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Gretel sourit alors qu'elle pensait au dîner et se leva rapidement, aussi impatient de rencontrer son frère. Elle a suivi sa colocataire giddyly à la cafétéria. Quand ils étaient à l'intérieur, Hansel mettait déjà une main sur son épaule. À ce moment, les épaules et les muscles de Gretel semblent se détendre, comme si elle avait été tendue tout le temps loin de son frère. Hansel sourit : « Mec, mes mains se déchirent tout le temps qu'on s'est séparés », a-t-il déclaré de façon spectaculaire. Gretel ne pouvait que rire et être soulagée en même temps. Elle traîna Hansel vers la table de Belle et les deux s'assirent à côté d'elle, Hansel à droite et Gretel à gauche. «Belle, rencontre mon frère jumeau, Hansel,» dit Gretel à son frère avec enthousiasme. "Hansel, voici ma colocataire Belle." Hansel a hurlé. "Bon à vous rencontrer, Belle."
Name: Prince Konrad Brian Wolfson Name he goes by: Konrad Tinker. Age: 16 Story They Are From: The Swineherd (Hans Christian Andersen) Family: Mother. Crush/Partner: None. Abilities: Konrad is clever with his hands, and he can make many things. He also is able to infuse his creations with magic, thus letting them do magical things. Personality: Clever and stubborn Konrad doesn’t mind getting dirty. He loves animals and music, so many of the things he creates are musical. He has quite a strong sense of justice, but is an avid rule breaker, so he gets into quite a lot of trouble. Bold as brass, his habits of constantly fiddling is often confused for being nervous or scared. History: Prince of a small kingdom, Konrad grew up spending part of his time helping with the animals, and would spend the rest of it creating things. He always managed to skirt round learning ‘proper’ things like etiquette, manners, dancing, languages, politics, that sort of fancy thing. Because of this his mother, the queen, sent him to fairy tale academy, in the hopes he might become more prince-like. Other: Konrad himself can’t sing to save himself, however that doesn’t stop him trying. He can whistle finely. He doesn’t tell others he is a prince. That's fine, you can still have him.
Se braquer lui-même, de quoi parle-t-on, réaliser sur Kovu Non non non, ça ne peut pas l'être. Je prendrai n'importe qui d'autre, même ce type magique qui l'ennuyait. Kovu est revenu à la porte et a hésité à tordre la poignée de la porte, mais elle était verrouillée. Il ne se souvenait pas de l'avoir verrouillé, mais il s'est néanmoins déverrouillé et a ouvert la porte pour voir Beast se tenir devant lui. Kovu l'a regardé lamentablement quand une voix a été entendue par l'interphone. "Étudiants, mes plus chères excuses, mais si vous voulez vérifier les plaques avec vos noms sur eux pour vous assurer que vous êtes à la bonne pièce, ce serait très utile. Il semble que nous ayons une mauvaise communication avec les arrangements de chambre. Quelques-uns d'entre vous seront déplacés. Ta-ta!" Kovu tira la porte plus ouverte pour vérifier la plaque, mais à sa consternation son nom était toujours là le long du nom sculpté de Beast. Kovu est revenu vers son lit et a fermé son sac. Il n'y avait rien d'autre là-dedans que des vêtements et d'autres nécessités, il n'avait pas vraiment beaucoup d'autre à la maison. La même voix a été entendue à nouveau par l'interphone, cette fois-ci c'était une qui ne le décevait pas, le dîner et la chance de s'éloigner de la Bête. Kovu pensait que c'était peut-être sa chance de se faire un ami, mais était-ce qu'il les voulait? Sa famille avait toujours dit de ne jamais faire confiance à personne et il ne l'a pas fait, il est resté sans amis mais se sentait comme maintenant serait le moment d'essayer quelque chose de nouveau, voir si ses parents avaient raison. Si tout le monde agit comme son colocataire l'a fait, il n'avait pas beaucoup d'espoir.
Name: Kovu "Scar Jr" Mohatu Age: 16 Story They Are From: The Lion King Family: Unknown to him they are his adoptive family Father- Scar Mother- Zira Brother- Nuka Sister- Vitani Crush/Partner: N/A Abilities: Kovu has the ability to shapeshifte into Lion at will Personality: Usually seen as a loner, Kovu is alone by choice. Due to issues in his family, he pushes people away and doesn't allow himself to try to get close to anyone. Kovu spends him time in school by himself and generally sticks by a rule of keeping his head down and focus on just getting through his time in education. Even though he maintains a low profile, it doesn't stop him from occasionally using his sharp tongue to mouth off to a few teachers and students. His lack of display of emotions may seem like he is in control and knows what he wants from life but Kovu is lost, feeling unsure of his path, future and himself. However, although he may not know what he wants from life, he knows what he wants in life and can get it with his sly yet charming ways. History: Unbeknownst to Kovu, he is adopted. He is raised by his mother, who emotionally and sometimes physically abuses him and father, an ex-prisoner who raised Kovu and his sibling despite none of them being his children. Kovu's older siblings Nuka and Vitani are the biological children of Kovu's mother Zira and know he is adopted. Vitani bullys Kovu more than Nuka but both treat him like an outsider in the family. Zira has told her children to hate the people who imprisioned their father and not to trust anyone as they will always turn on them. Other:
C'est le cas de Konrad. Après l'annonce sur les noms sur les portes, Konrad a jeté un coup d'œil à la plaque sur sa pour voir s'il avait gagné un colocataire, mais il n'y avait encore que son nom; Konrad Tinker, et bien au moins il n'avait pas changé à son vrai nom; cela aurait été embarrassant. Il est retourné bricoler avec sa cheville en cuivre, évitant les gens pour l'instant. Il était tellement absorbé dans sa tâche que, quand une autre annonce est arrivée, celle-ci sur le dîner, il a sauté, sautant du lit sous le choc. En quittant sa chambre, il a balancé la porte presque fermée et a glissé un objet minuscule dans l'espace. Il s'est ensuite précipité, à la recherche de cette cafétéria, en se demandant indifféremment ce que c'était. Même en marchant, il tisserait plus de fils de cuivre dans la cheville, les retirait des poches et les tournait ensemble, mais il avait laissé ses pinces dans sa chambre. En descendant les escaliers, il a trébuché, naviguant à travers les airs pour atterrir à la base de l'escalier. Il a grimpé jusqu'à ses pieds, un petit bourdonnement de temps en temps ne lui ferait pas trop de mal. Kyrine Kyrin avait à peine jeté son sac sur son lit quand le truc de l'anoncemt est revenu, cette fois disant quelque chose sur le dîner. S'il y avait de la nourriture dans l'offrande, vous pourriez être sûr que Kyrin viendrait. Après son nez, elle descendit le couloir et s'arrêta aussitôt qu'elle vit le chat. C'était un chat au gingembre, comme elle l'était souvent, et il y avait des yeux vert éclatant. Agenouillé lentement, afin de ne pas l'effrayer, Kyrin a offert le dos de sa main, comme la courtoisie et l'étiquette l'exigeaient. Sa queue glissa libre, fouettant autour sous le nez du chat, avant de s'installer derrière elle. Ses oreilles étaient également perchées, la capuche commençant à glisser, révélant le bord d'une oreille de gingembre à fourrure. "Bonjour." Kyrin parlait doucement, soigneusement, la façon dont la plupart des chats appréciaient, pas à fort pour les effrayer.
Name: Prince Maximilian Konrad Brian Wolfson Name he goes by: Konrad Tinker. Age: 16 Story They Are From: The Swineherd (Hans Christian Andersen) Family: Mother. Crush/Partner: None. Abilities: Konrad is clever with his hands, and he can make many things. He also is able to infuse his creations with magic, thus letting them do magical things. Personality: Clever and stubborn Konrad doesn’t mind getting dirty. He loves animals and music, so many of the things he creates are musical. He has quite a strong sense of justice, but is an avid rule breaker, so he gets into quite a lot of trouble. Bold as brass, his habits of constantly fiddling is often confused for being nervous or scared. History: Prince of a small kingdom, Konrad grew up spending part of his time helping with the animals, and would spend the rest of it creating things. He always managed to skirt round learning ‘proper’ things like etiquette, manners, dancing, languages, politics, that sort of fancy thing. Because of this his mother, the queen, sent him to fairy tale academy, in the hopes he might become more prince-like. Other: Konrad himself can’t sing to save himself, however that doesn’t stop him trying. He can whistle finely. He doesn’t tell others he is a prince.
Ursula Ulma a entendu une sorte d'annonce sur le haut-parleur, mais elle ne s'est pas vraiment souciée d'écouter. Elle avait été occupée à se disputer avec elle-même dans sa tête. "Je suis Kyrin, ton colocataire." Ulma a sauté, elle avait entendu la porte ouverte et proche et maintenant soudain une jeune fille lui parlait. Elle s'est assise et s'est secouée la tête. "Ne me fais pas peur comme ça, d'accord? Tu devrais peut-être déballer et arrêter de me déranger." Elle a scanné la fille avec des yeux froids et durs. Mon Dieu, je suis un crétin. Ses yeux adoucissaient, et elle était sur le point de s'excuser quand la fille s'est précipitée par la porte. Ulma a roulé les yeux et s'est levée lentement, marchant par la porte et se déplaçant silencieusement à travers les couloirs.
~°~°~ Name Cecilia D. Brown ~°~°~ Nickname Cruella ~°~°~ Age Seventeen Years Old ~°~°~ Story One Hundred and One Dalmatians ~°~°~ Family Jasper and Horace have always been her friends/servants. And though they get on her nerves, she usually turns to them in hard times. ~°~°~ Crush/Partner Cruella has no crush, unless her cravings for fashion count. ~°~°~ Abilities Cruella has no abilities, though she has a wicked eye for fashion. ~°~°~ Personality Cruella is a sly, petty snob. She can become obsessed with the strangest things, whether it is an expensive jewel, or a simple hound dog. She can only have the best, and goes to extremes to get what she needs. She has always been spoiled, and has a hard time understanding the world isn't her oyster. ~°~°~ History Cecilia was raised in a rich, upper class family. Her parents spoiled her, but they were almost never there for her, so she relied on her two young butlers, Jasper and Horace, for company. As she grew, she became uptight and snotty, but she also became obsessed with the latest trends in fashion. As the years went by, she separated herself from her parents more and more, only coming to them for money, and she went on to try to live out her dreams. Unfortunately her horrid parents had to cut in, and they sent her to a prestigious school in which she had to learn before becoming a designer. ~°~°~ Theme Song Cruella De Vil ------------------ ~°~°~ Name Ulma C. Saunders ~°~°~ Nickname Ursula Sea Witch ~°~°~ Age Seventeen Years Old ~°~°~ Story The Little Mermaid ~°~°~ Family She has parents, they just aren't important. ~°~°~ Crush/Partner That can be discussed later. ~°~°~ Abilities Ulma can make a mean deal, but it always comes with a price. She can brew you up a love potion, but only if you're willing to give up your most valued possessions, whether it's a gemstone, or your pretty voice. ~°~°~ Personality Ulma is cruel, but she wants you to think she's the best thing since sliced bread. She loves to make all sorts of deals, and is a sucker for a good trade. She's into trickery, so you have to be very specific when you ask her things. Ulma has always been neglected, but she tries to cover that up with her nice things. ~°~°~ History Ulma was born to parents as wicked as she was, they let her do almost whatever she wanted, as long as it didn't get them in trouble. She went out, and was wild, using her magic to get exactly what she wanted, in exchange for petty favors. She was an outcast in the world, and she used it to her own personal advantage. As she grew, she started to realize just how bad she was, and how much She seemed to enjoy it. She wanted to stop, at least that's what a good part of her said, but she saw no reason to. So she kept on like this, until her parents saw the light and sent her to a silly old boarding school. ~°~°~ Theme Song Poor Unfortunate Souls
Beast huffed et repoussa Kovu qui semblait vouloir rien de plus que de s'éloigner de lui. Il ne pouvait pas lui en vouloir, si les rôles étaient inversés, il aurait demandé un nouveau colocataire. Il est passé à son lit pour sortir le téléphone qu'il avait laissé sous l'oreiller avant. En cliquant sur le bouton, l'écran s'est effondré. 1 Message non lu ... Étrange. Retirant ses messages, il a vu un numéro inconnu avec un message en dessous. Bonne chance, chérie! Rends-nous fiers! - Mme Potts. Soupirant, il a encore verrouillé le téléphone et l'a fourré dans sa poche de pantalon. Se levant une fois de plus, il se tourna vers son colocataire et sourit. "Je suis affamée. Savez-vous où se trouve cette cafétéria, par hasard?" Il a demandé, par conséquent, une des choses les plus normales qu'il ait dit toute la journée.
Name Adam "Beast" Cunningham Age 17 (Appears to be in his 20s) Story They Are From Beauty and The Beast Family None Crush/Partner N/A Currently Abilities Very Strong, 'Rage' Mode induced by emotions (fear and anger mostly) Personality To call him rough would be an understatement as Adam gets very angry very easily. Many people tend to stray away from him because of this and has caused him to develop a sort of complex. He doesn't believe anyone could ever love or even like a person like him. He has been called cruel, excessive, and brutish. Most people don't see the soft side of him that the people that worked back at his home saw as whenever anyone does happen to see it, he gets so angry that they quickly forget whatever they saw. He does, however, when prompted, talk to others of his own volition but it is particularly rare. History Adam grew up as a lonely rich prince in a large castle like home. His parents died when he was relatively young and he has lived with his servants ever since. One day, an old woman came to his front door but because of her appearance, Adam turned her away, not able to take the ugliness of her appearance. Because of this, the old woman cursed him and changed his appearance as well as those in his service. His appearance changed and he became very rough looking. Whenever he went out, women would shield their children from them and men would look at him with anger or confusion. No one would talk to him and soon he became recluse after all of the grief he got from his appearance. Knowing that the curse could be lifted if the young master fell in love, his servants convinced him to go to an Academy with that purpose in mind. Every now and then Ms. Teapot sneaks in to come and check in on him and make sure he's doing as he promised, finding someone to love. Other What He Looked Like Before The Curse Other Pictures of Beast
Les oreilles de Percy tournèrent au son de pas en chute rapide, ce qui le fit se tourner vers l'enquête. Comme il l'a fait, une femelle est apparue au coin de la rue avant de déraper. Sa queue secoua, regardant la fille en s'approchant de lui et s'installa dans une croûte. Un petit sourire s'est formé sur son visage, la vue d'elle passant par l'introduction typique de soi à un chat. Ce n'était pas tout à fait nécessaire, mais il s'y est associé. Il renifla le dos de la main qui lui était présentée, se frottant la joue contre la main. Un homme ne nierait jamais l'attention d'un sexe opposé. L'apparition de la queue et des oreilles a confirmé ce qu'il attendait, parce qu'elle était la source de l'odeur mixte. Il a alors décidé de casser la façade "Je suis un vrai chat et je ne peux pas parler" et il a parlé, "Bonjour, je suppose que vous êtes aussi capable de devenir un chat? D'après votre odeur, vos oreilles et votre queue."
Name: Percy( pronounced: pur-ce ) Nickname: Puss Age: 18 Story They Are From: Puss in Boots Family: unofficial brother: Humfrey "Humpty Dumpty" Parents: unknown Adopted mother: Imelda Crush/Partner: open to debate Abilities: fighting, thievery, sword fighting, turning into a cat Personality: Percy has a charming way about him, able to easily attract friends and even the females. He has a cool bad boy air about him, and he is very protective of his friends, due to a fear that he has of losing those he is close to. He doesn't get close to people easily however, having some trouble trusting people. History: Orphaned as a kid, Percy turned up on the door step of Imelda's house. He soon came into contact with Humfrey, and they quickly became friends. However, they both picked up getting into trouble, thievery to get what they wanted. He knew of his ability to turn into a cat from a young age, growing to prefer it from his human form. Other: none at the moment
Kyrin sourit heureux, il y avait un autre chat qui pouvait parler! Techniquement, je devrais dire non, je suis un chat, qui peut se transformer en un humanoïde, donc les oreilles et la queue dont je ne peux pas me débarrasser, mais ça va.Elle sourit, lui arnaque légèrement le dos et recule, rétrécissant, ses vêtements et son col se dissolvant dans son gingembre croissant et sa fourrure blanche. Mais aussi comme elle a changé ses sentiments, soudain elle s'est trouvée vouloir être hostile à l'autre chat, désirant se battre. Ses moustaches secouant il a soutenu un pas, juste assez que l'autre chat envoyé n'a pas été écraser lui. Devinez-vous que vous, aussi, pouvez se transformer en une forme humaine, ou humanoïde? Pour la plupart, son côté humain était encore en contrôle, l'empêchant d'essayer de déchirer l'autre chat en rubans, mais cela pourrait ne pas durer.
Name: Prince Maximilian Konrad Brian Wolfson Name he goes by: Konrad Tinker. Age: 16 Story They Are From: The Swineherd (Hans Christian Andersen) Family: Mother. Crush/Partner: None. Abilities: Konrad is clever with his hands, and he can make many things. He also is able to infuse his creations with magic, thus letting them do magical things. Personality: Clever and stubborn Konrad doesn’t mind getting dirty. He loves animals and music, so many of the things he creates are musical. He has quite a strong sense of justice, but is an avid rule breaker, so he gets into quite a lot of trouble. Bold as brass, his habits of constantly fiddling is often confused for being nervous or scared. History: Prince of a small kingdom, Konrad grew up spending part of his time helping with the animals, and would spend the rest of it creating things. He always managed to skirt round learning ‘proper’ things like etiquette, manners, dancing, languages, politics, that sort of fancy thing. Because of this his mother, the queen, sent him to fairy tale academy, in the hopes he might become more prince-like. Other: Konrad himself can’t sing to save himself, however that doesn’t stop him trying. He can whistle finely. He doesn’t tell others he is a prince.
Kovu regarda son colocataire avec stupéfaction à son changement soudain d'attitude. "Aucune idée", Kovu a finalement dit après quelques instants de regarder Beast. « Cet endroit est énorme, j'allais juste me promener et espérer le trouver », a dit Kovu en frottant l'arrière de sa tête. Kovu n'avait aucune idée si Beast jouait une sorte de jeu ou essayait de lui faire quelque chose, mais Kovu a décidé de suivre son exemple et de laisser tomber sa colère et son amertume... pour l'instant. Son père lui avait toujours dit de ne jamais faire confiance à personne, pas même à ceux que tu es proche, ils te poignarderont dans le dos pour obtenir ce qu'ils veulent, donc tu dois t'assurer que tu obtiens ce que tu veux après qu'ils pensent qu'ils ont gagné. Il n'a jamais compris la dernière partie de ça, mais il en a eu la moindre idée. Kovu marchait vers la porte, l'ouvrant, il était sur le point de sortir de sa chambre mais a été arrêté par une odeur aromatique, il a pris une profonde respiration et son nez s'est envoûté à son parfum magnifique. Nourriture.
Name: Kovu "Scar Jr" Mohatu Age: 16 Story They Are From: The Lion King Family: Unknown to him they are his adoptive family Father- Scar Mother- Zira Brother- Nuka Sister- Vitani Crush/Partner: N/A Abilities: Kovu has the ability to shapeshifte into Lion at will Personality: Usually seen as a loner, Kovu is alone by choice. Due to issues in his family, he pushes people away and doesn't allow himself to try to get close to anyone. Kovu spends him time in school by himself and generally sticks by a rule of keeping his head down and focus on just getting through his time in education. Even though he maintains a low profile, it doesn't stop him from occasionally using his sharp tongue to mouth off to a few teachers and students. His lack of display of emotions may seem like he is in control and knows what he wants from life but Kovu is lost, feeling unsure of his path, future and himself. However, although he may not know what he wants from life, he knows what he wants in life and can get it with his sly yet charming ways. History: Unbeknownst to Kovu, he is adopted. He is raised by his mother, who emotionally and sometimes physically abuses him and father, an ex-prisoner who raised Kovu and his sibling despite none of them being his children. Kovu's older siblings Nuka and Vitani are the biological children of Kovu's mother Zira and know he is adopted. Vitani bullys Kovu more than Nuka but both treat him like an outsider in the family. Zira has told her children to hate the people who imprisioned their father and not to trust anyone as they will always turn on them. Other:
C'est ce qu'il faut faire pour que l'on puisse s'adapter à l'évolution de la situation. GMs: Stein GMs adjoints: Aucun Genre: Fandom, Superhumain, Modern Fantasy ► L A R I S S A ► S O M E R S E Tmai 2016 - La nuit de l'explosion "Chuck tu ne peux pas." La voix de la femme sonnait aussi réelle et authentique que n'importe quelle autre personne pouvait avoir de l'autre côté du téléphone. Mais Charles Michaels savait mieux que quiconque que Glitch était loin d'être réel. Après avoir construit et programmé Glitch au cours de ses dernières années d'adolescence, l'Intelligence Artificale est avec lui depuis trente ans. "Tu ne t'es pas habillé depuis des années." "Mon corps se souvient." Charles a répondu à l'A.I. inquiet. l'hélicoptère s'est posé à l'extérieur de la centrale nucléaire de Larissa. Ancien chef des Mavericks, Chuck avait découvert qu'il avait la capacité d'imiter et de conserver les capacités d'autres supers. Bien qu'il n'ait utilisé aucune de leurs capacités depuis des années, il pouvait encore les sentir attendre sous sa peau pour sortir. Sautant de l'hélicoptère avant qu'il n'ait eu une chance d'atterrir, l'homme sentit ses genoux menacer de céder du dessous de lui. "Même si le corps n'est pas tout à fait ce qu'il était." Chuck murmura alors qu'il allait de l'avant, porté par des pas super forts, en fermant rapidement l'écart. Il n'avait aucune idée de ce qui a causé une surcharge dans l'installation, mais si quelqu'un allait risquer de la contenir, c'était lui. Il n'allait pas risquer la vie de ses employés à cause de ses propres échecs. "Le réacteur principal est surchauffé." La voix de Glitch est revenue alors que Chuck courait dans l'établissement. "Tu n'y arriveras pas." "Je vais y arriver!" Chuck s'est rétorqué alors qu'il entrait dans la chambre principale. La fusion était un outil puissant pour l'humanité, mais les conceptions de Chuck signifiait que si le noyau allait en surcharge, il commencerait essentiellement à créer une petite étoile à Larissa. Une étoile qui finirait par devenir une singularité et anéantirait le monde. Il convient de noter que les détenteurs d'actions n'avaient aucune idée qu'il s'agissait d'une possibilité. "Je peux inverser le processus." Chuck a déclaré. "Mais ce n'était pas un accident." Il a ajouté qu'il commençait à murmurer. Les doigts ont traversé les commandes alors que Chuck s'est battu pour inverser le processus. L'installation s'est ébranlée lorsque le noyau a émis une fusée éclairante qui a presque frappé l'homme de cinquante ans des commandes. "Glitch, a réacheminé les systèmes de refroidissement, pris les réacteurs secondaires hors ligne et mis tous les systèmes de refroidissement sur le noyau primaire." "Fait." C'est l'A.I.La réponse de Chuck a continué son travail. "Je l'ai à peu près." Chuck a dit de pousser un dernier bouton. Respirant profondément, il essuya son sourcil alors qu'il se penchait. "Voir Glitch. Je t'avais dit que je pouvais le faire." Il a dit avec un sourire familier. Soudain, le réacteur s'est effondré. Chuck s'est figé et le moment était terminé. ► L A R I S S A ► S O M E R S E Tmai 2016 - Un jour après l'explosion « Un jour plus tard, la ville se remet encore de la crise d'hier. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ont été laissés dans le noir, voici Winter Caspian vivant de la centrale nucléaire de Michaels." "Merci la foi!" La voix de la femme est venue alors que l'écran passait de l'ancre blonde dans la salle de presse à la brune debout à l'extérieur du bâtiment fumant Nuclear Fusion. "Hier à environ un dans l'après-midi, la centrale nucléaire de Michaels est entrée dans un état de surcharge. Alors que les techniciens sur place ont couru contre l'horloge pour éviter une urgence, l'installation a encore réussi à émettre un électromagnétique qui a laissé Larissa sans puissance pour la majorité d'hier provoquant des effractions criminelles dans toute la ville. Les services d'urgence conseillent à ceux qui n'ont pas à quitter la maison de rester à l'intérieur jusqu'à ce que la ville soit libérée de l'état d'urgence. À partir de maintenant, seul le centre-ville a le pouvoir, mais selon les responsables de la ville, tout le monde devrait avoir le pouvoir d'ici ce soir. Ceci a été Winter Caspian reportage en direct de la centrale nucléaire de Michaels pour Channel 42 News. Retour à vous la foi." ► L A R I S S A. C I T Y D I O N Y S I Amai 2016 - Une nuit après l'explosion Sirens s'est fait l'écho des principaux couloirs de Larissa, car des croiseurs de police, des ambulances et des camions de pompiers ont couru à travers la ville à la recherche de blessés ou de personnes d'aide. Sourire des ruelles obscures, David Everly fléchit son poing et sourit, faisant un pas en avant seulement pour traverser la rue en un clin d'œil. Hier, il est entré par effraction dans une bijouterie quand la police l'a arrêté à coups de feu. Puis l'explosion s'est produite. Aujourd'hui, il était capable de briser la barrière sonore sans briser une sueur. Peu importe ce que Michaels avait mis dans cette installation a certainement emballé le bon type de punch. En vitesse autour du coin, le verre s'est brisé pendant que David volait à travers la fenêtre vers une autre bijouterie. Les alarmes s'éteignirent alors qu'il remplissait ses bras d'anneaux, de bracelets, de colliers et de boucles d'oreilles avant de repartir. Larissa était officiellement son terrain de jeu. Un sourire méchant se répandit sur son visage alors que l'homme se dirigeait vers le district de l'Olympe.
N E M E S I S"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions." O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U ◼ 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 4 ( 2 2 ) ◼ M A L E ◼ H E T E R O S E X U A L ▼ A P P E A R A N C E:"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."//STATS: ◼ HEIGHT | 5'-10" ◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs ◼ BUILD | Athletic ◼ EYE COLOUR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris ◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn ◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian //DESCRIPTION: Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways. Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.​ ▼ B I O G R A P H Y:"Words don't define us, actions do." During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to Larissa and its surrounding areas. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Larissa, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father. Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them. But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Larissa first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Larissa, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later. Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark Larissa night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license. Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Larissa General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he. Combined with his constant distant behavior, Silas' negative attitude towards Joseph was the straw that broke the camel's back and Samantha and Silas divorced. Having moved out during his time at college, the split did little to upset Joseph's living arrangements. His mother however relocated from the Olympus district to a country home in the more rural district of Mount Nysa. Making time to visit his mother over the weeks that followed, Joseph was rather confused by how little the divorce seemed to bother her. Silas on the other hand was working hard to keep the divorce out of his public image least it reflect poorly upon him. On the night of the blackout, Joseph was awoken from his slumber in order to respond to an evacuation order at the Michaels' Nuclear Facility. Arriving at the scene just as the explosion rocked the area, Joseph's ambulance was rendered completely powerless. Nonetheless, Joseph wasn't deterred as he rushed the scene helping the wounded to safety until other first responders arrived. Working to clear the scene, Joseph worked into overtime, eventually being relieved after nearly eighteen long hours. ▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:"Time to level the playing field." ▼ ABILITY AUGMENTATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph possesses the ability to enhance the abilities of other gifted individuals. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph lets go. At this stage, Joseph can only boost the abilities of another in one aspect meaning if he increased the range of an attack, he could not increase its potency. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's powers continue to grow, his abilities are further able to increase those of another. The next growth in his powers allows Joseph to amplify all aspects of another's abilities. This means he increases the range, potency, duration and any other necessary aspects of the ability in question. Furthermore Joseph no longer requires physical contact with those he's familiar with. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his early abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link. ◼ STAGE 03 | At Joseph's peak, he is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. That said, Joseph's ability no longer requires physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect although he can choose his targets. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant. ◼ ABILITY NEGATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph's secondary ability is the ability to negate the abilities of another gifted individual. When in physical contact with another, Joseph can choose whether to enhance or negate their abilities. Instinctively his body will always go with negate out of self preservation meaning that if Joseph were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. The negation of the host abilities only is sustained so long as the host is in physical contact with Joseph. Once physical contact is terminated, their abilities are returned within seconds. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's ability grows, he'll be able to emit a small blast which can temporarily stun and negate the abilities of another. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency now, immediately rendering a gifted individual powerless for several hours. ◼ STAGE 03 | Near Joseph's peak potency, his ability will be able to be projected in a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. Furthermore, his offensive abilities will increase from a simple blast, to a prolonged beam or a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. At this stage he is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held. ◼ STAGE 04 | With his final evolution, Joseph gains the ability to enhance his own body. These enhancements are only temporary and can only enhance one aspect of Joseph's body at a time. These enhancements can only be added to one existing aspect of Joseph's body such as accelerating his healing factor or boosting his physical condition. Joseph is able to keep his enhancements active for a period of twenty four hours after which his body will be weakened and unable to undergo another enhancement until fully recovered. //SKILLS: ◼ MEDICAL TRAINING | As an EMT, Joseph is able to treat numerous injuries and ailment in the field. In addition to this, Joseph can sustain the life of a person, postponing death in the events of life threatening injuries until they can reach proper treatment. Notably, Joseph's skills are hinged on having the proper supplies although he can be pragmatic and use whatever is at hand when necessary. ◼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career. ◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver. ◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Larissa, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Larrissa's seedier areas. //LIMITATIONS: Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability. Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe. In regards to Joseph's self enhancements, he can't just add any superhuman ability to himself. Joseph can only enhance his pre-existing physique. Once the enhancement wears off after twenty four hours, Joseph is left in a weakened state for upwards of twelve hours, requiring significant rest and nutrients in order to recover as he body deals with the 'devolution'. If Joseph tried to enhance himself within his rest period, he could potentially harm himself on a genetic level permanently corrupting his DNA and leaving it unstable. //WEAKNESSES: Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless. While enhanced by his own abilities, Joseph can be reduced back to a base human forcibly through extreme voltages which will render his abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity. ▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her." Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Larissa-Lilith Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Larissa was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Larissa's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave. ▼ N O T E S:"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day." //SUPPORTING CAST: ▼ ALLIES ◼ BERGERON, MILES | TBD ◼ PLATEADO, ARTURO | TBD ◼ PRINCE, EVELYN | TBD ◼ WILLIAMS, ANDREW | TBD ▼ FRIENDS ◼ CALLAHAN, BRYNNE | Joseph's on again and off again girlfriend, they have a casual relationship. ◼ CASPIAN, WINTER | A childhood friend of Joseph's and his first girlfriend before a nasty break up put a wedge between them. Winter works for Larissa's Channel 42 News as a field reporter. ◼ THOREAU, SILAS | Joseph's father and Larissa's current District Attorney. ◼ THOREAU, FORREST | Joseph's grandfather and father figure. Forrest and Joseph have a bond that Silas is incredibly jealous of both due to his distance from his father and the attention stolen from his son. ◼ THOREAU, SAMANTHA (neé RUSSELLS) | Joseph's mother and one time lover to the billionaire Charles Micheals. Samantha had previously been involved in a whirlwind romance with the billionaire before being scorned and sent into the arms of Silas Thoreau. Finding herself with child, Samantha and Thoreau married giving birth to their son Joseph. ◼ YOUNG, TRAVIS | Travis Young is Joseph's paramedic partner, the two have been friends since the first year of college and have been nearly inseparable since. ▼ ENEMIES ◼ N/A | TBD //STOMPING GROUNDS ◼ SOUTH BEACH | Owning a condominium in the South Beach District of Larissa, Joseph spends most of his off time on the beach, catching a few waves and mingling among the night time parties. //PARAPHERNALIA ◼ N/A | TBD | | ~ Ɲ ǀ Ɠ H Ƭ S O Ɲ Ɠ ~ | | "You know I make you wanna scream, You know I make you wanna run from me baby" | ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Ellara Sofia Castell | ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ El/Elle ■ Ella ■ Ellie ■ Lara | ᗩ ᒪ I ᗩ ᔕ ( ᕮ ᔕ ): | ■ Nightsong ■ 'Mouthpiece' ■ 'Scream Queen' | ᗪ . O . ᗷ . : | ■ 03/25/1995 | ᗩ G ᕮ : | ■ 21 | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ : | ■ Female | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ ᑌ ᗩ ᒪ I T Y : | ■ Heterosexual | ᗩ ᑭ ᑭ ᕮ ᗩ ᖇ ᗩ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ : | "Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha." //ᔕTᗩTᔕ: ■ HEIGHT | 5'-8" ■ WEIGHT | 118 lbs ■ MEASUREMENTS | 34-24-34 ■ BRA SIZE | 32B ■ HAIR COLOUR | Black ■ EYE COLOUR | Green //ᗪᕮᔕᑕᖇIᑭTIOᑎ: Standing at roughly five feet and eight inches tall (5'-8"), Ellara is a woman slightly above average height for her sex. That said, she doesn't cut an overly intimidating figure unless she locks eyes with you. It's Ellara's eyes which cause many would be suitors to second guess approaching the otherwise stunning woman. Her fierce green eyes give away the fact there's something wild and untamed behind them. Piercing and keen, it's almost as though her eyes can't stop moving as they swish from side to side, taking in their surroundings constantly. A side effect from the traumatic scaring of her childhood. Ellara has a scar above her collarbone on her right shoulder from where Strider held a knife to her. Her skin is naturally tanned, having a soft 'mocha' like tone to it due to the mixed heritage of her parents. Having roots in Catalan, Navajo and Mesoamerican cultures, Ellara's bloodline has a rich history within it. During the summer months, her skin tends to darken due to the sun's rays but even in the winter it retains its tan complexion. Preferring to keep her hair just past shoulder length, Ellara rarely ties her raven haired locks back in day to day activities but will tie it into a tight bun on the back of her head during vigilante activities. Prior to rescuing Alexis, Ellara's appearance was much more homely. Her grandmother kept her modest, not wanting to encourage the wandering male eye should it upset Ellara. She was never shown how to apply make up and would often practice in the mirror. Moving in with Alexis did miracles for Ellara as Alexis overhauled Ellara's wardrobe and taught her how to dress. ​ | ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ / ᔕ K I ᒪ ᒪ ᔕ : | "Scream! When the pressure breaks me, When it's too hard to see." //ᗩᗷIᒪITIᕮᔕ: ■ SONIC MANIPULATION | Ellara possesses the ability to manipulate, shape or create soundwaves. She has control over both soundwaves she creates and soundwaves from another source. Soundwaves are a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear. Ellara can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound. She is able to use it as a powerful physical force and even for high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. In order for Ellara's body to be able to handle her abilities, she possesses super-humanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords that can produce a sonic scream. She also has selective hearing, enabling her to focus upon, enhance, or totally block out any given sound in his environment; this shields Ellara from the deafening sound of her own sonic attacks, and makes her a super-humanly acute eavesdropper in surveillance situations.​ ■ OMNI-TONE | Ellara always speaks in perfect pitch. This ability allows Ellara a very broad range of vocal manipulation leading to her ability to mimic other people's voices and create sonic waves with frequencies well above and below the human range. Due to Ellara's abilities she's able to mimic any voice she has heard. That said, the more she's heard a person speak the more she's able to mimic their voice and verbal tics. A conversation at length with a person will lead to an almost infallible impression but a fleeting sentence here and there will lead to simply a good impression. Ellara is able to project her voice over a distance much further than even the best town criers and manipulate her voice to sound like more than one person is speaking leading to a rather haunting effect. ■ ADVANCED VOICE MANIPULATION | Tapping into her Omni-Tone, Ellara is able to make her voice have a persuasive effect over those he speaks to. She could also even hypnotize an open mind with her voice or lull them into a state of slumber. Further more she can empower her sonic scream with numerous effects such as causing fear, vertigo, or even to kill. Ellara can direct her sonic scream into a beacon sending out over an incredibly wide range to rally allies or attract enemies to her location.UNDEVELOPED ■ ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara has hearing well above and beyond the human range both in terms of physical distance and frequencies. Currently her hearing isn't refined but once she has trained her ears she'll be able to do even more simply by listening. Ellara's ears are immune not only to her own sonic manipulation but also to any external sonic manipulation. Her body is especially adapted to completely resist sonic attacks and to to allow her to fully maximize her own abilities. ■ ADVANCED ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara can refine her ability to listen in order to use her hearing in combination with her voice for the effects of echolocation or sonar. Furthermore Ellara can listen close enough to a person's heartbeat and detect if they're lying.​UNDEVELOPED ■ CREATE/MANIPULATE SOUNDWAVES | Ellara can create soundwaves using her vocal chords or by slapping her body against a hard surface. Clapping will create soundwaves just not with the same starting volume as her vocal chords could produce. Ellara can manipulate the loudness, pitch, tone and overall shape of the soundwave. Ellara can manipulate any soundwave generated from another source whether this is an instrument or a car crash. Ellara can do everything to an externally generated soundwave as he can do to one of his own.UNDEVELOPED ■ SOUND AMPLIFICATION/ABSORPTION | Ellara can increase or decrease the volume of any soundwave. Furthermore she can make sounds completely inaudible including herself. Ellara can throw out soundwaves that can counteract unanticipated sounds by muting or nullifying the sounds. Ellara can manipulate soundwaves into a direct attack shaping them into a concussive blast or keeping them wide to affect a radius around her. Using her enhanced vocal chords, Ellara can produce a sonic scream or overwhelm opponents with deafening or disorienting noise. Low frequency sonic blast can stun opponents temporarily.UNDEVELOPED ■ BOOST/LEVITATION/FLIGHT | Ellara will eventually be able to learn to manipulate soundwaves in such a way that she will be able to ride on them and channel them around her body to boost forward or slow her descent towards the ground. Further building upon this ability, Ellara in combination with a wing suit or glider or some kind will be able to fly through the air using a series of sonic boosts to propel her and keep her sustained. At her absolute best, Ellara will be able to propel herself at the speed of sound through the air creating a sonic boom as she reaches Mach speed.UNDEVELOPED ■ VIBRATION EMISSION | Manipulating soundwaves in the correct way, Ellara can create vibrations which could topple whole buildings if she had the proper supply of soundwaves. These vibrations can be used to counter other movement and potentially deflect projectiles or shrapnel. If timed correctly these 'Counter Vibrations' could at the least minimize the kinetic energy in an attack and at best completely neutralize it.UNDEVELOPED //ᒪIᗰITᗩTIOᑎᔕ: ■ ABUSE | Ellara is limited by her own physical condition as while she does have immunity to her abilities she can over-strain his system and temporarily cut off her own powers. She can also damage her throat or vocal chords from over-abusing them. ■ ADDICTION | ​Ellara suffers from an addiction to sleeping pills, as well as predispostion towards alcohol. Often mixing the two depsite warnings from her roommate. In some instances she needs a drink to accompany a meal, often refusing to relax until she has one in her hand. Whether this is a placebo effect, addiction or both isn't yet determined. She can't sleep without sleeping pills, whether its an afternoon nap or a full night's rest. Ellara believes she needs the pills or her nightmares will come. ■ PTSD | ​Despite having been in and out of therapy over the past ten years, Ellara still suffers from symptoms of PTSD due to Strider's actions. Ellara is completely dependent on sleeping pills in order to get anything close to a semblance of rest each night. Often tossing and turning due to nightmares and the haunting visage of the man with a knife pressed against her. Even during the day if Ellara allows her thoughts to wander, she finds herself reliving the event, experiencing intense flashbacks. The smell of blood or the brand of cheap body spray that Strider wore can act as a trigger. News reports of sexual assaults or rapes can set Ellara's PTSD off as can hearing the song 'Escape' by Rupert Holmes. For this reason, Ellara avoids playing music before bed since it was a tradition of her parents and one that lead to 'Escape' being played before their murders. Ellara also refuses to sleep with a window open or unlocked, and ensures every door has at least two locks on it. If Ellara tries to go to bed while anything in her apartment is similar to the night of the assault then she will end up avoiding sleep altogether. Ellara has trouble forming relationships, and can be seen as very untrusting. She tends to view the world at its worst and sees it as a dangerous and untamed animal. As such, Ellara has never had a boyfriend or any sort of significant other never being able to get past a first date. She's constantly on alert, her eyes twitching back and forth constantly searching for any threats to herself. Often Ellara fidgets, tapping a foot or hand on whatever surface is nearby, often jittery especially in new environments. While Ellara is attempting to earn a degree at Grimm, she has a hard time concentrating especially combined with her lack of sleep. She's prone to mood swings, suddenly becoming angry or irritable without any notice. Ellara always checks her surroundings, especially in a new location, always sitting with her back to a wall and never a window, door or open space. Additionally Ellara doesn't take kindly to being snuck up on or surprised. ■ BERSERK BUTTON | At the age of eleven, Ellara was sexual assaulted and nearly raped by Marcus Strider. She also witnessed the death of her father while her mother's murderer was carted off and put in jail where he had a roof over his head and was provided three meals per day along with free education. While Ellara uses her memories to fuel her crusade against crime it is also a crutch to her. Victims of sexual assault often cause her to become unhinged and unfocused while guns can unnerve Ellara and she's especially vulnerable to seeing someone near death or dead in front of her. Unexpected displays of affection can also unnerve Ellara causing her to become hostile.​ ■ HUMANITY | Even though Ellara has enhanced healing through sonokinetic stimulation, she's still essentially vulnerable to guns and knives. Ellara has no enhanced strength or durability and is currently untrained in using her abilities to boost her speed.​ //ᗯᕮᗩKᑎᕮᔕᔕᕮᔕ: ■ SOUND NULLIFICATION | Ellara's abilities can be negated by anything that can nullify sound. Materials which absorb sound can also limit if not downright block the desired effects. ■ NOISE | While Ellara manipulates sound, noise can greatly hinder her abilities causing her attacks to become unfocused or even render then completely null. Noise greatly reduces Ellara's ability to focus soundwaves and as such fighting around crowds or in busy public areas will diminish her efficiency. ■ MUTING/DEAFENING | Since the majority of Ellara's abilities rely on her mouth and ears, removing either of these sensory organs from the equation can greatly weaken her. Ellara can't perform her sonic scream while gagged and can't focus her abilities without her ears. //ᔕKIᒪᒪᔕ: ■ ASL | Having spent nearly ten years without speaking, Ellara's speech therapist introduced her to and educated her in American Sign Language. Being a competent user of it, Ellara can communicate proficiently with most individuals who have an understanding of it. She herself can be overwhelmed by the speed at which life long users sign but this can often be overcome. ■ VENTRILOQUISM | Due to Ellara's abilities, she has a natural talent for voice manipulation. As such, she is able to throw her voice in a similar manner to a ventriloquist. Ellara can use this to distract or otherwise confuse both allies and foes alike. She's been known to pick up a puppet every now and then to entertain children too. ■ MARTIAL ARTS | On an invitation from Alexis, Ellara took up Tai Chi as both a meditation technique and a physical outlet just over a year ago. Taking as many courses as she could over the past year, she's become rather skilled in the martial art, capable of holding her own against most average opponents. Ellara is however by no means a medal winning athlete or combatant and instead relies more on surprise and her abilities than being able to take an opponent head on. | ᗷ ᗩ ᑕ K ᔕ T O ᖇ Y : | "Scream till there's silence, Scream while there's life left, vanishing" A powerful set of lungs alerted the world of the birth of Ellara Sofia Castell as she was pulled from the womb screaming in the dead of one cold Larissa night. Born to doting parents, Alejandro and Liliana spoiled their little princess during her early childhood. However that all changed one hot summer when a notorious man by the name of Marcus Strider went on a crime spree throughout the city. This spree was isolated to the districts of Somerset, the Wharf, the Sound and Little Santiago. A sexual predator, rapist and family annihilator, Strider left a rather notable body count in his wake including both Alejandro and Liliana. During the attack on their home, Ellara managed to call 911 although she was caught by Strider before having the chance to express the situation to the operator on the other side. Having already dispatched both of Ellara's parents, Strider believed himself free to have his way with the young girl and began to take his time, tormenting Ellara. Pressing a knife against Ellara's skin as he began to cut off her shirt, Ellara screamed in terror as Strider smiled wickedly at her. However this scream was not the simple scream of a terrified girl, but the powerful scream of a new super waking up. The combination of trauma and puberty awoke latent superhuman abilities in Ellara which manifested in a super sonic scream. As the scream left Ellara's mouth, the windows in the house shattered along with Strider's ear drums as he fell to the floor clutching his head. Cursing as he pulled himself to his feet, Strider scrambled for his knife and lunged at Ellara before being pulled back by Alejandro. Having underestimated Alejandro's constitution, Strider believed he had left the man for dead however Alejandro managed to fight through his wounds, coming to his daughter's aid. Struggling with the older man, Strider found his knife being turned on him as the house was flood with red and blue flashing lights. As the police entered the room, Alejandro let go, rolling off of Strider and finally succumbing to his wounds. Strider was taken into custody as police tried to console the now parent-less Ellara. -From that point on, Ellara never spoke a word. Put in the care of her grandmother, Ellara was put into both speech and psychological therapy in order to help cope with what she had been through and witnessed. Still the girl refused to speak. -Terrified of what her voice had done, Ellara had convinced herself that her scream had killed her father. This only furthered her vow of silence. -Her grandmother was a devout Catholic and took Ellara to church for both confirmation and mass on a weekly basis. Unknown to both Ellara's grandmother and therapists, Ellara actually spoke to Father Juan in confessional. -At the age of nineteen, Ellara was on her way home from work. Caught in the rain, she turned down an alley to shield herself from the downpour when she came upon a man assulting a woman. Overcome with rage, Ellara found her voice again as she unleashed her sonic scream for the second time in her life. -Following up with Alexis, Ellara and the girl bonded with Alexis helping Ellara out of her shell and creating a newfound confidence within the girl. Eventually moving in with the single mother and her son, Ellara began to find both her voice and independence. -Taking Tai-Chi to both learn self defense and as a therapeutic response to her assualt, Alexis decided to invite Ellara out who immediately took a liking to the martial art. -With the fire lit inside her chest, Ellara took to the streets at night, hunting down crime. Naturally she had heard of the Mavericks, everyone in Larissa knew of the vigilantes. But she had become a vigilante by coincidence, not because of inspiration. Her life seemed fated to go this way. | ᗰ O T I ᐯ ᗩ T I O ᑎ / O ᗷ ᒍ ᕮ ᑕ T I ᐯ ᕮ : | When Ellara stopped Alexis' assault, something ignited within her. A desire to break her silence and use her abilities to help others who can't stand up for themselves. Fueled by her own helplessness during her youth and the death of her parents, Ellara strives to keep the few she cares about safe and ensure no one has to suffer what she did ever again. | ᔕ ᑌ ᑭ ᑭ O ᖇ T I ᑎ G ᑕ ᗩ ᔕ T : | ■ CASTELL, ALEJANDRO | Ellara's late father. Alejandro used to regal his daughter with tales of Larissa's legendary heroes the Mavericks. In truth, Alejandro knew the Mavericks better than most having been on the receiving end of IllAdvised's fist more than once in his youth. Growing up, Alejandro had been pressured into gang life, ending up running with the Harbour Kings. However due to the interference of the Mavericks, the gang was eventually shut down and Alejandro was able to attend Grimm University, taking a degree in Power Engineering. Before his death he had been working at the Michaels' Power Plant. Charles Michaels himself personally ensured that Ellara would receive Alejandro's full pension on the day of her eighteenth birthday. ■ CASTELL (neé DELGADO), LILIANA | Ellara's late mother. Named by her parents after the 'Lilly of the Valley' found outside of New Lilith, Liliana met and married Alejandro in their early twenties. She stayed at home during the first seven years of Ellara's life, eventually returning to work the year Ellara entered into the second grade. Working as a paralegal, Liliana made a decent wage and upon her death, the 'Reid and Reid' Lawfirm ensured Ellara was put into the care of her grandmother instead of into the system. ■ DELGADO, ADALIND | Ellara's grandmother and caretaker for most of her life. A very religious and superstitious woman, Adalind was initially hesitant to take Ellara into her home. However, she was unable to say no to her own granddaughter and eventually the two bonding, Adalind learning sign language along with Ellara. In fact, sign language was a greater gift than Adalind could have anticipated as it allowed her to communicate with other elderly members of her church that had begun to lose their hearing. Seeing Ellara as a blessing in her life, Adalind made sure to thank God every time she prayed for showing her his plan for bringing Ellara into her life. ■ DEL CARO, JUAN | Father or Padre Juan is the Priest which resides over St. Hillan's Cathedral. For most of Ellara's early teens he acted as a father figure to the young girl and still acts as her confident today. Padre Juan is aware of Ellara's nighttime activities but as part of his oath does not utter a word from confessional. While he tells Ellara that God does not appreciate violence, a small part of the local priest can't help but feel pride to see a new potential hero rising up in Larissa. Having grown up in Little Santiago, the Mavericks did a lot to bring prosperity into the poorer regions of Larissa and while most of the city turned on the heroes when challengers began to come to the city, Juan and his family stood by their heroes. ■ FITZROY, EUGENE | Ellara's psychological therapist. ■ JAMES, ALEXIS | Ellara met Alexis just over two years ago when she rescued the young woman from being assaulted. A waitress at the Silver Knot, Alexis had been on her way home after a long shift when Ellara rescued her. After the police took Alexis' statement, Ellara followed up herself, checking in with Alexis seeing a kindred soul in the woman. The two began meeting for coffee on a weekly basis before eventually becoming very close friends. When Alexis found out that Ellara was looking to move out of her grandmother's house in Little Santiago, she invited Ellara to come live with her and her son in the Sound. While Alexis is suspicious of Ellara's night time activities, she prefers not to voice her concerns as she knows Ellara finds a cathartic release in beating the snot out of Larissa's scum. ■ JAMES, HARLEY | Alexis' son. ■ STRIDER, MARCUS | When Marcus was seventeen his father divorced his mother leaving the pair nearly penniless. This planted the seeds of rage within Marcus who held both his parents accountable for the split and eventually leading to him murdering his mother and then hunting down his father. However, unbeknownst to Marcus, his father had left Larissa leading o him seeking our surrogates. Marcus went on a twelve day rapdily devolving killing spree that was ended when he invaded the Castell family home. Having taken Alejandro Castell by surprise, Marcus took his time assualting and tormenting Liliana before killing her and coming after their eleven year old daughter Ellara. Underestimating Alejandro, Marcus was prevented from raping the child as Alejandro re-engaged him. The fight was brought to an end when the police arrived and shot Alejandro to prevent him from killing Marcus. Marcus was then apprehended and sentenced to lifetime without chance of bail in Cliffside Penitentiary. After the explosion at the Michaels Power Plant, he has been reported missing, his cell having been compromised during the incident. | ᖇ ᕮ ᖴ ᕮ ᖇ ᕮ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ ᑭ O ᔕ T ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Mavericks: Valiant Heroics | 'Another School Year' ■ New Lilith: Shadows of Darkness | 'A Late Winter' ■ VIGILANCE: Rise of the Mavericks | 'IllAdvised Tracking' | ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ : | ■ Ellara drives a black 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge convertible. ■ Ellara is primarily of Catalan, Mesoamerican and Navajo descent.
"Pouvez-vous sentir l'obscurité, est tout autour. Les ombres te brûlent l'esprit, le feu dans le ciel. Pouvez-vous entendre la nuit?" C'est ce qu'on dit. Mai 2016 - Une nuit après l'explosion La lumière de la bougie clignotait dans l'obscurité de l'appartement. Les pannes de courant à travers la ville avaient rendu tout le quartier dans l'obscurité, pas même les lampadaires à l'extérieur où il était allumé. Le silence de la rue en bas était assourdissant, à peine une voiture était passée depuis que l'explosion avait secoué la ville hier. Un temps toujours accroché à l'appartement comme l'ensemble des yeux regardait attentivement la femme en face de lui. "Je déteste faire ça, mais j'ai peur de n'avoir pas le choix." La voix a commencé quand il a atteint l'avant. "Non, tu n'as pas à faire ça, je t'en supplie." La femelle répondit, sa voix tremblant légèrement au fur et à mesure que le mâle se déplaçait. "Désolé..." La voix disait avec un chanfrein comme les cartes étaient posées sur la table. "Pick up huit El." "Allez, Harley! Pourquoi tu me fais ça?" Ellara a demandé avec un gémissement fictif qu'elle a atteint vers le centre de la table. En ramassant les cartes requises à partir de la pile au centre de la table, Ellara hoche la tête à Alexis. "Votre fils est maléfique." "Il le reçoit de toi, je suis un putain d'ange." Répliqué Alexis comme elle a placé ses cartes, suscitant un gémissement de Harley que la couleur du pont a changé. "Bon, qu'est-ce qui était si mauvais avec le rouge?" Il a pleuré. "Je n'en ai pas." Souriant, Alexis regarda Ellara dans son jeu et plaça quelques cartes sur la table. "J'espère que le pouvoir reviendra bientôt. Je ne pense pas que la nourriture dans le frigo gardera beaucoup plus longtemps." Elle a commenté en regardant vers la cuisine sombre. "Je pense que le super a dit qu'il allait faire fonctionner un générateur dans le sous-sol." A ajouté Alexis alors qu'elle suivait le regard d'Ellara à la cuisine. "Ne pense pas que je puisse supporter de manger plus de poulet moqueur, il est censé durer une semaine, pas aller dans deux jours." "Et c'est supposé être pour mes déjeuners!" Harley s'est enflammé. "Que c'est mon pote." Ellara a dit avec un sourire qu'elle a frappé sur la table tout en tenant une carte unique. "Uno." "Salope!" Alexis s'est exclamé avec un léger coup de poing sur le bras d'Ellara. "Maman a dit un mauvais mot!" Harley a hurlé en pointant vers Alexis alors qu'elle s'évanouissait en réalisant ce qui était sorti de sa bouche. "Vous n'entendez rien d'enfant. Arrêtez-la!" Alexis a dit comme placé une carte sur la pile. "Je n'ai rien!" Cried Harley alors qu'il jetait une carte aléatoire sur le pont. "Merci Harley." Ellara a dit smugly comme elle a placé sa carte finale sur la pile. "Et je crois que c'est une victoire pour moi." "Salope!" Harley m'a dit de parroter sa mère il y a quelques instants. "HARLEY!" J'ai scandalisé Alexis. -- Quoi? Il a demandé innocemment, "Pourquoi tu peux le dire et je ne peux pas?" "Je... vais devoir te revenir sur celui-là." Alexis a dit avec une petite pause. "Mais ce que je sais, c'est qu'il est temps pour toi de te coucher. Nous n'avons peut-être pas le pouvoir, mais vous avez l'école demain." "Nuit Harley!" Elle a appelé Ellara quand elle s'est penchée sur sa chaise. "Hé Lex, je vais sortir. Voir si je ne trouve pas un joint hamburger ouvert. Tu veux que je te ramène quelque chose?" "Peut-être juste des frites?" Alexis a rappelé. "Peut faire." Elle a répliqué Ellara en s'emparant de sa veste en cuir et en sortant de la porte. En fermant la porte derrière elle, Ellara a fait quelques pas avant de s'arrêter et de retourner à l'appartement. Testant le bouton de la porte, elle a mis son épaule dans la porte, en s'assurant qu'elle n'a pas bougé. Satisfait, Ellara a fait un mouvement pour s'en aller avant de vérifier la porte une dernière fois et de se diriger vers l'escalier. Bien que de nombreuses voitures aient été endommagées lors de l'explosion, c'était surtout l'état d'urgence qui empêchait les gens de quitter la route. Cette partie n'a pas ennuyé Ellara, surtout depuis l'année dernière, elle avait mis ses poings dans le visage de la racaille de Larissa. Les choses ont changé à Larissa et à Ellara. Elle n'était pas aussi timide qu'avant de rencontrer Alexis. Peut-être qu'elle avait juste besoin d'une amie il y a dix ans. Mais Ellara se déplaçait dans la direction opposée de Larissa, la ville elle-même descendait. La criminalité était en augmentation constante et l'explosion avait sans aucun doute provoqué plusieurs explosions dans la région du Grand Larissa. Ellara avait même entendu parler d'une réapparition du gang des Harbour Kings. Sautant par-dessus la porte de son GTO, Ellara a poussé la clé dans l'allumage et a tourné comme le moteur rugissait à la vie. Sans la plupart de l'électronique moderne, le vieux Pontiac n'était pas affecté par l'explosion qui avait secoué la ville. En mettant la voiture en vitesse, Ellara est sortie du garage et est entrée dans la nuit.
N E M E S I S"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions." O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U ◼ 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 4 ( 2 2 ) ◼ M A L E ◼ H E T E R O S E X U A L ▼ A P P E A R A N C E:"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."//STATS: ◼ HEIGHT | 5'-10" ◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs ◼ BUILD | Athletic ◼ EYE COLOUR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris ◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn ◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian //DESCRIPTION: Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways. Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.​ ▼ B I O G R A P H Y:"Words don't define us, actions do." During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to Larissa and its surrounding areas. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Larissa, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father. Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them. But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Larissa first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Larissa, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later. Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark Larissa night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license. Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Larissa General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he. Combined with his constant distant behavior, Silas' negative attitude towards Joseph was the straw that broke the camel's back and Samantha and Silas divorced. Having moved out during his time at college, the split did little to upset Joseph's living arrangements. His mother however relocated from the Olympus district to a country home in the more rural district of Mount Nysa. Making time to visit his mother over the weeks that followed, Joseph was rather confused by how little the divorce seemed to bother her. Silas on the other hand was working hard to keep the divorce out of his public image least it reflect poorly upon him. On the night of the blackout, Joseph was awoken from his slumber in order to respond to an evacuation order at the Michaels' Nuclear Facility. Arriving at the scene just as the explosion rocked the area, Joseph's ambulance was rendered completely powerless. Nonetheless, Joseph wasn't deterred as he rushed the scene helping the wounded to safety until other first responders arrived. Working to clear the scene, Joseph worked into overtime, eventually being relieved after nearly eighteen long hours. ▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:"Time to level the playing field." ▼ ABILITY AUGMENTATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph possesses the ability to enhance the abilities of other gifted individuals. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph lets go. At this stage, Joseph can only boost the abilities of another in one aspect meaning if he increased the range of an attack, he could not increase its potency. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's powers continue to grow, his abilities are further able to increase those of another. The next growth in his powers allows Joseph to amplify all aspects of another's abilities. This means he increases the range, potency, duration and any other necessary aspects of the ability in question. Furthermore Joseph no longer requires physical contact with those he's familiar with. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his early abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link. ◼ STAGE 03 | At Joseph's peak, he is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. That said, Joseph's ability no longer requires physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect although he can choose his targets. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant. ◼ ABILITY NEGATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph's secondary ability is the ability to negate the abilities of another gifted individual. When in physical contact with another, Joseph can choose whether to enhance or negate their abilities. Instinctively his body will always go with negate out of self preservation meaning that if Joseph were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. The negation of the host abilities only is sustained so long as the host is in physical contact with Joseph. Once physical contact is terminated, their abilities are returned within seconds. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's ability grows, he'll be able to emit a small blast which can temporarily stun and negate the abilities of another. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency now, immediately rendering a gifted individual powerless for several hours. ◼ STAGE 03 | Near Joseph's peak potency, his ability will be able to be projected in a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. Furthermore, his offensive abilities will increase from a simple blast, to a prolonged beam or a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. At this stage he is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held. ◼ STAGE 04 | With his final evolution, Joseph gains the ability to enhance his own body. These enhancements are only temporary and can only enhance one aspect of Joseph's body at a time. These enhancements can only be added to one existing aspect of Joseph's body such as accelerating his healing factor or boosting his physical condition. Joseph is able to keep his enhancements active for a period of twenty four hours after which his body will be weakened and unable to undergo another enhancement until fully recovered. //SKILLS: ◼ MEDICAL TRAINING | As an EMT, Joseph is able to treat numerous injuries and ailment in the field. In addition to this, Joseph can sustain the life of a person, postponing death in the events of life threatening injuries until they can reach proper treatment. Notably, Joseph's skills are hinged on having the proper supplies although he can be pragmatic and use whatever is at hand when necessary. ◼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career. ◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver. ◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Larissa, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Larrissa's seedier areas. //LIMITATIONS: Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability. Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe. In regards to Joseph's self enhancements, he can't just add any superhuman ability to himself. Joseph can only enhance his pre-existing physique. Once the enhancement wears off after twenty four hours, Joseph is left in a weakened state for upwards of twelve hours, requiring significant rest and nutrients in order to recover as he body deals with the 'devolution'. If Joseph tried to enhance himself within his rest period, he could potentially harm himself on a genetic level permanently corrupting his DNA and leaving it unstable. //WEAKNESSES: Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless. While enhanced by his own abilities, Joseph can be reduced back to a base human forcibly through extreme voltages which will render his abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity. ▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her." Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Larissa-Lilith Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Larissa was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Larissa's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave. ▼ N O T E S:"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day." //SUPPORTING CAST: ▼ ALLIES ◼ BERGERON, MILES | TBD ◼ PLATEADO, ARTURO | TBD ◼ PRINCE, EVELYN | TBD ◼ WILLIAMS, ANDREW | TBD ▼ FRIENDS ◼ CALLAHAN, BRYNNE | Joseph's on again and off again girlfriend, they have a casual relationship. ◼ CASPIAN, WINTER | A childhood friend of Joseph's and his first girlfriend before a nasty break up put a wedge between them. Winter works for Larissa's Channel 42 News as a field reporter. ◼ THOREAU, SILAS | Joseph's father and Larissa's current District Attorney. ◼ THOREAU, FORREST | Joseph's grandfather and father figure. Forrest and Joseph have a bond that Silas is incredibly jealous of both due to his distance from his father and the attention stolen from his son. ◼ THOREAU, SAMANTHA (neé RUSSELLS) | Joseph's mother and one time lover to the billionaire Charles Micheals. Samantha had previously been involved in a whirlwind romance with the billionaire before being scorned and sent into the arms of Silas Thoreau. Finding herself with child, Samantha and Thoreau married giving birth to their son Joseph. ◼ YOUNG, TRAVIS | Travis Young is Joseph's paramedic partner, the two have been friends since the first year of college and have been nearly inseparable since. ▼ ENEMIES ◼ N/A | TBD //STOMPING GROUNDS ◼ SOUTH BEACH | Owning a condominium in the South Beach District of Larissa, Joseph spends most of his off time on the beach, catching a few waves and mingling among the night time parties. //PARAPHERNALIA ◼ N/A | TBD | | ~ Ɲ ǀ Ɠ H Ƭ S O Ɲ Ɠ ~ | | "You know I make you wanna scream, You know I make you wanna run from me baby" | ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Ellara Sofia Castell | ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ El/Elle ■ Ella ■ Ellie ■ Lara | ᗩ ᒪ I ᗩ ᔕ ( ᕮ ᔕ ): | ■ Nightsong ■ 'Mouthpiece' ■ 'Scream Queen' | ᗪ . O . ᗷ . : | ■ 03/25/1995 | ᗩ G ᕮ : | ■ 21 | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ : | ■ Female | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ ᑌ ᗩ ᒪ I T Y : | ■ Heterosexual | ᗩ ᑭ ᑭ ᕮ ᗩ ᖇ ᗩ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ : | "Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha." //ᔕTᗩTᔕ: ■ HEIGHT | 5'-8" ■ WEIGHT | 118 lbs ■ MEASUREMENTS | 34-24-34 ■ BRA SIZE | 32B ■ HAIR COLOUR | Black ■ EYE COLOUR | Green //ᗪᕮᔕᑕᖇIᑭTIOᑎ: Standing at roughly five feet and eight inches tall (5'-8"), Ellara is a woman slightly above average height for her sex. That said, she doesn't cut an overly intimidating figure unless she locks eyes with you. It's Ellara's eyes which cause many would be suitors to second guess approaching the otherwise stunning woman. Her fierce green eyes give away the fact there's something wild and untamed behind them. Piercing and keen, it's almost as though her eyes can't stop moving as they swish from side to side, taking in their surroundings constantly. A side effect from the traumatic scaring of her childhood. Ellara has a scar above her collarbone on her right shoulder from where Strider held a knife to her. Her skin is naturally tanned, having a soft 'mocha' like tone to it due to the mixed heritage of her parents. Having roots in Catalan, Navajo and Mesoamerican cultures, Ellara's bloodline has a rich history within it. During the summer months, her skin tends to darken due to the sun's rays but even in the winter it retains its tan complexion. Preferring to keep her hair just past shoulder length, Ellara rarely ties her raven haired locks back in day to day activities but will tie it into a tight bun on the back of her head during vigilante activities. Prior to rescuing Alexis, Ellara's appearance was much more homely. Her grandmother kept her modest, not wanting to encourage the wandering male eye should it upset Ellara. She was never shown how to apply make up and would often practice in the mirror. Moving in with Alexis did miracles for Ellara as Alexis overhauled Ellara's wardrobe and taught her how to dress. ​ | ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ / ᔕ K I ᒪ ᒪ ᔕ : | "Scream! When the pressure breaks me, When it's too hard to see." //ᗩᗷIᒪITIᕮᔕ: ■ SONIC MANIPULATION | Ellara possesses the ability to manipulate, shape or create soundwaves. She has control over both soundwaves she creates and soundwaves from another source. Soundwaves are a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear. Ellara can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound. She is able to use it as a powerful physical force and even for high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. In order for Ellara's body to be able to handle her abilities, she possesses super-humanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords that can produce a sonic scream. She also has selective hearing, enabling her to focus upon, enhance, or totally block out any given sound in his environment; this shields Ellara from the deafening sound of her own sonic attacks, and makes her a super-humanly acute eavesdropper in surveillance situations.​ ■ OMNI-TONE | Ellara always speaks in perfect pitch. This ability allows Ellara a very broad range of vocal manipulation leading to her ability to mimic other people's voices and create sonic waves with frequencies well above and below the human range. Due to Ellara's abilities she's able to mimic any voice she has heard. That said, the more she's heard a person speak the more she's able to mimic their voice and verbal tics. A conversation at length with a person will lead to an almost infallible impression but a fleeting sentence here and there will lead to simply a good impression. Ellara is able to project her voice over a distance much further than even the best town criers and manipulate her voice to sound like more than one person is speaking leading to a rather haunting effect. ■ ADVANCED VOICE MANIPULATION | Tapping into her Omni-Tone, Ellara is able to make her voice have a persuasive effect over those he speaks to. She could also even hypnotize an open mind with her voice or lull them into a state of slumber. Further more she can empower her sonic scream with numerous effects such as causing fear, vertigo, or even to kill. Ellara can direct her sonic scream into a beacon sending out over an incredibly wide range to rally allies or attract enemies to her location.UNDEVELOPED ■ ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara has hearing well above and beyond the human range both in terms of physical distance and frequencies. Currently her hearing isn't refined but once she has trained her ears she'll be able to do even more simply by listening. Ellara's ears are immune not only to her own sonic manipulation but also to any external sonic manipulation. Her body is especially adapted to completely resist sonic attacks and to to allow her to fully maximize her own abilities. ■ ADVANCED ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara can refine her ability to listen in order to use her hearing in combination with her voice for the effects of echolocation or sonar. Furthermore Ellara can listen close enough to a person's heartbeat and detect if they're lying.​UNDEVELOPED ■ CREATE/MANIPULATE SOUNDWAVES | Ellara can create soundwaves using her vocal chords or by slapping her body against a hard surface. Clapping will create soundwaves just not with the same starting volume as her vocal chords could produce. Ellara can manipulate the loudness, pitch, tone and overall shape of the soundwave. Ellara can manipulate any soundwave generated from another source whether this is an instrument or a car crash. Ellara can do everything to an externally generated soundwave as he can do to one of his own.UNDEVELOPED ■ SOUND AMPLIFICATION/ABSORPTION | Ellara can increase or decrease the volume of any soundwave. Furthermore she can make sounds completely inaudible including herself. Ellara can throw out soundwaves that can counteract unanticipated sounds by muting or nullifying the sounds. Ellara can manipulate soundwaves into a direct attack shaping them into a concussive blast or keeping them wide to affect a radius around her. Using her enhanced vocal chords, Ellara can produce a sonic scream or overwhelm opponents with deafening or disorienting noise. Low frequency sonic blast can stun opponents temporarily.UNDEVELOPED ■ BOOST/LEVITATION/FLIGHT | Ellara will eventually be able to learn to manipulate soundwaves in such a way that she will be able to ride on them and channel them around her body to boost forward or slow her descent towards the ground. Further building upon this ability, Ellara in combination with a wing suit or glider or some kind will be able to fly through the air using a series of sonic boosts to propel her and keep her sustained. At her absolute best, Ellara will be able to propel herself at the speed of sound through the air creating a sonic boom as she reaches Mach speed.UNDEVELOPED ■ VIBRATION EMISSION | Manipulating soundwaves in the correct way, Ellara can create vibrations which could topple whole buildings if she had the proper supply of soundwaves. These vibrations can be used to counter other movement and potentially deflect projectiles or shrapnel. If timed correctly these 'Counter Vibrations' could at the least minimize the kinetic energy in an attack and at best completely neutralize it.UNDEVELOPED //ᒪIᗰITᗩTIOᑎᔕ: ■ ABUSE | Ellara is limited by her own physical condition as while she does have immunity to her abilities she can over-strain his system and temporarily cut off her own powers. She can also damage her throat or vocal chords from over-abusing them. ■ ADDICTION | ​Ellara suffers from an addiction to sleeping pills, as well as predispostion towards alcohol. Often mixing the two depsite warnings from her roommate. In some instances she needs a drink to accompany a meal, often refusing to relax until she has one in her hand. Whether this is a placebo effect, addiction or both isn't yet determined. She can't sleep without sleeping pills, whether its an afternoon nap or a full night's rest. Ellara believes she needs the pills or her nightmares will come. ■ PTSD | ​Despite having been in and out of therapy over the past ten years, Ellara still suffers from symptoms of PTSD due to Strider's actions. Ellara is completely dependent on sleeping pills in order to get anything close to a semblance of rest each night. Often tossing and turning due to nightmares and the haunting visage of the man with a knife pressed against her. Even during the day if Ellara allows her thoughts to wander, she finds herself reliving the event, experiencing intense flashbacks. The smell of blood or the brand of cheap body spray that Strider wore can act as a trigger. News reports of sexual assaults or rapes can set Ellara's PTSD off as can hearing the song 'Escape' by Rupert Holmes. For this reason, Ellara avoids playing music before bed since it was a tradition of her parents and one that lead to 'Escape' being played before their murders. Ellara also refuses to sleep with a window open or unlocked, and ensures every door has at least two locks on it. If Ellara tries to go to bed while anything in her apartment is similar to the night of the assault then she will end up avoiding sleep altogether. Ellara has trouble forming relationships, and can be seen as very untrusting. She tends to view the world at its worst and sees it as a dangerous and untamed animal. As such, Ellara has never had a boyfriend or any sort of significant other never being able to get past a first date. She's constantly on alert, her eyes twitching back and forth constantly searching for any threats to herself. Often Ellara fidgets, tapping a foot or hand on whatever surface is nearby, often jittery especially in new environments. While Ellara is attempting to earn a degree at Grimm, she has a hard time concentrating especially combined with her lack of sleep. She's prone to mood swings, suddenly becoming angry or irritable without any notice. Ellara always checks her surroundings, especially in a new location, always sitting with her back to a wall and never a window, door or open space. Additionally Ellara doesn't take kindly to being snuck up on or surprised. ■ BERSERK BUTTON | At the age of eleven, Ellara was sexual assaulted and nearly raped by Marcus Strider. She also witnessed the death of her father while her mother's murderer was carted off and put in jail where he had a roof over his head and was provided three meals per day along with free education. While Ellara uses her memories to fuel her crusade against crime it is also a crutch to her. Victims of sexual assault often cause her to become unhinged and unfocused while guns can unnerve Ellara and she's especially vulnerable to seeing someone near death or dead in front of her. Unexpected displays of affection can also unnerve Ellara causing her to become hostile.​ ■ HUMANITY | Even though Ellara has enhanced healing through sonokinetic stimulation, she's still essentially vulnerable to guns and knives. Ellara has no enhanced strength or durability and is currently untrained in using her abilities to boost her speed.​ //ᗯᕮᗩKᑎᕮᔕᔕᕮᔕ: ■ SOUND NULLIFICATION | Ellara's abilities can be negated by anything that can nullify sound. Materials which absorb sound can also limit if not downright block the desired effects. ■ NOISE | While Ellara manipulates sound, noise can greatly hinder her abilities causing her attacks to become unfocused or even render then completely null. Noise greatly reduces Ellara's ability to focus soundwaves and as such fighting around crowds or in busy public areas will diminish her efficiency. ■ MUTING/DEAFENING | Since the majority of Ellara's abilities rely on her mouth and ears, removing either of these sensory organs from the equation can greatly weaken her. Ellara can't perform her sonic scream while gagged and can't focus her abilities without her ears. //ᔕKIᒪᒪᔕ: ■ ASL | Having spent nearly ten years without speaking, Ellara's speech therapist introduced her to and educated her in American Sign Language. Being a competent user of it, Ellara can communicate proficiently with most individuals who have an understanding of it. She herself can be overwhelmed by the speed at which life long users sign but this can often be overcome. ■ VENTRILOQUISM | Due to Ellara's abilities, she has a natural talent for voice manipulation. As such, she is able to throw her voice in a similar manner to a ventriloquist. Ellara can use this to distract or otherwise confuse both allies and foes alike. She's been known to pick up a puppet every now and then to entertain children too. ■ MARTIAL ARTS | On an invitation from Alexis, Ellara took up Tai Chi as both a meditation technique and a physical outlet just over a year ago. Taking as many courses as she could over the past year, she's become rather skilled in the martial art, capable of holding her own against most average opponents. Ellara is however by no means a medal winning athlete or combatant and instead relies more on surprise and her abilities than being able to take an opponent head on. | ᗷ ᗩ ᑕ K ᔕ T O ᖇ Y : | "Scream till there's silence, Scream while there's life left, vanishing" A powerful set of lungs alerted the world of the birth of Ellara Sofia Castell as she was pulled from the womb screaming in the dead of one cold Larissa night. Born to doting parents, Alejandro and Liliana spoiled their little princess during her early childhood. However that all changed one hot summer when a notorious man by the name of Marcus Strider went on a crime spree throughout the city. This spree was isolated to the districts of Somerset, the Wharf, the Sound and Little Santiago. A sexual predator, rapist and family annihilator, Strider left a rather notable body count in his wake including both Alejandro and Liliana. During the attack on their home, Ellara managed to call 911 although she was caught by Strider before having the chance to express the situation to the operator on the other side. Having already dispatched both of Ellara's parents, Strider believed himself free to have his way with the young girl and began to take his time, tormenting Ellara. Pressing a knife against Ellara's skin as he began to cut off her shirt, Ellara screamed in terror as Strider smiled wickedly at her. However this scream was not the simple scream of a terrified girl, but the powerful scream of a new super waking up. The combination of trauma and puberty awoke latent superhuman abilities in Ellara which manifested in a super sonic scream. As the scream left Ellara's mouth, the windows in the house shattered along with Strider's ear drums as he fell to the floor clutching his head. Cursing as he pulled himself to his feet, Strider scrambled for his knife and lunged at Ellara before being pulled back by Alejandro. Having underestimated Alejandro's constitution, Strider believed he had left the man for dead however Alejandro managed to fight through his wounds, coming to his daughter's aid. Struggling with the older man, Strider found his knife being turned on him as the house was flood with red and blue flashing lights. As the police entered the room, Alejandro let go, rolling off of Strider and finally succumbing to his wounds. Strider was taken into custody as police tried to console the now parent-less Ellara. -From that point on, Ellara never spoke a word. Put in the care of her grandmother, Ellara was put into both speech and psychological therapy in order to help cope with what she had been through and witnessed. Still the girl refused to speak. -Terrified of what her voice had done, Ellara had convinced herself that her scream had killed her father. This only furthered her vow of silence. -Her grandmother was a devout Catholic and took Ellara to church for both confirmation and mass on a weekly basis. Unknown to both Ellara's grandmother and therapists, Ellara actually spoke to Father Juan in confessional. -At the age of nineteen, Ellara was on her way home from work. Caught in the rain, she turned down an alley to shield herself from the downpour when she came upon a man assulting a woman. Overcome with rage, Ellara found her voice again as she unleashed her sonic scream for the second time in her life. -Following up with Alexis, Ellara and the girl bonded with Alexis helping Ellara out of her shell and creating a newfound confidence within the girl. Eventually moving in with the single mother and her son, Ellara began to find both her voice and independence. -Taking Tai-Chi to both learn self defense and as a therapeutic response to her assualt, Alexis decided to invite Ellara out who immediately took a liking to the martial art. -With the fire lit inside her chest, Ellara took to the streets at night, hunting down crime. Naturally she had heard of the Mavericks, everyone in Larissa knew of the vigilantes. But she had become a vigilante by coincidence, not because of inspiration. Her life seemed fated to go this way. | ᗰ O T I ᐯ ᗩ T I O ᑎ / O ᗷ ᒍ ᕮ ᑕ T I ᐯ ᕮ : | When Ellara stopped Alexis' assault, something ignited within her. A desire to break her silence and use her abilities to help others who can't stand up for themselves. Fueled by her own helplessness during her youth and the death of her parents, Ellara strives to keep the few she cares about safe and ensure no one has to suffer what she did ever again. | ᔕ ᑌ ᑭ ᑭ O ᖇ T I ᑎ G ᑕ ᗩ ᔕ T : | ■ CASTELL, ALEJANDRO | Ellara's late father. Alejandro used to regal his daughter with tales of Larissa's legendary heroes the Mavericks. In truth, Alejandro knew the Mavericks better than most having been on the receiving end of IllAdvised's fist more than once in his youth. Growing up, Alejandro had been pressured into gang life, ending up running with the Harbour Kings. However due to the interference of the Mavericks, the gang was eventually shut down and Alejandro was able to attend Grimm University, taking a degree in Power Engineering. Before his death he had been working at the Michaels' Power Plant. Charles Michaels himself personally ensured that Ellara would receive Alejandro's full pension on the day of her eighteenth birthday. ■ CASTELL (neé DELGADO), LILIANA | Ellara's late mother. Named by her parents after the 'Lilly of the Valley' found outside of New Lilith, Liliana met and married Alejandro in their early twenties. She stayed at home during the first seven years of Ellara's life, eventually returning to work the year Ellara entered into the second grade. Working as a paralegal, Liliana made a decent wage and upon her death, the 'Reid and Reid' Lawfirm ensured Ellara was put into the care of her grandmother instead of into the system. ■ DELGADO, ADALIND | Ellara's grandmother and caretaker for most of her life. A very religious and superstitious woman, Adalind was initially hesitant to take Ellara into her home. However, she was unable to say no to her own granddaughter and eventually the two bonding, Adalind learning sign language along with Ellara. In fact, sign language was a greater gift than Adalind could have anticipated as it allowed her to communicate with other elderly members of her church that had begun to lose their hearing. Seeing Ellara as a blessing in her life, Adalind made sure to thank God every time she prayed for showing her his plan for bringing Ellara into her life. ■ DEL CARO, JUAN | Father or Padre Juan is the Priest which resides over St. Hillan's Cathedral. For most of Ellara's early teens he acted as a father figure to the young girl and still acts as her confident today. Padre Juan is aware of Ellara's nighttime activities but as part of his oath does not utter a word from confessional. While he tells Ellara that God does not appreciate violence, a small part of the local priest can't help but feel pride to see a new potential hero rising up in Larissa. Having grown up in Little Santiago, the Mavericks did a lot to bring prosperity into the poorer regions of Larissa and while most of the city turned on the heroes when challengers began to come to the city, Juan and his family stood by their heroes. ■ FITZROY, EUGENE | Ellara's psychological therapist. ■ JAMES, ALEXIS | Ellara met Alexis just over two years ago when she rescued the young woman from being assaulted. A waitress at the Silver Knot, Alexis had been on her way home after a long shift when Ellara rescued her. After the police took Alexis' statement, Ellara followed up herself, checking in with Alexis seeing a kindred soul in the woman. The two began meeting for coffee on a weekly basis before eventually becoming very close friends. When Alexis found out that Ellara was looking to move out of her grandmother's house in Little Santiago, she invited Ellara to come live with her and her son in the Sound. While Alexis is suspicious of Ellara's night time activities, she prefers not to voice her concerns as she knows Ellara finds a cathartic release in beating the snot out of Larissa's scum. ■ JAMES, HARLEY | Alexis' son. ■ STRIDER, MARCUS | When Marcus was seventeen his father divorced his mother leaving the pair nearly penniless. This planted the seeds of rage within Marcus who held both his parents accountable for the split and eventually leading to him murdering his mother and then hunting down his father. However, unbeknownst to Marcus, his father had left Larissa leading o him seeking our surrogates. Marcus went on a twelve day rapdily devolving killing spree that was ended when he invaded the Castell family home. Having taken Alejandro Castell by surprise, Marcus took his time assualting and tormenting Liliana before killing her and coming after their eleven year old daughter Ellara. Underestimating Alejandro, Marcus was prevented from raping the child as Alejandro re-engaged him. The fight was brought to an end when the police arrived and shot Alejandro to prevent him from killing Marcus. Marcus was then apprehended and sentenced to lifetime without chance of bail in Cliffside Penitentiary. After the explosion at the Michaels Power Plant, he has been reported missing, his cell having been compromised during the incident. | ᖇ ᕮ ᖴ ᕮ ᖇ ᕮ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ ᑭ O ᔕ T ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Mavericks: Valiant Heroics | 'Another School Year' ■ New Lilith: Shadows of Darkness | 'A Late Winter' ■ VIGILANCE: Rise of the Mavericks | 'IllAdvised Tracking' | ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ : | ■ Ellara drives a black 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge convertible. ■ Ellara is primarily of Catalan, Mesoamerican and Navajo descent.
B R E N I N C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mai 2016 - La nuit de l'explosion Kalvin conduisait sa moto sur l'autoroute à la périphérie de Larissa, tissant dans et hors de la circulation, accélérant sur le côté d'une voiture, une Porsche jaune Carrera S4, une voiture plus chère que tout le bloc dans lequel Kalvin vivait. À l'intérieur se trouvait un homme plus âgé dans un costume de deux pièces mal ajusté, une cravate collante autour de son cou, et de son côté était sa présumée épouse trophée, une chose blonde chaude de moins de la moitié de son âge. Kal sourit sous sa visière, brisant légèrement, il s'arrêta à côté de la porte du passager, leva sa visière et agita, clignotant un sourire aux deux. La femme gloussait et l'homme grognait alors qu'il revenait le moteur de sa voiture, poussant la voiture très chère bien au-delà de la limite de vitesse. Le motard sourit, tirant la visière et poursuivant après, la voiture de sport n'était pas une allumette pour le vélo taillé un dixième de son prix, alors que Kalvin sautait devant la Porsche et s'éloignait, disparaissant de la vue quand il passait devant une camionnette bleue. Il a continué sur la route à la vitesse de rupture du cou, se concentrant sur chaque voiture qu'il passait, se penchant à droite, se penchant à gauche, poussant la machine sur laquelle il était assis à ses limites, mais en même temps, poussant son esprit de la même manière. C'était comme ça, de toute façon, maintenant, il s'était habitué à la vitesse, le moteur ne pouvait pas aller plus vite qu'il l'a poussé, il avait besoin d'un nouveau frisson. Prenant à gauche sur la prochaine sortie, il se dirigea vers le centre du quartier de Somerset, en passant par le col, il allait rencontrer une fille qui travaillait à l'usine locale, elle était une.. Franchement, Kalvin ne savait pas, son nom était Cindy? Oui, Cindy avait l'air juste pour lui. Au fur et à mesure que le moteur rugissait, il était éclipsé par la forte explosion, ressemblant à un coup de tonnerre très énervé. Venant de la direction, le jeune motard se dirigeait, devant lui, vers une Honda Civic bleue qui s'arrêtait, tournant latéralement sur l'autoroute, se faisant frapper par une voiture de l'arrière, forçant Kalvin à se diriger vers la droite, son vélo s'échappant de dessous lui et il fut envoyé par-dessus la rampe. À sa mort, tout ce qu'il sentait n'était rien. Suivi d'une énergie chaude, comme des rayons de soleil, ou d'eau chaude, et dans le prochain, ses yeux s'ouvrent avec une vague d'adrénaline. Tombé tête-première, il tenait ses bras devant son visage, au moment suivant il atterrit sur le sol, ça fait mal, bien sûr, mais pas pire que quand il tomba de son vélo, quelques bleus et égratignures sur ses avant-bras qui avaient parié sa chute. Il a regardé vers une ville dans le chaos, des gens qui criaient partout. Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
Brenin | NAME(S): | Kalvin Mahnsson​ | NICKNAME(S): | Kal Dude McMan​ | ALIAS(ES): | Brenin | D.O.B.: | 07/07/93 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Absolutely.​ | SEXUALITY: | Bi-Sexual | APPEARANCE: | I ain't a grunge, pimp or gangster. Got Style, grace and courage, his jaw's strong enough to cut through diamonds. Standing at 5'10, weighing 156 lbs. His build is athletic, he's handsome and his entire being beams out the bad boy attitude he conveys. His hair is meticulously styled - in such a way that it looks like he just got out of bed. The majority of Kal's morning routine is making himself look like he don't give a shit, and he tries very hard. Ripped jeans, washed out T-Shirts and a leather jacket with stitches in it and several tears. He wears a watch with leather straps on his lest wrist as well as a couple of rings on both of his fingers. A motorcycle is never far away from the young man. ​ | ABILITIES | Am I the best? I gotta put it bluntly. Yes. Reactive Vector Manipulation: Physics, you have heard of that, right? Laws of nature, gravity, heat, etc. We've all been taught how they are supposed to work all through our lives, science has tried to explain why whatever goes up must come back down and with what force. Well, to Kalvin they're not laws. They're suggestions more like it. His body generates superhuman amounts of adrenaline that shoots into his veins whenever he is in danger. This allows him to control the vectors of atoms. This means performing a wide variety of feats impossible or even inconceivable to regular humans, things such as dodging sub-sonic bullets, surviving a 25 meter fall without breaking a bone or 'double' jumping. If you would ask Kalvin how to explain his powers, he'd tell you he's the real life counter part to Jason Statham and Vin Diesel - except he's better looking. | WEAKNESSES | If there are limits, I haven't found them yet. Fatigue, Injury And Pride: While he can Matrix dodge a hail of bullets coming his way, it doesn't mean he's always able to. Like regular shots of adrenaline they have a blow back, and for Kalvin that blowback is enormous, after a night of using his powers he's sore in places he didn't even know he could be sore in. His powers are bound to concentration and as such outside distractions can lead to him getting hurt, or worse. As such, high amounts of pain - such as getting shot puts him at a serious disadvantage. His emotions also get in the way. | SKILLS | I got what it takes. Precision Driving; Notably on Motorcycles, sports bikes, to be precise. He can also wheel most cars, but he enjoys four wheels a lot less than two. Street Smarts; He practically breathes Larissa, he knows ever street and every corner of the city. Kal is also one of those people who seems to always "Know a guy." Acrobatic: By no means a gymnast, he's quite agile and nimble, able to easily scale brick walls and jump between rooftops. | BACKSTORY: | If it ain't broken - break it. Kalvin's mother, Tess Mahnsson was a young woman, a rising star - the next icon in glamour. Her life was going all the place she had ever wanted it to, till she met a man. A man who swept her off her feet, who made her believe in love, the kind of love that was in the movies. They lived together for four months, she discovered she was pregnant and the morning after she had told her lover - he was gone. She got depressed, and her entire career had been sidetracked during the half year she had spent with the father of her unborn child. She left the world as a model behind and started waiting tables at the local bar - she was young and pretty and as such earned quite a lot of tips, enough to live happily. At least until the end of her pregnancy, complications arose and her hospital stay lasted several weeks, to cover the bills for her and her newborn son, she had to spend all of her savings. She raised Kalvin alone, she worked hard, harder than anyone else in her community to keep food on the table, some days she couldn't even do that. Yet, she never complained, not once did she complain about going hungry, the blood sugar falls she had because of not eating or sleeping properly. Everyday she'd come home after 11 hours of work - pay the babysitter and play with little Kalvin. She would read to him every night, about heroes. About the heroes of fairy tales, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins. Yet, Kalvin's favorite story was that of the local fairy tale. That of the Mavericks. Tessa had lived in Larissa during their time of greatness, their time had just ended when Kalvin was born and they had vanished just a year prior to his birth. She had seen them in all of their glory. They were truly, the greatest heroes ever. Over the years, Tessa would struggle to support herself and Kalvin, and when Kalvin was two, she started dating a man, ten years older than herself. His name was Arthur - like the king in the fairy tales - she would tell him whenever she would talk to Kalvin about him. She kept reading him stories about the great heroes, that people are good and heroes are needed to inspire people to be their best. That the Mavericks made all of Larissa a better place. That Heroes can save the world all over again. She and Arthur got married when Kalvin was four - Tessa didn't love the man, her heart only loved one man, after all these years. Soon, Arthur caught on that Tessa didn't love him, and he turned out to not be a hero after all, quite the opposite. He turned abusive, verbally abusing Tessa and Kal, soon physically hurting Tessa when she protected Kal from his step father. The boy hated living in Arthurs house, and he asked his mom about his real dad ever so often, and everytime - especially after Arthur had beaten her she would kiss her son's head and smile. Tell him his father was a hero, just like the ones he read about. When he was little, it used to make him happy. But as the years passed and he got older, and his mother faded more and more, the abuse she took slowly breaking her down. The more resentful he became of his so called hero of a father. If he was truly a hero, wouldn't he come and save them from the monster Arthur was? Wouldn't he come riding in on a stallion clad in shining armor and slay the beast that tormented them? That hurt the woman he was supposed to love? Isn't protecting the ones you love what makes a hero? Kalvin decided to be his own hero. One night, Tessa and Arthur was arguing - Arthur had been cheating on her. He hit her, and Kalvin rushed downstairs into the kitchen, yelling at him to stop, hitting his step father with his tine hands. Arthur turned and for the first time he struck the boy, backhanded him into the fridge, splitting his left cheek and giving him a bad cut in the back of his head. Tessa rushed to protect the boy, and while his concussion made him fade in and out of consciousness, he saw how Arthur beat Tessa senseless. Breaking her jaw, arm and four of her ribs. That was the night he stopped believing in heroes. Once he got into his teenage years, Kalvin had gotten accustomed to life at home, and to keep out of the way of the Wrath of his step-father, he kept out of the way, he didn't talk much during dinner, he acted like a good son whenever eyes were upon him - for if he caused trouble, Arthur assured him that he'd hurt him. For a time, Kalvin did good, he had good enough grades, he studied hard and he tried his best to connect with his peers in school. Once he started high school things changed. He soon realized that something was broken inside of him. That he wasn't like everyone else, that in a way, he couldn't connect with most other students. From where he stood, looking in, they didn't have any problems. Some of them had parents who were gonna get divorced, maybe they were bullied or didn't make the sports team they wanted to get into. But to him, none of them had it as bad as he did. He was living under the thumb of a man who everyone thought was a good man, he lived a lie where everyone thought their family was happy, and whenever he tried to reach out for help, either for himself or for his mother, nobody listened. Because nobody cared. One day, Kalvin had enough of lying, of sitting there at dinners with Arthur's friends. Of attending Barbecues where Arthur presented them as "His little family" when truly, they were more like slaves. That's when Kalvin met Jacob Jordan, a kid as old as Kalvin. J.J was smart, really smart, he was a top grade student whom had never seen a party in his life, at the New Alexandria High School naught but a handful had ever heard the name "Jacob Jordan" Where as Kalvin was a decently popular kid, only because he was good looking and wasn't afraid of breaking store windows to steal booze. Kalvin and Jacob met during class, Jacob bumped into Kalvin on a particularly bad day, after Arthur had given him a beating before school, Jacob's elbow pushing against Kalvin's bruised ribs, forcing the teen to grunt in pain, as if Jacob had hit him. A misunderstanding spun out of control, and that's how the two ended up rolling around on the hall floor tugging at each other's collars, fists in each others faces. Spending the afternoon in the principles office and the next three weeks in detention, the two became close friends, partly because Jacob lived on his own and he let Kalvin crash there instead of going home. Jacob's parents were in jail for holding up a liqour store, they were heroine junkies, had been sent to jail last year, following the young Jordan turning 17, too old to be put under foster care and shown that he could take care of himself, Jacob was recognized as an adult that same year. The two became thick as thieves and Jacob would soon let Kal in on his secret - he was a criminal. Not the rough kind, just the very profitable kind. He had started out selling weed, but soon took to building and importing guns, a trade that was blossoming in Lilith. Kalvin would do a few runs for Jacob once in a while, sell a few ounces of weed, sell a couple of butterflies, that sort of thing. Since graduating High School, Kalvin starting taking acting classes dreams of using his pretty face to make money he did a few ads, amongst those was an ad for Shaving Cream that was on the TV for a couple of months in 2014. Kalvin crashes on Jacob's couch "Till he gets back onto his feet" - for the past four years, when he isn't sleeping in the bed of some woman who's skirt he chased the night before. He enjoys riding his motorcycle and drinking cheap beer at divebars, always looking for trouble. Weather it's pissing off two thugs or it's making out with a cute red head. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die. Kalvin is by definition an adrenaline junkie, always looking for the next thrill, the next high. The next adventure. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Tessa Mahnsson: Mother - Loving, self-sacrificing, wonderful mother. Arthur Mahnsson: Step-Father; Piece of shit. Jacob Jordan; Best Friend, small time arms dealer, helps Kal get in and out of trouble. | REFERENCE POST(S): | | NOTES: |
Dans des circonstances normales, adorerait la perspective d'une coupure de courant. Ça lui a donné une vraie raison de s'éloigner de la télévision. Une raison de se diriger vers cette vieille bibliothèque rickety IKEA dans le coin et déchirer directement dans un nouveau monde d'aventure, de romance et d'excitation. Il adorait cette fois-ci, enroulé sur le canapé entouré d'une série de bougies illuminées, lisant paisiblement, sa colocataire se faufilant nerveusement sur le fauteuil devant lui alors qu'elle s'inquiétait de savoir comment faire fonctionner ses données mobiles. C'était un moment plus simple. Mais les choses étaient différentes maintenant. Alors qu'Amir aimait avoir du temps seul avec juste ses pensées et un bon livre, il savait que ce ne serait plus jamais une option. Parce que maintenant ce n'était pas seulement lui seul avec ses pensées et un bon livre. Maintenant c'était lui, un bon livre, et le Seigneur Ténébreux Cthulhu bavardant dans sa tête. Bien bavarder n'était probablement pas la meilleure façon de le décrire. Tout ce qu'il faisait, c'était chuchoter. Whispering sur le potentiel d'Amir dans le monde. Cependant, le potentiel dont il parlait n'était pas quelque chose dont Amir était tout trop heureux. Les chuchotements se sont souvent aggravés quand Amir était seul, d'où pourquoi la lecture n'était plus vraiment une option. Il a dû faire quelque chose pour lui enlever l'esprit du petit parasite flippant. Le jogging était sa solution, une activité qui semblait plus bénéfique que de bloquer sa voix. C'était apaisant et relaxant pour Amir, ce qui était bon vu qu'il était devenu une routine quotidienne de sa. Maintenant que la ville était confrontée à une panne de courant de masse cependant, Amir avait joggé beaucoup plus que sa quantité quotidienne habituelle. Mais il n'était pas stupide. Comme Brooke s'était ennuyé de lui avant qu'il ne quitte l'appartement, les rues n'étaient probablement pas les endroits les plus sûrs pour être à ce genre de nuit, surtout avec le manque d'éclairage autour. Et surtout pour quelqu'un de son origine ethnique. Elle avait raison, bien sûr. Les nouvelles avaient montré des images et des clips de pilleurs de la nuit précédente, toute la journée. Il était facile de supposer qu'ils continueraient. Quoi qu'il en soit, Amir a dû sortir de cet appartement. Il était devenu fou, il commençait même à suivre le même comportement erratique de Brooke. Ce n'est qu'au moment où la voix se mit à parler dans sa tête qu'il s'était décidé à partir. Pas moyen qu'il laisse ce truc broyer ses affaires. La douce voix menaçante de Cthulhu fut rapidement noyée par le bruit de la vie nocturne de la ville dès qu'il sortit, rafraîchissant légèrement Amir. Cependant, toujours fatigué des avertissements précédents de Brooke, Amir a décidé de ne pas prendre sa course dans le centre de The Sound et du Lower East Side comme il l'avait prévu à l'origine, au lieu de tourner vers une rue latérale, vers le pic menaçant du mont Nysa qui était juste perceptible entre les toits. S'il y avait un endroit où il pouvait courir paisiblement sans crainte des pillards et des agresseurs, c'était le district de l'Olympe. Quel mal pourrait-il y arriver?
| NAME(S): | Amir Hosseini​ | NICKNAME(S): | ​ | ALIAS(ES): | Tendril​ | D.O.B.: | 03/15/1993 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Homosexual | APPEARANCE: | Standing at 6”1, Amir has a lean yet muscular figure. Atop his head is a mass of curled charcoal hair, usually propped up with varying amounts of wax depending on the situation. His chin is warmed by the rugged stubble of a beard, complimenting his nougat coloured skin nicely. His eyes a beautiful brown. Amir can always be found wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, usually ones styled with ripped knees. He dresses casually, often sporting a simple t-shirt along with an unbuttoned shirt, the sleeves always rolled up to his elbows. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Due to unfortunate circumstances, Amir has found himself possessed by a piece of the otherworldly spirit of the Dark Lord Cthulhu. Fortunately Amir is able to remain in control of the being within him, allowing him to manipulate the abilities this possession has magically imbued him with. This mostly comes in the form of being able to generate tentacle-like appendages from his body. Dark purple in colour, Amir is able to control their movement and growth, using them as additional limbs or simply as weapons. What’s more is that with deep concentration, Amir is able to enforce a state of madness to anyone his tentacles are touching, causing them to hallucinate their deepest fears and worries. As said before, this can only be done through deep concentration, with the action also causing Amir to tire out after performing this ability. As such, the first time Amir used this, he found himself unconscious for the next couple of days. In time, Amir has the potential to cause these hallucinations without having to use his tentacles, with a simple glance at an individual being enough to cause them to turn to insanity. Although such an action would take a lot out of Amir, as well as risking his own mind being overridden by Cthulhu. | BACKSTORY: | Born in Lebanon, Amir spent the first couple years of his life in the country before his family moved to America, a result of their increasing poverty since the Lebanese Civil War. Here they flourished, despite the racism that came their way, building a good life for themselves in the state of New Hampshire. High school went as well as it could for someone of Amir’s ethnicity, especially after the 9/11 attacks. Such bullying actually made Amir stronger, causing to stand up and fight for the little guy whenever he could. Amir pushed himself forward, coming to turns with his sexuality, as well as gaining good grades, to the delight of his parents. When it came to picking a college and looking towards the future, Amir set his eyes on Larissa. He had heard much about the city, having grown a small childhood obsession with the Mavericks several years prior, as well as having spent several weekends there with his friends and a fake ID. After getting a decent score in the SATs, he soon found himself enrolled within Grimm University of Nature and Sciences. He spent a lot of his nights out clubbing, his fake ID becoming a good friend of his, the Milk District his new home away from home. It was during this time that Amir found himself working part time as a bartender at a local bar; Lilith, not to be confused with the city’s neighbouring district of the same name. It was here that Amir met Oli. The two fell for each other fast and before long Oli had even moved into his dorm room. However despite his newfound happiness, Amir felt like something was wrong. Oli kept making excuses. Backing out of dates because “something came up”. The pure thought that he might have had another man caused a great amount of stress to Amir, who as a result became slightly distant too. Finally Amir had had enough. After another one of Oli’s unbelievable excuses and exits, Amir followed him. Too his confusion he found himself at an old abandoned church located within the Lower East Side. The sight inside confused him even more. Hooded figures, candles and ominous music, the place screamed danger. The fact that they were reading from an old tome, as well as the creepy looking banners they had up, led Amir to the conclusion that they were part of some kind of crazy cult. He watched from the window as Oli was seemingly brought up to the front of the group, where a cultist holding a knife was stood next to some kind of makeshift altar. Believing that they were meaning to sacrifice Oli, Amir burst into the room in an attempt at helping his boyfriend. Unfortunately he was too late to stop the sacrifice, with the cultist stabbing Oli through the heart. Amir had no idea what happened next, his mind filling with disastrous and painful images. He felt an immense pain all over his body. He came to his senses a few minutes later, screaming. He wasn’t the only one though. Around him, the cultists whimpered and whined in agony. Some were on the floor in tears, others tearing at their face with their hands. That wasn’t the strangest thing though. Amir found that it was somehow him that was doing this, with a series of dark purple tentacles having emerged from his body, wrapping themselves around them all. In time Amir would learn to discover what had happened to his body. The explanation came through his nightmares. Through the dark voices in his head. It was a demonic cosmic entity. The Dark Lord; Cthulhu. He spoke to Amir. Tried to manipulate the student. Part of him had bonded to Amir, possessing him to an extent. It had been that damned ritual. Luckily however the human side of Amir had taken control, blocking out Cthulhu’s control of his body. Knowing that Cthulhu was now fighting for control within him, Amir decided that he had to do something to stop him from succumbing to the darkness. He had to do something good. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Amir's primary motive is essentially to fight back against the piece of Chuthulu within him, not wishing to succumb to the darkness that the being typically brings to its hosts. As such, he strives to help people and to do the right thing, which incidentally is the exact thing that got him into this situation in the first place. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Cthulhu: The Dark Lord himself, part of his Royal Tentacleness resides within Amir, fighting to take control. He often speaks to Amir through his dreams or just as a voice in his head, trying to convince him to embrace his abilities and the madness that they would bring. Brooke Felstead: Amir’s roommate, the two are great friends, regularly going out clubbing together. While she is unaware of Cthulhu, she has noticed a darkness growing with Amir. Isam and Bahira Housseini: Amir’s parents. While not strictly the biggest fans of Amir’s lifestyle due to their religious background, love their son dearly. They regularly phone in order to catch up with him, although are fully unaware of what had happened to him. | REFERENCE POST(S): | The New Frontier: Introducing Ant-Man All-Star Marvel: Iceman does something amazing All-Star Marvel: Boomerang fights some people | NOTES: | This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.
ANDREW Université Grimm Campus principal Mai 2016 - Deux jours après l'explosion "Opa! Salut, vous entendez? Oui, non, c'est un peu fou. Mais je vais bien, et Janelle. Elle attend le téléphone, oui. Peu d'autres personnes aussi. Il regarda brièvement par-dessus son épaule, se demandant si son grand-père pouvait entendre la sous-déclaration dans sa voix. C'était comme si un jeu vidéo hyped up ou la sortie de livre allait sur le chemin que la ligne s'est balancé par la porte. L'impression d'avoir des yeux sur le dos lui faisait squirter les épaules et il pensait qu'il avait probablement l'air d'avoir à pisser vu à quel point il était fougueux. Mais c'était bon d'entendre la voix du vieil homme. Mais ça va? Nouvelle Alexandrie et ça, le ferry ne fonctionnait pas, n'est-ce pas? Oh mon dieu, oui, c'est bien. Génial. Non, je ne peux pas avoir les infos, le pouvoir, pourquoi je n'ai pas téléphoné plus tôt. Maman et papa... Bon, bon à savoir, hey, salut, ouais. Je ne peux pas parler longtemps, pas mon téléphone, juste vérifier. Assurez-vous que vous faites bien... Andrew a laissé ses mots s'éloigner, sûr qu'ils auraient compris. Il n'avait pas été certain de l'ampleur de la panne de courant, de sorte qu'ils n'avaient peut-être pas été bien, une pensée qu'il n'était pas habitué à gérer. Ce qu'il avait l'habitude de faire, c'était les rassurer sur sa santé. Il connaissait la routine qui les empêchait de s'inquiéter. Eh bien, de trop s'inquiéter. Assurez-vous qu'ils puissent l'entendre dire les mots. Souriez-leur s'ils pouvaient le voir, et soyez honnêtes à propos des petites choses qu'ils pourraient aider. Soyez honnête sur les grandes choses aussi, bien sûr, mais pas au téléphone quand il n'y avait rien qu'ils pouvaient faire, juste avec son médecin pour l'instant. Mais il n'a reçu qu'un seul appel téléphonique et il a dû choisir entre leur inquiétude et prendre rendez-vous. De toute façon, les choses ont probablement été prises en charge par des urgences, il s'en sortirait bien. Donc, il n'a pas mentionné la façon dont son cœur avait sauté avec l'explosion. Il a juste souri au téléphone et s'est moqué des blagues de son père pendant une minute avant qu'il ne se rende compte que les choses étaient bonnes. C'était assez de soulagement pour savoir qu'ils n'avaient pas eu autant de problèmes. Bien qu'il y ait eu des ratés sur le pont, apparemment, mais pas avec eux. Effrayante, mais aux émotions mitigées, surtout, il était juste reconnaissant. C'est vrai, non? Vraiment? C'est une bonne chose, oui. Je vais lui dire. T-Oh, qu'est-ce que tu en penses d'autre? Barbecue poulet, duh, utiliser autant que nous le pouvons avec le frigo dehors. Bien sûr, oui, je rappelle dès que je peux. Je dois remettre mon téléphone au travail. Toi aussi. Prends soin de toi. Je t'aime. Très bien, au revoir. Il a raccroché. Je l'ai immédiatement regretté. Ce n'était qu'un de ces mouvements automatiques qui était beaucoup trop facile à gérer. Mais ils avaient l'air bien. Heureux d'entendre de lui, mais autrement aucune plainte ou préoccupation à traiter. À moins qu'ils ne tirent le même coup qu'il était, puisqu'il avait évidemment dû l'apprendre quelque part. Secouant la tête contre lui-même, Andrew laissa tomber sa main et donna à Janelle deux pouces en se retournant. Elle a souri et s'est glissé devant lui. J'ai déjà composé. Retrouve-toi là-bas, Cherry. Ouais... Il s'est déplacé à leur place habituelle de déjeuner de printemps, en utilisant la journée nuageuse pour accrocher une table de pique-nique habituellement déjà parlée (bien que ce fût peut-être les événements récents qui l'ont laissé vide) et attendre que Janelle le rejoigne. Un sandwich et une pomme, en économisant le reste pour des collations, et beaucoup de temps pour regarder et écouter sur d'autres conversations de gens. La plupart du temps, c'était pareil. Les cours annulés ou poursuivis (et les étudiants heureux ou tristes de l'un ou l'autre), quelqu'un a mentionné être dans un accident d'autobus qui doit avoir été terrifiant à l'époque, et tout le monde avait des théories ou des questions ou un avis à ajouter sur l'ensemble de la situation. Beaucoup ont eu des histoires (ou des plaintes) sur la façon dont ils ont passé leur nuit impuissante, et il était pleinement prêt à les rejoindre lorsque Janelle s'est assise en face de lui. Apparemment, ils ont compris ce que c'était. Papa dit, et si ce n'était pas assez d'avertissement, alors elle ne connaissait évidemment pas son père. Les Aliens envahissent.
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
Mai 2016 - Le jour après l'explosion Alors qu'Eric regardait le bécher, débordant de racines, des centaines de questions passaient à travers son esprit. Pourquoi a-t-il pris plus d'un jour pour que les cellules se différencient? Pourquoi n'ont-ils fait que se différencier en racines? Alors qu'il réfléchissait à ce qui s'est passé, il a atteint et a pris le bécher pour sentir la masse des racines. C'était comme si n'importe quelle racine se sentait, lisse avec de petits poils de racine rampant. D'autres questions lui sont venues. Que se passerait-il si je commençais les cellules dans le sol? Pourquoi les racines poussent-elles?... Eric s'est soudain rendu compte que lorsqu'il touchait les racines, elles devenaient plus longues. Et vite. Il a pris sa main, surpris par la réaction des racines à son toucher. Avec ça, ils ont cessé de grandir. Il a rapidement remis le bécher sous le capot et s'est retiré. En se tournant sur son talon, il courut au seul endroit où il pensait pouvoir l'aider à résoudre ce problème. La bibliothèque. Eric s'est précipité dans la section remplie de thèses d'étudiants diplômés, sachant qu'il avait épuisé tous les manuels sur le sujet. Équilibrant un tas de thèses rigides, il se précipita dans l'une des salles d'étude tranquilles. Assis, il s'est rendu compte que ses doigts étaient blancs en s'emparant des livres si serrés. Alors qu'il tirait ses mains de sous la pile, il ressentait une sensation qu'il n'avait jamais ressentie auparavant dans les paumes de ses mains. Probablement quelque chose de collant sur le fond... alors qu'il étendait les livres, Eric sentait que quelque chose tenait les couvertures des quatre derniers livres ensemble. Avec un peu d'effort, il a tiré le premier à part les autres. Les racines... Il y avait des racines qui poussaient directement dans les quatre livres du bas. Pendant une seconde, la pensée passa à l'esprit d'Eric que les racines étaient venues de ses mains d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais il savait que c'était stupide. Rapidement, il est retourné à l'étagère où il avait ramassé les thèses. Pas de racines... Lentement, Eric est retourné à l'étude tranquille, essayant de trouver une explication raisonnable à tout cela. Lorsqu'il s'est assis au bureau de la cabine, il a pressé ses paumes contre le bureau et a pris une profonde respiration les yeux fermés, essayant de se calmer pour penser droit. Quand il a glissé les mains hors du bureau, la même sensation a couvert ses paumes. Il ouvrit les yeux, et à son désarroi, découvrit que là où ses mains étaient il y a une seconde, deux réseaux racinaires se trouvèrent dans le bois du bureau. En vérifiant rapidement que personne ne regardait, il a arraché les racines et les a jetées dans les poubelles et a regagné son dortoir. Quelque chose m'est arrivé. Je ne vais évidemment pas pouvoir expliquer ça par la science. J'ai besoin de comprendre ce que c'est tout seul. Eric a ouvert la porte à son dortoir. Afin de rester calme, il a décidé de faire quelques expériences. Il pourrait au moins prétendre que c'était de la science. Donc, il savait que les racines sortaient de lui, mais il ne savait pas s'il pouvait le contrôler. Il a retiré les draps de son matelas et a mis ses mains contre lui. Après les avoir gardés là pendant quelques secondes, il les a tirés. Ok, donc ce n'est pas juste à chaque fois que je touche quoi que ce soit... Il a remis ses mains sur le matelas et a "poussé". Eric a senti quelque chose cette fois, mais ça l'a surpris alors il a retiré ses mains. Quand il s'est tiré les mains, il y avait la même sensation, c'était comme si quelqu'un te pinçait légèrement aux paumes. Et ils étaient là, les mêmes que les racines qu'il a retirées du bureau, maintenant en grandissant dans son lit. Ok, donc... Je crois que j'ai des superpouvoirs.
Rhizome | NAME(S): | Eric Rockwell | NICKNAME(S): | None | ALIAS(ES): | Rhizome | D.O.B.: | July 10th 1993 | AGE: | 22 | SEX: | Male | SEXUALITY: | Hetero | APPEARANCE: | Without his mother to keep him stuffed with three meals a day, Eric lost a substantial amount of weight when he went to college. "You look like a ghost!" she said when he came home for winter break during his freshman year. Now, towards the end of his education, he has evened out a bit, gaining some of the weight back. At his height, most would still describe him as gaunt at 6'2" and 135 pounds. His bright green eyes are the most striking thing about his appearance, and other than that he's relatively plain. Long wavy dark hair is usually pushed behind his ears or pulled into a ponytail. His angular face is always covered in overgrown scruff. As far as a fashion sense goes, he's unaware that one of those is necessary. His usual outfit is an ill-fitting t-shirt and worn pair of corduroy pants. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Root manipulation Eric has the ability to create roots and rhizome networks that he can control willfully. Theoretically, he can will the roots into any shape or thickness he wants. As of now, these powers are fairly limited. This requires him to be physically touching the substrate that he is creating the roots through. This means that he must be barefoot or have his hands on the ground to create roots that grow through the ground. The roots grow very quickly, but once he is severed from the root, he can no longer control it. On the other hand, he can manipulate previously occurring roots and root systems to create larger root webs more quickly as well. Skills Above all else, Eric is exceedingly intelligent when it comes to sciences and maths. He is one of the fastest learners that any of his professors have met, so much so that all of them have asked him to be a TA (teaching assistant) for at least on of their classes. He is a quick read, and can pick up a textbook on astrophysics and be done reading by the end of the next day, having retained a great deal of the material (about 94%, he estimates). He can cook well if he has the materials; his dad taught him some basic skills, since he is a chef at a nursing home (the chemistry of cooking intrigued Eric when he was growing up as well). As far as physical abilities go, Eric is slim but well-toned. His father convinced him to do track in high school, so he has decent stamina when running, and a high lung capacity. | BACKSTORY: | Born an only child to an average mother and father in the suburbs of a city in western New York, Eric Rockwell was a nobody all his life. Not an outcast, people didn't dislike him, just a nobody. As he drifted through his youth with no close friends, naturally he fell into hobbies like comic books and video games. He was never unhappy, always content to spend his time alone. Being alone gave him more time to think about things, which he liked. He liked to ponder difficult questions, whether it was in philosophy, math, or anything else. He was even working on one of the Millennium problems, but he didn't get very far as he wasn't classically trained in the field of math that the question dealt in. School came as second nature to him and he enjoyed learning, so his GPA never wavered from a 4.0. When it came time to decide what route to take for a college education, he decided he wanted to go into a challenging field. Eric's father Chuck worked in a nursing home and hadn't taken the more complicated subjects in school seriously. "Well it sounds very interesting buddy," he had mumbled over the morning paper when Eric told him that he wanted to be a biotech major. His mother Martha was more enthusiastic. Eric had always been intrigued by the stories that his father used to tell him about the Mavericks, and still couldn't believe that they had been so close to where he lived in the northeast. There had just been a new campus added to the Grimm University of Nature and Science, and they had a state of the art biotech lab as well as a great program with some pioneers in the field teaching classes. He thought it might just be exciting to be near to the place that the Mavericks had actually called home. Maybe they would even come back one day and he'd get to see them in action. Eric's parents weren't thrilled about his choice; they had been following the steady rise in crime in Larissa and found it terribly sad. Eric assured them that he'd be well out of danger in New Alexandria, and added that a full ride to a university like this was not to be passed up. The fields of science that Eric studied during his undergraduate years excited him to no end. He let his work envelop him, and he pored over books of all kinds in the school library. There were nights that Eric would read a book on a topic that he had discovered that day, and fall asleep with his face in the pages, only to be woken by students arriving early in the morning. He went to his professors' office hours to talk to them about recent events in contemporary science. He had developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Naturally, his grades never wavered, but his health faltered slightly. He forgot to eat sometimes, and realized that that was unhealthy, but quickly got caught up in the next molecular biology research paper and forgot again. On his first visit home, Eric was noticeably skinnier, and his parents had a talk with him. His mother started calling each week and checking on him, which didn't bother Eric. Plus he ended up discovering a café that he had never noticed on campus before that had great buffalo chicken wraps. In the spring of junior year, Eric landed a position working in the tissue culture lab with his genetics professor, Guy Dupont. Most of the work was menial, but he found experimental biology interesting, and his professor moved him to a more assistant-like position fairly quickly. Eric worked in the lab, helping his professor on his research, and surprisingly landed some grant money to do his own research in his senior year. "Start small, but be creative. And do not overshoot your objective, that is a common mistake of young researchers like you," Guy told him in his uneven french accent. Eric was sure his professor was right, but wanted to do something amazing. He decided to hold off until his graduate research for that though. Having a paper already pending publication and a GPA of 4.0, Eric was obviously accepted into the graduate program at Grimm. He continued working in the tissue culture lab with Guy, but wanted to take a more experimental route with his thesis research. He had been reading about cancer treatment research when the idea began to take form. Guy had talked in his sophomore Genetics I class about GMOs and the struggle with the worldwide hunger crisis. If he could create a totipotent plant cell that would grow uncontrollably, it was possible that he could make a significant dent in worldwide hunger... The idea that Eric would be helping people with his research motivated him greatly. Over the course of the next year, he spent all of his time labs around campus. He sequenced numerous genomes, ran PCRs to try to find a gene that he could use, but ended up piecing a gene together by hand. He spliced the gene into his totipotent corn embryo cell, and placed it in the gel he synthesized that held all the necessary nutrients for the plant. Reluctantly, he went back to his dorm, knowing that it would do his nerves well to get some rest. Rest hadn't done much for his nerves. The next day, Eric woke early and nearly ran to the lab, viciously gnawing at his cuticles all the way. Twenty-four hours should have been enough to see noticeable growth if it worked correctly. When he got to the lab, Eric rushed to the sterile hood he had placed the sample under, and noticed something not necessarily plant-looking in the gel. He grabbed the petri dish without thinking, his index finger finding the almost gelatinous looking green substance had run over the side of the dish. As Eric felt the sting of the goo running over his open cuticles, he realized he hadn't put gloves on. He rinsed his fingers off and stretched a pair of clear latex gloves over his hand before taking a swab of the goo and putting it under a high-powered electron microscope. It was just cells. Just a mass of identical totipotent corn embryo cells. The cells hadn't differentiated the way he wanted, but this was a start. To get this much growth in one night was astounding. He wanted to continue his work in the lab, but realized he had an exam later that day, so he replaced the sample under the hood in a larger beaker. After the exam, Eric retired to his dorm, content to let the cells grow another night before starting the next phase of experiments and problem solving. The next morning, Eric woke to a power outage. Worried that something may have happened to his sample, he hastened to the lab yet again. When he checked under the hood, his sample was still there, but it had changed. The mass of green cell goo was replaced with a tangled web of roots... | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Above all, Eric yearns to learn all that there is to know. On top of that, he wants to use his knowledge to help people (and deep down, he wants the recognition that comes with it). For right now, Eric wants to help solve world hunger with his research. He sees this as just the first conquest in his scientific career with many more to come. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Parents: Martha and Chuck Rockwell Genetics Professor and Mentor: Guy Dupont | REFERENCE POST(S): | | NOTES: | This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.
Milles Bergeron Quartier de l'Olympe Une nuit après l'explosion Leçon Une d'être un héros sur la montée? Restez sur votre voie. David a peut-être pu prendre Goliath, mais cela a dû être ordonné par Dieu lui-même, et la plupart des justiciers initiatiques n'ont pas ce genre d'accès, de temps ou de dévouement. Au moins un cul whooping ou orgueil meurtris est inévitable, c'est à peu près dans la description de travail de Hero. Cependant, pourquoi prendre une planche à eau quand vous pouvez juste prendre quelques coups d'intestin? Les chances sont, si votre justicier se relève n'a pas une tache de sueur d'entrejambe au moment où vous prenez sur votre première cellule terroriste, il est probablement trop tôt. Il n'y a pas de honte chez le justicier qui commence à s'attaquer aux voleurs de sacs à main et aux ennemis sans armes militaires, aussi banales que cela puisse paraître. Miles Bergeron a essayé de garder cela à l'esprit alors qu'il ébranlait ses jitters, au sommet du bâtiment de la SafeKnight International Bank. Une figure solitaire parmi les lumières de la ville qui l'a atteint. «Homme. 10 histoires semblent beaucoup plus de distance quand vous êtes debout sur le dessus. Idéalement, il avait l'espoir d'atteindre au moins 17 ans, si seulement pour aller dans un film R noté sans surveillance. Bien sûr, se préparer à sauter d'un bâtiment et se lancer littéralement dans le danger pourrait être contreproductif à cela, mais hé, Il y a des choses qu'il faut que tu fasses.Sa propre voix l'a surpris, il avait été si calme pendant si longtemps. En plus de l'un des bâtiments de la banque d'entreprise dans le district de l'Olympus, le vent était tout ce qu'il avait besoin d'entendre. C'était le plus haut qu'il ait jamais eu avec ses pouvoirs. Là-haut, en regardant l'interréseau scintillement d'une ville scintilleant si faiblement, il pouvait presque se convaincre qu'il pouvait réellement faire une différence dans la ville. S'il voulait juste sauter. Sautez dans la mêlée de la bagarre avec Fitz autour de lui, peut-être. Peut-être qu'il pourrait le faire. Mais il n'a pas pu faire le plongeon. Il soupirait que son téléphone sonnait. Il redoutait la voix de sa mère. Elle rentre tôt du travail et le trouve parti. Ça devait arriver. Il regarda à côté de lui, seulement pour se rappeler que son téléphone était éteint, et il s'est caché dans sa tache Hideaway. Il s'est tourné vers une autre figure tracée dans l'obscurité, du côté opposé du toit du bâtiment. L'écran illuminait brièvement le visage d'un homme avant qu'il ne sombre rapidement dans l'obscurité. Miles a réagi avec un début avant de s'attraper. Il semblait que l'homme avait lâché le téléphone intentionnellement. Quelques secondes de plus d'observation a montré l'homme rebondissant sur ses talons, se tremblant lui-même. Levez-vous un pied et penchez-vous vers l'avant! Il est apparu sur Miles, ce que c'était et son estomac a coulé. Miles était un gamin attentif, même s'il était encore assez dur à diriger. Sa mère lui a souvent appris de petits trucs et astuces pour survivre dans le monde du point de vue d'une infirmière. Fièrement certifié CPR, 1er répondant et tous ces autres titres civils amusants pour aider un humain en difficulté, elle avait même pris le temps de décrire ceux qui pourraient être suicidaires. Ça allait être une de ces nuits pour lui. Miles a dû attirer l'attention de l'homme. Un héros ne s'en sortirait jamais. Aucune bonne personne ne le ferait. Mais crier pourrait l'effrayer comme essayer d'exiger son attention. Miles a décidé d'attirer son attention à la place. Il s'est concentré sur la source de sa magie, la torsion dans la fosse de son estomac. Il s'est étendu à sa poitrine et de son esprit a coulé la pensée de ce pouvoir. Une douce aura commença à émaner de lui. L'homme commença à remarquer et se tourna vers lui. Qui êtes-vous? Tu sais qu'il fait froid ici ce soir, et tu n'as même pas de veste. Je ne suis même pas aussi téméraire, mec, " Miles a répondu, reconnaissant qu'il avait encore son capot et son capot. L'homme s'est entièrement tourné vers lui maintenant, son intérêt momentanément piquée. Tu es...? Tu n'es qu'un enfant? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là-haut? Miles shruged, J'étais sur le point de vous demander la même chose. Cela a fauché l'homme et il a été silencieux pendant un moment. C'est plus facile quand tu es jeune. Même aussi mauvais qu'il est maintenant, il est encore plus facile quand vous êtes jeune. Le cœur de Miles semblait essayer de se forcer à travers sa cavité thoracique à cause de l'anxiété et des nerfs, mais il montait son ton, debout lentement. Vous seriez surpris où un enfant comme moi peut être, à cause de combien il est mauvais maintenant. Comment l'avez-vous fait? Calme-le. Parle-lui. Calme-le. Parle-lui. Calme-le. Parle-lui. L'homme regarda de nouveau sur le rebord Miles a utilisé cette rupture en contact pour accélérer son rythme. Je ne pense pas que je puisse... ça ne vaut plus la peine,, l'homme a finalement parlé. Miles était sur lui à ce stade. Maintenant que l'homme pouvait le voir, il a fait un mélange entre un scoff et un schuckle. Pendant un moment, l'homme semblait calme. Et Miles croyait qu'il pouvait vraiment le convaincre. Bien qu'il en vienne à réaliser une nuit que "Restez dans votre voie" signifie aussi "Utilisez votre putain de bon sens...dumbass" (à peu près traduit bien sûr), ce soir n'était pas cette nuit-là. Et parfois un homme doit creuser à travers l'idiot pour trouver la sauge à l'intérieur. Et Miles Bergeron, dans sa gloire rambuncteuse, sortit sur la corniche pour rencontrer M. Ozukai. Miles a dit de mettre ses mains sur ses hanches, fièrement. Il y a quelqu'un qui doit essayer de changer. Quelqu'un doit essayer d'être quelque chose... comme tu l'as dit, les merdes deviennent mauvaises là-bas. "Hiro Ozukai," l'homme offert, donnant un sourire. Il hésita un instant, décidant de s'engager dans son rôle de héros en formation. "PsycheOut à votre service," Miles a planté son pied et a jutté sa poitrine, une chaleur qui s'est propagée à travers son corps. Le sourire de M. Ozukai, son changement soudain d'humeur. Peut-être que c'est ce dont il s'agit, il a pensé avec un sourire doux alors qu'il se laissait se détendre quand le frisson a couru sur le toit de l'immeuble, l'ébranlant violemment - et ses occupants. Il y avait un gâchis et un moment partagé entre les deux mâles pendant qu'ils fermaient les yeux -- le danger se réalisait. Imminent. Ils se sont emparés, les armes se sont évanouies et la gravité a fait ce qu'elle avait toujours fait. Le jeune héros s'écria alors qu'il s'écroulait avec M. Ozukai. Parce que quand un idiot tombe, il tombe vite. Et Dieu aide l'insensé qui n'a pas rêvé de voler. Quand vous ne tenez pas compte de la leçon 1, votre vie de héros pourrait être de courte durée.
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
Amir avait certainement raison sur le district de l'Olympe. Contrairement au reste de la ville, l'endroit semblait encore quelque peu paisible malgré tout ce qui se passait. Pas de gangs. Pas de pillage. Juste un air de paix. Il a aidé que le pouvoir était toujours là, en éclairant les rues dans une riche lueur dorée des lampadaires ci-dessus. Le quartier principal de la rue haute n'était pas une exception et, en tant que tel, Amir a décidé de prendre son jogging là-bas. Il s'est maintenu à un rythme soutenu, ne voulant pas trop se fatiguer. Dans chaque oreille assis un casque, permettant à Amir le plaisir de zoner toutes ses pensées dans le sentiment apaisant du monde se déplaçant devant lui et les sons agréables de Beyoncé. C'était exactement ce dont il avait besoin. Il pourrait bloquer les pensées négatives. Il pourrait le bloquer. Alors qu'il courait, Amir se tourna régulièrement vers les vitrines de la boutique sur sa gauche, regardant la réflexion souriante de lui-même. Il ne voulait pas paraître égoïste, mais il devait admettre qu'il avait l'air bien. Mieux que ce qu'il ressentait. C'est à ce moment que les réflexions ont cependant changé. Une seconde, il y avait Amir, le joggeur foncé. Le suivant? Eh bien, Amir ne pouvait même pas le décrire correctement. La pensée l'a légèrement bizuté. C'était désorientant. Nauseuseuse. La réflexion était toujours là, bien qu'il semblait déformé. Les tentacules étaient probablement la chose la plus remarquable. Ils flottaient de rêve derrière lui, comme des vrilles des ténèbres, avec la simple vue d'eux instillant un léger air de peur à Amir. La toile de fond de la réflexion était également différente. La rue de l'Olympe et sa lueur rayonnante ont disparu. Maintenant, il n'y avait que le feu et la souffrance. Mais ce n'était pas la pire chose. Non, le pire, c'était les yeux. Yeux d'une luminosité incomparable. Yeux ressemblant à celui de deux trous noirs désastreux, tourbillonnant comme s'ils pouvaient piéger quelqu'un de trop proche. Malgré tout cela, ils étaient toujours les yeux d'Amir qui le regardaient en arrière. Amir lui a arraché les yeux, fléchissant leur attention sur ses pieds. Respirant fortement, il s'est rendu compte qu'il avait cessé de marcher, ses jambes se sentant un peu raide comme s'il ne les avait pas déplacés en quelques minutes. Depuis combien de temps est-il resté là à regarder dans la vitrine? Qu'est-ce que c'est que lui? Est-ce que Cthulhu est arrivé à lui? En ébranlant le sentiment, Amir réajusta son casque, laissant une explosion de musique bruyante et relaxante s'écouler en lui. Il a pris un dernier souffle avant de risquer un regard en arrière vers sa réflexion. Il a laissé un soupir de soulagement quand on n'a rien rencontré de plus que son moi habituel. Il a parlé à haute voix, sa voix à peine plus forte qu'un murmure. Sa tête est tombée dans ses mains. Il voulait pleurer, mais il n'y avait pas de larmes. Pourquoi ça lui arrivait? Avant qu'il n'ait eu le temps de surestimer cette question particulière, Amir se trouva légèrement blessant vers la fenêtre, dont la cause était une rafale de vent soudain apparu provenant de derrière lui. Amir l'a aperçu. Un flou de lumière qui monte dans la rue loin de lui. Ses yeux s'élargissaient encore plus, car ce flou semblait ralentir dans la vitesse, s'arrêtant au bout de la route. En ralentissant, Amir vit que c'était un homme. Extrêmement confus, il regardait ce nouveau venu contempler les boutiques avant lui. Il semblait laisser sortir un petit rire, quelque chose qu'Amir n'a guère réussi à entendre de cette distance. Il ouvrit la bouche pour l'appeler, quand l'homme disparut, avec la fusée floue qui s'enfonçait directement dans la fenêtre d'une bijouterie. Alors que l'alarme commença immédiatement à retentir, se lançant dans la nuit, Amir se rendit compte que cet homme, malgré ses capacités surhumaines, n'était en aucune forme ou forme un des superhéros classiques qu'il avait lus comme un enfant, mais il semblerait qu'il était en fait un méchant. Une vraie vie de supervillain. La pensée lui a fait rougir l'estomac. Que le chaos soit... La voix qui s'est soudainement manifestée dans sa tête l'a encore aggravée. Cependant, il s'est rendu compte de ce qu'il avait pensé, et c'est qu'il devait aider. Il avait des pouvoirs. Il pourrait le faire. Pas vrai? Tirant sa capuche sur sa tête, et changeant sa musique en quelque chose de plus optimiste, il a chargé vers l'avant, un son d'extrême désapprobation sonnant à l'intérieur de sa tête.
| NAME(S): | Amir Hosseini​ | NICKNAME(S): | ​ | ALIAS(ES): | Tendril​ | D.O.B.: | 03/15/1993 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Homosexual | APPEARANCE: | Standing at 6”1, Amir has a lean yet muscular figure. Atop his head is a mass of curled charcoal hair, usually propped up with varying amounts of wax depending on the situation. His chin is warmed by the rugged stubble of a beard, complimenting his nougat coloured skin nicely. His eyes a beautiful brown. Amir can always be found wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, usually ones styled with ripped knees. He dresses casually, often sporting a simple t-shirt along with an unbuttoned shirt, the sleeves always rolled up to his elbows. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Due to unfortunate circumstances, Amir has found himself possessed by a piece of the otherworldly spirit of the Dark Lord Cthulhu. Fortunately Amir is able to remain in control of the being within him, allowing him to manipulate the abilities this possession has magically imbued him with. This mostly comes in the form of being able to generate tentacle-like appendages from his body. Dark purple in colour, Amir is able to control their movement and growth, using them as additional limbs or simply as weapons. What’s more is that with deep concentration, Amir is able to enforce a state of madness to anyone his tentacles are touching, causing them to hallucinate their deepest fears and worries. As said before, this can only be done through deep concentration, with the action also causing Amir to tire out after performing this ability. As such, the first time Amir used this, he found himself unconscious for the next couple of days. In time, Amir has the potential to cause these hallucinations without having to use his tentacles, with a simple glance at an individual being enough to cause them to turn to insanity. Although such an action would take a lot out of Amir, as well as risking his own mind being overridden by Cthulhu. | BACKSTORY: | Born in Lebanon, Amir spent the first couple years of his life in the country before his family moved to America, a result of their increasing poverty since the Lebanese Civil War. Here they flourished, despite the racism that came their way, building a good life for themselves in the state of New Hampshire. High school went as well as it could for someone of Amir’s ethnicity, especially after the 9/11 attacks. Such bullying actually made Amir stronger, causing to stand up and fight for the little guy whenever he could. Amir pushed himself forward, coming to turns with his sexuality, as well as gaining good grades, to the delight of his parents. When it came to picking a college and looking towards the future, Amir set his eyes on Larissa. He had heard much about the city, having grown a small childhood obsession with the Mavericks several years prior, as well as having spent several weekends there with his friends and a fake ID. After getting a decent score in the SATs, he soon found himself enrolled within Grimm University of Nature and Sciences. He spent a lot of his nights out clubbing, his fake ID becoming a good friend of his, the Milk District his new home away from home. It was during this time that Amir found himself working part time as a bartender at a local bar; Lilith, not to be confused with the city’s neighbouring district of the same name. It was here that Amir met Oli. The two fell for each other fast and before long Oli had even moved into his dorm room. However despite his newfound happiness, Amir felt like something was wrong. Oli kept making excuses. Backing out of dates because “something came up”. The pure thought that he might have had another man caused a great amount of stress to Amir, who as a result became slightly distant too. Finally Amir had had enough. After another one of Oli’s unbelievable excuses and exits, Amir followed him. Too his confusion he found himself at an old abandoned church located within the Lower East Side. The sight inside confused him even more. Hooded figures, candles and ominous music, the place screamed danger. The fact that they were reading from an old tome, as well as the creepy looking banners they had up, led Amir to the conclusion that they were part of some kind of crazy cult. He watched from the window as Oli was seemingly brought up to the front of the group, where a cultist holding a knife was stood next to some kind of makeshift altar. Believing that they were meaning to sacrifice Oli, Amir burst into the room in an attempt at helping his boyfriend. Unfortunately he was too late to stop the sacrifice, with the cultist stabbing Oli through the heart. Amir had no idea what happened next, his mind filling with disastrous and painful images. He felt an immense pain all over his body. He came to his senses a few minutes later, screaming. He wasn’t the only one though. Around him, the cultists whimpered and whined in agony. Some were on the floor in tears, others tearing at their face with their hands. That wasn’t the strangest thing though. Amir found that it was somehow him that was doing this, with a series of dark purple tentacles having emerged from his body, wrapping themselves around them all. In time Amir would learn to discover what had happened to his body. The explanation came through his nightmares. Through the dark voices in his head. It was a demonic cosmic entity. The Dark Lord; Cthulhu. He spoke to Amir. Tried to manipulate the student. Part of him had bonded to Amir, possessing him to an extent. It had been that damned ritual. Luckily however the human side of Amir had taken control, blocking out Cthulhu’s control of his body. Knowing that Cthulhu was now fighting for control within him, Amir decided that he had to do something to stop him from succumbing to the darkness. He had to do something good. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Amir's primary motive is essentially to fight back against the piece of Chuthulu within him, not wishing to succumb to the darkness that the being typically brings to its hosts. As such, he strives to help people and to do the right thing, which incidentally is the exact thing that got him into this situation in the first place. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Cthulhu: The Dark Lord himself, part of his Royal Tentacleness resides within Amir, fighting to take control. He often speaks to Amir through his dreams or just as a voice in his head, trying to convince him to embrace his abilities and the madness that they would bring. Brooke Felstead: Amir’s roommate, the two are great friends, regularly going out clubbing together. While she is unaware of Cthulhu, she has noticed a darkness growing with Amir. Isam and Bahira Housseini: Amir’s parents. While not strictly the biggest fans of Amir’s lifestyle due to their religious background, love their son dearly. They regularly phone in order to catch up with him, although are fully unaware of what had happened to him. | REFERENCE POST(S): | The New Frontier: Introducing Ant-Man All-Star Marvel: Iceman does something amazing All-Star Marvel: Boomerang fights some people | NOTES: | This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.
ANDREW Le son de LARISSA Mai 2016 - Deux nuits après l'explosion Ça va? C'est quoi, ça? Oh ouais, juste, des escaliers, ouais. Elle ne l'a pas appelé sur sa plainte, bien qu'il avait été marcher dans les escaliers presque tous les jours depuis qu'ils ont emménagé. Exercice, dit-il alors; douleur dans le cul, il pensait maintenant. Andrew sourit à Janelle de sa position endormie sur leur canapé alors qu'elle traîné des choses hors du frigo et fronça à la pile qui grandissait lentement. Elle y avait été quand il est entré, et il avait été assis là à déplorer le manque d'ascenseurs de travail pendant au moins dix minutes. Combien de choses avaient-ils dans leur frigo? Il y avait un supermarché derrière le panneau arrière, ou quoi?Il s'est tiré avec réticence quand elle vient de renifler et de lever gentiment la baignoire de crème glacée qu'ils gardaient autour pour ceux juste en cas d'urgence de quelqu'un ramenant des brownies à la maison. Le visage qu'elle a fait voulait dire qu'il n'était plus gelé. Elle a levé un sourcil et il a soupiré, grimaçant. Ok, pas bon débarras, la crème glacée était chère. Mais au moins la plupart de ces autres choses étaient encore récupérables, ou au moins encore comestibles. Bien que cela pourrait ne pas durer longtemps. Si vous pensez à ce que je pense, nous ne pouvons pas manger tout ça avant que ça ne tourne mal. Vous n'aimez même pas la salade. Il y avait beaucoup de greens qui flétrissaient déjà. Sans parler des carottes, qui avaient été accidentellement congelées dans le tiroir à légumes, se transformeraient probablement en bouillie inappétissante du jour au lendemain. Mais il n'y avait plus d'air froid dans le frigo ou le congélateur. Et ils n'étaient toujours pas sûrs quand le pouvoir revenait. Il a pris la baignoire d'où elle l'avait mise et jetée dans l'évier, en rinçant son nez dans la déception. Il y avait une boîte de brownie mix dans l'armoire qu'ils avaient économisé pour le week-end. Au moins, ça ne se passerait pas très vite. Je sais. Mais nous avons des voisins. Certains d'entre eux comme nous. On peut faire un barbecue jusqu'à ce que le courant revienne. Essayez, ces gens... ceux que nous avons aidés à emménager. Demandez s'ils aiment les hamburgers, ou le poulet grillé. Et s'ils ont de la sauce barbecue, Andrew a rincé l'évier pendant qu'il essayait de se souvenir de leur nom lui-même, l'un d'eux a commencé par un A, il était assez sûr. Alice? Alison? C'est Alex? Peut-être... C'est Alexis! C'est ça, et peut-être Laura, ne me cite pas sur celui-là. Allez, shoo! Avant qu'ils commencent à faire leurs propres plans. Il est parti. Passer les ascenseurs sur son chemin et les harceler pour leur trahison. Ne pas travailler quand il avait besoin d'eux, hah, choses horribles. Autant qu'il se moquait de lui-même à propos des escaliers, ils avaient pris plus de lui qu'il ne voulait l'admettre. Il se leva trop vite, aussi, fit tourner sa tête, et il ne pensait pas que c'était un bon signe, mais respirait profondément et la prenait lentement jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse confirmer le problème aurait juste à faire. Pourtant, il aurait été agréable s'il était rentré chez lui pour travailler les ascenseurs après avoir passé la plupart de la journée à retourner sur le dernier des lits de fleurs vides et à mélanger dans le fumier pour les préparer à la plantation. Il avait laissé son vélo dans le hall d'entrée, parce qu'il ne le portait pas aussi. Et oui, quelqu'un allait probablement être ennuyé par ça, mais il l'aurait eu après qu'il ait invité Alexis et eux. Au moins, personne n'avait été dans les ascenseurs quand le courant s'est éteint. Il a vérifié, parce que ce n'était pas une situation qu'il pouvait imaginer quiconque voulait être dans. Il n'était pas claustrophobe, mais tout de même, non. Pas drôle. Heureusement, il n'y avait pas eu besoin d'improviser un sauvetage. Il n'était même pas sûr de ce qu'ils auraient pu faire si quelqu'un y avait été, donc, oui, chanceux. Très chanceux. Heureusement que l'explosion s'est produite la nuit, non? Ça aurait été beaucoup plus désastreux si ça avait été pendant l'heure de pointe ou quelque chose comme ça. Secouant la tête à son incapacité d'arrêter d'y penser, parce que chaque fois qu'il a essayé, il a commencé à y penser plus, Andrew a frappé à la porte et a sincèrement espéré qu'il avait au moins un de leurs noms droit et qu'ils pourraient se souvenir de lui et Alexis était celui qui a répondu. Son grand sourire quand c'était elle qui a ouvert la porte était petit par rapport à sa joie interne, mais même ainsi, il a décidé peut-être de ne pas le risquer. Bonjour. Donc, nous nous demandions, euh, moi et Janelle, il a dirigé le hall vers leur place même si personne d'autre n'était visible, si vous aviez de la sauce barbecue? Cuz quelqu'un – c'était moi, je suis horrible – a oublié de l'attraper la semaine dernière. Aussi, si vous aimez le poulet grillé ou les hamburgers, les cheeseburgers peut-être? Nous avons des options. En quelque sorte. Et de la salade. S'il vous plaît, comme de la salade, il y en a plein. Nous avons besoin de gens affamés, notre frigo fait multiplier la nourriture, je le jure. Ce serait vraiment utile. Mais pas quand il faisait du lait aigre ou des clones de viande. Oh, je ne sais pas pour les boissons, mais... on pourrait avoir encore de la limonade rose chaude. Il vendait totalement cette aventure, n'est-ce pas? Est-ce qu'il s'est souvenu de dire pourquoi il était venu ici? Peut-être pas avec une parfaite clarté, il devrait travailler là-dessus. Je veux dire, si vous n'avez pas déjà des plans de dîner, voulez venir sauver notre nourriture d'aller au gaspillage?
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
Milles Bergeron Quartier de l'Olympe Une nuit après l'explosion Leçon numéro 2 d'être un héros sur la montée: toujours avoir une stratégie de sortie. Vous n'êtes ni invincible ni immortel. Peut-être que tu es... mais la noyade ferait probablement toujours mal comme une salope. Dans ce cas, vous avez besoin d'un plan B. Pas celui qui vient après le plan A, mais celui qui vient après Becky a pris quelques mauvaises décisions une nuit. Avortez de là-bas. Mieux vaut combattre un autre jour que brûler sur votre première étape du voyage, et malheureusement, vous n'êtes pas encore assez cool pour devenir une légende en mourant héroïquement Essentiellement, c'est pour les moments où vous oubliez la leçon numéro 1. Une leçon que tout le monde devrait connaître, mais surtout celles qui sont ambitieuses. Ces ambitieux semblent toujours faire un point de trouver un moyen de se baiser quand ils ne suivent pas les deux premières leçons de l'essentiel d'être un héros sur la montée. Et Miles s'est retrouvé en train de tomber à ce point. Ce putain de point quand il est tombé. Dans l'écho de son premier brouhaha de leur chute, il entendit un grand gémissement. C'était M. Ozukai, son cri se mêlant au hurlement du vent pendant qu'ils soufflaient. Et à cet instant-là, s'écoulant alors qu'il s'approchait du sol avec une vitesse alarmante, Miles ne pouvait pas y résister. Il a fait un petit rire. C'était assez pour l'énerver une fois de plus. Ce n'était pas un cri, c'était bordé par un commandement direct. Et Miles a coulé une demande dans son ton qui a été tenu compte avec gustance. Une lueur l'engloutissait, s'étendant rapidement vers l'extérieur et s'affinant à la forme de gros torse et bras. La lueur de la construction quasi magique illuminait l'air tandis que Miles tournait le torse de Fitzs vers le sol, en tirant les bras. C'était presque l'étendue de ce qu'il pouvait faire dans cette situation, mais il devait essayer. Avec une poussée, il a formé une petite coquille d'énergie qui encastrait le torse de Fitz et M. Ozukai. Pas un instant dès qu'il s'est écrasé. Une petite fissure est apparue sur le sol où l'obus a frappé. L'obus lui-même s'est brisé presque instantanément, se dissipant en néant. Miles sentit Fitz slam au sol et sentit le vent le laisser. M. Ozukai s'est posé avec un toud au-dessus de la forme de Fitzs, roulant sur le côté. Les Fitzs s'affaissent et disparaissent, les Miles s'enfoncent au sol en son absence. Tout a mal. Même ses cheveux. Miles ne savait même pas comment c'était possible. Mais il souffrait quand même. Sortir une si grande partie de Fitz sans préparation était dangereux, et il pouvait sentir la migraine venir, et il ne pouvait pas décider si la douleur physique ou mentale serait pire. Cependant, il pouvait décider que c'était le bon moment pour l'appeler une nuit. La rue arrière sur laquelle il a atterri n'avait qu'un petit nombre de magasins allumés, ses yeux de vitrage se sont retrouvés reposant sur quelques-uns d'entre eux. Les quelques personnes dans la rue avaient déjà commencé à se demander à lui et à M. Ozukai. Il pensait que le sort de l'inconscient menaçait de le dépasser. La prise à l'écart de tout cela: ne pas tenir des conversations sur le bord réel du bâtiment. Dégage tant que tu peux. Prends la victoire et cours.
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
B R E N I N C'est ce qu'on a dit. Mai 2016 - Deux jours après l'explosion Kalvin s'était retrouvé à la maison après son petit accident de vélo. Sa moto était complète, tout comme la rampe qu'il avait croisée, mais il n'était pas blessé. Il n'avait pas eu d'accident, mais il était tombé à plus de 30 mètres, tête d'abord. Pourtant, il n'y avait même pas une égratignure sur lui. Cela n'avait aucun sens, et le jeune homme avait passé les événements de cette nuit-là être d'innombrables fois dans sa tête. Posé sur le canapé, il tenait l'oreiller sous son bras alors qu'il cherchait la télécommande. Il dormait la plupart du temps hier, il la craie jusqu'à une mauvaise gueule de bois, et ne venait que maintenant aussi. Ce n'était pas son appartement, mais celui de son meilleur ami, Jacob Jordan. Kalvin avait été dans une bagarre avec son beau-père et en tant que tel doit sortir de la maison, ou se faire tabasser le cul. Bien sûr, il s'y était habitué maintenant, mais ça a bouleversé sa mère quelque chose de terrible chaque fois que lui et son beau-père, Arthur se battait. Des fists seraient jetés et des menaces seraient proférées. C'était trop compliqué. C'était plus facile de se cacher ici, sur un car sans draps de lit, avec une couverture qui est allée bien trop longtemps depuis qu'elle a été lavée. Il avait besoin de se trouver une petite amie, ou mieux encore sa propre maison. Mais ça n'a pas été facile pour quelqu'un avec le sien. Compétences. Jacob est entré dans la pièce, interrompant les pensées de son ami, jetant une boîte de boisson énergétique au jeune homme. "Ay, mec, lève-toi, il est trois heures." Jacob s'est exclamé, Kal grogne. "Qu'est-ce que tu fous maintenant?" L'autre jeune homme sourit. "Je t'en prie, je n'ai pas encore couché. Papa a du travail. Pourquoi pensez-vous que je bois ça?" Il a dit, tenant une tasse en céramique dans sa main - la tasse avait le logo récemment redessiné du dernier redémarrage de la franchise du film en vedette l'une et l'autre fois Champions de Larissa. Kalvin sourit, ouvrant la boîte de boisson énergétique qu'on lui avait donnée, prenant quelques gorgées avant de regarder Jacob de nouveau. "Je pensais que ces choses n'avaient plus rien fait pour toi?" Il a demandé et Jacob a ri. "Qui a dit que je buvais de l'Energizer? C'est Triple Espresso et moitié Energizer MAX. Je suis presque sûr que cela pourrait alimenter un réacteur nucléaire." Kalvin chucked "Parler de qui, avez-vous vu les nouvelles?" Jacob demanda, Kalvin trouvant la télécommande a essayé de mettre la télé, beaucoup à leur consternation, l'écran est resté sombre. Jacob s'est moqué. "C'est vrai, le pouvoir est toujours éteint. Quoi qu'il en soit, on a Tchernobyl il y a deux nuits. L'usine de Michael a explosé." Il a dit, toute question de fait, et Kalvin a levé ses sourcils et s'est assis dans le canapé, à la recherche de sa chemise. "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par explosion? Ne devrions-nous pas tous être au courant, morts, alors?" Et Jacob secoua la tête. « Apparemment non, le rayonnement a été scellé, seule une forme d'EMP a été libérée, détruisant la majeure partie de l'électricité en ville. Les gens disent que c'est M. Michaels lui-même qui l'a fait. Manuellement, à l'intérieur du réacteur, c'est un homme qui se consacre à son travail." Kalvin sourit, il savait ce que Jacob allait dire ensuite. "L'homme est un héros.", bluffant son verre. Kalvin a tremblé. "Tu essaies juste de me vexer." son meilleur ami pendant plus d'une décennie savait combien Kalvin méprisait le mot H, et il aimait le taquiner à ce sujet. C'était une partie de la raison pour laquelle toutes ses tasses de café étaient Mavericks-Merchandise, Jacob lui-même pensait qu'ils étaient B-Movies, et c'était une honte qu'ils dominent Hollywood ces jours-ci. Mais il avait une fois trouvé la vieille boîte de Kalvin et s'était engagé sur le bout de retour à l'âge de 16 ans. "Parlant de héros, tu veux aller voir le plateau du nouveau film? J'ai entendu dire qu'ils allaient l'appeler "Mavericks; Cataclysme". J'ai lu sur Creddit que c'est apparemment la fin du monde. Qui aurait deviné, comment soulever les enjeux." Jacob plaisantait quand Kalvin s'habillait. Jacob portait son peignoir sur le dessus de son jean et de son T-shirt, comme il le faisait d'habitude dans les matins. "Alors encore une fois, ne peut pas être pire que le dernier. Les Mavericks, les héroïques vaillants. Ramène Rise Of Titans du début des années 2000, c'était un bon film, et avec une telle torsion! » Jacob s'est envolé comme Kalvin l'ignorait, laissant sortir Mhm's ici et là. "Je veux dire, l'esprit contrôlant Angel, le faisant travailler pour les méchants et attaquer l'équipe de l'intérieur? Illadvised tuant apparemment Illadvised, seulement pour Illadvised de revenir dans un gros costume robotique, Wyrda et Feral botter le cul d'Ange de nouveau à ses sens et les quatre repoussant les forces maléfiques qui menaçaient leur base d'opérations, et toute la ville? Merde, c'était un bon film, chef-d'œuvre de notre époque!" Le discours de Jacob s'est terminé, sarcasme glorieuse dans ses paroles, il a exagéré un sentiment d'émerveillement quand il a parlé des films. Kalvin le regarda et gronda, ramassant son jean du sol et les jetant sur son bras. "Tu as fait du fanboying?" Il demanda avec un sourire et Jacob hoche les moutons. "Tu le sais." Kalvin s'est moqué, entrant dans la salle de bains pour prendre une douche. "Hé, Kal, fais gaffe, l'eau est irradiée!" Jacob cria après lui, se gloussant à lui-même, s'éloignant fort de la coupe. Dix minutes plus tard, Kalvin est sorti en portant un Tank-Top, son jean déchiré et des chaussettes démarquées. Jacob se penchait encore contre le poteau de porte, son téléphone dans une main et sa coupe dans l'autre. Il s'est fait une petite photo, il s'est ridiculisé. "Allant à droite sur Instaframe." Kalvin l'a renversé, se dirigeant vers son « wardrobe » la pile de vêtements sur le sol derrière le canapé. En prenant une chemise à manches longues avec trois boutons au-dessus de l'os du col, il l'a mis, se dirigeant vers ses chaussures, les hauts-tops en cuir se sont lassés rapidement alors qu'il s'est écroulé avant d'atteindre la porte. "Je vais sortir de la ville." Kalvin dit à Jacob qui hoche la tête. "Obtenez des provisions, voyez si je peux éviter les zombies, peut-être acheter de la bière ou parler avec une jolie fille, nous verrons." Kalvin a dit avec un bref chanfrein et l'autre mâle a hurlé une fois de plus. "Uh-huh, les lames n émoussées n'ont pas besoin de recharger. Essayez de ne pas sortir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. J'ai des affaires à régler ce soir, j'aurais besoin de toi." Kalvin a hurlé dans l'affirmation. "Oui, je serai à la maison avant l'heure du lit." Jacob s'est moqué. "Bien, soyez en sécurité. Je t'aime." Il a dit, regardant son téléphone de façon nonchalante, arrosant le dernier liquide à l'intérieur de sa tasse. Kalvin s'est dégonflé. "Toi aussi." Correspondant au sarcasme de son ami. Maintenant, il a dû sortir et braver le friche post-apocalyptique qui était à quatre heures Larissa, probablement rempli de pillards bénéficiant de leur nouvelle «liberté» gagnée des caméras de sécurité.
Brenin | NAME(S): | Kalvin Mahnsson​ | NICKNAME(S): | Kal Dude McMan​ | ALIAS(ES): | Brenin | D.O.B.: | 07/07/93 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Absolutely.​ | SEXUALITY: | Bi-Sexual | APPEARANCE: | I ain't a grunge, pimp or gangster. Got Style, grace and courage, his jaw's strong enough to cut through diamonds. Standing at 5'10, weighing 156 lbs. His build is athletic, he's handsome and his entire being beams out the bad boy attitude he conveys. His hair is meticulously styled - in such a way that it looks like he just got out of bed. The majority of Kal's morning routine is making himself look like he don't give a shit, and he tries very hard. Ripped jeans, washed out T-Shirts and a leather jacket with stitches in it and several tears. He wears a watch with leather straps on his lest wrist as well as a couple of rings on both of his fingers. A motorcycle is never far away from the young man. ​ | ABILITIES | Am I the best? I gotta put it bluntly. Yes. Reactive Vector Manipulation: Physics, you have heard of that, right? Laws of nature, gravity, heat, etc. We've all been taught how they are supposed to work all through our lives, science has tried to explain why whatever goes up must come back down and with what force. Well, to Kalvin they're not laws. They're suggestions more like it. His body generates superhuman amounts of adrenaline that shoots into his veins whenever he is in danger. This allows him to control the vectors of atoms. This means performing a wide variety of feats impossible or even inconceivable to regular humans, things such as dodging sub-sonic bullets, surviving a 25 meter fall without breaking a bone or 'double' jumping. If you would ask Kalvin how to explain his powers, he'd tell you he's the real life counter part to Jason Statham and Vin Diesel - except he's better looking. | WEAKNESSES | If there are limits, I haven't found them yet. Fatigue, Injury And Pride: While he can Matrix dodge a hail of bullets coming his way, it doesn't mean he's always able to. Like regular shots of adrenaline they have a blow back, and for Kalvin that blowback is enormous, after a night of using his powers he's sore in places he didn't even know he could be sore in. His powers are bound to concentration and as such outside distractions can lead to him getting hurt, or worse. As such, high amounts of pain - such as getting shot puts him at a serious disadvantage. His emotions also get in the way. | SKILLS | I got what it takes. Precision Driving; Notably on Motorcycles, sports bikes, to be precise. He can also wheel most cars, but he enjoys four wheels a lot less than two. Street Smarts; He practically breathes Larissa, he knows ever street and every corner of the city. Kal is also one of those people who seems to always "Know a guy." Acrobatic: By no means a gymnast, he's quite agile and nimble, able to easily scale brick walls and jump between rooftops. | BACKSTORY: | If it ain't broken - break it. Kalvin's mother, Tess Mahnsson was a young woman, a rising star - the next icon in glamour. Her life was going all the place she had ever wanted it to, till she met a man. A man who swept her off her feet, who made her believe in love, the kind of love that was in the movies. They lived together for four months, she discovered she was pregnant and the morning after she had told her lover - he was gone. She got depressed, and her entire career had been sidetracked during the half year she had spent with the father of her unborn child. She left the world as a model behind and started waiting tables at the local bar - she was young and pretty and as such earned quite a lot of tips, enough to live happily. At least until the end of her pregnancy, complications arose and her hospital stay lasted several weeks, to cover the bills for her and her newborn son, she had to spend all of her savings. She raised Kalvin alone, she worked hard, harder than anyone else in her community to keep food on the table, some days she couldn't even do that. Yet, she never complained, not once did she complain about going hungry, the blood sugar falls she had because of not eating or sleeping properly. Everyday she'd come home after 11 hours of work - pay the babysitter and play with little Kalvin. She would read to him every night, about heroes. About the heroes of fairy tales, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins. Yet, Kalvin's favorite story was that of the local fairy tale. That of the Mavericks. Tessa had lived in Larissa during their time of greatness, their time had just ended when Kalvin was born and they had vanished just a year prior to his birth. She had seen them in all of their glory. They were truly, the greatest heroes ever. Over the years, Tessa would struggle to support herself and Kalvin, and when Kalvin was two, she started dating a man, ten years older than herself. His name was Arthur - like the king in the fairy tales - she would tell him whenever she would talk to Kalvin about him. She kept reading him stories about the great heroes, that people are good and heroes are needed to inspire people to be their best. That the Mavericks made all of Larissa a better place. That Heroes can save the world all over again. She and Arthur got married when Kalvin was four - Tessa didn't love the man, her heart only loved one man, after all these years. Soon, Arthur caught on that Tessa didn't love him, and he turned out to not be a hero after all, quite the opposite. He turned abusive, verbally abusing Tessa and Kal, soon physically hurting Tessa when she protected Kal from his step father. The boy hated living in Arthurs house, and he asked his mom about his real dad ever so often, and everytime - especially after Arthur had beaten her she would kiss her son's head and smile. Tell him his father was a hero, just like the ones he read about. When he was little, it used to make him happy. But as the years passed and he got older, and his mother faded more and more, the abuse she took slowly breaking her down. The more resentful he became of his so called hero of a father. If he was truly a hero, wouldn't he come and save them from the monster Arthur was? Wouldn't he come riding in on a stallion clad in shining armor and slay the beast that tormented them? That hurt the woman he was supposed to love? Isn't protecting the ones you love what makes a hero? Kalvin decided to be his own hero. One night, Tessa and Arthur was arguing - Arthur had been cheating on her. He hit her, and Kalvin rushed downstairs into the kitchen, yelling at him to stop, hitting his step father with his tine hands. Arthur turned and for the first time he struck the boy, backhanded him into the fridge, splitting his left cheek and giving him a bad cut in the back of his head. Tessa rushed to protect the boy, and while his concussion made him fade in and out of consciousness, he saw how Arthur beat Tessa senseless. Breaking her jaw, arm and four of her ribs. That was the night he stopped believing in heroes. Once he got into his teenage years, Kalvin had gotten accustomed to life at home, and to keep out of the way of the Wrath of his step-father, he kept out of the way, he didn't talk much during dinner, he acted like a good son whenever eyes were upon him - for if he caused trouble, Arthur assured him that he'd hurt him. For a time, Kalvin did good, he had good enough grades, he studied hard and he tried his best to connect with his peers in school. Once he started high school things changed. He soon realized that something was broken inside of him. That he wasn't like everyone else, that in a way, he couldn't connect with most other students. From where he stood, looking in, they didn't have any problems. Some of them had parents who were gonna get divorced, maybe they were bullied or didn't make the sports team they wanted to get into. But to him, none of them had it as bad as he did. He was living under the thumb of a man who everyone thought was a good man, he lived a lie where everyone thought their family was happy, and whenever he tried to reach out for help, either for himself or for his mother, nobody listened. Because nobody cared. One day, Kalvin had enough of lying, of sitting there at dinners with Arthur's friends. Of attending Barbecues where Arthur presented them as "His little family" when truly, they were more like slaves. That's when Kalvin met Jacob Jordan, a kid as old as Kalvin. J.J was smart, really smart, he was a top grade student whom had never seen a party in his life, at the New Alexandria High School naught but a handful had ever heard the name "Jacob Jordan" Where as Kalvin was a decently popular kid, only because he was good looking and wasn't afraid of breaking store windows to steal booze. Kalvin and Jacob met during class, Jacob bumped into Kalvin on a particularly bad day, after Arthur had given him a beating before school, Jacob's elbow pushing against Kalvin's bruised ribs, forcing the teen to grunt in pain, as if Jacob had hit him. A misunderstanding spun out of control, and that's how the two ended up rolling around on the hall floor tugging at each other's collars, fists in each others faces. Spending the afternoon in the principles office and the next three weeks in detention, the two became close friends, partly because Jacob lived on his own and he let Kalvin crash there instead of going home. Jacob's parents were in jail for holding up a liqour store, they were heroine junkies, had been sent to jail last year, following the young Jordan turning 17, too old to be put under foster care and shown that he could take care of himself, Jacob was recognized as an adult that same year. The two became thick as thieves and Jacob would soon let Kal in on his secret - he was a criminal. Not the rough kind, just the very profitable kind. He had started out selling weed, but soon took to building and importing guns, a trade that was blossoming in Lilith. Kalvin would do a few runs for Jacob once in a while, sell a few ounces of weed, sell a couple of butterflies, that sort of thing. Since graduating High School, Kalvin starting taking acting classes dreams of using his pretty face to make money he did a few ads, amongst those was an ad for Shaving Cream that was on the TV for a couple of months in 2014. Kalvin crashes on Jacob's couch "Till he gets back onto his feet" - for the past four years, when he isn't sleeping in the bed of some woman who's skirt he chased the night before. He enjoys riding his motorcycle and drinking cheap beer at divebars, always looking for trouble. Weather it's pissing off two thugs or it's making out with a cute red head. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die. Kalvin is by definition an adrenaline junkie, always looking for the next thrill, the next high. The next adventure. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Tessa Mahnsson: Mother - Loving, self-sacrificing, wonderful mother. Arthur Mahnsson: Step-Father; Piece of shit. Jacob Jordan; Best Friend, small time arms dealer, helps Kal get in and out of trouble. | REFERENCE POST(S): | | NOTES: |
Milles Bergeron Quartier de l'Olympe Une nuit après l'explosion Leçon 3 (et finale) de l'Essentials d'être un Héros sur la montée :--et c'est un de trop de jeunes Vigi--votre identité secrète vient en premier* à tout prix. Tout* est dit avec l'addendum que vous avez suivi les deux premières règles. Si vous l'avez fait, vous ne devriez pas vous trouver dans une situation trop périlleuse pour renverser cette règle. A moins que tu n'aies eu la chance de Cassandra, le sens de l'Œdipe et la stupidité de ces antagonistes dans la maison seule, alors tu devrais aller bien. J'espère. C'est à peu près ça, et avec cette pensée d'atterrissage, les yeux de Miles Bergerons s'ouvrent dans une panique rapide. Les spectateurs étaient toujours en route, il n'avait pas été dehors longtemps. Il ne pouvait pas reprendre son souffle et le court et agonisant escarpins l'a amené à croire qu'une certaine guérison passé juste le temps et le repos du lit était nécessaire. Il a commencé à penser avant que son attention ne soit prise en charge par une pensée plus pressante. Monsieur le Président. Ozukai! Miles a lutté pour l'homme, il avait besoin de s'assurer que le vieil homme était toujours avec lui. Ou bien ses jours comme un héros pourraient être changés au début d'un meurtrier à la place. Le destin était avec lui alors que l'homme gémissait et commençait à remuer. Ozukai a atteint Miles et Miles gelé. C'est là qu'il a commencé à crier pour l'appréhension de Miles. Merci... tu avais raison, il a réussi à dire et Miles a souri, à côté de lui. C'était juste une nuit nuageuse que tu traversais, lui a dit Miles. Il a oublié sa situation un moment, se sentant vraiment avoir fait une différence. Maintenant vas-y. Allez avant qu'ils n'arrivent... - M. Ozukai s'est débrouillé avant de partir. Sa main a faiblement poussé contre Miles avant qu'il ne boite et il a succombé à l'inconscience. Miles a repris une montée de chaleur aqueuse derrière ses yeux et a hurlé, en décollant dans l'allée la plus proche. Il sentait une présence grandir avec lui alors qu'il s'enfuyait, sa peur s'élevant. C'était Fitz, ou ce que Fitz pouvait manifester de lui-même, inquiet pour Miles. L'énergie a aidé Miles, lui permettant de bouger avec le moindre peu plus de facilité tandis qu'une lueur faible l'encastrait. C'était tout ce que le jeune héros pouvait gérer. L'obscurité de l'allée l'a avalé et il ignorait où il allait vraiment. Il a juste dû s'éloigner de la scène. Pour ne pas attirer l'attention, Miles, il s'est châtié, errant plus loin dans le district de l'Olympe. Il devait rentrer chez lui, mais il devait se reposer. Il n'avait aucun moyen d'utiliser Fitz pour rentrer chez lui dans cet état. Il s'approcha d'une partie du district plus éclairée, les yeux tendus par le changement soudain. Miles a trébuché gentiment dans la nouvelle partie du district de l'Olympe. Au moins, M. Ozukai était en sécurité, et c'était un score pour lui, non?
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
Evelyn PrinceMichaels Street, Lower East Side Le jour de l'explosion... A cette heure de la journée, la rue Michaels était l'une des plus fréquentées des ERP de Larissa. Avec le soleil haut dans le ciel, les ouvriers en général du centre nucléaire voisin affluaient dans leurs conduits pour gaspiller leur heure de déjeuner; étant à peine dix minutes à pied de l'établissement, et se vantant d'une modeste offre de délices et de joints de nourriture, Michaels Street était vraiment l'endroit idéal pour les hommes et les femmes pour sortir du bureau et prendre une bouchée à manger. C'était aussi l'endroit idéal pour les voleurs. Avec les vagues rythmiques de la circulation piétonne sur un programme presque immaculé tout au long de la semaine, il est devenu assez facile pour les escrocs de se cibler à des moments opportuns. Evelyn Prince était un tel escroc qui avait profité de la situation. Elle errait le long de la bande occupée, les yeux liés dans le tissu pendant qu'elle trébuchait autour d'un handicap feignant. Alors que la plupart considéraient sa vue complètement redondante, la jeune femme pouvait réellement voir son environnement avec encore plus de portée qu'ils pouvaient imaginer, et elle utilisait cette « compétence spécialisée » de sa part pour peser la cible la plus vulnérable. Ce n'était pas quelque chose dont elle était particulièrement fière, mais elle n'était pas vraiment criblée de culpabilité non plus. Au fil des ans, elle s'était habituée à emprunter à des étrangers. Elle a trouvé un réconfort pour sa conscience en sachant qu'elle n'était pas motivée par la cupidité, comme tant de criminels dans la ville. Evelyn faisait juste ce qu'elle avait à faire pour s'en sortir. Elle s'enferme rapidement à un homme plutôt musclé, son large dos étirant sa salopette grise et la bourde claire d'un portefeuille appuyant contre l'intérieur de sa poche serrée des cuisses. Il a été confronté loin d'elle, au milieu de dire une anecdote particulièrement asinine à son posse ; qui, bien sûr, a trouvé ce conte sans goût complètement hilarant. Toute la meute riait et braillait comme des culs. Il était parfait. Sans perdre de temps, elle s'est jetée directement sur lui et s'est jetée sur le béton. Le groupe riait plus fort, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tourne la tête et feigne la cécité avec la performance primée aux Oscars qu'elle avait presque parfaite. L'amusement s'est arrêté, des excuses à moitié cul ont été prononcées, et l'homme qu'elle avait heurté a essayé d'aider Evelyn à ses pieds. Elle s'est servie de sa poche comme d'un support pour se relever, et une fois qu'elle les avait assurés qu'elle allait bien, elle s'est tapé dans la rue, arrondissant le coin et disparaissant dans la foule... avec son gros portefeuille cousu sous son bras. Elle n'était ni fière ni honteuse, au lieu de tourner ses pensées vers l'endroit où elle allait manger cet après-midi. En direction d'une barre de sandwichs, elle se dirigea vers le comptoir et commença à fouiller le portefeuille en attendant qu'un serveur assiste à sa commande. Il y avait un peu d'argent, qu'elle a empoché; elle payait toujours sans contact jusqu'à ce que les cartes soient verrouillées, en tirant le meilleur parti de chaque vol. Elle a sorti un morceau de plastique, et a découvert que ce n'était pas une carte de débit du tout. C'était sa carte d'emploi, portant le logo Michaels et une image peu flatteuse de l'homme qu'elle venait de voler. Alors qu'elle lisait les mots 'Michaels Nuclear Power Plant', une sensation familière s'est effondrée. Un sentiment vertigineux, qui lui a fait sentir à la fois dormant et alerte; hyper-sens et hyper-aware de tout et rien. Sa tête se sentait déconnectée de son corps. Une jeune femme est arrivée au bar. "Bienvenue chez Rizzo, madame, qu'est-ce que je peux vous apporter?" Mais c'était trop tard. Evelyn savait que la résistance était futile; elle avait essayé d'innombrables fois de secouer cette sensation initiale et d'arrêter la force qui l'a prise sur ses traces. Mais ce n'était d'aucune utilité, et assez tôt le monde autour d'elle a commencé à s'estomper à rien. La noirceur. Siren pleurniche. Ça continue à gémir. Loud. Longue. Danger. Une lumière rouge devient visible. C'est clignotant. Des pulsations. Avertissement. Le sol tremble. C'est du shuddering. Grognement. Le grondement de la terre fusionne en coupe. Dégustation. Hélicoptère volant au-dessus bas, silhouette contre le rouge infernal. Sens le vent sur mon visage. Je suis là. Je regarde, mais je ne regarde pas. La figure tombe de l'hélico. Frappe la passerelle en métal. Loud clang résonne dans ma tête. Mais est rapidement absorbé par le chaos. L'homme disparaît dans le bâtiment. Le faisceau rouge oscille comme un phare. Rythme. Je tourne. Tourne-toi. Chaque rotation passe le long de la brique. Illumine brièvement un panneau qui se glisse le long du lettrage : MICHAELS POUVOIR NUCLÉAIRE PLANTE. MICHAELS POUVOIR NUCLÉAIRE PLANTE. MICHAELS POUVOIR NUCLÉAIRE PLANTE. Chaque fois que les mots sont allumés en rouge pendant une seconde. Puis retournez dans la noirceur. Puis revenez en rouge. Puis retournez dans la noirceur. Puis revenez en rouge. Chaque fois semble de plus en plus important. Plus significatif. MICHAELS POUVOIR NUCLÉAIRE PLANTE. MICHAELS POWERPLANT NUCLÉAIRE. MICHAELS POWERPLANT NUCLÉAIRE. Énorme secousse. Comme un tremblement de terre. Puis une vague de chaleur. Brûlure de lumière. Brûlure de flamme. Une vague d'acidité qui vient sur moi. Me laver. Je me dissolve. Dans le néant. Les secousses s'arrêtent. La lumière s'estompe. Plus rien. La noirceur. Et puis, de la noirceur, sortit le visage d'une jeune femme concernée, regardant directement où seraient les yeux d'Evelyn, s'ils n'étaient pas liés en tissu rouge. "Madame? Est-ce que ça va?" Elle a demandé, regardant Eve comme si elle n'était qu'une autre folle vagabonde des rues. Son ton était chargé de fausse préoccupation; cette supériorité énervante que le sain d'esprit tient si souvent sur les vulnérables. "Madame?" La carte d'identité en plastique a glissé des doigts d'Evelyn, en cliquant sur le sol carrelé. Le porte-monnaie s'ensuivit bientôt, tandis qu'Evelyn tournait son épaule pour regarder par la grande vitrine. La silhouette de base de la centrale se profilait sans prétention sur les arbres, des nuages blancs paisibles dérivant de ses différentes tours. "Oh, merde," Eve s'est évanouie, alors que la gravité de la situation commençait à s'installer. "Oh merde, merde. Merde." "Madame, je vais devoir vous demander de partir." J'ai harcelé le serveur, dans son ridicule uniforme jaune. Evelyn l'obligea, ne s'arrêtant qu'un instant pour envisager d'avertir la jeune fille de ce qui devait arriver. Evelyn comprenait plus que quiconque que l'avenir était en pierre, mais la connaissance de ce qui devait arriver lui permettait au moins le privilège de pouvoir faire respecter un petit karma là où elle se sentait nécessaire. Et donc elle a laissé le déli ne pas dire un mot. Mieux vaut ne pas causer d'ennuis, a-t-elle raisonné. Evelyn avait l'intention de s'éloigner le plus possible de Larissa, et elle n'avait pas besoin d'une panique aveugle qui l'empêchait de s'échapper de la catastrophe nucléaire imminente. Mais d'abord, elle a dû prendre quelques choses de chez elle. ***112 Chemin de Belgrade, côté inférieur est La nuit de l'explosion... La maison d'Evelyn avait été un vieux squat délabré, qui n'avait pas encore été sauvé par le projet de rénovation de Michaels en raison de son siège à la périphérie même de la ville. Il lui avait fallu près d'une heure pour se rendre sur le site désolé, et plusieurs autres pour bien planifier ses prochaines étapes; maintenant, le soleil commençait à se coucher, et Evelyn était prudente que la tombée de la nuit n'était qu'à quelques tours de l'horloge. Après ça, le destin était hors de ses mains... elle a dû agir vite. Elle s'était déjà arrangée pour un Uber qui l'emmènerait à l'aéroport, où elle se partagerait à contrecœur avec les fonds qu'elle avait retenus dans l'ancien bâtiment et se dirigerait vers l'Europe. Son plan initial avait été de passer par l'eau à New Alexandrie, mais le côté logique d'elle savait que ce n'était pas le moment de prendre des risques. Elle avait lu la ruine provoquée par des catastrophes nucléaires historiques, et alors qu'elle ne savait pas à quel point l'explosion de Michaels serait dévastatrice... elle ne voulait pas prendre de risque. Le bip d'une corne l'a alertée de l'arrivée du taxi, et Evelyn a déplacé son regard vers un vieux bureau en bois, sur lequel un médaillon d'or s'étendait délicatement. Cela avait été, bien sûr, à la fois la raison pour laquelle elle avait appelé à la maison et la raison pour laquelle elle hésitait à partir. Donnée par sa mère le jour de son adoption, c'est sa possession la plus précieuse qu'elle ait réussi à se cacher des yeux avides de Del pendant une décennie; son seul souvenir physique de son bref temps d'amour. Un trésor qui était trop précieux pour marcher dans les rues, et beaucoup trop précieux pour quitter le pays sans. Mais cela lui rappelait aussi ce qu'elle laissait derrière elle : il allait être encore plus difficile de retrouver sa mère de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. Et quand elle est revenue, combien de Larissa resterait-elle encore? Sa mère survivrait-elle à l'explosion? Alors que l'impatient chauffeur Uber s'envolait une fois de plus, Eve arrachait le médaillon du bureau et le fixait autour de son cou mince, se forçant à trouver du réconfort dans le fait que sa mère aurait pu quitter la ville depuis longtemps. Beaucoup de choses peuvent changer en dix ans... et donc elle est partie à la voiture. Un homme blanc souriant et chubby l'a saluée quand elle est entrée sur le siège passager. "Hé, chérie. L'aéroport, c'est ça? Evelyn a hurlé, ne regardant pas dans sa direction. "Oui, s'il vous plaît. Aussi vite que possible." Il s'est étourdi, regardant la fille de haut en bas avant de faire signe d'appréciation. "Très bien, princesse. Mettons ce spectacle sur la route." il a dit, en commençant le moteur en regardant de nouveau ses yeux bandés. "Ne t'inquiète pas pour moi, bébé. J'ai les yeux sur la route pour nous deux." il s'arrêta un moment, tandis que la voiture s'éloignait et que les roues commençaient à rouler. "Et je sais exactement où nous allons." **** Eve était dans la voiture depuis environ vingt-cinq minutes avant qu'elle ne se rende compte que quelque chose n'allait pas. "Tu es sûr qu'on va dans le bon sens?" Elle a demandé, faisant peu d'efforts pour paraître sans présomptueux. "Nous devrions être là maintenant. J'ai un avion à prendre." L'homme a tout simplement souri, tirant dans une ruelle et éteignant les phares. "Oh, poupée, tu peux regarder ça?" a-t-il demandé, astucieux dans son hypothèse que son passager était aveugle. "Nous sommes là!" Ève n'avait même pas une seconde à réagir avant que l'homme ne soit sur elle, se dirigeant comme une panthère vicieuse alors qu'il sautait sur le siège passager et commençait à l'étouffer avec sa forme. Evelyn a crié en état de choc, mais bientôt elle a tourné son attention à la lutte contre l'homme. Elle vivait avec Del depuis dix ans, et dans la rue depuis. Ce n'était pas sa première fois dans ce scénario, mais il faisait sombre maintenant et franchement elle n'avait ni le temps ni l'envie de s'asseoir et de le prendre. Elle n'était pas fascinée alors qu'elle entendait le son familier d'une mouche qui n'était pas essuyée, au lieu de s'immiscer dans la porte de la voiture pour tout ce qu'elle pouvait utiliser comme arme. Elle a trouvé une boîte d'antigel; inattendue, compte tenu du climat chaud de l'été prochain, mais elle a été appréciée néanmoins. Elle l'a frappé sur la tête plusieurs fois, assez pour qu'il se retire momentanément; à ce moment-là, elle a pulvérisé la substance dans son visage, sautant hors de la voiture comme il a vomi dans la douleur. Elle sprinta et descendit la ruelle. Evelyn était furieuse de la façon dont son plan avait été saboté par quelques larmes, mais il y avait encore une chance de s'échapper avant l'explosion. Elle a dû faire un tour, trouver une autre voiture... Les lumières blanches l'ont aveuglée alors qu'elle sortait sur la route principale. Le klaxon saillant d'une corne sonnait. Le bruit inébranlable des freins serrant contre le caoutchouc serrait toute la nuit. Le poids d'un véhicule en mouvement est entré en collision avec son corps. Il y a eu un moment de choc alors que le monde semblait s'éloigner d'elle ; puis son crâne a frappé le tarmac. Tout est devenu sombre.
I just got back from a 10 hour shift, and I now have access to their hotspots. Which is such a cool experience, because using them is honestly like travelling back to the Stone Age. It's the best history lesson I ever had. So immersive. Post coming before Friday~ XoXo
Milles Bergeron Quartier de l'Olympe Une nuit après l'explosion Ce fut en partie un miracle et une chance stupide que Miles Bergeron trébucha à sa porte d'appartement. Le couloir, heureusement vide, il s'est laissé respirer, quoique douloureusement, tout en trouvant ses clés. Est-ce que ce masque était censé nuire à sa vision? Ou c'était des larmes? Miles s'est ébranlé la tête, lui a arraché le masque du visage et a piqué furieusement dans son sac. Quand il l'a rangé, il a consacré au moins une poche à son portefeuille, ses clés et son téléphone. Tout le reste devrait mal tourner. Le sceau d'urgence qu'il avait placé sur son corps, engourdissant sa douleur, s'estompait. Le phoque était vieux, une partie d'une cachette de sa grand-mère Civil War jours d'infirmière médicale. C'est probablement la magie qui s'est échappée après ces nombreuses années. Mais bon sang, c'était le mieux qu'il pouvait obtenir actuellement. Pourquoi y a-t-il autant de poches sur ce sac à dos Swiss Gear? Enfin! Cliquez. Miles a perdu la face, son sac s'est posé sur le sol alors que la porte s'est déverrouillée et que les secondes ont traîné au fur et à mesure qu'elle commençait à s'ouvrir. Sa mère se tenait devant lui, un mélange stoïque d'inquiétude agonisée, de soulagement et de rage biblique sur son visage. Si vous me tuez maintenant, j'accepterai de m'extorquer un devoir pour toute l'éternité. Il risquait d'avaler la salive anxieux qui s'était accumulée dans sa bouche. Un signe de faiblesse, et il était perdu à cause de cela. "Quoi. " Sa mère a déclaré. Ce n'était pas vraiment une question. Une question impliquait que le destinataire avait la possibilité de ne pas répondre. Ce n'était pas le cas en présence de Claire Bergeron, ses bras pliés. Elle s'est légèrement reposée sur une hanche. Toujours dans ses gommages, elle n'a donné aucune des câlins chauds comme l'impliquent les hippopotames colorés du nuage. Il a essayé lamentablement. Allez-y, elle l'a défié. Reposez-vous ensemble. Je ne suis allé que sur le toit de la tour d'édition de Rivington et... son corps l'a coupé cette fois, en voyant se révolter à l'histoire qu'il a essayé de tisser. La douleur s'est évanouie sur son côté, le sceau s'est usé officiellement et il a commencé à s'en aller. Un grogneur a fini le reste de ses paroles alors qu'il tomba à ses côtés. La rage maternelle de sa mère a été dépassée par le besoin puissant de protéger ses jeunes. Elle l'a attrapé, mais son yelp lui a crié à l'oreille. C'était douloureux d'une manière qu'il ne s'attendait pas. Elle l'a rapproché et l'a bercé un instant. "Miles!" Sa voix était sévère, mais remplie d'inquiétude. Elle vérifiait s'il était conscient, et le pressait pour une réponse pendant qu'elle le transportait dans la maison. Bien qu'à peine plus grande dans le cadre que lui, elle était faussement forte. Qu'est-ce que tu as fait? Il a essayé de répondre, mais tout l'a frappé tout de suite. La fatigue, la douleur, le soulagement et la peur - à quel point était-il vraiment arrivé à mourir!? Tout s'est précipité Miles à la fois, apportant du velours noir d'inconscient dans son remorquage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quand il a ouvert les yeux, il a pu dire qu'il faisait encore nuit. Il était dans son lit maintenant, et a senti ses vêtements Hero disparu. Un début de se lever lui a rappelé son côté et il a paniqué... jusqu'à ce qu'il se rende compte qu'il n'était plus là. "Oh, n'agissez pas surpris," une voix dit à côté de lui, "vous saviez que je le ferais." Sa mère est venue dans sa chambre, un verre d'eau à la main. J'ai scanné et trouvé une côte fissurée. Une côte cassée! Miles, à quoi tu pensais? Miles s'est déplacé incomfortablement, cette douleur bizarre d'avant--quand il l'avait entendue yelp--il a encore chié sur lui. J'ai... J'ai... J'ai besoin d'aide. Sans parler de la tension générale sur votre corps.Elle lui a remis l'eau avant de se tourner vers sa fenêtre de chambre. Je sais que j'ai élevé ton cul noir pour mieux agir que ça. D'avoir plus de sens que ça. Nous avons eu cette conversation, Miles. Il regarda la feuille sur laquelle il s'était reposé, un sceau d'inscription familier qui y était tissé. Sa mère est à portée de main. Oui, vous êtes tous guéris, bien que j'ai discuté de garder en ordre. Tu n'as pas idée à quel point c'était stupide de ta part, n'est-ce pas? Sa mère avait toujours peur. Cette douleur a frappé Miles, mais il a toujours objecté que je n'étais pas stupide! Comment l'appelleriez-vous, Miles Alexander?La panique dans sa voix a été complètement soufflée maintenant. J'ai sauvé la vie d'un homme ce soir, maman. Je l'ai fait, lui a dit Miles, souriant malgré le moment. Vous le faites tout le temps. La figure de sa mère adoucit, et ses paroles ne tenaient aucune colère quand elle parlait à nouveau. "Hun, tu le sais ce n'est pas la même chose..." Oui, je sais, maman. C'est juste... C'est Miles qui a eu du mal à trouver ses mots. C'est comme ça que vous aidez le monde et sauvez les gens. Et j'ai juste l'impression que... c'est ce que je peux faire, du moins pour l'instant. J'étais malade d'inquiétude, Miles, chuchotait-elle. Vous ne pouvez pas continuer à me faire ça. Il le savait, et il s'est senti terrible pour la faire s'inquiéter. Mais qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait faire d'autre? La vie d'un héros sur la montée n'est jamais simple.
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
ANDREW Le son de LARISSA Mai 2016 - Trois jours après l'explosion Bonjour à l'étage... Tu as besoin d'un aspirateur... En gémissant, Andrew s'est poussé hors du sol, il avait trouvé beaucoup trop près quand il a ouvert les yeux. Il n'est pas allé loin. Il s'est surtout transformé en un rouleau exagéré. Et puis, j'imagine que, il fixait le plafond. Pas beaucoup d'amélioration, bien qu'au moins il était plus loin. Qu'est-ce qu'il avait fait? Un visage souriant est alors apparu, flottant si haut au-dessus de lui, et tenant une boîte de céréales. En regardant son amie prosternée, Janelle lève les sourcils et déplace son pied à proximité. Il a entendu des clinking. Ce n'était probablement pas bon. Tu manges le petit-déjeuner là-bas aujourd'hui? Tu sais que les bols fonctionnent mieux quand ils ne sont pas en morceaux, pas vrai? Que s'est-il passé? Bonne question. Les deux premiers étaient idiots, mais il pouvait dire à Janelle qu'elle essayait de ne pas faire grand chose à cause d'une situation inquiétante. Levant une main pour lui piquer la joue, ce qui lui faisait cruellement mal, il la grimaça et lui tendit la main pour obtenir de l'aide. Merci. Merci. Je ne sais pas. Vous ne dormez pas? Je l'étais. Alors, tu as craqué. Oui. Andrew a gagné. Il n'avait pas voulu la réveiller, mais alors, ce n'était pas comme s'il devait tomber sur le sol non plus. Son sourcil pointu et son faible renflement le rendaient tristement souriant, conscient qu'il aurait pu s'excuser pour quelque chose qu'il ne pouvait pas aider, mais il ne pouvait pas non plus l'aider. "Ah, ah, n'est-ce pas? Non, vous vous asseyez. Vous allez marcher sur quelque chose. Et tu dois mettre de la glace partout où ça fait mal, parce que tu as vraiment touché la table. Ses talents de lécher n'étaient pas excellents, mais il ne pouvait pas argumenter le point quand il a réalisé que la table avait déplacé environ un demi-pied d'où il était censé être. Les points de dérapage l'ont aidé dans son évaluation. Et oui, le clinking qu'il avait entendu était les morceaux cassés du bol qu'il avait laissé tomber. Sa seule consolation était qu'il n'avait pas atterri sur eux. Ils devaient casser quelque chose de toute façon. Déplacement dans la chaise la plus proche sous son schowl, Andrew a penché les coudes sur la table et mis sa tête dans ses mains. Il s'inclina aussitôt dès que la pression s'installa sur sa joue et s'inclina, de sorte qu'il se penchait vers la droite au lieu d'aller droit. Parce que ow. Malheureuse alors, qu'ils n'ont rien eu de plus froid en ce moment. Juste des lunettes de température de la pièce, dont l'une Janelle a mis à côté de lui quand elle est revenue avec une poubelle et une poubelle. Il la regarda pendant un long moment, au-delà de la protestation habituelle en faveur de ramasser les cheelios qui étaient encore sur la table tout en ponçant, avec des degrés divers de douleur qui en résultent, sur sa pommette. Ce serait une belle vue d'ici demain, il était sûr. Il faut absolument une nouvelle batterie. Mon pacemaker est parti et je n'arrête pas d'oublier. J'aurais dû m'asseoir quand j'ai commencé à avoir des vertiges. Elle avait probablement déjà deviné, mais elle méritait de le savoir avec certitude, et de l'entendre admettre qu'il était au courant de la situation et savait qu'il aurait dû prêter plus d'attention aux signes d'avertissement. Bien sûr, l'évanouissement n'est pas toujours venu avec un avertissement, mais quand il y avait un signe, vous ne devriez vraiment pas l'ignorer. Je sais, je sais, c'était juste occupé. Elle n'avait même pas à dire quoi que ce soit, lui a juste donné un coup d'oeil et il se défendait sur l'instinct. Il savait qu'elle avait raison. Il aurait dû prendre rendez-vous dès qu'il s'est rendu compte de ce qui s'était passé. Cela ne faisait que renforcer le point, avec une intention de contusion. Il a reçu le message. J'ai besoin d'appeler du travail. Et je prendrai le bus, ne t'inquiète pas. Je vais me calmer. Mais il a dû travailler. Je ne pouvais pas appeler malade quand le téléphone qu'il avait besoin d'utiliser était un téléphone de travail. Sa cellule était toujours morte, tout comme la sienne. Elle avait été plus préoccupée par son ordinateur portable, et il était juste lent à ces choses. Honnêtement, la pause de constamment la vérifier pour de nouveaux messages bien que sachant qu'il n'y en aurait pas était une sorte de rafraîchissement. Et c'était toujours bon d'avoir une excuse pour ne pas être un problème, même si les médecins étaient payés pour traiter exactement le problème dont il les ennuyait. Ne l'éteignez pas maintenant. Il avait aussi des motivations. Le verre n'était pas un bon paquet de glace de remplacement. Pas du tout. C'est pas vrai.
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
Evelyn PrinceNew Hampshire General Hospital, Somerset Le lendemain de l'explosion... comment va-t-elle? a demandé à un homme plus âgé en manteau blanc. Il regardait sur l'épaule d'une jeune infirmière, qui semblait étudier la patiente à tête rouge qui se trouvait devant elle, gribouilleant le jargon sur son presse-papiers. Evelyn Prince pouvait voir chaque mot brouillé dans son esprit, magnifié d'une extrême telle qu'elle pouvait inspecter chaque déviation obstinée dans l'écriture de la femme pressée. Elle entendait chaque mot qui était dit, fort et clair, comme ils rebondissaient et réverbèrent autour de chaque coin et de la ruse de son crâne douloureux. Et pourtant, comme elle était hyper consciente de la situation dans laquelle elle s'était retrouvée, Evelyn Prince ne pouvait pas bouger un muscle. À un moment de la nuit, son esprit s'était réveillé. Elle entendait l'explosion mammouth du Lower East Side voisin; elle avait ressenti le tremblement de terre pendant que le choc grondait à travers la ville. Elle avait vu les lumières s'éteindre et le bip constant, le bourdonnement et les machines s'estompaient, puis a vu les troupeaux de médecins et d'infirmières verser dans le service pour s'assurer que tout le monde allait bien. Evelyn voulait leur dire qu'elle allait bien, qu'ils devaient la laisser partir. Et pourtant, ses lèvres ne bougeaient pas d'un pouce. Evelyn s'était donc posée ici, en réfléchissant à ce qui s'était passé. Il semble que l'explosion n'ait pas été si grave... à part l'extinction du pouvoir, personne dans son voisinage immédiat ne semblait être blessé. Peut-être qu'elle avait réagi de façon exagérée... et regarde où elle l'avait eue. Je suis sorti froid sur un lit d'hôpital. « C'est difficile à dire », a dit l'infirmière, qui a regardé l'équipement mort destiné à surveiller les signes vitaux d'Evelyn. "Elle semble relativement indemne. Elle respire encore. Ses scans ont montré de graves anomalies; son cerveau semble beaucoup plus actif que ce qui est typique même chez les personnes complètement conscientes. Mais jusqu'à ce qu'on récupère le courant, on ne peut pas faire d'autres tests." Le docteur a hurlé, et a quitté la pièce. La salle semblait en grande partie silencieuse maintenant, à l'exception des griffonnements de la plume de l'infirmière avant qu'elle ne se retourne elle aussi. Evelyn avait besoin de faire quelque chose - n'importe quoi - pour attirer son attention; de vouloir que l'infirmière remarque qu'elle était là, qu'elle avait besoin d'aide pour se réveiller. Un coup de feu, un choc... N'importe quoi. Il y avait un moment de peur qui a lavé dans le corps d'Eve alors qu'elle considérait le fait que, si elle ne pouvait pas se faire connaître, elle ne se réveillerait jamais. La douleur qui avait constamment poignardé le cerveau d'Eve - elle a présumé de l'incident - augmentait de plus en plus au fur et à mesure que son stress montait dans le ciel. Sa tête se sentait comme un pot d'eau bouillante sur le point de déborder, quand soudain... Mouvement. Rapide et inattendu, il a fallu une seconde à Eve pour se rendre compte que tout son lit roulait sur ses roues avec une vitesse considérable, blessant vers l'infirmière. Avec son dos tourné, et Eve incapable de l'avertir, l'inévitable s'est produite: la collision a envoyé l'infirmière tomber sur le sol poli alors qu'elle criait de surprise. Deux jeunes médecins se précipitèrent à son secours et contribuèrent à ébranler la femme à ses pieds, en regardant le corps presque sans vie d'Ève avec un œil accusatoire rempli d'horreur. "Ça va?" l'un des hommes a demandé, son bras autour de son épaule. "Que s'est-il passé?" L'infirmière ne pouvait pas lui enlever les yeux d'Evelyn. C'était comme si quelque chose bougeait derrière ces couvercles fermés; comme si le corps était possédé par une force moins-que-innocente. Elle avait entendu les histoires de l'hôpital hanté mais... non, elle ne se laissait pas tomber pour une telle folie. Après un moment d'hésitation, l'infirmière lui a finalement arraché les yeux. -- Oui, dit-elle. "Oui. Je vais bien." sa voix trembla de peur. "Quelque chose doit avoir... Il est tombé en liberté, dans l'explosion de la nuit dernière. S'il vous plaît, remettez tout en ordre. J'ai des affaires à régler." Et avec ça, l'infirmière est sortie de la pièce. Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?Ève se demanda alors qu'elle était revenue contre le mur, les roues sur son lit enfermées en place comme elles l'avaient été auparavant. Les médecins se sont lissés sur ses draps et ont veillé à ce que tout soit comme il fallait, avant que les plus jeunes des deux se dirigent vers une salle séparée. L'homme restant s'est bagarré, regardant la caméra de sécurité et souriant. Il savait que cette partie du bâtiment n'avait pas de pouvoir. « Guess, c'est juste toi et moi, » a-t-il dit, en retirant les draps qu'il venait de prendre et en laissant son coup de main le long de la cuisse d'Eve. C'est à ce moment qu'Eve a réalisé la façon dont les choses allaient se passer. "Pas encore," se dit-elle, commençant à paniquer. Pas maintenant. Je n'ai pas besoin de ça. Pas aujourd'hui. Son esprit s'enflamma, ses pensées se trébuchant alors que les doigts de l'homme commencèrent à glisser à l'intérieur de sa robe vert pâle. Elle voulait crier. Chaque fibre de son être exigé elle le fait. Elle a dû crier. Et elle l'a fait. Son corps s'est enflammé, son cerveau a inondé de lave pendant que les deux mains s'emparaient du crâne. Alors que sa bouche sèche lâchait un cri crépitant et froid, elle sentit la douleur dans sa tête se libérer; plutôt que de subsider et d'évacuer, il semblait éclater de son corps dans une vague d'énergie invisible. Le médecin a été frappé en vol, en collision avec le mur à l'extrémité opposée de la salle. Des lits se sont renversés et ont renversé leurs patients sur le sol. Des piles de paperasse et de notes volaient dans les airs comme si elles étaient prises par un vent fort. Des verres d'eau se sont tirés sur le docteur, se brisant autour de lui pendant qu'il cramponnait dans le coin. Et puis ça s'est arrêté. Le personnel s'est précipité dans la salle pour inspecter la commotion; l'infirmière d'avant était parmi eux. Ses yeux balayèrent la pièce, prenant les dégâts avant qu'ils atterrissent sur Evelyn, s'assirent debout dans son lit, les yeux grands ouverts. La seconde fois que leurs yeux se rencontrèrent, le pupille et tous ceux qui s'y trouvaient semblaient se fondre, car Ève se présenta avec une vision dans laquelle l'infirmière tombait d'un gratte-ciel dans un mouvement qui ne semblait pas tout à fait accidentel. Elle entendit chaque éclat d'os lorsque la forme tombant en collision avec le béton, sentit l'écarlate mouillé se mettre autour d'elle, avant que le pupille ne revienne dans la vue. "Frappe les portes", a dit l'infirmière. "Personne ne part jusqu'à ce qu'on s'en rende compte." Ses yeux étaient fermés sur Evelyn tout le temps. "Personne ne part."
I just got back from a 10 hour shift, and I now have access to their hotspots. Which is such a cool experience, because using them is honestly like travelling back to the Stone Age. It's the best history lesson I ever had. So immersive. Post coming before Friday~ XoXo
Je crois que tous les héros ont leur nuit". Certains sont glamour, un peu épique. D'autres une petite flamme qui brûle à travers le pinceau sec de santé et de limites. Certains encore un torrent qui lave tout le reste à part pour le désir de justice. La seule chose qui amène ces fils à travers eux est la fortune. Une occasion fortuite où ils sont poussés dans un monde, ou--dans mon cas--faire la décision de sauter, tête en premier, dans cet appel insatiable à protéger et sauver." - Féral. Source : Numéro de la vie de 1993 : « Dans l'ombre de la justice : Vigilantes et Héros » "Tout a commencé quelque part" Il y a un bâtiment non descriptif au milieu de Larissa, avec rien d'incroyable imprégnant de ses murs, aucun événement notable. Juste un bâtiment de 8 étages, prenant un demi-bloc, abandonné pendant une demi-décennie. 30 ans, solidement construit, ce bâtiment n'a pas d'histoire remarquable. C'est le rez-de-chaussée ouvert qui a été soumis à des graffitis légers et à des sans-abri occasionnels, mais c'est tout. De l'autre côté de la rue de ce bâtiment non descriptif se trouve une succursale de Larissa City Bank. Hommage à l'architecture ancienne, la banque est depuis près de 20 ans le deuxième plus grand emplacement de Larissa City Banks, à la fin du siècle dernier, elle a été infâme d'être « possédée » par la mafia locale. Là où la plupart des choses conçues et exploitées par le nouveau riche ont tendance à être gourdes et bruyantes, la Larissa City Bank a mélangé l'ancien avec le nouveau goût. Une touche de flair moderne et d'attention mélangée avec la stoutness classique de l'argent ancien. Les colonnes gothiques et les colonnes blanches en marbre ornent l'avant. Le bâtiment lui-même est une incarnation de la puissance autrefois tenue à Larissa. Sa grandeur lui enlève tout le reste. Telle est la beauté de Larissa. Ce genre de beauté peut avoir tendance à attirer des pensées négatives et des intentions malveillantes. D'innombrables individus ont cédé à cette cupidité et à ce mécontentement, essayant de mettre en scène le braquage après le braquage sur le monument financier. De telle sorte que la société de sécurité et d'assurance "Loren & Salander" ait personnellement veillé à la sécurité d'un tel bâtiment contre presque toutes les attaques, des ennemis qui se cachent dans l'ombre. Mais que faites-vous quand votre ennemi avance vers la porte d'entrée? Quartier de l'Olympus: Larissa City Bank 10 h 49 Allen Ventus sourit, la lueur de ses dents méticuleusement blanchies brille encore dans la nuit fraîchement fixée. Il tenait un étui en plastique vide qu'il laissa tomber rapidement, une démonstration de son succès. « Toutes les boucles d'alimentation ont été réglées », a-t-il annoncé. "La prochaine fois, donnez-moi une tâche sur laquelle je peux me pousser." Ren Garrow joue un sacré huff de reconnaissance alors qu'il marchait vers l'avant, écrasant le petit cas. Travailler avec un partenaire ne lui convenait pas. Et puis en faire un speedster exhib-off? Il s'est demandé s'il aurait une compensation pour avoir tué le partenaire. Mais, il n'aurait pas à s'inquiéter longtemps, le travail était presque fini. Cette pensée sur la répétition l'a aidé à maintenir un esprit de niveau. "Bon, maintenant on attend juste qu'ils entrent. Le client a dit dix minutes, n'est-ce pas? » Ventus s'est tourné et a affronté la Larissa City Bank. "Ouais. Dommage qu'ils ne bougent pas aussi vite que moi." Garrow n'a pas réussi à supprimer une grimace. Ventus était trop jeune, pas seulement dans les années, mais dans l'esprit. Il pensait que c'était un jeu. "Tais-toi et laisse-moi charger", a-t-il ordonné, en éloignant l'enfant de 21 ans de lui. À 26 ans, il sentait qu'il connaissait ce jeu, mais quelque chose ne se sentait pas bien. Ce braquage se sentait... bien trop direct. La paire se tenait au sommet de ce bâtiment non descriptif en face de Larissa City Bank et attendait pendant que le dernier du personnel non sécuritaire quittait le bâtiment. Après cette nuit, ils seraient deux hommes riches. - Kalvin... - C'est quoi, ça? - C'est la dernière fois que tu l'as fait à la fin? Patriotique. J'ai salué ;) - Je crois. - Haha, c'est juste que je suppose? Pas une fille américaine? - Bébé, je suis aussi américaine qu'une mouche chiant dans ta tarte aux pommes :D. Mais oui... prolly bc Je ne pensais pas que u était si bon ;P - Ah, oui! Quoi?C'est quoi, ça? - Ah oui? C'est un défi? - Tu peux t'en occuper? - Je prends ça pour un oui. Que diriez-vous d'un "re-match"? - C'est... - Seulement si on peut monter un cran -...? - Combien de fois as-tu eu une fille comme moi sous les étoiles? ;) - Bébé, je ne crois pas avoir... Qu'est-ce que tu as en tête? - peut-être une nuit sur le toit avec de la bière, du vélo et... d'autres choses? - J'ai toujours été fan de ces... autres choses. - Oh, c'est bien! Rendez-vous à 10 h 30? Je t'envoie l'adresse. - Ça sonne bien, j'espère que c'est prêt. - Je le suis toujours. Ce sera une nuit pour vous de vous souvenir à coup sûr ;P {\pos(192,220)}Et Andy... {\pos(192,220)} * (Tonnes)* Sonneries 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Votre appel a été transmis à un système de messagerie vocale automatique.-- Oui, c'est Andy Williams n'est pas disponible. Au ton, veuillez enregistrer votre message. Lorsque vous avez terminé l'enregistrement, vous pouvez raccrocher ou appuyer sur 1 pour plus d'options... * (Bip)* " Bonjour, ce message est pour Andrew Williams. Salut Andy, c'est Mackenzie Zales du bureau du Dr Maddison. J'espère que tout va bien avec toi, et tu sais qu'on aime te voir à ton meilleur! Nous nous excusons à quel point c'est soudain, mais le Dr Maddison aimerait vous inviter à une ouverture de technologie ce soir - je suis désolé, une ouverture de technologie de pacemaker ce soir. Apparemment, c'est un petit dévoilement et le mot de votre assurance est que--parce qu'il a passé l'essai expérimental, il est couvert par eux! Le Dr Maddison est un ami avec le fer de lance du projet Dr Yokai et a pu être invité. Si vous êtes libre ce soir à 8 h, elle adorerait vous amener avec elle pour que vous puissiez voir la technologie de première main et éventuellement décider d'obtenir sur la liste d'attente. Si quoi que ce soit... ne lui dis pas que j'ai dit ça... c'est de la nourriture et de l'alcool gratuits, de la bonne musique et tu peux probablement marquer un pour y aller!--mais de toute façon... elle espère que tu la rejoindras. Et si vous ne déclinez pas, il y aura une voiture qui vous attendra à 8 h. Elle dit que vous pouvez l'appeler sur son portable pour un contact direct. Amuse-toi bien, Andy!" *(Cliquez sur)* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mme Kasha Davis n'était pas heureuse. Son emploi du temps d'origine avait sa maison il y a au moins une heure à 9 heures, mais bien sûr quand il s'agissait de ces foutus Italiens, il valait mieux juste jeter leurs plans au vent. Elle a serré son sac de bouteilles de vin rouge et soupiré. Il ne pouvait pas être aidé, ils ont fait le meilleur vin de la ville et sa sangria tout simplement ne tolère pas cette stupidité de la marque de masse. M. Davis l'avait appelée un certain nombre de fois, mais après avoir entendu la fureur voilée de sa voix, il avait réduit au minimum ses ravages. -- Honnêtement, murmura-t-elle, en sortant de la petite Italie de la ville, qui a un ordinateur qui glisse pendant une heure? Éteins-le et recule encore. Elle s'est secoué la tête furieusement, en vérifiant toutes les choses qu'elle aurait à déplacer pour demain. Le prochain brunch dimanche pourrait heureusement être sauvé, mais le temps de planification thématique était complètement hors de la fenêtre. "Et Dieu me tue si Beverly Lesley commente encore une fois sur mes thèmes toscans--je ne peux plus faire un autre thème toscan, n'est-ce pas?" Elle s'est amusée pendant qu'elle allait, complètement immergée dans des problèmes équivalant à rien. "..Et Dieu, il va probablement amener cette Karen bourrée. Elle s'est soulagée dans le crâne de Longhorn la dernière fois. Ne peut-on pas l'avoir à nouveau... Mais cela signifie-t-il qu'il n'y a pas de sangria?" Presque en réponse à sa question, en passant par une ruelle, Mme Kasha Davis a senti une présence à côté d'elle et son pas s'est effondré. À cet instant-là, une main a atteint de l'ombre de cette allée et s'est emparée du bras de Mme Davis avec une force brute. La grip a fait mal et Mme Davis a crié dans la douleur, sa voix retentissant d'années de performances de stand up et d'interprétation de scène. Elle a été jetée au sol et une silhouette sombre et mince s'est évanouie devant elle, son sac à main. Eh bien... plus d'un sac--comme l'a dit M. Davis alwasy, s'amusant à sa taille presque comiquement grande. Mais la créatrice était la créatrice de Mme Kasha Davis, et elle s'est assurée qu'elle avait un kilométrage approprié de la pièce de rangement. C'était incroyable que le voleur ait déménagé avec si facilement, car le sac était assez lourd. Il était actuellement rempli de ses effets personnels et le plus précieux... "MY WINE!" Elle bouffait, griffait à ses pieds. "Ma sangria! Oh mon Dieu...mon frère!" La rage l'a rencontrée alors qu'elle enlevait une de ses chaussures et qu'elle dardait au bord de l'allée, était prête à mettre son coup de feu à l'université mis des années et All-Girls State Finals visent à une bonne utilisation. Mais le criminel s'est déjà effondré dans la distance. Plus il s'en sortait, plus sa frustration était grande. Jusqu'à quelques secondes plus tard... "Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait? Ne t'inquiète pas, je l'ai!
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
ANDREW Le son de LARISSA Mai 2016 Les bus étaient ennuyeux. Sérieusement. C'est de l'alcool. Ordinairement, Andrew n'était pas exactement contre une chance de juste s'asseoir autour, n'exercer aucun effort pour obtenir où il allait, et les gens regardent. Des divertissements gratuits, n'est-ce pas? Il y avait des dépenses, mais pas aussi mauvaises que d'avoir à payer pour le gaz lui-même. Et peut-être que l'ennui était trop fort neutre. L'ennui impliquait qu'il ne trouvait pas les enfants qui proclamaient haut et fort leur droit de sonner la cloche chaque fois que la réponse à «Est-ce cet arrêt? » était un oui amusant. Ou que le punk avec le mohawk, c'était de retour? Est-ce qu'ils sont partis? Est-ce qu'il s'en souciait? qui n'arrêtait pas d'escroquer la fille derrière lui à chaque fois que le bus grondait, puis s'excusait abondamment alors qu'un gars plus grand à côté de lui devait se pencher hors du chemin n'était pas absolument hilarant. Les mecs apologétiques étaient drôles. Mais ce qui ennuyait la couverture, c'était la puanteur de trop de gens coincés dans un espace trop proche, se bousculant pour la salle des coudes et ne se tenant pas tout à fait l'un l'autre par l'invasion importune de l'espace personnel. Les matins étaient faisables. Les gens étaient fatigués, bâillants, dormant surtout sur leurs pieds de toute façon, et ceux qui n'étaient pas encore avaient encore l'énergie de sourire et de se souvenir de leurs manières. Il rentrait à la maison à la fin de la journée de travail, transpirant et triste et probablement pas trop doux sentant lui-même, ce qui a vraiment fait dans l'idée d'une humanité merveilleuse. Les bus étaient en enfer. Trop fort? Meh, il a raté son vélo. Et son visage avait l'impression qu'un éléphant marchait dessus. Ou peut-être assis, puisque c'était assez étouffant, il avait du mal à respirer. Il savait juste que la meurtrissure serait une teinte pieuse de vert citronné et d'aubergine, ou quelque chose de prétentieux difficile à rater. Il avait probablement un œil noir aussi. Dirt enfilant son col de chemise et dans ses chaussures, entre ses orteils transpirants, et ce n'était même pas si chaud dehors. Les bus avaient leur propre climat. Il était fatigué, affamé, meurtri, douloureux et n'a pas pu attendre pour obtenir une douche de température de la pièce quand il est rentré à la maison. Alors, idéalement, il venait de tomber face à face sur le canapé et a commencé à ronfler. Dehors comme une lumière. Malheureusement, il a eu un engagement antérieur un peu plus important que le tapisserie. Mackenzie le connaissait bien. La nourriture gratuite et la bonne musique étaient une vente assez facile pour lui, puisqu'il travaillait avec un faible salaire, et cette ouverture n'aurait pas pu être mieux chronométrée s'ils l'avaient prévu. Il a appelé sa boîte de réception ce déjeuner, a reçu le message du bleu et a rapidement appelé le Dr Maddison. Honnêtement, il avait prévu de dire merci, mais pas merci, et juste réserver un rendez-vous régulier, mais ils avaient été suffisamment sauvegardés que cela aurait pu bien être sa meilleure occasion, et réserver une opération pour une opération complète pour remplacer le lot (ce qui aurait pu être nécessaire de toute façon, car ils ne connaîtraient pas l'étendue complète des dommages jusqu'après le check-up) aurait pu prendre le même temps que d'obtenir en premier (-ish) sur la liste d'attente. Le Dr Maddison avait pu le convaincre que ça valait au moins la peine d'être vérifié. Elle semblait excitée, et il la connaissait assez bien pour comprendre qu'elle le voulait. Pas de vente. Donc, il a dit, oui, bien sûr, merci, a pris rendez-vous pour la semaine prochaine, le plus tôt possible au cas où quelqu'un a annulé avant alors, et lui a souhaité une bonne journée juste avant de raccrocher. Et maintenant... il regrettait de la laisser l'en parler. Il avait juste besoin de glace, de quelques advil, et d'un long sommeil. Il n'avait pas besoin de socialiser. Trop tard. C'était presque 6 ans. Il ne pouvait pas annuler avec seulement deux heures pour aller jusqu'à ce que la voiture le ramasse. Et il n'a jamais aimé être un wishy washy. Il a pris une décision, il est resté avec. Donc, comme ça ou pas, fatigué ou pas, il y allait. Espérons que la douche le verrait se sentir plus énergique... **** Douche, nettoyage, refroidissement, hydratation, repas, advil pris... c'était un nouvel homme. Un nouvel homme qui n'était pas sûr de ce que vous étiez censé porter à une ouverture technique. Casual l'a probablement poussé. Les jeans ou les shorts truqués étaient un non. Mais il n'avait pas beaucoup d'options. Formel n'était pas son truc. Mais il pourrait encore avoir l'air bien assemblé. Tant qu'il n'était pas sloppily habillé, Janelle avait pensé qu'il serait bon. Et, a-t-elle souligné, il n'avait rien qui allait avec son visage violet non plus. Il lui a jeté son oreiller. Ne jamais faire confiance à une fille pour ne pas se moquer d'un gars ayant des problèmes de garde-robe. Elle l'avait aidé cependant, en fin de compte, pour lequel il serait éternellement reconnaissant, sinon il aurait passé le reste de son temps à regarder dans son placard, absolument perdu. Maintenant, il avait un beau jean sombre, une chemise bleue qu'il ne pouvait pas se rappeler acheter, et une veste parce que, malgré l'expérience de bus, il n'était pas vraiment si chaud, et vous ne saviez jamais si les lieux avaient la climatisation. Mais en y pensant maintenant, comme une voiture s'est arrêtée et a demandé s'il allait à l'ouverture, Andy? Il pensait qu'il aurait aussi bien pu se demander s'ils avaient des lumières, compte tenu des problèmes électriques les plus récents. Tant que personne ne voulait qu'il coure n'importe où ce soir, ou qu'il bouge la tête trop vite, il pouvait s'en sortir. Il aimait le Dr Maddison. Et comme son humeur s'était améliorée, il était curieux de cette nouvelle technologie. Ça pourrait être intéressant, s'il pouvait comprendre l'explication. C'est vrai. Eh bien, c'est l'heure d'y aller, il le découvrirait quand il est arrivé, non?
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
C'est pas vrai. 08:03 PM Andrews yeux seraient accueillis par un intérieur spacieux, faible éclairage et un parfum attrayant--ce parfum--qui a chatouillé son nez. Le verre de champagne pré-paré avec bouteille d'accompagnement et seau de glace pourrait chatouiller sa fantaisie. Mais hélas, cette odeur lui chatouillerait le nez, lui faisant respirer plus d'arôme. Cuir de peluche (Animal Rights et tout ça, amirite?) serait d'inviter un sentiment instantané de détente donnant au pauvre Andrew aucune chance debout contre le confort. Tenté de s'asseoir et de profiter de la balade et de cette foutue odeur, Andrew respirait plus du sédatif aéroporté, succombant finalement à ses effets. Frederick le savait pendant qu'il s'arrêtait pour aller chercher l'enfant. C'était sa voiture de luxe. Il s'est spécialisé dans... l'approvisionnement pour les individus discrets. Là où le gamin pensait qu'il allait devait être un événement impliqué, de sa tenue. Frederick murmura alors qu'il conduisait vers sa destination. Dans son travail, tu as été bien payé. Plus que bien, en fait. Mais, pas pour poser des questions. Je dois savoir d'où il vient cette chemise. Ram 10 h 31 Sa peau s'était éblouie d'une brillance ébène éthérée, naturellement lisse et douce. Elle avait une odeur de cacao et de CoCo dans des parties complimentantes, un mélange de doux et corsé. Ils se sont ralliés brièvement, mais intensément, amants pour juste une rencontre. Elle commençait à oublier sa voix et il ne connaissait pas son nom. Mais néanmoins, elle a faiblement laissé sortir un souffle inhalé. Bonne nuit, alors qu'il fermait la porte de son loft. C'était une situation idéale pour lui, et Arturo Ramon "Ram" Plateado a laissé son loft d'amoureux mystères avec un sourire irrésistible proéminent sur son visage. Oh, ça a été une bonne nuit en effet. Miles 10 h 38 Miles s'est déchiré après la figure, un sourire diabolique sous son capot. Enfin, un peu d'action!La figure était déjà en train de tourner une autre ruelle au moment où Miles a commencé à suivre le rythme, alors il s'est tourné avec elle, plongeant dans l'obscurité d'attente avec l'abandon. Il tendit la main et pressa Fitz's de s'en sortir, se fermant sur le deuxième niveau d'une échappatoire d'incendie. Se tirant dans un arc, il étendit son autre bras et étirait le bras droit de Fitzs pour prendre un seuil de fenêtre. Il a fait son chemin dans l'allée, en fermant l'écart entre le snacker de la bourse et lui-même. C'est pas vrai. 22 h 46 Andrew serait probablement réveillé du jostle de ses menottes désactivant. Leur sortie dans le temps a expiré, ils perdent rapidement de l'énergie, le laissant tomber par terre. Ses vêtements formels ont été remplacés par un type de veste et de sous-vêtement renforcé au carbone. Son pantalon était fait du même matériau. En regardant autour de la zone vide et grande, il trouverait qu'il est le premier étage ouvert d'un bâtiment non descriptif. Seulement une table avec deux petits objets carrés qui semblaient être des téléphones, assis dans la pièce. Miles 10 h 43 Le snatcher se déplaça rapidement, mais les barrières de l'allée travaillèrent à la faveur de Miles, alors qu'il libéra les bras de Fitz et descendit au-dessus du voleur, frisé et prêt à donner un coup de pied aux criminels. "Restez coincés, attendez jusqu'à la dernière seconde, et MAINTENANT!" Il s'enfuit avec ses pieds en utilisant toute sa force. Ses pieds se lient à quelque chose de dur et de solide. Il a à peine trébuché pendant que Miles atterrissait sur son dos et ses fesses, plus confus que meurtris. Qu'est-ce que...Il a demandé avec un gémissement. Qu'est-ce qu'il y avait sur cette personne? Le voleur ne se retourna pas pour regarder Miles, ni ne le reconnut d'aucune façon, il commença tout simplement à courir à nouveau. « Asshole! » Miles a appelé après lui alors qu'il commençait sa poursuite à nouveau. Le criminel a pris une gauche, comme il l'a fait. Alors un droit, tandis que Miles aussi. En sortant sur une rue plutôt vide, Miles a remarqué la figure un chemin vers le haut, se dirigeant dans un bâtiment plutôt non descriptif. Ah oui? C'est ainsi que Miles se dit alors qu'il chargeait le reste de la route vers l'avant, déterminé à ramener ce sac à main. Il a fait irruption dans la pièce et a vu une figure debout au centre de la pièce. Sa cible! Dure ou pas, Miles ramenait ce sac. Il a pris un début de course avant de plonger sur sa cible.
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
ANDREW Jolie voiture, assez amicale dans le siège du conducteur et bon sang, c'était du champagne? Quelqu'un splurgeait, et il espérait que ça ne sortirait pas de son portefeuille. Ou le Dr Maddison. Pourtant, alors qu'il s'installait dans son siège, Andrew profitait d'une occasion qu'il ne s'attendait pas, les épaules s'affaissant, le dos lâche, les pieds étendus parce que pourquoi ne pas utiliser toute cette salle des jambes. Mais la meilleure, la plus excellente surprise, c'était le seau à glace. Qui savait que la coïncidence pouvait être une si belle chose? Andrew sortit le mouchoir qu'il emparait dans sa poche par habitude plus que nécessaire, puisqu'il avait tendance à les utiliser au travail pour nettoyer ses mains et qu'ils n'étaient plus exactement blancs. Il prit alors une partie de cette glace, souriant à l'étroitesse du frisson contre ses doigts, l'enveloppa dans le carré de lin et s'appuya sur la joue. Il était trop tard pour faire beaucoup de bien, mais mieux vaut tard que jamais, et c'était comme de la félicité de toute façon. Il pourrait chasser le mal de tête imminent, à tout le moins, il espérait. Il s'est détendu avec la tête en arrière, confiant, peut-être plus qu'il n'aurait dû, que le conducteur savait où il était censé aller, et a pris un grand souffle de satisfaction. Peut-être que ce truc n'allait pas être si mauvais, après tout. **** Il avait tellement tort. Et confus. Mais la plupart du temps, c'est faux. Très confus. Il n'a pas atterri doucement. Il n'avait jamais été léger sur ses pieds. Mais quand les menottes l'ont laissé partir, il était encore en train de s'endormir juste assez qu'il n'avait pas besoin de dire à ses genoux de plier. Ils n'étaient pas sur le point de le retenir de toute façon, et il est descendu. Bonjour encore, à l'étage. C'était très familier. Sauf que cet étage avait besoin de beaucoup plus qu'un simple vide. Ça pourrait se faire avec un souffleur de feuilles et un frottage. Peut-être de l'eau de Javel. Ce n'était probablement pas si mauvais, mais ce n'était pas son sol, et cela voulait dire qu'il voulait s'en débarrasser le plus rapidement possible. Heureusement, il n'a pas vu les pieds, donc il n'avait pas réussi à s'embarrasser complètement avec l'évanouissement, bien que cela s'était produit deux fois en une journée, et il ne pouvait pas se rappeler sortir... du... Désorienté ou pas. Throbbing crâne ou pas (bien, il avait besoin du crâne, mais il pouvait le faire sans les battements). Il s'est mis à genoux avec un gémissement, motivé plus par la chance d'obtenir une main sur son visage et de s'assurer qu'il était encore généralement en forme de visage, la façon dont il se plaignait de la plaisanterie, que par l'ensemble, se levant de la chose du sol. Mais il le regarda avec une inquiétude croissante, et prit beaucoup moins de temps pour se mettre les pieds sous son corps et se forcer à la droite que sa tête ne l'aurait voulu. Le mur a aidé, le matériel plus restrictif qu'il portait ne l'a pas fait. Ses mots se sont assombris ensemble dans une petite panique et blême ne voulant pas comprendre comme il a arraché à la veste qu'il n'a pas reconnu. Il y a un code vestimentaire que j'ai manqué?Le jokage aux murs vides n'a pas fonctionné aussi bien que l'on pourrait aimer, quand on a été forcé de l'essayer pour lui-même. Personne n'a ri. Même pas un ronflement forcé pour briser la glace rampant sa colonne vertébrale. Quelque chose n'allait pas. Mais pourquoi portait-il... ce qu'il portait? Où était son pantalon? Sa chemise? Son téléphone? Où était-il?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? En regardant autour, une main encore sur le mur, l'autre essayant de tenir sa tête ensemble, Andrew a finalement vu la table. Adrenaline l'a aidé à prendre le premier pas et puis il était presque en course pour elle, espérant qu'il y aurait un indice sur ce qui se passait. S'il te plaît, laisse ça être une farce vraiment merdique. Mais il n'est pas arrivé à la table. A mi-chemin et ses pas ont commencé à faire écho. Il s'est tourné pour s'assurer qu'il était encore seul, parce qu'il semblait pire de passer par là avec quelqu'un qui regardait, et n'a même pas eu la chance d'enregistrer plus que la forme enfant avant qu'il décide, sans vraiment y penser, que cela allait faire mal. C'était maintenant une déclaration de protestation, de douleur, d'essoufflement et de serments. Le corps l'a frappé. Mais avant qu'ils puissent tous les deux frapper le sol, leur élan poussa un Andrew soudainement plus léger juste un peu plus loin, s'échappant des gamins atteignent même quand il dérapé à travers le sol et finalement récupéré de l'autre côté de la table. Une fois de plus, et à mi-chemin disparu dans le sol, le jeune homme vira au plafond aussi fort que son mal de tête maintenant divisé le permettrait, et se repoussa lentement sur un sol solide et assis, se penchant sur ses bras et s'assurant qu'il n'était pas sur le point de se faire attaquer de nouveau avant d'élever sa densité. Mais puisque le destin semblait conspirer contre lui, ou que c'était une sorte de signe, il décida de ne pas risquer de se tenir debout à nouveau. Les planchers étaient plus sûrs. Vous ne pourriez pas tomber si vous ne vous levez jamais. Il avait tendance à garder ce mot pour les moments littéraux, car c'était déprimant comme tout sortir, mais tout à l'heure, il semblait très approprié. Donc, de sa position assise, le cœur martelant, la tête essayant de briser ouvert, meurtris, confus mais éblouissant, Andrew a vu cet étranger avec tous les soupçons qu'il pouvait rassembler. C'était pour quoi ça?
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
Ram 22:46 Ram a vérifié sa montre. C'était plus tard qu'il ne le voulait. Il a dû se lever tôt pour mener des stratégies de campagne avec le député. Il ne connaissait pas ce quartier trop bien, mais Ram se rappelait ‘un raccourci à travers une ruelle près d'ici... Ses yeux reposaient sur une ruelle bien connue. C'est celui-là, et il l'a dardé, en veillant à garder un œil sur son environnement. Miles 22:46 Il s'est cogné dans la figure un peu... sans merci, bien qu'il ait réussi à s'attaquer à sa cible. Bien que... sa cible avait eu un peu de squishier. Pas de métal? Ce n'était certainement pas le torse métallique d'avant. - Où est-il allé? - Miles a paniqué. Il s'est exclamé comme cette drogue de Snatcher pas-Purse lui-même en haut du sol, sans aucune trace d'un trou. Est-ce qu'il vient juste... est-ce qu'il... Oh mon Dieu, non, Miles secoua la tête, Tu es déjà mort, n'est-ce pas? Je suis trop tard... C'était pour quoi ça? Miles s'est arrêté, "Oh attends... tu n'es pas mort, n'est-ce pas?" Il s'est rapproché et a touché le visage de l'homme. C'était solide. Il a fait un pas en arrière a regardé vers le bas, je suis désolé pour ce monsieur, je pensais que vous étiez un snapper de sac que je poursuivais. Ce bâtiment n'avait pas été utilisé depuis longtemps. Tout le rez-de-chaussée n'était pas séparé des murs et les débris les plus nus restaient dans la zone spacieuse. Toute la moitié supérieure du mur du bâtiment était bordée de fenêtres, montrant la lune brillante de la nuit. Il n'y avait personne d'autre ici que Miles pouvait voir ou sentir. Vous n'avez pas vu un voleur de sac arriver ici, n'est-ce pas? Ram 22:49 Ram s'est retrouvé en sortant de l'allée, non loin de l'une des succursales de Larissa City Bank. Ce n'était pas forcément la façon dont il avait voulu sortir, mais il l'a ailé. Il avait juste besoin d'être à la maison à ce stade. Pourquoi ce quartier est-il si calme? Même les fantômes de la ville ne sont pas agités? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Il s'est souvenu que cette zone particulière n'avait pas beaucoup au nom des résidences et a généralement fermé après les heures normales d'ouverture, bien qu'un certain nombre de bâtiments ont maintenu la sécurité et le personnel de gardien. Alors pourquoi s'est-il senti si dépourvu de gens. Au lieu de cela, l'espace semblait attendre, anticipant quelque chose. Quoi? Miles 22 h 51 Toute conversation ou analyse de ce qui a peut-être conduit les jeunes et les futurs héros à ce bâtiment particulier non descriptif a été coupée par un son de chant distinct qui a rempli la pièce pendant quelques secondes. Un bruit de bip. "Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep-beepbeepbeep-beepbeepbeep-beepbeepbeepbeepbeep!" Miles a donné à l'homme plus âgé un œil prudent avant qu'il se rende compte qu'il venait de la table avant eux. Il a fait un pas lent vers l'objet, prêt à se défendre. Cependant, après l'avoir approché, il a pu voir que le son venait d'un haut-parleur dans la table. Qu'est-ce que...?... Au sommet de la table se trouvaient deux objets rectangulaires. Des téléphones intelligents. Curiosité a dépassé Miles et il en a atteint un, peu sûr de ce à quoi s'attendre à ce stade. Rien dans son guide n'avait vraiment couvert des bâtiments abandonnés flippants tout en poursuivant un voleur de sac à main. Bien que, il semblait que quelque chose mérite d'être mentionné. Le téléphone se sentait bien, mais dès qu'il a commencé à y regarder, le téléphone s'est allumé. Je ne l'ai pas fait!Il a proclamé comme réflexes de jeter le téléphone dans l'air de panique. Il a réalisé ses actions et s'est rapidement brouillé pour saisir le téléphone alors qu'il commençait sa descente au sol, en réussissant à le glisser juste à temps. C'est le cas de Woops. Il a regardé l'écran à temps pour voir son nom clignoter. Bonne soirée, Miles Bergeron. Miles a rapidement couvert l'écran, le pressant contre sa poitrine. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Comment a-t-il su? Qui était-ce? Une fois de plus, le téléphone avait terminé le chargement et était une fois de plus, sans répondre à toutes les commandes de boutons. Il a pris l'autre, en notant comment il est resté en sommeil. Ici, je pense que celui-ci est probablement pour vous. Ram 22:53 Ram avait ralenti ses pas, jurant qu'il avait entendu une voix tout à l'heure. La voix d'un enfant? Il devait perdre l'emprise sur la santé mentale. Peut-être que le député avait raison avec son adhésion à 9 heures de sommeil par nuit. L'homme n'a jamais manqué un battement, et certainement jamais halluciné une voix d'enfants. Ram secoua la tête et le corps. Il fallait qu'il se calme dans les prochains jours. Il arrondissait le coin du bloc, en notant que les lumières dans la région semblaient s'évanouir, quand il le ressentait. La pureté de cela a secoué Ram un moment. Il n'avait pas ressenti une telle négativité si facilement depuis son départ de l'Amérique du Sud. Son instinct a pris le relais, le faisant plonger pour se couvrir. En regardant autour du coin, Ram a montré qu'il y avait deux individus debout au centre de la rue, face à la Larissa City Bank. C'est là que le sentiment était imprégnant, et Ram n'avait pas besoin de beaucoup plus pour savoir ce qu'il voyait ne finirait pas bien. Ils semblaient regarder la grande banque. Les lumières des colonnes de l'immeuble les baignaient d'une lumière faible, mais même ces lumières semblaient légèrement hésitantes et Ram n'était pas capable de faire une grande partie des deux. Qu'est-ce qui se passait? Miles 22 h 56 Il y avait un grognement de frustration quand Miles a lâché la tête. Il a laissé tomber le téléphone sur la table. Depuis qu'ils avaient allumé et donné aux héros aspirants leurs messages étranges, les téléphones étaient restés silencieux. Il est clair que ces choses sont inutiles. Il a regardé l'autre homme une fois de plus, debout sur son bout des pieds pour se rapprocher du visage. Tu es sûr que tu n'as rien à voir avec ça? Comme, une promesse? Toute la nuit devenait plus obscure, et il était sur le point d'appeler ça démissionne. Mais... Et le sac à main de cette femme? Comment serait-il endurci les jours vraiment gritty de la vie de héros s'il ne pouvait pas prendre tous les jours d'introduction? C'était nul à dire, mais Miles Bergeron était dans cette nuit bizarre pour le meilleur ou le pire. Un sentiment vibrant l'a amené à regarder son téléphone. Ça vibrait! L'écran s'est allumé et a encore vibré, quelqu'un appelait. Il regarda l'autre mâle, seulement pour voir la même expression de lui à son propre téléphone sonnant. Avec hésitation, Miles répondit. Ce n'est peut-être pas une bonne idée... Bonjour? Une voix féminine cool l'a rencontré. Le genre de voix que tu as entendu quand tu as laissé un message vocal... en fait, ça sonnait exactement comme ça. Tu as toujours été fait pour plus, Miles Bergeron. Et vous êtes bien plus qu'ils ne le pensent. Vous avez la chance de le montrer. Une chance de commencer le chemin. Est-ce que tu vas le prendre? Quoi? Comment faites-vous?Les Miles ont été interrompus par le clic de la fin de l'appel. Il a regardé le téléphone dans l'incrédulité pendant quelques secondes. A-t-elle parlé de... "Tu as eu l'appel de la dame aussi, n'est-ce pas?" Miles a demandé à l'aîné. Ram 22:58 Les hommes étaient tout simplement debout, face au bâtiment depuis quelques minutes. Je ne fais rien. Mais Ram ne partait pas. Il avait été un idiot qui n'écoutait pas ses tripes, ça s'en allait. Il y avait quelque chose de menaçant qui lui coulait dessus, chatouillant ses sens. Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils faisaient? Il risquait de s'approcher, de profiler bas, de faire des pas légers et rapides. Un arrêt de bus était son premier arrêt de couverture. Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec toutes les lumières? Il a remarqué le mouvement des deux et a tendu sa forme. Ren 23 heures C'est l'heure du spectacle, Ren a respiré à haute voix. Il a même permis à un sourire de jouer sur son visage, le sens de l'euphorie à peine containable. Dans et dehors, laissez pas tout foirer. Allen savait assez bien pour se tenir en arrière à ce point, en prenant un saut rapide à quelques mètres après avoir donné un clin d'œil curt. Les rues étaient claires comme promis, et il espérait particulièrement que la promesse des caméras de rue bouclent également. Les lampadaires bombés semblaient en être la preuve, alors Ren décida de continuer, en respirant profondément. L'une des caractéristiques les plus intéressantes de la Larissa City Bank est ses portes principales. Grandes et grandes portes rendant hommage à la grandeur des rugissements des années 20. Les structures métalliques avaient dissuadé de nombreux vols au fil des ans. Tout au long de ces années, ils ont été ajustés et ajoutés à, des couches de renforts. Il est devenu un peu d'une chose pour les PDG et les actionnaires au fil des ans, pour être connu pour leur nature presque impregnable. La banque avait été cambriolée ou violée 11 fois au cours de son existence. 4 d'entre eux étaient dans les jeunes stades de sa vie et on ne pouvait guère compter si vous demandiez à un PDG. Sur les 7 autres, seulement deux d'entre elles avaient été le résultat d'une brèche et d'un endommagement des portes. Ren cherchait à être la cause de la troisième fois. Ses mains jutaient vers l'avant et l'air autour de lui craquait avec de l'énergie, l'air chaud et sec. Le picotement a couru de ses pieds et l'a couru vers le haut, éventuellement canalisant à travers l'espace entre ses bras. L'énergie construite sur l'énergie, la chaleur s'est intensifiée, la statique s'est développée. Les flammes ont roulé ses bras, lacés avec le crack de l'électricité. Toute cette énergie était enivrante. Une telle libération! Je jure que c'est là que je suis le plus proche de Dieu. Un torrent de feu et d'énergie électrique tourna autour l'un de l'autre, lançant de ses mains et le poussant à faire un petit pas en arrière. Il a lancé vers la porte, il vise vrai. La chape de métal, de feu, d'électricité et de béton qui en résultait dans une cacophonie explosive était une symphonie violente pour Ren. Ça ressemblait à... Succès. Miles 23 heures L'explosion ne s'est pas enregistrée dans l'esprit de Miles une seconde, son esprit toujours concentré sur l'appel de l'eerie. Mais le tremblement... qui l'a ramené. Sa tête grondait vers l'autre mâle, cherchant la réponse. Le son venait de l'extérieur et Miles était certain que ce n'était rien de bon. Ça devait être la banque, il le savait. Son expression s'enfuit et prit un élan fou jusqu'aux portes de l'immeuble, en éclatant sur la rue, à temps pour voir le trou fraichement enflammé du Larissa City Bank fumer devant lui.
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
► L A R I S S A ► S O M E R S E Tmai 2016 - Une nuit après l'explosion Vers 21h59, environ 3 minutes après la fermeture de la chambre d'Evelyn Prince, l'administrateur de l'hôpital général du New Hampshire, Gloria Akalitus, a reçu un appel particulièrement troublant. La raison pour laquelle l'appel lui était même venu en premier lieu était au-delà d'elle - comme elle mettait des heures supplémentaires pour le prochain projet de budget - mais la surprise de l'appel a fait que beaucoup plus d'ennuis. « Une nuit solitaire, c'est tout ce que je demande pour faire sortir cette putain de proposition », murmura-t-elle alors qu'elle traquait dans la salle où était détenu Eveyln Prince, « Est-ce vraiment tellement demander? Ou je suppose qu'ils aiment avoir leurs gommages dans la section irrégulière d'un magasin de surplus médical mexicain! » Elle a failli cracher ces derniers mots alors qu'elle utilisait sa carte-clé pour passer outre le verrou à la salle, ne pas y penser. "C'est quoi ce bordel, Zoey?" Mme Akalitus s'est prononcée devant l'infirmière qui dirige la barricade. "Pourquoi au nom de Dieu est-ce que je reçois un appel à..." elle a vérifié sa montre "10'o horloge la nuit avec un agent fédéral à la fin aboitant sur le statut actuel de son patient de transfert?" Akalitus était épuisé. Le financement de cet hôpital basé sur la recherche a connu un léger déclin depuis leurs récents scandales. Ils comptaient beaucoup sur les contrats du gouvernement comme il était et ne pouvaient pas commencer à énerver les connexions en raison de l'incompétence. Elle a fait un autre pas plus près de l'infirmière Zoey, complètement sans tenir compte de la pièce autour d'elle. Plus tôt elle sortira d'ici, plus tôt elle finira ce budget. « Écoutez, je ne peux pas et ne prendrai pas un autre scandale ou dérapage de la part de ce personnel infirmier », a dit Akalitus à l'infirmière. "D'abord Jackie avec les pilules et ensuite l'infirmière temporaire Willam avec son cas de harcèlement sexuel! Pas un autre. Slip-up." Elle a tenu la main pour calmer toutes les plaintes qu'elle pouvait ressentir de la part de l'infirmière. "Hub-bup-bup-bup. Pas un mot. C'est au-dessus de notre salaire. Faites-la stabiliser, mettez-la dans le véhicule de transport. Tout de suite." ► L A R I S S A ► S O U T H B E A C Hmai 2016 - Une nuit après l'explosion Trente minutes d'avance... Le sommeil était une tâche fugace pour Joseph Thoreau, du moins c'est ce qu'il ressentait la plupart du temps alors que le son de son téléphone amenait l'homme de sa sieste de puissance. Des lumières des rues en bas, filtrées à travers ses stores tandis que Joseph s'asseyait avec un gémissement, étirant son dos fatigué et se creusant le cou avec un "POP" satisfaisant avant de répondre au téléphone cellulaire sur sa table de chevet. "'Ello." Il bâillait comme la voix de l'autre bout bâillait. "À eux Joey Boy, l'équipe a un transfert de patient pour nous. Nous devons descendre à Somerset et prendre une lass du New Hampshire General." La voix n'appartenait à personne d'autre que Travis Young, le partenaire de service de Joseph. -- Encore là? Joseph gémit. « C'est le cinquième de cette semaine, ils n'ont pas assez de mains pour s'occuper de leur admission. C'est Somerset pour l'amour de Dieu." "Je pense que le problème est trop de mains." C'est à l'autre bout que Travis a répondu. "D'ici là, en bas dans cinq minutes, je viendrai te chercher." Alors que le clic dans son oreille signalait la fin de la conversation, Joseph s'assit et se dirigea vers la salle de bains. Écrasant un peu d'eau froide sur son visage, il courut une main le long de son menton, le chaume rugueux griffant contre sa paume lisse. Courant une main à travers ses cheveux, Joseph s'est donné une punaise dans le miroir comme il a décidé que c'était assez bon. La tête de lit est chaude en ce moment, n'est-ce pas? Avec un sourire souriant dans le miroir, Joseph saisit la veste bleu marine d'une chaise voisine et s'en alla de son condo. Une vibration de sa poche l'a alerté d'un texto alors qu'il tirait le téléphone en attendant une remarque intelligente du cul de Travis à propos de se dépêcher. - Tu viens après le boulot? Je m'ennuie. En tâtant une réponse rapide, Joseph a frappé envoyer sur son téléphone à l'arrivée de l'ascenseur. - Ça va être tard, tu peux rester debout? - Je ne travaille pas demain ;) Avec un chanfrein doux, Joseph est sorti de l'ascenseur et a marché vers la porte en envoyant Brynne un autre texte. - Je te le dirai quand j'aurai fini Belle. - J'attends. - Dans ça. Les yeux de Joseph s'élargissaient à l'écran alors qu'il montait dans le siège passager de l'ambulance. Penchant sur Travis a essayé de regarder à l'écran avant que Joseph empoche rapidement le téléphone et a donné à l'autre homme un schowl moquette. "Si tu baises plus tard, tu conduis." Travis a dit avec une limace à l'épaule de Joseph. "Alors nous changeons de siège, nous nous déplaçons." Joseph s'est rétorqué avec un rire quand les deux hommes ont échangé des points. Allumant l'allumage, Joseph a tiré l'ambulance sur la route. Se rendant à l'aise, Travis a mis ses pieds sur le tableau de bord alors que Joseph lâchait un soupir lourd. "Je suppose que nous allons à Somerset alors." ► L A R I S S A ► S O M E R S E Tmai 2016 - Une nuit après l'explosion Maintenant... S'assurant que le patient était en sécurité, Joseph et Travis sont retournés à l'avant de l'ambulance. Pour le moment la patiente, une Jane Doe était inconsciente dans le dos et très franchement Joseph préférait cela. Dans une ville comme Larissa, la dernière chose dont tu as eu besoin, c'était d'un lunatique qui se battait contre leurs contraintes pendant qu'ils traversaient la ville. "Je parie que quelqu'un là-dedans s'est mis en main avec elle." Travis a déclaré qu'il avait attaché sa ceinture de sécurité. "Cet hôpital a un représentant pour les médecins pervers." -- Honnêtement, plutôt que de s'y attarder, répondit Joseph au moment où il a commencé à conduire le véhicule. "La ville est assez mauvaise comme elle est, la dernière chose dont nous avons besoin sont des hôpitaux corrompus." "Toujours si prêchant homme, vous avez besoin d'éclaircir. Vivez chaque jour comme ils viennent." Travis a répondu que le véhicule s'était fusionné sur l'autoroute. "Vous penseriez qu'après avoir été dans notre métier, vous auriez réalisé que maintenant la vie est fragile." Joseph répondit alors qu'il se concentrait sur la route. "Et vous pensiez que vous auriez réalisé que nous ne savons pas combien de temps nous avons. N'ayez pas peur de vous amuser, de tomber amoureux, de faire quelque chose de stupide." Travis s'est disputé alors qu'il avait ouvert un soda. En prenant une perruque profonde, il a frappé ses lèvres avec satisfaction avant d'essuyer le liquide sucré résiduel avec le dos de ses mains. Un silence tendu est tombé sur les deux pendant quelques instants, interrompu seulement par le fonctionnement du véhicule EMT. Il a été brusquement brisé par le crack de la radio. "Répondez. L'appel de détresse est arrivé du district de l'Olympe. Zone de blocage financier. Rapports d'un accident potentiellement mortel. La mère attendue pense qu'elle est impliquée. C'est fini. Joseph a pris le récepteur, donnant à Travis un regard de légère confusion. "Unité de réponse. Nous sommes proches, mais en route pour un transfert de patient. À vous." "Ce soir, c'est dur de se faire frapper. Vous êtes le plus proche répondant d'urgence que nous ayons. À vous." Il y avait un autre clic et Joseph savait que c'était la fin de la conversation. Vraiment rien à faire à ce sujet, et leur transfert était stable. Il a donné une puanteur à Travis. « J'espère que cela ne donnera pas le ton de la nuit », a dit Joseph à Travis, prenant la prochaine sortie. Le quartier financier était juste autour de la Larissa City Bank. "Faisons-le, Mang. Ramène cette mère et cet enfant à la maison en toute sécurité!" Travis a dit, applaudir Joey sur le dos tandis que Joseph a tourné le véhicule sur la bonne rue. Couvert d'une sombre obscurité, il semblait que l'indignation de pouvoir avait encore une emprise ici. En dehors de la trajectoire directe des hautes poutres de l'ambulance, rien ne pouvait être vu. "Voudriez-vous regarder ce Joey, pas de lumières de rue ici." Les yeux de Joseph s'élargissaient alors qu'il voyait un brillant rayon de lumière se déchirer soudainement dans l'obscurité du velours. Un bruit de frisson et d'explosif suivit et aussitôt plus tard, provoquant Joseph à claquer sur les freins. Le véhicule a lâché et tiré comme il a été tiré dans un virage aigu par l'arrêt soudain en mouvement. Travis s'est effondré la tête du tableau de bord et a sombré dans son siège alors que Joseph s'est accouché contre le volant jusqu'à ce que le véhicule s'arrête complètement. La radio est revenue à la vie, et sur l'instinct Joe a regardé l'appareil. "Utiliserez-vous le potentiel de vous, exposerez-vous l'obscurité cachée dans la lumière blanche?" La voix féminine à la radio a dit. "Veux-tu marcher sur le chemin, te soulever toi-même et les nouveaux amis dans le remorquage?" Une courte pause a été suivie de bruit blanc à la radio et rien de plus. "Quoi. Les. C'est pas vrai."Evelyn PrinceLe dos d'une ambulance, Somerset La nuit après l'explosion... Quelque chose s'est glissé dans la paume d'Evelyn, puis est mort avant de frissonner une fois de plus, bourdonnant tout le temps. Bzz. C'est quoi, ça? Bzz. C'est quoi, ça? Bzz. C'est quoi, ça? Elle gémit en soumission alors que sa conscience la frappait comme un mur de briques, et elle fut jetée dans une collision avec la surcharge sensorielle qui était "réalité". Sa main se déplaça instantanément vers son crâne, qui se sentait comme si une hache était logée dans chaque temple, et ses yeux lugubres se courbaient au fur et à mesure qu'ils s'ajustaient au monde autour d'elle. Il faisait nuit. Et ça bougeait. Il n'a pas fallu un génie pour identifier le cadre comme l'arrière d'un véhicule, et même dans son état délicat Evelyn était pleinement au courant de deux hommes parlant dans la cabine du conducteur. Elle était également au courant d'un bruit irritant, venant de l'appareil qu'elle avait laissé glisser de son emprise au fur et à mesure qu'elle devenait alerte. Bzz. C'est quoi, ça? Bzz. C'est quoi, ça? Bzz. C'est quoi, ça? Elle pouvait voir la faible lumière de l'interface éclairant avec chaque vibration, une chaîne de nombres non identifiable qui tapissait l'écran d'identification de l'appelant. Elle a évalué la situation, avant de prendre le téléphone et de répondre à l'appel. « J'ai besoin d'aide », murmura-t-elle, sa voix craque par manque d'usage. "J'ai été enfant--" « C'est votre esprit et votre esprit qui peuvent apporter le changement. » a répondu à une femme de l'autre côté de la ligne. -- Quoi? Elle a demandé, à la fois confus et irrité par la réponse cryptique. "Vous ne..." Elle a été coupée par la voix encore une fois, et a réalisé que c'était automatisé. « Parfois, tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c'est d'un peu de confiance et d'une bouffée d'inspiration. Prenez le risque, suivez le chemin. Ça ne te laissera pas s'égarer." L'enregistrement a conclu son récital par une tonalité singulière et prolongée, avant que la ligne ne s'éteigne. C'est pas vrai. Elle pensait à elle-même. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ces conneries de Riddler? Ève soupçonnait que celui qui la charcutait actuellement vers un territoire inconnu était également responsable de la plantation du message de téléphone cellulaire effrayant. Inquiétantement, elle a couru une main sur l'appareil, se concentrant autant qu'elle pouvait à travers sa migraine et essayant de s'aligner sur tous les restes psychiques de qui pourrait être derrière cela. Tout ce qu'elle entendait, c'était la voix de cette même femme: "Ne laisse aucune trace. Nous n'existons pas." Elle avait à peine une seconde pour considérer le message avant que sa vision ne s'évanouisse, et elle vit deux hommes. Conduite. Panicked, pas sûr de quoi. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Rétrogradé, percuté. Impact. Impact des roues à freiner. Impact de la tête sur le volant. Noir. Eve a eu un moment de difficulté à différencier la douleur de l'homme dans sa vision de son propre traumatisme crânien, mais comme une commotion a éclaté de la cabine du conducteur et Eve a senti l'effritement du caoutchouc sous elle, elle a réalisé que son épreuve n'était pas encore terminée. Tandis que la fourgonnette commandait un virage cruel, Ève s'est retrouvée s'écraser dans les portes doubles de l'arrière, qui s'est ouverte et a renversé son corps sur le béton.
N E M E S I S"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions." O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U ◼ 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 4 ( 2 2 ) ◼ M A L E ◼ H E T E R O S E X U A L ▼ A P P E A R A N C E:"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."//STATS: ◼ HEIGHT | 5'-10" ◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs ◼ BUILD | Athletic ◼ EYE COLOUR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris ◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn ◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian //DESCRIPTION: Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways. Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.​ ▼ B I O G R A P H Y:"Words don't define us, actions do." During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to Larissa and its surrounding areas. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Larissa, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father. Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them. But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Larissa first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Larissa, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later. Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark Larissa night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license. Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Larissa General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he. Combined with his constant distant behavior, Silas' negative attitude towards Joseph was the straw that broke the camel's back and Samantha and Silas divorced. Having moved out during his time at college, the split did little to upset Joseph's living arrangements. His mother however relocated from the Olympus district to a country home in the more rural district of Mount Nysa. Making time to visit his mother over the weeks that followed, Joseph was rather confused by how little the divorce seemed to bother her. Silas on the other hand was working hard to keep the divorce out of his public image least it reflect poorly upon him. On the night of the blackout, Joseph was awoken from his slumber in order to respond to an evacuation order at the Michaels' Nuclear Facility. Arriving at the scene just as the explosion rocked the area, Joseph's ambulance was rendered completely powerless. Nonetheless, Joseph wasn't deterred as he rushed the scene helping the wounded to safety until other first responders arrived. Working to clear the scene, Joseph worked into overtime, eventually being relieved after nearly eighteen long hours. ▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:"Time to level the playing field." ▼ ABILITY AUGMENTATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph possesses the ability to enhance the abilities of other gifted individuals. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph lets go. At this stage, Joseph can only boost the abilities of another in one aspect meaning if he increased the range of an attack, he could not increase its potency. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's powers continue to grow, his abilities are further able to increase those of another. The next growth in his powers allows Joseph to amplify all aspects of another's abilities. This means he increases the range, potency, duration and any other necessary aspects of the ability in question. Furthermore Joseph no longer requires physical contact with those he's familiar with. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his early abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link. ◼ STAGE 03 | At Joseph's peak, he is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. That said, Joseph's ability no longer requires physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect although he can choose his targets. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant. ◼ ABILITY NEGATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph's secondary ability is the ability to negate the abilities of another gifted individual. When in physical contact with another, Joseph can choose whether to enhance or negate their abilities. Instinctively his body will always go with negate out of self preservation meaning that if Joseph were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. The negation of the host abilities only is sustained so long as the host is in physical contact with Joseph. Once physical contact is terminated, their abilities are returned within seconds. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's ability grows, he'll be able to emit a small blast which can temporarily stun and negate the abilities of another. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency now, immediately rendering a gifted individual powerless for several hours. ◼ STAGE 03 | Near Joseph's peak potency, his ability will be able to be projected in a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. Furthermore, his offensive abilities will increase from a simple blast, to a prolonged beam or a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. At this stage he is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held. ◼ STAGE 04 | With his final evolution, Joseph gains the ability to enhance his own body. These enhancements are only temporary and can only enhance one aspect of Joseph's body at a time. These enhancements can only be added to one existing aspect of Joseph's body such as accelerating his healing factor or boosting his physical condition. Joseph is able to keep his enhancements active for a period of twenty four hours after which his body will be weakened and unable to undergo another enhancement until fully recovered. //SKILLS: ◼ MEDICAL TRAINING | As an EMT, Joseph is able to treat numerous injuries and ailment in the field. In addition to this, Joseph can sustain the life of a person, postponing death in the events of life threatening injuries until they can reach proper treatment. Notably, Joseph's skills are hinged on having the proper supplies although he can be pragmatic and use whatever is at hand when necessary. ◼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career. ◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver. ◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Larissa, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Larrissa's seedier areas. //LIMITATIONS: Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability. Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe. In regards to Joseph's self enhancements, he can't just add any superhuman ability to himself. Joseph can only enhance his pre-existing physique. Once the enhancement wears off after twenty four hours, Joseph is left in a weakened state for upwards of twelve hours, requiring significant rest and nutrients in order to recover as he body deals with the 'devolution'. If Joseph tried to enhance himself within his rest period, he could potentially harm himself on a genetic level permanently corrupting his DNA and leaving it unstable. //WEAKNESSES: Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless. While enhanced by his own abilities, Joseph can be reduced back to a base human forcibly through extreme voltages which will render his abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity. ▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her." Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Larissa-Lilith Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Larissa was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Larissa's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave. ▼ N O T E S:"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day." //SUPPORTING CAST: ▼ ALLIES ◼ BERGERON, MILES | TBD ◼ PLATEADO, ARTURO | TBD ◼ PRINCE, EVELYN | TBD ◼ WILLIAMS, ANDREW | TBD ▼ FRIENDS ◼ CALLAHAN, BRYNNE | Joseph's on again and off again girlfriend, they have a casual relationship. ◼ CASPIAN, WINTER | A childhood friend of Joseph's and his first girlfriend before a nasty break up put a wedge between them. Winter works for Larissa's Channel 42 News as a field reporter. ◼ THOREAU, SILAS | Joseph's father and Larissa's current District Attorney. ◼ THOREAU, FORREST | Joseph's grandfather and father figure. Forrest and Joseph have a bond that Silas is incredibly jealous of both due to his distance from his father and the attention stolen from his son. ◼ THOREAU, SAMANTHA (neé RUSSELLS) | Joseph's mother and one time lover to the billionaire Charles Micheals. Samantha had previously been involved in a whirlwind romance with the billionaire before being scorned and sent into the arms of Silas Thoreau. Finding herself with child, Samantha and Thoreau married giving birth to their son Joseph. ◼ YOUNG, TRAVIS | Travis Young is Joseph's paramedic partner, the two have been friends since the first year of college and have been nearly inseparable since. ▼ ENEMIES ◼ N/A | TBD //STOMPING GROUNDS ◼ SOUTH BEACH | Owning a condominium in the South Beach District of Larissa, Joseph spends most of his off time on the beach, catching a few waves and mingling among the night time parties. //PARAPHERNALIA ◼ N/A | TBD | | ~ Ɲ ǀ Ɠ H Ƭ S O Ɲ Ɠ ~ | | "You know I make you wanna scream, You know I make you wanna run from me baby" | ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Ellara Sofia Castell | ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ El/Elle ■ Ella ■ Ellie ■ Lara | ᗩ ᒪ I ᗩ ᔕ ( ᕮ ᔕ ): | ■ Nightsong ■ 'Mouthpiece' ■ 'Scream Queen' | ᗪ . O . ᗷ . : | ■ 03/25/1995 | ᗩ G ᕮ : | ■ 21 | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ : | ■ Female | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ ᑌ ᗩ ᒪ I T Y : | ■ Heterosexual | ᗩ ᑭ ᑭ ᕮ ᗩ ᖇ ᗩ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ : | "Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha." //ᔕTᗩTᔕ: ■ HEIGHT | 5'-8" ■ WEIGHT | 118 lbs ■ MEASUREMENTS | 34-24-34 ■ BRA SIZE | 32B ■ HAIR COLOUR | Black ■ EYE COLOUR | Green //ᗪᕮᔕᑕᖇIᑭTIOᑎ: Standing at roughly five feet and eight inches tall (5'-8"), Ellara is a woman slightly above average height for her sex. That said, she doesn't cut an overly intimidating figure unless she locks eyes with you. It's Ellara's eyes which cause many would be suitors to second guess approaching the otherwise stunning woman. Her fierce green eyes give away the fact there's something wild and untamed behind them. Piercing and keen, it's almost as though her eyes can't stop moving as they swish from side to side, taking in their surroundings constantly. A side effect from the traumatic scaring of her childhood. Ellara has a scar above her collarbone on her right shoulder from where Strider held a knife to her. Her skin is naturally tanned, having a soft 'mocha' like tone to it due to the mixed heritage of her parents. Having roots in Catalan, Navajo and Mesoamerican cultures, Ellara's bloodline has a rich history within it. During the summer months, her skin tends to darken due to the sun's rays but even in the winter it retains its tan complexion. Preferring to keep her hair just past shoulder length, Ellara rarely ties her raven haired locks back in day to day activities but will tie it into a tight bun on the back of her head during vigilante activities. Prior to rescuing Alexis, Ellara's appearance was much more homely. Her grandmother kept her modest, not wanting to encourage the wandering male eye should it upset Ellara. She was never shown how to apply make up and would often practice in the mirror. Moving in with Alexis did miracles for Ellara as Alexis overhauled Ellara's wardrobe and taught her how to dress. ​ | ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ / ᔕ K I ᒪ ᒪ ᔕ : | "Scream! When the pressure breaks me, When it's too hard to see." //ᗩᗷIᒪITIᕮᔕ: ■ SONIC MANIPULATION | Ellara possesses the ability to manipulate, shape or create soundwaves. She has control over both soundwaves she creates and soundwaves from another source. Soundwaves are a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear. Ellara can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound. She is able to use it as a powerful physical force and even for high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. In order for Ellara's body to be able to handle her abilities, she possesses super-humanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords that can produce a sonic scream. She also has selective hearing, enabling her to focus upon, enhance, or totally block out any given sound in his environment; this shields Ellara from the deafening sound of her own sonic attacks, and makes her a super-humanly acute eavesdropper in surveillance situations.​ ■ OMNI-TONE | Ellara always speaks in perfect pitch. This ability allows Ellara a very broad range of vocal manipulation leading to her ability to mimic other people's voices and create sonic waves with frequencies well above and below the human range. Due to Ellara's abilities she's able to mimic any voice she has heard. That said, the more she's heard a person speak the more she's able to mimic their voice and verbal tics. A conversation at length with a person will lead to an almost infallible impression but a fleeting sentence here and there will lead to simply a good impression. Ellara is able to project her voice over a distance much further than even the best town criers and manipulate her voice to sound like more than one person is speaking leading to a rather haunting effect. ■ ADVANCED VOICE MANIPULATION | Tapping into her Omni-Tone, Ellara is able to make her voice have a persuasive effect over those he speaks to. She could also even hypnotize an open mind with her voice or lull them into a state of slumber. Further more she can empower her sonic scream with numerous effects such as causing fear, vertigo, or even to kill. Ellara can direct her sonic scream into a beacon sending out over an incredibly wide range to rally allies or attract enemies to her location.UNDEVELOPED ■ ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara has hearing well above and beyond the human range both in terms of physical distance and frequencies. Currently her hearing isn't refined but once she has trained her ears she'll be able to do even more simply by listening. Ellara's ears are immune not only to her own sonic manipulation but also to any external sonic manipulation. Her body is especially adapted to completely resist sonic attacks and to to allow her to fully maximize her own abilities. ■ ADVANCED ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara can refine her ability to listen in order to use her hearing in combination with her voice for the effects of echolocation or sonar. Furthermore Ellara can listen close enough to a person's heartbeat and detect if they're lying.​UNDEVELOPED ■ CREATE/MANIPULATE SOUNDWAVES | Ellara can create soundwaves using her vocal chords or by slapping her body against a hard surface. Clapping will create soundwaves just not with the same starting volume as her vocal chords could produce. Ellara can manipulate the loudness, pitch, tone and overall shape of the soundwave. Ellara can manipulate any soundwave generated from another source whether this is an instrument or a car crash. Ellara can do everything to an externally generated soundwave as he can do to one of his own.UNDEVELOPED ■ SOUND AMPLIFICATION/ABSORPTION | Ellara can increase or decrease the volume of any soundwave. Furthermore she can make sounds completely inaudible including herself. Ellara can throw out soundwaves that can counteract unanticipated sounds by muting or nullifying the sounds. Ellara can manipulate soundwaves into a direct attack shaping them into a concussive blast or keeping them wide to affect a radius around her. Using her enhanced vocal chords, Ellara can produce a sonic scream or overwhelm opponents with deafening or disorienting noise. Low frequency sonic blast can stun opponents temporarily.UNDEVELOPED ■ BOOST/LEVITATION/FLIGHT | Ellara will eventually be able to learn to manipulate soundwaves in such a way that she will be able to ride on them and channel them around her body to boost forward or slow her descent towards the ground. Further building upon this ability, Ellara in combination with a wing suit or glider or some kind will be able to fly through the air using a series of sonic boosts to propel her and keep her sustained. At her absolute best, Ellara will be able to propel herself at the speed of sound through the air creating a sonic boom as she reaches Mach speed.UNDEVELOPED ■ VIBRATION EMISSION | Manipulating soundwaves in the correct way, Ellara can create vibrations which could topple whole buildings if she had the proper supply of soundwaves. These vibrations can be used to counter other movement and potentially deflect projectiles or shrapnel. If timed correctly these 'Counter Vibrations' could at the least minimize the kinetic energy in an attack and at best completely neutralize it.UNDEVELOPED //ᒪIᗰITᗩTIOᑎᔕ: ■ ABUSE | Ellara is limited by her own physical condition as while she does have immunity to her abilities she can over-strain his system and temporarily cut off her own powers. She can also damage her throat or vocal chords from over-abusing them. ■ ADDICTION | ​Ellara suffers from an addiction to sleeping pills, as well as predispostion towards alcohol. Often mixing the two depsite warnings from her roommate. In some instances she needs a drink to accompany a meal, often refusing to relax until she has one in her hand. Whether this is a placebo effect, addiction or both isn't yet determined. She can't sleep without sleeping pills, whether its an afternoon nap or a full night's rest. Ellara believes she needs the pills or her nightmares will come. ■ PTSD | ​Despite having been in and out of therapy over the past ten years, Ellara still suffers from symptoms of PTSD due to Strider's actions. Ellara is completely dependent on sleeping pills in order to get anything close to a semblance of rest each night. Often tossing and turning due to nightmares and the haunting visage of the man with a knife pressed against her. Even during the day if Ellara allows her thoughts to wander, she finds herself reliving the event, experiencing intense flashbacks. The smell of blood or the brand of cheap body spray that Strider wore can act as a trigger. News reports of sexual assaults or rapes can set Ellara's PTSD off as can hearing the song 'Escape' by Rupert Holmes. For this reason, Ellara avoids playing music before bed since it was a tradition of her parents and one that lead to 'Escape' being played before their murders. Ellara also refuses to sleep with a window open or unlocked, and ensures every door has at least two locks on it. If Ellara tries to go to bed while anything in her apartment is similar to the night of the assault then she will end up avoiding sleep altogether. Ellara has trouble forming relationships, and can be seen as very untrusting. She tends to view the world at its worst and sees it as a dangerous and untamed animal. As such, Ellara has never had a boyfriend or any sort of significant other never being able to get past a first date. She's constantly on alert, her eyes twitching back and forth constantly searching for any threats to herself. Often Ellara fidgets, tapping a foot or hand on whatever surface is nearby, often jittery especially in new environments. While Ellara is attempting to earn a degree at Grimm, she has a hard time concentrating especially combined with her lack of sleep. She's prone to mood swings, suddenly becoming angry or irritable without any notice. Ellara always checks her surroundings, especially in a new location, always sitting with her back to a wall and never a window, door or open space. Additionally Ellara doesn't take kindly to being snuck up on or surprised. ■ BERSERK BUTTON | At the age of eleven, Ellara was sexual assaulted and nearly raped by Marcus Strider. She also witnessed the death of her father while her mother's murderer was carted off and put in jail where he had a roof over his head and was provided three meals per day along with free education. While Ellara uses her memories to fuel her crusade against crime it is also a crutch to her. Victims of sexual assault often cause her to become unhinged and unfocused while guns can unnerve Ellara and she's especially vulnerable to seeing someone near death or dead in front of her. Unexpected displays of affection can also unnerve Ellara causing her to become hostile.​ ■ HUMANITY | Even though Ellara has enhanced healing through sonokinetic stimulation, she's still essentially vulnerable to guns and knives. Ellara has no enhanced strength or durability and is currently untrained in using her abilities to boost her speed.​ //ᗯᕮᗩKᑎᕮᔕᔕᕮᔕ: ■ SOUND NULLIFICATION | Ellara's abilities can be negated by anything that can nullify sound. Materials which absorb sound can also limit if not downright block the desired effects. ■ NOISE | While Ellara manipulates sound, noise can greatly hinder her abilities causing her attacks to become unfocused or even render then completely null. Noise greatly reduces Ellara's ability to focus soundwaves and as such fighting around crowds or in busy public areas will diminish her efficiency. ■ MUTING/DEAFENING | Since the majority of Ellara's abilities rely on her mouth and ears, removing either of these sensory organs from the equation can greatly weaken her. Ellara can't perform her sonic scream while gagged and can't focus her abilities without her ears. //ᔕKIᒪᒪᔕ: ■ ASL | Having spent nearly ten years without speaking, Ellara's speech therapist introduced her to and educated her in American Sign Language. Being a competent user of it, Ellara can communicate proficiently with most individuals who have an understanding of it. She herself can be overwhelmed by the speed at which life long users sign but this can often be overcome. ■ VENTRILOQUISM | Due to Ellara's abilities, she has a natural talent for voice manipulation. As such, she is able to throw her voice in a similar manner to a ventriloquist. Ellara can use this to distract or otherwise confuse both allies and foes alike. She's been known to pick up a puppet every now and then to entertain children too. ■ MARTIAL ARTS | On an invitation from Alexis, Ellara took up Tai Chi as both a meditation technique and a physical outlet just over a year ago. Taking as many courses as she could over the past year, she's become rather skilled in the martial art, capable of holding her own against most average opponents. Ellara is however by no means a medal winning athlete or combatant and instead relies more on surprise and her abilities than being able to take an opponent head on. | ᗷ ᗩ ᑕ K ᔕ T O ᖇ Y : | "Scream till there's silence, Scream while there's life left, vanishing" A powerful set of lungs alerted the world of the birth of Ellara Sofia Castell as she was pulled from the womb screaming in the dead of one cold Larissa night. Born to doting parents, Alejandro and Liliana spoiled their little princess during her early childhood. However that all changed one hot summer when a notorious man by the name of Marcus Strider went on a crime spree throughout the city. This spree was isolated to the districts of Somerset, the Wharf, the Sound and Little Santiago. A sexual predator, rapist and family annihilator, Strider left a rather notable body count in his wake including both Alejandro and Liliana. During the attack on their home, Ellara managed to call 911 although she was caught by Strider before having the chance to express the situation to the operator on the other side. Having already dispatched both of Ellara's parents, Strider believed himself free to have his way with the young girl and began to take his time, tormenting Ellara. Pressing a knife against Ellara's skin as he began to cut off her shirt, Ellara screamed in terror as Strider smiled wickedly at her. However this scream was not the simple scream of a terrified girl, but the powerful scream of a new super waking up. The combination of trauma and puberty awoke latent superhuman abilities in Ellara which manifested in a super sonic scream. As the scream left Ellara's mouth, the windows in the house shattered along with Strider's ear drums as he fell to the floor clutching his head. Cursing as he pulled himself to his feet, Strider scrambled for his knife and lunged at Ellara before being pulled back by Alejandro. Having underestimated Alejandro's constitution, Strider believed he had left the man for dead however Alejandro managed to fight through his wounds, coming to his daughter's aid. Struggling with the older man, Strider found his knife being turned on him as the house was flood with red and blue flashing lights. As the police entered the room, Alejandro let go, rolling off of Strider and finally succumbing to his wounds. Strider was taken into custody as police tried to console the now parent-less Ellara. -From that point on, Ellara never spoke a word. Put in the care of her grandmother, Ellara was put into both speech and psychological therapy in order to help cope with what she had been through and witnessed. Still the girl refused to speak. -Terrified of what her voice had done, Ellara had convinced herself that her scream had killed her father. This only furthered her vow of silence. -Her grandmother was a devout Catholic and took Ellara to church for both confirmation and mass on a weekly basis. Unknown to both Ellara's grandmother and therapists, Ellara actually spoke to Father Juan in confessional. -At the age of nineteen, Ellara was on her way home from work. Caught in the rain, she turned down an alley to shield herself from the downpour when she came upon a man assulting a woman. Overcome with rage, Ellara found her voice again as she unleashed her sonic scream for the second time in her life. -Following up with Alexis, Ellara and the girl bonded with Alexis helping Ellara out of her shell and creating a newfound confidence within the girl. Eventually moving in with the single mother and her son, Ellara began to find both her voice and independence. -Taking Tai-Chi to both learn self defense and as a therapeutic response to her assualt, Alexis decided to invite Ellara out who immediately took a liking to the martial art. -With the fire lit inside her chest, Ellara took to the streets at night, hunting down crime. Naturally she had heard of the Mavericks, everyone in Larissa knew of the vigilantes. But she had become a vigilante by coincidence, not because of inspiration. Her life seemed fated to go this way. | ᗰ O T I ᐯ ᗩ T I O ᑎ / O ᗷ ᒍ ᕮ ᑕ T I ᐯ ᕮ : | When Ellara stopped Alexis' assault, something ignited within her. A desire to break her silence and use her abilities to help others who can't stand up for themselves. Fueled by her own helplessness during her youth and the death of her parents, Ellara strives to keep the few she cares about safe and ensure no one has to suffer what she did ever again. | ᔕ ᑌ ᑭ ᑭ O ᖇ T I ᑎ G ᑕ ᗩ ᔕ T : | ■ CASTELL, ALEJANDRO | Ellara's late father. Alejandro used to regal his daughter with tales of Larissa's legendary heroes the Mavericks. In truth, Alejandro knew the Mavericks better than most having been on the receiving end of IllAdvised's fist more than once in his youth. Growing up, Alejandro had been pressured into gang life, ending up running with the Harbour Kings. However due to the interference of the Mavericks, the gang was eventually shut down and Alejandro was able to attend Grimm University, taking a degree in Power Engineering. Before his death he had been working at the Michaels' Power Plant. Charles Michaels himself personally ensured that Ellara would receive Alejandro's full pension on the day of her eighteenth birthday. ■ CASTELL (neé DELGADO), LILIANA | Ellara's late mother. Named by her parents after the 'Lilly of the Valley' found outside of New Lilith, Liliana met and married Alejandro in their early twenties. She stayed at home during the first seven years of Ellara's life, eventually returning to work the year Ellara entered into the second grade. Working as a paralegal, Liliana made a decent wage and upon her death, the 'Reid and Reid' Lawfirm ensured Ellara was put into the care of her grandmother instead of into the system. ■ DELGADO, ADALIND | Ellara's grandmother and caretaker for most of her life. A very religious and superstitious woman, Adalind was initially hesitant to take Ellara into her home. However, she was unable to say no to her own granddaughter and eventually the two bonding, Adalind learning sign language along with Ellara. In fact, sign language was a greater gift than Adalind could have anticipated as it allowed her to communicate with other elderly members of her church that had begun to lose their hearing. Seeing Ellara as a blessing in her life, Adalind made sure to thank God every time she prayed for showing her his plan for bringing Ellara into her life. ■ DEL CARO, JUAN | Father or Padre Juan is the Priest which resides over St. Hillan's Cathedral. For most of Ellara's early teens he acted as a father figure to the young girl and still acts as her confident today. Padre Juan is aware of Ellara's nighttime activities but as part of his oath does not utter a word from confessional. While he tells Ellara that God does not appreciate violence, a small part of the local priest can't help but feel pride to see a new potential hero rising up in Larissa. Having grown up in Little Santiago, the Mavericks did a lot to bring prosperity into the poorer regions of Larissa and while most of the city turned on the heroes when challengers began to come to the city, Juan and his family stood by their heroes. ■ FITZROY, EUGENE | Ellara's psychological therapist. ■ JAMES, ALEXIS | Ellara met Alexis just over two years ago when she rescued the young woman from being assaulted. A waitress at the Silver Knot, Alexis had been on her way home after a long shift when Ellara rescued her. After the police took Alexis' statement, Ellara followed up herself, checking in with Alexis seeing a kindred soul in the woman. The two began meeting for coffee on a weekly basis before eventually becoming very close friends. When Alexis found out that Ellara was looking to move out of her grandmother's house in Little Santiago, she invited Ellara to come live with her and her son in the Sound. While Alexis is suspicious of Ellara's night time activities, she prefers not to voice her concerns as she knows Ellara finds a cathartic release in beating the snot out of Larissa's scum. ■ JAMES, HARLEY | Alexis' son. ■ STRIDER, MARCUS | When Marcus was seventeen his father divorced his mother leaving the pair nearly penniless. This planted the seeds of rage within Marcus who held both his parents accountable for the split and eventually leading to him murdering his mother and then hunting down his father. However, unbeknownst to Marcus, his father had left Larissa leading o him seeking our surrogates. Marcus went on a twelve day rapdily devolving killing spree that was ended when he invaded the Castell family home. Having taken Alejandro Castell by surprise, Marcus took his time assualting and tormenting Liliana before killing her and coming after their eleven year old daughter Ellara. Underestimating Alejandro, Marcus was prevented from raping the child as Alejandro re-engaged him. The fight was brought to an end when the police arrived and shot Alejandro to prevent him from killing Marcus. Marcus was then apprehended and sentenced to lifetime without chance of bail in Cliffside Penitentiary. After the explosion at the Michaels Power Plant, he has been reported missing, his cell having been compromised during the incident. | ᖇ ᕮ ᖴ ᕮ ᖇ ᕮ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ ᑭ O ᔕ T ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Mavericks: Valiant Heroics | 'Another School Year' ■ New Lilith: Shadows of Darkness | 'A Late Winter' ■ VIGILANCE: Rise of the Mavericks | 'IllAdvised Tracking' | ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ : | ■ Ellara drives a black 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge convertible. ■ Ellara is primarily of Catalan, Mesoamerican and Navajo descent.
ANDREW Pas mort? Il espérait sincèrement qu'il n'était pas mort! Et s'il l'était, sa question resta. Qui a attaqué les morts? Non, non, c'était tout faux, il n'était pas mort. Sa tête lui faisait trop mal pour ça, et ce n'était certainement pas l'au-delà et-Pourquoi il se touchait le visage?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? L'instinct, ainsi qu'un petit sentiment d'indignité, incita Andrew à s'éloigner des doigts. Non seulement il était généralement contre avoir les mains fourrées dans son visage pour quelque raison que ce soit, mais il ne voulait pas que quelqu'un pose son ecchymose tout à l'heure. Probablement jamais. Des choses tendres, des visages. Et des bleus. Et la fierté... géniale. Il avait été défoncé parce que ce gamin pensait qu'il était un voleur. Non, non, et trois fois non. Je ne l'ai pas fait, je ne le suis pas, et je ne devrais même pas être ici. Où est-ce qu'il est ici? Oui, sa fierté a été meurtrie, mais il était plus préoccupé par le fait que cette nuit n'allait certainement pas selon le plan (bien, ses plans, de toute façon), et qu'il semblait avoir été kidnappé pour ses vêtements, puis jeté ailleurs. Le voleur / kidnapper ayant été assez gentil pour offrir un échange, même s'il était assez sûr qu'il obtenait la meilleure affaire. En quelque sorte. Il voulait vraiment récupérer son jean et sa chemise, même s'ils étaient, collectivement, probablement seulement 20$, peut-être 25$. Il n'a pas gardé une garde-robe chère. Au moins, les nouveaux vêtements s'adaptent... au bon côté, non? Peut-être? Bien sûr, peu importe, il prendrait ce qu'il pourrait obtenir en ce moment et au moins il n'était pas attaché dans un sous-sol quelque part, si ce gars pouvait entrer, alors ils pourraient sortir. Bon à savoir. Soooo, pourquoi était-il toujours assis ici? C'était encore une autre question qu'Andrew ne pouvait pas répondre. Mais comme il n'était plus attaqué, et avait pris son souffle, il a travaillé son chemin lent jusqu'à ses pieds. Il a l'air beaucoup plus d'effort que ce n'était vraiment comme sa tête a essayé de demander le divorce, ou de retourner l'interrupteur, ou tout simplement retourner au sol. Il a dû se déplacer lentement pour éviter tout brouillage déraisonnable. En réalité, il se sentait de moins en moins énergique plus le jeune homme se tenait à ses côtés. Fidgeting, questionnement, enquête sur le drôle de bruit de bip... Aw, enfoiré toi aussi. Arrête-toi. Il aurait aimé être fait pour la nuit. On dirait que le monde avait d'autres idées... pourrait-il juste apparaître son lit ici ou quelque chose comme ça? L'invoquer? Appelez ça comme un chien. Il se moquait de comment ça s'est passé, juste que ce serait bien mieux qu'un téléphone au hasard lui bipait dessus. S'il n'allait pas aller à l'ouverture de la technologie, alors, oui non, il allait se coucher. Inutile de dire, qu'il venait de regarder Miles jouer avec les appareils, qu'il pensait encore aux téléphones et que rien du tout n'avait été fait par le gamin pour lui prouver qu'il avait tort. Donc, quand on lui a donné l'un d'eux, il l'a regardé comme on lui a donné des conneries littérales, mais il l'a pris de toute façon, parce qu'autant qu'il ne voulait pas que cela aille plus loin, la curiosité était un vice. Il l'aurait probablement payé demain matin. Mais le petit peu de mime surpris que l'adolescent avait pris pour lui a provoqué une certaine intrigue. Malheureusement. Comme si ce n'était pas déjà assez bizarre. Oh non, il devait y avoir aussi des téléphones personnalisés. Andrew n'a cligné que légèrement à l'écran quand il a clin d'œil d'une manière trop joyeuse, défilant son nom en lettres de bloc et puis clin d'œil à nouveau comme si c'était juste le taquiner. Il n'était vraiment pas d'humeur pour cette merde. Du tout. Mais il n'avait pas beaucoup de choix, parce que s'il voulait savoir pourquoi il était ici, il allait devoir jouer avec. Donc, Andrew a fait quelques tristes tentatives pour voir s'il pouvait allumer le téléphone ou faire quelque chose d'un peu plus excitant, bien qu'il ait laissé le gamin faire la plupart du travail des jambes, comme il était. Woah hey, non, j'ai moins d'indice que toi, ce taux. Je ne suis même pas censé être ici.S'il n'a pas accepté ça avec le Dr Maddison demain, vous pourriez être sûr que c'était pour une bonne raison. Avant de pouvoir travailler à expliquer qu'il avait appris une nouvelle leçon sur les services de transport, sa main vibrait. Ou, le téléphone l'a fait, mais il a dû être réglé en mode massage et il n'avait pas réalisé que c'était une option jusqu'à maintenant. Il le fixa pendant un moment, son pouce planait automatiquement déjà, puis, puisqu'au moins c'était quelque chose, il secoua et répondit. Aucune raison de ne pas être familiers, ils l'avaient déjà déshabillé, qui qu'ils soient. Vu ses boxeurs Stitch, qu'est-ce qu'il fallait de plus pour passer les formalités? Ça aurait été sympa s'il avait été invité pour une bière, ou quelque chose comme ça. Au lieu de ça, il a une femme qui est cryptique. "Il y a une force au-delà de ce que vous pourriez concevoir. Si vous suivez le chemin, vous trouverez que votre 'cœur' est en fait votre plus forte source de pouvoir." Mais pas assez cryptique. Andrew était un peu pâle sous son ecchymose sombre alors qu'il tirait le téléphone loin de son oreille, raccrochant sans attendre pour s'assurer que c'était tout. Son cœur. Il n'en a pas fait un grand secret. Il y avait assez de gens qui savaient que les questions dans les bons endroits pouvaient le trouver. Il avait un bracelet médical... il n'avait pas, il était toujours là. Ils auraient pu le lire et l'installer après ce qui s'est passé dans la voiture. Mais quand même, quand même, oui, c'est flippant. Je veux dire, qu'est-ce qu'Ehhh, merde. La censure doit être damnée. Aucune d'entre elles n'avait les réponses. Mais au moins il n'était pas le seul. Et il s'accrochait à ce confort, le cerveau s'efforçait de travailler à travers le message qu'il venait d'avoir, essayant de comprendre ce que toute cette mise en place avait pour but d'atteindre, quand il avait soit sa réponse, soit une coïncidence vraiment horrible a décidé d'exploser à proximité. Brillant flash, terre tremblante et quantité horrible de bruit dans trop peu de temps malgré, il était enclin à s'éloigner du big bang. Sur l'instinct général de survie. Mais là, la curiosité était encore une fois sa chute. Et ça sonnait grand, vraiment grand. Un gros bâtiment endommagé. Si les gens étaient blessés, il ne pouvait pas partir. Sans parler de... Attendez! Faire une prise pour l'autre gars avant qu'il puisse se précipiter dans le danger probable, Andrew manqué par un mile, mais a suivi après assez rapidement, maux de tête s'installant dans une ennui terne dans le dos de sa conscience que l'adrénaline a pris le dessus, la repoussant. C'est de la merde. La banque était en feu. C'était presque la seule lumière de la rue, mais assez lumineux pour le moment, il n'a même pas remarqué que les lampadaires n'étaient pas allumés. N'a pas remarqué que les quelques voitures s'éloignaient ou ralentissaient ou s'écrasent. Juste des portes en métal brillant et des flammes léchant leurs bords et un grand trou noir au milieu, bâillant large. Coucou! Coucou! Quand il a vu deux autres figures marcher vers les portes de la banque, les portes chaudes, tordues, à moitié fondues, Andrew a déménagé pour les arrêter. Penser qu'ils étaient susceptibles de se brûler dans leur hâte et ce n'était pas comme si quelqu'un serait là à cette heure, non? Pas vrai? Il ne savait même pas à quelle heure il était, mais après que la première boule de feu a été jetée sur sa tête, il s'est dit qu'ils n'étaient pas inquiets pour quiconque pourrait être à l'intérieur. Il avait évité le premier, senti ses cheveux devenir un peu croustillants, c'était si près d'un appel. Et s'arrêta juste à court d'entrer dans la seconde quand l'autre figure se précipita beaucoup trop vite vers lui et commença à le traîner par son collier. Fait un son très comme un chat étouffant sur une boule de cheveux, sa prochaine manifestation a été coupée et il a passé quelques secondes précieuses à saisir le poignet attaché à la main qui l'avait tiré de ses pieds et menaçait de lui donner roadrash au-dessus de la tentative de coup de fouet avant de se souvenir qu'il n'était pas vraiment impuissant, même face aux boules de feu et euh, vraiment rapide à courir. Les doigts ont glissé à travers son col et il a échoué en plein air pour se remettre sur pied alors qu'il se précipitait dans une ambulance. Le côté du véhicule bloquait brusquement sa vue de l'expression surprise sur le visage du gars, alors qu'il s'arrêtait finalement. C'est vrai! C'était plus comme ça! Et maintenant?
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
Le Néo-Genèse de Mavericks Prologue "Blitzed, Bolts et Bad Luck Ram Ram s'est brouillé en arrière, supprimant son agonie de surprise à un grognement alors qu'il était presque aveuglé par le changement de la lumière. Tandis que le frisson s'amenuisait, il risquait de s'élever à un faible squat et de regarder pour voir les dégâts. Il était seulement peu au courant de l'ambulance arrêtée au milieu de la rue, n'ayant que des yeux pour la porte détruite. Dans quoi je me suis-je jeté? – Il chuchotait alors qu'il voyait la porte de la banque détruite. L'obscurité du bloc atténue sa vision, mais il voulait obtenir ce qu'il pouvait de ces hommes. Les chances étaient minces qu'il puisse faire n'importe quoi en tant qu'individu solitaire, le moins qu'il puisse faire était d'obtenir des renseignements. Tout ce que ces hommes voulaient, se tenant sur leur chemin semblait suicidaire pour Ram. Ne soyez pas un héros, sauf si vous êtes prêt à payer le prix du héros "Vous avez raison, abuelo," Ram a dit avec un clin d'œil alors qu'il se préparait à reculer et obtenir une meilleure vue ailleurs. Les mots sonnaient tendrement dans sa tête, colorant l'humour sombre de la situation dans laquelle il se trouvait. Ces mots lui ont aussi laissé l'esprit presque immédiatement alors qu'il voyait les portes à l'extrémité opposée de l'immeuble qu'il regardait autour de l'explosion ouverte, et un chiffre plus petit s'est chargé. Tandis que la figure venait à la bordure--Ram a pris une profonde respiration, stimulant sa vision pour faire plus de détails, capable de voir cette personne était probablement un enfant-- la lumière pourpre a commencé à s'étendre à la fois vers le bas de ses bras et à les dépasser avant de se masser rapidement dans une paire de bras lumineux plus grands. Suivi d'une autre forme, Ram vit que les deux se dirigeant vers la banque tournaient brusquement, alertant davantage de gens. Cela... ne finira pas bien, a-t-il déclaré comme la première boule de feu a été lancée par les criminels. Miles C'est pas vrai! N'essayez pas de sauver les criminels, Miles a crié à l'homme plus âgé. Il n'y avait pas le temps pour plus de conversations que la paire de l'autre côté de la rue lancée en action simultanément. Miles colombe sur le côté, manquant étroitement la première vague de chaleur. Atterrissant sur ses pieds, il fila et traversa les bras de Fitz à temps pour bloquer la deuxième boule de feu en direction de lui. "Ooph! Ses pieds reculaient légèrement de la force. Cette dernière boule de feu avait fait plus d'un coup de poing. Miles a levé les yeux à temps pour voir le pompier diriger ses efforts au gars pas mort. Miles a profité de l'occasion pour plonger bas et fléchir autour, donnant au gars du Feu un grand poste d'amarrage avant de s'enfoncer et de se lancer avec les mains de Fitzs depuis le capot d'une voiture garée. En descendant sur cet homme, Miles a lâché un holder! Prenez-en! Mauvaise idée. Le cri donnait à l'homme la tête haute dont il avait besoin et il se tourna pour rencontrer Miles, libérant une explosion rapide d'énergie électrique. Le corps de Miles est enfermé, Fitz absorbant une bonne quantité d'énergie avant de se dissiper rapidement, et il est tombé au sol avec un doux bruit. Miles a vu l'homme regarder son partenaire. Il a aboyé. La douleur n'était pas écrasante, mais ses articulations étaient enfermées et les spasmes couraient la longueur de son corps. Miles savait qu'il était dans un endroit relativement difficile. Il avait l'impression qu'il y avait peut-être eu une leçon sur le fait d'être un héros sur la montée, qui couvrait quelque chose comme cette situation. "Dammit kid," une voix dit au-dessus de lui, il pouvait juste bouger sa tête encore tendue pour voir le gars Fire-Lightning debout à quelques pieds de lui, "vous auriez vraiment dû rester dans votre voie." Ah, c'est ça. Le voilà. C'est pas vrai. Tout d'abord, le boulot n'avait rien dit sur les civils. C'était pour ça qu'Allen avait accepté le boulot. Pas de riff-raff, pas de problème. Deuxièmement, Il a demandé, un beau mélange d'irritation, de colère et de peur jouant dans les inflexions de sa voix. Au moins une de ces civvies était Hypes, et quelles étaient les chances de cela? Il a pris une pause, s'est effondré. Il était irrité parce que la figure noire avait raison, encore pire que cette putain de fille à l'air blitz avait raison. Sa colère découlait du fait que la nuit était devenue bien plus longue. Et cette voix de la peur qui chuchotait dans son oreille lui a dit que cette salope blitzée avait probablement raison sur tout. Son partenaire le tuerait s'il déconnait plus loin, et il aimait vivre. Sa proclamation retentit alors qu'il secouait la tête et produisait un cube noir lisse de l'intérieur de sa veste. Cependant, la mémoire s'est encore enfoncée pendant un moment. Des flashs jiltés d'Allen quittant leur place d'affectation. En marchant dans un couloir. Pairing--pour une seconde volée--dans la fissure d'une porte partiellement ouverte. Voir cette salope blitzée d'avant, parler à quelqu'un. Il n'est pas prêt. Son erreur sera une grande. Allen savait qu'elle parlait de lui. Il n'y avait aucun doute à ce sujet. Mais, il n'aurait pas foiré, pas avec autant d'argent en ligne... Ventus secoua la tête et partit en courant, construisant rapidement de l'élan alors qu'il s'approchait de l'entrée de la rive, l'entrée s'émouillant encore légèrement. En entrant et en sortant, il s'est dit alors que son image commençait à s'estomper avec sa vitesse croissante. Ram De vieux souvenirs de panique ont commencé à jouer dans l'esprit de Rams alors qu'il courait dans la fraye qui se déplaçait. Mais une touche d'exaltation traçait aussi la longueur de sa forme. Une certaine frénésie qu'il a ressentie comme ce jour-là, il y a si longtemps. Mais cette fois, il pourrait peut-être faire quelque chose. Il a dragué vers l'avant, notant le patient qui s'était déversé de l'arrière du véhicule. Ce n'était certainement pas un endroit pour quelqu'un déjà blessé. Ram lui a demandé, s'agenouillant rapidement à côté d'elle et la hissant dans ses bras, désolé à ce sujet. Il a dû vous mettre en sécurité. - Il est entré à l'arrière du véhicule et l'a déposée. Des images de fumée acride, toussant les gens et un bâtiment renversé rencontrèrent son œil mental, mais il le poussa avant qu'il ne le submerge. Pas ici. Il s'est grondé lui-même. Il a regardé autour de la petite zone, avant de trouver un extincteur. Parfait! Il l'a pris et lui a remis. "Tu prends ça, et si ce gars dehors arrive ici, tu lui donnes un grand cooldown, oui?"Avec un clin d'œil, il s'est tiré du véhicule, regardant autour de la porte ouverte, juste à temps pour voir l'ancienne figure du bâtiment abandonné courir à travers l'ambulance! Qu'est-ce que c'était cette nuit? Il n'a pas eu le temps de s'inquiéter, comme ses yeux reposaient sur le garçon de plus tôt. Les choses n'allaient pas bien. Il s'est concentré sur la figure qui plane au-dessus du garçon. Qu'est-ce qu'il savait? Vite! Son corps est comme un conduit. Il canalise l'énergie, mais a le plus de contrôle dans ses mains. Les mains! Produire son couteau de poche du côté de sa chaussure, Ram savait qu'il n'avait qu'un seul coup. Mais, avec son objectif renforcé, un seul coup serait tout ce dont il avait besoin. Il espérait. Ram s'est redressé, assombrant une profonde respiration et la tenant. Ses yeux se sont glissés, les élèves dilatant et s'étendant. Gazé rétréci, respiration retenue, battements de coeur ressentis, le poids de la lame prise en compte, le chemin de la lame prise en compte. L'homme leva les mains, et une petite lueur apparut entre elles, dirigée directement pour le jeune garçon sur le sol encore. Et vas-y! Un mouvement rapide et Ram a jeté la lame dans l'air, la tranche de celui-ci créant un petit cycle de sifflets. Son but était vrai alors que le couteau s'inscrivait dans la main droite de sa cible. Ren Ren ressentait une douleur aveuglante, le mettant à l'abri de la libération cathartique naissante d'expulser plus d'énergie. Il était sur le point de porter un toast à ce gamin. Il s'écria en tournant la main pour voir la lame du couteau s'y coller. Sa tête a fouetté à droite, se concentrant sur l'ambulance, la source de l'agression. La douleur a assombri les bords de sa vue pendant un moment et un gémissement de douleur l'a doublé au fur et à mesure qu'il arrachait le couteau de ses mains. Il a vu maintenant, des bouts de crachats qui coulent de sa bouche suite à l'effort de "de-knifing" lui-même. Ils avaient été assurés qu'il n'y aurait pas d'ingérence extérieure. Pourtant, ils étaient là, Et si j'ai quelque chose à dire à ce sujet, quelqu'un va brûler. Il a lobé une boule de feu à l'ambulance, la force de concussive plus que la chaleur berçant le véhicule. Ventus apparut à l'entrée de la banque, et Ren le regarda avec impatience. Il serait damné s'ils n'avaient pas fini leur objectif principal: changer ces conteneurs de cubes métalliques. Ventus a hurlé sur lui avec honnêteté, avant que Ren ne focalise son attention sur l'ambulance, en oubliant momentanément le garçon. Il a pointé vers le véhicule. Nouvelle règle : aucune fin lâche, a-t-il déclaré simplement. C'est pas vrai. Allen s'est dirigé vers l'avant, atteignant la porte latérale des ambulanciers et l'ouvrant en un mouvement rapide. Il a donné au conducteur un sourire rapide, "Désolé bourgeon, rien de personnel. Mais, rien de plus important que la moolah. Il a donné au conducteur un sourire faible avant d'entrer, de débrancher la ceinture de sécurité, de sortir les clés et d'attraper l'homme en moins d'une seconde. Il a jeté le chauffeur de l'ambulance et dans la rue. Allen s'approcha à nouveau de lui, c'est juste des affaires.Après qu'il eut pris soin de ce type, il s'occuperait de cette Hype d'avant. Il laisserait le gamin à Ren. Les prédictions d'Allen Ventus étaient payées ce soir, quoi qu'il arrive.
| NAME(S): | Miles Alexander Bergeron | NICKNAME(S): | Really just Miles, or Milaminute when he’s telling a story.​ | ALIAS(ES): | PsycheOut​ | D.O.B.: | 10/10/2001 | AGE: | 15 | SEX: | Nope | SEXUALITY: | Asexual | APPEARANCE: | Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward “teenage development”, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5’8”). He’s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and it’s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ​ | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Magipsychic Energy Manipulation On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfather’s study, searching for things he shouldn’t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfather’s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora. “Sticky Hands” - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the “Sticky Hands” to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they don’t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it. “Dome Time” - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly “harden” it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesn’t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people. “Fitz” - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Miles’ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises don’t affect him. | BACKSTORY: | It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ’In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?’ Does the knowing make it better? I don’t think it does. ’I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My family’. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadn’t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ’It’s her fault. I can’t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. It’s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combination….. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind. ’Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. That’s what they always told us. Why couldn’t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldn’t have put me….here…’ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if they’re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ’Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didn’t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldn’t accept another “failure”. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldn’t do that to her. I never imagined... Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didn’t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time. ’And that’s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.’ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ’Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldn’t come to me. And I got to wonderin’...wonderin’ and plottin’. And that’s when Grandpa Remy-Lou’s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousin’s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back. Everything that he’s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. He’d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ’It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didn’t expect...I didn’t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, many people. And then, nothing. But it’s okay to not remember. Sometimes, it’s even better that way. ’Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?’ You’re left with you and me. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. He’s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected. | SUPPORTING CAST: | WIP So Far: -Claire Bergeron: Miles’ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, she’s debating telling him this information. -Belina-Brooks “Bebe” Jackson: Miles’ cousin and childhood friend. -Ilani Marie Jackson: Miles’ older cousin. She’s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years. | REFERENCE POST(S): | intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo | NOTES: | I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ain’t love the same bitch Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is I’m rich (I’m rich).
J O S E P H T H O R E A U A. Le rôle de l'Union européenne dans le domaine de l'éducation et de la formation tout au long de la vie. K............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. A N E M E S I S ► L A R I S S A. O L Y M P U Smai 2016 - Une nuit après l'explosion Pourquoi est-ce que les choses vont toujours de mauvais à pire? Les pensées de Joseph échouèrent à travers sa tête alors qu'il luttait pour se libérer de la ceinture verrouillée. Condamné contre le siège comme une précaution de sécurité, Joseph regarda comme la poutre d'énergie pour laquelle il avait initialement freiné n'était que la première chose étrange qu'il avait vue ce soir. Heureusement, Travis n'était pas conscient de cela, sinon il aurait à traiter de son commentaire continu. Pour aller de l'avant, Joseph a tourné les clés de l'allumage seulement pour que l'ambulance se secoue et s'évanouisse. L'arrêt soudain avait saisi le moteur ce qui signifie qu'ils ne allaient nulle part rapidement et même si le moteur s'était retourné, il était peu probable que le reste de l'ambulance était en grand état. Contrairement au service de police corrompu qui semblait toujours avoir de l'argent dans le budget pour les véhicules haut de gamme, les hôpitaux ont dû faire à cause d'ambulances qui auraient dû être retirées il y a bien plus de dix ans. Si Joseph a été forcé de parier dessus, il y avait une bonne chance qu'au moins un pneu ait explosé dans l'arrêt d'escroquerie et qu'il s'aventure même à deviner que la jante du même pneu était endommagée dans l'arrêt de glissement. Cela dit, Joseph n'était pas sur le point de s'asseoir et d'attendre le secours. Surtout après l'explosion de chaleur, l'ambulance déjà endommagée s'est encore bercée. C'était Larissa et Joseph et Travis qui étaient prêts pour le danger, peut-être pas le genre de personnes qui avaient des capacités extraordinaires, mais qui étaient prêtes à faire face à des patients hostiles. En entrant dans un sac médical maintenu à l'avant, Joseph a sorti quelques seringues, chacune remplie d'un puissant sédatif destiné à être rapidement injectée à des clients subduis. Il était particulièrement reconnaissant que Travis s'était souvenu de reconstituer leur approvisionnement, une gratitude qui s'est enflée alors que sa porte était ouverte et il s'est retrouvé lancé de l'ambulance et posé sur le béton froid ci-dessous. "C'est juste des affaires." L'escroc sourit alors qu'il se tenait au-dessus de Joseph. Un schowl a traversé le visage de Joseph alors qu'il regardait la triste excuse d'un homme avant qu'il n'éclate dans l'action. Écrasant avec ses jambes, Joseph gronda fort aux pieds de l'autre homme, le jetant à terre afin de se donner du temps pour se frotter à ses propres pieds. Bien qu'étant paramédical, Joseph savait mieux que de travailler les rues de la ville sans armes alors qu'il atteignait l'arrière de sa ceinture, tirant un bâton pliant avec son autre main tenait une seringue prête. "Vous avez besoin d'un changement de carrière." Joseph a rétorqué alors qu'il précipitait l'homme, espérant le garder à terre. Swingant le bâton, il a été frappé de sa main par l'adversaire plus habile. Mais heureusement, l'homme avait anticipé la seringue alors que Joseph la conduisait dans l'avant-bras de son ennemi. Pleurant dans la douleur, l'autre homme a frappé la main de Joseph avant qu'il puisse injecter le sédatif, donnant un coup de pied rapide à la cage thoracique de l'ambulancier. Fatigué, Joseph trébucha en arrière en essayant de reprendre son souffle alors que l'autre homme s'avançait sur lui, soudainement il disparut, seulement pour réapparaître derrière Joseph alors qu'il lançait une série d'attaques qui semblaient se déplacer à des vitesses surhumaines alors que Joseph se retrouvait frappé de chaque côté jusqu'à tout à coup sa main rencontra la peau et le escroc apparut à nouveau devant lui. Joseph pouvait dire du visage de l'homme qu'il était aussi confus qu'il était mais il n'y avait pas le temps d'hésiter car Joseph a livré une coupe supérieure rapide avec son coude, le nez de l'homme pulvérisant le sang sur la veste paramédic bleu marine. En entrant dans sa poche, Joseph a produit une seconde seringue et l'a poignardée dans le cou de l'homme, en injectant le sédatif dans le flux sanguin de l'homme. En maintenant son emprise sur l'homme, Joseph regarda les yeux de l'escroc rouler à l'envers tandis qu'il s'abaissait lentement dans l'inconscience. Alors que le corps est devenu boiteux, Joseph a laissé aller avant de s'effondrer à un genou lui-même afin de reprendre son souffle.
N E M E S I S"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions." O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U ◼ 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 4 ( 2 2 ) ◼ M A L E ◼ H E T E R O S E X U A L ▼ A P P E A R A N C E:"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."//STATS: ◼ HEIGHT | 5'-10" ◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs ◼ BUILD | Athletic ◼ EYE COLOUR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris ◼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn ◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian //DESCRIPTION: Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways. Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.​ ▼ B I O G R A P H Y:"Words don't define us, actions do." During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to Larissa and its surrounding areas. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Larissa, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father. Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them. But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Larissa first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Larissa, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later. Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark Larissa night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license. Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Larissa General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he. Combined with his constant distant behavior, Silas' negative attitude towards Joseph was the straw that broke the camel's back and Samantha and Silas divorced. Having moved out during his time at college, the split did little to upset Joseph's living arrangements. His mother however relocated from the Olympus district to a country home in the more rural district of Mount Nysa. Making time to visit his mother over the weeks that followed, Joseph was rather confused by how little the divorce seemed to bother her. Silas on the other hand was working hard to keep the divorce out of his public image least it reflect poorly upon him. On the night of the blackout, Joseph was awoken from his slumber in order to respond to an evacuation order at the Michaels' Nuclear Facility. Arriving at the scene just as the explosion rocked the area, Joseph's ambulance was rendered completely powerless. Nonetheless, Joseph wasn't deterred as he rushed the scene helping the wounded to safety until other first responders arrived. Working to clear the scene, Joseph worked into overtime, eventually being relieved after nearly eighteen long hours. ▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:"Time to level the playing field." ▼ ABILITY AUGMENTATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph possesses the ability to enhance the abilities of other gifted individuals. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph lets go. At this stage, Joseph can only boost the abilities of another in one aspect meaning if he increased the range of an attack, he could not increase its potency. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's powers continue to grow, his abilities are further able to increase those of another. The next growth in his powers allows Joseph to amplify all aspects of another's abilities. This means he increases the range, potency, duration and any other necessary aspects of the ability in question. Furthermore Joseph no longer requires physical contact with those he's familiar with. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his early abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link. ◼ STAGE 03 | At Joseph's peak, he is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. That said, Joseph's ability no longer requires physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect although he can choose his targets. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant. ◼ ABILITY NEGATION ◼ STAGE 01 | Joseph's secondary ability is the ability to negate the abilities of another gifted individual. When in physical contact with another, Joseph can choose whether to enhance or negate their abilities. Instinctively his body will always go with negate out of self preservation meaning that if Joseph were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. The negation of the host abilities only is sustained so long as the host is in physical contact with Joseph. Once physical contact is terminated, their abilities are returned within seconds. ◼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's ability grows, he'll be able to emit a small blast which can temporarily stun and negate the abilities of another. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency now, immediately rendering a gifted individual powerless for several hours. ◼ STAGE 03 | Near Joseph's peak potency, his ability will be able to be projected in a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. Furthermore, his offensive abilities will increase from a simple blast, to a prolonged beam or a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. At this stage he is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held. ◼ STAGE 04 | With his final evolution, Joseph gains the ability to enhance his own body. These enhancements are only temporary and can only enhance one aspect of Joseph's body at a time. These enhancements can only be added to one existing aspect of Joseph's body such as accelerating his healing factor or boosting his physical condition. Joseph is able to keep his enhancements active for a period of twenty four hours after which his body will be weakened and unable to undergo another enhancement until fully recovered. //SKILLS: ◼ MEDICAL TRAINING | As an EMT, Joseph is able to treat numerous injuries and ailment in the field. In addition to this, Joseph can sustain the life of a person, postponing death in the events of life threatening injuries until they can reach proper treatment. Notably, Joseph's skills are hinged on having the proper supplies although he can be pragmatic and use whatever is at hand when necessary. ◼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career. ◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver. ◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Larissa, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Larrissa's seedier areas. //LIMITATIONS: Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability. Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe. In regards to Joseph's self enhancements, he can't just add any superhuman ability to himself. Joseph can only enhance his pre-existing physique. Once the enhancement wears off after twenty four hours, Joseph is left in a weakened state for upwards of twelve hours, requiring significant rest and nutrients in order to recover as he body deals with the 'devolution'. If Joseph tried to enhance himself within his rest period, he could potentially harm himself on a genetic level permanently corrupting his DNA and leaving it unstable. //WEAKNESSES: Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless. While enhanced by his own abilities, Joseph can be reduced back to a base human forcibly through extreme voltages which will render his abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity. ▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her." Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Larissa-Lilith Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Larissa was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Larissa's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave. ▼ N O T E S:"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day." //SUPPORTING CAST: ▼ ALLIES ◼ BERGERON, MILES | TBD ◼ PLATEADO, ARTURO | TBD ◼ PRINCE, EVELYN | TBD ◼ WILLIAMS, ANDREW | TBD ▼ FRIENDS ◼ CALLAHAN, BRYNNE | Joseph's on again and off again girlfriend, they have a casual relationship. ◼ CASPIAN, WINTER | A childhood friend of Joseph's and his first girlfriend before a nasty break up put a wedge between them. Winter works for Larissa's Channel 42 News as a field reporter. ◼ THOREAU, SILAS | Joseph's father and Larissa's current District Attorney. ◼ THOREAU, FORREST | Joseph's grandfather and father figure. Forrest and Joseph have a bond that Silas is incredibly jealous of both due to his distance from his father and the attention stolen from his son. ◼ THOREAU, SAMANTHA (neé RUSSELLS) | Joseph's mother and one time lover to the billionaire Charles Micheals. Samantha had previously been involved in a whirlwind romance with the billionaire before being scorned and sent into the arms of Silas Thoreau. Finding herself with child, Samantha and Thoreau married giving birth to their son Joseph. ◼ YOUNG, TRAVIS | Travis Young is Joseph's paramedic partner, the two have been friends since the first year of college and have been nearly inseparable since. ▼ ENEMIES ◼ N/A | TBD //STOMPING GROUNDS ◼ SOUTH BEACH | Owning a condominium in the South Beach District of Larissa, Joseph spends most of his off time on the beach, catching a few waves and mingling among the night time parties. //PARAPHERNALIA ◼ N/A | TBD | | ~ Ɲ ǀ Ɠ H Ƭ S O Ɲ Ɠ ~ | | "You know I make you wanna scream, You know I make you wanna run from me baby" | ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Ellara Sofia Castell | ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : | ■ El/Elle ■ Ella ■ Ellie ■ Lara | ᗩ ᒪ I ᗩ ᔕ ( ᕮ ᔕ ): | ■ Nightsong ■ 'Mouthpiece' ■ 'Scream Queen' | ᗪ . O . ᗷ . : | ■ 03/25/1995 | ᗩ G ᕮ : | ■ 21 | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ : | ■ Female | ᔕ ᕮ ᙭ ᑌ ᗩ ᒪ I T Y : | ■ Heterosexual | ᗩ ᑭ ᑭ ᕮ ᗩ ᖇ ᗩ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ : | "Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha." //ᔕTᗩTᔕ: ■ HEIGHT | 5'-8" ■ WEIGHT | 118 lbs ■ MEASUREMENTS | 34-24-34 ■ BRA SIZE | 32B ■ HAIR COLOUR | Black ■ EYE COLOUR | Green //ᗪᕮᔕᑕᖇIᑭTIOᑎ: Standing at roughly five feet and eight inches tall (5'-8"), Ellara is a woman slightly above average height for her sex. That said, she doesn't cut an overly intimidating figure unless she locks eyes with you. It's Ellara's eyes which cause many would be suitors to second guess approaching the otherwise stunning woman. Her fierce green eyes give away the fact there's something wild and untamed behind them. Piercing and keen, it's almost as though her eyes can't stop moving as they swish from side to side, taking in their surroundings constantly. A side effect from the traumatic scaring of her childhood. Ellara has a scar above her collarbone on her right shoulder from where Strider held a knife to her. Her skin is naturally tanned, having a soft 'mocha' like tone to it due to the mixed heritage of her parents. Having roots in Catalan, Navajo and Mesoamerican cultures, Ellara's bloodline has a rich history within it. During the summer months, her skin tends to darken due to the sun's rays but even in the winter it retains its tan complexion. Preferring to keep her hair just past shoulder length, Ellara rarely ties her raven haired locks back in day to day activities but will tie it into a tight bun on the back of her head during vigilante activities. Prior to rescuing Alexis, Ellara's appearance was much more homely. Her grandmother kept her modest, not wanting to encourage the wandering male eye should it upset Ellara. She was never shown how to apply make up and would often practice in the mirror. Moving in with Alexis did miracles for Ellara as Alexis overhauled Ellara's wardrobe and taught her how to dress. ​ | ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ / ᔕ K I ᒪ ᒪ ᔕ : | "Scream! When the pressure breaks me, When it's too hard to see." //ᗩᗷIᒪITIᕮᔕ: ■ SONIC MANIPULATION | Ellara possesses the ability to manipulate, shape or create soundwaves. She has control over both soundwaves she creates and soundwaves from another source. Soundwaves are a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear. Ellara can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound. She is able to use it as a powerful physical force and even for high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. In order for Ellara's body to be able to handle her abilities, she possesses super-humanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords that can produce a sonic scream. She also has selective hearing, enabling her to focus upon, enhance, or totally block out any given sound in his environment; this shields Ellara from the deafening sound of her own sonic attacks, and makes her a super-humanly acute eavesdropper in surveillance situations.​ ■ OMNI-TONE | Ellara always speaks in perfect pitch. This ability allows Ellara a very broad range of vocal manipulation leading to her ability to mimic other people's voices and create sonic waves with frequencies well above and below the human range. Due to Ellara's abilities she's able to mimic any voice she has heard. That said, the more she's heard a person speak the more she's able to mimic their voice and verbal tics. A conversation at length with a person will lead to an almost infallible impression but a fleeting sentence here and there will lead to simply a good impression. Ellara is able to project her voice over a distance much further than even the best town criers and manipulate her voice to sound like more than one person is speaking leading to a rather haunting effect. ■ ADVANCED VOICE MANIPULATION | Tapping into her Omni-Tone, Ellara is able to make her voice have a persuasive effect over those he speaks to. She could also even hypnotize an open mind with her voice or lull them into a state of slumber. Further more she can empower her sonic scream with numerous effects such as causing fear, vertigo, or even to kill. Ellara can direct her sonic scream into a beacon sending out over an incredibly wide range to rally allies or attract enemies to her location.UNDEVELOPED ■ ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara has hearing well above and beyond the human range both in terms of physical distance and frequencies. Currently her hearing isn't refined but once she has trained her ears she'll be able to do even more simply by listening. Ellara's ears are immune not only to her own sonic manipulation but also to any external sonic manipulation. Her body is especially adapted to completely resist sonic attacks and to to allow her to fully maximize her own abilities. ■ ADVANCED ENHANCED HEARING | Ellara can refine her ability to listen in order to use her hearing in combination with her voice for the effects of echolocation or sonar. Furthermore Ellara can listen close enough to a person's heartbeat and detect if they're lying.​UNDEVELOPED ■ CREATE/MANIPULATE SOUNDWAVES | Ellara can create soundwaves using her vocal chords or by slapping her body against a hard surface. Clapping will create soundwaves just not with the same starting volume as her vocal chords could produce. Ellara can manipulate the loudness, pitch, tone and overall shape of the soundwave. Ellara can manipulate any soundwave generated from another source whether this is an instrument or a car crash. Ellara can do everything to an externally generated soundwave as he can do to one of his own.UNDEVELOPED ■ SOUND AMPLIFICATION/ABSORPTION | Ellara can increase or decrease the volume of any soundwave. Furthermore she can make sounds completely inaudible including herself. Ellara can throw out soundwaves that can counteract unanticipated sounds by muting or nullifying the sounds. Ellara can manipulate soundwaves into a direct attack shaping them into a concussive blast or keeping them wide to affect a radius around her. Using her enhanced vocal chords, Ellara can produce a sonic scream or overwhelm opponents with deafening or disorienting noise. Low frequency sonic blast can stun opponents temporarily.UNDEVELOPED ■ BOOST/LEVITATION/FLIGHT | Ellara will eventually be able to learn to manipulate soundwaves in such a way that she will be able to ride on them and channel them around her body to boost forward or slow her descent towards the ground. Further building upon this ability, Ellara in combination with a wing suit or glider or some kind will be able to fly through the air using a series of sonic boosts to propel her and keep her sustained. At her absolute best, Ellara will be able to propel herself at the speed of sound through the air creating a sonic boom as she reaches Mach speed.UNDEVELOPED ■ VIBRATION EMISSION | Manipulating soundwaves in the correct way, Ellara can create vibrations which could topple whole buildings if she had the proper supply of soundwaves. These vibrations can be used to counter other movement and potentially deflect projectiles or shrapnel. If timed correctly these 'Counter Vibrations' could at the least minimize the kinetic energy in an attack and at best completely neutralize it.UNDEVELOPED //ᒪIᗰITᗩTIOᑎᔕ: ■ ABUSE | Ellara is limited by her own physical condition as while she does have immunity to her abilities she can over-strain his system and temporarily cut off her own powers. She can also damage her throat or vocal chords from over-abusing them. ■ ADDICTION | ​Ellara suffers from an addiction to sleeping pills, as well as predispostion towards alcohol. Often mixing the two depsite warnings from her roommate. In some instances she needs a drink to accompany a meal, often refusing to relax until she has one in her hand. Whether this is a placebo effect, addiction or both isn't yet determined. She can't sleep without sleeping pills, whether its an afternoon nap or a full night's rest. Ellara believes she needs the pills or her nightmares will come. ■ PTSD | ​Despite having been in and out of therapy over the past ten years, Ellara still suffers from symptoms of PTSD due to Strider's actions. Ellara is completely dependent on sleeping pills in order to get anything close to a semblance of rest each night. Often tossing and turning due to nightmares and the haunting visage of the man with a knife pressed against her. Even during the day if Ellara allows her thoughts to wander, she finds herself reliving the event, experiencing intense flashbacks. The smell of blood or the brand of cheap body spray that Strider wore can act as a trigger. News reports of sexual assaults or rapes can set Ellara's PTSD off as can hearing the song 'Escape' by Rupert Holmes. For this reason, Ellara avoids playing music before bed since it was a tradition of her parents and one that lead to 'Escape' being played before their murders. Ellara also refuses to sleep with a window open or unlocked, and ensures every door has at least two locks on it. If Ellara tries to go to bed while anything in her apartment is similar to the night of the assault then she will end up avoiding sleep altogether. Ellara has trouble forming relationships, and can be seen as very untrusting. She tends to view the world at its worst and sees it as a dangerous and untamed animal. As such, Ellara has never had a boyfriend or any sort of significant other never being able to get past a first date. She's constantly on alert, her eyes twitching back and forth constantly searching for any threats to herself. Often Ellara fidgets, tapping a foot or hand on whatever surface is nearby, often jittery especially in new environments. While Ellara is attempting to earn a degree at Grimm, she has a hard time concentrating especially combined with her lack of sleep. She's prone to mood swings, suddenly becoming angry or irritable without any notice. Ellara always checks her surroundings, especially in a new location, always sitting with her back to a wall and never a window, door or open space. Additionally Ellara doesn't take kindly to being snuck up on or surprised. ■ BERSERK BUTTON | At the age of eleven, Ellara was sexual assaulted and nearly raped by Marcus Strider. She also witnessed the death of her father while her mother's murderer was carted off and put in jail where he had a roof over his head and was provided three meals per day along with free education. While Ellara uses her memories to fuel her crusade against crime it is also a crutch to her. Victims of sexual assault often cause her to become unhinged and unfocused while guns can unnerve Ellara and she's especially vulnerable to seeing someone near death or dead in front of her. Unexpected displays of affection can also unnerve Ellara causing her to become hostile.​ ■ HUMANITY | Even though Ellara has enhanced healing through sonokinetic stimulation, she's still essentially vulnerable to guns and knives. Ellara has no enhanced strength or durability and is currently untrained in using her abilities to boost her speed.​ //ᗯᕮᗩKᑎᕮᔕᔕᕮᔕ: ■ SOUND NULLIFICATION | Ellara's abilities can be negated by anything that can nullify sound. Materials which absorb sound can also limit if not downright block the desired effects. ■ NOISE | While Ellara manipulates sound, noise can greatly hinder her abilities causing her attacks to become unfocused or even render then completely null. Noise greatly reduces Ellara's ability to focus soundwaves and as such fighting around crowds or in busy public areas will diminish her efficiency. ■ MUTING/DEAFENING | Since the majority of Ellara's abilities rely on her mouth and ears, removing either of these sensory organs from the equation can greatly weaken her. Ellara can't perform her sonic scream while gagged and can't focus her abilities without her ears. //ᔕKIᒪᒪᔕ: ■ ASL | Having spent nearly ten years without speaking, Ellara's speech therapist introduced her to and educated her in American Sign Language. Being a competent user of it, Ellara can communicate proficiently with most individuals who have an understanding of it. She herself can be overwhelmed by the speed at which life long users sign but this can often be overcome. ■ VENTRILOQUISM | Due to Ellara's abilities, she has a natural talent for voice manipulation. As such, she is able to throw her voice in a similar manner to a ventriloquist. Ellara can use this to distract or otherwise confuse both allies and foes alike. She's been known to pick up a puppet every now and then to entertain children too. ■ MARTIAL ARTS | On an invitation from Alexis, Ellara took up Tai Chi as both a meditation technique and a physical outlet just over a year ago. Taking as many courses as she could over the past year, she's become rather skilled in the martial art, capable of holding her own against most average opponents. Ellara is however by no means a medal winning athlete or combatant and instead relies more on surprise and her abilities than being able to take an opponent head on. | ᗷ ᗩ ᑕ K ᔕ T O ᖇ Y : | "Scream till there's silence, Scream while there's life left, vanishing" A powerful set of lungs alerted the world of the birth of Ellara Sofia Castell as she was pulled from the womb screaming in the dead of one cold Larissa night. Born to doting parents, Alejandro and Liliana spoiled their little princess during her early childhood. However that all changed one hot summer when a notorious man by the name of Marcus Strider went on a crime spree throughout the city. This spree was isolated to the districts of Somerset, the Wharf, the Sound and Little Santiago. A sexual predator, rapist and family annihilator, Strider left a rather notable body count in his wake including both Alejandro and Liliana. During the attack on their home, Ellara managed to call 911 although she was caught by Strider before having the chance to express the situation to the operator on the other side. Having already dispatched both of Ellara's parents, Strider believed himself free to have his way with the young girl and began to take his time, tormenting Ellara. Pressing a knife against Ellara's skin as he began to cut off her shirt, Ellara screamed in terror as Strider smiled wickedly at her. However this scream was not the simple scream of a terrified girl, but the powerful scream of a new super waking up. The combination of trauma and puberty awoke latent superhuman abilities in Ellara which manifested in a super sonic scream. As the scream left Ellara's mouth, the windows in the house shattered along with Strider's ear drums as he fell to the floor clutching his head. Cursing as he pulled himself to his feet, Strider scrambled for his knife and lunged at Ellara before being pulled back by Alejandro. Having underestimated Alejandro's constitution, Strider believed he had left the man for dead however Alejandro managed to fight through his wounds, coming to his daughter's aid. Struggling with the older man, Strider found his knife being turned on him as the house was flood with red and blue flashing lights. As the police entered the room, Alejandro let go, rolling off of Strider and finally succumbing to his wounds. Strider was taken into custody as police tried to console the now parent-less Ellara. -From that point on, Ellara never spoke a word. Put in the care of her grandmother, Ellara was put into both speech and psychological therapy in order to help cope with what she had been through and witnessed. Still the girl refused to speak. -Terrified of what her voice had done, Ellara had convinced herself that her scream had killed her father. This only furthered her vow of silence. -Her grandmother was a devout Catholic and took Ellara to church for both confirmation and mass on a weekly basis. Unknown to both Ellara's grandmother and therapists, Ellara actually spoke to Father Juan in confessional. -At the age of nineteen, Ellara was on her way home from work. Caught in the rain, she turned down an alley to shield herself from the downpour when she came upon a man assulting a woman. Overcome with rage, Ellara found her voice again as she unleashed her sonic scream for the second time in her life. -Following up with Alexis, Ellara and the girl bonded with Alexis helping Ellara out of her shell and creating a newfound confidence within the girl. Eventually moving in with the single mother and her son, Ellara began to find both her voice and independence. -Taking Tai-Chi to both learn self defense and as a therapeutic response to her assualt, Alexis decided to invite Ellara out who immediately took a liking to the martial art. -With the fire lit inside her chest, Ellara took to the streets at night, hunting down crime. Naturally she had heard of the Mavericks, everyone in Larissa knew of the vigilantes. But she had become a vigilante by coincidence, not because of inspiration. Her life seemed fated to go this way. | ᗰ O T I ᐯ ᗩ T I O ᑎ / O ᗷ ᒍ ᕮ ᑕ T I ᐯ ᕮ : | When Ellara stopped Alexis' assault, something ignited within her. A desire to break her silence and use her abilities to help others who can't stand up for themselves. Fueled by her own helplessness during her youth and the death of her parents, Ellara strives to keep the few she cares about safe and ensure no one has to suffer what she did ever again. | ᔕ ᑌ ᑭ ᑭ O ᖇ T I ᑎ G ᑕ ᗩ ᔕ T : | ■ CASTELL, ALEJANDRO | Ellara's late father. Alejandro used to regal his daughter with tales of Larissa's legendary heroes the Mavericks. In truth, Alejandro knew the Mavericks better than most having been on the receiving end of IllAdvised's fist more than once in his youth. Growing up, Alejandro had been pressured into gang life, ending up running with the Harbour Kings. However due to the interference of the Mavericks, the gang was eventually shut down and Alejandro was able to attend Grimm University, taking a degree in Power Engineering. Before his death he had been working at the Michaels' Power Plant. Charles Michaels himself personally ensured that Ellara would receive Alejandro's full pension on the day of her eighteenth birthday. ■ CASTELL (neé DELGADO), LILIANA | Ellara's late mother. Named by her parents after the 'Lilly of the Valley' found outside of New Lilith, Liliana met and married Alejandro in their early twenties. She stayed at home during the first seven years of Ellara's life, eventually returning to work the year Ellara entered into the second grade. Working as a paralegal, Liliana made a decent wage and upon her death, the 'Reid and Reid' Lawfirm ensured Ellara was put into the care of her grandmother instead of into the system. ■ DELGADO, ADALIND | Ellara's grandmother and caretaker for most of her life. A very religious and superstitious woman, Adalind was initially hesitant to take Ellara into her home. However, she was unable to say no to her own granddaughter and eventually the two bonding, Adalind learning sign language along with Ellara. In fact, sign language was a greater gift than Adalind could have anticipated as it allowed her to communicate with other elderly members of her church that had begun to lose their hearing. Seeing Ellara as a blessing in her life, Adalind made sure to thank God every time she prayed for showing her his plan for bringing Ellara into her life. ■ DEL CARO, JUAN | Father or Padre Juan is the Priest which resides over St. Hillan's Cathedral. For most of Ellara's early teens he acted as a father figure to the young girl and still acts as her confident today. Padre Juan is aware of Ellara's nighttime activities but as part of his oath does not utter a word from confessional. While he tells Ellara that God does not appreciate violence, a small part of the local priest can't help but feel pride to see a new potential hero rising up in Larissa. Having grown up in Little Santiago, the Mavericks did a lot to bring prosperity into the poorer regions of Larissa and while most of the city turned on the heroes when challengers began to come to the city, Juan and his family stood by their heroes. ■ FITZROY, EUGENE | Ellara's psychological therapist. ■ JAMES, ALEXIS | Ellara met Alexis just over two years ago when she rescued the young woman from being assaulted. A waitress at the Silver Knot, Alexis had been on her way home after a long shift when Ellara rescued her. After the police took Alexis' statement, Ellara followed up herself, checking in with Alexis seeing a kindred soul in the woman. The two began meeting for coffee on a weekly basis before eventually becoming very close friends. When Alexis found out that Ellara was looking to move out of her grandmother's house in Little Santiago, she invited Ellara to come live with her and her son in the Sound. While Alexis is suspicious of Ellara's night time activities, she prefers not to voice her concerns as she knows Ellara finds a cathartic release in beating the snot out of Larissa's scum. ■ JAMES, HARLEY | Alexis' son. ■ STRIDER, MARCUS | When Marcus was seventeen his father divorced his mother leaving the pair nearly penniless. This planted the seeds of rage within Marcus who held both his parents accountable for the split and eventually leading to him murdering his mother and then hunting down his father. However, unbeknownst to Marcus, his father had left Larissa leading o him seeking our surrogates. Marcus went on a twelve day rapdily devolving killing spree that was ended when he invaded the Castell family home. Having taken Alejandro Castell by surprise, Marcus took his time assualting and tormenting Liliana before killing her and coming after their eleven year old daughter Ellara. Underestimating Alejandro, Marcus was prevented from raping the child as Alejandro re-engaged him. The fight was brought to an end when the police arrived and shot Alejandro to prevent him from killing Marcus. Marcus was then apprehended and sentenced to lifetime without chance of bail in Cliffside Penitentiary. After the explosion at the Michaels Power Plant, he has been reported missing, his cell having been compromised during the incident. | ᖇ ᕮ ᖴ ᕮ ᖇ ᕮ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ ᑭ O ᔕ T ( ᔕ ) : | ■ Mavericks: Valiant Heroics | 'Another School Year' ■ New Lilith: Shadows of Darkness | 'A Late Winter' ■ VIGILANCE: Rise of the Mavericks | 'IllAdvised Tracking' | ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ : | ■ Ellara drives a black 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge convertible. ■ Ellara is primarily of Catalan, Mesoamerican and Navajo descent.
ANDREW Vous savez, il y avait des choses qu'Andrew n'avait jamais vraiment pensé à gérer. Exploser des portes, des hommes avec des boules de feu pour les mains, et quelqu'un se déplaçant en mouvement rapide vers l'avant étaient parmi cette illustre (et pas bien aimé) liste de choses qu'il n'avait jamais pensé à ce qu'il regrettait maintenant n'ayant pas de plan d'urgence pour. En fait, ils étaient à peu près les seules choses sur cette liste. Il ne s'asseyait pas habituellement autour de faire des listes de choses juste pour qu'il ne pouvait pas planifier pour eux. En plus, ça les aurait disqualifiés de la liste en premier lieu aaaand... il babillait dans sa tête. Il n'était pas sûr si c'était plus ou moins sain d'esprit que de babiller à haute voix, mais au moins, il était prêt à reconnaître qu'il était loin de sa profondeur en ce moment et ne savait pas ce qui se passait. Mais il pourrait résumer la situation assez succinctement tout de même. C'était mauvais. Merci, capitaine évident. Il lui a fallu un moment de plus pour se rendre compte qu'il était gelé sur le trottoir devant une voiture écrasée, ambulance, certainement une ambulance, et bien qu'il était reconnaissant pour le sursis qu'il a offert, il n'a pas aimé le rappel qu'il lui a donné qu'il n'était pas en état pour ce qu'il était sur le point de faire. Probablement quelque chose de stupide. Mais il était toujours debout, ce qui était mieux que n'importe quel pire scénario, donc il pourrait aussi bien faire quelque chose avec cette chance. Et même s'il était à l'abri des boules de feu et qu'il n'avait aucune idée d'où le coureur était arrivé, il pouvait voir qu'un autre gars, j'espère de leur côté depuis qu'il venait de sortir un couteau, était manifestement concentré sur quelque chose, et il s'est faufilé pour chercher lui-même juste à temps pour voir ce couteau se loger dans la main de l'homme ardent. Bon but. Et certainement de leur côté, bon, génial, parce que si ce n'était pas le gamin qui l'avait attaqué, alors Andrew ne savait pas où la jeunesse s'était rendue, et ça n'avait pas vraiment d'importance, parce que dans tous les cas, le gars avec des bougies pour les mains n'avait pas l'air de jouer autour. "Cripes!" Il s'est enfui derrière l'ambulance quand la boule de feu a été jetée, couvrant sa tête parce que cela semblait être la chose intelligente à faire, et était un demi-pas vers la porte du conducteur, pensant à le sortir de la ligne de feu, ou du moins hors du véhicule qui a été attaqué, quand cet autre gars est arrivé là-bas en premier. Ce soir n'était pas génial. Ce soir, c'était la définition même de l'enfer. Bien conscient qu'il n'était pas susceptible d'être n'importe quelle utilisation dans un combat de quartier proche avec quelqu'un qui pourrait bouger aussi vite, ou vraiment, avec n'importe qui, Andrew a reculé avant d'obtenir le chemin, ou a attiré l'attention, sifflant vers leur allié impromptu avec les compétences de lancer par couteau ci-dessus, en essayant de garder le silence. Tu peux faire quelque chose? Aide le chauffeur? Il faut que j'aille chercher le gamin. Oui, c'était un super plan. Il n'a pas attendu une réponse. Je n'avais pas le temps. Sparkplug et voleur étaient beaucoup plus proches ensemble qu'il ne l'était pour l'un ou l'autre, mais s'il prenait de l'élan... peut-être... on lui avait déjà rappelé deux fois aujourd'hui que les gens pouvaient le jeter plus loin. Il n'avait aucune idée s'il pouvait le temps juste, ou ce qu'il accomplirait une fois qu'il est arrivé là, mais hé, si vous n'avez pas essayé, vous n'étiez pas va réussir (à potentiellement se faire friter). Il a posé un pied au sol et a commencé à courir (bien plus lentement que Speedy, merci) avant que la peur puisse le geler à nouveau. Il pouvait déjà sentir son cœur sauter quelques battements – et non, ce n'était pas parce que c'était dans sa gorge, une bonne excuse cependant – et sa respiration avait déjà été bâclée, mais il ne pouvait pas s'arrêter une fois qu'il avait commencé. C'était surtout une question de s'avancer aussi fort qu'il le pouvait et de laisser l'élan faire le reste. Il ne pouvait transporter quelqu'un assez vite pour sortir de la portée d'une boule de feu ou quelque chose qui avait ruiné ces portes, mais il pouvait distraire l'homme, peut-être assez longtemps pour laisser l'enfant descendre du sol au moins. Et comme il a baissé sa densité, il a pris de la vitesse, ou du moins, chaque étape l'a emmené plus loin jusqu'à ce qu'il dérive un peu trop haut et n'a rien à pousser hors de l'air. Puis il a recommencé à ralentir, mais peut-être qu'il était assez proche. Avec un essoufflement déterminé grimpant pour voir cela à travers quoi que ce soit, Andrew a forcé sa densité à remonter aussi vite que cela irait, plus haut, plus haut et il n'a même pas remarqué quand il a passé le point de coupure habituel parce qu'il concentrait toute son énergie sur juste arriver là avant Sparky n'a rien fait. Mais il est arrivé avec un peu plus de poids derrière lui que ce qu'il n'avait jamais voulu, tirant droit sur Ren.
| NAME: | Andrew Blythe ​Williams | NICKNAME(S): | Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherry​ | ALIAS: | Someone else make something up. | D.O.B.: | 10/05/1992 | AGE: | 23 | SEX: | Male​ | SEXUALITY: | Heterosexual | APPEARANCE: | At 5’7” and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, he’s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older. He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesn’t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when he’s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist. | ABILITIES/SKILLS: | Density Manipulation. Andrew is able to alter the density of his body and other objects to great extremes. He can lower his density or raise it. With enough practice, he will be capable of stopping the alteration at any point between the two extremes he is capable of, and so, limit the effects it has on his body as well as using the partial changes to different advantage. He is far more familiar with shifting to a lighter density, though he still hasn’t explored all it has to offer, but he has figured out that he can move through objects that are usually considered solid, such as walls, and let moving objects pass through him. He becomes lighter, making it easier to move him or for him to move himself, and he’s used this to move heavier things than he sometimes should, provided they’re small enough to affect the whole of them. He can walk on water and even air, though it’s not easy to move without something a little more solid to push against. He can also cool himself or something else down by lowering the density, and can withstand higher temperatures while his density is lower, but, so far, nothing that isn’t already humanly possible. On the opposite end of the spectrum, while he has yet to realize that he can and so is completely unfamiliar with raising his density, it should have similar, though opposing effects on his physiology. Having a higher density would make it harder to inflict damage to his body or whatever he’s raised the density of. He’d also be harder to move, and far heavier in general(12 tons top weight, currently about 4 tons). At his highest peak, he could stop bullets and speeding cars, but he’d definitely be bruised afterwards. Explosions and heavier weapons would do less damage than usual, but he’d certainly feel it, and extremely small projectiles, like, grain of sand size, might penetrate his skin or pierce his eyes and do almost the same damage they would were he at normal density. Swimming would be impossible and fragile structures could break under him. He’d be stronger though, capable of dragging semis and lifting smaller cars. Though I doubt he’d ever throw them, both for insurance reasons and because he’d need both arms over his head and that hurts. He wouldn’t be able to heat himself up the same as he can cool down, as the latter is due to air movement, but he could gain a little extra heat from densely packed molecules, and would certainly lose heat much slower. Through skin on thing contact, he can affect inanimate objects, and might develop the ability to affect other people, animals and plants, or at the least he’ll keep trying just to see if he can. Separate, small objects are easily isolated and altered, and he has to think about it as little as he thinks about changing his own density. He can change the density of part of a large object, like a wall or the floor or a car door, but it is much harder, and the default shape he manages each time is a circle, unless there’s already a line for his eye to follow, like an archway. With time, he might be able to change that. The amount he can alter is still limited to matching his mass. And provided he hasn’t gone over this limit, he can alter more than one substance at a time just as long as it is in contact with what he’s in contact with. Knows he can -phase through things -walk on water -cool himself off -lighten/phase smaller things He can’t change the density of particular body parts, though he can control the size of the area for other things, with his body it’s all or nothing, and with smaller things, it’s usually all or nothing as well, just by default. With practice and concentration, he might eventually be able to alter only a portion of the object. He has to be touching the thing he wants to affect or the alteration will go back to normal on its own. Usually within 30-60 seconds. So far, he has only been able to affect objects up to his own mass or down to a large pebble. With enough time to stretch his power muscles, the limit might go up by a fair bit, but it won’t go down by much. While he can walk on both water and air, it’s rather like moving on very loose sand. Difficult to do at speed. While he has the potential to maintain the density alterations indefinitely, or at least, for as long as he’s ever bothered to without it turning off on him, neither his heart nor his pacemaker appreciate the changes to their molecular structure. At lower densities, his heart rate speeds up due to the lowered blood pressure and at higher densities it slows down. Both leave him feeling lightheaded and might provoke fainting spells, though the former includes chest pains and the latter puts him at risk of his pacemaker shocking his heart out of sync, which at best means a few seconds of palpitations and at worst an artificially created cardiac arrest that won’t stop until he goes back to normal density and finds a magnet to switch it off and back on or collapses. Depending on his activity levels and amount of density alteration, 5 minutes might be his limit on the short end, though he has managed to walk for half an hour at his lightest before he started to suffer consequences. (This limit only applies to his own body, he can keep a thing’s density altered as long as he wants. And until he gets his pacemaker fixed, he's not at risk of the malfunctioning bit.) Because he needs air to stay alive and there is an unsurprisingly limited amount within most solid objects, he can't stay phased inside them for long unless they are also at a much lighter density to allow airflow. He can only keep up the alteration while conscious. When he changes part of a thing’s density rather than a whole, there can be consequences. Such as raising the density of a car door causing it to become too heavy for the hinges holding it in place. Or making a part of the ceiling lighter might mean the things he didn’t realize were hanging from it fall down. Usually, unless it’s a small wall, the integrity wouldn’t be compromised, but it’s a good idea not to prolong the alteration. Also, there’s no visible change in the object’s appearance except that it might not move in the wind or stop water from moving through it. He has limited, if any, protection against psionic, energy, or electrical(even less) attacks. He can quote all of the Lion King, most of Lilo & Stitch, and still cries when Bambi’s mother dies. He also knows the lyrics to most of the better known Disney songs. He has no idea how this happened, and it has nothing to do with the number of times he’s watched their movies. Nope, nothing. He is a bundle of useless trivia, from bug facts to flower meanings, from historical significance to the average number of people that can fit in an elevator or what the Guinness world record is for how long a chicken lived without its head. He can drive. He knows CPR, first aid, and emergency response protocol. He has taken several self-defense courses, because you never know (and his grandma insisted). He’s probably forgotten more than half of them though. Balloon animals. Fluent in English, yep. Also knows rudimentary Spanish and German. He will try to make whatever food you ask of him, provided you can give him the recipe. It still might not taste great, but he's handy enough in a kitchen. | BACKSTORY: | Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didn’t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didn’t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing. Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ‘gift’ he thinks that shock gave him. He’s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldn’t have fallen through. Like walls and floors… It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasn’t hallucinating. During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasn’t sure he’d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ‘ghost’ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through things… thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things he’d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes he’d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown. The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didn’t forget her though, or the plans he’d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didn’t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didn’t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldn’t do that well anyway. When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasn’t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after he’d told her, but they never asked explicitly. Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasn’t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didn’t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now it’s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesn’t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a store’s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before. He’s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl he’d ‘dated,’ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, he’s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway. They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life. The explosion’s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesn’t realize it yet, the other side of his power’s spectrum. He’s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though. | MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: | Andrew’s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities he’s given, having fun, and brightening at least one stranger’s day. He doesn’t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, he’s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures. His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasn’t managed to figure out quite what he’s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe it’s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isn’t a viable career move, but part of him isn’t sure anything he thinks of would be enough. | SUPPORTING CAST: | Bailey & Harrison Williams – Mother and Father Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything they’ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. They’ve been together since their own high school days and although they aren’t always obvious about their love, Andrew’s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each other’s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus. Dietrich Best – Grandfather Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though there’s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isn’t the most forthrightly kind person you’ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spirit’s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mind’s starting to wander, but he’s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war. Ellen Best – Grandmother(deceased) She was her grandson’s bestest friend, her daughter’s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husband’s life. Now that she’s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all it’s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that he’s found something she’d love to hear about. Janelle Foss – Best Friend and Roommate Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, they’ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. They’ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time they’re 35, she’ll pity marry him and he’ll settle for what he can get. | REFERENCE POST(S): | Link One Link Two Link Three | NOTES: | Left-handed. Writing looks like this. Is an organ donor. He has a card. Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals. Volunteers off and on at the children’s hospital. Collaboration and character driving noted.
Max a vérifié sa tablette pour la millionième fois aujourd'hui encore. Il attendait une sorte de piste pour n'importe quelle sorte de mission, mais rien n'était passé. Il était impatient de trouver quelques âmes et pour le reste du groupe d'avoir du travail. Cela avait été quelques jours d'arrêt pour eux et ce n'était pas quelque chose que Max valorisait, bien qu'un jour ici ou là, mais pas 4 jours de suite. Dès qu'il a commencé à perdre espoir pour le jour où sa tablette bourdonnait d'un message. Ça vient d'un expéditeur inconnu. Il n'était pas sûr de la nature au début, mais en le lisant, il a obtenu une piste sur une âme qu'ils doivent aller récupérer. Tout le message l'a amené à savoir qu'ils cherchaient quelque chose de grand et quelque chose qui traitait de la pierre. Max y a pensé pendant quelques instants, puis il a envoyé un message aux autres chercheurs. Il leur a demandé de se retrouver à la maison. Bien qu'ils aient été en panne, ils ne se sont jamais complètement démantelés. Ils partageaient la maison de Max et étaient soit là-bas ou dehors et sur le plaisir de la détente. Max s'est assis et a commencé à réfléchir à ce que cette âme pouvait être. Il avait une idée à l'esprit, mais n'était pas tout à fait sûr et il pensait à l'endroit où il pouvait trouver une telle âme. Un tas d'idées lui ont traversé l'esprit. Alors qu'il était assis là à penser, sa tablette bourdonnait de nouveau et un autre message est venu à travers. C'était John. Le replay de John était bref et au point, en faisant savoir à Max qu'il avait un fort sentiment sur l'âme et c'est l'emplacement. John a mentionné rapidement qu'il a entendu parler d'une âme semblable dans les montagnes, donc cela pourrait très bien être cela, mais il expliquerait plus quand il est revenu à la maison. Max a fermé le message et a soulevé le filet. Il a commencé à chercher des détails sur les chaînes de montagnes dans les environs et à attendre le retour du groupe.
Name: Max Avendir Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall and thin with spiky hair and glasses. Wears a long trenchcoat and carries a mobile tablet with him, as he keeps records of everything. Personality: adventurous, easygoing and quirky Back story and how you became a seeker: Unknown to Max, his father and mother are both seekers. His father left when he was very young on a trip and hasn't been back since. Only recently has max learned about his mother being a seeker, due to Max finding an amulet belonging to his father, which he was later told was left for him by his father. After learning about being a seeker, and Max bonding with the soul in the amulet, he decided to keep on being a seeker and follow in his parents footsteps. Later on he joined with a group of seekers to continue on the seeker legacy that his family upheld.
Ashlinn travaillait dans un petit atelier où elle a fait ses propres vêtements et les a vendus quand elle a eu un peu de temps loin d'être une chercheuse d'âme. Personne dans l'atelier ne savait qui ou ce qu'elle était. Son premier joyau d'âme est accroché autour de son cou comme elle l'avait fait en un collier. Elle utilisait son téléphone pour écouter de la musique alors qu'elle entendait soudain des sons bourdonnants au travers de ses chansons. Elle a posé son crayon et a pris son téléphone. C'était Max. Une nouvelle âme avait été détectée et ils devaient aller la chercher. Elle a répondu par un texto : « Jamais un bon timing ces âmes n'ont! J'ai juste eu une grande inspiration.. J'arrive dans 20 minutes. Elle a ensuite nettoyé sa table de dessin et saisi son manteau et son sac à bandoulière. Désolé Linda! Je dois y aller.. Mon frère s'est enfermé et je dois être là avant qu'il n'essaie de remonter le toit 'elle a dit et puis s'est enfui. Ashlinn a pris sa moto et est monté dessus, elle a mis sur son casque et a commencé. Puis elle a conduit vers la maison qu'ils partageaient tous et exactement 20 minutes plus tard elle est arrivée à la maison. Elle a sorti les clés de son moteur, puis elle est entrée, prenant son casque. Chérie! Je suis à la maison, dit-elle, pas à quelqu'un de spécial. Elle était la seule femme dans la maison et a appelé tous les gars Honey ou Sweetheart.
Name: John Overlord Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 6 ft 5 tall. Thin. Wears black leather clothes. Cloak with hood and a pocket where a rather large book is held. Personality: Serious but friendly. Loves the idea of souls. Back story and how you became a seeker: He growed up travelling with his seeker parents and was introduced into the idea of souls and soul seeking from a very early age. Gaining his first amulet and soul at the age of 15 and went from there collecting and recording as he went. He knows a lot about the different types of soul and loves learning about them. He now continues travelling as most of the older members leave and the newer ones arrive.
John est sorti de sa bibliothèque secrète après avoir parlé à Max. Il croyait que ce nouveau type d'âme serait très excitant à rechercher et à trouver. Il était impatient d'en savoir plus. Il a mis un sac rempli d'amulettes ainsi que d'autres trucs utiles et a marché quelques rues pour arriver à la maison. Il aimait la maison presque autant que sa bibliothèque et souriait en passant par la porte. Sourire à Alissa et hanter le patron, il s'installe dans une chaise dans le coin et met ses pieds sur une table devant lui, une que hed a acheté 3 ans de sgo à une vente de bottes de voiture, attendant que Max explique plus loin aux autres tandis qu'il joue autour avec une nouvelle amulette (un du groupe n'avait pas vu auparavant) qui avait été bleu brillant dans sa poche.
Name: John Overlord Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 6 ft 5 tall. Thin. Wears black leather clothes. Cloak with hood and a pocket where a rather large book is held. Personality: Serious but friendly. Loves the idea of souls. Back story and how you became a seeker: He growed up travelling with his seeker parents and was introduced into the idea of souls and soul seeking from a very early age. Gaining his first amulet and soul at the age of 15 and went from there collecting and recording as he went. He knows a lot about the different types of soul and loves learning about them. He now continues travelling as most of the older members leave and the newer ones arrive.
Il sourit alors qu'elle essayait d'attraper sa nouvelle amulette bleue alors qu'il la tirait rapidement hors de sa portée. "Ce mon cher Alishnn est une âme assez étrange, rarement enregistrée que j'ai trouvé récemment habiter l'une des tombes dans la cimenterie. C'est assez intéressant. Mais ce n'est pas le moment de le montrer. Je vous le révélerai à tous plus tard, après que Max ait parlé ici" il a dit regarder Max alors qu'il a ensuite mis l'amulette dans le haut de son sac et sorti d'une poche spéciale dans son sac son rouge feu favori.
Name: John Overlord Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 6 ft 5 tall. Thin. Wears black leather clothes. Cloak with hood and a pocket where a rather large book is held. Personality: Serious but friendly. Loves the idea of souls. Back story and how you became a seeker: He growed up travelling with his seeker parents and was introduced into the idea of souls and soul seeking from a very early age. Gaining his first amulet and soul at the age of 15 and went from there collecting and recording as he went. He knows a lot about the different types of soul and loves learning about them. He now continues travelling as most of the older members leave and the newer ones arrive.
Max regarda John et s'inclina, puis se tourna vers le reste du groupe. « Comme vous le savez tous, nous avons pour mission de trouver ici une âme nouvelle qui est attribuée à la pierre. John, m'a fait savoir qu'il pense que ça pourrait avoir quelque chose à voir avec une âme située dans les montagnes, peut-être même un golem. J'ai fait des recherches en attendant que vous reveniez. Ce que j'ai trouvé était une légende d'une grotte secrète avec une série de cavernes dans les montagnes d'Orthos pas trop loin d'ici. Je suggère d'aller vérifier, car c'est très probablement là où notre âme se trouve." Il a tenu sa tablette avec une carte montrant le groupe juste où ils voyageraient. Il a attendu jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient bien regardé la carte avant qu'il ne parle à nouveau. « Il semble que la grotte soit cachée et puisse être scellée par une serrure magique. On doit le fouiller et défaire les sceaux magiques. Ça va être dur, mais on est une équipe solide. On peut s'en occuper. Des questions?" Avec cela, Max s'assit et attendait pour toutes questions ou commentaires que le reste du groupe avait. Il était vraiment impatient de découvrir ce que cette âme était et de le récupérer dès que possible.
Name: Max Avendir Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall and thin with spiky hair and glasses. Wears a long trenchcoat and carries a mobile tablet with him, as he keeps records of everything. Personality: adventurous, easygoing and quirky Back story and how you became a seeker: Unknown to Max, his father and mother are both seekers. His father left when he was very young on a trip and hasn't been back since. Only recently has max learned about his mother being a seeker, due to Max finding an amulet belonging to his father, which he was later told was left for him by his father. After learning about being a seeker, and Max bonding with the soul in the amulet, he decided to keep on being a seeker and follow in his parents footsteps. Later on he joined with a group of seekers to continue on the seeker legacy that his family upheld.
Damian avait finalement réussi à trouver la maison de Max, il a rapidement garé sa voiture à l'extérieur de son pavement gris découvert, Il est sorti de sa voiture et verrouillé les portes de son véhicule puis est allé à partir du porche avant de la maison vibrante de Max. "Bonjour?" D'après Damian, il regarde lentement vers le bas pour remarquer que la porte d'entrée de la maison a déjà été ouverte. Il s'arrête un instant, respire profondément et pousse rapidement la porte pour retrouver le reste de son équipe assis devant lui. Les nuages de l'embrasement Les Damiens font face pendant un moment et l'éclipsent. "Désolée d'être en retard, il y a eu des problèmes avec la circulation." Damian a regardé tout le monde en état de choc et d'admiration, il s'est senti tellement gêné qu'il pourrait être en retard à un moment extrêmement important comme celui-ci. -- Alors, qu'est-ce qui m'a manqué? Damian dit à John Overlord d'une manière avide de questions. L'embarras de Damian disparut de l'air mince et sortit de l'excitation, il était prêt, prêt à faire face à tout danger qui lui fut lancé. Cette insouciance l'avait méprisé de poursuivre sa peine pour poser encore plus de questions.
Name: Max Avendir Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall and thin with spiky hair and glasses. Wears a long trenchcoat and carries a mobile tablet with him, as he keeps records of everything. Personality: adventurous, easygoing and quirky Back story and how you became a seeker: Unknown to Max, his father and mother are both seekers. His father left when he was very young on a trip and hasn't been back since. Only recently has max learned about his mother being a seeker, due to Max finding an amulet belonging to his father, which he was later told was left for him by his father. After learning about being a seeker, and Max bonding with the soul in the amulet, he decided to keep on being a seeker and follow in his parents footsteps. Later on he joined with a group of seekers to continue on the seeker legacy that his family upheld.
John a hurlé et a piqué son sac. "Tout ce dont j'ai besoin est ici!"
Name: Damian Hunter Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: Damian was a quiet child when he was born into this world. He was born an orphan and spent most of his early life in an orphanage. His real parents were said to have been killed in a train crash, derailing over the tracks resulting in the fate of his parents where his mother gave birth to Damian after the crash, and died of blood loss from the shock. His father was said to have not survived and remained trapped in the wreckage. All Damian had left from his parents was a single golden amulet encrypted with a code, almost like hieroglyphics surrounding it's inner dark but bright purple center that somehow always brought Damian protection. Due to the fate of being brought up in an orphanage, Damian had became lost without a sense of purpose in his life and was often teased by other orphans, and became a very troubled individual at a young age.But later on he had managed gain that purpose when he came across a wise man who was openly aware of Damians special gift that he had possessed. From then on Damian began to learn of this gift at the age of just nineteen. Damian has a very dark personality due to his over sense of pain that bewildered him ever since birth. Damian isn't the talkive type to his fellow peers because of the way others had treated him before. As a result of lacking confidence to stand up to bullies, Damian is more of the type to be a common bookworm rather than socialize. He is not known by many and does not know himself well. But he wants to. This special gift he had contained was that he...was a soul seeker. He had always delped and dived deep into the fairytales of witches and wizards through his imagination when reading, he always dreamed he could live in a fairytale of where such atrocities of his darkness were kept at bay. But he never thought that a legend like a soul seeker would ever exist. How Damian joined the league of seekers: This wise man (unknown name)that Damian previously met before 3 years ago met him again at age 19. He taught Damian that life is not what it was meant to be and that he is gifted and will soon make a sudden change in people's lives for the better in the future as he described Damian as the foundation, the cinderblock pillars of the earths protection, he owns a high responsibility. At first Damian disregards what the man says and mistakens him for being insane, but he is shown that Damian does have powers and that all this is true by angering Damian by causing him to set a tree ablaze and thus a forest fire begun. From then on, Damian learns and starts to truly believe that he has purpose and that he has these powers. Later on this wise man teaches Damian how to unleash his powers as a seeker and he becomes Damians spiritual father. Appearance: Damian Hunter withholds a very sophisticated and pale complexion. He has dark green eyes, messy black hair swooping to the side, he is wearing a black duffle coat, orange shirt and navy blue jeans with brown slip on shoes. He is wearing his amulet around his neck.
Le palais démoniaque Le roi redouté s'assit sur son trône ébène avec un regard d'excitation sans caractère sur son visage. Et pourquoi ne le serait-il pas? Le jour était venu. Plus de combats de feu sur la dernière jambe de viande. Plus d'allumettes de lutte dans les jardins royaux. Plus de duels sur les jeunes filles en présence de leur mère. Pas plus d'extravagants factures couvrant les frais de subsistance de ses fils- des voitures qui n'avaient même pas encore été libérées sur la Surface, regarde avec plus de diamants qu'une mine, des vêtements propres aux dirigeants du monde plutôt que des princes au pouvoir conjoints- tout cela jusqu'à la fin. Son portefeuille pourrait se reposer en paix... Quelque peu. Avant de pouvoir parler, son accompagnateur a annoncé : "Maintenant parle Démon roi du damné Tielham Famzhur le premier de ce nom. Seigneur des Enfers, chef des Cercles, Dire Roi de-" -- Oui, oui, merci Birchen, je crois que mes fils savent qui je suis. Il coupa l'accompagnateur en agitant le petit démon pour qu'il recule derrière le trône. Le roi des démons tourna les yeux sur ses fils, prenant une fois de plus le comportement froid et sérieux. "Vous cinq devez supposer que vous êtes ici pour une récompense. Et vous auriez tort, les gars. Aujourd'hui, c'est le jour où je vous enlève vos titres et vos noms, aujourd'hui vous devenez humains. » Il s'arrêta, laissant cela s'installer dans leur esprit, "Eh bien... Pratiquement humain, c'est-à-dire. Vos pouvoirs restent... aussi limités qu'ils le soient maintenant. Une fois cette réunion terminée, vous serez escorté à la surface. Où vous choisirez vos noms humains et vivrez parmi la race humaine. Vous allez fréquenter une école et apprendre- ah, mais pas simplement le monde universitaire- mais la vie. Vous apprendrez à être des hommes adultes. Ta mère et moi refusons de continuer à être le filet de sécurité dans lequel tu tombes quand les choses deviennent difficiles. A partir de ce moment, vous êtes tous exilés. Vous allez fréquenter cette école et maintenir vos notes. Vous assisterez à une année complète ou affronterez ma colère. Vous devez respecter le droit humain, aussi petit soit-il, et ne pas être détenu ou emprisonné. Vous avez tous des couvre-feux, qui seront appliqués par mes serviteurs qui vous surveillent en tout temps, ce qui est 23 heures. Comment pouvez-vous revenir? Montrez-moi que vous êtes digne d'être mon fils. Trouve une mariée. Choisissez un péché mortel à gouverner. Mais votre épouse est la clé de vos nouveaux royaumes." A ce moment, le roi sourit, "Mais, bien sûr, il y a toujours la question de l'échec. Si vous échouez à cette tâche, non seulement vous resterez sans titres, sans nom de démon, et finalement sans domination, mais vous perdrez votre place dans mon cœur en tant que fils. Vous resterez sur la terre, rendus pleinement humains, et donc sans pouvoir. Je vous ferai marcher les sables du Sahara, avec une oasis toujours à l'horizon, à ne jamais atteindre jusqu'à votre paroisse. » Il a hurlé d'une manière qui a montré qu'il venait d'inventer ça sur place et, heureux de l'extrême mesure de cela, a continué, « Mes conditions finales sont donc : vos budgets ne couvriront que l'école. C'est-à-dire que tu dois trouver du travail. Je m'attends aussi à ce que vous m'appeliez et que vous vous présentiez à la fin de chaque semaine. Mes serviteurs voient tout, oui, mais appelez vos parents - c'est le seul poli." Il s'adressa à un serviteur qui marchait avec un miroir, -- Je suppose que vous savez tous ce que c'est? Il leur a montré le miroir simple, "Simplement brouiller la surface et écrire Famzhur à l'envers. Elle me contactera, moi ou ta mère." Il s'est évanoui la gorge en regardant sa femme avant de continuer, "Quant à qui vous serez surveillés, même moi, je ne sais pas. Mais ils seront là et ils ne feront probablement jamais connaître leur présence. Si j'apprends que l'un d'eux a été blessé par vos mains, les gars, alors je vais personnellement étouffer la vie maudite de vous." En conclusion, il a examiné chacun d'eux individuellement, "Sois loin de ma vue. Car vous n'êtes que mortel pour moi maintenant. L'entrée au Palais Éternel vous sera interdite. Quand vous reviendrez, si vous revenez, je m'attends à rencontrer des hommes et non des garçons."
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Les longs cheveux foncés de Drienuhn étaient lâchement attachés sur une épaule. Il portait des vêtements sombres et lâches, du genre qui serait facile à décoller ou à dormir confortablement. Ses beaux traits froids étaient arrangés dans leur indifférence habituelle. C'est fastidieux d'être appelé devant leurs parents. Il n'aimait pas ça. Il préférerait qu'on le laisse boire ou regarder une jolie danse démoniaque. C'était son idée d'un bon moment. Ses yeux vifs et sombres ne montrèrent même pas un soupçon d'amusement au long discours inintéressant que le préposé donna pour le présenter. À ses propres fils. Imbécile. Bien sûr, ils connaissaient tous les titres et les pouvoirs de leur propre père. Et ils l'ont traité de stupide. En laissant sortir un petit bâilleur finement voilé, il a brossé ses cheveux foncés sur une oreille, laissant tomber le reste là où il aimait. Ses pieds étaient nus et il leva un pied, comme s'il ne portait pas de chaussures. Il a manqué un peu de la première partie du discours de son père, il a levé les yeux avec un front incliné quand il y avait une petite pause. Quoi? Avait-il manqué quelque chose d'important? Par le regard sur le visage du roi qu'il avait. Hells Bells... il se penche sur ses frères, il se repose sur le bras dans le tissu lâche de sa yukata. Humain? Drienuhn scoula. C'était trop de travail. Les humains étaient des créatures stupides, mais ils étaient toujours inquiets de faire quelque chose d'inutile. "Ah, apprendre..." sa voix profonde et endormie était plus qu'un murmure, "La plus fastidieuse de toutes les tâches banales..." Aussi quelque chose qu'il n'avait jamais ennuyé. La lecture était trop frustrante. Tous ces symboles aiment se réarranger, basculer à l'envers et s'estomper ensemble dans une masse méconnaissable. À quoi ça servait? Tout ce qui était agréable était d'être vu et fait, pas gaspillé dans la lecture à ce sujet. Ou pire. C'est écrit. "E-Exiled..." il avait l'air un peu surpris, ses yeux à capuche généralement aiguisés grandissent pour une fois. C'était dur, n'est-ce pas? Il regardait ses frères. Et un couvre-feu aussi?! Soufflant, il s'est griffé les dents et a déplacé son corps de sorte que ses bras ont été croisés sur sa poitrine. Tout est intéressant, vin, étoiles de tir, feux d'artifice, danseurs, tout cela s'est passé après le coucher du soleil. Et les lois humaines aussi? Pourquoi ne pas les envoyer au centre de la Terre alors? C'est peut-être une meilleure prison. "Et le mariage aussi", se moquait-il dans l'incrédulité. Une femme qui gémit, qui se marie avec un poisson. Merveilleux. C'est ce qu'il a toujours voulu. Un mandat pour aller avec sa peine de prison. Ou était-ce "souvenir"? "Garde"? Qu'est-ce que c'était?! En fin de compte, c'était juste une autre personne de lui dire quoi faire et de lui donner des tâches plus fastidieuses à accomplir. C'est dégoûtant. Comment le père a-t-il pu sourire à un moment pareil? Drienuhn à ce stade était trop choqué et dégoûté. Il pourrait même imaginer à quoi ressemblerait la vie en tant qu'humain à la peau de ver. Qu'est-ce qu'il allait faire dans les Sept Hells? Les humains le forceraient à essayer de lire et d'aller à des endroits. Ils lui feraient faire des choses. Et il n'y aurait pas assez d'argent pour se régaler et boire du vin. Et qu'est-ce qu'un travail humain? Sa tête commençait à faire mal... Son père les regardait tous, et il ne pouvait cacher son mépris. Secouant la tête, il s'est frotté le front. Quelle douleur tout ça allait être. Je suis à l'écart de chez moi. Avec peu d'argent. Pour être mortel et avoir à prendre un travail humain... aller à l'école humaine... Il serait malade, si ce n'était pas tant d'efforts. En regardant la Reine, son dernier espoir de pitié maternelle et quelqu'un pour le sauver des horreurs qui se trouvaient avant eux étaient partis. "Mère, s'il vous plaît..." Mais non. Elle vient d'ajouter à la punition. Une boîte? Qu'est-ce que le feu d'enfer était censé faire? L'ouvrir quand il avait un château? Est-ce que les vers ont des châteaux? Se frottant le front, Drienuhn soupira lourdement. Tu te souviens d'elle? Oh oui, il le ferait. N'importe qui le contraire exact de la Reine pour sa soi-disant "femme" serait génial. Quelqu'un qui l'a laissé seul serait gentil. "J'ai besoin... d'un verre", soupirait-il lourdement, à peine addible. L'ivoire sculpté boîte, somptueusement décoré de motifs arabes, lui remis, le prince fronça. Drienuhn soupira une fois de plus, se séparant de ses frères. L'élégant et paresseux prince regardait avec indifférence ses frères et sœurs. Souvent, il fut ignoré, à un grand soulagement, mais cette fois il regarda leurs réactions.
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Ruomahl/Rowan Convoqué par son père, Ruomahl courut nonchalamment ses doigts à travers ses cheveux, regardant tout devant lui, sauf ses parents. Ses cheveux noirs fins étaient assez longs pour faire passer votre silhouette à travers sa lucidité, mais pas assez longtemps pour l'appeler la longueur de l'épaule. Ruomahl ne se souciait pas vraiment d'être convoqué. Il attendait que tout ça soit fini, puis il retournait à ses affaires. Le serviteur parla, mais le roi le coupa. Tout le monde semblait ennuyé, mais Ruomahl s'en foutait. Il ne connaissait même pas son nom. Ce qui est arrivé ensuite, cependant, Ruomahl a pris soin de. Le roi allait les rendre humains, a-t-il dit. Ruomahl a essayé de donner un sens à cette déclaration, mais n'a pas pu. Ruomahl ne pouvait pas penser à pourquoi, et il ne pouvait pas comprendre ce que cela signifiait. C'était horrible, cependant, quoi que ce soit. Puis le roi continua, ce qui ne servit qu'à alimenter la rage de Ruomahl. Peut-être que la facture de nourriture était un peu grosse et peut-être qu'ils ont acheté quelques choses, mais ce n'était évidemment pas la faute de Ruomahl. Sauf pour les bijoux, et les vêtements élaborés, et peut-être que la couronne qu'il avait commandé était un peu excessive, mais son frère avait tous fait la même chose! Ruomahl ne pouvait à juste titre les laisser le surpasser. Mais être dépouillé de son droit d'aînesse était une usurpation insondable de lui-même que Ruomahl se sentait comme ne faire que crier. Le roi a continué, et il a empiré. Bien sûr, ils étaient envoyés dans le monde humain. Ce n'était pas si mal en soi, du moins pour Ruomahl. Ruomahl a supposé que son père le savait, et donc il avait tout fait pour le rendre malheureux. Ruomahl devait suivre tant de règles qu'il deviendrait probablement fou, et ses frères deviendraient encore plus fous. Au moins, il aurait une femme. Bien que Ruomahl ait entendu dire que les femmes mortelles étaient un peu difficiles à caresser. Tout ça allait être dur. Il ne savait rien sur le monde mortel, mais maintenant il était censé faire quelque chose d'aussi difficile que de séduire une jeune fille avec son apparence diabolique. Il semblait qu'une guerre commençait, et ce serait une guerre d'attrition. Quand sa mère a parlé, Ruomahl ne s'attendait pas beaucoup. C'est ce qu'il a eu. Pour l'instant, il aurait aussi bien pu recevoir une boîte vide. Ce serait peut-être important un jour, mais pas aujourd'hui. -- Je suppose que c'est tout, alors, dit Ruomahl, très insatisfait. Ruomahl devrait jeter un dernier coup d'œil à ses affaires. J'espère qu'il y aura du temps pour au moins ça.
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Comme d'habitude, c'était Skeixura qui était le dernier à arriver dans la salle du trône de son père, heureusement manquant sur le titre tédieusement long qui l'a fait seulement vouloir frapper le crâne de quelqu'un contre le mur. De même que d'habitude, sa chemise était nonchalamment éraflée ouverte, exposant le corps ciselé qui lui a valu beaucoup plus d'attention de la part des femmes que ses frères ne pouvaient se vanter de. Ce n'était pour aucune raison arbitraire non plus - il y avait une nouvelle servante et il était déterminé à être celui pour obtenir ses mains expérimentées sur elle. Il se pencha d'un coup sur une jambe, jetant un regard ennuyant vers le reste de ses frères avant de laisser son regard s'élever vers son père. La plupart de ses frères étaient des excuses pour les princes démoniaques et les tolérer pendant les quelques fois où ils ont été masqués ensemble était une expérience douloureuse pour Skei. Quand son père annonça qu'ils devenaient humains, il ne put s'empêcher de cracher un sourire, un rire se trouvant sur ses lèvres avant de s'échapper dans le froid silence qui se trouvait normalement dans la salle du trône quand son père parlait. Son père n'oserait jamais ruiner sa réputation en donnant des coups de pied à sa propre semence dans la boue! Les humains n'étaient que des cochons qui criblaient et qui n'avaient guère d'utilité, sauf pour être des constructeurs de fonte non consomptible exceptionnellement bons. Élevant ses doigts vers ses temples, il les a massées, permettant à ses yeux bleus presque translucides de glisser. L'école ne l'a pas dérangé. De par sa compréhension des cultures humaines, les enseignantes étaient généralement des amants expérimentés et animés. Même la simple pensée l'avait avide, mais son père est parti et l'a frappé dans sa tombe. Onze heures de couvre-feu. Onze heures de couvre-feu? Onze heures de couvre-feu! Comment ose-t-il! Les autres bâtards qu'il avait pour les frères pouvaient exister pendant la journée, mais de par sa compréhension des humains, ils ne s'accouplaient que dans l'obscurité! C'était horrible... Pourquoi? Pourquoi son père leur ferait-il ça? Ce n'étaient que des jeunes hommes! Ils ne méritaient pas ce destin! Après cela, son esprit s'est effondré dans la pure tristesse, lui permettant d'écraser les détails. Il s'est emparé de la mariée et du travail, mais dans sa tristesse, il a choisi de les ignorer, au lieu de se concentrer sur la prise d'une épaule d'un frère voisin, se tenant debout. Il n'y avait pas de destin pire que celui de la condamnation à l'enfer lui-même - le monde mortel. Bien qu'il y ait des partenaires de lit capables présents là-bas, leur excitation palpitait par rapport aux démonesses. Il avait lu de la littérature humaine classique comme Fifty Shades of Grey! S'il y a quoi que ce soit, il a juste montré qu'ils étaient complètement inexpérimentés. Il gémissait, sa blessure métaphorique grossissait chaque fois que son père prononçait un seul mot. Finalement, il s'est mis en colère froide dès que son père a fini de parler. Bien que son père l'ait trahi, il a tourné son attention vers sa mère. La femme aimait Skeixura le moins qu'il ait mis à lui être le meilleur regard. Les mères préféraient toujours les plus moches. "Chère mère!" Il salua, son sourire s'élargissant et sa douleur s'atténua alors qu'il s'avançait de façon décontractée dans les feux de la rampe. "Sûr que vous connaissez votre destin si nous échouons tous? Même j'ai l'air détesté par cette tâche et je suis le plus capable quand il s'agit de femmes. Je n'ose pas croire à quel point la situation de mes frères est désespérée! Leur souffrance inutile m'apporte beaucoup de douleur." Souriant sadiquement, il lui fixa les yeux bleus froids et continua. "Néanmoins, vous devez savoir que si nous échouons tous, vous serez jetés de côté, n'est-ce pas? Père perdra les cinq de ses héritiers et il sera forcé de faire plus qui nécessitera une femme plus... fertile." Après cela, il tourna le regard vers son père, s'inclinant la tête avec un faux respect - il savait que son père s'en dormait sur sa mère, et il espérait que la pensée de devoir en prendre un autre inspirerait une certaine sagesse chez l'insensé. En avant, il fermait une boîte richement décorée au bord d'or avant de la soulever avec une grande facilité et de tourner, ses intentions de laisser déjà prédominent. Étendant une main vers eux, il fit signe d'adieu et avança vers la sortie. C'est alors que son esprit a finalement rattrapé avec lui et il s'est effondré dans la douleur pure. "Non! Par tout ce qui est maléfique et haineux! Dis-moi que tu n'as pas dit mariée!" Il a crié, ses traits tombant dans une profonde angoisse. "Je ne peux jamais me marier! Elle demandera de l'engagement alors elle voudra des petites bêtes! Pardonnez-moi, mon père! Ne me maudis pas à un tel sort!»
Character Name: Acacia Blackwell Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Temperamental - Moody, irritable, or sensitive. Excitable, volatile, emotional. Proud - Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem and will often shirk help from others for the sake of pride. Perfectionist - A propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards. Other Characteristics: Overambitious - Having a strong excessive desire for success or achievement. Nervous - Easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy. Phobic – They have a severe form of fear when it comes to this one thing. Examples: Dark, Spiders, Cats
À l'heure actuelle, la reine Fraerusa était assez fatiguée des attitudes de ses fils. Elle sourit agréablement à ses fils démoniaques. "Peut-être que vous auriez tous dû prêter plus d'attention à votre père et à moi. J'ai été là-haut et je ne pense pas que vous mourrez en étant là-haut pendant un an. Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c'est aller à l'école, garder vos notes, trouver un travail décent pour que vous puissiez acheter quelques choses, apprendre à connaître quelques filles et vous choisir une femme pour votre mariée. Tout cela fait partie de la vie. Pour ton père et moi, ce qui se passe entre nous, c'est nos secrets dont vous n'avez pas besoin. Ce que vous devez vous inquiéter, c'est votre propre exil. Vous aurez chacun un ensemble de vêtements dans votre pièce assignée que vous garderez propre en tout temps. Vous ferez votre propre lessive. Vous ferez ce qu'on vous dit ou subirez les conséquences extrêmes. Au fait, les gars, si j'en entends un de plus, j'ajouterai plus de tâches à vous tous. Est-ce que j'ai été clair?" Elle l'a demandé avec douceur.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Les longs cheveux de Drienuhn, particulièrement coupés, étaient drapés sur son épaule et liés de façon lâche. Par rapport à ses autres frères, il avait l'air d'être sorti du lit. Avec la boîte d'ivoire bercée dans son seul bras, ses yeux sombres se rétrécissaient légèrement. Normalement, il n'avait aucune opinion sur ce que ses frères faisaient, ou sur ce que ses parents insistaient était nécessaire pour leur enseigner tous une leçon. L'indifférence froide et tranquille était sa réponse à la plupart de leurs actions trop dramatiques. Tout ce qu'il voulait de la vie, c'était du confort et du calme. L'école humaine, un travail humain et une femme, c'était exactement le contraire de la façon dont il croyait que la vie devait être vécue. Peut - être ne se souciait - il guère de quelque chose en particulier, mais sa seule raison de supporter ses frères était de vivre une vie facile. Bien sûr... Il pourrait aussi être divertissant de persuader les humains de son mode de vie. C'était toujours plus agréable de se détendre quand il était entouré de la chaleur d'autres âmes paresseuses. Avec un petit fantôme de sourire, Drienuhn regarda la boîte et se leva vers sa mère. « Ce sera amusant de voir comment les humains diffèrent de nous », murmura-t-il doucement. Il disait toujours des choses passives, mais le prince avait les yeux de son père. Quelque chose de sombre et dangereux était toujours brassant sous la surface. Même lui et son esprit minuscule pourraient ne pas encore le comprendre, mais il ferait bouillir dans la bonne heure. Ça l'a toujours fait. Par rapport à ses frères énergiques, Drienuhn était un bruit de fond que personne ne semblait jamais prendre au sérieux. Mais c'était toujours un démon. Et il pourrait amener d'autres à se noyer sans liste dans la paresse. Abandonner les espoirs et les objectifs. Vivre dans un brouillard sans fin de rêves. C'était la seule chose qu'il était bon après tout. Peut-être que leurs parents ont réalisé à quel point ça pouvait être dangereux. Pour les humains de toute façon. Indifférencieux comme il l'était, ça ne voulait pas dire qu'il était sans émotions. Même il s'est mis en colère. Pourtant, la seule chose qui a montré une certaine émotion sur son visage était un petit sourire froid.
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Ruomahl/Rowan Comme Ruomahl l'avait écouté, son frère Taelor se pencha contre lui, et il murmura à Ruomahl, qu'il était le favori de leur père. Ruomahl savait que c'était vrai. Bien sûr qu'il était le préféré de leur père. Il n'y avait personne d'autre qui serait assez digne pour gagner son admiration, a pensé Ruomahl. L'idée que c'était quelqu'un d'autre était impensable. Taelor continua avec ses paroles douces, et lui dit que son frère Chobach se moquait de lui. Certainement pas, pensait Ruomahl. Il a dû rire, mais de quoi riait-il? Mais Ruomahl pensait que peut-être Taelor avait raison, et peut-être que Chobach se moquait de lui. Si c'était vrai, Ruomahl lui montrerait qui il riait. -- Est-ce vrai? Ruomahl a dit à Taelor. "Chobach se moque de moi? C'est inacceptable! Dis-moi, mon frère, est-il le seul, ou les autres rigolent-ils aussi? J'ai vu comment Skeixura se moque de moi alors que je tourne le dos. » Ruomahl a ensuite entendu sa mère crier une dernière fois. C'était détestable pour Ruomahl d'en entendre encore plus. Il était obligé de faire tellement. C'était vraiment comme du travail en prison. -- Frère, dit Ruomahl à Taelor. "Je ne convaincrai personne de quoi que ce soit aujourd'hui. Ce serait probablement mieux si nous ne commencions pas de combats aujourd'hui, à moins que nous ne voulions aller au Sahara plus tôt. »
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Tielham Famzhur Le roi Tielham ferma les yeux alors qu'il écoutait ses fils se plaindre de leur situation. Honnêtement, c'est ce genre de comportement qui l'a fait regretter l'erreur de leur donner des libertés royales. Il aurait dû les renvoyer quand ils étaient plus jeunes et incertains de ce qu'ils étaient en tant qu'individus. À leurs vingt ans, ils connaissaient déjà les péchés qu'ils voulaient gouverner. Quand un démon est aligné sur leur péché- qui ils sont rarement changer après le fait. Ce qu'ils ont dit était peu important pour lui. Le roi du démon s'est brisé, son visage s'est déplacé vers une créature épouvantable à l'échelle avec huit yeux, le feu de l'enfer s'est évanoui de ses mains et de ses narines, "Silence. Vous êtes tous des serpents - qui sont les têtes que je vais épingler aux Portes avec des lances lancées par mon bras - si vous désobéissez à une syllabe de mes ordres. Vous partez aujourd'hui non pas comme de simples sangsues qui dînent sur l'ichor de vos parents depuis trop longtemps, mais qui naissent de nouveau et qui ont eu l'occasion de se rédempter. Rendez-vous dans les yeux de votre père. Montrez-moi que vous êtes digne de mon amour, de mon respect, du sang royal les cours noirs à travers vos veines." Dégouté d'eux, il s'est brouillé le nez, comme s'il s'agissait d'une merde, il est entré accidentellement sur le trottoir, "Nous venons d'une longue lignée d'anges damnés et déchus. Nos ancêtres sont des monuments de gloire flamboyante qui seraient pâles pour voir leur ligne culminer - non, réduit - aux excuses pathétiques des enfants que j'ai." Son visage s'installa dans les beaux contours de sa forme royale. Cependant, le feu bleu de l'enfer est resté lumineux dans ses yeux. "Laissez tout de suite. Portez gloire au nom de Famzhur. Honorez votre père, votre mère, le Royaume." Il soupira et se tint, laissant la pièce avant que son accompagnateur royal puisse même annoncer la fin de la réunion. Plusieurs serviteurs se précipitèrent après lui dans la détresse, ramassant le train de son manteau afin qu'il ne traîne pas contre le sol. Le roi disparut plus loin dans le palais sans autant qu'un adieu à ses enfants.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Ruomahl/Rowan Ruomahl a entendu le roi leur dire à quel point ils avaient été horribles, en dépensant tout son argent durement gagné. Se tenant d'une longue lignée d'anges déchus qui avaient décidé qu'il valait mieux régner dans l'enfer que de servir dans le ciel, et maintenant être réduit à ce qui était devant lui. C'est ce qu'on disait à Ruomahl. On lui a dit qu'ils auraient à gagner l'amour de leur père. -- Eh bien, pensa Ruomahl. "Il ne parle évidemment pas de moi." Ruomahl s'attendait à ce que sa mère ne fasse rien de mieux. Chaque fois qu'elle ouvre la bouche, les choses empirent. Une Académie militaire. Ruomahl ne savait pas grand-chose sur les guerriers humains, mais il en savait assez pour rendre cette nouvelle tortueuse. Les humains n'étaient pas des démons. Les humains étaient fragiles, des choses dociles qui n'étaient pas si effrayantes même les uns pour les autres, donc ils ont été emmenés dans des endroits où ils ont été rendus forts, et ont été enseignés dans les arts martiaux, dans la tactique, et dans l'entraînement des armes. La reine a montré aux princes l'uniforme standard, et Ruomahl a pris un bon regard. Snazzy. Elle leur a ensuite montré un autre uniforme. Snazzy. Du point de vue des choses, Ruomahl n'était pas envoyé à la caserne. Il espérait que c'était là que les officiers étaient formés, ce qui était un peu mieux. Gritty encore, mais un peu mieux. Ce qui était dans l'esprit de Ruomahl maintenant était comment il allait accomplir cette quête. Il ne pouvait pas avoir son frère en avoir un sur lui, donc il devrait vite, même plus vite que Skeixura, ce qui était impossible. Ruomahl a demandé à quelqu'un de s'occuper de ses affaires pendant qu'il était parti. Il devrait probablement être Kalinis, comme il a toujours été si fiable. Il aurait probablement un dernier rire avec cet idiot de Dormius, et jouerait un dernier match d'échecs avec Fornyeus avant de parler d'une dernière tasse de café démoniaque. Bien sûr, il allait donner un dernier baiser à Antinigua et lui donner un baiser sincère et ensuite lui donner un joyeux au revoir et - Merde. Où était-il au nom de son père? Tout autour de lui semblait si étranger et si brillant. Rien autour de lui n'avait l'air familier. Il ne pouvait pas gérer ça. Ruomahl était trop confus pour penser correctement. Que s'est-il passé? Juste à ce moment-là, une pensée a traversé son esprit. Ces salauds. C'était l'une des choses que Ruomahl aimait chez les humains. Ils ont pris soin de leurs jeunes. Des démons? Non, jetez-les avec la poubelle. C'était bien et bien d'être impoli et impoli, mais ce n'était pas si gentil quand on est à la réception. Il n'a même pas eu le temps de se préparer. Ruomahl pensait que ses parents appréciaient sûrement les liens sociaux de son fils. Apparemment pas, cependant. Ruomahl a décidé de regarder autour. Après tout, ça ne pouvait pas faire de mal. Il pourrait s'occuper plus tard. Il savait que quelqu'un le regardait, mais il ne pouvait pas gérer ça maintenant. Pour l'instant, il a dû en savoir plus sur l'endroit où il était. Il voulait des informations. Ruomahl a fouillé à travers le bureau à un bout de sa chambre, mais il n'a trouvé que des livres avec des connaissances qui étaient inutiles pour l'instant. Bonne information, il était sûr, mais pas pour l'instant. Déçu, Ruomahl tourna son attention vers l'autre bureau qui tenait une étrange contraption. Cette étrange machine était reliée par de nombreux fils épais avec un bloc volumineux qui tenait sur elle un grand bouton. Ruomahl n'avait que peu peur. Il s'assura que sa puissance était encore avec lui, et qu'un instrument humain aussi petit n'avait aucun moyen de le blesser de façon significative. Ruomahl a appuyé sur le bouton. Il y avait un bruit fort, et il a continué pendant un certain temps. Il a appuyé sur un autre bouton sur la contraption la plus haute après que rien ne s'est passé pendant une minute. La peur avait cédé la place à la fascination. Est-ce que cette contraption la plus haute était vraiment un conduit pour les pouvoirs sur lesquels l'appareil le plus bas fonctionnait. C'était une sorte de portail, ou peut-être un écran? Ruomahl pensait que oui, ça devait être un écran. Il a rappelé une phrase sur laquelle un grand sage humain avait dit: "la science suffisamment avancée est indistinguable de la magie." C'était donc la science, la magie froide et méthodique recueillie par les humains à travers la logique et l'expérience. Ruomahl l'a trouvé très intéressant. Ruomahl a vu une tache blanche au centre de ce conduit, l'écran. Ruomahl pensait que c'était peut-être la clé pour contrôler cette contraption humaine. Il a mis sa main sur le dispositif inférieur, et a utilisé sa magie pour plonger profondément dans ses éléments fondamentaux. Grosse erreur. Ruomahl était surchargé d'une quantité apparemment infinie de données, et son esprit ne pouvait pas le prendre. Il lâcha immédiatement sa main, et la déplaça dans sa bouche pour s'empêcher de vomir. "Par mon père, quelle était cette monstruosité", a dit Ruomahl. "Cette abomination déchaînée. Comment les mortels, dans leur sagesse finie, pourraient-ils développer une telle chose?" Pourtant, même avec une peur nouvelle, Ruomahl s'est forcé à continuer. Après avoir regardé autour de lui, Ruomahl a trouvé un dispositif qu'il avait négligé d'étudier attentivement. Quand il l'a déplacé, aussi la tache blanche sur l'écran. "Bête!" Ruomahl a dit. "Je t'ai dompté." Ruomahl a cliqué sur une boîte qui était étiquetée "invité". Il pensait que c'était un bon endroit pour commencer. Il y avait un son haut et harmonieux, et l'écran était quelque part ailleurs. Cet écran était assez impressionnant. Ruomahl a déplacé le curseur à l'une des rares choses étiquetées à l'écran, quelque chose qui a dit "Mozilla Firefox." Espérons que la sagesse du Firefox l'éclairerait. Ruomahl a regardé vers le bas, et a vu sur le bureau quelque chose pulvérisé avec des lettres humaines. Du peu de mots répandus à travers elle, Ruomahl pouvait supposer qu'il était dans la langue humaine la plus commune, l'anglais. Après un peu de folie, Ruomahl a compris comment utiliser la souris et la barre de recherche. Il y a tapé le nom anglais du monde humain, la Terre. Aujourd'hui allait être une journée d'études indépendantes.
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Silas de Chobach Chobach s'est retrouvé dans une pièce qui ne lui appartenait pas. Il a déduit de l'uniforme que c'était, en fait, sa chambre - parce que l'étiquette nommait "Silas Maddox" - l'alias humain qu'il utilisait lorsqu'il traitait avec les humains sur la surface. Ces "dealings" étaient souvent ses œuvres d'art de vente ou quand il a glissé à la surface pour rôder les boîtes de nuit. Ce sont ses secrets, bien sûr, qu'il a gardés à sa famille. Bien qu'il soupçonnait que son père le savait et c'était une raison majeure pour le dégoût entre les deux. Le démon a ignoré les gadgets sur son bureau, les manuels, aussi, n'a pas réussi à recueillir son intérêt, au lieu de cela, il est sorti de sa chambre. Alors qu'il fermait la porte, il entendit son frère, Taelor, crier dans la douleur. Le démon a pris plaisir à la douleur que ses frères se infligeaient les uns aux autres - aucun d'entre eux n'a jamais été vraiment en bons termes - et donc il a tenu très peu d'affection pour eux. En fait, ils ressemblaient plus à des étrangleurs qu'à de la famille. Chobach voulait donc voir ce que son frère avait fait pour se blesser. Il est entré dans l'une des pièces - il n'a pas reconnu sa fonction - principalement parce qu'il n'avait jamais cuisiné un jour de sa vie. Il en est de même de Taelor, qui allaitait une main blessée. "C'est comme si tu te faisais du mal quelques minutes après ton arrivée, Taelor." Il a dit comme il se penchait contre l'un des comptoirs. Il ne serait pas sage de montrer à son frère qu'il savait ce qu'était l'évier et qu'il pouvait fournir de l'eau pour refroidir sa main blessée. En plus, il ne voulait vraiment pas aider ses frères et sœurs. Il s'est donc incliné la tête et n'a rien fait pour aider. "Avez-vous déjà choisi votre nom? Je n'ai aucune idée du moment où les cours commencent, mais il serait sage de choisir un nom avant. » Quelque chose au - delà de la cuisine attira son attention et il marcha vers le salon, n'attendant pas la réponse de ses frères. Il a plié devant le télévison et a commencé à jouer avec la télécommande. Le câble local en enfer n'a jamais montré de torture ou de porno, ce qu'il attendait de voir quand il a allumé la télé. Au lieu de cela, il a vu deux hommes dans une voiture, parlant du vol vers une ville dont il n'avait jamais entendu parler auparavant, pour voir un poisson chat (quel que soit l'enfer qui était) qui pourrait ou non être dans cette ville. Il n'a pas compris. "Sans point." Il a dit qu'à mesure qu'il changeait de chaîne et commençait à regarder un spectacle appelé "Hells cuisine", l'intérêt des démons était piquée. Une cuisine démoniaque explorée par les humains? Où les humains savaient-ils que les démons mangeaient? Mais au lieu de voir des délices infernalistes, il a vu un homme crier sur d'autres humains pendant qu'ils se lamentaient sur la nourriture la plus étrange. Chobach était confus. Il n'y avait évidemment rien de démoniaque dans cette émission. Il a commencé à canaliser surf- s'écriant sa confusion de temps en temps.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Se réveiller a toujours été la partie la plus facile de sa journée. La vie humaine était si banale, ils avaient pratiquement tout prévu. Sortir du lit, Hermessent a brossé ses longs cheveux noirs d'encre, jusqu'à ce qu'il brille comme le sang noir malade d'un chien de l'enfer mourant. Dans le miroir, elle a doublé ses yeux aiguisés de khol et a appuyé sur ses lèvres pleines l'aspect le plus barbant de rouge. Sultry yeux vifs et belles lèvres en forme d'arc sur le plus doux de la peau pâle. En lui donnant son propre reflet, un clin d'œil qui fondait le cœur, elle tirait sur son uniforme. D'une certaine manière, les vêtements modestes semblaient embrasser sa figure féminine d'une manière très suggestive. C'est peut-être pour ça que les hommes de cette école l'adoraient tant. Elle était leur idole, leur reine, leur déesse. Ils l'adoraient. Les garçons voulaient qu'elle et les filles voulaient être elle. C'était naturel, bien sûr. Leurs cœurs humains faibles ne pouvaient pas gérer sa perfection démoniaque. Et le plaisir qu'elle a pris de leur arracher leur désir était indescriptible. Le fait d'être chassée pour être punie n'avait jamais été aussi chanceuse pour elle. En lui donnant une touche hautaine de poignet, ses cheveux foncés tombaient derrière elle dans une majestueuse vague de soie foncée. En prenant son sac, elle lui a donné un dernier clin d'oeil. Ces abrutis n'arriveraient pas à garder leurs pauvres yeux loin d'elle. À pied des appartements de la jeune fille, Hermessent a été approchée par deux des filles humaines qui avaient des chambres près d'elle. "Hermonie!" Ils l'appelaient son nom humain avec tant de plaisir et d'adoration, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de leur faire la grâce d'un sourire: «Bonjour!» "Bonjour," sa voix était comme une caresse chaude, et les deux filles tremblaient comme des chiots heureux, "Vous êtes hyper ce matin." "Nouveaux arrivants!" L'une des filles a chié, "Et ce sont des garçons cette fois!" -- J'ai entendu dire que vous vous occuperiez de l'un d'eux aussi! l'autre fille a glouché, "Je parie que les vieux garçons sont tous verts d'envie!" "Oooh~ Est-ce que vous plaisantez?" la première fille a pleuré, "La moitié des filles sont jalouses aussi! Ce que je ne donnerais pas pour être enseigné par Harmonia!" "Maintenant, les petites fleurs," la voix douce liquide d'Harmonia jaillit de ses lèvres rouges souriantes, "Pas besoin d'être jalouse. Cela ne veut-il pas simplement dire que vous êtes déjà si avancé, que vous n'aurez plus besoin de moi? » Jamais! Ils ont pleuré ensemble, "Nous allons quand même vous demander de l'aide, n'est-ce pas?" « Bien sûr, » a-t-elle incliné la tête sur le côté, « Cela me rend toujours si heureux quand tu viens à la visite. Tu éclaires toujours ma soirée." Les deux filles rougissent de bonheur. Harmonia leur fit signe d'adieu et continua sa marche. Des êtres humains fous. Ils couraient avec tant d'empressement dans leur propre ruine. Au moins, elle n'a jamais eu à s'inquiéter de faire trop de tâches banales, comme cuisiner ou faire du shopping avec de si petits adeptes hyper en train de lui faire chier. Souriant d'elle-même, ses longues jambes la transportèrent rapidement sur le campus, jetant un « bonjour » ici et un « bonjour » là-bas comme elle le jugeait bon, laissant dans son sillage un chemin d'adolescents rougissants. Obtenir son emploi du temps assigné et l'avis de tutorat, elle a scanné les noms des nouvelles recrues. Avec un petit sourire à elle-même, elle a rapidement remplacé son petit sourire maléfique par celui d'un sourire agréable digne d'une idole. Les humains n'ont jamais vu ce qu'ils ont choisi de voir. Et elle les ferait toutes pour la belle créature qu'elle connaissait. _________________________________________________ Drienuhn a fermé les yeux. Quand il les ouvrit, il était dans une petite pièce étrange avec des murs blancs sans couture. C'est dégueulasse. C'était sa première pensée. Il n'y avait pratiquement aucune décoration et absolument aucune attention au goût esthétique. Au contraire, la seule vraie couleur était un tas de tissu bleu ciel irritant sur le lit. Posant la boîte d'ivoire vers le bas, il la poussa sous le lit avec son pied. Les vêtements étaient beaucoup plus intéressants que tout ce que sa mère pouvait essayer de le reconquérir. Les vêtements étaient bizarres. En s'éloignant, il les mit lentement et avec un peu de difficulté. C'est serré. Ils étaient trop équipés. Il n'y avait pas de moyen facile de sortir d'eux et ils étaient enroulés sur son corps maigre, en lui embrassant les muscles comme une sorte de bar à vin collant. Miroir. Il voulait voir à quel point ces vêtements étaient ridicules sur lui. Mais quand sa réflexion l'a rencontré, il a été surpris. A-t-il toujours été aussi large dans les épaules? A-t-il toujours été si... élégant à regarder? Se tenant droit, il fut agréablement surpris de découvrir qu'il était tout aussi beau que ses frères. Peut-être encore plus. Ses longs cheveux ligotés sur une épaule, le blazer bleu sur sa figure, il avait l'air bien. Avec un petit snort, il a finalement jeté un coup d'oeil autour du reste de sa chambre. Un lit mince et plutôt simple, mais au moins ce n'était pas un tas de foin sur un sol en terre. Un petit bureau de tiroirs, contrairement à ce qu'il avait jamais vu auparavant, mais dans leur nuance naturelle hideuse de bois écorché. Une sorte de bureau avec une grosse tête décapité dessus. La tête coupée était étrangement carrée, comme si elle avait été aplatie, et il n'y avait pas de traits sur son visage, à l'exception d'un oeil géant. L'œil a pris tout le visage aussi. Peculiar, si un peu dérangeant. Il n'ose pas le toucher, moins il est trop fraichement coupé, ce avec la façon dont il a resplendit dans la lumière comme ça. Cette chambre... C'était tellement étrange. Et avec une seule porte, il ne pouvait que deviner que c'était la seule sortie et entrée. En sortant de la pièce, il a été surpris de trouver plus de porte, conduisant qui le savait. Au bout du court hall de portes se trouvait un salon. Mais ce n'était pas un salon qu'il avait l'habitude. Tout comme sa chambre, elle était claire et une ombre laid de blanc. Une tête géante décapité, semblable à celle de sa chambre, était à gauche, entourée de grands coussins qu'il ne pouvait que deviner qu'il y avait des chaises. A sa droite, il y avait une petite et pathétique version d'une cuisine. Il se frottait le front, il soupirait. Chobach était assis devant la tête coupée géante, regardant d'étranges histoires d'humains bien que son oeil béant. Pour aller voir son frère, il a mis ses mains dans les poches de ses étranges vêtements inférieurs. Taelor était derrière eux dans la petite moquerie d'une aire de cuisson. Il s'est tenu au-dessus de Chobach jusqu'à ce qu'il soit sûr que son frère savait au moins qu'il était là. Souvent, il bougeait trop tranquillement et finit par effrayer ses propres frères, qui n'étaient pas tranquilles habitués à sa présence, car le plus souvent, Drienuhn passa son temps seul. "Frère..." sa voix d'eau lente et profonde était étrangement claire sur le bruit de la magie coupé la tête récits oculaires, "Les symboles sur mes vêtements," il a regardé vers le bas à l'étiquette du nom sur sa poitrine, "qu'est-ce que cela dit?" C'était si important sur sa poitrine. C'était peut-être un nom? Son nom? Le nom de quelqu'un qui possédait les vêtements? S'ils allaient à l'école humaine en tant qu'humains, ses parents avaient dit qu'ils seraient considérés comme humains. Donc ça voulait dire un nom humain, n'est-ce pas? J'espère qu'il a été choisi pour lui et c'est la raison pour laquelle il était sur l'étiquette sur ses vêtements. Trop de choses fastidieuses se produisaient aujourd'hui. Il ne voulait pas avoir à sortir plus d'énergie qu'il n'en avait besoin juste pour passer un jour sanglant.
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Bessie avait tranquillement emballé ses deux roulettes le long des valises et un sac à bandoulière pour son devoir de tutorat. On ne lui a jamais donné une réponse claire sur la raison de son choix. En dehors de ses grandes notes, mais c'est un autre sujet. La raison pour laquelle elle a été choisie n'avait rien à voir avec ses notes, mais avec son introvertissement. Elle préfère les livres et l'artisanat à s'associer à certaines personnes qui sont si bruyantes et qui ne peuvent pas rester immobiles. Bessie détestait le bruit excessif et les gens posaient des questions stupides comme pourquoi ses cheveux étaient tous blancs et pourquoi elle scintille quand quelqu'un est bruyant. Et maintenant elle a dû faire face à de nouvelles personnes et ces nouvelles personnes étaient des garçons qui, à son avis, étaient les pires personnes offensantes qu'elle ait jamais connues. Autre chose... Ce ne sont pas des garçons de type normal puisqu'ils sont formés par l'une des filles. Ils étaient logés dans le complexe d'appartements qui est habituellement réservé aux invités de l'Académie. Ces gars doivent avoir quelques problèmes sérieux si elle devait deviner... Avec un soupir fort et lourd, Bessie a commencé à sortir ses deux valises de sa chambre pour faire face à une terrible épreuve de tutorat. Alors qu'elle partait, elle entendait tous les bavardages des filles et savait que le fan club d'Hermonia était au coin de la rue. Bessie a soigneusement fait le tour du groupe de filles sans qu'il y ait une erreur. Une fois que Bessie était dehors avec ses valises, elle cherchait le bus. C'était d'un côté qui les attendait. Academy Island était une petite île mais les étudiants viennent ici pour une raison. C'est pour ça qu'il y avait beaucoup de personnel. Chaque élève avait un problème d'une sorte ou d'une autre. Cette académie s'engage à faire ressortir le meilleur de chaque élève ou l'étudiant ne quitterait pas l'Académie. Qu'est-ce que ça voulait dire? Bien sûr, les étudiants plus âgés ont parlé de rumeurs de diverses sortes, mais Bessie les écoute rarement. Elle est montée dans le bus pour attendre que les quatre autres la rejoignent. Elle a choisi un siège dans le dos et s'est assise dans le coin avec un livre dans ses mains pour la divertir pendant qu'elle attendait.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Silas de Chobach Le démon a été tenté d'ignorer la plus paresseuse de ses frères, mais il n'a pas trouvé d'excuse plausible. Chobach n'était pas aussi plein d'esprit que Taelor, alors il n'a pas pensé à quelque chose de drôle à dire à la place de ce qu'il lisait. Alors qu'il regardait au nametag et lisait "Darien", Chobach ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser à la façon dont ses frères et sœurs sont baisés. Drienuhn était ici, handicapé par une paresse excessive et sans fin, incapable de lire et de céder le monde de la connaissance écrite comme le sien. Derrière eux Taelor se tenait debout, couvant une blessure comme un bébé, parce qu'il n'avait jamais senti les flammes d'aucun combat, simplement en raison du fait qu'il s'incitait à tous les combats lui-même. Chobach a pensé à ses deux autres frères et sœurs alors qu'il a passé le mot-symbole à Drienuhn. Le plus beau d'entre eux, Skeixura, était aussi le plus aveugle. La vie pour lui était une conquête sexuelle après l'autre. Leurs pères Tâche serait presque impossible pour lui- la peur de s'installer pourrait être trop pour lui. Et finalement il y avait Ruomahl- qui ne pouvait pas vivre confortablement à moins qu'il ait eu la même chose que ses frères. Ses réalisations s'amenuisent si ses frères avaient plus que lui. Il ne serait jamais heureux s'il n'était pas venu au sommet. Il était le plus favorisé dans toutes les situations. Et puis il y avait lui-même... Mais quand le démon a pensé à lui-même, il n'a rien vu de mal. Il était impatient et ne s'intéressait souvent pas à attendre quand il avait le pouvoir de l'obtenir pour lui-même. Mais... Sinon, il était l'enfant d'or. Chobach était sûr que son père punissait tous ses enfants simplement pour être juste. Le renvoyer était, d'une certaine manière, pour protéger son fils bien-aimé de la colère de ses frères vengeurs. Il n'a pas approuvé qu'il soit renvoyé de cette façon, mais il était sûr qu'une fois ses frères installés ici, son père le ferait renvoyer chez lui. Ce n'était qu'une question de temps. Donc pour le moment, il jouerait avec. "Darien." répéta-t-il, "les noms humains semblent si étranges, n'est-ce pas, Drienuhn?" Il a regardé à la télé. Sur son écran, il a couru autour des plus fous enfers qu'il n'ait jamais vus- certains pathétiquement petits tandis que d'autres avaient des rides excessives et slobber. Au coin de l'écran "AnimalPlanet" a été épinglé aux images. Pour une raison quelconque, il en voulait un. Un enfer ridicule.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Bessie a levé les yeux de son livre et à Uriko qui était la personne la plus proche amie qu'elle avait si elle avait une amie. Elle était peut-être un peu rebelle, mais Uriko était un gentil rebelle. "En fait, Uriko, je serai heureux quand les deux semaines seront terminées. J'ai peur de rencontrer ces garçons. Ils sont probablement des renégats ou pire. Enseigner aux garçons adultes à cuisiner, nettoyer, faire la lessive et les compétences de base signifie qu'ils doivent être quelques-uns des mâles les plus lents sur Terre. Si j'ai raison, je ne trouverai aucun petit ami, encore moins un mari. Je serai probablement célibataire pour le reste de ma vie." Bessie parlait doucement avant de revenir à son livre.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Bessie a levé les yeux de son livre et à Uriko qui était la personne la plus proche amie qu'elle avait si elle avait une amie. Elle était peut-être un peu rebelle, mais Uriko était un gentil rebelle. "En fait, Uriko, je serai heureux quand les deux semaines seront terminées. J'ai peur de rencontrer ces garçons. Ils sont probablement des renégats ou pire. Enseigner aux garçons adultes à cuisiner, nettoyer, faire la lessive et les compétences de base signifie qu'ils doivent être quelques-uns des mâles les plus lents sur Terre. Si j'ai raison, je ne trouverai aucun petit ami, encore moins un mari. Je serai probablement célibataire pour le reste de ma vie." Bessie parlait doucement avant de revenir à son livre. Uriko tape sur le livre, elle ne peut pas laisser Bessie sur une note comme ça. "Es. Ne soyez pas si dur avec vous-même, la plupart des garçons ne savent pas comment nettoyer, cuire, faire la lessive ou faire des compétences de base en classe. C'est pourquoi les femmes doivent s'occuper de toutes ces choses la plupart du temps, pour qu'elles ne s'enfuient pas et ne meurent pas. Vous pourriez former l'un d'eux en un bon mari si vous utilisiez un amour dur sur eux, peut-être plier quelques règles. Je suis sûr que ces livres vous ont donné quelques idées à ce sujet." Uriko chuckles, avant de reparler. "Alors, Bes, qu'est-ce que tu lis aujourd'hui? De quoi s'agit-il?" C'était une question posée par Uriko à chaque fois que Bessie lisait un livre qu'elle n'a pas vu et voulait dire qu'elle avait fini de parler avec Bessie pour le moment. Donc Bessie pourrait se reposer facilement.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Tous les mâles que je connais semblent penser que toute une femme est bonne pour est de cuisiner et de nettoyer à moins qu'elle de garder son lit chaud ce que je ne vais pas faire. Je lis un nouveau livre sur la magie et une fille qui a découvert la source magique. Ce ne serait pas cool d'avoir des capacités magiques? Bessie a renoncé à la lire et a mis un signet dans son livre. Elle a soigneusement mis son livre dans le sac. Elle regarda vers Uriko et se méfia. "Uriko, qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "bend the rule"? Je n'ai jamais rêvé d'enfreindre une règle ou d'en plier une... Je n'ai aucune idée de... façonner l'un d'eux en un bon mari. On dirait que j'entraine un chiot ou quelque chose comme ça." Bessie a parlé dans un puzzle voix. « Quand une personne aura notre âge, je penserai que la personne serait prête à se mettre dans ses voies. Si c'est vrai, quelqu'un ne changerait pas ses voies. C'est mon avis."
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
"Tous les mâles que je connais semblent penser que toute une femme est bonne pour est de cuisiner et de nettoyer à moins qu'elle garde son lit chaud ce que je ne ferai pas. Je lis un nouveau livre sur la magie et une fille qui a découvert la source magique. Ce ne serait pas cool d'avoir une capacité magique?" Bessie a renoncé à la lire et a mis un signet dans son livre. Elle a soigneusement mis son livre dans le sac. Elle regarda vers Uriko et se méfia. "Uriko, qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "bend the rule"? Je n'ai jamais rêvé d'enfreindre une règle ou d'en plier une... Je n'ai aucune idée de... façonner l'un d'eux en un bon mari. On dirait que j'entraine un chiot ou quelque chose comme ça." Bessie a parlé dans un puzzle voix. « Quand une personne aura notre âge, je penserai que la personne serait prête à se mettre dans ses voies. Si c'est vrai, quelqu'un ne changerait pas ses voies. C'est mon avis." Uriko lève les sourcils une fois qu'elle a rangé son livre, c'est assez rare pour qu'elle le fasse. On dirait qu'elle est intéressée. "Magic, je serais cool Bes, mais tout ce que nous avons c'est notre force et notre esprit... Eh bien, s'ils sont si bien placés dans leurs manières comment pouvons-nous les former en premier lieu Bes. Si vous partez pour un homme ici, vous ajouteriez un petit quelque chose à l'entraînement qu'ils ne remarqueront pas... Donc tu as raison, c'est exactement comme former un chiot, la théorie du conditionnement de Pavlov est faite pour ça. Tu fais quelque chose et tu les conditionnes pour le faire au point que c'est naturel pour eux. Lancez des stimuli inconditionnels et vous les façonnerez sans qu'ils le sachent. C'est la même chose pour moi, mais je me suis fait exprès. Une formation adéquate l'exige." Il y a une lueur dans les yeux d'Uriko "Mais oui, je suis d'accord avec toi. Ce ne sera pas la concubine d'un homme. Je leur donnerai le travail à la place."
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Bessie a écouté avec un esprit ouvert. Elle s'est un peu dit avant de parler. "Eh bien... ça vaut peut-être le coup d'essayer. Ces gars ont besoin d'avoir des instructions pour que je puisse mettre un peu d'effort dans une formation supplémentaire IF et seul IF l'un des gars semble mériter un recyclage. Je vais devoir réfléchir à la façon d'aider l'un d'eux et de connaître le gars un peu avant que je puisse vraiment mettre en place un court cours sur la façon de survivre... Non, je vais l'appeler cours de survie de l'Académie. Les hommes aiment les termes de bataille alors pourquoi ne pas essayer de le mettre dans leurs propres termes? Ça vaut peut-être la peine d'essayer, alors je vais essayer de recycler l'un d'eux. Et selon ses conditions si je peux trouver ses conditions." Bessie a parlé avec attention.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
"C'est l'esprit Bes. Faisons-en plaisir! » Uriko regarde autour de lui. Où sont les autres filles? Ils ne devraient pas être dans le bus maintenant. "Ara, les autres filles ont intérêt à ne pas être en retard, c'est important pour un plan d'attaque avant de commencer."
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Aussi douloureux que d'admettre ses fautes, Hermessent détesta les transports publics. C'était bruyant et souvent collant, et elle se sentait toujours comme si quelqu'un la regardait. D'habitude, l'attention était tout sauf bienvenue, mais ce genre d'attention était différent. C'était oppressif. C'est étouffant. Le même genre qui l'a forcée à suivre les lois à la lettre et ne se comporte jamais mal. Un tel ordre... C'était répugnant. En parlant de regarder les yeux, elle avait vu la bouche forte sur le bateau chevaucher plus tôt. Comment s'appelait-elle? C'est quoi, ça? Uritama? Ursula? Quelque chose comme ça, mais plus ennuyeux... Uriko l'irritant. En plantant un sourire sur son joli visage, ses yeux froids et creux ne tenaient rien d'autre que distant pour l'autre fille. Et il semblait qu'elle voyait plus d'elle aussi, puisqu'ils étaient dans le même bus pour le même concert de tutorat aussi bien. Merveilleux. L'irritant semblait avoir envie d'une conversation sans esprit avec le Bessie toujours calme. C'était presque trop généreux de la petite banale libraire. Car c'était sûrement trop intelligent pour de tels commérages oisifs. Assis toute seule, une fois qu'elle a choisi d'essayer d'ignorer la conversation des filles. En regardant par la fenêtre, Harmonia a blessé une serrure de ses longs cheveux foncés autour de son doigt. Si les humains passaient moins de temps à discuter, ils pourraient en fait être utiles pour atteindre leurs propres objectifs. Le bavardage était bien et bien, mais les actions étaient ce qui définissait l'avenir du monde. _________________________________________________ Drienuhn regardait son frère de près. Ce n'était pas comme s'il faisait confiance à un de ses frères. Il n'était pas si nauséabilisé. Mais tout ce qu'il avait demandé à son frère était de lui parler des symboles vertigineuses sur l'étiquette. Car il y avait sûrement un sens caché à l'étrange chose. Et ainsi, quand son frère lui a dit leur sens, tout a été confirmé. Un nom humain pour une vie humaine. "Darien, murmura-t-il dans son vent doux d'une voix, il est semblable à "Drienuhn", mais tu as raison, frère. Cela semble manquant et vide." Des noms humains... Ils étaient assez courts, donc ils devraient être plus faciles à se rappeler et pourtant il y avait une magie étrange pour eux. Tant d'humains ont été nommés exactement la même chose, seulement différent dans le deuxième ou le troisième nom qu'ils portaient. C'est un tracas déroutant. Drienuhn était content de n'avoir que le seul. Il n'aurait jamais pu se souvenir de rien de plus qu'un. Reprenant l'étiquette, il s'assit dans l'une des étranges chaises en peluche fournies près de l'oculus coupé d'un conteur. Avec un petit soupir, il se pencha et ferma les yeux. Juste un instant... juste un... moment...
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Puisse Chandler Un bourdonnement a été rapidement réduit au silence quand une jeune fille s'est roulée hors du lit. Vraiment, l'alarme était inutile, car May n'avait pas dormi un clin d'œil ces cinq dernières heures. Son anxiété lui était venue même depuis qu'elle a découvert cette excursion de deux semaines. Elle n'avait jamais été invitée à participer à une telle activité auparavant et n'avait aucune idée de ce à quoi s'attendre. Elle avait entendu d'autres filles sur le campus que de telles choses se passaient, mais cela semblait être un cas spécial. Cependant, May était confuse quant à la raison pour laquelle elle, de toutes les personnes, avait été l'une des rares choisies. Elle n'était rien de spécial. C'est vrai qu'elle a bien étudié, mais c'est parce qu'elle était obsédée par de bonnes notes. Elle n'avait pas forcément besoin d'être la meilleure, mais elle s'efforçait de faire de son mieux. Cela l'a souvent frustrée de voir comment certaines personnes de sa classe ne prenaient pas l'école aussi au sérieux qu'elle, surtout compte tenu de l'école qu'elles fréquentaient. Se frottant les yeux, May s'est rendue à son bureau, où elle avait dressé son uniforme la veille. Il était lumineux et rose avec des manches longues. Mignon, dans un sens, si vous aimiez les flamants. La longueur de tout était cependant le véritable problème. Porter un vêtement aussi long lui donnait l'impression d'être un enfant en train de se déguiser à cause de sa stature courte. Quoi qu'il en soit, elle s'est déshabillée et l'a glissé avant de revoir soigneusement ses listes. Oui, c'est ça. Listes. Elle n'avait pas un, pas deux, mais trois listes d'articles à apporter avec elle. Peut toujours être préparé. Physiquement de toute façon, pas mentalement. C'était mentalement une épave de train. Son inquiétude constante devait lui donner un ulcère et ne pouvait que se satisfaire d'une planification détaillée. En fait, elle n'avait même pas besoin d'aller plus loin. Elle avait été emballée pendant des jours et a tout passé en revue au moins trois fois hier. Puis, May a fini sa routine matinale et a tressé ses cheveux. Normalement, elle aurait aussi mangé, mais son anxiété l'a laissée sans appétit. Elle savait qu'elle devrait manger quelque chose de toute façon, mais ça n'allait pas se passer aujourd'hui. L'idée de la nourriture, dans son état actuel, l'a repoussée. Enfin, la blonde plongea son sac à dos sur ses épaules et se dirigea vers la porte. Être traîné derrière elle était une grande valise de sarcelle avec un sac de duffle rouge précairement placé sur le dessus. Elle aurait pu faire deux voyages, mais elle ne faisait confiance à personne pour ne pas prendre quelque chose. Elle aurait même pu demander l'aide de quelqu'un, mais elle a toujours senti qu'elle avait quelque chose à prouver. Ça a beaucoup à voir avec sa taille, vraiment. Appelez ça un complexe si vous voulez, mais se tenant à seulement cinq pieds de haut l'a entravée de beaucoup de façons et elle l'a détesté. Elle pensait qu'elle devrait pouvoir tout faire elle-même, mais en réalité ce n'est pas pratique. Alors que May ne le croirait jamais, elle souffrit probablement des mêmes illusions que la plupart des enfants de seize ans. Finalement, May a fait son chemin vers le bus. Une fois là-bas, elle a été confrontée à la tâche de glisser ses bagages dans les marches sans laisser tomber quelque chose ou se blesser. Pour cette courte distance, elle a fait deux voyages et tétrisé ses affaires sur le siège droit de la deuxième rangée. Puis peut-être se dire dans la même rangée en travers du chemin pour qu'elle puisse voir à la fois ses bagages et celui qui est entré dans le bus. Elle avait déjà vu deux filles dans le dos, mais elle ne les connaissait pas vraiment. Les reconnaître dans tout le campus était aussi bon qu'il l'a été. Cependant, Hermonia qu'elle connaissait. Peut-être avait lu les noms des autres filles qui ont été choisies, mais ne connaissait qu'Hermonie. Elle a eu peu d'interactions avec elle personnellement, mais tant de filles s'y sont mises et ont parlé d'elle qu'elle avait probablement entendu son nom au moins une fois par jour. Hermonia était vraiment belle, May lui donnerait ça. Elle était grande, que May enviait, et avait de magnifiques cheveux longs et foncés. Cependant, elle allait essayer de sauver tout autre jugement jusqu'à ce qu'elle passe du temps avec la femme. Si elle était aussi grande que tout le monde le prétendait, alors ils ne devraient pas avoir de problèmes. Pour l'instant, cependant, elle n'allait pas essayer d'approcher tout le monde. Après tout, May n'était pas très social. Son attitude énervante et ses commentaires futés ne lui firent pas beaucoup d'amis. Elle se croyait cependant plutôt humoristique.
Character Name: May Chandler Demon Name: Carmine Sable Age: 16 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Anxious - Full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous. Obsessive - An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. Smart Ass - Thinks they know it all, and in some ways they may, but they can be greatly annoying and difficult to deal with at times, especially in arguments. Other Characteristics: Short - In stature and tends to have an attitude about it Snarky - Sharply critical; makes snide remarks.
Taelor Août Avant même de pouvoir répondre à Chobach, le démon était déjà sorti de la cuisine pour couver sur un siège devant le panneau noir sur le mur. Taelor a dit qu'il détestait être ignoré et a élevé sa voix pour que ses frères puissent l'entendre au-dessus du droning, vivant maintenant avec des couleurs, "J'y ai beaucoup réfléchi, mon frère," pas vraiment, "et je pense-" il a regardé autour de la pièce et a vu un tract accroché sur le mur, segmenté en 30 carrés et étiqueté "Août 2015" en haut, "Août. Oui. August serait un joli nom. Arden Août." Le nom improvisé avait l'air assez agréable alors qu'il l'a maudit dans son esprit. Il se prosterna et s'assit sur le bras de la chaise de Chobach, arrachant la distance de son frère, "C'est donc l'appareil qui contrôle le panneau- plier à ma volonté!" Il s'est exclamé en appuyant sur le bouton de volume. La voix des narrateurs a rempli la pièce... Le Poméranie est l'une des plus hautes maintenances de la race de chiens- Nathans pom est nommé Fluffelina et aujourd'hui elle a son premier rendez-vous d'ongle. Taelor, dans sa hâte de défaire tout ce qu'il a fait, a flingué la télécommande- il est tombé de ses mains et de retour sur les genoux de Chobach. "Je l'ai en colère!" Ses mains s'envolèrent sur les côtés de son visage alors qu'il frappait : "Frère, qu'est-ce que je fais?"
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Bessie allait parler, mais une autre fille a embarqué dans le bus. Elle a décidé de ne rien dire de plus et a tout simplement hoche la fille avant de regarder par la fenêtre. Elle a erré chez les gars qu'ils allaient s'entraîner. Elle a entendu parler de gars qui venaient des grandes villes. Ce genre de gars faisait généralement partie de gangs. Les gangs ont tendance à être impliqués dans des combats pour rien qui vaut la peine de se battre. Beaucoup de participants et de passants sont blessés dans des combats et parfois même meurent. Ces types de gars portent leurs cicatrices comme des insignes de courage pour une raison étrange. Tout à coup, Bessie trembla. Elle a jeté un coup d'œil dans l'espoir de voir qui d'autre allait être inclus dans ce voyage dans l'expérience inconnue et imprévisible de tutorat de gars étranges. Le sponsor de ce projet particulier de tutorat attendait que les cinq filles choisies arrivent dans le bus avant qu'il ne parte. Il n'avait pas besoin de notes parce que cela viendra de son cœur. S'il avait foiré... disons que sa peau serait grillée et que son intérieur serait délicatement exposé.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Skeixura / Ciel En gémissant, Skeixura leva doucement la main pour bloquer ses yeux de la lumière maudite qui s'est filtrée à travers les stores de sa chambre. La Terre était vraiment un lieu misérable où même le grand feu dans le ciel, qu'ils appelaient le Soleil pour une raison étrange, pouvait brûler votre peau et ennuyer vos yeux. Celui qui a estimé que c'était une bonne idée était clairement un imbécile. Assis et regardant autour de lui, il a inspecté sa chambre. Le premier problème majeur était le lit, bien sûr - c'était un lit simple. Les lits simples étaient tout à fait inutiles à son avis; après tout, comment pourriez-vous être si grossier que de demander à trois femmes différentes de partager ce petit espace? Pitié! L'état médiocre de sa literie était parfaitement reflété par la chambre de mauvaise qualité qu'il avait été doué. C'était la taille d'un placard à balais avec une armoire simple et quelques appareils bizarres que Skei ne reconnaissait pas. Il faudrait bien s'habituer à cette vie dont il avait été maudit. Se levant sur ses pieds, il s'étirait, ses muscles raffinés se déchiraient alors qu'il s'admirait dans le miroir. Il était la personnification de la sexualité masculine ainsi, bien sûr, il était une vue facile sur les yeux. Une fois qu'il était très satisfait de se fixer dans le miroir, il se tourna vers les étranges contraptions qui jonchaient son bureau. La première qui a attiré son attention était une boîte étrange avec des boutons sur elle, numérotés de zéro à neuf. Sur le côté, une autre partie était attachée par une sorte de cordon faisant Skei pense que c'est une sorte d'arme. "Cela sera vraiment utile..." Il murmura, espérant que c'était son père qui l'avait fait don d'une telle arme. Ce n'était pas un secret pour le Prince Démon que son père l'aimait le plus, donc il semblait évident pour lui de lui fournir un moyen de tuer sa compétition. C'est seulement quand il a levé cette arme qu'il s'est révélé douloureusement mal. La partie qui était attachée par le cordon semblait siffler avec un bruit de bourdonnement agaçant. Cela ne ressemblait pas à une lame bénie par le feu de l'enfer - cela ressemblait beaucoup plus à certains des démons qui habitaient les grottes les plus sombres du monde souterrain. C'est peut-être celui que son père avait envoyé pour l'espionner. Frowning, il a élevé la partie à son oreille pour qu'il puisse mieux écouter. Ça ressemblait à un mauvais démon. "Écoutez car je ne me répéterai pas, malfaiteur! Je vous préviens maintenant, quittez cet endroit et ne revenez jamais de peur que je ne vous écrase et ne maudisse le pays sur lequel vous rampez, afin que la frayeur de votre frayeur et tous ceux qui les suivent ne puissent plus marcher sur vos terres! Écoutez mes paroles! » Dans sa colère, Skei se lança sur le câble, l'arrachant et, soudain, faisant disparaître le bruit de bourdonnement. Satisfait d'avoir effectivement renvoyé l'espion envoyé pour le surveiller, le jeune prince démon sourit à lui-même et laissa la chambre rencontrer ses frères dans le salon principal. "Frères! J'ai déjà enraciné un père démon envoyé pour nous hanter! Je vous recommande de trouver la contraption qui ressemble à une arme dans votre chambre et d'y jeter quelques menaces! Si ce salaud sait ce qui est bon pour lui, il partira!" Acacia Blackwell Un coup à sa porte a traîné Acacia de la lumière, le sommeil de cauchemar qu'elle avait été maudite depuis la semaine dernière depuis qu'elle a entendu parler de ses nouvelles fonctions. Acacia était une fille fière et elle croyait en ses propres capacités mais quand même une once de pression a été placée sur ses épaules, elle était régulièrement incapable d'y faire face. Les tâches qui lui avaient été confiées avaient l'air d'un enfer. Non seulement elle aurait à enseigner un tas de babouins dans l'espoir qu'ils aient quelque chose dans leurs crânes épais, mais elle aurait aussi à lutter avec les quatre autres filles qui avaient été sélectionnées pour le voyage. C'est-à-dire Hermonia, qu'elle méprisait. Bien sûr, elle avait entendu toutes les rumeurs sur les garçons. Apparemment, ils étaient les fils d'un homme riche et ils avaient eu de sérieux problèmes avec des allégations de viol et de drogue. Ils ont ensuite été envoyés à l'académie militaire dans l'espoir que cela les redresserait. Bien qu'elle ait l'air étrange, elle avait un sens parfait et elle était complètement terrifiée Acacia. Une autre chose à propos de la tête rouge était qu'elle avait sa propre petite bulle. Son monde existait dans cette bulle et elle était confortable avec. Tous les autres étudiants ont également existé dans cette bulle et elle était d'accord avec cela aussi. Acacia n'a jamais erré de sa bulle et c'était bien. Mais il devait y avoir des gens qui venaient juste de sauter sa bulle et elle commençait à avoir l'impression que ces garçons étaient de sérieux bubble-poppers, sans parler des autres choses qu'ils aimaient probablement sauter - les barbares, beaucoup d'entre eux. En plantant son visage dans son oreiller, elle gémit à haute voix avant de glisser sur ses pieds et de s'étirer. Cinq pieds, trois pouces et pas un pouce au-dessus. Elle était satisfaite de sa taille parce qu'elle n'a jamais été régulièrement dans le chemin, et cela a fait que les gens sapent ses capacités. Acacia était fragile, petite et presque blanche pâle, de sorte que les gens n'ont jamais vraiment apprécié combien de morsures elle avait sous ses serrures rouges. C'était leur chute. Se tenant devant son miroir, elle s'est froncée la tête, passant occasionnellement une brosse à cheveux à travers ses enchevêtrements sauvages avant d'abandonner - ils étaient près de l'impossible à apprivoiser. Jetant les yeux sur son uniforme, elle se méfiait. Le rose était une couleur horrible dans ses livres (surtout parce qu'il n'allait pas avec ses cheveux) alors elle n'aimait pas la petite chose prisée mais malheureusement, elle n'avait pas le choix en la matière. Quelques minutes plus tard, après s'être déshabillée, elle était habillée et prête à partir. Je pense qu'il serait préférable de mentionner maintenant qu'Acacia était un Blackwell, une famille influente de noblesse britannique qui avait migré vers l'Amérique et trouvé un succès massif. Elle était fière de faire partie d'une telle famille, mais être la future matriarche a juste causé un nœud dans son estomac chaque fois qu'elle y pensait. Acacia a simplement porté un sac sur son dos alors qu'elle sortait vers le bus. Un membre du personnel avait reçu l'ordre de porter ses bagages avec lesquels elle se sentait d'accord, ce qui lui a permis de réfléchir et, plus important encore, de renforcer sa détermination. "Vous êtes un Blackwell." Elle s'est dit dans un murmure, fronçant à terre. "Certains écoliers pompeux et privés ne peuvent rien vous faire." La servante lui a donné un regard étrange mais est restée silencieuse jusqu'à ce qu'ils atteignent finalement le bus. Une fois que ses sacs ont été placés en toute sécurité sur le véhicule, il lui a donné un sourire plein d'espoir. "Bonne chance, mademoiselle! Je suis sûr que tu feras très bien! J'informerai votre père que vous lui adressez vos salutations." Lui donnant un clin d'œil reconnaissant, Acacia regarda autour des autres sur le bus avant de glisser dans son siège et de retirer son iPod de son sac. En bref, elle se demande pourquoi elle a été sélectionnée en premier lieu avant de se rappeler qu'elle était pratiquement une élève vedette à l'école. C'est-à-dire dans la littérature, dans laquelle elle avait gagné des prix. Quoi qu'il en soit, elle n'aimait pas le son de ces garçons, mais c'était son devoir de représenter son école et d'essayer des informations sur eux.
Character Name: Acacia Blackwell Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Temperamental - Moody, irritable, or sensitive. Excitable, volatile, emotional. Proud - Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem and will often shirk help from others for the sake of pride. Perfectionist - A propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards. Other Characteristics: Overambitious - Having a strong excessive desire for success or achievement. Nervous - Easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy. Phobic – They have a severe form of fear when it comes to this one thing. Examples: Dark, Spiders, Cats
L'homme a marché jusqu'au bus après que les cinq filles étaient dans le bus. Sa marche était rapide et sa main sortit une paire de lunettes de soleil sombres de sa poche de manteau de costume alors qu'il sortait de la porte. Il fut bientôt dans le bus et regarda chaque fille avant de parler. "Bonjour, mesdames. Vous avez chacun été choisi à la main pour cette mission spéciale de tutorat. J'ai pensé à l'appariement de chacun d'entre vous, mais il serait peut-être préférable que vous trouviez comment faire le travail. Les mâles savent déjà ce qu'est leur mission et bien qu'ils ne soient pas vraiment heureux à ce sujet, ils sont ici. Votre mission est d'enseigner à ces mâles comment survivre par eux-mêmes. Assurez-vous qu'ils ont toutes les compétences nécessaires pour faire de leur année un succès scolaire si c'est comment nettoyer correctement leur propre chambre pour faire la lessive à la cuisine, même comment utiliser l'ordinateur pour trouver ce qu'ils ont besoin de savoir pour un papier de rapport. Je vous laisse aller à l'appartement et vous installer. Je m'attends à de grandes choses de vous cinq dames. Je vous souhaite toute la chance dans ce monde." Une fois que l'homme a fini de parler, il a simplement marché hors du bus et dans la zone herbeuse de la cour où il s'est tout simplement évanoui.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
L'homme a marché jusqu'au bus après que les cinq filles étaient dans le bus. Sa marche était rapide et sa main sortit une paire de lunettes de soleil sombres de sa poche de manteau de costume alors qu'il sortait de la porte. Il fut bientôt dans le bus et regarda chaque fille avant de parler. "Bonjour, mesdames. Vous avez chacun été choisi à la main pour cette mission spéciale de tutorat. J'ai pensé à l'appariement de chacun d'entre vous, mais il serait peut-être préférable que vous trouviez comment faire le travail. Les mâles savent déjà ce qu'est leur mission et bien qu'ils ne soient pas vraiment heureux à ce sujet, ils sont ici. Votre mission est d'enseigner à ces mâles comment survivre par eux-mêmes. Assurez-vous qu'ils ont toutes les compétences nécessaires pour faire de leur année un succès scolaire si c'est comment nettoyer correctement leur propre chambre pour faire la lessive à la cuisine, même comment utiliser l'ordinateur pour trouver ce qu'ils ont besoin de savoir pour un papier de rapport. Je vous laisse aller à l'appartement et vous installer. Je m'attends à de grandes choses de vous cinq dames. Je vous souhaite toute la chance dans ce monde." Une fois que l'homme a fini de parler, il a simplement marché hors du bus et dans la zone herbeuse de la cour où il s'est tout simplement évanoui. "Toute la chance dans le monde, qui a besoin de chance quand vous m'avez eu. On va les mettre en forme facilement. Alors allons-y."
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Hermonia a continué à vent la serrure des cheveux noirs autour de son doigt quand une autre fille est montée à bord. Elle avait l'air... familiaire. Attends, elle le connaissait. Voyons voir, c'était quelque chose à voir avec les fleurs et les douches et- Mai! C'est vrai! Toute sa mémorisation fonctionnait à son avantage. Savoir quels étaient les humains qui avaient été difficiles au début, mais il n'a fallu qu'un peu d'effort pour les adapter à leurs noms. Après tout, connaître d'autres personnes et qui occupaient des postes avantageux était la façon dont elle était devenue si célèbre avec certains des autres étudiants. Ah, elle était vraiment super, n'est-ce pas? Souriant la petite fille plus petite, elle se reposa le visage dans la paume de sa main alors qu'elle s'asseyait en arrière. L'uniforme rose convenait à la délicate fille. Assis tout droit, elle a offert sa main dans une salutation amicale décontractée. « Miss May n'est-elle pas? » Sa voix était douce et plutôt gentille, mais d'une certaine façon ses yeux sombres avaient toujours l'air un peu froid, peu importe ce qu'elle a dit ou fait, « Heureux de vous rencontrer. Je suis Hermonia. J'espère que nous nous entendrons bien. Mais une autre fille est entrée dans le bus après avoir parlé. Une fille avec un air assez regal de son propre et de tirer les cheveux rouges pour correspondre. Quelle fille arrogante, Hermessent, ses pensées éternuaient de délice, Celui qui est un peu mieux avec des mots que moi. Comme c'est pissé! Y avait - il vraiment de bonnes choses sur les humains? Oui, bien sûr, mais elle n'aimait pas trop les femmes. Peut-être était-ce le désir interne de les faire briller, ou sa ressemblance naturelle pour la destruction. Chaos. Et les femelles se tournaient l'une sur l'autre si facilement. C'était comme si un fruit rouge mûr était en train d'être brouillé avant elle. C'était presque trop douloureux pour résister et continuer son agréable façade. Heureusement, il y avait quelqu'un pour interrompre ses pensées démoniaques. Un homme, assez clair, mais portant des lunettes sombres et un costume, donc il s'est toujours distingué. Peculiar. Il a balayé toutes les filles du bus et Hermonia a résisté à l'envie d'éblouir. Au lieu de cela, elle a continué à sourire agréablement. Ah, pour qu'ils soient tous laissés à s'attribuer eux-mêmes. Quelle merveilleuse situation, trop facilement mise en place pour un désordre chaotique. Son sourire semblait devenir un peu plus chaud. Mais une fois que l'homme eut terminé son petit discours, il sortit facilement du bus. Curieusement, Hermonia le suivit, ignorant Uriko l'irritant. L'homme s'est tout simplement évanoui. La fois où elle-démon s'est calmée et son sourire est tombé, la laissant un peu un peu trop pâle et un peu un peu anormalement jolie. Se rétrécissant les yeux, elle pressa les lèvres ensemble. Curieux-er, et curieux-er... Uriko ne semblait pas remarquer. Peut-être qu'elle ne devrait pas le remarquer... mais au lieu de cela, elle a mis un regard innocentement surpris sur son visage, pressant sa main sur sa joue. En regardant le mois de mai avec de grands yeux, elle parlait doucement. Elle murmurait, une minute il y est et l'autre il n'est pas? Presque comme s'il avait disparu. Quelle marche rapide. Ça doit être utile. _________________________________________________ Drienuhn s'est endormi tranquillement dans sa chaise, luttant avec une jambe au-dessus de l'accoudoir, l'autre au sol. Ses longs cheveux sont tombés dans son visage, ses yeux sombres s'ouvrant légèrement alors qu'il entendait plus de ses soucis entrer dans la zone commune. Skeixura était celui qui parlait d'espions cachés dans leurs chambres, mais Drienuhn était trop à l'aise à sa place pour se lever et aller voir de quoi il parlait. S'il y avait un espion, ils s'ennuieraient tranquillement dans sa chambre à le regarder. Alors ils partiraient. Ou s'endormir. Parce que Drienuhn n'a presque jamais rien fait de si intéressant; d'autres ont fait les choses intéressantes pour lui. Comme ses frères par exemple. Toujours criant à propos d'une chose ou de l'autre, ils étaient beaucoup plus intéressants à regarder que lui. Taelor, par exemple, était tranquillement amusant. Il contrôlait le conteur avec une sorte de petit bar et réussissait d'une façon ou d'une autre à l'énerver. C'était juste une tête avec un œil géant, mais d'une certaine façon il était parti et a mis la chose en colère. En se lançant, son long bras a aidé sa main à prendre la barre de contrôle avec peu de perturbation à son confortable assis. Tuer le bar dans ses mains, il l'a examiné. Plus de symboles bizarres dansant sur les petites échelles carrées... Les symboles étaient partout dans ce royaume. Comme c'est fastidieux. Pointant la barre de commande au conteur, il joua avec les écailles bizarres. L'un des longs a été le volume contrôlé, le rendant plus fort ou plus doux selon l'extrémité de l'échelle qu'il a pressé. L'autre longue échelle rectangulaire a changé l'histoire. Pratique. Il pourrait s'habituer à ça. L'échelle rouge a fait dormir le conteur et se réveiller aussi. Alors que ses frères bavardaient, il changea d'histoire après histoire, jusqu'à ce que quelque chose d'intéressant apparaisse. Il avait l'air différent de toutes les autres histoires. Les anges sont les êtres qui nous protègent des menaces extérieures à notre respect moral. Mais en fin de compte, c'est vous, votre âme même, qui détermine si vous réussissez ou non à vous défendre contre les démons. C'est ce qui l'intéressait le plus. Il s'est toujours assis sur sa chaise, se penchant vers l'avant et regardant attentivement l'histoire du conte. Des démons ont appelé le désir (le public se moque) Et l'avidité (un autre jeer) Et la paresse! Nos enfants ne savent pas comment se défendre contre ces démons! C'est nous qui devons leur montrer! Quand ils refusent de faire leurs devoirs... Et encore et encore et encore. Mais Drienuhn s'est moqué de ce que l'homme en costume blanc avait dit. Les humains connaissaient les anges? Mais qui étaient ces démons dont ils parlaient? Il ne connaissait aucun démon respectable par un nom aussi ridicule que « Desire » ou « Greed ». Ils étaient des péchés, oui, mais qui était assez stupide pour s'appeler par l'un des péchés? C'est un peu... l'irrité, cet homme et son étrange discours. Il a changé l'histoire.
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Silas de Chobach "Frère s'il vous plaît calmez-vous, regardez- Drieunh a plié la volonté de la créature. Il nous a sauvés." C'est la réponse ennuyeuse de Chobach alors qu'il s'éloignait de Taelor. Il regarda le démon qui partageait le même espace de chaise que lui, se demandant pourquoi il prenait sur lui-même pour s'approcher de lui. La simple présence de Taelor était une haine envers une violence, quelque chose que Chobach savait avait à voir avec le pouvoir d'adulation de ses frères. Le programme à la télé parlait d'anges et de démons. Chobach écouta, mais refusa de regarder l'écran. Les humains aimaient parler de leur espèce. La plupart n'étaient que de l'exagération basée sur leurs peurs. Ils parlaient de l'enfer comme d'un lieu d'horreurs et de tourments, ce que c'était, seulement pour les mortels, cependant. Pour les démons, l'enfer était à la maison. Il y avait aussi de belles parties à l'inferno. Ces endroits, bien sûr, ne doivent jamais être vus par les âmes mortelles damnées. Il n'a donc pas tenu compte de l'orateur au programme. Au lieu de cela, il tourna son attention vers Skeixura, alors qu'il poussait Taelor de son siège sur son accoudoir, "Les espions? Et tu en as fait peur? Je croyais que Père nous avait dit de ne pas leur faire de mal. Ce sont ses yeux maintenant. Et s'il te réprime et t'étouffe encore, mon frère." Il doutait que leur père riposterait, mais c'était toujours sympa d'effrayer ses frères et sœurs.
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Taelor Août Il a lâché les mains quand Drienunh a revendiqué le contrôle de la voix des créatures, la dominant avec une simple vague de la baguette magique. "Frère Kindest, tu as tourné la volonté des bêtes vers la tienne. Il purifie maintenant comme un enfer trempé de sang. Vous avez un don avec les créatures de la surface, sûrement." Il complimentait doucement, souriant un sourire pointu. Et, en reprenant la phrase de Chobach, il a ajouté, "Oui, vous nous avez sauvés, cher Drienunh." À l'entrée de Skeixura, il a filé pour saluer son frère, mais Chobach l'avait poussé de son siège. Il a atterri sur le sol avec un "unf" avant de frotter son fond, debout à la fois. Il a regardé à Chobach un moment avant de tourner son attention sur Skei, il a souri, bien que le sourire n'ait pas atteint ses yeux. "Ah, n'écoute pas Chobach, mon frère. Vous avez déjoué les espions destinés à nous faire du mal, sans aucun doute. Notre frère ici n'est que envieux de votre intelligence et de votre bravoure, la vraie marque d'un prince. » Il riait alors qu'il regardait les trois d'entre eux, rayonnant comme s'il était fier d'eux, "Réfléchir! J'ai une famille exceptionnelle. L'un apprivoise une bête tandis que l'autre se bat contre un fou! Remarquable, vraiment. Je dois monter dans mon jeu." Taelor dit alors qu'il marchait, et qu'il les passait tous, vers sa chambre. En sortant, il a donné un regard fugace à Chobach. Apparemment celui d'un frère jovial, mais sous le démon complotait. Il a fermé la porte de sa chambre derrière lui avant de faire une ligne d'abeille aux manuels installés sur son bureau. Il se demandait quels sujets les humains allaient enseigner. Bien que l'une de ses principales préoccupations ait été de trouver quelque chose à utiliser contre ses frères.
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Ruomahl/Rowan Ruomahl avait été surpris de trouver une telle pléthore d'informations si facilement disponibles. Ruomahl avait déjà trouvé beaucoup de choses sur ce monde, la Terre. La Terre était le nom anglais, mais elle avait beaucoup d'autres noms dans beaucoup d'autres langues. Ce monde était rempli d'eau, la plupart de celle qui restait irremplaçable pour les humains. Apparemment, les humains avaient une tolérance limitée au sel. Il y avait des milliers d'espèces d'animaux qui partageaient la Terre avec l'humanité, beaucoup à la surprise de Ruomahl, mais il semblait qu'aucun d'entre eux n'avait été aussi réussi. Ruomahl a entrepris d'en apprendre davantage sur ce qu'était l'humanité. Pour l'instant, c'était plus important que d'apprendre sur la Terre. Apparemment, ils ont été divisés en centaines de centaines de nations différentes, et pire, ils se sont contentés de la situation. Les rois des temps anciens avaient disparu. Il ne restait qu'une poignée de rois, et encore moins d'ancêtres à la puissance de leurs ancêtres. Ruomahl avait toujours supposé que la monarchie était la seule forme de gouvernement, et que sans un roi, tout allait s'effondrer. Ruomahl se demandait si les humains étaient vraiment différents, ou si les humains avaient découvert quelque chose qui avait échappé à la connaissance de l'enfer? Ruomahl secoua la tête. Ce n'était pas pour ça qu'on l'a envoyé ici, et son père n'aurait probablement pas voulu avorter de telles pensées. Ruomahl, curieux, regarda ce que les humains pensaient des démons. C'était absolument insupportable. Les démons ont été définis comme des créatures viles, des êtres du mal, qui ont péché à cause des péchés. C'est vrai, mais Ruomahl n'a pas apprécié à quel point ils étaient laids. Il semblait que beaucoup d'humains voyaient les démons comme des anges déchus. Les récits des anges et des démons étaient si vrais, mais si faux. C'était un monde complètement étranger. Il y avait tellement à apprendre, et si peu de temps. Il pouvait s'asseoir ici toute la journée, et toujours pas pleinement comprendre l'humanité. Cependant, ce n'était pas suffisant pour le décourager. Ruomahl en apprendrait davantage sur l'histoire de l'humanité, et sur la façon dont l'humanité agit et fonctionne. En arrière-plan, Ruomahl pouvait entendre ses frères agir comme des idiots. Ils pensaient qu'ils domptaient des monstres, mais Ruomahl savait que le seul monstre dans leur chambre était la chose qu'il était en ce moment. La Terre n'avait apparemment pas de monstres, ou rien des humains ne l'admettrait. Il n'allait pas perdre pour ces idiots. Ruomahl devait s'assurer que c'était lui qui rentrait à la maison en premier. Il pensait que la meilleure façon de faire n'était peut-être pas au bord de cette chose, mais il a mis la pensée hors de son esprit. Il avait besoin d'information, il n'allait pas marcher aveuglément.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Uriko Ryuta/Strife Uriko commence à se calmer un peu en raison du mouvement du bus, son dos faisant de nombreux bruits de clinking de métal l'un contre l'autre comme celui des plaques métalliques. Elle aurait pu jurer que l'homme s'est évanoui. Mais elle a pensé qu'il valait mieux ne pas attirer l'attention, parce que ce serait fou. "Un secr... sous... "peut-être?" Uriko murmure à moitié somnolent à côté de Bessie, avant de se frotter le visage pour se réveiller. Uriko regarde autour de lui quelques-uns des autres visages, elle veut rester éveillée. Elle en reconnaît une, c'est une personne qu'elle a vue quelque part avant... Acacia Blackwell. Bessie a recommandé un de ses livres une fois et Uriko a aimé assez pour la regarder. Elle était aussi sur la liste des gens, bien que cela n'ait pas eu lieu à Uriko jusqu'à maintenant. "Bonjour, mademoiselle, n'est-ce pas Acacia Blackwell? Bes, ici aime les livres." Uriko indique à Bessie qui regarde par la fenêtre "Peut-être que tu pourras te réunir un jour quand on aura compris de quoi sont les garçons?"
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Puisse Chandler Peut sauter, surpris par une voix proche. En regardant vers le haut, elle regardait dans le visage de la célèbre Hermonia. -- Oh, euh, oui, répondit-elle en prenant la main offerte. "Même ici." Le discours de May était beaucoup moins gracieux et beaucoup moins tact par rapport à celui de l'idole de l'école, mais elle a essayé de sourire de toute façon. Bien que, elle a été surprise que Hermonia connaissait son nom du tout. Assis en arrière, la jeune fille s'est tournée vers elle quand elle a réalisé combien de ses camarades de classe aimeraient (et probablement tuer) être à sa place en ce moment. Cependant, pour autant que May puisse le dire, la fille avant elle semblait être une personne normale. Mais il y avait quelque chose dans la façon dont elle souriait. Ça a rendu May nerveux, mais elle ne savait pas pourquoi. May a essayé de l'ignorer et l'a crayé jusqu'au fait que Hermonia était un homme de classe supérieure. Juste à ce moment-là, est venu à Mai que les autres filles étaient probablement une année différente d'elle, et c'est pourquoi elle ne connaissait aucune d'entre elles. Un moment plus tard, une autre fille est entrée dans le bus. C'était encore un visage qu'elle reconnaissait, mais qu'elle ne connaissait pas. Peu après la tête rouge, un homme monta à bord et commença à se perfectionner sur leur affectation. Il semblait étrange et contrairement à la plupart des installations et du personnel qui travaillaient à l'académie. Avoir Hermonia penché et chuchoter a fait sauter May à nouveau. Son visage s'est même un peu dégonflé. C'était étrange pour elle d'avoir quelqu'un de si près d'elle physiquement, surtout quelqu'un qui avait une si grande suite. Quoi qu'il en soit, il a réconforté May de savoir que Hermonia était tout aussi surprise par les nouvelles qu'elle l'était. Mai, cependant, pouvait en quelque sorte comprendre un manque de connaissances informatiques et était plus préoccupé par le fait qu'ils auraient besoin d'aide pour faire la lessive! Quel genre d'expérience ces garçons auraient-ils pu provenir du fait qu'ils avaient si peu d'aptitudes à la vie? Quel genre de parents auraient pu élever leur enfant avec si peu de connaissances sur la façon de survivre? Probablement des gosses riches qui avaient tout fait pour eux. Ces pensées inquiétaient la blonde alors qu'elle écoutait attentivement le reste du discours. Elle avait eu l'impression que cela allait être un travail normal de tutorat, cependant, il s'est avéré être beaucoup plus. Elle pouvait sentir un nœud se former dans son estomac. Anxieusement, May a glissé les mains sous ses cuisses pour s'empêcher de froisser avec eux et a commencé à mordre sa lèvre inférieure à la place. Elle ne s'était pas préparée mentalement à cela. Après son discours, May regarda l'homme sortir du bus et disparaître au loin. -- Oui... c'est étrange, répondit avec attention May. " n'est même pas retourné dans le bâtiment," a-t-elle noté, perplexe par toute la situation. "Est-ce qu'il travaille pour notre école? Je ne l'ai pas reconnu du tout... » May a cherché des réponses à Hermonia. Elle serait certainement plus familière avec le personnel de l'école. Juste alors, le bus a commencé à se déplacer et plus ils se rapprochaient, plus May était anxieux. Elle savait qu'elle devait s'en sortir, mais elle ne voulait rien de plus que retourner dans son dortoir et se concentrer sur autre chose. N'importe quoi d'autre.
Character Name: May Chandler Demon Name: Carmine Sable Age: 16 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Anxious - Full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous. Obsessive - An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. Smart Ass - Thinks they know it all, and in some ways they may, but they can be greatly annoying and difficult to deal with at times, especially in arguments. Other Characteristics: Short - In stature and tends to have an attitude about it Snarky - Sharply critical; makes snide remarks.
Ruomahl/Rowan Ruomahl a commencé à entendre un peu de racket dehors. Ce n'était pas le type normal de raquette non plus. Il est probable qu'il y ait eu un certain développement en ce qui concerne leur raison d'être ici. Ruomahl a fait un pas hors de sa porte et a entendu cet homme parler. Il semblait avoir beaucoup de confiance pour un grognement aléatoire envoyé sur une mission d'ombre en eau souterraine. Ruomahl s'est retrouvé en train de se moquer de son arrogance. S'ils devaient être punis, ce serait par la main de leur père, pas par la sienne. Ce qui a le plus surpris Ruomahl, c'est son immense incompétence. Ruomahl a remarqué qu'ils avaient de la compagnie, de la compagnie humaine. Il n'a repéré qu'une seule fille humaine, mais c'était suffisant pour ne pas faire de scène. En plus de donner des informations essentielles et secrètes, il s'est téléporté devant eux. Ruomahl s'est moqué. "On pourrait penser qu'ils enverraient quelqu'un qui connaissait au moins un peu le monde humain," a dit Ruomahl. Néanmoins, il devra bientôt s'accommoder de sa compagnie. Compte tenu de la situation, il ne pouvait pas imaginer qu'ils étaient tous prêts pour la tâche. Il ferait de son mieux. Ruomahl voulait rentrer chez lui, et il voulait battre ses frères. Il ne pouvait pas les laisser le battre. Il ne pourrait pas supporter ça.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Uriko Ryuta/Strife Uriko commence à se calmer un peu en raison du mouvement du bus, son dos faisant de nombreux bruits de clinking de métal l'un contre l'autre comme celui des plaques métalliques. Elle aurait pu jurer que l'homme s'est évanoui. Mais elle a pensé qu'il valait mieux ne pas attirer l'attention, parce que ce serait fou. "Un secr... sous... "peut-être?" Uriko murmure à moitié somnolent à côté de Bessie, avant de se frotter le visage pour se réveiller. Uriko regarde autour de lui quelques-uns des autres visages, elle veut rester éveillée. Elle en reconnaît une, c'est une personne qu'elle a vue quelque part avant... Acacia Blackwell. Bessie a recommandé un de ses livres une fois et Uriko a aimé assez pour la regarder. Elle était aussi sur la liste des gens, bien que cela n'ait pas eu lieu à Uriko jusqu'à maintenant. "Bonjour, mademoiselle, n'est-ce pas Acacia Blackwell? Bes, ici aime les livres." Uriko indique à Bessie qui regarde par la fenêtre "Peut-être que tu pourras te réunir un jour quand on aura compris de quoi sont les garçons?" "Ok dames. C'est fini. Je n'ai pas le temps d'attendre demain." Le chauffeur a grondé alors qu'il attendait que les dames quittent le bus. Bessie a commencé à rassembler ses affaires. "Je suppose que nous pourrions aussi bien aller à l'intérieur et voir avec quel genre de gars nous avons à traiter." Elle a parlé aux autres filles. Uriko se lève pour ramasser le sac lourd qui le déplace de la manière de Bessie. "Ah, eh bien, je suppose que le talkin viendra plus tard Blackwell." Uriko fait son chemin à partir de l'autobus, ce qui lui fait changer de poids pendant un moment. "Rencontre à l'appartement." Uriko court vers les appartements devant tout le monde et une fois à l'intérieur fait de grands bruits de battement de l'impact de ses jambes qui résonnent dans tout le complexe. Elle s'arrête devant les garçons et frappe fort "YA BOYS FINALLY ICI! Allez-y et introduisez-vous ou sinon je vais y aller! »
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Bessie est entrée tranquillement dans le complexe d'appartements avec ses deux tirer une longue valise, ignorant les hommes et est allé à la dortoir des filles pour réclamer Chambre deux. Elle a commencé à déballer ses affaires et s'est installée dans la pièce.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Ruomahl a entendu une fille crier et se sentir comme si le nombre de femmes dont il pouvait choisir était diminué par une. Il regarda autour de lui la volonté de son frère de voir comment ils réagiraient. Il laisserait l'un d'eux l'obtenir, il pensait. Il pensait qu'il devrait les laisser faire le travail. Mais une pensée lui est venue. Il ne pouvait y avoir qu'un seul qui pouvait ouvrir la porte d'abord, et si ce n'était pas lui-même, ce serait l'un de ses frères. Si c'était un de ses frères, ce ne serait pas lui. Ergo, l'un d'eux aurait quelque chose qu'il n'aurait pas voulu. Alors que ça semblait ridicule, c'était seulement parce que ça l'était. Ruomahl s'est précipité à la porte. Si quelqu'un l'avait devant lui, il les allumerait au feu. Roumahl a répondu à la porte à deux filles. Ce serait le moment de se présenter. Il a à moitié remonté celui qui avait fait ce hurlement odieux, mais a décidé qu'il devrait juste l'oublier. Nn -- Bonjour, je m'appelle Ruomahl, dis-je. C'est pas vrai. "Oui, Rowan Mullen. C'est un plaisir de faire votre... connaissance. Oui." Ça aurait pu aller beaucoup mieux, mais maintenant, il y a de l'aide. J'aurais dû laisser mes frères le faire.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Taelor : Août Il a entendu la porte principale de leur complexe dormant être brutalement frappé par quelqu'un - seulement pour entendre le rugissement de sans doute l'un de leurs futurs conjoints. C'était une pensée si étrange pour lui-- ces filles ne savaient pas dans quoi elles s'inscrivaient-- mais on pouvait dire la même chose pour lui-même et ses princes frères. Personnellement? Taelor ne se souciait pas de trouver une femme. Les filles humaines étaient beaucoup trop... délicates, pour ses goûts. Bien que l'exposition agressive de la fille à l'extérieur l'amène à croire le contraire. Peut-être y aura-t-il de l'espoir. (aka Taelor est un lmao masochiste) Il est sorti de sa chambre et a fait pour la porte, mais a été repoussé par Ruomahl. Les sourcils des princes ont tiré pour se cacher derrière ses cheveux noirs. Pourquoi était-il si pressé? Quand Ruo a ouvert la porte, il a réussi à prendre un coup d'oeil de la fille- cheveux rouges et plutôt musclé. Sans doute que Ruo voulait cette jeune fille pour lui. L'esprit de Taelor a commencé à parcourir diverses parcelles pour saboter leur bonheur et en faire le sien. Mais avant qu'il ne puisse courir une présentation lui-même - peut-être un peu plus en douceur que la tentative de Ruomahl - Uriko s'était retiré aux dortoirs de filles (un nouveau concept pour lui). "Tu l'as impressionnée, mon frère!" Il appelle avec un rire, soudainement heureux qu'il n'y soit pas arrivé en premier. Elle aurait sans doute eu Ruo faisant toutes sortes d'activités humaines étranges et inutiles. Bien qu'elle ait fait appel à tous ses frères. Taelor regarda par-dessus son épaule les autres dans la zone commune, "Les femmes sont arrivées et nous ont proposé d'assister à notre première classe de vie." Il a appelé, "Personne n'est aussi ravi que moi." Il a fini sarcastiquement.
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Bessie a fini dans sa chambre et a décidé de faire face à la musique pour ainsi dire. Elle est entrée dans la zone commune de la fille pour voir ce qui se passait, mais rien ne l'était. Son prochain arrêt était la zone commune de Co-Ed pour rencontrer les gars. Elle s'est demandé qui voudrait s'associer avec elle... elle a eu un soda et a trouvé un coin pour s'asseoir et attendre.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Ruomahl/Rowan Ruomahl avait sans aucun doute foiré cette fois-ci. Il s'est peut-être livré à lui-même. Il devait être Rowan dans le monde humain, il doit s'en souvenir. C'était Rowan. La jeune fille s'est présentée comme Uriko Strife. Après s'être moquée de lui, après quoi Rowan était certainement en colère, elle a souligné qu'il y avait une zone dans laquelle lui et ses frères devaient aller. Elle l'avait déjà choisi, semble-t-il. Chanceux. Puis Uriko est parti. Attends, a-t-elle dit de l'entraînement "d'élite"? « C'est vraiment Rowan », a-t-il dit. "Rowan Mullen." Il entendit Taelor s'approcher de derrière, ne serait-ce que pour se moquer de lui. -- Va te faire foutre, frère, dit Rowan. "J'ai déjà gagné."
Demon name: Chobach Human name: Silas Maddox Age: 20 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics: Cursed - A person who has befallen a prayer for evil or misfortune, placed under a spell, or borne into an evil circumstance, and suffers for it. Damned. Deranged - Mentally decayed. Insane. Crazy. Mad. Psychotic. Impatient - Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant Other Characteristics: Mortal Sin: Wrath
Bessie regardait et remarquait qu'Uriko et Rowan s'étaient associés. Pour qu'elle n'ait pas à s'en occuper. Elle regarda le suivant et se demanda quel était son nom.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Hermonia a souri en mai, mais n'a rien dit de plus. Au lieu de cela, une fois que le bus s'est arrêté, elle a agréablement suivi le flux des filles. Ils avaient tous apporté tant de choses avec eux. Tilting sa tête sur le côté, ses yeux se rétrécissaient légèrement, leurs profondeurs sombres scintillent en rouge avant de revenir en noir régulier. Dans le bus, elle a pris un sac qu'elle a plongé sur l'une de ses épaules. Elle a l'air élégante et même à la mode dans l'uniforme rose vif, bien que rouge ou noir serait certainement adapté à ses goûts beaucoup plus. Après le groupe, elle entre dans le complexe et regarde dans le désintérêt. Umiko-Urita-no, Uriko, avait appelé les garçons à venir les saluer, mais pas plus tôt qu'elle se rencontre face à face avec l'un des garçons que la petite bouche haute a tourné la queue et s'est enfuie. Coward. Ce garçon trop beau n'était rien. Celui qui se tenait derrière lui, en examinant les options qu'il semblait, était d'un air contre nature aussi. Avec des cheveux noirs. Ce morceau de l'anormal. Mais à quel point la question était anormale. Après l'exemple de Bessie, elle s'inclina presque un peu vers l'arrière, brossa ses longs cheveux noirs sur une épaule et alla réclamer ses quartiers de couchage. En choisissant la troisième chambre, elle a jeté son sac sur le lit avec calme un manque d'intérêt. La chambre était trop ordonnée. Elle n'aimait pas ça. Un doigt, une petite pression d'air s'est envolée dans sa chambre. Il était faible, mais un bon vent a fait des merveilles en fouettant des choses sur, des feuilles troublantes et basculer le miroir sur son axe. Un peu de soulagement du stress, c'était tout ce que c'était. Et ce n'était pas assez près. Mais il y avait du travail à faire. Avec un petit sourire, elle a pris son carnet, un stylo et une règle. En passant la salle commune de la jeune fille, elle se dirige tout droit vers la salle commune mixte, chaque pas trop gracieux et fluide, comme si l'air passait sous ses pieds. Urita, ou quel que soit son nom, avait traîné l'un des pauvres garçons dans ses griffes, mais le calme petit Bessie restait un curieux observateur. Sur le côté de la fille tranquille, Hermonia regardait aussi, sa position parfaitement droite et son visage un beau masque de beauté élégante. Son poise était remarquable, mais ses pensées étaient sombres et ses beaux yeux noirs flanqués de rouge pendant un moment. _________________________________________________ Drienuhn n'a pas été impressionné par la créature humaine qui avait réduit au silence le Tale-Teller. Dire qu'il était ennuyé serait trop exagéré. Plutôt irritée. Peeved. Il n'était pas un homme qui manifestait beaucoup d'émotion, mais il n'aimait pas non plus les gens qui le regardaient. Debout, il s'est frotté le dos du cou alors que Taelor et Ruomahl faisaient une histoire sur la femelle qui avait crié des ordres. En entrant dans la salle commune co-ed, il se contentait de se tenir avec ses poches dans ses pantalons uniformes, le léger slouch à sa posture ressemblant plus à la pose d'un modèle de magazine qu'à une position réelle. Avec des yeux sombres étroits, il regarda la fille aux longs cheveux noirs, debout près de la fille qui était assise. Cette fille... Il n'y avait pas quelque chose de très banal chez elle. Peut-être que c'était le regard froid dans ses yeux. Quoi que ce soit, ça l'a gardé pour lui. Ce n'était pas ses affaires. Il s'en foutait tant que ça ne l'a pas touché. Une des filles humaines, l'étonnante forte, a revendiqué son frère et même il ne pouvait pas retenir un petit sourire. Il a failli harceler Roumahl. Cet homme était sûrement le type trop énergique et lent. Une heure avec elle et les oreilles commenceraient sûrement à saigner d'une telle force. Père l'aimait. Ses longs cheveux foncés sont tombés sur son épaule au fur et à mesure qu'il se déplaçait. Il s'assit tranquillement dans l'une des chaises et se reposa tranquillement, avec son menton dans sa paume. Ses yeux couraient lentement sur la fille tranquille. Celui-ci était bien plus son genre de fille. Du calme. Il continua à la regarder jusqu'à ce qu'un petit sourire lent s'entretue sur son visage.
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Bessie a finalement tourné la tête vers celui qui s'est trouvé à ne pas s'asseoir loin et semblait la regarder. "Bonjour. Mon nom est Bessie." Elle a parlé au type. Elle n'allait pas encore s'impliquer trop. Il était beau d'une manière indisciplinée. Les cheveux longs lui correspondaient aussi. Peut-être qu'elle devrait le laisser lui parler un moment. C'est peut-être celui qu'elle pourrait civiliser.
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Ruomahl/Rowan Rowan a décidé qu'il valait mieux ne pas attendre ses frères. S'il devait être à l'avantage, quel était l'avantage en attendant qu'ils rattrapent? Il a pensé qu'il ferait mieux de se dépêcher. Rowan décida d'aller dans ce bâtiment que Uriko avait signalé. Rowan prit congé de l'immeuble, et il se dirigea vers l'immeuble. Il ne pensait pas que ses frères suivaient encore. Il est arrivé à l'immeuble et a poussé les portes.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Ruomahl/Rowan Rowan détestait ce qu'il a entendu d'Uriko. Oui, il la détestait vraiment. Trop de choses lui ont été posées. Comment était-il censé garder un œil sur ses frères et sœurs méprisables, irresponsables, détestables et inférieurs. Il n'aurait qu'à les forcer, alors? En effet, Rowan reçut une plaque pleine de malheur. Rowan a juré qu'un jour il ferait répondre à son père de la trahison qu'il avait commise ici. Ce costume était ridicule. Donc il était censé porter un costume lourd, même pendant qu'il se baignait? Rowan pensait que peut-être la vraie punition ne l'enlèverait jamais, mais c'était si lourd. Il ne pouvait pas le soulever. Lève-la, il ne pouvait pas. L'action connue sous le nom de levage était quelque chose que Rowan ne pouvait pas faire. Le procès a dépassé la quantité de livres qu'il a pu forcer vers le haut. Et il était censé vivre dans ce procès méprisable de misère intolérable. C'était de la folie. Rowan voulait se plaindre. Il voulait dire ce qu'il ressentait dans cette situation. Oh, mais il était sûr qu'elle n'aurait rien de tout ça. Donc il ne faisait que poser ses questions et commencer la misère. Rowan a demandé, "Ok, alors quelle est cette chose appelée pêche, et cela implique-t-il quelque chose appelé un poisson? Et pourquoi utilisons-nous une planche à laver de toutes choses? Et puis-je avoir votre numéro?" Il en aurait probablement besoin, après tout, au cas où il ne pourrait pas gérer ses frères seuls.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Ruomahl/Rowan Rowan a supposé qu'il a manqué une file d'attente sociale humaine avec une de ses questions, ce qui expliquerait le rire d'Uriko. Il espérait qu'il n'allait pas trop mal. Néanmoins, c'était peut-être bien qu'il ait pu la faire sourire et rire. "Mon nom est Rowan," a-t-il répliqué. Pour l'instant, il serait en train de mettre. sur ce costume, même si c'était beaucoup trop lourd. Cependant, il ne pouvait pas commencer sans ses frères. Il ne pouvait avoir autant d'avance sur ses frères, même si c'était tout ce qu'on attendait d'eux. C'était bien, cependant, qu'il soit arrivé en premier. Même ainsi, ils ne pouvaient pas commencer sérieusement jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent. Il ne voulait pas attendre trop longtemps.
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Il s'assit dans sa chaise tranquillement et s'inclina légèrement la tête sur le côté, les cheveux de soie noire tombant un peu dans son visage. Ses yeux foncés aiguisés étaient fixés sur elle et le petit fantôme d'un sourire sur ses lèvres le fit ressembler à un félin intrigué. Un prédateur avec trop de temps sur ses mains. Mais c'était ridicule. Ce n'était qu'un garçon humain après tout. Il n'y avait absolument rien d'intimidant. Rien du tout. "Bonjour, Mlle Bessie," sa voix d'eau douce et fraîche était douce et pourtant tout à nettoyer, "Enchanté de vous rencontrer. Mon nom est... Darien." Il a hésité. Mais j'espère qu'il ne sera pris que comme un amusement. En vérité, le nom humain très moyen semblait étranger avec la façon dont sa langue l'a roulé. En fait, son nom aussi avait été goûté et savouré comme il avait été parlé dans cette voix lente et hypnotique. Ruomahl était déjà parti avec le commandant et tout trop énergique tutorat de fille de son. Ses autres frères n'étaient pas là où on pouvait les voir. Donc ça a laissé cette petite Mlle Bessie... et lui. Eh bien et la fille étrange aux longs cheveux noirs, qui était content assis loin dans un coin maintenant, en train de lire quelque chose. Drienuhn n'a jamais enlevé ses yeux de Bessie. "Vous avez tous été assignés à des personnes spécifiques?" Il demanda lentement, languissant, curieusement : « Ou... êtes-vous autorisé à choisir votre propre étudiant? »
Appearance: Demonic Name: Drienuhn Human Name: Darien Age: 20 Three Traits: +Aimless - Devoid of direction or purpose +Illiterate - Unable to read and write +Shallow - Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious Other Characteristics: + Indifferent - The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless + Overprotective - To protect too much; coddle + Soft-hearted - Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so If Demon Prince, what Mortal Sin do you wish to control? Sloth ____________________________________________________________________________ Appearance: Demonic Name: Hermessent Human Name: Hermonia Age: 17 Three Traits: +Callous - They are hardened to emotions, rarely showing any form of it in expression. Unfeeling. Cold. +Judgemental - Inclined to make and form judgements, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc. +Reckless - Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. Other Characteristics: +Dishonest – Given to or using fraud, cheating; deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded +Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease +Audacious - Recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; braze, disobedient
Bessie sourit à Darien. « En fait, Darien, nous sommes autorisés à faire nos propres choix. Peut-être pourrions-nous être partenaires?" Elle a demandé doucement alors qu'elle regardait le mec aux cheveux foncés. Elle a immédiatement pensé panthère. Un grand et dangereux chat de la nuit. C'est une conversation très douce. "Je ne vous travaillerai pas si dur. J'essaierai d'être patient, mais vous apprendrez ou je pourrais devenir un shrew. Ou pire encore si elle était en colère. J'ai une liste de choses que vous devez accomplir et quelques autres choses que j'aimerais vous voir apprendre si vous avez la capacité. »
Character Name: Bessy Miller Demon Name: Pandora (Greek name composed of the elements pan "all" and doron "gift," hence "all-gift.") Lilit (Hebrew Lilith, meaning "of the night.") Age: 17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word): Absent-minded - Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, forgetful. Withdrawn - Not friendly or Sociable. Aloof. Naïve - Lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless; showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgement. Other Characteristics: Bookworm – preferred activity is reading any book-old or new Craftsy- if she is not reading, she is doing some kind of craft or sewing. She even makes her own clothes and jewelry.
Ruomahl/Rowan Rowan a supposé qu'il a manqué une file d'attente sociale humaine avec une de ses questions, ce qui expliquerait le rire d'Uriko. Il espérait qu'il n'allait pas trop mal. Néanmoins, c'était peut-être bien qu'il ait pu la faire sourire et rire. "Mon nom est Rowan," a-t-il répliqué. Pour l'instant, il serait en train de mettre. sur ce costume, même si c'était beaucoup trop lourd. Cependant, il ne pouvait pas commencer sans ses frères. Il ne pouvait avoir autant d'avance sur ses frères, même si c'était tout ce qu'on attendait d'eux. C'était bien, cependant, qu'il soit arrivé en premier. Même ainsi, ils ne pouvaient pas commencer sérieusement jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent. Il ne voulait pas attendre trop longtemps. "Rowan, d'accord Rowan. Il faut attendre que tout le monde arrive. Je vous suggère d'écouter tout le monde pour des réunions. Cela fait partie du processus d'apprentissage après tout. » Uriko met ses pieds sur la table et se détend "Bien sûr, s'ils prennent trop de temps, je pourrais devoir les traîner ici moi-même... ou peut-être juste toi dehors pour prendre un départ. Quoi qu'il en soit, ça a l'air plus amusant."
Character Name:Uriko Ryuta Demon name:Strife Age will be 20 if a Demon or 15 to 17 for females:17 The 3 assigned Traits/Characteristics (colored word):Egotistical - Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. Boastful, pompous. Selfish - Concerned chiefly or only with oneself. Rebellious - Defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel. Appearance:
Nous avons entendu des histoires de vos contes, Witcher. Avant la Grande Purge, et après. Vous avez accompli des choses qu'aucune autre créature n'a. Tu devrais être tué pour ces actes, mais tu as de l'importance pour nous. Un petit village deux jours à l'ouest de Vizima dormait sain et sauf pour la première fois depuis des années. Quelques jours auparavant, un homme et un garçon robustes sont arrivés dans le village, et ont offert de prendre soin des problèmes du monstre, en échange d'un endroit pour rester quelques jours et de la nourriture. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps aux deux pour chasser les multiples nombres de harpies, un griffon, même un Spriggan. La ville s'est vite rendu compte qui étaient les deux. Les sorcières. Ils les laissaient rester dans la grange à la périphérie de la ville, et les nourrissaient de ce dont ils avaient besoin, mais ils gardaient leur distance. Certains sorciers sont encore comparés aux monstres qu'ils sont forcés de tuer. Bien que le village soit en sécurité, ce n'était pas Rilden et son apprenti qui voulaient vraiment venir en ville. Le Grand Roi demanda à Rilden de faire une certaine tâche. Non seulement il a aidé à lutter contre cette armée obscure qui est sortie de la Seconde Conjonction, mais il a aussi rassemblé tous les Sorciers, les mages et tous les autres, et les a convaincu de l'aider aussi... Les Sorciers étaient connus pour être neutres, ils n'étaient pas censés être impliqués dans la politique, mais c'était un monde tout nouveau. Ils n'avaient pas le choix, et le temps n'était pas tout ce qu'ils avaient. Rilden s'agenouille sur le sol de la grange, méditant et écoutant le calme qui l'entoure. Rilden a commencé une fausse prime dans la ville, et elle s'est répandue sur le continent. Une bête mangeait des récoltes, volait des maisons, et il y avait une forte présence magique. Pour un sorcier qui voudrait dire un Sylvain était proche.Pour un mage, cela signifiait une bête capable d'utiliser beaucoup de magie devrait être regardé. Quoi qu'il en soit, ça attirera des gens qui s'intéressent à la chasse... Il y a des jours que la prime a été envoyée, et entre-temps, Rilden a poursuivi l'entraînement de Foltest. Il s'en sortait exceptionnellement bien. Il était rapide, fort, prêt à faire ce qui était nécessaire, mais il avait beaucoup à apprendre. Il a une famille, mais s'il passe par les procès, il devra tout laisser derrière lui. Mais d'ici là, on lui ordonna d'être un guetteur, et de s'entraîner jusqu'à ce qu'il voie des signes d'entrée suspecte dans la ville. Un cri a été entendu de loin, et Rilden a immédiatement ouvert ses yeux de chat. Il saisit ses épées fraîchement aiguisées, et se leva. Silence encore. Que s'est-il passé? Quelqu'un a-t-il rencontré un Witcher? Un Mage? Ou peut-être une nouvelle créature qui est apparue dans le village? Il était connu pour les beats pour apparaître comme hors de nulle part de nos jours. Cette nouvelle Conjonction a apporté beaucoup de surprises, et des créatures maléfiques, plus intelligentes. Il a dû trouver Foltest, et s'assurer que tout allait bien.
Name: Rilden of Redania, Slayer of the Thousand Army, "Gweintalan" in Elder Speech Age: Roughly 150 years old, but looks like he's in his 30's Appearance: Rilden stands at 6'2", and has a rugged, and angry look to him, like most Witchers. Besides his golden cat-like eyes, he has short dark brown hair, with a matching trimmed beard, a scar going across his eye, with many, many more all over his body. His skin is pasty white, also like normal Witchers, and his mouth is always curled in what people would mistake as a frown. He wears his wolf medallion over dark leather armor, with chain-mail embedded into the leather on his shoulders, and forearms. His two swords are placed parallel to his spine for easy access. Race: Witcher School: Wolf Bio: I never knew my parents. There wasn't a time I can remember that I wasn't at Kaer Morhen, home of the Witchers. I arrived with a couple dozen other children, and we were put to work very fast. years of pain, and beatings, and fighting, and memorizing every single creature and potion and fighting style. It was hell, and half of us didn't make it through the training. After me and the 12 others proved ourselves capable, we underwent the Trials... the Less said about that the better. When I woke a few days later, I could tell the effects have taken over. I was a Witcher, and only four other colleagues made it. Before we left our home, we were told to create "normal" names so that people would feel more comfortable with us. I chose Rilden of Redania, and with my swords, I left to the Continent. After being alone with your kind for so long, going into the normal way of life was a shock. No one treated you like an equal, you were spat at, glared at, people would talk to you as little as possible, and your only task was to kill monsters. For fifty years I did that. I learned that people tried so hard to not be compared to monsters that they turned out to be one in their own rights. I drank, fucked, ate, slept, all around the Continent. It is said that Witchers lose all emotion when they go through the trials... I think they say that only to help us deal with the fact of who we are. Not everyone hated Witchers that much. I had acquaintances. mages, townspeople, bartenders, a couple people who knew me. I was efficient, fast, and reliable. Lords would call unto me for assistance, and there were few bards that would sing about my travels. When the purge started, my first instinct was to go back to Kaer Morhen. It took longer than expected, I didn't know how many survived, who was after us, or why. When I arrived, the fort was under attack, by the Redanians. I assisted in the battle against the army, but we were pushed back into the main hall. In an attempt to protect the younger children, I tried to find the hidden exit into the mountains, but when i opened it, the elite killing force erupted, knocking me unconscious. They were known was the Thousand Army, because their skill was equal to that. When I awoke, the Thousand Army slaughtered the last of the children. I was relentless. I killed them all in a fit of rage, and then left, going into hiding. One hundred years passed, hiding, keeping my head down, and doing what I had to to survive. I hid in Dryads' forests, took refuge with the friendly forest spirits, I told them my story, and said I was different from normal Witchers, and they named me "Gweintalan"; "Burden of Youth." As the decades passed, I didn't age, but people soon forgot about the mages, and the Witchers. I would ask around, and the answer was always the same: The Witchers were nearly extinct. I continued my profession, I was not hunted, but I was not welcomed even more than I was a hundred years ago. But it didn't matter. Sometimes I heard stories of a Sorceress rebelling against a Lord, or that another witcher came through and killed their beast problem. But it didn't matter. Many would think that the Second Conjunction would have made me happy to be in work again, but it didn't. It left me more cautious, weary, and longing for a companion to assist me in my travels. It left the world in fear, even more than before. One night, I was abducted in my sleep, and taken to the Grand King, Ezli. He showed me with a surprising amount of respect while I was chained and poked at. It was not a man I wanted to talk to, but I had no choice. He gave me my "destiny." He gave me the choice of "redemption" for what I've done to humans. He told me to gather up the rest of my kind, the rest of the sorcerers, and recruit as many as I can for the cause. The cause to kill monsters, and the Dark Lord. I started my journey almost a year ago, looking for anyone and anything that would help in the quest. I'm not doing it for the Grand King. I'm not trying to find redemption. I'm doing it to prove something to myself I suppose. That not all of us need to be monsters. Personality: Like most Witchers, Rilden seems cold, expressionless, and menacing. He has a biased hatred for soldiers, but does his best to stay neutral, because of the Witcher Code. He does have sympathy, and small senses of dry humor, and does his best to conceal any other emotion, because of what he was taught. Weapon(s): Small blades, a "Witcher's Kit" filled with potion ingredients and medicine, but mainly used the Witcher crafted steel and silver swords. Family/Relationships: Anyone interested let me know! Other: Although he'll deny it, he's a sucker for a really well written poem.
Foltest n'a jamais imaginé qu'il regarderait un jour les murs puissants de Vizima, ou même se tenir à l'intérieur de la salle du Trône tandis qu'un Witcher avait une audience personnelle avec le Haut Roi et sa cour. Bien sûr, si quelqu'un lui avait dit il y a deux ans qu'il finirait pour devenir l'apprenant de dit Witcher, une telle discussion ne se terminerait que par leurs poings derrière l'évier local de Midcopse. Et pourtant, il était là, assis près du feu chaud pour évacuer le vent froid de la nuit en se cachant les os, en mangeant avec des haricots trop cuits et en buvant de la vodka ancienne. Ce n'était pas comme s'ils ne méritaient pas un repas aussi somptueux, après tout, ces derniers jours avaient brisé les os pour le jeune chasseur. Se réveillant avec le lever du soleil, pratiquant les formes de l'épée et puis sparring avec Rilden pendant trois heures, avant de passer la majeure partie de la mi-journée avec Contrats ou étudier Signes et les différences entre Rotlfiends et Dévoreurs, puis retour à l'épée jusqu'à ce que le soleil se cachait derrière l'horizon, puis ils ont mangé, médité et de retour pour dormir. Et aujourd'hui n'était pas différent, car Foltest s'est vu confier la tâche de fabriquer des bombes Dimeritium ou de rassembler des appâts pour le Griffin pendant que Rilden s'occupait de l'exécution de la créature qu'ils recherchaient. Lorsqu'il a osé se demander pourquoi il ne traquait pas les Harpies avec ses sens renforcés, le loup lui a donné une bonne langue d'arrimage, affirmant qu'à l'âge de la moitié de son âge, il pouvait tracer un nid de nekkers au milieu des montagnes bleues juste à côté de la crache des enculés. Personne d'aussi vieux qu'il n'a jamais été formé pour devenir un hexer, mais les temps désespérés ont appelé à un virage de la doctrine. Il répétait la chaîne Fast Style pour la dixième fois, son corps venait tout juste de s'habituer aux pirouettes et aux acrobaties lorsque le son d'un shriek lui transperçait les oreilles. En s'emparant de sa longue épée d'acier, Vosons insinuait et s'entraînait et rentrait à l'étable. Rilden lui a dit de ne jamais engager une bête seule, du moins pas avant d'avoir subi les épreuves. "Qu'est-ce que c'était?" il a demandé à son maître en le voyant se précipiter hors de ses limites, lames en main "Nous avons tout nettoyé dans la région, le contrat était censé être un fluke..."
Name: Ferghus of Haakland Age: 117 (Appears as though he is 40) With a stature of 5 foot and 8 inches, the weathered Ferghus stands shorter and more nimble footed compared to his witcher peers who often focuses more on brute strength and sheer tenacity. With an athletic build that rivals the infamous Cat School, blood-slit witcher eyes and his famous Haakian curved blades; no movement is uncalculated in the eyes of this monster hunter. Race: Witcher School: Wolf Bio: In Progress Personality: Serviceable is a word most people would use to describe Ferghus. It's the kind of attitude that's there to get the job done and move on to the next hunt. He has a tendency to keep other's matters outside of his sights unless it was their life that was on the edge of his katana. Other than that-- he possesses a laissez faire demeanour. Weapons: A pair of steel and silver katanas adorning his left waist. A tanto blade is also often seen when gathering trophies of his kills. Rilden of Redania Fellow Wolf. Scilla of the Dancing Blades "During a short trip to Skellige, Ferghus met with a woman known as Scilla aboard a galleon and spent the time together with a few drinks-- until they become notable friends. Scilla and Ferghus travelled together for a time with a common goal of refining their best tools of the trade; blades." Elanil the Silent "Ferghus' far-reaching travels brought him to many parties and social gatherings of note. One in particular was during a series of strange events when he undertook a Doppler Contract in Novigrad. The local ruler held a lavish party and invited many entertainers to come and entertain guests. When midnight passed, Ferghus was allured by a particular raven female dancer who performed a hypnotising performance." Koldar, Bear School Witcher "As Ferghus continued to undertake Haakland's harrowed woes, he would often find several contracts already fulfilled by another witcher who was around the area prior. Gossips of an eerie wraith with a fearsome flickering flail became common rabble and scare stories of many taverns which permeated villages where the contracts had been completed." Yuna, Manticore School Witcher "Sometimes the people that he encountered in the Continent are far more interesting than the contracts Ferghus undertakes. Such was the case of a particular female individual whom he witnessed picking herself a monster contract on the notice boards despite of her blindness. What thickened the atmosphere further was when she had realised she was being watched-- a quick dart that Ferghus felt when the eyes behind the cloth had locked on to his." Other: Waterstone kit, alchemical supplies to craft Witcher Potions.
Un cavalier se déplaçait lentement sur la route, son assez grand cheval la transportant et un grand loup derrière elle sans aucune difficulté. La femme portait des vêtements faits de coton, de lin et de fourrures. Son manteau de fourrure actuellement complètement boutonné vers le haut, seulement d'une petite ouverture pouvait la chemise de lin en dessous pouvait être vu. Sur son estomac, elle portait un corset de types qui maintenait le manteau de fourrure bien fermé et serré, tout en offrant une protection décente à son estomac sous forme de cuir trempé et stratifié. Elle portait aussi un ensemble de pantalons en fourrure et en lin. Enfin, pour compléter son image, elle avait des bottes en cuir très hautes, serrées au-dessus et sous son genou avec des sangles. En le rendant efficace, l'eau n'entrerait guère dans eux. Le tout dernier détail était une ceinture étrange attachée à quelques petites chaînes d'acier à son corset. C'était une bande en cuir rond avec des plaques rondes d'acier et d'argent à travers elle sur des intervalles réguliers, ornés des cycles de lune. Sur son front, on pouvait voir une bande tressée de lanières de cuir. Ses longs cheveux corbeaux coulaient doucement derrière elle presque comme une cape de soie noire et de dessous dit cape seulement le métal sur deux poignées d'épées brillait. Les poignées étaient incurvées et ornées d'une sorte de bois rouge. A part les curieuses épées qu'elle portait, cette femme semblait venir de Skellige. La femme jeta un regard derrière elle où elle avait attaché le loup mort à la selle. C'était vraiment une grande bête avec une belle fourrure grise. C'est le pack qui avait fait l'erreur de l'attaquer il y a 2 jours et elle l'avait prise comme trophée. Le loup était clairement mort, d'une grosse coupure à travers son cou. Elle avait même enveloppé la plaie de tissu pour que le sang ne salit pas son cheval et le reste de sa fourrure. D'après ce qu'elle savait, il y avait un village non loin de là où elle se trouvait maintenant... peut-être une demi-heure de trajet lent jusqu'à là. Le loup commençait à sentir un peu, alors elle n'avait pas d'autre choix, mais va là-bas. Ils devraient avoir des ouvriers du cuir ou des chasseurs pour dépecer cette bête. Elle aimait que ce soit de la fourrure et franchement ça ferait un beau jeu de nouveaux gants au moins, mais elle avait d'autres projets pour la belle fourrure grise de celui-ci. Elle était décente à la couture, mais pas si grande à la peau ainsi elle voulait une personne formée pour le faire. Elle avait entendu les rumeurs d'un Sylvan prier sur ce village, mais franchement n'était pas aussi convaincu. En ce qui la concerne, elle était juste là pour faire écorcher le loup et c'est préparé pour la peau. Soudain, alors qu'elle entendait un cri lointain venant du village, son cheval s'arrêta dans ses traces, enchaîné à la tête dans la désapprobation et s'arrêtant en place. "Easy... easy, Aslan."La femme a déclaré, caressant la tête du cheval."Quand avez-vous eu peur de certains cris?" Elle a ajouté, calmant le cheval jusqu'à ce qu'il commence à bouger à nouveau."Allons voir s'ils ont quelqu'un pour prendre soin de mon problème de loup. Quoi qu'il en soit, vous n'aurez plus à porter aussi lourd que le loup de l'enfer une fois que nous sommes arrivés.Le cavalier murmura au cheval qui finalement s'est calmé assez pour bouger à nouveau. ' C'est peut-être la mauvaise herbe et il se sent agité. Je devrais lui acheter de la nourriture, s'ils ont au village. Elle pensait qu'une fois de plus, il fallait aller de l'avant avec confiance.
Name: Scilla of the Dancing Blades. Age: 132 looks around 25 Appearance: Scilla stands at 5'8'' feet tall with very long black hair, fair skin and piercing gray eyes. Like all women of her vocation, she's very beautiful, but at the same time currently her body appears a lot better trained than all her colleagues. Her muscles are well defined, but not invasive to the eye and it's clear she's no pushover when it comes to physical activity. Race: Human sorceress School: N/A Bio: Scilla was born sometime before the great purge that nearly turned her kind and the witchers all but extinct. In fact she was just a young sorceress when it happened. She was just traveling with her direct mentor when they were jumped on by a great number of soldiers. Everything happened so fast that even to this day she is not completely sure how it all transpired. One moment they were simply riding a carriage down a road and the next a rain of arrows struck the vehicle. The carriage driver and the horses died right away, she and her mentor survived because of a shield he put. The following was a rather quick battle as a great number of soldiers died to magical fires and lightning, but her mentor also took an arrow to the back. Not wanting to die like a common mutt, Scilla was forced to defend herself, but she was considerably weaker than her mentor at the time. Still in that desperation, she reached into her mind and pulled a way of using magic that no one had taught her. By instinct, using her ability to manipulate objects and energy, she grabbed a great number of the scattered arrows, swords, axes and shields, anything that could be thrown and using her magic turned the hail of death onto the soldiers. First by a handful then by the dozens, as the weapons were hurled with ever so greater speed. She was mostly lucky that those were rather common troops, but non the less she managed to escape while the majority of the soldiers were trying to close their wounds from the randomly hurled sharp metal objects at them... at least those who survived it. After that event, Scilla fled the continent and headed north towards Skellige. The islands were a great place to lay low from the massive witch hunt that was happening, especially since she dressed like a commoner and eventually joined a ship's crew. She spend the following 50 years on ships, before disembarking back on the continent. By now she had mastered sword fighting to a certain degree and in secret she had also advanced another skill she discovered when she escaped the purge. The precise and exact manipulation of energy, which allowed her to control objects and fight with them. Over the next 50 or so years she spend the time traveling, mostly spending her time as witchers would do, despite her not being one. The time with at Skellige taught her to appreciate great alcohol and all chaos that came with it. Eventually she was dubbed The Dancing Blades by a bard from a caravan she happened by complete chance to safe from some rampaging nekkers. In general she did prefer to not use her additional blades though, keeping a low profile and being confused with one of the many warrior women out there suits her just fine... When the Second Conjuring happened it came as only a very vague surprise. So was the massive hunt down for witchers and sorcerers that followed in the desperate attempt by the Grand King to safe his skin by throwing those they deemed evil and unnatural at their enemies. Well for now at least they have not yet realized what she was, so she kept quiet for the moment, simply spending her time, planning a next move. Wondering which would be more beneficial... the death of the new monsters or the death of the...Grand King. Personality: Mostly calm, Scilla is a very level headed individual who would rarely explode in bursts of rage, but once she does, her wrath could be stated to be legendary. She's has incredibly good memory for people who wronged her in some way and eventually she will always deliver her vengeance down the line. Besides that she's someone who loves nature in almost all of it's forms. One of her most favorite things to do is lay down on a sunny beach, enjoying the sun. Weapons: 2x Curved steel swords 4x Steel straight narrow blades Leather bundle wrap for the blades Family/relationships?: Ferghus of Haakland - Scilla met him a good half a centure ago now while she was still in Skellige. They happened to share a ship and got to talking, then drinking and finally traveling together for a while. She came to consider him a friend, during their journey to forge great weapons for themselves. Other: Immense hatred for The Grand King .
Près de la périphérie du village - une caravane de marchand arrivait lentement au petit village, transportant diverses marchandises à vendre. Être attiré par un cheval noir fort et sain, élevé pour l'endurance et tirant de lourdes charges. Le marchand finement habillé tenait les rênes des chevaux, le guidant vers le village. À l'arrière s'est assis un garde bruissant, qui était occupé à nettoyer sa poleaxe - tout en tombant regarde la femme assis à côté de lui. Ils avaient ramassé la femme aux cheveux gris à capuche, il y a environ six jours - à savoir qu'elle leur demandait de se rendre au village voisin près de Vizima. Peu de temps après, lorsqu'on l'a ramassée, elle a remarqué que ses yeux étaient couverts de plusieurs pansements de lin, ce qui la rendait probablement aveugle. Pourtant, elle était très habile à utiliser ses autres sens - comme elle a attrapé sa main, quand il a essayé de la taquiner quelques fois. À savoir avoir ses sens mieux entendus que la plupart des autres humains - et ayant été un soldat, avant qu'elle ne perde la vue. Malgré ses "capacités" étranges, elle semblait plutôt douce et sociable à cela - toujours impatiente de parler et de discuter, de la politique actuelle des rois, des nouveaux monstres qui surgissent, ou des meilleurs endroits habituels pour boire un bon verre. Elle était une bonne distraction - à savoir la cause sur la route, vous avez soit dû faire face à l'ennui ou le banditisme occasionnel - rarement quelques-uns des monstres, dans lesquels ces cas se sont terminés avec un trajet très rapide et cahoteux loin de ce monstre. Il n'a pas beaucoup pensé à cela - à savoir, chaque fois qu'une femme venait avec de longs voyages, il y avait toujours une certaine tension à développer. Elle était gentille et moyenne sur les yeux - mais une femme était une femme. Comme tous deux l'ont appris, il y a environ deux jours - lors d'un arrêt plus long près de certaines montagnes, quand le patron dormait et qu'il avait un peu de vodka qu'il apportait sur la route. Une grosse bosse, cependant, l'a bientôt sorti de sa rêverie, signalant leur arrivée dans le village. Il a sauté et a aidé l'ancienne jeune fille à descendre de la caravane. Pas besoin de l'avoir, trébucher et freiner quelque chose sur ce joli visage d'elle. « Mmm, merci pour l'aide, » a-t-elle parlé, lui donnant un sourire chaleureux. -- Tout ce qu'il y a d'autre, répondit-il en lui embrassant la main. "Nee" n'importe quel 'elp?" -- Pas besoin... je trouverai mon chemin, répondit-elle, en disparaissant bientôt dans le village. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuna a vite pris une respiration profonde, tournant son cou pour en sortir les crans. Dormir dans une caravane de marchand pendant cinq jours, a laissé le corps endolor - peu importe à quel point ils étaient inhumains, la vieille douleur de la douleur au lit les hantait encore. Le voyage avait été un peu cahoteux - c'est-à-dire parce que celui qu'ils ont pris, n'avait pas de routes bien pavées et la plupart étaient rocheuses ou boueuses. Le garde de caravane avait été plutôt... bien, beau aux yeux - si aussi grotesque et perspicace que la plupart des hommes de son âge. Mais sa performance ne manquait pas au moins. Elle gloussait à la pensée, alors qu'elle sortait rapidement sur son capot et commençait à marcher à travers le village. Ayant glissé dans son personnage de voyageur, garder son visage caché sous le capot. Avec l'obscurité de la nuit, il était beaucoup plus facile de le cacher - à savoir parce que beaucoup une personne, viendrait probablement et demander, si elle était perdue. À savoir, son apparence initiale ferait penser à la plupart des gens - qu'elle était aveugle. Les nombreux pansements en tissu qui recouvrent ses yeux, font croire à beaucoup de gens qu'elle est blessée, perdue ou... visible. La vérité était qu'elle pouvait facilement voir à travers eux - un enchantement simple, obtenu d'un mage, qui avait visité son école il y a de nombreuses années. À savoir, elle avait été enseignée à l'école Manticore - dont beaucoup supposaient qu'elle était aussi moyenne que l'autre poignée d'écoles Witcher dans le monde. D'une certaine manière, c'était vrai, ils ont appris aux gens comme elle à combattre les monstres, à les suivre et à préparer des potions spéciales pour les contrer. Mais on leur a appris à aborder le sujet d'une manière différente. À l'Est - on leur a appris à utiliser plus de bêtes qu'ils ont tuées; puisque si on leur a enseigné de nombreuses façons de les tuer, pourquoi ne pas apprendre à se servir des meurtres. Chasser ces créatures elles-mêmes était une expérience - pourquoi aller après l'argent, si vous n'aviez pas l'intention de le sauver, et l'a utilisé pour chasser plus de monstres plus tard. C'était un cercle mort - un rempli de rien, mais bête morte et villageois mécontents. Les manticores ont également été enseignés à être plus autosuffisants - c'est-à-dire parce que pas toutes les villes ou villages seraient heureux d'avoir des sorcières. De plus, ceux qui avaient des problèmes de monstres et cherchaient des gens pour les aider, n'étaient pas toujours les plus en mesure de payer la pièce. S'il y avait une chose, que les Manticores étaient différents des autres, c'est qu'ils pouvaient comprendre. À savoir, ils étaient plus'street-smart' - avoir du prestige ou une 'réputation' était mauvais pour leur ligne de travail. Étant donné que les gens retenaient le mauvais plus que le bon - et dans leur travail, il était préférable que les gens en sachent moins sur eux. Une volonté d'embaucher de l'aide, ne se traduisait pas toujours par une capacité à payer - elle avait rencontré de nombreux villageois qui ne pouvaient pas payer la prime. Contrairement à d'autres, qui demanderaient de la monnaie - elle était plus disposée à travailler autour de lui - nourriture, abri, transport même une bonne chanson de taverne, lui convenait. Depuis, leur salaire et leur travail étaient finalement entre les mains d'hommes réguliers. Peu d'entre eux pouvaient se permettre de voyager dans le monde et de tuer pour gagner leur vie. Il a également aidé dans l'ensemble, quand on a quitté le village avec une meilleure humeur - que celle qu'ils avaient avant son arrivée. Leur enseignement réfléchissait aussi sur Yuna - alors qu'elle portait quelque chose d'un mot de vente. Une épée d'acier sur sa hanche, et un capot tiré sur la tête - pas l'apparence d'un Witcher, qui portait une aura de peur et de froid pour eux. Ses outils étaient cachés, ses diverses bombes attachées à sa ceinture et invisibles - plusieurs couteaux de fabrication d'argent et d'acier, empoisonnés quelques-uns étaient cachés à ses chevilles et à ses manches intérieures. Tandis que la lame d'argent, un cadeau de témoin était un court-lame d'elle et gardé à l'intérieur de son manteau. Habiller comme un mercenaire froid a incité les gens à vous traiter comme un seul - comme Yuna l'avait appris au fil des ans. Au lieu de cela, il était préférable de les aborder à partir d'une position d'aide ou d'humilité. Après tout - qui soupçonnerait, la mercenaire aveugle marchant dans les rues pour être une sorcière? Dans les cas, qu'elle a expliqué sa description de travail - le manque d'yeux de chat, mettre certains humains à l'aise. Si elle avait l'air humaine, alors elle était probablement humaine dans leurs yeux. Ses pensées, ont vite été interrompues quand elle a entendu un cri - ses sens étant entendus comme ils étaient, tandis qu'au fil des ans - son audition était devenue beaucoup mieux aussi. Alors qu'elle se retournait et commençait dans un demi-jog pour se rendre à l'endroit. Pas trop vite, et pas trop lentement - toujours mieux de se fondre dans que de s'en tenir; comme beaucoup d'autres villageois seraient probablement aussi aller vérifier l'emplacement du cri.
Name: Foltest Voson Age: 17 Race: Human School: Training to join the Witcher School of the Wolf. Bio: Born in the village of Midcopse, Foltest was the son of a man that descended from a long line of Temerian mercenaries and a mother who hailed from a now deserted village. Their parents had met as star-crossed lovers, initially forbidden to romance, since Foltest's mother was the daughter of the ealdorman. When her village was destroyed, she fled to Midcopse with the help of Foltest's father. With the threat of the ealdorman gone, fate entwined Foltest's parents together. The Second Collision was a grim and bleak time, so Foltest's father decided to prepare his young son for the horrors that were to come, fearing a possible incursion from monsters into Midcopse itself despite its relative obscurity. A soldier by birth, the elder Voson was keen on teaching his son the craft, a craft that Foltest relished in. It took quite a while, sure, but for the next eight years, life seemed to continue in its normality. The agitation that gripped the Voson family and the rest of Midcopse eased, and Foltest became an avid hunter, sometimes skirting the outskirts in search for easy prey. But, hunting could have its dangers, and on one particular day, such a danger came. At thirteen summers and almost a man now, Foltest had decided to venture further into the woods, curiosity piquing his interest. Ignoring his father's stern warning of not going any deeper than he did, Foltest's boyish curiosity almost saw him mauled by a bear! Having spotted the black creature in the midst of dusk, Foltest's had overestimated the durability of the great bear, thinking that two arrows to the head would do the trick. And, while it certainly would have felled the majestic creature, Foltest's anxiety got the better of him, only piercing the bear's hardened back. With a mighty roar of cold-blooded rage, the bear was Foltest's prey no longer. Foltest surely would have been mincemeat, had the timely intervention of a witcher not saved him. Coming from out of nowhere, things were a blur for the young hunter, who, despite being knocked down and dazed, witnessed the sheer power of the mutant's abilities. He'd heard of witchers before, but only of their callous attitude and emotionless stares. When the unknown witcher offered Foltest a hand to lift him up, Foltest was wary at first, thinking that the witcher was going to feed on him. Contrary to popular rumours, the surprisingly altruistic witcher did not. Instead, the witcher mended his bruises and quietly sent him back to the village. He didn't dare tell the rest of the village, clearly aware of what the presence of a such a figure would incite in them. The incident left a profound mark on the young Foltest, who would never forget the witcher's cat-like eyes..or the medallion of a wolf that he wore around his thick neck...It was his first experience with a mutant. At the tender age of fourteen, would Foltest become the only male relative of the Voson household, and burdened with the task of caring for his newborn sister, Effy, and his mother who had fallen sick in the aftermath of her pregnancy. With his father's death, all the innocence that made Foltest enjoy the simple life he had, was lost to the claws of the beasts that roamed the night. From thereon, Foltest became a different man. Stern, cynical and bitter about the tragic circumstances that he was forced in, Foltest dreaded every second of his new surroundings. Food became like ash to him, and most of what he caught were given to mother and sister. And, since there wasn't enough to eat as a result of the wars, the Voson family suffered hardship, only persevering when Foltest started selling the furs of his kills as well. It was still a harsh life, but they managed to survive their mundane existence. An existence that Foltest decided to finally change for the best when he heard that the King announced hefty rewards for those brave enough to stand against the invading darkness of the Second Collision. Realizing that he didn't have the necessary skills to hunt monsters, Foltest sought out the mutant that saved him in the past and volunteered to be trained in the ways of the School of the Wolf so Rilden could restore their ranks, and in exchange, a good sum of coins would be delivered to his family in Midcopse.... Personality: Having lost his father at a young age of 14, Foltest was forced to mature at a very young age. At a time where food was scarce and families went hungry, Foltest adopted a very cynical take on life. Whereas most of Midcopse's peasants fretted over the dangers, and feared the woods, Foltest hated the sanctity of where he was born, but having a sick mother and little sister to provide for, family always came first for the boy. Almost devoid of any support, Foltest's bears a strong sense of drive, independence and survivalism. Yet, for the maturity that he developed early on, he is also very prone to taking risks, especially when hunting. A reckless soul, as the villagers would label him as such. In short: Caring towards those he cares about, brave, reckless and a survivalist. Despises his mundane lifestyle, and is wary around individuals he is unfamiliar with. Weapons: optional Family/relationships?: Roland Volen(Father/Deceased) Elena Volen nee Burst(Mother) Effy Volen(Sister) Rilden of Redania(Teacher/'Father') Other: As a Witcher-in-Training, Foltest realizes that when he takes the Trial of the Grasses, he could very well not survive the process. For that occasion, he makes sure to prepare an efficient amount of money to cover for his sister and mother in the case that he is perished.
Dans la taverne il s'assit, une cabine d'angle à l'extrémité de l'endroit près de la porte de la cuisine. Il a regardé les patrons de l'intérieur. Actuellement, deux de ses clients et deux de ses cibles étaient côte à côte, chacun voulant la mort de l'autre. Il s'agissait d'une querelle concernant la terre et le bétail manquant, à laquelle il ne s'occupait pas. Il devait être tout simplement un moyen d'arriver à une fin. Il a dit à chacun de rencontrer l'autre dans la taverne, prétendant à l'autre que l'un veut mettre fin à la querelle avec un verre et un nouveau départ. Les pauvres sodas. Trop stupide pour se rendre compte qu'ils finiraient l'un l'autre par le même poison que le même sorcier. Derrière le masque, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de sourire alors qu'il les regardait tous les deux claquer les tasses ensemble et prendre une gorgée de liquide contaminé. Comme ils l'ont fait il s'est levé et a fait son chemin vers eux et a atteint dans la poche de celui pour sa pièce. "Oi wadderya do-do...du" "Est-ce que Fer Mah Lahnd et Cahttle Yew volé à meh... attendez une tique... Je me sens si bien." "Celui-ci a dit le paiement doit être à moitié à l'avance, à moitié lorsque le travail est terminé. Un homme ne se souvient plus, et il ne se rappellera plus. » L'autre a rapidement commencé à sentir le poison prendre effet et s'est rapidement effondré sur le sol, renversant le reste de la boisson. Les yeux éloignés rencontraient ses yeux sans vie alors que le dernier souffle du client/cible était tiré. Avec l'achèvement des contrats, il quitte la taverne, devenant seulement un moment dans son histoire toujours croissante.
Samuael of Grimoire, The Phantom of Grimoire Age: Has lost count but believes to be around 127 (looks to be in his mid to late twenties) Appearance: He stands around 6'2" with a very well defined physique. Underneath his armor and mask, scars are brushed across his body like a violent canvas, each one with a story to tell. His hair is long and white as so with most witchers but still has a slight highlight of black near his forehead. He has deep golden cat eyes that are steeled to age and experience. He has never removed his mask since he has put it on unless in the privacy of his own room. Race: Witcher School: Cat Bio: To be explained through the RP Personality: Sort of detached from society, he finds humans to be fascinating little creatures even though he was one himself. He prefers to remain silent and be a listener rather than a speaker as interactions with the regular crowd seem to put him off a bit as he has become somewhat apathetic towards them, seeing as they are more coin than anything else. One thing to particularly note is his like of proper nouns, preferring the pronoun game by saying "his", "her", "a man" or "a woman" when speaking about himself or anyone else. It isn't too difficult however to figure out when he is being serious as he then moves into the third person communication. Only when he is angered does he turn to first person speak though this is very hard to do. He comes off as blunt and dangerously so, to his own physical health as he does not filter what he says. On the battlefield he is cold, cunning and analytical. Leaning towards quick and easy tactics that are precise and effortless while providing the most efficient outcome but even then he still has his faults. He prefers to work alone but has gotten use to the idea of group effort, although agitation tends to raise inside himself as stupid moves are made by others, sometimes causing him to blatantly knock them out so they can stay out of his way. Weapons: 1x Two handed Silver/steel Damascus blade 1x Single hand Silver/steel short sword 2x Silver daggers forged with poisons running across the blade. 1x Bow made of dense rare wood and strung together with a mix of fibers and hairs to create a tough and durable bowstring. 1x quill of silver dipped arrows (roughly 25 arrows) 1x Witcher's kit Family/relationships?: (To be discussed with others) Other: Has a pet Raven named Dahlia,
Valter s'est promené dans les rues de Vizima de façon assez décontractée, malgré être entouré par tant d'humains qui auraient sa tête s'ils avaient les moyens, s'ils avaient connu sa vraie nature. Cela, bien sûr, ils ne l'ont pas fait. Même le pendentif d'un Witcher ne lui donnerait pas, telle était la nature de son espèce. Pour ainsi dire, il marchait comme un mortel en apparence, bien que ses vêtements étaient plus proches de ceux de la noblesse nilfgaardienne que la paysannerie qui l'entourait. Le sang dans les foules qui pressaient contre lui et autour de lui semblait presque battre en commun, comme si la population de la ville était tout un énorme gobelet qui courait avec son tentateur sanguinaire. Heureusement pour lui (et peut-être plus pour les civils autour de lui) Valter s'était gorgé dans les donjons du palais la nuit précédente, forçant ses pulsions bestiales à descendre avec du sang copieux des meurtriers et des violeurs de la ville. À l'heure actuelle, la pensée d'un jet de sang le rendait un peu bizarre. Et donc, il s'est déplacé vers le lieu de réunion décrit dans l'avis pour un Witcher. Bien sûr, il n'était pas un Witcher, mais l'avis sentait le mauvais jeu. Tout d'abord, s'il y avait eu un Sylvan ensanglanté sur son territoire, il l'aurait certainement su. Valter a fait un point de se présenter (une manière polie de dire menace) à toute créature qui est entrée sur son territoire qui pourrait perturber l'équilibre délicat de son écosystème. Ce n'était pas le seul problème qu'il avait trouvé avec la situation, non plus. Il avait remarqué au moins deux sorcières dans la ville, très probablement ici poursuivant le même contrat qu'il enquêtait. Valter se sentait comme si une plus grande force était à l'œuvre ici, et ne pouvait s'empêcher de considérer les implications de telles choses par rapport à la récente Deuxième Conjonction des Sphères. C'était un piège? Après le Geralt légendaire des divers succès de Rivia contre Eredin et ses amis, la plupart des créatures non humaines avaient tenu un nouveau respect et la peur des sorcières. Donc, était-il possible qu'une créature intelligente non-humaine ait mis tout cela en place, dans un effort pour que les sorcières de la région se montrent? Valter s'est évanoui. Bien sûr que c'était possible. Il venait d'y penser, donc certainement une entité plus malveillante pourrait faire la même chose. Ses murmures ont été brusquement interrompus par un cri nettement féminin. Il a tourné dans la direction du cri, ses sens surnaturels inhumains se concentrant tous dans cette direction. Les foules de gens autour de lui ont commencé à se précipiter brusquement dans la direction opposée au bruit, mais pas Valter. Avec tant de choses dans la ville en ce moment, il ne pouvait pas risquer quelque chose d'import se dérouler sans savoir ce qui se passait. Il a commencé à se diriger contre la foule, vers le cri, ce qui aurait été difficile s'il n'avait pas subtilement utilisé sa force surnaturelle pour forcer sa voie.
Name Valter Everard Von Drechen Aliases Val, The Sanguine Scholar Age 375 Race Higher Vampire History As with many of his species, Valter's life has been long and storied. His driving goal, however, has always been the study of his species, their origins and their mysteries. This quest has lead him to many strange places, and to many interesting individuals. He has become somewhat infamous among his Vampiric kin for his brazen lack of regard for vampiric hierarchy when it comes to the availability of knowledge, particularly regarding the vampiric races. When he's not pursuing a lead regarding such ancient knowledge, he usually haunts the Northern Realms and the northern tip of the Nilgaardian Empire, occasionally sating his habit with the blood of the local peasantry's undesirables. Personality Valter is a polite, erudite being, though he can sometimes come off as rather haughty and superior. This is never his intent, however, and he often attempts to rectify such miscommunications, though frequently to no avail. His vampiric nature is quite expertly concealed, though on occasion he has been known to strut about blood-drunk and belligerent, abusing his power and preying on the innocent. The addiction to blood is a difficult beast to master, and Valter is still relatively young for a vampire, and so has less control over his thirst than the more ancient of his kin. He has developed a code of conduct to cope with this. That is, he tends to raid dungeons, prisons, and stockades to sate his thirst. By feeding only on the "evildoer," Valter keeps his conscience relatively clear, whilst also keeping his bloodthirsty nature in check, and avoiding the ire of local populations. Abilities Superhuman strength, speed, and agility beyond that of any mortal, save perhaps a very skilled Witcher. He always has access to these abilities, yet when he takes his bestial true form, they increase exponentially. Invisibility. Though he cannot mask his scent by any magical means, he can obfuscate from view, chamelionizing into his surroundings. This is not a perfect invisibility, however, and Valter has little talent for it, often making too much noise to avoid suspicion, or faltering in his concentration, thus losing the effect. As such, he tends not to rely on this power. Levitation. Exactly as it sounds, Valter has the gift of slow, graceful levitation in human form. (Note, this is not full-blown flight, though some higher vampires can achieve this. Valter cannot fly swiftly, trasnformed or not. His levitation is however, a very convenient means of silent traversal. Transformation. Valter can assume his more bestial true form at will, though he rarely does this save when need is dire, as he does not enjoy the ghastly appearance. Valter can partially-transform as it suits him, giving him access to his bestial claws when in human form, etc. This too, he disdains, however, as he sees his natural weapons as a bit gruesome and inelegant. He will often rely simply on his strength and speed to overwhelm an enemy in martial combat, without bringing his transformation to bear in any capacity. Functional Immortality. Higher Vampires are as close to immortal as it gets. They are extremely difficult to dispatch, able to withstand losing limbs and more. Should one manage to slay a Higher Vampire, there's no guarantee the creature will remain dead, as a Higher Vampire given enough time can regenerate nearly any wound, including the severing of the creature's head. Weaknesses Though ordinary fire is effective against lesser vampires, Higher Vampires like Valter are essentially immune to mundane temperature increases or decreases. However, sorcerous fire produced by mages (or the Igni sign used by Witchers) is highly effective, often more effective than it would be against a human being. Vampire Blade Oils employed by Witchers are quite potent against higher vampires, provided the Witcher is swift and accurate enough to land a blow. Black Blood Potion can be ingested if one knows they are about to be fed on by a Vampire. The potion works as a targeted poison for the vampire, and will deal them great harm, potentially leading to loss of consciousness or even temporary death. Family/relationships? Have some things in mind here, will get to it soon.
C'est curieux. La femme guerrière skellige pensait qu'elle s'approchait lentement du village. Le cri n'était qu'une seule chose depuis qu'elle l'a entendu, aucun autre signe de chaos ne s'est produit au moins jusqu'ici. Peut-être qu'ils ont vu quelque chose d'effrayant comme un... sorcier? Ça ne la surprendrait pas. Il y a une prime sur un Sylvan après tout. Elle ferait mieux de se tenir à l'écart de tous les sorciers qui se trouvent dans le coin, ils pourraient certainement détecter sa magie avec leurs amulettes. Elle ne voulait pas être traînée dans quelque chose de gênant en ce moment. Toujours la plupart des sorciers qu'elle a rencontrés jusqu'à présent ne voulaient pas aussi se causer des problèmes avec elle. Un souvenir s'est brusquement précipité dans son esprit alors qu'elle dirigeait son cheval avec grand soin... C'est pour ça qu'on s'en occupe. "Lady Scilla, ne sois pas comme ça! Si vous partez maintenant, je serai hors d'affaire d'ici la fin de la semaine! Ça va me faire faillite! » Un vieil homme robuste criait alors que la femme était sur le point de quitter son magasin. L'homme avait toujours essayé de rester du bon côté de la femme. Elle venait régulièrement à ses maroquineries pour commander des vêtements et tant de choses qu'il n'avait aucune idée de ce pour quoi elle en avait besoin. Cette fois, elle était venue demander un ensemble de bottes en cuir les plus complexes. Le guerrier avait même fourni des cuirs, des fourrures, de l'or, de l'argent, de l'ivoire et un certain nombre d'autres fournitures comme la peau de serpent. Il était un grand artisan, mais sa boutique était petite et le prix sur tous les composants était plus d'or qu'il n'avait ou fait pendant un mois. Il pensait qu'elle devait être une femme de taille pour commander de telles choses et c'était sa chance d'impressionner elle et ses amis, peut-être obtenir plus de gens pour lui rendre visite. Pour ses pires craintes quand il a quitté l'atelier pour un peu de temps pour un problème de travail, quelqu'un comme lui était arrivé et son apprenti stupide lui avait permis de prendre tout le matériel pour les bottes de la femme. Maintenant, il s'est trouvé endetté parce qu'il a été forcé de payer la femme pour la perte. Si elle partait comme ça, il ne se remettrait jamais de ce coup financier. S'il vous plaît, attendez seulement 3 jours, je vais trouver le voleur et rendre les matériaux! Sera même fabriquer les bottes pour la moitié du prix monétaire! » L'homme a déclaré, son apprenti toujours vacillant au coin de la rue. La réaction de Scilla qu'elle a renversé une table en colère quand elle a appris qu'il avait du mal à le toucher. D'après les choses que j'ai entendues de votre apprenti... Vous avez travaillé avec une sorte de doppler.La femme a répondu se tournant vers l'artisan... Vous avez besoin d'un sorcier pour ce travail... chanceux pour vous j'ai entendu une arrivée en ville juste plus tôt ce matin. Mon vaisseau va rester 4 jours. Tu as jusqu'alors pour régler ça... Si à l'aube du quatrième jour les matériaux ne sont pas trouvés, je pars avec cet argent. Embauchez le sorcier, s'il veut être payé à l'avance, dirigez-le vers ma taverne... Dieux... à quel point tu peux être stupide! Pourquoi voudrais-je prendre les matériaux et partir!Scilla entendit l'artisan crier à son apprenti après avoir quitté l'atelier. Plus tard cette nuit était l'une des meilleures qu'elle ait eues pendant de longues années à venir... C'est pour ça qu'on s'en occupe. Elle a été arrachée de sa mémoire alors qu'un corbeau faisait un son laid d'un arbre voisin. Elle s'approchait du village. Elle était curieuse de savoir ce qui a provoqué le cri de tout à l'heure, mais franchement, elle souhaitait aussi que ce soit quelqu'un qui surprend une jeune fille sans défense et qu'elle hurle ses poumons avant de se calmer. Elle ne voulait pas d'ennuis monstres aujourd'hui. Une bonne bouteille de vin serait géniale...
Name: Scilla of the Dancing Blades. Age: 132 looks around 25 Appearance: Scilla stands at 5'8'' feet tall with very long black hair, fair skin and piercing gray eyes. Like all women of her vocation, she's very beautiful, but at the same time currently her body appears a lot better trained than all her colleagues. Her muscles are well defined, but not invasive to the eye and it's clear she's no pushover when it comes to physical activity. Race: Human sorceress School: N/A Bio: Scilla was born sometime before the great purge that nearly turned her kind and the witchers all but extinct. In fact she was just a young sorceress when it happened. She was just traveling with her direct mentor when they were jumped on by a great number of soldiers. Everything happened so fast that even to this day she is not completely sure how it all transpired. One moment they were simply riding a carriage down a road and the next a rain of arrows struck the vehicle. The carriage driver and the horses died right away, she and her mentor survived because of a shield he put. The following was a rather quick battle as a great number of soldiers died to magical fires and lightning, but her mentor also took an arrow to the back. Not wanting to die like a common mutt, Scilla was forced to defend herself, but she was considerably weaker than her mentor at the time. Still in that desperation, she reached into her mind and pulled a way of using magic that no one had taught her. By instinct, using her ability to manipulate objects and energy, she grabbed a great number of the scattered arrows, swords, axes and shields, anything that could be thrown and using her magic turned the hail of death onto the soldiers. First by a handful then by the dozens, as the weapons were hurled with ever so greater speed. She was mostly lucky that those were rather common troops, but non the less she managed to escape while the majority of the soldiers were trying to close their wounds from the randomly hurled sharp metal objects at them... at least those who survived it. After that event, Scilla fled the continent and headed north towards Skellige. The islands were a great place to lay low from the massive witch hunt that was happening, especially since she dressed like a commoner and eventually joined a ship's crew. She spend the following 50 years on ships, before disembarking back on the continent. By now she had mastered sword fighting to a certain degree and in secret she had also advanced another skill she discovered when she escaped the purge. The precise and exact manipulation of energy, which allowed her to control objects and fight with them. Over the next 50 or so years she spend the time traveling, mostly spending her time as witchers would do, despite her not being one. The time with at Skellige taught her to appreciate great alcohol and all chaos that came with it. Eventually she was dubbed The Dancing Blades by a bard from a caravan she happened by complete chance to safe from some rampaging nekkers. In general she did prefer to not use her additional blades though, keeping a low profile and being confused with one of the many warrior women out there suits her just fine... When the Second Conjuring happened it came as only a very vague surprise. So was the massive hunt down for witchers and sorcerers that followed in the desperate attempt by the Grand King to safe his skin by throwing those they deemed evil and unnatural at their enemies. Well for now at least they have not yet realized what she was, so she kept quiet for the moment, simply spending her time, planning a next move. Wondering which would be more beneficial... the death of the new monsters or the death of the...Grand King. Personality: Mostly calm, Scilla is a very level headed individual who would rarely explode in bursts of rage, but once she does, her wrath could be stated to be legendary. She's has incredibly good memory for people who wronged her in some way and eventually she will always deliver her vengeance down the line. Besides that she's someone who loves nature in almost all of it's forms. One of her most favorite things to do is lay down on a sunny beach, enjoying the sun. Weapons: 2x Curved steel swords 4x Steel straight narrow blades Leather bundle wrap for the blades Family/relationships?: Ferghus of Haakland - Scilla met him a good half a centure ago now while she was still in Skellige. They happened to share a ship and got to talking, then drinking and finally traveling together for a while. She came to consider him a friend, during their journey to forge great weapons for themselves. Other: Immense hatred for The Grand King .
(En collaboration avec & ) Le vent s'engouffrait dans le froid de la nuit et tout était silencieux le long de la piste de jeu. C'était une mince piste avec des empreintes douces éclaboussées à travers le sol allant et venant, et des taches de sang parsemées c'est les bords comme la patte douce d'un pinceau d'un homme poilu buissonnant. C'était une nuit paisible mais comme la lune était encore nouvelle dans le ciel, la lumière était faible mais poussait doucement à chaque heure qui passait. C'est à travers ce temps qu'un bon nombre de choses avaient transpiré et travaillaient sous les scènes du monde. Les hurlements et les grognements murmuraient et s'éclaboussaient contre la nuit, en dessous de la ligne de l'arbre ce nez se levait et pourtant il était instantanément réduit au silence. Le monde avait été rendu à nouveau calme, les sons étaient féroces dans leur propre droit et maintenant ils étaient froids et silencieux. Le nez à n'importe quelle oreille de commerce familier reconnaîtrait les hurlements des loups sans erreur, mais le vrai mystère est ce qui les a tous réduits en silence instantanément. Il était étrange d'entendre le hurlement des loups, mais d'entendre un être coupé sans aucun bruit du tout.. était beaucoup plus étrange. C'était ce que Koldar avait entendu, et cela l'a mis en alerte presque aussi vite que les hurlements ont été réduits au silence. Peu de choses pouvaient calmer un loup sans se battre et moins de choses pouvaient entièrement faire taire une meute. Cependant, cela a presque supplié une notion de Koldar de l'esprit, pour ces hurlements étaient des loups, mais combien de loups étaient dans la région..parce que Koldar était déjà porter trois des loups plus grands dans la région. Il s'agissait d'un véritable matériel alpha, d'un grand jeûne et de puissants chasseurs, les loups n'étaient pas descendus sans se battre. Koldar avait espéré les tuer comme un vrai chasseur avec son arc-en-ciel, mais après le premier est descendu avec un boulon dans sa tête, les autres n'étaient pas intéressés au même traitement, donc ils ont rapidement fermé la distance. Cependant, ils ont pris moins de sa hache avant de descendre qu'ils ne l'auraient fait s'ils allaient contre l'Arbre. C'est pourquoi Koldar était sorti, il était arrivé juste la veille et il était sorti en chasse. C'était pour lui, son esprit et ses relations avec les habitants. Un homme qui peut fournir de la nourriture et de la sécurité, même comme un Witcher, peut encore être considéré comme moins d'un monstre. C'est pourquoi Koldar a toujours chassé de la nourriture pour la ville où il est resté, il a chassé de la viande et se cacher et il a toujours rendu à ceux qui l'ont logé. La nuit continua comme toute autre nuit, les animaux de la nuit errèrent et d'autres descendirent, toutes choses s'écoulèrent ou rougissaient comme la lune traînée à travers le ciel comme un médaillon d'argent. Le monde semblait paisible dans ce petit coin du monde, comme il devrait l'être, comme toute la création devait l'être, mais hélas, le lever du soleil du matin est venu bientôt et avec lui est venu un jour nouveau. Les gens normaux ne penseraient pas beaucoup au Soleil du matin, mais à un homme comme Koldar le Soleil du matin et la Lune levante sont tout. Koldar était présent dans la Taverne le lendemain matin, c'est ici qu'il s'est trouvé le plus en dehors de son travail et de ses intérêts personnels, et c'est là qu'il a également apprécié la nature de la vie. Il était plus grand que tous ceux qui l'entouraient et certainement plus volumineux aussi. Beaucoup ont fait des remarques à la fois aimables et pas et pourtant Koldar n'a jamais laissé tomber son sourire. Sa main droite tenait une tasse pour un géant et pourtant elle semblait vider plus vite que n'importe quel verre. Dans sa main gauche n'était rien d'autre qu'à l'œil entraîné on pouvait voir que la main soi-disant vide tenait quelque chose, il le retenait en arrière. Sa main gauche était serrée d'un poing, car la ville n'était pas Vizima, mais elle était encore témérique et le racisme Koldar entendu parler des coins arrière de la taverne commençaient à râper sur sa patience. Alors qu'il n'était pas un pour s'être retenu, il était certain de partir sur les citiesfolk avant que le travail ne soit toujours le pire choix. Cela lui a fait avaler la pire saveur dans le bar.. sa fierté et avec sa fierté est venu la nature désagréable de devoir trouver quelque chose d'autre pour occuper son temps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cenkos a gardé sa place au-dessus des arbres, grinçant sur un morceau de viande absent d'esprit. Elle avait déjà été informée de la façon dont la situation devait baisser, mais les choses étaient vraiment disproportionnées quand elle est arrivée en ville. Le plan original était d'espérer que certains Witcher ou Sorcerer soient hors de l'eau par rapport à la ville, comme pour lui de vivre qu'un Sylvan était autour, puis essayer de les convaincre de se joindre à l'effort, juste pour aller regarder ailleurs quand ils avaient un ou deux autour. Sans compter l'autre Witcher qui était responsable de tout et de son apprenti ou quelque chose comme ça, ils avaient quatre autres personnes intéressantes qui sont venues en ville pour cette chose. Quatre. C'était trois de plus qu'ils ne s'y attendaient. Elle n'avait aucune idée du plan concernant la situation maintenant, et elle n'avait vécu qu'hier, alors elle a décidé de jouer à l'espion. La ville était presque comme n'importe quelle autre ville qu'elle avait vue pour le moment, avec ses gens habituels faisant des trucs habituels et étant contre nature ennuyeux. Mais elle n'accordait pas autant d'attention à quelque chose en particulier, elle regardait la ville en général pour voir si quelque chose de bizarre arrivait. Bizarre dans l'acte est venu autour, comme elle pouvait voir tous les jours. Hier seule, elle avait vu cet apprenti ou quelque chose de garçon et le chef des opérations de Witcher se promener dans la banlieue de la ville et porter un monstre tué ou un autre, quelques autres sorcières qu'elle avait pu repérer, en plus d'un vampire qui était venu dans la mort de la nuit. Le jour qui s'arrêtait était plus le même, le peuple se déplaçait comme d'habitude, s'occupant de ses propres buissines, le garçon et le chef gardaient leur entraînement, le vampire venait se promener vers l'avis du Sylvan, il n'y avait que deux choses à mentionner: l'arrivée d'une caravane, une caravane transportant un mercenaire aveugle, qui ne regardait pas dans la moindre suspicion et qui avait toute l'attention de Cenkos pour le moment; et l'arrivée d'un autre Witcher, transportant pas moins de trois loups derrière lui. Ces deux-là étaient des surprises. C'était, du moins, jusqu'à ce qu'elle entende un cri perçant au milieu de la journée, à droite. Elle s'est tournée juste à temps pour voir une fille paniquée, tremblant sous le regard d'un chien Barghest. C'était quelque chose pour laquelle elle n'était pas préparée, alors qu'elle sautait de sa branche et déchauffait son argent, se préparant à frapper l'ennemi au milieu de son cou. Elle est venue juste à temps, alors qu'elle a vu le monstre se redescendre et la fille se cachant derrière ses bras, essayant d'obtenir une certaine quantité de couverture. Cenkos a atterri juste à côté du monstre, plongeant son épée à la base du cou du fiende. Le cadavre s'est enflammé alors que la victime lui ouvrait les yeux et respirait irrégulièrement. Retourne en ville! Cenkos se tourna le dos vers la forêt, mais entendit un grognement et se tourna aussitôt avec son bras droit, et un autre Barghest s'y chargea. Il a mordu sur son bras, mais heureusement elle avait la bonne quantité d'armure pour être juste blessé et garder son bras. De sa position d'agenouillage, elle s'est posée sur le dos et a frappé la bête, l'envoyant en arrière un peu. Mais alors qu'elle se levait, elle entendit un autre petit grognement de la forêt, et savait que les choses tournaient vers le pire. Elle a vu que ce n'était pas vraiment un Barghest, les choses voyageaient toujours en meutes, et ceux-ci n'étaient pas différents, étant trois juste là, l'un déjà parti et les deux autres regardant leur nouvelle proie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pendant toutes ses années de voyage, Elanil a découvert que les petits villages avaient des tavernes presque aussi occupées que celles qui apparaissaient dans certaines villes. Au début, c'était une surprise, mais c'est vite devenu quelque chose qu'elle a pris dans la foulée sans une seconde pensée. Il n'y avait pas de raison de s'interroger sur les raisons pour lesquelles il n'y avait pas non plus de raison d'être incrédule. Elle était déjà dans cette ville depuis quelques jours et les habitants l'aimaient. Ou du moins, elle aimait penser qu'ils l'ont fait. Les patrons de la taverne l'accueillaient souvent avec des sourires et parfois un regard pervers de certains des hommes plus âgés. De telles choses ne dérangeaient pas la jeune Sorceresse, parce qu'elle savait qu'elle n'était pas en danger. Townsfolk ne représentait aucune menace pour elle. Même le matin, la taverne était vivante. Le barde voyageur qui est apparu en ville était populaire, sa musique était mélodique et bien composée. Elanil était assis à l'une des tables, appréciant la musique, sentant l'envie de danser. À sa grande surprise, l'un des habitués de la taverne lui appela: "C'mon Ela! Voyons un joli coup de ta part! » Elle se leva rapidement de son siège, un sourire joyeux de son visage alors qu'elle s'approchait du barde. Une petite foule semblait se rassembler autour des deux artistes, les mécènes donnant à Elanil un petit cercle d'espace autour du barde pour danser. Et danse qu'elle l'a fait. Son corps saute dans l'action, une série de mouvements et de rotations qui captivent son petit public, son corps se déplaçant en synchronisation avec les airs mélodiques de la voix et du luth du barde. À certains moments, elle claquait sa main, faisant en sorte qu'une corde sur le luth soit délicatement arrachée, ajoutant plus de profondeur à la chanson, mais un tel mouvement ne serait vu que comme faisant partie de la performance. Pour une autre sorcière ou peut-être un Witcher, l'utilisation de la magie serait tout à fait apparente. En parlant de sorcières, Elanil en avait remarqué une grande présence dans cette petite ville. Quelque chose qui était très hors de l'ordinaire, mais elle n'y a surtout pas vraiment prêté attention. Les sorcières ont fait leur truc, et elle a fait le sien. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Koldar était encore pissé dans la Taverne avant que le cri ne soit fait, et c'est pendant cette période de grâce qu'il avait trouvé le divertissement d'un danseur et d'un Bard. Il regardait la paire, mais ses yeux primaires étaient plus attachés à la femelle que le barde. Surtout quand sa méditation a provoqué la vibration la plus faible sous sa ceinture. Il pouvait le sentir shimmy chaque petit peu quand la femme se claquait le poignet à la musique. Il n'était pas un pour les hypothèses, mais une fois qu'il a remarqué la lueur bleu pâle qui brillait de sa ceinture avec toutes les vibrations, il était cetain. C'était une mage, c'était une simple que, rouge détecterait un monstre et tout monstre de race supérieure capable de se fondre dans la société peut contourner un médaillon non détecté. Malgré les Mages et son utilisation Koldar ne ressentit aucune menace réelle et il a tout à fait apprécié sa danse alors il l'a laissée faire comme elle le voulait pour l'instant. Pendant tout ce temps, il regardait et buvait et se tournait parfois pour voir une nouvelle arrivée dans la taverne. Koldar appréciait le plaisir assez dur, mais cela ne le distrait pas de ses pensées. Le contrat était pour un sortilège Slyvan, une rareté, et il avait déjà dessiné dans un nombre unuausal de sorciers. Il avait remarqué leurs signes quand il est entré et les différentes pistes à destination et en provenance du village. C'est là qu'il a commencé à noter beaucoup de choses pour lui-même dans la pensée. "Il y a au moins trois loups.. probablement un chat ou deux.. et moi inclus être le seul ours.. J'ai également remarqué quelques impressions intéressantes qui se dirigent vers Vizima qui semblent disparaître comme s'ils flottaient dans le ciel. Peu de choses peuvent disparaître, même un Bruxae laisserait quelques empreintes subtiles. Il se passe quelque chose dans cette ville, et je commence à croire de moins en moins qu'un Sylvain.. un être qui a adopté les humanités les plus ridicules vices de paresse et de glouton, serait en train de tourner autour des sorts et de créer des problèmes. Ce serait beaucoup trop de travail pour l'un d'entre eux. Quelqu'un ne dit certainement pas le.." Ses pensées ont été immédiatement perturbées par un cri fort, et il percé par le bruit de la taverne avec facilité. Koldar a réagi instinctivement au bruit alors que la montagne d'un homme foulait à travers la foule de tavernes et a ouvert la porte de la taverne. La porte n'a pas été verrouillée ou même verrouillée de cette façon et cela a causé que la porte s'est ouverte et s'est balancé sur le côté, il a ensuite heurté le mur et a dévié les charnières, le bruit était un léger éclatement du bois lorsque les charnières ont été contraintes du cadre de la porte et il est allé obturateur au sol avec un fort bruit. Koldar ne s'occupait ni de la porte ni de la propriété personnelle comme bondissait et s'installait au sommet d'un des chevaux à l'extérieur de la taverne. Le cheval n'était pas le sien, et il n'avait aucune idée de qui il appartenait en premier lieu, tout ce qu'il savait c'est qu'il avait besoin d'aller plus vite quand il a commencé à la périphérie de la ville. Dans l'ensemble, il ne lui a fallu qu'un instant ou deux avant qu'il ne monte finalement sur les lieux, un Barghest avait initié une autre grève sur la femelle qui s'était déjà débarrassée de l'une et s'était battue l'autre. Cette fois cependant, la femelle Witcher n'aurait pas à s'engager, car Koldar a pris son défilement de sa ceinture avec sa main droite et il l'a renversée alors que le cheval galopait plus vite. Une fois qu'il était à portée de portée, son fléau a été frappé sur le côté du Barghest et il a immédiatement rencontré le fléau avec un hurlement impie dans la journée. Le son résonna à travers le village et Koldar tomba du cheval avec une secousse à la terre sous lui. Sa flaque secoua et tomba à ses côtés avec le sang de Barghest dégoulinant de l'artisanat. Le fléau n'était cependant pas allumé, c'était une arme de destruction d'argent et il était prêt à tout. C'était... jusqu'à ce que la paire de Barghests délire un hurlement et que le barghest infirme recule dans la ligne de l'arbre. Leurs hurlements combinés ont formé un appel.. un appel à leur maître. C'est alors que Koldar et Cenkos ont posé les yeux sur l'un des êtres de la seconde Conjonction. "Sorciers fabuleux!" Une voix atroce de froid est venue de la ligne d'arbre et a été suivie par un saut puissant dans l'air. La figure obscure qu'ils virent s'élever dans le ciel était impie et monstrueuse. Il est venu canonner au sol et a atterri sur ses pieds avec une force de tremblement de terre, mais sa forme était recouverte d'une paire d'ailes massives. Ils avaient de petits trous en eux, mais ils couvraient facilement la créature de dix pieds de haut, et ce n'est que lorsque ces grandes ailes furent poussées que Koldar et Cenkos posèrent les yeux sur leur ennemi. Une FLEDER! L'ennemi était en fait un fuyard... mais il était plus grand, et il pouvait parler. Il a montré des signes clairs d'intelligence supérieure, et il comportait des ailes assez grandes pour voler. Ces ailes ont germé de la colonne vertébrale près des épaules et elles sont sorties de près de six pieds de chaque côté, de grands chiffres osseux, ressemblant à des doigts, étirés à travers les ailes comme des chauves-souris, et les ailes sont descendues à une extension semblable à une queue de l'extrémité de la colonne vertébrale. C'est du grizzly qui a filé avec du sang et c'est des crocs qui se sont claqués en parlant. C'est la forme baissée et elle s'est avérée être un monstrueux et aussi terrifiant que sa forme moindre, mais maintenant c'était encore plus ainsi. Les mots ont frappé les Witcher comme des flèches aveuglantes, ils n'étaient pas attendus et ils ont suscité une sensation confuse d'ignorance. Ce Fleder... c'était clairement un Vampire Supérieur. C'était quelque chose qu'on n'avait jamais vu auparavant, et maintenant il chassait au milieu de la journée!
Name: Koldar Age: 159 Appearance: Koldar stands roughly six feet and six inches tall and his build is that of a powerful titanic man. He puts many figures to shame, but this was only due to the processes of Mutation he volunteered for at the School of Bear. Koldar's eyes are considered sharper than the average Witcher's, as his Witcher training and mutations were voluntarily more intense and unique to the School of Bear. Race: Human Witcher School: Bear Bio: Coming Soon Personality: Despite the general conception of a Witcher under full training being that of a Cold, silent person, Koldar is nothing of the like. His time and his being have formed something all it's own. He is boisterous and proud, and rarely quiet, but he isn't without his own beliefs and ideals. The School of Bear taught him how to be a Witcher, but he taught himself how to be a Hunter. He believes not only in the Witcher Code, but a code to hunt down Monsters to assure that he is one day sung about in the taverns for his trophies. He enjoys the hunt, and the way it effects a person, and this is why he often feels most peaceful and most himself when trailing his query. Weapons: Koldar of course has his Axe, a uniquely designed war-axe of Witcher Steel. This was his weapon of choice after he broke his Witcher blades during training, and the School Bear saw fit to give the man a weapon worthy of his strength. However he took only a steel Axe, and opted to craft his own tools of the hunt. The first creation was his Silver Lantern Flail. This weapon is a marvel in it's design, as it is both finely crafted and beautiful, but also strong enough to be swung against a mountain by Koldar. This Flail's lantern is also lit with a unique Sign, one that combines the uses of Igni and an unusual sign that hasn't been seen too often. This combination produces a blue flame that doesn't require a fuel source, and it seems to amplify the effects of Silver onto beasts susceptible to it. The Second weapon was a much simpler design, as the weapon is a merely an enlarged Crossbow. The Crossbow of the School of Bear were always larger than Cat's, but this one was made for a man who desired to shoot his query from the sky, and nail them to the ground. This mighty weapon, named "Medvedi Zub" or "Bear's Tooth" is one wielded by Koldar when his prey can fly, or when he knows that he must deal a blow long before the prey knows he is close. He carries both steel and silver bolts for the Crossbow as well, to ensure it can be used against all potential prey. Family/relationships?: Koldar doesn't have much family, his parents are long gone, and the only other person he ever came to know as family was a young huntress, however that story is long and full of moments both close and far from Koldar's heart. Other:
Les respirations contrôlées de Ferghus et les traces légères ont été noyées par le bruit blanc d'un village actif à cette heure de la journée. Des sifflets doux de vent et l'éclaboussure de branches suivie d'un jet soudain de brise froide et contre nature ont pris la peau du loup qui l'a poussé à suivre le chemin qu'il a entrepris. Il ne fallut pas longtemps pour qu'une série de traces d'od se présente au sol comme des traces d'hommes de l'armée sur le champ de bataille; sauf la forme de ses pattes et de sa profondeur, suivie de griffes qui semblaient scaper la terre alors qu'elle sautait en avant indiquait qu'il n'y avait pas de loups réguliers qui chassaient une proie. Parmi eux, il a aussi trouvé un seul ensemble de petits pas humains-- sa victime prévue qu'il a donné poursuite à. "Un enfant est en danger." Il a conclu. Il a suivi les traces aussi attentivement qu'il le pouvait... et en entendant le voisinage d'un cheval effrayé, le gémissement douloureux d'une bête et le choc du métal à la chair... La série de doigts du sorcier s'est formée pour jeter un pupitre de protection autour de lui, connu sous le nom de Quen, alors qu'il enquêtait sur la bataille qui s'ensuivait. Il sentit l'adrénaline en enveloppant son corps alors que sa main atteignit la saya de son katana d'argent. "Sorciers fabuleux!" La voix d'un fumeur gorgé a été instillée dans l'esprit du Witcher. Étonnamment approprié pour n'importe quelle créature qui avait acquis la capacité de parler. Beaucoup de bêtes intelligentes avaient prononcé les mêmes deux mots et souffert du sort qui leur est arrivé pour sous-estimer les capacités d'un Witcher. Cela aussi s'applique aux « bêtes intelligentes » connues sous le nom de sorciers. Ferghus resta silencieux et marcha légèrement dans son approche. Des merveilles de la Seconde Conjonction, sans aucun doute. Il a vu devant lui une grande créature non morte avec des griffes qui rivalisaient avec les talons, les bras et les jambes d'un gryphon qui ferait même hurler un loup-garou dans la jalousie. L'aspect triangulaire et corné avec des dents dans le besoin terrible d'une sorte d'entretien et d'yeux qui appartenait à un oriental. Il est certain qu'ils ont été piquées par des abeilles. Les ailes ornaient cette bête rose, et il semblait avoir appris la capacité de prendre l'avion avec ceux-- ce qui signifie qu'il y avait une priorité absolue soit de couper ses ailes ou de l'ancrer au sol à l'aide d'Yrden. Tous deux ont été des tâches tout aussi difficiles grâce à sa nature vampirique... Ils sont très rapides. Il n'avait jamais espéré un vampire parmi les villageois... Surtout à cette heure de la journée où la lumière du soleil était abondante. Normalement, cela aurait réduit la capacité des vampires à se battre immensément pour qu'ils reculent, mais pour avoir un assez courageux pour se battre avec les sorcières en plein jour? Il s'est maudit pour ne pas avoir préparé le Sang Noir ou l'Huile de Vampire. Il a également pu observer trois autres individus. La première était la proie identifiée comme étant une petite fille, dont le chasseur était mort sur le sol tué par une femme coquine à la peau claire et un géant avec un drapeau d'argent pour l'arme en observant soigneusement l'ennemi devant eux. "Où ai-je déjà entendu ça?" Le sorcier pensait à lui-même. "Peut-être ont-ils trouvé les Wraith de Haakland dont ils parlent toujours." Il avait espéré que le fuyard était encore distrait et a saisi cette occasion pour faire ce que les sorcières font le mieux; improviser. Ferghus retourna dans un état de furtivité et tourna autour du parti devant eux afin de gagner un avantage et peut-être embusquer ce vampire. Il a dessiné son katana d'argent tranquillement... et s'est soigneusement occupé d'une position où il a pu submerger le vampire de derrière ou au-dessus. Le succès de cette embuscade dépendrait de la question de savoir si les sorcières et la petite fille devant lui donneraient sa position en criant ou en regardant évidemment la position de Ferghus. Encore une fois, s'il avait été remarqué par la petite fille... cela aurait signifié qu'il n'a pas réussi ses procès après tout. Il était en position et sa lame était prête. Une fois qu'il a trouvé le moment parfait où les sorciers ont son attention, il sautait de sa position et tentait d'éviscérer l'ennemi dans une seule tranche de katana vers le bas au milieu, créant deux moitiés égales d'un vampire mort.
Name: Ferghus of Haakland Age: 117 (Appears as though he is 40) With a stature of 5 foot and 8 inches, the weathered Ferghus stands shorter and more nimble footed compared to his witcher peers who often focuses more on brute strength and sheer tenacity. With an athletic build that rivals the infamous Cat School, blood-slit witcher eyes and his famous Haakian curved blades; no movement is uncalculated in the eyes of this monster hunter. Race: Witcher School: Wolf Bio: In Progress Personality: Serviceable is a word most people would use to describe Ferghus. It's the kind of attitude that's there to get the job done and move on to the next hunt. He has a tendency to keep other's matters outside of his sights unless it was their life that was on the edge of his katana. Other than that-- he possesses a laissez faire demeanour. Weapons: A pair of steel and silver katanas adorning his left waist. A tanto blade is also often seen when gathering trophies of his kills. Rilden of Redania Fellow Wolf. Scilla of the Dancing Blades "During a short trip to Skellige, Ferghus met with a woman known as Scilla aboard a galleon and spent the time together with a few drinks-- until they become notable friends. Scilla and Ferghus travelled together for a time with a common goal of refining their best tools of the trade; blades." Elanil the Silent "Ferghus' far-reaching travels brought him to many parties and social gatherings of note. One in particular was during a series of strange events when he undertook a Doppler Contract in Novigrad. The local ruler held a lavish party and invited many entertainers to come and entertain guests. When midnight passed, Ferghus was allured by a particular raven female dancer who performed a hypnotising performance." Koldar, Bear School Witcher "As Ferghus continued to undertake Haakland's harrowed woes, he would often find several contracts already fulfilled by another witcher who was around the area prior. Gossips of an eerie wraith with a fearsome flickering flail became common rabble and scare stories of many taverns which permeated villages where the contracts had been completed." Yuna, Manticore School Witcher "Sometimes the people that he encountered in the Continent are far more interesting than the contracts Ferghus undertakes. Such was the case of a particular female individual whom he witnessed picking herself a monster contract on the notice boards despite of her blindness. What thickened the atmosphere further was when she had realised she was being watched-- a quick dart that Ferghus felt when the eyes behind the cloth had locked on to his." Other: Waterstone kit, alchemical supplies to craft Witcher Potions.
Son agréable souvenir du passé a été interrompu alors qu'elle se rapprochait maintenant de la source du cri de tout à l'heure. Scilla avait combattu beaucoup de choses à son époque, il n'était pas mal de dire qu'elle a probablement combattu une variété comme n'importe quel sorcier, bien qu'il est vrai qu'elle avait aussi plus d'expérience avec les créatures de mer que beaucoup de sorciers en raison du fait qu'elle passe plus de 50 ans en bateau avec Skellige navires. D'accord maintenant avec la deuxième conjuration les règles ont changé. De nouvelles choses surgissaient et elle se retrouva bientôt en présence d'une telle créature. Son cheval de confiance Aslan l'a rapidement amenée à l'endroit où il y avait actuellement un standoff entre ce qui semblait être deux sorcières, une Fleder défoncée avec des ailes et deux Barghests. Elle a fait une conclusion mentale à celui qui a crié "Sorciers fabuleux!" Tout à l'heure, c'était le Fleder ailé. Une race parlante, maintenant c'était une nouvelle race. Ce ne serait pas mal d'appeler ça un vampire plus élevé maintenant, étant donné que c'est la capacité de voler serait la chose la plus ennuyeuse à ce sujet, bien que dans le ciel il serait probablement plus lent que les vampires plus élevés au sol via simple fait battre des ailes n'était pas le même que l'utilisation de l'élan sur le sol. Peut-être qu'elle a rapidement fait une note mentale pour être sur ses gardes. Pourtant ce n'était pas sa bataille en ce moment, les TROIS sorciers devraient l'avoir empaqueté au moment où elle atteint le village qui n'était pas loin maintenant. Cette chose était à la chasse en plein jour, il y avait un peu de galère. Elle a demandé avec un peu de calme, mais encore une voix tout à fait sérieuse, comme si elle ne se souciait pas complètement de l'abomination qui était présente et c'est des chiens. Son dos était droit, sa tête tenait fièrement, tout comme son langage corporel général. Elle a donné l'apparence d'un guerrier fort et fier de Skellige.- Je ne suis pas vraiment d'humeur à me battre en ce moment et je doute que je serai payé pour cela même si je le fais.-- Elle a ajouté, ses yeux se ferment principalement sur le Fleder. Franchement, elle tuerait volontiers la chose, mais ne voulait pas vraiment y faire face en ce moment, alors qu'il y avait d'autres qui feraient la même chose et elle ne serait pas payée pour aider d'aucune façon. Pourtant, tout le temps qu'elle se concentrait, elle était prête à libérer sa magie à l'avis du moment.
Name: Scilla of the Dancing Blades. Age: 132 looks around 25 Appearance: Scilla stands at 5'8'' feet tall with very long black hair, fair skin and piercing gray eyes. Like all women of her vocation, she's very beautiful, but at the same time currently her body appears a lot better trained than all her colleagues. Her muscles are well defined, but not invasive to the eye and it's clear she's no pushover when it comes to physical activity. Race: Human sorceress School: N/A Bio: Scilla was born sometime before the great purge that nearly turned her kind and the witchers all but extinct. In fact she was just a young sorceress when it happened. She was just traveling with her direct mentor when they were jumped on by a great number of soldiers. Everything happened so fast that even to this day she is not completely sure how it all transpired. One moment they were simply riding a carriage down a road and the next a rain of arrows struck the vehicle. The carriage driver and the horses died right away, she and her mentor survived because of a shield he put. The following was a rather quick battle as a great number of soldiers died to magical fires and lightning, but her mentor also took an arrow to the back. Not wanting to die like a common mutt, Scilla was forced to defend herself, but she was considerably weaker than her mentor at the time. Still in that desperation, she reached into her mind and pulled a way of using magic that no one had taught her. By instinct, using her ability to manipulate objects and energy, she grabbed a great number of the scattered arrows, swords, axes and shields, anything that could be thrown and using her magic turned the hail of death onto the soldiers. First by a handful then by the dozens, as the weapons were hurled with ever so greater speed. She was mostly lucky that those were rather common troops, but non the less she managed to escape while the majority of the soldiers were trying to close their wounds from the randomly hurled sharp metal objects at them... at least those who survived it. After that event, Scilla fled the continent and headed north towards Skellige. The islands were a great place to lay low from the massive witch hunt that was happening, especially since she dressed like a commoner and eventually joined a ship's crew. She spend the following 50 years on ships, before disembarking back on the continent. By now she had mastered sword fighting to a certain degree and in secret she had also advanced another skill she discovered when she escaped the purge. The precise and exact manipulation of energy, which allowed her to control objects and fight with them. Over the next 50 or so years she spend the time traveling, mostly spending her time as witchers would do, despite her not being one. The time with at Skellige taught her to appreciate great alcohol and all chaos that came with it. Eventually she was dubbed The Dancing Blades by a bard from a caravan she happened by complete chance to safe from some rampaging nekkers. In general she did prefer to not use her additional blades though, keeping a low profile and being confused with one of the many warrior women out there suits her just fine... When the Second Conjuring happened it came as only a very vague surprise. So was the massive hunt down for witchers and sorcerers that followed in the desperate attempt by the Grand King to safe his skin by throwing those they deemed evil and unnatural at their enemies. Well for now at least they have not yet realized what she was, so she kept quiet for the moment, simply spending her time, planning a next move. Wondering which would be more beneficial... the death of the new monsters or the death of the...Grand King. Personality: Mostly calm, Scilla is a very level headed individual who would rarely explode in bursts of rage, but once she does, her wrath could be stated to be legendary. She's has incredibly good memory for people who wronged her in some way and eventually she will always deliver her vengeance down the line. Besides that she's someone who loves nature in almost all of it's forms. One of her most favorite things to do is lay down on a sunny beach, enjoying the sun. Weapons: 2x Curved steel swords 4x Steel straight narrow blades Leather bundle wrap for the blades Family/relationships?: Ferghus of Haakland - Scilla met him a good half a centure ago now while she was still in Skellige. They happened to share a ship and got to talking, then drinking and finally traveling together for a while. She came to consider him a friend, during their journey to forge great weapons for themselves. Other: Immense hatred for The Grand King .
Comme elle dansait, elle pouvait sentir la présence vigilante de quelqu'un.. Bien sûr, tous les yeux étaient sur elle pendant qu'elle se déplaçait autour de la scène de fortune, mais le regard d'un Witcher avait toujours un sentiment distinct derrière elle, pas qu'elle serait capable de le décrire du tout. Malgré la présence du Witcher, Elanil a continué à utiliser sa magie de la manière ludique qu'elle fait normalement. Elle n'avait aucune menace pour le Witcher et ses intentions devaient être claires pour lui, ce qu'elles étaient heureusement. Elanil entendit un cri percer le bruit de la taverne, mais sa danse ne s'arrêta pas. Ou du moins, pas pour le moment. Comme si c'était merveilleusement chronométré, la chanson du barde s'est terminée. Elle avait remarqué que le Witcher dans la taverne était déjà parti après avoir brutalement frappé la porte de la taverne ouverte. Le bois s'est effondré et fissuré comme il s'est claqué contre le mur. Elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher de flipper alors que la porte était défoncée, c'était des charnières. Elanil ne savait pas si le cri était si urgent à répondre, mais c'était certainement intéressant pour elle. Un Witcher héroïque, peut-être? La jeune sorcière attendait que le barde ramasse ses pourboires à la foule. Alors que les patrons se dispersaient pour acheter plus de boisson, le barde s'approcha d'Elanil avec un sourire chaleureux sur son visage. Elle leva la main et lui donna un baiser léger. "C'était une belle performance, peut-être voudriez-vous voyager avec moi? Bien sûr, je partagerai les gains avec vous." Sa voix était lisse comme de la soie, rendant son offre très tentante. La danseuse a pris un demi-temps en faisant ressortir son parchemin et sa courtepointe, ce qui a contribué à la confusion du Bard. Elle lui a montré la note qu'elle a écrite, "Je suis désolé, mais je suis juste une fille simple qui aime danser à la bonne musique. Je vous souhaite le meilleur!", elle lui a donné un sourire chaleureux alors qu'elle éloignait le parchemin. Le barde s'est tout simplement hissé en reconnaissance, reprenant son siège après qu'elle eut refusé l'argent. Elle lui fait ses adieux avec un arc et une petite vague. Les mécènes exprimèrent leur déplaisir alors qu'Elanil leur faisait ses adieux avec un peu de curtsy. Maintenant, il était temps de suivre après ce Witcher. La jeune sorcière a senti la présence d'autres sorcières dans la région au moment où elle s'approchait.. Il y en avait une autre avec eux? Ce n'était pas un Witcher. Les choses devenaient intéressantes. Elanil pouvait voir le petit groupe autour de ce qu'elle se rappelait être un Fleder.. Ou était-ce un Fleder? Qu'est-ce qu'il faisait en plein jour? C'est étrange. La sorcière s'est approchée du groupe de loin, assise sur un rocher pas trop loin d'eux, mais assez loin pour montrer qu'elle n'avait pas l'intention de participer. Elle a simplement décidé de regarder le conflit se dérouler. Elle est arrivée à la conclusion que l'autre femme était une sorcière. Il était rare de voir quelqu'un d'autre que les sorcières et les sorciers qui agissait avec un tel dédain vers un Fleder massif. Bien sûr que si ça venait après elle, elle n'hésiterait pas à le tuer.
Elanil The Silent Age: Appears to be around her early to mid 20's Sex: Female Appearance: Elanil stands at a somewhat short, 5'7". Her long, black hair stops at the middle of her back. Her icy blue eyes contrast with her tanned skin and dark hair, making it a feature that is often used to describe her. Her body is quite slender, somewhat similar to other sorceresses that rely on their magic. Race: Human, Mage Bio: Elanil was born mute, such a defect would've warranted being thrown out onto the street to die or given to an orphanage. Fortunately, her magic was realised before such an incident could occur. The Lodge of Sorceresses saw her potential as an asset and believed that wasting such potential would be against their goals to preserve magic in the world. Thus, like many magical children, she was put under rigorous studies and training, honing her powers and teaching her the science that is Magic. Had she not been taught in this way, Elanil would've been doomed to die or become mad. Either path was one of destruction. Although she was under strict training, Elanil always found a way to have fun, whether it be pulling pranks on passerbys or simply dancing to the music of bards. She'd often get into trouble for spending too much time dancing with bards, but such things made her popular with some of the locals. Upon finishing her training, she set out on her own. Wanting to travel from town to town, learning more about the land and it's people. Due to her appearance and 'muteness' (Which is seen as a quirk), she is famous to some, and unknown to others. She goes by the name "Elanil The Silent", which was given to her by her mentor. Personality: If Elanil had a voice, she would not have the title that she current has. She often makes jokes about her disability, although it makes things a little awkward at times. The sorceress is quite cheerful and upbeat for someone who lives in a world full of danger and scorn. She's often quite compliant when it comes to the requests of Witchers, for she understands that being on their bad side is a terrible idea. Elanil can be quite cheeky, using her magic in subtle ways to mess with others, mostly in the ways of telekinesis and illusion. Due to her mostly sheltered life, Elanil doesn't really understand the meaning of 'friendship' or 'love', but she mostly just goes with the flow. Going where the wind takes her. Weapons: None Family/relationships: Ferghus of Haakland Although Elanil doesn't know his name, she remembers his appearance quite clearly. A Witcher was always a rare sight, however this Witcher looked a little different from the rest. How different? She probably couldn't tell you, she was too busy dancing to the wonderful tune of the tavern bard. Novigrad was indeed a nice place for an audience, especially when a local ruler starts a party. Other: Elanil is surprisingly good at dancing and she isn't shy about it. Good music will always put her in the mood to dance, thus making her a wonderful impromptu entertainer at taverns. Due to her inability to speak, Elanil is never without a roll of parchment and a quill, writing out what she wants to say. She uses her magic to mask previously written messages, thus allowing her to use the same parchment over and over. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to read, making life just a little more difficult.