他的工作是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 釀酒 B: 穿牛仔褲 C: 乘車 D: 吃餅 E: 感冒",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15059,"孩子可能用卡片做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩玩具 B: 打球 C: 聽故事 D: 做功課 E: 玩遊戲",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15060,"母親去了一個地方,買了一套全新的房子來裝修,她的心情如何? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 興奮 B: 到了 C: 運動 D: 預測 E: 費用",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15061,"他覺得襯衫裡很悶,他開始解開襯衫的什麼款式? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拉起 B: 拉鍊 C: 綁住 D: 繫上 E: 擺弄",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15062,"Alexa需要一個安全的地方來放置她的木吉他,當她不彈的時候。 她會把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥子 B: 音樂店 C: 房子 D: 演播室 E: 屜",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15063,"家庭可能在哪裡決定一起吃飯? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公園 B: 殯葬 C: 酒店 D: 婚禮 E: 超市",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15064,"獨立日你可能會看到什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 土撥鼠 B: 工地 C: 煙花秀 D: 軍隊 E: 地雷",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15065,"他們雖然還沒有到邊境南部,但已經很近了,在看到一些海軍艦艇後,他們在一家正宗的墨西哥餐廳吃了晚飯,在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 聖地亞哥 B: 墨西哥 C: 捲餅 D: 氛圍 E: 城市",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15066,"如果有人喜歡溫度低,他們可能會有不止一個電風扇,哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熱室 B: 五金店 C: 家裡 D: 家裡 E: 辦公室",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15067,"她覺得自己有一些舊衣服,可能會對服裝有幫助,她去取下來,在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 閣樓 B: 箱子 C: 後備箱 D: 商店 E: 地下室",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15068,"約翰被告知要把乳酪放在地窖裡幾年。 為什麼會這樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 惡臭 B: 善終 C: 漸入佳境 D: 味道 E: 沙拉醬",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15069,"玩樂的心理好處是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 歡樂 B: 解壓 C: 微笑 D: 閃閃 E: 可笑",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15070,"如果是一個機械師,他們可能會點什麼東西到自己的工作地點? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 機件 B: 油機 C: 黃油機 D: 機床 E: 工具",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15071,"喬討厭在午餐時接電話。 他覺得任何打擾他吃飯的事情都是一種什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 刺激 B: 快樂 C: 交流 D: 遺憾 E: 決定",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15072,"銷售員在工作中要負責做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 去芝加哥旅遊 B: 炒魷魚 C: 書籍 D: 銷售產品 E: 服務賬戶",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15073,"除了在公園裡,哪裡還能看到被萬里植物包圍的地標? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄉下 B: 國家公園 C: 荒漠 D: 地圖 E: 城市",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15074,"比利喜歡在床上吃早餐,但他不經常這樣做。 他太喜歡乾淨的床單了。 他為什麼不經常在床上吃早餐? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樂趣 B: 消化不良 C: 便利 D: 愧疚 E: 溢位",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15075,"她想當明星,那她搬到哪裡去了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 太陽系 B: 戲劇 C: 星座 D: 夜空 E: 好萊塢",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15076,"如果你發現自己在解釋什麼叫菜鳥,可能是因為孩子在叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雜耍 B: 城堡 C: 棋譜 D: 飛行 E: 樹木",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15077,"山姆喜歡喝醉。 他這麼做是為了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 放鬆 B: 睡眠 C: 戰鬥 D: 嘔吐 E: 噁心",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15078,"雜誌一般都是在哪裡做舊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 圖書館 B: 市場 C: 桌子 D: 醫生 E: 圖書館",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15079,"每個人與他人的關係是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 感情 B: 食物 C: 獨特個性 D: 不同的標準 E: 價值觀",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15080,"楊是一個在動物園工作的人,很有條理。 你可以說他很什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拼湊 B: 動物 C: 很多人 D: 頭疼 E: 妨害",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15081,"政府能控制什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 麻煩 B: 國家 C: 城市 D: 軍隊 E: 控制",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15082,"鳥類有時為了確立統治地位,會對對方做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 啄 B: 伴侶 C: 孵化 D: 樹林 E: 天空",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15083,"鮑勃走上二樓,來到自己的臥室,他在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 房子 B: 辦公樓 C: 酒店 D: 學校 E: 酒店",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15084,"有人能做什麼來結束放鬆? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 振奮人心 B: 好受 C: 睡眠 D: 強調 E: 深呼吸",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15085,"學校食堂裡哪裡有可能出現孩子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大房間 B: 理工學院 C: 高中 D: 大學 E: 進食",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15086,"在這裡解決困惑的一個方法就是我舉手。 我在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戰爭 B: 階層 C: 介意 D: 學校 E: 戲曲",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15087,"懶蟲經常在哪個潮溼地區的樹枝上打盹? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自然保護區 B: 荒野 C: 林冠 D: 佛羅里達 E: 熱帶雨林",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15088,"如果你在滑冰時搞砸了怎麼辦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩耍 B: 奔月 C: 會掉 D: 會落 E: 變冷",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15089,"在美國南部的哪裡可以找到供應Dos Equis cerveza的牛排店? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 日本 B: 飯店 C: 美國 D: 墨西哥 E: 德州",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15090,"一個自私的人不會和飢餓的朋友分享一個三明治,一個是什麼的人可能雖然? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 慈善 B: 無私 C: 利他 D: 無私 E: 不餓",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15091,"你在哪裡買鋼琴? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 音樂商店 B: 音樂學校 C: 音樂廳 D: 鄰居家 E: 畫室",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15092,"你在哪裡能找到槍和穿制服的人? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 學校 B: 路障 C: 體育場 D: 體育用品商店 E: 軍事基地",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15093,"你在哪裡可以找到只有幾個辦公室? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 摩天大樓 B: 紐約 C: 工作 D: 城市 E: 教學樓",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15094,"棉花需要送到皮埃蒙特的襯衫廠,應該送到哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 北卡羅來納州 B: 藥櫃 C: 乘飛機 D: 喬治亞 E: 布料",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15095,"大將軍第一次吃了敗仗,現在看來真的沒有人他的對手不能什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 贏錢 B: 勝利 C: 征服 D: 優勝 E: 失去",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15096,"如果你在喝Schlitz,你的公寓在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 密爾沃基 B: 城市 C: 住宅區 D: 郊區 E: 施裡茨鎮",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15097,"在犯罪嫌疑人被石頭面對的殺人罪宣判過程中,他對自己給被害人家屬造成的傷害表示了悔恨? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 悲痛 B: 悲哀 C: 自由 D: 血雨腥風 E: 亡故",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15098,"莎莉在樂隊坑道附近看著選手們上臺。 她在什麼樓裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 歌劇院 B: 屁股 C: 禮堂 D: 戲劇 E: 音樂廳",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15099,"當比爾出門後,抬頭一看,他在外面發現了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 性質 B: 天空 C: 雨 D: 太陽 E: 地面",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15100,"當時有一個大型的會議正在進行,所有的酒店房間都被預訂了。 整個國家沒有任何可用的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 密西根 B: 臥室 C: 城市 D: 沐浴 E: 勝地",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15101,"騎自行車通過崎嶇的地形可能是危險的,一個人可能會發現自己什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樂趣 B: 意外 C: 墜落 D: 傷害 E: 到位",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15102,"人們從哪種媒介獲得啤酒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 賭場 B: 酒館 C: 雜貨店 D: 冰箱 E: 瓶子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15103,"如果想通過離婚來解除婚姻關係,應該和誰說呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 律師 B: 衝突 C: 婚姻 D: 結婚 E: 法律檔案",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15104,"你會在哪裡聽到低音單簧管和其他木管樂器一起演奏? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 歌劇院 B: 校樂隊 C: 音樂商店 D: 廁位 E: 管絃樂隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15105,"六旬警察是幹什麼的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 退任 B: 引流 C: 案子 D: 罰站 E: 停運令",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15106,"山姆覺得你需要提高自己。 她說,你應該花時間收集你的思想,清除你的思想。 她為什麼要你提高自己? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 習新 B: 做瑜伽 C: 自我感覺良好 D: 打坐 E: 慶祝",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15107,"一次性剃鬚刀的名字很貼切,它的結局是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 超市 B: 垃圾 C: 賓館房間 D: 櫥子 E: 藥櫃",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15108,"醫生可以開出多種形式的抗生素,什麼型別的抗生素可能有凝膠塗層? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 治菌 B: 蒴果 C: 藥櫃 D: 訂明 E: 藥店",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15109,"如果你點燃一根蠟燭,看看你在幹什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 臥室 B: 猶太教堂 C: 陽光 D: 生日蛋糕 E: 昏室",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15110,"什麼樣的感覺會促使人提起民事訴訟? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 併發症 B: 憤怒 C: 疲倦 D: 審判 E: 官司",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15111,"人在哪裡可以找到不是褲子的衣服? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 褲子店 B: 地球上 C: 服裝店 D: 學校 E: 車禍",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15112,"兄弟會更喜歡在體育館鍛鍊,這裡的位置在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 學校或Ymca B: 水療 C: 高中 D: 大學校園 E: 體育場",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15113,"一個數字是通常的反應是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 算術題 B: 電話簿 C: 中式外賣選單 D: 統計學 E: 輪盤",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15114,"約翰走在一條過道上,過道上擺滿了非處方藥,另一條過道上擺滿了各種物品,玩具,糖果什麼的。 如果除了糖果之外沒有其他的食物,那麼他可能在什麼型別的商店裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 百貨公司 B: 加油站 C: 藥店 D: 雜貨店 E: 超市",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15115,"如果我在女顧客身上使用髮夾,我需要把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 髮廊 B: 幗 C: 浴室櫃抽屜 D: 額頭 E: 理髮店",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15116,"人類往往會有什麼圓圓的東西飛來飛去? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雙臂 B: 長生不老 C: 產卵 D: 雙眼 E: 十指",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15117,"現在的原創藝術很少。 如何描述大多數藝術? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拷貝 B: 譬喻 C: 再生產 D: 衍生物 E: 網路",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15118,"土豆用什麼容器好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 廚櫃 B: 茶水間 C: 自家廚房 D: 一個花瓶。 E: 蛤蜊湯",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15119,"他是嫉妒贏家,他的眼睛裡有什麼嫉妒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 藍色 B: 見光 C: 綠化 D: 褐色 E: 紅色",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15120,"當你要吃飯的時候,你把鹽放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挨著胡椒 B: 海水 C: 桌子 D: 振動臺 E: 鄰居家",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15121,"路易斯安那州是一個邦聯州,在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 深南 B: 美國 C: 98只小龍蝦 D: 革命戰爭 E: 海灣國家",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15122,"喬在好奇心的驅使下,從事的是什麼職業? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 看電視 B: 設計軟體 C: 讀書 D: 見證 E: 散步",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15123,"詹姆斯在一家猶太社群的猶太熟食店工作,他的祖父母在40年代從歐洲來到這個城市。 他在臥室裡就能看到那支綠色的大火炬。 他可能住在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 紐約市 B: 邁阿密 C: 美食街 D: 城鎮 E: 耶路撒冷",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15124,"如果我開始和別人交流,可能會有什麼反應? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 訂婚 B: 知識共享 C: 思想交流 D: 分散式資訊 E: 思考",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15125,"什麼草坪最容易出現在街道上? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 綠地 B: 郊區 C: 前院 D: 高爾夫球場 E: 密西根",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15126,"他想多瞭解一個課題,就開始讀書,結果呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 溫故而知新 B: 進一步瞭解 C: 學科知識 D: 暢想 E: 繼續教育",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15127,"如果我見到非常親近的人,非常興奮,我會是什麼情緒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 無聊 B: 憂慮 C: 喜愛 D: 結交新朋友 E: 醜陋",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15128,"如果你養的牛得了獎,你在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 農家院 B: 穩定的 C: 芻狗 D: 綿羊圈 E: 縣集市",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15129,"吉姆決定減肥。 他認為,運動是最好的減肥方法,因為你無法擺脫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飲食需求 B: 健身 C: 出汗 D: 快餐 E: 渴求",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15130,"有些名人在被抓到什麼之後,覺得公開有用? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 高跟鞋 B: 廣泛接受 C: 問題 D: 新聞報道 E: 嗑藥",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15131,"如果一個人對針相當有手藝,他們可能會有各種各樣的愛好,比如針刺、鉤針,或者只是普通的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 藝術品商店 B: 縫紉機 C: 縫製 D: 框 E: 起居室",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15132,"據瞭解,一隻狨猴生活在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 黃頁 B: 叢林 C: 林子 D: 藏身之處 E: 高山",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15133,"養貓的妙處是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 安樂椅 B: 窗臺 C: 沃爾瑪 D: 地板 E: 人道協會",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15134,"莎拉不想做壞事,但她覺得自己沒有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 誠實 B: 值得 C: 選擇 D: 吃餅 E: 惡語相向",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15135,"哪裡有人能買到笛子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樂器店 B: 竊取 C: 軍樂隊 D: 交響樂 E: 管絃樂隊",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15136,"學生在老師講課的時候不應該做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 彈琴 B: 學工程 C: 通電話 D: 說話 E: 讀書",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15137,"業主想安裝新的地板,具體要安裝在哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 家居用品商店 B: 捆綁 C: 豪宅 D: 房子 E: 閣樓",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15138,"莎莉認為,競爭不值得冒險。 如果她再用力,可能會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 壓力 B: 加大力度 C: 加大力度 D: 死亡 E: 敵人",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15139,"喬想知道真相,因為他是一個學者,南下儘可能多的學習。 他為了追求什麼不惜一切代價? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 湊合 B: 事關 C: 暢想 D: 進一步瞭解 E: 尋路",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15140,"哪裡可以找到很多小說詞的好地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書籍 B: 報紙 C: 嘴裡 D: 句子 E: 包裝內",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15141,"如果需要上廁所就需要一把鑰匙,要想得到鑰匙還得從什麼地方買東西? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 學校 B: 商場 C: 休息區 D: 便利店 E: 戲院",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15142,"喬在家裡跑來跑去,越過物業邊界,撞上了精心修剪的玫瑰花叢,對玫瑰花叢和自己都造成了傷害。 玫瑰花叢可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄰居家院子 B: 土裡土氣 C: 領域 D: 性質 E: 植物園",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15143,"導遊在面對人們的時候,哪裡會揮舞著手臂? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲曲 B: 主奏 C: 地鐵 D: 唱詩班 E: 管絃樂隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15144,"經常逃跑的狗可能是真的嗎? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 忠心耿耿 B: 很聰明 C: 疲憊 D: 親切 E: 忠實",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15145,"他知道家鄉有草原犬,但不確定自己看到的是不是鼫鼠,但內陸導遊解釋說是在他參觀哪裡的時候? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 北美 B: 澳大利亞 C: 荒漠 D: 荒野 E: 瑞士",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15146,"有些人用愛情為自己做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 抹殺 B: 招待 C: 伺候 D: 孕育 E: 過日子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15147,"你最有可能在週日早上聽到鐘聲的建築是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 爐子 B: 教堂 C: 學校 D: 馴鹿 E: 前門",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15148,"黃鼠狼的人往往在哪裡就業? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 兒歌 B: 園區 C: 雞舍 D: 二手車場 E: 華盛頓特區",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15149,"莎拉把食物放在桌子旁邊的垃圾桶裡。 她可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公室 B: 拐角 C: 巴士站 D: 公園 E: 汽車旅館",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15150,"她想把自己的舊衣服捐給慈善機構,她開始把衣服摺疊堆放成一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 箱子 B: 地下室 C: 垃圾 D: 袋子 E: 後備箱",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15151,"丹尼需要一隻新滑鼠,他的滑鼠一動就跳來跳去。 他的老鼠會在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 荒屋 B: 玉米地 C: 櫥櫃 D: 櫥櫃 E: 桌面",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15152,"笛子哪裡有可能在坑裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 黨 B: 交響樂 C: 樂器店 D: 軍樂隊 E: 管絃樂隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15153,"如果你在馬背上拍馬屁股,它就會奔跑,如果你在馬背上拍馬屁股,馬會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 奔跑 B: 飲水 C: 膽結石 D: 拉車 E: 遰",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15154,"丹尼在一個密封的什麼東西里發現了一箇舊膠片? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 膠片 B: 迪斯尼樂園 C: 洞窟 D: 櫥櫃 E: 電影",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15155,"便利無比,但旅行者只等著在什麼地方降落? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公寓樓 B: 飯店 C: 轉機 D: 機場 E: 樓梯間",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15156,"牛群在城市裡迷失了方向,討厭喧囂,它們渴望什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 擠奶機 B: 鄉下 C: 農家院 D: 集市 E: 玁狁",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15157,"對於老年居民來說,疾病是一個常見的方式結束住宿,在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 療養院 B: 病者 C: 墓園 D: 醫院 E: 腦子",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15158,"祈求的結果很可能是什麼,導致預期的結果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冥想 B: 沉思 C: 憤怒 D: 救濟 E: 被安慰",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15159,"衣服疊在哪裡最好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 洗衣房 B: 臥室 C: 梳妝檯 D: 櫥子 E: 手提箱",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15160,"犯下謀殺罪的條件是,某人必須什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 槍支 B: 入獄 C: 大悲 D: 自盡 E: 死亡",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15161,"購物過多會導致? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 透支 B: 破產 C: 疲倦 D: 花錢 E: 繭子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15162,"黃鼠狼偷了農場裡的雞蛋,它通過高大的什麼東西逃走了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雞舍 B: 兒童故事 C: 雞舍 D: 動畫片 E: 玉米地",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15163,"如果你要買啤酒去漂流旅行,你準備做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 被捕 B: 愚蠢 C: 生病 D: 花錢 E: 玩耍",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15164,"筆記本經常在哪裡購買? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 教室 B: 背囊 C: 亞伯拉罕-林肯墓 D: 桌面 E: 書店",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15165,"當員工給你送來煮熟的土豆時,你在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 盥洗室 B: 地窖 C: 鄉下 D: 飯店 E: 盤子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15166,"一個人,買不起房,他們很可能會遇到什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 精神分裂症 B: 騙局 C: 篳路藍縷 D: 惡感 E: 財富",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15167,"在決定如何選購麥片時,大多數麥片廠家是怎麼決定的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 箱子 B: 櫥櫃 C: 冰箱 D: 櫥櫃 E: 嘴裡",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15168,"當一個農民獲得更多的土地時,預期的積極後果是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 賺錢 B: 糾紛 C: 更多的工作 D: 更多責任 E: 加稅",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15169,"古代航海的北歐部落人把黃鼠狼的皮毛帶到了他的什麼船上? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 兔經 B: 二手車場 C: 維京船 D: 巡航 E: 雞舍",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15170,"牙科診所處理了很多口外傷的患者,這些患者來自哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 城鎮 B: 密西根 C: 辦公樓 D: 醫院 E: 學校",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15171,"中世紀的小人是一種什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 貴族 B: 貴族 C: 好人 D: 地主 E: 聖人",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15172,"哪裡可能有大量的蘋果樹? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 南極 B: 農田 C: 葡萄園 D: 公園 E: 蘭花",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15173,"電極不能產生火花,原來是那個什麼沒有接好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 收費 B: 電子裝置 C: 電解池 D: 電池 E: 管子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15174,"詹姆斯一次又一次地打了一個人。 他的鼻子流血了,一些血跡覆蓋了賈梅的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手 B: 手指 C: 拳頭 D: 憤怒 E: 撞擊",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15175,"很多人在生日的時候會對一個人做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 送禮 B: 收信 C: 難為情 D: 入會 E: 謝天謝地",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15176,"利用電視向大家播放同樣的節目,你可以潛在地增加什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 革新 B: 符合 C: 入睡 D: 招待 E: 視覺",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15177,"貓是肉食動物,這意味著它們不做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 弄溼 B: 羊毛衫 C: 獵物 D: 吃菜 E: 利爪",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15178,"為什麼和朋友聊天后,你會不信任你的朋友? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 謊言 B: 薰 C: 笑聲 D: 咳嗽 E: 熱病",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15179,"一般來說,一個人花時間學習一門學科的主要目的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 變化 B: 增長見識 C: 欣喜 D: 頭疼 E: 無聊",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15180,"一般在哪裡買到處方防晒霜? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 沙灘包 B: 藥店 C: 雜貨店 D: 鋪子 E: 日晒店",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15181,"我有一些舊的東西,可能是有價值的,我把它送到哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 垃圾箱 B: 博物館 C: 閣樓 D: 地窖 E: 閣樓",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15182,"如果考試不難,那會是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 刁鑽 B: 愜意 C: 可承受 D: 輕鬆 E: 刁難",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15183,"每個人都想和別人在一起幹什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 健康關係 B: 溼衣 C: 動車 D: 學校 E: 打",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15184,"樂隊是在現場表演,但如果你仔細看就會發現,之前的聲音是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 錄音 B: 廣播 C: 動畫 D: 混合 E: 中立",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15185,"平面設計師用瓷磚工作,這些數字瓷磚組成了一個什麼地圖? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地板 B: 藝術 C: 遊戲 D: 歌曲 E: 頂棚",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15186,"約翰不知道該給誰買什麼。 買聖誕禮物對他來說壓力很大,而完成是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 慘不忍睹 B: 幸福 C: 救濟 D: 缺錢 E: 債務",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15187,"吃午飯會引起什麼痛苦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 頭疼 B: 口臭 C: 胃灼熱 D: 增肥 E: 屁",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15188,"舵機是什麼動力休閒船的轉向控制? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拖船 B: 南錫 C: 汽艇 D: 軍團 E: 帆船",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15189,"什麼時候必須找別人尋找養父母的資訊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 程式 B: 學習 C: 上學 D: 死亡 E: 發問",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15190,"著名的長號被展示出來,大家可以看到它和其他名品在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 案子 B: 展覽 C: 博物館 D: 高校樂隊 E: 軍樂隊",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15191,"為什麼你會不顧警告吸菸? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 你真笨 B: 自殺 C: 煙 D: 糊塗 E: 26歲以上",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15192,"那人在大廳裡尋路,該找誰呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商業計劃 B: 太陽 C: 辦公樓 D: 接待員 E: 大樓",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15193,"無論你把它放在什麼日期,我們都知道宇宙是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 真正 B: 宇宙 C: 年輕化 D: 無限 E: 老掉牙",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15194,"哪裡可以找到非專業的網球場? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 運動會 B: 娛樂中心 C: 鄉村俱樂部 D: 大學校園 E: 動物園",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15195,"一個優秀的歌手聲音是要? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 高聲 B: 美好 C: 聲響 D: 喬治-邁克爾 E: 通訊",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15196,"當人們在恍惚中想讓自己平靜下來的時候,他們會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 執行 B: 混亂 C: 幻覺 D: 癲癇 E: 打坐",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15197,"公司想招聘一個有特殊需求的人,他們的工作是收集紙板在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 箱廠 B: 包裝材料 C: 回收站 D: 倉庫 E: 盥洗室",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15198,"人們去哪裡獲取知識? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公寓 B: 教室 C: 博物館 D: 居民區 E: 賽馬場",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15199,"當工作中的人聚在一起交流資訊時,ti叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 線上 B: 網路 C: 斷裂 D: 會議 E: 手冊",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15200,"當人們想看一個新動作時,往往會去看在? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 城鎮 B: 會議 C: 盥洗室 D: 戲院 E: 火車站",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15201,"屁股光禿禿的,薩姆目不轉睛地盯著它。 這是很什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 充分 B: 豐富的 C: 覆蓋 D: 赤字 E: 豐富的",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15202,"愛因斯坦認定能量是由什麼構成的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 弱點 B: 打球 C: 大量 D: 熵 E: 事情",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15203,"一隻禿鷹從天上飛過,上面反過來叫什麼侵蝕? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地獄峽谷 B: 科羅拉多 C: 天空 D: 南太浩湖 E: 中愛達荷州",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15204,"車庫有光感應器和自動門,這是什麼房子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 現代住宅 B: 建築物 C: 聯排別墅 D: 鄰居家 E: 市區",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15205,"當記得你參考的東西,你有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 記憶體 B: 先前的知識 C: 瞭解 D: 腦細胞 E: 神經細胞",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15206,"按照宗教,神永遠不會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 任何 B: 創造奇蹟 C: 評人 D: 法官 E: 到處",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15207,"要想學習必須有合適的書,要想高效工作必須有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 提升自己 B: 懂事 C: 見多識廣 D: 永續性 E: 有手段",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15208,"一粒沙子如果進入你的什麼地方,可能會引起你的不適。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 桶 B: 沙堆 C: 灘 D: 蛤 E: 泳衣",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15209,"她對這個男人有興趣,她想和他做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 節目 B: 見證 C: 看人下菜碟 D: 觀影 E: 交談",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15210,"手很溫柔,我把周圍的汙垢索性輕輕地洗了一遍。 但化學品是另一回事。 他們很什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 堅定 B: 嚴苛 C: 恨意 D: 粗略 E: 艱難",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15211,"水母不可能出現在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 平洋 B: 日本餐廳 C: 大西洋 D: 印度洋 E: 商店",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15212,"動物園會在哪裡養狐猴? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 銀行 B: 澳大利亞 C: 籠子 D: 樹林 E: 洞",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15213,"當窗簾合上的時候,這一切就結束了。 這是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 橋樑 B: 房子 C: 顯示 D: 百貨公司 E: 視窗",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15214,"肖恩在考試中犯了一個錯誤,但這不是一個意外。 他為什麼要這麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 煎熬 B: 成功 C: 改正 D: 故意 E: 正確答案",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15215,"格雷格對學術和歷史不感興趣,所以當他和同學們一起參觀博物館的時候,他被什麼感覺擊垮了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 無聊 B: 瘙癢 C: 享受 D: 靈感 E: 腳痛",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15216,"什麼原因會讓人無法買房? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 討價還價 B: 付出 C: 落戶 D: 賠錢 E: 遙不可及",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15217,"狗狗對人的態度一般如何? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 很聰明 B: 忠心耿耿 C: 親切 D: 外邊 E: 毛茸茸",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15218,"公開一個有爭議的問題,有可能得到什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 廣泛接受 B: 後果 C: 嗑藥 D: 新聞報道 E: 媒體關注",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15219,"徒步旅行對他來說實在是太早了,他沒有喝水,而是在他的什麼裡放了一杯咖啡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熟食 B: 食堂 C: 廚房 D: 辦公室 E: 食客",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15220,"如果孩子們感到無聊,會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 行走 B: 捉迷藏 C: 換鞋 D: 聞煙 E: 伸過來",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15221,"富家子弟認為他可以給教授錢,反過來教授會讓他幹什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花費 B: 兜裡 C: 保持 D: 創作 E: 及格",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15222,"花瓶的底座叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電晶體 B: 餡餅 C: 箱子 D: 容器 E: 海底",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15223,"條例草案不允許薩姆再建一個新的建築。 山姆抗議說,這個建築是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 限制 B: 禁忌 C: 嚴禁 D: 允許 E: 禁止",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15224,"老師不忍心在他們的什麼考試中出現噪音? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電影院 B: 保齡球館 C: 工廠 D: 商店 E: 教室",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15225,"為了去泡溫泉,要離開哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 房子 B: 酒店 C: 鄉村俱樂部 D: 保健所 E: 後院",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15226,"他想買一個新的床墊,他想買一個柔軟的東西,但什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 六絃 B: 高聲 C: 艱難 D: 嚴苛 E: 堅定",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15227,"傷害了別人而不後悔的人,可能會有什麼後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 惡業 B: 悔恨 C: 會反感 D: 懲罰 E: 開心",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15228,"是什麼原因導致了滑冰的恐懼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 受傷 B: 心率加快 C: 馳騁 D: 止不住 E: 跌宕起伏",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15229,"外星人從哪裡來? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 火星 B: 世界週報 C: 羅斯韋爾 D: 宇宙 E: 外層空間",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15230,"如果我把飲料往臉上傾斜,在液體溢位之前,我應該怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 張口 B: 用玻璃 C: 買瓶 D: 先吃 E: 閉眼",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15231,"動物們不擅長游泳,所以它們很難做到什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 通水 B: 洗澡 C: 相聽 D: 愉悅 E: 無性繁殖",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15232,"當你去看互動性強的演出時,你想做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 知道 B: 離開 C: 鼓掌 D: 經歷 E: 仰慕",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15233,"如果一個人累了,怎麼會有精神呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 臥床休息 B: 躺在床上 C: 跑步 D: 水廠 E: 感冒",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15234,"你在房間之間跑幾樓? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地毯 B: 兌換 C: 舞蹈 D: 走廊 E: 建築物",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15235,"如果你沒有梯子,哪裡會有梯子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 五金店 B: 儲藏室 C: 車庫 D: 渣土車 E: 工具房",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15236,"音樂家最有可能與什麼型別的團體一起演奏單簧管協奏曲? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 管絃樂隊 B: 音樂商店 C: 爵士樂隊 D: 搖滾樂隊 E: 音樂室",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15237,"生活的方式有很多,但結局都是一樣的,什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 虛空 B: 建立 C: 昏迷 D: 死亡 E: 快樂",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15238,"如果你沒有筆,到哪裡去買? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公文包 B: 屜 C: 朋友家 D: 兜裡 E: 人行道",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15239,"大家需要在鄉下找一個紅色的電話亭,他們在哪裡找? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飯店 B: 醫師 C: 街角 D: 英格蘭 E: 倫敦",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15240,"前鋒在文章之前,結尾是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 結局 B: 後記 C: 尾聲 D: 遺言 E: 頁碼",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15241,"茶樓可能起源於哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 食堂 B: 亞洲國家 C: 倫敦 D: 建築物 E: 英格蘭",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15242,"學生為什麼要舉手? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 完整測試 B: 逝世 C: 讀本 D: 答題 E: 讀書",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15243,"你會在哪個州發現雪蘭多山谷? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 蒙大拿 B: 山地 C: 西弗吉尼亞州 D: 大陸 E: 泥土",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15244,"很多成年人的責任是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工作 B: 傳動系統 C: 掃地 D: 飲酒 E: 結婚",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15245,"我坐了下來,窗簾拉開,我享受著這什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飛機 B: 電影 C: 禮堂 D: 戲劇 E: 顯示",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15246,"詹姆斯是一個文學收藏家。 他可能去哪裡弄到一些? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公共圖書館 B: 自家 C: 架子 D: 舊貨市場 E: 書刊",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15247,"她在競爭,但覺得自己的不足,她應用什麼來提高成績? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 類固醇 B: 憤怒 C: 腎上腺素激增 D: 加大力度 E: 虛懷若谷",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15248,"來自東邊的風常被稱為什麼風? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 西邊 B: 向西 C: 西部 D: 北方 E: 東邊",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15249,"如果兩個人有一個共同的目標,如何才能完成這個目標呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 相投 B: 握手 C: 做愛 D: 玩耍 E: 攜手",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15250,"為了學習新的知識,成年人可以採取什麼措施? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大專班 B: 圖書館 C: 學校 D: 教室 E: 大學",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15251,"對於是正整數的數,你會怎麼做才能得到一個較小的結果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 寫下來 B: 分裂 C: 開局 D: 加起來 E: 倍增",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15252,"如果有人統治了宇宙,他們負責什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 一切 B: 足球賽 C: 教室 D: 教科書 E: 法律書",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15253,"蝙蝠俠買了啤酒。 沒有瓶子。 他要解決什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 架子 B: 可以 C: 小桶 D: 足球賽 E: 冰箱",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15254,"那人想坐公交車,但所有的車都是滿滿的人,做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 出遊 B: 拒絕 C: 省錢 D: 坐下來 E: 坐下",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15255,"在一個城市裡,你會在哪裡看到房屋附近的樹木? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 院子 B: 保護地 C: 鄉下 D: 果園 E: 地表",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15256,"喬發現,他是刺死了一個人。 他沒想到會這樣做,他只是生氣。 他害怕後果,倒塌的地方蓋著什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 官司 B: 刀具 C: 流血 D: 刀傷 E: 牢獄之災",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15257,"他看了一本又一本的書,他總是喜歡做什麼事情? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 遊新 B: 習新 C: 識字 D: 愉快 E: 悶",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15258,"座位後面哪裡可能有滅火器? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樓梯間 B: 房子 C: 園林 D: 校車 E: 車庫",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15259,"記得要注意聽講,這樣你才能做到什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 知道 B: 借鑑 C: 有利 D: 有意思 E: 濃縮",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15260,"當有人假裝哭泣時,他們是? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 淒涼 B: 喊叫 C: 受傷 D: 傷害 E: 代理",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15261,"當一個精明的消費者在面對看似好得不能再好的產品功效證明時,應該怎麼做呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 惱怒 B: 變心 C: 審視 D: 無聊 E: 閱讀",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15262,"如果一個人在滑旱冰時失去平衡,無法恢復,那是怎麼回事? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傷 B: 馳騁 C: 受傷 D: 打人 E: 墜落",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15263,"太過放鬆會有什麼後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 滿意 B: 睡眠 C: 振奮人心 D: 懶惰 E: 好受",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15264,"已發現的許多石拱門的例子,可以追溯到什麼文明? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 腳步 B: 古羅馬 C: 大教堂 D: 建築物 E: 我的衛生間",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15265,"一個孤獨的人自殺了,他為什麼要這麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 痛苦 B: 他很高興 C: 不高興 D: 避禍 E: 止痛",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15266,"律師經常租賃哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公樓 B: 簽署檔案 C: 公寓 D: 工作 E: 審判室",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15267,"狗狗喜歡吃什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 跳蚤 B: 小鼠 C: 口臭 D: 四條腿 E: 骨頭",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15268,"如果你口渴了,哪裡能找到一些對你沒用的水管? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自家 B: 牆面 C: 顯示 D: 煉油廠 E: 飲水機",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15269,"物業的什麼部位可能會挨著車道? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 細分 B: 街區 C: 開車 D: 院子 E: 郊區",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15270,"如果在非洲的什麼水域漂流,你應該注意蛇的存在? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 溼草 B: 西德州 C: 亞馬遜河 D: 高草 E: 樹",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15271,"在回憶過去的悲劇時,很多人都會有什麼感受? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 知道 B: 痛苦 C: 鄉愁 D: 抑鬱症 E: 知識",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15272,"犯偽證罪是嚴重的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 起訴書 B: 入獄 C: 暴力 D: 謊言 E: 罪行",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15273,"千層餅煮好後,你會去哪裡找? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 盤子 B: 市場 C: 冰箱 D: 盤子 E: 商店",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15274,"這是他們第一次見到新來的侄女,一年一度的什麼年會,大家聚在一起真好。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 舅舅家 B: 家庭畫冊 C: 家譜 D: 書籍 E: 閤家歡",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15275,"颶風颳過一個城市時,會產生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 殃及池魚 B: 災難 C: 雨 D: 駭人聽聞 E: 龍捲風",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15276,"什麼型別的玉米結構會有很多通道? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 叢林 B: 房子 C: 迷宮 D: 迷宮 E: 酒店",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15277,"湯姆少校想儲存這些武器。 雖然他們很危險,但他覺得他們將來能有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 使用 B: 街道 C: 毀壞 D: 腐爛 E: 浪費",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15278,"果凍需要儲存,應該放在哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冰箱 B: 甜甜圈 C: 糖分 D: 花生醬 E: 罐子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15279,"強烈建議在某些活動後洗手,保持這個習慣可以讓你保持良好的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 面板刺激 B: 健康 C: 公園 D: 溼潤 E: 乾性面板",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15280,"聽專家講課,你希望做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 憐憫 B: 疲勞 C: 學習 D: 同理心 E: 憂慮",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15281,"人們把票投給了局外人,因為他們希望它能帶來什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 抉擇 B: 相見恨晚 C: 相談甚歡 D: 喜訊 E: 蘋果園",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15282,"他們想在城下建一個新的娛樂綜合體,但成本對預算做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拆除 B: 毀壞 C: 增加 D: 拆除 E: 斷裂",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15283,"真空可能存放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 空間 B: 容器 C: 軌道 D: 櫥子 E: 戴森",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15284,"當對手佔了上風時,士兵們會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 聽命 B: 動武 C: 增援 D: 回家 E: 陣亡",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15285,"當你去買羊的時候,你會知道,這是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 小羊 B: 狼 C: 羊毛 D: 綿羊 E: 昂貴",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15286,"莎莉在找一個鹽水壺。 她看了看自己吃飯的地方,並不在那裡。 她在倉庫裡找了一下,並沒有。 她找遍了每一個角落,最終她找到了夾在櫃檯旁邊的東西。 她在哪裡找到鹽罐的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自家廚房 B: 飯館 C: 餐桌 D: 廚櫃 E: 櫥櫃",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15287,"他正試圖思考這個公式,當他想到這個公式時,他填寫了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 數學 B: 想起 C: 走神 D: 驚奇 E: 答案",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15288,"西蒙帶著電腦上樓,穿過他的門,把電腦架在沙發旁。 他把電腦帶到哪裡去了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 教室 B: 泊車 C: 示威 D: 學校 E: 公寓",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15289,"一箱箱的產品存放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鞋店 B: 倉庫 C: 蛻變 D: 車庫 E: 地下室",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15290,"他想在實際什麼地方住宿,這樣他就已經在他需要的地方了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 蒙古包 B: 密西根 C: 大城市 D: 度假區 E: 度假",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15291,"人在哪裡可以買到蛇? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熱帶雨林 B: 沃爾瑪 C: 北美 D: 寵物店 E: 羽毛",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15292,"服務員需要具備什麼條件才能服務好客戶? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 駕照 B: 商業 C: 賺錢 D: 有禮 E: 笑容",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15293,"北美最大的圖書群是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 國會圖書館 B: 校舍 C: 辦公桌 D: 櫥子 E: 教室",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15294,"詹姆斯抬起樓梯,但約翰也想起來。 詹姆斯要對樓梯做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 降職 B: 掯 C: 降低 D: 減薪 E: 修理",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15295,"要想開好車,需要什麼條件? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩耍 B: 聽廣播 C: 公園 D: 濃縮 E: 超速",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15296,"如果你已經結束了與某人的訪問,接下來會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 謝天謝地 B: 轉身 C: 耕耘 D: 走掉 E: 爆炸",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15297,"他需要訂書機和索引卡,他想在哪裡購買最好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 口頭報告 B: 辦公用品店 C: 圖書館 D: 卡片目錄 E: 書店",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15298,"轉子的聲音非常大,移動的空氣也很大,但就是這個什麼東西怎麼能夠直直的升起來呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電動機 B: 噴氣發動機 C: 旋轉器 D: 直升機 E: 訓練",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15299,"這人上的是小丑學院,他一直想跟什麼人跑路?""我的天啊!""高森心裡暗想。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 馬戲團 B: 嘉年華 C: 驚訝 D: 勺子 E: 黨",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15300,"蜜蜂在哪裡度過旅行時間? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花田裡 B: 果園 C: 天空 D: 花田 E: 美國",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15301,"誰坐在招待會的中心桌? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 休息日 B: 廊道 C: 教堂地下室 D: 婚宴 E: 飯店",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15302,"山姆是個音響師 他很擅長這個工作,因為聲音是他理解世界的方式。 山姆可能缺少什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 安靜的 B: 沉默 C: 視野 D: 電影 E: 和平",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15303,"詹姆斯把一塊剪貼簿放在他容易找到的地方。 他可能把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 架子 B: 工作地點 C: 辦公桌 D: 辦公用品店 E: 學校",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15304,"售票處告知乘客,列車晚點了,那麼售票處在哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電影院 B: 體育場 C: 學校 D: 地鐵站 E: 禮堂",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15305,"一個人不再和一個刻薄的人結婚後,可能會經歷什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 隔離 B: 悲痛 C: 救濟 D: 幸福 E: 憤怒",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15306,"吃午飯的時候為什麼不掙錢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 停工 B: 吃飯 C: 討飯 D: 覓食 E: 太滿",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15307,"性是容易得到的,但最容易得到的性是做什麼的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 最後一小時 B: 花錢 C: 腦震盪 D: 雲判 E: 賣啤酒",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15308,"當你撫摸狗的皮毛時,你做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 開打 B: 扮演 C: 寵愛 D: 萬眾矚目 E: 骨頭",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15309,"兩家企業集團決定達成初步協議,以? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 經商 B: 完成 C: 爭執不下 D: 進展 E: 挖洞",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15310,"清潔工要爬到禮堂的椽子上高高掛起,他在更換舞臺上的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲院 B: 高中 C: 大學校園 D: 導演 E: 燈光",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15311,"為什麼有人不願意坐在你身邊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 放鬆 B: 臊氣 C: 飲 D: 放屁 E: 就這樣",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15312,"在使用字典的時候,你會把字典放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 圖書館 B: 桌子 C: 研究區 D: 教室 E: 架子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15313,"有人為了改善自己的什麼而進行鍛鍊 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 減肥 B: 氣喘吁吁 C: 體能 D: 肌肉 E: 減肥",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15314,"我愛吃螃蟹,但我住在農村的地方沒有多少螃蟹? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 外面 B: 處女 C: 亞拉巴馬 D: 鱈魚角 E: 魚市",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15315,"一個人跑了二十六英里後有什麼感覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 腳痛 B: 死亡 C: 二十六 D: 短氣 E: 乏力",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15316,"人們把食品罐頭放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 房子 B: 回收中心 C: 背囊 D: 冰箱 E: 超市",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15317,"比利想回家,但他的母親告訴他要做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 逃跑 B: 離開 C: 逝去 D: 退格 E: 遰",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15318,"一部知名的狐狸電影發生在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲言 B: 雞舍 C: 一起 D: 田納西州 E: 草地",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15319,"一個不道德的人在期末考試時不學習怎麼辦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 研究 B: 騙 C: 大喜 D: 畢業 E: 汗水",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15320,"哪個城市的披薩店很出名? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 美食街 B: 水牛 C: 芝加哥 D: 小義大利 E: 首都",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15321,"你為什麼要進行藝術創作? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 創造性 B: 玩耍 C: 激勵 D: 成績感 E: 表現自己",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15322,"上班族通常在哪裡快速移動? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 道路 B: 城市 C: 高速公路 D: 賽馬場 E: 比賽",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15323,"洗澡時不注意會怎樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 乾性面板 B: 使用肥皂 C: 讀報 D: 跌倒 E: 洗髮水",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15324,"那個週末的足球場會有十幾萬人,這是什麼地方人氣最旺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 球員 B: 大學校園 C: 高中 D: 德州 E: 俄克拉荷馬州",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15325,"一學期來,老師為學生做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 做飯 B: 列舉 C: 幫助他們 D: 勤工儉學 E: 評比進步",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15326,"一個人的傷口很急,會去哪裡治療? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 仗 B: 傷害 C: 傷者 D: 急診室 E: 醫院",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15327,"能讓任何人做任何事情的房產中介是相當什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 聰明的 B: 操縱 C: 嫵媚 D: 欺瞞 E: 掩蓋",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15328,"一個人想要減掉體重,要採取哪些措施呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 養精蓄銳 B: 飲食 C: 健身 D: 太胖 E: 健康",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15329,"薩奇喜歡交流,他喜歡和同伴做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 迴應 B: 混亂 C: 同伴壓力 D: 思想交流 E: 學習",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15330,"如果你很快不需要使用零錢,你會把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 荷包 B: 老虎機 C: 賭場 D: 兜裡 E: 罐子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15331,"那人累了,尋求住宿,他把車停在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 睡眠 B: 戲院 C: 汽車旅館 D: 營地 E: 慰藉",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15332,"如果你打算很快用上調味品,你會把它們放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 廚房 B: 茶水間 C: 容器 D: 冰箱 E: 桌子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15333,"你不會想在室內養一隻黃鼠狼吧,你想讓它去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹林 B: 華盛頓特區 C: 室外 D: 城市 E: 公職",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15334,"人摔倒了會怎樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 害病 B: 痛苦 C: 下去 D: 骨折 E: 受傷",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15335,"她有外遇,被丈夫發現後,結局如何? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 關係 B: 忠誠 C: 婚姻 D: 喜愛 E: 離婚",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15336,"鯊魚的下顎骨架展示給孩子們走過,這是眾多景點之一,在這裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 托馬雷斯灣 B: 海洋館 C: 生意 D: 檯球廳 E: 足球場",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15337,"簡的內心很美,但外表卻不怎麼好看。 如何形容她? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 昏昏欲睡 B: 壞的 C: 畸形 D: 家常 E: 陰天",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15338,"你會把衛生紙放在褲子裡哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 袋子 B: 箱子 C: 擤鼻涕 D: 荷包 E: 兜裡",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15339,"雖然人多,但鬱悶的他是怎麼想的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 小團體 B: 獨自 C: 孤零零 D: 孤獨 E: 恐慌",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15340,"早上你回到工作崗位,晚上你? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 過日子 B: 赴會 C: 起床 D: 穿著 E: 離崗",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15341,"她是最小的,總是被卡在中間的座位上,她從來沒有得到過凳子座位的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 外圍 B: 左權 C: 視窗 D: 極端 E: 外圍",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15342,"我需要了解如何聯絡某個名字的人,應該去哪裡找? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電話簿 B: 密西根 C: 名冊 D: 目錄 E: 憑證",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15343,"哪裡的座位經常被爆米花和汽水覆蓋? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 顯示 B: 戲曲 C: 電影 D: 禮堂 E: 教室",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15344,"100分錢就能做一個? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 墨西哥比索 B: 結腸 C: 科爾多瓦 D: 好時光 E: 澳大利",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15345,"一個不想讓別人跟自己說話的人,可能對一個健談的人有什麼。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 增進了解 B: 不良反應 C: 無聊 D: 謠傳 E: 頭疼",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15346,"約翰尼有很多工具,包括一把錘子,因為他的工作需要。 他可能在哪裡工作? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 修理廠 B: 工具箱 C: 五金店 D: 房子 E: 車庫",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15347,"約翰在樂隊裡演奏銅管樂器,樂隊裡有很多不同的人,有很多不同的樂器。 他們大多在俱樂部玩。 他可能是什麼樂隊的成員 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 橡皮筋 B: 惹媽 C: 銅管樂隊 D: 爵士樂隊 E: 軍樂隊",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15348,"晚上有人因為餓了,會在家裡做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 做麵包 B: 吃午飯 C: 吃飯 D: 學校 E: 做飯",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15349,"在什麼地方進行室內運動,一般在記分牌後面都有座位? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 休息區 B: 顯示 C: 保齡球館 D: 太空梭 E: 體育場",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15350,"他在尋找節日裝飾品的時候,發現了一箱舊衣服,在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 閣樓 B: 垃圾 C: 閣樓 D: 櫥子 E: 箱子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15351,"自私的他喜歡拿聚餐的食物,但他不拿食物做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 給予 B: 游泳 C: 掉 D: 帶來 E: 吃",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15352,"攻擊讓玩家措手不及,他說遊戲結束了,對手會贏,所以他決定只是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 加大力度 B: 停戰 C: 繳械 D: 捍衛 E: 防衛",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15353,"打棒球和其他運動一樣,總是有風險的,什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傷 B: 錯誤 C: 幸福 D: 肌肉痠痛 E: 趣味",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15354,"詹姆斯慢慢走回家。 他發現自己一路上每到一個地方都在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 靜止 B: 阻止 C: 不動 D: 僵持 E: 舞蹈",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15355,"如果一群朋友在看完一本書後聚集在一起,他們很可能就要進行一場什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 領悟 B: 惡夢 C: 適合 D: 學習 E: 討論",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15356,"一株植物必須做什麼才能使另一株植物生長? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 植物 B: 遞增 C: 死亡 D: 放棄 E: 變大",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15357,"一個打哈欠、踱步來幫助打發時間的人,很可能是感覺到了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 荒唐 B: 興奮 C: 刻薄 D: 無聊 E: 恐怖主義",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15358,"詹姆斯在從法國穿越海峽時,由於訊號不好,把他船上的天線扯掉了。 他要去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 河流 B: 英格蘭 C: 印度 D: 電視 E: 歐洲",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15359,"如果我喝醉了,失去了對自己的抑制,我可能會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 懷孕 B: 健忘 C: 死亡 D: 暈倒 E: 口齒不清",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15360,"如果有不少運動員在摔跤,你在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 瘀傷 B: 競爭 C: 古希臘 D: 擺脫 E: 贏得",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15361,"民警看到動車,知道嫌疑人在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 駕駛 B: 呼吸 C: 厭倦 D: 門票 E: 意外",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15362,"如果一個人想在商店買東西,他會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 橫街 B: 樂業 C: 幫忙 D: 開傘 E: 排隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15363,"他害怕自己會因為感冒而死,所以他明智地決定什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 海洋 B: 求助 C: 不要 D: 遭槍擊 E: 會寫",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15364,"一般情況下,你會希望貓咪說什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 見王 B: 你好 C: 喵 D: 飲水 E: 壽終正寢",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15365,"我把這幅畫裝裱起來,是為了吃晚飯的時候可以看看,那麼我把它放在哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 報紙 B: 桌面 C: 桌子 D: 美術館 E: 藝術展",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15366,"約翰得到了加薪,但他失去了等級。 總的來說,這是個好什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 罷工 B: 掯 C: 降職 D: 降低 E: 罷工",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15367,"與年輕人不同,老年人可以做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 縮短 B: 歇斯底里 C: 聊天 D: 出遊 E: 相談甚歡",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15368,"如果我想買一根電纜,我會去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 變電站 B: 電器 C: 收音機房 D: 電視 E: 電視機側口",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15369,"帶音訊卡的電腦可以做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 發聲 B: 做工作 C: 照辦 D: 增進知識 E: 解題",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15370,"書架上的書架在什麼位置? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書架 B: 對子 C: 食堂 D: 圖書 E: 學校圖書館",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15371,"蘋果樹生長的原因是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 蘋果汁 B: 綻放 C: 陽光 D: 新罕布什爾 E: 公園",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15372,"哪種呼吸方式會有危險? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 通氣過度 B: 苟延殘喘 C: 活命 D: 放鬆 E: 氣喘吁吁",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15373,"約翰的銅鼓打得很好。 他喜歡古典音樂,決定要加入什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 低音 B: 搖滾樂隊 C: 唱歌 D: 鼓組 E: 管絃樂隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15374,"加拿大農夫想知道,他住的地方會不會種土豆,他可能的位置在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 愛德華王子島 B: 主菜 C: 愛爾蘭 D: 炸薯條 E: 愛達荷",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15375,"你怎麼看電影之前,其在視訊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 看電影 B: 戴隱形眼鏡 C: 睜眼 D: 有眼 E: 租一個",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15376,"她的針線活是很有名的,這個針線活要做圓的,所以她拿起她的圓木什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 框 B: 工藝品商店 C: 縫製 D: 起居室 E: 文物",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15377,"他撿到了一塊完美的鵝卵石,他打算跳過整個小什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手冊 B: 湖泊 C: 水族箱 D: 遊樂場 E: 池塘",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15378,"莎莉喜歡藝術創作。 這比做愛好。 把畫筆放到畫布上,給你什麼樣的感覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挫折 B: 自豪 C: 交流 D: 藝術品 E: 樂趣",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15379,"西蒙買了一頭牛,因為他想把它用於工作。 他不想吃肉了。 西蒙可能會把牛帶到哪裡去? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄉下 B: 城市 C: 加拿 D: 肉店 E: 奶牛場",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15380,"閉門造車瞭解世界,能帶來什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 啟蒙 B: 諒解 C: 混亂 D: 犬儒主義 E: 悲傷",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15381,"水牛被獵殺到有驚無險,但經過很多年的努力,它們現在又是什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 可用 B: 豐富 C: 豐富的 D: 普通 E: 瀕危",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15382,"那個人塗上乳液,他們想幹嘛? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 肌膚光滑 B: 良好信用 C: 清香 D: 鮮貨 E: 頭疼",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15383,"飲酒過量到中毒會導致什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 死亡 B: 迷失方向 C: 尿頻 D: 性生活 E: 口臭",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15384,"為什麼可能有人決定去睡覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 昏昏欲睡 B: 歇息 C: 做愛 D: 懷孕 E: 睡在",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15385,"哪裡能找到幾千、幾百萬的辦公室? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 動物園 B: 城市 C: 教學樓 D: 公共建築 E: 工作",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15386,"當一個退休人員重返工作崗位時,他們可能需要做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鑰匙 B: 掙錢 C: 起床 D: 缺錢 E: 自知之明",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15387,"為什麼大家會在課堂上和朋友進行聊天? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 答案 B: 必然 C: 靈感 D: 喜愛 E: 趣味",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15388,"對兒童來說,什麼是危險的戶外活動? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩遊戲 B: 錯家 C: 自晒 D: 看電視 E: 桌子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15389,"這個人因為仇恨而將小鎮化為廢墟,他的目的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 滅敵 B: 耍賴 C: 抗敵 D: 捅死 E: 打仗",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15390,"灰塵通常會在角落裡落在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 窗臺 B: 地毯 C: 蛙類 D: 拐角 E: 地面",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15391,"一個人認真對待競爭,那他就會鍛煉出一個什麼玩最簡單的遊戲? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 汗水 B: 侵略 C: 敵人 D: 打敗 E: 疲倦",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15392,"最著名的卡通老鼠來自哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 汙水管 B: 電視 C: 玉米地 D: 迪斯尼樂園 E: 陷阱",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15393,"研究表明,睡眠不足時開車導致的事故和醉酒一樣多,什麼事故? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 危險的 B: 緊張 C: 隨之而來的是 D: 鳴笛 E: 致命",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15394,"間諜在聽目標與朋友聊天,他的任務只是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 釋懷 B: 親近 C: 喜愛 D: 中國 E: 收集資料",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15395,"這個人厭倦了世俗的消費主義,他追求的是什麼生活呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 永恆 B: 婚姻生活 C: 宗教 D: 寺院 E: 變化莫測",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15396,"當一個人踢足球輸了的時候,會有什麼感覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 出汗 B: 鍛鍊 C: 興奮 D: 厭倦 E: 憤怒",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15397,"哪裡會有一個只有一個人發言的禮堂? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 燈光 B: 人群 C: 戲院 D: 大學校園 E: 公園",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15398,"你會去哪裡尋找你的人類祖先? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 紀念地 B: 墓地 C: 學校 D: 溫帶氣候 E: 有趣的地方",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15399,"他們很難得到本地的新聞,這是因為他們住在所以什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 遙遠的 B: 外國 C: 飄逸 D: 國家 E: 遙遠",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15400,"殺人的法律後果可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不復存在 B: 身陷囹圄 C: 死亡 D: 賧 E: 負罪感",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15401,"我是一個相當糟糕的鄰居。 他很討厭,認為自己是個什麼人? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 遙遠的 B: 仇人 C: 鏜孔 D: 遙控者 E: 隱士",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15402,"在電腦和手機之前,一本字典是老師和學生的重要工具,在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手冊 B: 架子 C: 釋義 D: 教室 E: 桌子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15403,"牛奶是什麼顏色? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冰箱 B: 金色 C: 巧克力味 D: 寶寶好 E: 白色",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15404,"她需要一個隔膜,她去哪裡買? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 閥 B: 人類 C: 藥店 D: 器官 E: 胸口",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15405,"人們把一片葉子耙進什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹林 B: 肥料堆 C: 地下室 D: 樹木 E: 插花",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15406,"見到朋友時,一般一開始都會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 打招呼 B: 握手 C: 笑容 D: 喝咖啡 E: 抱抱",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15407,"如果我想看一面鼓,我會去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 音樂商店 B: 兒童房 C: 交響樂團 D: 搖滾樂隊 E: 遊行",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15408,"運動對於那些只是普通人的人來說似乎很陌生? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹懶 B: 懶惰 C: 心境 D: 鍛鍊 E: 土包子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15409,"最著名的寺廟位於哪個地區? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 廟堂之上 B: 中東 C: 尼泊爾 D: 耶路撒冷 E: 猶太社群",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15410,"他覺得自己打翻了湯碗,他覺得很尷尬,他知道服務員要清理湯碗,因為他在他最喜歡的什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥櫃 B: 公寓 C: 飯店 D: 洗碗機 E: 洗衣機",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15411,"約翰不怎麼喜歡滑冰,但比起其他選擇,他更喜歡滑冰。 醫生說,他需要更好地照顧自己,而滑冰是一項對他有什麼作用的活動? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 馳騁 B: 跌宕起伏 C: 受傷 D: 傷害他 E: 心率加快",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15412,"成年後人們一般在哪裡交朋友? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工作場所 B: 鄰居家 C: 在酒吧 D: 在學校 E: 意外之地",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15413,"如果空氣被重力壓住,它通常會覆蓋什麼。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 天空 B: 太空梭 C: 櫥櫃 D: 房子 E: 地表",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15414,"莎拉期望在她的新生意上發財。 然而,她最終還是破產了,因為沒有人可以拿錢來買。 她的業務可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 破產 B: 寶箱 C: 股市 D: 銀行 E: 房產",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15415,"那天晚上夫妻倆睡覺時,被子不見了,他們很冷,被子應該在哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 起居室 B: 臥室 C: 衣櫃 D: 洗手間 E: 洗衣機",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15416,"詹姆斯愛的星星。 在荒野中,他們點燃了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 外層空間 B: 軌道 C: 宇宙 D: 夜空 E: 地上",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15417,"大家都在化妝間裡換服裝,快到上什麼臺了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 住處 B: 訓練 C: 澡堂 D: 戲院 E: 演員",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15418,"和朋友聊天是一種什麼型別? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 交流 B: 幸福 C: 笑聲 D: 協議 E: 趣味",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15419,"將軍看到拿下山頭,就等於達到了優勢,這樣的舉動可能會帶來什麼結果呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 勝利 B: 領先 C: 秋天 D: 成為目標 E: 前進",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15420,"有的人是早上的人,有的人要到午飯後才開始在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 夜間 B: 黃昏 C: 夜間 D: 下午 E: 早晨",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15421,"從州到州的園丁都很欣賞蜜蜂,它是一種很受歡迎的授粉者,哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花田 B: 禽舍 C: 密西根 D: 樹木 E: 美國",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15422,"如果人被子彈射中頭部,可能的結果是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 猝死 B: 偏頭痛 C: 高中畢業 D: 信神 E: 渡河",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15423,"紐約市哪裡可以看到長毛象? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自然歷史博物館 B: 展品 C: 史前時代 D: 冰箱 E: 樹林",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15424,"一個人生命中重要的偶是什麼東西,不是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 愚昧 B: 渺小 C: 聖人 D: 微不足道 E: 輕微",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15425,"比利第一次使用溫泉是在腳踝撕裂的時候,醫生建議他去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 後院 B: 房子 C: 離開 D: 鄉村俱樂部 E: 保健所",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15426,"如果你的蛋糕還沒有烤好,你應該把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 垃圾 B: 冰箱 C: 麵包房 D: 生日會 E: 烤爐",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15427,"如果你的鼻子被打了一拳,你的眼睛可能會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 見工 B: 玻璃上 C: 見光 D: 淚流滿面 E: 晾晒",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15428,"你在哪裡扔球的針? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 保齡球館 B: 足球場 C: 足球場 D: 體育賽事 E: 體育用品商店",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15429,"他在房子的什麼位置放了一個放油的容器罐? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 液態 B: 商店 C: 茶水間 D: 車庫 E: 溝渠",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15430,"他走了一條收費公路,結果他拼不出狀態,大概是哪一條? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 新澤西州 B: 康涅狄格州 C: 明尼蘇達 D: 美國東部 E: 紐約",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15431,"睡覺前,你的臥室應該是什麼狀態? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 宿處 B: 疲憊 C: 黑暗 D: 閉眼 E: 俄亥俄",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15432,"如果一個人想學口琴,到哪裡去找口琴入門呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 藍調樂隊 B: 外面 C: 兜裡 D: 嘴裡 E: 音樂店",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15433,"丹尼喜歡有食物,但食物不愛他。 如果他吃自己喜歡的東西,他經常會出現什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 增重 B: 不餓 C: 消化 D: 氣體 E: 白內障",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15434,"給孩子買自行車哪裡好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 街道 B: 趣味 C: 玩具店 D: 大學 E: 車庫",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15435,"什麼汽油車使用鏈條來移動後輪? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 換擋 B: 摩托車 C: 汽車 D: 拖車 E: 自行車",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15436,"你的飛行包帶在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飛機 B: 機場 C: 飛機 D: 飛機 E: 腿上",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15437,"你做的事情需要努力,還有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 進展 B: 講和 C: 開戰 D: 花時間 E: 善心",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15438,"詹姆斯決定,競爭是正確的選擇。 不競爭有一個確定的結果,但如果他競爭,那麼可能會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 贏家和輸家 B: 更勝一籌 C: 敵人 D: 勝算 E: 失去",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15439,"畫家解釋說,他從來沒有實現過完美無瑕的肖像,他說這是因為所有的人都是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不完美 B: 毀容 C: 破損 D: 有缺陷的 E: 瑕疵",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15440,"哪裡是汽車的好地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車庫 B: 出口匝道 C: 修理廠 D: 廢品收購站 E: 車道",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15441,"過熱怎麼會導致你摔倒呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 薄冰 B: 蘋 C: 消毒 D: 殺菌 E: 藍金屬",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15442,"人的公開通話會在哪裡進行? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工作場所 B: 服裝店 C: 電話亭 D: 游泳池 E: 手機支架",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15443,"孩子們圍著營火做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩玩具 B: 玩遊戲 C: 聽故事 D: 戲院。 E: 打球",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15444,"如果你不願意自己烤蛋糕,你會去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲院 B: 冰箱 C: 雜貨店 D: 麵包房 E: 烤爐",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15445,"小葡萄用在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 野餐籃 B: 榨酒機 C: 汁液 D: 水果雞尾酒 E: 廚房",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15446,"有時候玩遊戲就意味著輸,不過他並不擅長輸,表現出很多什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩耍 B: 招待 C: 憤怒 D: 享受 E: 傷",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15447,"孩子害怕摔倒,不得不什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 吃菜 B: 做愛 C: 上學 D: 吃菜 E: 潔淨室",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15448,"蛇可能從哪裡掉下來? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 羽毛 B: 寵物店 C: 樹 D: 熱帶雨林 E: 籠子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15449,"餐廳會在哪裡放蠟燭? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 昏室 B: 廚房 C: 牆面 D: 桌子 E: 生日蛋糕",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15450,"全國大部分地區都可以說是什麼。 可以說是什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 野外 B: 地區 C: 美國 D: 大陸 E: 森林",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15451,"一個男孩因為聽膩了老師的命令而要離開隊伍,老師可能會給什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 混亂不堪 B: 懲罰 C: 麻煩 D: 從頭再來 E: 擊掌",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15452,"約翰小心翼翼地吃著健康的晚餐,因為他想體驗什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 消化不良 B: 飲食 C: 長壽 D: 反酸 E: 胃痛",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15453,"約翰住在一個小島上,周圍都是流動的水,他可能住在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 日本 B: 夏威夷 C: 水體 D: 平洋 E: 密西西比河",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15454,"他吃得太多了,醫生警告他,他是什麼情況? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 增肥 B: 肥胖症 C: 健身 D: 生病 E: 氣體",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15455,"丹開著車,雖然他現在正停在紅綠燈前。 我們還能假設他在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 聽廣播 B: 車禍 C: 動人 D: 去處 E: 犯困",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15456,"喬站在陽臺上,看著狂歡節的遊行隊伍走過。 他最有可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲劇 B: 外面 C: 酒店 D: 電影院 E: 新奧爾良",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15457,"在打了一整夜的戰利品之後 第二天會有什麼事情發生呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 醉酒 B: 痛苦 C: 酗酒 D: 噁心 E: 宿醉",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15458,"比利本來要去度長假,但在度長假之前,他吃了點東西。 他可能在哪裡吃的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 太空梭 B: 加油站 C: 迪斯尼樂園 D: 超市 E: 朋友家",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15459,"螃蟹可能生活在哪個國家? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 魚市 B: 塞席爾 C: 漁船 D: 緬因 E: 內褲",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15460,"哪裡有可能發現一隻備受關注的雪貂? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 褲腿 B: 病房 C: 寵物園 D: 自家 E: 頭髮",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15461,"在劇院看音樂家打小鼓,去哪裡看? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鼓組 B: 琴 C: 高校樂隊 D: 軍樂隊 E: 管絃樂隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15462,"哪裡的人可能推崇宗教小道? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 機場 B: 公共場所 C: 軌道架 D: 洗衣店 E: 階段",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15463,"什麼樣的地方已經停止發放塑料購物袋? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雜貨店 B: 飯店 C: 小賣部 D: 零售店 E: 家裡",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15464,"你的汽車在哪裡可以以最高法定速度行駛? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 賽道 B: 交叉點 C: 快車道 D: 路邊 E: 高速公路",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15465,"上哪去找一隻編好的狐狸? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 林子 B: 故事書 C: 雞舍 D: 棲息地 E: 後院",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15466,"她在加工毛料的時候,她一直在蹦蹦跳跳的操作著什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 病床 B: 腿部空間 C: 三角鋼琴 D: 紡車 E: 節奏",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15467,"病毒引起的流感,常見的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 變種 B: 疾病 C: 感染 D: 寒冷 E: 害病",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15468,"吉爾走到二樓,坐在隔間裡,她在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公樓 B: 房子 C: 酒店 D: 學校 E: 椅",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15469,"阿根廷的聖誕節是什麼時候? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 送禮 B: 萬聖節 C: 時機成熟 D: 復活節 E: 夏季",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15470,"應該探索一切途徑來維護和平,避免什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 發生 B: 難以捉摸 C: 戰爭 D: 猛烈 E: 和平工作",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15471,"如果不是在門廊上,報紙落在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 頂棚 B: 前門 C: 地鐵 D: 草坪 E: 圖書館",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15472,"外面發生的事情,哪裡會有票房賣票? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電影院 B: 球場 C: 戲劇區 D: 戲劇 E: 街道",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15473,"員工問顧客要哪種肉和麵包,他們選擇了一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 叉子 B: 冰箱 C: 炒鍋 D: 火腿三文治 E: 烤爐",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15474,"吃不健康的午餐會有什麼後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 厭倦 B: 花錢 C: 胃灼熱 D: 肥胖症 E: 肥胖症",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15475,"如果我正在尋找專門的醫療諮詢,我傾向於在哪裡旅行? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 佛蒙特州 B: 各州 C: 底特律 D: 主要城市 E: 市區",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15476,"如果你在路上需要上廁所,你能在哪裡停下來? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 加油站 B: 圖書館 C: 餐館 D: 辦公樓 E: 休息區",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15477,"飛機一般會去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戰爭 B: 天空 C: 崩潰 D: 計程車 E: 航空母艦",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15478,"她很喜歡布料這個媒介,她的創造力真正展現出來的時候,她會什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 創作 B: 汲取 C: 表現自己 D: 撰寫 E: 縫製",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15479,"如果你是懶人,你可能會選擇只看電視,只因為什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 招待 B: 看好戲 C: 插入 D: 無聊 E: 舒服",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15480,"你會在哪裡一邊享受啤酒,一邊向十個白色物體投擲重球? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 槌球 B: 曲棍球 C: 體育賽事 D: 保齡球館 E: 冰箱",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15481,"是什麼原因導致一個人在工作的時候會去檢查別人? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不信任 B: 精神分裂症 C: 煩人 D: 受刑 E: 隔離",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15482,"如果有人收到一張令人驚訝的賬單,會是什麼樣子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 惱火 B: 快樂 C: 幽默感 D: 嚇唬 E: 惱火",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15483,"這個世界充滿了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 各國 B: 思想 C: 水 D: 宇宙 E: 星系",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15484,"老闆可能會喜歡員工的野心,那麼員工可能會被放什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 動工 B: 敵手 C: 上學 D: 負責專案 E: 網劇",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15485,"學生可能把筆記本放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 背囊 B: 書店 C: 兜裡 D: 辦公室 E: 教室",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15486,"粗花呢是我想用的一種面料做衣服,我應該去哪裡買一些? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 服裝店 B: 蘇格蘭 C: 艾迪-鮑爾 D: 布店 E: 線上",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15487,"這個人更喜歡去農貿市場而不是雜貨店,為什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鮮貨 B: 價錢 C: 致謝 D: 肌膚光滑 E: 良好信用",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15488,"山姆是個酒鬼 兩年前,他曾遭遇車禍,受了傷。 他可能在哪裡墜毀? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 吧檯 B: 公園 C: 橋樑 D: 監獄 E: 鄰居家",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15489,"鐵皮永遠存放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 購物袋 B: 填埋 C: 五金店 D: 廢品收購站 E: 古董店",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15490,"有人可以在哪裡儲存數字檔案? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手提箱 B: 檔案櫃 C: 雲端 D: 屜 E: 電腦",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15491,"人們可能在哪裡唱歌? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公寓 B: 超市 C: 火車站 D: 戲曲 E: 會議",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15492,"在繩子上跳上跳下是一種什麼形式? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 頭痛 B: 練習 C: 取暖 D: 碎 E: 趣味",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15493,"他試圖向他虔誠的父母解釋,停止與前妻的婚姻是正確的事情,但他們還是發現了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樂趣 B: 反對 C: 抑鬱症 D: 救濟 E: 錯的",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15494,"如果有人想改變社會,他們需要政府做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 幸福 B: 放棄 C: 新法律 D: 文革 E: 接受",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15495,"如果你在網球場上是一個手套狀的狀態,你在哪個州? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 密西根 B: 鄉村俱樂部 C: 健身俱樂部 D: 佛羅里達 E: 城鎮",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15496,"約翰想獵殺河豚,但他不想離開美國。 他可能在哪裡搜尋? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熱帶海 B: 南太平洋 C: 壽司店 D: 夏威夷水域 E: 魚市",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15497,"鋸子不是修車的必需品,那麼在pucrhase期間,它不包括什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工具房 B: 工具箱 C: 工具箱 D: 五金店 E: 工具箱",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15498,"比利討厭殺人 他不喜歡看別人做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 死亡 B: 入獄 C: 被捕 D: 流血 E: 入獄",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15499,"房子有昂貴的保險,這是因為什麼有既定的水災歷史? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 住宅區 B: 廚房 C: 起居室 D: 院子 E: 地下室",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15500,"鋼纜稱為鋼絲繩,主要用於什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工廠 B: 船 C: 絞盤 D: 建築物 E: 蹦蹦跳跳",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15501,"在沒有保護措施的情況下進行性生活會導致什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 性傳播疾病 B: 生孩子 C: 意外懷孕 D: 援助 E: 幸福",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15502,"約翰15歲,這是他第一年能做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 上課 B: 爭取 C: 上學 D: 上課 E: 讀本",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15503,"人們為什麼要玩遊戲? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 記賬 B: 趣味 C: 討好 D: 謀取 E: 悶",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15504,"本平時是個能言善辯的人,但這次他很難讀懂提詞器上的字,所以他做了很多什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 萎靡不振 B: 磕磕巴巴 C: 啞口無言 D: 會說話 E: 無舌",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15505,"建築物如果不具備堅固性,那它有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不穩定 B: 空洞感 C: 弱點 D: 不穩定 E: 公開性",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15506,"為什麼會發現一個緊張的人在聽柔和的音樂? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 入睡 B: 平靜 C: 飢餓 D: 聾啞 E: 放鬆",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15507,"是什麼讓你的骨頭能夠移動? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 肉體 B: 脊椎動物 C: 肌肉 D: 面板和 E: 軟骨",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15508,"約翰需要一根直線。 不幸的是,這個人經受了一些虐待,已經變成了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 彎曲 B: 彎曲 C: 歪 D: 直截了當 E: 彎曲",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15509,"你會把肉放在什麼上面煮? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 油 B: 冰箱 C: 火腿三文治 D: 烤爐 E: 炒鍋",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15510,"一個女人身上的火車票會存放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 指揮手 B: 售票處 C: 火車站 D: 荷包 E: 售票處",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15511,"如果你對一個新節目有好奇心,你會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 驗物 B: 求真 C: 設計軟體 D: 使用電腦 E: 看電視",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15512,"他把他新養的小狗洩密的報紙放在哪裡了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄰家 B: 監獄 C: 地板 D: 圖書館 E: 廊",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15513,"那是一塊非常昂貴的腕錶,當他不戴的時候,他把它陳列在它的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 寶盒 B: 跗 C: 案子 D: 珠寶店 E: 梳妝檯",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15514,"她有購買產品的癖好,她追求的是購物的行為,而不是真正的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花錢 B: 互動 C: 破產 D: 痛苦 E: 擁有",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15515,"他借了一個金屬探測器,想找到他的戒指,他在拔草的時候什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 創辦 B: 隱蔽 C: 鬆散 D: 失去 E: 丟失的",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15516,"詹姆斯討厭他的地毯,但他的妻子堅持要他展示它。 作為一種妥協,他把它放在某物下。 他可能把它放在什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 臥室 B: 場所 C: 波斯 D: 桌子 E: 他的妻子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15517,"當你在門墊上擦腳,走進門的時候,你從哪裡進入? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 椅 B: 起居室 C: 學校 D: 門口 E: 盥洗室",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15518,"紙質通知書有可能留在房子上的哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手提箱 B: 會議 C: 教室 D: 冰箱 E: 前門",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15519,"什麼能有空間吃點東西? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 宇宙 B: 手提箱 C: 箱子 D: 計量學 E: 罐子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15520,"如果在高爾夫球場附近舉行酒會,可能的地點是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄉村俱樂部 B: 高爾夫車 C: 大廳 D: 教堂地下室 E: 大房間",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15521,"考古學家在看課本的時候,看到了早已遺失的文物,這帶來的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 思想 B: 計劃不周 C: 痛苦的回憶 D: 學習 E: 憤怒",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15522,"吃完飯後會立即發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大便 B: 飽滿 C: 減少 D: 大便 E: 發福",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15523,"肖恩的母語是英語,他認為這一點很有幫助。 路德維希語言不好,因為他是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 外來人 B: 引進 C: 異形 D: 移民 E: 引外",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15524,"在什麼地方的海岸邊的海面上看到了一個噴水口? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 灘 B: 地下室 C: 水槽 D: 佛羅里達 E: 泉",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15525,"賽車手因提前出線被誤判,官方的倒計時現在會怎樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 爭論 B: 從頭再來 C: 懲罰 D: 麻煩 E: 延遲",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15526,"當一個人對自己的寵物做負責任的行動時,比如遛狗,應該有什麼感受? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 腳痛 B: 自豪 C: 疲倦 D: 快樂 E: 鍛鍊",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15527,"提起民事訴訟的另一個詞是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 混亂 B: 併發症 C: 騷亂 D: 抗議 E: 逮捕",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15528,"即使她懇求他回覆,但收信人做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 列印郵件 B: 漠視 C: 問 D: 轉發 E: 疑問",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15529,"禿鷹在哪裡做的窩,讓它逃出來後無法到達? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 科羅拉多 B: 懸崖 C: 棕樹上 D: 猶他 E: 囚禁",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15530,"學生在考試中要做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 解方程 B: 開教 C: 撰寫 D: 答題 E: 肄業",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15531,"排了一天的隊,可能會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 學習新的麵包方法 B: 厭倦 C: 疲倦 D: 秩序 E: 坐立不安",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15532,"你祈禱時做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 是宗教的 B: 神助 C: 啟齒 D: 你害怕 E: 謝天謝地",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15533,"滿是積雪的車道必須怎麼處理? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 誕辰 B: 雪崩 C: 剷土 D: 暴風雪 E: 冰風暴",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15534,"警察最容易在哪裡攔車? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 路障 B: 警局 C: 前門 D: 園區 E: 街道",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15535,"有人不回答問題怎麼辦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 漠視 B: 疑問 C: 問 D: 回答 E: 啞巴",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15536,"當有人從山上掉下來的時候,會把他們帶到? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 太多 B: 死亡 C: 裝死 D: 匆匆 E: 爆炸",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15537,"在等待這個約會的過程中,人們經常看雜誌。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 火車站 B: 醫生 C: 報攤 D: 市場 E: 桌子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15538,"哪裡可以找到會說話的蜜蜂? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 故事書 B: 野外 C: 花店 D: 花田 E: 草藥園",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15539,"如果你把一個電視節目錄下來再看一遍,那麼你第一次看的時候是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 復見 B: 享有 C: 重新考慮 D: 再看 E: 有意思",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15540,"那是一棟簡陋的樓房,有起草層,所以所有的朋友都睡在高高的閣樓上,而在偏遠的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 梭哈 B: 框架屋 C: 公寓樓 D: 獵屋 E: 床鋪",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15541,"薩姆工作了一天,需要休息,但他沒有時間睡覺。 所以他反而只是去了沙發上。 他可能在沙發上做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大吃大喝 B: 放鬆 C: 睡覺 D: 慢步 E: 奠定",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15542,"為什麼有人的眼睛裡會流出水來? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 出光 B: 玻璃上 C: 見光 D: 撕毀 E: 見工",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15543,"要想與人競爭,需要什麼條件? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 騙 B: 破壞 C: 競相 D: 練習 E: 公平",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15544,"每個人都會在一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 完美世界 B: 安居 C: 吃得好 D: 果盤 E: 自家",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15545,"什麼樣的呼吸會發出聲音,但不表示你生病了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 嘆息 B: 鎖骨 C: 呵欠 D: 咳嗽 E: 住",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15546,"看東西的時候大聲喧譁和評論是很不禮貌的,哪裡有? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電影院 B: 嘉年華 C: 教室 D: 保齡球館 E: 公平",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15547,"哪裡可以找到一家能看到峽谷的牛排店? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 內布拉斯加 B: 猶他 C: 紐約 D: 墨西哥 E: 日本",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15548,"領先的隊伍很不高興,他們已經不再主動達成優勢,因為他們已經太舒服了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 領先 B: 勝利 C: 鼓勵 D: 秋天 E: 優勝",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15549,"不在一個城市的時候,哪裡會想到能看到禿鷹? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 畫兒 B: 農村 C: 鳥籠 D: 動物園 E: 科羅拉多",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15550,"什麼地區有可能包含一個大村莊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 農村 B: 大城市 C: 俄亥俄 D: 郊區 E: 鄉下",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15551,"人類想給一根骨頭作為獎勵,他把骨頭放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 骨架 B: 狗嘴 C: 人體 D: 鮮魚 E: 穀倉",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15552,"劇烈運動時,你會建立什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飲食需求 B: 出汗 C: 渴求 D: 健身 E: 肌肉",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15553,"在賭場兌現籌碼後,你要做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 退任 B: 背叛 C: 怨恨 D: 離開 E: 盈利",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15554,"這座山非常巨大。 它對附近的山丘做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 侏儒 B: 虛無縹緲 C: 無關緊要 D: 瘸腿 E: 無機",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15555,"小狗走了之後,有什麼好的方法可以讓它記住呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電影 B: 化驗室 C: 籃子 D: 照片 E: 學校",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15556,"無良房產中介會怎樣讓房源看起來更有吸引力? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 謊言 B: 誇大 C: 嫵媚 D: 欺瞞 E: 請樂隊",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15557,"人們闖入褐石公園偷什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 紐約市 B: 細分 C: 住在 D: 戒指 E: 環形物",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15558,"他看著自己的成績單,感到很自豪,有什麼成就? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 與...競爭 B: 敵手 C: 得獎 D: 提升自己 E: 傳課",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15559,"有人開車進來後可能會鎖什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 嘴裡 B: 門把手 C: 入口 D: 閘門 E: 前門",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15560,"你在哪裡買筆? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公文包 B: 辦公用品店 C: 背囊 D: 教室 E: 兜裡",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15561,"小溪是指在什麼低地發現的水體? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹林 B: 鄉下 C: 室外 D: 谷地 E: 林子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15562,"躺在床上一般怎麼休息? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 睡眠 B: 踥蹀 C: 用能 D: 行動 E: 迅速",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15563,"病情蔓延的速度很快,那麼研究人員在拼命尋找什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 斑駁 B: 健康的 C: 治療 D: 停球 E: 健康",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15564,"為什麼幾乎所有上舞蹈課的人都會這樣做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 像跳舞 B: 歡喜 C: 表現自己 D: 玩耍 E: 加深關係",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15565,"鮑勃在更衣室裡。 他正在穿上防水褲和護目鏡。 他最有可能去的是哪種設施? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 游泳池 B: 演員 C: 高階餐廳。 D: 健身房 E: 戲劇",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15566,"當孩子出生後,新奶奶稱它為她做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 男女 B: 帶來歡樂 C: 公園 D: 準時到達 E: 護士",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15567,"如果你喝了酒,身體哪個部位做的最多? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玻璃 B: 嘴裡 C: 嗓子 D: 吞嚥 E: 用玻璃",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15568,"他想跳車,接上正極後接的是什麼端子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 壞的 B: 不確定 C: 負面 D: 佔有主義 E: 不利",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15569,"該男子上班時喝了咖啡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 咖啡店 B: 辦公室 C: 廚房 D: 桌子 E: 椅子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15570,"什麼型別的遊戲會導致球員用頭頂球? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 足球賽 B: 頭球 C: 體育場 D: 體育賽事 E: 曲棍球",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15571,"丈夫從來沒有上過一天班,但離婚後卻領取了贍養費,他因此變成了什麼樣子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 更豐富 B: 惡感 C: 情緒困擾 D: 抑鬱症 E: 有罪的",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15572,"學生在完成作業時如何進行社交? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 徒手搏擊 B: 研究哲學 C: 讀書 D: 繼續教育 E: 共修",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15573,"在公共場合的平臺上,你會在哪裡找到表演者? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 建築物 B: 場館 C: 碼頭 D: 音樂廳 E: 博物館",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15574,"美國的黃金戰略儲備在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 珠寶 B: 珠寶店 C: 教堂 D: 諾克斯堡 E: 寶箱",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15575,"較老的恆星在星系的外圍聚整合群,稱為什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 夜空 B: 球狀星團 C: 黑洞 D: 新聞釋出會 E: 天上",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15576,"老師告訴唱詩班,如果鎖住膝蓋,可能會暈倒,而什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 受傷 B: 海洋 C: 常務 D: 起立 E: 夏季",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15577,"你到哪裡去找幾十億粒沙子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 蛤 B: 眼睛 C: 灘 D: 甜品 E: 泳衣",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15578,"詹姆斯颳了鬍子,但這留下了很多頭髮,哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手臂 B: 人頭 C: 水槽 D: 地板 E: 鬍子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15579,"他試著用無線電交流,但他在另一端聽到了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 混亂 B: 進展 C: 協作 D: 靜態 E: 聲響",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15580,"魚兒有鰭可以在水下活動,但不能行走,因為什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 骨頭 B: 他們很傻 C: 天平 D: 腮 E: 無腿",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15581,"薩姆喜歡生殖。 他並不關心孩子們,但他喜歡其中的某個特定部分。 他喜歡什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 赤裸裸 B: 暨 C: 在床上 D: 性高潮 E: 滲透率",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15582,"他只需要再從他的清單上取一件東西,填滿他的購物車,他在結賬的路上喝了點咖啡,哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雜貨店 B: 快餐店 C: 朋友家 D: 教堂 E: 網咖",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15583,"彈吉他是很多人嘗試的夢想,他們經常會啃小塑料什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挑選 B: 選擇 C: 慾望 D: 練習 E: 撥絃",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15584,"如果你想經常取用郵票,你會放什麼樣的傢俱呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥櫃 B: 屜 C: 辦公桌 D: 床頭櫃 E: 手提箱",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15585,"哪裡的鹹水魚最幸福? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 海洋 B: 艭 C: 水族箱 D: 鹹水 E: 河流",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15586,"約翰要去日本的公共溫泉洗澡,但他很尷尬。 他有什麼不放心的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 清潔度 B: 他人 C: 乾性面板 D: 皁 E: 裸體",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15587,"曾經有哪個體育場館的人拿著長矛戰鬥過? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大城市 B: 大學城 C: 打球 D: 羅馬 E: 舉辦音樂會",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15588,"緬懷故友的結果可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 問題 B: 靈感 C: 知識 D: 哭泣 E: 外傷",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15589,"山姆吃了一頓大餐。 他最終不再吃東西,因為他體驗到了一種愉快的感覺。 他經歷了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不餓 B: 增重 C: 噁心 D: 飽脹感 E: 鬧肚子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15590,"莎拉不喜歡開汽車。 流量給了她很多什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車禍 B: 幸福 C: 死亡 D: 強調 E: 運輸",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15591,"如果一個人每樣東西都有一個,那他有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 全集 B: 要挾 C: 嗜好 D: 拖延 E: 致謝",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15592,"這傢伙吃了一頓洋蔥、沙丁魚和大蒜的午餐,結果吃出了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 增肥 B: 無友 C: 屁 D: 遲到 E: 口臭",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15593,"在賭場打牌,有什麼違法行為? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 記住 B: 幫助 C: 優勝 D: 計數 E: 交易",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15594,"如果我是溝通,我這樣做的主要動機是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 分散式資訊 B: 指揮家 C: 思考 D: 知識共享 E: 混亂",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15595,"地裡哪裡能找到漂亮的花? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 架子 B: 窗臺 C: 公園 D: 在雪地裡 E: 花瓶",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15596,"禿鷹一直是受保護的物種,這在一定程度上是由於越來越少的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 巢穴 B: 沼澤地 C: 棲息地 D: 在華盛頓 E: 高處",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15597,"玩遊戲的時候怎麼算出誰贏? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 記賬 B: 學習 C: 討好 D: 趣味 E: 需要時間儲存",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15598,"在哪裡可以買到一罐蘇打水以及許多其他物品的銷售? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商店 B: 液態 C: 野餐箱 D: 保健品店 E: 自動售貨機",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15599,"如果我正飽受無聊之苦,想用字典做點什麼,會有什麼幫助? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雜貨店 B: 看藝術 C: 放棄 D: 填字遊戲 E: 下棋",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15600,"水母哪裡找? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商店 B: 池塘 C: 古巴 D: 照片 E: 辦公室",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15601,"人們可能會發現他們的家門開啟了,送來的信被偷了。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 前門 B: 信箱 C: 郵局 D: 包裹 E: 報紙",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15602,"盤子很髒,女人把盤子放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 垃圾 B: 廚櫃 C: 洗碗機 D: 跳蚤市場 E: 桌子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15603,"孩子們表現出興奮的準備,上了車,他們準備什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 告知 B: 去處 C: 舞蹈 D: 圖書館 E: 修車",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15604,"約翰不喜歡吃漢堡包。 這讓他感覺到了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 享受 B: 滿意 C: 噁心 D: 死亡 E: 悲哀",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15605,"他是通過冥想和瑜伽來尋找資訊,他在尋找什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 權力 B: 潰瘍 C: 幸福 D: 得手 E: 尊重",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15606,"他的學習無處可去,他把字典還給了那條搖搖欲墜的腿下的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 椅子 B: 圖書館 C: 桌子 D: 教室 E: 架子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15607,"科威特和該地區的其他國家並不總是立即與之聯絡在一起,但它們位於哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 亞洲 B: 中東 C: 阿拉伯 D: 科威特 E: 海灣國家",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15608,"你用什麼來做彩紙? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 撕碎機 B: 朋友的婚禮 C: 空氣 D: 大城市 E: 雜貨店",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15609,"哪裡不可能找到寫字樓? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 城市 B: 產業園區 C: 高樓 D: 市區 E: 廣告公司",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15610,"孩子去哪裡可以和其他孩子一起排隊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 母腹 B: 學校 C: 孤兒院 D: 大多數家庭 E: 車管所",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15611,"如果動物不吃東西,會有什麼後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 學舞 B: 肉類 C: 萌寵 D: 飢餓感 E: 死亡",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15612,"棉質衣物被打溼後,可能會受到什麼影響? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 哆嗦 B: 縮水 C: 不幹 D: 黴菌 E: 變冷",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15613,"彈丸球在發射後處於什麼狀態? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 彈射器 B: 火槍 C: 動議 D: 拱廊 E: 網球場",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15614,"髒盤子堆得挺高,肯定是到了什麼時候? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 潔淨 B: 地面 C: 明亮 D: 矯健 E: 床鋪",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15615,"處於什麼手套狀狀態的海葵不多? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大西洋 B: 湖泊 C: 潮池 D: 託兒所 E: 密西根",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15616,"很多人乘坐公交車,可以發現在哪裡等待? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 在板球場 B: 汽車站 C: 火車站 D: 地表 E: 足球場",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15617,"許多來自太平洋的船隻在美國哪裡卸貨? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地圖集 B: 西北 C: 南半球 D: 西部 E: 舊金山灣",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15618,"鳥兒是幼鳥,還在築巢,它可能很快就會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 展翅 B: 學飛 C: 叫聲 D: 試飛 E: 游泳",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15619,"患者雖然恢復得很好,但未來還有很長的恢復期,在和朋友聊天時,他解釋了所有的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 笑聲 B: 不舒服 C: 歡樂 D: 趣味 E: 靈感",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15620,"打字太多,會有什麼嚴重後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書信 B: 未定 C: 三重罪 D: 痛苦 E: 腕管綜合症",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15621,"外面的看臺哪裡有人坐? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 體育館 B: 藥店 C: 觀景臺 D: 體育賽事 E: 野餐",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15622,"有什麼能阻止別人購買聖誕禮物? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 幸福 B: 強調 C: 缺錢 D: 救濟 E: 欣喜若狂",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15623,"蘇格蘭的城堡巖上建有什麼城堡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 德國 B: 倫敦 C: 擒卒 D: 愛丁堡 E: 歐洲",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15624,"電視對孩子們有什麼影響? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 成年 B: 琢磨 C: 開門 D: 康復 E: 分心",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15625,"我決定要公開我那神奇的新藥。 它具有緩解症狀的作用。 所以它可以帶走你所有的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 震驚 B: 錢財 C: 痛苦 D: 問題 E: 爭議",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15626,"雪貂在哪裡會覺得最自由? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 教室 B: 北卡羅來納州 C: 北美 D: 大英 E: 室外",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15627,"莎拉的衣服很寬鬆。 她更喜歡這樣。 她不喜歡炫耀自己的曲線。 什麼樣的衣服她不會穿? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 貼身 B: 裝模作樣 C: 緊湊 D: 忠實 E: 慎重",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15628,"空調讓夏天在哪些工作場所更舒適? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦事處 B: 汽車 C: 房子 D: 電影院 E: 冷房",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15629,"現在是早餐時間。 布拉德點了雞蛋、吐司和一些飲料。 他可能會喝什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 醉酒 B: 吐 C: 食物 D: 咖啡 E: 葡萄酒",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15630,"年邁的搖滾歌手終於不得不停止彈吉他,他的手就是不配合,因為什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 唱歌 B: 關節炎 C: 聽音樂 D: 做音樂 E: 演奏",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15631,"他說過要做飯,但首先他需要什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飢餓 B: 購置廚房 C: 買菜 D: 買菜 E: 吃飯",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15632,"孩子是靠耳朵學音樂的,他根本就沒見過什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 紙上談兵 B: 戲曲 C: 謖謖 D: 教師 E: 偷來的",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15633,"他對這個流行樂隊很不屑,但這並不能阻止他帶女兒去看他們,因為她絕對什麼他們? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 榮譽 B: 愛慕 C: 崇尚 D: 需要 E: 仰慕",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15634,"一個人要幫助一個不能連貫說話的人,會怎麼做呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 句子 B: 手語 C: 飲茶 D: 生氣 E: 橫街",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15635,"他們很驚訝他喜歡說唱,但他解釋說,每個流派都有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 古典 B: 鄉村音樂 C: 嘻哈 D: 搖滾 E: 好音樂",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15636,"和別人說話是沒有意義的,如果他們在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 口乾 B: 不聞不問 C: 被聽到 D: 眼神接觸 E: 悄悄話",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15637,"排隊,你會有什麼成就? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 輪到 B: 成功 C: 疲勞 D: 憤怒 E: 痛苦",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15638,"強尼在找他媽媽藏起來的餅乾。 他可能在哪裡找他們? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 甜品 B: 屢試不爽 C: 屢試不爽 D: 商店 E: 罐子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15639,"莎拉按下手柄上的按鈕,喝了一口。 她在用什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 成人玩具 B: 冰箱 C: 盥洗室 D: 飲水機 E: 五金店",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15640,"在鍛鍊身體的時候,你需要在鍛鍊之間有這個? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 放棄 B: 恢復期 C: 多吃 D: 舞蹈 E: 慢跑",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15641,"你在哪裡可以看到一隻不真實的猛獁象? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 石器時代 B: 冰期 C: 古代史 D: 故事書 E: 自然歷史博物館",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15642,"如果我被攻擊了,我會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 活命 B: 擺脫 C: 攻擊 D: 跌倒 E: 自保",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15643,"同一個地方,哪裡會有幾家企業? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公園 B: 摩天大樓 C: 藝術 D: 辦公樓 E: 大城市",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15644,"喝酒會導致什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩耍 B: 醉酒 C: 嘔吐 D: 酗酒 E: 噁心",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15645,"為什麼可能有人故意要進入恍惚狀態? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 打坐 B: 毫無 C: 糊塗 D: 癲癇 E: 冥想",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15646,"海狸建造結構是為了阻擋什麼樣的特徵? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書籍 B: 水體 C: 動物園 D: 林區 E: 動物",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15647,"給予幫助的人,能幫助別人做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傾聽 B: 助理 C: 有益 D: 準備好的 E: 助人",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15648,"打籃球時被絆倒怎麼辦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 汗水 B: 帶球 C: 跌倒 D: 自殘 E: 編筐",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15649,"莎拉喜歡給予幫助。 她不求任何回報。 莎拉可能最關心的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 受助人 B: 較佳環境 C: 她的頭髮 D: 學習新技能 E: 幸福",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15650,"詹姆斯撞上了一個踢球的人,這已經不是第一次了。 他擔心很多什麼後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 欣喜 B: 互動 C: 死亡 D: 頭傷 E: 玩耍",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15651,"最有趣的健身方式是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 好受 B: 坐下 C: 性 D: 超重 E: 嚴謹",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15652,"導致呼吸困難的原因是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 哮喘發作 B: 檔案 C: 生活 D: 延年益壽 E: 賦予生命",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15653,"律師解釋了什麼是作偽證,這是個大案子,高什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 逮捕 B: 緊張 C: 風險 D: 恥辱 E: 懲罰",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15654,"麥克風吊杆可能用在哪裡錄製專輯? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 錄音室 B: 電臺 C: 音樂會 D: 電視臺 E: 紐約",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15655,"雙刃剃刀是用來切割膠帶的。 它是在哪個箱子裡找到的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 藥店 B: 藥櫃 C: 淋浴 D: 剃鬚包 E: 急救箱",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15656,"很悶,所以她決定呼吸新鮮空氣,結果呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 救濟 B: 能量 C: 放鬆 D: 好受 E: 沉默",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15657,"在大學裡,你會在哪裡找到真菌? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 洞窟 B: 採蘑菇 C: 腐朽物 D: 生物實驗室 E: 老幹酪",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15658,"哪裡有可能抓到狐狸? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 田納西州 B: 戲言 C: 叢林 D: 草地 E: 英格蘭",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15659,"約翰發現,戀愛讓他變得更高。 他想和大家分享他的愛,表達他的愛。 他一直想做什麼。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自拍 B: 吻 C: 過日子 D: 求婚 E: 唱歌",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15660,"我開著車,因為我已經開了10個小時了,我感覺怎麼樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 死亡 B: 禍害 C: 汙染 D: 厭倦 E: 快樂",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15661,"炸藥專家正在檢查所有的保險絲,如果一切正常,那將是一個有利可圖的日子,在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工作場所 B: 箱子 C: 採礦業 D: 工地 E: 煤礦",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15662,"不再和她結婚,讓他再次追求自己的夢想,它給他帶來了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 抑鬱症 B: 樂趣 C: 救濟 D: 紀念 E: 錯的",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15663,"他們準備進行一次非常漫長的徒步旅行,他把食品罐頭放在他的什麼裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥櫃 B: 房子 C: 回收中心 D: 害病 E: 背囊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15664,"他們要辦一個驚喜的派對,但失敗了,原來給主賓的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 已知 B: 前兆 C: 鬼鬼祟祟 D: 早已知道 E: 隱藏",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15665,"農民能養好雞,但他還不準備升格為什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公雞 B: 母雞 C: 門市部 D: 鮪魚 E: 牛",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15666,"這則廣告出現在威斯康星州中部的一個小鎮外,它位於哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 網頁 B: 城鎮 C: 雜誌 D: 電子郵件 E: 遠東",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15667,"為什麼海洋中會有這麼多不同的生物? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 很深 B: 溼潤 C: 寬廣 D: 鹽鹼地 E: 壓力",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15668,"哪裡會有很多的家庭和企業呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 非營利 B: 動物園 C: 大城市 D: 辦公樓 E: 摩天大樓",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15669,"約翰知道那條蛇可能不是真的,因為他住在中西部,而蟒蛇住在什麼地區? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 噩夢 B: 懷俄明 C: 熱帶 D: 溝渠 E: 寵物店",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15670,"林迪是一名高三學生。 他和孩子們住在一起,因為他不想去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 共和黨 B: 公園 C: 辦公室 D: 敬老院 E: 高中或大學",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15671,"鮑比因為想遠離城市,所以想做農田。 他不在乎在哪裡,只要是在什麼地方就好了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 伊利諾 B: 中西部 C: 南達科他 D: 密西根 E: 鄉下",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15672,"他坐在桌前打牌,加入他的手牌,要什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 加碼 B: 飲 C: 賭錢 D: 濃縮 E: 賠錢",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15673,"由於人跡罕至,哪裡不太可能看到腳印? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地面 B: 頂棚 C: 囪 D: 地毯 E: 地表",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15674,"如果不需要用鍋,你會把鍋放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飯店 B: 櫥櫃 C: 溫室 D: 冰箱 E: 廊",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15675,"她的哥哥和嫂子要來看她,她告訴孩子們,叔叔和誰來了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 墜落 B: 男孩 C: 侄女 D: 大多數家庭 E: 姑姑",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15676,"老師要為學生做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 增進知識 B: 做午飯 C: 陳情 D: 計時賽 E: 小組學生",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15677,"電風扇的聲音太大,打擾了別人,雖然他們允許辦公桌上放很多私人物品,但他被要求關在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥子 B: 走廊 C: 辦公室 D: 家裡 E: 熱室",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15678,"每個人都是特別的。 每個人都有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 獨特個性 B: 感情 C: 價值觀 D: 經驗 E: 不同的標準",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15679,"因為安全問題通過了一項法律,現在所有的車都必須有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 視窗 B: 安全帶 C: 四輪 D: 箱子 E: 柴油機",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15680,"在中西部哪裡可以找到禿鷹和乳酪? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 科羅拉多 B: 威斯康星州 C: 愛荷華 D: 極地 E: 貨幣",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15681,"你能把鍾放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 架子 B: 另一方面 C: 百貨公司 D: 牆面 E: 自己的臥室",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15682,"他們在做酸菜的時候,老師交代液體應該在白菜上面在什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 可以 B: 酒杯 C: 鍋 D: 容器 E: 罐子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15683,"現在的工廠裡,自動化做了很多事情,但核心和靈魂還是在什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工業園 B: 俄國 C: 工人 D: 自由貿易區 E: 機器人",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15684,"學完一門學科後,怎樣才能做得更好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 形成意見 B: 變化 C: 頭疼 D: 推進 E: 再生產",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15685,"陽光有可能落在一個人擁有的植物上,哪裡會有陽光? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 街道 B: 夏季 C: 迪斯尼樂園 D: 植物燈 E: 窗臺",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15686,"醉酒後駕駛車輛的人可能會被指控什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 懲治 B: 逮捕 C: 醉駕 D: 車禍 E: 瞎扯淡",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15687,"有些人真的很喜歡啤酒,他們把它叫做什麼金子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 酒精 B: 液態 C: 醉人 D: 狗毛 E: 有害",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15688,"接聽電話後總會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車禍 B: 遺憾 C: 決定 D: 食物 E: 交流",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15689,"黃鼠狼身體瘦小,腿短,更容易在獵物後鑽出一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹 B: 桑園 C: 兔經 D: 維京船 E: 雞舍",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15690,"他一定會很快被錄用應聘,他有什麼名聲? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挫折 B: 幽默感 C: 強調 D: 勤奮 E: 拒絕",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15691,"看電視時坐得太近會引起什麼樣的疼痛? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 腦筋急轉彎 B: 頭疼 C: 發福 D: 懶惰 E: 笑聲",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15692,"你在哪裡可以找到更多關於一種蜥蜴的資訊? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 園地 B: 岩石 C: 書籍 D: 灌木 E: 園林",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15693,"我應該參加什麼活動才好玩? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自發 B: 喜歡 C: 樂在其中 D: 死亡 E: 減工",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15694,"細菌可能在哪裡自然發現? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地面 B: 培養皿 C: 水 D: 湖泊 E: 馬桶",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15695,"狐狸是哪個國家的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 農村 B: 英格蘭 C: 山脈 D: 雞舍 E: 美國",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15696,"他和他的什麼兄弟玩得很開心? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 小型 B: 可怕 C: 小 D: 可怕 E: 糟糕",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15697,"他今天心情不好,感覺陰沉沉的,祈禱似乎開始讓他雖然什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 宗教性 B: 好受 C: 好過 D: 救濟 E: 安全的",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15698,"如果你和另一個人一起釋放能量,而且你們都是裸體,你可能會有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 運動 B: 性 C: 行使 D: 游泳 E: 汗水",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15699,"如果某個東西試圖毀滅某個東西,但沒有完全成功,那麼事後可能會對它做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拆除物 B: 構建 C: 修理 D: 創造 E: 修理",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15700,"你在哪裡不可能找到一張床? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 賓館房間 B: 休息區 C: 醫院 D: 鄰居家 E: 閣樓",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15701,"如果你看到你最喜歡的節目,而且是喜劇,你可能會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 看電視 B: 笑聲 C: 笑容 D: 放鬆 E: 買票",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15702,"什麼群體可能是少數幾個吹號角有大作用的群體? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 小號 B: 軍事基地 C: 音樂商店 D: 美軍 E: 軍樂團",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15703,"他們沿著機動車道,看一些車開著圈,他們要去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 印第安納 B: 新澤西州 C: 賽馬場 D: 英格蘭 E: 銅鏽",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15704,"艱難的一天,想沾沾靈氣,他該去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 墳場 B: 天堂 C: 人類 D: 吧檯 E: 墓園",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15705,"賭徒一直在贏錢,他明智地決定什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 勝負手 B: 競爭 C: 兌現 D: 返回 E: 慶祝",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15706,"哪裡最可能出現一個以上的體育場館? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大學城 B: 辦奧 C: 大城市 D: 希臘 E: 羅馬",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15707,"麗塔喜歡這種味道的海葵,所以她從什麼樣的地方買了一個? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花盆 B: 鄰居家 C: 海鮮店 D: 潮池 E: 花店",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15708,"鮑勃認為他的寵物小精靈卡很普通,不值錢,但他錯了。 他們真的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 個人 B: 特殊 C: 稀奇 D: 鋥亮 E: 違規",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15709,"如果一個東西的重量不輕,那它是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 沉重 B: 黑暗 C: 笨重 D: 關鍵 E: 黑暗",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15710,"誰有可能使用梳子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 藥櫃 B: 垃圾桶 C: 理髮店 D: 兜裡 E: 手提箱",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15711,"珠寶商被鑽石的品質所打動,為什麼會有如此深刻的印象? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 稀奇 B: 靚麗 C: 清楚 D: 照耀 E: 半透明",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15712,"圓珠筆寫支票哪裡有用? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 銀行 B: 背囊 C: 辦公桌 D: 家裡 E: 屜",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15713,"一般情況下,什麼樣的運輸工具上的食品是凍乾的還是脫水的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 朋友家 B: 自行車 C: 太空梭 D: 廚房 E: 迪斯尼樂園",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15714,"如果我想找一家最好的日本料理店,我可能會在有日本區的地方找,什麼樣的地區才可能有這樣的地方呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大城市 B: 大城市 C: 主要城市 D: 市區 E: 大鎮",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15715,"楊測試了一下電流,發現電流很大。 他認為,電線可能有太多的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 後來 B: 更新的 C: 還 D: 抵抗力 E: 現在",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15716,"為什麼一個人可能會去接受心理諮詢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 待聽 B: 自知之明 C: 收禮 D: 美事 E: 致謝",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15717,"如果你正在為你的膝上型電腦尋求連線,你想用什麼來連線? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電路 B: 計算機網路 C: 世系 D: 公司 E: 牆面",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15718,"一個蹣跚學步的孩子,在瞭解世界的過程中,他獲得了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 時候 B: 興致 C: 加強安全 D: 更大的流動性 E: 樂趣",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15719,"記者的線索是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 新聞報道 B: 鉛筆 C: 商店 D: 紙牌遊戲 E: 很重",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15720,"有什麼巧妙的方法可以說一個人不擅長做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 笨拙 B: 無效 C: 愚蠢 D: 啞巴 E: 枯燥",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15721,"如果淋溼後不用毛巾,你的身體可能會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不幹 B: 縮水 C: 變冷 D: 哆嗦 E: 融化",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15722,"在美國東部哪裡能找到海葵? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 佛羅里達島 B: 潮池 C: 花壇 D: 珊瑚海 E: 水族箱",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15723,"孩子們要去玩,家長們鼓勵它,希望它的結果是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 嗜睡 B: 花錢 C: 中場休息 D: 減肥 E: 受娛樂",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15724,"大人在哪裡用膠棒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公室 B: 屜 C: 在學校 D: 教室 E: 廚櫃",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15725,"為一個卡通人物跳下懸崖,結果往往是喜劇性的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 欣喜 B: 濺射 C: 脊柱損傷 D: 淋溼 E: 肢解",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15726,"為什麼飲酒會導致車禍? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 性生活 B: 快播 C: 疾病 D: 吐 E: 迷失方向",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15727,"人們需要做什麼來改變自己的生活? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 繳費 B: 自強不息 C: 面臨問題 D: 幻滅 E: 吃雞",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15728,"在等待登上翼裝交通工具的時候,你會在哪裡看雜誌? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 床鋪 B: 之二 C: 圖書館 D: 機場 E: 牙醫",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15729,"青少年在一起沒有特別的事情,這叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 薰 B: 功課 C: 自告奮勇 D: 黨 E: 閒逛",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15730,"約翰尼在為自己的愛好做了很多工作後,坐在長椅上休息。 他在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 國家公園 B: 汽車站 C: 休息區 D: 健身房 E: 園林",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15731,"多年的網球運動會導致什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 網球肘 B: 職業球員 C: 練習 D: 勝利 E: 厭倦",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15732,"你用什麼填充墨水來列印? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 印表機 B: 鉛筆 C: 報紙 D: 鋼筆 E: 烏賊",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15733,"約翰和其他人一起在桌邊坐了下來。 他們可能在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 建築物 B: 建築業 C: 廚房 D: 網咖 E: 會議",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15734,"全家人都在打牌,他們滿心歡喜,什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 悲傷 B: 憤怒 C: 娛樂 D: 賠錢 E: 幸福",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15735,"偵探要分析所有的線索,現場的每一件小事他都要什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 新發現 B: 寫下 C: 習新 D: 惦記 E: 看",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15736,"如果你的配偶拋棄你,什麼已經停止? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 婚姻 B: 收益 C: 團結 D: 購置 E: 聘用",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15737,"醉酒之後,人們無法理解他,那是因為他的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 低標準 B: 宿醉 C: 死亡 D: 口齒不清 E: 墜落",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15738,"一個政府在它的人民身上尋求什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 國家 B: 麻煩 C: 城市 D: 太陽 E: 控制",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15739,"他晚上經常口渴,需要喝水,所以他在他住過的所有地方總是有一張夜桌,他住過什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傢俱店 B: 生活 C: 走廊 D: 住宅 E: 酒店",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15740,"你為什麼要用電視? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 入睡 B: 厭倦 C: 熄滅 D: 查收郵件 E: 娛樂",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15741,"有人可能會對一個被指控殺害自己所愛的人做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 回家 B: 悲傷 C: 悔恨 D: 報復 E: 入獄",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15742,"一個因中風而導致殘疾的人,左側會失去什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 能力 B: 勁頭 C: 資格 D: 潛在 E: 肥胖症",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15743,"你會去哪裡找一頭猛獁象? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挖掘 B: 百科全書 C: 埃及 D: 古代 E: 南達科他",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15744,"忙完了,他起身給廁所來了個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 紅撲撲 B: 臊氣 C: 補足 D: 清楚 E: 同花順",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15745,"格雷迪小姐從鮑勃那裡拿走了一根棍子,因為他在上課時玩棍子。 她想確保他拿不到,所以她把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 屜 B: 廚櫃 C: 教室 D: 兜裡 E: 辦公室",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15746,"一個人的生活時間延長後會怎樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 死亡 B: 心悸 C: 老了 D: 汗液 E: 交朋友",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15747,"治療師告訴他,他要溝通自己的問題,他說只要願意做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 搭訕 B: 傾聽 C: 發郵件 D: 交談 E: 寫程式碼",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15748,"停止與對方的婚姻似乎是最好的選擇,他們決定什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 孤獨 B: 離婚 C: 爭論 D: 律師費 E: 樂趣",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15749,"當你去度假的時候,你要帶著什麼東西去呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 包裝 B: 省錢 C: 繳費 D: 出售 E: 有錢",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15750,"如果一個人不厚道,他們是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 稀疏 B: 暢通 C: 陌生 D: 瘦子 E: 纖細",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15751,"番茄醬哪裡好吃? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 市場 B: 冰箱 C: 菜園子 D: 披薩 E: 蛋糕",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15752,"通常人們喜歡玩遊戲的原因是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 幸福 B: 娛樂 C: 競爭力 D: 憤怒 E: 優勝",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15753,"生活中,人們經常忘記做的重要環節是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 尋歡作樂 B: 戀愛 C: 做運動 D: 死亡 E: 看到",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15754,"銀行是什麼型別的建築? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 金融中心 B: 安處 C: 幣庫 D: 大街 E: 雜貨店",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15755,"狗身上的腳叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 爪子 B: 雙耳 C: 一口 D: 大心臟 E: 尾巴",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15756,"人們有可能將車長時間停在停車場的地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 購物中心 B: 機場 C: 商業區 D: 城市 E: 游泳池",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15757,"外行沒有意識到自己的雞沒有一個什麼就下不了足夠的蛋? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鮪魚 B: 吃的 C: 牛 D: 公雞 E: 切碎",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15758,"當小夥成功兌現支票後,他有什麼感受? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 悲哀 B: 大喜 C: 外快 D: 戒菸 E: 離開",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15759,"學生想聽教授講什麼,他怎麼辦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 歷練 B: 筆記 C: 完整測試 D: 諦聽 E: 聚焦",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15760,"就像養小貓一樣,參加擊劍運動時,常見的危險是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 氣喘吁吁 B: 穿刺傷 C: 競爭 D: 傷 E: 小切口",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15761,"玫瑰花一般是什麼顏色? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花瓶 B: 粉紅色 C: 紅色 D: 藍色 E: 芳香",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15762,"約翰不知道為什麼叫吹奏。 你沒有吹。 沒有吹。 不吹不黑,做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 吮吸 B: 吸入 C: 吸入 D: 吸氣 E: 吮吸",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15763,"什麼東西可以讓人走在上面,而且可以有一根鋼纜連線在上面? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 划艇 B: 地面 C: 建築物 D: 船 E: 吊橋",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15764,"你可能會聽到有人說árbol de manzana而不是蘋果樹,在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 俄亥俄 B: 聖經 C: 西班牙 D: 蒙特利爾 E: 華盛頓州",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15765,"故事很有意思,人物在開始的時候是個什麼東西,長大後變成了一個男嬰? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 老人 B: 老頭子 C: 學說話 D: 成人 E: 逝世",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15766,"有一些新的購買產品,旨在讓你的錢,如果你沒有。 第一步是它會告訴你如何申報什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 報稅表 B: 債務 C: 樂趣 D: 破產 E: 花錢",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15767,"她需要白菜和化妝品,那麼她去哪裡買這兩樣東西呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冰箱 B: 冰箱 C: 超市 D: 雜貨店 E: 盤子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15768,"比利很聰明,但沒有經驗。 在很多方面,他是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花哨 B: 明亮 C: 愚昧 D: 隱身 E: 向後",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15769,"詹姆斯和霍莉一起去跳舞。 當他們跳舞時,他把自己壓在她身上什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 欣喜 B: 韻律運動 C: 活體 D: 幸福 E: 疲勞",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15770,"比國家小但比城市大的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 城鎮 B: 法國 C: 狀況 D: 大陸 E: 金屬",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15771,"你可以做什麼分享你參觀博物館的記憶? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 哭 B: 悄悄話 C: 高談闊論 D: 拍照 E: 娛樂",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15772,"媽媽在整理屋子,她會把散裝的字典放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公桌 B: 圖書館 C: 教室 D: 桌子 E: 架子",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15773,"如果你住在海岸邊,你可能住在一個什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 海濱城市 B: 海邊圖 C: 加利福尼亞 D: 荒漠 E: 海洋",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15774,"老人使用電腦會有困難,它可以把一件簡單的事情變成很多什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 欣喜 B: 程式 C: 樂趣 D: 強調 E: 高效率",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15775,"吉姆正在申請他的第一份工作。 不過他真的很緊張,不知道自己準備好了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 睡眠不足 B: 悲傷 C: 就業 D: 強調 E: 拒絕",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15776,"如果使用過山車附近的停車場,你會去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 農場 B: 商業區 C: 汽車 D: 市區 E: 遊樂園",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15777,"兩支隊伍在外面真的很爭氣,他們都搞出了一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 憤怒 B: 打敗 C: 汗水 D: 打 E: 侵略",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15778,"如果有人打算去看戲,必須購買什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 門票 B: 有票 C: 耐心 D: 時候 E: 帽子",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15779,"哪裡可以看到大炮,哪裡可以瞭解過去? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戰爭 B: 堡壘 C: 戰地博物館 D: 艦艇 E: 海盜船",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15780,"通過玩教材,孩子們在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 學習 B: 戰鬥 C: 厭倦 D: 受傷 E: 玩耍",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15781,"你有可能把花生醬從哪裡拿出來? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥櫃 B: 超市 C: 罐子 D: 容器 E: 茶水間",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15782,"農民在做種植西紅柿,他擅長什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 植物 B: 穀倉 C: 增長 D: 開花 E: 更多",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15783,"如果我沒有任何容器來存放玫瑰花,我將把玫瑰花放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花園 B: 正院 C: 鍋 D: 鍋 E: 園藝中心",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15784,"學習科學知識會引起什麼情緒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挫折 B: 燥熱 C: 發明 D: 興奮 E: 笑容",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15785,"在一個有很多椅子朝向同一個方向的房間裡,你會在哪裡買票坐? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 會議 B: 教堂 C: 建築物 D: 地板 E: 戲院",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15786,"當猴子被從家裡帶走時,它們往往被帶到這個人們穿白大褂的地方。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 研究室 B: 雨林 C: 籠子 D: 樹梢 E: 南非",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15787,"如果是平淡的液體餐,你會在什麼液體餐里加胡椒粉和鹽? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 超市 B: 水 C: 地窖 D: 雜貨店 E: 湯汁",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15788,"什麼原因導致某件事情不是聖潔的呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 比目魚 B: 破損 C: 褻瀆 D: 普通 E: 教皇陛下",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15789,"女孩在哪裡喝了一杯咖啡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公桌 B: 咖啡店 C: 辦公室 D: 樓上 E: 桌子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15790,"你在哪裡能夠聽到一個非常悅耳的巴松管演奏? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 譜寫 B: 高校樂隊 C: 管絃樂隊 D: 交響樂 E: 板球場",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15791,"哪裡可能有人找到舊衣服? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 書架 B: 屜 C: 手提箱 D: 後備箱 E: 洗衣機",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15792,"鯊魚不是你在林中湖邊要擔心的東西,但在什麼地方有很多危險? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大洋 B: 野外 C: 熱帶水域 D: 平洋 E: 墨西哥灣",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15793,"這是今年很流行很常見的禮物,所以他去什麼地方容易找到? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 聖誕樹 B: 百貨公司 C: 專賣店 D: 聖誕襪 E: 櫥子",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15794,"為了在迪斯尼樂園的動物園裡看到一隻瞪羚,你會去哪個東大陸旅行? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 澳大利亞 B: 野生動物保護區 C: 象牙海岸 D: 亞洲 E: 敞開",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15795,"人類從什麼印刷品中瞭解時事? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 質詢權 B: 融化 C: 行為 D: 讀報 E: 詞典",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15796,"雙方甚至能夠達成初步協議,這是個什麼壯舉? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 爭執不下 B: 進展 C: 完成 D: 經商 E: 音樂會",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15797,"法國來的先生想加入什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 適合 B: 歐洲 C: 俱樂部 D: 大學 E: 教堂餐廳",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15798,"當一個人爬山時,呼吸著新鮮的空氣,他們可能會有哪種感覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 幸福 B: 頭腦清醒 C: 好受 D: 復興 E: 欣喜",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15799,"貓咪總是用它們的癢癢來撓我? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 喵喵叫 B: 髯毛 C: 四條腿 D: 雙眼 E: 四爪",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15800,"如果你整天都在慢跑,可能會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 疲憊 B: 心梗 C: 脛骨炎 D: 強壯的雙腿 E: 改善健康",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15801,"同學們都被告知要安靜地坐著,麻煩孩子一直安靜地坐著,但不會什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 坐下來 B: 奠定 C: 獨自 D: 打坐 E: 傾聽",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15802,"哪裡會見不到光呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公桌 B: 冰箱 C: 太陽 D: 閣樓 E: 宇宙",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15803,"飛機在到達登機口時,會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 陸地 B: 崩潰 C: 加快 D: 減慢 E: 載人",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15804,"妨礙司法有時是警察暴行的一個藉口,這導致人們的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 作偽證 B: 檢控 C: 攻擊 D: 受傷 E: 騷亂",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15805,"雪貂喜歡爬起來幹什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 大英 B: 頭髮 C: 褲腿 D: 建築物 E: 寵物園",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15806,"我的榕樹不在我家,但它是防蟲的,我把它放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 視窗 B: 屏風 C: 鍋 D: 陶罐 E: 陰暗處",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15807,"你沒病為什麼要去跑步? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 漱口水 B: 減肥 C: 氣喘吁吁 D: 保健 E: 滿意",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15808,"約翰把垃圾扔在場上,這讓大家很不爽。 約翰可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 廢紙簍 B: 垃圾場 C: 公園 D: 垃圾箱 E: 足球賽",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15809,"幾千畝農田和拉什莫爾山在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 房子 B: 北達科他 C: 鄉下 D: 農區 E: 密西根",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15810,"天又黑又溼,越往深處走只會越糟,但他們想找到通往蝙蝠住在什麼地方的通道? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 洞窟 B: 叢林 C: 迷宮 D: 蝙蝠俠 E: 機場",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15811,"遞進的反面是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 倒退 B: 保守派 C: 反動 D: 穩定的 E: 非漸進",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15812,"哪裡有馬匹與騎師? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 雜誌 B: 鄉下 C: 賽馬場 D: 公平 E: 豢養",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15813,"如果你為一隻煩人的小動物設計一個住的地方,你會建造什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傳染 B: 沼澤 C: 飛走 D: 貓舍 E: 蟲族營員",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15814,"如果你正在遭受飢餓,你可能會做什麼你的飯? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 速食 B: 花錢 C: 點菜 D: 動工 E: 吃午飯",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15815,"人們用刀在什麼容器上清洗漁獲物? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 漁船 B: 廚櫃 C: 桌子 D: 兜裡 E: 董事會",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15816,"男人喜歡吃漢堡包,但從不運動,結果是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 氣體 B: 健康問題 C: 增肥 D: 死亡 E: 享受",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15817,"是什麼將血液帶向心髒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 泵 B: 醫院 C: 脈絡 D: 人物 E: 足球賽",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15818,"他不知道河豚是可以吃的,他在什麼地方看到河豚很驚訝? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 荒漠 B: 魚市 C: 海水 D: 書籍 E: 法國",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15819,"她發現中西部的住房選擇都很樸素,她應該去哪裡找建築風格不那麼樸素的房子呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 景觀 B: 阿扎瓦赫 C: 喬治亞 D: 中美 E: 鄉下",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15820,"一棵樹剛長出來的時候會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 跌倒 B: 投影 C: 拓展 D: 收容 E: 製表",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15821,"可能會讓你想到沙棘,但蘋果樹也能在五十種植物中的哪一種生長良好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 俄亥俄 B: 西班牙 C: 蘭花 D: 聖經 E: 華盛頓州",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15822,"那人開著飛機在城市上空飛行,看到天空中明顯的汙染,汙染的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹林 B: 街道 C: 車展 D: 人為 E: 空氣",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15823,"瑪麗提出讓詹姆斯睡在她的藏式沙發床上,但他認為這很不舒服。 他可能會決定留在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 酒店 B: 公寓 C: 臥榻 D: 客室 E: 房子",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15824,"膠水用在哪裡好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 屜 B: 櫥櫃 C: 學校 D: 藝術室 E: 密閉容器",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15825,"用利劍向人刺去,會造成什麼後果? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傷 B: 小切口 C: 熱病 D: 穿刺傷 E: 競爭",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15826,"什麼辦公傢俱存放紙質檔案? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 屜 B: 檔案櫃 C: 電腦 D: 辦公桌 E: 檔案櫃",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15827,"大多數鳥類都把蛋放在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 天空 B: 樹林 C: 籠子 D: 商店 E: 巢穴",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15828,"約翰在沙發上睡覺,夢見自己在海里和一頭巨鯨搏鬥。 當他醒來的時候,他正在外面的雨中,摔著一把充氣椅。 約翰在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 驚醒 B: 幻想 C: 看電影 D: 恐懼 E: 夢遊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15829,"哪裡可以使用戲曲眼鏡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲院 B: 古董店 C: 遊樂園 D: 荷包 E: 博物館",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15830,"約翰認為,宗教和什麼之間沒有衝突? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 無神論者 B: 科學 C: 為人 D: 戰爭 E: 無神論",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15831,"由於他神色犀利,他的妻子看到他穿上新衣服後,是怎麼和他說話的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 不準確 B: 拙劣 C: 大聲 D: 免費 E: 枯燥",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15832,"如果有人傷害了別人,警察可能會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 憤怒 B: 懲罰 C: 傷感 D: 悲傷 E: 痛苦",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15833,"他是來應聘的,他跟經理談的時候答應了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 挫折 B: 強調 C: 久而久之 D: 勤奮 E: 就業",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15834,"約翰需要一把新鎖來鎖住他的古董海盜工藝品。 那件文物可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 塑料劍 B: 點火開關 C: 槍支 D: 屜 E: 控制訪問",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15835,"廚師的主要職責是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 手冊 B: 稀飯 C: 學廚 D: 做飯 E: 烹調",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15836,"為什麼玩體育的專業人士就不能參加比賽呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 痛苦 B: 受傷 C: 出汗 D: 泥石流 E: 雨",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15837,"肌肉拉長了,拉長後做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 爆裂 B: 鬆散 C: 壓縮 D: 契約 E: 逼仄",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15838,"國家不想加入聯盟。 他們覺得這樣做會讓他們淪為一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 省 B: 庶民 C: 工作場所 D: 底特律 E: 建築業",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15839,"一條跳蚤讓狗狗發癢,這是因為餵它能做什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 攻擊 B: 咬住 C: 跳躍 D: 產卵 E: 吸血",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15840,"男子患牛肉過敏症,吃漢堡包導致什麼病? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 死亡 B: 氣體 C: 增肥 D: 一餐 E: 滿意",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15841,"吉姆不再講電話,因為他不想和家人說話。 太痛苦了,他覺得太什麼了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 聽證會 B: 遺憾 C: 決定 D: 刺激 E: 重播",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15842,"當人們開始學習科學知識,並被呈現在硬性的科學事實面前時,儘管他們可能在成長過程中學到了什麼,但許多人還是會轉向什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 無神論 B: 實驗 C: 阿拉伯語 D: 科學知識 E: 新思想",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15843,"喜劇演員開了一個無聊的玩笑,說一隻禿鷹,它最後變成那樣是因為什麼待遇? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 化療 B: 加拿 C: 紐約 D: 巖山 E: 英屬哥倫比亞省",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15844,"不在美國的哪個南方地區,你有可能找到狨猴? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拉丁美洲 B: 山脈 C: 洞穴 D: 家裡 E: 新罕布什爾",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15845,"那位負責護理的女士當班的工作並不出色,她總是對老人的需求怎麼樣? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 漠然 B: 無私 C: 疏忽大意 D: 反感 E: 粗心大意",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15846,"你會用什麼來找公司? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 黃頁 B: 網路 C: 廛 D: 電話簿 E: 武裝部隊",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15847,"你在哪裡有可能看到窗外的星星? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 太空梭 B: 建築物 C: 草地上 D: 朋友家 E: 牆面",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15848,"流星如何繞銀河系天體飛行? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 天空 B: 外空 C: 宇宙 D: 軌道 E: 在真空中",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15849,"約翰注意到,他的地圖上有很多水。 事實上,水覆蓋了他一半以上的地圖。 他的地圖可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 汽車 B: 水坑 C: 海洋 D: 地表 E: 水槽",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15850,"有人想離開時,哪裡有可能撞牆? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 教室 B: 迷宮 C: 市區 D: 藝術展 E: 拐角",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15851,"如果你是盲人,使用電腦能不引起什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 眼疲勞 B: 快樂 C: 強調 D: 腕管綜合症 E: 高效率",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15852,"一個在生活中尋找新事物的人是怎麼做的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 抑鬱 B: 謝天謝地 C: 喜訊 D: 經驗 E: 繳費",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15853,"在什麼裝置上可以足不出戶觀看節目? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戲院 B: 微波 C: 音樂會 D: 電視 E: 戲曲",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15854,"當你的朋友下週需要有人幫他們搬家時,你會怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 依靠 B: 忙裡偷閒 C: 幫忙 D: 出手相助 E: 寫信",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15855,"很多人想離開鄉下的莊園去住排屋,他們需要搬到什麼地方呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 儉樸 B: 英格蘭 C: 城市 D: 監獄 E: 城鎮",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15856,"有時要證明你 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 收信 B: 進城 C: 接電話 D: 割草 E: 自家",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15857,"對配偶撒謊很可能使他們? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 好事 B: 快樂 C: 混亂 D: 不快樂 E: 被炒",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15858,"棋盤必須要讓住在什麼地方的老人們能坐上輪椅。 Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 櫥櫃 B: 房子 C: 退休社群 D: 玩具店 E: 老城區",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15859,"懶漢的原生棲息地怎麼描述好? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地下室 B: 宇宙 C: 亞馬遜 D: 樹林 E: 熱帶叢林",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15860,"看電視能得到什麼好處? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 收看 B: 分心 C: 入睡 D: 學習 E: 坐著",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15861,"丹在裝修時發現牆後有一堆滾珠軸承。 那堵牆可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 優質電機 B: 教堂 C: 機器 D: 滑板場 E: 可以",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15862,"那人躺在柔軟的青苔上,抬頭看了看樹,人呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹林 B: 尼亞加拉瀑布 C: 瀑布 D: 地面 E: 樹",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15863,"她想在墨西哥灣附近找一套公寓,她應該去哪裡找呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 密西根 B: 華盛頓 C: 加利福尼亞 D: 社群 E: 佛羅里達",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15864,"人類或其他動物最容易生活的地方是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 工作場所 B: 溫帶氣候 C: 庇護所 D: 有趣的地方 E: 墓地",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15865,"美術專案需要一根大木棒,她就去哪裡買? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 笤帚房 B: 樹樁 C: 老鍾 D: 舊屋 E: 五金店",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15866,"這位高爾夫球手在完成最後一杆時,很好地保持了平靜的外表,但他的內心是什麼,因為他知道自己已經贏了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 興奮 B: 猖狂 C: 野生 D: 狂亂 E: 煩躁",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15867,"如果一個人花時間去學習一個非常複雜和困難的課題,可能會遇到什麼負面的事情? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 欣喜 B: 增長見識 C: 頭疼 D: 推進 E: 援助",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15868,"玫瑰花一般出現在大型建築外的哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 美化 B: 院子 C: 信箱 D: 加利福尼亞 E: 植物園",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15869,"很多監獄電影都是發生在什麼著名的監獄? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹林 B: 城市 C: 鄉下 D: 美國 E: 惡魔島",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15870,"當你回到工作崗位後,如果你是第一個到達的人,你很可能需要什麼進門? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 掙錢 B: 徽章 C: 缺錢 D: 鑰匙 E: 起床",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15871,"一個人為什麼會呆在自己的工作崗位上不拿工資? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 謝天謝地 B: 排隊 C: 自告奮勇 D: 幫忙 E: 樂業",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15872,"一張票可以用來看什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 火車站 B: 棒球場 C: 沾手 D: 電影 E: 鞋子",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15873,"遷入城市後,買新杯子幹什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 桌子 B: 飯店 C: 公寓 D: 動物園 E: 廚櫃",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15874,"一個人在玩樂的時候,可能會體驗到什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 笑聲 B: 欣喜 C: 興奮 D: 哭泣 E: 享受",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15875,"一個人為什麼要吸毒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 恭維 B: 更多時間 C: 不痛 D: 賺錢 E: 功成名就",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15876,"該女子擔心環境影響,在嘗試洗衣服的同時,她又在擔心什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 拾掇 B: 收拾 C: 皁 D: 弄髒 E: 用水",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15877,"浴室毛巾哪裡會有? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 更衣室 B: 衣櫃 C: 櫥櫃 D: 在酒店 E: 廁所門後",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15878,"這個人身體很難受,他應該去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 猶太教堂 B: 醫院 C: 求助 D: 巴士站 E: 建築物",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15879,"樹葉會從哪裡滑落,最後落到水溝裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 樹木 B: 嘴裡 C: 頂棚 D: 地面 E: 街道",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15880,"螃蟹一動不動,卻很吃力,是什麼阻礙了它? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 潮池 B: 潮池 C: 灘塗 D: 當前 E: 鍋",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15881,"哪裡的食物可能不幹? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: etna B: 冰箱 C: 烤爐 D: 胃部 E: 櫥櫃",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15882,"圖書館想讓社群更多的人蔘與進來,所以他們開始篩選家庭什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 電影 B: 住宅 C: 電影院 D: 戲劇 E: 監控器",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15883,"二十年前,作為一個同性戀者發生性關係導致了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 生孩子 B: 幸福 C: 意外懷孕 D: 援助 E: 性高潮",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15884,"媽媽想給保姆打電話,但保姆慌了神,做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 公園 B: 結束通話 C: 溝通 D: 回答 E: 響應",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15885,"這匹馬之所以被裝飾,是因為它在參加什麼活動。 它在什麼地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄉下 B: 圈地 C: 西片 D: 電影 E: 遊行",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15886,"比爾醒了,他生理上發生了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 疲倦 B: 昏昏沉沉 C: 不舒服 D: 睜眼 E: 起床",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15887,"零售店的大部分商品即使打折又如何? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 昂貴 B: 購買 C: 昂貴 D: 公園 E: 購買",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15888,"自己家附近哪裡可能有游泳池? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄰居家 B: ymca C: 在酒店 D: 瀑布 E: 後院",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15889,"哪些地方的公交車站比較常見? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 海洋 B: 下車 C: 市區 D: 機場 E: 城鎮",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15890,"對於大多數人來說,哪裡有吃的好地方? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冰箱 B: 烤爐 C: 超市 D: 廚房 E: 桌子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15891,"那人開始思索著思索,能做到這一點就意味著他清楚他必須什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傷腦筋 B: 瘋狂 C: 躑躅 D: 強迫症 E: 靜坐",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15892,"這隻貓很討厭,因為它不會放過詹姆斯。 每當他把自己鎖起來工作的時候,就會發現在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 微波 B: 臥室 C: 外面 D: 後院 E: 肉餅",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15893,"朋友們圍著桌子打牌,什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 飲 B: 擅長 C: 記住 D: 悶 E: 玩耍",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15894,"他想寫小說,當他把劇情退到牆角的時候,他要做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 海洋 B: 識字 C: 不放棄 D: 有紙 E: 打手勢",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15895,"遊客們花了一天的時間看完了地標,他們先是在上西區的一個地鐵站,哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 多倫多 B: 聖荷西 C: 曼哈頓 D: 大城市 E: 城市地下",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15896,"玩家舉起小號,有節奏地走著,玩家是什麼成員? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 博物館 B: 高校樂隊 C: 帶子 D: 管絃樂隊 E: 軍樂隊",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15897,"哪裡能找到還沒有完工的鋼纜? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 絞盤 B: 船 C: 過山車 D: 工廠 E: 建築物",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15898,"禿鷹哪裡安全? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 松樹 B: 曠野 C: 野生動物保護區 D: 在華盛頓 E: 天空",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15899,"他們說他們在初吻之前就開始了什麼一見鍾情? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 戀愛 B: 戀愛 C: 笑容 D: 擁護 E: 發問",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15900,"哪裡可以把暫時用不著的書存放在你穿的布藝品附近? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 辦公桌 B: 櫥子 C: 國會圖書館 D: 教室 E: 書架",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15901,"什麼樣的食物會讓人生病? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 艭 B: 生活所需 C: 不健康 D: 食用 E: 廚房",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15902,"如果你想烤點東西,但沒有黃油,你會去哪裡買? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商店 B: 住宅 C: 鄰居 D: 糕點 E: 冰箱",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15903,"如果你是希臘人,在這裡看到一條鯊魚,你在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 檯球廳 B: 海鮮店 C: 地中海 D: 墨西哥灣 E: 南太平洋",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15904,"你到哪裡去找布睡覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 廚房 B: 衣櫃 C: 布店 D: 臥室 E: 車庫",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15905,"當不在本國的時候,你是? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 在太空中 B: 外國 C: 帳篷 D: 工作 E: 外面",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15906,"如果我想送葡萄作為禮物,我可能會用什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 果籃 B: 碗果 C: 箱子 D: 領域 E: 廚房",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15907,"一個人在嘉年華上可能想買什麼甜食? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 自家 B: 有意義的工作 C: 廚房 D: 英家 E: 棉花糖",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15908,"孩子對父母的唾棄,他做了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 成年 B: 表演 C: 長大 D: 發問 E: 成功的",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15909,"為什麼一個人在遇到事情的時候會覺得例行公事很奇怪呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 意外 B: 慣性 C: 甚至 D: 預期 E: 普通",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15910,"他苦心經營的劍術為他提供了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 靈巧 B: 競爭 C: 劍 D: 保護 E: 肥胖症",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15911,"當人們每天吃的食物超過了自己的需要,往往會發生什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 發怒 B: 肥胖症 C: 繳費 D: 同不同意 E: 增肥",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15912,"我們很喜歡看的電視叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 合法 B: 厲害 C: 複雜、昂貴、僵化 D: 老掉牙 E: 娛人",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15913,"有人如何去購買啤酒? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 沒錢 B: 褲子 C: 放鬆 D: 賠錢 E: 花錢",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15914,"有門票,有遊樂設施,有遊戲,但真正賺的錢在哪裡,是在食品銷售上? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商場 B: 廚房 C: 軍事基地 D: 鄰居家 E: 集市",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15915,"你要的是一個對你直來直去的房產中介,你最不希望的是他們對一個房子的質量如何? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 掩蓋 B: 出價 C: 謊言 D: 虛報 E: 篡改",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15916,"詹姆斯的錘子在打釘子的時候彎了。 他需要一個新的。 他可能會去哪裡找一個? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 五金店 B: 工具箱 C: 工具箱 D: 修理廠 E: 工具店",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15917,"那人整天收集舊家電之類的東西,他把金屬拿到哪裡去報廢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 垃圾場 B: 汽車 C: 器械 D: 礦石 E: 農場",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15918,"有人施以援手,會是什麼感覺? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 死亡 B: 麻煩 C: 好受 D: 樂趣 E: 幸福",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15919,"教練決定進行陣容調整,球隊的努力受到了什麼影響? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 停滯 B: 停滯 C: 傳統 D: 飢餓 E: 紙幣",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15920,"蘇珊參加了三K黨的會議,儘管她不相信他們的事業。 她為什麼會這樣做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 思想交流 B: 獲知 C: 入睡 D: 賣熱狗 E: 資訊共享",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15921,"你會發現哪個房間有很多書櫃,而且是用來沉思的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 研究 B: 房子 C: homw D: 廚房 E: 窩點",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15922,"什麼州的形狀像手套,有很多農田? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄉下 B: 密西根 C: 農區 D: 德州 E: 北達科他",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15923,"普通的日常人類只會把它叫做會議,但是像紅衣主教這樣的人可能會把它叫做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 停屍房 B: 避難所 C: 住宅 D: 協商會議 E: 體育場",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15924,"他們並不是因為不努力而沒有完成任務,只是沒有什麼物資? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 擁有 B: 足夠 C: 琳琅滿目 D: 滿意 E: 可用性",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15925,"玩了一會兒,孩子們發生了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 厭倦 B: 競爭力 C: 玩耍 D: 戰鬥 E: 學習",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15926,"衛星從月球上飛馳而過,它的方向是哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 夜空 B: 外層空間 C: 宇宙 D: 月球 E: 空氣",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15927,"鄉下的礦產是用什麼專案冶煉出來的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 市區 B: 法國 C: 草 D: 金屬 E: 狀況",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15928,"丹喜歡下棋,但他就是下不了了。 他被什麼削弱了? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 無聊 B: 謙遜 C: 頭痛 D: 挫折 E: 關節炎",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15929,"當一個人在積極的環境中看到新事物時,他們會有什麼感受? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 興奮 B: 好奇心 C: 驚奇 D: 憤怒 E: 恐懼",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15930,"高管們在大廳裡談戰略,他們可能在討論什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 商業計劃 B: 辦公樓 C: 接待員 D: 戲曲 E: 遊戲計劃",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15931,"黃色的顏色與特點相反,是什麼呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 勇猛 B: 英國承運人 C: 無畏 D: 勇敢 E: 變色",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15932,"犯偽證罪的人可能在做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 憂心忡忡 B: 物件 C: 愧疚 D: 作證 E: 謊言",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15933,"人想把自己浸在水裡,應該用什麼辦法? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 漩渦浴 B: 咖啡杯 C: 杯子 D: 軟飲料 E: 水坑",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15934,"寶寶很暴躁,它要吃早飯,但不肯吃什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 買菜 B: 哭 C: 起床 D: 張口 E: 醒來",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15935,"永恆的花叫什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 黃 B: 橙色 C: 常年 D: 粉紅色 E: 從來沒有",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15936,"到哪裡去找一個正在玩的玩具兵呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩具盒 B: 電影 C: 兒童樂園 D: 玩具箱 E: 童手",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15937,"捅死一個人,很可能會在地面上造成什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 監禁 B: 被捕 C: 園林 D: 血泊 E: 慘烈",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15938,"洗完後的衣服處於什麼狀態? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 冷布 B: 溼衣 C: 縮水 D: 磨損 E: 弄溼",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15939,"如果有人吃到了美味的午餐,他們可能會要求什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 厭倦 B: 犯困 C: 飽滿 D: 恐懼 E: 滿足感",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15940,"一個人對一種哲學的信仰不是輕視而是極端,那是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 顯著 B: 激進 C: 重要的 D: 激進 E: 要害",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15941,"為了能夠給別人買禮物,需要什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 慷慨 B: 有錢 C: 掙錢 D: 花錢 E: 慷慨",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15942,"如果你一直沒有睡好,你可能是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 睡覺時間 B: 閉眼 C: 疲憊 D: 墜落 E: 黑暗",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15943,"比利是個很有創造力的人,但他不善於社交。 他想認識新的人。 他要怎麼做才能達到這個目的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 相談甚歡 B: 搞藝術 C: 唱歌 D: 走出去 E: 回家",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15944,"你為什麼要打牌? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 計數 B: 奪取天下 C: 優勝 D: 記住 E: 交易",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15945,"哪裡的電話亭比較多? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 加油站 B: 倫敦 C: 城市 D: 火車站 E: 機場",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15946,"單身漢懶得從購物袋裡把菜拿出來,他直接把滿滿的袋子放在茶水間什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 儲藏櫃 B: 冰箱 C: 超市 D: 車箱 E: 零售店",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15947,"國王要見一個使臣,在哪裡見? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 法院 B: 飯廳 C: 君主制 D: 寶座室 E: 城堡",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15948,"雖然現在人們只是把硬幣扔下去,但原來有什麼東西是要放下桶來用的呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車庫 B: 雜物間 C: 幻燈片 D: 園林 E: 祝福",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15949,"新生入學前要和學校的管理部門做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 歲數 B: 學生 C: 穿鞋 D: 登記 E: 趕車",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15950,"在公共場合,哪裡能找到一些風琴一起? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 音樂商店 B: 譜寫 C: 動物園 D: 交響樂 E: 音樂室",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15951,"當一個領導人對其人民犯下罪行時,他們應該怎麼做? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 治國 B: 死亡 C: 指使人 D: 下臺 E: 控制人口",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15952,"禿鷹會落在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 加拿 B: 野生動物保護區 C: 松樹 D: 湖上 E: 曠野",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15953,"哪裡以強大的海洋風暴而聞名? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熱帶 B: 天氣預報 C: 雨 D: 夏季 E: 美國",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15954,"他決定把西紅柿種成一排,這一排會在哪裡呢? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 禮堂 B: 菜園 C: 牙槎 D: 門廊 E: 農田",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15955,"高高的草叢中哪裡能找到蛇? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 羽毛 B: 甕中之鱉 C: 寵物店 D: 樹 E: 熱帶雨林",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15956,"少年被要求上學,這讓他成了一個什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 悶悶不樂 B: 登記 C: 歲數 D: 穿鞋 E: 學生",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15957,"漂流木一般在哪裡大量出現? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 灘 B: 海洋 C: 海上 D: 沙子 E: 漂移",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15958,"人在星期天能去哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 教堂 B: 喜愛 C: 飯店 D: 監獄 E: 住宅",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15959,"如何組建家庭? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 花錢 B: 結婚 C: 重音 D: 懷孕 E: 做愛",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15960,"一個人跟我分手,我現在有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 惱火 B: 心碎 C: 精神分裂症 D: 住院 E: 強調",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15961,"他是在逃避襲擊者,他逃跑的目的是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 意外 B: 氣喘 C: 受傷 D: 馳騁 E: 練習",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15962,"在城市之外的小動物園裡,哪裡能找到樹懶? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鄉下 B: 百科全書 C: 荒野 D: 詞典 E: 籠子",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15963,"在哪裡可以找到被帶走前坐的人的長椅? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車架 B: 國家公園 C: 巴士站 D: 汽車站 E: 休息區",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15964,"老師將如何開始要求學生合作的專案? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 陳情 B: 教學生 C: 增進知識 D: 小組學生 E: 分班",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15965,"投手踏上投手丘準備投球,他的具體位置在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 地府 B: 棒球場 C: 高爾夫球場 D: 非洲 E: 棒球場",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15966,"商人想找個地方賣貨,他建了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 生意 B: 商場 C: 商店 D: 售貨 E: 房子",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15967,"殺人通常被認為是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 可怕 B: 殯葬 C: 悔恨 D: 有預謀 E: 入獄",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15968,"大人的衣服怎麼處理? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 抽菸 B: 驅車 C: 飲酒 D: 公園 E: 裝扮",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15969,"如果你想抽菸,你需要什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 你真笨 B: 煙 C: 軋機 D: 自殺 E: 打火機液體。",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15970,"上千家汽車站哪裡可以去? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 繁華都市 B: 地圖 C: 波特蘭 D: 街道 E: 市中心",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15971,"就像自行車一樣,鏈條帶動後輪的什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 摩托車 B: 珠寶店 C: 拖車 D: 換擋 E: 沙龍",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15972,"如果停電了,警察能做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 引流 B: 退任 C: 案子 D: 讓你久等 E: 罰犯",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15973,"美女們在T臺上走來走去,鏡頭閃爍,大家都在享受著什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 效能 B: 時裝秀 C: 戲院 D: 工地 E: 戲劇",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15974,"每一代人都認為下一代人的什麼只是聽起來像噪音? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 警報 B: 停球 C: 寧靜 D: 音樂 E: 沉默",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15975,"他覺得很奇怪,在聽課的時候,教授變得很講究,更奇怪的是,同學們開始什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鼓掌 B: 笑了 C: 學習 D: 筆記 E: 入睡",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15976,"當有人在看《電鋸驚魂》這樣的電影時,他們可能會經歷什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 他們想閉上眼睛 B: 恐懼 C: 喜歡 D: 受娛樂 E: 洞察力",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15977,"明天要考試,這傢伙需要做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 功課 B: 年級 C: 課題研究 D: 練習 E: 漠視",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15978,"總裁是怎麼來的? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 選舉 B: 棋牌室 C: 政府 D: 麻煩 E: 自命不凡",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15979,"當他掉進一堆碎玻璃的時候,他在害怕什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 傷 B: 被人恥笑 C: 割傷 D: 接觸 E: 破鏡重圓",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15980,"罪犯堅持一定要向銀行櫃員犯罪,但她試圖說服他,生活中還有其他的方式,這是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 非必要 B: 可選 C: 不該 D: 不得不 E: 願意的",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15981,"約翰笑不出來。 他不是傷心,而是沒有肌肉了。 但他在做什麼的時候,站在頭頂上,讓孩子們很開心? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 鬧笑話 B: 哄人開心 C: 皺眉 D: 哭 E: 彩虹",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15982,"無聊和飢餓導致了她在旅行過程中的徘徊浪費和滿滿一車不健康的零食,在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 朔望 B: 撲克牌 C: 雜貨店 D: 看藝術 E: 讀書",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15983,"停電了,為什麼家裡要用蠟燭? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 灼灼 B: 發光 C: 溫情 D: 燈塔 E: 火險",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15984,"當人們誠實的時候,他們往往會做什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 己物 B: 說實話 C: 繳費 D: 賣菜 E: 買餅",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15985,"如果一個人感覺不舒服,但有一個專案要完成,應該怎麼辦? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 謝天謝地 B: 在家工作 C: 安居樂業 D: 瞢 E: 賴床",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15986,"宴會的主人大部分時間都在前門,所以她可以什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 上節目 B: 頭桌 C: 關門 D: 期待公司 E: 迎賓",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15987,"窒息而死意味著你有什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 變冷 B: 斷氣 C: 沒了空氣 D: 將不復存在 E: 衰亡",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15988,"在南加州的時候,他們戴上了老鼠耳朵,他們從一個小販那裡買了一些氣球,而他們在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 捕鼠器 B: 迪斯尼樂園 C: 天空 D: 充氣 E: 集市",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15989,"母親從哪裡給孩子讀故事? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 高樓 B: 英國建築 C: 叢書 D: 商場 E: 月球",The right answer is C,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15990,"哪裡能找到不存在的牛? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 玩具店 B: 野外 C: 領域 D: 故事書 E: 芻狗",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15991,"比利喜歡爬山,最後他的腦部受了傷,原因是什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 失氧 B: 越來越高 C: 墜落 D: 水泡 E: 升序",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15992,"從噩夢中醒來後,你會經歷什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 震驚 B: 起身 C: 幸福 D: 不舒服 E: 頭疼",The right answer is A,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15993,"你到哪裡去找裝作業的夾子? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 背囊 B: 書櫃 C: 辦公用品店 D: 辦公室 E: 教室",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15994,"詹姆斯在躲避龍捲風的時候,發現地上有一條蛇。 那條蛇可能在哪裡? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 熱帶雨林 B: 寵物店 C: 籠子 D: 溝渠 E: 北美",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15995,"哪裡有新的購物袋? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車庫 B: 車箱 C: 儲藏櫃 D: 超市 E: 零售店",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15996,"當他們跳過石頭的時候,他們在哪裡尋找新的石頭? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 車道 B: 膽囊 C: 採石場 D: 河床 E: 灘塗",The right answer is D,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15997,"哪裡能找到牙齒美白漂白機? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 體育館 B: 藥店 C: 體育賽事 D: 足球賽 E: 足球賽",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15998,"如何才能彈好吉他? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 定期擦亮你的吉他。 B: 練習 C: 挑選 D: 玩耍 E: 慾望",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 15999,"在好萊塢,""美麗 ""並不特殊。 什麼事? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 猙獰 B: 更差 C: 醜陋 D: 壞的 E: 平均",The right answer is E,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans 16000,"他是被人隨便打的受害者,他的身上發現了什麼? Choose an answer to this question from the following options: A: 痛苦 B: 瘀傷 C: 警報 D: 打孔 E: 疼",The right answer is B,X-CSQA-inst,-,question-answering,1,zho,validation,Hans